2013 AnnuAl RepoRt


2013 AnnuAl RepoRt
2013 Annual Report
Letter from Our Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Who We Are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
What We Do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2013 Program Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3515 Chicago Avenue South • Minneapolis, MN 55407
(612) 824-7581 • [email protected]
Facebook: fullcyclebikeshop
Twitter: @fullcyclebike
Instagram: @fullcyclebikeshop
© Copyright Full Cycle 2013
Photos by Caroline Yang Photography.
Bigger & Better: Growth Plan Progress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2013 Internship Program Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2013 Partnerships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2013 Financials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2013 Supporters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Success Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Get Involved!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
From Our Director
Dear Friends of Full Cycle,
Two words come to mind when reflecting on 2013 here at Full
Cycle: Bigger & Better! (Well, maybe three if you count Busier).
We successfully completed year one of a three year growth plan
by building an infrastructure that allows us to serve more youth
at a higher level and improve upon the success of our bike shop
venture. As a result of the bike shop’s retail success and the
generosity of our supporters, Full Cycle implemented a second site
just across the alley to use as a classroom for interns. We are also
using this new space to conduct our free bike appointments and
community partnership projects. The Full Cycle family grew from
four to six as we hired a full time mechanic and an additional
youth worker. With space to spread out and more hands to help,
Full Cycle is now able to offer more paid internships, more free
bike appointments and more 1:1 time between trained youth
workers and the homeless youth we serve. We were finally able
to repair our leaky roof, and with that new roof over our heads,
we’ve put a lot of effort into making our retail space look better
than ever—just in time for our newly-expanded shop hours of
operation this spring. That’s right, Full Cycle will be open five days
a week to the public, selling refurbished bikes, new & used parts
and accessories and providing a full spectrum of repairs.
“With your help
we will continue
to work hard, stay
focused and be a
successful solution to
homelessness for so
many young people.”
—Matt Tennant, Director
and Founder of Full Cycle
As we enter spring 2014 we are celebrating the hiring of our
100th Youth Intern. Over the years, Full Cycle has become a
hub for learning and personal growth. One hundred young
adults have gained employable skills, earned a paycheck, and
experienced long overdue success. And, not only has Full Cycle
inspired these young adults, but also staff, customers, funders,
supporters and anyone else who has set foot in our bike shop
and helped us fulfill our mission: To connect with and support
homeless youth and our community through bikes, business and
relationships. The learning and growing that occurs between
everyone involved with this venture is really what makes Full Cycle
a remarkable place.
As a non-profit we cannot do this work without your ongoing
support. With your help we will continue to work hard, stay
focused and be a successful solution to homelessness for so many
young people.
Matt Tennant
Director and Founder, Full Cycle
Who We Are
Full Cycle, a Twin Cities non-profit used bicycle shop, incorporates four
integrated strategies to meet the needs of young adults experiencing
homelessness on a spectrum ranging from survival to independence.
Since its inception in 2002, Full Cycle has had over 40,000 interactions
with homeless youth.
We sell high quality used bicycles, new parts and accessories, and
provide professional repair services to the general public. This earned
income helps to fund our program.
To connect with and support
homeless youth, our community,
and our Earth through bikes,
business and relationships.
3-year vision:
To be one of the nation’s
most successful organizations
impacting homeless youth, setting
the standard and becoming the
model for other organizations
and social enterprises working
with homeless youth.
“To all those
who support and
participate in the
Full Cycle endeavor, I
declare that you are
awesome! Only good
things can happen
to you from here
—Full Cycle Intern
core values:
• Commitment
• Personal Accountability
• Integrity
• Optimism
• Gratitude
• Humor
What We Do
Full Cycle’s four complementary strategies allow homeless youth to
establish strong relationships with supportive staff members who
connect them to community resources and support services. These
programs help young people achieve independence and reach a place
in their lives where they dare to dream about a future beyond the
constraints of homelessness.
Paid Internship Program:
Youth learn bicycle mechanics and basic business skills
while gaining practical job experience during this
6-month paid program (two 3-month phases). Pay-ItForward Projects teach these youth that they have the
ability to give back and help others, even when not all
their basic needs are being met.
