Submission to the Select Committee of the Legislative Council of
Submission to the Select Committee of the Legislative Council of
Submission to the Select Committee of the Legislative Council of South Australia on Marine Parks Contents Introduction p. 2 Background to Community Objections p. 3 A. The Community’s Views on the Environment p. 3 B. State Government’s Stated Criteria p. 3 Community Objections p. 4 A. The Consultation Process p. 4 B. Unavailability of Scientific Research p. 5 C. Safety Issues p. 5 D. Social Implications p. 6 E. Economic Implications p. 7 The Kangaroo Island Economy p. 7 The Importance of Tourism to the Island and South Australia p. 7 The Importance of Tourism to the North Coast p. 8 The Importance of KI Fishing Adventures and Sanctuary Zone G p. 8 Appendix 1: Third Submission to KI MPLAG p.10 Appendix 2: Members of the North Coast Marine Park Group p.12 Introduction The Committee of the North Coast Marine Park Group of Kangaroo Island has created this submission. This Group was created after wide consultation with the community of the North Coast of Kangaroo Island. The purpose of our Group is to voice our opposition to the proposed Sanctuary Zones within the Southern Spencer Gulf Marine Park in particular Sanctuary Zones G and I. Our Committee consists of the following members: Allan Childs, Jim Chapman, Paul Davies, Kevin Pratt and Candina Williams. The Group produced three submissions this year to the Kangaroo Island Marine Parks Local Advisory Group (KI MPLAG). Our third and final submission to the KI MPLAG is outlined in Appendix 1.This outlines our final proposals for the location of the Sanctuary Zones and these were accepted by the Kangaroo Island Marine Parks Local Advisory Group (KI MPLAG) on a majority vote. The Department of the Environment and Natural Resources now has this recommendation. Our submissions were supported by 542residents and visitors, who put their names to the submissions. A list of the names is in Appendix 2. We have enclosed all our objections to the Sanctuary Zones from our submissions, which are still applicable to your Terms of Reference. While these objections make a lengthy submission to the Select Committee, we believe their inclusion is vital as we believe the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) will still overturn the recommendations of the KI MPLAG. By fully informing you of our objections we are asking you to use every means at your disposal to ensure DENR implement the recommendations of the KL MPLAG. The Group’s opposition to the initial proposed Sanctuary Zones wasbased on several major objections, which we outline these issues below: A. The consultation process B. Non-availability of scientific research C. Safety issues D. Social implications E. Economic implications However before explaining the above, we include two other sections outlining the background to community objections and the State government’s stated criteria. These put into the context our objections to the process and the DNER recommendations. To understand the original DENR proposals and the final advice from the KL MPLAG please refer to the following maps: Southern Spencer Gulf Proposed Zones Marine Park 12 Final KI MPLAG Advice Marine Park 12 Final Yorke MPLAG Advice 2 Background to Community Objections A. The Community’s Views on the Environment The people of the North Coast and Kangaroo Island as a whole want a clean natural environment and make efforts to ensure that this environment is protected. The Islanders make a conscious choice to remain on the Island despite the economic handicaps that come with living here. These include the higher costs of living (e.g. petrol is $1.50 or more per litre) plus the lower than average State income and a lower Gross State Product per capita than the State average. One of the reasons, if not the prime reason, for accepting these handicaps is the quality of the natural environment. As such the community has historically taken strenuous efforts to protect the environment both on land and at sea. In this context the community wants to maintain a pristine sea and coastline. They want this for its own sake but they also realize that this naturally pristine environment is the basis for the Island’s tourism, which is a considerable source of income and employment. As such the concept of Marine Parks in order to protect the marine environment is not a matter of serious dispute in our community. However the Sanctuary Zones are disputed as they have wide repercussions for the society and economy of the North Coast and the Island as a whole. B. State Government’s Stated Criteria We would like to outline the stated criteria for the proposed Sanctuary Zones as these are important to the context of our Group’s objections. The criteria we quote below come from the Introduction to each Preliminary Sanctuary Zone Scenario provided by the DENR for the last MPLAG meeting in November. The criteria include: The preliminary sanctuary zone scenario is only a starting point and does not represent a Government proposal or preference. There may be better ways to design a marine park zoning scheme to achieve the desired outcome. It is expected that this work will result in changes to what is initially provided. Indeed, this is the purpose of the MPLAGs and key stakeholder engagement – to better inform and assist the Government in this process – so we can help ensure that the needs of local communities and industries are met. The State Government has not adopted an arbitrary percentage target for the size of sanctuary zones. Instead, it remains open to the advice of the community as to how to best design the marine parks network to protect and conserve marine biodiversity and marine habitats in a manner that accords with the objects of the Marine Parks Act 2007. To assist MPLAGs, key stakeholders and other community members to develop their preferred zoning scenarios, you will be provided with some indicative zoning guidelines: o One of these zoning guidelines is that the sanctuary zones should cover about 20-25% of each marine park – this would translate to about 10% of our State’s waters. 