dialoghi 対話
dialoghi 対話
__ Gioielli Contemporanei DIALOGHI 対話 2015 Japan Jewellery Designers Association / associazione gioiello contemporaneo Gioielli Contemporanei DIALOGHI 対話 2015 Gioielli Contemporanei DIALOGHI 対話 JJDA 創立 50 周年記念事業 日伊コンテンポラリージュエリー交流展 主催 公益社団法人日本ジュエリーデザイナー協会 イタリアコンテンポラリージュエリー協会 共催 東京会場 イタリア文化会館 金沢会場 石川しいのき迎賓館 協賛 甲府会場 山梨ジュエリーミュージアム 1 この度イタリア文化会館で、日伊コンテンポラリージュエリー交流展「DIALOGHI -対話」が開催され ますことをたいへん嬉しく思います。イタリアコンテンポラリージュエリー協会と公益社団法人日本ジュ エリーデザイナー協会のデザイナーたちの作品を展示するこの展覧会は、本年から来年にかけて日伊各地 を巡回する予定で、今回はその幕開けを飾るものです。 展覧会のタイトルが示すように、本展は上記の協会が両国のデザイナーたちの「対話」を意図したこと から生まれました。その際に使われたコミュニケーション手段は言葉ではなく作品でした。アーティスト にとって、アイデアや感情、美的嗜好を表現するのに、作品以上に適切な手段はないでしょう。 周知のとおり来年は、日伊修好通商条約が締結された 1866 年から数えて 150 年の記念の年です。イタ リア文化会館ではこの機会に、日伊両国の芸術文化が対話するようなさまざまな企画を実施しょうと考え ています。本展は、両国のアートの交流に力点を置いて、お互いの創造力を刺激し合い、友好関係を強化 することを目的としており、150 周年の企画の核となるコンセプトを先取りするものです。私は本展で展 示される作品を実際にはまだ見ていませんが、才能あふれるデザイナーたちの手によるジュエリーの写真 を見て、交流というこの展覧会の目的はすでに達成されていると理解しました。 日伊のデザイナーたちは、作品のテーマを提供し合い、アイデアや着想を得て作品を制作しました。つ まり、各デザイナーが与えられたテーマに取り組み、思い思いに解釈したのです。想像力を使いながら、テー マを発展させる方法は興味深く、感心させられます。そうしてできあがったジュエリーは、想像力こそが 真の「宝石」であることを示し、創作の喜びをひときわ輝かせています。ジュエリーを贅沢品と考えるこ とに慣れている人は、本展でジュエリーの違った面を見い出すことでしょう。それは、イタリアと日本の ふたつの感受性が、違いを認め、かつ奥底で近いことを発見しつつ出会う場としてのジュエリーです。 最後に、本展とその後の巡回展が大きな成功を収めることを願っています。 Sono particolarmente lieto di ospitare presso il nostro Istituto la mostra “Dialoghi” in cui sono esposte le opere realizzate da artisti appartenenti all’AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo e alla JJDA Japanese Jewellery Design Association. Si tratta della prima tappa di un percorso che toccherà varie prestigiose sedi in Giappone e in Italia nel corso di quest’anno e del prossimo. La mostra nasce dalla scelta di queste due importanti associazioni che hanno deciso, come il titolo della mostra suggerisce, di far “dialogare” tra loro i propri artisti, utilizzando come elemento principale di comunicazione le opere e non le parole. Del resto, quale modo migliore per degli artisti di manifestare i loro pensieri, sentimenti, gusti estetici, che esprimerli attraverso il proprio lavoro? Come è noto, il prossimo anno ricorrerà l’anniversario dei 150 anni di amicizia tra Italia e Giappone. Infatti il primo Trattato di Amicizia e Commercio fra il Regno d’Italia e l’Impero del Giappone fu firmato nel 1866. L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura intende celebrare l’anniversario con diverse iniziative che vedranno rappresentanti dell’arte e della cultura giapponesi e italiane dialogare tra loro. Questa mostra, con la sua enfasi sullo scambio artistico tra i due paesi, rivolta a stimolare la creatività di entrambe le parti e a rafforzarne l’amicizia, anticipa lo spirito delle prossime celebrazioni. Non ho ancora potuto ammirare le opere da vicino, ma nel vedere le foto dei gioielli realizzati da questi designer pieni di talento mi sono reso conto che lo scopo dell’iniziativa è già stato raggiunto. Gli artisti giapponesi e quelli italiani si sono scambiati fra loro dei temi che fossero idee e fonti di ispirazione su cui lavorare. Ognuno quindi si è concentrato sul tema che gli era stato assegnato, libero però di interpretarlo a modo suo. Ho trovato interessante e sorprendente il modo in cui ogni artista ha svolto il proprio tema, usando la sua immaginazione. Il risultato sono dei gioielli in cui la vera gemma è la fantasia, e dove a brillare è soprattutto la gioia dell’invenzione. Chi è abituato a considerare il gioiello come espressione del lusso, questa volta scoprirà in esso una dimensione diversa: il gioiello come un luogo in cui due sensibilità apparentemente straniere – l’italiana e la giapponese - si incontrano, riconoscendosi diverse ma scoprendosi anche intimamente vicine. Auguro a questa mostra grande successo a Tokyo e nelle tappe che seguiranno. Giorgio Amitrano イタリア文化会館館長 ジョルジョ・アミトラーノ 2 Direttore Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tokyo 3 ご挨拶 Saluto コンテンポラリージュエリーの世界には絶え間ない探究と新たな試みが Questo progetto ha avuto inizio nel dicembre 2012, a Tōkyō, in occasione del mio の時からこのプロジェクトは始まりました。温厚な彼女との会話に言葉の壁 あります。このたびイタリアコンテンポラリージュエリー協会と日本ジュ incontro con la Presidente dell’AGC Maria Rosa Franzin. Nel dialogare con lei non ho は感じず古い友人に出合ったようでした。2015 年に 50 周年を迎える JJDA エリーデザイナー協会は共同プロジェクトとして両国の文化交流を目的と 2012 年 12 月東京で AGC 会長マリア・ローザ・フランツィンと会ったそ と 10 周年を迎える AGC、この記念すべき年に開催することはすぐに決まっ たのです。AGC からの提案でパートナーを決めテーマ写真を交換し、それぞ れが決めたテーマのもとに作品を制作、展覧会終了後その作品はパートナー 同士でプレゼントするというユニークなスタイルで行うことになりました。 これはお互いに返却の負担をなくすための最善策であり、機会があれば何度 でも展覧会ができるというメリットも持ち合わせています。そして 「DIALOGHI した「DIALOGHI-対話 」展を行う事となりました。 両協会から同人数のメンバーが対峙して創作したジュエリーは今後 2 年間 に渡って各地で展示されます。 このたび東京イタリア文化会館の共催を頂き「DIALOGHI展」を 開催し、作品を発表することで二国間の新たな交流の場となれたことは私 -対話」という大テーマのもと、アーティスト同士がメールで交流を深めて たちにとり大きな喜びであり、特にこの素晴らしい機会を与えていただい いくことになりました。 たイタリア文化会館館長のアミトラーノ・ジョルジョ氏には深く感謝をい 島国の日本人は「道」をつくることに優れていると言われ、 茶道、 華道、 香道、 たします。 書道、剣道、弓道、柔道などがその歴史を繋いでいます。道すなわち型を決 同様に日伊両国の美術館並びに歴史を誇る施設にご協力を頂けたことに め、極めていく美学、美意識が日本人の根源にあるようです。これに対して、 より今回の私たちの交流展がさらに価値のあるものとなりました事にお礼 隣国と地続きのヨーロッパでは常に異文化との対話、交流がありその長い歴 史を持つイタリアの皆さんには人間の強さとやさしさを感じます。どこかき れいに収まっている日本の作品と、人間を強く感じるイタリアの作品が並ぶ この交流展は非常に興味深いものがあると思うのです。イタリアの作品が持 つ強さとしなやかさの心地よい調和に少しジェラシーを感じるのは私だけで しょうか。 この交流展実現には多くの友人や委員会メンバーの助けがあり、そして快 く開催を引き受けてくださいましたイタリア文化会館のアミトラーノ・ジョ に心より御礼申し上げます。 JJDA と AGC はこれをスタートとして今後も交流を深め、日伊両国のコン 50 esimo anniversario dalla fondazione della JJDA e il 10 mo dalla fondazione della AGC. Su proposta della stessa AGC sono state formate delle coppie tra i partecipanti, ci si è scambiati delle fotografie, e, sulla base dei soggetti ivi ritratti, sono stati poi realizzati i gioielli. Inoltre, in modo del tutto originale, si è stabilito che, al termine della mostra, i vari partecipanti avrebbero fatto dono l’un l’altro delle varie opere. Ciò eliminerà infatti l’onere della restituzione, e avrà anche il merito di rendere i gioielli disponibili per eventuali future mostre. In più, all’insegna del tema dell’iniziativa “Dialoghi”, i vari artisti hanno anche potuto fare una conoscenza approfondita dell’altro attraverso lo scambio di e-mail. を申し上げます。 それぞれのジュエリーは両国の持つ芸術と文化の豊かさの証として生ま れてきます。貴金属のみならずそれ以外の全ての素材もアーティスト達の 持つ様々な考え、個性、そして自由な創造力によって生まれ変わり来場者 の興味と注目を集める事でしょう。 本展の実現の為に尽力頂いた JJDA 会長の小宮宇子氏並びに実行委員の皆 様そして絶え間ない協力を頂いたマエストロ長井豊氏に感謝いたします。 delle “vie” che affondano le radici nella storia del paese: sadō (la “via del tè” o “cerimonia del tè”), kadō (la “via dei fiori” o ikebana), kōdō (la “via dei profumi”), shodō (la “via del per un nuovo progetto di relazione e proposta di scambio culturale con la mostra “Dialoghi”. I membri delle due istituzioni si sono posti in un confronto alla pari, al fine di realizzare i gioielli per le esposizioni che si succederanno nei prossimi due anni. Con grande piacere, anzitutto, ringraziamo il Direttore Giorgio Amitrano, per l’ospitalità data alla mostra “Dialoghi” che si svolgerà all’Istituto di Cultura Italiano a Tokyo dando visibilità e voce alle creazioni dei partecipanti e aprendo così lo scambio tra i due Paesi. Ringraziamo altresì tutte le sedi museali e le istituzioni storiche che a jūdō, etc. Pare che alla base dell’essere giapponese vi sia quell’estetica e quell’ideale di ancora più preziosa questa collaborazione: ogni gioiello, infatti, porterà bellezza che, una volta stabilita la “via”, ovvero la “forma” (kata), si va apprendendo e assorbendo fino in fondo. In Europa, invece, sono da sempre molto numerosi i dialoghi e gli scambi culturali con i paesi confinanti, e riguardo all’Italia, che vanta una lunga storia in tal senso, si avverte nel suo popolo sia la forza che la gentilezza dell’essere umano. Personalmente, trovo questa mostra estremamente interessante, in quanto presenta opere di fattura giapponese, elegantemente composte, e opere di fattura italiana, in cui si avverte forte l’uomo. Sono soltanto io a guardare con un pizzico d’invidia alla piacevole armonia tra forza e gentilezza presente nei gioielli italiani? La realizzazione di questa mostra è stata possibile grazie alla collaborazione di molti un segno della reciproca ricchezza culturale e artistica dei due Paesi ,così i metalli nobili e tutti i diversi materiali impiegati dagli artisti proporranno le differenti scuole, i caratteri e i diversi pensieri creativi che solleciteranno la curiosità e l’attenzione del visitatore. Ringrazio la Presidente Takako Komiya e tutto il direttivo JJDA per l’organizzazione e il Maestro. Yutaka Nagai per la costante collaborazione. Presidente AGC Maria Rosa Franzin dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura Giorgio Amitrano, al Museo dei Gioielli di Yamanashi, alla Residenza Statale Shiinoki nella prefettura di Ishikawa, e ai luoghi dell’esposizione di Roma, Padova e Livorno. A tutti loro va il mio sincero ringraziamento. Con l’augurio che JJDA e AGC possano continuare anche in futuro il sodalizio appena inaugurato, contribuendo, attraverso la presentazione dei gioielli contemporanei たいと考えております。 