The Messenger - Emmanuel Lutheran Church
The Messenger - Emmanuel Lutheran Church
February 2016 Sun Mon 1 7:30 pm N.A Tue 2 Transfiguration of Our Lord 8 7:30 pm N.A 9 B-Day: Dria Trimble 14 First Sunday in Lent 15 7:30 pm N.A 16 ELS Closed B-Day: Katherine Jenkins 21 Second Sunday in Lent B-Day: Denise Izzi, David Post 28 Third Sunday in Lent 4pm Seth Schultheis Recital 22 7:30 pm N.A 23 B-Day: Janet Stollenmaier, Samuel Hartman, Johann Schull B-Day: Tyler Grant 29 7:30 pm N.A 3 8pm A.A Thu Fri Sat 4 3:00 pm Junior Choir 4:00 pm Chik-fil-a Fund raiser 7:00 pm Handbell Choir 7:45 pm Senior 5 8:30 am ELC Chapel 6 8:30pm N.A B-Day: Jacob Campitelli B-Day: Kalisha Tyson, Seth Schultheis 10 Ash Wednesday 8:30am ELS Chapel 12noon Worship 7pm Worship 7:45 pm Senior Choir 8pm A.A B-Day: Regina Siverls 11 12 13 8:30pm N.A. 17 12noon Worship 6pm Dinner 7pm Worship 7:45 Council 7:45 pm Senior Choir 8pm A.A B-Day: Christie Milton 18 24 11:45 ELS Dismissal 12noon Worship 6pm Dinner 7pm Worship 7:45 pm Senior Choir B-Day: Bernard White 25 3:00 pm Junior Choir 7:00 pm Handbell Choir B-Day: Edward Lukemire, Daniel Donnelly B-Day: Melvin Trimble Jr., Virginia Weinknecht, Julie Marques, Christopher Scott B-Day: Amy Gutberlet 7 Wed 3:00 pm Junior Choir 7:00 pm Handbell Choir ELC Closed B-Day: David Zappacosta 3:00 pm Junior Choir 7:00 pm Handbell Choir 19 8:30 am ELC Chapel 20 8:30pm N.A. 26 8:30 am ELC Chapel 27 8:30pm N.A. B-Day: Diane Dubner In Honor of Emmanuel Lutheran Current Fund in honor of Evelyn Nolan By Herb and Lois Brettschneider Emmanuel Lutheran Current Fund in honor of Lois and Herb Brettschneider anniversary and both birthdays, and Christmas. By Evelyn Nolan Memorials Emmanuel Lutheran Current Fund in memory of David Nolan By Herb and Lois Brettschneider Emmanuel Lutheran News February, 2016 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2015-16 Theme Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength and will soar on wings like eagles. Isaiah 40:31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Emmanuel is One Family, Many Peoples Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Children of God... through WORSHIP (Team Leader: Joni Mercer and Ruth Heilman) Our WORSHIP goals are: that people would understand worship, participate in worship, and enjoy worship. Sundays 8:15am and 11am Urdu Language @ 6:30pm (led by Vicar Robson) Lent Begins Ash Wednesday—February 10 Worship at 12noon and 7pm with imposition of ashes and holy communion Lenten Wednesdays—beginning February 17 Worship at 12noon and 7pm with supper at 6pm Week 4: The Jesus Film (1979) Over 6 billion viewings, 1200 languages Week 5: The Passion of the Christ (2004) By Mel Gibson Interested in viewing the whole movie—and inviting others to your house to do the same? Talk to Pastor Martin about borrowing a copy and making plans. Webcasts Can’t join us in person? Connect with us on the web each Sunday and on holidays at through the FELLOWSHIP OF BELIEVERS (Team Leader: Carol Harmon) Our FELLOWSHIP goals are: that people would know and care for one another, “generationally” pass on the faith, and support the greater church. Education Hour—9:45 Children (2.5 years old) through adults are invited to grow in God’s word through Sunday School, 1st Communion, Confirmation, Youth Group, and Bible Study. Bible Study: Political Issues and Our Faith Join us at our Sunday morning Bible Class on Lenten Wednesdays Theme—beginning 2/17 our relating our faith in Christ to the hot political issues of our day. We’ll “have fun” with topics midweek worship theme will be looking at Christ such as immigration, gun control, climate change, in the movies. Each week we will look at a few clips from a different cinematic depiction of Jesus, health care, abortion, same-sex issues, taxes, and more. All are welcome each Sunday at 9:45. discuss the intention and impact of each movie, and seek to draw closer to the real Jesus—within 15+1 Minutes a Day in 2016 the context of a worship service of Morning/ 15 minutes every morning Meditation