03-03-161FR - Fluvanna Review
03-03-161FR - Fluvanna Review
March 3-9, 2016 | One Copy Free FluvannaReview.com Fluvanna REVIEW Proposed Radio Tower at Sheriff’s Office Marvin Moss Named Unsung Hero Page 21 Could Play Role in Saving Lives Page 10 Robberies Tied to Quick Murder Page 4 FCHS Forensics Champs Page 19 Aqua Rate Cut Fades Page 14 School Board Asks for “High” Funding Page 6 Constitutional Officers Present Budget Requests Page 7 Tornado Touch Down Confirmed Page 7 March 3-9, 2016 • Volume 36, Issue 9 F OUNDED IN 1979 BY Obituary ..................................... 4 Crime Log ................................. 11 Calendar ................................... 16 Puzzles ...................................... 22 Classifieds................................. 23 L EN G ARDNER www.fluvannareview.com Publisher/Editor: Carlos Santos 434-207-0224 / [email protected] Advertising/Copy Editor: Jacki Harris 434-207-0222 / [email protected] Accounts/Classified Ads Manager: Edee Povol 434-207- 0221 / [email protected] Advertising Designer: Lisa Hurdle 434-207-0229 / [email protected] Editorial Designer: Lynn Stayton-Eurell [email protected] Designer: Marilyn Ellinger Staff Writers: Page Gifford, Duncan Nixon, Christina Dimeo and Tricia Johnson Photographers: Lisa Hurdle Mailing Address: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 Address: 2987 Lake Monticello Rd. (434) 591-1000 • Fax: (434) 589-1704 Rent Your Home Now Inside Cover: Proposed Radio Tower Photo courtesy of Cheryl Elliott Cover design by Lisa Hurdle and Lynn Stayton-Eurell Quote of the week: “We are demanding an EPA investigation and we want Dominion’s coal ash permit revoked. We want a full investigation. The EPA must investigate this matter.” – Potomac Riverkeeper Dean Naujoks. and Catch The Spring Market Early Photo of the week: Send your best Fluvanna photo to [email protected] Your Home Here! We Can Help You List Your Home for Rent and Take Care of the Details, Stress Free. 124 Villa and 126 Villa - Fluvanna 17 Long Leaf Lane- Lake Monticello Confirmed tornado touched down in Fluvanna on Feb. 24. See story on page 11. Photo by Tricia Johnson Deadline: Advertising and news items due by Wednesday 5 p.m. for the following week. $1,060/month Town house w/ 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, living room, dining area, breakfast bar, walking distance to shopping centers. $1,750/month- Colonial home w/ 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, large kitchen fenced yard w/ basketball court, 1st & 2nd floor master bedrooms, close to a beach. View our Available Rentals at f i r s t v i rg i n i a h o m e s .c o m Lisa McCormick OWNER/ REALTOR AND PROPERTY MANAGER (434)-589-3958 [email protected] Delila Stone OFFICE MANAGER (434)-589-3958 Monticello Country Realtors Craig McCormick OWNER/ BROKER (434)-589-3958 [email protected] 2 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 3, 2016 Two companies working together to provide our clients the highest quality of real estate services. Display and web ads: For information including rates and deadlines, call Lisa Hurdle at 434-207-0222 General: The Fluvanna Review is published weekly by Valley Publishing Corp. and covers Fluvanna exclusively. It is printed on Tuesday afternoons. One copy is free. Additional copies are $1 each payable in advance to the publisher. Subscriptions: Copies will be mailed for the subscription price of $140 per year or $75 per 6 months. Please mail a check and a note with your name and address to: Subscriptions Dept., P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. Classified ads: $10 for two weeks for 30 words or less. Mail to the Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 or stop by the office at 2987 Lake Monticello Road. Legal ads: The Fluvanna Review is the paper of record for Fluvanna County. Call Lisa Hurdle at 434-591-1000 ext. 29 to place a legal ad. Weddings, engagements, anniversaries: Call Lisa Hurdle, 434-591-1000 ext. 29. Paid obituaries: $50 for 300 words plus photo. Call 434-591-1000 ext. 24. News hotline: 434-207-0224. If you see news happening, call us! Submissions, tips, ideas, etc.: The Fluvanna Review encourages submissions and tips on items of interest to Fluvanna residents. We reserve the right to edit submissions and cannot guarantee they will be published. Keep calendar submissions to 50 words or less E-mail: [email protected] or mail to: Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. Letters to the Editor • Keep letters under 350 words. • Refrain from personal attacks. • Do not send letters that have been sent to other newspapers. • Include your name, address and phone number (for verification). • We reserve the right to edit letters. • Submit via email to [email protected] or mail to Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 You will get an email confirmation that your letter has been received. If you don’t, contact the editor directly. Member of the Virginia Press Association 6,400 Copies We strive for accuracy. The policy of this newspaper is to promptly correct errors of fact brought to our attention. We encourage readers to notify us of errors or the need for clarification in any of our content. Please email the editor at [email protected]. 2014 Circulation audit by Award Winning Newspaper To advertise email: [email protected] To advertise call: 434.207.0222 March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 3 Some defendants in Quick trial involved in Fluvanna robberies Obituary Charles W. Illig BY TRICIA JOHNSON, CORRESPONDENT Four gang members were convicted in the 2014 murder of Waynesboro Reserve Police Captain Kevin Quick by a federal court jury in Roanoke on Feb. 24. Daniel Mathis, Travis Leon Bell AKA Kweli Uhuru, Shantai Shelton, and Mersadies Shelton were convicted of first degree murder and racketeering charges. Halisi Uhuru and Anthony Stokes were convicted of lesser charges. In all, the six suspects were convicted of charges ranging from murder to racketeering and armed robbery; some charges were related to crimes committed as part of the alleged Virginia street gang “99 Goon Syndikate,” with reported ties to the Bloods of Los Angeles. “One of the defendants was involved in the Columbia Corner Market robbery, and two were involved in both the Columbia Corner Market robbery and the Kidd’s Store robbery, both of which took place in 2014,” said Fluvanna Commonwealth’s Attorney Jeff Haislip. Because of that connection, and because Quick’s ATM card was used in Fluvanna, Fluvanna investigators were involved in the investigation from the beginning. “It We Pack Everything We Ship Anywhere Slain Waynesboro Reserve Police Captain Kevin Quick. Photo courtesy of Waynesboro Police Department was a very impressive case that was put together,” said Haislip. “The cooperation among the FBI, the Virginia State Police, the Louisa Sheriff’s Office, the Fluvanna Sheriff’s Office, the Albemarle and Goochland authorities ... it was a joint effort,” he said, “It was very impressive.” Private Mailbox Rentals 434-589-9602 Fax: 434-589-9603 www.mailboxexpresspalmyrava.com Mon.-Fri. 9-6 • Sat.10-2 265 Turkeysag Trail, #102 Email: [email protected] Owner: Terry Brown Authorized Shipping Center Signs Laminating Banners Document Custom Shredding Calendars Notary Public Canvas Portraits Full / Self Serve Art Prints Copying Photo Packages (black & Copying white/color) Blueprints, Large Format Prints, etc. Professional Mailbox Rentals Packing Faxing Specialty Boxes Haislip pointed out that the interagency cooperation born of the 9/11 terrorist attacks has continued, the groundwork set for better communication and sharing of resources in cases like this one. “We still have regional groups that meet, anti-gang groups that meet regionally, and it is that type of interaction knowing one another and having those contacts readily available – that make this kind of teamwork possible,” Haislip explained. “From day one the cooperation in this case was phenomenal.” Quick, 45 and the father of a young child, was last seen on January 31, 2013. His remains were found a week later in at the Goochland County/Fluvanna County line just outside of Columbia. Quick’s ATM card had been used in Fork Union the night of his disappearance; his car was found abandoned in Mineral. “It is a terrible thing, a terrible tragedy,” said Haislip of Quick’s murder. “Obviously our thoughts and prayers go out to his family still - and the fact that he appeared to lose his life because he was a law enforcement officer...” Haislip shook his head. “It is just a tragedy.” Charles W. Illig, 79, died February 22, 2016 in Ellsworth, ME. He was born on Staten Island, New York, January 8, 1937, the son of Robert W. and Mae (Wilday) Illig. Charles served in the U.S. Navy for four years on the USS Coral Sea, Norfolk, Va. He worked as an accountant from 1962-1998 in several firms in NJ, NY, and CT. After retirement, he was a school bus driver for 11 years in Fluvanna, Va. He and his wife Bette then moved to Blue Hill, ME in 2012. He was a volunteer fireman in NJ; he was a member of the Big Brother Association and a soccer coach in CT. He was a 4th degree Knights of Columbus in Virginia. Charles was also an avid dog lover. He is survived by his wife of almost 50 years, Bette; daughters, Amanda Webster and husband Trevor of Norfolk, Va., and Tammy Illig of Ohio; son, Danny Illig of AZ; granddaughters, Catherine and Brooklyn Webster; and many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his brother, Robert Illig. Private services will be held at St. Joseph Church, Ellsworth. Contributions in Charles’s memory may be made to the Hancock County Home Care & Hospice, P O Box 156, Blue Hill, ME 04614. Arrangements by Jordan-Fernald, 49 Main St., Blue Hill. Letters to the Editor • Keep letters under 350 words. • Refrain from personal attacks. • Do not send letters that have been sent to other newspapers. • Include your name, address & phone number (for verification). • We reserve the right to edit letters. • Submit via email to [email protected] or mail to Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 You will get an email confirmation that your letter has been received. If you don’t, contact the editor directly. 4 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 3, 2016 To advertise email: [email protected] NOW OPEN... Serving You From Our New Zion Crossroads Location! $280,000 $199,950 Ruth Guss 434-960-0414 EHGURRPVIXOOEDWKVÀQLVKHGVTIW +DUGZRRGÁRRUVYDXOWHGFHLOLQJV VWDLQOHVVDSSOLDQFHV /DUJHPDVWHUVXLWHZLWKMHWWHGWXEVHSDUDWHVKRZHU 3DYHGGULYHZD\ZKHHOFKDLUDFFHVVLEOHUDPSÀ[WXUHV DFUHORWVPDOOIHQFHGDUHDODUJHVWRUDJHVKHG Bev Nash $384,900 434-981-5560 EHGURRPVEDWKURRPVDQGD FXOGHVDFORFDWLRQ 2YHUVIDQGDFRYHUHGIURQWSRUFK %DFNLQJXSWRWKHWKWHHDW/DNH0RQWLFHOOR 3ULYDWHUHDUGHFNDQGVFUHHQSRUFK )LQLVKHGZDONRXWEDVHPHQWDQGDJDUDJH $289,900 $265,000 Yolonda Burgess 540-748-7248 /RXLVD&RXQW\ 1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQPLQXWHVWR %HGURRPVIXOOEDWKV VTXDUHIHHW *UDQLWH&RXQWHUWRSV6WDLQOHVV6WHHO$SSOLDQFHV %RQXV5RRP2YHU*DUDJH Marvin Deane Tracey McFarlane 434-882-0067 2$.0217'56KHQDQGRDK&URVVLQJ &XOGHVDF*ROI)URQWDFUH/RW %HGURRPV0RUQLQJ6XQURRP)RUPDO'5 &XVWRP&DELQHWV*UDQLWH6WDLQOHVV+:)ORRUV 434-409-8400 /RFDWHGDW)RXU6HDVRQVLQ$OEHPDUOH %HGURRPVEDWKV0DQ\8SGDWHV 1HZURRIIRDPLQVXODWLRQQHZSDLQW +XJHERQXVURRPFRXOGEHDWKEHGURRP /DUJHFDUJDUDJH Realty Specialists To advertise call: 434.207.0222 Dan Corbin 434-906-3100 :DWHUIURQW&RYH$FFHVV ÀQLVKHGVTXDUHIHHW 6SOLWEHGURRPGHVLJQ 6XQURRPVFUHHQHGSRUFKGHFN 'HWDFKHGFDUJDUDJHZVWRUDJH $399,900 $241,500 $224,900 Jay Hurdle Maria Greco 843-388-8116 $FUH0LQL)DUP0RXQWDLQYLHZV %HG%DWKZÀQLVKHGEDVHPHQW DFUHVIHQFHGIRU\RXUFULWWHUV &UDIWVPDQ6W\OHEDUQ :RRGHGSULYDF\ZLWKGLUHFWDFFHVVWR5WHDV\ DFFHVVWR&·9LOOH $559,900 434-531-6155 ·:DWHUIURQWRQ0HFKXQN&UHHN DFUHV(QGRI6WDWH5RDG3ULYDF\ 3HUIHFW&XVWRP+RPH6LWHV0XVW6HH 0LQXWHVWR&YLOOH0LQXWHVWR=LRQ&URVVURDGV %ULQJ<RXU/RYHRI1DWXUHDQG6HWWOH,Q+HUH Kim Cosner Lilley 434-422-0223 &RQYHQLHQW$VKFURIWQHDU3DQWRSV %HGV%DWKV 7RWDOO\UHQRYDWHGVI /X[XULRXVÀUVWÁRRUPDVWHUVXLWH 9DXOWHGFHLOLQJVRSHQÁRRUSODQ AGENT ON DUTY AT ZION CROSSROADS 0RQ6XQDPWRSP -DPHV0DGLVRQ+LJKZD\7UR\9$ March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 5 School Board E W THOMAS , requests “high” INC. SUPERMARKET funding from county 13027 James Madison Hwy. in Palmyra at Rt. 15 & Rt. 53 434-589-8412 • Open Mon. - Sat. 6:30 am - 7 pm BY CHRISTINA DIMEO, CORRESPONDENT Large Selection of Bartlett Livestock Feed and Pride Dog Food is available. Come by and see what we have and let us know if there is something else you need. MEAT DEPARTMENT SPECIALS USDA Choice Tender Aged Beef New York Strip Steaks .......................... $7.99 lb. Center Cut Chuck Steaks ...................... $3.99 lb. Center Cut Chuck Roasts ...................... $3.79 lb. Freshly Ground Chuck 81% lean .................. $2.99 lb. Bone In Pork Chops............................... $1.99 lb. Fresh Pork Boston Butt........................ .$1.49 lb. Pork Butt Steaks ................................... $1.99 lb. Tyson Boneless Chicken Thighs .............. $2.29 lb. Tyson Chicken Wing Drummettes ........ $2.79 lb. Tyson Chicken Gizzards ........................ $1.19 lb. Onion Sets & Seed Potatoes are in stock… just waiting for Spring! DELI SPECIALS Kites Country Ham ............................... $9.99 lb. Boar’s Head Ovengold Turkey ................. $7.99 lb. Boar’s Head Baby Swiss Cheese ............ $6.99 lb. Amish Macaroni Salad ........................ $1.99 lb. Freshly Baked Sub Rolls .....................4/$1.99 lb. Angel Food Cake 13 oz. .................................... $3.99 2 Liters .99¢ Wednesday it Pays to be 60… Senior Discount Day! LUNCH & FROZEN MEATS Essential Everyday Pork Sausage 1 lb...... $2.49 Oscar Mayer Smoked Turkey Breast 13 oz.$2.49 Tyson Frozen Chicken Drumsticks 12-24 oz. $1.99 Tyson Frozen Chicken Thighs 1 lb. ........... $1.99 Lundy’s Pork Chitterlings 10 oz. ............... $9.99 DAIRY SPECIALS Dannon Strawberry or Peach Yogurt 6 oz. 3/$1.00 Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice 59 oz. .... 2/$5.00 Blue Bonnet Margarine 1 lb. ........................... .79¢ Pillsbury Grand Sweet Rolls 64 oz. .......... 2/$5.00 PRODUCE SPECIALS Iceberg Lettuce head .................................. .99¢ Pink Lady or Gala Apples lb...................... $1.29 10 lb. bag White Potatoes ........................ $2.99 Florida Strawberries lb. ............................ $1.99 Extra Large Tomatoes lb. ........................... $1.29 Ready Pac Bistro Bowls 6 oz. .................... $2.99 FROZEN SPECIALS Totino’s Pizza Rolls 7.5 oz. ...................... 4/$5.00 Aunt Jemima Pancakes and Waffles .. 2/$3.00 Swanson Hungry Man Dinners ............. 2/$5.00 Birds Eye Vegetables 10-12 oz. .................... .89¢ GROCERY SPECIALS Everyday Essential Ranch or Italian Dressing 16 oz.$1.29 Doritos ...................................................... 2/$5.00 General Mills Cheerios or Golden Grahams 12 oz.2/$5.00 Mueller’s Elbow Macaroni or Spaghetti 1 lb. .99¢ Kraft Deluxe Mac and Cheese 14 oz. .......... 2/$5.00 Nabisco Vanilla Wafers 11 oz...................................$2.99 Prego Pasta Sauce 24 oz................................ $1.99 Campbell’s Spaghettios 14 oz.......................... 79¢ Sauer’s Mayonnaise 30 oz. ........................ 2/$5.00 Mott’s Apple Juice 64 oz. ................................ $1.99 Renuzit Air Fresheners 7 oz. ........................ $1.00 Dawn Dish Detergent 3 scents 21.6 oz......... 2/$5.00 Play Here! VIRGINIA LOTTERY Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Vehicle Licensing Center License Plates, Decal Renewals, Titles DMV Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. – 12 noon DVD Rentals Available 24/7 Beer Kegs Available with 48 Hours Notice Available Everyday DMV 2Go DMV2GO: April 6 from 9-4. Propane Tanks Available for Sale or Exchange E W Thomas is not responsible for typographical errors. We accept WIC & Food Stamps. We reserve the right to limit quantities SALE DATES MARCH 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 3, 2016 The Fluvanna County School Board’s budget request this year is “the highest budget request I’ve ever made as a superintendent,” said Superintendent Gena Keller. Members of the School Board gathered with the Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors Wednesday night (Feb. 24) to discuss the schools’ request for $17.8 million in local funding – $1.7 million more than the approved funding for last year. The additional funding above last year’s baseline would go toward strengthening salary scales for all staff in an attempt to remain competitive with surrounding areas, said Keller. With $520,000, the School Board could advance staff one step on salary scales, modify one salary scale to smooth out significant jumps between years, enhance the other salary scale, and pay more to nurses and some technology employees. About $384,000 of the additional funding would hold employees harmless for the projected 10 percent increase in health insurance costs. The School Board also wants to invest $435,000 in professional development and in hiring more positions, such as literacy aides and psycho-educational professionals. It seeks to spend $335,000 in boosting funding for classroom instruction and technology. About $50,000 would fund a furniture replacement cycle and take care of other operating needs. The School Board also wants to eliminate “pay to play” athletic fees for students. Keller reflected on how she thinks the more austere school budgets of recent years have impacted Fluvanna students. “Our current fifth graders – their entire educational experience has occurred during the toughest budget crunch ever,” she said. “Their entire educational experience – kindergarten through fifth grade – has been with budget deficits, lack of resources, and stressed-to-the-max teachers.” The School Board took an informal peek at funding for next year, or fiscal Do You Have Plumbing Problems? Ernest W. Thurston & Son Master Plumber • Est. 1976 • Locally Owned Full Service Plumbing Contractor Can Help! 24 Hour & Emergency Service Mention this ad for $50 OFF Any Service Call $75 OFF Water Heater Expires: 02-29-16 Installs New & Repair Work • Pump Repair Gas Piping Installation Water Heaters/Tankless • Septic Repair * Septic Pumping not included 804-370-1887 Big or Small 434-589-6604 We Do it ALL Licensed & Insured Commercial & Residential “Our current fifth graders – their entire educational experience has occurred during the toughest budget crunch ever, their entire educational experience – kindergarten through fifth grade – has been with budget deficits, lack of resources, and stressed-to-the-max teachers.” – Gena Keller year 2018 (FY18), as well. Preliminary estimates place FY18 requested local funding at $19.4 million. That constitutes a $1.55 million increase over this year’s requested funding, which, of course, contains a $1.7 million increase over last year’s funding. With each penny of the real property tax rate amounting to about $281,000 in revenue, the schools’ increases for FY17 and FY18 amount to about a 12-cent increase on the tax rate, said County Administrator Steve Nichols. In contrast, Nichols’ proposed budget, which holds the tax rate steady at 89.9 cents per $100 valuation, contains essentially level funding for the schools in FY17. His budget contains between $100,000 and $200,000 extra for the schools above their FY16 funding, he said. His suggested level funding is largely due to the fact that, at the time he prepared his budget, he had not yet received the schools’ formal request. “There’s about 12 cents’ worth of ask there,” Nichols said about the School Board’s formal request for FY17 and informal estimate for FY18. Finding it difficult to imagine that supervisors would approve the entire funding request, Nichols urged the School Board and Keller to start thinking of priorities. “We do that every year,” said Keller. After the meeting, Keller discussed her top priorities for the budget, should the School Board fail to receive its entire request. “I want to do the very best we can do on salaries,” she said, “and hold harmless on health insurance if possible.” Staffing positions and technology are tied for “a really close third,” she said. “We have got to get those technology tools to our kids… Technology needs are really the paper and pencil for 21st century children.” Fluvanna schools have about 3,500 children enrolled, Keller said. The clock is ticking for the Board of Supervisors to come to at least a preliminary idea of how it wishes to balance all the county’s funding needs with the desire to keep taxes as low as possible. On March 16 supervisors must set an advertised tax rate for FY17. Though supervisors can then adjust that number down, they cannot set the tax rate higher than the advertised rate. To advertise email: [email protected] Constitutional officers present budget requests BY CHRISTINA DIMEO, CORRESPONDENT All five constitutional officers told the Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors on Feb. 17 that their budget requests reflect the amounts they need to keep their offices running smoothly. County Administrator Steve Nichols seemed to agree, as his proposed budget didn’t dole out much of a hit to their requests. The five constitutional officers are elected by Fluvanna residents rather than appointed or hired by county staff or supervisors. As such, they operate their offices independently, but rely on supervisors for funding. Tristana Treadway, new clerk of the circuit court, said that certain items in her office are breaking. The antiquated state of some of her equipment is bad enough to be “embarrassing,” she said pleasantly. “I ask the Board not to tie my hands, and give me the opportunity to make some changes that need to be made,” she said. Her office is running out of room for paper records, Treadway said. She hopes to digitize them, but a bill currently in the legislature could make that difficult if passed, she said. She can build more shelves in the records room, she said, but would need funding for the project. Treadway’s circuit court budget request was $618,892, which Nichols cut to $610,392 in his proposed budget. The proposed budget supports Treadway’s circuit court judge budget request of $57,090. Sheriff Eric Hess talked about his budget request in terms of a few new things he’d like to implement, such as sending some deputies to specialized schools, like the FBI academy, for training. When a child went missing recently, the FBI agent who came to help had “great” software that helped significantly with the investigation, Hess told supervisors. While he realizes Fluvanna can’t afford that sort of set up, he said he wants to get started with some of the software basics. Hess also asked for the ability to give experienced and certified new hires a $3,000 sign-on bonus. It costs the county about $24,196 to train a non-certified deputy, he said, so having that incentive would ultimately save the county money. He would ask recipients of the bonus to sign a three-year contract, and if they left before the contract was up, they would be required to repay the bonus. Hess’s requested budget was $2,567,336. Nichols’ proposed budget cut that number slightly to $2,510,189. Commonwealth’s Attorney Jeff Haislip said that his office had used drug forfeiture funds to buy a few needed items, which saved him from having to come to supervisors for money. But the world is changing, he said, and his office needs to keep up. “We have to stay ahead of what defense attorneys are doing and live up to what juries are expecting,” he said. He also asked supervisors to consider county workers. “Whatever you can do for your employees this year, I’d urge you to try to do that,” he said. Haislip requested $488,810. Nichols modified that to $481,060 in his proposed budget. Commissioner of the Revenue Mel Sheridan said that his office has been working to digitize old land use files and is now in the midst of digitizing five decades of tax relief files. Land use applicants can now apply electronically, he said, and about 25 to 30 percent of applicants are doing so. He requested $356,244, which Nichols docked slightly to $355,764 in his proposed budget. Treasurer Linda Lenherr said that a problem with the computer system is resulting in people with delinquent tax bills being charged less than they actually owe. Her office is working on the problem but it is not yet resolved. She asked for $474,297. Nichols modified that number to $457,517 in his proposed budget. Henry Chandler & Company Tree & Landscape Care Your Professional Tree Doctor • Pine & Hardwood Mulching • Careful Tree Removal • Stump Grinding • Emergency Tree Removal Henry A. Chandler Ed.D Dr. of Arboricultural Science P.O. Box 15 Fork Union, VA. 23055 Free Estimates • Fully Insured for 2 Million Dollars Professional Member of International Society of Arborists www.henrychandlerandcoinc.com • [email protected] Over 30 Years Serving Lake Monticello & Central Virginia 434-842-5300 • Cell 434-996-8889 To advertise call: 434.207.0222 2015-2016 Season at Carysbrook Performing Arts Center Saturday, March 5 at 7:30 pm Celtibillies Through acclaimed recordings, movie soundtracks, National Public Radio, Public TV and dynamic live concerts from Virginia to Alaska, the Celtibillies have helped thousands appreciate the deep rooted connections between the Appalachian "Old Time" music of their native southwest Virginia and the Celtic music of the Scots Irish who settled the Appalachian mountains. Celtibillies‘ concerts are a rollicking mixture of traditional and original music and song interspersed with just the right amount of humor to keep audiences in stitches. Celtibillies also celebrates the link between traditional music and dance by offering concerts featuring dancers who excel in Appalachian Clogging and Irish Step Dance. ★$12 Advance ★ $15 at the door ★ $10 Students/Military/Veterans ★ Family Package Available Next Performance April 9, 10, 15, 16 & 17 Friday and Saturday at 7:30 pm Sundays at 3:00 pm WRITTEN BY SUSAN NANUS PRESENTED BY THE PERSIMMON TREE PLAYERS Hailed as “a classic. . . . humorous, full of warmth and real invention” (The New Yorker), this beloved children’s story and play—firstpublished more than fifty years ago—introduces readers to Milo and his adventures in the Lands Beyond. For Milo, everything’s a bore. When a tollbooth mysteriously appears in his room, he drives through only because he’s got nothing better to do. But on the other side, things seem different. Milo visits the Island of Conclusions (you get there by jumping), learns about time from a ticking watchdog named Tock, and even embarks on a quest to rescue Rhyme and Reason! Somewhere along the way, Milo realizes something astonishing. Life is far from dull. In fact, it’s exciting beyond his wildest dreams. . . ★$12 Advance ★ $15 at the door ★ $10 Students/Military/Veterans ★ Family Package Available NO RESERVE SEATS! Purchase your tickets online: www.Carysbrook.org or call 434-842-1333 Carysbrook Performing Arts Center 8880 James Madison Highway (Hwy 15) Fork Union,VA 23055 March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 7 Professional Tax Returns Melissa Butler Inc. dba Justin G. Wade, E.A. Enrolled to practice before the Inter nal Revenue Ser vice 8 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 3, 2016 Licensed Professional for 46 Years 105 Crofton Plaza, Just Outside LM Main Gate (434) 589-9233 • FREE Electronic Filing with Tax preparation Make Your • Reasonable fees Appointment • Extended office hours Today! • Tax Planning for Individuals & Small Businesses • Payroll & Bookkeeping services • Refer a Friend for extra savings s e l i m S t a e Gr d o o G g n i r B Schedule Your L uc k! Appointment Today Caring Staff • Comprehensive Care • Convenient • Dental ER • Dental Implant Center Orthodontics • Invisalign • Most Dental Insurances Accepted • Financing Options Family Dentistry 34 Jefferson Ct, Zion Crossroads, VA 22942 Phone: 540-832-3232 2202 North Berkshire Rd., Suite 203 Charlottesville, VA 22901 www.springcreekdentist.com www.cvilleteeth.com (Off Rt#15 across from Walmart) Phone: 434-293-9793 To advertise email: [email protected] OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Next to the Main Gate Celebrating our 31st Anniversary! Serving Fluvanna and the Surrounding Area Thanks for voting us #1 Real Estate Firm 7 Years in a Row! MONTICELLO COUNTRY REALTORS 434-589-3539 • 800-825-LAKE HAVING FUN HELPING THE PENGUIN PLUNGE RAISE MONEY FOR LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS. WE HELPED RAISE OVER $20,000! MONTICELLO COUNT MONTICELLO COUNTRY REALTORS MONTICELLO COUNTR MONTICELLO COUNTRY REALTORS MONTICELLOCOUNTRY COUNTRYREALTORS REALTORS MONTICELLO Homes For Sale 2 Laurel Ln. $137,000 225 Dogwood Dr. $174,000 Walk to the beach. Split bedroom design, large eat in kitchen, fireplace & large, corner lot. One level at Blue Ridge Shores. Walk to beach & clubhouse. Sunroom w/ fireplace, large yard. 258 Shannon Hill D. $239,500 184 Jefferson Dr. $259,990 Country comfort on 3, private acres. 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths, first floor master suite, full basement. Golf front on the 7th green. Split bedrooms, fireplace, open floor plan, screened porch. Back deck w/views. 30 Ponderosa Ln. $214,500 Light filled, Taylor Lyn Home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, screened porch, kitchen w/granite counters. 211 Lilac Pl. $327,000 Like new custom home. Earth craft built w/2800+ fin. sq. ft, attached 2 car garage. Fin. lower level on 2 acres. 3899 Branch Rd. $229,000 8+ acres near Ruritan fishing lake. 1600+ fin. sq. ft, vaulted family room, detached studio/office. 992 Broken Island $385,000 Waterfront home on 2+ acres. Custom built w/first floor master & laundry. Home office, fin. lower level. 3839 Ellisville Dr. $229,900 Pastoral views from covered porches. Spacious ranch on 3+ acres. Renovated from top to bottom. 29 Amethyst Rd. $409,000 Just reduced! Over 3000 fin. sq. ft w/in law suite. Formal rooms, first level master, boat dock, 2 car garage. 22 Tallwood Trl. $235,500 Gracious one level home w/ numerous upgrades. High ceilings, fireplace, formal dining room, large master. 20 Mesquite Pl. $628,000 Water front w/over 200’ of frontage w/gorgeous views. 