St. Colette Catholic Church
St. Colette Catholic Church
St. Colette Catholic Church 17600 Newburgh Road Livonia, MI 48152 734-464-4433 August 7, 2016 Mission Statement We, the Family of St. Colette, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit are dedicated to celebrating the Good News of Jesus Christ through Worship, Education, Fellowship and service to others. Welcome Back 2016 St. Colette World Youth Day Participants! Photos taken by Youth Group! Mass Schedule Weekend Masses Saturday 4:00pm & 5:30pm Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am & 12:30pm Weekday Masses Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:00am For the most current information, please see our website: Follow us on Twitter: @stcolettevoice Welcome New Parishioners! To register, change an address, or if you moved, please contact the parish office. Mercy in Action Mercy in Action, a service opportunity, is going to be held on October 1st throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit. Here at St. Colette, several activities will be offered, from which you can choose. The day will begin at 8AM with registration and a light breakfast, followed by the activities which will begin at 9AM. The activities that are scheduled are: Activity 1 – Assembling Blessing Bags, Activity 2 – Scavenger Hunt for Food, Activity 3 – Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches, Activity 4 – Project to Help the Less Fortunate (bead bracelets, bagging cat food, making “plarn”, and decorating lunch bags), and Activity 5 – Visiting the Residents of Villa Marie. We will gather again for lunch, at approximately noon, and an evaluation of your experiences. What a great way to spend a Saturday morning…. service, fellowship, and food! This weekend August 6th/7th you will have another opportunity to register, please visit the table in the Gathering Space to get more information and to register. The last day to register is Thursday, September 1st. You can also get more information and register by calling the Christian Service Office at 734-464-4436. There is a registration form which must be filled out by all who are participating. Sign Up NOW! Page 2 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia The Jubilee Holy Year of Mercy December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016 “Preparing for the Lord’s coming being people of mercy” Today’s Scripture Readings remind us once again whose people we are, and to whom we belong. Our Lord Jesus urges us in the Gospel to make ourselves ready for his return, for we do not know when it will happen. Definitely it will happen at the end of all time. But mostly likely it will happen sooner than that when we experience our own individual deaths and once again meet the Lord in glory. Today we pray as God’s people to have the faith of Abraham in today’s First Reading so that whenever the appointed hour comes we will be prepared and eager to greet the Lord with a lifetime of merciful acts of kindness and charity. Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Monday, August 15 9:00am Mass Because this year’s observance is on a Monday, Catholics are dispensed from the obligation to celebrate Mass. Those desiring to celebrate Mass for the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary are invited to participate at the 9:00am Mass in our church on Monday, August 15. FOSTER GRANDPARENTS NEEDED! Volunteers Needed Parish Family Picnic Sunday, September 11, 2016 It’s (almost) Picnic Time! We are in need of many volunteers to help at the Parish Family Picnic on Sunday, September 11th on the Parish grounds. Help is needed with set-up at 11:30 AM, many booths during the picnic 1:30 PM – 5:30 PM – shifts are one to two hours in length, and finally the clean-up that begins at 5:30 PM. Please consider helping out for a shift or two. The red and white checked sign up board is in the back of church or you can call the Christian Service Office at 734-464-4436. School Supplies Our annual collection of school supplies is about 6 months away, but now is the time to take advantage of those back to school sales on notebooks, pens, crayons, etc. We collect and donate these items to school(s) in Detroit in January and February. This has been a project at St. Colette’s for many years. If you have any questions, please call 734-464-4436. Share Today. Shape Tomorrow. Are you at least 55 years of age with maturity, wisdom, patience and the willingness to help children? Share your life experiences by volunteering as a foster grandparent in Oakland County! Volunteer during the day in local schools and youth facilities. Organized through Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan, foster grandparents provide support to children with special or exceptional needs and serve as role models, tutors, mentors and friends. Serving 