hots v18(april) - i
hots v18(april) - i
18 A P R I L 2 0 14 REGI SPONS STER HIP S R O 06 KERS SPEA IB ASIA PACIFIC ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2014 CONFERENCE EDULE SCH LAPORAN KHAS UP 10 THUMBS FROM SARAWAK FOR i-THINK PEOPLE ILLUSTRIOUS 12 AN CAREER IN TEACHING LEARNING SEARCH FOR 18 THE STORYMAKERS BEGINS! HOTS MESSAGE 04 06 10 12 14 16 Hot & Happening IB Asia Pacific Annual Regional Conference 2014 Thumbs up from Sarawak for i-THINK An illustrious career in teaching Galeri International Thinking Skills Conference 2014 18 The search for StoryMakers begins! 20 Andrik Lim Kai Shan wants to be a professional squash player 21 22 23 The Headlines Peraduan HOTS Main Mind PERADUAN HOTS Apa Khabar i-THINKers! Pada pertengahan bulan April, 1000 buah sekolah akan mula mengikuti Kursus i-THINK Dalam Talian (KiDT) yang merupakan berita baik untuk wawasan negara bagi melengkapkan generasi akan datang dengan berfikiran kritis dan inovatif. Kursus kepada pembimbing KiDT telah berjalan dengan lancar dan kursus ini juga telah diterima baik oleh guru-guru kerana ia amat menyeronokkan. Kehilangan pesawat MH370 baru-baru ini merupakan berita sedih bagi semua rakyat Malaysia dan luar negara. Kami turut bersimpati ke atas keluarga dan rakan-rakan yang terlibat dengan kejadian tersebut. Peraduan HOTS menawarkan sebuah lagi Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 sebagai hadiah dan kami berharap lebih ramai murid-murid akan mengambil bahagian dalam peraduan ini. Kami berharap artikel-artikel yang disiarkan dalam isu ini adalah berguna kepada anda semua dan segala komen dan maklumbalas dari anda amatlah dialu-alukan. HOTS juga ingin mendengar pendapat pelajar-pelajar, guru-guru dan ibu-bapa dan digalakkan menghantar semua pertanyaan, video klip, testimoni atau pengalaman dan sumbangan lain kepada atau schools. Terima Kasih! 1 SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 3 UNTUK DIMENANGI Lihat muka surat 22 untuk menyertainya [email protected] Hello i-THINKers! Another 1,000 schools have come on board the i-THINK programme which is good news for the nation’s vision to equip Malaysia’s next generation of innovators to think critically and be adaptable in preparation for the future. The online training of the teachers has been going on smoothly and the interactive manner of the training is also well received by the teachers since it is a fun way to learn. Everyone is saddened with the disappearance of MH 370 and we would like to express our sadness and sympathy to the family and friends of those who were on board. The Peraduan HOTS will be offering another Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 as the prize and we hope more students will participate in the contest. We hope the articles which we publish in this issue is useful to students, teachers and parents and we would be happy to publish your comments on these stories so please feel free to write or e mail us. HOTS would also like to hear the opinion of students, teachers and parents on i-THINK and education issues, please send all inquiries video clips, testimonials or experiences and other contributions to or Happy i-THINKing! 02 03 HOT & HAPPENING Adakah Bulan Berputar? Pemerhati-pemerhati di Bumi mengetahui bahawa Bulan pada dasarnya sentiasa berada pada sisi yang sama ketika ia menghadap planet kita semasa melalui orbitnya. Ini boleh membawa kepada persoalan, adakah bulan berputar? Jawapannya adalah ya , walaupun ia mungkin kelihatan bertentangan dengan apa yang mata kita perhatikan. Bulan mengorbit Bumi sekali setiap 27.322 hari. Ia juga mengambil masa lebih kurang 27 hari untuk Bulan berputar sekali pada paksinya. Akibatnya, Bulan kelihatan seolah-olah tidak berputar dan dilihat oleh pemerhati di Bumi seolah-olah tidak bergerak langsung. Saintis memanggilnya sebagai “putaran synchronous”. Sisi bulan yang sentiasa menghadap Bumi dikenali sebagai bahagian dekat bulan. Bahagian yang bertentangan atau “bahagian belakang” ialah bahagian jauh bulan. Kadang-kadang bahagian jauh ini dipanggil bahagian “gelap” bulan, tetapi ini tidak tepat. Bila Bulan berada antara Bumi dan Matahari, semasa bulan berada di fasa bulan baru, sisi belakang bulan bermandikan waktu siang. Namun begitu orbit dan putaran bukanlah betul-betul sepadan. Bulan bergerak mengelilingi Bumi dalam orbit elips, bentuk bulatan yang sedikit diregang keluar. Apabila bulan berada paling hampir dengan Bumi, putarannya adalah lebih perlahan daripada pergerakannya melalui ruang angkasa, membolehkan para pemerhati untuk melihat tambahan sebanyak 8 darjah di sebelah timur . 1MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL TOURISM NIGHT FLORAL PARADE 12 Jun 2014 - 15 Jun 2014 | Putrajaya Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk menyaksikan pameran bunga dan kereta berhias yang dihias dan direka indah dalam perarakan dengan bunga-bungaan pelbagai jenis dan warna. Datanglah ke Putrajaya di mana seluruh bandar dipenuhi dengan pelbagai jenis bunga yang cantik. 04 Apabila Bulan berada pada jarak paling jauh, putarannya adalah lebih cepat, jadi tambahan sebanyak 8 darjah akan dapat dilihat di sebelah barat . Jika anda boleh membuat perjalanan di sekitar bahagian gelap bulan sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh angkasawan Apollo 8 suatu masa dahulu, anda akan melihat permukaan yang sangat berbeza dari apa yang anda bayangkan untuk lihat. Ketika bahagian dekat bulan kelihatan licin dengan maria (dataran besar dan gelap yang dihasilkan oleh aliran lava yang memejal) serta pergunungan bulan yang bercahaya, bahagian jauh bulan dipenuhi dengan kawah yang banyak. Melaka River 24 Mei 2014 – 23 Jun 2014 Melaka Jangan lupa menikmati keseronokan dengan aktiviti yang dipenuhi dengan program di sepanjang Sungai Melaka. Anda akan terpesona dengan pelbagai aktiviti yang telah diatur sehingga membuatkan pesta ini menjadi satu kenangan yang tidak mungkin boleh dilupakan. Earth’s Tectonic Plates Earth which suffers from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and other disasters does not sound like an ideal habitat but Earth’s grinding plates, the source of its deadly tectonics, are actually one of the key ingredients that make it the only planet with life in the solar system (found so far). Now, a new model seeks to explain why Earth’s plate tectonics is unique among the sun’s rocky planets. It all comes down to tiny minerals in rocks. “What goes on in rocks has helped us understand how plate boundaries evolve,” said David Bercovici, a geophysicist at Yale University and lead author of the new study. Plate tectonics is a widely-accepted theory that says the Earth’s outer surface, or crust, is divided into rigid plates. These plates move around the planet on top of convection currents in the mantle, the hotter rock layer between the crust and Earth’s core. The crust is recycled back into the mantle at subduction zones, where one plate bends down under another. Tectonic p lates of th e Earth. (G raphics fr om USGS ) WRISTBAND COULD MEASURE YOUR EXPOSURE TO POLLUTANTS More than 1,000 chemicals in the environment could be detected with a silicone wristband, giving wearers information about the chemicals they are exposed to in their everyday lives, researchers say. The wristbands are made out of the same material as popular charity bands (such as LiveStrong), but the material has been modified to absorb chemicals from the air and water around a person, as well as their skin. In a study of 30 volunteers who wore the bands for a month, the bands picked up nearly 50 different chemical compounds. The researchers hope that one day, the bands could be used in studies to help link chemicals in the environment to health effects, said study researcher Kim Anderson, a professor at Oregon State University's College of Agricultural Sciences. “It’s important to understand how the environment affects people, and the first part of that is to understand what our exposures are,” she said. 05 LAPORAN KHAS IB ASIA PACIFIC ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2014 Themed “Ways of Knowing”, the conference focused on change, development and ongoing inquiry in the IB world and that at IB World Schools. Ways of knowing - are continually challenged, ever