politecnico di milano prevention activities in lca of municipal waste
politecnico di milano prevention activities in lca of municipal waste
POLITECNICO DI MILANO FACOLTÀ DI INGEGNERIA CIVILE, AMBIENTALE E TERRITORIALE Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Ingegneria per l’Ambiente e il Territorio PREVENTION ACTIVITIES IN LCA OF MUNICIPAL WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: MODELS PROPOSAL AND CASE STUDY FOR DRINKING WATER Relatore: Ing. Mario Grosso Correlatore: Ing. Lucia Rigamonti Tesi di Laurea Specialistica di Simone Nessi Matr. 722035 Anno Accademico 2009/2010 Ringraziamenti Desidero esprimere innanzitutto la mia gratitudine al professor Mario Grosso per avermi appoggiato e dato fiducia nell’intraprendere e portare avanti questo progetto di tesi, e a Lucia Rigamonti per i preziosi consigli nonché per le precise e puntuali revisioni dell’elaborato e di tutto il materiale ad esso relativo. Ringrazio anche Emmanuel Gentil per la sua disponibilità nel ricoprire il ruolo di controrelatore per questa tesi. Un vivo ringraziamento va poi a tutte le persone senza la cui collaborazione non sarebbe stato possibile portare a termine il lavoro, in ordine di comparsa: Maurizio Briccola e Anna Giugno della società di imbottigliamento di acque minerali esaminata, Carlo Carrettini e Chiara Pagano di Metropolitana Milanese e Leonardo Rossi di Publiacqua. Per aver fornito importanti indicazioni, consigli o materiali, ringrazio, sempre in ordine di comparsa, anche Saverio Zetera di A2A, Michele Giavini di ARS Ambiente, Julian Cleary della University of Toronto, Gian Andrea Blengini del Politecnico di Torino, Simone Manfredi del JRC, Daniele Gallo, Paolo Neri di ENEA, il signor Cottarelli di Norda, Silvia Parola di Fonti di Vinadio, Andreas Detzel dell’IFEU, Luca Calcatelli di Marchi Industriale, il signor Costa di Braia e Rino Spotti di Akomag. Immensa gratitudine va inoltre ai miei famigliari per avermi dato il loro indispensabile appoggio e sostegno durante tutti questi anni, permettendomi di portare a termine con serenità gli studi. Grazie di cuore a Laura per avermi sempre ascoltato, incoraggiato e pazientemente sopportato. Non posso poi dimenticar di ringraziare i compagni con cui ho condiviso i momenti di studio, e non solo, in questi anni di università, e che hanno contribuito a renderli sicuramente più leggeri e spensierati, in primis Luca, Maurino e Stefania, ma anche Lela, Petak e Lo Zio. Grazie infine a tutti gli amici che, anche se non fisicamente, ci sono sempre stati, in particolare Liro, Duro e Roberta. Table of contents Table of contents...................................................................................................................5 List of figures .......................................................................................................................9 List of tables .......................................................................................................................17 Abstracts .............................................................................................................................27 Executive summary ............................................................................................................31 Introduction ........................................................................................................................49 Chapter 1: Background on waste prevention ...................................................................53 1.1 Legislative framework at European level: waste hierarchy and definitions...................53 1.2 Possible classification of waste prevention activities ...................................................60 1.3 Review of major prevention activities targeting municipal solid waste ........................67 1.4 Waste prevention and life cycle thinking .....................................................................78 1.5 Consumption patterns of drinking water in Italy ..........................................................79 Chapter 2: LCA and waste prevention..............................................................................85 2.1 Introduction to LCA ....................................................................................................85 2.2 LCA applied to integrated solid waste management systems .......................................88 2.3 LCA and waste prevention ..........................................................................................91 2.3.1 Adjustments to traditional waste management oriented LCA and literature models review ...........................................................................................................................93 The WasteMAP LCA model .......................................................................95 First proposal of a model: the Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (ISWPM) ..............................................................................................................101 Second proposal of a model: the Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (SSWPM) ..................................................................................................106 2.3.2 Final remarks......................................................................................................109 6 Table of contents Chapter 3: Models comparison: a practical application.................................................111 3.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................111 3.2 Waste generation and composition ............................................................................112 3.2.1 Gross waste generation and composition.............................................................112 3.2.2 Plastic waste fraction composition ......................................................................116 3.3 Waste management system description and inventory ...............................................119 3.3.1 Collection efficiencies ........................................................................................119 3.3.2 Materials selection and recovery.........................................................................120 3.3.3 Energy recovery (incineration)............................................................................122 3.4 LCA modelling of scenarios ......................................................................................130 3.4.1 WasteMAP LCA model.......................................................................................130 3.4.2 Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (ISWPM).....................................140 3.4.3 Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (SSWPM).......................................145 3.4.4 Comparative considerations ................................................................................151 3.5 Modeling variant .......................................................................................................154 3.5.1 WasteMAP LCA model.......................................................................................155 3.5.2 Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (ISWPM).....................................158 3.5.3 Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (SSWPM).......................................159 3.5.4 Further comparative considerations.....................................................................160 Chapter 4: Life cycle inventory of scenarios ...................................................................163 4.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................163 4.2 Analysed scenarios and goal definition......................................................................163 4.3 Functional unit and system boundaries ......................................................................165 4.4 Impact assessment categories and characterization methods ......................................165 4.5 Baseline scenario 1 (Utilization of virgin PET one-way bottled water) ......................171 4.5.1 Waste generation and management .....................................................................171 4.5.2 Life cycle inventory of one-way virgin PET bottled water ..................................175 4.6 Baseline scenario 2 (Utilization of recycled PET one-way bottled water) ..................199 4.7 Baseline scenario 3 (Utilisation of PLA one-way bottled water) ................................206 4.7.1 Generalities on polylactic acid (PLA) .................................................................206 4.7.2 Waste generation and management .....................................................................206 4.7.3 Life cycle inventory of PLA one-way bottled water ............................................213 Table of contents 7 4.8 Waste prevention scenario 1A (Utilisation of public network water: groundwater from the tap)............................................................................................................................217 4.8.1 Life cycle inventory of public network water: groundwater from the tap.............218 4.9 Waste prevention scenario 1B (Utilisation of public network water: surface water from public fountains) .............................................................................................................244 4.9.1 Life cycle inventory of public network water: surface water from public fountains .....................................................................................................................245 4.10 Waste prevention scenario 2A (Utilisation of refillable glass bottled water).............280 4.10.1 Waste generation and management ...................................................................280 4.10.2 Life cycle inventory of refillable glass bottled water .........................................286 4.11 Waste prevention scenario 2B (Utilisation of refillable PET bottled water)..............299 4.11.1 Description of the packaging system.................................................................299 4.11.2 Waste generation and management ...................................................................301 4.11.3 Life cycle inventory of refillable PET bottled water..........................................302 Chapter 5: Results and sensitivity analysis......................................................................309 5.1 Results of the different modelling approaches ...........................................................309 5.2 Base case results and remarks....................................................................................316 5.2.1 Waste generation ................................................................................................316 5.2.2 LCA results ........................................................................................................317 Remarks about tap water scenarios ...........................................................319 Remarks about refillable bottled water scenarios ......................................325 Remarks about one-way bottled water scenarios .......................................332 Water consumptions .................................................................................336 5.3 Sensitivity analysis....................................................................................................338 5.3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................338 5.3.2 Allocation of consumer purchasing trip burdens (one-way scenarios) .................339 5.3.3 Washing frequency of reusable glass jug and allocation of dishwashing burdens (tap groundwater scenario) ..........................................................................................342 5.3.4 Transport distance from public fountains to consumers house (tap surface water scenario)......................................................................................................................344 5.3.5 Typology of containers employed to conserve water (surface water scenario) .....348 5.3.6 Transportation distance between bottling plant and retailers or local distributors (bottled water scenarios)..............................................................................................350 8 Table of contents 5.3.7 Number of uses of refillable bottles (refillable scenarios)....................................353 5.3.8 Upper and lower bounds .....................................................................................356 5.4 Concluding remarks and recommendations................................................................361 Limitations and further research.....................................................................................365 Bibliography .....................................................................................................................367 Appendix A .......................................................................................................................379 Appendix B .......................................................................................................................383 B.1 Airborne emissions of paper and PLA incineration processes....................................383 Appendix C .......................................................................................................................385 C.1 Composition and modelling of detergents employed for filler machine washing .......385 C.2 Composition and modelling of detergents employed for bottles washing...................387 Appendix D .......................................................................................................................389 Appendix E .......................................................................................................................405 List of figures Figure S.1: Simplified representation of the system boundaries considered by the Integrated scenarios waste prevention model for a baseline and a waste prevention scenario including prevention activities taking place through dematerialization and procedures for the calculation of the respective impacts ................................................................ 34 Figure S.2: Simplified representation of the system boundaries considered by the Separated scenarios waste prevention model for a baseline and a waste prevention scenario including prevention activities taking place through dematerialization and procedures for the calculation of the respective impacts ................................................................ 36 Figure S.3: Global warming impact indicator calculated for all the analysed scenarios with the respective upper and lower bounds resulting form the sensitivity analysis (the dotted area in the tap surface water bar specifies the contribution given by water transportation by car) ........................................................................................................................45 Figure 1.1: Graphical representation of the concept of waste hierarchy so as described by the recent Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC ....................................................................54 Figure 1.2: Representation of the position of the various step of the waste hierarchy (Adapted from ACR+ (2010)) ............................................................................................................58 Figure 1.3: Evolution of per capita consumptions of bottled water in Italy (Elaboration on data from Bevitalia (2009)) ................................................................................................ 79 Figure 1.4: Results of a statistical survey on the reasons that induce consumers to prefer drinking of mineral water with respect to tap water (Adapted from Temporelli and Cassinelli, 2005)..........................................................................................................................81 Figure 2.1: Stages of a life cycle assessment (ISO, 2006a) ............................................................ 86 Figure 2.2: Illustration of the difference between system boundaries of product oriented LCA (vertical approach) and waste management oriented LCA (horizontal approach) and their interaction (Adapted from Coleman et al., 2003) .................................................91 Figure 2.3: Representation of the system boundaries considered by the WasteMAP LCA model for a waste prevention scenario including one prevention activities taking place through dematerialization (Adapted from Cleary (2010b)) .......................................................97 Figure 2.4: Scenarios to be compared when utilising the avoided burden approach version of the WasteMAP LCA model: sub-systems included and procedure for the calculation of the respective impacts ......................................................................................................99 Figure 2.5: Scenarios to be compared when utilising the cut-off approach version of the WasteMAP LCA model: sub-systems included and procedure for the calculation of the respective impacts ..................................................................................................................... 100 10 List of figures Figure 2.6: Representation of the system boundaries considered by Gallo (2009) for a waste management system including waste prevention activities (Adapted from Gallo (2009)) ..................................................................................................................... 102 Figure 2.7: Simplified representation of the system boundaries considered by the Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model for a baseline and a waste prevention scenario including prevention activities taking place through dematerialization....................... 105 Figure 2.8: Procedure for the calculation of the impacts of the scenarios to be compared through the Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model and respective included sub-systems ..106 Figure 2.9: Simplified representation of the system boundaries considered by the Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention Model for a baseline and a waste prevention scenario including prevention activities taking place through dematerialization....................... 108 Figure 2.10: Procedure for the calculation of the impacts of the scenarios to be compared through the Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention Model and respective included sub-systems .... 109 Figure 3.1: Mass flows within the waste management system of the baseline scenario modelled through the WasteMAP LCA model and respective ideal boundaries ........................ 132 Figure 3.2: Mass flows within the DOWN waste management system belonging to the waste prevention scenario modelled through the WasteMAP LCA model and respective ideal boundaries ................................................................................................................ 136 Figure 3.3: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each analysed scenario and relative difference........................................................... 139 Figure 3.4: Sub-systems contribution to the global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each analysed scenario................................................... 139 Figure 3.5: Mass flows within the waste management system of the baseline scenario modelled through the ISWP model and respective ideal boundaries.......................................... 141 Figure 3.6: Mass flows within the waste management system of the waste prevention scenario modelled through the ISWP model and respective ideal boundaries........................... 143 Figure 3.7: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the ISWP model for each analysed scenario and relative difference................................................................................. 144 Figure 3.8: Main processes contribution to the global warming impact indicator calculated through the ISWP model for each analysed scenario .............................................................. 144 Figure 3.9: Mass flows within the waste management system of the baseline scenario modelled through the SSWP model and respective ideal boundaries ......................................... 147 Figure 3.10: Mass flows within the waste management system of the waste prevention scenario modelled through the SSWP model and respective ideal system boundaries .............. 149 Figure 3.11: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the SSWP model for each analysed scenario and relative difference................................................................................. 150 Figure 3.12: Main processes contribution to the global warming impact indicator calculated through the SSWP model for each analysed scenario ............................................................. 150 List of figures 11 Figure 3.13: Comparison among the global warming impact indicator calculated through the investigated models for all the examined scenarios.................................................... 153 Figure 3.14: Mass flows within the waste management system of the baseline scenario modelled through the WasteMAP LCA model and respective ideal boundaries ........................ 155 Figure 3.15: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each analysed scenario and relative difference........................................................... 157 Figure 3.16: Sub-systems contribution to the global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each analysed scenario................................................... 157 Figure 3.17: Mass flows within the waste management system and major processes included in the systems boundaries of the baseline scenario modelled through the ISWP model ........ 158 Figure 3.18: Major processes included in the systems boundaries of the waste prevention scenario modelled through the ISWP model............................................................................ 159 Figure 3.19: Mass flows within the waste management system and major processes included in the systems boundaries of the baseline scenario modelled through the SSWP model ....... 159 Figure 3.20: Major processes included in the systems boundaries of the waste prevention scenario modelled through the SSWP model........................................................................... 160 Figure 3.21: Comparison among the global warming indicator calculated through the investigated models for all the considered scenario variants.......................................................... 161 Figure 4.1: Waste flows within the management system for baseline scenario 1 .......................... 173 Figure 4.2: Mass flows involving PET bottles in baseline scenario 2........................................... 201 Figure 4.3: Product systems involved by the same material flow in the case of open-loop recycling (Ekvall and Tillman,1997) ........................................................................................ 204 Figure 4.4: Waste flows within the management system for the two subscenarios of baseline scenario 3 ................................................................................................................. 207 Figure.4.5: Illustration of at typical scheme of treatment station at the service of the aqueduct of Milan (Provided by Metropolitana Milanese) ............................................................ 219 Figure 4.6: Conceptual model of the life cycle of the activated carbon utilised at the treatment stations at the service of the aqueduct of Milan modelled as a case of closed-loop recycling................................................................................................................... 225 Figure 4.7: Simplified layout of the exhausted activated carbon reactivation process at SICAV (Adapted from SICAV (2009)) ................................................................................. 227 Figure 4.8: Simplified layout of the Anconella drinking water treatment plant (Adapted from Fabbri (2010)) ..................................................................................................................... 245 Figure 4.9: Layout of the H2O PLUS water refinement system (Adapted from Rossi (2007)) ...... 249 Figure 4.10: Simplified layout of the process developed by Aker Solutions for the integrated generation of chlorine dioxide (Adapted from Barr et al. (2009))............................... 259 Figure 4.11: Generation and structure of non ionic polyacrylamide (Adapted from SNF FLOERGER (2005)) ..................................................................................................................... 269 12 List of figures Figure 4.12: Generation and structure of anionic polyacrylamide (Adapted from SNF FLOERGER (2002)) ..................................................................................................................... 269 Figure 4.13: Generation and structure of cationic polyacrylamide (Adapted from SNF FLOERGER (2002)) ..................................................................................................................... 270 Figure 4.14: Conceptual model of the life cycle of the activated carbon utilised at the Anconella plant as a case of closed-loop recycling..................................................................... 272 Figure 4.15: Conceptual model of a refilling system as a case of closed loop recycling. ................ 281 Figure 4.16: Modelling of glass bottles life cycle as a case of closed loop recycling. ..................... 285 Figure 4.17: Modelling of aluminium caps life cycle as a case of closed loop recycling ................ 286 Figure 5.1: Impact indicators calculated for the recycled PET one-way bottled water scenario by applying the two different typologies of modelling approach described in paragraph 4.6 ............................................................................................................................ 310 Figure 5.2: Contribution of the processes of preforms manufacturing and bottles recycling to the CED indicator for the recycled PET one-way bottled water scenario modelled through the two different approaches described in paragraph 4.6............................................ 310 Figure 5.3: Impact indicators calculated for the PLA one-way bottled water scenario by applying the two different typologies of approach described in paragraph 4.7.2 for the modelling of PLA composting...................................................................................................311 Figure 5.4: Contribution of the PLA composting process to the CED and the global warming indicators for the PLA one-way bottled water scenario.............................................. 312 Figure 5.5: Contribution by sub processes to the CED and the global warming indicators for PLA composting modelled through the process specific approach ..................................... 313 Figure 5.6: Contribution by sub processes to the CED and the global warming indicators for PLA composting modelled through the PLA specific approach ......................................... 313 Figure 5.7: Impact indicators calculated for the glass refillable bottled water scenario by applying the two different typologies of modelling approach described in paragraph 4.10.1..... 315 Figure 5.8: Contribution of bottles and caps production and recycling processes to the CED indicator for the glass refillable bottled water scenario modelled through the closed loop and the hybrid approach............................................................................................ 315 Figure 5.9: Impact indicators calculated for all the investigated scenarios (the dotted area in the tap surface water bar specifies the contribution given by water transportation by car) ..... 318 Figure 5.10: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for tap groundwater scenario .................................................................... 320 Figure 5.11: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for tap surface water scenario ...................................................................320 Figure 5.12: Comparison of the impact indicators calculated for the purification and the delivering of 1 m3 of groundwater and surface water..................................................................... 322 List of figures 13 Figure 5.13: Contributions of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for the treatment and the delivering of 1 m3 of groundwater ...................... 323 Figure 5.14: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for the treatment and the delivering of 1 m3 of surface water..................... 324 Figure 5.15: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for virgin PET one-way bottled water scenario ......................................... 326 Figure 5.16: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for PET refillable bottled water scenario................................................... 327 Figure 5.17: Contribution of the major sub-processes to CED and the global warming indicators calculated for glass refillable bottled water scenario.................................................. 331 Figure 5.18: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for PLA to composting bottled water scenario .......................................... 333 Figure 5.19: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for PLA to incineration bottled water scenario .......................................... 334 Figure 5.20: Water consumptions calculated for the investigated scenarios (the dotted area in the tap surface water bar specifies the contribution given by water transportation by car) ..... 337 Figure 5.21: Results of the sensitivity on the allocation of consumer purchasing trip burdens on the CED and the global warming indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios................................................................................................................... 340 Figure 5.22: Variation of the global warming indicator with the number of purchased items for the one-way virgin PET bottled water scenario ............................................................... 342 Figure 5.23: Results of the sensitivity on dishwashing burdens on the CED and the global warming indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios ..................................343 Figure 5.24: Results of the sensitivity on transport distance from public fountains to consumers houses on the CED and the global warming indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios (the dotted area in the tap surface water bar specifies the contribution given by water transportation by car)..................................................... 346 Figure 5.25: Results of the sensitivity on the typology of reusable containers utilised in the surface water scenario on the CED and the global warming indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios.......................................................................................... 349 Figure 5.26: Results of the sensitivity on the transport distance from bottling plants to retailers or local distributors on the CED and the global warming indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios .............................................................................. 351 Figure 5.27: Results of the sensitivity on the number of uses of refillable bottles on the CED and the global warming indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios ......... 355 Figure 5.28: Comparison among all the investigated scenarios of the upper and the lower bound obtained for the CED and the global warming indicators on the basis of the variation of the parameters considered during the sensitivity analysis .......................................... 358 14 List of figures Figure D.1: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing baseline scenario 1 (utilisation of virgin PET one-way bottled water) ..................................... 390 Figure D.2: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing baseline scenario 2 (utilisation of recycled PET one-way bottled water) modelled through the closed loop approach; the processes which differ from figure D.1 are represented in grey .......................................................................................................................... 391 Figure D.3: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing baseline scenario 3 (utilisation of PLA one-way bottled water), the processes which differ from figure D.1 are represented in grey ............................................................................. 392 Figure D.4: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 1A (utilisation of purified groundwater from the tap) ................. 393 Figure D.5: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 1B (utilisation of purified surface water from public fountains) ..394 Figure D.6: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 2A (utilisation of refillable glass bottled water) modelled through the closed loop approach........................................................................................... 395 Figure D.7: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 2B (utilisation of refillable PET bottled water), the processes which differ from figure D.6 are represented in grey ........................................................... 396 Figure E.1: Contribution of the processes of preforms manufacturing and bottles recycling to global warming, abiotic depletion and eutrophication impact indicators for the recycled PET one way bottled water scenario modelled through the two different approaches described in paragraph 4.6 ........................................................................................ 405 Figure E.2: Contribution of the PLA composting process to the abiotic depletion and eutrophicaiton impact indicators for the PLA one way bottled water scenario...................................406 Figure E.3: Contribution by sub processes to the abiotic depletion and eutrophication impact indicators for PLA composting modelled through the process specific approach........ 406 Figure E.4: Contribution by sub processes to the abiotic depletion and eutrophication impact indicators for PLA composting modelled through the PLA specific approach............ 406 Figure E.5: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for tap groundwater scenario ......................................... 407 Figure E.6: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for tap surface water scenario........................................ 407 Figure E.7: Contributions of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for the treatment and the delivering of 1 m3 of groundwater.............................................................................................................. 408 Figure E.8: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for the treatment and the delivering of 1 m3 of surface water. ....................................................................................................................... 409 List of figures 15 Figure E.9: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for virgin PET one way bottled water scenario .............. 410 Figure E.10: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for PET refillable bottled water scenario ....................... 411 Figure E.11: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for glass refillable bottled water scenario....................... 412 Figure E.12: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for recycled PET bottled water scenario.................................................... 413 Figure E.13: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for recycled PET bottled water scenario ........................ 414 Figure E.14: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for PLA to composting bottled water scenario ............... 415 Figure E.15: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for PLA to incineration bottled water scenario............... 416 Figure E.16: Results of the sensitivity on the allocation of consumer purchasing trip burdens on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios ............................................................................................... 417 Figure E.17: Results of the sensitivity on dishwashing burdens on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios................................................................................................................... 418 Figure E.18: Results of the sensitivity on transport distance from public fountains to consumers houses on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios (the dotted area in the tap surface water bar specifies the contribution given by water transportation by car)........................... 419 Figure E.19: Results of the sensitivity on the typology of reusable containers utilised in the surface water scenario on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios ........................................................... 420 Figure E.20: Results of the sensitivity on the transport distance from bottling plants to retailers or local distributors on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios ........................................................... 421 Figure E.21: Results of the sensitivity on the number of uses of refillable bottles on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios ............................................................................................... 422 Figure E.22: Comparison among all the investigated scenarios of the upper and the lower bound obtained for the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators on the basis of the variation of the parameters considered during the sensitivity analysis .............. 423 16 List of figures List of tables Table S.1: Major features of the scenarios analysed in the present study .........................................40 Table S.2: Parameters considered in the sensitivity analysis and respective combination for the definition of the upper and the lower bound of the impacts associated with all the investigated scenarios....................................................................................................43 Table S.3: Amount of waste generated in all the investigated scenarios ..........................................43 Table 1.1: Possible criteria for the classification of waste prevention activities according to Salhofer et al. (2008)...................................................................................................................60 Table 1.2: Examples of waste prevention activities classified according to the criteria proposed by Cleary (2010b) ..............................................................................................................62 Table 1.3: Prevention potentials estimated by ACR+ (2010) for individualized waste prevention activities........................................................................................................................69 Table 1.4: Prevention potentials calculated by Salhofer et al. (2008) for some municipal solid waste prevention activities applicable to the city of Vienna .....................................................70 Table 1.5: Review of the most important municipal solid waste prevention measures and activities on the basis of different sources (ACR+, 2010; European Commission, 2010; Federambiente, 2010; Regione Lombardia, 2009; Regione Piemonte, 2009; Sahlofer et al., 2008).......................................................................................................................72 Table 1.6: Consumptions of bottled water per typology of packaging in Italy for the year 2008 (Elaboration on data from Bevitalia (2009))...................................................................80 Table 2.1: Major features of the LCA models discussed in this chapter ........................................ 110 Table 3.1: Major streams of municipal waste collected in the Lombardia Region during the year 2007 (ISPRA, 2008)....................................................................................................113 Table 3.2: Amount of source separated fractions collected in the Lombardia Region during the year 2007 (ISPRA, 2008).................................................................................................... 113 Table 3.3: Composition of the input waste to the Silla 2 waste to energy plant and relative calculated amount of each unsorted residual waste fraction assumed to be produced in Lombardia during the year 2007.................................................................................................... 114 Table 3.4: Combination criteria of source separated and residual waste fractions used to define the overall production of each waste fraction and the resulting gross waste composition for the Lombardia Region for the year 2007 ............................................................................ 115 18 List of tables Table 3.5: Total produced amount of each waste fraction and relative gross waste composition assumed as reference for the Lombardia Region for the year 2007 and employed for the purposes of this study..................................................................................................115 Table 3.6: Composition of the whole amount of plastic packaging waste sent to recovery by the Corepla circuit for the year 2007 (Corepla, 2008) ........................................................ 116 Table 3.7: Amount of plastic materials assumed to be produced as waste in Lombardia Region during the year 2007.................................................................................................... 117 Table 3.8: Volume of packaged water consumed in Italy during the year 2008 by typology of packaging, both in absolute and specific terms (Elaboration on data from Bevitalia (2009))........................................................................................................................ 117 Table 3.9: Average masses of PET bottles employed in Italy for water delivering (Federambiente, 2010) .......................................................................................................................... 118 Table 3.10: Definition of the total amount of PET bottles into the plastic waste stream .................. 118 Table 3.11: Definitive amount of each plastic waste fraction assumed to be produced in Lombardia during 2007 and to enter the waste management system in the baseline scenario.......... 119 Table 3.12: Separated collection efficiencies considered for the plastic materials constituting the waste flow................................................................................................................... 120 Table 3.13: Energy consumptions for the plastic selection process (Rigamonti and Grosso, 2009)..120 Table 3.14: Recovery efficiencies considered for the recovery processes of the plastic materials constituting the waste flow .......................................................................................... 121 Table 3.15: Energy and materials consumptions for PET, HDPE and POF mix recovery processes 121 Table 3.16: Average elemental composition considered for plastic (Rigamonti, 2007).................... 124 Table 3.17: Assumed pollutant stack concentrations and calculated emission factors for the WTE plant............................................................................................................................ 125 Table 3.18: Reagents consumption for flue gas cleaning ................................................................ 126 Table 3.19: Materials and energy inputs and outputs to and from the under-sift inactivation process........................................................................................................................ 127 Table 3.20: Materials consumptions for fly ashes inactivation ........................................................ 127 Table 3.21: Materials and energy inputs and outputs to and from the Neutrec APCR recovery process .............................................................................................................128 Table 3.22: Summary of energy and material outputs from the incineration process........................ 129 Table 3.23: Summary of process specific energy and material inputs to the incineration treatment1129 Table 3.24: Amount of each waste fraction entering the waste management system in the baseline scenario....................................................................................................................... 131 Table 3.25: Amount of each waste fraction entering the waste management system in the waste prevention scenario ..................................................................................................... 135 List of tables 19 Table 3.26: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each sub-system that contribute to define the overall impact of the waste prevention scenario and for the waste prevention scenario itself..................................................................138 Table 3.27: Global warming indicator calculated through the Waste MAP LCA model for each analysed scenario and relative difference ..................................................................... 138 Table 3.28: Contribution of main processes to the global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each sub-system and for the baseline scenario............. 139 Table 3.29: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the ISWP model for each analysed scenario and contribution of the main processes to its definition ..................................144 Table 3.30: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the SSWP model for each analysed scenario and contribution of the main processes to its definition ..................................149 Table 3.31: Major features of the LCA models discussed in this chapter ........................................ 152 Table 3.32: Comparison among the global warming impact indicator calculated through the investigated models for all the examined scenarios ...................................................... 153 Table 3.33: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each sub-system that contribute to define the overall impact of the waste prevention scenario and of the waste prevention scenario itself...................................................................156 Table 3.34: Global warming indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each analysed scenario and relative difference ..................................................................... 157 Table 3.35: Contribution of main processes to the global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each sub-system and for the baseline scenario............. 157 Table 3.36: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the ISWP model for each analysed scenario and contribution of the main processes to its definition ..................................159 Table 3.37: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the SSWP model for each analysed scenario and contribution of the main processes to its definition ..................................160 Table 3.38: Comparison among the global warming indicator calculated through the investigated models for all the considered scenario variants ............................................................ 160 Table 4.1: Major features of the scenarios analysed in this chapter ............................................... 164 Table 4.2: Characterization factors (ADP) for some substances that contribute to the abiotic resources depletion impact indicator so as reported in the CML 2001 baseline method implemented in SimaPro ............................................................................................. 167 Table 4.3: Characterization factors (GWP100) for some substances that contribute to the global warming impact indicator so as reported in the CML 2001 baseline method implemented in SimaPro. ................................................................................................................. 168 Table 4.4: Characterization factors (EP) for the substances contributing to the eutrophication impact indicator so as reported in the CML 2001 baseline method implemented in SimaPro ...170 20 List of tables Table 4.5: Volume of packaged water consumed in Italy during the year 2008 by typology of packaging, both in absolute and specific terms (Elaboration on data from Bevitalia (2009))........................................................................................................................ 171 Table 4.6: Average masses of PET bottled water primary and secondary packaging materials (Federambiente, 2010).................................................................................................172 Table 4.7: Amount of packaging waste generated by the consumption of one-way PET bottled water in baseline scenario 1 ..................................................................................................172 Table 4.8: Elemental composition of paper .................................................................................. 174 Table 4.9: Summary of waste specific material and energy inputs and outputs of the paper incineration process..................................................................................................... 174 Table 4.10: Average masses of PET bottled water primary packaging materials (Federambiente, 2010) .......................................................................................................................... 181 Table 4.11: Primary packaging materials masses expressed with respect to the reference flow for baseline scenario 1 ...................................................................................................... 181 Table 4.12: Average masses of PET bottled water secondary packaging materials .......................... 185 Table 4.13: Secondary packaging materials masses expressed with respect to the reference flow for baseline scenario 1 ...................................................................................................... 185 Table 4.14: Average masses of PET bottled water tertiary packaging materials............................... 187 Table 4.15: Tertiary packaging materials masses expressed with respect to the reference flow for baseline scenario 1. ..................................................................................................... 188 Table 4.16: Materials employed for pallet manufacturing (Kellenberger et al., 2007)...................... 189 Table 4.17: Consumptions of lubricating oil and detergents for bottling plant operations ................ 192 Table 4.18: Waterborne emissions associated with filler machines washing, leaving the bottling plant and released to the environment................................................................................... 194 Table 4.19: Major burdens associated with filler machines washing process and respective modules utilised for their modelling and to create the module Filler machines washings in SimaPro ...................................................................................................................... 195 Table 4.20: Processes associated with the life cycle of mineral oil and respective Ecoinvent modules utilised to create the module Lubricating oil-life cycle in SimaPro............................... 196 Table 4.21: Calculation of transported masses in relation to the reference flow .............................. 197 Table 4.22: Mass and energy balances of the composting process nearby San Damiano D’asti plant (Adaptation from Punzi (2009))................................................................................... 209 Table 4.23: Airborne emissions attributed to the composting process (Adaptation from Punzi (2009))........................................................................................................................ 209 Table 4.24: Products substituted by the application of compost (Adaptation from Punzi (2009)) .... 210 Table 4.25: Elemental composition and lower heating value of PLA (NatureWorks, 2010b)........... 211 Table 4.26: Process specific burdens attributed to PLA composting and calculated CO2 emissions and leachate production ..................................................................................................... 212 List of tables 21 Table 4.27: Summary of waste specific material and energy inputs and outputs of the PLA incineration process..................................................................................................... 213 Table 4.28: Main features and typologies of treatments carried out at the various treatment stations at the service of the aqueduct of Milan ............................................................................ 220 Table 4.29: Major inputs and outputs to and from the exhausted activated carbon reactivation process at SICAV S.r.l. for the period 2004 - June 2009 (SICAV, 2009) ..................................229 Table 4.30: Amount of exhausted activated carbon sent to the reactivation process at SICAV S.r.l. during the period 2004 – June 2009 (SICAV, 2009) .................................................... 229 Table 4.31: Airborne emissions originating from the exhausted activated carbon reactivation process at SICAV S.r.l. during the period 2004 – June 2009 (SICAV, 2009) ............................ 230 Table 4.32: Energy and raw material consumptions involved in drinking water treatment and delivering to the city of Milan ..................................................................................... 232 Table 4.33: Lengths and masses of steel pipes subdivided by diameters interval............................. 234 Table 4.34: Schematization of steel pipes average linear mass calculation for each diameters interval........................................................................................................................ 234 Table 4.35: Schematization of cast iron pipes average linear mass calculation for each diameters interval........................................................................................................................ 235 Table 4.36: Lengths and masses of cast iron pipes subdivided by diameters interval....................... 236 Table 4.37: Specific masses of pipes manufacturing materials attributed to the system ................... 238 Table 4.38: Specific masses of activated carbon filters and aeration towers manufacturing materials attributed to the tap groundwater system...................................................................... 239 Table 4.39: Technical features of domestic depurators and estimated energy and material consumptions employed in this study .......................................................................... 241 Table 4.40: Major features of the SimaPro module which models the process of domestic depuration of water....................................................................................................................... 242 Table 4.41: Average energy and raw material consumptions of Energy Star classified dishwasher considered in this study ............................................................................................... 243 Table 4.42: Consumptions of reagents for chlorine dioxide generation at the Anconella plant ........ 254 Table 4.43: Raw materials and energy consumptions attributed to the sodium chlorite manufacturing process and employed to create the module “Sodium chlorite, 25% m/m solution, at plant” .......................................................................................................................... 256 Table 4.44: Raw materials and energy consumptions associated with the integrated manufacturing process of chlorine dioxide and employed to create the module “Chlorine dioxide, from integrated process, at plant”......................................................................................... 261 Table 4.45: Raw materials and energy consumptions associated with PACl solution manufacturing and employed to create the module “Polyaluminium chloride, 18% Al2O3 solution, at plant” .......................................................................................................................... 266 Table 4.46: Raw materials associated with 10% Al2O3 PACl solutions production and employed to create the module “Polyaluminium chloride, 10% Al2O3 solution, at plant” ................ 267 22 List of tables Table 4.47: Major energy and materials inputs and outputs to and from the Anconella drinking water treatment plant ............................................................................................................ 274 Table 4.48: Major consumptions and processes associated with the delivering of improved quality water through the H2O plus system from public fountains ........................................... 277 Table 4.49: Primary packaging materials masses and amount of waste generated by the utilisation of refillable glass bottles..................................................................................................282 Table 4.50: Energy consumptions of glass selection and recovery processes (Rigamonti and Grosso, 2009) .......................................................................................................................... 283 Table 4.51: Energy consumptions of steel selection and recovery processes (Rigamonti and Grosso, 2009) .......................................................................................................................... 283 Table 4.52: Amount of primary packaging materials involved in the delivering of refillable glass bottled water ............................................................................................................... 290 Table 4.53: Amount of pallet materials involved in the delivering of refillable glass bottled water........................................................................................................................... 293 Table 4.54: Consumptions of caustic soda and detergents employed for bottles washing ................ 296 Table 4.55: Waterborne emissions from the bottling plant and to the environment associated with bottles washing ........................................................................................................... 297 Table 4.56: Specifications of the packaging system for 1 litre refillable PET bottled water............. 301 Table 4.57: Amount of waste generated by the consumption of refillable PET bottled water .......... 301 Table 4.58: Amount of primary packaging materials involved in the delivering of refillable PET bottled water ............................................................................................................... 303 Table 4.59: Values employed for the inventory of the injection stretch-blow moulding process ...... 304 Table 4.60: Amount of pallet materials involved in the delivering of refillable PET bottled water ..305 Table 5.1: Amount of waste generated in all the investigated scenarios ........................................ 316 Table 5.2: Results of the sensitivity on the allocation of consumer purchasing trip burdens on the CED and the global warming indicators for the interested scenarios............................. 341 Table 5.3: Results of the sensitivity on dishwashing burdens on the CED and the global warming indicators for the tap groundwater scenario..................................................................343 Table 5.4: Results of the sensitivity on transport distance from public fountains to consumers houses on the CED and the global warming indicators for the tap surface water scenario ........ 346 Table 5.5: Results of the sensitivity on the typology of reusable containers utilised in the surface water scenario on the CED and the global warming indicators for tap surface water scenario....................................................................................................................... 349 Table 5.6: Results of the sensitivity on the transport distance from bottling plants to retailers or local distributors on the CED and the global warming indicators for the interested scenarios ..................................................................................................................... 352 Table 5.7: Number of refillable bottles uses considered in various sources ...................................354 List of tables 23 Table 5.8: Results of the sensitivity on the number of uses of refillable bottles on the CED and the global warming indicators for refillable bottled water scenarios ...................................356 Table 5.9: Combination of sensitivity parameters for the definition of the upper and the lower bound of the impacts associated with all the investigated systems .......................................... 357 Table 5.10: Comparison among all the investigated scenarios of the upper and the lower bound obtained for the CED and the global warming indicators on the basis of the variation of the parameters considered during the sensitivity analysis ............................................. 359 Table A.1: Main Italian packaged mineral water producer groups and brands for the year 2008 (Bevitalia, 2009) ......................................................................................................... 379 Table A.2: Calculated distance from Milan of bottling plants belonging to main Italian packaged mineral water producer groups .................................................................................... 380 Table A.3: Masses of 1 litre glass bottles of main Italian mineral water brands (Provided by personal communication with the companies)............................................................................ 381 Table B.1: Airborne emissions calculated for paper and PLA incineration processes..................... 383 Table C.1: Components of the alkaline detergent employed for daily filler machine washing and respective modelling ...................................................................................................385 Table C.2: Components of the acid detergent employed for daily filler machine washing and respective modelling ...................................................................................................385 Table C.3: Components of the foaming disinfectant employed for daily filler machine washing and respective modelling ...................................................................................................386 Table C.4: Components of the caustic detergent employed for weekly filler machine washing and respective modelling ...................................................................................................386 Table C.5: Components of the not-foaming disinfectant employed for weekly filler machine washing and respective modelling............................................................................................. 386 Table C.6: Components of the descaling agent employed for bottles washing and respective modelling.................................................................................................................... 387 Table C.7: Components of the defoaming agent employed for bottles washing and respective modelling.................................................................................................................... 387 Table C.8: Components of the sequestering agent employed for bottles washing and respective modelling.................................................................................................................... 387 Table D.1: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing baseline scenario 1 (utilisation of virgin PET one-way bottled water) .............................................................................. 397 24 List of tables Table D.2: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing baseline scenario 2 (utilisation of recycled PET one-way bottled water, modelled through the closed loop approach) which differ from baseline scenario 1 .................................................................................... 398 Table D.3: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing baseline scenario 3 (utilisation of PLA one-way bottled water) which differ from baseline scenario 1...................................... 398 Table D.4: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 1A (utilisation of purified groundwater from the tap) ........................................................ 399 Table D.5: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 1B (utilisation of purified surface water from public fountains)......................................... 400 Table D.6: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 2A (utilisation of refillable glass bottled water), modelled through the closed loop approach ..................................................................................................................... 401 Table D.7: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 2B (utilisation of refillable PET bottled water)..................................................................403 Table E.1: Life cycle impacts of the domestic depuration treatment.............................................. 424 Table E.2: Life cycle impacts of the public treatment of water quality improvement. .................... 424 Table E.3: Life cycle impacts of secondary packaging materials employed in the various analysed systems ....................................................................................................................... 425 Table E.4: Life cycle impacts of transport packaging materials employed in the various analysed systems ....................................................................................................................... 425 Table E.5: Life cycle impacts of caps employed in the various analysed systems .......................... 425 Table E.6: Contributions by sub-processes to the overall impacts of bottling plant operations ....... 425 Table E.7: Results of the sensitivity on the allocation of consumer purchasing trip burdens on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators for the interested scenarios. .................................................................................................................... 426 Table E.8: Results of the sensitivity on dishwashing burdens on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators for the tap groundwater scenario ............................... 426 Table E.9: Results of the sensitivity on transport distance from public fountains to consumers houses on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators for the tap surface water scenario....................................................................................................................... 426 Table E.10: Results of the sensitivity on the typology of reusable containers utilised in the surface water scenario on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators for the tap surface water scenario............................................................................................ 427 Table E.11: Results of the sensitivity on the transport distance from bottling plants to retailers or local distributors on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators for the interested scenarios ..................................................................................................... 427 List of tables 25 Table E.12: Results of the sensitivity on the number of uses of refillable bottles on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators for refillable bottled water scenarios ..................................................................................................................... 427 Table E.13: Comparison among all the investigated scenarios of the upper and the lower bound obtained for the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators on the basis of the variation of the parameters considered during the sensitivity analysis ...................................................................................................................... 428 26 List of tables Abstracts Waste prevention holds a primary role in the European waste management strategy. Role that is particularly reinforced within the recent Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) which, for the first time, urges Member States to establish waste prevention programmes. In such a context it is recognized how, in order to evaluate the actual environmental sustainability of a prevention activity, a life cycle perspective should be employed. This allows to go beyond the simple reduction of the generated waste which, alone, does not automatically imply to achieve sustainability. In this study a research was therefore carried out about which methodological aspects of traditional life cycle assessment (LCA) applied to solid waste management systems should be adjusted to account for prevention activities. In particular, by modifying conventional functional unit and system boundaries, two conceptual LCA models are proposed and their practical applicability is compared through the analysis of a simplified case study. One model is then applied to the thorough analysis of two prevention activities consisting, respectively, in the use of public network water and of a refilling system for drinking purposes, instead of one-way bottled water. Three baseline scenarios characterized, respectively, by the utilisation of virgin polyethylene terephthalate (PET), of recycled PET and of polylactic acid (PLA) one-way bottled water are considered as terms of comparison. One energetic indicator and three environmental impact indicators are analysed in the study, leading to a complex evaluation of results. In typical conditions, the utilisation of public network water directly from the tap results to be the best performing option, while if water is withdrawn from public fountains, its transportation by private car can give significant impacts. Refilling scenarios are found to be characterized by performances dependent from transport distances. For the same distances the utilisation of refillable PET bottles appears to be the most preferable option for packaged water delivering, while the use of refillable glass bottles is characterized by performances comparable with those of one-way bottled water. 28 Abstracts La strategia europea di gestione dei rifiuti assegna un ruolo primario alla loro prevenzione. Tale ruolo è stato particolarmente rafforzato nella recente Direttiva Quadro sui Rifiuti (2008/98/CE) che, per la prima volta, sollecita gli Stati Membri ad elaborare programmi di prevenzione. In tale contesto si riconosce come, al fine di valutare la reale sostenibilità ambientale di un’azione preventiva, sia necessario adottare una prospettiva di ciclo di vita che permetta di andare oltre la semplice riduzione del rifiuto prodotto che, di per sé, non garantisce automaticamente l’effettivo raggiungimento di tale sostenibilità. In questo studio si sono individuati quali aspetti metodologici dell’analisi del ciclo di vita (LCA) applicata alla gestione dei rifiuti urbani devono essere modificati per poter includere in essa le attività di prevenzione. In particolare, modificando l’unità funzionale e i confini del sistema convenzionalmente adottati, sono stati proposti due modelli concettuali di LCA e la loro applicabilità pratica è stata confrontata mediante l’analisi di un caso di studio semplificato. Uno dei modelli è stato poi applicato all’analisi approfondita di due attività preventive che consistono, rispettivamente, nel bere acqua di rete pubblica oppure confezionata in bottiglie riutilizzabili (a rendere), anziché monouso. Tre scenari base caratterizzati, rispettivamente, dall’utilizzo di contenitori in polietilene tereftalato vergine (PET), in PET riciclato per il 50% e in acido polilattico sono stati considerati come termine di paragone. Sono stati analizzati un indicatore energetico e tre indicatori di impatto ambientale, da cui è emerso un complesso quadro di risultati. In condizioni tipiche l’utilizzo dell’acqua di rete pubblica direttamente dal rubinetto è risultata l’opzione migliore, mentre se prelevata da fontanelli pubblici, il suo successivo trasporto con auto privata può causare impatti significativi. L’utilizzo di contenitori a rendere risulta invece caratterizzato da prestazioni dipendenti dalle distanze di trasporto in gioco. A parità di distanza l’utilizzo di bottiglie a rendere in PET sembra essere l’opzione preferibile per la distribuzione di acqua confezionata, mentre l’uso di bottiglie a rendere in vetro comporta impatti confrontabili con quelli causati dall’utilizzo di contenitori monouso. 30 Abstracts Executive summary Waste prevention has long been pointed out by the European legislation as the primary objective to be pursued by any waste management oriented policy and strategy. Its role is particularly reinforced by the last Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC (European Parliament and Council, 2008) which, embodying the request of the Thematic Strategy on the prevention and recycling of waste (Commission of the European Communities, 2005), for the first time urges Member States to establish waste prevention programmes in which waste reduction objectives are set out and the measures for their achievement identified. Such objectives and measures should be aimed at minimising the environmental impacts of the use of resources throughout their whole life cycle and not only when they become waste. According to the definition given in the Directive, preventive measures strictly take place before a product has become waste and include a quantitative aspect (if aim at reducing the amount of generated waste) and a qualitative aspect (if aim at reducing the adverse impacts of the generated waste and the content of harmful substances in materials and products). Re-use and life span extension of products are considered to be preventive measures as well. With regard to the quantitative aspect, a useful, general classification of prevention activities is the one proposed by Cleary (2010b), according to which they can be distinguished between those based on dematerialization and those based on reduced consumptions. The former consist in reducing waste generation by totally or partially substituting the service provided by a certain product system (target product system) with that provided by a less waste generating one (alternative product system), without affecting the magnitude of the service supplied. The latter instead consist in the sole reduction of the consumption of the service provided by a certain waste generating product system. Product re-use is considered to be a form of dematerialization. Following this classification it is possible to recognize how, if the environmental benefits of decrease waste generation are evident when it is achieved through activities involving reduced consumption, or activities assimilable to this principle, they are instead not assured when prevention takes place through dematerialization. In the first case the potential impacts associated with all possible upstream and downstream activities included in the life cycle of a 32 Executive summary resource are indeed avoided, while in the second case additional upstream and downstream impacts are involved, that have to be carefully evaluated. We have therefore also recognized how a life cycle perspective should be generally employed to evaluate the actual environmental effects of undertaking a prevention activity, in order to go beyond the mere reduction of the generated waste which, alone, does not automatically imply to achieve environmental sustainability. One of the most important quantitative based tool employable to support this perspective is the life cycle assessment (LCA), which aims at linking the major material and energy inputs and outputs of the whole life cycle of a product or service, with quantified potential environmental impacts. In particular, by considering that the above mentioned Directive requires the drafting of waste prevention programmes that can be integrated within conventional waste management plans, we have furthermore recognized the importance of the availability for waste managers of a unique LCA tool capable to evaluate the validity of a waste management scheme which, besides traditional waste treatment options, includes prevention activities. In this study a research was therefore carried out concerning which methodological aspects of traditional waste management oriented LCA should be adjusted to account for prevention activities. The major limitations of traditional waste management oriented LCA are represented by the utilisation of a constant mass based functional unit (i.e the management of 1 tonne of waste with a given composition) and by the definition of system boundaries generally based on the ‘zero burdens’ assumption, which consists in the exclusion from the analysis of those activities belonging to all life cycle stages occurring upstream the moment in which products become wastes. These activities can indeed be considered as common to all the scenarios to be compared since, thanks to the use of a functional unit defined as above, the same amount of waste is generated in such scenarios. By modifying conventional functional unit and system boundaries, two conceptual waste management oriented LCA models are therefore proposed, also in the attempt to simplify the applicability of the WasteMAP LCA model presented in Cleary (2010b) to address the issue of integrating prevention activities within traditional waste management oriented LCA. Executive summary 33 In the first model, developed by also taking suggestion from the work of Gallo (2009), waste prevention is considered, from a conceptual point of view, to be part of the service provided by the waste management system in which it can or can not be included. The functional unit is hence defined as: “the integrated management of the annual amount of waste potentially produced in a given geographical area (or by one its inhabitant), in which waste prevention activities are undertaken”. In this way the amount of potentially generated waste to be managed through prevention and conventional treatments is the same in all the possible considered scenarios and their comparison is allowed since they are based on the same functional unit. Waste prevention is then considered to be a waste management option that avoids all the processes associated with the upstream life cycle of the prevented waste or, in other words, the supplying of a service through the target product system(s) and the occurring of the respective upstream life cycle processes and, contemporarily, in the case in which prevention takes place through dematerialization, it implies the supplying of the same amount of service through the alternative product system(s) and the occurring of the respective upstream life cycle processes. When analysing a preventive scenario, traditional system boundaries of waste management oriented LCA are therefore expanded to include these upstream processes (figure S.1), partially abandoning the ‘zero burdens’ assumption which, in general, is no longer valid since different amounts of waste are generated in the scenarios to be compared. For the practical impacts calculation, the avoided burdens associated with the avoided upstream life cycle processes of the prevented waste are credited to the preventive waste management system, while those associated with the possible alternative product system are charged to the system itself. These lasts would not be included if waste prevention took place through reduced consumption. The procedures for the calculation of the impacts of a not preventive (baseline) and a waste prevention scenario are graphically illustrated in figure S.1. The model is named as Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (ISWPM), since both the product systems interested by waste prevention are considered at the level of the preventive scenario, even if the target product system(s) rather belongs to the not preventive scenario. Being based on the concept of avoided and additional burdens, the model does not allow the accounting of the absolute impacts associated with a given scenario, but it can be only used for the differential comparison of the impacts of a preventive and a not preventive scenario. 34 Executive summary ISWPM BASELINE SCENARIO Potentially generated municipal solid waste = Input waste REFERENCE (REF) WMS Conventional waste management processes (i.e. incineration) Domestic treatments (i.e. home composting) Compensative processes (i.e. energy generation) Traditional system boundaries VS WASTE PREVENTION SCENARIO Avoided upstream life cycle processes of the target product system(s) (UpTPS1,n) Additional upstream life cycle processes of the alternative product system(s) (UpAPS1,n) Potentially generated municipal solid waste > Input waste PREVENTIVE (PREV) WMS Conventional waste management processes (i.e. incineration) Domestic treatments (i.e. home composting) Compensative processes (i.e. energy generation) Traditional system boundaries Expanded system boundaries IMPACT CALCULATIONS BASELINE SCENARIO REF WMS WASTE PREVENTION SCENARIO VS n n PREV WMS UpTPS i UpAPS i i 1 i 1 Figure S.1: Simplified representation of the system boundaries considered by the Integrated scenarios waste prevention model for a baseline and a waste prevention scenario including prevention activities taking place through dematerialization and procedures for the calculation of the respective impacts Executive summary 35 In order to allow the separation of the burdens/impacts pertaining to a preventive and to a not preventive scenario, a second model is also finally proposed and named, for this reason, as Separate Scenario Waste Prevention Model (SSWPM). To this end, according to the suggestion of Ekvall (2007), the functional unit is defined as: “the management of the annual amount of waste produced in a given geographical area (or by one its inhabitant)”. This amount varies according to the scenario as a consequence of the introduction of prevention activities, but the comparison among scenarios dealing with different amounts of waste is now allowed since this is not a mass based functional unit. In this case there is no need to consider waste prevention as part of the service provided by the integrated waste management system, even if actually it is. A direct consequence of the choice of such a functional unit is the no longer general validity of the zero burdens assumption because different amounts of waste enter in different scenarios to be compared and the system boundaries should be therefore expanded to include at least those upstream life cycle processes which differ among the scenarios for their typology or magnitude. Such processes are those belonging to the target product system(s) for not preventive scenarios and those of the alternative product system(s) for preventive scenarios (these lasts would not be included if prevention took place through reduced consumption). In this way the potential benefits and loads associated with the implementation of a prevention activity are automatically accounted for when a preventive and a not preventive (baseline) scenario are compared. A representation of the processes to be included in the system boundaries for both the mentioned scenarios, as well as the procedures for the calculation of the respective impacts are reported in figure S.2. Contrary to the previous model (ISWPM), the present one does not foresee to assign any credits to the preventive scenario but it aims at considering the different upstream processes in the scenario in which they actually occur. For this reason, other than for the differential comparison of scenarios, it can also be employed for the accounting of the impacts associated with a given scenario. 36 Executive summary BASELINE SCENARIO SSWPM Upstream life cycle processes of the target product system(s) (UpTPS1,n) Generation of municipal solid waste REFERENCE (REF) WMS Conventional waste management processes (i.e. incineration) Domestic treatments (i.e. home composting) Compensative processes (i.e. energy generation) Traditional system boundaries Expanded system boundaries VS WASTE PREVENTION SCENARIO Upstream life cycle processes of the alternative product system(s) (UpAPS1,n) Generation of municipal solid waste PREVENTIVE (PREV) WMS Conventional waste management processes (i.e. incineration) Domestic treatments (i.e. home composting) Compensative processes (i.e. energy generation) Traditional system boundaries Expanded system boundaries IMPACT CALCULATIONS BASELINE SCENARIO n REF WMS UpTPS i i 1 WASTE PREVENTION SCENARIO VS n PREV WMS UpAPS i i 1 Figure S.2: Simplified representation of the system boundaries considered by the Separated scenarios waste prevention model for a baseline and a waste prevention scenario including prevention activities taking place through dematerialization and procedures for the calculation of the respective impacts Executive summary 37 With regard to the WasteMAP LCA model (Cleary, 2010b), it is mainly conceived to deal with prevention activities which take place through dematerialization. These are considered as functionally equivalent to conventional waste treatment options since they do not affect the magnitude of the service provided to the population and, on this basis, the functional equivalence of preventive and not preventive scenarios is also ensured. Another consequence of this functional equivalence is that the amount of (potentially generated) waste managed through prevention activities added to that managed through conventional treatments is the same for all the scenarios to be compared, and the effect of managing part of it through prevention is just to avoid its generation. The system boundaries of traditional waste management oriented LCA are therefore expanded to include those upstream life cycle processes belonging to the target product system(s) and to the alternative product system(s), since they differ among the scenarios to be compared, while the zero burdens assumption is maintained for those product systems unaffected by waste prevention. Being the systems to be compared multifunctional, since both the functions of managing a given amount of (potentially) generated waste and of supplying the service(s) of the product system(s) affected by waste prevention are performed, two functional units are employed by the model to assure the functional equivalence among compared scenarios. The primary functional unit assures that a fixed amount of (potentially generated) waste is managed under each scenario, while the secondary functional unit assures the that the same level of service(s) is supplied in each scenario, either by the target product system(s) or by the alternate product system(s). According to the base variant of the model, for the calculation of the burdens/impacts of a preventive scenario, the burdens/impacts associated with the upstream life cycle processes of the target product system(s) are subtracted to those of the waste management system which deals with the amount of waste still generated after the implementation of prevention activities, while those of the alternative product system(s) are added to them. An alternative procedure would consist in assigning the burdens/impacts of the upstream life cycle processes of the target product system(s) to the not preventive (baseline) waste management system, instead of subtracting them from the preventive waste management system. This model appears conceptually quite complex, probably in reason of the fact that the author aims at proposing a model strongly rigorous and consistent with the ISO standards (ISO 2006a; 2006b). 38 Executive summary Despite built up on the basis of different theoretical assumptions, the two proposed models as well as the WasteMAP LCA model are expected to lead to the same results in differential terms between a preventive and a not preventive (baseline) scenario, since they are based on applying, in different manners, expansion of the system boundaries traditionally employed in waste management oriented LCA, to account for the same upstream life cycle processes (those of the product systems affected by waste prevention) and of the respective benefits and loads. This fact has been indeed confirmed by the outcomes of a simplified analysis carried out to compare the practical applicability of the three mentioned models, through which it has also been possible to recognize how, from a practical point of view, the utilization of the models has been translated in implementing, in different ways, the same processes within the LCA software (SimaPro) utilised as support for the analysis. The WasteMAP LCA model is resulted to be the one of more complex applicability and the major difficulty is expected to be associated with the need of defining a proper secondary functional unit (as required by the model), operation that is probably not possible to perform for several typologies of prevention activities. This relative complexity appears to be associated with the fact that the model is conceived to be as much rigorous and ISOconsistent as possible, by aiming at assuring a strong functional equivalence among the scenarios to be compared. Its utilisation is therefore suggested especially in those cases in which a rigorous analysis has to be carried out, for which such a strong equivalence of compared scenarios has to be assured. Prevention activities taking place through reduced consumption can not be however compared on a functionally equivalent basis with this model, even if the methodology to be applied for impacts calculation can be utilised as well. The SSWP model can be utilised when an accounting of the impacts of a given scenario needs to be carried out, or if simply the effects of the product systems interested by prevention need to be accounted for separately within the scenario in which they actually take place. If one was instead interested in evaluating the net difference of the impacts of a preventive scenario with respect to those of the respective not preventive waste treatment system, or if it is simply preferred to work with a credits-based system, the ISWP model can be the best alternative. Executive summary 39 The SSWP model is then applied to the through analysis of two prevention activities that could be undertaken to reduce the amount of waste generated by the consumption of drinking water: the use of public network water and of a returning and refilling system instead of oneway bottled water. These particular activities are explored since they are considered to be among the most meaningful for the Italian context. Last available data show indeed how Italy sits at the first place among European countries, and at the third in the world, with regard to the per capita bottled water consumption (about 194 litres/inhabitant/year in 2008), the major part of which (around 79%) takes place through the wasteful practice of utilising one way PET bottles (Bevitalia, 2009; Martinelli, 2010). Three baseline scenarios characterized, respectively, by the utilisation of virgin polyethylene terephtalate (PET), of 50% recycled PET and of polylactic acid (PLA) one way bottled water are firstly assessed, to be used as terms of comparison. The former is indeed representative of the current situation, while the second and the third represent two possible evolutional scenarios for the Italian context. These scenarios are compared with two public network water preventive scenarios in which purified groundwater from the tap (real case of Milan) and purified surface water from public fountains (real case of Florence) are respectively utilised. Finally, two returning and refilling scenarios which foresee, respectively, the utilisation of glass and of PET refillable bottled water, are considered. The most important features of the analysed scenarios are reported in table S.1. The overall goal of the analysis is to evaluate if and in which conditions the investigated prevention activities, besides reducing waste generation, are actually associated with better overall environmental performances with respect to the different options considered for the use of one-way bottled water. The analysis is not aimed at discriminating any typology of packaging system and all the results are strictly related to the assumptions performed during the analysis and to the choices which are followed. The functional unit, common to all scenarios, is assumed to be: “the management of the amount of (municipal) waste annually generated from the consumption of drinking water by one Italian citizen”. This amount is subject to changes, according to the scenario, for a constant amount of drinking water consumption, considered equal to around 152 litres per inhabitant per year. 40 Executive summary The analysis is carried out with the support of the software SimaPro, widely employed to perform LCAs of any kind of product and service. Table S.1: Major features of the scenarios analysed in the present study Scenarios and subscenarios Water delivering options Baseline scenario 1 One-way virgin PET bottled water Baseline scenario 2 One-way 50% recycled PET bottled water Baseline scenario 3 One-way PLA bottled water Waste prevention scenario 1A Waste prevention scenario 1B Purified groundwater from the tap (real case of Milan) Purified surface water from public fountains (real case of Florence) Typology of packaging packaging mix composed by 2, 1.5 and 0.5 litres bottles End of life options for bottles/containers 77% recycling 23% incineration 77% recycling 23% incineration Two subscenarios: 1) 100% composting and, 2) 100% incineration 1 reusable glass jug (Recycling)* 9 reusable 1 litre glass bottles (Recycling)* Waste prevention 1 litre glass bottles Refillable glass bottled water 100% recycling scenario 2A used for 10 times Waste prevention 1 litre PET bottles Refillable PET bottled water 100% recycling scenario 2B used for 15 times (*) The burdens of the recycling processes of containers employed in public network water systems are assigned, for simplicity, to the upstream product systems One energetic indicator (cumulative energy demand, CED) and three environmental impact indicators (global warming, abiotic resources depletion and eutrophication) are considered in the analysis. Not prevented waste fractions are excluded from the analysis in order to focus on the performances of the different delivering options. The system boundaries include therefore the only treatment processes of the waste generated by the different delivering options and, according to the utilised model, they are further expanded to include all the upstream processes pertaining to the life cycle of such options. In particular for bottled water systems the process of primary, secondary and transport packaging materials production, bottling plant operations, transportation to retailers or local distributors and from these lasts to the consumers house are considered. The tap groundwater system includes the processes associated with water purification and delivering, its quality improvement at domestic level as well as the life cycle and washing of a reusable glass container. Besides the processes of water purification, the tap surface water system includes also those of water quality improvement at public level for its delivering from public Executive summary 41 fountains, the life cycle of reusable glass bottles employed to conserve water and their transportation from fountains to consumers house by car. In order to model bottled water scenarios, and especially mass and energy flows of the processes associated with bottling operations, the plant of a medium size bottling company located in northern Italy was visited, and primary data concerning this reality were employed to carry out the inventory. When the utilisation of data representative of more general conditions (i.e. primary packaging material quantities or the number of uses of refillable bottles) is preferable, the information provided by the examined company were integrated with those obtained by other bottling companies or with data found in the literature. In particular the features of the packaging system characterizing the PET refillable bottled water scenario are totally defined on the basis of literature data concerning the German context (country in which such a system is well established), because of the lack of such a practice in Italy. The tap groundwater system is modelled on the basis of the features and through the primary data regarding the purification and delivering system which provides drinking water to the municipality of Milan, while the domestic improving quality system is modelled on the basis of real data regarding equipments based on the technology of the reverse osmosis, which is expected to be the most energy intensive among the several available options aimed at this purpose. The tap surface water scenario models instead the purification and delivering system which provides drinking water to the city of Florence and to its suburban area, which are entirely supplied with water withdrawn from the Arno river and purified by the Anconella plant. In this scenario, water quality is considered to be improved at public level and delivered from public fountains, as actually happens it that area. Life cycle data concerning materials production and energy generation are taken as much as possible from the reliable Ecoinvent database. When they were not available, apposite modules were designed on the basis of literature data concerning existing technologies (i.e. for sodium chlorite production), or of primary data regarding existing production realities (i.e. for polyaluminium chloride). The life cycle of 50% recycled PET bottles is modelled in two different ways: through the conventional closed loop approach and through a methodology termed as the hybrid approach. This last consists in utilising an hybrid allocation procedure to deal with the multifunctionality of recycling, based on applying the cut off approach for the upstream 42 Executive summary process that provides recycled material for bottles manufacturing and the avoided burden approach for the process belonging to the waste management system which handles post consumer bottles. This approach is proposed in the attempt to maintain upstream and downstream processes separated, and to allow the utilisation of the avoided burden approach to model the recycling processes which take place in the waste management system as it is conventionally done in traditional waste management oriented LCA. Both mentioned approaches are also applied to the modelling of glass bottles and aluminium caps life cycle in the refillable glass bottled water scenario. Since the results obtained through the use of the closed loop approach assign the worst performances to the mentioned scenarios, they are employed for the final comparison according to a conservative approach. Also PLA bottles composting is modelled according to two different approaches, the process specific and the PLA specific one. They mainly differ for the fact that in the former, PLA is considered to behave as a generic organic waste and all the process specific burdens associated with a traditional composting process are directly assigned to PLA composting. In the latter, PLA is instead assumed to be composted in the share of 30% with traditional organic waste and its elemental composition is taken into account to define more waste specific burdens as well as it is considered to be completely degraded during the process and not to generate any meaningful amount of compost which would allow to avoid the production of peat and fertilizers. The PLA specific approach results to be that assigning the worst performances to the investigated scenario and therefore employed for the comparison. Energy savings are recognized to potentially occur during PLA preforms and bottles manufacturing but only rough estimate could have been performed. A sensitivity analysis is performed on those parameters which are arbitrarily assumed during the inventory and resulted or expected to have a meaningful influence on the outcomes, as well as on those parameters subject to great variability. Table S.2 summarises the investigated parameters, the respective values considered in the base inventory, and the way in which they are combined in the attempt to define un upper and a lower bound of the impacts of each scenario. 43 Executive summary Table S.2: Parameters considered in the sensitivity analysis and respective combination for the definition of the upper and the lower bound of the impacts associated with all the investigated scenarios Tap water scenarios Bottled water scenarios Parameters/assumptions Allocation factor of consumer purchasing trip burdens Distance from bottling plants to retailers/local distributors Scenarios One way bottled water scenarios Lower bound Total purchasing of 60 items (1.67%) Base case Total purchasing of 30 items (3.33%) Upper bound 40 km 300 km 800 km Glass bottles: 50 PET bottles: 25 Washing every 5 uses as part of a load of 50 items Glass bottles: 10 PET bottles: 15 Washing every 4 uses as part of a load of 30 items 2 km 5.5 km 10 km 6 PET bottles by 1.5 litres 9 glass bottles by 1 litre - All bottled water scenarios Number of uses for refillable bottles Refillable bottled water scenario Allocation of dishwashing burdens to the reusable glass jug Tap groundwater scenario Roundtrip distance from public fountains to consumers houses Typology of reusable containers employed to conserve water Tap surface water scenario Tap surface water scenario Purchasing of only water (100%) - Washing after each use as part of a load of 15 items Table S.3 reports instead, as a first term of comparison, the amount of municipal waste generated in all compared scenarios. The amount of sludge produced during the purification of surface water is also reported for completeness. Table S.3: Amount of waste generated in all the investigated scenarios 1 One way BW scenarios Glass refillable BW1 scenario 4.12 7.912 PET refillable BW1 scenario kg/inhabitant/year 1.442 TW1 scenario (groundwater) TW1 scenario (surface water) 0.53 Sludge: 0.0265 Other: 0.00864 Total: 0.0355 3.3 Sludge: 0.174 Other: 0.0565 Total: 0.23 g/litre of delivered water 27 52 9.47 1: BW: Bottled Water; TW: Tap water. 