Jan16 3000 Kb - gwrra mi-g
Jan16 3000 Kb - gwrra mi-g
the 2 0 1 6 E D I T I O N GWRRA-MI-G JANUARY 2016 NEWSLETTER F R I E N D S F O R F U N , S A F E T Y, K N O W L E D G E MI-C Chapter G Meeting Place Denny’s Restaurant 44th & 131 2nd & 4th Sunday 8:30am rG hapte SUN MI-C nnn nnn nnn MON TUE WED THU hapte rG FRI SAT 1 New Year’s Day 2 3 New Beginnings 4 5 6 Team meeting 7 8 9 10 Gathering 11 12 13 14 15 16 New Beginnings 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Winter Party 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Denny’s Ride/Activity Information CD’s Article Rider Ed Information Word Search Birthdays & Anniversaries For Sale Team Connect Information Sponsor Advertisements 2 3 4 5 6 6 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12 Chapter G http://www.gwrra-mi-g.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/ 1393411900926966/ Page "1 MI-C rG hapte Events/Activities for January 2016 Jan 1 New Year’s Day. Jan 3 8:30 Breakfast at New Beginnings Plainfield & Northland Dr. Jan 6 6:30 Team meeting at Jim Hake’s house 1826 Deepwood Dr. Wyoming MI 49519 Jan 10 8:30 Gathering at Dennys 44th & 131 Jan 16 8:30 Breakfast at New Beginnings Plainfield & Northland Dr. Jan 23 4:00 - 7:00+ Winter Party Bob Toedebusch’s house. 5927 Stout Creek Ct Belmont MI 49306 Meat will be provided. Bring a dish to pass Jan 31 8:30 Breakfast at Dennys 44th & 131 A big IF in January is, “Will there be any riding?” The answer is YES, if the roads are clear, wind’s not gusting more than 15mph, the sun is shinning, the temp is higher than 30º… 😏 There has always been an issue about starting times. When the time states 8:30, about 3/4 of the participants show up at 8:00. Now, if we state the start time is 8:00, will the same participants show up at 7:30? THAT is the big question and is up to debate. Your input is important here…🤔 Page "2 Chapter G Senior Director’s Report MI-C rG hapte We ended 2015 mourning the loss of Ron Rowe. He was a former Chapter Director who helped start the annual Midnight Ride. His vision was carried on for 29 years. There will be some changes this coming year. You’ll have to stay tuned to find out. The new year is about to start. My goal is to make it a great one, filled with fun and lots of rides. We hope to have this year’s ride schedule by the end of the month. We will be going to Billings Montana for WingDing 38. Someone mentioned that we also try a color ride on the Blue Ridge. We need your suggestions for rides, maybe some we haven’t done in a long time. I do appreciate all the help I get from the members of MI-G! It makes my job go a lot easier and gives me more time to ride. So, let's make this year better by getting more people riding. We need more people involved in getting new members to come riding with us. We will be having some of our meetings for breakfast on one Saturday a month, for those who haven't been coming because you go to church. So you may be able to come now. Hopefully, you will take advantage of the Saturday to meet the other members. Also to see if you can talk some friends into joining us for a ride. We will be riding after breakfast on Saturday, the same as Sunday, weather permitting. AND REMEMBER, some of us ride year ‘round… Right now I am sitting here looking out my window at snow, ice, sleet, freezing rain and thinking, “When is my next ride!”.. We have a winter party, planned in January at Bob & Lori Toedebusch’s house. Please check the calendar for time and directions. See you all there. Your SCD Ezra Bostic Happy New Year Everyone! There are many things to look back on and say that we have had a very great 2015! New members were added to our large family of friends and riders! We have enjoyed many rides together, making many great and unforgettable events. So, let’s plan to make HISTORY in 2016 to have the greatest Chapter in GWRRA! It can only happen with you. Get involved in helping to create exciting rides or events. Your suggestions are always welcome. May your NEW YEAR see that you and your loved ones are safe and happy! “May the Force be with you” Marilynn Bostic Page "3 Rider Education BOB UNGREY