February 2013


February 2013
Directory Alumni Council
PO Box 2098
Danvers, MA 01923
Hello to All!!
From your DAC Board of Directors.
Email: [email protected]
We’re on the Web!
Published February 2013
2013 Alumni Events
this Issue
*Opening on Board
*New Members
*Bobbie’s Chat Room
*Jim’s Jems
*Membership Dues Update
*The Florida Connection
*Annual Meeting
* Phone-a-Thon
* Red Sox Game
*Annual Cookout
*Charles River Cruise
*Suffolk Downs
*Holiday Greens
*Holiday Luncheon
*In Memory of
*Connecting Job-Seekers
With Employers
*We’ve Got Mail!
*CLASSICS- Revisit
unforgettable images
*Crossword Puzzle
*CURRENTS- Images of this
year’s events
*January-June Events 2013
* Puzzle Solution
*The Garden Club
*Annual Meeting Form*
*Phone-a-Thon Form*
*Support our Advertisers
N. M. Bodecker
When skies are low
and days are dark,
and frost bites
like a hungry shark,
when mufflers muffle
ears and nose,
and puffy sparrows
huddle close how nice to know
that February
is something purely
New Year is the time to celebrate a
new beginning, a time to wish all
your friends and loved ones a happy
new year.
Happy New Year to All!!
A great series of events are planned
for 2013. Mark your calendar and
plan on joining us whenever you
We sincerely appreciate your
continued interest and support of our
charitable and social activities.
Annual Meeting April 23
2013 Phone-A-Thon
May 14, 15
Red Sox vs Phillies
May 28
Annual Cookout - Ipswich
Masonic Hall August 13
Charles River Cruise
September 10
North Shore Musical
Les Cage aux Folles
September 25
Suffolk Downs Horse
Racing October TBD
Holiday Greens Sale
(orders) Nov 21
Holiday Greens Pick-up
Dec 5
Holiday Luncheon—
December 10
Claire M. Palmer, Chairman
. . . .
. .1.
February 2013
The DAC Board of Directors.
We are looking for additional people to come on the Board of Directors to fill current and future openings! This
is your opportunity to get involved in planning social activities to continue the camaraderie enjoyed by directory
employees during their days with the Directory department; to assist in the publishing of a membership directory,
newsletter and web site allowing members to keep in touch with friends made over the years.
The lifeblood of the Directory Alumni Council is its membership and its heart is the volunteer Board of Directors. If
you are the type of person who seeks out and acts on solutions, works well both independently and within a team, and
isn't afraid of a little hard work, this may be a great opportunity for you. It is the membership that votes to put people
on the Board, for a three year term, and voting takes place at the Annual Meeting in April.
Some positions on the board have set responsibilities, such as Treasurer, Secretary, Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and
these positions are decided each term by the Board of Directors. For most new Directors, their responsibilities include
running 1 event per year, assisting one of the other Directors with large projects from time to time, and familiarizing
themselves with the working of the Board with an eye to taking on more responsibilities in the next term.
The DAC Board of Directors meets one day a month from January to June and September to November. Meetings
generally run from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Are you able to accept this commitment?
Check out our web site for details regarding Officer and Board Member position responsibilities.
http://www.ypalumni.org/about_us.htm Officers are elected through an official election process at a board
meeting. Board Members nominate candidates for election to the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting in April.
If you are interested in running for the Directory Alumni Council Board of Directors, please contact our
Chairman, Claire Palmer, at [email protected] or [email protected].
Tell us your area of expertise or areas of interest, such as: Organizational, Sales, Financial, Nonprofit Management or
Nonprofit Board Experience, Computer Expertise, Event Coordination, Other area (please specify).
What can I do to increase membership?
Our Directory Alumni Council was founded on November 23, 1987 by a wonderful group of people like
you, who thought it might be nice to stay in touch with some of their friends after they have left the
company. You don’t have to be of retirement age to join. If you ever worked in Directory, at any
time, we welcome your membership in the Directory Alumni Council.
While the duties of the officers are spelled out clearly, it is incumbent upon everyone to recruit and help
grow the DAC. The DAC helps meet the social and communications needs of retirees. Every member can
help by spreading the word about the DAC, and by personally signing up former Directory employees who
have not yet heard of the Directory Alumni Council, and therefore have not had the opportunity to join.
Many people transferred to other companies as NYNEX/Bell Atlantic/Verizon/Idearc/SuperMedia altered
its business model, and lost contact with their membership opportunities. The company will not help us
toward this end by supplying former employee names or addresses (as a matter of confidentiality), nor will
they advise active employees that we exist. Therefore, membership growth is a real priority as we face the
issues that the future is certain to present.
We welcome your friends and family members to join the Directory Alumni Council. Give them the form
on the last page of this newsletter to fill out, or send us their name and address and we’ll send them an
invitation to join the DAC. You may also go to our web site http://www.ypalumni.org/join.htm and
click on “Application Form”.
. . . .
Just remember....."We were the best of Directory!"
Welcome to New DAC
Linda Booth
Gerry Cannizzaro
Elaine Brennan Long
Jeanette Page
Diane Stankiewicz
Nancy Weeks-Cantone
Invitations to join the Directory Alumni
Council in 2012-2013 were sent to:
Pat Dillon
A Multi-Year Membership Renewal Offer
Expires April 30, 2013
During this year’s membership renewal period, give
yourself a gift of sustained membership at a savings! Take
advantage of this Offer of a Multi-Year membership
renewal, now! You can renew your membership for one,
two or three years - but only until April 30, 2013. After
that date, we will offer only one-year memberships as
before. If you have already paid your 2013-2014
membership dues, see the enclosed form for more details.
Check your mailing label, it contains the expiration date of
your current DAC Membership.
Rita McIsaac
Bob Mentzer
Nancy Gallagher Mulherin
Annetta Pugia
Donald Zollo
If you know of others who worked in
Directory, at any time, send us their
name and address. We welcome their
membership in the Directory Alumni
1 year - $15 2 years - $25 3 years - $35
Renewals must be received by April 30, 2013.
Mail your check and the enclosed form to:
PO Box 2098, Danvers, MA 01923
The Board of Directors Thank You for renewing
your DAC membership. We appreciate your
confidence and support of this great organization.
DAC Membership Benefits
We are pleased to announce that
Carol Prata and Andrea Kelly
have joined the DAC Board of
Welcome Carol and
We are sorry to say farewell to Bev
Lentine who served on the Board of
Directors for many years.
All the Best to you Bev!
DAC Membership signifies that you are:
 Dedicated to the Directory Alumni Council
 Committed to the success of the DAC
 Enthusiastic about maintaining contact with your
former colleagues
DAC membership also provides tangible benefits that include:
the DAC Newsletter mailed to your home three times a year,
an updated DAC Membership Directory, invitations to DAC
events, access to the YPAlumni.org web site*, and timely
Email notification of news of interest to Alumni.
If you are interested in joining
the DAC Board of Directors
please contact any member on the
DAC Board of Directors.
*While the YPAlumni.org web site is open to all, it is only
publicized in our DAC Newsletters and DAC Membership
. . . .
February 2013
The Directory Alumni
The Telephone Company, like other
major corporations consists of many
Our division, the
Directory Department, also known
as Yellow Pages and SuperPages,
services the business community by
selling Yellow and White Pages
There are various
groups within Directory: sales
representatives, artists, clerical
personal, public affairs, legal,
finance, marketing, information
network, and real estate. Through
teamwork these groups expand the
company into new domestic and
global markets.
So it was that on November 23,
1987 a group of 8 Yellow Page
sales people who truly loved their
profession, decided they would
always enjoy being a part of this
exciting business, even after they
retired, by keeping in touch with
their past.
This desire to stay connected lead
to the formation of the Directory
Alumni Council!
Executive Board
Claire M. Palmer – Chairman
Sandy Noe – Vice Chairman
Carol Prata – Treasurer
Pauline Vass – Secretary
Members of the Board
Susan Burke
Bobbie Gifford
Ann Jaroncyk
Andrea Kelly (appointed)
Marie Nardone
Robert Odachowski
Patricia (Tricia) Savage
George Anderson(semi-retired)
. . . .
What’s up?
Hello and
By Bobbie
I was unable to attend the Holiday
Luncheon and everyone I have
spoken with said it was wonderful,
as always. I don’t know how you all
feel, but it is such a letdown after all
the running around, and shopping
which is of course a high for most of
us. Seeing old friends and hearing
all that has happened since the last
luncheon gives us a needed boost.
It seems, as we grow older there
seems to be a little sadness after all
the celebrating! Am I alone in this,
or is it just a feeling others may
have as well? Oh well, just sharing
my thoughts.
I did hear from a dear long-time
friend Betty Mandl with a
delightful Christmas card. Betty
reminded me that years ago I
planned a trip to Grossinger’s
Catskill Resort in New York with
a few of my friends in Yellow
Betty wrote that she had just
watched a show on “The Hallmark
Channel” that included a lot of
dancing. She reminded me how she
had two left feet and how I danced
‘til 4am and had a fine time at the
Grossinger’s was a resort in the
Catskill Mountains with a terrific
band. Dancing was something I
have always enjoyed and could
never get enough of it. It was a real
treat to hear from Betty and she
even told me what color gown I
wore. What a gal!! I did call Betty
after receiving my Christmas card
and we had some chuckles.
