A Comeplete Guide to Dakimakuras - Waifu Pillows


A Comeplete Guide to Dakimakuras - Waifu Pillows
Here to Get Your 2-D Waifu in Bed With You
So exactly do you need to know about Waifu Pillows?
 What a Waifu Pillows is
 How to decide on what fabric you want
 How to decide which Waifu is right for you
 How to care for your new waifu
 How to keep your lewd Waifu away from prying eyes
Waifu Pillow is slang for what is more commonly known in Japan as a Dakimakura, or known in
America as a Hug Pillow. What separates a Waifu Pillow from your ordinary run of the mill hug
pillow is the life-sized sexy picture of your Waifu on it!
Here in the west, a Dakimakura is most commonly used as a pillow for someone with a back
problem, or for a better night sleep throughout one’s pregnancy. In Japan, however, a
Dakimakura is something most children grow up sleeping with every night, using it how a child
in America uses a security blanket!
Now you must be thinking...
“Of course it would be super awesome to go to bed with my Waifu every
There have been many case studies executed by the brightest minds in Otaku culture, all trying
to plot out the endless possible awesome things you can do with your Waifu Pillow. Sadly they
all end the same… in failure. There is simply too many great things that you can do with a lifesized pillow modeled after your waifu. Just to name a few, you can: Take her to the movies, or go
on a long moonlit walk down the beach, and I hear if you treat em’ real nice, at the end of the
day they’ll let you cuddle em’ till you drift off into sleep.
Having grown up with such a device, in the 1990’s the Otaku’s natural next step, was be to
throw a picture of his Waifuon his hug pillow–so he could cling to her all night long whilst he
If we all work together maybe we can nd out all the all the wonderful things that we can do
with our Waifu Pillows! Tell us your favorite thing to do with your Waifu! If you haven’t got a
Waifu to adventure with yet, pick one up Here!
There are 3 kinds of Waifu Pillows
PG Waifu Pillows
R Waifu Pillows
XXX Waifu Pillows
PG Dakimakuras are your Waifus
that are cute as can be, and fully
dressed. Typically these Waifus
won't even be in a premiscuus
pose. Your R rated Dakimakuras take it
up a knotch. Not only will they be
in quite the suggestive pose, but
they will also be showing skin, a lot
of skin.
Finally, you have your XXX
Dakimakuras. These Waifu's are as
lewd as it gets - completely naked!
Usually they are in poses that give
you an even better view of whats
hidden behind the pantsu ;)
"Choosing the right fabric for your Dakimakura is the most important decision you have to
make when it comes to buying a Dakimakura"
Choosing the right fabric for your Dakimakura is the most important decision you have to make
when it comes to buying a Dakimakura—Yes even more important than which waifu you plan
on bringing home with you!
As with many things in life all fabrics are not created equal, not by a longshot. While none are of
poor quality, the differences between the four main styles of fabric are equal to that of night
and day.
I’m going to break down the strengths and weaknesses of the four main styles of fabric that
your Waifu Pillow can come in. While there are other fabrics, like your run of the mill cotton
and what have you, any Dakimakura shop owner worth their salt will give the opportunity to
choose between these four fabrics: Peach Skin, Japanese Textile, Natural Velvet, or 2way Tricot
(or Two-way Tricot).
There are ve key traits you need to be aware of when trying to decide which fabric you should
choose for your Dakimakura. You want to know the smoothness, softness, durability, thickness,
and most importantly you need to know how well the picture of your Waifu will transfer over to
the fabric your Dakimakura is made out of.
Peach Skin
Peach Skin, let’s call this your price point fabric. The reason behind it’s
lower price when compared to the other fabrics is simply due to the
fact that it’s of the poorest quality when being compared to the other
three. Peach Skin has a smooth, almost leathery feel to it, making it a bit
less soft when held side by side to the other fabrics. Peach Skin is not
without upside, though. What it loses in softness it makes up for in
durability and picture clarity. Also, thanks to the more rugged nature of
the fabric, it tends to last longer over time, and not rip or fade. The
smoothness of the fabric allows for a better, and more clear, print.
Japanese Textile
Japanese Textile is going to be your next step up, quite literally the
middle of the pack. This particular fabric stands out in no particular
area, nor does it disappoint in any particular area. The picture quality is
good, and it’s fairly durable. Like Peach Skin, the Japanese Textile fabric
is smooth, but unlike its counterpart, it achieves a much softer feel.
Natural Velvet
Natural Velvet is a tricky fabric to nail down. In regards to its feel, well,
let’s just say its name rings true. It as soft as velvet, but just as smooth
as velvet too — which means very poor. Do to the rougher surface, the
picture quality is not on par with the other three fabrics. It is a thick
fabric, but not as durable as the others. You could say natural velvet is
de nitely more of an acquired taste.
Two-way Tricot (2way tricot)
Two-way Tricot (2way tricot), where to even begin. This is your rstrate fabric, almost incomparable. Two-way tricot is everything you
want your dakimakura to be. The softness is off the chart. In fact, It will
feel as if you’re cuddling a cloud as you sleep. One could say it’s the
softest fabric you will ever feel! Two-way tricot is also super smooth
with high elasticity, a very stretchy fabric, it is also very thick and
durable. The picture quality is astounding as well. To put it bluntly,
there is no aw to be found with Two-way tricot and is the fabric of
choice for many a dakimakura connoisseurs.
There is No Wrong Fabric Choice!
While no choice is the wrong choice, you are going to want to pick your ideal fabric if you want
to maximize the enjoyment of your new Dakimakura. So take your time, and do your research,
because the last thing you want to do is start off on the wrong foot with you new Waifu!
You Can Go With Your
Classic Original Waifu
Remember the rst Waifu that ever stole your heart? Was
it Misty from Pokemon? or Maybe Nami from One Piece?
