September 11th Bulletin - St.Colette Catholic Church
September 11th Bulletin - St.Colette Catholic Church
St. Colette Catholic Church 17600 Newburgh Road Livonia, MI 48152 734-464-4433 September 11, 2016 Mission Statement We, the Family of St. Colette, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit are dedicated to celebrating the Good News of Jesus Christ through Worship, Education, Fellowship and service to others. Mass Schedule Weekend Masses Saturday 4:00pm & 5:30pm Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am & 12:30pm Weekday Masses Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:00am For the most current information, please see our website: Follow us on Twitter: @stcolettevoice Welcome New Parishioners! To register, change an address, or if you moved, please contact the parish office. THIS SUNDAY ! ST. COLETTE PARISH FAMILY PICNIC ON THE FIELD BEHIND THE PARISH OFFICE & YOUTH CENTER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 1:30PM-5:30PM $5.00 per person $10.00 per immediate family PRICE INCLUDES: Rock Wall Bouncer Obstacle Course Pony Rides Train Wipe Out/Log Slammer Trampoline Jump Kid Games Golf - Closest to the Pin Hot Dogs Chips Popcorn Ice Cream Sweets Snow Cones Pop Beer (Under the Big Tent) Come Join Us - Just For The Fun of It!!! Page 2 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia The Jubilee Holy Year of Mercy December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016 “Giving Thanks for God’s Mercy” The theme for this Jubilee Holy Year of Mercy is “Merciful like the Father.” It is inspired by stories like today’s Gospel parable of the prodigal son. This is the God whom Jesus wants us to know better, whom Pope Francis wants revealed to the whole world. At the beginning of today’s Gospel Jesus is criticized for socializing with known sinners. They say, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” This criticism of Jesus is actually unintentional praise. If we’re honest, we know that we are among the sinners with whom Jesus breaks bread. Each of us, at one point or another along our journey of faith, feels lost in our own sinfulness. How wonderful it is to discover that God is always ready to call us back when we are lost. Not only that, but we are told that God rejoices when we return from our sinful ways into God’s loving embrace. We need to think of the times in our own lives when we were in need of God’s mercy. Then we can give thanks to our merciful God. WYD Recounted… OUR PARISH STAFF RETREAT For the next few weeks we’ll be sharing some reflections from our World Youth Day Poland group about their experience. Our group had quite a travel itinerary just to get to Poland– an overnight flight from Detroit to Paris, and then a mid-day flight from Paris to Munich. Next was a bus ride from Munich to Linz, Austria, where we arrived very late to get a short night’s sleep in a hotel. Bright and early the next morning we embarked on an 8 hour bus ride from Linz to Zakopane, Poland, to truly begin our experience. Following are reflections from a few of our group members: When we arrived at Zakopane, we visited Our Lady of Fatima Church, which Pope St. John Paul built in thanksgiving after his life was spared in the assassination attempt. This church had the most beautiful arrangement in front: the tabernacle was in the center, surrounded by a sunburst of golden rays, and under the gaze of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. I recognized the presence of God in the sanctuary, and came out of “vacation mode” to pray in a truly fervent “pilgrimage mode”. We also visited a church that the highlanders had built of only fir wood and decorated according to Polish custom with bright flowers and vines on a black background. I was reminded of God again, while we were walking on the top of the mountains of Zakopane. I looked up at the outline of the pine trees against the blue sky, and I felt thankful at the beauty that God had created. ~Jill Goryca There is a wonderful moment from my World Youth Day experience that I’d like to share. We visited Czestochowa, where the image of the Black Madonna is kept. During Mass we sang, “Here I am, Lord.” As I listened to the voices of so many gathered from different countries, I was overcome with the beauty of us all coming together before God. As the days progressed, I found out that what seemed like a large crowd that day was nowhere near as many people as were in Krakow for WYD, and every day more and more people gathered to celebrate together. ~Hannah Rozar On Tuesday, August 23rd, all sixteen members of St. Colette Parish staff participated in our annual staff retreat. It was so wonderful to begin the day at the 9:00 a.m. Mass with Fr. Gary and Deacon Gary, where we all sat together in our new green staff shirts that we each had just purchased. After Mass we traveled