How was I go - The Rossford Record Journal
How was I go - The Rossford Record Journal
Rossford Record Believe Check us out on the Internet! — Your Hometown Newspaper — WWW.ROSSFORD.COM VOLUME 73, NUMBER 52–DECEMBER 20, 2012 ©WELCH PUBLISHING CO. ROSSFORD, WOOD COUNTY, OHIO 75¢ SINGLE COPY Driveway at Glenwood residence opposed Photo courtesy of Sally Gentieu Welch Brought to you by the sponsors listed on page 3. ‘Cops and Kids’ program brightens holidays By Beth Church A shouting match over a driveway installed at a residence at 546 Glenwood Road led to continued differences of opinion at the December 10 meeting of Rossford City Council. Mayor Neil MacKinnon III said on December 7 a third driveway was installed on the property, owned by Lamont and Cheryl Sharp. However, the mayor said, the application for the permit was received for an existing driveway, and so it would be denied. “The property owner will be required to remove the materials installed and return the property to its prior condition,” he said. Councilman Jerry Staczek said he arrived at the residence when the work began. After phoning the city offices and confirming a permit had not been approved, the councilman said he asked the property owner and the contractor for the permit and neither could present it. Mr. Staczek said he was yelled at and threatened by paving company workers when he told them to stop working. They were “uncooperative and evasive,” he added. A Rossford police officer arrived at the scene and the owner agreed to stop the work, he said. However, Councilman Staczek returned one hour later and found “a fresh load of gravel had been dumped there.” “And later that evening, all the work was done and the property was graded,” he added. Law Director Kevin Heban said a stop work order was issued December 10, along with a notice of violation. “The property owner has seven days to put the property back in its original condition,” he explained. Mrs. Sharp said she recognizes neighbors are frustrated, but she and her husband are trying to improve the property. “I realize some people are not happy with what we’re doing to the property,” she said. “Everything done has been to enhance the neighborhood.” The large pole barn on the property has been the subject of many neighbor complaints to the city in the past. Mrs. Sharp said she had told neighbors about the side of the building, but “maybe they weren’t able to visualize that.” Her father had owned the property and always wanted her husband to have a workshop there, she added. Mrs. Sharp said all the work has been done with the proper permits and approval from the Wood County building inspection department. The contractor, Allied Paving, told her that a permit had been approved for the driveway project, she said. Tom Buck of Rossford, owner of Allied Paving, said he has filled out numerous permits for paving projects and never had one denied. He said the driveway was not new, but just stone filling. Mr. Buck said the work was completed that day because he was concerned about the ground freezing. Mayor MacKinnon said the city zoning code does not allow three driveways on a property, and an aerial photograph of the parcel before the December 7 work did not show a driveway. Council member Caroline Zuchowski Eckel said she does not believe the property owner will comply with the city’s orders. “He already built the giant pole barn. And he turned in landscaping plans that he didn’t complete. It seems that what’s allowed doesn’t matter,” she said. “Whatever we do, he’s probably going to ignore us.” Mrs. Sharp said they are not finished with the land- scaping, and the hydroseeding done in August did not work. They have planted grass seed and intend to plant shrubs in the spring. Deborah James of Schreier Road is upset with the alterations on the Sharps’ property. “There’s nothing we can do about that pole barn now,” she said. “The value of our property has declined because of that.” Councilman Robert Ruse said he believes the city’s zoning code should be amended “so it doesn’t allow accessory structures.” Council Pay Raises Debated Debate continued among council members about voting a pay raise for themselves. The Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) will require a minimum salary of $600 per month to qualify for a full month of retirement credit, as of January 1, 2014. However, council members currently make $250 per month, and the council president earns $275, so they would be eligible for only a partial month’s credit. Councilman Chuck Duricek noted that council members have not received a raise in 20 years. However, he is opposed to the proposed ordinance that grants automatic raises each year to correspond with the minimum OPERS rate. “Automatic raises just disappear into nowhere–you never discuss them again. I’d like to see us come back to it every few years,” he said. “As a businessman, you give yourself a raise if you deserve it. Council should get a raise–if they deserve it.” Councilman Duricek said earning a $3,000 council salary for three terms would amount to an $80 or $90 monthly pension. And by January 2014, unless a council member serves for 20 years, the councilor would be ineligible for medical benefits. Council President Larry Oberdorf noted that $80 to $90 is “a lot if you’re on a fixed income.” Mr. Heban noted the ethical dilemma of the pay raises. “Ethically you can’t vote yourself a raise, and you can’t accept that,” he said. However, he said council members could set new pay rates that take effect for new councilors voted into office next year. Councilman Greg Marquette said he opposes the current proposed ordinance and would prefer to see citizens vote on a raise for council. Councilman Ruse said he agreed with “the potential to take it to the public because it’s such a substantial difference.” Mr. Heban noted that other city councils affected by the situation are responding with pay raises. State officials raised the minimums for OPERS benefits to stabilize the system for the future. “Basically, they set up the new OPERS standards to eliminate you,” he added. Other Business In other business, council: •Approved purchase of a new dump truck for the public works department, through the state cooperative purchasing program, at a cost not to exceed $50,000. Dave Jones, public works superintendent, said it will replace a 1993 one-ton dump truck with plow. •Approved purchase of a pick-up truck for the public works department, through the state cooperative purchasing program, at a cost not to exceed $30,000. Mr. Jones said it will replace a 1998 truck with 200,000 miles on it. •Authorized a petition to the Wood County Common Pleas Court to secure three small parcels of land that had been forfeited and went unsold at sheriff’s sale. Please turn to page 4➧ Comments due by Friday, Dec. 21 Above are local law enforcement officers who participated in this year’s Cops and Kids program. Below Police Chief Glenn Goss shops with a young boy, William, who is telling him how old he is and that he likes Spiderman. Local law enforcement officers enjoyed a recent shopping trip hoping to make Christmas a little brighter for area children. On December 8, more than 35 officers gathered at the Meijer store in Rossford to shop for clothing items and gifts for children in need. The annual event is made possible by the Wood County Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) and its Cops and Kids program. Rossford Police Chief Glenn Goss and Officers Jodi Johnson were among the participants. Lake Township Chief Mark Hummer, retired Lake Township Chief Danny LaDuke and retired Perrysburg Township Chief Denny Dauer also participated. At Meijer, more than 100 children were paired up with law enforcement officials, who each spent about $100 per child. Together, they purchased much needed winter clothing, such as coats, shoes and boots. Children also were allowed to select a toy or two. The FOP presented a plaque to Judy Cassidy, Meijer store manager, for her support of the program. Meijer donated $3,000 in gift cards, plus donuts, fruit, juice and coffee for the morning shopping trip. Other funds were raised through donations, fundraisers and raffle tickets. Police personnel also were represented from Perrysburg, Pemberville, Haskins, Lake Township, Northwood, Perrysburg Township, North Baltimore and Bowling Green, along with Wood County Park Rangers, Ohio Department of Natural Resources Watercraft Division, Ohio State Highway Patrol and Wood County Common Pleas Court Constables. Survey to be conducted on school facilities The deadline has been extended for local residents to complete a survey from the Rossford Schools master plan steering committee seeking community input on school facilities. All school district residents are asked to complete a short survey available at: •Rossford Public Library; •Rossford Board of Education office; •Rossford municipal building; •Perrysburg Township administration building and •Rossford Recreation Center/Senior Center. Surveys also are available on line at www.surveymon or on the school district Web site at The deadline has been extended and now surveys are due this Friday, December 21. The survey asks questions about appearances of classrooms, school media centers, dining areas, corridors, auditoriums, gymnasiums, outdoor facilities and handicap access. It asks respondents to rate aspects such as seating, lighting, size, cleanliness, noise level, security, heating/cooling and aesthetic appeal. The survey is part of an information gathering phase by the Rossford Board of Education and steering committee that will be completed by the end of this month. Garman Miller Architects/ Engineers have inspected school facilities and surveyed the staff to evaluate the current conditions of facilities. The board of education and master plan steering committee are seeking community input in addition to the professional data and information provided by the staff. “This information will be important as subcommittees examine creative options based on professional data and information,” Superintendent Bill McFarland said. On Thursday, January 17, the master plan steering committee will conduct a public meeting and present all information gathered regarding the building condition assessments, district needs assessments, student population trends and financial forecasts of the district. This will be the kick-off to the planning and design phase. The meeting will be at 7 p.m. in the Rossford High School auditorium. EARLY DEADLINE Journal readers are everywhere From there to here, from here to there, Rossford Record Journal readers are everywhere. Kathy and Joe Kornasiewicz are pictured in Hilo, Hawaii prior to a zipline tour through the rainforest. They visited the islands of Oahu, Maui and the Big Island with stops in Hilo and Kona, and Kaua'i, while cruising aboard the Pride of America. Following the cruise, they stayed in Oahu where they climbed to the top of Diamond Head, snorkled in Hanauma Bay and visited Pearl Harbor, where they met and spoke with three Pearl Harbor survivors. They traveled with friends from Northwood, Dick and Vicky Cubberly. “It was a wonderful trip–a little bit of paradise,” Mrs. Kornasiewicz said. The Record Journal invites all readers to submit photos of themselves with family and friends reading the paper wherever they are–whether that is the Aloha State or the Green Mountain State. Try to include a familiar background or unique scenery. Photos may be submitted by e-mail to [email protected], or sent by mail to Rossford Record Journal, 117 East Second Street, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551. Please note the names of the people in the photo and their hometowns, businesses or schools, as well as any other details about the trip and a daytime telephone number. Due to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays there will be early deadlines for the December 27 and January 3 issues of the Rossford Record Journal. ALL articles and advertisements MUST be in by 3 p.m. on Thursday, December 20 for the December 27 issue and 3 p.m. on Thursday, December 27, for the January 3 issue. Pellet gun brought to RJHS; two boys