giapponesi e italiani, anche a un più esteso scambio culturale su scala globale. 公益社団法人日本ジュエリーデザイナー協会会長 小宮宇子 Associazione del Gioiello Giapponese hanno creato un’intesa di sviluppo loro volta ospiteranno la mostra in Giappone e in Italia e che renderanno amici e dei membri delle due associazioni, nonché grazie all’ospitalità del direttore AGC会長 マリアローザ・フランツィン contemporaneo, l’Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo AGC e JJDA pennello”, ovvero la calligrafia), kendō (la “via della spada”), kyūdō (la “via dell’arco”), テンポラリージュエリーの発信を通して広く世界の文化交流に寄与していき 最後にマリア・ローザ・フランツィンに心より感謝の意を表します。 4 data. Abbiamo da subito deciso di inaugurare l’iniziativa nel 2015, anno in cui ricorre il Si dice che i giapponesi, popolo insulare, eccelgano nella creazione delle dō, ovvero ルジョ館長をはじめ、山梨ジュエリーミュージアム、石川県しいのき迎賓館、 並びにイタリア国内のローマ、パドヴァ、リヴォルノなど各開催会場の皆様 avvertito alcuna barriera linguistica, ed è stato anzi come incontrare un’amica di vecchia In una costante ricerca e nel solco del rinnovamento nell’ambito del gioiello Infine, vorrei ringraziare di cuore Maria Rosa Franzin, a cui va tutta la mia gratitudine. Presidente della Japan Jewellery Designers Association Takako Komiya 5 Mt. Fuji Lucio Fontana Concetto spaziale ANTONELLO Francesca Nipponese Landscape 6 Necklace / cherry wood, mortar, lace IINO Kimiko Homage to Lucio Fontana Pendant / silver, shakudo, silver leaf, skin 7 Shugi-bukuro Pantheon A special envelope for a monetary gift Rome BLOOMARD Adrean Intrecci 8 Brooch / copper, enamel ITO Satomi organic mosaic Necklace / silver 9 Uchiwa Leonardo da Vinci A traditional japanese fan BERNABEI Roberta UCHIDA Yoshiko Necklace / nylon and cotton Pendant / silver950, electric wire Souvenir from Japan 10 Mazzocchio Mazzocchio 11 Axel Vervoordt Fibonacci series “Lo spirito wabi”(Miki Tatsuro) BONATI Patrizia Perfezione-imperfezione 12 Pendant / embossing silver 925, plexiglass, glass colors UNNO Eriko Perfection and Imperfection Brooch / silk, resin, silver 13 Katsushika Hokusai “The great wave at Kanagawa” CARDILLO Anna Maria 9 Colors 14 Necklace / steel, cotton paper Michelangelo The creation of Adam OSHIMA Yayoi The Creation of Adam Brooch / silver , painted wood 15 Temari The Modern and Contemporary Art Museum Decorative toy ball CHIANDOTTO Luisa KASHIHARA Erina Necklace / sterling silver, silver 800, shibuichi, copper, brass Pendant / LED, acrylic, copper Duality 1 16 luce・ore beate 17 Shiki Palladio Four seasons in Japan Plan and section, Villa Valmarana DE MEO Corrado Blossom in the night 18 Brooch / polystyrene, wood, acrylic paint, dual component epoxy resin, silver, oxide KIUCHI Norihiro Red flower of may leaf green of August Pierced earrings / silver, gold(K14), synthetic resin pink gold plated 19 Kumadori Carlo Scarpa Kabuki make up Architecture DEL PAPA Clara KITADA Michie Hug ring / silver in 925, pickled, solded gold leaf, red enamel Pendant / silver, acrylic paint, string Lazos 20 Stairs and Grid 21 Shoji Fausto Melotti A sliding paper screen DUPRE’ Elisabetta KIYOTA Tomoaki Brooch / silver, white gold Brooch / silver, bamboo, wood, washi, buttery(CR927) Shoji – look through – 22 Contrappunto piano Lantern 23 Gojunoto Masaccio A five-stored pagoda Santissima Trinità FENAROLI Flavia KOJIMA Takashi Brooch / alloy of copper and silver, gold (333), silver, niello, inox Pendant / silver,quartz,cubic zirconia Prima materia 24 Trinity 25 Katsushika Hokusai Marmor Falls The great wave at Kanagawa FORNARI Anna KOBAYAKAWA Mariko Necklace / silver925%, kyanite, silicone elastic thread Necklace / silver,gold(K18),lacquer Onda 1 26 Marmor Falls 27 Japanese wedding style Prato della Valle Padova FRANZIN Maria Rosa Due 28 Brooch / gold999,silver,resin powder phosphorescent KOBARI Keiko Light and shadow Brooch / gold(K18),sibuichi 29 The castle in the sky The forest in the city Architecture in Milan FRIGERIO Nicoletta Our precious land Compared territories 30 Bracelet / refractory ceramic with platinum, to 3rd fire, opal, silver 925 KOMIYA Takako Laputa - Castle in the Sky Ring / titanium, brass 31 Light up in Christmas Venini Fazzoletto GIOVANNINETTI Lucilla SATO Yoko Necklace / silk + resin, viscose, brass Pendant Top / silver stainless Inside 32 Swell 33 Temple gate Gio Pomodoro Nanzenji-temple Tensioni LISCA POLENGHI Alba 34 Brooch / silver925 SAWAMOTO Masako monologue and dialogue Pendant / silver,gold(K24),stainless wire 35 Samukawa-shrine Leonardo da Vinci Fetus within the uterus LOMUSCIO Angelo SHIGETA Emiko Ring / damascus iron,silver,gold, smoked, diamond rosette Brooch / silver,brass ,pearl agate Samukawa Shrine 36 Toward the future 37 Sekitei Antonio Canova Zen garden The three graces LUCATO Chiara Il Ponte 38 Sunglasses / silver, gold, niello, eyewear display in oak, eyevere case leater SHIRAO Yumi Sound of the shine is falling Choker / silver925 39 Postcard of Kusama Yayoi Lucio Fontana Pumpkin Concetto spaziale MARCANGELO Rita Dotty 40 Brooch / silver, acrylics SUGA Mario Out of Fontana Brooch / silver, brass paint 41 Kumamoto Castle Giuseppe Penone Stone walls Modena Cathedral MARIANI Gigi Differences 42 Brooch / silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina SUMA Fumie Harmony of Space and Fomre Bracelet / silver,vinyl,gold(18K) 43 Takezaiku Venafro A bamboo work MATERI Simona The warp beginning 44 Brooch / patina recycled Iron, oxidized Silver, Harmonic Steel TAKAGI Chisa – Un messaggio da Venafro – Necklace / copper, cotton, silk 45 Sekitei Lucio Fontana Zen garden Spazialismo MINELLI Marco TAKANAKA Harumi Ring / plexiglass,ping pong balls,poker cards Bracelet / aluminum, vinyl chloride Yellow Game 46 To the other side 47 Kamon Antonio Sant’Elia e Renzo Piano Family crests Architetture MIRAI Paola Peach Blossom 48 Brooch / orotrasparente, silver, brass, aluminium coated with ferromagnetic material and camera shutter leaf TAGUCHI Fumiki Structure of sculpture Brooch / silver 49 Tsunami Antonio Canova Love and Psyche NALJ Wave 50 Ring / wood, pearl TANEZAWA Setsuko The blue sea and sky of Padova Body Jewellery / japanese paper, silk , silver, coral, Italy of orvieto pebble, gold leaf 51 Ginkakuji temple Giuliano Mauri Cattedrale vegetale, winter NEGRONI Eliana Aluminium garden: overcoming distances 52 Brooch / aluminium, silver wire TSUBOI Keiko Poetry in the winter Necklace / silver,gold(18K) 53 Ogata Korin Ettore Moschetti Hakubai Koubai-zu, folding screen NIEL Margareta NAGAI Yutaka Ring / silver, copper Brooch / silver , gold(18K) Bocciolo 54 Sole Eclissi solare 55 Landscape Mimmo Paladino Kitayama cedar Dormienti PALAZZI Tania NAKAJIMA Nagi Brooch / silver, enamel, iron Brooch / silver, enamel Sense and spirit 56 Two world 57 Horyuji temple Alberto Burri A statue of Kudara