to St. Paul of the Cross Retreat & Conference Center on Schoolcraft in Detroit. Our facilitator was Faith Offman, who is the Associate Director of Ministry at the Retreat Center. After introductions and opening remarks, Faith gave us an exercise to write down three gifts that we bring to our ministry at St. Colette, and also to indicate those of our fellow co-workers. We were given time to reflect and complete our assignment in the beautiful chapel, tranquil courtyard or spacious gardens at the retreat center. Lunch was provided with a delicious salad bar, chicken and vegetable buffet. We re-convened after our break to share our gifts and talents with the group. Realizing that not all of our staff members have offices in the same area of the building, and for some staff that their offices are not even in the same building, we seldom have the opportunity to share our appreciation of one another. The dialogue and sharing with each other became a positive affirmation of each other and what each brings to St. Colette. Just as Jesus needed time to go into the desert to pray and rejuvenate, so too does our staff need the time to join together to pray, refresh ourselves and bond as a staff family. We are so fortunate to have many varied gifts and talents, and that we truly enjoy each other’s company. As some of you may know, we try to come together each month before our monthly staff meeting to have a potluck lunch as another way to bond, which is so good for communication. We thank you all for your support, and hope you see the genuine concern and commitment each one of our staff has for our parish and parishioners. May God continue to bless us all here at St. Colette! “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia Pastor’s Corner Even though it’s after Labor Day, the calendar reminds us that we’re still in the season of summer. One of the great summertime activities that many of us enjoy is a good picnic spending time outdoors with family members and friends. This Sunday, September 11, our St. Colette Parish Family will be gathering for its annual Parish Picnic. Like all picnics it promises to have a lot of fun activities, good food and drinks, and the opportunity to spend time with our fellow parishioners. Please bring your family members and join us on Sunday between 1:30 and 5:30pm for this year’s Parish Picnic. Now that summer vacations have ended and our students are back in school it’s time for our parish (and all parishes for that matter) to get into the full swing of activities and ministries. Though some have continued during the summer now is the time to resume Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Council and Commission meetings, Religious Education Programs, Junior and Senior High School Youth Ministry activities, blood drives, pancake breakfasts, after Mass coffee/bagels/ donuts, and many more events and activities. All of these are vital signs that we are an active and viable parish taking to heart our mission of building God’s Kingdom in our little corner of the world. Since our students have started a new academic year, this weekend at all the Masses we ask God’s blessing upon them and their teachers, school administrators and personnel. In the blessing we pray that our students will enjoy their learning, take delight in new discoveries and persevere in their studies giving them the desire to learn all things well. For teachers, administrators and personnel we pray they strive to share knowledge with gentle patience and to bring truth and guidance to the minds of the students. Let’s remember all of them in our private prayers as well that the new school year will be one that is both productive and safe. Also this weekend our country and many people around the world will commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington DC, and the jet plane that crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Since then we have experienced many terrorist attacks abroad and here in our own country. Fourteen years ago, on the first anniversary of 9/11, the Catholic bishops of our country released a statement regarding the commemoration of the terrorist attacks. I’d like to share with you some of their reflections that I think are just as pertinent today as they were in 2002. “The murder of so many innocent people requires us to act as a nation and to offer continuing consolation and support as a people. Our faith tells us that Page 3 every life is precious…” “We are still inspired by selfless acts of courage. We must sustain our generosity in reaching out to those touched by [terrorism]. We must continue to teach the attitudes of respect and fairness that call us to reject hate, revenge, and violence, particularly against those who are Arab-Americans and Muslims.” “We ask a Merciful God to receive those who have died, to heal a wounded people and to