
Winter 2010 Edition
DR. Charles Petitt
Preaching Schedule
February 15-17
BBFI Annual Conference
Savannah, GA
February 27 - March 7
Baptist Mid Missions Conference
Sao Paulo, Brazil
March 14
Mid-Way Baptist Church
Raleigh, NC
March 21
Capital City Baptist Church
Columbia, SC
March 28
Cedar Grove Baptist Church
Asheboro, NC (tentative)
May 9
Crane Bible Baptist Church
Crane, MO
May 9
Cherry Street Baptist Church
Springfield, MO
May 10
Baptist Bible Fellowship
Springfield, MO
May 16
First Baptist Church
Milford, DE
Atlantic Baptist
Bible College
february 19
Conqueror Days
February 22-23
Recruitment Day
March 16
and Banquet
March 19
Stevens Lecture
April 12-13
Celebration days
May 6-7
For more calendar events, see the
Calendar Page at
420 S. Broad Street • Winston-Salem, NC 27101
1-800-937-5097 or 1-336-725-8344 •
By Chris
Ronk, a CPA
With all of the grim news about unemployment these days, it seems
impossible to locate any segment of the economy that is actually growing. However, according to the IRS, the number of registered nonprofit
organizations (NPOs) in the US has increased more than 50% in the
last 15 years to over 1.5 million. According to the US Department of
Labor, the nonprofit sector now represents more than 10% of total
employment in the United States and has far outpaced the for-profit
and government sectors in job growth during the last 10 years. Despite these facts, relatively few institutions offer specific training to
equip future leaders and managers in this rapidly growing area.
Piedmont Baptist College and Graduate School offers a quality
program in management for nonprofit organizations combined
with a quality, Bible-based ministry program designed to properly equip the future leaders of ministries around the world.
The Management for Nonprofits minor (
Mgt4NPOs) is part of the new BA Christian Ministry degree.
This degree requires two separate minors, which means the new
management minor can be paired with a variety of other
minors, including Pastoral Studies, Student Ministries,
Church Education, and Missions (visit
BAChrMin to view a complete list). The courses within the minor are also available as electives to students outside the program and to graduates desiring
to strengthen their management and administrative
skills. Taught completely online, the flexibility of
the online format will allow those currently serving full-time to benefit from the curriculum. The objectives for the Management for
Nonprofits minor are:
• To develop a biblically correct
form of management that balances fiduciary responsibilities with ministry purposes
and objectives
• To expose students to
major financial concepts, principles, and
strategies and MBA in
and an
Director of
Business in a
In addition to
teaching the
courses for
the Nonprofit
Minor, Chris
is currently a
consultant to
From the President’s Pen
May the Circle Be Unbroken
by Dr. Charles W. Petitt, President
He was just another West Indian boy playing soccer
with his friends on the street that day when I stopped my
van to invite them all to visit Community Baptist Church
which still met in a large tent with a dirt floor. He quickly
promised to visit in hopes that the big white man would
get back in his van and drive out of their soccer field so
that they could continue with the game. But Dexter Kirby
came to church as he had promised . . . and kept coming.
Then one Sunday an event occurred that changed his life forever. My message about
the realities of hell from Luke 16 was used by God to produce great fear of eternal judgment and deep conviction of sin in Dexter’s heart. He responded to the public invitation
that day and trusted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Who could have guessed that
a few years later I would be the president of Piedmont Baptist College and Graduate
School, and Dexter Kirby would have earned both undergraduate and graduate degrees
from Piedmont? More importantly, he has now returned to his home country and is
launching the most fruitful church plant in St. Vincent’s history. In only five months
he has led a number of souls to Christ, and his new
church already enjoys one of the largest attendances
of any church on the island, in spite of the fact that
most of the churches are over forty years old!
It is difficult to find adequate words to express how
blessed I feel as I watch missions come full circle.
The training I received in Bible college equipped me
to plant churches in the United States and in the West
Indies. I passed that teaching on to James Jackson
who became the pastor of the church I planted in St.
Vincent (which has now become Dexter’s sending
church). Pastor Jackson then discipled Dexter Kirby
and eventually sent him to Piedmont where he has just completed
his Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies through our outstanding online program and is
now planting a vibrant new church and training the next generation of Christian leaders.
You can see why I believe so strongly in Bible college and graduate school education. It simply works. In addition, online delivery provides flexible, advantageous
options that were unavailable only a few short years ago. Elsewhere in this Newsline,
you can read Dexter’s testimony of how online education has been so beneficial to his
training and accommodating of his busy life and ministry. Perhaps you or someone you
know would benefit from these online programs as well. I invite you to visit our website at or give us a call at (336) 725-8344 or (800) 937-5097. We would
love to help you reach your fullest potential.