kannon Cretto di Gibellina PASINI Alessandra NAKAHARA Eiko Brooch / silver, brass Brooch / silver950 La normalità del giorno intero 58 overlap 59 Makie Sandro Botticelli A Japanese lacquer work 60 La nascita di Venere PATTIHIS Liana NARUMI Taeko Brooch / silver chain, copper mesh, enamel, floral wafers, steel Pendant / silver,leather cord CURVE 61 Kumadori Franco Summa Kabuki make up Sun prayer PAVONE Roberta NISHIWAKI Nobuko Brooch / made of poplar wood , sand Adriatic sea, acrylic , silver, agate Ring / natural stone, silver, aluminum leaf Ob-Ob 62 Eternally 63 Nigatsudo temple Gerardo Dottori Candlelights for Omizutori ceremony PICCIALI Marco HATANAKA Noriko Pendant / silver, iron, gold, uvarovite , UV light sensitive diamonds Ring / paper ,silver, wire LIGHT 64 Aerei sul lago WAVE 65 Shimekazari Piero della Francesca A New year’s festoon Madonna and Child with Saints REPETTO Daniela Lucky strike 66 Necklace / silver, enamel, tuja wood HIEDA Makoto Trapped Organism Brooch / stainless steel,acrylic resin paint 67 Torii Leonardo da Vinci A gateway to the Itsukushima-Shrine ROSSI Stefano HIRAKAWA Fumie Brooch / etched mokume gane, sandblasted copper, frosted silver, harmonic steel Brooch / silver Torii 68 Vitrivian Man Proportion 69 Shimenawa Sandro Botticelli A straw festoon for the Shinto shrine SCARPITTI Chiara HIRAKO Koichi Brooch / silver, plexiglass, printed silk, steel Brooch / silver, loofa Ushabti-paradise brooch 70 Primavera Dryad 71 Mt,Fuji 72 Fountain basin. Roma second half 1st century A.C. SPIVACH Stefano SPIVACH Sergio FUJIMOTO Nahoko Object / opal Brooch / silver paper magnet ACANTHUS 73 Tsutsumi Andrea Palladio A straw package for eggs Villa Rotonda STEINER Claudia Connected 74 Necklace / silver , resin methacrilathe MATSUURA Mineri The residence as a city in a rural landscape Brooch / wood, rubber, stainless steel, silver 75 Kintsugi Colosseo Repairing technique for broken pottery with lacquer and gold TAKIRAI Yoko MISHIMA Itto Pins / stering silver, iron, lacquer, fine gold leaf Brooch / silver925 Kin 76 Rome Colosseo 77 Hello Kitty Sandro Botticelli La nascita di Venere UDERZO Barbara Blob Ring “HelloKitty” 78 Ring / silver (rhodium), various plastics, freshwather pearl, murrina, crystal. YASUGI Mayumi La Nascita di Venere Brooch / pearl, acrylic, gold leaf 79 Katsushika Hokusai The great wave at Kanagawa VALENTI Silvia YAMAZAKI Sumiko Brooch / silver 925, cuttlebone cast copper, oxidations, hyaline quartz Ring / silver925, diamond Water and Seigaiha. I am imperfect 80 Arnaldo Pomodoro Group of spheres on Ticino shores Ruined Earth 81 Higashiyama Kaii Giuseppe Penone Painting for Toshodaiji temple VEIT Gabi Agitato 82 Bracelet / silver 925 cast in lost wax Ripetere il bosco YUKI Makiko Shade of Green Necklace / vinyl, silver925 83 Kimono and Obi(Sash) Francesco Borromini Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza ZANCA Caterina WASHIMI Nobuko Brooch / silver, gold leaf 1000, pigments, steel Brooch / silver925 Obi 84 heavenward 85 IINO Kimiko [email protected] 1978-2003 I worked for TASAKI Co.,Ltd. and I was a manager of Tokyo KIYOTA Tomoaki [email protected] working for K.Mikimoto./Won a prize at the De beers Diamond Design Japan Jewellery Art Exhibition/ ’83 Diamond Design Competition 2nd 1975: Went to Italy Milano to study European Jewelry Art Graduated from Musashino Art University. Contest./'03,'05 Won the Bronze Award at the Int'l Pear Design Contest./'05 Sweden Metallum Gallery/'06 ItalyOROGIOLEILO./'07 Hong Kong Jewellery & Watch Fair./'10 ECLAT DE MODE /'12 China (Dalian) int'l I use the traditional Japanese metals and try to create a form with mew feelings, a work that can be enjoyed Prize/ International Pearl Design Competition-’89 Gold Prize,’90,’91 Grand Prize/ 2004,’06,’09,’12 Biennial Japan Jewellery Design Exhibition/ I have held a lot of solo and group exhibitions. as both something to wear and something to look at. KASHIHARA Erina [email protected] ITO Satomi [email protected] Conference invited speaker in Brisbane /2002 Special Exhibition “Light in Studied under UNNO Eriko 2005 JJA Jewellery Award 2005 - Excellence Award 2006 Craft Competition in TAKAOKA - Judge Prize 2010 JJA Jewellery Award 2010 - Merit Award 2012 Metal Element of Four Countries (Korea) 2013 Cheongju International Craft Biennale (Korea) 2014 La vie quotidienne et les objets d’art (France) 2000 The 10the Biennial Jewelers and Metalsmiths Group of Australia Life・Science/Art/Fashion” The National Science Museum Tokyo /2006 Frankfurt /2014.’15 Wearable Technology Fashion Show “Make: fashion” Calgary '08 JJA Jewelry Design Award Department '10, '12 Japan Jewellery Art competition original jewelry ‘Atelier RYO' /orner The work is due to beeswax technique with a history of a thousand years. UNNO Eriko [email protected] 1987 Shizuoka Craft Exhibition Encouragement Prize 1989 JJA jewelry Design Contest President Prize ’04 ’08 ’12 ’14 Selected Japan Jewelry Art Exhibition. ’05 ’07 ’09 ’13 Selected Itami international Craft Fashion” Tama Art University/My workshop and jewellery 1985: Won the prize again at the same contest 2001: Opened an atelier “CISEY MILANO s.p.a” in Milano 2002: Exhibited on “SHANGHAI JEWELRY FAIR” 2004: Produce d the new Jewelry series “Illumination Jewelry” 2005: Exhibited on “VICENZA JEWELRY FAIR” 2006: Exhibited on “HONG KONG JEWELRY FAIR” I was graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Performance 1969 Graduated from Tokyo Designer Gakuin College in Interior Design 1973 Joined Ginza VIVO/Honma Design Institute Participated in a number of exhibitions held in department stores and hotels I have been Docent from 2010 to now at Kobe Design University / 2007 JJA Jewellery Design Awards The President of JJDA prize, 2012 Japan Jewelry art exhibition Encouragement prize, 2012 JJA Jewelry Design Awards Technical prize Fine work Prize Born in 1949 in Kumamoto City. Studied Toreutics under Jewelry designer 2004 Gallery cuore mariko opened. Artwork under the cuore mariko brand introduced. 2010 Collaborated Exhibit at The 21st Century Art KOBARI Keiko [email protected] Design Competition/1993 Contemporary Diamond Design Worked at Wahei Ikezawa’s atelier 2001-2014 Instructor in Shizuoka Dress Design Technical College. OSHIMA Yayoi [email protected] 1978 Graduated from Musashino Art University Craft and Industrial Design Department/ Competition/2006 Japan Jewelry Art Competition -Grand Prize/ 2007,2009,2014 Solo Exhibition in Tokyo Japan/ 2005 Contemporary Jewelry From Japan in Australia/ 2009 Japan Jewelry Designers Exhibition in USA/ 2014 Metalsmithing&Jewelry Art Exhibition in China I have held a number of solo and group exhibitions Graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design/99 Crafts Exhibition (Metropolitan art Museum)/96 Contemporaries Japanese Craft&Jewelry Design (Los Angeles)/97 Japanese Contemporaries(London) 03 Korean & Japanese Women Jewelry & metal Artists 04 40 Anniversary Art Exhibition (London) 05 Jewelry Art Exhibition (Sydney)/Fine Works prize '92Jewelry Art Exhibition/Permanent Collection Royal National Museum of Scotland 2004 Participated in 6 designers exhibition “Tokyo Style in 2004 France Ishikawa Artisan Fair at Daiwa Dep.Store,Kanazawa. of English/1973 Graduate from Tokyo YMCA Design school/ 1983 Diamond design Competition/1984 International Pearl 2013 Cominelli Foundation Award 2002 Personal Exhibit at gallery Aurum Argentun Vancouver,Canada. Element in Seoul.’13 Cheongju International Craft Biennale. ’14 JCDA Members Exhibition in Paris. 2002,’03,’12 Group exhibitions in Korea/ SAWAMOTO Masako [email protected] 1996 Japan Craft Exhibit. 