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, attached garage, screen porch. Your Monticello Realtors Team Under One Roof Vicki Wilson ★ ★ Business Person of the Year! Owner/Broker (434) 960-7044 MONTICELLO COUNTRY REALTORS Bill Lansing & Callie Adele S. Schaefer ( Bill on left ) Associate Broker, GRI Realtor (434) 962-1928 (434) 996-7245 Patrick Wilson, Realtor (434) 960-7047 ★ Two companies working together to provide our clients the highest quality★★of real estate services. Joan White Lorraine Wheeler Assoicate Broker Realtor GRI, CCREC (434) 989-0708 (434) 981-4081 Lorraine Frisina Realtor, GRI (434) 981-3997 JoAnn Nordlund Associate Broker, GRI, CRS, CRB (434) 962-6384 Craig McCormick Owner/Associate Broker (434) 996-5119 Cyndi Mylynne Realtor,GRI, ABR, e-PRO (434) 981-4629 Dan Barber Realtor (434) 242-5318 Iris Helfrich Realtor (434) 981-9956 SEE ALL AREA LISTINGS SEE ALLAREA AREALISTINGS LISTINGSAT: AT: WWW.MO WWW.MO SEEAT: ALLWWW.MONTICELLOREALTORS.COM AREA AT: ALL WWW.MONTICELLOREALTORS.CO SEE See all area listings at: LISTINGS www.monticellorealtors.com To advertise call: 434.207.0222 March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 9 Tall lighted towers may come to county BY CHRISTINA DIMEO, CORRESPONDENT Two 350-foot radio towers complete with strobe lights may be on their way to Fluvanna. One of them may sit at the landfill off Rt. 6 in Fork Union, but the other could tower over Lake Monticello. But Fluvanna staff and the Board of Supervisors believe the extra tall towers may play a key role in saving lives. The county is in the middle of designing an E911 system that will dramatically improve radio coverage in Fluvanna. The lack of coverage under the current system – only about 35 percent county-wide – has created some near-catastrophes. One time, said Cheryl Elliott, emergency services coordinator, a deputy was facing down a person attempting to commit suicide with a weapon. But they were outside of the radio system’s coverage area, and despite several attempts, other deputies couldn’t make contact to see if he was all right. Frantic, a deputy tried to race to the scene, but in haste ended up crashing a patrol car. Another time, a deputy was called to a scene where he had to administer CPR to a child. He tried to radio for help but couldn’t make it through to dispatch. Fortunately, Elliott said, someone else in the house was able to use a landline to call 911 – but that’s not always the case. Then there was a time when a call came from a place deputies knew well – whenever they would respond to that house, the man who lived there would attack them. But the deputy rushing to the scene in response to the call was new, Elliott said, and had no idea what he was in for. The other deputies tried to radio him to warn of the danger he was in – but they couldn’t get through. “Fortunately, no one has been injured or hurt,” said Elliott – but that luck could run out at any moment. Motorola is designing a new radio system that will provide the county with 95 percent coverage as measured inside residential buildings – a vast improvement over the current coverage. Initially, the design included shorter towers. Fluvanna’s costs to lease sections on those towers, however, would run between $1,800 and $4,700 per tower section per month – a significant expense that would never let up. So Elliott and her team started thinking about whether it would make sense for the county to combine sites and build a couple 350-foot towers that the county itself would own. On Feb. 17, she presented a plan to supervisors that included three countyowned towers: a 350-foot tower near Lake Monticello, a 350-foot tower at the landfill, and a 195-foot tower at the sheriff’s office. Though the sheriff’s tower has already been approved – construction is slated to start within the month – Elliott wanted input from supervisors Placement of proposed radio tower at the sheriff ’s office. Photo courtesy of Cheryl Elliott rather than overtly considering the “poon the rest of the plan. tential for revenue.” Some counties build tall towers of Supervisor Mozell Booker said she had their own, Elliott told supervisors, then no problem with two 350-foot towers, restrict the height of any other towers even with strobe lights, because “after a built in their county to under 200 feet. while you don’t see them.” What matters This essentially guarantees a revenue to her, she said, is that “our safety people stream because providers such as cell are able to keep us safe. We’ve gone too phone companies want to lease spots on long with the kind of system that we’ve the taller towers with better coverage. had. We’ve been pretty lucky that we County Administrator Steve Nichols haven’t had some real catastrophes.” told supervisors that this new design Booker also asked whether cell phone meets county needs and may draw proservice and internet would be improved viders interested in leasing space at “a by the building of these towers. Elliott more reasonable rate than they might replied that because public safety radio get elsewhere.” uses a separate system, cell phone and inBut not all supervisors were on board. ternet would not be impacted. However, “I have a problem with competing unthe tower system will be able to reach fairly with the open market,” said Suthe entire county, so a cell phone providpervisor Trish Eager. “If Verizon can only er may decide to lease some space. If that have a certain [height] tower, and the happens, of course, cell phone coverage county can have 350 [feet], of course could improve. you’re going to get the leases… I underAfter doing some math, supervisors stand that the county needs the money, but is this what America is about?” decided that building and owning two “I think that when it comes to public 350-foot towers seemed to be cheaper safety it changes,” countered Supervisor in the long run than perpetually leasing Tony O’Brien, “and quite frankly it’s disspace on towers belonging to others. turbing to me that these private carrier So they directed Elliott to proceed with companies charge fees ranging from modifying the system design. $1,800 to $5,000 a month for public safety. They reap their own problems from that standpoint because they create an incentive for counties to build their own towers.” County Attorney Fred Payne said that Fresh in-store he didn’t think such a scenario would made from constitute unfair competition with the scratch! Pre- Order Please private sector because the private sector Irish Hors d’oeuvres has elected not to establish service in Crab Cakes those areas. If they had, they would be Breakfast Steamed Shrimp building the towers. And, as stated in the Lunch Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner meeting, no companies the county apBangers & Mash Desserts proached were interested in building on Irish Soda Bread • Special Orders the landfill. Guinness Cupcakes • Catering Nevertheless, he said, Eager was prob• Gift Certificates Shortbread ably correct in predicting criticism, and [email protected] the county may even be successfully 434-297-2201 challenged on such a policy. So he sugwww.me2shop.net gested keeping public safety – a very facebook.com/ME2ShopRt53 reasonable motive – at the forefront of Mon.-Fri. 6 AM-6 PM • Sat. 8 AM-5 PM On Rt. 53 their minds as they planned the system, To advertise email: [email protected] St. Patrick’s Fare 10 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 3, 2016 Tornado confirmed TRICIA JOHNSON, CORRESPONDENT Fluvanna Crime Log Offense Date/Time Address All Other Offenses All Other Offenses Burglary/Breaking & Entering Credit Card/Automatic Teller Machine Fraud Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Drunkenness Family Offenses, Nonviolent Simple Assault Simple Assault Simple Assault Simple Assault Trespass of Real Property 2/22 2/27 2/26 2/27 2/23 2/26 2/21 2/27 2/22 2/23 2/24 2/27 2/22 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy. Hells Bend Rd. Venable Rd. Ridge Rd. Rhodes School Ln. Venable Rd. Branch Rd. James Madison Hwy. Fluvanna High School Rolling Rd. South Sanctuary Ln. Kents Store Way Little Springs Ln. 4:15 a.m. 6:51 p.m. 3:27 p.m. 12:27 p.m. 4:49 p.m. 3:27 p.m. 6:39 a.m. 2:12 p.m. 9:44 a.m. 6:55 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Total Offenses: 13 Providing Full Service Veterinary Care for Cats and Dogs! In-house lab blood results while you wait This home on James Madison Highway just south of Carysbrook Elementary School was damaged when a tree fell on the roof. Photo by Tricia Johnson The National Weather Service (NWS) has confirmed that a tornado touched down in Fluvanna on Wednesday, Feb. 24. A severe line of thunderstorms passed through the state late that afternoon; the tornado that toppled trees and caused minor damage to homes in the southeastern part of the Fluvanna County has been categorized as an EF 0 tornado with maximum wind speeds of 75-85 mph. The agency cautioned that this assessment could change as more information about storm damage is collected. “The tornado path was about 4.5 miles in length, beginning near Winnsville Drive and Tepee Town Road and extended northeast across Thessalonia Road and finally lifting after crossing James Madison Highway just north of Carys Creek Road,” read the public informa- tion statement from the NWS. “We are just beginning the assessment phase of storm damage associated with this tornado,” said Cheryl Elliott, Fluvanna’s emergency services director. “We have to see if the state or federal minimums have been met for assistance.” Fallen trees marked the tornado’s passage, which stretched from just south of Fork Union, through Carysbrook, and on to Hells Bend Road. In a few instances, trees landed on homes or vehicles; at least one outbuilding was destroyed. Despite the scope of the damage, no one was killed or injured in Fluvanna County. Other communities in Virginia suffered destruction from tornadoes of varying strengths – including two EF 3 tornados. Four fatalities in the Commonwealth have been attributed to the storms. (540) 832 - 1751 www.xroadsanimalhospital.com Keep Your Furry Family Members Healthy Extension service wants to improve water quality Virginia Cooperative ExtensionFluvanna Unit along with the Biological Systems Engineering Department at Virginia Tech are working together to provide low cost water analysis to educate those who are interested about their own water system, according to an extension press release. The goal of the Virginia Household Water Quality Program is to improve the water quality of Virginians with private water supplies, such as wells, springs and cisterns. These Drinking Water Clinics are being held in counties across the state to give people with private water systems access to affordable water testing, to help with interpreting their water test results and information about possible treatment options, the press release stated. Participants attend a short, evening meeting, where they receive information about how to collect water samples and a sampling kit. At this meeting, participants will be notified of a date, time, and location where they can drop off To advertise call: 434.207.0222 their water samples. At this collection point, the samples will be iced in coolers and taken to the Biological Systems Engineering Water Quality Lab at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg for analysis. Once the analysis is complete, a meeting is held to distribute the results to each participant. At this meeting, water test results are explained, and information provided about possible treatment options participants may consider. All participant information is kept strictly confidential. The cost is $52. This payment covers the cost of one sampling kit. The analysis provided would normally cost more than $200 at a commercial water testing laboratory. To register for this local program call VCE Fluvanna at 434-591-1950 or email Erin Davis, office manager, at [email protected]. The kickoff meeting is May 2 at 6:30 p.m., sample collection is May 4 from 7:30 to 9 a.m. The interpretation meeting will be June 15 at 6:30 p.m., all held at the Fluvanna Community Center in Fork Union. Wellness exams, puppy/kitten visits, spay/neuter, microchipping, surgery, dental cleanings & dental surgery Digital X-ray • Dental X-ray Dr. Jesse Bejar Dr. Ashley Zeni Dr. Erin Davis Located at Zion Crossroads across the street (Rt.15) from Walmart/Lowes 65 Jefferson Court Gordonsville, Va. 22942 Exit #136 OFF I64 March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 11 For Residents of Louisa and Fluvanna Counties Drew Thompson Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist Dominion claims plan to close coal ash ponds safe BY TRICIA JOHNSON, CORRESPONDENT Wednesday, March 9th 9:00 -Noon (Other hours by appointment) Spring Creek Family Dentistry 34 Jefferson Court, Zion Crossroads Come in – or – call for appointment 434-977-2770 or 800-850-7994 All types and styles of Hearing Aids available • Hearing Screening – No Charge • 10 point Hearing Aid cleaning and Check-up, All Makes and Models – No Charge • Hearing Aid batteries – All Sizes Anyone that may have a hearing problem and all hearing aid users are invited to come in and see Mr. Thompson for free service and consultation. © Beltone Audiology & Hearing Aid Centers 2016 Debra Y. Kurre, CPA, MBA (434) 589-1670 [email protected] Member American Institute of CPA’s Member Virginia Society of CPA’s • Member Georgia Society of CPA’s 6440 Thomas Jefferson Parkway • Palmyra, VA 12 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 3, 2016 Coal ash pond at the Bremo Bluff power plant. Photo by Tricia Johnson Dominion Virginia Power said its plan to close its coal ash ponds in Virginia – including one in Fluvanna County – was carefully fashioned to protect the environment. “Too much misinformation has circulated far too widely for far too long regarding Dominion Virginia Power’s plan to safely, carefully and permanently close its coal ash ponds in Virginia,” said Dominion’s Chief Environmental Officer Pam Faggert in a press release. “The plan we are implementing will protect the state’s rivers and groundwater while safely disposing of the coal ash in place with permanent caps and ongoing groundwater monitoring,” she said. “It is the safest and best approach and will meet all state and federal environmental requirements.” Dominion Virginia Power won approval in January from the State Water Control Board for a permit, drafted by Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), that lays out plans to dewater and permanently close ash ponds at their Bremo Bluff power plant, located on the James River in Fluvanna County. These ash ponds hold the by-product of decades of coal-fired power generation. Toxins found in coal ash can include arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, and chromium. Dominion also had approved the same day a permit governing a similar process for their plant at Possum Point in Prince William County. Environmental groups have expressed concerns that the limits set for the amounts of toxins that may be released into the waterways do not protect human and aquatic life and do not meet federal Clean Water Act standards. Soon, Dominion, the DEQ, and the environmental groups will meet in court to determine whether the permits and the permitting processes were legal. The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC), acting on behalf of the Potomac Riverkeeper and the James River Association (JRA), filed an appeal of the permit issued by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to Dominion. The SELC claimed that the permit “would allow the company to pollute Quantico Creek and the Potomac River with more than 150 million gallons of coal ash wastewater contaminated with high levels of toxic metals from the Possum Point Power Station,” read a press release from the SELC, issued on February 26. SELC announced that they will be filing a similar appeal to challenge the permit issued for Dominion’s power plant at Bremo. Dominion said that the EPA classified coal ash as a non-hazardous waste, and added that their plan would “be in full compliance with state law and regulation as well as the new federal regulation, all of which are designed to protect both human health and the environment,” according to the press release. “Each coal ash site will be handled under a specific plan tailored to the individual location. In the case of the three ponds at Bremo Power Station, the water will be cleaned through a waste-water treatment system and thoroughly tested before the cleaned water is released into the James in accordance with the permit granted by the State Water Control Board,” said Faggert. “After the water is removed, the coal ash material itself will be stabilized in place and permanently covered with a material designed to protect the ash from rainfall, which in turn protects the groundwater.” “This approach is safe and makes the most sense for our customers and for the environment,” Faggert added. But the SELC and the Potomac Riverkeeper are adamant that Dominion’s coal ash ponds are polluting the state’s waters. “Dominion has leaking, unlined coal ash ponds containing toxic wastewater throughout the state that are contaminating groundwater and nearby surface water every day,” said SELC’s Senior Attorney Greg Buppert, “DEQ has known about coal ash contaminating groundwater at Possum Point for three decades and nothing was ever done to stop it...We need our state environmental agency to stand up to Dominion and protect Virginia’s citizens and natural resources from this pollution.” “There is absolutely no accountability or oversight,” said Potomac Riverkeeper Dean Naujoks. “We are demanding an EPA investigation and we want Dominion’s coal ash permit revoked. We want a full investigation. The EPA must investigate this matter.” To advertise email: [email protected] To advertise call: 434.207.0222 March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 13 CountrySide Upholstery Home & Marine Carroll Morse 434-589-4106 P.O. Box 8, Rt. 603 Kents Store, VA 23084 Fine Japanese Cuisine Asian Cafe AsianCafe-Palmyra.com Soups • Salads • Sushi • Chinese Specialties • Beer and Wine Hibachi (Grilled) Steak, Fillet Mignon, Chicken, Shrimp, Scallops and Lobster 265 Turkey Sag Trail, #103 Jefferson Centre (Across from Food Lion, beside Mailbox Express) Check out Our Menu Online: AsianCafe-Palmyra.com and Call for Your Order to Go: 434-591-6640 or 591-6641 Closed Tuesdays Lunch : 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Dinner: Mon, Wed & Thurs. 