Overview 2005 - Banque Populaire Group
Cooperation and enterprise BANQUE POPULAIRE GROUP Overview March 2005 Robust financial and social B anque Populaire Group is one of France’s largest retail banking networks with 6,600,000 clients and almost 2,700 branches. It now has some first-class positions in all its client groups – personal, small business, corporate and institutional clients – as a result of rapid business development achieved through steady organic growth and targeted acquisitions. As a cooperative organization built on strong shared values, the Group strives for a harmonious balance between robust financial performance and concern for the collective interest. Results up sharply across all parts of PROFILE 22 Banque Populaire Banks + 8% 7,066 + 15% é7,640 é1,174 1,022 5,748 94 mutual guarantee companies 650 2,770,000 member-stakeholders 6,600,000 clients 44,509 employees 2002 2003 2004 EARNINGS CAPACITY IN EUR MILLIONS + 10% é 13.6 2002 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 2003 IN EUR MILLIONS 116 international offices 2 2002 NET BANKING INCOME 2,692 branches in France (Natexis Banques Populaires and Coface) 2004 15.7 2003 17.2 8.2% 2004 2002 8.9% 9.1% 2003 2004 TOTAL REGULATORY CAPITAL TIER ONE RATIO IN EUR BILLIONS at December 31 at December 31 performance in 2004 Dedicated to serving the collective interest Banque Populaire Group at a glance: n n n 3,000 people hired in 2004 and 6,000 new jobs created in five years leading banker to business start-ups and main investor in SMEs provider of the broadest range of export support solutions available to the business community These positions, in areas of universal importance, are a tangible illustration of the Group’s ongoing commitment to economic and social development at both national and regional level. Its many sustainable development initiatives reflect the continuing and active nature of the cooperative values that underpin the Group’s actions on a daily basis. STRONG POSITIONS One SME in three and 80% of large companies are clients of the Group No. 1 in business start-up loans No. 1 provider of private equity capital the Group for SMEs + 6% + 8% é 83.1 89.5 94.8 90.1 é97.4 No. 1 in employee savings No. 1 lender to the franchise sector 77.1 No. 1 distributor of micro-loans No. 1 in solidarity-based savings No. 1 in business information 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 CUSTOMER DEPOSITS CUSTOMER SAVINGS IN EUR BILLIONS at December 31 IN EUR BILLIONS at December 31 No. 1 in payments made through the French interbank teleclearing system (SIT) No. 1 in acquisition financing (on number of LBOs) + 9% + 7% é 101.8 113.0 121.3 364 é398 No. 3 in credit insurance worldwide No. 3 in factoring 317 No. 4 lender to large and medium-sized companies No. 4 arranger of securitizations No. 4 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 distributor of mutual funds 2004 OUTSTANDING LOANS ASSETS IN CUSTODY IN EUR BILLIONS at December 31 IN EUR BILLIONS at December 31 3 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 Corporate governance choices Message from Philippe Dupont Chairman of Banque Populaire Group “ We can all be rightly proud of our financial performance. It shows that our business model reflects our strong underlying values and meets the needs of the people we serve. But in today’s fast-moving world, we must also remain flexible and ready to embrace change if we want to keep our position as benchmark financial partner to our clients. ” Banque Populaire Group, a three-dimensional organization The 20 Banque Populaire regional banks, CASDEN Banque Populaire and Crédit Coopératif The Banque Populaire banks are cooperative organizations. They are the Group’s parent companies and shareholders of Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires. They are autonomous, fully-fledged banks providing their customers with a local service and a full range of banking and insurance products and services. é COOPERATIVE DIMENSION Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires As the Banque Populaire Group’s central body and the holding company of Natexis Banques Populaires, Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires is responsible for overseeing, coordinating and leading all Group activities. é FEDERAL DIMENSION Natexis Banques Populaires Listed on the Paris Eurolist, Natexis Banques Populaires is the Group’s financing, investment banking and services bank. The 2002 acquisition of Coface has expanded the bank's service offering for corporate clients, as well as extending its international reach. é LISTED-COMPANY DIMENSION 4 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 “We achieved further growth in our results in 2004. Net banking income rose by 8% to €7.6 billion and gross operating income by 12% to €2.5 billion. Earnings capacity, the true measure of our after-tax profitability, reached a record €1.2 billion, an increase of 15%. Three factors underpin this success: the strong motivation and commitment of everyone in the Group, our balanced business mix and our continued focus on a strategy that reflects our fundamental values. We should all see this performance as an encouragement; encouragement to push on with the major structural projects we have been pursuing for the past few years. Encouragement to step up the commercial momentum that drives us forward. Our key strengths lie in the local, personalized service we offer our clients, our global approach to understanding a client’s needs, and our rich and innovative product offering.We will continue to foster our customer-oriented culture on a daily basis, which is what in large measure sets us apart.We will continue to pursue our profitable growth policy in 2005, driven first and foremost by strong organic growth momentum in France, coupled with targeted acquisitions should the opportunity arise. New challenges and milestones therefore lie ahead.With the confidence of our memberstakeholders, our robust results and financial structure, and the motivation of all our people,we have the strengths to achieve them.” Corporate governance reflect the Group’s values Board of Directors of Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires The Banque Populaire Group’s decisionmaking and representative body The Board of Directors of Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires, a joint stock company (société anonyme) governed by company law since May 31, 2001, is made up entirely of representatives of the Group, including nine Chairmen and six Chief Executive Officers of Banque Populaire banks. The Group’s main corporate governance structure The Board determines the strategy of the Banque Populaire Group as a whole, as well as for its component parts, and oversees its implementation. As such, the Board is responsible for strategic decisions concerning business development, profitability, asset protection, organizational issues, information systems and other matters. In keeping with the Group’s cooperative values and federal organization structure, Board members are elected by their peers for a three-year term. Onethird of Directors retire by rotation each year. Directors play an important role in Group life Directors devote one third of their time to Board matters, attending meetings of the Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires Board, the Boards of subsidiaries, the Audit and Group Risks Committee, the Accounts Committee and the Remunerations Committee. Board