Glenbard South 1984 Yearbook
Glenbard South 1984 Yearbook
' ass repository/DAMS system vlenbard Soutlt Jliglt Scltool Park And JJ11tter/ield, vlen 8!!11n, Jllinois 1.Dorian 1984 "Thus grew the tale ol Wonderland: Thus slowly, one by one, Its quaint events were hammered outAnd now the tale is done." Elizabeth Conklin offers hug.s on a first come, flts1 serve basis The freshmen are eager for stardom StudenlS Eugenia Chang and Gary Thelen discover the wonder> of biology TABLE OF CONTENTS Greetings from Julie and Jim Titia Martin ind Tina Oiforte, senior cuties Mel.inie and Lis.a smile for the co1meri Far left: Kevin Simpson grabs for the grapes Tom Zi1ius turns piye:hotic ruler killer, at left " And what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversations?" So begins the tale of t he school year at Glenbard South. The staff of the 1984 Dorian hopes that this year's book, "Through the Looking Glass", is an accurate reflection of high school life. The staff would also like to dedicate the 1964 Dorian to Rusty Luebke, after his tragic death last year. Rusty would have graduated in 1964. Student Life, p.4 Academics, p.38 Sports, p.54 Organizations, p.78 People, p.106 Seniors, Junio rs, Sophomores, Freshmen, Staff, Index, p. 108 p. 130 p.140 p .150 p.160 p.164 All quotes in this yearbook have been taken from lewis Carroll's novels, " Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the looking Glass". 2 J ~ I An •ching John Ciromm•r Is ..sisted off the field M ike 81ckode •how• his spirit during float building Mluy Murphy and Shawn Hite - buddies on the field 7 PEP RALLY AND SPIRIT ·WEEK, 1983 Spirit Week revived Glenbard South's lagging school spirit. With activities such as the tug-ofwar and the V.W. races, South came alive with interclass competition. During the week , events such as Toga Day, Sports Day, and Class Color Day livened up the school. The Pep Rally and bonfire put a finishing touch on the week. The seniors were victorious on Spirit Week, and once again carried away the Spiri t Jug. One day in 1he life of • Roman student • Scnlo" behaving suspiciousl y The bonfire lights school spirit Varsity foothill puts on theit own show The seniors win the 8 Pete Hildner bare. 11 on top cloy The RaiderettH displ.lly the seni0<s~ trophy tug~of~w11r The sophomoie cheerle•ders perfoim •• 1he pep rally Raiderettes: A reflection of fine perlornwnce Kristi ind friends en;oy the bonfire ' 'GO FOR THE GOLD' PARADE This year, the Raider Homecoming theme was "Go for the Gold", and all of Glenbard South's organi zations strove to make their floats the best. The sophomores won the float contest in 1983, possibly because of behind-thescenes tampering of other floats by rival classes. However, the 1983 parade, complete with floats, organizations, and the Marching Band, turned out to be one of the best and most colorful parades of Glenbard South history. At left, the Pep Club lifts a bright cheer for the Raiders. Homecoming Queen Karen Rosche and King Cary Lovett, as well as an enthusiastic choir, wave to the crowd . • The Raider band marches on The freshmen get a good start 'going for the gold' Was the seniors' ship sunk? At left, the foreign language clubs add a touch of color The Juniors (left) and the Sophomores (above) ride on 11 HOMECOMING-.. FOOTBALL l· I 1 "Only you'd better not come very close ... I generally hit everything I can see - when I get really excited." The Raider Homecoming game was again a disappointment this year, as the Raiders lost to Naperville Central, 13-20. The Raiders led the game at a couple of points, and a victory over the Redski ns would have been an upset for our team. The Raiders played extremely well, spurred on by a supportive crowd and the desire to win the Homecoming game. Best wishes to future teams on Homecoming Day. 8 ·~ T'\C Varsity discuss a play QB Tom Dickman back 10 pass John Dickman ls clear for a pas.s 12 A great Raider reception Da"'e Bunning is headed for trouble Sophomore Eric Guerrero charges for a gain The Raider c·heering sec1lon Dave Bunning among the enemy The blocking of Rob Radtke and Terry Lewandow>ki Coach Phelan, wired for sound 13 ...................................................... TRADITION PREVAILS HALFTIME '83 Initially spurred on by the early embarrassment of the male cheerleading squad, the seniors were once again victorious in the annual Powder Puff football game. The girls upheld tradition by not only beating the juniors for the sixth year in a row, by a score of 14-6, but also by arriving late and loudly for the game. The amount of violence present in last year's game did not recur because of stiff penalties, and the game was played fairly legally. Senior coaches Rich Dierkins and Rob Beilfuss had their hands full, as their team faced an excellen t junior squad. At this year's game, the halftime entertainment reflected a variety of talents and organizations. The band performed 'Moorside March', the 'William Tell Overture', 'Some King of Friend', and •Africa'. The Raiderettes performed, as well as the Flag Corps. and Pam McEvoy, the twirler. The choir was music to the ears, and even Sam the Eagle, the Olympic mascot, made an appearance. The crowd mirrored their appreciation of the show, and some in attendance expressed wishes that the shows of future halftimes echo the performances of this one. A lecture for the junior te.aim The choir performs the Alma Mater The seniors push on by Pep Club president Beth le Bl•nc rccelv.. • hug from Beth Reynolds Sherri Couture •nd M•rk lyons lead the band ,. S.m the ugle, from los Angel.. Oevra movt1 to the sound Beth, Becky, and Oevra: Examining flags on the sidelines An injury .. Monique Chiero 15 'NOBODY DO ES IT BETTER' This year's dance theme, 'Nobody Does ll Better', wrapped up the victory for the 'Go for the Gold' week. South students and alumni attended, and danced to the beat of the band. The Homecoming Court was presented once again. Front row: Sen- iors Karen Kovacevich, Eric Platou, Queen Karen Rosche, Kin : Cary Lovett, Chris Seamen, and Joh(l Sobeki. Back row: Jir 1 Clements, Angie Shaner, Dr. Bryja, 1982 Queen JoAnne Di1tma1. Chris Sutter, Tonia Dasziewicz, Gary Buh le, and Joy Nifaratos ........ S.y 'hi'. Debbie 0~1 16 S•ndro Olfe smil"' blissfully A tender moment for Keith and Karen Bcnediet has a good time The band rocks on Ever-yone boogi~ to the beat king Ury love11 escorts Queen K•ren Ros.c-he "\Vhisper swee1 nothing) 10 me, dear•• 17 'JABBERWOCK' " Jabberwock" is a comedy about the comings and goings, doings and undoings that take place in the Thurber household in Columbus, Ohio. The Jabberwock in Thurber's life is hypocrisy, self-deception, the lie of repition, and the toxic rumor that life is a bore. The beamish boy, Jamie Thurber, from Columbus re· minds us how to slay these terrible parts of our lives. ~mte Thurber Herman Thurber Charhc Thurber Mary Agn~ Thurber Roy Thurber Gran~ Fisher Ceorg10n• littlcfleld ' \ I N0<b Scully Anton W itek ,, P•ul Creyson Sh.aron Dittmar B• rry R•ykoske Dan Yuen . Lori Birchall - II ( I Sounds like he \wallowed a watch. I Did you notice that Jamie has nothing but a towel on? - - ' ·-- - ,~ 'Get ready, get ready for the end of the world!" Miry Agnei acts a little crazy. 18 This looks hke a nice pbce to hide booze. , •_ -- Mary Agnei greets another miid. Why do pretty girls have to be snobs! Did you say that l'm a sex m~n..acl Uncle Sim doe\ not want you! Looks like the Baldwell's called the cops. SWEETHEART DANCE On February 11th, the Student Union sponsored a dance honoring Valentine's Day. This "Sweetheart Dane•' coincided perf ectly with other Valentine's Day festivities, including Pep Club flower sales and love notes in t 1 . Independent. The band ' Th e Scheme' provided excellent music for t he dancing of students and teachers as well. /\ Sweetheart Dance Court was elected in adva nce, and included the representatives: Freshmen Jennifer Shannon a 1d Chris Sutt er, Sophomores Michelle Lovett and Dan Holt, Juniors <;:orey Suplee and Eric Ri ce, and Senior Qu e• Gia Paladino and King Ken Jaburek. Refreshments were provided for the hot and sweaty dancers (notably t ie infamously wri nging-wet Kevin Goltry). The dance was enjoyed by all, a great St udent Union success. Swee1s for the Sweat Arrival and check-in A render moment for Cheri The Scheme 20 "Come on, Kyra, let''i dancefl!l • A ~monstr.irion of 1he physics of dancing THE MU SIC MA N This years musical presented by our drama department was The Music M an. It was performed on March 15, 16, and 17. The Music Man is a story about Professor Harold Hill, a con man who comes to the little town of Rivercity, Iowa pretending to be a music man. He convinces the people that they are in desperate need of a boys' band. Cary Lovett played Harold Hill. The lead female role o f Marion Paroo was played by Cindy Taylor. The performing cast was one of about fifty-five characters plus the orchestra, and all of the marvelous crews. We had a special addition to our cast, the boys in the band consisted of a few boys from St. James school and one from Glen Crest. All three nights were sold out. The musical was enjoyable to all. I T-'f·"'I ' v~ I ' \; . ~ j • •• .. .\ ~ ' ~ • .,J ..... Cindy Taylor gives Cary lovcu the cold ; houlucr. Songbird Cindy Jodi does a liule sofl shoe AG.S.H.S. m•lc fashion show! Pool, star ts ":Yith P rhymes wilh T • 1roublel 22 ' • Our nex1 Boy George! You 1old m y 1no 1her wha1l 2) 76 Trombones John Travoha is safe So11tlt-er11 ra "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall: Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King's horses and all the King's men Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty in his place again." •• ' • ·i· . ,: - - • ... ,- ~ •• \ ... ' .-. •t! .... , • _... _Jil_'<rt - • -· -..,_ ' I . -·· : ,-t/:' • • • • ..... _._. . ' - ----- . Around Glcnbard South, it is not uncommon to hear from the student body. It is somewhat less common to hear from the student stomach, unless you happen 10 catch one growling. Student eating habits vary widely al South, always cha nging with the season. Guys who are seen lugging 1wo trays of lunchroom food back to their tables during football season suddenly arc reduced to an existence of lifesavers, yogurt, or nothing al all during wrestling season. With the end of winter and the athletic season, the voracious appetite of these men reappears, while the members of the opposite gender suddenly seem in danger of starving, worrying about their bikinis and shorts now that spring break and summer are right around the corner. For some students, the lunch hour is salvation, from a nasty, complaining tummy. For ot hers, it is a period of cruel temptation (bikini or a Twix bar?). And others are virtually unaffected by the passing of the lunch period they've been eating all day long. little do they know it, but for the students of Glenbard South, the corner 7-11 really does mean "Freedom of Choice". Even the candybar selection at South is carefully screened by a commit tee of students and others for maximum nutritive value. But don't go crying to George Orwell, yet. Sit back, finish reading your yearbook, and have a Snickers bar, on us. -_,, --------- •• • , _J I/ SOUTH SOCIALS: GOOD TIMES HAD BY ALL Going to a social alter a football or basketball game has become a very popular way to start the weekend for South students. Indifferent to one's celebration of victory or mourning of defeat, the atmosphere found at a socia l quickly lilts the spirit. Thi s new tradition is a very informal, selfentertaining dance. Everyone enjoys dressing up to the occasion, whether it be the latest punk fashion or just jea ns and a sweatshirt. Socials are also an effective means of raising money, and therefore are eagerly planned by various groups of students. The student s themselves handle the entra nce fees, set-up, and run the sou nd-system. Sure it gets ho t and stuffy in the commons, but that is a small price to pay for th e good tim es had by all! Ken Hor1on rises 10 new height\. The enligh1enmen1 of Norb Scully. Stacey M cCinn • cul<" li11lc punker. The Senior g•ng. A good song makes a great dJncc. Is this guy for re a11 These guys arc cool. "Watch it, Troy!" let's dance! Cary Lovc11 dances for the can1cra. Performing the latest aerobics routir1c. Peter Tochct shows how it's done. Always ready wilh a smile. 28 The seniors run 1hc show. Girls, take a l>ow. Is this 1he latest in hairstylesll , . ( I I ?' ~ / ' , , <t / 4 . ,)J_f• ~ t .J ,\ ' . _, .- - • ~· .• c . -. • -- r> • l· / " 'I. --!.. ..., - J, I • {_...::; I .~. • J ') , • l • ;~ .,, ' ' ' I . l •• I • ' • I I IL . •·' • ' I ' • \ • • ,, ~- · • • l • C"· \ .....:.. ' I I \ I 1 \ • I ~ -.__ • / ,o 0 _J/ I l • . -L'- • 1.- J - I ' (;.. - I ~7 - J 1 .1 . : ) ' . - ) '-- ~ More rnovi~i ~~ - · .. T ,,"* ,,.. , , -- _... • .., 1 / , ~ BRIDGE BUILDING CONTEST I ~: I The annual Bridge Buildi ng contest at Glenbard Sou th has ente rtained many a student during their lun chtime. The co ntestants, usually physics students, atte nd bridge build ing classes and co nstru ct a bridge during the winte r break. The winner of the school contest and the second place win ner go o n lo a regional competitio n. M r. Baier has been the head of this contest since it began. Early in January, the contestants timidly bring in their entries to have them checked with the regulatio ns. Shortly t hereafter, the big event occurs. One by one, the strength of these feats of engineering are tested. Some of the least successful may only hold the bucket while others go on to hold ten. fifteen kilograms, maybe more. This year's win ner was Jeff Platt with a bridge holding 18 kilograms and an effi cincy rating of 1200 kg7g. In seco nd place was Nat e Neal whose bridge held 22 kilograms and had an efficiency of 870 kg/g. Something which distinguished th is co ntest from any other year was Cary Lovett who announced the contest. All in all, it proved q uite an experience . 1984 W ith the dawning of the new yea r, the year 1984, a mi racle occured in the publishing ind ustry. An old, often ignored book suddenly beca me all the rage around the wo rld, leading best seller charts as people read old predictio ns of what the year had in store. This book was George Orwe ll 's 1984, a dismal forcast of gove rnment to come. For all or those who have heard the many comparisons or the America of today to George Orwell's book, the yearbook staff has thought to pri nt a summary of 1984so that Glenbard South st ude nt s may read, think, and compare for themselves. What sort of shape is our world in, in this year, 1984? • 117'. ...:.- • - In externals, a l leas1, Wln~1on Smi1h wJ~ well adjus1ed to his world. t-tc <lra1\k the bit1 cr victory gin and smoked the vile victor y f iKart'tte,. hl tht! morn· ing he did his cxcrr i"'c' 11l front of tht• tclrsrrccr,, and when the i nstructor \p ok~! to him over 1l1c 1woway televisio n, he bcn1 with rc ncw<:t.I viKOr to touch lhe floor. His flat was <lingy and 1iekcty, but a1 thirtyninc he was scarcely o ld erlOUKh 10 1e1nr1nbcr a 1imc when housing had been be11cr. lie had • f•11 job •• 1he M inistry of Truth, since he had a good mind and the ilbilily lo write newspeilk. the language. He was i1 member of t he ou1er rins of 1he pilrty. One noon, by giving up h1i lunch al 1he min~try, he Nd a little free time 10 him\.Clf. Co1ng 10 an .Jcove out of reach of the tel~reen. he fur11ve-ly took out his journal. II was a noble book with paper of fin e quality unobtainable at pre\Cnl. It w•.s 41n ilntique, bo ugh1 on an illicil 1rip to a seconcl-hand store run by old Mr, CharrinKlon. While it WJS not Illegal to keep a diary, for there w ctc no laws in Oceania, it made hi m ' uspcct . I le w ro1c plod clingly about a picture he hatl ~een or I he v:tliJ nt O ceania forces strafing shipwrf'ckc d ful(itivcs hl the M cd iterrilnean, Musing ove r his writinK. Winsto n found to h is hOfror that he had w ri1ten a \IQgan ••g~lhlst Big 6 1oth· er several times. He knew thi\ at 1 was a rrimc, even if the writing was due 10 gin; ~verl to 1hink such a "°Ian was a crime. Everywhere he looked, on stair la,n dings and on )tore fronl\, were pO\lers showing Btg Brother's all-sccinK face• .1nd citi1en\ were re· minded a hundred time\ a d.ty 1h.i1 Rig 8ro1her w.ais watching every move. At 1he Min•stry of Truth, \V1nston plunged into h1s routine. He had 1he job of rewriting records. If 1he Pirty made a wrong pred1c 1ion on 1llC progre-ss of 1h.e war, if some aspect of pro<luc:tion did not accord with the p ublished goals of 1hc nin1h three-year pb n, Winston correctecl the recorcl. All published ~terial was cons1an1 ly change d so that ,111 history ilCcorded w ith the w ishes arld alnls of the Party. !here was a bre ak in the day's r ou1h\C for a twominute hate period. On the l)IK 1c lC\Crccn 1hc face of Goldstein, the e nemy o f the Party. would appear. and a governmenl speaker woul(I wor k up the feelings of the viewers. Goldstein supposedly headed a &feat consp iracy against Oceania, and Winlt1on loud- , l • II ly and du1ifully clrunlmcd t'is llccls .ts he took part in 1he group orgy o f hate . A bold, dark-haired girl, wcarinK the re d chastity bell, sccn1C(I ofte n to be near Winston in 1he work· rooms and i n 1l1c comn1issary. 