voier - National Library of New Zealand
voier - National Library of New Zealand
jPaints ■ ? EX HELEN DENNY. : NOW; LANDING, " The. Colinst. OilSj Golorsi. > 210 Packages, , CONSISTINGOF— XX VOL ' VOIER ?: IN ■Glasß,.from 10 x 8 to 60 x 40 Stained, Ornamental, and Ground Qlaes , and Eossettes Boiled and JKaw Oil v Putty, in bulk and bladder Paints, ground in oil in 21b, 81b, 41b. and '/lb tine, ' , „ ■■i mixed ready foruse; [j : ,-r, ': ; V 2q*cs j'■ , , U ~ $^ TO THE TKADE.—The above be- fl o rt «£Cfl ju ing a direct shipment from the Manufacturers, lam prepared.Jlo 'offerf the.f above, BiailmallJdVanciß^a tbje cpßtJ.. t-l-LiJ "CC "' K. J. P. COOKE, ®'. wfs - *- Cfi " \_A 'r > ;/. © k S' 6 I ©. "P "' -■■!■ ■"■* ° W ---(Latkof Hokitika) *r\ -f 12 *2 DESIRES patronage continuance '"O -13 j>absxß, Instruments, Micbosoofgs, Comanehoid3, &c, always in stock. T. Muncaster, and ,, ' , ~ ,( Jewellery ' "' , ' « '> ' ',, ., > -i tt * ' Wl>' J- O SI © s CHISHOLM'S tlc AND A8 A MATXEBjOF lACT, r 7 iroastedl 1 ■'Repaired'equ^tee^'l secured the^sejrvic.es of aßexperiepoed^yOTkman^tbeyJ ' ,> Is Sterling Remedy for kßoucfljTjs, Asthma, "Whooping Copgp, In?ltten^a,&o. THIS Monumente|£dnit*s%&^ # hi RR&Df IMPORTEEB k^fr A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO SCHOOLS, LIBRARlflSj BAZAARS,, io.; ~ " H. D. JACKSON. 2364 lodged,At ""^ 7 SCHIEDAM i: ;-; T; "Vr! ,- - OF-NEW DR. HASSAL'S REPORT. ' - - ' ' ' ' ,' ' '' approved securities.. A»l> . , ,„ ,, / OF i, i r _ NEVTZEALAND. 11 WITAL^.,.7 ' ' of nearly SIOOO Share'holders, all'resident in the Colony. ' ... -' ... < ... - .'..' ...' ' ' "\ SIW - «m , iv,I, i FROM LONDON DIRECT, NOW OPEN. i -'! S0!"?^ . '' " , 1 " nsUnt, from PERSONS desirous of CONTRACT- _ ARTICLES for the Twelve .Months ending the 31st December, 187&,rto -then LUNATIC ASYLUM, ; ,-■■:; !fel*,on.:^r"ji )(^ (r T^ f_ -~■'.. .r^l^^pNian^,BEE!P, witliouttbone, frosh "J". "..'r,',best-qua^}iy,'at'perJb/'' r 2. BREAD; best, quality,at per Ib. „" atperlOOlbs. FLOUR' * i 3*MILK.| , „ ri ' .. and , : ' at per quart. "4. BEER, Nelson,'bottled, best quality, at per ...■'_''.■,., ~„ ,doien. 5i PORT,BHERRY,and AUSTRALIAN WIJNE, at per doieri. ,» ~ JBRANDY, at per dozen. "" GIN (iqdarej, at per^ ddeen. J -. * >~ t ; ■; jI TO . i . " " '' ■ flooring, ■ Builders'lronmongery, i, Pwiniiclnne to 24 , , -I ,^BIJNQWOOD-BTREET, Q$M FREEHOLD ,E: ! . " < ! I ',: STAND THIS ; fWM. JOHNSON'S'REPORT 1. ,,~ ~ 'I Brigham Young. " " ". . ~ .",-.", ...... .. , " . " ; ■i..?i'■ '■I c v- : -vi ) L li. .. - '. .. - ' ,, .. '~' ,■■ i.j i.. MQUNT PLEASANT1 ' n»: 'J c iiiii jlohn; BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, TBJLFALGAJI-STIIEET NOETH. ia < t * BOBT. POLLOCK, SecwUrj. , > .. aßai i i /^r: ~ iP^OT'fii ftpfe.#w«j £wlh»g'?i frj I,l^ at Current Rates, " . . Young Towton, out of Magio, by St. Aubyo, granda^m ;M#dora,by Glenddwer (an Arab Uinifag large and lofty'Rooms, with a full of Very high oaste, imported to Australia to breed from {or theIndian Government), great-grandam, a view of the Bay. Applyjto ■" -h.i by Oaptaiu thoroughbred mare imported to 218G CURTIS BROTHERS. Berry (who bred for" the Indian Government). Youngr Towton, by .Towton, out of Stockings, by Waverly, by St> George butof Splendor. For further,.. r- .. .' HOUSE, con- ''"'' NnraOD by I Australia 'iND^OTjafBRS,,,V,'"'' "■■"" ., .;.t \'; BUSHFo^'SALE. "I,I'"'! 1/'/11'-1"Pedigree see Studleave Book. ;/ : Richmond for Forest Inn,; JNncgQDjVfiir t of premium. [ISSUED.'.! .„;] OPEN;;i?OLI0IES .;| ; ' TH^'TTOERj^^out;-^:^^ i ::.;,"; 't IV rOTIGE > iX I 'i»ff " J ' '> > terminus' of' \ ' -..,,.,,. , ~, at, ■.; Gjol^en, . giffoni ., ~' ' '■ i "'LI ,;;; .'„,, t M*m ,- , ...„.,,4 ifflk^T " iV-Sunl-tetsuit Vf.o^E^^L.ip^jfilA^ll" |pw Bst CurrenTrates LfX SECURITY. Hterest Ipply to IEsq. Bieke,1 i '■ elsewhere.,' |iEMoI-|,prove^^r4. NELSON COLLEGE. inohes wide. O^msfeettleM , *. : ■ ■ : ,' ~" , ~ [ Governm&nt'AnalyticalLaboratory, ~ ■' ; Melbourne, 23rd July, 1877. . enri J. Hart, /oaUing'at'Traveller'sßest andWaimea-West, on CA.P1TA1,.,.. ~. \~n... T £2,009,000, I Sir,—l have thehonor toreport for your information that Bridge * the1sampty pf Imperial Schiedam Schnapps forwarded by of LAND in,two blocks,^nsiiting of{Tat»ra,, Cueiday.^returhipgj same .day, galling Wednesday; yoil to me has been submitted, to a searching chemical? Rimu, -Matai, and White Pinei The a,bpje Horse Stable,on abtel; st'the Bed is^bouf, a of, '() ),q f io i;.o*o\ analysis' and Critical examination, the result jji.-j-1 i i"7"."7ij'-'f!i'i ',i i iii which 1 The Undersigned having completed the erection of T AIL OR, Bayji 4t iMr Beuke!s, Upper Mputere, on; Thursday,; at mejto state that itisthe-Finest Sample of'Schnapps lEigh't Mile's from the Port of Waitapu, A 'LTpdClaßgesLQf' Fure; -in t Towni or enables on Twist and Gay's comeunder my notice. Nelson.*, Eight Miles of -Iron ,BaiU have' recently", 4ed ttorse"Stable, IMPROVED MACHINERY is preparedto execute,. 3C X-b'^CoMntvy, taken at Current,Ratei.'j, iii !i chat has as yet fragrantodour, ;, i NELSON and is absolutely free from bee landed! at the Port for thepurpoie-ofconstruct ~ tables, on Saturday, returning to Richmond same It has a pure with the utmost despatch, all orders with which ht( d v [orjothertinjdriouij .!'" impurity, and has Ifithout refereface any!trace of fusil oil may be favored. ■.' iv.S'il wM 'so'i r"■> 0[" i; TO LEND on 'Which will be con- kfternoon. ~„,,,..,. ,v, .■- ' evidently been distilled from) Superior rye groin, always ng a tramway, the liases, and everyt other^inforr^atiQci be paid on or before Ist Lining, Mouldings, Sashes and Doors production of the choicest, Mguous,to,tbe.aboi;o.ir)r) ]q in large or email turns, at the cai be h«|iat used instead of malt in thevery^smooth lllt r ,', u J TAII >.Terms—£2 IQjm to pfithe undersigned l. j BKOURITY, to the palate;andl For particulars,apply to qualitiespf Schnapps. Itii ■. always in 8t00k..,, i^ ,-fj v {\'*'- iurwfitrate<>f interest. " ~, } f v,.q jJanuary, 1879.' Groomage; 2s 6d, to bt paid on N EDWARDS *,CO, Ai.nu.l In ibis reßpect compare's favorably with oth^ samples. Timber, Shingles, »nd BuildingO3Materials of '*irskservice. ~, f", ~[,,.„ -, ~'/.;,!-,.,', -cA equally ADAMS k XmGDOX, as may be advised suitable for Jjt offeredfor sole. T every description. Soiioiton, Nelson, .Takafca.;,,,, ;'VFor'Wnnerpariwulm;apply;to, .;.,,",',',iJy .-,--, ,188,1 ;1 medical or economic purposes. 2 ~.,,. r I!hav«thehonortobe,ke., CorrugatedIron Ridging '(signed) WM. JOHNSON, (l!IJllJl1 "J Richmond...,, -? v and;Spouting: 913 ONET&) i ,) '.;-■ ,*; the Governmentof yict»ria. { Ju," Analytical Chemiat^to .fiO-ilaA i ifp^est r^mqijera'tive hold>.Biiurtty,l d aiasi^irsjtes.iforiSale»l BorVo#b* i on hereby; that and 18 v Rates. -Apply to BUNNY and SINCLAIR,Solicitors, Thii■Pure M«dicftl'Spirit; Bopenor I6rany'in the Market, Merohan,diße, tfter l(ne 2lBt: d*> of" Deoember;t'li»7fir Prpjl«ce Join«»'Work prepared to order. Sawing and f itgf andlliowe^ini^r^.-jia.offevedttothePubliomnderthe full> "rafalgaf-aLreet, Nelson 909 W< ol, Go,ld;^nd qontictiotfthat it will supersede all others now m use. i; ,v the Provisions of The Cattle Trespass) 4^186^/'; for the -trade. Planing up IZ\ #ohn Cann, JiO^i?m i . .. i I < """ . ' ' -. ' RENDERS 'V'" . , - . ' \ - _ ' ING to' SUPPLY tne1 UNDERMENTIONED t.< ° ,■' ' < CO., ! SCLANDERS><& ~-A<^£TBFPR NELSON.. C X&64 ■" , :: | £1,000,000,' ..-/,' ," "■" NellOnLutoati6 Asylum, ' -v.l-_:.-.1.Ls'-^-''\ <""'; "■;■ loth December, 1878. nPEJf DEBS will be. rcs.ceived byljhe underX "Ignedi'tintil Noon on THURSDAY,the 19th v ~i t , " , 0 U T"H BRITISH'FIRE ~ COMPANY MARINE INSURANCE '. >" rN.iH' JjEngineer-in-Charge Middle .:. ''all conTeniericesattachedrconvenieritlysitu^tedl, 1 a good Viewof th^City." lT 1 and nommaoding 25.' About' 1000 Acres of fir'st-olasp La'nd,"a^oiitj 14 miles from Nelson, partly Pine andTotara Bush and pat* and partly Flax,.wjth good, ,R«sidence 1 buildings; BsiaHAK Yottho is 5 years old, by Royal Con*. £8000/,easy terms.' ','-" r u"'"' and the best horse aver, (a.pnre 26. A Shop and Dwelling-home! Hijfh-itreet, Rioh- qneror know a in England), out of Jewel (a. mare which, mond, with' 53 leet frontaVe,!-£175 succeeded ml 'carrying on* the;'prize for ail comers in the Nelson distriot for .eight years.), .Jewel'was by England's "Hope, out of a Clydesdale mare;, the AT BENT, AND 'OS-TKBMS1 AS MAT BB ABBAN9BD.— imported 1. A convenient shop and Dwelling-house, withJarj| laStter was by Farmer, out of a Clydesdalethe which'was foal of outbuildings at'corner of' Hardy and Alma- from1 Australia by- Mr Jones,' L^- la pure Clydesdale, which was imported front Eng. ..':a \" ." "' streets.: -t '.', by!iTr'Ashley. "■''-! -'" j:.'"' 5. A Cottage and fire acres good Land, Stoke,'close land , will TRAVEL as under:— to Railway.Station/ ?ery suitable.for a 'Market' BRIGHAM YOUNGand Waimea West, callingat ■«*'/ 0 Mo«i»AT-^Riebmond v ";"" j» I■ ■,' Garden. ■■■' _ ■>' i' >' Claridge's^ on Monday night.... \ 7. A' Cottage and half a section of LanaT at the stopping2 jT^isßbiT-i-SpringGrove and Wakefteld, Mouteier close to the sea and'handy for shipping; "■" Tuesday night ■, : jat )' Forest Inn on very suitable for fruit-growing, as trees;do well WIi)KiBDAX-^-Spring Grove, and willoallatFox and'bear(abundantly. ;i; ?.i .'.-k a,; ",. i ~( „ ' .; Hill if aervices required !Thcbumy the Trafalgar Etinino—At his Stables, TO LET. ; ■" y *■"'"■- i ■'■ '; ;:,' ' Stables Fbhut—Wakapdaka' "r ' ■■■■".' """ and THREE ACRES of A HOUSE ; Pattobat—Trafalgar HotelStables XX. LANDt at RICHMOND,formerly ocoupied Fi(B8-^£3 per mare;: Groomage,6s. All Fees to situated, ; is pleasantly bj) Mr, Jobdan. The. paid or before Ist January, 1879. be! side, Rooms, and contain^Seven besides | i/ ~:on >■■■■"-,■ THOMAS WALKER. near the'sea Outbuildings, including &o. which there are Stable, For, particulars'.<apply,to ,""-,' ~, o THIS SEASON,-The '.i.fr ■u"' MA'LOOLM,{ )" " ff\Q -''^OHN IX. Thoroughbred Horse '-.■":■■ Biohmond. <" ';"■'"'/' '; 19,76 '.' NtMROT). 'freehold and other ~..,.„, i.»«f) be obtained from the Manager may All'information of theNational Bank of New'Zealand,'Nelson.''" 1469 money on reasonable terms on . xr X ■■■ 6. GROCERIES, as per list to be seen at Asylum; :r !J1 > tamples to be left With lenders. or, Col7. COAL, .Newcastle, Grey, Wanganui, i"Vl: <lingwood, at per torn '■* j ON VERT BABT TBBMB TO SUIT PUJICHABBM.—/ TowjvSeotions' adjoining^tbe 'Railway StaI. Three 8. FIREWOOD, Manuka or Red Pine, in lengths at a low figure. from 6 to 8 feet,'good,, bard .and dry, at. J tion, Glonoester-street, .-■'"■'■ <>■) feet fronting Belwyn Place. ">.. ?^?-><><■} 13.4. Twenty House and Stables in Morrison-streer. 9. STRAW,long and. clean, at per load. i "' ■ ~,.{-! Acre*, .6. Fifty 'V ;-AV': (Moutere—abargaiff. Allartislesto be, delivered as' required. '■■ 8. Thirty feet fronting Nile-street Esefcr -\ ..{"■j\ The lowest or any tender not necessarily aocepted. in Cottages by monthly small,, ,-. .CI ~1. JNO. HEFFER, 9. Two South-street, ",. Officer in Charge. payments, if preferred. ,/ ~,'.-; ,;, .o 2347 11. Three hundred'acres Upper Moutere. ~,., >: and Lower Cottage, Mooters., 12. Forty Acres are invited tor BUILDING J>v-' 13: Two Acres, North Esk-stre'et, £W. ''\. ', JL:...,a' TEApHER'S, HOUSE and ADDITIONS Six roomed forty 14. House and feet ofLand frdntibg :to Bohobl-house at SARAU,Upper Moutere. Also, Collingwood street for £225.- J,!,"J. r "■'' for,,ADDITIONS,.tothe School-house at DOVE17. A very attractire residenoe at the P6rt'ha»ing ;DALE. :Plans,of the!,Upper Moutere buildings may forty feet frontage to Wakefield 'QuayV'chm'- bessen.attheEducation Office,Nelson, and at the manding a splendid Tiew of the tiarb'or^on Very house' of Mr Joseph Hewetson, Chairman of the r easy terms and at a low-price. ~',',jt,.;'<o.'i ''I School.Commjttes, Upper Moutere. „■ Plans of the 19. A capital inveitment in a Corner section naTiag ibovedale buildiug may be .seen at the Education 60ft frontage to Hardy street, and 150ft frontage Office,'Nelion/ and at the house of Mr Job Best, to 'Wellington street—a bargain for cash. Dovedale. 1 Hon. Secretary fa the Sohool Committee, Building," 22. A Fiveroomed Cottage and nearly half an~acre~ Tenders; headed "Tender for St. fronting street.'adjoiriirig undersigned,. Land Vincent tb* the will 1 of and' addressed:to1 be received New School ground, £160,!al greatpart of the uUU-MONDAY;'Jabuarj 13th/1879. money may remain on-mortgage at 8 per cent if ro;<''!!''V': -7;':7:i,'i;w.'c.;HQDGs6N, lji'''"'~ ", -/ i ,ri yj >;/, jj.ii/ j' .required.,.., Secretary to theNelson Education 23. Fifty feet ofland inHardy street, with comfort* -2852 -,■,,"■, -Board. f able House, for £200,terms easy.. ~( ;, r ., <", 24. A superior Villa- Residenoe, with Bathroom and SEASON, r ' ' ' " ir General Public Works and at on and and prox. any tender, will not neoesaarily ■./ 2220n riicf .; .- Office or . ' .' . . - 1 The Analytical and Sanatory Institution, 54 Holborn tf COMPANY ■> >_ Viaduct, E.C., -' <■ London,9th, May, 1877. Jl' Beport on a sample of Imperial Schiedam Schnapps ZEALAND (Limm.) received from Mr H. J. HAET. in 100,000 shares of £10 each! Capital, £1,000,000, We hare subjected a sample of theabove named article to a very careful chemical analysis and examination. i,< TBTTSTBES: The results of the analysis, which are set forth in a Chablss Maoniao, Esq., (3,.Lombard street, Lon- separate report, show that this Spirit is of go6d strength,' free from acidity, and that it contains, but Ewisg, Esq., M.P., of practically don ; Abohibau) Obb l traces of solid matter in solution. It possesses a delicate '»'-""' agreeable " BaUikinram, N.B: aroma, arid a pure and mild taste. ■MrHart's and » Schiedam Schnapps is a very Superior Article of its clasß, DlBEOTOBS: j and quite genuine. purified 27, Upper ia well Hbnbt R. Gbknfbxl, Esq.^ Chairman, '(Signed) ARTHUR H. HASSAL, M.D., <A Thames street. f Author of Food and its Adulteration." ' ' Head Ofwce: OTTO HEHNEB, F.C.S., Public Analyst ,, 1 t ,, imperial;, iHE jNELSQ||X>!pflOD MOULDING MILLS, SASH AND DOOR MGTOftY: l!-1"' Duuedin,s £3rd November, 1878. Die Ministerfor Public Works, Dutfedra. ,'. )','.<", Telegraphic ( Tenders, similarly addressed,.and marked, Will be: received, if presented at any Tele". graph Offloe 'by Jnoon of the above mentioned date," provided:that\ Written Tenders in "due form are.. , — ' Companions, Girdles, Casquets, &c, &c. tolthelHeSd soottT^ SAWING, PLANING, AND DlSPQSEti.piP.vThe^TOßlfi, " ,-i 2363 ;3With/Unlimited ,Liability & Co., Jameson Brothers ,M|S(MApS, !>" R. ChisUolm» Pnbii6'Works'Office,, until Noon of MONDAY,at this 23rd day ofDeeember, 1878,for {They are to be marked on the butaide,^' Tendera for,, jth'cr Blenheim Contract,** and, addresied to the Hon.;' Hair Dressing Salofon, Furniture^Fittings, and TBath| Rooms > FOR SaLE, " nui, and Arbfoath Stone, Tomb Mailings from 3s 6d i( Wicket, and Paddock Gates, :1" per foot, Ornamental, Srß-AoßNxa: T. Rr Hoddeb ,& Co WaimeaEaet INVALUABLE REMEDY has. of every description, in Stock,or Made to Order. >■ ;J. Mi R. Ski-th L'.'..' Wakeßeld the extraordinary property' of immediately ' J.> affections, and those who are S.iEDKiJBiEtr" Motueka relieving the above Jab. Rbii.it Takaka troubled with that tickling in the throat which de.'. CE prives them of rest night after night,. and by the GEAIN v r.A.3.1 i iOHBIBTdHUROH#it i"i. incessant cottgh' which it provokes, will, by taking one of All Kinds of Agbicul- FIRE AND MARINE B DSINESS dos«, find immediate relief,and one bottle in most iMPIiBMBNXS, and MACHINERY. TUBAL SEBDB, cases will effect a cure. In Asthma, Chronic Coughs, L s io o .LOWEST RATES: Difficulty of Breathing, the effeots are truly wonder* \f| ( Export Orders promptly attended to. 1060 iul. Many who for years have been unable to lie being Nelson, without choked There no Directors for and being Lopal, down by an accumulation of '. by taking one dose of Irish Moss, been the undersigned hayihg'full powers without reference phlegm Offi6e'^they)aVe propared'tb^take Risks Able to do so with comfort. and make Settlenent of losbbs without'the slightest PBBPABBD ONLYBY deiay. .jl'irrr 1, '>t Lilt trhis)O©ce,combining as it does strength, liberal J1 JJATHS, ityj of-settlement,and a purely New Zealand proPHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, prietary, commends itself'ia many ways to Insurers. Bridge Street,Nelson. 2331' 109.m7 7/sf-I ■io) ILabdy StbkbTj^ > a: TENUEUS will be received WBITTEN office > the.aboTe.Contraot. ' ; - M M. Webster, ' Moutbat & Chosbie having taken over the Habdy-steebt MONUMENTAL WORKS, and| IRISH MOSS a. to be r i -' Qliyes,^ Sheep.,Tongues- Spanish 2 B.a g § f Wanted Known, that '" '■ "■ t''; -■ over'Opawa River.J 1 .-*'"" X Kiij s=j.U /<i-L Solid tand .Hollow Balls, Beech .Horses, ModeP of interest: ( apd Interes(< Dolls, Sets, Rents on Land Compo.' .SpilLJars, or, Toilette on. Mortgages, &c, i , 'J Basket*,,etc., Ships, to Build. Cardr Houses, i nolleoted. j '< r,rd ""^■"r."i:.rJ Houbos hired or letjbought orsold, on oomtniilion I Cubes,China Dinner and Tea Sets,Puzzles, Insuranoes'effeeted at lowest ratesjof.premiums. ABC Blocks, Pistols, Box Toys, Bricks, Har* monies, Glass and Stone' ,Marbles, ,frankeenI Houserente collected;... Taxes and {nsorancM paid { Dolls. Plated C*rd Baskets; Glass andj Plated I and repairs or insurances effeoted if required^ | Valuations made in Town or Country for purchases, Bisouit Boxes, Fancy Inkstands, Writing Case's, i Card Trays, Vases, Ladies'' Fans, Card1 Cases,salesV'or for Stamp and Succession Difty.,,. ~ X iw/. atid ground daily on the premises, ensuring fresLness, brisknwsj and-that exquisite1 aroma for which good Coffee is so much valued. ' Gold Mounts ; Sterling Silver, . Steel,and Leather Alberts, in great variety. AhO,a good stock'of Rings, Brooches, Scarf Fins, Studs,Lockets, Necklets, Links, and Crosses. And a very choioe selection of Colonial mounted Greenstone. ELECTRO-PLATED BREAKFAST and other ing Tools, etc., Made to Order,or Repaired on the CRUETS;TEA and COFFEE SERVICES i Shortest Notice. Toast Racks, Sugar Basins, Card Baskets, Plans and Specifications prepared for the aboveWaiters, &0.,&c. mentioned worl. if required, and Estimates given. All sorts of Store Castings .Executed. Stores ■- "'■'"■■■'-■' Highest Price given' for' OlCCopper^Brasg, and in. Colonial PIPES, TRANSFERS T?NG I NEE RS, M. IL L WEIGHTS, BOILER MAKERS, ; ON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, IE SMITHS, GENERAL §i'\ ( '' IRON SHIP BIJIJUDEKS|r«SM^mc.| v 37,'Lombard street, London^ f " Engines, Boilers," WaterwßeeifT Flour Mills, Paw-' Head Offioh in New Zealand—Dunedik. ing, Planing, Flax, Quartz-crushing, and Agricul- ; The. Company advances on wool and all other protural Machinery of' all descriptions, Snafting and duoe consigned for sale in the Colonies^ or London, Gearing,"Wrought Piping for Fluming, Mintran«aots every kind of mercantile 'business, and lends- Of the Latest Designs, consisting of English and Colonial Gold Alberts j Hair Alberts, Meerschaum, Wood, KNIGHT'S1 i * CLOCKS, "nd other , PRJMfiVrCANTBHBURX, ; (Finest 1j it uied!'oilvv'»nd, that'is finished and American large varimy ot-8-Day and 30-Hour American A\*o, ' ' -A Few of WEBSTEB'3 Specialities— ! in barreli, Ling Fißß'/ Fiuel'Red i ' Albro' Smoked Sprats,'Anchovies in Oil, BEISaESfEEfiT. to to his Stock of <I JLi:, rw AGENCY l direQt the attention of intending BEQB superior Purchasers LEVER WATCHES. £ngM " BLENHEIM'CONTRACT, Length about One and half Milea,1 with Bridgeo .of ,aU Bfin'ds; TOBACCOS &j CIGABS. and Clay -1 11 rriHE NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND Jeweller, . ., . , 0J" PEKFUMEKY of all descriptions; with 'Goods just jLAND, 10USE; unpacked, 'suitable for the coming season. Mauritius Crystals,'Bydney Company's" J.W. and The Stock of V ,';,,:,,; I,AGENT, i.' ~Fu ,'W.AIia especially, oommend BOOK^, must '""■ liO.y Loafand Crushed 'Loaf,Tablet and NELSON. itself to PTery^jsjtpr.