
Hayao Miyazaki is a famous animation director and manga artist. Growing up
on 5/1/1941, in Tokyo, during World War II. His career began in 1963 in the Toei
Douga studio. In 1971, He worked for A-pro studio. After 2 years, moving to
Nippon Animation. From 1978 to 2008 he made a lot of famous animation films:
Future Boy Conan (1978), Lupin the III: The Castle of Cagliostro (1979),
Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind (1984), Laputa: Castle in the Sky (1986), My
Neighbor Totoro (1988), Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989), Crimson Pig (1992),
Princess Mononoke (1997), Spirited Away (2001), Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
and Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (2008)
Hayao Miyazaki was born on 5 January While watching the first Japanese
1941, in Tokyo. When he was a child, colour cartoon – Hakuja Den in 1958,
he enjoyed drawing airplanes that was he was interested in animation and
influenced on animations and the
intended to be a comic artist. He got
reason was that his father - Katsuji dual degrees – Politic science and
(1915 - 1993) was a director of
economics from Gakushuin
Miyazaki airplane. His mother fought University. During this time, he worked
against the disease - tuberculosis for for the Children’s Literature
9 years. In addition, most of his female Research, which was supported useful
characters were based on his mother.
knowledge for his career.
He was the famous Japanese
animation director and manga artist.
People called him as the Japanese
Walt Disney. In all his films, flying
scenes and airplanes always
appear. He loved drawing a pig in
some comic books and explained,
“The behaviour of pigs is very similar
to human behaviour. I really like pigs
at heart, for their strengths as well as
their weaknesses. We look like pigs,
with our round bellies. They’re close
to us”. All his characters were created
from people who he knew in real life.
For example, in Spirited Away (2001),
the idea to make Chihiro was from
daughter of his friend
After graduating from Gakushuin
In 1979, he produced his first movie
University, he had a job in Toei Douga Lupin III TV series, after that becoming
studio. His first project was Watchdog
Bow Wow anime film during practicing
in this studio. In 1964, Hayao became
the Chief Secretary of Toei Douga’s
labor union. He worked at A-Pro in
1971, after 2 years, he moved to
Nippon Animation.
as a chief instructor for new animators
at Telecom. In 1984, he succeeded in
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.
After this achievement, the new studio
– Studio Ghibli was built in 1985.
When he watched the first Japanese
colour anime Hakuja Den, he fell in
love with making animation film and
Comic book. Therefore, he decided to
become a manga artist and director.
Also, his father who was a director of
Miyazaki airplane was the reason for
him to begin to draw especially
airplanes. Moreover, Paul Gtimault
who was the French animator, Yuri
Nordstein from Russia and Frederick
Bach from Canada were affected his
thinking and design.
Miyazaki’s Manga or anime story was an inspiration for some western authors,
such as Ursula K. Le Guin, Lewis Carroll, and Diana Wynne Jones because
his stories were variety and had a meaning message about humankind, nature,
ecology, human spirit and pollution. Also, Miyazaki and Jean Giraud – the writer
and illustrator affected ideas and design each other but they respect their own
products. Therefore, 2004-2005, they had an exhibition of their own and cooperative design. The name of this exhibition was Miyazaki et Moebius: Deux
Artistes Dont Les Dessins Prennent Vie (Two Artists’ Drawings Taking on a Life
of Their Own).
1. IMDb, Biography for Hayao Miyazaki, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0594503/bio
2. Steven Feldman, 24/6/94, HAYAO MIYAZAKI BIOGRAPHY, Revision 2, http://www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/miyazaki/miyazaki_biography.txt
3. Minoru Matsutani, Tues 30/9/2008, HAYAO MIYAZAKI Japan’s greatest film
director?, http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/nn20080930i1.html
4. The boggle, 28/7/2011, The Influences of Hayao Miyazaki, http://we-are-ghibli.deviantart.com/journal/The-Influences-of-Hayao-Miyazaki-245180562
5. Tom Mes, 1/7/2002, Hayao Miyazaki, http://www.midnighteye.com/interviews/hayao_miyazaki.shtml
6. Xan Brooks, Wed 14/9/2005, A god among animators, http://www.guardian.co.uk/
1. http://static.zerochan.net/full/45/12/238145.jpg
2. http://thehappinesshotel.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/hayao-miyazaki.jpg
3. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RSAgxy4357I/Tguq7g9pviI/AAAAAAAABvQ/GA-9bsSZqhw/
4. http://static.tumblr.com/b9miezc/cbXlmb992/ghiblogo.gif
5. http://cmttorrevillas.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/hayaomiyazaki1.jpg
6. http://konachan.com/post/show?md5=88623d3c71d28d620eb853f754a1e0cd
7. http://desktop-wallpapers.pics365web.net/18647-hayao-miyazaki-wallpapers.html
8. http://content7.flixster.com/photo/11/33/27/11332793_gal.jpg
9. http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitpic/photos/full/271401488.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJF
10. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UPCpDiPvuH8/Tdk2An_ApAI/AAAAAAAAAH8/ZPSit_qcvaM/