1998 Japan Jewellery Art Competition. KITADA Michie [email protected] 1971 Graduate from kawamura Junior college Department ’89,’99 Japanese Jewellery Exhibition in Vienna/ Toreutics under jewelry designer Mrs,Sugita. Exhibition. ’09 JJDA Members Exhibition in Florida ’11 Solo Exhibition in HCMC Vietnam. ’12 Art Metal ’75,’76,’94,’98 Japan Jewellery Art Competition/ Solo Exhibition Ginza Matsuya Department/Japan Contemporary Arts and &shop have opened from 2010 to now in Kyoto, Mrs.Idenuma in Tokyo. 1979 I moved to Kanazawa City and Studied 2002-2012 Participated in Biennale Jewellery Designer Exhibition Instructor at Kobe University of Fashion and Design Desigh,Architecuture-class, Japan, My atelier 1980 Opened Jewelry School Atelier IPPO 1998-2011 Participated in Japan Jewellery Art Competition school have opened since 1985 to now/1990-2010 SATO Yoko [email protected] KOBAYAKAWA Mariko http://cuore-mariko.com 1988-2011 Hold group exhibitions of IPPO 1970 Graduated from Department of Sculpture Takashi Kojima was born in 1978, Kyoto, 2003 1978 Won a prize at Japan Diamond Design Contest Opened Jewelry Design Atelier IPPO 1986-2003 Japan Craft Design Association KOMIYA Takako [email protected] 1984: Won the Jury’s special award at the contest “1st Japan Gold In Conference Montreal Glass Art Fashion Show /2014 –LUMINARE Light Art Pola Museum Anex Tokyo /2010 –Canada Glass Art Association Design Association Exhibition through competition in 1981-83/Membership 1976: Got the work of permission KOJIMA Takashi [email protected] KIUCHI Norihiro '09, '12 Biennale Japan Jewellery Designers Exhibition 1952: Born in TOKYO Solo Exhibition "The Body Illuminant" UCHIDA Yoshiko [email protected] Graduated from Showa Women's college. 86 Design Department/ ’79,’86 International Jewellery Art Exhibition/ ’83,’92 Museum,Kanazawa. 1975 Graduated from Kyoritsu Women’s University in Tokyo /1980-1982 2011 Participated in 4 designers exhibition at Gallery Okariya Stockholm” at Stockholm /2004Accepted at Japan Jewelry Art competition2004 / 1976 Accepted at International Jewelry Art Exhibition / 2006~ Instructor in Jewelry Making Class at Private Institution of Yokohama / 1985 Graduated from Musashino Junior College / I have held a number of group Exhibitions and 2 solo exhibitions. /1979-1980 Worked at Minoru Miki’s atelier/2010 The 26th Japan Jewellery Art Competition held at the Ueno Royal Museum/2007 Held Keiko Kobari Jewellery Show at Ginza AC Gallery/2002/2003 International Jewellery Tokyo Exhibition at Tokyo Big Sight /1983-2002 Japan Craft 87 SHIGETA Emiko [email protected] Academy and Design. 2003,'04 WJA Awards, TSUBOI Keiko [email protected] NARUMI Taeko [email protected] University of Pennsylvania(USA) A Representative from a Government of Jewelry Awards. She teaches and lectures Contemporary Art 1989~2014 Instructor of cultural institution for adult education in Tokyo Tokyo.2000,2002,2004Japan Jewellery Art Competition 1976.Graduated from Women’s College of Art and Design / 2006 Edinboro JapanPRIZES 2004 Excellence Prize in Japan Jewelry Art Exhibition/ 1997 ’97 International Pearl design Contest, a set section / 1984 a Honorable mention Prize in Japan Jewelry Art Exhibition ) ・other OVERSEAS EX.U.S.A・Australia ・South Korea PRIVATE EX.Takashimaya Nihonbashi・Mitsukoshi Nihonbashi・Isetan Shinjuku( all is Department store) PERMANENT EX,(Sculpture )Hotel New SIOBARA/・NewOkabe SHIRAO Yumi http://www4.tokai.or.jp/shirao-jewelry/ Yumi Shirao was born in 1966, Her work shop have opened from 2004 to now / 2007-14 Instructor at Shizuoka Fukushoku Biyou Academy / ‘02,’04,’06,’08,’10 Japan Jewellery Art competition/ ’06 International Metalwork (Shizuoka University) / ’10 Japan China Korea Contemporary Metal Art Exhibition (1300th Anniversary of Nara)/ ’11 IDA Congress Taipei International Craft Design Exhibition (Taiwan)/ ’13 Beijing International Jewelry Art Biennale (China) / ’14 Japan Craft Design exhibition ( Paris) SUGA Mario [email protected] 1972 Graduated from Shirayuri Women’s University, French Literature Couse/’76-90 Studied jewellery at NAKAMURA Minato’s studio/’88 Bronze Prize International Pearl Design Competition/’93 Prize for Excellence, Japanese Crafts Exhibition /’93 Gold Prize Jewellery Creative Contest /’2001 “Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show” in USA/’03 Silver Prize, ITAMI International Craft Exhibition/ I have held many group and solo exhibitions. SUMA Fumie [email protected] '06 The Saul Bell Awards, '07 the HRD International Diamond Jewelry at P.I. Art Center NY, also actively participates in international solo and group 1967 Graduated from Joshibi Junior College Art & Design 1985 The 13th International Pearl Design competition; BRONZE prize The 15th Modern Jewelry Design competition; SILVER & DESIGN prize exhibitions across Asia, Europe and the U.S.A. 1986 The 14th International Pearl Design competition; TAKANAKA Harumi [email protected] 1987 The 11th International Platinum Design competition; FINE WORK 1979 Graduated from Kyushu Zokei Art College,Craft JAPAN PEARLRETAIL STORE SOCIETY award Design Department/’89 ITAMI CRAFTS COMPETITION NAGAI Yutaka [email protected] ‘93 THE ART OF JEWELLERY/‘94 Takaoka Crafts Exhibition / High School,Artistic metal work course. Wako University of Tokyo, ‘90 KYUSYU CRAFT DESIGN COMPETITION,Iwataya Department Prize / ’95,’96,’97 JAPAN CRAFTS EXHIBITION / ‘96 JEWELLERY ART COMPETITION / ’99 Group exhibition in Austria / 2004 JAPAN JEWELLERY ART COMPETITION / ’06 JAPAN JEWELLERY DESIGNERS EXHIBITION[Collection of Heart Shape]/ ’99,’03,’07 1954, Tokyo. Studies,Tokyo Metropolitan Kogei Fine Arts faculty. In 1982 moved to Rome to further studies of traditional European metalsmith techniques. In 1990 opened own workshop in Rome. In 2009 returned to Tokyo and works own workshop. Exhibitions and lectures, Rome.Siena.Casal maggiore.Salò.Paris.Lisbon. Den haag. Berlin.Beijing.Tokyo.Kanazawa.Osaka.etc. contact,www. TAKAGI Chisa [email protected] Born in Osaka, Japan. After she’s been in Competition Fine work Award, ’84 WilliamMuller Contest, ’85 Fur Kopt&Haa- Pforzheim Jewelry Museum, ’87 International Pearl Design Contest- Fine work Award, ‘90Gold & Silber schmied Kunst Contest, ’92 The Japan Jewelry Art Competition(93, 96, 98, 02, 04, 06, 08) Fine work Award, ’94(’92) Triennale de Bijou, ’01 Contemporary Japanese Jewelry -British Council, Solo Exhibitions, Etc, Collection : Kestner Museum, Germany under HRAMATSU/2005 M.F.A. in Metal Carving, Tokyo 1989Graduated fromTama ArtUniversity, Tokyo,Japan, University of the Arts and Music/2005 Assistant, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music/2009 Lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts and Music/2010 Assistant, Kobe Design University/2014 Lecturer at HIKO MIZUNO COLLEGE OF JEWELRY/2006 The 24th Japanese jewelry art exhibition, Excellent prize/2013 Schmuck2013 Hebert Hofmann Prize/ 2014 Schmuck2014 accepted. /I heve held a number of solo and group exhibitions. Born in Tokyo, Japan. Design faculity/2007-2015 Instructor at TamaArtUniversity/ 2006Award winner of the 23rd“Tansuiou”prize, Japan/ 2000 Grand Prize at Japan Jewellery Art Competition/ 19993rd Prize at International Jewellery Competition, Germany/ 2002 Friedrich Becker PrizeFinalist, Germany/ 2014 NEW OLD SILVER GOLD-Inspiration Lab, INHORGENTA MUNICK 2014, Germany/ 2006 Transfiguration: Japanese 1978 : Studied jewellery under Ms.Chiho Tamiya and Mr. Minoru Miki. Creative work with focus on individual exhibitions, has shown works in many shows in Japan and overseas. My jewellery theme are the sun and the sky and the sea. I often use “Japanese paper”,because it was handmade paper. I am fascinated “Japanese paper” which a craftsman thorough in their work. Noriko Hatanaka Born and raised in Osaka. 