Betty is doing well. Now 90 years
young and enjoys her life, as well as
her many Yellow Pages friends.
When Betty moved to Florida she
got her Real Estate license and did
very well. She sold homes to many
French Canadians who lived where
Betty came from. One of her home
buyers became friends and asked
Betty if she would teach English to
several Canadians who had moved
to Florida. So Betty is now teaching
English for the past 2 years and is
making several good friends while
doing it.
This is just a reminder how
rewarding volunteering can be. It’s
more fun to give and share. The
Congratulations Betty!
Betty says she heard from George
Keefe, who now lives in Texas,
where he moved after leaving the
northeast. George and his wife are
doing extensive traveling, and truly
enjoying retirement. Way to go
Betty Mandl
Betty McManus is a close friend of
Betty Mandl and they keep in touch
over these many years. Betty’s niece
and baby came from Paris, France to
visit over the holidays. What a treat
for you all! So glad to hear you are
doing well Betty.
you all. Wish I was there. These
are all fun people.
I recently met Barbara Bodner,
who I worked with years ago. She
still has a great sense of humor and
great attitude.
Barbara is now
working at Sovereign Bank in
Ipswich and is enjoying her new job.
I hope to join Barbara, Linda
Hughes and Helen Elworthy for
lunch when Linda returns home
from her cruise.
Don Zollo, Sue Tremblay, Andrea
Rubin, Linda Hughes in Pompano
Beach, FL.
Linda Hughes is doing well. She
told me that she is in the Marshfield
Garden Club and at Christmas time
she volunteers at the Daniel Webster
Inn in Sandwich, which of course is
beautiful all year long, and serves
great food! At Christmas, designers
come to the Inn and decorate for the
I know it must be
beautiful. I did that for Glen Magna
Estate in Danvers for many years. I
invited several local florists to
decorate one room each. I used it
for a very successful fund raiser for
the Danvers Historical Society. So
much fun! I was delighted that
Linda is involved in such a great
I had a chat with past DAC Board
member Estelle Coan. She and her
husband Mark went to Dublin,
Ireland back in the fall of 2012.
While there they attended the Notre
Dame vs Navy football game. Notre
Dame was undefeated last year as
you know. Well the score that day
was Notre Dame 50, Navy 10. How
exciting!! Estelle reminded me that
the Notre Dame Coach, Frank Kelly
graduated from St. Johns Prep and
comes from Andover, MA. A great
Linda’s husband Joe Hughes, also a
former premise salesman, is doing
well and playing golf whenever he
can. Good for you Joe! They will
be taking a Caribbean Cruise the last
week of January. Have fun!
Recently Linda was at Pompano
Beach, FL. She had dinner with
some friends from Yellow Pages
and DAC members, Sue Trembley,
Don Zollo and Andrea Rubin, who
worked in Tel Sales before going
out to the field. Andrea married
Dolly Shapiro’s son Michael who
also worked in Yellow Pages with
us. That had to be a fun evening for
Estelle will be returning to Ireland
this spring with her friend and DAC
member Alice Dempsey and her
husband Paul. Alice had to cancel
her trip with Estelle last fall due to
lung cancer. Since then Alice has
been in treatment and is doing well.
They have been shrinking her
cancer. Thank Goodness!! Alice
plans to join Estelle this summer on
her trip to Ireland! Enjoy!!
I would like to welcome two new
DAC Board Members, Carol Prata
and Andrea Kelly. I worked with
Andrea in Tel Sales. We are so
excited to welcome Carol and
Andrea officially at our April
Annual Meeting. I promise you
girls will enjoy being on the DAC
team. We are delighted you will be
joining us!
Circle your calendar for May 14th
and 15th for our annual Phone-AThon. We will be asking you all to
buy some raffle tickets for our
Neurologic Diseases. Please come
and make some phone calls to
people most of you know or have
worked with. It is lots of fun. I
really need some help. Think about
it. It’s only 6-8pm on May 14th at
our old headquarters in Middleton.
Think about it and call me to
volunteer (978 774-6823). You’ll
have a fun evening. I promise!!
Till Next Time,
“Happy New Year”
Wishing you all good health, and
enjoy life.
Bobbie §
Jim’s Jems
By Jim Mullaney
For many years I was a friend of
Maggie Belmonte so I called her
and I couldn’t believe it, after all
these years she remembered my
voice. She and her husband Jim
sold their home in Winchester and
have moved into a condo which they
are currently renting. Unfortunately,
the dog they had for fifteen years
died quickly. That in itself is earthshattering. Maggie spoke of the
many good times we enjoyed when
we all worked for the “Yellow
Pages”. You know, I worked there
for 36 years and can truthfully say I
. . . .
February 2013
enjoyed every minute of it. The
Company was great, the bosses
always seemed to be comfortable
with us and we reciprocated back to
One of the reasons, I
presume, was the fact I was out on
the road selling the advertising.
That way I wasn’t able to get into
too much trouble.
Two of the many good friends I’ve
enjoyed over these many years are
Arthur and Marilyn Kennedy.
“Arch” has been ill lately but at least
he avoided surgery. At ninety years
old, and still counting, he’s still
hanging in there. We both agreed
that’s a better alternative. He and I
worked together when he was
assigned to Providence and have
maintained our solid relationship
over the years. Of course, it would
be tough not to have a good
relationship with “Arch”. He and
Marilyn have been married for more
than twenty-five years. She also
worked for the phone company,
back in those days, so at least
they’re both getting a pension.
I had a nice talk with another great
old timer, Dick Jones, who is now
back in Jensen Beach, Florida for
the winter time with his wife Terry.
One thing he found out when he
returned to his beach home, actually
condo, it had been completely
soaked by an upper condo water
break. I’d have to say that’s a lousy
way to start one’s winter vacation.
“Dick”, as you older workers will
probably remember, was the late
Ken Premo’s nephew. He was a
great sales asset to the Yellow Pages
and eventually became a Sales
Manager in Providence before his
retirement. Dick has some, what I
choose to call minor medical
problems, but at 80 he’s still
hanging in there. I was invited to
his surprise birthday party but ended
up blowing it by taking the wrong
road on the way down to his party.
. . . .
What bugs me more, I went out of
my way to select a preferred white
wine to bring with me. Oh well,
win a few and lose a few. Now, I
don’t even know what happened to
the wine. Somehow or other I think
it may have ended up at my son and
daughter-in-law’s house where I
went with my son, Kevin Patrick,
for our Sunday dinner with a family
group. Dick always was, and still is,
an immaculate dresser. We pretty
much worked the same books in
Providence, Cape Cod and adjoining
towns and cities. He and Terry were
always easy to get along with.
Not too long ago I was fortunate
enough to reach my 89th birthday so
now I’m looking forward, hopefully,
to my ninetieth. If I continue to be
lucky, I’ll still be around for next
October 7th. Who knows, if my
family doesn’t give me a party I’ll
give myself one. At any rate, I
found the following poem in a
newspaper clipping I had saved and
decided it was not only good but
also very appropriate, so I’m sharing
it with you and kind of keeping it a
little separate from the main
contents of my newsletter so if you
want to clip it out please feel free to
do so. Incidentally, I don’t know
who the author is.
Today Dear Lord I am 80 and
there's much I haven't done,
I hope Dear Lord, You'll let me live
until I'm 81.
But then if I haven't finished all I
want to do,
Would you let me stay awhile until
I'm 82?
So many places I want to go, so very
much to see,
Do You think You could manage to
make it 83?
The world is changing very fast
There is much in store,
I'd like it very much to live until I'm
And if by then I'm still alive,
I'd like to stay till 85.
More planes will be up in the air,
So I'd really like to stick,
And see what happens to the world
when I am 86.
I know Dear Lord it's much to ask,
And it must be nice in heaven.
But I would really like to stay until
I'm 87.
I know by then I won't be fast, and
sometimes will be late,
But it would be so pleasant, to be
around at 88.
I will have seen many things and
had a wonderful time,
So, I'm sure that I'll be ready to
leave at 89 . . . maybe.
Of course, as things stand now I
want to hang around to ninety at
least. By the time this newsletter
reaches you, I’ll be back in Jupiter,
Florida or as I’m fond of saying
down here one doesn’t have to
shovel sunshine. Another plus is
one doesn’t have to rake up palm
leaves. Somehow or other, they just
seem to hang up on the trees until
some guy comes around to remove
them, I guess.
My youngest son, Kevin Patrick,
and my youngest daughter, Jeanne,
had dinner on me the night before I
took off for Jupiter and, of course
we had a great time together.
Had a brief talk with Karen Gagne
but, unfortunately for me, she was
on her way out to bring her daughter
up to Portsmouth to beat some more
snow. As I said to her, down here in
Florida one doesn’t have to shovel
sunshine. On the good side, Karen
promised to return my call. Karen,
as most of you will recall, was our
chapter president from 2001 to
2006. Needless to say she did a
dynamic job.
I talked to good friend Bobbie
Gifford, who was chapter chairman
from 1998 to 2000. We both write
in the newsletter so I really called to
ask how she was feeling. All in all
she’s okay. We chitchatted for a
little while and I let her go so I
could work on this newsletter.
It’s been many years since I’ve last
seen or even talked to Kathy
Croteau mostly because she and her
husband now live in Henderson,
Nevada. When she worked with us
she was in the ASO and worked for
Judy Glass and retired in 1997.
