Aug Feile 2014 1 - Féile an Phobail
Aug Feile 2014 1 - Féile an Phobail
WWW.FEILEBELFAST.COM Free copy WED 3RD AUGUST - SUN 14TH AUGUST 2016 Ireland’s Biggest Community Arts Festival and Summer school FÉile an Phobail Funders and Sponsors Principal funders Language Partner Community Partner Pouring Partnesr Funders T N S E C T L N ÁR O C 08 Partners ORTUS Tickets available at and all ticketmaster outlets Beidh ticéid ar fáil ag nó ag ticéadlanna go léir Ticketmaster Direct Furniture Ltd (028) 90 80 90 80 22 Craic agus Ceol S cr ibe s an d Dr ama Scríobhaithe agus Drámaí 36 Dis cus s ion an d De bate 66 Visual Arts Plé agus Diospoireachtaí Na hAmharcealaíona 80 Family, Children & Youth 102 S p or t 106 114 Venue Partners Mus ic an d Fun 116 Teaghlach, Paisti & Óige Spóirt Tour s an d W alk s Féile an Phobail WoUlD liKe To ThanK all The GRoUPS ThaT haVe PaRTiCiPaTeD in anD SUPPoRTeD iTS CoMMUniTY enGaGeMenT PRoGRaMMe FRoM aCRoSS belFaST inClUDinG The aShTon CoMMUniTY TRUST, neW loDGe aRTS, Colin neiGhboURhooD PaRTneRShiP, aCTiVe CoMMUniTieS neTWoRK, aRTSeKTa, eaST belFaST aRTS PaRTneRShiP, noRTheRn iRelanD MUSliM FaMilY aSSoCiaTion, The UPPeR SPRinGFielD DeVeloPMenT TRUST anD The UPPeR SPRinGFielD WhiTeRoCK inTeGRaTeD PaRTneRShiP, anD WiSh TheM all The beST FoR TheiR FoRThCoMinG PRoGRaMMe oF eVenTS. Turais agus Siúlóidí An Ch ult Ú r lan n Map Léarscáil 3 FéiLe FACiNG ForwArD Féile an Phobail plays a leadership role in the transfer of ideas across cultures and time. We are at the heart of modern belfast, where our communities are increasingly multi lingual and multi cultural. Collaboration is at the core of our work - showcasing good relations in action, attracting more tourism and visitor spend and building increased social and cultural capital. Tá ról ceannasaíochta ag Féile an Phobail smaointe a mhalartú ar fud cultúr agus ama. Tá muid ag croílár bhéal Feirste nua-aimseartha, mar a bhfuil ár bpobail níos ilteangaí agus ilchultúrtha. Tá comhoibriú ag croílár ár gcuid oibre – léiríonn sé dea-chaidreamh i bhfeidhm agus meallann sé níos mó turasóireachta agus cuairteoirí agus forbraíonn sé níos mó caipitil shóisialta agus chultúrtha. our programme is about exchange, its about opening one's own culture to another, expanding it, but also in a way enfolding it within your own and making it yours too. baineann ár gclár le malartú, baineann sé lenár gcultúir féin a oscailt dá chéile, iad a fhorbairt móide iad a ghlacadh taobh le do chultúr féin. our main 5,000 capacity marquee, based in the award-winning Falls Park is the heart of our innovative Festival. like the wider Gaeltacht Quarter it is accessible, and welcoming to all the citizens of our city and our many visitors. Tá ár n-ollphuball do 5,000 duine mar thoilleadh, suite i bPáirc na bhFál a bhfuil duaiseanna bainte aici, ag croílár ár bhFéile nuálaí. Cosúil leis an Cheathrú Ghaeltachta bíonn sé inrochtana agus fáiltiúil roimh shaoránaigh ár gcathrach agus roimh an chuid mhór cuairteoirí a bhíonn againn. 2016 brings an exciting line-up! everything from street theatre, children’s events, parties in the Park, concerts, sports, discussions, debates, exhibitions, dramas and readings in what is the largest community festival and summer school in ireland! beidh clár corraitheach againn in 2016. beidh gach sórt rudaí ann ó amharclannaíocht sráide, imeachtaí do pháistí, fleánna sa Pháirc, ceolchoirmeacha, spóirt, plé, díospóireachtaí, taispeántais, drámaí agus léamha san fhéile pobail agus sa scoil samhraidh is mó in éirinn! i would like to thank our local community; the Department for Communities, belfast City Council for its ongoing support for Féile, Tourism ni, the arts Council, Foras na Gaeilge, all our sponsors and funders, especially Diageo northern ireland, our friends in Cork lifelong learning Festival (with which we are twinned), Visit belfast, our venue partners and, of course, the wonderful management of St Mary’s University College for allowing us to take over their campus every august! ba mhaith liom buíochas a ghabháil lenár pobal áitiúil; an Roinn Pobal, Comhairle Cathrach bhéal Feirste dá tacaíocht leanúnach do Féile, Tourism ni, an Chomhairle ealaíon, Foras na Gaeilge, lenár n-urraí agus maoinitheoirí go léir, go háirithe Diageo northern ireland, ár gcairde i bhFéile Foghlaim Fadsaoil Chorcaí (lena bhfuil muid ceangailte), Visit belfast, lenár bpáirtnéirí ionaid agus le foireann bainistíochta iontach Cholaiste ollscoile naomh Muire leoga, as cead a thabhairt dúinn a gcampas a úsáid gach lúnasa! So, enjoy yourselves and the work we put into showcasing the West to the World! Mar sin de, bainigí sult aisti agus as an obair a rinne muid chun an tiarthar a léiriú don Domhan! Kevin Gamble Director, Féile an Phobail 4 Kevin Gamble Stiúrthóir, Féile an Phobail BeLFAST iS A riCher PLACe For hAViNG SuCh AN eNGAGiNG AND weLCoMiNG MuLTi-ArTS FeSTiVAL. The annual Féile an Phobail has, for longer most care to remember, been instrumental in promoting the positive cultural and creative reputation of west belfast. it has played a key role in bringing communities closer together through a shared celebration of the arts, providing people of all ages, backgrounds and interests with the kinds of inclusive and inspiring experiences that the arts excel at. bhí Féile an Phobail bhliantúil ríthábhachtach i gcur chun cinn chlú dearfach cultúrtha agus cruthaitheach iarthar bhéal Feirste le blianta anuas. bhí ról tábhachtach aici pobail a thabhairt níos dlúithe dá chéile trí chomhcheiliúradh a dhéanamh ar na healaíona agus tríd na cineálacha eispéireas cuimsitheach agus spreagúil dá bhfuil na healaíona iontach a chur ar fáil do dhaoine de gach aois, cúlra agus suim. The arts Council, as long term principal funder, is proud to be associated with all that the Féile has achieved. belfast is a richer place for having such an engaging and welcoming multi-arts festival. as the Féile has grown from a small community event into one of europe’s major festivals, it has reflected the growing confidence of a community that is aware of its own voice and of how to express itself positively and creatively. it provides a potent source of local pride and an opportunity to extend a hand of welcome right across the city and further. Tá bród ar an Chomhairle ealaíon, mar phríomhmhaoinitheoir fadtéarmach, bheith bainteach le gach dár bhain an Fhéile amach. Mar gheall ar an fhéile tharraingteach, fháiltiúil, ilealaíon seo tá béal Feirste níos luachmhaire mar áit. agus Féile ag fás ó imeacht pobail beag go ceann de na príomhfhéilte is mó san eoraip, léirigh sí muinín níos mó an phobail a bhfuil eolas aige ar a ghuth féin agus aige féin a léiriú ar bhealach dhearfach agus chruthaitheach. is foinse mhór bróid áitiúil í agus tugann sí deis fáilte mhór chroíúil a chur roimh gach duine ó fud fad na cathrach agus ó níos faide anonn. This year’s festival is as full of colour and character as ever and lives up to Féile’s reputation for offering a programme with broad appeal, sprinkled as liberally as ever with surprising and unexpected pleasures. The breadth of the programme is an important factor in attracting new audiences to the arts and encouraging people to stray from the familiar. You can always be confident to try new experiences here, secure in the knowledge that, with Feile, you are in good hands. beidh féile na bliana seo lán de dhathanna agus de charachtair, mar a bhíonn sí i gcónaí agus tá deacháil na Féile tuillte aici as clár a mbeidh tóir leathan air agus ina mbeidh pléisiúir iontacha agus nach mbeidh aon choinne againn leis, a chur ar fáil. is fachtóir tábhachtach é fairsinge an chláir le luchtaí éisteachta agus féachana nua a mhealladh chuig na healaíona agus le daoine a spreagadh. Tig libh bheith muiníneach i gcónaí triail a bhaint as eispéiris nua anseo agus an t-eolas agaibh go riarfaidh Féile go maith oraibh. roisín McDonough Chief executive Arts Council of Northern ireland roisín McDonough Príomhfheidhmeannach Comhairle ealaíon Thuaisceart éireann 5 on behalf of Diageo northern ireland, i am delighted that harp lager is returning as the official pouring partner of Féile an Phobail, ireland’s largest community arts festival. last year was amazing in so many ways and we are looking forward to emulating this success again in 2016. The august Féile has provided a wonderful boost for the community as a whole and the local hospitality industry for almost three decades now. This year’s line-up is truly exceptional and will take the festival to the next level and harp is delighted to be playing its part in the overall experience both at the festival and in the pub. We are committed to supporting publicans across belfast in helping them to make the most of the hospitality opportunities that come hand in hand with a festival of this scale and in bringing the spirit of Féile an Phobail to the local area. ar son Diageo northern ireland, tá áthas orm go mbeidh harp lager ar ais arís mar phríomhpháirtnéir oifigiúil dí Féile an Phobail, an fhéile ealaíon pobail is mó in éirinn. bhí an fhéile iontach ar bhealaí éagsúla anuraidh agus tá muid ag súil go mór leis an rath a bhí againn anuraidh a bhaint amach arís in 2016. is mór an borradh a chuir Féile faoin phobal i gcoitinne agus faoi thionscal an fháilteachais áitiúil le beagnach trí dheichniúr anuas. Tá clár na bliana seo fíoriontach agus forbróidh sé an fhéile chun cinn. Tá áthas ar harp a rannpháirt a ghlacadh in eispéireas fhoriomlán na féile agus sna tithe tábhairne. Tá muid tiomanta do thacaíocht a thabhairt do thábhairneoirí ar fud béal Feirste agus iad ag iarraidh a mhéad deiseanna fáilteachais agus is féidir a thapú ina leithéid seo d’fhéile mhór, le meon Féile an Phobail a chur chun cinn sa cheantar áitiúil. harp is all about ‘looking on the harp side’ of life – having fun and embracing the positive. The connection to a festival that offers everything from great music, comedy, drama, discussion and debate to street performances and carnival parades could not be more fitting. We are extremely excited about this year’s Féile feast! baineann harp le ‘looking on the harp side’ den saol – spraoi a bheith agat agus glacadh le cúrsaí an tsaoil go dearfach. níl nasc níos fóirsteanaí ná an nasc leis an fhéile seo ina mbíonn gach sórt rudaí ann ó cheol iontach, coiméide, dráma, plé agus díospóireacht go taibhithe sráide agus paráideanna carnabhail. Tá muid an-tógtha faoi fhleá Féile na bliana seo! Cathal o’Neill Diageo Northern ireland Cathal o’Neill Diageo Northern ireland Slán Abhaile Féile an Phobail Féile wishes everyone a great time at this year’s events and get home safe with our festival transport partners Value Cabs, Belfast Taxis CiC and Translink Metro. Music on the Metro! Ceol ar an Metro! Saturday 1 August, Sunday 2 August, Thursday 6 August, Friday 7 August, Saturday 8 August 11am - 1pm and 4pm-6pm Dé Sathairn 1 Lúnasa, Dé Domhnaigh 2 Lúnasa, Déardaoin 6 Lúnasa, Dé hAoine 7 Lúnasa, Dé Sathairn 8 Lúnasa. 11r.n.-1.00i.n. agus 4.00i.n.-6.00i.n. Traditional musicians from andersonstown Contemporary and Traditional School of Music will board buses to entertain passengers. Various Metro routes to and from West belfast. Sponsored by Translink Metro Rachaidh ceoltóirí ó Scoil Cheoil bhaile andarsan ar bord na mbusanna ag taisteal bealaí éagsúla ó agus chuig iarthar bhéal Feirste chun siamsa a chur ar fáil do phaisinéirí le ceol traidisiúnta na héireann! urraithe ag Translink Metro. Explore Antarctica through this interactive exhibition right on your doorstep! ADULT: £7.50 CHILD (5-16): £4.50 FAMILY (2A,2C): £21 IME FIRST LTAND IN IRE UK AND COMBINE WITH ADMISSION TO THE TITANIC EXPERIENCE FOR MORE SAVINGS AND A GREAT DAY OUT! 6 BOOK NOW AT TITANICBELFAST.COM (028) 90 80 90 80 Travel with Translink Make Smart Moves with a Translink Metro Smartlink card (£1.25 per journey in the City Zone) Click Call 028 90 66 66 30 Tweet @Translink_NI #smartmovers 7 Bookings/Áirithintí Ticket Master Tickets available from and all ticketmaster outlets (including Kennedy Centre Post Office) Visit Belfast The biG TenT with a capacity for 5000, trebling our ability to meet the huge demand for tickets. Book early ollphuball na Féile le toillleadh do 5,000 duine ann. Cuirfidh sé seo lenár gcumas faoi thrí riar ar an éileamh ollmhór le haghaidh ticéad sa bhliain speisialta seo. Cuir áit in áirithe go luath. At Festival Venues Tickets available at festival venues, subject to availability refund Policy Féile an Phobail can only offer a refund if the event[s] have been cancelled. Contact/Teagmháil Teach na Féile, 473 Falls Road, Belfast BT12 6DD Tel. (028) 9560 9984 Limited seating and standing room at marquee events. Féile Staff - Kevin Gamble (Director), Cathy Kelly (Finance/Admin Officer), Kevin Morrison (Community Engagement Coordinator), Dee Donnelly (Disability Development Officer), Ciaran Morrison (Events Manager), Conall McCorry (Youth Arts Assistant) and Joseph Nawaz (Press and Marketing) Management Committee Sam Baker (Chair), Angela Mervyn, Seán Mistéil, Harry Connolly, Kevin McKeough, Sue Ramsey, Ciarán Kearney and Padraig Ó Muirigh Event Management, Safety and Security Island Events. Programme/production – Mitchell Kane Website – OIN Interactive 8 Craic & Ceol 9 COMEDY NIGHT Jake O’Kane Goes West OÍCHE CHOIMÉIDE BALMORAL HOTEL WELCOMES FÉILE 2016 THE BIG TENT, Falls Park, Fri 5th Aug, 8-till-late OLLPHUBALL NA FÉILE, Páirc na bhFál, Dé hAoine 5 Lúnasa, 8i.n. go dtí go mall it may have taken two decades but finally, Jake o’Kane, one of ireland’s best-known comics, appears at Féile an Phobail. hot on the heels of several sell-out tours, hugely popular appearances on The blame Game, the hit ‘Tear Gas’ DVD and hundreds of thousands of social media hits for his dissection of the ‘flegs’ dispute, Jake has put together a special collection of material for this year’s festival. Combining photographs and stories taken from the irish news archives, Jake will be taking his usual no-nonsense approach to relationships and religion, modern life to being ginger (and everything else in between), illustrating the insanity and humanity that makes our society and people so unique. Jake’s comedy can be summed up by one phrase: ‘comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable’. expect the unexpected, as no politician or political party is off-limits in this special one-off performance. With his unique brand of observational humour and astute take on social commentary, this show reinforces Jake’s position as a comic at the top of his game. Ticéid £15. 10 Ghlac sé dhá dheichniúr, ach faoi dheireadh thiar thall, beidh Jake o’Kane, duine de na fuirseoirí is fearr in éirinn, ag Féile an Phobail. Go díreach i ndiaidh a chamchuairteanna go léir, a bhí díolta amach, i ndiaidh dó bheith ar an chlár ‘The blame Game’ móide ar an DVD iontach ‘Tear Gas’ go rathúil, agus na mílte amas sna meáin shóisialta dá mhionscrúdú ar aighneas na ‘flegs’, beidh ábhar speisialta aige d’fhéile na bliana seo. agus é ag cur grianghrafanna agus scéalta ó chartlanna The irish news, beidh gnáthchur chuige gan seafóid ag Jake maidir le caidrimh agus reiligiún, an saol nuaaimseartha mar dhuine rua (agus gach rud eatarthu), a léireoidh amaidí agus daonnacht uathúil na sochaí s’againne. is féidir leat coiméide Jake a mheas i bhfrása amháin ‘tabhair sólas do lucht an dobróin agus cuir isteach ar na daoine compordacha’. bígí faoi réir don rud nach mbeidh súil agaibh leis, mar ní bheidh polaiteoir nó páirtí polaitiúil ar bith nach ndéanfar fonóid fúthu don taibhiú speisialta ar leith seo. lena ghreann breathnaitheach uathúil, agus a léamh cliste féin ar thráchtaireacht shóisialta, neartóidh an seó seo clú Jake mar fhuirseoir atá ag barr a mhaitheasa. Ticéid £15. Blacks Road, Dunmurry, Belfast BT10 0NF Email: [email protected] Tel: +44(0) 28 90 301234 Fax:+44(0) 28 90 601455 11 LIVE MUSIC 7 NIGHTS A WEEK - Acoustic - Bands - Local artist - Covers - Favourites - Oldies - Chilled - DJ - Live 12 Wolf & Whistle - 67 ANDERSONSTOWN RD, BELFAST BT11 9AH wolfandwhistlebar | wolfandwhistlebar1 The BiG TeNT, Falls Park, Sat 6th Aug, 8-til-late oLLPhuBALL NA FéiLe, Páirc na bhFál Dé Sathairn 6 Lúnasa, 8i.n. go dtí go mall The Kooks are luke Pritchard, hugh, alexis, Peter. They've been producing their thrilling blend of post-punk beat guitar pop for over a decade and along the way have produced a batch of instant classics like naive, She Moves her own Way, always Where i need to be, Junk of the heart and around Town. Their last album "listen" found them experimenting with funk and hip hop rhythms, but whatever style they play in it's catchy as hell and unmistakably The Kooks. Féile are delighted to have them headlining at Falls Park for an evening of pop thrills and great riffs. The kooks are to be supported by The Coronas and The Crossfire hurricanes. Tá luke Pritchard, hugh, alexis, Peter sa bhanna ceoil The Kooks. bhí siad ag taibhiú a meascán de phopcheol iarphunc le breis agus deich mbliana anuas. ar fud a saoil chuir siad amach cnuasach amhrán clasaiceach amhail naive, She Moves her own Way, always Where i need to be, Junk of the heart agus around Town. San albam is déanaí a bhí acu “listen” bhain siad triail as rithimí cheol func agus hip hop, ach cibé stíl a sheinneann siad, fanann a bhfoinn leat agus aithnítear mar stíl cheoil de chuid The Kooks í. Tá áthas ar Féile go mbeidh siad mar phríomhcheoltóirí san oíche seo i bPáirc na bhFál ina mbeidh corraíolacha popcheoil agus rifeanna iontacha. beidh The Kooks tacaithe ag The Coronas agus The Crossfire hurricanes The Coronas & The Crossfire Hurricanes Support by Tickets: £30 Ticéid: £30 The Crossfire hurricanes ENTERTAINMENT BOOK A TABLE ON: (T)028 9060 2210 (E)[email protected] 13 All Saints The BiG TeNT, Falls Park, Sun 7 Aug, 8-til-late oLLPhuBALL NA FéiLe, Páirc na bhFál, Dé Domhnaigh 7ú Lúnasa, 8i.n. go dtí go mall th Tickets: £20 Ticéid: £20 14 With a hugely successful career spanning over a decade, all Saints are one of the most iconic and accomplished female pop acts around. They have achieved five no. 1 singles and two multiplatinum albums along the way to becoming one of the truly great “girl groups”. They hit Féile as part of their first UK/ irish tour in over 15 years, supporting their excellent latest album, Red Flag le slí bheatha ollrathúil a mhair níos mó ná deich mbliana, tá all Saints ar cheann de na sárbhannaí popcheoil ban is íocónaí atá ag taibhiú faoi láthair. bhain siad cúig shingil uimhir 1 agus dhá albam ilphlatanaim amach agus bhí siad ar cheann de “grúpaí ban” fíoriontacha dár thaibhigh riamh. beidh siad ag taibhiú ag Féile mar chuid dá gcamchuairt ar fud na Ríochta aontaithe/ na héireann, an chéad chamchuairt a bheidh déanta acu le 15 bliana anuas, agus iad ag tacú leis an albam iontach is deánaí s’acu Red Flag Sharon Shannon, Frances Black & Mary Coughlan and special guest Brigid O'Neill) Tickets: £15 Ticéid: £15 Clonard Monastery, Tues 9th Aug, 7.30pm Mainistir Chluain Ard, Dé Máirt 9 Lúnasa, 7.30i.n. irish music legends Sharon Shannon, Frances black and Mary Coughlan are uniting for a unique Féile show at Clonard Monastery. These three astonishing performers are no stranger to sharing a stage, having been an integral part of the successful "Woman's heart" albums and tours. The three performers will each perform a set with their own musicians, featuring many of their greatest hits, then everyone comes on stage together to finish the evening. This promises to be a very special night in a truly evocative venue. ORTUS beidh na ceoltóirí éireannacha clúiteacha Sharon Shannon, Frances black agus Mary Coughlan ag teacht le chéile do sheó uathúil Féile i Mainistir Chluain ard. is minic a bhí an triúr sártaibheoirí seo ar an ardán le chéile, go háirithe nuair a nuair a ghlac siad páirt ríthábhachtach sna halbaim agus sna camchuairteanna rathúla “Woman’s heart”. beidh an triúr taibheoirí seo ag taibhiú lena gceoltóirí féin ina dtaibheoidh siad cuid de na cnagamhráin ab’fhearr a bhí acu. ansin, taibheoidh siad le chéile ar an ardán chun críoch a chur leis an oíche. Tá muid cinnte gur oíche an-speisialta in ionad fíorallabhrach a bheas ann. 15 ANDERSONSTOWN TV Noise SOCIAL CLUB RELAX! HOLLY JOHNSON DeiR Féile Joint Headliner and special guest Roland Gift, Fine Young Cannibals) RELAX! SHOWTEK Tickets: £20 Ticéid: £20 and special guests Tom Swoon, TV Noise and special guest Timmy Trumpet The BiG TeNT, Falls Park, Fri 12th Aug, 8pm oLLPhuBALL NA FéiLe, Páirc na bhFál, Dé hAoine 12 Lúnasa, 8i.n. Timmy Trumpet Tickets: £30 Ticéid: £30 The BiG TeNT, Falls Park, Thurs 11th Aug, 8pm oLLPhuBALL NA FéiLe, Páirc na bhFál, Deardéoin 11 Lúnasa, 8i.n. 16 holly Johnson spearheaded Frankie Goes to hollywood, one of the biggest-selling pop acts of the eighties and only the second liverpool band to score three consecutive number 1 singles, including the earth-shattering classic Relax. holly went on to have a successful solo career with such massive hits such as americanos and love Train. he returned in 2014, after years away from the music industry, with the stunning album europa. bhí holly Johnson ina phríomhamhránaí sa bhanna ceoil, Frankie Goes to hollywood, ceann de na popcheoltóirí ba mhó dhíola i rith na n-ochtóidí. níorbh é ach an dara banna ceoil ó learpholl le trí shingil ag uimhir 1 a bhaint amach as a chéile, an chnagamhrán clasaiceach ‘Relax’ san áireamh. bhí slí bheatha aonair rathúil aige le hollchnagamhráin amhail ‘americanos’ agus ‘love Train’. Tháinig sé ar ais sa saolréim cheoil arís in 2014, i ndiaidh dó na blianta a chaitheamh ar shiúl ón tionscal ceoil, lena albam iontach ‘europa’. roland Gift is the unmistakable voice of the Fine Young Cannibals, whose hits include She Drives Me Crazy and Johnny Come home. now a successful solo performer, Féile is delighted to welcome Roland to the Féile stage. ba phríomhamhránaí soaitheanta na ‘Fine Young Cannibals’ é roland Gift. i measc a gcnagamhrán bhí ‘She Drives Me Crazy’ agus ‘Johnny Come home’. is taibheoir aonair rathúil anois é, agus tá áthas ar Féile fáilte a chur roimh Roland go hardán Féile. Two 80s music legends at Falls Park for a magical evening that's fuelled by the power of love! beidh beirt laochra ceoil na n-ochtóidí seo ag taibhiú i bPáirc na bhFál ar oíche iontach a bheidh spreagtha ag cumhacht an ghrá. Tom Swoon Dutch brothers Showtek reached new heights on the global music scene with single releases ‘cannonball’ and ‘booyah’ and hitting close to 100 millions views on YouTube! They have inspired a movement united in its love for music, excitement, artistic freedom and adventure, selling out concerts across the planet and amassing 4.75 million fans on social media. Tom Swoon has enjoyed a meteoric rise within electronic music in just three years, gaining a worldwide fan base and entering DJ Mag’s Top 100 DJs poll. TV Noise bring cool electronic pop vibes to every party they play, with their new release; ‘bring Me Down’ hitting accord with music purists’ planet-wide. Timmy Trumpet completes the mesmerizing line-up. The australian DJ/producer is currently rocking dancefloors on his Party Til We Die World Tour, playing sold out shows across europe, asia, and north and South america. bhain na deartháireacha ón Ísiltír Showtek clú agus cáil amach sa saolréim cheoil dhomhanda i ndiaidh dóibh na singilí ‘Cannonball’ agus ‘booyah’ a chur amach agus beagnach agus 100 milliún amharc ar YouTube a bhaint amach! Spreag siad gluaiseacht aontaithe ina grá do cheol, corraitheacht, saoirse ealaíonta agus d’eachtraí. Dhíol siad ceolchoirmeacha amach ar fud na cruinne agus tá 4.75 milliún leantóirí sna meáin shóisialta acu. is mór an dul chun cinn atá déanta Tom Swoon laistigh den saolréim cheoil leictreonaigh taobh istigh de thrí bliana. Tá leantóirí ó fud fad an domhain aige agus cuireadh isteach i liosta DJ Mag de na 100 dioscmharcach is fearr é. Cuireann TV Noise a lorg popcheoil isteach i ngach cóisir ina seinneann siad. Rinne na saoithíní ceoil ó fud fad an domhain ardmholadh ar a n-eisiúint is déanaí ‘bring Me Down’. is é Timmy Trumpet an ceoltóir deireanach ar an ardán an oíche seo. Tá an DM/léiritheoir astrálach ag racáil na n-urlár damhsa ar an Chamchuairt Party Til We Die mar a bhfuil sé ag taibhiú i seónna atá díolta amach ar fud na heorpa, na hÁise móide Mheiriceá Thuaidh agus Theas. 17 The Wolfe Tones & Rising of the Moon The BiG TeNT, Falls Park, Sun 14th Aug, 8-til-late oLLPhuBALL NA FéiLe, Páirc na bhFál, Dé Domhnaigh 14 Lúnasa, 8i.n. go dtí go mall Deacon Blue hugh and Cry Support by Hue and Cry The BiG TeNT, Falls Park, Sat 13th Aug, 8-til-late oLLPhuBALL NA FéiLe, Páirc na bhFál, Dé Sathairn 13 Lúnasa, 8i.n. go dtí go mall Tickets: £25 Ticéid: £25 after more than six million album sales, twelve UK Top 40 singles and two UK number one albums, Scottish music legends Deacon Blue make their return to the live stage in 2016 with some of the biggest shows of their 30 year career. 2016 is a hugely significant year for Ricky Ross and co – it’s the 25th anniversary of their platinum--selling 1991 album ‘Fellow hoodlums’ which includes Top 10 hit and live favourite ‘Twist & Shout’ and the beautiful ‘Your Swaying arms’. expect an evening of rousing playing and passionate performance from a band with a back catalogue as evocative and expansive as the Glasgow skyline… 18 The Kane brothers aka hugh and Cry have been making their unique brand of Scottish soul for nearly three decades. With a back catalogue that features classic singles such as labour of love and Violently and a dizzyingly eclectic range of styles including jazz, pop and funk, hue and Cry are a welcome addition to this year's Féile. rising of the Moon The Wolfe Tones have been at the top of the irish music scene for almost five decades and continue to make the rafters ring at venues internationally in their inimitable style. They are unabashedly proud of their love songs and ballads (covering such issues as the famine, emigration, the struggle for irish independence) which reflect not just tradition but the times we lived and live in. always creative, the group continue to release brand new material even after 50 years on the road and remain one of the world’s most popular live acts. Their show will focus on both the 1916 100th anniversary & 35th anniversary of the hunger Strikes. They will be supported by the powerful irish Folk Group, Rising of the Moon. Tickets £10. Available at and all ticketmaster outlets. Sponsored by harp and supported by west Belfast Policing & Community Safety Partnership and The Felons Club. bhí The Wolfe Tones ag barr shaolréim an cheoil éireannaigh le beagnach cúig dheichniúr anuas agus leanann siad ar aghaidh gártha molta a thógáil in áiteanna go hidirnáisiúnta lena stíl uathúil féin. Tá an-bhród orthu as a namhráin ghrá agus as a mbailéid, (a phléann le ceisteanna amhail an gorta mór, imirce, agus an streachailt le haghaidh saoirse na héireann) agus nach léiríonn traidisiún amháin, ach léiríonn siad na tréimhsí inar mhair agus ina maireann muid. leanann an grúpa seo ar aghaidh amhráin úra a eisiúint go fóill agus iad cruthaitheach i gcónaí, i ndiaidh 50 bliain ar an bhóthar fiú, agus tá siad ar dhaoine de na taibheoirí is mó éilimh orthu ar an domhan go fóill. Díreoidh a seó ar chomóradh chéad bliain éirí amach na Cásca 1916 agus ar an 35ú comóradh de na Stailceanna ocrais. beidh siad tacaithe ag an Ghrúpa Cheol Tíre éireannach chumhachtach ‘Rising of the Moon’. Ticéid £10. Ar fáil ag agus ó thicéadlanna Ticketmaster go léir. Urraithe ag Harp agus tacaithe ag West Belfast Policing & Community Safety Partnership agus ag Cumann na Meirleach. i ndiaidh dóibh sé mhilliún albam a dhíol, dhá shingil déag i gcairteanna bharr 40 na Ríochta aontaithe a bhaint amach, tá na laochra ceoil albanacha Deacon blue ag taibhiú beo ar an ardán arís in 2016 i roinnt de na seónna is mó ina slí bheatha 30 bliain. Tá an bhliain 2016 iontach tábhachtach do Ricky Ross agus dá chairde – seo an 25ú ceiliúradh ar a n-albam ‘Fellow hoodlums’ a chuir siad amach in 1991 agus a bhain céim phlatanaim amach ó thaobh díolachán de. San albam sin bhí an cnagamhrán bharr 10 ‘Twist and Shout’ agus an t-amhrán ‘Your Swaying arms’. bígí ag súil le le hoíche de cheol spreagúil agus de thaibhiú paiseanta ó bhanna ceoil a bhfuil catalóg iarshaothar acu atá chomh hallabhrach agus chomh fairsing le spéirlíne Ghlaschú. Bhí deartháireacha Kane aka Hue and Cry ag taibhiú a gceoil anamúil albanach uathúil féin le beagnach trí dheichniúr. le catalóg iarshaothar a bhfuil na hamhráin chlasaiceacha amhail ‘labour of love’ agus ‘Violently’ ina measc, chomh maith le réimse stíleanna eicléictiúla, snagcheol, popcheol agus funccheol san áireamh, cuirfidh siad go mór le Féile na bliana seo. 19 028 90 80 90 80 $-b-u|m;uo= "rrouঞm]u|vşѴ|u;bm;Ѵ=-v| omѴo-7ouu;;rrķmob|_ u;7b|ş;0b|-u7=m1ঞom-Ѵb| (028) 90 80 90 80 My Bookings Track your car Credit Card My Accounts My Profile About Show Map SHARE 20 1 CALL LOGOUT 21 0 16:46 WELL DONE TO FÉILE AN PHOBAIL 2016 SCriBeS & DrAMA SCrÍoBhAiThe AGuS DrÁMAÍ 22 537 FALLS RD, BELFAST BT11 9AB T: 028 9061 9875 WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/FELONSBELFAST 23 Look out for Pintsized Surprise Coinnigí súil amach do Pintsized Surprise SiGiNATorieS Directed by Patrick Mason and produced by Verdant Productions. An Chultúrlann, Fri 5th Aug, 7pm a special “unplugged” presentation of Signatories, an exciting new work created by eight of ireland’s most acclaimed writers to mark the centenary of the easter Rising. Commissioned by University College Dublin and created by emma o’Donoghue, Thomas Kilroy, hugo hamilton, Frank McGuinness, Rahel Fehily, éilis ní Dhuibhne, Marina Carr and Joseph o’Connor, Signatories, presents a series of monologues reflecting the experiences of the signatories of the Proclamation and elizabeth o’Farrell. This special production is supported by the Department of Foreign affairs and Trade and the Department of arts, heritage and the Gaeltacht, as part of the ireland 2016 Centenary Programme. Tickets are available at “The Man who swallowed a Dictionary” Drama Scenes & Political Presentation Duncairn Centre for Culture and Arts, Tues 2nd Aug, 7pm The man who swallowed a dictionary’ is an exploration of the life of the late David ervine. Recounted from first-hand experience, Robert ‘beano’ niblock portrays, in his inimitable style of pathos and comedy, the life of former PUP leader ervine in true dramatic fashion. The event will feature two short scenes from the drama production followed by presentations from william Mitchell on the aCT initiative, and by robert Niblock on the etcetera Theatre Company. This will be concluded by a Q&a session. Action for Community Transformation, the aCT initiative, is a transformation initiative which supports former combatants. aCT builds the capacity of its members and supports them to engage in the social, economic and political structures of northern ireland. aCT also encourages its members to embrace new, positive leadership roles within their local communities. etcetera is a not-for-profit theatre company, drawing on approaches and lessons learned from community arts and community development to engage new audiences and participants. The company’s vision is to encourage, support and sustain an artistic voice from those historically and presently unheard from within the northern ireland protestant working-class communities. Supported by Féile an Phobail’s Community engagement Programme, funded by esmée Fairbairn Foundation “The Man who swallowed a Dictionary” radhairc ón Dráma agus Cuir i Láthair Polaitiúla ionad ealaíon agus Cultúir Duncairn