ACTS Brochure - Action International Ministries
ACTS Brochure - Action International Ministries
rethink IT ACTION IS GLOBAL Action International Ministries has more than 250 missionaries globally. You could be working alongside them to help spread the gospel. With solid IT support, you free missionaries to preach and teach effectively. We need IT. Pray about IT! About Us D I V E I N T O MI S S I O N S Do you want excitement and challenges? Do you want to meet today’s needs with tomorrow’s technology? Or come alongside missionaries to simplify their tech needs? Providing the right tech at the right time for the best fit in the office and online, in person and remotely. Login today! Action International Ministries (ACTION) is a global mission agency committed to sending missionaries cross-cultural who believe in Jesus Christ and who spread his gospel in word and deed, primarily to the poor. Our three-prong strategy for urban ministry is: evangelism, discipleship, and development. ACTION currently has over 250 missionaries, in addition to staff and volunteers, in more than 25 countries. We are currently praying for 221 additional missionaries to join them in this vital work. Our goal is to know God and take action! (Daniel 11:32) actioninternational CONTACT US! If you are in the area come visit USA Office: 5502 232 St SW, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043-4738 Telephone: 425-775-4800 Email: [email protected] rethink missions Spreading the gospel, training pastors, repairing a laptop, and managing a database go hand in hand. Rethink where you put your IT skills to work here and overseas. Think missions. T h i n k n o w. ACTION Computer & Technical Services S E R V I N G A C T I O N ME M B E R S A T H O ME A N D A B R O A D WHAT DOES ACTS DO? If you have a skill set and don’t think we have a place for you — contact us anyway! We can figure out where your skills can meet real needs with us today. We need techs of all kinds. Techs to keep the phones working. Techs to keep our data safe and accessible. Techs to help the missionaries fix their computers GET PLUGGED IN • OFFICE HELPDESK TECHNICIAN*+ • REMOTE HELPDESK TECHNICIAN* @+ • NETWORK & SERVER TECHNICIAN*+ • NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR • DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR @ • SERVER ADMINISTRATOR SUPERVISORY POSITIONS • HELPDESK MANAGER • SYSTEMS MANAGER All above positions are missionary positions. * Can be a volunteer position. @ Can work remotely. + More than one needed. Find more info at: remotely and in person. Techs to lead in supporting the USA office. Techs to live and minister overseas. You are needed on the front lines and in the back office - take your pick Joanie and Will Missionaries FACE 2 FACE Ministry — Philippines HELP Lord, we prayed…and thank God for Rob, who is patient and understanding with us. He makes the time to help us and responds quickly to our natural disasters on the computer. We seek to make a difference in people’s lives and call upon the Lord of the Harvest to transform the hearts of people. God in His wisdom brings us to a place in our lives where we must depend on Him and work together in unity to fulfill His redemptive purposes for the world. At ACTION, we are one body with different parts, working together in harmony…in one accord. We need each other! That is the plan of God! R e c y cl e : Enabling donors to provide technology to ACTION. Call us to donate gently used technology less than 5 years old. ACTS will prepare it for use in ACTION. Most needed: laptops in working condition. T ra i n : Empowering missionaries and staff to use technology effectively. Beyond fixing computers, we make an effort to train our staff and missionaries how to use the technology. Ma n a g e : Efficiently exploring and maintaining technology. ACTS researches technology on the horizon to offer the appropriate solution for the ministry need. ACTION knows the value of IT. We are seeking to build an internal IT support to enable the growth of the mission worldwide supporting more missionaries in more places. Starting Ma y 2013 STCA Internship Program: Experience life as a techno -missionary first hand. Come for two weeks or a whole summ er. The Summer Technical & Computer Assistant (STCA) will work in the ACTION USA Office in Mountlake Terrace, WA. Assist the ACTS staff in providing technical support to the USA office and missionaries rem otely. Will cater to your skills and experien ce. This program is an unpaid internship for ages 16 and up. If you are 20 and over, you can participate from home. F o r mo re i n f o : h t t p : / / w w w . a c t i o n i n t e rn a t i o n a l . o rg / o p p o rt u n i t i e s/ sh o rt t e r m - o p p o rt u n i t i e s / u sa - su m m e r - t e ch n i ca l - co mp u t e r - a s si s t a n t