bizz johnson extension... - Lassen Land and Trails Trust
bizz johnson extension... - Lassen Land and Trails Trust
IN THIS ISSUE: Bizz Johnson Extension ......1 From The Executive Director 2 Trails..................................3 Conservation......................4 Education ..........................5 The Trust’s Calendar ..........6 Member News....................7 BIZZ JOHNSON EXTENSION... One More Link In Lassen County’s World-Class Trail Network On April 24 and 25, a team of professional landscape architects from the National Park Service Rivers, Conservation and Trails Assistance Program joined more than a dozen individuals from our community to develop a plan based on initial concepts and ideas gathered through public meetings and surveys. The creative energy was amazing! Outcomes of the process included a focus on priorities distilled from the Conceptual Planning process, public survey, public meetings and the charrette. Priorities are: F Provide a critical trail connection in the regional trail plan for over 70 miles of contiguous trails; F Provide a smooth transition from the county’s planned Skyline Bike Path to the Bizz Johnson National Recreation Trail; Connect With Facebook— Lassen Land Trust F Provide safe, well lit, route for residents, especially school children, to and from work and school; F Provide for improved amenities for the historic rail and mill neighborhood of Susanville with trail, walking paths and landscaping; F Meet visitor needs for interpretation for regional trails and the historic site, amenities such as restrooms and picnic areas; F Provide the community with a flexible outdoor event venue. Additional ideas were generated for North and South Railroad streets and at the Bureau of Land Management’s Richmond Road trailhead. The Trust will work with our partners at the city and the BLM to offer assistance as they consider these potential improvements. The National Park Service team will be providing conceptual drawings and Charrette Team Working! LASSEN LAND & TRAILS TRUST 1 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 BIZZ JOHNSON EXTENSION (Continued) plans which the Trust looks forward to sharing with all of our partners in the community. In addition, staff and volunteers are hard at work to meet deadlines for requests for funding for the permitting phase. the Trust will look at the Active Transportation Program, environmental planning, final engineering and design in 2016 for the first phase of construction for trail-related improvements. Those improvements would include trail surfacing, lighting along the trail, crosswalk marking and signage for the Richmond Road crossing to the Bizz, bollards along the trailhead on Alexander Road, Richmond Road and the depot parking lot to encourage foot, bike and equestrian traffic only, bike racks and trail head signage for both Alexander and Richmond Roads. In June, we hope the community will help us welcome an Americorps National Conservation Corps to Susanville. The NCC crew will be assisting with the initial clean-up and stabilization of the Bizz Extension project through the Cut; painting of the trim on our railroad depot, which is on the National Historic Register; and assisting with trail maintenance, noxious weed removal and maintenance at Lassen Creek Conservation Area. Watch for a call for volunteers to work side-by-side with these remarkable young people and a barbeque on National Trails Day to welcome them to our community! The Bizz Extension has received support from the Trust’s members, who donated nearly $9,000 to assist with the Charette Planning (Louise Camacho & Peg Henderson Of The National Park Service) planning and stabilization phase. Banner Lassen made the lead gift of $5,000 with Supervisor Jim Chapman and Susanville Indian Rancheria also lending their support. To date, we are just a few thousand short of the first phase goal of $20,000. Thanks to everyone who has helped and we hope you’ll be on board for the work ahead, too! FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Spring is a time of renewal and that’s just what we’re doing...renewing the Trust’s focus; renewing the partnership with you, our donors, members, partners and supporters; and renewing the broad commitment we share with each of you to this life we live in northeastern California and our communities. What does that mean? Well, the Board of Directors and Committee members recently participated in a retreat at Lassen Creek Conservation Area to consider just what the most important conservation, trail and education