Admissions - Syracuse University
Admissions - Syracuse University
S Y RACUSE UNIV ERSITY Q UICK FACTS SYRACUSE UNIVE RSITY Founded in 1870 Location: Main campus is in Syracuse, N.Y. (a five-hour drive from New York City), with U.S. centers in New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., and eight centers around the world. Undergraduate Enrollment: 14,000+ students (including 1,500+ transfer students) representing 130+ countries. Majors: 200+ majors/100+ minors within nine undergraduate colleges. Liberal Arts: The College of Arts and Sciences is the heart of the Syracuse University liberal arts experience—and home to one-third of the undergraduate student body. #58 National University 2015 U.S. News & World Report #4 Best School for Journalism 2014 NewsPro Magazine #5 Architecture 2014 DesignIntelligence #8 Marketing 2015 USA Today/College Factual #8 Social Work 2015 USA Today/College Factual #9 Entrepreneurship 2015 U.S. News & World Report #9 Environmental and Interior Design 2015 DesignIntelligence Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 16:1 #11 Film 2014 The Hollywood Reporter Average Class Size: 25 #12 Best School for Accounting Professionals 2014 LinkedIn University Rankings Current Alumni: Nearly a quarter of a million alumni representing 162 countries and territories. Research: $67 million was awarded in 2014 for research, teaching, and other sponsored programs. Study Abroad: Program consistently ranked among the top 25 in the U.S. Almost half of Syracuse students study abroad at least once. Career Placement: 94% of 2014 seniors were employed, interning, or attending graduate school directly after graduation. #13 Best School for Designers 2014 LinkedIn University Rankings #47 Best Value School 2015 U.S. News & World Report The University’s Maxwell School is recognized by U.S. News & World Report as the top graduate school of public affairs—and is home to undergraduate social sciences. The University’s iSchool is recognized by U.S. News & World Report as having the top graduate program in information systems—and offers popular undergraduate courses that apply to virtually any career. For a full list, visit Hall of Languages | | 1 W ORLD-CLASS ACADE MICS AND OPPORTUNITIE S Only at Syracuse University > NASA-quality flight simulator > Student-run communications agencies, including TNH, Comm.UNITY, and Hill Communications You’ll learn from scholars of distinction, industry leaders, and community members as you work to address real-world issues > $3.7 million student-managed Wall Street Orange Value Fund > Entertainment industry courses at the University’s LA Center SYRACUSE UNIVE RSITY > Collaboration with Equity actors at Syracuse Stage, a four-theater complex Choice and Customization Combine majors and minors in different colleges or, in some cases, pursue two major areas of concentration. A few examples to get you thinking: Majors: Biology and Illustration Career: Medical Illustrator Majors: Electrical Engineering and Music Career: Sound System Developer Majors: Social Work, and Health and Physical Education Career: After-School Program Director Discuss your ideas with visiting experts, such as Van Jones, president and co-founder of Rebuild the Dream and co-host of CNN’s Crossfire reboot. Learn fiction writing from George Saunders, English professor, winner of the PEN/Malamud Award, and one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2012. “The best book you’ll read this year.” Majors: Political Science, and Citizenship and Civic Engagement Career: Prosecuting Attorney Majors: Information Management and International Relations Career: Security Engineering Officer Lyman Hall —The New York Times Magazine Conduct groundbreaking research to treat diabetes with the oral delivery of insulin alongside chemistry professor Robert Doyle. Monitor the sounds of endangered North Atlantic right whales with biology professor Susan Parks. Learn investment strategy, entrepreneurial tactics, and life lessons from Martin J. Whitman, founder of the Third Avenue Value Fund and namesake of the University’s Whitman School of Management. Intern at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France—or one of many other high-profile organizations and businesses around the world. | | 3 SYRACUSE UNIVE RSITY I N TERN ATIO N AL VOICE S “Attending one of the best architecture schools in the nation and being able to visit architecture firms while abroad helped me focus and work on what I wanted to do later in life. Being able to join Syracuse University’s Society of Arab World Affiliates (SAWA) helped me connect with friends from my region.” —Abdulrazzak Alanjari ’15 Kuwait Architecture Hendricks Chapel “I learned way beyond my major. During my first year, I took a writing class, which required me to think critically and take advantage of the Writing Center. Since then, I’ve taken Italian, economics, and sociology courses.” —Mary-Johanna Adjetey ’15 