20 to 40 hours per week, income-eligible volunteers also receive a small stipend, pre-service orientation, and monthly in-service training sessions. Learn more about becoming a foster grandparent! Call Carol Wall at 248-559-1147, ext. 3919 or email [email protected]. FOOD ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Know someone with limited resources who is choosing between food purchases and other necessities? The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps eligible individuals and families including seniors to save money on groceries to pay bills, for medications, clothes, and other necessities. Thanks in part to generous support from the Walmart Foundation, Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (CCSEM) is helping residents of Oakland, Macomb, and Wayne counties to quickly learn if they are eligible and enroll. Make a confidential call today to learn if you are eligible and how to enroll at 248-338-4250 ext. 3700 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia Page 3 Pastor’s Corner Military Pictures Please mark your calendars for Sunday, September 11 (the Sunday after Labor Day) for the observance of our annual Parish Picnic. In the past our Picnic took place in the middle of July. However the weather in July tends to be too hot and humid, especially this year, for an outdoor event. Plus the month of July is a popular time for families to be on summer vacations. Hopefully in September the temperatures will be cooler and more pleasant and with the Picnic taking place after Labor Day students are back in school so families with children will have a better opportunity to attend. Once again, please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 11 and plan on attending our Parish Picnic! A successful Parish Picnic depends on two things: people attending the picnic and people volunteering to staff the various activities and for set-up and cleanup. If you would like to volunteer your services at the picnic please visit the Parish Picnic volunteer table in the Gathering Space of the church and sign up. If you prefer you may contact Nancy Ohman of our parish’s Christian Service Office at 734-464-4436 or [email protected]. On Saturday, October 1 our parish will be participating in an Archdiocesan wide activity called “Mercy In Action.” Our parish is sponsoring several service projects on that day which begins with a light breakfast followed by the activities beginning at 9:00am and concluding with lunch at 12 Noon. Please read the information printed elsewhere in today’s church paper for information regarding the various service projects being offered. This weekend we have the opportunity to register for our participation in the “Mercy In Action” service projects. Simply visit the “Mercy In Action” table in the Gathering Space of the church and sign-up. Otherwise you may contact Nancy Ohman of our Christian Service Office using the contact information printed above. All participants must be registered and the deadline for registration is Thursday, September 1. On a personal note I’m happy to announce that Archbishop Allen Vigneron has renewed my appointment as pastor of St. Colette Parish! Ordinarily pastors are appointed to a six year term. My first term began on July 1, 2010 and ended on June 30, 2016. With the renewal of my appointment, my assignment as pastor is extended until June 30, 2022. In the early part of 2022 I will petition the Archbishop for a one year extension of my assignment here until June 30, 2023; the year I turn 70 and hope to be granted senior (retired) priest status. If that is the case the Archbishop will assign another priest as pastor beginning July 1, 2023. I look forward to the next six (hopefully seven) years serving as your pastor as we together walk along our journey of faith here at St. Colette Parish. God bless you, Fr. Gary We still have several military pictures that have not been picked up. If you posted a picture of your loved one on our military board and have not picked it up, there is box in the usher’s room with the pictures. If you are not sure where the usher’s room is, please ask an usher. “If These Bricks Could Talk…” It’s time for some fun! Step back in time! Everyone is invited to the West Side Detroit Polish American Historical Society’s Eighth Annual Summer Social “If These Bricks Could Talk…” taking place at Abick’s Bar in southwest Detroit on Saturday, August 20, 12:30 – 5:30pm. Attendees will be invited to step up to a microphone and share their favorite memories of growing up and living in the old Westside Detroit Polish neighborhood. The stories will be videotaped and preserved for the Society’s archives. Not interested in speaking in front of people? That’s OK too. You’re welcome to come and listen to the stories and perhaps meet old friends and start new relationships! Abick’s