Dé Máirt 2 Lúnasa, 7i.n. illustration by Jim Fitzpatrick Déanann ‘The Man who Swallowed a Dictionary’ scrúdú ar shaol David ervine nach maireann. insíonn Robert ‘beano’ niblock an scéal ón bhunfhoinse agus cuireann sé saol iarcheannaire an PUP i láthair ar bhealach fíordhrámatúil agus le truamheála agus coiméide ina stíl féin. San imeacht seo, beidh dhá radharc ghairide ón dráma, chomh maith le cuir i láthair ó william Mitchell ar Fhiontar an aCT initiative, agus ó robert Niblock ar 24 Chompántas amharclainne etcetera ina dhiaidh. beidh seisiún Cheisteanna agus Freagraí an an deireadh. is fiontar ar son athraithe é Action for Community Transformation, a thacaíonn le hiarchomhraiceoirí. Forbraíonn sé cumas a bhall agus tacaíonn sé leo rólanna nua ceannaireachta a ghlacadh laistigh dá bpobail áitiúla. is compántas amharclainne neamhbhrabúsach é etcetera, a bhaineann leas as na cuir chuige agus na ceachtanna foghlamtha ó na healaíona pobail agus ó fhorbairt pobail le suim luchtaí féachana agus rannpháirithe nua a mhealladh. is í fís an chompántais ná tacu le guthanna ealaíonta iad siúd nár chualathas uathu ó laistigh de phobail lucht oibre Phrotastúnacha i dTuaisceart éireann, agus iad a spreagadh agus a chothú. Tacaithe ag Clár Rannpháirtíochta Pobail Féile an Phobail. Maoinithe ag The esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Signatories Stiúrtha ag Patrick Mason agus léirithe ag Verdant Productions. An Chultúrlann, Dé hAoine 5th Lúnasa, 7i.n. léiriú speisialta “díphlugáilte de ‘Signatories’, léiriúchán nua corraitheach déanta ag ochtar de na scríbhneoirí éireannacha is mó clú chun céad bliain éirí amach na Cásca a chomóradh. arna choimisiúnú ag Coláiste ollscoile bhaile Átha Cliath, arna chumadh ag emma o’Donoghue, Thomas Kilroy, hugo hamilton, Frank McGuinness, Rahel Fehily, éilis ní Dhuibhne, Marina Carr agus Joseph o’Connor. Cuirfidh ‘Signatories’ sraith monalóg i láthair a léireoidh eispéiris shínitheoirí an Fhorógra agus elizabeth o’Farrell. beidh an léiriúchán speisialta seo tacaithe ag an Roinn ealaíon, oidhreachta, Gnóthaí Réigiúnacha, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta, mar chuid de Chlár Chomóradh Céad bliain 2016 éireann. Ticéid ar fáil ag ‘Belfast Rising’ The roddy McCorley Social Club wed 3rd - Sat 6th Aug, 8pm belfast, 1916; an industrial powerhouse at the heart of an empire. a city immersed in the revolutionary and radical politics of it’s time that would drive a number of it’s citizens to strike for their country's freedom. Through story, song and visuals, 'belfast Rising' uncovers the legacy of the women and men connected with the city who would rally to their country’s cause, and strike at the heart of the british empire in pursuit of their independence. This powerful new production from the multi-award-winning brassneck Theatre Company, explores the impact that belfast had upon the easter Rising of 1916. TiCKeTS: 02890 300 480 'AN iNCorriGiBLe iriShMAN' by James Skivvington Brassneck Theatre Company, An Chultúrlann, wed 3rd Aug, 8pm on the 100th anniversary of the execution of Roger Casement, brassneck Theatre Company proudly present a rehearsed reading of James Skivvingtons 'an incorrigible irishman'. a unique look at the story of Roger Casement, imperialist turned anti-imperialist, raised Protestant but secretly baptised Catholic, british Consul turned irish Republican, an easter Rising hero who had hoped to land in Galway in an attempt to have it postponed. Tickets: 02890 964 180 ‘An incorrigible irishman’ Ag James Skivington Compántas Amharclainne Brassneck, An Chultúrlann, Dé Céadaoin 3 Lúnasa, 8i.n. ar an 100ú comóradh de chur chun báis Ruairí Mhic easmainn, tá bród ar Chompántas amharclainne brassneck léamh cleachtaithe de ‘an incorrigible irishman’ scríofa ag James Skivington a chur i láthair. Scrúdú uathúil atá ann ar shaol Ruairí Mhic easmainn, impiriúlach a d’iompaigh ina fhrithimpiriúlach, fear a tógadh mar Phrotastúnach ach a báisteadh mar Chaitliceach go rúnda, Consal na breataine a d’iompaigh ina Phoblachtach éireannach. laoch éirí amach na Cásca a raibh dóchas aige teacht go Gaillimh agus iarracht a dhéanamh é a chur ar ceal. Ticéid: 028 9096 4180 ‘Belfast rising’ Cumann Sóisialta Rodaí Mhic Corlaí Dé Céadaoin 3 lúnasa go Dé Sathairn 6 lúnasa, 8i.n. béal Feirste 1916; cathair a chothaigh an tionscal agus a bhí ag croílár na himpireachta. Cathair a bhí báite i gcúrsaí polaitíochta réabhlóidí agus radacaí an an am sin a spreagfadh cuid dá saoránach troid ar son saoirse a dtíre. Trí mheán scéalta, amhrán agus íomhánna, léireoidh ‘belfast Rising’ oidhreacht na mban agus na bhfear ceangailte leis an chathair agus a spreagfadh daoine troid ar son chúis a dtíre, agus a dhéanfadh ionsaí in éadan chroílár impireacht na breataine agus iad ag iarraidh a neamhpspleáchas a bhaint amach. Pléifidh an léiriúchán nua cumhachtach seo ó Chompántas amharclainne brassneck a bhfuil ilduaiseanna bainte aige, an tionchar a bhí ag béal Feirste ar éirí amach na Cásca 1916. TICÉID: 02890 300 480 25 Just back from the Cuala Festival in New york! Aisling Ghéar presents: ‘Alice Milligan – a Girl of Genius’ by Susannah McKenna Cultúrlann, Sat 6 Aug, 2pm The roddy McCorley Social Club Sun 7th - Fri 12th Aug. 8pm Alice Milligan – journalist, political activist, feminist, human rights campaigner, ‘Cultural ambassador’ and theatre pioneer, was an icon of ireland’s great renaissance of the late 19th Century. born in 1866, one of 13 children into a middle class Protestant Unionist family in Co Tyrone, she attended Methodist College, belfast and then studied at King’s College london. She was hailed as the ‘infant nurse’ of the biggest irish political movement in the 1920s, and was a tireless human rights campaigner as well as an organiser of the irish language movement in Ulster. This unique one woman show charts the extraordinary life of a remarkable pioneer. ‘Alice Milligan - a Girl of Genius’ will be presented in english with a cúpla focal. 1.05 mins Tickets: £8 & £6 Tickets: oifig Fáilte Desk, Cultúrlann Go díreach ar ais ó Fhéile Cuala i NuaEabhrac! cuireann Aisling Ghéar i láthair: ‘Alice Milligan – A Girl of Genius’ Ag Susannah McKenna, An Chultúrlann, Dé Sathairn 6 Lúnasa, 2i.n. Alice Milligan – iriseoir, gníomhaí polaitíochta, feimineach, feachtasóir ar son chearta an duine ’ambasadóir cultúrtha’ agus ceannródaí amharclainne a bhí inti agus ba mhórphearsa in iriSh hiSTory A MoDerN PerSPeCTiVe athbheochan mhór na héireann go mall sa 19ú haois í. Rugadh in 1866 í agus ba dhuine de 13 pháiste í a rugadh i dteaghlach Protastúnach aontachtach meánaicmeach i gCo. Thír eoghain í. D’fhreastail sí ar an Choláiste Mhodhach, béal Feirste agus ansin rinne sí staidéar in King’s College i londain. Dúradh gur ‘banaltra naíonán’ den ghluaiseacht pholaitiúil ba mhó in éirinn sna 1920í í. 26 Peirspictíocht Nua-aimseartha ar Stair na hÉireann Leabharlann Bhóthar na bhFál Ó 4/8/16 - 11/8/16, 1i.n. Mar chuid de shraith léachtaí i rith na Féile ag ceiliúradh litríocht na héireann, beidh Anthony Russell agus Liam Kennedy ag plé a leabhar nua. Táille: Saor in Aisce. Eagraithe ag: Leabharlann Bhóthar na bhFál. Teagmháil: 028 9050 9212. b’fheachtasóir dochloíte ar son chearta an duine í agus b’eagraí ghluaiseacht na Gaeilge i gCúige Uladh í chomh maith. Rianóidh an seó uathúil aon bhean amháin seo saol éachtach an cheannródaí iontaigh. Taibheofar ‘Alice Milligan - a Girl of Genius’ i mbéarla ach le cúpla focal i nGaeilge anseo agus ansiúd.. 105 nóiméad. Ticéid: £8 & £6 From the company that brought you ‘The holy holy bus’ and ‘Man in The Moon', brassneck Theatre Company return to the Roddys this Summer with Grimes & McKee’s ‘Ché Guevara’s night off’! a plane has been fogbound in the west of ireland and the worlds most wanted man is onboard. Ché Guevara want’s only one thing… a night off. not a bit of it! There's a cow to be calved, a dance to organise, a motorbike to repair and a bit of love in the air. Join Ché and the locals in the County Clare for a wild nights craic, with fiddles, fugitives and a drop of the black stuff. TiCKeTS: 02890 300 480 Ón chompántas a thaibhigh ‘The holy holy bus’ agus ‘Man in The Moon’, beidh Compántas amharclainne brassneck ar ais arís i gCumann Sóisialta Rodaí Mhic Corlaí an samhradh seo le ‘Ché Guevara’s night off’!’ ag Grimes & McKee. Tá eitleán gafa sa cheo ag aerfort in iarthar na héireann agus tá an fear is mó a bhfuil tóir air ar an domhan ar bord. ba mhaith le Ché Guevara aon rud amháin… oíche shaor a bheith aige. Seans dá laghad! Tá bó i dtinneas lao, damhsa le heagrú, gluaisrothar le deisiú agus giota beag grá san aer. bígí le Ché agus le muintir na háite i gContae an Chláir ar oíche chraiceáilte ina mbeidh craic, fidleacha, teifigh agus braon beag den leann dubh. TICÉID: 028 9030 0480 Book Launch SurFiNG LiFe’S wAVeS by Jim Deeds Between Two Flags: John Mitchel & Jenny Verner Falls road Library From 4.8.16 - 11/8/16, 1pm as part of a selection of lectures celebrating irish literature during the Féile, Anthony russell and Liam Kennedy will be discussing their new books. Admission Price: Free. organised by: Falls road Library. Contact: 02890509212 ChÉ Guevara’s Night Off! Anthony russell a uniquely romantic account of the love & marriage of irish nationalist activist, solicitor and political journalist John Mitchel, to Jenny Verner. between Two Flags is the compelling story of two remarkable yet flawed people, who endured great tragedy, and were both supporters of physical force irish republicanism. Cuntas rómánsúil uathúil faoi ghrá agus faoi phósadh an ghníomhaí, an dlíodóra agus an iriseora pholaitiúil náisiúnaigh éireannaigh, John Mitchel, le Jenny Verner. is scéal iontach é between Two Flags faoi bheirt dhaoine iontacha le lochtanna, a d’fhulaing tragóid mhór agus a thacaigh le poblachtánachas éireannach armtha. St. oliver Plunkett Parish hall, Glenveagh Drive, Lenadoon. Mon 8th Aug, 7pm Surfing life’s Waves takes the reader on a journey through the ocean that life can be, with its highs and lows. Written simply, using the author’s daily experience, this book is for anyone who is curious about life and the purpose to our existence. Jim Deeds works for the Down & Connor living Church project and is at the forefront of building lay involvement in the Catholic Church today. he will read from his new book, recite poetry, play a few songs and answer questions. unhappy the Land: The Most oppressed People ever, the irish? Liam Kennedy Challenging, contentious and highly original perspectives of the major controversies in irish history; Kennedy confronts historical focal points such as the Ulster Plantation, the Great Famine, and the War of independence with previously untold scrutiny. Dúshlánach, conspóideach agus an-bhunpheirspictíochtaí ar phríomhchonspóidí i stair na héireann; pléann Kennedy leis na buncheisteanna stairiúla amhail Plandáil Uladh, an Gorta Mór, agus Cogadh na Saoirse le hiniúchadh nach ndearnadh riamh roimhe. Seoladh Leabhair Surfing Life’s Waves ag Jim Deeds Halla Paróiste Naomh Oilibhéar Pluincéid, Corrán Ghleann Bheithe, Léana an Dúin. Dé Luain 8 Lúnasa, 7i.n. Tugann ‘Surfing life’s Waves’ an léitheoir ar thuras trí shonas agus donas an tsaoil. arna scríobh go simplí, ag úsáid eispéireas laethúil an údair, tá an leabhar seo do dhuine ar bith atá fiosrach faoin saol agus faoin fháth a bhuil muid ann. oibríonn Jim Deeds don tionscadal Down & Connor living Church agus tá sé chun tosaigh i bhforbairt rannpháirteachais thuata san eaglais Chaitliceach sa lá atá inniu. léifidh sé óna leabhar, déarfaidh sé filíocht, seinnfidh sé amhráin agus freagróidh sé ceisteanna. 27 My Name is rachel Corrie St Marys university College, Fri 12th Aug 7pm a play based on the diaries and emails of Rachel Corrie, edited by alan Rickman, who directed it, and journalist Katharine Viner Presented by Palestine aid Tickets are £5 at the door. All proceeds will go the rachel Corrie Foundation. rachel Corrie is Ainm Dom FATher KANe SJ ‘AN SeANMÓir DALL’ ‘The BLiND PreACher’ JAMeS CoNNoLLy, TrADe uNioN orGANiSer eAGrAÍ CeArDChuMAiNN The TheATre, The eDuCATioN FLoor, CoNwAy ST, BeLFAST, 9th Aug, 2.30pm AN AMhArCLANN, AN tÚrLAr oiDeAChAiS, SrÁiD MhiC CoN MiDhe, BéAL FeirSTe, 9 LÚNASA, 2.30i.n. A PreSeNTATioN By The oNe hour TheATre ArNA Chur i LÁThAir AG The oNe hour TheATre in ireland there had been frequent armed uprisings against oppression. For years before 1916 there was also an intellectual battle going on between those who believed that some people, an elite, were fit to rule, the rest, ordinary folk, were not. among those who favoured rule by the few were politicians, landowners, business people, high clergy, including Pope leo Xiii, poets like Wb Yeats. among those who favoured self-rule by the people, ordinary folk, were a multitude of people from Moscow to Dublin. Father Kane SJ supported the minority, Connolly the majority. This presentation is an attempt to set the irish and international scene in which one of the most important questions is not why did revolution happen , but why it did not happen sooner and with more support. readers: Sean Mc Mahon, brenda Coyle, Mary Murphy, Colin Durling. organised by Springhill Community house. ba mhinic a bhí éirithe amach armtha in éirinn in ireland in éadan ansmachta. le blianta roimh 1916, bhí cath intleachtúil ag dul ar aghaidh eatarthu siúd a chreid go raibh roinnt daoine, an scothaicme fóirsteanach le rialú agus nach raibh na daoine eile, an gnáthphobal fóirsteanach. i measc na ndaoine sin a bhí i bhfabhar rialú ó roinnt daoine bhí polaiteoirí, úinéirí talún, an lucht gnó, na hardchléir, an Pápa leo Xiii, san áireamh, agus filí cosúil le Wb Yeats. i measc na ndaoine a bhí ar son feinrialaithe ón ghnáthphobal bhí cuid mhór daoine ó Mhoscó go baile Átha Cliath. Thacaigh an tathair Kane SJ leis an mhionlach, Ó Conghaile leis an mhóramh. Déanfaidh an cur i láthair seo iarracht an saol éireannach agus idirnáisiúnta a chur i láthair nach í ceann de na ceisteanna cén fáth nár tharla an réabhlóid, ach cén fáth nár tharla sí níos luaithe agus le níos mó tacaíochta. Léitheoirí: Sean Mc Mahon, brenda Coyle, Mary Murphy, Colin Durling. eagraithe ag Springhill Community house. At this function the Annual Tom Cox Award will be presented. AAg an ócáid seo, bronnfar Duais Bhliantúil Tom Cox. reSurGeNCe wed 10th Aug 2.30pm Book launch and discussion Pat walsh’s previous book ‘Catastrophe’ gives an account of what happened in the north between 1914 and 1968. The present book 28 V. 1910 ‘resurgence’ explains why the primary responsibility for the conflict in the north lies with the architects and operators of the system that gave the minority community a stark choice only between permanent secondclass status or war. and it describes how that War was ended to the advantage of the community, though short of its final objective, in such an effective way that momentum was carried from war to politics. hosted by Mark Langhammer. Resurgence Dé Céadaoin 10 Lúnasa, 2.30i.n. Seoleadh leabhair agus caint i leabhar Pat Walsh ‘Catastrophe’ tugann sé cuntas ar na rudaí a tharla sa Tuaisceart idir 1914 agus 1968. Sa leabhar is déanaí atá scríofa aige dar teideal ‘Resurgence’, míníonn sé na fáthanna a bhfuil an phríomhfhreagracht as an choimhlint sa Tuaisceart ag údair agus oibreoirí an chórais a thug rogha lom amháin don phobal mionlaigh, idir stádas mar shaoránach dara aicme nó dul i mbun cogaíochta. Déanann sé cur síos ar an bhealach a cuireadh deireadh leis an Chogadh ar mhaithe le leas an phobail, cé gur theip air ó thaobh a chuspóra dheireanaigh de, ach ar bhealach éifeachtach a chuir an pholaitíocht chun cinn in áit na cogaíochta. Arna óstáil ag Mark Langhammer. Coláiste ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé hAoine 12 Lúnasa, 7i.n. Dráma bunaithe ar dhialanna agus ar ríomhphoist Rachel Corrie is ea é. Rinne alan Rickman eagarthóireacht air agus bhí sé a stiúradh fosta i gcomhar leis an iriseoir Katharine Viner. arna chur i láthair ag Palestine aid. Táille: £5. 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 77 77 7 ó muirigh solicitors INQUEST LAW / LEGACY INQUIRIES | HUMAN RIGHTS LAW | JUDICIAL REVIEW APPEAL OF WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS | CRIMINAL CASES REVIEW APPLICATIONS | ROAD TRAFFIC COLLISIONS | FAMILY LAW / PERSONAL INJURY | CRIMINAL LAW | LITIGATION | WELFARE LAW /WILLS / LIBEL | 24 HR ARREST CALL OUT TELEPHONE / GUTHÁN | 028 9023 0222 FAX / FACS | 028 9024 6636 MOBILE / SOGHLUAISTE | 07841 870 608 [email protected] 29 S CR IBES AT TH E R OCK Scríobhaithe ag beár na Carraige roCK BAr Thurs 11th Aug, 3.45pm-6pm Admission - £6. (Doors open 3.15. Close 3.40. Please note earlier start) 30 Déardaoin 11 Lúnasa, 3.45i.n.-6i.n. Táille - £6. (Beidh na doirse oscailte ó 3.15i.n. Beidh na doirse druidte ar 3.40i.n. Tugaigí faoi deara an tús níos luaithe le bhur dtoil). Paul Laverty Kevin higgins Gerry Murphy Scottish writer Paul Laverty has been the long-time screenwriting partner of Ken loach. Together they have produced outstanding feature films such as My name is Joe; the 2006 Palme d’or winning The Wind That Shakes The barley; Jimmy hall (biopic about irish communist Jimmy Gralton and his fight with the ‘theological gulag’ of 1930s ireland) and, more recently, i, Daniel blake, the 2016 Palme d’or winner, about a carpenter in the north of england struggling against austerity and the red tape of the benefits system. Paul’s writing delicately balances the political and emotional, influenced by his unwavering social conscience. in interview with Danny Morrison. Galway-based Kevin higgins is a poet, essayist and reviewer, and satirist-inresidence at the alternative literature site The bogman’s Cannon. he’s been described by The Stinging Fly magazine as, “likely the mostly widely read living poet in ireland.” in his work he slates/admires ‘the “great” and the good’ from hilary Clinton to the late David bowie. his poems include such titles as: What i Told The Psychiatrist and letter to an imaginary enemy. Kevin is a merciless opponent of hypocrisy and pretentiousness wherever he finds it and his writing – which informs, infuriates and entertains is overtly political in a way that draws comparison with George orwel Gerry Murphy is immersed in his native Cork but he has a toe in every country as he goes about “relentlessly dismantling the entire universe”! his widely-acclaimed poetry is quirky, rebellious, hilarious, and indeed brilliant. his titles include such poems as Torso of an exGirlfriend; My Flirtation With international Socialism; and Do not Resuscitate. “Murphy is a thrilling and provocative master of poetic monologue and social commentary” – Thomas McCarthy, irish examiner. “What makes Murphy unique among his contemporaries is his curious integrity” – John Montague (first ireland Chair of Poetry). ba pháirtnéir scríbhneoireachta scripte Ken loach le fada an t-údar albanach Paul Laverty. le chéile rinne siad scothscannáin amhail Myname is Joe, The Wind That Shakes The barley, a bhain duais an Palme d’or, Jimmy hall (beathscannán faoin cholúnaí éireannach Jimmy Gralton agus faoin troid leis an ‘gulag diagachta’ in éirinn na 1930í) agus le déanaí, i, Daniel blake, a bhain duais an Palme. Tá an scannán sin faoi shaor adhmaid i dTuaisceart Shsana atá ag streachailt in éadan an anáis agus téip dhearg an chórais sochar. Pléann scríbhneoireacht Paul go cothrom le cúrsaí polaitiúla agus mothúchánacha a bhfuil tionchar ag a choinsias sóisialta lándaingean uirthi. Déanfaidh Danny Morrison agallamh leis. is file, scríbhneoir aistí, léirmheastóir agus aorthóir cónaitheach ar an suíomh litríochta ailtéarnaí ‘The bogman’s Cannon’ é Kevin Higgins a bhfuil cónaí air i nGaillimh. Rinne The Stinging Fly Magazinecursíosairmar,“likelythemostly widely read living poet in ireland.” ina chuid saothar, cáineann sé/tá meas aige ar na “daoine mór-le-rá” ó hilary Clinton go David bowie nach maireann. i measc a chuid dánta tá na teidil: ‘What i Told The Psychiatrist’ agus letter to an imaginary enemy’. Tá Kevin dubh in éadan fimíneachta agus galamaisíochta in cibé áit a dtagann sé orthu agus tá a chuid saothar – a thugann eolas, a chuireann fearg ar dhaoine agus a chuireann siamsaíocht go soiléir polaitiúil ar bhealach ina bhféadfaí comparáid a dhéanamh idir sin agus saothar George orwell. Tá Gerry Murphy gafa go hiomlán le Corcaigh ó dhúchas ach baint aige le gach contae agus é ag dul ar aghaidh “an ollchruinn iomlán a scrios”! Tá a chuid filíochta a bhfuil dea-cháil uirthi go forleathan ait, reibliúnach, fíorghreannmhar, agus iontach, leoga. i measc a chuid leabhar tá na dánta Torso of an ex-Girlfriend; My Flirtation With international Socialism; agus Do not Resuscitate. “Murphy is a thrilling and provocative master of poetic monologue and social commentary” – Thomas McCarthy, irish examiner. “What makes Murphy unique among his contemporaries is his curious integrity” – John Montague (First ireland Chair of Poetry). Féile women’s Singing Group provide the flourish to this year’s Scribes! now in their tenth year, the choir incorporates over 50 women of all ages and from all over belfast and beyond and perform a unique eclectic mix of african, Scottish, pop and folk songs in a raucous multi-harmony acapella style. Cuirfidh Grúpa Amhránaíochta Ban Féile le Scríobhaithe na bliana seo go healaíonta! agus an deichniú bliain caite aige ar an saol anois, tá breis agus 50 bean de gach aois ó fud fad bhéal Feirste agus níos faide anonn sa chór agus taibhíonn siad a meascán uathúil, eicléicteach d’amhráin afraiceacha, albanacha, popcheoil, agus cheol tire i stíl acapella ilchomhcheoil ghlóraigh. 31 Féile women’s Singing Group Glenn Patterson SCRIBES AT THE DUNCAIRN wine reception and live music Panel discussion and readings with Glenn Patterson, Angeline King and Kevin higgins (See Scribes at the rock, opposite page, for Kevin’s details) Duncairn Cultural Arts Centre , Antrim road, Fri, 12th Aug, 7 – 9pm 32 Angeline King SCrÍoBhAiThe AG ioNAD DuNCAirN Fáiltiú fíona le ceol beo Díospóireacht phainéil agus léamha le Glenn Patterson, Angeline King agus Kevin Higgins (Féach ar Scríobhaithe ag The Rock, sa leathanach taobh leis, do shonraí Kevin) Ionad Ealaíon Cultúrtha Duncairn, Bóthar Aontroma, Dé hAoine 12 Lúnasa, 7 – 9i.n. Chaired by Marnie Kennedy. Marnie is a Shared Reading facilitator and the coordinator of Stories@theDuncairn, a volunteer-led, community literature project in north belfast. beidh Marnie Kennedy ina Cathaoirleach. is éascaitheoir Comhléitheoreachta agus comhordaitheoir Stories@theDuncairn, tionscadal litríochta treoraithe ag saorálaithe atá lonnaithe i mbéal Feirste Thuaidh, í Marnie. Glenn Patterson burst onto the literary scene in 1988 when his acclaimed first novel, burning Your own (a coming-of-age story set in belfast in 1969) won a betty Trask award and the Rooney Prize for irish literature. a playwright and documentary filmmaker, his most recent novel, Gull, is based on the Delorean story. here’s Me here, the second collection of his newspaper and radio journalism was published last year. he is the co-writer (with Colin Carberry) of Good Vibrations (bbC Films) and recently wrote the libretto for long Story Short: the belfast opera. he is a senior lecturer in Creative Writing at Queen’s University’s Seamus heaney Centre and a patron of Fighting Words belfast. in 2015 Angeline King, having already written two novels, gave up her senior management role in sales and marketing, took the plunge and became a full-time author! Snugville Street begins in 2003 when hannah learns that her father’s return from prison to their Shankill Road home will collide with the arrival of her French exchange, etienne. The irish Times said of it: “an enjoyable coming-of-age tale with a belfast twist.” a belfast Tale, a soulful, transatlantic tale of troubles, love, friendship and hope is set between here and north america and follows the road to peace from 1990. Currently angeline is finishing a prequel to Snugville Street which should be published in the next few months. Tháinig Glenn Patterson sa saolréim litríochta in 1988 nuair a bhain a chéad úrscéal ardmhola, burning Your own (scéal theacht in aois suite i mbéal Feirste in 1969), duais betty Tusk agus Duais Ronney do litríocht éireannach. is drámadóir agus déantóir scannán faisnéise é agus tá an t-úrscéal is déanaí s’aigesean, Gull, bunaithe ar scéal Delorean. Foilsíodh an dara cnuasach dá chuid iriseoireachta nuachtáin agus raidió here’s Me here, anuraidh. is comhscríbhneoir (le Colin Carberry) Good Vibrations (bbC Films) é agus ar na mallaibh, scríobh sé an leabhróg do long Story Short: The belfast opera. is léachtóir sinsearach i Scríbhneoireacht Chruthaitheach in ionad Seamus heaney in ollscoil na banríona é, agus is pátrún Fighting Words belfast é fosta. Sa bhliain 2015, i ndiaidh di dhá úrscéal a scríobh, d’éirigh Angeline King, as a ról bainistíochta sinsearaí i ndíolachán agus margaíocht, le bheith ag obair mar údar lánaimseartha! Tosaíonn Snugville Street in 2003 nuair a fhaigheann hannah amach go dtiocfaidh teacht ar ais a hathar ó phríosún go dtí a dteach ar bhóthar na Seanchille salach ar theacht a mic leinn mhalartaithe, étienne. Rinne The irish Times cur síos ar mar: “an enjoyable coming-of- age tale with a belfast twist.” Scéal spreagtheach trasatlantach faoi na Tríoblóidí, grá, cairdeas agus dóchas is ea é, a belfast Tale, atá suite idir an áit seo agus Meiriceá Thuaidh. leanann sé bealach na síochána ó 1990. Faoi láthair, tá angeline ag críochnú réamhúrscéal Snugville Street ba chóir bheith foilsithe sa chúpla mí atá le teacht. Supported by Féile an Phobail’s Community Engagement Programme in partnership with Duncairn Cultural Arts Centre and Ashton Community Trust Tacaithe ag Clár Rannpháirtíochta Pobail Féile an Phobail i gcomhar le hIonad Ealaíon Cultúrtha Duncairn agus Iontaobhas Pobail Ashton 33 eASTroGeN riSiNG Talk and Book Launch: PATriCK PeArSe & The eASTer riSiNG by ruan o’Donnell Fri 13 Aug, 7pm Q & A session to finish refreshments provided and music with DÚChAS as part of the ‘athghabháil na Físe’ community centenary programme, Glór na Móna present this lecture and book launch from renowned irish historian Ruan o’Donnell, the head of the history Department in limerick University and official historian of the Robert emmett association. as co-editor of the ‘Sixteen lives’ series on the leaders of the 1916 Rising, Ruan has published his latest work on Patrick Pearse. he published extensively on republican history including groundbreaking work on Robert emmet, the 1798 Rebellion and two volumes on Republican Prisoners in english Prisons since the 1970s. This event will take place in Glór na Móna new, purpose built community hub, Gael-ionad Mhic Goill. Contact: oifi[email protected] or 90 234442 The roddy McCorley Social Club Thurs 18th Aug. Doors 8.00, show starts 8.30 pm Fri 19th Aug. Doors 8.00, show starts 8.30 pm Traditional music session from 7.30pm Cumann Sóisialta Rodaí Mhic Corlaí Déardaoin 18 Lúnasa. Beidh na doirse oscailte ó 8.00i.n., agus tosóidh an seó ar 8.30i.n. agus Dé hAoine 19 Lúnasa. Beidh na doirse oscailte ó 8.00i.n., agus tosóidh an seó ar 8.30i.n. Beidh seisiún ceoil thraidisiúnta ann ó 7.30i.n. Caint agus Seoladh Leabhair : Patrick Pearse & The Easter Rising ag Ruan O’Donnell Dé hAoine 13 Lúnasa, 7i.n. Beidh seisiúin de Cheisteanna agus Freagraí ag an deireadh Beidh sólaistí ar fáil agus ceol ó Dúchas Mar chuid de chlár céid an phobail ‘athghabháil na Físe’, cuirfidh Glór na Móna an léacht agus an seoladh leabhair seo ó Ruan o’Donnell, staraí éireannach clúiteach, cáiliúil, ceannasaí na Roinne Staire in ollscoil luimnigh agus staraí oifigiúil Chumann Roibeaird eiméad, i láthair. Mar chomheagarthóir na sraithe teilifíse ‘Sixteen lives’ ar Cheannairí éirí amach na Cásca 1916, d’fhoilsigh Ruan an saothar is déanaí s’aigesean ar Phádraig Mac Piarais. is mór an méid atá foilsithe aige ar an stair phoblachtach, a shaothar ceannródaíoch ar Roibeard eiméad, ar éirí amach 1798 agus dhá imleabhar ar Chimí Poblachtacha i bPríosúin Shasanacha ó na 1970í, ina measc. beidh an ócáid seo ar siúl i bhfoirgneamh cuspóireach, nuathógtha Ghlór na Móna, Gael-ionad Mhic Goill. Teagmháil: oifi[email protected] nó 90 234442. My Grandpa the Sniper - seoladh leabhair agus plé leis an údar, Frank Shouldice. Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich, Déardaoin 11 Lúnasa/Thursday 11 August, 2in/pm i've just published 'Grandpa the Sniper,' a memoir/biography about my grandfather (and namesake). originally from ballaghaderreen, Co Roscommon he and his brother Jack took part in the easter Rising and was heavily involved in the War of independence over the next five years. neither brother took part in the Civil War. it's a personal story my grandfather never really told - in fact he hardly spoke about any of it. i pulled it together using his letters and diaries as well as a deep dig into official records in ireland and britain. The response has been fantastic -- though it's not a history lesson it is a very accessible personal story that runs through momentous times. 34 My Grandpa the Sniper - seoladh leabhair agus plé leis an údar, Frank Shouldice. Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich, Déardaoin 11 Lúnasa, 2i.n./Thursday 11 August, 2pm Cuimhní cinn/beathaisnéis faoina sheanathair (a bhfuil an t-ainm céanna air agus atá air fosta) is ea an leabhar seo atá scríofa ag Frank Shouldice, iriseoir agus léiritheoir le Primetime investigates, clár iniúchach RTé, ag cur síos ar a sheanathair, Frank Shouldice. bhí seanathair Frank ina naoscaire ag fórsaí na Poblachta le linn éirí amach 1916 agus Chogadh na Saoirse. nior ghlac sé ná a dhearthair páirt i gCogadh na gCarad. is beag a labhair seanFrank faoin eispéireas seo - ach d’eirigh lena gharmhac scéal an fhir seo ó bhealach an Dhoirín i Ros Comáin a chur i dtomhal a chéile le scagadh ar sheanlitreacha, ar dhialanna agus ar thaifid oifigiúla in éirinn agus sa bhreatain. bhí an fhreagairt iontach - cé nach ceacht staire a bheidh ann is scéal spéisiúil é faoi phearsa spéisiúil ónár stair. 35 DiSCuSSioN AND DeBATe Plé aGUS DioSPoiReaChTaÍ Ireland’s Biggest Summer School an SCoil SaMhRaiDh iS MÓ in éiRinn all eVenTS in ST MaRY’S UniVeRSiTY ColleGe UnleSS STaTeD oTheRWiSe beiDh na hiMeaChTaÍ Go léiR i GColÁiSTe ollSCoile naoMh MUiRe MUna GCUiRTeaR a MhalaiRT in iúl. 