2: The values reported include the contribution either of primary or of secondary packaging. 3: The value refers to the waste generated by the annual substitution of the activated carbon filter of the domestic depurator. The amount of waste generated by the use of the glass jug is instead not reported because, other than of negligible entity, it is a function of consumers behaviour rather than a specific feature of the scenario. 4: This value refers to the waste generated by the periodical substitution of consumable materials of the depuration system utilised for water delivering from public fountains (polypropylene pre-filter and activated carbon filter). 5: The amount of waste generated by the use of glass bottles is not reported because it is a function of consumers behaviour rather than a specific feature of the scenario. The utilisation of refillable PET bottles results to be the least waste generating packaged water option and an actual prevention in term of mass is achieved with respect to one way 44 Executive summary bottled water scenarios. On the other hand, the use of refillable glass bottles does not imply an actual prevention in terms of mass of generated waste because of the higher density of glass with respect to PET. In this case it is the number of items that eventually become waste that is instead reduced. The amount of waste generated in the two tap water scenarios results one order of magnitude lower than the amount generated in all bottled water scenarios when it is expressed on annual basis, even if the amount of sludge originating from the purification process of surface water is considered. The contribution given by reusable containers (glass jug and bottles) employed to conserve water should be also accounted for, but the respective amount appears to be a function of consumers behaviour rather than a specific feature of the systems. However, if on the one hand it can be assumed negligible in view of the long life span that generally characterize these objects, on the other it is clear how their inefficient use could lead to an increase of the amount of waste generated to levels comparable with bottled water scenarios. Figure S.3 finally shows, as an example, the global warming impact indicator calculated for all the analysed scenarios (coloured bars) and the respective upper and lower bounds (black bars) resulting from the combination of the sensitivity parameters specified in table S.2. Its profile is however very similar to those of the other analysed indicators. The dotted area of the bar representing the tap surface water scenario specifies the contribution given by the possible use of a private car for the transportation of water from public fountains to consumers house. 45 Executive summary Global warming 70 64.9 63.9 67.5 65.1 kg CO2 eq./F.U. 60 49.1 50 34.5 40 30 24.8 23.8 27.4 25.0 26.2 20.7 16.5 20 10 31.2 18.9 17.9 21.5 9.6 19.1 13.6 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable 8.2 9.2 3.8 2.1 PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater 1.5 Figure S.3: Global warming impact indicator calculated for all the analysed scenarios with the respective upper and lower bounds resulting form the sensitivity analysis (the dotted area in the tap surface water bar specifies the contribution given by water transportation by car) By looking at figure S.3, a complex framework, characterized by a wide variability of the impacts, emerges from the results, and confirms the need of adopting a life cycle perspective to evaluate if a prevention activity is actually sustainable from an environmental point of view. It is indeed impossible to identify a system preferable in all the potential conditions but different factors actually concur to the definition of the performances of a given scenario. Despite this variability, it is possible to recognize that in typical conditions the utilisation of public network water directly from the tap (being it groundwater or surface water), beyond reducing waste generation, results to be definitely the best performing option with respect to all the considered indicators, even when water quality is improved by a further treatment at domestic level. Only in the case in which very inefficient washing conditions, which are expected to be very uncommon, are considered for the reusable container (dishwashing after every use as part of a load of 15 items), the use of tap water is characterized by performances comparable with those of a refilling system based on PET bottles used for 25 times and characterized by very short distances (40 km). Its performances are however always better than those of one way systems when characterized by short distances bottling plant-retailers (40 km) and efficient consumers purchasing trip (total purchasing of 60 items). The impacts associated with the use of tap water can be minimized by only manually rinsing the container after its use or, if a dishwasher is used, by carrying out its washing after 4 or 5 uses and by running the dishwasher only when fully loaded. If a reusable container is used to conserve 46 Executive summary water, is also important to assure it a long life span (which in the analysis was conservatively assumed of one year). If public network water is delivered from public fountains after its quality improvement (performed after traditional purifying treatments), the use of a private car for its transportation to consumers house gives a very significant contribution to the impacts of the respective scenario. In particular, for a distance of 5.5 km the system is characterized by performances almost comparable with those pertaining to the use of one way bottled water. To achieve performances comparable with those of an environmentally effective refilling system (with the features described above), such distance has to decrease beneath 2 km. Therefore if a system based on the use of public fountains is implemented in a certain municipality, care should be taken in assuring that the average distance to be covered by a citizen does not exceed 2-2.5 km, so that the use of a car can be limited or, better, completely avoided. This can be achieved for instance by ensuring a capillary distribution of fountains on the territory of the municipality to be served and by limiting their utilisation to the respective citizens. If glass bottles are used to conserve water, to assure them a long life span (which in the analysis was conservatively assumed of one year) is also important, while if PET bottles are employed they should be used for at least 4-5 cycles. Refilling scenarios result to be characterized by performances mainly dependent on the transport distance between bottling plants and local distributors, rather than on the number of times bottles are used. For the same distance, the utilisation of refillable PET bottles appears to be the most preferable option for packaged water delivering, while the use of refillable glass bottles is characterized by performances comparable with those involved by the use of one-way bottled water. If a short distance is instead considered (40 km), the use of a PET bottles based refilling system still represents an environmentally valid alternative for packaged water delivering and the use of refillable glass bottles becomes preferable to one way bottled water. The advantages which characterize the PET refillable system with respect to one way systems vanish if these lasts are based on a medium (300 km) or short distance (40 km) and the former on a long distance (800 km). If a refilling system is implemented in a given area, the use of PET bottles appears therefore to be preferable to the use of glass bottles. Moreover it emerges the importance of establishing such a system on the basis of short distances between bottling plants and distributors (in the order of 50 km and at most of 100 km) and, to a lower extent, of assuring that PET bottles are utilised at least 15 times and glass bottles at least 20-25 times. Executive summary 47 With regard to the comparison among one-way bottled water systems, the utilisation of 50% recycled PET bottles is characterized by slightly but not dramatically better performances than the use of virgin PET or PLA bottles. Therefore, despite the use of recycled material for bottles manufacturing represents an initial appreciable effort to improve the environmental profile of one way PET bottled water, it seems to lead to only marginal environmental savings, lower than those achievable, for instance, by utilising a PET bottles based refilling system. More meaningful improvements can instead be obtained by reducing transport distances bottling plants-retailers to about 50 km and if an efficient purchasing trip to retailers is performed by citizens when a car is utilised (i.e. by purchasing at least 30 items). The use of PLA for bottles manufacturing appears to have the worst performances, especially with regard to the eutrophication indicator because of the wide use of fertilizers for maize cultivation. These results must however be read in view of the lower benefits associated with the considered end of life options compared to the recycling of PET, which mask the savings of energy and of fossil resources associated with PLA production with respect to PET. Composting or incineration of PLA bottles do not appear therefore to be the most sustainable end of life options and a possible shifting to a large scale production of water packaged in PLA bottles seems not to be justified in these conditions. Chemical recycling of PLA bottles, which recent pilot experiences have demonstrated to be a feasible option, might potentially lead to completely different conclusion but no data are found in its respect. It seems however improbable that it could affect the primacy of the use of tap water or of a short distance based refilling system. On the basis of the outcomes of the study, a decrease of the massive per capita consumption of one way bottled water currently registered in Italy can be suggested. In those cases in which the utilisation of a water with a given content of minerals is not requested, the use of tap water should be instead preferred. Also the establishing of short distance based refilling systems represents a valid alternative to one way bottled water as well, especially if PET bottles are utilised. A development of this work could be therefore to obtain reliable information and data concerning the process of polylactic acid recycling through its depolymerization to lactic acid monomers, even if it is recognized that the level of development of such a process is only at an early stage and unlikely life cycle data are expected to be available within a short period. Only the impact indicators considered to be the most meaningful are analysed in the present study, also to limit he comparison among the investigated scenarios within reasonable limits. 48 Executive summary As an improvement, a more complete framework of the impacts associated with the different scenarios can be obtained by considering a wider number of impact indicators and, in case, facilitating the comparison through the utilisation of a unique aggregated index, such as the one calculable through the Ecoindicator impact assessment method. Obviously this could lead to a loss of transparency. INTRODUCTION Waste prevention has long been pointed out by the European legislation as the primary objective to be pursued by any waste management oriented policy and strategy. Its role is particularly reinforced within the last Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) which, for the first time, urges Member States to establish waste prevention programmes aimed at identifying reduction objectives and measures, with the view of minimise the impacts of resources throughout their whole life cycle and not only when they become waste. If the environmental benefits of decreasing waste generation are evident when this is achieved by reducing the consumption of a certain good, they are not assured when prevention is obtained by substituting the consumption of the service provided by a certain product or system with that of a less waste generating one. We have therefore recognized how a life cycle perspective should be generally employed to evaluate the actual environmental performances of a prevention activity, in order to go beyond the simple reduction of waste which, alone, does not automatically imply to achieve sustainability. The goal of this work has been hence twofold. A research on which methodological aspects of traditional waste management oriented life cycle assessment (LCA) should be adjusted to account for waste prevention activities is firstly carried out. Two models are thus proposed and their practical applicability is compared through the analysis of a simplified case study. One of the proposed model is then applied to the analysis of those activities which could be undertaken to reduce the amount of waste generated from the consumption of drinking water by consumers: the utilisation of public network water and of a returning and refilling system. These activities are chosen since they are considered to be among the most meaningful for the Italian context. Last available data show indeed how Italy sits at the first place among European countries, and at the third in the world, with regard to bottled water consumption, the major part of which (around 79%) takes place through the wasteful practice of utilising one way polyethylene terephtalate (PET) bottles. More precisely, three baseline scenarios characterized, respectively, by the utilisation of virgin PET, of 50% recycled PET and of polylactic acid (PLA) one way bottled water are 50 Introduction firstly assessed. The former is indeed representative of the current situation, while the second and the third represent two possible perspective scenarios for the Italian context. These scenarios are compared with two public network water preventive scenarios in which purified groundwater from the tap (real case of Milan) and purified surface water from public fountains (real case of Florence) are respectively utilised. Finally, two returning and refilling scenarios which foresee the utilisation of glass and of PET refillable bottles are considered. Focusing on the performances of the different delivering options, only the management processes of the waste generated by the alternative systems are considered within the life cycle modelling while other possible waste fractions are excluded. The work is organized as follows. After having set the position of waste prevention in the European legislation and specified its definition, a review of the most meaningful prevention activities targeting municipal solid waste is presented in chapter 1, along with some possible criteria for their classification. Some indications concerning the consumption patterns of drinking water in Italy, along with a brief outline of the legislation regulating water intended for human consumption are finally provided. In chapter 2, after a brief introduction to the LCA methodology and its applicability to the analysis of integrated solid waste management systems, two conceptual waste management oriented LCA models able to include prevention activities are proposed by amending already available models and on the basis of other suggestions provided in the literature. The practical applicability of the proposed models is compared with that of one literature model through the analysis of a simplified case study in chapter 3, trying to outline the major differences and similarities emerging during this process. In chapter 4, once defined the goal and the functional unit, the life cycle inventories of all the scenarios to be analysed have been carried out by considering the most important material and energy flows associated with the processes involved in each investigated system. Primary data are preferably utilised during the modelling and when not possible, literature data as well as estimation through mass balances or reasonable assumptions are employed. The considered impact assessment categories with the respective characterization methods are also specified. After having presented and discussed the results obtained on the basis of the hypotheses utilised in the inventory, in chapter 5 a sensitivity analysis is also performed on those parameters which were arbitrarily assumed during the inventory and resulted or expected to have a significant influence on the outcomes, as well as on those parameter subject to great Introduction 51 variability. Remarks and recommendations are also provided on the basis of the results of the analysis. Major limitations of the study as well as suggestions for possible future improvements are finally provided. 52 Introduction CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND ON WASTE PREVENTION 1.1 Legislative framework at European level: waste hierarchy and definitions The concept of waste prevention appears in the European Legislation with the first Waste Framework Directive 75/442/EEC (European Council, 1975) which requested Member States to take appropriate measures also aimed at encouraging the reduction in the quantities of certain waste. Some years later the European Commission in its communication concerning the first Community Strategy for Waste Management (Commission of the European Communities, 1989), developed in the context of the Fourth Community Environment Action Program and based on the principle of preventive action, established a hierarchy of principles in which waste prevention holds the higher priority and which still now constitutes the basis of legislation and policy in matter of waste management at European level. It was indeed confirmed in the review of the Community Strategy for Waste Management (Commission of the European Communities, 1996) and particularly reinforced within the new Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC (European Parliament and Council, 2008) where it is explicitly termed as waste hierarchy. In the hierarchy to the primary role of waste prevention follow then preparing for re-use, recycling, other forms of recovery (such as energy recovery) and, only in last instance, safe disposal (figure 1.1). Therefore the best option to deal with waste would be not to generate it at all. Waste which cannot be avoided should be instead preferably recycled or, in second instance, recovered in other forms, while disposal should be limited to waste for which no possibility of recovery exists. 54 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention Prevention (including re-use) Most favoured option Preparing for re-use Recycling Other forms of recovery Disposal Least favoured option Figure 1.1: Graphical representation of the concept of waste hierarchy so as described by the recent Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC The background in which the new Waste Framework Directive is placed is the one in part traced by the Thematic Strategy on the prevention and recycling of waste (Commission of the European Communities, 2005) whose development represents a priority action of the Sixth Community Environment Action Programme (European Parliament and Council, 2002) to pursue the overall aim of decoupling resources consumption and waste generation from the rate of economic growth as well as the more specific objectives of achieving a significant overall reduction of the volume and the hazardousness of generated waste through waste prevention initiatives, better resource efficiency and a shift towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns. Another priority action is also the development and implementation of measures on waste prevention by establishing a series of reduction targets to be achieved at Community level within 2010, sensitizing citizens to their potential contribution on waste reduction and defining operational measures to encourage waste prevention. On these bases the Thematic Strategy on the prevention and recycling of waste (Commission of the European Communities, 2005; 2003) firstly recognizes that although waste prevention has been the first priority of Community and national policies for many years, overall waste quantities continue to increase in most European countries and, in the absence of additional policy measures, they will continue to do it for the foreseeable future. This is partly explained by the fact that during past attempts to establish waste prevention targets they were sometimes defined without providing a reason and the means for their achievement as well as in the absence of a valid assessment of waste generation patterns in the respective sectors and of a comprehensive strategy to promote waste prevention. Moreover, being waste generation Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 55 trends driven by production and consumption patterns, it recognizes how it is difficult to deal with waste prevention leaving aside policies oriented at resources management and at products. Therefore considering that beyond to imply the impacts associated with their end of life treatments, an increasing waste generation trend could be also a symptom of environmentally inefficient use of resources, the Strategy proposes, among the others, also some measures aimed at promoting waste prevention. The most important of them is the inclusion in the Waste Framework Directive of the obligation for Member State to develop public waste prevention programmes, in the context of sustainable production and consumption. Other measures are represented by the diffusion of the IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) Directive, of the Integrated Product Policy (IPP) and of other tools to encourage the diffusion of best practices in matter of waste prevention. In particular the IPPC Directive can help in reducing waste generation at industrial level, during the manufacturing of materials and product. Integrated Product Policy aims instead at reducing the impacts of a product or service during its whole life cycle and therefore implicitly also waste generation. On the contrary of what established in the Sixth Community Environment Action Programme, the strategy does not consider to be appropriate the prescription of waste prevention targets at Community level, intended as reduction objectives. This because so defined targets do not account for the environmental impacts associated with their achieving: increased overall impacts could instead correspond to a meaningful reduction of the quantity of generated waste while, on the contrary, small reductions of waste amount could lead to significant reductions of impacts. A life cycle perspective which takes into account the whole life cycle of resources is instead fostered. The aim of a waste policy should be indeed to minimise the environmental impacts throughout the entire life cycle of resources, rather than only to achieve waste reduction or increase recycling. The new Waste Framework Directive embodies therefore all these principles and beyond reformulating and reasserting the above mentioned concept of waste hierarchy provides the first legal definition of waste prevention at European level. In particular it is defined as: 56 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention measures taken before a substance, material or product has become waste, that reduce: (a) the quantity of waste including through the re-use of products or the extension of the life span of products; (b) the adverse impacts of the generated waste on the environment and human health; or (c) the content of harmful substances in materials and products (European Council, 2008). Therefore a key aspect is that prevention strictly takes place before a material or product becomes waste and is strongly different from other waste management options, such as recycling or energy recovery, that can be applied only when materials or products are recognized as waste and which aim at reducing the amount of waste to be disposed of. These options, along with prevention, can be indeed considered to be part of the broader concept of waste minimization or waste diversion (OECD, 2004)1. Preventive activities can take place on materials/products that have already been manufactured or not. The former is the case of product re-use which, as a matter of fact, is considered to be part of waste prevention and in particular is defined as any operation by which products or components that are not waste are used again for the same purpose for which they were conceived. Reuse can indeed be seen as a form of prevention at two different levels: it postpones the moment in which a material or product enters the waste phase, contemporarily diminishing the need of manufacturing new products, but it also prevents the amount of products entering the waste phase (European Commission DG Environment, 2010). Moreover the definition of waste prevention differentiates between a quantitative and a qualitative aspect. While the former refers to the reduction of the amount of waste generated, the latter refers instead to the reduction of the adverse impacts on the environment or human health potentially associated with traditional waste treatments (i.e. because of airborne emissions) or with harmful residues in products made from recycled material. Since these adverse impacts can also be caused by harmful substances contained in waste, their reduction is also considered to be part of the concept of qualitative preventive measures. Qualitative prevention therefore does not exclude the application of the other management options of the waste hierarchy. 1 In particular, waste minimization is defined in OECD (2000) as “preventing and/or reducing the generation of waste at the source, improving the quality of waste generated, such as reducing the hazard, and encouraging reuse, recycling and recovery”. Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 57 Quantitative and qualitative aspects are however not exclusive but supportive each of the other and therefore even if the treatment of a certain waste does not involve any meaningful impact, it does not imply that its generation should not be prevented. Indeed even if it is recycled, energy and other natural resources utilised to make its raw materials available and to bring them into a useful form are lost, moreover the recycling process would require additional energy and natural resources. From the other hand, even if the generation of a given amount of a certain waste has been prevented, this does not mean that qualitative prevention on the remaining or not-avoidable waste is no longer needed (European Commission DG Environment, 2010). However we anticipate that in this work the focus will be on the quantitative aspect of waste prevention. It is finally possible to notice that (figure 1.1), on the contrary of re-use, the Directive considers preparing for re-use not to be part of waste prevention because it deals with materials or products that have already entered the waste phase. It is indeed define as checking, cleaning or repairing (recovery)2 operations, by which products or components of products that have become waste are prepared so that they can be re-used without any other pre-processing. However it can be argued that the difference between reuse and preparing for reuse is merely a legal issue which depends by the fact that a product or material is legally recognized as waste or not (European Commission DG Environment, 2010). For example washing of bottles belonging to a returning and refilling system would be considered a reuse activity, while delivering a broken bicycle (which the owner intends to discard) to a charity shop for its repairing would be preparing for reuse (ACR+, 2010; European Commission DG Environment, 2010) but it is clear how in both cases the result is the same and the only difference is the fact that the refurbishing or repairing operation is performed on a product recognized as waste or not. Figures 1.2 aims at clarifying the definitions given up to now. 2 The official definition reports this term but it probably represents an error. 58 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention Products/Materials Waste Prevention (including products re-use) Preparing for re-use Recycling Other forms of recovery* Disposal Waste prevention Waste minimization Waste disposal (*) Other forms of recovery option is represented as a borderline case since the Waste Framework Directive states that utilising waste for energy generation can be considered a form of recovery only if a given energy efficiency is achieved in the process. Figure 1.2: Representation of the position of the various step of the waste hierarchy (Adapted from ACR+ (2010)) As requested by the Thematic Strategy on the prevention and recycling of waste the new Waste Framework Directive includes the innovative aspect of national waste prevention programmes that Member States are urged to establish within December 2013. In these programmes waste prevention objectives have to be established and applicable waste prevention measures identified. Moreover Member States are also requested to determine appropriate qualitative or quantitative benchmarks with the aim of monitor and asses the progress obtained through undertaking waste prevention measures. For the same purpose they can also determine qualitative or quantitative targets and indicators. On its part the Commission engages itself to create a system for sharing information on best practices in matter of waste prevention and to develop guidelines in order to assist Member States in the preparation of the Programmes. It is also worth to notice that according to the principle outlined by the Thematic Strategy on prevention and recycling of waste (Commission of the European Communities, 2005), the Directive declares that the aim of waste prevention objectives and measures is to break the link between economic growth and environmental impacts associated with waste generation and not simply with waste generation. Therefore not the only mere waste reduction has to be pursued but rather the minimisation of the impact of a material or product (in a broader sense, of a resource) throughout its whole life cycle and not only in the waste phase. One of the most Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 59 important quantitative based tool supporting this perspective is just the life cycle assessment (LCA). We can therefore recognize that, as also Wilson et al. (2010) point out, rather than being only an option to deal with waste, their prevention is placed in a broader context of sustainable use of natural resources and sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns which in turn are part of the overall goal of sustainable development. According to the same authors these concepts and that of waste management are beginning to merge together into an holistic approach which has the overall aim of reducing the environmental impacts associated with societal consumption and production pathways, while maintaining or also improving levels of economic welfare and standard of living. In this context waste managers increasingly see themselves as ‘sustainable resource managers’. With regard to waste prevention the Directive finally establishes that the Commission has to prepare, also on the basis of stakeholders consultation, a series of reports accompanied, if appropriate, by proposal of measures in support of prevention activities and of the implementation of waste prevention programmes. These reports shall consist in: an interim report on the evolution of waste generation and the scope of waste prevention, including the formulation of a product eco-design policy aimed also at reducing both the generation of waste and the presence of hazardous substances in them, as well as at promoting technologies focusing on durable, re-usable and recyclable products; the formulation of an action plan for further support of measures aimed at changing current consumptions patterns. In addition the Commission shall set by the end of 2014 waste prevention and decoupling objectives for 2020, based on best available practices. 60 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 1.2 Possible classification of waste prevention activities Because of the extreme variability of typologies of waste prevention activities, several options have been utilised in the literature for their classification. A quite exhaustive list of possible criteria is provided by Salhofer et al. (2008) and is briefly reported in table 1.1 with some adaptations. Table 1.1: Possible criteria for the classification of waste prevention activities according to Salhofer et al. (2008) Criteria Waste stream (type of waste intended to be reduced) Target group (actors who are asked to prevent waste) Instruments (way through which an actor chooses to influence the behaviour of another actor) the term measure indicates instead the concrete realization of an instrument Purpose (result that wants to be achieved through a measure) Classification By material (paper, hazardous waste,...) By product (packaging, diapers,...) By source of generation (household, industry,...) By field of application (big events,...) Citizens/consumers Retailers Producers Public administrators (i.e. waste managers) Regulatory instruments (laws, licenses, product standards,...) Economic instruments (subsidies, incentives, charges,...) Collaborative agreements (public-private agreements, certifications and labels,...) Services and infrastructures (repairing, second hand shops,...) Communication and diffusion (presenting information, persuading about available options,...) Reduction at source (complete avoidance, reduction by optimisation of a process,..) Substitution (one-way by refillable packaging, by a less hazardous material,...) Reuse (extension of product use phase, increased use of a product by sharing,...) Cleary (2010b) proposes instead a more general classification in the attempt to set municipal solid waste prevention activities in a life cycle perspective. In particular two typologies of activities are distinguished: 1. Waste prevention activities through dematerialization: activities that involve the reduction of waste generation by totally or partially substituting the service provided to consumers by a certain product system with that provided by a less waste generating one, without affecting the magnitude of the service to be provided (both product systems are functionally equivalent). Product re-use is considered to be a form of dematerialization as well. Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 61 2. Waste prevention activities through reduced consumption: activities that involve the reduction of waste generation by reducing the consumption of the service provided by a certain waste generating product system. Of course not all the possible prevention activities belong, in principle, to these two typologies but in some cases can be assimilated to them. The author finally highlights the fact that certain activities, such as home composting or grass-cycling, are sometimes incorrectly pointed out as preventive while they are actually not such. Indeed in these cases waste is however generated but is not collected and managed through conventional treatments. The suggestion to consider them as form of waste diversion activities is therefore given by the author. A not exhaustive list of possible prevention activities classified according to the above mentioned criteria is given by Cleary and is reported in table 1.2 with some adaptations. 62 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention Table 1.2: Examples of waste prevention activities classified according to the criteria proposed by Cleary (2010b) Type of waste prevention activity (WPA) Reduced consumption Reduction of material consumption without substituting the service provided by the product system Presence of alternate product system(s) that generate additional waste for treatment Example(s) Reduction of the amount of consumed product services No Reduce generation of “junk mail” Double side printing and copying Reduce food wastage by improving one’s own purchasing behaviour Substitution of functionally equivalent product services No Reuse of a disposable shopping bag Effect of WPA type on product service(s) Dematerialization Reuse of a disposable good* Substitution of a service provided by disposable good with that of a capital good Substitution of a disposable good with a reusable one Lightweighting of a good Lengthening the useful lifespan of a durable good Substitution of functionally equivalent product services Yes (substituted capital good) Substitution of functionally equivalent product services Yes (substituted reusable good) Substitution of functionally equivalent product services Substitution of functionally equivalent product services Drink tap water instead of bottled water Read on-line newspaper articles instead of printed on newsprint Dry hands by means of hand dryers instead of hand towels Substitution of one way bottles for beverages with refillable ones Substitution of one way containers with reusable ones for detergents distribution Substitution of disposable shopping bags with reusable ones Substitution of disposable nappies with reusable ones Yes (substituted disposable good) Substitution single use of glass containers with lightweight plastic single use ones Yes (substituted durable good) Increase the useful lifespan of a refrigerator through improved design Waste diversion (prevention at collection) Domestic/on-property Home composting No effect No waste treatments Grass cycling Temporarily storage of waste products and No effect No Storage of obsolete appliances materials (*) In our view this activity would be more properly considered to take place through reduced consumption A thorough attempt of identification of possible criteria for the classification of prevention activities is proposed in a recent study carried out on behalf of the European Commission Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 63 (European Commission DG Environment, 2010) which constitutes a background work for the redaction of the reports that the Waste Framework Directive requires to be prepared by the Commission itself (paragraph 1.1). The framework which emerges is quite complex and articulated probably in view of the fact that, as we have tried to highlight in paragraph 1.1, waste prevention is a measure belonging to policies at the borderline between sustainable waste management and sustainable consumption and production. Since the mentioned source contains the bases on which the European Commission will build up its opinions, we have considered meaningful to briefly describe the four criteria which, separately or combined together, are proposed in order to classify waste prevention activities (WPA). In particular, they are: 1. The effects that WPAs generate: quantitative or qualitative prevention; 2. The stage in the material life cycle where WPAs take place. In particular the following stage are specified together with some examples of possible general preventive measures/strategies and of more specific activities that can be undertaken in the stages themselves. Alternatively the overall goal to be pursued to achieve waste prevention is indicated. design: even if it is not a physical life cycle stage, it is considered because during this phase decisions are taken on the typologies and amounts of materials that will be used, influencing therefore the quantity and the hazardousness of the product that eventually will become waste. With regard to waste prevention this stage can contribute to develop products requiring less materials and hazardous substances input (including distribution packaging), less need of substitution of consumables, of replacement of spare parts, of maintenance and with a longer life span. At a more strategic level prevention can also take place if a service is chosen instead of a physical product to serve the same purpose (dematerialisation) or when a strategic choice is made not to develop a certain product or a certain market. The overall goal of this stage is therefore the reduction of the environmental impact of a given product or service throughout its future entire life cycle and not only the reduction of the amount of materials and resources to be utilised and that eventually become waste. Such an approach is referred to as eco-design. 64 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention extraction of raw materials: the goal to be pursued in this stage is the improving of the efficiency of extraction processes to involve the increase of the ratio between usable extracted material and waste from extraction. Waste originating from these activities (but also from harvesting of agricultural products) are often termed as hidden flows since they often remain in the country of origin and are not more visible to the user of materials after their importation. production (through possible multiple sequential phases): the goal to be pursued is the prevention of pre-consumer waste through technical measures aimed at improving resources efficiency of manufacturing processes. distribution and retailing: the goal to be pursued is the prevention of waste during transport, storage and distribution of products. Preventive measures are therefore focused on reducing primary secondary and tertiary packaging as well as on reducing losses or damages during transport and manipulation of goods, or losses through overstock of perishable goods (mainly food) that would have to be disposed of because they could not be sold any more. Provided examples are: - utilisation of reusable transport packaging, including re-usable pallets, - imposition of ban or tax on single use bags, - adopting the provision consisting in the obligation of retailers to provide along with products packaged in single use packaging also comparable products that make use of reusable packaging (i.e. self dispensing systems), so that the consumer is free to chose between the two alternatives. Preventive measures in the distribution stages are often largely influenced by those concerning the design stage, where decisions have to be taken with regard to packaging minimisation through an eco-design perspective. use/consumption: the goal is the prevention of household waste and of commercial/industrial waste not originated by production/extraction activities. Preventive measures should be therefore aimed at influencing consumers behaviour towards less waste generating choice of purchasing and of consumptions, at reducing consumptions of consumables when using an equipment (i.e. print toner, car lubricant, Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 65 batteries and so on) as well as waste generation during repairing or maintenance operations. Provided examples are: - reduction of food wastage through a discerning planning of purchases and/or utilisation of leftovers, - smart shopping: buy bulk products, products packaged in refillable containers and avoid over packaged products, - product reuse: utilise reusable bags and nappies, buy reusable packaging and second hand products, - prohibit the delivering of junk mail, - buy services instead of goods (i.e. buy experiences such as concerts and theatrical performances as gifts instead of material products), - utilise a product as long as possible and, if practicable, consider repairing and/or upgrading instead of its discharging. Prevention measures in the use/consumption stage are often closely associated with measures in the distribution/retailing stage. For instance consumers can perform the choice of less waste generating products only if retailers give them this possibility. Similarly the choice of returnable and refillable bottles is conditioned by the availability of such a distribution system. waste phase: prevention measures in this phase are difficult to distinguish from other waste management options. They would be aimed especially at reducing the amount of scraps originating during recycling processes. However such an improving is not considered as a quantitative waste prevention but merely as a quantitatively better performing recycling activity. end of waste phase (start of a new life cycle as recycled product): prevention in this phase is mainly concerned in its qualitative aspect and especially it would be aimed at avoiding that recycled products contain hazardous substances potentially included in the waste that have been recycled, or originating during the recycling process itself. 66 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 3. The nature of the policy instrument through which WPAs are promoted. In particular the following typologies of instruments are distinguished: Regulatory or legal instruments: tools such as standards or directives that regulate the behaviour of interested subjects through penalties for who do not comply with the regulatory provisions. Market-based or economic instruments: tools that influence the behaviour of the interested subjects through economic signals such as taxes and subsidies. Suasive or communication instruments: tools that encourage change in behaviour of the interested subjects through the providing of information and education, such as public awareness campaigns, publicity of sustainable products, education of public purchasers and so on. Technical instruments: this category is established to cover eco-design and reuse measures that appear to be of a more technical nature and can be supported by the three typologies of instruments described up to now. 4. The phase of the DPSIR cycle which WPA influence. The DPSIR is a model which describes the dynamic of the interactions between society and the environment and is based on the concepts of driving forces (D), pressure (P), state (S), impact (I) and responses (R). Prevention measures are always response and can be classified on the basis of the other phases of the DPSIR cycle which they are aimed at influencing (D, P, S or I). The report also underlines how often it is not possible to attribute a prevention activity (or a general measure) to a single dimension of a certain criterion (except for the first one) since an activity might or must belong to more than one of them. For instance the providing to consumers of a product which allows to achieve dematerialization (i.e. reusable nappies) needs also that consumers themselves are sensitized or arbitrarily decide to make use of that product. According to the life cycle based classification criteria it is clear therefore how a prevention activity, which from one hand takes place at the design stage, needs also to be accomplished at the use/consumption stage through a consumer choice to achieve its effect. Adopting the classification on the basis of the nature of the policy instrument through which prevention is promoted it is instead evident how beyond a technical instrument (eco-design in Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 67 this case) also economic instruments (such as taxes on disposable products or pay-as-youthrow schemes), market-based instruments (such as promotional campaigns or discount coupons) and communication instruments (such as public awareness raising/education campaigns and publicity) would be needed. Another examples is represented by the case in which consumers decide to purchase, for instance, bulk food products. It is clear how to sort its effect this decision has to be accomplished by the fact that the possibility to buy bulk food product is actually given to consumers by the same retailers. As far as prevention of municipal solid waste is concerned, prevention strategies or activities of major interest are those taking place within distribution/retailing and use/consumptions stages as well as, for the reasons explained above, also during the design stage of a product life cycle. In particular with regard to the distribution/retailing stages the most important instruments contributing to waste prevention are recognized to be product standards and market bans (legal instruments), awareness raising and education campaigns (communication instruments), as well as eco-design as technical instrument aimed at minimising primary, secondary and tertiary packaging. With regard instead to the use/consumption stage, economic instruments such as tax on single use products, pay as you throw schemes, promotional campaigns or discount coupons for reusable products as well as the implementation of deposit and refund schemes for single use packaging (i.e. bottles) are recognized to be valid alternatives. An as much important role is also considered to be hold by communication instruments such as awareness raising/education campaigns and publicity of sustainable products outside and inside stores. 1.3 Review of major prevention activities targeting municipal solid waste In order to perform a brief but quite exhaustive review of waste prevention activities targeting municipal solid waste those sources considered to be more reliable and authoritative among the several available, are taken into account. First of all we have recognized how a noteworthy work presenting the most important prevention activities that citizens and organizations can, voluntarily or encouraged by public authorities undertake, has been recently carried out by the Association of Cities and Regions 68 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention for Recycling and Sustainable Resource Management (ACR+, 2010). Activities and, when possible, the amount of waste eventually reduced through their implementation, are individualized on the basis of real experiences of best practices engaged during recent years by several local and regional authorities or organizations. Results obtained through the single best practices aimed at the same purpose are then utilised to estimate the amount of waste that could potentially be reduced through the implementation of a given prevention activity (termed as prevention potential). A summary of the individualized activities, classified according to the targeted waste stream (organic waste, packaging waste, paper waste, bulky waste and nappies and other municipal waste) and the respective estimated prevention potentials expressed as kg/inhabitant/year, are reported in table 1.3. An estimate of the average amount generated at European level for each considered waste stream is also provided. Only macro-groups of activities are specified in the table, while each specific activity mentioned in the work will be instead considered to carry out the overall review of prevention activities that will be presented in table 1.5. As it can be noticed an overall amount of municipal solid waste of 600 kg/inhabitant/year is estimated to be generated on average at European level, while an overall reduction of 100 kg/inhabitant/year (about 17%) is expected to be achieved through the implementation of all the considered prevention activities. “100 kg less per inhabitant” represents therefore the European benchmark estimated by ACR+, which local and regional authorities should aim at achieving by identifying and applying those best practices which, among the ones proposed, they consider to be more appropriate for the respective context. However the same ACR+ highlights that the provided prevention potentials strictly refer to the initial waste quantity with respect to which they are defined (those reported in table 1.3). Therefore for their transposition to a specific reality it is not their absolute value to be worth but rather the percentage reduction to which they are associated with. Moreover, despite the practical and concrete nature of such quantitative parameters, all the considerations made in paragraph 1.1 concerning the fact that an overall reduction of the environmental impacts, and not the mere waste reduction has to be pursued through prevention activities, must well be kept in mind. Despite these objective limitations, the mentioned work actually represents a valid instrument aimed at supporting Member States to establish waste prevention programmes as well as in that process of qualitative and quantitative benchmarking which the same Waste Framework Directive requires them. Benchmarking (individuation of parameters) can indeed be meant as 69 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention the identification of best practices (qualitative benchmark) and the associated prevention potentials (quantitative benchmark) to be used as bases for the setting of target and indicators to be achieved through identified best practices. Benchmarks are not static but are intended to be continuously improved during time along with waste reduction achievable through best practices. Table 1.3: Prevention potentials estimated by ACR+ (2010) for individualized waste prevention activities Prevention activity by waste stream Packaging Encourage/prefer the use of reusable or returnable/refillable packaging Promote/prefer drinking of tap water Encourage/prefer the use of reusable shopping bags Fight excessive packaging Paper Reduce unwanted and unaddressed mail (junk mail) Encourage offices dematerialisation through ICT Reduce the use of kitchen, tissue and bathroom towel paper Organic waste Act against food wastage Green scaping (Green landscaping) Smart gardening Home, community and on-site composting Nappies and other wastes Swap to reusable nappies and incontinence pads Other municipal waste prevention strategies (bicycles, paintings leftover, hand tools, garden tools, toys) Bulky waste Promote clothes and other textiles waste prevention Promote furniture waste prevention Promote WEEE* prevention Total (*) WEEE: Waste from Electric and Electronic Equipment Average generation in Europe (kg/inhabitant/year) 150 Prevention potential (kg/inhabitant/year) 25 35 12 6 2 107 2 1 10 100 15 75 10 15 4 9 2 220 40 30 10 90 10 100 20 78 18 60 8 2 6 52 15 20 17 12 4 4 4 600 100 A second important source is represented by the already mentioned work of Salhofer et al. (2008) which have estimated the prevention potentials for some prevention activities targeting five different waste streams (advertising material, beverage packaging, diapers, food waste and waste from big events) for the city of Vienna (Austria). Activities and potentials are summarized in table 1.4. Also in this case the authors point out how, due to the varying nature of consumption patterns from region to region and by time, prevention potentials are, in principle, valid only for defined basic conditions in a given area and year. 70 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention Table 1.4: Prevention potentials calculated by Salhofer et al. (2008) for some municipal solid waste prevention activities applicable to the city of Vienna Waste stream Advertising material Beverage packaging Diapers Food waste Waste from big events Prevention activity a) Prohibition on unwanted advertisement b) Information about the possibility to apply “no junk mail” stickers on mailboxes a) Fix refilling quotas at 60% b) Fix refilling quotas at 82% Promoting reusable diapers a) Donation of still edible foods discarded by discounts, supermarkets and bakeries to food banks b) Reduce household food wastage by improving purchasing behaviour Substitute one way dishes Amount of the targeted waste stream generated (kg/inhabitant/year) Prevention potential (kg/inhabitant/year) a) 5.7 28 36.4 13.3 a) not quantified b) 3.7 a) 7.0 b) 16.7 2.0 a) 3.3 b) 35.6 b) (11.5% of total waste generated) 5.5 0.8 The information provided in the factsheets prepared by the European Commission (EC Environment, 2011) to promote the diffusion of best practices among Member States are also considered to widen the framework. They consist in a review of the most effective municipal solid waste prevention activities and strategies, selected among successful experiences undertaken up to now by Member States of the European Union or abroad states. Finally the Italian guidelines on prevention of municipal solid waste prepared by Federambiente are also resulted to be an important source of information (Federambiente, 2010), as well as the Action Plan for Waste Reduction of the Lombardia Region (Regione Lombardia, 2009) and the proposal project of municipal waste management plan of the Piemonte Region (Regione Piemonte, 2009). Municipal solid waste prevention activities that we have recognized to be the most meaningful among those reported by all the mentioned sources are utilised to compile the review reported in table 1.5. As in the ACR+ (2010) report, selected activities are presented by targeted waste flow and, when possible, they are also classified according to Cleary (2010b) criteria by specifying if they would take place through dematerialization or reduced consumption. For completeness also waste diversion activities are reported in the table, highlighting however their actual nature. Public authorities could indeed be interested in Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 71 fostering the implementation of also such kind of measures in order to reduce the amount of waste to be collected and managed through conventional treatments. A last study concerning waste prevention which is worth to be mentioned is the thorough review of evidence on household waste prevention carried out on behalf of Defra, the British Department for Environment and Rural affairs, in order to provide to it an evidence-based platform for the formulation of future policy measures in matter of waste prevention (Defra, 2009; Defra 2011). It is constituted by a series of reports which mainly deal with consumers behaviour (what they voluntarily do at home to prevent waste and why), how retailers and the third sector contribute to reduce the amount of materials entering consumers houses and which policy measures can encourage consumers to rethink their behaviour towards waste reduction. The presentation of their content would however be beyond the scope of this work. Finally we have recognized how a noteworthy initiative aimed at raising public awareness with regard to sustainable waste reduction as well as at promoting changes in production and consumption patterns through the sharing and the diffusion of best practices is represented by the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR, 2011). It has been taking place annually since 2009 with the support of the European Commission in those nations or regions which desire to participate, also outside Europe. The event will be organized up to 2011 72 Table 1.5: Review of the most important municipal solid waste prevention measures and activities on the basis of different sources (ACR+, 2010; European Commission, 2010; Federambiente, 2010; Regione Lombardia, 2009; Regione Piemonte, 2009; Sahlofer et al., 2008) Prevention measures and activities by waste flow Packaging waste Encourage/prefer the use of reusable or returnable/refillable packaging: Classification prefer the purchasing of spine (loose) cleansings and detergents (i.e. for clothes, dishes, floors, hard surfaces) dispensed in reusable containers instead of those packaged in one-way containers. The same concept has been applied in some cases also to milk and wines delivering. In the case of milk the delivering has taken place not only in the great distribution but also from automatic distributors placed in public spaces1, Dematerialization prefer the purchasing of returnable and refillable bottled beverages instead of those packaged in one-way bottles (the needs of the returning trip with empty bottles might involve, in some cases, an increase of the overall impacts of such a system, even if waste reduction is achieved); (At distribution level) prefer the use of reusable crates as transport packaging for fruit and vegetables (such as plastic crates with collapsible side boards) to one-way crates. Promote/prefer drinking of tap water (directly from the network or further purified) instead of bottled water At consumer level: through information campaigns, installation of public fountains in public places (squares, parks, museums), schools, universities, public offices, places of work; developing a local tap water brand and taxation or ban of the use of one-way bottled water. Dematerialization (Alternatively to reusable bags also collapsible reusable cardboard boxes can be utilised in place of single use bags) Dematerialization their use can be promoted through information campaigns in case associated with the free initial distribution of reusable bags, taxing or banning single use bags and offering discounts when clients bring their own shopping bags. continues on next page (1) The example refers to an Italian project which had a broader scope of establishing a system of short chain (filiera corta) with the aim of reducing the number of intermediary subjects between producers and consumers in order to preserve zootechnic factories from extinction. In this case waste prevention is expected to implicitly involve social and economic benefits beyond environmental benefits. Also the case of wine is associated with the willing of establishing a short chain system with the aim of reducing transport distances. (2) HORECA: Hotellerie, Restaurant and Café (or Catering). Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention At HORECA2 level: serving tap water as a standard practice in restaurants, cafes, canteens and so on. Encourage/prefer the use of reusable shopping bags of natural fibres, woven synthetic fibres or thick plastic instead of single use plastic or paper bags At consumer level Prefer supplying and purchasing of bulk (loose) dry food products through direct dispensers such as pasta, rice, legumes, cereals, dry fruits, biscuits, sweets, chocolates, coffee, spices, and in some cases also pet food (self-dispensing of products), rather than individually packaged. Dispensed products are packaged within lightweight (biodegradable) plastic bags. When possible this concept should be applied to all merchandises in general; if purchase bulk products is not possible, prefer those with minimal packaging (i.e. toothpaste tubes without external cardboard box) and/or in concentrated form (i.e. detergents). Dematerialization At producer/distributor level Reduce packaging weight; Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention continues from previous page Avoid the excessive use of packaging work with producers to minimize the packaging used to protect their products as well as empty spaces in packaging, encourage producers to the use of reusable containers for products transportation as well as to reuse or repair pallets. Paper waste Reduce unwanted/unaddressed mail (junk mail) representing advertisement materials delivered to citizens or organizations, through the following activities: Apply a “no junk mail” sticker on mailboxes/doors; Adhere to a free registration Mail Preference Services (if available) to have one’s own name and home address removed from (or added to) the mailing lists utilised by generators advertisement material for its delivering through the service of public mail; Directly contact generators of unwanted advertisement material to have one’ own name and address removed from their mailing lists; Legally allow the delivering of advertisement material only to households/organizations that formally affirm their wish to receive it; Unsubscribe oneself from the service of delivering of any kind of unwanted publication/catalogue in paper format and avoid the subscribing to new mailing lists when compiling forms. Even if junk mails are considered to be unwanted these activities can be assimilated to cases of reduced consumption Information campaigns should not only aimed at encouraging citizens/organizations to apply stickers but also companies which deliver advertising material to respect stickers. Fines could be also foreseen if these last was not respected by generators. continues on next page 73 74 continues from previous page Reduce paper consumptions at home through the following tactics: 1. double side printing and copying; 2. use the blank side of no longer needed single sided printing and copies for notes and memos; 3. print less important documents with smaller characters; 4. substitute fax or paper based communications with digital communications; 5. prefer the use of on line billing and invoicing services. Encourage offices dematerialisation through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): 4-5: dematerialization 1,2,9,10: reduced consumption; Remaining: dematerialization All these measures can be promoted by means of information and awareness rising campaigns addressed to employees. Reduce the use of kitchen paper, tissue paper and bathroom paper towels: replace bathroom paper towels with fabric towels or electric hand-dryers nearby offices, schools/universities, administrations and the HORECA channel; prefer kitchen fabric clothes than kitchen paper; replace multi-fold paper towels with single or double fold paper roll (in both kitchen and bathroom). Dematerialization continues on next page Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 1. double side printing and copying, reduce margins and font size, prefer the use of lower paper weight, fix a maximum amount of paper per employee allowed to be used; 2. eliminate cover sheets when sending faxes and set the fax machine to eliminate confirmation sheets; 3. send digital instead of printed faxes and utilise the revision tool of virtual text editors to make corrections/revision of documents; 4. when possible utilise electronic communication instruments for lists, forms, bulletins, manuals, reports, inventories. Utilise e-mails instead of faxes for announcing meetings and specific communications such as press releases; 5. send preparatory material by e-mails before meetings to avoid printing of physical copies for each participants; encourage the use of personal computers for note-making or make available blank sides of unneeded single side printed sheets for the same purpose. 6. limit the use of paper invoices, transaction registrations and confirmation letters by allowing the use of online ordering modules and secure webbased money transfers through credit card; 7. chose electronic format of reading materials (reports, newspapers, e-mails) when available; 8. store documents in electronic archives using data compression software to save memory; 9. use the blank side of no longer needed single-sided copies to print draft reports/documents. Prefer passing of reports among all the involved readers rather than printing different copies; 10. encourage envelopes reuse by applying removable address labels and requiring the use of reusable envelopes for internal communications. Such envelopes are designed to serve also as return envelope eliminating the need of new envelopes when a reply is required. 1-3: reduced consumption; Organic waste (food and green) Actions against food wastage: at consumer level: improve one’s own purchasing behaviour by avoiding over purchasing, taking into account the real need and the life time of products, perform a correct storage of purchases, prepare right portions and use or freeze leftovers (These behaviours can be also promoted by retailers); at HORECA3/canteens level: serving adequate portions, charge a supplement if food is left in the plate (for buffets) donate not consumed food to social canteens, social supermarkets (markets accessible only to people with low income, where products are sold at a very reduced price)3 or assistance centres for animals (i.e. kennels); Assimilable to reduced consumption at commercial premises: sell firstly food close to “use by” or “best before” dates (in case at reduced prices), donate still edible but no longer sealable food to social canteens, social supermarkets (markets accessible only to people with low income, where products are sold at a very reduced price)4 or assistance centres for animals (i.e. kennels) Beyond these “end-of pipe” measures a primary important factor/problem is associated with adequately manage acquisition and selling of edible food in such a manner to match the offer with the demand by taking into account changes in consumers behaviour. Moreover a proper handling and storage of incoming edible food have to be performed to limit wastage. Green scaping (Green landscaping): use slow growing grasses where possible (the use of these typologies of grasses requires more care during sawing , moreover a preventive analysis of the potential effects of their use on local biodiversity have to be carried out to avoid negative or undesirable interactions); Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention continues from previous page - create “meadow-areas”: a field vegetated primarily by grass is left to grow wild (in parts of certain green areas & in household gardens). Smart gardening: grass cycling: leave grass clippings on the lawn after cutting (when utilising this practice mowing have to be carried out with a quite high frequency in order to avoid the generation of grass bundles which prevent the passage of sunlight and cause an excessive nutrients enrichment of soil which promotes the growing of wild grass species instead of fine grass, damaging the lawn; Waste diversion use grass, woodchips, leaves and compost as mulching material for trees and bushes: mulch beds should not exceed a depth of 7.5 cm and keep about 2.5 cm away from stems and trunks; remove leaves only when necessary, use branches for wattle or walls. continues on next page 75 (3) HORECA: Hotellerie, Restaurant and Café (or Catering). (4) Beyond potential environmental benefits also social benefits are associated with undertaking these prevention activities. 76 continues from previous page Home, community and on-site composting Waste diversion Nappies Utilise reusable nappies and incontinence pads instead of disposable ones; anticipate the time of abandoning of the use of nappy by infants. Waste deriving from the use of one-way crockery Reduction of waste deriving from the use of one-way crockery at canteens and refreshment services in general by: Dematerialization the first and reduced consumption the second Dematerialization substituting one-way plastic crockery with reusable ones (ceramic or plastic dishes, glass or plastic cups, metallic or plastic cutlery). Waste from big events Reduce waste from big events such ad exhibitions, sporting events, fairs or folk festivals by: substituting one way plastic or paper dishes with reusable dishes made of ceramic or plastic; substituting plastic cutlery and cups with reusable ones. Dematerialization An alternative qualitative prevention could be achieved by utilising PLA (polylactic acid) biodegradable crockery, especially in those areas where the utilisation of reusable crockery would be difficult due to a lack of infrastructures or other reasons. PLA should be involved in less impacting end of life treatments. continues on next page Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention Washing of crockery can be carried out on site (at each stand or central station) or at an off site facilities. To encourage customers to returns crockery, they have to be requested to pay an initial deposit which will be refunded at the moment of returning. Implementing of such activities could be promoted by regulatory instruments (i.e. general legal prohibition on the use of one way crockery) or collaborative agreements (i.e. the license for the event is released only after that the organized have assured the willing of utilising only reusable crockery). Textiles, furniture, WEEE Promote clothes and other textiles prevention: donate clothes and other textiles to charities and reuse centres; sell/buy clothes and other textiles in second hand markets; rent, lend and exchange clothes not frequently used instead of buying them (i.e. wedding dresses); repair or transform clothes and other textiles, changing their use destinations; Assimilable to reduced consumption Repairing and transforming skills can be promoted for instance by establishing cooperation agreements between primary and secondary schools and the elderly or by performing training laboratories. Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention continues from previous page Promote furniture prevention: exchange of furniture between households, schools and offices; sell/buy furniture in second hand markets; donate furniture to others (households, charities or reuse centres and other originations); organise private sales of furniture supported by local authorities; repair furniture. Assimilable to reduced consumption Promote WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment) prevention: exchange of EEE between households school and offices; selling EEE through specialized internet sites or newspaper; donate EEE to others households, charities or reuse centres and other organizations, where they can be reused directly or repaired/upgraded for further reuse; organise private sales of EEE supported by local authorities; repair EEE. Assimilable to reduced consumption 77 78 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 1.4 Waste prevention and life cycle thinking The Waste Framework Directive states that when the waste hierarchy is applied, waste management options have to be chosen in such a manner to achieve the best overall environmental outcome. Therefore specific waste flows may be requested not to follow the hierarchy of options if a life cycle perspective, which takes into account the whole life cycle of resources, justifies it by demonstrating that an overall lower potential environmental impact is so achieved. However from the already mentioned European Commission study (European Commission DG Environment, 2010) it emerges that according to some stakeholders the priority of waste prevention should not to be subordinated to life cycle assessment studies, which are instead considered to be complementary to the waste hierarchy and that should be used only where and when they add values and not in order to delay or dilute prevention activities. In our view this position is agreeable only in the case in which, according to Cleary’s (2010b) classification of prevention activities (paragraph 1.2), waste prevention is achieved through reduced consumption or through activities assimilable to this concept. Indeed, in this case, all the impacts of all possible upstream and downstream activities associated with the life cycle of a certain resource are potentially avoided. On the contrary when prevention takes place through dematerialization activities, a life cycle perspective should be employed to evaluate if an actual overall decrease of the environmental impacts associated with their implementation takes place. In particular this is recommended by the European Commission study (European Commission DG Environment, 2010), when prevention is going to be achieved by substituting one way with reusable bottles because, as different literature studies demonstrate, the influence of several factors does not allow to obtain outcomes of general validity. Another example is represented by the study of Aumônier and Collins (2005) which have performed a life cycle assessment comparison between the utilisation of reusable and disposable nappies in the United Kingdom. In particular from the study it seems to emerge how the environmental performances of reusable nappies are dependent by their washing conditions and by the utilisation or less of a mechanical drier. When efficient washing conditions are utilised (medium temperatures, washing together with other items) and natural drying is performed, reusable nappies appear to be preferable to disposable ones. On the contrary when they are washed through inefficient conditions (washed alone at high 79 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention temperatures) and a mechanical drier is utilised, they performances appear to be worse than disposable diapers. In this case it is clear how reduction of waste generation would be not associated with a reduction of the environmental impacts of the whole life cycle of nappies, how is on the contrary requested by the Waste Framework Directive. Further details with regard to the importance of employing a life cycle perspective when evaluating waste (resource) management options will be given in chapter 2. 1.5. Consumption patterns of drinking water in Italy As anticipated in the introduction, one of the objectives of this work is the analysis of the activities that could be in case undertaken to reduce the amount of waste generated from the consumption of drinking water. This particular choice is justified since it is recognized how the Italian country has been characterized for years by the highest per capita consumptions of bottled water at European level and, in 2008, it was at the third place in the world (Bevitalia, 2009, Martinelli, 2010). With the only exceptions of the last two years for which data are available, they have been indeed continuously increasing since 1980, as showed in figure 1.3. litres/inhabitant/year 200 188 191 193 192 189 2005 2006 2010 2007 2015 2020 2008 2009 2025 167 150 138 100 50 110 65 47 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Year Figure 1.3: Evolution of per capita consumptions of bottled water in Italy3 (Elaboration on data from Bevitalia (2009)) The slight decrease registered for the last two years appears to be ascribable to diverse and simultaneous factors such as the meteorological conditions, the unfavourable general 3 The data include only consumptions of mineral and spring waters while packaged waters intended for human consumption are instead excluded. 80 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention economic situation that can induce consumers towards more cautious purchasing behaviour, and the increasing diffusion of campaigns in favour of the use of tap water. Despite the mentioned decrease Italy remains however the leader among the European countries even if it must be noticed how, with respect to these lasts, in view of higher consumptions of bottled water, lower consumptions of other packaged soft drinks are instead registered. Therefore it seems that the high consumptions of bottled water in Italy penalise consumptions of other packaged soft drinks rather than those of tap water (Bevitalia, 2009). Table 1.6 furthermore allows to recognize how the major part of these high consumptions (around 79%) takes place through the utilisation of water packaged in polyethylene terephtalate (PET) one-way bottles, which represents an highly wasteful practice. In particular 73% of the overall volume is consumed in big format bottles (1.5 and 2 litres) which are estimated to be mainly employed at domestic level. The use of glass bottles represents instead the only 18% of the overall consumptions and is estimated to be mainly associated to the HORECA4 channel (either in one way or refillable form) and, in minor part, to the domestic door-to-door delivering channel (generally in refillable form) (Bevitalia, 2009). Table 1.6: Consumptions of bottled water per typology of packaging in Italy for the year 20085 (Elaboration on data from Bevitalia (2009)) Typology of packaging Millions litres litres/inhab/y PET1 bottles – 2 litres 576.4 9.7 PET bottles – 1.5 litres 7,833.6 131.9 PET bottles – single serve (≤ 0.5 litres) 690 11.6 PET bottles - total 9,100 153.2 Glass bottles 2,070 34.9 PC2 and PET jugs, bio-bottles, brick 350 5.9 Total 11,520 194.0 (1) PET: Polyethylene terephtalate (2) PC: Polycarbonate % 5 68 6 79 18 3 100 Leaving aside personal tastes, the reasons of such a massive consumption of bottled (mineral) water seems to be associated, at a first instance, with the persistent advertising aimed at persuading consumers that drinking mineral water is the best option (Temporelli and Cassinelli, 2005; Martinelli, 2010). Through a more comprehensive look it is also possible to recognize how another factor could be represented by the lack of confidence towards the 4 HORECA: Hotellerie, Restaurants and Cafés (or Catering) The data include all packaged waters: mineral and spring waters as well as waters intended for human consumption. 5 81 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention quality of tap water. Last available data (ISTAT, 2010b) reveal indeed that, on average, 32.2% of the Italian citizens do not rely on drinking tap water. Despite this value has reduced with respect to past years (it amounted to 44.7% in 2000 and to 35.8% in 2005), meaning that people are changing their attitude towards such a practice, it appears to be still significant. From a further statistical survey reported by Temporelli and Cassinelli (2005), which has analyzed the reasons that induce consumers to prefer drinking of mineral water with respect to tap water (figure 1.4), it emerges that, though being present for 36.5% the fear of its pollution, the major reason that induce consumers not to drink tap water is its unpleasant taste (46.4%). Unpleasant taste 46.4 36.5 Fear of pollution Other 8.7 Habit 2.6 Water scarcity 2.3 Health reasons 1.9 Water too much heavy 1 Prefer sparkling water 0.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 % Figure 1.4: Results of a statistical survey on the reasons that induce consumers to prefer drinking of mineral water with respect to tap water (Adapted from Temporelli and Cassinelli, 2005) Unpleasant taste and smell of water are mainly caused by the use, during its purification, of chlorine based disinfectant, which are generally also dosed before the introduction of water into the distribution network to ensure persistence of the respective bactericidal action. Moreover the general organoleptic characteristics of water can be subject to worsening during its permanence within the distribution network itself which, because of its general poor level of maintenance, could favour water contamination by allowing the infiltration of soil particles or for the detaching of calcareous deposits. However, if the reasons concerning the poor organoleptic characteristics of tap water are comprehensible when adduced to justify the preference of drinking bottled (mineral) water, not as much comprehensible are the lack of confidence in drinking tap water or the fear that it can be polluted, questioning therefore its drinkability. 82 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention Drinkability of tap water (intended as microbiological purity and absence of harmful substances) has indeed to be assured by law, which at Italian level is represented by the Legislative Decree 31/2001, then integrated by the Legislative Decree 27/2002, that implements the European Directive 98/83/EC concerning the quality of waters intended for human consumption, whether they are supplied from a distribution network or in any typology of bottles/containers. In particular the Decree establishes that waters intended for human consumption have to be wholesome and clean and to this end they have to be free from any microorganism and parasite and from any substance in number or concentration able to constitute a potential danger to human health. Moreover they have to respect minimum requirements on: 2 microbiological parameters (5 if water is offered for sale in bottles or containers); 28 chemical parameters concerning undesirable and toxic elements; 21 indicator parameters concerning characterizing elements; and 2 radioactivity parameters. In the case of water supplied from a distribution network these parameters have to be respected at the point at which they emerges from taps that are normally used for human consumption. The Decree also establishes that either internal or external monitoring have to be performed to verify that water intended for human consumption actually respects the above mentioned parameters. The former are carried out by the managers of the integrated water service while the latter by the local health corporations. On these bases it is therefore possible to recognize that public network water can be considered safe, reliable, wholesome and clean, just because its content of microorganism and of harmful substances has to be rigorously monitored (Temporelli and Cassinelli, 2005). The fact however remains that in some localities the unpleasant organoleptic characteristics of the supplied water actually represent a not negligible problem which can discourage consumers from drinking tap water. In these cases an attempt that could be carried out for the improvement of such characteristics could consist in the utilisation of proper equipments aimed at refining water quality at domestic level by removing unpleasant taste and smell and that also act as an active barrier against possible residual traces of pollutants. They are commonly named as domestic depurators even if, rigorously, the Ministerial Decree 443/90, which establishes the requirements that such typologies of equipments have to comply with, forbids to promote or to commercialize them by employing this terminology since they can Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention 83 only deal with already drinkable water. For short, in this study, they will be however indicated as domestic depurators (or domestic purifiers). Several typologies of equipments are available which, according to the mentioned decree, are mainly represented by ion exchange softeners, reverse osmosis systems, mechanical filters, activated carbon filters and composite structure filters. These techniques are individually applied or combined together in a unique device. One exception is represented by activated carbon filters which the decree does not allow to utilise alone because of the documented risks of bacterial proliferation and of uncontrolled release of micro-pollutants. For this reason they are required to be integrated with other devices able to eliminate such drawbacks. It must be finally underlined that the utilisation of these appliances is characterized by some critical factors (Temporelli and Cassinelli, 2005). First of all the typology of equipment to be employed is often chosen without taking into account the actual characteristics of the water it will have to deal with and therefore the parameters that need to be modified, involving the risk to subject water to excessive or unneeded treatments. An example is represented by the utilisation of systems based on reverse osmosis which can produce an excessively demineralised water (with an almost void salt content), that becomes in this way unsuitable for human consumption. A last important aspect is represented by the periodical maintenance of the various components of the systems, which has to be correctly carried out in order to avoid the opposite effect of worsen water quality. In particular, according to the already mentioned risk of bacterial proliferation and uncontrolled release of pollutants, the respect of the right substitution frequency of activated carbon and composite filters results to be of essential importance. 84 Chapter 1. Background on waste prevention CHAPTER 2 LCA AND WASTE PREVENTION 2.1 Introduction to LCA Life cycle assessment (LCA) is included in that group of methodological instruments developed during last years to support the sustainable development of activities through a preventive approach (Masoni, 2002). It can be considered the evolution of the energetic analysis developed in the USA at the end of the sixties, when some big industries began to address their interest towards resources saving and reduction of the emissions into the environment (Baldo et al., 2008). From that moment, the level of harmonization and standardization of the methodology has been improved during the years leading to the development of international standards by ISO (International Standard Organization) which are at the moment represented by the standards ISO 14040 (ISO 2006a) and ISO 14044 (ISO 2006b). According to these lasts, LCA is a tool developed to quantify and analyze the inputs, the outputs and the associated potential environmental impacts of products or services throughout their whole life cycle. This encompasses resources extraction and preparation of raw materials, products manufacturing, their use and their end of life, being it recycling or disposal. This holistic approach is usually indicate as a from cradle to grave approach and it is useful to prevent problems shifting from one life cycle stage to another. All the process units involved in the life cycle of products and services are generally indicated with the term product systems while inputs and outputs from these process units are termed environmental burdens (Guinée, 2002; Clift et al., 2000). An LCA study is generally composed by four major stages which have not to be intended as strictly separated but rather as part of an iterative process in which the outcomes of a specific stage can imply a review of the previous ones, as shown in figure 2.1 (ISO, 2006a; ISO 2006b; Guinée, 2002). 86 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention Goal and scope definition Inventory analysis Interpretation Impact assessment Figure 2.1: Stages of a life cycle assessment (ISO, 2006a) 1. Goal and scope definition: it is the stage in which the reasons for carrying out the study, its intended application and intended audience are firstly declared (goal definition). During scope definition a description of the product system to be studied and of its function is instead provided, the system boundaries and the functional unit are defined, as well as the impact categories to be considered and the impact assessment methodology that will be used. In this stage also data sources, assumptions and possible limitations are indicated. To define system boundaries means specify which life cycle stages, process units and flows of the product system to be studied will be considered in the analysis. The criteria at the basis of the choice of system boundaries have to be manifested and justified. The functional unit is a quantitative measure of the primary function(s) performed by the product system under study which constitute a basis to which relate the inputs and the outputs of the process units considered in the system boundaries. Practically the functional unit indicates “how much” of the primary function(s) fulfilled by a product system will be considered in the study (Guinée, 2002). It also represents the common basis upon which different systems performing the same function(s) can be compared. Only the comparison among functionally equivalent systems is indeed allowed. Strictly related to the functional unit is the reference flow which is a measure of the outputs from the given product system, required to fulfil the function expressed by the functional unit. Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention 87 2. Life cycle inventory analysis (LCI): in this stage all the inputs and the outputs of the process units within the system boundaries of the product system(s) to be studied are identified and quantified with respect to the reference flow of the functional unit. Major inputs concern energy and raw materials while major outputs are represented by airborne emission, waterborne discharges, soil releases and waste flows. According to the data and the information that have been possible to collect during the inventory stage, some aspects of the scope already defined, especially system boundaries, may have to be modified. This aspect is one of those which give to LCA an iterative character. 3. Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA): this stage aims at associate the outcomes of the inventory to environmental impacts potentially caused by the investigated product system. It is composed by six elements the first three of which are mandatory while the remaining are optional: selection of impact categories, category indicators and characterization models (mandatory); classification (mandatory): the quantitative results of the inventory analysis (which actually means resource consumptions and emissions), are assigned to the various impact categories before selected as a function of the impact that they are expected to generate on the environment; characterization (mandatory): involve the conversion of the inventory results assigned to a specific impact category during classification in a common unit and their subsequent aggregation, within the same impact category, through the use of characterization factors. In this way a single numerical indicator which quantifies the potential impact is obtained. normalization (optional): the impact indicators before calculated are converted in terms of a common reference unit with the aim to better understand the relative importance and magnitude of these indicators for the product system(s) under study. grouping (optional): impact categories (normalized or not) are aggregated into homogeneous groups, for instance sorted according to the spatial scale they are 88 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention involved in (global, regional and local) or ranked in a given hierarchy, such as high, medium and low priority on the basis of different criteria. weighting: a weighting factor is assigned to each impact indicator on the basis of its relative importance in order to obtain a unique weighted index representative of the overall impact of the examined product system(s). The last three steps are considered as optional by ISO standards because are interested by subjective choices which could lead to more uncertain and debatable results. 4. Life cycle interpretation: in this stage the results obtained during the inventory phase are presented and analyzed in view of the goal and the scope of the assessment. It is also possible to provide suggestions for the improvement of the investigated product system by evaluating which life cycle stages or process units give the most important contribution to the calculated impacts. If different product systems are compared, the best option is, if possible, identified, always keeping in mind that all the results must be read in view of the assumptions and the limitations made in carrying out the study. Performing a sensitivity analysis of the parameters associated with the most important assumptions or affected by greater uncertainty is a useful tool to asses the robustness of the results. 2.2 LCA applied to integrated solid waste management systems As just said besides to products and manufacturing processes, life cycle assessment can be also applied to services, as the one represented by solid waste management, which is generally referred to as integrated solid waste management system. Several examples of practical applications of this tool aimed at the identification of the best environmental performing waste management option for a given geographical reality are available in the literature, such as Buttol et. al. (2007) for the district of Bologna or Arena et al. (2003) for the Campania Region just to cite some. Cleary (2009) has also performed a comparative analysis of the most important reviewed LCA studies applied to integrated waste management systems. The use of LCA for this purpose stems from the consideration that the validity of the hierarchy of conventional waste treatment options pointed out by the European legislation Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention 89 (paragraph 1.1) should be evaluated case by case and not to be seen as a rigid prescription, because the environmental performances of a waste management scheme are function of geographic, economic, social and technological factors. A waste treatment option that is lower down in the hierarchy could be therefore preferred to an option that is higher up if it causes lower environmental impacts in a specific situation (Buttol et al., 2007). For instance, the waste hierarchy is of little use when different options are used in combination and can not account for the wide variety of specific local situations. The best waste management option is indeed not universal but have to be identified on regional basis as a function of the actual waste composition, of the actual availability of waste treatment options with the respective level of technology, as well as of the market size for products derived from the waste management itself in that specific context (White et al, 1995). There are however some fundamental differences between waste management and product LCA that mainly regard functional unit and system boundaries (White et al., 1995; Finnveden, 1999), which will be now briefly described because they also represent two important issues for the present work. With regard to the functional unit, in product LCAs it is generally expressed in reference to the output from the investigated product system. These studies aim at the optimisation of the environmental performances of a specific product life cycle by identifying its critical points. The comparison among different product systems which provide, in different manner, the same function, in order to identify the most environmentally friendly, could be a goal as well. The function of a waste management system is instead to deal with the waste of a certain area and therefore the functional unit is defined in terms of the input to the system itself, for instance as the management of the waste generated in the geographical area under study. The goal of such studies is generally the comparison of the environmental performances of different options to handle the waste generated in a given area (White et al., 1995). Often the functional unit is more specifically defined on a mass basis as, for instance, the management of 1 tonne or of 1 kg of waste with a given composition representative of the investigated geographical area (Ekvall et al., 2007). As far as system boundaries are concerned, ISO standards (ISO, 2006a; 2006b) state that these have to be established in such a manner that their inputs and outputs are elementary flows. This means that inputs should be energy or material flows drawn from the environment 90 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention without any previous human transformation and outputs should be energy or material flows released into the environment without any further human transformation. In other words, inputs and outputs to and from the system should be followed from the “cradle” to the “grave”. This approach is the one generally employed within products LCA unless a deviation is otherwise justified. Conversely, this is instead typically not done in LCA of waste management systems, for which the inputs are waste themselves. This is however still consistent with the LCA methodology if the same amount of waste enters the boundaries of all the systems to be compared, because this assures that all life cycle stages upstream the moment in which a product becomes waste can be considered as common among the systems investigated. They can be therefore excluded from the analysis without affecting the differential comparison of the performances of such systems. Being generally the functional unit of these assessments the management of a given amount of waste with a given composition, which remain the same for all the management options to be compared, the described approach is that usually followed. This approach is generally termed as the zero burdens assumption because the waste does not bring any burdens of its previous life cycle into the waste management system (Ekvall et al., 2007; White et al., 1995; Finnveden, 1999). This reduction of system boundaries simplifies the assessment and allows it to focalise on the sole waste treatments (Cleary, 2010b). The grave of the waste life cycle is instead generally the same for both product and waste management LCA that is when materials cease to be waste, by becoming an emission to air or water, an inert material in landfill, or by becoming a useful product by means of a recovery process (Coleman et al., 2003). The same authors also define waste management oriented LCA as an horizontal approach because it includes the end of life stage of all products, while product oriented LCA is defined as a vertical approach because considers the whole life cycle of a product. They however overlap for the part of the life cycle that the specific product spends in the waste management system (figure 2.2). 91 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention Product systems Life cycle stages 1 2 3 n Raw material extraction Manufacturing Distribution System boundaries for traditional product oriented LCA (vertical approach) Use Waste management System boundaries for traditional waste management oriented LCA (horizontal approach) Figure 2.2: Illustration of the difference between system boundaries of product oriented LCA (vertical approach) and waste management oriented LCA (horizontal approach) and their interaction (Adapted from Coleman et al., 2003) When dealing with recycling or energy recovery, the multifunctionality of these processes remains however an issue that have to be addressed, for instance, by expanding system boundaries and avoiding in this way the needs of burdens allocation. This generally consists in crediting to the recycling processes the avoided burdens associated with the virgin production of the same material, or to the energy recovery processes the avoided generation of energy from traditional sources. This technique is usually indicated as the avoided burden approach (Frischknecht et al., 2007). 