conference live action wednesday 23 october 2013 cinekid


conference live action wednesday 23 october 2013 cinekid
Rune Tellefson is an Advisor of Children’s Films, coordinating the initiatives with the commission-
ers who fund the Family and Children’s films in the Norwegian Film Institute. He is also working with professional training and development in general, at the Department of development and production.
He has been working in the Film Industry for over 15 years. Among his
previous positions is Head of Content in the VOD-sector and Programmer at Kristiansand International Children’s Film Festival.
Winfried Baijens is a (Dutch) Radio and TV
presenter. He started his career working for NOVA and afterwards he reported and presented the news for NOS. At the moment Winfried presents different radio programs for radio 6 soul & jazz and Radio 1.
Winfried won ‘de Gouden Tape’ and was nominated
for the Cinekid Publieksprijs and Marconi Award Aanstormend Talent.
Every year he presents one of the biggest jazz festivals in the Netherlands, North sea jazz.
A mind-blowing journey of the latest developments within the live action spectrum of children’s media and beyond. Foremost the
question will be: where is the action? What are the ingredients for a successful remake of a children’s film or TV-series? How do you
produce cross-media when it comes to live action? Première showcases and never-before screened images are discussed. What do
children consider the best live action programmes or films and what are the do’s and don’ts in live action film and series scenario’s,
all brought to you by award- winning and internationally acclaimed professionals. And of course last, but not least: what are the
ingredients for a monster format hit? All this and much only 1 day!
Doors open
Bart Römer (Cinekid Board & Director Netherlands Film Academy)
Maya Goetz
Good Live Action TV from the Child’s Perspective
Journey through the landscape of children’s television
Leading European Networks explain their live action strategy:
Helen Bullough (CBBC), Elisa Tynkynnen (YLE), Suzanne Kunzeler & Gemma Derksen (Z@pp),
Victor Coolman (Nickelodeon), Stefan Pfäffle (KIKA).
Lunch break
Children’s Documentaries
Kids & Docs (Hans Maarten van den Brink, Dutch Cultural Media Fund)
Kid Dok Indonesia (Catherine van Campen)
What makes me happy (Annie Gibbs)
Evert Hoogendoorn (IJsfontein)
Live Action in Cross Media Storytelling
Triona Campbell (beActive)
From Sophia’s Diaries to Beat Girl and beyond
Coffee & tea break
Mieke de Jong & Tamara Bos
Writing for Children’s Films
Funds & Film Institutes: The Future of Live Action
With Margret Albers (Förderverein Deutscher Kinderfilm e.V.), Monique Ruinen
(Netherlands Film Fund), Linus Torell (Swedish Film Institute) and Rune Tellefsen
(Norwegian Film Institute)
Silje Hopland Eik (Cinenord) - Kick It (Achtste Groepers huilen niet)
Ruud van der Heyde (Bos Bros) - Kankerlijers (Planta 4A)
MediaLab drinks
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Kleine Gartmanplantsoen 21
1017 RP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
meet & a lunch
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T: +31 20 53 17 890
E: [email protected]
Know Your Remake Business
The recent international boost of remakes of successful children films is
the motivation for this focus. Producer Silje Hopland Eik (Cinenord) will
talk about and show clips from their brand new film Kick It!, a remake of
the award-winning Dutch film Cool Kids Don’t Cry!. Producer Ruud van
der Heyde (BosBros) will show never-before seen material from Kankerlijers, an adaptation of the Spanish film Planta 4A, which has also been
remade in Switzerland. Questions as: To what extend were the scripts
adapted to cultural differences? What were the business agreements and
conditions? Why did the producers choose to adapt these stories? will be
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Get Inspired!
beActive has an extensive track record in multiplatform content production around the world. Sofia’s Diary, beActive’s first Transmedia series
created in 2003, was already produced and localized in 10 territories
mixing TV, Internet, Mobile and other Media. Director Triona Campbell
will take you along on a ride through the history of this company, a pioneer in the field of transmedia storytelling..
Meet the Commissioners
Commissioners of great new series and formats of the leading networks
in Europe will portray their vision on the future of live action on their
networks. Channels presenting are CBBC (Helen Bullough, UK) KIKA
(Stefan Pfäffle, Germany), Zapp (Suzanne Kunzeler, the Netherlands),
Nickelodeon (Victor Coolman) and YLE (Elisa Tynkkynen, Finland).