^ > ~[,,<» vrl HARDY-STREET, Brown Sugars.' Croquet, Lawn Tennis, Badminton,, Ladies Bags, "« ,a>-.trj?.\wiiaif J '■" 'h[ ' rUi '*■ :ot7gONVEY Pencil Cases, Qlovq.and Handkerchief Boxes, £ AW©ES Ilqsfc" , De*ks,Work Boxes, .Dinner Mats, Table, Cro-. .„;. LANDi under the ",!" Land i Tr»n»fer Act" Hafk a Ton. ( -t-qu'eti Boys' and Youths* Cr'jckit'Bats Stumps effeoted at obtrees fixed-by rthe' rAfctj'!'i!altd: woTff -BACON'and HAM/-" \' sffi and Balls, Counter*,' Cribbage, Card Qames, MOaTGAGEa^ *nd BE-LEASE9. uPOWfiRS df prepared? ftpd: LEASES! drawnJ |D( ice and'Oujjs, Chess, Draft*,'Dominoes,'Race CeleJjbated (li i Games,Foi,and Geesfj AuntjSally, Pope Joan, !ATTORNEY bought,or soldi <ta<ooumunon. Half a Ton" L^ndhiMd.QrUfc, Monej iaTMted on Mortgage Securitiesor in Bank Bells, Bookslides, OxfordBilliard Water Colors,' ." "il S' 1' fSi"li'l k Lined Work Baskets, Tennis 1and other 81jare«. -~1 jii "PoardSi'Bracketrf, .Hoclr^^-uoj; I ~'_lL.' " ' i Balls,jWhips, Humming Tops, Colored(Balloris,> Money lent' on Freehold Secnritiesiatcurrent rates 11 * .J-ii-Si ' ' so ho pdHoi^ , ., I^amily Grocer, Ace., ! TRAFALGAR STREET.' ENGLISH AND COLONIAL JEWELLERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION., 222 Watchmaker £7 SS 8 Mitobmatical Ginger in Coffee is the Best, Webster's Ceylon Plantation Berry t:>Becifuße)the P* ' , I .tof-matyr CD&igrißV OKN^MfiNiPIL'J ' j BAIiR of every Variety';- a good'assorts* ! meot of >B00K8,; GUH& A.MMTJ.& 1?. ": j ;At' tlie Old' ,; (r I \ ': J>' ~:,,-. "-.'..'. 236' '~ npEN'DBRS will ibe received by the Upper ' ," ■ ! ; Candied Dates, Erbeili \L >ipj ' Watches, Cloelcs, and Time Pieces of erery description Timed and Repaired. Sis Jewellery Stock is extensiTe and well-aßsorted, and purchasers will find that at his establishment they can procure a good article at the lowest price possible, .' I attended;to;{■}■ /,";\ j■r r.-.'M -i'jt.q'ia .. UPPER MOTUEKA ROAD BOARD. ■" t , '* i> in Snell ' hitherto accorded, and trusts to of the-saaie. He'deeirei ,to merit a inform the Nelson public generally, as also residents in the surrounding districts, t'l.at he, is prepared to mtnufaotiire all sorts Wndid^flcriptionß oV'.^'^'pj'Y FANCY JEWELLERYi BRdOOHES, EAR- **' RINGS, &0., &0., To Ani Ohdeb ob Design. All Repairs entrusted to him will be most carefully ■ ■ , "I i..'l!l' Tiie store is liter«|lv "7 "■■ . . consisting | MANUFACTURING JEWELLER, to return his THANKS for - f« Q; „ ° KM ; orWiJ*r. of— |"H-i~l>.. JACKNON''" F^nes^eve^seen ; Further information can be obtained any Distiict' :Resident Engineer's OF BOOKS, MoscateU/Elemes, SulMnas, Currants, ' IMPORTER application :' on at the b^the'iamehouj'. SIATIONERX, ■u-andi"'J Conditions' : ,,. Tairs,' China pb'Jars,1 FANCTT, GOODS, TOT^i&c, jFrenehPlubs lib '" Drawings,^Specification, 'Almonds," Barcelona Natij"\ "Jordan'and" the" seen at this bffice, ■;; Old SMid. may^be SCHOOL PRIZES, Nelson, OfficesI,'; Wellington, Blenheim, Peel, Orange,Lemofl.aqdCi^rpn ', CHRISTMAS AND NEW-YEAR'S ftfte*r~M<i)Ni>A7,.ther 2nd December Figs, Persian .-.'■■.;.^" JRQXIT be The'lowest or :»ccepted, '! ,';, '; ";SI"f>1T 11-.\' -"T'Tr,', "'V'1 :' '"■'■',' licensed" ii^'MdK^^ -.^"'B^oinmana. CARDS,BAZiAR ARTICLES,&&or. r i ■--'■■!.! "" ."" ■BLAIR, . .r,. - -";;w. ! ) .crowded i Island. ANp: CpjiMIBSION .® O J *>£ V "u- r i j,;/j]. L — , , ,, , , , ' .. " | ' ! , #«P* I'S'll * T-i» a.-iit-Y'-e-t-t-e--r,- j±0 h ,, and SHOVEL ,MEN. Also, AXEMEN. '\ the 4pplj, ntp PETER; CLIS3OLD, Overseer,on ■■---■ J.'GEQiBLAOKETT,, ': " "'"■. nlj"r , "Resident Engineer, v, I.r ~ ' Decemberll, 1878. Etc. wishing to PUBCHASB'wiII lli"| CTION, 1 Parties do wejl. to CALL and INSPECT, the/j >. The GOODWlLi^of,tbe BUSINESS GOuJDS before Pjirchasing elsewhere. ,v'Dried: KuitsI in jthejCplonies, I'J^hp &.§ § ■-** '£ v* pj "*" fl t Q; T< -" ,; WANTED, Good*slCK A ...MojbfialEa Rqad; Board, iup .tolO a.m. bo the 4th Janpaby, 1879, for Twenty-two Chain* DITCHI-.-.30; v^> ING and FORMING,'Tadmor Valley, and for Sherry;YalJey. and.CLKAKING, 7 ( BUSH-FELLING Specifications .may be Veep, of, the former at Mr IT. Hodgkins'on's, Tadmor, 'and' of the'latter at the Sherry Post-office.. I, "'./v D. LINDSAY,, :■■ "■ >» Secretary: .""<■ -' j Upper Motueks, December^; 2381 | (Es^bHsho^2l Year?. Bats, all sizes—Cricket ''Balls,1 best Makers, Duke's, Dark's, (& Martin'^ registered 4-seams Beltß-^Caps—lieg Guards Batting Gloves -p- .MTick^tkeeping i G'oveß-^Lottgielf-jp'rGlovii-i Scoring Books—Euleaof the Game, etc in offering; I SDPBEIOBCONDITIONand'QUAUTT. r V 'i! !i) tltT UJ ,< ,' ,rj.. ,1 , I O \ , I, jhisHDHRISTMAS,GOODS this Season, respectfully i,< WERCHAST, C^KTSTMAS irequestsjhe special attention of Customers to their «s * |J? \ 4 '£■ Has Just Received a' Splendid Assort' , mentlof i FRUITS!!'! JM.'i Mi,- 'Webster, L1729J ;.. - AT S ! COUNTY OP AMURI. -. ~ ~ ! ~ ' CRICKETING MATERIAL Ir' about; tp.'EEMNgtrisk';:"I 1878/■ u''BEING-, NAMELY '"-V' ' " ' Business account of health, oh ill i 'Sijoh® for Preserving. Cane and Whalebone" Handled '' Bata— "l offers his whole j, ~ Oane.jand ditto-^Re^ I \ percussion ,ludian-tubber'* Solid Cane ..ditto-rSingle j railways.. "'. !,' tv::< !"' '. IJNEf zk'aland Stock^in-Trade and Double Cane ditto—Wickets, all : aY SALE REDUCED PRICES, ;iIPICTON'AND BLENHEI&i RAILWAY, ,y: Prime Hams for Picnics! 1 ciasses^'arid Bizes—Boys' and. 'YduthsJ! I| Jor. comprising /FAJNCY &OODS and I ' ■ i? x HARDY STREET. ~ , FRUITS!! i £ IMPORTER, BOYAL BLUB HOUSE, :CERISTMAS ;--''" . , ,' QRICKET- Jg Oliristnias Fruits! Crimson, Scarlet, and Purple-Lakes Manders's" Varnißhes1 "".Kent's" Painters' Brush'wareV ;(i Hand Wicks Plate and Sheet'nUass Diamonds / '! Russian Glue ; ".' / '■," ~"; ;■-"; \■]<;<-J : \ Patent Graining Machines :> ; r ; GoldLeaf and Brouze Powder 2 bales 721bs t Scriin J '"■'>■'-'■ ')'" I^in and fin Tins Tacks 5 , TUEE TOP HOUSE AtfDTABNDALE KOAD, . ■. ~ ' f '" Wool, Sheepskins, and *; " ,r will be ENFORCED; on/.nlyiLand, beingJJectiont A'TBIAL'is EA.llNl!£ltLY SOLICITED,',I, \ "," ,2;aid 3,106, and part,of-Sectiop'4, Square ft,,Nji^iT', |rHfi .Updenufned, are ; CASH,/PUB., moti W.trlct'; «Jthit it is myfntentiil^Lii^ ll >rjl I thl ,1)11' rD'A tfAGESi for all Ctttle tre.pMiing !6tf'the'-stic 1 it*- pfiiSEJ^^ftbe^aboTe." ,'!,." ~,....', ?'.--;; lan(l, whether the samegball befencftdV.f uneie^^ I ,1.,,' ..TK.uuni TJ'^HjßAijb^App:, A J'"""v WairoaFellmongery, 'JAVA i ! GEOIUJB BtJLMER TATE. I ~,. { ' k j,i i' NgatiowU,November 81,1878. 7 _ S1 BrightwaUr, SI9Q ul " ,- i '"*'"'", . T— <i».:r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. oiau ■!»■,<■«. -in ii... i■■ ST^AM PACKETS., ~ ■■■»!..,■■—....■.... ANCHOR LINEOF ,, To-morrow. . pBEAT FOR WESTrORT, HOKITIKA, AND GREY-■ ■ MOUTH. ,:; ;";■/ .' / B M U R RA ?> THIS DAY, Thursday, 19thDe'o.at Fourp.m ■ TH December rHE TUESDAY, KEN N E D V, THE . on THURSDAY,26th December, ; on FRIDAY, 20th December, at Four p.m , ;, ,' .- - ■>(■_ FOR WANGANUL W A L LACE, OF VARIOUS SIZES,IN THE FAR-FAMED TO-MORROW, Friday, at Ten a.m WAITARI DISTRICT. ■ , ~ postponed ~(, , ; ¥1fega li&s^ectfallylibi^&^llnb^nioj:. 27 Sacks SUPERIOR^LQUR.'L n _'.;;. ' "; . ■■■■■■■■■■.■■ .. . ' ' 'NEW " " < " * '' ' Auctioned. TBAE'S D-a-SPOKTS iftEK-" IN THE BOTANICAL BESEKVE. ,;.' " TH 1879,RETURN TICKETS will be issued between i within New Zealand at which the Company's 2370 steamers call at areduction of 30 per cent, off the two single fares,available for return until,^Bth . EDWARDS ThTrD~ANNUAL~EXCURSION, \ & CO. ,Company's R .O^T.^&.^itWU_A ; THE Union Excursion to Steam Ship, ALSO, GROWING CROPS; '~ j , I ',' ; ,: ,I > '~.',<" Awrf ,;. ;: ■'■"i The .'Bight of. Selling Oardsv;"-■■>,;! ■ * Produce, ., ~ !'with the Auctioneers'. ;) ; t articles offered at this; Sale, are requested to j.other or communicate,with-Mr B. ;M.,r Smith,,Forest Inn*,, A Plan of the Ground may be seen at the office of ■, ;"'; j ~i '-,„ > ,!j 1.2403 the Auctioneer. ■ o'clock, Persons wishing to have ,-■ .".jlt'ill ,/. The Hight'oJ;<xarnes At Mb Webbt's Fakm, Waimea. East, | Ciose to the HOPE RAILWAY STATION,' :ON FRIDAY, 27th DECEMBER, 1878 '.s'.b. f OF ,ihat'her :haS''J;he':tar^st^STGGE:"^^^ Ever S^EEEE© to t^e EtjßllEq, e^pressl^ '■' \s , ,' , " ' ' ; ' " .. ' '' , ■'-■ ri';;";■',; 'Booths■> ThtffiaS^ Premisji aboye tielShpp have foeen Ga^#illyt^M^d - Sites '\' BEmV r^^TlV^i HOES£S,,CATTLE^ foi- Refreshment1 .Bopfh? j 2' FARM IMPLEMENTS, &C., &C. Fancy. Bazaar,.. ,»:>.;\ ; i do." for ■'!» > or _, ( ©25" Stock, \\ i II AtrCTION^EES, For William'Courtney. AJCTCTIOIFsALE TOi; WE3T; COASTS SOUNDS., * (> ■' i wj ports ■ v: Clocks^ ; Monthly Auction Sale ! ! "IAT WAKEFIELD. inMABIN has received; JQHIN R K. \![ FOR BLENHEIM. CO. will HOLD The Auctioneers bavo every confidence in recomW PATTEESON~& to Sell by Public Auction;-on' .W lilL1 .-.struotions their NEXT -MONTHLY AUCTION E W A L L A C E, mending 4heße Sections to small Capitalists,, aa the 1SATURDAX", '21st, ut 12 o'clock, at the i( December. " IJ'/'I !:'!*.'"> on MONDAY, 23rd December : ; j terms will be liberal, and the investment a safe one. Nelson Auction "/lt\; ■,: ) k:SALE,atth^,vV:;ri: Eooms—. ' FOREST INN, WAKEFIELD, *"&~PICKERING, SHARP 1 2 Sites for Licensed iVictualleite' On WEDNESDAY,18th DECEMBER,at Two From the 15th December,. 1878, to 31st January, THE ".■ from last Saturday, Also, 1Also, to close account*, Malt Soreon, Weigbin^ "Machine, Hose* and. "A large'and varied AVabttrndnt/of Piping, Sack Truck, Malt Crushor, Tubs, ' -CHANDISE,comprising—Flour, Tfli, Soapi Shovels, and a variety of other Malt-house Candles, Kerosene, Oheese, Split Peat, Starob, requisites. c \ 1 ■t ,Chutney ..Sauce, Saw*,, Axe Handles, Pipers ;. MABIN, JOHN R. Watches, Co.,Ac " 'hangings, Buckets, ■ \ CO. are initructed 50 CHRISTMAS GEESE 250 lbs FEESH BUTTER , . , A«d , . -the Premises, .which has about-Eour years, to 12344 SEGTiONS 260 >..;... U, JL run, with a purchasing clause. T to Sell by Auction, at theif Rooml, Hwdy street, on^SATURDAY nsxt, at 12 o'clook noon-' N 8 GOODWILL ;of the LEASE of ■ , , ■ ON FRIDAY, 20th DECEMBER, 1878, ; : -, At TWO o'clock. WELLINGTON. CHA RLE S: EDWARD, rHE r, Masonic Hall, Nelson, FOR <■ ~. ,, ' ■% foff& L SATURDAY,21n DECEMBER. f AUCTION THIS DAY, Thursday, Deo. 19, at Twelve o'clock, noon, At thb Mait House, Bridge Stbebt.\ , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " W, PATTEESONI HOGG,Bankrupt. . IN THB WAITARA DISTRICT, AT; THE ."■■ ; ,"..,-. ED, CHARLJ_SED"WA 24th SALE OF LAND PECEMBBB ifo. ZEALAND, ", NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ] Bj order of tbe Trustees in the Estate of JOHN. j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ABB APPOINTEDTO tEAVB on , 3SEJ THE COLONIST, NELSON, ", L 2118 jrpO LET, with immediate poßaeseibn, tUt yery desirableresidence at W,akbfibij), known 1 iAND. las'^Tid RbtbeAt," . the will mate the Christmas Also,, ~, ,~t 1(!, i,'j >io>;i :": At ONE o'clock. .]*.< l Shawill leave Wellington on V;,; AUCTION on" December FOR SALE, 190 Acres, more or lest, part of 1 Shbppbt Fabk," Wakefield, SATURDAY,28th DECEMBER,;' i will be Sold Cheap. ABOUT .'o'clock at'the ;Nelson Auctiok RoOmb.' Apply to and arrive at Port Chalmers on the:36tl.i,,leaving on OATS W. PATTERSPN,,* CO., Tuesday, the 31st, for the Sounds,,'ami, arrive baok■] &o. "!;.;.<!;/j. & ii&Botibneers, in Port Chalmers on Wednesday, January Bth. ;, ■; GOOD 3, TOYS,&c, suitable for Christmas 2158 BARLEY, ACRES Berthß willbe allotted on SATURDAY, .the 218trJ ■"„ and New v.Year's Presents.) ,p. ;, /. Irii. 20 to ' " December, to passengers booked'up to..that datje. ..,5 JOHN R. MABIN, ■. v /.,■(■:!';') !; Auctioneer. I j,VV ACR&SjofßUSftLANDi'eanlyaoeessible, NELSON PASSENGERS wiUYhyforwardec(:per;. jwhich will be offered in Four Lots of Twenty-five 2408 ;>v Acres each. near .a .Township in, the.^North ofjNehun,,?? s.s. Wellington'on 'FRIDAY, 27,^'instant.], ',',. iV .) ,j ; Return Tickets and further particulars' to,be. ,ob; AUCTION on SATURDAY,, December 21.st,atj bdrough'Distr^cts. Address,'with price and partioutamed of ~,..- ...■,■■,'■■■■■■.■"< Luncheon provided on the ground. Twelve o'clock; at'the Nblson A'tjcti6k 'Rooms. ' a"' °, ". ■■'■■ W; PATTERSON i CO.'i' !«.. ,', M^Ji-'^.-i/1.-' THOMAS CAWTHROK, ,;.(] .Land Agents. )it "* " SHARP & PICKERING,' HAT;i ~;<" h; ;■; Agent', Government Wharf. ;<, 2346 OATEN; as ; HHHE ST^AQK; of " ' AuQtloneers._ the property > 2379 B " 1- "now lies ciose to the;Rp»d, on(known TtjnlOjn VALUABLE -PROPERTIES. as Gouby Chableu JoNBS.'Eaq., occupied FURNITURE AND jVALUABLE HOUSEHOLD }~ i,..,.,1,... \J Steamers are appointed lo leave : land'Q.Waimeaßoad.-- :i^:^" -' ! > 2409 j\' ! EFFECTS. PATTER SO JNr&.Cq. afe instructed PIOrON and WELLINGTON, -| to Sell the following iValuable Properties: 6f WAKBFl,KlJ).T*2s,aqre«, booking fo» Lyttelton, Dunedin, Napier, Wan- To beSOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION^on MONDAY, ; feDced> ;wtih,,St«)We t(;itiin,,, ganui, GisbornevtTauranga, Oamaru, and Timaru-7?:.:'. 23rd December, 'at the residence of JOHN' store.' |(^ -'tj fi/ """ fjTOW thi i, Thursday, TO-DAY, South, 19th Trafalgar street, at E sq., TAIAROA, Railway Station; SHARP, taking Sydney Noon, o'clock. 'December,,'at Assigned, Order of the'Trustee's,'of'the Estate, 1 By Building Allotments adjoining Station, ' ' Eleven Passengers and Cargo to es Wakatipu, "; of J. A.\LAN<boßti'& Son. ~'''.■ to let on lease ; arid Melbourne ■Passengers, _' t<> si OHARP & PICKERING have received, : '■<MoTuiiA^AiißT.—9l2'aorfts, easy terms :,,':'.',' Rihgarooma '"', AiUCTIOjN, December, 23, k3 instructions to Sell by Auction, on the premises j, on Dotedam.—22o lacres,; w<itb. new, SjrpqmedHouse The TAIAROA,:ss, on TUESDAY,' Trafalgar street, South— !', "! atEleve.n'o^olook, ~,, ;,/.", | Outbuilding*, Orchard, &c. Stock and ImpleDecember f^'j Vij'l:^', ! The i WHOLE of the HOUSEHOLD FURNI- '; ments at valuation. Or, will ;be Jet. -\ju'\ At thb!Stobb,op 'LANGFORD)&.SON,. '"<'H TURE and EFFECTS,-including— SpbiVg GroVEI.—s£ aeries, with'new6-roomedHoum ": ."'W WELLINGTON, A Splendid PIANO, by Bbcudwood & SONS, XilORand in cultivation! I J fenced, specially imported. 'Th'eVwh'ole, of the / comprising JJ DUNEDIN, BLUFF, and MELBOURNE-. Nbttdobf.—2o acres g00d,6-roomed House, Orchard TheTAIAROA; bs (transhippingintoßin'garooma A Drawing Room Suite iv Grey Rep. good site for business l RiOiCE E I E S," L 0 THING,!Beiohtwatbb. at Wellington),.; TO-DAY,; Thursday, Dinner Service. —Corner Allotment,best businesssit« CROCKERY, 'DRAPERY, GLASSWARE,1' 19th December;:at TffelVej'.Nopn"! Book Case and Escritoire. 'io-v/oi A ao.;3ffjiioo(f^in'tße:W*fmeia' I IRONWARE,'and other descriptions, of Shop, easy terms,! House and After the above, '.. usually''contained in 'a well-'stookeu ' WELLINGTON, LTTTELTpN; Carriage and Harness MJ '■' " \ easy termi ' andDUttEDIN-^ '^ '; fi 1 Good> Hack, by Dick Turpia, out of Sir <, The Sale will be continued on'the fojlowing, day, Nbisok.—looft fronta'get'lo Vanguard'street'' (transhipping ,into Taupo) ;THIS 'Hercules Mare. The TA IAROA, : as, ■'/"■ the whole nmstibe cleared Tuesday, at 11 o'clock, Square, with 6 , A, Child's Pony, and Cow in full milk i-acre fronting' Victory " DAY,iThursaayVat''Noon'^j .'' '"[ ,-, ", ij >-.:'. , before.Chrißtmaß." ','„',■' roomed House"and Orchard Sale commences at Eleven o'clock. "j 2367 J i-acre' near Wainie'proad, 6-roomed Hxnisi Luncheon provided. 'Without Reserve., ■, Luncheon Provided, new and well'finisbed«.>?,<.-, \o {*l-" ■booking for.Tauranga—."., i.;!^:'**;;.! ■'■■) M ..^i; R; MABIN, J JOHN BY v M ~v«6'«*> AUCTION, TO BE SOLD on SATURDAY, :"' The WELLINGTON,'.sb, Auctioneer. 2404 -~t. corned:of Tastjj*i ~ ON "it ti Valuable! Town/Acre,, 21st December, at Threelp.m' i (.!'>' '■ 'I ,;„„„ ~. i,andi,Bronti >streets, iwith, Tilla The' TAIAROA, bs,;on,,FRIDAY, 27th FEESENTS !! 1878,.. MONDAY, JANUARY, 6th ..:,i..1 .- dence,&o.■<■~", ,-\ ;>■'nn ).'( u» \-lni December,.. ~.;r ,-,'j/ ((.H;*'*-//> sn''i. y< ■" '■ and 7froomedi:HoUßeiini/Tasroai At Noon, Eeceived,H. WEST has Jusfc l. street .'.■■'.'' ■. ■ .i'» >;■! SYDNEY, (booking Passengers to 3, THE PREMISE ■■■■ ON VV per ."Edwin Fox," a SPLENDIDrAssort- i rW"x^;'JF::<i"''A;'Tifi^^'^:;--^-::~:>;-ii/^^:-^^:;«#^rt^ Building Allotments fronting Ngatitawt !' ■' "■■' ■."^■a^-.-'^vNewcastle and Brisbane)—;: ,i. '.'.'■■'' w /■^^-R:Jli.4^'o>M).-:^^ow meDfco'f and Bronti streets. -.03 w. s; Desirable FAMILY Very RE^IThe W^KATIPU, ss, from Wellington, 21it DENCB, belonging to John Shabp, EEq., Christmas, New December —Passengers per 88-Taiaroa, situate in Trafalgar Street South, having a ! Notb.—A Register of Houses and Land for s%J< ,:"; TO-DAY,'Thursday, 19th December, Birthday Presents, throe view of Blind within r- or.to'le^'.is.vkept^at^our' Office, and~ parties'fcavinj Bay, and '■;;' capital ' at Noon can .hare the same enteret l"): i).- properties for disposal, minutes' walk from the centre of the Town. ■':.' AP -■ j without charge.' *-'" n' "*"'"' Novelties tor MELBOURNEvaUd ADELiIDE,& The HOUSE contains Ten Rooms and ft capitali!. via Wellington, liytteltob,'Dunedin, and' BathRoom. TheGas and Water are laid over the "'-;; c >■■'■<■' ■;!. :;■;■■'' Premises. There are also a goodCellar and Coach B\nS— The RINGAROOMA,! as, from'Wellington,' j House and Stable. DOLLS TWO A PENNY;. , ~A J GREY RIVEB 'of7 On SUNDAY;'22ndKbecember-^PaV-- ', The LAND'consists of One Acre, prettily laid out advertised,to BREWERY, At the OLD STAKDtake.plaoe on thi sengers and Cai'go go per BsTaiftrbß,'as a Flower Garden and Orchard. "■.'.-■. .. '■ .■■::'■■■ ,-" :"..■:■■■■■'" vi:.'t.';'.';jr;.;;,;V ...^^.^^^^''^'if^^pui'''tjV-yt'Witibvrl:^?^ POSTPONED,1 ",',,', instant, 19th is " . n l( UI ) ; ■■"■.-'■ ." Noon T hursday, ;' ;,' at ■" v; :■, j. -, TO-DAY, ■■ particulars can'be obtained on application To the Ladies.of, Nelson; WALTBR B MOSS; ] The CLAUD HAMILTON, 3rd January i Further ,",, ,;" ito 1 Auctioneer. Received," 2398 v WOOL bbokedthrbiigh to LONDON";at/ONE,- i SHARP & PICKERING, H. WEST, has .«(..! .'■..!' PENNYper lb. ,' '' 7"'" i !.:.}■ ~\:'( ,..? ■', ■-■':.<.'.«■.■; 1 per/'.Edwin Fox," a SPLENDID; AssortAuctioneers. From the 15th December, 1878,Vt0 31st!! January), j of ("' " ' " ' ■ ' , \ '' V '!',j Asiign.d ment' Estate. \ /« ff LANGFORD & BONS, 1879, RETURN, TICKETS ,will' be, issued between,; NOTICE TO FARMERS! GRAZIERS,AND BUTCHERS. ports within New Zaalandrat.^which^the;^pm{)any,'B(/ ', the iaUow A LL steamers call at a re'duotion of 30'perc'ent off the two of tbe the LBtest Fashion. Also, a large1assortment' XJL q Estate at' Brigh'fcwate'r and Wakefldld must bi of all single fares/available for tetiirn until 28th February, COMBS :Babk, STOpK and .Side MONTHLYr SALE OF '. of Tortoiseshell, Mb JAMBS paid before Ist January.next, to 1879.-1-"1, '■■■'■;'/-l<'1 ■?»"">■■■>'* Superior Articles, fop ( ( ( WOOLLEY,Spring.GrpTe, or to, the fundersigned ; and a' Freight and Passage Tickets to be obtained from Removing Dandruff Cleansing ;and will take place at Two o'Olook, at the Wjai^K Habtc. otherwiselegal'proceedings w.ill be-taken,' ','> 'ur;} Agent, (,' | THOMAS QAVf'JIHROI^, from the Head, and making regularly ,EVE BY B.ECOND ) " -■ * \' :2376 GoveVriment1 Wharf.