2016 July August News.pub


2016 July August News.pub
ST 201
Rev. Cheryl L. Moore, Pastor
Emergency Phone Contact (610) 775-2676
Pastor’s Office Hours:
Monday & Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM with afternoon visitations;
Thursday: 12:00 Noon to 8:00 PM; All others by Appointment.
Friday is Pastor Cheryl’s Sabbath.
Contact our “Called to Care” for Your Special Needs:
Jan Altenburg:
Or TLC: Olga Faust:
Church Office: Phone: (570) 386-4388
Financial Secretary: Shawn Tonkin
Office Assistant: Elaine Koons
Summer Church Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00 AM~2:00 PM
Wednesday 2:00 PM~6:00 PM
Sexton: Lori Hoppes
Director of Music: Kristine K. Betz
E-mail addresses
Pastor Cheryl:
[email protected]
Church Office:
[email protected]
Web Site address: https://www.stpetersunionchurch.com
Web Master email: [email protected]
2016 Confirmation Class
Photo courtesy of Flexer Photography, Tamaqua, PA
Pictured above are the four newest members of St. Peter’s Union Church
who were confirmed on Pentecost Sunday, May 15th. From left to right
are: Tyler Steigerwalt, Riley Zeigenfuss, The Rev. Cheryl L. Moore, Nastassia Orach and Terra Steigerwalt. Welcome to the St. Peter’s family!
A new Confirmation Class will be forming in the Fall. All
youth entering the 7th grade or older are eligible to join
the class. Please contact Pastor Cheryl or call the
church office to enroll. There will be a pre-confirmation
meeting in mid August for both parents and confirmands. Please
check your bulletins for the date and time.
St. Peter’s Church Mission Statement
“St. Peter’s Church is committed to providing a family atmosphere for
people of all ages. We are a people who sincerely care about each other
and the community. We strive to be one people, bonded by Christ's love.
We look to the future for the continued vitality that we share today.
Through worship, preaching, fellowship, and servanthood, may we reach
out to all people as a witness to the living God.”
I received an email recently from the pastor at Ben Salem,
Pastor Mike McGowan, asking me if I would be interested in
joining together with the pastors of our sister churches, Ben Salem,
Zion Stone, and St. John’s Mahoning, for the purpose of
envisioning a response to the problem of addiction in the
communities in which our churches are located. The pastors from
the four churches met and discussed our understanding of the
prevalence of addiction here in the Mahoning Valley (and
everywhere else, I might add).
We all acknowledged that addiction has affected individual lives and families
within the faith communities we each serve. We all acknowledged that the problem is
widespread, affecting more lives than we could perhaps even imagine. We all
expressed concern that those whose lives are most directly impacted – the ones
struggling with addiction as well as the ones attempting to live in relationship with one
who is addicted – often suffer in silence and isolation. And we acknowledged that such
suffering and isolation is not in keeping with God’s will for us as individuals, families
or communities.
For several decades our nation has been engaged in a “war on drugs.” We’ve
used massive amounts of energy and resources in an effort to eradicate this problem.
But despite our best efforts, we are losing the war. Our prisons are filled to
overflowing with convicted offenders, our criminal court systems are so congested that
they appear to be log-jammed, and if you ask any teenager worth their salt they can tell
you where someone would go who wants to “score” drugs.
About six months ago I encountered a former parishioner of mine in the grocery
store. I had not seen her for many years and so we spent a good amount of time
“catching up.” She had served the church as its treasurer, was an elder, a member of
the church board, and later would serve as sexton. Her husband was equally committed
to and involved in the ministries of the church. They were hard workers and what we
would call “the salt of the earth.” Good people – by any measure. I remember feeling
devastated when she poured out to me the story of finding her 17 year-old grandson
dead in a bedroom in her home, a victim of an apparent drug overdose. This story has
haunted me ever since it was first told to me. I baptized that young man when he was a
mere toddler. I prayed with him during children’s sermons. I taught him during VBS.
He was a vibrant and energetic and loving child. He could light up a room with his
presence. He did not deserve such a tragic ending to his life. Nor did those who loved
him. No, we are losing the war on drugs. We are losing too many of God’s precious,
precious sons and daughters.
