March 2014 - NHS Highland
March 2014 - NHS Highland
Highlights MONTHLY March 2014 MEET THE BOARD: GRAHAM CRERAR A fund of experience AVIEMORE AND BROADFORD PREFERRED FOR NEW HOSPITALS BROADFORD and Aviemore have emerged as the preferred locations for new hospitals in Highland. On 11th March, the steering group looking into the redesign of health and adult social care services in Skye, Lochalsh and South West Ross chose Broadford as its preferred location for a new hospital in the area. A week earlier, a special meeting of the NHS Highland board decided to go to formal threemonth consultation in Badenoch & Strathspey, where there has already been extensive community engagement on service redesign. The result of this is the emergence of a preferred option for change – developing a new community hospital and resource centre in Aviemore, starting a wider redesign of health and social care services and closing Ian Charles Hospital in Grantown-onSpey and St Vincent Hospital in Kingussie. Work will now take place to identify possible sites in Aviemore for the new hospital and resource centre, and this will form part of the formal consultation. In Skye, Lochalsh and South West Ross, an extensive engagement exercise resulted in a preferred option being chosen for the future shape of service provision. This was to modernise local services, including those provided by Continued on page 2 - - Dr Boyd Peters at Ian Charles Hospital in Grantown-on-Spey St Vincents Hospital, Kingussie Mackinnon Memorial Hospital, Broadford Portree Hospital Preferred locations for new hospitals Continued from front page the area’s two hospitals, Portree and Mackinnon Memorial in Broadford. The steering group had recommended the creation of a main community resource centre and hospital (a ‘hub’) in one of the towns and a smaller ‘spoke’ facility in the other. This was presented to a special meeting of the NHS Highland board on 4th March, and work to identify a preferred location was agreed. A ‘location option appraisal workshop’ was subsequently held by the service redesign steering group selected Broadford for the new-build hub facility and Portree as the location for the spoke. However, no decisions were taken on the actual sites. Further work will now take place to assess the feasibility of a number of sites and to ensure that all potential sites have been identified. But as NHS Highland owns land adjacent to the new health centre in Broadford this will be investigated in the first instance. The preferred locations having been chosen, a recommendation will be made to the April meeting of the NHS Highland board to pave the way for a formal, threemonth consultation on the full service model and possible site locations. When that is complete a final recommendation will be made to the board and then to Scottish Government ministers. The proposed new hub would be the main site and would accommodate a wide range of services, such as the Scottish Ambulance Service, social care and community health, and would also have in-patient facilities, the main diagnostic facilities such as X-ray and endoscopy, a procedure room for minor operations, endoscopy, out-patient chemotherapy and infusion service, and the main visiting out-patient services such as orthopaedic, surgical, chest and ENT. The spoke would accommodate out-patient services, primary care emergency centre, a minor injury unit and a base for NHS Highland’s community team for the north of the area. However, it would not have in-patient beds. With public attention understandably focused on the prospect of closing hospitals and building new ones, the board was Woodland enterprise volunteers gain qualifications after training BLARBUIE Woodland Enterprise volunteers have gained qualifications which will assist them in maintaining the Lochgilphead woodland. Trainees Sam Thomas, Alan Campbell, Peter Creech and Colin Campbell were put through training before receiving their LANTRA certification for chain-saw crosscutting, felling techniques and saw maintenance. T his training will quickly be put to good use as previous years’ storm damage to the woodland has led to a backlog of clearing work. Blarbuie Woodland Enterprise looks to enhance the mental and physical health of people in the Mid Argyll area and also wants to improve access to open up the woodland for all to enjoy. -2- at pains to point out at its special meeting this month that much had still to be done before any construction work starts. “We are in the middle of a very long process in which the input of people in both communities is crucial,” said Maimie Thompson, head of PR and engagement. “I understand that the public will focus on our hospitals in both areas, but I must stress that they are not a done deal.” NHS Highland chair Garry Coutts described both service redesigns as “a tremendous opportunity”. “Being able to get to this stage for both these communities is fantastic,” he said. Among those present at the special meeting was Dave Thompson, MSP for Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch, who told the board: “I am very comfortable with the way things are being approached and you get my full support. “The issues in Badenoch & Strathspey and Skye, Lochalsh & South West Ross were never going to be easy to deal with but it has been a positive process in how people have been involved.” FINANCE: Need to secure extra £2.5m ‘clearly disappointing’ Brokerage deal enables board to balance books NHS HIGHLAND has had to borrow from the Scottish Government to help it balance the books. Director of finance Nick Kenton will tell the board on 1st April that NHS Highland has secured brokerage of £2.5 million from the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates to ensure that it meets its financial targets in 2013/14. The money will have to be repaid in future years, based on an agreed schedule starting in 2015/16. In his report to the board, Mr Kenton will explain: “The need to obtain brokerage is clearly disappointing and emphasises the need for robust savings plans and controls which deliver recurrent savings and reduce the board’s reliance on non-recurrent resource, which has grown in recent years.” Mr Kenton reported to the February meeting of the board on the need for a £2 million improvement in NHS Highland’s operational units to deliver financial break-even. This was in addition to a potential benefit of £2 million from reprofiling the lives of NHS Highland’s assets, securing additional funding of £1 million from The Highland Council and securing other benefits totalling £0.6 million. However, the director will tell the April meeting that, while the £1 million had been secured from the local authority, the asset lives reprofiling had yielded £0.4 million less than originally predicted. Furthermore, the improving financial trend in the operation units did not continue through the first two months of the final quarter of the financial year. QUOTE The need to obtain brokerage is clearly disappointing and emphasises the need for robust savings plans and controls -3- The most significant overspend, £9.5 million, related to Raigmore Hospital, where the financial position deteriorated by £0.3 million since the February board meeting. Most of this related to increases in theatre costs, orthopaedic lists and cancer drugs. “While interim management arrangements have now been put in place at Raigmore, it is too late in the financial year to expect any further improvement,” Mr Kenton will report. In addition, the director will report a £3.9 million overspend in HNS Highland’s South and Mid Operational Unit, an improvement of £0.3 million on the figure reported in February; and a £1.7 million overspend in the North and West Operational Unit, where, Mr Kenton will report, there are continuing financial pressures caused mainly by the use of medical locums in the rural general hospitals and GP out-ofhours costs. However, there has been a £1.3 million underspend in Argyll & Bute, where there are also pressures relating to locum costs. HOW ACTIVE? ... THE STAFF SURVEY IS COMPLETE THANKS to everyone who took the time to answer the questions in the recent staff survey on physical activity and active travel. Responses came in from every corner of the board, and with over 1,200 sets of answers it starts to give us a good idea of what our staff are thinking and doing. At the time of writing the survey has recently closed, and the prize draw just taken place. Full analysis of the responses is under way, and we will use what you say to further support opportunities for staff to be active in a way that they enjoy and is realistic to fit with busy lives. Congratulations to Nell Health promotion specialist Dan Jenkins reports on the results of a recent staff survey MacGillivary from Dingwall Health Centre, Mairi Henderson from Kingussie Medical Practice, and Laura Mcilhatton from Centre for Health Sciences, who are the lucky winners of £50 outdoor activity ‘vouchers’. Huge thanks to the Green Exercise Partnership for donating the funding for these, and for their continued dedication to enhancing opportunities and ac- A GREAT opportunity that is coming up is Paths for All’s National Step Count Challenge, running for eight weeks from 28th April. It’s a chance to get a team together and set your own goals based on how many steps you cover each day. It counts all the steps you do, whether it in or out of work time. And it’s not all about doing the most steps: the biggest national prizes in this challenge are for people who improve the steps they cover, for the most creative ways to get out walking, and for the people who best inspire those around them. The process is easy: sign up as a team and log your daily steps. If you don’t have a pedometer (or equivalent app on your phone), then we are supporting those who sign up with a team by providing 1,000 pedometers to help NHS Highland employees participate fully in this challenge. You can also order them for an additional £5 through the site. The website goes live from 31st March, and we’ll send out more publicity soon. -4- cess to the amazing environment around us. Congratulations, too, to Yvonne MacRae in Bettyhill, who is the lucky recipient of an additional donated prize of £20 outdoor activity ‘voucher’. And thanks go to the benefactor who recognised the value of encouraging the views of staff on these questions. So, what did you tell us? Here are a few headlines from the survey … Thirty-two percent of you are active for 30 minutes or more on at least five days a week. While that seems low at first glance, out of the 60%, or so, of you who are active for one to four days a week, nearly two thirds do rack up a total on two and a half hours of activity in a week somehow or another. Something that really stood out is that 74% of you would like to be more active. Over 40% are definitely up for trying something new, and another 36% said you might. So look out for opportunities coming your way, and give each other a wee boost of confidence to take them up. Often, getting started can be the hardest part; and if we’re not active then the times and distances that people often talk about can feel daunting. Several people have recommended Continued on next page PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND ACTIVE TRAVEL SURVEY Continued from previous page “Couch to 5K”; which is a nineweek programme supported by podcasts, and importantly it starts at being a complete beginner. Check out: htt p:// w w w . nh s. u k/ T ool s/ P a ge s/ couch-5K-running-plan.aspx . Also, coming soon is the Workplace Step Count Challenge (see inset box on previous page). The biggest reason people identified as helping them to be more active was ‘time’ (or some reference to it). This is a reality facing most of us, and highlights why finding opportunities that fit into daily routines can be so important. Any extra time can be hard to find, but splitting activity into shorter chunks and seeking out slots during the day can help. Another much-quoted factor was having someone to be active with and to help keep each other going. Many of our workplaces are actually ideal places for finding those activity- buddies, and from the responses we’ve had you are probably not far away from someone else who wants to do a wee bit more as well. …Oh …and the weather … can’t do much about that one, I’m afraid, but if you manage to get out and about regularly it might surprise you how rarely you actually get a proper soaking. The nature of the geography, and length of journeys in our region can present huge challenges for regular active travel. Almost 20% of you do travel to work actively; but clearly there are a lot of structural and facilities issues that you rightly highlight as having a role in facilitating active travel. More safe cycle routes, showering and changing facilities, and improvements to public transport all feature. Not far off half of all respondents have jobs that are mostly sedentary; only 13% are mostly active, and the rest are mixed. Work pressures, limited breaks, nature of the job, and just not knowing where to start all featured highly. This is one of the most interesting and complex sets of responses, and we’ll be looking into it quite a bit. People are very creative in how they manage to, or would like to, introduce different ways of not sitting for long periods. It usually requires a very opportunistic approach. And managers: you have a big part to play in giving permission and encouragement to your staff to