MI-G Rider Ed MI-C rG hapte By John Del Santo (A few words changed by me) Bob The winter season is upon us, and along with the rush and hustle, we can expect the accident rate to go up. The parking lots are a zoo at this time of year, and 17% of all urban accidents occur right there! If someone backs into a car, they'll crush a door... If they back into your bike they'll crush your leg. As you roll through any parking lot, watch the parked cars for brake lights, back-up lights and motion. Be ready with your brakes (both), your throttle and the horn. With winter upon us, there are some drastic changes in temperature. Layer your clothing so that you can remove it as the day gets warmer or put back on toward evening. A lot of heat loss happens through the neck and head... keep that area covered and warm. Good warm socks or insulated boots will protect your feet where the circulation is the least. Stop for more frequent breaks to get your circulation moving. We are trying to prevent hypothermia. The warning signs are feeling cold, getting the chills, shallow breathing and a feeling of sleepiness. Using any alcohol will only slow the circulation further and put you in deeper danger. The results of hypothermia to a rider should not be ignored as you may become disoriented or fall asleep. Santa only takes that sleigh out for one day a year, and look how well he dresses for the weather. A few of us are out there on the bikes all winter long, no matter what the weather, so we need to ride smart. Take frequent breaks and keep warm. Frequent high protein snacks to keep your body furnace fueled is a good idea. Many cold medicines can be as deadly to a driver as alcohol. READ the label! How's the tread on those tires? We all hope to be around for the New Year. So ride sober, warm and Ride safely! Until Next Month, Your new Rider Educator Bob Ungrey MI-G Page "4 MI-C rG hapte FIND SOME OF OUR FRIENDS WHO ARE IN ALL DIRECTIONS R W B I E Q V A G X N T C H G M U Y W F BOB CAROLE CHAPTERG DAR EZRA GERALD HARRY E L O N T K I B E E O T A Q O X W G P Q V E B T V C I O T D R R L I N D A G G K H O W A R D F M D O R A R N Y U Y E U N J A N A Q R S I R Y P A L C S I D P V T A Z M W Y H N N F C P B N D U G M A C Q HOWARD JACK JAN JANE JEFF JIM JOHN C A M G I K E E I Q U A E E B J L U R Y K I A R A T L G N L N A Z C G O B Z R S J T L E U S Z H E W V R E N K Y F V Y C V E A T H N I Y N H A V A B S C Q E J G Y D R P T G N H U Q G K J I Q E P S R L P V I A R O O Y L V A E V E T S C Y M M JOYCE LARRY LEN LINDA LORI MARCIA MARILYNN Page "5 Z W T H X J C E L A Q H S J X B T E X H E Y P C L M C S Q I R M U I A I D N G K Y R R E H S A V O N R R R R N N X D X Y E E T E P O R F M X O A Y O K C E O P H A S K T Q X O N T B E R M L U T E R M H MELANIE MIKE NANCY PAT PEGGY PETE RODNEY R H Y D H C L T J E F F A M W E Y P G G I F P S R E E I B Z Y E M H P I O K D U E I N A L E M A O B Z L L H S D V R N O SCOTT SHARON SHERRY SHIRLEY STEVE SUE TODD MI-C rG hapte January Birthdays & Anniversaries 02 09 11 12 14 17 20 28 29 30 Birthdays Jan Snyder Janet Roberts Ann Byxbe Marilee Sironen Linda Hake Don Houda CJ Shroll Jan Rowe Dave Beverwyk Carolyn Wheeler Anniversaries If you have items for sale, if you need an item, or if you want to give items away, give us a call to publish them here. FOR SALE or Free Items Free to a good home, 2 XL jackets in great shape. Contact Dar Koza (616) 970-3849 or Rodney DeJonge (616) 291-7948 Someone’s got to want these jackets… Page "6 MI-G TEAM CONTACTS MI-C rG hapte Chapter G Directors Ezra & Marilynn Bostic [email protected] 616-791-4587 Attendance John Smith 616-554-6134 [email protected] Chapter G ACD Newsletter Editor Howard Stob [email protected] 616-538-1087 Phone Tree Coordinators Pete and Sherry Wright 616-361-6287 [email protected] Chapter G 2015 Couple of the Year Rodney DeJonge & Dar Koza R:616-291-7948 D:616-970-3849 [email protected] [email protected] Chapter G Treasurer Jim Hake [email protected] 616 773-9670 Advertising Dept Greeters 50/50 Harry & Marcia Emmert 616-363-2159 [email protected] Chapter G Brag Book Jane Ungrey 616-784-6563 [email protected] Road Captain Bob Toedebusch (616) 706-9932 [email protected] Rider Ed Bob Ungrey 616 784-6563 [email protected] Events Coordinator Mike & Karen Wallis 616 284-9221 [email protected] Web Guru C.J. Shroll 616-437-0305 [email protected] Chapter G Website http://www.gwrra-mi-g.org Chapter Photographer Sunshine Lady Dar Koza 616-970-3849 [email protected] Page "7 Michigan District Directors Bob & Kim Scott [email protected] (989) 429-9144 ter G -Chap MI Assistant District Educators Dennis & Felicia Schulte [email protected] Phone: (989) 269-3998 Leadership Training... District Trainers Webmaster-COY Coordinator Ken Kintner & Patti Kintner [email protected] [email protected] Phone: 517-265-2667(H) 517-902-9893(K) Patti (after 5pm only please) 517-902-6222(P) Assistant District Directors: Northern Section Frank & Deb King [email protected] Phone: (906) 440-2133 Chapters J2, Q, Y, & Z Assistant District Directors: Western Section Contact District Directors Bob & Kim Scott [email protected] (989) 429-9144 Chapters C2, D, G, G2, K2, N,O, S & R2 Phone: (810) 397-1813 District Membership Enhancement... District Coordinators Randy & Cheryl Wiggins [email protected] Phone: 231-557-4792 District Treasurer Durand & Lonnie Benjamin Jr [email protected] (810) 245-3652 Assistant District Directors: East Central Section Rob & Pam Robinson Chapters A, D2, E, F, F2, L, Q2, U, V, & V2 Rob (248) 255-5859 [email protected] Pam (248) 255-5860 [email protected] Michigan Couple of the Year 2015... Bob & Marcia Kinsey [email protected] Advisory Team Members: Larry Terryn [email protected] Phone: (586) 786-6807 Audrey Holmes [email protected] Phone: (734) 281-2698 Assistant District Directors: Southeast Section Bob & Nancy Natter [email protected] Chapters C, H, H2, J, R, S2, W & W2 Phone: 734-421-8250 District Educator Richard Andreen [email protected] Phone: (810) 834-9125 Page "8 MI-C Region D Directors Becky & Lloyd Glydewell 937-322-7156 (Home) 937-360-3191 (Lloyd Cell) 937-631-4045 (Becky Cell) Email: [email protected] Region D Treasurers Leon Rogers & Tracey Enicks 937-423-1200 Leon’s Cell Email: [email protected] Region D Ride Educators John & Laurel Kuehl 219-464-4663 Home Email: [email protected] Region D Leadership Trainers Kathleen & Ken Heibel 616-901-2767 Kathleen’s Cell--after 5 pm. Email: [email protected] Region D Membership Enhancement Coordinators Gary & Carol Meyerholtz 812-639-7776 Gary’s Cell 812-631-3203 Carol's Cell Email: [email protected] Region D Vendor Coordinators George & Jeanie Fowler 740-427-2520 Home Email: [email protected] rG hapte Region D Entertainment Coordinators Mark & Dawn Reed assisted by sons Matthew & Nicholas 219-866-4386 Email: [email protected] Region D Couple of the Year Chuck & Melanie Geggie 513-312-6665 Melanie 513-312-0224 Chuck Email: [email protected] Region D Webmaster Howard Pletcher 260-255-9992 Cell Email: [email protected] Indiana District Directors Ray & Melinda Faber 765 307-0134 Ray 765 307-0661 Melinda Email: [email protected] Michigan District Directors Bob & Kim Scott 989-429-9144 Email: [email protected] Ohio District Directors Rudy & Linda Copeland Email: [email protected] Region D Newsletter Editor Killey & Dustin Shuck 765-490-0686 Email: [email protected] Page "9 GWRRA National Website http://www.gwrra.org/ Region D Website http://www.gwrra-regiond.org Michigan District Website http://www.gwrra-mi.org The First in Synthetics® Quality Express Car Care Center since 1972 Harold Taylor INDEPENDENT DEALER Advanced-Lubrication Harold A. Taylor 221 McGarry Drive Lansing, MI 48911 517-204-3674 [email protected] http://agreatoil.com Ron Cecil - Owner 2616 Alpine NW 3435 Plainfield NE 4359 S. Division 616.447.7911 616.447.8800 616.249.7770 www.qualityexpresscarcarecenter.com M-F 9 - 6 Sat 9-3 Same Day Service/Free Inspection Standard Oil Change 20% off parts $21.95 up to 5 Qts with any Synthetic Oil service over Change $200.00 $39.95 up to 5 Qts Mike’s Cycle Station D3CUSTOMS LLC (616) 784-6363 DAN DUCZKOWSKI Quality Service On: Motorcycles - ATV’S Ice Racers / Flat Trackers / Moto X’rs Parts &Accessories Available & Special Orders Servicing Vintage Motorcycles in winter