With all this in mind, the pastors of the sister churches would like to offer a
possible beginning to a path towards finding a different way. Please be clear that there
is no magical solution to a problem that is multi-faceted and deep rooted. There is no
instant panacea that will make it all better. But perhaps we can bring those suffering in
silence and isolation out of the shadows. Perhaps we can acknowledge together that
we, as a community and as people of God, stand to gain more by standing in solidarity
with those who have been impacted by addiction, rather than waging war against that
which causes addiction. There can be a breath-taking synergism that occurs when
people stand together to provide love and care and support to one another. For this is
the very place that the Holy Spirit encounters and energizes us for transformation. This
is the very place where love prevails. This is the very place where we can learn to live
out loving our neighbors as ourselves.
So what we are envisioning is a series of congregation-based services centered
on the theme of “God’s Hope – Facing Addiction.” Each congregation will host a
service at its location with the proposed schedule as follows:
Thursday, July 14th at 7:30 p.m. – St. Peter’s
Tuesday, July 19th at 7:00 p.m. – Ben Salem
Thursday, July 21st at 700 p.m.—Zion Stone
Tuesday, July 26th at 7:00 p.m. – St. John’s
The service will be the same in each setting and all of the pastors will be
represented at all of the services. The whole service will weave stories, prayer, music
and scripture together and throughout. Participants will covenant together to be honest,
caring, and non-judgmental towards themselves and one another. Those present will be
asked to write on a 3x5 card listing what about addiction has “hurt” them and what they
“hope” for. There will be a time for healing prayer and the laying on of hands.
Participants will be sent forth, daring to hope because we will no longer be silent and
we will no longer be alone!
If you or someone you love or even someone you are concerned for has been
affected by addiction, then your presence is needed at these services. Come and listen,
come and share, come and learn, come and seek healing…but come and be a part of
God’s hope in this community!
In Christ’s love and service…
Pastor Cheryl
From Board Meeting of June 20th- Our current financial situation is slightly positive at St. Peter's Union
Church. The offerings listed in the bulletin are correctly represented. Due to some
"other" income consisting of rent, donations, etc. we are about $800.00 in the
black. Please note, this can change in June. The months of March, June,
September and December have larger bills due which can cause the church to
struggle financially. Please remember the church during summer vacation
season. If you are away enjoying the sand, sun, surf, and spending time with
family/friends, we welcome you to mail your offering in support of St. Peter's
Union Church. Remember, God is with us where ever we go so as you let "Jesus
take the wheel" don't forget your home at St. Peter's.
Our safe church needs to be absolutely safe! Any and all VBS volunteers are
required to complete, free of charge, a PA child welfare clearance, PA background
clearance and Child abuse reporter training. These can be found on the table in the
church parlor, the Sunday School office or on the web at https://
www.compass.state.pa.us/CWIS. Anyone needing assistance is welcome to
contact the church office or Louise S Frantz ([email protected]; 570-778-0929).
Have you been listening, reading and watching our local news lately? Have you
seen the news regarding addiction, drug abuse, drug busts, and drug problems? St.
Peter’s Church is partnering with our sister churches. There will be healing
services offered during the month of July.. Come join us at Ben Salem, St. Peter's,
Zions Stone and St. John's Mahoning for weekday services offering support,
prayers and community networking to elevate our awareness of addiction in the
hopes of seeking a solution to this widespread problem.
The Church Board is in need of one amazing Lutheran member. We can use the
support! One of our current board members had to resign their position and we are
seeking a replacement. If you are "bored" with your current situation and would
like to feel accomplished. If you are a Lutheran member or would like to become
one, please contact Pastor Cheryl, Kim Kistler or any board member. Thank you
for considering serving the Lord at Saint Peter's Union Church.
The board would like to thank Mike and Susan Hunsicker for helping to keep the
keys to our church safe. Please note, all keys will be locked behind office
doors. If you need anything, please stop by the church office or see one of the
board members for assistance. Thank you Mike & Susan for keeping our church
keys safe!