work there is for us all to do in the next three years. What a great exchange of ideas—all driven by how LASSEN LAND & TRAILS TRUST 2 much we all love this unique place where we live. Soon it will be your turn to consider these ideas. Lassen Land and Trails Trust is your land trust and it is how you can make a lasting impact on the quality of the land, water, wildlife, trails and future of your home. So, take a few minutes to consider how you might like to jump in and make a difference. For all who’ve already jumped in...thank you for your gifts, time and ideas! Lassen Creek Conservation Area: Overlooking Bitterbrush Restoration TRAILS Lassen Land & trails Trust The mission of Lassen Land and Trails Trust is to conserve significant natural areas and agricultural landscapes and to promote and enhance a public trail system throughout Lassen County. BOARD OFFICERS President—Tim Garrod Vice President—Liz Norton Secretary—Jeff Fontana Treasurer—Carol Curry BOARD OF DIRECTORS Andrew Bertotti BJ Hubbard Phil Nemir Peter Talia Al Vasquez Paul Whitcome BOARD ADVISOR Carol Curry, CPA STAFF Louise Jensen Executive Director Amy Holmen Lands Manager Bill Faatz Volunteer LCCA Manager County-wide Trails Forum In March, the Trails Committee hosted the first Trails Forum with representatives from the BLM, Lassen National Forest, Lassen County, the City of Susanville, Lassen County Chamber of Commerce, Susanville Area Bicycle Association (SABA), area trail runners and equestrians, as well as the Trust. The Forum was facilitated by Trust Member, Linda Hansen. Trails are a key component of the county’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and the Forum is an opportunity for the managing agencies to share and track new trail projects, exchange management concerns and needs, look at a single calendar of scheduled trail events, trail promotion efforts and opportunities, and for user groups to bring ideas to the table. Key projects underway are the county’s work to improve infrastructure and amenities at Susanville Ranch Park, the BLM’s focus on the design and permitting of new shared-use trails on Bald Mountain, Lassen National Forest’s work on environmental clearance for the permitting of the Fredonyer Pass trail connections to the Bizz Johnson, and the Trust’s continued work on the Modoc Line Rail Trail improvements and development of the Bizz Extension through the Cut to Alexander Road. The big news was SABA’s incorporation as a non-profit and becoming an International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA) chapter. At the conclusion of the first Forum, the group agreed that the discussion was productive and committed to come together several times each year to share our work and to set shared priorities in building, maintaining and promoting your trails system. The next Forum will be in June 2015. For more information, contact the Trust’s Office. PAIUTE MEADOWS TRAIL RUN In case you missed it! The Paiute Meadows Trail Run is taking a year off to become a nationally sanctioned American Trail Running competition. Linda Powell of Bizz Running Company will be working with the Trust to plan the competition, which will include a 4.5-mile fun run and a one-mile kids run as well as the sanctioned half marathon and 50K (31-mile) trail run. Please adjust your calendars by removing this year’s event and saving the date, Saturday, May 14, 2016. Oh, and start training! Youth Participants in Collaborative Assist on Modoc Line Rail Trail For credit card donations, go to Click on Donate to LLTT to connect to Network for Good and Donate Now! Lassen Land and Trails Trust is a 501 (c)(3) member and donor supported charitable organization. Your gifts and donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. NonprofitDirectory.aspx P.O. Box 1461 Susanville, CA 96130 530.257.3252 LASSEN LAND & TRAILS TRUST 3 CONSERVATION Strategic Planning—The Trail Ahead FUTURE ROLE OF THE TRUST At the Trust’s recent planning retreat, Board and Committee members worked to identify priorities for the future role of the Trust in our Lassen County community...and beyond...over the next three years. It was a great day’s work, facilitated by Nancy Haug, BLM Northern California District Manager, who volunteered her time and expertise to assist us. Thank you, Nancy! The outcome of the day’s work has set the Trust with specific goals in Conservation, Trails, Education, as well as in building our own organizational strength. The priority for the Conservation and Trails committees will be developing a shared focus for the conservation