1-tc wJs af1aid thal she might b e a me mbe r o f 1he 1hough1 po lice. Seeing her o utside tlte nlini\lry, he dec ided sh e was following him. For a 1ime he played w i1h 1hc idea of killing her. One day <oh(' slipped a note 10 him at work; 1hc little paper announcc-d th;JI ~he loved him. \Vinston was lroubl<•d. He had been married, bu1 his wife belonged to the An11-Sex league. For her, procreation w;1is a Paray du1y. \\lhcn they produced no children. his wife left him. Now this girl, Julia, spOke of love. c.. rcfully making 1hcir conversation look like chance, Wins1on had a few priv<lte words with her in 1hc lunchrrom. She quickly named a country rendc1vous. Winston mCI her in a woods, far from a telescrccn, and she eagerly took h im for a lover. Julia boas1c d 1h;1t she had been the tempo rary nlis1rcss of many Party leade rs and that she had no patie nce wi1h the An li·Scx League, although sh e \vo rkcd diligc11tly for ii . She ,1lso bought sweets on the b lack 1narkct. O n anotltcr vlsil 10 Mr, Cl1i1rrinKlo n's antiq ue shop, the 1>•01>ric1or showed Winston an upstairs bedroom still prcservC'cJ as i i was bcfo1e 1hc Rcvolu· tion. Although it was madness, Win\tOn rented the room. Thcreaf1cr he and Julia had a comforlablc bed for 1heir brief tneelulg). Winston fch hilppy in the o ld room; lh<'re Wii) no 1ele!t<rccn 10 spy on them. Some1imC'), while .JI work, \Vin)lon s.iw O'Brien, a kindl·y-Jook1ng member of 1he Inner P<lrly. From a chance remirk. Winston deduced tha1 O'Brien was not in sym~thy with all of 1hc Party' ) aims.. \Vhen they could. \Vinston Jnd fuli• went to O'Brien's apar1men1. t-le assured 1hcm 1ht11 Goldstein was really the head of a conspiracy and eventually the Party would be overthrown. Juli.a told him of her sins against 1he Party discipline, ancl Wins1on recounted his evide nce 1hat the Party dlstorled fac ts in public trials and purges. O 'Brien ttl c n Cllro lled them in the conspirilcy and gave the m Coldstchl'S book to read. Af1cr an e xhausting ha1c w eek directed ilgainst the curre n1 c nerny, Eurasit1, W insto n read aloud 10 the dozing Julia. both lying comfortab ly in bed. fro m Goldstein's treatise. Suddenly a voice rang o ut. or~ dcring 1hem 10 stand in 1hc n\iddle ol che room. Winsto n 1<rcw ~ick when h e rc.ali 1ha1 a h idd en tclcscrecn had spied o n 1heir actions. Soon the roonl \YJ !o fillc(I w ith trl1nc hcon-wie lding policeme n . Mr. Charrlng1on c.11nc in, no longer a kindly memb er of the sinl plc prolc 1aria1. b ut a k een, de ter· mined man o f 1hlrty-fi vc. Winston knew the n 1ha1 M r. Charrington W3) a membe r or the tho ught police. O nr of the KUJrds hit lulia in 1he stomach . The 01hers hurric-d WinstOll off to jail. W inston, tortured for days, was beaten. kicked, .Jnd clubbed un11I he confessed his crimes. He willingly admitted to years of conspiracy with the rulers of Eurasi.l and 1old everything he knew of lulia. In the l.aitcr p hases of his tor1ure, O'Brien was at his side constantly. O'Brien kept him on a kind of rack with a doctor in attcnd;,ncc 10 k eep him alive. He told Winston tha1 Goldstcins book was a party production, w riltCn In p3rt by O'Brie n h imself. Through ii ,.111 the torture d m an had one sma ll triumph; he s1lll lovctl Julia. The n O'Brien. knowing Wins to n's fear of rats, brought in a large cage fille d w ith roden1 s anti frtslc 1lCd it aro und Winston's head. In his unreasoning t••rror W inston begged him to let the rnts ca1 Julia, instead . O nly one hurd le w as le ft. Winsto n still hated Big Brother and said so. O'Brien patie ntly explained that the Party want<-d no 1nartyrs, for they stre ng1hencd opposit ion; nor did tl\c leaders want only groveling Sllf)tec1ion. Wlns1on must also think right. The p ro lc1ar1at, happy 1n 1llc1r ignorance, must never have a leader to rouse them. All P<lrty members mus1 1hink and feel as Big Brother directed. When Winston w,is finally relcJsed, he was bald and his 1eeth were gone. Bcc;iuse he had been purged and his crime had no1 been serious, he w as even given a sm;ill job o n ii sub-committee. M ostly he Sill solitary in 1avcrns and drank victory gin. t=tc even saw Julia once. She ha d coarsened in figure and her face was scarred . They had little to say to each 01her. One clay ;i big celebrat io n was going on in the tave rn. O ceania had achieved a big victory ove r Afri ca . Suddenly the dodde ring Winsto n felt himself p urged. He be lieved. Now he co uld be shot with a pure soul, for at last h e loved Big Brother. Clockwise from the upper right: Jocelyn Albinge r 1rie. the s1reng1h of her marvel of engineering. London B1idge is falli ng down. As the bucke t is slowly being iltliChed, l a urj Mil.IS sees the impending doom lhreaitenlng her hardily cons1ruc1ed bridge. All 1h• 1 remains o f pe rhaps weeks of hard wOfk, a pile of slicks... Russ Mallen looks on .as M r. Baier threatens his Bridge w ith yet ano ther weight. wys. 33 • 1983: THE YEAR IN REVIEW A Summary By Sean Rumbaugh I .. !' . I I know what you're thinking: Sure, a lot of cool things happened in 1983. Everybody reads the papers. But ... wha1 about Jerry Office? What did he do in 1983? If you feel cheated out of your share of the fun of this great year, don't feel bad, because you're not alone. Many irate friends and relatives have come stomping up to me with the special year-enc edition of Life magazine clenched in their fists, a glint in one frustrated eye. "look at this!" they say. choking back angr) tears. "Michael Jackson! Reagan! The Korean airline tragedy! It's everywhere! What about Office!?" It's always thE same. Well, I heard Jerry, who is the President of Ponderosa, is looking at forty big ones in the slammer for trying to peda drugs through 'the World's Biggest Best Salad Buffet'. Perhaps Jerry will develop a taste for fruit salad in Stateville. While Jerry Office was dealing his salad, the rest of the world was tasting another kind of salad, a salad men cal sulfering. And a bitter salad it was. Topping off the list of depressing events of '83, another in a long list of hits from our Asian pals, the Soviets: th< murder of 269 innocent people in the downing of KAL flight 007 just north of Japan . A higher death toll (297) should place the U.S. French military barracks truck bombings in Beirut ahead of the airline atrocity, but it's an act of war, or something like it, so it only gets number 2. Mother Nature can hardly be held accountable for her actions, so the earthquake in eastern Turkey which registered 7.1 on the Richter scale and killed 1,336 Turks, many who were buried alive as they slept, can only get third place. Passing away was "in" in '83, and no group of individuals took to it more heartily than the rich and famous, who left us in droves that year. A list of those who died: Karen Carpenter (or did you already forget?), David Niven, Gloria Swanson, Tennessee Williams, Jack Dempsey, George Balanchine, Lillian Carter, Eubie Blake, Ira Gershwin, R. Buckminster Fuller, Arthur Godfrey, Jessica Savitch, and Buster Crabbe. All that dying is Soooooo depressing. Is there something that didn't die in '83? Well, there was the birth of the Cabbage Patch Kids, which are fat, overpriced, mutated rag doll infants that are supposed to turn on maternal instincts in young girls. I don't know about you, but walking a child with one of these dolls makes me eagerly finger the Zippo in my jacket pocket. The only other fad worth mentioning were the toys called Wacky Wallwalkers, which are small rubber octopuses coated in slime that walk down walls. (Worth mentioning?) 1983 was also the last year for M *A*S*H, which also marks the end of the acting careers of its They will be so horribly typecast that people will be doing M*A•S• H spinoffs until they drop. You won't feel sorry for them if a new show called 'Radar' replaces 'The A-Team' in a few months. Musically there were the Police, whose album "Synchronicity". had several hit singles. The Talking Heads and Def leppard both admitted musically at least that they delight in combustion, with their albums 'Speaking in Tongues' (Burning Down the Housel and 'Pyromania' respectively. Madness did a song ~ailed "Our .House", an~ Flashdance had several hits as well as spawning a trend in torn fashions. Oh, yeah. There was that Jackson guy, too. What's his name? Ahh, I'll think of it. JS A REFLECTION OF '82-'83 The theme of Prom and Graduation in 1983 was 'Only Time Will Tell'. The Junior/Senior Prom was held at th e Carlisle on Butterfield Road. Couples swayed to the sound of " Sundance" . Graduation was held in the Raid er gymnasium, presided over by class president Dominice LaPorte and valedictorian Jane Chen. The graduated were wished the best of luck as they entered the world beyond high school. Only time would tell what they would make of thei r futures. • Jim Stov~r and Liza Ciryotas ... dressed to a 'T ' I Peter Doncb and his guest smile by the fountain I I C.arol and Antonette embrace joyfully • President Oomlnice LaPorte gives the farewell speech M ike Tlusty - A head above the rest Ocbbie Matusik and Cheryl McCall study their diplom•s ----,o0 ~9#- ""QP ~ .....- ,oo ,, .... , - /'"" : .. ,oo ~· • • \ o'' u ~ ... .. '...... .. '"""' ~ 1·-· ...(. · · o-'· .. ~..,.,-... ...,.. ~o~ l)~e~ L.i • • • • "'''!>'r-'""' "' ~\: t"'J ... • .... <#. 0 .. .. .. 10" .. · . -~ ..... ........ . ~ .7 . ~~ "-0~ • • ...if.\ ~-.... -~ -- .~- I \'\ . l:JI 0 • I I SOCIAL SCIENCE ENGLISH I The English department offers courses to help South students strengthen all of their communication skills. From English 1 to Senior Composition, learning to write clearly and correctly is stressed. A comprehensive study of American and British literature is also provided in our four-year program. Basics and Honors courses, the Reading Lab, the Study Skills program, and the Writing Lab provide additional programs for those students with special interests or needs. This year Journalism and Creative Writing, along with SouthWinds magazine, have provided unique opportunities for students to expand their communications talents . I The Social Studies Department attempts to help students bc>comc more informed, and responsible ci tizens of their community and also of their state, nation, and world . With a variety of courses offered, a student ca n enjoy many topics and issues to study bot h historical and current. A kid at heart .. I ! Three brillian1 minds pass along 1helr Insight to students. Ka1hy enjoys• GOOD book. Can't wait to see my grade! •O Two serious guys contemplating the realm of English. Mrs. Craig. caught in che .act! Mr. Haake in casual rcpO!i<' "Don't Believe every word he says"! BUSINESS SPECIAL FEATURE: COMPUTER LAB Business classes at Glenbard South teach skills to prepare students for the business world. Classes such as typing, shorthand, and data processing are popular at South. This year, expansion of the computer lab has increased the enrollment potential. llfl ll\\\ Keeping pace with the times is not easy or inexpensive, but it is necessary. The data processing and programming course~ arc designed to bring students into the world of computer tern:11nology, teach the business oriented language, COBOL; and introduce another language. RPG. Our computer lab, room, 209, houses an IBM System 34 with nine terminals connected to the processor unit. . Five years ago there was one section o f Intro to Data Processing, now there are six. Five years ago there was no hardware and no programming course. Now there is the Sys.tem 34 and four sections of programming. Th is shows a commitment by the district and an awareness by the students of the importance of staying ahead technologically. Clockwise from uppt:r righ1: Students in i consumer educo11ion course; One student progrom' • lRS·80; leAnne Delmer studying h•rd; uur• Kloss 1r01nsl•tes her shorthand On 10 something big. StudenlS work on the IBM-534 Sitting enthraped in front ol a l RS·&O. Mr. lowe helps a student. Marisa Marsella works on a •• Debbie Brooks checks - ·~ her work ' •2 Pam Mclvoy glance\ bKk • • •J SCIENCE MATH " I should like to have it explained," said the Mock Turtle. Although many students find math a little baffling, everyone SEEMS to enjoy the challenge it provides. The enrollment for all math classes has increased steadily over the years, especially in A.P. Calcu lus. Be low, two you ng Sou th students develop analytical minds with the aid of modern technology. " I don't know the meaning of half those words, and, what's more, I don't believe you do either." New this year in the science wing is a set of computers for student use. Biology, chemistry and physics are the basic divisions of science at South. This year, enrollment in AP courses in biology and chemistry was higher than ever. I• ' Mr. lieneman pu1s another hole In the ceiling Jodi Armstrong w orks with hot air Sandy Skowran and Don Saner brace themselves for 1he explosion Mr. ~ier overs.ff$ the rocke1-launching Do I Nve 10 prove ii l I'll your word for it (i.bove, left) The mor1ali1y ra1c of calculus is always high (above) Today we w ill learn 1he exceptions to the rules you mcm0<ized las·t nigh1 . . (right) •S HOME ECONOMICS INDUSTRIAL ARTS -• Home Economics is the study that deals with the management of a household. Home Economics has four major fields of study: food and nutrition, clot hing and textiles, home furnishings and interior design, child development and lam· ily relations. Each course tries to improve the quality of life for each student. Among the most popular classes in the Home Economic department are Chef and Foods. These classes teach not only the basics of cooking but also the importance of nutrition, well balanced meals, and menu planning. Industrial Arts is a department 1ha1 has a lot to offe'r. Almost every boy and several girls take al least one Industrial Arts class at one time or another during their four years here. Whether your interests lie in electronics, woods, metals, or mechanical drawing, Glenbard South's Industrial Arts department has something to offer everyone. • . I Students line up for a feast - - Striving for precision Mr. Pe1erson helps a student - Creating a masterpiece f '/ r Touch-up wo1k ' Watch your fingers! Brad. Holly. Ann, and Nichole smile for 1he camera Meg Seiberlich and Jennifer Mason make a delicious snack SPECIAL FEATURE: INDUSTRIAL ARTS STATE COMPETITION last spring, many Glenbard South students in Industrial Ans classes were able to enter their projects in a State Competi tion. Twelve South students received 1st place honors, seven received 2nd place, and two received 3rd place. One of the highlights in last years competition was when se niors Marty Moore and Jeff Hursh finished the project started by Russell leubke before he passed away. Th e project received a 1sr place award. Glenbard South is proud of all who participated in this competition. • I Glenbard South offers students the c hance to enhance their knowledge through a second language. One ca n choose from Spanish, French, or German. These courses are geared to teach the student to understand an d make use of their newly obtained skills. Emphasis is placed on correct pronunciation and building vocabulary. As the student becomes more confident and fluent in the language, he is able to express himself both verbally and in writing. A second language is a valuable learning experience which may help in the years ahead . • .