Clare County Review September 25, 2015
Clare County Review September 25, 2015
KRAPOHL’S 22OCK IN ST WE BUY CLEAN TRUCKS, CARS & SUV’S Ford F-150 MT. PLEASANT Local 772-2991 Toll Free 1-800-772-5974 A-X & Z Plan Headquarters visit our website: CENTRAL MICHIGAN’S BEST SELECTION • All Makes & Models • Over 100 Pre-owned in Stock FREE The Clare County Review Volume 68, No. 21 Friday, September 25, 2015 Established 1947 Mid Michigan’s Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper • Serving all of Clare County • 989-386-4414 • On Line at Hunter says bear attacked him sent to a lab in Lansing for DNA extraction, which could reveal information A porcupine hunter said about the bear. “The DNR is asking the he was attacked by a black public to be mindful of bear while he was in a blind in Greenwood Town- the department’s efforts to capture the bear, which is ship last Thursday. The 46-year-old hunter believed to be injured. If a bear is sighted in Section said he was alone in the 10 of Greenwood Townblind around 7:30 p.m. ship where the incident when the bear came from behind, knocked him over occurred, please contact and attacked him. He said the DNR’s Report All Poaching (RAP) Hotline at he stabbed the bear in the 1-800-292-7800,” Golder shoulder with his hunting knife and the bear ran off. said. Tuesday, Golder said The Michigan Department of Natural Resources no reports of sightings was informed of the attack of a black bear had been received yet. He said, “The about 45 minutes later, a DNR release said. Sgt. Jon DNR reminds the public that black bears are generWood reportedly spoke ally fearful of humans and with the man and advised him to seek medical atten- will usually leave if they become aware that people tion. He was treated for are present.” minor injuries at a local Golder said Michigan hospital and released. has an estimated black The DNR’s Law bear population of 8,000 Enforcement Division is investigating the incident, to 10,000 bears, but 90 percent of that population the release said. is in the Upper Peninsula. DNR Public Information Officer Ed Golder said He said, “Bears frequent locations in Clare County a trap has been placed in where the suspected attack the area where the attack occurred.” reportedly occurred. He He added, “As with all said the knife has been By Pat Maurer Correspondent suspected conflicts involving wild animals and human beings, the DNR’s first concern is public safety. We are continuing to investigate this incident to ensure that the right information is conveyed to the public in a timely fashion.” Here are some facts to remember when you are in an area where bears may be present: *To avoid surprising bears, travel in small groups and make noise. *If you encounter a bear, stand your ground and then slowly back away. Do not turn away. Do not show fear and don’t run. Do not play dead. *Make yourself look bigger and talk to the bear in a stern voice. *If actually attacked, fight back with a backpack, stick or bare hands. *Carry pepper spray, which has been shown to be effective in fending off bear attacks. For additional information on living with bears, visit the DNR website at Just ten percent of the eight to ten thousand black bears in Michigan are found in the lower peninsula. A trap similar to this one was set to try and catch the black bear that reportedly attacked a porcupine hunter in Greenwood Township. DNR photos Duo charged with 14 break-ins Margaret Rosenbrook, a volunteer with Quilts of Valor, presented WWII veteran George Crisp and Vietnam veteran Danny Crisp each with a handmade quilt to thank both men for their sacrifices in serving the country. The quilts were made by volunteers in Brighton, Michigan. Father, son awarded ‘Quilts of Valor’ By Pat Maurer Correspondent months and six days. I wanted to re-enlist but they wouldn’t let me.” A father and son, both He said because of his veterans, were each given injuries, over the years he a “Quilt of Valor” in a spe- has accumulated five years cial ceremony at the Clare/ of hospital time from the Farwell American Legion injuries. Monday afternoon. George said he grew George Edward Crisp, up in the Upper Penin91, served with the 38th sula, lived on Drummond Infantry in the Army Island, worked on a ship, during World War II at the Cornell, on the Great Normandy on D Day, and Lakes then lived in Flint Calvary Armored Recogand finally moved to the nizance in the Battle of the Farwell area in 1991. Bulge and in Germany and His son Danny was in in Germany, France and the Marine Corps from Czechoslovakia. He was 1969 to 1971 during the wounded twice at Norman- Vietnam era. He served dy and once at the Battle of with the Second Marine the Bulge, hit by rifle fire Division - Weapons Repair in the arm, throat, lungs at Camp Lejeune in North and stomach. His foot was Carolina. He also now injured when he stepped on lives at Lake George. a booby-trap at the Battle The handmade quilts of the Bulge. “After that I were presented to the drove a tank,” he said. “I two veterans by Margaret was in for two years, eight Rosenbrook, a volunteer Clare Automotive Inc. 214 W . Fourth St, Clare • 989-386-7200 Auto Parts Specialists Hydraulic Fluid Sale $29.95 5 gallon pails AW32 Hydraulic Fluid or Tractor Hydraulic Fluid with the Quilts of Valor Foundation, a national organization “founded in 2003 by “Blue Star” mom Catherine Roberts, who had a son deployed in Iraq. In a dream she saw a post-deployment warrior struggling with his war demons … sitting on the side of his bed, wrapped in a quilt which comforted him. From this vision, Quilts of Valor Foundation had its beginning.” Today the organization is a grassroots group of quilters from all across the United States, who come together to honor service members and veterans. During the presentation, Rosenbrook said, “We honor you for your service in World War II and Vietnam. For leaving all you hold dear and to stand in harm’s way in a time of crisis, protecting us from Brad Malley Well Drilling 24 Hour Emergency Service 989-772-2765 1-800-717-6022 2” + 4” Well Repair 5” PVC Wells Drilled Free Estimates Lic # 372084 the effects of war. We know that freedom is not free. The cost of our freedom is the dedication of lives of men and women like you, and this quilt is meant to say ‘thank you’ for your sacrifice and to offer comfort to you and remind you that you are forever in our hearts.” She said the two quilts presented Monday were made by a group of ladies from Brighton Michigan. George’s granddaughter, and Danny’s daughter Clarissa Crisp-Uelsmann said she was approached during a parade in Clawson by members of the organization who told her that the last World War II Veteran from that city had died, and asked her about other WWII vets. She said she was happy to tell them about her father and grandfather. By Pat Maurer Correspondent A 17-year-old Lake man and a 