of Directors at January 1, 2005 n Chairman and Chief Executive Officer n n Vice-Chairmen René Clavaud,Chairman of Banque Populaire Centre Atlantique Claude Cordel,Chairman of Banque Populaire du Midi Richard Nalpas,Chief Executive Officer of Banque Populaire Toulouse-Pyrénées n Board Secretary Francis Thibaud,Chief Executive Officer of Banque Populaire du Sud-Ouest n n Non-voting Directors François Ladam,Chief Executive Officer of Natexis Banques Populaires Jean-Claude Detilleux,Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Coopératif Directors Christian Brevard,Deputy Vice Chairman of Banque Populaire d’Alsace Michel Castagné,Deputy Vice Chairman of Banque Populaire Occitane Jean Clochet,Chairman of Banque Populaire des Alpes Jean-François Comas,Comas, Chief Executive Officer of Banque Populaire Côte d’Azur Pierre Desvergnes,Chairman of CASDEN Banque Populaire Daniel Duquesne,Chief Executive Officer of Banque Populaire Loire et Lyonnais Stève Gentili,Chairman of BRED Banque Populaire Directors (cont.) Yvan de La Porte du Theil,Chief Executive Officer of Banque Populaire Val de France François Moutte, Chief Executive Officer of Banque Populaire des Pyrénées-Orientales, de l’Aude et de l’Ariège and of Banque Populaire du Midi Pierre Noblet,Vice-Chairman of Banque Populaire Rives de Paris Jean-Louis Tourret,Chairman of Banque Populaire Provençale et Corse Philippe Dupont,Chairman of the Banque Populaire Group n Members in a consultative capacity Michel Goudard,Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires Bruno Mettling,Deputy Chief Operating Officer of Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires n Attend Board meetings Olivier Haertig,Corporate Secretary Patrick Delaval,Work Council representative Pierre Ribuot,Work Council representative Bernard Jeannin was co-opted as Director to replace François Moutte at the Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires Board meeting held on January 19, 2005. His cooptation will be proposed for ratification at the annual general meeting held to approve the 2004 financial statements. 5 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 Cooperation and enterprise The Banque Populaire Group’s regional, national and international growth and development is rooted in a strong corporate identity underpinned by two key principles: cooperation, embodied in the Group’s member-stakeholders, and enterprise. The Group’s history at a glance March 13, 1917 The Banque Populaire banks, are founded as cooperative societies entirely owned by their member-stakeholders. June 20, 1921 Caisse Centrale des Banques Populaires is created to provide the banks with a central organization. May 23, 1929 A second central body is established, the Chambre Syndicale des Banques Populaires. More recent milestones... June 2, 1998 The Banque Populaire Group makes a friendly takeover bid for Natexis S.A., following which Caisse Centrale des Banques Populaires holds 53.2% of Natexis S.A. July 27, 1999 Natexis S.A. becomes Natexis Banques Populaires. December 23, 1999 Caisse Centrale des Banques Populaires becomes Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires. May 31, 2001 Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires is converted into a joint-stock company (société anonyme) and the Chambre Syndicale des Banques Populaires is wound up. August 2, 2002 Natexis Banques Populaires acquires a majority interest in Coface. January 30, 2003 Crédit Coopératif adopts the status of ‘société anonyme coopérative de banque populaire’. August 1, 2003 Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires takes over from Caisse Centrale du Crédit Coopératif as the central body of the Crédit Maritime Mutuel banks. 6 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 In today’s world of European enlargement and globalization, the Banque Populaire Group’s cooperative status is a valuable strategic asset and a true competitive advantage.The Group is built on respect for the personal life plan, preferences and choices of its clients and partners, all of whom have their own distinct requirements and objectives. In this way, it has fostered solid partnerships with its 2,770,000 member-stakeholders, who are both owners and clients of their bank. The Banque Populaire Group puts this cooperative spirit into practice on a daily basis. It encourages entrepreneurs, people who do, people who create, people who act. It supports them enthusiastically and energetically throughout their projects. Through the network of Banque Populaire banks, all founded by regional entrepreneurs fully committed to their economic and social environment,the Group develops a lasting and mutually profitable relationship with its clients and member-stakeholders in a climate of strong trust and confidence. With its highly professional workforce, supported by continuous training, and the breadth and depth of its banking, financial and insurance offering, the Group is able to meet the needs and expectations of a broad-based clientele of personal customers, tradespeople, independent retailers, farmers, business owners, banks and financial institutions. It supports and accompanies its clients over the long-term, both in France and – through Natexis Banques Populaires and Coface – a network of 116 international offices. Group organization structure Simplified financial organization chart(1) as of January 1, 2005 2,770,000 member-stakeholders 100% t SBE Bank 99,8% BICEC Bank in Cameroon 52,5% informatiqueBanque Populaire (i-BP) Group IT platform 20 Banque Populaires regional banks, Crédit Coopératif, CASDEN Banque Populaire 99.3% Crédit Maritime Mutuel t 100% Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires Affiliate 75.6%(2) t Natexis Banques Populaires CORPORATE AND INSTITUTIONAL BANKING AND MARKETS 100% Natexis Lease PRIVATE EQUITY AND WEALTH MANAGEMENT 100% Lease financing 100% 100% Asset Management and Insurance 100% 87.8% Natexis Bleichroeder Inc. Investment company (New York) Natexis Private Banking Luxembourg S.A. 100% 100% Banque Privée Saint Dominique Wealth management in France Natexis Assurances 100% Life, personal risk and non-life insurance International wealth management 100% 100% Natexis Asset Management 100% Natexis Interépargne 100% 94% Natexis Paiements 100% 100% Banking software IT facilities management Banking software Coface Ort Business information Slib Samic OKV Coface Credit insurance Credit management (Austria) Electronic banking 75.6% Viscontea Coface Credit insurance Guarantees Credit management (Italy) Banking, Financial and Technology Services 100% AK Coface Credit insurance Credit management (Germany) Employee savings Accounts keeping and marketing 100% Coface Scrl Business information Debt collection Fund management International network(3) (1) This organization chart only shows subsidiaries with over 100 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) as of December 31, 2004. (2) Including 2.2% held by the Alizé Levier corporate mutual fund. (3) See map of international network on page 23. Coface S.A. Credit insurance Credit management Private Equity Natexis Bleichroeder S.A. Investment company (Paris) Natexis Private Equity RECEIVABLES MANAGEMENT SERVICES Coface North America Credit insurance Credit management 99.7% Natexis Factorem Factoring Credit insurance 7 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 Expertise serving the Group’s Created at the outset by and for entrepreneurs, the