*4 HofKl/Riohhond, '-< hair grow. and,at suoh 1 the WEDNESDAY IN THE MONTH, ! -oki »'"' 'tMtt"''coolC'' '"' '"'''"'""' ?.'Xroitswi" time we shall be happy to offer any Stock, brought iNeliqn'; 18'th ;;'"„'!;,, Dye. Instantaneous Hair '. ....-BED 'CROSS to our Yardsfor Sale. « ]■",..'-..'. <»■''"*"" '■ ■,■■'■■ :' ■■:,;, ); ;;,^:s«h6ißv-:SK!->^ Ladies can have their heads Shampooed by a Ladies nJ jj«'i,,M ,lt,;-FOR"SALE.' '>;' '*<*s'->iii': :fl !■ *■sr v '.■■:■" ■■'':■*'■. ■;''.fl^!'jiil:'■. ■JsfU)T' <::■..&»"■: :'"'"..,''' /-'';'- '; Hairdresser, who will in attendance. E PAO DL E STEAM BE. NEXT SALE—WEDNESDAY, be Bth Januabx, ■.■; ■;■.-■ ';'.;■■y^y..'j^^^'^^^f;:;'}!:^^:. ',-'.| -070(1/3 'in' "!o}- jt-^^'!'};»q' «aoi^h!n;)sq^;lc^_ »J,q.iiJ;a j ,-': Twists. 1879, at Two o'clock. ■■;'"■ /'lady-'barkly;;:;o^ Combings Wove and made into Plaits and Pinion Wheels and plkw (with CHINE J. Waikbb, Master, will leave as Wridir'7:---' r Price;"£l6: new '■ '" SHARP & PICKERING, ~, 2391 At the OLD STAND, Auctioneer;. AtGood SPRING CART. Price,; £16. Also, Collm^woodfor Waitapu, Friday, December 20, at. J«PR|p»^;»Bual:Hpl^yj/pn :phr|stm .OUB^intention^ a GoodLißht Double Furrow PLOUGH. Priof,£9. A { (■ O; 1-6 0 '4'a.m.. ,'. ',' v',::, ■-.;" I.,i'i ;.■:>■", PHCEINIX AiS&UEANCE :do wWohjour. FOR SALE.-Pbige Waitapu for' Motueka,, Friday, .December 20, at I Sheep or Cattle taken in,exehaoge. -,-.,,</<,Jr'~x ""—" ;/\ OF LONDON. . ~■.;..'.') ■;.' M-v/ "!"*!..■ 6 a.m. ~.■",. Apply to i;^iJ "'-"■"'" V) Motueka fojr Nelson, Friday, .Deoember, 20,i. at.i .T.H.FpY, ACRES of, Splendid Agricultural 1 J 11 a.m..,..,!!, '.. ■" '{-Ay, ,■,";": ■'/.)..::'> V(i!< JLOv./ LAND at Ranzatt, Waimea Enst;'one TNSUEEBS are notified, that Jfcip. 'Com2411 J;"'""' Franklin street. Nelson' for Motueka, Saturday, December 21, at. :and,a half miles from! Richmond Railway; Station,Jail ,1 pany has WITHDRAWN. fronvBITSINESS in /TILERE^WANTED, by a 3 p.m.... ~■/ i<; -,-;■~, .;, / :}.;,;/. ~;.;. [..U/Uiili. fenoed, and the greater; part in Q-rasg, with Stream NEW ZEALAND, and that no one is now authorised either to accept or renew risks in.the'Colony \J- uUepor'aofd Business' Man, EMPLOYMENT Motueka for Waitapu, Saturday,,lJeceniberr21,,atA ofj Water running through the Paddooks. ,iv r. Address Ajß.y'offlM ■AD containing Eight Rooms, on the Company's behalf.y,*\ "-'; "-."-' Jill Clerk. Goodißefereucei. :-"■/. :>/.-;i-j 2386 Waitapu for Oollingwqod, Sunday, Deoember.22,; Dearly WELLINGrHOUSE Losses covered by Current Policies will^upon due ofjthis paper. new; Also, a Five-stall STABLE,and a good ..,. :j y..,:r{>\ ,i/; prool in the ordinary way, be promptly adjusted and at 6 a.m. ~.: :, "FEMALE a Collingwood, for Waitapu, .Monday,;Daqember ,23,/ iHalf the purchase money may, remain on mort- settled by the Company's Attorney,Jab. B. GKAjlkjl, W. GIBB9. Apply, to Mrs S. DIOUK. ,".,, -.y^ *] VV ' 'at' 7a.m '". .-,.;;,.,■,,-. =: >■'.<, n i'i;i Solicitor,Auokland. gakf.:. -, i,s, >>i WILLIAAi ,ROU,T, ,! son, Russpll.stre'et, tne Port, Nelson. Waitapu.for Nelson,- Monday,iDoppmbe/; 23r a|j; GFor further particular?, apply-to. for, Nelson. 'ii "'_9' a.m j Agent :'.«.i'ii:-'ti i SHARP & PICKERING, QTATION Nelson for Motueka, Tuesdays Deqember-24, t at] i.'■>>>' f ,15th November, 1878. \'. fijlOO- D i ;„ .-'..-ifi':;. I-:■■"!!■.:i"' 6r ■■ Premises. HOLDERS.—WANTEp.jby/.anuAfttijte Msl8 a.m ~,..'. ;■.. .., ■:.,].,' ~,.,...,";',.,■'; -: > ',<;.!; y >\ 2371.,: man, 'without incumbranc«s, a Billet aa above. Motueka for Nelson,;., Tuesday,,Sepember 24, .at-: ~ ".-":"■ i-.■■ E. WEBBY, on'the eivee ooppjue mining rield Good references. Address " Storekeeper," office or company; it 12.n00n \,--,i'^'(! ;j!:! .T, ,1/i'f. r,,}t.:5 v, n ,, i,- .FOR,1: SALE,' AT iPURAMAHOi,, .GOLDEN. !..?. this paper. 238 Nelson for, Motueka,\Saturday, December 28, ml at bay.';';;.;;;;:;;, ;;;;,';;; 8 p.m ", '' ; TENDER [FOR'DRIVE. \ Motueka for Waitapu, Saturday, December 28, W AQRES of Splendid FOUR, big WORKING iBUL* 11 P.m ~. -■,""».((■ if-Mi;:'W>.H'li\'.l middle of Mr. Waikbb'9Property, boing rpENDEKS. will be received, by me up to J ..: ,','-:><./■. a '■"■.: Waitapu for Collingwood, Sunday, /December Sejition No. 72 on the plan of the district. There is X fot,Tarodale. r ~,LOOKS the 23rd December instant, ,'for MONDAY, 29, at 10 a.m :>s v ■'"L if- -l ADAMS & KERB, small piece of Bush in one corner, and the re* PUTTING in a DRIVE 220 feet, aocordingj to i » Collingwood for Waitapu,-Monday, December 30, mainder is good level land, and well watered. i> -li-HMdyStreet,l' specification to be seen at my Office. For the con- 2361.',',.,', .■■(■!!vrr./oY v] <;o;t;n/ ,at 11 a.mi 1 ''■'■"" s frP?Apply to;-7/-RA/mIH TV'riof venience of Tenderers a man will-be at the works] on ' ■'■'-■ Waitapuj for ;Nelsoni'Jdirectj "Monday,' 'December' '-f- y^?§BM^SWMmM for New j;:,;'--;^;,, T sflAßp;fi&pic,KE,RiNG. | Thursday and FbiojlT next, to point out the work. ,':|'.:') -'A it i" tV.'llliu'l i-u'iti 75;". .' Nelson30,forat 1 p.m .Tuesday,'December 9 >! ~ Tbe lowest or tender any necessarily accepted. not iffi- --<«a -.Mli "iv ;i Motueka, 31,' a.m .:WM.HADDOW, //..v.i'iT('ron:.r?..vi^iL?.> Motueka for Nelsan, Tuesday;^^ Deoomber'3l;!at' !: Bankruptcy. Secretary. lp.m -'J ■.':i'':::. '."- "■;-1 '■■ii<: <'iiv'.i v,r fIpHE ippSLiPriHOTJSE s knovßya tte ( Nelson, -2398 ~, v( December, 16th. 1878. d GOIjDEN' For freight or passag^'.apply'ttt*thd.L^y Barltly; L'ltiNV situate, "at" the foot" of the " IN' 'THE ~~ ;■.» '■""' ''.'. 'Me utere Hills, in Waimea.iWegb.j The Honse con*" Office, Commorcial Wharf. ""■' -'■""'.''■■',!';''"'"'" ' OF' CITY NELSON.' HOLDEN AT ... JAMES B.,CROSS,ltftfK.;"' y: Jtai is Seven Room's^'^sriiall Dairy, Stable, and 1«[buildings,; together with FIFTY ACRES,GO,OD 2SSI \ :]'■■" Town Clerk's Oftic'e,, ,i 1, In) the matter of ," The Debtors' and CreiSitors' Aot, ,!4goht,-Comm^ia^Wharf.;i. Ou ' AC RIOTLTURAL'. LA;N3p;; 16th December, 1878.' ', Wd;, belonging "1 876," and of JOHN ALFRED LANGFORD,of of large purchaio'money part the WALLSEND'S COAL COMPANY (LIMITED): "to he primises.'i. rFIENDEES will be received at'th.ejabore, Wakefield,in the Provincial"Distriot of NeUon, car remain on mortgage, at 8 per cent.' 'For further JOHN ALFRED LANGFORD, the younger, -II until FRIDAY NEXT, the 20th instant, at and 1 f!'. NOTICE- TO MASTERS "OF' VESSELS'IInd''. pa tiealar* apply1 to' $<'.■■" t4 Fotir p.m, for ,'' ,' of Brightwater, :in j the samel Prorincial " ■'■■ !li; 'M ■"' ■»y^ 221 tii»-SHARP *''}* -''» '■'■"■'"J{_.', , .-';'OTHERSf carrying on business; »ti Wekefield and BUILDING BBIOK CULVERT- IN MILTON ' V Diitriot, Brightwateras afdreiaidi as Generil Storekeepert, y.;!.i «!>■■■;.) '*)> ',: ,-^v, street. ;;,,„;.:';,;'iV, II ■_■;.;< CO|IPANY are now prepared tB in co-partnership,1 under< the' stymie or'firm 'of HAT Large and Plan and Specification, may bo seem at the City; '■;,; SUPPLY CdALSV.at "their Wharf,jnihe !< "fLangford & Son/ DebtoiK^i! '"■ '■■■ '"!l I Surveyor's ','!',' Office. >'; V/i,' Stj^akefi^ia,1 " DWELLING contain-' ..■:"i*;. :" "' ," OTICE is hereby. jgJYen,,)^aktppli^-; ;Tvr ~,, iini as ~■■■■'' H. V,GULLY,\ 4ik"noti(n ing Dbaegeb's, Twelve^Rbbmsi For further particulars,^apply(to, the jSecretiiryi 'tiotf on behalf'of( abofe«named^Dpbtors, X Hotjsb, 80. HDISG with Stable and Out-" 2394 together ~," the'Coin'paby'B Agerili, Collingwood,«orAto " bui dingsS "nd; FOUR "■':" ■*' ",il ■-Town1Clerk1. iJo: iv Aifbbd LajtcHobd; and JomAtmnLak». j,,x*-. v of(jcap,i«a} LAND, _J j 0 BUBFORD Honorable, coritam. 701 D, the youngw, will be ,made to this divided, arid surrounded With Live Fences, One, TjOE SALE, aßlbck.of „.,,„ ...Ndwa,,...' sub 2234 ;:::!::::: „. (Co< rton FRIDAY, the 24th day of January, 1^79, Aoi» of Orchard.! SThe prdpertyjig) situate close1 to ■JR ing Fitb, Building, SKCiioNaon Bbitankia i( jatlbe hour of ;EleTen'6^ the olbflkin.tne'Forenoo^, For further Heights, with a most magnificent view of the 1 MQ^ .'the W«kefieldi;Railway Station. or 10' soon thereafter as Counsel can, be beard^ for niti ■■'■■> -i.iT "'!<■> par icultw apply to/; Town, and surrounding oountry, ' ~ ' . ■*■A UCTIONEER, Y^iKMQR, LAND, a I eclarationof the oompleteexecution of ths Da«l .SHARPHfciHGKEREyG;;(ri^t whole laid ';'' out, ..uoii'rt Block Resiis, T|he 2211 lot ft Private -OL ESTATE AND COMMIBSION AGENT#| 'filed in!l.thii' HonorableR 'denue, partly planted with' choice Fruit and Orna- lof irraWement herein,.-.„■.",.■! Ooirt. Trees, IT mental and also Live Hedges. AgentYot the South Brit&O X knpw^ as MARCHWOOD, 1 toted thU 18th day ofDeoember, 1878. ■' lately,oocupied:by FELL & ATKINSON; ,-a) r,;:-, !v, PHOTINCIAL Sirs Cowsii.Thomas. Rent Low. " 'SHiißfi'&^PJ[OK|ißlNa. 240? JHTI/X. "}\ rA i Trafal|%rStre«t. .;■ ... ■.■■.' ,Ti.J.:W,iii;i/f:.t . ; , ; r; — .„ j ' ' ■ ' ' ' ■" ', :! '""".^V"" FOR '' ' EOR ■ ; ■ ■ ;i :i:'- rr " on: -: "lA ' ■MSErf'o rVss"' "' EH■■■■■: ' . . ■ : , ... : ,; :; : ■ ... : ' " ,: , 'Ji. '"' ;-;-;; ' FOR'SAIiE. :aa ; l''!i""l".h'l'- ~ . . . > ACpP^NTS':^ue;[tQ ' Deb^mbe'r,;!^';', \ i':X" H^USE ''' ' ib£i^.Vs^EDELSll^' ' y AQREJ f ~., lilßura^oiß'.'Oo^pauy^^' ■■ ' , ', , :' HS^Wtfil^^^S^lan^iLANJDl1: U.■.l ' ---! ■ ~ |h#jQj "6i I - ' .. .. . ■ ■ ':"'. " ■ and \ch Vt'itrs ' L^'^no4ee;to!Ur ' ' '^^*"' ~:V.r--:' -: Fr^ndi^nif " ' ; ■! !jt:i!- '^lrii^w^SVe:a^s■:io^naW' .'-■^"b^ ustb nt^^#b^:S#^^ ;^oi« r Good.ti^k': . " ' ' 'i^^r. ■"'■ "" ■: ■'*'": :-'.'""'*"?i i:':': thliM^gefiin^^ Enlircsiwk of Hools* Shoes ... " ' 1 Xn j ; 'NiSLSOWisTPRICT toUIIT^" , ' ' " t iS3'::- i. Hie: ),''.',",',":,","ajtli(l ;! i i .*/. //. .-v-. ■ ('hrnsimas -, , ' —: £ANti , ' , . -. STOREKEEPER—TO'BTCrSfi ■""■■■:! ;j '. -:,; ;■. |Ji^^e,i^^ Bitter Sf^theialiqre jm^ l" extra^. "^(TiNTE^ , ~ f-^^T-'l/C'B ■';:'"';" "'""'" " NELSON^ , , , ' ,■ , . , », '" , 1 "fr' li,!"V'l.l ill/' "' !&;P|CK^RlNG:'v;|' ;i»; .'iJV^f'aivril-i'OißifSALKrn! \ , Pleasan'tlf-JitVaWd ■Tf ; vf't t .. ~- - . > :, ', ~ a^ach'^d1 AKCT^^MA^i', H^eM, :■■■...■■■, ,..MMm?-- -■':■■■ ■ '' ; ■; ■; r Coding "" ■ '' -1 ; : tiNDinthe ■■■>»>'"-i ■.■*,:^ ; ■; KC\ il 'Xt^V/'. 'I; RUATUNA^A.'-1 . . ,. gS^WiSfil^GF ey«jryoiisa^ I Woba'i, 51!^CmmiGK^Sl^;Siip ■' "' "'" AOne-Hprie,,Power, REAIPI^K^- , "' -■ : ' ;;, ',', - Re^i .COMPANY 1 ""■ ■ 1 -'',vO^.»cre^BeaehTille-^ j :■'":"'1. i v i; «'» I "" THE " ; ~i ,' ' ; fow' b> 1 QO ._ . . Ornamental Hair _1 : ~,r ''" ' ;' i 'sices £1300~ . „ '*'"pi1 ;;\:^K'^"^^^ ''~ „ „ , . , " . . , . . . ' ; , Just ti WlieW:youwffl:receiv^^^ ;. T^-and go.awjty/satisfiej,- ■;;! #::;.■:,py;,f■ ;::J^^:t-^:^;^;rfe ' V.. '"'-Christmas' , ; ' ,' - . . ,THE SA;LE:' . 'the1 ,WM. ,' j i "Sear's, and "! , , !i , ,,, t t ;»!'.-'; i-MW „ b 2^o OUR 1-;^I'-^ ' i a _ -1 1 \ ' ... ßtt»»....'. CHI3AP , ' 6 - ■■;; "':'';,"'V."/ ' ' "..---"'TITM.'. ,' '.t -'^ "Goods1 ' „ .',' Stocit;in-Trad&,. j ®."l|OMEi:one^d;:|llto|Ms;^^ illi'u I "r 1 .-. : W" k THAT r' MOJSjp'AT, PEBSENTS!' .. . .. > ,'' PURCHASE;' afcottV i A;E'B-F;rB,L D,'1;^,.;;!; , l ' , ' , G' ' '" ~ ' l ,■ .. .- _ . , ,' ..-I '" ■ VIXANTED IMPOETANT'SALEop.CONTiENT^ a'country'1 ( .' , i ; EOR TARANAKI:>nd/.MA'SttMtF■' , ' ' '2^ ."'^. l*.//. 9 i :; " JAs-the olSei^^oreTcei^n,^ i ''" ' ' ! ■FOR ■ \i\. ■ ' ' LTWeLTON^ : " " i Biit'^t 'Jl2 I \ \ ArQONSIGNMENT-ofIFAiN-^T ; ; ss,. '; '" ACRES' ,WV ' . SATURDAY,1 ., j " KQ STEAMSHIP^Cpt&J?ASI$ FOR —- -!!!irli^ T^?i ai^ig^ " ; ;c't _ ~' ' ;- I'! the1 1 '' ' ■ '" l ' I .._,.,.;.«»..■, The Cheap Boot & Shoe Emporium .. , N^is6N #i±E..CtiicfittST, ■ NOTICE NEW ZBALANIi, DEOEkBER THURSDAt, 19, 1878 . ~ .. .- TELEGRAPHIC. , ' T. Nimok.—Thi« match MAILS. year a printed outline of'the narrative of "The duofc. On the other hand, it hat been found that the 1willCbickbt—WiLUNGTOK be played at the Botanical Reserve on Boxing King and the Loou»ti" was placed beforeeuh. The tenure is too short to allow either the boys or the To Pioton, 'Welmngton', South, and the-Aus- matter and form being thui toppliad, tha candidate! College to reap tbe full benefit of the College eoarse'. day, the 26th inst., and from the amount of practice tralian Colonibs—PerTaiaroa, thii day,Thursday, had only to reduce their factito order and proportion, The scholars come there well gronnded in elementary in oflate by both teams, a very exciting oontesl1 it rßkuiEß^ TKL^oiAUg tq Pros AomroT.;j, 11 ii.tn and to attend to the spelling and punotuatioh. fifoit subjects, but withoutany knowledge of cither Olassice anticipated. Great paint are'being1' tAen to (secure .b.«ri(lmi Annaal Distribution of PRIZES at To .■!-,<.;:" !■ .-'.'?:. ii"' f) L>fifii/J!'.i Westpobt, Gheymouth, and Hokitika.-— of the boyi produced a fairly conneoted ttorj; but or Mathematics. At Home a collegsoourse extend* at; a good wicket,1 and it ie hoped that' ailarge concourse will take place at St. Mary's Schools TODAY Per Murray, this day, Thursday, at 3 p.m ,( nihfini'f f wJ««nr,Dioi«bif.M^ a ,io. in many caies the piioti in the printed outline were least over fife years, in most eases over, a much longer? df people1 will be' present to give the players «f the! ,;Th«€^onial (THURSDAY), I9th instaut—to the Boys Ht. Two] Sjiew)tary,}replying to a MMtknia Wakganui.—Per Wallace tomorrow,Friday, at, diiregarded, To Empire good reception. ,;„-,, therefore, will seem a period^ City, hot, surprising It that! n the, Hauteof Tl and in not a f*w e?en the ipelling wae "A t o'olock.p.m.i and to the Young Ladies atterdiog the* 9 a.m. Cflmawtu,Mud Sow* 4";./ W, i-\ : oontidsr two' too" Thb s tore hai, years1 \^\. misters should renowned American College "W/e, the ignored. ?:_ v-/'V/.'■ ibooks suitable for every' and^torequisite Afrro^iof^&fcweyo, were,relation!withthe oritieeJ.The Qovafleaf. High, Selflot, and Parish Schools attached to the To Wellington and SoirTH.^jPer G^hii. Kdward,; real cause that 'Every Surprise boyi a the for i» purposed tenure; short been' Royal ap, Review.—A» Commission has moiaega bin, „..,..,....-.. ....;.-■,,<" Convent at Three., a of ,#*ot to but it *«*, ; o*p« 1 had idmorro'w, Friday, at 3 p.m. much for for preientation,OhHstmastreM,'ba!narV Mr Curtishas kind'y consented to present them. to enquireinto the state ofeducation generally should be able to aooomplish.soit woaldin so shoit a *c./children not .^iHlJip^tuni, ipnd.H *M hoped an, mmNmTo Elmslie Bay and HaVbiook.—Per Pelorus, pointed An Novelties, stock unlimited' of■ Attendant b,* benefit, from the Uni'pnity to, the Common School, yaur time. ■■, YourExaminers think: Parents and Friends of Education are respectfully this day, Thursday, at 9 a.m. ; 0 .■, /; ■~' nugbt^j^ be effeoted. ..■ , t Venetian, &o,;&o. t Thf usualflivjlity; eojtt(ement Kxamineri think it expedient to state their impres- both to the boys and to the College,; if some meitns, Italian, Chinese, 2405 S)d#bAte; in;th>HouW of <3om«ooe, on t4e ty,tb invited to attend on the occasion. ..' To to, in'a ;'AtTOKi.AND.—Per ,"""; sion all and ! f giftq devised, whereby, be on reoommendacustomer*, Neb;if^W"**l speoial quicklydespafchadgrgeri! of the working of these scholarships sinoe |th,eirj eouid ; TO THE ELECTORS OP THE SUBURBS OF WellingtOnionSatUrdayjat^p.ni The Nelson Oollege scholarships were tion from the Principal of the Oollige,f anreally '■till mark our progress^ People 'from 'eitjj .aiad, reference to the oott of th,e ;,Afghan, war, he: eaid it To Goldbn Bay.—Per Lady Darkly, 00 Satw foundation. instituted for a two-fold purpose. They were in- promising boys' sobolarfhip might be cootinued for at country will do well to visit' and'inspect this store wa»,no|t intendeditojcharge: the whole oa the Indian _NELSON. ■,:■ day, at 2 p.m tended to attraot to the College from our town and least another year. Raising tbe jstandard of exami- before making their purchases' for! Christinas'I'and* r> -;\ ,'">„ oountry schools promising lads, likely to be a credit nation is another way in whioh the desired object Few Tear. A liberal disooont given tb all potoba*** ; Tbe;rHpuMiof .jCominont voted,an addreee pi A. J. EIQHMOND requests, the charitable) But present r>pa*t be attained. under airoumstances for purposes, rThanking youj/of might &0., (both to themselves and to the ipstitutido f and to the, gqe*nvllThe, Prinoe of .Walee,!, leLECTORS of the SUBURBS of Nelson to s,oon«j iympathy with place within the reach ofthose, whose parent! might j»-.r Examiners cannot reoommend that course, as it. and present patronage,I trust still to merit. JpSßii, MEET him at the following Places, on the days aud and Prince Frederick Chrietian toft ; Prino* Leopold, tinoanoa future.—Jaxbs would limit tbe field ofyoarfavors in competition!' materially 81. not be able to afford tbe expense, the benefits of a of' England,tfb attend the funeralofPrinoeee Alice. at the times mentioned:— Bookseller, of for' opinion, F ancy are that to foster love ) Bep/dsitory;/ They strongly Stationer, Goods1 two years' course' in higher 'education. In both an -' Sububbax Nohth Hotel—Thitrsdat, 19th Dp! Th^iQoTerßor of^the'tCapei hae< now cent, ;,<,.-; ZEALAND.', the trur plan> U (not to deter Trafalgar street, Nelson. Note the %iArtm.^-Advt. VU '/" respeots jour Ex»u»iners hate no hesitation higher education, ultimatum to'Oetywayo.,,'.,,, ~, ', 2336 comber, at 8 o'olbuk. Tabgbt.—Darid high, but, do, WUeon, tbe standard too to Thb Wboko of< the by fixing in saying the scholarships hare fully realised the candidates 'A;liberelieelected;forßriatol. ":, .NELSON CITY SCHOOLS. expectations of their founders.,,Y"*r "/*«? J*ni | h* everything possible toindueethemto come forward.^ Bruce Volunteers, was arrested at)Hilton yesterday I (Capital It >»porUd th»t the deficit of the Weetof I named, Mrs, for for with kis rifle at a followingprogramme practicing propose 1879:'—, We the j and Gofornors' eeholars hate taken a high i resident Bogltndjßepk w! three/handfed aqd. fifty tboae4ad> rPHE above Schnoln will be CLOSED for TifsuHANCEs Effected on Peoperti at Provincial 1. Political and Physical Geography, the text-book Lilburne.' Fortunately Wilson was 'a bad' shot, and poundi. The totei position among the College boys mi the CivilBe<*vioe low it one,million two haaaitd >, JL' the Christmas Vacation,onFRIDAY, the 20th lady being'riddled. »'^—-''<"" Lowest Cuhrent Kates. the eseaoed and University examinations; and at the recent for the latter being again Hugh.s's Physical Geo:< fifty tboiuwod pound!.. .„. told instan'fc, and RE-OPEN on MONDAY, the 20th H.H.8., has ~ >~;[<" Baundbbs, Me addressed'his!obn-' annual examination, Harkness and Fleming—both graphy, chapters 9, 10, and 11, 92 pages. " ue delivered. .<(>;: The Brindiii mail* January next. The PRIZES will be given in the received :a vote'bf Kaikoura, s cituents at'the and ex-Provincial scholars—stood at tbe head of the 2. Hnglifh History and Literatore, Morris's Age "„. ■~".;,,,--,, j. CoKMiuTiMOPMi Deoembet U. ; PBOYiNCUt. Hall, on FRIDAY, at Three p.m. The independent' and of thanks for the Course Oollege. The holders of scholarships have not only of Anne (Bpoobs of History) being the text-book., -"i oonfidenoe toereouate Adriaaoult;; Parents of the Children and Friends taking an interest orj':r lj ,»j 1 Ihe.BuiiuipfreprfpuiDg NELSON 1040 been almost without exception hard workers ani of 8. Dictation and Grammar. Textbook: Morris's he took during the session. .<_ '--./ »«j<'' BoMß,Deoßmb«rJWw. \",',\, in Schools are specially infireri. Costly has, A Stewart been LBTTBB.