destination mountain - Provincia di Cosenza
destination mountain - Provincia di Cosenza
DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 1 European Union European Regional Development Fund PROGRAM INTERREG IV C – MINI PROGRAM ROBINWOOD PLUS DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Development of Sustainable Tourism: Initiatives For the Valorization of Mountain 2 DESTINATION DESTINATION MOUNTAIN E.U. Cofinanced Project - INTERREG IV C Program - Sub Program RobinWood Plus 2007-2013 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 3 4 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 5 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Giovanni Soda, Project’ s Coordinator, Province of Cosenza, Italy Maria Gabriella Fittante, Project Manager, Province of Cosenza, Italy Laura Anania, Proceeding Responsible, Province of Cosenza, Italy Carmelo Pellerone, Project’s Responsible, Reggio Calabria Municipality, Italy Vincenzo Cotroneo, Project’s Responsible, Reggio Calabria Municipality, Italy Ari Meriruoko, Project’s Responsible, Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Service, Finlandia Alpar Dobos, Project’s Responsible, Dealu Municipality, Romania Nicola Mayerà, Robinwood Plus National Referential Partner, Calabria Region, Italy Massimiliano Capalbo, GH Calabria S.r.l., Italy Techincal and Support Service: Marcello Bruno, Davide Colace, Caterina Colloca, Raffaele Paone, Gabriele Rizzo, ARSSA Calabria Region, Italy Translations, Laura Verta Computer Graphic, print and video Paolo La Greca - A R S S A - Centro Produzione Sistemi Divulgativi Avanzati, Villa Margherita, Cutro (Kr), Italy 6 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 7 Index PRESENTATION Gerardo Mario Oliverio page 11 1.PREFACE Giovanni Soda 2. THE PROJECT DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Maria Gabriella Fittante 3.STATE of ART DOCUMENT Davide Colace, Maria Gabriella Fittante 3.1.Data recovery methodology page 13 page 15 page 20 page 22 page 24 4.TERRITORIES Davide Colace page 24 4.1 Province of Cosenza page 26 4.2. Reggio Calabria Municipality page 28 4.3 “Sila National Park” and “Aspromonte National Parl”, Italy 4.4 The Soils page 31 page 33 4.5 Dealu Municipality, Romania Alpar Dobos 4.6 Oulu Province and Paljakka Natural Reserve, Finlandia Ari Meriruoko page 37 5. BEST PRACTICES page 40 Davide Colace, Maria Gabriella Fittante 8 6. FOLLOW UP Maria Gabriella Fittante 6.1 Development Plan for Hiking Trails in Paljakka Nature Reserve Tiia Kiiski 6.2 Landscape evaluation and analysis of tourism potential of Dealu region, Study Alpar Dobos 6.3 Executive Project Massimiliano Capalbo , GH Calabria S.r.l. 6.4 Draft BILL 6.4.1 Introduction Maurizio Crisanti, general secretary ANESV – AGIS 6.5. Protocol of agreement DESTINATION MOUNTAIN page 74 page 81 page 91 page 115 pa page 151 page 152 page 167 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 9 10 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Presentation 11 PRESENTATION The international community recognized the function developed by forests to protect global and local environment and gave them a key role in environmental policies’ implementation strategies, pointing out the need of betting on forest multifunctional role to create lasting and eco-friendly socio-economic development processes. Not for a case it must be mentioned Kyoto Protocol that recognized to forest and agricultural land an important role in climate changes mitigation strategies (Brown et al., 1996; Binkley et al., 2002), substantially through a proper management of the existent forests and agricultural land, arriving to wish new forests creation. Forests, for their structural and spatial variety, represent an important place to preserve and increase biodiversity, but, apart from this, it’s basic considering their multifuncionality that has direct use values, deriving from offered products and indirect use values, represented by ecological developed functions: hydrigeological protection, soil fertility increase, atmospheric pollution reduction, air and water’s quality safeguard. At least but not last, let me mention the ability of increasing physic and psychological wellness throught all those activities that anyone can experience in a forest or a wood. That’s exactly in this eco- friendly framework, giving particular attention to sustainable tourism and encouraging forest and wildlife sanctuaries balanced development, that finds its place the project DESTINATION MOUNTAINDevelopment of Sustainable Tourism: Initiatives for the valorisation of Mountain- that the Province of Cosenza as Lead Partner realized in the sphere of the miniprogram Robinwood Plus of INTERREG IVC, in partnership with Reggio Calabria Municipality, Dealu Municipality, in Romania, Metsallitus Natural Heritage Service, in Finland and Calabria Region as Referential National Partner. Project’s final publication, apart from describing project’s contents, documents best practices and experience exchange’ results, main topic for what concerns institutional initiatives such as the present one, prerogative of community’s 12 Presentation DESTINATION MOUNTAIN public administration in constant and useful relation with entrepreneur and private partners. Project’s initiatives have been putted in action in a context that has to take into account the lack of economic and social development processes for rural areas as well as with the difficulty of joining territorial exploitation needs with natural resources safeguard objectives. Against it the important results reached by the project point out that territorial cooperation can determine an effective “melting” of cultures, generating an innovation able of giving new life and animating territory’s economy Gerardo Mario Oliverio President of the Province of Cosenza DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 1. Preface 13 1. PREFACE The “European territorial cooperation” is one of the three main objective in the actuation of cohesion and regional policy of European Union the period 2017-2013. The European Commission, in the same planning period 2007-2013, gave the status of structural objective to the communitary initiative “Interrea”, with the programm “Interrea IV C”, part of the “European territorial cooperation” objective, with the aim of promote a strongher territorial integration of European Union in all its dimensions. The “Interreg IV C” Programme is financed by Regional Development European Fund (FESR), in order to empower the regional development policies in the sectors of innovation, knowledge, environment and prevention of risk, and to contribute to economic modernization and competitiveness of UE countries, joining the Lisboa treaty strategies “…make of Europe the most competitive knowledge economy in the world” and joining too the Goteborg treaty “environment protection, sustainable development model”. According to the indications of the 2006 “Forest action plan”, is important to consider the promotion of rural areas development through a shared and participated forest sustainable management. The Province of Cosenza promotes actions in order to reach important european goals dealing with enviromental sustainability, energetic efficency, struggle angainst climate changing and, its institutional priority, gives incentives to the promotion of environmental education and of sustainability culture. The action programme of the Province of Cosenza deal with the information and the sensitization about the protection of weak areas with naturalistic interest, the conservation and the valorisation of natural and cultural patrimony, the promotion of cultural, educative and recreational activity inside National Parks and in forest areas. Forest areas have an high development potential due to their economic, social and environmental value, especially if in a context of opportune territorial 14 1. Preface DESTINATION MOUNTAIN planning and management. This is the context in which ”Destination Mountain” works, proposing innovative ways of sustainable tourism in protect forest areas. This activity is coherent with the opportunities promoted by Robinwood Plus, the mini-programme launched by the INTERREG IV C programme. The scene for the Province of Cosenza is the Sila National Park, with its 73.695 hectares divided in the territories of Great Sila, Little Sila and greek Sila. The park is an active and lively site in which many human activities occurs. Although this the Park’s areas are integral and untouched by environmental overexploitation, otherwise spread in several regional areas. The forest landscape has a huge biodiversity and value which deserves of being preserved , and can be maintenance source for the local communities. Nearby the margins of the Park you can find areas jet not interested by modern development processes, where is easy to find a specific integration between the action on men and environment, as consequence of social changes but even as cultural evolution and improvement of the living conditions. This landscape was almost not touched by technological impact and by consumerism, in this way it is lend well to solution of sustainable tourism, implemented by “Destination Mountain” project. Giovanni Soda Planning and Internationalisation Sector Manager Province of Cosenza DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 2. The Project Destination Mountain 15 2. THE PROJECT DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Maria Gabriella Fittante The European Commission launched the Program INTERREG IVC , with the aim of promoting a stronger interaction of Union’s territories to reach a balanced and sustainable development of the comunitary territory, trough reinforcing social and economic cohesion. In this sphere has been financed “Robinwood Plus”, a miniprogram between Liguria Region (Italy, project LP), Limousin Regional Council (France), Kainuu Joint Authority (Finland), Harghita County Council (Romania) and Calabria Region (Italy). The Province of Cosenza, in “Robinwood Plus” subproject call for proposal, submitted, as Lead Participant, the project proposal called Development of Sustainable Tourism: Initiatives for the Valorisation of Mountain”- DESTINATION MOUNTAIN, in partnership with Dealu Municipality, in Romania, Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Service, in Finland and Reggio Calabria Municipality, in Italy with the aim of promoting sustainable tourism development in forest areas, wildlife sanctuaries and protected areas included to create economic development processes and improve the quality of life of the local communities and, meanwhile, guaranteeing natural resources protection. The tools chosen to put in action the project have been interregional and international cooperation while the election of the forest has arisen by the con1 Following the legislative references: Council regulation (EC) n. 1083/2006 of the 11 July 2006 concerning general disposition in European Regional Development Fund, on Social European Fund and on Cohesion Fund;; Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006 on the European Regional Development Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1783/1999; Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 of 8 December 2006 setting out rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and of Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Regional Development Fund; Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public 16 2. The Project Destination Mountain DESTINATION MOUNTAIN sciousness that wood, if considered with a multifunctional approach, can develop a basic role to support and improve communities economy. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN’s aim is facing the problem of the lack of economic and social development processes for rural areas as well as the difficulty of joining territorial exploitation needs and natural resources protection objective. Regions involved in the project, even having different geographical and environmental characteristics, present in their territories rural areas presenting similar problems both from the social that economical point of view, apart that the environmental one. Anyway, mentioned areas have an high development potential thanks to the economic, social and environmental value having a territorial management and planning opportunity. Specific objectives fixed to realize the project are: - forest partecipatory management and planning implementation, able of involving all local stakeholders (institution, economic and social), which aim is the exploitation of forest multifunctional role and, in particular, of naturalistic tourism and recreational activities through an innovative approach in which local development process needs new know-how; - creation of an international network for partners territories touristic promotion and to guarantee, also with the help of other administration (regionals and locals), the exchange of experiences and best practices also after project’s natural end; - making stronger the governance of the competent institution on territorial management and environmental communication improvement in particular on the importance of sustainable forestry and wood multifunctional role. As main expected result, the project wanted to write down an operative tool service contracts; European Territorial Cooperation Programmee INTERREG IVC (Documento No CCI 2007 CB 16 3 PO 046),approved by the European Commission on 11 September 2007 (Decision C (2007) 4222);Agreement between the EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland, the Managing Authority and the Certifying Authority on the implementation of the INTERREG IVC Programme; project Robinwood PLUS approved by INTERREG IVC Programme Joint technical Secretariat on 4 February 2010; Specific guidance program present on INTERREG IVC program manual, guide lines included, as approved by the Steering Committee;Robinwood Plus Project Steering Committee that took place the 18 may DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 2. The Project Destination Mountain 17 (guidelines) shared with all involved region, to arrange on the basis of: - best practices transfer between partners and managing innovative models spreading. - empowerment of the skills of all the actors, publics and private, working on the territory; - creation of an international cooperation network to promote sustainable tourism on mountain areas. Besides, the awareness is project’s staring point, awareness that forests can develop a main role in communities development also through the tool of cooperation between European Countries. Used methodology is the best practice exchange ad know-how transfer, with study visits in the territories involving, in Calabria, two of the three national parks of the region: Sila National Park and Aspromonte National Park; in Romania the Harghita County with Transylvania and Carpathian natural reserves and parks, while in Finland the framework is the one of Paljakka natural reserve in Kainuu Region. The Province of Cosenza, DM subproject Lead Partner, presents the experience of the adventure parks in Sila National Park, an innovative way of managing wood and forest with touristic aim realized through eco friendly structures. It is foreseen the realization of a project to realize an adventure park containing building methodologies, synergies putted in action between entrepreneurs and local authorities and territorial involvement methods. All this considering the great results obtained by Sila National Park, the approval of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, presented the last november 2011. The involved territory in Romania is the one of Dealu Municipality in Harghita County were can be retraced the ancient historical routes of the VI and VII century fortress, mineral spring water path and a site protected with national regulation were grow rare flowers blooming only two weeks at year. 2011 in Limoges (Limousin, France) during which has been established the subproject’s list eligible for funding ;contract of the subproject Development of Sustainable Tourism: Initiatives for the Valorisation of Mountain”- DESTINATION MOUNTAIN, - undersigned the 5 august 2011 with Robinwood Plus Lead Partner ( Liguria Region). 18 2. Il Progetto Destination Mountain DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Service, Public Organization for Finland’s forest protection will show know-how and bet practices putted in action in Paljakka Strict Natural Reserve, in Kainuu Region, with the will of writing down a guidelines document for sustainable tourism in forest areas in cooperation with RW+ regions. Reggio Calabria Municipality in Calabria Region, in partnership with Aspromonte National Park, presents parks activities between wich the realization of an adventure park with the innovative scenting paths for people with visual disorders, infrared system path, horses paths, walking paths and visit centers. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Development of Sustainable Tourism: initiatives for the valorisation of Mountain. Sila National Park, Lake Arvo 2. The Project Destination Mountain 19 20 3. State Of Art Document DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 3. STATE OF ART DOCUMENT Davide Colace, Maria Gabriella Fittante Initiative’s interested territories description is the starting point to explain project’s activities which distinguished interregional cooperation action for best practice exchange in order to develop sustainable tourism. Regions involved in the project (Calabria, Finland and Romania) have different territorial and environmental characteristics and have, also, forest area sharing same social, economic and environmental problems (growth of the depopulation percentage, local communities traditional economy crisis, lack of exploitation and/or wood resources not sustainable use, reduced territorial cooperation level, reduced participation of all the interested subjects in planning processes and so on). Forest area, in particular the protected ones, have an high development potential thanks to the economic, social and environmental value that can reach when is present a territorial management and planning opportunity. Following down is suggested an intervention’s brief description, without leaving out a brief description of DESTINATION MOUNTAIN specific objectives, stated in the introduction, project’s general aim. Specific objectives can be listed as follow: - Forest partecipatory management and planning implementation, involving all local stakeholders (institution, economic and social), which aim is the exploitation of forest multifunctional role and, in particular, of naturalistic tourism and recreational activities through an innovative approach in which local development process needs new know-how; - Put in action interregional cooperation in order to exchange, develop and spreading experiences and best practice in forest sustainable management sector and, in particular, the one of naturalistic tourism and recreational activities development (benchmarking); - Creation of an international network for involved partners forest areas promotion and to guarantee, also with the help of other institution (regionals and DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 3. State Of Art Document 21 locals), the continuous exchange of experiences and best practices also after project’s natural end; - Creation of new job opportunities in eco-friendly tourism sector, promotion of social inclusion and equal opportunities; - Strengthen competent institution governance on territorial management. The partnership that worked on project’s realization steps is made up by: - Province of Cosenza – S L P – Calabria – Lead Participant - Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services – Finland – Partner n. 2 - Dealu Municipality – Romania – Partner n. 3 - Reggio Calabria Municipality– Calabria – Partner n. 4. 22 3. State Of Art Document DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 3.1 Data Recovery Methodology At the base of the cooperation effort made by partners worked the intention of using tools that would fit the research as well as environmental territorial and descriptive data recovery concerning the intervention areas with the aim of making all the experiences comparable. It has been very useful using data recovery sheets that could give the possibility to partner of having a whole vision of resources and, meanwhile, would help also in writing down the presentation of their own best practices, more suitable to project’s aim. The meeting between different and common experiences, as clearly must be where culture is shared, presents differences which reason is represented by different administrative praxis and use; from this point of view Italy, Romania and Finland are paradigmatical. The common element is represented by the same scientific matrix, at the base of territorial description, object of environmental protection. Follows, at the page below, the data recovery sheet used to put in action the common effort of armonizing work’s tools and topics concerning tourism in areas subdued to protection environmental boundaries. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 3. State Of Art Document 23 Presentation of the area 1 Area location and characteristics 2 Extention and population density 3 Environment present defence and protection forms (parks, wildlife sanctuaries. Oasis etc) 4 Use of the area 5 Main flora and fauna specimen present in the area 6 Wood productive vocation 7 Public/private properties 8 Wood strategical exploitation objectives Specific activities 1 Actions and interventions for wood participatory management 2 Woody areas sustainable tourism examples 3 Services to the public (parking lots, recreational areas, guides, museums, info point, centre for guided visits) 4 Adventure parks 5 Paths for people with diseases 6 Scholar paths 7 Bridle-paths 8 Trekking paths 9 Mountain bike paths 10 Rainbow tracks 11 Nordic walking 12 Transhumance paths 13 Officinal and scented paths 14 Brushwood products harvest YES NO YES NO N° km Dissemination and educational material 1 basic cartography of the area 2 map of the real use of the area 3 touristic- excursional map 4 promotional brochures 5 tematic publications. Tab.1 data collection card DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 20 24 4. Territories DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4. TERRITORIES Davide Colace 4.1 Province of Cosenza Cosenza provincial territory, placed in Calabria Region northern part is characterized by a prevalence of mountains and hills. Are part of the provincial territory Pollino mountain chain (2248 m asl), the Coastal chain on the Tyrrhenian, the Orsomarso and the Sila. Lots are the valleys, the most important are the Crati’s and the Savuto’s and a large area of plain called Sibari’s plain. The territorial surface comprehends 3604 square km of mountain, 2696 square km of hills and 352 square km of plain. There are, besides 3 artificial lakes. The Province comprehends 155 municipalities and has a surface of 6650 square km. The demographic density is 110.44 inhabitants for square km. It must be underlined that in Province of Cosenza there are two National Parks, “Sila” and “Pollino”, 11 State protected natural reserves, 2 regional, 3 natural Oasis, 3 ZPS and 81 SIC. Concerning soil use here is a brief description of the areas related to Sila National Park, project’s location that has a wood surface between the higher of the whole Italy, almost the 80%. From 600 to 100 m asl prevail chestnuts woods (Castanea sativa) distinguished in Fruits chestnuts and coppice. In years parassitary’s attach and farming changes favoured coppice spreading. Besides there are also new species alder (Alnus cordata). Often chestnuts is mixed with others broad-leaves like the Turkey oak (Quercus cerris). From 1000 to 1600 m asl reigns the pine (Pinus laricius) covering wide sur- 2 Destination Mountain interested for this province only Sila National Park DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4. Territories 25 faces. In less sloping areas there’s the beech, often the two species are coexistent and to a deep wood analysis can be seen that the higer tree-like area is made up by pine while the lower by beech. Anyway, the beech is substituting pine. Going near to the Sila Greca, (park’s eastern part) pine joins turkey oak and durmast. From 1500 m to the top, prevails beech often together to silver fir (Abies alba) the latter particulary the most on Gariglione. Among the animal species present on the territory can be mentioned Wolf (Canis lupus); - Deer (Cervus elaphus); - Roe (Capreolus capreolus); - Fallow deer (Dama dama); - wild pig (Sus scrofa); -Badger (Meles meles); - Weasel (Mustela nivalis); - Otter (Lutra lutra); - Beech-marter (Martes foina); - Marten (Martes martes); - Polecat (Mustela putorius) Dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius); - Loir (Glis glis); - Garden dormouse (Elyomis quercinus); - Forest dormouse (Dryomis nitedula); - Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris); - Porcupine (Hystrix cristata);Fox (Vulpes volpe); - Hare (Lepus europeus);Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis); - Sparrow-awk (Accipiter nisus); - Harrier- eagle (Circaetus gallicus); - Buzzard (Buteo Buteo); - Kite (Milvus milvus), Brown Kite (milvus migrans);- golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos); - Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus); - Peregrine hawk (falco peregrinus), red-footen falcon (Falco vespertinus); Barn owl (Tyto alba); - Tawny owl (Strix aluco), owlet (Athene noctua) long eared owl (Asio otus). 