Jerry Hullinger, Th.M., Ph.D.
Professor in the bible department
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jerry Hullinger has joined our
Bible Department. Dr. Hullinger was born and raised in Illinois, graduated from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, and then completed a Bachelor's degree at Colorado Christian University. While a student there, he
was also the associate pastor of a church. The Hullingers then moved to
Dallas, TX where he completed his Th.M. and Ph.D. degrees at Dallas
Theological Seminary. From there, Dr. Hullinger pastored a church for
six years in Memphis, TN and served as an adjunct professor at Crichton
College in Memphis. After that period of ministry, the Hullingers moved
to Florida where he taught seminary and college for seven years.
Dr. Hullinger enjoys writing and has published numerous articles in
several different theological journals, including “The Problem of Animal Sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-48,” Bibliotheca Sacra 607 (1995); “The
Contribution of the Transfiguration to a Literal View of the Kingdom,”
The Journal of Ministry & Theology 2 (2004); and “Two Atonement
Realms: Reconciling Sacrifice in Ezekiel and Hebrews,” Journal
of Dispensational Theology 32 (2007).
He also enjoys reading commentaries and theology, traveling in the U.S., and eating out.
Dr. Hullinger’s philosophy of teaching
centers around the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture. “I believe that God
revealed no more or no less than what
we need to know. I try to challenge
students, cause them to think, and
yes, frustrate them at times
in confronting them with the
Scriptural text. It is my desire
that their beliefs and actions
conform to what Scripture
alone says, without addition or subtraction.” This
spring Dr. Hullinger is
teaching Pauline Epistles
II, New Testament Survey, Theology of Isaiah, and Acts.
With the launch of the Spurgeon School of Online Education in 2005, Piedmont
has become not only a premier training center for those desiring to pursue full-time Christian service, but one that offers flexible options on how to pursue that training. The
Online School allows students to continue their full-time jobs as well as their ministries in their local churches while pursuing their education. The benefits of classroom interaction have been incorporated into the Online School as well. Classes are kept small, and interaction with the professor and classmates is required. To date, approximately 600
students have enjoyed the flexible option of pursuing their training with at least one online class through our Spurgeon School of Online Education.
After graduation from the Air Force
Academy, I attended pilot school
and am currently flying E-8’s for
the Air Force. However, I have
always wished for opportunities for more
in-depth Bible
Study. When
I reached
the stage of
my career
where a
Degree was
the next appropriate step,
I decided to
pursue a degree
in Bible. I enrolled
in the MABS online program and
just completed my first class while
deployed to the Middle East. Air
Force Tuition Assistance paid for
about three quarters of the cost
and Piedmont’s Military Appreciation Scholarship covered the rest.
The online program has been easy
to use, and my class has been a
nice distraction from the stress of
the deployment. It is a great way
to earn a degree.
I’m a student at Piedmont Baptist
College – and an MK in
Germany. I can be
both at the same
time thanks
to the online
courses PBC
offers, and I
am very thankful for that! It
is very hard to
find an equivalent to college
on a biblical basis
here, and I’m glad to be
able to be taught in the Word
of God, even from the other side
of the ocean. My parents moved
here when I was only 11 months
old, so Germany and our family’s
ministry here have become very
important to me. We are in a very
small church in upper Bavaria, and
I am glad to be able to say that I am
a part of this small group of people.
I have grown right along with them,
and hoping not to sound repetitive,
I am thankful for the online courses
because they give me the opportunity to grow not only in my church
family, but also in college life.
Men’s Basketball: The 2009-2010 season began with two returning
players and a new coach. Coach Kent Hogan, a former player in the early 2000s, began his coaching with inexperienced but eager players to take on the tough competition in the South Region of
the NCCAA. The schedule began with several of the top teams in the league. Winning against Trinity
Baptist and Appalachian before the break gave the guys a lot of encouragement to welcome the start of
the second half of the season. Returning from the break, PBC opened up with a win against Washington
Bible College in the 22nd Annual Classic, which was a boost to the team’s confidence.
Women’s Basketball: The PBC ladies finished with a 6-4 record before the Christmas break, one of our best starts
since 2000. The team consisting of 6 freshmen, 3 sophomores, and 2 juniors have shown a lot of confidence in each other.
Early in January the team has a 2-2 record in Regional competition, losing by a combined total of 8 points
in its 2 losses. The team’s sights are set on positioning itself to be seated in
the top 4 as the playoffs approach.
You can see the schedules of both teams by
going to the website. The coaches and players will enjoy meeting you when they are in
your area. GO CONQUERORS.