-• foreign lingu1,g e can be fun! •. w • I ~ I FOREIGN LANGUAGE •I T Nell Janda and his project Mr. Hescott makes his poin1. Madame Hines lcc·rurcs to her class. Jeff Hursh and Marty Moore with Russell leubke's porcnts and his project Mrs. Sihocky helps student He idi Miller. J I I I , Bill Moore with his table Herman Sc-hweiss displays his pro;ect Off to Germany with Frau Ploegmanl •9 MUSIC AND ART PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical education at South offers all South students a variety of activities cen tering around the development of coordi nation and team cooperation. The classes are divided into many different categories, including: Boys' contact sports, girls' contact sports, co-ed P.E., dance arts, and freshman and sophomore P.E. Concert Choir rehearses ... • . . •nd rehearses .. The Glenbard South Music Department has always been known for its abundance of talent. Each year, Concert Choir, the Chorus, Girls' Glee, and the Men's Chorus, as well as the Raider Band and Orchestra, divide the talent between them. The musical groups are often asked during the year to perform at different functions, both in school and out. The Art classes, including sketching and photography, are also popular electives. This y~ar, the National Art Honors Society appeared at Glenbard South, as well as independent study classes in art. An AP program in art also exists at Glenbard South. Miry and Patty happily end another day in girls' P.E. "for three more weeks# we have to chase this stupid ball!" The activities this year included: badminton, golf, tennis, football, softball, basketball, track, soccer, gymnastics, volleyball, fencing, bowling, yoga, weight training, field hockey, etc. 50 Dodi Mondero sketches from a photo A ,.mple of Dodi's Independent Study work 51 SPEECH GUIDANCE Speech is a required course at Glenbard South. Therefore it is not a very popular course. But many students do not realize that the speech department also offers courses like Forensics, Acting & Directing, and Radio & Television. These courses are taught by Mr. Hart and Ms. Samper. " Would you tell me, please, which way .1 ou~ht to go from here" The Guidance office, with its many services, 1s always a part .of a Clenbard South student's high school career. Counselors prov1~e career information, as well as college information and other assistance. Mrs. Pe.nland •ssists ... . .. as people w41it I A Demonstration Speech Firs1·Aid Demonstr.ition ACHIEVE LIBRARY " Hold your tongue," said the . young crab snappishly.. The code of silence is yet law in the library. Students come here to study, socialize, and even sleep. The library offers many good programs for students, including reading and writing labs. This was the second year for the ACHIEVE program at Clenbard South. Students with high abilities were offered the opportunity to participate in a seminar for credit. These ACHIEVE students had one semester of extensive reading and discussion focusing on improving their thinking skills with one semester devoted to an individual project. Aides, cJoc:kwise from upper left: Office ~ides, guid1nce aides, library • ides, ind audioavtswl aide$, 52 ... --·-- Mr. Dcimlcr .. ACHIEVE Advisor - \' / ~ .. ___ - .. . . .. ......I -. . . . . . . f .. . . ....~~ I • I I -. # I \ - . ., .. ~ •? .- - -- --,........ - - - - I - - .,,..- ----=... -- -- , F 0 0 T B A L L , ./ • I Th~ 1983 football squad was led by senior cocaptains Dave Bunning and Dure Savini. Though the season as a whole was a disappointment, there were many great individual achievements. Some exa~ples of_these are: Dave Bunning's screen play against Proviso East just before the end of the half· Dure Savini's 60 yard touchdow n run against Na: perville Central, which put us ahead 13-12 in our homecoming game. A final achievement can be seen in the squad's total control of the outstanding Naperville Central defensive line. Special awards were received by 6 Raiders this year . Dupage Valley league All Conference nominees were Dave Bunning at linebacker and Dure Savini at Running Back. A special mention was received by Mike Kerr. Also, receiving Honorable Mentions we re Tom Dickman, Cary Lovett and Scot la ndies. ' Soph. Te.m: first row: J. )>rka, 0 . Stransky, ). Bra dy. J. Sinks, F. Russo, ). Rood. E. Guerrero; Sec ond row: C. ttoefcrkamp, 8. leitner, O. Oiomedes, M . Mclaughlin, M . Carter, R. Tolentino, S. Andrew; Third row: 8 . Ashley, M. Zelazney, B. Cosgrove, B. Kirk, B. Jaideep, T. Kuehn, M . Sorenson: Fourth - I 1: Row l: Petro, J. Alcox, C. Marasigan, C. Tu zik, R. Else, R. Alecia; Row 2: E. Berd D. Savmt, 0 . Mazza, P. Duthie, W. Scou , C. Buhle, M. Poglitch, B. Mayer, R. Mal ~ow 3: Lov~t, Rj ~atson, 1- Zicky, K. Horton, M . Liss, P. Hildner, R. Radtk ~nktz; oRw 4:k. · Ar as y, 8. Hcs<h, M. Anderson, O. Corbin, J. Ste in, o . Winkle 1c man, . A ins; Row S: T. l ewandowski, J, Donovan, K. Zcrrenner, B. Moore Ke rr, S. land ies, H. Sc heel, T. Rucke r. 0 . Bunning; Coaches: Cary Miller, Ma Carlson, Mike Phelan D i· row: CoJch Holtz, J. Greenwell, M . Nelson, O. Ko tec·k i, 0 . W eisharr, T. CoutUfC, C. Humble, T. Chcaure, Coach Kinny. hi, ·n: J. T. M. 1in l he Raider l ine clears the way for Dave Bunning! Mike Carter throwing the boll!! Savini powers for yardage1 . -. r ' . =- ~ f ·r<MJ\. Team: First Row: R. Walk er, S. M o nchunskl, A . Sibly. M . Yamamoto, K. Stcpina, D . Pekel, C. Moore goes down! De.Mory, M. Akins; Second row: 0 . Strati, P. Brcytspruk. T. Daskicweicz, 8. Pud:ii. 8 . Witl, E. Anderson, B. Ochoa, R. Mellot; Third row: 0 . Englehardt , K. Ru therford, N. Cook, M. Holt, 1- Pope, S. 8.arta,. J. Catanzaro, O. King, fourth row! C . Sutter, V. lotomes, N . Mus1afa, 0. torcbn, A. Humble, J. 81oedo<n, R. Pandit, R. SchweiH, 8 . Gilpin ; Fihh row: C. Snyder, T. Kij>nk•, P. Gordell•. C. Goughn, S. Meyer, E. Mayer. o . Adamek. T. Costo ; Sixth row: Coxh Terry Art1mn, Head Tom Murray, lllliic ilUie41n . leff J>rka: Bac k for the I""! s 0 c c . E R The Varsity Soccer Team, with the help of their new coach Jay Martin, finished this year with an overall record of 10-10-1 and a conference record of 3-7-0. The team finished with such honors as 'most wins in a season', 'best record', 'most shutouts', 'most quarters in a row giving no goals' (13). Individual honors this year were: Brian Henn-all conference, all sectional, best offensive player, most valuable player; Paul Rzewuski-most valuable player; John Grammer-best defensive player; and Tim Hesterman-most improved player. Senior captains of the team were Brian Henn and Paul Rzewuski. Good luck to the graduating seniors, and to Mr. Martin and the 1984 soccer teaml Junior V.-rsity: First Row: Herb Morreale, N itai M isra, Tim Weishaar, Chris Lund, J e Miller. Rob Jo hn11on, Scott Stewart, Kare Ke nny; Second Row: Scott l aing, Ge e Doerr, Ken W illiams, Scot t Roberse, Pat Faidy, Eric Roberts, Di ve Skowro n, Ke' "' Paul Ricwuski Maneuvers the ball Miller. Missia Frietsch, Chris Perro ; Third Row: Roger Pirtle, Bill Srillwell, M • k Sadkowskl, Ken Zamecnik, Mirk Wes1over, Mike Roy'hl, Tom Gardner, Ken Feinsre 1, Tocksu f . Kim, Co.>ch S. Ayyenro. I . I I .• John Gummer t•k<>s • break Brian Swindle applie< good offense! M1irk Breltenrel ter uses his hf:adl •! .14 *IJ, . !I ~~ !ti \ '?' • Eric levin jumps for the b•lll D•ve l•yson goes f<>< 1he goal! h I ff ~Ian Brian Swindle, Jeff Platt; Second Row: Varslly: First Row: Dan Tran, David J;Sook, Jeff Lan amSa~ders, Darien D odson, Bill Keenan, Tim Hester· ~rk Breitenrci1er, Rob S1raukas, Paul Rztwuskl, Dave J.ays.On s ehin C nide John Crammer, 1 0 man, Brian H enn, Casey Furlong; Thir~ Row. Sea n Fur o ng, h az.: r,in ' 1 ' Eric Platou, C corgc Vaughan, Eric Levin, Dave Stowe. · . Coac-h Martin's pep talk. I 1 G 0 L F Th is yea rs Golf t ea m coached by Mr. Iliff had an overall record ol 6-4 - 1. Th ey placed 4th in conlerence and 4th i n regionals. M ik e Schneider won many honors including All Conference M ost Valuable Player and State Finalist, in which he fi nished 14th. I . ~ • I .._ Final Conference Standiflf Wheaton North Naperville North Naperville Central Glenbard South Wheaton Central Glenbard East West Chicago Glenbard North 27 J.V. Coif: l' onom) I. )on~. R. Ch•pmon. (Middle) C. S.nsone, K. Simpson, R. POS<' •I, B. Micheals, T. Fleming. (Top) K. Bauer. K. Maddock, B. Armstrong, J. Bergin, K. Klink, M. Mic haels, R. Flynn . 23 18 17 16 8 2 2 Jon Yamasaki concentrates heavily. Varsity Clop Row) R. Evt1noff, J, Priest, P., S. Par·kerson. O. Perkins, J. Yimi!I- <i (Bottom Ro w) R. Oierckcns, M . Sch neider, D. Schaffe1, 1( , Horton. M ike Schneider s1rives for perfection. Rich Dierckens in deep concentration. -~-- --·-· ~ ... ... -' _ Duane Perkins eyes his goal. Mike Schneider goes for a hole in one! 61 v 0 L L E y B A L L As the volleyball season came to a close, the Varsity Volleyball Team had an overall record of 28- 10. Their 12-2 record in conference play earned them the Conference Championship. Led by co-captains Amy Svoboda, Debbie Crnic and Sherri Vogel, the team had several achievements that were noteworthy. Among these were being the Maine East Tournament Champions and the Consolation Champs at the Lyons invitational. Also noteworthy were the individual achievements, which included Sherri Vogel and Kelly Gaughan being named to the All-Conference team and Amy Svoboda receiving Special Mention. The Junior Varsity finished with an overall record of 26-0 and a Conference Championship. They were the first team in the schools history to have an undefeated season. Coach Voves noted, " This team never let down. I waited for an off day but it never happened. I am only sorry the season had to end." Congratulations to captains Wendy Throckmorton and Lisa Reed, and the rest of the Junior Varsity team. on Clcnbard Clenb.lrd us ~ Clcnbard North Clenb.lrd North -< Coach Voves gives an emotional ''pep-talk" VarMty: Bottom Row: S. Woods, A. Svobod•, S. Voegel, S. Desmond; Mid e Row: N. Welnicke. l. Hanley, J. Niloutas. Top Row: l. Curtis. 0 . Crnic w~~. Wes~ I "lola Curtis In mid-!llght" .. Amy Svoboda goe• for the spike! ) Up . . . and Over1 lorna Hanley in deep concentratlon. Cooch Crady discusse• s•me strategy. - lunlor Varsity: Bottom Row: K. Koch, A. C.<lello, 8 . S.dkowski, l . Oaks, W. Thr~kmorton, Coac·h Voves; Top Row: J. Walker. 8. Plank, L. Mcl•ughlin, l. Reed. Not pictured: C. LaFreniere. c R 0 s s c The Boy's cross country team was again coached by Mr. Preuss. This years team was very young w ith only 2 out of the top ten graduating. This was a building year for the Raiders. All of the boy's ran well with a season typical of such a young team. Many of the boys received various titles. Mark Jarka and Mike O'Brien were Raiders of the Year. The most improved player was Andy Smit h. This year Mike O 'Brien was named All Conference. This years team captains led the Raider boys through a successful season with much improvement in each meet. Good luck to all the returning runners next year. This year the girl's cross country team was coached by Mr. Kuntz. The learn was composed mainly of Freshmen with only two returning girls from last year's season. As Mr. Kunt z says, "The first step we took toward conference champs took place when Tracy Winder moved in from Nebraska. The team got off to a slow and painful start, but the resu lt was a very successful and product ive season. In the conference meet the girls gave it their best shot and won the Conference Title. Tracy Winder, Linda Else, and Kelly O ' Brien received all conference honors. After conference we finished fourth in the Regional which then qualified the girls for Sectionals. They placed 9 out of 20. This entire rewarding year was accomplished by 1 senior, 1 Junior and 10 Freshmen. Good luck to all the girl's next year. Varsity: G. Wilkin, M. Jarka, R. Gcngcn, A. Bollacke r, F. At11J1Cd, F. Webe r, K. Burdine; 80111 m 0 to w: B. Sorensen, A. Smi th, D . Bonifield, 8, Callaghan, M . O'Brien, R. Aschbrenner ,.,,,- ' • u N T R y Miriii Gonzale> and opponent running neck and neck S1riving for perfection M ental preparation before a big race Mi\(e 0'6ricn Strives to reach the finish line fr c»h-Soph; C. Best, O. Lyo ns, C. Bolt.cker, ). Cizek, B. Mura, S. Knight. Bonom Row: r Langcrock , P. Bach, M. Vo!.s, S. Burns, G. Slo:ipkaus.k1s, J. Grissom. C. Key. lop Row: J. Bicllc, M . Gon1alc-s, M . Fergusen, D. Walsl,on, K. Manley, L. Else, Coach Knu11. Bo ttom lt<>w: D. Mei¥cns.perger. S. Marvel, S. Donov1n, S. Wiikin. K. O'Brien, T. Winder. 6S G I R L s Th is year's Girls' Basketball Team had a very productive and successful season. The team finishe d fourth in conference, coache d by Mr. Stiles and Mr. Tillman. The individual honors included: Most Valuable Player Linda Mclaughl in, Most Improved Joy Nifaratos, and All Conference Lorna Hanley. Good luck to the team and all return ing girls. T This year's Girls' Te nnis Team had an o verall record of 13-5 and a conference record of 4-3. Cathy Bloom, freshman, qualified as a singles player at state, wh ile the doubles team of Debbie Marvil and laura Milas (captain) also qualified. With the help of Coach King, th is year's team had a very su ccessful year. B A s E N N I s VARSITY: ROW 1: S. Skowron, T. Winder, A. Cassello, A. Svobod•, J. Nilou1os, P. Burch . Row 2: Coac h S1iles, l . Mclaughlin, l. Hanley, J. Jensen, O. Walshon, M . ~ibe<lich, Holly Nelson (Tuiner). Varslly: IB011om Row) M. Gilpin, D. Marvil, H. Veiheman, K. Bloom, K. Garrison, S. Dingman, Coach King. (Top Row) 0 . Nicoisia, l. Milas, J. Je, S. Cardona, J. Shipley, J, Mason. K E T B Naperville Central Wheaton Central Glenbard South Wheaton North Naperville North Glenbard North Glenbard East West Chlcqo A L L Conference StandkJg 48 Points 30 Points 2711 Points 27~ Points 11 Po ints 15 Polnt5 a Points 3 Points J.V.: Row 1: M. Milas, K. Kenny. Row 2: K. Pye, H. Royster, L. Oaks, J. Walker. S. Madoct1, L. Maas. Row 3: 0. Nicosia, J. Jc11scn, J. Fleische r, B. Plank, P. Mi1chcll, Coacti Tillman. 66 Lorna Hanley's jump ball fr~hmcn: Row 1: A. Evanoff, K. Finnegan, K. Levin. Row 2: K. O 'Brien, O. Mc1xcnspergcr, G. Dickenscl1cidt, C. Bloom, C. Konsocr. Backhand •pproech Junior Varsl1y: (Bo llom Row) S. Cansiaiino, S. Roush, 0 . Allen, C. Ch ang, J. Robin, J. Mason, v. Oescor, P. Gueninger. Coach King, K. Cleary. (Top Row) D. Joza1is, P. Kochanek, M. Rusi, J. Aldred, J. Jensen, H. Roys1er. M. Morley. B A s K E This years basketball team had an overall record of 2-24 with a conference record of 1-13. Individual honors include Brent Becker, Raider of the Year; Rod Hursch was Most Improved and Senior Scott Marhefka was named Most Valuable Player. Freshman A: P. Cordelia, D. Randolph, S. Mclennon, C. Gaughan, T. Cosio, A. Humble, Co.>ch Unger. (2nd Row) M . Smith, P. Breytspraak, K. M1doch, M . Slsirunk, J. Miller. R. Schweiss T B A L L Reaching for the sky Going for • long shot freshman B: R. M eek, J. Bergen, J. Bladorn, M . Hoh, K. Klank. (2nd Row) ). Dusek, M . Yamamoto, M . Radzius, N. Cook, T. Michi. (Bollo m Row) ). Stewart, 0 . Winder. Corl Birtle11 ready for •ction Brent Bocker guards his opponent carefully Sophomore: 11st Row) D. Jordan, D. Holt, M . Nelson, 0 . Weishaar, B. Michal, R. Postpal, S. Hastings. Co.>ch J. Martin (2nd Row) (Trainer) C. Hesterman, B. Woolsey, B. Lewandoski, B. Armstrong, D. Stransky, (Trainer) M . Akins. (Bollom Row) C. Humble, O. Kotecki, K. Simpson. 68 #22 goes for 1he po1n1. A chance to ~Ole Vorsily: E. Berdahl, T. Koska, D. Schaffer. S. Marhelka, D. Syzmanski, B. Becker, Middle: R. Alecia, R. Oicrckcns. J. Oberg, M . Backodc, D. Phillips,). Donovan, R. Beilfu», T. Mithiu. Top: Coach Haywood, B. Moore, E. Bouer. R. Hursch. J. Carde lla. J. Huskc, 8. Moyer, S. To11y, Cooch Lohrke. w R E This year's wrestling team had a 5-13 record and finished seventh in conference. The team had the most seniors on it since 1976 and they compiled a record of 111 wins and 52 losses. Dave Bunning had a 38-3 record and earned several honors including All-State. Dave also placed 5th in the IHSA tournament. With the help of everyone, the season was a very impressive one. s T L I John Zkky geis a hold on his opponen1 Joe Zavorski 1angled In his ma1ch N G Varshy: (Top) Coach Peterson, J. Finnanne, O. Mayer, P. Hildner, R. Akins, O. Bunning, 0. Siivini, M. Anderson, Coach Miller. (Middle) J. Naidu, J. Zavorski, T. Nguyen, T. Miles, M . Vincenl, D. Hcscou, C. Forbear. J. Pc1ro. (Bollom) M. Warner, J. Vansickle, D. Maua, S. Mist•. Frt!