Months 4381 Alpine NW Comstock Park MI 49321 [email protected] Owner/Master Technician Goldwing Certified 11363 3rd Ave NW M-F Grand Rapids, MI 49534 8-6 616-291-4196 [email protected] Owner: Mike Babka M-F 9-6 M-F 8-6 YOUR AD COULD BE HERE Page "10 MI-C rG hapte .t Injured in aAmotorcycle accident? Injured inaMotorc ycle ccident. You Need Michigan’s Top-Rated Lawyers YouNeed Michigan's Tcv &kW Attorneys Don’t get run over by the insurance company! "In my opinion theyWhy you should choose Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. for are the best your Michigan motorcycle accident case: motorcycle accident lawyers in Highest possible rating for skill and integrity Top track record for settlements Michigan." - Michael J. Smith, former Published authors on motorcycle accidents client and U.S. Army Ranger after NO WIN, NO FEE Lawyers Members of ABATE receiving his $1,100,000 settlement. “In my opinion, they are the best motorcycle accident lawyers in Michigan.” - Michael J. Smith, former client and U.S. Army Ranger after receiving his $1,100,000 settlement. Bumbling'. & Buckfire P. 31Ems t Attorney Dondi Vesprini Attorney Daniel Buckfire Board of Directors of ABATE of Michigan Author of “The Ultimate Michigan Motorcycle Accident Handbook” Call (800) 606-1717 www.Bucktirelaw.com www.BuckfireLaw.com leed to to know KnowThe TheHelmet HelmetLaws LawsIn InEvery Every State State and and Country Country this ThlsSummer SummerFour For Your Need Your pike BikeTrip? Trip? The Ultimate Michigan Motorcycle Downloadthe the FREE FREE"Motorcycle “Motorcycle Helmet Laws” App Download Helmet Laws" App Accident Handbook Just for "Motowycla “motorcycle Helmet on ITunes or Goo& google Play. N g search muck for Hoknot Laws” ("Aeon 'runes or Met WARNING: READ THIS BOOK BEFORE YOU SPEAK TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY The Ultimate Michigan Motorcycle Accident Handbook Our FREE BOOK wri en by top-rated Michigan motorcycle accident lawyer Daniel Buckfire explains 1 the Michigan motorcycle accident laws in easy to understand language. You will eliminate hours of 1 stress, confusion, and uncertainty simply by reading this book. This 65 Page Book reveals: Out I PU re_KHIc wi ne!' by One Of OM 10" gatrd I ni . 1 1 1 mill Why You Need a Lawyer When Dealing With the Insurance Company om yt tr dies k k d We i l ' ram 'OD undwi l ani Lartemar. Iron oi l l i mns! • t u t i tathrvt, terstbemwt 10 • y s l e a c q N aid refit efILMIllp411010 trie,t•diog the beak This tita s a mb tom & l AAre You En i n ptled to Michigan No-Fault Insurance Benefits r i N 1 - . VaJ"wk.(' 4 4 a Lawyee M •I W tb oodhe* °mem Wdb1he IMPASSICIP Ca ll.P How To Get The Best Money Se lement for Your Injuries N t3 0 h e • A t e You I r t d to M P n t e d F mil 'Near ors.r lielyr441e I M o . l t v e l 0 How To Find The Best Lawyer For Your Case • i f l i 1 4 N r i l l Urine" StellpflIPM1h i V ow irtultrfi Who Much Pay For Motorcycle Damage Claims I • l a m a l o I ind The homa liarrre toe * ow Coo l l •Our book sells for $14.95 but we will send it to GWRRA members for FREE. t h r t e M t * IlVio Fo• Moloht yr.* Da na . CSaina 1 1 OW W O *Olt Ibis 534 95 but wt. will litynd elb:IONNFI Request Your FREE COPY at 1 • www.MichiganMotorcycleBook.com 1 RA m o m W i t t 4 e s 0 F Or call us at 1-800-606-1717 R Reluesi E E Your FREE COPY 2t I wont" Mactwoonbi011orcvcieBook F 01 t4ell us dt 1-41100-606-t 711 V www.BuckfireLaw.com wwwieuckfireLaw_com I l l I 4 1 Page "11 1 1 1 . Certified Goldwing Mechanics MI-C Honda Kawasaki Suzuki Yamaha Check our web page for specials and our ride schedule rG hapte Fox Shawmut Hills 2807 Lake Michigan Dr Grand Rapids, MI 49504 616.453.5467 MI-C hapte rG Fox Powersports of Kentwood New Hours 3562 29th St SE Monday 9am - 7pm Grand Rapids, MI 49512 Tue, Wed, Thu 9am - 6pm 616.855.3660 Fri 9am - 7pm Sat 9am - 4pm Sunday Closed Service Dept. opens at 7:00am on Monday & Saturday GWRRA MI-G Ezra and Marilynn Bostic 1492 Kinney NW Walker MI 49534 Address Page "12
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Chapter G Meeting Place
Denny’s Restaurant
44th & 131
2nd & 4th Sunday 8:30am