3 o However, this is a guideline only and may not be achievable in some marine parks, particularly where there are significant policy commitments in place to provide for various current and future activities. o Your attention is drawn to the marine park policy commitments made by the Government in 2009, in particular the assurance given to the commercial fishing industry that the outcome of marine parks zoning will have no more than a 5% economic impact. We outline the above as there is a significant difference between stated Government policy and criteria and how the consultation process is actually being run. We highlight specific instances of this below. Community Objections A. The Consultation Process The North Coast community has been and still is concerned about the speed of the consultation process and we made the following points on this: While the Island has been waiting several years for the Sanctuary Zones to be announced, the timing of their announcement was a concern The Zones were announced at the MPLAG meeting on 18th November 2010 Members of the MPLAG committee only received the date of the meeting 10 days before the meeting so had little time to alert the community Members of the community were only given notice in the Islander newspaper on the day of the meeting on 18th November 2010 Following the meeting, the community was told that they had to send in their submissions to the MPLAG committee by mid-February 2011 so that the MPLAG committee could read them before presenting them to the DENR at a proposed meeting in late February 2011 Then in early January our Committee was informed by Phil Hollow of the DENR that submissions had to be submitted to him by 28th January 2011 The result is that the submission process has been shrunk to just over two months at a time when the local community is at one of its busiest times for farmers and commercial charter fishermen The impression given to the community by the DENR was that the process was being rushed at the expense of community views. In several private conversations between DENR officials and members of the community, it has been stated that there is no room for negotiation on the location of the Sanctuary Zones. This was clearly not abiding by the spirit of the consultation process laid out by the Government and the community believes that the DENR was acting outside the Government guidelines. Consequently the North Coast community is still very angry. Speaking to other Islanders, our North Coast community believes this anger is mirrored throughout the Island. It has left our community distrustful of further DENR actions. 4 While our Group achieved our desired recommendation from the KI MPLAG this recommendation has still to be implemented. We will monitor the rest of the process for the location of the Sanctuary Zones but we expect further opposition by DENR to the recommendations of the KI MPLAG. B. Unavailability of Scientific Research Given the significant social and economic implications of the Zones, the community was bewildered by the lack of scientific research available to the public to justify not only the theory behind Sanctuary Zones but also their specific locations. The process has progressed since the start of the year but there is still no public scientific justification for why there should be a fishing ban in the Sanctuary Zones. Professor Cheshire is Chair of the Scientific Working Group for Marine Parks and Marine Planning. He has publicly stated that the Working Group has reviewed all available science relating to marine parks and they have therefore recommended that fishing bans be put in Sanctuary Zones. However he has not publicly stated why. Meanwhile there are a significant number of fisheries scientists, including Professor Bob Kearney, Emeritus Professor of Fisheries at the University of Canberra, who disagree with the proposed ban. I am sure you will be hearing from them. As such public policy is being based on this disputed science and this can only be a mistake for the KI community and South Australia at large. C. Safety Issues Sanctuary Zone I The location of Sanctuary Zone I is of particular concern for safety reasons and the community believes lives are at risk. This should be particularly alarming for the government. The majority of recreational fishermen on the North Coast fish in Sanctuary Zone I. The beach and ramp facilities on the North Coast make launching relatively difficult so that all boats are invariably small. Meanwhile the seas on the North Coast of the Island are subject to the southern ocean, which can often be rough and wild. This affects smaller boats in particular. It can be particularly dangerous when boats are at sea and then conditions change quickly, which can be the case. Larger boats that can launch can handle these seas with far less risk. Sanctuary Zone I starts roughly 1.5km from Snellings Beach but many of the fishing grounds in the Zone are beyond 1.5km. As such there is a risk that recreational fishermen will try to fish beyond the outer limit of the Zone, which is 7.5km from Snellings Beach. Given the inherent dangers in the Investigator Straitthis poses a considerable risk to lives. This is surely not a risk that the Government wants to increase. 