stretch legs (and all sorts of body parts), and get up from screens and desks for a while at regular intervals. Being active is arguably the single most important thing we can do for our health. The trick is usually finding a way to do it that we enjoy, and which fits into busy lives. It’s not all sweat and Lycra; and remember that if you are being active at the level that has the biggest gains for health, you can still usually hold a conversation. So get your pals, and have a laugh too. English health minister follows NHS Highland’s lead Two years ago NHS Highland learned about the work of Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle and decided they would emulate its approach to improving the quality of care. A number of top doctors and managers from Highland visited the world-leading American hospital to learn the techniques they have used to vastly improve patient safety and the quality of services. On 26th March, Jeremy Hunt, England's health minister, is in Seattle visiting Virginia Mason and announcing that he wants English hospitals to adopt the same approach. NHS Highland chair Garry Coutts said: "We have been using the techniques we learned from Virginia Mason for some time and I remain convinced that this is the correct approach. We will reduce harm, eliminate waste and improve the quality of the care if we stick to what we learned in Seattle." He added: "Although we have -5- been using this method, which we have branded the Highland Quality Approach, for a little while we have always said it would take several years for the real benefits to realise the full benefit. Virginia Mason has been using the system for over 12 years and they tell us they are still learning and have a long way to go. I hope Mr Hunt does not expect instant results. It will take hard work and tenacity for it to make a real impact across the whole of NHS England." Target for reducing falls ‘very realistic’ WHENEVER a target is set to reduce anything by 50% within a very short timescale, many eyebrows are raised at exactly how that can be achieved. However, that is exactly the aim of an ambitious new Scottish Government and Care Inspectorate programme for improvement when it comes to reducing falls and fractures in a care home environment by the end of 2015. ‘Up and About in Care Homes’ is a Scottish Government-funded project which focuses on a collaborative approach to improvement with the aim of embedding best practice for falls prevention in the everyday work of care homes. NHS Highland AHP associate director and executive lead for falls prevention, Katherine Sutton, said: “I think that with the correct approach the 50% target is very realistic. We have an example of this being achieved here in Highland. “Southside Care Home in Inverness has managed to achieve this by using the good practice resource and the model for improvement and by implementing this into its daily work. “We were delighted to learn that the Highland Health and Social Care Partnership had been selected as one of the sites to be included in the first phase of the national project.” Katherine added: “We know that falls can be a significant risk to quality of life and maintaining independence for older people. In Highland, we are keen to take all possible steps to help prevent falls happening. “There were 14 care homes in Highland recruited for this project and it’s a wonderful opportunity to learn how best to prevent falls by building on the excellent work that is already ongoing in care home across our Health and Social Care Partnership area. “It is hoped that by actively engaging those at the front line of delivering care, they will develop an understanding of the interventions that can help to reduce the risk of care home residents falling. “By applying the Institute for Health Improvement’s ‘Model for Improvement’, this will help to empower the staff in our Highland care homes to make the improvements to working practices that they feel are most likely to result in improvement within their local setting and for the benefits of their residents.” To date, there have been three regions targeted to hold special learning sessions aimed at giving attending care home staff, and their wider community teams, the opportunity to reflect on the current falls prevention and management within care homes and learn about how improvement methods can help -6- them with the work. Lianne McInally, the national project lead for Up and About in Care Homes, said: “What we are teaching here will help to shape the future of care homes in Scotland. “Our target is to reduce the number of falls and fractures in our participating care homes by 50% by the end of 2015. “This is a great opportunity for care home workers from across Highland to come together and share ideas on best practice. “One of the main reasons we chose to hold a learning session in Highland was for exactly that. It can be very difficult for collaboration when you’re miles away from each other.” Those who attended at the Centre for Health Science last month were treated to a number of lectures and presentations on topics such as ‘Why Falls Matter’, ‘Introduction to the Model for Improvement’ and ‘What is a Collaborative Approach?’. Care Inspectorate rehabilitation consultant Edith Macintosh said: “I am absolutely delighted with the engagement within the care home sector in Highland. “This is a great opportunity for them to get focused support to make a positive impact on the quality of care for older people in care homes.” The care home project is part of a national programme of work on falls prevention in Scotland. Seminars to put spotlight on domestic abuse THE charity Ross-shire Women’s Aid is to hold two seminars on domestic abuse on consecutive days next month. The events, entitled ‘Coercive Control and the Leaving Process – Understanding Domestic Abuse’, will be held on two days: on 2nd April in Portree Community Centre, Skye, and on 3rd April in Inshes Church, Inverness, on both occasions from 10am-1pm. The seminars are designed to help people better understand domestic abuse, appreciate its impact and understand the main issues in providing an appropriate service to women, children and young people experiencing domestic abuse. Registration will start at 9.30am on both days, and tea, coffee and pastries will be available. The seminars are being facilitated by Nel Whiting, a learning and development worker with Scottish Women’s Aid. Her role takes her throughout Scotland providing learning opportunities to a range of professionals in the voluntary and statutory sectors. To attend either seminar, email [email protected] or contact Claire on 01349 862689. VIDEOS: Humorous films have strong underlying health message Campaign calls on women to have smear test EVERY three years women aged 20 to 60 years are invited to have a potentially life-saving smear test. The test takes only five minutes, saves around 5,000 lives in the UK every year and prevents eight out of 10 cervical cancers from developing. Smear test appointments can be made with GPs, family planning or sexual health clinic. It might be surprising, therefore, to find that in some areas almost one in three women don’t go for their smear test. Women aged 20-35 are the most persistent defaulters and the biggest group never to have had a smear. Research carried out in 2012 into barriers to uptake identified three main reasons for reduced rates of cervical screening uptake, particularly among women aged between 20-35 – fear, pain and embarrassment. A new campaign has now been launched by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to tackle these obstacles, change behaviours and increase uptake of the test. Central to the ‘Smear Campaign’, which is endorsed by NHS Highland, are three short videos specifically aimed at each of these issues, which have all been well received in research, and developed using feedback from female focus groups. All are humorous, but with an underlying health message. Two depict women in this age group -7- chatting in social settings, using non-clinical language, about what they think about the test, and a third is a comedy dialogue between a drag queen and a young woman. They are being used by practice nurses during consultations with the target audience, and are also broadcast on solus screens in hospitals and health centres, sexual health clinics, and community and leisure centres. The videos are also being hosted on NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s YouTube channel, NHS HIGHLAND EMPLOYEE’S ADVENTURE Raging torrents and hostile natives in amazing Amazonia H IS day job, as fire safety trainer with NHS Highland, might be all about minimising risk and danger. But risk and danger might seem to some to be at the heart of Emil Carlsson’s hobby – rafting down some of the world’s most remote and dangerous rivers. And both were in abundance on Emil’s most recent whitewater adventure, a 30-day, 600km expedition through what’s been described as the Grand Canyon of South America. Highlights spoke to Emil last year about the expedition, and caught up with him this month, just a few weeks after his adventure of a lifetime. The 20-member expedition down the River Maranon, the largest tributary of the River Amazon, involved by far the biggest and scariest rapids 33-year -old Emil has ever tackled. It also featured what Emil described as “tense” close encounters with a sometimes hostile tribe that involved stone- throwing and threats to kill. “The tribe, the Awajun, have a reputation for not welcoming outsiders, for sometimes understandable reasons,” said Emil, who at work is based in Raigmore Hospital, Inverness. “We had three interactions with them, one of which was very good and the others extremely tense. “The last of these was on the last day of the exhibition, and I was still full of adrenaline when I flew home!” Emil, who lives in Clachna- -8- harry and is originally from the Swedish island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, has taken part in rafting expeditions in places as far afield as Costa Rica, Nepal, Morocco, Uganda and the United States. However, the Rio Maranon expedition was the biggest he’s been on, and was easily the most challenging as it was held during the rainy season, with particularly fast water and the Continued on next page NHS HIGHLAND EMPLOYEE’S ADVENTURE Continued from facing page risk of flash floods. The exhibition had been arranged in part to raise public awareness of plans to build a series of 15 dams on the river, submerging villages and vast areas of wild and ecologically important wilderness. “These dams will have major ecological and geographical implications for the entire Amazon basin,” said Emil, “and will result in a great many people being relocated from their ancestral homelands.” The exhibition was essentially in three sections: through an area Emil described as being “easily as grand as the Grand Canyon in the United States, with challenging rapids”; a lower, flatter section; and a three-day stretch through the Amazon jungle. Emil, who rafted solo for most of the trip, has good reason to remember the first stretch. One of the rapids was so intimidating that it took the team three hours to determine the safest route – yet Emil’s raft still ‘flipped’, tipping him into the raging torrent. “It was pretty scary,” he said. “I was under for fully 15 seconds and was carried about a kilometre downstream. I couldn’t overstate how challenging that stretch was.” As for his encounters with the Awajun, the first was preplanned and went well. The expedition’s leader had previously befriended the chief of an Awajun village, whose residents welcomed the expedition members with friendly curiosity. The team presented a leather football to the village, and the chief organised an ‘us-versus- ABOVE: Tackling some white water RIGHT: Emil with his face having been painted by Awajun vilagers them’ football match with bamboo sticks as goalposts. “The kicked our ass!” joked Emil. In their second encounter with the Awajun the party came upon a village whose residents weren’t expecting them, and their welcome was much more guarded. Emil explained: “The Awajun may have good reason for think- CARTOON: See page 27 ing that white people will steal their children for organ harvesting and their women to sell into prostitution. They are therefore very wary of strangers and so there was a tense atmosphere when we arrived, with a lot of aggressive shouting. “The tension was relieved after the exhibition leader made a speech to the villagers. Some of the women of the village came up to us after the gathering and started smearing red paint from a local plant in our faces, as a way of saying we were accepted. We returned the -9- fa- vour to them and it was a very joyous atmosphere. “We left that village late in the day on something of a high after that experience and rafted down the river to camp. About a kilometre downstream we came upon two more villages, one on each bank. We clearly weren’t wanted there. We heard shouts of ‘Go and get your gun’ and ‘You are going to die’, and two Awajun kayaks came out to intercept us. One of the Awajun put a big stick on my raft and demanded: ‘Why are you here?’ “They half-accepted our explanation that we were just tourists and we managed to get away. It was our last day and it was quite a relief to eventually get off the river. We certainly didn’t want to get any further into Awajun territory!” Emil, who took unpaid leave from his work to go on the expedition, has no plans as yet for another rafting adventure. He said, “I think I’ll lead a calmer life for a while, though I wouldn’t mind tackling some white water in Asia at some stage in the future.” Highlights helps NHS Highland Archive grow THE NHS Highland Archive, housed in the Highland Archive Centre in Inverness, is growing – thanks to an article in last month’s Highlights. NHS Highland board secretary Kenny Oliver had used Highlights to issue an appeal to members of staff who came across old documents or images at their workplace to get in touch with him. He’s concerned that some material may be lost to posterity unless it is kept in the archive. Within days of the article’s publication, Elizabeth Hutcheson, primary care assistant manager at Argyll and Bute, contacted Kenny to tell him of some old NHS regulations that he thought would be of interest and should probably be archived. Among the documents were the NHS Scotland Handbook for General Medical Practitioners from 1947, copies of the NHS Scotland Act 1947 and copies of regulations relating to superannuation. Colin Waller, an archivist at the centre, undertook to archive the documents, which he said would be an integral part of the Northern Serving up science with your cuppa... FANCY coffee and a slice of science? An informal way of engaging with the latest topics in science has kicked off in Waterson’s, in the Eastgate Shopping Centre, Inverness. In Cafe Scientifique Inverness, researchers share stores of how everyday lives have been touched by progress in science. The first of these free sessions was held on 18th March, when Dr Lyndsay Fletcher, of the School of Physics and Astronomy, explored the science behind the Northern Lights. Next up, on 22nd April, will be Professor Paul Thompson, Chair in Zoology, Cromarty Lighthouse Field Station, University of Aberdeen, whose talk is entitled ‘What’s all the noise about?’ As human activity on the oceans increases, noise pollution has become a hot topic. Professor Thompson will consider why sounds are so important to marine animals, and how researchers are evaluating whether wildlife is at risk from industrial noise. On 20th May, Dr Francisco Perez-reche, lecturer in Physics and Life Sciences, and Dr Stephen Torre, School of Divinity, History and Philosophy, University of Aberdeen, will talk about the history and philosophy of time travel. And on 24th June, Professor Sandra MacRury, Professor of Clinical Diabetes, University of Highlands and Islands, will give a talk entitled ‘Diabetes: Bench of Bedside and Back’. She will explore how new research and ways of working might help to unravel the causes, prevention and management of one of the UK’s biggest health challenges. All sessions are free and open to everyone and run from 7-9pm. - 10 - Regional Health Board series within the NHS Highland Archive. Another addition for the archives, which came from a different route, is a copy of the programme for the service which accompanied the laying of the foundation stone following the reconstruction and enlargement of the Northern Infirmary in Inverness in May 1928. Work starts on mental health unit WORK has begun on a new purpose-built unit in Dundee for young people with mental health problems. Earlier this month, NHS Tayside chairman Sandy Watson carried out the official sodcutting ceremony to mark the beginning of construction on the new Young People’s Unit. The £8 million development is part of the North of Scotland Regional Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service project, which is a partnership between Tayside, Highland, Grampian, Orkney and Shetland NHS boards and which has seen the establishment of a specialist network for young people with severe and complex mental health problems The will include a 12-bed inpatient unit with an education facility and family accommodation for patients from across the north of Scotland. It is expected that it will be fully operational by spring 2015. New booking details for communication support for deaf and deaf/ blind people DO your service users need communication support to help to get the most out of NHS Highland services? If so, you will need to be aware of the changes to the booking service arrangements for communication support for deaf and deaf/blind people. From 1st April, The Highland Council will take on this service from Deaf Action and will provide communication support to all areas of NHS Highland (including Argyll & Bute CHP). The new booking service should be used for booking the following types of communication support for deaf and deaf/blind people: British Sign Language (BSL) Lip speaking Electronic note taking Deaf/Blind Communication Support Moira Paton, head of community and health information ilanning, said “Communication support for deaf and deaf/blind people is a vital service that ensures that people with a sensory impairment gain the most out of their interaction with NHS Highland. “We would like to thank Deaf Action for their support in providing this service in the past, and look forward to working with colleagues from The Highland Council who will provide the new service.” For more details on how to contact the communication booking support service, including how to access BSL interpreters out of hours, access the information on the Equality and Diversity site of the staff intranet. NHS Highland scores highly in reporting adverse drug reactions THE Yellow Card Centre for Scotland, the organisation responsible for helping to make medicines safer, has recently published a report indicating NHS Highland is the second highest health board in Scotland for reporting adverse drugs reactions. The figures taken from April 2012 until May last year are in stark contrast to national statistics, which show the number of reports have been on the decline since 2008. The report indicated that NHS Highland’s reporting figures increased slightly from 80 in 2011/12 to 84 the year after and that the reporting rate per 100,000 population was significantly higher, at 27, than the Scottish average of 16. NHS Highland medicines management development nurse Ruth Miller said on behalf of the Medicine Management Safety sub-group for NHS Highland: “This is a very positive result for NHS Highland as reporting side effects impacts on patient safety and assists the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in monitoring the safety of the medicines and vaccines that are on the market. “Information from Yellow Card reports are continually assessed at the MHRA by a team of medicine safety experts who study the benefits and risks of medicines. “If a new side effect is identified, information is carefully considered in the context of the overall side effect profile for the medicine and how the side effect profile compares with other medicines used to treat the same condition.” Ruth continued: “We would encourage healthcare professionals and patients to continue reporting any adverse drug reactions by either completing the Yellow Cards found within the British National Formulary or by completing the information on line at” - 11 - NO SMOKING DAY: Oral health improvement practitioner led film project Premiere showing for The Last Cigarette THE glitz and glamour of Hollywood made its way to Dunoon this month as the town hosted a film premiere with a difference. On 12th March, the town was given the red-carpet treatment as the local cinema played host to the world premiere of a short feature, The Last Cigarette, and a hard-hitting documentary starring pupils from Dunoon Grammar School and actor David Hayman. While the synopsis of the film was a closely guarded secret, it and the documentary have a ‘no smoking day’ theme running through them. Fiona Duncan, an oral health improvement practitioner for NHS Highland based in Dunoon, led on the project and explained that she hoped the film and documentary would build on previous No Smoking Day campaigns. She said: “This all started two years ago during previous No Smoking Day campaigns which were specifically targeted at first year pupils at Dunoon Grammar School. “While working with Mairi Thomson, the school’s drama teacher, she showed me a previous film the class had done on domestic violence, drugs and alcohol abuse which gave me the idea and it just took off from there.” Fiona explained that it took a year to secure the necessary funding, and accommodation for the film crew, but filming was able to take place over two weeks in June last year. She worked closely with Shooters, the film branch of Spirit Aid, a charity founded by the actor David Hayman, who has a role in the short feature, which is dedicated to improve the welfare of children worldwide. She also worked closely with Mairi and her pupils. The documentary features people talking about their personal experiences. They include a non-smoker with mouth cancer,a smoker who has already lost a leg and two former smokers talking about their experiences. Fiona said: “The pupils saw the whole filming process, and appear in the drama. Some got to work behind the camera, and helped with the sound too. “And, because both shorts have a ‘no smoking day’ theme running through them, the messages were ringing through loud and clear, as they will when watching the finished product.” Fiona added that she had never been so involved with the community, and saw Dunoon at its best with help being provided by all four emergency services, local businesses and the local paper, the Dunoon Observer, which helped with some printing of materials. She said: “I can’t say enough about how helpful everyone has been during the making of these. “It’s a different way of delivering a very important message and I can’t think of a better day than No Smoking Day for the pre- Maggie’s opens its doors to NHS Highland employees MEMBERS OF NHS Highland’s staff who would like to know more about Maggie’s Highlands are being invited to professional awareness sessions there. The sessions are for any member of staff of any grade or profession who has not had the opportunity to visit Maggie’s as part of their staff induction. The sessions are being held this year on 8th May, 12th June, 31st July, 4th September, 9th October and 13th November. Next year, they will be held on 15th January, 19th February, 26th March and 7th May. Each session starts at 9am - 12 - and will last approximately 30 minutes, but anyone attending will be invited to stay and join Maggie’s meditation group at 9.30am, and the Tai Chi group at 11am. To book email [email protected] or phone 01463 706306. Workshop puts spotlight on person-centred care PERSON-CENTRED care was the focus of a one-day workshop held earlier this month in Arrochar, Argyll and Bute. Caring Connections brought together more than 100 people from across Argyll and Bute saw people who have experienced health and social care services meet with health and social care professionals to discuss what principles should be in place to ensure that the care provided in Argyll and Bute is respectful, caring and person centred. Pat Tyrrell, lead nurse in Argyll and Bute, explained that the day focused on what can be done to ensure that people are being listened to, inspiring and motivating people providing and receiving care, bringing person-centred care to life in each health and care setting and helping people talk about their practice or experience of care and support. She added: “This will be the beginning of a network that will go from strength to strength in making sure that our health and social care services learn and develop from the experiences that people share with us.” Those present also heard from a carer and a patient who shared their experiences, what worked for them and what didn’t. The first speaker was Tommy Whitelaw, a full-time carer from Glasgow who looked after his mother following her diagnosis of dementia. He now devotes his time touring to raise awareness of the impact of dementia on families and the difficult but vital role played by carers. The event also heard from a patient from Dunoon who shared his experiences of care services, looking at both the positive and negative aspects. TECHNOLOGY: Assurance issued on security following review Email log-ins outside NHS network to be changed CHANGES are being made to the NHSmail log-in page that members of staff see when you they are on a computer outside the NHS (N3) network (white log-in screen). At the moment, when you go to from a computer that is outside the NHS (N3) network, you are prompted to enter the first three characters of your NHSmail password into an on-screen keyboard. When the changes are made, the on-screen keyboard will no longer appear and you will enter your whole password using your computer/device keyboard. There has been a thorough review of the security of NHSmail and an assurance has been issued that the level of security of your NHSmail account will be maintained. On password security, you will never be asked to disclose your password in full in any other place than on the NHSmail log-in page at (either inside or outside of the NHS). If you are prompted to enter your password on any other website, or asked for it over the phone, you should regard the request as attempted fraud and report it to the national NHSmail helpdesk – [email protected]. It is also planned to make it easier for you to retain access to your account. At the moment, if your password expires you have to change - 13 - it from an NHS-connected computer (blue log-in screen). The same applies if