1 - Glendale
1 - Glendale
CITY OF GLENDALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DESIGN REVIEW STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: October 24, 2013 TO: Design Review Board PREPARED BY: Rathar Duong, Planner CASE NUMBER: PDR 1311348 ADDRESS: 700 E. Garfield Avenue APPLICANT: Hamlet Zohrabians OWNER: Zaven Yarlyan LAST DATE REVIEWED/DECISION: First time submittal for final review. PROJECT SUMMARY: To demolish an existing 982 s.f. one-story, single-family residence and construct a new two-story, 5-unit townhouse building with 14 semi-subterranean parking spaces. The existing single-family residence will be demolished. EXISTING PROPERTY: The project site is a 9,240 square-foot interior lot that is rectangular in shape and has flat topography throughout. The site was developed in 1921 with a 982 s.f. single-family residence. The Craftsman style house is listed as a 6L by the Craftsman Survey and is not eligible for listing as a historic resource and can be demolished. Located to the west of the property is a 2-story, 16-unit condominium and to the east is a 12unit, two-story apartment building, and directly across the street is a 14-unit apartment building. The property is bounded by Mariposa Ave and Adams Ave in south Glendale. There are no protected trees on the subject site. CEQA STATUS: The project is exempt from CEQA review as a Class 3 "New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures" exemption, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15303. RECOMMENDATION: Planning Division staff recommends approval of the project with conditions. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is proposing to construct a new 2-story , 5-unit townhouse with 14 parking spaces in a semi-subterranean garage. Two of the parking spaces will be in an enclosed garage. All units contain three bedrooms and range from 1,500 s.f. to 2,083 s.f. and the overall building design reflects influences of the Spanish Colonial Revival style. CONTEXT GENERAL PLAN: Land Use Element: Medium High Density Residential. The project complies with the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The property is surrounded by other high density residential apartment and condominium development. ZONE: R 1650 (Medium-High Density Residential) Zone ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS: There are no environmental constraints. The subject site is flat, rectangular in shape, and does not contain any protected trees . NEIGHBORING ZONES AND USES: North South East West Project Site Zoning R 1650 R 1650 R 1650 R 1650 R 1650 Existing Uses 14-Unit Apartment Buildinq 6-Unit Apartment Building 12-Unit Apartment Building 16-Unit Condominium Single-Family Dwelli ng DESIGN GUIDELINES: Comprehensive Design Guidelines: Multi-Family Residential and Mixed Use Design Guidelines. The following topics covered in the Guidelines are discussed as appropriate to the proposed project and its site conditions : SITE PLANNING A. Building Location The subject parcel is a flat, rectangular lot. The proposed 5-unit townhouse will be generally located in the center of the lot and meets all setback requirements . Due to the narrow lot width, the units will be stacked in a linear row from front to back. The proposed site planning is consistent with adjoining developments and is typical for a lot of this size and shape. B. Yards and Usable Open Space The project will provide all of its required comm oil outdoor space at the rear of the lot. This area will be equipped with