E COPY June 2014


E COPY June 2014
Alpine Public School
JUNE 2014
The Alpine Journal
Alpine On The Go
Editor: Mimi
Advisor: Mrs. DeMoya
Alpine on the Go
Student Council Corner
Boston Trip
Seventh Grade Trip
Top Ten Lists
Field Day Fun!
Chubby Wubby Chef
Frost Valley Trip
Movie Reviews
Stay-cation Location
Philadelphia Trip
POW Release
Guess Who?
“When life gets rough, I like
to hold on to my dream, of
relaxing in the summer sun,
just lettin' off steam.” -Olaf,
from Disney’s Frozen
As school’s end
approaches students are anticipating a worry-free,
schoolwork-free summer
vacation. After finals came to
an end, students let out a
Page 1 collective sigh of relief. Now,
the school’s end of year tradi-
by Mimi, Editor
tions are taking place. Field
day was an overwhelming
success and filled with fun
games and activities. The 8th
graders graduated on Tuesday
evening, and the kindergarteners celebrated this
milestone as well on Thursday afternoon. “They grow up
so fast,” says a fellow student.
Recently, the students who
have achieved the goal of 130
merit points this year as well
as this year’s student council
and the newspaper club went
on a bowling field trip. The
Cloisters Museum, The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
and the Museum of Natural
History round out this year’s
culminating activities for the
middle school classes. On Friday, the fourth grade presented a Living Wax Museum
in the gym where guest
learned about important, notable world figures. The new
student council officers will be
elected on Monday. Make sure
to check out the student
council article to find tips for
elections. Congratulations to
the graduating class of 2014,
and good luck in high school!
As for the rest of us, see you
in the fall!
Page 1
Student Council Corner by Sambhav
Page 2
Design your postPage 2 ers, make people love you,
and finally make people believe you will make a differPage 3 ence in the 2014 elections for
the Alpine School student
Page 4 council on June 23th. Some
helpful tips that will bring
you to victory in this years
Page 5 elections are:
1. Make your posters memoPage 5 rable including catchy sayings, and intricate design
Page 6 patterns so your legacy will
live on to not just help yourself but others in future elecPage 6 tions.
2. Try not to read word for
Page 7 word during the speech so
people take note that you are
dedicated to the position.
Page 7
3. Before running find out
what people really want and
Page 8 promise to bring change.
However, do not address
every issue, pick out the
dominant problem that you
see people want to change.
4. Another tip is to really
invest a lot of emotions into
your speech so people can
feel where you are coming
from, and why you want
change. Vary your tone. For
example, in the beginning
and conclusion of your
speech be loud and confident
5. Lastly, use your everyday
student experience in crafting
your speeches
Additionally, one
tip for the voters : Do not
vote for your friends solely
because they are your friend.
Vote for the person you think
will change our school for the
better. Moreover, please submit ideas you think are school
appropriate, and will help
change school life. To all
candidates that are running,
be an active member of the
student council. Give valid
suggestions and give an approach to accomplish the
goals you want to set. Good
luck to all running, and remember that the student council is the vehicle to make our
school better!
Eighth Grade Boston Trip by Callista
Recently the
eighth grade
went on an
overnight field
trip to Boston
and Salem,
They learned a
lot and had tons
of fun! They
visited the Boston Tea Party
Ship and Museum, the Freedom Trail, and
the historical town of Salem. Each destination offered a variety of experiences
based on their location.
The Boston Tea Party Ship
and Museum was an interactive exhibit.
The class learned how and where the
Sons of Liberty gathered and the effects
of their actions. The Boston Tea Party
unfortunately drove apart many families because of differing views of
loyalty or patriotism. However, this
act of patriotism was an important
step toward freeing the colonies
from English rule, and establishing
our great country.
Next, the eighth graders
walked the entire length of the freedom trail. During their hike, they
passed by a house that belonged to
Paul Revere, a colonial silversmith,
engraver, early industrialist, and a
well known patriot. He is best known
for his “Midnight Ride” during which
he warned the Colonial Militia that
the British Forces were attacking. He
took parts in many revolutionary acts
with the Sons of Liberty including the
Boston Tea Party. His home is now
a museum that people of all ages
can visit. Also, the class visited the
famed Old North Church, where
lanterns were hung as a signal for
the Midnight Riders to warn the Minute
Men of approaching British soldiers.