nourish our faith and our hope in the promise of the Risen Christ. We ask the God of Justice to give us the grace, wisdom and courage to help us comfort those who mourn, to show mercy to those who hunger and thirst for what is right and to become peacemakers (Matthew 5).” I encourage you to please keep this weekend’s observance holy with words of prayer and by performing acts of penance in the hope of helping God to heal the world of the horrid violence of terrorism. May our acts of kindness and charity be a means of promoting peace and working for justice. Please take the time to read the accompanying article and prayer found elsewhere in today’s church paper. Looking forward to seeing you at our Parish Picnic on Sunday! God bless you, Fr. Gary ST. COLETTE WOMEN'S GUILD Just a friendly reminder to bake for our PARISH PICNIC Sunday. The membership will be baking cookies and brownies to serve at our "Sweets Table" during the afternoon. Please ask your family and friends to to share their baking talents. SPECIFY ANY NUTS in the recipe. Please call June if you are baking and/or would like to work at the table. Cookies should be delivered to the Activity Center no later than 1 pm. MUSIC NOTES Rehearsals for the St. Colette Vocal/Guitar group begin on Wednesday, September 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the Music Room of the church building. This choir sings at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Masses from September-May. We always welcome new singers/ instrumentalists. Please consider participating in this unique ministry. For more information, please contact Music Minister, Susan Garr at 734-464-4374. Page 4 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia 15th ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Prayer for September 11 Holy One, You are always faithful and quick to show mercy. Our brothers and sisters in New York City, Pennsylvania and Washington DC were suddenly and violently taken from us this day in 2001. Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria continue to kill our American soldiers and innocent men, women and children. Come swiftly to their aid, have mercy on them, and comfort their families and friends by the power and protection of the cross. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Reflection for September 11 Patriot Day is observed every September to mark the anniversary of the terrorist attacks against the United States. This year the date falls on a Sunday and this year’s observance commemorating the 15th anniversary of the attacks will be a cause of much reflection and remembrance. The Scripture Readings proclaimed at Masses in all Catholic churches throughout the world this weekend can easily be summed up in a single word: mercy. It should be noted these Readings were not chosen specifically for this weekend’s observance. Rather they are the Readings selected over forty years ago for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time and by coincidence are the Readings proclaimed on the same weekend as our 9/11 remembrance. The Gospel reading from Luke (15: 1 – 32) is the strongest proclamation of God’s mercy since it includes the three parables of mercy that Jesus addresses to those complaining about Jesus welcoming sinners and even eating with them. God’s compassion for the lost, as portrayed in the stories of the sheep, the coin and the prodigal son, extends far beyond what human beings would consider reasonable or appropriate. The other Biblical texts for this weekend proclaim a similar message of divine love. In the First Reading (Exodus 32: 7-11, 13-14) Moses successfully intercedes with God to spare people who have shown disdain for God’s ways. St. Paul is portrayed in the Second Reading (1 Timothy 1: 12-17) as marveling at God’s mercy not only in overlooking his former ways, but also in allowing him to become a vessel for God’s salvation. The Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 51) is a great hymn of mercy. These Scripture Readings and the prayers offered today at Mass resonate with the Year of Mercy with rather obvious themes of mercy and forgiveness. Pope Francis teaches, “In these parables, God is always presented as full of joy, especially when he pardons. In them we find the core of the Gospel and of our faith, because mercy is presented as a force that overcomes everything, filling the heart with love and brining consolation through pardon.” While the human instinct is to focus primarily on the tragedy of the lives lost in the attacks, Pope Francis and the Scripture Readings remind us of the need to pray for and also forgive those who committed the terrible acts of terror, just as Christ forgave those who killed him. Our inclination may be simply that some things are too terrible to forgive. We all must go through a period of anger, bitterness and