you are locked out of your account - your Local Organisation Administrator (LOA) must reset it and you have to then change it from an NHSconnected computer before you can log in. To make things easier for you, there will be the facility to change your password from a non-NHS connected computer after it has expired or been reset by your LOA. When you go to the NHSmail log-in page at, if your password needs to be changed, the reset password box will appear. If you have any questions, contact [email protected] ARGYLL AND BUTE: Raymond keen to develop service CHP gets new lead chaplain ARGYLL and Bute Community Health Partnership has appointed Raymond Deans as the new lead chaplain for the CHP. Raymond started in his new role in February and will be working closely with staff, patients and carers across Argyll and Bute. He had previously been working part-time as a chaplain on Bute for 10 years. Raymond said: “This is a new venture and I am looking forward to working with my colleagues in Campbeltown and Oban as we seek to develop the chaplaincy. “I have tried to establish a routine of visiting Dunoon on Monday, Bute on Tuesday, Helens- burgh on Wednesday and Lochgilphead on Thursday and sometimes Friday as well — not that this is a rigid list, but it should help staff to know when to expect me.” He added: “As part of my work to develop the chaplaincy service, I am happy to meet with staff, patients and carers at any time and will be providing training on spiritual care to staff over the coming months and years. “I would also like to develop chaplaincy visits for patients who are being cared for in their own homes and who might value a visit by the chaplain, even though they have not actually been in the hospital itself or have now been discharged.” Mary Wilson, Allied Health Professional lead for the CHP, who will be managing the chaplaincy service, said: “Raymond is very experienced and extremely enthusiastic and I know that he is looking forward to embracing the challenges and opportunities of his new role.” Healthcare professionals start their new jobs on Islay NHS HIGHLAND has appointed two new health professionals for the communities of Islay and Jura. GIll Hearle commenced on 3rd March in her new role as senior charge nurse in Islay Hospital. Her move to Islay follows a career in the Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps, during which time Gill worked in Germany, Cyprus, New Zealand, Oman, Iraq and Afghanistan. Gill is qualified as an advanced nurse practitioner and her most recent experience was in primary and pre-hospital care with previous roles in burns and intensive care units. Gillian Nelson-Edwards this month started work in her new role as public health nurse for Islay and Jura, having previously worked for five years in child health in London. Gillian is originally from Islay and her move to the island was predominantly fuelled by the desire to give her own young family a chance to experience the freedom and outdoor space that it has to offer. Commenting on these new appointments Alison Guest, clinical services manager for Islay, said: “I am really delighted to welcome Gill and Gillian to NHS Highland. “They bring with them a wide range of experience and I am sure they will both be a great addition to our team on Islay.” - 14 - CAMPBELTOWN: Sunroom shines in prestigious national award scheme S TAFF and patients at Campbeltown Hospital have been celebrating after the Sunroom at the hospital was given a prestigious national award, the Macmillan Quality Environment Mark. Based in the in-patients unit, the Sunroom provides a dedicated environment to meet the needs of those with palliative care requirements and their relatives. It provides a more homely environment for those who may require being in hospital for symptom management or care at the end of their lives. It also provides relatives’ accommodation to enable them to remain close by and it has access to the garden through patio doors, allowing patients and families to enjoy the outdoor space. The award recognises and rewards good practice and high standards within the physical environment of a cancer care building. Hospital unit makes its mark The Sunroom is among only 18 sites in Scotland to be given the award, which has been developed in collaboration with people living with cancer and organisations including the NHS. Kitty Millar, Macmillan nurse for Kintyre, said: “We are delighted with this award as it is an acknowledgment of the hard work Pictured, from left, are Kirsteen Graham, support services manager, Campbeltown Hospital; Maggie Wilkinson, Macmillan, nurse for Kintyre; Kitty Millar, Macmillan nurse for Kintyre, and Elaine Hamilton, associate Macmillan development manager - 15 - of staff. We are very grateful to Macmillan Cancer Support and all the local fundraisers and donations we receive which makes the Sunroom possible”. Donnie Cameron, clinical services manager for Kintyre, said: “Everyone in Campbeltown Hospital is delighted with the award which is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of all staff. It is not merely the caring attitude of the nurses but the diligence and cheerful demeanour of domestic staff and the willingness of catering staff to adapt menus which makes the Sunroom such a special place.” Elaine Hamilton, associate Macmillan development manager, said: “This award reflects the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in making the Sunroom at Campbeltown Hospital such a special place. “Assessors found that staff worked extremely hard to create a welcoming atmosphere and that staff are committed to providing high quality care in a comfortable environment. their hard work.” NHS Highland in national effort for IBD patients NHS HIGHLAND is paving the way nationally in providing better standards of care for people with inflammatory bowel disease. With the north of Scotland having the highest reported incidence of both Crohn’s disease and colitis in the UK, NHS Highland and another Scottish health board were recently chosen to work with the charity Crohn’s and Colitis UK on using the results of a national inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) audit to improve care. NHS Highland IBD lead clinical nurse specialist Dave Armour said: “We were chosen not only because of the high incidence in the area but because as a team we are already at the forefront of innovative work with research and technology and have a good relationship with the local Crohn’s and Colitis UK Highlands and Islands Support Group. “As well as providing a nurse-led IBD clinic three times a week we now have a joint weekly clinic which is led by consultant gastroenterologist Lindsay Potts, specialist gastroenterology dietician Lisa Macleman and myself. “For more severe cases at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness our Infusion Suite provides high-level biological therapy and iron infusion. While patients get their treatments we have the opportunity for face-toface education and counselling, which can make a vast difference to patients’ quality of life. “We are also trying different approaches to help our patients manage their symptoms long term. There is a telephone advice line for patients, carers, and health professionals. Our research colleagues Dave Armour and Lisa Macleman pictured in the Raigmore Infusion Suite are piloting the use of smartphone technology to track patients’ daily health, and we are using other methods such as mindfulness and psychology.” Lisa Macleman added: “Patients who have these conditions recognise the benefit of seeing a dietitian as research about food and IBD is often conflicting. My role is to promote evidence-based research on food, health and disease and translate this into practical guidance to enable patients to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices.” “A significant number of patients with IBD have or are at risk of developing malnutrition. We are working to ensure that all IBD patients admitted to hospital have access to a dietitian even if they are not on the gastroenterology ward.” NHS Highland’s ‘Who We Are’ Twitter account – @NHSHWhoWeAre – this week has the IBD/ gastroenterology team members tweeting about the condition and their roles. The team also has a resource website available to both members of the public: Pages/LiverandGastroenterologyService.aspx Headway Highland plans new social group HEADWAY Highland, the brain injury association, is to hold an information day at Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations, Tigh Lisigarry, Portree, on Tuesday 22nd April. Headway are looking to set up a local social group for anyone who has sustained a brain injury, perhaps as a result of an accident, stroke or disease. The group would have a range of activities, such as arts and crafts, guest speakers, befriending, outings and free counselling. Brain injury survivors, family members, carers and professionals will all be welcome at the information day, which will run from 2-7pm. For further information, contact Susanne on 07767 416006. - 16 - OLDER PEOPLE: Need to reshape care provision Community networkers play key role THE demographic of Scotland is changing. In future years, Highland’s older people will form a greater proportion of the population than ever before. With the population aged 65 and over expected to increase by 50% during the next 20 years, and with increasing life expectancy, the number of over-90s will treble in the same period. These changes will mean that there will be increasing pressures on health and social care services in the future, requiring a shift away from institutional care towards care and support for people in a community setting – effectively reshaping care for older people (RCOP). In order to help face this demographic shift, 11 new RCOP community networkers are now in post across the Highland region. Among the aims of these new posts is to support the shift of resources into community-based support and preventative care. They will help to identify what support is required for carers and for existing services and what new initiatives are needed to help improve the lives and outcomes for older people in the Highlands. RCOP development officer Michelle Manzie said: “The future shape of healthcare services will be very different in the future, with resources shifted from institutional care into preventative care and community based support. Partners in NHS Highland, local government and the third sector are committed to working with older people to ensure their health older people to ensure their health and wellbeing is optimised and that community support is improved. “The community networkers will play a very valuable role in helping to develop and support those community services which help to keep people independent and healthy and able to live for longer in their own homes and communities.” Community networker for Inverness East, Ruth Cleland, added: “One of the biggest challenges we face is loneliness and isolation, which is in itself a barrier to health and independence. “It is so important that people feel part of and connected to their communities in which they live and that they are able to access services and information which can help them remain independent. “We want to see older people enjoy full and healthier lives, able to look after themselves and each other and staying active in their communities for as long as possible.” - 17 - Volunteers raise awareness of breastfeeding THE breastfeeding peer supporters who volunteer for NHS Highland held a breastfeeding awareness event at Falcon Square, Inverness, earlier this month. They wanted to hold the event following a recent episode in Staffordshire where Emily Slough was insulted on-line for feeding her eight-month-old daughter Matilda in public. Peer supporter Tania Daschofsky said: “I breastfeed my son wherever he needs fed and I have never had anything negative said to me. By having this event we want to raise the awareness of breastfeeding in public and support women in their choice to breastfeed.” Spam email alert A WARNING has been issued about a spam email being sent to members of the public regarding cancer test results. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has posted a warning on its website to assure people that this email is not from NICE and to state that its origin is being investigated. Further information can be found on the NICE website or its associated Twitter account: Traffic warning WORK continues to install a biomass boiler at Raigmore Hospital. During this time, while all efforts will be made to keep it to a minimum, some disruption to car parking and flow of traffic near the site will be unavoidable at times. Statistics offer insights into autism in Highland AUTISM will probably affect about one in 100 people in the Highland area. There are some people who will have the condition but are not yet diagnosed. Susan Boyle recently revealed that, aged 52, she had been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, which is a condition within the autism spectrum. How could someone live for over half a century without diagnosis? According to Faith Wilson, NHS Highland professional lead, this is more common than you might think. She said: “It can be difficult to diagnose an adult with autism because it’s quite important to have a patient’s early development history in order to gain an accurate diagnostic result. Obviously, the older someone gets, their memory fades of how they were as a child. “If someone is referred to us in their early 50s, it could be that their parents have died and they might not have any older siblings that can remember their behavioural patterns as a youngster. “This can be an issue as it’s important to look at a patient’s early development, as there is quite a difference between autism and Aspergers neurodevelopment patterns before and after the age of three.” Faith works part-time as an autism diagnostician at Autism Initiatives in Albion House, an autism resource centre in Inverness. She assesses people referred to her by GPs as being suspected of having autism, delivers training and is involved with development to progress the autism strategy in Highland. Faith has compiled a number of statistics over the last two years which reveal some interesting insights into autism in Highland. Faith said: “We looked at some referral and diagnostic figures from the last two years and the results made for interesting reading. Unsurprisingly, there are more males than females living with autism in Highland, which reflects the national statistics. “However, there was a rise in the number of referrals in the past year – especially the number of females self-referring. Referral figures have doubled for adults in Highland during this period. “I think high-profile figures such as Susan Boyle publicly revealing that she lives with autism has certainly increased awareness and understanding of how difficult it can be for some people who may have had life-long experiences of bullying, misdiagnosis and social exclusion. “It is very common to hear people speak of their relief upon diagnosis as it is almost like a weight has been lifted from their minds. Many people have told me how they have had to almost act like a different person each and every day simply to ‘fit in’ with the expectations of the rest of society. “What these statistics also show is that there has to be improved referral criteria to help prevent inappropriate referrals. The assessment process is constantly evolving and changing, the ADOS assessment tool has recently been upgraded to reflect the new diagnostic criteria, and it can be difficult to keep up with the pace – especially when I am working part-time in this position.” Nurse lands Commonwealth Games voluntary role INVERNESS-BASED clinical research nurse Fiona Leslie has successfully applied to join the huge team of volunteers at this year’s Commonwealth Games. And Fiona has used the Staff News Drop Box on the NHS intranet to try to find out if there will be anyone else from NHS Highland on the team. “It would be nice to be able to make contact with them,” said Fiona, who will find out in May exactly what her role during the Games will be. If you will be taking part in the Games as a volunteer, please let us know by contacting communications manager Tom Davison at [email protected]. - 18 - An Aghaidh Mhòr agus an t-Ath Leathann air an taghadh airson ospadail ùr Tha e air a thighinn am bàrr gur e An Aghaidh Mhòr agus an t-Ath Leathann na h-àitean a chaidh an taghadh sa Ghàidhealtachd airson ospadail ùr. Air 11 Màirt thagh am buidheann stiùiridh a tha a’ coimhead a-steach do ath-dhealbhachadh sheirbheisean slàinte agus cùram sòisealta inbhich san Eilean Sgitheanach, Loch Aillse agus Iar Dheas Rois gur e an t-Ath Leathann a b’ fheàrr airson ospadal ùr sa sgìre. Seachdain roimhe sin, chaidh aontachadh aig coinneamh shònraichte de bhòrd Sheirbheis Slàinte na Gàidhealtachd, gun deidheadh gabhail ri co-chomhairle trì mìosan ann am Bàideanach agus Srath Spè, far an do rinneadh mion-sgrùdadh mur tha de ath-dhealbhachadh sheirbheisean coimhearsnachd. Mar thoradh air a-sin, tha a h-uile coltas ann gun tèid gabhail ri atharrachadh – ospadal ùr coimhearsnachd agus ionad ghoireasan a Dr Boyd Peters aig Ospadal Iain Teàrlach ann am Baile nan Granndach leasachadh san Aghaidh Mhòr, a’ toirt toiseach tòiseachaidh do athdhealbhadh nas motha ann an seirbheisean slàinte is cùram sòisealta agus a dùnadh Ospadal Iain Theàrlaich ann am Baile nan Granndach agus Ospadal an Naoimh Vincent ann an Cinn a’ Ghiùthsaich. Ospadal An Naoimh Vincent, Cinn Ghiùthsaich - 19 - Mar phàirt den cho-chomhairle fhoirmeil seo thèid làraich ùra a shireadh san Aghaidh Mhòr airson an ospadail ùr agus an ionad ghoireasan. Anns an Eilean Sgitheanach, Loch Aillse agus Iar Dheas Rois chaidh mion-sgrùdadh a dhèanamh airson faicinn dè an coltas a bhiodh air goireas sheirbheisean san àm ri teachd. Chaidh aontachadh gun deidheadh an dà ospadal san sgìre, san Ath Leathann agus Port Righ, an ùrachadh. Mhol am buidheann stiùiridh gum bu chòir prìomh ionad ghoireasan coimhearsnachd agus ospadal (seòrsa de ‘hub’) a chruthachadh ann am fear seach fear de na bailtean agus goireas beag nas lugha san t’ eile. Chaidh am beachd seo a thoirt fa chomhair a’ bhùird aig coinneamh sònraichte air 4 Màirt agus chaidh aontachadh gun deidheadh an làrach a b’ fheàrr a chomharrachadh. A’ leantainn air adhart air duilleag 21 An Aghaidh Mhòr agus an t-Ath Leathann air an taghadh airson ospadail ùr A’ leantainn air adhart bho dhuilleag 20 Mheas a’ bhuidheann stiùiridh a tha ag ath-dhealbhachadh sheirbheisean, gur h-e an t- Ath Leathann an t-àite a bu fhreagarraiche airson an ionaid as motha agus gur e Port Righ a bu fhreagarraiche airson na t’ eile. Ach cha deach aontachadh sam bith a dhèanamh air dè an dearbh làrach a bhiodh ann. Thèid an tuilleadh sgrùdaidh a dhèanamh a-nis air grunn làraich agus thèid dèanamh cinnteach cuideachd gun tèid beachd a thoirt air gach làrach a b’ urrainnear a bhith freagarrach. Ach, a chionn ’s gur ann le Seirbheis Slàinte na Gàidhealtachd a tha an talamh ri taobh an Ionaid Slàinte san Ath Leathann, thèid sealltainn ris an làrach sin sa chiad àite. Nuair a thèid na làraich as freagarraiche an taghadh thèid molaidhean a chuir air adhart aig an ath choinneamh den bhòrd sa Ghiblein a’ thòisicheas co-chomhairle foirmeil trì mìosan a sheallas ri modal lànsheirbheis agus làrach a dh’fhaodadh an cleachdadh. Nuair a thèid sin a dhèanamh thèid na molaidhean mu dheireadh an cuir mu choinneimh a’ bhùird agus an uairsin mu choinneimh mhinistearan an Riaghaltais. Ghabhadh am prìomh làrach a tha san amharc farsaingeachd de ghoireasan leithid Seirbheis Charbad -eiridinn na h-Alba, cùram sòisealta agus slàinte coimhearsnachd, a thilleadh air goireasan airson euslaintich a bhiodh a’ fuireach an oidhche, goireasan rannsachaidh leithid x-ray agus endoscopy, rùm airson mionobair-lannsair, endoscopy, seirbheisean chemotherapy agus fala agus na prìomh ghoireasan a gheibhear a-mach à ospadal leithid sheirbheisean orthopaedic, surgical, broilleach agus ENT. Ghabhadh an t-àite na bu lugha seirbheisean a-mach à ospadal Ospadal Cuimhneachaidh Mhic Fhionghain, an t-Ath Leathann Ospadal Phort Rìgh leithid seirbheisean-èiginn bunaiteach, ionad airson leòntan nach eil ro èiginneach agus àite obrach do sgioba coimhearsnachd Seirbheis Slàinte na Gàidhealtachd airson ceann a’ Tuath an eilein. Ach, cha bhiodh leapannan idir innte. Leis gu bheil aire a’ mhòrshluaigh, mar a bhiodhte a’ sùileachadh, gu geur air gum faodadh ospadail a bhith a’ dùnadh agus feadhainn eile gan togail, bha am bòrd airson dèanamh cinnteach aig a’ choinneimh shònraichte a bh’ aca air a’ mhìos seo gun robh gu leòr ri dhèanamh fhathast mus deidheadh tòiseachadh air obair togail sam bith. “Tha sinne ann an teis mheadhan pròiseis dha rìreabh fada far am bheil cur-a-steach an t-sluaigh anns an dà choimhearsnachd cudromach” thuirt Maimie Nic Thòmais, ceannard PR. “Tha mi a’ tuigsinn gum bi daoine a’ dlùth amharc air na h-ospadail anns gach àite, ach bu mhath leam a - 20 - dhèanamh gu math soilleir nach eil dad cinnteach fhathast”. Thuirt Cathraiche Seirbheis Slàinte na Gàidhealtachd, Garry Coutts gur e “cothrom air leth” a bha seo a thaobh ath-dhealbhachaidh dhan dà àite. “Tha e mìorbhaileach a bhith an comas a bhith aig an ìre seo leis an dà choimhearsnachdan seo”. Ameasg na bha làthair bha Dave Mac Thòmais, Ball Pàrlamaid na h-Alba airson an Eilein Sgitheanaich, Loch Aillse agus Bàideanach, a thuirt ris a’ bhòrd: “Tha mise gu math toilichte leis mar a thathas a dèiligeadh ri cùisean agus tha mi a’ toirt mo lànthaic dhuibh. “Cha robh trioblaidean a th’ air a bhith aig Bàideanach & Srath Spè agus an Eilean Sgitheanach, Loch Aillse agus Iar Dheas Rois idir gu bhith furasta dèiligeadh riutha ach tha e air a bhith na chuideachadh leis mar a tha daoine air a bhith air an toirt a-steach dhan chùis”. Raising awareness and understanding of SDS OVER 100 people were in attendance at the Highland Self-Directed Support (SDS) service user and carer event at Smithton Church in Inverness earlier this month. of presentations and workshops helping them gain a greater understanding of the Social Care and Self-Directed Support (Scotland) Act, which comes into force from 1st April. Health professionals, social workers, parents, carers and service users were treated to a host The event was the culmination of a week-long series of events throughout Highland aimed at This is one of the best things to have happened to me! AFTER six months working in an administrative role with the SelfDirected Support team in Inverness, Daniel Windsor was planning a move to pastures new. The 21-year-old’s contract expired on St Patrick’s Day and he admitted that he was sad to be leaving what he called a ‘familylike team’ in Kinmylies. However, after an eleventhhour intervention, Dan’s stay with the team was extended for the next six weeks. “I’m really pleased I get to work for a little bit longer with the team as I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time here,” said Daniel. “The whole experience has been really positive and I have achieved all my goals in a short period of time.” Daniel lives with Asperger syndrome and often finds it difficult to socialise with people before getting to know them. When Highlights caught up with the SDS team’s newest recruit in October last year, Daniel was hope- ful that his new job would help improve his confidence and social skills. “My confidence has improved greatly and I’m now more outgoing and better at communicating with people I don’t know. “It’s fair to say that getting this job was one of the best things to ever happen to me. “I hope to take what I have learned in my time here and apply it to any jobs I get in the future. I have applied for a few clerical positions and for some volunteer work. This is something I simply wouldn’t have had the confidence to do before.” Natalie Thomson, SDS social worker, has worked closely with Daniel over his six-month supported employment contract – an opportunity presented to NHS Highland after linking up with Capability Scotland. She is delighted with the progress he has made and is thrilled Dan’s contract has been extended. - 21 - raising awareness of SDS and focusing on mental health, children’s services and service users and carers. Highland SDS team manager Jennifer Campbell said: “We were thrilled with the turnout at our event yesterday. With over 100 people in attendance, it shows that there is eagerness in Highland for people to find out more about Self-Directed Support and how it can help people take control of their own lives. “The atmosphere throughout the day was amazing and there were some excellent networking opportunities taking place. The feedback we received was extremely positive and people left with a far greater understanding of SDS, which was the aim of the entire week. “It has been an extremely positive week and with less than a month to go until the Act comes into force, the SDS team here in Highland will continue to work as hard as ever to ensure all the proper procedures are in place to help people make the transition easier.” The star attraction of the event was a presentation by Simon Duffy, the director of the Centre for Welfare Reform. Simon was heavily involved in the creation of the modern SDS and hopes that people in Highland embrace the Act once it comes into force. “It would be excellent if people can see how flexible SDS is and how much they can make it work for them in their lives,” said Simon. Conference looks at older people’s needs ‘GETTING Behind the Future – A Vision for Older People in Cowal and Bute’ was the name of a conference recently hosted by Cowal Community Care Forum. The conference was well attended and the aim was to get NHS Highland and Argyll and Bute Council working together, while involving the public, in de- signing new health and social care services. Argyll and Bute CHP lead nurse Pat Tyrrell commented: ‘’The conference was an excellent opportunity to meet with a wide range of members of the local community, to learn about the innovative approaches and services that are being developed and delivered locally and to consider what else will be required to address future needs within the community. “The motivation and commitment of those providing local services was inspiring as was the positive feedback from people who experience these services on a daily basis.’’ SEMINAR: Rural practitioner uses event to raise awareness of issue Sports concussion seen as under-recognised problem AN NHS Highland doctor is calling for greater recognition of the seriousness of concussion in sport. Dr Jonathan Hanson, a rural practitioner based on Skye, believes that raising awareness of the issues around concussion will help to ensure that people can take part in sport more safety – and enjoy the many health benefits it brings. Dr Hanson underlined the point as one of the speakers at a seminar on the pitch-side and primary care management of concussion in Aberdeen. The seminar was part of a sports and exercise medicine course by the University of Aberdeen. “Head injury in sport is certainly a hot topic these days and I hope that the seminar will contribute further to raising awareness of concussion and the problems associated with it,” said Dr Hanson. “Concussion is a major problem that is under recognised and must be taken seriously by parents, teachers, sports people, administrators and medics.” He added: “Exercise is the single most important thing people can do to help their health and we need to encourage more people to exercise and participate in sport safely if we are to address the ticking timebomb we face in terms of health issues such as obesity and diabetes.” Dr Hanson, who graduated from Aberdeen University, was a member of the Team GB medical team for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, is team doctor for the Scotland ’A’ rugby squad, resuscitation physician for the Scotland rugby squad and doctor for the Team GB mountain running squad. But it’s his particular interest in sports concussion that will be the focus of his Aberdeen talk. Dr Hanson explained that there had been a number of highprofile cases involving concussion in recent times. In the United States, the National Football League has been involved in a multi-million dollar - 22 - compensation case for former American footballers who have had early-onset dementia. Last year, the first death in Northern Ireland, and probably in the UK, due to second impact syndrome was recorded at the inquest of a 14-year-old rugby player. And in football, there was controversy over Spurs goalkeeper Hugo Lloris being allowed to play on despite having been concussed. Dr Hanson added: “The Scottish Government has issued an excellent document to every sports club in the country. It’s called ‘Sports Concussion’, and has the sub-heading ‘Concussion can be fatal’. “Sports concussion is not a minor issue, which is why it is vital that we raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of concussion and of the best practice guidelines on dealing with head injury in sport.” His talk, ‘Concussion – who has the responsibility?’, was delivered in Aberdeen Sports Village on 25th March. Growing befriending group on the look-out for more volunteers BEFRIENDING Caithness continues to grow from strength to strength. This voluntary service is grateful for the people of Caithness who are happy to become volunteers and commit their time to the scheme, but says volunteers are continually needed to meet the need. Befriending is a supported one -to-one relationship between a befriender(volunteer) and a befriendee (someone who has been referred to to the service). It gives the befriendee a chance to form a trusting non-judgemental relationship. Befriending usually means meeting with each other once a week and sharing in an activity which has been mutually agreed. The service currently has a befriending group that meets in Wick once a month and is hoping to start the same activity in Thurso. It usually meets in a local coffee shop and has visited the following, Caithness Horizons Thurso, an art exhibition in St Fergus Gallery and The Distillery in Wick, and many more events are to take place in the future. The volunteers attend a volunteer befriending meeting every two months which gives everyone a chance to meet each other and exchange ideas, and attend further training. Various special events are held, such as at Christmas 2013 we they met lunch. Befriending Volunteers and Befriendees completed a quiz, had time to chat with one and other and were entertained by one of the volunteers who delivered a monologue. It is hoped to do more of this in the future. Befriending Caithness is are involved with intergenerational work and have been involved with Wick High School delivering tea parties and sing-alongs in local residential homes and day centres, which have proved very popular. Referrals can be made by - 23 - health care professionals, support workers, family or other voluntary organisations who recognise a need in an individual. Self referrals are also welcomed. Once a referral has been made a home visit is arranged where the individual needs of the befriendee is assessed and matched up to one of our trained volunteers who will become their befriender. For further information contact Angie House, befriending coordinator, [email protected] or on 01955 609962. You can also check out befriendingcaithnessvolutneers a n d www.befriendingcatihnesswordpr PHOTO GALLERY T HE Northern Lights never fail to captivate, but these images, which were tweeted by Skyebased rural practitioner Jonathan Hanson, show them at their best. If you have any photographs taken from — or indeed of — an NHS Highland building, please submit them to Highlights. Please send your photographs tom.davison@nhs - 24 - TIGH NA DROCHAID: Significant improvement in grading for facility Politician praises palliative care partnership on Skye A PALLIATIVE care partner- ship set up one year ago has been visited by Dave Thompson MSP, w ho praised the scheme’s ongoing support to patients suffering life-limiting conditions. The innovative partnership, the first of its kind in rural Scotland, was set up in February 2013 after NHS Highland secured funding from Macmillan Cancer Support for the post and chose to partner with Boots UK. Cancer is often the toughest fight many people will face. In 2009, Boots UK and Macmillan entered into a long-term partnership with the ambition of giving everyone, wherever they are in the UK, access to the best cancer information and support in their local community. Patients with life limiting conditions on Skye have direct access to a specially trained pharmacist available in the Boots UK store in Portree.Working alongside health and social care professionals, Macmillan palliative care rural pharmacist practitioner Gill Harrington advises on different medicine choices and different ways - 25 - of giving medicines if people cannot swallow tablets or capsules. To support this close working relationship, Gill also visits patients at the local care homes on a regular basis and both community hospitals on the island, giving pharmaceutical care guidance to the nurses who otherwise would have no input from pharmacy professionals. In addition, a new drop-in clinic started in September 2013 for patients and carers to access advice and information on life limiting conditions. This allows for Continued on next page Skye palliative care partnership Continued from previous page the treatment in the community and reduces the need for hospital admissions. Researchers from the University of Strathclyde are working with the project partners to develop the new service and will be asking patients, carers and healthcare and social care professionals, about what they think is needed so that the service can be tailored to local needs. Mr Thompson, SNP MSP for Skye, Badenoch and Strathspey, visited the team earlier this month to learn more about how the partnership is making a difference to the local community. He said: “Having a healthcare system that is able to work together to meet the needs of the local community is vital, especially so in an area as rural as Skye where local access is very important. “Meeting Gill and the rest of the team gave me a real insight into this fantastic partnership, which is supporting patients and families through what is a very QUOTE Having a healthcare system that is able to work together to meet the needs of the local community is vital, especially so in an area as rural as Skye where local access is very important traumatic time.” Fiona Macfarlane, healthcare development manager at Boots UK, said: “Since this post was established last year, we’ve helped lots of people suffering from life-limiting conditions that have physical as well as emotional symptoms. What makes this partnership important is not just the prescription advice Gill is able to offer patients but the role she plays in providing training to other health and social care pro- fessionals in the area, and the way in which she acts as a source of information to sign post people to other services that they may benefit from. “Community pharmacy has an important part to play in helping to alleviate the strain on the NHS in Scotland by providing community-based services. Boots UK is always keen to work in partnership with other care providers to ensure patients and customers can access the best possible care in a location that is convenient to them.” Gill Harrington, Macmillan palliative care rural practitioner community pharmacist, said “I’ve been delighted to take on the role of providing this service which has made such a difference to the lives of patients and families within the local community. “Having the ability to travel to visit patients in their own homes and to build close relationships with those we are caring for really helps me to understand individual needs and offer advice that can assist in treating the physical and emotional aspects of palliative care.” Government to consult on gender gap on boards MANDATORY quotas to ensure at least 40 per cent of public boards are made up of women could bridge the gender gap and create more effective boards, Equalities Minister Shona Robison has said. Ms Robison revealed that the Scottish Government was launching a consultation on the issue of women’s representation and gathering views on how we could best use the power to legislate to address this imbalance, if re- quired. Currently this power sits with the UK Government. The consultation, which is set to launch in April, will ask whether mandatory quotas are essential for public boards, and if potential legislation should be extended to corporate boards and third-sector organisations. Ms Robison said: “Although we have much to celebrate with the advances we have made to recognise and promote women’s issues, it’s clear that even in this - 26 - day and age we still have gender inequality on our public boards. “A board needs to reflect the people it serves and this in turn will make it better equipped to deal with decision making and improve its performance.” She added: “Scottish women make up 52 per cent of our population. They clearly have a voice to be heard and we will do all that we can to make sure this happens by driving forward this consultation on legislation.” CANCER CARE: Services transformed at Lorn & Islands Hospital New chemotherapy suite opens in Oban CANCER care in Oban is being transformed with the opening of new and improved chemotherapy services at Lorn & Islands Hospital. The new chemotherapy suite should provide comfort to those receiving treatment for cancer within Lorn & Islands Hospital and is jointly funded by NHS Highland and Macmillan Cancer Support. It was specifically designed to provide a more pleasant and welcoming environment for patients and carers but also provides two private areas with a much needed information point and a quiet private area for those who would benefit from privacy and confidentiality. The chemotherapy suite was officially opened by Councillor Elaine Robertson in January. Veronica Kennedy, locality manager for Oban, Lorn and Isles said: “I am delighted by the opening today of the new chemotherapy suite in Lorn & Islands Hospital. The hospital has benefited greatly from the generosity of Macmillan investing in this local service and we have supported the development of a welcoming, bright unit for our local community to receive a wide range of treatments. “The service has continued to grow and develop over the last 10 years and this has led to many patients receiving treatment lo- cally rather than having to travel considerable distances to attend other units. I would also like to thank the local Macmillan nurses who have been very involved in deciding the design, decoration and soft furnishings of the unit.’’ Elspeth Atkinson, director, Macmillan Cancer Support said: “Macmillan wants to ensure everyone affected by cancer in Oban receives the best treatment, information and support and in the most supportive environment. The new and improved chemotherapy suite will make an enormous difference to cancer patients and their families. “It’s thanks to the hard work and dedication of our supporters in the area who raise so much money for us that we are able to make such a significant contribution to this important project. “We don’t want anyone to face cancer alone, and the continued support of people in Oban will help make sure nobody does.’’ Pictured, from left, are Veronica Kennedy, locality manager, Lorn & Islands Hospital; Councillor Elaine Robertson; and Elspeth Atkinson, director, Macmillan Cancer Support - 27 - Living with ME MEMBERS of the Lochaber ME group held an information day on the illness last month at the Fort William Health Centre. The event was organised by group founder Meg Pollock and saw her give an insight into her personal experience of living with Myalgic encephalomyelitis. The day was well attended by GPs, allied health professionals and NHS Highland Lochaber district manager Joanna Hynd. “I was delighted to attend the ME information day in Fort William and it was very moving to hear the personal experiences of people who have lived with the illness for so many years,” said Joanna. “It is hard to comprehend how everyday tasks like brushing your teeth or combing your hair can leave you physically and mentally exhausted.” The event also saw Dr Charles Shepherd, medical adviser to the ME Association, give a talk on recent biomedical research, diagnosis and management of patients with ME. Locality clinical lead Dr James Douglas said: “This was a useful opportunity to discuss chronic fatigue syndrome with GPs and the community care teams. “We felt privileged to have the UK’s national medical expert on the condition to consider the medical science of the illness and the patient’s perspective on how their lives have been affected. “Protected Learning Time sessions in Lochaber are always a great opportunity for the whole community team of doctors, nurses, AHPS and students to learn from each other and from our patients.” An evening question and answer session at the Alexandra Hotel included a discussion on vaccinations, safe levels of vitamin supplementation and managing the illness in children. Proceeds from the event were donated to the ME Association and also saw five new members join the Lochaber ME group, taking their numbers to 43 people. See pages 6&7 - 28 - History, chaplaincy, sports and exercise: they are all in the Highland Health Sciences Library ONE of the strengths of the Highland Health Sciences Library is its multidisciplinary nature. It holds a wide range of materials on many subjects. Just have a look at how the library can broaden your knowledge of topics covered in this issue of Highlights. As the independence debate rages around us it is worth remembering that Scotland and Highland Scotland played an important role in the development of modern medicine. At the Scottish level there are works such as: A History of Scottish medicine: Themes and Influences (WZ 40 DIN). Local practitioners were also responsible for developing medicine for example from c1300 the Beaton family on Skye (WZ 100 BAN) and from the 1830s Dr John Grigor in Nairn (WZ 100 RAE). Local work into the history of the health services continues under the auspices of Jim and Steve Leslie with their project concerning the history of the hospitals of the Highlands (AWX 2 7 LE S) ( ht t p: / / www.historyofhighlandhospitals. com/index.asp). Contemporary medic Dr Jonathan Hanson on Skye examines raising awareness of the effects of concussion in sport. Why not look at some of the material the library holds on the health benefits of exercise (Walking for Fun and Fitness (WB 541 HAW) and Sport and Physical Activity for Mental Health (WM 450.5 CAL), and sports medicine (Oxford Handbook of Sport and Exercise Medicine (WB 292 MAC) and Emergencies in Sports Medicine (WB 292 RED). The appointment of Raymond Deans as a chaplain to the NHS Highland team of chaplains in Argyll and Bute allows the library to highlight its chaplaincy and spirituality collection. It holds works such as: The Hospital Chaplain’s Handbook: a Guide for Good Practice (WX 187 COR). For the rest of the health care team there are a wide range of similar resources such as: Spiritual Care in Everyday Nursing Practice: A New Approach (WY 87 CLA) and Palliative Care, Ageing, and Spirituality: a Guide for Older People, Carers and Families (WB 310 MAC). Whatever your needs the Highland Health Sciences Library is there to help. Don’t spend more than 10 minutes on a problem you may be having – contact the library. To find out more about the library call 01463 -255600 (x7600). Rob Polson ([email protected]), Subject Librarian Pupils graduate from scholarship programme A TALENTED group of senior secondary pupils It was designed and led by the University of Stirfrom remote and rural areas of the Highlands ling’s School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health, in partgraduated from an innovative University of Stirling nership with NHS Highland and Western Isles, Pre-Nursing Scholarship Programme earlier this Highland Council and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar month. Education Centre. The 16 young people celebrated their success at The two-year pilot project, funded by Scottish a graduation ceremony in Inverness where they Government and NHS Education for Scotland, was were presented with graduation certificates by NHS established to provide an inspiring experience for Highland board nurse director Heidi May. would-be nurses, allowing them to develop core She said:. “The University of Stirling help us here skills through the achievement of the SQA Skills for at NHS Highland to develop some of the best Work Health Sector Intermediate 2 Course. nurses in the UK. Nursing is such a privileged job to The project aims to promote nursing as a first do and I wish all the students the very best for the choice career and enhance school pupils’ employfuture.” ability, communication and networking skills, whilst The programme was delivered at Stirling’s High- addressing issues of isolation within remote and land Campus in Inverness. rural areas. - 29 - Guide for engaging young volunteers published by Scottish Health Council NHS STAFF now have access to a new guide that offers advice on how to involve young people as volunteers in health services. ‘A Starting Point for Engaging Young Volunteers’, published by the Scottish Health Council on behalf of the National Group for Volunteering in NHSScotland, provides examples of how to best engage young people in volunteering roles. Supporting NHS boards to develop appropriate opportunities for young people will help to ensure that the volunteers gain from a productive and safe volunteering experience, while patients and staff around them benefit too. The guide contains advice that takes account of the positive contribution young people can bring to the NHS and the types of roles that they would be most suited to. It was produced in response to challenges highlighted by NHS boards in finding suitable placements for young people, particularly those in transition from school to higher education where their time may be limited. With input from volunteers, NHS staff and the voluntary sector, the guide contains examples of good practice which demonstrate the impact that volunteering has on the volunteers and the people they engage with. The guide features case stud- ies from around Scotland including: a young volunteer who assists at the Medicinema at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill a project in Midlothian where young people between the ages of 14 and 20 befriend residents in sheltered housing complexes a young volunteer who supported a breastfeeding support programme in Lanarkshire. Sandy Watson, chair of the National Group for Volunteering in NHSScotland, said: “Volunteers are not staff and should never be considered as such. However, they can play a hugely important role in supporting the NHS in a variety of ways and enabling frontline staff to get on with doing their jobs. “This guide is designed to provide NHS Boards with suggestions and prompts to help them develop appropriate volunteer roles for young people. - 30 - “We recognise that in some cases young people will not be able to commit to long-term volunteer roles so we hope to encourage the development of roles that meet the needs of everyone involved – healthcare providers, patients and young people. Louise Macdonald, chief executive of Young Scot, said: “At Young Scot we know the difference young volunteers can make to communities across Scotland. This guide recognises the contribution young people offer through their energy, enthusiasm and commitment. Having the opportunity to volunteer with the NHS offers the young people who take part invaluable skills for life and work, as well as benefitting those they help through projects and activities.” ‘A Starting Point for Engaging Young Volunteers’ is available at http:// Consultant retires THIS month NHS Highland bid a fond farewell to Consultant Oncologist Dr David Whillis who has retired after 23 years at Raigmore Hospital. Scores of people attended his retiral presentation, showing the high regard in which he is held. Dr Whillis, who is a keen climber outside of work, came to Highland as he wanted to work in a small unit that allowed close working relationships as well as the challenge of a rural location. Since his start at Raigmore he has seen, developed and contributed to many changes including more Consultants in the service, the development and opening of the Macmillan suite and Maggies Centre, development of the out-reach service and the arrival of the hospital’s Linacc machines. A clearly emotional Dr Whillis, whose retiral came the day before his 60th birthday, thanked everyone and said he had enjoyed every minute of working at Raigmore. He said: “Oncology is definitely the best place to work at Raigmore! We’re a close-knit family in the department and I am really proud to have been part of that.” East Ross to introduce single access point THE way people gain access to health and social care services in East Ross is about to change. From 7th April this year, the Single Point of Access for Adult Services will provide a standardised first point of contact for professionals and the general public – ensuring effective co-ordination of care to the most appropriate service. East Ross Integrated Care (ERIC) provides adult health and social care services in the East Ross area. The Single Point of Access helps professionals arrange the right care for urgent and non-urgent referrals. Angela Bruce, NHS Highland health and social care coordinator from Invergordon County Community Hospital, said: “We aim to work together to deliver a wide range of coordinated health and social care services to those in our community who require support and care during times of illness and need with links to specialist community services – including statutory and voluntary sectors when required. “The health and social care co -ordinator will be the main point of contact for initial referrals and they will be able to signpost or liaise with the community care team to co-ordinate an appropriate and timely response to care need requests. “People who are deemed to have an urgent referral will be offered admission to respite or a residential or nursing home, or perhaps even into a community or acute hospital. “Those who have a non-urgent case will have unprecedented access to our integrated multidisciplinary teams, which includes having their case managed by our community nurses and social workers.” In addition, the Single Point of Access can co-ordinate care to provide a wide range of services, including skilled multidisciplinary team assessment and intervention, provision of equipment to help avoid acute hospital admissions, assessment for domiciliary (at home) therapy and liaising with GPs to manage effective clinical/social care at home. Any person in the East Ross area - 31 - aged 18 or over can be referred by a host of health professionals. Angela continued: “The Single Point of Access proactively supports service users to remain in the community as the preferred action to have the support they need, remain in control of their lives and live as safely and independently as possible. “This is achievable by using a comprehensive model of community care that is client centred and ensures the views and needs of the service user, carers and family are always at the forefront of all decision making.” In order to ensure effective referrals, the following information will be required: The clients details including name, address, phone number, date of birth and CHI/Care first number (if known) Reason for referral and service users health condition Information on whether the service user needs urgent care for appropriate timely responses Details of the person making the referral CHALLENGE: How you can change the exercise habits of a lifetime Fifty days to improve fitness WITH not long to go before the start of this year’s 5x50, which starts on Sunday 30th March, people are being encouraged to take up the challenge and get fit in fifty. The challenge, which is in its third year, was launched in 2012 as a charity challenge encouraging people to run, walk, jog or cycle 5K (or 30-minute exercise equivalent) every day for 50 days with the aim of changing exercise habits for a lifetime. With over 5000 participants from 43 countries taking part in the first year, and an excess of £160,000 raised for various charities since the challenge began, it is hoped that this year will be even bigger. Ray Wallace, co-founder and member of the core team behind 5x50, hopes as many people take the opportunity to sign up and take part. He said: “We have about 2000 people signed up for this year’s challenge so far but I do expect that figure to increase as we get closer to the start date. There is also a lot of talk going on just now about Sport Relief and the Fit in 14 Campaign so looking into a more active lifestyle will be on everyone’s mind! Ray Wallace, 5X50 cofounder, and Elaine Mead on the run “We all make resolutions at New Year like lose weight, get healthy, improve your personal best, and organise your life so why not try this? Commit to exercise every day for 50 consecutive days and change your habits of a lifetime. “There are numerous benefits both physically and mentally that being fit can give you. Even if you don’t think you’ll manage the 5k all at once you can split it up during your day, it can be done. The hard part is going to be keeping it up for the duration of the 50 days!” NHS Highland chief executive Elaine Mead has already signed up for the challenge and is encouraging others to do the same. She said: “I’ve done the 5x50 before and