arts program - Glenelg Shire Council
arts program - Glenelg Shire Council
dre rama comedy opera music chil ea n ’s t h tre dan ce ex hib iti on s dr am a co m ed y op er a m usi c c hild re Glenelg Shire Council Arts Program January - June 2013 n ’s t h e a tr WELCOME It is with great pride and pleasure that I introduce the Glenelg Shire Council Arts Program for the first half of 2013. Once again, the Arts & Culture unit has assembled a busy and exciting range of performances, exhibitions and activities to offer to residents of the Shire over this six month period. Performances include Sticks, Stones, Broken Bones, an engaging, wordless, shadow puppet comedy show for all ages; The Revenge of The Bat (Die Fledermaus) to be presented in Casterton by Co-Opera; Sundowner, starring Helen Morse, a moving piece of theatre and choreography that explores the impact of early onset dementia; Moon, a stunning a cappella choral-theatre experience presented by The Australian Voices; and The Table Of Knowledge, a theatre piece exploring the so-called ‘sex for development’ corruption scandal that engulfed Wollongong City Council in 2008. Exhibitions are almost exclusively presented by talented local artists. These include the Portland Quilters 21st Anniversary Celebration; an exhibition of art work by students from Bayview College; exhibitions by Nikki Pevitt and Mischelle Star; the Local Eyes exhibition sponsored by United Way Glenelg; and a fascinating exhibition by Kate Anderson, a noted artist from New South Wales. In addition, several exhibitions curated by Trevor Smith, the Cultural Collection Officer, feature items drawn from Council’s unique, extensive and impressive Cultural Collection. These will be on display in various venues around the Shire. In July 2012, Council implemented an online booking service for the first time, thus providing an alternative means for purchasing tickets to performances. This service can be accessed via the Glenelg Shire Arts website – www.arts. Tickets for shows can also be purchased by credit card over the phone on 5522 2263, or in person at the Portland Arts Centre. I hope that you are excited by the variety in the Arts Program being presented from January to June 2013, and I encourage you to mark your favourites on the calendar to ensure you don’t miss out. Cr. Karen Stephens Mayor Glenelg Shire Council Performances At a Glance THE GIRLS FROM OZ 25 February, Portland 26 February, Casterton IT’S MY PARTY (AND I’LL DIE IF I WANT TO) 28 February STICKS, STONES, BROKEN BONES 15 March LITTLE BIG SHOTs - Forever Young 10 April TWO GRANDS, FOUR HANDS 12 April 360 ALLSTARS 26 April The Revenge of The Bat (Die Fledermaus) 30 April SUNDOWNER 21 May ALI MCGREGOR’S ALCHEMY 23 May MOON 29 May CHEEK TO CHIC 27 June THE TABLE OF KNOWLEDGE 29 June Jane O’Toole THE GIRLS FROM OZ Monday 25 February 10.30am Portland Tuesday 26 February 10.30am Casterton Australia has given the world some of its most shining musical stars – Nellie Melba, Gladys Moncrieff, Joan Sutherland, and June Bronhill. Jane O’Toole will excite you with her thrillingly beautiful voice and glamorous costumes as she performs the glorious melodies indelibly identified with our most famous “Girls From Oz” – La Boheme, La Traviata, The Sound of Music, ‘Velia’ from The Merry Widow, ‘Love Will Find A Way’ from Maid of the Mountains, and many, many more. Written and directed by Rod Anderson, with Musical Director Sue Goessling at the piano, this show will be a dazzling spectacle audiences won’t forget. PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE $15 Full price $10 Concession Henri Szeps in IT’S MY PARTY (AND I’LL DIE IF I WANT TO) By Elizabeth Coleman Thursday 28 February 7.30pm Henri Szeps stars as gruff, well ordered, quintessentially Aussie family man Ron, who is convinced he’s dying. With less than two hours to live, in a magnanimous gesture of loving finality, he hosts a party to break the news and offer his wife and children a few last quality moments. As the minutes tick down, Ron’s motives become increasingly blurred by the rising smokescreen he’s thrown over his dysfunctional family unit. Elizabeth Coleman’s (Secret Bridesmaids’ Business) deliciously funny and sweetly dark play It’s My Party (And I’ll Die If I Want To) is a comedy of anxiety, absurdity and occasionally terror. Like all great comedy, there is laughter … but the elbow jabbing at your ribs is a little bit sharper than expected. “Audiences will be both groaning with familiarity and rolling in the aisles. This is great fun.” - The Sunday Telegraph CASTERTON TOWN HALL $15 Full price $10 Concession PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE $45 Full price $40 Concession $10 Student $90 Family Running Time: Running time: Approximately 2 hours 20 minutes, including an interval 75 minutes Warning: Strong language and adult themes STICKS, STONES, BROKEN BONES Friday 15 March 7.30pm Come play in the dark! Sticks, Stones, Broken Bones is a