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Drama Interaction
Strategist Evert Hoogendoorn (IJsfontein) is a specialist in interactive communication and media productions. Years of experience with
children and youngsters have led to a lot of knowledge of and insight into
the possibilities of interactive storytelling for children. He will present a
showcase of several interactive storytelling projects, including Can You
Fix It. An interactive storytelling production that helps teenagers explore
their sexual boundaries.
Success Stories Shared
Multiple award-winning scriptwriters Tamara Bos (Winky’s Horse, Class
Dismissed, Fidgety Bram), and Mieke de Jong (Eep!, Tony 10, Winter in
Wartime) reveal the secrets of their success of some of the most prolific
live action films of the past decade. Both scriptwriters hold a tremendous
passion for live action children’s films. Their films have travelled to numerous territories and received an endless list of international awards,
amongst which the Prix Jeunesse and the Cinekid Audience Award and
were shortlisted for the Academy Awards.
Kids & Docs
Producer and director Annie Gibbs (What Makes Me Happy), and the
founders of the Kids & Docs workshop will share their insights on the power
and purity of children in (international) youth documentaries.
Kids Point of View
PH.D., Head of the International Centre for Youth and Educational
Television (IZI) and the Bayerische Rundfunk Munich and of the Prix
Jeunesse Foundation Maya Götz will give a presentation on ‘A good
live action programme from the child’s perspective.’ She has published
several books as well as more than 200 articles in the field of children,
young people and television.
Meet the Funding Institutes
Leading funding institutes will display how their funding structure towards children’s live action films or series is modeled. Funding institutes
presenting are Forderverein Deutscher Kinderfilm e.V. (Margret Albers,
Germany), Netherlands Film Fund (Monique Ruinen, The Netherlands,
Swedish Film Institute (Linus Torell, Sweden) and Norwegian Film Institute (Rune Tellefsen, Norway).
Margret Albers is Managing Director of the Children’s Media Foundation Golden Sparrow and Director of the
German Children’s Media Film Festival of the same
name, since 1996. In addition, she is the board spokes woman of the Association for the Promotion of Geman
Children’s Film and is co-responsible for the direction
of studies at the Academy for Children’s Media. She’s also Project Director
for the initiatives Der Besondere Kinderfilm / Special Films for Children,
and Fernsehen aus Thüringen / Television from Thuringia.
Helen Bullough is head of CBBC Productions. She’s the editorial lead for the vibrant and successful in-
house department in Salford which produces every-
thing from award winning like Wolfblood, dumpingground and 40 Clock Club to key interactive output for the CBBC website, flagship brands like Blue Peter, distinctive factual strands including Newsround and its in depth specials, and
engaging entertainment from performers like Sam and Mark and Dick and
Tamara Bos graduated in the Dutch language and literature of the Middle Ages at the University of Amsterdam. Since her debut Class Dismissed (Prix Jeunesse 1996) she wrote numerous books and scripts for mainly children’s feature films and series. Winky’s Horse (2005) based on an original filmscript was a
large national and international success and travelled the world. Tamara
Bos’ latest feature Fidgety Bram (2011), based on her original filmscript was
last years’ winner of the UPC Cinekid-award.
Catherine van Campen (1970) lives and works in Amsterdam as an independent radio presenter and documentary filmmaker. Her debut film Eternal Mash (2007) won the IDFA Completion Prize 2006 for most promising film plan. Her second film was made with the award winning script Drona & Me (2009). Flying
Anne is her short youth documentary about eleven-year-old Anne who suers from Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome. The film won more than fifteen
international awards and traveled the world.
Hans Maarten van den Brink is the Managing
Director of the Dutch Cultural Media Fund since 2006. From 2002 to 2006 he was Founding Director for
Stichting Actueel Verleden and ad interim Director at
Witte de With. From 1995 until 2001 Van den Brink was commissioning editor television at VPRO. For fourteen
years previous he worked for Dutch Newspaper NRC Handelsblad.
Victor Coolman is VP, Programming, Nickelodeon Northern Europe. He is responsible for all program-
ming and acquisitions for Nickelodeon in the region as
well as oversight of the Nick Jr. global feed available in 17 countries worldwide. Based in Berlin, Coolman joined Nickelodeon in 2005 as a Research Analyst and
since then has played a key role in aligning Nickelodeon’s programming
strategies across Northern Europe and launching feeds like Nickelodeon
Denmark, Nickelodeon Switzerland, KinderNet, TeenNick Netherlands,
Nick Jr. Global and NickToons.
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Annie Gibbs Producer/Director for Ragdoll Produc
tions Ltd. for the past 20 years Annie Gibbs is involved
both in programme conception stages and in produc
tion. Most recently as Producer/Director on the
award-winning children’s television series entitled
What Makes Me Happy, taking sole responsibility for the
13 programmes filmed in various countries around the world, including
the funding, production, research and writing. The Ragdoll Foundation is
dedicated to developing the power of imaginative responses in children
through the arts.