on Bible Evening Prayer. passage AND one minute (at least) prayer for Week 1: The King of Kings (1928) someone you know who does not know the Silent movie by Cecil B. DeMille Week 2: The Gospel according to St. Matthew (1964) love of Jesus Week 1 (begin February 7): Luke 9:28-36 By Italian Pier Paolo Pasolini Week 2 (begin February 14): Luke 4:1-13 Week 3: Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Week 3 (begin February 21): Psalm 4:1-8 From Tim Rice/Andrew Lloyd Webber Week 4 (begin February 28): Luke 13:1-9 Prayer Wall The new Prayer Wall is up and filling up with pictures. If your picture isn’t there, bring one in or have your picture taken at church. And use the wall to keep one another in prayer. Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer and Mercy Ministry Team Do you have a prayer request for our Prayer and Mercy Ministry Team? Email Carol Harmon at [email protected]. Prayer Partners will be available after each worship service to lift up specific prayers on your behalf. Emmanuel Cleanup Days at 8am Future dates: March 19. Seth Schultheis Piano Recital—Feb 28 @ 4pm Join us for an afternoon of classical music. The first half will feature solo piano works. For the second half, Seth will be joined by Grace Carney, violin, and Luka Stevanovich, cello. Donations will be received to support the School Annual Appeal as well as the Youth Group trip to the National Youth Gathering. Concordia Preparatory School CPS offers a high-quality, Lutheran Christian education to young men and women in grades 6-12 and is located in the Towson area. For info go to Enrich the mind. Empower the spirit. Embrace the opportunity! Lutheran Ministry in Sandtown Update Israel Trip—Dec. 28, 2016—Jan. 5, 2017 A grant, supported by many of our Baltimore area It will soon be time to start signing up for our trip to churches, has been submitted to locate property Israel next year. See flyers on the Welcome Table. and attain a vicar to help begin a new ministry start Sign up now in order to receive $80 discount! in Sandtown. Please keep this effort in prayer. through WITNESS (team leader: vacant) Our WITNESS goals are: that people would bless non-believers, minister to their neighborhoods, and work for the good of society. Call Committee regarding Assistant Pastor A call committee is being formed to consider calling Vicar Falak Robson as Assistant Pastor at Emmanuel. Please keep this process in your prayers and look for more updates soon. Westside Shelter Look at the information on the Welcome Table to find out ways to help the men at the Westside Homeless Shelter. Your help is appreciated! New Digital Sign A new sign will soon be going up on the corner of Ingleside and Craigmont. This will replace the two present signs which are literally falling apart. Funding for this comes from the Kenneth Motshman bequest. Emmanuel Lutheran School—News Thank you for sharing the word about Emmanuel Lutheran School with your friends and allowing us to provide and excellent Christ-centered education to an ever increasing number of students. Call (410 -744-0015) for a personal tour to learn more about a school with a strong history, that continues to get stronger still. Senior Choir—Restructured Rehearsals will be during Lent only, beginning February 10, on Wednesdays, after worship—and will be to prepare for Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter. Regular Sunday anthems will be provided for by special music. Speak to Ric Durham if interested in either. Lutheran School Sunday—Rescheduled for 3/6 Due to a winter storm, our annual Lutheran School Sunday and Week have been moved to March! Chickfila Fundraiser for Youth—February 4 Join us for dinner and mention Emmanuel at Chickfila on 2/4 to raise funds for youth trip! Emmanuel Lutheran Church and School + 929 Ingleside Ave + Baltimore, MD 21228 + 410.744.0016 + Rev. Martin J. Schultheis + [email protected] Susan Miller + [email protected] Judy Jones + [email protected] Bringing Jesus to people and people to Jesus throughout Baltimore and beyond.