1 - Trublack
1 - Trublack
TRUBLACK-PIGMENT HTGI%PROVIDES%PIGMENTS% FOR%CEMENT%AND%CONCRETE% New%genera8on% of%pigment% using%nanotechnology% IRONNOXIDE%PIGMENT% TRUBLACK%N%PIGMENT%% APPLICATION%RATIO:%for% APPLICATION%RATIO:%for% dark%grey% real%BLACK% 4%–%8%%% to%used%cement%% 1%–%2%%%% max.% USAGE%OF%SMF%PIGMENT%ENABLES%PRODUCTION%OF% BLACK%CEMENT%/%CONCRETE%%WITH%THE% APPLICATION%MAXIMUM%% 1,0%%OF%COLOURING%%SUBSTANCE%% Iron-oxide pigment saving up to 50%SAVINGS OF%CONCRETE%COLORING%COSTS% STANDARD OXIDE PIGMENT TRUBLACK-PIGMENT Price: 1,7-4,0 EUR / kg Price: 7,5 EUR / kg Dosing ratio: 4–6% Dosing ratio: up to 1% Approx. price per 100 kg of cement: Maximum price per 100 kg of cement: 6 × 2,5 = 15 EUR 1 × 7,5 = 7,5 EUR transit'produc-on'' (mixed'TRUBLAC9PIGMENT'and'iron'oxide' pigments)' 4%'of'Iron'Oxide'pigment' Dosing%ra8o%of%% %TruBlack%N%pigment%% 6.' 2,00%'' 5.' 2,00%' 4.' 1,00%'' 3' 1,00%' 2' 0,50%' 1' 0,25%' Application tests in Belgian company supervised by a group specialists. TRUBLACK-PIGMENT 0,25% dosing ratio gives the same result as IRON OXIDE pigment 4% 4,00% × 2,50*€ = 10,00€ * (price on Belgian market) 0,25% × 7,5€ = 1,9€ TRUBLACK-PIGMENT provides up to ~ 80% cost reduction over oxide Application tests in Belgian company supervised by a group specialists. . Application tests in Belgian company supervised by a group specialists. Application tests in Belgian company supervised by a group specialists. Application tests in Romanian concrete company ELIS PAVAJE. Application tests in Polish concrete company Mar-Dom. Made with white cement. Dosing of 1% TruBlack pigment. Application tests in Czech concrete company ČESKOMORAVSKÝ BETON. Iron-oxide Pigment 2% Iron-oxide pigment 1,6% + TRUBLACK 0,4% Application tests in Germany. Leading product of HTGI s.c.s.: TRUBLACK - PIGMENT TO ACHIEVE BETTER COLOR HOLDING & NO FADING OVER TIME WE ALWAYS USE SP (super plastizer) WHEN USING TRUBLACK – PIGMENT TRUBLACK - PIGMENT PAVEMENT% AND%OTHER% CONCRETE% PRODUCTS% APPLICABILITY:% READY%MIXED% PREPACKAGED% COLOR% CONCRETE%% CONCRETE% COLOR%%MIX% QUALITY%%POLICY% We maintain the required technological regimes due to the existing standards and technical specifications. is based on our own technologies, arising as the result of careful research and the production process pigments are subjected to several stages of strict performance : 10 Years on the color holding if used with our super plasizer PS With%each%batch%of%products%control%samples%are%stored% in%the%archives%of%the%laboratory.% THANK%YOU%FOR%YOUR%ATTENTION%