Groveland Food for Youth:
Youth meet their basic needs through this youthstaffed food shelf, which provides them with access to
food, parenting supplies and connection to additional
Free Bike Appointments:
Borrow a Bike: Full Cycle’s “Borrow a Bike” initiative
allows partnering agencies to keep a small fleet of Full
Cycle bikes on sight at their agency. Bikes are loaned
out for a period of six months during the prime cycling
season to be used by youth accessing those agencies as a
means of healthy transportation and recreation.
Full Cycle Food Delivery (FCFD): Since 2012, Full Cycle has
hired back internship graduates to deliver food by bike to
local youth-serving agencies. The food is donated by local
businesses and also grown right in Full Cycle’s backyard
garden. FCFD combines our work at the bike shop and
Groveland Food for Youth by using bikes to build job skills
and get food to the young people who need it.
Full Cycle Gardens: In the alley behind Full Cycle Bike
Shop you’ll find our own little oasis. Generous seedling
donations from Uproot Farm each spring since 2011
have allowed us to keep our three raised beds. Interns
and staff help plant and harvest, FCFD Riders bring
produce to local shelters and dropin centers, and all our
participants are welcome to partake in the fresh veggies.
Youth learn to build and maintain their own bicycle—
often the first bike they own and their primary means
of getting around. These appointments serve as a
non-clinical opportunity for staff to build trusting
relationships and help young adults make connections to
other resources.
Street Outreach:
Youth connect with Full Cycle outreach workers on the
streets. They are provided with information, resources,
and referrals to Full Cycle programs and other local
programs that help meet their basic needs, such as food,
parenting supplies, transportation, and employment
2013 Program Results
= Bikes Sold
= Shop Revenue
our impact
3600 youth were served by Full Cycle
outreach workers on 5497 visits.
408 youth utilized Groveland Food for
Youth on 1017 visits.
98 youth made free bike
appointments on 203 visits.
17 youth participated in our
internship program.
Pounds of food provided
Homeless youth served
Bikes given away
total Youth contacts
total shop income
“Being a Full Cycle intern was a transformational
phase for me. Before this I was stuck in bad
habitual patterns. I was able to break these
because I found something I love to do and love
the environment you have created at the shop.”
—Full Cycle Intern
Bigger & Better:
Growth Plan Progress
Full Cycle Classroom
In 2013 Full Cycle began renting space in the old fire house building
owned by the Land Stewardship Project located directly across the
alley. This new classroom has allowed us to expand our internship
program as well as our bike shop hours of operation.
This year we were able to expand our seasonal mechanic position to
a year round position as well as hire another Street Outreach Worker.
Full Cycle currently employs 6 full time staff, 4 seasonal graduates, and
20 youth interns.
Full Cycle Van
Thanks to the support of Wells Fargo, Full Cycle obtained a van that
allows us to transport youth, pick up bike and food donations, and
transport bikes to off site bike sales events.
Retail Shop Improvements
This year Full Cycle was finally able to replace a seriously leaky roof
with help from Anderson Builders. We also painted our shop floors
thanks to the generosity of Scott Flom and his friends & family.
2013 Internship
Program Results
Since the Internship program’s inception in 2008,
92 interns have been hired.
(13 of 17 interns)
graduated from
Phase 1, the first
3 months
(9 of 17 interns)
graduated from
Phase 2, the entire
24% (4 of the 17 interns) did not complete either phase due to
changes in life circumstances. Many of these youth still use Full Cycle as
a resource to better their situation.
Full Cycle supports and tracks our interns’ ability to obtain housing and
employment. We help these young people achieve independence and
thrive in their future lives beyond homelessness. These results measure
not only our long term-impact on the lives of the homeless youth we
serve, but also, to society as a whole.
47% of interns gained more permanent housing during or after their
44% of Phase 2 grads and 30% of all internship participants became
employed during or after their internship. A significant portion
received interviews and felt more confident and hopeful seeking
employment due to their experience.
All interns participate in these projects, which develop an appreciation
for civic engagement and empower our interns to recognize that they
have the ability to give back and help others, even when not all of
their basic needs are being met.
FB4K (Free Bikes For Kids): Full Cycle interns spent time fixing up bikes
for this annual event that collects, repairs and distributes over 5,000 bikes
to metro area children and families in need around the holiday season.