learning and always adapting. KERS SPEA 06 Professor Marcus du Sautoy, OBE Professor du Sautoy’s credits include being voted one of the 100 most influential people under 40 in Britain in 2004 by Esquire magazine and among others, being awarded the Royal Society’s Faraday Prize, the UK’s premier award for excellence in communicating science. Professor du Sautoy received an OBE for services to science in 2010. Each year the International Baccalaureate, Asia Pacific Global Centre presents the IB Asia Pacific Annual Conference and it provided an excellent opportunity for educational leaders and decision makers in schools, universities and governments to come together to share best practices around cultivating the way we are educating students and creating an education system that nurtures their abilities. Professor du Sautoy’s keynote focused on how the language of math is at the forefront of the technological changes that are sweeping through society and that the younger generation should understand and appreciate the breadth, depth, complexity, and beauty of the discipline that is mathematics. Mr Richard Gerver Richard Gerver, principal, author and education policy advisor to the UK Government. At the age of 32, Mr Gerver was appointed the new principal of The Grange School, a very poor performing school in all of Great Britain. Leading dramatic change, the Grange school became a model of transformation and innovation. HIP S R O SPONS The Innovation Skills/Education team recently attended the IB Asia Pacific Annual Conference 2014 in Singapore with 10 head teachers, 10 IB coordinators and three officials from the MoE. The conference centered on three renowned inspirational keynote speakers: Mr Gerver’s very animated and humorous keynote address touched on how it is education that defines the success of a country’s ability to control and manage change. The mass education system that we experienced was created for a different time and place. But over time, it has changed little and if we do not make that change we would be ill-prepared to face the challenges that are already upon us. We appear to be caught in a world where people are afraid and paralysed by the prospect of change and overwhelmed by crisis. Mr Gerver believes that we must give education a radical rethink towards its purpose, the approach and its values. 07 LAPORAN KHAS Professor Lawrence Krauss EDULE SCH Professor Lawrence is a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author, and Foundation Professor of the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University. Professor Lawrence is the winner of numerous awards and the only physicist to have received honors from the American Physical Society, the American institute of Physics and the American Association of Physics Teachers. Professor Lawrence’s opening statement said, ‘Too often we teach students as if the answers matter, when in fact it is the questions that matter’. This could have been more apt. His keynote spanned the universe, on scientific discoveries to space and time ending with our origins and our future. CONFERENCE Dr. Sohail Inayatullah who presided over the leadership symposium on “Shaping Alternative Futures in Education” saw discussions on the developing knowledge and skills in exploring probable and preferred futures for schools in the Asia Pacific Region rta e s e P s la a B m lu k Ma ik) nan IB (Asia Pasif Persidangan Tahu ya sebagai sa da pa ri peluang ke be em m h la te itu dan berbincang k berkomunikasi tu un r lam to na di or co berkecimpung da yang telah lama a ek lah er m te ya an sa ng , de tersebut an adanya ruang ng manya De i. ta in ru te ng ru da bi alaman ba ng pe n da u ilm banyak menimba dari segi n role # teacher-libraria ng aching and learni te # approaches to indedness # International m sty ne # academic ho ange in IB ch e # managing th t ya telah mendapa rsidangan itu, sa pe iri ad gh en m usan Juga daripada ang cara pengur kit sebanyak tent di se ote speaker yn an ke ah ya ed ga nd , pe Asia Pacifik at gk rin pe ra ca workshop persidangan se breakout sessions ra ca rta se ah m memberi cera