25-year-old Lake man are each facing seven felony counts after an investigation into 14 breakins reported in Lincoln Township. Robert Frayer, Jr., of and Vincent Ponder, both of Lake, were arrested after deputies investigated the series of robberies. Deputies were first called to a residence in the 300 block of Silver Lake Drive, and while investigating that break-in, discovered that 13 other homes in the area had also been broken into. Their investigation led to the discovery of stolen property in a shed. The owner of the property told officers who had been using the shed, and deputies contacted the two men. They were arrested Sunday, September 20, and lodged in the Clare County Vincent Ponder Robert Frayer, Jr. Jail. Deputies were able to recover a large amount of the stolen property found in the building, they said. Both men were arContinued on page 3A Hershberger’s Pro Hardware ials Building Mater cts! for your proje Lumber, OSB, Trusses, Doors & Concrete Blocks Pro Pellet Wood Pellts In Stock! (989) 386-5338 3 miles E. of Clare on old US10 to Leaton Rd. 1 mile South Shoreline Construction & Co. LLC Seawalls Roofing * Siding * Decks New Construction 989-588-0199 Licensed & Insured Member BBB Page 2A - The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 Only one Marathon well scheduled in Clare County By Pat Maurer Correspondent According to information from Marathon Oil Government and Public Relations Manager Dorysa Moore Monday, Marathon is planning to drill a well using hydraulic fracturing in Sheridan Township of Clare County. According to Sheridan Township Supervisor William Strouse in a phone interview last week, the well location will be on the David Schlabach property on the southeast corner of Beaverton and Cornwall Roads. A second Michigan well will be drilled in Crawford County she explained. She said Marathon Oil of Huston, Texas and Michigan, “has acquired oil and gas producing properties and acreage in Michigan and has submitted a permit application for an exploratory well in Clare County. The company has also submitted a permit application for an exploratory well on our Company’s existing acreage in Beaver Creek Township in Crawford County.” She said, “These activities are consistent with the Company’s efforts to identify potential oil and natural gas resources that could ultimately be developed in commercial quantities are discovered. It is premature to speculate on additional being drilled and future activity in this area. Copies of the permit application can be obtained through the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s Office of Oil, Gas and Minerals.” She added, “We will be utilizing the hydraulic fracturing technique and our estimated volume of water is 1.8 million gallons, as noted in our drilling permit applications. At, fracking is explained in detail. In part the site says, “Marathon Oil has a longstanding commitment to protecting the environment. The facts are that hydraulic fracturing is a safe procedure that has been used by the oil and gas industry for more than 60 years on more than 1 million wells with great success and for the benefit of energy consumers.” Responding to claims that the process can harm water supplies, the site adds, “The fundamental way to protect drinking water is through managing the well’s integrity. It is important to realize that the well is completely sealed off from the aquifer with two or more steel and cement casings or liners, which are monitored for integrity prior to, during and after the fracture stimulation. These casings are pressure tested before a fracking job to ensure they do not leak, and they are monitored for a H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide) well, but that H2S formation “may be encountered during drilling activities.” There is an H2S contingency plan for both wells if H2S is found, the Marathon information said. Marathon said, “Activities are expected to begin in the fall of 2015.” pressure buildup during the process.” Moore said, “The Company will conduct these activities consistent with the Company’s core values and long held commitment to responsible operations, the safety and wellbeing of our workers and the surrounding community, and protection of the environment.” According to information Clare County Emergency Manager Jerry Becker received from the Marathon Oil Company last week, the well will be in Section 18, T17NR3W of Sheridan Township. Marathon said they do not anticipate this well to be Correction The article in the Sept. 18 issue of the Review entitled “Marathon plans to drill Sheridan wells,” mistakenly identified the Sheridan Township Supervisor as Leonard Strouse. It should have read, “According to Sheridan Township Supervisor William Strouse…” Don’t go far, shop where you are! Find what you’re looking for in Clare County Review Business Directory A-1 HANDYMAN SERVICE Randy Wynn - Owner WINTER INSIDE WORK SUMMER OUTSIDE WORK Painting, Drywall, Minor Repair, Lawnwork, Yardwork 2241 Jefferson Rd. Harrison, Michigan SENIOR DISCOUNTS 989-588-7075 Cell: 989-339-1161 [email protected] HENRY EXCAVATING & CONCRETE HENRY TREE SERVICE CELL: 989-429-1775 CELL: 989-339-4377 989-539-7542 MILLER’S GENERAL REPAIR Honda Power Equipment Sales & Service Farm Tractor & Industrial Diesel Repair 3681 E. 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McEwan, Clare • 989-588-1071 989-588-6557 362 Lake George Ave. LAKE GEORGE, MI • Liquor - Beer “When to the store • Pizza you must go • Deli • Grocery in Lake George • Ice Cream Cones it’s THE DEPOT” • And much more 26 Dealers on site Open 10am to 6pm • Closed Tuesdays The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 - Page 3A Water & Flood Damage Repairs 989-773-3473 • Respond. Recover. Rebuild. Like us! 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICES Second Front Page Clare approves Phase 1 of Rec Complex By Pat Maurer Correspondent Although two City Commissioners disagreed, the Clare City Commission voted 3-2 Monday evening to approve a low bid of $331,348. from McGuirk Sand and Gravel for Phase I of the proposed Recreation Complex on the south side of Clare. Phase I of the complex plan will include earthwork, a paved parking lot and infrastructure and storm water and drainage work The motion also included authorization for a 15-year bond process to fund the project. Repayment of the bonds for the next eight years will be from the tenyear Clare City Recreational Millage passed by voters two years ago. At that point voters will have to vote to renew the millage. That was the problem for two of the City Commissioners, who urged that the board wait. Commissioner, and Mayor Pro-tem Jean McConnell said, “You don’t know if the recreational millage will continue. If it doesn’t this will have to be paid from the General Fund. And, there is also the cost of maintenance (to consider). Maybe it would be better to