'Ó PhrÍoSÚiN Go PoBAL' An Chultúrlann, Thur 28 July, 7pm Plé maidir le forbairt na Gaeilge taobh istigh agus taobh amuigh de na príosúin le linn thréimhse corrach na 1970í agus 80í. Discussion regarding the development of the irish language both inside and outside the prisons during the turbulent 1970s and 80s. aoi-chainteoirí / Guest Speakers include: an Seanadóir niall Ó Donnghaile, Séanna Walsh agus eile Séanna Walsh 36 37 Michael Collins Sir James Craig Dr. éamon Phoenix NorTh BeLFAST 1922: PoLiTiCAL VioLeNCe, PArTiTioN AND The CrAiG-CoLLiNS PACTS Duncairn Cultural and Arts Centre, Mon 1st Aug, 5pm The political and sectarian violence in belfast in the early 1920s was likened by Winston Churchill to ‘cannibalism’ except that the perpetrators ‘stopped short of devouring the flesh of their victims’. The six months between the 1921 Treaty and the outbreak of the irish Civil War witnessed a series of sectarian atrocities in north belfast culminating in the mass murder of the MacMahon family on 22 March 1922. These disturbances involved Michael Collins, Winston Churchill and Sir James Craig in several attempts to end the unremitting bloodshed. This illustrated talk will highlight the political instability, which stoked the flames of violence, the role of the iRa and Ulster Specials, the Craig-Collins Pact of March 1922 and abortive efforts to enroll Catholics in the b Specials. Dr. éamon Phoenix is a political historian and commentator and a member of the Taoiseach’s expert Advisory Group on Centenaries. Supported by Féile’s Community engagement Programme funded by esmée Fairbairn ‘Tuaisceart Bhéal Feirste 1922: Foréigean Polaitiúil, Críochdheighilt agus Comhaontuithe Craig, Uí Choileáin’ Ionad Ealaíon Cultúrtha Duncairn, Dé Luain 1 Lúnasa,5i.n. Dúirt Winston Churchill go raibh an foréigean polaitiúil agus seicteach i mbéal Feirste mar a bhí ‘cannibalism’ ann ach maidir leis na coirigh ‘stopped short of devouring the flesh of their victims’. Sna sé mhí idir Conradh 1921 agus tús Chogadh na gCarad, tharla sraith ainghníomhartha i dTuaisceart bhéal Feirste arbh é olldhúnmharú theaghlach McMahon ar 22ú Márta 1922 an toradh a tháinig astu. Mar gheall ar na hachrainn seo rinne Mícheál Ó Coileáin, Winston Churchill agus an Ridire James Craig roinnt iarrachtaí deireadh a chur leis an doirteadh fola. Cuirfidh an chaint seo béim ar an ghuagacht pholaitiúil, a spreag an foréigean, ar ról Óglaigh na heireann agus na Ulster Specials, Comhaontú Craig Uí Choileáin i mí Mhárta 1922 agus ar na hiarrachtaí mírathúla Caitlicigh a chlárú sna b Specials. Is staraí, tráchtaire polaitiúil é an Dr. Éamon Phoenix agus tá sé ina bhall den Sainghrúpa Chomhairleach ar Chomórthaí Céad Bliain. Tacaithe ag Clár Rannpháirtíochta Pobail Féile arna mhaoiniú ag esmée Fairbairn. heALiNG, hoNour & hoPe whAT NexT? Duncairn Cultural and Arts Centre 174 Trust, Antrim road, Mon 1st Aug, 7pm Sir Jeffrey Donaldson Declan Kearney MLA rev heather Morris Come and hear lagan Valley MP, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson and national chairperson of Sinn Féin Declan Kearney MLA discuss how we continue to pursue healing of the past, honour in the present, hope in the future. This event follows the successful 100 Days initiative and will be chaired by rev heather Morris, General Secretary of irish Methodist Church and former Methodist President. Supported by Féile’s Community engagement Programme funded by esmée Fairbairn RÉITEACH, ONÓIR AGUS DÓCHAS – CAD Í AN CHÉAD CHÉIM EILE? Ionad Ealaíon Cultúrtha Duncairn, Iontaobhas 174, Bóthar Aontroma, Dé Luain 1 Lúnasa, 7i.n. Tagaigí agus éistigí le FP Ghleann an lagáin, an Ridire Jeffrey Donaldson agus Cathaoirleach náisiúnta Shinn Féin Declan Kearney CTR ag plé na mbealaí a leanann muid ar aghaidh cúrsaí san am atá caite a réiteach, a thugann muid urraim don am i láthair agus a bhfuil dóchas againn don am atá le teacht. beidh an ócáid seo ar siúl i ndiaidh Fhiontar 100 lá Rathúil agus beidh an tUrramach Heather Morris, ard-Rúnaí eaglais Mhodhach na héireann agus an t-iarUachtarán Modhach ina Cathaoirleach uirthi. Tacaithe ag Clár Rannpháirtíochta Pobail Féile arna mhaoiniú ag esmée Fairbairn. The reLiGioN DiSCuSSioN 38 DoeS MorALiTy CoMe FroM reLiGioN? The roddy Mc Corlai Club, wed 3rd Aug, 7 pm a public discussion and exchange of views by theologian Dr Gavin Kerr and atheist Jack Duffin. Admission: Free. organised by: Jack Duffin. Contact: 07598946162 An Plé Reiligiúin.-An dtagann moráltacht ó reiligiún? Cumann Sóisialta Rodaí Mhic Corlaí, Dé Céadaoin 3 Lúnasa, 7i.n. Plé agus roinnt tuairimí poiblí idir diagaire, Dr. Gavin Kerr agus aindiachaí Jack Duffin. Táille: Saor in aisce. Eagraithe ag: Jack Duffin. Teagmháil: 07598946162. oUR MiSSion iS To leaD PoSiTiVe ChanGe in PeoPle'S liVeS ThRoUGh SUSTainable, SoCial, eConoMiC anD enViRonMenTal ReGeneRaTion. We Will Do ThiS ThRoUGh CoMMUniTY DeVeloPMenT, CaMPaiGninG anD SeRViCe DeliVeRY. We provide the following local services: • • • • action ability belfast arts Programme healthy living Centre Job assist Centre • outsource Finance • Saol úr Sure Start • Youth Programme if you would like further information about any of our services please do not hesitate to contact us: 689 Springfield Road, belfast bT12 7FP Tel: 028 90 236677, email: [email protected], Website: Sláinte to Féile an Phobail 2016 193 FALLS ROAD, BELFAST CONGRATULATIONS TO FÉILE AN PHOBAIL Westlink enterprise Centre, 30-50 Distillery St, belfast, County antrim bT12 5bJ. Tel: 028 9031 1022 39 PERSPECTIVES ON 1916 - THE EASTER RISING 3 – 5 August rd th The reLeVANCe oF roGer CASeMeNT St Mary’s university College, wed 3rd August, 1pm Months after the other executions, Roger Casement – a decorated british colonial officer and irish nationalist revolutionary - was tried and hanged in london. in this illustrated talk, Angus Mitchell, a historian, postcolonial critic and scholar on Roger Casement, will consider the relevance of Casement to Ulster a century after his execution. iNTerNATioNAL ASPeCTS oF The riSiNG St Mary’s university College, Thurs 4th August. 1pm 40 With assistance from the ‘exiled children in america’, and men and women in britain, the stand taken by the revolutionaries of 1916 rocked the empire and reverberated across its far flung dominions and colonial possessions. Dr. ruan o’Donnell examines the fascinating strands of influence and effect emanating from and into ireland during the first phase of the modern revolutionary period. Ruan o’Donnell is Senior lecturer in history at the University of limerick and the author of several books on the history of irish republicanism, including Patrick Pearse, part of the 16lives series. PEIRSPICTÍOCHTAÍ AR 1916 – ÉIRÍ AMACH NA CÁSCA 3 – 5 Lúnasa Tábhacht Ruairí Mhic Easmainn Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé Céadaoin, 3 Lúnasa, 1i.n. Míonna i ndiaidh na gcur chun báis eile, cuireadh Ruairí Mac easmainn- oifigeach coilíneach briotanach a raibh go leor gradam bronna air, agus réabhlóidí ar son náisiúnachas na héireann - faoi thriail agus ansin crochadh é i londain. Sa chaint seo le léaráidí, déanfaidh Angus Mitchell, staraí, critic iarchoilíneach agus scoláire ar Ruairí Mac easmainn, machnamh ar thábhacht Mhic easmainn do Chúige Uladh i ndiaidh a bhásaithe. Gnéithe Idirnáisiúnta den Éirí Amach Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Déardaoin 4 Lúnasa, 1i.n. le cuidiú ó ‘na páistí ar deoraíocht i Meiriceá’ agus ó na fir agus mná sa bhreatain, bhain éirí amach na réabhlóidithe in 1916 croitheadh as an impireacht, agus bhí éifeacht aige ar a tiarnais agus ar a gabháltais choilíneacha i bhfad i gcéin. Pléifidh an Dr. Ruan O’Donnell na tionchair agus na héifeachtaí an-spéisiúla ó agus in éirinn i rith na chéad chéime den tréimhse réabhlóideach nua-aimseartha. is léachtóir Sinsearach sa Stair in ollscoil luimnigh é Ruan o’Donnell agus is údar roinnt leabhhar é ar stair pholachtachas na héireann, ina measc, Patrick Pearse, mar chuid den tsraithleabhar 16 lives. CoNSTANCe MArKieViCz The reBeL CouNTeSS St Mary’s university College, Fri 5th Aug, 1pm born into a world of privilege in 1868, as a member of the landed gentry of Sligo, Constance Markievicz turned her back on her background to rise to prominence as a leader of the easter Rising in 1916. She was the first female MP elected to the house of Commons in 1918 and the first female minister in Western europe in 1919. however, she has often been misrepresented and depicted negatively in biographies. Using underused and previously undiscovered sources Dr Laura McAtackney will provide new insights into the illusive and remarkable character of Constance as a child, revolutionary, and, later, as a campaigner for social justice. laura Mcatackney is a native of belfast, and is associate Professor in Sustainable heritage Management in the archaeology department of aarhus University in Denmark. CoNSTANCe MArKieViCz: AN BANChuNTA reiBiLÚNACh Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé hAoine 5 Lúnasa, 1i.n. Rugadh in 1868 i muntir a bhí ina dream airgid, mar bhall d’úinéirí móra talún Shligigh Constance Markievicz. D’iompaigh sí óna cúlra le clú agus cáil a bhaint amach mar dhuine de cheannairí éirí amach na Cásca 1916. ba í an chéad bhean a toghadh mar FP sa house of Commons í in 1918 agus ba í an chéad bhanaire in iarthar na heorpa í in 1919. is minic a rinneadh éagóir uirthi agus a léiríodh go diúltach i mbeathaisnéisí í áfach. ag úsáid foinsí nár úsáideadh mórán agus nach bhfuarthas riamh, tabharfaidh an Dr. Laura McAtackney léargas nua ar phearsantacht mheabhlach agus shuntasach Constance mar pháiste, réabhlóidí, agus níos moille mar fheachtasóir do cheartas sóisialta. is as béal Feirste ó dhúchas í laura Mcatackney agus is ollamh í i mbainistíocht oidhreachta inbhuanaithe i Roinn Seandálaíochta ollscoil aarhus sa Danmhairg. 41 PERSPECTIVES ON 1916 – THE BATTLE OF THE SOMME PEIRSPICTÍOCHTAÍ AR 1916 – CATH AN SOMME The Key eVeNTS NA PRÍOMHIMEACHTAÍ St Mary’s university College, Mon 8th August, 1pm Dr richard Grayson analyses The battle of the Somme from the perspectives of the two volunteer divisions, the 36th (Ulster) and 16th (irish) divisions (which drew heavily on belfast recruits). he poses the intriguing question of alternative history - what would have happened if the 16th and 36th divisions had swapped places on the Somme? Dr Grayson specialises in british and irish history in the twentieth century, with a particular focus on ireland in the era of the First World War. he is the author of belfast boys: how Unionists and nationalists Fought and Died Together in the First World War. Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé Luain 8 Lúnasa, 1i.n. Déanfaidh an Dr. Richard Grayson anailís ar Chath an Somme ó pheirspictíochtaí dhá rannán óglach, an 36ú rannán (Ulaidh) agus an 16ú rannán (éireannach) (a d’earcaigh cuid mhór daoine ó bhéal Feirste). Cuirfidh sé ceist fhíorshuimiúil faoi stair ailtéarnach – cad é a d’fhéadfadh tarlú dá malartódh an16ú agus an 36ú rannán a n-áiteanna ar an Somme? Tá speisialtóireacht ag an Dr. Grayson i stair na breataine agus na héireann san fhicheadú haois, agus fócas ar leith aige ar éirinn le linn an Chéad Chogaidh Dhomhanda. is údar belfast boys: how Unionists and nationalists Fought and Died Together in the First World War é. 8th – 12th August The SoMMe & The BriTiSh ArMy St Mary’s university College, Tues 9th August, 1pm in popular memory and imagination, inspired in large part by the TV series blackadder and the work of various war poets, the word ‘Somme’ conjures up images of blood, mud and slaughter. however, some historians portray the Somme as a victory for the british army, albeit one which cost thousands of lives, and part of an essential ‘learning process’ regarding tactics and artillery support. historian Dr Timothy Bowman will not only consider these different perspectives of the battle but how a small pre-war army, largely focused on imperial policing, exponentially expanded in a short space of time and how it coped with the new type of warfare in WWi. 42 8 – 12 Lúnasa AN SOMME AGUS ARM NA BREATAINE Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé Máirt 9 Lúnasa, 1i.n. Sa chuimhne agus sa tsamhlaíocht choitianta, spreagtha ag clár teilifíse blackadder agus saothar filí cogaidh éagsúla sa chuid is mó, tugann íomhánna fola, láib agus áir chun cuimhne nuair a luaítear an focal ‘Somme’. Cuireann roinnt staraithe an Somme iáthair mar bhua, cé go bhfuair na míle daoine bás, agus mar chuid de ‘próiseas foghlama’ riachtanach, ó thaobh teaicticí agus tacaíochta airtléire de. ní amháin go ndéanfaidh an staraí an Dr. Timothy Bowman machnamh ar na peirspictíochtaí éagsúla faoin Chath ach ar an bhealach a d’fhás arm beag réamhchogaidh a dhírigh go príomhá ar phóilíneacht impiriúil as cuimse, taobh istigh de thréimhse bheag ama, agus ar an bhealach a dhéileáil sé leis an sórt nua cogaíochta sa Chéad Chogadh Domhanda. Three uLSTer ProTeSTANT FAMiLy hiSTorieS STAIR THRÍ THEAGHLACH PHROTASTÚNACHA ULADH St Mary’s university College, wed 10th Aug, 1pm Writer, researcher Philip orr on how rich and complex history can be, from the United irishmen in 1798 to british soldiers at the Somme. he will talk about his own family history, the history of Dr. John Robb’s family ( whose father was a Great War surgeon) and that of the McKinney family of Sentry hill, whose family artefacts include United irishmen memorabilia and photos of Tom, the only son, after whose death at the Somme, the farm went to ruin. Philip will also discuss the reasons for and impact of the loss of republican ideology of many Protestants (all three families had illustrious ’98 ancestry). Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé Céadaoin 10 Lúnasa, 1i.n. beidh an scríbhneoir, an taighdeoir Philip Orr ag caint faoina luachmhaire agus choimpléascaí agus is féidir le stair a bheith, ó na héireannaigh aontaithe in 1798 go saighdiúirí na breataine ag an Somme. labhróidh sé faoi stair a theaghlaigh féin, stair theaghlach an Dr. John Robb (ba mháinlia sa Chogadh Mór a athair) agus faoi stair theaghlach McKinney ó Chnoc Sentry. i measc déantáin an teaghlaigh sin tá cuimhneacháin na néireannach aontaithe agus grianghrafanna de Tom, an t-aon mhac amháin a bhí acu. i ndiaidh a bháis ag an Somme, bánaíodh an fheirm. Pléifidh Philip na fáthanna ar chaill a lán Protastúnach ídeolaíocht an pholachtánais chomh maith leis an tionchar a bhí aige sin orthu. (bhí sinsearacht chlúiteach ’98 ag na trí theaghlach). LoyALiST MeMory & CoMMeMorATioN St Mary’s university College, Thurs 11th August, 5.30pm (not usual 1pm slot) The PUl (‘Protestant/Unionist/loyalist’) community is literally immersed in Somme memory not just on 1st July each year but 365 days a year, every year. For many it involves the loss of a forebear whose ‘blood sacrifice’ became part of the foundation narrative of the northern ireland state. however, it was not always like this. Jason burke, a Modern history Masters student of QUb and author of We Must Prepare - Unionist Militancy in east belfast 1911-1914, will aim to provide an insight into the motivations of those who commemorate the Somme in 2016. iriShMeN who FouGhT For & AGAiNST The eMPire St Mary’s university College, Fri 12th Aug, 1pm Thousands of irishmen were fighting at the front when the Rising took place. Several more thousand were in ireland, acting to suppress the Rising. Dr Brian hanley will examine the role of irish soldiers during 1916, the many connections between the rebels and the british military and the incidents where irishmen on both sides faced each other directly. Dr brian hanley is a historian and author whose books include The iRa, 1926-36 and (with Scott Millar) The lost Revolution: the Story of the official iRa and the Workers Party. CUIMHNE AGUS COMÓRADH DÍLSEACH Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Déardaoin 11 Lúnasa, 5.30i.n. (chan ar a ghnátham 1i.n.) Tá pobal PaD (Protastúnach/aontachtach/Dílseach) gafa le cuimhne ar an Somme, ní amháin ar 1 iúil gach bliain ach 365 lá sa bhliain, gach bliain. Don chuid is mó díobh, tá bás sinsir i gceist, an ‘íobairt fola’ atá mar chuid de scéal bunaithe stát Thuaisceart éireann. níorbh amhlaidh mar a bhíodh sé sin áfach. Déanfaidh Jason burke, mac leinn Máistreachta i Stair nua-aimseartha ó ollscoil na banríona, agus údar We Must Prepare - Unionist Militancy in east belfast 1911-1914, iarracht léargas a thabhairt ar spreagadh na ndaoine sin a chomórann an Somme in 2016. NA FIR ÉIREANNACHA A THROID DO AGUS IN ÉADAN NA HIMPIREACHTA Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé Céadaoin 12 Lúnasa, 1i.n. bhí na mílte fear éireannach ag troid ar an fhronta nuair a tharla an téirí amach. bhí roinnt mílte fear éireannach eile in éirinn, ag cur an éirí amach faoi chois. Déanfaidh an Dr. Brian Hanley iniúchadh ar ról na saighdiúirí éireannacha i rith 1916, na ceangail a bhí idir na reibilúnaithe agus arm na breataine mar aon leis na huaireanta ina raibh na fir éireannacha ag troid go díreach in éadan a chéile. is staraí é an Dr. brian hanley agus is údar na leabhar The iRa, 1926-36 agus (le Scott Millar), The lost Revolution: the Story of the official iRa and the Workers Party é. 43 BLACK LiVeS MATTer GAry youNGe Thur 4th Aug, 7pm Gary younge, award-winning author, broadcaster and editor-at-large for The Guardian, will speak on the black lives Matter movement in the US. he was Guardian’s US correspondent from 2003 until 2015. he has written four books, The Speech, The Story behind Martin luther King’s Dream, Who are We?, and Should it Matter in the 21st century, Stranger in a Strange land, Travels in the Disunited States and no Place like home, a black briton’s Journey Through the Deep South. his fifth, another Day in the Death of america, is out in September. his awards include James Cameron award for his coverage of the obama campaign. in 2015 he was awarded Foreign Commentator of the Year by The UK Comment awards. Black Lives Matter, Gary Younge Déardaoin 4 Lúnasa, 7i.n. beidh an t-údar, an craoltóir agus an t-eagarthóir ar The Guardian, Gary Younge, a bhfuil duaiseanna buaite aige, ag caint faoin ghluaiseacht black lives Matter sna Stáit aontaithe. ba chomhfhreagróir na Sa do The Guardian é ó 2003 go dtí 2015. Tá ceithre leabhar scríofa aige, The Speech, The Story behind Martin luther King’s Dream, Who are We?, and Should it Matter , agus sa 21ú haois tá, Stranger in a Strange land, Travels in the Disunited States agus no Place like home, a black briton’s Journey Through the Deep South scríofa aige. Cuirfear a chúigiú leabhar, another Day in the Death of america, amach i mí Mheán Fómhair. i measc a dhuaiseanna tá Duais James Cameron do thuairisciú fheachtas obama. in 2015, bronnadh duais Foreign Commentator of the Year air ag duaiseanna The UK Comment. ireLAND PALeSTiNe SuPPorT GrouP Thurs 4th Aug and Fri 5th Aug Two full days of events will include a session on Palestinian child prisoners, a discussion of the attempted criminalisation of the bDS movement by the israeli government. a videolink to omar Barghouti in the West bank plus other guest speakers to be confimed. The days will include loop films, photographic exhibition, stalls and Palestinian food. Grúpa Tacaíochta na hÉireann na Palaistíne Déardaoin 4 Lúnasa agus Dé hAoine 5 Lúnasa San imeacht dha lá seo beidh seisiún ar chimí páistí agus plé ar iarrachtaí rialtas iosrael coir a dhéanamh den ghluaiseacht bDS. beidh nasc físe le Omar Barghouti sa bhruach Thiar agus aoichainteoirí eile a bheidh le dearbhú. Sa dá lá seo, beidh lúbscannáin, taispeántas grianghrafadóireachta, seastáin agus bia Palaistíneach. Fri Aug 5th, 7pm Six years of recession have contributed to the worst housing crisis ireland has ever faced. Some people who don’t have a home end up staying in emergency accommodation like hostels or bed and breakfasts. others sleep rough on the streets. This discussion will highlight the issues of homelessness in ireland and the interlink with addiction and also prisoner re-integration into society. Chaired by Maureen o’Sullivan TD for Dublin Central the panel will include Sandra Moore Director, Welcome organisation, Thelma Abernathy Director, ni addiction plus a representative of Coiste na niarchimi. organised by the Patrick o’Connell Memorial Fund. 44 Maureen o’Sullivan TD homelessness-The reality Easpa Dídine- An Fhírinne Dé hAoine 5 Lúnasa, 7i.n. bhí baint ag sé bliana de chúlú eacnamaíochta leis an ghéarchéim tithíochta ba mheasa dá raibh in éirinn riamh. Críochnaíonn roinnt daoine gan dídean i gcóiríocht éigeandála amhail brúnna nó tithe lóistín. Codlaíonn daoine eile ar na sráideanna gan dídean. Cuirfidh an plé seo béim ar cheisteanna na heaspa dídine in éirinn agus ar an idirnasc idir andúil agus ath-imeascadh cimí sa tsochaí. beidh Maureen O’Sullivan TD do bhaile Átha Cliath lárnach ann mar Chathaoirleach agus beidh Sandra Moore, Stiúrthóir an eagrais Welcome, Thelma Abernathy, Stiúrthóir, niaddiction agus ionadaí ó Choiste na nIarchimí, ar an phainéal. eagraithe ag Ciste Cuimhneacháin Patrick O’Connell. 45 The 1916 ProCLAMATioN; reALiSiNG iTS AiMS AND oBJeCTiVeS Sat 6th Aug, 2pm a discussion around the stated aims and objectives of the 1916 Proclamation, how politics of modern day ireland fall short of those ideas, what can be done to make the Proclamation relevant to the broad mass of people across this island again and ultimately how to bring about the material conditions in which those ideas could become reality. The ArTiST MuST eLeCT To FiGhT For FreeDoM or SLAVery More than a Flag St Mary’s university College Mon 8th Aug, 7pm Video showcase followed by Q&A with Dan Gordon Shankill Library, Fri 5 Aug, 12 noon international brigade Commemoration Committee presents: a talk about Paul Robeson’s support for the Republic of Spain and the international brigade. Paul Robeson, lawyer, footballer (US), civil rights activist, actor and singer. Giving the talk will be Nancy wallach of the abraham lincoln brigade archives. nancy is the daughter of hy Wallach, a member of the lincoln brigade. Martin Lynch, political activist and playwright will chair the meeting. Flowers will be laid on the memorial in Writers Square. ‘Three bands. Two sides. one world war.’ Caithfidh an tEalaíontóir Troid ar son Saoirse nó Sclábhaíochta Leabharlann na Seanchille, Dé hAoine 5 Lúnasa, 12 nóin. Cuirfidh Coiste Comórtha na briogáide idirnáisiúnta caint faoi thacaíocht Paul Robeson do Phoblacht na Spáinne agus don bhriogáid idirnáisiúnta i láthair. ba dhlíodóir, pheileadóir (Sa), ghníomhaí chearta an duine, aisteoir agus amhránaí é Paul Robeson. ag déanamh na cainte a bheidh Nancy Wallach ó chartlanna bhriogáid abraham lincoln. is iníon hy Wallach, ball de bhriogáid lincoln í nancy. beidh Martin Lynch, gníomhaí polaitiúil agus drámadóir mar Chathaoirleach ag an chruinniú. Cuirfear bláthanna ar an leac chuimhneacháin i gCearnóg na Scríbhneoirí. FiLM SCreeNiNG AND PANeL DiSCuSSioN- ‘CoLÁiSTe NA reABhLÓiDe’ Fri 5th Aug, 7pm in the aftermath of the 1916 eater Rising, 1,800 irish prisoners were sent to the Welsh internment camp, Frongoch. There were plenty of big personalities in the camp including Michael Collins and the programme looks at how time spent in Frongoch or the University of Revolution as is t became known helped shape and develop the politics, military thinking and ideology of the 1916 rebels who spent time there. 46 Taispeáint Scannáin agus Díospóireacht Phainéil- ‘Coláiste na Réabhlóide’ Dé hAoine 5 Lúnasa, 7i.n. i ndiaidh éirí amach na Cásca 1916, cuireadh 1,800 cime éireannacha sa champa imtheorannaithe breatnach, Frongoch. bhí go leor daoine mór-le-rá sa champa, ina measc, Mícheál Ó Coileáin. Scrúdóidh an clár an bealach a chuidigh an méid ama a chaith reibiliúnaigh 1916 in Frongoch nó in ollscoil na Réabhlóide, mar a tugadh air, leis an pholaitíocht, an smaointeoireacht mhíleata agus an ídeolaíocht a mhúnlú agus a fhorbairt. actor Dan Gordon returns to the streets of his native east belfast to recruit young Protestant bandsmen for a unique theatre project that explores questions about their history and identity. When the flag protests hit the streets of east belfast in late 2012, Dan Gordon was distressed to see the area in which he had grown up become the scene of such conflict. The community that he remembered as being proud and confident seemed disconnected, disillusioned and angry. in response, Dan set about devising a remarkable theatre project with songs, poetry, music and drama. it would be part of the belfast Festival at Queen’s but staged in an east belfast orange hall. and the performers would be young men from local Protestant flute bands. What emerged was a performance based around the experiences of men from the area who served in the First World War. but as this Doubleband documentary for bbC northern ireland reveals, for the young bandsmen, taking to the stage was not only a challenge, but an opportunity to consider their own attitudes towards identify – and the flag. Produced by Michael hewitt. Filmed and Directed by Adam Patterson. a Doubleband production for bbC northern ireland. Supported by Féile’s Community engagement Programme funded by esmée Fairbairn . Supported by OFMDFM Central Good Relations Funding Programme PANeL oF rePuBLiCAN ex-iNTerNeeS Glór na Móna Centre £3 (light refreshments provided) This event will take place in Glór na Móna new, purpose built community hub, Gael-ionad Mhic Goill. Contact: [email protected], 90 234442 Painéal Iarimtheorannaithe Poblachtacha Ionad Ghlór na Móna £3 (beidh sólaistí ar fáil) Reáchtálfar an ócáid seo i bhfoirgneamh cuspóireach, nuathógtha Ghlór na Móna, Gaelionad Mhic Goill. Teagmháil: [email protected], 90 234442. NÍOS MÓ NÁ BRATACH Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé Luain 8 Lúnasa, 7i.n. Beidh físeán á léiriú agus beidh seisiún Cheisteanna agus Freagraí le Dan Gordon ina dhiaidh ‘Trí bhanna, Dhá thaobh, aon Chogadh Domhanda amháin’. Filleann an t-aisteoir Dan Gordon ar ais go sráideanna a oirthear bhéal Feirste dúchais chun fir banna óga Phrotastúnacha a earcú do thionscadal amharclainne uathúil a scrúdaíonn ceisteanna faoina stair agus a bhféiniúlacht. nuair a tharla na hagóidí brataí ar shráideanna oirthear bhéal Feirste go mall in 2012, bhí Dan Gordon trína chéile go raibh a leithéid den choimhlint seo ag dul ar aghaidh sa cheantar inar fhás se aníos. bhí an chosúlacht go raibh an pobal ar chuimhin leis a bhí bródúil, agus muiníneach anois dícheangailte, lagmhisneach agus feargach. Mar fhreagairt dó seo, chuir Dan tús le tionscadal amharclainne iontach ina mbeadh amhráin, filíocht, ceol agus dráma. bheadh sé mar chuid d’Fhéile bhéal Feirste ag ollscoil na banríona ach reáchtádh i halla oráisteach in oirthear bhéal Feirste é agus ba iad fir óga ó na bannaí fliúite Protastúnacha áitiúla na taibheoirí. ba é an rud a tharla ná taibhiú bunaithe ar eispéiris fear ón cheantar a rinne seirbhís san arm le linn an Chéad Chogaidh Dhomhanda. Mar a léiríonn an físeán faisnéise ó Doubleband do bbC Thuaisceart éireann áfach, ní amháin gur dhúshlán do na fir banna óga é dul ar an ardán ach ba dheis dóibh é machnamh a dhéanamh ar a ndearcthaí féin faoi fhéiniúlacht – agus faoin bhratach. arna léiriú ag Michael Hewitt. arna scannánú agus stiúradh ag Adam Patterson. léiriúchán Doubleband do bbC Thuaisceart éireann. Tacaithe ag Clár Rannpháirtíochta Pobail Féile arna mhaoiniú ag esmée Fairbairn. Clár Maoinithe Lárnach Dea-Chaidrimh OCALCA. 47 A View FroM The SeANAD Mon 8th Aug, 1pm BARÚIL ÓN SEANAD Dé Luain, 8 Lúnasa, 1i.n. People from the north voting in presidential elections and the impact of drug-related addictions are two burning issues for newly appointed Seanadoirí, Frances Black and Niall Ó Donnghaile. The world famous singer and the former mayor of belfast and Sinn Féin councillor will speak about the opportunities the Seanad presents for national and local issues to be debated Best Wishes to Féile An Phobail 2016 West & North Belfast 263 Falls Road Gaeltacht Quarter Belfast, BT12 6FB Proud sponsors of Antrim GAA T: 90 324 555 E: [email protected] twitter@propertyni South & East Belfast 46 Hamilton Street Linen Quarter Belfast, BT2 8LP T: 90 313 133 E: twitter@propertynicc Commercial & Investments 46 Hamilton Street Linen Quarter Belfast, BT2 8LP T: 90 31 31 33 E: twitter@propertynicc The FALLS CurFew St Mary’s university College, Mon 8th Aug, 5pm 3-5th July 1970 saw an illegal british army Curfew imposed on the residents of the Falls area in West belfast. a new photographic exhibition and DVD tells the horrific story of the "The Falls Curfew" when 4 civilians were murdered, 337 residents arrested and 50 terraced streets surrounded and ransacked by 3000 marauding british soldiers. Curfew survivors will tell their story and the families legal team Padraig o Muirigh Solicitors will explain the steps being taken to uncover the Truth of one of the most significant events in modern irish history. is dhá cheist mhór do na Seanadóirí nuacheaptha Frances Black agus Niall Ó Donnghaile iad, daoine ón tuaisceart ag vótáil i dtoghcháin uachtarántachta, agus éifeacht na n-aindúileacha bainteach le drugaí. labhróidh an t-amhránaí atá clúiteach ar fud an domhain, agus iarardMhéara bhéal Feirste agus comhairleoir Shinn Féin, faoi na deiseanna a thugann an Seanad le ceisteanna náisiúnta agus áitiúla a phlé. riGhTiNG A wroNG-The orGreAVe TruTh AND JuSTiCe CAMPAiGN (oTJC) Mon 8th Aug, 2.30pm on 18 June 1984 there was a bloody confrontation between the police and striking miners at the orgreave Coking Plant in South Yorkshire. Miners were indiscriminately attacked and 95 were charged. The first trial collapsed because of the contradictory evidence. We now know that it was fabricated to try to ensure convictions. The oTJC was set up in november 2012 to campaign for a public inquiry into the policing at orgreave, and to establish who exactly was responsible for ordering the police assault. Granville Williams founding member of the oTJC will talk about what happened, the role of the media, and why the oTJC has been able to build national and international support for a public inquiry. An Rud Mícheart a Chur ina Cheart- Feachtas Fírinne agus Ceartais Orgreave (OTJC) Dé Luain 8 Lúnasa, 2.30i.n. ar 18 Meitheamh 1984, bhí caismirt fola idir na póilíní agus mianadóirí a bhí ar stailc i Monarcha Cóic orgreave i nDeisceart Yorkshire. Rinneadh ionsaí as éadan ar na mianadóirí agus cúisíodh 95 duine. Thit an tóin as an chéad triail de dheasca na fianaise contrárthachta. Tá a fhios againn anois gur cumadh an fhianaise seo le ciontuithe a chinntiú. bunaíodh oTJC i mí na Samhna 2012 le dul i mbun feachtasaíochta d’fhiosrúchán phoiblí faoin phóilíneacht ag orgreave, agus le fáil amach cé a bhí freagrach as ionsaí na bpóilíní a ordú. labhróidh Granville Williams, ball bunaidh oJTC, faoinar tharla, faoi ról na meán, agus faoin fháth a raibh an oTJC ábalta tacaíocht náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta a fháil d’fhiosrúchán phoiblí. CuirFiÚ NA BhFÁL Coláiste ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé Luain 8 Lúnasa, 5i.n. 48 idir 3-5 iúil 1970 chuir arm na breataine cuirfiú mídhleathach ar chónaitheoirí cheantar na bhFál in iarthar bhéal Feirste. léireoidh taispeántas grianghrafadóireachta agus DVD scéal uafásach "The Falls Curfew" nuair a maraíodh 4 shaoránach,a gabhadh 337 cónaitheoir agus nuair a thimpeallaigh a ransaigh saighdiúirí briotanacha creachadóireachta tithe sraithe in 50 sráid sraithe. inseoidh marthanóirí an chuirfiú a scéal féin agus míneoidh foireann dhleathach na dteaghlach na céimeanna atá siad ag glacadh le fírinne cheann de na himeachtaí ba mhó i stair nua-aimseartha na héireann a nochtadh. woMeN'S riGhTS, The JourNey iS FAr FroM oVer. An Chultúrlann, Mon 8th Aug, 11am a presentation and discussion on the issue of women's rights in society. Dr Samina Dornan, Consultant Sub-Specialist in Maternal Foetal Medicine based in the Regional Unit at the Royal Maternity hospital, belfast, will discuss a range of topics including pregnancy, termination, genital mutilation etc. Cearta na mBan, Níl an Turas Thart Go Fóill. An Chultúrlann, Dé Luain 8 Lúnasa, 11r.n. Cur i láthair agus plé ar cheist chearta na mban sa tsochaí. Pleifidh an Dr Samina Dornan, Fo-Speisialtóir Comhairleach i Míochaine Féatais Mháthartha, lonnaithe san ionad Réigiúnach in otharlann Máithreachais Ríoga, béal Feirste, réimse ábhar, iompar clainne, ginmhilleadh, ciorrú ball giniúna srl. san áireamh. 