2016-09 Newsletter
Adel Newsletter Volume 288 September 2016 THANK YOU FROM THE ADEL CHAMBER Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all of the amazing volunteers who helped make the 37th Annual Adel Sweet Corn Festival a successful event. It takes hundreds of volunteers to organize and host the Sweet Corn Festival, and every contribution is essential to the success of the event. Whether you joined us for corn shucking, came early to help with vendor set -up, assisted with the parade, staffed the beer tent, or helped in other ways, we truly appreciate the generous support from the Adel community. Honor The Call To Serve Serving on a City Board or Commission is a great way to become involved in shaping the direction of your community. Applications and openings are available at Adel City Hall and online at www.adeliowa.org. Historic Preservation Commission — One opening Term ends June 30, 2019 Applications are due to Adel City Hall by Wednesday, September 7, 2016 Pursant to Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.369 and City of Adel Code Chp. 135.03, it is unlawful to blow grass clippings on to City streets. Please be a good neighbor and take pride in keeping our City streets clean. Where’s the Gate?! You may have noticed the Oakdale Cemetery gate and sign is not up — Where did it go?! The City of Adel in partnership with the citizen’s group, Oakdale Pride, is currently working on many revitalization projects of our cemetery! The entrance is first to get our attention. Next time through, please notice the bridge. It has been power washed, probably for the first time ever and is looking great! The gate and sign are down for much needed repairs and will be powder coated and reinstalled with new letters to proudly proclaim Adel’s pride in our cemetery! You can donate to the revitalization project by check made out to: City of Adel/Oakdale Pride and either drop it off at City Hall or mail it to: City of Adel, Attn: Anthony Brown, 301 S. 10th Street, Adel, IA 50003. 100% of all donations will be directed to the cemetery project and donations are tax deductible. For information on the planned Oakdale improvements, fundraising events, and volunteer opportunities, please visit: http:// AdelOakdalePride.weebly.com or leave your name and contact information at City Hall and a member of Oakdale Pride will reach out to you. Your interest, support, and involvement in this worthwhile project is greatly appreciated! Trivia Question Provided by the Historic Preservation Commission The answer to last month’s trivia question: Who supplied the sweet corn for the first “Sweet Corn” activities/festivals? Answer: The sweet corn for the first community sponsored activities was provided by the Adel Rotary Club members and grown just west of town. This month’s trivia question: Boy Scout Pack 152 has been very active in support of civic activities in Adel over the years, particulary the “Sweet Corn Festival” and the local Lions Club flag project. When was Pack 152 first organized in Adel and who was the first Scoutmaster? August 9, 2016 Council Meeting Notes Council approved the following: Held PH on Proposal to Place the Imposition of a Hotel & Motel Tax on the Election Ballot Res. No. 16-23—Approving and Placing the Imposition of a Hotel and Motel Tax on the Election Ballot Res. No. 16-24—Amending Res. No. 16-03, Naming Depositories Purchasing a 1– Year $100,000 CD from Raccoon Valley Bank Agreements with Tyler Technologies (Incode) & ETS for Online Utility Billing Special Event Permit for John’s Baby Steps— October 1, 2016 ACCO Unlimited for Aquatic Center Pool Repainting Project Snyder & Assoc. for Adel Parks and Trails Master Plan Project Parks & Rec. CIP Item: 2017 Ford Escape SE Set PH Date for Sept. 13, 2016 for Rezoning Request by Cramer & Associates Change Order No. 2 for Adel Historic Museum Addition Payment No. 3 for Adel Historic Museum Addition Permission for ADM Schools to Discharge Fireworks at Home Games for 2016 Season ADM School 2016 Homecoming Parade Route Class C Liquor License w/ Sunday Sales for Adel Family Fun Center Class E Liquor License, Class B Native Wine Permit, Class B Beer Permit (Carryout) w/ Sunday Sales for Casey’s General Store NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at Adel City Hall ADEL CITY HALL Administration Public Works Compliance Officer Parks & Recreation 301 S. 10th St., PO Box 248 Phone: 993-4525 M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. www.adeliowa.org PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG. Police & Fire Depts. 