5 Sanctuary Zone G While few recreational fishermen launching from the Island fish in this Zone due to the distance from launching sites, there is still an important safety aspect to the location of this Zone. KI Fishing Adventures, skippered and owned by Gavin Solly, provides the only community safety boat in the region. KI Fishing Adventures has two boats one is 65 feet long while the other is 45 feet long. These charter boats provide charters 200 days per year and they are the only boats based on the North Coast that can handle the roughest of seas in the region. Consequently KI Fishing Adventures provides the only boats capable for sea rescue in the region and they have on several occasions helped boats in distress. Also given their radio equipment they are able to alert sea rescue authorities when other boats radio for distress. However should Sanctuary Zone G remain as proposed this would effectively destroy the business of KI Fishing Adventures as itfishes 70% of the time in Zone G. The business would then have to relocate away from Kangaroo Island. As such the valuable sea safety support that KI Fishing Adventures provides would then not be available. Again this is surely not a risk that the Government can accept. Gavin has suggested alternative Zone locations to the DENR, which include a Snapper breeding ground on which he does not fish, but he has had no response. The DENR also has no information on the seabed of Zone G but Gavin has provided this to them through his extensive fishing database, which is proprietary to him through his own creation. D. Social Implications Recreational fishing has been a way of life for decades on the North Coast. Pristine seas, beautiful coastline and the availability of fish have been natural drawcards for the local community. Recreational fishing has provided a quality of life when there are far fewer recreational pastimes on the Island compared to the mainland. This has also been one of the compensations for living in an economically poor part of South Australia. People have settled and houses have been built on the basis that residents then have the right to fish recreationally. If recreational fishing is banned it would also lead to people leaving the community with the consequent social and economic implications, which will be dealt with in more detail below. Should Sanctuary Zone I remain there would be no points in launching from Snellings Beach and King George Pebbly Beach, the latter being directly in the Zone. This would also affect several small launching points between Stokes Bay and Snellings Beach. 6 E. Economic Implications The Kangaroo Island Economy The economy is narrowly based with the four main sectors being farming, aquaculture, tourism and commercial fishing. This has influenced the following economic characteristics of the Island: The economy has a lower Gross State Product per capita than the State average while having a lower income per capita Meanwhile costs are significantly higher and the average cost of living is estimated to be 22.5% higher than the SA average. There is no subsidized travel while freight costs are far higher as all goods come by ferry. The population was estimated to be 4,602 in 2008 and the council rates from this low population have to finance spending across the large geography of the Island. Consequently council operating expenses per capita are significantly higher than in other SA councils. 31% of the population is over 55, which will lead to a long-term decline in population and therefore ratepayer base Under these circumstances it is not surprising that the KI Council was deemed to be financially unsustainable by the Local Government Association of SA in 2005 Any dramatic change in the Island’s economic base will lead to a reduction on the ratepayer base of the Council with potentially severe repercussions on its finances, its spending and its employment of the local population. This will also have a significant impact on the capital value of properties along the North Coast. Meanwhile the community will not be compensated for any such fall in capital values. Given the State government has just announced a $25m package to assist the economy of KI, the State Government obviously recognizes the limited economic prospects for the island and so it must recognize the importance of tourism for the island economy. The Importance of Tourism to Kangaroo Island and South Australia There are 185,000 tourists per annum and the Federal Government ranks the Island in the top four tourist destinations in Australia by numbers. They also rank it as the number one ecotourism destination in Australia. Tourism provides 15% of the direct employment on the Island but there is considerable indirect employment created by tourism spending on goods and services e.g. National Parks, retail outlets, hotels. The self-catering accommodation sector also uses significant numbers of trades people for maintenance of its properties while paying significant higher-than-average council rates The South Australian Tourism Plan, 2009-14 published by the State government in 2009 has prioritized the development of food and wine tourism plus the development of KI as a tourist destination. The Tourism Plan plans to increase tourism receipts from $4.2bn in 2007 to $6.3bn in 2014 In fact at any major State tourism event, Kangaroo Island is presented as the ‘jewel in the crown’ for SA tourism. Once tourists visit the Island there is a 7 high probability that they visit other tourist