taken into custody Two Rossford Junior High School boys were taken into custody on Tuesday afternoon for bringing an airsoft gun to school. Rossford Police Chief Glenn Goss said the police were contacted around 2 p.m., right before busses were to arrive. “It was a pellet gun–it’s like a BB gun that shoots plastic pellets, but other students thought it was a real gun,” he explained. One student brought the gun to school to trade with another student. Police con- fiscated it from a locker. The junior high and high schools were locked down until the weapon was found, the chief said. At press time, charges against the boys had yet to be determined, but Chief Goss said a minimum charge would be disrupting school activity. Bringing a firearm into a school is a felony, he noted, although this weapon was not an actual gun. The boys also face suspension or expulsion from school, he said. Journal readers are everywhere From there to here, from here to there, Rossford Record Journal readers are everywhere. The week before Thanksgiving, a group of area friends took a trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. From left were hosts Don Wagner and Sharilyn Davis from Perrysburg; Bob and Sandra Rakovan from Rossford, holding the Record; Mee Kish and Harry Griffin from Rossford; and Sharon and Ray Patterson from Maumee. The Record Journal invites all readers to submit photos of themselves with family and friends reading the paper wherever they are–whether that is the Volunteer State or the Show Me State. Try to include a familiar background or unique scenery. Photos may be submitted by e-mail to [email protected], or sent by mail to Rossford Record Journal, 117 East Second Street, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551. Please note the names of the people in the photo and their hometowns, businesses or schools, as well as any other details about the trip and a daytime telephone number. Penta board approves easement agreement for NWSD project Page 2 — December 20, 2012 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL By Jane Maiolo At the December 12 meeting, the Penta Career Center Board of Education approved an easement request from the Northwestern Water and Sewer District. Board member Ken Sutter of the buildings and grounds committee, explained that the NWSD plans to relocate the Bates Road sanitary sewer and needs the easement over the career center’s property. Superintendent Ron Matter said the easement will be The Sale You Have Asked For! Pick the best way to lighten someone’s holiday stress. /12 H O And your budget UR F 20% OF RE E at the same time. Open a present and receive 10% or more on your next gift certificate purchase! Massage Therapy and Reflexology Center 214 Louisiana Ave. Perrysburg (419) 873-SOLE G I F T C E R T I F I C A T E S A L E SANTA’S NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO DELIVERS. . . . . O SO D WE! $ 11 50 RING IN THE NE NEW W YEAR DE DECEMBER CEMBER 31S 31ST T 160 feet wide and stretch to a depth of 86 feet onto Penta land. The district is granting a permanent easement on .06 acres of land at a cost of $1. According to the agreement, the easement is being granted “for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a waterline and/or sewer line.” Penta reserves the right to fully use the improvement, and the NWSD agrees to restore the acreage to its original state following construction. Other Business In other business, the school board: •Accepted a bid of $75,903 from Cardinal Bus Sales for a 48-passenger school bus. •Heard from Annie Rutherford of Perrysburg Schools and Samantha Durivage of Oak Harbor Schools who recently were elected to serve as Ohio DECA officers. Annie was elected as president and Samantha was selected serve as public relations officer. •Set the date for the organizational meeting. The board will meet at 5:15 p.m., Wednesday, January 9, in the meeting room, 9301 Buck Road. •Hired Katherine Parchem as an adult education pharmacy technician instructor at $18 hourly, effective December 13 to June 30, 2013. •Discussed the construction of two cold storage buildings, measuring 35 by 150 feet and 75 by 60 feet. One building will be located near the landscape lab and the other near the construction program. Must be 21. GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1-800-589-9966 Place your ad today! 419-874-4491 Heather Heldt of Rossford High School, a senior in the culinary arts program at Penta, prepares a fresh mint ice cream dish appetizer for Ken Sutter, Penta Board of Education member from the Rossford School District. The estimated cost of the buildings is $255,000 and $165,000 respectively. “These will help ease storage challenges,” said Mr. Matter, adding that the buildings will be equipped with electricity but not heat. •Heard from Jeff Kurtz, director, that students collected nearly 2,500 items for Perrysburg Township’s annual Operation Breadbasket program. Elizabeth Wray, human services, added that the students competed to see which class could collect the most. Gretchen Reichow’s exercise science class collected the most, averaging 17.42 items per students, followed by Sarah Deland’s culinary arts I class with 15 items per student. •Approved new courses of study for mathematics, English language arts and agriculture satellite programs. •Agreed to place Kenneth Taylor on the volunteer list, pending successful background check. •Approved Ryan Pickut, a University of Toledo student, as an intern in the guidance department for the spring semester. •Revised the 2012-13 school calendar, changing the date of a staff professional development day from February 15 to February 19. •Approved policy revisions pertaining to whistleblower protection, nondiscrimination and equal employment opportunity, antifraud, field and other districtsponsored trips, disposition of real property/personal property, school calendar, religious/patriotic ceremonies and observances and a declaration regarding material assistance/non-assistance to a terrorist organization. •Enjoyed a series of hors d’oeuvres prepared by culinary arts students who were the featured program of the month. •Approved five requests to attend professional meetings. Annual Gift Certificate Sale Dec. 1st – Dec. 24th Licensed Massage Therapists Becky Koskinen Alysia Garcia Mateo Garcia Reiki Master Cindy Stolk $10 off 1 hour massage or reiki sessions (no limit) 419-874-2266 101 W. Indiana Ave. - Perry’s Landing - Perrysburg, OH 43551 Affordable, personalized gifts •Wine Boxes •Clocks •Pen Sets •Humidors •Desk Sets •Game Sets Engraving done on site. SAVE Looking for a special gift? 10% with ad Expires Dec. 21, 2012 Holiday Offer New, In-County Subscriptions ONLY! Give the gift that will be treasured for years to come! 28543 White Road, Perrysburg • 419-874-3878 Holiday Offer expires 12/31/2012. Subscribe now to the Rossford Record Journal for 1/2 off regular subscription price. REGULAR SUBSCRIPTION RATE: In-County....$23. This holiday season, give yourself, or someone special, a gift that keeps on delivering for the entire year–home delivery of the ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL. This Holiday Offer good only until 12/31/2012. Must be prepaid. Sender Name _____________________________________________ Street (PO Box)___________________________________________ City ________________________State __________ Zip _____________Phone _______________________ SEND GIFT CARD TO: Receiver Name ______________________________ Street (PO Box) City ______________________________ _______________State _______Zip __________ Phone __________________ To order, send this form with payment to: Rossford Record Journal, P.O. Box 267, Perrysburg, OH 43552 or stop by 117 E. Second Street. 419-720-8757 411 Superior Street Rossford, OH 43460 Walking distance from Hollywood Casino consignment consign on nsign n nsig ign gn nm men ment ntt gallery n g for the home Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. “Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping.” Chairs • Dinnerware Paintings • Dressers Lamps • Unique Gifts Sea Shell Mirrors • Tables Distressed Painted Furniture Inventory Changes Daily We Buy – Sell – Appraise The Rossford Business AssocLation thanks you for spending your holiday dollars locally! There’s no place like home for the best holiday shopping and service! Happy Holidays from your favorite local merchants and community partners! Rossford Record U.S.P.S. #417-620 Published every Thursday Periodicals Postage Paid at Perrysburg, Ohio 43552 WELCH PUBLISHING CO. John B. Welch, Publisher Beth Church, Editor Matthew H. Welch, Advertising Manager 117 East Second Street, P.O. Box 267 Perrysburg, Ohio 43552 Web Address: Subscription Rates: IN WOOD COUNTY – 1 Year $23.00 • IN OHIO – 1 Year $26.00 ALL OTHER STATES – 1 Year $28.00 Liability for errors and/or omissions in publication of any advertisement by the ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL, whether due to negligence or otherwise, is limited to rerunning without charge that portion of the advertisement published incorrectly. In case of error or omission, the publisher will, upon request, furnish the advertiser with a letter stating that such error or omission occurred. The ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL will not be responsible for errors or omissions in any advertising beyond the first insertion or for errors in electronically submitted ads. Other than as stated above. The ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL assumes no responsibility or liability for any monetary loss or damages resulting from any error or omission. All copy is subject to the approval of the publisher, who reserves the right to reject or cancel any submission at any time. The opinions expressed in paid advertisements and/or letters to the Editor which are published in The ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL do not necessarily reflect the opinion or philosophy of The ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Welch Publishing Co., P.O. Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552 MEMBER OHIO NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION MEMBER National Newspaper Association HOLIDAY TRASH PICK-UP Garbage and recycling in Rossford will be collected by Waste Management on Thursday, December 27 instead of Wednesday, December 26 due to the Christmas holiday. The City of Rossford and Waste Management will waive the three-bag limit for household waste pick-up on Thursdays, December 27 and January 3. This waiver is only for household waste that has been generated through the holidays. The regular three-bag limit will resume on Wednesday, January 9. Christmas trees will be picked up throughout the month of January. Owens Alumni Assn. appoints board members Janet Meacham of Rossford was one of three directors re-elected to serve on the Owens Community College Alumni Association board. Also re-elected to serve three-year terms were Susan Litten of Maumee and Christi Wagner of Deshler. Audry Wright of Toledo was appointed to a one-year term. Matt Feasel of Perrysburg, treasurer for Perrysburg Schools, was named the new president of the Alumni Association. Mr. Feasel replaces Andrea Gurcsik of Maumee, who served as president for the previous two years. In addition, the Alumni Association named Walter Celley of Perrysburg, Attorney at Celley & Sanderson LLP, as vice president; Amy Hansen of Curtice, owner/photographer of Imagine That Photo, as treasurer; and Kaye Koevenig of Toledo, Owens Community College senior accountant, as secretary. Each officer will serve a two-year term. “Owens Community College’s Alumni Association Directors are extremely talented and dedicated individuals who are proud alumni,” said Laura Moore, Owens director of alumni relations and executive director of the Alumni Association. “They are passionate about education and are actively engaged in supporting Owens Community College.” The Owens Community College Alumni Association is focused on engaging alumni and students in programs, events and services that energize interest, build loyalty and strengthen support of Owens Community College. Come To Our House For Mortgages p VA CĒ Ēŷĉ T|źă¼ĉŒ No Down Payment CĒ TB. No PMI H+%Ŏ%+ FHA Ēŷĉ T|źă¼ĉŒ ńńêńŒ|ĉ¼ Heroes Program +¼ļĒ¼ń TļĒÖļ|ă Purchase Program Tşļä|ń¼ TļĒÖļ|ă USDA eZ No Down Payment CĒ Ēŷĉ No PMI T|źă¼ĉŒ ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL — December 20, 2012 — Page 3 To include your organization’s activities, mail or drop off the details to the Rossford Record Journal, 117 East Second Street, PO Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552. Or send an e-mail, with the date, time and location, to [email protected]. The deadline is Friday at noon. Friday, December 21 9:30 a.m. St. Tim’s Clothesline, free clothing offered at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 871 East Boundary. Open until 11:30 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Glass City Singles dance at Holland Gardens, 6530 Angola Road, Holland. Call 734-856-8963 for details. Saturday, December 22 11:00 a.m. AlAnon women’s support group, “The Saturday Good Morning Group,” at All Saints Church, 628 Lime City Road. Call Maryann 419-824-0129 for details. 