She has been married 28 years and
she and her husband are double
She works at
Caesar’s and is involved in
reservations so, if by any chance
you’re out in that area give her a
phone call. Her number is in our
membership directory.
While I was calling in the Nevada
area, I tried to reach Adela Cormie
to no avail. Oh well, win a few and
lose a few. Guess it really doesn’t
make much difference in as much as
she probably wouldn’t remember
me anyway. But, at least I tried to
reach her.
And so, I’ll bid you adieu for now. I
always enjoy writing in the
newsletters probably because I get
to talk to old friends who I don’t get
to see too much of anymore.
My best to all of you.
Jim §
When you choose
your friends, don't be
short-changed by
choosing personality
over character.
-W. Somerset Maugham
My friend Jody Faleski is due to
come for a visit the beginning of
February, I can’t wait to show her
the Florida I love – I am also trying
to convince her to buy a home down
Florida Connection
By Kathy Jasmin
Hi everyone from sunny Florida.
This is the time of the year I give
thanks for living in such a beautiful
Since the last newsletter, I have
moved. Believe it or not I move on
the average of every two years. I
buy a house, get it decorated the
way I want and then sell it and
move. I don’t go far, usually just a
few miles away and start the process
I purchased a home in New Port
Richey in a gated 55 + community –
my mother has come along to live
with me as she is no longer
comfortable being by herself and I
am also 5 minutes away from my
daughter and grandson … YEAH !
Do you ever wonder what happened
to all the hippy communes of the
70’s?? Well I am convinced they
are alive and well and disguised as
55 + living communities.
Once I moved in, I was initiated
with activities to join, dinners to
share and a close sense of extended
family. I really like it and have been
made to feel very welcomed.
A golf cart came with the house, as I
do not play golf, I was unsure as to
what I would use it for. It did not
take long to find out no one drives
their car within the complex,
everyone drives a golf cart and now
my 2 ½ year old grandson thinks I
am the “cool” grandma because I
have a “cart”.
With my new location in New Port
Richey I am just around the corner
from an old friend, Florence
Hughes. Many of you remember
Florence from the results and
pricing departments of Verizon.
I had not seen Florence in about 18
years. When we met, it was like old
home week ... nothing had changed.
Florence looks wonderful and as I
had remembered her, always with a
huge smile and a kind word for
everyone. Our favorite pastime is
now meeting for breakfast and
spending the day shopping.
Florence came to Florida to be near
her sister who lives in Hudson. She
lives with her daughter Melissa, in a
beautiful home filled with incredible
New England antiques and original
artwork, all painted by Florence.
I started my new year with a call to
Jim Mullaney, I saw the photos of
the DAC Christmas Party held in
Middleton, and was pleasantly
surprised to see Jim among the
I called and found him at his home
in Jupiter, Florida. It was so nice to
speak with him, his spirit is uplifting
and he has such a positive outlook
on life. His daughter was visiting
and as Jim said, “just making sure
he was okay”.
Jim lives every day to the fullest and
is always on the go. He points out
that age is only a number and not a
reason to slow down. I was amazed
when he pointed out that he will be
turning 90 on his next birthday. Jim
is a true inspiration.
. . . .
February 2013
I had a great conversation with
Charlene Carpenter. She was
telling me they originally came to
Florida as snowbirds, living both in
Massachusetts. Seven years ago,
Charlene and her husband Ron
moved full time to the large 55 plus
Villages”. They were telling me
that shortly the population of The
Villages will be close to 100,000!!
Charlene had a 30 year career with
Verizon, including 17 years in the
systems area. I remember her as
always being so helpful to someone
like me, who had no idea as to what
was happening behind the doors to
the data processing area.
Charlene and Ron have two
grandchildren. She spoke of them
with great pride and enthusiasm that
comes from the joy of being
“grandma” and “grandpa”.
For enjoyment Charlene and Ron
own a 2009 Honda Gold
Motorcycle, they belong to a cycling
club and spend many happy hours
on the road. Charlene also golfs and
does aerobics 5 days a week.
She was also telling me about a trip
of a lifetime. For their 50 wedding
anniversary they took a 15 day
Viking River Cruise through
Austria and Holland. They toured
many churches and castles, also
attended a Vienna Concert in
Charlene and Ron have truly
embraced both retirement and the
Floridian lifestyle.
More in the next...
Kathy Jasmin
[email protected] §
. . . .
human computer interaction has a good
price point and is easy to get your hands
on, which made it perfect for the Board
of Imagination project.
The headset sends the signals from the
rider's brain to a Samsung Windows 8
tablet via a proprietary USB connector
that comes with the headset. From
there, software on the board interfaces
with the electric motor via a "phidget,"
which is basically a plug-and-play, lowcost USB sensing and control unit.
If you plan to go for a ride on the board
soon be sure to buy a crash helmet now!
Chaotic Moon Labs' Kinect-controlled
skateboard called the “Board of
Awesomeness” was pretty awesome, but
the company has managed to blow our
minds with its “Board of Imagination”.
Brainwave-controlled skateboard is
totally mental. The creator of this hightech board, Chaotic Moon Labs, has
come up with a new version called the
Board of Imagination that works by
reading your brain waves. That's right, a
mind-controlled skateboard. You simply
imagine where you'd like to go and how
fast you want to get there and the Board
of Imagination will take care of the rest.
It's powered by an 800-watt electric
motor and Windows 8-enabled
Samsung tablet with an emotive headset
to read your thoughts to set the board in
Simply put, the headset is trained to the
rider so that after some practice with just
a computer a profile of the way the rider
"thinks" is made. That profile can then
be loaded on the board. Since every
brain is different, you can't really have
one profile to rule them all.
The Emotiv EPOC headset is a highresolution, neuro-signal acquisition and
processing wireless neuro-headset. This
revolutionary new personal interface for
Happy, Healthy,
Prosperous New Year
to all!
Holiday Greens Orders November 15,
2012 at Middleton
Holiday Greens Delivery November 29,
2012 at Middleton
By Sandy Noe
14th Annual Holiday Greens Sale
We held our 14th Annual Holiday
Greens Sale on November 29th in the
room off the Middleton lobby. In
addition to a small number of
SuperMedia folks, the majority of
the building is now occupied by
several businesses. We have
established a presence in the
building and many look forward to
purchasing kissing balls, table
decorations, baskets of greens and
wreaths at our Holiday Greens Sale.
The greenhouse we deal with does
an excellent job of putting
everything together.
We thank all of the Alumni and
active employees who purchased
items. Because of you we are adding
over $1,000 to the total donation for
the Foundation for Neurologic
By Bob Odachowski
$200 winner Mary Lebet-NE
Twenty-five years and still going
Our holiday raffle of over 60 items
valued at over $2,100 was a lot of
fun. Everyone liked that they had a
chance to win just the items they
were interested in.
This past year our 25th Annual
Holiday Luncheon was held on
December 4th at Angelica's in
The luncheon featured everything
that makes this heartwarming annual
tradition so much fun - good friends,
good food, and chances to win great
prizes. 125 people attended the
luncheon. Everyone enjoyed seeing
their friends and catching up on
what's new. The dining room
looked beautiful with the red
poinsettia centerpieces.
The NMTW Community Credit
Union not only provided calendars
for all, they also donated money
gifts for our raffle table. The CWA
also donated money gifts for our
raffle table. Thank you both!
This year we once again ran a sports
auction, which everyone enjoyed.
Our auctioneer, Bob Odachowski
kept the bidding lively on sports
memorabilia. We also held a
drawing for many door prizes and
for the poinsettia centerpieces at
each table.
Thank you for your continued
support. §
In Dr. Cindy Lemere’s absence due
to a conference in San Diego, CA,
Wendy Thaxter updated us on Dr.
Lemere’s research work and thanked
the Alumni for their generous
contributions to the Foundation and
their continued support.
25th Annual
With the introductory remarks
completed, lunch was served.
Everyone agreed that whether you
had chicken, fish or beef, the meal
was delicious.
After lunch we
drew the raffle winners.
Holiday Luncheon
Congratulations to the three winners
of the Charity Raffle.
$500 winner Mary O’Connor-NE
December 4, 2012
$300 winner Jean Elliot-NE
Next year is our 26th Annual
Holiday Luncheon to be held on
2013 at
Please Keep This Date Open.
Ask people you used to work with,
even if they are not Alumni
members, to join us. From past
experience they will surely have a
good time!
Check our web site for great 2012
We are grateful to the
following merchants who
donated items or gift
certificates to our Holiday
Luncheon raffle.
Angelica’s Restaurant, Middleton
Ann’s Home Care, Reading
Bernard’s Jewelers, Salem
Bradford Tavern, Rowley
Calitri’s Restaurant, Danvers
Century House Restaurant,
Clam Box, Ipswich
Depot Diner, Beverly
Garden City Pub, Beverly
Henry’s Market, Beverly
LaRouge Nail Care, Beverly
Marinos Café, Beverly
Millennium Hair Salon, Beverly
Mohegan Sun
NMTW Community Credit Union
Not Your Average Joe’s,
Newburyport & Beverly
Omelette Headquarters, Beverly
Pacini’s Italian Eatery, Beverly
Peabody Essex Museum, Salem
Putnam Pantry, Danvers
Rafaele’s Hair Salon, Swampscott
. . . .