of working lands, water, wildlife habitat and recreational resources and the region we serve, as well as a specific Action Plan. As these action plans evolve, we’ll be asking you for your thoughts so watch for news and links through member emails and Facebook to make comments and suggestions in the coming months, along with opportunities to become more involved. Strategic Planning: The Trail Ahead LASSEN CREEK CONSERVATION AREA A team of volunteers have completed the current conditions assessment and report and, with that in hand, have drafted a management plan for this resource which is right in the backyard of all those who live south of Susanville. Highlights of the plan include a continued commitment to monitoring and encouraging restoration from the damage caused by the Big Pine fire. In addition, the team considered the long-term maintenance of the new shared-use trail loop and the timing of the proposed loop in the closed restoration area. The use of the house as a regional wildlife education center is an important piece of the plan with a focus on opening it for use by all of the regional wildlife groups for meetings and education programs, as well as for school groups and the Lassen County Environmental Education Collaborative. At the present time, the building needs some work, but it is ‘open’ for use from spring through fall. If you’re with a wildlife organization which could use the building for meetings or classes, please contact the Trust at 530-257-3252. In addition, if you’re interested in helping with the building with funds, materials or labor, please call Amy Holmen, Land Manager, at 530-257-3252. Lassen Creek Conservation Area: A Place For Education LASSEN LAND & TRAILS TRUST 4 EDUCATION CHILDREN’S FAIR Hope you had an opportunity to stop by the 30th Annual Children’s Fair on May 2nd and visit the Lassen County Environmental Education Collaborative. Together the partners provided STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) based lessons, from Pollinator Puppet Shows to Pelts and Skulls Life Science Demo and the opportunity to meet Depot and Fuzzer, two rescued wild burros! The team distributed Great Basin Wildflower Seed Mix, Youth Passports to the Outdoors and information on the Wild Horse and Burro Adoption program. Many thanks to Kirsten Bovee of Lassen National Forest, Videll Retterath of the BLM, Julie McKee and the Lassen County Office of Education for their participation and support. Speaking of the Youth Passports to the Outdoors, if your child, grandchild, niece, nephew or neighbor’s child would benefit from exploring our Lassen home, stop by the Trust, Lassen County Office of Education, or the combined BLM and Lassen National Forest offices on Riverside Drive to pick up your very own Passport. Children keep a record of the places, activities and education programs they participate in, getting a sticker for each completed. When they complete their Passport, they’re eligible for great prizes. What an awesome way to spend your summer exploring with that special child in your life!! GET READY FOR NATURE CAMP! The wealth of our region is an adventure just waiting to be explored and to teach lessons in our region’s wildlife, water and working ranches. Lassen Land and Trails Trust’s Nature Camp is a child’s ticket to the great outdoors! The programming is rooted in the basics of environmental science, math, language and the arts...and it’s FUN! A professional staff and a wide range of regional experts in everything from hydrology, geology, archeology, wildlife biology, and outdoor survival skills lead campers in daily field trips. Campers will discover all that’s unique about our Lassen home! From alpine meadows and forests to high desert, streams and lakes, Nature Campers spend their days on adventures where they explore while they learn. A limited number of scholarships are available for families who qualify. If you would like to donate to the scholarship fund, please call the Trust at 530-257-3252. Our thanks go out to Lassen Municipal Utility District, a generous supporter of Nature Camp, which is one of the Lassen County Environmental Education Collaborative programs serving our region’s youth. LASSEN LAND & TRAILS TRUST 5 THE TRUST’S CALENDAR—UPCOMING EVENTS MAY 14 DISCOVER LASSEN: OUR NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE Thursday—7:00pm, historic Susanville railroad depot Pat Owens, a direct descendent of Ol’ Man Joaquin will share photos and artifacts, as well as stories of his family and the Paiute Tribe in the region. JUNE 6 FARMERS MARKET: OPENING DAY!