STOP WASTING TIME PEELING BY HAND Affix all types of Pressure Sensitive Labels FAST and EFFICIENTLY without complex expensive equipment! A trouble free low cost way of affixing pressure sensitive labels when compared to the cost of complex high speed labeling equipment and the skilled personnel required to operate them 1 Starting $2199 @ 2 $699 00 NOW Front & Back! NEW! 3 4 $33900 5 $51900 $58900 1. Bottle-Matic - 16" width Cylinder labeling machine. Label any cylindrical object fast and accurately FRONT AND BACK from .5" to 8" dia.* @ Speeds of 950 Pcs. per hour! Starting@ 00 $2199 2. Dispensa-Matic "10-II" with High-speed power advance for large roll labels and fanfold with multiple rows to 10" width. $69900 3. Dispensa-matic "U-25" -Power advance for roll labels from 3/8" to 2.5" widths. NEW, LOW COST Label Dispenser! 00 $339 6 4. Dispensa-matic “U-45” power advance for one-up computer forms, or printed labels in rolls 3/8” to 4-1/2” wide (6" per second speed). High Speed version 11" per second speed for ANY length label! $51900 (Standard) $53900(High Speed) 5. Dispensa-matic “U-60” High Speed power advance for larger labels in rolls (up to 6” wide, 9" per second) $58900 $42900 6. Select-a-matic “D-5” power advance for presort labels or printed roll labels (butt cut or die cut), up to 5-1/2” diameter. ISPENSA-MATIC DLabel Dispensers A DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL MAILING ACCESSORIES, INC. MORE ON REVERSE $42900 7 $6500 7. Simple Simon 4” width manually oper- ated, precision made metal dispenser for all types of roll labels, even thin $6500 ones. Simple Simon-W 6-3/4” width $7500 Price subject to change without notice. 5/1/08 28220 Playmor Beach Rd, Rocky Mount, MO 65072 Call Toll Free: 1 (800) 325-7303 (in Missouri (573) 392-7684) FAX:(573) 392-1757; E-mail: [email protected] Web: 8 9 $62900 $69900 8. Dispensa-Sheet II Label dispenser for A4 and 8-1/2" wide sheet labels. With the DispensaSheet-II you can label 3x faster than peeling by hand! (3/4" leader required) $69900 9. Dispensa-Matic “6-II” - for roll or fan-fold labels to 5.5” width. Does not wind up waste, and loads VERY quickly. Better for large diameter rolls, and where constant speed is needed. (6" per second advance.) $62900 Bottle-Matic Is a perfect machine for labeling your cylindrical objects! Our machine will wrap your bottles, cans, tubes, and jars by simply pressing the foot-switch! We can even do tapered objects without customizing! Even if your can or bottle has ridges we can customize the rollers to work with them. Customizing your Bottle-Matic is charged per hour, and if we can't make it work, you pay NOTHING! Simply send your object to be labeled, and a roll of the labels to be applied. * If container is less than 1.5" diameter, empty plastic, or lightweight, a Pressure Arm may be needed. $175 “DM-16-II” $759 - 16" dispenser for roll or fan-fold labels, refer to 10-II. “DM-II” Machines come with a standard edge table, but upon request if you will be dispensing Mylar/foil or very thin labels a sharp edge table is available in replacement. If both tables may be needed, the second table can be purchased for $50. For Long one-up and multiple row labels to 3” long: Micro-switch extension kit $15. For longer than 3” multiple row labels: Foot Switch $49 Large Roll Adapter - Up to 15" roll capacity for DM-II ($35) or U-60/45 ($20) [Max Weight 10 Lbs.] Dispensa-Matic "U-60 (S)" $569 - handles same size labels as the U-60 but has a motor the same speed as the U-45 and is recommended for labels wider than 4-1/2” when the higher speed and torque of the U-60 is not needed, or beneficial to the dispensing operation. We dispense most labels without any difficulty. When ordering for use with Mylar, foil, acetate or very thin labels, send us a 60” length of these labels and roll description so we can make sure we can dispense them satisfactorily. Usually our thin edge plate can accomplish this, however we can provide other modification, if necessary. Since the efficiency and productivity of these dispensers is a result of the unique control of the label advancing by the limit switch, we only recommend a foot switch as an alternative method of advancing the labels when the labels do not have sufficient body to activate the limit switch. A foot switch is available at $49.00 when needed. A full 2 year warranty covers each unit against manufacturing defect. We provide full service and parts at our plant if needed. Only limited service is ever necessary. All units are in stock and can be shipped promptly upon receipt of your order. Shipment is usually made by UPS, but when requested we ship Express Mail, Air Freight, or other expedited dispatch. Shipment is FOB, Rocky Mount, MO. We ship prepay with Wire Transfer, VISA, MASTERCARD, American Express. ISPENSA-MATIC DLabel Dispensers A DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL MAILING ACCESSORIES, INC. 28220 Playmor Beach Rd, Rocky Mount, MO 65072 Phone:(573) 392-7684 - Fax(573) 392-1757 Toll Free: 1 (800) 325-7303 E-Mail: [email protected] - Web:
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