permanent seating and landscaping. The front yard will also be landscaped, but this area is generally not intended as a place for the residents to congregate and socialize. Each unit will also have private open space, consisting of individual patios, located along the east side of the building. C. Garage Location and Driveways The required parking will be in a semi-subterranean parking garage with 14 spaces. The location and number of parking spaces meets Code. The driveway leading to the parking garage is located on the eastern portion of the lot. 2 D. Landscape Design (Including Hardscape) Much of the required 25% landscape requirement will be provided in the front setback and at the rear of the building in the common open space. Additional landscaping will be provided along both sides of the building. The landscape palette is comprised of drought tolerant plants and includes Palo Ve rde, multi-trunk Toyon, Crape Myrtle, kangaroo paw, and rockrose. A concrete path leads from the sidewalk and continues along the western edge of the building to the entry of each unit. Another walkway, made of stepping stones, leads to the unit fronting the street. On the eastern end, a driveway leads to the underground parking. At the rear is the common open space consisting of a combination of landscaping and hardscape areas. The project provides a balance of landscaping and hardscape that is appropriate to the design and scale of development. E. Walls and Fences The proposed development will be enclosed along the perimeter with a block wall. Wrought iron fences separate the private open spaces (patios) between the units. No fences or walls are permitted in the front setback. Summary: The proposed townhouse will be located essentially in the middle of the lot and complies with all setback requirements. The site planning of the building is consistent with other developments in the neighborhood and respects the rhythm of the streetscape. The layout of the units is typical of a development on an average Jot size and rectangular shape. MASS AND SCALE A. Relate Buildings to Existing Context The proposed building is 2-story and will be consistent with other 2-story buildings on this street. Its height will also be similar to existing developed properties. The shape and footprint of the building is linear and follows the shape of the lot. These characteristics are consistent with adjoining and nearby development. As such, the proposal is respectful of the overall context, streetscape, and character of the immediate neighborhood. B. Relate Buildings to Existing Topography The subject site is flat. Aside from the necessary excavation for the semi-subterranean garage, no landform alteration will be required . The proposed project is typical and consistent with other new multi-family projects on flat parcels. C. Architectural Concept The building is designed with influences of the Spanish style. Features such as hipped and gabled roof volumes, projecting bays, and cantilevered second floors appropriately break up the building's massing while maintaining stylistic prevalent. 