May 31, 2015 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
May 31, 2015 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
EPIPHANY OF THE LORD CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston – 1530 Norwalk Drive Telephone: 281-578-0707 Katy, Texas 77450 Fax: 281-578-9161; Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Friday - 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Masses: Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM Saturday: *5:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, *9:45 AM, *11:30 AM, 5:30 PM *Nursery Available Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 PM; or appointment with a priest Anointing of the Sick: First Thursday of the month at 9:00 AM Mass Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday after 9:00 AM Mass until 7:30 PM St. Vincent de Paul Society: 281-578-3845 May 31, 2015 – The Most Holy Trinity – Readings on Page 1087 1 PARISH CLERGY Rev. Tom Lam Administrator Rev. Thomas Joseph Parochial Vicar Deacon John Evanoff Pastoral Associate Deacon Don Kish PARISH STAFF Business Manager Craig Shemon Gerry Broussard, Verna Goertz, Dan Stamps, Mary Tran Religious Education LouAnn Svoboda, Director Beth Harvey, Charlotte Fulton, Maria Laiseca Youth Ministry Dave Clark, Director Joey Harvey Music Ministry Spencer Schuyler, Director Merle Vahlkamp Outreach Ministry Schottsie Hill, Director Lisa Gilkeson Facilities Manager Kirk Harris Young Kim Karim Valdez COMMUNITY LIFE Nursery Coordinator: Anne Salazar Child’s Play: Alyce Gabrysch 281-578-9332 Bingo: Friday at 7:30 p.m. 281-578-3905 Welcome Newcomers If you would like more information on our Parish Community, please visit A Reflection by Pope Francis O n the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Pope Francis spoke in his Angelus Address about the love that is at the heart of the divine life of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is, he said, “a life of profound communion and perfect love, the origin and end of the whole universe and of every creature.” But the Holy Trinity is also the model of the Church “in which we are called to love one another as Jesus has loved us.” Love, Pope Francis said, is the distinctive mark of the Christian. As Christians, “we are called to bear witness to and announce the message that ‘God is love,’ that God is not distant or insensible to our human affairs.” God, the Pope said, “is close to us, He is always by our side, He walks with us to share our joys and our sorrows, our hopes and our struggles.” He loves human beings so much that He sent His only Son, the Second Person of the Trinity, into the world, that the world might be saved through Jesus. It is the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis continued, “the gift of the Risen Jesus,” that “communicates the divine life to us and so makes us enter into the dynamism of the Trinity, a dynamism of love, of communion, of reciprocal service, of sharing.” A person, a family, a parish that loves others for the sake of love is a “reflection of the Trinity.” But although true love is without limits, true love also knows when to limit itself in order “to meet the other, to respect the liberty of the other.” Drawing the connection between the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity and next week’s Feast of Corpus Christi, Pope Francis said “the Eucharist is like the ‘burning bush’ in which the Trinity humbly dwells and communicates Itself.” He reminded the faithful of the custom of Rome of celebrating the Mass of Corpus Christi in the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran, followed by a Eucharistic procession to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major. “I invite Romans and pilgrims to participate,” the Pope said, “in order to express our desire to be a people ‘gathered in the unity of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” 2 Events & Meetings This Week SUNDAY, MAY 31 9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years Room 214 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 9:30 AM, ESL Level 3: Outreach Ctr. 7:00 PM, Adult Choir Practice MONDAY, JUNE 1 7:00 PM, KC’s Business Meeting: KC’s Room 7:00 PM, Bereavement Support: Room 303 7:00 PM, Job Networking: Rec Room THURSDAY, JUNE 4 9:00 AM, Anointing of the Sick within Mass: Chapel 7:00 PM, Line Dancing: Family Center TUESDAY, JUNE 2 9:30 AM, Quilters: Room 411 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM, Adoration: Chapel 10:00 AM, Holy Hour Rosary for Respect Life: Chapel 10:00 AM, Scripture Study: Den 4:00 PM, Holy Hour Rosary for Vocations: Chapel 7:00 PM, Scout Troop 1288: Rooms 301/303 /Rec Room 7:00 PM, Rosary: Chapel 7:30 PM, Evening Prayer: Chapel FRIDAY, JUNE 5 7:30 PM, Bingo: Family Center SATURDAY. JUNE 6 8:00 AM, Ad Altare Dei: Rec Room Epiphany Room 2:00 PM, Quinceanera: Chapel 5:30 PM, Nursery: 0-5 years: Room 214 SUNDAY, JUNE 7 FOOD DRIVE COFFEE & DONUTS 9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years: Room 214 9:45 & 11:30 AM, Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Grade 1 Corpus Christi Collection benefiting St. Mary’s Seminary The Corpus Christi