49 Mary Boyle – The untold Story of ireland’s youngest and Longest Missing Person St Mary’s university College , Tues 9th Aug, 7pm Mary Boyle Gemma O’Doherty Mary Boyle - The Untold Story is a documentary about ireland’s youngest and longest missing person who vanished on her grandparents’ remote farm in Donegal in 1977. her remains have never been found. For almost 40 years, senior police and media have promoted a theory that Mary was abducted by a stranger but her identical twin sister ann and some of the first investigating officers believe that the sixyear-old was murdered by someone she knew. The film reveals allegations of political interference in the early days after the murder, which shielded the killer despite compelling evidence against him. What emerges is a police cover-up of grotesque proportions. Gemma O’Doherty is a multi-award winning journalist who worked for the irish independent for 17 years where she was chief features writer. She is best known for her work on the Fr niall Molloy murder, described in leinster house as the biggest cover-up in the history of the state. She was fired from her job in 2013 after revealing the former garda commissioner Martin Callinan had a speeding fine wiped. She is now a documentary-maker specialising in exposing corruption in the irish criminal justice system. Chaired by Andrée Murphy, Deputy Director of Relatives for Justice. Supported by Féile’s Community engagement Programme funded by esmée Fairbairn FéiLe heALTh LeCTure- PreVeNTioN oF DiABeTeS: KNowN KNowNS AND KNowN uNKNowNS Tue 9th Aug, 5pm Dr Steven hunter is a Consultant Physician specializing in Diabetes and endocrinology based at the Royal Victoria hospital. he has developed a research interest in nutrition and insulin resistance and the prevention of diabetes working with colleagues in Queen’s University and is an author of over 85 publications. Léacht Sláinte Féile- Cosc ar Dhiaibéiteas: Na Rudaí ar an Eolas agus na Rudaí Nach bhFuil ar an Eolas Dé Máirt 9 Lúnasa, 5i.n. is lia Comhairleach a bhfuil speisialtóireacht aige i nDiaibéiteas agus in inchríneolaíocht é an Dr Steven Hunter atá lonnaithe in otharlann Ríoga Victeoiria. Tá suim taighde forbartha aige lena chomhghleacaithe in ollscoil na banríona i gcothú, i bhfrithsheasmhacht insline agus i gcosc ar dhiaibéiteas. is údar é a bhfuil 85 foilseachán déanta aige. Mary Boyle – Scéal Neamhinste faoin Duine is Óige agus is Faide ar Iarraidh in Éirinn Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé Máirt 9 Lúnasa, 2i.n. – 3.30i.n. Mary Boyle – is scannán faisnéise é The Untold Story faoin Duine is Óige agus is Faide ar iarraidh in éirinn a d’imigh gan tásc na tuairisc ó fheirm iargúlta a seantuismitheoirí i dTír Chonaill in 1977. níor thángthas ar a corp. le beagnach 40 bliain, chuir gardaí sinsearacha agus na meáin an teoiric chun cinn gur fhuadaigh strainséir Mary ach creideann a leathchúpla deirféar comhionann agus roinnt de na chéadoifigigh fiosraithe gur dhúnmharaigh duine a raibh aithne aici orthu í. nochtann an scannán líomhaintí faoi imirt tionchair pholaitiúil sna luathlaethanta i ndiaidh an dúnmharaithe, a thug cosaint don dúnmharfóir in ainneoin na fianaise an-láidir ina éadan. is é an rud a nochtaítear ná forcheilt scanrúil na ngardaí. is iriseoir í Gemma O’Doherty a bhfuil ilduaiseanna buaite aici, a d’oibrigh do The irish independent le 17 bliana anuas mar a raibh sí ina príomhscríbhneoir gné-alt. Tá níos mó clú uirthi as a cuid oibre ar dhúnmharú an athair Frank Molloy, a ndearnadh cur síos air i dTeach laighean mar an fhorcheilt ba mhó i stair na tire. briseadh as a post í in 2013 nuair a nocht sí gur glanadh fíneáil luais a gearradh ar Choimisinéir an Gharda Síochana Martin Callinan ón taifead. Déanann sí scannáin agus cláranna faisnéise anois a shain-nochtann caimiléireacht i gcóras dlí choiriúil na héireann. beidh Andrée Murphy, leas-Stiúrthóir Ghaolta um Cheartas ann mar Chathaoirleach. Tacaithe ag Clár Rannpháirtíochta Pobail Féile arna mhaoiniú ag esmée Fairbairn. iSiS ChALLeNGeS iN The MiDDLe eAST AND BeyoND – BeVerLey MiLToN eDwArDS Tues 9th Augt 2.30pm beverley Milton-edwards is Professor of Politics at Queen’s University belfast specialising on violence, terrorism and security as well as the politics of the Middle east and political islam. her books include: islam and Violence in the Modern era (Palgrave Macmillan), islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 (Routledge), and islam and Politics in the Contemporary World (Polity Press). 50 Dúshláin Isis sa Mheánoirthear agus Níos Faide Anonn – Beverley Milton Edwards Dé Máirt 9 Lúnasa, 2.30i.n. is ollamh Polaitíochta in ollscoil na banríona, béal Feirste í beverley Milton-edwards a bhfuil speisialtóireacht aici i bhforéigean, i sceimhlitheoireacht, i slándáil móide i bpolaitíocht an Mheánoirthir agus in ioslam polaitiúil. i measc a cuid leabhar tá: islam and Violence in the Modern era (Palgrave Macmillan), islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 (Routledge), agus islam and Politics in the Contemporary World (Polity Press). who SPeAKS For The LeFT? ‘uLSTer FeNiANiSM, ToM CLArKe AND The iriSh reVoLuTioN’ Tues 9th Aug, 2.30pm a panel discussion including Gemma weir, eoin o Broin, Claire Bailey, People Before Profit and others to be confirmed. St Marys university College Tues 9th Aug, 7pm, in this talk, highly acclaimed historian, Fergal McCluskey will examine the basis of mid-Ulster Fenianism, which was centred on the DungannonCoalisland nexus. it will highlight the impact this tradition had on the political thinking of Tom Clarke, the architect of the easter Rising and first signatory of the proclamation. The talk will conclude with analysis of events in Tyrone from the Ulster Crisis up until easter Week. Fergal McCluskey has published ‘Fenians and Ribbonmenthe development of Republican Politics in east Tyrone, 1898-1916 (Manchester Press 2012) and ‘The irish Revolution 1912-23: Tyrone (Four Courts Press 2014). he teaches history at Coláiste Feirste in belfast. ‘Fíníneachas Uladh, Tomás Ó Cléirigh agus Réabhlóid na hÉireann’ Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé Máirt 9 Lúnasa, 7i.n. Sa chaint seo, scrúdóidh an staraí clúiteach, Fergal McCluskey bunús Fhíníneachas lár-Uladh, a bhí suite i gcroílár cheantar Dhún Geanainn- oileán an Ghuail. Cuirfidh sé béim ar an tionchar a bhí ag an traidisiún seo ar smaointeoireacht pholaitiúil Thomáis Uí Chléirigh, údar éirí amach na Cásca agus an chéad sínitheoir ar an Fhorógra. Críochnóidh an chaint le hanailís ar imeachtaí i dTír eoghain ó Ghéarchéim Uladh go Seachtain na Cásca. Tá ‘Fenians and Ribbonmen- the development of Republican Politics in east Tyrone, 1898-1916 (Manchester Press 2012) agus ‘The irish Revolution 1912-23: Tyrone (Four Courts Press 2014) foilsithe ag Fergal McCluskey. Múineann sé stair i gColáiste Feirste i mbéal Feirste. Cé a Labhraíonn don Eite Chlé? Dé Máirt 9 Lúnasa, 2.30i.n. ar an phainéal díospóireachta seo beidh Gemma Weir, Eoin o Broin. beidh na daoine eile le dearbhú. 51 PLASTiC BuLLeT BiGiL NA BPiLéAr ViGiL PLAiSTeACh AndersonstownBarrack site wed 10th 6.30 Suíomh Bheairic Bhaile Andarsan, Dé Céadaoin 10 Lúnasa, 6.30i.n. weST BeLFAST TALKS BACK St Louise’s, wed 10th, 7pm a lively discussion about topical issues of the day. This year’s panel includes Martina Anderson MeP, Joe Brolly, GAA Comentator. others to be confirmed. Chair: Tara Mills. Cur agus Cúiteamh Iarthar Bhéal Feirste Dé Céadaoin 10 Lúnasa, 7i.n. Coláiste Cuimsitheach Naomh Labhaoise beidh díospóireacht bhríomhar ann faoi cheisteanna ábhartha an lae. ar an phainéal i mbliana, beidh Martina Anderson FPE. beidh na haíonna eile le dearbhú. MADGe DAViSoN MeMoriAL LeCTure 2016 - CIVIL RIGHTS UNDER THREAT IN ISRAEL: LEGISLATION, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, MINORITY RIGHTS Sat 6th Aug, 2-4.30pm Aida Touma-Suleiman, Palestinian citizen of israel is a journalist and member of the israeli Knesset. She founded the arab feminist group Women against Violence in 1992. She joined the hadash party, later becoming editor in chief of al-ittihad, an arabic language newspaper affiliated with the israeli Communist Party. The first female member of the high Follow-Up Committee for arab Citizens of israel. aida is co-founder of international Women’s Commission for a Just Palestinian-israeli Peace. Communist Party of ireland For information: 07751951785 52 Léacht Chuimhneacháin Madge Davison 2016 – CEARTA SIBHIALTA FAOI BHAGAIRT IN IOSRAEL: REACHTAÍOCHT, SAOIRSE CAINTE, CEARTA MIONLAIGH. Dé Sathairn 6 Lúnasa, 2.00-4.30i.n. is saoránach Palaistíneach iosrael, iriseoir agus ball de Knesset iosrael í aida Touma-Suleiman. bhunaigh sí an grúpa feimineach arabach ‘Women against Violence’ in 1992. Chuaigh sí sa pháirtí hadash, bhí sí ina príomheagarthóir ar al-ittihad, nuachtán arabaise comhcheangailte le Páirtí Cumannach iosrael. ba í an chéad bhanbhall d’ard-Choiste iarchúraim um Shaoránaigh arabacha in iosrael í. is comhbhunaitheoir Choimisiún idirnáisiúnta na mban um Shíocháin Chóir Phalaistíneach-iosraelach í. Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann. Tuilleadh eolais: 07751951785. This presentation by Justice for the Forgotten and the PFC, using original documents released from the national archives in london will reveal a year-long internal debate in the lead up to internment. They reveal discussions around where internees should be held and how they should be rounded-up. The files also show how the RUC Special branch was trained, the allegiances of intended internees (official or Provisional) and how the first swoop went ahead. intriguingly, the files also reveal an “arrest Policy for Protestants” and the eventual detainment of the first loyalists. e uCAN N i F PAT The eN. y B ritish TioN orGoTT B A e T h N t Se eF es as t 197 1? 6 Pre e For Th n 1 e 0 c 2 s s C FéiLe e/JuSTi g, 2.30pm d the t in Augu n i h r u e T A n CeN ay 10th on b nme oing ed inter g s a nn tw wha ment pla rn gove nesd wed Cur i LÁThAir FéiLe Ó ioNAD PAT FiNuCANe/JuSTiCe For The ForGoTTeN Cad é a bhí ag dul ar aghaidh sa chúlra agus rialtas na Breataine ag pleanáil imthreorannaithe i mí Lúnasa 1971? Dé Céadaoin 10 Lúnasa, 2.30i.n. nochtfaidh an cur i láthair seo ó Justice for the Forgotten agus ó iPF, ag úsáid buncháipéisí eisithe ó na Cartlanna náisiúnta i londain, díospóireacht inmheánach bliana roimh imtheorannú. nochtfaidh siad caibidlí faoin áit ar chóir na himtheorannaithe a choinneáil agus faoin bhealach ba chóir iad a ghabháil. léireoidh na comhaid an bealach a traenáladh brainse Speisialta an RUC, dílseacht na nimtheorannaithe ceaptha le gabháil (oifigiúil nó Sealadach) agus faoi mar a rinneadh na chéad ghabhálacha. beidh sé fíorspéisiúil go léireoidh na comhaid “polasaí gabhála do Phrotastúnaigh” agus coinneáil na chéad dílseoirí sa deireadh. reSurGeNCe wed 10th Aug 2.30pm Book launch and discussion Pat walsh’s previous book ‘Catastrophe’ gives an account of what happened in the north between 1914 and 1968. The present book ‘resurgence’ explains why the primary responsibility for the conflict in the north lies with the architects and operators of the system that gave the minority community a stark choice only between permanent secondclass status or war. and it describes how that War was ended to the advantage of the community, though short of its final objective, in such an effective way that momentum was carried from war to politics. hosted by Mark Langhammer. Resurgence Dé Céadaoin 10 Lúnasa, 2.30i.n. Seoleadh leabhair agus caint i leabhar Pat Walsh ‘Catastrophe’ tugann sé cuntas ar na rudaí a tharla sa Tuaisceart idir 1914 agus 1968. Sa leabhar is déanaí atá scríofa aige dar teideal ‘Resurgence’, míníonn sé na fáthanna a bhfuil an phríomhfhreagracht as an choimhlint sa Tuaisceart ag údair agus oibreoirí an chórais a thug rogha lom amháin don phobal mionlaigh, idir stádas mar shaoránach dara aicme nó dul i mbun cogaíochta. Déanann sé cur síos ar an bhealach a cuireadh deireadh leis an Chogadh ar mhaithe le leas an phobail, cé gur theip air ó thaobh a chuspóra dheireanaigh de, ach ar bhealach éifeachtach a chuir an pholaitíocht chun cinn in áit na cogaíochta. Arna óstáil ag Mark Langhammer. 53 Home to Highway Stars and Champagne Supernovas The iconic Belfast Waterfront and legendary Ulster Hall. Capture the magic of the moment. Hold the memory for a lifetime. Romesh Ranganathan Visit our websites or check out our FRONT ROW Waterfront and Ulster Hall events guide for more information. T 54 +44 (0)28 9033 4455 @BelWaterfront @UlsterHall waterfrontandulsterhall Lukas Graham 55 DAy oNe – weD 10Th AuG DAy Two – Thur 11Th AuG SeSSioN oNe 14.00 16.00 – “Travel to watch, to play and to reminisce” – SPorTS TouriSM: The FASTeST GrowTh SeCTor iN The worLD’S TouriSM iNDuSTry SeSSioN oNe 10.00 – 12.00 “Living the dream” - SPorT AND CoMMuNiTy heALTh SeSSioN Two – ““you only sing when you’re winning” – STADiA AND The FAN exPerieNCe Presentations by introduction by Professor Terry Stevens (Stevens & Associates and School of Management, Swansea university) Welcome and introduction by Professor Terry Stevens Presentation by Professor Terry Stevens (Stevens & associates and Swansea University, School of Management): “Sports tourism and the opportunities for belfast” Presentation by Mark o’Connell (W2 Consulting and Founder of the european Sports Tourism Summit): “What are the ingredients for success?” Presentation by Jordi Penas babot (Director of the FC barcelona Museum) on FC barcelona and its Museum: “barca – More than a sports club”. Presentation by Patrick Torrent Quell, Deputy Director, Catalan Tourist board: “barca, Formula 1 and the olympics: Sport as a driver of tourism in Catalunya” 56 Followed by discussion and Q/a with Brian Johnston (bCC), Gerry Lennon (Visit belfast) and John Mc Grillen (Tourism ni) Colin regan – Gaa health and Community officer: “The work and impact of the Gaa” hala ousta (Scottish Fa) – Sport and Minority Groups – “The work and impact of the SFa” edi horan (Welsh speaker and Founder of ‘Yma o hyd’ Welsh speaking over 60’s walking football club semi finalists and finalists of the People’s Fa Cup two years running) – “The health benefits of Walking Football for the over 60’s men and women” associated with this will be a young person’s competition to write a report belfast Media Group on the game of walking football. 13.00 – 14.00 A demonstration 5-a-side walking football match between two local over 55 years Belfast teams coached by edi horan and Terry Stevens in partnership with Tar Anal men’s health group. Presentation by Julian Jenkins (Founder Fanalyse) ‘The Fan = Reason Why’ Presentation on by Tom Goringe ( head of Marketing, brighton and hove albion FC) “Making Sense of Fan engagement” Presentation by Professor Geraint John (PoPUloUS architects) ‘Designing the Stadium for the Community and the Fan’ in conversation with Professor Mike Sullivan, Syd Morgan and Dr Alan Sandry (european institute of identities, Swansea University’s School of Management) “Reflections on Sport and identity” Video produced by Anne Karine Prip and Marie evers Pedersen (Danish Radio Girls Choir) – “Danish Super league Songs” Followed by in conversation with Terry Stevens with Julian Jenkins, Geraint John and representatives from ulster GAA, ulster rugby and iFA on stadia in the community. 57 HILLSBOROUGH hiLLSBorouGh omniplex Cinema, Kennedy Centre. Sat 13th Aug, 2.30pm Film followed by Question and Answer with Professor Phil Scraton, and book signing of newest edition of ‘hillsborough- The Truth’ . hiLLSBorouGh Pictiúrlann Omniplex, Ionad Uí Chinnéide. Dé Sathairn 13 Lúnasa, 2.30i.n. I ndiaidh taispeáint an scannáin, beidh seisiún Cheisteanna agus Freagraí leis an Ollamh Phil Scraton. Beidh síniú leabhair den eagrán is úire de ‘Hillsborough- The Truth’. ninety-six people died in hillsborough in 1989, hundreds were injured and thousands traumatised. official accounts purposefully laid the blame at the door of the fans who survived. hillsborough explores the key developments in the preceding years, months, weeks, days, hours and minutes leading to the horrific loss of life. it tells the Fuair sé dhuine is nócha bás in hillsborough in 1989. Gortaíodh na céadta daoine agus fágadh tráma ar na mílte daoine. Chuir na cuntais oifigiúla an locht d’aon turas ar na leantóirí a mhair an tragóid. Pléann ‘hillsborough’ leis na príomhfhorbairtí sna blianta, míonna, seachtainí, laethanta, uaireanta agus nóiméid roimhe sin ba chúis leis na básanna uafásacha seo. insíonn sé story of the families’ resilience in their quest for justice, the eventual findings of the hillsborough independent Panel that exonerated the fans and demonstrated the culpability of the police and other powerful institutions. it concludes with the inquest verdicts and the families’ responses. scéal theacht aniar na dteaghlach agus iad ag iarraidh ceartas, torthaí sa deireadh Phainéal neamhspleách hillsborough, a shaor na leantóirí ó mhilleán agus a léirigh ciontacht na bpéas agus na n-institiúidí cumhachtacha eile. Críochnaíonn sé le breithiúnais an fhiosrúcháin agus freagraí na dteaghlach. Truth and reconciliation, process: unfinished or unravelled? BUYING SELLING LETTING Whatever your property needs, all the signs point to McCallinCarr 50 Kennedy Way, Belfast, BT11 9AP T. (028) 90 60 40 80 Follow us on twitter @mccallincarr reflections on the South African experience Thur 11 Aug, 7pm Janet Love has been an anti-apartheid activist since 1974 and was involved in the Trade Union movement and the anC prior to and during the 10 years she spent in exile and, thereafter, in the four years she worked clandestinely inside South africa as a member of the anC Underground. From 1991 to 1994, Janet was involved in negotiations for a settlement in South africa from the Convention for a Democratic South africa (CoDeSa), through the Multi-Party Process to the establishment of the Transitional executive Council (TeC). 58 An Fhírinne agus Athmhuintearas, Próiseas: Neamhchríochnaithe nó Neamhréitithe? Machnaimh ar eispéireas na hAfraice Theas, Déardaoin 11 Lúnasa, 7i.n. bhí Janet Love ina gníomhaí frithchinedheighilte ó 1974 agus bhí sí páirteach sa ghluaiseacht Ceardchumann agus san anC roimh agus i rith na 10 mbliana a bhí sí ar deoraíocht. as sin amach, d’oibrigh sí go rúnmhar san afraic Theas mar bhall den anC rúnda ar feadh ceithre bliana. Ó 1991 to 1994, bhí Janet páirteach sna idirbheartaíochtaí le haghaidh comhréitigh san afraic Theas ón Choinbhinsiún um afraic Theas Dhaonlatheach (CUaTD), tríd an Phróiseas ilpháirtí go bunú na Comhairle Feidhmiúcháin idirthréimhsí (CFT). BEST WISHES TO FÉILE AN PHOBAIL 11 Kennedy Way, belfast bT11 9aP Tel: 028 9043 1143 59 The BriTiSh LeFT AND The iriSh reVoLuTioN During the israeli offensive dubbed “operation Protective edge” in 2014, more than 140 Palestinian families lost three members or more in the Gaza Strip. Families usually stayed together and slept in the same room. as a result, when direct strikes occurred, there was a strong chance that a high number of people from the same family would be killed. The difference between life and death in some instance was just a matter of seconds. 18-yearold ala balata survived because he left the living room to check the water tank on the roof. he lost his parents and seven siblings in the attack. Photographer Anne Paq began photographing during the offensive and has gone back since to photograph and interview the families, most of who remain in the ruins. Through her photographs and words she will explore the personal stories behind the statistics. Sponsored by relatives for Justice. Thur 11 Aug, 2.30 pm Geoff Bell will speak about how the british left reacted to 1916 and what followed and offer a fresh insight into the irish nationalism and socialism controversy. his latest book, “hesitant Comrades” has been described by one reviewer as “an important contribution to the histories of the irish revolution and of the british left”… another as ”fascinating” and by a third as “jaw dropping… a book that will be of enormous interest to students of labour movement history”. Eite Chlé na Breataine agus Réabhlóid na hÉireann Déardaoin 11 Lúnasa, 2.30i.n. Beidh Geoff Bell ag caint faoin bhealach a chuaigh 1916 agus na himeachtaí a tharla ina dhiaidh, i bhfeidhm ar eite chlé na breataine, agus tugann sé léargas úr ar chonspóid náisiúnachas agus sóisialachas na héireann. Rinne léirmheastóir amháin cur síos ar an leabhar is déanaí s’aigesean, ‘hesitant Comrades’ mar “an important contribution to the histories of the irish revolution and of the british left”. Dúirt léirmheastóir eile “fascinating” agus dúirt tríú léirmheastóir “jaw dropping… a book that will be of enormous interest to students of labour movement history”. SeeKiNG JuSTiCe For ViCTiMS, SurViVorS AND The DiSAPPeAreD iN GuATeMALA Thurs 11 th Aug, 2.30pm TEAGHLAIGH DÍOTHAITHE in 2016, 15 indigenous women, from the Sepur Zarco area of Guatemala, had the courage to go to court. They finally had their truth heard about the sexual violence and domestic enslavement they suffered at the hands of the Guatemalan military. They also sought and achieved justice for the murder and disappearances of their husbands in the early 1980s. Former members of the Guatemalan military were found guilty of crimes against humanity. Blanca Blanco, Trócaire’s head of Region for Central america, will share her involvement with this important case. Ag Iarraidh Cóir d’Íospartaigh, do Mharthanóirí agus do na Daoine atá Ar Iarraidh i nGuatamala Déardaoin 11 Lúnasa, 2.30i.n. in 2016, Fuair 15 bhean dúchasacha, ó cheantar Sepur Zarco de Ghuatamala an misneamh le dul chuig an chúirt. bhí siad ábalta an fhírinne a insint os comhair na cúirte sa deireadh thiar thall faoin fhoréigean ghnéasach, agus faoin sclábhaíocht tí a d’fhulaing siad ó arm Ghuatamala. bhí siad ag iarraidh, agus bhain siad cóir amach do dhúnmharú agus imeacht ar iarraidh a bhfear ceile go luath sna 1980í. Ciontaíodh iarbhaill d’arm Ghuatamala as coireanna in aghaidh na daonnachta. labhróidh Blanca Blanco, Ceannasaí Réigiúin Trócaire um Meiriceá láir, faoin ról a bhí aici sa chás tábhachtach seo. FiLM: ‘rePuBLiCAN CoNGreSS’ 60 Produced and directed by Donal higgins. Thur 11 th, Aug 2.30pm The Republican Congress is an often overlooked political organisation. Though it never realised its full potential it is a vitally important part of socialistrepublican history. it offered a vision, however brief, of an alternative ireland that wasn’t dominated by capital and the church. it was able to bring the most progressive forces together and got them thinking about what type of society they wanted, and what was needed to achieve it. Film screening followed by a Q&A. Scannán:‘Republican Congress’ Léirithe agus stiúrtha ag Donal Higgins. Déardaoin 11 Lúnasa, 2.30i.n. is minic a thugtar neamhaird don eagras polaitúil seo, an Comhdháil Phoblachtach. Cé nár bhain sí a hacmhainneacht iomlán amach tá sí mar chuid bharrthábhachtach den stair shóisialach phoblachtach. bhí aisling aici, cé nár mhair sí ach tamall gairid, d’éirinn eile nach raibh caipiteal ná an eaglais i gceannas uirthi. bhí sí ábalta na fórsaí ab’fhorásaí a thabhairt le chéile agus d’iarr sí orthu smaoineamh ar an sórt sochaí ba mhaith leo, agus ar na rudaí a bhí de dhíth léi seo a bhaint amach. Beidh seisiún Cheisteanna agus Freagraí ann i ndiaidh taispeáint an scannáin. Caint agus Taispeántas Grianghrafadóireachta ag Anne Paq Déardaoin 11 Lúnasa, 5i.n. i rith ionsaí iosrael ar tugadh “operation Protective edge” air in 2014, chaill breis agus 140 teaghlach Phalaistíneacha trí bhall nó níos mó dá dteaghlaigh i Stráice Gaza. D’fhan teaghlaigh le chéile agus chodail siad sa seomra céanna de ghnáth. Dá dheasca seo, nuair a tharla na hionsaithe díreacha, seans mór a bhí ann go marófaí líon ard daoine ón teaghlach chéanna. i roinnt cásanna ní raibh an difear idir an saol agus an bás ach soicind. Mhair balata atá 18 bliana d’aois an t-ionsaí mar gur fhág sé an seomra suí leis an umar uisce ar an díon a sheiceáil. Chaill sé a thuismitheoirí agus seachtar siblíní san ionsaí. Thosaigh an Grianghrafadóir Anne Paq ag glacadh grianghrafanna i rith na n-ionsaithe agus chuaigh sí ar ais ó shin le grianghrafanna a ghlacadh de na teaghlaigh agus iad a chur faoi agallamh. Cónaíonn an chuid is mó díobh sna ballóga go fóill. Déanfaidh sí iniúchadh ar na scéalta pearsanta taobh thiar de na staitisticí trína grianghrafanna agus a cuid focal. Urraithe ag Gaolta um Cheartas. The wriTiNG oN The wALL Cultúrlann, Fri 12 Aug, 2.30pn Stuart Borthwick (liverpool John Moores University) and Prof Phil Scraton (Queens University, belfast) explore the history of conflict in ireland, as told through the murals of belfast, Derry and beyond. an illustrated talk and Q&a focusing on 45 stunning photographs taken from Stuart’s book “The Writing on the Wall: a Visual history of northern ireland’s Troubles” (bluecoat Press, 2015). Tá an Scríbhneoireacht ar an Bhalla An Chultúrlann, Dé hAoine 12 Lúnasa, 2.30i.n. beidh Stuart Borthwick (ollscoil John Moores, learpholl) agus an tOllamh Phil Scraton (ollscoil na banríona, béal Feirste) ag plé stair na coimhlinte in éirinn mar a thaispeántar trí na múrphictiúir i mbéal Feirste, i nDoire agus i níos faide anonn. beidh caint le léaráidí ann, chomh maith le seisiún Cheisteanna agus Freagraí a dhíreoidh ar na 45 grianghraf iontacha glactha ó leabhar Stuart, “The Writing on the Wall: a Visual history of northern ireland’s Troubles” (bluecoat Press, 2015). 61 The reALiTy oF LiFe AS A reFuGee iN NorTherN ireLAND: DiSCuSSioN AND CALL To ACTioN réALTAChT AN TSAoiL MAr TheiFeACh i DTuAiSCeArT éireANN: PLé AGuS FÓGAirT GNÍoMhAÍoChTA Fri Aug, 12 at 1 pm in a climate of tightening immigration control, an uncertain future for the free movement of people in europe, and increasing xenophobia, this event will discuss what Refugees encounter when they arrive in northern ireland and practical ways for people to make a change. The discussion will be facilitated by Refugees Welcome, the housing for all Campaign and West against Racism network. Speakers: Makhosi Sigabade, Refugees Welcome ni and housing 4 all Campaign, Mairin Murray, Refugees Welcome ni Dé hAoine 12 Lúnasa ar 1i.n.. i dtréimhse ina bhfuil diansmacht ar inimirce, todhchaí neamhchinnte faoi ghluaiseacht shaor mhuintir na heorpa, agus níos mó seineafóibe, pléifidh an t-imeacht seo na rudaí a tharlaíonn do theifigh nuair a thagann siad go Tuaisceart éireann agus na bealaí praiticiúla do dhaoine le hathrú a dhéanamh. Déanfaidh Refugees Welcome, an housing for all Campaign agus an West against Racism network éascaitheoireacht ar an phlé. Cainteoirí: Makhosi Sigabade, Refugees Welcome ni agus housing 4 all Campaign, Mairin Murray, Refugees Welcome ni MASSACre AT AMriTSAr: 1984 JAS KhATKAr & MANVir BhoGAL oF The SiKh FeDerATioN Thursday August 12, 12.30pm, Culturlann The June 1984 massacres at the Golden Temple in amritsar and throughout the Punjab, entitled ‘operation blue Star’, witnessed the indian military killings of Sikh leaders who had been active around political, civil and human rights issues for the Sikh community. The event will detail the massacres and will also focus on britain’s role in assisting the indian government. The SaS trained those responsible for the massacres as recently discovered in documents uncovered by researchers reveal, the same SaS who were actively killing people in ireland. The event will examine the parallels of experience of state violence, the struggles for truth and justice for the bereaved and survivors, and britain’s role in both our countries. Sponsored by relatives for Justice. Ár in Amritsar: 1984 Jas Khatkar agus Manvir Bhogal ó Chónaidhm na Saíceach Déardaoin 12 Lúnasa, 12.30i.n., An Chulturlann nuair a tharla na sléachtanna sa Teampall Óir in amritsar i mí Mheithimh 1984, agus ar fud an Phuinseab, ar tugadh ‘operation blue Star’, orthu, mharaigh arm india ceannairí Saíceacha ar son an phobail Shaícigh. Thraenáil an SaS iad siúd a bhí freagrach as na sléachtana, rud a léirigh cáipéisí a fuair taighdeoirí ar na mallaibh, an SaS céanna a bhí gníomhach i marú daoine in éirinn. Pléifidh an ócáid seo na comparáidí idir eispéiris an fhoréigin ón stát, agus na streachailtí le haghaidh na fírinne agus na córa do na daoine a fuair bás agus na marthanóirí móide ról na breataine sa dá thír. Urraithe ag Gaolta um Cheartas. &VIEOJEWX&YVKIVW7XIEOW'LMGOIRJMWLTEWXE HEMP]WTIGMEPW 6^lIG#\I^NlPI &)78 7XIEOW LQ%HOIDVW #)DLOWH5VWDXUDQW Ballymurphy Massacre: Panel Discussion The importance of full disclosure St Marys university College, Fri 12th Aug, 6.30pm 62 This year’s theme for ballymurphy Massacre Feile events is the importance of disclosure in conflict related murders., The panel discussion will explore the impact of disclosure on legacy cases and the british Governments threat to withhold information on the grounds of national security. The panel will be made of representatives from campaign groups including emma rogan daughter of adrian Rogan loughinisland families, John Teggart ballymurphy Massacre families, Shelia Coleman, spokeswoman for the hillsborough Justice Campaign and Stephen Travers Survivors of The Miami Showband Massacre, each campaign at varying stages of the disclosure process will reflect on their experiences. Chair: Leah wing )£LOWH5HVWDXUDQW 63 The 1916 ProCLAMATioN; reALiSiNG iT’S AiMS AND oBJeCTiVeS Fri 12th Aug, 2pm To hold a discussion around the stated aims and objectives of the 1916 Proclamation, how politics of modern day ireland fall short of those ideas, what can be done to make the Proclamation relevant to the broad mass of people across this island again and ultimately how to bring about the material conditions in which those ideas could become reality. Contact: Sean Ó brolcháin 07517676869 [email protected] Forógra 1916; Ag Baint a Aidhmeanna agus a Chuspóirí Amach Dé hAoine 12 Lúnasa, 2i.n. Díospóireacht faoi aidhmeanna agus cuspóirí luaite Fhorógra 1916, faoin bhealach a theipeann ar pholaitíocht na héireann sa lá atá inniu ar na smaointe sin, faoinar féidir a dhéanamh leis an Fhorógra a chur chun mar ábhartha don ghnáthphobal ar fud an oileáin seo agus ar deireadh, faoin bhealach le teacht ar na staideanna cearta inar féidir na smaointe seo a bhaint amach. Teagmháil: Sean Ó brolcháin 07517676869 [email protected]. West Belfast Police Proud to be part of the West Belfast Community and to support Féile an Phobail 2016 PJ MCGrory MeMoriAL LeCTure ‘The Power oF PerSiSTeNCe... how ChANGe CoMeS ThrouGh SoLiDAriTy AND ChALLeNGe By The FAMiLy AND FrieNDS oF ViCTiMS eVerywhere’ Enjoy the Féile. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter or, when you see us, stop for a chat. Sat 13th Aug, 1pm Bainígí sult as Féile. Bígí ár leanstan ar Facebook agus ar Twitter, nó nuair a bheidh muid ag caint libh. Mike Mansfield will discuss the lawrence inquiry, hillsborough, bloody Sunday and Chilcott. Michael Mansfield QC has represented defendants in criminal trials, appeals and inquiries in some of the most controversial legal cases the country has seen, particularly where issues of Civil liberty have arisen. Léacht Chuimhneacháin PJ McGrory ‘Cumhacht na Diongbháilteachta... An Bealach a Tharlaíonn Athrú trí Dhlúthpháirtíocht agus trí Dhúshláin Theaghlaigh agus Chairde Íospartach ó Gach Áit’ Dé Sathairn 13 Lúnasa, 1i.n. Pléifidh Mike Mansfield Fiosrúchán lawrence, hillsborough, Domhnach na Fola agus Chilcott. Rinne Michael Mansfield QC ionadaíocht do chosantóirí i dtrialacha, achomhairc agus fiosrúcháin coiriúla, i gcuid de na cásanna dleathacha ba chonspóidí sa tír, go háirithe nuair a bhí ceisteanna saoirse sibhialta i gceist leo. 64 The environmental price of the peace process St Mary's, Time and date to be confirmed has the conflict in ireland shifted against the commons - our land, air and water? Stories of resistance and struggle (around fracking, incinerators, illegal quarries, gold mines etc) will illustrate that people and communities have been forced to become the regulator in the absence of environmental regulation by government. James orr, Director of Friends of the earth Praghas Timpeallachta Phróiseas na Síochána Coláiste ollscoile Naomh Muire. Am agus dáta le dearbhú. ar athraigh an choimhlint in éirinn ó na gnáthachrainn -ár dtalamh, ár n-aer, ár n-uisce? Scéalta frithbheartaíochta agus streachailte (faoi fhracáil, loisceoirí, cairéil mhídhleathacha agus mianaigh óir srl.), a léireoidh gur cuireadh iallach ar dhaoine agus ar phobail bheith mar rialtóirí in easpa na rialachán timpeallachta ón rialtas. James orr, Stiúrthóir Friends of the earth. Podemos St Mary's, Time and date to be confirmed Founded in 2014 out of the anti austerity movement against the Spanish Government, Podemos has become a key player in Spanish politics becoming the third largest party in the country in the recent June 26th elections this year. a representative will provide some background to the present political situation as harsh austerity measures are still being undertaken by the caretaker conservative government as no new government has formed in over six months. Podemos Coláiste ollscoile Naomh Muire. Am agus dáta le dearbhú. bunaithe in 2014, tháinig sé as an gluaiseacht fhrithdhéine in éadan Rialtas na Spáinne. is príomhrannpháirtí i bpolaitíocht na Spáinne anois é Podemos mar an tríú páirti is mó sa tír, a bhain sé amach i dToghcháin i mbliana ar 26 Meitheamh. labhróidh ionadaí faoi chúlra na staide polaitiúla reatha agus na géarbhearta déine atá á gcur i bhfeidhm ag an rialtas sealadach coimeádach as siocair nár cuireadh rialtas le chéile le breis agus sé mhí. PSNI.West Belfast @ PSNI Belfast W 65 BALLyMurPhy MASSACre exhiBiTioNS in Their Footsteps - Set the Truth Free exhibition The Kennedy Centre Mall, Mon 8th-Fri 12th Aug in their Footsteps is an impressive visual exhibition of shoes, each pair symbolising lost or injured victims of the conflict. it’s easy to forget just how many people lost their lives during the conflict but this exhibition keeps alive the memory of loved ones and gives family members the opportunity to tell their story The Story Behind The Photograph exhibition Dairy Farm Shopping Centre Mon 8th - Fri 12th Aug The story of the ballymurphy Massacre and in particular the story behind the photograph of each victim. This exhibition gives victims’ families the opportunity to tell the story behind that photograph, perhaps it came from a wedding photograph or a family occasion, usually of happier times. Compiled by ballymurphy Massacre Families. also showing The award winning “ballymurphy Massacre Film” which tells the story of the Massacre and the aftermath, this moving film shows the families telling their story and documents how they were affected by the murder of their loved ones. (23 mins duration on a loop system) Ballymurphy Massacre Archive exhibition Conway education Centre- Conway Mill Mon 8th - Fri 12th Aug The ballymurphy Massacre archive exhibition documents the evidence of the ballymurphy Massacre through witness statements photographs and archive documents. This is a must see as it will further enhance tour understanding of the events of the massacre. Ballymurphy Massacre Campaign exhibition Conway Mill Courtyard, Mon 8th - Fri 12th Aug This exhibition documents the ballymurphy Massacre Campaign through the eyes of the media using photographs, press statements, speeches and news reports. 66 Changing Face of Policing exhibition ViSuAL ArTS na haMhaRCealaÍona EXHIBITIONS AT ST MARY’S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE exhiBiTioN oPeNiNG NiGhT St. Mary’s university College, Falls road Belfast Thurs 4th Aug, 7pm you are invited to come along and preview the visual art exhibitions in this year’s Féile. refreshments provided 67 Conor Kerr The exhibition features photos and interviews Conor did with women in the local music scene, from singers to promoters and journalists. The purpose of the project was to discuss their experiences as women in the local scene as well their views of the music industry in general. in March the photos were featured in an exhibition for the Women's Work Festival in the oh Yeah Centre for a week, which was then extended for the full month. Contact: [email protected]. T: 07748056970 Bernie Joyce A travelling exhibition entitled Pearse’s Footprints/Coiscéim An Phiarseach Padraig Pearse had a summer house in Ros Muc (which is still standing) and wrote the beginnings of the proclamation and the speech for o' Donovan Rossa's funeral there. but it is through his short stories that she and her community share a real connection with Pearse and this is her inspiration for her collection of work to commemorate the 1916 Uprising. it currently involves three parts.The first part is a set of paintings that focus on the main characters in his short stories example bríd na namhrán, éoinín na néan, and Íosagán. The second part is a set of paintings that show the route nora took in the short story na bóithre. Pearse used actual locations in Ros Muc that have not changed much since he wrote the story. The third part is a set of paintings with the village boundary stones. Pearse used the village names in Ros Muc in his stories. 68 Black & white Photography workshop Bank Sq Studios, 11 Chapel Lane, Belfast BT1 1hh wed 3rd, Fri 5th, Sat 6th, Sun 7th Fri 12th, Sat 13th, Sun 14th Aug (11.00am - 5:30pm) Professional photographer and co-founder of belfast exposed Photography, Sean McKernan will lead you through all the steps of creating beautiful black & White prints from 35mm negatives developed in a professional b&W darkroom. Sean has been working as a documentary photographer in belfast for 35 years and has also extensively documented Feile an Phobail since 1988. The one day workshop is designed for beginners and photographers raised on digital who wish to undertake a fun refresher on how to shoot, process and print 35mm b&W prints using traditional techniques. Following an introduction on the use of a 35mm SlR camera you will undertake a practical two hour street photography workshop using selected events from the Festival. This will provide you with the opportunity to immerse in known and less travelled streets of West belfast and train your eyes and sense of observation to document its street life and culture, learning documentary/street photography techniques such as composition, correct exposure, manual use of camera. The final part of the workshop will enable participants to process their finished film and print selected images using techniques like burning and dodging and use of filters. Most importantly you'll have the chance to print your images in the darkroom alongside a seasoned pro, covering everything from basic printing steps to techniques like dodging, burning and using filters - every print is different and requires special attention. workshops are limited to a maximum of 6 people. Fee £75 per pserson, (Camera's, film and developing paper provided, please bring comfy shoes and a packed lunch). To book or for further information contact Mob 07533639188 email [email protected] 69 Michael McKernon PS2 Film by artist Lyndsay Donly ‘STorMBirD - The life of Pádraic Fiacc in his own Words, images and Poems’ is the result of a collaboration between Pádraic Fiacc and artist Michael McKernon over many years. McKernon and Fiacc talked at length about many of the poems which are so intertwined with Fiaccs life from a young age. in fact they are a journal of his life. This film lays bare the true heart of the SToRMbiRD, Pádraic Fiacc - his genius, philosophy and desire to selflessly serve his fellow man. a film about St. James’ Farm ‘The comedian, W.C. Fields, is credited with the line, “never work with children or animals.” This line is echoed in jest by limbo and Dan, the men behind St. James’s Farm, a project that started with a plot of unused ground and a few chickens in West belfast. as part of the community as artist series, a Portrait of St. James's is the product of time spent in and around the farm, the kids, and the animals. The result is a collaboration which is part storytelling/part documentation of the work and creativity involved in bringing farm animals into an urban landscape. The idea of space becomes a theme throughout. The ownership and use of public space as a site for community engagement, as a site for raising, keeping, and containing livestock, and as an area to be claimed, owned, and utilized. The imagery is driven by the juxtaposition of typically rural, timeless scenes against the backdrop of the city. Space for ideas to develop. Space for childhood. Space as playground.’ The accompanying painting and photographic exhibition includes pictures inspired by Padraic’s poetry and life. There are portraits by neil Shawcross, (belfast) - elena Sali (Spain) - Stevie Raelyn (California) to name but some. Michael Gallagher ‘in This Solemn hour’ – re-imagining images from the easter rising This exhibition, entitled ‘in This Solemn hour’, is an artistic interpretation of some of the most iconic photographs relating to the easter 1916 Rising. From a sombre Roger Casement to a defiant Countess Markievicz or a burnt-out GPo, this unique black and white series fully captures the spirit and struggle of a country reborn. Caoimhín McGiolla Cathain The role of women in the Rising has been a major theme in this year’s national centenary commemorations. With this in mind, the artist also produced a unique set of miniature portraits depicting some of the women from across ireland who took active roles throughout easter Week. These include Dr Kathleen lynn, Margaret Skinnider, helena Moloney and Winifred Carney amongst many others. This set of miniature portraits is a follow-up to his very successful 'Faces of Freedom' exhibition earlier this year which depicted the 16 executed leaders of the Rising. Gallagher is an amateur artist from West belfast. a photographic exhibition of mainly street and cityscapes from the basque Country. Caoimhín Mac Giolla Cathain is a musician and photographer from belfast’s Shaw’s Road Gaeltacht. he has exhibited his work in na ballaí bána in an Cultúrlann Mcadam Ó Fiaich in november 2012 and was published in nós magazine (issue 41, February 2014). his work consists mainly of street and cityscape photography, but also nature and landscape can be seen in some of his work. he also photographs actor headshots and has recently worked on a photoshoot for the irish traditional album, ‘Good morning to your nightcap,’ Joanne Brady Joanne brady art encompasses a wide range of media including painting, embroidery, print making, photography and weaving. a wide range of art includes original pieces and limited edition prints. Joanne is a graduate of the University of Ulster, belfast. Joe Ó Muircheartaigh ‘Seomra 1916’ is a foundation story of the easter Rising, as distinct from being about the rebellion itself. Joe Ó Muircheartaigh is a journalist/documentary maker who lives in ennis Co Clare. he recently completed this 30-minute documentary called ‘Seomra 1916’,with artist Shelagh honan. it tells the story of a famous meeting that took place in September 1914, as which plans for a rebellion were first hatched. it took place on 25 Parnell Square in Dublin, which at that time was headquarters of the Gaelic league when the seven signatories of the Proclamation came together for the first time as a group. The meeting room later became part of a school, Coláiste Mhuire, which was an irish language secondary school that he himself attended. The documentary tells the story of that room, what went on there and how that it subsequently became a reference point and touchstone for the very existence of an irish language secondary school in many ways owed thanks to its existence for the men and women of 1916, and particularly because of the famous meeting that took place within its walls. 70 west Belfast Arts Society a longstanding popular exhibition of paintings by a group of local talented artists Contact: Sean Mcerlean 07872650518 brady loves mixing the old with the new. She enjoys vibrant colours and texture. This comes out in her work where she explores mixed media, always looking for innovative overlaps of texture. She uses a wide variety of processes and materials in each project, pushing her creativity in different directions. She is constantly drawing; sometimes the drawings are left in the sketch book and other times they develop into more in-depth ideas and images. Philip Murphy Four pieces of sculpture in relief. Made from sheet mild steel. based on the battle of the Somme. The carnage the destruction of young men the aftermath. Contact: Philip Murphy 00353 872521227 71 Artist: Peter Francis Fahy Peter Francis Fahy is a graphic artist whose work on the irish Mythological Cycle has been featured in the Ulster Museum, arts Centres, festivals, bars and heritage sites across the north of ireland. Through a lens of light and shadow, he re-imagines ancient irish legends and represents them in a modern style, emphasizing the passion and beauty of the characters in a style reminiscent of vintage story book illustration and Japanese Manga. Within this mythic space, themes that Peter explores include resurrection, rebirth and redemption, themes that ensure the continuity of the irish mythological heritage remains alive and active. Contact: Peter Francis Fahy 07915862123 PROUD PARTNER OF John Mallon For a number years i've been doing photography. When i began i never believed how successful my work would become. but then the biggest critic and self doubter you will ever meet will be yourself. after many years of suffering from poor mental health. and coming very close to ending my life. i decided to ask for help. From that day my life has become so much better. and i owe a lot of this too my love for photography and the beauty on our doorstep. it gives me great pleasure to know my work is in the homes of many people around the world and here in ireland. Some of my work is on walls in belfast city hall. and other important buildings. a view to a better mental health through the lens of a camera. began in april 2014 in the red barn gallery. i now have a permanent display of my work in the Kennedy Centre. and i would like to invite everyone to come and visit the beauty on our doorstep. reLATiVeS For JuSTiCe The reMeMBeriNG QuiLT The Relatives for Justice Remembering Quilt is a project designed by families who wish to remember their loved ones lost through the conflict. This project involves dedicating a square to the memory of the loved one and is open to all families who have lost as a result of the conflict irrespective of their experience or background. Telling the story of grief and loss can overwhelm the individual, however through this gentle process families can claim ownership of the relationships they once held dear with their loved ones as they recall positive memories of how their loved one lived. Deciding on how to design the square facilitates a narrative of the loved one’s life according to the family that loved them. Families lovingly choose memorabilia and themes that are intimate to them allowing a sense of privacy, dignity and respect for their family member who is no longer here. although each square represents the enormity of loss and enduring pain felt by families they also remain a loving testimony to a life lived. a qualified tutor is on hand to assist and support families who feel they cannot sew or represent their feelings adequately. if you would like to find out more about the Remembering Quilt please contact: Mary Kate Quinn at relatives for Justice on 028 90 627171, email: [email protected] ALL WE DO IS DRINK! • NO DELIVERY CHARGES • NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR SPLIT CASES • NO MINIMUM ORDER SIZE Méabha Magerr 72 Méabha chose this particular image of Roger Casement because it has a soft, contemplative mood which shows an essence of the man to which she is drawn. The painting of Pádraic and William Pearse invokes the very personal story of their Mother’s loss, which - as the mother of two sons herself - touches the artist deeply. Méabha paints an eclectic mix of subject matter and uses various media from pure watercolour to soft pastels and acrylics, being particularly drawn to compositions with a strong personal narrative which will invite the attention of viewers and on occasion raise more questions than answers. Contact: email: [email protected] Mobile: 07966531174 4 Falcon Road Belfast BT12 6SJ T: 028 9066 7744 E: [email protected] W: 73 Noel Murphy Stephen Quinn noel Murphy was born in london in 1970. he graduated from the University of Ulster with a degree in Fine art in 1994. he has exhibited regularly in ireland with The Gorry Gallery (Dublin) and in england. his work is held in public collections in ireland, The burns library in boston and The Glasnevin Museum in Dublin. in 2003 noel Murphy painted the northern ireland assembly in Session. The painting hangs in the Senate Chamber at Parliament buildings. Murphy is a both a perfectionist and an adventurist in his desire to master the painterly techniques of the past and the present. his oeuvre over the past twenty years has absorbed and transformed a multitude of influences that have informed his desire to explore both traditional figuration and an expressive abstraction. his resulting works illustrate that he is a consummate storyteller, mythmaker and visual poet of a painter. amanda Croft. no stranger to Féile an Phobail, Stephen is a belfast born artist b.1989 Selftaught artist with experience using a wide range of mediums-drawing heavily from classical chiaroscuro styles to graffiti art. This is often used to politically question or to pay homage to influential pop culture figures. This exhibit is a direct result of positive responses and support of work being carried on unconventional surfaces, namely takeaway boxes from fast food chains used as replacement for canvases. The underpinning concept that art should not be restricted. Maria McManus a photographic exhibition of PoST!!! images of the old Post office in Clones from Maria’s residency in May of 2015. PoST! a homage to old post offices everywhere: for love letters, chain letters, junk mail, hate mail, postal workers and the occasional rebellion. in 1916,the GPo in Dublin was centre stage of the easter Rising. one hundred years on, we hardly write letters, we don’t send postcards from our holidays, we don’t send telegrams nor use the operator to connect our calls, and financial transactions are largely electronic…..all changed; changed utterly. (ahem..) in 2014, the writer Maria McManus set out to handwrite 365 letters in 365 days to… well, she’d write to anyone who wanted one, and some people who didn’t. She wrote to friends, family, the curious, the President, an Post, to prisoners and she left letters in public spaces…… just to see what would happen and so the CoRReSPonDenCe project was born. in 2015 she undertook a residency at The old Post office in Clones, Co. Monaghan. it was no longer functioning as an operational post office and the exhibition images symbolize something deep about the changes that are happening. PoST! The old Post office exhibition. Deirdre Mackel 74 Deirdre focuses particularly upon affects arising in childhood, early memories that somehow attach themselves to everyday domestic objects and come to acquire a symbolic dimension in later life. humour comes into the work, through the association of objects, as does the sculptural beauty of some objects that others may dismiss as mundane or purely functional – finding beauty in various situations. The work includes a dimension of childhood memory and makes references to remembered childhood landscapes and streetscapes throughout the conflict; playful associations between remembered and symbolic objects from childhood. She arranges them so as to allow them to resonate together so that their meaning is evocative and affective rather than merely rational; inviting the viewer to hold them together in their minds so that their collective significance can grow and take shape. objects that are readily dismissed as mundane or purely functional gradually reveal an unexpected dimension of feeling and of meaning. We can discover beauty in the most ‘banal’ memories of things and an unexpected poignancy in half-remembered situations.. Facebook: Deirdre Mackel artist 75 Changing Face of Policing exhibition St Mary’s university College Thurs 4th – Fri 12th Aug over the past 20 years and more there have been dramatic changes within the policing landscape in the north of ireland. Young people from across west belfast have documented progress, which include physical and psychological changes from the RUC to the PSni. Working with renowned local photographer, Sean McKernan this exhibition will display archive photographs coupled with new images taken by the young people themselves. This project was grant aided by the PCSP. The views expressed are not necessarily shared or endorsed by the PCSP; and the PCSP does not accept any responsibility or liability for same. Supported by the Telling us what to Do!! Féile youth Arts Programme. Funded by Children in Need and The esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Niki Purcell This artist looks at the women behind the 1916 Rising, and include portraits of the Gifford sisters - Muriel was married to Thomas MacDonagh and the other, Grace, to Joseph Plunkett. The portrait of Muriel shows alongside her image, the words written by her husband Thomas MacDonagh to her on the night before his execution. Graces portrait refers to the story of marriage on the day of the execution and the record of her buying the ring on o’Connell street on her way to the Castle. Purcell’s grandfather was in Cumann na mban and her brother used to stand in for Micheal Collins. McCAUSLAND AIRPORT CAR PARK -|;Ѵ=-v|m|;um-ঞom-Ѵburou| 028944 22222 ĺl11-vѴ-m7ĺ1oĺh "rrouঞm]u|vşѴ|u; bm;Ѵ=-v| Christina Bennett leaving | Video installation Statement of Work: Displacement, exclusion, unacknowledged experience; this work continues to explore the leaving behind of place and belonging. These recollections are mere moments; remembered, forgotten; spoken and unspoken; utter normality juxtaposed with the extraordinary. leaving is a film work that is loosely connected to the proposed theme for Féile an Phobail 2016. The stories told however, are directly connected to the conflict, which, it could be said are a continuation of the conflicts we have experienced as irish people over the last 100+ years. McCAUSLAND AIRPORT CAR PARK Book Your Space The Public Record office of northern ireland (PRoni) will be displaying its exhibition on Constance (aka Countess Markievicz) and eva Gore-booth at Falls library from 1st to 20th august. This exhibition uses material from the lissadell archive at PRoni and explores the lives of the sisters Constance (Countess Markievicz) and eva Gore-booth. Constance and eva were born into a world characterised by privilege, comfort and security - a world, lifestyle and upbringing against which they would both ultimately rebel. 76 Con and eva exhibition at Falls Library Falls Library 1st-20th Aug The two sisters were brought up in lissadell house, Co. Sligo. Constance would go on to become a revolutionary nationalist, suffragette, socialist and was one of the leaders of the easter Rising. eva would become an irish poet, dramatist, pacifist, committed suffragist and labour activist. The exhibition is the result of collaboration between staff at PRoni, Manchester School of art, University College Dublin (UCD) and aarhus University in Denmark. it examines the role that theatre, literature and art play in both their lives, and the divergent political paths that they chose to follow. Enter Arrival Date &$ Enter Departure Date m|;uuoloঞom-Ѵo7; ) Download our App! use promo code FEILE16 for best price guaranteed! 77 16:43 Féile Film Club Friday 5th – Friday 12th August Video Showcase (on loop) St Mary’s university College, Falls road Féile’s Film Club showcases two short documentaries from recent projects exploring issues of community safety, and another delving into the lives of the more colourful and learned members of our aging community. “Play it Safe” is an emotive and telling insight into the lives of those who have been directly impacted by the issue of community safety. From those involved with the emergency services, dealing with the cold face of community safety, to those who have lost loved ones as a result of car crime, young people engaging in projects to create an awareness of the implications of crime, and youth and community activists trying to make a difference. a film debut by former pupils of the open Doors learning Centre, “Play it Safe” not only features some beautiful cinematography, but also puts into perspective the impact on ordinary people, the emergency services, our young people, and the wider community. This project was grant added by the PCSP. The views expressed are not necessarily shared or endorsed by the PCSP; and the PCSP does not accept any responsibility or liability for same “our Dawns to our Twilights” is a fascinating intergenerational documentary that explores the lives of those entering the twilight of their St Patrick – A Picture of Story, Prose and Poem Art exhibition St Mary’s university College Young people from St Gerard’s educational Resource Centre worked with local artists Margaret McCann and Joanne McCombish, and local writer alice McCullough in producing a beautiful piece of mural art of what St Patrick means to them. Challenging misconceptions and differing perspectives this piece of art truly represents these young people’s views on our patron saint in a holistic, visual and literary art manner. 78 Part of Féile an Phobail’s youth Arts and Community engagement Programme, funded by Children in Need and esmée Fairbairn Foundation Supported by Belfast City Council’s St Patrick’s Celebration Grant years. Recounting their past they talk about love and life, tragedy and disaster, happiness and sadness, through war and peace in a period that spans over 70 years. The documentary sees young people interview these fountains of knowledge and life in our midst, whilst the young people themselves reflect on the stories and the changes they’ve heard. Facilitated by open Doors Learning Centre. Supported by Belfast City Council Community Development Grant. Supported by the Telling us what to Do!! Féile youth Arts and Community engagement Programme. Funded by Children in Need and The esmée Fairbairn Foundation “Alone” Film Screening followed by Q&A 3rd & 4th August, 6pm & 8pm showings Conway Mill Trust, ‘Drying room’ Daily screening on loop for duration of exhibitions alone is set present day in belfast but belfast could really be anywhere, any city in any country. alone is a short film (drama) about a mother who is struggling with an addiction to heroin. alone is a directorial debut by brian Milligan who has also produced, written and edited the film as part of his final year at northern ireland Film School. brian is more known for his roles in front of the camera in films such as Steve McQueen's hunger, anand Tucker's leap year and Jim Sheridan's The boxer. his TV credits include hbo's Strike back, The Fall and The Frankenstein Chronicles to name a few. Support by Féile an Phobail’s Community engagement Programme funded by esmée Fairbairn 79 BELFAST TAXIS CIC Carnival Parade PArÁiD ChArNABhAiL Sun 7th Aug, Assemble 12pm, Departs 1pm Conway Street, Falls road Paráid Charnabhail Dé Domhnaigh 7 Lúnasa, Bailigí le chéile ar 12i.n. Imeoidh an pharáid ar 1i.n. ó Shráid Mhic Con Midhe, Bóthar na bhFál is í Paráid Charnabhail bhliantúil an ócáid pobail is mó ag Féile an Phobail, agus tá sí ar na paráidí is dathannaí agus is uileghabhálaí in éirinn. beidh páistí, daoine óga agus roinnt daoine fásta ‘amú’ gléasta i bhfeistis aisteacha agus iontacha agus iad ag glacadh páirte sa pharáid le taobh taibheoirí sorcais gairmiúla, bannaí ceoil, ealaíontóirí sráide agus i bhfad níos mó, san ócáid is mó i bhféilire Féile. is é ‘Uilig faoi bhia’ téama na bliana seo agus tá mé cinnte go mbeidh bolg gach duine ag geonaíl agus muid ag máirseáil síos bóthar na bhFál agus isteach i bPáirc na bhFál. beidh fáilte roimh chách le freastal uirthi agus bronnfar duaiseanna don Ghrúpa, don Duine agus don Duine nua is Fearr Gléasta agus don Fhlóta is Fearr! Le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais, déan teagmháil le Kevin ar 028 9560 9984. Tacaithe ag active Communities network agus Comhairle Cathrach bhéal Feirste. Party in the Park Party in the Park Sunday 7 August, 2pm – 5pm a great family day of fun and entertainment, come rain or shine! We will have live music from a broad range of artists yet to be confirmed. The day will be hosted by Q Radio who will be broadcasting across belfast and beyond!! Come along and join the craic, with bouncy castles, assault courses, street theatre, climbing tower, archery, falconry, as well as plenty of vendors you will not be stuck for things to do. Family event. Strictly no alcohol. Supported by active Communities network. 80 Supporting the arts in our community Fleá sa Pháirc Dé Domhnaigh 7 Lúnasa, 2i.n. – 5i.n. lá teaghlaigh iontach le spraoi agus le siamsaíocht, is cuma cén sórt aimsire a bheidh ann! beidh ceol beo ann ó réimse leathan ceoltóirí áitiúla agus idirnáisiúnta a bheas le dearbhú go fóill. beidh taibhithe ann fosta ó ghrúpaí agus scoileanna damhsa móide taibhithe agus i bhfad níos mó. Tagaigí agus bainigí sult as an chraic le preabchaisleáin, cúrsaí lingthe, amharclannaíocht sráide, túr dreapadóireachta, boghdóireacht, seabhacóireacht chomh maith le cuid mhór díoltóirí éagsúla. Mar sin de, ní bheidh deacracht ar bith agaibh rudaí a dhéanamh. Ócáid do theaghlaigh amháin. Gan alcól. Tacaithe ag active Communities network. 