Sunday Creek Watershed - West Branch 43 Stream Capture


Sunday Creek Watershed - West Branch 43 Stream Capture
Sunday Creek Watershed - West Branch 43 Stream Capture
Generated by Non-Point Source Monitoring System
Project Status: Completed 2010 ODNR Project Number: Pr-Mn-18
Sunday Creek West Branch WB 43 stream capture at highwall
Photographer: Bill Jonard
West Branch 43 stream capture is located in Southwest
corner of Section 19 of Monroe Township in Perry County
and lies within the 12-digit HUC unit #050302040703. The
site is located in a unnamed tributary draining to West Branch
of Sunday Creek just east of the village of Hemlock. WB 43
subsidence hole is located on the edge of a surface mine
and corresponds to underlying deep mine PY-48. The site
captures a drainage area of 0.11 square miles (65 acres).
The treatment approach was to re-establish the drainage
channel that discharged into a final pit area and then into
the abandoned deep mine complex. Seal off the deep mine
access area at the highwall and backfill as much of highwall
as possible. Construct a new channel to deliver water from
the sealed mining area to West Branch. The treatment
consisted of 300 linear feet of limestone channel, 288 linear
feet of grass-lined channel, 3 acres surface reclamation, and
64 acres of restored stream capture area. The goal of the
design was to eliminate net alkaline water from entering the
abandoned mine complex and re-connect the stream to West
Branch Sunday Creek, adding alkalinity. Design completed
in-house by ODNR-DMRM for $19,129. Construction was
complete in September 2010 by Dirt Works Express for a
cost of $45,536. The funding sources for this project were
ODNR/DMRM AML set-aside funds.
WB 43 site of closed primary stream capture
Photographer: Sunday Creek Watershed Group
Post-construction Estimated Effects
Expected amount of water to return
gallons/yr = 26,000,000
Sunday Creek Watershed - West Branch 43 Stream Capture
Generated by Non-Point Source Monitoring System
Figure 1. West Branch 43 Stream Capture Map