look at this in a year and a half again.” Commissioner Bob Bonham echoed McConnell’s view, saying he agreed that the board should wait before committing to the project. “We have several parking lots that need paving and a playground that needs bathrooms,” he said. City Manager Ken Hibl noted that the millage passed in 2012 by a wide margin of voters, who were told the funds would be used to develop a soccer field on the property purchased earlier. In his agenda report he said, “Development of this new Locals jailed in Saginaw for rolling meth lab By Pat Maurer Correspondent Adelord L. Frederick III, 27 of Harrison and Sara D. Thompson, 23, are facing charges in connection with a “rolling meth lab,” discovered after a traffic stop in Saginaw County. Saginaw County Sheriff’s Department deputies stopped the vehicle that the couple were in September 15 in Kochville Township. After Thompson complained of “not feeling well,” deputies searching the vehicle discovered chemicals – what police believe was a one-pot meth lab – in the trunk of the vehicle. The chemicals are under analysis by the Michigan State Police Crime Lab in Bridgeport to confirm that the substance was a meth mixture. Frederick was arrested on an outstanding Clare County warrant and Thompson was taken to an area hospital. Frederick is reportedly on probation for breaking and entering a building with intent to commit larceny and two controlled substance manufacturing charges in Clare County. Four deputies at the scene of the traffic stop were also treated for “light exposure to fumes,” a MLive Facebook post said. At his arraignment September 17, Frederick was charged with manufacturing methamphetamine and conspiring to commit that crime, two felonies that carry maximum penalties of 20 years in prison. His bond was set at $50,000 and he remains in jail. He and is scheduled for an Oct. 5 preliminary hearing. Thompson was released Duo charged Continued from page 1A raigned Tuesday in 80th District Court by Magistrate Karen Willing. Clare County Prosecutor Michelle Ambrozaitis reported she had charged each of the men with seven counts of Home Invasion, 2nd Degree, each a felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Bond was set at $100,000 cash/surety only for each man with an order of no contact with each other if released on bond, Ambrozaitis said. Both men remain lodged in the Clare County Jail. Adelord L. Frederick III Timothy M. Dembinsky from the hospital and remains at large, according to the MLive post. She also faces charges of manufacturing methamphetamine and conspiring to commit that crime. A bystander, Timothy M. Dembinsky was also charged in connection with the incident, the report said. Reportedly he was taking pictures at the scene and did not back away from the hazardous area when offers ordered him to. He was arrested and charged with resisting and obstructing a police officer, a felony that carries a maximum penalty of two years in prison. Dembinsky remains free on a $5,000 or 10 percent bond and is scheduled for an Oct. 5 preliminary hearing. (located right behind Clare Auto Sales) Thirteen-year member of the Clare Police Reserves, Cpl. Carl Bryans is retiring. He is shown here with Clare Chief Brian Gregory and Mayor Pat Humphrey. Long time chair of both the Clare Zoning Board of Appeals and Chair of the Planning Commission; John Kline, shown here with wife Melanie and Mayor Pat Humphrey, has resigned due to his move to Midland. recreation complex was the primary basis and rationale for asking City residents to consider the recreation millage and is considered the reason for the significant majority approval.” At the meeting he said, “It (turning the project bid and bonding down) could mean a loss of confidence by the voters who voted for the millage.” According to a spread sheet prepared by City Treasurer Steven Kingsbury, millage revenue is $63,007.89 for this year with $$19,558.00 scheduled for payment on the land purchase, leaving $43,449.80. Annual payments on the bond would be $26,851.83 leaving $16,598 available for other park improvements. The amount collected increases each year. The forecast for 2019-20 is $75,560 in revenue from the millage, leaving $29,150.27 after the land and bond payments. Kingsbury noted that interest rates are low now – from 1.8 to 3.5 percent. “We won’t see any cheaper rates in the future,” he said. “It’s a tough decision. Parks and Recreation Director Joy Simmer passed out a list of some of the grants they plan on applying for which could help pay for the project. “For this first phase we need to bond,” she said. “It would be nice to show the community we are moving forward on this.” Over the past couple of years, the Parks and Rec Board has been saving for matching funds. Simmer said there are over 40 on the potential grant list and said the list she passed out only had the largest ones. County Commissioner Leonard Strouse said, “We have a great grant writer in Lori Ware, and we wouldn’t be against her helping apply for grants for this.” Concerning maintenance concerns, Kingsbury added, “As a general rule the parks are in pretty good shape.” Commissioners Karla Swanson, Gus Murphy and Mayor Pat Humphrey voted Clare Auto Service, Inc. 108 E. Mineral Street, Clare 989-386-3964 Big town service small town pricing We are bringing our integrity and honesty from our sales side over to our service side. Best prices on sales and service. Our superior service and low cost will surprise you! for the low bid and going ahead with the bond issue. McConnell and Bonham voted against it. In another matter the Commission honored two retiring members of the Reserve Police; Corporal Carl Bryans, retiring after 13 years with the police and Officer Matt Plumley, resigning after 11 years with the police. The Commission also honored John Kline, long time Chairman and member of the Clare City Board of Review (since 1998) and Chair and Member of the City Planning Commission. He and wife Melanie recently moved to Midland. Other business at the City meeting included: *a one-year renewal of Officer Matt Plumley, a member of the Clare Police Reserves for the past 11 years, is resigning. He was honored at the City meeting by the Commission and is shown here with Chief Brian Gregory and Mayor Pat Humphrey. the contract with Volunteer Energy, the City’s natural gas service vendor. *board appointments including Josh Clare to the Zoning Board of Appeals and reappointment of Bob Meister and Gar Seiter to the Construction Board of Appeals. *setting the Halloween Trick or Treat hours for Friday, October 31 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Both Farwell and Harrison will have the same date and hours this year. Coleman will have Trick or Treating from 6 to 8 p.m. *a report that painting of the new water tower will begin next week. Dr. Ben Carson 2016 Presidential Candidate My