102 S. 10th St., PO Box 127 Phone: 993-6723 M-F 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. EMERGENCY—DIAL 911 LIBRARY 303 S. 10th St. Phone: 993-3512 M & F 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. T-Th 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sat 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. www.adelpl.org OTHER PHONE #’s Aquatic Center 993-5246 Ankeny Sanitation 964-5229 S.Dallas Co. Landfill 993-3148 ADEL CITY COUNCIL Mayor James F. Peters 993-4436 Mayor Pro Tem Jon McAvoy 993-3977 Mike Haynes 745-9112 Shirley McAdon 993-4862 Rebecca Hillmer (712) 830-3638 Bob Ockerman 238-9835 Reminders Adel City Hall will be closed on Monday, Sept. 5 in honor of Labor Day. Garbage, Recycling, and Yard Waste Services will be delayed by one day during that week. If you have any questions, please contact Ankeny Sanitation at 515-964-5229 Social Media Have you liked the City on Facebook yet? Do you follow us on Twitter? Please follow the City on social media to stay up-to -date on the latest news and information. You can find a link to our pages on www.adeliowa.org Volume 288 vSecond Chamber Annual Dinner Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016 @ 10:30 a.m. Free program for both boys and girls — Ages 6-15 Held at the football field at Kinnick-Feller Park Local winners will advance to the Sectional Competition at a location to be announced. For more information, please contact Adel Park and Rec. at (515) 993-4525. Pre-registration is required by visiting www.nflppk.com Summer is drawing to a close as we prepare for an exciting fall September 2016 2016 Season Adel Family Aquatic Center Our next Garage Sale of the year is Friday, September 30 from here at the Adel Public Library. September brings the third annual 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 1 from 10:00 a.m. to All Dallas County Reads 1 Book programs in Perry, a new Noon. All proceeds from the monthly Garage Sales are used by Anything Goes Gift Basket Silent Auction benefitting our Friends the Friends of the Adel Public Library Foundation for special Foundation, as well as a new children’s program called Monday projects and programs at the library. Move n’ Groove. Kid’s activities are back! We’ll have an Early Out Movie on Read with us this fall as part of our third annual Dallas County Wednesday, September 14 at 2:00 p.m. when we’ll watch the Reads 1 Book. This year we’ve chosen the mystery novel movie “King Fu Panda III” on the big screen. Our new Monday “Missing Pieces” by Heather Gudenkauf. Tickets for the Read Move n’ Groove will exercise, dance, and play on Monday, and Meet with Ms. Gudenkauf on Tuesday, September 20 are September 26 at 2:00 p.m. available at any Dallas County library. The Read and Meet is at 5:30 p.m. at the Hotel Pattee in Perry, where hors d’oeuvres and Join Dallas County residents Diana and Glenn Vondra, volunteer refreshments will be served. Following the Read and Meet, ambassadors for Road Scholar, and learn about the Road Ms. Gudenkauf will speak at 7:00 p.m. at the Perry High School, Scholar Ambassador Program and their life changing travel this event is free and open to the public. options on Wednesday, September 7 at 6:30 p.m. Diana and Glenn have travelled the world, visiting six continents, and will This September, Friends of the Adel Public Library Foundation discuss different options that Road Scholar provides. will have their first ever Anything Goes Basket Silent Auction. Starting the week of Labor Day, we will be collecting Story Time for kids ages 3-5 years meets on Mondays, Toddler baskets at the library and the silent auction will then run from Time for children ages 3 and under is on Tuesdays, while Music September 12 at 10:00 a.m. through September 30 at 5:00 p.m. Time for all preschoolers meets on Thursdays. On the second The money raised will go for additional shelving for our library. Saturday of each month we’ll have Second Saturday Stories We want to offer baskets that can be used all year or given away for kids of all ages. Fall programs begin on Saturday, September as gifts, and this will be in place of the basket silent auction we 10 and each of these programs meet in the story time room at normally have during the holiday season. Put your thinking caps 10:30 a.m. on and surprise us with a basket that will be the hit of the silent auction! However, if you need some ideas, there will be a list at the library with some suggestions for basket themes. Please stop by the library to pick up the form that you will need to turn in when you bring in your basket. Enjoy Adult Coloring with us on Monday, September 19 at 2:00 p.m. We have everything you need to relax and have some fun! As always, information about the Adel Public Library and all of our clubs, events, and programs is available on Facebook and our website at www.adelpl.org.
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