Cr1 KISTIANSCKOLL - Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church


Cr1 KISTIANSCKOLL - Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church
MaV 2O15
Volume 29, lssue 3
May 17
Flew Members FellowshiP
May 25
Memorial Day
June {-5
Vacation Blble $chool
Birthday * Rev. lda Gice Smith
Spiritual Stars I-uncheon for Graduates
June 20
l-lawaiian Luau/Roasting Pastor Srnith
June 2'l
Father's Day
June 25-28
Youth Revival
July 4
lndependenee Day
July 10
Family Outing to Elitch Gardens
New Members Fellowship
.!uly 18
Semi-Annual Business Meeting
Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Jules E. Smith, Pastor
'April Showers Bring May Flowers". Hello Rising Star Church family! God has been sending
us various inclement weather conditions, which result in ushering in the beauty of the
spring/summer season. We can appreciate God's creation of the blooming and flowering of all
plant life. It is encouraging to know that as the seasons change our faith never waivers. When
God brings us through the storms of life he teaches us love, self-discipline, and strength.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of
P. Moore
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Starting with this issue, The Christian Scroll Newsletter is showcasing the youth of Rising Star
MBC with a new page entitled *The Kings' Report" wriffen by Ramiree, Da4rus, Davion and
Joell Quick. See the YouthNews section for information on what's happening with the Youth
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The Christian Scroll Newsletter is in need of an advertising salesperson and reporters. If you
are interested in helping with the success of this newsletter, please contact Sis. Cora Hampton
{303-550-5088 or *liampt*nii1,€,racl.cani). Monthly meetings are held on the 4ft Saturday of
each month at 10:00 a.m. in Room 206.
Easter at Rising Star
April 3-5,2015
"IIe Has Risen" Matthew 28:6
Resurrection Day featured a number of "firsts" for Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church: our
first 6:00 a.m. sunrise worship service followed by our first Easter Sunday breakfast buffet
served in the gymnasium. Pastor Smith was overjoyed, thankful and surprised at the large
attendance for a 6 a.m. worship service.
Following the passionate sermon delivered by Pastor Smith, over 150 worshippers gathered in
the gymnasium for a bountiful feast of breakfast dishes prepared and served under the leadership
of Deacon Odis Houston, other members of the Deacons and Deaconess Ministries and the
Repast Ministry.
Celebration of the Resurrection began with the 2nd Annual Good Friday services featuring our
Associate Ministers and the Mass Choir. The Associate Ministers of Rising Star presented "The
Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ on the Cross", each in their own unique fashion. Rev. Ronald
Wooding spoke on "Forgiveness", Rev. Bruce Merriweather followed with a serrnonette on
"salvation" and Rev. John Quick spoke on "Love". The topic for Minister J. W. Slone was
After a mime presentation by Dr. Yvonne Henderson, the congregation was ready for the last
three words. Minister Nichelle West engaged the congregation with the topic of "Physical
Suffering." Rev. Ida Gice Smith presented the "Triumph" of Jesus Christ and Evangelist
Cynthia Reese wrapped it all together with the "Reunion" when the barrier between God and
man was torn apart. Evangelist Sylvia Daniel led the Call to Worship and the Prayer of
Olympia Osborne, Cora Hampton - Reporters
Rising Star Greeters Ministry
Being a Rising Star Greeter is one of the most fulfilling methods to serve your church family.
As a greeter, you are typically the first face a person sees when they arrive on Sunday morning.
You may think that greeting is a simple task, because you are only asked to open the doors and
say hello to everyone who walks through the doors of the church. Yes, this is an easy and
straight forward task. However, greeting is very significant to the soul, because you never know
what's on the hearts and minds of the individuals who walk through those doors. People may
come to church full of joy and ready to praise or they may come stressed and troubled. Either
way, when a greeter gives you a bright smile, a warn hug, a gentle handshake or just simply says
"Good Morning - God Bless You" it goes a very long way.
The Greeter's ministry is a loving family within the RSMBC church. In fact, the last several
years they have reconstructed the ministry into a team that is built on trust, support and their
mutual love of God. They have truly created an environment that allows each greeter to come to
meetings and know that they are in a safe haven where they can connect, pray and serve
righteously during each meeting. They have created a "Circle of Trust."