Collection, to be held at parishes throughout the Archdiocese on the weekend of June 6-7, funds the operating budget of St. Mary’s Seminary in Houston to educate the men who become our future priests. The Seminary is grateful for your generosity towards this collection. Your donation is vital in continuing the mission of the Seminary. For more information, contact Charlene O’Shea, Associate Director of Development, 713-686-4345 or visit Join us on a parish pilgrimage to Rome, Italy on Oct. 25-Nov. 5, 2015. Travel to Venice, Florence, Assisi and the Eternal City of Rome to experience the rich cul- ture and deep spirituality of the Church. Only 50 places available for parishioners of Epiphany. If interested, please contact Craig Shemon at [email protected] Baptisms Please contact parish office for preparation classes. Baptism Session for Parents 2nd Saturday of February, May, August, November 10:00 AM – Noon To register call LouAnn Svoboda (281-578-8271) Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) For information call LouAnn Svoboda (281-578-8271) Sacrament of Marriage Must be a registered, active member of the parish at least six months. Contact parish office eight months before wedding to begin preparation. Finance Council Chair Denny Dellinger Knights of Columbus Steve Zoeller, Grand Knight kccouncil9759/default.asp St. Vincent de Paul Society Cynthia Viator Ladies Club Joan McManamy Forever Young Barbara Hajjar, Clare Snow Bulletin Deadline The deadline for article submission is Thursday at noon (ten days before publication). Your article can be sent to [email protected]. Check our website for Liturgical, Youth Usher & Faith Formation Schedules. [email protected] 3 Liturgy & Prayer LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK SPECIAL REMEMBRANCES Saturday, May 30 5:30 PM Sunday, May 31 8:00 AM 9:45 AM 11:30 AM 5:30 PM Monday, June 1 9:00 AM Tuesday, June 2 9:00 AM Wednesday, June 3 9:00 AM Thursday, June 4 9:00 AM Friday, June 5 9:00 AM Saturday, June 6 5:30 PM Sunday, June 7 8:00 AM 9:45 AM 11:30 AM 5:30 PM Vigil-The Most Holy Trinity †Hope Mercaldi The Most Holy Trinity †Lorraine Huber For the People †Alberto Yamhure †Drew Satterwhite St. Justin Martyr †Michael Clark Weekday †Milburn Frerich St. Charles Lwanga & Companions Beverly Kloesel Weekday Beverly Kloesel St. Boniface †David Mooney Vigil-Body & Blood of Christ †Ken Wild The Most Body & Blood of Christ †Francisco & Catalina Licup For the People †Linda Doucette †Thomas N. Holder READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tb 1:3; 2:1b-8; Ps 112:1b-2, 3b-6; Mk 12:1-12 Tuesday: Tb 2:9-14; Ps 112:1-2, 7-9; Mk 12:13-17 Wednesday: Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Ps 25:2-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 12:28-34 Friday: Tb 11:5-17; Ps 146:1b-2, 6c-10; Mk 12:35-37 Saturday: Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20; Tb 13:2, 6efgh-8; Mk 12:38-44 Sunday: Ex 24:3-8; Ps 116:12-13, 15-18; Heb 9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 Please pray for our military men and women. ANOINTING OF THE SICK AND ELDERLY: The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated on Thursday, June 4 and every First Thursday of the month during the 9:00 AM Mass. The Sacrament of Anointing is for the strengthening of those who are ill, or who are aging. We celebrate the sacrament best in the community setting so that we can support you with prayer. PRAYER LIST FOR THE SICK Please keep the following people in your thoughts and prayers this week as we wish them a return to good health: Jason Sides, Andrew Bencivengo, Charles Massey, Patricia Givens, Vicki Druehl, Elaine Mueller, Eddie Holik, Ingrid Stassi, Anthony Pocasangre, Hipolita Gonzales, Josie Kristek, Mabel Arrazola, Janet Cuccia, Hailey Williams, Rosemary Mauricio, Tommy Bunn. To make a request for someone to be on our prayer list, please call the parish office at 281578-0707. Your loved one’s name will appear on our prayer list for six consecutive Sundays. If a longer period of time is needed, please call the parish office to renew your request. Please Remember In Prayer Our Deceased Thomas Fox, son of Majorie Fox brother of Michael Fox Eva Lazarich, wife of John Lazarich, mother of Linda Smith and John Michael Lazarich 4 Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community Katy, Texas May 30th & 31st, 2015 Issue 1 Parish-Wide Feasibility Study Begins! Our parish has been recently engaged in reviewing the various needs of Epiphany culminating into our Master Plan. Beginning today, the parish is moving forward with a Feasibility Study to examine the possibility of conducting a capital campaign for the first phase of the Master Plan. Since careful arrangement and thoughtful planning are required for any successful venture, the advice of our parishioners is essential. Your participation in this study is an important factor in making this project a success. Your input will enable us to formulate a plan of action, and together we can make educated projections concerning the campaign. To assist us, the parish has retained Guidance In Giving, Inc., a professional Catholic fundraising