wordless, shadow puppet comedy for all ages from Montreal, Canada. Jeff Achtem (Aka Mr. Bunk) presents a series of delicate, intricate comic sketches with his shadow puppets. Using a minimum of language in the show, his elaborate contraptions that generate the shadows fascinate, while his surreal cartoon shadows delight. The show transports children and adults into a giddy, funny dream world. In each scene the audience is invited behind the visual trickery, to witness the making of the shadow puppet melodramas. “It’s hard to imagine a more entertaining, generous or inspirational show” Fringe Review (Edinburgh) PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE $25 Full price $20 Concession $10 Student $60 Family Running Time: 45 minutes, no interval Warnings: Family entertainment however, some scenes may frighten very young children. We recommend 7+ LITTLE BIG SHOTS - Forever Young Melbourne’s International Film Festival for Kids Wednesday 10 April 11.00am and 6.00pm Little Big Shots features the best in local and international children’s shorts, animations, documentaries and child-produced films. The films screening in Little Big Shots inspire discussion of world cultures, different languages, cultural diversity, emotional intelligence and human values. Better still, we guarantee they will make kids laugh, whoop, think and create. The nine films include, Play Lunch, a 10 minute Australian film in English/Vietnamese, directed by Cassandra Nguyen. It won an award for Best Live Action Short (Children’s Jury) at the Chicago International Film Festival. PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE $15 Full price $10 Child Age range: 5 to 15 Running Time: 60 minutes, no interval TWO GRANDS, FOUR HANDS 360 ALLSTARS Friday 12 April 7.30pm Friday 26 April 7.30pm This is a brand new show from Promac Productions and a first for the Portland Arts Centre. Two sensational grand pianos head to head on stage and played by two virtuoso pianists. South African born concert pianist Len Vorster will be joined by Melbourne-based pianist Linda O’Brien, in what will be a memorable performance. Also joining Len and Linda will be international soprano, Alison Rae Jones and the ever popular, Chris McKenna as compere. Music will include everything from Ravel and Debussy through to Leonard Bernstein’s West Side Story and even Billy Joel, as well as some beautifully sung songs and loads of laughs. PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE $35 Full price $30 Concession $10 Student $72 Family A performance like no other, 360 ALLSTARS reinvents the traditional circus. Replace acrobats with breakdancers, substitute a basketball freestyler in place of a juggler, swap the unicyclist for a BMX flatlander, and throw in a Roue Cyr artist and you get an exhilarating circus performance, like nothing you have seen before! Gene Peterson (Aust) – Percussionist B-Boy Physicx (Korea) – Break Dancer B-Boy Simonster (Aust) – Break Dancer Peter Sore (Hungary) – BMX Flatlander Basketball Man (USA) – Basketball Freestyler Rhys Miller (Aust) – Roue Cyr artist Sam Perry (Aust) – Vocal Loop Artist Live looping, live music and stunning AV projections – 360 ALLSTARS will leave you dizzy with excitement! PORTLAND CIVIC HALL $30 Full price $25 Concession $10 Student $66 Family Running time: 100 minutes including interval Running time: 80 minutes, no interval Tour managed and coordinated by arTour, an initiative supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland Image: Jeff Busby Co-Opera presents THE REVENGE OF THE BAT (Die Fledermaus) KAGE SUNDOWNER Tuesday 30 April 7.30pm Tuesday 21 May 7.30pm Co-Opera’s new touring production, The Revenge of the Bat, traditionally known as Die Fledermaus, is world famous for its gorgeous music and ability to cast its spell over audiences of all nationalities and ages. Johann Strauss, the King of the Waltz, cleverly weaves his glorious melodies and dancing musical phrases around a lovable group of characters. The Revenge of the Bat is a great night out and a winning match for Co-Opera’s uniquely chic and funny adaptation. Audiences will be lured in by the central character, Eisenstein, the man who decides to go to a party rather than go to jail! This new production will be sung in English and set in the fun and fizzy times of the Art Deco Australian 1920’s. CASTERTON TOWN HALL $40 Full price $35 Concession $10 Student $80 Family “It’s the strangest thing. No longer being able to tell what is the past and what is the present . . . . .” Starring Helen Morse, Sundowner combines theatre, dance and physicality to tell the story of so many Australian families. Seen through the eyes of three generations, this exquisite production celebrates the love that binds us together. PORTLAND CIVIC HALL $45 Full price $40 Concession $10 Student $90 Family Running time: 2 hours 30 minutes including two 20 minute intervals Note: Cabaret style performance – BYO food and drink Running time: Warning: 80 