Greeters bond with one another through the many fellowship events that they have throughout
the year: Fish Fry, Black History Program, BBQ, Greeter's Workshop and fundraisers. Other
annual activities that the Greeters implement for the church include a food drive, which is
conducted twice a year, Open House to increase membership, Fruit of the Spirit and financial
contributions to both the church anniversary and the Pastor's anniversary.
The Greeters always have an open door policy. They meet every third Saturday of the month at
9:30 a.m. at the church in Room 201. Please feel free to join us'
We strive to greet every man, woman, boy and girl with a handshake, hug or kiss and a warrn
friendly smile. As the first representative of our church and pastor, we want everyone to feel the
joy, love and peace ofJesus Christ as they enter the doors.
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Hebrews 13:2
Submitted by Sis. Shontell Perkins
President, Greeters Ministry
Greeters' Open House
April L2,2Al5
APRrL 26,20t5
It was a cool, rainy Sunday afternoon as the Senior Steppers Ministry proceeded with their
annual Tea and Hat Show. The theme for this year's event, chaired by Sis. Nannette Locke, was
"Mile High Columbine Tea Pffiy-A Celebration of Tea, Food, Culture and Spirit."
Various members of the "Steppers" Ministry displayed their finest china and tea sets on
decorated tables. A delightful luncheon of tea sandwiches, pastries and, of course, hot tea, was
served to approximately 100 members and guests. The Senior Steppers then donated $500 to
Rising Star as part of their fundraising efforts.
Ministry Chair Mary Davis
Sis. Hazel Taylor extends'o'Welcome"
Program Chair Nannette Locke
Sis. Rainey Estes reading
€.ql .4*,..
Past Chair Yvonne Boyer presents Sis.
Mary Davis with plaque
Choice renders instrumental medley
The Ten Cups: Fill My Cup, Lord; Let It Overflow"
While pastor Jules Smith was doing what he has been called to do, a few of the faithful Noon
Bible Study attendees prepared what they hoped would be a "surprise" pot-luck luncheon
celebration for his birthday on April 9,2015.
(reprinted from The Deacons Corner, Dea. Willie Burton,
The Christian Scroll Newsletter - June 1997)
Speak to people even if you don't lmow their names. There is nothing as nice or cheerful
as afriendly word of greeting.
Smile at people. It takes twenty-two muscles to frown and only fourteen to smile. Your
smile is one ofyourfinest assets (use it regularly).
Call people by name. The sweetest music to any person's ears is the sound of his own
4. Be friendly and helpful. If you want afriend, be one.
5. Be cordial, speak and act as if everything you do is genuine
pleasure. Try to look happy
andyou'll be happy.
6. Be genuinely interested in people.
U you try, you can like everybody. Don't limit
yourself to afewfriends when there are so many likable all aroundyou.
Be generous with praise and sparing with criticism.
Be considerate of thefeelings of others.
Watchfor ways to serve others. Wat we
for others
counts most in life.
10.Add to all of these a good sense of humor, a generous dose of patience and a dash
Are you doing all you can to make your church a friendly church?
If not, why not start today?
Some come to Rising Star just for a walk
Some come here to laugh and talk
Some come here for observation
Some come here for speculation
Some come here to sleep and nod
We should come here to WORSHIP GOD!
Alice Spencer
DeAndre Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Gaines
Rev. Bruce and Sis Lora Merriweather
Yveffe Ross
Kieth Chatman
Kimberly Bush
Anjanell Thomas
Myrian Royston
Kenny Huntley
Marcel Juvera Sr. & Jr. Shirley Wilburn
. -!!F dF
Come Join Us
- June 20,2015
Rising Star Mission ary Baptist Church
Roasting Pastor Smith & First LadY
Rev. Dr. Jules E. Smith and Rev. lda Gice Smith
Saturday - June 20,2415
RSMBC Gymnasium
1500 S. Dayton Street Denver, CO
3:00pm to 6:00Pm
Donation: S20.00 Adults /
0.00 Youth 12 years & under
Sponsored by Pastor's Aid Committee & Supporters of RSMBC
ATime for Every PurPose
Ecclesiastes 3: 1&4
bn tickets and how you can support this fun event
72A-296-533615hirley Grayson 303-833-1925/Church 303-752-0546
contact: Fairy Hanley 303-751-7342/shirley
Saturday, March 28,2015: The Youth Ministry / Hallelujah High Steppers of Rising Star
Missionary Baptist Church held a "Dedication Extravaganzt'for their new dance uniforms.