dikendalikan. ua peserta bih baik jika sem le ah al ad , ssion, ya sa tiap breakout se Pada pendapat gan daripada se an nt be da m pa pe in la de session dibekalkan sli ghadiri breakout en m t pa ti da ha ak s rpua kerana saya tid ruhannya saya be a. Secara keselu . waktu yang sam rsebut dipersidangan te dengan sesi-sesi , Sarawak. ri SMK Sg. Tapang Angela Bong da Sesi Mesyuarat MYP Sesi MYP Coordinators Meeting (New) telah disediakan khas untuk MYP Coordinator yang baru masuk ke alam International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) dan diketuai oleh Puan Kim. Beliau merupakan seorang MYP Manager yang berpengalaman selama lebih daripada 10 tahun. Sebanyak lebih daripada 50 orang peserta tertarik dengan gaya persembahannya yang dinamik dan prihatin. Masa inilah semua peserta mengambil peluang untuk menanya soalan yang berhubung dengan pelaksanaan IBMYP di sekolah masing-masing dan pada masa yang sama, mendapat maklumat baharu dan terkini daripada pihak International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO). Antara isu-isu yang dibincangkan ialah MYP Next Chapter, MYP moderation, certification and eAssessment, New MYP model, dan sebagainya. Para peserta turut dimaklumkan supaya memulakan pelaksanaan IBMYP menggunakan model yang baharu dan secara berperingkat. Sekolah turut digalakkan supaya menjalani Community Project sebagai langkah persediaan untuk Personal Project yang diwajibkan semasa akhir tahun pembelajaran MYP. Secara keseluruhannya, sesi ini sememangnya membawa manfaat yang banyak kepada para peserta dan ditamatkan dengan tepukan gemuruh daripada para hadirin sebagai tanda terima kasih antara satu sama lain. 08 09 LAPORAN KHAS Thumbs up from Sarawak for i-THINK Thinking Maps memang senang untuk dipakai. Ia menambahkan ilmu dan menjimatkan masa. Agensi Inovasi Malaysia recently visited SK Tan Sri Datuk Hj Mohamed in Sarawak as part of their mentoring programme and spoke to students from Class 6A about the i-THINK programme which the school has been running for 2 years. Here are their comments: Thinking Maps mudah untuk dipakai dan dibuat. Ia meningkatkan kreativiti saya kerana saya dapat membuat corak. From l to r: Claudia Sheafer, Nor Asma Zulaikha, Viviana Justin, Erica Pauleta From l to r: Vanessa Anderson, Ashley Miyake, Fressca Nujong, Nur Amiesya Najwa Schools in the i-THINK programme are encouraged to adopt collaborative learning. Classrooms are configured in groups of 5 or 6 allowing students to consult and discuss ideas with their peers bringing about a better learning environment. Mudah untuk diguna dalam bahan belajar. “Saya minat i-THINK kerana saya dapat peluang untuk memikir luar kotak. Selain daripada itu, topik2 lebih senang di fahami.” It makes you think without the use of books (memorisation) and I like it when we collaborate. 10 Peta Pemikiran ini membenarkan saya untuk memikir dengan lebih luas dan membolekan saya menambahkan ilmu. Ia juga menguji minda kami. Yang paling menyeronokkkan ialah pembelajaran usaha bersama. Petikan menjadi lebih ringkas dan kita boleh jawab soalan dengan cara yang mudah. Saya juga bersetuju dengan rakan sedarjah saya. Cara i-THINK lebih mudah dan ringkas dibanding dengan cara lama . Kerja sekolah sekarang lebih ringkas dan saya suka belajar dengan kawan kawan. SK Tan Sri Datuk Hj Mohamed’s very effective Drive team headed by, from l to r: Harunoor Ismail, Mimilia Gabriel and Dayang Zubaidah. From AIM are Hamidah Ayub Khan and Lionel Jackson. 11 PEOPLE What changes have you seen among the teachers since i-THINK was introduced? Most teachers change their attitude and have positive thinking about the change. Wen Hua in Batu ) (C K SJ of r ste ma ad he e th m, Ong Ching Na r the i-THINK programme, de un ol ho sc se ca ow sh a , am nd Bere hing profession. HOTS ac te e th in s ar ye 38 er aft ed tir recently re ese are his frank answers. interviewed him recently and th How many years have you been a teacher and what made you choose teaching as a career? I’ve been a teacher for 38 years. I’m interested in educating the young ones. In fact my first ambition when I was young was to be a policeman but my mother disagreed due to the nature of a policeman’s job. She said it could be dangerous. Being a filial son I have to go with what she said because I love her. She was so happy when I became a teacher after graduation. How do you feel about i-THINK being introduced in your school as a pilot project? I feel great about it because it is very challenging. 