-^Charles more than average ability, but hare also been ex Primer. Agoetino Depntie. hae been entraited with.', 1 j^ount two'years' imprisonment aY for Napier" H. D. JACKSON, { to sentetaced A/|"K KA.WSON, UpNTiST, Nile-»treet ceedingly well behaved. Their example has been 4. Arithaetie. the forn^ation ot a Dew;ltalian Mioiftry.,i <, -,j, 0 .1 ■'■'*' Hon. Secretary City. Committee. neglecting to deliver up a Jrttier, when demttided, ■lijjL East. House lat«ljfDcoHpieabj'DrColl)ifi«Ji salutary; and instead of lowering, as sone expected, Gentlemen, We have thehonor to be. to hint the Postal given by which hai been autnbri?' "i i^.r,., ~.[. i ,i| ; has tended to raise the tone of the College. They Dchidin, Decemberli.; FRIENDLY SOCIETIES 1 FETE COMMITTEE. Your obedient servants,' ties by mistake. - J~ " have, in fact,bein a living manifestation to the whole ;The City Counal .have, oontrifed to 'end*'-.the;^. fans' Bvenuircnu.—Ajtolegram Thb Yiotobuv wlio.like L^ge£^Eh)fitt,fdr£Small school of what a boy ban do fot himself uodei favorHarborAbt, which prohibite. their appointing eaf <«f J MEETING- of the abbVe- Oomhiittee ,ti:.IjLAmount Benttlla (Victoria) dated December 9th', says":— their W.CHoDasoH, j Invested—Attend tbe WAITARA able circumstances by penevsranoe and good oon-.i {> niembajni tto, the,jUtrbor Board,, OoaneUio* i "f and alarm were manifested will be held in the Theatbe Royal, on .... ■*..:!■■". Considerableexoitement ,, !v it, , j {! j;.; 'A ~;.<-,[ si. i Waiten, who reiigoed beo»UMhe wae electedMayor; > half-.past-, LANI?.SALE. <■;.,.;,, i ..,,";. the of in* recently Violet-Town, FRIDAY (TO-MORROW) EyENIN.G.'at inhabitants con-' by r '.im Anowi 1= ippoinUdyeittrday. and to-d»; Mr Leery, who ; r received that thebushrangers' w»» of'information sequence Eight. '..;,;,,' x 7, ;' :,"■ I,''. v gojng,, to etand ipr the Council-in Mr arfeitheJridh^W^fOtagb;'Can'<'A Full Attendance requested. t had been seen during;the lastfewdays iiijAjp bush plaw, wae ohocen those irho ac the,eeoondmember to repreaMl.: and IVfhy Auckland,?,, terbury, A. R. SMART. t , gang .s the The have township. near, 2401 many.friepdejn ;j?.v';. on the Harbor Board. ';, a ",, .w' attend the Buy Land and Sell Again ; therefore, the district, and the information which,is considered' the UoaDeil At a meeting of the Watte Laodi Board to-day, U MEN" of NELSON, who are WAITARA LAND SALE. ; ";' very reluotantly given!' The polioe'are reliable, was 1(0,000 j Soiooi. Navis. ] indicated, WM(':reeolTe4 tto throw;. open (for aettlement Members of the YOUNG MEN'S:OHRISg g^ ( now scouring the country in the" direction Sottthlaod; all their I It ie feared aoretj,of land./ Under the Qttg° md TIAN ASSOCIATION, Please attend .an imwill news is for few expected days. but no fteierree Leaiing Aot. The landiubi; lires if they don't go m-for Land. 80 take portant GENERAL MEETING-of all Members, on . ■ the gang has stuck up Violet Town whereonly, one Education [ ./ tituated in the Waikaia Valley. L 20th, at 8 p'clock. ,„!->.,;;!_ FRIDAY NlGHT,,December a Half Holiday- 00 FRIDAY::AETERNOONiifcdd stationed." constable is December 18.) "-':> T' '-: W»m?«»otok, ,150 ,100 it ia will -t'lti-0 -irt ; only Enchakd.—By the~,carriag* Pounds,, ; from the if hare Fire iurest what "■' r^.n.-vm\5 150 200 600 the aide of I presented you Evangelistic, I Flax ik Reports will be It.it ttatedvthat, the; ,whole etaff: of maetere in ■> ;'Ja9t for ever. I drive in Ifesirs Garraway's nnraery/at Bristol may be iW^elljngton Literary, and General Committees; f,^.-<■."!'' ■■:: ?■<'<■'■.;■ Coliege,.the principal inoluded, are abont fine the example and of 'such a of NewZealand importande, very matter* seen growing Literary; Sboiety,' .': ,! .'. :'!. thatJbeirjiaerTioee are, no longer! nptipe disousjed. 10 to.receife 'high. Phormiumtenax, will be B the will some feet IM Flax, as Conversazione, EAELT to Saile,^nd.jrqti Soiree, &c, Jj« i.lt to. imdeaTor to popalariae requirfd. TSiisoir Toww Bots. intended spear^haped broad, foliage;'differing yoii somew.haM'Mt, hear something that wi'l gire confidence T08 80 tfceJinititajion, the present; attendance being.oon* 104 175 ,*«7* ~-'-!' ': R. HADFIELD, 1. 13 Haven n»d,/.. Dreyer "1 >lie, Nolion. both from everything in both the future of Taranaki and i' form and color render* Acting Secretary. '2402 75 110 4l6» ,\ in 2. Buckeridge 14 Ditto 120 105 meagreand dimiaiihtng'gradually, -'" -'^ suitable plant either for a prominent, posi*, t|idered 79, 70 , 128 ' 386 ', ittidna verythe Alargf anti.phineeetmeeMng waj held latt sight S. Johaion 13 Bridge itrett, Firat Dirition 109 or as a specimen stirabs,' grass,' front of in in Concerts, M^EEMS will be such as will enable any 80 382 66 142 in the chair, ; A, teriet of retolutione.were-, Mayor 4. Bond 14 Hftmpden street the ;>;w ";!!: '■■ri'ju or in combinations of mixedfine-leaved plants, etpe* parried, k. man to buyi! ? 70 144 377 the effep^ of wh^oh wae that the Gorernn^Qt i 5. Kelly 14 Ditto .■«>*.<; 53 (character, a to Which spreading oially suoh as are of 2393 165 32 50 35 6. Smailbone 13 Ditto '. thbuldbe^meniprialued.to prevent the nnrettnetedt ly/TADEMOISELLE it would kfford a etrikiuß oontrast.—-Buropwn Mail. in&uj ofChineM.f, A ,reeolntionu waf,aleo carried discovery,-whioh,may, 1 Ixfo«takt Discotbet.—A * Cottmtby «ynipfthy wjt|i .thp! teamea on ietrike at1.. Nblsok Bot3. >xjpmfing ALICE pHAE BONNET, importonoe, oui of great to be possibly tarn bas^ ; 114 96 90 135 ; .'48S*' read from; the Hodi~.Mr' > $y,dney,,;'|; 14 Riohmond Boyi I A..,^etterj.wu, 1. Bryant good America. It that sugar ju«t been made in PUBLISHED if 61 75 the objeot of,the ,.13 65 100' 304* BaUanoe ,epprMeing.eympathy,with 2. Si; well Ditto The' can be from the stalks ef Indian Pianiste, made corn.1 6) 75, 301 -,'<{> 96 ~,, ,■„„.' 14 Wettport Boyi 70 ,'{,,,. ■,<, :^.,, | n ieej^gJ TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS. 8. Rathbun /" "■ vi ;i igeneril'iitteWit is of !suoh ipatter Jconiidered ..., 87 7L 65 : 75 ,298 Of the Conservatoire of Music, Paris, 14 Richmond Boyt y M W'PiWHOHTH, Dtoembtr 18. N t 4. Mdoolm '^C-Ua Government of the United tHateafee*bkeni ! thatthe 69 65 70 13 Mr Alexander Campbell who wee with Bewi and', 5. Hogon '..,; Ditto 8.5 289 the matter up, and the Agricultural Departmenti|, ! Assisted by that Brilliant SOPKAN 0, 53 23 65 60 206 NELSON, THURSDAY,DECEMBER 19, 1878 14 Charleston Boyi party bee returned to New .Plymouth. ; DrjHee|or'i 6. Smith,ThomM f to carrying experiments out deteraine^whethe^th^ 44 _that ,lW Hepior hae examined teveralV 14 Riobmond Boyi 47 60 ,50 201 He,.'jrepo'rU ; 7. P«ton would commercially, s scale be large manufactare on 46 40 80 ,174 rep6rU favorably, of themtl A , ..Ditto 58 8. Sutton !t I -". profllable. *' /|lfi (1 N|miV^oj^,..^( 50, 50 Has been induced to stay Three Eveningi'in Nelson, OwiNd- to a 40 167 him,, reaemblea, the. Weet we are 12 Lower Wakifield Boyt 27 lamplej he.^ringt^wifcb '* oh our 9. M . T spatfe, Smith, Lin Miraiiwa.—A Thb Chablbs ve^hiind. !; for Concerts of i! 52 35 50 10 147 }.lhe..|Hannah takee Bewi,.. 10. Stanley '. '...' 14 Ditto plaM upon fading'article.1 compelled to bdlddveivodf beec tW tomb Dr.^M^pr, and eeirera| ohief* upMokau "one monußMnt has jut 40 23 24 15 102 the Mokau for 20 ,. CLASSTOAL AND POPULAR MU3IC, 11. Bloniitey 13 Charlttton Boyi | Keosal^jQfrsf Matbewi,, 61 the late Charles in 1^ by, eanoeetoNepia, the^partjjWillga 19 24 50 93 ; 12 26th of December, and-the Ist 12. Ditto "»t the Hatch M, is fine marble » Cemetery. specimen On.the^Srdiand provincial scttdlifiisHiP^ :X-■'■■'■: ", ■s> masonry, Tb'e work inscription:-" of on to Kuiti and wait there '""','■ '.', ',',./, of January. ,? Siered io! th.' and from thence proofed t ■■'l and bears the Bewi will thenforwtrd Dr. Heotor Particulars in Pr,ogramnes. \t\ MABLBOBOUQir. BornDec! Wlh, 1803: for Mr Sleehen.. OharlelMatbewi. memoryof of the Examiner! 122 453* principal report following the, The is t^e for 136 75 14 Blenheim High School ~of< the: Tphaa to other 1. Robinion Tickets for Reserved Seats at Mr Stanton]s, where With' the cbantrr,' ohiefe Died June24th, 1878, age 74..' O Bliss! Whenall in I on'; parti'of tetting the coal on the the l^rovinciul Scholarships :—, f 45 After ,125 ipl v 80 Dii,to 15 4 f 2. M.-Oallum < Mademoiselle's Medals and Diplomas c:: to! him, o^rele drawn' aboutgood! Heart'and eariwereifed Bewi, 50 125 bTnktofthe atked Dr. Heotor what Mokau, Ditto ..: 82 ,'S ■.;=" ..■" t;;23G5 To tub'pHAiiiMßN op'thk. Education may be saen 3. Clark 15 hew him. How howkind!, and he is,gone.'r, he'thought) of it, and JBoAbds 65 90 304 it wae ■; Ditto 79 Dr.^Hector <(replied, that 4. Old t 15 1 :o%Nsiaol laib ?MittißO&ouoH— .1 v/ —In Memoriam." r 1 T Bewi very 53 82 45 107 286 r good, then jreplied I ,ehall;have tba 14 Picton 5. Conolly jnst been disooveredby CapUm has hive the honor to lay before you A NbW Islahd 1 intelligence;;',1 Gentlemen,—We ,[ ;]Curopeanetb workit.' 13 Blenbein High Selwol 65 65 75 279 ~-■■.■,"., 'M 6. Maan B. Jbhsnsen, who bas recently returned1 from1 an a report of our examination of candidates for the 14 Ditto 65 m 60 80 273 7. Dabton into Arctic waters. It issituated east expedition the for Scholarships. Although candidate College Nelson. 45 1 of! 83 75 253 HtfIkWATBE ax 14 8. Miller Ditto: „ E., and 1*1.77^^, ~ PBANCIBOO the ope.Marlboroiigh and 'four, Nelson scholarshipsdo 15 '223' ■» .' NovaZembla, about long, 86 '"i;>' "' ■l ''..'' a.m.'," "p.m.,. 50 88 "> 9. Emerion Ditto '. 13 "Eensomhedsn,:',-which '," it examinsrs, {», ; the ~J.-.--.inurt«- -I-; <"J ,'|*i»i;' " enter into direct the the He has named competition, not Deo. 19 4-39 5-21: 17.i ..,--.■...'. 56 64 40 197 "Thursday;' 15 Ditto j 10. Crorrie ....,..'..„'. hw.n^iT.. ,' joj loUtudt." ■■' ■ ■fcwol ! .' t f ' , ',' Swedishfor" subjects, and the number of marks a«»igried,arVthe: t Dec. 20 6-3 40 186 Friday, 6-48, 69 72 5 ; 12 ! Ditto 11. Tindill"....'..". At the exploeion at the Sullivan Coal' Mine* It Is proposed to retain' in England Uoet'orthe in both districts. We hare thought it beit, Dei 21... M> Saturday; W ,- jsame as the nucleus dfa' Penneyltania, lwelv» were killedandmany wonnded. Paris, exhibits now at embody-' to avoid a wearisome ooloniel repetition by ENTEBED therefore, SehoUnhipi. INWABDS-, ;.: ! Name* marked thui (") we winner! of 1 i 'T A new line of etoamert hae been eetabliihed examinations"ii. a single Colonial Museum. ing the results of both ' ■' December 17—Wellington, 83, 286#I M'GeO, from ireport " "lujWind," no.—These are lively times for' .betweenHew York and.China toeompete with the i ;"'"■■'■, and Buch \ Wellington. Passengers—Mrs Pioton and i The number of competitors this year was rather The following are the queitioniwhioti appeared on accountants in England. Every fresh failure,. of< jrjonte via England. ' '■ servant, 'Mrs Naylor and 2 bhildren, M,iss Newth, the examinationpiper§, the candidates being allowed brings them additional buiiness, )(ind they, ; Itit propoeed to aboliah the reoiprooity treaty course, and borough, 25j imaller, than wbon 13 MarI "■■. jn 1877,; Watts, Meßsrs Kay, Harper, | Deck, Miis Miss Smith, paper:— Sandwich I»Undt,M the loci of reveane U Nelson boys came forward. This year there were two bourt for each 8. If 20 men do a pieoe of work in 14 weeks, work" have nowso much on hand thai if many more stop- with.tbe Stafford,Hall, Isaacs, O'3ulliyan, Pitt/Redwood,Jonly six representatives of the Nelson Town Sobools, ranki will have to be largely 'heaty. ■■■'■.'"'■ "'.-* ,ato Political QcoctßArar. take their place, Phibical pages 8 hours days day, 15others. 6 a wsek and a in how '■■'"■■','"■,ing man/ Pickering.'arid 1. Explain nod illustratetheeffect that the relative weeks will 24 men do it, working 6 days a week and recruited. Strange as, it;may appear,this isoueioff i A party of womenat Michigan tarred"andfetthewd 17—Planet, cutter, 12, Thome, from Mottieka. {and twelve from the country, Marlborough sending .',. the of coast-line hu had upon the iobabitanti hours a day? proportion eleven ten of whom were at Blenheim those ooinoidenoes in which the prpvejrb,, ?♦An ill *:« M;,:-^V the.United, boys, taught cutter, 14, of Riwaka. Italy, Plark'.'frOih 7 17—Maid Statee Navy Bear Admiral Otman of again realised in the fact tbt.t the,b^ojk,*, wind," is regions. School. certain High of 30, from Motueka. Barkly, ps, Walker,1 17—Lady J The Marlborough;: scholarship was won eaiily by 2. What ie meant by (a) aqueous, (o) igneous keepiog element is just'now1making large fortunes recommendi the Nioaraguaronte|for a ahip oanai at a 18—Pelorus, ss, 18, Watts, frbai D'UrTille Island. ( ■' [out of the misfortunes of' their formerbiends and obet offifty milliondollaiil '. of a possible rocks, (c) fo«silsf THEATRE ROYAL. from with 453 out Robinson, Blenheim, Adele 21, from Westrupp, ] 18—Prospect, ketch, 1 /<-iv. U'»' The body of Stewart, the NewYork millionaire, Sahara, -■■ ■:' 600 3. Describe the »* ■*'*■ supporters. marks. \ ( Island. ,', The Nelson town scholarships fell'to Oreyer, of I 4. By what oircumttanoM » the volume o|riven Ok Tuesday evening Shakespeare's greatfive-act Failubb.—A Sydney t; telegram sUtee:—T. J. hae been rtolen from the vault. ; 12, Ricketts, from Adele 18—Dauntleu3. cutter, O»at lorn of life and property oeoorred in the !i: at this place of Stutcbburj, wholesale grooer, has stoppedpayment, produce* school, ■■■1:-"' Haven;road who headed the list with 467 t drama "Hamlet" was effeoted ;, ] ;■■■'■;;; island. , '■'-. ■■■"■:' -r "' r,, .r good bouse, Mrs Darrell, m Ophelia, .with liabilitiesamounting to £13,000.t(! u Th ~!r galeein the Northern,Laket. ,* "musement.to a especially01EABKD OUTWAEDS. Imarks, and Buokeridge of the tame sohool, who got"- 5. What are the oanses of ocean currents t Theßteamtliip Oeorgia hae been loet at Ponta. fromNew where, tot, tUe fourth men havearrired Guiitba.—Twenty "6." Give some of the law wbieb was in Niw splendid, ~ example! 410 marks* f«norel "" for 17—Lady Barkly, December^ p5,.30/'Walker, "■* The two country icholarshipi were won by Bryant, governi the diitributiou of tbe Highland! of the after herfather hasbeen killed, ehegoes oat of her- Guinea at Cooktown (Qoertiland), and 10more;are U eaid that" wae intpiieated in the the daptain I!il liIKSI, "vl Motueka. '!, "; "'-* / rokbinT" 11'°! hae been abandoned after throughout, good Darrell, Hamlet, of Richmond with 435 mind. Mr ac was All e xpected. prospecting boys', sohool, marks, and Globe. for West Coast. 1 Palmer, ss, 17—Kennedy, 138, in the Southern be had to sustain, and much privation. ,< ',; .!, Hiir r,n- "< "}%>^i --Jl-'-»i YelW ftver'hMduappeared long sohool, well, also of with 304. the of tbe tbe and character living trying teaporti Biohmond 7. Name ICediterranean, -■ Say Boase, Potts, J:' 1 -Ke'rrioV, -"'_-""■" Passengers—Messrs CouttsV ;<'"'? )J.? k Statt^' ' " ■v' : il"l t hour, the, His a late greeted' ;night, frequently' :It of future to add of each. was with lond Pounoir.—At on applause. may competitors pcwition vi be servica' to tbe iFiABFar. ( Thompson, Corrigan, and Derine. are in favor The'multe of thel Statee eUotioat 8. Draw an outline of Australia, marking on it the acting when giving advicsto theplayers was splendid, of September 23, a visitor to the traveUing'meneferie, 17_\Y9 llington, es, 286,iM'See,for Picton. and £a few words as to the way in whioh eaoh set of ques".", ;', his Hamlet was everything that oould be at Hanley, in England, gpt inside1 theroDes1 near the ofIhe Repnblioyni/" 1".": positions sort, tions was answered. of this of the the of tbe in something ooloniee, Without boundaries and fact, Dethant, Messrs ipasaßngors—Miss Wellington: desired by the most fastidious lover of Shakespeare. lioness's cage.'' The animal'got her paws out; todJ ! Wdinenj otherihah ,Oentilei, f who held a maea ; and caudidates will hardly know where their predecessors principal towns, oapei, and mountain,ranges. Bagnall, Slade,Eggintbn", Luathe's.v Sherwood, tearing the'leftsideof his, i me^injt1 at Bait 'Lak'e'i have endoreed polygamy. turn, should the dual of and* King grabbed have and what in Mr m character Ghost, t he gone poor: wrong, they, %rj<,;; Clinton, fellow, Goldsmith'sDuibtid Yailai. 1 -" /: Hammond. should strive to, avoid. -| </ c n ~;\'\\\ hie pleyinc being muoh better than on face open and destroying the mutolesjof,his right] h ! The.New Yorkand Boeton Banki oppoeethe eilfer j _/■/,.\''u\ 17—Planet,cutter, 12, Thome, for JMotuka'.',1. Quote the first ten lines of the desoriptUMi of wasexoelleni; number of Mr Howe, as Polonius.and,:lst shoulder and arm. Juit as.be Was. being.dragged, Monday the Physical 'Geography.—Although night. ', Clark,' Riwaka. nutter, 14, of for Italy, 17—Maid tbe Village Preacher. bin | An earthqoakt dattroyed eeveral oitieein Salvador, carefullyand steadily throughout into the den, the keeper appeared, and rescued Gravedigger,played 17—May, schooner, 18, Turner, for Adele Island. marks by even, the''bestKcandidate's fill 'sumawhat dssorip''■" l' 2. Write out two similieefrom the same .'' 'South, Amerioa. V, ', ,"' short of what were awarded last year for the tion. J and Mr Hooper's Horatio was capital. Miss Bessie in a terriblecondition^ ~.,.(./" jESPEOMSD AEBI7AJiB; J :,;■":■■ ' ■■.' i-y v the Queen,sustained her part well, and 1 Thb Livbbpool DiiAtTBB.—A majority of the37 'The people ofCaliforniahave taken up the eubjeot Vivian, as ■■■■<,■ same aubjeot,,it.must; not be thought] that there has Wallace,' ssy from Blenheimi to-day 3. Mark the accented syllables in thenlines— the minor oharaotere were well filled. The manage- victims of the panic at the ColosseumTheatre^'Liver- of unreetrikedChineee immigration. I \been any inferiority in this year's performances.; Murray, f/omi Wellington, today i Here, while the proud their long-drawn pomps dfer ment must be congratulated for the complete way in pool, were young, unmarried men. T>e $0 injured i J The iteamihipWyoming, from New York, arrived between so; limp!* an, oomparigpn, There is no from ■' : today Edward, West Obarloa Coast, play, ; 'i elementary; work, as that used last year, (Gftikie's: which this heavy pieoe was put on, everything worked, persons are recovering. The theatre is re^ppened. lat Queenttown with her cargo of ootton on fire. It' Lady Barkly,'from Waitapu, &o, tomorrow tbe black gibbet glooms betide, the way/ smoothly, and the audienoe, seemed to thoroughly It has been deoided not to make a pu>lie appeal on bad been burning1 four day!. ;Wellingtoni si, from Picton and! Wellington, Physical Geography,) and the 134 closely printed: There, in large quantitiee fw rendered destitute by the 1 Silver ii. being bought Jv of Hugnei' more advanced book. A largo, 4. Explain what tbe poet means by the following enjoy the first production inNslson of a Shakespearian behalf of the 30 persons December 21 > : ■' ■ 1pages ji :i ;" "■','.»..*■ » '! ,' v disaster., '. trantmiition to India. propbrtion'of the boys showed'the result of excellent words, quoting a line in whioh eaoh, ooours—l, play in its entirety. Kennedy, from West Coast,December.22 "■:"' 1training in this gubjeoL no departmentin tha memory mip of Aus"stints"; 2, "mistruttless"j 3, "boding"!, 4, ! Yesterday evening, tbe Theatre was; again well Bavk Bobbbpt.—William i Stafford^iolark jn itbe ;f The Freridhßepublicaniloit ■."