When I found out about the new
online minor, Management
for Nonprofits, I was
excited. This minor is so
fitting for the ministry
God has called me
to as an executive director of a
local pregnancy
care center.
I completed
the first online
class this past fall,
which covered marketing and fundraising.
Although I was already involved
in marketing and
fundraising in my
ministry, the
was interesting, practical and
educational. I have
been able
to put into
practice some
valuable information I learned from this
one online class. I look forward
to the next class in the spring as
I am sure it will prove to be just
as valuable to me. After taking
this class, I am convinced that it
would be beneficial for anyone
who is going into the ministry,
whether as a pastor, youth pastor,
Christian School principal, or
other para-church minister. It also
helps to have a professor who
is so well versed in this field. I
am thankful PBC is offering this
minor and has such a qualified
professor to teach it. Thank you
Piedmont Baptist College for this
It was early in my senior year at
Atlantic Baptist Bible College
when the news came: ABBC
would be merging
with Piedmont
Baptist College and
in Virginia
would be
closing at
the end of the
fall Semester. What
was I going to do? I had finished most of my schooling, but I needed that last
semester. I had already
accepted a Youth Pastor position in Vermont,
and my wife and I were
traveling back to Vermont
each weekend. We had
a lot of decisions to make.
It wasn’t really feasible for
us to move to North Carolina
for one semester and then back
to Vermont. It seemed like my
degree was in jeopardy. Then I was
introduced to the online program at
Piedmont. This would allow me to
move to Vermont and serve at my
church full-time. Completing my
last semester online was the answer
to our problem. I believe that God
had worked it out so that I could
finish my degree and still graduate
on time. Needless to say, thanks
to Piedmont’s online program, I
graduated in May of 2009. My
online experience was great, and
I would recommend it to anyone,
especially if it is difficult for you to
live near or on campus. All I could
see were problems, but now looking back, I can see that they were
opportunities and not problems.
Upon graduating with a BA in Biblical Studies from Piedmont’s main
campus in 2007, I then returned
to my native Island of St. Vincent
and the Grenadines. As a missionary now serving in
the Caribbean,
I don't have
much time
for extra
that I enroll
in the graduate program
at PBC&GS,
instinctively I thought it
was a laughable idea. “How can I
adequately balance ministry and
academics, without one being jettisoned?” I asked myself. Two and
a half years later with a Master’s
degree under my belt, the answer
is as clear as daylight: PBC&GS
offers the most flexible and convenient online graduate program that
is highly interactive and taught by
competent professors. It is only due
to this type of “ministry-friendly”
graduate program that I was able to
accomplish my MABS and establish a vibrant church plant simultaneously! Ironically, the online
classes that I was able to take while
establishing this church plant in St.
Vincent did not take away from my
efficiency but added to it! Many
courses presented me with the
answers that were so indicative of
my current situation. Had it not
been for the training that I received
from PBC&GS, I can honestly say
that I would not have been able to
establish a church plant in a mere
five months that averages close to a
hundred people. This institution has
not only helped me with the theory
but also the practical.
During the Piedmont presidency of Dr. Charles Stevens, a near-legendary
series of meetings occurred annually in January called the Mid-Winter Bible Conference. It
utilized speakers as diverse as Dr. R.G. Lee, pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis,
Tennessee, who was
called at that time the
“Prince of Preachers,”
and the exceptional Bible teacher, Dr. Lehman
Strauss. During this time
I was a Gospel-starved
biology major at Wake
Forest University. To drive across Winston-Salem and hear strong, scholarly men preach the
Word of God in the historic Salem Baptist Church auditorium was like oxygen to a suffocating man. Wake Forest had taught me that Bible preachers were intellectually inferior, but
listening to men such as those noted above reinforced in me the credibility of the belief in the
Scriptures. Eventually I even surrendered to God’s call into full-time ministry and enrolled at
Piedmont to pursue a ThB and eventually an MA in Pastoral Theology.
Today Piedmont Baptist College and Graduate School, still standing firm in the Word of
God as in the years when Dr. Stevens was President, has its own version of the Mid-Winter
Bible Conference, now named the Annual In-House Bible Conference. This year’s conference was held January 25-28, and the theme was “Eschatology in the 21st Century.” To
present four complementary views on the Bible’s depiction of future events, four alumni of
PBC, serving currently as faculty members in the Bible Division, were this year’s preachers
for the conference.
Dr. Tim White (’78) opened the conference and spoke on “Revelation 21 and 22: The
Eternal State.” Dr. White is an experienced pastor as well as a trusted professor of Theology
and Expository Preaching. He is currently teaching Church Administration and Pastoral Internship in addition to other courses.