minutes, no interval Suitable for 14+ (Years 9-12) Director: Kate Denborough Writer: David Denborough Performers: Helen Morse, Jackie Rees, Gerard Van Dyck, Gabrielle Nankivell, Stuart Christie with the Tivoli Lovelies Composer: Kelly Ryall with additional music by Paul Kelly and Megan Washington Created in partnership with Alzheimer’s Australia and toured by Perfoming Lines for Road Work ALI MCGREGOR’S ALCHEMY MOON Thursday 23 May 7.30pm By The Australian Voices Wednesday 29 May 7.30pm Ali McGregor traverses the worlds of opera, cabaret and popular culture like no other: a soprano with Opera Australia, one of the original stars of The Spiegeltent’s hit show La Clique, a regular guest on ABC’s Spicks & Specks. Her 2010 show Jazz Cigarette toured Australia and internationally to great acclaim. Straight from a hit season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Ali’s new show Alchemy draws on all her influences for inspiration – from opera to the trashy hits of the 80s & 90s. Working with the finest jazz musicians she creates unique hybrids from popular songs, standards and blues, jazz and Latin flavours. Expect to hear Madonna, INXS, Blur, Salt ‘n Pepa, like they were sung by a 1940’s siren in a Las Vegas club. Moon is a stunning a cappella choral-theatre experience by The Australian Voices – recently returning with 5 stars from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The first half is a classical choral concert with a range of beautiful choral works. Following intermission, the show enters choral-theatre mode with the intergalactic love story, Moon. This epic song of love, featuring 10 movements (songs), tells the story of the lonely Diana, her search for love and the twists of a very long-distance relationship. PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE $35 Full price $30 Concession $10 Student $72 Family ‘McGregor’s voice is phenomenal’ The Telegraph, UK ‘A bold, sexy jazz reinvention’ The Arts Journal, UK Moon Composer / Conductor: Running time: 100 minutes including a 20 minute interval Gordon Hamilton PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE $35 Full price $30 Concession $10 Student $72 Family Running time: 90 minutes with an interval Company: Alicat Tour managed and coordinated by arTour, an initiative supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland Image: Heidrun Lohr Hilary Henshaw CHEEK TO CHIC Thursday 27 June 10.30am Noel Coward and Cole Porter’s witty words and musical gems sparkle with the creative collaboration of Hilary Henshaw and Peter Hurley. Timeless favourites, including ‘I’ll See You Again’, ‘A Room With A View’, ‘Mrs Worthington’ from Noel and ‘Let’s Do It’, ‘Wunderbar’ and ‘Night and Day’ from Cole, all performed with panache, pizzazz and pathos. Portland audiences will be pleased to welcome back Hilary whose professional career covers performing with many of Australia’s major theatrical organisations, as well as on television. Peter Hurley has worked with the State Orchestra of Victoria and with his own show at the Melbourne Comedy Festival. “Excellent show, absolutely wonderful… great chemistry between Hilary and Peter… kept up pace throughout… we loved it!” Lawrence Money – The Age columnist PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE $15 Full price $10 Concession Running time: 75 minutes Morning tea is available prior to the show from 9.30 am. Cost: Gold coin donation A version 1.0 and Merrigong Theatre Company co-production THE TABLE OF KNOWLEDGE Saturday 29 June 7.30pm “This is a unique story, the kind of story that could only ever take place in a place like Wollongong. Or Port Macquarie. Or Randwick. Sex, lies and dirty deals . . . a compelling and hilarious interrogation of power, corruption and greed. In The Table of Knowledge, version 1.0 turns its forensic theatrical vision to the so-called ‘sex for development’ corruption scandal that engulfed Wollongong City Council in 2008. Using the transcripts of the ICAC Inquiry, the script is based almost entirely on the actual words of the central characters. This is an utterly compelling and hilarious interrogation of power, corruption and good governance in contemporary Australia. PORTLAND CIVIC HALL $40 Full price $35 Concession $10 Student $80 Family Or Burwood. Or Warringah...” Running time: 1 hour 45 minutes including interval Warnings: Strong language at times. 