12 There should be a continuation of the i-THINK programme in primary and secondary education. In my opinion, there is always room for improvement in adopting new teaching methodologies. Teachers’ commitment and willingness to change is important in this aspect. They must strive for continuous professional development in order to improve their teaching styles. To be an adviser and provide free service. I’m now joining education related associations to provide free service. At the same time, I’m also actively involved in promoting basketball sports as the Chairman of Melaka Basketball Association. I also play badminton during my free time to stay healthy. I would also like to thank Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) for giving me this opportunity to offer my opinion in HOTS. What is your advice for teachers and those who want to become teachers, from your years of experience in the teaching profession? Teachers should have a professional approach and be well equipped with skills. They must love the school and love the students. In addition they must share the same mission with the head teachers to bring improvements for the school. They must also work in collaboration with colleagues. What do you think are some of the highlights of your career? I’m happy and proud to be promoted as headmaster at a young age after 10 years in the school. I must thank my colleagues for supporting me in the journey. We worked together and achieved many things as a group with the same mission i.e. to bring improvements for the children and the school. Do you think future Malaysian children will become more innovative and creative with the new teaching method and if yes, why? What are your plans after your retirement from teaching? How will you describe the impact of i-THINK in teaching and learning in your school? The teachers and pupils think during the process of teaching and learning. The students used to rely heavily on the teachers in their studies and I can see the changes after the introduction of the i-THINK programme where they became more independent. They always ask questions and try to answer the questions on their own without waiting for the answers from the teachers. We no longer gave them the fish, instead, we taught them how to fish. 13 GALERI CATEGORY 1 WORKSHOP FOR COORDINATORS 24-26 March 2014 14 15 PEOPLE International Thinking Skills Conference 2014 Steve Higgins Steve Higgins is Professor of Education at Durham University. He moved to Durham in 2006 from Newcastle University, where he was a member of the Thinking Skills Research Centre. Before this he taught in primary schools in the North East. His research interests include understanding how children’s thinking and reasoning develops and he is the lead author of the Sutton Trust/EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit. 16 Mike Gibbons Mike Gibbons’ career in education and public services began in 1972, teaching English and Drama in a large comprehensive school in the West Midlands. In 2002, thirty years and four headships later, he joined the Senior Civil Service as the founding Lead Director of The Innovation Unit. Gibbons has experience in school leadership. He now leads a federation of academies and is a founder member of the Governing Council of the National College for School Leadership. The sixth annual International Thinking Skills Conference will be held on June 16 and 17 at Alexandra House, Wroughton near Swindon in England. School representatives from the United Kingdom and abroad will gather for two days to focus on the latest developments in cognitive education. The conference will offer a wide range of workshops and presentations appropriate for both early adopters of thinking skills and for those