A Collection of Hometown Holiday Ideas Grandpa Shorter`s
A Collection of Hometown Holiday Ideas Grandpa Shorter`s
www.harborlightnews.com Harbor Light Community Newsweekly 1B ThinkLocal Week of Nov. 28-Dec. 4, 2012 A Collection of Hometown Holiday Ideas Building Community - Together Celebrating our local businesses This time of year always makes us more thankful than ever to live in a community full of independent, locallyowned shops. While most of the country spends its pre-holiday dollars (and time) in exhaustive long lines, packed malls, or staring blankly at computer screens, we are able to stroll snowy sidewalks, peer in decorated windows and chat with neighbors and friends we meet along the way. We are able to celebrate the authenticity of our small towns, with their real holiday charm, their well-loved, festive traditions, and the folks who work hard to keep their doors open and their customers happy. In the following pages, you’ll find a huge array of great gift ideas from people who are part of your community. They support countless fundraisers, take pride in knowing your family, and create the throw-back charm we hold so dear. We invite you to browse these pages, and be reminded, again, of how lucky we are to call this slice of northern Michigan home. Shop in person if you can (it is so much fun!), but remember, calling in orders to support your favorite stores is a great way to show your love from afar, and also, the perfect chance to catch up on what’s happening around town. Especially now, in this season of gratitude and blessings, we encourage everyone to shop local first. Instead of letting the anxiety of commercialized holidays cloud the spirit of the season, you’ll be giving the gift of community with every purchase you make. -- Your friends at the Harbor Light Newspaper Kate Bassett, Charles O’Neill, Jessica Evans, Michelle Ketterer, Mark Flemming, Ruth O’Neill, Kevin O’Neill December 1- The annual Alternative Gift Fair will take place from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Petoskey. This event brings together a host of area nonprofit organizations and gives people the chance to “shop” donations that will help provide for basic health and human services in our community. Lunches will be available from Julienne Tomatoes. December 7- Downtown Petoskey Holiday Open House from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. This holiday tradition offers the community great music, food, and displays of holiday merchandise in all of the Downtown stores. The evening kicks off with the lighting of the Christmas tree by Santa in Pennsylvania Park between 6:00 – 6:30 pm, and will be featured live on 9 and 10 News. The Petoskey High School Steel Drum Band will also be performing Downtown starting at 6:30 p.m. In Pennsylvania Park, there will be traditional bean pots provided by the Snowmobilers Club, and the Kiwanis brat and hot dog tent will be set up by JC Penney’s. Brother Dan’s will have kettle corn on Howard Street, and the Sweet Adelines will be strolling the streets with their holiday songs. Other nonprofits will be on the streets with warm beverages and information for our attendees. For more information regarding holiday events, visit www.petoskeydowntown.com. December 8- Downtown Harbor Springs Merchants Holiday Open House, from 6-9 p.m. Main Street will be closed to vehicles and shops will stay open late during this annual celebration of local holiday traditions, complete with a performance by the Petoskey Steel Drum Band. Harbor Springs tree lighting ceremony, Saturday Nov. 24. Monogram Goods Wrap yourself in the luxury of a custom throw from Monogram Goods. European Fleece, Bamboo or Wool Cashmere In stock and available for quick embroidery turn around for the Holidays Grandpa Shorter’s Petoskey Stone Cheese Knives Treasures from the Shores Warm. Cozy. All-natural. Our sheepskin slippers are the perfect gift for those on your holiday list. Free gift wrap Monogram Goods 261 E. Main St Harbor Springs, MI 49740 Monday-Saturday: 11am-5pm 231-526-7700 www.monogramgoods.com Friend us on Facebook & Pinterest Tom’s Mom’s Cookies casual elegant clothing & shoes for men & women Featuring Lines of Denmark Enjoy FREE Gift Wrapping! We ship any where in the US too! Hilda of Harbor Harbor Springs Michigan grandpashorters.com 231.347.2603 301 E. Lake St. Petoskey A Seasonal Favorite Peppermint Cookies 301 E. LAKE STREET DOWNTOWN PETOSKEY 231-347-2603 • 1-866-746-7837 See our complete line of slippers at www.grandpashorters.com Available only during the Holidays Park City Utah 231.526.6914 State & Main Mon.