3:00 – 9:30 p.m. Dinner: Fri – Sat: 3:00 – 10:30 p.m. • Sun : 12:00 – 9:30 p.m. 14 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 3, 2016 Aqua rate cut evaporates BY CHRISTINA DIMEO, CORRESPONDENT The price break that Lake Monticello customers expected to get now that Aqua Virginia’s rate increase request is over won’t materialize after all. Aqua requested an overall increase in water and sewer revenues of $1.71 million. On Jan. 7 the SCC granted $1.49 million, or 87 percent. But Lake Monticello customers will pay 98.5 percent of Aqua’s request. Aqua customers have already been paying 100 percent of the company’s requested increase for the past year through interim rates. The SCC allows Aqua to charge interim rates while the rate case works its way through the system, so long as it refunds any difference, plus interest, to customers when the case is decided. Aqua has 90 days from the date of the SCC’s order to issue the refunds. Though Aqua hasn’t credited the refunds yet, Lake Monticello customers just received their first bills using the newly approved rates. For customers hoping to see their bills go down to 87 percent of what they’ve been this past year, the results were disappointing. The bills held at 98.5 percent – essentially, they stayed the same. Aqua’s not doing anything shady. The rates it is charging its Lake Monticello customers were set by the SCC. The SCC set a base water charge of $17.62 and a base sewer charge of $31.26, as opposed to Aqua’s interim base water charge of $17.87 and base sewer charge of $31.41. Customers pay these amounts regardless of their water usage. The SCC also set volumetric rates of $6.74 per 1,000 gallons of water use and $15.05 per 1,000 gallons of sewer use, as opposed to Aqua’s interim water rate of $6.80 and sewer rate of $15.40. Given that the difference between the rates can be measured in pennies, it’s no surprise that Lake Monticello customers aren’t seeing relief. How then is Aqua only pulling in 87 percent of its requested revenue increase? “The total annual operating revenue authorized by the SCC’s final order is the revenue generated by all systems operated by the company,” said Ken Schrad, SCC spokesperson. “Each system will generate its own level of revenue based on the rate group in which it falls... Some systems might be more of a percentage [of the increase], some might be less.” Lake Monticello, which is in the middle of three water rate groups, and the top of two sewer rate groups, must therefore be paying more of the revenue increase than the systems in the lower groups. There used to be five water rate groups and three sewer rate groups, but Aqua is working to consolidate those groups until all Aqua Virginia customers pay the same rates. Shannon Becker, president of Aqua Virginia, said that he doesn’t know exactly when the consolidation will be complete, but expects that the next rate case will contain more consolidation. For example, with this most recent rate increase, all Aqua Virginia customers are now paying the same base charges. So the rate increases were higher for those who were paying the lowest rates, said Becker, and least for those who were already paying higher rates. Eventually Aqua will minimalize those discrepancies as it finishes the consolidation process, said Becker. Lake Monticello and other systems in its rate group pay the highest rates for sewer of all Aqua Virginia customers. But there is a rate group that has to pay higher rates for water than Lake Monticello. Now that the rate increase has been finalized, Lake Monticello customers’ bills have gone up, on average, about 7.7 percent from the rates charged when the rate case began in 2014. Becker has said that his company typically files for rate increases every two years or so – though the most recent gap was 33 months – which could put a new rate case on the books this fall. But Becker said that while he can’t say when the next rate increase request will come, he does know it won’t be in 2016. To advertise email: [email protected] To advertise call: 434.207.0222 March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 15 Free retirement seminars The UVA Community Credit Union will hold free retirement seminars on March 4. One seminar is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the Zion Crossroads branch – just north of Lowe’s, off Rt. 15., and a second seminar is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m. at the Fluvanna branch, 6042 Thomas Jefferson Parkway and Register online at uvacreditunion.org or call 434-964-2001. Square dancing The Fluvanna Flutterwheels will square dance on March 5 with early rounds at 7 to 7:30 p.m. by Connie and Roger Cox; and Plus tips by Bill Harrison and Rounds (2x2) by Connie and Roger from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at the Fluvanna County High School, 1918 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra, VA For more information call Janice at 434-586-2585 or Warren at 434-981-1747. Lenten Observance Students from Effort Christian School recently celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday at the Fluvanna County Library. Photo courtesy of Barbara Nazar Community Calendar Pleasant Grove Museum Learn about Fluvanna County and its transportation history. Open daily for tours: M-F 8am-5pm, Sat/Sun 12pm-4pm. For questions or more information, please call 434-589-2016. Fluvanna Art Association artists’ exhibits Fluvanna County Library: works by Mary Ann Friedman; Union First Market Bank: works by Deborah Nixon; Fluvanna County Government Offices: works by Windy Payne; TRANSITION SALES is having a sale with something for EVERYONE SATURDAY, MARCH 5 9:30 am- 3 pm SUNDAY, MARCH 6 1-4 pm 4 Mulligan Drive, Lake Monticello Directions: Turkey Sag Gate---Turkey Sag to Rt on Jefferson to Rt on Ponderosa to Rt on Mulligan. (sign posted) The home is small but it is bulging at the seams with TREASURES. Small sampling of what will be sold: Mahogany dining table and 6 chairs; 2 pieces of Biedermeier Revival furniture; double canopy bed; large set of KPM china; Militaria including a 3rd Reich sword, medals, porcelain soldiers, and loads of books; pair of Windsor style side chairs; Grandmother’s and cuckoo clock; pair of wing chairs; tons of glassware, silver plated serving pieces; table linens, oak chest; walnut armoire; mahogany highboy; large lot of art work; women’s clothing; Duncan Phyfe style sofa and so much more. www.transition-sales.net for photos. TERMS : Cash or approved check. Please bring help for loading large pieces. Items must be removed by 4pm on March 6th Jean Voight---Transition Sales PHONE days of sale: 434-960-1695. EMAIL: [email protected] Sign up sheet for the early birds 1 hour before sale. Hope to see you all there 16 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 3, 2016 Angell’s Fitness and Dance: works by Janet Rugari; Pleasant Grove House Museum: works by Janet Rugari Partnering to help animals The Dogwood Restaurant and Caring For Creatures are partnering to help the animals at the sanctuary. On the second Monday of every month from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., the Dogwood will offer five dinner specials, and donate a portion of those sales to CFC! GriefShare If you are grieving the death of a loved one, join GriefShare. This support group seminar meets weekly for 13 weeks. This group offers support while you take your journey through grief. Group meets on Thursdays, beginning Now through May 12, from 6-7:30 p.m. at Calvary Chapel Fluvanna’s church office. Call Darlene at 434-989-4889 to register. Workbook fee $16. Adult classes Fluvanna Adult Education Classes (GED prep., basic skills, and ESL) meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to noon and on Tuesday from 5-8 p.m. Families Learning Together, a program for parents of children from birth to third grade, meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. When Fluvanna schools are closed, adult classes are also canceled. Registration is ongoing and walk-ins are encouraged. For information, please call 434-842-9273. Active adult center The Cunningham Older Active Adult Center meets the first and third Monday of every month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Scottsville VFW on River Road in Scottsville. Crafts, games, trips and special events offered with other active older adults. American Legion meetings Fluvanna American Legion meets the third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Plaza in Fork Union. The Legion is a veteran’s organization dedicated to assisting local vets and community through a variety of programs. Please contact Post Commander Vonderbeck at 842-2200 for additional details. Fish Fry A fish fry will be held every Friday during Lent from Feb. 12 to March 19 from 5 to 8 p.m. at Saints Peter and Paul’s New Parish Center. Cost: $10 and children under 8 eat free – eat in or take out. Menu: catfish, swai, french fries, hush puppies, coleslaw, dessert and beverage. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus DAR to meet The Point of Fork Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will meet March 3, at 3 p.m. at Fork Union Baptist Church. Grade – level winners of this year’s American History Essay Contest will present their entries to the group. The subject of this year’s essay is: “A Colonial Family’s Reaction to the Stamp Act.” Guests are welcome. For more information, contact Euxine Faix at 434-842-3636. Four local churches are joining in a “Soup & Serve” time of devotion, following the theme “When Did We See You.” The churches will meet on Wednesday, March 9, at Palmyra United Methodist Church, 258 Palmyra Lane (near the courthouse), for a soup supper at 6 p.m. Mike Himes, president of Fluvanna Habitat for Humanity, will speak about ways we can help Fluvanna Habitat in its mission to “put God’s love into action by building homes, communities and hope.” Childcare will be provided. Bee Ready for Butterflies workshop SERVICE Uncontested (no fault) Divorces: $399 plus filing fee Separation Agreements: $99-$499 30 days from start to finish possible Call 434-296-9006 or email [email protected] for appointment Satellite Office at Holley’s Market, Rt. 22 &15, Gordonsville, VA., near Zion Crossroads Blair Carter Attorney at Law Local Attorney •30 Years Experience Custom Home Builder Get a jump on planning for spring, learning about native plants, and designing your home butterfly garden. Join the Fluvanna Master Gardeners on Saturday, March 12 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Fluvanna Public Library for a free workshop. Pre-registration is encouraged by calling 434-589-2016 or emailing [email protected]. Prom dress sale The Glass Slipper is having our Prom Dress sale on Saturday, March 19, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at Effort Church. Still collecting new or gently-used, ready to wear prom and homecoming dresses in all size, shoes, purses and jewelry! Drop Off at Effort Church office and Jefferson Pharmacy. Questions? Contact Kim at [email protected] or 434-996-2820. St. Patrick’s Day party Fundraiser to benefit the Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire Department will be held on Saturday, March 19, 6 p.m. Dinner, Music, Door Prizes, BYOB. Lake Monticello, Vol. Fire Dept., 10 Slice Rd. Tickets $20, Call Michael McGurk for Tickets 434-284-1782 434-842-3953 Cell: 434-962-4626 [email protected] Cecil L. Cobb 3535 Carys Creek Rd. Fork Union, VA 23055 One-Stop Home Beautification D&L REMODELING Ladies 9-hole golf league The Lake Monticello Ladies 9-hole golf league will hold its kick-off breakfast on Tuesday, April 5, at 9 a.m. at the Hole-in-One-Cafe, at the Lake Monticello Golf course. The league plays each Tuesday, starting April 12. All skill levels are welcome to join. For information contact Beverly Wormuth at 434-589-6475. Rivanna History Day 540-894-4745 Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Decks & Porches Kitchens & Bathrooms Finish Basements & Additions www.dandlremodeling.com See the Pleasant Grove House in a way you haven’t seen it before. Saturday, March 26, noon to 4 p.m. Reenactors in period clothes will talk about everyday life in a plantation home beside the river, and why the river was so important to their survival. Come up to the museum to learn more about river and railroad travel and see new items on display. Demonstrations of various tasks like cooking and food preparation. Unveiling of a new exhibit containing a 160-year-old lock gate recovered from the Rivanna River. A Dugout canoe will be on display where visitors will learn how colonists used them for tobacco transport. Beulah sunrise service Beulah Baptist Church (1633 Kents Store Way in Kents Store) cordially invites you to join us on Easter Sunday, beginning with a sunrise service at 7 a.m. followed by breakfast; Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. and worship service at 11 a.m. For more info, call 434589-2245. Highlight your business here! Service Directory For information including special rates and deadlines, call Lisa Hurdle at 434-591-1000 ext. 29. To advertise email: [email protected] SERVICE DIRECTORY SAM ServicesInc. Reasonable Rates Services include: Licensed Trenching and Hole Drilling Insured Field/Brush Clearing Dump trailer hauling & Clean-up 540-487-6892 samservicesinc.com Clean Sweep Owner Jamie Weiford Quality Cleaning Service Residential & Commercial • General /Deep Individual Cleaning Room Rate Starting at • Move In /Out $5.00 discount for $25 per room mentioning this ad. 434-242-3682 [email protected] gardenkeepers of virginia, LLC • landscape maintenance • leaf removal • hardscapes in stone • lawn maintenance • landscape installation • Snow removal Call to Schedule! 