Calling all explorers, don't forget to follow Jesus the light of the world for our
2016 Summer VBS program. CAVE QUEST will be held July 18-22, 2016 from 6
-8:30pm with the closing ceremony held on July 24, 2016 @ West Penn Park -10
am sharp! Marsha Thomas will be assisting all VBS explorers as they discover
CAVES with some new friends: Sal, Mawtha, Radar, Olivia and Ray. Come out
and join in the fun.
Beginning July 25, 2016 St. Peter's parking areas will be resurfaced. Please use
caution when stopping by the church during the week of July 25-28, we wouldn't
want your cars, trucks, motorcycles or shoes to get sticky, black tar stains. Tar
remover is optional this week.
Meetings are held the third Monday of every month unless otherwise noted.
All meetings are open for all to attend.
(Complete copies of the minutes may be obtained from the church office.)
Financial Report Summary for 2016
(Amounts are current as of June 19)
Current Offerings:
$ 71,364.00
YTD Fuel Offering:
$ 225.00
YTD Elevator Maintenance Offering: $ 25.00
Current Expenses:
$ 76,571.41
$ (5,207.41)
ELCA: $ 4,081.50
UCC: $ 3,534.50
2016 benevolence goal is $7,500.00 per denomination
Joyous Noise
Our “angel ushers” received $ 175.50 for the Joyous Noise Offering in June.
The offering was received for Trinity’s Food Pantry in Lehighton. It’s one of
nine food distribution centers affiliated with Shepherd House. Distribution of
food supplies are made available to individuals and families in Carbon and
Monroe counties.
In July, the offering will be used for sponsorship of two children through World
Vision. Every year we try to contribute extra money to families to help them buy
an item that they would otherwise not be able to afford but will help improve their
lives.. In years past, one family bought a milk cow, another family bought
chickens, and still another bought a sewing machine to support the family with
extra income. Let’s show our sponsor children our support.
The Joyous Noise Offering in August will be for Dylan and Gavin’s Rainbow. It
is intended to reach out to families who are experiencing a serious illness of a
child or loss of a child. As members of the Body of Christ, we wish to allow
families to have the knowledge that they are not alone in their struggle. While the
whole family feels as if their world is falling apart, Dylan and Gavin’s Rainbow
can provide some support to make that time more bearable.
September’s offering will help Valera, Maude, Zarina, Alexander and Nicolas
Motovilla continue their mission work in South Africa. They are currently
working with African children teaching at the Hope Christian Academy. They
are teaching children about God and all the great things he does.
Checks should be made payable to St. Peter’s Sunday School and may be mailed
to the church office. If you know of an organization or individual that could
benefit from St. Peter’s Joyous Noise Offering, please contact Ann Fogel.
The cookbooks are here!!
We have cookbooks available for purchase
at a cost of $10.00 each, contact Lori Hoppes
570-386-2440 or Karen Diehl 570-386-5472.
Hurry before they’re all gone!!
We are missing the KitchenKrew cookbook from the new
kitchen. It contains all our recipes for our fundraisers. If
someone borrowed it….we ask that you please return it as
soon as possible. Thank you!
Please note that the church office Summer hours
will begin the week of June 12th until further
notice. The office will be open on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00 AM ~ 2:00 PM,
and on Wednesdays from 2:00 ~ 6:00 PM.
Many thanks to our Newsletter assembly crew: Becky Zehner,
Olga Faust, Doris Schroding and Dave Hontz. Their dedication to
helping each month is much appreciated ~ we couldn’t do it without them!
If you’d like to help with this project, please let the office know
~ we’d love to have you join us!
The deadline for the September issue of
the “Cornerstone” is Tuesday, August 9th.
Upcoming Sunday School Events:
Sunday School, 10:15 a.m., Every Sunday
(unless otherwise noted)
7/18-22: Vacation Bible School; 6:00-8:30pm.
7/24: VBS Closing Program; 10:00am at West
Penn Park.
9/6: Sunday School Teacher’s & Officers Meeting at 7:00pm.
9/11: Installation of Sunday School Teachers & Officers.
10/2: All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast; Adults-$6:00, Children-$3.00.