February 2013
River Street Grille, Beverly
Shea’s Riverside Restaurant &
Bar, Essex
Spuds Restaurant, any location
Stephanie’s Village Pancake
House, Rowley
Tastebuds Restaurant, Beverly
Weathervane Restaurant,
Wenham Country Club
Wild Birds Unlimited, Danvers
Windward Grille, Essex
Winfrey’s Fudge, Rowley and
Please fill out the Annual
Meeting form on Page 46 and
let us know if you are coming
to the Annual Meeting. §
By Claire Palmer
Fenway Park:
Home of the Red Sox
Twelfth Annual
Phone A-Thon
May 14 & 15, 2013
By Bobbie Gifford
April 23, 2013
By Pauline Vass
The DAC Annual Meeting will be
held on April 23 and for the tenth
year at Calitri's Restaurant, Danvers,
MA. We usually have a good
representation of the membership at
the meeting to hear what the Alumni
Council has planned for the coming
year. The meeting’s agenda will
include the 2013 Calendar of
candidates for election to the Board
of Directors at the Annual Meeting
in April.
Officers are elected
through an official election process
at a board meeting.
After the
official meeting concludes, everyone
is invited to stay and enjoy pizza
and refreshments.
. . . .
Tuesday May 28, 2013
Tickets: $54 each
We are also grateful for the
many gifts our Alumni Members
donated to make our raffle a
Annual Meeting
Red Sox vs Phillies At
Fenway Park
Annual Phone-A-Thon
for 2013. We need
many callers to work out of the
Middleton building on May 14
from 6pm to 8pm and on
Wednesday May 15 from 6pm to
Volunteers are needed on Tuesday
May 14 to make the fund drive
calls. We need at least 18 callers to
get through the list.
We need a least 10 volunteers on
Wednesday May 15 to fill out
Tuesday’s calls.
Please contact me at 978 774-6823
to volunteer.
We’ve included a Phone-AThon flyer on Page 44 in this
newsletter. Fill out the form
and mail it back to us.
We purchased 75 tickets in the
Right Field Box 1, Rows B
through J for the May 28, 2013
7:10pm game between the Boston
Red Sox and the Philadelphia
Phillies. The tickets cost $54 each.
John Farrell is the new Red Sox
Manager, and with new players such
as pitchers, Joel Hanrahan and
Rubby De LaRosa, and first
baseman Mike Napoli joining the
roster it looks like the Red Sox are
poised to have a great season.
As of this newsletter’s publication
we’ve sold 30 tickets.
If you are interested in purchasing
tickets please contact Claire Palmer
[email protected]
Charles River Cruise
September 10, 2013
coffee/tea, and your choice of
cheesecake for dessert.
Arlene Gallo, formerly worked in
Come join us for a fun day on the
Watch for more
James “Jim” Mudge, formerly
worked in VZ Yellow Pages
In Memory of our
Members, or their
family members, who
died in 2012.
Joan Champoux – DAC
CambridgeSide Galleria Mall at
10:00 am. Park at the Galleria
Mall. CambridgeSide Galleria 100
The CambridgeSide Galleria is
located across the Charles River
from Boston in East Cambridge.
Arrive at 9:45 am Cruise 10:00 11:20 am
Michael Mooskian, brother-in-law
of Lorie Mooskian – DAC
Robert “Bob” Theriault – DAC
Richard Swiniuch, husband of
Lucille Swiniuch – DAC
Chemann Armstead, daughter of
Francine Armstead – DAC
Robert “Bob” Mulcahy – DAC
Andrew Coan, father-in-law of
Estelle Coan – DAC
David Sovulis, close friend of
Susan Burke – DAC
Frank Beckwith, husband of Nora
Beckwith – DAC
Hilda Surette, mother of Charlotte
Leger who formerly worked in YP
By Tricia Savage
Enjoy a cruise around the Charles
River Basin as the Captain points
out the most historic sights of
Boston and Cambridge.
Beacon Hill, Esplanade Park, the
Back Bay, Boston University, MIT,
Harvard and the Museum of Science
as you cruise past countless
sailboats and rowers.
Victor Roy, husband of Alexandra
Roy who formerly worked in
Yellow Pages
Winifred Patrikas, mother of Dana
Zack Zalewski, son of Charlene
Paul Lentine, brother-in-law of
Beverly Lentine – DAC
Eleanor Williamson, mother of
Robert “Bob” Williamson and
mother-in-law of Carla (Miraglia)
Carole Moses, mother of Lorie
Mooskian – DAC
Richard I. Smith – DAC
Ernest Felice, brother of Chris
Crossley and Janet Felice who
both worked in CSD
Joseph Surette, father of Charlotte
Leger who formerly worked in YP
Richard J. MacDonald – DAC
William Rucker, brother-in law of
Sue Jackson Rucker and uncle of
Tricia (Rucker) Williams
Robert C. Tierney – DAC
Helen LeGrow, sister of Dottie
DiPesa – DAC
Price $35 PP includes River Cruise
and lunch at 11:30 am at the
Cheesecake Factory in the Galleria
Lincoln Teal, father of Robert
“Bob” Teal and father-in-law of
Linda Teal – DAC
Ann T. Sedach – DAC (2010)
Choose from over 50 entrees on a
special luncheon menu, soft drink,
Alice Ferrier, sister of Eleanor
Patten – DAC
Germaine Sherman, formerly
worked in YP
. . . .
February 2013
Phyllis A. Rugnetta, sister of Grace
Rugnetta – DAC
Philip Little, husband of Dottie
Little – DAC
Ansel “Rip” Clark, father of Sandy
Noe – DAC
Jeffrey Zuravel, brother-in-law of
Patty Zuravel – DAC
Lorraine Keyser, mother of Donna
McDonald – DAC
William J. Shutt, son of William T.
Shutt – DAC (2011)
William “Bill” Hernon, husband of
Anne Hernon – DAC
David Whelan, formerly worked in
Ralph L. Norteman – DAC
Anthony Spadorcia, father of Julie
Spadorcia who worked in Credit &
Irene Melville, wife of William
“Bill” Melville – DAC
Nancy Fraser, formerly worked in
NYNEX Real Estate
Jean E. McDonald – DAC (2010)
Verna White, mother-in-law of
Barbara White – DAC
William Bourque, father of Janice
Flynn – DAC and Lucy Massa
Gerard Larock, father of Nancy
Larock – DAC
Franklin Barnes, husband of Louise
Barnes – DAC (2011)
Jeanne Ouilette-Sharp – DAC
Pauline Napoli, mother of Lillian
Napoli – DAC
Roy Knott – DAC
Dr. Thomas Gordon, brother of
Margaret (Peggy Gordon) Hickey
Marie Rose Dans, mother of Yvette
Dans – DAC
John Galante, father of Debbie
Janian – DAC
Patricia Walsh, daughter of Patricia
McInnis who formerly worked in
Christie Serino, brother of Maddie
Serino Glavin who worked in CSD
and brother-in-law of Skip Glavin
who worked in Lynn
Anna DePasquale, aunt of Peg
MacCormack and a member of the
Charlotte Homan, mother of Donna
Sinclair – DAC
James “Jim” Hoffman – DAC
Elizabeth Rigney, sister of Kathy
Conway who worked in CSD
Johnny Hudson, son of Joann
Thomas – DAC
Carl Brown, brother of Janet Burns
– DAC (2013)
Kenneth Hidden, husband of Alicia
Hidden who formerly worked in VZ
Accounts Payable (2013)
Sean Joseph Marchand, great
grandson of Alice Marchand and
great grandnephew of Katie
Hennigar who formerly worked in
Yellow Pages
Gladys Page, former Tel Sales Rep
and mother of Joan Dubis – DAC
We want to know if you would prefer to receive the DAC Newsletters via
email. This option is now available to ALL dues paying members with email
addresses on file.
If you wish to receive the Newsletter ONLY as an on-line copy, send us a
note to YPAlumni.com.
Please give us your name, mailing address and email address so we can
make the change.
This is great for those snowbirds who go south for the winter, or if you are
on an extended trip and have access to a computer.
Thank You, Claire Palmer
. . . .
With the publication of the first yellow pages directory in 1886, the original “search engine” was created for people
actively looking to buy a product or service.
With that concept in mind we would like to continue connecting “buyers and sellers”, only this time with a twist….
Are you seeking employment or have a job available to be filled? Tell us and we’ll publish your job needs in the next
DAC Newsletter. Who knows, perhaps our Alumni can help both the job seeker and the business with available
None submitted as of publication date.
Caution to Job Seekers…
Pam Dixon, a privacy expert offers these tips to those using online job sites:
Use only your first initial and last name on your resume. Do not include your phone number or address.
Use a new email account as contact information.
In addition, conduct extensive research on any companies that express an interest in hiring you. Contact the
company’s human resources department to confirm that the person posing as the interviewer is employed
there. Scammers have been known to use information from applicants’ online resume to contact them and
conduct bogus phone interviews. After the interview the scammer enthusiastically expresses an interest in
hiring the applicant and requests the applicants’ Social Security number and driver’s license number under
the guise of conducting a pre-employment background check. The end result is a stolen identity.
Marie Ronan –
Contact: Email at [email protected]
Industry: Any
Function: Executive Assistant or Office work - Full or Part-time
Region: Boston and North Shore area
Judi Ayott – I am a Judi of “All Kinds of Services”
Contact: Email at [email protected]
Industry: For whatever services you need
Function: I am a certified Nursing Assistant and certified Home Health Aid.