1981,82 International Pearl Design Competition Encouragement award /Platinum Design Of The Year’96/2009 Japan Jewellery Designers Association Exhibition/2011 International Peace Art Exhibition “Chelsea Art Museum” New York / Juror, Art for Peace 2012 co-sponsored by the United Nations Office for Disarmament and Harmony For Peace Foundation Art Jewelry Today, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo HIEDA Makoto [email protected] Majiored in Industrial Arts/ ’79 Study by Minato 2004,08,10,12,14 Japan Jewellery Art Competition '95 Participated in Group exhibition in Spello /'09 in Florida Literature course ’82 The Mainichi Modern Jewelry Design 1979,83 International Jewellery Art Competition 2002~2009 HIRAMATSU Design laboratory, It studies 1994 : Established the original jewellery studio. '98,'04 Participated in Group exhibition in Stockholm 1976 Graduated ShirayuriWomen’sUniversity, Japanese NAKAJIMA Nagi http://www.naginakajima.com of jewellery design and craft since 1972. '94,'96 Solo exhibition in Tokyo / '95 in Roma, NISHIWAKI Nobuko [email protected] TAGUCHI Fumiki [email protected] NAKAHARA Eiko [email protected] '92~2015 Group exhibition in Tokyo Japan I have held a number of group exhibitions. HATANAKA Noriko [email protected] TANEZAWA Setsuko [email protected] '74,'92,'93,'98,2000,'02,'04 Japan Jewellery Art Competition 2000,2014Japan Crafts Exhibition y.nagai.com ‘09 Biennial Japan Jewellery Designers Exhibition 1970 Graduated from Baika Women's College Literature course/ I have taken a private lesson 1977 Graduated from University of the Sacred Heart 2002 present training by Minato Nakamura 2009 ~ 2014 Japan Craft Competition/2010,13,14 Premio Fondazion Cominelli per il gioiello/1976 International Jewellery Art Exhibition Jewellery Prize-Award/2012,14 Japan Jewellery Art Competition Award for Encouragement/2013 Japan Craft Exhibition Invitation Judge Prize Award/I have held a number of group exhibition 1977 Graduated from Musashino Arts Junior college Nakanura/1984,88 Friedrich Wilhelm Muller Contest /’87 Hanau International Jewellery Exhibition/’96, 2000 Craft Competition in TAKAOKA-Judge’s Prize (2000-Honorable mention)/’98 The TANSUI-OH PRIZE /2010 Japan Jewellery Art Competition-Award for Encouragement /2012 Japan Craft Exhibition –Excellent award/2013 Cominelli Foundation Award-2nd prize /2013 SCHMUCK/2014 Friedrich Becker Prize-Finalist Japanese Jewelry industry, moved to New York in 1999. Studied at FIT and The National 88 89 HIRAKAWA Fumie http://www.fumiehirakawa.com MISHIMA Itto [email protected] FRANCESCA ANTONELLO Noale, Venezia Italy ANNA MARIA CARDILLO 1966 Foggia, Italy 2000- Teaching at Itami Jewelry College Research assistant at Tokyo University of the Arts / 2014 Assistant for the of Jewellery, BCU University, Uk; 2010 Technician in Metalwork, TAM, Quasar Institute Rome;Since 1996 working in the architectural, interior Born in 1967,Osaka /1987 Graduated, Kyoto College of Art 2004 Honorable Mention, JJA Jewelry Design Award 2006 Selected, Takaoka Craft Competition 2006-14 Selected, Japan Jewellery Art Competition 2007-11 Selected, ITAMI International Craft Exhibition 2009 LarkCrafts 500 SILVER JEWELRY DESIGNS Jewellery and Metalwork Course at Kobe Design University / 2009 Prize, JJA Jewellery Design Award / 2011 Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Prize, JTO Jewellery Design Contest / 2012 Grand Prize, Japan Jewellery Art Exhibition / Selected, Japan Craft Exhibition Study: 2015 MA Jewellery, Silversmithing and Related Products, School IT; 2006/2009 Wood sculpting, Scuola di Arti e Mestieri S. Giacomo,I; Selected Exhibition: 2008/2009 Gioiello Italiano Contemporaneo, techniche e materiali tra arte e design, Vicenza,Milan,Berlin,Turin; 2013 Suggestioni in Metallo, Monumental Complex of the Vittoriano, Rome IT; 2014 Artist in permanent collection to Cominelli Foundation, Cisano di S. Felice d/B IT 1995 graduate Architecture Florence;2001 Masters degree Scenography design, industrial design and jewellery; In 2010 opens your laboratory; 2012 co-founded CODICE collective design with Arch. L.Rossano Arch. P.D'Ippolito; It‘s an initiative in which to self-produce furniture and furniture complements; In 2014 winners International Competition Design 20:14" organized by and she is among the with the collar FRAME Contact: info@ 2013 Judge’s Choice, ITAMI international Craft Exhibition YASUGI Mayumi [email protected] HIRAKO Koichi [email protected] After graduating became a jewellery designer. ADREAN BLOOMARD 1966 Roma LUISA CHIANDOTTO 1949 Padova, Italy; Study: Pedagogy University of objects and other natural gifts from mother nature. 2004/15 Co-founder of AGC. Exhibitions: 2011/ 2015 Premio Mario Pinton at Art School Pietro Selvatico Padova. Selected Exhibition: 2012 Punto e a ’75 Studies on Metal Engraving by Tamiya Chiho Jewellery Craft / ‘76,’79,’83,’86 International Jewellery Arts Exhibition/ ‘79,’88,’92,Japan Jewellery Art Competition/ ‘94,’96 Takaoka Crafts Exhibition / ’95 J-NWS International Jewellery Design Competition Special Prize/ ‘98 JapanCrafts Exhibition/ 2002 Korean Jewellry Designers Association Exchange Exhibition From 1998 Lecturer at Seibu Ikebukuro Community College/ Special Lecturer at Japan Jewellery Craft Gakuin FUJIMOTO Nahoko [email protected] 1979 Graduated from Kansai Women’s Art College. 1989 The World Design Exposition(Nagoya). 1997~99 01,02,04~09 Asahi Modern Craft Exhibition. 2000,02 ,04,06,12 Japan Jewellery Art Competition,06-Excellent Prize. 2008 International Paper Jewellery Exhibition(Scotland). Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts (metal carving major)1989 My work in design is inspired by the world of plants, spiral patterned I held numerous solo exhibitions in Ginza, Roppongi, between 1992 and 2015. 2006 Received the first place award in the necklace category of The Tahitian Pearl Trophy Contest. YAMAZAKI Sumiko [email protected] 1967 Graduated from Musashino Art University Department of Pictorial Design / After graduated ,started jewelry design University, Metal Design in 1998/ '98,2001 Takaoka Craft Competition/ '99, 2005 Itami Internationl Craft Exhibition / 2000,'04 ,'06,'08 Japan Jewellery Art Competition, Japan Craft Competition/ 2005 INTERNATIONAL METALWORK Participate in Exhibition of JJDA, group exhibition / Instructor at Ginza studio, own atelier in Kamakura 1982~86 Studied at the Belgian Royal Antwerp Academy's Jewelry awarded to my graduation jewelry works. 2008 München. Collections: Museo Argenti, Palazzo Pitti Florence; Bollmann Collection; Cominelli Permanent Collection; 2008 Alice&Louis Koch Prizes: 2012 1st Prize Premio Cisotto Padua. Contact: www. alternatives.it [email protected] Gestaltung, Schwäbisch-Gmünd; 1988/93 Sculpture, Academy Fine Art, Sheffield Hallam University; 2005 Master class EKWC Den Bosch NL. Selected Exhibition: 2008 Touching Warms the Art Museum Contemporary Craft Portland USA: Museum Arts &Crafts Itami J ; Kunstgeweremuseum 2010 Award of [SHERIF DE MODE ]/BIJORCHA ECLAT DE MODE in PARIS Biennale, Tokyo, Jewelry Exhibition Sapporo, Hokkaido Since1990 I have studied to make jewelry under Ms. Minato Nakamura./ 1984 Clio Prize package design section Grand Prix (New York)/ 2005 I opened own flagship shop in Tokyo. capo, Senigallia I; “On-Off”, Padova I; 2013, “F-utili gioielli per Emergency”, Firenze I; Ring Party Treviso I; On-Off , Padova I ; 2013 and 2014, “Gioielli in fermento”, Torre Fornello (Piacenza). Contacts: [email protected] CORRADO DE MEO 1949 Livorno I. Study: Sociology University, Florence. Selected exhibitions: 2011/12. Solo exhibition: Numero 50 Gallery Livorno; Award Azur Vilnius; GioiellinfermentoI; 2013/14/15 La matieré du bijou M.Albert Paris. Ame gallery, Hong Kong. Suggestioni in metallo Vittoriano Roma; Les sonorités du couleurs A. Ruiz de la Prada Paris; Formas Colores, Madrid; Meister/Margarita Frankfurt; Suspendedinpink, V&V gallery Wien; Materiality ShanGhay; Collection Museo degli Argenti Firenze; Permanent Collection Cominelli; Workshop: G. Babetto, B.Lignel, M. Vilheda. [email protected] Gallery, PL; 2015 Premio Pinton Padua: Contact: [email protected] Exhibitions: 2015 First mention Non di solo Pane; Honorable mention Lucca. G.Babetto; Selected Exhibition:Collect,V&A Museum, London. 