Ghana Mathematics and Art “After thoughtful research and consideration, Syracuse University was the ideal place for me because of its highly ranked School of Information Studies (iSchool). The experiences and knowledge I have acquired will lead me into the IT industry.” “I’m currently a double major in international relations and sociology. Although I’m not certain what career path I would like to follow, diplomacy is high on my list.” —Ingmar Steeman, junior Singapore International Relations and Sociology —Eleni Dimitriou ’15 Cyprus Information Management and Technology “Syracuse taught me how corporate America works from the inside out and gave me the tools to excel at any job in the financial services industry. As I start my journey in banking, I know that my investment and corporate finance classes will help me stand out among my peers.” —Ricardo Monserratt ’14 Venezuela Finance and Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises “The Slutzker Center for International Services has many events to introduce different cultures and promote cultural exchange. I worked there as a mentor, and I became a more open-minded person through this experience.” —Ruitong Flora Zhou ’15 China Public Relations and International Relations “From networking with professionals through the iSchool Career Fair to taking rigorous courses, I find that I am maturing not only as a student but also as a man. I am blessed to be part of a community that is undoubtedly preparing me for the future.” “At Syracuse University, if you see a need for an organization, you can begin one. I helped start Ottonomous Productions last year. It’s a short-film organization run by students so that Television, Radio and Film majors can see scripts brought to life.” —Kwabena Tettey, junior South Africa Information Management and Technology —Diane Danneels ’15 Switzerland Television, Radio and Film | | 5 M A J O RS AN D M INORS MAJORS Syracuse’s nine undergraduate colleges offer you the flexibility to explore varied interests—and develop new ones. School of Architecture 511 students Architecture SYRACUSE UNIVE RSITY The College of Arts and Sciences 4,834 students African American Studies Applied Mathematics Art (through Arts and Sciences) Art History Biochemistry Biological and Medical Physics (through Physics) Biology Biophysical Science Biotechnology Chemistry Classical Civilization Classics (Greek and Latin) Communication Sciences and Disorders (Speech Pathology and Audiology) Earth Sciences (Geology) Energy and Its Impacts English and Textual Studies Environmental Sciences (through Biology or Geology) Ethics European Literature Fine Arts Forensic Science French and Francophone Studies German Language, Literature, and Culture Greek (through Classics) History of Architecture Italian Language, Literature, and Culture Latin (through Classics) Linguistic Studies Mathematics Modern Foreign Languages Modern Jewish Studies Music (through Arts and Sciences) Music History and Cultures Neuroscience Philosophy Physics Political Philosophy Psychology Religion Religion and Society Russian and Central European Studies Russian Language, Literature, and Culture Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture Women’s and Gender Studies Writing and Rhetoric Professional Advising Programs: Predentistry Prelaw Premedicine Preveterinary Medicine Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs Anthropology Citizenship and Civic Engagement Economics Geography History International Relations Latino-Latin American Studies Middle Eastern Studies Policy Studies (Public Affairs) Political Science Sociology Dual and Combined Enrollment: School of Education S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications College of Engineering and Computer Science Tolley Hall School of Education 508 students Teacher Prep: Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education Inclusive Elementary and Special Education Health and Physical Education Non-Teacher Prep: Health and Exercise Science (includes Pre-Physical Therapy and 3+3 DPT) Selected Studies in Education Dual and Combined Enrollment: The College of Arts and Sciences English Education Mathematics Education Science Education Social Studies Education Spanish Education College of Visual and Performing Arts Art Education Music Education David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics 1,281 students Child and Family Studies Food Studies Nutrition Science Nutrition and Dietetics Public Health Social Work Sport Management School of Information Studies (iSchool) 622 students Information Management and Technology Systems and Information Science (dual enrollment: College of Engineering and Computer Science) Dual Enrollment: Martin J. Whitman School of Management S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications Martin J. Whitman School of Management 1,665 students College of Engineering and Computer Science 1,498 students Aerospace