destinations in SA such as the wine regions. A reduction in tourism to the Island will have a knock-on effect for the whole of SA. The KI Strategic Tourism Plan, 2006 published by Kangaroo Island Council plans to build and sustain an enduring tourism industry withdiverse experiences and attractions that will strengthen the economic viability of tourism businesses. We know that the Government would like to double the number of tourists to KI to 350,000 p.a. Banning recreational fishing will not achieve this. Sources: KI Strategic Tourism Plan, 2006 Strategic Management Plan, 2010-14 (KI council) Local Government on KI Today and Tomorrow, 2008 South Australian Tourism Plan, 2009-14 (2009) The Importance of Tourism to the North Coast From the above points it is clear that tourism is of significance to the Island economy while tourism development is part of Council and State Government economic planning Tourism’s impact on the North Coast economy is large. Between Snellings Beach and Stokes Bay there are roughly 100 self-catering beds. Around Snellings Beach area there are roughly 80 self-catering beds and from there to Cape Forbin there are roughly 100 beds. This is a total of 280 beds. This not only provides direct employment but provides indirect employment to service providers to the properties The self-catering properties provide significant amounts of Council rates due to the property values maintained through sustained numbers of guests This accommodation relies on recreational fishing as a drawcard to properties with 40%+ of guests launching their own boats. The proposed effective prohibition of recreational fishing will lead to a loss of bookings and therefore income while tourism employment will also be reduced. The Importance of KI Fishing Adventures and Sanctuary Zone G The economic importance of this charter company to the North Coast cannot be underestimated. We have already outlined their importance to local boating safety under ‘Safety Issues’ on p.5. They take fishermen out to the middle of the Investigator Strait where few other charter boats go and they have established a good reputation among the recreational fishing fraternity nationally. It attracts significant numbers of tourists from SA, interstate and even internationally. The resulting good word-of-mouth is good not only for the business but also Kangaroo Island and South Australia as a whole While fishing in Sanctuary Zone G they haveover 1500 marks so that no overfishing of any one mark occurs With 10 customers per trip at $220 per customer and 200 trips per year the business is estimated to account for 1% of all tourism receipts alone on the Island 8 The influence of KI Fishing Adventures does not stop there. Most of their customers rent self-catering accommodation on the North Coast. Remove KI Fishing Adventures and there will be a reduction in self-catering rentals. The proposed Sanctuary Zone G will make KI Fishing Adventures an unviable business as most of the fishing occurs there and the business would move to another part of Australia. 29th July, 2011 9 Appendix 1: Third Submission on Sanctuary Zones G & I within the Southern Spencer Gulf Marine Park Introduction This is a third submission by the Committee of the North Coast Marine Park Group. It is a submission to Minister Paul Caica and the Kangaroo Island Marine Park Local Advisory Group (MPLAG) in relation to Sanctuary Zones G and I within the Southern Spencer Gulf Marine Park. Ideally our Group does not want recreational nor charter fishing bans in any zones. In the meantime our Group has to minimize the social and economic impact of any potential fishing bans on the North Coast of Kangaroo Island. Broad support for minimizing these bans has also been given by the Kangaroo Island Council, which has sent a report to Minister Caica outlining the social and economic impacts of these proposed bans. As such we would like to suggest alternative zones as outlined below. In consultation with the community of the lower Yorke Peninsula we have also agreed these proposals with them. Ian Janzow, Chairman of the Western Yorke Peninsula LAG, has been in close consultation with the Yorke Peninsula community about these proposals and Ian will be presenting them to his LAG on 14th May. Should the Western Yorke Peninsula LAG accept these proposals then the proposals would have the support not only of the Yorke Peninsula community but also the North Coast Marine Park Group, which itself has 542 members (see Appendix 2 for the list of people who agreed to support this submission). With such significant community support we would expect Minister Caica to fully implement these proposals. Submission Remove the Sanctuary Zones G and I in their present location for the reasons outlined in our first submission of 28th January. Replace them with the following three new Sanctuary Zones as outlined on the enclosed map. 1. The suggested new Zone (I) in the middle of Investigator Strait: It is 8km by 8km giving a total area of roughly 64 square kilometers It covers a significant Whiting breeding ground at Orcades Bank It covers a significant length of drop-off on the seabed. This is often where there are significant numbers of marine flora and fauna. It will have negligible impact social and economic impact on the North Coast of Kangaroo Island and the Yorke Peninsula 10 2. Zone G has been reduced in size and relocated eastwards. It has the following characteristics and benefits: It is a total area of roughly 110 square kilometers It covers several different types of habitat 3. One small zone on the North Coast of Kangaroo Island and it has the following