2.3 LCA and waste prevention As anticipated one of the goals of this work concerns understanding how it would be possible to evaluate waste prevention activities in a life cycle perspective and, in particular within LCA applied to integrated solid waste management systems. Pointing out waste prevention as the most favourable waste management option is indeed agreeable, nonetheless the actual environmental sustainability of a preventive measure should be always evaluated by 92 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention employing a life cycle perspective. This allows to go beyond the simple reduction of waste which alone does not automatically imply to achieve sustainability. It is firstly worth to notice that Coleman et al. (2003) claim that a waste management oriented LCA (the horizontal approach) cannot be used to identify how and where waste prevention can best be achieved because it assumes the waste as given (according to the zero burdens assumption), while prevention takes place prior to waste generation. Such analyses could at most assess the consequences of changes in waste composition on the waste management system, which may arise from waste prevention activities. According to the same authors there are two requirements for a more sustainable solid waste management that is the generation of less waste in the first instance, and the subsequent environmentally effective management of the wastes that are still produced. In this framework, product oriented LCA (the vertical approach) should be used by product designers and manufacturers to optimise a specific product life cycle within a given infrastructures system and would be the right tool to identify where it is possible to achieve waste prevention within that product life cycle or to identify how it can best be achieved, by comparing different alternative product systems. On the contrary waste management oriented LCA would be aimed at optimising the infrastructures system to manage a given amount of waste with a given composition by waste planners, once that prevention is achieved. It seems therefore that according to these considerations, waste management oriented LCA should not deal with scenarios handling different amount of waste. Also Cleary (2010b) recognizes the meaningful role of product oriented life cycle assessment in determining the net environmental performances of waste prevention activities, when utilised to estimate the difference in terms of environmental impacts among different product systems one generating less waste than the other, for the same amount of functional output supplied. The best performing product system can be therefore identified through such an approach and it is possible to evaluate if waste reduction involved by a given product system is actually associated with environmental sustainability which, we remember, it is not automatically implied to be achieved for the sole fact that less waste is generated. All these considerations are of course reasonable and still valid but obviously refer to waste management oriented LCA how it was originally conceived. On the contrary we have recognized the potential importance of the availability for waste managers of a unique tool capable to evaluate the validity of a waste management scheme which, besides the traditional management options, includes prevention activities. This in particular in view of the fact that Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention 93 the last Waste framework Directive 2008/98 EC (European Parliament and Council, 2008), on the basis of the indications provided by the Thematic Strategy on Waste Prevention and Recycling (Commission of the European Communities, 2005), urges Member States to establish waste prevention programmes which can also be integrated within waste management plans, and that suggests the use of an approach which takes into account the whole life cycle of products and materials and not only the waste phase. Moreover also Gheewala (2009), when discussing research opportunities associated with traditional waste management oriented life cycle assessment, suggests, among the others, the issue concerning the possibility of including waste prevention activities in such analysis. Employing such an approach would allow to compare waste management scenarios in which waste prevention policies are implemented with respect to others in which this has not be done, to evaluate with respect to which reference scenario waste prevention would results to be more beneficial in terms of impact reduction, or the combined effect of implementing prevention activities together with alternative waste management options (such as increasing or decreasing separated collection). Cleary (2010b) also highlights the possibility that such an approach would give to evaluate the potential effects of preventing a given typology of waste on the whole waste management system or rather, also on waste flows not targeted for prevention. This would be the case, for instance, of some problematic materials such as polylactic acid, that is known to potentially create, in absence of adequate sorting devices, contamination problems of other plastic materials, potentially decreasing the recovery efficiency of the respective recycling process and therefore the benefits associated with these practices. This could not instead be done through a product oriented life cycle assessment. In the present study a research was therefore carried out about which methodological aspects of traditional life cycle assessment applied to solid waste management systems should be adjusted to account for prevention activities and to evaluate if conceptual LCA models aimed a this purpose were already available in the literature. Two LCA models will be finally also proposed within this study. 2.3.1 Adjustments to traditional waste management oriented LCA and literature models review An important contribution concerning the major limitations associated with traditional waste management oriented life cycle assessment is given by Ekvall et al. (2007) which regarding 94 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention waste prevention recognizes in first instance how a constant mass based functional unit (i.e. the management of 1 tonne or of 1 kg of waste with a given composition) would explicitly not allow the comparison among different systems (or scenarios) dealing with different amounts of waste generated, as those that include prevention activities. Moreover, the comparison of different systems characterized by a different numerical based functional unit, i.e. the management of 1 tonne of waste against the management of 800 kg of waste achieved through waste prevention, would not be allowed because they would be subject to different functional units, thus violating the requirement of the ISO standards (ISO 2006a, 2006b) which establish that systems to be compared must be based on the same functional unit (Cleary, 2010b). The authors suggest therefore an amendment consisting in the utilisation of a not constant mass based functional unit such as “the management of the annual quantity of waste generated in a geographical area”. A consequence of this choice is however that the zero burdens assumption is (in general) no longer valid because different waste quantities are generated under different scenarios. The authors conclude thus demanding if studies dealing with different waste quantities would include the burdens associated with the production of all the materials that eventually become waste. Our answer to this claim will be that it is not necessary because, other than impracticable, it would be misleading. Only a partial integration of the horizontal and the vertical approaches of figure 2.2 will be instead proposed (see paragraph and It must be however underlined that if systems dealing with different amount of waste are compared by adopting the above proposed functional unit, without including at least those upstream activities which differ among the different systems, the impacts of the system generating less waste are overestimated compared to the others (Finnveden, 1999). Other than overestimated, these impacts could be even worse with respect to those of a more waste generating system if the avoided burden approach is employed to tackle the problem of the multifunctionality of recycling or energy recovery processes. This approach could indeed potentially lead to obtain negative values of the impact indicators such as, for instance, in Rigamonti et al. (2009), and a reduction of the amount of waste to be treated would actually translates in lower environmental benefits, which would be a paradoxical conclusion. Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention 95 The WasteMAP LCA model One first very recently proposed model addressing the issue of the integration of waste prevention activities in waste management oriented LCA is found in the literature: the WasteMAP (Waste Management and Prevention) LCA model proposed by Cleary (2010b). It is conceptually quite complicated and will be now briefly described. This model is an hybridisation of both traditional product and waste management oriented LCA and is mainly conceived to deal with prevention activities which take place through dematerialization. As described in paragraph 1.2, these activities consist in substituting the service provided by a certain product system (here the target product system - TPS) with that provided by a less waste generating one (here the alternative product system - APS6), without affecting the amount of service provided to the consumers. The WasteMAP LCA model, just on this basis, considers indeed waste prevention activities which involve dematerialization as functionally equivalent to the other traditional waste treatment options. Always on the same basis, the functional equivalence of preventive and not preventive scenarios is also ensured. Without this equivalence, at least rigorously, they could not otherwise be compared. This functional equivalence is assured by the introduction of a secondary functional unit as will be better explained in this paragraph. Prevention activities involving reduced consumption are instead not considered functionally equivalent with conventional waste treatments because a waste treatment does not affect the magnitude of the service supplied to the population. The respective preventive scenarios cannot therefore be considered functionally equivalent to a reference one and it is not possible to define a secondary functional unit. Direct consequence of the functional equivalence is that the amount of (potentially generated) waste managed through prevention activities added to that managed through conventional treatments is therefore considered to be the same for all the scenarios to be compared. Functional units The model is based upon two functional units: a primary functional unit (PFU) and a secondary functional unit. The primary functional unit ensures that a fixed amount of (potentially generated) waste is managed under each scenario and is defined as: “the amount (mass or volume) of material addressed by the municipal solid waste management system on an annual basis”. 6 Originally named as Alternate Product System by the author. 96 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention In our opinion a more proper reformulation could be for instance: “the management of the annual amount of waste potentially produced in a given geographical area (or by one its inhabitant)”, definition that will be employed in the practical application of chapter 3. The primary functional unit is the same for all the compared scenarios and is equal to the sum of an upstream primary functional unit (UPFU) and a downstream primary functional unit (DPFU). The UPFU is defined as “the net amount of material left out of the waste management system due to waste prevention activities” while the DPFU “tracks the amount of municipal solid waste collected and treated under each scenario”. This subdivision seems to be quite unclear and apparently not useful but it is required because the model is actually a composition of different LCAs as will be better detailed during its practical application (chapter 3). The secondary functional unit instead aims at guaranteeing the functional equivalence of scenarios to be compared assuring that the same level of services is supplied to the citizens of the region under study by both the target product system and the alternative product system. For instance, the secondary functional unit could quantify the amount of drinking water that have to be supplied to the citizens of the region under study for one year: this has to be the same for each examined scenario, independently from the product system considered to deliver the service (i.e. bottled water or tap water). System boundaries Being the WasteMAP LCA an hybrid model of waste management and product oriented LCA, also its system boundaries own characteristics drawn from both these typologies of analysis, as showed in figure 2.3 in reference to a scenario in which one prevention activity is undertaken. In particular, the traditional system boundaries of waste management oriented life cycle assessment, which encompass all the conventional process units of the end of life stage of all the waste streams entering the waste management system itself (collection, possible sorting, recycling, biological and thermal treatments and landfilling) represent the downstream components of the system boundaries of the whole system. These traditional boundaries are then partially expanded in order to include the upstream life cycle processes (raw material extraction and preparation, product manufacturing, distribution and use) of those product systems affected by waste prevention activities: the target product system(s) and the alternative product system(s). The typology or magnitude of these processes indeed vary Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention 97 among the scenarios to be compared and they have therefore to be included in the system boundaries, even if the same amount of potentially generated waste is managed in all scenarios. The zero burdens assumption is instead maintained for those product systems unaffected by waste prevention. The different widths through which the target product system and the alternative product system are depicted in figure 2.3 represents the implicit requirement that the amount of waste removed from the waste management system must be greater than the amount added to it. One sophistry is that the expansion of traditionally adopted upstream system boundaries performed by the WasteMAP LCA model seems also to be justifiable by the fact that the compared systems are multifunctional: both the functions of managing (potentially) generated waste and of supplying the service of the systems affected by waste prevention are instead performed. This multifunctionality can be dealt with, for instance, through system boundaries expansion, as in the case of the WasteMAP LCA. In particular the avoided burdens approach is adopted, as will be better detailed in the rest of the paragraph. Figure 2.3: Representation of the system boundaries considered by the WasteMAP LCA model for a waste prevention scenario including one prevention activities taking place through dematerialization (Adapted from Cleary (2010b)) 98 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention Burdens/impacts calculation The WasteMAP LCA model foresees two typologies of procedures to calculate environmental burdens or impacts associated with a preventive scenario according to the fact that the implementation of prevention activities has also effects on the treatments of the wastes remaining in the system or not. This is for example the already mentioned case of preventing the generation of problematic materials such as polylactic acid which should bear some benefits to the recycling process of the other conventional plastic wastes. We report here the case in which the treatments of the waste remaining in the system is affected by prevention activities, that has however a general validity and can be applied for both possible cases. Moreover the number of calculations that should be carried out with both the methods appears of the same magnitude and it seems therefore that no specific advantages are associated with choosing a method rather than the other. First of all, the environmental burdens/impacts of a baseline scenario (BLS) in which no waste prevention activities are undertaken, can be calculated through a traditional waste management oriented LCA of a reference waste management system (REF WMS7) which deals with the whole amount of potentially generated waste through conventional treatments. For the system is therefore valid the relation PFU=DPFU since UPFU=0. The burdens/impacts of a preventive scenario (WPS8) implementing n prevention activities can be instead calculated through the equation 2.1: n WPS DOWN WMS UpTPSWPA WPA 1 n UpAPS WPA (2.1) WPA 1 where: WPS represents a generic environmental burden/impact of a waste prevention scenario; DOWN WMS9 represents a generic burden/impact of the waste management system that treats the residual amount of waste that still have to be managed after the implementation of n waste prevention activities. These can be calculated through a traditional waste management oriented LCA which practically utilises the DPFU as 7 Originally indicated only as REF by the author. Originally indicated as WMP by the author. 9 Originally indicated only as DOWN by the auhor. 8 99 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention functional unit. This aspect is not so well defined within the original paper of Cleary, but was clarified thanks to a personal communication with the author (Cleary, 2010a); UpTPSWPA represents a generic burden/impact of the upstream life cycles of the target product system(s) which can be calculated by conducting a product oriented LCA that utilises as functional unit the secondary functional unit; UpAPSWPA represents a generic burden/impact of the upstream life cycles of the alternative product system(s) which can be calculated with the same procedure of that pertaining to the target product system. On the basis of this equation appears to be clear how to define the burdens/impacts of a preventive scenario, three separate analyses have actually to be carried out. It also emerges the fact that the avoided burdens approach is employed to deal with the systems multifunctionality. In particular, the burdens associated with the secondary function of supplying a service through the alternative product system are charged to the preventive scenario while those associated with the no longer need of supplying the same service through the targeted product system are discounted to the same scenario. These burdens were instead not considered within the baseline scenario which in this way is made comparable with the preventing one. Figure 3.4 graphically clarifies which scenarios are intended to be compared, which systems are involved and how the respective impacts have to be calculated. WasteMAP LCA (avoided burden approach) BASELINE SCENARIO REF WMS WASTE PREVENTION SCENARIO VS n DOWN WMS - UpTPS i 1 n i + UpAPS i i 1 Figure 2.4: Scenarios to be compared when utilising the avoided burden approach version of the WasteMAP LCA model: sub-systems included and procedure for the calculation of the respective impacts Cleary also briefly suggests that instead of the avoided burden approach also the cut-off approach could be employed. This would translate in assigning the burdens of the upstream life cycle processes of the target product system(s) to the not preventive waste management system, instead of subtract them from the preventive waste management system. In this way the baseline and the preventive scenarios could be analysed separately. It is possible to recognize that the burdens/impacts of a baseline scenario should therefore be calculated as: 100 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention n BLS REF WMS UpTPS (2.2) WPA WPA 1 while those of a preventive scenario should instead be calculated as: n WPS DOWN WMS UpAPS (2.3) WPA WPA 1 It appears however to be clear how the results of the differential comparison between a baseline and a preventive scenario would remain the same with both the approaches. Figure 3.4 graphically clarifies which scenarios are intended to be compared, which systems are involved and how the respective impacts have to be calculated. WasteMAP LCA (cut-off approach) BASELINE SCENARIO WASTE PREVENTION SCENARIO VS n REF WMS + UpTPS i n DOWN WMS i 1 + UpAPS i i 1 Figure 2.5: Scenarios to be compared when utilising the cut-off approach version of the WasteMAP LCA model: sub-systems included and procedure for the calculation of the respective impacts It seems finally to emerge from the paper of Cleary that the WasteMAP LCA model could also deal with waste prevention activities taking place through reduced consumptions but in these cases preventive scenarios and baseline scenarios cannot be considered as functionally equivalent and their comparison would not be rigorously allowed. In these cases the analysis should be carried out without the definition of the secondary functional unit and by not including the impacts of any alternative product systems. There is however a case in which scenarios implementing prevention activities involving reduced consumptions can be compared without the need to define a secondary functional unit to ensure their functional equivalence, that is the case in which the target product system supplies a service which is considered unwanted by certain citizens such as those provided by the delivering of unaddressed advertising material (junk mail). Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention 101 From a theoretical point of view the WasteMAP LCA model seems to be relatively complex and this is probably due to the fact that the author aimed at proposing a model strongly consistent with ISO standards. Anyway its practical applicability will be investigated in chapter 3. A last consideration can be done concerning the difficulties potentially involved in the definition of the secondary functional unit, which could be a not so simple task for all the typologies of prevention activities. First proposal of a model: the Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (ISWPM) Once recognized the complexity of the WasteMAP LCA model we have tried to carry out some first adjustments to it in order to simplify its applicability. This also on the basis of the work of Gallo (2009) in which an approach to deal with waste prevention activities within the framework of waste management oriented LCA is proposed. In this work the author always considers waste prevention as part of the service provided by the waste management system, in which it can or cannot be included. The functional unit assumed is: “the integrated management of the annual amount of waste produced by a city, in which a prevention programme consisting in different measures will be implemented”. In this way, as in the WasteMAP LCA, the amount of waste to be managed in all the compared systems is always the same even if within preventive scenarios a certain amount is managed through prevention. An upstream system boundaries expansion is after proposed by the author according to the fact that waste prevention is assumed to avoid the manufacturing of the products targeted for prevention. The manufacturing processes of the prevented product are therefore included in the system boundaries and the respective avoided burdens are credited to the system. A representation of the major processes to be included in the system boundaries according to Gallo (2009) is given in figure 2.6. No explicit mention is made with regard to two important aspects. The first concerns if besides the manufacturing process of the prevented waste also other associated upstream life cycle processes such as transportations and use are considered to be avoided. The second instead regards if additional burdens associated with upstream life cycle processes of the 102 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention product system in case required to ensure the supplying of the same service previously provided by the prevented product are accounted for. This was referred to as the alternative product system by Cleary with regard to prevention activities taking place through dematerialization. However it seems that when analyzing the introduction of a refilling system for beverage bottles as preventive activity, the burdens associated with increased transportations and with bottles washing are implicitly included by the author as well as the transportation within the baseline disposable bottles system are considered. Figure 2.6: Representation of the system boundaries considered by Gallo (2009) for a waste management system including waste prevention activities (Adapted from Gallo (2009)) In our opinion as well as the model of Cleary can be simplified, also the one of Gallo can be improved and we have therefore tried to do this by proposing a new model which takes suggestion from those of both the mentioned authors. First of all we agree with considering waste prevention as part of the service provided by the waste management system how both the authors made, but without the needs of introducing all the aspects associated with the functional equivalence and the secondary functional unit considered by Cleary. According to the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98 EC (European Parliament and Council, 2008) and to the European waste policy in general, waste prevention is part of the waste hierarchy and therefore it can be considered as an indirect option to deal with wastes. Given this, the functional unit can be more precisely defined as: Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention 103 “the integrated management of the annual amount of waste potentially produced in a given geographical area (or by one its inhabitant), in which waste prevention activities are undertaken”. The word potentially is here introduced in order to highlight the fact that a certain amount of waste would not actually be generated if prevention activities was undertaken. In such a manner the amount of potentially generated waste to be managed is the same in all the possible considered scenarios and their comparison is therefore allowed because they are based on the same functional unit. Waste prevention can then be considered as a waste management option (or process) that avoids the production of the prevented waste as well as the associated ancillary upstream processes or, in other words, the supplying of a service through the target product system(s) and the occurring of the respective upstream life cycle processes. On the other hand, in the case in which waste prevention takes place through dematerialization, it implies the supplying of the same amount of service through the alternative product system(s) and the occurring of the respective upstream life cycle processes. When a waste prevention scenario has to be analysed the traditional system boundaries of waste management oriented LCA are therefore expanded to include these upstream processes. A simplified representation is given in figure 2.7 either for a baseline or for a waste prevention scenario. For the practical impacts calculation, the avoided burdens associated with the avoided upstream life cycle processes of the prevented waste are credited to the preventive waste management system, while those associated with the possible alternative product system are charged to the system itself. These lasts would not be included if waste prevention took place through reduced consumption. The procedures for the calculation of the impacts of a baseline and of a waste prevention scenario are graphically illustrated in figure 2.8 by also highlighting the systems included in the scenarios to be compared. As showed in figure 2.7 possible waste diversion activities such as home composting, are considered to be part of the boundaries of the traditional waste management system because they do not imply to achieve a strictly prevention but only a reduction of the waste to be collected. However possible benefits associated with reduced collection, transportation and waste bags production can be accounted for if these processes was included in the system. The WasteMAP LCA model is in this way simplified with regard to the no longer required need to define a secondary functional unit, while the model proposed by Gallo is improved 104 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention introducing the concepts of target product system and alternative product system proposed by Cleary. The model is named as Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (ISWPM), since both the product systems interested by waste prevention are considered at the level of the preventive scenario, even if the target product system rather belongs to the not preventive scenario. 105 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention BASELINE SCENARIO Potentially generated municipal solid waste = Input waste REFERENCE (REF) WMS Conventional waste management processes: Collection/transportation Sorting Recycling Thermal treatment Biological treatment Landfilling Domestic treatments: Home composting Grass-cycling ......... Compensative processes: •Virgin material production •Energy generation •Peat and fertilizers production Traditional system boundaries VS WASTE PREVENTION SCENARIO Avoided upstream life cycle processes of the target product system(s) (UpTPS1,n) Additional upstream life cycle processes of the alternative product system(s) (UpAPS1,n) Potentially generated municipal solid waste > Input waste PREVENTIVE (PREV) WMS Conventional waste management processes: Collection/transportation Sorting Recycling Thermal treatment Biological treatment Landfilling Domestic treatments: Home composting Grass-cycling ......... Compensative processes: •Virgin material production •Energy generation •Peat and fertilizers production Traditional system boundaries Expanded system boundaries Figure 2.7: Simplified representation of the system boundaries considered by the Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model for a baseline and a waste prevention scenario including prevention activities taking place through dematerialization 106 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention ISWPM BASELINE SCENARIO REF WMS WASTE PREVENTION SCENARIO VS n n PREV WMS UpTPS i UpAPS i i 1 i 1 Figure 2.8: Procedure for the calculation of the impacts of the scenarios to be compared through the Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model and respective included sub-systems Second proposal of a model: the Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (SSWPM) Either the WasteMAP LCA model or the ISWP model previously proposed do not allow to totally separate the burdens/impacts actually pertaining to a preventive scenario and to a not preventive one. Those of the target product system are indeed accounted for in the preventive scenario together with those of the alternative product system. Such a separation could at most be maintained by utilising the cut-off approach version of the equations characterizing the WasteMAP LCA model but this imply to deal with its relative complexity. For this reason we have recognized the potential need of the availability of a model conceptually simpler to apply than the WasteMAP LCA and able to ensure this systems separation. For this reason we have chosen to name this model as Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (SSWPM). In order to do this we have taken into account the suggestion of Ekvall (2007) and to consider therefore as functional unit: “the management of the annual amount of waste produced in a given geographical area (or by one its inhabitant)”. This amount is hence assumed to vary according to the scenario as a consequence of the introduction of prevention activities but the comparison between different scenarios dealing with a different quantity of waste is allowed since this is not a mass based functional unit. In this case there is no need to consider waste prevention as part of the service provided by the integrated waste management system, even if actually it is. A direct consequence of the choice of such a functional unit is therefore the no longer general validity of the zero burdens assumption because different amounts of waste enter in different systems to be compared. At least those upstream life cycle processes which differs among the Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention 107 systems for their typology or magnitude should be therefore included in the system boundaries. A complete abandonment of the zero burdens assumptions is instead not necessary because, other than impracticable, it would be misleading. Adopting again the terminology proposed by Cleary for waste prevention activities taking place through dematerialization, the upstream life cycle processes to be included would be those belonging to the target product system(s) for not preventive scenarios and those of the alternative product system(s) for preventive scenarios. These lasts would however not to be included if a prevention activity took place through reduced consumption. From another point of view this approach can be seen as a partial integration of the vertical and the horizontal approach typical, respectively, of product oriented LCA and waste management oriented LCA. Only those product life cycles affected by waste prevention are however included. A simplified representation of the system boundaries considered by this model for both a baseline and a waste prevention scenario is given in figure 2.9. A direct consequence of this upstream system boundaries expansion is the fact that the potential benefits and loads associated with the implementation of a prevention activity are automatically accounted for when a preventive and a not preventive scenario are compared. The procedure for the calculation of the impacts of the mentioned scenarios is graphically illustrated in figure 2.10 by also highlighting the systems included in the scenarios to be compared. 108 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention BASELINE SCENARIO Upstream life cycle processes of the target product system(s) (UpTPS1,n) Generation of municipal solid waste REFERENCE (REF) WMS Conventional waste management processes: Collection/transportation Sorting Recycling Thermal treatment Biological treatment Landfilling Domestic treatments: Home composting Grass-cycling ......... Compensative processes: •Virgin material production •Energy generation •Peat and fertilizers production Traditional system boundaries Expanded system boundaries VS WASTE PREVENTION SCENARIO Upstream life cycle processes of the alternative product system(s) (UpAPS1,n) Generation of municipal solid waste PREVENTIVE (PREV) WMS Conventional waste management processes: Collection/transportation Sorting Recycling Thermal treatment Biological treatment Landfilling Domestic treatments: Home composting Grass-cycling ......... Compensative processes: •Virgin material production •Energy generation •Peat and fertilizers production Traditional system boundaries Expanded system boundaries Figure 2.9: Simplified representation of the system boundaries considered by the Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention Model for a baseline and a waste prevention scenario including prevention activities taking place through dematerialization 109 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention SSWPM BASELINE SCENARIO n REF WMS UpTPS i WASTE PREVENTION SCENARIO VS i 1 n PREV WMS UpAPS i i 1 Figure 2.10: Procedure for the calculation of the impacts of the scenarios to be compared through the Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention Model and respective included sub-systems 2.3.2 Final remarks The most important features of the three discussed LCA models (WasteMAP LCA, ISWPM and SSWPM) are summarised for clarity in table 2.1. It is worth to underline that despite these models are built up on the basis of different theoretical assumptions, they are however expected to lead to similar results. All of them are indeed based on the principle of taking into account, besides the burdens/impacts associated with traditional waste treatments, also the environmental benefits and loads potentially associated with the substitution of the consumption of the service provided by a given product system with that of an analogous service provided by a less waste generating system, or with the only diminishing of the consumption of the service provided by a certain product system. A final common remark concerns instead data availability. In order to include upstream life cycle processes in the assessment it is indeed potentially required to collect a greater amount of data and information concerning their operation, besides those pertaining to conventional waste treatment processes. The knowledge of the former could be however beyond waste managers competence and therefore the performing of such a typology of analysis could require higher investment of time and resources in general, with respect to a traditional waste management oriented life cycle assessment. 110 Chapter 2. LCA and waste prevention Table 2.1: Major features of the LCA models discussed in this chapter FEATURES\ MODELS WatseMAP LCA (Cleary, 2010b) ISWPM SSWPM (Primary) functional unit “the management of the annual amount of waste potentially produced in a given geographical area (or by one its inhabitant)” (leads the overall analysisthe amount of waste to be managed is the same in all scenarios) “the integrated management of the annual amount of waste potentially produced in a given geographical area (or by one its inhabitant), in which waste prevention activities are undertaken”. (the amount of waste to be managed is the same in all scenarios) “the management of the annual amount of waste produced in a given geographical area (or by one its inhabitant)” (the amount is subject to change between scenarios) - - - - part of the service provided by the WMS1 – is an actual component of the WMS - no need to consider waste prevention as a component of the WMS the burdens of TPSs2 are assigned to the BL4 scenario and those of APSs2 are assigned to the WP3 scenario (are assigned to the system in which they actually take place) Downstream primary functional unit Secondary functional unit (if required) Position of waste prevention Approach to traditional system boundaries expansion “the collection and treatment of the annual amount of waste produced in a given geographical area (or by one inhabitant)” (the amount of waste collected and treated varies between scenarios) Defines the amount of service(s) that have to be supplied by the product system(s) targeted for prevention and by its/their less waste generating substitute(s) to the citizens of the area under study functionally equivalent to conventional waste management treatments crediting and charging of the burdens of TPSs2 and APSs2 to the WP scenario (avoided burden approach) Exists also a variant which apply the cut-off approach crediting and charging of the burdens of TPSs2 and APSs2 to the WP3 scenario (1) WMS: Waste management system (2) TPS / APS: Target product system / Alternate product system (3) WP: Waste prevention (4) BL: Baseline CHAPTER 3 MODELS COMPARISON: A PRACTICAL APPLICATION 3.1 Introduction The goal of this chapter is to compare the practical applicability of the WasteMAP LCA model and of the other two LCA conceptual models proposed in chapter 2. This in order to evaluate their simplicity of application to a real case study and in which measure the results are potentially affected by the theoretical assumptions at the basis of the models themselves. As described in chapter 2 the three models are based on applying, in different manners, expansion of traditional system boundaries of waste management oriented life cycle assessment in order to account for the upstream life cycle processes associated with the product systems affected by waste prevention and of the respective environmental benefits and loads. In particular through these models the environmental performances of a baseline scenario in which no prevention activities are undertaken in the waste management system will be compared with those of a waste prevention scenario in which the preventive activity “use of tap water” will be implemented, involving a decrease of the amount of waste entering the system itself. This activity generally implies that citizens make use of tap water provided by the public network and in case further purified by a domestic depurator for drinking purposes, instead of purchasing bottled water from retailers. This would lead to a reduced amount of plastic and glass packaging waste entering the waste management system. Utilising the terminology adopted by Cleary (2010b) this activity takes place through dematerialization since it is possible to identify both the target product system, associated with the function of bottled water delivering, and the less waste generating alternative product system, associated with the function of tap water delivering. The implicit advantage of having chosen such an activity is also the possibility to define the secondary functional unit required by the WasteMAP LCA model, in a rather simple way. 112 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Only a simplified analysis will be carried out in this chapter because the goal is, as just specified, the comparison of the models. This means that only secondary data from the most widespread databases, such as Ecoinvent, will be employed, as well as only the global warming (GW) impact indicator will be considered as a term of comparison. The analysis will be supported by the software SimaPro, one of the most wide spread tool utilised for LCA of any kind of products and services developed by the Dutch company PRè Consultants. An hypothetical, but very close to the reality, waste management system that treats the amount of waste produced within the Lombardia Region will be considered in the analysis as will be described in detail in the next paragraphs of this chapter. 3.2 Waste generation and composition 3.2.1 Gross waste generation and composition First of all, in the most general case, the amount of each municipal solid waste fraction generated in the examined area have to be identified, both for baseline and waste prevention scenarios. In the specific case under investigation, waste fractions not interested by prevention can instead be disregarded because the respective amount remains constant within all the scenarios to be evaluated without affecting their differential comparison. The total produced amount of each waste fraction was however defined for completeness and to give an idea of how one should proceed. In this simplified analysis the Lombardia Region is assumed to be the reference area, and the overall amount of each waste fraction annually generated in its territory is defined by combining the last available data concerning the amounts of source separately collected fractions and those relative to the compositional analysis of the unsorted residual municipal waste. Table 3.1 firstly reports the major streams of waste produced during the year 2007 (the last for which data were available) in the area under investigation (ISPRA, 2008; ARPA Lombardia, 2008). An overall waste production of about 5 millions tonnes was registered, which corresponds to about 512 kg/inhabitant/year, if a regional population of 9,642,406 inhabitants is considered (ISPRA, 2008). Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 113 We underline that the overall amount of source separately collected waste reported in table 3.1 is calculated by excluding that of possible scraps deriving from the sorting processes of source separately collected fractions, whose amount is instead included into that of the residual waste. Table 3.1: Major streams of municipal waste collected in the Lombardia Region during the year 2007 (ISPRA, 2008) Waste streams tonnes kg/inhab/year % tonnes kg/inhab/year Unsorted residual waste1 2,346,829 243.4 47.6 4,542,836 471.1 Separately collected waste 2,196,008 227.7 44.5 Waste from road sweeping2 130,856 13.6 2.7 389,424 40.4 Bulky waste to disposal 258,568 26.8 5.2 Total production 4,932,260 511.5 100 (1) Includes scraps deriving from separated collection. (2) Source: ARPA Lombardia, 2008. In ISPRA (2008) it is instead possible to find the amount of each single source separately collected waste fraction, always excluding sorting scraps, which is here reported in table 3.2. Table 3.2: Amount of source separated fractions collected in the Lombardia Region during the year 2007 (ISPRA, 2008) Waste fractions tonnes kg/inhab/year % Wet organic fraction 382,656 39.7 17.4 Green waste 377,524 39.2 17.2 Paper and board 576,058 59.7 26.2 Glass packaging 352,389 36.5 16.0 Plastic packaging 140,980 14.6 6.4 Wood packaging 156,679 16.2 7.1 Metallic packaging 78,065 8.1 3.6 Aluminium 4,219 0.4 0.2 Textile 25,943 2.7 1.2 WEEE 27,306 2.8 1.2 Bulky waste 51,772 5.4 2.4 Selective collection * 10,170 1.1 0.5 Other 12,247 1.3 0.6 Total 2,196,008 227.7 100 *It encompasses: medicines, containers for toxic and flammable substances, batteries and accumulators, varnishes, inks and adhesives, vegetal and mineral oils. The composition of the unsorted residual waste is instead finally assumed to be sufficiently well represented by that of the input waste to the Silla 2 waste to energy (WTE) plant sited in the municipality of Milan, provided by Butera and Turconi (2010). Indeed, the plant mainly 114 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application treats the residual municipal waste of the municipality of Milan and of other few surrounding municipalities, so that its input waste composition can be supposed to represent at least that of the unsorted residual waste generated in the major regional urban centres. Table 3.3 reports therefore the average composition of the input waste to the mentioned plant and the resulting amounts of each residual waste fraction assumed to be produced in Lombardia, calculated by multiplying the percentages provided in the first column of the same table, by the total amount of produced unsorted residual waste reported in table 3.1 (2,346,829 tonnes). Table 3.3: Composition of the input waste to the Silla 2 waste to energy plant and relative calculated amount of each unsorted residual waste fraction assumed to be produced in Lombardia during the year 2007 Fractions Putrescible organic fraction Wood, pruning waste Packaging paper and board Other paper and board Glass, inert waste Plastic packaging Other plastic Aluminium Other metals Textiles, leather, rubber Hazardous waste Diapers Total % tonnes kg/inhab/year 12.6 296,692 30.8 5.9 138,049 14.3 28.7 674,402 69.9 9.4 219,520 22.8 3.9 92,561 9.6 24.1 565,774 58.7 3.5 81,471 8.4 0.8 18,105 1.9 16 38,473 4.0 6.0 140,312 14.6 2.3 54,314 5.6 1.2 27,157 2.8 100 2,346,829 243.4 The total produced amount of each waste fraction can be now therefore calculated by properly combining and summing up the values of table 3.2 and 3.3 according to the criteria shown in table 3.4. From these it is then possible to obtain the percentage composition of the gross waste which is assumed to be produced in the Lombardia Region. The results obtained through these calculations are reported in table 3.5. Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 115 Table 3.4: Combination criteria of source separated and residual waste fractions used to define the overall production of each waste fraction and the resulting gross waste composition for the Lombardia Region for the year 2007 Gross waste fractions Separately collected fractions Residual waste fractions Organic Wet organic fraction Putrescible organic fraction Green waste Green waste Wood, pruning waste Packaging paper and board + Paper and board Paper and board Other paper and board Glass packaging Glass packaging Other glass+inert waste Glass, inert waste Plastic packaging Plastic packaging Plastic packaging Other plastic Other plastic Wood packaging Wood packaging Metallic packaging Metallic packaging Other metals Other metals Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Textiles Textiles Textiles, leather, rubber Diapers Diapers WEEE WEEE* Bulky waste Bulky waste Bulky waste to disposal Selective collection Selective collection Hazardous waste Other Other Road sweeping Waste from road sweeping WEEE: Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Table 3.5: Total produced amount of each waste fraction and relative gross waste composition assumed as reference for the Lombardia Region for the year 2007 and employed for the purposes of this study Fractions tonnes kg/inhab/year % kg/inhab/year % Organic 679,348 70.5 138 123.9 24.2 Green waste 515,573 53.5 10.5 Paper and board 1,469,980 152.4 29.8 Glass packaging 352,389 36.5 7.1 46.1 9.0 Other glass+inert waste 92,561 9.6 1.9 Plastic packaging 706,754 73.3 14.3 81.7 16.0 Other plastic 81,471 8.4 1.7 Wood packaging 156,679 16.2 3.2 Metallic packaging 78,065 8.1 1.6 12.1 2.4 Other metals 38,473 4.0 0.8 Aluminium 22,324 2.3 0.5 Textiles 166,255 17.2 3.4 Diapers 27,157 2.8 0.6 WEEE 27,306 2.8 0.6 Bulky waste 310,340 32.2 6.3 Selective collection 64,484 6.7 1.3 Other 12,247 1.3 0.2 Road sweeping 130,856 13.6 2.7 Total 4,932,261 511.5 100 116 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 3.2.2 Plastic waste fraction composition In principle the considered prevention activity could affect the amount of both plastic (nowadays mainly PET) and glass bottles generated as waste from the consumption of bottled water. In this simplified analysis we have however assumed that a reduction of the PET bottles waste stream is involved only. The volume of water delivered through glass bottles will be anyway recognized to amount only to less than 20%, comprehensive of both domestic and non domestic consumptions (see table 3.7). Therefore, since the sole plastic waste stream is going to be reduced, only this one will be considered in the present analysis, leaving out the remaining ones. A further characterization of this stream in the major typologies of plastic materials of which it is composed is therefore necessary to understand their possible destination within the management system. First of all, the composition of the fraction “plastic packaging” of table 3.5 is assumed to be the same as the one of the whole amount of plastic packaging sent to recovery by the Corepla circuit during the year 2007, reported in table 3.6 (Corepla, 2008), while the fraction “other plastic” of the same table, in the lacking of more precise information is assumed to be an heterogeneous mixture of various polyolefines (POF). These assumptions will be however demonstrated not to affect the results of the analysis because regard a plastic stream that is not going to be reduced within the preventive scenario. According to the above indicated criteria it is now possible to obtain the amount of each plastic materials assumed to be produced as waste in the Lombardia Region during 2007, as reported in table 3.7. Table 3.6: Composition of the whole amount of plastic packaging waste sent to recovery by the Corepla circuit for the year 2007 (Corepla, 2008) Packaging materials PET containers for liquid (CFL) HDPE containers for liquid (CFL) PE film (LDPE) PET mix /POLYOLEFINES mix PP/HDPE crates Total % 53 17 14 15 1 100 117 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Table 3.7: Amount of plastic materials assumed to be produced as waste in Lombardia Region during the year 2007 Plastic waste materials kg/inhab/year PET containers for liquid (CFL) 38.6 HDPE containers for liquid (CFL) 12.5 PE film (LDPE) 10.1 POLYOLEFINES (POF) mix 19.6 PP/HDPE crates 0.9 Total 81.7 Since the targeted waste flow of the prevention activity is constituted by PET water bottles, a quantification of their amount into the waste stream is required, even in order to define the prevention potential. This is possible by only making an indirect estimate on the basis of bottled water consumptions data, because a such level of detail is lacking with regard to waste data. For this purpose the information reported by Bevitalia (2009) concerning the volume of packaged water consumed in Italy during the year 2008 by typology of packaging, are firstly employed to calculate the respective specific consumptions, expressed as litres per inhabitant per year, as showed in table 3.8, considering an average population for the same year of 59,832,179 inhabitants (ISTAT, 2010a). As it can be seen, a specific consumption of water in PET bottles equal to 152.1 litres/inhabitant/year is resulted, of which the major part in form of 1.5 litres bottles (86.1%) while those in form of 2 litres and 1.5 litres bottles only amount to 6.3% and 7.6% respectively. Table 3.8: Volume of packaged water consumed in Italy during the year 2008 by typology of packaging, both in absolute and specific terms (Elaboration on data from Bevitalia (2009)) Packaged water consumptions - packaging mix – Italy, year 2008 Typology of packaging Millions litres litres/inhab/y PET bottles - 2 litres 576.4 9.6 PET bottles – 1.5 litres 7,833.6 130.9 PET bottles - single serve (≤ 0.5 litres) 690 11.5 PET bottles - total 9,100 1,52.1 Glass bottles 2,070 34.6 PC* and PET jugs, bio-bottles, brik 350 5.8 Total 11,520 192.5 *PC=Polycarbonate % 5 68 6 79 18 3 100 % on PET bottles only 6.3 86.1 7.6 100 By Combining these specific consumptions data with the average masses of the three sizes of PET bottles belonging to the packaging mix, provided by Federambiente (2010) and reported 118 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application in table 3.9, it is possible to calculate the specific mass of PET bottles introduced into the plastic waste stream. According to the calculations reported in table 3.10 an amount of about 3.42 kg/inhabitant/year is resulted. Table 3.9: Average masses of PET bottles employed in Italy for water delivering (Federambiente, 2010) PET bottles size Bottles mass (litres) (g) 2 33.42 1.5 32.55 0.5 18.06 Table 3.10: Definition of the total amount of PET bottles into the plastic waste stream PET bottles size (litres) 2 1.5 0.5 Total Specific consumption (%) (litres/inhab/year) 6.3 9.6 86.1 130.9 7.6 11.5 100 152.1 Assumed (kg/inhab/year) Share PET bottles as waste (kg/inhab/year) 0.161 2.841 0.417 3.419 3.42 In view of the simplified nature of the present analysis, this value is defined by considering the only mass of bottles and by neglecting the contributions given by caps, labels and by the heat-shrink films which constitute the secondary packaging. The calculated value will be also assumed to be the “best case” prevention potential for the PET bottles waste fraction despite part of the consumed volume of water considered for its definition is probably not associated with a domestic consumption, such as that involving 0.5 litres bottles which are widely employed in vending machines. Consumptions occurring in bigger size bottles (1.5 litres and 2 litres) can be instead quite unequivocally considered to be of domestic nature. The fact that also the amount of sparkling water is included seems instead not to be improper since it is possible to obtain sparkling tap water by means of proper equipments. Finally, it is also probable that not all the volume of water consumed from bottles would be converted to an equivalent consumptions from the tap or, in other words, a 100% prevention efficiency would probably not be achieved. We are however not interested in an absolute accounting of the potential environmental benefits and loads associated with undertaking this prevention activity but only in models comparison, which can be fairly carried out also in view of the several assumptions made up to now. Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 119 By finally subtracting the above obtained value (3.42 kg/inhab/year) from the whole amount of the fraction “PET containers for liquid” of table 3.7 and by considering PET bottles as an independent fraction, it is possible to obtain the definitive amount of each plastic waste fraction assumed to be produced in the Lombardia Region during the year 2007 and to enter the waste management system in the baseline scenario for all the explored models. These results are reported in table 3.11. Table 3.11: Definitive amount of each plastic waste fraction assumed to be produced in Lombardia during 2007 and to enter the waste management system in the baseline scenario Plastic waste materials kg/inhab/year PET bottles 3.42 PET CFL1 35.2 HDPE CFL1 12.5 2 POLYOLEFINES mix 30.6 Total 81.7 (1) CFL=Containers for liquid (2) The POLYOLEFINES mix fractions also includes the fractions “PE film (LDPE)” and “PP/HDPE crates” of table 6 3.3 Waste management system description and inventory The waste management system considered in the study is now described, independently from any specific scenario, since its features remains unvaried within all the investigated scenarios. A modern waste management system is chosen. It foresees that the plastic waste is partially sent, after separated collection, to material recovery for secondary raw material production, while the residual amount is sent to energy recovery (incineration) in a dedicated waste to energy plant for electricity and thermal energy generation. The features of the system are chosen in such a manner to be as much as possible close to the reality. 3.3.1 Collection efficiencies On the basis of the information provided in Corepla (2010) a separated collection efficiency of about 77% is firstly estimated for PET bottles, PET containers and HDPE containers. On an amount of PET and HDPE containers for liquid introduced in the Italian market equal to 303,744 tonnes, about 233,661 tonnes were indeed actually separately collected and sent to recovery during the year 2009 by Corepla. With regard to the polyolefines mix, we have instead assumed a separated collection efficiency equal to the percentage of plastic packaging 120 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application materials separately collected during the year 2009 with respect to their whole amount introduced in the market in the same year, that is equal to about 33%, as reported in the same source. Table 3.12 summarises these efficiencies. Table 3.12: Separated collection efficiencies considered for the plastic materials constituting the waste flow Plastic waste materials Separated collection efficiency PET bottles 77% PET CFL 77% HDPE CFL 77% POLYOLEFINES mix 33% The processes of waste collection as well as other transportation stages potentially occurring within the system are not considered in the present analysis because they appear to be highly dependent from local conditions (Rigamonti and Grosso, 2009). 3.3.2 Materials selection and recovery After separated collection, plastic is sent to selection, a process in which the plastic waste flow is separated from extraneous materials. The further subdivision of the remaining flow in the various typologies of polymers of which it is composed will be instead considered to be carried out nearby the recovery facility. Selection efficiency can vary as a function of the collection method adopted, such as mono-material door to door collection or multi-material collection through a bring system. Considering the way in which the plastic composition has been determined it is chosen to assume a 100% selection efficiency, since the various amounts of materials composing the plastic waste flow do not account for possible impurities. The burdens associated with the selection stage are however considered, and modelled with the data provided in Rigamonti and Grosso (2009) reported in table 3.13 in terms of energy and fuel consumptions. Table 3.13: Energy consumptions for the plastic selection process (Rigamonti and Grosso, 2009) Energy Diesel kWh/t input plastic MJ/t input plastic 26.6 84 The selected plastic flow is then sent to a recovery facility where it is firstly separated in the major typologies of polymeric materials of which it is composed that are PET containers, Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 121 HDPE containers and a selected mixture of polyolefines. These materials are then routed to three dedicated treatment lines which carry out the actual recovery process, producing, respectively, PET granules, HDPE granules and profiled bars made from polyolefines. The overall recovery processes of HDPE containers and of polyolefines mix, are assumed to have the recovery efficiencies reported in Rigamonti and Grosso (2009) and equal to 90% and 60% respectively. PET bottles and PET containers are instead assumed to be recovered with an overall 80% efficiency, as reported in Li et al. (2010). This values is indeed slightly greater than the one specified by the previous authors (75.5%). Table 3.14 summarises these recovery efficiencies. Table 3.14: Recovery efficiencies considered for the recovery processes of the plastic materials constituting the waste flow Plastic waste materials Recovery efficiency PET bottles 80% PET CFL 80% HDPE CFL 90% POLYOLEFINES mix 60% Scraps deriving from the recovery processes are finally sent to incineration for energy recovery. The burdens associated with recovery processes are modelled in a life cycle perspective through the data provided in Rigamonti and Grosso (2009) and reported in table 3.15. Table 3.15: Energy and materials consumptions for PET, HDPE and POF mix recovery processes Electricity Methane Electricity Water NaOH (reprocessing) (as heat) (extruder) kWh/t R-PET MJ/t R-PET kWh/t R-PET litres/t R-PET kg/t R-PET PET recovery 311 2699 125 2960 3 Electricity Methane Electricity Water (reprocessing) (as heat) (extruder) kWh/t R-HDPE MJ/t R-HDPE kWh/t R-HDPE litres/t R-HDPE HDPE recovery 379 650 125 1780 Electricity Methane Electricity Water (reprocessing) (as heat) (extruder) kWh/t R-mix MJ/t R-mix kWh/t R-mix litres/t R-mix POF mix recovery 381 650 200 1780 To deal with the multifunctionality of the recovery processes which, besides to perform the function of managing a waste also supply a secondary raw material, a system expansion is performed through the avoided burdens approach (paragraph 2.2). In particular, recovery of 122 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application PET and HDPE is supposed to avoid the production of virgin PET and HDPE granules. Polyolefines profiled bar can be employed as urban furniture components in substitution of wood and, therefore, the avoided production of wood planks is considered to be associated with polyolefines recovery. How suggested in Rigamonti and Grosso (2009), in order to account for quality reduction of the recovered material with respect to the virgin one, a substitution factor of 1:0.81 is introduced for PET and HDPE. It means that 1 kg of secondary raw material can substitute only 0.81 kg of virgin raw material. For the polyolefines mixture a substitution factor of 1:1 is instead considered, since it is supposed that 1 m3 of profiled bar can substitute 1 m3 of wood planks, how reported by the same authors. The described processes are modelled in SimaPro creating four modules that account for the respective burdens, in particular: - Plastic selection: it considers all the energy inputs required for the selection of 1 tonne of plastic, as reported in table 3.13; - PET granules from PET bottles/containers recovery; - HDPE granules from containers recovery; - Profiled bar from POF mix recovery; This last three modules instead account for the direct materials and energy inputs associated with the production of 1 tonne of recovered PET, HDPE and polyolefines profiled bars respectively, on the basis of the data showed in table 3.15. They also include the compensatory processes associated with the avoided production of virgin PET and HDPE granules and of virgin wood planks respectively, on the basis of the substitution factors described above. The Plastic incineration module, described in the next paragraph 3.3.3, is recalled in each recovery module to account for the burdens associated with the incineration of the scraps deriving from the same recovery processes. 3.3.3 Energy recovery (incineration) The unsorted residual waste is routed to a waste to energy plant. This is assumed to be a grate combustor in which heat generated from waste is recovered through a Rankine steam cycle for electrical and thermal energy production. In particular the Silla 2 waste to energy plant, how modelled in Butera and Turconi (2010), is considered as the technological reference. Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 123 The flue gas cleaning system is composed, in sequence, by: an electrostatic precipitator to remove fly ashes, a dry reactor where acid gases are neutralized by means of sodium bicarbonate and where activated carbon is employed to remove organic pollutants and metals, a fabric filter to remove air pollution control residues originating from the previous step and residual fly ashes, a final stage of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) through urea and specific catalysts for NOx control. According to the same authors, the process originates three solid outputs: - Bottom ashes which are washed and sorted, obtaining an over-sift delivered to an inert waste material landfill and an under-sift which is inactivated and reused as road subgrade. Also iron and aluminium scraps are separated and sent to recycling. - Fly ashes that are inactivated through addition of lime and water and finally employed as backfilling material in exhausted salt mines in Germany. - Air pollution control residues (APCR) which are recycled through the Neutrec process to be partly employed in the manufacturing process of sodium carbonate, replacing sodium chloride (NaCl). This process produce as output also a salt cake which is disposed of into an hazardous material landfill. Processes and emissions that have to be considered to define the impacts (generated and avoided) associated with this treatment in a life cycle perspective will be now discussed. Airborne emissions To define these emissions, a given emission pattern is considered since it has been observed that concentration values are mainly function of the adopted flue gas cleaning system rather than of the waste composition during the incineration of municipal solid waste (Consonni et al., 2005). In particular, stack concentrations data relative to the Silla 2 waste to energy plant, showed in table 3.17, are considered (Butera and Turconi, 2010). Emission factors of each pollutant (as kg/kgWW) are then obtained by multiplying these concentrations by the specific flue gas volume that is calculated on the basis of the average elemental composition of plastic, reported in table 3.16, and considering five main oxidation reactions: 124 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application C O 2 CO 2 S O 2 SO 2 2 H 12 O 2 H 2O N 1 O 2 NO 2 2 Cl H 2 O 2 HCl 1 2 O 2 Being sulphur and nitrogen content of plastic equal to zero, the contribution of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen monoxide (NO) to the flue gas volume is null. A flue gas production equal to 12.2 m3n dry gas/kg WW (13 m3 n wet gas/kgWW) with 11% oxygen content is resulted. The respective emission factors are instead reported in the second column of table 3.17. It is worth to notice that airborne emissions of nitrogen oxides are considered even if the oxidation of nitrogen to nitrogen monoxide does not take place. In fact these pollutants can also originate from the nitrogen contained in combustion air besides from the one contained in waste. On the contrary, SO2 emissions should not occur but they are anyway considered, according to a conservative approach. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are finally calculated on the basis of the carbon content of the incinerated waste fraction (in this case plastic). Table 3.16: Average elemental composition considered for plastic (Rigamonti, 2007) %W C Cl H O N S Ashes Total 59 2.4 7.1 21.9 0 0 9.6 100 %WW Ashes Moisture Volatiles Total 9 6 85 100 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 125 Table 3.17: Assumed pollutant stack concentrations and calculated emission factors for the WTE plant Concentrations @ 11% O2, dry gas Emission factors mg/m3n mg/kgWW Particulate 0.09 1.1 TOC* 0.4 4.88 CO 5.8 70.8 HCl 1.9 23.2 SOX 0.4 4.88 NOX 39.6 483.6 NH3 0.71 8.67 N2O 0.96 11.7 HF 0.13 1.59 ng/kgWW PCDD/F 0.0018 0.0220 g/kgWW PAH 0.052 0.635 Sb 0.5 6.11 As 1.1 6.11 Cd+Tl 0.5 13.43 Cr 0.5 6.11 Co 0.5 6.11 Cu 2 6.11 Pb 0.6 7.33 Mn 0.5 7.33 Hg 0.6 24.42 Ni 0.5 6.11 Sn 0.5 6.11 V 0.65 7.94 mg/kgWW Zn 0.0184 0.225 kg/kgWW Fossil CO2 2.03 (*) Modelled as Non Methanic VOC in the LCA software Pollutants Reagent consumption for flue gas cleaning Sodium bicarbonate requirement is defined on the basis of the stoichiometry of the neutralization reactions that take place between this reagent and the amount of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and of sulphur dioxide (SO2, absent in the case of plastic) contained in flue gas, considering an excess of 25% with respect to the stoichiometric request and assuming a complete neutralization of acid fractions. Regarding activated carbon, its consumption is instead obtained assuming a dosage of 400 mg/mn3 dry gas, independently from the flue gas composition. Finally, the request of urea can be calculated considering the stoichiometry of the reaction between this reagent and nitrogen monoxide (NO) contained in flue gas, assuming a complete 126 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application conversion of NO and a stoichiometric excess pair to 2. Since plastic elementary composition lacks nitrogen, a null consumption of ammonia is resulted, but airborne emissions of nitrogen oxides are considered anyway as earlier specified. Consumptions resulted from these calculations are reported in table 3.18. Table 3.18: Reagents consumption for flue gas cleaning Amount (g/kgWW) Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) 66.7 Activated carbon 4.9 Urea CO(NH2)2 0 Reagent Treatment of bottom ashes Production of bottom ashes is assumed to be equal to the amount of ashes contained into the specific incinerated waste fraction and considering an acquired moisture of 20% after their putting out. In the case of plastic a specific production of 112.8 g/kgWW is resulted. During their sorting, about 13% of over-sift (landfilled) and 87% of under-sift originate and therefore a specific production of 14.7 g/kgWW and 98.1 g/kgWW occurs. These results are summarized in table 3.22. The energy requirement for sorting operation amount to 4 kWh/tbottom ashes which in this case is equal to 4.5×10-4 kWh/kgWW (table 3.22). The process of under-sift inactivation is carried out through addition of cement and iron sulphate which consumptions, together with the energetic one, are reported in table 3.19. Since the inactivated material will be then utilised as road subgrade, the avoided production of gravel, which is the kind of material generally employed for this purpose, is also considered as compensatory process. In particular an amount of inactivated material equal to 1030 kg/tundes-sift is calculated to be generated by the process, according to the added amount of cement and iron sulphate. A corresponding amount of gravel is therefore considered to be substituted. An amount of 101.1 g of road construction material per kgWW is produced through this process in the case of plastic incineration (table 3.22). Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 127 Table 3.19: Materials and energy inputs and outputs to and from the under-sift inactivation process Amount Material/energy (kg/tunder-sift) Electricity (kWh/tunder-sift) 1 Cement 20 Iron sulphate (Fe2(SO4)3) – as 8% solution* 10 Gravel (avoided) 1030 (*) The consumption of 0.8 kg/tunder-sift of iron sulphate and 9.2 kg/tunder-sift of demineralised water is therefore considered Iron and aluminium scraps recovery processes are not taken into account because of the lack of this fractions into the treated waste. Fly ashes inactivation Fly ashes production is estimated by considering a concentration in raw gas equal to 3 gfly 3 ashes/mn wet gas, resulting thus equal to 36.6 gfly ashes/kgww. The inactivation process involves a consumption of lime and water in the amount reported in table 3.20, implying therefore the production of 47.4 g/kgww of inactivated fly ashes employed as backfilling material in exhausted salt mines in Germany (table 3.22). Table 3.20: Materials consumptions for fly ashes inactivation Amount Material (kg/tfly ashes) Water* 225 Lime (CaOH2) 70 (*) Modelled as natural resource without assigning any production burden Air pollution control residues treatment Air pollution control residues (APCR) are represented by sodium chloride, sodium sulphate, not reacted sodium bicarbonate as well as by activated carbon. The first three can be calculated considering reactions stoichiometry, resulting equal to 50.5 gAPCR/kgWW that together with the employed activated carbon (4.9 g/kgWW) constitutes a whole amount of 55.4 gAPCR/kgWW. Through the Neutrec process the air pollution control residues are involved in a series of treatments that bring to obtain a brine (salt solution) directly employable in the manufacturing cycle of sodium carbonate in place of mineral NaCl, and a salt cake which is instead disposed off within an hazardous material landfill. This last is generated with a water content of about 128 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 45% in an amount equal to 145.8 kg/tAPCR, which corresponds therefore to a residual dry product of 145.8×(1-0.45) = 80.2 kg dry cake/t APCR. This means that the amount of APCR (as salts) remained in the brine can be roughly estimated as (1000-80.2) = 919.8 kgsalts/tAPCR. Considering after that 2860 kgH2O/tAPCR are employed for the initial APCR dissolution, of which 0.45×145.8 = 65.6 kgH2O/tAPCR represent the water content of the cake, this means that the amount of brine obtained from the process is equal to 919.8 kgsalts/tAPCR+(286065.6)kgH2O/tAPCR=3714.2 kgbrine/tAPCR. Considering finally that the brine density is of about 1250 kg/m3 and has an equivalent NaCl concentration of about 250 kgNaCl/litre, it is possible to estimate the amount of NaCl that will be substituted as: M NaCl_subst ituted 3714.2 kg brine /t APCR 0.250 kg NaCl /litre brine 742.8 kg NaCl /t APCR 1.25 kg brine /litre brine Table 3.21 summarises the materials inputs and outputs of the process, how calculated above, as well as the energy consumptions involved. Table 3.21: Materials and energy inputs and outputs to and from the Neutrec APCR recovery process Amount (kg/tAPCR) Electricity (kWh/tAPCR) 30 Water* 2860 Dry residues to landfill (salt cake) 80.2 Sodium chloride (NaCl) - avoided 742.8 (*) Modelled as natural resource without assigning any production burden Material/energy Energy production The amounts of electrical and thermal energy produced by the process, are calculated considering respectively a 24.2% and a 5.5% conversion efficiency and a plastic lower heating value (LHV) of 26176 MJ/kgww. A production of 1.76 kWh/kgww and of 0.004 kWh/kgww of electric and thermal energy are therefore resulted (table 3.22). The former is assumed to replace the production of an equivalent amount of electricity from the Italian country mix while the latter of heat generated from domestic methane boilers placed at the service of a district heating system, for an amount reduced of 20% to account for distribution and exchange losses. The avoided burdens associated with these two processes are hence credited to the system. 129 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Table 3.22 summarises the energy and material outputs from the incineration process described up to now, while table 3.23 shows the other process specific energy and material consumptions assigned to the plant, always as reported by Butera and Turconi (2010). Table 3.22: Summary of energy and material outputs from the incineration process Amount (g/kgWW) Material/energy Bottom ashes of which: 112.8 Over-sift to inert material landfill Under-sift to inactivation Inactivated under-sift Fly ashes 14.7 98.1 101.1 36.6 Inactivated fly ashes to salt mines 47.4 Air pollution control residues 55.4 Energy: Electricity for bottom ashes sorting (kWh/kgWW) 4.5×10-4 Electricity production (avoided) (kWh/kgWW) 1.76 Heat production (avoided) (kWh/kgWW) 0.0032 (*) A plastic lower heating value of 26,176 kJ/kgWW is considered Table 3.23: Summary of process specific energy and material inputs to the incineration treatment Material/energy input Electricity (kWh/kgWW) Methane (MJ/kgWW) Diesel Hydrogen chloride (HCl) Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) Amount (g/kgWW) 6.22×10-3 5.68 ×10-2 8.63×10-3 0.229 0.234 0.19 Regarding the modelling in SimaPro, the module Plastic incineration is built up in order to account for the environmental burdens associated with the incineration of 1 kg of plastic waste. It encompasses all direct emissions to air as well as all the processes associated with reagents manufacturing, bottom and fly ashes inactivation, treatment of air pollution control residues, the avoided production of electricity and heat and the process specific raw material consumptions described above. 130 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 3.4 LCA modelling of scenarios 3.4.1 WasteMAP LCA model As described in paragraph the WasteMAP LCA is a conceptual model in which waste prevention activities involving dematerialization are considered as functionally equivalent to traditional waste management treatments. This implies that the amount of waste managed through treatments and waste prevention activities remains constant in all the systems/scenarios to be compared. Waste prevention activities that involve reduced consumption cannot be seen instead as functionally equivalent to the other waste management options since a waste management option cannot affect the magnitude of the service supplied to the population by waste generating product systems. Functional equivalence of prevention activities and therefore of scenarios is assured by means of introducing a secondary functional unit that guarantees that the magnitude of service supplied to the population remains the same within all the scenarios to be compared. This model appear to be relatively complex, probably due to the fact that the author desires to propose a rigorous methodology strongly consistent with the ISO standards. In this analysis we have tried to follow as much as possible the models in the way it is originally described by the author, even if some little adjustments are made. Functional unit The model adopts a primary functional unit (PFU) that is the same for all the compared scenarios, which ensures that a fixed amount of (potentially generated) waste is managed under each of them and which leads the overall analysis. This is originally defined as: “the amount of material addressed by the municipal solid waste management system on an annual basis”. As already reported in paragraph a more clear reformulation, here associated with the specific case under investigation, could be: “the management of the annual amount of (plastic) waste potentially produced by one inhabitant of the Lombardia Region”, which will be therefore considered for the present analysis. We also remember that the primary functional unit is further subdivided into an upstream primary functional unit (UPFU) and a downstream primary functional unit (DPFU), with the Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 131 former defined as “the net amount of material left out of the municipal solid waste treatment system due to waste prevention activities”, while the latter “tracks the amount of waste that still have to be collected and treated under each scenario”. This subdivision is necessary since the WasteMAP LCA is actually the composition of different life cycle assessments as will emerge more in detail from the following practical application. Baseline scenario In this scenario no waste prevention activities are implemented. The respective environmental burdens and impacts have to be determined by means of a traditional waste management oriented LCA of a reference waste management systems (REF WMS) which deals with the whole amount of potentially generated waste. The functional unit to be used in the analysis is the primary functional unit, that in this case is identical (in numerical terms) to the downstream primary functional unit, which could be defined as: “the collection and treatment of the annual amount of (plastic) waste produced by one inhabitant of the Lombardia Region”, that in this baseline scenario is equal to 81.7 kg/inhabitant/year (table 3.24). This issue was clarified thanks to a personal communication with the author (Cleary, 2010a) since it does not explicitly emerge from the original paper. The amount of each waste fraction entering the management system in this baseline scenario is that reported in table 3.11, here presented again in table 3.24 for the sake of readability. Table 3.24: Amount of each waste fraction entering the waste management system in the baseline scenario Plastic waste materials kg/inhab/year PET bottles 3.42 PET CFL* 35.2 HDPE CFL* 12.5 POLYOLEFINES mix 30.6 Total 81.7 (*) CFL=Containers for liquid According to the selection and recovery efficiencies defined in paragraphs 3.3.1 and 3.3.2, it is possible to calculate through mass balances the main waste flows within the management system, which are schematically represented in figure 3.1, that also defines the ideal system boundaries adopted since no upstream life cycle processes will be included in this scenario. 132 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Separately collected material Input waste = 81.7 kg Recovered material =80% PET bottles 3.42 kg =77% 2.63 kg PET CFL1 35.2 kg =77% 27.1 kg HDPE CFL1 12.5 kg =77% 9.61 kg POF2 mix 30.6 kg =33% 10.1 kg 2.11 kg =80% 21.7 kg =90% 8.65 kg =60% 6.07 kg Total=49.5 32.3 kg (1) CFL=Containers for liquid (2) POF=Polyolefines Total=38.5 Scraps 11 kg Incineration 43.3 kg Figure 3.1: Mass flows within the waste management system of the baseline scenario modelled through the WasteMAP LCA model and respective ideal boundaries The downstream processes with the respective burdens that have to be included in the system in a life cycle perspective are therefore the following: selection of separately collected plastic (49.5 kg); recovery of selected plastic: PET bottles (2.63 kg) ; PET containers (27.1 kg); HDPE containers (9.61 kg); POF mix (10.1 kg); incineration of plastic in the residual waste (32.3 kg) and incineration of recovery scraps (11 kg). The whole scenario is implemented in SimaPro by creating the new module Baseline scenario which account for all these processes by recalling the modules described in paragraphs 3.3.2 and 3.3.3, except for scraps incineration that is already included in the PET recovery module. Target product system This model foresees that the upstream life cycle processes affected by waste prevention are modelled as parts of separated product systems: the Target product system (TPS) and the Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 133 Alternative product system (APS). The service provided by the former is the one whose consumption is going to be reduced in favour of the service provided by the latter, which is a less waste generating product system. In the present case, the target product system is associated with bottled water delivering while the alternative product system is associated with tap water delivering. The functional equivalence between baseline and prevention scenario, as well as between waste prevention and the other waste management options, is assured only if the amount of service provided to the citizens by these two product systems in the respective scenarios is the same. This equivalent level of supplied service is assured by the introduction of a secondary functional unit which has to be considered when carrying out the analysis of the two product system. In our specific case the secondary functional unit can be assumed: “the delivering of 152.1 litres of drinking quality water to one inhabitant of the Lombardia Region for 1 year”. The overall annual specific consumption of 152.1 litres/inhabitant/year previously estimated (table 3.8) is considered because the whole amount of PET bottles will be assumed for simplicity to be prevented in the waste prevention scenario as will be detailed in the respective paragraph Waste prevention scenario. The reference flow is therefore assumed to be “152.1 litres of drinking quality water delivered to an inhabitant of the Lombardia Region during a year”. This will be the same for each one of the two product systems considered. The Target product system in our case is represented by all the upstream life cycle processes involved in supplying bottled water to citizens, while the Alternative product system by all those processes involved in delivering them purified tap water. With regard to the target product system in this simplified analysis we have however only considered the processes involved in bottles manufacturing whose last step is generally carried out nearby bottling facilities and consists in the stretch blow moulding of heated PET preforms. These can be substantially considered the compact form of bottles and are similar to test tubes composed by a tubular body and a threaded neck which are in turn manufactured through the injection moulding of melted bottle grade PET granules. Further details concerning these processes will be given in paragraph 4.5.2. 134 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application From a waste manager point of view, considering the sole manufacturing processes of the products that would potentially become waste could be enough to have some first indications concerning the potential environmental benefits that a waste prevention activity is expected to involve. Nonetheless, from a life cycle perspective it would be more proper to include in the analysis all the relevant processes involved in bottled water delivering and this will be done in the detailed analysis described in chapter 4. The inclusion of these processes within the system is however expected to amplify the benefits potentially associated with waste prevention, while their disregarding, as in the present case, can be done according to a conservative approach. Inventory data utilised to model bottle grade PET granules production are those provided by the module Polyethylene terephtalate, granulate, bottle grade, at plant/RER available in the Ecoinvent database. The module Stretch blow moulding/RER, always from Ecoinvent, which models the manufacturing of bottles from PET granules through the two step process of preforms injection and direct blowing is instead employed to model the real process that generally takes place in two separate stages. As specified in the database, a 97.8% conversion efficiency of PET granules into bottles has been considered because of process losses. The new module PET bottles production is thus built up in order to account for the burdens associated with the production of 1 kg of PET bottles starting from 1.0225 kg of virgin PET granules, by recalling the two modules specified above. This module, which actually represents the only upstream component of the target product system, is in turn employed to create the module UpTPS bottled water to account for the production of 3.42 kg of PET bottles which are required to deliver 152.1 litres of bottled water to the citizens. Alternative product system The upstream life cycle processes of the alternative product system are instead those involved in delivering to citizens an amount of tap water equivalent to the one that would have been supplied by the bottled water system. In order to model the burdens associated with tap water delivering, the Ecoinvent module Tap water, at user/RER which refers to average data for the European context, is employed here as a first approximation. In the detailed analysis of chapter 4, two real Italian case studies will be however examined in order to give more Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 135 reliability to the assessment. The possibility of domestic purification of water is not considered as well, even if this will be done in the detailed analysis. The module UpAPS tap water is finally created by recalling the above mentioned module to account for the delivering of 152.1 litres of drinking quality tap water to the citizens. Waste prevention scenario This scenario, as well as all the preventive scenarios that will be investigated with the other models, considers, for simplicity, that the whole amount of PET bottles present in the waste stream (3.42 kg/inhabitant/year) is prevented. In this way the amount of each waste fraction entering the waste management system is the same of the baseline scenario except for the amount of prevented PET bottles, as showed in table 3.25. In particular an amount of 78.3 kg/inhabitant/year still have to be managed. Table 3.25: Amount of each waste fraction entering the waste management system in the waste prevention scenario Plastic waste materials kg/inhab/year PET bottles 0 PET CFL* 35.2 HDPE CFL* 12.5 POLYOLEFINES mix 30.6 Total 78.3 (*) CFL=Containers for liquid According to this model, in order to calculate the environmental burdens and associated impacts of the waste prevention scenario, it is before necessary to define those of a waste management system that treats the residual amount of waste that still have to be managed after the implementation of waste prevention activities. This system is termed DOWN WMS, slightly modifying the original terminology of the author. This means to carry out a further waste management oriented LCA to obtain the environmental impacts of such a waste management system. In particular it has to be performed assuming as functional unit the downstream primary functional unit (DPFU) that, as done for the baseline scenario, is considered to be: “the collection and treatment of the annual amount of (plastic) waste produced by one inhabitant of the Lombardia Region”, that in this preventive scenario is equal to 78.3 kg/inhabitant/year (table 3.25). 136 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Figure 3.2 provides a representation of the main waste flows characterizing the DOWN waste management system, always calculated on the basis of the efficiencies reported in paragraphs 3.3.1 and 3.3.2. It also defines the ideal system boundaries adopted since no upstream life cycle processes will be included in this scenario. Separately collected material Input waste = 78.3 kg Recovered material =80% PET CFL1 35.2 kg =77% 27.1 kg HDPE CFL1 12.5 kg =77% 9.61 kg POF2 mix 30.6 kg =33% 10.1 kg 21.7 kg =90% 8.65 kg =60% Total=46.8 31.5 kg (1) CFL=Containers for liquid (2) POF=Polyolefines 6.07 kg Total=36.4 Scraps 10.4 kg Incineration 41.9 kg Figure 3.2: Mass flows within the DOWN waste management system belonging to the waste prevention scenario modelled through the WasteMAP LCA model and respective ideal boundaries The downstream life cycle processes that have to be considered in the analysis are therefore selection of separately collected plastic (46.8 kg); recovery of selected plastic: PET containers (27.1 kg); HDPE containers (9.61 kg); POF mix (10.1 kg); incineration of plastic in the residual waste (31.5 kg) and incineration of recovery scraps (10.4 kg). The new module DOWN WMS is created in SimaPro to account for all these processes by recalling the modules described in paragraphs 3.3.2 and 3.3.3, except for scraps incineration that is already included in the PET recovery module. Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 137 As described in paragraph the actual burdens/impacts of the waste prevention scenario (WPS) can be calculated through the following equation, in the case in which only one prevention activity is considered o be undertaken: WPS DOWN WMS UpTPS UpAPS (3.1) where: WPS = Generic environmental burden/impact of the waste prevention scenario; DOWN WMS = Generic environmental burden/impact of the DOWN waste management system; UpTPS = Generic environmental burden/impact of the upstream life cycle of the target product system; UpAPS= Generic environmental burden/impact of the upstream life cycle of the alternative product system. By looking at equation 3.1 it is clear how, in order to calculate the burdens/impacts of a waste prevention scenario, three distinct life cycle analyses have to be performed. As specified in paragraph, the author suggests two possible procedures to calculate the environmental impacts of a waste prevention scenario. The first for the cases in which it is possible to assume that the implementation of waste prevention activities does not involve any effects on the treatments of the waste remaining in the system, the second for those cases in which this assumption is instead not valid. In this analysis the second procedure has been adopted since it could be applied to both the typologies of cases and is therefore of general validity. Moreover, the number of calculations required appear to be the same for both methods and it seems that no specific advantages are associated with one method rather than with the other. Results As anticipated, only the impact category Global Warming (GW) calculated trough the characterization method CML 2001 baseline is considered as a term of comparison for the models. For further details concerning the modality of calculation of this indicator, see paragraph 4.4. Despite the simplified nature of this analysis, some preliminary remarks concerning the assessed scenarios will be however given during the presentation of the results. We also 138 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application underline here that the overall results interpretation has to be made in differential terms, evaluating the net difference of the impact indicator between the baseline and the waste prevention scenario. The present analysis indeed is not an absolute accounting of the impact associated with a certain product system (or rather with a service system in our case) but a comparison between two different ways to carry out this service. The values of the impact indicator associated with each sub-system that contributes to define the overall impact of the waste prevention scenario (WPS) are reported in table 3.26 together with the result from equation 1 that just defines this overall impact. In table 3.27 are instead reported in comparison, the impact indicators calculated for both the baseline and the waste prevention scenario (WPS) as well as their difference. Figures 3.3 and 3.4 graphically represent the results from the previous tables while in table 3.28 are finally specified the contributions of the main processes to the impact of each sub-system and of the baseline scenario. Table 3.26: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each subsystem that contribute to define the overall impact of the waste prevention scenario and for the waste prevention scenario itself Global warming (GW) - kg CO2 eq./F.U. Sub-system Indicator 0.7 DOWN WMS 15.5 UpTPS 0.05 UpAPS -14.8 Waste prevention scenario (WPS) Table 3.27: Global warming indicator calculated through the Waste MAP LCA model for each analysed scenario and relative difference Global warming (GW) - kg CO2 eq./F.U. Scenario Indicator Baseline scenario (BLS) = REF WMS -1.5 Waste prevention scenario (WPS) -14.8 -13.2 (WPS-BLS) 139 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Table 3.28: Contribution of main processes to the global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each sub-system and for the baseline scenario Global warming (GW) - kg CO2 eq./F.U. Scenario Bseline scenario (BLS) = REF WMS DOWN WMS UpTPS UpAPS (DOWN WMS-BLS) Total Plastic recycling Plastic incineration -1.5 0.7 15.5 0.05 2.2 -37.3 -34.3 3.1 35.8 34.9 -0.9 Tap PET bottles water, at production user 15.5 0.05 - Global warming kg CO2 eq/F.U. Baseline scenario (BLS) 0 Waste prevention scenario (WPS) DELTA (WPS-BLS) -14.8 -13.2 -1.5 -5 -10 -15 Figure 3.3: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each analysed scenario and relative difference Global warming Baseline scenario (BLS) kg CO2eq/F.U. 5 Waste prevention scenario (WPS) 0.7 0 -5 UpAPS -1.5 -10 -15 -15.5 -UpTPS DOWN WMS -20 Figure 3.4: Sub-systems contribution to the global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each analysed scenario As can be noticed, the value of the impact indicator obtained for the waste prevention scenario (-14.8 kg CO2 eq.) is clearly lower with respect to the one obtained for the baseline scenario (-1.5 kg CO2 eq.), meaning that the implementation of this prevention activity is 140 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application potentially associated with an environmental benefit because involves a reduction of -13.2 kg CO2 eq. from the baseline scenario. More in depth, looking at table 3.28 and figure 3.4, it can be observed that the impact of the traditional treatments of the waste management system in which waste prevention is implemented (DOWN WMS) equal to 0.7 kg CO2 eq., is higher than the one of the baseline scenario (-1.5 kg CO2 eq.). This because, in addition to a decrease of the loads associated with the incineration process (-0.9 kg CO2 eq.), also an higher decrease of the savings associated with plastic recycling takes place when waste prevention is implemented (3.1 kg CO2 eq.). A great fraction of bottles (77%) would indeed have routed to recycling in baseline scenario, while only a small percentage (33%) of them would have sent to incineration, which in the case of plastic does not imply environmental benefit as indeed happens for recycling. As consequence if no upstream processes was considered, an overall impact increase would characterize the implementation of this prevention activity. When the impacts associated with the target product system, and therefore to bottles production, are subtracted from the downstream waste management system (DOWN WMS) (15.5 kg CO2eq.), an overall reduction of the impact of the waste prevention scenario with respect to the baseline can be observed, because the additional loads associated with purified tap water supplying, represented by the alternative product system, are of negligible entity (0.05 kg CO2 eq.). Due to the simplified nature of the analysis these indications have to be taken with caution, especially according to the incompleteness of the life cycle considered to characterize tap water. However these results represent a good reason to carry out a more thorough analysis, as will be done in chapter 4. 3.4.2 Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (ISWPM) Similarly to the previous model also in the present one waste prevention is considered as a part of the service provided by the waste management system itself. According to this principle the functional unit of this model is assumed to be: “the integrated management of the annual amount of (plastic) waste potentially produced by one inhabitant of the Lombardia Region, in which a prevention activity is undertaken”. In this way the amount of potentially generated waste managed by conventional treatments and prevention is the same within all compared scenarios and equal to 81.7 kg. 141 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Baseline scenario This scenario can be modelled exactly as the baseline scenario of the WasteMAP LCA model in which all the waste fractions of table 3.24 are managed through conventional treatments since no waste prevention activities are implemented in this scenario. The amount of waste entering the traditional waste treatment system is therefore the same of the amount of waste that could potentially be produced, as schematically depicted figure 3.5 along with the major flows occurring in the system itself, which are analogous to those represented in figure 3.1 for the WasteMAP LCA model. Separately collected material Potentially produced waste = Input waste = 81.7 kg Recovered material =80% PET bottles 3.42 kg =77% 2.63 kg PET CFL1 35.2 kg =77% 27.1 kg HDPE CFL1 12.5 kg =77% 9.61 kg POF2 mix 30.6 kg =33% 10.1 kg 2.11 kg =80% 21.7 kg =90% 8.65 kg =60% 6.07 kg Total=49.5 32.3 kg (1) CFL=Containers for liquid (2) POF=Polyolefines Total=38.5 Scraps 11 kg Incineration 43.3 kg Figure 3.5: Mass flows within the waste management system of the baseline scenario modelled through the ISWP model and respective ideal boundaries The downstream processes with the respective burdens included in the system are therefore the following: selection of separately collected plastic (49.5 kg); recovery of selected plastic: PET bottles (2.63 kg) ; PET containers (27.1 kg); HDPE containers (9.61 kg); POF mix (10.1 kg); 142 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application incineration of plastic in the residual waste (32.3 kg) and incineration of recovery scraps (11 kg). The whole scenario is implemented in SimaPro with the module Baseline scenario which account for all these processes by recalling the respective modules described in paragraphs 3.3.2 and 3.3.3, except for scraps incineration that is already included in the PET recovery module. Waste prevention scenario The peculiarity of this scenario is that a specific amount of potentially produced waste (3.42 kg of PET bottles) is managed through waste prevention, while the other fractions are still managed as in the baseline scenario. The waste entering the conventional treatment system (input waste) is therefore reduced to 78.3 kg (figure 3.6). Prevention has to be seen as a specific waste management option/process that avoids the supplying of 152.1 litres of bottled water to the citizens, responsible of the generation of 3.42 kg of PET bottles, and in the same time involves the additional need of supplying 152.1 litres of purified tap water to the citizens. The avoided burdens associated with the avoided supplying of bottled water are therefore credited to the system while the burdens associated with the supplying of tap water are charged to the system. The system boundaries of the traditional waste management system are therefore expanded to include these upstream life cycle processes as showed in figure 3.6, together with the main waste flows occurring in the system itself. 