Engineering Bioengineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering Environmental Engineering Mechanical Engineering Systems and Information Science (dual enrollment: School of Information Studies) Combined Enrollment: The College of Arts and Sciences Accounting Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises Finance Management Marketing Management Real Estate Retail Management Supply Chain Management Dual Enrollment: School of Information Studies S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications 1,352 students Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies: Communication and Rhetorical Studies Advertising Broadcast and Digital Journalism Graphic Design Magazine Newspaper and Online Journalism Photography Public Relations Television - Radio - Film Department of Drama: Acting Drama - Theater Management (B.S.) Musical Theater Stage Management Theater Design and Technology Dual Enrollment: The College of Arts and Sciences School of Information Studies Martin J. Whitman School of Management Setnor School of Music: Music Music Composition Music Industry Performance (Organ, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Voice, Wind Instruments) Recording and Allied Entertainment Industries (The Bandier Program) Sound Recording Technology College of Visual and Performing Arts 1,903 students Dual Enrollment: School of Education (Music Education) School of Art and Design Department of Art: Ceramics History of Art Illustration Jewelry and Metalsmithing Painting Printmaking Sculpture Dual Enrollment: School of Education (Art Education) Department of Design: Communications Design Environmental and Interior Design Fashion Design Industrial and Interaction Design Department of Transmedia: Art Photography Art Video Computer Art and Animation Film MINORS Minors are an important part of your curriculum. Once enrolled, you may choose from the following options. Accounting Addiction Studies Advocacy and Public Rhetoric African American Studies Animation Anthropology Applied Statistics Arabic Architecture Art History Art Photography Asian/Asian American Studies Biology Ceramics Chemistry Child and Family Policy Child and Family Studies Chinese Studies Classical Civilization Classics Cognitive Science Communication and Rhetorical Studies Communication Sciences and Disorders Communications Photography Computer Engineering Computer Gaming Computer Science Dance (through Exercise Science) Disability Studies Drama Earth Sciences Economics Education Studies Electrical Engineering Energy Systems Engineering and Computer Science Management English and Textual Studies Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises Environment and Society Finance Fine Arts Food Studies Forensic Science French and Francophone Studies Geography Geology German Gerontology Global Enterprise Technology Global Political Economy Global Security Studies Health and Wellness History History of Architecture Information Management and Technology Information Technology, Design, and Startups Interdisciplinary minors International Business Italian Jazz Studies Jewelry and Metalsmithing Jewish Education Jewish Studies Latino/Latin American Studies Leadership/Stewardship Communication Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Studies (LGBT) Linguistic Studies Logic Management Studies Marketing Mathematics Medical Anthropology Medieval and Renaissance Studies Middle Eastern Studies Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies Music History and Cultures Music Industry Music Performance Native American Studies Nutrition Nutrition Science Painting Philosophy Physical Computing Physical Education (Coaching) Physics Policy Studies Political Science Private Music Study Psychology Public Communications Studies Public Health Real Estate Religion Religion and the Media Religion and Society Retail Management Russian Russian and Central European Studies Sculpture Social Welfare Sociology South Asian Studies Spanish Sport Management Strategic Management Visual Culture Women’s and Gender Studies Writing | | 7 CA MP US LIF E By the Numbers Student Clubs and Organizations 21 residence halls A Cappella groups (7) 18 places to eat, including vegetarian, vegan, kosher, and halal options (dining centers, cafes, and food courts) 2 campus groceries 300 student clubs and organizations African Student Union Architecture Students Organization Asian Students in America Caribbean Students Association Cheon Ji In Syracuse Cricket 7 fitness facilities Enactus SYRACUSE UNIVE RSITY Engineers Without Borders European Student Union Need a Break from Your Studies? > On-campus ice-skating pavilion and ropes course > Plays and concerts, many of which feature Syracuse University students > Festivals throughout the year, including Apple Fest, Winter Carnival, and Feel the Pulse Hong Kong Cultural Organization Morton Schiff Jazz Ensemble Orange Bhangra Dance Troupe Rugby