434-981-8968 Email: [email protected] Climate Control Coming Soon Hours: 8am - 5pm Monday-Saturday 1st Month FREE with a Minimum 3 Month Agreement NEW Customers 24 Hour Gate Access Call to Reserve space today! ISION C E R P LAWNICE, LLC SERV Superior lawn care for Lake Monticello & surrounding areas at an affordable price THINK SPRING! MULCHING, MOWING AND MORE! Call today for your free estimate. Donʼt forget to ask about our other lawn care services. Monthly, weekly, or one time service. Locally owned & operated • Fully Insured www.precisionlawn.info Kurt East Coast Hardscapes and Loren Tucker Fine Carpentry High quality work, fair prices, custom woodworking a specialty 30 plus years experience. Licensed & Insured Office: 434-591-6033 Cell: 518-469-2939 434-989-4152 [email protected] Fluvannaʼs Lehnert Home Design Sign Up Now for Spring/Summer Property Maintenance Contracts Weekly mowing, mulch, shrub pruning and fertilization, lawn fertilization and aeration • Shrub/Tree Installs • Tree Removal • Mulch/Stone Install • Retaining Walls • Paver Installation • Lawn Maintenance • Landscape Lighting • Property Maintenance Let Us Do the Work! Sean Finneran 434-996-1326 ICPI and NCMA Certified [email protected] Roger Robertson Paving Locally owned and Insured Inc. Improvemen ts Locally Owned Shop from home, pick up here. Professional Licensed Contractor Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Tile and More... Online Shopping: acehardware.com 434-242-4634 114 Crofton Place-Outside the main gate, Lake Monticello Free Shipping to Store! Mon – Fri, 7am – 6pm Sat, 8am – 4pm • Sun, 10am – 4pm 434-591-0670 Asphalt Paving Asphalt Repair Seal Coating Tar and Chip Line Painting Natural Driveways Drains Installed Rip Rap Ditches Erosion Control (Some financing available) Celebrating 22 years Ask for the Lake Monticello discount Call for a FREE Estimate (434) 531-3155 Est. Make A List Make One Call We Do It All! Your Man Friday Inc. 1989 Affordable Handyman Services & Home Improvement • Decks & Screen Porches SET UP • Power Washing YOUR • Interior & Exterior Painting POWER • Gutter Cleaning & Guard Installation WASHING • Electric & Plumbing AND DECK • Window & Door Replacement STAINING J.J. Bevilacqua 434-589-8825 [email protected] www.yourmanfridayva.com TODAY! Or Just Ask! Hardwood Floors • Roof & Siding Repair • Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling • Bookcases and Shelves • Tile Installation • Drywall Installation & Repair • Licensed Bonded & Insured Free Estimates References Available Lake Monticello Resident VA Approved Builder Mountain Laurel Landscaping Jeff O’Dell Landscape Contractor Landscape Design & Installation Trees, Shrubs, Annuals Retaining Walls, Picket Fences Walkways & Patios Homes and additions In house designs VA renovations Remodeling for your home A.T. BESECKER Locally Grown Quality Plants Available for You to Purchase CONSTRUCTION INC. Local Company 434-286-2627 659 Better Living Dr. On Rt. 250 near Rt.15 434-589-8218 434-589-1945 [email protected] To advertise call: 434.207.0222 Decks, porches, docks, exterior & interior repairs, kitchens and baths built in cabinets and shelf units Edward B. Peed, Owner Serving Fluvanna County & Surrounding Areas Visit Our Website for Client Testimonials 434-589-5075 www.taylorlynhomes.com email: [email protected] ARM-STRONG LANDSCAPING, LTD. “Our Strength is Serving Your Needs” Mowing Walkways, Trimming Patios. Leaf & Snow Mulch Retaining Walls Removal Call April Rice to Book Your Landscaping Consult Today! www.atbesecker.com Class A License Since 1988 FREE ESTIMATES • (434) 589-7800 www.arm-stronglandscaping.com March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 17 Flucos hold annual winter sports banquet BY DUNCAN NIXON, CORRESPONDENT After each sports season, Fluvanna High School holds a banquet to honor the student athletes who have excelled. The 2015-16 winter sports banquet was held on Feb. 23. As is always the case, the master of ceremonies for the festivities was Scott Morris, athletic director at the high school. Morris started off with a thank you to all the adults who make the sports season a reality: the bus drivers, the medical staff, the parents and grandparents, and of course, the spouses and significant others of the coaching staffs. Each varsity coach reports on the achievements of the team and the individuals, he or she led during the season. The basketball coaches reported first. Coach Munro Rateau reported that the boys’ basketball team did not win as often as he had hoped, and he noted that senior point guard Nick Washington was named honorable mention in the Jefferson District. Coach Chad White noted that although his squad came up short in the Conference tournament he was proud of how hard they worked. He announced that senior guard Bri Harris and junior guard Chaniya Brown both made honorable mention in the Conference and second team in the Jefferson District. Additionally, senior forward Kate Stutz was first team in the Conference and the Jefferson District and was Jefferson District player of the year. The coach with the longest list of honors to announce was girls’ indoor track coach Rose Brogan. Her team 18 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 3, 2016 finished third in the Regional meet at Liberty University. Leading the way for Brogan was Matasha Martin. She was All-Conference in four events and AllRegion in five events. At the Regional Fluco indoor track athletes going to State meet. Pictured are Keegan Campanelli, Avery Haislip, Erin Blackburn, Jackie Rodriguez, Bridget Bossong, Kristen Cabrera and Matasha Martin. Photo by Duncan Nixon event, Martin placed second in the 300meter dash and won the high jump, the long jump, the 55-meter dash and the 55 meter hurdles. Not surprisingly, after such prodigious accomplishments, Martin was named Region 3A Female Track Athlete of the Year and Region 3A Female Runner of the Year. In addition, a host of other Fluco female athletes were All-Conference and/or AllDistrict. All-Conference honors went to Madison Brown in the triple jump, LaMaya Lacy in the 55 meter hurdles, Hallie Reese in the shot put, Brooklyn Duenas in the shot put, Jackie Rodriguez in the 3200 meter, Kristen Cabrera in the 1600 meter and the 100 meter, Saige Haney in the 1600 meter and the 3200 meter, Avery Haislip in pole vault and Erin Blackburn in pole vault. The 4X800 meter relay team of Rodriguez, Cabrera, Bridget Bossong and Camryn Frederick also made All Conference. The 4X800 relay team was also AllRegion. All-Region honors also went to Haney in the 1600 meter, Cabrera in 1000 meter, and Haislip and Blackburn in the pole vault. The All-Region winners all are going on to the State meet. Outstanding athletes on the boys’ indoor track team, coached by Tom Casto, were led by Keegan Campanelli. He was Conference champion in the pole vault and All-Region in this event as well. Accordingly, Campanelli will be going to the State meet. All-Conference was achieved by Katriel Smith in the triple jump, and by the 4X800 relay team of John Bossong, Andy Guess, Andy Riddler and Jack Rice. Feda Morton, coach of the girls’ swim team, announced that Caylyn McNaul was named the team’s Outstanding Swimmer based on her first place finish in conference, fourth place finish at Region and sixth place finish at the State meet in the 100 breaststroke event. Stephanie Nardone and Lydia Reynard also placed well at the State meet. Nardone was seventh in the 100 butterfly and Reynard was fifth in dive. Morton named Rachael Muller as Most Improved and Morgan Maupin as Most Dedicated. The boys’ swim Coach James Small reported that Michael DiFazio qualified for the State meet in 100 butterfly and the 100 backstroke and that the 200 freestyle relay team of DiFazio, Morgan Milburn, Sam Hagan and Alex Scalzo also moved on from the Regional meet to the State meet. Wrestling Coach Michael Gore reported that although his squad did not finish as strong as he had hoped, “they wrestled hard and I could not have hoped for more.” His standouts during the season included Esa Mayo-Pitts, Ian Dillon, Mason Justus and Quinton Crouch. Rivanna Hearing Aid Center elps Yo u Yo u r Hea ring H oment... Enjoy Every M We service all makes & models of hearing aids FREE Hearing tests FREE in-house repairs on most models FREE video otoscopic view of ear canal 434-244-3277 Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m-5 p.m. On Pantops-182 Spotnap Rd. A-2 Charlottesville, VA. 22911 To advertise email: [email protected] Fluco Forensics team wins championship The Flucos speech team placed 1st in 7 out of 10 events, and placed 1st and 2nd in four categories. The team has won five conference championships. 1st Extemporaneous – Jonathan Corbin 1st Storytelling (Tie) – Kate Moncure and Madison Stafford 1st Humorous – Anthony Cruz 1st Impromptu – Nikola Bajs 1st Dramatic – Dominique Smith 1st Original – Andrew Guess 1st Humorous Duo – Alex Logan and Caden Koslowski 2nd Extemporaneous – Alex Pellicane (8th Grade) 2nd Humorous – Jeremy Schwartz 2nd Original – Thao Nguyen 2nd Serious Duo – Savannah Nelson & Savannah Forren 2nd Poetry – Caitlyn L. Taylor 3rd Prose – Trinity Haynes 4th Dramatic – Julianne Bryant 4th Serious Duo – Lily Dobrin and Corban Van Ornum Jonathan Corbin, Kate Moncure, and Madison Leigh Stafford all had perfect scores. The team will next compete at Regionals on March 5 and at States on April 2. The FCHS Forensics team is coached by Craig Edgerton. The middle school is offering forensics for the first time this spring and John Duffy is serving as the middle school coach. For more information about the Forensics Program contact Craig Edgerton, FCHS at [email protected] or John Duffy, FMS at [email protected]. Fluco competitors excel at Forensics/ Scholastic Bowl BY DUNCAN NIXON, CORRESPONDENT At this year’s winter banquet on Feb. 23, Craig Edgerton, coach of the Flucos Forensics team, and James Small, coach of the Scholastic Bowl team, reported on their squads’ achievements. Edgerton reported on his teams’ outstanding performance as five-time Conference champions. Teams compete in a variety of disciplines and the Flucos were outstanding in many of them Jonathan Corbin finished in first place in the Extemporaneous competition with a perfect score. Kate Moncure and Madison Stafford tied for first place in Storytelling and they both recorded perfect scores. Anthony Cruz took first in Humorous, Nikola Bajs was first in Impromptu. Dominique Smith was also first in Dramatics and Andrew Guess was first in Original. Alex Logan and Caden Koslowski also finished first. Their category was Humorous Duo. Second place finishes went to Jeremy Schwartz in Humorous, Alex Pellicane in Extemporaneous, Thao Nguyen in To advertise call: 434.207.0222 Original, Caitlyn Taylor in Poetry and Savannah Nelson and Savannah Forren in Serious Duo. The Regional competition will be held on March 5 at Rockbridge High and the State match will be on April 2 at Clover Hill High. Coach Small announced that the Scholastic Bowl team finished second in the Conference competition and third in the Regional competition. Additionally, he reported Harrison Lee was named to All-Region. Have a story idea? [email protected] Third Thursday at The Lodge at Old Trail MARCH 17 5:30 pm The 22nd Annual Festival of the Book—WWII and the Strength of Individuals We’re thrilled to be a site for the 22nd Annual Virginia Festival of the Book. This year we’ll be joined by a trio of authors, who will discuss their captivating work. There’s Robert H. Gillette author of Escape to Virginia: From Nazi Germany to Thalhimer’s Farm; Brian Murphy who wrote, 81 Days Below Zero: The Incredible Survival Story of a World War II Pilot in Alaska’s Frozen Wilderness, and Theresa van Houten, the author of Papa’s War: From the London Blitz to the Liberation of Holland. This is sure to be a most interesting evening! Make your reservation early. RSVP to 434.823.9100 or [email protected] 330 Claremont Lane, Crozet, Virginia 22932 | www.lodgeatoldtrail.com INDEPENDENT LIVING • ASSISTED LIVING • MEMORY CARE March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 19 VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF FLUVANNA COUNTY OF FLUVANNA, VIRGINIA, Case No: 15-CL-187 Plaintiff, FRANK L. MOCK, Et. Als Defendants. VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF FLUVANNA COUNTY OF FLUVANNA, VIRGINIA, Case No: 15-CL-188 Plaintiff, CASSIE REYNOLDS, Et. Als. Defendants. ORDER OF PUBLICATION ORDER OF PUBLICATION THE OBJECT of the above styled action is to sell certain real estate described herein, for alleged unpaid real estate taxes, whose owners and parties in interest are believed to be Frank L. Mock, if living, or if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown; Lisa Y. Mock, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and the Lake Monticello Owners’ Association, regarding that certain parcel of real estate located in Cunningham Magisterial District, Fluvanna County, Virginia and shown on the Fluvanna County Tax Records as a .622 acre parcel designated as Tax Parcel Number 18A-12-229. THE OBJECT of the above styled action is to sell certain real estate described herein, for alleged unpaid real estate taxes, whose owners and parties in interest are believed to be Cassie Reynolds, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown; Frank Collie, if living, or if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and Clara Alston, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, regarding that certain parcel of real estate located in Fork Union Magisterial District, Fluvanna County, Virginia and shown on the Fluvanna County Tax Records as a 2.0 acre parcel designated as Tax Parcel Number 50-A-79. An Affidavit having been duly made and filed stating that due diligence has been exercised on behalf of the Complainants to ascertain the location for service of process of Frank L. Mock, if living, or if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown; Lisa Y. Mock, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-intitle, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and the Lake Monticello Owners’ Association, and that such due diligence has not disclosed their address, or that of the heirs-at-law, devisees, or successors in title of the above defendants, if they or any of them be dead; or that they are defendants, who have been served through the Secretary of the Commonwealth or by other substitute service and have failed to respond to the Complaint , and, An Affidavit having been duly made and filed stating that due diligence has been exercised on behalf of the Complainants to ascertain the location for service of process of Cassie Reynolds, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown; Frank Collie, if living, or if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and Clara Alston, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and that such due diligence has not disclosed their address, or that of the heirs-at-law, devisees, or successors in title of the above defendants, if they or any of them be dead; or that they are defendants, who have been served through the Secretary of the Commonwealth or by other substitute service and have failed to respond to the Complaint , and, It is ORDERED that the said persons Frank L. Mock, if living, or if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown; Lisa Y. Mock, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and the Lake Monticello Owners’ Association, do appear in the Fluvanna Circuit Court Clerk’s Office on or before the 11th day of March, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. and