with greater experience looking for further development. The key speakers are Professor Steve Higgins of Durham University and Mike Gibbons, senior adviser at Ormiston Academies and former Lead Director of The Innovation Unit of England. Cost: One Day Fee: £235 Two-day fee: £375 Online Booking: The conference offers a wide range of workshops and presentations focusing on specific thinking pathways: visual tools, dispositions for mindfulness and questioning for enquiry. Workshops also include: Developing student character and dispositions for learning, Thinking for an outstanding Ofsted Lesson, Growing future Leaders, Thinking and the digital learner, Narrowing the attainment gap, Developing the thinking teacher, Classroom research – the lessons and Developing the independent learner. The International Thinking Skills Conference is now a well-established event attended by hundreds of delegates from across the globe. It provides an opportunity to meet and network with other school representatives interested in finding out more about the whole school approach to the teaching of thinking. Email: [email protected] Tel: 0044 (0) 1793 771506 17 LEARNING The search for StoryMakers begins! Free writing & story-crafting classes, fantastic prizes and a chance to co-author an adventure novel await 30 aspiring young writers. The search is on for future fiction authors via the StoryMakers League (SML) Challenge! Open to Malaysian children between the ages of 10 to 14 years-old, SML Challenge is an innovative project by Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) and publisher Shakespot Sdn Bhd to unearth and nurture potential young Malaysian writers, ultimately guiding and supporting them to successfully commercialise their creative work. SML Challenge combines a public short-story writing contest with a round-robin story-writing (co-creating) challenge, as well as a series of free bi-monthly classes on story-crafting, creative-writing, oral presentation, publishing and research. This project will eventually result in a publication of a novel, 18 set to be launched at the end of the year. The SML Challenge is hosted on UReka (, a crowdsourcing competition platform driven by Agensi Inovasi Malaysia, a statutory body in the Prime Minister’s Department tasked with encouraging innovation in the country. “Our objective at AIM is to increase the level of innovation and creativity in the different sectors in Malaysia, and to ensure ideas are commercialised to bring about economic and social impact. One of the ways to achieve this is to encourage private companies to post challenges for the public, especially youths, to contribute ideas that address these challenges. “The crowdsourcing challenge applied in the StoryMakers League not only would unearth and polish raw talents in story-writing among the young, but also provide a vehicle to turn their ideas and literary works into an actual product on the shelves,” said AIM CEO Mark Rozario. StoryMakers League will be on exhibit at the KL International Book Fair 2014 in April. As Malaysia has been chosen as Theme Nation for the Tokyo International Book Fair 2014 in July, it will be showcasing the StoryMakers League concept as an innovative approach to creating content and developing new writers. Aspiring writers interested in joining the StoryMakers League can start their journey by registering at Teachers can contact AIM to arrange a mini-workshop at your school. Shakespot Sdn Bhd Managing Director Sheikh Faisal Sheikh Mansor elaborated that the passion for story telling and writing need to be encouraged with guidance and inspiration. “That is why we are providing the free writing workshops to help these budding writers to hone their skill. At the end of the day, we hope to groom a group of young writers – StoryMakers – who would continue creating more literary works and see writing as a great career choice,” he said. For more info, please visit 19 LEARNING NEWS Andrik Lim Kai Shan wants to be a professional squash player is in Class d an d ol s ar ye 11 is m Li ik dr An tu Berendam, 5M from SJK (C) Wen Hua, Ba an Lee Lee