Bar is located at 3500 Gilbert Street in Detroit (north of John Kronk, west of Livernois, south of Clayton and east of Cicotte). Summer refreshments (sloppy joes, potato chips, and ice cream bars) served for a nominal fee. For more information call 855-7656642 or visit Please Be Careful With the Automatic Bronze Doors Two of our church’s four bronze doors (the doors under the canopy) have automatic door openers. To operate the automatic doors simply push one of the square metal devices located on the interior or exterior walls near the doors. If you are opening the doors manually please be gentle when pushing the interior panic bar or pulling the exterior door handle. Also, since the doors open and close automatically they are programmed to remain open for several seconds. When this happens please do not try pull on the doors trying to close them. Pushing or pulling on the doors affects the mechanism and timing of the automatic opener and causes them to malfunction. Thank you. Page 4 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia Alpha Course to Run Again this Fall Registration for Our Traditional Academic Year Catechism Has Begun If you have a child in 1st through 8th grade, providing for the ongoing religious formation is important. Our Traditional Academic Year Program will be held Tuesday nights from 5:45 to 7:45pm from October to February. In those two hours students receive two lessons, a snack and rotate each week through either a Bible story or craft project. Junior high students are involved in two lessons and a youth group like activity with snack. Please go to our website to download registration materials and for more information or for more information call 734-464-4435. Please be aware that the Religious Education Office will shut down the week August 8th. Theresa will be available by appointment only. The Parish office will continue their regular office hours. The Religious Education Office will reopen August 15th. The Religious Education Office is CLOSED This Week St. Edith CYO Fall Soccer We are accepting registrations for the fall 2016 St. Edith CYO soccer program. If you are a member of St. Edith, St. Aidan, St. Colette, or St. Kenneth parishes and are entering the 4th thru 8th grades in the fall, you are eligible to play in the soccer program. The program is open to both boys and girls. Practices begin in August and the season runs until mid-October. Register online at Click on sports registration link on the left side of the home page. Choose Soccer. We are also offering an intramural soccer program for boys and girls K thru 3rd grades. If interested or you have questions about either program, please contact Rich Field, Soccer Coordinator, at 248-914-8620 or Alpha is an seven week program that invites participants to encounter Jesus in a new and personal way. The format of Alpha is an open, non-judgmental discussion of key faith topics. Each session begins with a good FREE meal with relaxed conversation. From there the entire group views a video presentation followed by table discussion. Volunteers will be at each table to make sure that everyone can express what is on their mind and everyone stays on topic. Our next Alpha course is scheduled to begin this coming fall on September 13, 2016 and will continue each Monday night until November 14th (excluding Oct 31st). This is the same Alpha Course that we offered in the winter and fall of 2015. If you would like to attend or know someone who has expressed interest you/they can sign up by going to our website: Go to Religious Education and then click on Alpha in the drop down box. If you click on Fall 2016 Alpha Registration you will find yourself at the registration form. Not comfortable with the computer? Call the Religious Education office at 734-464-4435 and we will sign you up. If you have already attended an Alpha Course and would like to help out as a Table Leader, Table Helper or in the kitchen please contact Theresa at the number above or by email at [email protected]. Baptism Class for New Parents Expecting a Child? Just gave Birth? Baptism is a celebration of the gift of faith we give our children. If you have a baby or toddler that has not been baptized and this is your first child, before the sacramental celebration of Baptism can be scheduled, a two hour class must be taken by the parents. Our next classes will be held the evenings of September 7th or November 9th. These classes are two hours long beginning at 6:30pm and are REQUIRED of first time parents before you can schedule a baptism. To register please contact the Religious Education office at 734-464-4435 or at [email protected] . Know of Someone Interested in Becoming Catholic? Whether you are interested in becoming Catholic yourself or you know of someone who has expressed interest, our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a