Whoever it may have been, it's always nice to go back to
your roots. You Can Go With a
Waifu You've Grown
to Love If you decide you don't want to take the nostalgic route,
you can always go with the Waifu that you have been
adoring the past few years. Maybe, she was the star of
your favorite show from the last few years.
Or Take Home the
New Waifu on the
Block Choosing the new Top Tier Waifu from the new hit show
of the season is always the most tempting. Granted, every
season the Waifus seem to be getting sexier and sexier, so
this might not be a bad choice. Just keep in mind that a
dakimakura is an investment so you want a Waifu that you
will be able to love for a really long time!
How to wash your waifu pillow is one of the most essential things you need to
know if you want your dakimakura to stay in tip top shape! Below are the two
methods you can use to keep your waifu looking lovely throughout your time
How to Hand Wash Your Dakimakura
This is the best method, albeit the most time consuming, to keeping your Waifu Pillow as clean as can be.
What Do You Need?
A basin or bathtub
Bleach free detergent
Elbow Grease
Steps to Hand Washing Your
The rst step is to begin with is to carefully remove the dakimakura cover from the pillow
1. Fill the tub you’re using with cold water. If you’re using your bathtub make sure it’s especially
clean before you begin. Also, make sure it’s really cold water if the water is warm you run the
risk of the colors fading.
2. Measure the proper amount of detergent that is required, and mix it in with the cold water
3. Fully immerse your Waifu in the soapy water.
4. If you have any stains you’re going to want to gently scrub them out with a clean toothbrush.
5. After you’ve removed any stains, let the Dakimakura cover fully soak for a half an hour.
6. Only once the half hour is over, remove the cover and dump the dirty water.
7. Now that your waifu is scrubbed clean, you need to rinse her off with clean cold water till
nothing but clear water is running off her.
8. Now you need to wring all of the excess water out, be careful not to stretch your dakimakura
9. Now, now matter what, DO NOT USE A DRYER!
10. Instead, you want to hang dry the cover. However, you want to avoid direct sunlight, and any
place with high humidity, such as the bathroom.
11. Once clean, carefully place the cover back on the inner pillow.
How to Machine Wash Your Dakimakura
Generally, you should avoid this method if possible, also, this method should only be used on your sturdy fabrics!
What Do You Need?
A basin or bathtub
Bleach free detergent
A washing machine with a delicate
Working knowledge of a washing
Steps to Machine Washing Your
1. The rst step is to begin with is to carefully remove the Dakimakura cover from the pillow.
2. Place the Dakimakura cover in the washing machine.
3. Measure the proper amount of detergent that is required, and place it in the required
compartment of the washing machine.
4. Turn your washing machine setting to delicate (hand wash), and the coldest temperature
setting for the water.
5. Press start, and let the washing machine go to work!
6. Once done washing, remove your Waifu immediately.
7. Now you need to wring all of the excess water out, be careful not to stretch your dakimakura
8. Now, now matter what, DO NOT USE A DRYER!
9. Instead, you want to hang dry the cover. However, you want to avoid direct sunlight, and any
place with high humidity, such as the bathroom.
10. Once clean, carefully place the cover back on the inner pillow.
The Best Lesson I've Ever Been Taught: Happy Waifu, Happy Laifu. So Keep Them Waifus Clean!
How to keep your lewd waifu from the view of prying eyes!
Let’s be honest… While a lot of us love our Dakimakuras, some out there (even in the anime
community) give those of us that enjoy this rewarding hobby rather unwelcoming looks... Now,
there are some of us who prefer to shout our Otakuness from the mountaintops, but some of
us can’t afford that luxury. Either due to not wanting the social awkwardness that,
unfortunately, accompanies Waifu Pillows brought on by the “creepy stigma” they have
developed over the years or, maybe, you might have kids around the house, or would prefer to
not fully creep out your boyfriend or girlfriend the rst time you bring them to your bedroom.
"Whatever the reason at one time or another we all need to keep our lewd Waifus away
from prying eyes. Here are a few methods that will keep you safe and your Waifus
dignity in tack."
How to Keep Your Lewd Waifu From the View of Prying Eyes!
Take the Daki Cover Off
This one might seem painfully obvious, but it is very effective. Simply, whenever you are not
spending quality alone time with your Waifu you can neatly take her covers off and fold them
up for storage in a safe place.
Buy a Plain Cover to Throw Over Your
This one is certainly more of a long term play. What you do is buy a plain colored body pillow
case and put it over the daki cover. It will work best if the plain pillow case is slightly bigger than
the pillows measurements so it can t right over the cover. Typically, a colored pillow case
works best since some white cases might be just see through enough to still show off your
beautiful Waifu.
Put Her Under the Covers
This route should only be used for a quick x, because while it will shield your Waifu from eyes
that may just glance at your bed it won’t save her from anyone that might take a closer look for
any reason.
Hide Her in the Closest
While I shudder at the very thought, this method is very quick, very handy, and very cost
effective. Most of the time the only people rummaging through your closet are either you or
someone you're already very intimate with and probably already knows all about your love of
Waifu Pillows. This way won’t, however, protect you from the eyes of say a parent you may be
trying to hide your Waifu from!
What Do You Gain From Having a Waifu Pillow?
Aside from the therapeutic bene ts of a Waifu Pillow will always be there for you. Not only for emotional support when you
are feeling down, but.. uhm.. well you know ;)
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
Does a Dakimakura come with an inner
No, you the Dakimakura you order will always just
be a pillow case. You can use any body pillow with
the proper measurements.
Where do the designs come from?
With the exception of Dakimakuras from places like
Cospa, most designs are going to be fan art from
Doujinshi artists.