mourning. Yet the Christian response is to move beyond these feelings toward forgiveness which is about being like God who is merciful and to be able to live with the peace of love instead of hate. We’re not being asked to be passive in the face of evil. We are being called to forgive even while asking how we can move forward in truth and love. What has been your response to September 11, 2001 and other terrorist attacks since then? How can you act positively and lovingly as we move forward? How about your prayer response? “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia Page 5 LAST CHANCE to Become Involved in the Alpha Course! Registration For Our Traditional Academic Year Catechism If you have a child in 1st through 8th grade, providing for their ongoing religious formation is important. Our Traditional Academic Year Program will be held Tuesday nights from 5:45 to 7:45pm from October to February. In those two hours students receive two lessons, a snack and rotate each week through either a Bible story or craft project. Junior high students are involved in two lessons and a youth group like activity with snack. Please go to our website to download registration materials and for more information or call 734464-4435. For Further information or to contact the office please call 734-464-4435 or by email at [email protected]. Alpha is a seven week program that invites participants to encounter Jesus in a new and personal way. The format of Alpha is an open, non-judgmental discussion of key faith topics. Each session begins with a good FREE meal with relaxed conversation. From there the entire group views a video presentation followed by table discussion. Volunteers will be at each table to make sure that everyone can express what is on their mind and everyone stays on topic. Our next Alpha course will begin THIS MONDAY on September 12, 2016 and will continue each Monday night until November 14th (excluding Oct 31st). If you would like to attend or know someone who has expressed interest it is not too late. You/They can sign up this weekend by going to our website: Go to Religious Education and then click on Alpha in the drop down box. If you click on Fall 2016 Alpha Registration you will find yourself at the registration form. Not comfortable with the computer? Call the Religious Education office at 734-4644435 ON MONDAY and we will sign you up. Next Step After Attending Alpha Volunteers Are Needed Providing religious formation for the children of our parish is an extremely important task. To do this well, we need a number of faith filled adults to help work with children. There are two opportunities to consider: every other Tuesday evening from 6:00pm to 7:00pm helping with crafts for our catechism program and our Sunday Children’s Liturgy of the Word. If you might be interested or just would like to ask a few questions please contact the Religious Education office at 734-464-4435 or [email protected]. RCIA/Conversion Classes Begin THIS MONDAY, September 12th Are you or do you know of someone interested in becoming Catholic? Our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a process to help adults understand the Catholic faith and build a relationship with Our Lord. This class will begin meeting September 12th and lead to reception in the Catholic Church next spring for those interested. Classes will meet on Monday night and are open to all interested. If you are interested or would like to find out more please call Theresa at 734-464-4435 or email at [email protected]. Have you already participated in an Alpha Course and now are looking for something more? Starting THIS MONDAY, September 13th St. Colette will be offering the next step – Alpha 201. Fr. John Ricardo recorded a wonderful series we will use as the basis of our conversation. We will meet at 7:00pm in the Library. After a brief opening prayer we will view Fr. John’s video. Table discussion will follow viewing the video presentation. There is no fee or sign-up. For more information contact Theresa in the Religious Education office at 734-464-4435 or [email protected]. St. Edith/St Colette Mom2Mom sale October 8, 2016 8:30-12pm 74 tables of great deals on gently used maternity, baby and children's items St. Edith Church 15089 Newburgh Livonia,MI 8:30-9am $3 9-12pm $2 [email protected] Page 6 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia Did You Receive Sacraments at the Easter Vigil, 2005? If you or a loved one were a part of the RCIA during 2004-2005 and received sacraments (Baptism, Profession of Faith, Confirmation or 1st Communion) at the Easter Vigil it is extremely important that you contact Theresa Lisiecki in the parish offices at 734-4644435 or by email at [email protected]. These sacraments were not recorded and we need to retrieve the who and what for our parish records. Not to Late to Join a