I’m also available to work in business such as, office work, filing, etc. Whatever type of work that is needed, call me!
Will also provide the following services…Dog Sitting, Dog Walking and Feeding, Kitty Sitting
I love people and love pets. If you need house sitting that is also something I can do for you.
Full or Part-Time, whatever works for you.
Region: I will work in the North Shore Area, or other areas.
. . . .
February 2013
A new feature in the DAC Newsletter entitled "Alumni Spotlight".
Each issue will feature photos of artwork, craft items, photography subjects and new business ventures
submitted by members of the DAC. Along with the photo, members may send in a short bio of their "life
after YP" and include web page information if applicable. Alumni are invited to send photos of their work
or business to be considered for future editions of the DAC Newsletter published in February, June and
October. Please submit your write-up to YPAlumni @ aol.com.
. . . .
February’s featured Alumni – Sandy Noe
My best friend, Laurie, and I took our first stained glass class in Georgetown in 1979. I just loved it. My first
piece was a dolphin designed by her. My expertise has been to take an idea and work with it until it ends up
being something I like.
Once I retired in 1995 from NYNEX, almost 18 years ago, I thought I would have more time to spend on my
“hobby”. But with working on the DAC Board of Directors, getting the boat ready in the spring, getting the
yard work done, planting a large vegetable garden, boating all summer, fall yard work, putting the boat
away, then its Christmas, Florida, whew!!!! It doesn’t leave much time. So most of the work I do now is for
gifts or donations. I just don’t have the time to make custom pieces any more.
I have made over 200 items. The whole process is quite time consuming. The pattern process is the first
step and takes the most time. It is very difficult to make a custom piece for someone else. You start with an
idea. I then pick out 6-10 different designs to give them an idea to see what they might like. Once a general
idea is decided on, we then work on the final design and colors with LOTS of tweaking. The pattern is
drawn up in the size they are looking for and each pattern piece is numbered and cut out to be traced onto
a piece of glass. Many people have left the picking of the glass totally up to me, it can be overwhelming. I
would prefer to go with them to pick out the major pieces of glass. For instance, if someone is looking for
red, by the way, red is a very expensive glass since it is made with gold; there may be 40 different types of
glass and shades of red. The decision is not easy. At least this process gives me a chance to see what they
are leaning towards. Once the sheets of glass are purchased each pattern piece is traced onto the
appropriate color glass and then cut out. The pieces are put together like a puzzle and again tweaked to
make a proper fit. Each piece is then wrapped in copper foil tape on all edges. Flux is applied to the copper
foil and then all pieces are leaded. The lead is melted onto the foil using a soldering iron. The lead will only
stick to the copper. The flux makes the lead run smooth. If the piece is large it will need to be reinforced
with rods or copper strips that are soldered between the glass pieces. It is then cleaned and a frame is
added. My husband Ken has made a few wood frames for larger jobs.
In addition to the stained glass panels, I have also made stepping stones, boxes, rain gauges, whirly-gigs,
night lights and many custom boat sun catchers from original pictures. I have 7 windows in my home and 2
on our boat. For the last piece I did for our home, I asked Ken what he would like. He said a naked lady!
Well, I was up for the challenge although she is very discrete. Take a look at my web site to see some of
the things I have made. http://www.captsan.com/stained_glass.htm
I can remember when I was back in Tel Sales, one day one of the guys I worked with said to me “Oh, my
kids do that; they just put them in the oven and presto – a beautiful piece of stained glass”. Oh, do I wish it
were that quick and easy.
. . . .
February 2013
We’ve Got Mail!
By Our Members
One thing all of those who contribute to the DAC Newsletter have in common is that their stories are
unique and worth telling. Drop us a line… say hello… and you may read a story worth repeating.
A update from Pat Fugere…
Hi Everyone,
My husband Paul retired and after 18 years in Hawaii we relocated to Arizona.
Our new address:
7637 E. Onyx Ct.
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Keep up the good work on the Newsletter. Your efforts are appreciated!
A note of Thanks from Judy Griffin…
My email account was down and out for quite some time, however all has been restored and I am back in cyberspace.
When I finally accessed my account I spent quite a few hours clearing out my inbox. Because of this it became
apparent just HOW MUCH information DAC gives to its members. Whether it be concerning upcoming events,
updates on the benefits lawsuit, what to do about some of the changes being made by SuperMedia, holiday greens,
newsy notes from members, or the passing of DAC members or members of their family.
Thank you for all you do to keep members in touch and informed!
“THANK YOU” to Arthur Kennedy for his very generous donation to help
with our postage expenses.
“THANK YOU” to Sharon Stover who gave a large donation to help with our
postage expenses.
A message from Carol MacGregor...
Hello all....I am writing because I am not sure if you heard about Sue Bires' daughter Lindsay. Lindsay Bires, 24, a
cardiac nurse at Palmetto Health Heart Hospital in South Carolina was standing outside the hospital while on a break
on Sept. 16, when a car swerved off the road, jumped the curb and struck her.
Sue's friends in the DAC may send their support for Sue and her family and prayers and well wishes for Lindsay's
You may post your message at the following facebook url.
Sue's home address is:
Sue Bires
20 Sheffield Rd Danvers, MA 01923
. . . .
A note from Arthur Kennedy…
Arthur Kennedy sent a note telling us that he is scheduled to undergo radiation treatment at the Mass General
Hospital Cancer Center on October 29th through December 8th. His doctors say that because of early detection his
chances of recovery are good.
Arthur is sorry that he will miss the Holiday Luncheon on December 4th and sends his best wishes to all of his DAC
Please remember Arthur in your prayers and send him your well wishes for a speedy recovery.
Arthur's home address is:
Arthur Kennedy
53 Alton Rd
Quincy, MA 02169
Happy Birthday to Sandy Strainge from your friends
in the DAC!! Sandy is a Halloween baby!!
A nice note from Dot Schofield…
Dear Friends,
Just want to say Thank You All for all you do! We are so fortunate to have such caring and diligent helpers.
Dot Schofield
“THANK YOU” to Kathy & Bill Cormier for their very generous
donation to help with our printing expenses.
A note from Bill Catelotti
Hi Claire,
Yesterday I attended the Holiday luncheon and had a great time catching up with folks I haven't seen in years. Thanks
for all the hard work you and your team do to keep us all in touch.
Bill Catelotti
. . . .
February 2013
A Thank you note from Eileen Cascio….
Thank you for all your hard work. The day was wonderful as usual.
On Monday October 29, 2012, many of us were impacted by Hurricane Sandy. The storm became the largest Atlantic
hurricane in diameter on record, with winds spanning 11,000 miles, and affecting at least 22 states. Thousands of
people were forced to evacuate their homes. Even more are still dealing with damage from the water and winds. We
hope those of you affected by this storm are safe. Please know that, the members of the Directory Alumni Council are
praying for everyone's safety and well-being.
Hurricane satellite photo Tuesday October 30, 2012
It shows the enormous reach of Sandy…all the way up to Greenland, then southeastward to the British Isles.
Breezy Point, NY
Oil tanker run aground on Staten Island
New York City Transit System
. . . .
Rockaway, NY
East Haven, CT
Charlestown, RI
Hoboken, NJ
Chelmsford, MA
Financial District, New York
Atlantic City, NJ
Over 100 homes destroyed by fire in
Breezy Point section of Queens, NY
Verizon Corporate office lobby in
Manhattan, NY
. . . .
February 2013
Brant Beach, on the New Jersey shore
Chincoteague, VA
Norwalk, CT
South Bethany, Delaware
Chesapeake Beach, MD
Westport, MA
Record snow fall in W. Virginia
. . . .
North Carolina
Wareham, MA
Washington, DC
Cleveland, OH
Lynn, MA
Hurricane Sandy: Help Those In Need.
The Red Cross continues to focus on reaching as many people as possible who need our help. Your
help is urgently needed to continue to support relief efforts. Getting supplies and meals and water into
affected areas is the top priority. Since the beginning of the Sandy relief effort:
More than 5,400 Red Cross workers have been assigned to operations from Virginia to Rhode Island,
with the majority in Greater New York and throughout New Jersey.
As of November 2012, the Red Cross has provided more than 58,000 overnight shelter stays in more
than 250 Red Cross shelters.
More than 1.6 million meals and snacks have been served.
The Red Cross has distributed more than 91,600 relief items such as clean-up kits and hygiene kits
The chance to contribute to the Red Cross and add to that total has not ended, however. Here’s how
you can still participate:
TEXT: Text REDCROSS to 90999 to give a $10 donation to the Red Cross.
ONLINE: Go to www.redcross.org to make a donation of any amount.
BY PHONE: Call 1-800-HELP-NOW. This number will bypass all the other menu
options and direct your call to Hurricane Sandy relief.
The American National Red Cross is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to the American National Red Cross
are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. The Red Cross' tax identification number is 53-0196605.
. . . .
February 2013
Steve Pressley
Real Estate Agent
319 Massachusetts Ave.
Arlington, MA 02474
Direct: 1(617) 680-2291
Office: 1(781) 643-0430
[email protected]
A cheery note from Marcy Mignosa….
Richie and Marcy Mignosa are enjoying their new lives at The Villages, Florida. "I miss the beach", Marcy states.