Soccer Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers South Asian Students Association Student Environmental Action Coalition Women in Communications ...and 300+ more. For a complete list, visit For club and intramural teams, visit Orange Bhangra Team Crouse College (right) Holden Observatory (left) Hear from international students. < Volunteer through the Shaw Center, Hendricks Chapel, your home college, or one of the many student organizations. < The expansive Life Sciences Complex is more than just laboratories. The atrium is a great place to study with classmates or grab a quick lunch. < Student group Enactus works with Mayan weavers to develop, market, and sell eco-friendly products at the University bookstore. Since 2007, the group has sent the weavers more than $90,000 and funded almost 200 scholarships for Mayan girls. Ernie Davis Dining Hall < A puppy snowman greets students as they walk to morning classes. Parking attendant Jackie Snow—a woman with the perfect name—warms hearts with her witty snow sculptures. | | 9 V I SIT ING SP EAKER S Whether you are at the main campus or studying abroad, you’ll learn from internationally recognized professionals (many of them Syracuse University alumni). Recent guests include author Cheryl Strayed, journalist Anderson Cooper, actress Anna Deavere Smith, and environmentalist Bill McKibben. SYRACUSE UNIVE RSITY Students welcome former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Students meet with His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Salman Al Saud G ’99, the youngest person to fly on the space shuttle, first member of a royal family in space, and the first Muslim in space. Oliviero Toscani—Italian photographer, best known for designing controversial advertising campaigns for Benetton—speaks to students at Syracuse University’s Center in Florence, Italy. Oprah Winfrey—media mogul, talk show host, and actress— describes her career journey to students at the dedication of the Newhouse Studio & Innovation Center. \ Maxwell Hall | | 11 Photo: Francesco Guazzelli S YRACUS E UNIVE RSITY S E R V ICES AN D CARE E R PRE PARATION Success at Syracuse Success Beyond Syracuse Slutzker Center for International Services, a facility in the heart of campus staffed by caring professionals, helps you integrate into the University community and assists you with travel procedures, immigration documents, and living arrangements. When you prepare to apply for internships and full-time jobs in the U.S. or abroad, Career Services offers one-on-one assistance, including: The English Language Institute provides classes and personal attention as you study reading, grammar, and writing. The office will connect you with Syracuse University alumni who can serve as mentors, helping you to gather information about career paths and the transition from college. The Department of Public Safety is a fullservice campus law enforcement agency committed to promoting a safe environment, 24-hours a day, year-round. SU Abroad offers learning opportunities in more than 30 countries—many of which include field study, internships, and home stays. All coursework carries University credit, which allows you to complete your degree on schedule. You can also begin your education abroad (ideal for European students not ready to venture far from home): Discovery Programs: Join a small cohort of entering first-year students to begin your collegiate experience at Syracuse University Centers in Florence, Italy, Madrid, Spain, or Strasbourg, France. discoveryprograms Gap Year Program: Earn academic credit (transferrable to most U.S. universities) in London or Madrid, while also having time to travel, intern, and volunteer. Shaffer Art Building > resume critiques > practice interviews > career fairs throughout the year Syracuse University Career Placement Survey 2014 74% employment 94% found opportunities in six months 3% postgraduate internship 17% graduate school “Working at MTV has afforded me many learning opportunities and the chance to get to know producers. And because my job requires me to look at other people’s lives, I’ve become more understanding. It’s very rewarding.” –Brooke Crittendon ’03 associate producer of the award-winning documentary series True Life < > Study abroad at one of eight SU Centers around the globe. Center locations include Beijing, Florence, Istanbul, Hong Kong, London, Madrid, Santiago, and Strasbourg. Photo: Louise Shumbris With investment dollars awarded in two University entrepreneurial competitions, Anthony DiMare ’14 founded Regattable. His startup produces portable catamarans that can be stored in two suitcases, which could significantly change the sport. Hong Kong Harbor > Meet friends from your home country and beyond through conversation groups, picnics, and other events hosted by the Slutzker Center for International Services. | | 13 A MERICA’S BES T COL L E GE TOW N: SYRACUSE —Travel + Leisure, 2014 The City of Syracuse is