Introduction to Dr. Benjamin Carson About The Man Ben Carson was born in the slums of Detroit and was raised by a single mother, with a third grade education, who divorced his father for being a polygamous spouse. His mother refused to be held down by the system and worked three jobs to provide for her boys. Carson was failing at school and thought himself a dummy. At one point he stabbed a friend in an argument, and in fear stormed home to the bathroom where he read the bible begging GOD to quiet his temper. In so found his undying Faith in GOD. Carson’s mother, while cleaning houses for rich folks studied their behavior. She noticed they all read and did not watch TV. She went home turned off the TV and started requiring Carson and his brothers to check out books from the public library and turn in weekly reports. Carson quickly rose to the top of his class and joined the ROTC program a year later. In three years, he rose to the highest position possible as the officer in charge of all ROTC programs in the city of Detroit. He was offered a full ride scholarship to West Point, but he chose instead to pursue his career in medicine. At age 33, he became the youngest person ever to head a major division at John Hopkins University. He went on to pioneer multiple surgical procedures with his most prominent being the separation of Siamese twins conjoined at the head and a surgical procedure on a twin still in the womb. He later retired as a professor at John Hopkins University. He gained public fame when he criticized Obama while standing feet away from him at the National Prayer Breakfast in 2013 (speech can be found on you tube) and refused to apologize, stating that Political Correctness has become a tool for the left to stifle opposing views and self-restrict our Constitutional right to free speech. In keeping with his humble approach to life, Ben Carson has never lusted after the office of President. To the contrary, he chose to run only after more than five hundred thousand everyday Americans called on him to run through their clamoring and petitions. Even then he was reluctant to run until he felt that GOD was calling him to serve. It was not something he has undertaken lightly, yet it is now something that he is totally committed to. His motivation to run is something he is doing because he feels the United States of America is in danger of falling from its pinnacle position in the world and is on its descent to becoming just another nation. I am presently the area Campaign Leader, you can contact me by: Phone: 989-429-5940 Address: 6565 W. Houghton Lake Drive, Houghton Lake, Mi 48629 Facebook: Sheryl Leonard (see the sign) Facebook Page: Houghton Lakers for Ben Carson Gifted Hands Facebook Group: Michiganders for Ben Carson movies available Twitter: @emll06_Sheryl for loan Email: [email protected] This ad paid for by the friends to elect Ben Carson 2016/Sheryl A. Leonard Page 4A - The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 Clare Board of Education ratifies contract By Pat Maurer Correspondent they noted that although they thought they had authorization to form the Negotiations are comclub, they were told to plete and the contract with stop until they brought the the Clare Transportation matter to the board. At that Association was ratified at meeting Board President Monday’s Clare Board of Tome Weaver said although Education meeting. he appreciated their efforts The board approved and the work they put into 7-0 a three year contract the club, they would need with the CTA will very to come back to the board few changes from their last in September for approval. contract. The union will They had already gotten get a one-step increase on donations for the club. the salary schedule for the Monday night Martin 2015-16 year only with said she was completely “wage re-openers in 2016- frustrated with the whole 17 and again in 2017-18 to process. She went over a discuss salary. series of emails with High Also the current retireSchool Principal Ed Hubel ment stipend will be on whether board approval removed at the end of this was necessary since the new contract, and the cloth- activity is not a sport. ing allowance to purchase “There will be no cheer jackets, rain gear, or footthis year,” she said, soundwear for the bus drivers has ing very emotional. been increased from $125 Weaver apologized to to $150 annually. her for the confusion. “We In another matter, during thought clubs had to have public comment, the board board approval. Now the heard from Lori Martin, decision is in the hands of who together with Jamie Ed Hubel.” Hoffman, has been trying Board member Steve to form a “Cheer Club” Stark said, “I’m embarto perform during varsity rassed and would like to football games. apologize. This was not At the August meeting handled correctly. In an email Tuesday, Stark clarified his statements at the meeting. He wrote, “I believe anything we can do as a school district and benefit even one child is a positive thing, and should be our goal. At times I have a high level of frustration with our inability as a school to provide clear direction on some issues. My comments regarding my frustrations should in no way diminish my support to Ed Hubel. I believe he is an exceptional principal and has nothing but the best interest of our kids at heart.” Monday evening was also a time for the recognition of Spring Sports. Members of the Varsity Baseball squad were honored for their outstanding athletic accomplishments in baseball. The team, which had a 22-10 overall record were District Champions and Gabe Denton was named First Team AllState Division 3 Catcher. Member of the Girls’ Varsity Track team were also honored. Coach Kyle McKown said the team was Academic All State and had an outstanding season. They were Jack Pine Conference Champions, Regional Champions and finished 13th at State. State Qualifiers included Jordyn Bradley, Olivia Cooper, Paige Gould Makenzie Harmon, Jasmine Harper, Lexy Harton, Boys’ Varsity Track Team (above) members were Regional Champions. Shown here are some team members with Coach Adam Burhans and Superintendent Doug Fillmore. Girls’ Track Team (left) members, shown here with Coach Kyle McKown and Superintendent Doug Fillmore. Rotary to honor law enforcement By Pat Maurer Correspondent sonnel and family members will be special guests at the event which will be held at Clare Rotary members the Doherty Hotel October have organized a “Law 4 from 3 to 6 p.m. Awards Enforcement Appreciation” will be presented to the event for agencies in Clare agencies around 4 p.m. County. The Michigan Pat LaValley, ChairperState Police, Clare County son of the Rotary CommitSheriff’s Department, tee for the event said, “For Clare Police and DNR Law too long, we have watched Enforcement Division will stories of our dedicated each receive a plaque in police officers around recognition for all they do the United States and for the communities. the tremendous losses or Law Enforcement perserious injuries they have Coin Auction Saturday September 26 @ 10:AM Doherty Hotel Conference Hall 350 Lots of Coins & Currency Go To For More Details • 2” and 4” Well Repair • 5” PVC Wells Drilled • Water Pump Sales and Service Brett Dodd • Owner/Driller 989.539.8505 5323 N. Old State • Harrison Reg.No. 18-1995 Stutzman Metal Roofing & Lumber 9736 Tobacco Dr., Clare Now Offering Truss Rafters! 