Maya Goetz, Ph.D., is Head of the International Cen-
tral Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) at the Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Broad
casting Corp.), Munich, Germany, and of the Prix Jeunesse Foundation. Her main field of work is
research in the area of “children/youth and television”
and gender-specific reception research. She has conducted over 50
formative studies to foster quality in current TV programmes.
Ruud van der Heyde worked at numerous productions
as a production manager and also owned his own production company working mainly for regional broadcasters and producing television films. He
started working for BosBros a couple of years ago
and became (co-) responsible for the development,
financing, production and release of all projects. He took on a leading role
in the company and is ambitious in continuing the strong history of
BosBros by producing all beautiful projects on a high qualitative level.
Evert Hoogendoorn is a strategist and game designer
at IJsfontein Interactive Media. Here he develops games with a focus on education, communication and
behavioral change. Evert is amongst others responsi-
ble for the TIKKIT games, commissioned by the Dutch Museum Association, and the game for the animated
series The Tumblies. Currently he is the New Literacy program manager
at the knowledge centre for arts and teacher at the Interactive Performance Design course at the Utrecht School of Arts.
Silje Hopland Eik founded Norwegian production company Cinenord together with Tanya Nanette Badendyck (2004). After graduating from Film School,
Silje produced over 200 commercials before
establishing Cinenord. She’s passionate about family and children films and they have already produced
several children’s films among which Totally True Love (a romantic
comedy for children) and Trigger. Their new film Kick It!, a remake of the
Dutch Cool Kids Don’t Cry will debut in February 2014.
Mieke de Jong is a scriptwriter for both film and television. Strong characters in unusual situations drive her stories. She wrote many children’s films, amongst which Eep!, Bonkers, Spoon, Tony 10, are
appreciated by both children and adults. Her films screened all over the world and won many prizes.
Her feature film Winter in Wartime was shortlisted for the Academy Award
for best Foreign Film (2010).
Suzanne Kunzeler is Manager Children’s
Programming of Zapp, the children’s network of the Netherlands Public Broadcasters (NPO). She heads up the children’s network now for 5 years and previous to this position she worked at various broadcasters on both drama and children’s programming.
Stefan Pfäffle started as a reader, dramatic adviser
and script editor for various TV channels and
production companies. In 2003 he became commis
sioning editor at KIKA, responsible for fiction,
acquisitions and co- productions. Since 2003 he holds the supervision of live action features, series and
animation series, dubbing and all relating matters at KIKA. He also is a
guest lecturer at Master School Drehbuch (Berlin), Hamburger Filmwerkstatt at the University Hamburg, Akademie für Kindermedien.
Monique Ruinen has 20 years of experience in the film
and television industry with specialized knowledge of
the development of youth and family productions. Since 2013 she is one of the Film commissioners at the Netherlands Film Fund. Previous, she worked as a
producer, script editor and buyer of youth programs
for various broadcasters and producers. She was also responsible for the
television programming and the organization of the five-day programme
for the international media professionals at Cinekid.
Elisa Tynkkynen works as an Acquisition Executive
at YLE’s International Acquisition department. Her
main target audiences are older children and teen
agers on several platforms; linear TV, Video on
demand and Internet. After analizing an international degree in Creative Media Technologies from University
of Bradford and working in marketing in the UK she started her career
at YLE as a producer for YleX; Finland’s biggest nationwide youth radio
station where she was involved with digital marketing campaigns, social
media strategy development work, large-scale event planning and technical project work.
Linus Torrel is Film Commissioner at the Swedish
Film institute. A film commissioner gives financial support to feature films and works independently, evaluating projects both from an artistic and a financial viewpoint. Linus Torell is a director and pro-
ducer of a number of popular Swedish Television
Shows for children. He also directed the feature Misa Mi, wich was given
an honourable mention at Cinekid 2004.
Triona Campbell Triona Campbell is a twice Emmy nominated producer of numerous transmedia, film and TV projects for Kids and a director of beActive. Recent feature film credits include The Knot (Co-producing),
Collider and the recently International Emmy Nomi-
nated best Kids TV series Beat girl. Other TV series and
Transmedia credits include the award winning Aislings diary series which
won back to back kidscreen awards for best teen drama in NY and the
groundbreaking Sofia’s diary series, nominated in the UK for a broadcast
TV award, which was the first UK teen drama series to successfully cross
from on-line to television.
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