$hmon: Coach Pe1er>0n, M. Simek, D. King, E. Mayer. C. Wesselman, J. Can1anzaro, S. Klein, Coach Miller. Bouom: N. Misra, E. Cheeks, P. Langeroc:k, E. Bartram. Sophomore: Top: Coach Pe1er>0n, K. Wolski, J. Greenwell, J. Mariinez, J. Cizek, K. Cumenick, Coach Miller. Middle: T. Coleman, E. Roberis. R. McCarver, M. Sorensen, G. Wesselman. Bottom: C. Grisch, J. Brady, E. Guerro, M. Moriarty, D. Yuen. Dave Bunning: Ready 10 win Dure Savini struggles with the bait Tim Miles ready for action 71 G y M N A G This year's Boys' Gymnast ics Team started out to a slow start , but is bouncing back and looking for second place in confere nce. Coaches Young, Ware and Alton are hoping for con!inued strength and a good chance in regionals. s T I I R L This year the girl's gymnastics team, coached by Mr. Young and newcomer Mr. Ware, took fifth place in conference. The Varsity team's overall record was 5 wins and 11 losses while the Junior Varsity team had 6 wins and 9 losses. The girl's worked ve ry hard and had a pretty good year. To all retu rning gi rls, we wish the best of luck. Freshmen: Bo u om; J. lloboc:k, C. Tambo rello; Middle; Coach Ahon, M. Lydon, 0. Tr•n, C Lund, R. Flynn, Coach Ware. Top; S. :>anders, R. Callagher. L. Shilney, K. Hickey, C . \.Yt1s.eim;1n, R. Morice, M. Y~mimOlO s J.v... T. Kaminski; Row 2: T. Pc1igo, S. Cons1a1ino, M . W 11ller1, A. Leston. Row 3: M an. D . Warnsdorfcr. 1. I bcrhari, D. Quigley, M. Ives, L. Re dini, E. Sobecki, S. Siragusa, Coach W are. c G y M N A s s Sopho more: Bo llom; Coach Allon, Coach Ware. Top; W. Hatche ll, R. McCarver. B. \Vessleman, 8. Leitner. T I --- c Cocrge Lares shows his stuff on the parallel bars s The Final Touch Varsily: Top; P. Sobccki, D. Dodson, D. Callagher. C . Lares, R. Ringeisen, w. Scroggin, s. Tsellos. Coach Young. Bottom; T. Hobock, M . Moberg, M. Mutray, J. Sobec ki, J. Hart, 1. Elcox. a.lancing on the high bar Barb Shepard smiles for chc c;1mera VOrsity: Row 1: N . Mic heals. Coach Young, T. \ Vonkle<. Row 2: R. K0<hy, 8. Shepard, C. Knauf. L ~'lore, J. Calla8ttan, D. l·lcrirlg. 7J B 0 The 1984 Raider Boys' Track Te. m started their rebuilding year with a f1 1e indoor season. The Raiders finished : ·d of 8 at the Raider Relays, 4th Of 11 at the M aine East Relays, and 5th of e a1 the DuPage Valley Conference. l ie sophomore team finished 1st in 1e conference. Top Raider athletes l· elude Keith Danly, Mark Jarka, Ke in Zerrenner, and Roger Watson. l 1e Raiders are looking towards a fine 4· 85 season as only two conferen eranked seniors will graduate. y s T R A c K Row 1: Russ Ma11cn, Brian Gilpin, Kevin M4'doch, Jim Ebel, How.lrd Thiele, Neil Prcstemon, Shaf•n Knigh1 , Rich l'i1'pa1rick, George Po licello. Row 2: Cooch C'oo•o•. Tom Meu<N, Kellh Danly. Vince Homes, Andy Humble, Andy Smilh, M ike O 'Brien. Rommel Vitlalob<><, Dove lyon... (",1,'thJmP Wilkin, Frank Russo, Mark ~cldkow~ki, Steve Batlol, C°"ch C.rcia. Row J: Mark Michel. Jeff Lanham, Gordon Snyder. TO<ld Ki janka, Phil Gardella, Cosgrove, Jim Ebcrhiir1, Mark Szymczak, Ron 8ielfuss, R~er Watson, Malt Vosl. Row 4; Tim Weish~r, Dave Winder, Kevin M iller, Doug Childress. Jeff J.arka, Roger Aschbrenner. Matt Moriarty, Sieve Monchunski, Dave Bonifie ld. Row S: Coach Preuss, Mark Jarka, Tim Cheavrc, Dan lordan, Rob Rounds, Kevin Zerrenner, Mike Kerr, Chris Gaughan, J.R. Greenwell, Karl Wolski, Chris Beil, Coach Kenny. The 1984 Girls' Track Team started the indoor track season with a young, strong team. Coached by newcomer Mrs. Cox, the girls are having a productive season. The depth added to the 1ea m by the large turnout of freshm en promises great success in future seasons. G I R L s T R Row 1: B. Spielman, K. Kocen1, S. Ma.vii, 1. Bie le, J. Mason, T. Caldwell, E. Conklin, B. Munson, K. Manley, J. Pon1iou>. Row 2: 0 . Devine (Au i'1., R. Zilligan, C. Reese, J. Hesch, l. Wolff, N. We lnicke, L. Havcr1ine, l. Oberg, J. Bow'Tlan, J. Adams, A. Lohman, V. V1erck, L. Cox (Coach). Row J: ). Kearney, D. Joiailis, C. Chearncy. J., S. Wilkin, T. McElroy, D. Aschbrcnner, P. Valcnchcs, S. Siragu.., 0 . DeMiro. Row 4: S. Mulllnger, M. Schuber!, K. S.usen, D. Walshon, 0 . Borchord1, D. 8orcha1d1, J. Burke, C. Doyle, M. Morgan, E. Carras. C. McNelis. A c K A run for victory Am I going 10 make ii 11 Up and over Able 10 leap "" hurdle< in • single bound! Ju\1 fif1een more laps to go Mark. Merideth Morgan gives it her best sho1 . 7S I N T R A M u R A L 1ou&\I. , tttol.1£1 s .... ,,,,,,, I I \ '. . I I \ I ' • • I I I \ 'v \ THESPIANS COME, WE SH ALL HAVE SOME FU N Glenbard South Th espian Troupe # 547 is the school drama club. This group is filled with comics, roman tics, mello-dramat ics, alter egos, and exhibitionists. But not only is the stage fill ed wit h co lorful and talente d actors, it's b ehind the scenes where all the action starts. Sponsored by Larry Hart, Th espians have a rule that just because you can act doesn't mea n you don't have to help. Everyone gets involved in make-up, cost umes, props, sets, lights, and sound . Thespians are one big family, and a family that works together, has fu n together. FORENSICS The 1984 Glenbard South Forensics Team improved a lot com pa re d to rec e nt yea rs even though the team is small. Stude nts compete in eve nts which are eithe r interpretation or public speaking. Gary Thelen won a $250 scholarship from the Oakbrook Rotary Club for his O riginal Ora tory. Cathy Bartram and Krista Faries adva nced to Sectional Competition in prose and verse readi ng respect ively. This years officers were: President-Maria Finnane, Vice Preside nt - Susie Marcus, Secre taryKrista Faries, and Treasure r-Gary Thelen. Thesplaris-l 10 R) Back Row: Ken Feinstein. Jeff Adams, Beth Li8lanc, Sharon Priest, A.O. Pa1yvas, Abby Armstror ~. MaryEllen Garret, M aya Embar, Tina Wilson, Emlee Price, Karen Bensen, ~ndy ~gli.tno, Chris Yurcus, S1ephar e t-tawklns, M arjorie Rogers, H eather Baum, Maureen Finnane, Christine Finnane, Nancy Hesson, Marci W;ille 1, )ennif~ Brannen, Mike Smi1h, C• rrie Ko o, Eberline Middle Row: Paul Greyson, Robin Cullen, Angie Tessin, Kyra Eberline, µ y Riley, Scou Richmond, Jim Scavone, M iche lle loveu, Dan Yuen, Sue Schwart, Ki thy Bartram, Ca1hy S1ephan, Barry Rayk9 wskc, Anio n Wile k, Heidi Pe1crson, Steve Miller, Jennifer Wlll~mson, Chris Hale. M ohan Embar, Larry W iison, M elanie Sought'ln, Jodi Armstrong, Bill Keenan, Mr. Hart-Facul1y Sponser Forensics-(l to R) First Row: Mr. Beimler, Kyle Kremer, Danielle Dobro , Yol.ind.i Kompton, Antoinette Lewinski, C.thy B•nram, Ms. Samper. Second Row: De bbie M eyer. Heathe r Hamllton, Kim Pye, Nancy He sson. Third Row: Julie Jorgensen, Sylvia Chen, M aureen Fi~nne, Miche lle Langowski, Susie Marcus, Krista Faries, Cary Thelan. Fourth Row: M aria f lnannc. rro n1 Row: Tina T heall, Kimberl y Rebecca, Lynn Vi tacoo, Marla f innane, Lisa Stryck, M arlin H.inley, lori Birchall, Bill W essefrmn, Co ri Suplcc, Rock Constin1ino. Lying: Sharo n Dittmar, N o rb, George Potamiano". H.tve you seen a ghost, M arial let's partyl1 Wha t' ~ wrong, liSt1l Paul Greyson, in shock over his rece ding hairline. 81 VOCALS This year's Concert Choir, as always, has had a successful and prosperous year. 01 the membership, twelve members auditioned and made Districts. Even more exceptional were the three members accepted as members in the All State Choir: Larry Wilson, Cary Lovett, and Jim Scavone. A lew ol the events that the Concert Choir participated in were the lestival at Northern Illinois University, the Glenbard District Festival, lall winter and spring concerts, and performances at the DuPage Convalescent Center and the local elementary and junior high schools. MADRIGALS Glenbard South Madrigals is a group of singers who represent the Medieval Age. They are the best vocal Rroup at Glenbard South and are getting better every day. The Madrigals are very devoted to their singing and olten perform for various organiza tions outside ol school. But the highlight of the year is the Madrigal Dinner given each year before Christmas. The Madrigals give a line perlormance over a wonderful dinner. With the help of their director, Michael Krueger, the Madrigals will be giving many more fine performances. Swing Choir: !left 10 right) Row 1: Cindy Taylor. Dan Yuen, Lisa Suyck, Larry Wilson, Scephanie Hawkh ., Jodi Armscrong, Bill Keenan, Michelle Lovell, J. R. Greenwell, LeAnne Delmer. Row 2: Lori Birchall, M, 1 Voss. S.ra Roush, Dave S.nders, Beth Reynolds, Cary Loven, Kyra Eberlein, Jim Savone, Maria Finnan •, Doug Fritz, Sandy Pacsavas, Mike Lyden. (left to right) Doug Fritz, Cindi Taylor, J.R. Greenwell, Michelle Lovett, Brian Henn, Maria Finnan, Cary lovet1, Jodi Armstrong:, Jim Scavone, Kyr• Eberlien, D•n Yuen, Laur• Cengel, L•rry Wilson, liso Scryck, Bill Keenon, •nd Cori Suplcc. Girl's Chorus: {Left to right) Row 1: Candace Milburn. C.1hy Mellen· bruch, Tonja Stegall. Row 2: u .. Royhl, Bech Huffman, Jenniler Schuhz, Trish Johnscon. Conccrc Choir: {left 10 right} Row 1: Sara Roush, Terri Winkler. Connie Smilh, Kale Kini cy, lOfi lyden,. leAnne Oeimcr, Srephanie H-iwkins, Kyra Eberlein, Michelle Lovett, Timmy • an Eckeren, Scacy Parker. Row 2: Cindy Taylor. Bech Reynolds, Jodi Armstrong, Bech leBI. 1c, Sandy Gagliano, Melanie Soughan, Lori Birchall, Maria Finnanc, Sandy Patsavas, Lisa Sir' ck, Kim D•se, D•na Dodson. Row J : Bill Keenan, C.ry Lovell, Mike Smich, M•tt Voss, Doug F u . Dan Yuen, Jim Scavone, Brian Henn, Jay Riley, ltarry Wilson, J.R. Greenwell. Girl's Glee: {Left 10 rig hi) Row 1: Gay Garouue, Pally Valcnches, Elis,. Eberlein, Tina Wilson. Row I lorr1inc Marion, Jennifer \.Villi.amson, K1ren Bensen. L.iurie Wolfe. 82 Boys Chorus: !Left 10 right} Mike Lyden, Scott Desmond, Donnie S1ra:ia. Coffee. tea, or mcl P1e01se Don'1 feed the animals. 83 INSTRUMENTALS This year the Raider Band has been going places. The year began early when the Raiders started marching practice in August. Practices were intense to prepare the Band for the Fiesta Bowl Tour in Late December. The two major difficulties faced by the Band were teaching th e large group of incoming freshmen how to march, and raising enough money to get to the Fiesta Bowl. Through much work by parents, students, the community, and the director, Mr. Jastrow, the band completed a successful tour of the Fiesta Bowl. Since then, the band has entered their concert season. Lead clarinetist, Mark Lyons went to All State and placed in the Honors Band. Congratulations to Mr. Jastrow and the band for a fine year. (left to right) Row 1: Sondra Fox, Matk Schmitt, Dave Lyons, Rovl Adapothya, Mike Ludovice, Mark Lyons, Travis Per I· Row 2: Keith Cengal, Steve Henning, Mike Weber, Dave Schmidt, Tim Hestorman. Row 3: Eric Whitfield, Larry Wllsc 1, Shawn Mather, Marc Rhode. Kerry Mclaren, Mark Fenne, Kcn1 Lillig, Kevin Maskell, Mark Davis, Mr. Jastrow. Concert Band (left to right) Row 1: Mark Lyons, Mike Doyle, Lisa Scheuer, Jane Eberharo, Stephanie Werth, Kristen Henriksen, Andrea McAuliffe, C•rhy Sreph•n. Meg Murray. Row 2: Jennifer Jourd.ln, Julie Glissover, C• roe Konsoer. Louise M•uldin, Marci Howud, Amy Harms, Jennifer Mortin, Sharon Dittmar, Claire tambcrt, Sherri Couture, Jessica King, Emily Conklin, Ann Voeseli, Karine Costabile. Row 3: Travis Perry, Jeff Miller, Mirk Z~lnny, Mark Schmin, Jolene Hammond, Dave Lyons, Ravi Adaparhya, Mike ludovice, Chris Lam, Dave Sanders, Jeff Lillig, Herb Morealc, Kevin Maskell, Joe Hirsh, Kenr Lillig, Mark Davis, Fred Weber. Kerry Mclaren, Mark Fenne. Row • : Tyrone Wells, Sondra Fox. Muk Britenrelrer. Mr. Jas1row, Jeff Har1, Tim Hesterman, Gregg Hesterman, Dave Schmidt, Mike Weber, Mike Dawson, Keith Cengal, Arnd Brandis, Steve Henning, Marc Rhode, Shawn M•lher, Chuck S.nsone, Chris Keibles. t , 1 ' • ~ • ' ' • ' - '• \ -t ~ I - ' •• ' .''.. • ' ' ' ~·~ • '· • ..• ' ' '., . .... , ....• r f ~ • ~ , ... ' -· , •• , ' ,..-- l .. .,' .. ' ,. , , , ' , ..' :. .... • ~ "' .. . • "' • • / •c !:: • ·- ' .••,• ' ' • ' ' ,, t ' - ' ' ' ' ..,. .t. • t.T • J. t1 -~ • ~· ' " • '• ,., • • , I ·. •- ••. - ~ '• ·11, .~ ' • , ... (I) . .> ... ,,,. --, -, ". I • ' ~ II I - 0.eft 10 right) Row 1: u.. Scheuer, Jeff Miller, Par Bak, Don Randolf, Ken Feinstein, Dana Gulbrandson, Rob Johnston. Row 2: Courtney Williams, Mr. Jastrow, Chris Keibles, Chuck S.nsone, Scott Burgess, Joe Hirsh, Curl Keibles, Jeff Lillig, Herb Moreale. Joelle Biele keeps In tune. Freshmen Bind (left 10 Righi) Row 1; Charlene S.nsone, Wileen Chang, John Courrney, Kerry Finegan, Kelly O'Brien, Joanne Hammond, Kelh Thie le, Jennifer Brannen. Row 2: Leslie Jourdan, Angie Madary, Hearher Hursr, Kim Reffeh, Karen Manley, Jill Carrington, Amy Ecklund, Kath• Murray, Brian Lucas, Pat Bak, Don Randolf, Stacey Mallen, Lynette Smith, Louisa Glassover, Amy Rourke. Row 3: Asif Ahmed, Rob Johnsron, Dan .. Gulbrandsen, Ken Feinstein, Scott Clingman, Gordon Snyder. Rich Gallager, Chris Perro, Tom Gardener. Curo Kiebles, Muk S.dkowsltl. Row • Joelle Biele, Kyle Bronsdon, Scott Burgess, Mr. Jasrrow, Don Button, Bill Comstock, Mike Marsden. Concero Orchesrra. (Leh to righr) Row 1: Tim Wu, Ankit Shah, Sylvia Chen, Holly Royster. Tak Suh, Janice Wu. Row 2: krkten Henriksen, Meg Murray, Eugenia Chteng, Mark Lyons, Mike Doyle, Amy Harms! Mark Anderson, Courtney Willtams. Row ): Tyrone Wells, Sherri Cou1ure, Mark Fcnne, Kerry Mclaren, Steve Henning. Mr. Holrmn. Emily Conklin 1akes a break from the paper drive. Sandra Fo x pbys some 1un~ Emily Conklin Live in Concerllllllllll AND WITH THE BAND • • On any day, in any weather, where you find the Marching Band, you will also discover the Flag girls, baton twirlers, and majors or majorettes. These people, along with the Raidere ttes, lend color, order, and visual display to the music of the band, as well as a vi tal dose of school spirit. In parades or on the field, th ese people are a neccessary eleme nt of the Glenbard South High School Marching Ra iders. Have flags-Will travcll!I Meredi1h Morgan and Coti Suplei? smile fOf 1he camera. Flag girls p ractice diligently. Flags aw•y! I Fun at the old ball game. 86 Fron1 Row: Renee Zilllgcn, Marva Hinds, Jackie Durke. Lori Birchall, Sue Schmidt, Annette Carcionc, Marla Alcl'flUl"I. Julie Fuscone. Back Row: Kim Rosche. Sue S1ulik, Lynn k'.uhn. Korey Williams, M eredith Morgan, Lind. Borchers. Chris Scaman. The flag girls walk tall. Pam M cEvoy performs a1 half time. 87 RAIDERS GO TO THE FIESTA BOWL , \. - -ne-sta. -BtJw-1 - FIEST A BOWL TOUR On December 27, 1983 the Glenbard South High School Raider Band left for sunny Phoenix Arizona to perform in the 13th annual Fiesta Bowl Parade. Each day of their six day trip was packed with th ings to do, things to see, and places to go. Each day consisted of at least 1-2 hours of practice, 1- 2 hours of lying by the pool, and various activities in the evenings. The band took a tour of Arizona State University, the Gammage Center built by Frank Lloyd Wright. They attended the Pageant of Bands, a marching competition between twelve of the best bands in the country. The band also visited a rustic old western town called Rawhide. On New Years Eve day the band performed in the Fiesta Bowl parade. Over 250 thousand people came to watch and almost twice that watched on television. The next day the band visited the Grand Canyon. The trip was fun for everyone and will be remembered by all. Thank you, Mr. Jastrow. --- 1- 8AND Td"lf Phoe,.; 1t, Ariz. -J - --HCO. T•·D•I We m•de ill Sheri Couture, • C.S.H.S. sun worshipper I Annette C•rclone, Meg Murr>y, Lln<b McL•ughlln •nd Shelly Steiner at R•whide )ulie St..nnon •nd Cindy B•non lalte a cot nap. Sue Stulik •nd Lynn Kuhn toke • bre•k - ...... Gia P•l•dino, K•ren Rosche, Sue Dingman , DIM• Dimpfl, Stoey McGinn, T>nia la· 88 meel, and Cori Suplee dress for 1he occasion Julie Classover turns Mark lions Into a curly top - t~ - RAIDERETTES I RAIDER ETTES Every year a group of junior and senior girls get together and add a touch of entertainment to Baske tball and Football games. Each routine is creat ed by two of th e se nior girls and performed by all. This year, the songs varied from Punk to Rock, New Wave to Classical. The '83-'84 squad is short, tall, hyper, mellow, fun-loving, and loads of fun. Each girl has her own smile and each wears it all the time. Being a Raiderette involves more than just dancing and smiling. Each week they bake cookies and decorate the lockers of all the football o r basketball players. It's a year-round full-time job, but they love it. That's why they're the Raiderettes. Top Row: (l 10 Rl K•ren Rose he, S•ndy Mutllnger. Jill Dispens.l, lis.l Skul, C0<i Suplee, Becky Mildcbran1, Linda Garney !Cap'1), Cindy Barren, Ell1.0be1h Conklin. Middle Row: Kalie O'Connell, De' " Dimpfl. Gail flowers, Barb Brinkman, Sue Dingnwn. Julie Shannon, Tania Jameel. Bottom Row: Melan Soughan, Kim Mello11, Gi.11 Paladino, l•ura Joz•i1is, Stacey McGinn, ReeN Koshv. Raiderettes keep in time in the homecoming parade. Raidere11cs perfcwm at h.ilf rime. Pr.ic1ice makes perfect. (l 10 R): RttN k oshy. Karen Ros.che, Oevra Dimpfl. Sue Oingm;,n, B«ky Hlldebra.ndt, and T.