I was happy to sign up again. It really helps me with that extra incentive to get more - 32 - active; or for those who are already active it’s an extra challenge for you to complete. Fitting it in can be a challenge, and I’m trying to find opportunities during the working day as well as at home” There is a minimum registration fee of £5 to sign up, 75% of which goes to Sports Relief. Challengers are supported via this website and our social media channels to complete their daily activities either individually or in groups. The online community will allow users to register for events, link with other challengers, receive training advice, be encouraged and supported by our network of Fivers and importantly, motivate one another to keep going over the 50 days. Find out more at Audrey Godfrey, a Lochaberbased social worker, answers the questions this month. We asked Audrey to give us a picture of herself, and she provided this one. She acknowledged that it was “a bit cryptic”, but added: “Fans of Terry Pratchett will recognise it.” As for the rest of you, check it out. What’s your job? To assess and identify difficulties; promote independence; provide support as required for individuals and their families/ carers; support people with making choices and to work within the relevant Acts governing the social work role. Describe yourself. I’m 5ft 7ins and quite chilled, but not quite horizontal; I take life as it comes, I don’t see the point in becoming too het up, especially over trivia. Hobbies and interests? Tackling the wilderness that calls itself a garden in our new house. Learning ‘new heights’ as I scramble up the cliff at the back of the house trying to see the wood for the trees. I love playing games on the DS and PS3 but have still not managed to save Lara Croft. My ambition is to beat my six-year-old granddaughter. There are other hobbies and interests, like photography, but I don’t have time with the ongoing renovation of our new home. Maybe this year! What was the first single you ever bought? Q A & In the late 60s, at a very tender age, I became a head banger. I can’t remember exactly what single I bought but it was probably something by The Who. What is your favourite food? Salmon fillet with a soft cheese, lime juice and pine nut topping served on a bed of mashed sweet potato. How about your favourite film? ‘There’s life Jim but not as we know it’! And TV programme? Has to be CSI … any of them. - 33 - What about your favourite book? No particular favourite but anything by Terry Pratchett. If you won £10 million in the lottery, what would you spend it on? Apart from family, friends and good causes I would attempt to complete my bucket list. What about a smaller sum, say £1,000? Finish my kitchen and have a MacDonald’s! If you could have dinner with three people, dead or alive, who they be and what would you cook them? Terry Pratchett to explain and discuss some of his theories; Captain James T Kirk for the adventure; Elizabeth the First as she was such an amazing woman for the times plus so many discoveries were made during her lifetime ... where would we be without potatoes! I would get my partner to cook as he is quite remarkable in the kitchen and I would probably have Indian cuisine as Elizabeth might find this challenging, and I enjoy a bit of spice! INNOVATION: Portal can help to turn your idea into reality From the drawing board to the operating table... DO you have an idea about a new technology or product that can help the NHS? Got an idea up your sleeve that will improve patient care? The new Health Innovation Procurement Portal (HIPP-Scotland) will provide information, guidance and support to help you turn your idea into reality. NHSScotland has designed this portal as a single-point resource to develop stronger partnerships with industry. It provides potential suppliers with information, guidance and support on how to develop ideas and innovations into products and technologies that may be of use to NHSScotland, or to further develop established products. NHS National Services Scotland’s Jim Miller, who helped develop the Innovation Portal, explained: “There are thousands of people working in or supplying NHSScotland. Those on the front line are often most likely to spot an idea for a new product or technology which can make it easier to do our jobs, help patients or make savings. “But what’s been lacking in the past is a single point where NHS Scotland and Industry can feedback and review new ideas and future requirements – that’s where the Innovation Portal comes in.” After completing a simple registration process, each proposal will be assessed by experienced and qualified healthcare professionals who will be able to provide constructive criticism and feedback on potential technologies and innovations. “They will assess the proposal and evaluate its costs and benefits, including commercial aspects, how it fits with wider strategies, evidence and market readiness. Jim continued: “If your proposal looks promising, the feedback from the portal will hopefully provide a platform for further development and discussion.” For more information, check out the HIPPScotland website: http:// What’s your story? Keep Highlights informed Do you know of something you think for it. Please send your articles for should be featured in Highlights? An Highlights to [email protected] award, an achievement, a piece of (01463 704903) or visit the Staff research, an appointment, a retrial … Dropbox on the NHS Highland intra- you name it, Highlights has a place nent home page. - 34 - MEET THE : ALASDAIR MEET THEBOARD BOARD: GRAHAM LAWTON CREAR Tapping a fund of experience SOMEBODY once said: “People like to pigeonhole you. It’s easier.” But there’s nothing easy about pigeonholing Graham Crerar. He’s driven double-decker buses in Edinburgh, travelled the Far East hippy trail and runs a croft in Ardnamurchan. He’s sailed round most of the UK, enjoys visiting lighthouses and occasionally competes in big cycling events. Career-wise, he rose from office boy to a position in fund management which saw him running portfolios of around £20 billion, and he helps to run the family hotel chain that bears his name. One of NHS Highland’s newest board members – his appointment took effect on 1st January – Graham Crerar doesn’t necessarily defy definition; it’s just that his CV needs a few pages more than most people’s. But let’s start with an aspect of his past life that’s relevant to his board role. Once, when he was living in a village in Suffolk, he served as a first responder. “I did it for two years, during which time I was called out on only half a dozen occasions,” he recalled. “One of these times was Christmas Day. Somebody thought he was having a heart attack. He’d had a hot bath and felt feint when he stood up, so called 999. I was first to the scene and did all the checks I was supposed to do. Ten minutes later I was followed 10 by the whole blue-light brigade and that was my work done.” His experience as a first responder gave him an insight into the difficulties in meeting basic health needs in rural communities. He said: “I was in my early 40s at the time, I was reasonably fit and had never had a serious illness or spent time in hospital. I could meet my own – and my family’s – needs, and I had a car, and lived near a GP. “However, I knew that not everyone was in that position – certainly, not everyone in the Highlands is that fortunate.” Graham gained further insights into the world of healthcare when, in response to an advert in the Guardian, he successfully applied for a post as nonexecutive director of Suffolk NHS Primary Care Trust and later became its deputy chair. “The whole experience was extremely insightful,” he recalled. “Actually, it was a real eyeopener. We are constantly being bombarded by the press on the inefficiencies of management in the NHS, yet when I joined the primary care trust two-thirds of the managers were, or had been, clinicians, and they people of the - 35 - highest quality. “The default view of the public sector is one of overpowering bureaucracy and inefficiency and, while there may be an element of that, I found it a refreshing surprise to see the calibre of people working in the NHS – and I’m continuing to see that in Highland.” Graham says he joined the NHS Highland board, again in response to a press advert, because he felt he had something to offer. “The NHS had played such a significant part in my life that I wanted to continue to contribute to it in some way,” he said. “I’ve worked in finance, commerce and the public sector, and lived in a rural community, and I could see that NHS Highland was struggling to provide excellent care in such communities. I felt my background provided a useful combination with relevance to the role, so I applied.” But, for all his past experience, Graham contests that if he’s learned one thing since joining the board, it’s this: “It showed just how much I have to learn.” Graham’s work with the NHS in England, where there is a vastly different organisational structure, may not quite have prepared him for the entirely different Continued on next page MEET THE BOARD: GRAHAM CRERAR Continued from previous page set-up that exists north of the border. “In Scotland, the big advantage is that there are so few layers between the health visitor who goes to see how Mrs Macdonald is faring at home and the health minister,” he said. “I believe that makes it easier to get things done.” For Graham, ‘getting things done’ in NHS Highland involves serving on the control of infection and clinical governance committees and the carbon and sustainability programme board, as well as on the Badenoch, Strathspey and Nairn District Partnership. “I’m still finding my feet,” he said, when asked for his views on the Highland Quality Approach, and so I don’t think I’m in a position to give you an informed view. “However, I’ve been interested to see the extent to which I encounter the Highland Quality Approach – it’s evident in the language and behaviour of the entire team. It’s also clear to me that it’s something solid to hold on to. The financial environment is hard, and if people do not have something solid as the basis for decision making, it would be very easy to be blown around. I suppose the Highland Quality Approach can provide that anchor.” The financial environment – it’s something knows even better than the health service. Born in Oban, he went to school there before moving to George Watson’s College in Edinburgh. From there he went to the University of Aberdeen, initially to study Geography but latter switching to do an honours degree in Economics. Graham met his wife Pauline in university and, after he worked for a spell as a bus driver, they travelled to Asia, and in the course of eight months took in Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Thailand and Indonesia. On his return, in August 1984, he fired off job applications to “lots” of companies, and eventually got an interview with investment managers Ivory & Syme in Edinburgh. “They told me that they didn’t have a job for me but would keep my CV and consider it the following year,” said Graham. “To be honest, I would have done any- QUOTE In Scotland, the big advantage is that there are so few layers between the health visitor who goes to see how Mrs Macdonald is faring at home and the health minister thing, even licking stamps in the post room. A week later, I got a job doing more or less just that, as an office boy – I literally filled the chairman’s fountain pen.” After six months, Graham got on the firm’s graduate programme and a job as trainee fund manager. Eight years later, with considerable experience in both investment and pension funds, he and two colleagues set up their own fund management business. Graham subsequently held a number of key posts, including head of UK equities for a major fund management business, but - 36 - also retained an interest in the family hotel business (Crerar Hotels currently has 12 hotels thoughout the country, and Graham remains involved). With his parents living in Oban and his father in declining health, Graham decided to leave the fund management world and return north. “My youngest daughter (he has four children) was getting ready to go to university and it was clear to me that there was no longer any compelling reason for me to stay in England,” he said. But his return to Argyll and Bute wasn’t without its hiccups. In September 2011, Graham moved to the new house he and his wife had built in Ardnamurchan. Five months later, the house was destroyed by fire. Graham had it rebuilt. “It’s exactly the same, but doesn’t have the same flue system that caused the fire,” he said. Apart from serving as commissioner on The Northern Lighthouse Board – “It’s a non-exec role and I find it very enjoyable; I get to visit wonderful lighthouses in the most extraordinary places – Graham keeps busy tending the croft he took over when he moved home. “Just now, there’s a lot of fencing and draining to be done but I hope to buy some sheep for the croft in September,” he said. “I live in a small crofting township and I took over what was a vacant croft because I wanted to get involved in all the decisions affecting the community.” Outside work, Graham’s a keen sailor, and reckons he’s probably sailed around the whole of the UK “except the bit off Cape Wrath”, and also enjoys cycling, ski-ing and fishing. Now try to pigeonhole him!
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