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Rossford R e c o r d — Your Hometown Newspaper Since 1939 — WWW.ROSSFORD.COM Superintendent’s contract extended VOLUME 76, NUMBER 35 – AUGUST 27, 2015 By Jane Maiolo Dan Creps will be staying on as superintendent of Rossford Schools. Following an executive session at the August 17 meeting, the Board of Education voted to extend Mr. Creps’ contract by three years with no adjustment of his salary. The contract runs from August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2018. “I’m very excited and happy to serve the district,” said the superintendent. A Rossford native and RHS graduate, Mr. Creps was hired April 1, 2013, replacing interim superintendent Bill McFarland. He came to Rossford from Perrysburg School District where he served as principal of Woodland Elementary School. Mr. Creps has a bachelor’s degree in education from Wittenberg University and a master’s in education from the University of Toledo. He received his superintendent license from the University of Findlay. The school board also awarded an administrative contract to Neal Applin as interim transportation director through January 1, 2016. Beginning in January and through July 31, 2017, Mr. Applin will be the director of transportation. He replaces Jeff Culler who is retiring after 35 years of service to the district. “We are certainly going to miss his expertise and mechanical expertise,” said Mr. Creps. Mr. Culler expressed his appreciation to the board and community. “It’s been a great experience.” The school board also accepted the resignation of Ken Rosplohowski, middle school math teacher, effective August 12. He will be replaced by Lisa Lewis. Other personnel hired for 2015-16 are Lauren Harrison, guidance counselor; Alice Buehrle, Elizabeth Tolson, Becky Schardt, Laura Egli, Kayla Weil and Lauren O’Hare, intervention specialists, as of August 18, $27.69/hour; Jeanine Alexander, guidance office secretary, as of August 18, $19.24/hour; Karla Durco, part-time junior high secre- tary, $17.73/hour; Nancie DeVaul, cook/cashier at Eagle Point Elementary, two hours per day, as of August 19, $16.55/hour; Traci Cortese, cook/cashier at Glenwood Elementary, as of August 19, two hours per day, $16.55/ hour, and Patty Welch, bus driver, as of August 19, 3.5 hours per day, $22.20/hour. Supplemental Contracts The board accepted the resignation of Rob Hunter, freshman volleyball coach, effective July 20. In addition, they awarded a number of supplemental contracts for 2015-16. They are Miki Hodge, chess advisor, $1,183; D.J. Hiner, choral director, $3,155; Ronald Demko, building technology representative, $2,761; Martha Fellman, assistant building technology representative, $1,380; Shelly Bertsch, RHS book club, $789; Dan Saygers, department head–art, library, special education, $2,366; Tim Edmond, department head English and business, $2,366; Matt Schlatter, department head math, $2,366; Ronald Demko, department head science, $2,366; Chuck Cox, department head social studies, $2,366; T. Brian Vorst, department head physical education, health and music, $2,366; Julie Zatko, drama club advisor, $6,310; Ryan Mahaffey, drama club assistant, $2,761; Mr. Hiner, drama instrumental director, $1,183 and drama vocal director, $1,183; Justin Kelley, instrumental music director, $5,127; Marcy Lark-Schlatter, international club, $1,183; Nancy Czajka, majorette advisor, $1,183; Heather Traxler, National Honor Society, $1,183; Mr. Edmond, RHS newspaper, $789 and yearbook, $1,577; Dan Amborski, RHS Quiz Bowl advisor, $1,183; Donna Linthicum, RHS Red Cross, $789; Graciela Sofo and Katie Grinonneau, student council, $1,183 prorated; Kelly Hawk and Lisa Wehrmeister, class advisors, $394.50 each prorated; Heather Smith-Nissen and Sandy Komisarek, sophomore class advisors, $591.50 each prorated; Miki Hodge, junior class advisor, $1,183; Ms. Traxler and Ms. Grinonneau, senior class advisors, $591.50 prorated; Ms. Hawk and Ms. EARLY DEADLINE Due to Labor Day, there will be an early deadline for the September 10 issue of the Rossford Record Journal. The deadline for classifieds will be noon, Friday, September 4, and article deadline is 10 a.m., Tuesday, September 8, for the September 10 issue. Grinonneau, homebound tutors, $27.69/hour; Mr. Kelley, 10 days per negotiated agreement; Ms. Wehrmeister and Mr. Saygers, 20 days per negotiated agreement; Crystal Murtha, freshman volleyball, $3,549; Lauren Harrison and Jennifer Lewis, 10 days per diem rate; Ms. Bertsch, Terri Retzloff and Tricia Hastings and Brittaney Fenderson, 5 days per diem rate; Shane Strausbaugh, high school site manager, $4,338; Mr. Hunter, freshman football, $4,338; Mike Pierce, girls varsity soccer, $5,127; Mr. Rosplohowski, strength coach, $7,887; James Hentges, assistant cross country, $3,549; Mr. Vorst, boys varsity basketball, $8,282; Eric Simon, girls varsity basketball, $8,282; Randy Hussar, varsity wrestling, $7,098; Justin Reitz, bowling, $3,549; Ryan DeMars, seventh grade football, $3,549; Mark Skala, eighth grade football, $3,549, and Jenna Bachmayer, seventh grade volleyball, $3,155. The board also approved several volunteers: Breann Cajka, majorettes and cheerleading; Joel Boardman, marching/concert bands; Mary Haas and Judy Heban, Glenwood Elementary; Robert Hoff and Glenn Yarger Jr., marching/concert bands, and Tom Kralovic, boys golf. Other Business In other business, the board: •Entered into an agreement with the Wood County Juvenile Detention Center/Juvenile Residential Center of Northwest Ohio for the education option program in 2015-16. •Appointed Beverly Koch as delegate and Dawn Burks as the alternate to the Ohio School Boards Association meeting in November. •Entered into an agreement with WSOS Community Action for the early childhood program in 2015-16. •Renewed an agreement for 2015-16 with the Ohio Schools Council for the cooperative purchasing program at a cost of $883. Treasurer James Rossler Jr. said the benefits “far outweigh the cost,” providing advantages such as a 10 percent discount through its energy for education program. •Approved the exempt administrative employees negotiated agreement, which took effect July 1, 2015 and runs through June 30, 2017. The agreement affects six employees and does not include any pay increases. The next board meeting will be at 6 p.m., Monday, September 21 at Indian Hills, 401 Glenwood Road, and is open to the public. We Honor Please Recycle This Newspaper ROSSFORD, WOOD COUNTY, OHIO our Service People 75¢ SINGLE COPY Perrysburg Twp. officials appoint trustee Rob Armstrong to fill interim post By Jane Maiolo Perrysburg Township has a new trustee, at least until the end of the year. At the August 19 meeting, Trustees Bob Mack and Gary Britten appointed township resident Rob Armstrong to the post vacated by Craig LaHote. Mr. LaHote left to serve as Wood County commissioner, replacing Jim Carter who retired. Mr. Mack, board president, said the trustees received eight or nine letters of interest from qualified candidates, including JD Justus and Joe Schaller who are campaigning for the open trustee slot in November. Although both men are equally suited for the post, Mr. Mack and Mr. Britten elected not to give either candidate an unfair advantage through the appointment. Mr. Mack added that it could prove uncomfortable for them in January “if we picked the ‘wrong’ candidate.” He and Mr. Britten believe that decision should be left to voters this fall. After some discussion in executive session, the trustees settled on Mr. Armstrong as interim trustee, noting that he is not seeking the position long term. Mr. Mack described the new trustee as “very active in the township” and believes he will lend an “insightful voice for township affairs.” Mr. Armstrong, CEO of Bennett Enterprises, has prior government experience, having served on the Lake School District Board of Education from 1990 to 1993. He also has a background as a certified public accountant, explained Mr. Mack. The new trustee was sworn in by Fiscal Officer Shirley Haar. “I’m happy to serve,” Mr. Armstrong said, adding, “I’m really honored to take this position on an interim basis.” As head of Bennett Enterprises, the trustee oversees the operation of several township businesses including Big Boy and Ralphie’s restaurants, Holiday Inn Express and Holiday Inn French Quarter. A township resident since 2002, Mr. Armstrong looks forward to working with his fellow elected officials and township employees. “I think I will be able to make a contribution,” he said, adding, “They are good people, and they’ve accomplished a lot.” Mr. Armstrong will fill the remainder of Mr. LaHote’s term, which expires December 31. Township Roads To move forward with construction, the trustees awarded a bid for the extension of Carronade Drive to State Route 199. Edward Kelly and Sons of Northwood was awarded the project at a cost of $322,817. Dave Kuhn of Feller, Finch and Associates, a civil engineering and design firm, said the bid needs to be awarded so the contractor can proceed with ordering manholes, which currently have a lead time of two to three weeks. Mr. Britten expressed concern about moving forward without the signature of all local agencies involved in the project. Mr. Kuhn said officials from the Wood County engineer’s office, Northwestern Water and Sewer District, City of Perrysburg and ODOT have reviewed the plans and any recommended changes were made. He expects to have all necessary signatures on the plans in the near future. See TRUSTEE on page 2Á Riverfest fireworks celebrate community Celebrating the end of summer, Rossford’s Riverfest last Saturday closed with a spectacular fireworks show in Veterans Memorial Park. The annual event is a collaboration between the Rossford Business Association and City of Rossford. It featured a softball tournament, children’s activities, live music, food and beverages. “A big thank you to all of those who made Riverfest 2015 happen,” RBA President Justin Knierim said. “Our community and local businesses stepped up, and we reached our goal of raising funds. The fireworks were great, and the weather was better. Way to go!” A list of donors is on page 6. Photo by John “JB” Bauer Bulldogs prepped for Northern Buckeye title shot By Michael Krieger Head Varsity Football Coach Todd Drusback shies away from saying Rossford is a favorite to win the Northern Buckeye Conference championship this season. But he will acknowledge that it is “time to get over the hump.” “We have been in the middle for the past three years,” he said. “It’s time to take that next step.” The Bulldogs have finished fourth for three consecutive years. While they have managed to be dominant against most teams in the NBC, they are regularly stopped by the power trio of Lake, Genoa and Eastwood. And all three look to be tough competition for Rossford again this year. The Bulldogs bring back a host of experience and athleticism at several key positions, and the players seem ready for the challenge ahead. “This is the best skill group we’ve had since I’ve been here,” Drusback explained. “We have depth, for a change, at several spots.” Returning for RHS are allleague selections Erik Davis and Chase Baney. Davis accounted for more than 1,000 yards of total offense and 18 touchdowns last year. He will be used in a variety of ways in the offense this season. Baney makes the transition from a hybrid flanker position to quarterback. So far, he is picking up the change quickly. Drusback likes the run dimension that Baney brings to the position because of the strain it can put on opposing defenses. Other key returners are Travis Szczublewski, Sam Beale, Spencer Shultz, Brennan Reynolds, Nick Wagner and Kyle Sherman. According to Drusback, “Sherman has been the ultimate team guy. He has been playing in multiple positions, and he has been good about helping Chase with the switch to quarterback.” Sherman has significant game experience at quarterback as well. Wagner is stronger and more athletic and should contribute on both sides of the ball after an injury plagued season last year. “Nick is the kind of player that we have wanted to have, Perrysburg Township officials, from left, are Trustee Gary Britten, Fiscal Officer Shirley Haar and Trustees Rob Armstrong and Bob Mack. but just haven’t quite found,” the coach said. “He gives a lot of versatility whether it’s running the ball or making catches.” Baney isn’t the only one making a change this year. Several players converted to new positions to gain more playing time and help the team. “We want to get our best 11 on the field at the same time,” Drusback noted. “To do that, some guys had to accept new positions. We’ve been happy with their development so far.” The Bulldog coach also sees several other players poised to make an impact this season. Ben Sauter has been a big surprise so far, he said, and brings intelligence and size to the offensive line and the defensive end positions. Cody Orr looks strong at safety. Billy Zeller is emerging on the offensive line, and sure-handed junior Cota Sinclair returns to the receiving ranks after a one-year hiatus from football. For the Bulldogs to accomplish their goals, Drusback believes the team needs to take better care of the football and stop the run. “The upper echelon teams in our league are run-oriented,” he pointed out. “If we stop the run, it will create opportunities for our offense.” This season fans should see a much improved run defense with a team who tackles better and is more aggressive. On offense, the goal is to get the ball to the athletes in space and let them create, he said, adding that the Bulldogs should have much better red zone efficiency this year–an area that has been their Achilles’ heel in previous seasons. Rossford opens the 2015 season tomorrow evening at home against non-conference opponent, Bowling Green. The two teams have traded victories the past two seasons with BG winning last year. “BG should be solid up front,” Drusback predicted. “They lost a lot of skill players but should be aggressive.” The Bobcats are expected to enter the game with some confidence after qualifying for state playoffs last year. “How quickly we develop up front will make the difference,” Drusback said. Kickoff is at 7 p.m. Journal readers are everywhere From there to here, from here to there, Rossford Record Journal readers are everywhere. Bobbi, Emily and Adam McConocha of Rossford enjoyed a vacation this summer in Denver visiting family. This photo was taken at the top of Estes Park, Colorado. “While in Denver, we also hiked up to the top of Red Rocks Park, enjoyed time at Elitch Gardens Theme and Water Park, and Boondock’s Fun Center,” Ms. McConocha explained. Adam is in seventh grade, and Emily is in fourth grade. The Record Journal invites all read- ers to submit photos of themselves with family and friends reading the paper wherever they are–whether that is the Mile High City or Motor City. Try to include a familiar background or unique scenery. Photos may be submitted by email to [email protected], or sent by mail to Rossford Record Journal, 117 East Second Street, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551. Please note the names of the people in the photo and their hometowns, businesses or schools, as well as any other details about the trip and a daytime telephone number. The RHS varsity football team–Front row: captains Erik Davis, Travis Szczublewski, Sam Beale, Chase Baney. Row 2: Bryce Steer, Brennan Reynolds, Jordan Krause, Billy Zeller, Caleb Janicki, Spencer Shultz, Nick Wagner, Dylan Nawrocki, Kyle Sherman, Ben Sauter, Travis Sherman. Row 3: Logan Teneyck, Andrew Thompson, Zack Lewis, Adam Sauter, Brian Maxwell, Cota Sinclair, Joey Korcez, Michael Reno, Bill Coyle, Reed Jackson, Andrew Batdorf, Cameron Reynolds. Row 4: Brent Deyarmond, Kyle Barkhiner, Jonathon Fields, Noah Tegtmeier, Jacob Perry, Joe Burlage, Austin Eick, Jacob Schimming, Cody Orr, Zachary Perry, Ben Bergstrom, Chris Pickett, Eli Massie. Back row: Coach Bob Abbey, Coach Eric Keller, Coach Troy Adams, Coach Darrel Igo, Coach Chris Jones, Coach Rob Hunter, Head Coach Todd Drusback, Coach Jamie Clay. Page 2 — August 27, 2015 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL Wood County Sheriff’s Office Adoption special to offer Citizens Police Academy offered at WCHS The Wood County Sheriff’s Office will hold a Citizen’s Police Academy September 10 through November 19. Classes will be held on Thursdays, from 6 to 9 p.m. Participants will learn about the operations of the The Wood County Humane Society is offering a special for those who “Fall in Love” with a shelter kitten. The adoption special will run from September 9 to 13, at the shelter located at 801 Van Camp Road, Bowling Green. All adoptable kittens are adopt one and take home a second for free or half off the fee for one kitten. Adoption hours at the shelter are Wednesday and Thursday, from noon to 7 p.m., and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from noon to 4 p.m. The adoption special is only valid with an approved application and must be completed the same day. All adoptable pets are fully tested, vaccinated, spayed or neu-tered, microchipped and loved. Sheriff ’s Office and the duties of the Office of Sheriff. Space