monstrat viam - Association of the First Corps of Cadets
monstrat viam - Association of the First Corps of Cadets
MONSTRAT VIAM association of the first corps of cadets May 2009 Active Unit Casualty in Iraq Specialist Matthew M. Pollini, 772nd Military Policy Company, 211th MP Battalion (First Corps of Cadets), was killed in Iraq on Jan. 22, 2009, near the province of al-Kut. SPC Pollini was killed when his Humvee toppled over on unsteady ground. He was the turret gunner of the vehicle. SPC Pollini received a Bronze Star and a Good Conduct Medal posthumously. He is survived by his parents, sisters, and brothers, and his wife Sarah, whom he married on Dec. 22, four days before departing for Iraq. SPC Pollini was given a funeral with full military honors. Following the funeral mass in Holy Family Roman Catholic Church in Rockland, MA, thousands lined the streets holding American flags and with hands on their hearts as a horsedrawn caisson proceeded with majestic dignity carrying his coffin to the cemetery. “He served with distinction and valor, in a position that many other soldiers did not clamor for,” said MG Joseph Carter, Adjutant General, MAARNG, and member of the AFCC Board of Directors. MG Carter gave the coffin flags to SPC Pollini’s father and to his wife, “on behalf of a grateful nation.” Several short videos of the Pollini funeral procession can be found on You Tube. The caisson in procession Mrs. Sarah Pollini Casket being carried out of Holy Family Catholic Church LTC Johnson receiving the unit flag Change of Command for AFCC Former President At a Change-of-Command for the 26th Infantry Division Combat Team on 18 May 2008, COL Bernard A. Flynn transferred his command to COL John W. Conley. The ceremony was held at the Cambridge Armory. The reviewing officer was BG (P) Paul C. Genereux, Commander of the 42nd Infantry “Rainbow” Division. COL Flynn is a former president and executive board member of the AFCC and a former commander of the 211th MP BN (FCC). COL Flynn entered active duty after 9/11 and reported to the Army Operations Center, Crisis Action Team, at the Pentagon. In January 2002 he was promoted to colonel and then assigned as Chief, National Detainee Reporting Center. In May 2005, he was assigned as Commander, Forward Operations Base, Abu Ghraib, Iraq. At his change of command, COL Flynn was awarded the Legion of Merit. His other awards include the Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Army Commendation Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Iraq Campaign Medal, the Global War on Terror Service Medal, the Combat Action Badge, and other medals and ribbons during his illustrious career of great service and sacrifice for this nation. At attention with the Bowdoin Sword 211th Change of Command On 12 July 2008 at Lee Parade Field, Camp Edwards, LTC John A. MacPherson transferred command of the 211th Military Police Battalion (First Corps of Cadets) to LTC Richard F. Johnson. LTC MacPherson assumed command of the 211th on 1 April 2006. His other significant assignments include an activation for Desert Storm while serving as commander of the 972nd MP CO. His new assignment is Deputy Commander, 26th Maneuver Enhanced Brigade. LTC MacPherson is the full time Mobilization Readiness Officer for the Massachusetts Army National Guard. LTC Johnson has enlisted service in the 26th MP Company and he has served as a platoon leader in the 972nd MP CO during Desert Storm, as commander of both the 972nd MP CO and the 772nd MP CO (OEF – Afghanistan), and Operations Officer and Executive Office of the 211th MP BN. LTC Johnson is a Massachusetts State Trooper in his civilian career. 2 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 211th MILITARY POLICE BATTALION MASSACHUSETTS ARMY NATIONAL GUARD 459 BEDFORD STREET LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420-1499 211MP-CDR 5 April 2009 MEMORANDUM FOR Association of the First Corps of Cadets SUBJECT: Active Corps (211th Military Police Battalion) Training-Deployment Update 1. All elements of the Battalion continue to maintain a very active OPTEMPO in support of our units that are currently deployed or preparing to deploy for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Currently, the 772nd Military Police Company is engaged in Police Transition Training (PTT) operations at Forward Operating Base D, Al-Kut, Iraq. The 747th MP Company is preparing to deploy in July with a similar mission in Basra and the 211th Headquarters and Headquarters Company is preparing for its deployment to Camp Bucca, Iraq in July as well. The HHC will be responsible for detainee operations and command and control of 5-6 subordinate elements while deployed. The 972nd MP Company is currently in reset having returned from a highly successful tour in Iraq last year. Soldiers from the 972nd have been supporting the current deployment preparation of their sister units by providing trainers who have infused their recently acquired tactical and technical expertise into a comprehensive mission-focused Battalion training plan that began several months ago and is in progress. 