-.nia lameel·reach for action! Attention! CHEERLEADERS I I MEAN WHAT I SAY At every game and pep rally there is a group of girls who mean what they sa These girls are the Raider Cheerleaders. Every week the girls bake cookies ar; l 1 decorate the lockers of every team member, thus adding to the school spil t and the teams morale. The freshmen squad has nine members all of whom a1? 1 highly energetic and devoted to the school's spirit. Captained by Carrie Che ney, these freshmen girls lead their team to victory with a great deal ,f enthusiasm. The sophomore squad is equally as spirited and devoted to the sophomorl ;. Captained by Shawn Hite, the six member squad cheers the team and riles 1 p the audience. Their smiling faces are a constant relief from the vigorous gam ~. last summer the girls p laced second at cheerleadlng camp. The Varsity squad consists of eight girls and is captained by Dana Smith. Tl e squad is even more spirited than the other two and should be commended f •r this additional boost of spirit due to the loss of six· of its members. In M ar· h 1983 the Varsity and Sophomore squads participated in the World lnternatior 11 Cheerleading competition. Over seventy teams entered. Our team placed Ii a in the large School Division. Sponsored by Lori lantorno, our Raider Che1 ·leaders could well be considered the best cheerleaders in the world . Sophomore Cheerleaders- (L 10 R) Fourth Row: Cindy Taylor. Leanne Deimer. Third Row: Lisa HalSledt, Heidy Jameel, luAnn McCinn. Second Row: Lori Mullinger, M iuy Murphy. First Row: Shawne Hite. Caryn Geneser·1 Raider rooter. V•rsity Cheerle•ders-<l to R) Back Row: Marlo M0<ley, M•ry Rose Schubert, C•ryn Cenewr. lisa Mariani Middle Row: Christi Pre•ley Jill Shipley, Sherri Cardona First Row: Julie Wilso.,, D• M Smith, Kelly Maltby, B>rb Shepard. I 92 Cheerle•de" perf0<m •• Pep R•lly. R-A·l·D·E·R·S-1 fOf the benefit of Mr. K it~. Susan, tell me again, what am I supposed to be doing here! Now Wh•tlll 93 PEP CLUB f'ep Club keeps busy all year by keeping us busy all year. They give the school spirit, especially during Homecoming week. Pep Club activities include a Homecoming float, fall and spring pep rallies, football ceremonies and some of our great dances (such as the Homecoming and Turnabout dances). Homecoming week was fu ll of fun and excitement. Everyone had a ball. Sponsored by Miss Cory, the Pep Club lifts the spirits of everyone all through the year. With the help of Beth LeBlanc, president, the walls are always covered with informative posters of th e weeks events. Thanks, Pep Club! t 'ei> Club tCSIS 1heir creativi1y. Varsity squad-ready for action. leis go Raiders! I - I ""' Club·(l 10 R) FirSI Row: Jocelyn AJbinger, Be1h l e BJanc, lisa Sanders Second Row: llii.o Kipnis, M iki Harm" Jennifer Albinger, Third Row: Chris Kohou1 I C lub President displays initiation requirements. I Freshmen Cheerleaders·(l 10 R) Third Row: Ml"y Frank, Jennifer Shannon Second Row: Shannon Mar1in, Susie Johnston, Chris ~rveth Fi1st Row: Lynelle Smllh, Be1h Ashley, Carrie Cherney, S••cey Mallen. freshmen Cheerleaders out on rhe floor. Chris kohout works on a p0\1er. Pep Club ~rtlcipates in the Homecoming Parade. 95 STUDENT UNION Student Union representatives, class officers, and executive board members are elected each spring. These students represent the student body by dealing with their complaints, and praises concerning any aspect of school life. Student Union members are among the busiest and most responsible people to be found in our school. The organization continues to st rive for excellence in all areas of school activities. This year, Student Union representatives kept busy as usual in order to better student relati ons and morale. Everyone worked hard on the Homecoming Dance and celebration, as well as on socials and other S.U. sponsored activities. A select few participated in a student exchange with Hoffman Estates, while everyone participated in the annual leadership Conference. Executive B~rd-(l to R) first Row: Mr. Winneger, Kristi\ Faries, Debbie M.irvil, Bieniek, Sherry Cardona. Seco1 d Row: Kevin Zerrener, Paul Duffy, Dave Corbin. Juni<>< Represcnt.itives.(l 10 R) first Row: Tina Mondelli, Dave Corbin, Julie Jorgens.en. Second Row: Donn.a Dcmiro, Barb ShcJ>"rd, Eric Berdahl, Russ Mallen. Third Row; Linda Mclaughlin, Rick Akins. feff Ehlers Gary Buhl, Joy Niforatos. ' Sophomore Representatives...(L 10 R) First Row: Mary Milas, K•thleen C.wlik. Second Row; Sandra C.gliano, Angie Shaner, Sharon Priest, Maureen Logan. Third Row; Cathie Pet..fas, )<>di Jensen, Andrea Bienecke, Abby Armstrong, karen Bensen. Scnlor Rcpresentatives-(l to Rl First Row: Kara Johnson, leighAnnc l'ilngc. Second Row: Dave Bunning, Heidi Veihman, Sherry Cardorui. Third Row: Jodi Armstrong. Sharon Dittmar. Beth leBlanc. Dure Savini. Karen Roschc. Not Pictured: Peter Hildner, And Mary Rose Schubert. Freshmen Representatives-.(l to R) Firs• Row: Lynetle Smith, Keena Suh. Second ROw: Kristin Levin, Chris C.ughan, Andy Humble. Third Row; Ginger Sisk•, Neil Cook, Phil Cardella, Brian Armstrons. Chris Sutter. 97 HONOR SOCIETIES COOPERATIVE EDUCATION National Honor Society is a group of students with exceptional qualities. Each member must have a specific grade point average and maintain those grades to be inducted. Students are inducted into NHS in their junior year and are members until they graduate. They are involved with tutoring in school and help people increase their grade averages. Art Honors Society is a group of students speciall y gifted in art. To apply for AHS one must have a specific grade point average in art. Those accepted help around school and the community, drawing and painting. Sponsored by Mrs. Bowers and the help of Kara Johnson, president, the Ari Honors Society will add a touch of color to South. The Cooperative Work Training program, or the CWT, as it is often referred to, is a school program especially designed for the student who not only desires school credit, but also work experience. Headed by Mr. Zabilka, this class emphasizes getting a job, developing good working habits, and building self con fidence. The curriculum includes job interviewing, human relations, insurance, labor unions, taxes, safety, and personal budgeting. (leh 10 righl) Row 1: Arnold Rudder, Bill Woodburn, Row 2: Eiieen Brennan, Kim Marsden, Mr. Zabllka, Sieve Fury. Row 3: Rob Hlldebrand1, Todd Green, Beth Hewitson, Darren Witers. Row • : Denise \.Viec.z.orelc, Lawanda King, Becky Bensen, Henry Klopp, Sieve Zang. Office Education also gives students the option of on-the-job-training along with secretarial instruction in the classroom. Included in the students' training are telephon_e and filing procedures, writing business letters, operation of office machinery, and typing skills. This program also helps the students by teaching them good working habits and the importance ol developing leadership qualities. This prograrr is headed by Mrs. Presley Art Honor Socie1y·(L 10 R) First Row: Kris Se•, Polly Ry•n, P• u y Koch.lnck, Amy Sc:holi., Mrs. Bowers Second Row: Dodie M ondero, Graham WilkIn, Tom 8enstcin, Steve Hastings, Barty R•ykowskc. (Leh 10 righ1) Row 1: K•~ma Whiu, Julie Breen . Row 2: ludy Mcferre n, Donna Mills, Fran Wojik, Sherry Brown, Karen Berland, Mrs. Presley. I P•lt Kochanek works In colore d p encil. Distributive Education, a program in which the students receive credit for work experience in marketing and retailing, is another option t o the traditional school program. Careers in marketing are stressed through regional, state, and national competition. Coordinated by M r. Morgan, DE also receives their own newspaper, Dimensions. Each year, the members elect their own officers. This learning option is an excellent lead in to futures in the retailing service professions. ~ lo righ1) Row 1: Mi• N ational Honor Society-Cl to R) First Row: Tim \Vu, Second Row: Kristen H entikson, Sharon Dittmar, Sue Dingman, H eidi Vcihman, Kyra Eberlein, Dave McMillan, Mrs. Kruse Third Row: Randy McCoy, Nallah MuSlafa, Kim Holquist, Jolene Himmond. Pim MC'Evoy. Kiren Walsh. Jine Ebef1hJrt. Mr. :-'11"-l"'10C~ IJ>'lJ!.Sl.gers Heidi Miller Geor e Pol• mianos. Four1h Row: Srideri R>o, Eliu be1h Conklin, M•y Chen, Eugenia Ch.lng, Linda Henderson, Melanie Soughan, Jodi Armstrong, Debbie Marvil, Chris Bier, Sandy Skowren, Greg Latimer, Fifth Row: Dave Kathman, laura Milas, Barb Hu, C,,ry Stiemle, Miry Krizk, Horst Scheel, k eilh Cosio, Dave Bunning, M Embar, Amy Harms, M r. Lowe. Kulisek, Tina Wise, Kassi.. Wholey, Barb ie Wilson, Nallah Musi•t., Chris Hacgeorty, Kim Thompson. Row 2: Kathy Pe1erson, Mire Como, Paul Ko~l•r. Paul Benne u , Abby Cunningham, Te rri Kelby. Row 3: Juli Moyer, Moniq ue Chiero, Tr~cey Thiessen, Thad Oaszkiewicz, Tom Pelafas, Bill Severino, Mr. Mor·gan. 99 FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLUBS The foreign language clubs have long been an interesting part of Glenbard South. The purpose of French Club, German Club, and Spanish Club is generally to enrich the members with the culture of the native country. Such cultural dabbling is accomplished through field trips, weekend competit ions and immersions, and parties featuring native dancing and foods. The clubs raise money th rough sales of native goodies, such as French baked goods or German chocolate and gummi bears. These clubs are open to the entire student body of Glenbard South; not just to those students enrolled in a language, but to all who wish to experience a little foreign culture. So sign up in a foreign language club, and enjoy the change of pace (and taste) which is available at GSHS. ~rm>n Club- IL 10 R) 1SI Row: Kelly Schugg, Sandy Pa1savis, Abby ArmSlrong. Miki Harms, D•vid Song, C.1hy Spiess 2nd Row: Chris Kohou1, Tracy Winder, Jennifer Jourdan, Patty Kochanek, Jennifer Albinger, M issy Murphy, Keena Suh, Patrick B•k, Stacey Ishman 3rd Row: Sylvia Che n, Jocelyn Albinger. Becky Munson, Erik Whi1ficld, Laurn Oberg, Bill S1lllwell, Kris Ac0<d, Kehh Bauer 41h Row: Jeff Clark, Be1h Oaks, Heid y J>meel, P•m Shirrick, D•wn McDermou, Alison LeSlon, Mrs. Ploegman 51h Row: Ke lly Thiel, Ron Bcilfus, Rajiv Pandi1, S1ephen Cnade, Jennifer Manin, Chris Carve1h, Marlo Labelle. French Club-IL to R) Firn Row: Bob JohnS1on, Tim Arlhurs. John Dicke nschc ld1, MaryKay Righe imer. Lori Coa1es, Kydia Hess. Koren Jaworski. Re nu Roney, Denise DeM<><y, J>ckie Brown, Debbie D0<ney. S<!cond Row: Sridcvi Rao, Lisa Halsted, David M.,heson. Niel Cook, Ginger Siska, Jennifer Palact!, Sandy Gagliano, Cheryl lofenicrc, Leslie Haver1ine, Donna M eitenspcrger, Mike Ciryotas, Kerry Finnegan, Li~ Reed, Ange~ Madary. Row Three: M ark Sistrunk, Kevin M adock, Debbie Raykowskc, Scott Oresmal, Shnron Diltmar, Monica McCauley, M aria Gonzoles, Fiiomena Ryan, Dure Savini, Tom R•ykowslcl, Diedre Reed, Noelle Whitfield, Jim Ebel, John Brihau1. Fourih Row: Pam McEvoy, Lori Lydon, Louisa Class, Lisa Esposito, Su7.anne Schmidt, Carmen Heredia, Emily Conklin, Vaisha D~skar, Anais M errick, Oaun Hooser. Noelle Hesco11, Rhonda Button, Chuck DeMory. lisa lschay, James Szewczyk, Sandy Malusik, Hca1her Wor1h, De nise Shumale, Eric Colds1ein, Penelope Bohl, Anion Wilek, William Wilkin, Madame Hines, M,., Churchill. 100 SJNnish Club· (I 10 R) 1st Row; Anjini Virmani. Sue Miller. Chril Lund, liaf Nunez, )oc M iller, ).lnice Wu, Nilncy Dilniels, Carmen Heredia. 2nd Row: Jeff Mme r. Karle Redelsperger. Debbie Clark, Hea1he r Baum, Lynn Dicier. Moriah As1rup, Karen Walsh, Nancy j>nkowski. 3rd R~w: Mrs. Sihoeky, Greg Tuzik, Mike Dawson, Colleen Doyle, Danelle Dobro, Dave McMillen, Lisa Scheue r. Carol Mansfield, Heid• Moll~raL ~ be.ats the afeteri.a! Make me one too. 101 MOCK TRIAL Read All About It In The Indy The Mock Trial Team is in its second season at G.S.H.S. last year, the team won the DuPage County Championship, Attorne ys Lisa Roge rs and Beth leBlanc receiving all-star honors. This year, with help from advisors Attorney Lou Varchetto, Mr. Beimler, and Mr. Murray, and returning members Mike Doyle, Bob Bale, Beth leBlanc, Eric Berdahl and Lisa Rogers, the team has taken the Northern Region Championship and has q ualified for state and national competition. HOLD YOUR TONGUE! Every month South puts out a newspaper called the INDEPENDENT. Each issue offers humor, excitement, and arguementative editorials to keep your eyes busy and your lips laughing. Though not much exciting happens at South, the staff writers always manage to write interesting articles and eye-catch ing headlines. From Sports to Editorials, Features to comic strips, the Indy staff, sponsored by Mr. Glover, covers it all. This year the largest controversy was the battle between the Seniors and the Freshmen . Many people spoke up and voiced t heir opinions. That's what the Indy is all about, Freedom of speech. So don't hold your tongue, SPEAK UPI Row 1: Sharon Dlnmar, Beth leBlanc, Lisa Rogers, Eric Berdahl, Abby Arms1<ong. Row 2: Attorney Lou Varcheno Cary Thelen, Mike Doyle, Troy Smith, Bob Bale, Mr. Beimler. Mr. Mu11•y. What did you do wrong! SN.ron DittrNir jots down in idei . CHESS CLUB The Glenbard South Chess Team, headed by president Mohan Embar, has, as always, had an exciting, if not successful season. With the lead players Tim Wu and Mohan Embar, this team has performed well throughout the season. Mr. Kochka, their sponsor, has also played an instrumental part in the emergence of t his team . May the future of the game of chess be well benefitted by these bright young players. Newspoper Staff- (l 10 R) B>ek Row: D•n Hoh, F•iz Ahmed, Barry R•ykowslce, Mark Wt'itover, Mohan Embar. Third Row: Beth laBlanc , Audrey Reivytis, Jodi Armstrong, Melanie Soughan, Mary Krizek, Mr. Clover. Eugenia Chang, Linda Henderson, Second Ro w: Meg Murray, Heidi M iller, C;h ris Beier, Stacey Parker, Julie Jorgensen, Keen.a Suh. lying Down: Dodie Mondero. ,A f Chess Club- (l 10 R) First Row: George Potamlanos, Mohan Embar. Tim \Vu . Second Row; Paul Creyson, Felix Sons. Lonee Wc ron. Dan Thompson, Dan Hoh. Third Row: Tom Zllius. Heidi M iller checks spelling or a name for accuracy. ll"ldy staff expresses their frustration. 103 YEARBOOK At every activity that South has to offer, be it football, porn -pons, chess meets or lunch rooms, there is always someone there with a camera in hand. These people work for the yearbook. They take group pictures, action shots, and candid shots. The yearbook staff captures the years memories on paper to be remembered by everyone. Spon sored by Mrs. Krema, the staff of editors, writers, and photographers get it all together and give it to us to keep for the rest of our lives. My sentimen1s cxac:1ly. Yearllook St•ff.(L to R) First Row: Ellen Sorensen, Beth laBlanc, LI .. Rogers, Melanie Sougt<an, Kl?fry Mclare n, Jole ne H•mmond, Second Row: M•y Chen, l 0<i Coates, D•ryl Hall, Tracey Gatsby, Eugenia Chang, Bill Scheidaucr, Mark Oostman, Third Row: Laura Propoggio, Dodie Mondero, Lynn Vhacco, Troy Smith, Polly Ryan, Mike Doyle, Barb Hu, D•n Phillips, Je ff Oberg, Glenna Garoutte, Kevin Burdine. Eugeni.a creates 104 Lisa Rogers, Editor·in~Chief. works on 01 layout. Come one come ~ II. 1 page. The tdhor examines each pho10 carefully. Ellen picks ou1 pictures. 