process to help adults understand the Catholic faith and build a relationship with Our Lord. This class will begin meeting in September and lead to reception in the Catholic Church next spring for those interested. If you are interested or would like to find out more please call Theresa at 734-464-4435 or email at [email protected]. “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia Page 5 August Food Drive Please remember in your prayers those who were buried from St. Colette Church during the month of July: Charles Garde, Vincent Brown, John Casey and Thomas Gulich Signature Drive for Capuchin Soup Kitchen August 27th/28th Many people in our community are hungry. The Capuchin Soup Kitchen strives to satisfy not only physical hunger, but spiritual, social and intellectual hungers as well. They are asking our parish to participate in their annual Parish Signature Drive in support of their programs and services. The August Food Drive, August 20th/21st, is designated to helping Sister Judie Ann and her ministry in Detroit. Sister distributes lunches to the homeless in the city, as well as working with the families of children who are terminally ill. Items of most need for the “treasures of the street” are: peanut butter, jam, napkins, plastic spoons, plastic sandwich bags, paper lunch bags (8# size), canned tuna, canned chicken, individual fruit cups, individual applesauce cups, and individual boxes of raisins. Items for the families of the children she helps are: laundry soap, pasta, pasta sauce, macaroni and cheese, canned tuna, and canned chicken. Monetary donations are always needed, too, and can be put in the box in the Gathering Space or put in the Offertory Collection in an envelope marked Food Drive. There are envelopes available in the back of church. Thank you for all you continue to do to help the less fortunate! On August 27th/28th, volunteers from our parish will collect signatures and donations to help the Capuchin Soup Kitchen provide the following: • • • • • • • an average of 2,000 meals per day served from two locations emergency food pantry services to 150 families and individuals per day hundreds of articles of clothing distributed per day appliances and furniture to families burned out of their homes, or re-establishing households after spending time in a shelter showers and a change of clothing for individuals who have no bathing facilities available elsewhere tutoring and art therapy services for up to 45 children per day instruction and practical experience in urban agriculture provided on a two-and-a half acre farm. For a tax-deductible donation of $20.00, you can join parishioners from throughout the Archdiocese in having your signature printed in the Capuchin Soup Kitchen 2016 SOCK program book. Please help represent our parish in supporting the Capuchin Soup Kitchen! If you have any questions, please call the Christian Service Office at 734-464-4436. We would like to welcome the following newly registered families to our parish! Leann Haddad Shirley Pastir If you are new to our parish and have not yet registered, we invite you to call the parish office for information on how to do so at: (734) 464-4433. We look forward to having you join our parish family! Page 6 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that St. Colette’s Parish has a First Friday Ministry? Well we do. Perhaps some of you noticed the ad we ran recently asking for volunteers to assist as Eucharistic Ministers for the First Friday Ministry. This request was not to help start up a new outreach ministry. In fact, it started at our Parish almost twenty years ago (with one person) and has been ongoing ever since. Receiving Communion on the First Fridays of the month is one of those very special practices in the Church that’s been around for many years and started in response to our Lord’s request to St. Margarete Mary Alacoque over 350 years ago. This Ministry is similar to the Parish’s Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound with a couple of wrinkles. First, it is offered only once a month (on the First Friday). Secondly, in addition to those who are homebound, this Ministry is also available for those who attend Mass on Sundays but have no means of attending Mass on week days. So, if you are interested in receiving our Lord on the First Friday and are either homebound or unable to make it to Mass on First Fridays, please call Nancy Ohman at 734-464-4436 with your name and phone number and we will add you to our First Friday roster. For those of you who may not be familiar with our Lord’s promise and are wondering why First Fridays, here is what He said to St. Margarete Mary: "I promise you in the excessive mercy of MyHeart that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the First Friday in nine consecutive