3 D. Scale and Proportion/Monumentality The building 's scale and proportion have been successfully addressed throughout the project, as illustrated on the elevation drawings. The front fa9ade is rather formal , with its overall symmetry subtly broken by the arched windows at the second floor. Th is quality, along with the projecting center bay, provides a dignified sense of balance and proportion without becoming overly monumental. At the sides, the building projects a more asymmetrical appearance with repeating forms and elements, such as the entry porches, balconies, and the small gable roofs . A similar pattern is seen in the fenestration as well. The clear delineation of each unit effectively modulates the building into smaller components. E. Roof Forms The roof is a combination of hipped and gable design and corresponds to the delineation of each unit. The proposed roof design helps conceal the rooftop equipment, which is permitted in the multi-family zones. Summary: The proposed 2-story building is consistent with other 2-story buildings nearby and is considerate of the neighborhood context. The appropriateness of the mass and scale is achieved through a number of methods, such as modulated facades and interrupted roofline. The projection of certain volumes, as demonstrated in the balconies and defined entries, are also effective mechanisms in achieving a sensible mass and scale. DESIGN AND DETAILING A. Overall Design and Detailing The proposed townhouse reflects a contemporary interpretation of the Spanish style and will complement the eclectic mix of architectural styles that exist in this neighborhood. To achieve a cohesive design, a variety of materials and detailing are proposed as evidenced in the roof design and clay tile, the smooth stucco finish of the exterior walls, decorative tile vents , arched paneled entry doors with peek-a-boo openings, wood corbels, and simple vertical picket railing . The proposed detailing contributes to an authentic and cohesive design. 8. Entryways The entries to all units are defined with a slight recess with an arch design. All entries are located on the west elevation (facing the side property line), with the exception of the front unit, which faces the street. Each entry opening will be provided with a corresponding arched paneled wood door. C. Windows and Doors All windows and sliding glass doors are vinyl in almond color with divided lites. The drawings do not indicate whether these lites are internal or 3-dimensional (simulated divided lites). While divided lights are appropriate to the design, they should be on the exterior of the glass panes. Similarly, the operation of the windows is mixture of sliding and single and/or double hung. Due to the design of the building, consistent use of casement or hung windows would be more suitable over sliding windows and wood or cast stone sills should be provided for all window openings. D. Finish Materials/Color The building will be finished in smooth stucco. The proposed color is saddleback (see 4 material board). However, the drawings do not indicate whether the smooth surface will be achieved by steel troweled or machine-applied sand texture . Although steel troweled finish is the preferred option for this design, sand texture is also appropriate. The roof will be clad in clay tile in old world blend (red shade) color. As depicted on the elevation drawings, the color of the stucco and tile roof complement each other. The wrought iron fence, gate, and guardrails will be painted dark brown, while the windows will be almond color. E. Paving Materials All hardscape areas, including the driveway, will be constructed of concrete, while the walkway leading to unit 1 will be constructed of stepping stones. F. Equipment/Trash Location and Enclosure AC equipment will be located on the roof as permitted by Code. These units will be screened by the roof parapet. The trash collection room is located in the semisubterranean