Lastly, the eighth grade visited Griffin’s Theater in Salem where
they watched a 4-D presentation about
the history of witches, and the theory
that they were humans possessed by
the Devil. As well as going to Griffin’s
Theater, the eighth graders also visited
the Witch Trial Museum and Dungeon.
Many kids in the class said that shopping for shock pens, magic sets, and
Ouija boards were the highlight of their
experience in Salem. I mean
doesn't like to
shop? Overall
the eighth grade
had a blast in
Seventh Grade Trip To Washington D.C. and Baltimore
Home sweet home! The
seventh graders have recently
returned from an exciting and historical trip to Baltimore and Washington D.C. Throughout the trip,
the seventh grade class got to
commemorate significant figures
in U.S history, and veterans who
have lost their lives for our nation.
After what seemed like an
incessant car ride, the seventh
graders, along with Madame
Moffitt, Mr. Buntzen, and Nurse
Soares, arrived in Baltimore. The
seventh graders visited the National Aquarium and embarked on
an exciting speedboat ride. Showcasing a variety of fish and different environments, many could
argue that the aquarium was one
of the best parts of the trip. Next,
the class left for our nation’s capitol, Washington D.C
Hours later, the seventh
graders arrived in Washington
D.C where after a short stop at
the hotel, they left for a beautiful
night tour of the capitol’s famous
memorials. First stop was the
World War II Memorial dedicated
to those who have sacrificed
their lives during the second
World War. A ring of statues representing each state surrounds a
stunning fountain in the center.
They also visited the Vietnam
Veteran’s Memorial where they
even discovered one of Alpine’s
former residents Michael W.
Berkery’s name etched into one
of the walls. Next stop was the
Korean War Veterans Memorial
which contained nineteen
stainless steel statues of a
squad on parole inside a walled
area in shape of a triangle.
Lastly, the seventh graders visited the Lincoln Memorial which
honors our sixteenth President,
Abraham Lincoln. The Greek
inspired building contains two of
Lincoln’s most famous
speeches, The Gettysburg Address and his Second Inaugural
by Ginny
Address, beautifully displayed on
the walls.
The next morning, the class
visited the Newseum which was an
interactive museum of news and
journalism, where they got to view a
4-D movie. At last, before heading
home, the students visited Arlington
National Cemetery, where memorials such as the Eternal Flame Memorial for former president John F.
Kennedy and the Challenger Memorial lies. All in all, the trip was a success, and the seventh grade thoroughly enjoyed both the historical
and fun aspects of the trip.
Top Ten Music Countdown
1. Fancy- Iggy Azalea
2. Problem- Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea
3. All of me- John Legend
4. Turn Down For What- DJ Snake & Lil Jon
5. Wiggle- Jason Derulo ft. Snoop Dogg
6. Happy- Pharrell Williams
7. Rude- MAGIC!
8. Am I Wrong- Nico & Vinz
9. Summer- Calvin Harris
10. Stay With Me- Sam Smith
Top Ten Blockbusters of June
1. 22 Jump Street
2. How to Train Your Dragon 2
3. Maleficent
4. Edge of Tomorrow
5. The Fault in Our Stars
6. X-Men: Days of Future Past
7. Godzilla
8. A Million Ways to Die in the
9. Neighbors
The Chubby Wubby Chefs: “The Ultimate Quencher”
Once upon a time, on a
smoldering summer day, the
Chubby Wubby Chefs were
hosting a lemonade stand. However, nobody wanted to buy
their lemonade. The Wubbies
were devastated and unsure of
why nobody would buy their
lemonade. They decided to taste
it…..and BOOM! The answer
was clear! The lemonade was
too sour. Thus, the Wubbies
perfected the recipe and had an
influx of customers the next
day. Their new recipe was perfect for quenching ones thirst on
a hot summer day.
You will need…
1 and ¾ cups of white sugar
8 cups of water
1 and ½ cups of lemon juice
A small saucepan
A large pitcher
1. In a small saucepan, combine sugar and 1 cup water. Bring to boil and
stir to dissolve sugar. Allow to cool to room temperature, then cover and
refrigerate until chilled.
2. Remove seeds from
lemon juice, but leave
pulp. In pitcher, stir
together chilled syrup,
lemon juice and remaining 7 cups water.
Sixth Grade Adventures in Frost Valley
from the
28th to the 30th, Alpine
School’s sixth graders took
an exciting overnight trip to
Frost Valley. Along with the
class advisor Mr. Lockwood,
and 2nd grade teacher, Ms.