15+ A version 1.0 and Merrigong Theatre Company Co-Production. Toured by Performing Lines for Road Work, with the support of the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, through the national performing arts touring program, Playing Australia. Booking Information Community Arts Program Booking and Purchasing Tickets Online bookings – tickets may be purchased online by going to the Glenelg Shire Council Arts website – www.arts.glenelg. – and following the prompts. Access to online bookings closes 2 hours prior to the commencement of all performances. Phone bookings – tickets may be reserved or purchased by phoning the Portland Arts Centre on (03) 5522 2263 and can be paid for with Credit Card (VISA or Mastercard only). Booking In person – tickets may be reserved or purchased in person at the Portland Arts Centre, cnr Glenelg & Bentinck Streets, Portland. Normal office hours are 9.00am – 5.00pm week days, and the Box Office is also open 1 hour prior to the commencement of all performances. Ticket Categories • Concession prices are available to all holders of Pension Cards, Health-care Cards, Seniors Cards and to tertiary students. Proof of entitlement may be required • Student/Child prices refer to persons 18 years or under • Companion Cards are accepted on proof of entitlement • Family consist of 2 Adults plus 2 Children under the age of 18 years. Refunds A refund on tickets is available for no charge where an event has been cancelled, re-scheduled or relocated. In other circumstances, an administration charge of $2.00 per refund will apply. Special Assistance For wheelchair seating, or other assistance, please contact the Box Office on (03) 5522 2263 prior to the performance date. The Portland Arts Centre is fitted with an audio loop, and limited audio loops are available in the other three Council venues. For further information contact the Box Office on (03) 5522 2263. Running Times Running times of performances can be subject to change. Patrons are advised to check with the Box Office (03) 5522 2263 closer to the performance date. TWEET Project 2011 The Arts & Culture unit also works with the community to: • develop arts programs and projects that provide opportunities for community participation and involvement, especially for children and young people; • establish networks and partnerships between Council and other local organisations, which use arts activities to focus on improving community health and well-being; • provide support and advice to local artists and organisations for arts projects that offer benefits to the local community; • work in collaboration with the Regional Arts Development Officer (RADO) for SouthWest Victoria, to establish links and initiate community projects that cross Shire boundaries. A Community Arts Officer is currently based at Julia Street Creative Space, 19-21 Julia Street, Portland, and uses these facilities to provide community arts programs for the Portland community. Council aims to gradually extend these services to other communities across the Shire. Details of some of the Community Arts programs offered from January to June 2013 are outlined below. TRADITIONAL REALISM PAINTING with Brett Jarrett This six week course is designed to guide participants of all levels through the basic steps of traditional realist painting. Participants, whether they are new to painting or more experienced, will find Brett’s guidance on both technique and materials invaluable. Some easels will be available but participants are advised to bring their own materials. JULIA STREET CREATIVE SPACE A six week program every Monday, commencing 25 February Workshop time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm Cost: $240.00 Bookings: Mobile – 0408 536 349 Email: [email protected] A STITCH IN TIME artist talk and workshop series South West Victoria is a region rich in contemporary textile artists. This series will give an insight into the work of five different artists, each presenting a free artist talk each month. Participants will also have the opportunity to enrol in a mini workshop with the artist in the afternoon. A fee will apply for the workshops. Karen Richards, an award winning textile artist and designer will present the first session in the series. JULIA STREET CREATIVE SPACE Artist talks and workshops once a month on a Saturday, commencing 23 February. Free artist talks: 11.00am - 12.30pm Workshops: afternoon – time and cost TBC Bookings: Mobile – 0408 536 349 Email: [email protected] EXHIBITIONS At a Glance THE QUILTERS 21st ANNIVERSARY 4 February to 1 March LOCAL EYES 4 March to 29 March Sacred to the Memory of ... 1 April to 26 April THE PATTERN PROJECT 29 April to 24 May BAYVIEW 7 to 11 27 May to 21 June light & life 23 June to 19 July Several current and continuing exhibitions from the GLENELG SHIRE COUNCIL CULTURAL COLLECTION ALL ABOUT THE MAN Until 31 May 2013 CASTERTON TOWN HALL CELEBRATES 75 YEARS Until 30 June 2013 SOUVENIR Until 15 October 2013 CHILD’S PLAY Until 3 August 2013 THE QUILTERS 21ST ANNIVERSARY exhibition 4 February to 1 March Celebrating 21 years of the Portland Pioneer Quilters, this exhibition will give these talented women an opportunity to showcase the wide variety of work they have been creating both individually and as a group over the years. Around fifty items will be on display including the ‘Millennium Quilt’ which was gifted by the group to the Glenelg Shire Council’s Cultural Collection in 2006. This hand and machine pieced and appliquéd quilt has a central depiction of the Portland harbour surrounded