26 4. Territories DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4.2 Reggio Calabria Municipality Mountain territory property of Reggio Calabria Municipality occupies a surface of almost 1.256 hectares, mainly covered by forest and almost totally included in the Aspromonte National Park, the altitude is comprehended between the 1.050 m asl and 1.450 m asl. The area interested by “specific activities” (Touristic area near “Gornelle” and “Piani di Reggio”) is placed at a lower altitude and comprehends, mainly, plain areas. Soils are characterized by the presence of pine or alder; limited the presence of sowable land and grazing land. Nearby, are present, to stress out the specific variability of the municipal forest, chestnuts, mixed and not while at higher altitude is present the beech. Municipal rural surface is of almost 1.256 hectares of which 45 are interested by “specific activities”(Touristic area), with a demographic density almost absent (there aren't inhabitants settlements but few houses and anyway not considered and first house). Municipal rural territory is almost totally placed in Aspromonte National Park and includes also 2 SIC. Interested surface is placed in the park and in particular near the SIC areea IT9350150 – “Contrada Gornelle” at few distance from the SIC IT9350133 – “Monte Basilicò –Torrente Listi”. Concerning soil use prevails the presence of wood with a small percentage for sewing and farming the whole Municipal territory is characterized by a specific variability elevated for what concerns animals and vegetables. Present species are the typical one of the Tyrrhenian side of Aspromonte National Park at an altitude comprehended between 1.000 m asl. and1.500 m asl, mainly woody with small pecentage old sewing land and grazing land. The area of Aspromonte National Park is placed at the center of the southern side of the Apennine chain and on both Tyrrhenian and Jonian side are distinguishable mountains and hills in front of the Strait of Messina It has an extension of 65.646, hectares on a territory comprehending 37 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4. Territories 27 municipalities, with 11 urban centers in the protected area with a demographic density of 3.775 inhabitants - 50.71% of the population resident in the 37 park's municipalities. Aspromonte National Park has been instituted with DPR 14/01/1994, and comprehends 21 Natura 2000 network sites, 2 ZPS. Its territory is mostly woody with a small percentage of olive groves, chestnuts groves in hillsides and sowable land gazing. It has a great variability concerning flora and fauna species Among the most important animal species can be mentioned: wolf, wild pork, roe, wild cat, forest dourmouse, garden dourmouse, hare, viper, yellow-bellied toad, salamander, eagle, owl, and so on. Between trees: beech, pine, badger, silver spruce, holly, elm, linden, maple, mayblossom biancospino, woodwardia radicans, osmunda regalis, more than 37 endemic orchids, etc. 4. Territories 28 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4.3 “Sila” National Park and “Aspromonte” national park As specified before, projects’ activities are developed into two big areas of Calabria’s territory falling in protected areas, in particular into Sila National Park and Aspromonte National Park. The first one was instituted with DPR of november 14th 2002 after a political iter started in 1923. It extends for 73.695 hectares including the territories of 3 between the 5 Calabria’s provinces: Cosenza, Catanzaro and Crotone. The second one, borne in 1989 covers an area of 65.647 hectares and comprehends 37 municipalities all belonging to the Province of Reggio Calabria. Sila National Park Thanks to the technical assistance given by Arssa to the project, is presented a descriptive contribution which is an abstract of the Study on Calabria’s soils, in scale 1:250.000, published in 2003 by ARSSA agropedologic service, for the project “Italian solis charter” that can be read for a detailed description of pedologic provinces and their climatic characteristics. Following, please find a brief description of the pedologic provinces to which belong the two natural park areas. Aspromonte National Park ARSSA – Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo e per i Servizi in Agricoltura – Programma Interregionale Agricoltura Qualità Mis. 5 “I suoli della Calabria Carta dei suoli in scala 1:250.000 della Regione Calabria” – 2003 3 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4. Territories 29 Pedologic provinces environmental characteristics Pedologic Province 11 Sila, Serre and Aspromonte plateau Wavy morphology (slope <13%). The substratum is prevalently made up by granite, granodiorite and gneiss. Picks are comprehended between 800 and 1500 metres above sea level. Main soil use: hardwood, coniferous, mixed wood, sowable in well-watered areas, madow. Pedologic Province 12 Sila, Serre and Aspromonte montainous reliefs Montainous reliefs with morphology going from moderately steep to very steep at 800 metres above sea level. Substratum: granites, granodiorites, gneiss, schists. Main soil use: hardwood, coniferous, mixed wood, madow 30 4. Territories DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Pedologic Province 13 Sila, Serre and Aspromonte hilly reliefs Hillside going from to steep to very steep at picks comprehended between 300 and 800 metres above the sea level. The substratum is mostly made up by phyllates, shists and gneiss. Main soil use: mixed wood, areas with scarce vegetation, olive groves DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4. Territories 31 4.4 The Soils The common element for most of the soil belonging to the pedologic province 11 is represented by a brown-dark surface horizon, rich of organic substance, soft with a low degree of base-cation saturation. Horizon’s differentiation that, for taxonomy presents “Umbric epipedon” diagnostic characteristics, can be retraced considering organic substance accumulation process’ favored by specific climate conditions. Soils moisture regime results udic (good water availability during vegetative cycle) also considering the AWC (Available Water Capacity) values, which is very low(< of 50 mm). Also low temperatures, restricting mineralization during some periods of the year, contribute in accumulating organic substance. Umbric Epipedon thickness changes according to local morphology. From the taxonomic point of view largely pravails the “big group” of Dystrudept with the subgroups “Humic” or “Humic pachic” and, at local level “Fluventic Humic”. These are soils going from moderately deep to deep with texture from medium to moderately coarse with, in gener, common skeleton. Well drained and characterized, from the chemical point of view, by acid reaction. On plain picks once harvested with cereal, rye in particular, until the second half of the last century, nowadays it is possible to find broad-leaves woods (beeches) and conifers (pinus laricium) with positive reflection on hydro geologic cycle. Apart from the above mentioned soils, in this pedologic Province it is possible to find soils with peculiar characteristics grown on volcanic origin coverings. In this case are particularly soft soils, with a brown- dark colour, with pulverulent aspect when dry. Very deep, without skeleton, with acid reaction. Included by Taxonomy in the Soil Taxonomy’s Andisol’ order. Also in the pedologic Province 12, the characterizing element is the differentiation of a “umbric” epipedon (brown, soft, rich of organic substance and not saturated). The “udic” pedo-climate, also in case of limited water supply, guarantees a good vegetation presence, minimizing erosion’s risk and favouring organic susbstance storing in the surface horizon. 32 4. Territories DESTINATION MOUNTAIN It has been observed how the mentioned soils, even in case of intense rains, didn’t present any erosion sign, not even on steeper sides. The present environmental balance, gathered also thank to the strong vegetation’s restoration action, had clear reflection on alluvial event’s frequency. For this reason it is important to remember that the restored surface, in the second half of the last century, it’s up to 153.000 hectares at regional level, main part of which covering the pedologic provinces 12 and 13. Province’s described soils belong to Soil Taxonomy’ “Dystrudepts” group (subgroup Typic, Humic Psammentic and Lithic) and to WRB “Umbrisols”. Mentioned soils go from very thin to moderately deep with skeleton from common to frequent coarse. These soils present a limited water reserve and a good drainage. From the chemical point of view are characterized by the high content of organic elements and the acid reaction. Also the soils belonging to the pedologic province 13 are characterized by organic element’s storing at the surface. The horizons seem to be very soft, brown, with a well developed porosity. Besides organic elements storing guarantees a good profile structuring with well expressed and lasting peds. Are soils growing on sides with different slope where the presence of vegetation guarantees the preservation of this resource. Where, instead, occurred erosion processes and fires, the profiles seem to be cutted off and, in some cases, the rocks appear from the above. From a taxonomic point of view soils, maily, belong to Dystrudepts or Dystroxerepts group, with minigroups Typic, Humic and Lithic as by the Soil Taxonomy; for WRB considered groups are Umbrisols, Cambisols and Leptosols. These soils go from very thin to moderately deep, with skeleton from common to frequent to moderately coasre; from the chemical point of view are characterized by the high content of organic elements, the acid reaction and a low level of saturation. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4. Territories 33 4.5 Dealu Municipality Alpar Dobos Harghita County localization Harghita – in red Dealu Municipality territory Dealu Municipality, once the most important settlements in Udvarhely region, is located at 11 km north from Székelyudvarhely, at the southern edge of Örhegy Mountain (1009 m), in the valley of Bosnyák and Balé. Concerning the administration Dealu is part of Harghita County in Romania Because of the climate conditions Dealu is particularly vocated for plums production, so that is famous for its plum brandy. The yearly plum festival is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the region. Municipality’s territory has an altitude that goes from 625 to 800 m. asl., the part of the municipality placed near the Volcanic plateau reaches also the 10001025 m a.s.l. The highest part is close to Lázhegy also called Deskö. This is a place with a charming panoramic view on the other municipalities. Main part of Dealu Municipality’s territory is rich of argillaceous rocks on wich scan be founded conglomerated sands. Going northern, instead, can be retraced pyroclastic rocks. From the geological point of view, Dealu Municipality is placed on Harghita plateau, a volcanic plateau placed at east of Harghita Mountain: geologically speaking the upland is considered part of the mountain. The plateau would have been more extended at west but, due to Transylvania’s hydrographic formation, it has been divided into many parts, now divided by valleys. Dealu’s territory is crossed by Nagy Kükülő river and Fenyéd torrent. The yearly average temperature varies between 1 and 7 °C : at summer between 14 and 16 Celsius, while at winter between -4 and -7 °C. The yearly average of rainfall is between 800 and 1000 mm. Dealu Municipality has 3.903 inhabitants with a 39,4 square km of population density. The administrative area is extended for 99 square km. Dealu owns, also, 2.300 square km of forest and pasture in the administrative area of Varsag Municipality. 34 4. Territories DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Municipality’s administrative area comprehends also the Urusos spring an hidrogeological protected area. It represents an high potential for what concern tourism particularly because of folk traditions. Narcissus Garden has 5 ha of cohesive area where narcissus is growing in may. Outside this there are tens of hectares with narcissus flowers. In Dealu exists an area of 5 hectares called Narcissus Garden, where in May it is possible to admire an extension completely covered with flowers. Tens of land’s hectares, apart from the above mentioned, are covered with narcissus. Following scheme shows how the land is used. - 5.400 ha of agricultural area - 1.600 ha of pastures - 1.600 ha of meadow - 100 ha of orchards - 840 ha of urban area - 2.300 ha of forests Agriculture is characterized by livestock. Farming is prevalently divided with cereals and potatoes alternated with pasture. Farmers, in any case, produce fruits and vegetables for their own use. Narcissus is Dealu’s symbol. Narcissus angustifolius, on the left; Narcissus poeticus, on the right; The first one is protected at national level. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4. Territories 35 Concerning area’s naturalistic framework, here’s a list with the most important species. Trees: Fagus silvatica, Acer pseudoplatanus, Picea abies, Abies alba, Larix decidua Flowers: Galantus nivalis, Leucojum vernum, Viola selvatica, Primula veris, Crocus heuffelianus, Polmonaria rubra, Pyrola rotundifolia Animals Mammals: Ursos arctos, Cervus elaphus var. Carpaticus, Sus scrofa, Canis lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Felis silvestris, Lynx lynx, Martes martes, Sciurus vulgaris, Lepus europeus, Mustela nivalis Birds: Troglodytes troglodytes, Dentrocorpus major, Lullula arborea, Parus palustris, Lyurus tetrix, Bubo bubo, Prunella modularis, Parus major Amphibians and fishes: Bufo bufo, Triturus montandoni, Salamandra salamandra, Salmo trutta fario, Chondos-toma nasus The use of wood resources comprehends Pinewood which is used to produce timber, while beech is mostly used as firewood. Concerning soil use 200 hectares are included in public property, 500 hectares of private property and 1.600 hectares of municipal property. The yearly planned wood extraction is 10.000 cubic meters, which corresponds to the yearly average growth. Wood cutting areas are chosen considering lands natural reforestation; as it is clear a continued forest planting is done in the cut areas. During summer holidays are organized yearly “forests schools” lasting two weeks in the school of Üknyéd, in its garden that is extended for 1,5 hectares. More than 50 students take classes on forests’ production: mushrooms, fruit, flora and fauna together with teachers, biologists and professionals. In Dealu, as foreseen by the project, is will be created an info point for touristic informations. At the moment it is possible to stay in 10 guest house: 36 4. Territories DESTINATION MOUNTAIN -Sziklakert Pension -Szivafa Guest House - Őrhegyalja Guest House - Hajdó Guest House - Margaréta Guest House - Hunor Guest House - Bálint Pál Guest House - Gergely Guest House - Tama Guest House - Bálint Piroska Guest House Tourists in Dealu can also experience three experimental paths, clearly described in the difficulty degree at international scale. 1) Szencsed Falu – Oroszhegy - Sign: yellow cross - Distance can be covered in: 2 h - lenght : 5.6 km - Level degree: 10m 2) Zetelaka – Oroszhegy - Sign: yellow dot - Distance can be covered in: 3 h - Lenght : 8,4 km - Level degree: 20m 3) Oroszhegy – Kilátó Dankostova - sign:blue-white - Distance can be covered in: 1,5h - Lenght : 1.8 km - Level degree: 250 m DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4. Territories 37 4.6 Oulu Province and Paljakka Natural Reserve Ari Meriruoko Kainuu Region geographical framework Kainuu Region and Provinces The territorial area of interest for the project Destination Mountain is placed in Oulu Province, in Kainuu Region that historically comprehends Ostrobotnia region south eastern part. It borders with northern Ostrobotnia, the Savo and Karelia in the Russian Federation. Kainuu region - two towns (Kajaani and Kuhmo) and seven municipalities – has a total surface of 24.452 square km with a internal water system covering almost the 12% of the territory. Population counts with almost 86.000 inhabitants with a demographic density of 4 people for square km. Oulujärvi lake is the larges and most important one infact it is called “Kainuu sea” and is the third lake, for extension, in Finland. On the western side of the mountains crossing the region going north west and south east the region changes completely from the flat ground of Pohjois-Pohjanmaa to Kainuu peaks. Going east of reliefs the area changes thanks to the high on the sea level and includes lots, extended, waters systems with paths shape linked one to the other, and smaller lakes. Kainuu region is rich of marshes, covering almost the 50% of the total surface. From the botanic point of view this region belongs to the middle boreal area. Kainuu natural resources are conditioned by the presence of forests, the most important economic resource considered that the 95% of regional forest are used for commerce. Forest heritage belongs for the 40% to state, another 40% to private and the remaining part is owned by private enterprises. Woods have been renewed with a very quick rhythm during the last decades, old forest proportion now has become smaller. Infact forest can be defined as middle young forest (20 to 60 years) including pines (62%), spruces (19%) and birches (15). Region’s protected areas represent the 5% of the total surface. Besides 2/3 of marshes have been drained. The biggest water system linked to Kainuu has been 38 Paliakka Natural Reserve 4. Territories DESTINATION MOUNTAIN used to produce energy by building digs on rivers and lakes. Almost the 60% of it is regulated, seen that a minimum water level rising in winter, has a damaging impact on lakes litoral and ichthyc heritage Area’s soils, as well as almost all the other belong to Histosols, risen by peaty sediment, in a humid, and strongly reducing environment, are acid, sub acid an rich of organic elements. There are also Podzols, as typical of the coniferous forests, acids with some clearly marked differences between the horizons. Organic element is moving and great part of it reaches the surface water, as results of it rivers water is coloured especially in rainy seasons. Paljakka Natural Reserve, of peculiar importance for DM has 3200 hectares of extension and is one of the 35 Finland’s natural protected areas created with the aim of protecting national territory ecosystems and biotype having historical, geographical, environmental and geological importance and that, for this reason, are considered as habitats that cannot be substituted or changed for the presenvation, the growth and the protection of flora and fauna up to what suggested by Natura 2000 network. To it must be added that Paljakka is part of a protected natural reserves network, made up by 19 natural reserves which aims and roles concerning environmental protection are regulated, since 1997, by the Nature Conservation Act. Up to the above mentioned document the network must protect and safeguard natural habitat and their peculiar characteristics; - all the present species as well as geological and geomorphological characteristics, giving particular attention to rare species and the ones suffering the extintion because of human factors; - all the ecosystems; - all the environmental and cultural characteristics; - the wild aspect of the territory; to face this commitment, the access to areas as Paljakka is restricted to visitors; it is possible to visit it under special permissions being it a place of environmental safeguard and scientific research. Concerning environmental and vegetative framework it must be underlined that it has been divided into four areas and, some of them, divided in sub- areas; Paljakka DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4. Territories 39 natural reserve is placed in the third area, the mid boreal and it’s characterized by the presence of forest with an high percentage of vegetation and marshes. Clearly, the forests represent the main natural habitat in Finland but, in spite of their extension, 150,000 square Km covering almost 1/3 of the whole territory, only the 1% has an higher vegetation percentage. It is thanks to natural reserves as Paljakka that, through reforestation, people are trying to reduce the percentage of forest with a minor vegetative percentage so to create good condition for flora and fauna surviving, protecting, at the same time, both young forests that century old ones. Another factor useful to explain the poor vegetation in some areas of the Country is represented by climatic conditions, very difficult, that brought a prevalence of trees considered more resistant such as beech and spruce particularly present in Paljakka natural reserve which main peculiarity is represented by Venus shoe or Cypripedium calceolus, an Orchid. Natural Habitat in Finland 40 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 5. BEST PRACTICES Davide Colace, Maria Gabriella Fittante Heart of the planning initiative has been, obviously, the best practices exchange as well as the Know-how transfer. To do it have been organized meetings workshops,study visits that involved, in Calabria two among the three national parks as to say, Sila National Park and Aspromonte National Park, in Finland Paljakkka Natural Reserve, in Kainuu Region and in Romania the IVO Wildlife Park and Natura 2000 reserves in the area of Harghita County in which insists the volcanic Plateau. During the meetings, that foresaw specific workshops, the planning actors had the possibility of exchanging, also through stakeholders practical involvement that positively answered to planning topic, studies, technical reports that need to be listed, in this publication. After having individuated and involved all the interested stakeholders (Mayors, Bodies, Schools, tour operators, associations and facilities managers) have been decided, jointly, the initiatives to put in action and using press and presentation conferences, has been given a wide information on it both before than after initiative’s realization. To manage better the operative steps, partners established the Steering Committe, made up by a member for every partner wich, in equal number, took also part to project’s meetings. In every Steering Committee, real partnership managerial tool, have been discussed, time by time, planning state processes, the possible difficulties and problems overcoming. Every member, signed and agreed with committee’s decisions. It must be underlined the absence of conflicts between partners and the satisfaction expressed concerning exchange and cooperation. Steering committee’s methodology has been able of guaranteeing the good project’s functioning because, all decision made in that seat, accepted and undersigned, has always been considered binding for partners, permitting to go DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 5. Best Practices 41 on to another step with clear positions always jointly accepted because largerly discussed. From this point of view, all steering committee’s participants showed the ability of using communication tools not always easy to use, when a foreign language is used to communicate. The idea of the different language is also useful to understand the different cultural approach had while taking a decision, thing that made difficult, but extremely stimulating, the comparison between different realities. We can also say that this one has been a satisfying result reached by partnership: an exercise of cultural cooperation subtended to territory’s practical cooperation Obstacles faced because of communication, setting aside linguistic differences, have been the stimulus to reach common agreements and objectives even starting from different intervention’s methods and praxis. Without any doubt it is possible to affirm that the real best practice has been the Without any doubt it is possible to affirm that the real best practice has been decision making exercise shared in the partnership. the decision making exercise shared in the partnership. BestBest practice havebeen beenputted putted in action during practiceexchange exchange real real activities activities have in action during the the following subproject’s meetings: following subproject's meetings: Meetings Steering Committee First meeting and international conference 13-14-15 october 1° Steering Committee; 14 october and 2011, Cosenza, (IT) near Sila National park 26 october 2011 Second meeting and international conference 17-18 may 2012, 2° Steering Committee; 18 may 2012 Dealu Municipality (RO) Third meeting and international conference 7-10 august 2012, 3° Steering Committee, 8 august 2012 Paliakka (FI) Fourth meeting and international conference14-17 october 2012, Reggio Calabria Municipality(IT), Aspromonte National Park Tab. 2 Synoptic Table Written procedure 4° Steering Committee and Workshop with local stakeholders, 14 october 2012 5° Extraordinary Steering Committee , 17 december 2012 As can be easily understood by the synoptic table, to every meeting corresponds an ordinary steering committee. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 48 42 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN As can be easily understood by the synoptic table, to every meeting corresponds an ordinary steering committee. During the four meetings stakeholders and experts in every field of action, through reports which content was both technical scientific and administrative, showed the state of art of developed activities, the one to put in action and the one planned in coherence with the topic of sustainable tourism in forest protected areas and wildlife sanctuaries. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 5. Best Practices 43 1° Meeting and 1° Steering Committee – Cosenza, Sila Naional Park - Italy INTERREG IVC International Conference Destination Mountain “Sustainable Development of Mountain Tourism” Welcome Tiziano GIGLI Spezzano della Sila Municipality’s Major Address PIETRO LECCE Councillor for Tourism - Province of Cosenza Introduction GIOVANNI SODA Manager of the Sector Planning and Internationalization - Province of Cosenza Woods and forests as touristic attractor: Robinwood project and best practices Saveria CRISTIANO Manager of the sector Cooperation, Internationalization - Calabria Region Ari MERIRUOKO Representative of Metsähllitus Luontopalvelut - Kainuu Region - Finland Elemer IMRE Representative of Dealu Municipality - Romania Laura MURAGLIA Responsible of Robinwood Plus Project - Liguria Region Tommaso TEDESCO Manager of the Aspromonte National Park Domenico PAPPATERRA President of the Pollino National Park Sonia FERRARI President of the Sila National Park Sila, Touristic destination in the Euromediterranean region Michele LAUDATI Manager of the Sila National Park Sila National Park, Camigliatello Silano (IT) Visit Center “Cupone“, International Conference. Roberto MOLLICA Consultant Fondirigenti - Project “I Turismi” Saveria SPEZZANO Responsible of the project Hub & Spoke, Formez - Ministry for Civil Service Debate with stakeholders and local actors Conclusions: Gerardo Mario OLIVERIO President of the Province of Cosenza Saturday 15 October - ore 9.30 Centro Visite Sila National Park Cupone - Camigliatello Silano (CS) PARCO NAZIONALE DELLA SILA REGIONE LIGURIA Grafica Florens - San Giovanni in Fiore REGIONE CALABRIA Comuna Dealu Sila National Park, Lorica (IT) Park Agency Center, 1st Steering Commitee start 5. Best Practices 44 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 2nd Meeting and 2nd Steering Committee – Dealu Municipality - Romania Alternative usage of forests and tourism in Dealu region Conference 18th of May 2012 Az erdők alternatív hasznosítása és turizmus Oroszhegy környékén Folosirea alternativă a pădurilor și turism în zona Comunei Dealu INTERREG IVC Project “Robinwood Plus”mini-programme: DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Theme: Development of tourism on forest land (theme parks). The subproject aims to promote the development of sustainable tourism in mountain areas, even in protected areas, in order to generate economic development processes and improve the quality of life, through the instruments of co-operation. A projekt célja Erdős területek turisztikai fejlesztése. Az alprojekt szándéka a fenntartható turizmus fejlesztése a hegyvidékeken, a védett területeken, gazdasági fejlődés és életminőség javítása céljából. Scopul proiectului Dezvoltarea turistică a zonelor forestiere. Scopul subproiectului constă în dezvoltarea turismului durabilă în zonele montane, chiar și în zonele protejate, pentru dezvoltarea economică și îmbunătățirea calității vieții. Participants: - Province of Cosenza - Municipality of Reggio Calabria - Hargita County - Dealu Municipality - Kainuu, Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services. 