December 14, 2014 - Our Lady of Walsingham
December 14, 2014 - Our Lady of Walsingham
Our Lady of Walsingham catholic church The Principal Church of the Personal Ordinariate of The Chair of Saint Peter Under the Protection of Our Lady of Walsingham Monsignor Jeffrey Steenson – Ordinary Father Charles Hough IV – Rector Father Laurence Gipson & Father Charles Hough III – Priests—in--Residence Deacon James Barnett & Deacon Mark Baker -- Pastoral Assistants + The Third Sunday of Advent + 14 December AD 2014 + Our Lady of Walsingham 7809 Shadyvilla Lane + Houston Texas 77055 713-683-9407 + Fax: 713-683-1518 + Parish Secretary: Catherine Heath [email protected] Business Manager: Mark Stockstill Liturgical Secretary: Carolyn Barnett Events Liaison: Nancy MacArthur Organist/Choirmaster: Edmund Murray CCD [Sunday School] Director: Catalina Brand RCIA Director: Deacon Mark Baker Youth Directors: Joshua & Elizabeth Korf Family Life Ministries Director: Mary Halbleib Shrine Director: Irma Moré Call the Parish Office if you wish to. . . + become a Registered Member of Our Lady of Walsingham + schedule a Wedding or a Baptism + explore the possibility of becoming Roman Catholic + talk about the Annulment process + schedule a confession by appointment December 2014 Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father, Pope Francis Universal: That the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people of good will. For Evangelization: That parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to their children the precious gift of faith. Welcome to Our Visitors Thank you for sharing in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with us today. Please fill out a visitor’s card (found in the pew racks) and return it in the offering plate so we will have a record of your visit. And please introduce yourself after Mass. If you are a Catholic, we at Our Lady of Walsingham receive Holy Communion kneeling and by intinction (both species on the tongue). If you are not a Catholic, during Communion we invite you either to come forward with your arms crossed over your chest, or fingers across your lips, and receive a blessing from the Priest or Deacon, or remain in your pew and reflect on the presence of Christ. His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston & The Reverend Monsignor Jeffrey N. Steenson Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter request the honor of your presence at the Ordination to the Order of Holy Priest of Peter Hugh Davids on Friday, 19 December AD 2014 at 11:00 in the morning at Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church ~ A Celebratory Reception is to follow at Fratelli’s Restaurant ~ Collection Advent II Weekly Budget $ 13500 Regular Offering $ 23840 Over $ 10340 Attendance: 698 Vigil 210 Sung 122 Said 170 High 196 “Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” I Thessalonians 5:16 - 18 This scripture reading sums up Stewardship. “Rejoice always” means place your trust in God; He will provide all that you need. “Pray constantly” means prayer should be a running conversation with God throughout the whole day, every day. “Give thanks in all circumstances” means even in bad situations, thank God. Suffering a little bit helps build empathy for others in similar situations. Liturgy Schedule This Weekend Subject to change Lectors Rosary Connie Westman Vigil Lector Connie Westman 8:00 Lector Mary Halbleib 9:30 Lector Arnaud Pichon 11:15 Lector Clint Brand / Don Dean Altar Servers Vigil Mass Jerry Hatten – Clerk Woody Jones Tito Edwards Lee Bohannon 8:00 Sung Mass GW Straker – Clerk Michael Peterman Nicolas Cano Elijah Cano 9:30 Said Mass Kenny Hennigan – Clerk David Bloodworth – MC 11:15 Solemn High Mass Scott Woloson – Clerk Jason Llorente – MC Diego Brand – Thurifer Juan Pablo Brand – Crucifer Michael Woloson – Torchbearer CJ Nwafor – Torchbearer Isiah Gomez — Boatboy Altar Guild Vigil Mass Onyi Nwafor 8:00 Sung Mass Carolyn Barnett 9:30 Said Mass Ana Newton / Monica Bloodworth 11:15 Solemn High Mass Ruth Mack In Our Parish This Week Saturday, December 13 10:00 am 12:00 noon - 2:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm Sunday, December 14 8:00 am 8:45 am - 9:10 am 9:30 am 9:45 am - 10:45 am 10:50 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm Monday, December 15 12:00 noon Tuesday, December 16 10:00 am 11:45 am 12:00 noon 12:45 pm 