143 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Separately collected material Prevention PET bottles Potentially 3.42 kg produced Bottled water avoided production 152.1 litres (3.4 kg bottles) Tap water supply 152.1 litres waste PET CFL1 = 35.2 kg 81.7 kg > HDPE CFL1 Input waste 12.5 kg = 78.3 kg POF2 mix 30.6 kg Recovered material =80% =77% 27.1 kg =77% 9.61 kg =33% 10.1 kg 21.7 kg =90% 8.65 kg =60% 6.07 kg Total=36.4 Total=46.8 (1) CFL=Containers for liquid (2) POF=Polyolefines 31.5 kg Scraps 10.4 kg Incineration 41.9 kg Figure 3.6: Mass flows within the waste management system of the waste prevention scenario modelled through the ISWP model and respective ideal boundaries From a practical point of view, the module Prevention PET bottles is built up to take into account the burdens associated with the avoided production of 3.42 kg of PET bottles (PET bottles production) and with the additional need to deliver 152.1 litres of purified tap water to citizen (Tap water, at user/RER). In addition to this process, also those required for the treatment of not prevented fractions still have to be considered. In particular they are: selection of separately collected plastic (46.8 kg); recovery of selected plastic: PET containers (27.1 kg); HDPE containers (9.61 kg); POF mix (10.1 kg); incineration of plastic in the residual waste (31.5 kg) and incineration of recovery scraps (10.4 kg). The module Waste prevention scenario, built up in the software, now depicts the fact 3.42 kg of PET bottles are managed through prevention (Prevention PET bottles) while the remaining fractions through the conventional treatments above indicated, by recalling the respective modules described in paragraphs 3.3.2 and 3.3.3, except for scraps incineration that is already considered in the PET recovery module. 144 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Results The values of the global warming impact indicator calculated for both baseline and waste prevention scenarios as well as its difference between them are reported in table 3.29, together with the contribution of the main involved processes to its definition. These results are also graphically illustrated in figure 3.7 and 3.8 respectively. Table 3.29: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the ISWP model for each analysed scenario and contribution of the main processes to its definition Global warming (GW) - kg CO2 eq./F.U. Scenario Total Plastic recycling Plastic incineration Prevention PET bottles Baseline scenario (BLS) -1.5 -37.3 35.8 Waste prevention scenario (WPS) -14.8 -34.3 34.9 -15.4 -13.2 3.1 -0.9 -15.4 (WPS-BLS) Global warming kg CO2 eq/F.U. Baseline scenario 0 Waste prevention scenario DELTA (WPS-BLS) -14.8 -13.2 -1.5 -5 -10 -15 Figure 3.7: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the ISWP model for each analysed scenario and relative difference Global warming kg CO2 eq/F.U. Baseline scenario 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 Waste prevention scenario 35.8 34.9 -37.3 -34.3 DELTA (WPS-BLS) 3.1 -15.4 Prevention PET bottles Plastic incineration Plastic recycling -15.4 Figure 3.8: Main processes contribution to the global warming impact indicator calculated through the ISWP model for each analysed scenario Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 145 As it can be observed either the absolute value of the impact indicator obtained for each scenarios or its difference between them are the same that were obtained with the WasteMAP LCA model. This could be explained considering that even if the theoretical assumptions at the basis of the models are in someway different, both are based on the same principle for the calculation of burdens and impacts associated with the waste prevention scenario which is based on the concept of avoided and additional impacts. The only difference, which is purely conceptual, consists indeed in the fact that while in the WasteMAP LCA model they are manually subtracted or added to the traditional waste management system, in this ISWP model they are automatically credited as savings or charged to the system itself. More in detail, as already emerged from the analysis of the results of the WasteMAP LCA model, also in this case the effect of waste prevention is a potential increase of the impact associated with the traditional waste management system treatments due to a small decrease of the loads of the incineration process (-0.9 kg CO2 eq.) and to an higher decrease of the savings of the recycling process (+3.1 kg CO2 eq.). Actually into the waste prevention scenario the fact that part of the waste is managed through prevention is accounted for and 15.4 kg CO2 eq. are credit to the system as saved. This once more means that the avoided production of PET bottles masks the impact associated with purified tap water supplying. 3.4.3 Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (SSWPM) According to this last proposed model, the functional unit assumed for the analysis is: “the management of the annual amount of (plastic) waste produced by one inhabitant of the Lombardia Region”. This amount is supposed to change as a consequence of the implementation of waste prevention activities. In this way all scenarios are subjected to the same functional unit and their comparison is thus allowed. The only difference among scenarios is the reference flow that is represented by the actual amount of waste to be managed. Doing so, since different amounts of waste enter the waste management system in each scenario, the zero burdens assumption is, in general, no longer valid. In principle the burdens associated with all the life cycle processes occurring upstream waste collection should be 146 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application considered. Actually, it could be done only for those processes which differ between the scenarios for their typology or magnitude, as consequence of waste prevention activities. The upstream life cycle processes that should be included in the specific case under investigation are those associated with PET bottled water delivering for the baseline scenario, and those associated with tap water delivering for waste prevention scenario. Baseline scenario The amount of each waste fraction entering the waste management system are always those which characterize baseline scenarios of the two previous models and reported in table 3.11 or 3.24. In particular the total amount of waste to be managed is equal to 81.7 kg/inhabitant/year that is therefore the reference flow for this analysis. Moreover, since the considered waste prevention activity has PET water bottles as its target flow, all the upstream life cycle processes involved in the delivering of 152.1 litres of bottled water should be taken into account and the system boundaries of consequence expanded for their inclusion. This because the magnitude of these processes is going to change from baseline to waste prevention scenario. On the basis of this consideration and according to the efficiencies reported in paragraphs 3.3.1 and 3.3.2, figure 3.9 shows the main waste flows characterizing the waste management system indicating also which other upstream life cycle processes are included in the system boundaries, giving therefore their ideal definition. 147 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Separately collected material Bottled water supply 152.1 litres (3.4 kg PET bottles) =80% PET bottles 3.42 kg =77% 2.63 kg PET CFL1 35.2 kg =77% 27.1 kg =77% 9.61 kg =33% 10.1 kg Input waste 81.7 kg HDPE CFL1 12.5 kg POF2 mix 30.6 kg Recovered material 2.11 kg =80% 21.7 kg =90% 8.65 kg =60% 6.07 kg Total=49.5 (1) CFL=Containers for liquid (2) POF=Polyolefines Total=38.5 Scraps 11 kg 32.3 kg Incineration 43.3 kg Figure 3.9: Mass flows within the waste management system of the baseline scenario modelled through the SSWP model and respective ideal boundaries As consequence the downstream processes with the respective burdens that have to be considered are: selection of separately collected plastic (49.5 kg); recovery of selected plastic: - PET bottles (2.63 kg) ; - PET containers (27.1 kg); - HDPE containers (9.61 kg); - POF mix (10.1 kg); incineration of plastic in the residual waste (32.3 kg) and incineration of recovery scraps (11 kg). The whole scenario is therefore implemented in SimaPro with the module Baseline scenario which account for the downstream processes described above by recalling the respective modules described in paragraphs 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 as well as the manufacturing of 3.42 kg of PET bottles (PET bottles production), required for the delivering of 152.1 litres of bottled water to the citizens. Scraps incineration is instead not included since it is already considered in the PET recovery module. 148 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application From a theoretical point of view this is how to consider that in order to be able to manage 3.42 kg of wasted PET bottles, 152.1 litres of bottled water have first to be delivered, involving the respective burdens. Waste prevention scenario The amount of each waste fraction entering the waste management system is the same of the baseline scenario except for the amount of prevented PET bottles (3.42 kg). The reference flow is therefore the management of 78.3 kg/inhabitant/year of plastic waste. The downstream processes that have to be considered in the waste management system are therefore the same as for the baseline scenario except for those involving PET bottles. In particular they are: selection of separately collected plastic (46.8 kg); recovery of selected plastic: - PET containers (27.1 kg); - HDPE containers (9.61 kg); - POF mix (10.1 kg); incineration of plastic in the residual waste (31.5 kg) and incineration of recovery scraps (10.4 kg). Clearly the upstream life cycle processes associated with bottled water supplying are no more considered since they are subjected to a null mass flow because of prevention activity while it is now necessary to account for those processes associated with the delivering of a volume of tap water equal to the one previously supplied by prevented water bottles in the baseline scenario (152.1 litres/inhabitant/year). This because, once more, the magnitude of these processes changes from baseline to waste prevention scenario. From a theoretical point of view this is how to consider that in order to manage a lower amount of waste these additional processes with the respective burdens, are required. On the basis of these considerations figure 3.10 represents the waste flows occurring in the waste management system and the processes included in the system boundaries. 149 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Separately collected material Tap water supply 152.1 litres PET CFL1 35.2 kg Input HDPE CFL1 waste 12.5 kg 78.3 kg POF2 mix 30.6 kg Recovered material =80% =77% 27.1 kg =77% 9.61 kg =33% 10.1 kg 21.7 kg =90% 8.65 kg =60% 6.07 kg Total=36.4 Total=46.8 (1) CFL=Containers for liquid (2) POF=Polyolefines Scraps 10.4 kg 31.5 kg Incineration 41.9 kg Figure 3.10: Mass flows within the waste management system of the waste prevention scenario modelled through the SSWP model and respective ideal system boundaries The whole scenario is implemented in SimaPro with the module Waste prevention scenario which include all the downstream processes described above by recalling the respective modules described in paragraphs 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 as well as the one associated with the delivering of 152.1 litres of purified tap water (Tap water, at user/RER). Scraps incineration is instead not included since it is already considered in the PET recovery module. Results The global warming impact indicator calculated for the analysed scenarios both in absolute and in differential terms is reported in table 3.32 together with the contribution given by the main processes to its definition. Figures 3.11 and 3.12 also graphically depict these results. Table 3.30: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the SSWP model for each analysed scenario and contribution of the main processes to its definition Global warming (GW) - kg CO2 eq./F.U. Plastic Plastic Scenario Total recycling incineration Baseline scenario (BLS) 14.0 -37.3 35.8 Waste prevention scenario (WPS) 0.7 -34.3 34.9 -13.2 3.1 -0.9 (WPS-BLS) PET bottles Tap water, production at user 15.5 0.05 -15.5 0.05 150 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Global warming kg CO2 eq/F.U. Baseline scenario Waste prevention scenario DELTA (WPS-BLS) 15 14.0 10 5 0.7 0 -5 -10 -13.2 -15 Figure 3.11: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the SSWP model for each analysed scenario and relative difference Global warming kg CO2 eq/F.U. Baseline scenario 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 Waste prevention scenario DELTA (WPS-BLS) 15.5 35.8 34.9 3.1 -15.5 -37.3 -34.3 Tap w ater, at user PET bottles production Plastic incineration Plastic recycling Figure 3.12: Main processes contribution to the global warming impact indicator calculated through the SSWP model for each analysed scenario As expected the values of the impact indicator obtained for the two scenarios is different from those obtained with both the previous LCA models (WasteMAP LCA and ISWP model). The present model indeed, though always applying system expansion, does not foresee to assign any credit to the preventive scenario but rather to account for the processes that actually are subject to change from one system to the other. In particular the baseline scenario is characterized by an higher value of the impact indicator with respect to the two previous models (14 kg CO2 eq. against -1.5 kg CO2 eq.) because it also brings the burdens associated with PET bottles production that was not included in baseline scenarios by the other models. The same happens for the preventive scenario (0.7 kg CO2 eq. against -14.8 kg CO2 eq.) which is not credited of the savings associated with the avoided production of PET bottles, as were instead made by the previous models. Despite of Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application 151 this, the model give the same result of the previous one in terms of impact difference between the two scenarios (-13.2 kg CO2 eq.) meaning that this potential impact reduction is expected to be achieved by the introduction of the prevention activity. Moreover as for the previous model a decrease of the loads associated with the incineration process of 0.9 kg CO2 eq. together with a decrease of the savings associated with plastic recycling of 3.1 kg CO2 eq. leads to an overall potential increase of the impact of conventional waste management system components if no upstream processes were taken into account. Actually the waste prevention scenario lacks the positive contribution of bottles production that instead is present in baseline scenario (15.5 kg CO2 eq.) while the additional need of supplying an amount of tap water equivalent to that consumed in baseline scenario from bottled water does not imply any meaningful impact increase to be assigned to it (only 0.05 kg CO2 eq.). All this leads therefore to the overall reduction from baseline to waste prevention scenario of -13.2 kg CO2 eq. above indicated. 3.4.4 Comparative considerations The most important features of the application of three investigated models to the specific case study analysed in this chapter are summarized in table 3.31. Some considerations at conceptual level, already specified in table 2.1 are also reported for reason of clarity. 152 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Table 3.31: Major features of the LCA models discussed in this chapter FEATURES\ MODELS WatseMAP LCA (Cleary, 2010b) ISWPM SSWPM (Primary) functional unit “the management of the annual amount of (plastic) waste potentially produced by one inhabitant of the Lombardia Region)” (leads the overall analysisthe amount of waste to be managed is the same in all scenarios) “the integrated management of the annual amount of (plastic )waste potentially produced by one inhabitant of the Lombardia Region, in which a waste prevention activity is undertaken”. (the amount of waste to be managed is the same in all scenarios) “the management of the annual amount of (plastic) waste produced by one inhabitant of the Lombardia Region)” (the amount is subject to change between scenarios) - - - - part of the service provided by the WMS1 – is an actual component of the WMS - no need to consider waste prevention as a component of the WMS the burdens of TPSs2 are assigned to the BL4 scenario and those of APSs2 are assigned to the WP3 scenario (are assigned to the system in which they actually take place) Downstream primary functional unit Secondary functional unit (if required) Position of waste prevention Approach to traditional system boundaries expansion “ the collection and treatment of the annual amount of (plastic) waste produced by one inhabitant of the Lombardia Region ” (the amount of waste collected and treated varies between scenarios) “the delivering of 152.1 litres of drinking quality water to one inhabitant of the Lombardia Region for 1 year” functionally equivalent to conventional waste management treatments crediting and charging of the burdens of TPSs2 and APSs2 to the WP scenario (avoided burden approach) Exists also a variant which apply the cut-off approach crediting and charging of the burdens of TPSs2 and APSs2 to the WP3 scenario (1) WMS: Waste management system (2) TPS / APS: Target product system / Alternative product system (3) WP: Waste prevention (4) BL: Baseline The most important remark concerns the fact that, as showed in table 3.32 and in figure 3.13, all the three investigated conceptual LCA models have led to the same difference in terms of environmental impact between a baseline and a waste prevention scenario. This because all of them are based on applying in different ways expansion of traditional system boundaries of 153 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application waste management oriented LCA to account for the same upstream life cycle processes. Moreover, from an operative point of view, their practical application is translated in different ways to implement these processes within the employed LCA support software. Table 3.32: Comparison among the global warming impact indicator calculated through the investigated models for all the examined scenarios MODELS WasteMAP LCA ISWP model SSWP model Scenarios Baseline scenario (BLS) Waste prevention scenario (WPS) (WPS-BLS) Global warming (GW) - kg CO2 eq./F.U. -1.5 -1.5 14 -14.8 -14.8 0.7 -13.2 -13.2 -13.2 Models comparison for global warming Kg CO2 eq/F.U. WasteMAP LCA ISWP Model 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 SSWP Model 14.0 0.7 -1.5 -1.5 -14.8 -13.2 Baseline scenario -14.8 -13.2 Waste prevention scenario -13.2 DELTA (WPS-BLS) Figure 3.13: Comparison among the global warming impact indicator calculated through the investigated models for all the examined scenarios Since the goal of the studies where these typologies of tools are applied is generally the comparison between a scenario in which specific waste prevention activities are implemented with respect to one or more baseline situations and not the exact accounting of the absolute impact associated with a given scenario, this outcome can be viewed as a positive aspect. The potential users could indeed in this way choose the model they consider more suitable for the purposes of their study as well as the one they consider of easiest practical applicability. If one wants to maintain separated the effects of the target product system(s) from those of the alternative product system(s), then the Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention (SSWP) model is the more proper. It also allows the actual accounting of the impacts associated with a given scenario just because the two mentioned systems are separately considered within the scenario 154 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application in which they actually occur. An alternative for the accounting could be the use of the cut-off version of the WasteMAP LCA model, whose practical applicability was however not evaluated in this study. The Waste MAP LCA model has appeared to be the one of more complex applicability with respect to the other two compared models but however practicable. The major difficulties could probably be associated with the need to define a proper secondary functional unit, which could be a not so relative simple task as for the prevention activity investigated in the previous analysis. Probably for many typologies of such activities it is impossible to proceed to an its proper definition. This relative complexity is however associated with the fact that the model aims at being as much rigorous as possible and consistent with the ISO standards, by assuring a strong functional equivalence of the scenarios to be compared through the additional secondary functional unit. Despite this, waste prevention activities involving reduced consumption cannot be however compared on a functionally equivalent basis with this model. The utilisation of this model can thus be suggested to all those who need to carry out a rigorous analysis in which such a strong equivalence of the scenarios has to be actually assured. The Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (ISWPM) instead can be employed if one wished to utilise the avoided burdens approach without the need to deal with the discussed difficulties associated with the application of the Waste MAP LCA model. 3.5 Modelling variant In order to understand the extent to which the results are affected by the fact that also plastic waste fractions whose amount is not subjected to change were considered in the previous analysis at paragraph 3.4, all the three examined models will be now also implemented considering only the prevented fraction that is represented by PET bottles. It is indeed expected that the same result in terms of impact difference between scenarios shall be obtained. The principal difference with the previous analysis is that in baseline scenarios the only waste to be managed through conventional treatments is constituted by 3.42 kg of PET bottles, while in waste prevention scenarios a null amount of waste have to undergo to conventional treatments. 155 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Modelling principles will be the same adopted for the previous analysis as well as SimaPro modules not affected by waste quantity. It follows a synthetic description of the main features of the three LCA models. 3.5.1 WasteMAP LCA model Baseline scenario As already said, the only waste fraction that needs to undergo to conventional treatments is represented by the 3.42 kg of PET bottles. Mass flows associated with this scenario are showed in figure 3.14, which also gives an idea of the processes included in the system boundaries. The scenario is modelled exactly as in the previous variant, but considering only those downstream processes associated with bottles treatment, in particular: selection of separately collected bottles (2.63 kg); PET bottles recovery (2.63 kg); incineration of bottles in the residual waste (0.786 kg) and incineration of recovery scraps (0.526). The main module Baseline scenario accounts for these processes, except for scraps incineration that is already considered in the PET recovery module, by recalling the respective modules described in paragraphs 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. Separately collected material Input waste 3.42 kg PET bottles 3.42 kg =77% Recovered material =80% 2.63 kg 2.11 kg Scraps 0.526 kg 0.786 kg Incineration 1.31 kg Figure 3.14: Mass flows within the waste management system of the baseline scenario modelled through the WasteMAP LCA model and respective ideal boundaries 156 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Target product system and Alternative product system The processes associated with the target product system and with the alternative product system are not affected by the choice to consider only wasted PET bottles and thus the respective burdens and impacts do not change. Those obtained in the previous calculation can still be considered for this analysis. Waste prevention scenario Since a null amount of waste still have to be managed through conventional treatments after the implementation of waste prevention, no any further analysis have to be performed for the DOWN waste management system, that is the system that encompasses all those waste treatments needed to handle the amount of waste still remaining after the implementation of preventive activities. The value of the impact indicator for waste prevention scenario can be obtained always through equation 3.1. Results The value of the global warming impact indicator calculated for the waste prevention scenario through equation 3.1 is reported in table 3.33 together with the contribution of each subsystem to its definition. This is also reported in comparison to the value obtained for the baseline scenario in table 3.34 as well as the respective difference. In table 3.35 are finally specified the contributions of the main processes to the impact of each sub-system and of the baseline scenario. Figure 3.15 and 3.16 give a graphical representation of the results reported in table 3.33 and 3.34. Table 3.33: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each subsystem that contribute to define the overall impact of the waste prevention scenario and of the waste prevention scenario itself Global warming (GW) - kg CO2 eq./F.U. Sub-system Indicator 0 DOWN WMS 15.5 UpTPS 0.05 UpAPS -15.4 Waste prevention scenario (WPS) 157 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Table 3.34: Global warming indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each analysed scenario and relative difference Global warming (GW) - kg CO2 eq./F.U. Scenario Indicator Baseline scenario (BLS) = REF WMS -2.2 Waste prevention scenario (WPS) -15.4 -13.2 (WPS-BLS) Table 3.35: Contribution of main processes to the global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each sub-system and for the baseline scenario Global warming (GW) - kg CO2 eq./F.U. Scenario Total Plastic recycling Plastic incineration Baseline scenario (BLS) = REF WMS DOWN WMS UpTPS UpAPS (DOWN WMS-BLS) -2.2 0 15.5 0.05 2.2 -3.1 0 3.1 0.9 0 -0.9 Tap PET bottles water, at production user 15.5 0.05 - Global warming kg CO2 eq/F.U. Baseline scenario (BLS) 0 Waste prevention scenario (WPS) DELTA (WPS-BLS) -15.4 -13.2 -2.2 -5 -10 -15 -20 Figure 3.15: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each analysed scenario and relative difference Global warming Baseline scenario (BLS) Waste prevention scenario (WPS) kg CO2eq/F.U. 5 0 -5 UpAPS -2.2 -10 -15.5 -UpTPS DOWN WMS -15 -20 Figure 3.16: Sub-systems contribution to the global warming impact indicator calculated through the WasteMAP LCA model for each analysed scenario 158 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application As expected the absolute values of the impact indicator calculated for the two compared scenarios are different from those obtained with the same model considering also the other plastic fractions, while on the contrary their difference results to be the same (-13.2 kg CO2 eq.). Further observations concerning the different impact of scenarios are the same that were made from the previous analysis and are not reported here again. On the basis of these results and of the conclusions concerning the previous comparative analysis it can therefore be expected that also in this variant all the three investigated models lead to the same results in term of impact difference between scenarios. Despite of this we have however chosen to carry out this variant of the analysis also with the remaining two models. 3.5.2 Integrated Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (ISWPM) In order not to dull the exposition and considering that the modelling principles are identical to the previous case in which all plastic fractions were included in the analysis, only the graphical representation of the mass flows and of the processes to be considered in both baseline and waste prevention scenarios are reported here (figure 3.17 and 3.18). Table 3.36 presents instead the obtained results. Separately collected material Potentially produced waste = input waste = 3.42 kg =77% Recovered material =80% 2.63 kg 2.11 kg PET bottles 3.42 kg Scraps 0.526 kg 0.786 kg Incineration 1.31 kg Figure 3.17: Mass flows within the waste management system and major processes included in the systems boundaries of the baseline scenario modelled through the ISWP model 159 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application PET bottles avoided production 3.42 kg Tap water, at user 152.1 litres Prevention PET bottles 3.42 kg Potentially produced waste = 3.42 kg > input waste = 0 kg Figure 3.18: Major processes included in the systems boundaries of the waste prevention scenario modelled through the ISWP model Table 3.36: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the ISWP model for each analysed scenario and contribution of the main processes to its definition Global warming (GW) - kg CO2 eq./F.U. Scenario Total Plastic recycling Plastic incineration Prevention PET bottles Baseline scenario (BLS) -2.2 -3.1 0.9 Waste prevention scenario (WPS) -15.4 0 0 -15.4 -13.2 3.1 -0.9 -15.4 (WPS-BLS) 3.5.3 Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (SSWPM) According to the reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph, also in this case only the mass flows and of the processes included in the analysis are shown in figure 3.19 and 3.20 as well as the respective results in table 3.37. Bottled water supply 152.1 litres (3.4 kg PET bottles) =77% Recovered material Separately collected material Input waste PET bottles 3.42 kg 3.42 kg =80% 2.63 kg 2.11 kg Scraps 0.526 kg 0.786 kg Incineration 1.31 kg Figure 3.19: Mass flows within the waste management system and major processes included in the systems boundaries of the baseline scenario modelled through the SSWP model 160 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Tap water supply 152.1 litres Input waste 0 kg Figure 3.20: Major processes included in the systems boundaries of the waste prevention scenario modelled through the SSWP model Table 3.37: Global warming impact indicator calculated through the SSWP model for each analysed scenario and contribution of the main processes to its definition Global warming (GW) - kg CO2 eq./F.U. Plastic Plastic Scenario Total recycling incineration Baseline scenario (BLS) 13.3 -3.1 0.9 Waste prevention scenario (WPS) 0.05 0 0 -13.2 3.1 -0.9 (WPS-BLS) PET bottles Tap water, production at user 15.5 0.05 -15.5 0.05 3.5.4 Further comparative considerations As showed in table 3.38 and in figure 3.21, the most important consideration concerns the fact that the same impact difference between a baseline and a waste prevention scenario is obtained not only when utilising different models but also when only the prevented waste fraction is included in the analysis. Table 3.38: Comparison among the global warming indicator calculated through the investigated models for all the considered scenario variants Scenarios Baseline scenario (BLS) Waste prevention scenario (WPS) (WPS-BLS) MODELS All plastic waste fractions Only PET bottles waste WasteMAP ISWP SSWP WasteMAP ISWP SSWP LCA model model LCA model model Global warming (GW) - kg CO2 eq./F.U. -2.2 -2.2 13.3 -1.5 -1.5 14 -15.4 -15.4 0.05 -14.8 -14.8 0.7 -13.2 -13.2 -13.2 -13.2 -13.2 -13.2 161 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application Models comparison for global warming WasteMAP LCA (AWF) ISWP Model SSWP Model WasteMAP ISWP Model SSWP Model (AWF) (AWF) LCA (OPBW) (OPBW) (OPBW) 20 14.0 Kg CO2 eq/F.U. 15 13.3 10 5 0.7 0.05 0 -5 -1.5 -1.5 -2.2 -2.2 -10 -15 -20 -13.2 -14.8 -13.2 -14.8 Baseline scenario -13.2 -13.2 -15.4 Waste prevention scenario -15.4 -13.2 -13.2 DELTA (WPS-BLS) AWF: All w aste fractions; OPBW: Only PET bottles w aste Figure 3.21: Comparison among the global warming indicator calculated through the investigated models for all the considered scenario variants This can be firstly explained by considering that the magnitude of the processes (and of the respective burdens) modelling the treatments of not prevented waste fractions, such as HDPE containers and polyolefines mix recovery processes in our case, remains constant between baseline and waste prevention scenarios. Moreover, this can occur since those processes that deal with both prevented and not prevented fractions, such as PET recovery and plastic incineration, linearly answer to a variation (in this case a decrease) of the waste amount that they have to manage. In the case in which some non linearity would be associated to waste treatment processes, this aspect could potentially no longer occurs. Several attention has thus to be put on which waste fractions can be actually disregarded when waste prevention activities that involves different waste material streams are considered. For instance, the plastic incineration process behaves as linear because it is modelled in such a manner that the respective burdens are already associated with the treatment of only a single material. The absence of non linearity should instead be verified when incineration is modelled as a whole process that deals with multiple input waste materials, like it is generally done in waste management oriented life cycle assessment. In this case it would indeed be possible that the chemical or physical reactions which are involved in modelling the incineration process lead to the occurring of some non linear mechanisms. If this would happen, a possible solution just could be to build up an independent incineration process for each waste material and then only account for prevented waste fractions in the analysis. 162 Chapter 3. Models comparison: a practical application CHAPTER 4 LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY OF SCENARIOS 4.1 Introduction After having recognized in chapter 3 that the three examined models lead to the same results when carrying out a simplified analysis, we have chosen to investigate more thoroughly the two typologies of drinking water supplying systems: bottled water and public network water. This in order to evaluate if the environmental advantages assessed for the public network water system remain unchanged when considering a more complete life cycle evaluation for both systems, different subscenarios and a wider number of impact indicators. Moreover, a second prevention activity, still associated with drinking water consumption, is analysed: the introduction of a refilling system. In particular, the Separate Scenarios Waste Prevention Model (SSWPM) proposed in chapter 2 is employed, since it allows to account for the effects of each delivering system within the scenario in which it is actually utilised and therefore their comparison can be carried out. Not prevented waste fractions are excluded from the analysis in order to focus on the performances of the different delivering options and on their further comparison. Only the processes involved in the management of the waste generated by the alternative systems are therefore considered since, as also emerged in chapter 3, disregarding materials not subject to prevention does not affect scenarios comparison if, in each of them, they are always managed in the same manner. As in chapter 3, the analysis is carried out with the support of the software SimaPro, one of the most widespread tools utilised to perform LCAs of any kind of product and service. 4.2 Analysed scenarios and goal definition Three baseline scenarios, characterized respectively by the utilisation of virgin polyethylene terephthalate (PET), of 50% recycled PET and of polylactic acid (PLA) one-way bottled 164 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios water are firstly assessed to be utilised as terms of comparison. The former is indeed assumed to be representative of the current situation while the second and third represent two possible evolutional scenarios for the Italian context. They are compared with two public network water preventive scenarios in which purified groundwater from the tap (real case of Milan) and purified surface water from public fountains (real case of Florence) are respectively utilised. Finally, two refilling preventive scenarios which foresee, respectively, the utilisation of glass and of PET refillable bottled water are considered. Table 4.1 summarises the most important features of the scenarios that will be examined in this chapter. The overall goal of the analysis is to evaluate if the investigated prevention activities, besides reducing waste generation, are actually associated with better environmental performances with respect to the different delivering options considered for one-way bottled water and, in affirmative case, in which conditions this is assured. In order to model bottled water scenarios, primary data concerning the productive process of a medium size bottling company located in northern Italy are employed, while primary data concerning the purifying and delivering systems of Milan and Florence are instead utilised to model public network water scenarios. A further improvement of water quality is also considered, at domestic level for the groundwater scenario and at public level for the surface water scenario, with specific reference in this last case to the delivery of high quality water from public fountains, currently taking place in Florence. Table 4.1: Major features of the scenarios analysed in this chapter Scenarios and subscenarios Water delivering options Baseline scenario 1 One-way virgin PET bottled water Baseline scenario 2 One-way 50% recycled PET bottled water Baseline scenario 3 One-way PLA bottled water Waste prevention scenario 1A Waste prevention scenario 1B Purified groundwater from the tap (real case of Milan) Purified surface water from public fountains (real case of Florence) Typology of packaging packaging mix composed by 2, 1.5 and 0.5 litres bottles End of life options for bottles/containers 77% recycling 23% incineration 77% recycling 23% incineration Two subscenarios: 1) 100% composting and, 2) 100% incineration 1 reusable glass jug (Recycling)* 9 reusable 1 litre glass bottles (Recycling)* Waste prevention 1 litre glass bottles Refillable glass bottled water 100% recycling scenario 2A used for 10 times Waste prevention 1 litre PET bottles Refillable PET bottled water 100% recycling scenario 2B used for 15 times (*) The burdens of the recycling processes of containers employed in public network water systems are assigned, for simplicity, to the upstream product systems Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 165 4.3 Functional unit and system boundaries For all the investigated scenarios the functional unit (FU) is assumed to be: “the management of the amount of (municipal) waste annually generated from the consumption of drinking water by one Italian citizen”. This amount is subject to changes, according to the scenario, for a constant amount of drinking water consumption considered equal to 152.1 litres per inhabitant per year (paragraph 4.5.1). The fact of considering only the waste generated by the product systems associated with the different delivering options, as specified in paragraph 4.1, makes this analysis a sort of product oriented life cycle assessment viewed from a different perspective. We have however chosen to utilise the waste management perspective as done up to now in this study in order to give further practical examples of its applicability. As a traditional waste management oriented life cycle assessment, the system boundaries will include all the end of life treatments belonging to the municipal solid waste management system required to deal with the waste generated by the investigated product systems. They will be also expanded to include the whole upstream life cycle of the different delivering options. Further details concerning which upstream processes and activities are included in the boundaries will be given separately for each scenario in the corresponding paragraph. 4.4 Impact assessment categories and characterization methods The Cumulative energy demand (CED) characterization method is firstly employed to carry out the energetic assessment of the investigated scenarios. It allows to analyze energy consumptions associated with all the life cycle stages of a system, considering either direct or indirect utilisations. These lasts are the ones associated to the energy content of materials. The CED energy indicator, expressed as MJ eq., quantifies therefore the whole amount of energy potentially required by a given investigated scenario. Moreover, three environmental impact categories, evaluated through the CML 2001 baseline characterization method (Guinée, 2002), are considered: abiotic resources depletion, global warming and eutrophication. The abiotic resources depletion category is chosen in order to try to account for potential natural resources savings that are expected to be achieved through a prevention activity. Global warming is instead considered in reason of its extreme relevance 166 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios among contemporary environmental issues. Finally the eutrophication category is considered to evaluate if the use of detergents during bottles washing can give an important contribution to its definition. The only step of characterization is performed in this study in order to avoid the introduction of subjectivity and uncertainty associated with normalization and weighting. It follows a brief description of the considered environmental impact indicators. Abiotic resources depletion Abiotic resources are natural resources (including energy resources) such as minerals or fossil fuels which are considered as non-living. The abiotic resources depletion indicator aggregates all consumptions of these resources by means of characterization factors, the Abiotic Depletion Potentials (ADPs), which are calculated for each resource on the basis of the concepts of ultimate reserves and extraction rates. The ultimate reserve of a resource is the still available amount of that resource, estimated for instance by multiplying its average concentration in the primary extraction media (i.e. the earth’s crust) by the mass or volume of these media (i.e. the mass of the crust) (Guinée, 2002). Since the resource assumed as reference is antimony, the impact indicator is expressed in kg of equivalent antimony (kg Sb eq.) and is calculated through the following equation: Abiotic resource depletion (kg Sb eq.) ADPi m i i where: ADPi = Abiotic Depletion Potential for the resource i (kg Sb eq./kg); mi = amount consumed of the resource i (kg, or MJ for fossil resources). The characterization factors for some of the several resources which contribute to the definition of the indicator are showed in table 4.2 so as reported in the version 2.04 of the CML 2001 baseline method implemented in SimaPro. 167 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Table 4.2: Characterization factors (ADP) for some substances that contribute to the abiotic resources depletion impact indicator so as reported in the CML 2001 baseline method implemented in SimaPro Substance Oil, crude, 38400 MJ per m3, in ground Gas, natural, in ground Gold, in ground Silver, in ground Platinum, in ground Mercury, in ground Cadmium, in ground Tin, in ground Gas, natural, 46.8 MJ per kg, in ground Oil, crude, in ground Lead, in ground Coal, hard, unspecified, in ground Coal, brown, in ground Uranium, in ground Copper, in ground Zinc, in ground Chromium, in ground Sulfur, in ground Nickel, in ground Phosphorus, in ground Manganese, in ground Lithium, in ground Fluorine, in ground Iron, in ground Chlorine, in ground Titanium, in ground Potassium, in ground Aluminium, in ground Magnesium, in ground Bauxite, in ground Calcium, in ground Sodium, in ground Energy, from coal, brown Energy, from gas, natural Energy, from oil Energy, from coal Energy, from uranium Characterization factor (ADP) 18.4 1.87E-02 89.5 1.84 1.29 4.95E-01 3.30E-01 3.30E-02 2.25E-02 2.01E-02 1.35E-02 1.34E-02 6.71E-03 2.87E-03 1.94E-03 9.92E-04 8.58E-04 3.58E-04 1.08E-04 8.44E-05 1.38E-05 9.23E-06 2.96E-06 8.43E-08 4.86E-08 4.40E-08 3.13E-08 1.00E-08 3.73E-09 2.10E-09 7.08E-10 8.24E-11 6.71E-04 5.34E-04 4.90E-04 4.57E-04 6.36E-09 Unit kg Sb eq. / m3 kg Sb eq. / kg kg Sb eq / MJ Global warming The global warming indicator aggregates all greenhouse gases emissions by means of a characterization factor represented by their Global Warming Potential (GWP) which expresses the ratio between the increase of the infrared absorption due to the instantaneous emission of 1 kg of a given greenhouse substance and that due to an equal emission of carbon 168 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios dioxide (CO2) which is assumed as the reference substance. The indicator is therefore expressed in kg of CO2 equivalent (kg CO2 eq.) and is calculated as: Global warming (kg CO 2 eq.) GWPi m i i where: GWPi = Global Warming Potential for the substance i (kg CO2 eq./kg); mi = mass of the substance i released in the environment (kg). The values of GWP vary as a function of the time interval upon which the increase of the infrared absorption is evaluated, and estimate are available for time horizons of 20, 100 and 500 years. For LCA study a long time horizon seems to be preferable but since along with its increase also more uncertainties are introduced, the values referring to a time horizon of 100 years are generally adopted and the potentials are indicated as GWP100. The values of the GWP100 characterization factors considered in this study are those reported in the version 2.04 of the CML 2001 baseline method implemented in SimaPro but adjusting the values associated with dinitrogen monoxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) with those reported by the last IPPC report (IPPC, 2007). Table 4.3 summarises the most important substances contributing to the definition of the impact indicator and the respective GWP value. Table 4.3: Characterization factors (GWP100) for some substances that contribute to the global warming impact indicator so as reported in the CML 2001 baseline method implemented in SimaPro Characterization factor (GWP100) kg CO2 eq./kg Carbon dioxide, fossil (CO2) 1 Carbon dioxide, biogenic 0 Dinitrogen monoxide (N2O) 298 (IPPC, 2007) Methane 25 (IPPC, 2007)) Substance Eutrophication Eutrophication substantially consists in the excessive increase of the environmental level of macronutrients, the most important of which are nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), leading to a potential increase of biomass production, especially in aquatic ecosystems. This in turn may lead to oxygen level reduction because of biomass decomposition. The eutrophication indicator aggregates therefore all those substances contributing to this phenomenon which are mainly represented by nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Moreover, since also the Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 169 oxidation of degradable organic matter (expressed as Chemical oxygen demand, COD) leads to a decrease of the oxygen level in aquatic ecosystems, it is included in this category as well. The aggregation is made through characterization factors represented by the Eutrophication Potential (EP) of each substance which quantify their potential contribution to biomass formation with respect to that of phosphate (PO43-). The indicator is therefore expressed in kg PO43- eq. and is calculated through the following equation: Eutrophication (kg PO 34- eq) EPi m i i where: EPi = Eutrophication Potential for the substance i (kg PO43- eq./kg); mi = mass of the substance i released to the air, water or soil (kg). The eutrophication potentials of the present method are defined by assuming an unlimited availability of the other nutrients required for biomass formation and are therefore independent from their actual level in a particular location, in which a certain substance could instead be a limiting factor for biomass growing. Table 4.4 summarises the substances contributing to the definition of the eutrophication impact indicator and the respective Eutrophication Potentials so as reported in the version 2.04 of the CML 2001 baseline method implemented in SimaPro. 170 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Table 4.4: Characterization factors (EP) for the substances contributing to the eutrophication impact indicator so as reported in the CML 2001 baseline method implemented in SimaPro Characterization factor (EP) kg PO43- eq./kg Ammonia 0.35 Ammonium carbonate 0.12 Ammonium nitrate 0.074 Ammonium, ion 0.33 COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand 0.022 Nitrate 0.1 Nitric acid 0.1 Nitric oxide 0.2 Nitrite 0.1 Nitrogen 0.42 Nitrogen dioxide 0.13 Nitrogen oxides 0.13 Phosphate 1 Phosphoric acid 0.97 Phosphorus 3.06 Phosphorus pentoxide 1.34 Substance 171 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 4.5 Baseline scenario 1 (Utilisation of virgin PET one-way bottled water) 4.5.1 Waste generation and management In order to define the amount of waste produced and to be managed under this scenario, the same procedure adopted for the estimate of the prevention potential adopted in previous paragraph 3.2.2 is utilised, but considering also the contribution of other primary packaging materials (caps and labels), as well as of secondary packaging, constituted by bundle heatshrink films. The whole procedure is reported here again for clarity. First of all, by considering the data concerning the volume of packaged water consumed in Italy for the year 2008 by typology of packaging (Bevitalia, 2009), reported in table 4.5, and an average population for the same year of 59,832,179 inhabitants10, it is possible to estimate the respective specific consumptions which, with regard to the only volume of water packaged in PET bottles, amount altogether to 152.1 litres/inhabitant/year. Table 4.5: Volume of packaged water consumed in Italy during the year 2008 by typology of packaging, both in absolute and specific terms (Elaboration on data from Bevitalia (2009)) Bottled water consumptions - packaging mix – Italy, year 2008 Typology of packaging PET bottles - 2 litres PET bottles - 1.5 litres PET bottles - single serve (≤ 0.5 litres) PET bottles - total Glass bottles PC* and PET jugs, bio-bottles, brick Total (*) PC: Polycarbonate Millions litres litres/inhab/y 576.4 7,833.6 690 9,100 2,070 350 11,520 9.6 130.9 11.5 152.1 34.6 5.8 192.5 % 5 68 6 79 18 3 100 % on PET bottles only 6.3 86.1 7.6 100 The packaging mix specified for PET bottles is assumed to well represent the domestic consumption, considering that big size bottles (1.5 litres and 2 litres ones) are quite exclusively employed for this purpose and that the inclusion of the whole small share of little size bottles (only 6%), widely employed in vending machines, can only marginally affect the overall results. 10 Calculated by averaging the resident population at 1st January and 31 December 2008, respectively equal to 59,619,290 and 60,045,068 (ISTAT, 2010a). 172 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios By combining these data with the average masses of primary and secondary packaging materials (bottles, caps, labels and bundle heat-shrink films) characterizing the three typologies of PET bottles sizes, provided in Federambiente (2010) and reported in table 4.6, it is therefore possible to calculate the amount of waste generated by each one of these items under the present scenario, which altogether results equal to about 4.1 kg/inhabitant/years. The results of these calculations are reported in table 4.7. Table 4.6: Average masses of PET bottled water primary and secondary packaging materials (Federambiente, 2010) HDPE Paper LDPE PET bottles size Bottles mass Cap mass Label mass Bundle heat-shrink film mass (litres) (g) (g) (g) (g)* 2 33.42 1.72 0.52 26 1.5 32.55 2.06 0.57 21.8 0.5 18.06 2.45 0.4 10.5 (*) Each bundle contains 6 bottles Table 4.7: Amount of packaging waste generated by the consumption of one-way PET bottled water in baseline scenario 1 PET bottles size (litres) 2 1.5 0.5 Total Share (%) 6.3 86.1 7.6 100 LDPE Heatshrink films (litres/inhab/y) (g/inhab/y) (g/inhab/y) (g/inhab/y) (g/inhab/y) 9.6 161 8.28 2.5 20.9 130.9 2,841.1 179.8 49.8 317.1 11.5 416.5 56.5 9.23 40.4 152.1 3,418.6 244.6 61.5 378.4 Total waste 3.42 0.245 0.0615 0.378 (kg/inhab/year) Specific consumption PET bottles HDPE caps Paper labels Prevention potential (g/inhab/y) 4,103.1 4.103 As described in paragraph 3.3.2, bottles are assumed to be separately collected for recycling with a 77% efficiency, while heat-shrink films, which are here considered to be part of the polyolefines mix waste flow, with a 33% efficiency. The residual fraction is instead assumed to be incinerated in a waste to energy plant. Remembering afterwards that the efficiencies of PET and polyolefines mix recovery processes were considered to be 80% and 60% respectively, it is possible to define the waste flows within the management system and, therefore, the amount of waste handled by a given process, as showed in figure 4.1. In carrying out mass balances, caps and labels are assumed, for simplicity, to be directly routed to incineration as a not separately collected fraction, even if a certain amount of them is 173 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios actually part of the scraps generated by the PET recovery process, where they are separated from bottles. Separately collected material =77% PET bottles 3.42 kg Recovered material =80% 2.63 kg 2.11 kg HDPE caps1 0.245 kg Input waste 4.1 kg LDPE heatshrink films 0.378 kg =33% =60% 0.125 kg 0.0749 kg Total=2.76 kg Total=2.18 kg 1 Paper labels 0.0615 kg Paper incineration 0.0615 kg Virgin PET granules avoided production (1.71 kg)2 Wooden planks avoided production 0.0749 m3 Scraps 0.576 kg 1.28 kg Plastic incineration 1.85 kg (1) Even if 77% of caps and labels would be separately collected with bottles and then sent to incineration as recovery scraps, they are assumed, for simplicity, to be directly routed to incineration. (2) A substitution rate of 1:0.81 is considered (paragraph 3.3.2) Figure 4.1: Waste flows within the management system for baseline scenario 1 According to the balances results, the processes that occur in the waste management system and that have to be modelled are therefore: selection of separately collected bottles and heat-shrink films (2.76 kg), recovery of selected PET bottles (2.63 kg), recovery of selected LDPE heat-shrink films (0.125 kg), incineration of caps and of not separately collected bottles and heat-shrink films (1.28 kg), incineration of labels (0.0615 kg), incineration of recovery scraps (0.576 kg). The processes of plastic materials selection, recycling and incineration are modelled in a life cycle perspective as described in paragraph 3.3.2 and 3.3.3, to which we refer for further details. 174 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The new module Paper incineration is instead created to model labels incineration. This is made with the same approach employed in the paragraph 3.3.3 but considering variations of waste specific burdens associated with the different elemental composition and heating value of paper with respect to plastic (table 4.8). Table 4.8: Elemental composition of paper %W C Cl H O N S Ashes Total 43.7 0.7 6 43.4 0.2 0.2 5.8 100 %WW Ashes Moisture Volatiles 5 14 81 Total 100 In particular, these variations concern airborne emissions, reagents consumptions for flue gas cleaning, production of residues and the amount of electricity and heat generated by the process. They are summarised in table 4.9 except for airborne emissions which are reported in table B.1 of appendix B. Table 4.9: Summary of waste specific material and energy inputs and outputs of the paper incineration process Amount (g/kgWW) 7.3 Flue gas volume (m3n dry gas/kgWW) @ 11% O2 Reagents consumption: Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) 29.1 Activated carbon 2.9 Urea CO(NH2)2 7.4 Bottom ashes generation 62.3 of which: Over-sift to inert material landfill 8.1 Under-sift to inactivation 54.2 Inactivated under-sift 55.9 Fly ashes generation 21.8 Inactivated fly ashes to salt mines 28.3 Air pollution control residues generation 26.3 Energy: Electricity for bottom ashes sorting (kWh/kgWW) 2.5×10-4 Electricity production (avoided)1 (kWh/kgWW) 0.89 1,2 Heat production (avoided) (kWh/kgWW) 0.0016 (1) A paper lower heating value of 13,223 kJ/kgWW is considered (2) Distribution and heat exchanging losses included (20%) Material and energy flows Since this baseline scenario is characterized by the utilisation of one-way virgin PET bottled water, the most important upstream life cycle processes involved in its supplying have to be included in the analysis because their magnitude is subject to change among the examined Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 175 scenarios. A detailed inventory of this product system will be therefore carried out in the following paragraph. 4.5.2 Life cycle inventory of one-way virgin PET bottled water System description In order to understand mass and energy flows involved in the productive process of bottled water we have visited and examined the bottling plant of a medium size company sited in northern Italy, which will be now described to clarify the typology of system under investigation. Moreover, data concerning this specific reality will be employed to carry out the inventory. Where necessary, the provided information are completed with information found in the literature. The examined company commercializes mineral water packaged either in PET disposable bottles in the format of 0.5 litres and 1.5 litres, or in glass refillable and disposable bottles in the format of 0.5 litres, 0.75 litres and 1 litre. During the year 2009 its production amounted to about 80,000,000 litres of which around 70% in PET bottles and the remaining 30% in glass bottles (about 2/3 flat and 1/3 sparkling). Water employed for bottling is collected from two springs emerging from the rock at an altitude of 750 and 650 meters, respectively. At the springs, water is conveyed into a basin and from this to the plant through one 70 mm stainless steel pipe of the length of 200 meters for the higher spring and of 100 meters for the lower one. At the plant the water of the higher spring is stored in two stainless steel reservoirs with the capacity of 200 m3 and an height of 6 meters, while the one drawn from the lower spring is stored in a unique reservoir with the same characteristics. Reservoirs are in turn connected, always through stainless steel pipes, to the two bottling lines sited in the plant. Other 10 reservoirs of the volume of 18 m3 each one and 3 meters tall, store the incoming volume of water exceeding the storage capacity of the three main reservoirs, and their content is employed as service water for circuits chilling, machineries washing and so on. As mentioned above, two bottling lines are placed at the plant, one for PET bottles that will be described now, and another for glass bottles which will be described in paragraph 4.10.2 176 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios PET bottles are manufactured starting from preforms through a stretch-blow moulding process which takes place at the plant. Preforms are the compact form of the future bottles and are similar to test tubes with an upper part constituted by the threaded neck, not destined to be modified by the blowing process, and a lower tubular part instead destined to be blown in apposite moulds to acquire the definitive shape of the bottle. Preforms are manufactured through injection moulding of melted PET granules in external facilities. The company employs 1.5 litres preforms with a mass of 27 g for still water and of 32 g for sparkling water, while 0.5 litres preforms have a respective mass of 12.5 g and 15 g. The process begins with withdrawing of preforms from the respective container through an elevator which conveys them towards a rectifier which orientates preforms with the neck faced upward to allows their introduction into the blowing machine. Here preforms are firstly heated at the temperature of about 100-120°C while performing a circular pathway around a certain number of infrared lamps batteries, becoming suitable to the next stage of blowing and, at the same time, sterilized, with consequent no need of a disinfection stage. They are then placed into aluminium moulds, which are the reverse shape of the bottles, to be blown. The blowing process is articulated in two stages: the first is the one of stretch and preblowing, where a stretch bar lengthens the material in axial direction while low pressure compressed air inflation (10-15 bar) widens it in radial direction, towards mould internal surface. A next stage of high pressure blowing gives to the bottles their definitive shape through inflation of compressed air at the pressure of 27 for 0.5 litres bottles and of 32 bar for 1.5 litres bottles. Bottles cool instantaneously when adhering to moulds surface since between their internal and external surface an interspace is placed in which a chilling liquid composed by water and ethylene glycol at the temperature of about 4-5 °C circulates. Afterwards bottles are transferred to the filler machine while their bottom is further cooled by means of crossed water jets in order to avoid its deformation which could occur during the filling stage if the material was still too warm. The process continues with bottles capping by means of high density polyethylene (HDPE) closures provided with a tamper evidence band, of the weight of 1.87 g both for 0.5 and 1.5 litres bottles. After this stage, bottles pass through an electronic inspector which verifies bottles conformity and in particular the presence of the cap and the right filling level. If these requirements are Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 177 not satisfied, the inspector orders the opening of a gate making bottles to fall down and removing them from the main flow. The process goes on with the labelling stage where an apposite labellers machine wraps around the bottles a pre-cut printed paper label by applying two narrow vertical lines of hotmelt glue, one to the bottle and one to the trailing label edge, minimizing glue consumption. Hot-melt is drawn from a tank where it is kept at the temperature of about 140°C by electric resistances. The weight of a label is about 1.5 g and 0.514 g for 1.5 and 0.5 litres bottles respectively. A further electronic inspector verifies the correct labelling and in negative case removes bottles from the main stream with a mechanism analogous to the one discussed above. Successively bottles are arranged in groups of 6 each one, wrapped with a low density polyethylene (LDPE) heat-shrink film of 65 m thickness and passed through a oven where electric heaters warm the film at the temperature of about 220-240 °C making it to shrink and adhere to bottles, originating the bundle, which represent the most common commercialized unit of PET bottled water. The average mass of LDPE heat-shrink film employed for the bundle is equal to 24.5 and 18.5 grams for 1.5 and 0.5 litres bottles respectively. To the bundles of 1.5 litres bottles, one handle is then applied. It is constituted by a transparent polypropylene adhesive tape strip of about 45 cm in length and 2.5 cm in width, coupled in its central part with a printed cardboard strip of about 20 cm in length and of the same width. An apposite handling machine is employed for this operation. The last process stage is palletization, which has the purpose to build up the standard transport units of bottled water. Bundles are indeed charged on pallets in a precise number of overlapping layers constituted by a precise number of bundles and separated each other by a cardboard interlayer. In particular, for the examined plant, standard EUR-EPAL pallets with dimensions 80×120 cm and about 22 kg weight are employed and charged, in the case of 1.5 litres bottles, with 4 layers of 21 bundles each one, for a total of 504 bottles and 3 interlayer. For 0.5 litres bottles, 7 layers of 36 bundles each one are instead charged, for a total of 1,512 bottles and 6 interlayer. The mass of one interlayer is equal to about 600 grams. The examined company does not commercialize 2 litres bottles but we have recognized how the common loading practice for this typology of containers and pallets, foresees the charging of 4 layers of 19 bundles each one for a total of 456 bottles and 3 interlayer. 178 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Bundles are therefore grouped on a platform from which they are drawn and transferred on the pallet when the number of units required for the composition of 1 layer is reached. The operation is repeated until all the layers required for pallet completion are overlapped. On the upper layer a protective film of low density polyethylene (LDPE) is placed while, with the same purpose, the whole charge is wrapped with a linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) stretch-film. The weight of the former is about 175 grams while that of the latter is about 245 grams, and can be considered valid for all containers size since pallets load reaches more or less the same height for all of them, in order to allow truck or trailer truck charging. By means of a forklift truck, pallets are finally drawn and stocked or charged on trucks or trailer trucks for their delivering to retailers. The company owns five trucks with a full-load mass of 25 tonnes and a load capacity of 15 pallets, and two trailers which can be combined with trucks to reach a full-load mass of 44 tonnes and a load capacity of 35 pallets. In some cases transportations are also entrusted to external companies. During vehicles return trip, the empty pallets are instead transported back to be employed again for next deliveries. The filler machine undergoes daily a sequence of external washings with an alkaline detergent solution, an acid detergent solution and a disinfectant solution respectively. Moreover a weekly washing of its internal circuits with a CIP (cleaning in place) system is carried out trough the utilisation of a solution of a caustic detergent and a peracetic acid based disinfectant solution. Wastewaters are collected and sent to a little depuration plant where the sewage is roughly screened and its pH neutralized through injection of carbon dioxide. It is worth to notice how the use of preforms has became irreplaceable for bottling companies, at least for medium-large ones which can afford the expense for the purchasing of the blower machine. The main advantage is indeed the possibility to carry out their transportation in capacious cardboard containers (named as octabins) which can contain more than 20,000 pieces. This allows to avoid transportation of the complete bottle from producers to users, which would have the consequence of drastically increase the number of transportations cycles required for the delivering of the same amount of product. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 179 System boundaries On the basis of the collected information about the productive framework of bottled water and of the data that have been possible to obtain, we have defined the boundaries of the investigated system, considering the following processes: production of primary packaging materials: from extraction and preparation of needed raw materials to the production of the packaging itself including preforms and caps moulding and manufacturing of paper for labels. Fabrication of glue employed for labelling is not included due to lack of data and to its marginal contribution as input mass (less than 0.32%). production of secondary packaging materials: also in this case considering the production of raw materials and the manufacturing processes of heat-shrink films employed for bottles wrapping into the bundle. Also production of adhesive tape film and of cardboard strip for handle is considered, together with their disposal which were not considered in the waste management system for reasons of simplicity. production of transport packaging materials: fabrication of the materials employed in the manufacturing of pallets (wooden planks and nails) and of cardboard for interlayer. Production of raw materials for stretch-films and their conversion are included as well. operations at the bottling plant including preforms stretch blow moulding, containers filling, capping, labelling, packaging and palletization. Washing of the filler machine is also considered even if it will be recognized to give a marginal contribution to the results. end of life treatments of the materials which are not considered to be handled by the municipal waste management system: recycling of pallets materials, of stretch-films and of interlayer. transportation of packaged water from bottling plant to retailers and from retailers to consumers houses are finally accounted for. Transportation of packaging materials to the bottling plant are instead neglected for the high variability of involved transport distances. 180 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Burdens associated with the life cycle of capital goods such as infrastructures and machineries are not included. The respective processes give indeed generally a small contribution to the results since their burdens are averaged on the whole life span of the good. Figure D.1 represents the major upstream life cycle processes included in the scenario under investigation and that will be described during the present inventory. Reference flow Since the function of the system under investigation is the production and delivering of bottled water to Italian domestic consumers, the inventory is carried out by considering as a reference flow “1 litre of one-way bottled water produced and delivered to consumers with the packaging mix specified in table 4.5”. For this reason, all inputs and outputs have been associated with this flow. Data sources Data concerning packaging materials masses, are found in the literature or provided by the examined bottling plant. Primary data from the same reality regarding energy and main raw materials consumptions for bottling plant operations were also utilised. If not otherwise specified, inventory data concerning raw materials production and energy generation employed in the present inventory are those provided by the modules of the widespread Ecoinvent database, implemented in the software SimaPro. Detailed inventory Primary packaging materials manufacturing Primary packaging materials are represented, other than by the bottles themselves, also by HDPE caps and paper labels. The amount of these materials required for the delivering of 1 litre of bottled water by means of the three typologies of container belonging to the considered packaging mix, can be calculated starting from the masses employed for the definition of the amount of waste generated in the present scenario (paragraph 4.5.1), reported again in table 4.10. For completeness, also the quantity of glue utilised for labelling is reported in the table even if the burdens of its production process have been neglected in this study because of data lacking Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 181 and in view of the very small magnitude of glue as input mass. Consumptions of glue for the labelling of 0.5 litres and 1.5 litres bottles refer to the examined bottling plant. The value provided for 1.5 litres bottles is then also supposed to be valid also for 2 litres ones. Table 4.10: Average masses of PET bottled water primary packaging materials (Federambiente, 2010) PET HDPE Paper Bottles size Glue mass bottles mass Cap mass label mass (litres) (g) (g) (g) (g) 2 33.42 1.72 0.52 0.1 1.5 32.55 2.06 0.57 0.1 0.5 18.06 2.45 0.4 0.05 Just by dividing these values for the respective container capacity and by multiplying them for the container share in the packaging mix, it is possible to calculate the amount of material required material required by the system with respect to the reference flow, as reported in table 4.11. For example, the mass of PET required to deliver 1 litre of water through 1.5 litres bottles expressed with respect to the reference flow is equal to: M PET_1,5 litres 32.55 g/bottle 86.1 18.7 g/litre 1.5 litre/bottle 100 By summing up the weighted results obtained from these calculations, it is then possible to define the total amount of each material required by the system under investigation, as showed in the last row of table 4.11. These values are those which have to be introduced in the software. Table 4.11: Primary packaging materials masses expressed with respect to the reference flow for baseline scenario 1 Bottles size Share (litres) (%) 2 6.3 1.5 86.1 0.5 7.6 Total Mass with respect to the reference flow (g/litre) PET HDPE Paper bottles caps labels 1.058 0.0545 0.0165 18.7 1.18 0.327 2.74 0.372 0.0607 22.5 1.61 0.404 As early described, PET bottles are manufactured through injection moulding of bottle-grade PET granules into preforms. In this process granules are melted at the temperature of 270-280 °C and injected into a cooled mould (≤ 20°C), which has the reverse shape of the preform 182 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios (TNO, 2010). Injected preforms are then stretch blow moulded into bottles at the bottling plant. Inventory data employed to model virgin PET granules production are those provided in the module Polyethylene terephtalate, granulate, bottle grade, at plant/RER available in the Ecoinvent database. The module describes the production of bottle grade PET, which is obtained by submitting amorphous PET to a further polymerisation in the solid state to increase its molecular weight, making in this way the material suitable to the further injection moulding conversion process. Amorphous PET is, in turn, produced through the polymerisation in the liquid phase of BHET (bis-hydroxyethyl terephtalate) obtained from the reaction of esterification of purified terephtalic acid (PTA) with ethylene glycol (EG) (Liebich and Giegrich, 2010). The module accounts for material and energy inputs, airborne and waterborne emissions, treatments of generated waste and, in a life cycle perspective, an estimate of the burdens associated with facilities building and dismantling. For the modelling of the conversion process of PET into preforms, the Injection moulding/RER dataset available in Ecoinvent is considered as source of inventory data. The two mentioned processes are employed to build up the new module PET preforms, in order to model the manufacturing processes of the three different sizes of preforms considered in this scenario. As specified in the database, a conversion efficiency of PET granules into preforms equal to 99.4% has been considered to account for process losses. Therefore the module is utilised to account for the burdens associated with the production of 22.5 g of PET preforms, starting from 22.6 g of virgin PET granules. Moreover, as specified in the database, standard transport distances of granules to the conversion plant equal to 100 km by lorry and 200 km by rail are finally considered. The conversion process of preforms into bottles has not been modelled separately because, as already explained, in the majority of cases, this stage take place at the bottling plant and the associated burdens will be considered into the respective module. HDPE caps are manufactured, as well as preforms, through injection moulding of melted HDPE granules by means of an injection press. Polyethylene is a thermoplastic polymer resin constituted from long chains of ethylene monomers. In particular, high density polyethylene is a specific type of polyethylene with a density greater than 940 kg/m3 and is produced through the polymerisation of ethylene in Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 183 normal pressure conditions and at relatively low temperatures (20-75 °C). Its high density is due to the presence of big crystalline regions in the structure that is possible thanks to the relatively low content of side branches on the main chain, the majority of which are short ones (Boustead, 2005a; Hischier, 2007a). Inventory data employed to model HDPE granules production are those provided in the Ecoinvent dataset Polyethylene, HDPE, granulate, at plant/RER which just models the polymerisation process of ethylene under normal pressure and temperature conditions. With the same methodology used to model preforms manufacturing, the new module HDPE caps is built up in the software to model the production through injection moulding, of 1.61 g of caps starting from 1.62 g of virgin HDPE granules. In this study bottles labels are considered to be constituted, for simplicity, only from paper, even if in the market also plastic labelled bottles (LDPE or PP) can be found. This simplification is widely acceptable if considering the little contribution of the life cycle of labels material to the impact categories considered in this study (see chapter 5 and appendix E). Moreover a brief investigation among the main brands of Italian bottled mineral waters (table A.1 in appendix A) has highlighted the wider utilisation of paper labels with respect to plastic ones. According to Hischier (2007b), two big groups of graphical papers can be identified in the market (other than newsprint paper): wood containing papers (or mechanical papers) and woodfree papers (or fine papers). For the first typology, less than 90% of the fibres are derived from chemical pulp, while for the second typology at least 90% of the fibres are derived form chemical pulp. A further subdivision can be made between uncoated and coated papers in the case paper surfaces are coated or not with a coating mineral like kaolin or calcium carbonate. Paper employed for labels manufacturing is evidently uncoated, but no information are available regarding its nature (woodfree or wood containing). For this reason and in order to assign the least possible environmental drawbacks to the bottled water system, we have decided to employ the typology of paper which the smallest environmental impact to the scenario, with respect to the impact categories considered in this study. This is resulted to be wood containing paper, represented by the Ecoinvent module Paper, wood-containing, supercalendered (SC), at regional storage/RER which is thus employed to model the production of 0.404 g of paper and its transportation from the paper mill to the regional 184 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios distributor. The reason of this choice is the fact that if also in this conditions the use of public network water results to be environmentally better performing with respect to the use of bottled water, of course this would be valid also in the case in which a more impacting typology of paper was actually utilised. Printing and cutting of paper foils is neglected due to lack of data. Anyway this omission is considered to involve negligible effects on the overall results, always according to the small contribution given by labels life cycle to the considered impact indicators. The module Primary packaging materials is finally built up, by recalling the modules described up to now, in order to model the burdens associated with the processes of primary packaging materials manufacturing required to deliver 1 litre of PET bottled water. Secondary packaging materials manufacturing Secondary packaging materials are represented by LDPE heat-shrink film for bottles wrapping up into the bundle and by handle materials: polypropylene (PP) adhesive tape coupled with a cardboard strip in its central part (only for 1.5 and 2 litres bottles) As done before, the amount of each one of these materials expressed with respect to the reference flow of this inventory, can be calculated by dividing the mass of each single secondary packaging item, reported in table 4.12, by the volume of water contained in each bundle and by finally multiplying it for the share of the respective container format within the packaging mix. For example the mass of LDPE heat-shrink film required to deliver 1 litre of water through 1.5 litres bottles expressed with respect to the reference flow is equal to: M LDPE_1,5 litres 21.8 g/bundle 86.1 2.09 g/litre 6 bottles/bundle 1.5 litres/bot tle 100 By summing up the weighted results it is then possible to calculate the total mass of each material required to deliver 1 litre of water through the packaging mix, as presented in the last row of table 4.13. The values of the masses considered for heat-shrink film are those provided in Federambiente (2010), while those concerning adhesive tape and cardboard handle refer to the examined plant. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 185 Table 4.12: Average masses of PET bottled water secondary packaging materials Bottles size LDPE heat-shrink film Handle PE adhesive tape Handle cardboard (litres) (g) (g) (g) 2 26 0.535 1.45 1.5 21.8 0.535 1.45 0.5 10.5 not used not used Table 4.13: Secondary packaging materials masses expressed with respect to the reference flow for baseline scenario 1 Mass with respect to the reference flow (g/litre) Bottles size Share LDPE Handle PP adhesive tape Handle cardboard (litres) (%) heat-shrink film 2 6.3 0.14 0.00282 0.00765 1.5 86.1 2.09 0.0512 0.139 0.5 7.6 0.27 not used not used Total 2.49 0.054 0.146 LDPE heat-shrink film is manufactured through extrusion of LDPE granules. These lasts are melted into an heated cylinder where a screw conveys them towards a die which gives the desired form to the emerging plastic mass, such as film or profile (Hischier, 2007a). Low density polyethylene is a particular type of polyethylene with a density smaller than 940 kg/m3 which is produced through the polymerisation of ethylene with a high pressure process (up to 300 MPa) and at temperatures up to 300°C. Its lower density with respect to HDPE is associated with a minor presence of crystalline regions in the material because of the higher number of long and short side branches on the main chain of the polymer (Boustead, 2005c; Hischier, 2007a). Inventory data concerning the manufacturing of virgin LDPE granules by means of the high pressure and high temperature polymerisation process are found in the Ecoinvent module Polyethylene, LDPE, granulate, at plant/RER, while for the conversion process of LDPE granules into packaging film, the module Extrusion, plastic film/RER, taken from the same database, is employed. This last process is characterized by a conversion efficiency equal to 97.6%. Considering the same transport distances of the injection moulding process, a new module, Bundle heat-shrink film, is created in the software to account for the burdens associated with the production of 2.49 g of LDPE heat-shrink film starting from 2.55 g of virgin LDPE granules. The process of film printing is not considered within this study because of data lacking. 186 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios We have supposed that also polypropylene (PP) adhesive tape is manufactured through extrusion of virgin PP granules. This material is a thermoplastic resin obtained through the polymerisation of propylene monomers. Manufacturing processes are oriented to maximise the formation of the isotactic form of the polymer (all CH3 groups oriented on the same side of the polymeric chain) because of its superior properties with respect to the other existing forms (syndiotactic and atactic) (Boustead, 2005d). Life cycle data concerning virgin propylene granules manufacturing are taken from the Ecoinvent module Polypropylene, granulate, at plant/RER and the module Handle adhesive tape is built up to model the production of 0.054 g of PP film through the extrusion of 0.055 g of PP granules (Extrusion, plastic film/RER). Production of the adhesive material and of the tape itself has not been possible to be modelled but this simplification is expected to bring negligible effects on results due to the small amount of material involved. To model the manufacturing of 0.146 g of cardboard of the handle strip, the dataset Whitelined chipboard, WLC, at plant/RER is chosen, because it is resulted to be the typology of cardboard with the lowest environmental impacts with respect to the indicators considered in this study. This probably because it contains 80% recycled pulp, especially in its internal layers. The top layer is made, on the contrary, from bleached chemical pulp (Hischier, 2007b). As in the case of labels, the processes of paper cutting and printing are not considered on the basis of the same consideration concerning their minimal contribution. Since the end of life treatments of handle materials were not included in the waste management system for reasons of simplicity, they are therefore considered at this stage of the analysis. In particular both the PP adhesive tape and the cardboard strip are assumed to be incinerated. The burdens and the modules associated with these processes were already described in paragraphs 3.3.3 (Incineration plastic) and 4.5.1 and (Incineration paper). The module Secondary packaging materials is therefore established to model the buredens associated with the production of the amounts of secondary packaging materials required to deliver 1 litre of bottled water through the packaging mix, by recalling the single modules described up to now. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 187 Transport packaging materials life cycle As already specified, transport packaging materials are those utilised to build up the typical transport units of bottled water: wooden pallets, cardboard interlayer, LLDPE stretch-films and LDPE top-layer films employed to wrap up the pallet load. The masses of these materials are reported in table 4.14 and refer to the examined bottling plant. As already explained during system description, they can be considered similar for all the considered container sizes. Table 4.14: Average masses of PET bottled water tertiary packaging materials Bottles size Cardboard interlayer LLDPE stretch-film LDPE top-film Pallet (litres) (g) (g) (g) (units) 2 – 1.5 – 0.5 600 245 175 1 To define the amount of each materials required to deliver 1 litre of water through the packaging mix, the values of table 4.14 have to be divided by the total volume of water transported by one pallet, multiplied by the share of the respective container typology within the packaging mix and finally summed up, as showed in table 4.15. The volume of water transported by one pallet can be defined by remembering that pallets are charged with the following criteria and that one cardboard interlayer is placed between each layer: 0.5 litres bottles: 7 layers by 36 bundles for a total of 1,512 bottles and 756 litres loaded, 1.5 litres bottles: 4 layers by 21 bundles for a total of 504 bottles and 756 litres loaded, 2 litres bottles: 4 layers by 19 bundles for a total of 456 bottles and 912 litres loaded. As consequence, for instance, the total mass of cardboard interlayer required for the transportation of 1 litre of water packaged within 1.5 litres bottles, expressed with respect to the reference flow is equal to: M CARDBOARD_ 1,5 litres 600 g/interlayer 3 interlayer /pallet 86.1 2.05 g/litre (21 4 6 1.5) litres/pallet 100 188 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios An exception is represented by the number of pallet units. In fact, according to Creazza and Dallari (2007), we have assumed that one pallet can be utilised on average for 20 transportation cycles before damaging and therefore the number of input pallet units must be scaled down by 1/20. Always in the case of 1.5 litres bottles, this means that the number of pallets units required for the transportation of 1 litre of water, expressed with respect to the reference flow are equal to: No. pallet 1 pallet unit 1 86.1 5.69 10 5 pallet units/litr e (21 4 6 1.5) litres/pallet/trip 20 trips 100 Table 4.15: Tertiary packaging materials masses expressed with respect to the reference flow for baseline scenario 1 Mass with respect to the reference flow Bottles size Share Cardboard interlayer LLDPE stretch-film LDPE top-film Pallet (litres) (%) (g/litre) (g/litre) (g/litre) (units/litre) 2 6.3 0.125 0.0170 0.0122 3.47×10-6 1.5 86.1 2.05 0.279 0.199 5.69×10-5 0.5 7.6 0.361 0.0246 0.0176 5.01×10-6 Total 2.54 0.321 0.229 6.54×10-5 Actually, the fate of a damaged pallet could also be undergo repair operations and its subsequent reintroduction in the supply chain, in place of direct recycling or disposal. The choice between repair or recycling/disposal is the number of broken elements, which in general must not be greater than three, in order that repair is already economically convenient (Creazza and Dallari, 2007). Despite of this in the present study no repair operations are considered to be carried out in pallets life cycle, while recycling is considered as end of life option, as will be described forth. The amount of raw materials employed for the manufacturing of a standard 80×120 cm EUREPAL pallet are provided in the Ecoinvent dataset EUR-flat pallet/RER as reported in table 4.16, also with respect to the reference flow of the inventory, on the basis of the value of 6.54×10-5 pallet-units/litre calculated above. The module, which does not account for the burdens associated with pallet assembling, is therefore employed to model the manufacturing of this amount of pallet units. As it can be noticed, the total mass of involved materials (24.8 kg) outweighs that of 22 kg usually attributed to standard EUR-EPAL pallets. 189 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Table 4.16: Materials employed for pallet manufacturing (Kellenberger et al., 2007) Total volume Total mass Total mass (m3/unit) (kg/unit) (kg/litre) Wooden boards 8 0.0335 16.6 1.09×10-3 Glued particle wood blocks 9 0.0117 8 5.23×10-4 Total wood 0.0452 24.6 1.61×10-3 Steel nails 78 (0.0025 kg/nail) 0.195 1.28×10-5 Total 24.8 1.62×10-3 Input materials Number To model the manufacturing of 2.54 g of cardboard interlayer, the Ecoinvent dataset Whitelined chipboard, WLC, at plant/RER is empolyed, according to the same considerations made above for handle cardboard strip. As for bundle heat-shrink film, LLDPE stretch-film is assumed to be manufactured through extrusion of virgin LLDPE granules. Linear low density polyethylene is a copolymer of ethylene and monomers of another short chain olefin in low concentrations (2.5-3.5%) with a density of about 915-925 kg/m3, in reason of its high content of very short side branches (Boustead, 2005b; Hischier, 2007a). Life cycle data associated with the production of LLDPE virgin granules are provided by the Ecoinvent dataset Polyethylene, LLDPE, granulate, at plant/RER. According to the same considerations made for heat-shrink films, the new module LLDPE stretch-film is created to model the production of 0.321 g of film through extrusion of 0.329 g of LLDPE granules (Extrusion, plastic film/RER). Analogously, the module LDPE top-layer film is created to model the production of 0.229 g of film through extrusion of 0.235 g of LDPE granules. At the end of their useful life, all transport packaging materials are assumed not to be handled by the municipal waste management system since they become waste nearby commercial premises where they are collected by private operators. For this reason their contribution was not considered for the calculation of the amount of waste to be managed under this scenario (paragraph 4.5.1). As consequence the burdens of their end of life treatments have to be considered within this inventory. In particular all the materials are supposed to be recycled for secondary raw material production and recycling is modelled through the avoided burden approach (paragraph 2.2), as will be better described for each single material. Recycling of pallets wood has been modelled with the approach employed in Rigamonti and Grosso (2009), assuming that recycled wood is utilised as secondary raw material for the 190 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios manufacturing of particle board, which in turn is considered to avoid the burdens associated with the manufacturing of a certain volume of plywood board from virgin raw material. In particular a substitution rate equal to 1:0.6 is assumed, as suggested by the same authors on the basis of the smaller mechanical flexion strength of particle board with respect to plywood board. This means that 1 m3 of particle board can avoid the production of only 0.6 m3 of plywood board. A conversion rate equal to 1,076 kg of collected wood per m3 of particle board and a recovery efficiency of 95% of collected wood into the finished product are considered. The new module, Wood recycling, is thus built up to account for the burdens associated with the recycling of 1.61×10-3 kg of pallet wood. Also pallet steel nails are assumed to be recycled and employed for the production of secondary steel in electric arc furnaces, allowing to avoid the production of primary steel in an oxygen converter. A recovery efficiency of 90.5% and a substitution rate equal to 1:1 are considered. It is indeed actually possible to assume that both primary and secondary steel have got the same properties (Rigamonti and Grosso, 2009). The module Steel recycling is created on the basis of life cycle data reported by the same authors, to model the recycling of 1.28×10-5 kg of steel nails. Cardboard interlayer recycling foresees that they are employed in secondary pulp production substituting virgin wood pulp and in particular unbleached thermo-mechanical pulp, which represents the only typology of pulp produced in Italy (Rigamonti and Grosso, 2009). A substitution rate of 1:0.833 is employed, considering a maximum number of possible turns of recycling for paper fibres equal to 5, as suggested by the same authors. The recovery efficiency of the process is assumed to be pair to 89%. The module Paper recycling is therefore created on the basis of these considerations to account for the burdens associated with the recycling of 2.54 g of cardboard interlayer. Finally, LLDPE stretch-film and LDPE top-layer film are assumed to be regranulated and employed in the manufacturing of profiled bars made from a polyolefines mixture. The module Profiled bar from POF mix recovery, already described in paragraph 3.3.2, is employed to model the recycling process of 0.55 (0.321+0.229) g of film. All the processes associated with the life cycle of transport packaging materials are utilised to build up in SimaPro the new module Transport packaging materials which accounts for the respective burdens. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 191 Bottling plant operations As previously described, all the operations required for the production of the complete transport unit of bottled water take place at the bottling plant: preforms blowing, bottles filling, capping and labelling, packaging in bundles and palletizing. Other subsidiary operations are filler machine washing and machineries maintenance. Energy consumptions The most energy-consuming phases are bottles blow moulding, which requires compressed air generation, and bottles bundling into the heat-shrink oven. In particular, only electricity is required when water has to be bottled within PET containers. It has not been possible to obtain disaggregated data for each productive stage but only the total amount of electricity consumed by the bottling plant during the year 2009: 1,423,626 kWh. The company estimates that of this, about 1-2% are associated with services (lighting, conditioning, offices electronic equipments). Of the remaining amount, about 70% is related to bottling and packaging operations of the PET line, while 30% to those of the glass line. Knowing that, of the 80,000,000 litres of water bottled during the year 2009, 48,000,000 litres were bottled in PET containers, the electricity consumption for bottling plant operations required to deliver 1 litre of water packaged in PET containers, can be calculated as follow: Ee PET line 1,423,626 kWh/y 0.98 0.7 0.0203 kWh/litre 48,000,000 litres/y Specific consumption of services has instead to be calculated on the basis of the total volume of water produced: Ee services 1,423,626 kWh/y 0.02 3.56 10 -4 kWh/litre , 80,000,000 litres/y which is minimal. The value that has to be considered in the analysis can now be calculated by summing up the two results: Ee LCA_PET 0.0203 3.56 10 4 0.0207 kWh/l 192 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The burdens associated with the generation of this amount of electricity (0.207 kWh) are modelled through the Ecoinvent dataset Electricity, medium voltage, at grid/IT. Raw materials and natural resources consumptions Main raw materials and natural resources consumptions are represented by lubricating oil for machineries ordinary maintenance and by detergents and water employed for daily and weekly washings of the filler machines. The entity of these consumptions, except for water one, for the year 2009, are reported in the first column of table 4.17, while the second column shows the same consumptions with respect to 1 litre of bottled water, calculated by dividing the first by the total volume of water produced by the company (80,000,000 litres). This because it has not been possible their disaggregation between PET and glass line. Anyway this is an acceptable approximation if considering that the washing procedures are the same for both lines. Table 4.17: Consumptions of lubricating oil and detergents for bottling plant operations Materials Amount – year 2009 (kg) Specific amount (kg/litre) 1251 1.56×10-6 Lubricating oil Detergent for daily washing: Alkaline detergent (Enduro Super) 300 3.75×10-6 Acid detergent (Enduro CID) 200 2.5×10-6 Foaming disinfectant (Diverfoam active) 150 1.88×10-6 Detergent for weekly washing: Caustic detergent (Distar 44) 150 1.88×10-6 2 Not-foaming disinfectant (Divosan forte) 524 6.55×10-6 (1) Calculated as average between the years 2009 and 2008, considering that only in this last 250 kg were disposed of (2) Calculated considering that this agent is dosed in a measure of 0.03% of the 3,000 litres of water utilised for preparing the washing solution for the two filler machines, and 52 working weeks per year. The whole amount (1,700 kg) consumed by the company is indeed utilised also (and principally) for refillable glass bottles washing and, since it was not possible to separate the two contributions, the whole consumptions will be totally assigned to this last process, according to a conservative approach Manufacturing of 1.56×10-6 kg of lubricating oil is modelled through the Ecoinvent dataset Lubricating oil, at plant/RER. An average water consumption of 3,500 l/d is instead estimated by the company for the daily washing and rinsing of the filler machine or either 7,000 l/d for both lines. Considering then a total of 250 working days per year and the annual production of 80,000,000 litres, a specific volume equal to 0.0219 litres/litre can be calculated. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 193 With regard to the weekly washing, 1,500 litres of water are instead required for the preparation of the two washing solutions, while an average consumption of 10,000 l/week for rinsing is estimated. Considering a total of 52 working weeks per year and that two lines have to be washed, the whole specific consumption of water can be estimated as: Vwater (1,500 2 10,000) 52 2 0.0169 litres/lit re 80,000,000 A whole consumption of 0.0219 + 0.0169 = 0.0388 litres/litre of water is therefore ascribed to the process and is modelled as a natural resource (Water, well, in ground). In order to carry out the inventories of detergents, the chemical composition specified in the respective safety data sheets is employed, even if this last could be an incomplete composition since only hazardous substances are specified. Moreover because of data lacking, it has not been possible to inventory most of these substances in terms of the exact compound and therefore a precursor or a compound of the same category is considered. For instance ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) is assumed to model tetrasodium EDTA or either, the surfactant potassium alkyl-benzene sulphonate is assumed to be represented by a generic linear alkyl-benzene sulphonate. However in most cases these simplifications are made for substances present in the composition with a percentage lower than 5% and furthermore they could be considered widely acceptable in view of the really modest contribution given by their production to the impact categories considered in this study. The composition of each detergent with the respective Ecoinvent dataset employed for its modelling are reported in tables from C.1 to C.5 of appendix C. The percentage of product not covered by the substances declared in safety data sheets and required to reach 100% of the composition is considered to be totally represented by demineralised water (Water, deionised, at plant/RER), usually employed to complete the solution. Waterborne emissions Since no chemical analysis of wastewaters generated at the plant are available, waterborne emissions associated with the utilisation of detergents during the washing process are estimated on the basis of their content of COD, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) specified in the respective technical data sheets. By multiplying these values for the specific consumption 194 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios of each detergent, calculated in table 4.17, the specific emissions leaving the bottling plant can be obtained as reported in the first column of table 4.18. Considering that wastewaters are then collected and treated at a municipal treatment facilities, the actual value of the emissions to the environment are defined by considering the average removal efficiencies achievable with a traditional activated sludge biological process, as reported in Bonomo (2008) and presented in table 4.18, together with the resulting emissions. Table 4.18: Waterborne emissions associated with filler machines washing, leaving the bottling plant and released to the environment Pollutant Input to the WWTP removing Output from WWTP (g/lbottled water) (g/lbottled water) (%) COD 1.76×10-3 42.5* 1.01×10-3 -5 N 2.18×10 25 1.63×10-5 P 2.76×10-4 20 2.21×10-4 (*) Calculated considering a 85% removal efficiency for BOD and an average rate COD/BOD=2 into urban sewage (Bonomo, 2008) Burdens already associated with the treatment of an unpolluted sewage, which does not contain bio-solids, can be found in the Ecoinvent dataset Treatment, sewage, unpolluted, to wastewater treatment, class 3/CH which is therefore chosen to model the treatment of the 0.0388 litres originating from the washing processes. Cryogenic CO2 is also employed to neutralize the alkalinity of the sewage, but since it was not possible to quantify the respective consumption, it was not included in the present inventory. The new module Filler machines washings is appositely created to account for water consumptions and waterborne emissions of the washing process as well as the burdens associated with detergents manufacturing and sewage treatment, by recalling the modules described above and in appendix C, as better detailed in table 4.19. 