2. Over the last several months, the soldiers of the 211th Military Police Battalion have trained specifically for deployment to Iraq. We have completed out initial Soldier Readiness Processing, conducted training and certification in the Army Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills which focus on critical soldier survival skills to include Close Quarter Battle shooting, movement and reaction to enemy contact, operations in urban terrain, land navigation, communications, and Combat Lifesaver Certification. Our soldiers have been trained to operate the latest Automated Battlefield Control Systems (ABCS) to include Blue Force Tracker (BFT), Maneuver Control System (MCS), and Command Post of the Future (CPOF). We have conducted basis Arabic language training and all soldiers have attended detailed country briefings which include politics, geography, history, and culture of Iraq. 3. We recently conducted a highly successful Annual Training at Camp Edwards in which we incorporated all of the individual warrior tasks and battle drills into a comprehensive collective training exercise. Utilizing a Lanes Training concept that included Joint Patrolling, Base Defense, and Convoy Survivability, soldiers were immersed in a realistic, battle-focused scenario designed to replicate the contemporary operating environment in Iraq. We incorporated Arabic speaking role players as interpreters and combatants in the exercise. The depth and complexity of training support is unprecedented and the result was an overwhelmingly positive training experience for our soldiers that has better prepared them for the rigors of their upcoming deployments. 4. The Battalion Staff has been engaged in staff training and mission preparation with the 89th Military Police Brigade from Fort Hood, TX which will assume command of all Detention Operations in Iraq during its deployment. During several training events over the last 2-3 months, the staff has trained along side our higher headquarters’ Command and Staff to insure a seamless transition to command of the Theater Interment Facility (TIF) at Camp Bucca. The training culminated just last week in a Mission Readiness Exercise (MRE) at Fort Bliss, TX during which our staff acted as a subordinate element for the 89th MP BDE and as a higher headquarters for company size elements performing the detention operations mission inside the mock TIF at McGregor Range, NM (Fort Bliss) run by Task Force Outlaw (MP Detainee Ops Trainers). The MRE was an great success for all involved and will serve as a rehearsal for a similar exercise that the 211th MP BN will participate in while at Fort Bliss in August immediately prior to deployment. 5. The remaining few months before mobilization will be spent finalizing deployment plans and finishing up some remaining validation training. We have completed plans for executing all logistical tasks and soldier movement following mobilization and have completed approximately 90% of our required pre-mobilization training. This leaves our soldiers with as much time as possible to spend with their families and address any personal and financial issues that remain before deployment. We will be planning a Send-Off Ceremonies for both the 747th MP Co and the 211th HHC immediately prior to mobilization. The 747th MP Company will mobilize and deploy from Fort Dix, NJ. The 211th MP BN will mobilize and deploy from Fort Bliss, TX. 6. We have our Quarterly Training Meeting scheduled for 29 April to be conducted at the First Corps Museum and I am looking forward to seeing some of the AFCC members there at which time I can brief you more in depth regarding the mission and the road ahead for the Active Corps. It is my intention to promote stronger membership in the Association among my officers and senior NCO’s by exposing them to our wonderful museum and having them interact with the Board and leadership of the Association. 7. Thank you, as always for the support and friendship that our association has shown to the soldiers of the Active Corps and their families. If I can be of any assistance never hesitate to call on me or my staff in support of our great organization. I am proud to be counted among your members. 