months the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving their sacraments; My divine heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment." (Twelfth Promise) REMEMBER TO SAY ONE HAIL MARY EVERY DAY FOR OUR FAMILY OF ST. COLETTE Praying for the Military Please keep these service men and women, and their families, in your prayers and continue to pray for peace: PVT Alexander Bryant SPC Vlady Calice LT Adam Evanski LTJG Brian Evanski Drake Michael Farr LCpL Christian M. Feliks SSGT Matthew Carl Helmkamp LT Drew H. Kohler PVT William Lech Captain John Rehberg Major Tommy Sheep Captain Brandon Spears Sergeant Alan Stackpoole Petty Officer 3rd Class Seth Ryan Stahl We want to be sure we are praying for all who serve our country. Please call the Parish Office at 734-464-4433 to add a name to the list or to remove a name from the list. Heavenly Father, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in your name, Amen Parish Suggestion/Question Box Do you have a suggestion regarding something here at St. Colette Parish? Or do you have a question regarding why things are done a certain way? If you do, the parish now has a “Suggestion Box” located on the table at the far right hand corner of the Gathering Space of the church. Simply write your suggestion or question on paper and submit it in the box, mail it to the parish office, or send it via the internet to [email protected]. All inquiries must be signed and include contact information (phone number and/or email address). In fairness inquires not signed and without contact information will not be read. Fo F gar Firg meF m “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia Page 7 Habitat for Humanity Day Drop Off Day Will Be Saturday, August 13, 2016 9:00AM thru 5:00PM Take your useable household items to: Habitat for Humanity Restore (across from the old Botsford Hospital) 28575 Grand River Ave, Farmington Hills, MI 48336 (248-442-2267) Help Habitat help needy families get better housing Our Vision: A world where everyone has a decent place to live. Items accepted at the ReStore (No Junk Please) Funiture, i.e. Couches, chairs, desks, tubs, toilets, windows, ceiling fans, appliances, lamps, refrigerators, tools, counter tops, doors, lamps, & lighting… Questions? 248-422-2267 *All profits from the Habitat for Humanity Metro ReStores help fulfill Habitat’s mission of providing safe, affordable housing to hardworking families. Large Item Pick Up is Available Take all items to ReStore or call 248-365-4090 H4H for large item pick up. Learn more about Habitat for Humanity For More Information Call: 734-591-0360 Page 8 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia Meetings of the Week Sunday Aug 7, 2016 Masses 8, 9:30, 11 & 12:30 Monday Aug 8, 2016 RE Closed 9:30am Quilter's Circle RM B Tuesday Aug 9, 2016 9:00am Mass RE Closed 9:30am Art Workshop SA 6:30pm K of C Meeting RM B Wednesday Aug 10, 2016 9:00am Mass RE Closed 9:45am Mat Makers RM A & B 1:30pm Haiti's Angels RM A Thursday Aug 11, 2016 RE Closed 9:30am Christian Crafters RM B 4:00pm Corn Roast Set Up AC 7:00pm K of C Membership AC Friday Aug 12, 2016 9:00am Mass Saturday Aug 13, 2016 Masses 4 & 5:30 2:00pm Confessions Right to Life - LIFESPAN Killing! Killing! Murder! PART I The recent spat of violence sweeping the country, the many police officers being killed, mobs becoming violent, has many Americans bewildered. How did we get to this point in our society? Why are there so many who are angry? When the Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand for all nine months of pregnancy in 1973 for any reason, our society started dehumanizing and devaluing human life. One of the reasons given for abortion was that the “goal” was to eliminate child abuse. If you are old enough, you may remember the pro-abort’s slogan: “Every child a wanted child.” Killing the babies who were not “wanted” was the solution. Of course, this didn’t work because the “logic” is completely faulty; abortion hurts the woman and kills a baby. To be continued next week… If you love life, call LIFESPAN 734.422.6230 SAVE THE DATE: Sat. October 22nd, 11am – Pro-Life Luncheon: Protect Yourself & Your Loved Ones Sacred Heart Major Seminary/Institute for Ministry Many students are registering for classes at Sacred Heart Major Seminary this month, thanks to Parish Empowerment Fund scholarships funded by gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal. Our major seminary not only prepares men for ordination to the priesthood and the permanent diaconate, it offers degree and certificate programs for lay women and men seeking to be “new evangelists for the new millennium” at the Institute for Ministry. Through discernment and theological reflection, the institute guides and challenges commuter students to deepen their commitment to spiritual growth, attend