195 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Table 4.19: Major burdens associated with filler machines washing process and respective modules utilised for their modelling and to create the module Filler machines washings in SimaPro Raw materials/natural resources Water2 Alkaline detergent (Enduro Super) Acid detergent (Enduro CID) Foaming disinfectant (Diverfoam active) Caustic detergent (Distar 44) Not-foaming disinfectant (Divosan forte) Waterborne emissions COD Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) Other processes Amount (kg/l) Module1 0.0388 Water, well, in ground 3.75×10 -6 2.5×10-6 Enduro Super Enduro CID 1.88×10 -6 Diverfoam active 1.88×10 -6 Distar 44 6.55×10-6 Divosan forte Module1 Treatment, sewage, unpolluted, Wastewaters treatment 0.0388 to wastewater treatment, class 3/CH (1) In Italic the modules taken from Ecoinvent database, the others are build up on purpose (2) Modelled as natural resource without assigning any production burdens Amount (kg/l) 1.01×10-3 1.63×10-5 2.21×10-4 Amount (kg/l) Waste flows The only waste treatment process considered in the inventory is that associated with the end of life of exhausted lubricating oil. According to COUU (2010) the first treatment option in Italy for exhausted mineral oil is its regeneration for the production of regenerated lubricating bases (about 65%), and fuel oil (20-25%). In the case in which exhausted oil does not satisfy technical requirements to allow its regeneration, it is employed for combustion which, in general, takes place in cement production plants, in substitution of traditionally employed fossil fuels such as coal or fuel oil. Only in the case in which exhausted oil contains high concentrations of not easily separable pollutants, to make any possible treatment aimed at their separation uneconomic and unfeasible, it is sent to thermal destruction (incineration without energy recovery). This is the case of oils containing high concentration of PCBs (such as the ones once employed as dielectric material within transformers), or chlorine. Also combustion in cement production plants is indeed not feasible for these lasts because of the presence of a flue gas cleaning system inadequate to the nature of the oils to be burned. Lubricating oil employed at the bottling plant should have characteristics suitable to undergo the regeneration process, but it has not been possible to model such a process. Data are instead available about the process of incineration with energy recovery of mineral oil in an 196 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios hazardous waste incinerator, in the Ecoinvent module Disposal, used mineral oil, 10% water, to hazardous waste incineration/CH. This last is therefore employed to model the end of life of 1.56×10-6 kg of exhausted oil. Since Ecoinvent works with no credits, the avoided burdens associated with the production of thermal energy and electricity have been added. To this end, an oil lower heating value of 34.7 MJ/kgoil as well as a thermal and an electrical efficiency equal to 74.4% and 10% respectively, are employed, as specified in the database. Considering then a self consumption of electricity pair to 1.033 MJ/kgoil (always from the database) and heat losses of 20% during its distribution and exchanging, a net production of thermal energy and electricity equal to 20.7 MJ/kgoil and 0.68 kWh/kgoil, can be respectively calculated. The net produced thermal energy is supposed to avoid the generation of an equivalent amount of heat from industrial methane boilers at the service of a district heating system, while generated electricity is supposed to avoid the production of an equivalent amount of energy from the Italian country mix, as considered for plastic and paper incineration processes described in paragraphs 3.3.3 and 4.5.1. The module Lubricating oil-life cycle is finally created to account for the burdens associated with the manufacturing and the incineration of 1.56×10-6 kg of lubricating oil originated from maintenance activities at the bottling plant, as better detailed in table 4.20. Table 4.20: Processes associated with the life cycle of mineral oil and respective Ecoinvent modules utilised to create the module Lubricating oil-life cycle in SimaPro Processes Production of lubricating oil Incineration of mineral oil Amount (kg/l) 1.56×10-6 Ecoinvent module Lubricating oil, at plant/RER Disposal, used mineral oil, 10% water, to hazardous waste incineration/CH Transportations Transportation of raw materials from the manufacturing site to the bottling plant are neglected in this study in reason of the high variability of the associated distances, which depend by the actual location of the bottling plant. Transportation of complete pallets with water to retailers as well as of bundles with bottles from these lasts to consumers houses are instead considered. Transport distance of complete pallets is defined by calculating the average distance of the bottling plants locations of the major Italian mineral water brands from the city of Milan, the most important urban centre of northern Italy which holds in this region a central position and for this reason it is considered to be a suitable choice to take into account both short and long 197 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios distances. Chosen main brands are those belonging to the first eight Italian producer groups reported in table A.1 of appendix A. An average distance equal to 300 km is resulted on the basis of the single distances estimated for the single plants with the support of a route planner and reported in table A.2 of appendix A. The mass to be transported is that of the whole transport unit which has to be calculated for each container format. For example, in the case of 1.5 litres bottles, transport unit is composed by the pallet (24.8 kg), by the three cardboard interlayer (3×0.6 kg), by the stretchfilm (0.245 kg), by the top layer film (0.175 kg), by the 504 bottles comprehensive of cap and label (504×0.03518 kg), by the contained water (504 x 1.5 kg) and by the bundle heat-shrink film with handle (84×0.02378 kg). All this results in a total transport unit mass of 802.7 kg. This value have then to be divided by the total volume of water transported on the pallet (756 litres) and multiplied by the share of 1.5 litres bottles in the packaging mix (86.1%), in order to calculate the mass to be transported for 1 litre of water packaged in 1.5 litres bottles, reported to the reference flow: M transport_ 1,5l 802.7 kg/pallet 86.1 0.914 kg/l 756 litres/pallet 100 By repeating the same procedure for the other two typologies of packaging and summing up, it is possible to obtain the value of the transport mass to be employed. Results of these calculations are showed in table 4.21. Table 4.21: Calculation of transported masses in relation to the reference flow Bottles size Share (litres) (%) 2 6.3 1.5 86.1 0.5 7.6 Total transported mass (kg) 957.4 802.7 819.1 Total transported water Specific transported mass (kg) (kg/litre) 912 0.066 756 0.914 756 0.082 Total 1.06 The value to be considered in SimaPro is that obtained by multiplying the transport mass by the covered distance which is therefore equal to 1.06 kg/litre×300km=318.9 kg×km/litre. Moreover, also the return trip of empty pallets from retailers to the plant have to be accounted for. In this case the transport unit is the pallet itself and by repeating therefore the same 198 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios procedure but considering only pallets mass (24.8 kg), it is possible to calculate a specific transport mass of 0.0324 kg/litres which corresponds to 9.72 kg×km/litre. Since transportation from the examined plant to retailers are made with 25 tonnes trucks or 44 tonnes trailer trucks, the Ecoinvent module Transport, lorry >16t, fleet average/RER, is utilised to model this process. Transportation of packaged water from retailers to consumers houses by means of a private car is finally considered. In particular an average roundtrip distance of 10 km is arbitrarily assumed as a base-case value in the present inventory, also on the basis of the fact that, for example, Brynjolfsson and Smith (2000) estimate an average roundtrip distance of about 8 km (5 miles) to be driven by an average U.S. consumer to reach a book or a CD retailer. Moreover each 6-bottles bundle is arbitrarily considered to be part of a whole purchase of 30 items at the retail store and therefore 1/30 (3.33%) of the roundtrip burdens are allocated to its transportation. So assigned burdens have in turn to be reported to the actual volume of transported water which in the case of 1.5 litres bottles is equal to 9 litres. Only this typology of bottles is considered for simplicity to be transported, in view of their quite exclusive presence in the considered packaging mix (86.1%). The Ecoinvent module Transport, passenger car/RER is employed to model the burdens associated with this transportation phase and is recalled with the actual distance of: D retailer consumer houe 10 km 1 0.037 km/litre 9 litres 30 In view of these several assumptions, variations of the percentage of allocated burdens and therefore implicitly of the distance to be covered will be however considered during sensitivity analysis in paragraph 5.3. The whole inventory of virgin PET bottled water production and delivering is implemented in SimaPro by creating the module Bottled water, virgin PET, one-way, packaging mix , at consumer, which recalls all the processes described since now and accounts for all the upstream burdens associated with the delivering of 1 litre of bottled water to the consumers through the considered packaging mix. The whole scenario is instead implemented in the module Baseline scenario 1 (virgin PET one-way bottled water), which accounts for the treatments of the amounts of waste generated Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 199 by the annual consumption of 152.1 litres of bottled water, as well as the upstream burdens associated with their delivering to consumers, by recalling the above mentioned module. The typology and the magnitude of the major processes which characterize the present scenario described up to now are summarized in table D.1. 4.6 Baseline scenario 2 (Utilisation of recycled PET one-way bottled water) The only difference of this scenario with respect to the previous one (baseline scenario 1) is the fact that preforms are considered to be manufactured with a 50% recycled PET content, while the amount of waste generated is instead the same. This choice finds its justification in the possibility given by the recent Decree number 113 of the Health Ministry, dated 18 May 2010, which allows the use of recycled PET in a content up to 50% for bottles to be employed for mineral water packaging. Just on the basis of this possibility the Italian bottling company Levissima has indeed recently introduced in the market one typology of 1 litre bottles with a 25% recycled PET content. The goal of considering this option is to evaluate if the use of recycled material can modify the environmental performances of associated with the use of bottled water with respect to public network water. From a LCA perspective, recycling of post consumer bottles for the production of secondary PET granules to be employed again for bottles manufacturing can be modelled as a case of closed loop recycling, also referred to as Bottle-to-Bottle (BtB) recycling. The same inherent technical properties of recycled PET granules are indeed assured by normally succeeding the traditional re-granulation process a further step aimed at increase their intrinsic viscosity (IV) and at removing any possible residual organic contamination from the previous use of the material (Culbert and Christel, 2003). Intrinsic viscosity is a parameter associated with molecular weight of the polymer and its increase has to be performed since the injection moulding process requires to deal with a material with an intrinsic viscosity greater than 0.740.75 dl/g (which refers to a molecular weight greater then 24,000 g/mol), while re-extruded PET granules are characterized by an intrinsic viscosity of between 0.68 and 0.72 dl/g and therefore by a lower molecular weight (Furiano, 2009; Rieckmann and Völker, 2003). This reduction of intrinsic viscosity is caused by hydrolysis, thermal and thermal oxidative degradation during the recycling process. Hydrolysis is fostered by the use of sodium 200 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios hydroxide during PET flakes washing which can allow the generation of acidic terminal groups on the polymeric chain promoting therefore hydrolysis reactions. Heating PET granules above their melting temperature during extrusion involve instead the occurring of thermal degradation reactions which mainly lead to the generation of acetaldehyde and to the formation of carboxyl end groups, resulting therefore in a further decrease of their molecular weight (intrinsic viscosity). In the presence of oxygen, thermo-oxidative degradation takes place, which is much faster than thermal degradation in an inert atmosphere. Both thermal and thermo-oxidative degradation can also cause yellowing of the polymer (Furiano, 2008; Rieckmann and Völker, 2003). Available options aimed at intrinsic viscosity increase are represented by reactive extrusion, melt-phase polymerization and solid-state polycondensation (SSP), but in particular this last is generally employed because, other than increase intrinsic viscosity it also promotes the repolymerization of degradation products, such as acetaldehyde, potentially originating from any previous heating stages such as extrusion. Reduction of acetaldehyde content during the SSP process is indeed an aspect of major importance during the production of bottle grade granules (Culbert and Christel, 2003). The process substantially consists in heating up PET granules at a temperature lower than their melting point to allow their partial repolymerization in the solid state through condensation, which involves molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity increase (Rieckmann and Völker, 2003). Some more details concerning the SSP process will be given forth in this paragraph. On the basis of these considerations it is clear how the PET recycling process, strictly belonging to the sole waste management system in the previous scenario, in this case also provides raw materials for the upstream product system associated with recycled PET bottled water delivering, making the two systems partially integrated. Both upstream and downstream processes dealing with PET bottles are therefore subject to the mass flows showed in figure 4.2, calculated through mass balance and by considering that half of the whole PET bottles amount annually consumed (3.42/2=1.71 kg/year or 22.5/2=11.25 g/litre) is manufactured with recycled granules. 201 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios SSP2 of recovered PET granules 1.72 kg/year (11.3 g/litre) Recovered PET granules 1.72 kg/year (11.3 g/litre) Preforms manufacturing - =99.4% 3.42 kg/year (22.5 g/litre) Selection and recovery of PET bottles for BtB1recycling (=80%) 2.15 kg/year (14.1 g/litre) Scraps 0.43 kg/y 2.8 g/litre Virgin PET granules manufacturing 1.72 kg/year (11.3 g/litre) Bottles manufacturing 3.42 kg/year (22.5 g/litre) Use and waste generation 3.42 kg/year (22.5 g/litre) Separ. coll. =77% Collected PET bottles 2.63 kg/year (17.3 g/litre) Selection and recovery of PET bottles for other applications (=80%) 0.48 kg/year (3.2 g/litre) (1) BtB=Bottle to Bottle (2) SSP=Solid-state polycondensation 0.79 kg/year (5.2 g/litre) PET bottles incineration 1.31 kg/year (8.6 g/litre) Scraps 0.09 kg/y 0.64 g/litre Recovered PET granules 0.39 kg/year (2.6g/litre) Virgin PET granules avoided production 0.31 kg/year (2.1 g/litre) Figure 4.2: Mass flows involving PET bottles in baseline scenario 2 On the basis of mass flows showed in figure 4.2, the following adjustments are made in the modelling of the scenario in SimaPro: in the waste management system, only the recycling process of 0.48 kg of PET bottles are considered to avoid virgin production of PET granules in an amount which, according to the 80% recovery efficiency and the substitution factor of 1:0.81 (paragraph 3.3.2), corresponds to 0.31kg. The remaining 2.15 kg of PET bottles are instead considered to be recycled without avoiding any virgin production burdens but, in the module associated with preforms production (R-PET preforms-closed loop), only 22.5/2/0.994=11.3 g of PET granules are considered to be manufactured from virgin raw materials, instead of the whole amount of 22.5 g. The burdens associated with the solidstate polycondensation process of 11.3 g of recycled PET granules are however included in this module by recalling the module Solid state polycondensation which will be now described. 202 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Different variants of solid-state polycondensation exist according to the fact that a continuous or a batch system is employed or that flakes extrusion in granules is carried out before or after the process. However SSP of granules is generally preferred when dealing with recycled material for a series of reasons, such as the fact that extruded granules have an uniform thickness which allows an as much homogeneous increase of intrinsic viscosity, thing that does not happen when using flakes. Again, melting of flakes for extrusion involves possible generation of degradation products such as acetaldehyde which would have indeed been removed if a subsequent SSP process had been carried out (Culbert and Christel, 2003). For the description of a typical SSP process we refer to the viscoSTAR technology developed by the company Starlinger, for which also energy consumptions data are available (Starlinger, 2010a; 2010b; 2010c). The viscoSTAR process is a SSP process aimed at intrinsic viscosity increase and decontamination of both polyester granules or flakes in which they are firstly heated at about 160°C to achieve their crystallization, in order to avoid formation of lumps in the subsequent manufacturing processes: after extrusion granules are indeed partially amorphous. They are then fed into a pre-heater to reach the reaction temperature, which is lower than the melting point (245-255 °C) and generally of between 220 and 235 °C. So heated material is hence transferred to the reactor where the solid-state polymerization takes place and water and glycol are released. The residence time depends by the initial and the final value of intrinsic viscosity to be reached. Vacuum conditions are maintained in the reactor in order to facilitate volatilization of contaminants, either those originating from the SSP process itself, or those associated with the original use of the material, in order to make it suitable for direct food contact. After the reaction time granules are cooled and transferred to a storage silo. Alternatively they can be cooled to a lower extent and directly sent to the desired manufacturing process such as injection moulding or extrusion, involving energy savings for the avoided necessity of an additional drying stage, usually required. Further savings from the possible previous re-granulation step (extrusion) can also occur if granules are only partially cooled and then directly introduced into the SSP system (Culbert and Christel, 2003). According to Starlinger (2010b) energy consumptions (only electricity) associated with this technology depend by the features of the material to be processed, in particular by its level of contamination, its initial intrinsic viscosity and if it is in form of flakes or granules. A range of consumptions of between 120 and 250 kWh per tonne of output flakes/granules is therefore provided. Even if it is not specified, it is probable that a (catalytic) combustion stage is Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 203 performed to oxidise reaction products as well as volatilized contaminants as it is done for the Buhler SSP process (Culbert and Christel, 2003). According to a conservative approach a value of 250 kWh/t is assumed for the present study to represent electricity consumptions. No information are available concerning possible airborne emissions, but they can be considered to be of secondary entity in view of they efficient removal during the combustion stage. On the basis of these considerations the module Solid-state polycondensation is therefore created in SimaPro to account for the burdens associated with the processing of 1 tonne of PET flakes or granules through polycondensation. The inventory modelling virgin PET bottled water supplying is therefore adjusted according to the considerations made up to now, to model the delivering of 1 litre of water through 50% recycled PET one-way bottles (Bottled water, R-PET, one-way, packaging mix, at consumerclosed loop). The whole scenario is instead implemented in the module Baseline scenario 2 (R-PET one-way bottled water-closed loop). If one would like to maintain unlinked the process of bottles recycling, which belongs to the waste management system, from the process of bottles manufacturing which represents an upstream component of the bottled water product system, continuing to employ the avoided burden approach to deal with the whole amount of material sent to recycling, an open loop recycling procedure could be theoretically applied to model the present scenario. In this case recycled PET is not assumed to be provided by the system under investigation but from external product systems. A modelling variant of this scenario will be therefore proposed according to these considerations, but some general remarks concerning the most important issues associated with open-loop recycling have to be done before. The utilisation of recycled material, originated from an unknown product, for the manufacturing of a new product, in our case bottles, and its further recycling into another undefined product, is referred to as open-loop recycling within the framework of life cycle assessment. When open-loop recycling occurs, the necessity to deal with the problem of how to allocate burdens associated with virgin production, recycling and final waste management of the recycled material, among the various product life cycles in which it is employed arises. Burdens from these processes are indicated respectively as V1, R1, R2 and W3 in figure 4.3 (Ekvall and Tillman, 1997), where the system under investigation in this study corresponds to the product life cycle number 2. 204 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Primary material production (V1) Production of product P1 Recycling process (R1) Use of product P1 Production of product P2 Recycling process (R2) Use of product P2 Production of product P3 Use of product P3 Waste management (W3) Product life cycle 1 Product life cycle 2 Product life cycle 3 Figure 4.3: Product systems involved by the same material flow in the case of open-loop recycling (Ekvall and Tillman,1997) Concerning the issue of how to perform allocation scientific consensus is not reached at present, but it is in general recognized how allocation procedures should be chosen as a function of the study objective, in particular if it is intended or not for decision support (Ekvall and Tillman, 1997). According to the same authors, the simplest way to perform allocation is the cut-off approach, which foresees that only the environmental burdens directly generated by a given product system are assigned to it. As consequence, indicating as L1, L2 and L3 the burdens of the three product systems of figure 4.3, they would be defined as follow: L1 = V1, L2 = R1, L3 = R2 + W3. meaning that to the system investigated (P2) are only assigned the burdens associated with the recycling of the material generated as waste in the first product life cycle (P1), to which are instead allocated all virgin production burdens. Environmental burdens of further recycling and final disposal are shifted to the last product life cycle (P3). Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 205 This method is just applied as a modelling variant of this scenario and therefore the burdens associated with selection and recovery of unspecified postconsumer bottles and containers waste are assigned to the share of recycled PET granules employed in bottles manufacturing. Contrarily to the original methodology mentioned above, the recycling of bottles of the system under investigation is however considered to be a process belonging to the waste management system, and is modelled as in baseline scenario 1 by utilising the avoided burden approach. This last choice could be justified by considering that, being this study an hybrid of waste management and product oriented LCA, also an hybrid allocation procedure is applied: the cut-off approach for the upstream product system and the avoided burden approach for the waste management system. On the basis of these considerations, the modules associated with plastic selection and PET recovery are substituted to the one associated with virgin PET granules manufacturing into the preforms production module (R-PET preforms - open loop). In particular 22.5/2/0.994=11.3 g of PET granules are considered to be obtained from recycling and the remaining 11.3 g from virgin production. This means that 11.3/0.8=14.1 g of post consumer bottles have to be selected. Moreover the solid-state polycondensation process of 11.3 g of recycled PET granules is finally included (Solid-state polycondensation). So modified bottled water inventory is implemented in the module Bottled water, R-PET, one-way, packaging mix, at consumer-open loop, while the whole scenario is instead implemented by creating the new module Baseline scenario 2 (R-PET one-way bottled wateropen loop). The comparison of the results obtained with the two different described approaches will be showed in paragraph 5.1. As for baseline scenario 1 figure D.2 schematically depicts the most important processes which characterize this scenario when modelled through the closed loop approach, highlighting in particular those processes which differ from the previous virgin PET one-way bottled water scenario. Table D.2 summarises instead the magnitude through which these different processes are included. 206 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 4.7 Baseline scenario 3 (Utilisation of PLA one-way bottled water) In this case, the differences with respect to the virgin PET scenario (baseline scenario 1) concern the material employed for preforms production which is assumed to be polylactic acid (PLA). This material is in particular being utilised by the Italian bottling company Fonti di Vinadio for small scale production of bottled water and its pilot experience will be taken as reference for the development of this scenario. The mentioned company employs PLA granules produced by the world largest manufacturing plant sited in Nebraska and belonging to the company NatureWorks. At present only bottles and labels are produced out of this material but soon it will be possible also PLA heat-shrink films production (Parola, 2010). In spite of this, we have decided to consider the utilisation of PLA only for bottles manufacturing in order to allow a fair evaluation of the effects involved by the changing of the sole material employed for bottles manufacturing. 4.7.1 Generalities on polylactic acid (PLA) Polylactic acid is a biodegradable polymer of natural origin which can be obtained from the fermentation of any abundant source of sugar (dextrose) such as maize, wheat, sugar beets and sugar cane. The productive process at NatureWorks employs maize starch as dextrose source, which nowadays is the most economical and abundant source, and can be summarised in the following stages. Maize is first grown, harvested and transported to the plant. Here its kernels are separated from the others plant parts to be cooked at 50°C for 30-40 hours, involving their swelling and softening and making in this way them suitable to the following stages of grinding and screening which have the purpose to isolate the starch from the hull. Starch is then hydrolyzed into its monomer, dextrose, which through a biologic fermentation process is converted into lactic acid. Lactic acid molecules links together to form rings called lactide dimers which are then purified and polymerized by inducing their opening and linking together to form a long chain of polylactic acid (NatureWorks, 2010a). 4.7.2 Waste generation and management Bottles are demonstrated to be completely compostable packaging materials by AMIAT which has carried out a biodegradability test according to the requirements specified in the 207 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios standards UNI EN 13432:02 and UNI EN 14045:2003 (AMIAT, 2008). For this reason a first subscenario assumes that their end of life takes place through 100% composting within the waste management system. A further subscenario in which composting is substituted by 100% incineration is also considered in order to evaluate possible different performances between the two end of life options. Heat-shrink films, caps and labels are instead considered to be managed identically to the previous one-way bottled water scenarios, according to the above explained reasons. Figure 4.4 schematically shows waste flows in the waste management system calculated through mass balances of collection and recovery stages. In such balances, packaging materials unit masses are assumed to be identical to those employed in previous scenarios and therefore also the amount of waste generated is the same. This assumption is justified by considering that 0.5 litres and 1.5 litres PLA bottles employed by Fonti di Vinadio have a mass of 30 g and 15 g respectively, as indicated by the company itself. Since these values are very similar to those employed up to now (about 33 g and 18 g) they are therefore utilised also for the present case. Composting (or incineration) 3.42 kg =100% PLA bottles 3.42 kg HDPE caps* 0.245 kg Input waste 4.1 kg LDPE heatshrink films 0.378 kg Separately collected material =33% =60% 0.125 kg Paper labels* 0.0615 kg 0.0749 kg Scraps 0.05 kg 0.498 kg Paper incineration 0.0615 kg Recovered material Wooden planks avoided production (0.0749 m3) Plastic incineration 0.548 kg (*) Even if in the case of composting caps and labels would be separately collected with bottles and be part of the scraps originating from the same process, they are assumed for simplicity to be directly routed to incineration as in the other one-way bottled water scenarios. Figure 4.4: Waste flows within the management system for the two subscenarios of baseline scenario 3 208 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The processes that have to be considered in the waste management system are therefore the followings: composting (or incineration) of separately collected bottles (3.42 kg), selection of separately collected heat-shrink films (0.125 kg), recovery of selected heath-shrink films (0.125 kg), incineration of caps and of not separately collected heat-shrink films (0.498 kg), incineration of labels (0.0615 kg), incineration of recovery scraps (0.05 kg). Modelling of PLA bottles composting The composting process is modelled by means of the data provided in Punzi (2009) and relative to the Italian plant of San Damiano d’Asti. The process foresees a first screening stage in which metals and other extraneous fractions are separated and the material is homogenized through addition of water and by mixing moist organic waste with coarser green waste material to optimise moisture and porosity. The mixture then undergoes to a 25-28 day long stage of intense decomposition supported by the blowing of an air stream through the piles, and to a further stage of slow maturation without air blowing for around 55 days. A final sieving and air screening stage is employed to separate coarser wooden residues, which are sent back to the first stage, and plastic and inert waste which are landfilled. The intense decomposition stage involves the production of leachate, which is collected and sent to a wastewater treatment plant, and of airborne emissions, also collected and passed through a bio-filter (Blengini, 2008). Compost is produced with an efficiency of 0.441 t/torganic waste as highlighted in the mass and energy balance of the process, reported in table 4.22. Table 4.23 instead presents the airborne emissions attributed to the process. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 209 Table 4.22: Mass and energy balances of the composting process nearby San Damiano D’asti plant (Adaptation from Punzi (2009)) Input Amount Organic waste (t/tow) 1 Water (litres/tow) 89 Electricity (MJ/ tow) 219 Diesel (litres/tow) 2.06 Output Mature compost (t/tow) 0.441 Airborne emissions (t/tow) 0.59 Metal scraps to recycling (t/tow) 1.12 Leachate to treatment (t/tow) 0.296 Residues to landfill (t/tow) 0.165 (20% putrescible) Table 4.23: Airborne emissions attributed to the composting process (Adaptation from Punzi (2009)) Pollutant CO2, biogenic kg/tow 192 g/tow CO 19.2 SOx (as SO2) 0.11 NM-VOC 50 NH3 17 N2O 11 HCl 2 Mercaptans 0.18 H2S 0.26 Particulates (< 10 um) 3 mg/tow HF 200 H2SO4 460 Benzene 200 Cd 5 Hg 7.76 Pb 125 Mn 5 Ni 1.12 Cu 5 Zn 75 ng/tow Dioxins 3 PAH 20 Produced compost is assumed to be employed with the percentage showed in table 4.24 for flowers cultivation (substituting peat), in agriculture (substituting mineral fertilizers) and for landscape applications, without substituting any product. The amounts of products substituted 210 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios per tonne of organic waste treated, calculated by considering the substitution factors provided in Grosso et al. (2009), are reported in the third column of the table. Table 4.24: Products substituted by the application of compost (Adaptation from Punzi (2009)) Field of utilization of compost Flowers cultivation % of utilization t compost applied/t organic waste treated Substituted product kg substituted/ kg substituted/ t organic waste t compost applied treated 34% 0.150 Peat 441.2 66.15 Agriculture 62% 0.273 Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium 6.2 2 4.5 1.7 0.55 1.23 Landscape application 4% 0.0176 - - - Data derived from mass and energy balances, airborne emissions as well as data concerning the amounts of substituted products, are employed to model the process of composting in a life cycle perspective, by creating the new module Composting in the software. Two different approaches are then proposed to model PLA composting. In first instance PLA is considered to behave as any other organic waste fraction and therefore all process specific burdens mentioned above are directly utilised to model the composting process of 3.42 kg of PLA bottles independently from any elemental composition of the treated material. A second method is also proposed and applied on the basis of the results of the experiments of Viswas et al. (2001). In particular the authors found that after four weeks of laboratory composting of pre-composted yard waste together with 30% by weight of extruded PLA sheets pH dropped from 6 to 4 while no pH variations resulted for a 10% compost-PLA mixture. Dropping of pH was associated to a likely suppression of the microbial activity since no overall CO2 emissions difference were registered in exhaust gases from the two systems. The amount of CO2 generated was however greater than those registered for a 0% mixture, indicating that degradation actually took place. The authors conclude that PLA can be efficiently composted when added in amount lower than 30% to pre-composted yard waste. In this second approach we have therefore considered PLA as a material which needs that other organic waste fractions contribute to create those suitable conditions for its degradation. In particular a maximum ratio PLA-compost of 0.3:1 is considered according to the above mentioned experience, despite different conclusion could be drawn if PLA was added to more putrescible organic waste, like it is probable to happen in real composting conditions. This ratio seems however to be reasonable and optimistic if considering that AMIAT (2008), Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 211 during its biodegradability test, has employed a mixture of PLA with organic waste from separated collection in a percentage only up to 2.5%. Therefore composting of 1 tonne of PLA firstly takes the burdens associated with the composting process of (1/0.3-1)=2.33 tonnes of traditional organic waste, modelled as described above in this paragraph. Moreover, process specific burdens associated with consumption of water, electricity and diesel are considered to be the same as traditional composting process (table 4.22). Airborne emissions of CO2 are instead calculated on the basis of PLA elementary composition of table 4.25 provided by NatureWorks (2010b), and reasonably assuming a complete decomposition of the material to CO2 and water. This last, by leaching through the compost pile becomes polluted and it is assumed to contribute to the amount of sewage that have to be treated at the wastewaters treatment plant. The respective amount is always calculated on the basis of the hydrogen content of PLA, even if a so defined value could be overestimated since part of the water could potentially vaporize. No emissions of NO2 or SO2 are associated to the nitrogen and sulphur content of PLA since they are of minimal entity (0.04%). Table 4.25: Elemental composition and lower heating value of PLA (NatureWorks, 2010b) Element C Cl H O N S % (NatureWorks) % (Scaled) 50.05 49.5 0 0 5.7 5.6 45.07 44.5 0.04 0.04 0.3 0.3 101.17 100 Lower heating value (LHV) 19,464 kJ/kg (8,368 Btu/lb)* (*) 1 Btu = 1.0551 kJ; 1 lb = 0.454 kg No methane generation is finally taken into account, considering that aerobic conditions are well assured within the compost pile. It is however important to notice that if this would happen, a meaningful contribution to global warming would be given, on the contrary of CO2 emissions which are of biogenic nature. Table 4.26 reports the results of these calculations as well as the process specific burdens attributed to PLA composting. On the basis of the previous consideration concerning the complete decomposition of PLA, no avoided production of peat or fertilizers is credited to the composting process. The module PLA composting is finally created in the software to model the composting process of 1 tonne of PLA. 212 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The comparison of the results obtained with the two different proposed approaches will be showed in paragraph 5.1. Table 4.26: Process specific burdens attributed to PLA composting and calculated CO2 emissions and leachate production Inputs Unit Amount t/tPLA Composting of traditional organic waste 2.33 litres/tPLA Water (process specific) 89 MJ/tPLA Electricity (process specific) 219 litres/tPLA Diesel (process specific) 2.06 Outputs/Emissions kg/tPLA Leachate to treatment 504 kg/t CO2 emissions (biogenic) 1,815 PLA Modelling of PLA bottles incineration Incineration of PLA is modelled with the same methodology and assumptions already described for plastic and paper incineration in paragraphs 3.3.3 and 4.5.1 respectively. The elementary composition of PLA employed for the modelling as well as PLA lower heating value are those showed in table 4.25. The content of ashes is not reported but it can be deduced by the provided datum on production of residues (0.01 mg/g), value which is directly employed to model generation of bottom ashes from the incineration process. Also biogenic carbon dioxide emissions (2,020 mg/g) are directly provided and utilised in the modelling. The value is instead coherent with the one calculable on the basis of the carbon content of PLA (1,815 mg/g). Reagents consumptions, production of residues and the amount of electricity and heat generated, are summarised in table 4.27, while airborne emissions are reported in table B.1 of appendix B together with those of paper incineration. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 213 Table 4.27: Summary of waste specific material and energy inputs and outputs of the PLA incineration process Amount (g/kgWW) 9.3 Flue gas volume (m3n dry gas/kgWW) @ 11% O2 Reagents consumption: Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) 19.5 Activated carbon 3.7 Urea CO(NH2)2 1.7 Bottom ashes generation 0.0125 of which: Over-sift to inert material landfill 0.00163 Under-sift to inactivation 0.0109 Inactivated under-sift 0.0112 Fly ashes generation 27.9 Inactivated fly ashes to salt mines 36.1 Air pollution control residues generation 20.8 Energy: Electricity for bottom ashes sorting (kWh/kgWW) 5×10-8 Electricity production (avoided) (kWh/kgWW) 1.31 Heat production (avoided)1 (kWh/kgWW) 0.0024 (1) Distribution and heat exchanging losses included (20%) Material and energy flows The module, PLA incineration, appositely created, accounts for all the burdens associated with the PLA incineration process. 4.7.3 Life cycle inventory of PLA one-way bottled water Inventory data concerning PLA manufacturing are available from the Eocoinvent database in which two different modules are in particular established on the basis of the eco-profile of the NatureWorks process, published in Vink et al. (2007). The first module accounts for the fact that the company, since 2006, has purchased renewable energy certificates (REC) which ensure the production of renewable electricity from wind in an amount equivalent to the one of non renewable energy used for PLA production at the plant. This aspect was translated in the dataset by modelling energy consumptions through the burdens associated with wind energy generation, and by contemporarily reducing the amount of CO2, CO, NOx, SOx and Hydrocarbons emissions originally reported by Vink et al. (2007). Since this module is, in principle, valid only for the NatureWorks reality, a second dataset is established in Ecoinvent which instead models energy consumptions through the European electricity mix (Althaus et al., 2007). This last module (Polylactide, granulate, at plant/GLO) was therefore employed for the present study to model PLA manufacturing, in order to assure it a general validity. In 214 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios particular it was substituted to the module associated with virgin PET granules manufacturing into the preforms production module originally created for baseline scenario1. During its pilot experience, the company Fonti di Vinadio has also recognized that a potential reduction of energetic consumptions, either in preforms manufacturing or during bottling plant operations, could occur when PLA is used as packaging material. In particular, with regard to preforms injection it was observed that: drying of granules can be made with air heated at only 80 °C instead of at 185 °C as required for PET ones, being the same the drying time (6 hours); their melting temperature can be reduced from 285 °C to 210 °C and preforms cooling can be carried out with water at environmental temperature (25 °C) instead of at 8° C. As far as bottling plant operations are concerned, the following adjustments have instead to be performed to the operational parameters of the line: preforms can be heated by keeping a oven temperature of about 80°C against the 107-110 °C needed for those made of PET; preforms pre-blowing can be made by insufflating compressed air at 6 bar instead of 11 bar while the final blowing with air at 23 bar instead of 32 bar; temperature of moulds cooling liquid can be increased to 18 °C from the original 16 °C; temperature of the label glue basin can be reduced from 145 °C to 135 °C as well as heat-shrink oven temperature can be lowered from 210 °C to 190°C. Official data concerning achievable savings in terms of electricity consumptions in consequence of these operational cunnings are not available. We have however tried to carry out a rough estimate of these savings on the basis of the technical features of the machinery employed in the examined bottling company. Regarding potential savings associated with preforms injection, no enough information were instead available to allow such an estimate. First of all, as far as preforms heating is concerned, an estimate of these savings can be made considering that it is performed through 13 batteries constituted by 8 IR lamps of 2 kW and by 1 lamp of 3 kW for a total installed power of 247 kW. Assuming that they absorb their maximum power when the heating temperature is 110°C and a linear relation between 215 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios temperature and absorbed power, the power absorbed when heating is made at only 80°C can be estimated as: P80C 247 kW 80 C 179.6 kW 110 C Then considering that the blow moulder machine has a maximum productivity of 22,400 bottles per hour and assuming, for simplicity, a volume of 1.5 litres per bottle, the specific saving can be calculated as: S heating (247 - 179.6) kW 0.002 kWh/litre 22,400 bottles/hour 1.5 litre/bottle An estimate of savings achievable during the blowing process can be instead carried out by initially considering that compressed air is provided by two compressors with an air flow rate of 190 m3n/h each one, and that the specific compression work is defined as: p k Wc vdp pV 1 out k 1 p in Vin Vout k 1 k k RT 1 p out k 1 pin k 1 k , where: J J 371.16 3 ; mol K mn K - R = universal gas constant = 8.314 - kair = cp/cv = 1.4; - T = temperature of the input air to the compressor; - pin = pressure of the input air to the compressor; - pout = pressure of the output air from the compressor: Being the gas constant expressed as m3n, the temperature of the input air to consider is equal to 273 K, while its pressure is the atmospheric one (101,325 Pa). Therefore, the specific work required to reach the pressure of 11 bar needed during PET preforms pre-blowing is equal to: 216 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 1.4 1 1.4 1.4 J 11 bar 348,968 J . Wc 371.16 3 273 K 1 1 bar 1.4 1 mn m 3n In order to calculate the power required by the compressor, it is now sufficient to multiply this result by the air flow rate to be compressed (Qi) which, in full load conditions, is equal to the maximum flow rate deliverable by the two compressors, 390 m3 n /h or either 0.108 m3n /s. Pc Wc Q i 348,968 J 0.108 m 3n /s 37,689 W 37.7 kW , 3 mn Repeating the same calculation considering the output air pressure of 6 bar, required for PLA preforms pre-blowing, a specific work equal to 237,083 J/m3 n and a required power of about 25.6 kW are obtained. Specific saving can be therefore calculated as: S pre -blowing (37.7 25.6) kWh 0.00036 kWh/litre. 22,400 bottles/h 1.5 By applying the same procedure for the final blowing stage, the passage from a pressure of 32 bar to 23 bar reduces the power requirement from 64.8 kW to 55.5 kW which results in a specific saving of 0.00028 kWh/litre. The total saving of the blow moulding process can be therefore estimated to be equal to: S blow -moulding (0.00036 0.00028) 0.00064 kWh/litre . Finally, as done for preforms heating, savings associated with the lower temperature in the heat-shrink oven can be estimated by considering that its full conditions power absorption (85 kW) occurs when the temperature of 210 °C has to be reached. This means that in order to heat air at 190°C, only 76.9 kW are absorbed. Considering finally, that the maximum oven Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 217 productivity is of 6,000 bundles per hour and, always for simplicity, a 6×1.5-bottles bundle, the specific saving can be calculated as: Soven (85 - 76.9) kW 0.00015 kWh/litre 6,000 bundles/ho ur 9 litres/bun dle The saving expected for the whole bottling process (Stot) can now be estimated by summing up the values found for the three single stages and results equal to 0.0028 kWh/litre. The amount of energy required for bottling plant operations decreases finally to the value of: Ee LCA_PLA Ee LCA_PET - S tot 0.0207 0.0028 0.0179 kWh/litre . This value has been modified within the bottled water production inventory module (Bottled water, PLA, one-way, packaging mix, at consumer), while the two subscenarios are implemented respectively in the modules Baseline scenario 3 (PLA bottled water-composting) and Baseline scenario 3 (PLA bottled water-incineration). The most important processes which characterize this scenario are represented in figure D.3 that also highlights those processes which differ from the virgin PET one-way bottled water scenario. Table D.3 summarises instead the magnitude through which these different processes are included. 4.8 Waste prevention scenario 1A (Utilisation of public network water: groundwater from the tap) This first preventive scenario foresees that the volume of water consumed in form of bottled water in the previous baseline scenarios, is consumed from the tap. In particular, the supplying system of the Municipality of Milan, which is characterized by the utilisation of groundwater only, is firstly considered as a real case study of reference. Waste generation is limited to the reusable glass jug that will be assumed to be utilised to conserve water nearby consumers house and to the annually substituted activated carbon filter 218 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios cartridge of the depuration device that will be considered to be employed to improve water quality at domestic level. Their contribution is however expected to be of minimal entity and their handling is excluded for simplicity by the waste management system, but is directly accounted for in the inventory relative to tap water supplying. Moreover, the most important upstream life cycle processes involved in tap water supplying have to be included in the analysis because their magnitude is subject to change among the investigated scenarios. A detailed inventory of this product system is therefore carried out in the following paragraph. 4.8.1 Life cycle inventory of public network water: groundwater from the tap System description The drinking water collecting, purification and distribution system of the municipality of Milan is managed by the company Metropolitana Milanese, as the whole integrated water service of the same city. Other than Milan, the aqueduct serves also the surrounding municipalities of Corsico and Linate and some users of the municipalities of Buccinasco, Peschiera Borromeo and San Donato Milanese. The total number of users served during the year 2009 was of 49,920, of which about 75% represented by domestic users and little commercial premises and the remaining by agro-zootechnical and industrial users. The peculiarity of this system consists in the fact that the unique water supplying source is represented by the underground aquifer. Groundwater is collected thanks to a network of 548 wells that feed 29 treatment and pumping stations. Purification treatments have indeed to be carried out for 24 of the 29 stations, since the quality of withdrawn water does not satisfy legal requirements established for water intended for human consumption. In particular, main pollution problems are associated with the presence of organ-halogenated solvents such as trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene, among the wide spread ones, as well as pesticides such as atrazine and 2,6-dichlorobenzamide. The 29 stations foresee specific treatments as a function of the typologies and concentrations of pollutants that have to be removed from the collected water. Table 4.28 presents the treatments which take place at the various stations while figure 4.5 shows a representation of a typical treatment station. 219 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 2 3 1 1. Pumping well 2. Aeration tower 3. Activated carbon filter 4. Water reservoir 5. Pushing pumps 4 5 Figure 4.5: Illustration of at typical scheme of treatment station at the service of the aqueduct of Milan (Provided by Metropolitana Milanese) 220 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Table 4.28: Main features and typologies of treatments carried out at the various treatment stations at the service of the aqueduct of Milan STATION NUMBER STATION NAME TYPOLOGY OF TREATMENT Activated carbon basin Aeration tower Aeration tower Aeration tower + CO2 N° TREATMENT UNITS 4 5 6 4 1 Vialba 2 Novara 3 Comasina Activated carbon filters Aeration tower Activated carbon filters Aeration tower Activated carbon filters Aeration tower + CO2 4 6 18 4 8 6 4 Cimabue 5 Chiusabella 6 Suzzani Padova Activated carbon basin Activated carbon basin 4 4 7 8 Salemi Activated carbon basin 4 9 Gorla 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Armi Tonezza Feltre San Siro Parco Linate Italia Abbiategrasso Anfossi Martini Ovidio I Ovidio II Bicocca Crescenzago Cantore Crema Assiano Baggio Beatice D'Este Lambro Corsico Activated carbon filters 10 Reverse osmosis plant 5 Activated carbon filters 14 Activated carbon filters 9 Activated carbon filters 17 Activated carbon filters 24 Activated carbon filters 16 Activated carbon filters 11 Activated carbon filters 16 Activated carbon filters 18 Activated carbon filters 7 Activated carbon filters 10 Activated carbon filters 11 Activated carbon filters 11 Activated carbon filters 4 Activated carbon filters 20 Activated carbon filters 21 Activated carbon filters 7 Station without treatments " " " " Total activated carbon filters Total activated carbon basins Total aeration towers Disinfection Hypochlorite " " CAPACITY (l/s) 600 500 600 400 120 600 450 400 200 600 " " " " 600 600 UV-C 600 Hypochlorite " " UV-C Hypochlorite " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 256 16 31 250 150 300 225 425 600 400 275 400 540 175 250 275 275 100 500 315 6,075 2,400 3,100 As can be seen, the more widely employed treatment is adsorption on granulated active carbon (GAC) filters, in particular 256 filters for a capacity of 6,075 l/s are installed. Granulated activated carbon is a material with high porosity and a very high specific surface (750-1,500 m2/g) which can efficiently remove big organic molecules such as organ- Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 221 halogenated compounds and pesticides as well as other substances which can alter the organoleptic quality of water, by retaining them within its porosities when crossed by the water flow. As a function of the characteristics of the treated water, activated carbon has to be removed every 12-18 months and reactivated to restore its adsorptions capacities. The company also estimates that the total volume of activated carbon of a station is renewed every 10 years. Moreover the filtering bed is monthly backwashed to remove possible sand particles accumulated in the filter which could involve the occlusion of porosities, drastically reducing purification efficiency. Also 16 basins are employed for this typology of treatment with a capacity up to 2,400 l/s. Another important treatment is pollutants stripping in aeration towers, especially for volatile organic compounds (VOC) removal. In this case water flows through apposite towers against a powerful air flow which involves volatile pollutants to be transferred from the aqueous to the aeriform phase. In particular 31 towers for a whole capacity of 3,100 l/s are placed at the service of the network. In the stations Comasina and Suzzani, which deal with waters of particular hardness, a flow of cryogenic CO2 is also injected into the treated water to restore pH at neutral values. The stripping treatment involves indeed volatilization of dissolved CO2 and carbonates precipitation and therefore the outcoming water would be of alkaline and scaling nature if its pH was not adjusted. Five lines of reverse osmosis are also installed at the Gorla station, each one with 60 membranes and a whole treatment capacity of 150 l/s, to deal with the presence of nitrates and chromium (VI). The process consists in pumping water through a semi-permeable membrane which can retain molecules of ionic dimension, producing a demineralised water. For this reason only 45% of the total volume undergoes to this treatment and it is afterwards mixed with non filtered water. All the volume is instead passed over the 10 activated carbon filters installed at the station. In all pumping stations, even in those which deal with water that does not require particular treatments, a disinfection stage is however carried out to remove possible microbiological contaminations which could take place during the various treatment stages as well as to assure protection of water quality during its transportation and permanence into the network. This process is carried out in the reservoirs of which each pumping station is equipped. Besides as compensation basins, they are indeed also employed as disinfection basins. The disinfecting agent utilised is a solution of sodium hypochlorite at 14% m/v of active chlorine which is dosed in a quantity of 0.15-0.2 mg/l (as pure hypochlorite) in order to ensure an output 222 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios concentration of residue chlorine of about 0.05 mg/l. This value is four times lower than the value suggested by the legislation and assures network persistence without altering the original organoleptic characteristics of water. Two exceptions are represented by the stations of Salemi and Feltre, where disinfection is carried out by means of UV lamps with powerful bactericidal action. As anticipated the treated water is stored in reservoirs, one for each station, where by means of powerful centrifugal electric pumps it is introduced into the network. Reservoirs indeed allow to store water during the hours of lower consumption and its supplying during peak hours. The whole storage capacity of the 29 reservoirs is of 194,159 m3. All the pumping stations are connected through 4 sub-centres, with a command centre located in San Siro station, which automatically optimises the operations of water collection from wells and network pumping. Indeed, thanks to a telemetry system it receives data concerning the operative conditions of each pumping station (pressures downstream pumps, output flow rates, water level in reservoirs) and on the basis of these information it establishes, which pumps have to work or to stop in order to keep constant pressure conditions in the whole network. Both well and station pumps can indeed be controlled through a remote system. Each well has its own pumps, hence 549 well electro pumps with a flow rate between 30 and 40 l/s are installed. Moreover each station is equipped with 3 or 4 pushing pumps with a flow rate variable between 250 and 400 l/s. Altogether, 101 pumps with an installed power of around 67,350 kW can run water into the network with a maximum flow rate of 32,000 l/s. During the year 2009 only 433 of the 549 wells were in function while the remaining 116 were at a standstill for pollution problems. The total volume supplied was of 234,572,350 m3 while that actually consumed by users was of only 208,570,708 m3, meaning that about 11% of losses occur within the network. Of the volume supplied, about 76.4% (179,259,049 m3) was purified while the remaining only treated by disinfection. The distribution network has a total length of 2,356 km, excluding users derivations, with pipes of a nominal diameter variable between 80 and 1,200 mm and manufactured of steel, grey cast iron or nodular cast iron. Water was delivered at an average tariff of 0.486 €/m3, out of taxes, which corresponds to a net value of about 0.5 €/m3. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 223 System boundaries The processes included in the inventory are those associated with energy, chemical reagents and activated carbon consumptions nearby the treatment stations. Moreover, also an estimate of the burdens associated with the life cycle of infrastructure materials is performed, in order to evaluate if their more relevant presence within the system, with respect to the case of bottled water, can give an important contribution to the environmental performances of the scenario. In particular, materials employed for water supply network, activated carbon filters and aeration towers manufacturing as well as for reservoirs and pumping stations construction are accounted for. The possibility of an additional stage of quality improvement carried out with a domestic depurator is also considered as well as the life cycle and the periodical washing in a residential dishwasher of a reusable glass jug, employed to conserve water in substitution of bottles. The major upstream life cycle processes considered for the scenario under investigation and that will be described during the inventory carried out in this paragraph are represented in figure D.4. Reference flow As in the case of bottled water, the reference flow of the inventory is assumed to be “1 litre of tap water delivered to the consumer and further purified”. All inputs and outputs to and from the system have been related to this flow. Data source Data concerning energetic and raw material consumptions of the purification and delivering system are primary and directly provided by Metropolitana Milanese, as well as those relative to the materials employed for water supply network, activated carbon filters and aeration towers manufacturing. Water reservoirs and treatment stations construction as well as domestic purification and jug dishwashing are instead modelled through literature data. Also in this case, inventory data employed to model raw materials production and energy generation are taken from the widespread Ecoinvent data base if not otherwise specified. 224 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Detailed inventory Natural resources consumptions The main natural resource consumed for tap water supplying is the water itself. The most important factor influencing its consumptions are network losses, which can be estimated by considering the difference between the annual volume of water introduced into the network and the one effectively consumed by the users. For the year 2009, these lasts amounted respectively to 234,572,350 m3 and 208,570,708 m3, meaning that losses are equal to about 11.1% and 1.12 litres have to be collected to supply 1 litre to the users. Water consumptions associated with activated carbon filter backwashing have not been possible to quantify but are estimated to be of negligible entity by the company. Energy consumptions Only electricity is consumed at the various treatment stations for an amount that during 2009 was of 101,186,808 kWh; of these about 1/3 are associated with pumping from wells and water treatments and 2/3 with pumping into the network. In view of the 208,570,708 m3 supplied to the users a specific consumption of 0.485 kWh/m3 or 0.000485 kWh/litre can be calculated. The module Electricity, medium voltage, at grid/IT provided by Ecoinvent is utilised to model the burdens associated with electricity generation. Raw materials consumptions Main raw materials consumptions are represented by filters granulated activated carbon (GAC) and chemicals employed for water treatment. Activated carbon Activated carbon consumption can be estimated by considering that the overall volume of filters installed at the various treatment stations amounts to 6,200 m3. Considering that a minimum bulk density of 480 kg/m3 is required by the contract specifications, a corresponding mass of 2,976 tonnes can be calculated. Carbon life span is of about 12-16 225 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios months, as a function of the quality of the treated water, before that its adsorption capacity gets exhausted. After that it is sent to reactivation where, each time, about 5% losses occur because also part of the carbon is oxidised during this process. This average value is strictly specific for activated carbon utilised at the treatment stations in Milan because, how will be better explained in this paragraph, it is a function of the level and the quality of carbon contamination. Considering therefore an average carbon life span of 14 months, the mass of activated carbon required to deliver 1 litre of water is equal to: M GAC 2,976,000 kg 1.22 10 -5 kg/litre 1 year litres 14 months 208,570,708 10 3 12 months year From a theoretical point of view the activated carbon life cycle can be modelled as a case of closed-loop recycling, how schematically depicted in figure 4.6 in relation to the value just now calculated. Activated carbon production 0.05×(1.22×10-5)= 6.11×10-7 kg/litre Activated carbon utilization 0.95×(1.22×10-5)=1.16×10-5 kg/litre 1.22×10-5 kg/litre Activated carbon reactivation Losses (aeriforms) 6.11×10-7 kg/litre Figure 4.6: Conceptual model of the life cycle of the activated carbon utilised at the treatment stations at the service of the aqueduct of Milan modelled as a case of closed-loop recycling As it can be observed, performing reactivation in such a system reduces the needs of virgin carbon production to the only 5% of losses that take place during the reactivation itself. The processes that have to be considered to model the activated carbon life cycle are therefore: 226 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios virgin production of 6.11×10-7 kg of carbon and reactivation of 1.22×10-5 kg of exhausted carbon. The manufacturing process of virgin carbon is approximated with that of carbon coke by means of a module built up with data provided by the ANPA I-LCA database (ANPA, 2000) . The process of carbon reactivation is instead modelled with data available in the environmental declaration of the company SICAV S.r.l. (SICAV, 2009), that is one of the realities to which is farmed out the reactivation of the carbon employed by the Anconella drinking water treatment plant, which will be examined in the next preventive scenario (waste prevention scenario 1B, chapter 4.9). The thermal reactivation of exhausted carbon at SICAV is carried out in two different rotary kilns, one aimed at processing carbons deriving from drinking water or other food applications and one at dealing with those deriving from wastewater treatment or from the adsorption of solvents and other gaseous compounds. The use of two different kilns allows to avoid contamination of products intended for alimentary applications with products destined to industrial applications. The first kiln is also employed to activate virgin raw materials, activity which is however of secondary importance at SICAV. The simplified layout of the reactivation process, which will be now briefly described, is schematically depicted in figure 4.7. When arriving at the plant the carbon is firstly stocked in silos and analysed to verify if the typology of its contamination is compatible with reactivation or if it have to be substituted with virgin feedstock. In affirmative case it is withdrawn from silos and introduced into a hopper that feeds the kiln, which temperature is adjusted as a function of carbon contamination typology, defined through the preliminary analysis. The residence time of carbon in the kiln is also a function of this last parameter and is modified by adjusting the feeding rate from the hopper. So activated carbon is then naturally cooled into a cooling tunnel and sieved in its different granulometries. Each kiln has its own sieve, always to avoid contamination. Sieved carbon is then analyzed and, if the target quality parameters are respected, is stocked as loose product or packaged in 1 m3 plastic big-bags or 25 kg paper sacks. Raw gases originating in the kiln from the reactivation of food grade carbons undergo dust removal through a cyclone and further wet scrubbing with water which pH is then neutralized with a caustic soda solution. Those originating from the reactivation of wastewater/industrial 227 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios grade carbons need instead to undergo a post-combustion stage before wet scrubbing. Dusts originating from sieving are also sucked and removed from the air stream trough a fabric filter. Gaseous streams from kilns and sieving are release in atmosphere from two separate chimneys. Chimney 1 (E1) NaOH Stocking in silos Carbon reactivation in rotary kilns Food grade kiln Gas sucking Industrial grade kiln Gas scrubbing with water Residual water Post-oxidation Residues Natural cooling Air sucking Sieving Fabric filter Chimney 2 (E2) Residues Packaging and stocking Figure 4.7: Simplified layout of the exhausted activated carbon reactivation process at SICAV (Adapted from SICAV (2009)) The reactivation process in the kiln mainly consists in introducing steam in reverse current with respect to the carbon flow. Steam is generated by means of a methane burner sited at the end of the kilns and its temperature depends from the typology and level of contamination of the carbon to reactivate, but it generally reaches a maximum temperature above 900 °C. In this way carbon is subjected to an increase temperature gradient during its pathway into the kiln in which its adsorbing capacity is partly restored by destroying adsorbed organic compounds through a process which can be substantially subdivided in 4 stages, while carbon advances in the kiln: 1) At the initial temperature of about 100-200 °C, the major part of water is desorbed together with high volatile organic compounds (which can be oxidised in presence of possible residual oxygen); 228 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 2) Between 200 °C and 500 °C, residual water is evaporated and less volatile compounds are desorbed or decompose originating smaller molecules which volatilize or, under the effect of high temperatures, react to give heavier compounds which remain within porosities; 3) Reached 500°C and till to 700°C, not desorbed compounds are pyrolysed originating a carbonic residue (coke) which occlude porosities; 4) Oxidation of the pyrolysed residue (C) through steam (water) and carbon dioxide (CO2) at temperature higher than 700 °C (but generally higher than 900 °C), through the following reaction: C (s) H 2 O (g) CO (g) H 2 (g) C (s) CO 2 (g) 2 CO (g) so formed CO can therefore react with steam (water) to give CO2: CO (g) H 2 O (g) CO 2 (g) H 2 (g) (part of the water comes also from methane combustion). Losses of the original carbon varying from 5% to 25% occur during reactivation because it is partially oxidised together with the pyrolysed residue, according to the previous reactions. A secondary effect is the partial destruction of microporosities which involves a certain reduction of the carbon capacity to adsorb small compounds. The operation of the two kilns is alternative so that the respective methane consumptions and airborne emissions can be quantified separately. SICAV declaration reports the major consumptions that have been occurred at the plant since the year 2004 up to June 2009. They mainly concern methane employed to generate steam and to heat the kilns, and electricity required for all the operations and all the machineries of the productive line, for services and to charge batteries of warehouse trucks employed for internal handling of carbon. Part of these are fed by diesel and therefore also small amounts of this fuel are needed. Caustic soda consumptions are provided only from the year 2007 and refer to the acquired amount and not to that actually utilised, but these were however considered as an approximation. Only the overall volume of water consumed for kilns cooling, gas washing and auxiliary services is reported, without separating the various contributions. Methane consumptions are specific for the food grade applications kiln, while 229 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios the remaining ones are overall values. The amount of residual gas washing water generated as waste is also reported. Table 4.29 shows the entity of these inputs and outputs occurred during the whole period 2004-June 2009 calculated on purpose by summing up those pertaining to each single year. In the same table, the values associated with the reactivation of 1 tonne of carbon are also reported. These are calculated by dividing the previous values by the total amount of exhausted carbon sent to reactivation during the same period, reported in table 4.30. One exception is methane, for which the only amount of exhausted carbon deriving from food grade applications was considered to define its specific consumption, for the reasons explained above. Table 4.29: Major inputs and outputs to and from the exhausted activated carbon reactivation process at SICAV S.r.l. for the period 2004 - June 2009 (SICAV, 2009) Amount Specific consumptions (2004-June 2009) (Unit/t carbon to reactivate) Methane (for the food grade applications kiln) m3 1,226,068 57.8 Electricity kWh 986,723 35.1 Diesel (for internal transport) litre/s 21,655 0.771 Caustic soda (30% m/m solution)* kg 2,600 0.193 3 Water (cooling, gas washing, services) m 3,282 0.117 Residual water from gas washing kg 227,804 8.11 (*) The solution titre is estimated considering that 1 m3 tank of 1,300 kg was purchased both in 2007 and 2008 and that a density of 1.3 kg/litre is a typical value of a 30% solution Input/Output Unit Table 4.30: Amount of exhausted activated carbon sent to the reactivation process at SICAV S.r.l. during the period 2004 – June 2009 (SICAV, 2009) Exhausted carbon sent to reactivation (kg) Origin Amount (2004-June 2009) From food-grade applications 21,229,390 From industrial-grade applications 6,860,101 Total 28,089,491 With regard to airborne emissions, those deriving from activation kilns appear to be associated, other than with methane combustion, also with the activation reactions above described and, in last instance, with the level and the typology of pollutants adsorbed on the exhausted carbon. Emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and not oxidised organic compounds (VOC) can be therefore expected from the only desorption process and activation reactions. For the present inventory, the emissions of CO, VOC, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate (from both kilns and sieving processes), reported into 230 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios the SICAV environmental declaration, are firstly considered. They are presented in table 4.31 either in absolute terms for the period 2004-June 2009, or in specific terms (per tonne of carbon to reactivate). Table 4.31: Airborne emissions originating from the exhausted activated carbon reactivation process at SICAV S.r.l. during the period 2004 – June 2009 (SICAV, 2009) Total emissions Specific emissions (2004-June 2009) - kg (g/t carbon to activate) Carbon monoxide (CO) 4,461 210.1 Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 200 9.4 From kiln Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 5,836 274.9 Particulate (unspecified) 653 30.8 From sieving Particulate (unspecified) 146 6.9 Origin Pollutant Considering the data reported in table 4.29 and 4.31 a new module Exhausted carbon reactivation was therefore established to model the reactivation process of 1 tonne of exhausted activated carbon on the basis of the following considerations. Firs of all, since CO2 emissions were not considered in the report, a Ecoinvent dataset modelling the burning of methane within an industrial furnace (Natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW/RER) was associated to the amount of methane reported in table 4.29, instead of a dataset simply modelling methane delivering. This in order to account at least for CO2 emissions potentially originating from methane combustion, as well as of the emissions of those pollutants not specified by the considered source, but instead specified in the Ecoinvent module. In this last, emissions of CO, NOx and particulate was however neglected in order to avoid their double counting as well as the amount of associated electricity consumption, which is considered to be already included in the one reported in table 4.29. No specific information were available concerning the typology and the possible burdens of the treatment of residual gas washing water and therefore, in order not to totally neglect its burdens, it was approximated with a process describing the treatment of an unpolluted sewage into a wastewater treatment plant, represented by the Ecoinvent module Treatment, sewage, unpolluted, to wastewater treatment, class 3/CH. With regard to the remaining consumptions, the following modules are finally employed to account for their production burdens: Electricity: Electricity, medium voltage, at grid/IT; Diesel: Diesel, low-sulphur, at regional storage/RER; Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 231 Caustic soda: Sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, at plant/RER ; Water (as natural resource): Water, process and cooling, unspecified natural origin. Sodium hypochlorite The most important chemicals utilised at treatment stations is sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) for water disinfection. It is dosed in an amount of 0.15-0.2 mg/l as pure hypochlorite, to assure a content of residue chlorine in the network equal to 0.05 mg/l. A solution with a titre of 14% (m/v) as active chlorine is employed and its consumption for the year 2009 was equal to 179,624 kg. Considering that a density of 1.22 kg/litre is a common value for this typology of solution, it is possible to calculate the amount consumed of pure substance as: M NaClO 179,624 kg sol 0.14kg Cl 2 /l sol. 74 kg NaClO 21,484 kg NaClO 1.22 kg sol/l sol. 71 kg Cl 2 In view of the 208,570,708×103 litres delivered to the users, the specific consumptions of solution and of active substance are therefore equal to 8.61×10-7 kg/litre and 1.03×10-7 kg/litre respectively. The burdens associated with the manufacturing of sodium hypochlorite are modelled with the Ecoinvent dataset Sodium hypochlorite, 15% in H2O, at plant/RER which models its production from the reaction of sodium hydroxide and chlorine. This last is assumed to be a by-product from other processes and therefore does not carry any burdens in the system. Also cryogenic CO2 is employed in those treatment stations which foresee VOC stripping in aeration towers and which deal with waters of particular hardness, to avoid carbonate precipitation. But it was not possible to quantify this consumption. Moreover, a periodical washing of the filling material is carried out through a descaling solution, which consumptions are estimated to be of negligible entity by the company. Table 4.32 summarizes energy and raw material consumptions attributed to the system and the respective SimaPro module employed for the modelling of the respective burdens. 232 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Table 4.32: Energy and raw material consumptions involved in drinking water treatment and delivering to the city of Milan Material/Energy Water Unit litre Absolute value 234,572,350 Unit/litre 1.12 Electricity kWh 101,186,808 0.000485 SimaPro Module1 Water, well, in ground Electricity,medium voltage, at grid/IT Carbon coke Exhausted carbon reactivation 2,976,000 1.22×10-5 Activated carbon (GAC) – total 148,800 6.11×10-7 modelled as virgin kg production 2,827,200(2) 1.16×10-5(2) modelled as reactivated Sodium Hypochlorite (NaClO) – 179,624 8.61×10-7 Sodium hypochlorite,15% 14% (m/v) as active Cl solution, kg in H2O, at plant/RER (NaClO – pure substance) (21,484) (1.03×10-7) (1) In italic the modules taken from Ecoinvent database (2) In order to obtain 1.16 ×10-5 kg of reactivated carbon, 1.22×10-5 kg have to be sent to reactivation and the respective module has to be recalled with this amount Waterborne emissions Wastewaters which originates during activated carbon filters backwashing are not contaminated and have only a negligible sand content (around 0.1% as volume), therefore, they are suitable for direct sewage draining. This consideration is also valid for retentate originating from reverse osmosis treatments carried out at the Gorla station. Moreover, no production of sludge occurs during water treatment. As consequence, no meaningful waterborne emissions are attributed to the process of water treatment. Infrastructures In order to evaluate if the wider utilisation of infrastructures for tap water delivering with respect to that associated with bottled water delivering (at least, in the case of the city of Milan) can have a relevant influence on the environmental performances of the scenario itself, we have tried to take the respective burdens into account. New inventories are established to model the life cycle of the materials constituting the water supply network, activated carbon filters and aeration towers. For water reservoirs, pumps and treatment stations building materials already existing modules available from the Ecoinvent database are instead employed. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 233 Water supply network The water supply network of the city of Milan is composed by 2,356 km of pipes (excluding user derivations), of which: - 15% of steel, - 20% of nodular (ductile) cast iron, - 65% of grey cast iron. Pipes nominal diameters () are instead distributed in the following intervals: - 12% with < 150 mm, - 72% with 150 mm ≤ ≤300 mm, - 11% with 350 mm ≤ ≤ 500 mm, - 5% with > 500 mm. All the reported values refer to the total length of the network, while the distribution of each material by typology of diameter is unknown. For this reason the analysis is carried out by considering the simplifying assumption that the total length of the pipes manufactured of a given material is subdivided according to the distribution of diameters which characterize the whole network reported above. Considering that the current composition of pipes age is the following: - 22% more than 70 years, - 16% between 50 and 70 years, - 39% between 30 and 50 years, - 17% between 10 and 30 years, - 6% less than 10 years, it is also possible to estimate the average life span of pipes by calculating the weighted average of the respective ages, which results to be of about 45 years if the central value of each class is considered. This value will be employed in carrying out the inventory. The total length of steel pipes results to be equal to 353.4 km (15% of 2,356), and by employing the distribution of diameters reported above it is then possible to subdivide the calculated length by typology of diameter, as presented in the third column of table 4.33. In order to calculate the mass of steel constituting network pipes, the linear masses reported in the catalogue of the company Dalmine Tenaris Group (Tenaris, 2007) which manufactures and commercializes also steel pipes for gas and water transport, have been taken as reference. In particular the linear mass ascribed to the four diameters intervals of interest is calculated by 234 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios averaging those of the diameters which belong to that interval, as showed in table 4.34 and synthetically in the fourth column of table 4.33. By multiplying these last values by the length of steel pipes of each diameters interval, it is finally possible to calculate the total mass of steel constituting the network which results equal to 16,499,822 kg, as presented in the last column of table 4.33. Table 4.33: Lengths and masses of steel pipes subdivided by diameters interval Nominal diameters () (mm) < 150 150 ≤ ≤ 300 350 ≤ ≤ 500 > 500 Total % 12 72 11 5 100 Steel pipes Length Average linear mass (km) (kg/m) 42.4 7.49 254.4 39 38.9 88.5 17.7 159.5 353.4 - Mass (kg) 317,636 9,923,472 3,440,349 2,818,365 16,499,822 Table 4.34: Schematization of steel pipes average linear mass calculation for each diameters interval Diameter interval (mm) < 150 150 ≤ ≤300 350 ≤ ≤ 500 > 500 Steel pipes Nominal Linear diameter mass (mm) (kg/m) 40 2.93 50 4.11 65 5.24 80 6.76 100 10.9 125 15 150 18.2 200 31 250 41.4 300 65.4 350 68.6 400 83.4 450 94 500 108 600 141 700 178 Average linear mass (kg/m) 7.49 39 88.5 159.5 In order to refer the amount of steel calculated above to 1 litre of supplied water, it is necessary, as usual, to divide it by the volume of water delivered by the pipes during their estimated life span (45 years): M steel 16,499,822 kg 1.76 10 6 kg/litre 3 208,570,708 10 litres/yea r 45 years 235 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The same procedure is followed for cast iron pipes but without considering the subdivision between nodular and grey cast iron, since no separated datasets concerning the respective manufacturing processes are available in the database. The total length of cast iron pipes is equal to 2,002.6 km (85% of 2,356 km) and the linear mass of the pipes belonging to the four diameters intervals reported above are defined by averaging the values available in the catalogue of the company Sertubi Duferco Group (Sertubi Duferco Group, 2010) which manufactures nodular cast iron pipes for water networks (table 4.35). As done before, the length of the pipes belonging to each diameters interval is first calculated through the percentages provided above and then the total mass of cast iron employed for pipes manufacturing is obtained on the basis of the average linear masses ascribed to the respective diameters interval through the same procedure followed above. All the results are presented in table 4.36. Table 4.35: Schematization of cast iron pipes average linear mass calculation for each diameters interval Cast iron pipes Diameter interval (mm) < 150 300 500 500 Nominal diameter (mm) Linear mass (kg/m) 60 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 11.5 15 18.5 23 27.5 37 48 61 80.5 95.5 113 131 170 218 267 Average linear mass (kg/m) 17 43 105 218 236 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Table 4.36: Lengths and masses of cast iron pipes subdivided by diameters interval Nodular and grey cast iron pipes Nominal diameters Length Average linear mass Mass % (km) (kg/m) (kg) () (mm) 12 240.3 17 4,085,304 < 150 72 1,441.9 43 62,541,198 150 ≤ ≤ 300 11 220.3 105 23,130,030 350 ≤ ≤ 500 5 100.1 218 21,861,717 > 500 Total 100 2,002.6 111,618,249 The network results to be constituted by an overall amount of 111,618,249 kg of cast iron which corresponds to a specific amount of 1.19×10-5 kg/litre. Steels are iron alloys with a carbon content lower than 2.1% and can be classified in unalloyed (or carbon) steels and low-alloyed steels, on the basis of their content of alloying elements. A particular category is represented by stainless steels which are alloys containing a minimum of 10.5% of chromium with other elements such as nickel and molybdenum in order to improve their resistance to corrosion. Steels can be manufactured with two completely different processes: from iron ores reduction into basic oxygen furnaces (primary production) or from re-melting of production scraps and post consumer scraps into electric arc furnaces (Classen et al., 2009). From the technical data reported in Tenaris (2007), we have recognized that carbon steel is employed for pipes manufacturing while Classen et al. (2009) assumes that, in Europe, steel is manufactured on average for 63% in basic oxygen furnaces and for 37% in electric arc furnaces. For this reason, the Ecoinvent dataset Reinforcing steel, at plant/RER, which models the manufacturing of carbon steel ingots through these two technologies in the mentioned percentages, and which already includes the process of sheets hot rolling from ingots, is employed to model the production of carbon steel constituting network pipes. Moreover, always from Tenaris (2007), it is possible to recognize that the whole range of available diameters is covered by seamless tubes while welded ones reach only the diameter of 200 mm. Therefore the module Drawing of pipes, steel/RER which models the drawing of seamless tubes is employed to model the conversion process of steel sheets into pipes. Cast iron is an alloy of iron and carbon in the range of 2.8 – 4% as weight, which properties can be adjusted within a wide range by adding different typologies of alloying elements that change the metallic structure of cast iron. For example, grey cast iron is a very brittle type of Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 237 cast iron because of its graphitic structure. On the contrary, nodular (or ductile) cast iron is produced by adding magnesium to the melted iron which allows the carbon to form tiny spherical nodules around itself, giving to cast iron ductility and shock resistance. Cast iron is produced by re-melting pig iron with iron scraps and steel. Pig iron is an alloy of 94% of iron and more than 2% of carbon, obtained by processing iron bearing element, such as iron ore, and coke within a blast furnace (Classen et al., 2009). No distinction is made in the database between the production process of grey or nodular cast iron and therefore the general module Cast iron, at plant/RER is employed to model cast iron ingots production. According to Sertubi Duferco Group (2010), in order to produce pipes, melted cast iron is centrifuged into a cylindrical shape and baked again into a oven. The external surface is then zinc-coated while the internal one is coated with a layer of cement mortar. This conversion process is not inventoried in the database and it is therefore modelled for simplicity through the same module employed for steel pipes (Drawing of pipes, steel/RER) with the difference that also the process of ingots hot rolling in sheets have to be considered (Hot rolling, steel/RER). The amount of zinc and cement mortar required for coating are derived from Ecoinvent and result to be equal respectively to 6.9 gzinc/kgc.iron and 25 gc.mortar/kgc.iron, which correspond to 8.20 ×10-8 kgzinc and 2.99 ×10-7 kgc.mortar per litre of delivered water. Finally we have decided to account for pipes employed for users derivations. To this end, also on the basis of the indications provided by the same Metropolitana Milanese, the about 50,000 users served by the aqueduct of Milan are assumed to be linked with the public network through one high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe with an average length of 10 meters and a nominal diameter of 50 mm. According to the information provided in the catalogue of the company Oppo (Oppo, 2010), one HDPE 80 pipe with 3 mm thickness, resistant to a nominal pressure of 8 bar and with a nominal diameter of 50 mm, is characterized by a linear mass of 0.45 kg/meters. The mass of HDPE required for the supplying of 1 litre of water is therefore equal to: M HDPE 0.45 kg/m 10 m/user 50,000 users 2.4 10 8 kg/litre 3 208,570,708 10 litres/yea r 45 years 238 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios HDPE granules are converted into pipes through an extrusion process whose inventory is available in the Ecoinvent database (Extrusion, plastic pipes/RER) and which is therefore employed to model pipes manufacturing from virgin HDPE granules (Polyethylene, HDPE, granulate, at plant/RER), by considering a conversion efficiency of 99.6%. Table 4.37 summarizes the specific amount of pipes materials required by the system. Table 4.37: Specific masses of pipes manufacturing materials attributed to the system Pipes material Amount (kg/litre) Steel 1.76×10-6 Cast iron (grey and nodular) 1.19×10-5 HDPE 2.4×10-8 All pipes materials are assumed to be recycled at the end of their useful life span through the processes already described in paragraph 3.3.2 and during the inventory of bottled water in paragraph 4.5.2 (Steel recycling for steel and cast iron pipes and HDPE granules from containers recovery for HDPE pipes). All these processes are utilised to build up the module Water supply network created by modifying the homonymous dataset already available in Ecoinvent, from which the processes associated with excavation through hydraulic diggers and laying of pipes through building machines are also derived. Activated carbon filters and aeration towers material The information provided by Metropolitana Milanese indicate that both filters and aeration towers have a diameter of 3 meters and an height of between 5 and 6 meters. Towers are manufactured of stainless steel except for the 6 of the Cimabue treatment station which are made of alimentary grade polypropylene. Some filters are made of stainless steel and others of painted carbon steel. Assuming that filters and towers can be approximated to hollow cylinders with sides of a thickness (t) of 2 mm and an average height of 5.5 meters, the volume of material required to manufacture one unit is equal to: Vunit πr 2 t 2 2π r h t (π 32 m 2 0.002m) 2 2π 3m 5.5m 0.002m 0.32 m 3 Assuming that half of the activated carbon filters (256/2=128) are made out of stainless steel, considering that the number of aeration towers in this material is equal to 25 and that the 239 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios density of a 18/8 stainless steel is of about 7,930 kg/m3, it is therefore possible to calculate the mass of stainless steel required by the system, as follow: M steel Vunit 7,930 kg/m 3 128 25 0.32 m 3 7,930 kg/m 3 153 388,253 kg In view of the 208,570,708 m3 yearly produced and of an assumed life span of 30 years, the mass of steel required to deliver 1 litre of water is therefore equal to: M steel /l 388,253 kg 6.205 10 8 kg/litre 3 208,570,708 10 litres/yea r 30 years Repeating the same calculations for the 6 polypropylene aeration towers by assuming a density of 910 kg/m3 for this material, the mass of polypropylene required by the system results to be equal to 1,747.2 kg or either 2.79×10-10 kg/litre. Finally, considering that the density of a generic carbon steel is equal to 7,850 kg/m3, the mass of material associated with the remaining 128 activated carbon filters, calculated with the same procedure, is equal to 321,536 kg or either 5.14×10-8 kg/litre. A synthesis of the results obtained from the previous calculations is reported in table 4.38. Table 4.38: Specific masses of activated carbon filters and aeration towers manufacturing materials attributed to the tap groundwater system Material Facility Amount (kg) Specific amount (kg/litre) Stainless steel 128 filters+6 towers 388,253 6.205×10-8 Carbon steel 128 filters 1,747.2 5.14×10-8 Polypropylene 6 towers 321,536 2.79 ×10-10 On the basis of the same considerations done for steel pipes, the modules Chromium steel 18/8, at plant/RER and Reinforcing steel, at plant/RER are chosen to model, respectively, the production of stainless steel and carbon steel hot rolled sheets. These lasts are assumed to undergo a further process of cold rolling (Sheet rolling, steel/RER) to become suitable for the application in filters and towers manufacturing. Finally, the conversion process of virgin polypropylene granules (Polypropylene, granulate, at plant/RER) in towers is approximated with that of injection moulding (Injection moulding/RER). As in this case of pipes, all materials are assumed to be recycled at the end of 240 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios their useful life (Steel recycling, discussed in paragraph 4.5.2 and Recycling PP B250 taken from the Buwal 250 database). With regard to pumps and pumping stations building materials we have chosen to employ, as an approximation, the module Pump station/p/CH already available in the Ecoinvent database. It accounts for the burdens associated with land use, manufacturing and end of life of the materials employed in pumps and building manufacturing of one pumping station in Switzerland. Unfortunately the number of pumps which are considered to constitute the station itself, which in the case of Metropolitana Milanese vary between three and four units per stations, is unknown. The module has to be recalled with a factor determined by considering that the number of treatment stations which serve the city of Milan is equal to 29 and assuming an estimated life span of 70 years, as indicated in the database. An amount of 1.99 ×10-12 pump stations/litre is resulted. The last important infrastructures belonging to the treatment stations are water reservoirs where water is disinfected and stored before its pumping into the network. Also in this case, we have chosen to employ the already available module Water storage/CH/I which inventories land use, materials manufacturing and disposal of a 2,500 m3 water reservoir in Switzerland. The amount of this module which has to be recalled can be estimated by considering that the whole storage capacity nearby the treatment stations of Metropolitana Milanese is of 194,159 m3 and that a life span of 70 years is considered in the database, as for pumping station: No.reservoirs 194,159/2,500 5.32 10 12 reservoirs/litre 3 208,570,708 10 litres/yea r 70years All the processes described up to now are employed to build up the module Tap water, at user, from groundwater which models the public purification and the delivering of 1 litre of groundwater from the tap to domestic users. 241 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Domestic depuration of water As anticipated, we have also considered the case in which a domestic depurator is employed by users to further improve water quality. As outlined in paragraph 1.5, the market offers a quite wide range of different technologies and, of consequence, with different features and level of consumptions. In this study three equipments based on the same technology, which foresees a first passage of water through an activated carbon filtering cartridge and a subsequent stage of filtration on one or two osmotic membranes are assumed as reference. Since the water treated in this way is deprived of its content of minerals, it is mixed in a certain amount with not filtered water to allow the restoration of hardness at the point of use, as required by the Italian legislation (Ministerial Decree 443/90). Moreover, in order to allow a continuous feeding, a fraction of the incoming flow rate is lost (recovery rate less than 1). Main technical features of the examined equipments are summarized in table 4.39 together with the values chosen as representative for this study. In particular from the ratio between the installed power and the average flow rate, it is possible to calculate the theoretical specific consumptions of electricity while, from the recovery rate, the actual amount of water withdrawn from the network. Finally, by considering that a 0.5 kg activated carbon filter have to be substituted once a year, it is possible to associate this mass with the delivering of 1 litre of purified water on the basis of the annual volume that has to be supplied under each scenario (500 g/152 litres/year=3.3 g/litre). Sources of data are Osmotek (2007), Lux (2010) and Osmo System (2010). Table 4.39: Technical features of domestic depurators and estimated energy and material consumptions employed in this study Parameter \ model Power (W) Flow rate (litres/h) Specific consumption (kWh/l) Recovery rate (Qout/Qin) Activated carbon filter (n°×kg) Osmotek Ultratech NF100 180 70-100 (85) Lux - Mosè 300 100 2.12×10-3 3×10-3 Osmo system Osmy Smart 180 60-70 (65) 2.77×10-3 Assumed in this study 2.63×10-3 (Average) 1:3 n.a. n.a. 1:3 1 by 0.5 kg substituted once a year 1 substituted once a year 1 substituted once a year 1 by 0.5 kg substituted once a year 242 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The module Purified water by domestic depurator, described in table 4.40, is created to account for these energy and material inputs, disposal of activated carbon (in landfill) and the treatment of discharged water (about 2 litres/litre) , considered as an unpolluted sewage, at wastewaters treatment plant. In particular consumed water brings all the burdens associated with its purification and delivering up to the point of use and therefore the module described before in this paragraph (Tap water, at user, from groundwater) which accounts for all these burdens is employed to model water consumptions. Table 4.40: Major features of the SimaPro module which models the process of domestic depuration of water Materials/Energy/Processes Unit Water Electricity Activated carbon (GAC) manufacturing litres kWh kg Amount Unit/litre 3 2.63×10-3 3.3×10-3 kg 3.3×10-3 litres 2 Landfilling of activated carbon filter Treatment of rejected water SimaPro Module1 Tap water, at user, from groundwater Electricity, medium voltage, at grid/IT Carbon coke Disposal, inert waste, 5% water, to inert material landfill/CH Treatment, sewage, unpolluted, to wastewater treatment, class 3/CH (1) In italic the modules taken from Ecoinvent database Glass jug life cycle and washing Nearby the consumers, water is assumed to be conserved within a 1 litre glass jug, assumed, for simplicity, to have a mass equal to the one of glass bottles employed in the next refillable bottled water scenario (475 g/jug, paragraph 4.10.2) and a conservative life span of 1 year. This means that, in view of the about 152 litres that have to be supplied under each scenario, the amount of glass associated with the delivering of 1 litres of water is equal to 3.12 g/litre (475 g/152 litres/year). Glass jug is assumed to be recycled at the end of its useful life and its life cycle is modelled trough the closed-loop approach as will be made in the refillable glass bottled water scenario, to which we refer for further details (paragraph 4.10.2). The module Glass jug is therefore built up on the basis of these considerations. Jug is arbitrarily assumed to be washed every each four uses in a residential dishwasher as part of a load of 30 items and of consequence 1/30 of the burdens associated with a dishwashing cycle are assigned to the jug washing. These parameters will however undergo to sensitivity analysis (paragraph 5.3). 