Catch the excitement and join a Sunday School Class today. We have
classes for all ages. Teachers and helpers are also always welcome. Anyone
willing to be part of this great education experience should see Curt Hartung.
Just remember, you can’t ask “What would Jesus do?” until you know
“What Jesus did and said!”
Come join us for VBS
July 18th ~ July 22nd
6:00 PM ~ 8:30 PM
Registration forms can be turned in at the
Church office, Sunday school office, or to
Marsha Thomas.
Forms are be available on the table in the church parlor.
Closing program
Sunday, July 24th at West Penn Park at 10:00 AM
This year we will join our friends, Sal, Mawtha, Radar, Olivia and Ray as
they show us about their home, Caves. They will, also, show us how to
follow the light of the world, Jesus.
St. Peter’s Union Church
Vacation Bible School
Monday, July 18th through Friday, July 22, 2016
6:00 ~ 8:30 PM
Closing program
Sunday, July 24th at West Penn Park at 10:00 AM
Registration (One per Child)
Child’s name: ________________________________________________________
Child’s age: ___________ Date of birth: ____________________
Last grade completed: _____
Name of parent(s): ____________________________________________________
Street address: _______________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________________________________
Home telephone: (____)_______________________
Parent/caregiver’s cell phone: ___________________________________________
Home e-mail address: _________________________________________________
In case of emergency, contact: __________________________________________
Relationship to child: _________________________________________________
Allergies or other medical conditions: ____________________________________
Home church: _______________________________________________________
We’ll have two platter options:
1/2 chicken made over charcoal and
smoked pulled pork
Both platters will be served with various sides.
Each platter is $10.
Tickets will be sold following church services during the month of July or
email Jen at [email protected].
Please bring a dessert to share. We will also hold a cakewalk and a prize
giveaway for the kids.
More Graduation News!
The following individuals are also worthy of our congratulations and praise on a job well done. Since our newsletter last was published the achievements of these graduates
have also come to light. We also give God thanks for their
Peter Conforti graduated from Misericordia University and will be attending
the State Police Academy. He is the son of Mike and Robin Conforti.
Michael Conforti, also the son of Mike and Robin Conforti, recently
graduated from Lehigh Carbon Community College with an associate degree
in nursing. He will be working at Gnaden Huetten Memorial Hospital.
Chloe Hartung graduated from Lock Haven University with a B.S. in
Geology: Secondary Education Earth and Space Science, Biology and General
Science. She was a Dean’s List student and is the daughter of Curt and Suzie
Hartung. She enjoys reading, hiking, swimming and yoga. She is seeking a
teaching position.
Rachael Wehr graduated from Penn State University Schuylkill Campus with
a degree in radiology. She is the daughter of Terry and Cathy Wehr and the
fiancé of Tyler Foster. She is seeking employment in her field.
Maggie Hutta Wehr recently completed a Licensed Practical Nursing
program through Lincoln Technical Institute. She is the wife of Ron Wehr
and the mother of Andrew and Mary Petritsch.
Owen Bates, son of Cary and Michelle Bates, graduated from Tamaqua Area
High School and will be attending Lehigh Carbon Community College where
he will begin studies towards a degree in engineering. Owen played baseball
and basketball and was a member of the Physics Club and World Language
Tyler Coombe graduated from Tamaqua Area High School and will be
certified in plumbing and heating which he studied at Vo-tech. He is the son
of Carvin and Sheila Coombe. He will be seeking a job in his field.
Madison Davis, daughter of Charles and Carla Davis, graduated from
Tamaqua Area High School where she was a member of the Tennis Team and
Softball Team.
Kaitlyn Frantz graduated from Tamaqua Area High School and is the
daughter of Richard and Louise Frantz. She was a member of the Raider
Marching Band and served as both a section leader and librarian to the band.
She was a member of the Tamaqua Area Student Government Association,
Biology Club, World Language Club, National Honor Society, Music Honor
Society, Science Honor Society, English Honor Society and Spanish Honor
Society. She was a recipient of the Fegley Scholarship, the Walter Ligenza
Memorial Award, the Rachel Hoffmeier 4-H Award, and the Little Schuylkill
Lions Award. She is a member of the Ontelaunee Rifle Club and a Junior
Coach, and is NRA certified and USA Shooting certified. She is a past member of 4-H. She plans to attend Penn State University to major in Food Science.