and stewardship consultant firm, to work in cooperation with our parish staff and lay leadership in conducting the study. Guidance In Giving, Inc., who works solely with Catholic parishes, schools and arch/dioceses, has the knowledge and expertise to help us formulate an appropriate plan of action and to make recommendations regarding the implementation of a successful capital campaign. Please plan on participating in this vital endeavor. Watch for Feasibility Study letters in the mail Every registered family will be mailed a personal invitation from Father Tom to participate in the Feasibility Study in one of two ways: (1) Personal interviews will be conducted over the next few weeks with a cross-section of our parish families. We ask that all invited to be interviewed please contact the parish office as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. (2) A Mail Survey will be sent to parishioners registered at the parish. All parishioners are asked to complete the Survey and return it back to the parish by the weekend of June 27th & 28th. The findings from the questions asked in the study are intended to give us an accurate view of the opinions and thoughts of parishioners concerning the development of the support that can be expected from our parishioners as we look at our present needs as well as our needs for the future. Father Tom and the Parish Leadership thank you in advance for your advice and counsel as they make plans for the upcoming project. Be assured that the information you provide will be kept completely confidential. For more information about the study, please contact the parish office, 281.578.0707 “Your participation in this Feasibility Study is an essential factor in making this process successful and I am asking for everyone to participate. We are one family. Let us all be involved in shaping our future, together.” Father Tom Lam 5 News in the Parish We welcome into our community: Joann Bolks, Alfonso & Janeth Cabezas-Vargas, Anthony & Germaine Do, Christopher & Veronica Florida, Glenn & Carolyn Foley, Alejandro & July Hoyos-Gaitan, Carolina Maldonado-Tula, Jean & Annie Rangel-Rodriguez, Margaret Taylor. The Knights of Columbus and the organization Loaves and Fishes want to thank all the volunteers that came out to make snack lunches for the homeless on May 17th. Over 60 people helped in the preparation of the food. About 40 people then went to the Loaves and Fishes to deliver the food. Loaves and Fishes was very excited to see us as they were unable to cook this day due to facility issues. We served over 150 while we were there. Special thanks goes out to the numerous volunteers and the scouts that got up early to help in this project. This was truly an Epiphany Community effort and we thank you for your help. Training for New Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion There will be a training session Saturday, June 20, at 11:00 am in the chapel for those interested in serving as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC). Due to the nature of this ministry, there are certain requirements for those interested in serving: Must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Communion, & Confirmation ♦ If married, marriage must be recognized as valid by the Church ♦ Must be a registered and active member of the parish ♦ You must pre-register for this training by contacting Gerry Broussard in the parish office or by emailing her at [email protected]. If you have any questions regarding this important ministry or any of the requirements, please contact Deacon John Evanoff at 832-772-0267 This new fund is established for donations SPONSOR COUPLES—We are in need of Sponsor Couples to help prepare engaged couples for Christian marriage by inviting them into their (Sponsor Couple’s) home for a series of five or six weekly meetings. This is not done by lectures, or by claiming that your own marriage is the model to be followed. Sponsor Couples share their experience of the good times and bad times of Christian marriage. The Sponsor Couple invites the engaged couple into the process of reflection and discussion, by which both the Sponsor and engaged couple grow to a better understanding of how to live and love as couples committed to Christian marriage. If you are interested in becoming a Sponsor Couple, please phone Deacon Don Kish at 281-578-0707. to add to the beauty of our worship space. With your contribution or memorial gift, we hope to add Stations of the Cross and statues for our Church. At any time during the year, you are welcome to send in a donation or place your gift in an envelope in the collection during Mass with the designation, “Sanctuary Beautification Fund.” Thanking you in anticipation of your generous response. 