-Sat. 11-5 tomsmomscookies.com 231.526.6606 267 S. Spring St. Harbor Springs 2B www.harborlightnews.com Harbor Light Community Newsweekly Week of November 28-December 4, 2012 The Colors of Crooked Tree Yarn threepinesstudio.com 231.526.9447 5959 W. Levering Rd. Cross Village Reusch Jewelers Making Holidays Bright, Since 1885 Nub’s Nob Stafford’s reuschjewelers.com 231.347.2403 427 E. Mitchell St. Petoskey Looking for the perfect Holiday treat for your favorite Nub’s skier or snowboarder? Give the Gift of Stafford’s – Always a Perfect Fit Stafford’s gift cards can be used at any Stafford’s location - Bay View Inn, Perry Hotel, the Pier or Weathervane Restaurants. Use them for dining, lodging, gift shop purchases and more. Stop by any Stafford’s establishment, choose a denomination and your Christmas shopping is done! www.staffords.com 800.737.1899 Savoir Faire • E XQ U I S I T E H O M E F U R N I S H I NG S • D I S T I NC T I VE I N T E R IOR DES IG N • C E L E B R AT E T H E H O L I DAY S W I T H J U L I S K A ! Why not order a Nub’s Nob Cool Cash Card! This gift card may be used to purchase lift tickets, rental equipment, cafeteria food, demo or tune services, or merchandise in our general store. You may purchase Cool Cash Card(s) on line or by calling 1-800-SKI-NUBS (754-6827). MacGregor’s Through December 15, shop the most extensive Juliska collection in northern Michigan and receive a complimentary gift with your purchase! 500 Nub’s Nob Rd. Harbor Springs, MI 49740 231.800.SKI.NUBS www.nubsnob.com “Good Dog Food at a Good Price!” Deer Bait Bird Seed & Feeders Dog/Cat Toys, Grooming Supplies, Treats, Supplements, Call 231/539-7100 Horse Feed & Grain, with your request $1 Suet Cakes,or Fish &us other Reptile Food. email at [email protected] Next to Harbor IGA 203 Clark St. 526-7160 Receive a Berry & Thread Three Section Server with a $150 minimum Juliska purchase or a Berry & Thread Large Scallop Serving Bowl with a $300 minimum Juliska purchase. 246 E. Main • Harbor Springs • 231.242.0224 W Wear OUTERWEAR WOMENS MENS WOW OPEN DAILY 185 EAST MAIN HARBOR SPRINGS 526.9780 Week of November 28-December 4, 2012 www.harborlightnews.com J.W. Shorter & Son Mercantile Bluebird Farms Soap Locally made soaps that are handcrafted with all natural materials. They smell great too! grandpashorters.com 231.347.6540 311 E. Lake St. Petoskey The Harbor Barber Harbor Light Community Newsweekly 3B Mary Ellen’s Place Specialty Hams since 1980 When Planning for the Holidays, Don’t forget our Fully Cooked Spiral Hams Ready to Eat 231.526.5591 145 E. Main St. Harbor Springs Hramiec Hoffman Gallery Mens Cuts - Youth Cuts Straight Razor Shaves Gift Certificates Available “Flowers for the Holidays” Christians’ Renolda Greenhouse & Florist Call for appointment:526-4299 643 E. Lake St. www.theharbor-barber.com hramiechoffman.com (231) 526-1011 6911 M119 Harbor Springs Open through the Holidays • Poinsettias • Wreaths and roping • Holiday Centerpieces • Potted and Cut Trees Cozy Comfort for that Special Someone... 40-60% off selected Christmas Decor Hours: M-F 9-5:30, Sat. 9-4 231.526.2851 692 East Lake Street Harbor Springs www.christiansgreenhouses.com Boyer Glassworks Handblown Glass Ornaments By the Bay Made in Harbor Springs Relief Maps For Any Lake 207 State St. 231.526.6359 boyerglassworks.etsy.com Harbor Springs Nautical Gifts for the Entire Family bythebay.com 231-526-3964 172 East Main St. Harbor Springs 4B www.harborlightnews.com Harbor Light Community Newsweekly Week of November 28-December 4, 2012 Gift Baskets Mon-Sat 10-5 231.526.5571 721 W. Lake St. Harbor Springs Shozam Good Through March 2013 clothing & accessories Mens and Womens quality resort wear. Winter Sale in progress! 231-242-4232 157 State Street Harbor Springs Sturgeon River Pottery $29.95. Choose one of our famous hand-crafted Bread Bakers and add one of our signature bread mixes. Makes a great serving piece for many occasions. Includes complimentary gift wrap. sturgeonriver.com 231.347.0590 Located between Petoskey and Bay Harbor on US-31 elle JAG JEANS ...a perfect fit every time! • classic • pull-ons • corduroy leggings 220 State Street Harbor Springs, MI 231.526.9644 Grandpa Shorter’s Brian Kidwell handmade Santas A perfect addition to your holiday decorations. One-of-a-kind grandpashorters.com 231.347.2603 301 E. Lake St. Petoskey BARBARA BOZ BOUTIQUE Live Stylishly 139 State Street - Harbor Springs [between Main & Bay Streets] 248.310.0978 