Banque Populaire Group now provides both general and specialist banking services to meet the needs of each market in which it operates.To do this, it pulls together the specialized skills of its various component parts and covers the whole of France with an extensive branch network. This combined expertise makes the Group a leading player in areas as diverse as personal pension savings, credit insurance and factoring for corporate clients,employee savings, electronic payments, financing for the franchise sector and loans for small business startups and purchases. The Banque Populaire Group has built up leading positions in a number of areas by providing its clients with a local personalized service, drawing on its extensive branch network and ability to stay attuned to market needs. Strong growth in personal banking clients 5.9 million clients 9% penetration rate 45.9 billion in A leading position in small business banking No.1 on customer (1) satisfaction 26% market share in business bank cards outstanding customer loans I n a stable market, where increasingly few personal clients now have more than one bank, the Banque Populaire Group continues to attract new custom and retain the loyalty of its existing clients.According to a Sofres survey published in March 2004, the Group ranks second among French banks on the number of accounts opened in relation to the number closed, with a ratio of 2.5.The personal client base expanded significantly in 2004 to reach 5.9 million,pushing the Group’s penetration rate up to 9%. The average age of the personal client base is also falling year by year.The under-25s accounted for 20% of the total at end-2004. Furthermore, the Group has seen rapid growth in its online banking services, even while extending its geographical coverage by opening more 8 (1) Source: Ipsos 2004 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 branches in France. At end-2004, 816,000 personal clients used the Group’s online services eleven times a month on average and more than 25% of clients are now subscribers. The Group’s market share is increasing steadily in both savings and financing,where it has some flagship products such as the Aurore credit card, which now has about 180,000 holders. T he Banque Populaire Group is present across all segments of the small business market, including farmers, fishermen, retailers,tradespeople,the professions and business start-ups. It has a leading position in most of these areas in terms of overall satisfaction and performance.In the ‘CSA Pépites 2003-2004’ survey, the Group obtained top marks for customer satisfaction with its services. In 2004, a survey conducted jointly with the Fédération Française de la Franchise (French Franchise Federation) confirmed the Group’s leadership in this important segment of the retail industry. Its market share came to 26% among franchisees and 35% among franchisers.Similarly, the Group’s position in business start-ups and purchases has strengthened each year.In 2004, its share of business start-up loans rose from 28% to 32%. The Banque Populaire Group is also a frontrunner in electronic payments, with 218,000 cards issued representing 26% of the market, and 182,000 card contracts with small retailers and large retail chains. The Group is a front-rank player in factoring for very small businesses, with 15% growth in the number of contracts in 2004. Group business review clients €7,640 € 1,174 net banking income earnings capacity A first-class player in the corporate market 9.1 % Tier One ratio A comprehensive offering for institutional clients 34% penetration rate + 20% No.1 in solidaritybased savings growth in new financing n France, 34% of companies with 10 to 1,000 employees bank with the Banque Populaire Group. It ranks number two in lending to companies with sales of less than €15 million, and is banker to one SME in every three and substantially all the major French groups. The Banque Populaire Group is number one in employee savings and a major player in private equity. It owes its position as fourth largest lender to large and medium-sized companies in France largely to the breadth and depth of its product and service offering. The Group is also among the world leaders in credit insurance, number one in real estate lease financing, a frontrunner in equipment leasing and number four in company business cards for managers and executives. Similarly,in the highly competitive I factoring, business information and private equity markets, the Group has developed a comprehensive set of skills that give it leading positions in all these areas. Lastly, over the past few years, the Group has built up substantial expertise in leveraged and owner buyouts (LBOs and OBOs). T he Banque Populaire Group is stepping up its drive for growth in the institutional market,drawing on a very broad product offering. This market comprises institutional clients in the strictest sense of the term, that is insurance companies, mutual health funds and associations,together with the local public sector covering municipal, departmental,regional and intermunicipal authorities,their public or private law satellite organizations,and independent public bodies such as chambers of commerce. The Group provides a comprehensive range of banking products and services to all these segments, as well as asset management, insurance and employee savings products.The Group has traditionally held a strong position in this vast market,notably through Natexis Banques Populaires and BRED Banque Populaire. Crédit Coopératif is also a benchmark provider of banking services for players in the social economy, including cooperatives,business consortia and their members,mutual organizations, and other major public-interest associations. It works in close partnership with the various movements that bring them together and make up its Board of Directors. In 2004, Crédit Coopératif strengthened its involvement in the low-cost housing sector, notably in partnership with the Fédération Nationale des Coopératives HLM, the French national federation of low-cost housing cooperatives. 9 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 A long-term commitment The Banque Populaire Group’s commitment to sustainable development forms an integral part of its founding values. This commitment is reflected in both its internal management practices and its external operations. Hailed as ‘the friendly bank’ by the Journal du Management, the Banque Populaire Group has always worked hard to make a genuinely tangible commitment to sustainable development in all its areas of business. It is one of the few large French groups that is a net creator of jobs, while at the same time providing its employees with high quality career opportunities. In environmental protection, it has become a specialist in financing new energy sources. Its patronage and sponsor ship activities reflect its desire to espouse and support the enterprise spirit. (1) Source: Journal du Management Human resources: employment and skills Environment: a creative approach I A n line with its core values, the Group’s human resources policy focuses on employment and developing the skills and motivation of its staff. At end2004, the Group employed 44,509 people (full time equivalents), an increase of 3% on the previous year. For several years now,the Group has been a net job creator.It has planned for succession of the baby-boom generation now reaching retirement age and has a