Mulvihill, the students participated in many fun activities and encountered very
intriguing creatures within
the thickets of the woods
and the lush grass that
cloaked the valley. What a
The sixth grade class left for
Frost Valley at 7:45 in the
morning, before school even
began! They endured a 2½
hour bus ride, but luckily,
the bus had air conditioning
and multiple televisions so
the children could watch
entertaining movies. When
the group of 10 students
reached their destination,
loads of sleeping bags and
bags of clothing weighed
down their tired bodies as
they hiked toward the
cabin. Soon enough, they
reached the cabin, plopped
their items down, and then
went out to eat in the cafeteria. After that, it was
smooth sailing, and the rest
of their stay consisted of
staying up late, eating
sweets until their hearts
by Sterling
gave out, and immersing
themselves in fun activities. The class enjoyed
canoeing in a giant lake,
hiking through the mountains, and catching frogs
and fish in the rivers and
ponds of Frost Valley.
All ten sixth graders
agree that this is the
best field trip they’ve
ever taken. With all the
fun and bonding they
had, they all wish to return and get in on some
more Frost Valley action
once again. Have you
ever been to Frost Valley? If not, are you excited to go? You should
be. It’s a blast!
Movie Review: Maleficent by Mimi
“Before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will fall into a sleep like death!” We
are all familiar with the traditional story of Sleeping Beauty, but do we know what
really happened? This version of the classic tale, told from a villain’s perspective, is a
beautiful rendition. Maleficent, portrayed by Angelina Jolie, is a peaceful, powerful,
woodland fairy in a magical kingdom neighboring a human kingdom. One day, a peasant boy, Stefan, visits the
fairyland and falls in love with Maleficent. From then on, the two are mutual companions. However, when Stefan
becomes power-hungry for the throne and betrays Maleficent, she vows revenge.
Parallel to the original story, the events follow the predictable tale familiar to the audience. However, the
views on these characters are much different, making the audience wonder who the real villain is. The newborn
princess Aurora is cursed, sent to live in the middle of nowhere with three nice yet dimwitted fairies, and on her
sixteenth birthday, she pricks her finger on a spindle. At this point in the film, the plot takes a huge twist that
leaves the audience in awe.
Overall, Maleficent is magnificent and the characters and situations delve much deeper than the original. Though
the movie is based on a classic fairy tale, Maleficent may seem like a scary character for smaller children and battle scenes may be a bit intense for them, too. This film is rated PG with a runtime of 1 hour and 37 minutes.
Movie Review: The Fault in Our Stars by Julia
Get your tissues ready,
because The Fault In Our Stars
movie is in theatres! Directed by
Josh Boone, this tear jerking
movie has touched the hearts of
thousands. Based on the novel by
John Green, the main character
Hazel Grace Lancaster, portrayed
by Shailene Woodley, is a sixteen
year old girl battling terminal cancer. Despite her tough circumstances, she finds happiness with
Augustus Waters, an eighteen
year old boy in remission who
Hazel meets in a support group.
Augustus is portrayed by Ansel
Elgort. As the two grow closer
through their love of literature and
their similar, witty personalities,
they touch the hearts of viewers.
Similar to the novel, part of the
movie is filmed in Amsterdam. Life
is not so simple, however, for Hazel and Augustus. Because of their
health conditions, Hazel and Augustus must deal with harsh circumstances. Although this movie
sounds quite depressing, it truly
celebrates life. “It’s a story about
kids with cancer, but it’s not about
The Perfect Summer Stay-cation Escape
Do you ever feel like the
heat of summer is getting to you
and an ice pop or glass of lemonade aren’t helping? The Alpine Swim and Racquet club is
the perfect place to get away.
The pool is looking better
than ever! There are many
amenities including changing
rooms, showers, a snack bar,
a ping-pong table, tennis
courts, Wi-fi service and a
gigantic pool. New members
are welcome! The season
began with an Open House
on Memorial Day. Currently,
they are open on weekends, but
beginning July 4th, the club will be
open 7 days a week from noon
until 7:00pm on weekdays and
11:00am – 7:00pm on weekends.
Come and see how the Alpine
cancer,” explained
Woodley in a
recent interview about
the film. This
movie is recommended
to readers of
book and to
romance fans. Do you want to discover the fate of Hazel and Augustus? Buy tickets today!
by Callista
Swim and Racquet Club can
help make your family’s summer the best ever! This exclusive club in a beautiful setting
with a refreshing pool, abundant sun and shaded areas
never seems too crowded.