8:00 p.m. AlAnon and Alcoholics Anonymous at First United Methodist Church, 200 West Second Street. Sunday, December 23 6:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous at Schaller Memorial Building, 130 West Indiana Avenue. Monday, December 24–Christmas Eve 7:30 p.m. There is a Solution AA Group, closed meeting, at Lutheran Church of the Master, 28744 Simmons Road, Perrysburg. Tuesday, December 25–Christmas Wednesday, December 26 7:00 a.m. Perrysburg Kiwanis Club in the lower level of Way Public Library, 101 East Indiana Avenue. Open to the public. 2:00 p.m. Perrysburg Township Board of Trustees department head meeting at the township hall, 26609 Lime City Road. 6:00 p.m. Families Anonymous, a world-wide 12-step self-help support group for relatives and friends concerned about substance abuse or behavorial problems of a loved one, at Blessed John XXII Catholic Community, 24250 Dixie Highway. 6:00 p.m. Toastmasters Club at Zenobia Shrine, 8048 Broadstone Boulevard, Perrysburg. 7:00 p.m. Racing for Recovery, drug and alcohol support group meeting, until 8 p.m. at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 871 East Boundary, Perrysburg. Thursday, December 27 9:15 a.m. Wood County Commissioners on the fifth floor of the Wood County Office Building, One Courthouse Square, Bowling Green. 8:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous-OD at United Methodist Church, 270 Dixie Highway. Christmas closings In observance of Christmas, the following offices and businesses will be closed on Tuesday, December 25, unless noted otherwise. •Rossford city offices closed December 24 and 25 •Rossford Record Journal closed December 24 and 25 •Perrysburg Municipal Court •Post Office •Wood County offices •Rossford Public Library closed December 24 and 25 •Perrysburg Township offices close at noon on December 24 and remain closed December 25 •Owens Community College- closed December 22 through January 1 •These banks will be closed: Huntington Bank, 516 Dixie Highway will close at 2:15 p.m. on Christmas Eve and remain closed Christmas Day; Fifth Third Bank, 440 Dixie Highway and 10105 Fremont Pike will close at 2 p.m. on Christmas Eve and remain closed Christmas Day and Directions Credit Union, 27427 Crossroads Parkway and 4150 Brockway Drive will close at noon on Christmas Eve and remain closed Christmas Day. Lending A Hand For Your Next Home Mortgage CĒ TB. Bruce Lively OH-0000813656 Community Calendar Rossford Mortgage Lender Phone: 419.898.8352 Cell: 419.973.9979 Fax: 419.898.8359 Finkbeiner-Saylor engagement announced Kelsey Besgrove and David Cogswell Jr. engaged to be married Robert and Kimberly Besgrove announce the engagement of their daughter, Kelsey Lyn to David Scott Cogswell Jr., son of David and Tina Cogswell. Kelsey is employed as a pharmacy technician, and David is employed as a boilermaker. A June 15, 2013, wedding is planned at Sunrise Park and Banquet Hall. Ben Thompson completes Air Force basic training Ben Thompson graduated from U.S. Air Force basic training at Lackland AF Base, Texas, on November 16. He was with Honor Flight B717 of the 323rd training squadron. At the graduation ceremony, he performed in the Air Force Drum and Bugle Corps, playing snare drum. He will be going to Shepards AFB in March to complete his technical skill program. Upon returning, he will continue service at the 180th Fighter Wing. Ben is the son of Brent Thompson and Kimberly Moll, grandson of Betty Schaetzke and the brother of Brent Thompson, all of Rossford. He is a 2012 graduate of Rossford High School. Marriage Licenses Mandi Lynne Saylor, daughter of Jon and Julie Abel of Maumee, and Kenneth Saylor of Toledo, and Christopher Daniel Finkbeiner, son of Dan and Ellen Finkbeiner of Rossford, and Marcia and Rob Malson of Fallon, Nevada, announce their engagement. Mandi is a 2008 graduate of Whitmer High School and is currently attending Lourdes College where she is studying nursing. She is employed at Regency Health Center. Christopher is a 2006 graduate of Rossford High School and earned his applied science degree in diesel technology from Owens Community College in 2012. He is employed by WW Williams and the Rossford Fire Department. Christopher received an honorable discharge after serving six years in the Air Force Reserves. A May, 31, 2014, wedding in Toledo, is being planned. Need a pair for glare? Come visit our office and check out our sunglass collection. Dr. Angela K. Jackson, O.D. Dr. Tracy Needham, O.D. Ben Thompson The following individuals applied for marriage licenses with the Wood County Probate Court, November 1 through November 30, 2012. Timothy T. Ruggiero and Stephanie M. Mack, both of Rossford. 647 Lime City Rd. • Rossford • 416-666-0700 Kris S. Kelley, D.D.S. Michael J. Thebes, D.D.S. Gentle Family Dentistry 13003 Roachton Road Perrysburg, OH 43551 Phone: 419-874-7071 Also located at: 735 Haskins Road, Bowling Green, OH 419-353-1412 Evening & Saturday appointments available. NEW PATIENTS & EMERGENCIES WELCOME Rossford Area Business & Service Directory 900 W. South Boundary St., Building 4A - Perrysburg, Ohio 43551-5343 I Avon Products Sally Plicinski 158 Windsor Drive, Rossford 419-666-0487 Citizen Advisory Group 900 W. South Boundary St. #4B, Perrysburg 419-872-0204 Clothes Mentor Womenʼs and Maternity Resale 194 E. South Boundary, Perrysburg 419-872-0022 Digital Ability Rossford 419-349-6513 Directions Credit Union 27427 Crossroads Parkway, Rossford 419-873-1356 Edward Jones Justin Knierim, AAMS, Financial Advisor 849 Dixie Highway, Rossford 419-666-1910 [email protected] Farmers & Merchants State Bank 7001 Lighthouse Way, Perrysburg 419-931-8892 Once Upon A Child Childrenʼs Resale 140 E. South Boundary, Perrysburg 419-874-3606 Fraternal Order of Eagles 2322 658 Lime City Road, Rossford 419-666-9253 Platoʼs Closet Teen Resale 144 W. South Boundary, Perrysburg 419-873-8600 First Federal Bank 1077 Louisiana Avenue, Perrysburg 419-872-8326 Genoa Bank 9920 Olde U.S. 20, Rossford 419-873-9818 Giant Eagle 9880 Olde U.S. 20, Rossford 419-874-2415 Perrysburg Commons 10542 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg 419-874-1931 Rossford Athletic Boosters Angi Maxwell, President Meetings: 6:30 p.m. • RHS library Third Wednesdays of each month Rossford Heating and Cooling 419 Superior Street, Rossford 419-666-5699 Heban, Sommer and Murphree, LLC Attorneys at Law 200 Dixie Highway, Rossford 419-662-3100 Rossford Police Patrolmenʼs Association 146 Dixie Highway, Suite 211, Rossford McDonaldʼs Restaurant 835 Lime City Road, Rossford 419-666-7575 Rossford Record Journal 215 Osborne Street, Rossford 419-874-4491 Kingston Residence of Perrysburg 333 East Boundary Street, Perrysburg 419-872-6200 Rossford Public Library 720 Dixie Highway, Rossford 419-666-0924 Rossford-Sujkowski Funeral Home 830 Lime City Road, Rossford 419-666-1566 Smithers Insurance Agency/ Nationwide Insurance 229 Superior Street, Rossford 419-666-5703 Tim Hortons 1011 Buck Road, Rossford 419-661-1468 Toddlers School 943 Dixie Highway, Rossford 419-666-9843 Tomʼs Tire 12645 Eckel Junction Road Perrysburg • 419-874-7936 Wayward Inn 1213 Schreier Road, Rossford 419-666-3288 Wellman Rental and Supply, Inc. 26860 Eckel Road, Perrysburg 419-874-7951 Drs. Zouhary and Fisher, DDS, Inc. 849 Dixie Highway, Rossford 419-666-3327 Page 4 — December 20, 2012 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL Local Health Department Clinic now called Community Health and Wellness Center Blake Hughes to travel to India for Huntington Univ. mission trip Come January, the orphaned girls at the Home of Love in India will finally have a soft place to lay their heads at night. Almost a year after returning from a missions trip to Chennai, India, the Huntington University team has reached and exceeded its fund-raising goal of $20,000 for the Home of Love, an all-girls orphanage in Chennai, India. Next month, a team of HU students is going back to finish the job. Between January 4-21, 14 HU students, including Blake Hughes, a sophomore computer science and animation major from Rossford, are traveling to Chennai where they will lead a Vacation Bible School program, with drama, games, music, dance and crafts, and begin the work of building a new dormitory. The 70 girls at the home currently sleep on mats on a concrete floor. “I am so excited to be able to return to India,” said junior Hannah Hochstetler. “It is surreal to me that I was a part of the team who started this goal and reached the goal, and now, I get to go back and put the plan in motion.” The Home of Love is a Christian orphanage for girls at risk of living on the streets or being sold into the sex trade. Last year, a group of 15 HU students worked at the home for two weeks. When the team returned, they couldn't get India and the needs of the girls out of their minds. They decided to start a fundraising campaign to build a dormitory. “We decided to do (the fund-raiser) on our way back, when we were in Delhi,” said junior Nate Sullivan, who was a part of the 2012 team. “We all felt that we didn’t want to leave that place and be done with it.” The team agreed that the project would be a huge undertaking, especially since some of the students had not even paid for their trips to India yet. “We really thought we might be setting an impossible goal, but (fellow HU student and team leader) Luke Brenneman talked to us about the irrevocable commitment we had been called to by God when we signed up to go on the trip,” Nate said. “That’s what India meant to us–doing everything we could to fulfill God’s work until we couldn’t back out of it.” The 2013 Love India JTerm team is currently in the midst of fund-raising for their trip. “With the increasing cost of flights and general expenses we are relying on God to provide for the funding of this year’s student mission team as he has already for the orphanage,” said Grace McBrayer, director of volunteer service and outreach ministry at HU. Those who would like to give a gift to the India team, can send checks to Huntington University, attention Grace McBrayer, with “India Trip” in the memo. Attorneys At Law Leatherman & Witzler Todd Hamilton Noll •CLASSIFIEDS Kay Leatherman Howard USE THE Paul A. Skaff • Robert A. McColley 419-874-2528 353 Elm Street Reset your metabolism Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 and lose419-874-3536 up to 1 lb. a day Practice Areas Include: with Expungement/Record Sealing CALL NOW AND SAVE Serving the Community Since $100! 