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm Wednesday, December 17 10:00 am - 2:30 pm 12:00 noon 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Thursday, December 18 9:00 am 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm + Friday, December 19 11:00 am 12:30 pm 2:30 pm Saturday, December 20 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Sunday, December 21 8:00 am 8:45 am - 9:10 am 9:00 am - 2:00 pm 9:30 am 10:50 am 11:15 am St. Lucy; Vigil of Sunday Diaconal Ordination of Peter Davids Chorus Angelorum Rehearsal Rosary Vigil Mass [Sean & Mary Margaret McGowan] Advent III – Gaudete Sunday Sung Mass [Elliott Goulas +] Confessions Said Mass [Patricia Ayer] CCD / Adult Forum Choral Mattins Solemn High Mass Youth Group Meeting - Newman Hall Advent Lessons & Carols - Chorus Angelorum Chorus Angelorum Reception - St. Jude Hall Holy Mass [Lisa Davis] Staff Meeting - Office of Liturgy Noonday Prayer Holy Mass [Isabelle Fazio] Rosary – Holy House Adoration – Holy House Evening Prayer & Benediction – HHC Holy House Advent Program - St. Jude Hall Holy Mass [Fred Wilson +] OLW Choir Rehearsal Holy Mass [Caleb Davis IV +] Schola Rehearsal Presbyteral Ordination Mass - Peter Davids Ordination Reception - Fratelli’s Restaurant Bulletin Folding – Office of Liturgy Vigil of Sunday Rosary Vigil Mass [Fred Wilson +] Advent Market - St. Jude Hall Advent IV Sung Mass [Isabelle Fazio] Confessions Advent Market - St. Jude Hall Said Mass [Elliott Goulas +] CCD / Adult Forum on Break Choral Mattins Solemn High Mass The Banns of Marriage are published between EMILY READ HEERENSPERGER and JAIME RICARDO NAVARRO, both of this parish. If any of you know just cause why they may not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, you are bidden to declare it. This is the first time of asking. Advent Lessons & Carols ~ Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Every Tuesday from 12:00 noon until Evening Prayer/Benediction at 7:00 pm. Come and be still with the Lord. Adorers needed to cover 4 pm - 6 pm Chorus Angelorum today, Rose Sunday, December 14 at 4:00 pm ~ Reception following in St. Jude Hall Gaudete in Domino At the midpoint of Advent, on its third Sunday, the severity of penitential purple is softened with the rose-colored hues of the distinctive vestments and antependia, otherwise used only halfway along the Lenten journey to Easter. Anticipating Christmas, the Introit of the Mass bids us to rejoice for "the Lord is at hand." On Gaudete Sunday, roses adorn the Altar, and the Propers of the Liturgy resound with Psalm 85, the great "Psalm of Redemption." With the Prophet Isaiah, we await the Messiah who is to come and who yet already dwells among us even as He will come again in the fullness of time. Today's Mass, one of the richest of the year, gathers together and sums up all the complex range and solemn joyfulness of the season. The Sacred Liturgy this Sunday is also particularly rousing with its distinctive Gospel Acclamation Excita, Domine: "Stir up thy strength, O Lord: and come and help us." The same phrase occurs notably in the Collect for the Third Sunday of Advent appointed for the Anglican Use: Stir up thy power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let thy bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ our Lord . . . This remarkable prayer, addressed to the eagerly awaited Son of God, derives from the ancient Gelasian Sacramentary and survives as a remnant of the four collects that began with the word Excita ("Stir up") in the old Roman and Sarum Missals. Hastening our way to Our Lord's Nativity, this oration perfectly sets forth the themes of His two advents--the first when He came in humility, and the second in which He comes in power; the first in which He came to save, and the second when He comes to relieve and help. The Third Sunday of Advent also ushers in the Winter Embertide, traditionally observed as days of penance on the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of this week. On the day after Ember Wednesday, the Church sings the first of the Great O Antiphons that accompany the Magnificat at Vespers or Evensong: O Wisdom, which camest out of the mouth of the most High, and reachest from one end to another, mightily and sweetly ordering all things: Come and teach us the way of prudence. ~ Excerpt from “Liturgical Notes from the Verger” by Dr. Clinton A. Brand That