is limited. To register, call Deputy Jill Holland at 419-354-9088, or visit the Web site at www.woodcountysheriff .com by September 7. Township BZA grants auto auction conditional use request At a meeting on August 18, the Perrysburg Township board of zoning appeals approved a conditional use request submitted by ABC Toledo LLC. The auto auction, 9677 Fremont Pike, sought the permit on 16 acres the City presents donation to sheriff’s SRT During Monday’s meeting of Rossford City Council, Mayor Neil MacKinnon III presented Wood County Sheriff Mark Wasylyshyn with a $5,000 check from Rossford Police Department’s law enforcement trust fund. The fund was established by federal law to allow local law enforcement agencies the ability to re-invest forfeited funds from crimes back into law enforcement efforts. Police Chief Glenn Goss said he wanted to donate to the Wood County Special Response Team (SRT) for its assistance to the community in the past and to help them for the future. TRUSTEE ÁContinued from page 1 Mr. Britten questioned the cost. “You don’t see any hurdles moving forward?” Mr. Kuhn said the cost should actually be lower with the changes ODOT requested, which includes limiting the installation of utilities on Carronade. Because ODOT will be installing a roundabout at the intersection in the future, officials do not want utilities extended to the intersection at this juncture, he explained. The trustees also agreed to make improvements to Five Point Road at the I-75 overpass for $45,000. ODOT approached the township about resurfacing the 1,826 foot bridge deck which is 22 feet wide. Maintenance supervisor Kraig Gottfried said ODOT will perform the work. “We just need to buy the asphalt.” “We won’t get it any cheaper, ever,” said Mr. Britten. To pay for the projects, the trustees agreed to reappropriate money from the general fund. Other Business In other business, the trustees: •Approved the replacement of 31 police firearms at an exchange rate of $75 each for a total of $2,325. Purchased through Vance’s Law Enforcement, the exchange includes an even trade of ammunition at no cost, explained Police Chief Mark Hetrick. The new, 9mm handguns are easier to fire, maintain and save money on ammuni- The sheriff’s SRT has responded to two barricaded gunmen calls in the past few years in Rossford, and their assistance brought both incidents to a safe and successful end, the chief said. Sheriff Wasylyshyn, in turn, said the real thanks belongs to Sergeant Mark Marek of the Rossford Police Department, who is a team leader on the county SRT. The sheriff told council that Sgt. Marek is the reason the team operates so well. Pictured from left are Chief Goss, Sheriff Wasylyshyn, Mayor MacKinnon, Councilman and Toledo Police Officer Dan Wagner and Sgt. Marek. tion, the chief said, adding that confiscated drug funds will pay for the weapons. The trustees also approved the purchase of ammunition for the department shotguns at a cost of $1,051. •Agreed to place four old computer servers and other items that are no longer being used by the township on Internet auction through •Contracted with Payroll Select to perform Affordable Care Act processing. There is a one-time, setup fee of $250. In addition, Payroll Select charges 95 cents per person. Mrs. Haar believes it would be a challenge to do the work inhouse, noting that the new government regulations are “very detailed and time consuming.” •Agreed to seek requests for proposals on renovating the administration building. Mr. Mack requested that the document include a notation that the township is seeking candidates who have a background in “governmental-type facilities.” Problems with the structure came to the forefront earlier this summer after heavy rain resulted in flooding. In addition to soaking the carpet, water seeped in the walls, blistering and softening the drywall. There also are mechanical issues with the building including improper drainage and problems with the HVAC system. The next trustees meeting will be at 6 p.m., Wednesday, September 2, at the township meeting hall, 26609 Lime City Road, and is open to the public. City Road. Sunday, August 16 Rescue runs, 7000 block Avenue Road, 10000 block Reitz Road; fire call, 27000 block Oregon Road; incident reports, 10000 block Fremont Pike, 30000 block Jacqueline Place; assist outside agency, 11000 block Reitz Road; assault, 8000 block Chrysler Drive; theft, 27000 block Oregon Road, 29000 block Oregon Road; telephone harassment, 28000 block Oregon Road. Monday, August 17 Accident, North Dixie Highway Dowling Road; rescue run, 10000 block Fremont Pike; assault, 12000 block Fort Meigs Boulevard; theft, 9000 block Dowling Road; menacing, 27000 block Oakmead Drive; incident report, 9000 block Fremont Pike. Tuesday, August 18 Rescue runs, 7000 block Reitz Road, 20000 block Edgewater Drive, 20000 block Starlight Road, 20000 block Hufford Road, 8000 block Chrysler Drive, 28000 block Starbright Boulevard, 20000 block Oregon Road, 20000 block White Road, 9000 block Sheffield Road, 20000 block Tracy Road; fire calls, 8000 block Chrysler Drive, 27000 block Tracy Road; missing juvenile, 28000 block East River Road. Wednesday, August 19 Accident, Dunbridge at Dowling roads; rescue runs, 20000 block Silver Creek Drive, 20000 block Oregon Road, Ohio Turnpike at exit 64, 7000 block Starcrest Road, 7000 block Reitz Road, I-75 at milemark 191.5; fire call, 7000 block Reitz Road; fraud, 29000 block Belmont Lake Road; domestic violence, 12000 block Fort Meigs Boulevard. Thursday, August 20 Rescue runs, 30000 block St. Andrews Road, 28000 block Starbright Boulevard; theft, 10000 block Fremont Pike. Rossford Police Reports August 7: 100 block Windsor Drive, parking complaint. 100 block Bacon Street, theft. 600 block Bruns Drive, domestic dispute. 1100 block Lewis Street, domestic dispute. 100 block Hannum Avenue, parking complaint. 200 block Osborn Street, 100 block Central, vehicle unlocks. August 8: 100 block Maple Street, unruly juveniles. 100 block Elm Street, neighbor dispute. August 9: 500 block Woodland Drive, vehicle parked on grass. 500 block Woodland Drive, suspicious vehicle. Helen Drive, juveniles, curfew violation. August 10: 700 block Superior Street, break-in of pop machine. 9000 block Dixie Highway, credit card fraud. 100 block Oak Street, suspicious vehicle. 700 block Superior Street, two dogs running at large. August 11: 800 block Glenwood Road, 1200 block Grassy Lane, 800 block Lime City Road, vehicle unlocks. 200 block Riverview Place, found dog, returned to owner. 300 block Colony Road, suspicious vehicle. Warrant arrest, Brandi M. Markwood, 43, Birch Drive, Rossford, failure to appear. 500 block Glenwood Road, breaking and entering at residence, theft. Perrysburg Township Police Reports August 14 to 20, 2015 Friday, August 14 Accident, Fremont Pike; rescue runs, Five Point at Lime City roads, 20000 block Lime City Road, I-75 at Roachton Road, 10000 block Fremont Pike, 20000 block Oregon Road; fire calls, 26000 block Glenwood Road, 29000 block Lime City Road; alarm, 30000 block St. Andrews Road; theft, (2) 10000 block Fremont Pike. Saturday, August 15 Accident, Fremont Pike at Simmons Road; rescue runs, 10000 block Mandell Road, 20000 block Oregon Road; fraud, 30000 block Bates Road; theft, 10000 block Fremont Pike; incident report, 12000 block Gloria Street; domestic dispute, 28000 block Oregon Road; keep the peace, 23000 block Lime Call Jane today at 419.931.0050 to schedule your personalized tour. onalized tour r.. 1200 block Schreier Road, dog barking. 900 block Dixie Highway, theft. August 12: Vineyard Drive, neighbor dispute. 100 block Maple Street, neighbor dispute. 100 block Bacon Street, unruly juveniles. 700 block Superior Street, theft. 9800 block Fremont Pike, vehicle unlock. 100 block Maple Street, juveniles trying to break into parked vehicles. August 13: 100 block Elm Street, parking complaint. 100 block Dixie Highway, vehicle unlock. 600 block Lime City Road, disorderly conduct. August 14: 100 block Bacon Street, noise complaint. Oak Street at Superior, disorderly conduct. 1000 block Buck Road, man panhandling at gas station. 100 block Rossburn Place, telephone harassment. 400 block Indian Ridge Trail, parking complaint. 500 block Bruns Drive, arrested John L. Farquharson, 38, Bruns Drive, Rossford, domestic violence. 200 block Bacon Street, parking complaint. 9800 block Fremont Pike, theft by employee from business. 100 block Riverview Place, dog at large. 600 block Lime City Road, dispute. August 15: 1100 block Buck Road, theft from business. August 16: 100 block Bacon Street, suspicious The Rogers High School Class of 1965 is planning a 50-year reunion celebration for Saturday, October 10, from 5 to 10 p.m., at the Holiday Inn, 10630 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg. The event will be a mixer with a cash bar, hors d’oeuvres, a photo booth, grade school memories and more. The cost is $45 per person; $50 after September 1 and at the door. Dress is casual. A golf outing and an RESTRICTIONS APPLY 2674 Woodville Rd., Northwood, OH! 43619 !! ! ! ! ! !! !!!!!!!!!!! ! CALL 419.214.0738 ! M-S 10a-8p Family Owned & Operated Sun. 10a-4p Luckey Farmers,$ Inc. $ $ $ St. Clare Commons August 18: 1000 block North Ironwood Drive, parking complaint. 100 block Bacon Street, vehicle unlock. 900 block Dixie Highway, suspicious vehicle at business. 100 block Maple Street, domestic dispute. August 19: 100 block Bergin, domestic dispute. 27000 block Crossroads Parkway, 100 block Rossway, 10000 block Fremont Pike, vehicle unlock. Eagle Point Road, Roland Court, parking complaints. 1000 block East Elmtree, junk vehicle. 9600 block Fremont Pike, fraud. 200 block Oak Street, no ise complaint. August 20: 100 block Windsor, noise complaint. 100 block Glenwood Road, parking complaint. 400 block Dixie Highway, vehicle unlock. 100 block Bacon Street, dog at large. 100 block Cove Lane, domestic violence. 100 block Windsor, dog complaint. 200 block Oak Street, noise complaint. Subscription Rates: IN WOOD COUNTY – 1 Year $23.00 • IN OHIO – 1 Year $26.00 ALL OTHER STATES – 1 Year $28.00 Liability for errors and/or omissions in publication of any advertisement by the ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL, whether due to negligence or otherwise, is limited to rerunning without charge that portion of the advertisement published incorrectly. In case of error or omission, the publisher will, upon request, furnish the advertiser with a letter stating that such error or omission occurred. The ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL will not be responsible for errors or omissions in any advertising beyond the first insertion or for errors in electronically submitted ads. Other than as stated above. The ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL assumes no responsibility or liability for any monetary loss or damages resulting from any error or omission. All copy is subject to the approval of the publisher, who reserves the right to reject or cancel any submission at any time. The opinions expressed in paid advertisements and/or letters to the Editor which are published in The ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL do not necessarily reflect the opinion or philosophy of The ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Welch Publishing Co., P.O. Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552 MEMBER OHIO NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION MEMBER National Newspaper Association Rossford businessman indicted On August 17, a Wood County grand jury indicted a Rossford businessman. James J. Bernard, 49, owner of Jake’s Used Cars, 9566 Clark Drive, was indicted on one count of grand theft of a motor vehicle and one count of grand theft, both fourth-degree felonies. According to court records, the incident occurred on or about June 17, when Mr. Bernard allegedly stole money from two victims. In a report filed by the Rossford Police Department, the first victim claims that $31,000 was wired to Mr. Bernard for the purchase of a vehicle, but the victim never received the car. The second charge relates to the sale of a vehicle by Mr. Bernard, who allegedly never paid the owner for the car. If convicted on both counts, Mr. Bernard faces up to three years in prison and fines of $10,000. His case has been assigned to Common Pleas Judge Alan Mayberry. Real estate transfers from August 5 to 17, 2015 for the area encompassing Rossford School District. The John F. McKinney III Trust to Rebecca C. and Daniel S. Knorek, 121 Eagle Point Drive, $225,000. Van Leuven Retreat LLC to Barry H. and Sandra L. Sucher, 9874 Ballantree Court, Perrysburg Township, $344,000. Kari Morgan to Richard Ngo, 7432 West Lake Road, Perrysburg Township, $136,000. Lori J. Longeway to Michael and Kyle Brown, 806 Eagle Point Road, $97,000. Anita L. Marshall and Michael J. Montgomery to David Schorling, 1034 Schreier Road, $125,000. Amer S. and Magida Shaeena to Nicholas Stewart Hubbard and Georgiana Cristina Mihaila, 1039 North Ironwood Avenue, $184,900. Choice Ironwood, LLC to David and Rita Kuntz, trustees, 0 South Ironwood, $22,500. Joseph and Pamela Pietkowski to Douglas L. and Charlene F. Hudson, 633 Valley Drive, $132,000. William R. and Samantha E. Lloyd to Joseph R. John R. and Ann M. Bella, 193 Windsor Drive, $73,000. Real Estate Transfers TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN THE JOURNAL Your Retirement ement Journey J Begins B Here He H e PUPPY CLASSES CALL NOW! $ $ • Bird Feeders • Wild Bird Food $$ $ $ • Nutro Dog Food • Pet Food • Salt Blocks $ $ • Horse Feed • Halters, etc. • Fly Spray $ $ $ • Flea & Tick Control • Feeds for Chickens, $ $ $ $ Pigs, Goats •$ Guinea Pig, Gerbil, & Rabbit Feed $ A FRANCISCAN LIVING COMMUNITY August 17: 100 block Dixie Highway, 100 block Eagle Point Drive, 9700 block Clark Drive, vehicle unlocks. 9800 block Fremont Pike, theft. 200 block Oak Street, suspicious vehicle. Web Address: informal meet and greet are planned for Friday, October 9. For more information, contact Judy Zumbrunn Thompson at 419-344-8780 or rhsclassof65@ embarq MOVE-IN BY SEPTEMBER 30 One Month Free vehicle. 100 block Oak Street, domestic dispute. 600 block Valley Drive, suspicious vehicle. U.S.P.S. #417-620 Published every Thursday Periodicals Postage Paid at Perrysburg, Ohio 43552 WELCH PUBLISHING CO. Matthew H. Welch, Publisher Beth Church, Editor Matthew H. Welch, Advertising Manager 117 East Second Street, P.O. Box 267 Perrysburg, Ohio 43552 Rogers Class of 1965 to hold reunion Pet Corner ! Mom was having a hard time remembering to take her medications and she wasn’t eating regularly. Since moving into a memory care suite at St. Clare Commons, she’s like a new person. She’s not only happy, but thriving here. company recently acquired. They plan to use the property for parking/storage, sales, wholesale, repair and auction of automobiles and motor vehicles, including light trucks, vans, trailers and recreational vehicles. Rossford Record $ $ $ $ Blvd. • 419-874-3525 11330 Avenue $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ! • Deluxe accommodations • Styling • Massage 550 Commerce Park Blvd., Northwood, OH 43619 Cat Tales 419-691-0330 12469 Five Point Road | Perrysburg, Ohio ! ! ! ! ! ! ! at 419-874-4491 an ad! Investment Advisory Services are offered through Alphastar Capital Management, LLC, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Alphastar Capital Management, LLC and Citizen Advisory Group, Ltd. are independent entities. ! 419-872-0204 Call for an appointment Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ! ! Published the fourth week of every month. $25 for ! ! ! ! Perrysburg ! ! ! ! The Contact Messenger Journal ASSISTED LIVING MEMOR MEMORY Y CARE REHABILITATION REHABILIT TA ATION SKILLED NURSING 702 Commerce Drive Suite #130 Perrysburg, OH 43551 The Clinic For Cats Dr. Brad Reiser Dr. Don Fogle Dr. Paul French 7341 Airport Hwy. Holland, OH 43528 (419) 868-KATS(5287) Community Calendar Rossford Everitt receives master’s degree Miranda Everitt, 2004 graduate of Rossford High School, received her master’s degree in public policy from the University of California, Berkeley’s Goldman School of Public Policy, on May 18. Her master’s thesis offered recommendations for reforming Los Angeles County’s system of indigent juvenile delinquency defense. While at the Goldman School, Miranda conducted research and analysis for the California Budget and Policy Center, SEIU Healthcare MN, the Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy, Justice in Aging, East Bay Community Law Center and the Food Labor Research Center. She served as co-chair of Grad Food, a student-led group on food policy; founder of Trail Bears, a hiking group for policy students, and as Class of 2015 Social Committee chair. She worked as a teaching assistant in Goldman School course Law and Public Policy, and helped develop a student-led Power and Privilege in Public Policy class. Miranda also was an inaugural Global Food Initiative Fellow for the University of California Office of the President. Miranda now works as an associate at a public opinion research firm in Oakland, California. A 2007 graduate of Bowling Green State University’s journalism school, she is the daughter of Kris and Hank Everitt of Rossford. Vintage aprons topic of library program Sept. 3 The Rossford Public Library welcomes Becky White-Schooner on Thursday, September 3, at 1:30 p.m., to present a program on the nostalgia and charm of vintage aprons. Several aprons from her personal collection will be showcased and attendees will be reminded of days gone by in their grandmother's kitchens as they learn about how different styles evolved throughout the eras and how aprons are also making a comeback in modern households. Reservations are requested by calling the library at 419-666-0924. Tell them you read it in the Record! ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL — August 27, 2015 — Page 3 577 Foundation class schedule for September To include your organization’s activities, mail or drop off the details to the Rossford Record Journal, 117 East Second Street, PO Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552. Or send an e-mail, with the date, time and location, to [email protected]. The deadline is Friday at noon. Friday, August 28 9:30 a.m. St. Tim’s Clothesline, free clothing offered at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 871 East Boundary. Open until 11:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Free mobile medical bus until 11:30 a.m. at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 871 E. Boundary Perrysburg. Nurses provide free preventative health care (blood sugar, blood pressure, heart and lung checks, etc.) and health information. 12:00 p.m. Kitchen of Hope annual birthday celebration at Zoar Church, 314 Indiana Avenue, Perrysburg in the Family Life Center. Free meal includes Betty salad, rolls, beef stroganoff, fresh green beans and several choices of homemade pie with ice cream. There will be music, fun and surprises. All are welcome regardless of age, race or religious affiliation. 5:00 p.m. All-you-can-eat pollack, perch, clam strips, chicken, and steaks, all at reasonable prices at Maumee Eagles, 2301 Detroit Avenue, until 8 p.m. Public welcome. Saturday, August 29 11:00 a.m. AlAnon women’s support group, “The Saturday Good Morning Group,” at the Rossford Community Recreation Center, 400 Dixie Highway. Monday, August 31 7:00 p.m. There is a Solution AA Group, closed meeting, at Lutheran Church of the Master, 28744 Simmons Road, Perrysburg. Tuesday, September 1 9:15 a.m. Wood County Commissioners on the fifth floor of the Wood County Office Building, One Courthouse Square, Bowling Green. 9:30 a.m. Free bingo at McDonalds restaurant, 10163 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg. 12:00 p.m. AlAnon at CedarCreek Church, 29129 Lime City Road. Free baby-sitting. 1:00 p.m. Free blood pressure screenings at Perrysburg Commons, 10542 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg. Call 419-874-1931 for information. 3:00 p.m. Ecumenical bereavement support group at St. Patrick of Heatherdowns, 4201 Heatherdowns Boulevard. Wednesday, September 2 10:00 a.m. Low Vision Support Group at Reynolds 6:00 p.m. Corners library branch, 4833 Dorr Street in Toledo. See or call 419-877-8007 for details. Perrysburg Township Board of Trustees at the township hall, 26609 Lime City Road. 7:00 p.m. Topics Camera Club at Way Public Library. Open to the public. Visit topic for information. Thursday, September 3 9:15 a.m. Wood County Commissioners on the fifth floor of the Wood County Office Building, One Courthouse Square, Bowling Green. 6:00 p.m. CedarCreek’s South Toledo Campus hosts the “Community Care Free Medical Clinic” at 2150 South Byrne Road, Toledo, until 8 p.m. Call 419-482-8127 for information. 8:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous-OD at United Methodist Church, 270 Dixie Highway. Vaccines give parents the safe, proven power to protect their children. Ready for school? Check those vaccine records! If your child needs immunizations, schedule an appointment by calling us at: 419-354-9049. A HEALTHY START begins with on-time vaccinations. WELCOME TO INSURANCE THE AAA W WA AY Yo Your Y our ur local local AAA AAA A IIn nsura surance ance a agen gentt:: We Buy Scrap Batteries! We have all types of batteries–not just auto! 26611 2 6611 N N.. Dixie Dixie H Hwy Hwy. wy. w Perrysburg, Perrysb P errysb burg bur urg g, O g, Ohio Oh hio 4 43551 3551 (855) ((8 855) 55) 8 85 857-8168 57-8168 57 8168 [email protected] apierce apier [email protected] Get G et a $10 10 T Targ a arget et Gift Giftt Car Card d,, w wh hen yyo hen ou u st sto op p in in and receive and receive a ffrre ee, e, n no oo oblig bliga gattion ion q quo uote! te! AAA.COM/INSURANCE / Auto Auto Home Home Lif Life e R Renters enters Boa Bo Boat/RV t/RV M Motorcycle otorcycle Restrictions Re R estrictions strictions a apply. apply pply.. $10 10 Tar Ta Target T arrget gett Gift Gift Card Car Card d offer o off ffe ff err valid valid only only at at AAA AAA A Northwest Nort North thw west estt Ohio Ohio branches. bra anches. Current Curr ent insurance insura ance clients c cllie en ntts s ar a are re e not no nott eligible. e elig ligible e.. Limit one gift card card per per household. household. Sunday, September 20, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. The fee is $25. Middle Eastern Vegetarian Style Hearty rice and lentils dish with robust flavor of caramelized onions. Cucumber yogurt salad is the side dish this main dish needs. Fatoush salad made with fresh vegetables and toasted pita bread. Hummus is popular with any middle eastern dish. Cheese bread made with homemade bread. Bring “to go” containers. Azeze Abdoney offers this program on Wednesday, September 23, from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. The fee is $20. Small Space Urban Farming Find out how lots of small space gardeners and urban farmers are churning out enough produce not only for their families but potentially provide for restaurants, food banks and farmer’s markets in their communities. Learn how setting up a simple networking and collective effort can provide the assistance and satisfaction of growing food for sustenance and profit. Vicki Gallagher hosts this program on Wednesday, September 23, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The fee is $20. Handcrafted Flora Notecards Learn what the buzz is about these beautiful handcrafted note cards and make some. Learn how to press and preserve flowers and leaves. Take with you full instructions, templates and a baggie of preserved flowers and leaves. It is easy to make these one-of-a-kind beauties. Joan Soldenwagner will lead this class on Sunday, September 27, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. The fee is $13. Valley Waterfall Paint the Bob Ross way on a 16”x20” canvas, an imposing mountain in the background surrounded by dark evergreens, lush grassy covered cliffs and quiet waterfall that empties into a small river. All supplies will be furnished. Participants are asked to bring a snack to share. There will be an hour lunch break on your The following programs will be offered through the Wood County Park District. Registration is required for all programs 48 hours in advance. To register, call the Park District Office at 419-3531897 or visit the Web site at Most programs are free of charge. Family Fishing Night A Family Fishing Night is set for Sunday, August 30, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the W.W. Knight Nature Preserve, 29530 White Road, Perrysburg. A ranger will be on-hand to help with loaner poles and worms if it’s your first time fishing. Children must have adult supervision; adults must be accompanied by a child to fish. The leader is Todd Nofzinger. Nature Technology eBird and iNaturalist Take a hike with the naturalist and record what kinds of plants and animals are seen along the way on Tuesday, September 1, from 6 to 8 p.m., at SET Cricket Frog Cove, 14810 Freyman Road, Cygnet. Participants will enter their sightings to share with other citizen scientists about the fascinating things that can be found in Wood County Parks. The leader for this program is Jim Witter. Feeding Time Meet the Eastern Fox Snake, Eastern Box Turtle, Albino Corn Snake, or Tiger Salamander up close and personal on Wednesday, September 2, from 7 to 8 p.m., in the Friends Green Room at the W.W. Knight Nature Preserve, 25930 White Road, Perrysburg. Learn what makes each one special and embark on a short hike to discover where they chow down in the wild. Leading this program is Craig Spicer. Hocking Hills Rappelling Trip Those who have participated in one of the Park District’s rappelling programs is invited to attend a two-night rope-rappelling trip to Hocking Hills. Participants will travel in a 15-passenger bus, camp at Old Man’s Cave campground and travel to the 100-foot-tall Hocking State Forest Rockclimbing and Rappelling Area sandstone cliffs. All rappelling equipment and most meals are included. Participants need their own camping gear. Park District tents are available to rent for $5. An enclosed trailer will be provided for luggage and equipment. The cost is $50 per person or $40 for FWCP members. Online registra- Adult Programs Be Prepared With Batteries For: I Alarm Systems I Radios I Auto/Trucks I Camcorders 20 Advertise Here for 419-873-1706 • 1-800-233-3962 $ 00 per week (Minimum 13 weeks) Call 419-874-2528 today! AREA BUSINESS GUIDE Thursdays, Doors open at 5 p.m. Lightning Games start at 6 p.m. McAlear Center All Saints Church, Rossford, OH Did you hear? COLOR PRINTING is now available at Welch Publishing’s Perrysburg location! WINNER Repair Specialist BERNIE A. RAPP CONSTRUCTION Custom Remodeling Kitchens, Baths, Additions, Ceramic Tile, Decks, Windows, Doors, Basements, Skylights 32 years in business Licensed, Bonded & Insured 419-837-6100 own. Leader Pat Gstalder offers this class on Wednesday, September 30, from 8:45 p.m. to 4 p.m. The fee is $50. Youth and Family Programs Partners in Fun Designed for preschoolers, ages 3 and 4, with an adult, participants will create beautiful art projects. •September 1–Make some corn decorations for fall. •September 8–Make some crows. •September 15–Make decorations with leaves. •September 22–Make fun scarecrows. •September 29–Create a tree. The classes will be led on Tuesdays, from 10 to 11 a.m., by Carol Jambard-Sweet. The cost is $5 per child. Youth Pottery K-2 Students in kindergarten through grades 2 can experience the fun of working in clay. Learn to make pinch, extruded, slab, coil pots and other fun hand built projects. Learn about glazing and take home several pieces. Classes will be led by Christy Cordell and Connie Vasbinder on Tuesdays, September 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29, and October 6, from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. The fee is $75. Youth Pottery 3-5 Students in grades 3 to 5 can experience the fun of working in clay. Learn the basics of hand building and explore the potter’s wheel. Learn about glazing and finish pieces with high and low fire glazes. Classes will be led by Christy Cordell and Connie Vasbinder on Tuesdays, September 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29, and October 6, from 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. The fee is $95. Youth Pottery 6-12 Students in grades 6 to 12 will focus on developing their creative side in many hand built and wheel projects. The course will feature extruded work, slab work and potter’s wheel skills. They will glaze and get an understanding of firing. Classes will be led by Christy Cordell and Connie Wood County Park District News CELL PHONES Dynalite Battery 26040A Glenwood Rd. (corner Rt. 20 and Glenwood Rd.) Perrysburg, OH • We Rebuild Power Tool Batteries Adrian Adrian Pierce Pierce Climate Hope–Climate Change Conversation/action planning around the important issue of climate change. Ultimate goal, deepen understanding about climate change: promote effective, sustainable and practical strategies to lessen the impact; develop and organize personal and community events to raise awareness; instill hope over fear. Leaders Jodi Haney and Sam Evans will lead this program on Thursday, September 10, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The fee is $10. Intro to Pilates An introduction to mat pilates which will guide you through the steps of each move. By the end of the session, you should feel comfortable to join any pilates program. Participants should bring their own mat. Allison Bucko offers this class on September 11, 18 and 25, and October 2, 9 and 16, from 11 a.m. to noon. The fee is $60. Carve a Fish Keyring Use hand tools to carve a folk style fish. This decoy style fish can be used as a keyring, ornament or gift for a fisherperson. All levels of carving experience are welcome. Safety, sharpening and technique will be discussed. Tools, safety equipment and wood blanks are provided. Jean McDonald offers this class on Saturday, September 12, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. The fee is $25. Stamped Cards and Paper Crafts Complete six projects using bright summer colors and those that celebrate fall. Create a shaker and birthday card, thank-you or thinking of you card, fall and Halloween card and treat container complete with treats. Projects feature textures, embellishments and techniques. Chris Smith offers this class on Monday, September 14, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The fee is $20. Back to Basics Backyard Remedies Explore the traditional uses and energetics of herbs you grow or find in your backyard. Leader Char Hoelter offers this class on Wednesday, September 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. The fee is $15. Adult Throwing Practice your skills on the wheel in this intensive study class. Individual attention, all levels welcomed and class is set around your individual goals. There will be several demonstrations, with an hour lunch break on your own. Prerequisite: must have taken the 577 Adult Pottery class. Julie Beutler offers this class on Friday, September 18, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., for first time students only, or Wednesday, September 23, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The fee is $65. Restorative Yoga and Sound Therapy Restorative yoga is a reflexive method of yoga that uses blankets, bolsters and props to provide a supportive environment aiding your body in releasing tension and stress by entering into deep relaxation. In restorative yoga, the intention is not in doing the practicing, but surrendering and receiving the deep benefits of yoga. Sound Therapy uses Tibetan bowls and tuning forks which give off a vibration to which your body at a cellular level can harmonize with. This is a calming form of Yoga and replenishes the body’s energy and balances the inner harmony, leaving the class feeling nourished and well rested. Caroline Dawson offers this class on Saturday, September 19, from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The fee is $20. Seasonal Fall Relief Carving This style of carving is fun, fast and easy. Create a lasting heirloom for your fall décor as you learn carving skills that will transfer to other styles of carving. All levels of carving experience are welcome. Safety, sharpening and technique will be discussed. Tools, safety equipment and wood blanks are provided. Jean McDonald will lead this class on The 577 Foundation, located at 577 East Front Street, Perrysburg, is offering the following classes. Pre-registration is required. For more information or to make reservations, call 419874-4174 or visit the website at Call us today for a quote on 4 color printing! 