■; »i. Eernglon, ship, from London ( iralia was alio rery well done by fully, half of the pensive" { 5, " reprieve"» 6, equipage" | 7, attended, the play being the ever attractive Borneo Liverpool, branch of the Bank; of EogUnd, who r»«nteieoti6ni. They will have IS or 15 majority Kebroyd, barque; from Newcastle in. aotes, ..was oaptured,ip ]i^ the Senate,mv 46 oat of 75. Tongoy, barqueifrom London ■; >!.■:( ■:: (candidates:' One- peculiarity,1for which it is difficult "impotence"; 8, "vistas" | 9, "contiguous; 10, and Juliet. Those who went lor,the first time must abseondled with £15,000 regretted that they had not availed themselves Jersey while landing from a, yaohtprivafcel*hired. i The Duke of Edinburgh hae been made a Bear to acoount, was observable: ia many papers—a potioni." ;0 have Awaroa, schooner, from Wanganui Idiffueeness and tendency to wander from the point. 6. What do these lines mean— before of so rare an opportunity of witnessing good He was brought before,the1Lord Ifcydr Ts4:' the' Admiral. '- "! i,i;PJBX)JKOTBP DB»ABiOBKS.i :'::ul ''J. < this,'and, in order to Partly prevent aoting, while previous visitors felt amply rewarded Maniion-hoose,and remanded, i' Molt ot the stolen 'j Cardinal Howard hae deolined the ftrohbiehopnt order, ■: .v,:; Cii" .in partly »s, for '; terms and tidespretoday measure, Lands he oould (a) ;. Taiaroft, South',l Jto make'speedy'working an element in;tne contest, \>"<\;>v:i!« wj:v/: ;ofDablioffi */ )£{j 'WiZYVA'c* .ii'clh K-MV :; for going oooe more. Mrs Darrell displayedrare money isrecovered. ~ ; ':! sage, Murray, ss, for WestcOoait, tbdayi ij' 1: Norwich bae been inundated by a freeh,and 400 by we had reduced the time allowed for eaohpaper from Fibbs » Eholaicd.—The Aim* MUJ, Oldham* the story ran that he could gauge.", power aa Joliet, the bouse being fairly takenher Charles Edward, for Wellington, tomorrow And even uninhabitable, and there wpe containing 86,000' spindlei, was destroyed by Ire houtee were rendered Especially affecting was three to two hourij The only effabt of this limitation' storm in several scenes. Wallace, for Wanganui; tomorrow;. ';r.ui ; rjrrri! t-Jft'^lo" <»£»'■*'"" divide, (b) Those fenceless fields tbe sons ofwealth resolve when, refusing ,ibT damage £30,000.The joinery,works, of the Glorfeeetor, loeeof'life "'"'■'" iO of expression despairing Welliugton, ss, for Taranaki and Manukan, of time was'to oauie a very perceptible deterioration is e*eaj»Jni And even the bare-worn oommon denied." hand writing, the punctuation, and'the spelling. marry as her parenU enjoined; she was renounced by' WagVon Company have b^n destroyed j the lorn j The belief eii.U that a plot «iet»fef the1 \ December 21 .■!::^:"- ■>.!.■■ '■■> .-f.;:'- Jv, ('.■)■!!;; in thediffuseness -i^wi eove^eigne inEurbpe.!; tnirty linn, tbe an abstract her old ofaU the & spaceof Htytlbtt? friendly large " 6. within without the counsel of Some warehouses ill a^on Comparatively them, The remained. Give, and toft exceeds £20,000. ,f«wboys, Lady Barkly, ps;: for Waitapu, &o,Dae* 21. themselves with a'plftiu answer to a plain1 of the Poem. nurse, who by the way was represented-with oapital square, Minoriee, partly occupied by Browne, land contented1the English Coinoamoir. were efliot by Miss Bessie .Vivian. Mr Darrell made a Gayle and Goortbaad Oouiins,-warehwisemen, question^ majority seeming ambitiousof displayThb is Kennedy leares Hokitika for Greymouth ing fint-rate Borneo, depicting to the life the impetuous destroyed. No,Australian woolwa» Mnd{i-}l \j\ thefr general information/ however , outline:— remotely following the Expand to-day. She should be in Nelson oni Sunday. young noble. There were some too touches in the' matter in hand. :i! !i: fi '■ 'v :i( PBOdßka.-The Oonstantinqple Al-Jawdib, ofthe ii;»duty I bw« toyou toaxprm mj mtitacU for <■" Thb Eura ah» xki Locum. THfOharles EdwardileftiWestportyesterday 4-15 connected with '?the with tbe Apothecary, and in tbe tomb coette, Uth August, says:—We are aaured that a mixed^ t f»»t benefit thkn dirbM by ukinf "Notton'i Deserted Village."—lf the papers scene Goldsmith1* p.m. She should arrive this morning, and is to leare »" I*'1 An eastern king very fond of having stories told both be and Mrs D«rrellshowed' wonderful power.i company ha« obtained a eonoeesion for toying, down GbwmilfePillt. on Greography were better this year than last, those * Ih*r»ftpplialtbjbartfM^Mr. for Wellington at 4 p.m: to-morrow. .>. ! issues subjeot; pro* Wellington is fortunate .in having euoh talented a railroad between Jaffa and Jerusalem, also to boh-' B^l, oraied on the quite him. Gets least,, on Goldsmith's in the Nelson poem, district at for tb« »boT.-n«n«i Pilh, for «iad B«k«ley, T»B Murray left Wellington at 2 p.m yesterday, were correspondingly Worse. olemation; reward for telling him an endlees stary— performers for season of some length, wbickv.if etorupt a harborfor shipping at the former place; i ib! Uw ftpfiMb, from;wbiotrI b«T«,ia&cfld noran* v The bad habit of giving epj^jhould ba in harbor early this morning. :>:Bhd.'.: answers beyond and wide of what was asked was still 'his daughter's hand j punishment—head chopped off merit ie recognised, must be eaeoessful. It is whis- 1 HmOwnGbakdiathbb.—Aningenbua eakulator ■Jtiag pud for "With of tinw, h»Tiag, tmdamtlj : itftcw for tbs West Coast at 4 o'clock this afternoon. in this paper. The demand for an and body cast forth unburied. Several candidates pered that when the Mason ends there, Nelson may of the, possibilities of oonsanguinityibat' diaeover#d< iwer^'SiiriiypaSSb^li bur without d«rinn| My Tsa Wallaca should be in harbor thi» morning, more apparent ~.,'' that :' ..)''.' hopefor another visit, the poem was frequently met by an all failures. it is quite practicable after all,for (a.man^to, jb«n«ftst»ll. AftwUkin| two bottlaofyour?dusad is to leave for W^nganui at 10 a.m to-morrow. abstract ofotthe One story teller comes forward; his .'conditions poet's parentage and early life, while beoome his own grandfather. He argues thus—a tble Pilk, liwtii quite mtofwito my utwd IUU of ; Thl Taiaroa, with, tho English mail, arrived off account granted. He tells of a king, very avaricious. This 90 marries, at 21 has a son, and, at 30 is Mtb.Pl««.fif.tLU publicity for tht Imit et woman at New Plymouth at Q a.m yestsrduj, and left again a request for an explanation of the meaning of several king wishes to increase hi* riohes; granary big as a a soene present lively St. Mabt's ScaooLa will words ooourring in the poem was answered by an widow. At 48 she marries again, her own son thoM who ro»y thu« b» ifflioUd.-rli«, Bi»,yow» a at 9 a.m. She arrived in harbor late last night,;and attempt of le^t priice takes Mingtbenj27,;and at giving their derivation in suoh doubtful mountain built for him. In this putt corn taken today, as tbe annual presentation hariagiin the msantime married' tWj. Hmtbt AiLJi«-ro tb. Propmto« of -I leaves at noon to-day for Picton, &c. ' ' plaoe, aeoordiog to advertised notioe. Friends of and,had a son, the latter three yearsold at the time, as "trusto I'—l trust;- and "!po(tio"—1 am from his subjects. Thi [Wellington dooi not leave Wdllingtoh: anti1 Latiuity to' pupils, are;incited as pirenUpf Granary soon filled; windows and doors bricked education,,lu,well J of bis grandmother's'second marriage., AtiW^tbe Fridayiftfternoon. S^Sbe will arrive*here on Saturday able—as being the root of "potion.'' It is worth up; not a crevioe left open. A ewarm of locusts dist "J 'woman dies, her son being'37, her grandson 18, .and TAnp* "Bimin^ London, (b*Tinf .jth* "soiuMTf, that only..two boys either in Nelson or cover small ohink, which allows one at a> time to "tt«nd. ui ,(.„ v ,'~ morning; and sail again at 3 p.m aame day for New remarking Marlborough, and th.ose two the winners of the ie reminded of herhatband flO years of a|e. At 66 the husband "ppplr^ihu-'uMtTiiHtd | V Waitaba Bam.—The publio Land Plymouth and Mahukau.'' Oooot) invit* jooapwiwa,\ wriggle Story goes out. here on in a scholarships, seemed'to know what wm meant wriggle in and at the Masonic Hall to. Warrids fecain,a girt of 18, making her the step, ntU. wiy:«tlwr Ooo« for Parity, iw Ar*^— Thi Wakatipu lsaves Wellington for Sydoeys on Town thi* sale, whioh takes plaoe ■- i manner for a month, tingrsong a It is in csirping spirit no that we 2 this time giraile.; wifeVgrandson, by by n^akt After six months king tired i askswhen locusts will morrow, oommenoing at p.m. '> v graadaMthsffofhisfirst Passengers for her go by the Taiaroa to> in»tiT«,;NutritiT»«iißo«t»iniDgpow«r. QiMtml'1 these istricturos,'but merely that we may check a ■"'■'■ "'!: '■' ■'■■'■''< 19 yearsold.yf At72 be dies, and hissecond wife, by mil eitobliib it f« » fworitab«TffH« 'or tefihfMtft '>j daj. i-1:!!-! yeiterlf! done extracting the corn ; is told no one can tell Mikbibs of the- Young M^n's Christian Assooia* Mistime24years have fault that mars muoh otherwise good oonwlation, "work. seeks age, of in.th>, tion will find a speoial reminder, in another column, armsofherstop.grandson T#« Albion left Melbourne'for the Bluff Arithmetic.—The. easy Arithmetic paper was not that yet. The same sing-song etill goea on. of 27, who thus, baying "|«ninif. For f»idrtbl^bpimonfr T»d« AteMl«rdL meeting to-morfow, an important fury tells story teller he is unen- for them to attend at last in a King so well we !" expected;" done as about a third of. of Only .:«'""", his; grandßWtheir, beoome the husband Tb;i B^ogarooma starts on'berreturii'ito. MelPottiSriiiik M*iie<aJ<m%*l,kon b. X, (! "^! :> hsoessarily candidates soored half marks, although marks durable;, his daughter, his very life is his; must, night. be his own grandfather, n- .<&*« he bourne, from Wellington; ut>2 p.m on Sunday.^!;for tbe however, be silent for evermore about locusts. At the Magistratee' Court yesterday,before H. E.y were allowed for working, though quite* whiob, notto-day hae been' ~lkUoH«i^ p^pCmltfu' wbfca T«i lohooner Urio "is to lmiPatea: Story tellermarries king*s v daughter eM.lueeecdji Curtis and W. Oldbam, »>qi., J.J.P., 0. H. Martin' |A kaji named Henry Th6rae, a seaman, correct, seemed deserving. The shortest way in Of attiiaid mob -.v^V)' ■'■^■.i i -»■<");. Blind Bay. f to throne. ->i^S oosta for a |tr»y hores. C. Clarke charged inLondon on hu own ooaiwsioo with sbeot- ZrW-wioVrtptttafcioo. i»fmMi«rMtar«lbTTAYLOR fined Is and was |!but arithmetic* is-always'the'l j best a more!'tliin 1 Island, Thb Tararua is announced to run the.NewiZaaland near w a man at Glebe F«brpa*y itig lioense, Mr selling lt] in ABJTHHpXIOf was charged with ale. without a the candidates preferred the longest. The I 1971 He says the,man's death was theresult of an, I EpTHSBa, uodw tht *bl«tbomc»opMkif»«dvi«» eieursion trip from Melbourne: She calls at Milford majority of pftUi^ntom 1. Express in words360700053210018, and reduoe Bunny, being for the prosecution'andMr Pitt for the adcidentalshot proceeds to the process-' of multiplioatiori arid division is much both engafed at did to th«r iki»^d«periaoo» and several other1 Sounds,and" then the by, employed Dixon, Lioeneed taVgetprtetice. while they were Ur '<"' "}\:'-t: I [ the. multiplier and,divisor.". thatnumber of cubic inches to cubic yards. om defend* W.O. -.-.^'■■■■''- '>-'.'■<' iry,:!- 1.-iIn-J :-.->;,">£■ simplified by resolving !', Bluff. Mrs .Clarke Association, after induoiuf into'factors'notgreater! thin'l2,' whinefe'r possible. " i: Explain the terms Qc.OM.and LAX. Find Victuallers' .witness; Je,mes FrankPBBiicnoir.-Mrs. 8. A. Aum's WdßLD's Haib ■Mr example, in dividing! by 1723,iby)far the neatest the 0.0.M. of 1235198and 411355 and the L.O.M. to sell him ale, was the objff know *hat I am to get for Rbstobbb never fails to restore Grey Hair to the "(V who don't M lin, i said 1 quickest method is to divide by 11 three times of 10,.11,12,18,14,15... 11-.. "« Ck»lWnr .' iiijd Ttvlbr Brotheri1 this business," corroborating. Mrs Clarke swore that, youthful oolor, imparting to it new lift, growth; ahd ,b m^Xubb^rSDrqWUtj) at janseo.utively.; it is also good, practice to expls^qjin, \ 8. Find by practice the value of 7254} articles k otltbnMdforSkf '-. I' 'i "ii "■- ( ehe wentout for the beer, wbioh h»d been asked for j lustrous beauty. Itsaction is speedy, and tlwroßgh.i £2 8» Btd. woh. BA.NK 'is ■"prepared" td make writitfg eafth'stdp bf.theproceis'and'taoh'oo^ ■p in|«M, »^ purity offl»T6r. Stan Miib BrUk Grevness. i/Ite veJue, ,', 4. Bubtr»ot 99274 from 1 \ divide theremainder to drink'with cigars the informers had bought. The qu'iokly banishing l Ohioory JWk, Special Arrangements for Deposits lodged for lepaihder'' Of'tß'ecandidates/'oaly tw^^ 'single fiued'ls and £2 lOi A proves oo.U,1 whsreapon was J^hers. triaf UL/Jft oj^e\aaoHqeadecl^-t.^bW^-, by 0074, and prove your result by Vulgar Fractions. defendant fixed periods; to jpurohase Bills:on London at- Sixtj^ thro '■fiplift! jnieityod^a'n'cljtial^, streogthsWer of of thf appeal. notioe In itself the natural gave [tj another';oaso th#' everprtvN days sight at one quarter percent discount, and sell 'Examiners' liope to be Jablß to report a great improve-,. "5. What willb« thsoott of papering* room of Mr Pitt Mr j Air. (Tbe genuine only in Pink Wrapper) Bold' iv ■■■Qpnb in' this imporiiint'subject after next exanainawhich the length is 28ft. 6 in., the breadth 18ft.9in., fine inflicted wm'£l with £iA7s 61 oosts, and at oß«*qairter'-per>!'«»nt- ipreIBiianij <f'ai :ind"''to('iifaioiKWSl of similar oaee against w loleealaby fßia»H;Gwim^B,* OaM W«ln«<ton;' in; at 'Pitt gave notice «PP«*f. and the height 12ft., with paperlft. 9 broad, all gther..Banking Businesi./oa ;tp, be.ascer-.; u ;■■,'" > '■■*«< ''1 Ira TownaoaoVihI'which [M», Bunny appeared for {English Composition.^ln former yekri, simple 2s6d'perydP" /."■"'■"■■' tawe^;a'pplwati|jn,"^;^ '"L^TUwvti- iniKoioO narrative was) twioeread silb'ud to the candidates by 6. Beduoe 2ewte'. *qr». 31b*.Boas. to' the dseimei'of tie prosecution »ad,Mr Aoion Aiami tarthf d«a ltbrtu^aoitß«o<»tahjai.'-4»t<, ■■■■-■■ ,/HwsHpteu* the, iuper»i|or, iQd wu (hen re.oroduoed, , ThM «too. *ad uplMB H»,aMoiai af four wwnti, im * „■ ■ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sl\ MAKi'rt SOiIOOLS. -; THE ( . , ' ■ :ME OF "'^' ■-■"" - *~ ' VMStm FIRE & BSARI»iI ■ '* v '■"7V ~£2,bdaOOCh . _ , ' ' " , ' H. D. Jackson, AaBNT/' ' A1 : .- . , '~, YOTJNQ- ' — WHO COM . THE " COLONIST Grand Christinas ~ > . lISS FLOKEiNCE NEVILLE, > ' ' suimw.tt1 ' J i] ... ' : . : .' , ..- ' '' ' ' '' '" * ■ --"■- - -■""*""■"- "' ' '' <'' "* j < " " * :- : , ' " ■ ■ " ' ' > " ... : .. .. ' , . _ .. ... IS' "'■imjfM ,- . .. , . = - ■. . '" ''' , , - , ' > ' ' < " .. . ..■ THIS a; ■ , ' < '" , " -~ . .~ ; ~ ; ■" - . ' , r >! JfEWSBYTHESAN ~ ■ ■ * ' - ; ' J . , , . .. ~ ' ' ~'' , ■ . .. c ' '' " " '~' '~"'" '■ ' ' . , ,' ' ' '" ,> ' ■ , ~ ,-,, - .. . ' -- ' . '~ , . , ,, : ~' ' r ~ , ' ; ; ' ■■ t : *" , ., , '' »<< ,' , > 1 iilee^d^n , ■ ' ' : , '' ' : ■>" ~ -. : ' ~ .. , " > ' '" .- , "> ,, s , '' j , , : , ' "'*' " ' '" '" r , ' ' ~ , - . :■ ■ : oljo *> , , " : " > ■ ' J" " ' ' '" ' ' ' '' ' ■■ . « " " ■ '' ~ ,, ' . , , ", ■ < ■""■""■'--"■-■"-'■"■■" ■ " -- < ■■ , , Vl ,' < -, ... , "" "■ " ... , ... < ... ... - t -- .. .. , ' ', - , ■'< , — , ' , ,, , ,~ > ; 3sJ.'.. "I I ... .... ... ... ... -. ' * < ■if- ,. . . ' ', ■ ,' l) ■ Ex*minß"i,; ",.. '' ' : . ■ -A\ i . ; ' . ' pressures - " '-."' ~ 'besuch! " c ■ "' , s WORKING-MEN . , , " l ' "" Lffi^^fceK^&m^ mdst1 ir<H^!v a, > ; Kuttkr^-Th. feM*.^ Ittaei^'^ndo^^^i^rt " -' 'ntafMb->n. THE COLONIST, :yELSQ^ .NEW^mAJ^S^ M<M??&JhJ^ THJJXSbAJ, A ]s N. Edwards & Co. developed cannibal instincts and a dreadful and he believed him: to be a thorough' Chriroaryat once made off. The 'boat followed stian. 1 .■■,;^ ...HAVE. .■■.-.. ''. ifc f6r about an hour ; but though the ser- on Saturday after'npoas^audjiyG^ FOR SALE, pent,' we are told,,' must have been annoyed' he re.a4s to",tl)emr ,prays for them,(and)Bpeakß,i AND Barnicoat, .Curtis, Edwards, Sharp, Waßtney, and the careless^. admonishing well-conducted.,, monster;,.svould any to themasa father, -^as Chief Commissioner Greenfield. well-doing!'' Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. naturally, be. on being disturbed at his after- encouraging the pebitent a;nd; Mineral Leases.—BesolVed, That the lease of one dinner siesta in the sunny fjord—he showed f Mr' Dunciri, however^ thbugH ;dping: ,inuchj PER acre at Charleston, applied for by Thomas Powell, be no wish tn fight. Oh the two following could not be very successful untU^aßiVentire; per Rent, annum; years. pound took, one granted for 21 days he again appeared, and as the weather revision of the whole .penal system royalty, one fiftieth, or 6d per ton.—Application from fine, a fleet.of boats pufc out to hunt him,, place. -The Governrtent should alwaysI rewas mineral lease of 200 Alfred Thomas-Jones for a acreß, FEOMLONDOJN. Wa'ngapeka,' postponedJ-^Mineral lease applied for amid, great excitement.; But the- serpent tain a position ori"public worksfor discharged worse ?iz: 16 leading them, 'Discharged prisoners" and acres and after Grange, quick prisoners.'" for Allan,: Shaw, by Messrs was too wer^ held by them bs a gold mining lease, Aorefe district, them a danbei up arid down the sound,'he, off than .newiy.-a.rrived immigrants, for, cpnrefused, the Board having no power to grant a mineral .work,<;while like his greatprototpye, ' put an end to it tractors .wcruld give, the latterformer; lease overauriferous ground. -o has not re- they looked down upon- the «He by,.giving below.' He down all, assent Licenses.—Kesolred, Prospecting Th»t: the1 chances "btf should' of the sea had fair appeared^ underthe was Bare if'he had great mystery to the transfer of the and of the Board be given he had coine^ T. S. WYMOND & CO., having already provided liberally mentioned prospecting licenses, from J". A. Harley, remains as much a mystery as ever. Pbn-' have reToi*med lprig; ago. WINES, SPIRITS, AND BEEP* Scott, James Sullivan, and William ivyoj, Smith, James M. letters. late 50 cases, MarteU's Dark Brandy .; toppidari, Hans Egede, the Boston iSshermen ;'pufc oif prison, and had 'written :s : v by community' their the of portion Moies the adult Harley, Thomas Halated for Smith, to James 20 quarter-casks C."V. P. Brandy, saw it. 45 years ago, Captaia M'Quae, One of them-was not answered, andthereply turning Crewdson, William Ridd Waters, and John Coutts, who Rum, „„ R.W.P. 20 of thedJffldalus, who saw. it in l848,.; the, he received to the other was that the'writer^ Drawing, ve now, determined to finish the year well by as trustees for the Boding River Copper Mining 15 Burden and Gardner's ajid * it a fevf person,who if;'he'M'S^ ;he; give; in vouched for hid rio vvork to registered transfer; such be Caithness '" '■ -! Company, and that Sherry Win»;■,",.,,!:;'i'-|i;<';* attention to the -,;■■':.; the Land Office, as required by Clause 14, Appendix years since> and the other persons who hay wouldn't give it to a man; justjjufe' of 'gaol.' their 15 „ Sandermanls .4 Grape Port Co. will T. S. December, '1878, E., Land Act, 1877:—1. License dated Ist August, at various, times and places beheld it in The speech .was very impressive,. aud .the .'\Vine'.;:.; ,j f.;.." ; ;..;:/"; ."■-"'. From this date till 28th .;. 1878, for 1200 acres, Dun Mountain district. 2. sections—sometimes a bead, with a mane, learned' judge'desired: the.Iprisquer'to^writejit, 10 qr-casks DunviHe's,Whisky; r their a Prize Ticket spent, for customer, acres, each every November, 1878, for 500 s*. Lioense dated Ist for 150,'cases Dunville's and Lome Whisky piece and send it to him; "Tbe,ridiculousl.sentence, present to head, a a^d no now a sometimes mane underThat the district.