243 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Data about energy and water consumptions of a dishwashing cycle are taken from the web site of U.S. EPA Energy Star program (Energy Star, 2010). In particular, they are calculated by averaging the ones of 637 Energy Star qualified dishwashers and are reported in the first column table 4.41. Considering that at the moment of each washing cycle the jug has already contained 4 litres of water, specific consumptions, i.e. for electricity, can be calculated as follow: Ee dishwashin g 1.32 kWh/cycle 0.011 kWh/litre 30 items/cycl e 4 litres/ite m The obtained results are summarized in the second column of table 4.41. Table 4.41: Average energy and raw material consumptions of Energy Star classified dishwasher considered in this study Amount Specific amount (Unit/cycle) (Unit/litre) kWh 1.32 0.011 litres 15.7 (4.15 gallons/cycle)* 0.131 Dishwasher consumptions Unit Energy (kWh/cycle) Water (litres/cycle) (*) 1 gallon = 3.785 litres Because of data lacking, consumptions of detergents and the relative potential waterborne emissions could not be quantified. Anyway, the treatment of the amount of water employed during a washing cycle, considered as an un polluted sewage, at wastewaters treatment plant is accounted for (Treatment, sewage, unpolluted, to wastewater treatment, class 3/CH). These consumptions and processes are introduced in the module Jug washing in residential dishwasher, created on purpose. The processes concerning domestic purification and the life cycle and the washing of the jug are utilised to build up the module Tap water, from groundwater, use at consumer house which models the burdens associated with the domestic quality improvement of 1 litre of already purified tap water as well as the ancillary processes associated with preserving water nearby consumers. The whole scenario is instead finally implemented in the module Waste prevention scenario 1A (Tap water - groundwater source) which simply account for the fact that 152.1 litres have to be supplied through tap water, by recalling the module specified above. 244 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The magnitude of the major processes described up to now which characterize the present scenario are summarized in table D.4. 4.9 Waste prevention scenario 1B (Utilisation of public network water: surface water from public fountains) This preventive scenario considers the consumption of public network water having surface origin. In particular the delivering system of the city of Florence and of its suburban area, which are supplied by water withdrawn from the Arno river and purified at the Anconella treatment plant, is considered. The delivering of improved quality water from public fountains is also explored in this scenario in substitution of its domestic depuration, by taking suggestion from the original possibility given to the citizens of the analyzed context by Publiacqua, which is the holding company of the whole integrated water service of the mentioned geographical area. Waste generation is limited to the reusable glass bottles that will be assumed to be utilised to conserve water, and to the periodically substituted consumable materials of the system utilised to improve water quality at public level. Their contribution is however expected to be of minimal entity and the burdens associated with their handling are excluded for simplicity by the waste management system, but are directly accounted for in the inventory relative to public network water supplying. A certain amount of sludge is also generated from water purification and some considerations about its relevance and comparability with the amount of waste generated in the other investigated scenarios will be given in paragraph 5.2.1. As for the scenarios investigated up to now, the inventory of the major upstream life cycle processes associated with drinking water delivering through the system described above is carried out in the following paragraph. These upstream processes are indeed those whose magnitude change among the examined scenarios. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 245 4.9.1 Life cycle inventory of public network water: surface water from public fountains System description The following description is mainly based on the information provided by several sources such as Fabbri (2010), Publiacqua (2010a, 2010b, 2010c), Rossi (2010), Rossi (2007), Moscatelli et al. (2006) and Santianni and Griffini (2004). The Anconella water treatment plant is one of the most important Italian plants that treat water from surface origin for the production of drinking water. In particular it treats water withdrawn from the Arno river to make drinking water available to the city of Florence and to its suburban area including the cities of Prato and Pistoia, served by a network which extends over a length of about 900 km. The plant is operated by the society Publiacqua S.p.A. which actually manages the whole integrated water service of the Optimal Territorial Ambit (Ambito Territoriale Ottimale) Medio Valdarno (ATO 3), which includes the provinces of Florence, Prato, Pistoia and part of Arezzo. The plant has a maximum productive capacity of 3,500 l/s but generally operates at an average flow rate of 2,300 l/s. Its simplified layout is schematically depicted in figure 4.8. Figure 4.8: Simplified layout of the Anconella drinking water treatment plant (Adapted from Fabbri (2010)) 246 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The water intake work is protected by a mobile barrier which avoids the entrance of possible floating substances (i.e. oils), by a fixed sieve and by two mechanical sieves to hold back coarse materials. Water reaches then an accumulation basin where it is raised up by 3 pumps with a flow rate variable between 1,500 and 2,000 l/s and with an installed power of 373 kW each one, and by two auxiliary submersible pumps with a flow rate of 1,000 l/s each one. Being of surface origin, water undergoes a very intense chemical-physical treatment which begins with a pre-oxidation stage through the introduction of chlorine dioxide (ClO2), directly on the adduction pipe. It is dosed in measure of about 0.5 ppm with the aim of partially remove oxidable pollutants, of achieving a pre-disinfection and of controlling algal growing. Only in case of emergency or of high incoming organic load, powdered activated carbon (PAC) is also introduced at this point with a dosage between 5 and 15 ppm. The incoming flow is then distributed by a divider in two clarification and filtration lines to remove suspended solids responsible of water turbidity. The first line is supplied by a constant flow rate and is composed by 6 Dorr-Oliver settling basins with a maximum treatable flow rate of 250 l/s, a surface of 615 m2 and an height of 5 m each one. The second one can absorb flow rate variations and is composed by 4 Pulsator sludge blanket clarifiers with a maximum flow rate of 625 l/s, a surface of 900 m2 and an height of 5 m each one. Both the typologies of clarifiers combine the two functions of flocculation and settling in a unique basin. The employed coagulant-flocculant agent is Poly-aluminium chloride (PACl) and is introduced in correspondence of the overfall of the divider towers which split up the flow among the clarifiers, exploiting in this way the energy of the hydraulic jump to carry out the flash mixing stage required for the destabilization of the colloidal suspension. In particular conditions of high incoming loads of suspended solids, organic polyelectrolytes are also introduced in the clarifiers, in conjunction with the already added PACl, to improve flakes formation and their settling rate. For this reason polyelectrolytes are required to be of Potable Water Grade (PWG). Decanted water reaches then gravity sand filters where the removing process of suspended solid is completed. In particular the first line is composed by 18 quartziferous (siliceous) sand filters with a filtering surface of 60 m2 and a bed height of 0.9 m, while the second line by 12 filters with a surface of 150 m2 and a bed height of 1 m. The employed sand has a granulometry encompassed between 0.8 and 1.5 mm. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 247 Between the clarifiers and the filters also sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) and chlorine dioxide (ClO2) are added in a dosage of 1-4 ppm and 1-2 ppm respectively, for the control of the ammonium ion (NH4+) concentration and to carry out an intermediate oxidation stage. At the end of the filtration stage, together with suspended solids, also a partial abatement of the microbial load and of organic substances is achieved, reducing the demand of oxidant during the successive treatment of ozonization. Ozone is added with a dosage of about 1 ppm in order to achieve a significant reduction of the microbial load, the oxidation of organic pollutants (such as surfactants) and micro pollutants (such as solvents and pesticides) and the improvement of water organoleptic quality (smell and taste). Moreover, the biodegradability of the organic substances is probably increased. It follows then a filtration stage on granulated activated carbon (GAC) filters which aims at refining water quality by removing residual organic compounds and disinfection by-products such as Trihalomethanes (THM), chlorites and other chlorine-derivates and bromates, in case originated during the previous treatments. The organoleptic quality of water is also further improved. A total of 14 filters with a filtering surface of 130.4 m2 and a bed height of 2.2 m each one are installed nearby the plant. Besides the chemical-physical adsorption also the biological adsorption is promoted in filters (BAC - biological activated carbon filtration) to improve the removal of biodegradable organic substances. Water is finally stored in one of the 3 available compensation basins where post-disinfection is carried out through the addition of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) in a dosage between 0.5 and 0.7 ppm and assuring a contact time of 45 minutes in order to assure an adequate level of residual chlorine in the distribution network. Just in this last water is finally introduced by 6 pushing pumps with a flow rate of 1,000 l/s and an installed power of 710 kW each one, which compose the pumping station of the plant. Sand and activated carbon filters are periodically backwashed with water coming from the same treatments and which is then reintroduced to the head of the plant. Chemical sludge originating from the clarification processes are firstly stored in one homogenization basin, thickened in two thickener basins and finally dehydrated through two filter presses. The two processes are supported by the addition of anionic polyelectrolyte, the first, and cationic polyelectrolyte the second. Dehydration water is reintroduced upstream the thickeners, while the supernatant originating from these lasts is discharged into the Arno river. Dehydrated sludge are finally destined to be employed for environmental restoring purposes (for embankments or as road subgrade) or sent to landfill. 248 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios During the year 2009, a water volume of 69,830,735 m3 was produced by the plant and introduced into the network for its delivering to the about 500,000 citizens which it reaches. Since the year 1998, Publiacqua has been also making a noteworthy effort to promote the utilization of public network water for drinking purpose, through the installation of public fountains delivering free of charge improved quality water to the citizens. Here water is further treated in a little refinement plant with the aim to improve its quality which could be subject to worsening within the distribution network, especially from the organoleptic point of view. Ten distribution points are currently present in the only municipality of Florence while other seven are installed in the rest of the territory managed by Publiacqua. Their realization can benefit of the subsidies foreseen in the framework of waste reduction policies. The refinement system was initially based only on the sequence of activated carbon and membrane filtration, in particular ultra-filtration (UF) on a tubular membrane with a cut-off diameter of 50,000 Dalton. Water was finally stored in one accumulation tank with a capacity of 1 m3. The unique system of this typology in function until the year 2004 was placed in the Anconella Park and was named AQ_99. It was characterized by an high productivity (1,500 l/h), but about 30% of the treated water was discharged during filtration as retentate. Moreover it necessitated of 1 day of stop per week to allow its sanitization through the circulation of a sodium hypochlorite solution, and of wide spaces for its positioning especially because of the presence of the water tank. The treatment technology has been improved during the years, leading to the currently employed H2O PLUS system which is the typology of plant installed since the year 2004. It is able to deliver a continuous flow rate of 500 l/h and is characterized by a layout as the one schematically illustrated in figure 4.9. The single installations can however differ in some details. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 249 Figure 4.9: Layout of the H2O PLUS water refinement system (Adapted from Rossi (2007)) As it can be observed, the system is based on a series of sequential treatments which begin with activated carbon filtration to achieve the complete de-chlorination of water, the adsorption of possible residual organic substances and the further improvement of its organoleptic characteristics. The filter has a volume of 30 dm3 and a contact time (tc) of 15 minutes. It follows a further filtration on a polyether sulphone (PES) spiral membrane with a molecular cut-off of 20,000 Dalton (ultra-filtration) and a filtration surface of 8 m2, to remove residual suspended substances up to the dimensions of light organic compounds, and to improve the efficiency of the successive UV disinfection stage. The membrane is protected by a 5µm polypropylene pre-filtering cartridge which allows the removal of possible coarse particulate substances which could cause membrane pores occlusion. The successive step of UV rays disinfection allows to avoid the utilisation of chemicals and the related problems of by-products formation with subsequent worsening of water organoleptic quality. One UV lamp with a radiating dose of 40,000 mWs/cm2 is employed for the purpose. A last passage of water through one absolute filter11 with a cut-off diameter of 0.2 µm is finally performed to obtain a practically complete removal of the microbial load. The filter acts indeed as a selective barrier against all those microorganisms which could have exceeded all the previous devices. 11 An absolute filter is a filter capable of cutting off 100% by weight of solid particles greater than a stated size in µm (Dictionary of Military and Associated terms – DOD). 250 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The incoming water is refrigerated at the temperature of 14°C through a refrigerator of the power of 3 kW able to provide a thermal jump of 10°C. This in order to avoid bacterial growing into activated carbon filters and into the other components of the system, other than making water more pleasant to the users. Treated water is automatically re-circulated after a certain period of system inactivity in order to avoid any type of stagnation and potential bacterial growing. Moreover, every 15 days, system devices are sanitized through the circulation of a sodium hypochlorite solution, which implies the stopping of the system itself for about half a day. Consumable components of the system require the following substitution intervals: activated carbon filter: every 6 months; polypropylene pre-filtering cartridge: every 2 months; UF membrane: every 2 years; UV lamp: every year; absolute filter: every 2 years. The absence of the accumulation tank gives the system a greater compactness and therefore a lower necessity of space for its installation with respect to the previous AQ_99system. This also involve lower hygienic safety problems which could have been associated with water stagnation into the tank itself. Moreover, a lower amount of water is rejected during membrane filtration, involving an overall reduction of the respective consumptions. An efficiency of about 90% can be indeed estimated. The system is conceived for the treatment and the refining of water intended for human consumption. Therefore the quality parameters of the incoming water will have to respect the minimal requirements reported into the Annex 1 of the Legislative Decree number 31 of 2 February 2001. In this condition the system is able to assure: a reduction of the total organic substance (in terms of TOC) of at least 80%; a reduction of suspended solids (as TSS) of at least 90%; the achievement and the maintaining of microbiological purity and a total de-chlorination of water. All this factors lead to an overall improvement of the organoleptic characteristics of the treated water (taste, smell) and therefore of its pleasantness. As pointed out in paragraph 1.5, the delivering of water with unpleasant smell or taste or with the presence of solid residues is indeed the main reason that the majority of people adduce to justify the consumption of bottled water (Temporelli and Cassinelli, 2005). Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 251 It is also worth to notice that, by operating with ultra-filtration, the system does not modify the saline content of water because of its inability to remove ionic fractions. Thing that on the contrary happens when reverse osmosis is utilized, how in the case of the domestic depurators considered in the previous tap water scenario. A system able to provide carbonated water (H2O GAS) was also more recently developed. It is a simplified version of the H2O PLUS system and encompasses only a micro-filtration (MF) and an UV rays disinfection stage, beyond refrigeration and CO2 addition. For this reason it is more suitable to be employed on network fed by groundwater sources. Anyway it is under study the implementation of the CO2 addition system also on the H2O PLUS one (H2O PLUS-GAS), to go beyond this limitation. Weak points of these systems are recognized to be, at least for the moment, the very high realization, maintenance and analytical control costs. The first can vary between 15,000 € and 17,000 € according to the installation option (brickwork or steel case), while maintenance and analytical control costs amount respectively to about 3,500 €/year and 2,000 €/year. An environmental drawback deriving from the utilisation of such a typology of delivering system could be associated to the trip of the citizens between their houses and public fountains which could also be carried out through the use of a private car. Drinking of water drawn directly from the tap does not imply instead this potential additional burden. System boundaries The inventory first of all includes all the life cycle processes required to model energetic and raw materials consumptions associated with water purification and delivering, as well as sludge disposal. The infrastructures involved in the supplying of the service are instead not investigated because according to a preliminary evaluation of the tap groundwater system, they are recognized to give a negligible contribution to the impact indicators considered in this study. Infrastructures are therefore assumed to be the same of the tap groundwater scenario only to allow a fair comparison between the two public network water scenarios. The most important burdens associated with the delivering of improved quality water from public fountains are also considered, as well as the life cycle of reusable bottles employed to conserve water. The possibility of the utilisation of a private car for the round trip between consumer house and the public fountain is also considered in order to highlight to which extent consumers behaviour could influence the environmental performances of the present scenario. Further details concerning this last two points will be given forth in the inventory. 252 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The processes that on the basis of the inventory which is going to be carried out in this paragraph, will be included in the present scenario, are graphically represented in figure D.5. Reference flow Coherently with the previous scenarios, the reference flow of this inventory is “1 litre of improved quality water delivered to the consumers from public fountains and its further consumption”. All inputs and outputs to and from the system are therefore related to this flow. Data source Data concerning the major inputs and outputs to and from the drinking water plant are primary and directly provided by Publiacqua as well as the information pertaining to the technical features of the H2O PLUS systems. Data employed to model energy generation and raw materials production are instead taken from the Ecoinvent database, from the literature or directly provided by manufacturers, as will be specified within the detailed inventory. Detailed inventory Natural resources consumptions As for the case of Metropolitana Milanese, the main natural resource consumption directly associated with drinking water delivering regards water itself. In particular, in view of the 69,830,735 m3 of purified water produced by the plant during 2009, 73,322,271 m3 are estimated to be actually withdrawn from the Arno river. The difference between these two values is associated with the volume of water employed for filters backwashing and with the water content of clarification sludge. Water utilised for backwashing is the one outgoing from the respective filtration stage and for this reason it should takes all the impacts associated with its treatment till that stage. Anyway, since it was not possible to quantify separately the two contributions, also backwashing water was modelled as a natural resource (Water, river). A further important factor are network losses, whose amount is unfortunately unknown with regard to the territory served by the plant. For this reason the same percentage of losses (about 11%) considered for the case of Milan is employed also for the present case. It must be noticed that this is a very optimistic value if considering that the Italian average amounted to Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 253 30.1% during 2007, with the peak of 50.3% of the Apulian Aqueduct (Acquedotto Pugliese) (Metropolitana Milanese, 2010). On the basis of these considerations, the volume of water actually delivered to users can be estimated to be: Vwater delivered 69,830,735 m 3 (1 0.11) 62,149,354 m 3 , while the volume required to deliver 1 litre of water to users is therefore equal to: Vwater 73,322,271 m 3 1.18 litres/lit re 62,149,354 m 3 Energy consumptions The quantity of electricity utilised by the plant during the year 2009 amounts to 23,775,615 kWh, of which about 13,000,000 kWh (54.7%) are estimated by Publiacqua to be ascribable to pumping of water into the network. The specific consumption can therefore be calculated as: Ee cons 23,775,615 kWh/year 0.000382 kWh/litre 62,149,354 103 litres/yea r Thermal energy is instead not required for plant operations. How it can be noticed the specific consumption of electricity results to be lower than the one characterizing the groundwater system (0.000485 kWh/l). This probably because a centralized treatment, as that carried out at the Anconella plant, and the subsequent introduction into the network by utilising a single pumping station, are less energy intensive than the utilisation of single separated treatment stations each one equipped with a proper pumping group, even if a less intense treatment is performed. The Ecoinvent dataset Electricity, medium voltage, at grid/IT is employed to model the burdens associated with electricity generation. 254 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Material consumptions Main materials consumptions are represented by chemicals employed in the various sections of the plant, by filters activated carbon and quartziferous sand. Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) Chlorine dioxide is a yellow-greenish gas at ambient temperature which performs its disinfecting action by oxidation. It cannot be compressed, liquefied and shipped as such because of its unstable nature, which makes it explosive at air concentration of only 10 vol.%, by rapidly decomposing to elemental chlorine and oxygen. For this reason it has to be directly generated at the place of use with processes which, in the case of small scale applications, are based on the oxidation of sodium chlorite (NaClO2 ) (EPA, 1999; Vogt et al., 2000). In particular, nearby the Anconella plant, the following acid activation reaction between sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid (HCl) is utilised: 5 NaClO 2 4 HCl 4 ClO 2(g) 5 NaCl 2 H 2 O The gas is firstly generated by mixing the two reagent solutions into a suitable reactor, to be finally solubilised into the water stream. The amount and typology of reagent solutions utilised at the plant for chlorine dioxide generation during the year 2009 are reported in table 4.42 together with the respective consumptions in relation to the reference flow, calculated by dividing the mentioned values by the total volume of water delivered during the same year (62,149,354×103 litres). Table 4.42: Consumptions of reagents for chlorine dioxide generation at the Anconella plant Reagent solution Hydrochloric acid (HCl) 33% (m/m) solution Sodium chlorite (NaClO2) 25% (m/m) solution Consumption (kg) Specific consumption (kg/litre) 1,191,200 1.92×10-5 1,046,640 1.68×10-5 Hydrochloric acid production is modelled with the Ecoinvent dataset Hydrochloric acid, 30% in H2O, at plant/RER which assumes that its generation takes place for 50% from the combustion of hydrogen and chlorine and for the remaining 50% as a co-product from the Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 255 manufacturing of sodium sulphate. In this last case reagents consumptions associated with the overall process are allocated to hydrochloric acid on a mass basis, while the remaining process burdens are allocated on the basis of the economic value of the two co-products. With regard to sodium chlorite manufacturing no life cycle data are instead provided in the available databases and therefore raw materials consumptions associated with its production are calculated on the basis of the stoichiometry of the reaction utilised for its generation at industrial level. Sodium chlorite is industrially manufactured through the absorption of chlorine dioxide gas into a cooled (15-20°C) circulating solution containing sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), according to the reaction: 2 ClO 2 2 NaOH H 2 O 2 2 NaClO 2 2 H 2 O O 2 In particular hydrogen peroxide behaves as a reducing agent employed for the instantaneous reduction of sodium chlorate that is generated together with sodium chlorite when chlorine dioxide disproportionates by reacting with sodium hydroxide: 2 ClO 2 2 NaOH NaClO 2 NaClO 3 H 2 O An excess of hydrogen peroxide is therefore generally maintained into the solution in order to avoid the occurring of this competing reaction as well as a small excess of sodium hydroxide to stabilize the final sodium chlorite solution produced. A production yield of sodium chlorite from the absorbed chlorine dioxide equal to 95% or better is generally achieved. The product of the process is a 33% (m/m) solution of sodium chlorite which then can be further diluted to a 25% solution, or converted to a dry solid product which is stabilized for safety reasons, by the addition of i.e. sodium chloride, in order to decrease the sodium chlorite content to 80% (m/m) of dry product (Madduri, 2007; ATSDR, 2004; Kaczur and Cawlfield, 2000; Vogt et al., 2000; IARC, 1991). According to the reaction stoichiometry, and considering a production yield of 95% as specified above, it is possible to calculate the amount of reagents required for the production of 1 kg of pure sodium chlorite and of the 25% m/m commercial solution employed at the plant. In particular reagents consumptions are defined by assuming that the whole amount of water required to achieve the 25% titre is added at the end of the process, although it is also 256 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios partly generated during the reaction and partly provided by the reagents themselves. This last contribution is indeed unknown. The results are summarised in table 4.43 together with the modules employed to account for the burdens associated with reagents manufacturing and utilised to build up the new module Sodium chlorite, 25% m/m solution, at plant, which models the manufacturing of 1 kg of a 25% (m/m) sodium chlorite solution. Table 4.43: Raw materials and energy consumptions attributed to the sodium chlorite manufacturing process and employed to create the module “Sodium chlorite, 25% m/m solution, at plant” Reagents (pure)/water Amount (kg/kg pure (kg/kg 25% NaClO2) solution) Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) 0.785 0.196 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 0.465 0.116 Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) 0.198 0.0495 Demineralised water Energy Electricity (kWh/kg sol.) 0 0.75 (Ecoinvent) module Chlorine dioxide, from integrated process, at plant1 Sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, at plant/RER2 Hydrogen peroxide, 50% in H2O, at plant/RER2 Water, deionised, at plant/kg/CH Amount Ecoinvent module 0.017 Electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, at grid/UCTE Thermal energy – as steam Heat, unspecific, in chemical 1.375 plant/RER (MJ/kg/sol.) (1) Built up on purpose as explained in the rest of the paragraph (2) Module to be recalled with the required amount of pure substance No available information was found with regard to process energy demands, but in order not to neglect their contribution, these values are approximated with those of the sodium hypochlorite production, available in the Ecoinvent database. This is assumed to be a reasonable hypothesis if considering that both the mentioned chemicals are produced through processes based on the same principle. Sodium hypochlorite is indeed manufactured by introducing gaseous chlorine into a rings packed column where a sodium hydroxide solution is circulating at a controlled temperature (30-35 °C) (Vogt et al., 2000). The amounts of electrical and thermal energy considered are always reported in table 4.43. Since the typology of fuel utilised for steam generation is unknown, the dataset employed to model this process (Heat, unspecific, in chemical plant/RER) considers the average fuel mix utilised for this purpose in the European chemical industry, according to the approach described by Althaus et al. (2007) for chemicals inventoried in the Ecoinvent database. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 257 Potential airborne and waterborne emissions are instead not considered in the inventory because of data lacking. The only originated by-product is oxygen which leaves the reactor without implying any environmental burden. Chlorine dioxide employed in sodium chlorite production is in turn generated through the chemical or electrochemical reduction of sodium chlorate under strong acidic conditions. Chlorate-based methods are however mainly employed nearby pulp and paper mills for the on-site generation of chlorine dioxide to be utilised as pulp bleacher, and about 95% of this chemical is indeed produced for this purpose (Kaczur and Cawlfield, 2000; Vogt et al., 2000). Several processes exist at present which mainly differ for the employed reducing agent, the generated by-products, pressure conditions (vacuum or atmospheric processes) and integration or less with production processes of feedstock materials. All of them are based on the overall reaction: chlorate reducing agent acid chlorine dioxide by - products The reducing agents that may be used are methanol, sulphur dioxide, sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid and most recently hydrogen peroxide. The choice of the acid is instead limited to sulphuric and hydrochloric acid for practical, safety and economic reasons (Vogt et al., 2000). According to the same source, about 75% of the global production of chlorine dioxide for bleaching purpose is carried out through methanol-based processes, while sulphur dioxide and sodium chloride-based processes are loosing importance. The use of hydrogen peroxide as reducing agent has been found to hold some advantages and to be a valid starting point for the development of cleaner production methods (Qian et al., 2007). The use of hydrochloric acid allows finally the utilisation of integrated processes, avoiding the need of transporting, storing and handling large quantities of feedstock chemicals nearby pulp and paper mills. No specific information are instead provided by the authors with regard to the technology adopted for the generation of chlorine dioxide as a precursor for the industrial manufacturing of sodium chlorite. We have however recognized that hydrochloric acid-based processes are probably utilised for this purpose within integrated plants where also feedstock materials such as chlorine (from a chlor-alkali process), sodium chlorate and hydrochloric acid are normally produced. It seems indeed unlike that a stand alone plant, with the related needs of raw 258 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios materials, is settled for the manufacturing of the only amount of chlorine dioxide required for chlorite generation, which is part of the 5% of product not employed for bleaching purposes. These considerations are supported by the fact that the most important North American producer of sodium chlorite, OxyChem, manufactures it within a plant where also sodium hydroxide, chlorine and hydrochloric acid are produced (OxyChem, 2010). The same consideration is valid for the ERCO Worldwide company, which also supplies sodium chlorate (ERCO Worldwide, 2010). For the present study we have therefore assumed that the integrated processes developed for chlorine dioxide generation nearby pulp and paper mills, can well approximate the industrial scale manufacturing process of this substance nearby chemical plants, for which no data are available. In particular, reliable information and data are found concerning the technology developed by Aker Solutions (Aker Solutions, 2010; Barr et al., 2009) and are utilised for the following description of the process together with the ones provided in Vogt et al. (2000) about this generic typology of processes. Integrated systems, whose simplified layout is represented in figure 4.10, are composed by three areas aimed respectively at the production of the two intermediate products, sodium chlorate and hydrochloric acid, and the final product, chlorine dioxide. Hydrochloric acid acts also as reducing agent. 259 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Chlorine (Cl2) (from on site chlor-alkali plant or purchased) H2 NaOH Demineralised water HCl Synthesis Cl2 H2 absorption (weak chlorine) HCl Chilled water Excess H2 Electricity NaClO3 production NaClO3 (strong chlorate liquor) ClO2 generation ClO2 absorption ClO2 solution NaCl+NaClO3 (weak chlorate liquor) Figure 4.10: Simplified layout of the process developed by Aker Solutions for the integrated generation of chlorine dioxide (Adapted from Barr et al. (2009)) Chlorine dioxide gas is produced by combining sodium chlorate with hydrochloric acid into the chlorine dioxide generator according to the overall reaction: NaClO 3 2 HCl ClO 2 0.5 Cl 2 NaCl H 2 O The mixture of chlorine dioxide and elemental chlorine gas generated in this way is absorbed with cooled water and the resulting solution is further stripped with air to remove possible residual chlorine. Not absorbed chlorine (weak chlorine) is recycled for hydrochloric acid production. The residual liquor containing not reacted chlorate and the by-product sodium chloride originated in the reactor, called weak chlorate liquor, is instead recycled for the sodium chlorate production. Sodium chlorate is generated by electrolysis of this recirculated sodium chloride (NaCl) solution according to the overall reaction: NaCl 3 H 2 O Electricit y (6e - ) NaClO 3 3 H 2 260 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The products are a strong chlorate liquor, which is fed to the chlorine dioxide generator, and a gaseous mixture of hydrogen and small amounts of chlorine which is used as feedstock for hydrochloric acid production. The gaseous stream exceeding the requirements of this last process is instead absorbed in a packed tower with a sodium hydroxide solution in order to remove chlorine and is then released to the atmosphere. Sodium hypochlorite and sodium chloride are generated in this process. Hydrochloric acid is finally produced by the combustion of hydrogen and chlorine gases into a suitable synthesis unit, according to the following reaction: H 2 Cl 2 2 HCl Within the same synthesis unit, most of the generated gas is subsequently absorbed in demineralised water to form a 32% (m/m) solution which is fed to the chlorine dioxide section. Not directly solubilised hydrochloric acid is instead absorbed into a separated unit whose absorption water is in turn utilised into the same HCl synthesis unit, optimising the recovery level. Gas released from the separated unit are represented by the excess of hydrogen supplied to assure the complete combustion of chlorine and inert gases, such as nitrogen, which can be found in the fed chlorine gas. Hydrogen supplied to the synthesis unit is the one generated in the sodium chlorate electrolysis. Part of chlorine is supplied from the chlorine dioxide generator while the remaining part of chlorine is instead produced from an on-site chlor-alkali plant or can be purchased. By combining the three reactions which take place in the system, it is possible to obtain the overall reaction which corresponds to the following theoretical equation: 0.5 Cl 2 2 H 2 O Electricit y ClO 2 2 H 2 It is therefore possible to recognize how, once started up, the process only consumes chlorine, water and electricity to generate chlorine dioxide. It is possible however, that the levels of consumption which characterize these typologies of processes differ from those associated with the industrial scale manufacturing of chlorine dioxide nearby chemical plants. The fact that in this plants the single unit processes are not only conceived for the supplying of feedstock materials to the chlorine dioxide cycle but also 261 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios for the industrial scale manufacturing of the respective intermediate product, could imply to achieve lower level of integration and, therefore, higher consumptions. In absence of specific information regarding these realities, life cycle data associated with the described technology are however utilised to model chlorine dioxide production in the present study. The new module Chlorine dioxide, from integrated process, at plant is therefore established to model the manufacturing of 1 tonne of pure chlorine dioxide, on the basis of the data concerning main raw materials and energy consumptions reported by Barr et al. (2009) for the Aker Solutions process and by Vogt et al (2000) for a generic integrated process. These values, as well as those considered in this study, are reported in table 4.44 together with the Ecoinvent modules employed to account for the burdens associated with the life cycle of the respective inputs. Table 4.44: Raw materials and energy consumptions associated with the integrated manufacturing process of chlorine dioxide and employed to create the module “Chlorine dioxide, from integrated process, at plant” Barr et al. (2009) -Aker Solutions process- Amount Vogt et al. (2000) -Generic integrated process- kg/t ClO2 730 730 730 kg/t ClO2 15 - 15 m3n/t ClO2 0.46 - 0.46 Cooling water m3/t ClO2 1,200 - 1,200 Chilled water (for ClO2 absorption) m3/t ClO2 140 - - Demineralised water (for H2 absorption) Energy Electricity (for electrolysis) Electricity (other consumptions) m3/t ClO2 5 - 5 Material Chlorine (reagent) Sodium hydroxide (NaOH, for Cl2 absorption) Nitrogen gas (for circuits purging) Unit Unit kWh/t ClO2 Amount 250 Ecoinvent module Chlorine, liquid, production mix, at plant/RER Sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, at plant/RER(1) Nitrogen, liquid, at plant/RER Water, cooling, unspecified natural origin/m3(2) Not included: chlorine dioxide is not absorbed in water but directly in the caustic solution (see text) Water, deionised, at plant/kg/CH Ecoinvent module 9,000 8,900 kWh/t ClO2 This study 9,250 Electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, at grid/UCTE kg/t ClO2 7,000 8,000 8,000 Heat, unspecific, in chemical plant/RER (MJ/t ClO2)3 (17,500) (22,000) (22,000) (1) Module to be recalled with the required amount of pure substance (2) Modelled as natural resource without assigning any production burden (3) The value in kg is converted in MJ by considering a steam heat content of 2.75 MJ/kg, as explained in the text Steam 262 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Some details concerning the most important performed choices and if necessary, the reasons they are based on, will be now briefly described. The dataset chosen to model chlorine production accounts for the burdens associated with the generation of liquid chlorine through the average European mix of the different typologies of electrolytic cells utilised for the chlor-alkali process: mercury, diaphragm and membrane cells. In this dataset the burdens of the chlor-alkali process are assigned on the basis of the mass of each substance generated in the process itself and in particular 46.4% of these are assigned to chlorine production. In the case in which chlorine is produced on-site, as probably happens in the plants under investigation, the liquefaction process would not be required but its burdens are however left included according to a conservative approach. As done by Althaus et al. (2007) for the chemicals inventoried in the Ecoinvent database, the mass of steam consumed by the process is converted to energy (MJ) by considering that it is supplied at the pressure of 4 bar and at the temperature of 150°C. In these conditions superheated steam has an heat content (specific enthalpy) of about 2.75 MJ/kg. The dataset employed to model steam production is the same also utilised for sodium chlorite, according to the already explained reasons. Electricity and water consumptions reported in table 4.44 also include the amounts employed for absorbing chlorine dioxide gas and for stripping residual chlorine from the generated solution. This is generally made in order to obtain a highly pure chlorine dioxide solution to be employed for ECF (Elementary Chlorine Free) pulp bleaching processes. In the case in which the process is aimed at sodium chlorite manufacturing, chlorine dioxide gas is expected not to be absorbed with chilled water but directly into the caustic solution of sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide. Also the stripping stage is expected not to be made as well. For these reasons, the amount of chilled water consumed by the integrated plant is excluded in this inventory while, since it has not been possible to disaggregate energetic consumptions, the whole amount reported is however considered. The concentration of residual chlorine into the generated chlorine dioxide solution is a weak point of integrated processes, for which values of about 0.2-0.24 g/l are achieved if chlorine stripping is carried out (Aker solutions, 2010; Vogt et al., 2000). If this is not made, concentrations of about 0.9-1.9 g/l can be expected (Vogt et al, 2000; Stockburger 1993). Not chloride-based processes can instead reach levels of 0.01 g/l (Vogt et al, 2000). In order to achieve chlorine content comparable with this value, a stripping or an hydrogen peroxide 263 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios oxidation stage must be foreseen for chloride based processes (Vogt et al, 2000; Stockburger 1993). The level of residual chlorine is of relevant importance also in products destined to water treatment because of its potential contribution to the generation of toxic disinfection byproducts such as THMs (trihalomethanes) (EPA, 1999). Since chlorine dioxide is absorbed with hydrogen peroxide to generate sodium chlorite, it can be expected that low concentrations of residual chlorine are however achieved in the resulting chlorite solution, despite air stripping is not performed. No information about potential airborne and waterborne emissions are finally found with regard to the integrated process. The former are however restricted to possible chlorine emissions from the absorption of the mixture of excess hydrogen and chlorine originating from chlorate electrolysis. They can be however assumed to be of negligible entity if considering that the gaseous flow undergoes to efficient cleaning with sodium hydroxide. No waterborne emissions appear instead to be potentially generated under normal operative conditions as well as solid wastes. The main advantage of chloride-based process is indeed the fact that the production and the handling of acidic effluent solutions or of solid salt cakes is avoided (Barr et al., 2009; Vogt et al., 2000; Stockburger, 1993). Polyaluminium chloride (PACl) Polyaluminium chloride (PACl) is an inorganic polymer utilised for water clarification by promoting flocculation and coagulation of suspended solids. It can be seen as the intermediate product between aluminium hydroxide (Al(OH)3) and aluminium chloride (AlCl3) and can be represented by the simplified formula: (Al n (OH) m Cl 3n m ) x where 0 < m < 3n and x depends form the degree of polymerization and is approximately equal to 15. PACl is produced by reacting aluminium hydroxide (Al(OH)3, as trihydrated or hydrated alumina) with hydrochloric acid in lower amount with respect to the stoichiometric, to achieve the incomplete chlorination of the hydroxide (substitutions of hydroxyls with chlorine), according to the simplified reaction n Al(OH) 3 m HCl Al n (OH) m Cl 3n m m H 2 O 264 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The level of chlorination (neutralization of hydroxyls) establishes the basicity of the product, which is defined as the ratio between the number of charges of the hydroxyls group and those of the aluminium atoms actually present in the obtained compound and is practically equal to m/3n. Products with high basicity, i.e. greater than 60% for the Anconella plant, are generally employed for water treatment because, when dissolved in water, they hydrolyze originating charged hydroxide flakes as much bigger as many hydroxils there are in the molecule. It is just the generation of large and heavy flakes which, together with its employability in wide pH range without consuming water alkalinity, makes the use of PACl advantageous with respect to traditional aluminium and iron based coagulants. Solutions with a 10% (m/m) titre as Al2O3 are traditionally employed for water clarification, while those with a 18% titre are generally employed as auxiliaries in paper manufacturing (SCIPE, 2010; Crittenden et al., 2005; UNI, 2004; Consito, 2003). The amount of PACl solution (10% Al2O3 m/m, basicity>60%) consumed at the plant during the year 2009 was of 4,473,875 kg which corresponds to a specific value of 7.2 ×10-5 kg/litre in view of the total volume of water delivered during the same year (62,149,354×103 litres). Because of the complexity of the reaction involved in PACl generation, the amount of reagents required for this purpose are difficult to be derived from the respective stoichiometry. They also depend from the basicity to be achieved in the final product which defines the amount of acid needed to neutralize aluminium hydroxide. Raw materials and energy consumptions are therefore quantified on the basis of the indications provided by one producer of this substance (Calcatelli, 2010) and of literature data (Consito, 2010 and Solvay Solexis, 2005). According to Calcatelli (2010), the manufacturing process foresees that raw materials, hydrochloric acid (HCl) as a 33% solution and aluminium hydroxide (as Al2O3×3H2O or Al2O3×H2O) are firstly mixed in a preparer and then introduced into a reactor heated by steam circulating into an adjacent jacket. At the end of the reaction the reactor is cooled with demineralised water circulating through an heat exchanger where it cedes the acquired heat to fresh filtered water. The product is then transferred to a cooled tank and filtered to remove solid residues of not reacted raw materials. It is then moved in a temporary stocking tank, Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 265 diluted with demineralised water to achieve the desired titre and finally sent to the final stocking tanks. For the production of 1 lot of 18% PACl solution with an about 45% basicity, 4,650 kg of hydrated alumina and 6,800 kg of HCl solution are introduced in the preparer. Considering that 4 lots of about 70 tonnes are daily produced, the amount of reagents required to produce 1 tonne of polyaluminiun chloride can be therefore calculated as: M Al 2O3 3H 2 O M HCl 4,650 kg Al 2O3 3H 2O /lot (70/4) t PACl /lot 265.7 kg Al 2 O3 3H 2O /t PACl 6,800 kg HCl /lot 388.6 kg HCl /t PACl (70/4) t PACl /lot Other data concerning raw materials and energy consumptions are also found in relation to the unit process developed for PACl production by the company Consito, which is based on a technology similar to the one described above (Consito, 2010; 2005). The data refers to the production of a 18% solution with 40% basicity. Another considered data source is finally the environmental report of the company Solvay Solexis in which reagents and energy consumptions of the PACl productive cycle, registered for the years 1998-2004 (Solvay Solexis, 2005) are also included. No information are provided in this case about the typology of solution produced. Data from these different sources are summarized in table 4.45 together with the values chosen for this study and the Ecoinvent datasets utilised to model the burdens associated with the life cycle of the various inputs and therefore also to built up the module Polyaluminium chloride, 18% Al2O3 solution, at plant which models the production of 1 tonne of 18% Al2O3 PACl solution with an average 40%-45% basicity. 266 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Table 4.45: Raw materials and energy consumptions associated with PACl solution manufacturing and employed to create the module “Polyaluminium chloride, 18% Al2O3 solution, at plant” Production of Polyaluminium chloride – 18% (m/m) solution as Al2O3, 40-45% basicity Amount Solvay Calcatelli Consito Material Unit Ecoinvent module This study Solexis (2010) (2010) (40% bas.) 1 45% bas. 40% bas. (2005) Aluminium Aluminium 300-325 hydroxide hydroxide, at kg/tPACl 265.7 279 300 (58-62% of (hydrated plant/RER Al2O3) alumina) Hydrochloric acid – 32% (m/m) solution kg/tPACl Cooling water 388.6 680-700 (32-33% sol.) (31-33% sol.) m3/tPACl - Compressed air m3n/tPACl - Energy Unit Electricity kWh/tPACl (960) 700 15 - 15 16 - 16 Amount - 35 Hydrochloric acid, from the reaction of hydrogen with chlorine, at plant/RER Water, cooling, unspecified natural origin/m3(3) Compressed air, optimised generation, <30kW, 12 bar gauge, at compressor/RER U Ecoinvent module 49.9 35 Electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, at grid/UCTE kg/tPACl 250 Heat, unspecific, in (MJ/tPACl)3 (711) 711 chemical plant/RER 4 Thermal energy MJ/tPACl 220 (1) Data reported in the table refer to the year 2004 (2) Modelled as natural resource without assigning any production burden (3) The mass of steam is converted to energy (MJ) considering that it is supplied at 7 bar (as specified) and 200 °C. In this conditions, steam has an heat content of 2.844 MJ/kg (4) This value does not include the conversion efficiency as heat, how it is instead implicitly done for steam Steam (7 bar) Some indications are now given with regard to the most important performed choices. First of all, the module employed to describe hydrochloric acid production considers its generation from the reaction of hydrogen with chlorine because this is the process expected to be actually used for the production of PACl for drinking water applications. The utilisation of chlorine generated as by-product from other processes could be indeed expected to bring higher level of impurities to the solution itself. Despite of this, it is worth to notice that in the process described by Calcatelli (2010), hydrochloric acid is produced with by-product chlorine originating from the synthesis of potassium sulphate, while Solvay Solexis utilises chlorine deriving from hydro-chloro-floro-carbons (HCFC) productive cycles. In these cases the burdens of the overall process should be allocated among the various generated coproducts. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 267 The value concerning hydrochloric acid consumption derived by Solvay Solexis (2005) is overestimated because it refers to the whole amount of substance generated as co-product of the HCFC productive cycles, which is actually in part commercialized other than being employed for PACl manufacturing. The value was therefore not considered. The dataset employed to model compressed air generation foresees its supplying at 12 bar and it is chosen because, among the available datasets, it is the one which assigns to the process the worst performances with respect to the considered impact indicators. Finally with regard to electricity consumptions, the value of 35 kWh was considered instead of the maximum value of 49.9 kWh because in this last value the amount of energy required for compressed air generation is indeed probably already included while its contribution was separately considered in the module associated with compressed air generation. For reason of coherence the first value was therefore considered. The so established inventory models therefore the production of a solution with an average 40-45% basicity, while to reach the 60% basicity of the solution employed at the plant, a lower amount of acid would have actually to be used for the same amount of aluminium hydroxide to neutralize. Alternatively it would be possible to add a basifying compound such as sodium carbonate to substitute the excess chlorine with hydroxyls. These potential variations of consumptions are however neglected because of data lacking. The amount of dilution water required to reach the 10% Al2O3 titre of the solution actually employed is instead accounted for. It can be defined by considering that to generate 1 kg of 10% solution, which contains 0.1 kg of equivalent Al2O3, an amount of 18% solution equal to 0.1/0.18=0.56 kg has to be diluted with (1-0.56)=0.44 kg of demineralised water. According to these considerations the module Polyaluminium chloride, 10% Al2O3 solution, at plant is established to model the production of 1 tonne of 10% Al2 O3 PACl solution, starting form 560 kg of 18% solution and 440 kg of demineralised water, as summarized in table 4.46. Table 4.46: Raw materials associated with 10% Al2O3 PACl solutions production and employed to create the module “Polyaluminium chloride, 10% Al2O3 solution, at plant” Production of Polyaluminium chloride – 10% (m/m) solution as Al2O3, 40-45% basicity Material Amount (kg/tsolution) Module Polyaluminium Chloride, 18% Polyaluminium chloride, 18% 560 Al2O3 solution, at plant (m/m) Al2O3 solution Water, deionised, at plant/kg/CH Demineralised water 440 268 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) Sodium hypochlorite is utilised at the plant as a solution with a titre of 15% (m/v) as active chlorine and its consumption registered in 2009 was of 713,320 kg. Considering that a solution density of 1.23 kg/litre is required in the specifications, it is possible to calculate the amount consumed of pure substance as: M NaClO 713,320 kg sol 0.15kg Cl 2 /l sol. 74 kg NaClO 90,666 kg NaClO 1.23 kg sol/l sol. 71 kg Cl 2 In view of the 62,149,354×103 litres delivered to the users, the specific consumptions of solution and of active substance are therefore equal to 1.15×10-5 kg/litre and 1.46×10-6 kg/litre respectively. The burdens associated with the manufacturing of sodium chlorite are modelled with the Ecoinvent dataset Sodium hypochlorite, 15% in H2O, at plant/RER which considers its production from the reaction of sodium hydroxide and chlorine. This last is assumed to be a by-product from other processes and therefore does not carry any burdens in the system. Potable Water Grade (PWG) Polyelectrolyte Organic polyelectrolytes are employed at the plant for sludge conditioning and, in particular conditions also as clarification auxiliaries. Of the total amount annually consumed, about 90% is of anionic nature and only the remaining 10% of cationic nature. The former is employed in correspondence of the thickeners to improve sludge settling rate, while the latter nearby filterpresses to improve their dehydration. Of the various available physical forms, the powdered one is employed at the plant. According to SNF FLOERGER (2006; 2005; 2002) polyelectrolytes employed as flocculants are hydrophilic polymers of high molecular weight and with a degree of polymerization between 14,000 and 420,000 monomer units. They are usually based on acrylamide monomers and can be of non ionic, cationic or anionic nature as a function of the fact that they are co-polymerized or less with charged species. For these reasons they are also pointed out with the name of non ionic, anionic or cationic polyacrylamides. Cationic and anionic polyelectrolytes are water soluble thanks to the polarity of the functional groups they contain, so that the various segments of a chain are dissociated in water, bringing anionic or cationic charges to the medium they are introduced in. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 269 Non-ionic polyelectrolytes are acrylamide homopolymers (polyacrylamides) obtained from the polymerization of only acrylamide monomers (figure 4.11). A slight hydrolysis of the amidic group however gives them a slight anionic nature. Figure 4.11: Generation and structure of non ionic polyacrylamide (Adapted from SNF FLOERGER (2005)) Anionic polyelectrolytes are instead generally obtained from the copolymerizarion of acrylamide and sodium acrylate, deriving from the reaction of acrylic acid with sodium hydroxide (figure 4.12). Their anionicity can vary between 0% (polyacrylamide) and 100% as a function of the ratio in which the different monomers are involved in, which in turn depends from the nature of the medium to be treated. Figure 4.12: Generation and structure of anionic polyacrylamide (Adapted from SNF FLOERGER (2002)) Finally, cationic polyelectrolytes are mainly derived from the copolymerization of acrylamide with a chlorometilated monomer such as chloro metilated dimethyl-amino-ethyl acrylate (Methyl Chloride-ADAM) or chlorometilated dimethyl-amino-ethyl methacrylate (Methyl Chloride -MADAM) (figure 4.13). Also in this case the cationic charge of the copolymer can vary between 0% (polyacrylamide) and 100% as a function of the ratio of each monomer in the final product which in turn depends from the nature of the medium to be treated. 270 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Figure 4.13: Generation and structure of cationic polyacrylamide (Adapted from SNF FLOERGER (2002)) The total amount of powdered polyeclectrolyte consumed at the plant during the year 2009 was of about 20,000 kg which, in view of the 62,149,354×103 litres delivered to the users, corresponds to a specific value of 3.22 ×10-7 kg/litre. Detailed data concerning the amount of raw materials required for polyelectrolites synthesis as well as the other involved environmental burdens were unfortunately not made available. Raw materials consumptions will also depend from the density of charge of the product, according to the previous considerations. For this reason the life cycle of polyelectolytes is modelled by only considering the burdens associated with the manufacturing of acrylamide monomers which can be approximately considered to be the main components of these polymeric compounds. According to Habermann (2002) acrylamide is generally manufactured through the chemically or biologically catalyzed hydrolysis of acrylonitrile. On this basis, we have decided to model acrylamide production with that of this precursor through the Ecoinvent dataset Acrylonitrile, at plant/RER. No modules concerning acrylamide production are indeed established in the available databases and no further information are found. Quartiferous sand The mass of quartziferous sand installed at the plant can be calculated by remembering that the 18 filters of the first line have a total filtering surface of 1,080 m2 (60 m2 each one) for a bed height of 0.9 m, while the 12 of the second line have a total surface of 1,800 m2 (150 m2 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 271 each one) for a bed height of 1 m. Considering then a sand density equal to the average density of quartz12 (2,650 kg/m3) it is possible to obtain: M sand [(1,080 0.9) m 3 1,800 m 3 ] 2,650 kg/m 3 7,345,800 kg The amount of sand required to deliver 1 litre of water can be therefore defined by considering that the average life of the sand at the plant is of about 10 years. This value is estimated by the company on the basis of the average amount of sand annually employed to restore the volume lost during the ordinary functioning of the plant and during filters backwashing. M spec_sand 7,345,800 kg 1.18 10 5 kg/litre 62,149,354 10 3 litres/yea r 10 years Preparation of sand is modelled with the Ecoinvent dataset Silica sand, at plant/DE, which account for the burdens associated with sand and gravel mining, rounding, sizing, washing and dewatering. Sand is never substituted and subsequently disposed of but only reintegrated, therefore no end of life treatment has to be modelled with regard to its life cycle. Activated carbon The mass of activated carbon employed at the plant can be calculated by remembering that the 14 filters there installed have a filtering surface of 130.4 m2 and a bed height of 2.2 m each one. A total volume of 4,016 m3 can be therefore calculated, which corresponds to a total mass of 2,008 tonnes if a carbon bulk density of 500 kg/m3 is conservatively considered. Mineral carbons have indeed a bulk density ranging between 400 and 500 kg/m3 (SICAV, 2010). At the end of its useful life span, which for the typology of water treated by the plant is estimated to be equal to about 3 years, activated carbon is sent to reactivation in external plants where it is recovered with an average 88% efficiency. 12 Contract specifications do not impose any restriction on sand density but rather on its granulometry. Sand density can be however well approximated with that of quartz which is encompassed between 2,600 and 2,700 kg/m3. 272 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The amount of carbon required to deliver 1 litre of water can be therefore calculated as follow: M spec_GAC 2,008 10 3 t 1.08 10 5 kg/litre 3 62,149,354 10 litres/yea r 3 years Activated carbon life cycle can be modelled as a case of closed loop recycling, as showed in figure 4.14, analogously to as done in paragraph 4.8.1 for the tap groundwater scenario. Activated carbon production (1-0.88)×(1.08×10-5)= 1.29×10-6 kg/litre Activated carbon utilization 0.88×(1.08×10-5)=9.48×10-6 kg/litre 1.08×10-5 kg/litre Activated carbon reactivation Losses (aeriforms) 1.29×10-6 kg/litre Figure 4.14: Conceptual model of the life cycle of the activated carbon utilised at the Anconella plant as a case of closed-loop recycling The processes that have to be considered to model activated carbon life cycle are therefore: production of 1.29×10-6 kg of virgin activated carbon and reactivation of 1.08×10-5 kg/litre of exhausted carbon. As for the tap groundwater scenario (paragraph 4.8.1) a module built up with data provided in the ANPA I-LCA database (ANPA, 2000) concerning the production of carbon coke is employed to approximate activated carbon manufacturing, while the module Exhausted carbon reactivation already created and described in paragraph 4.8.1, is utilised again in this scenario to model carbon reactivation. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 273 No powdered activated carbon (PAC) consumptions were finally registered during 2009. They depend indeed from the quality of the incoming water, that did not required this typology of treatment during the year assumed as reference. Waterborne emissions Only the supernatant originating from sludge thickener basins constitutes wastewater, because water utilised for filters backwashing is reintroduced at the head of the plant. Supernatant is directly discharged into the Arno river but no information with regard to its amount and quality were available. No waterborne emissions were therefore assigned to the system. Airborne emissions Ozone emissions could potentially originates from the ozonization process, but no information were available in their respect. They are however expected to be of negligible entity in view of the fact that this typology of treatment is generally carried out in a closed system. No airborne emissions were therefore assigned to system. Waste generation The major waste stream originating at the plant is represented by clarification sludge. In particular 10,821,640 kg of sludge were generated during the year 2009 which correspond to a specific production of 1.74 ×10-4 kg/litre, calculated as usual. A meaningful fraction of them (around 90%) is however utilised for further applications such as, for instance, as material for embankments or as road subgrade and only the remaining 10% is disposed of in landfill. Therefore only the burdens associated with the landfilling of 1.74×10-4 × 0.1=1.74 ×10-5 kg of sludge are accounted for and, in particular, the Ecoinvent dataset Disposal, inert waste, 5% water, to inert material landfill/CH is employed for its modelling. According to a conservative approach no compensative processes are instead credited to the system with regard to the amount of sludge utilised for further purposes. This also in view of the high uncertainty associated with establishing which kind of processes are actually potentially avoided as consequence of their utilisation. 274 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Burdens associated with plant infrastructures are not quantified because a preliminary evaluation of the groundwater system has revealed their very marginal contribution on the overall results. The processes already defined for this system are however fictitiously included to allow a fair comparison between the two public network water scenarios. Table 4.47 summarises for clarity the overall inputs and outputs of energy and materials to and from the Anconella drinking water treatment plant as well as the SimaPro datasets employed to build up the module Tap water, at user, from surface origin which, on the basis of all the processes described till now, models the purification and the delivering of 1 litre of water to a domestic user or to a public fountain. Table 4.47: Major energy and materials inputs and outputs to and from the Anconella drinking water treatment plant l Absolute value 73,322,2712 kWh 23,775,615 0.000382 Hydrochloric acid (HCl) - 33% m/m sol. (HCl – pure substance) kg 1,191,200 (393,096) 1.92×10-5 (6.33×10-6) Sodium chlorite (NaClO2) - 25% m/m sol. kg 1,046,640 1.68×10-5 kg 4,473,875 7.2×10-5 713,320 1.15×10-5 (90,666) 20,000 7,345,800 (1.46×10-6) 3.22 ×10-7 1.18×10-5 1.08×10-5 1.29×10-6 9.48×10-6(3) 1.74 ×10-4 1.74 ×10-5 Material/Energy Water Electricity Polyaluminium chloride (PACl) 10% as Al2O3 m/m sol. Sodium Hypochlorite (NaClO) 15% (m/v) as active Cl sol., (NaClO – pure substance) PWG Polyelectrolyte Quartziferous sand Unit Unit/litre SimaPro Module1 1.182 Water, river Electricity,medium voltage, at grid/IT Hydrochloric acid, 30% in H2O, at plant/RER Sodium chlorite, 25% m/m solution, at plant Polyaluminium chloride, 10%Al2O3 solution, at plant kg kg kg Activated carbon (GAC) - total modelled as virgin production modelled as reactivated kg 2,008,000 240,960 1,767,040(3) Sludge – total to landfill kg 10,821,640 1,082,164 Sodium hypochlorite, 15% in H2O, at plant/RER Acrylonitrile, at plant/RER Silica sand, at plant/DE Carbon coke Exhausted carbon reactivation Disposal, inert waste, 5% water, to inert material landfill/CH (1) In italic the modules taken from Ecoinvent database (2) The absolute amount of water reported is the one actually consumed by the plant while the specific amount is calculated by estimating network losses (3) In order to obtain 9.48×10-6 kg of reactivated carbon, 1.08×10-5 kg have to be sent to reactivation and the respective module has to be recalled with this amount Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 275 Water quality improvement and delivering from public fountains As previously described, in this scenario the use of a domestic depurator is replaced with that of public fountains able to deliver refined high quality water to the citizens. In particular the H2O PLUS system developed by Publiacqua is just assumed as the technology of reference and the most important burdens associated with this practice are included in the system, on the basis of the information provided. First of all, water consumptions can be estimated by considering that, according to the information provided, about 60 m3/month of water are delivered on average by the installed systems, in view of 65 m3/month actually drawn from the network. This means that in order to supply 1 litre of water, 65/60=1.08 litres are actually utilised, corresponding to an average efficiency of about 92%. The possible consumptions of water for the periodical sanitization are indeed not known. The module earlier established (Tap Water, at user, from surface origin) is employed to model water consumptions. The H2O PLUS systems have an overall installed power of about 5 kW of which 3 kW of the only refrigerator plant. Assuming that such a power is the same of the absorbed one and considering that the deliverable flow rate is of 500 l/h, the amount of electricity required to supply 1 litre of refrigerated water can be roughly estimated as: Ee fountain 5kW 0.01 kWh/litre 500 l/h From this value is excluded the consumption associated with the circulation of the hypochlorite solutions during the periodical sanitization. It is however expected to have a marginal contribution with respect to the one associated with water supplying. The dataset employed to model electricity generation is the same utilised for the plant (Electricity, medium voltage, at grid/IT). With regard to the consumptions of consumable materials, it has been possible to quantify only those associated with the periodical substitution of the polypropylene pre-filtering 276 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios cartridge and of the activated carbon filter. They are however the elements substituted with the higher frequency (every 2 and every 6 months respectively) while the remaining are substituted with annual frequency (UV lamp) or every 2 years (membrane and absolute filter). The pre-filtering cartridge has an overall volume of about 2 litres and is replaced every two months. Assuming for simplicity that the filters is constituted by an homogeneous mass of polypropylene, considering that this material has a density of around 900 kg/m3 and that about 60,000 litres per month are on average delivered by the systems placed in the municipality of Florence, it is possible to calculate the mass of polypropylene required to deliver 1 litre of improved quality water as: M PP fountain 2 10 3 m 3 900 kg/m 3 1.5 10 5 kg/litre 60,000 l/month 2 months It is worth to notice how performing such an estimate on the basis of the maximum deliverable flow rate of 500 l/h would be misleading because the systems do not operate in continuous. To model virgin polypropylene production the Ecoinvent dataset Polypropylene, granulate, at plant/RER is employed and the material is assumed to undergo extrusion for the manufacturing of the pre-filter, process modelled through the Ecoinvent dataset Extrusion plastic film/RER. As specified in the database a conversion efficiency of 97.6% is considered in carrying out the modelling. At the end of its useful life, the pre-filter is assumed to be incinerated, process modelled through the Plastic incineration dataset already described in paragraph 3.3.3. The activated carbon filter has a volume of 30 dm3 and is replaced every 6 months. Remembering that about 60,000 litres per year are assumed to be delivered on average by the system and considering a carbon bulk density of 500 kg/m3 (SICAV, 2010), the amount of activated carbon required to deliver 1 litre of water can be estimated as: M GAC fountain 30 10 3 m 3 500 kg/m 3 4.17 10 5 kg/litre 60,000 l/month 6 months 277 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The same module considered in the case of the plant is employed again to model the manufacturing of this amount of carbon which is assumed to be disposed of in landfill at the end of its useful life, process modelled with the already utilised dataset Disposal, inert waste, 5% water, to inert material landfill/CH. The burdens of the treatment at wastewaters treatment plant of the volume of water rejected by the system (about 0.08 litres/litre), which is assumed to be a substantially unpolluted sewage, are finally considered. The module employed for this purpose is Treatment, sewage, unpolluted, to wastewater treatment, class 3/CH. No information were instead provided with regard to the consumptions of others consumable materials such as membrane, absolute filter and sodium hypochlorite for the periodical sanitization of the system. The burdens associated with the life cycle of system infrastructure materials are not included because the respective burdens are averaged on their whole life span and are considered to be of secondary importance. Table 4.48 summarises the consumptions attributed to the process of delivering of improved quality water from public fountains thanks to the treatment trough the H2O PLUS system. The SimaPro datasets utilised to establish the module Improved quality water from public fountains which models the burdens associated with the supplying of 1 litre of high quality water, are also reported in the table. Table 4.48: Major consumptions and processes associated with the delivering of improved quality water through the H2O plus system from public fountains l kWh Amount Unit/litre 1.08 0.01 Polypropylene granules manufacturing and respective extrusion in pre-filter kg 1.5×10-5(2) Activated carbon (GAC) manufacturing Incineration of polypropylene pre-filter kg kg 4.17×10-5 1.5×10-5 Landfilling activated carbon filter kg 4.17×10-5 l 0.08 Resources/Energy/Processes Water Electricity Treatment of rejected water Unit SimaPro Module1 Tap water, at user, from surface origin Electricity, medium voltage, at grid/IT Polypropylene, granulate, at plant/RER, Extrusion plastic film/RER Carbon coke Plastic incineration Disposal, inert waste, 5% water, to inert material landfill/CH Treatment, sewage, unpolluted, to wastewater treatment, class 3/CH (1) In italic the modules taken from Ecoinvent database (2) The value reported is the amount calculate. According to a conversion efficiency of 97.6%, the burdens of the manufacturing and of the subsequent extrusion of 1.54×10-5 kg of virgin granules are actually accounted for 278 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Water transportation and preservation As anticipated, the possibility of the utilisation of a private car for the roundtrip between consumers houses and the public fountains is explored in this scenario. Being this a subjective choice which relies upon many factors such as the distribution of fountains on the served territory as well as the age and the habits of the consumers, the contribution of this life cycle stage will be clearly indicated in the results. The distance to be covered is defined, at a first instance, on the basis of the average distance separating public fountains placed in the municipality of Florence from the respective city centre which results to be of about 5.5 km. This value is therefore assumed to be the distance to be covered by a citizen during the roundtrip from its own house to a public fountain. The value seems to be quite realistic if considering that the service provided by public fountains is mainly oriented at the citizens of the municipality in which they are established. Sensitivity will be however performed on this parameter in order to evaluate the extent to which the comparison of the performances of the present scenario with those of the other investigated ones are affected (paragraph 5.3). The dataset employed to models the burdens associated with the transportation is the one previously employed in the case of one-way bottled water scenarios: Transport, passenger car/RER. The trip is initially assumed to be made only for water transportation and therefore its burdens, which are independent from the transported mass but depend only from the travelled distance, are totally assigned to the overall volume of transported water. In order to be coherent with one-way bottled water scenarios in which 9 litres of water are transported during each trip, an amount of 9 bottles with a volume of 1 litre are assumed to be transported also in this scenario and, therefore, 1/9 of the burdens associated with covering the distance of 5.5 km through a private car are assigned to 1 litre of water. It must be noticed that the consumer trip could be carried out also for a further purpose such as going to or coming back from the place of work and therefore only a part of the trip burdens could be actually allocated to the volume of transported water. This aspect will be taken into account during the sensitivity analysis (paragraph 5.3). Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 279 Life cycle of packaging As specified above the typology of packaging assumed to be employed to conserve water are, at a first instance, 1 litre glass bottles. They are assumed to have the same features of those employed in the refilling scenario (475 g per bottle, paragraph 4.10.1) and characterized by a very conservative lifespan of 1 year. Considering that 9 bottles are assumed to be employed and that a volume of 152.1 litres is yearly consumed under each scenario, the mass of glass bottles required to deliver 1 litre of water can be calculated as: M glass 475 g/bottle 9 bottles/year 28.1 g/litre 152.1 litres/yea r Bottles are assumed to be recycled at the end of their useful life and their life cycle is modelled through the closed loop methodology and through the same processes utilised in the refillable glass bottled water scenario (paragraphs 4.10.1 and 4.10.2) to which we refer for further details. The module Glass bottles – life cycle is therefore established on the basis of these considerations to model the whole life cycle of glass bottles. It is also possible that plastic bottles, that are generally characterized by a lower life span, are utilised for the same purpose, potentially assigning to the scenario different environmental performances. This possibility will be therefore explored during the sensitivity analysis (paragraph 5.3). Washing of bottles by means of a residential dishwasher was instead not included because it is considered to be an uncommon practice, while they are expected to be only rinsed after every use. These consumptions are however not quantified. The processes concerning improved quality water delivering, water transportation and bottles life cycle are utilised to build up the module Public water, from surface origin, at consumer house, which models the burdens associated with the delivering of 1 litre of improved quality water from public fountains, and its transportation to consumers houses by means of 1 litre glass bottles. The whole scenario is finally implemented in the module Waste prevention scenario1b, (tap water-surface source) which accounts for the fact that 152.1 litres of water have to be delivered under each scenario, by recalling the previous module. 280 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios The most important processes described in the inventory of this scenario and the respective magnitude are summarised in table D.5. 4.10 Waste prevention scenario 2A (Utilisation of refillable glass bottled water) As anticipated, besides the utilisation of public network water, also two preventive scenarios which foresee the introduction of a refilling system are considered. The last Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC (European Parliament and Council, 2008) indeed points out that prevention can be achieved also through product re-use and life span extension, as in the case of the introduction of a refilling system. In this scenario it is assumed that all the volume of water delivered through one-way bottles in previous baseline scenarios (1, 2 and 3), is now supplied by means of 1 litre refillable glass bottles. This particular container size is chosen since it is assumed to be representative of the domestic consumption of bottled (mineral) water, being the greater size available among glass bottles. Smaller formats such as 0.5 or 0.75 litres ones, are instead assumed to be more widely used by the Horeca (Hotels, restaurants and cafés) channel and hence not targeted by domestic prevention. 4.10.1 Waste generation and management From a life cycle perspective, a refilling system can be considered a case of closed loop recycling which could be modelled as depicted in figure 4.15, where and represents respectively the user losses and the rejection rate at the bottling plant. 281 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Raw materials and bottles production [+(1-)] X kg Bottles washing and filling (1-)X kg Waste management X kg (1-) X kg Distribution and use X kg Waste management Figure 4.15: Conceptual model of a refilling system as a case of closed loop recycling Unfortunately, the mentioned values are unknown while an average number of 10 uses is instead provided by the examined bottling company and by another producer of bottled water (Cottarelli, 2010). As consequence the system is analysed by scaling down of this factor the amount of material required for bottles production as well as of the respective generated waste. A number of 10 uses per bottle could seem to be quite low if considering that glass bottles could be potentially re-used an infinite number of time, but since this value is provided by primary sources we have decided to employ it in the base case of the inventory, while sensitivity will be performed on this parameter also on the basis of the information provided by other sources (paragraph 5.3). The amount of municipal waste generated under this scenario can be calculated on the basis of the masses of the primary packaging materials involved in the system and reported in the first column of table 4.49. In particular, bottles mass is obtained by averaging the ones of the bottles utilised by the main Italian mineral water brands, reported respectively in table A.3 and A.1 of appendix A. Aluminium caps and paper labels masses are instead provided by the examined company. Considering then that a volume of 152.1 litres/inhabitant/year has to be supplied through these packaging materials and that bottles are used 10 times, it is possible to estimate the amount of 282 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios waste generated by each packaging item and which has to be managed within the system, that corresponds to a total amount of 7.65 kg/inhabitant/year (table 4.49). Table 4.49: Primary packaging materials masses and amount of waste generated by the utilisation of refillable glass bottles Unit mass Packaging waste (g) (kg/inhab/year) Glass bottle 475 7.22 Aluminium screw cap 1.75 0.266 Paper label 1.06 0.161 Total 7.65 Packaging material As can be seen, an higher amount of waste has now to be managed with respect to all oneway bottled water baseline scenarios (4.104 kg/inhabitant/year) because of the higher mass of glass bottles with respect to those made of PET. In this case it is the number of items that eventually become waste that is reduced, indeed only about 15 bottles are generated as waste, against the about 115 generated in one-way bottled water scenarios. This seems however to be still compatible with the definition of waste prevention given by the last Waste Framework Directive (European Parliament and Council, 2008), which defines as preventive those measures that reduce the amount of generated waste, without specifying if it deals with mass, volume or number of items. Even if it can be presumed that the definition allude to the mass, this is actually not explicitly mentioned. Despite bottles become waste either at user or at the bottling facilities (the ones rejected), they are assumed to be totally handled by the municipal waste management system. Moreover, since it can be expected that the major part of bottles is discarded nearby the bottling plant when they do not more meet minimal quality requirements, rather than being discarded by users, they are assumed to be 100% recycled since they substantially represent an uncontaminated material flow. According to the approach proposed in Rigamonti and Grosso (2009), we have considered that the recycling process consists in re-melting post consumer bottles in a percentage of 83.5% together with virgin raw materials for the remaining 16.5%. The burdens associated with the selection stage are considered as well, even if no material losses are assumed to occur. Moreover the recovery efficiency in the melting furnace is assumed to be 100% as reported by the above mentioned authors. Energy consumptions of selection and recovery 283 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios stages considered in the analysis are those specified in table 4.50 so as reported in Rigamonti and Grosso (2009) Table 4.50: Energy consumptions of glass selection and recovery processes (Rigamonti and Grosso, 2009) Stage Selection Melting furnace Consumption 22 kWh/t selected cullet (as electricity) 5,200 MJ/t produced glass (from heavy fuel oil) The burdens of the avoided production of a generic virgin glass container are finally credited to the system in an amount corresponding to that of bottles sent to recycling. On the basis of these considerations the module Glass recycling is created in the software to model the burdens associated with the recycling of 1 kg of glass. Caps are used only one time and are assumed to be 100% recycled and employed for the production of secondary aluminium ingots avoiding the same production from primary raw materials. As reported in Rigamonti and Grosso (2009) a substitution rate of 1:1 and a furnace recovery efficiency equal to 83.5% are considered, while a pre-treatment efficiency of 100% is assumed, even if the respective burdens are accounted for as well. Energy consumptions considered for selection and melting stages are specified in table 4.51, so as reported by the mentioned authors. Table 4.51: Energy consumptions of steel selection and recovery processes (Rigamonti and Grosso, 2009) Stage Selection and pre-treatments Melting furnace Consumption Electricity: 64 kWh/t selected scraps Methane: 18 m3/t input scrap Electricity: 10 kWh/t produced Al Methane: 100 m3/t produced Al The process Aluminium recycling is built up on the basis of these considerations to account for the burdens associated with the recycling of 1 kg of aluminium. Labels are separated from bottles during the washing process and are assumed to be incinerated. The module Paper incineration, already described in paragraph 4.5.1, is employed to model this process. 284 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Since bottles and caps will be considered to be partly manufactured from recycled material (paragraph 4.10.2) both the approaches utilised for the recycled PET bottled water scenario (paragraph 4.6) to deal with the issue of how to account for the recycling process within the system boundaries (closed-loop and hybrid approach) are, in first instance, separately employed. The approach that will result to assign the greatest overall environmental impact to the present scenario will be however utilised for the final comparison among all the investigated scenarios (paragraph 5.3). More precisely, according to the terminology adopted in the detailed guide for LCA prepared by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC, 2010) recycling of bottles and caps, could be considered as an “open loop – same primary route” case of recycling because it is not known if these products are actually recycled into new bottles and caps or into other different products. However the same practical procedure employed for closed loop recycling can also be applied to this last case because it is not strictly necessary that the secondary good is used to manufacture the same product but rather that replace the production of primary raw materials traditionally employed to manufacture that specific product (i.e. melted glass or aluminium ingots for bottles and caps respectively). Considering therefore that the Ecoinvent datasets that will be employed to model glass bottles manufacturing (paragraph 4.10.2) already account for the burdens associated with sorting and re-melting of post consumer glass cullet with virgin raw materials in an amount of 0.72 kgglass cullet/kg bottles 13 and that a 100% sorting efficiency is considered in view of the uncontaminated nature of wasted glass bottles, figure 4.16 shows the mass flows and the magnitude of the processes that will have to be included in the system in the case of the utilisation of the closed loop approach. They are defined in view of the fact that 7.22 kg (or 47.5 g/litre) of bottles have to be manufactured. 13 An equal market share between green and white glass bottles will be indeed considered (paragraph 4.10.2), in the manufacturing of which the Ecoinvent datasets account for the fact that 83.5% and 60.5% of glass cullet are respectively utilised. This means that bottles have an overall contents of recycled material of: 0.835 kg green glass kg white glass kg cullet kg cullet kg 0.5 0.605 0.5 0.72 cullet . kg green glass kg bottles kg white glass kg bottles kg bottles 285 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Virgin raw materials 2.02 kg (13.3 g/litre) Glass bottles manufacturing (sorting and re-melting of cullet with virgin raw materials) (5.2+2.02)=7.22 kg (47.5 g/litre) Unsorted glass cullet 7.22×0.72=5.2 kg (34.2 g/litre) Utilisation and waste generation 7.22 kg (47.5 g/litre) Unsorted glass cullet 7.22×(1-0.72)=2.02 kg/year (13.3 g/litre) Glass bottles recycling in other systems (sorting and re-melting with virgin raw materials)* 2.02/0.835=2.42 kg Avoided virgin glass container production 2.42 kg (*) Glass cullet are assumed to be employed in the manufacturing of a generic green glass container in a percentage of 83.5%, together with virgin raw material. Figure 4.16: Modelling of glass bottles life cycle as a case of closed loop recycling Applying the same approach to the recycling of aluminium caps and considering that the Ecoinvent dataset that will be employed to model the average production mix of aluminium ingots assumes that 10.4% of them are derived from re-melting of post consumer aluminium scraps, that 1.03 kg of scraps are required to obtain 1 kg of ingots and that a 100% efficiency of scraps pre-treatment is assumed in view of their uncontaminated nature, it is firstly possible to calculate the amount of post consumer aluminium scraps required to obtain 1 kg of aluminium ingots as: R Al scraps 0.104 kg Al from old scraps kg Al ingots 1.03 kg Al scraps kg Al from old scraps 0.107 kg Al scraps kg Al ingots Employing this value and remembering that 0.266 kg (or 1.75 g/litre) of caps have to be manufactured, it is then possible to define the magnitude of the processes associated whit the life cycle of aluminium caps to be included in the system when the closed loop approach is applied, as showed in figure 4.17. 286 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Manufacturing of aluminium ingots from post consumer scraps (0.0285/1.03)=0.0277 kg (0.18g/litre) post consumer scraps 0.266×0.107=0.0285 kg (0.19 g/litre) Manufacturing of aluminium ingots from primary raw materials and industrial scraps 0.238 kg (1.57g/litre) Caps manufacturing 0.266 kg (1.75 g/litre) Utilisation and waste generation 0.266 kg (1.75 g/litre) post consumer scraps 0.266×(1-0.107)=0.237 kg/year (1.56 g/litre) Aluminium recycling in other systems (re-melting in new ingots) 0.237 kg (1.56 g/l) Avoided production of aluminium from virgin raw materials 0.237 kg (1.56 g/l) Figure 4.17: Modelling of aluminium caps life cycle as a case of closed loop recycling According to the outcomes of the previous mass balances, the processes that in last instance have to be directly considered to occur in the waste management system and that have to be modelled when the closed loop approach is applied are: recycling of glass bottles: 2.02 kg, recycling of aluminium caps: 0.237 kg, incineration of paper labels: 0.161 kg. Finally, if the hybrid approach is instead utilised, the processes that have to be considered refer to the whole amount of waste generated by the same primary packaging materials, and in particular: recycling of glass bottles: 7.22 kg, recycling of aluminium caps: 0.266 kg, incineration of paper labels: 0.161 kg (as in the previous case). 4.10.2 Life cycle inventory of refillable glass bottled water Since this scenario is characterized by the utilisation of refillable glass bottled water, the most important upstream life cycle processes associated with the delivering of such a service have Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 287 to be included in the analysis because their magnitude changes among the various investigated scenarios. A detailed inventory concerning these processes will be therefore carried out in the rest of the paragraph. System description The system taken as reference to carry out the inventory of refilling scenarios is represented by the same bottling plant considered for the case of one-way bottled water scenarios, but focusing on the glass bottling line which will be now synthetically described in order to better understand mass and energy flows within the system itself. The process begins with de-palletization of crates containing returned empty bottles, by means of a suitable machine which withdraws crates layer by layer and places them on a motorized platform where they are separated and positioned on a conveyor belt which transfers them to the next stage of de-capping. Here an apposite machine unscrews and removes caps remained on the bottles, which afterwards are drawn from crates and addressed towards the bottles washer machine. At the same time crates are sent to crates-washer where they are firstly pre-rinsed with water at about 40°C, washed with water and alkaline detergents at about 50°C and finally rinsed with fresh water. The functioning of the bottles washer machine is quite complex and foresees the following stages, to which bottles undergo after being placed in apposite racks. Bottles are firstly turned upside down and pre-rinsed with a water solution at the temperature of about 40-45°C, coming from the rinsing stages which take place at the end of the washing process. Bottles are then immersed in a first caustic bath containing about 18,000 litres of a water solution of caustic soda (NaOH), defoaming and descaling additives at the temperature of 60°C, where the process of labels removing begins. At the exit bottles are sprayed inside with a solution drawn from a second caustic bath in which bottles are then immersed also to complete labels removing. This bath has the same characteristics of the first one except for a lower concentration of soda and a solution temperature of 70°C. At the exit, bottles are again sprayed inside with a solution of soda and descaling agent at the temperature of 60°C drawn from a separate basin of about 5,000 litres. Afterwards bottles are immersed in a rinsing bath containing about 13,000 litres of a solution of water and a descaling additive at the temperature of 50°C. At the end of this stage the rinsing procedure begins: bottles are sprayed inside and outside during four consecutive stages with solutions drawn from four different basins at the pressure of about 1.8 bar. Each basin is fed by pouring from the successive one 288 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios and the first two basins contain a solution of water with a sequestering agent and a peracetic acid based disinfectant at the temperature of about 45 and 40 °C respectively. The last two basins contain a not heated solution of water with the only disinfectant agent at the temperature of about 30 and 20 °C respectively. The sequestering agent is fed in the second basin, while the disinfectant is fed in the fourth one. A last internal rinsing is finally performed with fresh mineral water at about 12°C and 2.2 bar at a constant flow rate of 15,000 l/h which feeds all the previous basins by pouring. Baths and basins water is warmed up by heaters in which steam produced by an heavy fuel oil boiler circulates. After the initial charge, water, soda and additives are periodically added to restore the initial concentration which tends to modify because of losses. After washing, empty bottles are checked by an electronic inspector which verifies the absence of damages to the surface, the bottom and the thread and the absence of liquid within the bottle. In contrary case they are discarded or sent again at the bottles washer intake. Bottles are then filled at the right level with water coming from the three water storages, in case saturated with carbon dioxide at the pressure of 1 bar. Afterwards bottles are capped with crown or screw caps which, after being positioned are shaped on the neck the first and on the thread the second. Labels are then applied by gluing the full surface with cold glue. At the end of these stages an electronic inspector verifies the presence of the cap of the label and the right filling level. In negative case bottles are deviated from the main flow and sent again at the beginning of the process. Bottles are then drawn and placed in plastic (HDPE) crates. In particular 1 and 0.75 litres bottles are placed in 12 pieces crates while 0.5 litres bottles within crates by 20 pieces. Crates are in turn palletized in a precise number of layers composed by a precise number of crates. In particular 1 and 0.75 litres bottles are charged upon 95×120 cm pallets in 5 layers by 9 crates, for a total of 540 bottles, while 0.5 litres bottles are charged upon a pallet of the same dimensions but with 6 layers, for a total of 1,080 bottles. The delivering of transport units to local distributors follows the same procedures of one-way bottled water with the exception that the return trip is done by charging the same transport units with empty bottles. Transportations from local distributors to consumers houses and vice versa are generally done with small trucks with a full-load mass which does not outweigh 7 tonnes. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 289 System boundaries Similarly to the case of one-way bottled water, the following processes are included in the inventory, on the basis of the data and the information that have been possible to collect from the examined bottling plant: manufacturing of primary packaging materials: bottles, caps and labels, manufacturing of crates employed as secondary packaging material, manufacturing of pallets materials and of the plastic ligature for employed for water transportation, bottling plant operations including bottles washing, filling, capping, labelling, packing in crates and palletization. Filler machine washing is included as well, end of life treatments of the materials which were not considered to be handled by the municipal waste management system: recycling of plastic crates and of transport packaging materials, roundtrip transportation from the bottling plant to local distributors and from these lasts to consumers houses are finally considered. As done for the previous one-way bottled water scenarios, the burdens associated with production and disposal of capital goods such as infrastructures and machineries are not included in the analysis according to the same reasons. Figure D.6 provides a graphical representation of the major processes that are included in this scenario when modelled through the closed loop approach and that will be described during the following detailed inventory. Reference flow Coherently with the previous investigated one-way systems, the inventory is carried out by considering as reference flow “1 litre of mineral water, bottled and delivered to the consumers by means of 1 litre refillable glass bottles”. All inputs and outputs have been therefore related to this flow. Data sources Packaging material masses are provided by the examined bottling company except for bottles, for which an average value is defined, how will be better explained forth. Data concerning 290 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios energy and raw materials consumptions for bottling plant operations are always provided by the same reality. Also in this case inventory data employed to model materials manufacturing and energy generation are taken, as much as possible from the well established Ecoinvent database implemented in the software SimaPro. Detailed inventory Primary packaging materials manufacturing Primary packaging materials are represented by glass bottles, aluminium screw caps and paper labels. The unit masses considered for these materials are the same employed for the definition of waste generation and are reported again in the first column of table 4.52. Since the container capacity is of 1 litre, these unit masses are already expressed with respect to the reference flow except for bottles one, whose mass must be scaled down by 1/10, to account for the average number of uses they are subject to, resulting therefore equal to: M glass 475 g/bottle 47.5 g/litre 1 l/bottle/use 10 uses Table 4.52: Amount of primary packaging materials involved in the delivering of refillable glass bottled water Unit mass Mass related to the reference flow (g) (g/litre) Glass bottle 475 47.5 Aluminium screw cap 1.75 1.75 Paper label 1.06 1.06 Packaging material Since the actual market share between green and white glass bottles is unknown, we have chosen to consider an equal distribution between the two typologies of material, which mainly differ for the amount of glass cullet employed in their manufacturing. According to Hischier (2007c), this amount is indeed equal to 60.5% for white glass and 83.5% for green glass. Lower environmental burdens are therefore expected to be associated with the utilisation of this last. To model glass bottles manufacturing the two datasets Packaging glass, green, at plant/RER and Packaging glass, white, at plant/RER are employed. They just account for the burdens Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 291 associated with the production of a generic glass container from melting of glass cullet in the above specified percentages, together with virgin raw materials for the remaining part. Aluminium caps are manufactured through a mechanical press which forces aluminium sheets within moulds that are the reverse shape of the caps. To obtain sheets, aluminium ingots are firstly hot-rolled at about 500°C into sheets of 2-8 mm of thickness which are then cold rolled to the final thickness of 0.2-6 mm (Classen et al., 2009). Aluminium ingots can be produced out of virgin raw materials, or by re-melting manufacturing scraps or post-consumer scraps. Each one of these processes are inventoried in Ecoinvent and also an European production mix for an unspecific aluminium is provided (Aluminium, production mix, at plant/RER). It considers a share among the three aluminium typologies of 68%, 21.6% and 10.4% respectively and is employed to model aluminium ingots manufacturing. Aluminium rolling is modelled with the dataset Sheet rolling, aluminium/RER while the process of caps moulding is assumed to be approximated by the module Cold impact extrusion, aluminium, 1 stroke/RER. All these processes are introduced in the new module Aluminium caps created on purpose, to model the production of 1.75 g of aluminium caps. Paper label production is instead modelled with the same dataset employed for one-way bottles labels (Paper, wood-containing, supercalendered (SC), at regional storage/RER), according to the same reasons. The new module Primary packaging materials-glass is created to account for production burdens of the actual amount of primary packaging materials involved in the system, by recalling the processes above described. Secondary packaging materials life cycle As early specified during the system description, 1 litre glass bottles are packed within 12 pieces crates made of high density polyethylene (HDPE) with a mass of about 2 kg and which are estimated by the company to be employed for 100 transportation cycles before damaging. The mass of HDPE expressed with respect to the reference flow is then equal to: M HDPE 2,000 g/crate 1.67 g/litre 12 l/crate/trip 100 trips 292 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Crates are assumed to be manufactured through injection moulding of virgin HDPE granules and to be recycled at the end of their useful life, even if not handled by the municipal waste management system. The Ecoinvent datasets and the assumptions considered to model the processes of HDPE manufacturing and of injection moulding are those already described in paragraph 4.5.2. HDPE recycling was instead discussed in paragraph 3.3.2. These modules are therefore employed to create the new module HDPE crates-glass which models the production of 1.67 g of HDPE crates through the injection moulding of 1.68 g of virgin HDPE granules (conversion efficiency 99.4%), and their recycling. Transport packaging materials life cycle The transport unit of 1 litre glass bottles is constituted by a wooden pallet with dimensions 95×120 cm (greater than the one employed for one-way PET bottles) loaded with 45 crates disposed in 5 layers by 9 crates each one, for a total amount of 540 transported litres, kept stable by a heat welded plastic ligature. Masses of pallet components are not known in this case and are therefore defined by assuming them as proportional to the load surface. Considering that a standard 80×120 cm EUR-EPAL pallet has a surface of 0.96 m2 while a 90×120 cm pallet has a surface of 1.14 m2, the masses of standard EUR-EPAL pallet components (first column of table 4.53) have to be scaled up by a factor of 1.14/0.96=1.19. The values resulting from this operation are shown in the second column of table 4.53 and are employed to modify the values reported in the module EUR-flat pallet/RER previously employed for the modelling of pallet materials manufacturing in one-way bottled water scenarios. So modified module is named as Pallet 95×120 cm and accounts for the burdens associated with the manufacturing of the amount of raw materials required to constitute one pallet unit. Also in this case a number of 20 transportation cycles per pallet are considered and therefore the amount of pallet units required by the system under investigation and expressed with respect to the reference flow is equal to: No.pallet 1 pallet unit 9.26 10 5 pallet units/litr e 540 l/pallet/t rip 20 trips Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 293 The manufacturing of such an amount of pallet units is therefore modelled through the above described module (Pallet 95×120 cm). Finally, by multiplying this last obtained value by the masses of each pallet components before calculated (second column of table 4.53), it is possible to express them with respect to the reference flow, as reported in the third column of table 4.53. Table 4.53: Amount of pallet materials involved in the delivering of refillable glass bottled water Total mass 80×120 Total mass 95×120 Total mass 95×120 (kg) (kg) (kg/l) Wooden boards 16.6 19.7 1.83×10-3 Glued particle wood blocks 8 9.5 8.8×10-4 Total wood 24.6 29.2 2.7×10-3 Steel nails 0.195 0.232 2.14×10-5 Total mass 24.8 29.4 2.73×10-3 Input materials As mentioned above, pallet load is kept stable by an heat-welded low density polyethylene ligature whit a unit mass of 21 grams, which in relation to the reference flow is equal to: M LDPE ligature 21 g/pallet 0.039 g/litre 540 l/pallet Polyethylene ligature is assumed to be produced through extrusion of virgin LDPE granules and the module Polyethylene ligature is created to account for the burdens associated with the production of 0.039 g of ligature starting from 0.04 g of virgin LDPE granules with the same approach already employed, for instance, for heat shrink films (paragraph 4.5.2). Finally, pallet materials are assumed to be recycled at the end of their useful life and therefore the burdens associated with the recycling of 2.73×10-3 kg of wood (Wood recycling) and 2.14×10-5 kg of steel (Steel recycling) are accounted for (table 4.53). Plastic ligature is assumed to be incinerated and the module Plastic incineration already described models this process. The module Transport packaging materials-glass is created to account for burdens associated with the whole life cycle of transport packaging materials by recalling the above mentioned modules. 294 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Bottling plant operations Glass-line bottling plant operations differs from those of PET line mainly for the absence of the blow moulder, of the heat-shrink oven and for the presence of the bottles washer. Energy consumptions The amount of electricity required for all glass line operations can be calculated by remembering that the examined company estimates that of the whole annual consumption of electricity (1,423,626 kWh during 2009), 2% is associated with services while of the remaining part only 30% is ascribable to the glass line. Therefore, in view of a total volume of 32,000,000 litres packaged in glass bottles during the same year, the specific consumption of electricity can be calculated as: Ee GLASS line 1,423,626 kWh/y 0.98 0.3 0.0131 kWh/litre 32,000,000 litres/y To this value also services consumptions (3.56×10-4 kWh/l) must be added to obtain the actual value to consider in the analysis: Ee LCA_GLASS 0.0131 3.56 10 4 0.0134 kWh/l Electricity generation is modelled through the Ecoinvent dataset Electricity, medium voltage, at grid/IT. Besides electricity, also the amount of thermal energy employed for the generation of the steam utilised to heat water inside the baths of the bottles washer, has to be taken into account. Its quantification will be made separately in this paragraph. Raw materials consumptions Specific consumptions of lubricating oil for maintenance as well as of detergents and waters for filler machine washings are the same of those calculated for PET line operations since they were defined by considering the total volume of water produced by the company (paragraph 4.5.2). Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 295 Besides them, also consumptions of caustic soda, detergents and water employed in the bottles washer must be considered, as will be made later in this paragraph. Waterborne emissions Since detergents consumption for filler machine washings is the same of the PET line, also waterborne emissions associated with wastewaters originating from this operation are of consequence of the same magnitude and are modelled with the same assumptions made in paragraph 4.5.2. Waste flow Only the disposal through incineration with energy recovery of an amount of mineral oil analogous to that calculated for baseline scenario 1 (paragraph 4.5.2) has to be considered as end of life process. Bottles washing Since a specific module (Bottles washing) is created in the software to account for the burdens associated with this operation, we have chosen to maintain separate their discussion. As already described, an heavy fuel oil boiler provides steam for caustic baths heating. Since this typology of fuel is employed for reason of unavailability of the methane supplying network, we have chosen to consider the same amount of heat as produced from methane instead of heavy fuel oil. This in order not to associate potentially high environmental burdens to the refilling system in view of a choice made only on the basis of local conditions, as well as to allow a fair comparison among the investigated scenarios. An amount of 255,000 kg of heavy fuel oil was consumed during 2009 by the examined company, which estimates that only 70% is associated with the washing process, being the remaining associated with services. Considering therefore an oil lower heating value of 40 MJ/kgoil (Dones et al., 2007), the specific consumption of thermal energy can be calculated as: Et washing 255,000 kg/y 0.7 40 MJ/kg 0.223 MJ/litre 32,000,000 litres/y This amount of energy is therefore assumed to be provided by a methane boiler, modelled with the Ecoinvent dataset Natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW/RER. 296 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Annual consumptions of caustic soda and detergents registered by the company during the year 2009 are reported in table 4.54 both in absolute and in specific terms, which are calculated by dividing the former by the total volume of water packaged in glass bottles during the same year (32,000,000 litres). Manufacturing of soda is modelled with the Ecoinvent dataset Sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, at plant/RER, while modelling of detergents components manufacturing is carried out with the same approach applied for detergents utilised in filler machine washing (paragraph 4.5.2). Their composition and the respective Ecoinvent datasets used for modelling are reported in tables from C.5 to C.8 of appendix C. Table 4.54: Consumptions of caustic soda and detergents employed for bottles washing Materials Amount (kg) – year 2009 Specific amount (kg/litre) Caustic soda (NaOH) - 30% solution (m/m) 85,000 2.66×10-3 Descaling agent (Divo MR) 8,000 2.5×10-4 1 Defoaming agent (Integra HD) 7,000 2.19×10-4 Sequestering agent (Divo RL) 3,000 9.38×10-5 Disinfectant (Divosan forte)2 1,700 5.31×10-5 (1) Inventoried only in terms of demineralised water because of data lacking (2) Part of this amount is actually also utilised for weekly filler machines washings but it was totally attributed to bottles washing according to a conservative approach Water consumptions associated with bottles washing are not monitored by the company and, therefore, they are estimated by considering the features and the functioning of the bottles washer. In particular, the process foresees that: the first two caustic baths are charged with a volume of about 18,000 litres and every 20 working day, the solution from the second bath is transferred to the first bath, which is discharged, while the second is renewed, the third caustic basin and the fourth rinsing bath are charged with a volume of 5,134 litres and 13,460 litres respectively and are renewed every 10 working days, the four final rinsing basins are charged with a volume of 1,310, 785, 815, 1,520 litres respectively and are renewed every day, a constant flow rate of 15,000 l/h is sprayed from jets bars for final rinsing and is fed to the previous rinsing basins to allow their pouring. Assuming therefore an amount of 250 working days per year and of 8 hours per day, the specific consumption of water can be estimated as follow: Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Vwater 297 18,000 18,000 250/20 (5,134 13,460) 250/10 (1,310 785 815 1,520) 250 15,000 8 250 1 litre/litre 32,000,000 It must be noticed that this value is probably underestimated because of the periodical reintegrations which are required as consequence of process losses. This consumption of water is however assigned to the process in form of natural resource (Water, well, in ground). Waterborne emissions of COD, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are finally defined by considering their concentration in the utilised detergents and the average removal efficiencies achievable in a wastewater treatment plant, according to the approach already employed to define the emissions associated with filler machine washings (paragraph 4.5.2). Table 4.55 shows the amounts of these emissions both at the gate of the bottling plant and after purification in wastewaters treatment plant. These lasts are the value to be considered in the analysis. Table 4.55: Waterborne emissions from the bottling plant and to the environment associated with bottles washing Input to the WWTP removing Output from WWTP (g/lbottled water) (g/lbottled water) (%) -1 COD 2.83×10 42.5 1.63×10-1 N 8.01×10-3 25 6.01×10-3 -3 P 1.71×10 20 1.37×10-3 (*) Calculated considering a 85% removal efficiency for BOD and an average rate COD/BOD=2 into urban sewage (Bonomo, 2008) Pollutant The treatment process of an unpolluted sewage is again considered to model the burdens associated with the depuration of wastewaters originating in this stage (Treatment, sewage, unpolluted, to wastewater treatment, class 3/CH). Finally, since it was not possible to quantify consumptions of cryogenic CO2 employed at the plant to neutralize the alkalinity of the sewage, they are neglected in the present study. Transportations With regard to the transportation from the bottling plant to the local distributor, the mass of the complete transport unit has to be considered. It is composed by the pallet (29.4 kg), the 45 crates (45×2 kg), the 540 bottles (540×0.475 kg) with caps (540×0.00175 kg), labels (540×0.00106 kg) and the contained water (540×1 kg) which correspond to a total mass of 917.4 kg that in specific terms can be calculated as: 298 M transport_ full Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 917.4 kg/pallet 1.7 kg/litre 540 litres/pallet Also the return trip of empty bottles have to be considered. The mass to be transported in this case can be calculated from the previous value by subtracting the mass of water (540 kg), obtaining hence: M transport_ empty (917.4 540) kg/pallet 0.7 kg/litre 540 litres/pallet The value to be used in the software can be now obtained by multiplying the transport mass (1.7+0.7=2.4 kg/litre) by the covered distance (300 km, paragraph 4.5.2) which results equal to 720 kg×km/litre. The module employed to model transportation burdens is the same of the one utilised in one-way scenarios: Transport, lorry >16t, fleet average/RER, available in Ecoinvent. The delivering transportation from the local distributor to consumers houses, which generally occurs with small lorries, has finally to be considered. The transport unit in this case is the single crate of 12 bottles complete of caps, labels and contained water, for a total mass of 19.7 kg and a specific mass of 1.64 kg/litre. During the return trip an empty mass of 7.7 kg is instead transported which corresponds to a specific one of about 0.64 kg/litre. An overall distance of 20 km is arbitrarily assumed to be representative of an average delivering trip (roundtrip 40 km). The value to be considered is therefore equal to (1.64+0.64)kg/l×20 km=45.6 kg×km/litre and the transport stage is modelled with the dataset Transport, lorry 3.5-16t, fleet average/RER. The whole inventory is implemented in a new module, Bottled water, glass refillable, 1 litre, at consumer, which by recalling all the modules described up to now models the all the upstream burdens associated with the delivering of 1 litre of water to the consumers by means of 1 litre refillable glass bottles. The whole scenario in instead implemented in the module Waste prevention scenario 2A (refillable glass bottled water) which accounts for the burdens associated with the treatments of municipal wastes generated in this scenario as well as with the delivering of 152.1 litres of water by means of 1 litre refillable glass bottles. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 299 The major upstream life cycle processes which characterize this scenario and the respective magnitude are summarized in table D.6. 4.11 Waste prevention scenario 2B (Utilisation of refillable PET bottled water) A refilling system which employs 1 litre virgin PET bottles instead of glass ones is finally considered in order to evaluate the influence of bottles material on the environmental performances of a refilling system. The utilisation of this typology of containers, not only for water but also for soft drinks packaging, represents indeed a commonly utilised option, for instance, among northern European countries such as Germany and Denmark (Danish EPA, 1998; UBA, 2000a; GDB, 2010). 4.11.1 Description of the packaging system Since in Italy such a delivering option still lacks, the specifications of the packaging system to be studied are derived from the literature and in particular from LCA studies dealing with the German context, country in which such a system is well established. They are specified in the following list. The first important but quite dated source is the comprehensive LCA study published by the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA – Umweltbundesamt) which compares 27 packaging systems for the delivering of mineral water, carbonated soft drinks, juices and wines (UBA, 2000a; 2000b), including also 1 litre and 1.5 litres refillable PET bottles for lemonade as well as 1.5 litres bottles for water. One more recent LCA study conducted by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IFEU-Institut für Energie und Umweltforschung), which compares the use of 1.5 litres one-way PET bottles with that of 0.7 litres glass and 1 litre refillable PET bottles belonging to the pool of the Cooperative of German Mineral Wells (GDB: Genossenschaft Deutscher Brunnen) for mineral water delivering, also provides more updated information (IFEU, 2008). 300 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios A last LCA study always performed by IFEU on behalf of the German Industrial Association of Plastic Packaging (Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen) which compares several packaging systems for mineral water and carbonated soft drinks delivering, used for both at home or immediate consumption, also including 0.5, 0.75, 1 and 1.5 litres refillable PET bottles belonging to the GDB pool is finally considered as source of data (IFEU, 2010). For the present scenario 1 litre refillable PET bottles are in particular considered among the various available delivering options in order to allow a fair comparison with the glass refillable scenario. The utilisation of a greater size, i.e. 1.5 litres, would indeed reduce the material intensity of the system thus involving greater potential benefits in its possible implementation. The opposite situation would occur if a smaller size was considered. The specifications of the packaging system for 1 litre bottles considered by the above mentioned studies as well as the values assumed for the present one, in the choice of which, data from more recent sources are preferred, are reported in table 4.56. 301 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Table 4.56: Specifications of the packaging system for 1 litre refillable PET bottled water Content UBA (2000a) IFEU (2008) Lemonade Water Pool Source IFEU (2010) Water and carbonated soft drinks GDB This study Water GDB GDB Primary packaging PET bottle mass [g] 70.8 62 62 62 Closure mass (HDPE) [g] 3.2 (PP) 3.2 3.2 3.2 Label mass (PP) [g] 1.2 0.6 0.6 0.6 Secondary packaging Crate mass (HDPE) [g] 1,550 1,550 1,850 1,8501 Bottles per crate 12 12 12 12 Transport packaging Pallet typology EUR EUR EUR EUR Pallet mass [kg] 22 24 24 24.82 Ligature mass (PE) [g] 18 18 18 18 Pallet composition Crates per layer 8 8 8 8 Layer per pallet 5 5 5 5 Crates per pallet 40 40 40 40 Bottles per pallet 480 480 480 480 Water volume per pallet (litres) 480 480 480 480 Number of uses Bottles 14 15 15 15 Crates 27 100 120 1003 Pallets 25 25 204 (1) Higher value between the two more recent sources (2) The mass of 24.8 kg is the value actually calculated on the basis of the Ecoinvent module employed to model pallet materials manufacturing (paragraph 4.5.2) (3) Lower value between the two more recent sources (4) A number of 20 uses is considered for reason of coherence with previous one-way and refillable glass bottled water scenarios 4.11.2 Waste generation and management On the basis of the values reported in table 4.56 it is therefore possible to estimate the amount of waste generated by the consumption of the 152.1 litres of water that in this scenario are delivered through 1 litre refillable PET bottles, by considering that these lasts are assumed to be used for 15 times (table 4.57). Table 4.57: Amount of waste generated by the consumption of refillable PET bottled water Packaging material PET bottles HDPE caps PP labels Unit mass Packaging waste (g) (kg/inhab/year) 62 0.629 3.2 0.487 0.6 0.091 Total 1.21 302 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios As can be observed, besides the reuse of a good, the utilisation of such a system involves an actual prevention in term of mass, since only 1.21 kg/inhabitant/year of waste are generated, against the about 4.1 kg/inhabitant/year which characterizes one-way bottled water baseline scenarios and the 7.65 kg of refillable glass bottled water one. At the end of their utilisation cycles, bottles are assumed to be 100% recycled, as well as glass ones, since the major part of them can be considered to become waste nearby bottling facilities when they are rejected because they do not more satisfy minimal quality requirements. This uncontaminated flow is therefore expected to be directly sent to recycling as well as glass bottles. Caps are used only one time and are assumed to be recycled as well, while paper labels separated from bottles during the washing process are assumed to be incinerated. Therefore, the processes which occur into the waste management system and that have to be modelled are: recycling of bottles: 0.629 kg, recycling of caps: 0.487 kg, incineration of labels: 0.091 kg. The process of plastic selection is not considered in view of the uncontaminated nature of the bottles waste flow. The already described modules PET granules from PET bottles/containers recovery, HDPE granules from containers recovery and plastic incineration are respectively employed to model the above mentioned processes. 4.11.3 Life cycle inventory of refillable PET bottled water The most important differences with respect to the inventory of refillable glass bottled water, to which we refer for all the aspects not better detailed in the rest of the present one, are reported in this paragraph. Coherently with the inventory of all the scenarios considered up to now, the adopted reference flow is “1 litre of water, bottled and delivered to the consumers by means of 1 litre refillable PET bottles”. Figure D.7 provides a representation of the upstream life cycle processes included in the present scenario and in particular highlights those which differ from the previous refillable glass bottled water scenario. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 303 Primary packaging materials manufacturing The masses of primary packaging materials reported in table 4.56 already represent the actual amounts required to deliver 1 litre of water except for bottles, which amount must be scaled down by 1/15 in order to account for the number of times they are actually used. On the basis of these considerations table 4.58 reports the values calculated with respect to the reference flow which have to be employed in the analysis. Table 4.58: Amount of primary packaging materials involved in the delivering of refillable PET bottled water Packaging material PET bottles HDPE caps PP labels Unit mass Mass with respect to the reference flow (g) (g/litre) 62 4.13 3.2 3.2 0.6 0.6 Total 7.93 Since the consumption of electricity calculated for glass line operations in paragraph 4.10.2 does not include the amount associated with preforms stretch blow moulding, the burdens associated with this process have to be modelled separately. In particular the burdens associated with the manufacturing of 4.13 g of finished bottles have to be considered according to table 4.58. For this purpose the Ecoinvent dataset Stretch blow moulding/RER, which models the entire continuous process of preforms injection and direct stretch blowing in bottles, is employed, but updating it with the data provided by the eco profiles developed by TNO on behalf of PlasticsEurope just concerning this typology of process (TNO, 2010). Table 4.59 shows the way in which data from the two sources are combined to create the updated module which is named Injection stretch blow moulding. This last is therefore employed to model the manufacturing of 4.13 g of PET bottles starting from the same amount of virgin PET granules (Polyethylene terephtalate, granulate, bottle grade, at plant/RER). All these choices are justified considering that also in the above mentioned studies (IFEU, 2008; 2010) refillable PET bottles are considered to be manufactured from only virgin raw materials and outside the bottling plant within independent facilities. 304 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios Table 4.59: Values employed for the inventory of the injection stretch-blow moulding process Inputs Unit Ecoinvent dataset PlasticsEurope eco-profile This study (resources/materials/energy) Water kg 110 0.0618 0.0618 Plastic (PET granules) kg 1.0215* 1 1 Electricity kWh 2.55 1.497 (5.39 MJ) 1.497 Lubricating oil kg 0.00196 0.00196 Cardboard (as packaging material) kg 0.0323 0.1037 0.1037 Pallets (wood) kg 0.0989 0.0989 Output (emissions/waste) Heat, waste MJ 9.17 9.17 Plastic scraps kg 0.0215 Unspecified waste kg 0.01 (*) This value implicitly means that a 97.9 conversion efficiency of granules in bottles has to be considered according to the Ecoinvent dataset, while in the PlasticsEurope eco-profile a 100% conversion efficiency seems to emerge. Due to the more recent nature of this last source a 100% efficiency is also considered in the present study Manufacturing of HDPE caps is assumed to be made through injection moulding of virgin HDPE granules and is modelled with the same approach utilised for one-way bottled water caps (paragraph 4.5.2). In particular the Ecoinvent dataset Injection moulding/RER is utilised to model the production of 3.2 g of HDPE caps starting from 3.22 g of virgin HDPE granules (Polyethylene, HDPE, granulate, at plant, RER) in view of a 99.4% conversion efficiency. Polypropylene (PP) labels are finally assumed to be manufactured through extrusion of virgin PP granules and in particular the module Extrusion, plastic film/RER is employed to model the production of 0.6 g of label starting from 0.615 g of virgin PP granules (Polypropylene, granulate, at plant/RER) according to a 97.6% conversion efficiency. Printing of labels is not considered because of data lacking. Secondary packaging materials manufacturing The amount of HDPE crates required to deliver 1 litre of bottled water can be defined by considering that they contain 12 bottles and are assumed to be used 100 times (table 4.56). M HDPE 1,850 g/crate 1.54 g/litre 12 l/crate/trip 100 trips Manufacturing of crates is assumed to be made through injection moulding of virgin HDPE granules and is modelled with the same datasets employed for HDPE caps. Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 305 Recycling is also considered as end of life option for crates and is modelled with the already described module HDPE granules from containers recovery (paragraph 3.3.2). Transport packaging materials life cycle The amount of standard EUR-EPAL pallet units required to deliver 1 litre of water can be calculated by considering that, according to table 4.56, they are charged with 5 layers of 8 crates containing 12 bottles each one, for a total volume of 480 litres to be transported, and that they are assumed to be used for 20 times: No.pallet 1 pallet unit 1.04 10 4 pallet units/litr e 480 l/pallet/t rip 20 trips Pallets material manufacturing for an amount of pallets units pair to the value just calculated is modelled through the Ecoinvent dataset EUR-flat pallet/RER, already employed for oneway bottles systems. Moreover, by multiplying the same value by the mass of each pallet component, it is possible to calculate the amount of materials involved in the delivering of 1 litre of water and that have to be managed at the end of pallet life cycle (table 4.60). In particular, as done for all the others bottled water scenarios, pallet materials are assumed to be recycled and therefore the burdens associated with the recycling of 2.56×10-3 kg of wood (Wood recycling) and 2.03×10-5 kg of steel nails (Steel recycling) are accounted for. Table 4.60: Amount of pallet materials involved in the delivering of refillable PET bottled water Total mass Total mass (kg/unit) (kg/litre) Wooden boards 16.6 1.73×10-3 Glued particle wood blocks 8 8.33×10-4 Total wood 24.6 2.56×10-3 Steel nails 0.195 2.03×10-5 Total 24.8 2.58×10-3 Input materials The amount of low density polyethylene ligature (employed to assure stability to the pallet load) required to deliver 1 litre of water can be calculated by remembering that it has a unit mass of 18 g (table 4.56) and that the volume of water transported by one pallet is of 480 litres: 306 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios M LDPE ligature 18 g/pallet 0.0375 g/litre 480 l/pallet Manufacturing of ligature is considered to be made through extrusion of virgin LDPE granules as in the previous glass bottled water scenario and the employed datasets are the same. Analogously it is assumed to be employed only one time and then incinerated (Plastic incineration). Bottling plant operations With regard to bottling plant operations, the only difference between the present system and the glass refillable one concerns bottles washing. On the basis of the indications provided by one producer of bottles washers (Spotti, 2010), we have indeed recognized that same adjustments have to be made when dealing with washing of PET bottles. In particular, while the maximum temperature of the various caustic solutions in which bottles are immersed varies between 60 °C and 80°C for glass ones, it must instead not exceed 60 °C for PET bottles, in order to avoid higher deformations and matting. More in depth, according to the same source, this leads to a reduction of thermal energy consumptions to at most the half of those involved in glass washing. For the same reasons the permanence time within the solution must be reduced of about 25% (from 5 minutes to at most 3.5-4 minutes), involving an equivalent increase of the productivity of the bottles washer (expressed as bottles per hour). On the basis of this consideration we have decided to make a rough estimate of these potential savings by assuming that with half of the actual amount of thermal energy consumed by the examined bottling plant for washing glass bottles during 2009 it would have been possible to produce a 25% higher volume of bottled water. In particular, remembering that of the 255,000 kg of heavy fuel oil (LHV=40 MJ/kg) consumed during 2009, only 70% are actually ascribable to the washing process, and that 32 millions litres of water were bottled during the same year, it is possible to estimate the specific consumption of thermal energy as follow: Et washing (255,000 kg/y 0.7 40 MJ/kg) 0.5 0.089 MJ/litre (32,000,000 litres/y) 1.25 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios 307 A last consideration must be done with regard to caustic soda consumption. Indeed, always according to Spotti (2010), its concentration within the caustic baths has to be maintained at a level of about 0.4%-0.5% when PET bottles have to be washed, against the 1.5-2% utilised for glass bottles, in view of the above mentioned considerations concerning PET degradation. This would lead therefore to lower consumptions of caustic soda either during the initial charge of the baths as well as during its periodical restoring. It was however not possible to quantify these potential savings which are also function of the level of dirtiness of the bottles to be washed. With regard to the other burdens associated with bottling plant operations, they are assumed to be identical to those of the refillable glass bottled water system since bottles are expected to undergo to similar process stages. Transportations The mass of the whole transport unit utilised for the trip from the bottling plant to the local distributor can be calculated considering that it is composed by the pallet (24.8 kg), the 40 crates (40×1.85 kg), the 480 bottles (480×0.062 kg), with caps (480×0.0032 kg), labels (480×0.0006 kg) and the contained water (480×1 kg), which correspond to a total mass of 610.4 kg that in specific terms can be calculated as: M transport_ full 610.4 kg/pallet 1.27 kg/litre 480 l/pallet The mass to be transported during the return trip of empty bottles can be instead calculated from the previous value by subtracting the mass of water (480 kg), obtaining hence: M transport_ empty (610.4 480) kg/pallet 0.27 kg/litre 480 litres/pallet The value to be utilised in the software can be now obtained by multiplying the transport mass (1.27+0.27=1.54 kg/litre) by the covered distance (300 km, paragraph 4.5.2) which results equal to 462 kg×km/litre. The module employed to model transportation burdens is the same 308 Chapter 4. Life cycle inventory of scenarios of the one utilised in the others bottled water scenarios: Transport, lorry >16t, fleet average/RER, available in Ecoinvent. The transport unit employed during the delivering transportation from local distributors to consumers houses is instead the single crate of 12 bottles complete of caps, labels and contained water, with a total mass of 14.6 kg and a specific mass of 1.22 kg/litre. During the return trip an empty mass of 2.6 kg is instead transported which corresponds to a specific one of about 0.22 kg/litre. According to the distance to be covered during the delivering trip (20 km, paragraph 4.10.2) the value to be considered is therefore equal to (1.22+0.22)kg/l×20 km=28.8 kg×km/litre. The transportation is modelled with the dataset Transport, lorry 3.516t, fleet average/RER. The whole inventory is implemented in a new module, Bottled water, PET refillable, 1 litre, at consumer, which by recalling all the modules described up to now models the upstream burdens associated with the delivering of 1 litre of water by means of 1 litre refillable PET bottles. The whole scenario is instead implemented in the module Waste prevention scenario 2B (refillable PET bottled water) which accounts for the burdens associated with treatments of municipal wastes generated in this scenario as well as with the delivering of 152.1 litres of water by means of 1 litre refillable PET bottles. Table D.7 summarizes the major processes characterizing this scenario and the respective magnitude through which they are included. CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 5.1 Results of the different modelling approaches In this paragraph the results obtained by applying the different methodological approaches to the life cycle modelling of the recycled PET bottled water scenario, of PLA composting and of the glass refillable bottled water scenario are firstly briefly presented. The outcomes of the methodology which assigns the worst environmental performances to the respective scenario will be then applied in the comparison among all the investigated systems in paragraph 5.2, according to a conservative approach. First of all, as far as the recycled PET one-way bottled water scenario is concerned, it is possible to notice from figure 5.1, how the closed loop approach assigns it higher environmental impacts than the hybrid approach14, with respect to all the considered indicators and especially for the CED. This because, as showed for example in figure 5.2 for the CED indicator and in figure E.1 for the other ones, for the same impacts associated with preforms manufacturing, much lower benefits are instead credited to the process of bottles recycling when the closed loop approach is applied instead of the hybrid one. Indeed, when this last approach is adopted, the fact of crediting to the system the avoided burdens of the production of virgin PET granules in a quantity corresponding to the whole amount of material recovered from recycled PET bottles, far outweighs the fact of having accounted for the burdens either of the recycling process which takes place in the waste management system or of the one which provides recycled PET granules for preforms manufacturing in the upstream bottled water system. On the contrary, in the closed loop approach only the burdens of the recycling process which provides the secondary raw material for preforms manufacturing are considered, but also a lower amount of avoided virgin production burdens are credited to the system itself, leading to overall higher impacts. 14 For a description of the differences between these two approaches see paragraph 4.6. 310 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Global warming MJ eq./F.U. 500 439.7 336.2 250 0 Closed loop approach kg CO2 eq./F.U. Cumulative energy demand 23.8 21.3 Closed loop approach Hybrid approach 20 10 0 Hybrid approach Eutrophication 184.3 200 139.4 100 0 Closed loop approach g PO43- eq./F.U. g Sb eq./F.U. Abiotic depletion 15.3 15 11.3 10 5 0 Hybrid approach Closed loop approach Hybrid approach Figure 5.1: Impact indicators calculated for the recycled PET one-way bottled water scenario by applying the two different typologies of modelling approach described in paragraph 4.6 Closed loop approach 255.6 250 MJ eq./F.U. MJ eq./F.U. 250 150 50 -50 Hybrid approach -24.5 255.6 150 50 -50 -150 -128.1 Preforms production Preforms production Recycling bottles and bundle film s Recycling bottles and bundle film s Figure 5.2: Contribution of the processes of preforms manufacturing and bottles recycling to the CED indicator for the recycled PET one-way bottled water scenario modelled through the two different approaches described in paragraph 4.6 Figure 5.3 shows the values of the impact indicators calculated for the PLA one-way bottled water scenario, by applying the two different approaches proposed in paragraph 4.7.2 to model composting of PLA bottles to which we refer here as the “process specific” and the 311 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis “PLA specific” approach, respectively. We briefly remember that in the process specific approach all the process specific burdens associated with the traditional composting process are assigned to PLA composting. On the contrary, in the PLA specific approach, PLA is assumed to be composted together with traditional organic waste fractions in a share of 30% and its composition is considered to define CO2 emissions (biogenic) and leachate generation. Process specific consumptions of water, electricity and diesel are however assigned to PLA composting as well. Global warming MJ eq./F.U. 587.8 586.6 600 400 200 0 Process specific approach kg CO2 eq./F.U. Cumulative energy demand 30 PLA specific approach 0 Eutrophication 209.4 g PO43- eq./F.U. g Sb eq./F.U. Process specific approach 10 PLA specific approach 200 100 0 Process specific approach 27.4 20 Abiotic depletion 207.7 27.4 PLA specific approach 40 36.6 37.1 Process specific approach PLA specific approach 30 20 10 0 Figure 5.3: Impact indicators calculated for the PLA one-way bottled water scenario by applying the two different typologies of approach described in paragraph 4.7.2 for the modelling of PLA composting As it can be observed, the two approaches lead to very similar results for all the considered indicators, even if the PLA specific one assigns slightly worse performances and therefore the respective results will be utilised in the comparison among all the investigated scenarios in paragraph 5.2. To find the reasons at the basis of these small differences we have firstly to observe how, as showed in figure 5.4, the traditional composting process is characterized by slightly negative value of the CED and of the global warming indicators because, as showed in figure 5.5, the 312 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis benefits associated with the avoided production of peat and fertilizers are slightly greater than the burdens associated with energy consumptions and treatment of residues. Therefore when the PLA specific approach is applied, the impacts of the process specific consumptions (electricity, diesel, leachate treatment) assigned to PLA composting are compensated by a similar increase of the savings associated to the composting process of the organic waste fraction constituting the remaining part of the compost pile in which PLA is introduced (figure 5.6). This leads to an overall negligible increase of the impacts associated with PLA composting process and therefore of the whole scenario. In particular, the CED indicator changes from a slightly negative to a slightly positive value, while the global warming one still remains slightly negative because CO2 emissions assigned to PLA degradation are of Cumulative energy demand 1.0 0.482 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -0.76 Global warming kg CO2 eq./F.U. MJ eq./F.U. biogenic nature (figure 5.4). 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.0431 -0.06 -0.08 -0.0761 Process specific approach process specific approach PLA specific approach PLA specific approach Figure 5.4: Contribution of the PLA composting process to the CED and the global warming indicators for the PLA one-way bottled water scenario 313 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand 3 Global warming 0.15 2.24 kg CO2 eq./F.U. 2 MJ eq./F.U. 0.134 1 0.083 0 0.0053 -0.57 -1 -2 -2.52 -3 0.054 0.05 0.0113 3.71E-04 -0.05 -0.0626 -0.15 -0.213 -0.25 Electricity and diesel consumption Scraps landfilling & steel recycling Direct emissions from composting Leachate treatment Fertilizers avoided Peat avoided Electricity and diesel consumption Scraps landfilling & steel recycling Leachate treatment Fertilizers avoided Peat avoided Figure 5.5: Contribution by sub processes to the CED and the global warming indicators for PLA composting modelled through the process specific approach Global warming Cumulative energy demand 3 2.24 1 0.009 0 -1 -2 -1.7712 Electricity and diesel consumption Leachate treatment Composting organic waste kg CO2 eq./F.U. MJ eq./F.U. 2 0.2 0.134 0.1 0.00063 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.177 Electricity and diesel consumption Leachate treatment Composting organic waste Figure 5.6: Contribution by sub processes to the CED and the global warming indicators for PLA composting modelled through the PLA specific approach With regard to the value of the abiotic depletion indicator assigned to PLA composting, as showed in figure E.2 it actually increases of one order of magnitude by utilising the PLA specific approach with respect to the process specific one, but this growth results to be of negligible entity on the performance of the whole scenario in view of the small contribution of the composting process to the definition of the respective impact indicator (figure E.14). Its increase must be read in view of the fact that the traditional composting process is already 314 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis characterized by a positive value of the indicator since, as showed in figure E.3, the burdens associated with process energy consumptions are not totally compensated by the benefits of the avoided production of peat and fertilizers. If we consider hence that with the PLA specific approach, the burdens associated with the composting of 2.33 kg of organic waste are assigned to the composting of 1 kg of PLA, which in turn requires energy, only an increase of the indicator can be expected (figure E.4). The same considerations are also valid for the eutrophication indicator with the exception that this remains of the same order of magnitude (figure E.2) and that the major contribution to its definition for the traditional composting process is given by putrescible residues landfilling and not by electricity generation (figure E.3). In the PLA specific approach, its effect continues to dominate the one of leachate treatment (figure E.4). Finally, similar outcomes to those obtained for the recycled PET scenario are obtained for the glass refillable one. Indeed, as showed in figure 5.7 and according to the reasons already pointed out, the application of the closed loop approach to glass bottles and aluminium caps life cycle results to be more burdensome than the use of the hybrid approach. This because in view of exactly the same burdens associated with bottles and caps manufacturing by both methods, much more lower credits are instead assigned to their recycling by the closed loop approach, as showed for instance in figure 5.8 for the CED indicator, leading to the mentioned conclusions. The results obtained with this last method will be therefore employed during the scenarios comparison in the next paragraph 5.2. 315 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Global warming Cumulative energy demand 481.7 437.6 kg CO2 eq./F.U. MJ eq./F.U. 500 250 0 Closed loop approach 30 26.2 10 0 Hybrid approach Closed loop approach g Sb eq./F.U. 201.6 184.0 100 0 Closed loop approach Hybrid approach Eutrophication g PO43- eq./F.U. Abiotic depletion 200 22.0 20 30 25.2 23.3 Closed loop approach Hybrid approach 20 10 0 Hybrid approach Figure 5.7: Impact indicators calculated for the glass refillable bottled water scenario by applying the two different typologies of modelling approach described in paragraph 4.10.1 Hybrid approach Closed loop approach 50 120.7 52.2 0 -15.6 -36.1 -50 MJ eq./F.U. MJ eq./F.U. 100 90 40 -10 120.7 52.2 -40.2 -55.5 -60 Bottles production Bottles production Caps and labels production Caps and labels production Recycling bottles Recycling caps & incin. labels Recycling caps & incin. labels Recycling bottles Figure 5.8: Contribution of bottles and caps production and recycling processes to the CED indicator for the glass refillable bottled water scenario modelled through the closed loop and the hybrid approach 316 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 5.2 Base case results and remarks 5.2.1 Waste generation Prior to examine the results of the assessment, we present as a first term of comparison for all the investigated delivering systems, the amount of municipal waste generated by each of them, as reported in table 5.1. The amount of sludge generated by the tap15 surface water system is also reported for completeness. Table 5.1: Amount of waste generated in all the investigated scenarios One-way BW1 scenarios 4.1 2 Glass refillable BW1 scenario 2 7.91 PET refillable BW1 scenario kg/inhabitant/year 2 1.44 TW1 scenario (groundwater) 0.5 3 TW1 scenario (surface water) Sludge: 0.0265 (21.6)4 Other: 0.00865 Total: 0.0356 g/litre of delivered water 27 52 9.47 3.3 Sludge: 0.174 Other: 0.0565 Total: 0.23 1: BW: Bottled Water; TW: Tap water. 2: The values reported include the contribution either of primary or of secondary packaging. 3: The value refers to the waste generated by the annual substitution of the activated carbon filter of the domestic depurator. The amount of waste generated by the use of the glass jug is instead not reported because, other than of negligible entity, it is a function of consumers behaviour rather than a specific feature of the scenario. 4: The amount of sludge reported in brackets is calculated considering the average population served by the Anconella plant (about 500,000 inhabitants) while the other value is defined starting from the specific production (0.174 g/l) by considering that 152.1 litres/inhabitant/year have to be delivered in each scenario. 5: This value refers to the waste generated by the periodical substitution of consumable materials of the depuration system utilised for water delivering from public fountains (polypropylene pre-filter and activated carbon filter). 6: The amount of waste generated by the use of glass bottles is not reported because it is a function of consumers behaviour rather than a specific feature of the scenario. As it can be observed, the scenario based on the use of refillable PET bottles is the least waste generating one among bottled water scenarios, whatever is the material considered (virgin PET, recycled PET or PLA), and an actual prevention in terms of mass is achieved with respect to one-way scenarios as well as to the glass refillable scenario. The use of refillable glass bottles instead does not imply an actual prevention in terms of mass of generated waste because of the higher density of glass itself with respect to PET. As 15 For brevity, the scenario/system that foresees the consumption of public network water of surface origin delivered from public fountains is indicated in this chapter as the “tap surface water scenario/system”, even if actually water is not directly consumed from the tap. Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 317 anticipated in paragraph 4.10.1, in this case it is the number of items that eventually become waste that is reduced, but obviously not their total mass. This seems however to be still compatible with the definition of waste prevention given by the last Waste Framework Directive (European Parliament and Council, 2008), which defines as preventive those measures that reduce the amount of generated waste, without specifying if it deals with mass, volume, or number of items. It can be however presumed that the definition implicitly alludes to the mass, even if it is not explicitly mentioned. Definitely negligible is the amount of municipal solid waste generated by the two cases of use of public network water, which is limited to the annual or biannual substituted consumable materials utilised by the respective water refinement systems. In addition, also the waste represented by the containers employed to conserve water should be considered but their amount appears to be a function of consumers behaviour rather than a specific feature of the investigated systems and is therefore not reported. However it can be assumed to be of negligible entity in view of the long life span which generally characterizes these objects. On the contrary, we have considered meaningful to report the amount of sludge generated during surface water purification which is the waste flow produced in larger quantities by such a system. Nevertheless it results of one or two orders of magnitude lower than the amount of waste generated by bottled water systems when expressed in mass per litre of delivered water, and two orders lower when expressed on annual basis. By looking at table 5.1, it is therefore possible to notice how, with regard to waste generation, both public network water systems appears to be preferable than bottled water ones. Note that the annual amount of sludge generated by the Anconella plant calculated on the basis of the number of citizens served by the plant itself, is considered less reliable than the amount calculated starting from the specific production, which was employed in the comparison. Indeed, despite the volume of delivered water is a function of the number of served citizens, this relation could not be linear at all. 5.2.2 LCA results Figure 5.9 shows the comparison among the eight investigated scenarios with respect to the four considered impact indicators. Their values are expressed with reference to the functional unit assumed for the present study which we remember being “the management of the amount 318 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand MJ eq./F.U. 600 587.8 400 468.6 546.8 439.7 481.7 365.8 307.8 200 50.0 0 kg CO2 eq./F.U. Virgin PET one-w ay R-PET onew ay PLA onew ay composting GLASS ref illable PET refillable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Global warming 30 20 PLA onew ay incineration 78.4 24.8 23.8 27.4 25.0 26.2 20.7 16.5 10 2.1 0 Virgin PET one-w ay R-PET onew ay PLA onePLA onew ay w ay composting incineration GLASS refillable PET refillable 3.8 Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater g Sb eq./F.U. Abiotic depletion 200 196.6 184.3 209.4 190.3 201.6 100 145.8 126.8 25.9 31.8 0 g PO43- eq./F.U. Virgin PET one-w ay R-PET onew ay PLA onePLA onew ay w ay composting incineration PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Eutrophication 40 37.1 30 35.9 20 10 GLASS refillable 25.2 16.4 10.3 15.9 15.3 0.94 0 Virgin PET one-w ay R-PET onew ay PLA onew ay composting PLA onew ay incineration GLASS ref illable PET refillable 2.3 Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Figure 5.9: Impact indicators calculated for all the investigated scenarios (the dotted area in the tap surface water bar specifies the contribution given by water transportation by car) Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 319 of (municipal) waste annually generated from the consumption of drinking water by one Italian citizen”. In order to avoid misleading interpretation of the results, the contribution given by the use of a private car for water transportation from public fountains to consumers houses is explicitly indicated in their presentation (dotted area of the bars representing the surface water scenario) because of its important role in defining the overall potential impacts of the tap surface water scenario. Remarks about tap water scenarios A first important remark can be made with regard to the definitely better environmental performances of the tap groundwater scenario for all the impact indicators considered in this study, even when water quality is improved through a domestic depuration treatment and when life cycle impacts associated with use and washing of a reusable container (glass jug in this case) are accounted for. In particular this system implies potential impacts which at most reach the 13% of those associated with the use of one-way virgin PET bottles. Therefore, beyond reducing waste generation, it results actually more environmentally sustainable than bottled water systems, leading to meaningful potential savings of energy, greenhouse gases emissions and resources. Moreover, if we look at the contribution given by the major sub processes (figures 5.10 and E.5), it is possible to notice how meaningful roles are held by washing of the reusable jug and by its life cycle rather than by water treatment and delivery to users, which never exceeds 5% of the total. In particular, jug washing is at the second place after domestic purification with regard to CED, abiotic depletion and eutrophication indicators, while it occupies the first place for the global warming one; the processes associated with jug life cycle are instead at the third place for all the considered indicators. This means that the overall impacts of such a system could be even lower if jug was only rinsed between one use and the other rather than washed in a dishwasher, or if a life span longer than one year was assured to the jug itself, like it probably actually happens in true life. This precautionary value was indeed assumed in the inventory according to an absolutely conservative approach. With the only already mentioned exception of global warming, the major contribution to the impact indicators is given by domestic purification of water for which, in turn, the primary role is held by the use of activated carbon followed by electricity consumptions and treatment 320 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis of discharged water (table E.1). This sequence is valid for all the considered indicators except for global warming, in which the roles of activated carbon life cycle and electricity are inverted. It must be however noticed that the contribution given by activated carbon may be overestimated since its amount was allocated to 1 litre of water on the basis of the volume to be delivered under each scenario (152.1 litres per year), while actually it could be able to deal with an higher annual volume of water. MJ eq./F.U. 22.9 20 18.2 10 6.54 2.34 0 Global warming: contribution by subprocesses (TAP GW scenario) kg CO2 eq/F.U. Cumulative energy demand: contribution by sub processes (TAP GW scenario) 1.5 1.1 1.0 0.56 0.5 0.28 0.14 0.0 Domestic purification Jug washing Jug washing Domestic purification Glass jug life-cycle Glass jug life-cycle Water treatments & network pumping Water treatments & network pumping Figure 5.10: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for tap groundwater scenario 200 100 62.2 15.3 0 0.89 Global warming: contribution by subprocesses (TAP SW scenario) kg CO2 eq/F.U. MJ eq./F.U. Cumulative energy demand: contribution by sub-processes (TAP SW scenario) 287.4 20 16.9 15 10 5 0 2.9 0.90 0.053 Transp. fountains-consumer house Transp. fountains-consumer house Glass bottles life-cycle Glass bottles life-cycle Quality improvement (public fountains) Quality improvement (public fountains) Water treatments & pumping Water treatments & pumping Figure 5.11: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for tap surface water scenario Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 321 The same considerations concerning the better environmental performances can be translated also to the surface water system if a car is not employed for water transportation from public fountains to consumers houses. As it can be seen, its use gives indeed a very important contribution in increasing the values of all the considered indicators to levels comparable with those of bottled water systems, even if actually higher than those pertaining to the PET refillable system only (except for the eutrophication indicator in respect of which it is slightly better). These results however must be read in view of the fact that the burdens of the consumer trip were totally allocated to the transported water because it was considered to be only aimed at water transportation. The respective burdens were therefore only shared among the 9 litres of water that were assumed to be drawn at the fountain even if it is likely that the trip is made also for other purposes (such as going to or coming back from the working place) and a further allocation would be needed. For instance, a 50% allocation factor could be employed to model the fact that the trip is made for a further purpose other than for water transportation. This possibility will therefore be taken into account in the sensitivity analysis (paragraph 5.3.4). By looking at figures 5.10, 5.11, E.5 and E.6 it is actually possible to notice how, if the contribution of the transportation by car is excluded, the reasons for all the impact indicators characterizing the surface water system to be slightly higher than those pertaining to the groundwater one, appear not associated to an higher contribution given by water treatment and network pumping. Rather they seem associated with the more impacting life cycle of the 9 reusable glass bottles with respect to that of the sole reusable glass jug and of its washing as well as, in the case of global warming, with the slightly higher burdens of public water quality improvement with respect to domestic depuration. Indeed, with the exception of this indicator, domestic depuration appears at a first sight more burdensome than water quality improvement and its delivery from public fountains. These outcomes have however to be interpreted with caution. First of all, the impacts associated with water treatment and pumping in both tap water scenarios are actually also a function of the efficiency of the domestic depurator or of the public improving quality system, which defines the amount of already treated water (with the respective burdens) which has to be supplied in order to deliver 1 litre of further purified water. Therefore the fact that the domestic depuration system was assumed to be characterized by a recovery efficiency of about 33.3%, while the public system by an average efficiency of about 92% widely 322 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis influences the results. In particular if we look at the life cycle impacts associated with the sole initial purification and delivering of 1 m3 of water of the two analysed systems (figure 5.12) it is possible to notice how actually the groundwater one is characterized by slightly lower impacts with respect to the surface water system for all the considered indicators, though always comparable. It is therefore clear how the lower efficiency which characterizes the domestic depurator system hides this aspect. 4 2 Global warming kg CO2 eq./m 3 MJ eq./m 3 Cumulative energy demand 5.4 5.1 0 0.315 0.2 0.0 Groundwater system Groundwater system Surface water system Surface water system Eutrophication 2.17 2.24 2 1 g PO43- eq./m 3 Abiotic depletion g Sb eq./m 3 0.320 0 0.10 0.092 0.10 0.05 0.00 Groundwater system Groundwater system Surface water system Surface water system Figure 5.12: Comparison of the impact indicators calculated for the purification and the delivering of 1 m3 of groundwater and surface water More in detail, we remember that the groundwater treatment and delivering system is characterized by an higher specific consumption of electricity with respect to the surface water system (0.485 kWh/m3 against 0.382 kWh/m3) and therefore, as it can be observed in figures 5.13, 5.14, E.7 and E.8, its primary contribution to all the impact indicators actually slightly decreases from the former to the latter system. The mentioned decrease is though balanced by the raising of the contribution associated with the use of chemicals, which is wider in the surface water system than in the groundwater one, as well as by the slight increase of that given by the life cycle of activated carbon. Indeed, despite its specific consumption is of the same order of magnitude for both systems, the 323 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis higher losses during the reactivation of the carbon utilised by the surface water system imply an higher amount of virgin carbon to be produced and activated. However it holds a secondary role in defining the overall impact of the two systems. The additional consumption of sand, as well as the need of sludge disposal in landfill, result instead of negligible entity. Sludge disposal is indeed actually limited only to about 10% of the whole generated amount, being the rest employed for other applications such as for embankments or for road subgrades (without any previous treatment). It is finally possible to notice how infrastructures play a secondary role in defining the overall impacts of the groundwater system and comparable with that held by the use of activated carbon and hypochlorite, in view of the fact that the respective burdens are averaged on their whole life span. The contribution of infrastructures in the surface water system is instead only fictitious since, in reason of their marginal role, they were assumed to be the same as the groundwater system, only to allow a fair comparison. Global warming: contributions to water treatment and delivering 4 2 0.34 0.058 0.0019 0 0.28 kg CO2 eq/m 3 MJ eq./m 3 Cumulative energy demand: contributions to water treatment and delivering 4.73 0.2 0.031 0.0 0.0023 9.50E-05 Electricity treatment & pumping Electricity treatment & pumping Infrastructures Infrastructures Activated carbon life-cycle Activated carbon life-cycle Hypochlorite prod. Hypochlorite prod. Figure 5.13: Contributions of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for the treatment and the delivering of 1 m3 of groundwater 324 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand: contributions to water treatment and delivering 3.73 MJ eq./m 3 4 2 1.25 0.34 0.080 0.0039 0.0035 0 Electricity treatment & pumping Chemicals prod. Infrastructures Activated carbon life-cycle Sand production Sludge disposal Global warming: contributions to water treatment and delivering kg CO2 eq/m 3 0.22 0.2 0.1 0.064 0.031 0.0025 0.00025 0.00012 0.0 Electricity treatment & pumping Chemicals prod. Infrastructures Activated carbon life-cycle Sand production Sludge disposal Figure 5.14: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for the treatment and the delivering of 1 m3 of surface water Also the higher impacts that in the whole scenarios result associated with domestic depuration with respect to public water quality improvement for the CED, abiotic depletion and eutrophication indicators (figures 5.10, E.5 and E.6) need to be interpreted with caution. If we look indeed at the major contribution to the life cycle impacts of the processes of domestic depuration or public quality improvement (Table E.1 and E.2), it is possible to notice how the reason for the higher impacts of the domestic treatment is not associated with a more intense use of electricity, whose specific consumption actually resulted lower than the case of public quality improvement, where water is also refrigerated (2.63×10-3 kWh/litre against 0.01 kWh/litre respectively). Rather they seems to be associated to the higher contribution given by the use of activated carbon, whose specific consumption instead resulted higher for the Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 325 domestic treatment with respect to public improvement (0.0033 kg/litre against 4.17×10-5 kg/litre). But as already pointed out above, the higher values obtained for the domestic treatment find their reason in the fact that the mass of the filter was allocated on the basis of the 152.1 litres of water which are annually consumed in each scenario, while the mass of the filter of the H2O PLUS system on the basis of the average volume of water actually delivered by public fountains during the 6 months of the carbon life span (about 360,000 litres). Therefore the results of the present study does not allow and are not aimed at the explicit identification of the best option for water quality improvement but only of the best performing water delivering system as a whole. Remarks about refillable bottled water scenarios As far as bottled water systems are concerned, the PET refillable one appears the most preferable from an environmental point of view with respect to all the considered indicators except for the eutrophication, for which it is characterized by a value comparable with those of PET one-way systems. However, the most important contribution to this last indicator is not given by the use of detergents during bottles washing as one could be expect, but rather by the increased burdens associated with transportation (figure E.10) and in particular by nitrogen oxides airborne emissions (NOx). This because in this system an higher mass has to be transported during the roundtrip with respect to one-way systems either because of the higher mass of bottles or because also crates with empty bottles need to be transported back together with empty pallets during the return trip. Despite the negligible exception of the eutrophication, the implementation of a refilling system based on PET bottles appears another case in which other than waste reduction, also more environmental sustainability is achieved with respect to the use of one-way bottled water systems, at least with regard to the indicators considered in the present study. The reasons at the basis of these performances can be clarified by comparing the contribution given by the major sub-processes to the overall impacts of this scenario to those, for instance, of the virgin PET one-way scenario which can be considered as the reference system of this study. They are presented in figures 5.15 and E.9 for the virgin PET one-way scenario and in figures 5.16 and E.10 for the PET refillable scenario. 326 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand: contribution by sub-processes (Virgin PET one way scenario) 388 MJ eq./F.U. 350 250 150 107.7 50 36.1 30.8 29.5 17.4 7.6 -50 -20.5 -150 -128.1 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Secondary packaging life-cycle Bottling plant operations Caps and labels production Transport. retailers consumer-house Transport packaging life-cycle Incin. bottles, caps, labels and films Recycling bottles and bundle films Global warming: contribution by sub-processes (Virgin PET one way scenario) 14.8 kg CO2 eq/F.U. 15 10 6.3 5 1.8 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.88 0.59 0 -3.0 -5 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Bottling plant operations Incin. bottles, caps, labels and films Secondary packaging life-cycle Transport. retailers consumer-house Caps and labels production Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling bottles and bundle films Figure 5.15: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for virgin PET one-way bottled water scenario 327 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand: contribution by sub-processes (PET refillable scenario) 151.4 MJ eq./F.U. 150 100 69.4 60.2 50 24.5 20.8 20 12.7 6.34 0 -27.1 -50 -30.5 Transport. bottling plant-local distributors Bottles production Caps and labels production Transport. local distributors-consumer house Bottles washing Bottling plant operations Secondary packaging-life cycle Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling caps & incin. labels Recycling bottles Global warming: contribution by sub-processes (PET refillable scenario) kg CO2 eq/F.U. 10 5 8.8 2.6 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.2 0.54 0.12 0 -0.38 -0.75 -5 Transport. bottling plant-local distributors Bottles production Caps and labels production Transport. local distributors-consumer house Bottling plant operations Bottles washing Secondary packaging-life cycle Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling caps & incin. labels Recycling bottles Figure 5.16: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for PET refillable bottled water scenario As it can be noticed, the most important roles are held, for both systems and for all the considered indicators, by preforms/bottles manufacturing (in particular of resin) and the respective end of life process, as well as by the roundtrip transportation of water between bottling plants and retailers or local distributors. Their major importance is probably 328 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis ascribable to the relevance of bottles mass flow with respect to those of the other inputs materials and to the meaningful transport distance in which bottled water is involved. More precisely, while transportation sits at the second place with regard to the PET one-way system, it shifts to the first place for the PET refillable system for the same considerations concerning the higher mass to be transported during the roundtrip. On the contrary, manufacturing of reusable PET bottles, even if characterized by an higher mass, is at the second place with a meaningful reduction of the associated impacts compared to the one-way system. Analogously, also the savings of the respective recycling process decrease, but the result is an overall less burdensome life cycle. All the other involved processes are instead of secondary importance. In particular, the use of reusable crates as secondary packaging material appears slightly less burdensome than the use of disposable films (Table E.3). Analogously the use of the only plastic ligature and the absence of cardboard interlayer to build up the transport unit appear slightly better with respect to the use of stretch film, despite a lower amount of water is loaded on the pallet (Table E.4). On the contrary, the use of heavier caps (3.2 g against 1.61 g) contributes to a slight increase of the impacts of their whole life cycle (Table E.5). Also the impacts of the delivering trip from local distributors to consumers houses increase, according to the longer distance (20 km) which was considered to be travelled with respect to one-way scenarios (10 km). Finally the impacts associated with bottling plant operations slightly raise up since they include washing of bottles. However, with the only already mentioned exception of the eutrophication indicator, the overall result is a decrease of the impacts characterizing the refillable PET bottled water scenario. This especially because the 1 order of magnitude decrease of the burdens associated with the lower amount of bottles to be manufactured is much higher than the increase of transportation burdens which remain of the same order of magnitude. On the contrary, for the eutrophication the decrease of bottles life cycle burdens is compensated by the increase of those pertaining to both the transportation stage and bottles washing, leading to obtain similar values of the indicator. We have finally to remember that the decision to assume the size of 1 litre for refillable PET bottles was taken during the inventory stage in order to allow a fair comparison with the glass refillable scenario in which the maximum available volume of bottles just corresponds to 1 litre. However we have recognized that also 1.5 litres refillable PET bottles are available in the market for mineral water and carbonated soft drinks delivering (UBA 2000a; 2000b; IFEU, 2010), and therefore higher benefits could potentially be expected through the Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 329 implementation of such a system with respect to one-way bottled water. This statement however should be verified by employing a life cycle perspective. The glass refillable scenario is characterized by performances comparable with those of oneway systems and, in particular, placed between those of PET one-way systems (lower bound) and PLA one-way systems (upper bound). Through a more comprehensive look at the contribution given by major sub processes to the overall impacts of the scenario (figures 5.17 and E.11), it is possible to notice how, for all the indicators, the impacts of water transportation from bottling plants to local distributors are greater than for the PET scenario because of the higher mass of bottles. The impacts associated with bottles life cycle are instead lower than those pertaining to one-way PET bottles, even if to a lower extent with respect to the reductions registered for the refillable PET scenario. Other unbalanced minor contributions are those given by transportation from distributors to consumers and by bottles washing, which in this case is more energy intensive with respect to the PET refillable scenario. A direct consequence of the fact that transportation impacts are much higher than those of one-way systems, is that they are expected to respond to a reduction of distances by lowering in a greater extent with respect to one-way systems themselves. Therefore the outcomes obtained through the values employed in the base case inventory need to be checked for lower distances to be travelled, as will be done in the sensitivity analysis in paragraph 5.3.6. Furthermore another important factor potentially influencing the results is the number of uses attributed to glass bottles, which defines the impacts associated with their manufacturing, which is the second most important contributor to the overall impacts of the system, after the transportation stage. In the inventory a value of 10 uses was indeed assumed for bottles, according to the fact that it was directly provided by the investigated realities, but other sources which consider an higher number of uses are found and sensitivity will be performed on this parameter according to these last provided values. Some further remarks can also be made with regard to the fact that the use of aluminium caps results advantageous, from an environmental point of view, if they are recycled at the end of their useful life, with respect to the use and the incineration of HDPE caps, as in the case of one-way scenarios, or to the recycling of heavier HDPE caps, as in the case of the PET refillable scenario (Table E.5). Moreover slightly worse but however similar performances characterize instead the life cycles of both secondary and transport packaging materials 330 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis utilised in this scenario with respect to the PET refillable one (Table E.3 and E.4). This because HDPE crates and pallets are slightly heavier than those utilised for refillable PET bottles. Indeed the increase of the volume of transported water does not compensate the increase of the mass of pallet materials, which are heavier than those of standard EUR-EPAL pallets employed in one-way and PET refillable systems. 331 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand: contribution by sub-processes (GLASS refillable scenario) 236 MJ eq./F.U. 200 120.7 100 52.2 45.2 38.7 20 13.8 0 6.7 -15.6 -36.1 -100 Transport. bottling plant-local distributors Bottles production Caps and labels production Bottles washing Transport. local distributors-consumer house Bottling plant operations Secondary packaging life-cycle Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling bottles Recycling caps & incin. labels Global warming: contribution by sub-processes (GLASS refillable scenario) kg CO2 eq/F.U. 15 13.7 10 5 6.4 2.8 2.5 2.3 1.2 0.59 0.12 0 -1.6 -5 Transport. bottling plant-local distributors Bottles production Caps and labels production Bottles washing Transport. local distributors-consumer house Bottling plant operations Secondary packaging life-cycle Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling bottles Recycling caps & incin. labels -1.9 Figure 5.17: Contribution of the major sub-processes to CED and the global warming indicators calculated for glass refillable bottled water scenario 332 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Remarks about one-way bottled water scenarios In the comparison among the one-way systems themselves, the utilisation of 50% recycled PET bottles is characterized by slightly but not dramatically better performances than the use of virgin PET or PLA bottles with respect to all the considered indicators. Therefore, despite the effort of employing recycled material together with virgin raw material for bottles manufacturing is appreciable, it seems however that it does not lead to those higher levels of savings of energy, resources and greenhouse gases achievable by utilising a refilling system based on PET bottles. By looking at figures E.12 and E.13, it is possible to notice how the slightly better performances of this scenario are associated with a less impacting life cycle of bottles (PET resin production and recycling) with respect, for instance, to the use of virgin PET bottles, because of the lower impacts associated with providing secondary raw material compared to virgin one. The use of PLA bottles appears instead to have the worst performances compared to the other one-way scenarios with respect to all the considered indicators, except for the abiotic depletion one, which is slightly better than that characterizing the virgin PET scenario when incineration is foreseen as end of life option for PLA bottles. The reasons at the basis of these results can be found by comparing the contribution of the single sub processes to the overall value of the indicators associated with the PLA scenarios (figure 5.18, 5.19, E.14 and E.15) with those of the other one-way systems. 333 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand: contribution by sub-processes (PLA one way to composting scenario) 371.6 MJ eq./F.U. 350 250 150 107.7 36.1 50 29.5 26.6 17.4 7.6 0.48 -1.1 -50 -8.3 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Secondary packaging life-cycle Caps and labels production Bottling plant operations Transport. retailers-consumer house Transport packaging life-cycle Composting bottles Recycling bundle films Incin. caps, labels and films Global warming: contribution by sub-processes (PLA one way to composting scenario) kg CO2 eq/F.U. 20 15.4 15 10 5 6.3 1.6 1.1 1.0 0 0.88 0.59 0.52 0.080 -0.043 -5 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Bottling plant operations Secondary packaging life-cycle Transport. retailers-consumer house Caps and labels production Transport packaging life-cycle Incin. caps, labels and films Recycling bundle films Composting bottles Figure 5.18: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for PLA to composting bottled water scenario 334 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand: contribution by sub-processes (PLA one way to incineration scenario) 371.6 MJ eq./F.U. 350 250 150 107.7 36.1 50 29.5 26.6 17.4 7.6 -1.1 -50 -8.3 -40.6 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Secondary packaging life-cycle Caps and labels production Bottling plant operations Transport. retailers-consumer house Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling bundle films Incin. caps, labels and films Incineration PLA bottles Global warming: contribution by sub-processes (PLA one way to incineration scenario) kg CO2 eq/F.U. 20 15.4 15 10 5 6.3 1.6 1.1 1.0 0.88 0.59 0.52 0.080 0 -2.4 -5 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Bottling plant operations Secondary packaging life-cycle Transport. retailers-consumer house Caps and labels production Transport packaging life-cycle Incin. caps, labels and films Recycling bundle films Incineration PLA bottles Figure 5.19: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for PLA to incineration bottled water scenario First of all, with regard to the CED indicator it is possible to notice how even if it appears that a slightly lower energy consumption is associated with PLA preforms manufacturing compared to PET ones (371.6 MJ eq. against 388 MJ eq.) thanks to the lower energy intensive process of virgin resin production, much more lower are the benefits associated with PLA Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 335 bottles composting or incineration with respect to the recycling of PET bottles. In particular, composting actually gives a slightly positive contribution to the indicator for the reasons already pointed out in paragraph 5.1, while PET recycling gives a negative contribution since it is credited of the avoided production of virgin PET granules. The result is therefore an overall increase of the value of the indicators. Note that the energy savings of about 13.5% attributed to bottling plant operations when PLA preforms are utilised, are masked by the relative small contribution of this life cycle stage to the overall impacts if compared to resin manufacturing or transportation. With regard to the global warming indicator, besides the lower benefits associated with both the end of life options considered for PLA bottles, also a slight increase of the impact associated with PLA resin production with respect to the production of PET resin contributes to increase the overall value of the indicator. In particular CO2 emissions associated with generation of electricity and heat from natural gas hold the major role in defining the contribution to global warming associated with PLA production. Also the appreciable potential savings of fossil resources which characterize the use of PLA with respect to PET are vanished by the reduced benefits associated with the considered end of life options. Finally, the eutrophication indicator for PLA scenarios results to be abundantly greater than that associated with the other one-way scenarios in view of the wide use of fertilizers for maize cultivation. On the basis of these considerations, composting or incineration of PLA bottles do not appear therefore to be the most sustainable end of life options and, more in general, it seems that the sustainability of bio-plastics must be evaluated carefully when such end of life treatments are applied. Moreover we remember that in the present study PLA granules were assumed to be transported along average European distances to the preform manufacturing site, while actually they could be involved in a transoceanic transportation from the world’s largest manufacturing plant sited in Nebraska (USA). It is worth to notice that recent pilot experiences have also demonstrated how a potential alternative end of life option for PLA products could be their chemical recycling by means of depolymerization through hydrolysis to lactic acid monomers. These lasts would be then purified and directly utilised for industrial applications as detergents or green solvents or repolymerized in new PLA resin, whose final quality has however still to be improved (NatureWorks, 2011; Loopla-Galactic, 2011). Considering such an end of life option for PLA bottles might probably lead to completely different conclusions with respect to those obtained 336 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis by considering composting or incineration, but in view of its pilot nature no data are found in its respect. Some further general considerations can also be made with regard to the comparison of the contribution of the major sub processes to the impacts of all the one-way bottled water systems. As already noticed, the most important positive contributions are represented, for all the considered indicators, by preforms manufacturing and secondly by transportation between bottling plants and retailers, except for the eutrophication indicator of the recycled PET scenario, for which the two roles are inverted in reason of the less burdensome process of secondary PET granules supplying with respect to both virgin PET and virgin PLA granules manufacturing. As earlier pointed out, the major importance of these two processes is also ascribable, respectively, to the relevance of bottles mass flow with respect to that of the other inputs materials and to the meaningful transport distance in which bottled water is involved. Among bottling plant operations the most relevant role is held by electricity consumptions while only very marginal is the one associated with lubricating oil life cycle and to washings of filler machine, also with respect to the eutrophication indicator, despite the use of detergents in this stage (Table E.6). Consumptions of lubricating oil and detergents is indeed of minimal entity (table 4.17). Contrarily to the surface water scenario, the car roundtrip transportation from retailers to consumers houses holds only a limited impact in reason of the fact that its burdens were allocated among all the transported items and not only to water. The most evident contribution in terms of savings is represented by PET bottles recycling, especially for the virgin PET scenario and by PLA bottles incineration in the respective scenario. In the PLA composting scenario, it is instead represented by the incineration of caps, labels and films, even if for a small extent. Composting of bottles results instead to be substantially environmentally neutral, for the reasons already pointed out in paragraph 5.1. Water consumptions A last important remark can be done with regard to water consumptions. In particular we have recognized that network losses may potentially represent a weak point of the performances of tap water systems by implying the drastic increase of the respective consumptions. Indeed, if 337 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis it is true that the case of the aqueduct of the city of Milan investigated in this study represents a virtuous system in which only about 11% of losses takes place, it is even true that other Italian realities are characterized by much worse performances. An extreme example is the already mentioned case of the Acquedotto Pugliese which during 2007 has registered a percentage of losses equal to 50% of the volume actually delivered (Metropolitana Milanese, 2010). According to these considerations, we have decided to try to obtain some general indications concerning the magnitude of water consumptions associated with the investigated scenarios, on the basis of the values calculated through SimaPro, which are presented in figure 5.20. For their interpretation we have however to remember that first of all the consumptions attributed to the bottling plant during the inventory stage are only rough estimates, since they are not monitored by the examined company. Moreover network losses assigned to the surface water system are the same of those registered by Metropolitana Milanese for the aqueduct of Milan because of the lacking of specific information for that specific reality. Finally only the internal consumptions of the Anconella plant are known but not as much those occurring at the various treatment stations at the service of the aqueduct of Milan, which were therefore not included in the analysis. They are however estimated not to be meaningful by the company. Water consumptions 80 75.9 57.0 m3/F.U. 60 40 51.3 56.8 49.1 37.8 20 34.8 11.3 11.4 0 Virgin PET R-PET one- PLA one- PLA oneone-way way way way composting incineration GLASS refillable PET Tap Tap surface refillable groundwater water Figure 5.20: Water consumptions calculated for the investigated scenarios (the dotted area in the tap surface water bar specifies the contribution given by water transportation by car) As it can be noticed, despite network losses and the high rejection rate of the domestic depurator, the groundwater system seems to be actually characterized by lower consumptions 338 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis of water compared to all bottled water systems. The same would be valid also for the surface water system if a car was not employed for water transportation. The respective consumptions are mainly associated with the use of electricity generated by at-run-of-river hydropower plants by the subsidiary processes included in the life cycle of the passenger car (manufacturing and maintenance of the car and road construction, operation and maintenance). 5.3 Sensitivity analysis 5.3.1 Introduction Sensitivity analysis is conducted on two typologies of input parameters: 1) those which were arbitrarily assumed during the inventory stage and which are resulted or are expected to have a meaningful effect on the outcomes of the analysis, in particular: percentage of the transportation burdens of one-way bottled water from retailers to consumer house allocated to the water itself, which in the present study depends on the number of items contemporarily transported (variations of this parameter also implicitly include possible variations of transportation distance); percentage of the dishwashing burdens allocated to the reusable glass jug in groundwater scenario (which in this study are a function of the number of items contemporarily washed) and its frequency of washing; transportation distance of water from public fountains to consumers house (variations of this parameter also implicitly include possible variations of the volume of transported water or of the percentage of the burdens allocated to the trip). typology of container employed to conserve water in the surface tap water scenario. 2) those more reliable parameters which are however subject to high variability, or for which different values from those considered in the inventory are provided by other sources, in particular: Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 339 transportation distance of one-way bottled water between the bottling plants and local retailers and, number of uses considered for refillable glass and PET bottles. Sensitivity is conducted with respect to all the considered impact indicators and those affected by meaningful changes will be reported and discussed in the rest of the paragraph. Moreover, the results will be finally combined in order to define the upper and the lower bound of the impacts associated with all the investigated scenarios. 5.3.2 Allocation of consumer purchasing trip burdens (one-way scenarios) Even if the volume of water transported by one-way bottles during the purchasing trip defines the burdens to be associated to 1 litre of transported water, a further allocation of these burdens needs to be made to account for the fact that more than one product can be purchased at the same time. This allocation can be carried out, for example, according to the mass, the economic value or the total number of purchased items. Just this last option was chosen in first instance during the inventory, by considering that one 6×1.5 litres bottles bundle is purchased as a part of a whole amount of 30 items at any time. Therefore 1/30 (3.33%) of the overall burdens associated with covering with a car the considered distance (10 km in the present inventory) were assigned to 1 bundle. This value were finally reported to 1 litre of water by considering that the bundle contains 9 litres of water. Since the choice of the allocation factor was purely arbitrary, possible variations of this parameter are considered in the present sensitivity analysis, also in order to indentify the extent to which consumer behaviour can affect the performances of one-way systems. The results are therefore further calculated using both a 1/60 (1.67%) and a 100% allocation factor, representing respectively the case in which 60 items or the sole 6-bottles bundle are contemporarily purchased. Note that utilising these values has respectively the same effect of halving (5 km) or multiplying by 30 the transport distance, when the allocation factor is maintained at 3.33% and therefore sensitivity is not conducted for this parameter. The results obtained for the four considered indicators are reported in figures 5.21 and E.16, as well as in tables 5.2. and E.7. 340 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand 973.6 MJ eq./F.U. 1000 944.8 1092.9 .6 1051.9 800 587.8 600 400 468.6 459.8 439.7 579.1 431.0 546.8 538.1 481.7 365.8 307.8 200 50.0 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS PET refillable Tap Tap surface ref illable groundw ater w ater Global warming kg CO2 eq./F.U. 60 54.5 53.4 57.0 54.7 50 40 30 20 24.8 24.3 23.8 23.3 27.4 26.9 25.0 24.5 26.2 20.7 16.5 10 2.1 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Figure 5.21: Results of the sensitivity on the allocation of consumer purchasing trip burdens on the CED and the global warming indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios 341 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Table 5.2: Results of the sensitivity on the allocation of consumer purchasing trip burdens on the CED and the global warming indicators for the interested scenarios Virgin PET one-way Base case (purchasing of 30 items) MIN impact (purchasing of 60 items) % min MAX impact (purchasing of only water) % max Base case (purchasing of 30 items) MIN impact (purchasing of 60 items) % min MAX impact (purchasing of only water) % max CED (MJ eq./F.U.) R-PET PLA one-way one-way compost. PLA one-way incin. 468.6 439.7 587.8 546.8 459.8 431.0 579.1 538.1 -1.9 973.6 -2.0 944.8 -1.5 1092.9 -1.6 1051.9 107.8 114.9 85.9 92.4 Global warming (kg CO2 eq./F.U.) Virgin PET R-PET PLA one-way PLA one-way one-way one-way compost. incin. 24.8 23.8 27.4 25.0 24.3 23.3 26.9 24.5 -2.1 54.5 119.5 -2.1 53.4 124.6 -1.9 57.0 -2.0 54.7 108.2 118.4 As it can be deduced, the more efficient case in which 60 items are contemporarily transported does not imply any meaningful environmental advantage with respect to the base case scenario, but the savings are limited to about 1-2% for all the impact indicators. This because the allocation factor (1.67%) actually remains of the same order of magnitude of the value employed in the base case (3.33%). No changes therefore take place in the comparison among the investigated scenarios. On the contrary, by assigning the full burdens to the consumer trip, the impacts of one-way scenarios drastically increases also above 100%, abundantly worsening the respective performances. The total purchasing of 30 items appears therefore already an efficient option, as also the modest contribution associated with this life cycle stage in the base case inventory demonstrated (paragraph 5.2). We have finally recognized through a more in depth analysis that also with an allocation factor of 5% (total purchase of 20 items) the impacts increase by about 2% only ,while the limit value for which the increase exceeds 10% begins at about 10% (total purchase of 10 items). Note that this corresponds to increasing the distance to 30 km when the allocation factor is maintained at 3.33%. In order to better clarify the trend of variability of the impacts 342 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis as a function of the number of purchased items during the consumer trip, figure 5.22 shows the example of the global warming indicator for the one-way virgin PET bottled water scenario. Global warming kg CO2 eq./F.U. 60 50 54.5 (only water) 40 39.1 (2 items) 30 29.9 20 26.9 25.3 24.8 24.6 24.4 24.3 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 0 0 5 Number of purchased items Figure 5.22: Variation of the global warming indicator with the number of purchased items for the one-way virgin PET bottled water scenario 5.3.3 Washing frequency of reusable glass jug and allocation of dishwashing burdens (tap groundwater scenario) The washing frequency of the reusable glass jug utilised in the groundwater scenario as well as the number of items contemporarily washed in the residential dishwasher define the burdens associated with this life cycle stage of the reusable container. The base case of the inventory arbitrarily assumed that the jug was washed after 4 uses as part of a load of 30 items, but since the dishwashing process is one of the major contributor to all the impact indicators, we have considered meaningful to evaluate the effect of different washing policies, in turn associated to different consumers behaviour. In particular, the following two cases are examined: more efficient washing conditions: washing of the jug after 5 uses as part of a load of 50 items (allocation factor 1/50) and more inefficient washing conditions: washing of the jug after each use as part of a load of only 15 items (allocation factor 1/15). The results obtained for the four considered indicators are represented in figures 5.23 and E.17, as well as in tables 5.3 and E.8. 343 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand (CED) 600 MJ eq./F.U. 587.8 400 468.6 546.8 481.7 439.7 365.8 307.8 200 177.4 50.0 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. PET GLASS PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace refillable refillable groundw ater w ater 40.5 Global warming kg CO2 eq./F.U. 30 27.4 20 24.8 23.8 25.0 26.2 20.7 16.5 9.6 10 2.1 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater 1.5 Figure 5.23: Results of the sensitivity on dishwashing burdens on the CED and the global warming indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios Table 5.3: Results of the sensitivity on dishwashing burdens on the CED and the global warming indicators for the tap groundwater scenario CED Global warming (MJ eq./F.U.) (kg CO2 eq./F.U.) Tap groundwater scenario Base case (washing every 4 uses/30 items) MIN impact (washing every 5 uses/50 items) % min MAX impact (washing after each use/15 items) % max 50.0 2.1 40.5 1.5 -18.9 177.4 254.9 -27.3 9.6 367.6 344 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis As it is possible to notice, when inefficient washing conditions are considered the impacts of the scenario dramatically increase with respect to all the considered indicators, and especially also up to 3.5 times for the global warming. However it always remains the best performing one and therefore preferable from an environmental point of view, at least if the features of the other systems are the same of those considered in the base case inventory. In the case of more efficient washing conditions, the impacts decrease to a lower extent, but also up to about 30% for the global warming indicator, meaning that the washing policy considered in the base case represents already a quite good choice. The performances of the scenario with respect to those of base-case bottled water systems can be however improved by running the dishwasher only when it is fully loaded or by reducing the frequency of washing of the reusable container (i.e. after 5 uses). An even better profile can be achieved for this scenario if the reusable container is only manually rinsed after its use just in view of the fact that the process of dishwashing is the second most important contributor to the overall impacts of the scenario itself (except for global warming, for which it holds the first place). 