Bible Study Whether you have been a member or finally have the time to investigate God’s Holy Word, St. Colette has three different opportunities hoping one fits into your schedule. Tuesday Nights (Beginning September 13th) meeting at 7:15pm in Room C in the Activity Center. This Bible Study, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus but open to ALL interested, will be exploring St. Paul’s letters written while he was in captivity. Wednesday Mornings (Began September 7th) meets at 10:00am in the Library of the Activities Center. This year’s study will continue to build on the work of St. Luke as the group explores the first years of the Christian community after the resurrection of Jesus as it studies the Acts of the Apostles. Wednesday Nights (Began September 7th) meets at 7:00pm in Room C in the Activity Center. Continuing from last spring, this group will be exploring the concept of God’s mercy as found in the Scriptures. The book they will be using is Divine Mercy: A Guide from Genesis to Benedict XVI by Fr. Robert Stackpole, STD. There is no registration for any of these studies, simply a willing and open heart. For more information contact Theresa at 734-464-4435 or at [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE! December 7, 2016 will be St. Colette’s Advent by Candlelight. This is an evening for the women of our parish and their female friends and family. We will gather together in anticipation of the birth of our Lord for food, fellowship and an evening of reflection. Mark that date on your calendar TODAY and plan to participate in this wonderful event. Registration will happen in early November through the Religious Education Office. Praying for the Military Please keep these service men and women, and their families, in your prayers and continue to pray for peace: PVT Alexander Bryant SPC Vlady Calice LT Adam Evanski LTJG Brian Evanski Drake Michael Farr LCpL Christian M. Feliks SSGT Matthew Carl Helmkamp LT Drew H. Kohler PVT William Lech Captain John Rehberg Major Tommy Sheep Captain Brandon Spears Sergeant Alan Stackpoole Petty Officer 3rd Class Seth Ryan Stahl We want to be sure we are praying for all who serve our country. Please call the Parish Office at 734-464-4433 to add a name to the list or to remove a name from the list. Heavenly Father, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in your name, Amen Watch Out for the Kids! It’s Fall Soccer Season for our Livonia Soccer Leagues who use the playing fields north of the parish parking lot. When driving thru and exiting the parish parking lot, please use extra caution. Kids don’t always remember to stop and look before they cross an active driveway or parking lot. “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia Page 7 “Is There Anyone Sick Among You?” Celebrating a Marriage Anniversary? This question is from the New Testament Letter of St. James and is used in the introduction to the Church’s celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. The answer to the question is to contact the Church so God’s people can pray for the sick person and offer spiritual support. Here’s what you (or your family members) should do when illness enters your life: • Contact the parish office so the name of the sick person can be included in the Sick List that is printed weekly in the church paper. • If the sick person is homebound and cannot come to Mass on weekends, family members or friends may take Holy Communion to them after Mass. See one of the priests or Deacon Gary for instructions on how this is done. • If family members or friends are not available to take Holy Communion to the sick, contact the parish office, for there are volunteers available who will be happy to visit the sick and offer the Eucharist. • If the sick person’s illness is serious, he/she should celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. The beginning of serious illness is the best time to celebrate the sacrament. It should be celebrated prior to surgery or medical treatments, in cases of chronic illness, and may be repeated during long illnesses or as the elderly struggle with the infirmities of age. (It may be celebrated with children at least seven years old.) The Anointing of the Sick is not the Last Rites of the Church. The celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick may be celebrated anytime there is a need. A priest is the proper minister for the sacrament so to make arrangements for its celebration, please contact the parish office. • When the time comes that medicine, surgery and even prayers for healing have done all that can be done – in other words, we accept that the sick person is dying, then the Church celebrates the “Last Rites” beginning with Viaticum (food for the journey). This is the reception of Holy Communion by the dying person and it is celebrated as often as