Congratulations and many prayers for success for each of you in the months
and years ahead!
Fundraising Update
Current balance in the Fund Raising
Account is $ 77,000.00
12th Annual Old Fashioned Picnic: Special thanks to everyone
who coordinated; cooked, baked, and served; setup and cleaned
up; organized games; participated/donated to the basket raffle; and
assisted with any behind the scene duties. Numerous individuals
and groups rallied together to make this event a success. We are
grateful to everyone.
Vacation Bible School Closing Program: An upcoming fund
raiser to benefit St. Peter’s is a lunch at West Penn Park. Join us
on Sunday, July 24th for the 10:00 am outdoor worship service
which includes the VBS closing program at the West Penn Park.
Support the kids at St. Peter's as they share their bible school
experiences. Immediately following we’ll eat. The caterer and menu
will be different this year. Cary Bates will BBQ for us. We’ll have
two platter options: 1/2 chicken made over charcoal and smoked
pulled pork both made on Cary’s smoker and served with various
sides. Tickets will be sold following church services during the
month of July or email Jen at [email protected]. Each platter is
$10. Please bring a dessert to share. We will also hold a
cakewalk and a prize give-away for the kids.
Looking forward to spending time together.
Invite your friends and neighbors!
Our Display Case IS EMPTY!
Please share your collection or hobby with us and sign up
today in the church parlor! Everyone enjoys seeing the
collections and hobbies displayed in the case, but we don’t
like seeing it empty ~ so, come on, SHARE!!
All games start at 6:45 pm. at West Penn Grove and
are double headers.
July 14: Zion Stone (Yellow) vs. St. Peter’s
July 19: Zion Stone (Blue) vs. St. Peter’s
July 27: Ben Salem vs. St. Peter’s
August 8: Blue Mountain Community Church (Red) vs. St. Peter’s
August 10: Zion Stone (Yellow) vs. St. Peter’s
August 15: MUSS/Zion UCC vs. St. Peter’s
August 22: Blue Mountain Community Church (Orange)
vs. St. Peter’s
Come see what the Cub Scouts are all about.
Our first Cub Scout meeting of the year will be held on
Sunday, September 11th, 2016 at
St. Peter’s Church at 5:00 pm.
Anyone interested in joining or learning more about
scouting, please join us. Cub Scouts is open to all boys in
Kindergarten through 5th grade.
We are still selling tickets for a quilt after church in
the parlor from now until the Pork & Sauerkraut
Supper. The king-size quilt was raffled off at the
Old Fashioned Picnic on June 25th. The queen –size will be raffled
off at the Pork & Sauerkraut Supper on November 12th. The king
size quilt was made in Lancaster. The other quilt was made locally.
Both quilts were donated anonymously. Tickets are $3.00 each or 2
for $5.00.
St. Peter’s Preschool is now accepting registrations
for the 2016-2017 school year. We offer a 3 year old
and 4 year old program, both morning and afternoon
sessions. Our program is non-denominational based.
Children must turn 3 or 4 by September 1st, 2016 and be potty
trained to be enrolled. Tuition rates the 2016-2017 school year are
$90.00 a month for the 3 year old program, and $100.00 a month for
our 4 year old program. Also, we have 3 fundraisers that students are
involved in to keep tuition rates low, supply classroom necessities, and
keep field trips affordable. If you or someone you know is interested
in St. Peter’s Preschool please call the office at 570-386-4388 and
the office will put us in touch.
WASP will not meet again until September. They usually
meet in the fellowship hall the third Tuesday of every
month, unless a special event is planned. All women are
invited to join them.
St. Peter’s Retirees will meet on Wednesday, July
13th and August 10th, at 10:00 a.m. Come early and join in the card games,
dominoes or other games; or just sit and enjoy each others’ fellowship and
conversation. A noontime luncheon will be provided.
The Retirees are open to anyone, age is not a factor. They meet the
second Wednesday of every month and always welcome new members.