"But this place is amazing. I have never seen so many activities in one place. I enjoy the many miles of bike riding and
other sports such as pickle ball and bocce. I plan on joining a softball team this year. We turned 60 this year and
realize our bucket list is not getting completed." One of the things Marcy did this year was swim with the dolphins. "It
was a great experience and I look forward to doing it again.” We should all have a bucket list of things we always
wanted to do. The time gets away from us so fast and the next thing we know it's too late for some things we planned
to do. "I have courses I want to take, mostly computer courses including how to use my new smart phone. I am lucky
as The Villages has a Life Learning College on the premises. It offers many courses including musical, languages and
other academic classes." Richie and Marcy have their vacation condo in Wells, Maine and plan on spending the
summer in Maine for 2013.
A greeting from Ami and Ken Lane…
Dear Friends,
We would like to extend wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all.
Ken and Ami Lane
A Holiday note from Wendi Braun....
This past year has been a good year for me and my family. Two major events happened to us.
First, Alexandra graduated from Lexington High School in the spring and headed off to the University of South
Carolina in the fall. We took many trips her senior year, visiting colleges and then re-visiting colleges in PA, NC, and
SC, so she could make an informed choice. This allowed us to visit with South Carolinian relatives several times. We
hadn’t seen them in years and I’m delighted to have reconnected. Alex had a good first semester at college, making
the Dean’s List.
Over Thanksgiving break, Alex decided to leave USC and transfer to Elon University in North Carolina. It is a much
smaller school and with less focus on partying. Alex was accepted into Elon U for the spring semester so this was an
. . . .
easy transfer. At the end of the fall semester, we moved her things to NC and put them in storage until Feb, when we
head off to new student orientation. Another trip! We are very excited once again for Alex.
Second, I bought an old (really old) sail boat this past spring and spent the summer re-rigging her (that’s all the rope
and wires) and getting into trouble on a local salt water pond. This boat has two sails which is new for me coupled
with the fact I haven’t sailed in 30 years, resulted in some trying moments out on the water. However, it’s nice to be on
the water again after 15 years with no boat. My plan for the spring is to paint the boat and find a mooring on the Cape
for the summer. Maybe take a lesson or two in the spring.
Now for the rest of the news…
Brent is a junior at Lafayette College in Easton PA and doing well. He is double majoring in Biology and Theatre, not
having decided where his career will take him. I like that he is keeping his options open.
In April, I celebrated my one year anniversary at Fresenius Medical Care, a dialysis services company. I train our
managers on leadership skills and travel extensively throughout the US. I have traveled mostly along the east coast
and Texas, with a trip or two to CA. Now that both the kids are in college, I am able to travel without guilt (well at
least not a lot of guilt – Joel is home alone with the cats.)
Joel [Horowitz] was hired as a permanent employee at Computer Sciences Corp., after 9 months as a contractor. He is
assigned to the Raytheon account and enjoys his new team. Our two cats are still in love with Joel often snuggling up
to him when we watch TV. So cute.
My mum (Grandmama) is fine. However, she fell in the yard this past spring. After two trips to the ER to diagnose her
intense pain, she was diagnosed with a fractured pelvis in two places. She spent the spring and summer in pain,
sporting a walker and then a cane for months. But just like the Eveready bunny, you can’t keep her down. She is
walking on her own again and back to her ole self.
We survived Hurricane Sandy with a few fallen trees which knocked down more. One large tree remains in the back
yard as we could not cut it with our modest chain saw. As with many outdoor projects, we’ll deal with that in the
Wishing you a wonderful new year, full of birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, & splendid ‘everyday’ days.
. . . .
February 2013
greetings from
Jayden Kelly, 5
year old
grandson of
Andrea Kelly
Karen Gagne
sent us a
greeting with a
lovely picture of
Greetings from Jack and Jeanne Lavelle!!
to Terri
O’Brien and
Belmonte on
their new title of
Sue Tremblay,
Linda Hughes,
and Barbara
Bodner on a
recent trip to
Holiday Greetings and Wishes for a Happy, Healthy New Year from…Gail Roberts, Christine Krajewski,
Mary O’Connor, Mary Donnelly, Christine Harvey, Lillian Napoli, Eileen Shea, Eleanor Arsenis, Linda
Benson, Peggy Hickey, Mary Ennis, Pauline Vass, Sandy Noe, Bobbie Gifford, Nancy Matthews, Eleanor
Patten, Kathy Welch, Ann Jaroncyk, Betty Mandl, Marie Nardone, Mary Federico, George Anderson, Andrea
. . . .
A nice note from Dottie and Ralph DiPesa…
Dear Directory Alumni Friends,
It’s been a tough year for us between hospital stays and operation. We lost two dear family members within 6 months
of each other. My sister Helen in May and my sister Marion in November. We’ve been blessed with a new great
grandson in March. The circle of life goes on. We are looking forward to a new year.
Wishing all of you many blessings in the New Year.
Regards and Best Wishes to All.
God Bless,
A note from Dick Jones and Tony Foglia….
The 8th Annual Ken Premo Memorial Golf Tournament, will be held at the Lake Morey Inn Resort Country Club in
Fairlee, Vermont on June 18, 19, 20, 2013
The Lake Morey Resort offers all the ingredients of an ideal vacation: a wealth of activities on site, and great rooms-most of which overlook the lake. They also take care of you with fine dining.
A deposit of $100 is required by April 1, 2013.
If you are interested, contact Dick Jones at [email protected] or Tony Foglia at [email protected]
“We add value to your day”
110 Newbury St. (Rte 1 South) Danvers, MA
1-800-942-9575 www.NMTW.org
. . . .
February 2013
Vitamin F......
Why do I have a variety of friends who are all so different in character?
How is it possible that I can get along with them all? I think that each one helps to bring out a "different" part
of me. With one of them I am polite. With another I joke. With another I can be a bit naughty. I can sit down
and talk about serious matters with one. With another I laugh a lot. I listen to one friend's problems.
Then I listen to another one's advice for me. My friends are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When completed, they
form a treasure box. A treasure of friends!
They are my friends who understand me better than I understand myself. They're friends who support me
through good days and bad. Real Age doctors tell us that friends are good for our health.
Dr. Oz calls them Vitamin F (for Friends) and counts the benefits of friends as essential to our wellbeing.
Research shows that people in strong social circles have less risk of depression and terminal strokes.
If you enjoy Vitamin F constantly you can be up to 30 years younger than your real age.
The warmth of friendship stops stress and even in your most intense moments, it decreases the chance of a
cardiac arrest or stroke by 50%.
I'm so happy that I have a stock of Vitamin F!
In summary, we should value our friends and keep in touch with them. We should try to see the funny side of
things and laugh together and pray for each other in the tough moments.
Some of my friends are friends on line. I know I am part of theirs because their names appear on my computer
screen every day and I feel blessed that they care as much for me as I care for them.
Thank you for being one of my Vitamins!
In the year 2000 the DAC Board of Directors initiated our web site http://ypalumni.org/. Over the years we have
gathered statistical information to see if our members were using the web site. There are several pages on our web site
for you to view. All you have to do is click on the section to see the information. For example, the Just In page
contains emails sent to the membership regarding recent deaths, well wishes for members, etc. Counting is activated by
opening the page. The total number of visitors or page views provides a realistic and accurate assessment of popularity
of the amount of activity seen on the web site.
We thought it would be interesting to provide a "snapshot" of usage of our DAC web site.
As you can imagine, the Just In page is the most popular page averaging 4,477 views per year over the past 5 years.
The next popular are the Deaths pages with an average 1,355 views per year over the past 5 years.
The Newsletter page has an average 214 views per year over the past 4 years.
The Photos page has an average 697 views per year over the past 5 years.
The rest of the pages have a decent number of views to warrant keeping them on the web site.
The next time you are on-line check out our DAC web site http://ypalumni.org/ you will enjoy the view!
Editor note: The DAC Board of Directors is grateful to have Sandy Noe as our Web Master. Thank you Sandy for all
your hard work developing and keeping the DAC web site current.
The Association of BellTel Retirees supports efforts to pass legislation that will prohibit employers from cancelling or
reducing their retirees' health benefits. H.R. 1322, the Earned Retiree Healthcare Benefits Protection Act of 2011, was
introduced into the 112th Congress by Rep. John Tierney [D-MA6]. We encourage all members to become educated
about this bill and ask your Representative and Senators for their support. Call or email your Representative and
Senators' offices and let them know how important this issue is to you and tell them what has happened to your
retirement benefits. To find out who your Representative is, go to www.house.gov and enter your zip code. To find
out who your Senators are, go to www.senate.gov and search for your state. Each Member of Congress provides their
contact information on their website. Bill titles and summaries are written by the sponsor. H.R. stands for House bill.
. . . .
What are the most important things I should request from my elected official?
Ask your Representative or Senator to co-sponsor H.R. 1322. It is not enough to ask them to "support the bill" or
"take your comments into consideration." Press them politely to give you a definite answer. If the meeting is with their
staff, request a formal reply within a week and let them know you will be following up if you haven't heard from them
by then. If they say they won't co-sponsor H.R. 1322 find out why. If we know why they have problems with the
bill, we can find ways to fix those problems. Many in Congress just don't understand that you gave up pay and other
benefits all during your working career in exchange for the paid healthcare in retirement. These folks may believe the
corporate hype that your retiree subsidized healthcare is a "welfare” or “legacy” benefit. Ask them what changes
need to be made to this legislation that would get them to support it publicly. Again, this information will help us
modify the bill so that it will gain widespread support. If they have a certain issue, you can bet others will too.