117 E. Second St. • Perrysburg 419-874-2528 • Flyers • Posters (up to 12”x18”) • Postcards • Competitive Pricing • Business Cards • Brochures • QUICK TURN-A-ROUND 4 COLOR tion is not available. Call to register. The leaders are Shawn Ruemmele and Craig Spicer. Carter Historic Farm Grand Opening Enjoy wagon rides, tours, refreshments, live music, contests, old-fashioned games and crafts and more at the grand opening of Carter Historic Farm. The celebration will be held Saturday, September 19, from 1 to 5 p.m., at 18331 Carter Road, Bowling Green. Vasbinder on Tuesdays, September 17 and 24, and October 1, 8, 15 and 22, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. The fee is $95. Around the World Students in kindergarten through second grade are invited to take a creative trip around the world to create imaginative pieces. Using a variety of materials, we will create a Japanese Fish Kite, a beautiful mosaic inspired by Morocco, colorful Mexican Milagros and nature inspired Mandalas from India. Leader Julie Klear offers this class on Wednesdays, September 2, 9 and 16, and Monday, September 21, from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. The fee is $80. Drawing Fun with Mr. Picasso Local artist Roy Wilson, as Mr. Picasso, will help students in grades 2 to 7 develop drawing and compositional skills. His step-by-step method is accessible and challenging to all levels. Participants will explore nature and cartooning themes. Students should bring a No. 2 pencil, eraser, and 12x18 drawing pad. The program will be offered Fridays, September 4 through December 11, from 3:55 to 5 p.m. The fee is $70. Secret Story Bracelet Children ages 2 to 5 with an adult will walk around the grounds creating a “story to retell” bracelet. Participants will add a bead, the color will represent one of the many glorious gifts that abound in nature and her ways. Sandy Gratop offers this class on Thursday, September 10, from 10 to 11 a.m. The fee is $6 per child. Musical Jamboree The class is designed for children ages 2 to 4, with an adult. Participants will dance, play games, sing, listen to stories and use toy musical instruments to make music. Take home a set of lollipops and a CD of songs. The leader is Elaine Sneider. The class will be offered Mondays, September 14, 21 and 28; October 5, 12, 19 and 26, and November 2, from 10 to 10:45 a.m. The fee is $58 per child. A Gathering of Fairies All fairies, elves and pixies are invited to join in an enchanted afternoon of fairy merriment. Explore the Fairy Door Trail, create a wizard stick or wand, enjoy mystical treats, catch a glimpse of fairies dancing. Wear your best fairy/elf finery. Vicki Gallagher will lead this program on Sunday, September 13, from 2 to 4 p.m. The fee is $15 per person. September Secrets Secret seeds, cocoons and reeds can all be found right now. Children ages 3 to 5, with an adult, are invited to explore the natural happenings in September. We will sneak and peek, take home a Sep secret. Maureen Schell offers this class on Tuesday, September 22, from 1 to 2 p.m. The fee is $6 per child. September Sights Changes are everywhere– seeds in air, eggs hiding there. Children ages 3 to 5, with an adult, are invited to participate in a September nature search. Look high, low and where creatures go. Make a keepsake. Maureen Schell offers this class on Thursday, September 24, from 1 to 2 p.m. The fee is $6 per child. Family Pottery Adults and children, ages 4 through kindergarten age, are invited make hand built pottery projects together or individually from demonstrations. Work with pinch, slab or extruded clay and decorate with colored slips. The 577 staff will finish pieces with a clear glaze. Connie Vasbinder offers this class on Monday, September 28, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. The fee is $15 per youth and per adult. “Restoring your teeth can restore your health and appearance for a lifetime.” Perrysburg Family Dentistry 419-872-9191 • General Dentistry Jon B. Dove, D.D.S., is accepting new patients. New address: 601 W. Boundary Evening hours available Only Direct Primary Care Family Medicine in NW Ohio Monthly Membership Based on Age • Unlimited, same-day office appointments • 24/7 direct access to your doctor • Wholesale medications, labs and tests • Osteopathic manipulation • Yearly wellness visits d avinci medical irect primary care www.davinci Dr. Nick Pfleghaar 101 W. Indiana Ave. 419-874-4550 WELCH PUBLISHING The local source for all your professional printing needs! , '' % & , ") #$ & , (& " && % & , % #" && #%!& , %# (% & , # & , *&$ $ %& , ' '& , ' !$& , #' %+ ' !$& , % # " , & #% ' % "' " , ! #&& " , " " " , ! " ' #" , % $ & " , , , , & " &' ) #$! "' ' % "' " & #("' " & %' , % , #$ & # #% ' 419-874-2528 117 E. SECOND STREET, PERRYSBURG, OH • Email: [email protected] Obituaries Page 4 — August 27, 2015 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL Prizm to sponsor Veterans Art Show Prizm Creative Community is issuing a call for participation to artists and authors for the second biennial Veteran’s Art Exhibition of Northwest Ohio, called “The Art of Freedom” with sponsorship from Kingston Healthcare Company. The two month exhibit will be on display from November 1 through January 7, in the lower level gallery at Way Public Library, 101 East Indiana Avenue in Perrysburg. The deadline to participate is October 24. An opening reception and program to commemorate Veterans Day and the talents of participants will be held on Sunday, November 8, from 2 to 5 p.m. The reception is free and open to the public. The non-juried exhibition is open to all honorably discharged veterans of any era or branch of service in any media or genre of visual or literary art, with intension on highlighting the talent and artistic abilities of area veterans. The show also is open to entries from family members of veterans and/or deceased veterans. These entries may honor the veteran or enter works of their own or enter works of art created by their late veteran(s). Literature that is a reflection on our reaction to an artwork is encouraged. Content is at the discretion of the exhibitor but should be suitable for family audiences in a public setting. The 50th anniversary commemoration of the Vietnam War is still in progress, and Vietnam veterans are especially encouraged to participate. Veterans of the Persian Gulf, OIF, and OEF are invited to enter to celebrate their service to the country. Those who have a talent and would like to be considered for the program, can call David Ridenour at 419-3525054. A printable application is available on the home page of the Prizm website at and at Way Public Library. Applications can be sent to: David Ridenour, 17070 Mercer Road, Bowling Green, OH 43402, or by email to [email protected]. Submissions can be visual arts only, literary arts only, or a combination of both. Literature that is a reflection on or reaction to an art work is encouraged. Content exhibited may reflect the influence of the veteran’s service, events related to service or simply reflect the individual talent of the veteran through any topic or media. A limited number of veteran’s memorabilia such as uniforms, journals, metals, etc. will round out the display in locked showcases. Indicate on the application any such items and size to be considered for display. For more information, visit the website at, send an email to email [email protected] or call 419931-8732. Check us out on the web: •JEAN LICHOWID Jean Lichowid, age 86, of Rossford, passed away on Thursday, August 20, 2015, at the Eleanor Jennings Adult Care Center. She was born on September 3, 1928, in Ludlow, Pennsylvania, to Michael and Mary (Zeedar) Lichowid. She was a graduate of Rossford High School and worked for the U.S. government with various agencies her entire career, retiring in 1986. She was an avid reader and enjoyed baking. Jean would get up early on Saturday mornings and bake for the University of Michigan tailgate parties. Surviving are her niece, Keverne (Dan) VanDorp, and nephews, Warren Schaekel and John Szabo. Also surviving are great-nieces and nephews and very dear friends, Bob and Agnes Courdray. Jean was preceded in death by her parents; siblings, Peter Lichowid, Ann Szabo, Nell Bobak and Julie Schaekel; nephew, Tom Schaekel, and her favorite dog, Abbey. A Memorial Mass for Jean was held on Wednesday, August 26, at St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, 139 Walnut Street, Rossford. Interment was private at Calvary Cemetery. The family would like to extend a special thanks to the staff at Eleanor Jennings and Hospice of Northwest Ohio for the professional care given to Jean during her final days. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be directed to St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church. Arrangements have been entrusted to the Sujkowski Funeral Home of Rossford. To leave online expressions of sympathy please visit www.sujkowskirossford .com. Suzette L. Huenefeld, M.D. PERRYSBURG FORT MEIGS FAMILY PRACTICE “Join our family! Our practice goes the extra mile for our patients” • Specializing in female healthcare, pediatrics & dermatology • Accepting new patients, same day appointments available • Call for a FREE get to know you visit 27511 Holiday Lane, Ste. 101, Perrysburg • 419-872-0242 •CURTIS CRACE Curtis R. Crace, age 80, of Walbridge, Ohio, passed away on Saturday, August 22, 2015, at Hospice of Northwest Ohio in Perrysburg. He was born on August 18, 1935, to Erdie Therman and Lake Erie (Maddox) Crace. Curtis was an independent truck driver for 38 years, retiring in 1993. After retirement, he and his wife resided in Arizona for 14 years, where he was a deputy sheriff for Yauapai County for seven years. Curtis was a handyman who could fix just about anything. He also enjoyed boating and fishing. Curtis touched many lives in a positive way. He was loved by many and was very humble and content with everything in his life. Surviving is his loving wife, Eula Jane (Virgin) Crace; children, Carol Kopp, Saundra Rehard, Curtis (Linda) Crace and Bradley (Tara) Crace, and brother, James (Katie) Crace. Also surviving are 10 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents and his sister, Betty Howard. Visition and funeral services were held Wednesday, August 26, at the Sujkowski Funeral Home of Rossford, 830 Lime City Road. Interment followed at Restlawn Memorial Park. The family suggest contributions in Curtis’s memory be directed to Hospice of Northwest Ohio. To leave online expressions of sympathy for the family, please visit www.sujkowski Obituary Policy Welch Publishing Co. newspapers charge a $75 fee for obituaries in the Perrysburg Messenger Journal, Rossford Record Journal, Point and Shoreland Journal or Holland-Springfield Journal. The fee includes the full obituary and photo. A $15 charge will be added for a second photo. Other than funeral homes, obituaries submitted to the newspapers by individuals or families must be prepaid prior to printing. Hey Rossford! Suzette L. Huenefeld, M.D. PERRYSBURG FORT MEIGS We Are Your Ford Connection! FAMILY PRACTICE “Join our family! Our practice goes the extra mile for our patients” • Specializing in female healthcare, pediatrics & dermatology • Accepting new patients, same day appointments available • Call for a FREE get to know you visit 27511 Holiday Lane, Ste. 101, Perrysburg • 419-872-0242 w w w. B r o n d e s F o r d To l e d o . c o m SCOTT MUIR 419.471.2941 ROB WHITNER 419.471.2953 DOUG MAHOOD 419.471.2958 BRONDES FORD TOLEDO 5545 SECOR RD. @ ALEXIS Rossford Senior Center The Wood County Committee on Aging 400 Dixie Highway 419-666-8494 Programs and lunches for all area residents at least 60 years of age. IN THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. ACTIVITIES AND LUNCH MENUS Lunch is served Monday through Friday, at noon. No reservations are necessary. Menus are subject to change, and nutritional values and ingredient information are available upon request. The suggested donation is $2, age 60+, and $5, for those under age 60. Hot meals are available Monday-Friday for homebound seniors in Wood County who are unable to prepare meals. Frozen meals are available for the weekend. If eligible, the cost is on a donation basis. For more information, call Social Services at 1-800-3674935. To register for weekly activities, call the Center. Pickleball Sessions are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from noon to 3 p.m. Session fees include $30 annual fee payable to WCCOA. Register by calling the senior center. Class: Body Recall is offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. There will be no class on the third Friday of each month. That class will be held on that Thursday instead. Pat Sloan, certified instructor, leads the class. The cost is $51 for 10 weeks or $3 per class. New! Miles & Minutes Fitness Group. Like to walk? Log your miles and keep track of your minutes. This new group will keep you healthy and fit while supporting your fellow members and friends. Log book will be located in the senior center for you to track your miles/minutes. Prizes and certificates will be awarded quarterly. Monday, August 31 Noon menu–Stuffed Pepper or Almond Fish, Riviera blend vegetables, citrus sections, banana, cookies. •9:30 a.m.–Body Recall Tuesday, September 1 Noon menu–Roast Pork or Cordon Bleu Casserole, squash, melon, cherry pineapple whip. •9:30 a.m.–Body Recall •12:30 p.m.–Program: Name That Hymn. Each Tuesday in September, you will be given a clue and if you can guess the most correct hymns you win a prize. Prize will be awarded September 29. Wednesday, September 2 Noon menu–Beef Stroganoff or Chicken Nuggets, tomato-zucchini blend vegetable, noodles, tossed salad, pears. •9:30 a.m.–Body Recall •12:30 p.m.–Program: “Labor Day” with Mary Tebbe, WCCOA site manager. Learn the history of why we celebrate Labor Day. Thursday, September 3 Noon menu–Chipped Ham or Chicken Salad, three-bean salad, cauliflower/peanut salad, pineapple with cottage cheese, ice cream. Friday, September 4 Noon menu–Goulash or Salmon Loaf, far east blend vegetables, grape juice, peaches and cream with granola. •9:30 a.m.–Body Recall •10 a.m.–Trip: The Canal Experience at Providence Park. Leave the center at 10 a.m. for the boat ride at 11 a.m. Step back in time and get a taste of life on the Miami and Erie Canal in 1876. The cost is $5 and lunch on your own. Transportation available for six; others may carpool. Registration is required. Upcoming Events •September 8, at noon–Rossford Senior Club. •September 8, at 12:30 p.m.–Program: Name That Hymn. Each Tuesday in September, you will be given a clue and if you can guess the most correct hymns you win a prize. Prize will be awarded. •September 14, at 12:30 p.m.–Funday Monday Join us the first Monday of each month for some surprise fun and games sponsored by Genesis Health Care. •September 15, at 9 a.m.–Trip: Breakfast Bunch at Jill’s on the River, 1800 Miami Street, Toledo. Host: Mary Tebbe, WCCOA. •September 15, at 12:30 p.m.–Trivia sponsored by the Manor of Perrysburg. •September 15, at 12:30 p.m.–Program: Name That Hymn. Each Tuesday in September, you will be given a clue and if you can guess the most correct hymns you win a prize. Prize will be awarded. •September 16, at noon–Birthday Celebration with gift bags courtesy of Genesis Health Care. Seniors with September birthdays should register in advance. •September 21, at 12:30 p.m.–Movie and Popcorn, The feature will be “Still Alice.” Synopsis: Alice Howard, a renowned linguistics professor, starts to forget words. She receives a diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease and struggles to stay connected in this inspiring story. Sponsored by Arbors of Oregon. •September 22, at noon–Rossford Senior Club. •September 22, at 12:30 p.m.–Program: Name That Hymn. Each Tuesday in September, you will be given a clue and if you can guess the most correct hymns you win a prize. Prize will be awarded. •September 23, from 10 a.m. to noon–Blood pressure screenings. There is no charge for use of the selfmonitoring device. •September 23, at 12:30 p.m.–Program: “Pain in the Brain: Recognizing Headache Hazards,” led by Shannyn Miller, RN, EMT-P, WCCOA. •September 24, at 12:45 p.m.–Bingo with prizes sponsored by Perrysburg Commons. •September 29, at 12:30 p.m.–Program: Name That Hymn. Each Tuesday in September, you will be given a clue and if you can guess the most correct hymns you win a prize. Prize will be awarded. Rev. Jim Nelson 10401 Avenue Road Corner 795 and White Road 419.874.1961 SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship Service 10:15 a.m. PACKLand Children’s Church 6:00 p.m. Jr./Sr. High Youth WEDNESDAY 7:00 p.m. Oasis Prayer Gathering “Join Us In Worship” ROSSFORD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 270 Dixie Highway Rossford, Ohio 43460 Phone 419-666-5323 rossfordumc Pastor: Rev. Robert Ball SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Service Nursery Available Sunday Services: Holy Eucharist 8 & 10 A.M. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH 628 Lime City Road Rossford, Ohio 43460 419-666-1393 Masses: Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC SCHOOL (Preschool through Grade 8) Where we study the world, teach the heart, and live the gospel. Wednesday: Worship Service 6 P.M. 871 East Boundary Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 419-874-5704 ROSSFORD FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 167 Bergin Street Rossford, Ohio 43460 Phone 419-666-9447 Rev. Alexander Sheares SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Worship Service WEDNESDAY 6:00 p.m. Prayer Service, Testifying and Bible Study 24250 Dixie Highway (Highway 25) Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 (located just south of Five Point Road) Phone: (419) 874-6502 Masses: Saturday, 5:00 p.m.; Sunday, 8:00, 9:45 and 11:30 a.m. Attend the Church of Your Choice Perrysburg Commons to conclude concert series with the North Coast Big Band on September 20 Perrysburg Commons Retirement Center has hosted a summer concert each month throughout the summer, which has been open to the community. On Tuesday, August 18, residents, families and community guests filled the outdoor patio to listen to the New Fashioned Band. The band is a favorite of the locals, as they sing hits from the 1940s to today. “They cover Frank Sinatra like no other,” said Kelly Ebersbach, executive director at Perrysburg Commons. The final concert of the season is scheduled for Sunday, September 20. The North Coast Big Band will be taking the stage, under the big tent from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. A complimentary hot dog Rummage sale at UM Church Sept. 24-26 Rossford United Methodist Church will hold a rummage sale September 24 to 26. Hours for the sale are Thursday, from 2 to 7 p.m.; Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday, from 9 a.m. to noon. There will be a bag day sale on Saturday. Anything shoppers can fit into a bag will be sold for $3 per bag. Donations are being accepted. Call Sue at 419-6661443 or drop them off at the church weekdays, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Perrysburg Commons residents and community members enjoy a performance by the New Fashioned Band as part of the summer concert series. lunch and an antique car show will fill the street on the campus of Perrysburg Commons and Heartland of Perrysburg. The community is welcome to attend. Attorneys At Law Leatherman & Witzler Todd Hamilton Noll • Paul A. Skaff Heather L. Pentycofe 353 Elm Street Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 419.874.3536 Practice Areas Include: Wills/Trusts/Estates/Probate Serving the Community Since 1950 Kay Leatherman Howard of Counsel Wayne M. Leatherman 1921-2013 RHS Class of 1965 to hold 50-year reunion October 2-3 The Rossford High School Class of 1965 is planning a 50-year reunion celebration for Friday, October 2, and Saturday, October 3. Friday’s events will be a guided tour of the high school followed by the Bulldog football team vs. the Genoa Comets at the RHS stadium. Informal gatherings at the Wayward Inn, Moe’s, Danny’s, Billy V’s and/or Hollywood Casino will follow. Saturday’s events include a golf outing at Heatherdown Country Club. The tee off time is 8 a.m., and the cost is $30. At 1 p.m., a guided “Fall Colors” tour of the Maumee River aboard the Sandpiper is offered for a cost of $19 prepaid. Cider and doughnuts will be provided. The highlight of the weekend is a dinner dance at Belmont Country Club with hors d’oeurves starting at 5:30 p.m. and ’60s music by Cruisin’ Zeake. The cost is $49 prepaid. For more information, contact Bill Rager at 419874-9200 or email katrina Be Your Own Museum: Our Community’s Collections The Wood County Historical Museum is seeking applications of personal collections for a special 2016 exhibit. Get the application at and submit by September 1st National Accreditation through ACSI •Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., M-F •Enrolling Infants-Kindergarten •Before/After School •Extended Preschool •Professional Staff •Christian Environment Is your collection exhibit worthy? ! Ad for Perrysburg & Rossford ! ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL — August 27, 2015 — Page 5 HURLEY’S INTERIOR/exterior painting. Reasonable prices. 20 years experience. Free estimates. Call 419882-6753. In answering advertisements, whether in publications, or television, be aware that 1-900 numbers have a charge that will be billed to your telephone number. 1-800 numbers that switch you to a 1-900 number are also billed to you. Government job information or sales can be obtained free from appropriate government agencies. Long distance calls to brokers may only be solicitations for schools or instruction books, for which there is a charge. THE CLASSIFIEDS SERVE EVERYONE MOVING / HAULING ANYTHING. Appliances, junk, furniture, garage clean out. Can pick up and deliver new items from any location. Rearrange furniture at your home. Kevin Rantanen, 419-870-1771. BRICK REPAIR and roofing, O’Shannons. Specializing in solving masonry problems. Chimneys, porches, foundations, tuckpointing, cement work. Fully licensed and insured. License number BTR05128HRC. 419-270-3782. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING—first 10 words $5.50, 30 cents per word thereafter. Display classified section, $12.75 per column inch. All garage/estate sales must be prepaid, by cash, check or credit card. DEADLINE IS EACH MONDAY AT NOON. Classified ads mailed in should be accompanied by payment; ads phoned in should be paid promptly to avoid a $2.00 billing charge. Send ads to P.O. Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552. Perrysburg Messenger Journal office hours are Monday, 8:30 to 4:30; Tuesday-Friday, 9 to 4; closed Saturday and Sunday, or visit our Web site at PROFESSIONAL CALL 419-874-2528 or 419-874-4491 FIRST TIME ADVERTISERS, WITHOUT A CREDIT HISTORY MUST PAY FOR ADVERTISING WHEN SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION. Submit your classified advertisement via e-mail. Just visit or BUSINESS SERVICES Free Estimates Senior & Veteran Discounts HARDSCAPE Æ PAVERS Æ NATURAL STONE SCREENED TOPSOIL Æ COMPOST Æ MULCH TURF FERTILIZATION Æ RENOVATION Æ HYDROSEED PLANT HEALTH CARE Æ TREE & SHRUB PRUNING Certified Arborists & Landscape Technicians (419) 874-6779 24112 Lime City Rd. Æ Perrysburg, OH LAWN • LANDSCAPE • IRRIGATION • TREE REMOVAL • SNOW REMOVAL Lake Erie SPORTFISHING CHARTERS Excursions for up to 12 persons (419) 666-5952 (Day) (419) 297-2356 (Night) COMPLETE ROOFING & REMODELING by Dudley Yetter, Owner 419-205-6340 FREE ESTIMATES Mackiewicz Construction, LLC BATHROOMS, KITCHENS, PAINTING, WINDOWS ve with i l ’t n o D g a sinkin ... y drivewa 419-874-0484 Mowing * Mulching * Bush Trimming Spring and Fall Clean-up Seasoned Firewood **** Snow Removal Tree Trimming * Removal * Stump Grinding Fully Licensed and Insured Our family serving your family nearly 20 years TOM’S Pest Control (419) 868-8700 Call Frank Roberts • Family Owned/Operated HOGG COLLISION 24695 Williston Rd., Millbury, OH & AUTO GLASS INC. All Insurance Claims Accepted •BODY SHOP • COLLISION REPAIR • GEN. AUTO REPAIR •PAINTING •MECHANICAL •UNIBODY •SUSPENSION John Fackler, Owner Ph: 419-476-6116 or 419-367-8248 914 Berdan Ave., Toledo, OH 43612 [email protected] TOWING Guaranteed Service Provider CONCRETE BY Ants, Mice, Bedbugs, Bees, Wasps, Termites, Box Elder and Stink Bugs Perrysburg, OH Cosgroves Lawn Service •Sidewalks •Steps •Driveways •Pools •Porches •Garages Call for FREE Estimates •Patios & More 419-779-0899 or 419-836-7019 GREEN EDGE DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS, PATIOS, BRICK, MASONRY We also provide complete LANDSCAPE services With this ad receive 15% discount 419-874-5006 419-392-3669 Call PLANT REPLACEMENT. We can purchase and install any plants that need replaced. Perrysburg Lawn and Landscape, LLC. 419-870-1771. LANDSCAPE DESIGN. Have us design and install new landscaping so that you can enjoy your new yard.. Perrysburg Lawn and Landscape LLC, 419-870-1771. PAINTING / HANDYMAN services. Call Tom, 419787-6569. Free estimates. Stykemain Tree and Lawn Service, LLC Call Scott, 419-392-1335 Parts 15% Off w/this Ad LAWN MOWING. Shawn, 419-787-6259. WINDOW CLEANING. Perrysburg Window and Gutter Cleaning, professional service for a fair price. Call Michael Rantanen, owner 419-874-2482. For this month’s coupon visit: Since 1991 Service Most Makes & Models Visit for Printable Coupons UPHOLSTERY, YOUR fabric or mine. Reasonable. 419-874-5747. ROOFING and SIDING Commercial and Residential Local Family Owned Plumbing Installation & Repair Sewer Installation & Repair Basement Waterproofing Hot Water Tanks Drain Cleaning Also Providing: Hauling, Excavating, Trenching Services BDRY BASEMENT Waterproofing. Lifetime warranty. 419-891-0856. 419-787-6020. SEAL AND repair asphalt driveways and parking lots. Hot rubber crack filler. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Call Sam 419-478-1144. 419-874-2734 • • • • • • DRYWALL and plaster repairs. Quality work, very dependable, free estimates. Call 419-324-4054. Spring cleanups, weekly lawn mowing, commercial & residential, mulch, top soil, landscaping & bushes. Honest, reliable & insured. Call Jim 419-490-3401 or 419-726-1450 SZYMANSKI HOME PAINTING 48 YEARS EXPERIENCE EXTERIOR PAINTING Specializing in: Aluminum and Vinyl, Refinishing, Wood, Brick & Stucco Call 419-666-5369 419-509-5284 THE ADDED TOUCH • Painting & Wallpapering • More For Your Buck Call Us, Find Out Estimates Are Free BONNIE & LEE 419.874.1258 R & H Painting & Power Washing Specializing in Aluminum & Vinyl Siding Interior & Exterior 26 Years Experience 419-726-4872 METZGER PAINTING & Wallpapering •Powerwashing •Decks •Plaster/Drywall Repair 419-874-2251 Senior Discount Al’s Fence and Deck Repair/Install Split rail, privacy, chain link, vinyl and metal. 25 years experience. 419-450-7202 SANFORD & Son. Hauling, odd jobs, handyman services. Call Dave anytime. 419-356-7574. HANDYMAN. PERRYSBURG. Electrical, plumbing, carpentry. Residential and commercial. 419-704-7201. CLEANING, HAULING of garbage. Houses, evictions, foreclosures. Will take any metal/appliances for free. Special prices for seniors, handicapped, veterans, etc. Please call John, 419-215-4194. DON’S DRYWALL and plaster repair. Resurfacing, texturing. Free estimates, seven days. 419-476-0145. STEVE’S DRYWALL, spray ceilings, texture walls, all patchwork. Call Steve, 419-873-8025. TREE TRIMMING and removal, bush trimming and removal. Tony 419-290-5812. PRUNING OR hedge trimming of trees and bushes. Professionally done. Perrysburg Lawn & Landscape LLC. Call 419-870-1771. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING, wall repair. Reasonable rates. 30 years experience. Many Perrysburg references. Licensed and insured. Call anytime, 419-874-2802. HANDYMAN. EXPERIENCED, references, reasonable. No job too small. Dave 419-823-8033. SENIOR PICTURES. Reasonable rates and packages. John JB Bauer Photography. Check Facebook page for more details or call 419-666-0426. SCHALLER TRUCKING. Delivering stone, sand and topsoil for life’s little projects. 419-666-7642, 419-392-7642. INTERIOR PAINTING, neat, experienced. References. Free estimates. Donna, 419-476-1173, 419-250-4504. HEALTH SERVICES HAULING ANYTHING. Same day service. Reasonable prices. Call Tony, 419290-5812. MOBILE FOOT care service. Ohio Medicaid provider. Dee Jones, RN, 419-297-2005. CONCRETE WORK. Driveways, patios, sidewalks. Cement mason since 1985. Call Paul 419-327-0883. RN CERTIFIED in foot care will bring this service to your home or residence. Dee Jones, 419-297-2005. PAINTING AND Wallpapering. Professional, quality work. Removal, wall repair. Brian, 419-297-9686. * * * NOTICE * * * MULCH DELIVERED and spread for a fair price. Customer chooses the type and color. Flower beds professionally edged. Kevin Rantanen at Perrysburg Lawn & Landscape LLC, 419-870-1771. LANDSCAPING, YARD clean-up, bushes and shrubs trimmed or removed. Mulching, edging. Call Don, 419-708-3855. Investigate before you invest. Call the Ohio Division of Securities BEFORE purchasing an investment. Call the Division’s Investor Protection Hotline at 800-788-1194 to learn if the investment is properly registered and if the seller is properly licensed. Please be advised that many work at home advertisements do not yield what is promised. It is best to investigate the company before applying for any work at home position. (This notice is a public service of the Welch Publishing Co.) MOVING/ESTATE CLOSING HOME SALE BUSINESS SERVICES NOTICE TO CONSUMERS Closing Home Sale Thurs. 27th 9-6 Fri. 28th 10-4 28570 Stonecroft, Perrysburg (Next to 577 Foundation) Off River Rd. Be careful parking! Quality items throughout this home will include: curved top curio cabinets, chairs, sofa, chaise lounge, daybed, bed, desks, shelving, GE washer and dryer, marble table, end-tables, occasional chairs, patio items, rattan, glassware and collectibles, Lenox Harvest china and stemware, silver, lamps, limited edition prints, floor lamps, wall brackets, MANY BOOKS, full garage, vintage scale, antique barrels and A LOT MORE in this QUALITY CLOSING HOME SALE ! Owner is adding a LOT of additions and it should be worth a visit! See images & details on www. EstateSales.Net The Carriage House 419-931-9096 or 419-215-7841 ***IMPORTANT - STREET SIGNS READ: "NO PARKING"*** This shouldn't be an issue...just stay OFF GRASS and DRIVEWAYS-THANKS! SEE YOU THERE! Garage/Estate Sale 245 Elm, Rossford Fri., Aug. 28 • 9-5 Sat.-Sun., Aug. 29-30 9-3 Seasonal items, furniture, linens, household items. 9331 MANDELL, Friday-Saturday, 9-6, Kitchen set, antique dining room set, queen sofa sleeper and cedar chest, toys and more household items. 2243 FARMVIEW Toledo 43615, Condominium. Saturday, August 29, 9-4. August 30, Sunday, 10-2. ALL MOVING/ESTATE SALE ADVERTISING MUST BE PREPAID, BY CASH, CREDIT CARD OR CHECK, BY NOON ON MONDAY BEFORE PUBLICATION OR THE AD WILL NOT RUN. GARAGE SALES RUMMAGE SALE FU N D -R AI SER Bethel Assembly of God 665 W. Indiana Ave., Perrysburg Sat., Aug. 29, 8-2 10091 S. Shannon Hills, off Thompson Road. Friday-Saturday, 9-4. Furniture, wicker, jewelry, women’s petite 10-12, toys, exercise equipment, housewares, Christmas, miscellaneous. Priced to sell. 10262 BELMONT Meadows, August 27-29, 10-4. Lazy Boy sleeper sofa and loveseat, furniture, foosball table, Desert Rose Franciscan ware, many household and miscellaneous items. 10367 SCARLET Oak Drive, Thursday-Friday, 8-4. Multi-family. Small appliances, boys clothes (8-14), ladies clothes, books, Beanie Babies, toys and games. 10539 AVENUE Road (SR 795), Saturday, August 29, 8-4. Four family sale. Furniture, home office furniture, tools, young adult clothing, toys. Everything must go. 125 ROSSWAY Avenue, Rossford. Thursday-Friday, August 27-28, 9-5, Saturday, August 29, 9-?. Indoor/outdoor dining chairs (4), “Lodge” cast iron Dutch oven, multi-function food processor, punch bowl set, folding cycle exerciser, many miscellaneous items. 133 WINDSOR, Rossford. Thursday-Friday, 9-3. Three family. Girls 0-3T, furniture, refrigerator, women’s L-XL, household goods. 161 ASPEN Drive, Thursday-Friday, 9-4. Lots of boys clothes (infant-size 7/8), computer accessories, household items, grill, kids toys, miscellaneous. 235 EAST 7th Street, in alley. August 28, 9:30-4:30; August 29, 8-4. Depression glass, household and kitchen items, Vera Bradley, Sak, new bathroom vanity, exercise bike, sweeper, dining table, furniture, fall decorations, fabric, roll top desk, women’s and kids clothes, winter coats, hats, gloves, toys and wagon. 26467 OAK Meadow West, Friday-Saturday, 10-4. Multi-family. Something for everyone. 523 WEST Second Street. Thursday, 4-7, Friday, 9-1. Unique finds. 551 SOUTH Ridge. August 27-29, 9-3. Collectibles: Coke, dolls, Beanie Babies. Christmas, decorations, crafts, quilts and fabric, hall tree, household items, record albums. 900 OAK Knoll, Three Meadows. Thursday, August 27, 8-4, Friday, August 28, 8-noon. Gun accessories, post cards, old bottles, records and many other collectibles. 964 LONES Drive, Perrysburg. Friday-Saturday, August 28-29, 9-5. Yard sale. Spring bulbs, hostas, ferns, cacti, cones, ground cover, lillies, iris, roses and much more $2 per spade full. BYO container and spade. 1211 Kirk, Maumee August 29, 9-1 Salesman’s Sample Sale Teams include: TN Volunteers, AZ, AZ State, ND, Detroit Red Wings, Chicago Blackhawks, Univeristy of Kentucky, Michigan, Toledo Rockets, Alabama Crimson Tide, Nebraska Huskers, Oregon St. Beavers, Boston Bruins. Plus many more teams FLEA MARKET at Byrne Road near Hill Avenue at American Legion Post, 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, 7 a.m. to noon. Dealers wanted. Call 419-389-1095. 930 WALNUT, Thursday-Saturday, August 27-29, 9-3. No early birds. Furniture, microwave, air conditioners, dryer, home decor and more. ALL GARAGE SALE ADVERTISING MUST BE PREPAID, BY CASH, CHECK OR CREDIT CARD BY MONDAY NOON ON WEEK OF PUBLICATION OR THE AD WILL NOT RUN. CALL 419-874-4491 TO PLACE YOUR AD AND PAY VIA CREDIT CARD. FOR SALE 2008 21’ RV Trail-lite by R. Vision. Good condition. $6,900 OBO. 419-360-4792. COMPUTER DESK with hutch, cherry wood grain laminate. Two arm chairs, cherry and black. Excellent condition. $450. 419-346-4575. DINING TABLE 72x44, light oak with six padded chairs and two leaves. Scroll edging and carved legs. $350. 419-726-2088. FIREWOOD, SEASONED, 4’ high x 8’ long stack, $100. 419-409-0252 or 419-4090250. LARGE BROWN sectional. Includes chaise, wedge, loveseat with sleeper and dual recliner. $300. 419-666-1748. MOVING SALE. Antique mirror, 2’ x 4’, very heavy, $50. Flexsteel dual rocking, reclining sofa with drink holders and center storage, mocha colored, excellent condition. $250. Oak bar stool, $25. Queen & bedroom set: very heavy head and foot boards with wood side rails: nightstand, armoire, long dresser, $700. Other furniture available. Priced to sell. Call 419-304-5124 for details and pictures. EARLY DEADLINE Due to Labor Day, there will be an early deadline for the September 10 issue of the Rossford Record Journal. The deadline for classifieds will be noon, Friday, September 4, and article deadline is 10 a.m., Tuesday, September 8, for the September 10 issue. MOTORCYCLES n o s d i v a D 2009 Harley Sportster 6,600 Miles Excellent Condition XL 1200C $8,000 OBO (419) 779-3823 BOATS MOBILE HOMES 1984 SEARAY Sundancer 260 and trailer. 26 1/2 ft., in great condition, only 555 hours. 260 Mercruiser with I/O, on board refrigerator, water heater, head, portable air conditioner, surveyed in 2011. New Lowrance 7 HDI fishfinder/chart plotter with gold package. $5,000 OBO. 480-540-0755. Complete and ready to go. DOUBLE WIDE 26x40 2 bedroom, 2 bath with large deck and shed. All new carpet. Only $23,900 at Village Green. Small pet ok. 419248-2372. www.villagegreen 1993 FOUR Winns 180 Freedom Bowrider. 18.5’, 160 hp I/O with trailer and covers. Excellent condition. Call 419-345-9380. CLASSES OFFERED SPACIOUS 3 bedroom 2 bath on large corner lot at Village Green. A must see. Only $17,000. 