characteristics and benefits: It is one km by one km It is next to the Western River Conservation Park It covers several different types of habitat It will cause minimal disruption to the community of the North Coast of Kangaroo Island Conclusion These proposals have the support of the members of the North Coast Marine Park Group, which who total 542. May, 2011 11 Appendix 2: Members of the North Coast Marine Park Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Kevin Pratt Julie Pratt Alan Childs Chris Childs Peter Macgill Anne Macgill WillIam McLaren Dennel Sullivan Dean Smith Darky Biddle Imran Sullivan Dan Sullivan Huia Sullivan Hans Sullivan Monique Sullivan Nigel Brown Sue Ratahi Stuart Mainland Corina Kahui Simon Heinrich Tracey Paardekooper Scott Paardekooper Peter Stewart Richard Ordway Scott Walden Kimberely Tretheway Stacey Densen Simon Wheaton Eloise Wheaton Malcolm Smith Elsie Smith John Robinson Di Mitchell Adelaide Holly Kirsty Davies Lucy Macgill Dimpy Laurie John Laurie Anna Laurie Tim Laurie Jim Rawson Paul Davies Helen Reid Bradley Smith Paddy Sullivan Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Middle River Middle River Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Penneshaw Penneshaw Kingscote Penneshaw Penneshaw Kingscote Penneshaw Baudin Beach American River American River Island Beach Island Beach Tranmere Penneshaw Normanville Medindie Grange King George Beach King George Beach King George Beach King George Beach Glenelg North Medindie Penneshaw Penneshaw Kingscote 12 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Sankara Sullivan Steve Hanson Julie Hanson Ben Martin Paula Martin Lee Watters Kobi Watters Molly Watters Chris Jones Phoebe Jones Elsa Jones Sam Mumford Helen Mumford Jack Mumford Nick Mumford Josh Mumford Doug Nairn Fiona Nairn Tom O'Shaunassy Steven Hodge Karen Hodge James Hodge Duncan Correll Caroline Correll Sam Correll Jack Correll Steve Holland Bill Taylor Caroline Taylor A.R. Gilbert F.A. Gilbert Renee Gilbert Mark Gilbert Steven James Larcombe Tricia Anne Larcombe Emily Renea Larcombe April Kate Larcombe Annmarie Tricia Larcombe Gerome VanderLinden Colin Florance Sue Florance Simon Dennis Tessa Dennis Maddison Dennis Olivia Dennis James Dennis Kingscote Kingscote Kingscote Kingscote Kingscote Western River Western River Western River Gosse Gosse Gosse Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Middle River Middle River Mount Compass Snug Cove Snug Cove Snug Cove Pebbly Beach Pebbly Beach Pebbly Beach Pebbly Beach Western River Western River Western River Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Kingscote Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana 13 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 Simon Murray Darry Fraser Gilder Fraser Ben Murray Abby Murray Bridgit Burns Harrison Burns Kate Burns Dean Dennis Jean Dennis Tony Wilson Gill Wilson Mark DeLaine Janine DeLaine Ben DeLaine Jo DeLaine Rod Agars Peter Trenwith Jen Trenwith Leigh Sack Gavin Willson Gavin Solly Candina Faye Williams Dylan Jake Solly Jean Shepherd Martin Altmann Fiona Altmann Hugh Watters Colleen Watters Elizabeth Johnswood Roger Roberts George Jook Greg Simons Sharon Simons Tony Coppins Sandy Coppins Peter Wallis Sam Short Danielle Short Jackson Short Lauchlan Short Dan Pattingale Sue Pattingale Tom Pattingale Nina Pattingale Stephen Pattingale Ian Hallas Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Kingscote Kingscote Trott Park/KI Trott Park Sheidow Park Sheidow Park Hallett Cove Hallett Cove Hallett Cove Aldinga Aldinga Glenelg Hallett Cove Western River Western River Western River Victor Habour Murray Bridge Murray Bridge Western River Western River Western River Western River Hallett Cove Haines, KI Haines, KI Banksia Park Banksia Park Penneshaw Western River Western River Western River Western River Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Port Vincent 14 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 Ivan Smith Joye Smith Chantelle Smith Sharon Tucker Mark Durbridge Renae Smith Michael Smith Louise Smith King Smith Sharna Smith Chris Zadow Mick O'Mally Josie O'Mally Romi Romi Niki Graziona Simon Bruhn Kym Zadow Mathew Ingram Rick Morris Annie Morris Bonnie Morris Tanner Morris Raemi Morris Belle Morris Burnie Puttner Dimity Gill Carol Meill Bob Solly Laurel Solly Mark Solly Darren Dunn Jack Dunn Brad Dunn John Watters Suzie Watters Kate Watters Sam Watters Rebecca Watters Emma Watters Robert Benny Rosie Benny Isobel Benny Stella Benny Bridget Benny Robert-roger Benny Roger Borgmeyer Rick Walden Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Rainbow Vic Rainbow Vic Rainbow Vic Rainbow Vic Bowhill Bowhill Bowhill Bowhill Bowhill Bowhill Tailem Bend Kingscote Karatta Karatta Karatta Karatta Karatta Karatta Stokes Bay Stokes Bay American River Mount Gambier Mount Gambier Mount Gambier Banksia Park Banksia Park Banksia Park Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Gosse Gosse Gosse Gosse Gosse Gosse Karatta Houten 15 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 Greg Downing Tracy Downing Bailey Downing Lauren Downing Olivia Downing Paul Niekel Tracey Niekel Peter Lock Cath Lock Daniel Lock Gill Lock Jackson Gloin Harry Gloin Will Gloin Dr Kym Nunn Dr Andrea Miller Chelsea Nunn Michael Nunn Jamie Boyle Carmen Joseph Lucas Boyle Tye Boyle Emma Boyle Riley Boyle Marcus Halloran Scott Weaver Margi Weaver Craig Graham Kaylene Graham Josh Graham Harry VanDenBerg Adrianna VanDenBurg Mathew Altman John Gamble Jim Chapman Brian Cutler Errine Kilgrath David Buder Jacob Buder Chris Beckwith Reggie Beckwith Julian VanDenBurg Simone VanDenBurg