Potatoes, Eggs, and Coffee Beans
Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father
that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how
she was going to make it. She was tired of fighting and
struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was
solved, another one soon followed.
Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with
water and placed each on a high fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he
placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot, and ground coffee beans
in the third pot. He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his
daughter. The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he
was doing. After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the
potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out
and placed them in a bowl. He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a
cup. Turning to her he asked. “Daughter, what do you see?”
“Potatoes, eggs, and coffee,” she hastily replied. “Look closer,” he
said, “and touch the potatoes.” She did and noted that they were soft. He
then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she
observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Its rich
aroma brought a smile to her face.
“Father, what does this mean?” she asked. He then explained that the
potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity– the
boiling water. However, each one reacted differently. The potato went in
strong, hard, and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak.
The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid
interior until it was put in the boiling water. Then the inside of the egg
became hard.
However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were
exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something
“Which are you,” he asked his daughter. “When adversity knocks on
your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee
Moral: In life, things happen around us, things happen to us, but the
only thing that truly matters is what happens within us.
Which one are you?
This FREE bi-weekly program is being held at
Zion’s Stone Church in New Ringgold in the church
social hall. The remaining sessions will be held on
July 13th, July 27th and August 10th from 7:00 ~ 8:30
The program is being presented by Pastor Ken
Melber, Jr. and Nancy Meiser and is open to the public.
Guest speakers will be from Lehigh Valley Hospital and local professionals
and include a physiologist, a cancer doctor, a chef, an exercise instructor, a
dietician, and a spokesman concerning vitamins.
The program will include:
10 Minutes of scripture
20 minutes with the guest speaker
10 minutes for questions and answers
30 minutes of fellowship with refreshments
Please preregister with Nancy Meiser at 570-205-9267 or email Nancy at
NancyJMeiser @ yahoo.com. Walk-ins are welcome ~ but, please pre-register if
possible so we can have a count to accommodate everyone.
Come and join us to see how we can all get healthy with God and our faith
with a little help from professionals. If you have questions, ask Nancy or Pastor
Ken at [email protected].
Our sympathies go to the family and friends of
Charles “Bud” Franklin Schroding
who passed into eternal life on May 18, 2016
Linda L. Kunkel
who passed into eternal life on May 19, 2016
William F. Fritz
who passed into eternal life on June 6, 2016
Chester Charles Jacob Frey
who passed into eternal life on June 8, 2016
Please remember these families in your prayers.
Heavenly Father…...are You really there?
And do You hear and answer every prayer?
Some say that Heaven is far away….
But I feel it close around me as I pray.
Heavenly Father, I remember now
Something that Jesus told disciples long ago….
“Suffer the children to come unto me.”
Father, in prayer I’m coming now to Thee.
~words by Janice Kapp Perry
Dear Friends,
My heartfelt thanks for all the expressions of sympathy shown
to me in the loss of my dear friend Bill.
Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.
In Christian Love,
Marian Frantz
To Our St. Peter’s Church Family,
Thank you for all the love, cards, kindness and prayers during Paul’s
3-month hospitalization. We both feel prayer brought him through his five
surgeries and critical times. He is now in rehab and making some headway
toward recovery and coming home.
Thank you to Pastor Cheryl for her dedication, Holy Communion and
many visits during this time. She brought us both much comfort.
There is much we are grateful for ~ the blessings of God in our lives, the
people that God has blessed us with, and the hope we have in Christ.
Our prayer is that God will bless you as much as God has blessed us.
Paul and Sharon David
1 Thessalonians 5:18
To All Our Friends at St. Peter’s,
We would like to thank all of you for the visits, cards and phone calls.
Also, thanks to Pastor Cheryl, and all her many helpers for communion,
flowers and visits.
We are very thankful,
Ruth Houser and
Dick and Shirley Haberman
St. Peter’s Church Family,
Whether it was a phone call, a visit, keeping me in your
thoughts, or including me in your prayers, I thank you! Thank you
just doesn’t seem enough to sum up how grateful I am to be a part
of such a loving church family.
I would like to ask for your continued prayers as they monitor
me closely over the next month.