419-248-2372. G FORCES Learning Center. Tutoring for all ages, ACT/SAT and GED test prep and creative writing assistance. Expert resume service and professional job search assistance. Help with term papers and letters of application. Located at 134 W.S. Boundary, Suite H, Perrysburg. Call, 419-873-6121 or send an email to [email protected]. 1998 LUND Rebel, 25hp Mariner. Complete with life jackets, trolling motor, depth sounder, full cover plus more. $4,000. 419-708-5512. USED CARS 2007 MERCEDES S550. Iridium silver, black interior, 62,500 miles. $24,900. 419-350-0999. WANTED TO BUY WANTED GUNS, any age, any condition. Also WWII and earlier military items. Indian artifacts. Rob, 419340-5808, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. 2004 BMW M3 Convertible. 43K miles, SMG, grey/grey, excellent condition, Bavarian Autosport maintained. $20,000. 419-874-3455. BUYING MOST items from garages. Vehicles, motorcycles, tools, mowers, etc. 419-870-0163. 1991 MIATA, original, 143K, $3,900. 419-575-6331. HELP WANTED Experienced Construction Payroll & AR Specialist We are looking for a candidate to handle payroll and accounts receivable. Must have knowledge of federal, state and city tax requirements through W2’s, union reports, AIA billing, Computerease and Textura knowledge helpful. Other necessary office duties. Must have notary commission. Please send resume to [email protected]. HOME HEALTH CARE SCHEDULER ABC Health Care Inc. is looking for a Home Health Care scheduler; Full Time position Monday - Friday. Experience is great, but, not necessary. Applicants must have office experience and general computer skills. Must be driven, self motivated, compassionate and looking for a long term professional experience. Great, competitive pay. Benefits offered. ABC Health Care Inc. Please direct all inquiries to [email protected] or 419-893-9700 The City of Perrysburg is now taking applications for: Crossing Guard: Two hours a day, Monday through Friday, during the school year. Pay for this position is $12.65 per hour. Must have own transportation, must be able to work outdoors, must be able to pass physical exam, drug test and extensive background check. Deadline for applications is September 11, 2015. Applications may be downloaded from our website at or you may pick one up at the Human Resources office in (the Municipal Building ( located at 201 West Indiana Avenue, Perrysburg, OH ( ( ( 43551. Resumes may be included but an application & for& consideration. & & & & applicamust be completed Mailed tions must & & be& postmarked & & & no &later than the deadline date. Faxed applications cannot be accepted. & OTTAWA HILLS Memorial Park. 4 burial plots for sale in section block “Garden of Gethsemane” Call 419-5095326. SCHWINN 27” men’s bike with accessories, $115. New boat lures, $35. 419-874-5092. SCHWINN AIRDYNE exercise bike. Good condition. $100. 419-346-4575. TRIPLE MAPLE dresser with 2 mirrors, $199. 6-drawer lingerie chest, $50. 419-215-8594. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS. Over 30 years experience. Dressmaking, wedding gowns, bridesmaids, alterations and veil design. 419-874-5390. 2 col. by 4” = $102/week for Perrysburg and Rossford, && Page 6 — August 27, 2015 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL Card of Thanks–Rossford Riverfest HELP WANTED CASHIERS Part Time KAZMAIER’S 5-STAR 127 E. Second St. Driver, Charter Bus CDL B license with P endorsement, one year experience. Call 419-874-4225 for more info. TARTA is hiring! TARPS Drivers Mobility Manager Diesel Mechanics TARPS Dispatch Supervisor Facility Maintenance Supervisor TARPS Scheduler TARPS Mobility Specialist Fixed Line Drivers Visit Careers BUS DRIVER. Part-time, year round, 12-month position. Provide transportation for individuals with developmental disabilities. Must have high school diploma or GED and CDL; must have 5 years driving experience. Salary $9-$15.34 hourly. Benefits include vacation, employee health insurance and public employee retirement. Application deadline 8/31/2015; applications must apply on-line at EOE. CANDY COMPANY in Perrysburg seeking employees. Must be a team player, personable and able to lift 50 lbs. Hours: 8am-3pm 5 days/week. Starting pay is minimum wage. 419-872-7666. TRAINCO TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL Day • Eves • Weekend Class Local Job Placement Company Paid Training Call 419-837-5730 Train Locally-Save Hassle PERRYSBURG CAMPUS NOW HIRING EDUCATIONAL AIDES! These positions offer a set schedule and set hours for the entire school year. Preschool and special education, K-12 positions available. Are you a compassionate individual, dedicated to student success? No formal experience necessary! Review requirements and apply online at – click “NOW HIRING” and search “Toledo Aide” Questions? Call 419-254-2858 EOE 2 col. by 1.75”Teller, part time – $ Farmers & Merchants State Bank, Waterville For a description of duties and qualifications please visit Respond if your background matches requirements and duties listed. Submit resume, professional reference list and a letter outlining your qualifications in Word format; email to [email protected] or mail Attn: Human Resource Department, Farmers & Merchants State Bank, Box 216 Archbold OH 43502. Resumes must be received by September 16, 2015. Refer to job # OH 062015 F&M Bank is an equal opportunity employer and values diversity in its workforce. All qualified candidates encouraged to apply. DIESEL MECHANIC - with CDL Class A Transform your career with highly competitive pay and benefits! $1,500 Sign-On Bonus! Turn your work into a more satisfying, rewarding experience with Transervice Logistics, Inc., a quality partner to premier clients throughout North America for more than 45 years. We seek Mechanics to diagnose issues, repair and rebuild equipment, perform state inspections and routine vehicle maintenance, transport equipment, and provide road service. Additional responsibilities include ordering and picking up parts, preparing shop work orders, and assistance with clean-up. Requires 3+ yrs related experience; CDL license preferred. Apply Today! Call 800-541-6294 email: [email protected] Text MECHANIC to 90206. EOE FULL TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE INSIDE/OUTSIDE INSTALLERS Looking for stable employment? Do you have great attendance? We are currently hiring for full time positions in our fast paced production department. Must have valid drivers license and clean background. Weekly pay, bonuses and benefits. Team players apply today. DRIVERS Class A CDL BLACK HORSE CARRIERS has driver openings in the Perrysburg, OH area. Dedicated routes, 5 day work week. Home daily. $1,100 weekly pay. Automotive parts delivery experience a plus. Delivery drivers, 2nd shift, Monday through Friday. New Equipment (2013) or newer with XM Radio. These are full time positions with benefits. If you have at least 2 yrs. Tractor Trailer Exp. and a Class A CDL with a solid MVR, please call 630-333-3070 or email jobs@blackhorse WITH CODE ‘PERRYSBURG’ IN SUBJECT LINE. EOE. Drug Testing is a condition of employment. WE ARE COMFORT KEEPERS® EXPERIENCE THE JOYS AND REWARDS Are you ready to make a difference in someone’s life? We’re looking for honest, compassionate, reliable people to take care of our clients. Earn a wage for doing something you already enjoy doing. To learn what becoming a Comfort Keeper® is all about, visit 109 W. 5th St. Perrysburg, OH 43551 WWW.COMFORTKEEPERS.COM Over 550 independently owned & operated offices worldwide. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION director, part-time position. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 310 Elizabeth Street, Maumee. Apply on-line and view job description at www.stpauls under careers. CORKS WINE and liquor help needed. Must be available night and weekends. Must be 19. Please call 419-872-6800 for more information. DRIVER WANTED. Class A CDL w/hazmat for local cylinder delivery route. Employee owned company with good benefits. A great job for a hard worker. O.E. Meyer Co. 30595 Tracy Rd. Walbridge. 419-897- 2955. FULL-TIME RADIATION Oncology medical office professional. Word, excel, transcription. Send resume: NWOOC, 5805 Monclova Road, Maumee, Ohio 43537. SERVICE TECH HHA/CNA. PRIVILEGED Home Health Care. 419-460-3714. OUTSIDE SALES JANITORS NEEDED at Turnpike Plaza in Genoa. Part-time shifts including weekends. $8.10/hour. Must have clean background and reliable transportation. Call, 440-785-7303 Monday-Friday, 8-5. Full time service tech needed, plumbing experience helpful but not required. Must have valid drivers license and good customer service skills. Benefits package including 401k. Is sales your passion? FT position with M-F hours and full benefits. Filed canvassing working with new and existing customers. Hourly wage plus bonuses. Use your skills to control your weekly paycheck. We are an outgoing and established company with a fun environment that offers paid training. [email protected] or Tiffany (419) 841-6055 CITY OF PERRYSBURG Administrative Assistant The City of Perrysburg is taking applications for the position of Administrative Assistant. This position is responsible for providing all general office and clerical support required by the Mayor and City Administrator. This position will be responsible for answering the phones, greeting citizens, filing and other general clerical support for the City Administrator and Mayor’s office. Candidates must possess a high school diploma and a minimum of 2 years experience in a clerical position. Ability to type letters and correspondence, and experience in Microsoft Office Suite is a must as well as a possessing a high degree of professionalism in dealing with people in person and on the phone. Notary Public and/or Ohio Attorney General Public Records Certification a plus (and will be required after appointment) Residency within Wood or a contiguous county required within 1 year of appointment. Salary range is $28,080 to $35,152 annually, includes an attractive benefit package. Applications available at or obtained from the Human Resources office in the Municipal Building located at 201 West Indiana Avenue, Perrysburg, OH 43551. Resumes may be included but an application must be completed for consideration. Deadline to apply is September 9, 2015. Due to the public records laws of Ohio, the identity of applicants and applications materials cannot be considered confidential. The City of Perrysburg is an equal opportunity employer. YARD WORKER needed part time. $10.00 per hour. 419-699-4710. OFFICE/RECEPTIONIST. Approximately 35-40 hours/week, for busy office. Phone experience and excellent people skills required. Apply in person from 1-5 p.m. to Trainco, 26718 Oregon Road. OUR TEAM of professionals is in search of the right career-minded Dental Assistant who knows the value of communication skills and enthusiasm, while delivering state-of-the-art care to our patients. We’re offering this challenging full-time position with a generous benefit package. If you want to love coming to work, please call Penny at Dr. Christopher Clark’s office 419-874-3333. PAINTERS NEEDED- Established residential painting contractor has full-time, year round and summer positions available. Will train. Good wages and benefits. Email: [email protected] for application. ROLL-OFF DRIVER, Class A or B with air brakes. Experienced drivers preferred. Apply in person, 451 East State Line Road, Toledo Ohio 43612 or call 419-466-6159 or send resume to [email protected]. SMALL ENGINE mechanic, part-time. Perrysburg Lawn and Landscape LLC. $11-$25/hour depending on experience and knowledge. 419-870-1771. WRECKER DRIVERS wanted, clean drivers license, drug free, will train. Apply in person, Ray’s, 228 Louisiana Avenue, Perrysburg. YOUTH LEADER. Responsibilities include development and implementation of the youth program, 6-10 A hours/week. Send resume and inquiries to Zion United Methodist Church, 2600 Copland Boulevard, Toledo, Ohio 43614. FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM apartment downtown Perrysburg. $495/month. 219 Louisiana Avenue, above restaurant. Parking in rear. Non-smoking, no pets. 419-874-4920. 2 BEDROOM apartment, Perrysburg. Washer/dryer and all appliances, garage, Oakmont Subdivision. No dogs. $645/month. 419-874-4226. 2 BEDROOM apartment. Available now. All electric. $520/month. Call, 419-3890555. 2 BEDROOM apartments. Full size washer/dryer. No stairs. Pets ok. $685/month. Call, 419-389-0555. 2 BEDROOM villa. C/A, gas heat, attached garage, washer/dryer hook-ups, $725/ month. 419-874-0889. 2 BEDROOM, no pets, Rossford. $550/month. Available September 1. 419-8770582. 419-260-1883. The Rossford Business Association would like to thank everyone who helped last Saturday’s event to be another success for the community! The community and local businesses together helped us to reach our goal of raising funds. The RBA thanks all of the volunteers who helped out–with a special thank you to the faithful beer ticket sellers who do this every year: Lil Rossler, Minnie Illconich and Stephanie Verbosky. Riverfest Donors Thank you to the following donors: Stars & Stripes ($1,000) Meijer Hollywood Casino Welch Publishing/Rossford Record Red ($500) Rossford Convention & Visitors Bureau Kingston Residence Cardinal Staffing Boilermakers Union Local 85 Total Sports Complex White ($250) Edward Jones/Justin Knierim Heban, Sommer and Murphree John Folcik Cornerstone Communty Financial Spitler Huffman LLP Richard DeVaul Tax Service McDonald’s REAL ESTATE HOME FOR sale. 1219 Dixie Highway, Rossford. Asking $96,500. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, 2 car garage. 419-666-9499. RANCH HOME desired. Pre-approved. Newlyweds wanting to make Perrysburg our home. 419-280-6377. Perrysburg Real Estate News and Stats at Condo for Sale 29 Callander Court Ranch condo with vaulted ceilings, open floor plan, 2 bed, 2 bath, sunroom and 4 season porch. 2 1/2 car garage w/walk up storage above. On quiet cul-desac. Large yard. $217,000 Contact Owner at 419-203-0871 For Appointment TWO APARTMENT home in Bowling Green. Live in one and rent the other. Quiet residential area. 3 bedrooms, laundry area in each apartment. Private entrances, separate utilities, garage, decks. All appliances included. 430 Faye Avenue, corner Conneaut near city park, BG Country Club, Wood County Hospital. $194,000. Call 419-382-4401. Rossford Reduced Again! 3 bedroom ranch, 2 full baths. Totally remodeled. Year round sunroom. Cul-de-sac, private yard with gazebo. Short term lease purchase! Move in tomorrow. Make me an offer. Key Realty Call Joyce 419-360-1534 2 BEDROOMS, 807 Three Meadows Drive, second floor, 850 sq. ft., appliances, AC, laundry area, freshly painted. $585/month. 419-874-8144. CARRIAGE HOUSE on secluded lot. Lawn, owner maintained. 1 bedroom plus office. 2-1/2 car heated garage, C/A, non-smoking, no pets, $800/month plus utilities. 569 East Indiana. 419-874-6712. PERRYSBURG 1 bedroom upstairs apartment in quiet neighborhood, close to shopping. Gas heat, central air, garage with opener, non-smoking, no pets. $600/month, one year lease. 419-874-5689. PERRYSBURG TOWNSHIP 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath townhouse. New carpeting. No pets. Washer/dryer hook ups, dishwasher. $555/month. 419-260-7583. ROSSFORD 2 bedroom, quiet community. Green space, water and refuse included. Pets possible. $490/month. By appointment, call 419-385-0704. SPACIOUS ROSSFORD 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. 1,300 square-foot, quiet street. Close to I-75 and Island View Park. $720/month. 419-3562630. THREE MEADOWS, Simmons Road, apartment. 2 bed, 1 bath, first floor. $535 per month plus deposit. Call 419-843-2065. WOODVILLE, OHIO. 2 bedroom upstairs duplex, non-smoking, no pets. Washer/dryer hook-up, 2-car garage. $450/month plus deposit, plus utilities. 419350-7127. Perrysburg, 2 bed apt. by Three Meadows Pond. No pets, garage, non-smoking, $600. Owner/broker. 419-874-1112 419-874-1188 FREE CABLE Cordoba Apartments Perrysburg Township. Close to Owens & Crossroads. Rent starting at $410 419-381-0600 Perry’s Landing Space for Rent •Commercial/Office Space, 500 sq. ft.-900 square feet available. •2 bedroom apt. $600 plus utilities. •1 bedroom apt. available, $550 plus utilities. 419-352-0717 MOVING? Advertise your home in the classifieds 419-874-2528 Poggemeyer Design Group Edward Pavuk Trust Rossford Sujkowski Funeral Home Blue ($100) First Federal Bank Martin Lark Insurance Agency Country Lane BBQ Drs. Henry and Kristin Green Ted and Suzi Hahn Krall Space LLC Schaller Trucking Larry’s Auto Quality Family Eye Care Moe’s Place Shubie’s Ice Cream and Grill Pete and Sally Rabquer Rust & Rust Ltd. Check us out on the web: PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Call the Fair Housing Center, 243-6163, before you run your advertisement. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-6699777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275. OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Aug. 30, 1-4 14559 Deerwood Court, Perrysburg Custom one-owner showplace in mint condition. Just under 4,000 sq. feet Nearly 4,000 sq. ft. with 4 beds, bonus room, 1st floor custom office/den, 3.5 baths, granMust see! ite, tile, steam shower and 3 HVAC. Oversized windows! Huge kitchen! Tall ceilings, open great room, gigantic kitchen and oversized windows. Double $544,900 ovens and all stainless steel appliances. Come to the OPEN HOUSE Perrysburg Schools and or call for a personal tour, a great Sanctuary lot. Re-Max Masters 419-466-7653 Newer subdivision, large lot, ready to build! Drs. Zouhary and Fisher DDS Miller Younker Group Perrysburg Lawncare & Landscape Mike and Mary Kay Scott Richard and Tracy Christel Genoa Bank Dave and Jan Merrell Pastor Chuck and Jeri Campbell Smithers Insurance Agency Rossford Bowling Lanes Other–Mary Beth Pavuk, Dave and Judy Weaks, Don and Sharon Belkofer. RBA President Justin Knierim and Riverfest Co-Chairmen Cindi Selz and Toby Lesdesma ! e m o c l e W Harley Woods Offers rice Asking p $47,500 AUCTIONS A U C T I K N ^K>hd ^½½ÝdÊ,®¦«Ýã®ÙùÊ¥çã®ÊÄ hd/KE /ŶĐůƵĚĞƐ>>ƉƉůŝĂŶĐĞƐĂŶĚŽŶƚĞŶƚƐ ϱϯϵÝã^Êçã«ÊçÄÙù^ãÙã WÙÙùÝçÙ¦͕K«®Êϰϯϱϱϭ īŽƌĚĂďůĞŚŽŵĞ͕ϯͬϰďĞĚƐ͕ϭďĂƚŚ͕ĚĞĞƉďĂĐŬLJĂƌĚ͕ ĂŶĚ ĂĐƌŽƐƐ ĨƌŽŵ WĞƌƌLJƐďƵƌŐ :ƵŶŝŽƌ ,ŝŐŚ͘ ^ĞůůƐ ƚŽ ŚŝŐŚĞƐƚďŝĚĚĞƌĚĂLJŽĨĂƵĐƟŽŶ͘ d«çÙÝù͕^ÖãÃÙϯ͕ϮϬϭϱãϲ͗ϬϬÖà sŝĞǁDŽƌĞ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶKŶůŝŶĞ͊ ǁǁǁ͘ƉĂŵĞůĂƌŽƐĞĂƵĐƟŽŶ͘ĐŽŵ KĸĐĞ419-865-1224 ©2015 Pamela Rose Auction Company Real Estate | Auctioneers | Consultants Pamela Rose REALTOR®, Auctioneer AARE CAI [email protected] Michael Murray Broker, Auctioneer CAI GRI [email protected] Public Auction High Quality Furniture & Tools Sunday…August 30, 2015…1 p.m. Auction Site: 1272 Grassy Lane (Wood County) ROSSFORD, OHIO 43460 Starting with Home Minimum Bid: $239,000 Real Estate Sells First, Contents to Follow… Country Living with City Convenience Semi-private cul-de-sac in Tontogany, OH in Harley Call 419-215-4482 Woods Subdivision off of for more Tontogany Road. Ready to information. build now with electric, city water, natural gas, sanitary and storm sewers Financing available through Amy Konz, Relationship Banking Manager, complete with taps. First Federal Bank, 1077 Louisiana Ave., Perrysburg Otsego Schools. Ph: 419.872.8326 PERRYSBURG 419-872-2410 Info + Photos on all MLS properties go to 551 E. Fifth St. – Open Sunday 2-3:30, – New Listing – 4 BR/2 BA, one block from Woodland Park. $194,700. #72624 28520 White Road – Open Sunday 121:30 – 3 BR/1 BA, inviting front porch, sunroom, hardwood floors. $158,900. #72214 989 Reeves, BG – Open Sunday 1-2:30 – 4 BR/2.2 BA, 3 car garage, open floor plan, full basement. $299,900. #72304 30278 Waterford – Riverfront 3 BR/2 full 2 half baths, spacious kitchen, incredible views, private screened porch, deck & patio. $534,900. #72024 28355 Simmons Road – New Listing – 2 BR/1.5 BA, hardwood floors, finished basement. $112,000. #72584 5456 Allison, Sylvania – New Listing – Contemporary & updated 3 BR/2 BA ranch. $154,900. #72514 2438 Mission Hill – Water view home with private setting in Sanctuary, simply beautiful! 5371 s.f. $769,900. #72124 Rose Acres, Toledo – PENDING 510 Highland – $159,900 – PENDING 208 Hoffman, Rossford – PENDING 7221 Stitt, Waterville – PENDING 16480 N. River – $424,900 – SOLD 7896 Enchanted Circle $834,900 – SOLD 26693 Greenville Dr. – $379,900 – SOLD 25483 Hull Prairie – $273,900 – SOLD 28220 Simmons Rd. – $179,900 – SOLD 269169 Bates Rd. – 219,900 – SOLD 28521 Woodland – $159,900 – SOLD 2317 Water Wheel – $209,900 – SOLD 25209 Rocky Harbour – $304,900 – SOLD Contact: Donna Friesner, Open Sunday, August 30, 2-4 p.m. – 29161 Bates Road, Perrysburg – Beautiful 2 bedroom condo on golf course. Updated eat in kitchen with granite counter tops that leads to covered patio and views of golf course. Living room features fireplace, vaulted ceilings and open floor plan. Den can be used as 3rd bedroom. Two large bedrooms. Full basement with tons of storage space. End unit with plenty of privacy. Anne Daoust Garcia 419-356-9334 [email protected] Open Sunday 1-3 – 1450 Eastgate – Beautiful 4 BR, 3.5 BA home on 4 acres in park like setting, brand new kitchen. $299,900. Open Sunday 1-3 – 868 Elk Ridge – Like new brick ranch, finished basement, 3 season porch, private yard. $279,000. 5947 Bryan – 3 BR, 2 BA ranch, 2.5 car heated garage, newer roof, furnace and AC. $119,900. 675 Kirkshire – Pending 804 Elm St. – Sold CRS, e-Pro 419-356-6688 For Virtual tours and other information please visit: Home 4-bedrooms/3-full baths 2 car garage/heated inground pool REAL ESTATE: $10,000. down, day of auction, non-refundable with balance due at closing and upon delivery of guaranteed certificate of title and deed in approx. 30 days. Taxes will be pro-rated at closing. Property will be sold in “as-is” condition. *Quality FurnitureLiving Room to Patio & Nice Garage Tools* Portrait of Winston Churchill, done by his daughter, Sarah Churchill with frame 55”x 55” signed; Quality Furniture: Sumter Cabinet Co.-6 pc. king size bedroom suite/ lg. dresser/mirror, 1 pc. TV armoire/dwrs., 2-nite stands (NICE); leather Lazy Boy recliner; 2-matching straight back chairs; sm. antique desk w/pigeon holes; sm. lighted corner curio cabinet from Veh’s Furniture; sm. drop leaf table; rounded 3 dwr. console w/side doors; 3 dwr. dresser; wood desk; 6 dwr. credenza console; oak Amish built-72in.x48in. kitchen table/2-leaves, 8-swivel chairs, matching hutch 64in.(W)x76in.(H)x16in.(D); 3-cushion couch w/matching love seat; 2-end tables & lg. matching coffee table; barrel end table w/dwrs.; wooden armoire cupboard; 2-seater wicker couch & wicker 4 dwr. stand; Floor Area Rugs: 1-5x7, 27x10 rugs; 2-3x8 hall runners; Household & Misc.: king size machine stitched quilt, sheets & comforters; kitchen table linens & towels; pl. setting white Gibson dishes; Consolidated Biscuit cookie jar; NICE Christmas items & yard ornaments, 3-4ft. trees, lighted tree umbrella, old sled; 2-4 panel bamboo screens; wood & metal file cabinets; floor lamp; pressure cooker; canning jars; miniature glass dolls made in Italy;sm. popcorn maker; floor & table lights; lg. & sm. bird & clown pictures; hall mirrors; W.I. ornate cross; Art Deco bird bath; bird house on stand; Children’s books; Dyson sweeper; Appliances: front loader LG washer & Whirlpool gas dryer; upright G.E. freezer; Electronics: 19in. flat screen TV; 31in.Insignia, much more. Outside Furniture: patio table w/4-chairs, table umbrellas; fan w/water mist; patio rugs; 2-Rubber maid container; Garage: TroyBilt Snow blower, 24in. elec. start; sm. Troy-Bilt, white 5hp. roto-tiller; Cub Cadet 21in. cut lawn mower, WorX leaf blower; B&D edger; Remington 14in. elec. limb chain saw trimmer; shop vac, 6ft.wooden & 10ft. alum. ladder; storage unit 6ft. (H)2-door plastic HD; 3-8ft. tables; folding wagon & chairs; lounge chairs; coolers; animal ramp; power washer; lg. wire dog cages; much more.. Contents: Cash or good check only with proper ID. All items sold “as-is” “where-is”. Not responsible for accidents, or items after they are sold. d No buyer’s premium! Statements made the day of auction approx. 30 days. Taxesall will be pro-rated supersede printed matter. at closing. Licensed by the division of Licensing, Ohio Dept. of Agriculture, and bonded in favor of the State of Ohio. Cecilia Richardson, ABR 419-356-2000 Vicki L. Brubaker-Realtor/Auctioneer Infoline # 419-539-1020 675 Cr. 42 • Helena, Ohio Office- 419-638-6591 [email protected] PUBLIC NOTICES “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids Due: September 11, 2015 Project Title: 2015 Street Paving Program – Crossroads Parkway Project Locations: City of Rossford Owner: City of Rossford 133 Osborn Street Rossford, Ohio 43460 Phone: 419-666-0210 Fax: 419-661-4279 Engineer: The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc. 1800 Indian Wood Circle Maumee, OH 43537 Phone: 419-891-2222 Fax: 419-891-1595 1. The City of Rossford will receive sealed bids for the 2015 Street Paving Program at the City of Rossford, 133 Osborn Street, Rossford, Ohio 43460, until 3:00 p.m., local time, Friday, September 11, 2015. The work consists of resurfacing, pavement and curbs repair, pavement markings, and necessary maintenance of traffic of approximately 1.60 miles of streets within the City of Rossford, including Crossroads Boulevard. 2. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the City of Rossford, 133 Osborn Street, Rossford, Ohio 43460, immediately upon closing of the receipt of bids. 3. Bids will be based on sum total of all bid items using lump sum and unit bid prices. Bidders must submit a standard bid based on a completion date of 11-152015 and an alternate bid based on a completion date of 07-15-2016. The lowest standard bid (completion date of 11-15-2015) will be the awarded the contract, unless an alternate bid (completion date of 07-152016) is lower, at which time the City of Rossford may award the contract to the overall lowest bid (this decision is at the sole discretion of the City). Contractors must bid all items. The Engineer’s Estimate of most probable cost for the standard bid is $870,800.00. 4. Bidding Documents will be available after 10 a.m. on Tuesday, August 25, 2015. A Pre-Bid conference will not be held. 5. Bidding Documents may be examined at the City of Rossford, 133 Osborn Street, Rossford, Ohio 43460, and The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc., 1800 Indian Wood Circle, Maumee, Ohio 43537. 6. Bidders may obtain documents at the office of The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc. for a non-refundable deposit of $50.00 per set, payable to The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc. Cost for shipping is additional. 7. Bid security in the form of a Bid Bond in an amount equal to 10% of the contract total bid sum, and payable to the City of Rossford will be required of all Bidders. 8. Performance Bond and Payment Bond, equal to the amount of the Contract, will be required of the bidder awarded the Contract. A two-year Maintenance Bond will be required from a period beginning upon completion of the Contract work. 9. Bidders must comply with the regulatory and licensing requirements of the State of Ohio. 10. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after the opening of bids. 11. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, select any or all projects, and to waive any informality or irregularity in any bid. 12. Domestic steel use requirements as specified in Ohio Revised Code §153.011 apply to this project. Copies of §153.011 can be obtained from any of the offices of the department of administrative services or through http://codes.ohio .gov/orc/153.011. 13. The Contractor affirmatively represents to the local contracting authority that it is not subject to a finding for recovery under Ohio Revised Code §9.24, or that it has taken the appropriate remedial steps required under §9.24 or otherwise qualifies under that section. The Contractor agrees that if this representation is deemed to be false, the contract shall be void and initio as between the parties to this contract, and any funds paid by the state hereunder shall be immediately repaid to the local contracting authority, or an action for recovery may be immediately commenced by the local government and/or for recovery of said funds. 14. The Contractor must secure and maintain valid Ohio workers’ compensation coverage until the project has been finally accepted by the local contracting authority. A certificate of coverage evidencing valid workers’ compensation coverage must be submitted to the local contracting authority before the contract is executed. The Contractor must immediately notify the local contracting authority, in writing, if it or any subcontractor fails or refuses to renew their workers’ compensation coverage. Furthermore, the Contractor must notify the local con- tracting authority, in writing, if its or any of its subcontractor’s workers’ compensation policies are canceled, terminated or lapse. The failure to maintain valid workers’ compensation coverage shall be considered a breach of contract which may result in the Contractor or subcontractor being removed from the project, withholding of pay estimates and/or termination of the contract. 15. In accordance with Ohio Revised Code §153.03 and during the life of this project, the Contractor and all its Subcontractors that provide labor on the Project site must be enrolled in and remain in good standing in the Ohio Bureau of Worker ’s Compensation (“OBWC”) Drug-Free Workplace Program (“DFWP”) or a comparable program approved by the OBWC. 16. In accordance with Ohio Revised Code §164.05 (A)(6), to the extent practicable, the Contractor and subcontractor shall use Ohio products, materials, services and labor in connection with this project. 17. Contractor agrees that it is currently in compliance and will continue to adhere to the requirements of Ohio Ethics law as provided by Section 102.03 and 102.04 of the Ohio Revised Code. Issued by: City of Rossford Michael Scott, City Administrator Towne Club to meet Sept. 3 Published in the Rossford Record Journal, issue of August 27, 2015. Towne Club of Toledo, a women’s social and philanthropic club, will meet Thursday, September 3, at Carranor Hunt and Polo Club in Perrysburg. Cards will begin at 10 a.m., followed by social time at 11:30 a.m., and a luncheon at noon. The meeting will feature Gini Steinke, president and founder of the Ovarian Cancer Connection, who will speak to members at 1 p.m. The organization is the charity Towne Club is supporting for 2015-16. The installation of club officers was conducted earlier this summer. The executive board officers for 201516 are Sue Seary, president; Ronda Smith and Linda Jastrezemski, first and co-vice presidents; Sue Burkett, second vice president; Sandra Ellsworth, secretary, and Cynthia Holt, treasurer: Guests and new members are welcome. There is a cost for the luncheon, and a reservation is required one week in advance. For more information, call Debbie Zacharias at 419-726-1025. ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL — August 27, 2015 — Page 7 RHS Athletic Schedule for August 28-September 5 School year starts with a blessing at All Saints Following is the Rossford High School athletic schedule for August 28 through September 5. The schedule is subject to change. August 28 Boys varsity football 7:00 pm Bowling Green Home 31 Girls varsity golf 4:30 pm Clay Home 31 Girls varsity tennis 5:00 pm Waite Home September 02 Girls varsity tennis 4:30 pm Bowsher Home 03 Boys varsity soccer 5:00 pm Woodmore Home 03 Girls freshman volleyball 4:45 pm Start Home 03 Girls junior varsity volleyball 6:00 pm Elmwood Home 03 Girls varsity volleyball 7:30 pm Elmwood Home 05 Boys freshman football 9:00 am Port Clinton Home 05 Boys junior varsity football 11:00 am Port Clinton Home Master Gardener informational meeting set for Mon., August 31 Anyone interested in becoming a Wood County Master Gardener Volunteer for the 2016 class, is invited to attend an informational meeting on Monday, August 31. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m., at Way Public Library, 101 East Indiana Avenue, Perrysburg. Information will be presented about the Master Gardener Volunteer Program and the commitment necessary to become a certified Master Gardener Volunteer through the Ohio State University Extension. Classes will be offered one Saturday each month during February, March and April, with the remainder of classes on Monday evenings, February through April. The meeting is free and open to the public. Applications for the program will be available. Reservations are requested. For more information, call the Wood County Extension office at 419-3549050 to reserve a spot or send an email to Lisa Cook at [email protected]. Garden Club flower show set Aug. 28-30 The Anthony Wayne Garden Club will present a standard flower show, Bountiful, at the Manor House at Wildwood Metro Park, 5100 West Central Avenue. The dates for the event are Friday, August 28, from 2 to 5 p.m.; Saturday, August 29, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, August 30, from noon to 5 p.m. There is no admission charge. Sue Mullins is the chair of the event. Join the Perrysburg Messenger and Rossford Record Journal in welcoming the to Perrysburg The Great Lakes Shrine Association will host its 66th Annual Fall Ceremonial Session in Perrysburg–September 16-20. More than 2,500 Shriners and their families will enjoy the many amenities of the Perrysburg area including shopping, restaurants and sites. Six RHS graduates earn AP scholar awards Six students from the Class of 2015 at Rossford High School earned AP Scholar Awards in recognition of their exceptional achievement on AP exams. Five graduates were recognized as AP Scholars by completing three or more AP exams with scores of 3 or higher. One senior was recognized as an AP Scholar with Honors by completing four AP exams with a score of 3 or higher. The students awarded are: •Mikhala Dunne, AP Scholar with Honors, attending Ohio State University; •Evan Austin, AP Scholar, attending Ohio State University; •Kennedy Brouillard, AP Scholar, attending the Fashion Institute of Design/Merchandising; •Brittany Kralik, AP Scholar, attending Bowling Green State University; •Garrett Shafer, AP Scholar, attending Michigan State University, and •Claire Verbosky, AP Scholar, Ohio Air National Guard, attending University of Toledo. The College Board’s Advanced Placement program provides students with the opportunity to take rigorous college-level courses while still in high school and earn college credit, advanced placement, or both for successful performance on the AP exams. About 18 percent of the more than 1.9 million students worldwide who took AP exams performed at a sufficiently high level to also earn an AP Scholar Award. RHS students took tests in four subject areas, taught by the following teachers: U.S. History and U.S. Comparative Government, taught by Chuck Cox; English Literature and Composition, taught by Susan Lowry, and Spanish Language and Culture, taught by Graciela Sofo. Each exam is developed by a committee of college and university faculty and AP teachers, ensuring they are aligned with the same high standards expected by college faculty at some of the nation’s leading liberal arts and research institutions. Most four-year colleges provide credit and/or advanced placement for qualifying exam scores. Research consistently shows that AP students who score a 3 or higher on AP exams (based on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest) typically experience greater academic success in college and have higher college graduation rates than students who do not participate in AP. Nominees sought for Penta outstanding alumni Library again offers Sunday hours, 1-5 p.m. Sunday hours will begin again at the Rossford Public Library, beginning Sunday, September 13. The library will be open 1 to 5 p.m. on Sundays. A complete listing of hours and upcoming events can be found on the library’s website at Bittersweet Farms accepting applications for Social Living Club Bittersweet Farms is accepting applications for the new Social Living Club (SLC). The SLC is a recreational program that will provide community activities for adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. The SLC has partnered with Julie’s Fitness Studio in Whitehouse to offer yoga classes on Monday nights beginning September 28. The cost is $72 for a six-week session or $12 per class. Owens Community College is partnering with the SLC to offer a five-week cooking course for adolescents with autism. The cooking classes will begin in November, and the cost is $150 for the session. These courses will focus on fundamental cooking techniques that can be used across an assortment of recipes. The classes will be two to three hours in length and will help develop and master skills in kitchen safety, cleaning, food ingredients/ shopping, nutrition facts, cooking techniques, and tastings. The classes will be taught by dietetic technology and/or culinary students from Owens Community College. Scholarships are available through Bittersweet Farms. ly known as Penta County Vocational School) and who are currently working in a successful career. Nominees must have completed a high school or adult education program at Penta prior to 2005. Applications for the awards are available by calling 419-661-6351. Applications also can be downloaded from the Penta web site at www.pentacareecen (click on “Alumni”). Deadline for completed applications is September 15. Past recipients of the award include: Dr. Nicholas & FLIPTASTIX’S TUMBLING CENTER CELEBRATING OUR 12TH YEAR! SECOND YEAR IN PERRYSBURG! Offering top notch dance classes for ages 2 1/2 through Adult BACK TO SCHOOL = BACK TO DANCE! Come tour the studio and tumbling center August 27th # FREE DANCE AND TUMBLING CLASS every half hour 6-7:30 both nights # Register Online Anytime This Shriner section will reach more than 15,000 homes and will be delivered to area hotels hosting the Shriners. Deadline: Wednesday, September 9 3 columns (5 inches) x 3 inches................$114 Publication: Week of September 14 3 columns (5 inches) x 6 inches................$229 S 15 take one class at regular price, get the second for $10 a month for the first year! ep te m b e r 5, Espinoza, a 1979 alumnus of the electronics program; Sue (Vidra) Reamsnyder, a 1975 alumnus of high skill stenography; Tamara (Shiffert) Rost, a 1989 alumnus of accounting and computing; Ronald Porter, a 1976 alumnus of automotive technology; Jennifer (Byington) Wilkins, a 1991 alumnus of word processing; Edward Stribrny, a 1973 alumnus of carpentry; Jarrad Egert, a 1995 alumnus of automotive technology; Patrick Young, a 1994 alumnus of culinary arts, and Cindi (Peters) Britt, a 1987 alumnus of cosmetology. In Perrysburg! EDGE DANCE COMPLEX All New Students Let’s show our Perrysburg hospitality in a special tabloid section WELCOMING THE SHRINERS! 20 # Over 30 years Professional Teaching and Performing experience! MacQueen’s presented by NAIFA Toledo 25% of each ad will be donated to the Shriners Hospitals! Call today to reserve your space! 419-874-4491 Or Email: [email protected] • [email protected] • [email protected] Penta Career Center, a career-technical educational facility for high school and adult students since 1965, is searching for successful individuals for its annual Outstanding Alumni Awards. Since its inception in 1993, these awards have been presented to 132 Penta alumni. Recipients of the 2015 Outstanding Alumni Awards will be honored at a special banquet at the high school on November 12. The Outstanding Alumni Awards are bestowed to individuals who have completed a career-technical program at Penta Career Center (former- FALL CLASSES BEGIN AUGUST 31 On Saturday, September 19, the Shriners will showcase their many units–Clown, Foot Patrol, Pipes and Drums, Lancers, Highlanders and more–in Downtown Perrysburg in a 2-hour parade at 11 a.m. 4 columns (6.69 inches) x 6 inches...........$306 1/2 page (10 inches x 7.5 inches).............$573 Full page (10 inches x 15 inches)...........$1,147 Other ad sizes and color are available. Students from the Rossford area got ready for the school year at All Saints Catholic School by having their backpacks blessed by Pastor Kent Kaufman. Above: The blessing took place prior to the beginning of the school year at a mass held at All Saints Church. The school welcomed 182 students to the first day on August 19. Right and below: Students were greeted by their new principal, Teri Fischer, and Pastor/ Superintendent Kaufman. FOR YOUR LIFE RUN 10k/5k Big Dreams Begin Here! THE EDGE Dance Complex & Kids Run 25571 Fort Meigs Rd. Suite G • Perrysburg, Ohio • 419-262-4312 TM TM 10 Minutes from Rossford and Bowling Green Follow us on Facebook! Page 8 — August 27, 2015 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL The RHS cross country team–Front row: Nolan York, Madeline Potts, Sammi Barker, Hope Long, Ray Kendzierski. Row 2: Emma Boney, Hannah Kreuz, Tanner Krotzer, John Penta Career Center to host Parent Night tonight Bergstrom, Mathew Myers, Kayla Kirkman. Back row: Coach Hentges, Andy Rardin, Ryan Pietrasz, Jake Pietrasz, Coach Kiehl. Cross country strides toward improvement By Michael Krieger The Rossford High School varsity cross country program strides into the start of a new season with high hopes for improvement. With nine boys and six girls, the Bulldogs look to improve on a sixth place finish in the Northern Buckeye Conference last year. The boys team, especially, should be better. They return all runners from last year’s squad, leaning on key returners Nolan York, Jake Pietrasz, Tanner Krotzer and John Bergstrom in their efforts this season. “We are looking for a fifth runner,” Head Coach Vern Kiehl said. In varsity cross country, seven runners make up the team, and five runners count for the team score. Bulldog football schedule 2015 Aug. 28 vs. Bowling Green Sept. 4 at Port Clinton Sept. 11 vs. Northwood Sept. 18 at Lake Sept. 25 vs. Elmwood (Homecoming) Oct. 2 vs. Genoa Oct. 9 at Fostoria Oct. 16 at Otsego Oct. 23 vs. Woodmore Oct. 30 at Eastwood Games begin at 7 p.m., unless noted. Tickets are $6 for adults; $4 for students. Kiehl is in his fifth year as head coach and believes the team’s improvement is inevitable. “They are a year older. They’ve worked hard in the off-season,” said Kiehl, whose main focus for the Bulldogs is “to keep it fun.” To do that, he doesn’t generally push his runners to complete extensive mileage. “They only run three miles in races, so there’s no reason to do more than five miles to train for races,” he explained. Kiehl has a similar outlook for the girls team–to see them improve race to race and stay injury free. Returning letter winners Kayla Kirkman and Maddie Potts should pace the efforts Reach your customers here! Call 419-874-4491 Calling All Alumni! Penta Career Center is seeking nominations for its Annual Outstanding Alumni Awards. Q Nominees must have completed a High School or Adult Education program at Penta prior to 2005 Q Applications are available by calling 419-661-6351 or visit Q Completed Applications Due: September 15, 2015 this season. Kiehl is encouraged by the team’s numbers this year and hopes to recruit more runners for the future. For this season, the coach’s goals are simple. “The intention is to improve by one second over the previous race.” Both teams open the season this Saturday, August 29 at Mills Creek Golf Course in Sandusky for the Sandusky St. Mary’s Warm Up Run. This is a two-mile event that serves as a light beginning to a season that will see the team competing in conference jamboree events and Saturday invitationals through October. The first NBC jamboree will be September 1 at Elmwood. Outdoor market at St. Luke’s Sept. 1 and 15 The ProMedica St. Luke’s Hospital Auxiliary is partnering with the Toledo Farmer’s Market to offer fresh, homegrown produce, baked goods, flowers, fruit, handmade crafts and gourmet food items. The Market will be on the St. Luke’s campus September 1 and 15, from 3 to 6 p.m., in the parking lot closest to Monclova Road and Driveway #1. Food Trucks will include Big C’s BBQ, Grumpy’s on the Go, and Karen Anne’s Kettle Korn. In addition to cash and checks, many vendors at the market can accommodate credit cards, debit cards, EBT and SNAP. Penta Career Center, 9301 Buck Road, Perrysburg Township, is sponsoring its annual Parent Night on Thursday, August 27, from 6 to 8 p.m. for parents, guardians and family members of students who attend the school. Beginning at 6:15 p.m. parents will follow their son/daughter’s first semester schedule. From 7:15 to 7:45 p.m. parents will have the opportunity to meet their son/daughter’s second semester teachers. At 5:30 p.m., prior to the start of Parent Night, students and parents are invited to a special presentation on the topic of college planning. This presentation will take place in the Susor Auditorium. Also prior to Parent Night, students and parents can attend a chili and baked potato dinner in the Commons Area from 5 to 6 p.m. Cost for the dinner is $6 per person. During Parent Night, visitors can purchase items from the Penta Bookstore and obtain information about ordering the 2016 Penta Yearbook. Students who attend Penta Career Center represent 16 school districts including Anthony Wayne, Benton-CarrollSalem, Bowling Green, Eastwood, Elmwood, Genoa, Lake, Maumee, North Baltimore, Northwood, Otsego, Perrysburg, Rossford, Springfield, Swanton, and Woodmore. For more information, call Dan Weirich, supervisor of student services and admissions, at 419-661-6480. Catch that Bulldog spirit! Auditions set for RHS production of ‘Boeing Boeing’ on September 1 The award winning Rossford High School Drama Club will host auditions for the 2015 fall production of Marc Camoletti’s French comedic farce, “Boeing Boeing” on Tuesday September 1, from 7 to 9 p.m., in the high school auditorium. The cast consists of two males and four females. Scripts are available in the high school library for students to borrow. A 1966 film version starring Tony Curtis and Jerry Lewis also is available to view online. Audition applicants will be asked to read from the script. Set in the “swingin’ ’60s,” bachelor Bernard has his hands full in the romance department. He has three foreign girlfriends, all airline stew- ardesses. Ingeniously, he’s arranged it so that their layovers don’t overlap, keeping each woman unaware of the others. But Bernard’s foolproof scheme comes crashing down when new, faster Boeing jets are introduced. With the stewardesses accidentally set to arrive at his Paris apartment all at once, matters are made worse by a surprise houseguest with a scheme of his own. “Boeing Boeing” is directed by Julie Zatko and Ryan Mahaffey. For audition inquiries, send an e-mail to [email protected] or visit Rossford High School Drama Department on Facebook. The production will be held in mid-November at the RHS auditorium. Topics Camera Club to meet The Topics Camera Club will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 2, at 7 p.m., at the Way Public Library, 101 East Indiana Avenue, Perrysburg. Visitors are welcome to attend. Visit the club’s website at www.topicscamera for more information about programs and activities. Tiffin Flea Market set for Sept. 5-6 The Tiffin Flea Market, sponsored by the Seneca County Junior Fair Foundation, will be held Labor Day weekend, September 5 and 6, on the Seneca County Fairgrounds, 100 Hopewell Avenue, Tiffin. Show hours are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission and parking are free. A breakfast Ho m et ow n Va l u e s is available from 7 to 10 a.m. The flea market offers old and new merchandise for sale and food will be available to purchase. Pets are not allowed in the show areas. Camping sites are available. Proceeds benefit the Seneca County Junior Fair Foundation, a non-profit volunteer organization. Penta Career Center to host 50th anniversary celebration Sept. 13 Penta Career Center, a career-technical public school at 9301 Buck Road in Perrysburg Township, will celebrate its 50th anniversary on Sunday, September 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. The community is invited to attend the celebration which will include an open house and cake reception. Various historical items will be on display during the event including a 1965 Ford F-100 pick-up truck that was restored by Penta students and staff. During the celebration, career-technical labs and classrooms will be open to visitors. Prior to the community celebration, a 50th anniversary program will take place at 1 p.m. at the Susor auditorium for special guests, Penta staff and students. Nearly 50 years ago on September 7, 1965, Penta County Vocational School opened in Perrysburg Township to serve students from 17 area school districts. The school occupied the former Rossford Ordnance Depot on Oregon Road for 43 years. When it first opened, Penta was known as the first multi-county vocational school in the nation. Between 1966 and 1972, the school also offered technical college courses. In 2008, a significant milestone took place when Penta opened a new 522,000square-foot facility on Buck Road to better serve the needs of students and the community. The new facility was made possible through a one-mill permanent improvement levy was passed by voters in 2003. Vocational education and the career center have evolved significantly in 50 years. The term vocational training is now referred to as WHOLE 9 .9 BEEF TENDERLOIN 9 $ 99 SS BONELE PORK CHOPS $ 99 2 Rossford High School varsity cheerleaders are ready to fire up the Bulldog fans! Front row: Shayla Cajka, Hannah Franks, Taylor Spencer. Middle row: Jenna Demko, Caitlyn Schwiefert, Felicia Tyson, Larissa Sloan. Back row: Megan Mahaffey, Amelia Jakubec, Sabrina Niebalski, Caroline Meek. LB. -IN E ON . LB OY B W K) O C ( STEA K E A C I E ’ $ 99 O T B H 6 C S M A E A R C E D E C S I Y S ’ U E B 8 I 4 W H I T E MI R $ DELI SLICED 48 OZ MITH S LARGE NAVEL ORANGES 2/$ 5 69 EACH R RED O E WHIT S S E L D SEE ES P A R G 9 6 $ ¢ 1 JIF LB. PEANUT BUTTER POTATO CHZ.IPBASG 9O $ 88 2 1 $ 88 COTTONE LLE UE $ 88 6 3 LB. LESSER AMT. $3.99 LB. FRESH 2/$ 4 • USDA Choice Beef • Miller’s Amish Chicken • Dietz & Watson Brand Deli Meats • Homemade Kielbasa & Bratwurst • Bowman-Landis Free Range Fresh Turkeys Great Wine Selection • Barry Bagels 10% off by the case • Country Grains Bread Co. HOURS: M-F, 7:30 am–9 pm Sat., 7:30 am–8 pm Sun., 8:30 am–6 pm In-Store Bakery In-Store Delicatessen yyyyy yyyyy BATH TISS 12 PACK K BABY BAC “Good Things To Eat Since 1898” Homemade Deli Salads 16 OZ. CHARLES Personalized ice Customer Serv is one of our Specialties! 3 LK WHOLE, 2 %, 1%, FA T FREE 419-874-4491 BROCCOLI OR CAUL IFLOWER LB. . Call $ 49 OVEN ROAST TURKEY S REYER the Record! FAMILY ECKRICH B Subscribe to IBS R E R A P S PACK 9 $ LB. career and technical education, and the school is now called Penta Career Center. An estimated 30,000 people have completed training through either a Penta high school or adult education program since 1965. Penta currently serves high school students in 16 member school districts. It offers 30 career-technical programs in areas such as health, construction, manufacturing, business, agriculture, transportation, and human services. In addition, the school serves the needs of students who require specialized instruction and support services. Penta also offers training programs for area adults through its adult and continuing education area. Elm & 2nd Street 4 19 -8 74 - 43 2 5 Sale good through Saturday, Aug. 29, 2015
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