3 Respectfully, RICHARD F JOHNSON LTC, MP Commanding DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 211th MILITARY POLICE BATTALION MASSACHUSETTS ARMY NATIONAL GUARD 459 BEDFORD STREET LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420-1499 MEMORANDUM FOR Members of the AFCC FROM BG (MA) William B. Hurley, President During the past year, the 211th Military Police battalion experienced the loss of two of its own: Sergeant Scott Miller of the 972nd MP Company and Specialist Matthew Pollini of the 772nd MP Company. The Association of the First Corps of Cadets wishes to express its sincerest sympathy to the families of these soldiers for their losses. SGT Miller and SPC Pollini served their country and the First Corps of Cadets with pride and distinction. We will remember them in our prayers. Like many other organizations, the Association is looking carefully at its finances during these tough economic times. Fortunately, because its funds have been prudently invested in less risky financial instruments, our portfolio losses have been significantly lower than those of the market in general. Additionally, COL (Ret.) Robert Soldani, our Treasurer, has analyzed our operating expenses and recommended several ways that the Association can reduce expenses. With COL Soldani overseeing our expenses and taking care of our bills, our financial outlook is good. Several successful functions have been run since our last annual meeting and all have been very successful thanks to the organizational talents and dedication of several key Association members and the participation of the membership in general. Let me cite a few: the Annual Association Holiday Party (thanks to COL (MA) Dean Saluti and COL Richard Matlak), the annual “Greatest Generation” Event (thanks to COL (MA) Saluti and his wife Marjorie Cahn), and the Annual Golf Benefit to support the 211th MP battalion Family Support Group (thanks to Board Members, Arthur Burt and John Beale, and the support and participation of COL (MA) John Silva, COL William Wood, and Dr. John Christoforo). Increased involvement of Active Corps members, LTC Richard Johnson, MAJ Allen Aldenberg, and CPT Bryan Pillai, offers our organization a broader and more current awareness of the important mission that 211th MP battalion performs in preserving the security of our nation. Their participation at meetings and events is a constant reminder to our membership that there are brave men and women in our armed forces putting their life on the line every day to protect our lives. Former 211th MP battalion Command Sergeant Major, CSM William Davidson continues to serve on the Association Board of Directors and, although he has been promoted to become the 26th Brigade Command Sergeant Major, he remains committed to the association and its mission. Finally, I want thank the members of the Association of the First Corps of Cadets Board of Directors and Committee Members without whom this organization could not succeed. Larry Dinardo, Peter Clegg, and John Cristoforo President Hurley thanks LTC Johnson for his presentation Executive board and membership convene AFCC Meetings for 2008 The AFCC held its semi-annual meeting on 26 October 2008 at the museum. LTC Richard Johnson, Commander, 211th MP BN, delivered an informative and well-received address on “The First Corps Today – History in the Making.” You can see LTC Johnson’s letter in this issue for an update of FCC activities in the Global War on Terror (GWOT). On 27 April 2008, the Annual Meeting was held at the Museum. The business meeting was followed by a wine tasting with dinner. The minutes of the Annual Meeting and Semi-Annual Meeting are included on the next page. 4 SSG Donald Mason and AFCC members Tom Harrison and Jim Daly Juicy Steaks, Happy Cook John Burt talking to his ball Third Annual Golf Fundraiser On 15 September 2008, the AFCC held its third annual golf outing at the Far Corners Golf Club in Boxboro, MA, to raise funds for the family support groups of activating units of the 211th MP BN. Board members Arthur Burt and John Beale, with assistance on the field from John Silva, Bill Wood, and John Cristoforo, again put together a remarkably enjoyable outing for new and old friends. The “best-ball” golf match was followed by a delicious cook-out with New York strip steak, corn on the cob, salads, baked potato, desert, and a reasonably priced cash bar. A fund-raising raffle with many donated gifts was then conducted by Dean Saluti and Bill Hurley. .Many unit members joined the AFCC