1950 HCG! Dr. Mark Neumann, D.O. 1715 W. Dean Rd., Suite B • Temperance, MI The Health Department Clinic is now the Community Health and Wellness Center. The center provides comprehensive primary and preventive care. The Health and Wellness Center will operate out of the Wood County Health District at 1840 East Gypsy Lane Wood County Committee on Aging holds annual meeting The Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc. held its annual meeting on Wednesday, December 12, at the Wood County Senior Center located at 305 North Main Street, Bowling Green. The 10 Governing Board members were installed by Wood County Commissioner Joel Kuhlman. They are Vickie Askins of Cygnet, Linda Bilski of Perrysburg, Tom Carroll of Pemberville, Harry Griffin of Rossford, Sue Kinder of Bowling Green, Patricia Martin of Wayne, James L. Miller of North Baltimore, Willard Misfeldt of Bowling Green, Timothy Nowicki of Perrysburg, and John W. Wood of North Baltimore. The mission of the Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc., shall be to provide older adults with services and programs which empower them to remain independent and improve the quality of their lives. Rossford residents Bob and Tiffany Densic again are displaying “The Ageless Child’s Christmas” on Birch Drive. The computerized Christmas light show features a new layout with more than 62,000 lights synchronized to the music of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. While watching the display, passing motorists can listen to the music on radio station 97.7 FM. Donations are being accepted for an AIDS Tom Brice reviewed the November fire run report. Chief Brice said the township responded to 132 calls in November, 107 were EMS and 25, fire. To date this year, the department has responded to 1,528 calls. Lifeflight was called once to assist, and the department responded to 14 motor vehicle accidents. Other EMS calls were for illness, 22; falls, 15; cardiac, 10 and respiratory, nine. The bulk of those receiving treatment were transported to St. Luke’s Hospital, 48, followed by Toledo Hospital, 11, St. Vincent’s, seven, and Bay Park, six. Of the fire calls, nine were for fire alarms; three, appliance and three, structure. Residential calls for orphanage in Honduras sponsored by “Beyond Our Walls” of CedarCreek Church. In the seven years that the Densics have hosted the light display, they have raised $3,500 for the charity. The show, in the front yards of the Densics and neighbor Tina Graffis, is at 107 and 109 Birch Drive off of Eagle Point Road. Show hours are 5:30 to 10 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, and until 11:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday. Driveway at Glenwood residence opposed ÁContinued from page 1 meeting will be at 7 p.m., Monday, January 14, at the municipal building, 133 Osborn Street. The meeting is open to the public. Attorneys At Law Notre Dame Leatherman & Witzler NEW YORK STRIP STEAKS 7 $ 99 L Phone 419-874-2528 Looking for the perfect gift? Attorneys At Law Leatherman & Witzler Todd Hamilton Noll • Kay Leatherman Howard Paul A. Skaff • Robert A. McColley 353 Elm Street Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 419-874-3536 Practice Areas Include: Eminent Domain Litigation Serving the Community Since 1950 DA E DM L GO EW DOLE HEAD LETTUCE LARGE HEAD think outside of the gift box. ¢ 88 SMITH’S DAIRY from your friends at GenoaBank WHITE MILK WHOLE, 2%, 1%, FAT FREE Contact us today! Crossroads (419) 873-9818 Genoa (419) 855-8381 Maumee (419) 891-0070 Millbury (419) 836-2351 Oregon (419) 698-1711 2/$ 5 PLACEMENT TEST SATURDAY, JANUARY 5 – 8:30 A.M. SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 – 8:30 A.M. RSVP at (419) 475-9359 ext. 3126 EMPOWER GIRLS TO BE BOLD! BRILLIANT! BEAUTIFUL! BLESSED! Academy 3535 W. Sylvania Ave. ✶ Toledo, Ohio 43623 419-475-9359 ✶ For more information use the QR Code to go directly to 9 9 . 1 $B T it iL m 1 HOMEMADE WHOLE LOIN R E D N E EEF $ 99 7 MISH BONELESS CHICKEN B REASTS $ 49 3 $ 88 LB. JUNIOR ACADEMY MILLER’S A WALNUT MEATS Academy Notre Dame Academy & E OS ED P R H PU LEAC L AL NB BAG U B. OR 5 L ROP 5 from Belmont, seven; Perrysburg Heights, six, and Friendly Village, five. Business districts requesting the most calls for service last month were Cedar Park, four and Ampoint, three. The department was called to Penta Career Center twice and Owens Community College, seven times and they responded 18 times to nursing home calls including 11 calls to Perrysburg Commons. Mutual aid was provided by the department 10 times. The township did not request mutual aid last month. LB. R U O L F N C Toledo. For more information or to pre-register, call Teresa Rudes at 419-727-4652 or send an e-mail to tlrudes@ A BOLD ACADEMIC PROGRAM for 7th & 8th Grade Girls with Opportunities in the Fine Arts, Sports, & Leadership Hometown Va l u e s USDA C Sunday, January 27, from 5 to 9 p.m. The class will be held at the Bay View Yacht Club, 3902 North Summit Street, The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 1613 will offer a boating safety course on Saturday, January 26, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Trustees review fire run report Public invited to view At the December 5 service occurred throughlight display on Birch Dr. trustees’ meeting, Perrys- out the township with the burg Township Fire Chief greatest number coming Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC. idents of all ages, regardless of their ability to pay or health insurance status. Fees are based upon income. Effective November 1, a $10 service fee is requested from all patients to help offset the cost of care. The center is accepting new patients including those with or without insurance, Medicaid and Medicare recipients. Appointments can be made Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Evening appointments are available. Call 419-354-9049 or toll-free 866-861-9338, for more information. Coast Guard Auxiliary offers safe boating class Mr. Ciecka said the parcels are buffer strips adjacent to Schreier Road. “I think it’s best we retain the rights to this property,” he added. •Approved pay raises for HOICE non-union city officials and department heads. •Approved the city’s 2013 budget, which includes revTodd Hamilton Noll • Kay Leatherman Howard enue of just more than $5 milPaul A. Skaff • Robert A. McColley lion. Fax: 734-847-4711 •Decided not to request 353 Elm Street hearings before the Ohio Attn: Dr. Mark Neumann Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 Division of Liquor Control for a new liquor permit for Shown above 419-874-3536 is a copy of your ad for the Perrysburg, Rossford, and Holland-SpringFlame Asian Tapas Bar Point-Shoreland and 27250 field Journals. The ad is 2 columns by 2 inches.Grill, Cost forCrossroads all four Parkpapers will be $80 per week. LB. Practice Areas Include: way, owned by Young Ko and Tong Yi, both of Perrysburg. Litigation throughout N.W. Ohio Thank you, Council voted to cancel its Serving the Community Since 1950 second meeting of the month, on December 24, so the next Deby Dempsey 419-474-4700 Road, in Bowling Green. Satellite locations in North Baltimore, Northwood, Perrysburg, and Bradner also are available. Services include primary care, preventive health services, immunizations, prenatal care, women’s health care, sexually transmitted infection testing, pediatrics, senior and men’s health care. The center employs two nurse practitioners with physician oversight, three skilled nurses and four clinic assistants. Patients also have access as needed to a pharmacist and social worker. The facility is open to res- 4 5 LB. EDY’S TED BOX ICE CREAM 48 OZ. $ 88 2 DAIRY 5 LB. BAG 1 $ 99 LB. NTIN ES $ 4 8 5 “Good Things To Eat Since 1898” • USDA Choice Beef • Miller’s Amish Chicken • Homemade Kielbasa & Bratwurst • The Boar’s Head Brand Deli Meats • Bowman-Landis Free Range Fresh Turkeys Great Wine Selection • Barry Bagels 10% off by the case • Country Grains Homemade Deli Salads FRESH BUTTETRERS UAR 1 LB. Q 8 4 $ 2 LB. POTATOES SA A B L E I K INAL’ $ 99 CLEME a liz e d n o s r e P r v ic e e S r e C u s to m e o f o u r is o n tie s ! l S p e c ia 3 IDAHO ’S STANLEY IMPOR $ 99 LB. IG ‘THE OR LB. POTATO SALAD Bread Co. HOURS: M-F, 7:30 am–9 pm Sat., 7:30 am–8 pm Sun., 8:30 am–6 pm In-Store Bakery In-Store Delicatessen yyyyy yyyyy Elm & 2nd Street 419-874-4325 Sale good through Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012 Rossford Senior Center The Wood County Committee on Aging 400 Dixie Highway 419-666-8494 Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Programs and lunches for all area residents at least 60 years of age. ACTIVITIES AND LUNCH MENUS Lunch is served Monday through Friday, at noon. No reservations are necessary. Menus are subject to change, and nutritional values and ingredient information are available upon request. The suggested donation is $2, age 60+, and $5, for those under age 60. Hot, nutritious meals are available MondayFriday for home-bound seniors in Wood County who are unable to prepare meals for themselves. Frozen meals are available for the weekend. If eligible, the cost is on a donation basis. For more information, call Social Services at 1-800- 367-4935. To register for weekly activities, call the Senior Center. Monday, December 24 All sites closed for Christmas Eve. Tuesday, December 25 All sites closed for Christmas. Wednesday, December 26 Noon menu–Swedish Meatballs or Fish Nuggets, brown rice, Key West blend vegetables, black-eyed Susan salad, tomato juice, ice cream. •9:30 a.m.–Body Recall •10 a.m. to noon–Blood pressure and blood glucose clinic. •12:45 p.m.–Bingo with prizes sponsored by Perrys- Card of Thanks The family of Ann Strahaska would like to thank everyone for the visits, cards, flowers, prayers and gifts. Blessings to the ones who traveled a long distance, the ladies of All Saints funeral brunch, the parishioners of St. Michaels and Father George. Thank you to the nurses, aides and staff for the wonderful care Ann received at the Manor of Perrysburg. A big thank you to Sheriff Wasylyshyn for our safety to Calvary Cemetery, to Brian, Wendy and Gene for making it easier for us. A very special thank you to Robert and Virginia Kayser for their love, devotion and prayers. Obituaries Nativity sets on display at Lutheran Church of the Master burg Commons. Thursday, December 27 Noon menu–Chili or Ham and Potato Soup, heritage slaw, pears and grapes, fruity fine dessert. Friday, December 28 Noon menu–Gyro Meat or Chicken Breast Strips, sweet corn casserole, lettuce and tomatoes, orange sections. •9:30 a.m.–Body Recall Lutheran Church of the Master will have more than 60 nativity sets on display on Sunday, December 23, from 9 a.m. until noon and on Christmas Eve from onehalf hour before the 5 p.m. service until 7 p.m., and one-half hour before the 11 p.m. service. These nativities are the collection of Pastor Chuck and Jerilyn Campbell. Lutheran Church of the Master is located at 28744 Simmons Road, Perrysburg. For more information, call the church office at 419874-7986. Catholic Charities collects more than $100,000 for hurricane relief efforts Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Toledo continues to collect donations for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts. The organization has received more than $100,000 thus far from churches, schools and individuals in 19 counties of northwest Ohio. Donations are directed to Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), which is distributing the funds to local Catholic Charities agencies on the East Coast that are providing immediate and long-term assistance. Donations are used to provide case management, emergency assistance such as food and shelter, housing repair and home rebuilding for people of all faiths. “We are blessed to have a local Catholic community that so enthusiastically and passionately reaches out to our brothers and sisters in a time of crisis,” said Rodney Schuster, Catholic Charities executive director. In recent years, Catholic Charities provided case management and disaster relief to Richland County residents affected by flooding in 2011 and to northwest Ohio residents affected by tornadoes in 2010. Also in 2010, the Diocese of Toledo collected more than half a million dollars for relief efforts after the earthquake struck Haiti. Donations for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts are still being accepted as the rebuilding phase continues. Checks may be made payable to Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo with Hurricane Relief in the memo line and sent to or dropped off at 1933 Spielbusch Avenue, Toledo, OH 43604. No administrative fees are taken out by CCUSA or Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo. CSI announces Jan. meeting schedule ! !"