81 Back To Front St Mary’s university College workshop Dates: Sat 23rd & Sat 30th July 2-4pm, Performance Saturday 6th Aug 2-4pm. Admission: Free Performance Poetry on The bus Masterclass with alice McCullough Did you ever sit at the back of the bus? Did you ever wish you had a chance to be at the front? Did you ever want to stand up and have everyone listen.. but didn’t have the confidence? For anyone who has ever sat at the back of the bus, whether you were the rowdy one or the quiet one, the joker or the dreamer, now is your chance to come to the front and share your voice. a rare opportunity for budding performance poets/storytellers to work with award winning performance poet alice McCullough. in a two day masterclass alice will coach participants to build confidence in performing their own work, for a performance on the bus in association with Translink. Participants are asked to bring their own poems/stories/spoken word pieces along to the workshop, where alice will encourage the group in developing writing and performance skills to take to the buses and strut their stuff! a fun and challenging experience for anyone interested in building their confidence as a spoken word performer. To register, contact Alice at [email protected] For ages 16+ (if you have a keen interest performance poetry and are not 16 yet, please do still get in touch) Supported by the Telling us what to Do!! Féile youth Arts and Community engagement Programme. Funded by Children in Need and the esmée Fairbairn Foundation ar shuigh tú riamh ag cúl an bhus? ar mhian leat riamh go mbeadh deis agat suí chun tosaigh? ar mhian leat seasamh agus iarraidh ar gach duine éisteacht leat..ach ní raibh tú muiníneach go leor? Do dhuine ar bith a shuigh ag cúl an bhus, cé acu ba tusa an duine callánach nó ciúin, an duine grinn nó an duine a bhí ag brionglóid nó nár tusa, seo do dheis le teacht chun tosaigh agus é a rá os ard. Deis annamh a bheidh ann d’ábhar filí/scéalaithe taibhithe obair a dhéanamh leis an fhile taibhithe, alice McCullough, a bhfuil duaiseanna bainte aici. i máistir-rang dhá lá, cóitseálfaidh alice na rannpháirtithe a muinín a neartú nuair a thaibheoidh siad a gcuid saothar féin ar na busanna i gcomhar le Translink. iarrtar ar rannpháirtithe a gcuid dánta/scéalta/píosaí litríochta ó bhéal a thabhairt isteach leo sa cheardlann mar a spreagfaidh alice an grúpa a scileanna scríbhneoireachta agus taibhithe a fhorbairt. ansin, beidh siad ag dul ar na busanna lena gcuid saothar a thaibhiú! eispéireas spraíúil agus dúshlánach a bheas ann do dhuine ar bith a mbeadh suim acu a muinín mar thaibheoir labhartha a neartú. Le clárú, déan teagmháil le Alice ag [email protected]. Do gach aois 16+ (má tá suim agat i bhfilíocht taibhithe, agus muna bhfuil tú 16 bliana d’aois go fóill, déan teagmháil liom go fóill le do thoil). Tacaithe ag Chlár Ealaíon Óige Féile Telling Us What to Do!! Maoinithe ag Children In Need agus ag The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. For more information on our range of services, visit our website or contact the office on 02887729478 Delivering Commercial and Capability Training to the Private, Public and Voluntary Sector. Boat unveiling Belfast waterworks , Sat 30th July, 12pm over a period of 3 months young people from the open Doors learning Centre worked with master boat builders in recreating one of Ulster’s finest ‘skin boats’. in partnership with lough neagh boating heritage association, this piece of our maritime heritage was constructed from materials that included hazel rods cut from our very own Colin Glen Forest Park! it is with great pleasure that we finally launch this Gola island curach, and for the first time water will be beneath its canvass skin. Supported by the Telling Us What to Do!! Féile Youth arts Programme. Funded by Children in Need and the esmée Fairbairn Foundation Nochtadh na mBád Traditional irish Boating Belfast waterworks, Sat 30th July, 1.30-3pm an open day with some of the most beautiful traditionally made boats in ireland. Come along and try your hand at rowing a range of boats built by our boats without boundaries project and supported by the lough neagh boating heritage association. boats include Dunfanaghy curachs, Gola island curachs, and lough neagh cots. instruction and safety equipment provided. a rotational system will be in place for use of the boats. no booking required, first come, first serve basis. Supported by Belfast City Council Summer Scheme Grant . Supported by the Telling Us What to Do!! Féile Youth arts Programme. Funded by Children in Need and the esmée Fairbairn Foundation Oibreacha Uisce Bhéal Feirste, Dé Sathairn 30 Iúil, 1i.n Thar tréimhse thrí mhí, d’oibrigh daoine óga ón ionad open Doors learning le ceann de na ‘báid chraicinn’ is fearr i gCúige Uladh a dhéanamh. i gcomhar le Cumann bádóireachta loch neathach, rinneadh an píosa seo dár n-oidhreacht mara ó ábhair éagsúla, slait choill ó Pháirc Foraoise Ghleann Cholainn! Tá an-áthas orainn curach Ghlabhla seo a sheoladh, agus den chéad uair riamh, beidh uisce faoina craiceann chanbháis. Tacaithe ag Clár ealaíon Óige Féile Telling Us What to Do!! Maoinithe ag Children In Need agus ag The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Bádóireacht Éireannach Traidisiúnta Oibreacha Uisce Bhéal Feirste, Dé Sathairn 30 Iúil, 1-3i.n. lá oscailte le cuid de na báid is áille déanta ar bhealach traidisiúnta in éirinn. Tagaigí agus bainigí triail as réimse bád a rámhú tógtha ag ár dtionscadal ‘boats without boundaries’, agus tacaithe ag Cumann oidhreacht bádóireachta loch neathach. i measc na mbád a bheas ann, beidh curacha Dhún Fionnachaidh, curacha Ghabhla agus coití loch neathach. Soláthrófar treoracha agus trealamh sábháilteachta. beidh córas uainíochta i bhfeidhm leis na báid a úsáid. ní bheidh áirithintí de dhíth ach beidh ‘córas gach duine ar a sheal féin’ i bhfeidhm. Tacaithe ag Deontas Scéim Samhraidh Chomhairle Cathrach Bhéal Feirste. Tacaithe ag Chlár Ealaíon Óige Féile Telling Us What to Do!! Maoinithe ag Children In Need agus ag The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Clonard Summer scheme Clonard Partnership offices 1 -14 Aug Clonard Partnership has received funding from belfast City Council to organise a summer scheme for children from the Clonard area. This will take place over the first two weeks in august and will include numerous trips, workshops and fun activities. organised by: Clonard Neighbourhod Development Partnership Contact Details: 02890585080 st th Scéim Samhraidh Chluain Ard Oifigí Pháirtíocht Chluain Ard, 1-14 Lúnasa Fuair Páirtíocht Chluain ard maoiniú í Chomhairle Cathrach bhéal Feirste le scéim samhraidh a eagrú do pháistí ó cheantar Chluain ard. beidh sí seo ar siúl sa chéad dá sheachtain de mhí lúnasa agus ina measc beidh cuid mhór turas, ceardlanna agus gníomhaíochtaí spraíúla. Eagraithe ag: Páirtíocht Forbairt Chomharsanachta Chluain Ard. Sonraí Teagmhála: 028 9058 5080. wet Paint Don’t Touch Wet Paint Don’t Touch Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, 1 – 4 Lúnasa, 10r.n.-3i.n., gach lá. St Marys university College, 1 – 4 of Aug, 10-3 every day Táille: Saor in Aisce Admission: Free Mar is gnách, beidh ár dtionscadal amharclannaíochta sráide “Wet as usual, our street theatre project, formerly “Wet Paint Don’t Paint Don’t Touch”, ar ais le mír eile d’amharclannaíocht sráide spraíúil Touch”, is back with another fun and whacky instalment of street agus chraiceáilte. Sna féilte seo a chuaigh thart, bhí craic iontach theatre. in the past we have had major craic out of our zombie walks, Finnegan’s Wake, Mad hatters and this year will be no different. We againn lenár siúlóidí zombaí, ‘Finnegan’s Wake’ agus ‘Mad hatters’. beidh an scéal céanna ann i mbliana. beidh muid ag obair le grúpa will be working with a group of aspiring actors and fanatics on our aisteoirí uaillmhianacha agus fanaicigh ar théama bhianna agus Carnival Parade’s food and drink theme and will take to the streets offering spectators a chance to taste our majestic culinary wonders deochanna Pharáid Charnabhail s’againne. beidh muid ar na sráideanna ag tabhairt deise don lucht féachana ár mbianna agus ár and turning heads everywhere we go. Wanting to join? Contact ndeochanna iontacha a bhlaiseadh, agus ag baint lán na súl daoine, Conall on 028 95 609984 Supported by the Telling Us What to Do!! cibé áit a rachaidh muid. ar mhaith leat bheith linn? Déan teagmháil le Féile Youth arts Programme. Supported by Belfast City Council Summer Scheme Grant Supported by the Telling us what to Do!! Conall ar 028 9560 9984. Tacaithe ag Clár ealaíon Óige Féile Telling Us Féile youth Arts Programme. Funded by Children in Need and the What to Do!! Maoinithe ag Children In Need agus The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. esmée Fairbairn Foundation st 82 th 83 Féile Unplugged Summer Academy Acadamh Samhraidh Theatre on the rock, whiterock road ‘brassneck Youth and Féile Youth arts have joined forces this summer to bring you our Performing arts Summer academy. Young people aged 4-18 (details below) are being offered an amazing opportunity to develop first class performance skills delivered by industry professionals. Masterclasses will be offered in areas such as Film/TV acting, Circus Skills, Physical Theatre, Writing and more. This is an incredible opportunity for aspiring young performers to develop essential performance skills. limited spaces, booking essential. ages 15-18, 25th-29th July, 9.30am-12pm ages 11-14,1st-5th august, 9.30am-12pm ages 7-10, 8th-12th, august, 9.30am-12pm ages 4-6 Saturday 30 July, 6 august, 13 august, choice of 2 sessions, 9.30-10.30am and 10.45-11.45am. Amharclannaíocht sa Charraig Bhán, Bóthar na Carraige Báine Tiocfaidh Óige brassneck agus ealaíona Óige Féile le chéile an samhradh seo lenár n-acadamh Samhraidh Taibhealaíon a reáchtáil. Tabharfar deis iontach do dhaoine óga idir 4-18 mbliana d’aois (tá na sonraí thíos), scothscileanna taibhithe a fhorbairt trí chuidiú ó ghairmithe an tionscail sin. beidh máistir-ranganna ar fáil in ábhair amhail aisteoireacht Scannáin/Teilifíse, Scileanna Sorcais, amharclannaíocht Fhisiciúil Scríbhneoireacht agus níos mó. Seo deis iontach do thaibheoirí óga uaillmhianacha scileanna taibhithe th th th Cost: £30 for the week, £5 for the Saturday sessions. Contact: [email protected] to register, 028 95 609984 for further information. Supported by Belfast City Council Summer Scheme Grant Supported by the Telling Us What to Do!! Féile Youth Arts Programme. Funded by Children in Need and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation riachtanacha a fhorbairt. beidh spásanna teoranta agus beidh áirithintí riachtanach. aoiseanna: 15-18, 25 – 29 iúil, 9.30r.n.-12i.n.; aoiseanna: 11-14, 1 - 5 lúnasa, 9.30r.n.-12i.n.; aoiseanna: 7-10, 8 – 12 lúnasa, 9.30r.n.-12i.n.; aoiseanna: 4 - 6 Dé Sathairn 30 iúil, 6 lúnasa, 13 lúnasa. Rogha de dhá sheisiún, 9.30-10.30r.n. agus 10.45-11.45r.n. Costas: £30 don tseachtain, £5 do sheisiúin an tSathairn. Teagmháil: [email protected] le clárú, 028 9560 9984 do thuilleadh eolais. Mar chuid de Scéim Samhraidh Féile tacaithe ag Deontas Scéim Samhraidh Chomhairle Cathrach Bhéal Feirste. CorK PArTNerShiP The Féile an Phobail / Cork partnership continues to flourish with another set of marathon runners and rowers descending upon Cork this June. Fourteen young people from both the hillhall area of lisburn and the Colin area of belfast participated in the ocean to City, an Rás Mór, in which two of our teams came 2nd and 3rd respectively in their race category! our marathon team wasn’t so gracious with a time of slightly over 5 hours recorded! 84 Jim o’Donovan with Padraig o Duininn The partnership has continued to develop and grow thanks to many people from those in belfast and lisburn, to those in Cork. but we would like to pay tribute to two people this year. one is Michael Corcoran who sadly passed away within the past 6 months and was an exceptional character in the Cork marathon team, carrying many a weary, battered and bruised runner over the finish line. he was an inspirational individual and will be sadly missed by the belfast team with whom we often had many a great and late night’s banter with. The other, who has made many of these things happen, is a very humble and modest man, and one we will be eternally indebted to. Jim o’Donovan has been a staunch advocate of the belfast / Cork relationship and whilst we are sad to see him retire, we wish him the very best for all his future exploits, and appreciate all his endeavours. Féile unplugged at waterworks waterworks, Antrim road – 30th of July, 12pm3pm Féile unplugged at North Queens Street Sat 6th of Aug 7-10pm We are teaming up with the north belfast Festival Committee and as part of their family fun day we This includes one of belfast’s best known and hugely in will be showcasing the best of our youth. demand DJ’s lee Keenan plus The Waterworks event will be part of a family fun other live music. The event also includes a bbQ. day / rowing event. Supported by OFMDFM Central Good Relations Contact: Paddy Doyle, 028 90 751358 Funding Programme Na hOibreacha Uisce, Bóthar Aontroma – 30 Iúil, 12i.n.-3i.n. beidh muid ag dul i gcomhar le Coiste Féile Tuaisceart bhéal Feirste agus mar chuid dá lá spraoi do theaghlaigh, beidh muid ag cur scoth dár ndaoine óga i láthair. beidh an t-imeacht sna hoibreacha Uisce mar chuid de lá spraoi do theaghlaigh / imeacht rámhaíochta. Tacaithe ag Clár Maoinithe Lárnach DeaChaidrimh OCALCA. Supported by OFMDFM Central Good Relations Funding Programme ag Sráid Thuaidh na Banríona Dé Sathairn 6 Lúnasa, 7-10i.n. Tacaithe ag Clár Maoinithe Lárnach Dea-Chaidrimh OCALCA. WELL DONE TO FÉILE AN PHOBAIL Féile unplugged on the streets For the first time ever, Féile Unplugged are taking to the streets of belfast. We are offering buskers a chance to come and work with us and entertain the masses as they make their way to the big nights. a great opportunity to promote yourself and earn a few bob in the process. if you are interested contact Conall at [email protected] to get registered. Supported by OFMDFM Central Good Relations Funding Programme Sráideanna Den chéad uair riamh, beidh Féile Díphlugáilte ar na sráideanna i mbéal Feirste. beidh muid ag tabhairt deise do cheoltóirí sráide teacht agus obair a dhéanamh linn siamsaíocht a chur ar fáil don ghnáthphobal, agus iad ag dul go dtí na himeachtaí móra. Deis iontach a bheidh ann tú féin a chur chun cinn agus giota beag airgid a thuilleamh ag an am chéanna. Má bhíonn suim agat ann déan teagmháil le Conall ag [email protected] le clárú. Tacaithe ag Clár Maoinithe Lárnach DeaChaidrimh OCALCA. FéiLe uNPLuGGeD AT FoLKTowN MArKeT Thurs 4th of Aug, 11am-4pm e: [email protected] For the first time ever, Féile Unplugged comes to Folktown. Come along and browse the stalls, have something eat and chill out with the best of our local folk and jazz artists. Supported by OFMDFM Central Good Relations Funding Programme 85 Oíche Airneáil le Cairde Raidió Fáilte Cumann Chluain Ard, Sráid na Sceiche, Béal Feirste, 4 Lúnasa, 8.30 i.n oíche cheoil, damhsa, amhránaíocht, scéalaíocht agus go leor eile le tús a cur le ceiliúradh 10 mbliana do Raidió Fáilte. bígí linn don chraic agus scléip! beidh fáilte roimh chách. bígí linn! Táille: Saor in aisce. Eagraithe ag: Cairde Raidió Fáilte. Teagmháil: [email protected] nó 028 9031 013 oíche Airneáil le Cairde raidió Fáilte Cumann Chluain Ard, Sráid na Sceiche, Béal Feirste, 4th Aug, 8.30 i.n oíche cheoil, damhsa, amhránaíocht, scéalaíocht agus go leor eile le tús a cur le ceiliúradh 10 mbliain do Raidió Fáilte. bígí linn don chraic agus scléip! an informal night of music, song, story and dance to kick off a series of events to celebrate Raidió Fáilte’s 10Th birthday. everyone is welcome to take part. bígí linn! admission Price: Saor in aisce. organised by: Cairde Raidió Fáilte. Contact: oifi[email protected] nó 0289031013 Ceardlann i Scileanna Iriseoireachta Raidió Fáilte 107.1FM, Áras Uí Chorráin, 155 Sráid Northumberland, Bóthar na bhFál, Béal Feirste 4 Lúnasa, 1i.n. Cainteoirí: Dónall Mac Murchaidh –Raidió Fáilte, Shane Ó Curraighín – Meon eile/Below the Radar, Eoghan Ó Néill – Raidió Fáilte beidh Raidió Fáilte ag reáchtáil ceardlainne i scileanna iriseoireachta le tacaíocht ón Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge de chuid Scáileán Thuaisceart éireann. is iad na cainteoirí a bheidh ann ag an Cheardlann ná eoghan Ó néill, Shane Ó Curraighín agus Dónall Mac Murchaidh. Le páirt a ghlacadh sa cheardlann seo gabh i dteagmháil le Dónall Chaoimhín Mac Murchaidh ar 028 90 310013 nó seol ríomhphost chuig [email protected] Táille: Saor in aisce. Eagraithe ag: Raidió Fáilte i gcomhar le Ciste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge de chuid Scáileán Thuaisceart éireann. Teagmháil: [email protected] 028 9031 0013. A Workshop in Journalism Skills Raidió Fáilte 107.1FM, Curran House, 155 Northumberland Street, Falls Road, Belfast, 4th August, 1pm Speakers: Dónall Mac Murchaidh –Raidió Fáilte, Shane Ó Curraighín – Meon eile/Below the Radar, Eoghan Ó Néill – Raidió Fáilte Raidió Fáilte will be organising a workshop in journalism skills in co-operation with The northern ireland Screen irish language broadcast Fund. Speaking at the event will be eoghan Ó néill (Raidió Fáilte), Shane Ó Curraighín (Meon eile) and Dónall Mac Murchaidh (Raidió Fáilte). The workshop will be conducted in the irish language. To take part in it contact Dónall Chaoimhín Mac Murchaidh on 028 90 310013 or [email protected] Admission Price: Free. Organised by: Raidió Fáilte in cooperation with The northern ireland Screen irish language broadcast Fund. Contact: [email protected] 02890310013. STBM Terry enright Camp out Black Mountain Thurs 4th Aug, 12.30pm UPPeR SPRinGFielDWhiTeRoCK Save The black Mountain, Terry enright overnight Camp out on Divis Mountain. organised by: USDTrust Youth Team Contact: Joe, Mick or Sean 90236677 whiterock westrock Fun Day whiterock westrock Park Thur 4th Aug, 12pm UPPeR SPRinGFielDWhiTeRoCK Whiterock Westrock Family and children’s fun Feile party in the park. organised by: Whiterock Westrock Residents association Contact: al Mc Comb 90278122 Campáil Amuigh STBM Terry Enright An Sliabh Dubh Déardaoin 4 Lúnasa, 12.30i.n. Uachtar Chluanaí, an Charraig bhán. Campáil amuigh Terry enright, Save The black Mountain, ar an Dubhais. Eagraithe ag: Foireann Óige USDTrust. Teagmháil: Joe, Mick nó Sean ar 9023 6677. Lá Spraoi na Carraige Báine-Iarthar na Carraige Páirc na Carraige Báine-Iarthar na Carraige, Déardaoin 4 Lúnasa, 12i.n. Uachtar Chluanaí, an Charraig bhán. Cóisir spraíúil do teaghlaigh agus do pháistí na Carraige báine-iarthar na Carraige sa pháirc. Eagraithe ag: Cumann Áitritheoirí na Carraige báine-iarthar na Carraige. Teagmháil: al Mc Comb ar 9027 8122. They also perform regularly at Civic Sporting and Cultural events and festivals throughout the year. The youth band is made up of students involved in the bands education program. 86 Raidió Fáilte Open Day 107.1FM Raidió Fáilte 107.1FM, Curran House, Wed 10th Aug, 11am The station will be open from 11am for tours of the station’s studios and offices. The day will include workshops covering radio presentation skills and will include a chance for some of the visitors to have a chat on the air. There will be a lot of fun activities going on around Raidió Fáilte on the day. Admission Price: Saor in aisc. organised by: Raidió Fáilte 107.1FM. Contact: Seán McDonnell [email protected], [email protected] T: 028 90310013. Lá oscailte Raidió Fáilte 107.1FM Raidió Fáilte 107.1FM, Áras Uí Chorráin, Dé Céadaoin 10 Lúnasa, 11r.n. beidh an stáisiún oscailte ó 11r.n. fá choinne turas thart ar na stiúideonna agus oifigí. beidh ceardlanna i scileanna raidió agus úsáid trealamh ar siúl ar an lá chomh maith le craoltaí beo raidió agus léar mór imeachtaí beomhara lán de spórt agus de spraoi. beidh deis ag roinnt cuaiteoirí labhairt ar an aer fosta. Táille: Saor in aisce. Eagraithe ag: Raidió Fáilte 107.1FM. Teagmháil: Seán McDonnell [email protected], [email protected] T: 028 90310013. CorK BArrACK STreeT youTh BAND Belfast wide Performance Thursday 4th – Sunday 7th August barrack Street Youth band is a group of 38 young musicians hailing from Cork City. They have performed in many well-known venues including Cork City hall and national Concert hall Dublin. The barrack Street band is very much part of the cultural fabric and texture of Cork City and is affectionately know to the people of Cork as "De barracka" They play a wide variety of music from traditional Marches to pop songs. The band consists of Flutes, oboes, Clarinets, Saxophones, Trumpets, baritones, euphoniums, Trombones and percussion aged between 11 - 16 years. They will be touring around belfast City, where you can listen to them play at a number of venues including: the Titanic Visitors Centre (12pm) and Kennedy Centre (3pm) Friday 5th august; Churchill Street Party and new lodge (1pm) Saturday 6th august; and we will also be leading this year’s Féile carnival parade on Sunday 7th august from Conway Street at 1pm. Keep an eye for Titanic Tours open Top buses, as we may also be making a guest appearance on tour! The young members of the band are very much looking forward to their visit to belfast, and special thanks to Féile an Phobail for helping with the visit! Supported by Féile’s Community engagement Programme funded by esmée Fairbairn 87 Travel Smart Buy Smartlink * within the city zone Per Smartlink Journey 88 * 1.25 £ 89 Cooking of the world workshops Family cookery sessions whiterock Children’s Centre, Mon 8th, 9th, 10th Aug, 11am – 1230pm Come along to these family cookery sessions and learn about some of the culinary delights from around the world! Parents and children work together in recreating various foods that they can then share with family and friends! limited places, booking essential, contact Maura 02890438438. Part of the Féile Summer Scheme supported by Belfast City Council Summer Scheme Grant Ceardlanna Chócaireacht an Domhain Seisiúin Cócáireachta Teaghlaigh Ionad Páistí na Carraige Báine, Dé Luain 8, 9, 10 Lúnasa, 11r.n. – 12.30i.n. Tagaigí chuig ceann de na seisiúin cócaireachta teaghlaigh seo agus foghlaimigí faoi cuid de na bianna blasta ó fud fad an domhain! beidh tuismitheoirí agus páistí ag obair le chéile chun bianna éagsúla a dhéanamh is féidir leo roinnt lena dteaghlaigh, agus lena gcairde! beidh áiteanna teoranta, mar sin de beidh áirithintí riachtanach. Déanaigí teagmháil le Maura ar 028 9043 8438. Mar chuid de Scéim Samhraidh Féile tacaithe ag Deontas Scéim Samhraidh Chomhairle Cathrach Bhéal Feirste. Féile Tales -irish Myths and Legends Storytime Suffolk Library Mon 8 Aug, 6.30pm a special storytime featuring traditional irish myths and legends for children aged 4-8 with craft activities. Admission: Free. organised by: Suffolk library. Contact: Tinya Parkes, 02890509235, [email protected] Celtic Colouring Suffolk Library Thurs 11 Aug, 10.30am a special mindful Colouring session for adults and young people, featuring beautiful Celtic designs to colour and display. Admission: Free. organised by: Suffolk library. Contact: Tinya Parkes, 02890509235, [email protected] upper Springfield Feile Fancy Fun Day event MiNeCrAFT Competition Falls road Library, Mon 8th Aug, sessions will last roughly 1 ½ hours Time: Sessions will run throughout the day Admission: Free MineCRaFT! Yes you read that right, this year for the first time we are running a MineCRaFT competition alongside the bYTeS project. You don’t need any experience of the game, just come along and the team at the Falls library will show you how to play it and you will build a brand new monument for belfast and be in with a chance of winning a pile of gaming vouchers. Sure what else would you be doing? Sessions will last roughly 1 ½ hours, booking is essential Contact Falls Library on 028 90509212 to book. Comórtas Minecraft Leabharlann Bhóthar na bhFál, Dé Luain 8 Lúnasa Mairfidh na seisiúin thart ar 1½ uair Am: Beidh na seisiúin ar siúl i rith an lae. Táille: Saor in Aisce Minecraft! is ea. léigh tú i gceart é. i mbliana, den chéad uair, beidh muid ag reáchtáil comórtas Minecraft taobh le tionscadal bytes. ní ga duit taithí bheith agat ar an chluiche, tar agus taispeánfaidh an fhoireann i leabharlann bhóthar na bhFál duit an bealach lena imirt. Tógfaidh tú séadchomhartha nua do bhéal Feirste agus beidh seans agat dearbháin chluichíochta a bhaint. Cad é eile a bheifeá ag déanamh? Mairfidh na seisiúin thart ar 1½ uair. beidh áirithintí riachtanach. Déan teagmháil le Leabharlann Bhóthar na bhFál ar 028 9050 9212 le háit a chur in áirithe. islamic Awareness workshop St Mary’s university College, Mon 8th Aug, 5pm The Muslim community in northern ireland is a multi national community from all areas across the Globe, ranging from asia, africa, and Middle east to europe; all Muslims are united by their common islamic faith. niMFa has developed this short workshop to describe how islam is both a religion and a peaceful way of life; to allow people from an increasingly diverse society to understand the meaning of islam and Muslims and to dispel some of the common myths and misconceptions about islam and Muslims. The workshop content includes a brief outline on, describing what islam is, the pillars of islam, women in islam, Jihad and Shariah. Supported by Féile an Phobail’s Community Engagement Programme in partnership with the Northern Ireland Muslim Family Association 90 Ceardlann Feasachta ar Ioslamachas Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé Luain 8 Lúnasa, 5i.n. is pobal ilnáisiúnta ó gach cearn den Domhan é an pobal Moslamach i dTuaisceart éireann. bíodh siad ón Áise, ón afraic, ón Mheánoirthear nó ón eoraip, tá na Moslamaigh go léir aontaithe ag a gcomhchreideamh Moslamach. D’fhorbairt niMFa an cheardlann ghairid seo le cur síos a dhéanamh ar an bhealach gur reiligiún agus modh maireachtála é an Moslamachas. ligfidh sí do dhaoine ó shochaí i bhfad níos ilghnéithí tuiscint bheith acu ar chiall an ioslamachais, agus tabharfaidh sí deis do Mhoslamaigh na miotais agus na míthuiscintí coitianta faoin ioslamachas agus faoi Mhoslamaigh a dhíbirt. Sa cheardlann, beidh achoimre ghairid, a dhéanfaidh cur síos ar is ann don Mhoslamachas, ar chrainn taca an ioslamachais, ar na mná san ioslamachas, móide ar Jihad agus Shariah. Tacaithe ag Clár Rannpháirtíochta Pobail Féile an Phobail i gcomhar le Cumann Teaghlach Moslamach Thuaisceart Éireann. whiterock Community Centre Mon 8th Aug, 1pm UPPER SPRINGFIELDWHITEROCK Super heroes & Princess’s Fancy Dress Day - aCTiViTieS FoR all The FaMilY anD all aGeS; includes health checks, sports, football, taster sessions, Zumba, health advice, bMi, drug & alcohol info, action Cancer big bus, advice on employability, therapies, barber, beautician, dancing, arts and crafts, cookery demos, community garden. Family fun Day with kiddies corner & Teddy bears Picnic, loads of Funtastic bouncy’s, go karts, face painters, balloon makers, and much much more! organised by: Upper Springfield events Group. Contact: Tommy holland 90585755 Lá Spraoi Bréigéide Uachtar Chluanaí Féile Ionad Pobail na Carraige Báine, Dé Luain 8 Lúnasa, 1i.n. Uachtar Chluanaí, An Charraig Bhán lá Spraoi bréigéide na Sárlaochra agus na mbanphrionsaí – Gníomhaíochtaí don teaghlach go léir agus do gach aois. i rith an lae seo beidh seiceálacha sláinte, seisiúin spóirt, peile agus blais, Zumba, comhairle sláinte, bMi, eolas ar dhrugaí agus alcól, bus Mór action Cancer, comhairle ar infhostaíocht, teiripí, bearbóir, sciamheolaí, damhsa, ealaíona agus ceardaíochtaí taispeántais chócaireachta, gairdín pobail. lá Spraoi Teaghlaigh le Coirnéal na bPáistí, Picnic béiríní, cuid mhór Preabchaisleán Spraíúla, cairtíní, péinteoirí aghaidhe, déantóirí balúin agus i bhfad níos mó! Eagraithe ag: Grúpa imeachtaí Uachtar Chluanaí. Teagmháil: Tommy holland 90585755.. Belfast Culinary School with Chef Gordon Birch Springvale employment and Learning Solutions, 8th and 11th Aug, 6pm to 8pm, Springvale will be hosting belfast Culinary School with Chef Gordon birch as part of this year’s Feile an Phobail Festival. The Culinary School will run classes each evening between 8th and 11th august 2016 from 6pm to 8pm, focusing on using local produce to make traditional irish food with a modern twist. The Culinary School will be run by Chef Gordon birch, a liverpool born Chef, Restaurateur and tutor with over 32 years experience in industry. Starting his career in liverpool at the age of 16, Gordon has gathered exceptional work experience, employed as a chef for liverpool F.C. as well as various prestige hotels and restaurants in london and the lake District before moving his career to australia were he opened his very first restaurant. Gordon later moved back to the UK where he assisted in the opening of another restaurant in liverpool before finally moving to belfast. Since working at Springvale, Gordon has assisted in moulding the careers of some of the top chefs in northern ireland, boasting Springvale alumni such as The head Pastry of The Merchant hotel and head Chef of Coppi as well as learners who have been presented with Gordon Ramsey Scholarship. To experience a cookery class in belfast Culinary School with Chef Gordon, Springvale will run evening classes. Book your space today by contacting rebecca McCann on 028 9024 2362. Price: £20 per person per evening class Réitigh Fostaíochta agus Foghlama Springvale, 8 agus 11 Lúnasa, 6i.n. go 8i.n. beidh Scoil Chócaireachta bhéal Feirste ar siúl in Springvale leis an Chócaire Gordon birch mar chuid de Féile an Phobail. Reáchtálfaidh an Scoil Chócaireachta ranganna gach oíche idir 8 agus 11 lúnasa 2016 ó 6i.n. agus 8i.n. Díreoidh sí ar tháirgí áitiúla a úsáid le bia traidisiúnta, cor nua-aimseartha curtha ann. beidh an Cócaire Gordon birch, Cócaire, Restaurateur agus múinteoir le 32 bliain de thaithí sa tionscal a rugadh i learpholl, ag reáchtáil na Scoile Cócaireachta. Thosaigh sé ar a shlí bheatha nuair a bhí sé 16 bliana d’aois. is mór an taithí atá aige ar an obair seo. Fostaíodh mar cócaire é do liverpool F.C.agus ina lán óstán agus bialann mór le rá i londain agus i gCeantar na lochanna sular bhog sé go dtí an astráil, áit ar oscail sé a chéad bhialann. bhog Gordon ar ais go learpholl níos moille agus ansin go béal Feirste. Ó thosaigh sé ag obair in Springvale, chuidigh Gordon le slite beatha chuid de na cócairí is fearr i dTuaisceart éireann a mhúnlú. i measc alumni Springvale tá Príomhchócaire Taosráin in Óstán an Merchant agus Príomhchócaire Coppi chomh maith le foghlaimeoirí ar bronnadh Scoláireacht Gordon Ramsey orthu. Reáchtálfaidh Springvale na ranganna cócaireachta i Scoil Chócaireachta bhéal Feirste leis an Chócaire Gordon. bain triail astu. Cuir spás in áirithe inniu trí theaghmháil a dhéanamh le Rebecca McCann ar 028 9024 2362. Praghas: £20 an duine an rang oíche. 91 DiANChÚrSA NA FéiLe ioNAD uÍBh eAChACh, 34a iveagh Crescent, Béal Feirste BT12 6Aw Luan 8ú go hAoine 12ú Lúnasa Mon 8th- Fri 12th Aug, 10am- 12.30pm Five Day irish language Crash Course during Féile an Phobail. all levels covered. beginners, intermediate (lower and higher), Conversation. To register contact Diarmuid @ 90329180, [email protected]. Cost £15.00 Pottery for the People Conway Mill, 9th Aug, 2pm Admission: Free have you always fancied having a go at Pottery? Well ‘Pottery for the People’ is back and right on your doorstep at the Conway Mill. ‘Pottery for the People’ provides pottery workshops all over belfast and beyond and guarantees a finished pot to be proud of. everything is supplied; including the just come along and enjoy yourself. all abilities are catered for and their classes are geared towards people of all’ll be amazed what you can do with a little help and all pots made can be taken home with you. Part of the Telling us what to Do!! Féile youth Arts Programme. Funded by Children in Need. Supported by Belfast City Council Summer Scheme Grant Dianchúrsa na Féile Ionad Uíbh Eachach, 34a Corrán Uíbh Eachach, Béal Feirste BT12 6AW. Luan 8ú go hAoine 12ú Lúnasa, 10r.n.