We are so thankful for each and everyone of you.
God Bless You!
Susan Hunsicker
Say a Prayer for:
Gloria Arner
Clara Berner
Matt, Susie & Abby
Deloris Bubick
Jim Clifford, Sr.
Paul David
Mary Debellas
The family of
Dave Dunbar
Deborah Everett
Rena Exner
The family of
Chester Frey
Edna Mertz-Frey
The family of Bill Fritz
Wendy Guzinski
Hazel Hass
Susie Hunsicker
Rick Knadler
The family of
Linda Kunkel
Gail Balliet Laughman
Laverne Miller
Darryl Moyer
Dan Myers
John Pangia
Elaine Rex
Eldora Rex
Sawyer Russell
Diana Schaeffer
The family of
Karl Scheckler
The family of Charles
“Bud” Schroding
Susan Strohl
The family of
Thomas Wehr
June Williams
The family of
Paul Yuricheck
Our Shut-ins:
Buddy Arner
Violet Arner
Charlotte Bierman
Kathryn Delano
Bobby Fritz
Lynn Gerber
Berlyn Hoppes
Ruth Houser
Edna Mertz
Jennie Middlecamp
Phyllis Wehr
June Williams
Our Military
Deployed to
Michael Zeigenfuss
Deployed to Germany:
Sean Steigerwalt
Deployed to Japan:
John McGuire
Deployed to the
Dominic Lorenzo
Deployed to Guam:
Dakota Vadimsky
Our Missionaries:
Michael, Kay, Mikayla,
Leilani, & Michael
Maude, Valera, Zarina,
Alexander, & Nicolas
July Serving
Head Usher - Aaron Steigerwalt
Ushers - Megan Frantz, Susan Hunsicker, Ingrid Debellas
Alternate - Lori Hoppes
July 3 (green)
July 10 (green)
July 17(green)
July 24(green)
July 31(green)
Greeters: Beverly, Luther and Alan Exner
Lectors: Christine Miller and Tyler Steigerwalt
Acolytes: Andy Fogel and Jesse Fogel
Bell Ringer: TJ Hartman
Sound System: Mark Eberts
Greeters: Margie and Daryl Schock
Lectors: Denise Moyer and Riley Zeigenfuss
Acolytes: Riley Zeigenfuss and Larissa Markley
Angel Ushers: TBD
Bell Ringer: Lorah Thomas
Sound System: Aaron Frantz
Greeters: Dana and Bonnie Myers
Lectors: Bonnie Myers and Tyler Steigerwalt
Acolytes: TBD
Bell Ringer: Colby Moyer
Sound System: Eric Schock
Greeters: VBS
Lectors: Marsha Thomas and Nastassia Orach
Greeters: Edith Coombe and Dorothy Pollock
Lectors: Chelsea Eckhart and Terra Steigerwalt
Acolytes: Riley MacMillan and Ashlyn Houser
Bell Ringer: Alex Thomas
Sound System: Mark Eberts
August Serving
Head Usher - Louise Frantz
Ushers - Aaron Steigerwalt, Lori Hoppes, Dave Hontz
Alternate - Susan Hunsicker
August 7 - Greeters: Mark and Lisa Eberts
Lectors: Marian Frantz and Nastassia Orach
Acolytes: Larissa Markley and Nastassia Orach
Bell Ringer: Madison Schaeffer
Sound System: Aaron Frantz
August 14- Greeters: Robert and Dolores Coombe
Lectors: Nicki Mateyak and Riley Zeigenfuss
Acolytes: TBD
Angel Ushers: TBD
Bell Ringer: TBD
Sound System: Eric Schock
August 21- Greeters: Hazel and Roger Arner
Lectors: Lori Hoppes and Terra Steigerwalt
Acolytes: Andy Fogel and Jesse Fogel
Bell Ringer: Mason MacMillan
Sound System: Mark Eberts
August 28 - Greeters: Gladys Krell and Marian Frantz
Lectors: Aaron Steigerwalt and Riley Zeigenfuss
Acolytes: Ashlyn Houser and Riley MacMillan
Bell Ringer: Tyler MacMillan
Sound System: Aaron Frantz