10S ~n· \ •• ( -ri ~( If \.11 I \ I I.ET~ -r,¥T'{? Class fovorltu ... Cary lovott •nd Beth loll•nc Most S<hool Spirit Most Tolentod ... Dodi• Mondoro Ind Shoron Dill . Ry•n Aloccl• and Beth l•ll•nc 111 SENIOR SUPERLATIVES le1t looking .. , Meredith Morg•n • nd Kent Taylor I Most Likoly to Succeed ... D••• Bunning •nd Jodi Arm.irong Mo.i Athletic . Bill M_,o, Meg Mur,.y, and Dure S.vini 108 Most Popubr Kare-n Rosche and John Cr•mmer Most Dopend•ble . .. Debbie Marvll •nd Tim Wu The people of the class of 1984, led by Presi dent Sherry Cardona, Vice-President Karen Rosche, and Secretary-Treasurer Beth LeBlanc, have finally completed an important chapter in their lives. High school life at Glenbard South is now history. But it will not be soon forgotten. A.s we lool< back "through the looking glass," we find memories that we will always hQJd dear - studying all night, completing college applications, a trip to the Fiesta Bowl, a home sporting event, and, of course, the friends we have made. Yes, our days at Glenbard South have come to an end, but our memories will last us a lifetime. Jocelyn Albinser Germon Club 4, Per Club 2~. Bridge lluildins 4, Honor Roi 12~. Down Aldu Most Intelligent ... u.. Rogers ond Croig Sthxoll Ryan Aleccla lenermans Club 234, Trainer 1234. M<lrla Alemon Flaa Girls 4, French Club 1234, French Club Vlce·PrHident 4, Pep Club 12. Tim Ahenhoff Darby Anderson M ost Courteous ... Tania Jamtt l and Brian Henn Mark Anderson Football 12~. WrHtlin& 234, NHS 34, Orchestra 1234. Jodi Armstrons Forensics 12, NHS 34, Newspoper 34, Plays 124, Spanish Club 12, Student Union 1234, Class President 12, Thes!'ions 1234, Yearbook 4, Choir 234, Girl s Clee 1, Modrigah ~. Swing Choir 34, IMEA District FHtivol 4, lead' ershlp Conference 1234, Honor Roll 1234, Sp>nl•h Honor Society ~. Illinois State Scholar 4, Prom Committee 3. Anthony Ashley B. Tennis 1234, lntramur· ols 234, l etterman• Club 234, Student Union 12, Powder Puff Chee.leader 3, Honor Roll 1234. Michae l Backode Robert Bole Karen Batker Michael Borrick Cathetlne Bortram Forensics 12~. Orchesis 34, Ploys 1234, Spanish Club 12, Thespions 1234, M<idrlaal Server 12~. I Ht Dre1ted .. . Mlke Smith ond Alexi• Stamatoky Cllis Clowns . . • Lauri H1lko ond Cory Lovell 110 111 Erik Bauer Christine Beier Cennon Club 23, NHS 34, Newsp•per 34, PLlys 2, Bridge Building 3, lllinols State Scholar 4. Rob Beilfuss B•seball 1234, Football 2, Court Rep. l , German Club 1, lntramurals 1234, Powder Puff Coach J4, B. Basketball 1234. El.line Bell Debra Brooks Elizabeth Brown Pep Club 3. David Bunning Football 1234, B. Track 1, Wrestling 1234, lntramurals 123.t, L~tter · mons Club 234, NHS 34, Student Union 34, Yearbook 4, Bridge Building 3. Honor Roll 1234. Kevin Burdine B. X·Country 12, Yearbook 4, Trainer 1. Paul Bcnnelt Rebecc• Benson CWT 4, Office Helper 23, Chorus 12. Karen Berland Eliubeth Bindbeutel Mike Burke David Buwlck B. Tennis 1234, French Club l, lntramurals ) 4, Honor Roll 1234. Terri Caldwell Softball 34, C. Trad< 1234, Volleyball 12, lntramurals 123, Lener· mans Club 34, Powder Puff 34, Spanl$h Club 3. Bob Caliaghan B. Tennis 12, B. Track 3, 8. X·Country 1234, Court Rep. 1. Penelope Bohl Softball 1, Pep Club 1234, French Club 34. Dave Boddy Puricia Carbe<ry Orchestra 1, Powder Puff 4. Annette Carcione C. Ba.kc1ball 123, Softball Mano11er 1234, Volleyball M•nager 23, Flag Ctrl$ 34, Newspoper 123, Ofllc:e Helper 4, Piays 2, Powder Puff 4, TMH aid 4. Sherry C•rdona C. Tennl$ 14, C. Trad< 124, Cheerleaders 1234, Coun Rep. 3, Frenc h Club 1, lenermans Club 4, Newspaper 3, Orchesls 24, Powder Puff 34, Student Union 1234, Honor Roll 1234. Eugenia Chang Badminton 234, B•nd 123, CeOf'gC Potamlanos entertain\ all in the LRC. A 1984 version of Fred Astaire! Cheerleaders 2, lntramurals l, NHS 34, ' Deborah Borchardt C . Track 1234, Intra· murals 4, lctte.rmans Club 234, Powder Puff 34, Bridge Building 3, Honor Roll 1234. Julie Br,en Newspape< 34, Orchestr• 14, Piays 23, Thespi•ns 34, Ye•rbook 4, Bridge Build· Ing 34, Madrigal Recorders 234, Hone< Roll 1234, Teetotaller Club Vice-Pres!· dent 1234, Food Ad•lsory Committee 4. May Chen Cheis Club 2, Cerm•n Club 1234, NHS 34, Yearbook 4, Bridge Build· Ing 34, Honor Roll 1234, Norionol Merli 4, Illinois Stare Schol•r 4, German Honor Society 234. Monique Chicro Mark Breitenroiler Socc er 1234, Band 234, lntramurals 1234. Eil~n Brennan Soccer 2, CWT ) 4, Ne wspoper 3. Barbara Brinkman James Childress Joey Cimino • Eric Brinkman Dure Savini in deep contemplition. 112 113 lori Coatei Baseball Manager 2, Fre nch Club 34, Office Helper 4, Pep Club 23, Yearbook 4, Honor Roll 34. M1..rc Como )odi Armstrong takes crowd. 1 picture of the Eliubeth Conklin G. Track 124, G. X· Country 12, Cheerleaders 23, Cheer· leaders C.p!lln 3, German Club 123, German Club President 3, lntramurols 2, letter mans Club 1234, NHS 34, Newspaper 34, Orchest,. 125, Orchesis 4, Plays 34, Pom-Pon 4, Student Union 3. Bridge Building 3, Honor Roll 1234, German Honor Society 1234, National Merit Commended Schol•• 4, Illinois State Scholar 4, Mathletei 1234, District Or· chestra 2, Teetotaller Club 1234. Mark Constantino Cheu Club 14, Intra· murals 4, NHS 34, Plays 4, Spanish Club 34, Thespians 4, Bridge Building 4, Honor Roll 1234 Fermllab 4, Thespi.ln Bus Driver 4, Holus Meyer Fan Club 1234, A Rock 1234. Heather Cos11ove G. Track 123, Cheerleaders 3, IJrldse Building 3, Honor Roll 1234. Keith Costo lmeball 1234, Football 12, In· tramurals 34, NHS 34, Bridge Building 3, Honor Roll 1234, Basketbill 12, Illinois State Schola.r 4, Kikomen 34. Sue Dingman G. Track 1, Volleyball 123, NHS 34, Pom·Pon 34, Powder Pull 34, Honor Roll 1234. Shoron Diumar Band 1234, Forensics 12, French Club 34, NHS 34, Newspaper 3, Orchestra 123, Plays 1234, Student Union 1234, Thespians 1234, Thespian Treasurer 2, Vice-President of Thess)ians 3, President of Thespians 4, Swing Choir 34, National Merit Commended Scholar 4, Illinois State Scholar 4, Honor Roll 1234, Oi•trlct Band 1234. Darren Dodson Jim Donohue John Donovan Michael Doyle Senior Powder Puff coaches make some Important deci~lon. Edw•rd Duffy Paul Duthie Footba11 1234, B. Track 123, Forensics 12, lntramurals 23, Plays 1234, Student Union 4, Thespians 234, Bridse Building 4. Sherri Couture Band 1234, Orum Ma)or· eue 4, NHS 34, Newspaper 234, Orchei· tra 1234, Orchesis 34, Plays 1, Yearbook 3, Honor Roll 1234, Musicals 123, Madri· al Bras. 1234. E Crowe Karen Culumber Abby Cunningham ! Keith Danly Football 12, B. Track 1234, In· u amurals 34, leuermans Club 234, Hon· or Roll 1234, Kikomen 34. Thad Daszi<lcWlc:< Kurt Deimer Rich Olerckens Catino DI Forte O.,,,a Dimpfl Pom-Pon 34, Powder Puff 4, Honor Roll 1234. Jane Eberh•tt B•nd 1234, French Club 1234, NHS 34, G. Gymnostics 34, French Honor Society 234, Ho~or Roll 1234. Kyra Eberlein Cheerleaders 1, Court Rep. 2, Forensics 3, French Club 1234, NHS 34, Office Helper 2, Pep Club 2, Plays 1234, Student Union 3, Thesp ians 234, Choir Secretary/Treasurer 4, Choir 34, Girls Glee 2, Madrigals 34, Swing Choir 234, Mohan Embar Chess Club 1234, Chess Club President 4, German Club 2, NHS 34, Newspaper 34, P~ 4, President ol Dry Ice Fan Club 4, President o1 Calculus Fan Club 4, President of l RC librarian Fan Club 4, President o1 Gym Fan Club 1234, Chairman o1 Committee to Automate lunchroom Ladies (CAll) 1234 Elaine Erichson · Elizabeth Everett Mark fenne Band 1234, Chess Club 1, Orchestra 1234, Musicals 234, IMEA Dis· tric1t 34. Maria Finnane forensics 234, Plays 1234 Spon1$h Club 1, Thespians 1234, Modri: gals 4, Swing Choir 34, Choir 234. Jenny Fischer SlNIORS . There is NO sub.t itutem111111111111 mm 114 115 ~- ·- - - ~ ,,_ ·-·-·-·- Marc Fleischer Gail Flowers Nerlana Conzalez John Ct01mmer B. Cymrw:tics 1, Soccer 1234, lntramurals 234, lettermans Club Maureen Flynn Deborah FortrNnn 34, Honor Roll 12)4, Klkomcn 34. N•than Green John Grisch Rick Franke Oougl•s frill Football 2, Pt.ys 1234, Y~ boOI< 4, Madrig•ls 34, Choir 1234. a..t11ura Halko Bob Hammersmith Jolene H•mmond Volleyball 1, B•nd 1234, Germon Club 12, lntr•mur•ls 1, NHS 34, Yearbook 4, Bridge Building 3, Honor Roll 1234, Illinois State Scholar 4, Orch<ostr• 1. Nkolc Honsen Sean Furlong Soccer 1234, B. Tennis 1234, lntramurar, 34, Lettcrmans Club 4, Hon· or Roll 1234, B. B•$ketball 12, Kikomen Jomes H•nus Baseball 124, B. Track 1, Intra· mur•I• 13, lettermons Club 2. Amy Harms Band 1234, German Club 12, NHS 34. Orchestra 4, Bridge Building l, Honor Roll 1234, M•drigal Recorders 34. Steve Fury Tracey Gadsby G. Track 34, Cheerleaders 3, French Club 14, lettermans Club 4, Ncwsp.aper 4, Orchesis 24, Pep dub 12, Pl•ys 12, Powder Pull 3, Ye•rboolc 4, Bridge Building 3, Honor Roll 34. 234. Brian Hellmann Linda t'ienderson Forensics 2, NHS 14, Newspoper 234, Pep Club 3, Yearbook 23, Bridge Building 3, Newsp•per Editor 4, Honor Roll 1234. Linda Carney Glenna Garoutte NHS 34, Plays 34, Spanl•h Club 34, Thespions 34, Yearbook 34, Bridite Building 4, Sp.anish Honor Society 4. Caryn Gcneser Brian Henn Kristen Henriksen Badminton 234, Band 1234, Chess Club 4, Germon Club 3, lnttamurals 3, NHS 34, Orc:hestra 1234, Pt.ys 1234, Thespian• 1234, Bridge Building 4, M•drigal Recorders 234, G. S.W<ctbOll 1. Mike Schneid"r - Maybe I should 1ry the cote approac-hl Michael Gilmartin Eli••beth Giryotas G. Track 124, French Club 123, Powder Puff 34, Student Union 1, Honor Roll 4, G. Bmetball 1, Rob_ert Hesch Basebilll 1234, Football 124. D•>1d Hescott Football 123, Wrestling 12~. DAVEA 4, Sp.anish Club 34, Ye•rbook 4, Art Honor Society 4. Prom Committee 3. Julie Gl••so•er Band 1234, Pl•ys 1, Newsp.aper 3, Office Helper 4, Powder Puff 4. Kevin Goltry Football 12, B. Gymnostks 1, B. Tennis 234, French Club 1, lntramurals 4, • Sherry Urdona prepares for the pie eating contest. 116 117 Tim t'iesterman Beth Hewitson Becky Hildebrondt G. Tr.cit 124, French Club 123, German Club 12, l etterman• Club 12, Office Helper 4, Orchesls 1, Pom·Pon 34, Powder Puff 34, French Honor Society 23, Honor Roll 1234. 4, Art Honor Society President 4, Squod leader 1234, Honor Roll 1234. Daniel Jurkovic CWT, DAVEA. Robert Hildebrandt Peter Hildner Kimberly Hohqui>1 Soltball M•noger 1, Band 12, NHS 34, Pep Club 23, Pep Club Publlcity Chairperson Officer 3, Spanish Club 2. Honor Roll 1234. D•vld K•thman NHS 34, Brldse Building 3, Honor Roll 1234. Terri Kelby Kara Johnson Olllce Helper 34, Ploys 12, Student Union 4, "Sou1h Winds" cdiror Tim Kenealy lnlrilmurals 1, Honor Roll 1234. uwanda King CWT 4, DAVEA 3. Jim H0<ton Mark Howard Barbara Hu Volleyball 2, Chess Club 24, Forensics 1, German Club 1234, NHS 34, Yearbool< 34, Bridge Building 234, National Merit Semifinalist 4, llllnois State Schot.r 4, Honor Roll 1234. Henry Klopp Michelle Knox Reena Koshy G. Gymnastics 1234, Cheerleaders 1, lettermans Club 234, Seer.,_ t•ry-lettcrmans Club 41 O rchestra 12, Porn-Pon 4, Spanish Ctub 34 Spanish Honor Society 34, Yearbool< '3, Bridge Building 4, Honor Roll 1234. Karen Kov•cevich • Amy Huffman Softball M•nager 1, Volleyball 12, lettermans Club 34, Powder Puff 3, G. Basketball 123, Honor Roll 14. iim Huske Kenneth llburelt Gabor Kovalik Suzann Krenek Mary Krizek Band 123, NHS 34, Newspaper 4, Yearbool< 1, Honor Roll 1234. M io ICulisek • Tania lomttl David loyson . Julie Jensen G. Tennls 34, G. Track 123, Ger~n Club 12, ln1ramurals 4, Leiter· mans Club 34, Powder Puff Waterslrl 3, Student Union 123, Bridge Building 3, G. Baslcetball 1234, G. Baslcetb•ll Captain 4. Donna undem Scot landies Lisa Rogers • II you put this one In the yearbOok, I'm going to break every bone '" your bodyl • • 118 119 )>mes l•ng Leigh Ann Lange C. Track 123, Cerm•n Club 12, Office Helper 1, Plays 1, Stu· dent Union 234, Honor Roll 1234. Mkh•el L•rola Ceorge Lares Creg l atlmer Coif 1, B. Tennis 1234 Wres· tling 2, NHS 34, Honor Roll 1234. Thuy le French Club 1234, lntramurals 1, Office Helper 4 , Honor Roll 134. Elizabeth le Blanc Forensics 21 Newspaper 4, Olliee Helper 34, Pep C1ub 234, Pep Club Presideni 34, Plays 234, Spanish Club 3, Class Secretary-Treasurer 4, Thespians 234, Ye•rbook Assistant Editor 4, Chorus 1, Choir 4, Mock Trial Team J.4, Amerian Summer Seminar l, DAR Good Citizen 4, Amerlc1n lqion Ora· 4, leadership Conference 34, Honor Roll 1234. Donald Lencioni Kelly Mahbr, C. Cymnastics 12, C. Track, 12, Cheer cadets 123. Couro Rep. 3, lettermans Club 4, Newspaper 3, Orchcsis 24, Powder Puff 34, Honor Roll 1234. Scott Marhefka Li~ Mari1nl Kim Marsden T•tla Marlin OE 4, Office Helper 4, Plays 12, Powder Puff 34, Thespians 1, TMH Aide 4. O..bbie Marvol C. Tennis 1234, C. Trod< 1234, lettermans Club 234, NHS 34, Newspaper 1, Office Helper 4, Student Union 2,3,4, Honor Roll 1234. Jennifer Ma~n Shown Mather Oave Bunning and Company - Who knows what evil lurks In the minds of Clenbard South students! The Shadow knowsll Rick Len• Eric Levin Soccer 1234, B. Track 12. Che<yl Lewandowski Cheerleaders 124, C. Cymnastics 1, C. Trock 1234, Powder Puff 34, Orchesls 2. Matthew Liss Cary Lovett Footboll 1234, Wrestling 2, F0<enslcs 12, Plays 1234, Thespians 1234, J>n Band 12, Choir 1234, Madrigals 234, Swing Choir 234, All-St•te Chofr 34. Mork Lyons Band 1234 Chess Club 12, In· tramurols 1234, Orc~tro 1234, Musl· cals 1234, Drum Major 4, A5sistant Drum Mojor 3, Oistrict Band 34, All·St•te Band Dougl•s Mayer Pamela McEvoy Baton Cirl 1234, French Club 1234. NHS 34, Powder Puff 4. French Club Treasurer 34, C. Basketball 1. Judy Mcferren David McMillon B. CymnaStlcs 1, Band 1234, NHS 34, Orchestra 23, Spanilll Club 34, Yearbook 4, Spanish Hone< Society 34, District Band 2, Honor Roll 1234. Cherlne McNelis Jeffry McSpaden Coif 1234, NHS 34, French Club 4, Honor Roll 1234, Cutless Wonder 3. Kelly Michaeli Mike Michas 4. Randy Mackay NHS 34, Bridge Building 3, Honor Roll 1234. Thu Mii 120 121 laura Miias C . Tennis 1234, Tennis Captain 34, Ten nis - State 1234, NHS 34, Honor Roll 1234. Timothy Miles He idi Miller Badminton 234, NHS 34, Newsp>p•" 234, Spanish Club President Nallah Mustala Na1e Neal )4. S1udent Union l , ttonor Roll 1234, Hollis Meyer Fon Club. Rick Miller Donna Mills Ct,.rles Mln.>uskos Holly Nelson Badminton 1, Volleyball 12, DAVEA 4, lntramurals 1, Orchestra 123. C. Basketb.tll 12, Trainer 4. Tom Nelson Cary Noble Brt:nt Norton Diosdado Mondero New~~per C•rtoonis1 4, Thcsplans 34, Yearbook Photographe r 4, Art Honor Socic1y 4, D•vid Morwsterio Swimming 123, Hono r Roll 234. Eric Moll David Nunn Mike 0 Brien Coif 1, B. Track 234, B. XCountry 234, lntr•mural1 4, Honor Roll 234. David Olsson Morla Pabcdlnskas Volleyball 2, Powder Puff 4, Br idge Building 34, Honor Roll 234. Bill Moore Meredith Morgan Juli Moyer Gia Paladino Stacy Parker German Club 123, Musical 34, Choir 4, Pom-Pons 4, Newspaper 4, Honor Roll 34, Bridge Building 4 Achie\le 4( Homccomins Comniil1ee .. : Kevin Parnc I Devang Patel Tom Muller Sandy Mullingcr C . Gymnastics 12, C. Trock 234, Office Hclrer 4, Porn-Pon 34. Megan Murr•r 1234, Band 1234, lettertNns Club 4, Nc~per 234, Or· chestra 234, Powder puff 34, Student Union 3, Yearbook 4, Bridge Buildin' 4, C. Basketb.tll 1234, Muslcals 34, Recorders 234. Michael Murray Clifton Peoeock F00<b.tll 1, B. Cymn.>siia 1, B. Track 1, CWT 3, DAVEA 34. Thomas Pelalas Sleeping in class ag.tln I 122 123 -Kim Petereit G. Gymnastics 1, Cheer· leaders 124, German Club 2, Office Helper 4,0rchesis 234, Powder puff 34. Cathy Peterson John Petro Football 12, 8. Gymnastics 1234, Wrestling 13, French Club 1234, Bridge Building 3, Trainer 234. Douglas Pettigrew Foo1ball 12, B. Gymnastics 12, DA\IEA 3. Marc Rohde K•ren Rosche G. Tr•cl< 1, G. X·Country 2, Court Rep. 34, French Club 12 Plays 1 Pom·Pon 4, Powder Puff 34, Cl~ss Vice: President 4, Homecoming Queen 4. Mortin Rudd Sean Rumbaugh Eric Pla1ou Jack Porter George Po1amlanos Chess Club 4, Intra· mural• 4, NHS 34, Orchestra 123, Plays 234, Thespians 234, Thespian Vice·Presl· Fiiomena Ryan Chess Club 2, French Club 1234, German Club 234 Yearbook 3 Paul R1ewuski ' · Donald S.ner Dure 5avlni dent 4, Yearbook 4, Lunc'h President • , Honor Roll 1234, Hollis Meyer Fan Club 34. SENIOR POWERlllll Christi Presley Chris1opher Radtius Jim~ Seavone Horsi Scheel football 1234, B. Track 2 fi°J..".'"n Club 12, NHS 34, Honor Rofi Cary Loven - Deep In thought. Donru Ranberg Sridevi R~ G. Tennis 34, Ci. Trick 1, Fre nch Club 1234, NHS 34, Newspaper 4, Powder Puff 3, Student Union 1, Hon· or Roll 1234. Barry Raykoske B. Gymnastics 3, Forensics 2, French Club 234, Newspaper 34, Plays 1234, Thespians 1234, Art Honor Society Mlchellc Schmieder Davi~ Schmln B•nd 1234, German Club 12 Bridge Building 3. ' 4. Ellu.beth Reynolds Chorus 1, Glee Club 2, Choir 34, French Club 12, Olfice Aide 14 , Thespians 1234, Yearbook 3, Swing Choir 34, Pl•ys 1234, Badminton 1, TMH Tutor 4 . Robert Ringeisen B. Gymnastia 1234, Soc· cer 1, lntramur•ls 1234, lettermans Club 4, Bridge Bullding 4, Honor Roll 1234. Je•n Robe<ts llsa Rogers Yearbook Editor 4, Mock Trial Teom (All·Star Anorneyl 34, Host CBS·TV show "Different Drummers'' 4, High Honor Roll 12341 NHS 34, Volleyball 2, 1, Pep Cluo 3, German Club 12, Newpapcr 12, Literary Magazine 2, Student Congress 1, Illini Girl's State 3, NatioNI Merit Finalist 4, Illinois State Scholar 4, Bridge Building 3, Who's Who 34, Leadership Conference 24, National Honor Roll '4, National German Honor Society 234. Michael Schneider Baseball 234 Golf 1234 lntra.n:iur•ls 234, Honor Ro41 2J4, lunch ~;fta•n 34, Coif C.ptain 34, Coif MVP MM)' Rose Schubert C. Track 1234, Cheer· le•d•ts 123, Lener mans Club 3, Orche· sis 24, Powder Puff 3, Student Union 4 Hermtln Schweiss · Kristen Se•man Court Rep. 4 Flag Girls 34 Fl•g Co·C•ptain 4, Powd~r Puff 4 G' Basketball 23, Art Honor Society 4 .' · \_.