—Saturday—8:00am Welcome to our new Farmers Market Manager, Amy Shepherd—be sure to stop and say ‘hi’! JUNE 6 NATIONAL TRAILS DAY—Saturday Come help with our Trails—Join the AmeriCorps National Conservation Corps young people, welcome them to our community and have a great day! JUNE 18 DISCOVER LASSEN: HULSMAN RANCH & WOMEN IN RANCHING Wednesday—7:00pm, Lassen Creek Conservation Area SAVE THE DATE OCTOBER 10 RAILS TO TRAILS FESTIVAL 2015 Co-Presented with Lassen County Chamber of Commerce Saturday—12:00 noon to 4:00pm ANNUAL APPEAL FOR THE BIZZ EXTENSION Banner Lassen Medical Center through Banner Health has brought the annual appeal campaign closer to our goal! On April 8, the management team at Banner Lassen presented the Trust with a $5,000 donation toward the Bizz Extension, which is an important connector in our county’s regional trail plan. The property was purchased by the Trust with a grant from the California Department of Parks and Recreation using Recreational Trail Program funds from Federal Highways and funds from the Trust’s reserves. The campaign is to fund the next phase of planning for development and stabilization of this property. The Trust’s members rose to the challenge, generously giving nearly $8,000. Lead member gifts came from Marshall and Helen Leve. In addition, the Susanville Indian Rancheria gave generously to the project. With the Banner Lassen donation, we’ve reached $14,000 of the $20,000 goal. On April 24 and 25, the National Park Service’s Rivers, Conservation and Trails Assistance Program assisted the Trust, our partners and community in developing the priorities for the property to better serve the community, including improving visitor services through the depot, improving trail and recreation access and enhancing the historic neighborhood. Watch for more news as work begins! (L to R) Catherine Harshbarger, CEO, Banner Lassen; Louise Jensen, Exec. Director, Lassen Land and Trails Trust; John McMillan, CFO, Banner Lassen and Dr. Hal Meadows, Chief Medical Officer, Banner Lassen LASSEN LAND & TRAILS TRUST 6 MEMBER NEWS WELCOME NEW MEMBERS We all want to welcome new members of the Trust and supporters of this important work: Laima Danilovs Sharon Howard Mr. & Mrs. Jim McSpadden Amy Shepherd THANK YOU, RENEWING MEMBERS And a special thanks for continuing support from our renewing members: Judy Ashbaugh Ken Bunch and Pamela Blodgett Claire Chapple, Thomas Maioli and Ella Maioli Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Davie Paula Deschene Jerry & Dolly Douglass Mr. & Mrs. Ken Doyle Tony Exparza Bill & Jo Faatz Phil Finkel Mr. & Mrs. Larry Foster Mary Lee Fruehan The Fulder-Lunder Family Ed & Carol Gann Mr. & Mrs. Jim Goubert Michael & Kathy Healy Justice Lassen County Arts Council Lassen County Chamber of Commerce Helen & Marshall Leve Mr. & Mrs. David McFarland Ken & Jackie McGarva Mr. & Mrs. Galen Roberts June Stanley Linda Tiffin Mavery & Jim Uptegrove THANK YOU, SUPPORTERS There are so many who support this work, and we’d like to thank everyone...if we miss someone, give us a call. We’re terribly sorry, and we’ll do better. Thank you. Diamond Mountain Hotel & Casino WalMart Debbie & Jim Cleveland—An Awesome Grill! Bureau of Land Management Eagle Lake Field Office—Furniture & Equipment Lassen National Forest Lassen County Department of Public Health —A Cool New Water Dispenser For Trail Users Antelope Crew, California Correctional Center —Storm Clean Up Tim Garrod & The Lassen County Master Gardeners—Tree Pruning Likely Place RV Park & Golf Course—Installation Of Signage On Modoc Line Rail Trail AND FOR THE MEAT RAFFLE: Lassen Ale Works Darrell Wood & Family Frank Hall Paul Whitcome Susanville Market IGA GL&L Smokehouse Hulsman Ranch Hole In One Ranch & Andrew Bertotti Jack Hansen Dominic Bachman Red Onion Grill GRANTS Lassen Municipal Utility District for Nature Camp Americorps NCCC At Lassen Ale Works & the 2015 Meat Raffle, Hugh Hardaway, master of ceremonies, and Tyann Brown spins the wheel. Our lovely ladies hustling those raffle tickets! LASSEN LAND & TRAILS TRUST 7 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage P.O. Box 1461 Susanville, CA 96130 530-257-3252 Friend Us On Facebook—Lassen Land Trust To Stay Up-To-Date On All Of Our Events! The Mission of the Lassen Land & Trails Trust is to Conserve Significant Natural Areas & Agricultural Landscapes & to Promote & Enhance a Public Trail System Throughout Lassen County PAID LLTT Susanville, CA Permit No. 6
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