—Resolved, Dun Mountain 600 „ J.D.K.2 Geneva .„".'.'.,, mentioned prospecting licenses be' granted for six of body like a big barrel, and now a largely- ; of three years was then passed.^the' sentence's 150 „ Stewart's and Kinnahan's,Whisky ;i montliß, from the Ist January, 1879.—1. James and developed portion; ' very like a whale '—■' lon the second and third charges being made 200 „ Burnetts and Booth's Old Tom v'" William Johnston, 280 aores> 3?aia Para (renewal). must still be under the imputation of nb,t' conCuWenib'with'the flrsfcf" '""" '"' ~','V 150 „ Heddle's and Bernard's Ginger Wine " 180 West, acres, and Burton 2. Jameß' Smith 40 ,', Hookin and Wilson's Lemon and having backed up their narratives by such , This interesting criminal, according,tp;the in the* a chance the That' renewal of Ticket will ensure Valley.—Resolved, Aniseed This ; ; yLime Juice .;* ■,',,.'■"'',):.■ ■-i a.sceptical, .constantly as in scoffing r ecord, evidence will has been satisfy, 192«tocres Jroubla^since for Jones, license held by Alfred Thomas "50 „ Morton's Raspberry Vinegar stealing being ■,-',=■■-:■■■. -:.■ ■■. 1859, principaTwe'akQe.sses .■■■■■■J his age." ;■■' postponed. at Wangapeka, be 100 „ St Julien, La Rose,; St. Emillion, and trucks, cows, pigs,'poultry, and,miscellaneous Education Reserves.—Resolved, That the school Leoville Clares ". 4\ 2 Board, viz: acre's sites appliedfor by tbeEducation THE CHURCH AND THE STAGE. trifles.' -When! a young.."man/.'he was con100 „ No. 2 Moselle ,','. ,' '.'..\, ,!. ,■/ '["'n Addison's, arid 4 township, acres Waimangarba be1, '" 200 J, Pig and Guiriness's Stout s'idered to be rather a dangerous character. None worth less than Is., and many of con■'. recommended, subject to the approval bt the Chief At thia.';Church'ppngreßS recently -held at His speech, we, leanv had been rehearsed In which all are Prizes. ; 200 „ Tennant's Ale.and Stout :— under mention enquiry. may, which] after further we value, amongst Commissioner, 100 „ Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla ; Mulgrave before he^Jefttbe gaol, and when he returned, ■Public ReseTrves.—Resolved, That ai list of public Sheffiil'd,'iheV:KißV. the Earl of '50 „ Indian and Coope's Ale 'Bottles of Eau'de Oologne Wax Dolla (nearly life size) reserves,-not'requiredfor immediate use for the^ pur- read ajiaper dealing chiefly with the* rela- he wSs heard to remark to thoße who were Glasses Looking made, finish) respectively very ~,-,.. Superior for'which the were to the and with stage, (of good a; reserves tions of the Church Albums yarn, poses ~ ■','■. OILMAN'S -STORES, V&o^;..'/-' 1 withhim—" Weil,! pitchedl i^rge Lithographic Picture?, well be prepared with a view to their being let by ptiblio the necessity,for dramatic .reform.. He saidr and the——judgb beliered evlery word of it. Musical Instruments >~..-* '■' 20 oases Keiller's Candied Peels from Mrs ;> Elizabeth mpuntecW auction.—Application tender or ; ; j w of Tools theatre must be regarded as an \ioippr-,. Onlyfthree years it'or.three cases! 1 expected feoxes 1 this ;and 707,' 20 KeiHer's Gonfebtione'ry ;' 701', 706, 695, 700; Betts to 'lease sebtions !:< \!;i'*the education* of the...people^ seven'at the least. j Eancy Dresß Pieces Handsome China; Gilt Ornaments 5 „ Kobinsbn's1 Patent-Groats''[ ! Tbi-toi Valley, Hospital'andLunatic Asyliim eiidow- tant agent, in Hats Felt Souths' „; Dunn's Fresh Herrings .; Cricket Bats and Balls .L The tact, of: its having become vicious waa no> .'\ / i 50 ment'reaervei'postponed. Children's 'Boots j 50 „„ Albert's Sardines. >:'). ;.\i | Agricultural Lease3.—Further consideration of argument whatever against what waa in its'Carved Ivory Kattles Crosse & Blackwell's Pickles, aid Boys' Tweed Suits the Under' Secretary for Gold- own essence,and highest forms',good.., Vice letter (No. 731,'-from 1 100 Mechanical roys_ Potted, Meats i:.l- ,--^u ;' i ■,<-, ; ; fields; relative to the larges number of leases transferred, ;§9X^ depraved the of a Handsome buffoonery, Japanned Trays and OF SALE. P^P^WPOSTPONEMENT 30 „ Crosse and Blackwell's Potted Fish, to Mr Wm. Acton B. Adams, together with a letter' Boys!, Shirts... with^plated^ dramatic taste, art, disgrace GlaBS Butter Cobler^ might Kippered Herrings ; from Mr Adams in eiplanation.^Kesolved, That the public X S. EDELSTE,]Sn will hqld hia next '. j Straw Hats,;,, Writing'Desksp 20 „ Overall'sKippered and Red Herrings explanation given by Mr1 Adams'is perfectly satis- but the drama .was not to be decried on that .el HOUSEof LIVE' 1 STQ'QK, "Q\i'jirterly;Sale " FURNITURE,1 &c, his 800 ozes Price's and Brandon's Candles factory to the Board, and that a copy Of the letter be account. A discussion followed, in which; HOLD' ? " 1 >t .Auction Mart,. '' sent to the Undersecretary. ! 50 „ Carriage Candles : Smith, the Key. W. Boyd Carpenter, Motueka^QnjS^TUßDJATjlStti January, 1879,'c0m-' Mr of variety the immense enumerating ;As:;space will not admit pf; cases Fry's and Taylor/s Chocolate & Cocoa Residence areas,Local Land Officers, &c—Further i 30 Key".. (qr. Everard took part. .The mencing.af.Two o'clock'.', .'.,. 10 „ Tulloch's Cocoa and Chocolate consideration of letter No."703, of the Bth November, andyt^he i will of on this occasion Selling ','desiro.us Persons denounced the theatre 50 „ Bell and, Blaok's Plaid and ,250 1878, from the Under Secretary for' Goldfieldsi last-named gentleman ! furnish particular* early; i Lil A |■ ;: Vegtas;i ;'; relative to the granting ofresidence areas by Wardens in strong terms, and said that either:it must please ; 20 kegs Linseed Meal \ "' ' on land appliedfor on lease "under theLand'Aot,and be given up or Christ must be lost. The il{- '■■■■■ THE 300 cases Colman's Mustard^ Blue and White also relative' to the appointment of local Land Bishop of Manchester, who was 11\OK SALECHEAP—The GOODWILL ! received^ Officers, under-the Lond Act.—Resolved, That, in j 'JL of tine LEASE of those 'First-classi Business Starob,and Light and Dark Blue the, siid from applause,., loiid that Premises knowni as the' Junction BToitrc, at present 20 barrels Crushed Loaf Sugar the opinion of the Board, it is not desirable to estab- with in; dis-which the subject had been lish looal districts or to appoint local officera under manner150casks and Cases Currants occupied' by |Mr J, Mxebs. !In addition--to the the Land' Act, within the Nelson Provincial land cusßed generally that morning, their Chris- House and Shopi there'is a [large Store Room, a Two30 kegs Rape, Hemp, and Canary Sepd .:"<"■<"■"".: 10 oases Oakey's Wellington Knife Polish district.*'* -''"' '"■' ■;■■■"■";■'■"";;■■"■■ tianity aeemed to him to' have become mfrre;' stalled ; Stable,1 :' and 'other ;useful 'Outbuildings, T-3- W and PRESENT to the PUBLIC part of SHOW for/convenience Reserve for Public Abbatoir, Reeftori.I —Resolved, human and more reasonable, and those were together witli about Ten Acres ofLand; divided into 10 „ Nixey's Black Lead OPPpSJTE the attheir PREMISES GOODS, That the block of'land south ofßeo'tiong'l33'and:l34j of FANCT: 5 „ Cleaver's Fancy Soap 'Two Paddocks, Both of which arq substantially enon which it only the conditions could.be put, square 131, excepting a small triangular piece*at the 20 „ Day and Martin's Paste Blacking blosed. "Bent Very low."* For particulars apply to world, power to the „ Bottle „ south-east corner of section 133,\odhtaining 1 acre; forwards, a working : ~r\ : ;i>-i si-!", I J.i-S. EDELBTEN, ! 5 casks l< 2 roods 33 perches,'be recommended to: be reserved' though he should'be the last to recommefrd 2292 ;'i Auctioneer. 100 case* Morton's Pickles and Anchovy Sauoa' . » V i 1 t m for a publio abbatoir, the area being about 16 acres, that"Christianity should take'forits standard' 4 ■ ■ t ■ 100 „ Lea and Perrin's Worcester Sauce and bounded on the: South by the overflow of the the etajndarpVof the world,; still Christianity.', 30 „ French Capors CO., PATTERSON & W. .i:-'J-JOi'.,«joSfiJ FOB ~.../'.'*","..,. OPENED THE... Inanerrthua river.'—Resolved, Tbattße 'owner/of sec-" 70 kegs Dried Apples and Tapioca the'ipiiurc.h pKe.no*,, recognise arid must the* i--»J *■;-."» tion 133, square 131,fallowed' to purchase under :i 20 i, Barry's Trinopberous AfOTIONBEES;: the of nature actual instincts with ! ; section 164 u6f; tile"'La( nd:';A:ct;*lß77r the Brnk\\' mena and 30 casks Paints;Varnish, and Putty ;s:HA^E AKp ti-iahgulai-'piece of land 'at th^^outh-'east corner of which it had to deal ; and, though be cduld 1 100cases Salad, Hair, and Castor Oil seibttoh 133, square 131; containing 1 acre 2 roods 33 not deny', in faithfulrießs'to the .Church,. r the jl.''. V'ALU'AjT'QrR|S/^ ' 30 „ Epps's and Van Houten's Cocoa "■■■'' peitchea, fo'rthe sum'offourpoufads/ '.AND ';].; j ■_'; 10 „ Tartaric Acid and Cream Tartar the depravity, of, human n&t^re, \ '.'"' pnnc.iple^of \ Public- 'Beserveflfi' Totari';Flat.—Resolved, That 20 ,-, Borwick's Baking Powder COMMISSION"; ;"'-: GENERAL:^ .rejoiced j lie to the mark Still believe that "of the license of the publio reserve," section 15, Tdt'ara' 40 „ Morton's and Champion's Vinegar TUESDAY, December 24th; and Flat, held by David Donald^ be renewed under the Divine image in which man was made15barrels Bleached Ginger andBaroelona Nuts SATfjRDAIj,; !cowDi(omm i^.'Towjs." UdTIQK''[SALE'S twelye " ■'till more deeply impressed upon human cw;a's' \\ 15 bags Large and Somali Peari Sago seetipn 149.of theLandt,.Act,1877j (Subject to ' " ; ■' " ' ■ ' ■ . ' " oSx me ■■' " "" wi) months'n<stic§,' at'aame're.ntj viz, £6 per annum.— ; ■ ; 10 cases Maccaroni and Vermicolli than the mark* of the beast.;; Ppx! the!, !- JLX. OB Countei. i (Teif <VEitT iO nattirer Resolved, That Mr David .Donald be allowed to 3O'keg3 Carbpnate goda and'Saltp'etr* had momenthis breath been almost taken 200, 122, BUtrenderihis'lease for section and square SALES in Town EVERY. SATURDAY of 100 boxes Eleme Raisins that aa occupation, license be granted to him for the |away by, that tremendout, utterance.of one' HORSES, CATTLE, PRODUCE,'and' " ,40 cases Brown and Poison's Corufloii^ i of the whosaid that speakers, previous lan,d, GlauseilO,. same : Appendix E., of' the .uader: >-aE-N-ERAL-MERCHANI>ISEr""'-" will find that I,1.""' 20 bags Black and White Whole Pepper -r^gjr^^p^^^^^^SiGIPT v Laud Act,, 1877,.f0r tho same land) at a rental of £3 either the 'theatre muat, be Abandoned 'or 300 casks Soda Crystals, and Sulphur ,\,.:~ '■'-'■" « per acre. ■ ■. ■ ■ ■ Christ 'lost. 'He'could,'not for. a.rho.ment, ; W. PATTEKSOif & CO;y pie above days at2 oases Liquorice and Nutmegs they'^ah^ur'ctefe;5 "',;' Huntley and Palmer's Bisouiis ~|hat,BentimeQtv, In. his., ftpinion^ <! COBifBB .OFk &[ nWAIiMEA^v; S'IEEfiTS. endorse HaRDU -: ; than^half'theiustial^price.;: ". UPPER MOTUEKA ROAD BOARD. ;the stage.with us was *cry much ..wiiafc 'we3 cases Jordan Almonds !!i! 'v.X ',-i-il -I.!' ',U:i'->:ti\U :■<;, ":;,s ?,! ,f ; '-'''" ' .-.,; ■■■!■"■"■!■."■ j ~. 50 casks' Whiting ''" '; rriflE^BAM,. QK'^S&S'; >■,<-.;,.. db.i had l v lady 4.-;-,^'jk!»;i.!\,j .-/:;j told'a «:ui '^ni;-:-«i'v..i; ."..":.."..";.;..■■■ """ f; who had .s±""* "' I'Otjj.'j !;>.■-: iTHEtnt)bVe''Board' &!;i.; 1 > 40 cases Bath Bricks ■'"— '■■ ~f.,^-.,; fi m!et 'on Saturday' the '7th inaf.,, made ; 250 dmm» Storer's pi! XIK,X3APJTAL.:^^r ,.^..^ ■when all themembers swere present^., The muiutes..of written to-'himr on the' subject j'b'f an obje'c'^.' ,.^,,^,UNCfiEASE tiofiablejballet at a,, pantomime, tlial-if.Bhe' IQOOb&gaTme oalt. laslPriieetihg were readand confirmed.' ;\, 600 „ Coarse Sa'U 'Efeofvtfd, Lst&t{ Edgar BrotWrs'.be' ailowe^.tweJTe would, pi^f 7influen,ce', her .f/iends, and; per* -ISSUE OF 27i50t) ;i!IN:EW-SftAEES OF 40,cases Cove Oyster weeks from this dater .December' ytti, ,i'o ..complete ajuade them to influence all whom they could;: <Oommerce. ,JE£aii of JEIO EACH. t * " 20 kegs Arsenic and Blue Stone 'cont^a'ef'in tfie' *Hope, ya}ley,J'arid'. that,, the, iihfluence,-to'stay'awayfromrthe jjantbniiiid thcfir"' 2287 ( 10 casks Shell Almonds pana.lty.be enforced ifthe w.orkis'not'finished within Notice is that the TRANSFER hereby given «■ 'single ■> < 40 quarter-casks Champion's Nqs. 16, and 18 ib'afc'perio'dt'""''''s'" vls'' "l"' ; >'''* '" ~," y""-h", \f fpr^'dn* Vinegar ; '-' elvil.would be curedi- It .too p/ten bjappeneil BOOKS of the BANK will be CLOSED from the Resolved, That tenders,fee invited,'for'twentj'two andh <^||iftjS? QHAW,' SAVILL, chains of ditchlng.'|an^..formin|\',near:JitiQ'^i^giiiK> ithat, they,patronisedr t,he ye^y.,things which 25th to the 3Let December, both days inclusive > AS. O CO.'S PASSENGEKS' LINE t6wrisHip,'Tadm"o'r,!!Jand'for bu'sh'fetling' and blearing,;, iin ; itheirndnore; unctuous .and ■"professional! PRELIMINARY TO ALLOTMENT OF THE of PACKETS ; on road between Pahl'B.andßilej'i,, Sherry,^ >v,S<"',"/' Slates they SHADES then on the bbt^«n LONDON( PRELIMINARY NOTICE : 10,00020 Counteßs thjeyhad Proprietors moods condemned. What NEW the amongst t ta1 and NEW ZEALAND. {Resolved, That £l! extra be'allowed'for" ditching iglgMU barrels iTar and Pitoh OF THK dekl*;witH-first';was ;th at cross road at W. Fennemore's to^Dqredale line.',.;"■' Register. .Share 10 cases Chimney-pieces and Scythe Stones D. L. MURDOCH, TH&> undersigned agents for the above line of 'SALE BY AUCTION in the opinion of this Board, Mr- on5 'thisrffiatftieiY ~''jThe,.].j|ieart;','o. |jieart;','ofIl,so^vQtyV!TO? Resblved/Thai;, ::.. 4 casks Fry Pans and Soythes j General Manager. Hopgood should be compelled to take, "people aoroay riotjoi^nd.oh the question. They, badsnof dhips, are authorized to' ARRANGE WITH op A EOBTIOIfQ]? THB 8 cases Brushware the river near' his house free of, charge, acieordibg to rjighcutoi icondemn. .or."declaim ■agairistHhe Iron Boilers '",'" RECLAIMED LAND IN THE CITI : 20 the t^rmß of his lic'en'sei. "' Note—.Th» New Issue will be allotted as near as ,' ',*,., , ..." 20 coils Wire Rope, -' Resolved, That' an offer by 'Mr Bromell,"to, keep t,heatre until -they had 'by; spme;:defihit'el^act may! be m the proportion of three new to eight old BRITAIN TO THIS COLONY,and whoare,pre. ,(' 'n P WELLINGTON 'VJL 100 Camp Ovens ■_-__ the river crossings in good; order for £s.a,,l^ear,be of'their own tried ta a|hend it.; The 'disease, ehaies Holder; of less than three shares will pared either to pay the passage, money at.once, or to Collins' Picks and Sharp's 250 oases Axes receive " ''"'y^' ,' .',, j,that: had' been bo loudly complained, oi^! that declined at present. !"' "*"" 100 kegs Ewbank's Patent Wrought Nails J. DUNCAN has received inEesolved,.Thati Mr Lindsay be.re-appointedlyalqer mprningt was.mot/ functional,, but- organici no allotment. Amount duo on each letter of Brads and Nails Slating „ 100 Floor -J-*~ stractions irom the Hon. the Minister of| will he payable in one sum on. 31st March, N EDWARDS uiL_i_u & CO. 'Lands, Rating''Apt,.lß76., './;" '" "," ( '. '._ ~ urider:the women could doa-great deal of the work f 150 „ French Wire Nails to Sell by Public Auction, on TUESDAY, Resolved, That the nest' meeting be held. on The ,~but 1879 Shareholders the and may prcpav amount, 30 tins Walker's Horse Shoe Nails Jatiiafy '4th,"1879, at 10 a.m. .' " .'', X'"'., ',','. (', n|eeded. ;If mothers"would not allow'-iri'th'eir1 the sum «o payed will, until the 3 let March', 1879, /^kKIJSNT LINE OF STEAMSHIPS, for 4ljU'Fbbbuabt, 1879, at his Sale Rooms, Panamacases Braby's Galvanised Plain and Cor* 100 streetdfc&lrablp hiomes'anypne,^^ The fdiowin£»'is the month's' expenditure :— inpom^pf boar interest at the rate of 6 per cent per aan,um 'Canal.—The follow\J "LONDON,18 ma the Suezbuilt rugated Iron f and fitted ex- THE UNDERMENTIONED ALLOTMENTS "..■";!ie1:.«.""ci;';"."/ fprtune, aa'-rnatches'."'.for'.iheirr/daugHfcers, ing lull-powered Steamships, kegs Shot 30 Am kland, December 6, 1878 \ 2366 pressly !V"Motupik'o:Sub-dirißi6n '? "... p; 127,15' 6 '.. .*hom'they knew to be men of corrupt lives-; Passengers on lon£ ooean 0F FREfiHO LD LAND, 100 kegs Hall's Blasting Powder torv Carrying ;;;* 'Wit'.' 0 r Tadmor .~, „ each of about 4000 tons register, and if 10 cases Curtis and Harvey's Sporting Powde ydung;:women -wduld -hbt* allpW;;fast :aud To the' Electors of the City or royages, are l!Stanloy'; Brook",'^ " 111, V..",;! 23,.17.".,6 '!'.',. IV., V , and VII. tpake the passage in about 40 days They are fitted Ju Blocks numbered 1., 11., 6 bales Grocers' Paper Bags ■fashipnablemen'to'Bay'to^tbem^ (i *,tt/steam heating apparatus on the most approved oq Land) "'"*"" L-G-eneral'expenses ', ~, ~v". ..I4i".'.p.'.. i .""■'■ ''wdiild'hardl^'idare'tid"s.aly to a'vvip.maja ,of!'i'hei, N^LfeON. y ' cases Iron Bedsteads c pi(m of Eeolftltned 30 pnnciple, and are thoroughly Tentuatea lor tbe 15 hhds Toilet Sets, Tumblers, and China in the .— would/isujrrqun^'^th.emselv'es. tropics. They will be dispatched a» below ':■ l_tjovvji-jjiF^they 500 bars and bundles BBH Iron C) IT V O F witb.;oftyfance ".'VPath/LW.hich.:modesty 'could« ,ri ENTLBMEN.—I beg to offer'myself qb LING TO N. 4th and 200 bundles! Hoop Iron: January, leaves WJE_L ACONCAGUA, in coming Vacancy a CANDID ATE'for the always surround itself, a powerful influence^ I VTGeneral 20tons.No.l Pig Iron THE*SEA SERPENT OJNCE „ MOBErV and Nelson, Assembly the for the City of to of ; .Sale held by order of the February; LbOTA^lffiWjS:? sth and 7 hhds Tinned. Hollo ware O':i- i<-{< ,i'i>-y<"i -■■■! ii-''.'ibii.-!-i n-jft'il iua ic'r;-.-;. >'.. 'in itsl^^ your » support. solicit vew Ze"ad> in P"iuanc. of Beot»n 21 of the ) ' > i 1000 Sash-iweights earnest in to'further i. "Melbourne l'4th'February KELSON LAND BOARD. A jfadfrnio- of the above Board was. held pnTtiursday; DecembW 12th. " Present—Commissioners " ' ; . " ' : < . ":' . ' ;ILANIf : ! ■ ;■ , ', ■■ , : ' .. " x s ,; ' .. . ' ""■ ". ' ; ;;: : : ' ■"" |December;;2lst; ; ; ' : , : ' less ■ ' ) ! , , "■■ ■" ' ■,- :; ""■■"" ■. '■ ""' ""' ' . ' ," _ : , ■ ,. : f -. ~ . ,. .. '^ ~ , ■ " "' ' , * ', Government ' uHAHP^AUK ■ , ' -■ - ~ . ' ' "■ "■:- ,; TiXSCrr^XSw^t . \r"'B. ' '' ~; . ..' v ,' ' . '" ' 'l' '' ■ ■ TlCKiis \ . , ' , Fabks—^irstf » ..: .. .. , < i!S^P?^rs^i^nrSw ■■ "" .. , [.■".'■!.i-:>j« - ~ . ;:;v ?:' SATURDAY, IjeceinDer^Btk"'' . ' . , ,, ' I } AGENTS. .. ■ ■ * !^:r "I I ooMit4 / " AWtmai/ abbufc^h'is "time vof "He^eixjil [! mfght,b|,i)ro^ght,^ land^be,did.not,think.the ' ; '.an&'twill 'iirleriprmou^TOCK "■" , ' w ,. ■ ' ' , ,■ " :sJpttlki s f W- %si-'&i Pt s, week^'h^tho^Ut'''^^'th^.'- however! W.Jr ' : BROKERS,; 's|i|Bifi|^ ,' .-:v ! v. ' '" " :.. ■ ■'" v J .. ■ , ■ ■ , ': ' '"' " ' ■ ■ . !! _'; : , '' siderable '' ' " , MOBSTER ■ "'" ■ INEXHAUSTIBLE LUCKY BAG, . < ' BAZAAR. JUVENILES^ , ■ r M ' Summer CLOTHING/ DEAPERT £250 Gift ' '' " MESSES s ■ ■ Ohcer ' Arrived, ■ EDWIN FQX, Honslcr I ann Bazaar! " : . ; ." :. ' v Just " ' ■: -''"'l&ViriVi^ . .- ' deoir* to be { i i ji (i i 1 Yorkshire Grindstones i i i linanoial Arrangements Aot, 1878. of Nelson with the Main(Crunk Kailtheabe the connection 60 to 75 guineos; Second, writejs,s||ie,,^ondpni Daily fWelegrdph 'of Sep- 'c|f.f'pciety j SalooD, s 1 J.5cases Register Grates and Fire Irons of the Middle Island is my chief objeot in seeking i 'saloon, 35 guineas,'Third Class (enolosod cabins), 20 way Knife Machines I,ithographed Plans are now ready for distribution, ( tember 6, our. old .'friendsthfel flea'''aefrient^ nvfouldteyerbeipurified till society 'was'- cSle- a seat; but I. will, beforeithe election, submit my 2 to 22 guineas, Opeij (bar(hs tor pen only, £16 and can be had at the office of this paper. !