Theme scripture: Job2l:11 - They send forth their little ones like a flock and their children
The Hallelujah High Steppers youth dance ministry perfiormed from songs by various artists,
opening with "This is the Day" by Fred Hammond, and dance by the Coleman sisters, Rheanna
and Amira. DeAndre Spencer followed with a dance to Isaac Carree's "Clean This House."
Precious Pearls (little girls) danced to Mary Mary.
precious Pearlsisaints for Christ (big girls/boys) partnered to the tune of "Give Me That" by
Kirk Franklin. Saints for Christ (little boys) showed their stuff to "Lord, You Are Welcome" by
Bishop Clarence McClendon. Precious Pearls (combined girls), dressed as angels danced to
Tameia Mann's "Take Me to the King" and the first half was wrapped up with the Saints for
christ (combined boys) rocking to Tye Tibbett's "I want It A11Back."
The second half was as energetic as the first; our youth did not display fatigue at all. The
dancers smiled as expressions to the music were gracing our presence. Precious Pearls
(combined girls) open"a *lttt moves to Richard Smallwood's "Total Praise." Saints for Christ
o'Psalm 150." Back with their famous moves to Erica
iUig Uoys; fono*"d with moves to J Moss'
Cu-pU"fi" ..Little More Jesus" were the Precious Pearls). Bethany Brown debuted a solo act to
fuants It All" by Forever Jones. Saints for Christ (combine boys) danced their final song for
..I Need you" by United Tenors. The big boys helped the little ones remain in step
the night to
and not get tired, which was refreshing to watch. The final dance of the night was by Precious
Pearls (big girls) to Tasha Cobbs' "Break Every Chain."
The congregation's excitement was carried out the doors through moves, imitating the youth,
chatter and laughter. The event was a complete success; our youth ministered to souls through
song and dance with vigor, grace, determination, and purpose. It was a purpose-driven event,
fully accomplished!
Sis. Joy Hall, Director for Hallelujah High Steppers
Cynthia Reese, Reporter
Photos by Eileen Burnley, Rick Reese
The Kings' Report
By Ramiree, Daryus, Davion & Joell Quick
The Youth Ministry had the opportunity to participate in an Outreach Program called "Sweet
Dreams in a Bag". This organizationis about providing new bedding to kids & even teenagers &
showing them that God loves everyone. The best part about it was that the kids & teenagers get
to choose their bedding. The bedding was put together by volunteers. The Rising Skr Youth
Ministry came out in large numbers from 4 to 18 years old. We filled the church van & four
other cars with youth & adults. We had a fun time.
What did you like about "sweet Dreams in a Bag"?
Kins Daryus - 8 vears old
I like that it help people stay warm & I really like packing the bedding for the kids.
Kins Joell - 4 years old
I like to pack the bags because I like to be a helper.
King Davion - 6 vears old
I like that we chose the sheets & blankets for the kids. I picked the
Mario CartT for the kids to have. I like that we helped the kids & God
was happy about what we did.
Kins Ramiree - 14 vears old
What I liked about "Sweet Dreams in a Bag" was that we were able to
share the good news of Jesus through giving. I felt like this was a good community outreach
idea. It also felt good to bless those that don't have what they need. It was also great fun because
some bags that we packed involved us racing with a different team. It had to be perfectly fixed
in its bag & if it wasn't, then we had to start over again. But that was the fun part.
Overall, everyone seemed like they had a good time helping out children. Youth-on-the-Move
helped the program & also was active in the community. Now off to more Youth Movement
through our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
66CYg Y
Arthur L. Blakeley
U. S. ArmY
ff.S& trlg
Ronald E. Clarke
L" Lt. combat Engirieers
U. S. ArmY
Lonnie David Davis
12/2u4s -9/25/201.4
U. S. Navy
Donald Drake
3/28/36 -213/2014
U. S. Air Force
James C. Harden
- slzs/2012
U. S. ArmY
Thomas Martin Jr.