do what is necessary to protect their interest; and, it is further ORDERED, pursuant to §8.01-321 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 (as amended), that the foregoing portion of this Order be published once a week for two successive weeks in the Fluvanna Review, a newspaper with general circulation in Fluvanna County, Virginia. ENTER: 2/4/16 Judge Susan L. Whitlock Anthony Paone, II INNSBROOK LAW GROUP, P.C. P.O. Box 4170 Glen Allen, Virginia 23058 (804) 935-3090/(804) 935-3091 fax It is ORDERED that the said persons Cassie Reynolds, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown; Frank Collie, if living, or if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and Clara Alston, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, do appear in the Fluvanna Circuit Court Clerk’s Office on or before the 11th day of March, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. and do what is necessary to protect their interest; and, it is further ORDERED, pursuant to §8.01-321 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 (as amended), that the foregoing portion of this Order be published once a week for two successive weeks in the Fluvanna Review, a newspaper with general circulation in Fluvanna County, Virginia. ENTER: 2/4/16 Judge Susan L. Whitlock Anthony Paone, II INNSBROOK LAW GROUP, P.C. P.O. Box 4170 Glen Allen, Virginia 23058 (804) 935-3090/(804) 935-3091 fax VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF FLUVANNA VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF FLUVANNA COUNTY OF FLUVANNA, VIRGINIA, Case No: 15-CL-189 Plaintiff, COUNTY OF FLUVANNA, VIRGINIA, Case No: 15-CL-229 JOHNNY SCOTT, Et. Als. Defendants. DOUGLAS M. ROSS, Et. Als. Plaintiff, Defendants. ORDER OF PUBLICATION ORDER OF PUBLICATION THE OBJECT of the above styled action is to sell certain real estate described herein, for alleged unpaid real estate taxes, whose owners and parties in interest are believed to be Johnny Scott, if living, or if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and Florence Scott, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, regarding that certain parcel of real estate located in Fork Union Magisterial District, Fluvanna County, Virginia and shown on the Fluvanna County Tax Records as a 2.48 acre parcel designated as Tax Parcel Number 53-A-38. THE OBJECT of the above styled action is to sell certain real estate described herein, for alleged unpaid real estate taxes, whose owners and parties in interest are believed to be Douglas M. Ross, if living, or if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and Ruthann K. Ross, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, regarding that certain parcel of real estate located in Fork Union Magisterial District, Fluvanna County, Virginia and shown on the Fluvanna County Tax Records as a 5.505 acre parcel designated as Tax Parcel Number 49-5-5. An Affidavit having been duly made and filed stating that due diligence has been exercised on behalf of the Complainants to ascertain the location for service of process of Johnny Scott, if living, or if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and Florence Scott, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and that such due diligence has not disclosed their address, or that of the heirs-at-law, devisees, or successors in title of the above defendants, if they or any of them be dead; or that they are defendants, who have been served through the Secretary of the Commonwealth or by other substitute service and have failed to respond to the Complaint , and, An Affidavit having been duly made and filed stating that due diligence has been exercised on behalf of the Complainants to ascertain the location for service of process of Douglas M. Ross, if living, or if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and Ruthann K. Ross, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and that such due diligence has not disclosed their address, or that of the heirs-at-law, devisees, or successors in title of the above defendants, if they or any of them be dead; or that they are defendants, who have been served through the Secretary of the Commonwealth or by other substitute service and have failed to respond to the Complaint , and, It is ORDERED that the said persons Johnny Scott, if living, or if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and Florence Scott, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, do appear in the Fluvanna Circuit Court Clerk’s Office on or before the 11th day of March, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. and do what is necessary to protect their interest; and, it is further ORDERED, pursuant to §8.01-321 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 (as amended), that the foregoing portion of this Order be published once a week for two successive weeks in the Fluvanna Review, a newspaper with general circulation in Fluvanna County, Virginia. It is ORDERED that the said persons Douglas M. Ross, if living, or if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, and Ruthann K. Ross, if living, or if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors-in-title, assigns or creditors, collectively referred to as parties unknown, do appear in the Fluvanna Circuit Court Clerk’s Office on or before the 11th day of March, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. and do what is necessary to protect their interest; and, it is further ORDERED, pursuant to §8.01-321 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 (as amended), that the foregoing portion of this Order be published once a week for two successive weeks in the Fluvanna Review, a newspaper with general circulation in Fluvanna County, Virginia. ENTER: 2/4/16 Judge Susan L. Whitlock ENTER: 2/4/16 Judge Susan L. Whitlock Anthony Paone, II INNSBROOK LAW GROUP, P.C. P.O. Box 4170 Glen Allen, Virginia 23058 (804) 935-3090/(804) 935-3091 fax Anthony Paone, II INNSBROOK LAW GROUP, P.C. P.O. Box 4170 Glen Allen, Virginia 23058 (804) 935-3090/(804) 935-3091 fax 20 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 3, 2016 To advertise email: [email protected] Moss gets unsung Virginian award Marvin Moss. File Photo Marvin Moss, a retired public servant and contributor to his community, has received the 2016 Unsung Virginian Award, a statewide honor bestowed by Virginia’s electric cooperatives, according to a Central Virginia Electric Cooperative press release. This award honors a Virginian for services rendered to the Commonwealth without thought of personal gain. Moss was nominated by CVEC. The nomination was accompanied by numerous letters of support, among them a commendation from Sen. Paul Sarbanes of Maryland, a leader in setting national clean water goals who served in the U.S. Senate from 1977 -1995. After serving as chief of staff for Sarbanes for 18 years, Moss moved to Fluvanna County in 1995. There, his unique skills and energies were put to good use, as he led the Fluvanna Historical Society and the Fluvanna Heritage Trail Foundation. He also served on the Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors and chaired it for two years. He chaired the Rivanna River Basin Commission and still serves on it. With his experience and knowledge of architecture, Moss was instrumental in the design of the new Palmyra fire station and worked to see that the new county library was heated and cooled by geothermal energy. He also played a key role in designing the Pembroke Pettit Bridge over the Rivanna River in Palmyra and ensured it was an attractive addition to historic Palmyra. From 2002-2007, Moss was appointed by Gov. Mark Warner and re-appointed by Gov. Tim Kaine to serve on the Capitol Square Preservation Council, which oversaw restoration of the State Capitol building and construction of the new visitor’s center. Perhaps Moss’ greatest contribution was leading the Fluvanna Historical Society to receive $800,000 in grants that funded restoration of the site’s historic Pleasant Grove House, which opened to the public in 2014. This project won Preservation Piedmont’s 2015 historic preservation award. The property, which houses the county’s park and recreation staff, offers a pavilion and multiuse trail system that attracts users from across the region. Moss’ latest initiative is a Farm Heritage Museum to further add to the park’s resources. Judith Mickelson, retired executive director of the Fluvanna Historical Society, said of Moss, “His ability to forge compatible relationships between public and private organizations is exemplary and legendary.” Deborah Murdock, fellow historical society executive team member, added “Not only is Marvin extremely productive in all his involvements, he is also fun to work with!” In her nomination letter, Roberta Savage, executive director of the Rivanna Conservation Society, stated, “Marvin has been stalwart in the cause of clear water and has led a number of efforts to enhance water quality, river access and overall beautification of central Virginia.” In honoring Moss with the Unsung Virginian Award, Chairman of VMDAEC Larry Howdyshell noted, “because of volunteers such as Marvin, the quality of life in our rural communities will be enriched for future generations. VMDAEC Executive Vice President Richard Johnstone, said “Marvin exemplifies the 7th cooperative principle of ‘concern for community. We are proud to recognize his inspirational leadership that has made such a difference for central Virginia.” Watts Auction Realty and Jefferson Real Estate Auctions to announce Auction Sale SmokeFree 388 Circle Drive, Arvonia, VA (Buckingham County) 100 Centre C Ct., C South Boston Rd 434-589-1155 ON-SITE AUCTION to be held 11.00 am Saturday, MARCH 19, 2016. For terms and details Please visit www. WattsARA.com or call 434.409.1177 or 434.821.5263. Pre-Auction offers encouraged. Broker participation with registered agents. (Rt. 600) Near Lake Monticello Fire Dept.& CVS Classic colonial brick home built 1929 4 BR, 3 BA total. 4,814 SF on 2.36 acres. Very Nice in-ground pool, pool house full bar and bath. Main house well maintained, hardwood floors, gas and wood burning fire places. Two car garage, 3 carport. Additional 3,800 SF workshop/storage under roof at rear of main house. Monday Lovely rural neighborhood. Direct access to Route 15. Close to Farmville, Fork Union, Palmyra, Fluvanna, and points East toward Richmond on VA 6E. WEEKLY SPECIALS Burger NIGHT Tuesday and Thursday Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament 2 Nights a Week 7:00 p.m. sign-up EVERYDAY SPECIALS & DISCOUNTS WITH YOUR MVP CARD Enjoy MVP pricing on the items you and your family love most. Receive MVP weekly savings email packed full of targeted offers delivered right to your inbox. Track your MVP coupon by last trip, last 30 days, or more! Scan your MVP card at mvp savings center located in each store for more ways to save. Load valuable coupons directly to your MVP card from the mvp coupon hub. 264 Turkeysag Trail # A Hours: 7 a.m.-11 p.m. rGPPEMJPODPN ID REQUIRED FOR ENTRY Must Be 21 to Enter Friday NO COVER ! DJ Spinning 9 pm the H i t s ID REQUIRED FOR ENTRY • Must Be 21 to Enter NOTICE JUDICIAL SALE OF REAL PROPERTY On April 4, 2016,or as soon thereafter as papers can be done, proceedings will be commenced under the authority of Section 58.1-3965 et seq. of the Code of Virginia 1950 (as amended) to sell the following parcels for payment of delinquent taxes in Fluvanna County, Virginia. 8.0 acres located in Palmyra District, 15154 James Madison Highway, Fluvanna County, Virginia Tax Map Parcel: 19-A-43 listed in the name of Callie Payne 4.33 acres located in Cunningham District, Fluvanna County, Virginia Tax Map Parcel: 57-1-3 listed in the name of Emmett Jackson For information contact: Anthony Paone, II, Esq., Post Office Box 4170, Glen Allen, VA 23058 804-935-3090 • [email protected] To advertise call: 434.207.0222 45,000* Great Reasons to Advertise Weekly Fluvanna Review ALBEMARLE LOUISA Monthly Multiple paper discounts Louisa Life FLUVANNA OC Magazine Buckingham Beacon BUCKINGHAM Scottsville Monthly ORANGE Town of Scottsville Saturday and Sunday Weekend Breakfast Serving at 8 AM Total Monthly Circulation 45,000 *All 5 Papers Combined Fluvanna Review www.fluvannareview.com Email: [email protected] • 434.207.0222 • Fax: 434.589.1704 Mailing: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 Location: 2987 Lake Monticello Road, Palmyra VA, 22963 Like us on Facebook March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS International Cultural Exchange Representative: Earn supplemental income placing and supervising high school exchange students. Volunteer host families also needed. Promote world peace! www. afice.org/reps ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES DC BIG FLEA & ANTIQUE MARKET MAR 5-6. EXPANDED! 2 BLDGS! Over 700 Booths! Metro DC’s Largest! Dulles Expo-Chantilly, VA. 4320 Chantilly Shop Ctr, 20151. Adm $10 Sat 9-6 Sun 11-5 www.thebigfleamarket.com AUCTIONS “Auction” Liquidation of all Farm Equipment Saturday March 12 @ 10:00 A.M. Gray Auctions Yard 14089 Robinson Rd, Stony Creek, VA 23882 www.graycoservices.com Call Joe 804-943-3506 VAAL#1104 AUCTION: BID ON-SITE &ONLINE! CONSTRUCTION, EXCAVATING & UTILITES CONTRACTOR. Excavators, Loader, Dozers, Road Tractors, Dumps &More! 3/8 @ 9 AM, Charlottesville, VA www.motleys.com (Partnered w/CRG) 804-232-3300x4 VAAL#16 EDUCATION MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Train to become a Medical Office Assistant! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Training & Job Placement available at CTI! HS Diploma/GED & Computer needed. 1-888-424-9419 HELP WANTED The Virginia Press Association seeks a dynamic leader to chart our course for the future. Anticipating the retirement of our long-time executive director, we’re searching for a trailblazer to build on past success, while addressing the challenges facing our members in the 21st century. The next executive director will help define and implement VPA’s mission in a changing business environment. The candidate will work with the board, full-time staff, members, and others to create new opportunities for growth. This position will require detailed business planning skills, goal-setting, establishing measurable objectives, accurate cost estimates, and task deadlines. Duties include: member relations, engagement and development; government relations and lobbying; sales, marketing and fundraising; community and industry relations; public speaking; programming and event planning; staff, P&L and administrative management. Meaningful experience in each is a job requirement, as are strong communication skills, superior organizational ability, and professional polish. We will show preference to candidates with a background in journalism and media issues, association management, or government relations. If interested, please send cover letter, resume and salary history and expectations to Marisa Porto, president, VPA Board of Directors, at mporto@ dailypress.com. Applications must be received by Tuesday, March 15. HELP WANTED – DRIVERS CDL TRAINING FOR LOCAL/OTR DRIVERS! $40,000$50,000 1ST Year! 4-wks or 10 Weekends for CDL. Veterans in Demand! Richmond/ Fredericksburg 800-243-1600; Lynchburg/ Roanoke 800-6146500; LFCC/Winchester 800-454-1400 67 Driver Trainees needed! No CDL? No ProblemWe Train. Be Job ready in as little as 20 days! Earn Great pay/benefits! 