■ 10 „■ Muppin's and Williams's Cutlery ta^4>iift©,,BU)re imad».hiß^ppeftr«tice.^(Pbßrew views on the principal'political Questionot><the! day Canal dues 8a in addition |Tne Plans will contain the fullest particulars—i 60 bundles Lyndon's and Parkes' Spades <" can be no doubt about the fact, for in the, for your approval i. << m | Passages from London ca4n be'grahtcd in Sydney, giving tho number of sections, with tbeir area in 1.1 16bales Paporhangings and Wrapping Papei ELOQUENCE DOCK. IN THE fir§t' jil^eibe^wafe^ii'i^^Mliriay " In denial ofs the itruth of; a rumor<of my being( iLondon, ! to F. poles and tenths; also, the frpntage, in feet And :;(& i For furtherf-particulaw, apply., m 4 cases Ridging, [aboofcto vvisit 'Eriglendji/I .tnayjisay^thatil hive no; Green and Co., a,nd Anderson, Anderson, aud,Co, J tenths. ; 9 cases Twine and Brushware >oier^'goic(dj .oIS-^w.ji.op^ < ) '■ >. -ititentjori jO4f!'ilearingf.'Nblsonißhdil'.pledgls" my*elf>/no't' 'Managers of tbe Orient, Steam Navigatipn Company t ( | ! 300 casks Pyramid and Burham Brick Cement 7 pM^RPldaL^oupdJiira^be:'was^ which has the:-pre*entiParhament, do so , ; during rJbe£e^b^r.^^4V(jaya< ttieV^^M^):iir.be'foriß^.iiis-j Agents, .t0 Section will,be pegged and numbertd before 200,000 Eley's; Gun Caps (Limjtod) i and to tbe J i i theEach )'u ;".'..tnoa « '>:n vioiu-:<Ai( loDg-r-and,iQithe,(neit-place^he-was follb^ed l.^"twoiyearsto ranj'il ,-, N. EDWARDS & CO,. day of sale. ; I «-i 80 bo*es Tin Plates t^, t --i ■)) »i ..'hup for a; short didtanc^'do'd^edi ''m'ffa^t'tiy.1 i Honorr JudgecJOope;? George '-ff etheringfcoiv,'! -;■':■;? .ii.v,;Yourßittithfully'y<;nr,sf.'tM Nelson. >< I 30« rolls Sheet Lead .d}ia»M&tmii.aliq.*i Standishj. p lead&d^'^iiilt :; j r * DJ.-i;!>i)(.:»£AOTOM.-4iDa!MB/"r....,,■ .y;..; i t -t\,,Y. Bl°pk erij, aaid; Beißh'^^e^^uc-;. ■s to* j 100 boxes Clothes Pegs vi^i AND ORIENTAL~~STEIm; £ °°ntttlnß "e°tlOnS threea;chargeß ■of ■horseistealin'g'i"' 'Wheif - ,' Nelson, November 30,1878. .J:«iv '>-.>i\h<" -£24.9< PENINSULAR ■''r TbiB ./ iftß^V;par^|ivfe, coiaW'! 'Brough'^tfp L 15 cases, AmericanBrooms cess|ye];v3aiyß. i Axe Handles COMPANY. NAVIGATION jtt* ,% fo'r 'aßke|l';/in"'\t^" " " | ! :■Beriten^e'',in^" ; 5 cases Blaok and Red Ink and frQm Pariß,; ]^[;;Baet?manni fiadisfcia^uißbedc he^afl^tjp^y^fgrjhTmse^l^ 3iO .THE, ELEC;TO,RSii; 9F wKa^ ; 20 kegs Lead Washers, and Screws 0$ » y literary, mantand ar joiiifnaliat''fa'tiohrisfaariia-;;NOTICE. ' x J r^tn,ip^ed th^,Courb,of.tlie prfiviousicon-r. ■' v',';U:: *."■,!» "i«/ 'I 10 bales Cotton Waste and Horse Hair .'*■. »."* -KJ !.; ,";«>"" < ---having sent thither1 a comtnunicatioii 'wh'icU' ihe " i"!!vjL ,', 9 ; v;icfc).onsi)tbab;iiadi been-provedi againSi?" him;f have been made by 80 bundles Galvanised Iron Baskets andTubs j which SPECIAL in tho MAID Galvanised and Black ~ giVes*:full^p^ti^rs...,;Tlie'L;sbner;^ |< j rCABJNS bundles Iron 100( of the senfienees: he 'Kad'updet'gb'pd/1 *JHe' 42 , monster'sreappearance was off, Aajesundj on, audTotal >'■- -■■; vPiping STEAMERS from MELBOURNE to POINT DF< -i '■'(>■'" aesure^d, hi'^ Hono"r|liat-K^''lia''d' ,VX nounced his intention of resigning his Sea'fc1 as' GALLE are reserved for PASSENGERS ; 40 cases Washington Wood Chairs the '.iNttftegi&tfiVcdftitj. and f from NEW ■ i pf^y()Mi? st'at,e'ji la.^faq rcloßMy:,' war /certajnj.fie^ Metabars inttheHouseof Represeotatire«' ZEALAND.^ (" t,, ~0^ > j These ,several Blocks of Land hare Frontage to 1100 boxes Chance's Glass i i i Han(l'j inemded; Mr,j^pachim. tA;n4er;sen,,i;Danish;; iintimat^ jf.hati;should.ho-do:so,)l'iptend: Passage Tickets can be i issued to all Ports m Waterloo Quay on the east, Lambton Quoy on the v 30 nests Amerioan Tubs QQ per ee,uti of .the- Ijbeg fqmyself Consul,at "' 'fqrmeriy member of' "wh^njhe^affirxned.that as a CANiOjlDATEjiorvißlectioniij' Europe, China, and Japan, touched atby the Com west by Whitmore street on the nortb, next to the 50 bundles American Buckets > th&i'ij ujpj) at Philadelphia, iop'!th&''fishery; '.meniwhd.w.ent.to'Pentridge^ftericomptetingl jhjs plaoo^ .W^ea^/the Vatapcy qccure, I shall, I pauy's Steamers. \ government Buildings, and by Waring Taylor street j 5; Avery's Weighing Machines their / fleoteoces",tefcubned'to'tlie the of (t^ust, addresßing south, haye you, qnd expjainRr.ou^^ii'Mr>Andepseh tiad 'party ,w'ere;dt; nyorie °d the near the Lion Foundry. 'apply to 1 For further information, Stourbridge Fire Brioks I i 2000 ' before, ,irig my Jhe'ri'/ibey ."sflal,] tti.e^^' . ' w (e£| were political pnqciples. 25>casksJjead'Piping and Zinc Valderefltf d;|!JoM N N. EDWABDB & CO., : i n djljf^akip'a'boiktv' >tb||lip having been mdust'iously circulated in Nelson j. ii i v v Terms of Payment and Condition* of Sale will be ;'|aciiCltfift/ipja'ce"> ,1 Jit I Agents. wh'eff;thri^ 200.cases; Devoe'sKerosene >r '.rpse.^o \jthc Viirr.;' -was demoralißing.,4jite;beiieyed tHat intend to permanently ( duly published. removing from Nelson he'was'rightj i lOiqr-tierces' Black Swan Tobacoo i id i 10 and^topk ,a deliberate in iSajji^g,!",that ,th^re is; nqt;a:moref(wicfcßd!> face of Wellington, I bog to assure you ihat.l/hare no such . n Drawing. Grand Prize cases Black Swan Tobacoo ~r. t ft ai and V pledge myself given not to do ao.'^but thut P Immediate possession will be intention, after the Sale. :'■■.;-.!.10 eases Amos'tLong-handled Shovels] 'spotupouthe ;knew earths"c/He >'it>t'btiethemy tomain as it now', hdmo'jshall is in Nelson. Andergepxan^.hig.iriendd ,eiamined:<fifcat' ;. ; 6 \, Safes 'i. i,., TICKETS, olf'icHb'e)r;iA6'hfij'dH^ ; i Your obedient Servant^ 2383 1 70 coils: TitleD.rect to the Crown. f Manillaand Au.cklando Rope leisure,,and were fable^to obaem it's ;Ihea& [birth-placevind M PITT, 'ALBERT I p^W'iof RICHMOND HILL MINING COMPANY 1 2 cases GalvanisedWire Netting :?;tru%:' Nelson, November 29, 1878.i 2291 ft howeve!l',"'waß)'the fault 6^'ihe"system^;npt'p|.'">-■ > 'i ■ A RT yNION^iBOFTHEPu^SFOB ■ > JX ENLARGING £$.^ARY;S CHURCH. "thef fpr, the;latter yv^jre (LIMITED.) J 'LEGAL HOLIDAYS. PORTABI<B ve^y flat;' MAfISHALfc A^D.SO^'S neck was considerably ( i Deing|Bo,,maijy jinpuenIceia £or..ie«ii(cat;; i] i 11 Several Most Valuable ART PRIZES, v I ;ther,e > EJNGrINES, tlie, ! ', ,t n iAiM9,t i , -^trjßiik^ ro^er,, an^d, t 1 t^.enj Pentridgeoandisoffewifofgobd;':- The'<miDiß-r; rnHE" i TirOTIOE—The GENERA L ANNTTATi | -1,;,.: 10 and 12 HORS^-POWBR ?i OFFICES of the undersigp'ed tvisty iro^reS'longiiand^iworthirda <ob>&> Jtersf;ofreligion did tbdirdutiea aperfiilic-1' 1.SOLICITORS wjll be CLOSED from the mfiStrojinj;dia*rneters' But there was no itiWne.' ot Boar FI Twenty«fi?e'of Sayings VE-'POUNDS, and will be held the Company m Bank Bum>"2 th day 9f December, 1878, tot the 7th Japuary, norjawr^re *iMfa UaW. "Ha^ing'-'Batisfifei1 i'fcory1 iifad&e¥, especially tlie"fcH¥ee"]?i!o{eßtani:. If NeUon, onFRIDAY, the 27th * f 3 TWO POUNDSUCASH,. '\' &B> Trafalgar street, 79, inclueive. o'clockin the Evening, themselves on all these points, the party id'4 s'* tJnejrej^lept,clergy^an/,?^"6. aa A-igood, ":,, 4'^»tSeven ', T.okef\may, be on , application had f' HENRY ADAMS, i Account! for the year, and tbe thp't^^^«hase]^aoinb<JMea)!uS7fci^' ma^,&wopld^ihaifihei!ost,be,tno^ ADA.M3,* EINQDON, fathers Garin (J and Mahoney; Messrs A- M To receive the ,„!, Printed and published for the Proprietor!, at"Txa " ; than the three; "uxtho vgave'<biit! a!i .I [for.jgppdi , , , ordmar/ Report of. theDirectow. ] tl xKavanagh, Catholic Schoolmaster " A. M'Gee, NelI ttl a ALBpE^P^I, jOoiONiai Printing Office,Waimea-itreetNiUoa, * [caß6ttl4tfcendttntje'.Al/ -MWBun'can'wai^aoinß" and ,r ;FELLi/&[AT.KINSC>N\ R oyal BonHotel; Hotel.. vi ut W-B.^armentor, H.D.JACKSON, jinou h>y Wxlluh Thobnxon Bons^ o( Oolliifir«oi« 1 i m,I A m rnjjipjQ, ;jealous bter, Jwith*'strongly. ;m6^Sa( « tßaljSHithf^r;gy|en(J^m|Qedi 2|07 2348 2598- i l pipwx jt mom* ~iiruii i mil oi i.ii SwrttMy. My a position " ! Jant:.b.b'derf; i il ! ! -. l 1 v ■ i twa^ ■ !the'.w'ater :thS neckband-' thev ■. " "'The. he^ nar-. '■ ., . ; {l , r t T^HE^CITY^ SELSONi. = j , ,, ■ . ~ ' AERANGEMENTS ,,, ... I "' ■ < » f n , '' ,, HAI^-A-CROWN. I ( „ ' totheW „* * "■ " . .. , . , ' " a ■ ' ■' .. _. < " > " ' , , ' , ■fc EBWARDS k CO : . - „ '. . { , " '' ; ; ; ' : ! ; v c „ ; , ' ""fIttPPLESfIN* #0 THE (JOioNIIKF, NELSON, THUESDAf,T)EGEMIEIt WAIMEA COUNTY COUNCIL. for every shilling to Wellington; lSfl." there tonished everyone, as it was placing part, to which I trust any one the native electors in so much better a who knowß ma trill no* attribute it. position than the Europeans, and in N«j ddubt many here present will re- was no one to collect the dog tax; for On Tuesday the Council met in the the coat of their very minute book Buildings, all the mem- they had to apply to the Government. Like a littlechild asking ita parent for bers being present, Mr Barnicoat in every penny, they must ask authority the chair. The minutes of last meeting, 6th March, 1378, being read and from Wellington for the most trifling outlay, though they had nominally an confirmed, . 19, .. . . i The Chaibmanread the requisition, income of thousands. -which had caused him to call the Mr Macmahon waa"conyineed the fact completely swauipiiig several of member that the result of the session of 1877 wag placing Sir GeorgeGrey and hia Government in office, and the feeling of the country then was to allow them to remain, in order that they alight have an opportunity of bringing forward those measures of reform which they and iheir supporters were always alluding to as essential to the good government and welfareof the people, and the progress and prosperity of the colony. The Opposition, if it may be so calleJ, at once saw the reaonableness of this, am 1, bowing to the opinion of the people, have do so and allow this extra electoral, alloweJ the Government to remain in privilege to about 5000 Natives this office for now more than a year, withReform Government threw up their out making the slightest effjrt to disBill, sacrificing these 70,000 Europ n« place them ; in faot, allowing them to settlers, who were for the- first timo to have everything.alraoit.their own way. have these electoral^ rights conferred la. addition to this, Sir George Grey upon them, and abandoningmanhood euf- took.advantage of the recess, almost.as rage, residenfal qualification, and every soon as Parliament was prorogued, an 1 other electoral reform that we heard sb visited all the principal towns an I much about during the recess. So centres of population, when he told much for thisReform Electoral Bill, and them of all the reform measures the so much for a Government who nacrij Government were about to bring forficed all their electoral reform princi- ward, the corruption ia the administraples because they conld not obtain tion of affaire, which would now be special advantages for one race of peo- put an end to ; the taxation which was ple to the detriment and disadvantage to be removed from the shoulders of the poor man, and saddled on the rich ; of another. THE CUSTOMS TARIFF AMENDMENT the franchise that was to be so we also heard a greatdeal about d urine liberal that every man should have a the recess. It was to equalize the tariff vote, and so enabled to take part in the ; in faot, manand give a free breakfast table1 to tbe affairs of bis country this poor man, tod everyone thought, Hers hood suffrage. Of course, upon is a measure of fioancial reform, which liberal reform policy Sir George the whole country with will lessen the burdens of, the laboring -Grey carried classes, and place them' on the right him, anj was received everywhere shoulders, but the Financial Statement with the greatest enthusiasm. It is and will be interesting to you showed that was not the case. The curious, to see how far this liberal policy financial reform was described as a' now, given effect to, and how far these tallow chandler's affair, with no broad was have been carried out. I will promises principle of finance about it. To be briefly to show you, but to sure it altered the mode of collection endeavor by removing various articles' from ad explain at the length I should wish valorem doty to fixed duties, and taking would trespass too long on your time. reform policy of the Governthe duty altogether from some minor The as brought down to Parliament, ment, articles, amongst which, I should not Elecforget to mention, are perambulators, was embodied in five Bills—The Amendment, toral, Customs Tariff man's child could poor get so that the a cheap ride. These changes appeared to Beer Tax, Joint Stcck Companies' us a more complicated manner of col- Tax, and Land Tax. Now, though lecting the revenue. Then it took a the Government had a large majority half penny off sugar, two pence off in the House, and were appartea, redaoed Australian wine to two ently supported by the country, they carry two out of these five shillings a gallon, allowed fencing wire could onlycontaining theirreform policy, in free, wool packs almost so. Does measures any one think thia is a poor man's and, those two very much altered tariff, and will take any burden from and. amended, not however, so muoh his shoulders ? Do any ofyou b tlieve by the action of the Opposition, by. that of their own frienda that you will get your tea and sugar and supporters, some of whom cheaper, but you may get cheaper Australian wine, wire fencing, wool were independent-minded enough to bales, and perambulators,, and the loss see through the miserable, half hearted to the revenue alone from the reduotion measures, and told the Government on tea and sugar is estimated at about they could not support them. The were even challenged to* £117,000, which sum will have to be Government, by requesting the made up by some means, or other. go to the country, them grant Governor to a disolutioo, removed from Then the duty is to ask the people what they thought imported grain and floor which and I thought was a great hardship upon of their measures, but they had not the tbe agriculturists. Though not a pro- courage. Now I will refer to' tha tectionist, I thought the farmers were Bills, and will take them in the order justly entitled to this small amount of in which I have named them. THE ELECTORAL BILL protection, when we consider that we are paying subsidies to the San was supposed to be a vast stride in Francisco steamers, to which every electoral reform, it was to give a vote farmer contributes his share, and the to every man resident two years in the fact that a ton of flour oan be produced colony, or resident six months in an there much cheaper than here, electoral district, and was to place to that the result will be that upon the roll, and do justice to about the market will be flooded with 70,000 illused persons, who at present American flour. We have already did not enjoy that privilege. The Bill beard of large orders having been as first introduced by the Government, sent there especially from Auck- contained nothing very objectionable, land, where tbe steamer calls. Di you but many thought, myself among the expect any advantage from this reduc- number, that a more simple form of tion, will any of us get our bread registration than we have at present cheaper? I think not. So I moved « would be an easier manner, and just as resolution to the effect that the duty on effective in placing every ooe who was flour and grain should be retained, but entitled to a vote upon the roll, and the resolution was lost. The duty of thus give them a voice in the governone shilling upon every hundred feet of ment of the country. However the timber is also taken off, which, I think, j Bill was allowed to proceed, but when will result in the importation of inferior it was in Committee the Premier and cheap timber to compete in our markets Native Minister introduced a clause to with our own; As I said before, I am no give the Maori an extra or dual vote, protectionist, but I am of opinion that that is, he should have a vote ai a ratethese two Colonial industries want a payer as well as a property holder, little help. however small his interest in the proTHE BEER TAX BILL perty might be—you must remember ia was, you all know, thrown out by the considering this proposition of the House, no one, doubted the ability of Government that the-Maoris have a the brewers to pay the tax,, but of special representation in Parliament, course it would have pressed heavily returning four members of their own upon them, and the greatargumentin its race to the .Lower House and^lwVt/p- the European electoral districts in the Northern Island. The Government having put on all the pressure in their power, managed to carry tbe clause through the House by a small majority, but the Legislative Council struck it out, thereby restoring the Bill to its original shape, aa introducedbythe Government themselves. The Government did not appear to like their Bill back in its original form, and used every effort to induce the Legislative Council to allow the clause to stand, and because they would not consent to adoption of the act meant more taxamembers together. Mr Dbnckeb, in moving the'reso- tion, and the Boards would not submit lution,' That this Council determines to be directed where the money should that the whole of the Counties Act be spent. Mr Wells was in favor of postpone■hall come into force, said that doubt had been expressed whether the ment, to receive suggestions, from the County Councils would form a fitting Boards. Two rates would be dissubstitute for the Provincial system. approved by their constituents. He Theborrowing powers had been feared, believed, however, that the time was and it was thought they might clash coming when the Boards must merge with, the Road Boards ; further taxa- in the Council. Mr Bird was satisfied* the people tion was also at first apprehended. are in favor of adjoinining the whole years passed, Two had and in other districts these evils had not appeared. act. The Council might have then The institution was accepted by the some influence with the Government, country at large, and it was time to whereas now they are treated with to move keep pace with other something like contempt. Mr Shephabd said, with reference places, which, by adopting the Act, had obtained control over their own to the remarks of Mr Wells as to rating, that it conld be very well arrangaffairs. Mr Bibd willingly seconded the ed. He could see no advantage in resolution. The whole Act should be delay. The Council clearly meant to brought into force. The people of the adopt the Act, so why not do so at County were waiting for it, and there once ? The Chairman urged the inconwas no dangerof not acting in harmony venience of repeated sittings at this with the Eoad Boards. Mr Macmahox and Mr "Wells de- time of the year, as an additional reasired to know more of the reasons son for adjournment. that influenced thosa in favor of the Mr Wells moved, and Mr Mac" mahon seconded, as an amendment to ;renolution. Mr Shephabd said he had been pre- Mr Dencker'a motion that the Counpared, as the lastelected member to lis- cil adjourn to Tuesday, 14th January, ten rather than to press his views on for further consideration of the questhose who had some experience, tion, which, on a division, was carried but as a statement of the advantages by the casting vote of the Chairman, anticipated was desired, he would say Messrs Wells, Macmabon, and the ■ few words. For one thing, it had Chairman voting for it, and Messrs