989-386-3013 Lifetime Metal Roofing as low as $1.85 per lin. ft. In 20+ colors! Thinking about building? Ask us about kit pricing! Good Old Fashion Prices on Lumber & Building Materials 2x4x16 SPF - $4.99 Each 2x4x14 SPF - $4.85 Each 2x4x12 SPF - $3.99 Each 2x4x10 SPF - $3.85 Each 2x4x8 SPF - $2.75 Each 2x6x16 SPF - $7.99 Each 2x8x16 SPF - $10.50 Each 2x10x16 SPF - $14.99 Each 2x6x14 SPF - $7.06 Each 2x6x12 SPF - $6.13 Each 2x6x10 SPF - $5.24 Each 2x6x8 SPF - $3.99 Each 2x8x12 SPF - $7.99 Each 2x8x16 SPF - $10.50 Each 2x10x16 SPF - $14.99 Each Metal Roof Purlins SPF 1x4x16 - $3.36 Each Statewide Delivery suffered. Stalking, taunting, brick-throwing, disrespect, physical and bodily-fluid assaults. Now, even brazen daylight armed assassinations are becoming almost a daily fodder.” She continued, “My firm belief is here in Clare County, Michigan, we openly love our officers and The Clare Rotary Club has thrown their support behind the idea to celebrate that belief. With the help of a strong committee of three (Clare County Prosecutor Michelle Ambrozaitis, Karen Jones and Kurt Keppner), we have made plans to invite all officers from Clare City Police, Clare County Sheriff Department, Department of Natural Resources and also a representative from the Michigan State Police as well, to openly show them our great affection and appreciation. Also invited to attend will be the officers spouses, several elected officials from Farwell, Clare and Harrison as well as County judges.” LaValley added that there will be a light, midday brunch to begin at 3:00, which is supported financially with the very generous donations already received from several business’ (Benchley Brothers Inc., Farm Bureau Kleinhardt Insurance Agency, Isabella Bank, Jim Colville Crop Insurance and Members First Credit Union) as well as private citizen financial donations. There are also other committed business’ who have pledged to help finance this meal for what hopes to be a large turnout of the above officers, family members and esteemed individuals. Around 4 p.m., guest speakers to address the officers will be Senator Judy Emmons and Representative Joel Johnson. Sheriff John Wilson and Chief Brian Gregory have also been invited to speak to attendees on behalf of their combined total of 130 officers. Immediately following the speakers, speciallydesigned plaques from a grateful county will be presented to each department by Clare Rotary Club President, Steve Carland. Ellie Johnson, Natalee Kunse, Lexy Lowe, Mallory McDowell and Erin Weeks. Boys’ Varsity Track members were also honored for their accomplishments and were Regional Champions. State Qualifiers included Levi Boynton, Alex Dysinger, Chase Field, Kyler Phillips, Kevin Spicer-Torres and Jimmy Teal. In other business at the meeting: *Superintendent Fillmore congratulated the band on their halftime performance and reported 1,508 students, seven more than budgeted for. He said the Interim Primary Principal was Sean Tyson and that there are already 30 applicants for the Primary Principal position. *A proposal from Statewide Real Estate for the sale of property on the north side of the city was babbled for four months, to try and develop a creative marketing strategy for the sale. *Sue Murawski was appointed as the school district delegate for the 2015 Michigan Association of School Boards Fall Conference Assembly. *The board approved August bills totaling $127,581.90. *The board met in closed session to discuss a matter of attorney-client privilege. Varsity Baseball Team members honored at the Clare BOE meeting included: Pictured from left Travis Vida, Tucker Roe, David Lingaur, Gabe Denton, Paul Cole and Connor Clickner. They are shown with Coach Clint Colosky and Superintendent Doug Fillmore. Not pictured were Ben Bates, Charlie Bugbee, Camden Dice, Alex Dysinger, John Franko, Brendan Gyulveszi, Mason Packard, Chris Pomroy, Ryan Seiter and Max Swan. Like us on Facebook Behind on your Mortgage? Worried about Foreclosure? We know it’s been rough and we’d like to help you protect your most valuable asset…YOUR HOME. Michigan State University Extension of Clare County offers FREE housing counseling! We have assisted numerous homeowners over several counties keep their homes. Call 989-539-7805 x3207 for a confidential appointment. t n e i at P L w A e N CI AY! $ E P S D TO 84 L L -23 A 86 3 ) 89 C (9 $ $ $40 Adjustment and Exam ($80 Savings) (If x-rays are necessary additional charges may apply) If insurance exists it must be billed per provider agreement Expires 10/01/2015 Benchley Chiropractic and Wellness Center 701 Beech Street, Clare, MI Directly behind Mid-Michigan Medical Center - Clare $ ! u o Y k Than Clare County Community Connections Day Volunteers and local businesses! Because of you 345 children received backpacks/school supplies and 259 families received food boxes. The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 - Page 5A Community Events Upcoming events should be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance. Email to [email protected] FINAL MATTHEW J. REINKE 5K RUN/WALK For the past nine years Alma College has been hosting the Matthew J. Reinke Memorial Scot Trot 5k Run/Walk. This fund raising event benefits a scholarship in Matt’s memory at Alma College. Matt passed away on July 16, 2006 just months after graduating. This event has been well attended over the last nine years and has truly blessed Matt’s family and made higher education more affordable for several Alma College students. The scholarship fund is endowed and will live on for many years to come. After much consideration, Matt’s family has decided that this will be the last 5k in his honor. The last 5k will be October 3rd at 9:00 am (Alma College Homecoming). If you can, come enjoy a fun run or walk through fall colors and the beautiful Alma campus. Sign up on line or the day of: Race/MI/Alma/AlmaCollegeHomecomingMattReinkeColorRunWalk5k. REGULAR MEETING NORTH CENTRAL AREA CHAPTER #19 Regular meeting of North Central Area Chapter #19, State Employee Retirees Association, will be held Tuesday, October 6, at the Houghton Lake Community Building (located back of The Pines Theater), beginning at 2 p.m. All retired state employees and their spouses are invited (and encouraged) to attend. For information call (989) 386-0085. GOP MEETING “Clare County GOP will be holding their monthly meeting Thursday, October 1 at the Doherty Hotel. Dinner is at 6 pm with the meeting starting at 7 pm. There will be updates from several public officials as well as information on upcoming events. Special guest speaker is Jon Thebo, Chair of the College Republicans at Central Michigan University. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. Any questions can be directed to: chair_claregop@hotmail. com” HARVEST DINNER Faith United Methodist Church is celebrating the beautiful fall season with a Harvest Dinner on November 7th from 5:00-7:00pm in the fellowship hall at FUMC. Join us for an evening of fellowship, fun, and food! We are providing a traditional Thanksgiving feast, including turkey and gravy, homemade mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetables, cranberry salad, rolls, and dessert! Dinner is $10.00 for guests 18 and older, $7.00 for guests 3-17, kids 2 and under eat free. In addition to filling your bellies, you’ll have the opportunity to get a head start on your Christmas shopping! FUMC members will be selling goods that they have made using their own God-given talents, via a program at Faith called Grow Your Talent. Proceeds from Grow Your Talent and the Harvest Dinner will be used to support needs in the Coleman school system, as well as other needs in the community of Coleman. Event Address: 209 E. Jefferson Street, Coleman 48618 CLARE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY MEETING ON OCTOBER 1ST The Clare County Democratic Party monthly meeting will be on Thursday, October 1st. The meeting will begin at 6:30 the lower level meeting room of the Clare County Building in Harrison. All are welcome to attend. GAFT PRESENTS W;T OCTOBER 8, 9, 10 Gladwin Area Friends of the Theatre will be presenting their Fall Drama W;T on October 8th & 9th at 8 pm and October 10th at 2pm & 8 pm. The performances will be held at the Gladwin City Park, Community Building. Directed by Yvette Keast and starring community members: Monika Pfannes as Vivian Bearing, Pamela Gorton as Dr. Kelekian, Marcia Garcia as E.M. Ashford, Taunee Sherlock as Susy, Kyle Diller as Jason Posner. Also featuring our diversely talented cast of four as students, fellows, technicians, and code team; Kaitlynne Warmack, Steven Ulch, Katie Babb, Sean Greer. Margaret Edson’s powerfully imagined Pulitzer Prize-winning play examines what makes life worth living through her exploration of one of existence’s unifying experiences–mortality–while she also probes the vital importance of human relationships $10.00 per person with TICKETS ON SALE IN GLADWIN AT: Gladwin City Hall, Chamber of Commerce, Lyle’s Flowers, The Medicine Shoppe & Village Flowers and Gifts. IN BEAVERTON AT: Beaverton Pharmacy and Beaverton City Hall Questions? Please Contact Yvette Keast at 989.802.1771 or at [email protected]. GAFT SWISS STEAK DINNER FUNDRAISER On Saturday, October 3rd, Gladwin Area Friends of the Theatre is holding their Annual Swiss Steak Dinner at the Gladwin Eagles Club. The cost is $8 per person $3.50 for children under 10. The Swiss Steak Dinner includes real mashed potatoes, brown mushroom gravy, corn, coleslaw, non-alcoholic beverages, homemade bread and lots of homemade desserts. There are door prizes given away throughout the event, must be present to win. For more information call Nicole at 989-426-5571 FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED United Way of Clare and Gladwin Counties is sponsoring the Community Nutrition Network Free Food Distribution on Saturday, October 3 at McGuire Chevrolet in Clare. WHAT: We still need 10-15 volunteers to help distribute food. WHEN: Volunteers needed at 10:30 a.m. Food distribution will begin at 11:00 a.m. and continue until all food is distributed (estimated 2:00 p.m.) WHO: Anyone who can lift boxes of food! WHY: Support our community, great volunteer opportunity for employees of our donor companies and partner agencies, United Way volunteers, and students. Can we count you in?? Please call our office at 386-6015 to sign up or reply to this email. ISABELLA COUNTY JAIL PROCEDURES The Mt. Pleasant Area Historical Society will hear an update on Isabella County Jail procedures and advances in law enforcement Sheriff’s Department from Jail Administrator Tom Recker the at the Society’s 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 6, meeting at the Isabella County Commission on Aging Building at 2200 South Lincoln Road, Mt. Pleasant MI. The general public is invited and encouraged to attend the program and, if desired, the Historical Society’s brief business meeting following the speaker. The business meeting, will see the election 2016 MPAHS officers and installation of same. YAC MEETINGS The Clare County Youth Action Council (YAC) would like to invite energetic youth between 7th and 12th grades from Clare, Farwell and Harrison Schools to help make a difference in Clare County. The YAC meets once a month to give money away to community organizations as well as plan community service projects. YAC is a youth driven board with adult advisors. This group enjoys having fun and making a difference. Come and learn what YAC is all about and how you can join. The first meeting for your school is listed below. Be sure to listen to your school’s daily announcements for the location and time! • Harrison students will meet on Tuesday, October 6th at the High School. • Clare students will meet Wednesday, October 7th in the High School conference room next to the office. • Farwell students’ first meeting will be on Thursday, October 8th. One of the major responsibilities for the YAC is to award grants to organizations that are doing projects that will impact the youth in Clare County. The YAC and Clare County Community Foundation are always looking for projects and community organizations to support. If you have a project and are looking for funding, please visit the web at and contact a board member of the Clare County Community Foundation or myself. Townsend to compete in Miss Michigan Teen USA Kaitlynn Townsend of Clare, MI will compete for the title of MISS MICHIGAN TEEN USA 2016. The 2016 MISS MICHIGAN TEEN USA competition is slated for September 25 - 26, 2015 in Port Huron, Michigan. Port Huron will soon welcome over 100 outstanding young women representing every corner and every major city in Michigan. Plans for the state competition are in the final stages. “We are overwhelmed by the response and caliber of all the participants from Michigan,” Melissa Pitchford, Executive Director with the Miss Universe Organization said. “There is not better opportunity for ambitious young women out there today. The MISS MICHIGAN TEEN USA competition offers young women in the state of Michigan an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to advance their personal and professional goals. The MISS MICHIGAN TEEN USA® and the MISS MICHIGAN USA® Pageant will be offering over one million dollars in college scholarships to be awarded to the winners, finalists and semi-finalists! The final competition, which will be held at the McMorran Place Entertainment Center Saturday night September 26, 2015, consists of three proportional segments: evening gown, fitness/swimsuit and the final question. The winner, MISS MICHIGAN TEEN USA 2016, will be announced claiming the title and prize list which includes, travel, wardrobe, college scholarships and most importantly the honor to represent the state of Michigan in the ultimate pageant – MISS TEEN USA, which is scheduled to take place in the summer of RUMMAGE SALE The Clare Congregational UCC is hosting a rummage sale at 110 W. 5th St.