They All May Be One The Prayer of Jesus that We Can No Longer Ignore by Father Charles Hough III Vicar General of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter and Priest-in Residence at Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church Signed copies on sale this weekend at OLW for $29.99 Published by the Knights of Columbus (Council 9748) All proceeds go to the Building Fund of St. John Vianney, Cleburne, Texas A parish of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter Chancel Cushions Dedication December 14, 2014 The St. Margaret of Scotland Needlework Guild of Our Lady of Walsingham has just completed needlepointed cushions for the Chancel stalls. These cushions are being presented for dedication today. In designing the cushions, inspiration came from several sources. The frame and background designs common to all six cushions were inspired by the design of the lower reredos in the Sanctuary. Four of the cushions are centered with a Canterbury cross reflecting our Anglican patrimony. The celebrant's stall cushion is centered with an ancient Trinity symbol expressing the relationship among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Cathedra's cushion is centered with the seal of The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter and surrounded with symbols of St. Peter. The boxing on each cushion is a combiside up, and St. Peter's cross, which is upside down. row of crosses atop the reredos. nation of Christ's cross, which is right The suggestion for this came from the These cushions were generously sponsored by and stitched by parishioners who have worked diligently for over a year. With 196 stitches per square inch of canvas and an average of 700 square inches per cushion, each stitcher painstakingly and lovingly put in approximately 137,200 stitches!!! Following the Mass, please come to the Chancel to see their handiwork. Paula Dean, Directress Needlework Guild Front to Back, Epistle Side Cushion 1 In Memory of Rosalie Caldarera Given by Mary Ann Bonaccolta Stitched by Barbara Moore and Carolyn Barnett Cushion 2 (Celebrant's Stall) In Honor of Fr. James T. Moore Founding Pastor of Our Lady of Walsingham Given by his Children: Wendy Moore, Stephen Moore, Virginia Sinclair, and Christie Leman Stitched by Patricia Bacot Cushion 3 (Deacon's Stall) In Honor of Deacon James M. Barnett Given by Carolyn Barnett Stitched by Carolyn Barnett and Patricia Bacot Front to Back, Gospel Side Cushion 4 (Deacon's Stall) In Memory of Deacon John D. Denson Given by Margaret P. Denson Stitched by Karen Chapman and Carolyn Barnett Cushion 5 (Cathedra) In Honor of Msgr. Jeffrey N. Steenson First Ordinary The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter Given by Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Stitched by Barbara Moore and Paula Dean Cushion 6 In Memory of Parents: Tillie and Charlie Kubin Jack K. Ayer Given by Dan and Suzanne Kubin Stitched by Carolyn Barnett, Pat Bradley, and Karen Chapman Weekly Votive Lights Happy Birthday! December 14 – Gerald Bush, Vada Goulas, John Graff, Ruth Murdock, Mary Worth December 17 – Fran Goeken, Lucas Perez, Sergio Perez, Catherine Sharkey, Scott Sullivan, Beth Wales December 18 – Elizabeth Frew, Nneoma Nwafor December 19 – Joan Feehery, Jordan Mooney, John Oyen, Philomene Saha, Marc Tronzo, Linda Woodson + The Votive Lights of The Martyrs burn this week for all those ill, especially Fr. Bruce Noble Jim Hanratty Gerald Bush Roy Wedgeworth Addison Elliott Faron Barnett Happy Birthday! December 15, 2001 – Walter & Anna Cole December 16, 2006 – Anthony & Rebecca Petry December 17, 1983 – Carl & Donna Phinney December 17, 2010 – Andrew & Tanya Jo Greenwood + The Votive Light of Family Life and Protect Life Ministries Announcements Our Lady Mary Halbleib, Director burns this week for [email protected] + The Votive Light of We have Resources for Family Difficulties Troubled Marriages - Catholic Telephone Marriage/Family Counseling - Crisis Pregnancy - Post-Abortion Recovery - Same Sex Attraction – Pornography Addiction St. Joseph burns this week for Allison & Baby Grace Natural Family Planning Engaged and married couples learn more about the science and theology of their God given fertility to assist them with conception of the children God blesses to them and with the spacing of children when serious reasons exist. Call Lou and Jeanne Curcio at 