hiring program targeting wellqualified, predominantly young people.All new hires now have at least two years post-baccalaureate education and 51% have three years, while two thirds of employees hired in 2004 were under 30 years old.In return for this genuinely high-quality human resources development policy, all employees are expected to 10 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 maximize their employability by making full use of the various form of training available to them.The Group devotes a large budget to staff training, well in excess of the minimum legal requirement. In 2004, training was largely devoted to the prevention of money laundering. ll Group entities successfully put their creative talents to work when it comes to environmental issues.Through the Group’s partnership with ADEME (French agency for the environment and energy control) and local authorities,they take part in numerous projects and more particularly those designed to promote environmental protection and renewable energy sources. These partnerships extend beyond national boundaries. For example,Crédit Coopératif has an agreement with the Fondation Energies pour le Monde whereby it pays the Foundation €3 every time it issues an ‘Agir’ card, which is exactly like a traditional Visa card in all other respects, plus a further € 0.06 for every withdrawal subsequently made on the card at a cash machine, with no impact on the client’s account. The Foundation promotes renewable energy sources and helps bring electricity to the world’s most impoverished nations. The Group is a leading arranger and financer of wind farms through Energeco, a subsidiary of Natexis Lease, using its financing expertise to serve the environment. Sustainable development to society A MAJOR PLAYER IN THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Solidarity-based savings Ecology Through Crédit Coopératif, a major player in the social economy, the Banque Populaire Group has a leading position in solidaritybased savings, with 54% market share. Banque Populaire d’Alsace, with its strong commitment to environmental protection, has developed the CODEVAIR passbook account with the aim of financing ecology loans. In 2004, it collected €25 million. Unemployment and local development The Group is main partner to the Association pour le Droit à l’Initiative Economique, a network that assists and supports the long-term unemployed with their work projects. The Group provides micro-loans to finance their business start-ups. Global Pact In 2003, the Banque Populaire Group endorsed the UN Global Pact which contains ten key principles concerning human rights, working conditions and environmental protection. Sponsoring: combining expertise with a passion for sport Patronage: revealing young talent T T he Banque Populaire Group is one of the biggest sponsors of sailing, a sport that embodies its own values of tenacity, team spirit and tolerance. For the past fifteen years, the Group has sponsored an open 60foot trimaran that bears its name –Trimaran Banque Populaire – now skippered by Pascal Bidégorry, who competes in all multi-hull world championship events. In 2004, the Group embarked on the Figaro circuit with Figaro Bénéteau Banque Populaire, a single-hull boat skippered by Jeanne Grégoire. As official partner to the French Sailing Federation (Fédération Française deVoile),it also supports the sport at all levels throughout the country, from initiation right up to top-level competition and partnering the French Olympic team. The Banque Populaire regional banks also provide support for the regional leagues, departmental committees and local sailing clubs. Lastly,the Group became official partner to the Association Eric Tabarly in 2003, whose aim is to maintain the seaworthiness of the mythical fleet owned by Eric Tabarly, the world-famous French yachtsman and to perpetuate the history of yacht racing. In addition,the Banque Populaire Group provides a comprehensive range of financing and insurance products for all sailing enthusiasts. he Banque Populaire Group Foundation was set up to house the Group’s patronage activities.It is financed by all the Banque Populaire regional banks, Natexis Banques Populaires and Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires. The Foundation has three main areas of interest:music (support for budding young musicians and composers),solidarity (support for projects undertaken by young disabled people), and preservation of France’s aquatic and marine heritage (support for collective projects selected by a jury). In this latter field, which is the Foundation’s newest area of interest,recent projects financed include the restoration of fountains in the Morbihan department of Brittany,renovation of the lighthouse at Belle-Île off the southern coast of Brittany, and reconstruction of a steam boat that sailed on the river Seine at the end of the 19th century. The Foundation takes a longterm approach and will provide funding for a period of up to three years. 11 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 22 Banque Populaire banks A local, personalized relationship with clients True to their cooperative values, the Banque Populaire banks foster close, lasting relationships with their member-stakeholders and clients. They are key players in their regional economy. The Banque Populaire banks draw their strength from the spirit that inspired their creation by a group of men and women who wanted to take control over their own destiny.The Banque Populaire network now comprises 20 Banque Populaire regional banks, CASDEN Banque Populaire and Crédit Coopératif, all of which are cooperative organizations. As such, the clients of each Banque Populaire bank can become memberstakeholders provided they meet the criteria set out in the bank’s membership policy. At end-2004, the Banque Populaire banks were owned by more than 2,770,000 memberstakeholders embodying the cooperative spirit on a daily basis. Strong regional roots Initiatives As well as funding, the Banque Populaire banks organize many other events and initiatives to encourage cooperation and enterprise in their regions. These original ways of harnessing creative energy to serve the local community include Déclic Clubs dedicated to examining proposals for citizenship projects, regional initiative awards, summer schools, meetings for business start-ups, memberstakeholder councils and voluntary work awards. At the end of 2004, four Banque Populaire banks had launched 160 Déclic Clubs, which will fund almost 300 projects. Six Banque Populaire banks organize regional initiative awards and one Banque Populaire bank has staged voluntary work awards for three years running. Welcome sessions are also organized in the branches bringing together several hundred new Banque Populaire clients. Right from the outset, all the Banque Populaire banks have developed a strong regional focus. For them, being a regional bank goes much deeper than simply providing services in a particular geographical area. It means being fully involved in and committed to developing the regional economy and dedicated to serving the local community. Their 331 Directors, including 18 non-voting Directors but excluding Crédit Coopératif, whose directors are legal persons, include 176 business owners or senior executives, 28 tradespeople and independent retailers, 9 farmers and 27 self-employed professionals. All of them maintain close ties with local community and