1-800-874-7131 Harris Trucking Co - Weekly Quality Home Time, Assigned Equipment, Regional Runs, Paid Weekly & Paid Orientation. Up to .45 + Per Diem. Call 1-800-929-5003;Apply www.harristrucking.com HELP WANTED / SALES EARN $500 A DAY: Insurance Agents Needed * Leads, No Cold Calls * Commissions Paid Daily * Lifetime Renewals * Complete Training * Health & Dental Insurance * Life License Required. Call 1-888-713-6020. MISCELLANEOUS AVIATION Grads work with JetBlue, Boeing, NASA and others-start here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-204-4130. SERVICES DIVORCE – Uncontested, $450 + $88 court cost. No court appearance. Estimated completion time twenty-one days. Telephone inquiries welcome - no obligation. Hilton Oliver, Attorney. 757-4900126. Se Habla Español. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS CLEARANCE, save THOUSANDS, LOW monthly payments, MAKE OFFER on Clearance orders 40x60, 30x36, 25x30, 20x22, 16x20 CALL NOW 757-301-8885 Penelope. THIS WEEK’S PET Lady came to the shelter neglected, but she made full recovery and is now ready for a home of her own! She does well with other dogs, is quite energetic, loves to play and give kisses. She needs a home without cats, but would otherwise make a great addition to your household! Come meet her today! Female pit bull mix, black and white, blue eyes, 2.5 yrs old, spayed/vaccinated/microchipped, 40 lbs. Lady Fluvanna SPCA 5239 Union Mills Road, Troy, VA (434) 591-0123 • http://www.fspca.org SPONSORED BY: BLAIR CARTER, ESQUIRE • 434.296.9006 22 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 3, 2016 To advertise email: [email protected] Classified: $5 per Week We Can Help Sell Your Stuff! 30 words or less. For $10 your ad will appear for TWO WEEKS on FluvannaReview.com (with FREE PHOTO) and in the next two printed issues of the Fluvanna Review. Deadline for print ads is MONDAY BY NOON. All real estate advertised in the Fluvanna Review is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin…” The Virginia Fair Housing Law also makes it illegal to discriminate because of elderliness (age 55 and over). The Fluvanna Review will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All real estate advertised in this paper is available on an equal opportunity basis. EVENTS FLUVANNA ART ASSOCIATION’S next meeting will be held March 11, 2016, Friday, from 9:30 a.m. – 12 Noon at the Fluvanna County Library. Please join us for a program on “Photography Basics” presented by Ben Greenberg. Non-member fee $10. For more information: [email protected] MONTICELLO FIRE & RESCUE* BINGO*: $1,000 Jackpot every Thursday. Progressive Game. Doors Open at 5:30 p.m., Early Bird 6:45 p.m. Location: 10 Slice Road, Palmyra, VA (off Rt. 600, across from CVS). Questions? Call (434) 591-1018 FOR SALE CEMETERY SITES: Holly Memorial Gardens and Monticello Memory Gardens. Significant savings. Call (434) 295-1750 DRIVEWAY STONE: SLATE: 9-Ton Slate Crush Run $150; 9-Ton #57, $220; 14-Ton #57, $300; 14-Ton Crush, $200: GRANITE: 9-Ton Crush, $220; 9-Ton #57, $255; 14-Ton Crush, $300, & 14-Ton #57, $350. Includes Delivery and Tailgate Spread. Call (434) 4202002. HELP WANTED PART-TIME OFFICE & HOUSEKEEPING: Need combination Light Office Help with Housekeeping duties. Experience a plus! Flexible Schedule. Must be efficient and have a take charge attitude. Call (434) 293-7485. Please leave a message if I am not available. Thank you. DRIVERS: CDL-A 1 year. Excellent Family Medical Insurance. Guaranteed Week-end Home Time. Earn $65,000 + Monthly Bonuses. Absolutely No-Touch. (888) 406-9046. MEMBERSHIP SPECIALIST: Need part-time or fulltime, self-motivated trustworthy people managers. Outgoing personality or Sales background preferred. E-commerce website and training provided. Request you interview at: [email protected]. Or call (434) 3162305, Recruiter: J. Hasten. REAL ESTATE BUILDING ACREAGE: Owner financing available. Large and small lots, from 2 acres to 25 acres. Mostly level land, with wooded and open acreage. Five to seven minutes from I-64, Fluvanna County. Call (434) 5310671 or (434) 589-3074 RENTAL CENTURY 21 MONTICELLO PROPERTIES/ RENTALS: $1450.00 - 443 Jefferson Drive, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath home with unfinished basement and fenced back yard. Available March 1. Contact Rachel Contact Edee - [email protected] 434-207-0221 • FAX: 434-589-1704 Payment: In advance. We accept: Visa, Master Card, Discover, checks and cash. Upload direct to OUR WEBSITE with free photo: 1. On FluvannaReview.com click on “Classifieds” 2. Click on “Post an Ad - $10” 3. Login or click on “Register” 4. Select a category 5. Write your ad and upload photo 6. Pay with your credit card via Pay Pal. at Century 21 Monticello Properties at (434) 981-5173 or [email protected] for more info. Equal Housing Opportunity. SERVICES CUSTOM SEWING & ALTERATIONS: Home Décor, gift making, clothing design, tailoring, & alterations, for men, women, children. Reasonable rates. Pick up and Delivery. Call (434) 989-1114 GRAPHIC DESIGN SPECIALIST: Do you need a logo, brochure, flyer, postcards or newsletters? Custom art or designs – but either don’t know how or don’t have the time? I can provide you with quality graphic design and artwork quickly and affordably. Let me do the work for you so you can concentrate on your business. Call Lynn Stayton-Eurell @ (434) 906-2524. Please visit http:// www.staytoneurellgraphics.net INSIDE/OUT PAINTING PLUS – Spring Has sprung! Interior/Exterior Painting, 2500 PSA Powerwashing, renovation and restoration. Locally owned/operated for 25 + years. Lake resident since 1995. Fluvanna County Chamber of Commerce member since 2001. Call (434) 906-1898, or email: [email protected]. To view portfolio – www.insideoutpaintingplus.net. THE LIGHT ACADEMY is offering After-School Care for a variety of needs – As Needed Basis, Part-time or Full time. Visit www.thelightacademy.com or phone (434) 806-2903 for more information. LOHR’S PIANO SALES & SERVICE: Reliable repair and tuning with 40 years experience. Also offering good used and new pianos. Reasonable prices! Phone (540) 672-5388, evenings, for all your piano needs. NEW LIFE PAINTING: Interior & Exterior. Commercial & Residential. Interior: Two Rooms at full price/Third Room at cost. Exterior: Whole house/Decks, etc. Privately owned by: James & Lolita Byers. Bonded and insured with 30 years experience. Phone (434) 808-3632 or (757) 636-1283.Look me up on ‘facebook’ for quality photos of my work! R L DEANE PAINTING: Interior/Exterior, Fence painting, Decks stained, Power washing, Gutters cleaned, some small repair work, also Metal Roofs. 30 Years experience! Call (434) 296-3146 or (434) 962-6484 and ask for Rusty. WE WILL HELP: Need a Dental, Vision and or Medical plan? We will help you find a dental, vision and medical plan that your household can use. It doesn’t matter if you are related. Appointments (434) 316-2305 or www. everyonebenefits.com/jhh SPECIAL NOTICES ATTENTION VETERANS AND DEPENDENTS: Do you know your Veterans Benefits? We do! Virginia Department Day-time Wait staff Now accepting applications for the busy season. Earn around $13-$15 per hour. Personable, mature and dependable applicants only, 3-5 days, weekend day(s). Experience not necessary. Apply In person. For more details please visit: www.michietavern.com/available-job-opportunities/ To advertise call: 434.207.0222 of Veterans Services. WWW.Virginiaforveterans.com. Need Help? Visit us at Fluvanna Parks and Recreation Center, 5725 James Madison Highway, Palmyra, VA, 22963. For an appointment please call Pam Zirkle, Veteran Service Representative at (434) 295-2782 or [email protected]. For directions: (434) 842-1035. Office hours – first & third Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to Noon. SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS: Monticello Country Realtors supports local businesses. See our “Featured Business of the Week” on page 9. www.monticellorealtors. com (434) 589-3539 WANTED COINS: I buy old coins. Call (434) 466-7968 FSPCA SPONSORS NEEDED for 2016. Consider sponsoring our “Pet of the Week” ad in the coming year. Your name and/or business name will appear as sponsor under our photo for the Pet of the Week. You may also have a special person named or event remembered. Call Edee at the Fluvanna Review (434) 207-0221 or email [email protected] WEEK-END SALES 4 MULLIGAN DRIVE : Bring ad to main gate, Lake Monticello -Saturday, March 5, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. & Sunday, March 6, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., www. transition-sales.net , for photos. See display ad for additional information. Saturday, March 5, 2015, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, March 6, 1-4 p.m. 50% Off! Monday Bargains! 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 75% Off! 115 Overlook Drive, Sherwood Farms, Charlottesville, VA Directions: to follow (not GPS): 29 S to left on Teel Lane which is first left 4/10 mi. past the big green Richmond sign after going under I-64. Other route: I-64 to Exit 118A/Lynchburg/29S; first left on Teel Lane. You will see cars lined up at a park and drive area. Stay left on Teel to an immediate right on Overlook Dr. for 7/10 mi. to house on right. Parking on right side of road only; parking available on next drive Chestnut Oak on right side only w/turnaround in cul-de-sac. Great sale in this beautiful 3-level on-the-market house w/fabulous kitchen, family room, living room, dining room, bedroom, bath on main level, great woodwork throughout, hardwood floors, 4 upstairs bedrooms, 2 baths, library w/ custom butternut wood built-ins, walk-up attic, massive garage & workshop areas on terrace level, 800 sq. ft. of screened porches & deck--all on 3 mostly wooded acres. Featuring vintage furniture, framed art works, paintings, rolltop desk, dining table/chairs, wingback chair, armchairs, continuous-cushion camelback sofa, elegant striped sofa, lots of books & builtin bookshelves, vintage LPs, tools, workshop supplies, workbenches, Nat’l Geos from 19591969, vintage model plane kit, lots of costume & fine jewelry, collectibles & more! Beverly Smith • 434-960-4865 Details: www.estatesalesunlimited.net Deputy Clerk I #1811 The County of Fluvanna, VA is accepting applications for the position of Deputy Clerk I to perform intermediate skilled clerical work in the Circuit Court Clerk’s office and specialized duties relating to the operations of the Clerk’s office. The general duties include, but are not limited to, receiving calls and answering questions concerning Circuit Court matters, assisting the public, attorneys and other public agencies in completing forms, filings of licenses and permits, court rules and providing records room assistance. The preferred applicant will have general knowledge of office methods, procedures and practices and will have the ability to communicate effectively and maintain effective working relationships with Court officials, associates and the general public. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and some clerical experience, preferably in a clerk’s office or law office. Hiring Range from $13.00/hr ($27,040 annually) - $14.95/hr ($31,096annually) plus benefits, DOQ. Submit a County application, resume, cover letter, and references by 5:00 p.m., March 11, 2016 to [email protected]. For a more detailed job description, go to fluvannacounty.org/services/human-resources/job-openings . Applications are available at the county website, fluvannacounty.org . EOE March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 23 Middle schoolers hear about science and adventure “The students energize you, they are so excited, they have so many questions, and they are so smart – they know a lot more than I did when I was in middle school, that’s for sure.” – Ken Carr BY TRICIA JOHNSON, CORRESPONDENT Ken Carr – who has now left Fluvanna on an expedition to Heard Island in the Antarctic – had another sort of adventure on Feb. 24 – a trip to Fluvanna Middle School. Carr spent the day talking to groups of students about the upcoming expedition to the pristine island, hoping to kindle in the young students the same kind of excitement for science he first felt when he was their age. “I became excited about science when I was their age,” Carr said. He became an amateur radio enthusiast when he was 12 or 13, he said, and that interest in science guided his career. Carr suspects many of the students he spoke with at Fluvanna Middle School will end up with careers in science and technology. “I was amazed by some of the technical knowledge displayed by these middle school kids,” he said. “I suspect there will be quite a few who will end up in the fields of science and technology – they were very savvy. “ “The students energize you, they are so excited, they have so many questions, and they are so smart – they know a lot more than I did when I was in middle school, that’s for sure,” said Carr with a laugh. Fluvanna Middle School Principal Brad Fluvanna educators have had an increasing focus on “STEM Education” – teaching science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This visit by Carr is just part of an ongoing attempt to encourage interest in and excitement about the sciences. For more information about the expedition to Heard Island go to http://bit. ly/1RADnfR or visit HeardIsland.Org. Ken Carr spoke with middle school students on Feb. 24. Photo by Tricia Johnson Stang was happy to have Carr speak to his students. “It is a great opportunity Keep Your Back Healthy! for our students to hear Mr. Carr speak about Heard Island – to actually talk to a person who is on the expedition. He can share realworld experiences with our students - he can talk to them about some of the actual technology and data they will be using. The kids can learn about the technology and hopefully get excited about these sorts of careers. I know the teachers are very excited to have Mr. Carr here. RickWellsDC.com • 434-589-8005 • 9 Centre Ct • Palmyra • Chiropractic Care • Essential Oils • Corrective Exercises • Spinal & Postural • Lifestyle Advice Screenings • Nutritional Counseling • AromaTouch™ Technique Right Here at Lake Monticello Near Slice/ Fairway Gate Office Hours Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 8:00 am-12pm & 3pm-6pm Thursday 8:00 am-11am Friday 8:00 am-12pm & 3pm-6pm Saturday 9am-11am Dr. Wells takes the “Whole Person Approach” 24 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | Marc March 3, 2016 434-286-2145 To advertise email: [email protected] Gone but never forgotten BY PAGE H. GIFFORD, CORRESPONDENT The loss of a pet is just as heartbreaking as any human loss and those who have ties with their closest companions for years understand how difficult it is. Last year, B.J. Hammond celebrated her dog Kringle’s 20th birthday, a milestone since he surpassed the average lifespan of most dogs. Sadly, Kringle didn’t make it to his 21st birthday. Kringle celebrated his 20th birthday last year with much fanfare and press coverage but almost a year later, Hammond recognized his time was coming and sensed that Kringle did not want medical intervention and that his life was complete. Hammond has always had a deep bond with her dogs and like many of us who have sent our dogs over the “rainbow bridge,” they usually have a way of communicating to us that it is time for them to go as difficult as that may be for us to accept. “He was ready to join his five pack buddies who were waiting for him in the Meadow. He announced that he wanted to go naturally as long as it was not too painful,” said Hammond. “He faced all bravely, and only at the very end did he ask for help over the last hill standing between him and release. As he had lived with spirited engagement, so he passed on to his new life peacefully and without hesitation.” Much of the credit for Kringle’s incredible longevity