Borrow a Bike Program: In coordination with 4 organizations
serving homeless youth, interns fixed up and distributed 16 bikes and
scheduled necessary repairs.
Bike Clinic at Brightpeak Financial: Full Cycle Interns led a demonstration
on basic bike repair to Brightpeak employees and riders. Donated bikes
were also collected at this event, and several different fund raising
strategies were implemented throughout the week by Brightpeak
employees to benefit Full Cycle.
NE Metro Intermediate School District: Full Cycle staff led a 4 week
training session to prepare students from NE Metro alternative school
to run their own “School Bike Shop.”
All interns visit Twin Cities’ bicycle-based businesses, allowing them
to learn how other businesses operate as well as what products and
services they offer.
Bike Shop Tours: Interns tour these shops, asking questions of staff and
introducing themselves as potential future applicants. Tours include: Alley
Cat, Behind Bars, Cycles for Change, Express Bikes, Grand Performance,
The Hub Bike Co-op, Recovery Bike Shop and Venture North.
Quality Bicycle Products: Interns tour the facility and meet with Human
Resources managers, receiving tips and training on getting a job.
Donaldson Bike Sale: Interns worked 1:1 with Quality Bicycle Products’
sales representatives for our annual Donaldson Co. bike sale and
donation drive.
U of M ReUse-A-Palooza: In partnership with the University of
Minnesota’s ReUse Center, Full Cycle participated in its annual ReUse-APalooza campus wide bike sale, selling bikes and accessories to support
our program. Youth interns were given the opportunity to practice
their sales and professional skills while being exposed to campus life.
Interns and past graduates get together for bike rides, allowing them
to develop and grow their interest in biking, discover new areas
and ways to recreate on a bike, create balance in their lives, and
get to know each other outside “the office” to build deeper team
camaraderie. These rides allow staff to reconnect with past interns and
track their successes and progression toward independence.
Ride to The Depot: 16 mile ride along the Greenway to Hopkins nonprofit coffee house, a chemical free spot for youth.
BMX Trail Ride: Jumps and trail riding are annual highlights for
many interns!
Bike Camping Trip: Full Cycle staff, interns, and past graduates took a
two-day / 50-mile trip on Minnesota’s Luce Line Trail to Baker Parker
2013 Partnerships
Full Cycle values partnerships with diverse local organizations in
the public, private, and non-profit sectors. These partnerships
provide interns the opportunity to learn the importance of making
connections, leveraging resources, and collaborating with local
community members.
Quality Bicycle Products. Financial and in-kind support for our youth
run, social enterprise bike shop; facility tours and HR trainings.
Social Venture Partners. Full Cycle received its third and final year of
financial support as well as over 300 volunteer hrs from SVP Partners
that has paved the way for Full Cycles growth and sustainability.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Supported Full Cycle’s growth
through multiple fundraising strategies including a long distance
cycling tour, bike drive, and Thrivent Foundation support.
Equal Exchange Coffee. Thank you for building our capacity to get
incredible amounts of work done while jacked up on your delicious coffee.
Otto Bremer. Full Cycle completed year one of a 3 yr growth plan
supported by Otto Bremer Foundation allowing us to increase the
quantity and quality of services we provide to homeless youth.
Quality Bicycle Products. QBP sales representative hosted an on-site
sales training workshop leading up to the Donaldson Bike Sale.
Bike Rack Project. An Arts on Chicago initiative to bring functional
art to the neighborhood through a series of unique and creative bike
racks. Full Cycle interns helped to design and create these racks after a
series of welding courses.
Outreach and Public Relations
Powderhorn 24. Full Cycle hosted a stop at this 24-hour bike race, with
interns instructing racers to perform a task to earn their checkmark.
Nature Valley Grand Prix. Full Cycle set up an information station and
offered free tune ups & repairs.
Midtown Farmers Market Bike Day. Full Cycle information table.
Midtown Greenway Brake for Breakfast. Full Cycle information table.
Midtown Greenway Community Bike Festival. Full Cycle information
table and bike raffle.
Neighborhood Day. Free repairs and bike raffle for neighborhood youth.