a fusion of distinctive neighborhoods, festivals, parks, professional sports, destination shopping, and a thriving art and music scene. You’ll engage with the city in many ways, from volunteering with organizations to interning with businesses. What is there to do in Syracuse? SYRACUSE UNIVE RSITY Intern: #8 Happiest City for Work in 2012 (Careerbliss, 2012) Dine: #1 pizza, #1 hamburgers, and #2 coffee (Travel + Leisure college rankings), along with Best Bar-B-Que joint in America—Dinosaur Bar-B-Que (ABC Good Morning America Weekend) Get Fit: #6 Best Triathlon City in U.S. ( and Best Running Store in America—Fleet Feet Sports (Competitor Magazine) Shop: Home to the 6th-largest enclosed shopping center in the country—Destiny USA Play: Rent a paddle boat at Green Lakes State Park, ski at , a nearby mountain, or test your fear of heights at the Cuse Challenge Ropes Course on campus. Enjoy Life: Ride the ferris wheel at the State Fair, attend a baseball game, or tour Skaneateles (#11 America’s Favorite Town—Travel + Leisure). Weather in Syracuse: Four distinct seasons Average Daily Temperature Avg. High Avg. Low 30° C 25° C 20° C 15° C 10° C 5° C 0° C -5° C -10° C -15° C Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun The Nancy Cantor Warehouse Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Photo of Dinosaur Bar-B-Que © Wainwright Photography © Wainwright Photography Onondaga Lake Park #3 Most Beautiful Snowy City (Globe Traveling) Armory Square, downtown Syracuse Downtown Festival Marshall Street | | 15 S P ORT S SCEN E With seven men’s and 11 women’s athletic teams, you’ll have many opportunities to join your classmates and cheer on the Orange. In 2014, the Syracuse University men’s basketball team set the U.S. collegiate on-campus SYRACUSE UNIVE RSITY attendance record with 35,446 fans. For a list of athletic teams, visit Carrier Dome Basketball fans fill the Carrier Dome | | 17 A L UM NI Syracuse University alumni make their mark in a variety of professions—from actors to zoologists and everything in between. Waleed Abdalati ’86 NASA chief scientist 1 7 Joseph Biden L’68 U.S. vice president Sol LeWitt ’41, Modern artist, key creator of minimalism and conceptual art Dick Clark ’51 Former CEO, Dick Clark Productions SYRACUSE UNIVE RSITY 2 Col. Eileen Collins ’78 First female space shuttle commander 3 Bob Costas ’74 Sports announcer, NBC 4 Dennis Crowley ’98 Co-founder, Foursquare 5 Ernie Davis ’62 Football star, first African American Heisman Trophy winner 6 Taye Diggs ’93 Stage, screen, and television actor, How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Rent, Private Practice 8 9 10 Rami Khouri ’70, G’98 International journalist specializing in Middle Eastern affairs Ted Koppel ’60 Former anchor, ABC News Nightline; managing editor, Discovery Channel; senior news analyst, National Public Radio Newhouse III Eli Saslow ’04 Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the Washington Post 12 Arielle Tepper Madover ’94 Theatrical and film producer, recent productions: Monty Python’s Spamalot, Frost/Nixon, and Annie Joyce Carol Oates ’60, Author, We Were the Mulvaneys, Faithless: Tales of Transgression, and them 3 4 5 6 His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Salman Al Saud G’99 Youngest person to fly on the space shuttle, first member of a royal family in space, and the first Muslim in space 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Ian Schrager ’68 Hotelier, co-founder and owner of Studio 54 13 Jessie Mueller ’05 Tony Award-winning actress 11 2 Todd Rubin ’04 President, The Republic of Tea Belva Ann Lockwood 1857, G 1872, H 1909 Women’s rights pioneer and first woman to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court Don McPherson ’87 Professional football player, activist, and sportscaster 1 Chris Renaud ’89 Oscar-nominated director of Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2, and executive producer of Minions Arthur Liu G’66, President & CEO, Multicultural Radio Broadcasting, Inc. Oren Lyons, Jr. ’58, H’93 Native American Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan of the Seneca Nations Bruce Fowle ’60 Founding principal, Fox & Fowle Architects; senior partner, FXFOWLE Architects Betsey Johnson ’64 Fashion designer and breast cancer activist Elsa Reichmanis ’72, G’75 professor at the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering of the Georgia Institute of Technology Steve Kroft ’67 Co-editor and news correspondent, CBS, 60 Minutes Aaron Sorkin ’83 Creator, NBC’s The West Wing; playwright and screenwriter, A Few Good Men, The American President, and The Social Network John Sykes ’77 MTV founding executive 14 Lou Reed ’64 Singer-songwriter and guitarist, The Velvet Underground John Tsebe ’81 First black national librarian in South Africa Bill Viola ’73 Video artist 15 Vanessa L. Williams ’86 National recording artist and actress, Desperate Housewives Commencement in the