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Preview - tadamsspanishahs
9:06 PM
Page 72
Tema 2 • Un evento especial
for Capítulo 2A
To achieve the goals of the Standards,
students will:
1.1 Interpersonal
• Talk: about clothing for different events, weekend
plans, and daily routines; using possessive adjectives
• Describe people and things using ser and estar
1.2 Interpretive
• Listen to and interpret daily routines and choices;
identify body parts
• Read and interpret possessive adjectives, soundchanging consonants, verbs that use the infinitive, and
ser and estar
• Read: about getting ready for an event, preferences in
attire, special events and families, traditional clothing,
the Teatro Colón, other important theaters, the poncho,
and Dolores Hidalgo; a picture-based story, a hair
clipper ad, and about teens’ sleeping patterns
• Listen to and watch a video about getting ready for an
1.3 Presentational
• Present information about: special events, clothing for
different events, getting ready for an event, ser and
estar and possessive adjectives; the history of jeans
• Write and present information about daily routines
• Present a personal experience of a special event
• Write: about a clothing purchase and shopping
experience; to express an interest
2.1 Practices and Perspectives
En Baile en Tehuantepec vemos la ropa
típica de los bailes de esta región de
México. Las mujeres se visten con blusas y
faldas tradicionales. El uso del sombrero es
tradicional para los hombres del campo, no
sólo en México, sino en otros países
hispanohablantes como Perú y Ecuador.
• Explain cultural perspectives on teen dress
• Talk and write about families and special events
2.2 Products and Perspectives
• Talk and write about: attire preferences, the poncho,
traditional Mexican clothing; the Teatro Colón, and
other important theaters; hair clippers from an ad
3.1 Cross-curricular
• Compara las personas de este cuadro con
los jóvenes de la foto. ¿Qué ropa llevas
cuando vas a un baile especial?
• Read about teens’ sleeping patterns
• Describe the history of the Teatro Colón; how to make
a poncho; how to make an oral presentation
3.2 Target Culture
• Describe the Teatro Colón; Dolores Hidalgo
Baile en Tehuantepec (1935), Diego Rivera
4.1 Language
• Use reflexive verbs, infinitives after prepositions,
possessive adjectives, and sound-changing consonants
• Review the verbs ser and estar
4.2 Culture
setenta y dos
Tema 2 • Un evento especial
• Compare: special events in Spanish-speaking countries
and the U.S.; cultural programs in Hispanic countries
and the U.S.; Mexican and U.S. independence
5.1 Beyond the School
• Identify events in U.S. communities
5.2 Lifelong Learner
• Investigate events in U.S. communities
Universal Access
Personalizing the Theme
Students with Learning Difficulties
Ask students to describe their morning routine.
What do they do to get ready for school? How
does this differ from what they do to get ready
for a dance or other special occasion? Ask them
to compare differences in routine for male and
female students.
To help students with weak visual discrimination
skills answer the Fondo cultural question,
highlight the photograph’s visual clues. Ask
students what they notice about the apparel.
Then draw their attention to the style, color,
and apparent uniformity for each gender.
9:06 PM
Page 73
Chapter Opener
¿Cómo te
Resources: Voc. & Gram. Transparencies: 12–13,
15–17, 20 (maps)
Chapter Objectives
Describe getting ready for a special event
Talk about daily routines
Describe people and things
Express possession
Understand cultural perspectives on clothing
A primera vista: ¿Más maquillaje?
GramActiva Videos: reflexive verbs; the
verbs ser and estar
As you learn to talk about special events, you will
make connections to these countries and places:
1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 4.2
Nueva York
Suggestions: Help students answer the
question by making a three-column chart.
In the first column, have students write
descriptions of the clothes the people in
the painting are wearing. In the second
column, have them describe the clothing in
the photo, and in the third column have
them explain what they would wear to a
special event.
Answers will vary.
Costa Rica
For: Online Atlas
Web Code: jde-0002
Teaching with Photos
Jóvenes con ropa elegante durante una quinceañera
en Yuma, Arizona
setenta y tres
Capítulo 2A
Enriching Your Teaching
Planning for Instruction
Teacher Express CD-ROM or Resource Book
– Teaching resources
– Lesson Planner
– Chapter Resource Checklist
– School-to-Home Connection Letter
Suggestions: Bring in copies of old
photos of yourself or your family members
at a formal occasion such as a wedding.
Have students describe what the people in
the pictures are wearing. Discuss what
people do to get ready for such events.
Have students predict what the vocabulary
will be by brainstorming a list of activities
that people do to get ready, and items that
they use to do them.
In the Videohistoria, students will see how
Raúl and Tomás come to regret a favor
they are doing for Gloria. Ask students if
they have ever volunteered to do something for someone and later realized that it
was a mistake.
Culture Note
Suggestions: Point out the people’s
formal attire and the decorations in the
photo and ask students to guess what
event is being pictured. Have students
compare the photo with a formal event
that they have attended. Then, have
students discuss what they think the
people in the photo did to prepare for
their event.
The Isthmus of Tehuantepec is located in
southern Mexico between the Gulf of Mexico
and the Pacific Ocean. It is the narrowest
section of the country. The town of Tehuantepec is the cultural center of the Tehuana
Indians. The Tehuanas are known for their
beautiful clothing and distinctive gold jewelry.