Breck High School. Student leaders spent an afternoon painting the
back of the shop, thus completing our exterior makeover.
Wells Fargo Foundation. Contributed to much needed replacement of
our long time leaky roof as well as supplies for our new classroom.
Wells Fargo Funding Council. Funded the purchase of a Full Cycle van
allowing us to pick up donations, attend events and transport youth.
Anderson Builders. We had a great experience with this highly
professional contractor responsible for the replacement of our shop
roof and generously donating a portion of the overall cost.
Land Stewardship Project. It’s been a great experience remodeling
and renting our new classroom space from this amazing organization.
BIKE DRIVES and donations
Behind Bars
Brightpeak Financial
Donaldson, Co.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Tonka Ski and Cycle
2013 Financials
Corporations &
Individual Contributions
Contributions In-kind
Government Income
Sales and Repairs
“I have found a life
long mentor at Full
Cycle. I will always
be grateful for
everything you have
done for me.”
—Full Cycle Intern
Employee Wages
Youth Intern Wages
Youth stipends (GFFY)
Employee Benefits
Payroll Taxes
Participant Expense
Transportation & Travel
2013 Supporters
On Guard Locks
Allina Health
Charlson Foundation
Thrivent Tour Team
Family Housing Fund
Tonka Cycle and Ski
Finnegans Community Fund
Twin Cities Rise
First & First LLC
Uproot Farms
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Wells Fargo
Groveland Emergency Food
Whole Foods
Shelf, Inc.
Woychick Design
MN Department of Human
Wuollet Bakery
Otto Bremer Foundation
Plymouth Congregational
Quality Bicycle Products
Bill Bluhm,
Razoo Foundation
Dancing Dragonfly Winery
Social Venture Partners
Steve Flagg,
Quality Bicycle Products
Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Foundation
Scott Grossbauer,
Donaldson Co.
Wells Fargo Foundation
Nevin Harwood,
Gray Plant Mooty
ADT Dental
Aegis Foundation
Anderson KM Builders LLC
Art House
Avenues for Homeless Youth
Behind Bars
Blockhead Printing
Breck High School
Caroline Yang Photography
Dero Bike Racks
Donaldson Co.
Dowling School
Equal Exchange
Gray Plant Mooty Law Firm
Groveland Emergency Food
Infini Lights
Josh Kent
Kryptonite Locks
Arnold Abel
Stefani Adams
Karen Althaus
Ameriprise Financial
Employee Gift Matching
Karl Anderson
Karn Anderson
Theodore Angelo
Deborah Arndt
Charles Aron
Phyllis Aron
Judy Ashley
John Bachhuber
Diane Barclay
Ruth Bash
Dayna Bassett
Sarah Bates
Derek Belisle
Robert Bell
Dawn Benko
Julie Bentley
Patricia Berger
Pete Bernard
Timothy Bernard
Eric Bilger
Karen Bingham
Scott Bingham
Simon Bird
William Bohmer
Gary Bond
Darci Bontrager
Gina Boyer
Sheila Bracken
Darrell Brandt
Liz Brenner
Kelly Bretz
Daniel Brooks
Brad Brown
Caleb Buecksler
Kathy Burns
Robert Burns
Scott Burns
John Busacker
Timothy Campbell
Jennifer Cary
Eileen Chanen
Diane Chicos
Mark Christensen
David Christianson
Michelle Clary
Mikkel Clay
Christopher Clifford
Mark Coleman
Pamela Conrad-Martin
Larry Cooper
Sheri Cooper
Jennifer Cords
Derovations Corporation
Kevin Courtney
Todd Cravens
Laurel Crowe
Allan Dean
Bruce Dean
Mark Dean
Shirley Dean
Dennis DeGidio
Jayne DeJong
Darlene Dierke
Laura Dierke
Robert Dierke
Judith Dill
Alva Djerk
Nicole Doebert
Jonathan Doering
Dowling Urban
Environmental School
Richard Drews