!#$%&"'(('()%*+,'-.%!(!/.0-0%% !"!#$%&"' "'(('()%*+,'-.%!(!/.0-0%% #*/*!0*%1234%5*0-%6'780% #*/*!0*%1234%5*0-%6'780% CSI, Christian Seniors Interacting, meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at Abundant Life #2, 200 Zoar Drive, Perrysburg. The group is sponsored by First United Methodist Church. Meetings are open to seniors of all denominations. The following programs are planned: •There will be no meeting on December 25. •January 8–Bible study with Father Herb Weber of Blessed John XXIII Parish. Lunch will be provided by CareLink. The program, will be exercise with physical therapist Karla Gleason. •January 22–Bible study with the Rev. Dennis Ditto, pastor of Grace United Methodist Church. Lunch will be provided by WellsBrooks. The program, “Directives,” will be presented by Dean Horrigan. The cost is $3 per meeting. Reservations are required by the Thursday prior to the meeting. For more information or to register, call Phyllis Morton at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We have all types of batteries–not just auto! • We Rebuild Power Tool Batteries Be Prepared With Batteries For: n Alarm Systems n Radios n Auto/Trucks n Camcorders CELL PHONES Dynalite Battery 26040A Glenwood Rd. (corner Rt. 20 and Glenwood Rd.) Perrysburg, OH 419-873-1706 • 1-800-233-3962 2000 Advertise Here for $ per week (Minimum 13 weeks) Call 419-874-2528 today! IN THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE ROSSFORD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 270 Dixie Highway Rossford, Ohio 43460 Phone 419-666-5323 Pastor: Rev. Robert Ball SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Nursery Available •BARBARA PICKARD Barbara A. Pickard, 78, of Perrysburg, died Sunday, December 16, 2012. She was born on June 24, 1934, in Toledo to Steve and Anna (Evanski) Vancena. She was a 1952 graduate of Rossford High School, where she was a varsity cheerleader, a member of the National Honor Society and Girls Athletic Association. She enjoyed summer vacations with her family. Her favorite activities included holiday and birthday gatherings with her family and attending her children’s and grandchildren’s activities. Mrs. Pickard was a member of St. Rose Catholic Church and active with St. Rose School while her children attended there. She was instrumental in establishing the first school library, was a cheerleading coach, volunteer gym instructor, playground monitor and den mother. She was a founding member of Helping Hands at the church and was active in the Perrysburg Knights of Columbus. She and her husband enjoyed Ma and Pa bowling for many years. She is survived by her husband of 58 years, Robert Pickard; sons, Robert (Vickie), Richard (Kelly), Mark (Kelley) and Michael Pickard; grandchildren, Steven (Lora) Pickard, Brian (Crystal) Pickard, Mallori Pickard and Alexis Pickard; brother, Steven “Skip” (Darla) Vancena, and many nieces and nephews. A recitation of the Rosary was held Wednesday, December 19, at the Sujkowski Funeral Home, 830 Lime City Road. Funeral services will be held today, December 20, beginning at 9:45 a.m., in the funeral home. A Mass of Christian Burial will follow at 10:15 a.m., at St. Rose Catholic Church, 215 East Front Street, Perrysburg. Interment will follow at St. Rose Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the St. Rose Building Fund or St. Rose Helping Hands. gh Obituary Policy Many newspapers now charge for obituaries. As a service to the community, the Rossford Record Journal provides free obituaries. These obituaries, however, should conform to our style. Limited details about the deceased person’s personal life are allowed; please state them objectively. AREA BUSINESS GUIDE We Buy Scrap Batteries! ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL — December 20, 2012 — Page 5 •PHILLIP HOEFFEL Phillip Glenn Hoeffel, 75, of Rossford, died Monday, December 17, 2012, at the Eleanor Jennings Adult Family Home. He was born on January 14, 1937, in Defiance, Ohio, to Victor and Matilda (Goller) Hoeffel. After graduating from Defiance High School, he served in the U.S. Air Force from 1956 to 1962. Mr. Hoeffel worked for more than 40 years as an electrician for Huron Electric and was a member of IBEW Local 8. He was an avid Notre Dame fan and enjoyed cooking and gardening and spending time with his family. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Marilynn Kay (Bockrath) Hoeffel; daughters, Deborah (Steve) Deuschle of Rossford, Noël (David) Creager of Clarkston, Michigan; son, Christian (Annette) Hoeffel of Continental, Ohio; grandchildren, Ashley and Andrea Deuschle, Tyler Creager, Alexis and Andrew Hoeffel; brothers, Tom (Dorothy) Hoeffel and David (Mary) Hoeffel; sister, Pat (Bob) Ryan, and many nieces and nephews. Family and friends may visit at the Sujkowski Funeral Home of Rossford, 830 Lime City Road, today, December 20, from 5 to 8 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Friday, at 10 a.m., at All Saints Catholic Church, 628 Lime City Road, Rossford, where the family will greet visitors beginning at 9 a.m. Burial will be held at Riverview Memory Gardens in Defiance at 1:30 p.m. The family suggests memorial contributions be made to Eleanor Jennings Adult Family Home or Hospice of Northwest Ohio. 6W 7LPRWK\·V (SLVFRSDO &KXUFK &BTU#PVOEBSZ 1FSSZTCVSH0IJP XXXTBJOUUJNPUIZOFU 0VS.JTTJPO 5PHFUIFSUPTFFLUPLOPX BOEUPTIBSFUIFMPWFPG(PE 4VOEBZ4FSWJDFT &VDIBSJTU". 'BNJMZ&VDIBSJTU". gh •ANGELA REMINGTON Angela M. Remington, 86, of Northwood, died Saturday, December 15, 2012, at St. Charles Mercy Hospital. She was born on November 10, 1926, in Toledo, to Joseph and Kathryn (Aubry) Guerin. She was a 1945 graduate of St. Ursula Academy and a former member of St. Mary Magdalene Church in Rossford. Ms. Remington is survived by her son, Michael (Anita) Kowalski and their children. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clayton Remington, in 1980. Funeral services will be held today, December 20, at 10 a.m., at All Saints Church, with the Rev. Kent Kaufman officiating. Interment will be private at Mt. Carmel Cemetery. Arrangements were made by the Sujkowski Funeral Home of Rossford. PERRYSBURG ALLIANCE CHURCH 10401 Avenue Road Corner 795 and White Road Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 Phone: 419-874-1961 Rev. Thomas George, Senior Pastor SUNDAY 8:15 a.m. Worship Service 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 10:45 a.m. Worship Service 6:00 p.m. Discipling Groups WEDNESDAY 7:00 p.m. Senior High SNAC 7:00 p.m. Middle School JVD 7:00 p.m. FW Friends (age 3 - grade 5) 7:00 p.m. Adult Prayer Meeting “Join Us In Worship” ROSSFORD FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 157 Bergin Street Rossford, Ohio 43460 Phone 419-666-9447 Rev. Alexander Sheares SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Worship Service WEDNESDAY 6:00 p.m. Prayer Service, Testifying and Bible Study SATURDAY DEC 22 3:30 5:15 7 9 10:45 12:30 2468 PM PM PM Meets at the Perrysburg YMCA (Fort Meigs Center for Health Promotion) 13415 Eckel Junction Rd. Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 Sunday Mornings 10:00 a.m. A Reformed Church Teaching the Bible verse-by-verse Pastor Joe Hillrich 419-356-1127 [email protected] We would love to have you visit with us! ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH U.S. 20 and Route 163 Stony Ridge, Ohio Phone: (419) 837-5115 Daniel G. Beaudoin, Pastor SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH 628 Lime City Road Rossford, Ohio 43460 419-666-1393 Masses: Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC SCHOOL (Preschool through Grade 8) Where we study the world, teach the heart, and live the gospel. SUNDAY DEC 23 Join us as we recapture MONDAY DEC 24 the wonder of the season. AM AM PM PM PM PM PM These times are for all campuses and the message is identical. There will not be any services on Christmas Day, so our volunteers and staff can spend the day with their families. WHITEHOUSE WEST TOLEDO 6950 Whitehouse Sq Blvd 2600 West Sylvania Ave SOUTH TOLEDO PERRYSBURG iCAMPUS 2150 South Byrne Rd 29129 Lime City Rd Watch Live Online 24250 Dixie Highway (Highway 25) Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 (located just south of Five Point Road) Phone: (419) 874-6502 Masses: Saturday, 5:00 p.m.; Sunday, 8:00, 9:45 and 11:30 a.m. Check us out on the web ! " #$% & ! Hey Rossford! We Are Your Ford Connection! Thursdays, Doors open at 5 p.m. Lightning Games start at 6 p.m. McAlear Center All Saints Church, Rossford, OH Did you hear? COLOR PRINTING is now available at Welch Publishing’s Perrysburg location! WINNER Repair Specialist BERNIE A. RAPP CONSTRUCTION Custom Remodeling Kitchens, Baths, Additions, Ceramic Tile, Decks, Windows, Doors, Basements, Skylights 32 years in business Licensed, Bonded & Insured 419-837-6100 Call us today for a quote on 4 color printing! 117 E. Second St. • Perrysburg 419-874-2528 • Flyers • Posters (up to 12”x18”) • Postcards • Competitive Pricing • Business Cards • Brochures • QUICK TURN-A-ROUND 4 COLOR w w w. B r o n d e s F o r d To l e d o . c o m SCOTT MUIR 419.471.2941 ROB WHITNER 419.471.2953 DOUG MAHOOD 419.471.2958 BRONDES FORD TOLEDO 5545 SECOR RD. @ ALEXIS Page 6 — December 20, 2012 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL EARLY DEADLINE NOTICE TO CONSUMERS In answering advertisements, whether in publications, or television, be aware that 1-900 numbers have a charge that will be billed to your telephone number. 1-800 numbers that switch you to a 1-900 number are also billed to you. Government job information or sales can be obtained free from appropriate government agencies. Long distance calls to brokers may only be solicitations for schools or instruction books, for which there is a charge. THE CLASSIFIEDS SERVE EVERYONE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING—first 10 words $5.50, 30 cents per word thereafter. Display classified section, $12.75 per column inch. All garage/estate sales must be prepaid, by cash, check or credit card. DEADLINE IS EACH MONDAY AT NOON. Classified ads mailed in should be accompanied by payment; ads phoned in should be paid promptly to avoid a $2.00 billing charge. Send ads to P.O. Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552. Perrysburg Messenger Journal office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 to 4:30, closed Saturday and Sunday, or visit our Web site at CALL 419-874-2528 or 419-874-4491 FIRST TIME ADVERTISERS, WITHOUT A CREDIT HISTORY MUST PAY FOR ADVERTISING WHEN SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION. Submit your classified advertisement via e-mail. Just visit or PER RYSBU RG ELECTRIC MASTER ELECTRICIANS Lic. # 22360 RESIDENTIAL Ƈ COMMERCIAL Ƈ INDUSTRIAL SERVICE UPGRADES & REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEMS UNIFORMED ELECTRICIANS LICENSED Ƈ BONDED Ƈ INSURED 419-666-5211 Lake Erie SPORTFISHING CHARTERS METZGER PAINTING & Wallpapering •Powerwashing •Decks •Plaster/Drywall Repair 419-874-2251 Senior Discount Custom Window Coverings Shutters • Draperies • Blinds Eckel Snowmobile & Small Engine Repair LAWNMOWERS, SNOWBLOWERS, SLEDS, ATVs, ETC. Repairs~Rebuilds~Service~Winterize~Summerize Authorized Equipment Dealer for POWER PRODUCTS 25 Years Experience Pickup & Delivery Available (419) 833-1670 Mackiewicz Siding, Roofing and Windows, LLC 419-380-9983 FREE In-Home Consultation Professional Installation • Great Warranties Each Franchise Independently Owned and Operated “Where Quality Matters” Since 1991 E-mail: [email protected] Stykemain Tree Service Tree Trimming & Removal Stump Removal Mulch & Firewood Crane Rental Snow Removal Fully Insured • Senior Discount 419-874-0484 HARDSCAPE w PAVERS w NATURAL STONE SCREENED TOPSOIL w COMPOST w MULCH TURF FERTILIZATION w RENOVATION w HYDROSEED PLANT HEALTH CARE w TREE & SHRUB PRUNING Certified Arborists & Landscape Technicians 24112 Lime City Rd. w Perrysburg, OH LAWN • LANDSCAPE • IRRIGATION • TREE REMOVAL • SNOW REMOVAL 419-874-8119 Small Jobs Are Our Specialty Patch Drywall and Plaster All Textures Perfectly Matched All Work Guaranteed SNOW REMOVAL, residential and commercial. Call for a free estimate. 