by well known landmarks and historic buildings. Quilts by individuals will also be exhibited in a “Challenge” which will be judged and announced on the opening night. Other works on display include the very first quilt sewn by each individual member, and their current projects: recycled shirts given new life, quilted bags, cushions and toys. PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE Cnr Glenelg & Bentinck Streets Open weekdays 9.00am – 5.00pm Admission free LOCAL EYES exhibition 4 March to 29 March The United Way Glenelg “Local Eyes” is an exciting initiative, which aims to bring to life a snapshot into the lives of those living in our community. The project engaged five individuals who are currently supported by United Way Glenelg’s Community Partner Organisations, and aims to celebrate diversity and differences while strengthening and allowing the community to gain greater understanding of the challenges facing local people everyday. The five participants and their organisations are: Miranda Jones – Portland Re-engagement Program Eloise Saunders – Dhauwurd-Wurrung Elderly & Community Health Service Inc. Stephen Selwood – Kyeema Support Services Inc Darryl Brown – Heywood Rural Health Colin Hewson – Casterton Old Community Courthouse. United Way Glenelg is a local independent charity with a mission to build a strong community in the Glenelg Region by helping people. PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE Cnr Glenelg & Bentinck Streets Open weekdays 9.00am – 5.00pm Admission free Nikki Pevitt SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF . . . 1 April to 26 April Exploring ancestral links to the local environment and beyond, this exhibition will include installation and individual artworks made in response to the universal theme of identity. The importance of inherited stories and objects and an attempt to understand one family line in many, has provided the inspiration for many of the pieces. We all place value in different objects and items and it is human nature to collect or hoard a wide array of ‘things’, which become part of our identity, our memorabilia. Are they to become relics one day of our own past? Visitors to the space will also be invited to add their own trace in an interactive artwork and space. PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE Cnr Glenelg & Bentinck Streets Open weekdays 9.00am – 5.00pm Admission free THE PATTERN PROJECT 29 April to 24 May A fascination with pattern as both an embellishment of daily life and as a universal human tendency, underlies Kate Anderson’s latest body of work. Taking her cue from embroidery patterns found in Beijing’s Panjiyuan ‘dirt market’, Anderson’s musings developed as she progressed in her travels – south to Chengdu (a well-known centre for Chinese brocade) and later to the Russian city of St Petersburg. These strikingly different locations, which may appear to have little in common culturally, have distinct and complex histories as centres for the decorative arts. The artist began by documenting what she saw, then weaving her own visual narrative alluding to both past traditions and contemporary approaches. This includes creating a floor-to-ceiling wallpaper installation, a video work and assemblage of memento-type boxes. She has also created representations of delicate rice-paper templates, which are used by traditional Chinese embroiderers to map their intended designs. [The above description is based on an article by Damian Smith, Director and Editor-in-Chief of Words For Art] PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE Cnr Glenelg & Bentinck Streets Open weekdays 9.00am – 5.00pm Admission free BAYVIEW COLLEGE 7 to 11 exhibition LIGHT & LIFE exhibition 27 May to 21 June 24 June to 19 July Bayview Secondary College presents a melting pot of Year 7 to 11 student works. The showcase includes visual arts, graphic communication and design, textiles and wood crafts. PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE Cnr Glenelg & Bentinck Streets Open weekdays 9.00am – 5.00pm Admission free Local artist Mischelle Star presents an illuminating exhibition of bright colours to stimulate the senses, in scenes of landscape, abstract and contemporary illusions. She uses house paints and mixed media to create an exhibition of bold colours and texture, which relate to our light along our life path being illuminated for us in many different ways, so that we experience moments that become memories in our life. PORTLAND ARTS CENTRE Cnr Glenelg & Bentinck Streets Open weekdays 9.00am – 5.00pm Admission free CULTURAL COLLECTION Glenelg Shire Council ALL ABOUT THE MAN Until 31 May 2013 G.H.L. Pentland Casterton 1889 Oil on canvas Gift of the Casterton and District Historical Society Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection The Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection has evolved since the earliest days of local government in south west Victoria and