necessary even on successive days, frequently if not daily. As the person begins to enter the final months or weeks of life (or when admitted to hospice care) is the time to celebrate Viaticum. Family members should not wait until the final days or hours when the dying person may be unconscious or unable to respond. Since Viaticum can be given by a family member, friend, deacon, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, as well as a priest, please contact the parish office to make arrangements. For more information regarding the pastoral care of the sick or dying or to request any of the above, please contact the parish office at 734-464-4433 or at [email protected]. Every year in October our parish celebrates marriage anniversaries for those who have been married in the Catholic Church for ten, twenty-five, forty, fifty, and sixty years. During the celebration the couples receive from the parish a Papal Blessing and they renew their marriage vows. These anniversary years are chosen because they are the years the Vatican offers a Papal Blessing for couples on the occasion of their marriage anniversary. However these are not the only years that a couple can request a celebration honoring their anniversary of marriage; especially if it is a significant anniversary such as twenty, thirty, thirty-five, fifty-five, etc. Even though a Papal Blessing cannot be given, a simple blessing by a deacon or priest can be offered. The anniversary blessing for a couple whose marriage took place in a Catholic Church can be celebrated during or after almost any weekend or weekday Mass and family and friends are invited to participate. To make arrangements for the blessing of a married couple celebrating a significant anniversary of marriage, please contact the parish office at 734-464-4433 or email to [email protected] Parish Suggestion/Question Box Do you have a suggestion regarding something here at St. Colette Parish? Or do you have a question regarding why things are done a certain way? If you do, the parish now has a “Suggestion Box” located on the table at the far right hand corner of the Gathering Space of the church. Simply write your suggestion or question on paper and submit it in the box, mail it to the parish office, or send it via the internet to [email protected]. All inquiries must be signed and include contact information (phone number and/or email address). In fairness inquires not signed and without contact information will not be read. LOOKING FOR CRAFTERS St. Colette Women's Guild is looking for crafters with NEW HANDMADE CRAFT ITEMS to sell at their annual HOLIDAY BAZAAR Saturday, October 15 from 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. in the Activity Center. I interested in renting a table or have any questions contact June at 734 464-0476. Page 8 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia Meetings of the Week Just for You(th) Sunday September 11, 2016 Blood Drive Sign Ups GS Masses 8, 9:30, 11 & 12:30 1:30pm Parish Picnic 3:00pm Youth Leadership Lock In ends YC Monday Sep 12, 2016 9:30am Quilter's Circle RM B 6:00pm Alpha/RCIA AC/LIB 6:00pm Youth Leadership Parent Dinner YC 7:00pm Worship Comm RM C Tuesday Sep 13, 2016 9:00am CYT Meeting LIB 9:00am Mass 9:30am Art Workshop SA 7:00pm Alpha 201 LIB 7:00pm Christian Ser Comm RM B 7:00pm Ed Commission RM D 7:15pm K of C Bible Study RM C Wednesday Sep 14, 2016 9:00am Mass 9:45am Mat Makers RM A & B 10:00am Bible Study LIB 1:30pm Haiti's Angels RM A 6:30pm Polish Hist Soc Meeting HERT RM 7:00pm Bible Study RM C 7:30pm Adult Choir MU/CH Thursday Sep 15, 2016 9:00am All Saints Soup Kitchen 9:30am Christian Crafters RM B 1:00pm Blood Drive AC Friday Sep 16, 2016 9:00am Mass Saturday Sep 17, 2016 Masses 4 & 5:30 Mercy in Action Day Collection 10:00am K of C Corp Comm Set Up SA 11:30am Baptisms CH 2:00pm Confessions On page 2 of this bulletin we started a series of articles about our group’s experiences in Krakow, Poland, for World Youth Day. While our group was overseas, a few of our teens at home in Michigan joined others from our Archdiocese to attend WYD Home, which was held over two days at St. Mary’s Prep in Orchard Lake. Here are some details about their experience: World Youth Day Home took place in solidarity with the pilgrims in Poland and the WYD Home participants in Chicago the weekend of July 30th. Participants joined in a celebration of Polish culture and the Jubilee of Mercy. The pilgrims closest to home at the Detroit WYD Home included some of our very own St. Colette Youth Group. While rained upon heavily, we still forged new friendships and learned some very important lessons. We took an Emmaus walk, talked about the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, took a scavenger hunt through miracles, and stood in a place Pope St. John Paul II stayed. The experience was quite