· I \' • 124 -- - - -- --- -- -- -- --- --- - 125 -- -- ~ .... - . .... _ M•rg•ret Seiberlich NHS 34, Powder Puff 34, Ye•rbook 2, Bridge Buildins 3, Gle n Ellyn Illinois 234, G. Baske1ball 1234, Honor Roll 1234. William Severino Drew Sh•lfer Mebnie Soughan C. Gymnastics 1, Foren· sic' 1, NHS 34, Newspaper 34, Plays 234, Porn-Pon 34. Powder Puff 3, Thespians 234, Yearbook 4, Miss Glen Ellyn 4, Choir 34, G. Chorus 2. Alexis Stamaiaky Brian Steib Ciry Steimle Bas.e~ll 234, lnrramur1ls ... NHS 34, Honor Roll 1234, Jill Shipley S•ndip Singh S.nd,. Skowron Volleyb.11 Manager 4, In· 1ramurals 124, lenermans Club 4, NHS 34, Powder Puff 3, Swdent Union 23, Bridge Building 3, G. Baske1ball 1234, Honor Roll 1234, N•llonal Merh Semifinalist 4 . John Stein C•thy Stephan Baske tb.11 1, Band 1234, Newspoper 123, Pep Club 123, Spaniih Club 1, Student Union 123, Thespians 1234, Honor Roll 1234. CralK Stit>ell ln1ramural• 4, Honor Ro ll 1234, lllinol• Si.te Scholar 4, Hollis Mey· er Fan Club. Greg Taylor Li,. Skul Rugile Slapkauskas Plays 3, Honor Roll 12. Candace Smilh Kristen Smith G. Tennts 1, Powder Puff 4, Keno Taylor Gary Thelen Forensics 34, NHS 34, Honor Roll 1234. Honor Roll 1234. Michael Smith Thespians 234, Forensics 1, Pl•ys 234, Choir 34, Swing Choir 23, Spanish Club 2, Thespian En1crtainmcn1 Trici Thi~sen Commiltee 2, Fund Raising Kimbefly Thompson CWT 4, DE 4, Office Helper 23. Committee 4 . Troy Smi1h 8. Tennis 1, lntramurals 3-4, Stu· denl Union 123, Yearbook 4, 8. Baske l· b.111, Honor Roll 1234, Hollis Meyer Fan Club 34. Jol\n Sobecki 8. Gymn•stics 1234, Court Rep. 4, tn1ramur1ls 34, letternu.ns Club 34, Honor Roll 134, Accou!'ling Club 4, Marke ting Rep. 4. Peter Toclle1 Footb.11 123, B. Track 1234, Peter SobeCki 8 . Gymnastics 1214, Intra· Coort Rep. 2, lnrr•murals 23.t, Powder mu,.fs 4, Honor Roll 1234. Felix Song Chess Club 1234, German Club Puff Coacll 3, B. Baskeob.11 1, Shawn Tolly Todd Tova rel< Tuyet Tr'n 34, lntramurals 24, NHS 34, Newspaper 4 Bridge Building 3, Honor Roll 1234, fliinois State Schobr 4, Hollis Meyer Fan Club 1234, Love LRC Club 1234. Ellen Sorensen German Club 23, Yearbook 4, Bridge Building 3, Honor Roll 1234. 126 • 127 John Trivi~ Bridley Kortney Wiiiiams Flag Girls 234, Orche.tra 1234, 34. Greg Tuzik football 12, Lettcrm• n• Club 234, Spani•h Club 234, Trainer 1234. Ch>rle. V•lenche. Football 1. Ellen Vartel., S.rbie Willson OebO<•h Wilson OEA 4, Office Helper 4 Spanish Club 1. ' George Vaughan Heidi Vcihman G. Tcnnls 34, G. Track 2, French Club 12, NHS 34, Newspaper 1, Student Union 1234, Honor Roll 1234. Thu Vo Karen Walsh lntramurals 1234, NHS 34, Newspaper 234, Spanish Club 1234, Yearbook 234, G. Basketball 2, Spanish Honor Society 34, Honor Roll 1234. Lawrence Wilson Tracy Winder G. Track 12)4, C. X·Country 34, German Club 234, lntramurals 23 Lettermans Club 34 Newspaper 2 01'. fice Helper 3, Clrf•, Basketball i234, Honor Roll 1234, Class Tre•surcr 1 Richard Winkler • Patty Wise Fred Weber 8. 12, 8. X·Country 1234, B•nd 1234, Germon Club 1, Intra· murols 1234, Orchestr• 12, Honor Roll 1234, Oistrkt• 4. Rich Weber Mlchoel We.thy football 1, B. Tennls 1234, Wtes11ing 12, ln1r~·ur•lt ).4, letterrmns Club 4, Hon0< Roll 1234. Holly Weigel - ~f M•rk Wohld Roy Wolslcl 8111 Woodburn Slwon Woods Badminton 34, Softball 1, Volleyball 1234, letterrmns Club 234 Spanish Club 3, Hon0< Roll 1234. ' • Kathleen Wholey Kasma Whitt OEA 4, OEA president 4, Chorus 3, Honor Roll 34, Tim Wu Chess Club 1234, lntramurals 4I NHS 34, Orchestra 1234, Honor Roi 1234, Hollis Meyer fan Club 4. Wiiiiam Wiikin Scott Zapallk Denise Wieczorek 128 Al•n Zaccirlne Ann Zimmerman ..· 129 • JUNIORS JUNIORS P1mela Burch Jennifer lkat. Jldiellurte lthondl ButtOn llso Cornocho Kem C..ey Ei..1ne C - The Junior class of '85 has accomplished a great deal this year. They show spirit and good leadership In everything they do. Tina Mondelli, Dave Corbin and Julie Jorgensen lead the way IS class officers. The Class of '85 has a great deal of potential. We wish them the best of luck In leading the way for Glenbard South next year. Mike Chlero Gres ChllclreM Chod Chtistle Folz Ahmed ltichord Akino Michoel Aller Jeffrey Ako1 line Aldred AnplaAmber9 Prudence Clprilno Debbie Cllrlc Jomes Colmcler Mork Andenon Rob Wllliam ComKodt 1toeerAlchbret1ner David._ Cindy Barron Jeri Blr1I John Blr1I O...Corbln Karine Coalbh Oeroroh Crnlc Lisa Curd Loll Curtll lorl Bln:holl Walter Czwoclzlnsltl Brent Bedter Richard Benell Eric lerdohl Mlrilm Blut Nancy O.nleh Amy Boermo Klml>Me Andrew llolilcker David Bonifield lti<Nrd Bowman llndo Brodmeter Darryl Brown Sherry Brown Jeon lludwis c..r, lluhle Ne><t Y_.s Frethmonl A -iou. dkcu•ion wi th Mr. Huke. 1)0 • 1J1 JUNIORS JUN IORS Don"" Demlro Denke Derno<y Suzi Desmond Chri• Hog"'1y Chrl•tine Hole Doryl Holl le<no Honley I Tom Dldu1111n u.. Dle1er Jill Dkpenw Michele Horms Jeff Hart CraJ& Horvey Sl-HeMing Jeff Donovan Debbie Dorney Jeffr<!y Ehler> °"*Herrlna Tllll .... M1rw Hinds Kristin Hopn R1ndy Else Tom Eric:kson Rich C.1hi.nHolman Dlwn It. . . . . . . Lila Esposito Hoa•• Robbie Evonoff Phil Fanoro limes flnNne Chris fe<bear S..ndu fox User furlong Cail f uscone S..ngl11 C.honde Dive C.llagher Kristin Gorrison Ric.._d Cer1gen Muybe1h Cilpln CO<don Clod Corlos Conulez ............, • Andnw)Mlz Chril Coocloc:re Slefan CNlde ................. Mark llrb K~ Koch steppl"I out on1hus1Mtlcally fa< her next eta.. 132 • 1Jl JUN IORS JU NIORS Karen Jawortlti Julie Jorgenwn Laura Joultis Michele Jurkovk Brian Kamln•kl Ceor1e Karones lames Kathman Mike Luclovice Lori Lydon ~tM.M•hy RUH Mallen BIR Keenan J...ica King Mylene Khha las1 Kloa John Knop Kelly Koch MlrM MlrMllo '-Mllllas KevlnM..... Timothy Mldll• Kathy Kochanek JoeKollno Tim Koski Linda Malutik Louise M11ildln .,_.._,., lllMI. Dino Main Michele Kouola .._.kowen Dan Kozinski i.tfrey KraU c:-lrn Kuhn Jeffrey Kuntze Jeff llnharn TerryL. ...,.._.I Jeff LUiis SlchlnMln S-.n Mil• Kent Liiiis ·~1.Gfeiotlo ' Shelley Stelw +sna a ......llllL 135 JUN IORS JUN IORS Mlrla Morley Liu Morrall Arthur Moxley Sallah M.,.11fa Joey Naidu Kathleen Nichok Joy Nifoutos John PriHt Robert Radtke Jon Ra;.l Thom.. Raykoske Kimberly Rebecca ~rie Rl'delspergl'r lk> R..ed Scoct~ James Nowak II Ruel Nunez Mn °°""*' Carol Reeoe Audrey Reluyti• Ravi RqunatNin left Obert June~ Katie Odor Robert Eric Rice ou,. Tammie Pick Suk Park Mary Righelmer loy Riley John Robln10n Renu R C>My ScOC1 Parkenon Suzy Paulsen ToddPeltel eu- Petttins K lmberly Ro.che Tony Rucker Travi1 Perry Dan Phdlipl leffrey Platt Scoc1 Rudder Karl Runzler Polly Ryan Liu Sanden "-• Sartore Gina Sardine William Schoidhlllft Albert Schmidt Sue Schmitt We11ey Scroain lmlee Price Sn playen boc'l'e down to band mUlic:. ~n Mdr.e compete with Dolly! 1)6 • 1)1 . JUN IORS JUN IORS Alison Thorne Hue Tran l~ph T rlmarco Steve TM!llos Sydney Turner Vicki Vierck Rommel VIiiaiobos • An ~mporunt announcement. Mott Vocen1 Lynn Vi1oco Sherri Vogel Donna Wakhon w.u Scott Jeff Seker>k Darren W1ters laura Wetberg )\1lie Shannon TyroneW~ Nancy Welnicke Barb Shepard Jeff Sheridon l•ura ShWney Sue White Julie Wllion Fran Wojclk Jon Dale Simek Pam SifOgUW April Sladky Andrew Smith Connie Smith o.... Smith Dallid Song Yamosaki MMk Yoshlmura D1niel Yuen Steve bng Joseph 2-ski John Zd>utk kevin Zerrenner John Zic:ky Biii Sorensen Michelle Steiner 0.vld Stowe Robert Str1ubo Susan Stullk Lisa Stryck Cori Suplee Tom Zlllus • Amy Svoboda DwoyneSz .......I Vince T1mborello Greg T-mino Tino Thull How.rd Thiele KA-Z huddle. ua 1)9 ... • •• •• • • ..• .. .. .......... ..... .. AD.MINIST RATION ,, SUPPORT STAFF '. ..• • Dr. Joe Bryjo, Aul. (' ' •' ' Mrs. Mn. Mn. Mrs. Mory krg lubar• l unnlng M•rge lurns Judy C•ullleld • ' Princi~I Mr. Peter Abruzzo, Mr. tt.l JenHn, Asst. Prln<l~I Mrs. Vkld Bd•elkr•ut Mr>. Ruth Fr•nk Mrs. kt1ren kars ' - /; r Mrs. Joytt K.rstens Ms. Joyce Kelstrom Mr>. Lff ICuldlnsld Mn. l.lrbar• leh~mer ' Mn. Mr>. Mrs. Mrs. Sdt)'P*'• llMbu• Rette Wehhur M•ry Wholey Mr. Jomes Wonlger, Deon of Stuclonb • 160 Mr. Tom C.irdnt:r, Aut. 161 FACULTY M1,, tLltblr• An~Kln. FACULTY Spetch 1~~ Mt Terry AIUNl'I, ~.a IM:1li0n/Drtver Id. Mr. Ket\ Ar1~1 , Science M1, S..I Au~nto, Sp.ankh Ml'. John IMet. Scientt Ml ~.Jct letf'nlitt. ~t~ "" M1'- M.Mge low-flt., Atl M1, Wlllwn le\C'heft\ly, Mlthema11(, Ml, l~ k~ Mt Ool¥e , . ,... SocW Scwdin Mt W.rrnc LOW•, kk«e M1. ltogtt M;tnvet, PhyWc•f lduutk>n Mr 1111\ft Mark., !iocW Stud""°' Mt 9ty MMt~ P'ttyi.ial lduc:.. 0ew.,,.. 1• M \ , lit.a Bt•~\d, M•1hertw1lt'l Mt'- Sue 81idae. ll'l1lfth Ml lllLwd lto-v.. ~t-N.lla Mt krihn ~t"d., Soc:W Scwdin Mr. Caty M.n.., Sc~e M1. Mo..gan. B~n~• M1, IOe Mor11n , lAgli\h Mr, Tom Mu,,ay, Social S11.1dlb ""°" Mr\. M«~n ~. ~ c........ Mt. '.r:nny 'ef'IM. fthyskll ld1Ka1ion Mlt.. , ..,... lto-·l'!y Homt l <onomit• M t\, ~''I Anti Churc:hil, french M1. Al Cline. M •1hem.atk• ........... Mr, ltobt-f1 Pet~'°"- lndu\.!1W Ml. ltod 'fl'"~ '-"•hematk'\ Mt , Michael 'he""· M.ith•l'NOa M1.._ OolOfh P'c> Cf.Iman "'M<'Y Coty, SpecUI ldt.tutioft Ml'- l"""~ Co., Sc~c Mt \. Ga.tdine Cr•l1. (ng'l\h Mr\. D~bot•h 0~9e, M'- luM~' Ml. Rol>tri OWl.l'M')'er. Cddance CouMdor M••· Row lffin1••. Spec~ lduc1tiOt1 M 1, , Di.Ina. C..lbl'..ith, lnali..h Mr. tt k~rd C.rk>rd, ln.MJ!KlOI' Mr. Robert Gkwtf, MM:~io Mr, Henqo ......... Sorill 5tudln Mr, l .wry HMt, $pff<h Ml. Jim Hayn, ln11hh Mr, W tlli.m Hflll'ft, M.1hetn1tk\ Ml. llon Hetoc011, s.p.nM Ml. W.miam Hid'· Spe«h Mt,, Suunnc ~U~. French Mi•. Rha Hopkin•. School Nur\e M1. Sco1t lllft, k'c:nct: Ml ......tow, Mutl< Ml"t. ~ Kw row, l,.SW. M1. Sc ~ Kenny, k:litnc:c Mn. Catlttn P1...acy, I~ 'h1~ Mt, A.ndy ''"'"°'- lduCltiM/011~1 ld. Mt'- Gilda ltQM, CUi~ <:oun.eb M" l...-1 ~ . l~ c- M" Julie" Schmidt. PhyKll ldua1loft Mr"- Donna Sc:owdc:n. Cu1dMc• """ ~~tin. 5odal SI...... Urwbo Sihoct.y. ~ Mr, ttoward Sclol, l'tryMc.e Education M t , ltuu Sumli-. Or;..., ld, Mt Owe S.tndMn,. ~ Mr\, M,. J;rri TM .., Kt~h M t" lrr.oet'(n, flhotot1.Aphy M1. Tr~k tnbtod, Sot:lai Stvd~ Mr"~ Van H:lim, SO<lW won.. Mr, Vin« Kina. lu~ Mr, lerome Kochk1, lngli\h Mr, O.ntd Koe;r11t, hy<:holog1'1 Mt . MicNd Krwses. MuWc Mr,_ '•rida k R1M, lriglfth Mt.. Claudia ICY\ft, Guidance Cou~k>t Mr. 01tAd Kwlltkow"'1, Ph,U.CM lduutiotl Mi. lftJCe Vif.rl'IOW, Comu,.,... Education ·- M1. William v~ •~• Mt Tom W""• fth)'1k.ll Mt. Jrr i Zlhi1I• , C0tnurntt lduc:alion 162 16J Mr. Pete r Abruzzo 160 Kristen Acord 150 David Adamek 150 Jeffrey Adams 150 Ravi Adapathya 140 faiz Ahmed 130 Michael Akins 150 Richard Akins 130 Michael Alber 130 Jennifer Albinger 150 Jocelyn Albinger 111 Jeffrey Alcox 130 Dawn Aldaz 111 Jone Aldred 130 Marcy Aleccia 150 Ryan Alecci• 111 Maria Aleman 111 Tim Ahcnholf 111 Guy Altier 150 Angela Amberg 130 Mrs. B;arbara AnderW>n 162 Bradley AnderW>n 150 Darby AnderW>n 111 Eric AnderW>n 150 Kristin A nderson 1'40 Mark AnderW>n 111 Mark AnderW>n 130 Scott Andrew 140 Susan Andrew 140 Pam Andros 150 Rob Arlasky 130 Abby Armstrong 140 Brian Arms1rong 150 Jodi A rmst rong 111 Scott Arnold f40 Matt Arthurs 140 Tim Arth urs 150 Mr. Terry Artman 162 Mr. Ken Artner 162 Debra Aschbrcnner 150 Roge r Aschbrcnner 130 Anthonr, Ashley 111 Bill Ash ey 140 Elizabeth Ashley 150 Moriah Astrup 140 Christine Atkinson 140 Mr. S;il Attento 162 Michael Backode 111 David Baer 130 M t. John Baler 162 Patrick Bak 150 Robert Bale 111 Deborah Ballard 150 John Bamberger 150 Jomes Barbeau 150 Kiren Barker 111 Susan ll;arker 150 Michael Barrick 111 Cindy Barron 130 Jeri Barta 130 John B;arta 130 Steven Sarti 150 Ca1herine 8ar1r1m 111 Ed Bartram 150 Erik ll;auer 112 Keith Bauer 150 Heather Baum 140 Stephen Baum 150 Bren• Becker 130 Christine Beier 112 Rob Beilfuss 112 Ronald Beilfuss 150 Mr. Gerald Beimler 162 Elaine Bell 112 Richard Be nda 130 Desi Benedict 140 Paul Be nne tt 112 Karen Bensen 140 164 Rebecca Be nson 112 Thomas Be nstein 140 Kimberly Beran 150 Eric Berdahl 130 Mrs. Mary Berg 161 Ja mes Be rgin 130 Kare n Berland 112 Christopher Best 150 loelle Biele 150 Andrea Bieniek 140 Eli zabe th Blndbe ute l 112 Lori Birchall 130 Donna BlsW> 140 Jay Bloed orn 150 Cathleen Bloom 150 Miriam Blut 130 David Boddy 112 Amy Boerma 130 Penelope Bo hl 112 Andrew Bollacker 130 Chris Bollacker 151 David Bonilleld 130 Stephen Bonkowski 140 Mark Fenne 115 Kirk H crtzenbcrg 153 James Kathman 134 Yalanda Compton 151 William Comstock 131 Elinbeth Conklin 114 Emily Conklin 141 Joanne Hesch 15'3 Robert Hesch 117 David He.Cott 117 Mr. Ron Hescott 162 KY,dla He" 143 Eric Kee 144 M arc C.o mo 114 Catherine Finnane 152 M aria Finnane 11 5 M aureen Finnane 142 Kerry Finnegan 152 Jonathan Fischer 152 M arc Fleischer 116 Tim Fleming 14 2 Nancy HesW>n 153 Gregg Hesterman 153 Alan Flojo 142 Cail Flowers 116 Tim Hesterman 118 Be1h Hcwit)()n 118 Maureen Flynn 116 Trich Heying 153 Kemp Hickey 153 Mr. William Hicks 162 Ann Hildebrandt 143 Becky Hildebr•ndt 118 Robert Hildebrandt 118 Peter Hildner 118 Bradford Hill 153 Tim Hiller 133 Marva Hinds 133 David Book 140 Dawn Borchard t 151 Deborah Borchard t 112 Linda Borche" 140 Shawn Clines 151 Lori Coates 114 James Colander 131 Timothy Coman 141 John Bossmann 151 Shari Bostelman 151 Mrs. Marge Bowers 162 Janel Bowman 140 Richard Bowman 130 Gerald Brady 140 Jennifer Brannen 151 Ms. li:Sii Brassel 162 Julie Breen 112 Ma1k Breitenrei1er 112 Eileen BrenNn 112 Paul Brey1spraa.k 1S1 Mrs. Sue Bridge 162 Bonnie Briney 140 Barbara Brinkman 112 Eric Brinkman 112 Rob Brinkman 140 Ebine Brockmeier 151 lin~ Brockmeier 130 Kyle Bronsdon 151 Debra Brooks 113 Andre Brown 140 Darryl Brown 130 Elizabeth Brown 113 Jacquelyn Brown 140 Mr. Lillard Brown 162 M rs. Pam Brow n 162 Sherry Brown 130 M aria Bruno 140 Dr. Joe Bryja 160 Jaideep Buch 141 Jean Budwig 130 Cary Buhle 130 Mrs. Barbara Bunning 161 David Bunning 113 Pamela Burc h 131 Kathy Burdine 141 Kevin Burdine 113 Hal Burgan 141 Scott Burgess 151 Jennifer Burk 131 Jackie Burke 131 Mike Burke 113 Mrs. Marge Burns 161 Shelley Burns 141 Rhonda Button 131 David Buwick 113 Jennifer Byrd 141 Terri Caldwell 113 Bob C•llaghan 113 Julie Callaghan 141 Lisa Camaeho 131 P•tricia Carberry 113 Annette Carcione 113 Anthony Catcione 151 Sherry Cardona 113 Kevin Carey 131 S1even Carfentine 151 Elaine Carros 131 Jill Carrington 1S1 Erik Carroll 141 M ichael Cart er 141 Christine Carveth 151 Angel• Cassetto 131 Joseph Catannro 151 Mrs. Judy Caulfield 161 Mich elle Cavanagh 151 Keith Cengel 151 Laura Cengel 131 Eugenia Ch• ng 113 Man Chang 141 Wileen Chang 151 Rob Chapman 141 Bob Chasteen 131 Timothy Cheaure 141 Edward Cheeks 151 Amy Chen 141 Joyce Chen 141 May Chen 11 3 Sylvia Chen 151 Carrie Cherney 151 Mike Chiero 131 Monique Chiero 11 3 Greg Childress 131 James Childress 113 Joo Cho 151 Chad Christie 131 Catherine Church 151 Mrs. Mary Ann Churthill 162 Joey Cimino 113 Prudence Cipriano 131 Rocco Cipriano 151 leff Cizek 141 Debbie Clark 131 Ceffrey Ciark 151 Kalie Cleary 141 Mr. Al Cline 162 M ark Constan11no 114 Sophi• Cons••ntino 151 Neil Cook 151 Julie Cooper 141 Dove Corbin 131 Ms. Nancy Cory 162 Brian Cosgrove 14 1 Heather Cosgrove 11 4 Karine Costobile 131 Keith Costo 114 Timothy Cosio 151 Mil<e Cota 141 John Courtney 151 Sherri Couture 114 Timothy Couture 141 Mrs. l•ura Cox 162 Mrs. Geraldine Craig 162 Deborah Crnlc 131 le nny Fischer 11S Roy Flynn 1S2 M i tthew fors·1er 142 Debouh Fortmann 116 M eliss.a. Franck 152 Mrs. Ruth Fr•nk 161 Rick Fr•nke 116 Missie Frietsch 152 Douglas Fritz 116 Sean Furlong 116 Steve fury 116 Julie Fuscone 1S2 Tracey Gadsby 116 Sandro Gaglia no 142 Julie Hesser 153 Mrs. Suzanne Hines 162 Joe Hirsch 143 Shawne Hite 143 Crai~ Hoelcrkamp 143 Paul Gaimari 14 2 Kristin Hogan 133 Mrs. Diana Galbraith 162 Richard Call•gher 153 Phil Cardella 1S3 M r. Tom Gardner 160 Kurt Deimer 114 l eanne Dcimer 1•2 Lo uisa Classover 153 Mr. Ro bert C lover 162 Te ri Goddard 143 Dipti