713.263.7914 to learn more, register, and for class dates and times. + The Votive Light of St. Gabriel burns this week for the repose of the soul of Mark Ferenz Resources for Family Difficulties and for James Fisher & the Fisher/Ferenz Families + The Votive Light of St. Jude burns this week for the continued progress and well-being of Peb Rock + Envelopes for the Votive Lights are on the Narthex Table + 713.447.7141 ~ A Special Intention Troubled Marriages - Retrovaille Encounter Weekend - Houston, Ginger & Scott Griffin at 713-529-6242. Catholic Telephone Marriage/Family Counseling - Pastoral Solutions Institute: Crisis Pregnancy -713-263-8400 http:// Post-Abortion Recovery - Rachel's Vineyard: 877 HOPE 4 ME (877-467-3463), and locally, Gulf Coast Healing - 713-690-2210, 281-974 -7880 Silent No More - Awareness Campaign - Abortion Recovery Resource Page:,, 888.735.3448 Same Sex Attraction - Courage -Adult Catholic Support Group - Fr. Mike VanCleve, St. Jerome Catholic Church, 713-468-9555, [email protected], Mass Schedule for Christmas Christmas Eve 4:30 pm – Vigil Mass with Carols 7:30 pm – Prelude Music – OLW String Ensemble 8:00 pm – Solemn High Mass 10:30 pm – Carols with the OLW Choir Christmas Day 11:00 pm – Solemn High Mass of Midnight 10:00 am – Said Mass please pray for all those who are in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity especially: Allison, Baby Grace, Peb, Michael Hanlon, Howard Chapman, Linda Moore, James Fisher, Linda Moore, Phillip Bahr, Addison Elliott, Clifton, Lois Simmons, Luis Del Valle, Faron Barnett, Jim Hanratty, Joanne Goulas, Joe Maggio, Tristan, Frances, Silviano Alaniz, Roy Wedgeworth, Father Bruce Noble, Gerald Bush, Michael Crewell, Kelly Gillespie, and those on the Prayer List in the Martyrs Chapel. and for the faithful departed especially: Joan Maberry, Robert Rossi, Scott Crawford, Frederick Wilson, Elliott Goulas, and those on the Prayer List in the Martyrs Chapel. The Adult Forum Faith Seeking Understanding: Adult Catechesis ~ Fides quaerens intellectum ~ Dec. 14 St. Jude Hall - Sundays 9:45 am - 10:45 am Adult Forum 2014 Tentative Schedule of Speakers Fr. Hough III The Profound Impact of Vatican II Dec. 21 - Jan. 11 On Break Fr. Charles Hough III grew up in Fort Worth, Texas. He served as an Episcopal Priest for 32 years until his ordination as a Catholic priest in 2012. Fr. Hough was one of the founding priests of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in 1983, and served as rector in two parishes before becoming Canon to the Ordinary in 1994. Fr. Hough, the father of our Rector, serves as a priest-in-residence here at Our Lady of Walsingham and is the Vicar General of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter. KIDS HOPE Our Successful Sock Drive for the Kids at Treasure Forest Note from Treasure Forest: Thank you for impacting the long term memories of our children. You are making a big difference in their lives! We feel very blessed to have you in our campus. Not only with the dictionary program, but also with the Kids Hope volunteers who come and enrich the lives of our future leaders here at Treasure Forest! Through the generous effort of our parishioners we collected over 900 pairs of socks for the students of Treasure Forest, well over our goal of having at least one pair of socks for every child. They are being organized to distribute to the children next week. We also helped to brighten the day of the teachers and staff by providing a very successful teacher appreciation. The staff was very surprised and delighted to have the cake and homemade goodies. Catholic Family Advent Resources Advent Wreath, (make your own ), Advent Wreath Prayers Jesse Tree, (make your own) December 6, Feast of St. Nicolas, December 8, Holy Day of Obligation, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 12, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Nativity Scene – (you’re your own) Wonderful Children’s Advent daily emails, Advent activities, O Antiphons,( week before Christmas) Posadas - December 16 for nine evenings, - December 24 Midnight Mass. Save the Date! Mark your calendars and make your plans to attend the Chorus Angelorum Gala Dinner ~ Dance ~ Auction on April 24, 2015 at The Junior League of Houston Chorus Angelorum is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by the law.
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