business organizations as well as local chambers of commerce, in many cases serving on their boards.Through their strong regional involvement, the Banque Populaire banks gain an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the local economy, helping them reconcile the interests of their member-stakeholders, clients, employees and local society and the economy. €4,967 € 838 million net banking income 12 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 million earnings capacity 65.8% cost/income ratio The Banque Populaire banks First-class players With the European Union increasingly becoming a community of regions,several Banque Populaire banks have merged to create major regional players. By joining forces, they not only strengthen their capital base but also enhance their ability to support clients, sharpen their regional focus and pave the way for market share gains. At the same time, their employees benefit from a wider range of career opportunities. Today’s new communications technologies provide an opportunity to redraw the maps and allocate resources more effectively, without ever losing sight of the overriding need to maintain close local relations between the bank and its member-stakeholders, clients and the many other players in the regional economy. This has been a growing trend for several years now, continuing in 2004 with the merger between Banque Populaire Nord de Paris and Banque Populaire BICS to create Banque Populaire Rives de Paris. Banks with a specific mission CASDEN Banque Populaire CASDEN Banque Populaire was created in the 1950s by a group of people united by a common interest and an original idea, namely providing banking services for members of the French national education system in a spirit of cooperation and solidarity. In 1974, CASDEN adopted the status of société anonyme coopérative de banque populaire, joining the ranks of the other Banque Populaire banks. The purpose of CASDEN Banque Populaire is to serve employees of the French national systems of education, research and culture. Cooperative status means that the bank’s capital lies in the hands of member-stakeholders who currently number more than a million. CASDEN Banque Populaire offers its memberstakeholders savings and lending products. It is also the preferred partner of the large mutual health funds that support the national education system, notably MGEN. A close relationship with their clients A local, personalized service forms the cornerstone of the Banque Populaire Group’s client relationships. It has highly skilled and motivated teams who strive to find the best solutions for each individual client as part of a global approach to their needs.The goal is not to get clients to sign up immediately for such or such a savings product or loan, but to gain an in-depth understanding of each client’s overall needs and expectations from a long-term perspective. Each year, the Banque Populaire Group expands its branch network with the aim of continuously improving this personal service. In 2004, a net 86 new branches were added, bringing the total to 2,692 at the year end. Crédit Coopératif Crédit Coopératif occupies a unique position in the French banking arena, providing banking services for its member-stakeholders and for all players involved in the social and humanitarian economy, including cooperatives, associations, mutual organizations, SMEs and business consortia in a broad array of sectors. Its range of ethical and humanitarian investment products are also attracting an increasing number of personal banking clients. Following a decision taken in 2002, Crédit Coopératif – which like CASDEN Banque Populaire operates on a national scale – joined the Banque Populaire Group in 2003. It has taken on the status of société anonyme coopérative de banque populaire and has become one of the Group’s parent companies, with a specific national agenda geared to the social and humanitarian economy. Like the other Banque Populaire banks, Crédit Coopératif is committed to cooperative values and is guided by principles of long-term mutual development. These principles are reflected in the bank’s day-to-day operations and corporate practices, with memberstakeholders being involved at all levels, from the Boards of the branches right up to the bank’s Board of Directors. Crédit Maritime Mutuel (affiliated to Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires) Crédit Maritime Mutuel was founded in the early 1900s by a group of fishermen with the aim of providing finance and support for the fishing and aquaculture industries in a spirit of cooperation and solidarity. With 900 employees and over 140 branches, it now plays a major role in the entire coastal economy, extending its expertise to tourism as well as fishing and aquaculture, and serving both business and personal clients. On October 19, 2004, the Board of Directors of Société Centrale du Crédit Maritime Mutuel, the central body, voted unanimously in favor of the Crédit Maritime Mutuel regional banks sharing the technical and operational resources of the Banque Populaire coastal regional banks, while retaining the legislative and regulatory framework currently governing Crédit Maritime Mutuel. 13 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 22 Banque Populaire banks (cont.) 12 5 17 5 2 9 17 14 20 3 4 10 8 6 1 18 13 19 5 5 Martinique 11 15 5 Guadeloupe French Guyana 5 5 Mayotte Réunion 7 16 15 Network of the Banque Populaire banks at January 1, 2005 1 BANQUE POPULAIRE DES ALPES End-2004 figures www.alpes.banquepopulaire.fr Jean Clochet Number of member-stakeholders 84,842 Regulatory capital € 467 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income € 220 m Alain Rogès Number of branches (1) 1,300 144 Net income € 36 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 2 BANQUE POPULAIRE D’ALSACE www.alsace.banquepopulaire.fr Thierry Cahn Number of member-stakeholders 59,603 Regulatory capital € 389 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income € 182 m Dominique Didon Number of branches (1) 1,414 97 Net income € 18 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 3 BANQUE POPULAIRE ATLANTIQUE www.atlantique.banquepopulaire.fr François Ferdinand Number of member-stakeholders 63,557 Regulatory capital (2) CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income (2) € 225 m Yves Gevin Number of branches CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 14 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 (1) 1,475 142 Net income (2) € 494 m € 31 m The Banque Populaire banks 4 BANQUE POPULAIRE BOURGOGNE FRANCHE-COMTÉ www.bpbfc.banquepopulaire.fr Jean-Philippe Girard Number of member-stakeholders 127,025 Regulatory capital € 580 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income € 297 m Bernard Jeannin Number of branches (1) 1,668 170 Net income € 48 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 5 BRED BANQUE POPULAIRE www.bred.banquepopulaire.fr Stève Gentili Number of member-stakeholders 102,761 Regulatory capital (2) € 1,002 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income (2) € 610 m Jean-Michel Laty Number of branches (1) 3,121 288 Net income (2) € 117 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 6 BANQUE POPULAIRE CENTRE ATLANTIQUE www.centreatlantique.banquepopulaire.fr René Clavaud Number of member-stakeholders 64,562 Regulatory capital € 257 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income € 139 m Gérard Guignat Number