parking garage. Summary: The proposed project is an interpretation of the Spanish style, which will be appropriate in this neighborhood containing an eclectic mix of architectural styles. The cohesiveness of the proposed design is supported by the smooth stucco finish and clay tile roof, arched entries and doors, decorative stacked tile vents, and cantilevers with wood corbels. RECOMMENDATIONS/ DRAFT RECORD OF DECISION: Recommendation: The proposed project generally appears to be consistent with the Comprehensive Design Guidelines in its site planning, design, massing, scale and appropriateness to the architectural style, context, and rhyth m of the neighborhood. Staff recommends that the proposed project be approved with conditions. Conditions 1. 2. 3. 4. All windows should have simulated divided lites. Wood or cast stone sills should be provided for all window openings. Sliding windows should be replaced with casement or hung windows. The stucco finish should be steel troweled or sand textu re. Site Planning: The proposed townhouse will be located essentially in the middle of the lot and complies with all setback requirements. The site planning of the building is consistent with other developments in the neighborhood and respects the rhythm of the streetscape. The layout of the units is typical of a development on an average lot size and rectangular shape. Mass and Scale: The proposed 2-story building is consistent with other 2-story buildings nearby and is considerate of the neighborhood context. The appropriateness of the mass and scale is achieved through a number of methods, such as modulated facades and interrupted roof/ine. The projection of some volumes, as demonstrated in the balconies and defined entries, are also effective mechanisms in achieving a sensible mass and scale. 5 Building Design and Details: The proposed project is an interpretation of the Spanish style, which will be appropriate in this neighborhood containing an eclectic mix of architectural styles. The cohesiveness of the proposed design is supported by the smooth stucco finish and clay tile roof, arched entries and doors, decorative stacked tile vents, and cantilevers with wood corbels. ATTACHMENTS : 1. Location Map 2. Reduced Plans 6 Rale-1g h St - -- 17-69 99\ 100 I 'I.ti"( : ' --< v· · - """ t - - - - ' · -·· _ ..... ;;., 108 . 1--.....-----.1 186 --~ ~- 13~ 134 , · 1)5: ,: - , '18; . ..._ ' ·111 '"" ~ ·· 185184 - ~- --_ 102 103, 109 110::130 131 13. 135.175 ,...: / ,.. ________ 179 us· ~-- 1:'.i;;'l;:::c:;;:i_.:J...!!.:'~ I<' 18 8·.r·· ·7 ~./ --- - ~ - _.______......... ~ __...___.,_.__,",......1..---.-r._....-'-.---t.-E~C~ h ~. ~-.r-Cl~ l ~-se~D-r_,_~-~--·---..._.__.~--~-~~--l'----t....J...-:- 5" - m . - ----~· - 1 '--~__._-L_ ~ - - T"l l J I I r l l I l LOCATION MAP 700 E GARFIELD AVE GLENDALE, CA 91205 500' RADIUS 500 I 0 I Feet Printed : May 13, 2013 0 -an -- 3'4G7O.Z..v.,.,111.d. SW 6 ~Ulb!u9120!5 ....... ·"'-,..- - -- __,J· / - -------.. ._ T. 616.23'.3GI 9 f.616.23,.2171 ~,,..,- \ > / ( I I \. .- - .- - ----=~- -- - - -----? n-,._..i~ ... ti.. f"av<rtYand"'J')<vjtlollll.JAA\Al5 AROmC15, and""' not be U><d"' "'f other """1; ""ft by ")'=10\t Mlh DUllM\IS AAClllT?C15. Wnll<n d Ul< p r - OH:t "*<i 0 - and Wlbe..mo.lbylhe-.ron!Up. ..ie. My6'u'f"l'Cf.il2lbei..u;.ttoti.. .tt<:monol OOWMl5AAame!5 pnor to the=-ol"'f"""1;. Therr~drnr"'J~lhe~ 5alf"olthefl"Jt<i•to....ol,,_,, .i...,. ««q>t. the....,...... ol the buld>l<j,ti....,..,..