10:00 – 10:30 10:30 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 12:45 12:45 – 13:15 13:15 – 13:45 13:45 – 14:15 14:15 – 14:45 Registration of participants Opening: Bálint Elemér –mayor of Dealu Municipality Address Region Calabria – Partner Robinwood Plus Addresses and Interventions: Gabriella Fittante, Province of Cosenza – Lead Partner DM Carmelo Pellerone and Vincenzo Cotroneo, Reggio Calabria Municipality – Partner DM Ari Meriruoko, Metsallitus Natural Heritage Services – Partner DM Résztvev ők bejelentkezése Megnyitó: Bálint Elemér – Oroszhegy polgármestere Köszöntők: Region Calabria – Robi nwood Plus Projekt Partner Köszöntők: Péter Pál - AGORA - Working Group for Sustainable Development: Natur al Values of Odorhei region and ecotourism Both József - Environmental Protection Agency Harghita: Management of Natura 2000 protected ar eas Massimi liano Capalbo - GH Calabria: The exper ience of the Adventur e Park “Orme nel Parco”in Sila National Park Péter Pál - AGORA – Fenntartható Fejlesztési Munkacsoport: Ökoturizmus Udvarhelyszéken Both József – Hargita Megyei Környezetvédelmi Ügy nökség: A Natura 2000 hálózat kezelési feltételei Coffee Break Antonino Siclari- Aspromonte National Park: Best Practi ces in Aspromonte National Park Kávészünet Antonino Siclari- Aspromonte National Park: Jó példák az Aspromonte Nemzeti Parkban Szabó Szilárd - Hargita Megyei Környezetvédelmi Ügy nökség: Az ember-medve konfliktusok megelőzésének lehetőségei Vass Árpád - Oroszhegyi közbi rtokosság: Or oszhegy és erdőgazdálkodása Kerekasztal beszélgetés Szabó Szi lárd - Environmental Protection Agency Harghita: Methods to reduce human - bear conflicts Vass Árpád - Commonage of Dealu Municipality: Dealu Municipality and it’s forest management Discussions Gabriella Fittante, Province of Cosenza –DM v ezető partner Carmelo Pellerone and Vincenzo Cotroneo, Reggio Calabria Municipality –DM partner Ari Meriruoko, Metsallitus Natural Heritage Services –DM partner Massi miliano Capalbo - GH Calabria: A “Orme nel Parco” kalandpar k tapasztalatai a Sila Nemzeti Parkban Înregistrarea participantiilor Deschidere: Bálint Elemér – Primarul Comunei Dealu Deschidere Region Calabria – Partener Robinwood Plus Deschidere: Gabriel la Fittante, Prov ince of Cosenza – Lead Partener DM Carmelo Pellerone and Vincenzo Cotroneo, Reggio Calabria Munici pality – Partener DM Ari Meriruoko, Metsallitus Natural Heritage Services – Partener DM Péter Pál - AGORA – Grup de lucru pentru Dezvoltare Durabilă: Ecoturism în zona Odorhei Both József – Agentia pentru Protectia Mediului Harghita: Managementul ariilor protejate Natura 2000 Massimiliano Capalbo - GH Calabria: Experien?ele al parcului de aventură “Orme nel Parco” la Parcul Na?ional Sila Pauză de cafea Antoni no Siclari- Aspromonte National Park: Bunele Practici la Parcul National Dealu Municipality (RO) International Conference. Szabó Szilárd - Agentia pentru Protectia Mediului Harghita: Metode pentru reducerea conflictelor om-ur s Vass Árpád – Composesoratul Comunei Dealu: Comuna Dealu si silvicultura lui Discutii libere Dealu Municipality (RO) 2 nd Steering Committee DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 5. Best Practices 45 3rd Meeting and 3rd Steering Committee – Paljakka - Finland Meeting international of exchange of good practical between the beneficiaries of the subprojects of Robin Wood Plus in Vuokatti, (FI) Study Visit in Paljakka Natural reserve, Kainuu Region (FI) Good Practices exchange Forest Reserch Finnish Institute 46 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4th Meeting and 4thSteering Committee – Reggio Calabria, Aspromonte National Park - Italy Reggio Calabria Municipality (IT) International Meeting Aspromonte National Park Bagaladi (IT), Park Gate, 4th Steering Committee 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 47 The following table shows a detailed list of contributions given to the project The following table shows a detailed list of contributions given to the project Tab. 3 Best Practices List Best practices exchanged: Project’s territorial areas environmental framework, ARSSA, Sila National Park (IT) (IT) Mushrooms, herbs and officinal herbs in SNP, Provincial Order of Agronomist of the Province of Cosenza “Protocol in the park”, SNP, SilAvventura SaS (IT) Truffle-ground path in Province of Cosenza National Parks, Comunità Montana “Alto Tirreno Cosentino” European Charter of Sustainable Tourism, CETS, Sila National Park (IT) Introduction to the Paliakka Area and research activities (FI) Delineating a hiking trail in the Nature reserve (FI) Project VAAKA, Finnish Forest Research Institute (FI) Wild Taiga Association (FI) Natural values of Odorhei region and ecotourism, AGORA, (RO) Management of Natura 2000 protected areas, Methods to reduce human–bears conflicts EPA Harghita (RO) Dealu Municipality and it’s forest management, Commonage of Dealu municipality (RO) “Sea- Mountain Axis: from Aspromonte National Park to Costa Viola” (IT) The experience of the Adventure Park “Orme nel Parco” in Sila National Park (IT) “Sea- Mountain Axis: from Sila National Park to Capo Rizzuto Marine protected area” (IT) DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 54 48 5. Best Practices Some presentations of best practices exchanged. Sila National Park, Lorica (IT), 1st International Meeting, Park Agency, CETS Paljakka Natural Reserve (FI), 3rd International Meeting, ARSSA Presentation. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 5. 5. Best Best Practices Practices 49 49 ARSSA Servizio Agropedologia Project “Destination Mountain” First meeting and International Conference 13/15 october 2011 Sila National Park Parco Nazionale della Sila, Camigliatello Sila National Park, Camigliatello Silano (IT), 1st Silano(IT), 1° Meeting Internazionale, International Meeting, ARSSA Presentation. Presentazione ARSSA Project area environmental Framework Assistenza Tecnica – ARSSA – Servizio Agropedologia Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY Best Practices Provincia di Cosenza Province of Cosenza (IT,RO,FI) Best (IT,RO,FI) Practices Presentazione Avventura “Orme Adventure ParkParco Presentation “Orme nelnel Parco” Parco” The experience of the Adventure Park “Orme nel Parco” in Sila National Park DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Pagina 48 50 Dealu Municipality (RO), 2nd International Meeting, AGORA Agency Presentation. Dealu Municipality (RO), 2nd International Meeting, Harghita County Environmental Protection Agency Presentation. 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Dealu Municipality (RO), 2nd International Meeting, EPA Presentation Harghita. Best Practices Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Service (FI), Paljakka Natural Reserve hiking trails Presentation 5. Best Practices 51 52 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Paljakka Natural Reserve (FI) 3rd International Meeting, Forest Reserch Finnish Institute presentation. Socio-ecological tools for the planning of tourist destinations in Kainuu, VAAKA Katja Kangas Finnish Forest Research Institute Paljakka Natural Reserve (FI) 3rd International Meeting, Wild Taiga Association Presentation. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Aspromonte National Park Best Practices 2nd Dealu (RO) International Meeting, Presentation. Reggio Calabria (IT) Municipality, 4th International Meeting, Best Practices Presentation. 5. Best Practices 53 54 Sila National Park, Zagarise Municipality(IT), Study Visit. Protected Marine Reserve Center, Isola Capo Rizzuto, Crotone(IT), Meeting. 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN The working session also foresaw study visit and specific experiences developed in the interested areas, not only for the insider but interesting all the citizenhood, through a wide involvement of the territory (Schools, institutions, private stakeholders). Another aspect developed during meetings has been the importance of communication concerning planned activities using all the mass media, in particular: press, tv and web sites. Not least, a great space has been done to territorial resources exploitation, joining to the naturalistic ones, excellence’s wine and gastronomy networks, niche tourism, sample of public and private synergy. Find down here the list of the stakeholders directly involved even if, it doesn’t give notice of local actor effective participation registered during the project. - 5 Mayors, 1 President of County, 1 Representative elected to European Parliament for Harghita County; - 40 operators (turistic e commercials); - 4 schools; - 2 professional orders (Agronomist, Cosenza Provincial section and National Order); - 4 University and research institutes; - 4 National Parks; - 1 Sea protected area; - 3 Biogenetic Integral Reserve; - National and local press, public administration web sites; - 4 public agencies and 1 private network; -24 Visits. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 5. Best Practices 55 Study visits list Localization Province of Cosenza: Sila National Park - Harghita County: Dealu Municipality - Kainuu Region: Metsähallistus Natural Heritage Service - Reggio Calabria Municipality: Aspromonte National Park - Tab.4 Study visits list - Study visit Visits to acrobatic Parks “Orme nel parco” and “SilAvventura”; Visit to the “Oil and folk wisdom museum”; Albergo diffuso “Borgo Paradiso”; Innovative accommodation facilities “San Lorenzo Si Alberga” Innovative accommodation facilities “Innovative accommodation facilities “Pecora nera” Innovative accommodation facilities “ Visit to the natural protected area of “I Giganti del Fallistro” in Sila National Park; Visit to “Sea-Moutain axis: from Sila National Park to Capo Rizzuto Marine protectyed area” Study visit on harghita County volcanic Plateau -Natura 2000 site; Ivo Wildlife Park; Meadoww natural Reserve; Farm Mustarinda haouse, a local art center and a naturalistic center; Suomussalmi municipality: borderline and second World War fight area; Arolan Maatila- ja eralomat: naturalistic watching point Gambarie d’Aspromonte: cycle-trekking in the Park; Study visit: Laghetto Rumia and Mausoleo Garibaldi: “porta del Parco” Bagaladi, art and culture in the grecanic area; Biogenetic Natural Reserve “Foresta Ferraina”; Trekking path “Aspromonter national Park …from west to east”; Gerace medieval village; MU.SA.BA. – Museo Santa Barbara di Mammola; Reggio Calabria: Archeo Tour in the hystorical center, include the visit to “Riace Bronzes”; Sea-Mountain axis: from Aspromonte National Park to the Costa Viola” visit; Quality’s wine production in Reggio Calabria 56 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Study visit Pictures Italy – Sila National Park Italy – Sila National Park Romania – Harghita County Italy – Sila National Park Romania – Harghita County Romania – Harghita County DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 5. Best Practices 57 Study visit Pictures Finland – Kainuu Region Finland – Kainuu Region Italy – Aspromonte National Park Finland – Kainuu Region Italy – Aspromonte National Park Italy – Aspromonte National Park 58 Study visit Pictures Sila National Park Lorica (IT) "SilAvventura" Acrobatic Park 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 5. Best Practices 59 The project included a specific competences transfer concerning the planning and realization of an adventure park. The last 17 october 2012, infact, during the fourth meetings activities took place, in Aspromonte National Park, to be exact in Gerace, the International Training Course “the Adventure Parks as eco friendly tourism model”- GH Calabria. The happening saw a wide stakeholders participation. Particularly important has been the best pratice exchange in the partnership and everyone had the possibility of detecting possible and reproducible experiences in their own reality. In particular, the partners, at the end of the activities, shared the most important experiences to be capitalized: - Co-operation in Sila and Aspromonte National Parks (administration, hotels, municipalities, entrepreneurs); - Network of small villages: small, remote villages are providing tourism services in cooperation with each other. They have created more packages, including services like hiking, climbing, horse riding, tasting local foods; - Private adventure parks in Sila National Park (“Orme nel Parco” and “SilAvventura”); - Protocols in the Parks: Nature and School; - European standard for tourism services in Finland; - Nature tourism in landuse planning, including participating planning: region level, the planning processes of state owned land, landscape-ecological planning, forestry action plans in Finland; - Indicators of sustainable tourism in protected areas; - Principles of nature tourism in protected areas; - Litter-free outdoor activities; - Wildlife observation as nature tourism activity; - Protected areas visitor services; - WildTaiga co-operation between entrepreneurs and authorities; - Cooperation between a municipality and a private company in establishing a tourism resort; - Ivo Wildlife Park and Volcanic Plateau of Harghita Mountains: people and wildlife in Harghita County. 60 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Please find down here the tables concerning Dealu Municipality and Metshallitus Natural Heritage Service that explained the importance of the experiences exchange on forest areas and wildlife sanctuaries management from the point of view of regulation and public-private synergy. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Finland 5. Best Practices 61 List the best practices that you showed to your partners List the best practices that you learned from your partners: Nature tourism in landuse planning, including participating planning: Cooperation in National parks (administration, hotels, municipalities, entrepreneurs) -regional level -the planning processes of state owned land -landscape-ecological planning Private adventure parks in National parks -forestry action plans Indicators of sustainable tourism in protected areas Principles of nature tourism in protected areas European standards for tourism services Litter-free outdoor activities Wildlife observation as nature tourism activity Protected areas visitor services WildTaiga co-operation between entrepreneurs and authorities Romania The mission of the IVÓ WILDLIFE PARK is to connect people with wildlife, inspire caring for nature and advance conservation. The IVÓ WILDLIFE PARK is situated in the Harghita Mountains, around 30 km from Odorheiu Secuiesc. The 300 hectare-park is home of different species of wild animals such as muflon, red, wild boar, fallow and roe deer. The IVÓ Wildlife Park is kept its natural state, with the exception of minimal fencing and access roads, the natural landscape, flora and fauna are left undisturbed. The animals are raised having minimal human contact (they never receive growth hormones or antibiotics). Lush oak and beech forests provide nuts as additional sustenance, a particular loved by wild boar. This low-stress environment is ideal for raising fit and healthy game. The guests can participate in organized tours including walking, horseback riding and photo or film excursions. The following rules must be deserved when visiting the park: -Follow the Guide's instructions -Smoking is not allowed in the park -Do not litter -Do not abandon your group DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Finland: Cooperation between a municipality and a private company in establishing a tourism resort. Field museum: a World War II battlefield was reconstructed in the forest near the Russian border, presenting the severe conditions of the Finish Winter War. Italy: Mountain bike track in Aspromonte National Park: the national park has mountain bike rental services, provided by a private owner, and they are also maintaining several tracks. Centre of the Aspromonte 70 5. Best Practices 62 -Taking photos and filming is not allowed (except organized filming tours) -Taking pets into the park is prohibited -Visitors enter at their own risk. -These rules are for the good of the animals, but for the visitors too. Keeping the animals inside the fences and inviting guest is not enough to have a successful business. Near organizing tours in the park, accommodation options, horse riding possibilities and bicycle rental services are provided. One of the mayor incomes, near tourism services, is food production. Purchasers are mostly luxurious restaurants, who are serving wild meet as an exotic food. Activities like walking by foot in the forest, watching animals in their natural habitat, being close to nature are fitting well into the concept of sustainable tourism, making IVÓ Wildlife Park one of the best examples in the region. Study visit on Voulcanic Platou of Harghita Mountains Dealu is situated in the central part of Romania, in the Eastern part of the historical region of Transylvania. The volcanic plateau of Harghita Mountains representes a more than 1000 meter high plateau surrounded by coniferous and mixed forests. This part of Dealu Municipality preserve traditional farming systems, like animal husbandry, making of cheese and honey, grassland management and wood production. There are several protected areas in the plateau region, even Natura 2000 site. This landscape of exceptional biodiversity has been created by farmers over hundreds of years, and it can only be preserved by continued traditional management by the farmers. The most important species living in the area are the following: Birds, White Stork, Honey Buzzard, Goshawk, Sparrow hawk, Buzzard, Kestrel, Hobby, Grey-headed Woodpecker, Black Woodpecker, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Syrian Woodpecker, Swallow, Black Redstart, Redstart, Blackbird, Raven, Plants, species rich HNV meadows and other grasslands Narcissus Stellaris fields, some of them have more than several hectares. Visiting this kind of land, which kept its traditional form of land use and where the nature is preserved as it was 100 years ago, must be done with care. Therefore tours are made in preliminary determined, already existing roads, but also accessing all the important point which has to be seen by the tourists. Near biodiversity, the rare and autochthon species, which are mostly interested by specialist, the bigger public is interested about the traditional farming. The visitors are travelling back in time; they can feel themselves like in a living museum, where the attractions are not just attractions, they are used DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN National Park: it has the highest protection level in the park, entering into this area for tourists is forbidden, entrance is allowed only with a permit from the Ministry of Environment. Adventure Park in Sila National Park: an adventure park is managed by a private company in Sila National Park. Network of small villages: small, remote villages are providing tourism services in cooperation with each other. They created more packages, including services like hiking, climbing, horse riding, tasting local exotic foods. 71 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 5. Best Practices 63 by locals even today. For example the chariots are transporting hay barnseven to feed theFor cows, who are by the farmer, bytolocals today. example the milked chariotsby arehand transporting hay who makes cheese and cottage cheese from it. The following rules to barns to feed the cows, who are milked by hand by the farmer, must be applied organizing consciously who makes cheese when and cottage cheesetours: from Choosing it. The following rules the rightbepath, Travelling in small tours: groups, Consuming local goods, must applied when organizing Choosing consciously the Buying services, environmental services, right path,local Travelling in Favoring small groups, Consumingfriendly local goods, choosing accommodation optionsenvironmental connected to friendly sewer system, using Buying local services, Favoring services, solar energy choosing accommodation options connected to sewer system, using Respecting solar energy local traditions, in this way strengthening the identity of local nations, to know local attractions, tradition, want to Respecting localWant traditions, in this way strengthening the identity ofsee the nations, everydayWant life toofknow the locals, Spending tradition, more time in toa see place, local local attractions, want deeper locals thehaving everyday liferelations of the with locals, Spending more time in a place, having deeper relations with locals The following tables shows some Calabria best practices, so to make you aware Theshows following tables showsbest somepractices, Calabria best so to make you The following tables some Calabria so topractices, make you aware of the experience's exchange putted in action with project’s activity. aware of the experience's exchange putted in action with project’s activity. of the experience's exchange putted in action with project’s activity. Localization Localization Best practices Best practices Province of Province of cosenza cosenza Protocols in the Parks: Environmental education program and incentive to school, third age and Protocols in thetourism Parks: Environmental program and by incentive third and handicapped in Pollino andeducation Sila Parks, realized signingto aschool, Protocol of age agreement. handicapped tourismand in the Pollino and Sila Parks, realized Protocol of agreement. Interested Parks Province of Cosenza realizedbya signing programa of happenings to increase Interested and the Province of inCosenza a program of happenings to increase tourism inParks the Municipalities placed Nationalrealized Parks area. tourism in the Municipalities placed in National Parks area. Tourism development activities foresaw a series of financial contribution to tourism organized in Tourism development of financial contribution to tourism organized in the fields of school activities tourism, foresaw third agea series tourism, tourism for handicapped. Involved stakeholders thewere: fields of school tourism, third age tourism, tourism for handicapped. Involved stakeholders were: Province of Cosenza Province of Cosenza Sila National Park Sila National Park Pollino National Park Pollino National Park 11 Municipalities placed in Sila National Park's area 11 Municipalities placed in Sila National Park's area Municipalities placed Pollino National Park's 3333 Municipalities placed in in Pollino National Park's areaarea Accommodation facilities restaurants placed in both parks’ Accommodation facilities andand restaurants placed in both parks’ areaarea Schools, Associations, Foundations, Cooperatives, Parks’ official guides Schools, Associations, Foundations, Cooperatives, Parks’ official guides Theprotocol protocolforesaw foresawsome someeconomic economic incentives local stakeholder (Bodies, associations The incentives for for local stakeholder (Bodies, associations foundationsand andcooperatives cooperatives working social) individuated beneficiaries, having foundations working on on social) individuated as asbeneficiaries, having legallegal requisites to develop activities. Activities development was regulated by a regulation approved requisites to develop activities. Activities development was regulated by a regulation approved DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 72 72 5. Best Practices 64 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN with Provincial Commission’s deliberation n 26 del 06/02/2009 and contributions were given following public calls procedures. Activity’s aim is increasing naturalistic, cultural and social tourism in the Park to favour the wellness of old people and or handicapped through stays in the Park’s area as well as a wider diffusion of environmental topics knowledge The Province of Cosenza finances the Program in with 250.000,00 euros, corresponding to every park the sum of 125.000.00 euros. Pollino and Sila National Parks correspond almost the 50% of the contribution given them by the Province. The Parks are defined Program’s actuators because they’ll realize calls to finance organized trips and stays n their territory Proper call will activate selection in order to correspond funds Province of Cosenza Adventure Parks “Orme nel Parco” in Tirivolo and “SilAvventura” in Lorica In Calabria, near Sila National Park have been visited two adventure parks built in a park’s beechwood in Tirivolo and in a touristic village close to Arvo Lake, were is possibile to face “suspended paths” between beech and pine trees, the “Tarzaning”. News, bravery, dynamism, play, emotion and adventure are the key words to go from a tree to the other, totally safe, through ropes, pulleys, lianas, tibetan bridges, poised barrels, tottering see-saw, cableways and so on.. Lots of poised paths placed at different levels from the ground on which users can freely move with proper equipment To face the paths suspended between Parks’ trees no one has to be an athlete Being able of ending the path autonomously and in safe, facing fears, is very helpful for self-respect. During study visits to Parks have been showed both “Protocol in the Parks implementation, involving an high school of the province and the implementation and realization methods of an acrobatic park. Province of Cosenza Strategical Plan on Tourism of the Province of Cosenza. The Province of Cosenza, presented the plan in cooperation with Fondirigenti, and Assindustria. To present the sphere in which it acts were presented: The hypothesis on tourism development strategic lines -Increasing Cosenza competitiveness and attractiveness as touristic destination for National and International market -Strengthening the promotion and the commercialization of touristic offer in a multi-channel way -Strengthening short break tourism and new product to extend seasonal fluctuation -Increasing and improving access to services -Increasing existent product’s portfolio -Structuring offer and promotional action of the whole touristic sector of Cosenza DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 73 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 65 Province of Cosenza touristic description -Actual description and future description -Low level Destination and high level Destination -Massive and niche tourism -Relaxing and quiet holiday, funny and active holyday -Sun and sea, biking and mountain -Camp and holiday village, Hotel and resort -Good offer on second houses -Closed population, open minded population -For young, for families -Trendy destination, classic destination Analysis conclusions Study’s preliminary analysis helped in individuating the territorial peculiarities and touristic vocation that together with the competences and experiences on tourism contributed in defining a clear and coherent tourism relaunch strategy. What is clear is the lack of an integrated offer developing specific touristic product taking into account market needs and requests, it also clear the lack of pivot organization with functions of destination and marketing on the destination itself. Touristic resources and in general territorial offer variety represent a good condition to develop niche tourism to promote and present on the market not only for summer so to improve tour operator performances. Promotion and marketing strategy has been developed having, has referential point the motivation tourism and using as operative tool the product’s club. Were presented some product’s club idea to develop and that concern: - Outdoor (Rafting, Mountain Bike, Walking), - Wine and Gastronomy (wine’s paths, Restaurants), - Wellness (Hot springs, Hotel SPA). Sila National Park “The European Charter of Sustainable Tourism” Sila National Park took part to The European Charter of Sustainable Tourism to develop sustainable tourism in the Park’s territory with the direct participation and contribution of all the territorial actors to strengthen synergies between public and private working in tourism sector or sectors that are connected to it. Taking part to the Charter must guide to the definition of a long term strategy on sustainable DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 74 5. Best Practices 66 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN tourism development. The main question is: “how it is possible to improve tourism’s organization increasing incomes and the possibility of developing touristic enterprises on the territory strengthening everyone awareness concerning environment and natural heritage?” The answer in spite of classic touristic planning processes, doesn’t concern only competent bodies but also local community, as to say, tour operators, local bodies and everyone has interests in this field. Defining a strategy to put in action the action plans for sustainable tourism means involve also all the other actors present on the territory. To define the objectives and the strategy to put in action with the European Charter have been registered the heritages and has been done a correct diagnosis of territory’s needs in relation with touristic objectives. In particular have been identified strengths and weaknesses, risks, commitments and opportunity on tourism development in the area. This brought to a reflection useful to define a lasting tourism development strategy Being a constitutive element of the work in partnership it has been shared and accepted by all local partners Being able of creating and strengthening synergies on the territory brought to a deep activity of consultation with local actors. To reach the objectives fixed in the European Charter have been written some specific guidelines The Strategy that Sila National Park is bringing on foresees: - recognizing natural resources value as well as social, traditional and cultural values; - improving touristic offer respecting the principles of managing quality as well as product and services quality; - promoting a touristic offer opened to new markets both thanks to low impact initiatives and involving all sector experts (also strengthening relations between tourism and agriculture and all the other local productions); -a correct management of touristic activities able of satisfying both tourists than residents needs; -promotion of a tourism for everyone, not taking into account incomes and ability with particolar attention for young and older -people as well as handicapped; -making aware tourists on the environmental and socio-cultural values of the territory giving them information on their importance and safeguard; - training on sustainable tourism principles creating new skilled workers able of promoting new markets and new products at low environmental impact; DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 75 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 67 - improving citizens quality of life both from the economical that from the environmental point of view; - improving the integration between tourist and local citizens and between operators and new jobs - monitoring the evolution of the relation between tourism and