6 Our Stewardship eGiving with Faith Direct Stewardship – May 23/24 Sunday Offering St. Vincent de Paul $55,184.05 $3,245.00 Registered Households 6,761 “The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…” — Romans 8:16-17 If we are heirs to the kingdom of God, shouldn’t we work to build up His kingdom? Shouldn’t we be good stewards of our inheritance, using our time, talent and treasure to care for the Church that God has left to us? Our Church is a treasured heirloom from God. Do we treat it that way? Vocations Corner Saturday, June 6 – Priesthood Ordinations 10:00 a.m. Mass at the CoCathedral. Have you ever attended an ordination mass? Every year men are ordained in the Houston-Galveston Archdiocese. Plan to attend the mass as Fr. Tom Lam and Fr. Thomas Joseph will be present. Come to our Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral, downtown Houston, about 30 minutes before 10 am. Let us offer prayers of thanksgiving for these holy men as they begin their priestly vocation. Sponsored by the Vocations Committee. “He has created us to love and to be loved, and this is the beginning of prayer – to know that He loves me, and that I have been created for greater things”. — Mother Teresa You might want to consider making your generous weekly contributions to the parish through Faith Direct, the electronic giving program here at Epiphany of the Lord. Even if you are traveling on business or on vacation, you can make all of your contributions through Faith Direct by way of automatic payment from your checking account or credit card, just as you may do now with your mortgage, household bills, and other monthly payments. It is a great way to simplify your giving, and it is the most costeffective, environmentally-friendly way for the parish to receive your gifts. Faith Direct is the leading eGiving program for Catholic churches in the Archdiocese as well as in dioceses across the country. You can visit their website at to learn more about how to enroll securely online. Please note, our parish code is TX613. Faith Direct also offers your family personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes to be placed in the collection basket on Sundays. I would like to take this opportunity as well to express my deepest gratitude for your generous contributions throughout the year. It is wonderful to be a part of a faith community that so graciously supports the parish and the important ministries that the Church provides. I hope that you find that this new program makes it more convenient for you to continue to offer your gifts to Epiphany of the Lord. Expressing the assurances of my prayerful remembrance of you and your family and my best wishes in the Lord, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Tom Lam 7 Outreach Ministry – 281-578-0707 Standing Meetings: Mon.—Epiphany Job Networking at 7 p.m. in the PAC; Tues.—Adoration after morning mass until 7:30 p.m., Respect Life Rosary at 10 a.m. 1st: Bereavement meeting @ 7 p.m. 6th/7th: Food Drive 11th: Gathering Place @ 10 a.m. 11th: Caregivers Support Group @ 10 a.m. 13th/14th: Blood drive Sign up 13th: Career Search Seminar @ 9 a.m. See for details. BEREAVEMENT MEETING - June 1st When a loved one dies, our lives change. Sometimes we take on new roles, ones our loved one used to fill. Our new identity may make us feel alone, and perhaps helpless at times. The support of others who have had similar experiences can help us adjust to these difficult changes. Please join us for our next gathering on Monday, June 1st at 7:00 p.m. in the PAC Room 303. If you cannot attend but would like more information, please email Michelle at [email protected]. Food Drive Next Weekend! Our monthly Food Drive is scheduled for next weekend, June 7. We appreciate all of your help in keeping our food pantry well stocked. We especially need pasta sauce and cereal this month. We also accept cash and checks as food closet donations. Please place your monetary contributions in the Sunday collection, but please write in food donation on the memo line. May God Bless you with Anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people, so you can work for justice, freedom and peace. DO YOU HAVE A GIFT OF HOSPITALITY? THEN WOULD YOU OR YOU AND A FRIEND LIKE TO ASSIST WITH RECEPTIONS? If you’ve ever lost someone dear to your heart, the last thing you want to worry about is having to feed visitors. If you can relate to this and want to help those in this situation by serving food at Epiphany’s Family Center for funeral receptions, please contact the Outreach Office at 832-772-0306 to join the Funeral Aid Ministry. Help the Homeless June 6th Do you have a heart to help the homeless? There is a local breakfast and worship for them and our friends in need the morning of Saturday June 6th. Contact Gwendolyn at 281-235-2290 for more information and to sign up. Baby Bottle Return June 20/21 BINGO - PLEASE HELP!! If you haven’t been to Epiphany’s Family Center on a Friday night, it’s a sight worth seeing! Not only is it entertaining for the whole family, it is also provides camaraderie in the community! Bingo’s profits go to local non-profits that service our friends in need. Bingo is in urgent need of volunteers. Please consider donating your time (once a month) to this group. Contact Ben Burch at [email protected] if you can help. 8 Faith Formation 281-578-8271 Faith Formation Registration For the 2015-2016 school year Registration for Faith Formation (FF) classes begins on June 1, 2015. If your child was enrolled in FF during the 2014-15 school year, a