-.i"""'"'1bw lhe~ol51ruc:tmi, -.dednal S)>lem5. ,,,""f"'doorn<nt>lile~ donot-'YtndlQ!ee<ddcnbeal ...t~lo<Upobwoaind ~ollher~olthe -~-GI the-cl the -"""""' Ol<bted "'dl:5<rb<d, the -:haliumohal.t<rn>r~ for prop<r-.-.l~ollhe"""1<. Zaven Yaralyan 22G NCatalina St. Burbank Ca. 91505 700 E Garfield Apartments ._ '- - 700 EGamled Ave. Glendale Ca. 91 205 PROPOSED BUILDING PERSPECTIVE .J08 NIJMflfR 0413 Al !nSTINGW.0.5T@'!MMAMJ1.Yl!lSIO!llTlN.llll<ID!llG CMR511.11-5U81!RIWl'.AHP;m¥;G/olJl,t. 34'70=..V-et.d.s..t<5 2? 16£ ot.r S'-5' f Gleod2. """""' 91200 2? 22' M' lg.T S'·S' ,,,J" So ;,->- lz.7' r. 010.23,.3'19 21'.JO' Iba' .... /, ·.·.·.·J. ···t ..... .... . / .. f. 010.23'.2171 ofo ~~·""" ((j _1.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ·.· .. ·.·.·.·.·. ~ ..·r.·.·.· . ... I r . . . ·, 1--_ rlllSm.'G coo:. aml OOrNfSYIAYTORtl.WN __.I ·. tl!QQS(I) rl<f-05T COO:. f"'NGSTOOe lU > <{ D __J f"'f"'fy .nl ~dllLW/~ lU AJ101ITTCIS, .rd ""' oot "" U5<J "" lltf ~ <{ <..9 I I I I I I I I I I I I 10- 11' 11'- I' r -rr If\." 10-11' ,..., _,. n.... "'-""'"""""""' n It.: ot1...-..n~1>y.,..,.-Mt1i IJUUAM15 m:ltlffC!S. Wntt<o1 ble pr~ <Na ""'4 .-....... ...i ""'beYO'lil<D l>ytt.:«rir.dorm lhey;b ""-Mt deatpq""'"" i.n:.u;.t lo the -dDUIW.llS.IRQ1llf;CTS pnot lo U..~d..,.oen. The Pr"""1My c1tM>j ..ic:.to lhe ~ 5a>p<dlheprop:tmtamod.-...i ~<"""'f'l,lhe-dlhe ~u.. ...,.. ..~- ... lhet'jp<ol>!ruclml,...a.n.:.i,declnc;;j •)>l<m>.~""f"'-lhe~ dooot"""""""rl1dd.:or.,_.a M>tr«p'«llc:rhl"'""""""'w ""'fleboodlhe~cltt.: -~Onllie-ollt.: ~ ""'f<~Otd<5criit4, lhe ca!lr.d« WI t.im.11 '1 otono ~ lor yropr:t->rd~dlhe.00. I Zaven Yaralyan 22G N Catalina St. Burbank Ca. 91505 700 E Garfield Apartments PROJECT DESCRIPTION: APARTMENT UNIT CONFIGURATION: Nl'W PRcrosw 5-UHIT 1ViO 5TOO APmM005 CMR 51'M~SIJ6l?RAANEAN PAAAING GAA>ll imiT NO. PROJECT DATA: TOTAL 2-~ 3 3 3 GROUND l'\lt 1,050 (3)715 715 SfCONOl'\lt 1,033 (3)785 795 4,163 s.r. 2,063 (3) 1,500 1,510 a,0935.f. 3,9105.f. LOT ARIA • 9,240 S.F. ZONE = R·IG50 Al10WA8LE NUMBER OF UNITS =9,240 s.rJI ,GOO s.r. - 0.Sbll UNITS f'ROFOSfD NUMBER Of UNITS = 5 Al10WA8LE HEIGtfT = 26 FT.+ 5' FOR ROOFS W/MIN. 3:12 = 31' PERIMETER FENCE WALLS: LOT Wo/fF.K,f Al10MD • 50% X9,240 S.f. =4,G20 S.f. MAX. Al10WA8LE HEIGtfT Of solid ffNO: + GARAGE POOVf. AOJAO:NT GIWUNO LEVf.l G.5' = 500.00 l.OlltST A0JAC00 GROUND LEVf.l PR0f05ED LOT CQVfF,Jo.f,E. • 4,494 S.f. MAX. AUDWA8LE TOP or fENO: WAil f'ROl'05ID 6UIDING HIEGtfT = 31' AU.OWA8LE FLOORARfA 2 CM\INIT + AD00.5/36RUNIT5 +0.25NNIT(GUfST) = 145PACl'S PROf'05EO PARl\JNG: OOlROOM5 TOTAL 700 E Garflled Ave. Glendale Ca. 91205 REQUIRED PARKING: = SOb.5' 2(5) + 2.5 + 1.25 (GUEST) = 14 SPACES RfQUIREO LAN05CAl'ED Offll SPAa • 25~ (9,240) • 2,310 5.F. l'ROPOSED IJ\NDSCAFED OPEN SPN:f = 2,310 5.f. REQUIRED f'M'ATt OUTDOOR SPf>Cf = 40 5.F.NNIT l'RDl'OSW PRIVATE OPEN SPACE D 40 5.fAINIT MIN. REOUlRED COMMON OUTOOOR 5PK.f • 200 5.F./UNIT = 1,000 5.f. PROPOSED SITE AND FIRST FLOOR PLAN PROf'05EO COMMON OOTDOOR SPACE• 1,000 S.f. = 1.0 (9,240) =9,240 5.f. l'ROl'OSED FLOOR ARIA • 8,093 S.f. .I061M.0ER. 0413 A2. I DUNAMl5 ARCHITECTS l.OSANGru5 3-u;7aa..v... lllva.5utt<o Gl<tdk, Call'"" 91200 ...... r 1 '7 "7 "7 12'.i;' 25' /ti ~ " " ~ ~ "~ "~ - ~ ., " ~u l.f' ll 1 1 1 111 ~ 12'-0' 1( 11111 / 111 1 v f 1( -- -- -----1 I I I I I ( I 111 11 1111 1 I I 7 I 2-t-t..r: ~ = r. C. • <57.5' !'. UNIT I 2-tMt:mQ. ~ r~ ~ ~===~I lI ~ GU ~ I 4' l g. 10' I I I 4'4' 10' '.' l 25' . I I I ~~ ~ " RtCr1:. D _j I : ur ~ I "''I "' I i ~· 5' ' IO'J> ' ~ <( <..') Thoe~a.a~ .... lhe f'opoly aid~ of DUNAMIS noirll:CTS, ""11 not t>e UO<d on "rt ..a otlier-e<ceptby~.111! DUtlAMIS AAOUl?CTS. Wnltol d""""""1' blepr~c=!