unforgettable, and I think that World Youth Day Home will stay with us that went. We are so much closer to each other and to God. Thank you to the adults that accompanied us - our small but mighty group had a great time there! ~Mary Kate Rae Parish Office Hours Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 12 Noon 1:00 – 5:00pm Friday 9:00am – 12 Noon 1:00 – 3:00pm Upcoming Events: Sept. 12th Youth Leadership Parent Dinner 6-8pm Sept. 18th Youth Mass 9:30am Leadership meeting 11am-3pm Sept. 19th Youth Group Meeting 7-9pm Sept. 26t Youth Group Meeting 7-9pm Please Be Careful With the Automatic Bronze Doors Two of our church’s four bronze doors (the doors under the canopy) have automatic door openers. To operate the automatic doors simply push one of the square metal devices located on the interior or exterior walls near the doors. If you are opening the doors manually please be gentle when pushing the interior panic bar or pulling the exterior door handle. Also, since the doors open and close automatically they are programmed to remain open for several seconds. When this happens please do not try pull on the doors trying to close them. Pushing or pulling on the doors affects the mechanism and timing of the automatic opener and causes them to malfunction. Thank you. Page 9 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia Liturgical Ministers for September 17 and 18 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Presiding Celebrant Fr. Larry Kaiser Fr. Larry Kaiser Fr. Gary Michalik Fr. Gary Michalik Fr. Alex Kratz Fr. Alex Kratz Altar Servers Ann Barker Jack Barker Andrew Henry Mark Henry Jackie Pudelek Donald Whinnery Cori Querimit Matthew Querimit Kate Ptashnik Ian Balint Justin Smith Lectors Theresa Lisiecki Carrie Nay Bob Richter Youth Mass Kathy Mathiesen Mark Henry September Food Drive Mass Intentions Instead of our normal September Food Drive for a specific charity, this Food Drive is designated to help our Mercy in Action Day on Saturday, October 1st. The collection will take place on September 17th/18th as usual with the items being dropped off in the brown collection boxes in the Gathering Space and any monetary donations that are received will be used for the items that are still needed. The following are the items we are looking for: Tuesday, September 13 Wash Cloths Women’s Socks-New Mechanical Pencils Emery Boards Small Note Pads Combs Small Packets of Kleenex Small Hand Sanitizers Stretchy Gloves Gallon Zip Lock Bags Peanut Butter Jelly Cat Food Birthday Candles Jiffy Cake Mix These items will be used in Blessing Bags, P.B. & J. Sandwich Making, Birthday Bags, and Cat Food Bags. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. If you have any questions, please call the Christian Service Office at 734-464-4436. Blood Drive Sign Ups This Weekend Our next blood drive is Thursday, September 15th, 1:00pm – 7:00pm, in the Activities Center. Please stop by the table in the Gathering Space to sign up for an appointment to donate blood. 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a/Ps 100:1-5/Lk 7:11-17 9:00 am †Peter Bao Van Le by Family †Joe & †Gina Maiani by Graziano Canini Wednesday, September 14 Nm 21:4b-9/Ps 78:1-2, 34-38/Phil 2:6-11/Jn 3:13-17 9:00 am †Steven Sowa by Walter & Betty Sowa †Vincent Brown byYvonne Grudzien Friday, September 16 1 Cor 15:12-20/Ps 17:1, 6-8, 15/Lk 8:1-3 9:00 am †Giovanni & †Josette Paciocco by Family †Enrico & †Ida Canini by Graziano Canini Saturday, September 17 Am 8:4-7/Ps 113:1-2, 4-8/1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk 16:1-13 or 16:10-13 4:00 pm †Frank Minolli by Family †Ted Drzazdzynski by Jolanta Kudela †Elizabeth Zachariah Chirayilparambil (5th Anniv) by Family †Jeffrey Jarisson by Mary Said †Thomas P. Brennan by John & Rita Cox 5:30 pm †Lori Shalawylo by Mary & Charles Brincat †Marian Nay by Ron & Carrie Nay †Arthur Mikuta by Family †Mary Azzopardi by Azzopardi Family Sunday, September 18 Am 8:4-7/Ps 113:1-2, 4-8/1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk 16:1-13 or 16:10-13 8:00am Our Family of St. Colette & An Increase in Vocations †Michael & †Theresa Solak by Solak Family †Ron Monette by Reg Laskey 9:30 am †Patricia Rau by Carolyn Diaz 11:00am †Walter Ustes (5th Anniv) by Ustes Family †Guido Ianni by Wife & Family †Danny Powers by Casemir & Hedwig Dyderski †Gerado Sapia by Wife & Family 12:30pm †Vincent Brown by Janet Conway †Catherine Zielinski by Family Page 10 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia ST. COLETTE CHURCH 17600 Newburgh Road, Livonia, MI 48152 Parish Staff Pastor ........................................................ Rev. Gary Michalik Business Manager ……………………… Greg Boyer Weekend Assistants .................................. Rev. Michael Loyson Rev. Alex Kratz, OFM Deacon ...................................................... Rev. Mr. Gary Pardo Parish Office: .......................................... (734) 464-4433 Fax: ……………………………………..