419-779-1048. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING, wall repair. Reasonable rates. 30 years experience. Many Perrysburg references. Licensed and insured. Call anytime, 419-874-2802. PLACE YOUR classified ad in the American Legion Press. Reach veterans across the area each month for as low as $5.50. Call 419-874-4491 to place your ad. DON’S DRYWALL and plaster repair. Resurfacing, texturing. Free estimates, seven days. 419-476-0145. GOOD OLD fashioned house cleaning and organization. Honest, hard working. Ellie, 419-308-9188. BDRY BASEMENT Waterproofing. Cracked or bowing walls. 419-787-6020, 419349-5054. SCHALLER TRUCKING. Delivering stone, sand and topsoil for life’s little projects. 419-666-7642, 419-392-7642. 419-874-2734 Local Family Owned Service Most Makes & Models Parts 15% Off w/this Ad Looking for the perfect holiday gift for a loved one? Snow Removal & Lawn Care CALL... Crew Cuts, LLC 419-340-7110 HURLEY’S INTERIOR/ exterior painting. Reasonable prices. 20 years experience. Free estimates. Call 419882-6753. BLIND CLEANING and repair. Mini blinds, wood blinds, fabric shades, vertical blinds. Pick up, deliver, take down, re-hang, next day turn around. Perrysburg Clean Blinds Plus. 419-874-9199. ELECTRICIAN, 30 years experience. Residential and commercial. 419-704-7201. SNOW REMOVAL. Residential driveways, sidewalks, walks. Reasonable and reliable. Free Estimates. Call Don at Dons Lawn and Landscape, LLC. 419-708-3855. HAULING ANYTHING. Furniture, brush, leaves, top soil or stone. Perrysburg Lawn and Landscape LLC, Kevin Rantanen. 419-870-1771. IF YOU DON’T CALL US, YOU’LL PAY TOO MUCH! Call Today 419-392-1335 PIANO TUNING, repairs, sales. 419-754-7530, 419-3506281. SEWING MACHINE repair, clean, oil, adjust, in your home, $19.95, 24 hour service. 419-843-6233. Huge selection of the best brands! ELECTRIC REPAIR, R.C.I., fuse box, upgrades, appliances, plugs, etc. Licensed and insured. Call today 419-349-4038. UPHOLSTERY, YOUR fabric or mine. Reasonable. 419-874-5747. APPLIANCE REPAIR. Fast professional service to Rossford, Perrysburg and Toledo vicinity. Call Dave Smith Appliance Repair at 419-385-4474 or go to to schedule service or order parts online. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER specializing in finish work, custom furniture, quality woodworking, home repairs. Jeff Hoile, 419-265-2999 or 419-874-1819. PAINTING AND Wallpapering. Professional, quality work. Removal, wall repair. Brian, 419-297-9686. STEVE’S DRYWALL, spray ceilings, texture walls, all patchwork. Call Steve, 419-873-8025. SNOW REMOVAL. dential/Commercial. able service. Poolman and Landscape, 419-874-8744. Humane Ohio Low-Cost Spay/Neuter for Dogs and Cats! Special prices for stray cats. We are a non-profit organization. Wood County Humane Society’s SNOW REMOVAL. References, reasonable, estimates available. Call Justin, 419872-5716. Excursions for up to 10 persons (419) 666-5952 (Day) (419) 662-8347 (Night) PETS tXXXIVNBOFPIJPPSH XXXGBDFCPPLDPNIVNBOFPIJP BUSINESS SERVICES SINCE 1987 Due to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays there will be early deadlines for the December 27 and January 3 issues of the Rossford Record Journal. ALL articles and advertisements MUST be in by 3 p.m. on Thursday, December 20 for the December 27 issue and 3 p.m. on Thursday, December 27, for the January 3 issue. ResiReliLawn LLC. HANDYMAN. EXPERIENCED, references, reasonable. No job too small. Dave 419-823-8033. INTERIOR PAINTING, neat, experienced. References. Free estimates. Donna, 419-476-1173, 419-250-4504. WINDOW CLEANING. Perrysburg Window and Gutter Cleaning, professional service for a fair price. Call Michael Rantanen, owner 419-8742482. For this month’s coupon visit: MICHAEL’S EXCAVATING. Sand, stone, topsoil, excavating. Free estimates. Insured. 419-344-1872. CONCRETE WORK. Driveways, patios, sidewalks. Cement mason since 1985. Call Paul 419-327-0883. BRICK REPAIR, O’Shannons. Specializing in solving masonry problems. Chimneys, porches, foundations, tuckpointing, cement work. Fully licensed and insured. License number BTR05128HRC. 419-270-3782. MISCELLANEOUS PET OF THE WEEK Gourmet: domestic short hair, brown tiger with white muzzle and chest Salutations! My name is Gourmet. I fancy myself a bit of a wordsmith so I composed a poem for you in the spirit of the holiday season. “I don’t need presents with Christmas day wrappings, just a saucer of milk for Christmas day lappings. Speaking of laps, yours looks good for some napping, but first to the tree for some ornament tap-tap-tapping.” As you can see I’m a very smart boy, but I also enjoy playing with other felines and toys. I think I’m pretty remarkable and I know you will as well if you come out and visit me! Please visit or call the Wood County Humane Society at 419-352-7339 to learn more about this great pet. All of our adoptable animals can be viewed by visiting ere’s No Place Like Home WANTED TO BUY In-Home Pet Sitting Service Please call for rates Book now for the holidays Jan Quail, 419-378-1126 A MECHANIC buys vehicles; looks, pays accordingly, anything with wheels. 419-870-0163. BARB’S PET Sitting. Professional pet sitting in your home. 419-874-9192. WANTED GUNS, any age, any condition. Also WWII and earlier military items. Indian artifacts. Rob, 419-340-5808, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. FOR SALE 750 SANTA Clauses, all sizes and types. Some old, some new. Whole collection at one time. 419-726-2597. FIREWOOD, FREE delivery, 4’ x 8’ row, $65. Seasoned hardwood. Alternative Tree Service, 419-475-3111. (This notice is a public service of the Welch Publishing Co.) BUYING OLD guitars and amps, old advertising signs, old toys. 419-874-9119. Wood County Humane Society will have an opening for a full time animal cruelty investigator. Requirements: high school diploma, animal experience, background in social work or criminal justice or related field preferred. Must live in Wood County, be insurable to drive on our policy and consent to a background check. Starting pay $9 or negotiable with experience. Send cover letter, resume and three professional references to: WCHS, 801 Van Camp Rd., Bowling Green, OH 43402 or email to woodcountyhumanesociety by December 21, 2012. Teacher – Perrysburg Candidate must have a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or related field and at minimum one year experience with pre-school aged children and prior experience working with word processing, spreadsheet, internet and database software. Responsibilities include coordinating and developing classroom activities, providing developmentally appropriate care for children, and maintaining accurate reports and documents. Initial and periodic physical exam, pre-hire drug test and background checks are required. Seasonal, Part-Time, avg. 25 hr/wk, $12.25/hr. Applications must be received by December 30, 2012; apply online at EOE Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing Developer III (Perrysburg, OH). Maintain SAP Busi. Warehouse & Busi. Obj. reporting platform, incl. content, performance, & security. Req. Bach.’s deg. in IT, Comp. Sci., Elec. Eng., or rel. field & 5 yrs.’exp. in developing & administering SAP Busi. Warehouse (BW) 7.01 for co. w/ at least 200 power-users, w/ emphasis on FIGL & FICO, & incl. enhancing standard SAP BW content & customer extractors. Stated or other exp. must incl. 5 yrs. w/ each of following: Working w/ internal busi. partners to develop SAP BW content that meets functional reqs.; Designing, implementing, & supporting security models w/in SAP BW. Stated or other exp. must also incl. 1 yr. w/ each of following: Resolving SAP BW issues to provide optimal performance, near real time data access & high availability; Creating custom BW objects, Data Sources, InfoObjects, InfoCubes, MultiProviders, Transformation Rules, InfoSources, DTPs & InfoSets; Designing & developing data extraction from SAP utilizing flat files & standard SAP data extractors; Writing basic ABAP programs for bldg. transformations & update rules; Developing data warehouse solutions in areas of integrating w/ source systems, bldg. & maintaining Busi. Obj. Universes (BObj Enterprise XI 3.1), & configuring Data Federator; Administering SAP BW, incl. activating new content, establishing proc. chains, deploying transports, managing transport dependencies, troubleshooting load failures, & applying SAP Notes; Bldg. reports using BObj Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, & Crystal Reports. Exp. may be gained concurrently. Must be available for work & on-call status outside reg. busi. hrs. up to 20% of time. Apply w/ Req. ID #27466 at TRAINCO TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL Day • Eves • Weekend Class Job Placement Company Paid Training Call 419-837-5730 Train Locally-Save Hassle PERRYSBURG CAMPUS FIREWOOD, SEASONED, 4’ high x 8’ long stack, $80. 419-409-0252 or 419-409-0250. HOVEROUND, USED mobility chair with auto lift. MPV4 Scooter, battery charger, Silver/Star Pride platform lift, battery charger, exterior weather cover, low hours. 567-225-4702. david [email protected]. TODDLER SAFETY Bed rail, excellent condition. $10. 419-874-7763. W H E E L BA R ROW, SCONCES/CANDLEHOLDERS, wooden and aluminum ladders, 2 white shelves, 2 table lamps, metal storage cabinet, coffee table, microwave, white dresser, iron headboard/footboard, antique dining table with 5 padded chairs. Call 419-666-7184 for more information. GARAGE SALES ALL GARAGE SALE ADVERTISING MUST BE PREPAID, BY CASH, CHECK OR CREDIT CARD BY MONDAY NOON ON WEEK OF PUBLICATION OR THE AD WILL NOT RUN. CALL 419-874-4491 TO PLACE YOUR AD AND PAY VIA CREDIT CARD. MOVING/ESTATE ALL MOVING/ESTATE SALE ADVERTISING MUST BE PREPAID, BY CASH, CREDIT CARD OR CHECK, BY NOON ON MONDAY BEFORE PUBLICATION OR THE AD WILL NOT RUN. MOBILE HOMES * * * NOTICE * * * Investigate before you invest. Call the Ohio Division of Securities BEFORE purchasing an investment. Call the Division’s Investor Protection Hotline at 800-7881194 to learn if the investment is properly registered and if the seller is properly licensed. Please be advised that many work at home advertisements do not yield what is promised. It is best to investigate the company before applying for any work at home position. WE ARE always looking for great things to buy or consign. Collections or estates. Jones & Jones LTD Antiques and Fine Art. 114 W. Indiana. 419-874-2867. HELP WANTED Home for the Holidays! 6 months free lot rent on select homes! Nice selection of 2 & 3 bedroom Sites also available for new or pre-owned homes Certain restrictions apply Financing Available! Call Walnut Hills/ Deluxe Park @ 419-666-3993 BUYING MOST items from garages. Vehicles, motorcycles, tools, mowers, etc. 419-870-0163. $300 and Up for All Junk and Repairable Cars/Trucks. Guaranteed. Lowest Prices on Auto Parts Free Towing • 7 Days a Week 4848 N. Detroit Avenue Homer’s Auto Parts near Laskey 419-478-5052 USED CARS 2009 MERCEDES ML350. 3.5L, V-6 engine. Automatic transmission, AWD, heated seats and navigation. Clean and nice condition. $25,499. Financing available. Honda East, Jeff, 419-891-1230 x22. LOOKING FOR cars/trucks. Call before selling or trading. 419-297-9709. 1999 CHEVY Silverado, 121K, V8, toy hauler, cruise, PW, PL, CD, custom wheels. 567-225-4702, [email protected] 1996 CROWN Victoria, very good condition. 69,500 miles. $2,800. Days only 419-693-8575. 2003 HONDA CRV, well maintained, excellent condition, 90,000 miles. Asking $8,000. Call 419-867-8355. 2008 FORD Escape EC. 102,500 highway miles. V6, car starter. $10,500. 419-666-3667. 1997 OLDS Silhouette Extended. 123,000 miles. Runs well. $1,900. 419-270-6261. 2003 GMC Sierra SLE extended cab pick-up truck. 1 owner. Trailer package. A/C, power windows and lock, cruise control, rear window defrost. Sharp, very clean. 