goes to his owner, who is a er How can I lo?w my taxes certified muscle and joint therapist specializing in animal care. Her goal has always been to help dogs live longer and maintain active lives through bodywork and an understanding of the canine spirit. “Kringle was an amazing little fellow with a big spirit and a mind of his own. When he lost his best buddy, Lullabies, in the summer of 2014, he chose to live on with spirited engagement,” said Hammond. “He was truly blessed with good health, good mobility, a good appetite and strong curiosity right up to the last week before his twentyfirst birthday.” Hammond reminisced about Kringle. “He had independence of spirit which both made me smile and reassured me that his spirit was fine. If I asked something of him that he did not want to do – like take vitamins or spray his teeth and gums – he would “snort” at me. It was his favorite way of expressing his independence, and it always made me smile.” Kringle had an owner who not only gave him a wonderful life and home but someone who looked beyond a simple companion and recognized the life lessons he taught her in return. Workout from 3pm to 8pm for only $40 a month! Enjoy our evening aerobic classes: • Tabata • Zumba • Cycling • Interval • Total Body Conditioning *New members only We Host Pool Parties! Book your pool party today. Kringle. Photo courtesy of B.J. Hammond “I will hold Kringle’s 21 years of companionship in my heart forever, and it will always bring a smile to my face.” If I volunteer, can Id driving mileage?educt www.healthnutzgym.com h lth lh t 434-589-6100 109 Crofton Place, Palmyra Visit our website for our aerobics schedules & more. CHARLES W. ALLBAUGH CPA 14 Years of Service in Fluvanna! $30 OFF Can I deduct my SelfEmployment taxes? What tax law changes will aff ect my return? TAX PREPARATION I spent a lot on Present this ad when you come in • New Clients Only medical bills! Professional Tax Preparation • Accounting and Payroll Services Free Electronic Filing • Friendly and Expert Service I have an exciting free tax app for your iPhone or android phone. It has great features such as loan calculators and a document scanner that allows you to capture forms or documents and email them to anyone. Just go to the app store and search for “Charles Allbaugh” to download it today! Check it out, it’s free! To advertise call: 434.207.0222 FR CHARLES W. ALLBAUGH, CPA Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm • • 434-589-7810 Evenings & Weekends by Appointment www.Allbaugh.com • email me at [email protected] 202 Turkeysag Trail, Suite 5, Lake Monticello Located in the Food Lion Plaza between Dr. Ed Lauterbach & Salon DeShano March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 25 Fluco sports spotlight BY COLBY DEFORGE, FLUVANNA COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL JOURNALISM PROGRAM Senior Maddie Messier will lace up her cleats one last time in the spring for the Flucos before heading off to Virginia Military Institute (VMI) to play Division 1 women’s soccer. She made it official Feb. 4 at Fluvanna County High School’s Signing Day. Messier will join the VMI cadets in the fall of 2017 to begin her collegiate career. Messier has played a tremendous role in the success of girls’ soccer the last few years. Since being on the varsity squad, Messier led the team in scoring her sophomore year and tied her junior year. She also won 1st team Jefferson District her sophomore year, and 1st team Jefferson District and 1st team Conference her junior year. Messier has worked hard on and off the field to become the player she is today. “I have focused on personal motivation, hard work, and dedication to be successful. I have gotten a lot of help from my family, especially my sister,” said Messier. (Her sister, Melissa, graduated from FCHS in 2011 and graduated in 2014 from Campbell University.) Messier has also played club soccer with SOCA and did Olympic Development Program within the organization. She and current team- 26 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 3, 2016 mate Lindsay Price have been together throughout their years with SOCA, and now for three years with the Flucos. “I’ve played with Maddie for many years. So when I got to high school, I was excited to be on the same team with her because we have good chemistry on and off the field. Maddie always tries to bring a positive attitude to practice and she likes to keep things light and fun while still working hard,” said Price, who tied Messier in goals last year. One of Messier’s biggest achievements has come in overcoming two ACL surgeries. The first came at the end of her sophomore year on her left knee. The other injury happened on her right knee last July at a VMI soccer camp. “I was able to get through the surgeries, honestly, with my attitude and faith. Staying positive helps more than you think and being Maddie Messier, a senior, made it official on Feb. 4 as she signed to play at the Virginia Military Institute. Photo by Darren McCauley constantly surrounded by such supportive people is something you can’t take for granted. I definitely wouldn’t be where I am without my team, family, and friends,” said Messier. She is expected to be back and playing before the FCHS season opener in March. Her coach, Kristen Davis, is looking forward to her return. “Maddie Messier has been a strong presence on the soccer pitch since joining the soccer team her freshman year. Over the course of her years on the team, she developed from a talented soccer player to a talented soccer teammate who helped elevate the level of play for the whole team,” said Davis. As the 2016 season kicks into gear, look for Messier to continue her role of being a leader, both on and off the field. To advertise email: [email protected] Spring is Around the Corner! Check out our NEW unique Gifts and Toys We are an independently owned and operated business serving Fluvanna County since 2009. We accept all insurances, including Medicare & Medicaid. Local delivery available! GENERAL STORE We offer a wide selection of unique, one of a kind gifts, along with jewelry, furniture, lamps, wine and gourmet foods. HEALTHY LIVING CENTER Flower Shoppe Full service shop located in the store! Flower Orders: 434-996-4087 • Custom fresh and silk arrangements • Gift baskets • Local Delivery Easter Sunday March 27th • Chronic Disease State Screenings & Management • Routine & Travel Immunizations • Medication Management • Smoking Cessation HOME HEALTH CENTER We carry wheelchairs, rollators, and many other home health conveniences and will help ensure proper fit. COMPOUNDING CENTER We have the tools and expertise needed to create any commercially unavailable medication. • Veterinary Medications • Hormone Replacement Therapy • Topical Pain Gels Easter Lilies, Centerpieces and Baskets, Made to Order. - Call Ahead - Check out our website and “like” us on Facebook! Mon.- Fri. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 434-589-7902 194B Turkeysag Trail, Palmyra (Located next to the Food Lion Shopping Center) www.jeffersondrug.com To advertise call: 434.207.0222 March 3, 2016 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 27 Don’t Let Getting Your Home Ready For The Spring Market Get Out Of Hand! THIS WEEK’S FEATURED LISTING 375 Jefferson Drive – Fenced Yard NEW PRICE! Popular split bedroom design ranch with vaulted living room, large open kitchen with breakfast bar and tiled flooring, over sized master suite with attached bath, and separate laundry room, great deck for entertaining, storage shed ,paved driveway and fenced back yard. You will enjoy the proximity to shopping, dining and all the amenities that Lake Monticello has to offer. OPEN OP PEN SUNDAY 11-33 $129,000 • Call Diane and Tom 434-960-5856 THIS WEEK’S FEATURED LISTING 635 Jefferson Drive – Over 2,000 finished sq ft! Neat as a pin and move in ready with over 2,000 sq ft for a great price! This pristine rancher features three bedrooms two baths, a large eat in kitchen, laminate and tile flooring throughout, fully finished basement with a full bath. Large recently refurbished wrap around deck and covered rear patio/ entrance give you several grilling and entertaining options!Fenced in yard and paved driveway with extra parking. Newer roof and oversized gutters, exterior paint and landscaping. Call Us 434-589-7653 Monticello Properties Our Team: Helping Your Family to Attain Your Goals Tom Morace 434-962-1625 [email protected] Jen Sample 434-989-9246 [email protected] Queen of Sold, Annette Daly 434-962-2095 [email protected] Diane Miller Larry A. Miller 434-960-5856 434-960-9479 [email protected] [email protected] Lisa Rogers Don Brady 434-531-0064 703-927-1426 [email protected] [email protected] The strength of teamwork, The reputation for results! $159,000 • Call Diane & Larry 434-960-5856 OPEN SUNDAY 1-3 234 Jefferson Dr. – Move In Ready Colonial Pristine sun filled popular Radford model by Mead Homes! From the moment you step into the stunning two story foyer you will appreciate the easy living NEW LISTING! floor plan. Featuring hardwoods throughout the first flfloor oor, oopen kitchen room , oor pen ki kitch tchen en / fami ffamily amill ro maple cabinets and stainless steel appliances, large bedrooms with a vaulted master suite. Country front porch and large back deck for entertaining. Two car garage and unfinished basement provide lots of storage or room for future expansion. Extensive windows throughout for plenty of sunshine and great wooded views on almost half an acre! THIS WEEK’S FEATURED LISTING 17 Chatham Lane- Waterfront! NEW LISTING! OPEN OPEN N SUNDA SUNDAY AY 11-33 This stunning Southern Homes built home is what waterfront living is all about. Located on a private cul-de-sac with views and deep swimming water and numerous upgrades. Featuring a first floor master suite with a private screened in porch and attached bath with a steam shower, gourmet kitchen with new stainless steele high end appliances and granite counter tops, spacious guest bedrooms and finished space and full bath on the lower level leading out to extensive decking for entertaining. Oversized two car garage and boathouse for all your storage needs. This home is pristine and move in ready. Are you ready to live the Lake Monticello Lifestyle? $249,000• Call Tom 434-962-1625 $459,000 • Call Tom 434-962-1625 437 South Keswick – 10 acres 10 minutes to Charlottesville 102 Wagner Place – Horse Farmette 124 Antioch Ridge- 10 Plus Acres! Amazing Custom built five bedroom,four and a half bath home in sought after South Keswick features three master suites, two on the main floor one with a brick fireplace leading out to an enclosed deck overlooking the pool area,eat in kitchen w/ all new stainless steele appliances, slate flooring in the entranceway, hardwoods, custom stone fireplace in the family room and many more extras.Ten private acres with fenced horse pasture and invisible fencing less than 15 minutes from Charlottesville. This is the horse property you have been waiting for. Three bedroom two bath ranch with unfinished walk out basement, newly renovated kitchen with upgraded appliances and bath with jacuzzi tub. Hardwoods throughout. Step out onto the large covered back porch and enjoy the pastoral and pond views! Five cleared acres of pasture that has been fenced and cross fenced for horses with a fenced in area for dogs and multiple flower beds. 30 x 30 stall and equipment barn. Six stalls and 50’ round horse pen. Multiple out buildings including a 36’ x 52’ three car garage with oversized bays, an arts and crafts studio cottage, garden shed with chicken coop and run and hay storage building with run in. Private and peaceful location with no thru traffic. You’ve found a little pieces of heaven with this beautiful home set on 10+ acres with creek, pool, and 18 x 20 dog kennel. Home has freshly painted front porch and side and back deck. The kitchen is outstanding with Craftmade cabinets, Corian and granite counter tops. Heat pump is approx. 4 years old and well pump less than 2 years old. This home should be at the top of your list to see because it shows so well. Move in ready and in great condition. $549,000 • Call Tom 434-962-1625 $229,000 • Call Tom 434-962-1625 $222,000 • Call The Queen Of Sold 434-962-2095 511 Taylor Ridge Way – 4 Bedrooms! 918 Jefferson Drive – Water Front! 7 Sandy Beach Court – Large Private Lot Lavishly appointed throughout, this home has it all! New A/C & heat pump in 2015, new Bosch dishwasher, 4 spacious upstairs bedrooms, 3.5 baths, gas log fp in family room, master bedroom w/walk in closet; Hardwood & ceramic tile floors throughout, carpeted bedrooms. Stunning basement with bar area, separate entertainment room, full bath w/double vanities & a glass block wall. Wired for surround sound & ADT security. Here is a comfortable mix of formal and casual living along with stunning landscaping to include numerous fruit trees, blackberry, raspberry, strawberries, & an asparagus patch. A meandering stream is situated on the back part of the property & allows for a plethora of wildlife. Beautifully maintained & convenient to everything. Completely renovated! Magnificent water views from almost every room!Open concept main floor.Gourmet kitchen, large master suite, expansive back deck & covered patio.Brand new kitchen feat: granite counters, over-sized island w/ extra seating, S/S appliances, pantry, gas cook-top, wall oven & microwave/ convection oven. Luxurious master suite w/sliders out to back deck, dual walk-in closets, separate vanities w/granite counters & custom shower. All new engineered HW floors throughout & Marble tile floors in guest baths. Brand new separate HVAC system for new master suite & newly finished bsmt bonus rm/storage rms. Anderson sliders.Outdoor shower w/hot & cold water. New 3-tiered dock.Gas line in place for gas grill outside. Well maintained single story home featuring a large master suite and second bedroom with additional bath, open light filled living room with fireplace and atrium doors that leads out to a large private deck, formal dining room with chair rail, laundry room, large circular drive with extra parking and garage. Encapsulated crawl space provides extra storage potential. $419,900 • Call Lisa 434-531-0064 $589,000 • Call Jen 434-989-9246 $159,000 • Call Diane & Larry 434-960-5856 FEATURED RENTAL PROPERTY Your Home Here! Wondering where all the open houses are this weekend at Lake Monticello? www.LakeMonticelloOpenHouses.com 434-589-SOLD 1-800-765-3570 RENTAL PROPERTY 443 Jefferson Drive- Lake Monticello The Website for your real estate needs www.lakemonticellohomes.com Call for Mortgage Rates & Updates Carl Heimlich • 434-989-2274 [email protected] Thinking about hiring a rental management company? Don’t start the New Year on the Wrong Foot. Call 434-589-7653 for a free property management Assessment Today. Spacious 4 bedroom, 2 full bath home on private lot near the fishing lake. Fenced backyard, balcony deck, private back deck, hardwood floors, floor-to-ceiling stone hearth. exterior storage shed. One Dog considered with $250 pet deposit. Tenant responsible for $50 LMOA registration fee and $10 per vehicle barcode fees, utilities and yard maintenance. Security deposit equal to monthly rent amount. $30 application fee per adult. Landlord providing lawnmower and yard equipment. Washer & dryer available “as is”. No Smoking. $1450 • 434-589-7653 Would you like to see your home on the back page of the Fluvanna Review? We have a space reserved for you! Call Today To Find Out Why Our Days on Rental Market are so Low and dh how th thatt S Saves you M Money!!
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