Please feel free to contact my office at 978-531-1669 if you have further questions.
Sincerely, John F. Tierney (D-MA), Member of Congress
H.R. 1322 would amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) requiring sponsors of group
health plans to restore health benefits previously taken away from plan participants to the extent such benefits were
cancelled or altered after their retirement. Portions of H.R. 1322 were included in early versions of 2010's National
Healthcare Reform, but were subsequently removed leaving American retirees unprotected under the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act, passed on March 17, 2010. The new healthcare law actually gives companies an incentive
to discontinue certain retiree benefits because a tax provision in the law no longer allows companies to deduct
subsidies for healthcare coverage from their balance sheets.
Who Does NOT Support H.R. 1322?
Latest Title: Earned Retiree Healthcare Benefits Protection Act of 2011
Sponsor: Rep Tierney, John F. [MA-6] (introduced 4/1/2011)
Latest Major Action: 4/15/2011 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Health,
Employment, Labor, and Pensions.
ProtectSeniors.Org representatives have met with many Members of Congress so far in 2011. The following is a list of
Senators and Representatives who have said NO to cosponsoring H.R. 1322 (in the House) or introducing a
companion bill (in the Senate). Make sure you know where your elected officials stand and take action today -- write
to your Representative or Senator if they are on this list and let them know this issue is important to you!
Sen. Sherrod Brown (OH)
Sen. Tom Carper (DE)
Sen. Al Franken (MN)
Sen. Tom Harkin (IA)
Sen. John Kerry (MA)
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (MN)
Sen. Robert Menendez (NJ)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (MD)
Sen. Bill Nelson (FL)
Sen. John Rockefeller (WV)
Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT)
Sen. Charles Schumer (NY)
Sen. Debbie Stabenow (MI)
Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC-05)
Rep. Elton Gallegly (CA-24)
Rep. Jim Gerlach (PA-06)
Rep. Chris Gibson (NY-20)
Rep. Richard Hanna (NY-24)
Rep. Andy Harris (MD-01)
Rep. Robert Hurt (VA-05)
Rep. Leonard Lance (NJ-07)
Rep. Frank LoBiondo (NJ-02)
Rep. Tom Petri (WI-06)
Rep. Todd Platts (PA-19)
Rep. Tom Price (GA-06)
Rep. Dave Reichert (WA-08)
Rep. Scott Rigell (VA-02)
Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04)
Rep. Joe Wilson (SC-02)
Rep. Rob Wittman (VA-01)
. . . .
February 2013
If you are interested in writing a letter to your Senator and Representative we have a sample letter below.
This is a sample format; alter it to fit your situation.
Good luck!
Name of Senator or Congressional Representative
Address, City/Town, State, Zip Code
Dear (name),
This year marks a critical time for Verizon Communications retirees, since we may lose an opportunity to recover
retirement benefits from Verizon, and subsequent companies Idearc Media and SuperMedia LLC. The H.R. 1322
Earned Retiree Healthcare Benefits Protection Act of 2011 is coming back to the floor.
Today, I am joining fellow Verizon Communications retirees in contacting Members of the Senate and House to
encourage your support to co-sponsor H.R. 1322, the Earned Retiree Healthcare Benefits Protection Act. There are
currently 14 million retirees who are affected by these reductions in earned retirement benefits, and thanks to
ProtectSeniors.Org, we intend to regain benefits earned or paid for during many years of service to Verizon and its
predecessor companies, which included NYNEX, Bell Atlantic and GTE.
We are asking three simple, basic questions of Members of the Senate and House, including the following:
1)What is your position on H.R. 1322, and how do you plan to vote on H.R. 1322?
2)If you do decide to not co-sponsor H.R. 1322 this time, please specify in writing what we retirees must do
to change it for subsequent submission to the House of Representatives.
3)If you do decide to not co-sponsor H.R. 1322 this time, please specify in writing what other changes in
legislation must be put into place before you publicly support H.R. 1322.
Kindly send all your responses to these questions to my home address listed above. Since today is (Date), I will expect
your written responses by mail here next (Date). If you prefer to send these responses to my home email, please send
them to: (email address)
Thank you in advance for supporting H.R. 1322.
Your name
(NYNEX/ Bell Atlantic, GTE, Verizon) Retiree
Your Telephone #
Your Address, City/Town, State, Zip Code
. . . .
The DAC Board of Directors encourages you to consider the following important
request from the Association of BellTel Retirees Inc. If you choose to respond, you need
to sign up by submitting your information via email to: [email protected]
or, by mail to the address below.
IDEARC Information:
On November 17, 2006, Verizon spun off its domestic print and Internet yellow pages directories publishing
operations as well as the Verizon Information Services (VIS) to Idearc. As part of the spin-off transaction, Verizon
retirees were moved from the well-funded pension plan of Verizon into an up-start company's pension plan,
which may not be in their best interest.
Read about the claim at www.belltelretirees.org under Legal Actions.
The Association of BellTel Retirees posts updates: www.belltelretirees.org Please read the Amending Complaint
filed on January 6, 2010, which thoroughly explains the proposed class action case and is posted at the website. Also,
when required, important email bulletins will be sent and USPS letters will be mailed to those not on the Internet.
Email is the best way to stay informed. Meanwhile, if you receive any letters from Verizon or Idearc regarding the
suit, please call the Association office: 1-800-261-9222 or email us on: [email protected] and register
your name and address. Thank you for your help. It is imperative that we do all we can to protect these retirees’
pensions and benefits.
Association of BellTel Retirees Inc.
c/o C. William Jones, President and Executive Director
P.O. Box 33 Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
[email protected]
Update: Winter 2012-2013 Volume 64 Association of BellTel Retirees Newsletter
Former Verizon Retirees Transferred to Idearc/SuperMedia lose Healthcare Benefits &
Life Insurance
By Curtis L. Kennedy
ffective January 1, 2014 Verizon retirees who were transferred against their will to a new
undernourished company will lose healthcare and life insurance benefits. ALL OTHER
VERIZON RETIREES COULD BE NEXT. This article by the Association’s special legal counsel
Curtis L. Kennedy breaks down the issues you need to be aware of and concerned about.
What Was Idearc Truly Worth When the Spin-Off from Verizon Occurred?
We all know about the pitiful consequences that have been bestowed on the retirees who had
been involuntarily transferred from Verizon to Idearc/SuperMedia as part of the 2006 SpinOff transaction. In no other business transaction has Verizon transferred retirees. In the Murphy,
et al., v. Verizon Communications Inc., et al., case, the Class of 2,750 persons retired before the
November 17, 2006 Spin-off of Idearc seek to be restored into Verizon’s sponsored retiree
benefit plans.
Presently, there are two court cases pending in the Dallas federal court attacking the Spin-Off
transaction. Of course, one case is for the benefit of all transferred retirees. The other case that
all retirees ought to pay attention to is the major creditors’ lawsuit against Verizon.
The Spin-Off transaction not only eventually led to the creditors’ significant financial losses, it
caused retirees lose the security of their retiree benefits, especially health care coverage.
On October 15, 2012, the creditors’ case of U S Bank, NA v. Verizon Communications Inc., et al.,
went to trial in the Dallas federal court, before Senior Judge A. Joe Fish. This is the Bankruptcy
. . . .
February 2013
Litigation Trust’s case and U S Bank, NA is the bankruptcy appointed “Litigation Trustee” and
Plaintiff leading the creditors’ fraud case filed in the aftermath of Idearc’s bankruptcy. All of the
Plaintiff ’s claims arise out of Verizon’s November 17, 2006 Spin-Off of its failing print and online Directories Business to Idearc Inc., now known as SuperMedia Inc.
During Phase 1 of the trial both sides cumulatively submitted about 750 exhibits. Judge Fish
heard testimony from former Verizon officers, former Idearc officers, and John Diercksen,
Verizon’s executive vice president who acted as the sole director of Idearc, inside and outside
legal counsel, representatives of investment banks, rating agencies, financial advisors,
solvency and economic experts about intimate financial details about Verizon’s directories
business and efforts promoting the Spin-Off. It’s a high stakes case, generating tons of legal
paperwork, over 600 separate court filings to date, and the parties are not yet done with their
To illustrate the stakes, Verizon Defendants paid just one of their eight expert witnesses over
$5 million in fees! Other experts have been paid well over 1 million in fees. Not to mention the
fees paid to the cadre of defense counsel. For the trial, The Verizon Defendants arranged a
special lease of office space nearby the downtown Dallas federal court. Before the end of the
year, Judge Fish is expected to make his ruling concerning Phase 1 of the creditors’ case. The
outcome of the creditors’ case may have very significant repercussions for the retirees’ Murphy
case which also awaits rulings by Judge Fish. All of the important court filings for both the
creditor’s case, and the Murphy case being funded by your retiree association are posted on the
Association of BellTel Retirees website. The critical impact of these cases is vital for the future
protection of your earned retirement benefits and rights. I urge every retiree to do two things:
1) Pay close attention to these lawsuits which impact your retirement rights significantly;
2) Please financially support your Association to the best of your ability, so that the organization
can continue to fight for your rights in the Murphy litigation and its other advocacy efforts.