sustainability; Innovative Methodologies Above all, in coherence with what stated by Charter Principles, have been individuated the strategic priorities to put in action and, later, have been selected one or more actions to be realized. Every individuated action has been contextualized (to detect the state of the art or the lacks to be improved). It has been also individuated an yearly number of activities to put in action (basing on the fifteen years long activities foreseen in the ECST) To monitor the results have been selected result’s indicators and individuated the operators committed in the organization and the execution of mentioned activities (tasks and responsibilities establishment) Besides has been individuated a proper section for the budget that will be completed considering covered task on every specific action putted in action by involved subjects. With local actors have been individuated the indicators to follow and evaluate the effectiveness and the correct actions to be developed. To be exact we are now referring to some opportunities indicators (tourism positive effects on environment, economy, visitors satisfaction) and some risk indicators (tourism negative effects on territory that must be evaluated and took into account) All the actions are listed below: Action 3.1.1 Protocols of Agreement and data recovery; Action 3.1.2 Debased areas; Action 3.1.3 Areas individuation; Action 3.1.4 Realization of a database and a SIT on environmental resources quality and pressures on it; Action 3.2.1 Evaluation of pressures importance to realize a monitoring plan; Action 4.1.1 Questionnaires for tourists; Action 4.1.2 Customer satisfaction with support for operators; Action4.2.1 Increasing of buildings with easy access points to enjoy of the natural heritage; Action 4.2.2 Start the discussion with municipalities to individuate architectural boundaries; Action 4.3.1 Define rules to use Pak’s logo for touristic services; Action4.3.2 Survey on excellence’s product to realize SC and operator’s networks; Action 5.1.1 Working tables basing on the topic to discuss on; Action 5.2.1 Web site improvement and selection of a procedure to control the information to be DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 76 5. Best Practices 68 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN published on; Action 5.3.1 Newsletter improvement; Action 5.3.2 Publications and depliant; Action 5.4.1 Awareness campaigns for citizens; Action 5.5.1 Identification of a procedure to spread information; Action5.6.1 Increasing of environmental education initiatives for everyone; Action 6.1.1 Operators network to create specific tours packages to promote and present on the market; Action 6.1.2 Happenings Calendar, touristic services and accommodations on line; Action 6.1.3 Horse tracks; Action 6.1.4 Network between cultural services; Action 6.1.5 Park’s paths improvement; Action 6.1.6 Stream locomotive; Action 7.1.1 Survey on tour operators training needs; Action 7.1.2 Training initiatives for the operators; Action 7.1.3 Awareness action for the operators to let them know the territory; Action 8.1.Environmental information desks creation; Action 9.1.1 Individuation of local product to put it in the touristic circuit; Action 9.1.2 Creation of networks to collect and distribute local products; Action 9.2.1 Agreements with region and to support ECST activities; Action 10.1.1 Visitors registration in Parks structures; Action 10.1.2 Realization of a touristic observatory; Action 10.2.1 Planning extraordinary interventions in places with high seasonal touristic impact. Organization The European Charted for Sustainable Tourism committed all the subjects that adhered (Park, enterprises, and local institutions) in the definition of a strategy as well as the implementation of an action plan for sustainable tourism involving all the other actors present on the territory. In the specific case, Charter promoter is Sila National Park that involved both the other local institutions (municipalities, mountain communities public bodies, provinces and so on) and the privates, starting from subjects (or representatives associations) working in the tourism field but widening the participation also to the others that, even not directly, are influenced by tourism . The aim has been first of all safeguarding also the wellness of the citizens, as to say, people that don't have any direct advantage from touristic economy and involving, or better tying to touristic economy, the subjects working on other economic fields such as agriculture or crafts. The FORUM has been the most suitable tool to reach this aim. During the Forum have been discussed and analyzed all the data, besides, always during the forum it has also been possible to listen and share proposals on strategy and actions plan. To the Forum, as plenary meeting, took part all involved subjects from public bodies representatives to tour operators, associations, citizens and so on. The Forum has been divided in 6 meetings - the first, the opening one, to explain the objectives that the Park wants to reach and present the document containing the “general strategy”; -the second to express the will of adhering, accept the document and start listening the points of DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 77 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 69 view of all involved subjects on sustainable tourism; - The third to show the results of the diagnostic report a the fourth, the fifth and the sixth to define strategy and actions plan. ARSSA Calabria “From land reform to the creation of the sustainable tourism pilot centre: the case of Molarotta applied research farm station.” Arssa is Modernization, Empowerment, Development of agriculture by means of research studies, scientific popularization and innovation transfer to food-farming and industrial production system. Institutional tasks (L.R. 15/1993) - Cooperates to work out the Regione Calabria agriculture developlment regional plan; - Promotes, organizes and co-ordinates development services in agriculture (CEE REG. 270/79); Manages experiment farm-station, applied research station, experiment fields in agriculture and cultivated variety list fields; - Promotes organic and sustainable farm-production tecniques experiment and spread; - Works out land reform tasks ; - Cooperates to work out the Regione Calabria rural development programme; Arssa Services production units - Plant and animal germplasm collection fields; - Plant disease laboratory; - Biotechnology laboratory; - Agriculture analisys laboratories; - Hidraulic spayer calibration test stations; - Panel Test rooms and organoleptic analisys (extra virgin olive oil). Molarotta, applied research farm station Structural interventions according with rural development plan PSR Calabria 2007-2013 Planned project intervention PSR Calabria 2007-2013 Actions nn. 223 , 227 and 323. Sites localized in: “Natura2000 Network”, the Special Protection Area (ZPS) “Sila Grande” cod. n. IT9310069 (DGR n. 607 27/06/2005 - Special Protection area review Dir. 79/409/CEE “Birds” and Dir. 92/43/CEE “Habitat”) Actions 223 : first afforestation; 227 : internal road system and additional works; 323 : rural buildings conservation and requalification. Planned project interventions had to face environmental constraints D.Lgs 42/04 , comma 3, art. n. 146 Environmental landscape report (art. n. 1 Decreto Presidente della Repubblica 12/12/2005) Impact assesment report (DGR n. 604 27/06/2005) DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 78 5. Best Practices 70 Reggio Calabria Municipality DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Department of “Envivironmental Quality” “Agriculture, Forestry & Rural Development” Service The Municipality of Reggio Calabria is covered by about 1,500 hectares of forest mainly located in the Aspromonte National Park. Forest of beech, chestnut and pine can be found at elevations between 800 and 1,500 m a.s.l. The Municipality of Reggio Calabria is developing a number of projects within the Aspromonte National Park: 1. The Ecosystem Restoration Project; 2. A Nature Campsite; 3. An Adventure Park; 4. Rainbow Tracks; 5. A lookout. Ecosystem restoration project The project involves the reforestation of an antropogenically degraded area through the plantation of White Poplar [Populus alba, L.], Aspen [Populus tremula, L.] and Black Alder [Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner) Nature campsite A facility providing accommodation and relative amenities was recently developed by restoring an old country house.The Nature Campsite is currently managed by a no-profit organisation (the Scout Association of Reggio Calabria) Adventure park An Adventure Park for practising Tarzaning on acrobatic arial trails. The Park, the only one of its kind in the Province of Reggio Calabria, is currently under costruction) Lookout The lookout can be used for the enjoyment of panoramic views, star gazing, bird watching and pet therapy. It is currently under development) These projects were developed in cooperation with a wide range of local stakeholders including a number of no-profit organisations: - the Aspromonte National Park Authority; - the State Forestry Corps; - the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities - the University of Reggio Calabria Mediterranea – Faculty - of Agricultural Science; - the Union of Agronomist and Forestry Professionals of Reggio Calabria; - the Italian Blind Association; - the Scout Association; DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 79 5. Best Practices DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 71 - the Outdoor Sport Association; (Provincial health Authority of Reggio Calabria). Provincia di Cosenza The Training Course and the Networks During Reggio Calabria's meeting, as foresaw in the project's work plan, the 15 october 2012, GH Calabria gave the international training course “the Adventure parks as sustainable tourism model”, based on “Orme nel Parco” experience. Illustrating the steps of creation of an adventure park, from the idea to the feasibility study as well as the study concerning financial and environmental sustainability, to arrive at the technical planning, were defined all the implementing steps and the regulations that nowadays regulate the activity as well as the managing tools and the obtained results. Besides, during the meeting have been showed the methods to create the two networks for the partners, institutional and private, that took part to the project. A section, created on the Institutional web page of the Province of Cosenza. io/destinationmountain/ were are showed project's activities with a restricted area, which access is allowed only to institutional partners through a proper password, in which can be exchanged informations and news. Aspromonte National Park Instituted, as already told with DPR of the 14 february 1994, Aspromonte National Park is one of the few parks in Italy that implemented the plan and its operative rules. Since ever is committed in forests sustainable management and has specific objectives that can be identified and listed as follows: -Protection, as to say the need of preserving environment natural and wild aspect as well as its indigenous culture and traditions; -Men-environment integration to create a proper awareness, between local population, on the importance of safeguarding environmental and cultural resources; -Study visits: Aspromonte National Park offers to everyone the possibility of doing visits with Park's official guides. This operational system has the aim of giving to all the visitors the possibility of living experiences in tied relation with nature; -Dissemination: the Park promotes and exploits the territory also through conference and involving schools to increase territorial awareness both at national that international level; -Research: together with the university and eternal experts, in a deep way, the park studies its historical, geological, social characteristics as well as its flora and fauna , which effective value can be comprehended only through a detailed research's plan which results are used to establish more suitable protection and safeguard criteria. Others activities putted in action by the Park that are more related with its institutional tasks concern: DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 80 5. Best Practices 72 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN -Organic agriculture spreading; -Constant monitoring to prevent fire in forest and wood areas; -Implementation of activities to protect territory and its biodiversity; -Participation to project on environmental education; -support in the implementation of strategic measures to safeguard territory's historical roots; -Partnership promotion with institutions, schools, universities and association to develop natural environment from the environmental protection point of view. TRAINING COURSE 5. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 81 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Aspromonte National Park (IT), Gerace, 17 October 2012 Training Course 5. Best Practices 73 74 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. FOLLOW UP Maria Gabriella Fittante Destination Mountain foresaw gathering some results, all gathered, referred to know how transfer and best practices exchange. The Final Publication contains: 1.The “State of Art document”; 2.The executive project to realize and adventure park included the regulations and building typologies; 3.Exchanged best practices and know how; 4.The draft bill on adventure parks. To the final publication that will have also the English version will be added a video tape with the partners’ contributes. Therefore, the volumes contains the "Protocol of Agreement" to widen the network and to continue the activities between Calabria Region, Province of Cosenza and Reggio Calabria Municipality (IT), Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Service, (FI), Dealu Municipality (RO) Sofia Natural History National Museum and Sandanski Municipality (BG). And also two proper networks: 1. One institutional on Province of Cosenza web-site, with a restricted area for project’s partners, where access will be granted through password, on which it’ll go on exchange and dialogue between institutional partners 2. A second network is made up by stakeholders net and is active on the website of "Orme nel Parco" “Orme nel ” is a natural network shared by institutional and private Partners without any law obligation. A Draft Bill at regional level but reproducible at national level to regulate adventure parks realization techniques, written in cooperation with ANESV – DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 75 AGIS, National Association of Adventure Parks in Italy. Other results not foreseen in the project - Two final degree dissertation; - Participation to the happening SilaOfficinalis that took place from the 24 to the 27 may 2011; - Extension of stakeholders’ network to Bulgaria where there are a lot of SIC Areas; - Extension of the network also to other stakeholder from extra project territories that expressed the will of joining it; - Creation in Romania of an info point to join stakeholders to join later it project’s stakeholders network; - Study for the realization of an acrobatic park in Romania and in Finland, with different typologies based on the different environmental characteristics; - Study of a possible protocol to develop the “axes sea-mountain” to create better synergies between neighboring territories; - Within march 2013 will take place a first DM’s stakeholders meeting to which it will participate also all the other stakeholders that expressed the will of joining it, such as, for example, a laboratory of environmental analysis insisting Reggio Calabria’s territory, a tour operator of the Alto Ionio cosentino, and so on, concerning the "2nd eretical companies meeting," organized by GH Calabria in Villaggio Mancuso, in the middle of Sila National Park 6. Follow Up 76 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN “Sila Officinalis” 2011 Meeting Robinwood Plus Posters “Sila Officinalis” 2011 Meeting “DESTINATION MOUTAIN” Posters DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Pagina 88 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 77 “Sila Officinalis” 2011 Meeting “I Parchi Avventura” Poster DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Pagina 89 6. Follow Up 78 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN “Sila Officinalis” 2011 Meeting “Realizzazione Parchi Avventura” Poster DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Pagina 90 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 79 “Sila Officinalis” 2011 Meeting “Caratteristiche Tecniche dei Percorsi Acrobatici” Poster DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Pagina 91 6. Follow Up 80 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN “Sila Officinalis” 2011 Meeting “I Parchi Avventura in Aspromonte” Poster DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Pagina 92 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 81 6.1 Development Plan for Hiking Trails in Paljakka Nature Reserve Tiia Kiinski Metsähallitus, Natural Heritage Services Tiia Kiiski 2012 Paljakka Nature Reserve’s western part of the seven-kilometer-long trail showcases the hills and nationally rare old, partially untouched forests. In 2010 storm left a path of reserve partly on the abundance of trees, and the path had to be closed for the safety reasons. Since the admission to the reserve is permitted only along the trail, the audience cannot visit the reserve until the path is re-opened. Management plan of Naure Reserve Paljakka (Metsähallitus 2010) underlines that the use and management of the primary objective is the abundance of natural habitats and of species biodiversity. The path is to present a pristine natural forest’s natural life cycle, which runs on nature’s terms and succession. This is why the old trail alignment will be cleared only with a light hand, and the worst storm-damaged sections rotated. Participation process of the nature reserve path planning has raised up requests for hiking through the reserve. In this context it is part of a new route through the park to the east to Mustarinda nature trail. The new path connects Mustarinda natural and cultural center, a nature trail and observation tower as well as the Ukkohalla tourist resort in the municipality of Hyrynsalmi to Paljakka reserve. The path to the new alignment was designed to Metsähallitus NHS RobinWoodplus - project, sub-project “Destination Mountain”. Planning team was FM Tiia Kiiski, conservation biologist Ilkka Immonen, park manager Kari Kela and the park director Kerttu Härkönen. Path location is a ensuring the environmental actors and visitors needs. The plan was presented at a open public event in Paljakka 28.8. 2012 and it was enthusiastically received. 82 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Present situation To the actual state in the Paljakan Nature Park he area and the path are inserted in a fresh zone primarly constituted by firs, the areas of the forests of the Taiga. Mainly in area is located more than 300 m above sea level. Vegetation represents both the southern and northern species, and it varies a lot marshes, wetlands, forests and groves fabric mosaic. Many little ponds and course of water flow uncontaminated, and often grow luxuriant groves. 30% of the region’s natural forests have been an excellent example of the natural state conservation. The trail is intended for both summer and winter use. In winter, it is not maintained, but it is called offtrack trail. The old trail runs on the western side of the Holsti hill, on the slopes and rotates the plate over the marshland. Crosscountry skiing trail is different from the case of plate bog summer route, but on the other sections follows the same alignment (Figure 1). The worst stormdamaged sections of the north-est side of the plate Moss and Holst’s The Hazards southern slope (Fig. 2). Duckboards on the old path was about 1.200 m in length. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Figure 1 - Paljakka reserve, theFigura old path rou-1 ting. The summer route in red, winter blue il line rosso route. 6. Follow Up 83 - Riserva di Paljakka, la linea del vecchio percorso. In tracciato estivo, in blu quello invernale. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Pagina 96 6. Follow Up 84 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Figura 1 - Riserva di Paljakka, la linea del vecchio percorso. In rosso il tracciato est quello invernale. + Figure 2 - Along the path, the number of old fallen timber. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Pagina 56 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 85 Planning targets Hiking trail re-routing goal is to save the destruction of the storm tracks in its natural state as possible in order to preserve the path as far as possible in its old lining path. The creation of a new route has the aim to put in communication the nature reserve’s east side with the existing trail network. Access to the Ukkohalla direction of the park is easier when you do not have to go around the whole park. Mustarinda association has been operating in the area for three years in particular because of the presence of nature reserve. The association organizes cultural events and nature connected, work-residence of the artist entrepreneurs who want to develop the area of eco-tourism. The association’s centre and a coffee shop are located next to a nature trail, and the association of Hyrynsalmi municipal shelter, as well as an observation tower with a view of more than Paljakan Park. Site leads to the ski trail Ukkohalla Ski Resort. (Figure 3) The new route is as short as possible in order to minimize human affects to the nature of reserve. 6. Follow Up 86 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Figure 3 - The old path to a new route and a new route to connect Mustarinda nature trail Figura 3 - Il vecchio percorso e il nuovo percorso e un nuovo itinerario per collegare il sentiero natura di Mustarinda DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Pagina 99 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 87 Description of new trail New ring route aims to re-link the northeast corner, where the plate is removed from the swamp of north of the border, and a piece of the path is passed through a plate bog north side of the hill. Towards the south it connects to the circle once again returns to the old route. Ski track will be no longer drawn its own route, it follows the summer route. The new path will be facilitated with boardwalk (when needed) and trail markings or signposts. Duckboards exceeded a few wooded swamps and plate bogs in the south of reserve. Ristisuo in the south end of the bridge is crossed along the southern part of the swamp, and the trails turns again to the northeast and Mustarinda nature trails. 88 6. Follow Up Figure 4 - Paljakan Park realigned paths, and the distances between the different legs (m) Figura DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4 - Percosi del Parco di Paljakka le distanze tra i diversi tratti (m). DESTINATION MOUNTAIN riallineati, e Pagina 101 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 89 Implementation of the effects of public use Northeast corner’s extra trail extends the trail about 650 m (Figure 4). The new alignment east of the park opens up the opportunity to get a ring route on both sides of the park and connect Hyrynsalmi municipalities areas and services to the nature reserve. A rare oldgrowth forest area is thus more accessible to the public. Mustarinda Nature Trail with observation tower and a coffee shop together with attractive local natural and cultural tourist destination is about to increase attractiveness of area. New path in alignment combining Paljakka and Ukkohalla ski resorts and their hiking trails to each other is also interesting aspect for visitors and nature tourism. Path alignment effect of the nature The visitor numbers of Paljakka reserve are very low. The new trails do not affect the endangered species. Most sensitive areas for biodiversity are marshes, wetlands and moist deciduous forests and creek arms. Path is planned to locate as far as possible from the areas where the durability is better, and the most sensitive spots will be protected by causeways. Otherwise the reserve will be kept in its natural state. Constructions The old path detours, new policies and a new route were reliesed in the autumn of 2012. Partly trails need to be repaired, the old duckboards will be removed and replaced with new ones. New duckboards and bridges are shown in Figure 5. Path from Pirunkirkko can be facilitated by extra gravel for hundred meters length. Winter and summer routes will no longer be separated from each other, so the entry may be common, and same signposts stands out the trail in both summer and winter. In addition, along both, the old and the new paths, will be done some clearance work. As total 12.000 meters clearance work will be done of which in the reserve 9.300 m. Renewed and completely new duckboards is needed for 770 meters. In addition to this 220 meters gravelling is needed in Pirunkirkko trail. (Fig. 5) 90 Fig. 5 - Pirunkirkko trial. 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN To Pirunkirkko parking lot and Ilveskota resting place will be located new Pagina 104 information boards. In addition, Mustarinda and the end of the trail will become a wholly new information board. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 91 6.2 Landscape evaluation and analysis of tourism potential of Dealu Region: Study Alpar Dobus Dealu is a small municipality located in the center of Romania, in a mountainous region, neighbored by forests and grazing lands. The villages nearby Dealu are very famous for their palinka made of plum. The regions climate is perfect to grow fruits, so near forest management, fruit production is one of the oldest activity of the locals. Against its beautiful landscape, old buildings, exotic abandoned farms and the hospitality of the locals, the region is still lack of tourism. Tourism, being a new activity, is still in developing phase, only a very few percentage of the locals think that tourism is an actual income possibility. The services are not promoted and it is almost impossible to find data on the internet. This paper aims to analyze the current situation of the region’s tourism, to identify landmarks, attractions and to give advices on how to make further developments. The focus is on the free of charge solutions, or at least the cheaper ones, excluding the investment type solutions. The approach was chosen, based on the fact that Dealu Municipaliy, as a public body should act as a catalyser on the development process, not as a direct economical actor. Harghita Region (RO), Dealu Municipality Location, geography and forests Dealu (Hungarian: Oroszhegy, meaning “Russian Mountain”;) is a municipality in Harghita County, Romania. It lies in the Székely Land, an ethno-cultural region in eastern Transylvania. The village lies 20 km far from Székelyudvarhely (Odorheiu Secuiesc) in the valley of rivers Bosnyák and Balé. With Diafalva they lies in the higher place of Harghita County. The villages are situated at 800-1000 m altitude above sea level. The municipality is known for its plum-based pálinka and is composed 92 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN of seven villages (Fig.6): - Dealu / Oroszhegy - Fâncel / Székelyfancsal - Sâncrai / Székelyszentkirály - Tămaşu / Székelyszenttamás - Tibod / Tibód - Ulcani / Ülke - Valea Rotundă / Uknyéd The climate in Dealu region is warmer than in the basins in the eastern part of the county, where the weather is similar to that of the other counties of the Transylvanian Basin. The climate – in the Ciuc’s and Gurghiu’s basins – is similar to the climate of Estonia and of the middle region of Sweden. The highest temperature (36,5° C) was measured in Odorheiu Secuiesc in 1952, the lowest, (- 35° C) in 1929. The frosty-cold-chilly weather can be felt in the above mentioned basins in 43% of the year sometimes. Because of the often very low temperature values, the whole county is called the north pole of Romania. The annual precipitation is 600-650 liter/m2, supplying the water-basins of eight rivers with the necessary amount of water. Dealu’s higher annual temperature is clear in relation with the good quality plum fruits grown here. Dealu is situated on the volcanic plateau of Harghita Mountains, which represent a more than 1000 meter high plateau surrounded with coniferous and mixed forests. This part of Dealu municipality preserves traditional farming systems, like animal husbandry, making of cheese and honey, grassland management and wood production. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Figure 6: Location of Harghita County Figura: 7 - Location of Dealu Municipality in Harghita County 6. Follow Up 93 94 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN There are several protected areas in the plateau region, even Natura 2000 site. This landscape of exceptional biodiversity has been created by farmers over hundreds of years, and it can only be preserved by continued traditional management by the farmers. The forested area of Dealu is 2.800 hectares, which is divided between several types of owners, as it is presented in diagram 1. As it can be seen the biggest forest owner is the commonage, which has 600 members. The commonage is the richest “company” of the region, and has a really important role in the local community. Not just because of the income which is provided for the locals, the members. The commonage also plays an important role in the regions infrastructural development. Through donations by the commonage many public buildings were renovated. Diagram1: Distribution of forests between owners DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 95 History The first record of the settlement is from 13th century, and since its existence is considered one of the biggest forest owners of the region. The villages belonged to the Székely seat of Udvarhelyszék until the administrative reform of Transylvania in 1876, when they fell within the Udvarhely County in the forests had many different roles in time. Near being the major source of construction materials and firewood, it was the place where pigs were being fed. Dealu used to have really big acorn forests, so they rented this forest out for pig owners. It was really a stable income, since the neighboring lands are not proper for cereal growing. Kingdom of Hungary. After the Treaty of Trianon of 1920, they became part of Romania and fell within Odorhei County during the interwar period. In 1940, the second Vienna Award granted the Northern Transylvania to Hungaryand the villages were held by Hungary until 1944. After Soviet occupation, the Romanian administration returned and the municipality became officially part of Romania in 1947. Between 1952 and 1960, the municipality fell within the Hungarian Autonomous Province, between 1960 and 1968 the Mureş-Hungarian Autonomous Province. In 1968, the province was abolished, and since then, the municipality has been part of Harghita County(1). Before the 19th century the main income of locals was forest management. According to a record from 1818 the total forested area of the municipality was 12000 arpents , and that was considered a very big area because the settlement had only 1200 inhabitants. The forests had many different roles in time. Near being the major source of construction materials and firewood, it was the place where pigs were being fed. Dealu used to have really big acorn forests, so they rented this forest out for pig owners. It was really a stable income, since the neighboring lands are not proper for cereal growing. 4 Arpent is a unit used before the metric system to measure surfaces. Originally is considered the area of land which can be cultivated in one day with one plough. 96 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Main attractions in the region When the word Dealu pops into the mind of somebody, his or hers second thought would be palinka. That product is the most important for the general public, but there are some other important attractions, which can be in the interest of the visitors. Well of Urusos Figure 8: Well of Urusos This fountain is located on the Nyulad plain, which is considered the fountain of Saint Laszlo, king of the Hungarian Kingdom. Near to this location once there was a small chapel, which held a religious event each year, until it was banned by the bishop Battyanyi Ignac in 1783. Viewpoint of Dealu The viewpoint of Dealu is one the most popular tourist destinations in this micro region. It is in the top of Orhegy, a 1009 m high mountain, very near to the village center. The local council has constructed a wooden tower here, from where, when the weather is good and the sky is clear, it’s possible to see even the South Carpathian Mountains, and the half of Transylvania. Figure 9: Viewpoint of Dealu DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 97 Church of Dealu Figure10: The church of Dealu In the medieval years Oroszhegy was a catholic village, but after the reformation in the 1600 years the population swiched the reformed religion. In 1630 they returned to catholic religion. From 1748 there is a catholic chruch in the commune. The first church of Dealu was in Diafalva until 1670, when it had to be rebuilt in Dealu, in the order of the bishop Domokos Kazmer. The reason was the high moisture content of the first place, and it was impossible to maintain it properly (2). The second version of the church was built by Kovacs Gyorgy, on his own costs. This church was demolished in 1765, but was built a new one in its place between 1766 and 1770. The third version of church was reconstructed between 1937 and 1940, keeping the original tower and frontage (2). In every year 15th of August a religious event is held here, being one of the most important events of Dealu. Culture house The culture house was renovated in April 2009. It is the main place of many events, wedding, cultural events. During the renovation process, the whole building was insulated, the roofing was reconstructed, the windows and doors were changed and a central heating system was mounted. Figure 11: Dealu House of Culture. 98 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN The Old Village Hall Figure 12: The old village hall The old village hall is one of most iconic and one of the most beautiful buildings in Dealu. It was built in 1895. Once it was a school building, but also functioned as the village hall. Nowadays the local commonage has its office here, and a pharmacy uses the space upstairs. The building is also used to organize smaller events, conferences. Biggest tourist events Tourist attractions alone are not able to raise attention on the region. To complete the architectural, historical and natural gifts, described in the previous chapter, every year several events are organized. Of course, the main reason behind organizing these events is not just to make tourist come here. Keeping traditions, presenting popular culture to the young ones are the reasons in the first place, and that’s the beauty of these events, and that’s making these events unique. The Narcisz Festival It’s a folk’s festival organized in every May. Folks dancing groups, folks song singers, and musicians are coming from many neighboring settlements and even from Hungary, to present for the audience their performances. Narcisz in English language mean daffodil. This protected flower is really common in Dealu regions, and it flowers only in May, that’s why the festival is organized in this month. There are other Narcisz festivals in Harghita County, but this is one of the biggest of all. Figure 13: A folks musician band is performing during the Narcisz festival DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 99 Plum Days Plum days are organized in September; this is also a folk’s festival. During daytime dancing events are organized, a cooking competition take place and different producers of the famous palinka of Dealu are presenting their products and also competing with each other in the quality. It is also a good chance for craftsmen to introduce themselves and their products. Figure14: The plum days is a good opportunity for craftsmen to present their products 100 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Tourism service providers Tourism service providers Tourism service providers in Dealu are a mix of hostels and guest houses. There are no hotels present in the area. In Table 1 arearepresented some and places Tourism service providers in Dealu a mix of hostels guestwhere houses.tourists The- can re are no hotels present in the area. In table 1 are presented some places where accommodate. tourists can accommodate. Table 1: Hostels and guest houses in Dealu and their capacity (3) Name Table 1: Hostels and guest houses in Dealu and their capacity Capacity (persons) Sziklakert Panzió 30 Szilvafa Vendégház 25 Őrhegyalja Vendégház 10 Hajdó Vendégház 14 Margaréta Vendégház 6 Hunor Panzió 20 Bálint-Pál Vendégház 11 Gergely Vendégfogadó 7 Tama Vendégház 10 Attila Vendégház 8 Bálint Piroska 6 Since there is no detailed, database, which contains all the places where you Since there is no detailed, database, which contains all the places where you can can accommodate, the list in table 1 is not complete. There are other, hidden accommodate, the list in Table 1 is not complete. are other, hidden places, where you can sleep; usually almost There every family has some freeplaces, rooms, where whereusually they are expecting come if necessary. you can sleep; almost everyguests familytohas some free rooms, where they are expecting According to Table 1, the official capacity to accommodate guests is 147 perguests to come necessary. sons. ifThat number can be and has to be raised, especially during the events mentioned in the chapter before. Providing tourism service is a quite new actiAccording to Table 1, the official capacity to accommodate guests is 147 persons. That vity in the region and most of service providers are doing it as a secondary acnumber can be toand to be raised, especially during work the events mentioned tivity, havehas a secondary income. Near everyday’s (work on the fields in the or in a factory) some families are keeping guests’ houses and when it’s needed they are taking tourists. Their services are not necessarily advertised and to DESTINATION M OUNTAIN 127 find them, you have to ask the local people. There are only a few hostel owners whose major income is from tourism. Ba- DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 101 sed on the fact that tourism can be primary or secondary, we can make two groups, because the business policies of these groups are different. Members of the secondary tourism service providers usually don’t advertise, they have their own other job, their existence is not influenced by the tourist season. They are keeping guests if it’s necessary, if it’s not, they are not, it’s really simple. They usually have their own long term clients, from twin settlements of Dealu, and they are keeping guests mostly during the events mentioned in the chapter before. Members of the group who offer tourism services as primary activity are different. Their only income is this, so they are relying strongly on tourists. They are advertising, and near accommodation they offer other services too. Horse riding, bicycle renting, dray trips are among their special services and they are also operating a restaurant. If we are looking at the number of tourists in Dealu in yearly level, we can see a big fluctuation. When events are organized the number of guest can be tripled so these two groups are meeting the demand properly. While the primary group is providing a base capacity, the secondary group is acting as a buffer to match the actual number of tourists. Conclusions Against the fact, that Dealu is able to host a bigger number of tourists when needed, while being able to sustain many service providers, even off the tourist season, the region’s tourism is still away from being perfect. The majority of guests are coming from twin settlements, and only for special occasions, the region for the rest of the possible tourists still remains a white spot. It is really hard to find information about the region, and the tourism service providers are almost unknown for the larger crowd. During the Narcisz Festival and the Plum Days, the municipality becomes filled with tourist. Majority of them, are from twin settlements, mostly from Hungary, but of course, locals and some visitors from neighboring settlements are participating in the event too. The rest of the year is quite silent, and there 102 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN must be a reason for that. During these events people know what to do here; they have a purpose to come here. During the “death” periods, the actual existing services are not capable to attract tourist in a large number. Dealu has a unique, exceptionally beautiful landscape, dominated by the old church and the old school building, as a symbol of the most important two things in every community’s life: faith and knowledge. Against these, and the attractions listed in the chapters before, Dealu still doesn’t have the potential to gain a serious income from tourism. This can be attributed to the lack of promotion, but it is important not to neglect the fact that there are many other settlements in the region, in the County, and even in Romania, with similar culture, old churches and other old buildings. To convince people to come here, Dealu need’s to find and show its unique attractions, and that’s what will be discussed in the next chapter. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 103 Development Possibilities As mentioned in the first chapter, the development possibilities will focus on the free of charge or cheap solutions, like building strategies, joining or creating networks, in one word, the solutions described in this study are to think smart. Two methodologies will be separated: a networking method, which consist in joining into existing networks or creating new ones, and the other method will be the advertising. The two of them are related to each other, since joining to a network also can be a part of an advertising campaign, but we will separate them in this study. Networking Networking is about sharing, is about gaining strength from each other and helping each other. Joining to a network is not just good for advertisement and to exchange experiences, since these networks have certain requirements for their new entrees, it is also a quality assurance. Two kinds of possibilities should be taken into consideration in the case of Dealu Municipality: joining into an existing network and/or creating an own network. One possibility doesn’t exclude the other the two possibilities have different roles. Joining to existing networks Existing networks have their own advertizing systems, people already know about them. They are not taking anyone in order to keep the customer’s trust, so if Dealu would be able to enter to a network, it will have not just advantages in the advertisement, but also would gain trust from the possible customers. We found one network, which is strongly related to traditions and eco tourism. Transylvania Authentica. It is a program of the Environmental Partnership Foundation and is seeking to establish ways in which to ensure the survival 104 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN of Transylvania's incredibly rich agrarian culture and its traditional foods and agricultural products, by bringing together the region’s smaller producers and manufacturers. The program is offering the right of using the Transylvania Authentica trademark to products and services that respect the specific eligibility standards emitted by the Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation, meaning that they have traditional origin, high quality and are produced in environmentally friendly conditions. Mission of Transylvania Authentica is to protect the region’s unique natural and cultural heritage by promoting and developing sustainable traditional livelihoods. Objectives: - To recognize the inherent economic value of Transylvania's remarkable heritage - To encourage greater use of Transylvania's environmental and cultural heritage as business assets - To promote distinctive high quality products and services rooted in the region and tradition - To link producers to market opportunities and to each other, and to guide consumer choice - To support small business development and reward sustainable business practices - To empower communities and enable the choice to stay local (4). The program was launched in 2008, and includes four sectors: - Food and drink - Arts and crafts - Accommodation and meal - Experiences The selection and award procedures are maintained by a committee consisted of dependent experts, who are not involved in any businesses interested in the program. The trademark can be used for 3 years, after each period a new application has to be made. Enterprises, who gained the right to use this trademark, DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 105 must be ready for inspection at any time. This way the system provides a constant quality, keeping the costumer’s trust. Currently only a few producers and service providers are certified, but that number is growing. Here is a list of the certified service providers, the total number is 20: Table2: Producers and suppliers of tourist services Name: Î.I. Bartha F Zsolt Category: Food and Drinks Name: Pro Câmpeniţa-Mezőfele Egyesület Category: Arts and crafts Name: SC Intercom SRL Category: Food and Drinks Name: SC Székely-Tour SRL Category: Accommodation and meal Name: Î. I. Páll Etelka Category: Arts and crafts Name: SC Keramika SRL Category: Arts and crafts Name: Î. I. Lajos Ferenc Category: Food and Drinks Name: Î.I. Kovács Béla Category: Arts and crafts Name: SC AND-VAR Mézes SRL Category: Food and Drinks Name: Î.I. Szász Ilyés Category: Food and Drinks Name: SC Mózes Gyapjúfeldolgozó Manufaktúra SRL Category: Arts and crafts Name: Asociația Portéka Category: Arts and crafts Name: SC Öko-Tourism SRL Category: Accommodation and meal Name: SC ABETA SRL Category: Accommodation and meal Name: Î.I. Gáll Erzsébet Category: Food and Drinks Name: SC Ceramica Vitos Kerámia SRL Category: Arts and crafts Name: SC Zabola Estate SRL Category: Accommodation and meal Name: SC. Rustica SRL Category: Arts and crafts Name: SC Skin Prodexim SRL Category: Arts and crafts Name: Î.F. Jancsó Category: Arts and crafts 106 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN That number is relatively low, but a constant advertising campaign is making it number bigger,is and well known. The Romanian Environmental Partnership FoundaThat relatively low, but a constant advertising campaign is making it bigger, and is participating on tourism related expositions conferences with this welltion known. The Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation isand participating on program. tourism related expositions and conferences with this program. Diagram 2: certifications for category Figure 10: number of certifications, by categories As it can be seen from diagram 2, the majority are in the Arts and crafts category, next one according the number of participants is the Food and Drinks category. This can be attributed to the fact, that producers of food or handcrafAs it can be seen from Figure 10, the majority are in the Arts and crafts category, next one ted products, has to advertise anyway, so they are more conscious on advertiseaccording the number of participants is the Food and Drinks category. This can be ment, than members of the other group. Currently there is no registered memattributed to the fact, that producers of food or handcrafted products, has to advertise ber in the Experiences group. In this group are experiences services, which by DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 136 means of recreation and entertaining programs or tours promote the local natural and cultural milieu (ex. apiary, bird watching, hiking, horse riding tours, traditional programs etc.). Encouraging tourism service providers from Dealu region to join this network is one of the cheapest solutions to attract more tourists to visit the place. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 107 Creating a new network Creating a new network is an inside networking method. Consists of making local entrepreneurs to join together and form an association, promote themselves together, offer tourism packages together. Here is a small SWOT analysis Tablethis 2: SWOT analysis onon inside networking an own network: on option, creating Table 3: SWOT analysis on inside networking Strengths Together local entrepreneurs are able to extend Weaknesses Since entrepreneurs are competing with their services, to host more guests each other, there might be conflict They can afford advertising and webpage between them maintenance, by sharing their costs Possibility of creating joint tourism packages Experience in organizing events Opportunities The local attractions are unknown, so it might be Lack of knowhow and experience on tourism Threats Unpredictable changes on support interesting for tourists systems, on regional operative programs The hospitality of locals is very famous Dealu has good relations with his twin settlements Describing this network is easier trough an example: Janos wants to have some tourists Describing this network is want easier example: wants haveand some from Germany. Those tourists to trough sleep inan a place whereJanos they can rideto horses tourists from Germany. Those tourists want to sleep in a place where they can have breakfast, eat lunch. Unfortunately Janos can offer only accommodation, so he has ride horses and have breakfast, eat lunch. Unfortunately Janos can offer only to ask for other’s help. If not, opportunity. a nearby accommodation, so he hashetowill asklose fortheother’s help.So If with not, the he help willoflose the oprestaurant and farm where they of areakeeping Janos will host his they guest.are portunity. Soawith the help nearbyhorses, restaurant andbea able farmto where keeping horses,it Janos to host guest. With a and network will be With a network will be will easierbetoable construct thishis kind of relations, while it gaining easier toadvantage constructcompared this kindtooftherelations, while gaining business advantage business others, theand awareness will be raised and the will to compared to the others, the awareness will be raised and the will to join to this join to this network will become higher automatically. network will become higher automatically. There areMOUNTAIN several categories of services already existing in the area: DESTINATION 138 108 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN - Accommodation - Meal - Horse riding - Bicycle rental - Chariot trips - Guidance By combining these services and organizing them into tourism packages, attractive programs can be achieved. Here are some examples of possible programs. Summer package The summer package consists of presenting the traditional activities of the locals. Includes hiking, guided trips, horse riding, eating traditional local food, palinka tasting. This package is 4 days long and is advised for 8 people big groups. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 109 Table 3: Detailed program of the summer package Timing Until 19:00 20:00-23:00 08:00-09:00 09:30-13:00 13:00-15:00 15:30-19:00 20:00-23:00 08:00-09:00 09:30-13:00 13:00-15:00 15:30-19:00 20:00-23:00 08:00-09:00 09:30-13:00 13:00-15:00 15:30-19:00 20:00-23:00 08:00-09:00 09:30-13:00 13:00-15:00 15:30-19:00 20:00-23:00 08:00-09:00 10:00- Program Day 0 Arrival of guests Dinner Day1 Breakfast Guided tour with bus around Dealu, visiting the all the local attractions, temples and old buildings Lunch: eating local dishes Work on the fields with locals, learning the essentials of traditional agriculture Dinner Day 2 Breakfast Hiking trip on a forests and plains nearby, with a professional guide who knows the regions and can explain the regions biodiversity and can answer questions related to fauna and flora. Lunch: eating at a small shepherds house in the grazing lands Continuing the hiking trip on a forests and plains nearby, with a professional guide who knows the regions and can explain the regions biodiversity and can answer questions related to fauna and flora. Dinner Day 3 Breakfast Horse riding trip, and training on a local farm Lunch: eating at a small shepherds house in the grazing lands Bicycle trip to the viewpoint of Dealu and the Jesus statue Dinner Day 4 Breakfast Presentations of the craftsman. Mostly handcrafted wooden products, but also tailored folks dresses. Lunch: eating at a small shepherds house in the grazing lands Palinka tasting. Different producers of Dealu’s very famous palinka will present their product, adding a some little clues of their secrets Dinner Last Day Breakfast Travelling home Tav.4: Detailed program of the summer package DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 137 6. Follow Up 110 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Many different services are included, therefore many different stakeholders has to joi necessary, transport services can be included, of course, to strengthen the local econo Many different services are included, therefore many different stakeholders has by hiring a local company. to join. If necessary, transport services can be included, of course, to streng- The average price of one accommodation is around then the localday economy, by hiring a local company.12 EUR, a meal is around 5 E The average price of one dayprices accommodation around 12calculation EUR, a mealofisthe cos By making a further assessment if the here is aispossible around 5 EUR. By making a further assessment if the prices here is a possible such a service:calculation of the cost of such a service: Table 4: Cost calculation of the summer package Unit price Tav. 5: Detailed program of the winter package Accommodation Meal Guidance Bicycle rental Horse riding Meas. Quantity Price 12,00 € 40 pers*night 480,00 € 5,00 € 72 pers*meal 360,00 € 30,00 € 6 occasions 180,00 € 3,00 € 32 h*pers 96,00 € 10,00 € 16 h*pers 160,00 € TOTAL TOTAL pers. 1.276,00 € 159,50 € 159,50 EUR/person is a quite reasonable price for a four day long all inclusive ser which doesn’t 159,50 consistEUR/person only about and sleeping. Programs is aeating quite reasonable price for a four day are longorganized all inclusiveevery d service which doesn’tand consist only about guides eating and Programs are at lea guests are close to the locals, professional aresleeping. hired who speaks organized every day, guests are close to the locals, and professional guides are different languages. hired who speaks at least 3 different languages. Winter Package Winter Package The winter package is very similar to the summer package. Only the seasonal activities are changed. This package also is 4 days long and also is advised for 8 people big groups. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 111 The winter package is very similar to the summer package. Only the seasonal activities in. If are changed. This package also is 4 days long and also is advised for 8 people big groups. omy, Tav. 6: Detailed program of the winter package EUR. st of Timing Until 19:00 20:00-23:00 08:00-09:00 09:30-13:00 13:00-15:00 15:30-19:00 20:00-23:00 08:00-09:00 09:30-13:00 13:00-15:00 15:30-19:00 20:00-23:00 rvice day, ast 3 08:00-09:00 09:30-13:00 13:00-15:00 15:30-19:00 20:00-23:00 08:00-09:00 09:30-13:00 13:00-15:00 15:30-19:00 141 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Table 5: Detailed program of the winter package Program Day 0 Arrival of guests Dinner Day1 Breakfast Guided tour with bus around Dealu, visiting the all the local attractions, temples and old buildings Lunch: eating local dishes Sliding or skiing down from the neighboring hills and drinking boiled wine Dinner Day 2 Breakfast Snowmobile trip in the fields and forests nearby with a professional guide Lunch: Eating grilled beaf and pork at a small cottage in the forest Continuing the snowmobile trip in the fields and forests nearby with a professional guide Dinner Day 3 Breakfast Guided trip with snow dray to IVO wildlife park Lunch: eating at a small shepherds house in the grazing lands Visiting the Tibold farm by snow dray and learning about local habbits, history of farm life and traditional agriculture Dinner Day 4 Breakfast Presentations of the craftsman. Mostly handcrafted wooden products, but also tailored folks dresses. Lunch: eating at a small shepherds house in the grazing lands Palinka tasting. Different producers of Dealu’s very famous palinka will present 142 112 20:00-23:00 08:00-09:00 10:00- 6. their product, adding a some little clues of their secrets Dinner Last Follow UpDay DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Breakfast Travelling home The winter program includes different type of service providers, but that doesn’t me they can be active only during wintertime. For example the summer time horse The winter program includes different type of service providers, but that do- services provider esn’t can mean rent that outthey his can snow dray only at wintertime. SnowForisexample usuallythenot a p be active during wintertime. summer time services provider rent outahis snow dray at winin this region, so counting inhorse that riding service every year can is quite logical decision. tertime. Snow is usually not a problem in this region, so counting in that serviTibold is a remote farm year in Dealu, might be really an exotic place, especially for ce every is quite aitlogical decision. Tibold is a remote farm in Dealu, it might be really an exotic place, especially who are not familiar with the lifewith of the villagers. for those, who traditional are not familiar the traditional life of the villagers. In thecan nextsee tablethe youcost can see the cost calculation the winter package: In the next table you calculation of the of winter package: Table 6: Cost calculation of the winter package Unit price Accomodation Meas. Price 12,00 € 40 pers*night 480,00 € 5,00 € 72 pers*meal 360,00 € Guidance 30,00 € 4 occasions 120,00 € Snowmobile rental 80,00 € 8 day*pers 640,00 € Snow dray rental 80,00 € 2 day*dray 160,00 € Meal Tav. 7: Cost calculation of the winter package Quantity TOTAL TOTAL pers 1.760,00 € 220,00 € 220,00 EUR/person is a quite reasonable price for a four day long all inclusive 220,00 EUR/person is a quite reasonable price for a four day long all inclusive which doesn’t consist only about eating and sleeping. Programs are organized eve service which doesn’t consist only about eating and sleeping. Programs are organized every day, guests are close to the locals, and professional guides are hired who speaks at least 3 different languages. These two packages are just ideas of programs, of course this can be changes, DESTINATION MOUNTAIN and if it’s necessary further changes can be made, consulting with the guests. And also new packages can be developed, starting the whole process with the customer’s needs; custom, personalized packages can be made out. But it’s DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 113 really important to give an idea about how a tourism package looks like, and it is also important to reduce the prices of your services, if somebody’s buying it in a package. The above mentioned prices are pretty low compared to other prices, which are including similar services. With these competitive prices, the disadvantage of being unknown can be balanced. Advertizing Advertising is an essential part of the development process, without it nobody will know about our network. As it was mentioned before, the advertising and the networking methods are not totally separated, especially in the case of the external networking method, where the reason why it’s needed is to benefit from the advertisement of already existing networks. Joining our network into already existing network, as a separate tourism service provider, can be the first step of the advertisement campaign. The target group of our advertising campaign is mostly Hungarian speaker foreigners, who already have interest in the region, but against this all promotional materials have to be translated to English and Romanian. Advertising is also necessary for locals, but we are expecting the locals to act differently than foreigners. Locals usually are spending less money and using our services as a day by day activity, at one free afternoon, meaning that locals should be targeted with different tools. The local government already started to make the first steps in developing the region’s tourism. They are planning to build a tourism info center, which aim is to provide information for tourist regarding the local attractions and services. It is strongly recommended for this info point to become the coordinator for the internal networking system between stakeholders. The info point has a constant annual budget, which comes from the local government; they will hire their own staff, they will operate a webpage and collect all the information which might be in the interest of tourists. Considering this, it is advised for this info point to run the advertising cam- 114 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN paign, since they have their budget for this, and it might be hard to convince the local entrepreneurs to invest in advertisement. The study focuses on the less costly methods, so we tried to choose the cheapest way to raise awareness on the local attractions and the most important is to raise awareness on the internal network. Here are the basics steps to reach our target group: 1. Join to the Transylvania Authentica network, with the internal networking system. 2. Create a webpage for the network. This has to be done anyway by the info point, it has to be translated to minimum 3 languages: Hungarian, English and Romanian. 3. Create a Facebook page for the network, this way customers will be able to interact and give feed-back on the services and also recommend to others. 4. Print some promotional materials, touristic maps. This will be sent by post to twin settlements and also distributed in the building of the tourism info point. 5. Publish articles in local newspapers, and also send press releases for foreign newspapers. 6. Participate in expos, mostly in Hungary, since our guests are coming from there. These steps are just giving a direction on how to do a low cost advertising, mainly benefiting from already existing relations. The activities can be made from less than 1000 EUR, and we think that spending more is unnecessary, since the best advertisement is a satisfied customer. Bibliography Valutazione Paesaggistica e Analisi del Potenziale Turistico nella Regione di Dealu. 1. Wikipedia contributors. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Dealu. [Online] 12 10, 2010. http:// 2. Csedo Attila. Oroszhegy. Csedo Attila fotoblogja. [Online] 2011. http://csedoattila.blogspot. ro/2011/04/oroszhegy.html. 3. Oroszhegyi Kultúrális és Ifjúsági Egyesület. Oroszhegy hivatalos honlapja. [Online] http://www. 4. Environmental Partnership Foundation. Transylvania Authentica. [Online] 5 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 6.3 EXECUTIVE PROJECT “Adventure Parks” Massimiliano Capalbo 115 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN “Destination Mountain” 6. Follow Up Financed by PROGRAMM INTERREG IV C MINI PROGRAM ROBINWOOD PLUS EXECUTIVE PROJECT by GH CALABRIA SRL VIA GRADONI XX SETTEMBRE, n. 6 – 88050 ZAGARISE (CZ) 116 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 117 Introduction Community Initiative Program: INTERREG IVC Miniprogram: “ROBINWOOD PLUS“ Project: “DESTINATION MOUNTAIN” European territorial cooperation is one of the three main actuation objectives of UE's Cohesion and Regional Policies for the period 2007-2013 and for the new planning period, the European Commission raised in the rank of structural objective the previous community initiative INTERREG launching the Program INTERREG IVC with the aim of promoting a stronger integration of the european territory in all its dimensions, in order to gather a community territory balanced and sustainable development, reinforcing economic and social cohesion. Allowed INTERREG IVC cooperation's area comprehends the whole European Union Territory, allowed activities are experiences exchange, best practices creation and knowledge, new approaches and tools, realized projects results transfer. INTERREG IVC project “Robinwood Plus” is a miniprogram between Region Liguria (Italy, project Lead Partner), the regional Council of Limousin (France), the Joint Authority of Kainuu (Finland), the Council of Harghita County (Romania) and Region Calabria (Italy). To involve the local subjects belonging to region partners local was launched a proper call to select and financing subproject with an international partnership. The Province of Cosenza as Lead Participant, submitted the project proposal “Development of Sustainable Tourism: Initiatives for the Valorisation of Mountain”- DESTINATION MOUNTAIN, with the aim of promoting sustainable tourism development in forest areas, including also wildlife sanctuaries, to produce economic development processes and life quality improvement for local communities, guaranteeing natural resources safeguard. 6. Follow Up 118 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN project's Partnership is made up by: DESTINATION MOUNTAIN project's Partnership is made up by: Province of CosenzaPartner – Lead Participant Province of Cosenza – Lead Participant – Italy Partner – Italy Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services – Partner – Finland Metsahallitus Natural Heritage Services – Partner – Finland Dealu Municipality – Partner – Romania Dealu Municipality – Partner – Romania Reggio Calabria Municipality – Partner – Italy Reggio Calabria Municipality – Partner – Italy DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 151 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 119 THE PROJECT DESTINATION MOUNTAIN, IN SYNTHESIS. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN is a touristic- cultural project, that through knowledge, protection, integrated and sustainable management of cultural, natural, landscape and economic resources, contributes in a lasting territorial development in an integrated planning perspective. Aims General aim of the project is promoting sustainable tourism development in forest areas, including also wildlife sanctuaries to create economic development processes and quality of life improvement for local communities, guaranteeing natural resources safeguard. Between specific objectives, adventure parks' implementation in woody areas through best practices transfer should contribute in creating new job opportunities in the eco-compatible tourism sector, promoting territory exploitation and social inclusion. Know-How Transfer The Province of Cosenza entrusted to GH Calabria srl (plc), with seat in via Gradoni XX Settembre, 6 – 88050 Zagarise (CZ), f. c. and VAT 02818260792 in the person of the President, Mr. Massimiliano Capalbo, the realization of the actions foresawn in the project fiche, to transfer best practices and experiences to implement Adventure Parks in woody areas. 120 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up PART I ADVENTURE PARKS 121 122 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Adventure Parks: what do they are A different and exciting way of spending time, in tigh contact with nature, the adventure parks or AFP (acrobatic forest paths) also known as acrobatic paths in heigh or paths on high ropes or also pendant life paths, are structures made up by overhead, Tyrolean paths, Tibetan bridges and other elements realized in wood, rope and steel ropes over headed between trees and submerged in woods, using trees as resource for entertainment and tourism. Mentioned structures are realized to offer visitors the possibility of testing, in a funny and safe way, their own abilities and skills in mountain sport. Adventure parks' history begins with the open air path already used in ancient Greece for military training. Since 1960 in USA and 1980 in Europe, this kind of activities started to have a sport- entertainment character, becoming a playing offer able of involving a larger public. To make this new sport activity safe and suitable for every kind of users, has started the planning and realization of safety systems always more specifics. In USA there are more than 15.000 Adventure parks, in Europe there are some hundreds, France counts with more than 500, enjoyed by more than 10 million users. In Italy there are more than 150. To favour contact with nature, essential element for this kind of activities, lots of the parks are realized in woody areas, even if but there are also adventure parks realized, in part or totally, with artificial elements or inside structures so to be enjoyed all over the year and with every kind of climate conditions. In the adventure park the activity starts with a training moment (briefing), during which instructors, properly trained, show visitors how to use IPS (individual protection systems) they receive before starting paths. The safety equipment consists of: an helmet, a longe, a sling, two snap-hooks and a pair of gloves (all type-tested up to safety rules) and the techniques to face paths safe. Using IPS and having the possibility of moving safe it is possible to face paths between trees with games having different level of difficulties and where balance, adventure spirit, the will of challenging, coordination and, in part, also DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 123 strength are basic element to win the challenge. Adventure parks are totally eco-compatible, opened to everybody, offering attractions and activities suitable for everyone. Realizing an Adventure Park The location where to realize the Adventure park is the first thing to take into consideration. It means individuating not only a wood covered with trees suitable to the aim but, above all, evaluating if the area were it will be built it is simple to be reached and if it is settled in a region with high touristic vocation or in a primary users basin with, near or not, big inhabited centres thing that can determine initiative's success or failure. Road network, space for parking lot, connection to electric, telephone and water system, the possibility of fitting up prefabricated buildings to use as storehouse for slings and all the equipment needed, ticket office and toilets are all prerequisites to take into account while choosing park's location. Masting must have a proper dimension, not least than 40 cm of diameter or 1,20 metres of circumference, in good health and in suitable number. Some essence are better than others (for example beech and oak are more suitable than pine or poplar). Anyway, the study on trees must be done by a ranger, who has to evaluate characteristics, health and suitability. If the wood is private it must be evaluated the presence of environmental bonds, that can anyway be compatible with paths fitting. If the area is a public property it is necessary to obtain the licence by the referential Body and the needed authorizations. Realized path's planning it must be involved the municipal Administration that, as decided by the Ministry of the Interior, will release the licence as in the art. 68 TULPS, seen that adventure park's activity is compared with entertainment activity. Licence will be released after having obtained the favourable opinion by the local Committee of inspection on entertainment places. EN15567 rules foresee that, before opening, the structure must be certified by a proper body. Generally, technical rules are told at "voluntary" application; 124 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN anyway they represent the state of the art concerning an adventure park planning, realization, management, and guarantee that the plant is realized in safe. That's why is indispensable to take it into consideration both, while entrusting the realization and during its management. This way the entrepreneur is safeguarded concerning civil and criminal responsibility deriving from activity and users have at their turn the guarantee by the fact that the plant is correctly realized. Certificate's cost it must be considered as investment in safe that, if correctly spread using communication, pays back more that it asks. Concerning costs, just as indication, it needs to be calculated that every game, connecting a tree to the other has a medium cost of 2.000 euros, and that a park generally is made up by more paths with a medium number of 40/50 games; to it must be added the cost necessary to buy helmets, slings and all the equipment for maintenance apart that the hypothetical realization of buildings and connected structures. Acrobatic Paths' Characteristics The FAP (Forest Acrobatic Paths) are overhead paths exploiting trees as natural supports on which are placed platforms, linked one to the other by foot ways, beams, nets and ropes or combinations between all mentioned elements, creating balance and ability' games. The activities are developed in total safety and in presence of qualified staff; the different high from the soil, passages length and their peculiarities define difficulty levels. Structure fitting up foresees squared wood platforms placement, anchored to trees logs (with partial railing in baby paths) tension structure passages structurally created by iron ropes. Platforms are made up by assembling, around the logs, a wood beams' double cross (soaked fir essence) with a 10x10 cm section each, underneath double cross tension rods, with a flat in soaked fir' match board; platform's flat development results substantially squared with side of 100 cm each. Passages present tension structures with Æ 12 ropes made up by 7 high resistance galvanized steel strands. Fixing to trees is realized through binding DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 125 up ropes to logs; to avoid cortical damages are used proper wood spacer with rope's obliged passage with ant sliding locking clamps. Platforms are placed at a certain high from ground, measured respect to tree's base, changeable between 1.60 and 2.00 metres each for children and between 2.50 and 12.00 metres each for adults. All the paths are identified with proper signals both on the ground that on the platforms, to make progression’s correct perception immediate. FAP can be described as fun parks new generation. In Italy it is known since few years, while abroad (especially in France and in the Anglo Saxon world) it has been known since almost 20 years. Surely one of the meanings of their success is given by the intrinsic characteristic of being eco-friendly activities, of high environmental sustainability, representing an attraction as well as a leisure occasion at tight contact with nature. They are structures able of requalifying abandoned woody areas developing a real attractor function for product mountain new users, giving them the possibility of experimenting, gradually, path and passages experience, also at a certain high from ground, using “surviving” techniques, and experimenting also sport-playful discovering activities respect natural environment (climbing, balance etc.). Hadn't been foreseen equipment or particular organization that could represent danger or being of particular interference with what surround or obstruct visitors passage, the adventure park is perfectly integrated in the context were it is built. FAP preparation guarantees the total respect of vegetation both of trees and shrubby, all the equipment can be disassembled in every moment living the places in the original conditions; to conclude, logs anchorage are foreseen only for friction exploiting trees' log tapering shape. All realized works doesn't score at all ground natural and hydro geologic asset, doesn't make necessary any changes to existent soil shape and during the executive act follow the naturalistic engineering techniques, without using artificial materials. This way, are not necessary the compensatory interventions of re-naturalization and/or mitigation. Two are the “practice” paths, that every user must face in order to acquire 126 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN techniques and abilities needed to use correctly individual safety tools; Paths are made up by two platforms with a Tyrolean end All the paths are identified with specific signs both on the ground that on platforms, so to make correct progression perception immediate. Forest Acrobatic Paths organization permits the contemporaneous use of paths together with the naturalistic ones. If, short or long lasting paths closing happens, the structure foresees tight closing or climbing systems lifting in order to avoid uncontrolled use. From the structural point of view, paths are created with one or more metal ropes with the ends placed at the same levels subject to charges that, favouring safe, can be considered as equally divided arriving maximum at 50 Kg/ml, equal at a user for every metre and a half; in the case of Tyrolean, the structure results made up by a rope with the ends placed at different levels with horizontal curve near the arrival, with hypothetical charges of 40 Kg/ml equal to a user every two metres of rope. Maintenance is very important. Paths daily check is done to verify metal structure's efficiency (strands, spacers, signals functioning) is also done the maintenance of the materials subject to wear and tear, such as nets and ropes. A weekly check is done on joints, anchors as well as snap-hooks and pulleys. A monthly check is also done on clamps and bars tightening. Checks are done before paths' opening. Checks' comparisons are written down on a proper register clearly indicating date, hour, verifier's name and sign, the control done. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Technical characteristics 6. Follow Up 127 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAIN PLAN- platform's anchor scheme Threaded bar 014 ����� LL ����� DESTINATION MOUNTAIN MAIN PLAN- platform's anchor scheme Threaded bar 014 Width LL Trunk 163 6. Follow Up 128 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Technical characteristics MAIN PLAN- orizontal tables anchored to ropes Section AA ROPE BOLD SCREW ANCHOR METAL TABLET DESTINATION MOUNTAIN MAIN PLAN- orizontal tables anchored to ropes Section AA ROPE BOLD SCREW ANCHOR METAL TABLET 164 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 129 The Regulation En 15567 To guarantee structures safety and define clear planning, building, checking, management and maintenance rules UNI published in 2008 the regulations UNI EN 15567-1:2008 and UNI EN 15567-2:2008 to define safety acrobatic paths and their elements safety requirements as well as the management requirements needed to guarantee a proper safety level during use. The regulation is translated also in italian but, being the text, under copyright isn't possible to reproduce it. Anyway it is possible to buy it on UNI's web site. The text foresees that particular attention must be paid on location's choice in order to guarantee that the acrobatic path is placed in a safe area from which, in case of emergency, it can be possible to evacuate as fast as possible from every point a user may be. It must also be taken into consideration (both during planning and during structure's management) local factors such as the amount of light, dampness, flooding and avalanches danger. Other important thing is treelike essence' quality evaluation, through an expert opinion able of determining trees physiological and mechanic condition seen that are used as support for cables and platforms. A first evaluation by a certification organization must be done before opening the acrobatic path; after it the evaluation must be done every year to verify the possible modifications. Systems used to fix platforms, safety lines and elements must be planned to reduce as much as possible damages to trees. Materials used to realize acrobatic path structures (wood, metal, synthetic and compound materials) must be selected and protected so that the equipment keeps its wholeness in time. Another element to take into consideration its structural element deterioration caused by climate changes; safety ropes must be built only using stainless or galvanized steel. Planning and realization must be done with professionalism and experience: acrobatic paths must be realized taking into consideration users eight and weight, in the structure must not be present sharp edges that could be touched by users or opening representing a potential trap's risk. Free falling space (as to say path's internal or surrounding space) must not con- 130 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN tain obstacles with which a user, moving or falling can get in; if there's the possibility that a user could get in to an obstacle in the surrounding, for example a tree, a proper safety system must be placed, it can be a stuffing on part of it. EN15567 regulation gives calculation methods to realize individual safety system (DPI). These systems must be planned in order to support all users’ weight and the charge generated by a user in case of fall. To enter the path it is necessary to use slings, safety ropes, Snap-hooks, gloves and caskets all safety elements as defined by referential technical regulations. The supplier must give the maintenance instructions, also for what concern individual safety protection systems (texts, maintenance and storing, services life registration equipment identification through marking it). Acrobatic path planner will release a document about acrobatic path use regulation that must contain, at least, information on element's use, climate condition with which equipment must not be used, number of person that can join the path, definition on users (minimum eight and weight) proper clothes, individual safety system description to use, emergency plan with evacuating procedures description. Regulations establish, also, that before starting an activity, an instructor must give users all detailed information on path and risks, equipment to be used, how to read the signs placed at the beginning of every path, how to identify instructors and communicate with them, what to do in case of accident. Instructors will have to explain users the bases of all the techniques to be used during paths. After having received all the information’ users will have to face a trial path before joining all the equipment. Instructors will have to execute a check on individual protection system given to participants so to verify also the proper size. For children less than six years old joining the path is requested a first level supervision, as to say, the instructor must be able of intervening physically in every moment while, children from 6 to 8, must do a second level supervision situation in which an instructor can clearly see the user and verbally intervening. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 131 Staff Training Adventure park safety depends on lots of factors between which staff's professionalism. To them is entrusted users training, supervision and interventions on paths, to put in action the evacuation in case of bad weather of a rescue intervention for a person in difficulty. Staff training is compulsory as declared in the regulation EN15567-2 which defines as instructor the “Person that has been trained to put in action the following tasks: give needed information to ensure that the equipment and all the elements are properly used, verify that users use the proper equipment, verify the self-sufficiency of a user on a trial acrobatic path, ensure that safety instruction are executed correctly, inform a rescuer in case of need, give assistance to user” and Rescuer “the instructor that has also the task of giving assistance and/or rescuing participants”. National law gives stronger bonds, in particular the “Testo Unico per la sicurezza e salute dei lavoratori”-Text on workers safe and health which foresees workers training depending on the tasks to develop and an evaluation on risks for workers and visitors. During years training duties were putted in action by managers asking builders cooperation and cooperating also with Alpine Guides which are between the training subjects as individuated by the ’Accordo Stato Regioni del 2006, in application of the Legislative Decree 235 on workers on ropes and training bodies, or training bodies and builders, already specialized on training. On the subject of people working at a certain distance from ground. The Testo Unico (Lgs. D. 81\08) in the appendix II foresees a proper training between the 32 and the 40 hours for people working at a certain height using ropes and, often, in case of loss of indications, trainers putted in action training courses. 