2007 Solo exhibition in Gent(Belgium) “PONT & PLAS” Padova. Architecture University of Venice; Art of Metals and Goldsmithing CLARA DEL PAPA 1965 Guanare, Venezuela 2009/2011 I Carraresi Oratorio S. Rocco, Padua; 2013 Ritual, Legnica 2006 /2010 selected on Japan Jewellery Art Competition Professor Jean Lemmens. amcardillo.com Berlin; Arte Contemporanea Porto; Binary FlowersCraft Sense 2013; PATRIZIA BONATI 1964 Cremona Italia; Study: 1987/91, WASHIMI Nobuko [email protected] / 2008,'09 Solo Exhibition Gallery, London; 2009 Collect, V&A London; 2008/07 SOFA NY; Schmuck Throughout the Academy course, have studied under tutorship of Exhibition/ 2001,'02 Solo Exhibition / 2005,'03,07 Group Exhibition in Tokyo / 2007 Japan Jewelry Designer 12th Premio Cominelli; 2011 Pensieri Preziosi 7; 2011/10 Collect Saatchi Perugia; 1995/98 University Perugia ; 2001/02 MA Metalwork ìJewellery Department and completed with the Onderscheriding, the highest prize Born in 1973, Tokyo. Graduated from Musashino Art Padova; 2013 Joya Barcelona; 2012 Galerie Handwerk Munich; 2012 Sweden / 2000, 2002, 2004 Japan Jewelry Art Competition / Jewelry in L.A. / 1998 Japanese Jewelry in Finland and Collection, 2009 The Alice and Louis Koch Collection. MATSUURA Mineri [email protected] Education: 1985 Art School; 2006 Workshop: C. Filipe; 2013 B.Lignel; ROBERTA BERNABEI 1968 Rome, Italy Study: 1990/91Fachhochschule YUKI Makiko http://atelier-jime.com/ 2014 Olnick-Spanu Collection. Contact: [email protected] and techniques / 1996 Contemporary Japanese Craft and 2009 Collect(London). 2012 Metal Element Of Four Countries(Seoul). 2013 Cominelli Foundation Award for Contemporary Jewellery. 90 2011 M.F.A., Tokyo University of the Arts, Metal work / 2011-2014 goldsmiths Apprentice Milan. 2003 Alchimia, School Florence 2008 Arti Orafe School Galleria Alternatives, Roma.Contemporary Jewellery From Italy, Flow Gallery London, Hipotesi, Barcellona, Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco; 2009 Oratorio di San Rocco, Padova; Beijing Intern. Jewelry Art Biennal Beijing; Awards : Artis, Regione Lombardia. Public collections: Grassi Museum Museum fur Kunsthandwerk und Design, Leipzig, Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice/B, Brescia. Contact: [email protected] Study 1990 Degree Architettura Universidad Caracas. Selected JOYA Torre Fornello, Italy; Gioielli Alternativi Fiera Vicenza; 2015/13 Gioielli In Fermento Torre Fornello; Ring Party Ca' De Ricchi. Treviso; 1990 Galleria Alexis de la Sierra. Caracas. Premi: 1993 1° Premio Tecniche dell’incisione e tecnologia grafica applicata; 2012 Menzione Speciale OnOff. Padova; Menzione onorevole, Gioielli in Fermento Torre Fornello. Contatto: [email protected] ELISABETTA DUPRE’ 1967 Roma, Italia. Study: saxophone and flute; school of jewellery . Interno 7 Rome; apprenticeship: C.Klein Munche ; P.Skubic Salzburg; G. Dobler Braunwald,CH; B. Lignel, Rieti, I.Awards: 2014 Award of the Art Gallery in Legnica, PL,2013 Third Prize at “Cominelli Fundation Prize”, I;2012 special mention at “on-off” of AGCSolo exibitions: 2014 architecture studio “b3b6b” Rome 2012 design gallery “unik”, L'Aquila; 2008 gallery “105 art” Rome; 2008 club “Koesis”, Napoli. Contact: [email protected] 91 FLAVIA FENAROLI 1955, London,UK Study :Doctorate (Ph.D.) Art et Sciences de l’art, La Sorbonne; National Fine Arts Academy of Paris. Jewelry Exhibitions : Les cinq éléments, Baccarat Karfunkelschein [email protected] Handwerksform, Hannover D’or et d’acier, Chéret Gallery, Paris Staufishe ALBA POLENGHI LISCA 1935 Milano sculptures, etchings, jewels : National Library, Paris City Library, Boulogne exhibitions: 1990 Gold Jewellery - Italian Designer’s Collection, Tokio; Pracht & Karfunkelschein, Galery Im Prediger, Schwäbisch Gmünd Billancourt University Library, St. Etienne; Schumm-Braunstein Gallery, Paris Chérét Gallery, Paris . Contact: [email protected] ANNA FORNARI 1965 Bergamo I. Study: professional specialized qualification as goldsmith and silversmith at the Regional professional training school in Florence and specialized certifications in the techniques of embossing, engraving and stone setting.Selected exhibition: 2000-2015 Art School, Academy Fine Art. 1964 Paintimg Exhibitions; Selection Singapore Art Museum Singapore ; 2001 Immaginazione Aurea - Mole Vanvitelliana – Ancona; Gioiello d’Artista Museo Civico di Como; Biennale di Kortrijk Belgio; Gioiello e Diamante Istituto Italiano Cultura Tel Aviv; Cominelli Awards1°Edition. 2014 Vicenza The Best Italian Jewellery Designer .Collection: Sartirana Foundation; Museo degli Argenti Palazzo Pitti, Firenze. Contact: [email protected] Spoleto, Perugia, Roma, Vicenza, Milano, Trieste, Torino, Padova, Livorno, ANGELO LOMUSCIO 1959 Italia Berlin; Beijing; Riga; Shanghai; Madrid. Museo degli Argenti, Palazzo Pitti, primo laboratorio iniziando una personale ricerca nella creazione di gioielli Anzio, Trieste, Brescia (I); Lisbona; Zurigo; Lubiana (SLO); New York; Firenze. Solo exhibition 2006-2012: Firenze, Roma, Perugia, La Spezia Contact: [email protected] 1967/69 Studi di Agraria e Musica Esperienza professionale: 1984 apre il suo 1985 membro fondatore del “Consorzio Romano artigiani” 1995 collabora con diversi Designers partecipa regolarmente in esposizioni internazionali MARIA ROSA FRANZIN 1951Tripoli Libia Studied metal and goldworking at Pietro Selvatico Art School, Padua.1970/74 Academy Fine Arts Venice. Since1986 has taught goldwork design at P.Selvatico Istitute of Art Padua. Since 2013 High Course Jewels Project Vicenza. Since 2011 Co-Curator Cominelli Awards; 2013 Lecture Joya Fair Barcelona. Selected exhibitions:Isabella Hund 2008 - 2014: Gioiello italiano contemporaneo, Vicenza-Torino-Berlino; International Paper Jewellery, Milano-Fabriano-Seoul; Archeogioello del gioiello Cassano d’Adda; 2/3 /4# primo premio, Livorno, Museo della tecnica, collettiva mediterraneo; Gioiello per Klimt Roma; sdr&r Kempten, Hanau, Modena; 2011 1° Premio ex-equo. Gioielli in fermento Torre Study: achieved in the 2001 artistic maturity at the art college A. Modigliani canvas and wood, and frescoes -TAM 20134 school of artistic processing of metals with president Arnaldo Pomodoro - Currently enrolled in the d’autore Rome - 2013 Ring partyTreviso. Solo exhibition 2013 Stone Milano - 2014 “Jewels in ferment” (special mention AGC) Torrefornello 2014Creativity contest Turin; 2015 “The Permanent” Alliages Gallery Lille ELIANA NEGRONI 1966 Milano, Italy Florence Italy Cominelli Foundation CisanoS.Felice/B Salo’ Italy.Contact: experienced in organization, decision support systems, back to tool 2015 Award, Schmuck 2015 Munich. Collections: Museo degli Argenti [email protected] www.gigimariani.it SIMONA MATERI, 1971 Caserta, I Study: 2010 Master/Artistic Metals Treatment; TAM Excellence Training Center Arnaldo Pomodoro; 2004 Academy of Fine ArtsNapoli; 1999Goldsmith/Jeweller Diploma TARI’ Foundation; Selected Exhibition: 2014Philobiblon Gallery Rome/New York; MAC Capua Contemporary Art Museum; 2013 Biennal Filorosso U.Carà Museum Muggia TS; Study: family atelier master engravers.1990 University Milano, making for gold&silversmithing i.e. engraved steel moulds for metal custing. Specialized in cad-cam, gemmology, art history, archaeometallurgy granulation, oenology. Since 2009 activity moved to countryside in Emilia Romagna region where matching