155K highway miles. Tonneau cover, bug shield. $6,500. Steve, 419-250-2308. MOVING? Advertise your home in the classifieds 419-874-2528 GET AN EARLY XMAS GIFT THE FIRST 10 LEASE PURCHASERS NO PAYMENT UNTIL AFTER THE 1ST OF THE YR RECEIVE – ZERO DOWN / WALK AWAY LEASE 100 GALLONS OF FREE FUEL and 3 FREE OIL CHANGES on us! Owner/Operators Flatbed Steel Haulers & Dry Van Wkly Pay, Direct Deposit Comdata Card, Plate Program Family Owned Business Operating Nearly 50 years! Call Recruiting 800-537-0223 SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS. Over 30 years experience. Dressmaking, wedding gowns, bridesmaids, alterations and veil design. 419-874-5390. HIRE “SANTA Claus”. I will do parties, house visits and parades. 419-250-0913 or 419-250-6661. IN HOME cleaning services personalized to fit your needs. 10 years experience. Cheryl, 419-861-7627. CLASSES OFFERED ART CLASSES - Group & Private. Drawing, painting & figure study. Beginning through advanced. EDGERTON ART Studio & School, Perrysburg. Current schedule and registration forms available online at www.; Call: 419290-OILS [6457], Email: [email protected]. VACATION RENTALS KNOWLEDGE OF home sewing, piece work. Call 419-469-8898. LOCAL DENTIST office is looking for a full time experienced dental assistant to join our staff. Please send your resume to: Drs. Kelley and Thebes 13003 Roachton, Perrysburg, Oh 43551. LOOKING FOR someone that can do make up and hair for a photo shoot. Call Debra 419-509-8234. PART-TIME GREETER needed for our Perrysburg campus. Apply in person to Trainco Truck Driving School, 26718 Oregon Road, Perrysburg, between 9 a.m.-5 p.m. PERSONALS PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (never known to fail) Oh, most beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful Vine, Splendor of heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me where you are my mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (make your request). There are none who can withstand your power. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mother, I place this prayer in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer for three consecutive days and then you must publish it and it will be be granted to you. Grateful thanks. J.R. LUXURY 2 Bed/2 bath condo in Playa del Carmen Mexico @ The Royal Haciendas, spring break week beginning March 30, 2013 for $1,450. All inclusive option available. For details, call 419-874-6166. PLACE YOUR Vacation Rentals here. Call us 419-874-4491 to place your ad. PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Call the Fair Housing Center, 243-6163, before you run your advertisement. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275. FOR RENT 1 AND 2 BEDROOM twinplexes, corner 795 and Lime City Road. No pets, $400 and $500/month. 419-344-1975. 2 BEDROOM mobile home at Village Green. No pets. Need good credit. Water included. $435/month. Small one bedroom mobile home, $325/month. 419-248-2372. 2 BEDROOM villa. C/A, gas heat, attached garage, washer/dryer hook-ups, $665/month. 419-874-0889. 2 BEDROOMS, 807 Three Meadows Drive, ground level, 850 sq. ft., appliances, AC, laundry area, new carpet and flooring $550/month. 419346-6703. 28042 WHITE Road, nice two bedroom home. One car garage, all appliances included. $900/month, 1 year lease. 419-367-6032. CARRIAGE HOUSE on secluded lot. Lawn, owner maintained. 1 bedroom plus office. 2-1/2 car heated garage, C/A, non-smoking, no pets, $750/month plus utilities. 419-874-6712, 419-205-1297. OFFICE SPACE, Perrysburg Township. Great location. Upper level available. 1,200 to 1,800 square feet. Ample parking, regional market exposure. $900-$1,200/month. All inclusive. 419-874-8144. PERRYSBURG ONE bedroom plus den brick ranch apartment. Adults preferred, security deposit, 1 year lease. No pets, non smoking. 419-356-0694. PERRYSBURG TOWNSHIP 1 and 2 bedroom apartments starting at $425. Wooded setting, no gas bill. Call for our specials, 419-389-0555. PERRYSBURG TOWNSHIP. 2 bedroom , 1-1/2 bath. Washer/dryer hookups. No pets. $555. 419-260-7583. PERRYSBURG, 1 bed upper, 126-1/2 West Second. Heat and water provided. $525/month plus deposit, 1 year lease. 419-872-1973. PERRYSBURG, TWO bedroom apartment overlooking lake. Garage, no pets. $595. Broker/owner 419-874-1112, 419-874-1188. ROSSFORD 2 bedroom starting at $450. Quiet community, pet friendly. 1110 Lewis. By appointment, 419-385-0704. ROSSFORD, 1 bedroom house, newly remodeled, all new appliances. Available January 1. $650/month, no pets, 419-509-3286. ROSSFORD, 154 Elm Street, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, fenced in yard, $675/month, plus utilities, plus deposit. Available immediately. 419-666-6865. SOUTH TOLEDO. 1,2 and 3 bedroom spacious apartment homes with washer/dryer. Across from the Stranahan Theater starting at $599. Call for our specials, 419-3890555. THREE MEADOWS, Simmons Road, apartment. 2 bed, 1 bath, no dogs, second floor. $525 per month plus deposit. Call 419-843-2065. Rossford 3 bedroom, 1 story house freshly painted inside, 1 bath, washer/dryer hook-up, large eat-in kitchen, covered patio, 1.5 car garage, very quiet street. $850/mo. plus deposit. Pets negotiable, 419-823-4321. Perry’s Landing Space for Rent •Commercial/Office Space, 500 sq. ft.-1800 square feet available. •1 bedroom apt. available, $525 plus utilities. 419-352-0717 Perrysburg Townhome 2 bedroom available, 1 1/2 bath, full basement, w/ w/d hookups, 1 car garage. Located in residential neighborhood Rent $750 + utilities. Call for showing!! 419-353-5800 AVAILABLE NOW! WAREHOUSE SPACE 1,200 To 2,400 SQ. FT. WITH OFFICES RESTROOM OVERHEAD DOOR 13 FT. CEILINGS VERY CLEAN MODERN, SECURE 26963 ECKEL ROAD PERRYSBURG CALL 419.874.5307 ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL — December 20, 2012 — Page 7 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FREE CABLE Cordoba Apartments Perrysburg Township. Close to Owens & Crossroads. Rent starting at $410 419-381-0600 Rossford 4 bedroom, 2 story house freshly painted inside w/new hard surface flooring throughout, 2 full baths, large living room and dining room, kitchen has dishwasher, washer/dryer hook-up in basement, fenced backyard w/2 car garage. $995/mo. plus dep. Pets negotiable, 419-823-4321. WANTED TO RENT PROFESSIONAL SEEKS 3-4 bedroom Perrysburg home. Up to 3 year lease. 419-265-3790. PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Call the Fair Housing Center, 243-6163, before you run your advertisement. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275. 2 BEDROOM, 2 full bath Rossford home for sale. 190 Hannum Avenue. Just a walk from downtown or to the Marina. Enclosed front porch, hardwood floors, appliances included. Newer furnace and water heater. Fenced in backyard with detached garage, $92,500. 419-276-2377. PERRYSBURG CONDO, Village at River Place. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, 1,400 SF, new carpet, neutral paint, Corian countertops, appliances, 2 car garage. $125,000. 419-450-9335. Perrysburg Real Estate News and Stats at LAND FOR sale, 1.85 acres, Perrysburg Township, Perrysburg Schools. Parcel P60400-210000065002, $42,000. Call 419-690-2183. PERRYSBURG, THREE Meadows 5 townhouse rental property. Each unit: 2 beds up, 1-1/2 baths, living room, family room with fireplace, kitchen with appliances, basement with washer/dryer hook-up, patio, 1 car garage with opener. $359,000. 419-304-6765 evenings. Bruce Lively Home for the Holidays Own a piece of Perrysburg History The JA Hall House! $469,900 The Perry Team Mortgage Lender Jill & Mark Perry Welles Bowen Realtors 419-283-4300 419-898-8352 virtual tour - PERRYSBURG 419-872-2410 Info + Photos on all MLS properties go to New Listing – 590 Candyce Court – Lovely 4 BR, 3.5 BA home features upgraded kitchen & in-ground pool, great location near school, park and expressway. $242,500. New Listing – 30033 Saint Andrews – Beautiful home situated on Belmont’s 9th tee, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, located in township so no city taxes. $227,500. 6499 Garden Road – Totally updated 2 BR, 1.5 BA condo, nothing to do but move in. $78,500. 2709 Derby – Spacious home in desirable Hasty Hills, 4 BR, 2.5 Ba, 3 car garage, first floor office. $299,900. 1666 Castlebar – SOLD 269 Cedar Ridge – SOLD 128 Cranden – SOLD 112 Twinbrook – SOLD Cecilia Richardson, ABR 419-356-2000 Infoline # 419-539-1020 Check us out on the web: Barber’s In The Stop by and see Brent, Maggie, Becky and Lou! 129 W. Third Street 419-874-6684 HOURS: Wed. 9-7; Thurs. 9-5; Fri. 9-7; Sat. 9-2 No ent appointm . ry necessa Junior high wrestling team takes first place at Lake tournament For the first time in many years, the Rossford Junior High School wrestling program has more wrestlers than weight classes. The coaches took two teams to the Lake tournament last Saturday. The Maroon team went undefeated to take first place. They grappled with Maumee, Gibsonburg, Arbor Hills, and Edison, fighting hard to hold on to their winning streak and came out victorious. The Gray team wrestled Evergreen, Lake, and Edison and performed extremely well. They fought hard and came up against some strong teams, and were victorious over Evergreen. They are now 13-0-1 for the season. The RJHS wrestlers and coaches with their first place trophy from the Lake tournament. Toledo Area Humane Society reduces adoption fees in December The Toledo Area Humane Society has reduced adoption prices through the end of December. The following rates apply: •Dogs who have been at the shelter for some time will have their adoption fees reduced to $25. •All other dogs over the age of 6 months will receive $25 off their adoption fees. •All adult cats will have their adoption fees reduced to just $25. •Kittens will have their adoption fees reduced to $50. •Pocket pet adoption fees are reduced to $2.50. In return, TAHS asks prospective pet owners to bring in a gift from their Wish List when you visit the shelter to adopt. Items like canned dog and cat food, new or gently used blankets and towels, dog and cat treats, non-clumping cat litter, and gas cards for cruelty officers are being accepted. Donations from the Wish List are appreciated and help off-set the shelter’s reduced adoption fees. “Our goal is always to help as many pets as possible find their new forever homes. It becomes even more special around the holidays,” said Dr. Debbie Johnson, di- The Rossford High School varsity wrestling team record now stands at 10-6, and 3-1 in the NBC. CJ Ball is off to a great start at 16-0 with a 9-5 decision over Evan Ulinski of Woodmore, who was fourth in the state last year. Next up for the RHS team is the 42nd Marion Harding Classic to be held December 28-29. pecially for the holidays.” Temporary foster volunteers also are needed. TAHS is currently collecting names of people who are willing to help. Anyone who can foster an animal for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, can send an e-mail to the TAHS foster coordinator at foster@ toledoareahumanesociety. org. The Toledo Area Humane Society will be closed to the public Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Christmas Schedule of Services Our area houses of worship invite you to rejoice this Christmas season with praise, reflection, song and prayer. Their doors are always open, so please join them in celebrating the true meaning of the season. Christmas Christmas Eve Eve & & Christmas Christmas Day Day Masses Masses Rossford wrestling Mat Notes rector of operations at TAHS. “Just because the ASPCA Challenge is over, we haven’t lost the momentum of finding new homes for the animals in our care and we’d love to see the shelter as empty as possible, es- December 24 4:00 p.m. – Church 4:00 p.m. – Gymnasium 6:30 p.m. – Church 12 Midnight – Church (preceded by music at 11:30 p.m.) December 25 9:00, 10:30 a.m. & 12 Noon E. Front & Elm Sts., Perrysburg CHRIST EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH (Dowling) 22552 Carter Rd., B.G. P.O. Box 364 Phone: 419-833-3956 Rev. Tom Zulick Christmas Eve at 7:00 p.m. Candlelight service with Holy Eucharist Christmas Day 10:15 am CrossPoint Community Church Johnson named Wrestler of the Week Rossford High School junior Dallas Johnson was named Wrestler of the Week for December 10-15. Dallas was 2-0 in the league with a 6-5 decision over Genoa and a forfeit over Lake. At the Lakota Holiday Duals, he helped the team to a second place overall finish by going 4-1. He won two matches by pin and received two forfeits. His overall record now stands at 9-2 on the season. Sunday, December 16: 10:30 a.m. Program by students of Ottawa River Elementary School, followed by a gourmet reception Sunday, December 23: Worship service at 10:30 am. Message: The Songs of Christmas Monday, December 24: Christmas Eve service at 6:00 pm candlelight service 4212 Onondaga Ave., near the intersection of 283rd and Lehman, in Point Place. Pastor: Rev. Michael DeLong Have a news tip? Zoar Lutheran Church Do you have an idea for a good story in the Rossford community? Call the Journal at 419-874-4491 or send an e-mail with your news to [email protected]. 