6. Follow Up 132 PHOTOGRAPHICDOCUMENTATION DOCUMENTATION PHOTOGRAPHIC Photographic documentation Platforms Platforms DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Photographic documentation Paths for adults 6. Follow Up Paths adults Paths for for adults 133 6. Follow Up 134 Photographic documentation Paths for children Baby paths DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 135 Management And Organization Of An Adventure Park Thematic parks are particular and complexes enterprises. To comprehend the mechanism helping in managing it, very often the traditional management models aren't enough. So it is necessary analyzing aspects topics and phenomenon that even if let aside in other cases, here, for what concerns adventure parks have a strategical importance. The adventure park enters in this category of parks because its topic is the environment, characterized by the aspect nature-adventure and so, it is placed in a clear sector of the potential client that will visit it. The first aspect to be analysed while managing an adventure park is management philosophy, as to say the mission and the enterprise's culture helping in defining respectively the reason why the enterprise exists and the values lading the action of whoever works in it. Those two elements (mission and culture) represent an heritage that cannot be imitated in the small period, able of putting on the market, in a unique way, the park itself. Philosophy has a determining strategical value because, apart from identifying the reason related with enterprises existence, leads behaviours and makes stronger the cohesion between the staff members. This aspect is very important because the staff keeps in touch with the clients and can contribute in a decisive way in changing both the mission that the enterprise philosophy. The direct contact with the client, in an adventure park, it's a basic element for its correct functioning. Safety, infact, it's a critical factor without which would lack all the bases to develop the activity. Safety comes from a correct planning as well as paths maintenance and the equipment, the first aid, preventing any problem or not, the staff and all the methods used to make easy clients participation. There's a safety we could define “intern” made up by anti-fire measures, antitheft, first aid and parks evacuation. Communication between staff and managerial structure helps in developing strategies, actions, investments, and other needed things in the park and in doind the attractions suitable with clients needs. The capacity of creating a relation between enterprise and client is the most important competitive factor 136 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN in an always more global market. It is necessary to point on: management quality, made concrete with manager ability of using competences, bravery creativity and values; on staff experience quality obtained with training, an open communication channel with an attention level that has to respect clients expectations and, at the end, on guest experience quality that can be created offering safe, kind, efficient services able of going over their expectations. Concerning planning are basic all the choices concerning opening hours, spaces (able of linking aesthetics, functionality and safety); structure dimension ( that determines the demand in time), initiatives to make easy clients access (info point, printed materials, advertisement). Concerning supply management process are very important all the aspects related with demand distribution, using proper marketing initiatives able of preventing lacks of quality caused by overcrowding; proportioning the staff in and out of the park basing on arrivals (for example management of collateral activities as hiking) waiting time minimization thanks to ticket office, attractions and parking staff waiting line animation, queue management. As safety also cleaning is important while managing an adventure park, maybe it is even more important because it is related with outdoor activities surrounded by nature and is an healthy context. Cleaning is another attraction and to this aspect it is tightly related waste material disposal a real problem of the post modern society. The first aim of an eco-friendly park is the reduction of waste material production especially in the refreshment point. This aim can be reached trough offering “tapped” food instead that others and using eco- friendly materials, renewable with a reduced or absent impact on the environment. New materials are for example bio plastic derived by corn starch, cellulose obtained by sugar cane or bamboo, palm leaves, birch and poplar timber. To all it must be added the ability of linking the activity in the surrounding socio-economic sector in which the parks works. Economic, social and employment relapse cannot and don't have to remain in the environmental sphere but must have a wider eco, able of determining the creation and the development of other collateral activities from the restaurant to the souvenir shop to hotels. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up PART II BEST PRACTICES AND KNOW HOW TRANSFER 137 138 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Trends In Mountain Tourism Sector Mountain tourism represents the third italian touristic product. Up to the data published by the Osservatorio Nazionale sul Turismo (National Observatory on Tourism) for 2011, the 83% of the italian that chose to spend their vacations in mountain, practise sporting activity or choose locations where is possible to do mentioned kind of activities, while if we observe data related to foreign people the percentage is up to 94%. Contemporaneously we assist to the loss of request for sea tourism in Italy. Up to the data published by the Osservatorio Guida Viaggi (Travel Guide Observatory) while in 2009 the 30% of the request concerned Italy, in 2012 (just 3 years later) the percentage reduced at the 8%. Better for Spain with the 35,7% and Greece that reaches the 33,6%. Even if the 42% of Calabria's surface has mountain, this region results absent on proper travel catalogues. To this absence doesn't correspond at all the loss of offer, because exist lots and small activities concerning outdoor sports, that can be done in all regional mountains but that aren't able of emerge and have the right visibility in the italian touristic framework or in regional touristic policies dominated by the massive model ( continuously decreasing) of the sea tourism. Dealing with sports and touristic emerging activities we clearly find the adventure parks that reached the number of 200 in all the italian territory, 4 in Calabria. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 139 Gh Calabria For Robinwood GH Calabria / Orme nel Parco's experience in the Miniprogram “Interreg IVC Robinwood Plus”, which aim is transferring best practices in order to implement Adventure Park in woody areas, represented a good example especially in terms of approach. During the conference that took place near the Visit Centre of Camigliatello Silano, there was a focus not properly on techniques permitting enterprise to challenge on Southern Italy Touristic Market but on the approach used by the enterprise respect to a territory, such as the Sila Piccola, characterized by extraordinary resources and potentialities but also by the loss of entrepreneur able of transforming the mentioned richness in working and economic value. During the first part of the report it was pointed out a new idea of tourism, a new approach that permits putting tourism at the centre of developing policies. This approach, underlined the President of GH Calabria, Massimiliano Capalbo, asks above all the respect for the tourism that must start to be consider as a main point of our era, around which develop new entrepreneurial ideas respecting the environment surrounding us. We are facing a real turning point; the economic crisis interesting european countries is telling us that a development model that doesn't take into consideration territorial vocation and present resources sustainable management cannot exist anymore. Besides, we are facing a redefinition of human being needs that, nowadays, are looking for re-establish the contact with nature which they lost, above all for people living in big cities: they are looking for silent places far form noises and city chaos; they want to have the possibility of live spaces that in a city aren't so considered and managing their time measuring their limits, challenging with themselves. They want also to defining again their identity challenging in such the ones offered by adventure parks, discovering new places and living new experiences. 140 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Gh Calabria’s approach Basing on the mentioned changes it is possible to think about a new concept of tourism that GH Calabria took as starting point for its own work, a concept able of changing lots of territories' destiny that until yesterday hadn't tough at all of redefining their own mission. This new tourism concept represents a cultural and social growing occasion possible through the meeting with the other, with the guest. Migrations that characterized and still characterizes Mediterranean territories' history such as Calabria, tells us about a continuous meeting with different cultures and values. Welcoming a guest means having clearly in one's mind from where one comes from, means accepting the other, means recognizing and safeguard one's identity, if its is not like this, the comparison between values and traditions cannot be done and cannot bring cultural and social richness for no one of the actors involved. Besides, very often we face the cultural levelling which risks of making differences and peculiarities, real touristic attractors, disappear. The new concept of tourism permits regaining possession of spaces and time privileging naturalistic contexts and slow rhythms but, above all, it's an advantage for residents and guests too because improves peoples life's quality and, therefore, it is able of make more pleasant visitors, guests stay. To make this happen tourism must represent the main sector on which development policies must count on as well as the main activity of entrepreneurs which will is investing in the sector. To let a touristic activity become a value, for enterprises, customers and also for the territory involved, it is necessary, above all, supporting territorial vocation, without forcing it. Analyzing territorial vocation it is possible to understand which are elements where to create a welcoming proposal on a specific territory. To do this, it is important to make citizens aware of resources surrounding them, proposing enterprise’ activities and services (travels, tours, guided tours). Only this way, knowing the territory they can be aware of what it really is understanding that their own future starts from safeguarding and protecting DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 141 historic-natural and culinary heritage. Another measure going in the direction of transforming in value the entrepreneurial activity is a transferring as much as possible economic resources (community or state) to the ones defined "Week-ends hotel keepers", as to say the entrepreneurs or professionals dedicating resources and energies in managing structures for leisure and tourism only using part of their time seen that their activities are others and their incomes comes from other kind of professional activities. This behave creates a rough management of the mentioned services an structures and a not good offer, also not so professional as it should, things that causes an escape of tourists and the improve of "not coming back". Another very important aspect concerns environment safeguard and natural heritage protection, unique real resource of the Third Millennium on which count on to make tourism and that has to face the need of rediscovering the above mentioned contact with nature. Besides nowadays economic crisis shows us that enterprises over dimensioning is becoming a damaging factor because makes it less flexible, less able of creating, rapidly, changes so as asked by the markets evolution in the post modern age. Here's the need of privileging small projects compared to the big ones, the small and medium enterprises that, in a networking point of view, can generate a volume of exchange able of guaranteeing a territorial sustainable economic development. In the end promoting touristic awareness in schools, among citizens, on territory, so that everyone of them represent a part of a bigger project able of generating richness and development investing in staff's and enterprises professional training, so that they can be always a step forward and able of the evolution of the tendencies. 142 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Gh Calabria: who we are GH Calabria is a young enterprise made up by professionals between the 24 and the 38 years old, it's a real enterprise because for the starts and all along the start up period, which lasted 4 years, never requested and so never had public financing but has always based its own turnover on incomes deriving from offering on market innovative touristic services, first of all the adventure Park an ecologic and sustainable enterprise that uses wood and nature as resource for leisure in a sustainable way, its a responsible and transparent one because considers that its work cannot be useful only for the enterprise itself but must generate, on the territory new dynamics of economic, cultural social development and also imitation processes. GH Calabria realized and manages near Sila Piccola, in the territory of Sila National Park, near Zagarise Municipality the biggest adventure park of southern Italy wit the Mark“Orme nel Parco”; manages the first hostel called Ostello Diffuso in Calabria always in Zagarise municipality and ideates, promotes and sells through specialized Tour Operators, also, travel oofers based on calabrian mountain comprehending also excursions to discover regional naturalistic beauties discover. The adventure park at the moment has 10 acrobatic paths (7 for adults and 3 for children) and two trial paths, a bike renting service, a climbing zone a refreshment zone, a game zone for children and 20 pic-nic areas for a total extension of 3 hectares. Gh Calabria: obtained results Obtained results in the last years have been extremely positive. More than 30.000 visitors in the park, registered in the first 3 years of activity. 10 seasonal working places created and a provisional active balance for the last season the 2011. Almost 20.000 first visits registered by our web site while Facebook's page has more than 4300 fans. Among the most important experiences and awards that GH Calabria obtained during its first four years of activity there's the certification for the most pure DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 143 European air, that is part of the final report of a European Project of Nano toxicology called DIPNA (Development of an integrated platform for the Nano particles risk assessment) (FP6-NMP-2006-09) by Professors Montanari and Gatti expert of Nan pathology at worldwide level that were guest of our park in 2009 were took samples to use for their research. To be remembered also the participation, in 2010, to an operative programme "Regional Development" MRRB in Bulgaria. The project financed by the European Union in cooperation with the Province of Cosenza and the Morus Onlus (Osservatorio Mediterraneo per la Sostenibilità Rurale- Mediterranean Observatory for Rural Sustainability) was created by the international cooperation between Bulgaria and Italy aiming at rural development know-how and best practices exchange for touristic sector entrepreneurs, NGO, municipal managers and typical products producers of the Rila National Park, in Bulgaria, member of PAN Parks Local Group. We obtained the Sila Award always in 2010, as most innovative enterprise in Calabria. GH Calabria, with its activity, discredited some cliché Calabria, first of all the one considering this region a poor land. Besides, on the contrary, the touristic enterprise with the mark “Orme nel Parco” demonstrated that levering on the numerous naturalistic, historic, cultural and culinary resources we have on our territory which deserve just to be organized, exploited and promoted, it is possible to create enterprise in a sustainable way, developing local economy, creating new working places. All behaves preventing the erase of cliché and prejudices contrasted with its activity. GH Calabria showed that is possible to gain a big visibility simply focusing on the word of mouth which comes from the positivity of the experience lived by costumers, creating advertisement for free. With passion and professionalism, expressed everyday, GH Calabria demonstrated that in order to create a positive word of mouth you must astonish and conquest customers going over their expectations, pointing on offered services' quality, keeping promises, keeping also the trust built everyday by the relations with customers. 144 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Responsible entrepreneurial activities spin-offs doesn't concern only employment and economy but also city planning because tourism contributes in improving cities planning, as well as relations between citizens, using just a word, helps in improving the quality of life. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up PART III RESULTS 145 6. Follow Up 146 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN The Training Course And The Networks During Reggio Calabria's meeting, as scheduled in the project's work plan, on the 15 october 2012, GH Calabria gave the international training course “the Adventure parks as sustainable tourism model”. Illustrating the steps of creation of an adventure park, from the idea to the feasibility study as well as the study concerning financial and environmental sustainability, to get to the technical planning, were defined all the implementing steps and the regulations that nowadays regulate the activity as well as the managing tools and the obtained results. During the meeting, moreover, were showed the models through which create the two networks for the partners, institutional and private, that took part to the project. A section, created on the Institutional web page of the Province of Cosenza where are showed the project's activities and containing a restricted area, which access is allowed only to institutional partners through a proper password, in which can be exchanged informations and news. The other one is a web page created on the website called “Destination Mountain” were are resumed objectives and aims of the project with the list of the partners that joined the network, or that joined later, with the link to the web site Italy - Orme nel Parco; - Consorzio GOEL, Siderno (RC); - B&B L'infinito, Castroregio (CS); - Cooperativa Misafumera di Delianuova (RC); - MuSaBa, Mammola (RC); - Cooperativa Naturaliter, Bova (RC); DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Italy Findland Romania 6. Follow Up - Silavventura, Lorica (CS); - Associazione SOS Beni Culturali, Reggio Calabria; - San Lorenzo si alberga, Camigliatello Silano; - B&B “Viva la vacanza in Sila”, Camigliatello Silano. - Arolantila; - Raatteenportti; - Wild Taiga; - Eramatkailu Piirainen; - Hiiden Torppa; - Hotelli Kainuu Oy; - Hotelli Kalevala; - Reki-Pertti Koivisto; - Niemisen kylayhdistys; - Routa Travel; - Upitrek Oy; - Taiga Spirit; - Wild Brown Bear; - CaRet Caravan Retkipalvelu; - Luonnollisesti Oulujarvi Ky; - Authentica Nature&Adventure; - Ekointernet; - Tmi Kainuun tapahtuma - ja ohjelmapalvelu; - Vienan Lomat; - Vuokatti Husky Oy; - Zilivonkkelis Ky. - Greenways; - Ecologis; - Green Agora; - Kincskeresok; - Sziklakert; - Situri Natura 2000, Honor Villa. 147 148 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Network’s aim is resuming and give space and visibility to all the actors of the project, to all the actors who compared their own experiences and exchanged it during the project's international meetings. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 149 Degree dissertations Destination Mountain results doesn't stick to partners networks definition. On the project were realized two degree dissertations presented at Economy faculty of the Unical the last october 2012 and januay 2013. The first one by Doc. Francesco Arnone that in the sphere of the Laurea Magistrale in Discipline Economiche e Sociali per lo Sviluppo e la Cooperazione, discussed on a dissertation which title was: “Destination Mountain, when development becomes sustainable”. The other one by Filippo Tosti having as title” Rebuilding Sustainability: CEST and National Parks, Institutions and Actors”. Both reached the maximum. 110/110. 150 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Eretical Companies 2nd meeting The project Destination Mountain will be took as example of synergy between public and private during Imprese Eretiche II meeting that GH Calabria, in cooperation with the blog, will open the next 16 and 17 march 2013 near Villaggio Mancuso , Taverna (CZ). The representatives of the Province of Cosenza and Calabria Region partners in Robinwood and part of Calabria's stakeholders that took part to Destination Mountain and to the network will also be present. Happening's aim is collecting the examples of whoever faces the challenge of the real change opening an enterprise that isn't just a marketing activity but that can be defined as collective growth factor and social value production, this, up to organizers is a modern heresy. Trespassing clichés and go through a different path represents a different though, fearless and containing a proposal. These heresies can be showed respecting the “value” man, in feeling tied to its territory, or in the new forms of knowledge sharing as suggested by new technologies. To reach mentioned witness the Imprese Eretiche meeting was created and in particular by the awareness of need, by post- modern society of heretics as to say people that wants to face the challenge and face social and professional life with heresy, choosing a different path, discrediting clichés, going were it isn't possible to go. An element that really distinguished also Destination Mountain. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 6.4 DRAFT BILL ON ADVENTURE PARKS 151 152 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6.4.1 Introduction During the last years adventure parks sector had a development that went over expectations: from 2005 to nowadays, are almost 200 the opened structures, distributed all over the italian regions. Every year new acrobatic paths open, and this activity, joining entertainment and practice, is always more requested by public. It has been calculated that in Italy mentioned structures are visited yearly by over a million visitors, a number that is still distant from the ten million calculated in France and the 8 million of the United Kingdom, but that anyway, shows the satisfaction for this brand new way of spending time in contact with nature. Sector' numbers point out the need of regulate mentioned activities above all concerning safety and staff training so to present to public, made up by families and young people outdoor experience offered with staff professional warrants as well as path's respect of regulations. Safety aspects in planning, realizing and managing acrobatic paths are regulated by a European technical regulation the EN15567, that hasn't been accepted in the Italian code and, for this reason is voluntary, leaving all involved subject free in respecting criteria and fulfillment . The acrobatic paths, present in Italy since 2005, are subject to different authorizing steps up to the place were they are built. At regulation level, only Lombardia Region and Trento Autonomous Province enacted laws individuating need authorizations; rules have common aspects but a different approach. The huge diffusion of this sector on the whole national territory makes important the regularity on planning, warranty and authorization aspects , up to Parchi Avventura Italiani, the category national organization representing adventure parks building enterprises and managers. So, here is proposed a document that, with the contribution of the Central Ad- DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 153 ministration and local bodies system, accepts the most important aspects of the european technical regulation tracing the guidelines to train the staff. Maurizio Crisanti, ANESV – AGIS General Secretary 154 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Draft Bill : Preamble ENDORSED the art. 4 of the legislative decree 28 august 1997, n. 281, regulating that Government, Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano in enacting the principle of cooperation and in the fulfillment the objectives of functionality, economy and effectiveness of the administrative action, can agree, during State-Region Conference' meetings, agreements, to coordinate the completion of their own competences and develop common interest activities. ENDORSED the art. 73 of the legislative decree 9 april 2008, n. 81 and, in particular, the paragraph 5, foresaw that during permanent Conference for relations between State, regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano are individuated the working tools for which is requested a specific qualification of workers as well as the way through which release mentioned qualifications, training subjects, lenght, guidelines and minimum qualification to reach training validity; ENDORSED following European regulations: • EN 15567-1 «Construction and Safety requirements» concerning planning, building characteristics, place's selection, evaluation of the trees physiologic conditions used as support, materials to use for platforms, ropes and so on; • EN 15567-2 «Operation requirements» defining operation characteristics, management and user rescue and evacuation as well as specifies which are the operators foreseen in an acrobatic path and their competences also concerning training. ENDORSED also following regulations • Royal Decree 18 june 1931, n. 773, Artt. 68, 69 and 80 • Legislative Decree 81/08 and subsequent modifications and integrations. « “Single Text on health and safety on working places» • Ministerial Decree 10 march 1998 «General criteria on fire-fighting safety and on emergencies managements on working places» • Ministerial Decree 388/2003: «Regulation with rules on enterprises first aid DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 155 implementing the article 15, paragraph 3, of the legislative decree 19 september 1994, n. 626, and subsequent modification and integrations»; • Legislative Decree 475/92: «Implementation of the directive 89/686/CEE of the Council of the 21 december 1989, on approaching Member State legislations on individual protection instruments». GRANTED That in Italy there are more than 200 adventure parks and acrobatic paths and that, is compulsory identifying guidelines for planning, building, managing and maintaining mentioned activities; GRANTED That is compulsory individuating adventure parks operators training courses that need to be the same to which all the subject having intention of working in this section must comply with in order to safeguard both users and operators enjoyment; AKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE TECHNICAL REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR ENJOYMENT AND SAFETY OF THE PATHS PART OF THE ADVENTURE PARKS Index 1. Preamble 2. legislative references 3. New opening 4. Opened Structures 5. Training 1.Preamble Acrobatic paths or adventure parks are very popular all over Europe with over hundreds realizations. Essentially they are a suspended paths at different levels upon ground generally installed on high trunk trees or, in their loss also on wood plies. The park is made up by different paths on which users can move freely after 156 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN having received clear instructons on path's uses and on equipment (made up by slings, longe and casket) supplied by the manager. To mentioned activities are linked also cable ways or zip line made up by steel rope on which the public moves using pulley. Adventure parks are places for fun and recreation, training and education, visited by users belonging to every age. It has been calculated that the italian parks, almost 150, are visited by over a million visitors. Mentioned activity is very appreciated because favours the contact with nature and has a low environmental impact, because doesn't have mechanized tools or tools working with electricity of fossils. Trento Autonomous Province and Lombardia Region enacted guidelines individuating requisites and conditions for adventure parks. So it's compulsory individuating the ways through which release the authorization to work with adventure parks and manage it, also referring to the technical regulations EN 15567-1 and 2, were are defined adventure parks safety requisites and operations requisites needed to ensure a good level of safety while using it. 2. Legislative References: Royal Decree 18 june 1931, n. 773 Artt. 68, 69 ed and 80; Legislative Decree 9 june 2008, n. 81; Decree of the Ministry of the Interior 10 march 1998 «General criteria on firefighting safety and on emergencies managements on working places » Ministerial Decree 388/2003: «Regulation with rules on enterprises first aid implementing the article 15, paragraph 3, of the legislative decree 19 september 1994, n. 626, and subsequent modification and integrations»; Legislative Decree D475/92: «Implementation of the directive direttiva 89/686/ CEE of the Council of the 21 december 1989, on approaching Member State legislations on individual protecion instruments». Memorandum nr. P897 and P121/ 4109 of the Ministry of the Interior Fireman department, public aid and civil defense l 2 april 2007. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 157 3. New openings To obtain the municipality's authorization to open an adventure park or a cable way, with license as on the article 69 of the Royal Decree18 june 1931, n. 773 it is compulsory to present: 3.1 Technical general report describing the project and containing informations on : • site's selection • path's description • description of structures or plants that may need to supply services • check and maintenance procedures • activity's management • staff training • users training • equipments • Individual Protection Device list • organization, safety and rescue plan • elements on adopted procedures for hygiene and sanitary tools 3.2 GRAPHICS on the selected site in scale: • planimetry and building details 3.3 TECHNICAL REPORTS on trees (if paths are anchored on) with data on: • trees resistance • trees quality diagnosys • trees and roots protection • single tree report (VTA) 3.4 TECHNICAL REPORTS on paths, containing data on regulations respect especially Ministerial Decree 16/01/96, UNI EN 15567-1, UNI EN 155672 and, if applicable, Ministerial Decree 14/09/05 and Legislative Decree. n. 158 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 81/08: • passages supports selection • passages planning • supports resistance calculations • used materials • safety requisites • passages signs • paths difficulty • paths use regulations • signs for visitors 3.5 GRAPHICS on paths consisting in: • paths planimetry • paths longitudinal profiles 3.6 CERTIFICATIONS AND DOCUMENTS, to produce before asking the inspection of the Commissione di Vigilanza sui luoghi di Spettacolo, to permit a document examination: • inspection certificate - opening putted in action by a grade A certification • project of possible plants that may be useful to the park • static project of all the buildings • trees' evaluation report • risk evaluation and emergency plan up to the regulation UNI 15567-2 • ropes conformity certificate and used wood certificate • conformity certificate of ALL the buildings signed by the installer compiled according to the Decree n. 37 of the 22/01/08 • certificate of attendance to a training course for adventure park operator with final test, granted by a qualified subject 3.7 Documents to keep by the structure : • licence up to the article 69 TULPS DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 159 • inspection certificate - opening putted in action by a certified subject • trees evaluation report • risk evaluation and emergency plan up to the regulation UNI 15567-2 • files with daily management sheets • accidents register • inspection register of the IPD according to UNI 15567-2 • builder's manuals (related to paths). • list of the staff working in the park, qualifications included; • fitness for building use granted by the Commissione di Pubblico Spettacolo, according to the art. 80 TULPS, with methods according to the art. 4 of the DPR 311/2001, if the building counts with less than 200 places/ users • Comprehensive third party liability policy 3.8 Technical managerial documents : • inspection certificate - opening putted in action by a Grade A institute • updated trees evaluation report (before seasonal opening); • Product manual (acrobatic paths) and maintenance plan written by the builder, if possible, or by a certified professional; • Risk evaluation document according to UNI 15567-2 and legislative decree 81/08 and subsequent modification and integrations • Park management plan and ith the daily operative sheets • Accident register up to UNI 15567-2; • DPI (Individual Protection Device) inspection register (Individual Protection Device) up to UNI 15567-2; • Emergency and evacuation plan up to UNI 15567-2, legislative decree 81/08 and subsequent modifications and integrations and Ministeroal Decree 10-031998 with planimetry; • Documents attesting staff training according to regulations EN UNI 15567-2, • Park regulations to be undersigned by the user 160 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 4 Opened Structures Opened structures activity's continuation at the date of the approval of the present Agreement is subordinated to the preparation of a: 4.1 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT describing the project and containing data on: • elements on building realization (indication on builders and planners, where available- opening date) • paths description and probable structures and buildings useful to park's service • maintenances • reports on activity's management • elements on park's operators training • elements on users training and informations • user equipment • IPD (Individual Protection Device) list • Organization, safety and rescue plan • elements on adopted procedures concerning hygiene and sanitary conditions 4.2 GRAPHICS on plants in scale having • planimetry 4.3 TECHNICAL REPORTS on trees (if paths are anchored on) with data on: • trees resistance • trees quality diagnosis • trees and roots protection • single tree report (VTA) 4.4 TECHNICAL REPORTS on paths, containing data on regulations respect especially Ministerial Decree 16/01/96, UNI EN 15567-1, UNI EN 155672 and, if applicable, Ministerial Decree 14/09/05 and Legislative Decree. n. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 161 81/08: • passages supports selection • passages planning • supports resistance calculations • used materials • safety requisites • passages signs • paths difficulty • paths use regulations • signs for visitors 4.5 GRAPHICS on paths consisting in: • paths planimetry 4.6 CERTIFICATIONS AND DOCUMENTS, to produce before asking the inspection of the Commissione di Vigilanza sui luoghi di Spettacolo, to permit a document examination: • Licence according to the art.69 TULPS • inspection certificate - opening putted in action by a grade A certification Structure static yearly test signed by a certified professional • project of possible plants that may be useful to the park • static project of all the buildings • trees' evaluation report • risk evaluation and emergency plan up to the regulation UNI 15567-2 • ropes conformity certificate and used wood certificate • conformity certificate of the buildings signed by the installer compiled according to the Decree n. 37 of the 22/01/08, if applicable • certificate of attendance to a training course for adventure park operator with final test, granted by a qualified subject Documents to keep by the structure : • fitness for building use granted by the Commissione di Pubblico Spettacolo, 162 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN according to the art. 80 TULPS, with methods according to the art. 4 of the DPR 311/2001, if the building counts with less than 200 places/ users inspection certificate - opening putted in action by a certified subject • trees evaluation report • yearly inspection report • risk evaluation and emergency plan up to the regulation UNI 15567-2 • files with daily management sheets • accidents register • inspection register of the DPI according to UNI 15567-2 • builder's manuals (related to paths) • licence • list of the staff working in the park, qualifications included; • fitness for building use granted by the Commissione di Pubblico Spettacolo, according to the art. 80 TULPS, with methods according to the art. 4 of the DPR 311/2001, if the building counts with less than 200 places/ users • Comprehensive third party liability policy 4.7 Technical-Management Documents: Inspection certificate – opening putted in action by grade A inspection organization and documents showing positive yearly inspections putted in action by an inspection organization; • Trees evaluation report ; • Product manual (acrobatic paths) and maintenance plans written by the builder, if possible- or by a professional; • Risk evaluation documents according to UNI 15567-2 and legislative decree 81/08 and subsequent modifications and integrations; • Park's management plan and register with daily operative sheets ; • Accidents register according to UNI 15567-2; • IPD (Individual Protection Device) inspection register according to UNI 15567-2; • Emergency and evacuation plan according to UNI 15567-2, legislative decree 81/08 and subsequent modifications and integrations and Ministerial De- DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 163 cree 10-03-1998 with planimetry; • Documents on operators training according to the regulation EN UNI 15567-2; • Parks regulation to be undersigned by the user; Every modification or fitting of a new path will have to follow what defined at the point 3 of the present guidelines. 5 Training, information and physical training The regulation EN15567-2, and the legislative decree 81/08 and subsequent modifications and integrations foresee that adventure park operator must be adequately trained to develop instructor and instructor/rescuer tasks. For this reason here are indicated the minimum requisites for staff training. 5.1 Trainers Grant the training for adventure park staff (training agencies, mountainering schools etc.) that can attest that the training for adventure park staff is putted in action by almost two trainers and that almost one between them has the characteristic as specified by artt. 1 and 2 of the Attachment XXI of the legislative decree n. 81/2008. 5.2 Training contents PART A – COURSE FOR ACROBATIC PATHS INSTRUCTORS (24 HOURS) Course presentation Outlines on the legislative decree 81/08 and on the regulation concerning safety on working places Outlines on UNI referential regulation Acrobatic paths documents Acrobatic path's instructor tasks and responsibility 164 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Current risks analysis Analisi Sport's mountainering equipment (slings, ropes, dissipators, snap-hooks, caskets etc) IPD used in an Adventure park ( periodical test, use and storage prescription, ordinary maintenance) Elements constituting an acrobatic path Theory test on the first part of the course with multiple choice test Facing a path – physical test Participants welcome, safety outline note Participants dressing Training briefing and surveillance along the paths Outlines on First aid and 118 alert Slings suspension syndrom Parks evacuation Practical test PART B – COURSE FOR INSTRUCTORS THAT WANT TO REACH THE QUALIFICATION OF RESCUER ON ADVENTURE PARK (8 HOURS) Course presentation Rescuer tasks and responsibilities specific rescue and evacuation equipment (Outlines on UNI referential regulation) Rescue and evacuation procedure – test Different Rescue kits use – test Practical test Outiline on the legislative decree 81/08 and on the regulation concerning safety on working places Outlines on UNI referential regulation Acrobatic paths documents Acrobatic path's instructor tasks and responsibility DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 165 Current risks analysis Sport's mountainering equipment (slings, ropes, dissipators, snap-hooks, caskets etc) IPD used in an Adventure park ( periodical test, use and storage prescription, ordinary maintenance). 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 166 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 6.5 PROTOCOL OF AGREEMENT 167 6. Follow Up 168 Accordo di collaborazione interregionale per lo scambio delle buone pratiche per lo sviluppo del turismo sostenibile tra la Regione Calabria, la Provincia di Cosenza, il Comune di Reggio Calabria, il Comune di Dealu (Romania) il Metshallitus Natural Heritage Service (Finlandia), Museo Nazionale di Storia Naturale(Bulgaria), Sandanski Municipality (Bulgaria) Interregional Cooperation Agreement for Best practices and sustainable Tourism Development Between the Region Calabria the Province of Cosenza, Reggio Calabria Municipality, Dealu Municipality (Romania), Metshallitus Natural Heritage Service (Finland), National Museum of Natural History (Bulgaria), Sandanski Municipality (Bulgaria) La Regione Calabria, la Provincia di Cosenza ed il Comune di Reggio Calabria (IT) ,il Comune di Dealu (RO) , Metshallitus Natural Heritage (FI), il Museo Nazionale di Storia Naturale di Sofia ed il Comune di Sandanski (BG) sono nominati nel presente documento “Le Parti”. Calabria Region, the Province of Cosenza, Reggio Calabria Municipality (IT), Dealu Municipality (RO), Metshallitus Natural Heritage Service (FI), the National Museum of Natural History of Sofia and Sandanski Municipality (BG) called in this document “The Parties”, DESTINATION Considerato il Granted the • Regolamento del Consiglio (CE) n. 1083/2006 dell’11 Luglio 2006 recante disposizioni generali sul Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale, sul Fondo sociale europeo e sul Fondo di coesione; • European Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 setting the legal framework of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund and Cohesion Fund; • Regolamento del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio n. 1080/2006 relativo al Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale, che definisce le tipologie dell’obiettivo 3 Cooperazione Territoriale; • Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Regional Development Fund defining objective 3 typologies; Territorial Cooperation • Regolamento della Commissione n. 1828/2006, che stabilisce modalità di • European Commission Regulation n. 1828/2006, setting out rules for the DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 213 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 169 applicazione del Regolamento (CE) n. 1083/2006 del Consiglio e del Regolamento (CE) n. 1080/2006; • • • • • implementation of Council Regulation (EC) n. 1083/2006 of the Council and of Regulation (EC) n. 1080/2006; • Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts • NTERREG IVC Territorial Cooperation Operative Programme(Document No CCI 2007 CB 16 3 PO 046), approved by European Commission the 11 September 2007; • EU Member States Agreement, Norway and Swizerland, the Managing Authority (North Regions-Pas de Calais) and the certification Authority (Caisse des Dépots et Consignations) on the realization of the programme INTERREG IVC; • progetto Robinwood PLUS approvato il 4 Febbraio 2010 dal Segretariato Tecnico Congiunto del Programma INTERREG IVC; Robinwood PLUS project approved the 4 February 2010 by the Technical Joined Secretariat of the Programme INTERREG IVC; • Programma specifico di orientamento indicato nel manuale del Programma Orientation specific Program presented in the INTERREG IVC manual guidelines included, as approved by the Steering Committee; • Robinwood Plus Steering Committees decisions during the meeting of the 18 La Direttiva 2004/18/CE del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio del 31 marzo 2004 relativa al coordinamento delle procedure di aggiudicazione degli appalti pubblici di lavori, di forniture e di servizi; Programma Operativo Europeo di Cooperazione Territoriale INTERREG IVC (Documento No CCI 2007 CB 16 3 PO 046), approvato dalla Commissione Europea l’ 11 Settembre 2007; L’accordo tra Stati Membri UE, Norvegia e Svizzera, l’Autorità di Gestione (Regione Nord-Pas de Calais) e l’Autorità di Certificazione (Caisse des Dépots et Consignations) sulla realizzazione del programma INTERREG IVC; DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 214 6. Follow Up 170 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN INTERREG IVC, incluse le linee-guida, come approvato dal Comitato di Pilotaggio; • le risultanze del Comitato di Pilotaggio del progetto Robinwood Plus tenutosi il 18 maggio 2011 a Limoges (Limousin, Francia) in cui si è stabilita la lista dei sottoprogetti ammissibili al finanziamento; • contratto del sottoprogetto “Sviluppo del turismo sostenibile: Iniziative per la valorizzazione della montagna – DESTINATION MOUNTAIN sottoscritto il 5 agosto 2011 con il Lead Partner di Robinwood Plus (Regione Liguria) Visto: Il contratto stipulato tra la Provincia di Cosenza, il Comune di Reggio Calabria ,il Comune di Dealu e il Metshallitus Natural Heritage Service, firmato il 14 febbraio 2011 per l’implementazione del sottoprogetto INTERREG IVC ROBINWOOD PLUS “ DESTINATION MOUNTAIN – Development of sustainable tourism: initiatives for the valorization of mountain Tenendo conto: may 2011 that took place in Limoges (Limousin, France) that setted out the list of the Subproject suitable for funding; • Supply contract of the Subproject Development of Sustainable Tourism: Initiatives for the valorisation of Mountain - DESTINATION MOUNTAIN undersigned the 05 august 2011 with Robinwood Plus Lead Partner (Region Liguria). Seen: The partnership Agreement signed the 14 october 2011 between the Province of Cosenza, Reggio Calabria Municipality, Dealu Municipality, Metshallitus Natural Heritage Service to implement the subproject INTERREG IVC ROBINWOOD PLUS DESTINATION MOUNTAIN – Development of sustainable tourism: initiatives for the valorization of mountain dell’importanza della collaborazione a livello Taking into account: interregionale e delle prospettive di sviluppo del DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 215 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 171 INTERREG IVC, incluse le linee-guida, come approvato dal Comitato di Pilotaggio; • le risultanze del Comitato di Pilotaggio del progetto Robinwood Plus tenutosi il 18 maggio 2011 a Limoges (Limousin, Francia) in cui si è stabilita la lista dei sottoprogetti ammissibili al finanziamento; • contratto del sottoprogetto “Sviluppo del turismo sostenibile: Iniziative per la valorizzazione della montagna – DESTINATION MOUNTAIN sottoscritto il 5 agosto 2011 con il Lead Partner di Robinwood Plus (Regione Liguria) Visto: Il contratto stipulato tra la Provincia di Cosenza, il Comune di Reggio Calabria ,il Comune di Dealu e il Metshallitus Natural Heritage Service, firmato il 14 febbraio 2011 per l’implementazione del sottoprogetto INTERREG IVC ROBINWOOD PLUS “ DESTINATION MOUNTAIN – Development of sustainable tourism: initiatives for the valorization of mountain Tenendo conto: may 2011 that took place in Limoges (Limousin, France) that setted out the list of the Subproject suitable for funding; • Supply contract of the Subproject Development of Sustainable Tourism: Initiatives for the valorisation of Mountain - DESTINATION MOUNTAIN undersigned the 05 august 2011 with Robinwood Plus Lead Partner (Region Liguria). Seen: The partnership Agreement signed the 14 october 2011 between the Province of Cosenza, Reggio Calabria Municipality, Dealu Municipality, Metshallitus Natural Heritage Service to implement the subproject INTERREG IVC ROBINWOOD PLUS DESTINATION MOUNTAIN – Development of sustainable tourism: initiatives for the valorization of mountain dell’importanza della collaborazione a livello Taking into account: interregionale e delle prospettive di sviluppo del DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 215 6. Follow Up 172 turismo sostenibile tra le aree che i Partners hanno rispettivamente individuato nell’ambito dei propri territori (Riserva di Paliakka (FI), Area naturale nel Comune di Dealu (RO) e i Parchi Nazionali “Sila” e “Aspromonte” (IT); Volendo: DESTINATION MOUNTAIN the importance of Cooperation at interregional level and sustainable tourism development perspectives in the areas individuated by Partners considering every involved Country (Paliakka Natural Reserve (FI), Natural Area in Dealu Municipality (RO), “Sila” and “Aspromonte” National Parks (IT); ampliare i contatti già in essere tra loro tramite lo Expressed the will of: sviluppo e l’approfondimento della collaborazione esistente e come segno di amicizia e rispetto widening the already established contacts reciproco, between them through developing and deepening present cooperation relationship also as sign of friendship and mutual respect, stipulano il seguente accordo: Articolo 1 Il presente Accordo di Collaborazione Interregionale ha come obiettivo di migliorare e pubblicizzare la collaborazione esistente tra le Parti nell’ ambito dello scambio delle buone pratiche per il turismo, basato sulle risorse naturali e culturali e sul marketing del turismo nelle zone individuate (Riserva di Paliakka (FI), Area naturale nel Comune di Dealu, Contea di Harghita (RO) e i Parchi Nazionali “Sila” e “Aspromonte” (IT), territorio del Comune di Sandanski e Museo di Storia Naturale di Sofia (BG); DESTINATION MOUNTAIN agree upon the following agreement: Article 1 The present Interregional Cooperation Agreement has, as aim, improving and spreading the existent cooperation between The Parties. The Parties in the sphere of best practice exchange for tourism based on natural and cultural reesources and tourism marketing in the areas individuated (Paliakka Natural Reserve (FI), Natural Area in Dealu Municipality, Harghita County (RO), “Sila” and “Aspromonte” National Parks (IT), Sandanski Municipality area and National Museum of Natural History of Sofia (BG) ; 216 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 173 Articolo 2 Article 2 Obiettivi dell’ Accordo Agreements Objectives • incoraggiare i collegamenti tra le quattro regioni; • encouraging networks between the four regions; • stimolare la collaborazione proficua da ambo le Parti per lo sviluppo del turismo sostenibile; • stimulating profitable cooperation between The Parties for sustainable tourism development; • attivazione dei contatti tra Le Parti per lo scambio di informazioni nell’ambito dell’ economia, dell’ apprendimento e della cultura; • put in action contacts between The Parties to exchage informations on economy, learning and culture; • developing the knowledge on history, culture, customs of the Regions through study visits and putting in action the exchange at touristic level. • sviluppare le conoscenze della storia, della cultura, degli usi e dei costumi della gente nelle tre Regioni, attraverso visite e l’attivazione dello scambio a livello turistico. Articolo 3 Le Parti si impegnano a scambiare informazioni riguardanti: • statistica e programmi di educazione; • promozione e pubblicità del turismo; • progetti per le ricerche e per lo sviluppo del turismo; • quadro legislativo e programmi per il DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Article 3 The Parties commit in exchanging informations on: • statistics and education plans; • tourism promotion and spreading; • project on research and tourism development; 217 6. Follow Up 174 • DESTINATION MOUNTAIN miglioramento della qualità nel settore turistico, sviluppo del turismo sostenibile e innovazioni tecnologiche; • legislative framework and plans to improve tourism quality, sustainable tourism development and ICT; ogni altra azione per la quale esiste un accordo tra Le Parti. • every other action for which exists an agreement between The Parties. Article 4 Articolo 4 Le Parti stimolano le varie iniziative di collaborazione che possono essere proposte dalle aziende e dalle organizzazioni turistiche provenienti dai territori. Articolo 5 • • Le Parti si riservano il diritto, solo se entrambe consenzienti , di effettuare modifiche nel presente Accordo per migliorarlo o attualizzarlo. The Parties incite all cooperation activities that may be suggested by enterprises and tour operators having their seat in involved territories Article 5 • The Parties reserve the right, only if both agree on, of putt in action changes on the present agreement to improve it or put it in action. • Any other change comes into force as provided in the article 6. Le eventuali modifiche entrano in vigore nella modalità prevista nell’ Articolo 6. Articolo 6 Il presente Accordo entra in vigore dalla data della firma di entrambe Le Parti. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Article 6 The present Agreement comes into force from the date of the sign of the Parties. 218 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 6. Follow Up 175 Luogo ……………………… Place ………………………… Data …………………………. Date ………………………….. Il presente Accordo va stipulato parallelamente in lingua italiana e inglese e in sette copie uguali, una per ogni Parte. In caso di controversie sarà considerato valido il testo in lingua inglese. The present Agreement must be signed both in Italian and English in seven copies, one for each Part. In case of legal dispute will have value the English text. PER LA REGIONE CALABRIA FOR REGION CALABRIA ………………………………….. ………………………………….. PER LA PROVINCIA DI COSENZA FOR PROVINCE OF COSENZA ………………………………………. ………………………………………. PER IL COMUNE DI REGGIO CALABRIA FOR REGGIO CALABRIA MUNICIPALITY …………………………………………… …………………………………………… PER IL COMUNE DI DEALU FOR DEALU MUNICIPALITY ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. PER METSHALLITUS NATURAL HERITAGE SERVICE FOR METSHALLITUS NATURAL HERITAGE SERVICE ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. PER THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY FOR THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. PER SANDANSKI MUNICIPALITY FOR SANDANSKI MUNICIPALITY …………………………………………. ………………………………………….. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 219 176 6. Follow Up DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 220 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 177 178 DESTINATION MOUNTAIN DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 179 Thanks A big thanks for the contribution to the project Destination Mountain goes to the President of Sila National Park, Sonia Ferrara, to the Director, Michele Laudati an to the officers Rosy Cannata, Giuseppe Luzzi and Vincenzo Filippelli. We thanks then the president of Aspromonte National Park, Giuseppe Bombino and the Director, Tommaso Tedesco. A particular thanks goes to Antonino Siclari, from Aspromonte National Park, for the precious technical collaboration and the constant support to the project’s activities. And furthermore, we thank Kertu Harkonen of Mëtsahallitus Natural Heritage Serviceand the Finnish forest research Institute in the persons of Ilkka Immonen, Tiia Kiiski, Katja Kangas and Sanna Nurila. Thanks to Bàlint Elemèr,Dealu(Romania) Mayor and to the mayors of Hyrynsalmi, of Suomussalmi, of Hukkohalla and of Puolanka (Finland), to the mayor of Spezzano della Sila (CS), Tiziano Gigli, of Pedace (CS), Nuccio Martire, of Zagarise (CZ), Pietro Raimondo, of Gerace (RC) e di S. Stefano d’Aspromonte (RC) (Italy). For the logistic support a big thanks to State Forest Army, to A.For and to Maurizio Angotti, from Arssa local center in Vibo Valentia (IT). Therefore to Comunità Montana dell’Alto Tirreno Cosentino, to the Order of Agronomist of the Province of Cosenza, to the Mycologial and Environmental Group of Reggio Calabria,, to the MUSABA of Mammola and to the Bergamotto Museum of Reggio Calabria, to the Museum of Olive Oil and of the Farm Culture of Zagarise, to the “San Lorenzo Si Alberga” of Camigliatello Silano (Italiy), to Mustarinda House, to Arola Wild Life Watching Centre and to the Museum of the Russian-Finnish border of Suomussalmi (Finland) and to IVO Wildlife Park (Romania). We thank, therefore, Saveria Cristiano, Valeria Scopelliti, Nicola Mayerà, Demetrio Romeo and Elisabetta Perrone from Calabria Region, for the support the project’s activities. Last but not least, Giuseppe Condemi, Francesco Carlo Arnone e Filippo Romano Tosti. Sila National Park, IT Fallistro Biogenetic Natural Reserve. DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Finito di stampare nel mese di Dicembre 2013 Grafica Pollino DESTINATION MOUNTAIN 183