- 12.30i.n. beidh Dianchúrsa Gaeilge chúig lá ann i rith Féile an Phobail. beidh gach leibhéal clúdaithe. bunrang, Meánrang (uachtarach agus íochtarach), Rang Comhrá.le clárú, déan teagmháil le Diarmuid ar 9032 9180 no cuir ríomhphost chuig [email protected]. Costas: £15.00. Potaireacht don Phobal Muileann Mhic Con Midhe, 9 Lúnasa, 2i.n. Táille: Saor in Aisce ar mhaith leat triail a bhaint as potaireacht? bhuel, beidh ‘Pottery for the People’ ar ais agus anseo i Muileann Mhic Con Midhe. Soláthraíonn ‘Pottery for the People’ ceardlanna potaireachta ar fud bhéal Feirste agus níos faide anonn, agus geallann siad go mbeidh pota críochnaithe agat a mbeidh tú bródúil as. Soláthrófar na hábhair go léir, an saineolas fosta….ní gá duit ach teacht agus sult a bhaint as. Riarfar ar gach ábaltacht agus beidh na ranganna fóirsteanach do dhaoine de gach aois….beidh iontas ort faoi na rudaí is féidir leat déanamh le giota beag cuidithe agus tig leat do phota a thabhairt abhaile leat. Tacaithe ag Clár ealaíon Óige Féile Telling us what to Do!! Maoinithe ag Children in Need. Mar chuid de Scéim Samhraidh Féile agus tacaithe ag Deontas Scéim Samhraidh Chomhairle Cathrach Bhéal Feirste. Multigenerational fun day Falls road Library, 9th, 8th Aug, 4-6pm. Admission: Free While standing at her tin bath and washboard Minnie Davidson reminisces and takes us on a journey from 1928, the year she was born. Minnie has 5 siblings and is from a typical working class belfast family. She tells of her thoughts and fears as an eleven year old child, when she hears that war has been declared in 1939. her experiences during the night of the blitz, and running to the hills for safety. The heartbreak of being evacuated with her siblings to the country and leaving her mother. Minnie will take the audience on a journey with her. They will roar with laughter one minute and cry the next. For the people who have lived through the war years, they will identify with Minnie's story and bring back a flood of memories. For those younger audiences it is a thought provoking piece of theatre. For the last two years Sharon Dickson has been performing this piece of theatre. She has taken it to limavady, Portglenone, Dungiven, bangor, holywood, to name but a few. She has performed it mainly to community and church groups across belfast . Sharon was asked by the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum to perform it there as part of their 40's themed days. it went down a storm and in turn the war museum has asked for it to be performed as part of their belfast blitz memories project. Further information available from Falls Library on 02890509212. Supported by Belfast City Council Summer Scheme Grant 92 Lá Spraoi Ilghlúine Leabharlann Bhóthar na bhFál, 8, 9 Lúnasa, 4-6i.n. Táille: Saor in Aisce agus í ina seasamh ag a folcadán stáin agus a clár níocháin, tosaíonn Minnie Davidson ag caint faoin seanam agus téann muid siar go 1928, an bhliain ar rugadh í. Tá 5 siblín ag Minnie agus tagann sí ó ghnáth-theaghlach Fheirsteach luchr oibre. insíonn sí dúinn faoina smaointe agus faoi na heaglaí a bhí uirthi mar pháiste aon bhliain déag d’aois, nuair a chluineann sí gur fógraíodh cogadh in 1939. insíonn sí dúinn faoina heispéiris ar oíche na bleaiste, agus faoin rith go dtí na cnoic le bheith slán sábháilte. agus í croíbhriste nuair a aistríodh í féin agus a siblíní amach go dtí an tuath agus nuair a d’fhág sí a máthair. Tabharfaidh Minnie an lucht féachana ar an turas léi. beidh siad sna tríthí gaire uair amháin agus ag caoineadh ag chead uair eile. Do na daoine a mhair blianta an chogaidh, tuigfidh siad scéal Minnie agus na cuirfidh sé na sanlaethanta sin i gcuimhne dóibh. is dráma é seo a mbeidh ábhar machnaimh ann do na luchtaí féachana níos óige. bhí Shaon Dickson ag taibhiú na drámaíochta seo le dhá bhliain anuas. Thaibhigh sí i léim an Mhadaidh, Port Chluain eoghain, Dún Geimhin, beannchar, ard Mhic nasc agus in áiteanna eile fosta. Thaibhigh sí í go ghrúpaí pobail agus eaglaise ar fud bhéal Feirste go príomhá. D’iarr iarsmalann Daoine agus iompair Uladh uirthi í a thaibhiú ansin mar chuid dá 40 lá téama. D’éirigh go hiontach léi agus ansin d’iarr an iarsmall cogaidh uirthi í a thaibhiú mar chuid dá dtionscadal faoi chuimhní ar bhleaiste bhéal Feirste. Tuilleadh eolais ar fáil ó Leabharlann Bhóthar na bhFál ar 028 9050 9212. Coding workshops Falls road Library, Tues 9th Aug, sessions will last roughly 1 ½ hours. Time: Sessions will run throughout the day Admission: Free have you ever wondered how signals are sent to computers or robots to make them function? Then wonder no more because we’ve teamed up with the bYTeS project and the Falls library to offer you a chance to come in and learn about computer coding. Come down and spend an hour working with the team who will teach you the basics and give you the tools to carry on by yourself at home. The workshops will take the form of sessions that will last roughly one hour, booking is essential, Contact Falls Library on 028 90509212 to book. Ceardlanna Códaithe Leabharlann Bhóthar na bhFál, Dé Mairt 9 Lúnasa. Mairfidh na seisiúin thart ar 1½ uair. Am: Beidh na seisiúin ar siúl i rith an lae. Táille: Saor in Aisce ar smaoinigh tú riamh ar an bhealach a chuirtear comharthaí chuig ríomhairi nó róbait lena bhfeidhmiú? ná smaoinigh a thuilleadh, mar beidh muid ag dul i gcomhar le tionscadal bytes agus leabharlann bhóthar na bhFál chun deis a thabhairt duit teacht isteach agus foglaim faoi ríomhchódú. buail isteach agus caith uair a’ chloig ag obair leis an fhoireann a múinfidh an buneolas duit agus a thabharfaidh na gléasanna duit le do chuid oibre féin a dhéanamh sa teach. Reáchtálfar na ceardlanna mar sheisiúin a mhairfidh thart ar uair a’chloig. beidh áirithintí riachtanach. Déan teagmháil le Leabharlann na bhFál ar 028 9050 9212 le háit a chur in áirithe. CoDiNG worKShoPS Drama workshops for children with Blackbird Theatre Company St Mary’s university College, Tue 9th -Thur 11th Aug, age 5 - 12 years, 2pm - 4pm Price: £5 per two hours a single child, £7.50 and for two children in same family. A full day is £10per child and £15 for two children in same family. The workshop covers, voice, mime, movement, improvisation, communication and concentration skills, teamwork, with small performances at the end of the class. Children must wear comfortable clothing and soft shoes. They may bring a drink and a snack for a break. no child will be allowed outside the building unless accompanied by a parent. if a child suffers from an ailment the team must be informed at start of class. Booking essential Ceardlanna Drámaíochta do pháistí le Compántas Amharclainne Blackbird Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Dé Máirt 9 – Déadaoin 11 Lúnasa. Aois: 5 – 12 bliana, 2i.n. – 4i.n. Praghas: £5 an dá uair do pháiste amháin, £7.50 do bheirt pháistí sa teaghlach céanna. Lá iomlán: £10 an páiste agus £15 do bheirt pháistí sa teaghlach céanna. Clúdóidh an cheardlann scileanna gutha, míme, gluaiseachta, tobchumadóireachta, cumarsáide, dianmhachnaimh agus obair bhuíne. beidh taibhiú beag ag deireadh an ranga. beidh ar pháistí éadaí compordacha agus bróga boga a chaitheamh. D’fhéadfadh siad deoch nó smailc a thabhairt leo don sos. ní bheidh cead ag páiste ar bith dul amach as an fhoirgneamh ach tuismitheoir bheith leo. Má ta tinneas ar bith ar pháiste, caithfear é seo a chur in iúl don fhoireann ag tús an ranga. Beidh áirithintí riachtanach. FéiLe iNTerNATioNAL FooD FeST! DrAMA worKShoPS Féile international Food Fest! Falls Bowling Pavilion wed 10th Aug, 12.30pm – 2.30pm in a year that celebrates the “Year of Food and Drink” it is therefore fitting that culinary delights from around the world are once again bestowed upon us! With participating countries including Poland, China, Somalia, nigeria, Sudan, algeria, and the ivory Coast, there is certainly plenty on offer. With ireland becoming increasingly multicultural it is with great delight that Féile welcomes our new friends and neighbours, and with even greater delight that we can sample some of their exciting and flavoursome cooking, along with their culture, music and dance. Whilst sampling some of these culinary wonders you will also be able to enjoy music from around the world including Uganda and bulgaria, and maybe even try your hand at some drumming!! Also incorporating ‘Meat and Greet’ where local top chefs will be dishing out some of the best irish cuisine with a little twist!! Free event, all welcome nb: Please note this is home cooking and will be presented as food samples rather than full meals Supported by oFMDFM Central Good relations Funding Programme Supported by Féile’s Community engagement Programme funded by esmée Fairbairn with assistance from Lower ormeau resident’s Action Group’s (LorAG) ‘Creating Cohesive Community Project’ and Artsekta 93 Senior Citizens Feile Party Cóisir Féile do Sheanóirí Sliabh Dubh Pub wed 10th Aug, 3pm uPPer SPriNGFieLDwhiTeroCK Free ballots, bingo, buffet, sing song, fun and games. organised by: Resource Centre. Contact: Tommy holland 90585755 Teach Tábhairne Shliabh Dubh, Dé Céadaoin 10 Lúnasa, 3i.n. Uachtar Chluanaí, An Charraig Bhán ballóidí saor in aisce, biongó, buifé, canadh amhrán, spraoi agus cluichí. Eagraithe ag: ionad Resource. Teagmháil: Tommy holland 9058 5755. rowing Sessions Belfast waterworks, wed 10th – Sat 13th Aug, 10am-12pm / 2pm-4pm Féile is proud to welcome back one of our inherited sons all the way from Cork, who will be delivering a series of boating sessions with a range of traditionally made irish boats. Padraig Ó Duinnín, master boat builder, and founder of Meitheal Mara, (and a rising TV star!) will be engaging with youth and community groups over 4 days in basic training, coupled with some racing and challenges! open to supervised youth and community groups only, booking essential contact Kevin, 02895 609984 or [email protected] for more information and booking Supported by OFMDFM Central Good Relations Funding Programme Féile’s Flagship Dance Competition sees another year of bringing together the hottest and most talented dancers under the one roof. be prepared to be dazzled as young people of all ages compete at different categories for a range of prestigious prizes. open to individuals and dance groups. entry and audience fee £10. Supported by The Devenish Complex. Sponsored by Translink Metro and in association with Spectrum Dance events. Food available from The Devenish Complex. in partnership with Active Communities Network. Contact - Kevin, 028 95 609984 Comórtas rince hip hop ionad The Devenish, Bóthar Fionnachaidh Thuaidh, Déardaoin 11 Lúnasa, 9.30i.n. – 5i.n. Hip Hop Dance Competition The Devenish Complex, Finaghy road North, Thur 11th Aug, 9.30am – 5pm Admission £10 Tabharfaidh Comórtas Rince Suaitheanta Féile na rinceoirí hip hop is fearr le chéile faoi aon dhíon amháin arís. Mar sin de, bí ullmhaithe do dhamhsaí den scoth nuair a rachaidh daoine óga in iomaíocht a chéile i gcatagóirí éagsúla do réimse duaiseanna gradamacha. oscailte do dhaoine aonair agus do ghrúpaí rince. Táille iontrála agus lucht féachana £10. Tacaithe ag ionad The Devenish. Urraithe ag Translink Metro agus i gcomhar le Spectrum Dance events. beidh bia ar fáil in ionad The Devenish. i gcomhar leis an active Communities network. Déan teagmháil le Kevin ar 90313440 Seisiúin rámhaíochta oibreacha uisce Bhéal Feirste, Dé Céadaoin 10 – Dé Sathairn 13 Lunasa, 10r.n.-12i.n. / 2i.n.-4i.n. Tá bród ar Féile fáilte a chur ar ais roimh dhuine dár mic uchtaithe ó Chorcaigh, a bheidh ag déanamh sraith seisiún bádóireachta le réimse bád éireannach traidisiúnta lámhdhéanta. beidh Padraig Ó Duinnín, máistir-shaor bád, agus bunaitheoir Meitheal Mara (agus réalta teilifíse atá ag teacht chun cinn), ag dul i mbun oibre le grúpaí óige agus pobail thar 4 lá, chun buntraenáil a dhéanamh leo, chomh maith le rásaíocht a dhéanamh agus dúshláin a thabhairt fosta! oscailte do ghrúpaí óige agus pobail maoirsithe amháin. beidh áirithintí riachtanach, mar sin de, déan teagmháil le Kevin ar 028 9560 9984, nó cuir ríomhphost chuig [email protected] le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais agus le háirithint a dhéanamh. Tacaithe ag Clár Maoinithe Lárnach Dea-Chaidrimh OCALCA. 94 City hall rocks Back rac Ar Ais i halla na Cathrach Saturday 13th August 1-5pm Dé Sathairn 13 Lúnasa, 1-5i.n beidh Féile Díphlugáilte ar ais ar fhaiche halla na Cathach arís, áit ar deis iontach í do chuid de na sárbhannaí ceoil óga éiritheacha agus do na grúpaí níos cruthaithe i mbéal Feirste agus níos faide anonn. i gceolchoirm shaor na bliana seo beidh bannaí a thaibhigh anseo roimhe chomh maith le bannaí nua. Tar agus lig do scíth ar fhaiche halla na Cathrach, déan bolg le grian nó damhsa san fhearthainn agus bain sult as an cheoil iontach a bheas na bannaí seo ag taibhiú. beidh ceol ó Max Dalton iontach, The haze, Gone all Year (GaY), Search Party, all of Your Ruins, Terror Pockets agus The Tax Men. Tar, can, bí ag damhsa linn agus taispeánaimis don chathair seo an sórt bannaí ceoil tallannacha atá againn. i gcomhar le AMPS Studios agus leis an Active Communities Network. Mar chuid de Chlár rannpháirtíochta Pobail Féile agus de Chlár ealaíon Óige Féile. Maonithe ag esmée Fairbairn agus Children in Need. Tacaithe ag Clár Maoinithe Lárnach Dea-Chaidrimh oCALCA. NB: Braithfidh an t-imeacht seo ar thailte halla Cathrach Bhéal Feirste bheith ar fáil. Déanfar fógra faoi seo sna meáin shóisialta sna seachtainí seo chugainn. Féile Unplugged is back again on the lawn of our City hall, in what is becoming a great platform for some of the fantastic young emerging, and more established bands of belfast and beyond. This year’s free concert includes some previously showcased as well as new bands. Come along and laze on the lawn of the City hall, soak up the sun or dance in the rain, and enjoy some of the great music these bands have to offer. in partnership with AMPS Studios and Active Communities Network. Part of Féile’s Community engagement and youth Arts Programme; funded by esmée Fairbairn and Children in Need Supported by oFMDFM Central Good relations Funding Programme NB: event subject to availability of the grounds of Belfast City hall, an announcement will be made via social media in the coming weeks Teddy Bear’s Picnic Teddy Bear’s Picnic Picnic Béiríní Falls Park, Fri 12th Aug Admission: Free This year marks the seventh annual Teddy bear’s Picnic in the Falls Park and with the roaring success of previous years we decided to bring you the biggest and best picnic yet. along with the usual chaos on the inflatables, the Kids Free Market is back with a bang, we have bird box building, arts and crafts, there will be presentations from the emergency services, Mountain Rescue Team, bug hotel building, drumming workshops, Magic George, face painting, puppets, falconry, farm animals, music, and we’re going on a bear hunt. all you need is a packed lunch, a blanket, a teddy bear, and not forgetting a wee toddler! in partnership with Cairde Pairc na Bhfal. Sponsored by Translink Metro Contact - Kevin, 028 95 609984 Páirc na bhFál, DDé hAoine 12 Lúnasa 1i.n. – 3i.n. Seo an séú Picnic béiríní i bPáirc na bhFál agus mar gheall ar an rath iontach air sna blianta roimhe, shocraigh muid cloí leis an traidisiún! Mar aon leis an ghnáthanord ar na rudaí inséidte, beidh tógáil boscaí éan, ealaíona agus ceirdeanna móide cuir i láthair ó na Seirbhísí éigeandála agus ón Fhoireann Tarrthála Sléibhe, ceol agus i bhfad níos mó ann. ní bheidh ach lón pacáilte, pluid, béirín de dhíth ort agus tachrán beag leat leoga! i gcomhar le Cairde Pháirc na bhFál. urraithe ag Translink Metro. Déan teagmháil le Kevin ar 90313440. 95 Twin Spire s Fam ily Fun D ay! 16 The Tree oF LiFe MeDieVAL FAery FéiLe where NATure, The iMAGiNATioN AND FoLKLore MeeT st 20 u g u A 13th y a d r u t Sa pm 11am - 2 plex m o C s pire treet Twin S S d n la mber u h t r o 155 N 13 2JF T B | t Belfas 1 1002 3 0 9 8 02 t r .o w ww Monday August 8th- Friday August 12th. as part of the West belfast Festival 2016, we are offering free workshops to individuals, children and families. We are a Free Drop-in Creative arts / Crafts Centre in belfast for Men/Women and Families. The Faery Féile is part of our ethos to support individual and families. Participating in the arts can inspire, motivate and challenge us. our family event is an imaginative program to support the love of the natural world, magic and imagination. each day there will be a range of activities including art & craft workshops (begin at 10am), music and fun; including creating goblin and hobbit puppets, a faery mural, making your own faery wings, creating a faery garden window box, making a faery house, painting a faery bird house, faery jewellery, talks on forging and making natural remedies. our week will culminate in the Medieval Faery Feile on Sunday august 14th from 10 am, a medieval market place will be held, storytellers, face-painting food, music and more activities promoting nature and magic. We request that everyone come in costume!!! For more information please like the “Crann go Beatha Tree of Life” facebook page- event, or contact Geordie Murtagh Project Co-ordinator Tel: 07895 882 647 e-mail: [email protected] 96 wednesday April 10th Grand opening of “New wishing Tree Project” 1pm. 1. Goblin/hobbit puppet making workshops 2. Making a Faery house workshops 3. Making a Faery mural workshops eVeNTS Monday August 8th 1. Goblin/hobbit puppet making workshops. 2. how to make your own faery wings workshops. Tuesday August 9th 1. Goblin/hobbit puppet making workshops. 2. Creating a Faery bird box/feeder workshops. 3. Making a Faery mural workshops. 4. Faery and Goblin jewellery workshops. The Tree of Life Medieval Faery Féile The Grand opening of “wishing Tree Project Sun 14th Aug, 10 am a Medieval Marketplace place will be held, witches and faery market, traditional irish craft demos, food, music, storytellers, performers, facepainting, workshops, fortune tellers ( small payment necessary) live music Please consult our facebook event page for additions to our range of workshops and for any changes wed 10th April at our centre in Conway Mill. Crann go beatha was fromed in 2012 for ex-prisoners of war. Cgb is a Free Creative arts & Crafts Centre committed to providing help to those within our community who suffer from physical, psychological and social isolation. Thursday April 11th 1. Goblin/hobbit puppet making workshops 2. Making a Faery mural workshops 3. Making a Faery garden workshops Friday April 12th 1. Goblin/hobbit puppet making workshops 2. Making a Faery mural shops 3. Making a Faery nitelite workshops The Wishing Tree is a joint project with local west belfast artist Maria Duddy, Crann Go beatha and some volunteers from across the community. We would encourage local people, groups, organisations, visitors and tourists to come and admire our Wishing Tree and write their wishes, thanks and hopes on a leaf provided which will be hung on the tree for all to admire. The Tree of life Wishing Tree will be dedicated to those within our community who suffer from physical, psychological, social isolation and mental health issues. Go Kart Track K id s e Fr e in m e n t a er t t n E Magician & Dance Troops ting & in a P e c Fa Tattoos r e t t li G Craft Fair t Ca s y nc s Bou Game & le s Mu sic fr Bla om st 106 PLUS LOTS OF YUMMY TREATS AVAILABLE $NMTSR[0NOBNQM[#@MCX{NRR[ Pizza | Burgers | Chips & MUCH MORE! ORTUS 97 The Kid’s Free Market Falls Park, in conjunction with Teddy Bear’s Picnic Fri 12th of Aug, 12-3 pm Children busking with the tin whistle or the harp, painting nails, making loom bracelets, serving cold drinks and snacks, selling toys, hosting games of chance like tombola... on Monday the 3rd of august, in conjunction with Féile Unplugged, Kennedy Centre car park will belong to the kids as they take part in our second ever kids free market. all children aged 6-14 are invited to book a stall and get creative with their talents! bring a folding table or a rug, a stool and a handmade sign advertising your wares, or just bring yourself and your pocket money and browse the many stalls. Limited spaces available so book your stall early to avoid disappointment, no fee, contact us by email at [email protected] or on 028 95 609984 for further information. Part of the Telling us what to Do!! Féile youth Arts Programme. Funded by Children in Need Margadh Saor na bPáistí Páirc na bhFál, i gcomhar le Picnic Béiríní Dé hAoine 12 Lúnasa, 12-3i.n. Páistí ag seinm na feadóige stáin nó na cláirsí, ag péinteáil ingne, ag déanamh bráisléad fite, ag riar deochanna fuara agus smailceacha, ag díol bréagán, ag imrt cluichí seans cosúil le tombóla…. Dé luain 3 lúnasa, i gcomhar le Féile Díphlugáilte, beidh carrchlós ionad Uí Chinnéide ag na páistí nuair a ghlacfaidh siad páirt sa dara margadh saor seo againn riamh. Cuirfear fáilte roimh gach páiste 6-14 bliana d’aois seastán a chur in airithe, agus bheith cruthaitheach lena gcuid tallann! Tabhair tábla infhillte nó ruga, stól agus comhartha lámhdhéanta leat chun do chuid earraí a fhógairt, nó bí tusa linn le d’airgead póca agus amharc thart ar an chuid mhór seastán. Beidh spásanna teoranta, mar sin de, cuir do sheastán in áirithe go luath le díomá a sheachaint. Ní bheidh táille i gceist. Le teagmháil a dhéanamh linn, cuir ríomhphost chugainn ag [email protected] nó cuir scairt ar 028 9560 9984 le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais. Mar chuid de Chlár Ealaíon Óige Féile Telling Us What to Do!! Maoinithe ag Children In Need. Twin Spires Family Fun Day Twin Spires Complex, 155 Northumberland Street. Sat, 13th Aug, 11am – 2pm enjoy a great day with all the family at the annual Twin Spires Family Fun Day! There will be lots of fun and games including Go Karts, a bungee run and plenty of bouncy castles plus Magic George, face painting and glitter tattoos free for all the family. There will also be a craft fair and music provided by blast 106 plus lot of tasty treats are on offer from burgers and pizza to crepes, candy floss and ice cream and lots more. Save the date and don’t miss out on all the fun! organised by: The ortus Group Contact: Sheila harper, 02890311002 Lá Spraoi Teaghlaigh in ionad an Dá Spuaic ionad Twin Spires, 155 Sráid Northumberland, Dé Sathairn 13 Lúnasa, 11r.n. – 2i.n. bain sult as lá iontach amuigh leis an teaghlach ar fad ag lá Spraoi Teaghlaigh in ionad an Dá Spuaic bliantúil! beidh cuid mhór spraoi agus cluichí ann, ina measc, Cairtíni, rith buinsí, go leor preabchaisleán, Magic George, péintéireacht aghaidhe agus tatúnna glioscarnaí saor in aisce don teaghlach go léir. beidh aonach ceardaíochta agus ceol ar siúl ó blast 106 mar aon le bianna blasta ó bhurgair agus píotsa go crêpeanna, flas candaí, uachtar reoite agus i bhfad níos mó. Cuimhnigh ar an dáta agus ná caill an spraoi go léir! eagraithe ag: The ortus Group. Teagmháil: Sheila harper, 028 9031 1002. S 1981 Play whiterock Theatre in the rock Sat 13th Aug, Doors open 7pm uPPer SPriNGFieLDwhiTeroCK Tony Devlin of brassneck theatre company presents the story of the 1981 hunger Strikes from the perspective of the 10 hunger Strikers. Cost £10. organised by: brassneck. Contact: 07927262538 Dráma 1981 Amharclannaíocht na Carraige Báine in The Rock, Dé Sathairn 13 Lúnasa. Beidh na doirse oscailte ar 7i.n. Uachtar Chluanaí, An Charraig Bhán Cuirfidh Tony Devlin ó Chompántas amharclainne brassneck scéal stailceanna ocrais 1981 i láthair ó thaobh peirspictíocht na 10 Stailceoirí ocrais de. Costas £10. Eagraithe ag: brassneck. Teagmháil: 07927262538. March of Truth Mórshiúl na Fírinne Ballymurphy, Sun 14 Aug, 12pm sharp th We invite you to please come along to our March of Truth. We especially invite families who have been victims of state violence. We would like to ask you again for your support and come along with friends and family to our annual assemble Springfield Park 12.00 Sharp march through ballymurphy to o’Donnels. bring bin lids, whistles. Please support our fundraiser in Slaibh Dubh Pub on Saturday 24th September. 98 organised by: ballymurphy Massacre Families. Contact: John Teggart 07860382930 Tommy 90585755 Bhaile Uí Mhurchú Dé Domhnaigh 14 Lúnasa, 12i.n. go díreach Cuireann muid fáilte romhaibh bheith páirteach i Mórshiúl na Fírinne s’againne. Cuireann muid fáilte roimh theaghlaigh ar íospartaigh fhoréigin an stáit iad ach go háirithe. D’iarrfadh muid oraibh arís do bhur dtacaíocht agus le teacht in éineacht le bhur dteaghlach agus bhur gcairde go háit tionóil bhliantúil s’againne, Páirc Chluanaí, ar 12.00 go díreach le máirseáil trí bhaile Uí Mhurchú go o’ Donnells’. Tugaigí clúdaigh bruscair agus feadóga libh. Tacaigí lenár n-ócáid tiomsaithe airgid i dTeach Tábhairne Shliabh Dubh Dé Sathairn 24 Meán Fómhair. Eagraithe ag: Teaghlaigh Ár bhaile Uí Mhurchú. Teagmháil: John Teggart 07860382930 Tommy 90585755. Belfast Film Festival in partnership with Féile an Phobail present 66 Days, film by Brendan Byrne Cuireann Féile Scannánaíochta Bhéal Feirste i gcomhar le Féile an Phobail ’66 Lá’ scannán ag Brendan Byrne i láthair Belfast premiere screening on Saturday 30th July at omniplex Cinema, Kennedy Centre Preview screenings at 7pm on 3rd and 4th August. Tickets £8 Beidh a chéad taispeáint i mBéal Feirste Dé Sathairn 30 iúil i bPictiúrlann omniplex, ionad uí Chinnéide Beidh na réamhthaispeáintí ar 7i.n. ar 3 agus ar 4 Lúnasa. Ticéid: £8. 'i am standing on the threshold of another trembling world. May God have mercy on my soul.' bobby Sands, 1st March 1981 'i am standing on the threshold of another trembling world. May God have mercy on my soul.' bobby Sands, 1st March 1981 With these words, iRa volunteer bobby Sands began his hunger strike on March 1st 1981. 66 DaYS tells the factual story of bobby Sands’ life for the first time on film. Using eye-witness testimony, unseen archive, reconstructions and animation, this cinematic odyssey serves as both the definitive account of a self-created irish martyr and a seismic moment in 20th century irish history, the legacy of which we continue to live with today. Sands own words form the heart of the film, through his many poems, letters and ‘comms’ all penned inside prison, and in particular, his personal diary which he kept for the first 17 days of his hunger strike. Facebook: Twitter: @66DaysTheFilm Bobby Sands: 66 Days will be on general cinema release 5th August leis na focail seo, thosaigh an t-óglach iRa Roibeard Ó Seachnasaigh ar a stailc ocrais i mí Mhárta 1981. insíonn ‘66 DaYS’ scéal fiorasach shaol Roibeard Uí Sheachnasaigh den chéad uair i scannán. ag úsáid fianaise finnéithe, ábhar cartlainne dofheicthe, athchruthuithe agus beochanna, tugann an scannán cuntas difinideach ar mhairtíreach féinchruthaithe éireannach agus ar ócaid thábhachtach i stair na héireann san fhicheadú haois, oidhreacht a bhfuil tionchar aici orainn go fóill. Tá focail Uí Sheachnasaigh mar chroílár an scannáin, trína chuid mhór dánta, litreacha agus ‘tráchtaí’ go léir, a bhí scríofa sa phríosún, go háirithe, a dhialann phearsanta a choinnigh sé do na chéad 17 lá dá stailc ocrais. Facebook: Twitter: @66DaysTheFilm Taispéanfar ‘Bobby Sands: 66 Days’ go coitianta sna pictiúrlanna go léir ar 5 Lúnasa. 99 GreATer New LoDGe CoMMuNiTy FeSTiVAL & SAiLorTowN Supported by Féile as part of our Community engagement Programme activity SCoiL SAMhrAiDh MhiC reAChTAiN / MCCrACKeN SuMMer SChooL Mon 25th-Sat 30th July This year we are extremely proud to present details of the Scoil Samhraidh Mhic Reachtain within the body of our programme. This weeklong event represents an immensely popular celebration and appreciation of irish culture that brings people from many different backgrounds together year on year. The McCracken Summer School will host a range of varying activities including irish language classes for adults, a summer camp for teenagers, art and drama workshops for toddlers, singing and dancing workshops, nightly music concerts and much more. Contact, Ferdia or Daithí on 028 90749688 [email protected] or Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st July 2016 Clifton Street Cemetery open Days Both Saturday and Sunday from 12pm 4pm here you will learn about individuals ranging from the United irish leaders, Unionist leaders and the rich and famous from days long gone. You will also see one of ireland’s largest Famine Graves as well as hear about the horrific activities of the belfast ‘body Snatchers’. Contact Joe Baker - 028 90 322289. Free event ‘North Belfast 1922: Political Violence, Partition and the Craig-Collins Pacts’ Duncairn Cultural and Arts Centre, 174 Trust, Antrim road Mon 1st Aug, 5pm See page ** for details healing, honour & hope - what next? Monday 1st August 7pm Duncairn Cultural and Arts Centre See page ** for details 100 “The Man who swallowed a Dictionary” Drama Scenes & Political Presentation Duncairn Centre for Culture and Arts Tue 2nd Aug, 7pm, See page ** for details Traditional Music Night Duncairn Culture and Arts, Fri 5th Aug, 8pm pm - Late Tickets £10. This is a gig that cannot be missed featuring some of ireland’s top traditional musicians including Brid harper, Dermot Byrne and John Doyle. This is a bring Your own event. Contact ray Giffen or una Brady 028 90 747114 ‘1981’ Brassneck Theatre Duncairn Centre for Culture and Arts, Tues 9th Aug, 8pm This play from actor, writer and director Tony Devlin and his award-winning company brassneck Theatre focuses on the1981 hunger Strike, in which ten men gave their lives in the struggle for political status and irreversibly shaped political developments for decades to come. in this unique piece of theatre, we are given a deep insight into the lives of each of the ten men, as to who they really were. Through music, song, visuals and performance, this one-person show takes us on an extraordinary journey, of how ten very ordinary men shook the world from their prison cells. an ultimately uplifting piece of theatre through tragedy of Shakespearean proportions, ’1981 is the story behind the legacy of the hunger Strike. Contact Tommy Quigley Tar isteach 90746664/5. Paul o’Neill Ashton Centre 90 742255. Tickets £10 Scribes At The Duncairn wine reception & Live Music Fri, 12th Aug, 6.30 – 9pm Panel discussion and readings with Glenn Patterson, Angeline King and Kevin See page ** for details 2016 CoLiN SuMMer FeSTiVAL Tuesday 2nd August – Saturday 13th August 2016 a series of fun events in the Colin area of West belfast. There is something for everyone! all events are free, booking may be required. For more info on any event contact Colin neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or visit also follow on facebook /colinneighbourhoodpartnership and twitter @CnPartnership for latest event updates. Celebrating Sailortown although Sailortown is forever associated with the once thriving maritime industry that brought belfast fame and fortune, it also reflects a history of struggle, resilience and community spirit in the face of hardship and poverty. With redevelopment in the 1960s the community was dispersed and many settled in the nearby new lodge. however the memories of old Sailortown have never died and ties of kith and kin are maintained to the present day. Much work has been done since to document the story of Sailortown and tales about the various characters that once lived and worked there have passed into legend. although the present day Sailortown looks and feels much different, efforts to regenerate the area continue. as part of that process a special celebration day has been organised by Clanmil housing association and Sailortown Regeneration Group. Tuesday 2nd August – Food and Craft Market, Colin Allotments, Colin Glen road, Belfast, 12noon - 4.00pm Come along and experience the flavours of artisan food and pick up some unique crafts. if you are interested in having a stall at this event contact Matthew at CnP 028 9062 3813 or email [email protected]. Sailortown Celebration, Short Street, Sailortown, 12pm - 5pm The event organised by Clanmil will focus on the launch of a mural produced by renowned artists on the ‘Welcome to Sailortown’ wall facing on to Short Street. The launch will include fun activities for young people and their parents/guardians. Free Family event Friday 5th August – intergenerational historical Trip a unique opportunity for older and younger residents to take a trip through belfast with a local historian and learn all about the 1916 easter Rising's impact on the city. To book contact isobel on 028 9062 3813 or [email protected]. Time TbC. Monday 8th August – All-Ability Day of Sport at Brook Activity Centre, Twinbrook, 11.00am – 4.00pm all-ability sports event for people aged 725. includes Gaa, rugby, tennis, cricket, basketball and athletics, as well as a bbQ. Free event, booking required, contact Gerard at Colin neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813. Thursday 11th August – Colin Fun Day & Carnival Parade, 12.45pm enjoy a great family day out at Colin's colourful Carnival Parade and Family Fun Day. The Parade will leave St luke's Church in Twinbrook at 12.45pm and make its way up the Stewartstown Road to laurel Glen Shops (beside the Dairy Farm Centre). here there will be fun and games, Colin's Got Talent competition, live music, bungee run, bouncy castles, face painters, go karts and much more. Children’s Disco in the Dockers Club. 4pm 6pm. as part of the Sailortown Celebration event a children’s disco will be held in the Dockers Club, Pilot Street. Contact Gerard rosato, Clanmil housing Association, 07860779030. Free event. Sailortown irish Folk Night. McKenna’s Bar, Junction Dock Street/Garmoyle St, 8pm – Late The day of Celebration in Sailortown ends with a night of ‘Ceol agus Craic’ in McKenna’s bar. This features belfast balladeer Terry o’neill with Jim Sherry, performing a range of popular irish folk classics. Friday 5th August – Family Treasure hunt, Colin Glen Forest Park, Belfast, 12noon 3.00pm Find clues and answer questions to get to the next marker, put your wits against others to be crowned champions of the forest! booking essential, contact Michael at Colin neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or email [email protected]. wednesday 10th August– The Gruffalo trail, Colin Glen Forest Park, 12noon – 3.00pm Starting at Cloona house, participants will hear the story of the Gruffalo and the mouse through a local storyteller. Participants will then be brought to Colin Glen Forest Park and tasked with following the new Gruffalo trail and meeting lots of characters along the way! booking essential, call John Paul at Colin neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or email [email protected]. Tuesday 9th August – Baking Masterclass, Colin Allotments, Colin Glen road, Belfast Come along and improve your baking skills by learning from a professional chef in our fully fitted out kitchen. all ingredients provided. 