www.stylenaturale.com Harbor Light Community Newsweekly www.harborlightnews.com Week of November 28-December 4, 2012 5B Essay Back Home By Jessica Evans A s I sit on the couch in front on my laptop, I can’t seem to tear my eyes away from the window as large, extremely fluffy white snowflakes fall softly outside. I marvel as my two dogs, Layla and Newtin, frolic in the backyard, noses tilted heavenward, as they occasionally try to consume this mysterious chilly substance. From the sound of it, you’d think I’d never seen snow before, when really I’ve lived through 23 northern Michigan winters before getting married four years ago and moving to Colorado and then North Carolina. My poor dogs on the other hand, who were adopted from North Carolina, seem to be having a difficult time understanding why it’s so cold and why this wet, white stuff keeps dropping from the sky. My husband Cory and I were both raised in the area and graduated from Harbor Springs High School. Recently, we moved back to Michigan and couldn’t be happier. Cory, who joined the military eight years ago, has traveled around the world and continually says he wouldn’t want to live anywhere other than here. I couldn’t agree more. I don’t know what it is about Northern Michigan that makes it such a magical area to live, but magical is word that comes to mind when I envision this place. While living in North Carolina, I remember trying to describe northern Michigan to people there. Most of the time I was greeted by puzzled stares when I tried to explain the unique beauty of each season here, the clear blue-green water of our lakes, and the genuine friendliness that exudes from so many of the people in our community. I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t homesick for all of this (those Pure Michigan commercials didn’t help), which is probably why I was always bragging up my hometown. A good friend of mine would tease me, “I’ll have to come visit this mystical land of rainbows and unicorns.” Interestingly, I had one coworker North Carolina who got it; he was from northern Michigan as well. On my last day of work, shortly before our move back, he said to me, somewhat wistfully, “I can’t say I’m not envious of you. Enjoy living back up in God’s country, because that’s exactly what it is.” I haven’t always realized what an amazing place this is. Prior to my wedding, I was excited to leave nothern Michigan and head out to Colorado for a change of pace. However, for the Jessica and Cory Evans next four and a half years Cory and I would head back up north for nearly every holiday and vacation we could manage. We’d find ourselves chatting frequently about what was happening in our little northern Michigan community and wondering how much snow they were getting that winter, how vibrant the color was that fall or how warm the bay had gotten that summer. Many people my age have moved out of the state in search of better employment, city living or simply a change of scenery, but there is something about this area that continually draws us back. I think so often people growing up in this small, closeknit community long to break out, get away and experience something new, and maybe better. It seems like it isn’t until we move elsewhere that we come to realize what an incredible place this is to live. For those of us who were lucky enough to grow up here, well, I personally couldn’t have asked to be raised in a better place. One thing I have come to appreciate is the the four distinct and ever-changing seasons here. I have so many childhood memories tied to the seasons; from making maple syrup and searching for morels every spring, taking the winding, scenic route to Sturgeon Bay to swim in the summer, making cider in the fall and of course in the winter there was always the thrill of walking out on the perfectly frozen lake to go ice fishing with my dad Perhaps one of the greatests assets of the area are our lakes. I grew up living five miles from Lake Michigan and was fortunate enough to enjoy miles of singing sand beaches and crystal clear waters all summer long, which in turn, has made me a bit of a water snob. When we found out there was a lake nearby our home in North Carolina, Cory and I of course jumped in the car, eager to check it out. I recall looking around when we got there, wondering if we were at the right place, because this was no lake. It would have been far more appropriate to call it a pond. A pond with tires on its banks and a few stray pop cans and candy wrappers floating near the