(across from Post Office). Thursday, October 8th 6pm to 8pm, Friday, October 9th 9am to 5pm, Saturday, October 10th 9am to 12 noon MARSP MEETING The Clare County Chapter of the Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel (MARSP) will have its last meeting of the year atnoon on Tuesday, October 6th in the Michigan Room, Mid Michigan Community College Harrison Campus. The guest speaker will be Lori Ware, Director of the Council on Aging. Remember your non-perishables for the Toucan Food Drive. For more information, contact Secretary Jeanne Shelander at 3862063. 2016! The Preliminary Show and competition will be held at the McMorran Entertainment Center on Friday night, September 25, 2015. Tickets are available through the McMorran Entertainment Center Box Office by contacting 810-985-6166 and through Ticketmaster. Please visit us on our Facebook and Twitter through the link at www. and follow MISS MICHIGAN USA 2015, Rashontae Wawrzyniak and MISS MICHIGAN TEEN USA 2015, Maria Rendina or register to enter the state pageant. SPREAD CHRISTMAS JOY TO OTHERS! ADOPT A FAMILY FOR CHRISTMAS You can bring holiday joy to families in need through the Clare County Christmas Outreach Adopt-a-Family program! The Adopt-A-Family program was created to address the needs of low-income households, children and families, during the holidays. Join in the season of giving by becoming a Family Sponsor! We make it easy for you by creating a family summary of the names, ages and needs of each family member. All you have to do is to provide the fixings for Christmas dinner or a gift certificate to a local grocery store to cover the cost of dinner and a gift for each family member. Over 100 low income Clare County families are presently on the Adopt-A-Family waiting list. To become a sponsor call United Way of Clare County at (989) 386-6015 no later than November 14th! SEWER ASSISTANCE Those experiencing water or sewer related struggles are invited to seek assistance with Mid Michigan Community Action Agency (Mid Michigan), who has funding available to help. Income-eligible residents can apply for help with water and sewer shut-offs, minor septic tank repairs. To see if you qualify, call your local Mid Michigan Community Action office. A list of offices can be found at “Families should not have to choose between paying a bill and buying groceries for the month. Being able to use the shower and indoor plumbing are basic necessities,” said Sharon Wainman, outreach services director at Mid Michigan. Mid Michigan is offering this assistance as a response to an unmet community need. Existing programming often addresses electric and home heating but not water. ADOPT-A-PET Volunteers from the Clare County Animal Shelter will be bringing a few adoptable pets to Old Fashion Days in Dover on Saturday, September 26 from 11 am to 4 pm. This day of outdoor family fun is hosted by Clare Historic Society, and they are donating space for the animals behind the Dover School. Dogs and kittens can be adopted any time during the afternoon and taken home with you when you leave at the end of the day! 989-539-3221 Rodnick Chiropractic Family Center 11245 N. Mission Rd., Clare 989-386-KIDS (5437) In Honor of Chiropractic’s 120th Birthday Dr. Tamara Slusher All Insurances Accepted New Patient Start Up of $120-Off initial visit, exam & x-rays If Insurance exists, all procedures must be billed per provider agreement. Expires 9-18-15 Digital X-Rays • Laser Therapy • 4 Convenient Locations Participating with Medicare, Medicade, BCBS, Blue Care Network; Personal Injury, Wk. Comp. & Auto Serving Northern Michigan since 1953 Serving Northern Michigan since 1953 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK !!! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK !!! st st 795 1 St 795 N 1N St P.O. Box 499499 P.O. Box Harrison MI MI 48625 Harrison 48625 lot 44 Gilroy building corner lot 90 Sandy Shores Drive 1988 1BD close to Lake George Circle Drive Parkpartially model in $4,800 Sandy Shores wooded Resort. Camping simple with For photos Text:made P746774 To: 85377 lakeLot access ,other perks. 104 Elmwood Camp$17,000 or build on For corner photos lot Text: To: 85377 withP261376 Springwood Lakes access for fishing, boating and 2456 Stockwell Two unit (mobiles) swimming.opportunity. Park like setting. investment One$5,000 2 BD photos Text: T11848415 To: 85377 unit,For one 3B unit. Corner lot, some Lot 16 Sunrise Lane Long Lake updates. $21,000 access with this beautifully treed For building photos lot, Text to 85377 tallP270258 pines & hardwoods. 717Close Mainto assoc. Streetbeach. Cash $6,500 offer only, make this Text: your P294219 3.4 acres of For photos To: 85377 181 Sandy Shores your paradise in the cityRelax of on Marion own lot at Sandy Shores Resort. $23,900 and electric For Water, photossewer, Text P208153 to hook-up 85377 across from the lake. $7,900 6701 Wagon Court Swing on the For Photos Text: P112866 To: 85377 front400-31, porch,32enjoy lazy days this Lakewood 2 Lotsin close quaint cottage on large lot w/lake to the Association Beech at the views, move ready. $24,500 south endin of Arnold Lake. Great For camping photos or Text P714617 to 85377 building site. $10,000 photos REPO text P632382 to 85377 227For Hillcrest with potential! NEAR Norway Large master, sky3 acres lights,all2 wooded wood great place to set up your camper stoves, open deck and fire pit plus walk to public access on Windover view of Budd Lake. $24,900 Lake quiet area! $10,995 For For photos Text: P311050 To: 85377 photos Text: P279410 To: 85377 4802 Wildwood bdrm 1 full bath 4887 Highland 2Court 540sf of home/cottage lakeloftaccess. potential! 