contemporary jewellery and mediterranean territorial specificities became a primary objective.Project: curator since 2011 of ‘Gioielli in fermento’ International jewellery exhibition competition. Contact: [email protected] Cominelli Foundation Awards Salò BS; 2010 Arnaldo Pomodoro Museum MARGARETA NIEL 1954 Austria, 1981 laurea in psicologia all’Università Project: Nomenomen-Loredemo Isernia/SEI and the European Social mostre e gallerie del gioiello contemporaneo. Nel 1995 e nel 1998 è Montefeltro; Collective Contemporary Art Pietrarubbia Castle. Cultural Fund for Regional Development Contact: [email protected] Movement.Wrote his manifesto on the Unreal. Exhibitions : 2013 Ring di Salisburgo. Impara l’arte orafa, dal 1990 crea gioielli ed espone in assistente all’Accademia Estiva Internazionale d’Arte a Salisburgo, nel 2000 è visiting artist al Tainan National College of the Arts in Taiwan, 2013 partecipa a LOOT evento mostra al Museum of Arts and Design a New York. Contact: [email protected] Stark Berlino; 2004 Wearing glass, London; 2004 The unreals Alternatives TANIA PALAZZI 1976 Rome, Italy. Study: 2006 Graduated Istituto : South Korea, France, Italy, Portugal, Norway, USA, Germany, Japan. Liceo Artistico Pietro Selvatico Padova. 2013/2014 Apprenticeship by a Gallery, Rome ; 2003 Orneata , Zurich, Basel, Switzerland. Collections Permanent Cominelli Foundation. Contact : [email protected] Website : www.mimadi.com Website : www.marcominelli.com Tecnico Moda e Abbigliamento Usuelli Ruzza Padua. Actually study: Goldsmith ‘s laboratory in Padova. Selected Exhibition: 2013 Gioielli in Fermento. Torre Fornello, Piacenza I. 2014/2015 Artistar Jewels, exhibition and catalogue. Space Foundation Maimeri Milano. S. Giuseppe Bologna I; 2005 Course in modeling wax at Scuola ALESSANDRA PASINI, 1975 Meldola FC Italy.1994 Applied art degree Selected Exhibition: 2012 Vessel Gallery Creatures USA ; 2013 AGC for 1st prize National award Moda Etica Florence, Italy; Solo exhibition Alternatives Gallery, Roma; 2004/10 Co-founder, Chairman AGC, Italy; vs Materia Turin - 2012 This is bijouCasalmaggiore - 2012Bijoux Award 150°; Padua. Selected exhibition:Selected for the Herbert Hofmann Contact: [email protected] Gioielli in Fermento 2014 - 2015 Expo’2015 nondisolopane design, Milano Contact : [email protected] - Faculty of Letters and Philosophy Selected Exhibitions: 2011 Forma ? Verona 2014. Contact:[email protected] PAOLA MIRAI 1960 Bologna, Italy. Study: 1979 High school Diploma in RITA MARCANGELO 1965 London, UK Education: 1988 Graduated LUCILLA GIOVANNINETTI 1962 Milan, Italy Study: 1988 Graduated 2011 Gioielli in Fermento Torre Fornello PC ; 2011 First prize ONOFF materials Triennale di Milano Italian pavilion 2013-2015 Contest winners course ITS Cosmo in Vicenza of technical goldsmith. Selected exibition: Fornello; 2013 1° Award; 2014 Mention Klimt02/ 2013 Barcellona, Joya/ agc; 2014 2014 GiF Locarno CH; Leo Galleries Milano,Vago Forniture; Creazioni Giovani Macef Design Award 2013-Do you speak made in Italy Cominelli Foundation; 2012 Premi Joid’art Enjoia’t 2012 Barcellona; Party, Italy ; 2011 Barcellona, Madrid Year book 2008 Exit New York; 2006 in Padova - achieved in the 2004 qualifies as restorer of painting on Salone own studio Modena; 2014 First Price Joya Barcellona 2013 First prize com del metallo, Roma Museo del Vittoriano: Contactangelo.lomuscio@gmail. Padova . Contatto: [email protected] Selection exhibition: 1994 Kurasashiki collettiva museo; 1999 2012-2013 Imm Cologne; With Riva 1920; Exibit Shanghai; The truth of 1983 Apprenticeship by a Goldsmith ‘s laboratory; 1985 Opened his MARCO MINELLI designer ,Rome Italy; 2002 founded the Inrealismo CHIARA LUCATO, 1981 Padova, Italy NICOLETTA FRIGERIO Milano, 1943. Study: University Architect GIGI MARIANI 1957 Modena Italy Contemporaneo, Italia; Entre bois et pierre, Baccarat, Francia; Suggestioni Gallery Munich; Fantastici Galleria Putti, Riga. Collection: Palazzo Pitti Firenze; MAD Museum, NY; Fondazione Cominelli; Museo Zuckermann, 92 F; Gioielli in Fermento Pc; Member AGC, Italy; Klimt02, Spain Contact: Thames Valley University, London1997presentFounder Director 2006 curator exhibition Contemporary Jewellery from Italy, itinery UK, PL, SP, USA IT; 2007 Lecture Flow Gallery, London Contemporary Jewellery from Italy; 2008 Lecture Palazzo del Cinquecento, Firenze; Selection foreign languages Ambrosiana_Milan JOYA Barcelona E FANTASTICI Art Gallery Putty LV ; 2014 Barbican Centre London Digital Revolution UK ; 2014 Set Espai D' Art Valencia E; 2015 Vitraria Museum Venezia; Awards Competition Premio Pinton, Padua: Contact: [email protected] exhibition: 2011 New Direction Contemporary Jewelry Galerie Isabella ANNALISA MIRIZZI 1978 Polignano a Mare Italy. Study 1997 l. Russo Art Prize Premio Cisotto. Contact: [email protected] science S. Simone. Selected exhibitions :Catartica Gallery Eclettica Hund, München D; Award Exhibition, Premio Pinton, Padova I. 2012 3rd School. MIMMO DEMATTIA 1967 Noicattaro, Italy. Study 1987 High school Contact: [email protected] web http://www.taniapalazzi.com metalsmithing and goldsmithing department, Art School Forlì Italy. 2013 Abilmente Fiera, Vicenza, Italy; Exhibition L'arte da indossare, Artistar, Spazio Maimeri, Milano Italy; Exhibition Moda Etica, Studio Rosai Florence, Italy; Exhibition So critical fashion, Fonderie Napoleoniche, Milano, Italy. 2006 Jewels and installations Solo exhibition, Punto Einaudi/ Area Sismica, Forlì, Italy. Contact: [email protected] Web www.pasagioielli.it Torino 2008 ; Imm Cologne 2012; Furniture Fair, Saloni del Mobile Milano; 93 PATTIHIS LIANA 1961 Nicosia Cyprus 2013 Gioielli in fermento Ziano Piacentino; 2010-2011-2012-2013 Onòff YOKO TAKIRAI 1971 Tokyo, Japan. Study: 1994 Graduated from West 2014, Piacenza, Italy. Contemporary Art Gallery of Monfalcone, Italy. Gioielli in FermentoTorre Fornello; 2013 Galerie Hélène Aziza Beyond 2013 Venice Design Week Venezia; 2012 Filo Rosso Museo Carà Muggia; Selected Exhibition: 2012/13/14 Sieraad International Jewellery Art Fair, Legnica International Jewelry Competition, Legnica, Poland.Contact: www. Study: 2007 BAJewellery Design Middlesex University Selected: 2014 Precious, Circuits Bijoux Paris; MAD NY; 2012Joya Guest Artist; 2011Contemporary Applied Arts London; 2009 Goldsmith’s Fair London; 2008 SOFA NY/Chicago; 2009Santa Fe C. Kransen NY; 2007Electrum Gallery London; Galerie Marzee Netherlands. Solo: 2010Hellenic Centre 2010 F-Utili gioielli; 2011 F-Utili gioielli Sala Madonna della Neve Firenze; 2013 Museo Marino Marini Firenze Contact: [email protected] CHIARA SCARPITTI 1983 Naples, Italy Torre Fornello. Contact: [email protected] 2010 Master’s Degree in Fashion Design at Politecnico of Milan, Milan. ROBERTA PAVONE 1979 Pescara Italy Study: 1999 Degree Art School Metalsmithing V.Bellisario Pescara Selection exhibition: Gioielli in fermento Torre Fornello, Piacenza 2012/2013- Biennal Jeweelery Arts Nicola da Guardiagrele, Chieti I 2011 Gioielloinarte ; 2013 L'anno del serpente; 2013 F-utili gioielli Marino Marini Museum, Firenze; Ring party” OnOff Studio Immagine Tomasin, Padova. Ca De Ricchi Treviso I. Contact: [email protected] web www. robertagold.com MARCO PICCIALI 1969 Milano, Italy Studies: 1985 Graduated at C.A.P.A.C.Milano Specializations:Goldsmith; Exhibition:Nuove Visioni Milano 1998 Mostly Glass Art GalleryEnglewood, USA; 2000 Collana modulare 2010; J A New York, Las Vegas USA; 2010/11 Gioielli per Milano; 2011New RingsNicolas Estrada Thames&Hudson; Mediterraneo Livorno; Gioielli in ferment2011/12/14 Fu-tili gioielli Firenze 2009/10/11/13 Venice Design Week Venezia 2013 Design 20.14 Vicenza-Murano;2014The Contemporary Jewelry Exchange Study: 2015 Ph.D International Doctorate in Design at S.U.N., Naples. Amsterdam. 