dock. Needless to say, we did not go for a swim. The sense of community that is present here is another aspect of the area that I’ve come to know and love. People know their neighbors and even if they don’t, you wouldn’t know it. More often than not, I’m greeted with a smile and a hello from the stranger I see walking down the street. I remember being in the post office about a week after I had moved back to the area and watched in fascination as two women in line struck up a conversation. Pretty soon they were talking about their children and one who didn’t know better would have thought they were old friends. People here band together to help those in need and have a genuine desire to affect positive change in their community. While this spirit is present in most communities, it just seems that the residents here take extra pride in how they treat people and in their town. As the holidays approach, I find myself becoming more and more excited to participate in our small town events and gatherings. The Harbor Springs open house has always been a favorite event of mine, one I never skipped. This year I can’t wait to take a sleigh ride through my town and marvel at the beautifully decorated storefronts and Christmas tree in its usual spot at the end of Main Street. Unlike the many winters we’ve experienced up here, this one will be new and different, with a renewed appreciation for the beauty of the area and the caring people who bring warmth and meaning to this community. Like Cory, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else and we are both truly thankful to be back home. Jessica Evans is the news manager for the Harbor Light Newspaper Toski Sands Meat Market and Wine Shop Holiday Gift Basket Toski Sands SPA GIFT CARD BOYNE MOUNTAIN • THE INN LANDS AT BAY HARBOR • BOYNE HIGH www.BOYNESPAS.com Meat Market & Wine Shop Locally Owned and Operated since 1967 If you love food, you’ll love Toski Sands toskisandsmarket.com 231.347.9631 231.347.1571 2294 M-119 Give the gift of comfort this holiday season with a Boyne Spa Gift Card! Call 800.462.6963 to purchase your gift card today! The Spa at The Inn at Bay Harbor | Solace Spa at Boyne Mountain The Spa at Boyne Highlands | Solace Institute | BOYNESPAS.com J.W. Shorter & Son Mercantile The Hair House Shellac Manicures Acrylic, Fiberglass Enhancements and Spa pedicure 231.526.5321 181 W. Main St. Harbor Springs Caswell Masey soap Made in USA grandpashorters.com 231.347.6540 311 E. Lake St. Petoskey 6B www.harborlightnews.com Harbor Light Community Newsweekly Week of November 28-December 4, 2012 w w w . s k y i ri s . c o m Grandpa Shorter’s Thousands of Items grandpashorters.com 231.347.2603 301 E. Lake St. Petoskey Home, Kids, Teens, Baby, Furnishings, Bedding, Accessories Thousands of unique items Shipping worldwide Free local pickup A great boutique in your own backyard. 320 E Mitchell Street Downtown Petoskey 231.487.0805 West Main Pearls by elizabeth blair by Your Uptown Holiday Market CUSTOM GIFT BASKETS ANY TIME ENORMOUS WINE SELECTION Since 1960 231.526.2101 300 West Lake St Harbor Springs, MI [email protected] HarborSpringsIGA.com The Outfitter Elizabeth Blair HIP AND HABIT FORMING 115 W. Main Street | Harbor Springs, MI 231.526.7500 | ElizabethBlair.com Coyote Woman Gallery SKI Tuning Sales and Rentals Clothing • Footwear • Gear Adults and Kids outfitterharborsprings.com 231.526.2621 153 E. Main St. Harbor Springs PRINTS • SCULPTURES • BOOKS 160 East Main Street Harbor Springs 231• 526• 5889 BECKY THATCHER DESIGNS Sterling Silver Earrings with Freshwater Pearls and Black Spinel Glen Arbor Leland Traverse City from $65 Harbor Springs 117 W. Main St. 231.526.9336 beckythatcherdesigns.com www.harborlightnews.com Week of November 28-December 4, 2012 Harbor Light Community Newsweekly 7B Sturgeon River Pottery 1371 US 31 North Petoskey, MI 49770 (231) 347-7390 Save $16 $35.99 Value 1030 South State Street Harbor Springs, MI 49740 (231) 526-6288 49 $ Handcrafted Petoskey Stone picture frames. Crafted right here in Northern Michigan, these unique frames provide a reminder of the good life Up North. Available in 5x7 $69.95 and 8x10 $89.95. 99 Craftsman Cordless Rechargeable Work Light sturgeonriver.com 231.347.0590 Located between Petoskey and Bay Harbor on US-31 35 LED lights, Weighs just 2 -1/2 lbs. Durable plastic lens and body. Includes magnet, AC and DC chargers. 