Cokani 153 Christine Holland 153 Rich Hollerbach 133 Cathleen Holman 133 Daniel Holt 143 Mauhew Hoh 153 KIm HohqulSI 118 Mr. Adam Holtz 162 Vince Homes 153 Amy Hoon 143 Dawn Hooser 133 Mrs. Rita Hopkins 162 Jim Horton 118 Ken Horton 133 Marci Howard 143 Mark Howard 118 Lo uise Hrubecky 133 Barbara Hu 118 Amy Huffman 118 Beth Huffman 153 Bill Hughart 133 Andrew Humble 154 Ch ris Humble 143 Bill Humeckc 133 Rodney Hursh 133 Patrick Daw$0n 142 Eric Goldstein 143 Heather Hurst 154 Kevin Cohry 116 Timothy Goodacre 153 Stan Cora 143 llm Huske 118 Eric Hyde 133 Mr. Scon Iliff 162 Lisa lsch• y 154 Stacey Ishman 1S4 Missy Ives 143 Ken )oburek 118 Jomes )ock...n 133 Heidi )omeel 143 Tania )omcel 118 Nancy )onkowski 133 Paul )onsky 133 Andrew Jonz 133 Jeff )orka 143 Mark )orka 133 Kerri Crnic 14 1 Julia Crnlc 1S2 Sheri Crow 142 Ed Crowe 114 Robin Cullen 142 Karen Culumber 114 Abby Cunningham 114 Lisa Curd 131 Lola Curtis 131 Walter Czwod T.inski 131 Nancy Daniels 131 Keith Danly 114 Kim Dase 131 Thad Dastklewicz 114 Tobiasz Dasiklcwlcz 152 To nia Fasiklewicz 1S2 Yagnesh Dave 152 Mark DavldW>n 152 Mark Davis 142 Mrs. Deborah DeCeorge 162 Michael Dawson 131 Steve Demas 131 Charles DeMory 152 Vaishali Deoskar 152 Cail Dickenscheidt 152 John Dickenscheidt 152 Rich Dierckens 114 L_ynn Dieter 142 Utina DifOf'tC 114 Devra Dimpfl 114 Sue Dingman 115 Mr. Robert Dinkmeyer 162 Dave Diomedes 142 Joseph Dispensa 142 Sharon Dittmar 115 Danielle Dobro 142 Dana Dodson 142 Darren DodW>n 115 Eugene Doerr 152 Jlm Donohue 115 John Donovan 115 Cassie Dowgwillo 152 Colleen Doyle 152 Jeannie Doyle 142 Michael Doyle 115 Scou Dresmal 142 Ch ristopher Duffey 152 Edward Duffy 115 Dinh Duong 142 Paul Duthie 115 Jim Ebe l 142 James Eberhart 152 lane Eberhart 115 Elissa Eberle in 152 Kyra Eberle in 115 Darren Edwards 152 Mrs. Rose Ellinger 162 Mrs. Vicki Eichelkrau1 161 Linda Else 152 Maya Embor 142 Moh an Embar 115 David Engle hardt 152 Elaine ErichW>n 115 Michael Esposito 1S2 Analee Evanoff 152 Michael Evi ns 142 Elizabeth Evereu 115 Kelly Fahrner 142 Potrrck Faidy 142 Kris1a f.Jries 142 Kenne1h Feinstein 152 Thomas Gard ner 153 Linda Carney 116 Cay Garo utte 1S3 Glenna Garoutte 116 Mary Elle n Garrett 153 Renee Gates 153 Chris Gaughan 1S3 Kathle en Gawlik 142 M r. Richard Gaylord 162 Caryn C enescr 116 Anthonr Gervino 143 M ichae Gilmartin 116 Bryan Gilpin 153 Elizabe th Ciryotas 116 Dave Class 153 Julie Classover 116 Penny G:raettinger 153 John Grimmer 117 Timo1hy G:ramm er 153 Ni thin Green 117 John Greenwell 143 Paul Crey...n 143 Jomes Crisch 143 John Crisch 117 John CrisW>m 143 Etk Guerrero 14) Mr. Henry Haake Chris Hageany 133 Chris Hale 133 L•uro Halko 117 Daryl Hall 133 Dana Culbrondsen 153 Heather Hamll1o n 153 Debonh H•mm 143 Bob H ammersmith 117 Joanne Himmond 153 Jo lene Hammond 117 Lorna Hanley 133 Martin H anley 143 Nicole Hansen 117 Jim Hanus 117 Amy Harms 117 Michele Harms 133 Stephanie Harrison 143 Je ff Hart 133 Mr. Larry Hart 162 Craig Harvey 133 Dwayne Harris 153 Dina Hass 153 Lisa Hastedt 143 Ste phe n Hasiings 143 Bill Keenan 134 Terri Kelby 119 Mrs. Joyce Kelstrom 161 Tim Kenealy 119 Ka1e Kenny 144 M r. Steve Kenny 162 Timmy K ey 144 Chris Kiebles 144 Curt Kieblcs 154 Todd Kijank• 154 Tacksu Kim 14'4 Darren King 154 Jessica Kins 134 Lawanda Kon.I! 119 Mr. Vince King 162 Dina Kipnis 1S4 Mylene Kisha 134 Kevin Klink 154 Henry Klopp 119 Laura Kloss 134 Cecili,a Knauf 144 John Knop 134 Dale Knox 154 Michele Knox 119 Kimberly Kocent 154 Kelly Koch 134 Kathy Kochanek 134 Pauy Kochanek 134 Mr. Jerome Kochka 162 M r. D aniel Koeri1 1 162 Christine Ko houl 154 Joe Ko lano 134 Carie Ko nsoer 154 Reena Kosh y 119 Tim Koska M iche le Koszola 134 Daniel Kotecki 144 Karen Kovaccvich 119 Gabo r Kovalik 119 Brian Kow er1 134 Dan Kozinski 134 Je ffrey Krall 134 Julie Krall 154 Kyle Kre mer 144 Sharyl Krenek 144 Suzann Krenek 1 19 Mary Krizek 119 M r. Michael Krueger 162 M rs. Pany Kruse 162 Todd Kuehn 144 Corolrn Kuhn 134 Mrs. ee Kuklinski 161 Je ffrey Kuntze 134 Mrs. Claudia Kusek 162 Mr. David Kwiatkowski 162 Maria Labelle 154 Cheryl Lafreniere 144 Michelle Lagee 154 Sarilng Lagvankar 1•4 Scott L• ing 154 Claire Lambert 155 Jennifer )oswith 133 Mi• Kulisek 119 Donna Landem 119 Scot Landies 199 Jomes Lang 120 Leigh Lange 120 Peter langerock 155 Karen ~worski 134 Michele Langowski 144 April ).lros 144 Mr. W illiim J,astrow 162 Steven )oworski 1S4 D•vid )oyson 118 Mr. Hal lensen 160 Jodi Jensen 144 Julie Jensen 118 Karo JohnW>n 119 Tina Johnson 154 Latricia Johnston 154 Rob Jo hn11on 154 Susan Johnston 154 Charles Jonas 144 Isham Jones 154 Melissa Jones 144 Danie l Jordan 154 Leslie Jordan 154 Julie /orge nsen 134 Je nni e r Jourdan 154 Deb ra Jo zaitis 1S4 Jeff Lanham 134 Kim Laraia 144 Michael Laraia 120 George Lares 120 Greg La timer 120 Jenni Lauden 155 Th uy Le 120 Angela Leah y 155 Be th LeBlanc 120 Mrs. Barbara Lehpamer 161 Bob Leitner 144 Do nald Le ncioni 120 Lisa l encio ni 144 Liz Lentint 155 Rick Le nz 120 Sc ott Lenz 120 Mr. William Leschensky 163 Alixon Lesion 155 Laura Jozaitis 154 W iHiim Hatchett 143 Trac)' Julie n 144 Eric Levin 120 Krist in Levin 155 Leslie Haver1inc 143 Daniel Jurkovic 119 Stephanie Hawkins 143 Mr. Jim Hayes 162 M r. William Hearn 162 Brian Kaminski 13 4 Tammy Kaminski 144 Ch e ryl Lewandowski 120 Robert Lewandowski 144 Terry Lewandowski 134 Brion He llmann 117 Lindi H enderson 117 Brian H enn 117 Steve H enning 133 Kris1en He.nriks.en 117 Carmen Heredii 153 D.tnae Herring 133 Michele Jurkovic 134 Chris11na Ka'lg 154 Mrs. Karen Karg 161 George Ki rones 13'4 William Karones. 154 M rs.. Oiine Kirrow 162 Mrs.. Joyce Kars1ens 161 David K•thman 119 An1oinette Lew 155 Mr. D ewayne Lieneman 163 Jeff Lillig 134 Kent Linig 134 Ma11hew Lis.5 120 Robert Lofendo 134 Brett Lindenbach 144 M i ureen Logan 144 165 Mr. D•vid Lohrke 163 Sheri lom~rdi 145 Cary Lovett 120 Michelle Lovett 145 Mr. Wayne Lowe 163 Mike Ludovic~ 135 Richard Luebke 155 Chris l.und 155 Lori Lydon 135 Mike Lydon 155 Dave Lyons 145 Lin<lil Lyons 145 Mark Lyons 120 Randy Mackay 120 GrcKory Mackey 155 Angfll,1 Ma<lary 155 Kevin Madoch 155 la1a Maas 145 Deno Miledgcn 145 Thlt M.ti 120 Manhew Malahy 135 Russ Mallen 135 Kelly Maltby 121 Carol Mansfield 135 Mr. Roger Manuel 163 Joann Maraccini 135 Carlos Marasisan 135 Andy Marc hiando 145 Marcus 135 Scott Marhefka 121 Lisa Mari,ani 121 Lorraine Marlon 155 Mr. Jim Maris 163 K im Marsden 121 Michael Marsden 155 Marisa Marscllo 135 Franco Marsico 135 Mr. i.y Martin 163 Jennifer Marrin 155 Robert Marlin 145 Shannon Mar1in 155 lilii Marlin 121 Debbie Marvil 121 Susie Marvil 155 Kevin Maskell 13S ~ne M<1son 145 Jennifer MaM>n 121 Shawn Mather 121 David Mathe<on 155 Timothy Mathias 135 lind.t Matusik 135 Sandy Matusik 1SS Louise Mauldin 135 \Villiam Maura 155 8rcn1 Mayer 135 Doug Mayer 121 Eric Mayer 155 Dino Mazza 135 Andrea McAuloffc 13S MonlcJ McCawley 135 Phylis McCl•rln 1SS Dawn McDermott 155 Pam McEvoy 121 Judy Mcferren 121 luis,a McCinn 145 Stacey McGinn 135 John McGregor 14S Kerry Mclaren 135 Lind• Mc Laughlin 135 Mike Mdaugfilin 145 Dave McMiflan 121 Cheri McNclls 121 Rithord M cNclls 145 Liz McNulty 1S5 Jeff McSpoden 121 Scan Mcl cnnttn 156 Donna M eixcn)pergcr 156 Kim Mellott 135 Randy Mellott 156 Cathy Mcllenbruch 1S6 Anaisc M errick 145 Mr. John Metrick 163 Brian Metz 156 Tom Meuser 145 Deborah Meyer 1S6 Randy Meyer 13S S<oott Meyer 1 S6 Kelly Michaels 121 N•t•llc M ichaels 145 Ma1hew Micht1s 145 Brian M ichel 145 1~ Mark Michel 156 M ike Michas 121 Lauro Milas 122 Mary Milas 145 Candoce M ilburn 156 Timo thy Miles 122 Barb Miller 145 Mr. Gary Miller 163 Heidi Miller 122 Jeff Miller 1S6 John Miller 156 Joseph Miller 156 K evin Miller 156 Rick M iller 122 S1cven Miller 135 Sus.anne Miller 145 Donna Mills 122 C harles Minauskas 123 Michelle Mirabile 156 Nil.ii Misra 156 Sachin Misra 135 Patricia Mi1chcll 145 Krisocn Mobe rg 156 Michael Moberg 135 Lynda Mod<lejcwski 145 Ma11 Moesc 145 Eric Moll 122 Ma11 Monaghan 145 David Monasterio 122 Sieve Monchunski 156 John Mondelli 145 Tina Mondelli 13S Diosdado Mondero 122 Bill Moore 122 Ma11 Moore 146 Mr. loson Morgan 163 Mr. Joe Morgan 163 Meredith Morgan 122 Malt Moriarty 146 Marla Morley 136 Lisa Morrall 136 Herb Morreale 146 Ar1hur Moxley 136 Juli Moyer 122 Robert Mroch 1S6 Kurt Muell 1S6 Tom Muller 122 Ma1c Muller 1-46 Lori Mullin~er 146 Sandy Mullonger 122 Rebc.cca Mun)on 156 Michelle Murphy 146 Kathy Murray 1S6 Mary Murray 146 Megan M urray 122 Mike Murray 122 M r. Tom Murrt1y 16) Nallah Mustafa 123 Nasir Mustafa 156 Rassl' Mustafa 146 Sallah Mustafa 136 Joey Naidu 136 Robert Nathan 1S6 Na1c Neal 123 Holly Nelson 123 Matt Nelson 146 Tom Nelson 123 Tom Nguyen 146 Kathleen Nichols 136 Joy Niforatos 136 Scou Noack 136 Gary Noble 123 8rcn1 Norton 123 James Nowick 136 liafc Nune7. 156 Ruel Nunez 13' David Nunn 123 Beth Oaks 156 Laury Oaks 146 Jeff Oberg 136 laura Oberg 156 Kelly O Bricn 156 M ike O Brie n 123 Robert Ochoa 156 Jennifer OConnor 146 June ODay 136 Katie ODonnell 136 Maureen ODonnell 156 Sandra Olfe 146 Rob Oling 136 David Olsson 123 Steven Olsson 156 Mark Oostman 136 Mike Orr 146 Marlo Pabedinskas 123 Tammie Pack 136 Mrs. Betty Padera 161 Gia Paladino 123 Jennifer Palan 146 Rajiv Pandit 1S7 Richard Park 146 Suk Park 136 Stacey Parker 123 Sco11 Park erson 136 Kristen Parkinson 146 Kevin Parnell 123 Brian Parsons 157 Sandi Pat .. vas 146 Suzy Paulsen 136 Clihon Peacock 123 Tekla Pedigo 1S7 Jenny Pehl 146 David Pekcl 157 Todd Pekel 136 Tony Rucker 137 Martin Rudd 12S Scott Rudder 137 Scan Rumbaugh 12S Ca1hcrinc Pclaf~s 146 Tom Pelafas 123 Karl Runzler 137 frank Rus.w> 147 Marlene Rust 157 Mrs. Marilyn Penland 163 Terre Perce 157 Duane Perkins 136 Ms. Penny Perkins 163 Travis Perry 136 K im Petere11 124 Kipling Rutherford 157 Dovid Ru n cr 157 Folomena Ryan 125 Pollr Ryan 137 Heidi Petersen 157 Pau Rzewuski 125 Brc11 Peters.en 157 Cathy Peterson 124 Mr. Rober1 Peterson 163 Mr. Rod Pe1crson 163 Chris Peuo 1S7 John Petro 124 Bc lh Sadkowski 147 Mark S.dkowski 157 I( om Sailor 1S7 Ms. Laura Samper 163 Dave Sanders 147 Michelle S1einer 138 S1e1ncr 148 Stephen S.nderi 1S8 Don Saner 125 Charlene Sansone 1S8 Chuck Sansone 147 Stewan 158 Scott Stewart 1S9 William S1illwcll 1S9 Craig Stit1cll 127 Lis,, Sanders 137 Doug PettiRrcw 124 Stacy Pfeiffer 157 Mr. Michael Phelan 163 Dan Phillips 136 Susan Pilcher 157 lilur.t Sirtore 137 Roger Pirtle 146 Becky Plank 146 Kia Sausen 1S8 Dure Savini 125 Jim Sct1vonc 125 Eric Pb1ou 12• Jeffrey Pfau 136 Horst Scheel 12S William Schcldhauer 137 S1acey Schcppner 147 u,. Scheuer 1S8 Pam Schirrick 147 Cindy Schmidt 147 Albert Schmid• 137 Ms. Julie Schmidt 163 Michelle Schmeider 12S Dave Schmin 12S Mark Schmitt 148 Sue Schmitt 137 Mike Schnelder 125 Kris Schram 158 Mary Rose Schubert 125 Mrs. Dolores Ploegman 163 Mike Poglitsch , 136 Cathi Pokonosky 146 Julie Pontious 146 John Pope 1S7 Jack Porter 124 Rand.II Posejpol 146 CeOfge Potamianc» 124 Mrs. Carleen Presley 163 Christi Presley 124 Neil Pres1emon 136 Mr. Andy Preuss 163 Frank Prcviti 147 Mike Previtl 136 Emlce Price 136 John Priest 137 Sugn Schwilrlz. 148 Hcrl'llin Schweiss 125 Sharon Priest 147 Nancy Pritchard 147 Richard Schweiss 158 Mrs. Donna Scowden 163 Wesley Scroggin 137 Norb Scully 148 Bill Puda 1S7 David Pugl 1S7 Kim Pye 147 Diane Q uigley 147 Rick Radavich 147 Robert Radtke 137 Chris Radzius 124 Jon Rajsl 137 Donna Ranberg 124 Don Randolph 1S7 K ris Scaman 125 Meg Seiberlich 126 Allan Seidel 158 Jeff Sekerak 138 Mr. William Settles 163 W illiam Severino 126 Drew Shaffer 126 Ankit Shah 148 Angle Shaner 148 Sridcvi Rao 124 Deborah Raykoske 147 Thomas R•rkoske 137 Jennifer Shannon 158 Julie Shannon 138 Barb Shepherd 138 Jeff Sheridan 138 Susanne Sheridan 158 Larry Shilney 158 Jill Shipley 126 Denise Shumate 1S8 Aaron Sibley 1S8 Mrs. Ursula Sihocky 163 Dale Simek 138 Kim Reavil 157 Kimberly Rebecca 137 Carie Redelsperger 137 lenor Rcdini 157 Mrs. Barbara Reece 163 Deidre Recd 147 Lisa Reed 137 Carol Reese 137 Kim Reffeh 1S7 Ravi Rc~unathan 137 Scan Re olly 147 Audrey Reivytis 137 Kevin Simpson 148 Sandlp Singh 126 Jim Sinks 148 Bruce Re1el 157 Barry Raykoske 124 Be1h Reynolds 124E Su .. n Sipck 148 David Siragusa 1S8 Pam Siragusa 138 Scott Richmond 147 Jeff Riemer 147 Susan Sir.tgusa 158 Ginger Siska 158 Eric Rice 137 Mark Sistrunk 1S8 M ary Righeimcr 137 Dave Skowron 148 µy Riley 137 Sandy Skowron 126 Lisa Skul 126 April Sladky 138 Sandra Sladky 1S8 Ginta1 Slapkauskas 1S8 Rugilc Slapkauskas 126 Bob Ringeisen 124 Jennifer Robbin 157 Scott Robe rge 147 Eric Roberts 147 Jean Roberts 124 Kimberly Roberts 157 John Robinson 137 Neil Rockwell 157 Dawn Slawinsk i 158 Andrew Sml1h 138 Candace Smith 126 Chrk Smith 148 M-arjorie Rodgers 147 u,. Rogers 114 Rebecca Rogers 157 Marc Rohde 125 Renu Roney 137 Jim Rood 147 Karen Rosche 125 Kim Rosche 137 Mrs. Gilda Ross 163 Robert Rounds 1S7 Amy Rourke 1S7 Sara Roush 147 Lisa Royhl 1S7 Moke Royhl 147 Holly Royster 147 Cathy Stephan 127 Kur1 S1ep1na 158 Cindy S1over 148 D;avid Slowe 138 Duane Stransky 14 8 Robert Straukas 138 Don Strau 1S9 Lisa Stryck 138 Susan S1ulik 138 Keena Suh 159 Mr. Russ Sumka 163 Coro 5upfee 138 Chris Sutter 159 Arny Svoboda 138 Mr. Dave Swendsen 163 Brian Swindle 148 Lori Sylvester 148 James Szewczyk 1S9 Dwayne Szymanski 138 Mark Szymczak 1S9 Greg Tamborello 1S9 Vince Tamborcllo 138 Greg Taorminil 118 Ms. Jeri Ta1 jc 163 Cindy Taylor 148 Greg Taylor 127 Kent Taylor 127 Scott Taylor 148 Angela Tessln 148 Tina Theall 138 Gary Thelen 127 Wayne Thelen 1S9 Kelly Thie l 159 Howard Thiele 138 Tr .act Thics~n 127 Daniel Thompson 148 Ke llie Thompson 1S9 Kimberly Thompson 127 Alison Thorne 139 Elizabeth Throckmorton 148 Kris1ine Tice 159 Pe1c1 Tochct 127 Ray Tolentino 148 Enrico T011y 159 Shawn Totty 127 Todd Tovarck 127 Dan Tran 1S9 Hue Tr.ln 139 Marci Wallert 159 Karen Walsh 128 Debbie Walshon 149 Donna Walshon 139 M1 . Tom \Vare 163 Mike Warner 149 Denise Warnsdorfer 149 Darren Waters 139 Fred Weber 128 Moke \Vebcr 149 Rich Weber 128 laura Wciberg 139 Michael \Vcstby 128 Holly Weigel 128 Mrs. Weishaar 161 Dan Weishaar 149 Timothy Wcosh.. r 159 Tyrone Wells 139 Nancy Welnicke 139 Sherry We hon 149 lance \Veron 149 Stephanie Werth 159 Mr. Jim Weniger 160 Biii Wesselman 149 Michael Wesoby 128 Mark \.Ves1over 149 Sue White 139 Erik Whitfield 1S9 Michael Whitfield 149 Noelle Whltfoeld 149 Ka1hlcen Wholey 128 Mrs. Mary Wholey 161 Karen Wickman 14'J John \Vieclawski 149 D enise Wieczorek 128 Sue Wilkin 159 Willi.lm \Vilkin 128 Brod \Villiams 129 Konncy Williams 129 Sandra Willla1ns 149 Jennifer \V1lliamson 159 Barbie \Villson 129 Deborah Wiison 129 Julie Wilson 129 Kris1ina Wilson 149 Larry Wilson 129 Tracy Winder 129 Richard Winkler 129 Tercs.t Winkler 149 P.i11y Wise 129 Anton Wi1ck 149 Brian Witt 1S9 Mark Wohld 129 Fran Wojcik 139 Tim Wolfe 149 Lauren Wolff 1S9 Karl Wolski 149 Ro( \Volski 129 Bil Woodburn 129 Sh>ron Woods 129 Brian Woolsey 149 Heather Worth 149 Janice Wu 149 Tim Wu 129 Michael Yamamoto 1S9 Jon Yamasako 139 Mark Yoshimura 139 John Travis 128 Christine Yurcus 149 Joseph Trim•rco 139 Mr. S1an Truckenbrod 163 Aliln Zaccarine 129 Amy Tremmel 148 Sieve Tselios 139 Sydnoy Turner 139 Greg Tuzik 128 Charles Valenches 128 Patty V•lenches 148 Mrs. Phoebe Van Ham 163 Jon Vansickle 149 Elle n Vartclas 128 Gcor~e Vaughan 128 Heido Veihman 128 Todd Veihm•n 149 Scou Vesecky 159 Leanne Vicha 1S9 Vicki Vierck 139 Mr. Bruce Viermow 163 Kris1en Smith 126 Lynttle Smhh 1S8 Matt Vincent 139 Anjini Virmani 159 Man Smith 1S8 M ichael Smith 126 Patrick Smith 1S8 Troy Smith 126 Gordon Snyder 158 Eliubeth Sobecki 158 John Sobecki 126 Peter Sobecki 126 Mr. Howard Sokol 16) David Song 138 Lana Walkolwiak 149 Ms. Jean Travclyn 163 Tuye1 Tran 127 Connie Smilh 138 Dana Smith 138 ' Felix Song 126 Bill Sorensen 138 Ellen Sorensen 126 M ichael Sorensen 148 Melanie Soughan 127 Barb Spielm•n 148 Cathcrone Spoess 158 Alexis S1ama1.1ky 127 Holly StaP,ICton 148 Brian Steob 127 Gary Steimle 127 Kai hlecn S1cimlo 1S8 John Stein 127 Rommel Villalobos 139 Lynn Viracco 139 Thu Vo 128 Anne Voegeli 149 Sherri Vogel 139 Matthew Voss 149 Mr. William Voves 163 Jennifer Walker 149 Kimberly Walker 159 Randal Walkor 159 Robcn Walker 1S9 Dan Yuen 139 Mr. frank Zabilka 163 Steve Zang 139 Scou Z.palik 129 Joseph Z.vorski 139 John Zebutis 139 Mark Zclazny 149 Kevin Zerrenner 139 John Zicky 139 Kelly Zilligen 149 Ann Zimmerman 129 Dominic Zinanni 159 Ma11hew Zinanni 159 d South •tudents and Lis• Rogers Editor-In-Chief, 1984 166 '