H.E. Durbin
Richard Edinger
Mary Beth Ehlert
Jan Elsasser
James Elvestrom
Cristine Emerson
Karin Emerson
Rick Emerson
Karen Eminian
Marlene Erickson
Terry Esau
Robert Esposito
Judy Kay Ewing
Ameriprise Financial
Laura Fingerson
Mark Fingerson
Ruth Fingerson
Tim Finnegan
Amy Fisher
Stephen Flagg
Fox World Travel
Joanna Franek
Linda Freitag
Stephanie Fritz
Lori Fritzlar
Michael Fuehrmeyer
Venessa Fuentes
Janelle Fuhrmann
Kathleen Furey
Brandy Gerth
Kathryn Gettinger
Joanne Gibbs
Debra Gibson
Erin Gladstone
Garrett Gleason
Shannon Glonek
Kelsye Gould
Gray Plant Moody
Erin Gregoria
Andrew Grossman
John Groton
Scott Gullickson
Ryan Hageman
Michael Haglin
Ryan Hahler
Julie Haight Curran
Daniel Hansen
Grete Hanson
Janet Hanson
Dan Hedrich
Erin Hente
Bradford Hewitt
Jackie Hintz
Jackie Hintz
John Hite
Marsha Hoeffs
Melanie Hoeffs-Kwon
Debra Holmgren
Corrina Holt
S.L.R. Holtz
Tracee Hummel-Lindsoe
Hunger Solutions Minnesota
Sarah Hunt
Kevin Hunter
Laura Hunter
Tom Hussian
William Idzorek
Kristine Immel
Gregory Jahnke
Dennis Jaspersen
Michael Johnson
Sarah Johnson
Terrence Johnson
Earl Johnston
Debra Jones
Thomas Jones
Deborah Jorgens
Adam Kahan
Roger Kapsner
Douglas Kemp
Joanne Kemps
Gina Kennedy
Michael Kennedy
KHC Holiday-Inn Bloomington
Amy Kierzek
Dale Kivimaki
Richard Kleven
Brenda Knoernschild
Gregg Knudten
Janelle Koster
Connie Kotke
Joanna Krebs
Jennifer Kreeb
Barbara Kummer
Raean Kusch
Kim Kusnier
Nora Lagaard
Steven Lagaard
Christopher Larson
Karen Larson
Zachary Larson
Margaret LaVelle
Lynn Lee
Steven Lee
Randall Lewandowski
Kimberly Lochner
Ann Loehrke
David Lundgren
Jessica Lundgren
Erik Lundring
L.K. Lundring
Brian Macho
Isabel Mahon
Brian Mair
Marissa Makey
Becky Malcomson
Valerie Martinson
Christine Mcclellan
Karen McConnell
Royce McEwen
Janna McFarlane
Myles McKee
William McKinney
Tyler McLeod
Tim Meehan
David Meier
Susan Melrose
Kathleen Mertz
Jeffrey Meyer
Kristin Meyer
Melanie Meyer
Susan Midthun
David Mietzner
Nicole Misencik
Cris Moore
Jennifer Moran
Anna Morrison
Donna Mulder
Jessica Nadeau
Dana Nelson
Larissa Nelson
Nancy Nelson
Richard Nelson
Susan Nelson
Abbie Nguyen
Third North, LLC
Stacy Nystrom
William O’Doherty
Duane Ohland
Kristin Olsen
Joanna Olson
Knut Olson
Susan Olson
Omaha Community
Nathan Oppedahl
Elizabeth Ordal
Suzanne O’Regan
Justin Palecek
Aaron Paleen
Julie Panaro
Steven Patton
Carla Pavone
Christina Pearson
Paul Pedtke
Greg Peters
Alea Peterson
Miriam Peterson
Samantha Phillippe
Kathleen Piltingsrud
Cynthia Pipenhagen
Amanda Poliachik
Jennifer Pope
Donna Porfiri
Anna Portelli
Emily Poskie-Wilson
Laura Pugh
Catherine Quillin
Mary Rafferty
Marie Rampino
Mary Reed
Maria Rice
Charles Ricketts
Pamela Roe
Gabriel Rojas-Cardona
William Rose
David Rustad
David Saggau
Erik Saltvold
Anne Sample
Jeanette Schmidt
Lynn Schwandt
Gregory Schwem
Kathleen Seestadt
Daniel Seyfried
Brenna Sheehan
Joni Shellabarger
Darrell Shideler
Stephanie Shields
Janet Shockley
Lonnie Sievert
Kimberlee Sinclair
Beth Singer
Todd Sipe
Clinton Skaggs
Gene Smaciarz
Rebecca Smith
Josh Smith-Bollum
Zach Snell
Loren Snyder
Soltva Apartments
Yvonne Sopata
Susan Sperl
Vicki Spielman
Kevin Stantz
Nancy Starfeldt
Kathryn Stephens
Jana Stern
Julie Stovroff
Stephen Strand
Kevin Stumo
Kraig Stumo
Victor Sugumar
Dixie Sullivan
Tara Sullivan
Daniel Swartz
The Kuhl Family Charitable
Fund at Schwab Charitable