to their call, and identify their gifts for service in the Church. For more information about Sacred Heart Major Seminary or the Institute for Ministry, please go to For more information about CSAfunded ministries, programs, and services, please go to Celebrating a Marriage Anniversary? Every year in October our parish celebrates marriage anniversaries for those who have been married in the Catholic Church for ten, twenty -five, forty, fifty, and sixty years. During the celebration the couples receive from the parish a Papal Blessing and they renew their marriage vows. These anniversary years are chosen because they are the years the Vatican offers a Papal Blessing for couples on the occasion of their marriage anniversary. However these are not the only years that a couple can request a celebration honoring their anniversary of marriage; especially if it is a significant anniversary such as twenty, thirty, thirty-five, fifty-five, etc. Even though a Papal Blessing cannot be given, a simple blessing by a deacon or priest can be offered. The anniversary blessing for a couple whose marriage took place in a Catholic Church can be celebrated during or after almost any weekend or weekday Mass and family and friends are invited to participate. To make arrangements for the blessing of a married couple celebrating a significant anniversary of marriage, please contact the parish office at 734-464-4433 or email to [email protected]. Page 9 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia Liturgical Ministers for August 13 and 14 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Presiding Celebrant Fr. Gary Michalik Altar Servers Lectors 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Fr. Gary Michalik Fr. Mark Soehner Fr. Mark Soehner Fr. Mike Loyson Fr. Mike Loyson Andrew Henry Mark Henry Volunteers Elijah Jaramillo Moses Jaramillo Ian Balint Isabella Lamacchia Volunteers Mark Kullen Alan Brandemihl, Jr Paul Allen Lori Lee Ray Marx Jackie Pudelek Cathy Diethorn Air Conditioning in the Church Are you comfortable where you are sitting today in church? Or are you a little chilly? If you are cold, the person behind you may be fanning him/herself because it’s too warm in church! The thermostat in our church is set for 71 degrees. However because of the size and design of the church building the temperature will vary a little throughout the building. Also if you are taking prescription medications you may feel more chilled than others. Please be prepared by wearing a sweater or coat, or maybe try another area of the church next weekend, so you will be warmer or cooler, and more comfortable! Summer (Memorial Day WeekendLabor Day Weekend) Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm (Closed from Noon - 1:00pm) Friday: 9:00am - 1:00pm Winter (After Labor Day - Week before Memorial Day) Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm (Closed from Noon - 1:00pm) Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm (Closed from Noon-12:30pm) Anthony Lamacchia Gabriella Lamacchia Mark Henry Mass Intentions Tuesday, August 9 Ez 2:8--3:4/Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131/Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 9:00 am †Deceased Members of the Murphy & Quinn Families By Tom & Pat Quinn †Vince Brown by Pat Doemer Wednesday, August 10 2 Cor 9:6-10/Ps 112:1-2, 5-9/Jn 12:24-26 9:00 am †John NcNamara, Jr. by Joanna & Michael †Vincent Brown by Stella Grima †Robert Heyer by Pauley Family Friday, August 12 Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63/Is 12:2-6/Mt 19:3-12 9:00 am †Peter Bao Van Le by Family Living & Deceased Members of Doemer Family By Family Saturday, August 13 Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Ps 40:2-4, 18/Heb 12:1-4/Lk 12:49-53 4:00 pm †John Gallucci by Family †August & †Irene Rozmiarek by Family †Ted & †Lottie Drzazdzynski by Daughters †Martin Casey by Family 5:30 pm †Lori Shalawylo by Friends †Americo Cerroni (21st Anniv) by Wife †Any George by Catherine Sebastian Family Sunday, August 14 Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Ps 40:2-4, 18/Heb 12:1-4/Lk 12:49-53 8:00am Our Family of St. Colette & An Increase in Vocations †Reginald Burke by Family 9:30 am †Steven Sowa by Walter & Betty Sowa †Andrew Pugliese by wife, Mary †Deceased members of the Witkowski & Pipa Families by Family Living & †Deceased Members of Lange & Ostrowski Families by M. Ostrowski 11:00am †Casimir Pawlowski by Diane Riester & Family †Mary Alice Klask by Peggy Koppy †Guziatek Family by Ustes Family 12:30pm Catherine Radford by Friend †Raymond Conway (4th Anniv) by Family †Anthony Surnari by Family Page 10 “Coletta Scope”- St. Colette Church, Livonia ST. COLETTE CHURCH 17600 Newburgh Road, Livonia, MI 48152 Parish Staff Pastor ........................................................ Rev. Gary Michalik Business Manager ……………………… Greg Boyer Weekend Assistants .................................. Rev. Michael Loyson Rev. Alex Kratz, OFM Deacon ...................................................... Rev. Mr. Gary Pardo Parish Office: .......................................... (734) 464-4433 Fax: ……………………………………..(734) 464-1694 Office Hours ............................................ 9-5 M-TH, 9-1 FRI Parish Secretaries ...................................... Sue Donaldson Ann Kopitz Email Address …………………………[email protected] Website Address ……………………… Maintenance ............................................ Alex Colton, Bob Leads Alex Luckhardt Bookkeeper ............................................... Karen Roosen CPA Music Ministry: ....................................... (734) 464-4374 Minister of Music...................................... Susan Garr Christian Service: ………………………(734) 464-4436 Masses Religious Education: ...............................(734) 464-4435 Email Address Office Hours .............................................M-W 9-12 and 1-5 pm Director ………………………………… Theresa Lisiecki Coordinator of Jr. High Ministry……….. Amy Roose Secretary ...................................................Christine Stoll Secretary ...................................................Denise Gray Youth Ministry Phone: ...........................(734) 464-1677 Office Hours …………. M & Th 1-6pm and W & F 9am-12 noon (office is open additional hours based on programming) Coordinator of Youth Ministry..................Mary Jo Parnell Assistant ....................................................Aleta Cheal Commission: Christian Service .......................................Norb Giczewski Education ..................................................Steve Cordon Finance .....................................................Jim Aston Worship …………………………………. Ed Lesnau Knights of Columbus …………………. Chester Ostrowski Marriages Sacraments Saturday - 4:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. Sunday - 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:00 a.m. Holy Days - 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. Confessions: Saturday - 2:00 p.m. or by appointment Baptisms 3rd Saturday of the month at 11:30 a.m. Family must be active registered parishioners. Pre-Baptism interview is necessary. Call Parish Office for arrangements 3 months before Baptism. Bulletin Deadline Friday 9:00 a.m. Arrangements must be made well in advance (6 months is minimum). Either the bride or the groom must be an active registered member of St. Colette. Couples desiring a traditional Catholic wedding should be living a traditional Catholic lifestyle. Sick & Communion Calls Emergency calls are handled at any time. We are happy to visit the sick. Please notify the Parish Office. All new members are asked to register as soon as possible. To the Parish Family of St. Colette: It is our parish policy that all registered members of St. Colette Parish use their contribution envelopes each week when they attend Mass, as we do need your financial support. If you are going through financial difficulties, please put your empty envelope in the basket so we know you are practicing your faith as a parishioner at St. Colette. If we do not receive envelopes in a calendar year, we will assume you have changed parishes and we will remove you from our active parishioner list. Since very few people contact the Parish Office to update our list, every 4 - 6 months all the names will be deleted. The names included in the Sick List should be parishioners and their relatives and friends. If you would like to add a name to the Sick List, simply contact the Parish Office during regular office hours. Tom Anderson Pedro Argoti Doris Armbruster Kathleen Ashby Phyllis Banaszak Marv Bartkowiak Jackie Bartley Greg Boyer Carol Brown Vincent Brown Larry Burcz Theresa Burcz Robert Colladay Joan Colladay Robin Cameron John Casey Kay Casey Mary Cleck Jack Coliton Jackie Coliton John Courtney Lori Courtney Joan Diglio David C. Dominick Thomas Feliks Darlene Fillion George Fillion Susan Garr Carol Gasior Laura Geletzke Eleanor Girard Noreen Hanchett Ruth Hasenohrl Rose Hassell Katherine Henderson Juliana James Larry Jesudowich Ronald Karbowski Richard Kennedy Gregory Knoche Monika Knudson Joseph Lasiewski Ann MacDonald Charlene Maurin Lois McKean Edward Mesner Charlie Morningstar Bob Mosteiko Kathy Mosteiko Jocelyn Newman David Nolta Loretta Nolta Tobey Noel Vivian Nyland Jerry Parcheta Dcn. Gary Pardo Barbara Pessina Russell Pessina Ralph Rais Philip Reilly Ken Rogale Debra Roman Howard Silverman John Smith Carmelo Spano Bob Stephenson De Streicher Evan Steiner Brandon Tohurst Steve Thuss Anne Marie Tokarsky Scott Turner Mary Uchic Vern Vansickle Robert Vick Sharon Zain
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