>C>it<l-....a ololt>evcrll<4bylhe~onlhe.JOb ..te.M(cioerCJ""')'oloilt>e""'1't t.> lhe attort>onof DUM\415 noillfCIS priort.> lhe~of"'fWlt. ThePrdmiwy-~~the~ "Gf< of the l""J<rl • ta... of~ ~nconcq>t,lhed""""""oflhe buili1,lhe"'J"'~-""' lhetypoofolroGllnol,""'"""",~ •I*= M "'I"' docuneots the~ I -~lorMlp<rl""""«o>d ~oflhe,.....tsollhe ~L-l..---------------------· -------------------------------~~------------------------.:~--------------------------P~~-J l l L ~ J. 35'-10' UJ I !;> 5' IO'J> UJ I "'• ;:-1\ :::::: F.616.23G.2171 I ST<Jmf A11111111 §] T.616.236.3619 _@,....O>O 5' 5% ' dooot~.a.:.t<or~ .i -~. Olllhet>ao<>ollhe !!'"""'=re.a..wcr~. -.at.>-"'"'"""""" lhe ~ ikm5 Oflhe .00:. '"' J"<f"'O«abonmd ~ SEMI-SUBTERRANEAN PARKING GARAGE PLAN SCALE I 18'= I '-0' Zaven Yaralyan 22G NCatalina St. Burbank Ca. 9 1505 700 E Garfield Apartments PROJECT DESCRIPTION: NEW PROPOSED 5-UNIT TWO sroo Al'MIMENT5 OVER Sl'Mi-5U6Tl'RJWIEAN PNOONG GAAN;E PROJECT DATA: APAR.TMENT UNIT CONFIGURATION: UNITNO. TOTAL 2 -4 700 E Garf1led Ave. Glendale Ca. 91 205 REQUIRED PARKING: 2 CARNNIT + ADD 0.5/36R UNITS + 0.25AJNIT (GUEST) = 14 SPACTS PROPOSED PAIWNG: 3 llfDROOMS 3 GROUND fl.R. 1,050 (3)715 715 3,9105.f . 2(5) SfCOND FIR. 1,033 (3)7~5 795 4,1635.f. REQUIRED IANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE = 25% (9,240) =2,310 S.F. TOTAL 2,063 (3) I ,500 1,510 6,0935.f. PROPOSED IANDSCAPED OPENSPACE = 2,310 5.f. +2.5 + I .25 (GUE51) = 14 SPACTS lOT mA = 9,240 S.f. ZONE = R-1650 AU.OWAflll' NUMBER Of UNITS= 9,240 S.fJI ,600 S.f . = 0.%8 UNITS PROPOSED NUMBER Of UNITS = 5 AU.OWABU' HEIGl!T = 2G FT. + 5' FOR ROOFS WI MIN. 3: 12 = 31' PROPOSED BUIDING HIEGtlT = 31' LOT COVERAGE AU.OWED= 50%X9,240S.f. = 4,G20S.f. PROPOSED LOT C(Nffl,Af;E = 4,494 S.F. REQUIRED PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE = 40 5.f./UNIT PERIMETER FENCEWALLS: PROfOSEO PRIVATE OPEN SPACE MAX. AU.OWABU' HEIGtlT OF solid FENCE + GARAGE Af30VE ADJACENT GROUND lMl. G.5' LOWEST AD.JAWIT GROUND LEVEL = 500.00' REQUIRED COMMON OUTDOOR SPACE = 200 S.F./UNIT = 1,000 S.F. MAX. AU.OWA611' TOP OF FEINCE WAU. 50b.5' =40 S.F/UNIT MIN. PROPOSED COMMON OUTDOOR SPACE= 1,000 5.f. PROPOSED SEMI-SUBTERRANEAN PARKING GARAGEPLAN AU.OWAflll' FLOOR mA = 1.0 (9,240) = 9,240 S.F. PROPOSED FLOOR mA = 8,093 S.f . .J06NUMllER 0413 SHEET A2.2 DUNAMIS ARCHITECTS IOONIGllZS """=12-/>JA 3'4G7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: °""' v- ew. Sute e - . C.W.....Sl 20ll Nf.W f'ROl'OSID 5-UNJT 1WO STORY Al'AKlMtlll5 OVER 5fMl-SUBTOOWlfAN PA!WNG GAAJl,t T.313.23,.3'19 r.318.23,.2111 -(jgmn..,.. PROJECT DATA: www.- .C0111 LOT AAIA = 9,240 S.f. ZONE = R-1 G50 Al.lOWABLE NUMBER Of UNITS= 9,240 S.fJI ,GOO S.F. = 0.566 UNITS PROl'OSED NUMBl:R. Of UNITS = 5 AllOWA81.E HEIGt1T = 2G FT. + 5' FOR WOfS W/MIN. 3: 12 • 31' PROl'OSfD BUIDING HIEGt1T =31' LOT COVEAAGE AUOWW = 50U 9,240 S.f. • 4,G20 S.f. PROl'OSfD LOT COVERAGE = 4,494 S.F. Thoe~..i~ ... the f'"'l"'1IY otl "'P'l"4* of DUNIMl5 Al)..o.VA61.E flOOR mA • 1.0 (9,240) • 9,240 S.f. PROPOSED FLOOR mA =8.093 S.f. AA01ITECIS. otl .... not"" "5Cd"' "'Y <>th<r....te<c<ptby~Ull OUIAMl5-'RC!mCT5. -~ bi< prued<t«: - """"""""""" otl ""'""~by tile a>1lracta"" the JOI> ort<.lvr(~...Xbebrou;>t totlle - APARTMENT UNIT CONFIGURATION: UNITNO. 2 -4 5 BEDROOMS 0 ROOF PLAN ~i---- SCALE I JO'- I '-0' TOTAi. 3 Thef~cfr7M"9111C1o<:atdtlle_.i """"of the f""J<d • of >rdll<dunl q,""""", the"'°"""""' ol tbe ~-lhe""p~d"""*'otl GRDUNDflR. 