preprinted registration form was mailed to your home. If you are a new parishioner, or if your child is just beginning FF this year, contact our office to request a FF registration form: 281-5788271 or [email protected]. Tuesday Morning Scripture Study group will meet on June 2, 9 and 16 from 10 –11 the PAC. Contact [email protected] for information. Scripture Study Group will take a break after June 16. INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? God’s invitation to journey with Him is always present; all you need to do is respond to His invitation. If you or someone you know has questions about becoming Catholic, contact LouAnn at 281-578-8271, ext. 283. TEAMS of Our Lady An information meeting for married couples group will be held on Sunday, June 14 in Room 207 (nursery hallway) from 10:45—Noon (following the 9:45 Mass and 11:30 Masses). For information contact: [email protected]. T Treasures from our Tradition here are plenty of “treasures” in our tradition that if resurrected today would cause anxious moments for bishops! Many concern marriage. There was a time when the church “consecrated” both virgins dedicated to prayer and charity, and brides dedicated to husband and family. Virgins were blessed in the sanctuary of the church, and brides in the sanctuary of the home. The custom of blessing the bride in the marriage chamber was standard in England, Ireland, Spain, and France until the eleventh century. If the groom (the groom’s side planned the wedding) chose from the full menu of liturgy, there would be a blessing of the bridal room, solemn evening prayer on the eve and morning prayer on the day of the wedding, a blessing at the church door of the spouses, and then in the church for the wife alone during Mass, and Communion. After the feast, a priest would represent the bride’s father in presiding over the legal process by which the bride transferred from her father’s clan to her husband’s. Some enduring customs hearken back to these days when marriage was seen as a contract between men (the bride’s father and the groom) and was not so much about living out one’s baptismal call, and certainly not about the equality of the spouses in Christ. Happily, this baptismal focus has been restored and unhelpful customs set aside by today’s marriage rite. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Come and pray the rosary before the Blessed Sacrament for Vocations every Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. in the Chapel. 9 Children’s Faith Formation Epiphany Youth Ministry VBS June 22-26, 2015 Everest, Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power is just around the corner! All forms are due and registration continues for all participating Pre K (4 years old by Sept. 1) through students entering 5th grade. Forms are located in the Faith Formation Office and the Epiphany Website at until all spots are full. For questions email Stephanie Brierty at [email protected]. The number of participants is dependent upon number of volunteers. Adult forms located online with children participants. If you are a teen please email Stephanie! V B S (All adults [18 years +] working with our children must be VIRTUS trained. Visit to register for the training). Decorating our facilities for Vacation Bible School: Email Stephanie today for the details! Times and locations differ and something is happening every week. If you want to help ahead of time please contact Stephanie for more information. [email protected]. Attention to those who use the Please take nursery: the time to complete the yellow tags. Include first and last name, age or birth date and a cell phone number. This is the best way to contact you in case of an emergency. See our complete Junior High Summer dates on our website! June 9th will begin with Mass then have a field day on the softball field. Lunch will be included along with a summer t-shirt! $10 per person. The Steubenville Conference is a powerful experience for high school students to see Christ fully alive and present in our Catholic faith. We are traveling to Tucson, Arizona July 9-14 for the conference then seeing the Grand Canyon! Please see more information on our website. Last call for students to attend! Cost is $480. We have two mission trip meetings remaining: June 10 and 17 from 6:00-8:30 p.m. Thank you for your prayers as our students prepare for their journey June 20-28! 10 INFORMATION SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS 515137: Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community 1530 Norwalk Dr., Katy, TX 77450 PHONE 281-578-0707 CONTACT PERSON Gerry Broussard #1 email: [email protected] #2 email: [email protected] SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher®2003 Adobe Acrobat 6.0® Professional Windows XP Professional® Service Pack Three PRINTER HP LJ300-400 color M351-M451 PCL6 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 11 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION May 31, 2015 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday, 12 PM SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 11
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