Tours are provided whenever
the pool is open. The Alpine
Swim and Racquet Club offers
something for everyone! Brochures can be picked up at
the Borough Hall located on
Church Street.
Fifth Grade Philadelphia Trip by Maddie, Paige, and Yasmin
Recently the fifth grade went
on the field trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. When they first arrived in
Philly, the class went to the Seaport
Museum and met their tour guide.
The tour guide took them on the Benjamin Franklin tour exploring Franklin’s footsteps utilizing information
from his diary. As soon as the tour
was over, the class went back to the
museum and ate lunch. Shortly after,
the fifth graders visited centers in the
museum that taught historical information about the ships of Philadelphia. Another tour guide taught the
whole class about expeditions,
explorers, boats, and trades.
Have you ever wondered
how we came to label lower case
and upper case letters? Well, the
class also went to a printing press
museum where a printer taught
the students that there were two
shelves, or cases, both on top of
each other. The bigger letters
were on top of the smaller letters.
When someone wanted a capital
G they would say, “Get me an
uppercase G”, and when they
wanted a lower case they might
say, “Get me an lower case D.”
Well, the name stuck. And this
was just one interesting fact the
class learned at the printing
Next, the fifth grade explored Betsy Ross’s house. They
saw where she made the country’s first flag. While they were in
the basement, the class met a
Betsy Ross impersonator. The
women taught the fifth graders
how to make a five pointed star by
folding a piece of paper.
Finally, the class met up
with a third tour guide, who took
them out to ships named Becuna
and the Olympia on Penn’s Landing. The tour guide gave the class
a tour of both the big battleship,
Olympia, and then the tight submarine, Becuna. Did you know that
submarines had some of the best
food? The tour guide informed the
fifth grade that since being in a
submarine was so dangerous, and
that the chances were slim of war
subs coming back home, the food
was good to help convince young
men to sign up and join a sub
crew. Most of the fifth graders
loved seeing the ships, and some
thought that it was their favorite
part of the whole Philadelphia trip.
All in all, the fifth grade really enjoyed touring the “City of Brotherly
Prisoners of War Released in Deal Made by President Obama
This past month, the president of
the United States, Barack
Obama, made a very critical trade
between the U.S. and the Taliban, a terrorist group responsible
for the greatest tragedy in US history; the plane crashes on September 11. The general gist of the
trade is President Obama returned five high ranking terrorist
generals and gained back a U.S.
troop member that was imprisoned by terrorists for years. However, this trade has caused controversies in the United States.
Military officials urged President
Obama not to go through with the
big trade, fearing that the generals would turn against America
and return to their terrorist
ways. One of the jihadists,
one who commits mass murder while sacrificing themselves, has already sworn
hostility toward America and
intends to do whatever he
can to harm the U.S. Furthermore, negotiating with terrorists may not benefit the U.S.
Many aspects of this trade
can be viewed as corrupt.
However, some believe that
President Obama may have
traded highly classified
American spies made to look
and act just like the prisoners
that were supposed to actually be traded. Also, many
by Sterling
Americans are happy to
see the return of a once
imprisoned soldier.
There are many different
opinions on this trade. Are
five generals worth one soldier? Are we truly aware of
the President’s plan? The
benefits to the nation are
still being debated.
How well do you think you know your teachers? Can you match the fun fact to the correct
teacher? Good luck, some of these are tough clues!
1. I climbed Diamond Head in Hawaii...and had to be escorted down!
a. Mr. Lockwood
2. I have been to 53 Bruce Springsteen concerts.
b. Mr. Hauser
3. I was captain of my high school
cheerleading squad.
c. Mrs. Valenti
4. I was in a movie when I was in high
d. Mrs. Langfelder
5. I call my dog a “furry baby.”
6. I once met Victor Cruz of the New
York Giants.
7. I rescued a Treeing Walker Coon
Hound, which has given me a black
eye and my spouse a broken nose.
He is a great dog, but has too
much energy for safety.
8. I have never been on a boat.
e. Mr. Rohrback
f. Miss Wolfesperger
g. Mrs. Hankle
h. Mrs. Heidleberg
9. I was born on an island, but I can’t
i. Mrs. DiPaulo
10. I directed the play “Our Town”
when I was just eighteen year old.
j. Mrs. DeMoya
11. I worked in a frozen yogurt store
for more than 6 years.
k. Mrs. Serekian
1. g, 2. c, 3. f, 4. a, 5. d, 6. h, 7. b, 8. e, 9. i, 10. k, 11.. j