3302502 Hanni Gallery Island Bean Coffee Company Now featuring Etched Sterling Silver Serenity Prayer Necklace Higher Grounds 100% Fair Trade, Organic, Artisnal Coffee All of our coffee proudly roasted in Michigan (231) 526-2456 140 S. Spring St. Harbor Springs 231.526.9998 110 W. Main St. Harbor Springs Open all year J.W. Shorter & Son Mercantile Bay Tennis & Fitness Be good to your family this year- stay fit. Start a new family tradition this year by working out together! Bay Tennis and Fitness is rewarding families who join together. Annual Fitness Memberships x 3 = $55 mth. If you and your family purchase an Annual Membership beginning Dec 1, you will receive a special holiday gift. Choose One 8th Annual Holiday Art Bazaar A complimentary (hour session) family meeting with our Whole Nutrition Health Coach, Okee Westbrook. OR A complimentary family tennis lesson with a USTA Pro (valued at $135) grandpashorters.com ists. Handcrafted jewelry, scarves & knitwear, potHandmade Figurines 231.347.6540 tery, notecards, leatherwork, ornaments, holiday and home decor. Gift wrapping, shipping, by Lori Mitchell 311 E. Lake St.convenient baytennisandfitness.com 231.487.1713 Gurney’s Crooked Tree Arts Center Give a gift that has been created by local art- Petoskey parking and so much more. Located just off Harbor-Petoskey Rd, Directly behind Little Traverse Primary Care **EXTRA MEMBERSHIP Perk** Bay Tennis & Fitness adds on to every annual membership, three free personal training sessions. These personal training sessions add variety and experience to your workout by letting the professionals help develop a workout plan that works for all of your family’s different goals. (training valued at $150) 8th Annual Holiday Art Bazaar Now through December 19 “Lunch at Gurney’s” gift cards Makes a great stocking stuffer! 526-5472 215 E. Main St. Harbor Springs Give a gift that has been created by local artists. Handcrafted jewelry, scarves & knitwear, pottery, notecards, leatherwork, ornaments, holiday and home decor. Gift wrapping, shipping, convenient parking and so much more. crookedtree.org 231.347.4337 461 E. Mitchell St. 8B Grandpa Shorter’s Michigan Oven Mitts Week of November 28-December 4, 2012 Kelbel Pharmacy Puzzles! Warm. Cozy. All-natural. Our sheepskin slippers are the perfect gift for those on your holiday list. Downtown Harbor Springs 205 E. Main St. 231.526.5971 800.398.1390 grandpashorters.com 231.347.2603 301 E. Lake St. Petoskey ard 7-9967 www.harborlightnews.com Harbor Light Community Newsweekly Enjoy FREE Gift Wrapping! We ship any where in the US too! Irish Boat Shop 301 E. LAKE STREET DOWNTOWN PETOSKEY 231-347-2603 • 1-866-746-7837 See our complete line of slippers at www.grandpashorters.com Bay Tennis & Fitness Be good to yourself 25% off storewide excluding prescriptions this year, stay fit! from 6-9pm during Open House Sat, Dec. 10th STAND UP PADDLE 2013 boards in stock now. Free paddle with the purchase of a board through the end of the year. 12 Pack Holiday Gift available Dec 1 IrishBoatShop.com Harbor Springs: 400 E. Bay St 231.526.6225 Charlevoix: 13000 Stover Rd 231.547.9967 Grandpa Shorter’s baytennisandfitness.com 231.487.1713 Located just off Harbor-Petoskey Rd, Directly behind Little Traverse Primary Care Purchase a 12 Pack Personal Training Package or 12 Pack Stott Pilates’ Package, just $79.50 each and receive a complimentary 30 minute massage plus a meeting with our Health Coach, Okee Westbrook (valued at $140). Holiday Fitness Promotion offer begins December 1 thru January 5, 2013 Nancy Kelly’s Pellston Market Petoskey Stone Ornaments grandpashorters.com 231.347.2603 301 E. Lake St. Petoskey The perfect gift for someone who loves food and wine, a gift certificate for Dinner at the Pellston Market! Enjoy fine Bistro Dining every Wednesday and Saturday Night between 5:00pm and 8:00pm. This gift will be sure to please any “foodies” on your list. Call 231/539-7100 with your request or email us at [email protected] Downtown Petoskey e l p am S The Perfect Gift Redeemable just like cash at participating Downtown businesses. Support the Downtown you Treasure. Available at Petoskey Downtown Offices, 216 Park Avenue. Stop in or call ahead to reserve your order....622.8501 230 N US Highway 31 Pellston PellstonMarket.com $ 4999 Craftsman 104 Pc. Mechanic’s Tool Set Save $16 $35.99 Value Includes drive-sockets, quick-release ratchet, adapter, screwdriver handle with magnetic tip, screwdriver and nutdriver bits, hex key set 2136984 1371 US 31 North Petoskey, MI 49770 (231) 347-7390 1030 South State Street Harbor Springs, MI 49740 (231) 526-6288
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