membership and invited friends to raise $5,500 for the faculty support fund! 5 Veteran’s Recognition Event at Smith and Wollensky On 23 November 2008, the AFCC held its annual Veterans Recognition Event at Smith & Wollensky Steak House, aka “The Castle,” on Arlington Street, Boston. This posh eatery displays many artifacts from the AFCC Museum. In recompense, the management of Smith and Wollensky partially subsidizes the Veteran’s dinner and provides a substantial gift certificate to the 211th MP BN Soldier of the Year. Honored for their military service in WWII were: Senior Motor Machinist Mate, 3rd class, Alfred Paul Frattasio, U.S. Navy; PFC Franklin W. Simon, US Army; Radioman First Class, Donald F. Tabbut, US Navy. Honored for his service in the Korean War was CW3 Edwin William Stedman, US Air Force and US Army. Honored for their service in Viet Nam were 2nd Class Petty Officer Gary Frattasio, US Navy; Airman 2nd Class, Walter Robak, Jr. US Air Force; COL John S. Shea, Jr., US Army; MAJ Patrick Townsend, US Marine Corps; and LTC John H. Wilson, US Army. COL John A. Hammond, Chief of Staff, Joint Force Headquarters, received the 2008 President’s Award. MG Joseph Carter introduced COL Hammond, who serves as his Chief of Staff. 6 Annual Christmas Party Major Brett Conaway, Major Allen Aldenberg, and CPT Bryan Pillai On December 14, 2008, the AFCC held its annual Christmas Party at the Museum. The very successful format for the event has now become a tradition: 1) cocktail party with open bar, 2) turkey buffet with all the fixin’s served by board members, 3) a reading of “The Night Before Christmas” by the AFCC president, 4) a concert of Christmas carols, followed by 5) raffle of gifts donated by board members. It’s simply the best Christmas Party in town and certainly the most reasonably priced. This year President Hurley presented a few well-deserved awards to board member John Beale, owner of the famous Cornwall’s Pub in Kenmore Square, for his generosity in often donating food from his establishment for AFCC events and to Dean Saluti and Marge Cahn for their amazing generosity of time, work, and effort in organizing many high profile events over the years. Marge routinely donates air tickets, hotel accommodations, and symphony tickets to our frequent raffles. To top off the seasonal giving, Captain Bryan Pillai, Commander, 972nd MP Company, presented the AFCC with artifacts his unit brought back from Iraq for the museum’s collection. The 972nd was assigned as a Protective Services Detail to seven high ranking Iraqi officials, including the Iraqi president and vice-president. President’s Plaque to John Beale President’s Plaque to Dean Saluti and Marge Cahn President Hurley reading “The Night Before Christmas 7 Holy Cross Carolers with director, Pam Mindell MONSTRAT VIAM association of the first corps of cadets 227 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02116 SSG Miller Another Fallen Hero Sgt. Scott A. Miller, age 35, of Plaistow, died October 13, 2008, at his home, following a courageous battle with cancer. A member of the 972nd Military Police Company of the Massachusetts Army National Guard, stationed at Camp Curtis Guild, Reading, MA since 2001, Sgt. Miller took part in Operation “Noble Eagle” at Logan Airport, Boston, from October of 2001 until March of 2002. In June of 2002, he deployed to Pakistan in support of Operation “Enduring Freedom,”serving until 2003. He also served as a member of the military relief effort after Hurricane Katrina and deployed to Iraq in July of 2007 until illness forced his return to the United States in February of 2008. Dean Saluti addressing the gathering with Irv Schein looking on Dr. Robb and Bill Hurley The First Corps of Cadets Band The AFCC Curator, Craig Brown, was recently contacted by Richard M. Robb, M.D. Emeritus Chief of Ophthalmology, Children’s Hospital Boston, and now member of the First Corps Cadets Band, to inform Craig that the band existed as an active community band in Brookline and to inquire about its likely relationship to the AFCC. What a surprise! Both organizations have been co-existing but without awareness of the other. Craig had no definitive answer to our mutual tradition and history, and thus the quest for this thread of our history is on! To celebrate the finding of our long lost relative, President Hurley hosted a meet and greet for Irv Schein and his band members. We look forward to a future event when we can join with the band in an evening of entertainment. The band’s next gig was playing for the Boston Marathon! 8
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