Melaka. His class teacher is Puy Tab 3 by Fun. He won a Samsung Galax and writing providing all the right answers is is the a slogan in Peraduan HOTS. Th interview HOTS did with him. What do you think of the i-THINK programme? The i-THINK programme is a fantastic learning tool for me and it is fun. What do you do during your free time? I read story books, listen to music, watch TV programmes and play computer games. What games do you play? I play squash. Give a brief description of your weekday? Besides learning in school and doing homework, I go for my squash training every afternoon. What do you enjoy doing during the weekend? Having squash training and sparring with my coaches and friends. 20 What is your ambition and how do you plan to achieve it? I wish to be a professional squash player by training hard and win more tournaments. Who is the biggest inspiration in your life and why? My parents because they are very supportive and they are always there for me. Do you love music and who are your favourites? Yes, I do, very much. Christina Perri and Taylor Swift. If there is one good thing you want to do for the people of Malaysia, What will it be? To get them united and live in peace and harmony just as I can see in the squash family. What is your favourite food and why? Nasi lemak because it is spicy and delicious. What made you patiently answer all the questions in the contest? The grand prize, of course! What inspired you to write the slogan? The words i-THINK and how I practise it. Who is your role model who you would like to follow and succeed? Nicol David – the world number 1 women squash champion. Do you think education is important for young people and why is it important? Yes, education is important for young people because without education there is no better future. The slogan he wrote: i-THINK makes me think i-THINK teaches me skills i-THINK makes lessons fun i-THINK organises my thinking i-THINK arranges my thoughts Everything is easy with i-THIN i-THINK i-THINK is the best K Islamic g n o l e f i L plan n o i t a c u ed 4 06 April 201 y ws@n MMIM | ne ALMAN HA 50 terima tawaran Biasiswa Nasional 2014 2014/04/01 - 06:42:14 AM Oleh Mohd Azrone Sarabatin dan Muhamad Hafizi Omar s bines skill that com scheme launches ED: DPM ucation mic elong Isla BALANC ed n. d the Lif us mentatio y launche religio d its imple yesterda ce behin in Yassin training, driving for Muhyidd By RIZ Click to enlarge Sri es as the ister Tan igious unity colleg Prime Min g and rel with comm : DEPUTY skills trainin or PISH, LEDANG mbined gramme, mme co Pro gra on pro ati pursuits. 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Kuala Lumpur: Lima puluh pelajar paling cemerlang Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) tahun lalu, menerima surat tawaran Biasiswa Nasional 2014 untuk melanjutkan pengajian ke universiti terkemuka di dalam dan luar negara. Surat tawaran pembiayaan pengajian berdasarkan merit akademik meliputi pelbagai bidang diiktiraf kerajaan mulai peringkat persediaan sehingga ijazah pertama itu, disampaikan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Pendidikan, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin pada satu majlis di Bukit Kiara, di sini semalam. Lahir modal insan terbaik Berucap pada majlis berkenaan, Muhyiddin berkata, penajaan dan inisiatif seperti Biasiswa Nasional adalah pelaburan jangka panjang kerajaan bagi mencapai agenda pembangunan modal insan negara dan menghasilkan ‘kumpulan berbakat untuk masa depan’. “Matlamat akhir pelaburan itu adalah melahirkan modal insan terbaik yang dapat menyumbang kepada usaha menjadikan Malaysia negara maju dan berdaya saing,” katanya. Click to enlarge Beliau berharap penerima biasiswa berkenaan yang memilih universiti di luar negara, pulang berkhidmat di tanah air selepas selesai pengajian, seterusnya menjadi ejen misi mentransformasi Malaysia menjadi negara maju dan gemilang. Selain Biasiswa Nasional, dua inisiatif lain yang memainkan peranan penting dalam agenda pembangunan negara, disediakan kepada pemegang biasiswa Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), iaitu