Keep this page for important telephone numbers reference.
Association of BellTel Retirees Inc.
Benefits at SuperMedia Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.belltelretirees.org
For questions on your eligibility for coverage, enrollment options, qualified
status changes or the Flexible Spending Accounts please contact:
Mail/Tel#: (631) 367-3067
SuperMedia Benefits Center @ 1-888-385-3028.
The Association Of Belltel Retirees Inc.
PO Box 61
Glen Head, NY 11545-0061
Hours: 8:00AM to 5:00PM Central
Web: http://www.cigna.com
Main Tel#: 1-800-244-6224
CWA Local 1301
M-F 8 a.m. to 6 p.m
Web: cwa1301.org
Mail/Tel#: Bus. Phone & Fax 781-356-6766
Communications Workers of America Local 1301
150 West Street
Braintree, Massachusetts 02184
Web: http://www.cigna.com
Main Tel#: 1-800-244-6224
M-F 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
CWA Local 1302
Email: [email protected]
Web: cwa1302.tripod.com
Mail/Tel#: (781) 598-3323
CWA Local 1302
1 Market Street 3rd Floor
Lynn, Ma 01901
. . . .
Web: http://www.metlife.com
Main Tel#: 1-800-942-0854
M-F 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. (EST)
Minnesota Life Insurance Company
Web: http://www.lifebenefits.com
Main Tel#: 1-866-293-6047M-F 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (EST)
How many people in photos 1 thru 9 can you name? See answer on Page 40
. . . .
February 2013
We would like to expand the coverage of stories like the ones that Bobbie Gifford (Bobbie’s
Chat Room), Jim Mullaney (Jims Jems), and Kathy Jasmin (The Florida Connection) write for
the newsletter. We are looking for additional contributing authors.
Our members enjoy reading about their Directory friends and what they are up to.
If you are interested in writing a column in the February, June and October issues of the
DAC Newsletter contact Claire Palmer at ypalumni.org or 617 332-4913.
. . . .
See photos of Suffolk
Downs on our web
site YPAlumni.org
. . . .
February 2013
. . . .
See photos of
Holiday Luncheon on
our web site
. . . .
February 2013
. . . .
. . . .
February 2013
. . . .
. . . .
February 2013
Send us your Newsy Notes any time. We will be sure to publish your news in the next DAC Newsletter.
Many have told us how they enjoy reading everyone's news. Others tell us that the DAC
Newsletter keeps them connected, no matter the distance. You can help keep this conversation
going. Tell us what you are doing. We would love to hear from you.
Send your "Newsy Notes" by email to [email protected]
Or mail to DAC PO Box 2098 Danvers, MA 01923
Photo Trivia Answer
Photo 1: Charles Daly
Photo 2: Elaine Brennan Long
Photo 3: Mary Kelleher
Photo 4: David Wright
Photo 5: Bill Sweeney
Photo 6: Mike O’Malley
Photo 7: Eileen Leccese
Photo 8: Joe Palazzolo
Photo 9: Bob Lay, Mary Kirby, Sandy Noe, Joe Gillis, Andrea Kelly, Gladys Page, Sue Gaudet
To maintain membership ranks, we depend greatly on present members to recommend the
Directory Alumni Council to others. We ask your continued support to increase membership in the
DAC. Our Directory Alumni Council’s motto is "Helping Members Keep in Touch". In talking to our
membership, most agree that getting our members involved and engaged with the DAC is a number
one priority. We need your help to accomplish this goal!
Directory Alumni Council
PO Box 2098 Danvers, MA 01923
Visit our Web site at YPAlumni.org
E-mail: [email protected]
. . . .
January - June 2013 Events
Annual Meeting April 23
Phone-a-Thon May 14-15
Red Sox Game May 28
By paying your membership dues you help us
continue the camaraderie we all enjoyed during our days
with the Directory department. We hope you enjoy this
newsletter and will encourage your friends who may not
belong to the DAC to join in the fun. The DAC
Membership directory, newsletter, and web site allow
members to keep in touch with friends made over the
. . . .
February 2013
Thank You! to our advertisers.
DAC Members are reading
this newsletter. Do they know what YOU
are up to?
Place your ad today for the next newsletter. We
publish a newsletter in February, June and
October. Contact us for the advertising
deadline date of our next newsletter.
Since many of you have gone into your own business, this advertising opportunity will help
you reach your former colleagues and their friends. Advertising your business is still one of
the most efficient ways to let lots of people know about your products and services.
An ad using your business card will cost $50.00 to appear in a single issue of the DAC
Newsletter. You must provide a copy of your business card sent either via US mail or
scanned in an email, along with your check.
If you've heard about the advertising offer from your friends and would like to publish
your business card in the next newsletter contact us at
DAC PO Box 2098, Danvers, MA 01923, or at our email address [email protected]
Check out our current paid advertisers:
Darryl Ruffin on Page 14
Steve Pressley on Page 22
NMTWCU on Page 25
We thank the advertisers featured in this newsletter for their support. Their ad purchase is used towards our printing and postage
expense. The DAC does not specifically endorse any service or product advertised herein. We do encourage our readers to
investigate any service or product they may consider using in order to make an informed decision, and hope they will consider
some of our supporters when doing so.
. . . .
The Garden Club
"Late February, and the air's so balmy snowdrops and
crocuses might be fooled into early blooming. Then, the
inevitable blizzard will come, blighting our harbingers of
spring, and the numbed yards will go back undercover."
- Gail Mazur
What To Do in the Garden - February
Warmer Regions (Zone 8 and Higher)
Cold Regions (USDA Hardiness Zone 7 and Lower)
. . . .
February 2013
Thank You in advance for your
support! Good Luck!
A fundraiser Phone-a-Thon to
benefit the Foundation for
Neurologic Diseases.
This gives us a chance to say
“Hello” and an opportunity for you
to continue your generous support
for research on Alzheimer’s,
Multiple Sclerosis and brain
Here’s how it works! We’ll call you on
May 14 or May 15 to purchase raffle
tickets for three $50 cash prizes.
Tickets are 1 for $5, 3 for $10, and
8 for $20.
The drawing will be held on
June 19.
Fill out the form below, enclose your
check and mail before June 1st. Upon
receipt of your check, your name will
be placed in the drawing for each
ticket purchased.
Just remember… to be in the drawing
for the prizes your check must be
received by June 1st!
. . . .
Directory Alumni Council
PO Box 2098 Danvers, MA 01923
“Helping Members Keep In Touch”
May 14, 15, 2013
Tel. No.
Number of raffle tickets___________
Amount enclosed $_____________
Make your check payable to the
DAC. Note: All of your checks must be
made payable to the DAC. Any checks
not made out this way will be returned
to you for correction.
. . . .
February 2013
“Helping Members Keep In Touch”
Pizza and
beverages will
be served
following the
Seating is limited.
If you are planning
to attend please
mail the form by
April 23, 2013 to
reserve your seat.
A short review of past and future
activities will precede the
election of members nominated for
seats on the board whose terms
expire on April 30, 2013. The
Nominating Committee has
submitted for nomination the
following members to fill
positions on the Board of
Directors. Pauline Vass, Bob
Odachowski, George Anderson, new
members Carol Prata, Andrea
Annual meeting of the
Directory Alumni
Council will be held
on Tuesday
April 23 , 2013 at
Calitri’s Restaurant
Rte 1 South
Danvers, MA
from 11:00 am-1:00 pm
In accordance with Article IV
of the Council By-laws, any
additional nominees may be
recommended in writing to the
Nominating Committee, thirty
days prior to the Annual
Meeting. Changes to By-Laws
will be voted on at the
Directory Alumni Council
PO Box 2098
Danvers, MA 01923
Annual Meeting
Tuesday April 23, 2013
Yes, I plan to attend the Annual Meeting at Calitri’s Restaurant
City/Town ______________________________________
State_________________ Zip________________
Tel. No. _______________ E-Mail: _________________
. . . .
An Invitation to Join the Directory Alumni Council
We welcome your friends and family members to join the Directory Alumni Council. Give
them this form to fill out, or send us their name and address and we’ll send them an
invitation to join the DAC.
Directory Alumni Council
P.O. Box 2098  Danvers, MA  01923
“Helping Members Keep In Touch”
Dear Alumni and Friends,
On behalf of the Directory Alumni Council, I would like to extend an invitation to you to join the DAC.
Our Directory Alumni Council was founded on November 23, 1987 by a wonderful group of people like
you, who thought it might be nice to stay in touch with some of their friends after they have left the
Annual dues is $15.00. Membership brings you our informative newsletter, a copy of the Membership
Directory, flyers of upcoming events, and timely e-mail notification of information of interest to the Alumni.
The Directory Alumni Council is a great way to stay in touch. Our organization is made up of former
Directory employees and has all the attributes of a close-knit family. We do care for each other and try to
be there for one another whenever there is a need. We do hope you will join us for the nominal $15
Again, on behalf of the Directory Alumni Council, Congratulations and Best Wishes for the years ahead.
Claire M. Palmer
Send your annual dues of $15.00 to:
Directory Alumni Council
PO Box 2098, Danvers, MA 01923
Clip and return the address form below for listing in the Directory Alumni Council Membership
Telephone No.
E Mail Address
Telephone No.
E Mail Address (if different)
. . . .

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