U. S. ArmY
Marvin Ross
Percy Lee Ryan
LO/11ls2- LO/22/2An
U. S. Air Force
John Selman Sr.
U. S. ArmY
Elwood Smith
Joe Washington
William Wooden
ln Lovine Memorv Celebrating the Life of...
October 26,1930
May 25, 1928- March L1-,20L5
- April 28,2015
Sister Taylor wos born in Somerville, TN. She married
Mory was the first born child of Dee Manuel and
Van N. Taylor Sr. in Gary, lndiqno, lndiana. To this
union five children were born.
She was a foithful church member until her health
failed. She was active in missions, volunteer work in
hospitals, the food bank, Church Choir and any other
Claro Clark. She came from a family of eleven
children. Mary grew up in Alton, lllinois and
graduated from Alton High School. Mary gove birth
to her beloved and devoted doughter, Shsron. She
took pride in the fact that she wos able to raise ond
core for her doughter os a single parent and never
groups that she was able to share her love with.
She worked for the Gary school district os q Librarian
for over twenty years until her retirement. Bernice
enjoyed cooking, sewing and being active
church, taking care of her fomily. She was known os
Moma Toylor or Auntie Bunnie.
She leaves to cherish her memory, Pqtricia Wilson oJ
Adelonto, CA, Van N Toylor, Jr. of Aurora, CO, T.
Tyrone Toylor (Murial) of Las Vegas, NV. Roderick L.
Taylor (Denise) of Adelanto, CA, Elaine McCormick
of Victorville,
a host of others.
CA. Fourteen grandchildren ond
Mary relocoted to Denver and did doy work for mony
years, riding the bus to and fro. On the bus she met
her lifelong friend, AImo Jean Rivers, of over sixty
yeors. Mary worked and retired from the City and
County. After a long courtship she married Lonnie,
the love of her life, on December 29, 1971. They
enjoyed mony joyful years traveling, bowling and
sharing fun with fomily and friends. Lannie took
good care of Mory and never complained about
anything he had to do .Mary loved and trusted the
Lord. She was baptized at Rising Star Baptist Church.
She loved Bible study. She was a part of the noon
mission, senior steppers and repost ministries.
to cherish her memory, husbsnd Lonnie
Whittiker, doughter, Shoron Wharton (Henfl,
She leaves
grandson, Kevin Pqrker (Renee), brothers Monuel
Clark, Percy Clark, Sondy Clark, sisters
Thompson, Claretha Carpenter
(Elijah), Nellie Martin qnd a host
of other relatives.
After the death of someone close, your world may tum upside down. Waves of emotion can
surge through you at unexpected times. You may experience a sense of disbelief, along with a
rollercoaster of emotions, and an unexpected triggering of thoughts and memories.
The Bereavement Ministry mission focuses on those with recenVcurrent losses of loved ones,
within Rising Stars' Body of Christ. We reach out to provide comfort, under Pastors' direction,
with cards, visits, phone calls, and or letters expressing our condolences and availability as a
The Grief Support Journey Group, a branch of the Bereavement ministry, is one place where
those who are grieving can regularly come, sit down, and privately find strength, hope, comfort,
and love. We share information, by providing leaming experiences on the stages of grief, in an
effort to ease the feelings of being out of control; or finding oneself at a crossroads in life, where
we are missing the necessary decision-making strength to move on or press forward, though we
are feeling a void (an absence of our known quality of life). Understanding grief, learning about
the variety of expressions that can arise (sorrow, pain, anguish and misery, whether outwardly or
inwardly) and what to expect during your journey will equip you to handle some of the more
challenging aspects of grief. The group leams to live past their grief a step at a time. No, the
[*t your grief, but participants listen, identifu with each other, and grow from their
understanding, and knowing they are not alone on this journey.
Most people find that hope is the key to surviving grief. For if those who are suffering the
horrific pain of loss can see that others before them have gone on to build purposeful and
meaningful lives, then they have hope that they, too, can do the same'
The Grief Support Journey Group meets the 3'd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 in the evening.
Everyone is invited to come out and leam more about this valuable ministry and the support it
gives to those grieving in the community.
Submitted by Edwyna Choice, Bereavement Ministry Chair
Eileen Burnley, Reporter