2004/14 Legnica International Jewellery Competition, Legnica Poland; 2013 Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il Gioiello Contemporaneo 2015 Gioielli in Fermento Torre Fornello PC I. the graphic, studio socom & Pierre, Bozen; 2008-2011 contemporary Gallery Athens 2014 Schmuck Sonderschau; Grassimesse; arbeitsraum Selected exhibition: 2007/2014 The new Italian design, La Triennale, Honourable Mention Cominelli Foundation, Salò; 2011 finalist Enjoia’t Award, JOYA, Barcelona.Contact: [email protected] STEFANO SPIVACH 1959 - SERGIO SPIVACH 1965 Udine Italia Education:1989 Opal cutters in the family workshop; 2001 research experimentation with opal; 2006 AQA projects. Selection Exhibition:1989/09 suedtirol; Premio Cominelli;Schmuck Ihm, Galerie für Angewandte Kunst, Study:1989 Graduated at Academy of Fine Arts, Venice Milano, Istanbul, Beijing, Taiwan, Bilbao, San Francisco, Santiago; 2008 Bijoux-chocolat, Monsummano Terme (I); 2009 Rings etc. Vicenza (I); 2011 Pensieri Preziosi 7 Padova (I); 2013 Jewelry Art Biennial Beijing (CN); CLAUDIA STEINER 1969 Vienna Austria -Salzburg with Nagai, Britton, Marchetti, Sarneel. Selected Exhibition: Contact: [email protected], www.gabiveit.it Selected Exhibition: 2014 Contest Avant Garde Palazzo Agostinelli Study: 2003 University Bologna. 2005/11 Alberta Vita’s atelier in Padua. Bassano del Grappa; Joya Barcellona; Gioielli in Fermento gallery Boffi Italy and Edinburgh University, Scotland, UK. 2013 graduated at Pietro Contact: www.opal.it Award: Grassipreis 2014 Contact: [email protected] Joya Barcelona; 2015 Galerie Slavik Vienna; Gioielli in Fermento. Awards 2014 Menzione AGC Gioielli in Fermento. Gallery, Bolzano;2012 Grassimesse; Special Mention Premio Cominelli; CATERINA ZANCA Rovigo 1978 Italia. Jewellery Mons (B); Fondazione Cominelli (I) 2015 Gioielli in Fermento. SILVIA VALENTI, 1969, Gorizia, Italy. 2008 Coup de coeur Kara; 2013 Prima menzione Ring Party Padova; Frühsommersalon, Hamburg 2013 Deadly Sins and Spoons, Cattani Progetto cibo, Rovereto (I); 2014 European Triennial of Contemporary Vicenzaoro; 2007/12 Inhorgenta; 2008 Kara Paris; 2013 Gioiello in arte Roma; Venice Design Week; Ring Party Padova; 2014Gioielli in Fermento; Study: graphic design in Innsbruck and Venice; 1994 present: owner of jewellery at Alchimia, Florence; Selected Exhibition: 2015 Eleni Marneri Contact: [email protected] Smykkedesign, Oslo (NO); 2012 Plart Design Foundation, Naples. Selected Awards: 2013 Winner Preziosa Young, Florence; 2012 silviavalenti.com GABI VEIT 1968 Bozen/Bolzano, Italy BARBARA UDERZO 1965 Vicenza Italy (I); 2012 Galerie Beeld&Aambeeld, Enschede (NL); 2012ExpoArte NewDesign2013, National Award (2nd prize), Venice, Italy. Classic, 23rd Italy; 2012 LOOT- MAD New York; 27th Japan Jewellery Art Exhibition Selected Solo Exhibitions: 2013 Galleria Paola Verrengia, Salerno Education: 2003/04 Goldsmith Academy Vienna. Workshops Munich Contact: [email protected] Virginia University, USA. 1997 Graduated from Le Arti Orafe, Italy. Tokyo; 2011/13 Solo exhibition Yoko Takirai –Contemporary Art Jewellery. London; 2012 Alysodeméno Benaki Museum Pireos Athens;2014 1st Prize Gioielli in Fermento.Collections: MAD New York, Fondazione Cominelli; Study: 1994 Preservation of Cultural Heritage degree, Udine University, Selvatico Art School, Padova, Italy. From 2014 writer for Art Jewelry Forum. Exhibition: Off Joya 2014, Barcellona, Spain. Jewels in Ferment Barcellona; 2013 Papers Jewelry Way out Design della Comunicazione, Rovigo; Gioielli in Fermento; 2012 at Way out Communication Design, Rovigo; Giardiniere d’idee Il Manegium, Fratta Polesine (Ro); 500 Art Necklaces Larks Books Forme in Divenire Sala Celio Rovigo. 2010 VM40 furnishings Rovigo .Contact:[email protected] A list of references P.6 https://www.google.co.jp/ P.34 https://www.wikipedia.org/ P.62 http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ P.8 Private photographing P.36 http://zexy.net/ P.64 http://www.bing.com/ P.10 http://www.itotsune.co.jp/ P.38 http://fukuchiin.com/ P.66 https://www.wikipedia.org/ P.12 Axel Vervoordt「Lo sprito wabi 」(book) P.40 Private photographing P.68 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ P.14 https://www.wikipedia.org/ P.42 https://www.wikipedia.org/ P.70 https://www.wikipedia.org/ P.16 https://starhandarts.wordpress.com/ P.44 https://www.google.it/ P.72 https://www.wikipedia.org/ P.18 http://shibuya.alpha-homes.com/ P.46 Private photographing P.74 http://www.yahoo.co.jp/ P.20 http://onepiece.ria10.com/ P.48 http://www.japaaan.com/space/56 P.76 Private photographing danielarepetto.it P.22 Private photographing P.50 Private photographing P.78 Private photographing P.24 photo by ©Tomo.Yun http://www.yunphoto.net/ P.52 http://kyoto.gp1st.com/ P.80 https://www.wikipedia.org/ STEFANO ROSSI 1965 Padova Italy . Studi: apprenticeship in family P.26 http://www.secondlife-e.com/2008/06/-ukiyoe.html P.54 P.82 https://www.wikipedia.org/ P.28 Private photographing P.56 https://www.google.co.jp/ P.30 http://www.yahoo.co.jp/ P.58 https://www.wikipedia.org/ P.32 Private photographing P.60 http://www.nabeshima.or.jp/ DANIELA REPETTO 1968, Genova Italy. Study: 1992 Academy Fine Arts Brera Milano. 1994 T.A.M. Artistic treatment of metals; 1995 Jewelry Master Scuola Arti e Mestieri di Vicenza, Italy. Exhibition: 2001 Arte Addosso Palazzo Centurione Fondazione Sartirana Arte Castelnuovo Scrivia AL; 2002 Arte Addosso Museo Archeologico P. Giovio Como; 2006 Ecce Homo Castello di Pietrarubbia; 2015 Workshop: Miniatura enamel with Gillie Byrom; Cloisonne with Kyoko LIo; Biennal Enamel Firenze; Gioielli in Fermento, Torre Fornello PC. Contact: [email protected] www. atelier, head from 1998 1984 Graduated Liceo Scientifico; 1990 Stone setting; 2000 Goldsmithing Design; 2010 3 D Rhinoceros; 2011 Chiselling and Repoussé. Selected Exhibition: 2012-2013-2014 Joya Barcelona 94 Padova 2015 Alliages Permanent Lille F; Gioielli in Fermento Piacenza Italy; 2014 Amber Riga; 2013 Gallery Putti Latvia; Artists of Galerie Biro& BiroJunior Munich; 2013 Portraits&Poses. Solo exhibition: Galerie V&V Vienna; International Jewelry Art Beijing China; 2012 Blooming Art Highlight Sterling Galéria Budapest; 2011 Gegenwärtig Jewellery from Austria - Eligius, Museum Arts Vienna; Jewellery from Austria; GaleriaX Bratislava. Contact: www.claudia-steiner.at/[email protected] http://www.moaart.or.jp/collection/japanese-paintings54/ P.84 Unknown 95 巡回展 山梨ジュエリーミュージアム 2015.9.19 ~ 28 石川しいのき迎賓館 2016.07 ローマ国立東洋美術館 2015.10 リヴォルノ 地中海美術館 2016 サン・フェリーチェ・ペナーコ コミネッリ展 2016.09 パドヴァ オラトリオ・サン・ロッコ 2016.10 1 2 3 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ Shiinoki Cultural Complex Ishikawa Prefecture Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tokyo Yamanashi Jewelry Museum National Museum of Oriental Art Oratorio di San Rocco The Committee for cross-exhibitions with Italy 4 5 Date of publication: July 3, 2015 Japan Italy KOMIYA Takako / Presidente FRANZIN Maria Rosa / Presidente Published by: The public interest incorporated associations, Japan Jewellery Designers Association KITADA Michie MARIANI Gigi Address: Arai-Building 8 Floor, 4-11-7,Hacchobori,Chuo-ku, Tokyo Japan 〒 104-0032 SAWAMOTO Masako DUPRE' Elisabetta TEL(03)3523-7344 FAX(03)3523-7346 NAGAI Yutaka MARCANGELO Rita E-mail [email protected] http://www.jidpo.or.jp NISHIWAKI Nobuko MAROBIN Nichka HIEDA Makoto HIRAKO Koichi Edited by: The committee of cross-exhibitions with Italy Designed by: Project EGO Printed and bound by: Tanaka Printing Price: 500Yen including the Consumption Tax ©2015 by Japan Jewellery Designers Association ※ All right are reserved. This material may not be reproduced or copied without written permission of Japan Jewellery Designers Association. 96