(734) 464-1694 Office Hours ............................................ 9-5 M-TH, 9-3 FRI Parish Secretaries ...................................... Sue Donaldson Ann Kopitz Email Address …………………………[email protected] Website Address ……………………… Maintenance ............................................ Alex Colton, Bob Leads Alex Luckhardt Bookkeeper ............................................... Karen Roosen CPA Music Ministry: ....................................... (734) 464-4374 Minister of Music...................................... Susan Garr Christian Service: ………………………(734) 464-4436 Coordinator ……………………………...Nancy Ohman Religious Education: ...............................(734) 464-4435 Email Address Office Hours .............................................M-W 9-12 and 1-5 pm Director ………………………………… Theresa Lisiecki Coordinator of Jr. High Ministry……….. Amy Roose Secretary ...................................................Christine Stoll Secretary ...................................................Denise Gray Youth Ministry Phone: ...........................(734) 464-1677 Office Hours …………. M & Th 1-6pm and W & F 9am-12 noon (office is open additional hours based on programming) Coordinator of Youth Ministry..................Mary Jo Parnell Assistant ....................................................Aleta Cheal Commission: Christian Service .......................................Norb Giczewski Education ..................................................Steve Cordon Finance .....................................................Jim Aston Worship …………………………………. Ed Lesnau Knights of Columbus …………………. Chester Ostrowski Marriages Masses Sacraments Saturday - 4:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. Sunday - 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:00 a.m. Holy Days - 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. Confessions: Saturday - 2:00 p.m. or by appointment Baptisms 3rd Saturday of the month at 11:30 a.m. Family must be active registered parishioners. Pre-Baptism interview is necessary. Call Parish Office for arrangements 3 months before Baptism. Bulletin Deadline Friday 9:00 a.m. Arrangements must be made well in advance (6 months is minimum). Either the bride or the groom must be an active registered member of St. Colette. Couples desiring a traditional Catholic wedding should be living a traditional Catholic lifestyle. Sick & Communion Calls Emergency calls are handled at any time. We are happy to visit the sick. Please notify the Parish Office. All new members are asked to register as soon as possible. To the Parish Family of St. Colette: It is our parish policy that all registered members of St. Colette Parish use their contribution envelopes each week when they attend Mass, as we do need your financial support. If you are going through financial difficulties, please put your empty envelope in the basket so we know you are practicing your faith as a parishioner at St. Colette. If we do not receive envelopes in a calendar year, we will assume you have changed parishes and we will remove you from our active parishioner list. Pray for the Sick of our Parish Since very few people contact the Parish Office to update our list, every 4 - 6 months all the names will be deleted. The names included in the Sick List should be parishioners and their relatives and friends. If you would like to add a name to the Sick List, simply contact the Parish Office during regular office hours. Tom Anderson Pedro Argoti Doris Armbruster Amy Arsenault Kathleen Ashby Phyllis Banaszak Marv Bartkowiak Jackie Bartley Greg Boyer Carol Brown Vincent Brown Larry Burcz Theresa Burcz Robert Colladay Joan Colladay Robin Cameron Kay Casey Mary Cleck Jack Coliton Jackie Coliton John Courtney Lori Courtney Joan Diglio David C. Dominick Elizabeth Dutton Thomas Feliks Darlene Fillion George Fillion Susan Garr Carol Gasior Laura Geletzke Eleanor Girard Noreen Hanchett Ruth Hasenohrl Rose Hassell Katherine Henderson Louise Heyza Janice Hinz Juliana James Larry Jesudowich Theresa Kaminsky Ronald Karbowski Richard Kennedy Gregory Knoche Monika Knudson Joseph Lasiewski Ann MacDonald Gloria Matuszewski Charlene Maurin Lois McKean Edward Mesner Charlie Morningstar Bob Mosteiko Kathy Mosteiko Debbie Musial Jocelyn Newman David Nolta Loretta Nolta Tobey Noel Vivian Nyland Jerry Parcheta Dcn. Gary Pardo Karen Pardo Barbara Pessina Russell Pessina Ralph Rais Linda Reinhart Philip Reilly Ken Rogale Debra Roman John Ruggirello Howard Silverman John Smith Carmelo Spano Bob Speir Bob Stephenson De Streicher Evan Steiner Brandon Tohurst Steve Thuss Anne Marie Tokarsky Scott Turner Mary Uchic Robert Vick Shirley Walz Mary Wlodarski Sharon Zain
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