beenfound that the main lines of road Dencker, Phillips, and Shephard in distant parts of the County could against, Mr Bird declining to vote. not be kept open by the Road Boards, and the Council, having allotted all MR. RICHMOND, M.H.R., AT its fund, could not help in the emerRICHMAND. gency. He instanced the road to the Buller by the Hope, which for several Mr Richmond addressed his constimonths last winter was impassable for tuents on Tuesday night last, at the dray traffic, and the longer Big Bush road, to which carters were compelled Agricultural Hall, about thirty being Mr Kelling having been in consequence to return, also became present. very bad, and here again no money voted to thechair, Mr Richmond said: was available for repairs. The first Gentlemen, Before commencing to duty to the inhabitants of the County tell you anything of our doings in the wri to keep the main roads open, session which has just closed, it is my otherwise all must suffer, and only duty to apologise for not asking you to by having the whole Act in force could meet me last year, my reason and exthat be secured. To prevent the abo- cuse for not doing so being, that lition of Provincial Governments being I was thoroughly knocked up and ill, injurious, the people must exercise after a long and severe session, and through their representatives all the when it was prorogued you were all in power granted for managing local the midst of harvest, so that I thought affairs. Many things dealt with by it would be but a poor compliment to other Councils were in respect ask you (o meet me when you were so to this County at the mercy of the busily engaged, and judging by the Colonial Secretary, or rather one of small attendance at meetings called by bis clerks. The bills introduced last other members, I think I was session proved that the same course right Nelson in not asking you to do so during was to be further pursued, and they that busy seaaon of the year. You had to decide between representative may say that the same reason holds government and official despotism. good this year, and indeed have seen The financial question ought to be a letter to that effect in Ione the easily arranged between their own papers ; that is quite true, andofI will Chairman and those of the Eoad that it is an inconvenient Boards, and then the mode of levying acknowledge time for some, but it is difficult to find responsirates could be settled. The more one. If I put off bility as to main roads and bridges ameetingconvenient you soon after the session as I must be assumed by the Council, but was compelled to do last the actual work could still be doneby unfortunately I find it has two bad results. In the Boards, tn whom funds could be year, place most of the important allotted in proportion to the wants of the first that matters have taken place during each case. He strongly deprecated the session have escaped our memories any *tcp likely to bring the Council or lost their and in the seoond interest, and Boards into collision, believing we are driven into the time of corn the work could by a friendly arrange- harveat, so that it is very difficult to ment be done as cheaply and somewhat what time in the year would be more for the general good. Local know government must be obtained, espoci-' most suitable to aofconstituency princifarmers. I have ally when the only alternative was to pally composed looked at what is done by members be under a clerk in Wellington, which representing districts similar to mine, ofall things was the most objection* and find that they call their meetings able. Mr Phillips saw no need of sepa- at this time of the year in preference to rate collectors or officers. Their only doing co later, and in a far more busy protection against the centralising and important time to farmers. There tendencies of the Government lay in was anotherjoircuinstance which made it adopting the whole act. He spoke of difficult for me t) bold the usual meetthe difficulties as to the dog tax, and ings at even a later time last year. confirmed Mr Shepbard's statement The managerof my sheep station, who had been some years with me in Marl-1 about the road to the Buller. The Chaibman advocated bringing borough, suddenly left, consequently the act into force. In the matter of entailing upon me a good deal of busicorrespondence as to important public ness, taking up nearly all my time, questions, they now had to confess and necessitating long absences from their helplessness. The slaughter- Nelson, so that my not meeting you houses required to be watched over by was entirely occasioned by the force local authorities; the pounds could of circumstances, and not from any favour, was that it wouldproduce about ------pointed to the Legislative Council— not be maintained without reference discourtesy or careleeaaeja on my £50,000 ft year, with little, or no ex- tbii new proposal, therefore, quite "■* " . — . . . as. . ' . SUPPLEMENT TO THI COLONIST, NELSOK, NEW ZEALAND, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1878 peuse iv collecting"" however it was" agricultural and ''pastoral" community 'deutly: dt'" Yatfwa'ys. 1 ahould strongly thought.not a fair financial proposal to the Scab Bill, which-is a "-very stringent jT6'c"oTntneti'd;rall-~RoadBoards who have STANDARD 7I?JJAS + tax one particular industry, that it waa measure, and will press hard, by fines the money placed to their credit, to alsp inquisitorial and difficult to work, and penalties, upon any sheep owner if get it paid as soon as possible through AWARDED PZIZE MEDALS that the tax was high, and .would .be his flock is unfortunately diseased, but ; the County Council, for if the vote Paris 48J8, severely felt, and the result would bb; the most severe clauses will not come [lapses this year, as some of them ■-■■: : -,-,-„_? AND. that ifc would eventually all fall; upon into operation in.the districts of .Nelson did last year, we have had an intimaSydney Exhibition, 1878.Tthe poorer class, who generally are the and Marlborough for some years, in tion from the Minister of Public largest consutnera, as was immediately order to give people ample time to clean Works, that the Government would shown by tbe brewers and publicans their flocks. This meets with the assent not again renew them. I have now raising'the price. The Bill was de- of those who have rough country, and told you all that I thought would infeated and the brewers, as the tax was difficulty in mustering, but others terest you, by glancing over the princilevied before the Bill passed, had their object who are more favorablysituated. pal measures of the Government, and money returned to them. However, ifc is impossible to pease all, expressing my opinion upon them, and and it was considered more merciful to alluding to the money votes for the JOINT STOCK COMPANIES TAX allow plenty of time to people to clean different districts, but if I should have "wa°, The chief objection to this Bill that the tax ouly fell upon Companies their flocks before they were subject to omitted and subject in which any of you are interested I shall be glad to belonging to tbe Colony, while Foreign heavy fines. PUBLIC WORKS POLICY. answer any questions you mar put to Companies, doing in some cases a mucb I will now allude to the Public me. larger business got off scot free, and so Mr Habknebs was not quite clear this that the thought, Go- Works policy. When the Minister unjust was vernment soon found that they could made his Statement, we from Nelson whether Mr Richmond had supported not carry the Bill, and they therefore could hardly believe we heard aright, the Beer Tax. Eor his own part he Royal Mixture! Challenge Mixture! wisely withdrew it. that it was the intention of the Go- thought itr'was a perfectly fair tax. The cry about " robbing a poor man of his vernment to leave Nelson and MarlStandard Mixture \ LAND TAX BILL borough out the railway scheme beer " was all bosh," as the poor man This is the last of the five Bills to altogether for of period Universal Mixture! never be to upon pay ought to called of five years, a which I alluded, as containing the Go- almost every other SOLD BY ALL STOREKEEPERS. the colony the tax. The brewers could well afford of parfc vernment policy. The Bill as you all being for excepting ourselves, to pay the trifle of three half pence a WHOLESALE AaENTS— know was carried, and is now law, not Otagoprovided and Canterbury getting the gallon, or, for the matter of that, sixN. EDWAKDS & CO., however as introduced by ihe Govern- largest share. The sum of £3,605,000 pence a gallon if it was necessary. Nelson. 1955 ment, but with considerable amend- was set Mr Malcolm : You stated that you to be expended on raildown ; NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. ments and modifications. Good reasonsH ways in this island, out of which Mr were not in favor of class legislation, were given, to my mind, why a tax\ Macandrew proposed to supported and Mr Curtis yet you spend in Otago NELSON AND POX HILL. should be put upon land which the j £1,890,000, just £184,000 more than amendment to the Education Bill. Can TIME Public Works policy had so much in- half of the sum TABLE FROM APRIL' 1, 1878, TILL put down for expendi- you say why theßomau Catholics shoiid creased in value that the owners who ture; FURTHER (NOTICE; have than other greater any privileges Canterbury Westland wereto .Despatch, Goods must be deinsure benefitted should contribute to the cost .get the, remainder,.and denomination? Nelson and Marlof the railway lines. That to my mind livered at tbe Goods Shed Hal? as Hotra, Ifr Richmond : The Catholics, in and Parcels riot one sixpence. Thenfor the borough Fifteen Minutes Befobb the 'deparhas always been a sound argument, and North Island Jarge sums were put down accordance with their religious princi- ture of tbe Trains. Both Goods and Parcels mutt ought to have been acted upon before, ; for PhkpAid ples cannot come under the present be to all Stations except Nelson; Richmond, railway construction through native for I certainly strongly object to dis- lands, on the proper not only had no surveyor system, and consequently about one- and Fox Hill. Consignment Notes, where tricts where hardly a sixpence of public ever been, but the native owners had eighth of the entire population are forms must be filled up by the Senders; money has been spent, and not a mile not given their consent for a line to debarred from participating in the 03 CO 00 00 <O t> \Q of railway made, in fact, in no way pass through their country. Upon State education, while at the same time t&&>dU3lblotD(D US «* participating in the Public Works _: this most glaring injustice, not they have to pay tbe rates. I§ .XO Ift «D CO CO policy being called on to pay the same seeing Mr Malcolm: Would you support 1A rH O only f.o ourselves but to such a large w amount of' taxation as the more portion the Hr1 l?l? 3Ti<lPir' i7l(2'°? the same for any other denomination? ' Island, of North the Nelson i-i r-i t-i r<; favoured parts of the colony, thereby members immediately tookaction in the Mr Richmond: I know of none, I i. ; assisting them to make additional matter, and religious ether whose scruples prevent endeavored by all the means length of lines. The Public Works in their power induce the Govern- them coming under theexisting system. Statement showed us that this was to mont to modifytotheir scheme, so as to I should "like tof see" an Act for the « be the case, as some favoured districts include every part of the colony. At colony as nearly similar to the Nelson had millions put down for railway exff)r-)O '. 1O IO CD CO CO the same time the Nelson people be- Act as it could be made. tension, while others had not a penny, came Mr Babkiooat alarmed, held meetings, and passed said that the Bill yet all were made to share alike in brought in by Mr Curtis was nearly a » fl taxation,we howeversucceeded in alter- resolutions, in addition to which two copy of the Osei3iHOTf-l_ .USIO able letters were published, from the Nelson Act, and he should o» OS ■« 100 grjl 1O «(rt ing this, as I shall show you presently. Bishop be very glad to see the present Act P jt»t»a)dbdbdooo'«)o> ofNelson and Mr Acton Adams, The Bill when first introduced contain- setting out our case and laying oar just amended in that direcion, not that he ed some objectionable features, and even claims before the Parlia- would support anything brought forGovernment, now does so, for instance, the lowest fl and the All country. very ward specially in favor of the Catholics. ment, this minimum for valuation was to be one Ifc was true that it so happened much of that strengthened the hands the pound.' Onlyfancy, valuing thousands members, so that after a. short skirmish they benefitted most by the Nelson Act| of acres in either Nelson or Marl- on the second reading of the Railway but he was entirely averse to legislat: ::gM: : I borough at such a minimum ; but that ing for one denomination more than M Construction to U Bill, Q which was ,6 put the was altered in Committee. Some of another. .;.--. the unfair provisions still remain proposals of the Government into law, No further questionbeing asked, which I should like to see amended; the Government saw that a determined ""■ Mr Babniooat proposed a vote of one being that tenants of the Crown stand was to be made, and that the thanks to 'sympathy of Mr Richmond for the the House was clear with are taxed, never mind how- un- Nelson they consented to place and frank exposition of his views, acts, io co eg co i-t to O certain their tenure is, The i Maoris £60,000and and principles, and for the services he on the Estimates for the ia >b ~ib to © <b <b m ,>b are entirely exempt, though possessing had as their member. They valuable properties both in town and extension' of the Eoxhill Rail- had rendered their confidence some given about him way, § ten miles .O 00 1> 00 «O fH »» beyond Bell ri country, which bring in large rentals. Grove, making time ago, and he saw no reason for altogether about 05 0 JOS oios 0 0 00 I£ you are a tenant of a Maori, you iH r-< f-t iH l-l withdrawing it, as he had faithfully have to pay, but if a Maori is a tenant, thirteen miles from the present ter- advocated their at a cost of interests. He was minus, about £65,000, of another, both landlord and tenant! sorry there were not more present, but are free, if you or a Maori are tenants' which sum has been voted. This is the that -g^+jSri'N « N « N N « « our could scarcely be expected at the result of united efforts, one link of a European,. the landlord pays.1 g m « more in our connection with the West present time of the year. However, he These are some of the unfair provisions Coast. lam glad to see in the papers hoped that the Press would give those amongst othersthat I should like,tosee that is every probability of the who were absent; the opportunity ot j there amended. The addition to the revenue perusing their representative's, address. S 2 from this, tax is in round numbers esti- tenders for the extension being coon Mr Habkness seconded the motion, for, called but »»?Sj ?.^ , nevertheless it would be £ mated at 100,000, but as it will only I s? 9 which to was unanimously carried. advisable still continue our watchbe in operation for six monthsbefore the r-l fH r-t -H rH Mr Richmond thanked them for end of the financial year, only half that fulness, and to use every endeavor to such an expression of their confidence. can be relied on in aid of revenue after have the worksrapidly proceeded with. He had no desire to -be egotistical, b t OTHER MEASUBES. deducting cost of collection which is he he might say he had done supposed to be about £10.000. Youallknow that thevotewhich we ob- all thought in his power, and had worked as tained for the Wairoa Bridge the session hard for them as any man.could have EDUC ATION BILL. -The next important Bill, though not a before last Has again passed, and after a done. He did not think that any one Government measure, "was introduced little. trouble we succeeded in getting of his constituents could say that he by,Mr Curtis, the, member for the Cityi tenders called for, which have since been had left a letter unanswered or an apof Nelson, to amend the Education Act accepted, arid I think it will be a goodi plication unattended to. Although not successful in carrying it substantial work, and a credit to the A vote of thanks to the Chairman « * * M # n tn |> he came out with the respectable micor- district; besides this vote for the 'Wai- closed the proceedings. Note.—Trans stop at Stations marked * by Siigity ofsix votes, which I think shows that roa Bridge of £4,899, there are other nal only. Passengers wishing to alight,must give votes for the Nelson district By which I, there is every hope of carrying it next an accident in the Nugget mine notice to the Gaardat the previous Station. PasValley Road £500, not at Skippers, in Otago, Thomas Cum^ sengers are requested not to enter orleare the Cars session, as it appears to be more clearly will read:—Rai in motion. Season and School.Tickets issued seen, the evident,injustice to one large including £300 required out pf vote mings was killed, and his mate was while to and from all Stations,at very low rates. Applj section of the community, who cannot last year; road, Nelson to, Taphouse j seriously wounded. to the Manager. r Passengers are: .requested to exavail themselyes'of our present system of and Tarndale, £1197; bridge over BulA lit*le boy named Arthur amine their Change and Tickets at the time of issue. Burns^ ler on main River, road from Nelson to attending colonial education, and also shows that the Christian Brothers Mistakeß cannot afterwards be recognised. ~^' Reefton, to :- W. STONE, £4000; Brook,! road Stanley Manager. a feeling is growing that it would be School, Dunedin, while playing with advisable to amend the present Act, so | £700; road from Motupiko to the a cartridge, managed by some means as to allow the,' Roman Catholics to iLyell by the Hope, £1400; Takaka to explode it, and two of his fingers SP^ROTJLE, Denti9*Jis prepared to establish their own schools under it, so roads, £1200; making altogether nearly were blown off. manufacture ARTtFICTATi TEETH at lam in hopes Mr, Curtis will."be suc- i £14,000. In addition to these thereI The Otago Daily Times states that following xow PEICEB, for ONE MONTH ONLY tb'^ :^» A Cdmpibte Set, from : :.'./£lO 0 0 cessful in carrying his amendment next jhas been a ,sum of £29,000 voted for the Government have arranged with ; .' ■ ASINCttiE ; TOOTH .:...!..; and bridges on that part of the Mr Coster, Chairman of the New Zea10 0 session.' Iroads Stopping. Teeth, ;ss. eaoh. Extracting, 28.,6d. each. West Coast included iv the Nelson land Shipping Company, despatch to None, SHELP BILL. but.the .hest. materials used, and all work district, principally in the" Ahaura, a steamer from London to this Colony ': " ; .'"".'"'"," guarantied. : There"' .were the usual number of Nelson Creek and Buller "] Valley, January, so in ? 3Q19 to call at several ports, --_IJ_'—LLIJ-' -TBAIAtSaAE-STBEET; Nelson.' other, Bills, of more or less import- you '■-'-:"■ .-:■ '-.:'" ■"■: ■. ■' ■:■'■' 1 are a little public with 600 immigrants, getting see>e mainly agriculance, one especially interesting to an money spent in our indepeii- tural laborers. at The dpk>nist' N^jfon. ■ *, ■ BAOEif . Exhibition, ' ' , , ~- - TO . : to _ . ® < -^ ■ . : 5 9 I'll ill _ : (N ~,, ° . 11111 I I I I . . '' : ME . -. -'-""■ -- "'■ " >VOffii e^ .