now includes approximately 9,000 items. The collection encompasses objects, photographs and records relating to the social, maritime and civic history of the Shire, an art collection and public art. The collection documents the region’s unique history, environment and people, and contains objects of state-wide and national significance. The Cultural Collection Strategic Plan (2009-2014) guides Council in the management, use and care of the collection. Aspects of the Cultural Collection can be seen in permanent and temporary displays at Portland’s History House, Rocket Shed and Maritime Discovery Centre; temporary exhibitions in the Casterton Town Hall foyer; and occasional exhibitions at the Portland Arts Centre. The above painting, which is part of the Cultural Collection, recently underwent conservation work and is on permanent display in the foyer of the Casterton Town Hall. With a focus on masculinity, this display brings together a selection of recent acquisitions from the Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection. Many photographs and objects in the display are on public view for the first time, together with several items donated by Miss Betty Vivian of Portland including hats, canes, collars, saddler tools and Portland Rifle Club paraphernalia. Other items include a cut-throat razor made in Hamburg, Germany as a special order for Mr. L. Nowacki of Casterton, a fragment of glass from the Portland jail, and a headlight cover used during the World War Two blackouts. HISTORY HOUSE Cliff Street, Portland Open daily 10.00am to 12 noon 1.00pm to 4.00pm (except Good Friday & Christmas Day) Admission: Adult $2.50 Pensioner/Child/Student $1.50 School groups 50c per student CASTERTON TOWN HALL CELEBRATES 75 YEARS Until 30 June 2013 This exhibition celebrates the 75th anniversary of the opening of Casterton’s Town Hall. Built at a cost of £12,000 with elaborate furnishings costing £2,600, the Art Deco style hall was officially opened by State Governor Lord Huntingfield in December 1937. Material for the exhibition has been drawn from Casterton and District Historical Society, Casterton Community Arts and Craft Association, Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection, National Library of Australia, Hamilton Art Gallery and private collections within the Glenelg Shire. CASTERTON TOWN HALL (foyer) 67 Henty Street, Casterton Open weekdays 9.00am to 5.00pm Admission free SOUVENIR Until 15 October 2013 Everyone loves to receive a postcard in the mail, and most would have some odd trinket tucked away at the back of the cupboard purchased while on holidays. Postcards and souvenirs from Portland dating from the late 19th century to the 1970s come together in this exhibition from the Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection. The postcards show the changing face of Portland in the 20th century through a series of postcards of the foreshore, harbour, streetscapes, hotels and churches. The souvenirs include crockery, glass view-ware, felt pennants, cloth patches and tea towels, and range from the functional to purely decorative and from tasteful to wonderfully kitsch. PORTLAND MARITIME DISCOVERY CENTRE Lee Breakwater Road, Portland Open daily 9.00am to 5.00pm Admission free CHILD’S PLAY Until 3 August 2013 Discover child’s play of days gone by in this exhibition of card games, games of skill, dolls, tea sets, money boxes, and novelties. This display includes many items recently donated to the Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection by Miss Betty Vivian of Portland. Highlights include a fully functioning toy mangle, a beautifully illustrated “Happy Families” card game, a baby’s bonnet worn by Marianna Trangmar in the 1820s, and a wooden cat given to Betty Vivian in the 1930s. HISTORY HOUSE Cliff Street, Portland Open daily 10.00am to 12 noon 1.00pm to 4.00pm (except Good Friday & Christmas Day) Admission: Adult $2.50 Pensioner/Child/Student $1.50 School groups 50c per student Glenelg Shire Council acknowledges the assistance of the following funding bodies and partners in support of professional touring performances The Australian Government is proud to be associated with tours of Sticks, Stones, Broken Bones, 360 AllStars, The Revenge Of The Bat (Die Fledermaus), Sundowner, Ali McGregor’s Alchemy, Moon and The Table Of Knowledge through the national performing arts touring program, Playing Australia, which gives Australians across the country the opportunity to see some of the best performing arts. Bookings: 03 5522 2263 Portland Arts Centre Cnr Glenelg & Bentinck Streets Portland Vic 3305 Opening Hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday TTY users phone 133 677 Then ask for 03 5522 2263 Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 and then ask for 03 5522 2263 Internet relay users connect to the NRS then ask for 03 5522 2263 This brochure is printed on re-cycled paper.
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