Akselerasi Bakat Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (TAPS) serta Program Penarikan dan Pengekalan Bakat (STAR). Sedia peluang Katanya, kedua-dua inisiatif khas itu dirangka untuk menyediakan peluang kepada pelajar tajaan JPA memajukan kerjaya masing-masing dalam bidang utama menerusi Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP) dan Program Transformasi Ekonomi (ETP) terutama membabitkan 12 bidang di bawah Bidang Ekonomi Utama Negara (NKEA). TAPS adalah inisiatif JPA dengan Razak School of Government bagi memberi peluang pelajar cemerlang tajaan JPA menyertai perkhidmatan awam. STAR pula inisiatif JPA dan Talent Corporation (TalentCorp) dalam membuka peluang pelajar tajaan jabatan itu untuk berkhidmat dengan syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) atau organisasi swasta terpilih. “Saya difahamkan sehingga kini, hampir 400 GLC serta swasta meliputi pelbagai bidang industri menyertai program ini, antaranya PETRONAS, Bank Negara, Maxis dan Khazanah Nasional,” katanya. the oth after hibition bo in at an ex mmunity iddin Yass Ledang Co hy at e Mu i m Sr ram ter Tan ion Prog ad. ime Minis ic Educat Abd Sam Deputy Pr ng Islam Syarafiq the Lifelo ay. Pic by launch of r yesterd ho Jo in College Beliau berkata, pelajar tajaan JPA yang tidak ditawarkan berkhidmat dengan kerajaan selepas menamatkan pengajian, layak menyertai program berkenaan yang juga platform untuk memastikan bakat terbaik tajaan kerajaan, kekal menyumbang khidmat kepada negara. “Inisiatif ini adalah usaha kerajaan untuk melahirkan perkhidmatan awam yang berprestasi tinggi, inklusif dan berjiwa rakyat. Ia selari dengan dasar kerajaan untuk ‘merakyatkan perkhidmatan awam’,” katanya. 21 CONTEST MAIN MIND PERADUAN HOTS Murid-murid mempunyai peluang untuk memenangi sebuah Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 dalam peraduan ini. Hantarkan jawapan dan maklum balas ke [email protected] Lengkapkan Peta Alir yang memberikan jawapan kepada soalan di bawah. Pelajar dikehendaki menghantar jawapan yang betul untuk soalan pertama bagi mendapatkan soalan seterusnya. Setiap jawapan yang betul akan dibalas dengan soalan susulan sehingga Peta Alir selesai. Pelajar yang telah melengkapkan Peta Alir perlu menulis slogan tidak lebih daripada 30 patah perkataan mengenai apa pendapat anda tentang program i-THINK. Tarikh tutup peraduan ini adalah pada 31 Mei 2014. Soalan 1 Tahun 2014 adalah Tahun Melawat Malaysia, pada tahun bila kali terkahir acara ini diadakan? Soalan 2 Soalan 3 Soalan 4 Soalan 5 Soalan 6 Soalan 7 Soalan 8 Soalan 9 Soalan 10 Soalan 11 Soalan 12 Soalan 13 Soalan 14 SLOGAN Tulis slogan tidak lebih daripada 30 patah perkataan mengenai apa pendapat anda tentang program i-THINK. Tarikh tutup peraduan ini dilanjutkan kepada 31 Mei, 2014. Murid-murid yang mengambil bahagian dalam Peraduan HOTS ini dikehendaki menghantar semua jawapan dan slogan sebelum akhir tarikh ini dan seorang murid akan memenangi satu Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. 22 Questions to make your brains go on overdrive? Answer them correctly and creatively to stand a chance of winning a 4G thumb drive. Soalan-soalan ini mungkin mengelirukan. Fikirkanlah sedalamnya sebelum memberi jawapan yang betul atau menarik dan anda berpeluang untuk memenangi sebuah Pemacu Kilat 4GB. Soalan 1 Soalan 2 Berapakah jumlah pada ruang yang kedua? @ @ @ # & # & # & # £ £ $ £ $ $ 24 ? 17 25 23 Why is it that people say they “slept like a baby” when babies wake up like every few hours? Soalan 3 Sekiranya anda diberi peluang, apakah perkara yang anda ingin tukar di dunia ini? 18 24 15 Soalan 4 If you sneezed on a computer, would it get a virus? Why Not? Soalan 5 Siapakah yang menjadi inspirasi anda untuk menjadi orang yang lebih baik? Sila hantarkan sebarang komen dan jawapan anda ke [email protected]. Penerbit HOTS: Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) 3501, Level 3, Quill Building 3, Jalan Teknokrat 5, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor. Tel: +603 8319 3116 Faks: +603 8319 3499 Emel: [email protected] 23
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