1,050 !3)715 715 3,9 10S.f. SECOND flR. 1,033 (3) 765 795 4, 163 S.P. TOTAl of OUIW.fl5 ARatiTfCTS pnor to lhe~of"'lwM. 2,063 13) 1,500 1,5 10 0.093 5.f. thel)!'Ool:struchnl, """"""·'l*m>· "°"Cf'<"°"'""""'the~ do ®I nt=so>ly ~ "'deoGnbe "' wal~ lcxllAlpetf""""""Md C<llly>i<bonollhe"'l"'-oflhe """1><t"°"'""""'. OnthemeoftN: """3W or <lcoGnbed, the ,,...,.,. '°""' ""'""""s11'11""""al*""'~r«llct proper=:ubon ..t~of the.m. PERJMETER FENCE WALLS: MAX. AllOWA81.E HE!Gt1T Of sold FENCE +GNW:;E M!(Jl(C ADJACtNT GROUND LEVEL G.5' l.ONESf ADJACENT GROUND LEVEL 500.00 MAX. AllOWABlf TOP Of FENCE WfoU I"" 12'-7' - 50b.5' -------1 21'- 12'-7' 2'4' I I' I' PROPOSED PAJOONG: 2(5) I I .. I' "'' I I I I' I ' I I I i I ~' I + 2.5 + 1.25 (GUESn c 14 SPACES REQUIRfD lANDSCAPED OPfN SPACE c 25%(9,240) m 2,310 S.F. "'I "' • I 1.f-10' If SCALE I/8"- I '-0' i 700 E Garfield Apartments 700 EGarfiled Ave. Glendale Ca. 9 1205 FROl'OSED lANDSCAPfD OPfN SPACE u 2,310 S.f. REQUIRfD PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE c 40 S.fJUNIT PROl'OSED PRIVATE OPEN SPACE u 40 S.F JUNIT MIN. 15'( REQUIREOCOMMONOUTOOORSfACE • 200S.FJUNIT~ l,OOO S.f . PRDl'OSED COMMON OIJ1000R SPACE u 1,000 S.f . PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR AND R.00f PLAN5 I If 16& SECOND FLOOR PLAN 22G N Catalina 5t. Burbank Ca. 91505 REQUIRED PARKING: 2 CAFAJNJT +ADD 0.5/3BR UNITS +0.25/UNIT (GUESn • 14 SfACfS i' Zaven Yaralyan -----rA.--J J06NUM8fll 0413 A2.3 lOSN«lEUS ~ HWe!ZohrabilnsMA 3467 Oceoo v.w BIYd. Sulo 8 ~ ~~ ~ ~•~•9120! r· T.111236.3619 F. 11l236.2111 ~L ~- ~ www.dunarnkatd'litt.com STAMP: ~ 0 ~~!S~~.~G SOUTH ELEVATION 8 ~~ ~~.~G NORTH ELEVATION 18 These~ and spedblions ate lht properlyendo:ipyrig~ olOUNMllS ARCHITECTS, end "1al nol bl uMCf on any 0Chtr>1>11<extej)l by....,.d OUNAMJS ARCHITECTS. W_ Ille _,1on, p!«dence"' " S<>leddrnetdlons end INll bl ..nliedbylhe_ ...... ,,.. . .Mr _,,,,,,.,_ dsaepaiqWlbl~lolll-ol llUlA1llS ARQllCCTS pfcw lolll Thel'..r.ina<y...,._lhegt""11 saipeollheproiedh&ermsol-.i clesigl""""""~'clme"""'ollhebuldrig. lhtmajof8RMe<:lural!lemlnlsendllel)l"ol struclllal,mecNnical, 1ledric:alsystems.N scopedoOJrnerlslll• drawiv)•do nol ntaSSJ/lly il<lcateordestti>aaJl.00.IOqllhdforM pffiorm.,1ceondoompleioocllll1reqW.v111•ls cllhecon.,adocumeats.O.lhebasiscllle l gener~scopelndlealedordelailed,lht " l I KEYNOTES: 1- l 1• SMOOTH fHSHED CEJ.IEH1 flASTER OYER PAPER MCkED METAL LATH CMRA.W/000 SHEA1llliGO<EmRllR SllECf ht AT W 0.C. Nl>A LAYEROf!4"G'l'PSl.l.I BOAAO a< TIE INTElaOflSllE. PRIMllER-13"51.UllOHIN SlllDSPAt:f. CQ.OR •LAHABAA"SHD.EBACK" 2· 1' SMOOTH F1MSHEO CEl.100 Pl.ASTER OVER CCJNCRBE 9t.OCK FENCE WAU. """"""""'Mnlshal-requAdfor pnipereec:Uionend""""""'ollle- ClEIT: Zaven Yaralyan COi.OR '"U.HABRA 'SADDl.EBACI(" 0 > ~~!S~~.~G WEST ELEVATION E~SCOJ!NICE COLOR : PRE.cAST HONEY OAT 4- 226 N Catalina St. Burbank Ca. 91 505 WOOOCORSELS OOlDR : DARK BROWN > MISSION TU SCREENED VENT COlOR :W.TCHROOf TW 6- ONEPECEQAY LtSSIOH TU RCXF CXMRNi <MR 2·«WAOCRiO PN'ER ta.OR :Cl.O\'«R.DaEHO 1· PRE.PAIITTOMETAL.GUITERNl>OO'i\WSPOUT OOlllR:DAAl<BRO\'lll I- PRf.f tftStf:OWM. YflffOOiV COLOR : AIMOHO 9- PRHlNISHEOVINYl./TUIPEREOGLASSPATIOOOOR COLOR : Al.UOUD IG- PAIN?EOWOOOOOOR COL.OR: DARK 8ROVnl 11· PNNTEO METAL GUARDRM. COi.OR : DAAK BROVIH 1Z· PAllTEOUETALFENCE cotOR : llAAK IR(W/N 13- PRf.cAST COOCRETE <:.» CCl..M :PflE-CA.ST tQ<EYQU PRO.ECT: 700 E Garfield Apartments 700 EGarfiled Ave. GlendaleCa. 