of branches (1) 944 98 Net income € 14 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 7 BANQUE POPULAIRE CÔTE D’AZUR www.cotedazur.banquepopulaire.fr Bernard Fleury Number of member-stakeholders 34,096 Regulatory capital € 198 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income € 145 m Jean-François Comas Number of branches (1) 949 86 Net income € 16 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 8 BANQUE POPULAIRE LOIRE ET LYONNAIS www.loirelyonnais.banquepopulaire.fr Hervé Genty Number of member-stakeholders 51,947 Regulatory capital € 360 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees (1) Net banking income € 188 m Daniel Duquesne Number of branches 1,157 88 Net income € 33 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 15 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 22 Banque Populaire banks (cont.) 9 BANQUE POPULAIRE LORRAINE CHAMPAGNE www.lorrainechampagne.banquepopulaire.fr Michel Hellenbrand Number of member-stakeholders 135,049 Regulatory capital € 592 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees (1) Net banking income € 272 m Jacques Hausler Number of branches 1,420 135 Net income € 31 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 10 BANQUE POPULAIRE DU MASSIF CENTRAL www.massifcentral.banquepopulaire.fr Philippe Hospital Number of member-stakeholders 50,036 Regulatory capital € 252 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees (1) Net banking income € 119 m Christian du Payrat Number of branches 843 84 Net income € 15 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 11 BANQUE POPULAIRE DU MIDI www.midi.banquepopulaire.fr Claude Cordel Number of member-stakeholders CHAIRMAN Number of employees François Moutte Number of branches (1) 41,198 601 60 Regulatory capital € 254 m Net banking income € 123 m Net income € 27 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 12 BANQUE POPULAIRE DU NORD www.nord.banquepopulaire.fr Jacques Beauguerlange Number of member-stakeholders CHAIRMAN Number of employees Yves Breu Number of branches (1) 54,353 1,039 81 Regulatory capital € 249 m Net banking income € 141 m Net income € 15 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 13 BANQUE POPULAIRE OCCITANE www.occitane.banquepopulaire.fr Jean-Paul Malrieu Number of member-stakeholders CHAIRMAN Number of employees (1) Alain Condaminas Number of branches CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 16 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 58,176 1,062 100 Regulatory capital € 305 m Net banking income € 163 m Net income € 28 m The Banque Populaire banks 14 BANQUE POPULAIRE DE L’OUEST www.ouest.banquepopulaire.fr Pierre Delourmel Number of member-stakeholders 56,477 Regulatory capital € 401 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income € 201 m Philippe Queuille Number of branches (1) 1,374 122 Net income € 24 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 15 BANQUE POPULAIRE PROVENÇALE ET CORSE www.provencecorse.banquepopulaire.fr Jean-Louis Tourret Number of member-stakeholders 33,668 Regulatory capital € 204 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees (1) Net banking income € 108 m François-Xavier de Fornel Number of branches 700 76 Net income € 16 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 16 BANQUE POPULAIRE DES PYRÉNÉES-ORIENTALES,DE L’AUDE ET DE L’ARIÈGE www.pyreneesaudeariege.banquepopulaire.fr Bernard Vergès Number of member-stakeholders 96,390 Regulatory capital € 259 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income € 148 m François Moutte Number of branches (1) 948 65 Net income € 27 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 17 BANQUE POPULAIRE RIVES DE PARIS www.rivesparis.banquepopulaire.fr Marc Jardin Number of member-stakeholders 278,646 Regulatory capital € 731 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income € 425 m Jean Criton Number of branches (1) 2,612 186 Net income € 53 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 18 BANQUE POPULAIRE DU SUD-OUEST www.sudouest.banquepopulaire.fr Jean-Louis d’Anglade Number of member-stakeholders 52,367 Regulatory capital € 216 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees (1) Net banking income € 134 m Francis Thibaud Number of branches 831 94 Net income € 21 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 17 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 The Banque Populaire banks 22 Banque Populaire banks (cont.) 19 BANQUE POPULAIRE TOULOUSE-PYRÉNÉES www.toulousepyrenees.banquepopulaire.fr Michel Doligé Number of member-stakeholders 68,546 Regulatory capital € 359 m CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income € 179 m Richard Nalpas Number of branches (1) 1,062 103 Net income € 29 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 20 BANQUE POPULAIRE VAL DE FRANCE www.bpvf.banquepopulaire.fr Jean-Pierre Tremblay Number of member-stakeholders 103,654 Regulatory capital (2) CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income (2) € 334 m Yvan de La Porte du Theil Number of branches (1) 2,111 193 € 804 m Net income (2) € 54 m CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER CASDEN BANQUE POPULAIRE www.casden.banquepopulaire.fr Pierre Desvergnes Number of member-stakeholders 1,015,669 Regulatory capital (2) CHAIRMAN Number of employees Net banking income (1) Number of branches 423 1 € 906 m (2) Net income (2) € 204 m € 46 m CRÉDIT COOPÉRATIF www.credit-cooperatif.coop Jean-Claude Detilleux Number of member-stakeholders 35,389 Regulatory capital (2) CHAIRMAN AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Number of employees Net banking income (1) Active employees (2) Consolidated data 18 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 Number of branches (1) 1,509 98 Net income (2) € 558 m (2) € 265 m € 31 m Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires The heart of the Group A bank with major responsibilities to promote the Group’s development. Philippe Dupont Michel Goudard Bruno Mettling Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Deputy Chief Executive Officer Deputy Chief Operating Officer The Group’s central body and holding company Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires operates as a fully-fledged bank and is jointly owned by all the Banque Populaire banks. As well as acting as the central body of the Banque Populaire Group, as required by French banking law, Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires provides treasury management services for the Banque Populaire banks and is the holding company of Natexis Banques Populaires, in which it owns a 75.6% stake. It is directly responsible for the strategic direction,coordination,supervision and management control of the entire Group. The Board of Directors of Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires is the Group’s decision-making body. It is made up of Directors of the Banque Populaire banks who are elected by their peers for a three-year term.One third of Directors retire by rotation each year. SUBSIDIARIES SBE Société de Banque et d'Expansion offers personal banking services through two distinct businesses: a network of 24 branches providing onsite services for large corporations and remote telephone and internet banking services. i-BP Placed under the overall responsibility of Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires, i-BP is devoted to federating the IT systems of all the Banque Populaire banks in order to build a system adapted to future distribution goals related to banking products and services. Federating growth Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires is responsible for devising projects and analyzing their overall feasibility before passing them on to other Group structures for implementation.Acting as a thoughtleader, it is involved in identifying and preparing all key strategic decisions affecting the Group’s future.Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires was behind the integration of Crédit Coopératif, it initiated the strategic decision to acquire Coface and promoted a cooperation agreement between Crédit Maritime Mutuel – a bank affiliated to Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires – and the Banque Populaire banks located in France’s coastal areas. Guarantor of the Group’s liquidity and capital adequacy Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires guarantees the liquidity and capital adequacy of the Banque Populaire network.The system functions by pooling the capital of all the banks in the network. If one of them is faced with a lack of liquidity or is undercapitalized, all the others will be called on to contribute capital,within the limit of their own resources. As a last resort, Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires will also provide capital from its own resources. 19 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 Natexis Banques Populaires The Group’s financing, investment banking and services bank First-class positions among major corporate and institutional clients. Philippe Dupont François Ladam Chairman Chief Executive Officer With more than 12,000 employees and a network of 150 offices worldwide, Natexis Banques Populaires, the Group’s listed vehicle, builds long-term domestic and international partnerships with its clientele of large and medium-sized companies, financial institutions and the Banque Populaire banks. Natexis Banques Populaires is a major player in the financing market, serving substantially all major French companies.Through its subsidiary Coface, it is one of the world’s leading providers of credit insurance and credit management services.At the same time, Natexis Banques Populaires is ranked among the leaders in private equity and financial engineering, and is one of the foremost brokerage firms.It also ranks among the top providers of high-tech services, as well as being a well-known and highly respected player in the bancassurance and asset management sectors and the leading employee savings plan manager in France. + 10% 2,455 é2,708 + 19% é + 54% é 851 407 716 1,793 265 347 108 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 NET BANKING INCOME GROSS OPERATING INCOME NET INCOME IN MILLIONS OF EUROS IN MILLIONS OF EUROS IN MILLIONS OF EUROS 2004 + 8% 69.9 68.7 68.4 72.5 2002 20 2003 2004 2002 80.8 é87.0 2003 7.2 % 2004 2002 8.1 % 8.2 % 2003 2004 AVERAGE OUTSTANDING LOANS MANAGED ASSETS TIER ONE RATIO IN BILLIONS OF EUROS IN BILLIONS OF EUROS at December 31 at December 31 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 Natexis Banques Populaires Corporate and Institutional Banking and Markets C orporate and Institutional Banking and Markets is the new core business created by Natexis Banques Populaires dedicated to corporate and institutional clients. In line with the bank’s guiding strategic principles, it has a customeroriented organization structure. Two Sales departments dedicated respectively to Corporate clients and Financial Institutions have been created to coordinate and assist the sales forces. No. 4 No. 2 No. 4 Global Relationship Managers and Senior Bankers work in close association with all other Natexis Banques Populaires’ business departments and notably – Corporate France, International, Commodities, Global Debt and Derivatives Markets, Equity Group and Mergers & Acquisitions – to provide solutions tailored to client needs. lender to large and medium-sized companies in France in the French real estate lease financing market SUBSIDIARIES n Natexis Coficiné n Natexis Lease n Natexis Algérie n Natexis Luxembourg S.A. n Natexis Moscow n Natexis Pramex International n Natexis Immo Développement n Natexis Commodity Markets n Natexis Bleichroeder S.A. (Paris) n Natexis Bleichroeder Inc. (New York) n Natexis Bleichroeder UK (London) n Natexis ABM Corp. n Natexis Arbitrage n Natexis Finance mandated lead arranger in LBO financing worldwide Private Equity and Wealth Management rivate Equity and Wealth Management comprises Natexis Private Equity, Banque Privée Saint Dominique and Natexis Private Banking Luxembourg S.A. P Natexis Private Equity provides financing at each stage of a company's development, from seed capital to mezzanine finance, bringing it to the point where it is ready to launch an IPO. It acquires minority or majority interests, generally in unlisted companies, which it holds for an average of five years. Banque Privée Saint Dominique, which specializes in private asset management,takes a customized approach to wealth management, combining diversified investment services with legal and tax advice. SUBSIDIARIES Private Equity n Natexis Private Equity, holding company of: - Spef Développement - Natexis Investissement - Epf Partners - Natexis Equity Management Natexis Private Banking Luxembourg S.A. specializes in international wealth management services. - Spef Venture - Ventech - Initiative & Finance - Natexis Industrie - Spef LBO - Euromezzanine - Natexis Private Equity International Private Banking No. 1 provider of private equity to small and medium-sized companies n Banque Privée Saint Dominique n Natexis Private Banking Luxembourg S.A. 21 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 Natexis Banques Populaires Natexis Banques Populaires (cont.) Services anking, Financial and Technology Services manages the back office processing operations carried out by Natexis Banques Populaires and the Banque Populaire regional banks, related to payments and stock market transactions. It also provides securities custody and processing services,and processing services for electronic banking and payment transactions. Asset Management and Insurance comprises three main areas: insurance, fund management and employee savings plans. It provides Banque Populaire Group B No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 clients with an extensive range of savings,investment and insurance products and services, together with a comprehensive skill-set tailored to the specific needs of each clientele,whether personal, small business, corporate or institutional. In 2004,the department reorganized its sales and marketing structure with a view to promoting a full array of products for small business and corporate customers,from employee savings plans through to group life insurance, personal risk insurance and service vouchers. employee savings manager in France issuer in the French interbank teleclearing system SUBSIDIARIES Banking, Financial and Technology Services n Natexis Paiements n LineBourse n Slib n Samic Asset Management and Insurance n Natexis Assurances n Natexis Asset Management n Natexis Asset Square n Natexis Axeltis Ltd n Natexis Interépargne n Natexis Epargne Entreprise n Natexis Intertitres n Natexis Asset Management Immobilier issuer of payment cards for small business customers in France Receivables Management eceivables Management comprises four business lines: credit insurance, factoring, business