314 East Indiana Avenue 419.874.4346 Christmas Handbell Program “Bethlehem" December 22, 6:00 p.m. & December 23, 10:00 a.m. Christmas Eve Worship December 23, 6:00 p.m. Family-oriented service with Holy Communion December 24, 3:30 & 6:00 p.m. Family-oriented service with Holy Communion 8:30 & 11:00 Traditional service with Holy Communion Pre-service music begins 30 minutes before each Christmas Eve service HOW CAN I CARE FOR HIM? WHO CAN I CALL FOR HELP? WHAT WILL IT COST? WHAT IF HE’S IN PAIN? HOW CAN I CARE OF HIM? ow was I going to “Once Hospice of Northwest Ohio WHO CAN I CALL FOR HELP? WHAT WILL IT COST? WHAT IF HE’S IN e care of him? What stepped in, my worries were gone.” as I going to have to PAIN?HOWwas CAN I TAKEit CARE OF HIM? WHO CAN I CALL FOR HELP? ? What going HOW CAN Iwould care for cost? How I him? WHAT WILL IT COST?was WHAT IF HE’S PAIN?HOW CAN I TAKE CARE nage? How I INgoto takeWhat care of him? HE’S IN WILL PAIN? if WHO CAN I CALL FOR HELP? IT COST? WHAT IF WhatOF HIM? was I going toWHAT ve to do? What was HE’S IN PAIN? CAN I TAKE CARE OF HIM? WHO CAN I CALL FOR going toHOW cost? How the area’s largest and most experienced provider of hospice WHO CAN I call for help? Wecare,area nonprofit ould I manage? How organization solely dedicated to providing the best HELP? WHAT WILL COST? WHATcare IF HE’S IN PAIN?HOW CAN I TAKE s I going toIT take possible end-of-life experience for our patients and their families. him? What was I goWHAT WILL ITFOR cost? Ask for us by name. The sooner you do, the more we can help. to have to do? What CARE OF HIM? WHO CAN I CALL HELP? WHAT WILL IT COST? as it going to cost? w would manage? WHAT IF HE’S INIPAIN?HOW CAN I TAKE CARE OF HIM? WHO CAN I ow was I going to e care What CALL FORof HELP?him? WHAT WILL IT COST? WHAT IF HE’S IN PAIN?HOW as I going to have to ? What it WHO going CAN I TAKEwas CARE OF HIM? CAN I CALL FOR HELP? WHAT WILL cost? How would I nage? How was I goto take care of him? “I constantly felt like I was in the hands of experts with Hospice of Northwest Ohio. I didn’t know if my husband needed a change of medicine or needed to sit up. I didn’t know all the things to make &/Z^dhE/dDd,K/^d,hZ, him comfortable, but they did.” – Anita, wife of a Hospice of Northwest Ohio patient Answers for Living the Last Months of Life Visit 419-661-4001 (Ohio) U 734-568-6801 (Michigan) © 2012 Hospice of Northwest Ohio NWOH-081 8.218x5 2.indd 1 8/1/12 5:18 PM All Saints Catholic Church 628 Lime City Road, Rossford 419-666-1393 Web: Monday, Dec. 24, Christmas Eve: Masses, 4:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. & Midnight Tuesday, Dec. 25, Christmas Day: Mass, 10:00 a.m. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Holy Day of Obligation Masses Monday, Dec. 31, New Year’s Eve, 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 1, New Year’s Day, 10:00 a.m. Regular Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday, 4:30 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. ϮϬϬt͘^ĞĐŽŶĚ^ƚ͕͘WĞƌƌLJƐďƵƌŐ͕K, ,Z/^dD^s^Zs/^ ϰ͗ϬϬƉŵ&ĂŵŝůLJĂŶĚůĞůŝŐŚƚ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ ϳ͗ϬϬƉŵĂŶĚůĞůŝŐŚƚ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ ϭϭ͗ϬϬƉŵĂŶĚůĞůŝŐŚƚ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ KDDhE/dzEtzZ͛^s^Zs/ DŽŶĚĂLJ͕ĞĐĞŵďĞƌϯϭƐƚĂƚϱ͗ϯϬƉŵ ůůĂƌĞŝŶǀŝƚĞĚƚŽũŽŝŶƵƐĨŽƌŽƵƌEĞǁzĞĂƌ͛Ɛ ǀĞ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞǁŝƚŚĂǀĂƌŝĞƚLJŽĨŵƵƐŝĐĂů ƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĂƟŽŶƐŝŶƉƌĂŝƐĞĂŶĚƐŝŶŐŝŶŐ ďĞĨŽƌĞLJŽƵƌĞǀĞŶŝŶŐĞǀĞŶƚƐ͊ Page 8 — December 20, 2012 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL Go to Owens for an affordable, high quality college education. Helene Moulopoulos, Medical Office Support Major Ready. Set. Go! Classes begin Jan. 7. Apply today! ȔƨȔȔ Owens is the answer. /owenscc Rehearsals under way for Rossford High School production of ‘Scapino!’ Elizabeth Parisi named Signor Argante (junior Nolan Duly) and Signora Geronte (sophomore Hannah Peterson). Young lovers share a kiss. Giacinta (senior Rori Coyle) and Ottavio (freshman Andrew Sabovik). The Rossford High School Drama Club is busy rehearsing for its upcoming production of the comedy, “Scapino!” which opens January 10. Based upon the classic 1671 comedic farce “Les Fourbieres de Scapin” (“Scapino’s Deceits”) by French playwright and essayist Moliere, Tony Award winning actor Jim Dale (“Barnum,” “Pete’s Dragon,” the Harry Potter film series, “Pushing Go Bulldogs! from owners Bill & Cheryl Smith and staff . Wayw ard Inn Re st auran t a nd Lo unge 1 2 1 3 S c h r e i e r R d ., R o s s f o r d Featuring great Cantonese, Szechuan, Mandarin & American Food Join us for New Year’s Eve Closed s Eve Christma mas st and Chri Day Make your reservations today! Call 419-666-3288. Daisies,”) and author Frank Dunlop successfully revived and updated the classic to much acclaim in 1974 winning several Drama Desk Awards. The play now takes place in the seedy waterfront cafes and pizzerias of 1950s Naples, Italy. Two young Neopolitans, Ottavio (freshman Andrew Sabovik) and Leandro (freshman Daniel Fox) beg Ottavio’s deceitful con artist valet, Scapino (junior Bran- don Goldsmith) and sidekick Sylvestro (freshman Alex Santellana) to bring them together with their true loves– the naive Giacinta (senior Rori Coyle) and gypsy Zerbinetta (junior Haley Peterson), despite previously arranged marriages prepared by cafe owner Signor Argante (junior Nolan Duly) and merchant Signora Geronte (sophomore Hannah Peterson). Through all kinds of trickery and lies, Scapino tries his best for the children amidst slamming doors, mistaken identities, spinning plates of pasta and abusing people in public with sausage. Also featured in the cast are Taylor Moore, Chandler Horton, Mekenze Healey, Kyleigh DeHart, Aly Hope, Katie Taylor, Trent Morelock, Danny Burgan and Sammy Beale. “Scapino!” is directed by Julie Zatko and Ryan Mahaffey. Technical direction by Eddie Czubinski. The production runs January 10-13, in the RHS Auditorium. Thursday through Saturday performances will be at 7:30 p.m., and a Sunday matinee is at 2 p.m. Tickets are $6 general admission. The production lasts approximately one hour. Tanner Krotzer named RJHS Wrestler of the Week Tanner Krotzer has been named Rossford Junior High wrestler of the week. Coach Hussar and Coach Ball recognized Tanner for taking his practice time to a new level, working harder than ever and motivating everyone around him. Tanner also takes time out of his mornings and evenings to run, work out and motivate other wrestlers who need to make weight or want extra time to practice. The coaches said that Tanner’s dedication to his teammates is a quality that is setting the right example in the wrestling room. Elizabeth Parisi was selected Student of the Month for December by the Maumee/Bowling Green Elks Club. Elizabeth was one of several area students invited to a luncheon program at the Maumee/BG Elks Lodge on December 13. Students are selected for the award based on scholastic achievement, leadership potential, school activities, and character. Elizabeth is the daughter of Alice and Robert Parisi of Rossford. She is a senior with a 3.97 grade point average. She enjoys running and has performed well on the track and cross country teams. In 2011, Elizabeth was a regional qualifier in the 4x800 event and was named to the Second Team All-NBC. Elizabeth is an active and generous volunteer. She mentors local elementary students, assists with Boy Scout Troup 43, completes numerous mis- Students are using technology to help them improve their math skills. Sumdog is an online individuated series of math questions which allows students to work on math concepts in competition with other students around the country and around the world. More than 70 students from ASCS participated during the December contest. Sixth grade student Liam Walsh placed 601 out of 51,670 players. Top winners in each grade include: Elizabeth Parisi sion trips with her church youth group and most recently, volunteered to serve as a Big Sister with the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. Elizabeth plans to attend the University of Cincinnati to major in international affairs and Spanish. ‘Christmas Candle’ set for Dec. 24 Residents are invited to step back in time and attend a live taping of the Radio Theatre, “The Christmas Candle.” Live shows will be Taylor, grade 1; Savannah French and Justin Hire, grade 2; Michael Nawrocki and Lillia Hittler, grade 3; Isabel Palmer and Sophia Palmer, grade 4; Kate Ellis, grade 5; Liam Walsh and Patrick Yost, grade 6, and Miranda Cano and Frances Kraus, grade 7. one hour in length and begin at 5 and 7 p.m. on Christmas Eve, Monday, December 24, at The Dwelling Place, 8201 Angola Road, Holland. Physical Therapy Consultants 27064 Oakmead Drive Total Body Rehabilitation J ul i e O l m s t e ad , P h y s i c al T h e r a pi s t •Shoulder •Knee •Hip •Ankle •Feet •Balance •Conditioning •Sports •Worker’s Comp. •Post Surgical 22 years experience S p e c i al i z i n g i n Ba c k & N e c k P a in C a ll 419 -874- 6957 w w w . y o u r p tc .c o m Lee Williams Rossford 941 Dixie Hwy. 419-666-0091 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Shop at Toledo’ s House of Meats where all your dollars stay in your community. PRICES GOOD SUNDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 THROUGH DECEMBER 22, 2012. TOLEDO’ S BEST BONELESS HONEY-GLAZED SPIRAL SLICED PRIME HOMEMADE BONELESS RIB ROAST KIELBASA BAKED HAM Tanner Krotzer County Parks offer tree recycling The Wood County Park District will accept Christmas trees for recycling December 26 through January 11. All decorations, including tinsel, must be removed before recycling. Trees can be dropped off at the following Wood County Parks: •W. W. Knight Nature Preserve, 29530 White Road, Perrysburg •William Henry Harrison All Saints students compete math contest Elks Student of the Month inAllSumdog Lydia Laughlin and Owen Saints Catholic School Park, 644 Bierley Avenue, Pemberville •Otsego Park, 20000 West River Road, Bowling Green •Park District Headquarters, 18729 Mercer Road, Bowling Green •Slippery Elm Trail, parking lot on East Broadway, North Baltimore Donors should look for signs in the parks indicating where trees should be dropped off. Blue Skies to make comfort quilts for Newtown, CT families Blue Skies Quilting and Gifts is committed to sending a comfort quilt to each of the families who lost a loved one in Newtown, Connecticut. Those willing to donate a handmade quilt, time to make one, or money to help cover cost, may visit the quilt shop located at 116 West Indiana Avenue, Perrysburg, on Thursday or Friday, December 20 and 21, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., or call 419-872-4500. “Like” the Record on Facebook! 15 oz. Au Jus 2.99 ea. LB. HALF POUND NEW YORK Phone (419) 872-0204 | Toll Free (877) 883-1224 Investment Advisory services are offered through Alphastar Capital Management, LLC, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Alphastar Capital Management, LLC and Citizen Advisory Group, Ltd. are independent entities. LB. SMOKED KIELBASA $4.99 LB. LB. BONELESS WHOLE BEEF STRIP TENDERLOIN PORK STEAK CHOPS EA. EA. PORK LOIN BNLS 4 OZ. EA., $3.16 LB. LB. BEEF LOIN BNLS $7.98 LB. SENIOR DAY - THURSDAY, DEC. 20 - 10% DISCOUNT FRESH AMISH TURKEY LB. FRESH TURKEY BREAST LB. TURDUCKEN FREE $20.00 LB. LOIN LAMB CHOPS 4 OZ. EA. PORK GIFT CERTIFICATE CROWN Buy $100 WORTH OF HOUSE OF MEATS GIFT CERTIFICATES TO BE USED ANYTIME. 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