I followed Dr. White and spoke on “I Corinthians 15: the Great Resurrection Chapter.” In
addition to chairing the Bible Division, I am the professor of Biblical Interpretation I, II, and
III and New Testament Survey. I have used my Piedmont training in hermeneutics, exegesis,
and sermon delivery for over 38 years of pastoral ministry.
Dr. Hoyle Bowman (’55) was our third speaker this year and delivered the topic “Revelation
20: the Great Millennium Chapter,” which was the theme covered in his doctoral dissertation.
A long-time fixture at Piedmont, Dr. Bowman was Dr. Stevens’s choice to teach Biblical Interpretation I and II and Theology in Piedmont’s formative years. He has 45 years (!) of Piedmont
teaching experience.
Concluding our conference was Dr. Rob Decker (’84), pastor of a growing church in Kernersville and also professor of Pentateuch and Counseling & Theology. Dr. Decker spoke on “How
to Stay Together When the World is Falling Apart.” This message drew heavily on the Bible’s
teachings regarding the coming tribulation. Dr. Decker is a thorough expositor of the Word of
God and is an expert in applying the Word to modern men and women without compromise.
In addition to having four alumni deliver this year’s conference, we implemented a new
tradition of having a Round Table Discussion follow our first meeting. All who attended the
conference that morning were invited to join the Bible Division for coffee, discussion of the
conference topic, and questions. We hope more will make time to attend this discussion in the
years to come.
As I reflect on this year’s conference, I am reminded that Dr. Stevens and his four “E’s”
(Exegesis, Evangelism, Ecclesiology, Eschatology) are still in evidence today at Piedmont
Baptist College and Graduate School. Alumni, we want to keep in touch with you via email. Please send your email address to [email protected].
Enrich Your Ministry:
The Newsline is very pleased to launch a new, regular feature: “The Graduate
School Forum.” We plan to share with you news about the Graduate School and
theological research that will enrich your ministry.
Professor Wayne Willis Joins the Graduate
School Faculty:
After a one-year sabbatical to complete his PhD courses, Prof. Wayne Willis returned to Piedmont to join the Graduate School faculty as professor of Theology
and Chair of the PhD Theology concentration. Prior to this new appointment,
Prof. Willis served for 10 years as Chair of the Bible Division at Piedmont Baptist
College. Dr. Petitt has affirmed Piedmont’s commitment to its historic doctrinal
statement, unchanged for 63 years. The appointment of Prof. Willis to this critical
position is consistent with that commitment. Students will appreciate Prof. Willis’s
scholarship and dedication. We welcome Prof. Willis to the Graduate School.
Your Questions Answered:
If you have a question about a biblical or theological subject that requires research, please email it to [email protected]. One of our Graduate School professors will research it and email the answer to you as well as publish it in the
Newsline as space will allow.
Join Us For One of These Summer Classes:
MODULES: (Contact information: [email protected]; 336-714-7986)
May 10-14
May 10-14
May 17-21
June 7-11
June 14-18
June 21-25
July 12-16
May 10-June 28
July 5-August 23
Critical Issues in NT Theology
Advanced Ecclesiology Biblical Philosophy of Leadership
Research Design and Procedures
Advanced Studies in Ethics
Church History II
Theology II (Spanish)
Acts (Spanish)
Introduction to the OT
Theology III
The Church and the Law:
A one-day seminar with attorney Homer McMillan will take place on Friday,
March 12. Reservations: [email protected]; 336-714-7986.
• To acquire the ability to prepare, understand, and explain basic financial
• To be able to utilize the latest technologies for information gathering, analysis,
and reporting
• To understand pertinent regulatory and legal
requirements for nonprofits, churches, etc.
The 18-credit-hour minor includes a
hands-on practicum/internship plus the
following online courses:
• Marketing, Fundraising, and Public
• Financial Management and Legal Issues
• Human Resources and Office Management
• Organizational Theory and Behavior
• Strategic Management and Governance
• Management Information Systems
Churches and para-church ministries
should demonstrate the highest levels of
professionalism, competence, efficiency,
and excellence. To accomplish this, ministries need solid financial management,
proper legal compliance, and efficient staffing. This new minor will equip our students
to help meet these needs. The courses are
designed to expose students to the various
challenges facing nonprofit managers and
to provide the methods and skills necessary to respond.
If you are interested in attending a class,
contact Admissions at admissions@pbc.
edu or dial 800.937.5097.
420 S. Broad Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
and Graduate School
Permit No. 29
Winston-Salem, N.C.
Non-Profit Org.