5.3.4 Transport distance from public fountains to consumers house (tap surface water scenario) Since the average distance of public fountains in the municipality of Florence from its city centre results 5.5 km, this value was assumed, at a first instance, to represent the distance to be covered by a citizen for the roundtrip between its house and a public fountain. Moreover, the number of 1 litre bottles transported during each trip was assumed to be 9, for reasons of coherence with the volume considered to be transported in one-way scenarios. The value assumed for the distance seems to be quite realistic if considering that the service provided by public fountains is mainly oriented at the citizens of the municipality in which they are placed. However, in reason of the important contribution given by this transportation stage to all the impact indicators, which also made the performances of such a tap water system comparable to those of refillable PET bottled water, we have decided to better investigate the potential effects of varying the distance. Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 345 The cases examined are therefore: transportation of 9 litres for a distance of 2 km and transportation of 9 litres for a distance of 10 km (which aims at modelling the potential case in which a citizen of a surrounding municipality travels to the public fountains to withdraw water). Note that the use of these parameters has the same effects of considering that about 25 litres or 5 litres of water are respectively transported for the base-case distance of 5.5 km. Moreover, as pointed out in paragraph 5.2, it is also probable that the consumer trip is carried out for a further purpose besides water withdrawal, for example to go to or come back from the working place. The use of a 50% allocation factor of the burdens associated with the transportation of 1 litre of water was therefore also proposed to account for the double aim of the trip. However, since the utilisation of such a factor would have the same effects of halving the distance to be covered during the trip, this was not performed in the specific. Indeed, the effects of the reduction of the distance from 5.5 to 2 km will already explored. It is finally worth to remember that if the consumer trip was performed by walk or by bicycle, the meaningful contribution given by the utilisation of a car to the impacts of the present scenario would vanish. The results obtained for the four considered indicators are represented in figures 5.24 and E.18, as well as in tables 5.4 and E.9. Note that in the figures the dotted part of the bars regarding the impacts of the tap surface water scenario represent the contribution associated with the use of the car for water transportation for the base case. 346 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand (CED) 600.9 600 MJ eq./F.U. 587.8 400 468.6 546.8 481.7 439.7 365.8 307.8 200 50.0 182.9 78.4 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace refillable groundw ater w ater Global warming kg CO2 eq./F.U. 40 34.5 30 20 24.8 27.4 23.8 25.0 20.7 26.2 16.5 10 2.1 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable 10.0 3.8 PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Figure 5.24: Results of the sensitivity on transport distance from public fountains to consumers houses on the CED and the global warming indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios (the dotted area in the tap surface water bar specifies the contribution given by water transportation by car) Table 5.4: Results of the sensitivity on transport distance from public fountains to consumers houses on the CED and the global warming indicators for the tap surface water scenario CED Global warming (MJ eq./F.U.) (kg CO2 eq./F.U.) Tap surface water scenario 365.8 20.7 Base case (5.5 km) 182.9 10.0 MIN impact (2 km) -50.0 -51.9 % min 600.9 34.5 MAX impact (10 km) 64.3 66.7 % max Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 347 The results show how the reduction of the distance to be covered to only 2 km also involves a reduction of all the impacts of the present scenario of about an average 50%, making them more comparable to those pertaining to the groundwater system. The most important remark is however that in this condition the surface water system outperforms all bottled water systems with respect to all the indicators, provided that their features are the same of those considered for the base case inventory, in which the refillable PET bottled water scenario was characterized by a better environmental profile. On the contrary, as expected, the increase of the distance up to 10 km drastically worsens the environmental profile of the scenario that becomes the worst performing among all, except for the eutrophication indicator which remains comparable to the PET one-way and refillable bottled water systems. In particular the value of the indicators increases on average of about 65%. From these outcomes it appears clear how, in a very limited range of distances, the performances of the present scenario with respect to all the others can significantly change. In particular through a more in depth analysis we have recognized that the limit value of the roundtrip distance which allows all the impact indicators of the surface water system to remain slightly below the values pertaining to the PET refillable one is of about 4 km (always for the transportation of 9 litres of water). This would be the same as considering that a roundtrip distance of 8 km is covered for two different purposes and therefore only 50% of the burdens of the trip are assigned to the transported water. The limit distance can instead raise up to 6.5 km (or to 13 km with a 50% allocation factor) to obtain the same result if the system is compared to the use of 50% recycled one-way PET bottles, which is the best performing one-way system. However to achieve a reduction of all the impact indicators, for instance of at least 30% with respect to those of the two mentioned systems, the roundtrip distance should not outweigh about 2.5 km and 4.2 km respectively, or either a double value with a 50% allocation factor. The final consideration that can be made is therefore that if a capillary distribution of public fountains within the territory to be served is assured, and if their utilisation is allowed only to the citizens of the interested municipality, so that the use of a car is limited to very short roundtrip distances (i.e. lower than 2-2.5 km) or better it is completely avoided, the performances of a system based on this criterium would very probably result better than those of any bottled water system. 348 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 5.3.5 Typology of containers employed to conserve water (surface water scenario) In the base case, water was assumed to be conserved within 9 glass bottles with the capacity of 1 litre each, with a conservative life span of 1 year. Since the use of plastic bottles with a shorter life span is considered a possible alternative for water conserving, this practice is included as sensitivity scenario. In particular 6 PET bottles with a capacity of 1.5 litres and with the same features as those utilised in one-way scenario are assumed to be employed for 5 times. Therefore, the mass of PET required to deliver 1 litre of water is equal to: M PET 6 bottles 32.55 g/bottles 4.34 g/litre 6 bottles/trip 1.5 litres/bot tles 5 trip In the same manner, it is possible to define the amount of HDPE caps (unit mass of 2.06 g) required by the system which results equal to 0.275 grams per litre. Bottles are assumed to be recycled at the end of their useful life, while caps are incinerated. The respective life cycle processes are modelled with the same methodology employed in one-way bottled water scenarios, to which we refer for further details. The results obtained for the four considered indicators are represented in figures 5.25 and E.19, as well as in tables 5.5 and E.10. 349 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand (CED) 600 MJ eq./F.U. 587.8 400 468.6 546.8 481.7 439.7 365.8 348.5 307.8 200 50.0 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace refillable groundw ater w ater Global warming kg CO2 eq./F.U. 30 27.4 20 24.8 23.8 25.0 26.2 20.7 19.9 16.5 10 2.1 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Figure 5.25: Results of the sensitivity on the typology of reusable containers utilised in the surface water scenario on the CED and the global warming indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios Table 5.5: Results of the sensitivity on the typology of reusable containers utilised in the surface water scenario on the CED and the global warming indicators for tap surface water scenario CED Global warming (MJ eq./F.U.) (kg CO2 eq./F.U.) Tap surface water scenario Base case (use of glass bottles) MIN impact (use of PET bottles) %min 365.8 20.7 348.5 19.9 -4.7 -3.8 350 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis As it can be seen, the use of plastic bottles, even if characterized by a shorter useful life, involves slight environmental advantages with respect to the use of glass bottles, from the reduction of about 4% for the global warming indicator to about 8% for the eutrophication indicator. These slight advantages must however be interpreted also in view of the very short life span of 1 year conservatively assumed for glass bottles. Moreover it must be noticed how, if the better performance of employing PET bottles remains even when they are utilised for only 4 transportation cycles, the impacts of the scenario drastically increases if they are used only once (for instance of about +37% for the global warming indicator, which reaches the value of 28.3 kg CO2 eq.). A further recommendation that can be made with regard to this scenario (but also to the use of tap water in general) is therefore to utilise as much times as possible the reusable containers employed for water conserving and in the particular case of PET bottles, to assure that they are employed for at least 4 utilisation cycles. 5.3.6 Transportation distance between bottling plant and retailers or local distributors (bottled water scenarios) In the original inventory the distance between bottling plant and retailers for one-way scenarios, or local distributors for refillable scenarios, was assumed equal to the average one separating the bottling plant of the major Italian producers from the city of Milan. In particular an average distance of 300 km resulted, but since also much lower (38 km) or much higher (823 km) values were found, we have decided to include the potential effects of assuming such values in this sensitivity analysis, considering the two following cases: transportation for 40 km and transportation for 800 km. The results obtained for the four considered indicators are represented in figures 5.26 and E.20, as well as in tables 5.6 and E.11. 351 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand (CED) 875.0 767.3 MJ eq./F.U. 800 648.0 726.3 619.2 587.8 600 468.6 439.7 400 375.2 200 494.5 560.1 546.8 481.7 453.5 307.8 365.8 346.4 277.2 176.6 50.0 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace refillable groundw ater w ater Global warming 49.1 kg CO2 eq./F.U. 50 40 30 35.3 24.8 34.2 23.8 20 19.4 37.8 27.4 22.0 18.4 35.5 25.0 31.2 26.2 16.5 19.6 10 20.7 14.3 8.9 2.1 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Figure 5.26: Results of the sensitivity on the transport distance from bottling plants to retailers or local distributors on the CED and the global warming indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios 352 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Table 5.6: Results of the sensitivity on the transport distance from bottling plants to retailers or local distributors on the CED and the global warming indicators for the interested scenarios CED (MJ eq./F.U.) Virgin PLA PLA PET R-PET one-way one-way GLASS PET one-way one-way compost. incin. refillable refillable Base case (300 km) Min impact (40 km) %min Max impact (800 km) %max Base case (300 km) Min impact (40 km) %min Max impact (800 km) %max 468.6 439.7 587.8 546.8 481.7 307.8 375.2 346.4 494.5 453.5 277.2 176.6 -19.9 648.0 -21.2 619.2 -15.9 767.3 -17.1 726.3 -42.5 875.0 -42.6 560.1 38.3 40.8 30.5 32.8 81.6 82.0 Global warming (kg CO2 eq./F.U.) Virgin PLA PLA PET R-PET one-way one-way GLASS PET one-way one-way compost. incin. refillable refillable 24.8 23.8 27.4 25.0 26.2 16.5 19.4 18.4 22.0 19.6 14.3 8.9 -21.9 35.3 42.1 -22.8 34.2 43.9 -19.8 37.8 38.1 -21.7 35.5 41.7 -45.4 49.1 87.3 -46.2 31.2 88.9 The first important remark is that with the meaningful decrease of the distance to be covered from 300 km to 40 km, all bottled water scenarios result characterized by better performances and in particular, as expected, the utilisation of refillable glass bottled water becomes advantageous compared to one-way systems with respect to all the impact indicators except for the eutrophication for which the systems are characterized by comparable values. Indeed, as it can be seen in tables 5.6 and E.11, while one-way systems are characterized by an average 20% reduction of the impacts (40% for eutrophication) with respect to the base case, refillable systems register instead average reductions in the range of 40-45% (55% for eutrophication). This because, according to the higher mass that has to be transported in refillable scenarios (and in particular when glass bottles are utilised), with respect to one-way scenarios, transportation burdens of the former respond with higher variations. The PET refillable scenario remains however the best performing among all bottled water scenarios and it is also better than the surface water scenario if the utilisation of a car with the base case criteria of the inventory is foreseen. However, the sole reduction of transport distance for one-way systems does not affect the better performances of the tap groundwater system. Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 353 On the contrary, when transport distance increases up to 800 km the performances of all bottled water scenarios drastically worsen and in particular those associated with refilling systems, for the reasons early pointed out. In particular their impacts register an increase of about 80-90% (106-108% for eutrophication), while for one-way systems of about 38-42% (75-80% for eutrophication). In these conditions the use of refillable PET bottles results always the preferable system except for the eutrophication indicator, for which it is characterized by slightly worse performances than those of virgin and recycled PET one-way systems. The refillable glass bottled water scenario finally results the worst performing one, for the reasons explicated above. 5.3.7 Number of uses of refillable bottles (refillable scenarios) Based on the information provided by the examined bottling plant and by another producer, a number of 10 uses was hypothesised for refillable glass bottles in the inventory of chapter 4. Refillable PET bottles were instead assumed to be used 15 times on the basis of literature data reported by different studies concerning the German context. In view of the intrinsic properties of glass, a number of 10 uses appears quite limited. Indeed the mentioned studies consider an higher number of uses for this typology of bottles and, since the values they report are considered very reliable according to the well established nature of returning and refilling systems in Germany, on their basis we have defined the values of the parameters to be used in the present sensitivity analysis. A first important source is the already mentioned comprehensive LCA study published by the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA – Umweltbundesamt) which compares 27 packaging systems used for the delivering of mineral water, carbonated soft drinks, juices and wines (UBA, 2000a; 2000b). In this study a number of uses for 0.75, 0.7 and 0.25 litres water refillable glass bottles equal to 40, 50 and 29 are respectively considered. Being these values the results of a thorough market research which refers to the period 1994-1995, it means that they were actually achieved and potentially still now achievable. The also already mentioned more recent LCA study (IFEU, 2008) conducted by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IFEU-Institut für Energie und Umweltforschung), which compares mineral water one-way PET bottles with refillable glass and PET bottles belonging to the pool of the Cooperative of German Mineral Wells (GDB: Genossenschaft 354 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Deutscher Brunnen), considers a number of 40 uses for 0.7 litres refillable glass bottles not far from that employed in the UBA study (UBA, 2000a; 2000b). In the last study that was considered in paragraph 4.11.1, always performed by IFEU on behalf of the German Industrial Association of Plastic Packaging (Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen), which compares several packaging systems for mineral water and carbonated soft drinks delivering (IFEU, 2010), 0.5 litres mineral water refillable glass bottles are used 21 times while 0.7 litres and 0.75 litres ones 40 times. Finally, the same GDB declares that refillable glass bottles belonging to its pool are used for about 50 times, while those made of PET are used for about 15-25 times (GDB, 2010). The various literature values are summarised for clarity in table 5.7. Table 5.7: Number of refillable bottles uses considered in various sources Number of refillable bottles uses Typology of bottle Source UBA (2000a, 2000b) IFEU (2008) IFEU (2010) Glass – 0.75 litres 40 - 40 Glass – 0.7 litres 50 40 40 Glass – 0.25 litres/0.5 litres 29 (0.25 l) - 21 (0.5 l) PET – generic -* -* -* GDB (2010) 50 (generic) 15-25 (*)The values considered by these sources were already reported in table 4.55. On the basis of all these information, and excluding the values associated with little size bottles (0.25-0.5 litres), characterized by a lower number of uses because they are generally associated to an immediate (not domestic) consumption, we have decided to assume the following sensitivity parameters: 50 uses for glass bottles, and 25 uses for PET bottles. Note that the lower number of uses achievable with PET bottles is very likely associated with its progressive degradation resulting from both their repeated use and, above all, from their washing in warm caustic baths which fosters the potential hydrolysis of the polymeric chain, diminishing the molecular weight of the material and, in last instance, its strength (paragraph 4.6). 355 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis The results obtained for the four considered indicators are represented in figures 5.27 and E.21, as well as in tables 5.8 and E.12. Cumulative energy demand (CED) 600 MJ eq./F.U. 587.8 400 468.6 546.8 439.7 481.7 429.5 307.8 365.8 292.2 200 50.0 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace refillable groundw ater w ater Global warming kg CO2 eq./F.U. 30 26.2 27.4 20 24.8 23.8 25.0 25.2 16.5 20.7 15.8 10 2.1 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Figure 5.27: Results of the sensitivity on the number of uses of refillable bottles on the CED and the global warming indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios 356 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Table 5.8: Results of the sensitivity on the number of uses of refillable bottles on the CED and the global warming indicators for refillable bottled water scenarios CED (MJ eq./F.U.) GLASS refillable PET refillable Base case (10 glass/15 PET) MIN impact (50 glass/25 PET) %min Global warming (kg CO2 eq./F.U.) GLASS refillable PET refillable 481.7 307.8 26.2 16.5 429.5 292.2 25.5 15.8 -10.8 -5.1 -2.6 -4.4 Surprisingly, the effects of increasing the number of uses assigned to refillable bottles appear only marginal, especially with regard to PET bottles, for which a reduction of the impacts of only between 2.6% and 5.1% is obtained. Slightly higher are the reductions registered for glass bottles, about 11% for the CED indicator and 10% for the abiotic depletion. The number of 15 uses of PET bottles seems therefore already a good target, especially in view of the tendency of this material to the progressive degradation. On the contrary, the recommendation to increase at least to 20-25 the number of glass bottles uses can be given, even if an average increase of energy and resources savings of only about 5% is expected. Glass is indeed not subject to degradation, being an inert material. Transportation distances appear therefore the most important parameter with regard to refillable scenarios, rather than the number of uses considered for bottles. 5.3.8 Upper and lower bounds The values of the sensitivity parameters singularly considered in the previous paragraphs of this section are finally combined in such a way to define the upper and the lower bound of the potential impacts of each system with respect to all considered indicators. Table 5.9 summarises the way in which parameters are combined, while the results are represented in figures 5.28 and E.22, as well as in tables 5.10 and E.13. 357 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Table 5.9: Combination of sensitivity parameters for the definition of the upper and the lower bound of the impacts associated with all the investigated systems Tap water scenarios Bottled water scenarios Parameters/assumptions Scenarios Allocation factor of consumer purchasing trip burdens One-way bottled water scenarios Distance from bottling plants to retailers/local distributors All bottled water scenarios Number of uses for refillable bottles Refillable bottled water scenario Allocation of dishwashing burdens to the reusable glass jug Tap groundwater scenario Roundtrip distance from public fountains to consumers houses Typology of reusable containers employed to conserve water Tap surface water scenario Tap surface water scenario Lower bound Total purchasing of 60 items (1.67%) Base case Upper bound Total purchasing of 30 items (3.33%) Purchasing of only water (100%) 40 km 300 km 800 km Glass bottles: 50 PET bottles: 25 Washing every 5 uses as part of a load of 50 items Glass bottles: 10 PET bottles: 15 Washing every 4 uses as part of a load of 30 items 2 km 5.5 km 10 km 6 PET bottles by 1.5 litres 9 glass bottles by 1 litre - - Washing after each use as part of a load of 15 items 358 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Cumulative energy demand (CED) 1272.4 1200 1153.1 1231.3 1124.3 MJ eq./F.U. 1000 875.0 800 587.8 600 468.6 200 485.8 366.5 481.7 439.7 400 600.9 560.1 546.8 307.8 444.8 365.8 177.4 337.7 225.1 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. 161.0 50.0 165.6 GLASS PET refillable Tap Tap surface ref illable groundw ater w ater 40.5 Global warming 70 64.9 63.9 67.5 65.1 kg CO2 eq./F.U. 60 49.1 50 34.5 40 30 24.8 23.8 25.0 26.2 31.2 16.5 20 10 27.4 18.9 21.5 17.9 19.1 13.6 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable 8.2 20.7 9.6 2.1 9.2 PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater 1.5 Figure 5.28: Comparison among all the investigated scenarios of the upper and the lower bound obtained for the CED and the global warming indicators on the basis of the variation of the parameters considered during the sensitivity analysis 359 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis Table 5.10: Comparison among all the investigated scenarios of the upper and the lower bound obtained for the CED and the global warming indicators on the basis of the variation of the parameters considered during the sensitivity analysis CED (MJ eq./F.U.) Virgin PLA PLA Tap R-PET GLASS PET Tap PET one-way one-way surface one-way refillable refillable groundwater one-way compost. incin. water Base case Lower bound %min Upper bound %max Base case Lower bound %min Upper bound %max 468.6 439.7 587.8 546.8 481.7 307.8 50.0 365.8 366.5 337.7 485.8 444.8 225.1 161.0 40.5 165.6 -21.8 1153.1 146.1 -23.2 1124.3 -17.4 1272.4 -18.7 1231.3 -53.3 875.0 -47.7 560.1 -18.9 177.4 -54.7 600.9 155.7 116.5 125.2 81.6 82.0 254.9 64.3 Global warming (kg CO2 eq./F.U.) Virgin PLA PLA Tap PET R-PET one-way one-way GLASS PET Tap surface one-way one-way compost. incin. refillable refillable groundwater water 24.8 23.8 27.4 25.0 26.2 16.5 2.1 20.7 18.9 17.9 21.5 19.1 13.6 8.2 1.5 9.2 -24.0 64.9 161.6 -25.0 63.9 168.5 -21.7 67.5 146.3 -23.7 65.1 160.2 -48.0 49.1 87.3 -50.6 31.2 88.9 -27.3 9.6 367.6 -55.7 34.5 66.7 The results show a wide variability of the impacts, especially with regard to the upper bound of bottled water systems, in particular because of the important contribution given by the increase of transport distances and the allocation of consumers trip burdens. However we here limit ourselves to provide some considerations concerning those aspects which could not emerge when analysing the variation of the single parameters. The first consideration is that the tap groundwater system maintains always its better performances with respect to all of the one-way systems, even when the reusable jug is washed in inefficient conditions (washing after each use as part of a load of only 15 items), a short transport distance separates bottling plants from retailers (40 km) and an efficient purchasing trip of consumers to retailers store is assumed (total purchasing of 60 items). As already pointed out, the sole reduction of distances characterizing one-way systems along with performing an efficient purchasing trip is not sufficient to affect the better performances even of the worst case of the tap groundwater system, which does not involve the use of packaging materials. 360 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis The tap groundwater system remains also better performing than the refillable glass bottled one, when the latter is characterized by a short transport distance from bottling plant to retailers, and bottles are used for 50 times. When inefficient washing conditions of the reusable jug are considered, the performances of the groundwater scenario are instead slightly worse than those of the refillable PET one, when a short distance separates bottling plant from retailers (40 km) and bottles are used for 25 times. The only exception is represented by the eutrophication indicator, in respect of which the last mentioned scenario is always slightly better performing. Finally, always in the case of inefficient washing conditions, the groundwater system has an environmental profile comparable to the best case surface water scenario. With regard to the tap surface water systems, it is possible to notice how the best case in which a roundtrip distance of only 2 km is considered to separate public fountains from citizen house and plastic bottles are assumed to be utilised for 5 times, actually outperforms all one-way bottled water systems, as well as the glass refillable one. On the contrary, it is characterized by performances comparable to those of the best case PET refillable system with respect to the CED and the global warming indicators, while it is always slightly better with regard to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication indicators. As already emerged, the worst case of the surface water scenario, which is associated with a roundtrip transportation distance fountains-citizen house of 10 km without any allocation factor, is worse performing than all of the base cases of bottled water systems and also of the worst case of the refillable PET bottled one, except for the eutrophication indicator in respect of which it actually results better. It is also better performing than all the worst cases of oneway bottled water systems, as well as of the glass refillable one, but this does not however justify the 10 km travelling distance to withdraw water from public fountains. The value of the impacts to which it is compared (those of the worst cases of bottled water systems) has indeed not to be taken as reference, being associated with very poor performances, even greater of one order of magnitude with respect to the base case (especially for the CED indicator). With regard to the refillable PET system, it is possible to notice how its best case (transportation for 40 km and use of bottles for 25 times) is always better performing than all of the best cases of one-way systems (transportation for 40 km and efficient purchasing trip), as well as of the best cases of the glass refillable one. Also its base case outperforms all the Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 361 best cases of one-way systems (the only exception being the eutrophication indicator), but not the best case of the glass refillable one. On the contrary, the advantages which characterize the PET refillable system vanish if this is based on long distances (800 km) and one-way systems are based on medium (300 km) or short distances (40 km). Also the use of refillable glass bottles is advantageous from an environmental point of view with respect to all one-way bottled water systems, if this is characterized by short distances (40 km) even when the best cases of one-way systems are considered (the only exception being the eutrophication indicator, for which they are characterized by comparable performances). It is finally important to notice how the worst cases of both refilling systems (long transport distances) always constitute preferable options with respect to all one-way systems in the extreme case in which they are characterized by long distances and inefficient purchasing trip. From these results, it emerges therefore the importance of establishing a refilling system characterized by short transport distances (for instance of the order of about 50 km) and, to a lower extent, of assuring that glass bottles are utilised at least 20-25 times and PET bottles at least 15 times. This in order to limit the magnitude of its potential impacts and to be actually advantageous with respect to the use of one-way bottled water. 5.4 Concluding remarks and recommendations The results obtained from the overall analysis confirm our initial consideration concerning how a life cycle perspective has to be employed to verify if a waste prevention activity is actually sustainable from an environmental point of view, by applying a systemic approach which allows to evaluate all the associated energetic and environmental implications other than the sole reduction of the generated waste. Indeed, even if the tap groundwater system practically resulted the best performing for all the examined conditions, a complex framework is instead emerged for the others investigated scenarios. In particular, local aspects and consumers behaviour with regard to the use of tap water, as well as transport distances for bottled water systems, are result very important factors in the definition of the environmental performances of the respective scenarios, and therefore on the results of their comparison with the other investigated systems. 362 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis By keeping in mind all these considerations, it is however possible to give some important indications concerning the way of limiting not only waste generation but in general the environmental impacts associated with drinking water consumption by citizens. First of all, a reduction of the massive per capita consumption of one-way bottled (mineral) water currently registered in Italy (paragraph 1.5), is suggested. In our opinion this should be limited only to those cases in which, for instance for therapeutic reasons, the utilisation of water with a given content of minerals is recommended. A valid, less waste generating and less impacting alternative to the use of bottled water is represented by the use of public network water. With regard to this statement, we remember that drinkability of public network water at the point of use is a law requirement (paragraph 1.5). Utilisation of public network water is suggested also when a domestic purification treatment is carried out to improve the organoleptic quality of water, potentially worsened by the use of chlorine based disinfectants, or to remove solid particles which could have contaminated the water during its permanence into the distribution network because of its poor level of maintenance (infiltration of soil particles or detaching of calcareous deposits). According to the results of the analysis, the use of public network water further purified at domestic level actually represents the best available option whatever are the features potentially characterizing bottled water systems, provided that, if a dishwasher is used for the washing of the reusable container employed to conserve water, this is operated according to efficient criteria. Anyway, the systems results characterized by impacts corresponding to 255% of those associated with the use of one-way virgin PET or 50% recycled PET bottled water. To achieve their minimization we then suggest either to assure a long useful life to the reusable container or, when possible, to proceed only to its manual rinsing after use. If the use of a dishwasher is instead foreseen, the respective impacts can be significantly reduced by running it only when fully loaded, as well as by reducing the frequency of washing of the container at least after 4 or 5 uses. An equally valid option for the use of tap water resulted its delivering from public fountains after its further quality improvement beyond traditional purifying treatments, provided that certain conditions are assured. This also in order to limit the diffusion of the use of many decentralized domestic purification systems which, if not adequately managed, can lead to Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis 363 technical problems such as bacterial growing on activated carbon filters along with membrane perforation, conditions in which water quality could be actually worsened (paragraph 1.5). However, we have recognized how the means of transportation or either the distance to be covered are the most important factors in discriminating the actual sustainability of the use of such a system with respect to bottled water. In particular, if a car is utilised for water transportation from public fountains to consumers houses, a roundtrip distance of about 2.5 km should not be exceeded to maintain the environmental performances of the system of at least 6.5% below of the impacts of the best performing one-way bottled water system (characterized by short distances and efficient purchasing trips to retailers). The distance should instead decrease to 2 km to maintain its performances comparable to the best option of a refilling system based on the use of PET bottles and short distances Therefore, if a system based on the use of public fountains is to be implemented, care must be taken in assuring that the average distance to be covered by a citizen does not exceed 2-2.5 km so that the use of a car can be limited. This can be achieved for instance by ensuring a capillary distribution of fountains on the territory of the municipality to be served and by limiting their utilisation to the respective citizens. A more beneficial behaviour would be to completely avoid the use of a car, but we recognize that obviously this option cannot be practiced by all the people and especially by the elder. However in this case the impacts of the system would result in the range 6-21% of those pertaining to the use of virgin PET or 50% recycled PET one-way bottled water. The use of a refilling system based on PET bottles resulted another environmentally valid alternative for the substitution of the use of one-way bottled water (whatever are the features of the respective system), provided that it is characterized by short distances separating bottling facilities from local distributors. In particular our recommendation for these lasts is to choose, if possible, their supplier of bottled water in such a way that they are not separated from a distance exceeding 50 (or at most 100) km. A further recommendation is also to assure that bottles are used at least 15 times. At the above mentioned interval of distances, but especially at 50 km, the use of refillable glass bottles is still (longer) preferable to one-way bottled water but not with respect to refillable PET bottles. Therefore, if a new refilling system is to be implemented in a certain area, our suggestion is that PET should be utilised instead of glass bottles, keeping in mind all the previous considerations concerning transport distances and number of bottles uses. 364 Chapter 5. Results and sensitivity analysis However, if maximum distances of 50-100 km are not exceeded also the use of refillable glass bottles is suggested with respect to one-way ones. Being our study not aimed at discriminating any typology of packaging system, but rather at addressing consumers towards an environmentally sustainable behaviour at the moment of the choice of a water supply option, we finally would like to provide some indications to improve the environmental performances of one-way bottled water systems, for all that cases in which their utilisation is not avoidable, for instance for therapeutic reasons, as discussed above. First of all, the use of recycled raw materials for bottles manufacturing is an initial appreciable effort for this purpose, but we have recognized that it only leads to marginal environmental savings. More meaningful are instead those achievable by reducing transport distances from bottling facilities to local retailers to about 50 km and if an efficient purchasing trip to retailers is performed by citizens when a car is utilised, for example by purchasing at least 30 items. A last important finding of the study is that utilising polylactic acid as raw material for bottles manufacturing does not appear a sustainable choice if composting or incineration are foreseen as end of life options. Therefore a possible shifting to a large scale production of water packaged in PLA bottles seems not justified in these conditions. Recycling of bottles could lead to different conclusion but we believe that hardly it would affect the primacy of the use of tap water or of a short distance based refilling system. With regard to this issue, we finally underline how the potential impacts characterizing a tap water system could be even lower than those resulted in this study, because we have deliberately chosen to investigate two cases in which water is subject to quite intense treatments, especially with regard to the use of surface water withdrawn from the Arno river. On the contrary, there are other cases in which water is expected to undergo very limited treatment stages such as the sole disinfection, before being introduced into the distribution network. These would be for example the cases of mountains or hills spring water or of groundwater withdrawn from aquifers of regions not interested by important industrial or agricultural activities. Limitations and future research Some suggestions for the possible improvement of the life cycle modelling of the systems investigated in the present study are here presented, as well as some indications for future research. First of all, modelling of PLA composting was carried out on the basis of several assumptions with regard to its behaviour during this process, mainly based on the stoichiometry of the degradation reaction in which it is involved, because of the unavailability of more precise information. Therefore, despite composting does not result a proper end of life option for PLA bottles, the life cycle modelling of this process could be improved by acquiring more precise data concerning airborne emissions and generation of leachate. More interesting would be to obtain data concerning the process of PLA recycling in order to allow the modelling of a scenario in which this end of life option is taken into account. We have however recognized that the level of development of such a process is only at an early stage, and it appears unlikely that reliable life cycle data could be available within a short period of time. A last improvement concerning the modelling of the life cycle of PLA bottled water could be made by obtaining more robust data on the potential energy savings achievable during preforms and bottles manufacturing compared to PET ones, which in the present study were defined on the basis of only rough estimates. With regard to the life cycle of refillable PET bottles, primary data concerning energy consumptions associated with the washing stage could be also obtained and utilised in substitution of the estimates performed during the inventory. Being water consumptions an always more important environmental issue, their quantification in both the life cycles of tap and bottled water delivery could be finally more thoroughly performed. 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Pellgrino 1 (Nestlè waters) San Benedetto (Zoppas) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rocchetta/Uliveto (CoGeDi) Ferrarelle (Pontecorvo) Fonti di Vinadio (Bertone) Norda (Pessina) Spumador Monticchio Brands Acqua Panna-Levissima-Nestlè Vera-PejoRecoaro-San Bernardo-San Pellegrino Acqua di Nepi-Fonte Vivia-Alpe Guizza Fonte Caudana-Primavera delle Alpi-Gran Guizza Valle Reale-Fonte Primavera-San Benedetto-Fonte Guizza-Primavera Fonte Delicata Rocchetta-Rocchetta Brio Blu-Uliveto Boario-Vitasnella-Ferrarelle-Natia-Sant'Agata(Evian) Alpi Bianche-Alte Vette-Sant’Anna di VinadioSant’Anna Sorgente Rebruant-Cime BiancheValle Stura Daggio-Luna-Acquachiara-Ducale-Lynx-San Fermo Sant'Andrea-Sant'Antonio-San Carlo Spinone Gaudianello-Leggera First eight Others producers Total -Italy- Volume produced - year 2008 Million litres % 2.800 22.4 2.200 17.6 900 7.2 800 6.4 750 6 550 500 400 8.900 3.600 12.500 4.4 4 3.2 71.2 28.8 100 380 Appendix A Table A.2: Calculated distance from Milan of bottling plants belonging to main Italian packaged mineral water producer groups Producer groups S. Pellgrino (Nestlè waters) San Benedetto (Zoppas) Rocchetta/Uliveto (CoGeDi) Ferrarelle (Pontecorvo) Fonti di Vinadio (Bertone) Norda (Pessina) Spumador Monticchio Gaudianello Sangemini Brands Acqua Panna Levissima Nestlè Vera (Fonte In Bosco) Pejo Recoaro San Bernardo San Pellegrino Acqua di Nepi / Fonte Vivia Alpe Guizza Fonte Caudana / Primavera delle Alpi Gran Guizza Valle Reale / Fonte Primavera San Benedetto / Fonte Guizza / Primavera Fonte Delicata Rocchetta / Rocchetta Brio Blu Uliveto Boario / Vitasnella Ferrarelle / Natia / Sant'Agata/ (Evian)* Alpi Bianche / Alte Vette / Sant’Anna di Vinadio / Sant’Anna Sorgente Rebruant / Cime Bianche / Valle Stura Daggio / Luna Acquachiara Ducale Lynx / San Fermo Sant'Andrea Sant'Antonio SanCarlo Spinone Plant location Scarperia (FI) Cepina Valdisotto (SO) San Giorgio in Bosco (PD) Cogolo di Pejo (TN) Recoaro Terme (VI) Garessio (CN) S. Pellegrino Terme (BG) Nepi (VT) Distance from Milan (km) 286 198 253 223 230 240 71 533 Donato (BI) 126 Popoli (PE) 618 Scorzè (VE) Gualdo Tadino (PG) Vico Pisano Terme (PI) Darfo Boario Terme (BS) 272 491 300 131 Riardo (CE) 771 Vinadio (CN) Primaluna (LC) Valli del Pasubio (VI) Tarsogno (PR) Masanti di Bedonia (PR) Medesano (PR) Caslino al Piano (CO) Spinone al Lago (BG) 249 79 262 189 184 139 38 80 Gaudianello / Leggera Melfi (PZ) 823 Fabia / Effe Viva / Sangemini (*) Not located in Italy and therefore non considered San Gemini (TR) Average distance Assumed in this study 516 292 300 381 Appendix A Table A.3: Masses of 1 litre glass bottles of main Italian mineral water brands (Provided by personal communication with the companies) Provided values Assumed values Brand (g/bottle) (g/bottle) Acqua Panna 460 460 Levissima 475 475 Pejo 500 500 Recoaro 551.3 551.3 S. Bernardo 495-500 497.5 San Pellegrino 450-470 460 Rocchetta 450 450 Uliveto 450 450 Ferrarelle 450 450 Norda Daggio 450-470 460 Spumador S. Andrea 450 screw cap - 500 crown cap 475 Average 475 382 Appendix A Appendix B B.1 Airborne emissions of paper and PLA incineration processes Table B.1: Airborne emissions calculated for paper and PLA incineration processes Pollutants Particulate TOC* CO HCl SOX NOX NH3 N2O HF PCDD/F PAH Sb As Cd+Tl Cr Co Cu Pb Mn Hg Ni Sn V Zn Biogenic CO2 Concentrations Emission factors Emission factors @ 11% O2, dry gas PAPER PLA mg/m3n mg/kgWW 0.09 0.65 0.84 0.4 2.91 3.72 5.8 42.21 53.93 1.9 13.83 17.67 0.4 2.91 3.72 39.6 288.2 368.2 0.71 5.17 6.60 0.96 6.99 8.93 0.13 0.95 1.21 ng/kgWW 0.0018 0.0131 0.0167 g/kgWW 0.052 0.378 0.484 0.5 3.64 4.65 1.1 3.64 4.65 0.5 8.01 10.23 0.5 3.64 4.65 0.5 3.64 4.65 2 3.64 4.65 0.6 4.37 5.58 0.5 4.37 5.58 0.6 14.55 18.60 0.5 3.64 4.65 0.5 3.64 4.65 0.65 4.73 6.04 mg/kgWW 0.0184 0.134 0.171 kg/kgWW 1.38 2.02 (*) Modelled as Non Methanic VOC in the LCA software 384 Appendix B Appendix C C.1 Composition and modelling of detergents employed for filler machine washing Table C.1: Components of the alkaline detergent employed for daily filler machine washing and respective modelling Original components Potassium hydroxide Alkaline detergent (Enduro Super) Composition Ecoinvent module (%) Potassium hydroxide, at regional 15% storage/RER EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, at 5% plant/RER Alkylbenzene sulfonate, linear, petrochemical, 5% at plant/RER Tetrasodium EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) Anionic surfactant (potassium alkylbenzenesulphonate) Non-ionic surfactant (N,Ndimethyltetradecylamine N-oxide) ethanol, 2,2´-iminobis-, N-tallow alkyldirivs., N-oxides Demineralised water 5% Dimethylamine, at plant/RER (5%) Not inventoried 70% Water, deionised, at plant/CH Table C.2: Components of the acid detergent employed for daily filler machine washing and respective modelling Original components Phosphoric acid Isoprophilic alchool Non-ionic surfactant (N,Ndimethyltetradecylamine N-oxide) Acid detergent (Enduro CID) Composition Ecoinvent module (%) Phosphoric acid, industrial grade, 85% in 30% H2O, at plant/RER 15% Isopropanol, at plant/RER Non-ionic surfactant (alkyl alcohol ethoxylate) Cationic surfactant (cetrimonium chloride) Demineralised water 5% 5% (5%) 45% Dimethylamine, at plant/RER Ethoxylated alcohols, unspecified, at plant/RER Not inventoried Water, deionised, at plant/CH 386 Appendix C Table C.3: Components of the foaming disinfectant employed for daily filler machine washing and respective modelling Original components Foaming disinfectant (Diverfoam active) Composition Ecoinvent module (%) 10% Acetic acid, 98% in H2O, at plant/RER 20% Hydrogen peroxide, 50% in H2O, at plant/RER Acetic acid Hydrogen peroxide Non-ionic surfactant (alkyl alcohol ethoxylate) Anionic surfactant (alkyl benzenesulphonic acid) Peracetic acid (PAA) Modelled through its precursors: Acetic acid: 0.45 kg/kg PAA; Hydrogen peroxide: 0.79 kg/ kg PAA. Demineralised water 5% Ethoxylated alcohols, unspecified, at plant/RER 5% Alkylbenzene sulfonate, linear, petrochemical, at plant/RER 5% Modelled through its precursors: Acetic acid, 98% in H2O, at plant/RER; Hydrogen peroxide, 50% in H2O, at plant/RER. 55% Water, deionised, at plant/CH Table C.4: Components of the caustic detergent employed for weekly filler machine washing and respective modelling Original components Sodium Hydroxide Caustic detergent (Distar 44) Composition Ecoinvent module (%) Sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, 30% at plant/RER Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate, modified (nonionic surfactant) Alkyl alcohol alkoxylate (anionic surfactant) Demineralised water 5% (5%) 65% Ethoxylated alcohols, unspecified, at plant/RER Not inventoried Water, deionised, at plant/CH Table C.5: Components of the not-foaming disinfectant employed for weekly filler machine washing and respective modelling Not-foaming disinfectant (Divosan forte)* Composition Original components Ecoinvent module (%) The disinfectant is a 15-30% peracetic acid Modelled through its precursors: solution (PAA), modelled through its Acetic acid, 98% in H2O, at plant/RER; precursors: 30% Hydrogen peroxide, 50% in H2O, at Acetic acid: 0.45 kg/kg PAA; plant/RER. Hydrogen peroxide: 0.79 kg/ kg PAA. Demineralised water 70% Water, deionised, at plant/CH (*) Also employed for bottles washing 387 Appendix C C.2 Composition and modelling of detergents employed for bottles washing Table C.6: Components of the descaling agent employed for bottles washing and respective modelling Descaling agent (Divo MR) Composition Original components (%) Ecoinvent module Sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, at Sodium Hydroxide 2% plant/RER Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, at (EDTA) 30% plant/RER Demineralised water 68% Water, deionised, at plant/CH Table C.7: Components of the defoaming agent employed for bottles washing and respective modelling Defoaming agent (Integra HD) Original components Composition (%) Ecoinvent module Alkyl alcohol alkoxylate 15% Not inventoried Nitrilotrimethylenetri(phosphonic acid) 5% Not inventoried Demineralised water 80% Water, deionised, at plant/CH Table C.8: Components of the sequestering agent employed for bottles washing and respective modelling Components Phosphonic acid Nitrilotrimethylenetri(phosphonic acid) Demineralised water Sequestering agent (Divo RL) Composition (%) Ecoinvent module Phosphoric acid, industrial grade, 85% in H2O, at 5% plant/RER (30%) 95% Not inventoried Water, deionised, at plant/CH 388 Appendix C Appendix D Virgin LDPE granules manufacturing Virgin LLDPE granules manufacturing Virgin LDPE granules manufacturing Caps injection moulding Labels manufacturing Heat shrink films extrusion Stretch films extrusion Top films extrusion Cardboard interlayer production Preforms injection moulding Preforms stretch blow moulding Filling & packing of bottles, palletization of bundles Maintenance & filler machine washings Hot rolled steel for nails manufacturing Pallets manufacturing Transport packaging materials Primary packaging materials Virgin PET granules manufacturing Wooden boards & glued particle boards manufacturing Lubricating oil manufacturing Detergents production Bottling plant operations Lubricating oil incineration Unbleached thermo-mechanical pulp avoided production Cardboard interlayer recycling (manufacturing of secondary pulp) Transp. of palletized bottles Transp. of empty pallets Retailing Wooden planks avoided production Stretch films and top films recycling (manufacturing of profiled bars made from polyolefines) Use and waste generation Pallets wood recycling (manufacturing of particle boards) Plywood boards avoided production Pallets steel nails recycling (remelting in EAF2) Primary steel avoided production in BOF1 Bottles, caps, labels and bundle heat shrink films to the downstream processes of the waste management system Appendix D = Not modelled processes = Fictitious processes (1) BOF: Basic oxygen furnace (2) EAF: Electric arc furnace (3) WWTP: Wastewaters treatment plant Transportation of bottles bundle Treatment of washing water at WWTP3 390 Paper production Figure D.1: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing baseline scenario 1 (utilisation of virgin PET one-way bottled water) Virgin HDPE granules manufacturing Virgin LDPE granules manufacturing Virgin LLDPE granules manufacturing Virgin LDPE granules manufacturing Caps injection moulding Labels manufacturing Heat shrink films extrusion Stretch films extrusion Top films extrusion SSP4 of recovered PET granules Wooden boards & glued particle boards manufacturing Preforms injection moulding Preforms stretch blow moulding Filling & packing of bottles, palletization of bundles Hot rolled steel for nails manufacturing Pallets manufacturing Transport packaging materials Primary packaging materials Virgin PET granules manufacturing Cardboard interlayer production Lubricating oil manufacturing Maintenance & filler machine washings Detergents production Bottling plant operations Lubricating oil incineration Unbleached thermo-mechanical pulp avoided production Cardboard interlayer recycling (manufacturing of secondary pulp) Transp. of palletized bottles Transp. of empty pallets Retailing Wooden planks avoided production Stretch films and top films recycling (manufacturing of profiled bars made from polyolefines) Selection and recycling of bottles (for BtB2 recycling) Use and waste generation Pallets wood recycling (manufacturing of particle boards) Plywood boards avoided production Pallets steel nails recycling (remelting in EAF3) Primary steel avoided production in BOF1 Bottles, caps, labels and bundle heat shrink films to the downstream processes of the waste management system = Not modelled processes = Fictitious processes (1) BOF: Basic oxygen furnace (2) BtB: Bottle to Bottle (3) EAF: Electric arc furnace (4) SSP: Solid state polycondensation (5)WWTP: Wastewaters treatment plant 391 post consumer bottles (only the amount required for bottles manufacturing) Transportation of bottles bundle Treatment of washing water at WWTP5 Appendix D Paper production Figure D.2: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing baseline scenario 2 (utilisation of recycled PET one-way bottled water) modelled through the closed loop approach; the processes which differ from figure D.1 are represented in grey Virgin HDPE granules manufacturing Virgin LDPE granules manufacturing Virgin LLDPE granules manufacturing Virgin LDPE granules manufacturing Caps injection moulding Labels manufacturing Heat shrink films extrusion Stretch films extrusion Top films extrusion Cardboard interlayer production Preforms injection moulding Preforms stretch blow moulding Filling & packing of bottles, palletization of bundles Maintenance & filler machine washings Hot rolled steel for nails manufacturing Pallets manufacturing Transport packaging materials Primary packaging materials Virgin PLA granules manufacturing Wooden boards & glued particle boards manufacturing Lubricating oil manufacturing Detergents production Bottling plant operations Lubricating oil incineration Unbleached thermo-mechanical pulp avoided production Cardboard interlayer recycling (manufacturing of secondary pulp) Transp. of palletized bottles Transp. of empty pallets Retailing Wooden planks avoided production Stretch films and top films recycling (manufacturing of profiled bars made from polyolefines) Use and waste generation Pallets wood recycling (manufacturing of particle boards) Plywood boards avoided production Pallets steel nails recycling (remelting in EAF2) Primary steel avoided production in BOF1 Bottles, caps, labels and bundle heat shrink films to the downstream processes of the waste management system Appendix D = Not modelled processes = Fictitious processes (1) BOF: Basic oxygen furnace (2) EAF: Electric arc furnace (3) WWTP: Wastewaters treatment plant Transportation of bottles bundle Treatment of washing water at WWTP3 392 Paper production Figure D.3 Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing baseline scenario 3 (utilisation of PLA one-way bottled water), the processes which differ from figure D.1 are represented in grey Virgin HDPE granules manufacturing Activated carbon production (for filter, as carbon coke) 2)Excavation and laying of pipes Life cycle of GAC1 filters and aeration towers materials manufacturing and recycling of • stainless steel filters and towers • carbon steel filters • PP towers Life cycle of pumping stations (pumps and buildings) Activated carbon reactivation Manufacturing of a glass jug Post consumer jug Domestic ‘depuration’ (quality improvement) Water purification Activated carbon disposal in landfill Life cycle of water reservoirs (infrastructures) Treatment of rejected water at WWTP2 Use at consumers house Dishwashing of the jug Treatment of washing water at WWTP2 = Fictitious processes Recycling of the jug (only the amount not utilised for its manufacturing) (1) GAC: Granulated activated carbon (2) WWTP: Wastewaters treatment plant Appendix D Activated carbon production (modelled as carbon coke) 393 Figure D.4: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 1A (utilisation of purified groundwater from the tap) Life cycle of water supply network materials: 1)manufacturing and recycling of: • carbon steel pipes • cast iron pipes • HDPE pipes Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) production Virgin PP granules manufacturing PP pre-filter extrusion Activated carbon production (for filter, as carbon coke) Manufacturing of glass bottles Mining and preparation of quartziferous sand Activated carbon production (modelled as carbon coke) Post consumer bottles Withdrawing of water from public fountains Public water quality improvement Water purification Transportation of withdrawn water Activated carbon reactivation Disposal of sludge in landfill Infrastructures: modelled as in the tap groundwater scenario (figure D.4) = Fictitious processes PP pre-filter incineration Activated carbon disposal in landfill Treatment of rejected water at WWTP2 Avoided energy generation (1) PWG: Potable water grade (2) WWTP: Wastewaters treatment plant Recycling of bottles (only the amount not utilised for their manufacturing) Use at consumers house 394 Production of chemicals: Hydrochloric acid (HCl) Sodium chlorite (NaClO2) Polyaluminium chloride (PACl) Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) Acrylonitrile (models PWG1 polyelectrolite) Appendix D Figure D.5: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 1B (utilisation of purified surface water from public fountains) • • • • • Aluminium ingots manufacturing from virgin raw materials and industrial scraps Hot and cold rolling of sheets Caps moulding aluminium caps (only the amount required for caps manufacturing) rejected bottles (only the amount required for bottles manufacturing) Paper production Virgin HDPE granules manufacturing Virgin LDPE granules manufacturing Labels manufacturing Crates injection moulding Ligature extrusion Transport packaging materials Primary packaging materials NaOH & detergents production Washing, filling & packing of bottles, palletization of crates Maintenance & filler machine washings Detergents production Lubricating oil incineration Treatment of washing water at WWTP3 Transp. of palletized bottles Ligature incineration Transp. of empty palletized bottles Local distributors Transportation of bottles crates Transp. of crates with empty bottles Use Pallets wood recycling (manufacturing of particle boards) Plywood boards avoided production Pallets steel nails recycling (remelting in EAF2) Primary steel avoided production in BOF1 Crates recycling (production of secondary HDPE granules) Virgin HDPE granules avoided production 395 = Not modelled processes = Fictitious processes (1) BOF: Basic oxygen furnace (2) EAF: Electric arc furnace (3) WWTP: Wastewaters treatment plant Pallets manufacturing Waste generation Remaining bottles, remaining caps and labels to the downstream processes of the waste management system Avoided energy generation Hot rolled steel for nails manufacturing Lubricating oil manufacturing Bottling plant operations Depalletization of crates & unpacking of bottles from crates Wooden boards & glued particle boards manufacturing Appendix D Aluminium ingots manufacturing from post consumer scraps Figure D.6: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 2A (utilisation of refillable glass bottled water) modelled through the closed loop approach Glass bottles manufacturing (sorting and remelting of cullet with virgin raw materials Bottles injection stretch blow moulding Caps injection moulding Virgin PP granules manufacturing Virgin HDPE granules manufacturing Virgin LDPE granules manufacturing Crates injection moulding Ligature extrusion Labels film extrusion Labels manufacturing Primary packaging materials NaOH & detergents production Transport packaging materials Hot rolled steel for nails manufacturing Pallets manufacturing Lubricating oil manufacturing Bottling plant operations Depalletization of crates & unpacking of bottles from crates Wooden boards & glued particle boards manufacturing Washing, filling & packing of bottles, palletization of crates Maintenance & filler machine washings Detergents production Lubricating oil incineration Waste generation Bottles, caps and labels to the downstream processes of the waste management system Avoided energy generation Ligature incineration Treatment of washing water at WWTP3 Transp. of palletized bottles Local distributors Transportation of bottles crates Transp. of crates with empty bottles Use Pallets wood recycling (manufacturing of particle boards) Plywood boards avoided production Pallets steel nails recycling (remelting in EAF2) Primary steel avoided production in BOF1 Crates recycling (production of secondary HDPE granules) Virgin HDPE granules avoided production Appendix D = Not modelled processes = Fictitious processes (1) BOF: Basic oxygen furnace (2) EAF: Electric arc furnace (3) WWTP: Wastewaters treatment plant Transp. of empty palletized bottles 396 Virgin HDPE granules manufacturing Figure D.7: Representation of the major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 2B (utilisation of refillable PET bottled water), the processes which differ from figure D.6 are represented in grey Virgin PET granules manufacturing Appendix D 397 Table D.1: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing baseline scenario 1 (utilisation of virgin PET one-way bottled water) Processes/natural resources consumptions/emissions Unit Amount Primary packaging materials manufacturing PET preforms manufacturing* Production of virgin bottle grade PET granules g/l 22.6 Injection moulding of preforms from granules HDPE caps manufacturing* Production of virgin HDPE granules g/l 1.62 Injection moulding of caps from granules Paper labels manufacturing Production of wood-containing mechanical paper g/l 0.404 Secondary packaging materials life cycle LDPE bundle heat shrink films manufacturing* Production of virgin LDPE granules g/l 2.55 Extrusion of films from granules Handle PP adhesive tape manufacturing* Production of virgin PP granules g/l 0.055 Extrusion of tape from granules Handle cardboard strip manufacturing Production of cardboard (white lined chipboard) g/l 0.146 Incineration of handle adhesive tape g/l 0.054 Incineration of handle cardboard strip g/l 0.146 Transport packaging materials life cycle Production of wooden standard 80×120 cm EUR-EPAL pallets (only materials) unit/l 6.54×10-5 Cardboard interlayer manufacturing Production of cardboard (white lined chipboard) g/l 2.54 LLDPE stretch-films manufacturing* Production of virgin LLDPE granules g/l 0.329 Extrusion of films from granules LDPE top films manufacturing* Production of virgin LDPE granules g/l 0.235 Extrusion of films from granules Recycling of pallets wood (manufacturing of particle boards) kg/l 1.61×10-3 Recycling of pallets steel nails (remelting in electric arc furnace) kg/l 1.28×10-5 Recycling of cardboard interlayer (manufacturing of secondary pulp) g/l 2.54 Recycling of films (manufacturing of profiled bars made from polyolefines) g/l 0.55 Bottling plant operations Electricity for bottling plant operations (including preforms stretch blow kWh/l 0.0207 moulding) Lubricating oil manufacturing (for machineries maintenance) kg/l 1.56×10-6 Lubricating oil incineration kg/l 1.56×10-6 (*) The transportation of granules for 100 km by lorry and 200 km by rail from the manufacturing to the conversion plant is also considered continues on next page 398 Appendix D continues from previous page Filler machine washing Water, unspecified origin (natural resource) Alkaline detergent (daily washing) Acid detergent (daily washing) Foaming disinfectant (daily washing) Caustic detergent (weekly washing) Not-foaming disinfectant (weekly washing) COD waterborne emissions Nitrogen (N) waterborne emissions Phosphorus (P) waterborne emissions Treatment of washing water (unpolluted sewage) to wastewater treatment plant Transportations Transportation of palletized bundles from bottling plant to retailers (and return trip with empty pallets) by lorry > 16 t (European fleet average) for 300 km (single trip) Roundtrip transportation of one bundle from retailers to consumers house for 10 km litres/l kg/l kg/l kg/l kg/l kg/l g/l g/l g/l litres/l 0.0388 3.75×10-6 2.5×10-6 1.88×10-6 1.88×10-6 6.55×10-6 1.01×10-3 1.63×10-5 2.21×10-4 0.0388 kg×km/l 318.9 (delivering trip) 9.72 (return trip) km/l 0.037 Table D.2: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing baseline scenario 2 (utilisation of recycled PET one-way bottled water, modelled through the closed loop approach) which differ from baseline scenario 1 Processes Unit Amount Primary packaging materials manufacturing PET preforms manufacturing* Production of virgin bottle grade PET granules g/l 11.3 Selection of post consumer PET bottles g/l 14.1 Mechanical recycling of post consumer PET bottles (production of secondary g/l 14.1 PET granules) Solid state polycondensation (SSP) of recovered PET granules g/l 11.3 Injection moulding of preforms from granules g/l 22.6 (*) The transportation of granules for 100 km by lorry (>16 t) and 200 km by rail from the manufacturing to the conversion plant is also considered Table D.3: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing baseline scenario 3 (utilisation of PLA one-way bottled water) which differ from baseline scenario 1 Processes Unit Amount Primary packaging materials manufacturing PLA preforms manufacturing* Production of virgin PLA granules g/l 22.6 Injection moulding of preforms from granules (*) The transportation of granules for 100 km by lorry (>16 t) and 200 km by rail from the manufacturing to the conversion plant is also considered 399 Appendix D Table D.4: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 1A (utilisation of purified groundwater from the tap) Processes/natural resources consumptions/emissions Water purification Groundwater (natural resource) Electricity Production of virgin activated carbon (modelled as carbon coke) Reactivation of exhausted activated carbon Production of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO – pure substance) Water supply network materials life cycle Manufacturing of carbon steel hot rolled sheets Drawing of seamless pipes from hot rolled steel sheets Manufacturing of cast iron ingots Hot rolling of sheets from cast iron ingots Drawing of seamless pipes from hot rolled cast iron sheets (approximation of the real process) Production of cement mortar for cast iron pipes coating (internal surface) Production of zinc for cast iron pipes coating (external surface) Manufacturing of virgin HDPE granules Extrusion of pipes from HDPE granules Recycling of steel and cast iron pipes (remelting in electric arc furnace) Recycling of HDPE pipes (production of secondary HDPE granules) Excavation with hydraulic digger for laying of pipes (from Ecoinvent) Building machine life cycle (for laying of pipes, from Ecoinvent, as MJ of consumed diesel) GAC filters and aeration towers materials life cycle Manufacturing of stainless steel hot rolled sheets Manufacturing of carbon steel hot rolled sheets Cold rolling of steel sheets for filters and towers manufacturing Production of virgin PP granules Injection moulding of towers from granules (approximation of the real process) Recycling of steel filters and towers (remelting in electric arc furnace) Recycling of PP towers (production of secondary PP granules) Pumping stations: life cycle of materials utilised for pumps and infrastructures manufacturing (from Ecoinvent) Water reservoirs: life cycle of materials utilised for reservoirs manufacturing (from Ecoinvent) Domestic depuration of water (quality improvement) Purified groundwater from the tap (module described above in this table) Electricity Production of activated carbon for the filter (modelled as carbon coke) Disposal of activated carbon into an inert material landfill Treatment of rejected water (unpolluted sewage) at wastewaters treatment plant Glass jug life cycle Manufacturing of a generic white glass container (from 60.5% of glass cullet) Recycling of the jug (remelting with virgin raw materials), only the amount not employed for jug manufacturing Unit Amount litres/l kWh/l kg/l kg/l kg/l 1.12 0.000485 6.12×10-7 1.22×10-5 1.03×10-7 kg/l 1.76×10-6 kg/l 1.19×10-5 kg/l kg/l 2.99 ×10-7 8.20 ×10-8 kg/l 2.41×10-8 kg/l kg/l m3/l 1.37×10-5 2.4×10-8 1.37×10-6 MJ/l 7.37×10-6 kg/l kg/l kg/l 6.205×10-8 5.14×10-8 1.13×10-7 kg/l 2.81×10-10 kg/l kg/l 1.13×10-7 2.79×10-10 units/l 1.99×10-12 units/l 5.32×10-12 litres/l kWh/l kg/l kg/l litres/l 3 2.63×10-3 3.3×10-3 3.3×10-3 2 g/l 3.12 g/l 1.23 continues on next page 400 Appendix D continues from previous page Dishwashing of the jug Electricity Purified water from the tap Treatment of washing water (unpolluted sewage) at wastewaters treatment plant kWh/l litres/l litres/l 0.011 0.131 0.131 Table D.5: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 1B (utilisation of purified surface water from public fountains) Processes/natural resources consumptions/emissions Water purification River water (natural resource) Electricity Production of hydrochloric acid (HCl) - pure substance Production of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) - 25% m/m solution Production of polyaluminium chloride (PACl) - 10% as Al2O3 m/m sol Production of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) - pure substance Production of acrylonitrile (models PWG* polyelectrolyte) Production of quartziferous sand Production of virgin activated carbon (modelled as carbon coke) Reactivation of exhausted activated carbon Disposal of sludge into an inert material landfill Water supply network materials life cycle (as groundwater scenario, table D.4) GAC filters and aeration towers materials life cycle (as groundwater scenario, table D.4) Pumping stations: life cycle of materials utilised for pumps and infrastructures manufacturing (from Ecoinvent, as groundwater scenario, table D.4) Water reservoirs: life cycle of materials utilised for reservoirs manufacturing (from Ecoinvent, as groundwater scenario, table D.4) Public water quality improvement Purified surface water from the network (module described above in this table) Electricity Production of virgin PP granules for pre-filter manufacturing Extrusion of pre-filter from PP granules Production of activated carbon for the filter (modelled as carbon coke) Incineration of PP pre-filter Disposal of activated carbon into an inert material landfill Treatment of rejected water (unpolluted sewage) at wastewaters treatment plant Glass bottles life cycle Manufacturing of a generic green glass container (from 83.5% of glass cullet) Manufacturing of a generic white glass container (from 60.5% of glass cullet) Recycling of bottles (remelting with virgin raw materials), only the amount not employed for bottles manufacturing Water transportation Roundrtip transportation of bottles from public fountains to consumers house by car for 5.5 km (*) PWG: Potable Water Grade Unit Amount litres/l kWh/l kg/l kg/l kg/l kg/l kg/l kg/l kg/l kg/l kg/l - 1.18 0.000382 6.33×10-6 1.68×10-5 7.2×10-5 1.46×10-6 3.22 ×10-7 1.18×10-5 1.29×10-6 1.08×10-5 1.74 ×10-5 - - - units/l 1.99×10-12 units/l 5.32×10-12 litres/l kWh/l 1.08 0.01 kg/l 1.54×10-5 kg/l kg/l kg/l litres/l 4.17×10-5 1.5×10-5 4.17×10-5 0.08 g/l g/l 14.05 14.05 g/l 7.87 km/l 0.611 Appendix D 401 Table D.6: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 2A (utilisation of refillable glass bottled water), modelled through the closed loop approach Processes/natural resources consumptions/emissions Unit Amount Primary packaging materials manufacturing Bottles manufacturing Manufacturing of white glass bottles (generic glass container from 60.5% of g/l 23.75 cullet) Manufacturing of green glass bottles (generic glass container from 80.5% of g/l 23.75 cullet) Aluminium caps manufacturing Manufacturing of aluminium ingots (European mix) Fabrication of aluminium sheets from ingots (hot and cold rolling) g/l 1.75 Moulding of caps from sheets (approximated with the process of cold impact extrusion) Paper labels manufacturing Production of wood-containing mechanical paper g/l 1.06 Secondary packaging materials life cycle HDPE crates manufacturing* Production of virgin HDPE granules g/l 1.68 Injection moulding of crates from granules Recycling of crates (production of secondary HDPE granules) g/l 1.67 Transport packaging materials life cycle Production of wooden 95×120 cm pallets (only materials) unit/l 9.26×10-5 LDPE ligature manufacturing* Production of virgin LDPE granules g/l 0.04 Extrusion of ligature from granules Recycling of pallets wood (manufacturing of particle boards) kg/l 2.70×10-3 Recycling of pallets steel nails (remelting in electric arc furnace) kg/l 2.14×10-5 Ligature incineration g/l 0.039 Bottling plant operations Electricity for bottling plant operations (including bottles washing) kWh/l 0.0134 Lubricating oil manufacturing (for machineries maintenance) kg/l 1.56×10-6 Lubricating oil incineration kg/l 1.56×10-6 Filler machine washing modelled as in one way scenarios (*) The transportation of granules for 100 km by lorry (>16 t) and 200 km by rail from the manufacturing to the conversion plant is also considered continues on next page 402 Appendix D continues from previous page Bottles washing Water, unspecified origin (natural resource) Natural gas (burned in industrial furnace) Caustic soda (NaOH), pure substance Descaling agent Defoaming agent Sequestering agent Not-foaming disinfectant COD waterborne emissions Nitrogen (N) waterborne emissions Phosphorus (P) waterborne emissions Treatment of washing water (unpolluted sewage) to wastewaters treatment plant Transportations litres/l MJ/l kg/l kg/l kg/l kg/l kg/l g/l g/l g/l litres/l Transportation of palletized water from bottling plant to local distributors (and return trip with empty palletized bottles) by lorry > 16 t (European fleet average) for 300 km (single trip) kg×km/l Transportation of bottles crates from local distributors to consumers house (and return trip with empty bottles) by lorry 3.5-16 t (European fleet average) for 20 km (single trip) kg×km/l 1 0.223 7.98×10-4 2.5×10-4 2.19×10-4 9.38×10-5 5.31×10-5 1.63×10-1 6.01×10-3 1.37×10-3 1 510 (delivering trip) 210 (return trip) 32.8 (delivering trip) 12.8 (return trip) Appendix D 403 Table D.7: Major upstream life cycle processes characterizing waste prevention scenario 2B (utilisation of refillable PET bottled water) Processes/natural resources consumptions/emissions Unit Amount Primary packaging materials manufacturing PET bottles manufacturing* Production of virgin bottle grade PET granules g/l 4.13 Injection stretch blow moulding of bottles from granules HDPE caps manufacturing* Production of virgin HDPE granules g/l 3.22 Injection moulding of caps from granules PP labels manufacturing* Production of virgin PP granules g/l 0.615 Extrusion of labels film from granules Secondary packaging materials life cycle HDPE crates manufacturing* Production of virgin HDPE granules g/l 1.55 Injection moulding of crates from granules Recycling of crates (production of secondary HDPE granules) g/l 1.54 Transport packaging materials life cycle Production of wooden 80×120 cm standard EUR-EPAL pallets (only materials) unit/l 1.04×10-4 LDPE ligature manufacturing* Production of virgin LDPE granules g/l 0.0384 Extrusion of ligature from granules Recycling of pallets wood (manufacturing of particle boards) kg/l 2.56×10-3 Recycling of pallets steel nails (remelting in electric arc furnace) kg/l 2.03×10-5 Ligature incineration g/l 0.0375 Bottling plant operations modelled as in the glass refillable scenario (table D.6) except for natural gas consumptions of bottles washing: Natural gas (burned in industrial furnace) MJ/l 0.089 Transportations 381 Transportation of palletized water from bottling plant to local distributors (and (delivering trip) return trip with empty palletized bottles) by lorry > 16 t (European fleet kg×km/l 81 average) for 300 km (single trip) (return trip) 24.4 Transportation of bottles crates from local distributors to consumers house (and (delivering trip) return trip with empty bottles) by lorry 3.5-16 t (European fleet average) for 20 kg×km/l 4.4 km (single trip) (return trip) (*) The transportation of granules for 100 km by lorry (>16 t) and 200 km by rail from the manufacturing to the conversion plant is also considered 404 Appendix D Appendix E Global warming -closed loop approach- 11.3 kg CO2 eq/F.U. kg CO2 eq/F.U. 11.3 11 5 -1 Global warming -hybrid approach- -0.49 10 5 0 Preform s production Preform s production Recycling bottles and bundle films Abiotic depletion -closed loop approach- Recycling bottles and bundle films Abiotic depletion -hybrid approach105.8 100 g Sb eq/F.U. g Sb eq/F.U. 105.8 50 -15 50 0 -50 -55.2 -100 -10.3 Preforms production Preforms production Recycling bottles and bundle film s Recycling bottles and bundle film s Eutropication -closed loop approach- Eutropication -hybrid approach- 7.1 7.1 g PO43- eq/F.U. g PO43- eq/F.U. -3.0 -5 5 -1 -0.92 5 0 -5 -5.0 Preforms production Preforms production Recycling bottles and bundle films Recycling bottles and bundle films Figure E.1: Contribution of the processes of preforms manufacturing and bottles recycling to global warming, abiotic depletion and eutrophication impact indicators for the recycled PET one way bottled water scenario modelled through the two different approaches described in paragraph 4.6 406 Appendix E g PO43- eq./F.U. g Sb eq./F.U. Abiotic depletion 2.2 2 1 0.54 0 0.8 Eutrophication 0.75 0.6 0.4 0.30 0.2 0.0 process specific approach process specific approach PLA specific approach PLA specific approach Figure E.2: Contribution of the PLA composting process to the abiotic depletion and eutrophicaiton impact indicators for the PLA one way bottled water scenario Eutrophication Abiotic depletion 0.5 0.016 0.0 0.0016 -0.18 -0.25 -0.5 0.25 g PO43- eq./F.U. 1.0 g Sb eq./F.U. 0.29 0.95 0.15 0.05 0.042 0.020 0.013 -0.017 -0.05 -0.050 Scraps landfilling & steel recycling Electricity and diesel consumption Direct emissions from composting Leachate treatment Peat avoided Fertilizers avoided Electricity and diesel consumption Scraps landfilling & steel recycling Leachate treatment Peat avoided Fertilizers avoided Figure E.3: Contribution by sub processes to the abiotic depletion and eutrophication impact indicators for PLA composting modelled through the process specific approach Eutrophication Abiotic depletion 1.0 0.95 0.5 0.0027 0.0 g PO43- eq./F.U. g Sb eq./F.U. 1.25 0.690 0.50 0.042 0.022 0.00 Composting organic waste Composting organic waste Electricity and diesel consumption Electricity and diesel consumption Leachate treatment Leachate treatment Figure E.4 Contribution by sub processes to the abiotic depletion and eutrophication impact indicators for PLA composting modelled through the PLA specific approach 407 Appendix E Eutrophication: contribution by subprocesses (TAP GW scenario) 14.6 15 10 7.7 5 2.6 0.989 0 g PO43- eq/F.U. g Sb eq/F.U. Abiotic depletion: contribution by subptocesses (TAP GW scenario) 0.40 0.36 0.33 0.30 0.21 0.20 0.10 0.042 0.00 Domestic purification Domestic purification Jug washing Jug washing Glass jug life-cycle Glass jug life-cycle Water treatments & network pumping Water treatments & network pumping Figure E.5: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for tap groundwater scenario 150 114.0 100 50 24.9 6.5 0 0.37 Eutrophication: contribution by subprocesses (TAP SW scenario) g PO43- eq/F.U. g Sb eq/F.U. Abiotic depletion: contribution by subprocesses (TAP SW scenario) 10 5 8.0 2.0 0.3 0 0.017 Transp. fountains-consumer house Transp. fountains-consumer house Glass bottles life-cycle Glass bottles life-cycle Quality improvement (public fountains) Quality improvement (public fountains) Water treatments & pumping Water treatments & pumping Figure E.6: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for tap surface water scenario 408 Appendix E g Sb eq/m 3 2.00 2 1 0.133 0.033 0.00070 0 Eutrophication: contributions to water treatment and delivering g PO43-eq/m 3 Abiotic depletion: contributions to water treatment and delivering 0.10 0.085 0.05 0.0057 0.00088 3.76E-05 0.00 Electricity treatment & pumping Electricity treatment & pumping Infrastructures Infrastructures Activated carbon life-cycle Activated carbon life-cycle Hypochlorite prod. Hypochlorite prod. Figure E.7: Contributions of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for the treatment and the delivering of 1 m3 of groundwater 409 Appendix E Abiotic depletion: contributions to water treatment and delivering g Sb eq/m 3 1.5 1.6 1.0 0.48 0.5 0.13 0.048 0.0016 0.0015 0.0 Electricity treatment & pumping Chemicals prod. Infrastructures Activated carbon life-cycle Sand production Sludge disposal Eutrophication: contributions to water treatment and delivering g PO43- eq/m 3 0.067 0.05 0.028 0.0057 0.0012 0.00015 8.49E-05 0.00 Electricity treatment & pumping Chemicals prod. Infrastructures Activated carbon life-cycle Sludge disposal Sand production Figure E.8: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for the treatment and the delivering of 1 m3 of surface water 410 Appendix E Abiotic depletion: contribution by sub-processes (Virgin PET one way scenario) 162.9 g Sb eq/F.U. 140 90 46.0 40 14.6 13.0 6.9 11.5 5.3 -10 -8.5 -60 -55.2 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Secondary packaging life-cycle Bottling plant operations Caps and labels production Transport. retailers consumer-house Transport packaging life-cycle Incin. bottles, caps, labels and films Recycling bottles and bundle films Eutrophication: contribution by su-processes (Virgin PET one way scenario) g PO43- eq/F.U. 12.2 9 4 7.35 0.67 0.49 0.33 0.31 -1 0.18 -0.17 -6 -5.0 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Bottling plant operations Transport. retailers consumer-house Secondary packaging life-cycle Caps and labels production Transport packaging life-cycle Incin. bottles, caps, labels and films Recycling bottles and bundle films Figure E.9: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for virgin PET one way bottled water scenario 411 Appendix E Abiotic depletion: contribution by sub-processes (PET refillable scenario) g Sb eq/F.U. 80 64.7 60 40 27.2 25.1 20 10.2 9.6 8.4 5.2 0 1.2 -20 -11.6 -13.2 Transport. bottling plant-local distributors Bottles production Caps and labels production Transport. local distributors-consumer house Bottles washing Bottling plant operations Secondary packaging-life cycle Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling caps & incin. labels Recycling bottles Eutrophication: contribution by sub-processes (PET refillable scenario) 12 10.3 g PO43- eq/F.U. 10 8 6 4 2 2.2 1.8 1.7 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.023 0 -0.16 -2 -1.2 Transport. bottling plant-local distributors Bottles production Bottles washing Transport. local distributors-consumer house Caps and labels production Bottling plant operations Secondary packaging-life cycle Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling caps & incin. labels Recycling bottles Figure E.10: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for PET refillable bottled water scenario 412 Appendix E Abiotic depletion: contribution by sub-processes (GLASS refillable scenario) 120 g Sb eq/F.U. 100 100.8 80 60 48.4 40 21.5 20 17.3 16.1 8.4 5.6 0 1.3 -6.3 -20 -11.5 Transport. bottling plant-local distributors Bottles production Bottles washing Caps and labels production Transport. local distributors-consumer house Bottling plant operations Secondary packaging life-cycle Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling bottles Recycling caps & incin. labels Eutrophication: contribution by sub-processes (GLASS refillable scenario) 20 g PO43- eq/F.U. 16.1 15 10 5 4.0 2.7 1.9 1.3 0.48 0.16 0.024 0 -0.68 -5 Transport. bottling plant-local distributors Bottles production Transport. local distributors-consumer house Bottles washing Caps and labels production Bottling plant operations Secondary packaging life-cycle Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling bottles Recycling caps & incin. labels -0.84 Figure E.11: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for glass refillable bottled water scenario 413 Appendix E Cumulative energy demand: contribution by sub-processes (R-PET one way scenario) 255.6 MJ eq./F.U. 250 150 107.7 36.1 50 30.8 29.5 17.4 7.6 -20.5 -50 -24.5 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Secondary packaging life-cycle Bottling plant operations Caps and labels production Transport. retailers-consumer house Transport packaging life-cycle Incin. bottles, caps, labels and films Recycling bottles and bundle films Global warming: contribution by sub-processes (R-PET one way scenario) 15 kg CO2 eq/F.U. 11.3 10 6.3 5 1.8 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.88 0.59 0 -0.49 -5 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Bottling plant operations Incin. bottles, caps, labels and films Secondary packaging life-cycle Transport. retailers-consumer house Caps and labels production Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling bottles and bundle films Figure E.12: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the CED and the global warming indicators calculated for recycled PET bottled water scenario 414 Appendix E Abiotic depletion: contribution by sub-processes (R-PET one way scenario) 120 105.8 g Sb eq/F.U. 100 80 60 46.0 40 14.6 20 11.5 13.0 6.9 5.3 0 -20 -8.5 -10.3 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Secondary packaging life-cycle Bottling plant operations Caps and labels production Transport. retailers-consumer house Transport packaging life-cycle Incin. bottles, caps, labels and films Recycling bottles and bundle films Eutrophication: contribution by sub-processes (R-PET one way scenario) g PO43- eq/F.U. 8 7.4 7.1 6 4 2 0.67 0.49 0.33 0.31 0.18 0 -0.17 -2 -0.92 Transport. bottling plant-retailers Preforms production Bottling plant operations Transport. retailers-consumer house Secondary packaging life-cycle Caps and labels production Transport packaging life-cycle Incin. bottles, caps, labels and films Recycling bottles and bundle films Figure E.13: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for recycled PET bottled water scenario 415 Appendix E Abiotic depletion: contribution by sub-processes (PLA one way to composting scenario) 120 115.2 g Sb eq/F.U. 100 80 46.0 60 40 14.6 20 11.5 11.3 6.9 5.3 2.2 0 -0.14 -20 -3.4 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Secondary packaging life-cycle Caps and labels production Bottling plant operations Transport. retailers-consumer house Transport packaging life-cycle Composting bottles Recycling bundle films Incin. caps, labels and films Eutrophication: contribution by sub-processes (PLA one way to composting scenario) g PO43- eq/F.U. 30 27.1 25 20 15 10 5 0 7.4 0.75 0.60 0.49 0.33 0.31 0.18 -0.0021 -0.067 -5 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Composting bottles Bottling plant operations Transport. retailers-consumer house Secondary packaging life-cycle Caps and labels production Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling bundle films Incin. caps, labels and films Figure E.14: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for PLA to composting bottled water scenario 416 Appendix E Abiotic depletion: contribution by sub-processes (PLA one way to incineration scenario) g Sb eq/F.U. 150 115.2 100 46.0 50 14.6 11.5 11.3 6.9 5.3 -0.1 0 -3.4 -50 -16.9 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Secondary packaging life-cycle Caps and labels production Bottling plant operations Transport. retailers-consumer house Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling bundle films Incin. caps, labels and films Incineration PLA bottles Eutrophication: contribution by sub-processes (PLA one way to incineration scenario) g PO43- eq/F.U. 30 27.1 25 20 15 10 5 0 7.4 0.60 0.49 0.33 0.31 0.18 -0.0021 -0.067 -5 -0.45 Preforms production Transport. bottling plant-retailers Bottling plant operations Transport. retailers-consumer house Secondary packaging life-cycle Caps and labels production Transport packaging life-cycle Recycling bundle films Incin. caps, labels and films Incineration PLA bottles Figure E.15: Contribution of the major sub-processes to the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators calculated for PLA to incineration bottled water scenario 417 Appendix E Abiotic depletion 396.9 384.6 409.7 390.6 g Sb eq./F.U. 400 300 200 196.6 193.1 184.3 180.8 209.4 205.9 190.3 186.8 201.6 100 145.8 126.8 25.9 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace refillable groundw ater w ater Eutrophication 51.1 49.9 g PO43- eq./F.U. 50 37.1 40 30.5 29.4 30 20 10 16.4 16.2 36.8 35.9 35.6 25.2 15.3 15.9 15.1 0.94 10.3 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Figure E.16: Results of the sensitivity on the allocation of consumer purchasing trip burdens on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios 418 Appendix E Abiotic depletion g Sb eq./F.U. 250 200 196.6 150 209.4 190.3 184.3 201.6 126.8 100 50 145.8 79.7 25.9 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace refillable groundw ater w ater 21.9 Eutrophication g PO43- eq./F.U. 40 37.1 30 35.9 25.2 20 16.4 10 15.9 15.3 0.94 3.3 10.3 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater 0.77 Figure E.17: Results of the sensitivity on dishwashing burdens on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios 419 Appendix E Abiotic depletion 239.0 g Sb eq./F.U. 250 200 196.6 150 209.4 190.3 184.3 201.6 145.8 126.8 100 73.2 50 25.9 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. 31.8 GLASS PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace refillable groundw ater w ater Eutrophication g PO43- eq./F.U. 40 37.1 30 35.9 25.2 20 16.4 10 16.8 15.9 15.3 10.3 0.94 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable 5.2 2.3 PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Figure E.18: Results of the sensitivity on transport distance from public fountains to consumers houses on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios (the dotted area in the tap surface water bar specifies the contribution given by water transportation by car) 420 Appendix E Abiotic depletion g Sb eq./F.U. 250 200 196.6 150 209.4 190.3 184.3 201.6 145.8 137.3 126.8 100 50 25.9 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace refillable groundw ater w ater Eutrophication g PO43- eq./F.U. 40 37.1 30 35.9 25.2 20 16.4 10 10.3 15.9 15.3 9.4 0.94 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Figure E.19: Results of the sensitivity on the typology of reusable containers utilised in the surface water scenario on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios 421 Appendix E Abiotic depletion 369.6 g Sb eq./F.U. 400 273.3 300 200 100 196.6 156.7 261.0 184.3 144.4 286.1 209.4 169.5 267.0 234.6 201.6 190.3 126.8 150.4 145.8 114.2 70.7 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. 25.9 GLASS PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace refillable groundw ater w ater Eutrophication 49.3 g PO43- eq./F.U. 50 40 37.1 28.7 30 20 10 10.1 52.1 33.1 35.9 27.6 30.7 16.4 48.1 29.5 25.2 15.9 15.3 8.9 11.2 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable 6.9 0.94 10.3 PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Figure E.20: Results of the sensitivity on the transport distance from bottling plants to retailers or local distributors on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios 422 Appendix E Abiotic depletion 250 g Sb eq./F.U. 201.6 200 196.6 150 209.4 190.3 184.3 180.9 126.8 145.8 100 121.2 50 25.9 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace refillable groundw ater w ater Eutrophication g PO43- eq./F.U. 40 37.1 30 35.9 25.2 23.9 20 16.4 10 15.3 15.9 15.5 0.94 10.3 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. GLASS ref illable PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater Figure E.21: Results of the sensitivity on the number of uses of refillable bottles on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators in the comparison among the investigated scenarios 423 Appendix E Abiotic depletion g Sb eq./F.U. 500 473.6 486.4 461.3 467.3 369.6 400 300 200 100 234.6 196.6 153.3 209.4 184.3 166.1 141.0 126.8 147.0 93.6 0 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. 239.0 201.6 190.3 65.1 145.8 79.7 25.9 64.8 GLASS PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace refillable groundw ater w ater 21.9 Eutrophication 63.4 62.2 g PO43- eq./F.U. 60 50 52.1 42.8 41.6 40 37.1 30 20 30.5 16.4 35.9 33.1 25.2 29.3 10 0 9.8 10.0 8.7 Virgin PET R-PET oneone-w ay w ay PLA onew ay compost. PLA onew ay incin. 16.8 15.9 15.3 GLASS ref illable 6.5 3.3 0.94 10.3 4.3 PET ref illable Tap Tap surf ace groundw ater w ater 0.77 Figure E.22: Comparison among all the investigated scenarios of the upper and the lower bound obtained for the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators on the basis of the variation of the parameters considered during the sensitivity analysis 424 Appendix E Table E.1: Life cycle impacts of the domestic depuration treatment Impact category Unit Total Sub-processes contribution Treatment discharged water (1.2) Activated carbon Treatment Electricity Global warming kg CO2 eq./F.U. 0.56 life cycle discharged water (0.23) (0.22) (0.10) Activated carbon Treatment Abiotic Electricity g Sb eq./F.U. 14.6 life cycle discharged water depletion (1.6) (12.5) (0.50) Activated carbon Treatment Electricity Eutrophication g PO43- eq./F.U. 0.36 life cycle discharged water (0.070) (0.25) (0.043) (1) The functional unit in the case of the upstream processes can be interpreted as “the delivering of 152.1 litres of drinkable water” MJ eq./F.U.1 CED 22.9 Activated carbon life cycle (17.8) Electricity (3.9) Table E.2: Life cycle impacts of the public treatment of water quality improvement Impact category CED Global warming Unit MJ eq./F.U.1 kg CO2 eq./F.U. Total Sub-processes contribution 15.3 Electricity (14.8) Activated carbon life cycle (0.23) PP pre-filter life cycle (0.16) 0.90 Electricity (0.88) PP pre-filter life cycle (0.0083) Treatment discharged water (0.0040) Treatment discharged water (0.048) Activated carbon life cycle (0.0028) Treatment discharged water (0.020) Activated PP pre-filter carbon life g Sb eq./F.U. 6.5 life cycle cycle (0.069) (0.16) Activated Treatment PP pre-filter Electricity carbon life discharged Eutrophication g PO43- eq./F.U. 0.274 life cycle (0.267) cycle water (0.0016) (0.0032) (0.0017) (1) The functional unit in the case of the upstream processes can be interpreted as “the delivering of 152.1 litres of drinkable water” Abiotic depletion Electricity (6.3) 425 Appendix E Table E.3: Life cycle impacts of secondary packaging materials employed in the various analysed systems Life cycle impacts of secondary packaging materials One way Refillable glass Refillable PET Impact category Unit systems system system CED MJ eq./F.U.1 30.5 13.8 12.7 Global warming kg CO2 eq./F.U. 1.5 0.59 0.54 Abiotic depletion g Sb eq./F.U. 12.6 5.6 5.2 3Eutrophication g PO4 eq./F.U. 0.29 0.16 0.15 1) The functional unit in the case of the upstream processes can be interpreted as “the delivering of 152.1 litres of drinkable water” Table E.4: Life cycle impacts of transport packaging materials employed in the various analysed systems Life cycle impacts of transport packaging materials One way Refillable Refillable Impact category Unit systems glass system PET system CED MJ eq./F.U.1 7.6 6.7 6.3 Global warming kg CO2 eq./F.U. 0.6 0.12 0.12 Abiotic depletion g Sb eq./F.U. 5.3 1.3 1.2 Eutrophication g PO43- eq./F.U. 0.18 0.02 0.02 1) The functional unit in the case of the upstream processes can be interpreted as “the delivering of 152.1 litres of drinkable water” Table E.5: Life cycle impacts of caps employed in the various analysed systems Impact category CED Global warming Abiotic depletion Life cycle impacts of caps HDPE caps Aluminium caps HDPE caps Unit (one way (Glass refillable (PET refillable systems) system) system) MJ eq./F.U.1 22.4 8.7 26.5 kg CO2 eq./F.U. 1.08 0.77 1.12 g Sb eq./F.U. 9.4 4.9 10.7 Eutrophication g PO43- eq./F.U. 0.20 0.27 0.31 (1) The functional unit in the case of the upstream processes can be interpreted as “the delivering of 152.1 litres of drinkable water” Table E.6: Contributions by sub-processes to the overall impacts of bottling plant operations Use of Filler machine Use of electricity washing lubricating oil 30.7 0.060 0.010 CED MJ eq./F.U. 1 30.8 (99.8%) (0.19%) (0.034%) 1.8 0.0033 0.00018 Global warming kg CO2 eq./F.U. 1.8 (99.8%) (0.18%) (0.010%) 13.0 0.025 0.0042 Abiotic depletion g Sb eq./F.U. 13.0 (99.8%) (0.19%) (0.032%) 0.55 0.12 0.00033 Eutrophication g PO43- eq./F.U. 0.67 (82.5%) (17.5%) (0.049%) 1) The functional unit in the case of the upstream processes can be interpreted as “the delivering of 152.1 litres of drinkable water” Impact category Unit Total 426 Appendix E Table E.7: Results of the sensitivity on the allocation of consumer purchasing trip burdens on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators for the interested scenarios Abiotic depletion (g Sb eq./F.U.) Virgin PET R-PET PLA one-way PLA one-way one-way one-way compost. incin. Base case (purchasing of 30 items) MIN impact (purchasing of 60 items) % min MAX impact (purchasing of only water) % max Base case (purchasing of 30 items) MIN impact (purchasing of 60 items) % min MAX impact (purchasing of only water) % max 196.6 184.3 209.4 190.3 193.1 180.8 205.9 186.8 -1.8 396.9 -1.9 384.6 -1.6 -1.8 409.7 390.6 101.9 108.7 95.7 105.3 3Eutrophication (g PO4 eq./F.U.) Virgin PET R-PET PLA one-way PLA one-way one-way one-way compost. incin. 16.4 15.3 37.1 35.9 16.2 15.1 36.8 35.6 -1.5 30.5 -1.6 29.4 85.5 91.9 -0.7 -0.7 51.1 49.9 37.9 39.2 Table E.8: Results of the sensitivity on dishwashing burdens on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators for the tap groundwater scenario Abiotic depletion Eutrophication (g Sb eq./F.U.) (g PO43- eq./F.U.) Tap groundwater scenario Base case (every 4 uses/30 items) MIN impact (every 5 uses/50 items) % min MAX impact (after each use/15 items) % max 25.9 0.9 21.9 0.8 -15.4 79.7 -18.4 3.3 207.6 247.1 Table E.9: Results of the sensitivity on transport distance from public fountains to consumers houses on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators for the tap surface water scenario Base case (5.5 km) MIN impact (2 km) %min MAX impact (10 km) %max Abiotic depletion Eutrophication (g Sb eq./F.U.) (g PO43- eq./F.U.) Tap surface water scenario 145.8 10.3 73.2 5.2 -49.8 -49.6 239.0 16.8 64.0 63.7 427 Appendix E Table E.10: Results of the sensitivity on the typology of reusable containers utilised in the surface water scenario on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators for the tap surface water scenario Abiotic depletion (g Eutrophication Sb eq./F.U.) (g PO43- eq./F.U.) Tap surface water scenario Base case (use of glass bottles) MIN impact (use of PET bottles) %min 145.8 10.3 137.3 9.4 -5.8 -8.2 Table E.11: Results of the sensitivity on the transport distance from bottling plants to retailers or local distributors on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators for the interested scenarios Abiotic depletion (g Sb eq./F.U.) Virgin PLA onePLA PET way one-way GLASS R-PET PET one-way one-way compost. incin. refillable refillable Base case (300 km) Min impact (40 km) %min Max impact (800 km) %max Base case (300 km) Min impact (40 km) %min Max impact (800 km) %max 196.6 184.3 209.4 190.3 201.6 126.8 156.7 144.4 169.5 150.4 114.2 70.7 -20.3 273.3 -21.6 261.0 -19.0 286.1 -21.0 267.0 -43.3 369.6 -44.2 234.6 39.0 41.6 36.6 40.3 83.3 85.0 3Eutrophication (g PO4 eq./F.U.) Virgin PLA onePLA PET R-PET way one-way GLASS PET one-way one-way compost. incin. refillable refillable 16.4 15.3 37.1 35.9 25.2 15.9 10.1 8.9 30.7 29.5 11.2 6.9 -38.7 28.7 -41.6 27.6 74.5 -17.2 49.3 80.1 -17.8 48.1 33.1 -55.4 52.1 34.2 106.6 -56.4 33.1 108.5 Table E.12: Results of the sensitivity on the number of uses of refillable bottles on the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators for refillable bottled water scenarios Abiotic depletion (g Sb eq./F.U.) GLASS refillable PET refillable Base case (10 glass/15 PET) MIN impact (50 glass/25 PET) %min Eutrophication (g PO43- eq./F.U.) GLASS refillable PET refillable 201.6 126.8 25.2 15.9 180.9 121.2 23.9 15.5 -10.2 -4.4 -5.1 -2.6 428 Appendix E Table E.13: Comparison among all the investigated scenarios of the upper and the lower bound obtained for the abiotic depletion and the eutrophication impact indicators on the basis of the variation of the parameters considered during the sensitivity analysis Abiotic depletion (g Sb eq./F.U.) PLA Virgin PLA Tap R-PET one-way GLASS PET PET one-way groundwate one-way compost refillable refillable one-way incin. r . Base case Lower bound %min Upper bound %ma x Base case Lower bound %min Upper bound %ma x Tap surface water 196.6 184.3 209.4 190.3 201.6 126.8 25.9 145.8 153.3 141.0 166.1 147.0 93.6 65.1 21.9 64.8 -22.0 473.6 140.9 -23.5 461.3 -20.7 486.4 -22.8 467.3 -53.6 369.6 -48.6 234.6 -15.4 79.7 -55.6 239.0 150.3 132.3 145.6 83.3 85.0 207.6 64.0 Eutrophication (g PO43- eq./F.U.) PLA Virgin one-way PLA Tap Tap PET R-PET compost one-way GLASS PET groundwate surface one-way one-way . incin. refillable refillable r water 16.4 15.3 37.1 35.9 25.2 15.9 0.9 10.3 9.8 8.7 30.5 29.3 10.0 6.5 0.8 4.3 -40.2 42.8 160.0 -43.2 41.6 172.0 -17.8 63.4 71.0 -18.4 62.2 73.4 -60.5 52.1 106.6 -59.0 33.1 108.5 -18.4 3.3 247.1 -57.8 16.8 63.7