2 workshops available: 12.00noon–2pm and 3.00pm-5.00pm. at Colin allotments, Colin Glen Road, Poleglass. booking essential, call John Paul on 028 9062 3813 or email [email protected]. Friday 12th August – Family Camping and Star Gazing Night 7.00pm, Colin Allotment Site. Gather the family for story-telling, late night star gazing, pizza and film showing. Call Colin neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 to book. Saturday 13th August – GAA Sports event, Brook Activity Centre, Twinbrook, 10.00am – 2.00pm Under 10s tournament for boys and girls competing for the Colin Cup and the Colin Shield. Contact Scap at Colin neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or email [email protected] to register your club. 101 Cul Camp for kids 7 - 13yrs old and Saffron og for 4 -6yr old's St John's GAC, Mon 1st - Fri 5th. Aug Parents can register and see more info for Cul Camp on the website and can register on the day for Saffron og at the club the morning it begins. on Saturday august 6th we will have our annual Mini olympics bbQ Fun Day for u6 - u10s begining at 12noon. Campa Cul do pháistí 7 – 13 bliana d’aois agus Saffron óg do pháistí 4 – 6 bliana d’aois Club CLG Naomh Eoin, Dé Luain 1 – Dé hAoine 5 Lúnasa. is féidir le tuismitheoirí clárú agus tuilleadh eolais ar an Champa Cul a fheiceáil ar agus is féidir leo clárú ar an lá don Saffron óg sa chlub ar an lá a thosóidh sé. Dé Sathairn 6 lúnasa beidh lá Spraoi bharbaiciú Mionoilimpeach bliantúil s’againne do pháistí faoi 6 – faoi 10 mbliana, a thosóidh ar 12 nóin. SPorT SPÓirT Campa Chormaic Campa Chormaic is back again, a camp based in memory and the values of the talented Cormac McAnallen. Campa Chormaic focuses on the values that Cormac himself held dear Gaelach culture, games and the irish language Tá Campa Chormaic ar ais arís, campa bunaithe i i gcuimhne ar agus ar luachanna Chormaic Mhic an Ailín. Díríonn Campa Chormaic ar na luachanna a bhí ag Cormac é féin, ar an chultúr Ghaelach, na cluichi Gaelacha agus ar an Ghaeilge. Week 1 (for iMe pupils aged 8-16) Week 2 (open to all aged 8 -16) £45 per child per week Seachtain 1 Monday– Friday Monday - Friday (£80 for two siblings, £100 for three) **official camp T-shirt and trip included in the price For further information on an event, contact the office on oifi[email protected] or 90 234442 Come along and join us in a weekend of sporting action and culture at Naomh Pol and o’Donovan rossa Cycle for Truth, Ballymurphy Massarce 102 Cycle for Truth 7th Aug, 7.30am From massacre site Springfield Park where Fr Mullan was murdered to Portaferry his hometown and burial place return to Falls Park for Féile parade. Cycle 35 miles to Portaferry pay your respects with Fr Mullan's family and Portaferry residents at the graveside followed by refreshments return to belfast. Total 70 miles captained and stewarded support vehicles and mini bus provided special commissioned T-shirt. This is a fund raiser £15 for the cycle and £50 sponsorship total £65 Route belfast, Carryduff, Downpatrick,Strangford,Portaferry return same way. Ag Rothaíocht don Fhírinne, Ár Bhaile Uí Mhurchú Cycle for Truth, Ballymurphy Massacre Ag Rothaíocht don Fhírinne, 7 Lúnasa, 7.30i.n. Ó shuíomh an áir i bPáirc Chluanaí, áit ar dúnmharaíodh an tathair Mullan, go Port an Pheire, a bhaile dúchais, agus an áit a bhfuil a uaigh, agus ansin go Páirc na bhFál do pharáid Féile. Gabh ag rothaíocht 35 míle go Port an Pheire agus déan comhbhrón le teaghlach an athar Mullan agus le cónaitheoirí Phort an Pheire ag taobh a uaighe. beidh sólaisti ar fáil ina dhaidh ar an turas fillte go béal Feirste. 70 míle san iomlán le feithiclí tacaíochta maoirsithe. Soláthrófar mionbhus. T-léine coimisiúnaithe go speisialta. Is ócáid tiomsaithe airgid í seo. £15 do rothar agus £50 don urraíocht. £65 san iomlán. an bealach: béal Feirste, Ceathrú aodha Dhuibh, Dún Pádraig, baile loch Cuan, Port an Pheire agus ar ais an bealach céanna. Weekend of the 6th and 7th of August beginning with the - the Jim McCullough Perpetual Shield and the Stevie Madden Memorial Cup these competitions are for u12 and u14 handballers. also on Sunday 7th og Sport 7 aside u15 football competition at the newly developed woodlands beginning at 10am. Then on the Saturday 13th August we have the McDermott and Martin cup senior football, finals at St Galls at 5pm and 7pm Then onto Sunday 14th for the McGuigan cup senior hurling and Seamus McDonald cup u14 hurling finals at o’Donovan Rossa 11-30am and 1pm. Dé luain– Dé haoine (do dhaltaí sa Ghaeloideachas idir 8-16 bliana d’aois) Seachtain 2 Dé luain– Dé haoine (oscailte do gach duine idir 8 – 16 bliana d’aois) £45 an páiste an tseachtain (£80 do bheirt shiblíní, £100 do thriúr) **Sa phraghas tá T-léine campa oifigiúil agus turas. Le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais ar ócáid, déan teagmháil leis an oifig ag oifi[email protected] nó cuir scairt ghutháin ar 9023 4442. C.L.G. AONTROIM THEAS. AG CUR CLUICHÍ GAELACHA AGUS AN CHULTÚIR CHUN CINN Ó 1885 Tagaigí agus bígí linn ar dheireadh seachtaine de ghíomhaíocht agus de chultúr spóirt ag naomh Pól agus Ó Donnabháin Rossa ar 6 agus 7 lúnasa. beidh Sciath buan Jim McCullough agus Corn Cuimhneacháin Stevie Madden ann. beidh na comórtais seo ann do pheileadóirí láimhe faoi 12 agus faoi 14 bliana d’aois. Dé Domhnaigh 7 Lúnasa, beidh comórtas peile 7 an taobh Óg Sport d’fhoirne páistí faoi 15 bliana d’aois ar an talamh coille nuafhorbartha. Tosóidh sé ar 10r.n. ansin Dé Sathairn 13 lúnasa, beidh cluichí ceannais peile sinsearaí Chorn McDermott agus Martin. imreofar na cluichí ceannais ar pháirc imeartha Chlub ClG naomh Gall ar 5i.n. agus 7i.n. Dé Domhnaigh 14 lúnasa, rachaidh foirne san iomaíocht i gcluichí ceannais iomána sinsearaí faoi 14 bliana Chorn McGuigan agus Chorn Seamus McDonald ar pháirc imeartha Chlub ClG ó Donnabháin Rossa ar 11.30r.n. agus 1i.n. SouTh ANTriM G.A.A ProMoTiNG GAeLiC GAMeS AND CuLTure SiNCe 1885 Ballymurphy Cup/Springhill Massacre Shield Football Tournament Falls Park Pitches, July/August Starts 10th July at 12.30 whiterock Leisure Centre Admission: Free The Annual Ballymurphy Cup and Springhill Shield Football tournament takes place in July/August. Teams will meet at back of the Whiterock leisure Centre and proceed to the top pitches in the Falls Park. To register contact Neil Corr 07788816194 103 Féile 10K Seoda an Iarthair Gems of the West Sunday August 7th 2016 9am • Féile Marquee • Falls Park Sainsburys Féile 10K Féile 10C Sainsbury’s Sun 7th Aug You’re invited to pull on your gutties and join the first Sainsburys Féile 10K on Sunday 7 august 2016 along a route which takes in the gems of The Gaeltacht Quarter and the resurgent West belfast. Dé Domhnaigh 7 Lúnasa Cuirfear fáilte romhat do bhróga spóirt a chur ort agus bheith páirteach sa chéad Rith Féile 10K Sainsbury’s Dé Domhnaigh 7 lúnasa ar shlí ina bhfuil an Cheathrú Ghaeltachta agus iarthar bhéal Feirste atá ag dul i neart arís. Starting in the Féile headquarters, The Falls Park. Jog past aisling an Phobail, the famed public artwork by irish america’s leading artist brian o’Doherty. Going strong past the heart of the Gaeltacht Quarter taking in an Cultúrlann and St Mary’s University. Picking your pace up at the Wild West-vintage Jesse James chapel and finishing strong with a lap of Falls Park to the finish line. Tosóidh sé ag ceannáras Féile, Páirc na bhFal. Gabh ag bogshaodar thar an phíosa ealaíne clúiteach déanta ag an phríomhealaíontóir Meiriceánach éireannach brian o’Doherty. Gabh thar croílár na Ceathrún Gaeltachta ina bhfuil an Chultúrlann agus Coláiste ollscoile naomh Muire. ar aghaidh leat go teach pobail Jesse James agus críochnaigh go láidir le cuairt amhain de Pháirc na bhFál go dtí an líne chríochnaithe. beginner or marathoner, fitness freak or flaneur, you’ll find this route through the heart of the west illuminating and rewarding — for mind and body. Walkers are welcome but must be finished by 11am and please use the footpaths where possible on the route. bíodh tusa i do ghlantosaitheoir, reathaí maratóin, craiceáilte faoi aclaíocht nó flaneur, beidh an turas seo thart ar chroílár an iarthair maith agus tairbheach — don intinn agus don chorp. beidh fáilte roimh shiúlóirí ach caithfidh siad bheith críochnaithe faoi 11r.n. bain úsáid as na cosáin nuair is féidir leat ar an bhealach. Registration is £15 online at or register at the andersonstown news Kiosk in the Kennedy Centre or north belfast news in Cityside for £13.50. The registration fee will increase to £20 from Monday 25th July. online registrations will close on Monday 1st august. Costas cláraithe ar líne: £15 nó is féidir leat clárú ag both nuachtán an andersonstown news in ionad Uí Chinnéide nó sa north belfast news in Cityside do £13.50. Méadóidh an táille chláraithe go £20 ón aoine 25 iúil. Druidfidh cláruithe ar líne ar an luan 1 lúnasa. entrants will be able to collect their timing chip and bib from the andersonstown news Kiosk (Facing home bargains store) in the Kennedy Centre (564– 568 Falls Rd, belfast bT11 9ae) from Wednesday 3rd august-Friday 5th august (9am-5pm) and Saturday 6th august (10am-4pm). Please note there will be no collections on the morning of the race and running registrations will be capped at 600 runners. 104 For more information please visit or contact orlaith Carland Tel: 02890 611916 e: [email protected] beidh iontrálaithe abalta a slis ama agus a mbibe a bhailiu ó bhoth nuachtán an andersonstown news (os comhair siopa home bargains) in ionad Uí Chinnéide (564– 568 bóthar na bhFál, béal Feirste. bT11 9ae) ón Chéadaoin 3 lúnasa go dtí an aoine 5 lúnasa (9r.n.-5i.n.) agus ón Satharn 6 lúnasa (10r.n.-4i.n.). Tabhair faoi deara nach mbeidh bailiúchán ar bith ar mhaidin an rása agus cuirfear uasteorainn de chláruithe reatha ar 600 reathaí. Le tuilleadh eolais a fháil tabhair cuairt ar nó déan teagmháil le hÓrlaith Carland ar 028 9061 1916 nó cuir ríomhphost chuig: [email protected] 105 TourS AND wALKS TurAiS AGuS SiÚLÓiDÍ health Warning: Keep an eye on the weather. Please come prepared. Good walking boots, warm clothing and bring light refreshments. Rabhadh Sláinte: Coinnigh súil ar an aimsir. bí ullmhaithe. bíodh buataisí maithe siúil, éadaí teo ort agus tabhair sólaistí éadroma leat. CEMETERY TOURS ThiS Tour iS oNe oF The MAiN TourS oF FéiLe. SEO CEANN DE PHRÍOMHTHURAIS NA FÉILE. Walking Tour Belfast City Cemetery Sun 7th, Tues 9th, Thurs 11th and Sat 13 August. Tour begins 2 pm at City Cemetery gates. This tour is one of the main tours of Féile. Féile’s most popular tour by author Tom hartley who tells the story of the city’s troubled history, its poor, its rich, its entrepreneurs and empire builders. one of the enduring qualities of the tour is its capacity to remind us today, that the political and cultural identity of late 19th century belfast was complex and layered. in every sense the tour upends old stereotypes and provides a fresh approach to the history of belfast. Tour - £5, pay at gate. (2 hours approx.) Walking Tour Milltown Cemetery Sun 7th, Tues 9th, Thurs 11th and Sat 13 August. Tour begins 11am at Milltown Cemetery gates. Uncover the history of the belfast nationalist and republican community over 130 years as told through family graves and inscriptions. The story of the dispossessed is reflected in its large sections of poor ground. The story of rebellion is to be found in its range of republican plots. along the way we also meet master bakers, musicians, sculptors, writers, educationalists, uilleann pipers, footballers, the italian community, whiskey makers, tram drivers, and a soldier of the French Foreign legion. Tour - £5, pay at gate. (2 hours approx.) 106 Turas Siúlóide de Reilig Cathrach bhéal Feirste Turas Siúlóide de Reilig bhaile an Mhuilinn Dé Domhnaigh 7, Dé Máirt 9, Déardaoin 11 agus Dé Sathairn 13 Lúnasa. Tosóidh an turas ar 2i.n. ag geataí Reilig na Cathrach. Seo ceann de phríomhthurais na Féile. Seo an turas is fearr le daoine in Féile. inseoidh an t-údar Tom hartley scéal corraitheach na cathrach, a bochtáin, a daoine saibhre, a fiontraithe agus a forbróirí impireachta. is é ceann de na tréithe is seasmhaí sa turas na go gcuireann se i gcuimhne dúinn go raibh féiniúlacht pholaitiúil agus chultúrtha bhéal Feirste i bhfad nios coimpléascaí agus níos srathaithe go mall sa 19u céad. iompaíonn an turas seo na seansteiréitíopaí ar gach dóigh agus léiríonn sé cur chuige úr maidir le stair bhéal Feirste. Turas - £5. Íocaigí ag an gheata. (Mairfidh an turas thart ar 2 uair). Dé Domhnaigh 7, Dé Máirt 9, Déardaoin 11 agus Dé Sathairn 13 lúnasa. Tosóidh an turas ar 11r.n. ag geataí Reilig Bhaile an Mhuilinn. inseofar scéal bhéal Feirste náisiúnach agus poblachtach thar 130 bliain trí uaigheanna teaghlaigh agus inscríbhinní. léirítear scéal an lucht díshealbhaithe sna codanna móra de thalamh na mbocht. Tagtar ar an scéal reibiliúnach ina réimse d’uaigheanna poblachtacha. ar an bhealach, buailfidh muid le máistir-bháiceirí, ceoltóirí, dealbhóirí, scríbhneoirí, oideachasaithe, píobairí uilleann, peileadóirí, daoine ón phobal iodálach, déantóirí uisce beatha, tiománaithe tram agus saighdiúir ó léigiún Coigríochach na Fraince. Turas- £5, íocaigí ag an gheata. (Mairfidh an turas thart ar 2 uair.) beST WiSheS To Féile an Phobail 107 uNiSoN iNTerNATioNAL SoLiDAriTy GrouP (rVh BrANCh) 8Th FéiLe wALK For GAzA Belfast hills, Sat 13th Aug, 11.30am Assemble at Divis hill carpark at 11.30am. Unison RVh branch are determined to follow up last year’s successful walk by, once again, raising as much funds as possible for the children of Gaza caught up in israel’s deadly bombardment of 2014. Thus money raised from this year’s walk will towards providing therapeutic learning to children suffering acute forms of stress due to the bombardment. it will also provide training workshops to their parents on how to extend psycho-social support into the household. Gaza’s overstretched health system cannot meet the mental health needs of young people; so funds raised by our walk will be much appreciated in helping provide psychosocial support to Gaza’s children. Suitable clothing is advisable. refreshments provided afterwards. organised by: unison :('',1*6&,9,/&(5(021,(6Ô/$5*(&25325$7((9(176Ô&21)(5(1&(6Ô&+5,67(1,1*6Ô35,9$7(3$57,(6)81&7,216 international Solidarity Group rVh Branch. Contact: Paul Maguire: 07522955718 or email [email protected] Siúlóid Féile do Gaza Grúpa Dlúthpháirtíochta idirnáisiúnta unison (Brainse orV) Cnoic Bhéal Feirste, Dé Sathairn 13 Lúnasa, 11.30r.n. Bailigí le chéile ag Carrchlós Cnoc na Dubhaise ar 11.30r.n. beidh brainse Unison oRV tiomanta an tsiúlóid rathúil ó anuaidh a dhéanamh arís, ag tiomsú a mhéad airgid agus is féidir do pháisti Gaza a bhí gafa i dtuargaint mharfach iosrael in 2014. Mar sin de, úsáidfear an tairgead a thiomsófar ó shiúlóid na bliana seo le foghlaim theiripeach a sholáthar go pháistí ata ag fulaingt ó ghéarshaghasanna struis de dheasca na tuargana. Solathróidh sé ceardlanna traenála dá dtuismitheoirí ar an bhealach le tacaíocht shíceashóisialta a thabhairt sa bhaile. ní féidir le córas sláinte Gaza riar do riachtanais sláinte meabhrach dhaoine óga; mar sin de; beidh muid fíorbhuíoch as an airgead tiomsaithe ag ár siúlóid a chuideoidh le tacaíocht do pháistí Gaza. Moltar éadaí fóirsteanacha a chaitheamh. Soláthrófar sólaistí ina diaidh. eagraithe ag: Grúpa Dlúthpháirtíochta idirnáisiúnta unison (Brainse orV). Teagmháil: Paul Maguire: 07522955718 nó cuir ríomhphost chuig [email protected] the devenish complex is proud sponsors of feile 2016 7+( ' ( 9( 1,6 + & 20 3 /( ; ),1$* +<52 $' 1 2 57+ % ( /)$6 7% 7 2- % : :: ' ( 9( 1,6+& 203 / ( ; & 2 0 Ô Ô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éile CoiSTe NA NiArChiMÍ Aug, t FALLS roAD PoLiTiCAL wALKiNG Tour Mon 1st – Sat 6th Aug, 11am Sun 31stJuly & Sun 7th Aug, 2pm Starting Point: Divis Tower, Falls road Members of the irish Republican ex-prisoner community will take the visitor on an in-depth journey through the british/irish conflict. The tour visits sites of political, historical and cultural importance, including the political wall murals, which make up such an integral part of the tour and indeed the life of West belfast. The tour will leave the visitor with a greater insight into the conflict, and why momentous events such as the hunger strikes took place. The tour will also take in a visit to Milltown Cemetery and the Republican plots, where bobby Sands and other irish patriots are buried. Following your tour, you will visit the Felons’ Club, where you will be treated to a complimentary glass of Guinness! Booking is not essential, but to ensure your place, please contact us at 028 90200770, or [email protected]. Length: 2 ½ -3 hours, Cost: £10 per person CoiSTe NA NiArChiMÍ FALLS/ShANKiLL PoLiTiCAL BuS Tour Sat 30th July & Sat 6th Aug, 11am Starting Point: Divis Tower, Falls road Coiste Political Tours provide in-depth tours of West belfast and theShankill with trained guides from Republican and loyalist communities. See the authentic sites of historical and political interest with representatives from both areas, starting in West belfast and then swapping at lanark Way Peace line for a tour of the Shankill. Booking is essential. Please contact us at 028 90200770, or [email protected]. Length: 2 ½ -3 hours, Cost: £12.50 per person. Turas Siúil Polaitiúil de Bhóthar na bhFál Pointe Tosaigh: Túr na Dubhaise, Bóthar na bhFál, Dé Luain 1 – Dé Sathairn 6 Lúnasa, 11r.n. Dé Domhnaigh 31 iúil agus 7 Lúnasa, 2i.n. Glacfaidh baill de phobal iarchimí Poblachtacha éireannacha an cuairteoir ar thuras dhomhain trí choimhlint na breataine/na héireann. Tabharfaidh an turas cuairt ar shuíomhanna tábhachtacha polaitiúla, stairiúla agus cultúrtha, ina measc, na múrphictiúirí polaitiúla agus na huaigheanna Poblachtacha i Reilig bhaile an Mhuilinn ina bhfuil Roibeárd Ó Seachnasaigh agus tírghrádóirí éireannacha eile curtha. i ndiaidh do thurais, tabharfaidh tú cuairt ar Chumann na Meirleach Poblachtach éireannach, áit a mbeidh gloine Guinness saor in aisce agat! Ní bheidh áirithintí riachtanach ach le d’áit a chinntiú, déan teagmháil linn le do thoil ar 028 9020 0770, nó cuir ríomhphost chuig [email protected]. Fad an turais: 2 ½ -3 uair. Táille: £10 an duine. CoiSTe NA NiArChiMÍ TurAS BuS PoLAiTiÚiL BuS NA BhFÁL/NA SeANChiLLe Dé Sathairn 30 iúil agus 6 Lúnasa, 11r.n. Pointe Tosaigh: Túr na Dubhaise, Bóthar na bhFál Déanann Turais Pholaitiúla Coiste mionturais d’iarthar bhéal Feirste agus na Seanchille le treoraithe traenáilte ón phobal Chaitliceach agus Phrotasúnach. amharc ar na suíomhanna stairiúla agus polaitiúla suimiúla le hionadaithe ón dá cheantar, ag toiseacht in iarthar bhéal Feirste agus ansin ag malartú ag líne Síochána lanark Way do thuras de cheantar na Seanchille. Beidh áirithintí riachtanach. Déan teagmháil linn ar 028 90200770 le do thoil nó cuir ríomhphost chuig [email protected]. Fad an turais: 2 ½ -3 uair, Costas: £12.50 an duine. 10K Seoda an Iarthair Gems of the West Sunday August 7th 2016 9am • Féile Marquee • Falls Park You’re invited to pull on your gutties and join the first Sainsbury’s Féile 10K on Sunday 7 August 2016 along a route which takes in the gems of The Gaeltacht Quarter and the resurgent West Belfast. Starting in the Féile headquarters, The Falls Park. Jog past Aisling an Phobail, the famed public artwork by Irish America’s leading artist Brian O’Doherty. Going strong past the heart of the Gaeltacht Quarter taking in An Cultúrlann and St Mary’s University. Picking your pace up at the Wild West-vintage Jesse James chapel and finishing strong with one lap of Falls Park to the finish line. Beginner or marathoner, fitness freak or flaneur, you’ll find this route through the heart of the west illuminating and rewarding — for mind and body. Register at Catch the £15 early-bird price online or register at the Andersonstown News Kiosk in the Kennedy Centre or the North Belfast News at Cityside for £13:50. (Registration fee includes timing chip, personalised bib and complimentary refreshments at the finish line). *The price will increase to £20 from 25th July* CoiSTe NA NiArChiMÍ FroM GuerriLLA wAr To GoVerNMeNT The BALLyMurPhy STory Tour 112 Tue 2nd Aug & Thur 4 Aug, 11am Starting Point: outside raffo’s Fish and Chip shop at junction of Springfield/whiterock roads. This tour provides a fascinating insight into the resistance of the people in ballymurphy to british rule in ireland. every street has its own story to tell in the form of local people - not just those who were involved directly in the armed struggle to end british occupation but of those who lived there and witnessed events that shaped their lives. Come and meet some of those people as you make your way through a very proud community which produced some of today’s political leadership. Booking is essential. Please contact us at 028 90200770, or [email protected]. Length: 1 ½ - 2 hours, Cost: £10 per person. Coiste na niarchimí “Ó Threallchogaíocht go rialtas” Turas ar Scéal Bhaile uí Mhurchú Dé Máirt 2 agus Déardaoin 4 Lúnasa, 11.00r.n. Taobh amuigh de shiopa sceallóg raffo’s ag barr Bhóthar na Carraige Báine. Fad an turais: 1 ½ - 2 uair Tabharfaidh an turas seo léargas suimiúil ar mhuintir bhaile Uí Mhurchú a chuir i gcoinne riail na breataine in éirinn. Tá scéal le hinsint ag na daoine aitiúla i ngach sráid – ní amháin acu siúd a raibh baint dhíreach acu sa streachailt armtha, a bhí ag iarraidh deireadh a chur le forghabháil na breataine ar éirinn, ach ag na daoine sin a bhí ina gcónaí ann agus a chonaic na himeachtaí a ndeachaigh i bhfeidhm ar a saolta. Tar agus buail le roinnt de na daoine sin agus tú ag siúl i measc pobail bhródúil ónar tháinig roinnt ceannairí polaitiúla an lae inniu. £8 an duine. Beidh áirithintí riachtanach. Déan teagmháil linn ar 028 9020 0770 le do thoil, nó cuir ríomhphost chuig [email protected]. is turas siúlóide é seo, mar sin de, bíodh na héadaí cearta ort don aimsir! 113 FÉILE AN PHOBAIL AG CULTÚRLANN MCADAM Ó FIAICH ealaíon: The GooD rooM Dé Chéadaoin 10 Lúnasa / wednesday 10th August 8pm & Déardaoin 11 Lúnasa/Thursday 11th - Dé Sathairn 13 Lúnasa/Saturday 13th August 2pm and 8pm Léiriú de chuid MD associates presents Áilleacht sa dorchadas/Beauty in the Darkness Déardaoin 4 Lúnasa/Thursday 4 August 7in/pm Dánlann Gerard Dillon Gallery is é Colin Maxwell, ealaíontóir agus ailtire, atá ag cur na saothair seo inár láthair. Péintéireacht. léargais ó shuíomhanna stairiúla ar nós Priosún/Campa Géibhinn na Ceise Fada a shoilsíonn siad as an nua agus faoi sholas nach mbeifeá ag súil leis. Colin Maxwell, artist and architect, presents us with a series of works which offer new perspectives on historical sites, casting the likes of long Kesh Prison/internment Camp in an unexpected new light. An Stair Trí Mo Lionsa - history Through My Lens Déardaoin 4 Lúnasa/Thursday 4 August 730in/pm Dánlann Na Ballaí Bána Gallery Griangrafadóir atá ag obair leis an Phoblacht ar feadh na mblianta fada é Peadar whelan, fear lionsa atá tar éis go leor de radharcanna stairiúla ár linne a chur i bhfráma a cheamra. Peadar Whelan has worked as a photographer of an Phoblacht for many years and has also been the editor of the newspaper. he has captured many historical scenes from his long career with his camera and in this exhibition he shares some of these with us. Ceol/Music Déardaoin 4 Lúnasa/Thursday 4 August 8in/pm £7/5 Saoirse banna ceoil ón astráil é Saoirse agus is iad atá luaite ar an mbanna ceol Gaelach is fearr sa mhór roinn úd ‘thíos faoi’ le blianta beaga anois. is é an Chultúrlann an chéad stop acu ar a gcamchuairt is déanaí ar an dtír seo. oíche speisialta ceoil é seo le h-amhráin i nGaeilge agus i mbéarla agus seinnt den scoth ó bhanna fhuinniúil agus lán de chraic. Saoirse are a band from australia who are making the Cultúrlann their first stop on their latest tour of ireland. it promises to be a great night of music with songs in irish and english and top class playing. Gach lá/every day 114 Déardaoin 4 Lúnasa - Dé Domhnaigh 14 Lúnasa 12.30in/pm 2.30in/pm Ceol sa chaifé. beidh ár gceoltóirí traidisiúnta ag bualadh poirt agus ríleanna sa bhialann gach am lón - bí ag súil le h-iontas nó dhó ó aoíanna speisialta. Ceol in the cafe. our top class traditional musicians will be playing jigs and reels and a great deal more besides. expect some surprise guests during the Féile. is é seo an seomra nach bhfuil cead agat suí ar an dtolg ann - agus níl cead ól ach an oiread ó na cupáin maithe nó ní duitse ach chomh beag na brioscaí deasa. Caitheann Rós an oiche i seomra tosaigh a sean teach - the good room - agus spreagann na portráidí éagsúla ar an bhfalla cuimhní éagsúla. Where 'that sofa’s not for sitting on', 'that china’s not for drinkin from’ and “those biscuits aren’t for eatin’. Rose spends a night in ‘ The good room' where the pictures come alive as she tells them stories of love, life and laughter. Dé Satharn 13 Lúnasa/Saturday 13 August 7.30in/pm Dánlann Gerard Dillon Gallery SAor iN AiSCe Ceol agus claisceadal is mór an pribhléid ag an Chultúrlann buíon ó Cheolfhoireann Uladh a chur in bhúr láthair. beidh siad ag ceol réimse leathan de mhór-shaothair ó na cumadóirí clasaiceacha is comhaimseartha. le linn na coirme beidh ‘cogadh na mbannaí’ idir iad agus buíon de cheoltóirí traidisiúnta na Cultúrlainne. oíche den scoth geallta. it’s a great privilege for the Cultúrlann to welcome an ensemble from the Ulster orchestra to our venue during Féile an Phobail 2016. They will play a selection of works from classical and contemporary composers. During the concert they will be joined by the Cultúrlann’s traditional musicians for a ‘battle of the bands’. Sparks should fly and a special night of music is promised. DrAMAÍoChT/TheATre roger Casement reading a reading of a new work about Roger Casement, the 16th 1916 leader to be executed, on this day in 1916 Starring ian Mcilhenny and Roma Tomelty. léamh é seo ar nua shaothar faoi shaol agus faoi shaothar Roger Casement, duine de cheannairí eirí amach 1916 agus a cuireadh é chun báis i bPriosún Pentonville cothrom an lae seo i 1916. Séasúr Dramaíochta na Féile @ An Chultúrlann Múscailt na mBan - women rising 1916-2016 Cuireann an Chultúrlann in bhúr láthair trí shaothar shainiúil - trí seo aonair faoi mhná éisceachtúla. an Chultúrlann presents a special season of drama - three one woman shows about three exceptional and inspirational women. Scríofa ag/Written by Mick Draine Faoi stiúr/Directed by JP Conaghan Ticéid le h-aghaidh gach léiriú ar fáil ón Chultúrlann TiCKeTS For ALL ShowS AT AN ChuLTÚrLANN: 02890 964 180 Margadh speisialta: Ticéad séasúir, cead isteach don trí dráma ar do rogha oíche (ach é a rá roimh ré) £16 Special deal: Season Ticket for the three productions on the afternoon/night of choice (specify in advance) for £16 Dé Sathairn, 13 Lúnasa/Saturday 13 August 1in/pm - 5in/pm. GreeNSTiCK Boy written and performed by Maggie Cronin Sun 7th Aug – Tues 9th Aug, 8pm Rínce Gaelach, rac-cheol punc, máthracha na héireann agus Dagenham - an cheart agat, sin Dagenham i londain - is iad sin cuid den chúl bhrat ag an dráma brónach/greannmhar seo mar gheall ar dhéagóir M agus a cara D - a chuirfidh ag gairí thú nó tá sé cineálta, glic, grámhar agus, is aindiulaí hearóin é. Set against a backdrop of Punk Rock, irish Dancing, irish mammies and... Dagenham? (yes, Dagenham, east london). Greenstick boy is a bittersweet story of teenager M and her best friend D, known to be a brilliant laugh – he’s kind, clever, loving (in his own way) - he just also happens to be a heroin addict. They both want to escape and fast; they just have very different routes. M is trying to scale the dizzy heights of showbiz and D is just losing his way. one day the hidden hurt he has been carrying, the “greenstick” fracture becomes too brittle and irrevocably broken and he is lost to her. but soulmates are never what you’d expect them to be… are they? TiCKeTS For ALL ShowS AT AN ChuLTÚrLANN: 02890 964 180 Tickets £8 & £6 concession. Cóisir na Cultúrlainne Coisir amuigh faoin aer é seo le ceoltóirí, peintéirí aghaidheanna, burgairí agus Cleamairí ard Mhacha. Fáilte roimh chách. The Cultúrlann Street Party - outdoor party (weather dependent) with musicians, facepainters, burgers and the armagh Rhymers. Céad Míle Fáílte. 115 Colin Glen Park Divis Rd St oliver Plunkett hannahstown hill St Paul’s GaC M1 Kennedy Way Glen Rd balmoral Golf Club Glen Rd Devenish Complex andersonstown Rd Finaghy Rd north Roddy McCorley’s Uppr Springfield Rd Venues Cloona house Stewartstown Rd Féile Dairy Farm Monagh bypass Féile an Phobail Felons THE BIG TENT Falls Park Milltown Cemetery bog Meadows West belfast Talks back City Cemetery Donegal Rd Falls Rd Rock bar Féile office Garden of Reflection Coláiste Feirste an Chultúrlann Westlink Whiterock Rd St Mary’s University broadway St Dominics School for Girls Springfield Rd Falls Rd Grosvenor Rd Clonard St Clonard Monastery Conway St Conway Mill Divis Tower Crumlin Rd Jail northumberland St Castle St Divis St Twin Spires Grand opera house berry St Presbyterian Church Grt Victoria St Donegall Place City hall Shaftsbury Recreation Centre Royal avenue albert Clock Shankil l library Shankill Rd M1 St louise’s The new Mac Carlisle Circus