Audrey Thomas
Chad Thomley
Emily Thompson
Philip Thompson
James Thomsen
Thrivent Volunteers
Tiger Rose Tattoo
Kim Tillmann
Rebecca Tipton
Gary Tollefson
Peter Troolin
Mackenzie Turner
Marie Uhrich
Jeff Urban
Todd Urban
Tony Valazza
Mary Vandehey
Mary Vanderwyst
Jessica Verkuilen
Kim Vogel
James Walker
Jerry Walker
Lauren Walker
Richard Walker
Shari Wallack
Shelley Ward
Washburn High School
Julie Wedig
Wesley Weecks
Nicole Weiler
Rebecca Westermeyer
Charles Weygand
Karissa Wiegand
Laurie Wilkinson
Linda Wilson
Lucas Winskowski
Larry Winter
Michael Yates
Robert Yockey
Andrea Young
Anita Young
Daniel Young
Jon Young
Philip Young
Silva Young
Thomas Young
Joette Zembal
Kristine Ziccardi
Jane Zilch
Success Stories
Maddy. After successfully completing her 6 mo. Internship, Maddy
obtained a job at Erik’s Bike Shop, using her mechanic skills to
assemble bicycles at their warehouse.
Carly. A 2010 Full Cycle graduate, Carly continues to visit us at the shop
on a regular basis to share her pride in the fact that she is still employed
by the same department store where she was hired over 2 years ago
upon graduating. She continues to keep her own apartment and
support herself and assures us that after having experienced this type of
success, life on the streets will never be an option for her in the future.
Marcus. This year, Marcus, a Full Cycle graduate, was hired on to be a
Street Outreach Worker for another homeless youth serving agency
within the Street Works Collaborative. Using his personal life experience
along with the employment skills/tools gained at Full Cycle, he is thriving
in his new career. More importantly he continues the pay it forward
spirit of Full Cycle by sharing his knowledge and resources to help others
who are experiencing the all to familiar constraints of homelessness.
Frank. Since graduating from FC 2 years ago, Frank has worked his
way up in the local cycling industry by securing seasonal employment
at Calhoun Bike Rental where he was promoted to manager. Most
recently Frank has secured full time employment at Erik’s Bike Shop.
Get Involved!
As Minneapolis celebrates being one of the top cycling cities in the
United States. Twin Cities’ community members can now use our
passion for bikes to give back to our community through Full Cycle.
Be part of Full Cycle’s 3-year vision: to be one of the nation’s most
successful social enterprises impacting homeless youth. Engage today
in the following ways:
1. Donate a bike, purchase a bike and accessories, or bring your bike
in for maintenance. You can also encourage others to patronize
the bike shop.
2. Make a tax-deductible donation. You may donate in person at
the bike shop (address below), by mail, or through our website at
3. Attend the biennial fundraising event, “Break the Cycle.”
4. Volunteer to assist with existing fundraising or supporting events,
or help create or host your own fundraising event (e.g., bike
drives, fundraising parties, bike rides, etc.)
5. Invest in our 3 year growth plan (2013-2015) through
your business, corporation, or foundation. (Learn more at
6. Refer youth to our programs
Jendeen Forberg, Street Outreach Worker.
Erin Young, Lead Mechanic.
Josh Bollum, Outreach Worker.
Rita Van Allen, Street Outreach and
Youth Internship Coordinator.
Matt Tennant, Founder and Director.
Crystal Brinkman, Bike Shop Manager.