information and trade receivables management. Leveraging the resources and expertise provided by Coface and Natexis Factorem, it provides solutions to a need shared by all companies and financial institutions, namely managing, financing and protecting their business relationships with customers and suppliers.Natexis Banques Populaires is at the fore- R No. 1 No. 3 No. 3 22 front of these four businesses in France and across the globe. Coface offers companies a broad spectrum of trade receivables management solutions through its own network spanning 58 countries, and through its partners in the CreditAlliance network of banks and insurance companies. Natexis Factorem specializes in providing trade receivables management services through the Banque Populaire Group’s networks. in business information in France factor in France in credit insurance worldwide Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 SUBSIDIARIES n Coface S.A. - Coface SCRL - AK Coface (Germany) - Viscontea Coface (Italy) - OKV Coface (Austria) - Coface Ort - Coface North America n Natexis Factorem International network The Group’s international offices Natexis Banques Populaires Coface Joint network ALICANTE AMSTERDAM BARCELONA BERLIN BIELEFELD BIELLA BIRMINGHAM BONN BRATISLAVA BREDA BRUSSELS BUCHAREST BUDAPEST COLOGNE DUBLIN DÜSSELDORF ESCHBORN FRANKFURT FREDERIKSBERG HAMBURG HANOVER ISTANBUL KARLSRUHE KIEV LA CORUÑA LAMPERTHEIM LAUSANNE LINZ LISBON LJUBLJANA LONDON LOUVAIN-LA NEUVE LUXEMBOURG MADRID MAYENCE MILAN MONACO MOSCOW MUNICH NUREMBERG OSLO PRAGUE RIGA ROME SAINTPETERSBURG SAN SEBASTIAN SEVILLE SOFIA STOCKHOLM STUTTGART TALLINN VALENCIA WARSAW(1) VIENNA VILNIUS WATFORD ZAGREB ZURICH BALTIMORE BOGOTA BUENOS-AIRES CARACAS CHICAGO EAST WINDSOR FAIRFIELD GLENDALE GREENWICH GUAYAQUIL HOUSTON LIMA LOS ANGELES MEXICO MIAMI NEW HAVEN NEW YORK PANAMA PIERREFONDS QUITO SAN JOSE SANTIAGO SÃO PAULO DAKAR DOUALA(2) COTONOU LOME ORAN OUAGADOUGOU BEIJING HANOI HO CHI MINH BANGKOK ALMATY BANGALORE CITY HONG KONG JAKARTA KUALA LUMPUR LABUAN NEW DELHI OSAKA SECUNDERABAD SEOUL MUMBAI SHANGHAI SINGAPORE SYDNEY TAIPEI TOKYO YANGON BAMAKO ALGIERS ABIDJAN DUBAI JOHANNESBURG CAIRO SANDTON SETIF TEHRAN (1) BISE: subsidiary of Crédit Coopératif - (2) BICEC: subsidiary of Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires 23 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 2004 Financial Data Summary of operations and results of the Banque Populaire Group 2004 2003 Variation Net banking income Operating expenses, depreciation & amortization 7,640 (5,095) 7,066 (4,795) 8% Gross operating income Provisions for loan losses and country risks 2,545 (480) 2,270 (565) 12% Operating income Income from companies accounted for by the equity method Gains and losses on disposals of fixed assets 2,065 7 26 1,705 12 19 21% - Income before exceptional items and tax Exceptional items Corporate income tax Amortization of goodwill Net charge to fund for general banking risks (b) Minority interests 2,098 (30) (700) (33) (115) (161) 1,735 (23) (544) (17) (168) (129) 21% - Net income (a) 1,059 853 24% Earnings capacity (a) + (b) 1,174 1,022 15% 2004 2003 7,640 7,066 Net fee and commission income 30% 31% Net interest income 46% 47% Other 24% 22% In EUR millions Breakdown of net banking income Total net banking income (in EUR millions) Ratings Long-term senior debt Banque Populaire Group MOODY’S Aa3 STANDARD & POOR’S - FITCH RATINGS A+ Natexis Banques Populaires MOODY’S Aa3 24 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 STANDARD & POOR’S A+ FITCH RATINGS A+ Customer loans 31/12/2004 31/12/2003 Variation Personal customers 46,052 40,711 13% Business customers 65,851 62,535 5% 9,416 9,776 - 121,319 113,022 7% 31/12/2004 31/12/2003 Variation Personal customers 49,330 45,653 + 8% Business customers 31,412 32,652 - Interest-bearing notes and money market securities held by customers(1) 14,133 11,214 + 26% Total 94,875 89,519 + 6% 31/12/2004 31/12/2003 Variation Life insurance 24,474 22,472 9% Employee savings plans 11,485 11,742 - Mutual funds 54,825 49,969 10% Other savings 6,653 5,989 12% 97,452 90,172 8% In EUR millions Others Total (1) (1) (1) Excluding resale agreements Customer deposits In EUR millions (1) (1) Excluding repurchase agreements Customer savings In EUR millions Total 25 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 Regulatory capital 31/12/2004 In EUR millions Tier One capital 13,421 Total regulatory capital 17,244 Risk-weighted assets 146,804 International capital adequacy ratio 31/12/2004 Tier One ratio 9.1% International capital adequacy ratio 11.7% Return on equity 31/12/2004 ROE(1) 14.1% (1) Earnings capacity as a percentage of opening shareholders’ equity Number of active employees(1) (Banque Populaire Group) 31/12/2004 31/12/2003 31/12/2002 31/12/2001 31/12/2000 31/12/1999 27,504 26,528 25,725 25,218 24,079 23,167 1,509 1,486 1,425 In EUR millions Banque Populaire regional banks + Casden Banque Populaire Crédit Coopératif Total Banque Populaire banks 28,563 28,014 27,150 25,218 24,079 23,167 Crédit Maritime Mutuel 918 959 - - - - Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires 463 453 443 430 404 390 Natexis Banques Populaires and subsidiaries 8,311 8,151 7,681 7,589 6,935 6,140 Coface 4,619 4,076 3,765 - - - 12,930 12,227 11,446 7,589 6,935 6,140 770 761 759 807 810 803 865 810 780 767 781 691 44,509 43,224 40,578 34,811 33,009 31,191 Total NBP and subsidiaries Information systems platform (2) Other structures(3) Group total (1) Active employees are those registered on the payroll at each month end, either on permanent or fixed-term contracts, measured on a full time equivalent basis. Part-time and contract staff are therefore included ratably on the basis of the number of hours worked during the month. (2) December 31, 2002: employees of CTR Metz-Troyes included in Banque Populaire Lorraine Champagne. (3) SBE, BICEC,CAR-IPBP, Guidéo, Click & Trust, banking staff seconded to subsidiaries Bred, Cofilease, Sopromec and M+X, a subsidiary of Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires. 26 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 Contacts Banque Populaire Group Le Ponant de Paris 5, rue Leblanc, 75511 Paris Cedex 15 - France Tel: + 33 (0) 1 40 39 60 00 – Fax : + 33 (0) 1 40 39 60 01 Group Financial Communications Pierre Jacob Investor Relations Cécilia Matissart Press Relations Véronique Davet-Fournier Federal Communications Maryvonne Monique Pollet Fanny Kerecki www.banquepopulaire.fr Annual reports for Banque Populaire Group and Natexis Banques Populaires can be downloaded under the heading: “LE GROUPE” Printed by Comelli on printers carrying the Imprim’vert sustainable development label. Printed on paper produced in a ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified paper mill using vegetable inks with high biodegradability properties. 27 Groupe Banque Populaire – Overview March 2005 Published by Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires/Département Communication fédérale - Direction Communication financière Groupe Design-production avant•garde - Tel:+33 (0) 1 45 74 61 61 Printing Comelli Photo credits M. Labelle/BFBP - F. Delauney/BFBP - F. Vallon/Natexis Banques Populaires - Y. Zedda/BFBP - A. Dovifat/BFBP - Bananastock - Brand x pictures - Digitalvision - Getty Images - Image Bank Imageshop - Photodisc - Photonica - Stockbyte - Stone - Stone + - Taxi - Zefa
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