Carrier Dome | | 19 A D MIS SIONS AND FINANCING YOUR E DUCATION Applying for Admission Syracuse University uses the Common Application exclusively. You’ll apply directly to one of the University’s nine undergraduate colleges or to a dual/combined program within two colleges. SYRACUSE UNIVE RSITY Application Deadlines: > Early Decision > Regular Decision (first-year students) > Regular Decision (transfer students) This is the priority deadline; however applications will continue to be accepted on a space-available basis. > Spring Admission (first-year or transfer) November 15 January 1 July 1 November 15 Your Application is Evaluated on > Academic performance, including your senior year accomplishments, participation in advanced coursework, and standardized test scores > Your personal essay, including your goals, interests, experiences, and values > Recommendations that convey a sense of your talents, capabilities, accomplishments, and strength of character > Your audition or portfolio, if you are applying to architecture, art, music, or drama programs. These are an important part of the admissions decision. (Please note that auditions/portfolios are also required if you wish to be considered for these programs as an alternative area of study.) Admission Information for Students Outside the U.S.: The TOEFL or IELTS is required of all international (non-U.S. citizen) applicants whose native language is not English, whether applying as a freshman or transfer student. If your first language is English, the TOEFL or IELTS is not required to be considered for admission. The TOEFL or IELTS requirement may be waived in certain situations. The decision to waive the standard requirement is at the discretion of the Admissions Committee. The SAT/ACT is not required for any student studying outside the U.S. and currently enrolled in a school that does not follow the American system of education, including U.S. citizens living abroad International (non-U.S. citizen) applicants can be granted conditional admission to Syracuse University if the academic requirements for admission have been met, but there is insufficient English proficiency and/or insufficient financial support documentation. Once the conditions are met, the student will be fully admitted to the University on a space-available basis. Typical Expenses for 2015-2016 School Year (Amounts are listed in USD (American dollars) Tuition $ 41,794 Housing and Meals (average) $ 14,880 Miscellaneous Fees $ 1,524 Program Fees $ 1,000 Total $ 59,198 Other Expenses (average) Books and Supplies Personal Expenses and Transportation Health Insurance Total Total Cost of Attendance Life Sciences Complex $ $ 1,412 5,000 $ $ 1,890 8,302 $ 67,500 Financing Your Education International Students (Non-U.S. citizens who are not U.S. permanent residents) Undergraduate applicants are not eligible for financial aid from the United States government or any U.S. state government. However, there is another type of financial aid for which you may qualify: > Merit-based scholarships: Awarded on the basis of exceptional academic and personal achievement. Selection is made by the Office of Admissions and eligibility is based on academic credentials. You must provide official documentation stating how expenses will be paid while enrolled at Syracuse University if you need to obtain a student visa. Proof of funding in the amount of $67,500 must be submitted. U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents U.S. citizens and permanent residents, including those living outside the U.S., are eligible to apply for all forms of financial aid. To apply for federal financial aid, file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). To also apply for a Syracuse University Grant, file the CSS/ Financial Aid PROFILE. It is important to submit these forms on time, as awards are made on a funds-available basis. Visit for deadline information. Apply today at Whitman Lobby Atrium | | 21 W H E RE IN THE WO RLD Montreal Ottawa CANADA Burlington VERMONT Toronto NEW YORK NEW HAMPSHIRE Rochester Buffalo SYRACUSE Albany Binghamton MASSACHUSETTS Hartford CONNECTICUT Cleveland Boston PENNSYLVANIA OHIO Newark New York City Pittsburgh Philadelphia Providence RHODE ISLAND Nearby Major Cities Distance Time by Car Albany Baltimore Boston Cleveland Montreal New York City Philadelphia Toronto Washington, D.C. 219km 534km 481km 531km 399km 450km 410km 399km 563km 2.5 5.5 5.0 5.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 6.5 hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours S Y RA CUS E UNIV ERS IT Y 100 Crouse-Hinds Hall 900 South Crouse Avenue Syracuse NY 13244-2130 315-443-3611 [email protected] NEW JERSEY Baltimore WEST VIRGINIA Asterisks indicate the 130+ countries that current Syracuse University students call home. Washington, DC S YRACUS E UNIVE RSITY VIRGINIA @GoSyracuseU DELAWARE MARYLAND
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