Fleur VanDenBurg Dr Angus Gidley-Beard Alistar Gidley-Beard Steven Childs Gosse Gosse Gosse Gosse Gosse Flagstaff Hill Flagstaff Hill Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Parndana Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Vivonne Bay Vivonne Bay Vivonne Bay Vivonne Bay Vivonne Bay Vivonne Bay Stokes Bay Cape Jervis Cape Jervis Middle River Middle River Middle River Kingscote Kingscote Murray Bridge Middle River Middle River Western River Western River Banksia Park Banksia Park Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Kingscote Kingscote Kingscote Western River Western River Karatta 16 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 Kerryn Muntz Patrick Lavers Marlene Lavers Phil Cooper Barb Cooper Mark Cooper Michael Walsh Roslyn Walsh Owen Holland Terry May Cheryl May Patrick Crowther Sharon Mathews Scott Wilson Lois Wilson Andy Correll Di Correll Shane Waddell Ruth Waddell Jamie Bowden Gaynor Bowden Nick Hannaford Lisa Hannaford Damien Howard John Crawford Colleen Crawford Chris Downing Clare Downing Shane Leahy Ray Clarke Brenton Florence Scott Henderson Damien Florence Annette Florence Lauchlan Florence Cameron Florence David Stark Julie Stark Cate Telfer Andy Rose Steven Linheart Chris Laurie Chris Dennis Abbey Dennis Alex Dennis Mason Dennis Peter Corcoran Karatta American River American River Parndana Parndana Parndana Western River Western River Parndana Parndana Parndana Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Kingscote Kingscote Gosse Gosse Harriett Harriett Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Middle River Middle River Kingscote Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Parndana Stokes Bay Kingscote Middle River Vivonne Bay Vivonne Bay Vivonne Bay Vivonne Bay Pebbly Beach Pebbly Beach Norwood Tea Tree Gully Port Adelaide King George Beach Cassini Cassini Cassini Cassini Robinvale 17 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 Craig Drapier Sean Pearce Howard Forster Pat Forster Greg Forster Shelley Forster Gary Neave Daniel Turner George Turner Coral Turner Richard Howard Burnie Howard Tom Wurst Stephanie Corcoran Nathan Tretheway Jen Tretheway Terry Mayland Tim May Bradley May Mark Brice David Harnett Audrey Harnett Ben Pontifex Sarah Pontifex Graham Wurst Helen Wurst Sandy Zealand Steve Halloran Suzie Halloran Ella Holloran Jack Halloran Ryan Halloran Eddie Rademacher Tina Rademacher Nathan Smith Des Pratt Elaine Pratt Sky Childs Phillip Prince Lindy Prince Georgia Prince Ben Proud Darren Treisis Sam Mazzerata Joe Rocco Dale Edwards Wayne Dawldy Robinvale Emu Bay Smith's Bay Smith's Bay Smith's Bay Smith's Bay Wisanger Emu Bay Wisanger Wisanger Kingscote Kingscote Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Parndana Robinvale Western River Western River Vivonne Bay Vivonne Bay Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Emu Bay Harriett Harriett Harriett Harriett Harriett Kingscote Kingscote Kingscote Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Karatta Glenelg Glenelg Glenelg Western River Western River Robinvale Robinvale Kingscote Western River 18 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 Darren Guy Sherilee Binstead Troy Nissen Carly Nissen Max Walker Michelle Healy Adam Michael Aaroon Oakley Nick Campbell Sarah Campbell Jay Bunny Ben Smith Lockie Howard Ben Howard Brent Kirby Henry Harvey Emma Harvey Steven Clarke Tara Clarke Luke Bailey Lynn Wright Leila Howard Shane Bates Reece Tonkin Craig Medhurst Jennifer Medhurst Lachlan Medhurst Hamish Medhurst Lorna Stanton Troy Kirby Jolie Kirby Neil Hayden Dari Morris Trevor Bates Tamara Howard John Burge Maureen Burge Neil Lister Rohnda Lister Rudy Seljan Glenis Seljan Lucian Binstead Grizz Somerfield Melissa Franklin Brad Wilson Della Wilson Fred Lashmar Tea Tree Gully Penneshaw Salisbury Heights Salisbury Heights Western River Western River Western River Pinaroo American River American River Baudin Beach Penneshaw Penneshaw Penneshaw Penneshaw Baudin Beach Baudin Beach Penneshaw Penneshaw Seaton Penneshaw Baudin Beach Penneshaw Penneshaw Glencoe Glencoe Glencoe Glencoe Mount Gambier Penneshaw Penneshaw Gawler Gawler Penneshaw Penneshaw Hallett Cove Hallett Cove Penneshaw Penneshaw Island Beach Island Beach Black Point Penneshaw Strathalbyn Penneshaw Penneshaw Antechamber Bay 19 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 Kate Sumner Penny VonDusa Dan Keynes Gary Buick Peter Holt Josie Holt Brian Holt Tony Ingram Mark Dunlop Paul Kernin Tracey Kernin Mark Hardy Clayton Wilson Desmond Johnston Rita Johnston Rhett Wilson Donald McMulkin Tracey McMulkin Shakobi McMulkin Meki McMulkin Zane McMulkin Jake McMulkin Trad McMulkin Louise Wilson Alec Talbot Julie Talbot Shane Mensforth Merrilyn Mensforth David Hickman Mark Evans Helen Evans Sam Evans Jack Evans Brian Williams Joshua Williams Fred Taylor Robert Cox John McIndoe Steven Mensforth Alana Iokan Brett Mensforth Anthony Pratt Kelly Pratt Carly Buttrose William Buttrose Jacob Pratt Kelly Pratt Penneshaw Antechamber Bay Penneshaw Penneshaw Robinvale Robinvale Robinvale Penneshaw Penneshaw Cape Jervis Cape Jervis Kingscote Penneshaw Parndana Parndana Penneshaw Harriett Harriett Harriett Harriett Harriett Harriett Harriett Penneshaw Woodville South Woodville South North Haven North Haven Harriett Western River Western River Western River Western River Mount Gambier Mount Gambier Western River Robinvale Tea Tree Gully North Haven Seaton Seaton Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Harriett Harriett Stokes Bay Stokes Bay 20 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 Paul Housten Carol Housten