91205 REVISIONS BY t+ PA.ltmO GATE OOlllR:DAAl<BR0\\11 IS. SAl.TUO TlE TREADSW/twmPAINTEDSPANISH TURISERSTIPS COLOR : RED SAl.11.lO Wlf.!lffiJ.CCX.MRiSERS I&- EmRIOR LIGHT FIXlURE SHEETTinE: C<X.OR :ONU<BRONZE 11· PA.INTEOt.£TALCHl1.L'lEYCN' cotOR:DAAl<SAO\'IN 18- PRE<AST CCllAtN r» AND WE 0.'~ SOUARE PlASTEAEO CClUMN cctOR : PRE-cASTHCJ.'EYQ.\T It. PRE.cAST 1\YISTEO tw.f-AO.N>COlWN C<l.OR :PRE-CAST"°''EYQ\T ,.. PRf.CA$T CORllCE PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS CCI.OR : PAE.cAST HONEY Ol.T 35'-10' 8 20% ~~!~~~.~G EAST ELEVATION 1 10% 1 5% 'I o,t,ll: 04.22. 13 SCALE 1/4' =1'-0' IJRAWN BY HZ 0413 .JOONU1.!BER SHEET A4 II DUNAMISARCHITECTS LOSANCB..ES ' 34670coan,,,...~.&!lleB Glondale,Coliomla91208 T.818.238.3619 F.818.236.2171 ~can ~' I STAMP: i I I ' I i' I u.i Thosam..1ngJtnd~C1 lhe pqllllfy 100 oop)l\llll of DUNAMIS ARCHITECTS, tndaliol ~beusedOOl/rf ~ Gtile<v.ul<8'ceplby~llilliDUNAJ.llS ARCllrrECTS.Wtlllendimensloos take P<ecodence11"fsca»d-MtndWlbe ..m.dbylhe-onlhe)obsi>,/.t.y 0 ...J w cisa9lf'l!CY1h111bolfn>udil~l\e-of DUNAMISARClmCTSplorlrllhe u: 0::: ~otlltfw..i.. The l'l8lMlalyimif<,i ildlcates h>ge....i trope ol lhe picjecfil 18rm• ol o.-..i deolgliCOllC>Opl,lhedinenslonsollhebui<lng, <( (.!) 11\8---tndlhe~J<ol I &t-ucMal.-.•ledJfcal1)11<ms. lo I I I I I I ~ -0<desal>lalmieqijled1orM toope--lli~do~~ I peibmanceand~ol~.~~ olhoonlraddoamonls.Onlhebasbofile I --'"""'-otdesalbed,lhe -obalflrlthallbmsieq<l!ed1or properWOl&nand""11pie&!nollhe- I I CUEHT: I Zaven Yaralyan I 226 .NCatalina St Burbank Ca. 91505 I PROJECT: 700 E Garfield Apartm~nts 700E Gamled Ave. Glendale Ca. 91205 ·REVISIONS DESCRll'TION SH1'ET1Tllf; . PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN -'N. ;\Nil' --, .. --1,L-!\ .. l"L ~' -· - N -- ' .. ' - LARRY G. TISON ·DATE Sc ASSO-OIATES ' LARRY G• .TISON, A.S.l.A. L AN DS CA PE ARC HITl;'.CT URE 314 E. BROADWAY, SUITE 0, GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA 91205 ' 8111·;?41-9169 SHEET L-1 BY . A DUNAMIS ARCHITECTS l 03AmE1.!S :M&T Ocean \'low BW. Sui'~ e Gl"1dale,Callm 91208 T. 8181311.3619 F.8182362171 4> -~-""" -v.WN.~ccm I I I STAMP: I I .I ' I I I I I. u.i .> ·<( Thesocn""1?ond~111111t1e popedy and~ of DUNMIJS AAClllT!CTS, and li\olinol be us<d"' 111y .-..,,.~byllgl...-..l~DlllW.lis ARCIITTECT$.Wri!!Mdlmenslontlale 0 · prewleoce w cb:npancyWilbe~loltoitlanllooor D\RlAMIS ARClllTECTSpriorlD llie u:: o>mrr"""""'4cl iny,;.oc 0::: ThePrell1ina')'~-ltogeneral ~ ._otthepojo:fillennsol•de)ignO>llC<p\lhedi!lenslcNollhebtliolng, lhemaj«.-alele.-ondlhel'ilieol -sllutllnl;-.eledri<alSj>lemS.As """"'documonbl!ie dmi'QSdo llol """5Sati'f I ' - P/L' ..,..,scaled cl11w•lonur•hllal be ·~ bylto-onltojobsils.My ..J I hdlcoie01.desoibeW!woit~forl.I podoonanco and~ollhen>q-ls ollhe...mddooomel\IJ.Onl!ieioa.is~lto I propottxeaililnand~ollhe""1c. I I I ' I ' I I !l'imlocopeRficat<dOldesaioed,lto oonlradorlflalfumbhallems l"l'iled for CtJENT: Zaven Yaralyan I 226 NCatalina St. Buibank Ca. 91505 I ~ PRCllECT: 700 E .Garfield Apartments 700 E'Garfiled Ave. Glendale Ca. 91205 ·. .. . · - - - - - · - · --· - • -··- - - ···~ · ·- - • • • - • .-• - - - -- · - T# +• ~ --· ~- - - •· • ••- --· ~- • • # ••• • • • · · · - · · ·- - - . .... Rf\llSIONS · -. OESCRIPOON ·, -DATE "S tmllllE: -,-L -~N ·1·n1·7 1·1·' .'-.'Ill>~' .. t.i . . ~ •- ~-' . '. n .1 ·-· > . PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE SCAlE DRAl'm BY . , . JOB NUMBER L.A RR'Y G . T I S O N Si A SSOCI ATES LARRY G. TISON. A.S".L.A. L A NDSCAPE AR·CHITECT U RE :3L4 E. 8RO>.OWAY, SUITE:Dt GlENOALE , CALIFOR NIA 91205 ' 818-241-9169 SHEET L-~ BY