Matthew Housten Danita Johnston Rebecca Housten David Tresidda Alex Ben Liz Palmer Gen French Dave French Ben Wood George Brant Hamish Brown Bob Lillecrapp Hamish Seears Ben Ross Nick Teague Ben Younger Ali Dillon Natash Wade William Brown Alex Hart Daniel Alexander Mathew Aablethorpe Nicky Fenwick Stuart Were David Lucas Roger Hardingham David Halloran Natasha Halloran Mike Adams Damien Brown Brad Hall Tom Hicks Angus Downer Hayley Martin Andrew Sellars James Teague John Moran Andrew Forte Lucas Woods Andrew Bahr Matt Mclean Michael Pfitzner Laura Broad Tim Phillips David Barnes Stokes Bay Stokes Bay Devon Park Devon Park Sheidow Park Holbury Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Snug Cove Snug Cove Parndana Parndana Snug Cove Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach Hamilton Kangaroo Beach Kangaroo Beach 21 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 Ed Wright Brad Taylor Jeff Guy Jo Guy Christopher Boyle Graham Spargo Niel Vigor Dan Hayden Elle Hayden Peter Neil Michael Corsk Dave Hamdorf Sandy Lillywhite Jack Dougherty Peter Dougherty Marg Vigor Brett Brooke Joseph Spitiri Rhys Hobbs MW Wright Morrie Doughtery Gerry Meffer Marcus Shea David Libbis Anthony Williams David Bushell David Wagnell Jane Bushell Susan Libbs David Farrell Craig Dunn Jarad Dunn Robert Martlew Peter Allen Mario Patorie Barry Bass Joan Bass Jim Casvto Alan Watson Mark Mills Graeme Clifford Richard Hayden Matt Hayden Thomas Hayden Glynn Hayden Luke Hayden Anthony Ellis Kangaroo Beach Horsham Horsham Horsham Island Beach Bacchus Marsh Bacchus Marsh Somerton park Somerton park Kupunda Richhaven Cape Borda Cape Borda Bacchus Marsh Bacchus Marsh Bacchus Marsh Melton Melton Bacchus Marsh Bacchus Marsh Werribee Bacchus Marsh Bacchus Marsh Bacchus Marsh Bacchus Marsh Bacchus Marsh Bacchus Marsh Bacchus Marsh Darley Darley Helensvale QLD Helensvale QLD Bordertown Bacchus Marsh Kyneton Dandenong Dandenong Campamia Tas Bacchus Marsh Bacchus Marsh Beaumont vic Flagstaff Hill Craigmore Andrews Farm Elizabeth Downs Brahama Lodge Sunbury Vic 22 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 Bevan Braddon Chris Cook Chis Paddon Gary Ellis Rodney Drayton John Warnock Pat Denton Mark Swan Gary Sandercock Barry Sandercock Adian Fraser Adrienne Fraser Zarek Fraser Aisha Fraser Malcolm Fraser Shelley Warner Ben Walsh Kirsty Flude H Walsh D Walsh K Flude P Flude J Flude KI Transfers Steve Cesco Bonnie Smith Simon Adams Jason Broad Sunbury Vic Sunbury Vic Clapham Glenunga Sydney Aldinga Clapham Adelaide Clapham Light Gardens Walkey Heights Walkey Heights Walkey Heights Walkey Heights Moonta Bay Tarlee Para Vista Para Vista Valley View Valley View Port Willunga Evanston Gardens Fairview Park Kingscote Port Willunga Port Willunga Mount Gambier Hamilton 23 Marine Park 12 - Southern Spencer Gulf Marine Park Preliminary Sanctuary Zone Scenario Starting Point - Version 1 137°12'0"E 137°24'0"E 34°48'0"S 137°0'0"E 34°48'0"S 136°48'0"E -5 -3 0 0 -2 -5 C -10 B PORT MINLACOWIE -5 A -1 5 -30 -1 POINT SOUTTAR -5 -2 BERRY BAY Leven Beach CP -1 5 -3 0 POINT TURTON Warooka -2 0 -5 35°0'0"S 35°0'0"S Point Turton -5 D 7 -2 Hardwicke Bay -5 Corny Point POINT ANNIE Gleeson Landing Rock Lobster Sanctuary HARDWICKE BAY Point Souttar -2 DALY HEAD -1 7 -37 -10 Yorke Peninsula -13 Warrenben CP FORMBY BAY POINT DAVENPORT BROWNS BEACH 35°12'0"S -6 F ISLAND -27 -20 PONDALOWIE BAY -37 -4 -13 -2 35°12'0"S ROYSTON ISLAND POINT GILBERT Point Davenport CP GYM BEACH -10 MIDDLE STURT BAY -1 -2 0 E Innes NP -1 Marion Bay POINT YORKE MARION BAY -20 -1 -2 0 -9 -4 0 STENHOUSE BAY -8 -1 2 Lower Yorke Peninsula Marine Park -2 0 CAPE SPENCER -30 HAYSTACK ISLAND -50 -3 0 -3 -3 0 SEAL ISLAND -9 -40 -2 9 -17 -8 -1 1 -30 8 H -1 1 0 -3 3 -1 4 Althorpe Islands CP 35°24'0"S 35°24'0"S -1 8 -35 -3 7 -3 7 -3 7 G 35°36'0"S -5 -1 0 -5 -5 0 -36 -1 8 -3 I 5 STOKES BAY CAPE DUTTON 35°36'0"S -2 2 -4 -4 2 Lathami CP -8 Western Kangaroo Island Marine Park WESTERN RIVER COVE CAPE FORBIN -18 MIDDLE -22 RIVER -20 Western River WA Kangaroo Island -58 Cape Torrens WA 136°48'0"E 137°0'0"E 137°12'0"E Possible Sanctuary Zones Bathymetry Marine Parks Coastline (median high water) Lake - Perennial Major Road Lake - Intermittent Minor Road 137°24'0"E Produced by Data Source Compiled Projection Datum Land Subject to Inundation (STI) © Copyright Department of Environment and Natural Re sources 2010. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction Or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sough t from the Department. Parks and Reserves Adelaide Rock Lobster Sanctuaries Special Purpose Areas (Harbours) 0 0 10 Kms Coast and Marine Conservation Department of Environment and Natural Resources GPO BOX 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine Parks, Parks and Reserves, Rock Lobster Sanctuary, Topographic Data Bathymetry - DENR Harbours - DENR & Harbors and Navigation Act 8 November 2010 Geographic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 10 Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no rep resentation s, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpo se and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising fro m reliance upon the information displayed. Nautical Miles DEH MapID: 2010-387 Marine Park 12 - Southern Spencer Gulf Marine Park Final Kangaroo Island MPLAG Zoning Advice from Meeting held 16/5/2011 136°45'0"E 136°50'0"E 136°55'0"E 137°0'0"E 137°5'0"E 137°10'0"E -9 -20 -11 -40 STENHOUSE BAY -18 -30 CAPE SPENCER -8 -8 -11 -30 -12 8 -1 -20 -30 -9 SEAL ISLAND -9 -50 35°20'0"S 35°20'0"S 0 -2 -37 -30 HAYSTACK ISLAND -30 -3 0 -40 -30 -29 -18 -33 Althorpe Islands CP -1 7 -14 35°25'0"S -35 35°25'0"S -18 I1 35°35'0"S 35°35'0"S -4 2 35°30'0"S 35°30'0"S -37 -37 7 -3 -36 -37 -50 -18 -5 CAPE DUTTON -35 Lathami CP -18 WESTERN RIVER COVE -76 -8 MIDDLE -11 RIVER 35°40'0"S 35°40'0"S -22 Western Kangaroo Island Marine Park STOKES BAY G3 CAPE FORBIN -20 Western River WA Kangaroo Island 8 -5 35°45'0"S 35°45'0"S This map represents the advice from the Kangaroo Island Marine Park Local Advisory Group on their preferred zoning scenario. IMPORTANT: Please note that this final zoning advice from the MPLAG: - has been developed thanks to the goodwill and hard work of volunteer MPLAG members over 18 months to May 2011; - does not necessarily represent the views of all MPLAG members; - will be closely considered as the SA Government develops draft management plans with zoning for formal community consultation in late 2011. 136°45'0"E 136°50'0"E Zoning Advice Sanctuary Zones Adelaide 136°55'0"E 137°0'0"E 137°5'0"E 137°10'0"E Produced by Special Purpose Areas (Harbours) Data Source Majority Support Bathymetry Marine Parks Coastline (median high water) Lake - Perennial Major Road Lake - Intermittent Minor Road Compiled Projection Datum © Copyright Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2011. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction Or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. Land Subject to Inundation (STI) 0 Parks and Reserves 0 5 Kms 137°15'0"E Marine Parks Project Department of Environment and Natural Resources GPO BOX 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine Parks, Parks and Reserves, Topographic Data, Bathymetry - DENR Harbours - DENR & Harbors and Navigation Act 20 June 2011 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 5 Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Nautical Miles DEH MapID: 2011-5032 DEHSt an dar d Marine Park 12 - Southern Spencer Gulf Marine Park Final Yorke Peninsula MPLAG Zoning Advice from Meeting held 14/05/2011 Minlaton 136°50'0"E 137°0'0"E 137°10'0"E 137°20'0"E 137°30'0"E 5 -1 -5 -10 -15 1 PORT MINLACOWIE 2 3 -2 POINT TURTON 5 Point Turton Warooka 6 -2 0 35°0'0"S Gleeson Landing Rock Lobster Sanctuary D1 -27 Hardwicke Bay -5 -5 POINT ANNIE Leven Beach CP HARDWICKE BAY Point Souttar 35°0'0"S 8 -2 Corny Point -15 C1 -10 4 BERRY BAY POINT SOUTTAR -1 - 30 B1 -5 34°50'0"S -5 34°50'0"S -30 -2 0 136°40'0"E 7 DALY HEAD D2 -37 -5 10 -17 -3 9 -15 FORMBY BAY 15F1 POINT DAVENPORT -6 -2 PONDALOWIE BAY Marion Bay Innes NP -20 -35 -1 ID 1 137° 10' 48.85'', 34° 51' 41.22'' 2 137° 12' 54.76'', 34° 51' 41.22'' 8 -1 18 -20 -9 100m offshore -40 -8 -8 -11 3 137° 10' 48.85'', 34° 53' 38.3'' -17 STENHOUSE BAY -11 4 137° 12' 54.76'', 34° 54' 12.39'' 5 136° 58' 22.66'', 34° 57' 9.49'' 17 CAPE SPENCER 6 136° 56' 37.41'', 35° 0' 45.26'' -20 -18 7 136° 55 '30.21", 35° 1' 43.93" 0 -3 -12 HAYSTACK ISLAND -50 SEAL ISLAND -30 8 136° 50' 19.5", 34° 57' 30.3" -30 9 136° 55' 8.6", 35° 6' 21.7" 10 136° 56' 31.9", 35° 6' 21.7" -3 0 -40 21 20 11 136° 54' 16.8", 35° 8' 3.2" 22 12 136° 55' 21.4", 35° 8' 31.5" -18 -14 G1 Althorpe Islands CP 19 13 136° 49' 36.86'', 35° 9' 41.4'' 14 136° 51' 38.8'' ,35° 9' 41.4'' -35 -33 -18 Coordinates POINT YORKE MARION BAY -20 35°20'0"S -20 -4 -9 7 -2 MIDDLE ISLAND 16 POINT GILBERT 35°20'0"S 35°10'0"S 14 -13 Lower Yorke Peninsula Marine Park Point Davenport CP BROWNS BEACH ROYSTON ISLAND STURT BAY -1 12 GYM BEACH 13 Warrenben CP E1 11 35°10'0"S 0 -20 Yorke Peninsula HI 15 136° 49' 36.86'', 35° 11' 24.45'' 16 136° 51' 38.8'', 35° 11' 24.45'' 7 -3 23 17 136° 54' 46", 35° 18' 8.8" 24 35°30'0"S 19 136° 54' 46", 35° 23' 1" 35°30'0"S -37 -37 18 136° 57' 59", 35° 15' 57.6" 20 136° 57' 59", 35° 23' 1" 21 137° 6' 10", 35° 22' 51" 22 137° 10' 47", 35° 22' 51" -37 23 137° 6' 10", 35° 27' 42" 24 137° 10' 47", 35°27' 42" -22 -4 -42 -10 -5 STOKES BAY -50 -36 -18 -1 -3 -5 5 Latham i CP generated from MPLAG 5 - May 14th 2011 Marine Park 12 changes to map -76 WESTERN RIVER COVE CAPE FORBIN -18 IMPORTANT: Please note that this is the final zoning advice from MPLAG 11 & 12 which; -20 Western River WA Kangaroo Island -58 Cape Torrens WA 136°40'0"E 136°50'0"E - has been developed thanks to the goodwill and hard work of MPLAG members up to May 2011; - will be closely considered in the referrals process as the SA Government develops draft management plans with zoning for formal community consultation in late 2011. - coordinates provided are a guide only 137°0'0"E Zoning Advice Sanctuary Zones Adelaide This map represents the majority advice from MPLAG 11 & 12 on the zoning scenarios which were based on community input. 35°40'0"S Western Kangaroo Island Marine Park -22 -1 35°40'0"S -8 MIDDLE RIVER 137°10'0"E Majority Support Rock Lobster Sanctuaries Special Purpose Area (Harbours) Marine Parks Shore Fishing Allowed Lake - Perennial Bathymetry Lake - Intermittent Coastline (median high water) Land Subject to Inundation (STI) Major Road Parks and Reserves Minor Road Coordinates 137°20'0"E 137°30'0"E Produced by Data Source Compiled Projection Datum Marine Parks Project Department of Environment and Natural Resources GPO BOX 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine Parks, Parks and Reserves, Rock Lobster Sanctuary, Topographic Data Bathymetry - DENR Harbours - DENR & Harbors and Navigation Act 16 June 2011 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 © Copyright Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2011. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction Or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. 0 0 10 Kms 10 Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Nautical Miles DEH MapID: 2011-4897 DEHSt an dar d