2deeded BD with needs Thisfinished, can be kitchen used year around for cabinets are or there, bath is started. $12,500 week end get a ways. $24,900 photos Text: T521963To: To: 85377 85377 For For photos Text: P279409 Road1Not too far 588NHN JudyFinley Nice Lake and neat bedroom but just perfect 2.43 cottage just far off enough, a pavedaroad. Newer acre parcel. Build a dream home or siding, windows, shingles flooring camp and relax. $13,000 andFor more. $25,900 photos Text: T11821058 To: 85377 For 101 photos Text P302784 to 85377 Springwood Drive Bring your 2921 Grove 2 bed mobile RVCherry and enjoy Springwood Lakes withacross improved with well on aaccess nice lot thelotstreet from& sheds.subdivision $14,000 Lily septic, Lake elect, wit aslab, private For photos Text: T11848414 To: 85377 beach and park. $25,900 Harrison office: office: (989) (989)539-2261 539-2261 Harrison Lak Georgeoffice: office:(989) (989)588-6171 588-6171 Lakee George Fax: 539-9770 Fax: (989) (989) 539-9770 to buy! $5K dn, $5K per yr next 2 16years, White Pine Ridge Nice level lot zero interest $15,000 onForanphotos 18 Text holeP659383 golf course to 85377in Northern Michigan, closespecial to lakes, 4277 Oakley Handyman on state landnear & trails. 2 lots town$29,900 w/ natural gas. For photos Text: P607195 85377 Once remodeled, it wouldTo: make a great cabin/home/rental. $15,000 621 Hillcrest 2 Bdr 1 BA cabin with For photos Text:Lake. P765366 To: 85377 views of Budd Natural gas, 1344 Christine city sewer, private An wellacre and w/well, a shed elec & conc slab. Beach in septic, the back yard. $29,900 access all-sports Lily lake. 30 ft For Photos Text: P765363 To: 85377 camper. camp or build $15,900 5527 AtheyText: Avenue 2 Bedroom For photos P284363 To: 85377 1 bath cabinCoolidge with 2 car located 100-08 2.6garage acre parcel, outside on the Cedar River. 24x32 of tin town pole barn. Electric pole, old well and forold septic in $29,900 unknown Call today a showing! condition. For photos $15,900 Text: P765365 To: 85377 Photos Text: P261375 03For Tamarack Ridge To: Rd85377 Level building lot over looking the the7th 3212 Timberlane Great little rustic green on an 18 hole golf course in get a way cottage on 2.37 acres. Northern Michigan. $29,900 Perfect place to spend the weekends For photos Text:$15,900 P553354 To: 85377 with the family. 11.25 Acre Sherwood 11.25 For photos Text P678232 to 85377 secluded wooded acres fton private ON Easement 330x1320 Parcel In the City of Harrison for building. easement not far from 2 all sport Priced under SEV. $15,900 lakes includes 1985 23' travel trailer For photos Text: T101126 To: 85377 $29,900 90 Sandy Shores Drive 1988 1BD For photos Text P478881 to 85377 Park model in Sandy Shores Resort. Lot 6 Canal Long Lake vacant Camping made simple with lake wooded lot other has perks. 50' sand bottom access and $18,000 frontage at SText: endP261376 of lake $30,000 For photos To: 85377 For photos Text: P745559 2522 Windermere PeaceTo: & 85377 quiet 313 Country Court acres with come with this 2 BD10+ mobile home. Att and heatedseptic garageand with out workbuilding. space. well Lake thefor Pines perks in $19,500 Has setofup camper rural area, For photos Text: P651453 To: 85377 $31,500 4827 Wildwood Get away retreat For photos Text: P284362 To: 85377 with all the fixins. Come enjoy the 4730 Grant Avenue Woodsy north with lake access to all sports setting for 1 BD cabin w/nice lake $19,900 kitchen, potbelly + elect heat, For photos Text: stove P664625 To: 85377 laundry. Furnished! $32,000 4965 Woodsdale Cranberry Lake retreat, 1ba, appliances, For photos 1bd, Text: P743995 To: 85377 furnished, new well,1.5 wood stove, 6449 Eugene 2 BD, BA around knotty pine, shed $19,900 the corner from Chain of Lakes, For photos Text:hunting, T101093 MMCC To: 85377 state land for for 4190 Southwood Walk to beach. 1 furthering education. $32,000 bed, 1 bath home w beach access & For photos Text: P765361 To: 85377 laundry-one of the best values in the 737 Stop renting! areaNellsville and for the Road price $19,900 1620sf, 3BD, bank owned For photos Text:2BA T797149 To: 85377 home. Call Flats for pre-qual Chad Hop 4455 Oak 1 bedroom cottage not far from town. Open floor plan, (616)866-7850 $33,000 fullphotos bath and Natural Gas. Make this For Text: P575239 To: 85377 your week end retreat.Road $19,900 1333 Claroskee Attention 6931 Swallow 2/3 bedroom For photos Text: T1524602 To: 85377 bungalow with lake access. Large lot 4059 Oak Flats Updated 2BD and nice outdoor space with deck. cottage, sf, land natural gas. Not too close 522 to state $14,900 far from town, Text: trails,P597239 lakes and state For photos to: 85377 land. Good starter! $25,900 ON Mannsiding Rd Building parcel part of niceT100844 pond w/paved road For on Photos Text: To: 85377 frontage. Watch deer, duck, geese NEAR Townline Lake and occasional eagle. $15,000 Road Wooded, rolling 10 acre For not photos To:a85377 parcel far Text: from T225452 town with nice B & C Long Lake Road 1.77 acres sized cleared area for camping or on paved road backing to Tamaracks building $26,900 Golf Course and close to Long Lake. For Driveway photos text 85377 is in, P632380 lot cleared. to $15,000 For photos Text: T1524464 To: 85377 riders, hunters & outdoor 8185 BR 2Ba ForBass photosLake Text:2T360224 To:Mobile 85377 ORV 11932 George Lake Road Well built enthusiasts! 2 BD weekend 5280 Blueberry Drive Fisherman's 1.4 acres. Serene setting backyard. and maintained cottage close getto cabin w/5" well, easy to keep easy away with state land across the Perennial gardens. Near state& land & trails. Storage sheds $26,900 For photos Text: P190574 To: 85377 6 acres Thornapple Trail 6 Acre Riverfront Parcel on the Muskegon River in Winterfield Township. Close to state Land, trails! $27,900 For photos Text P765373 to 85377 6601 Robin All offers should be submitted 5% buyer's premium pursuant to the Terms & Conditions $29,150 For photos Text P723820 to 85377 4082 Valleyview Shade trees surround this 1 BD chalet with loft. Eat-in kitchen opens to living room. Sunny loft for kids. $29,900 For photos Text P774095 to 85377 3437 Lapham Too cute 1 bd cabin on big lot, wooded surroundings, open deck, RV hookup. Close to Lakes, shopping. $29,900 For photos Text: P610340 To: 85377 5444 Apache Trail Start up home 3 beds 2 baths and nice corner open lot. First time or last time buyers check it out $29,900 For photos Text P127789 to 85377 road. $34,000 For photos Text: P595178 To: 85377 Lot 145 Sandy Shores Immaculate park model, screen porch, sunny deck, lake view lot with privacy in Sandy Shores $35,000 For photos Text: P752523 To: 85377 5223 Cranberry Lake Road Spic & Span 2bd, 1 ba, steel roof, siding, flooring, bath, furnace, drywall, windows, plumbing $35,000 For photos Text: P481365 To: 85377 169 Ashley Country Charm! 2 bedroom 1 bath on 2 lots. Close to the Muskegon River and State Land. $35,900 For photos Text T750029 to 85377 4141 Dan Drive Get out of the city and into the north. cute 2 bed 1 ba in the heart of orv and snowmobile trails $36,000 For photos Text: T101178 To: 85377 1291 Stockwell 2 BR home many updates. Det Gar w/opener. Horse shoe pit, firepit, shed, state land & trailhead nearby. $36,900 For photos Text: P766431 To: 85377 state land. This 2 BD cabin is being 1355 Christine 2 BD, 1 BA cute as sold by the original owner. $19,900 aForbutton...charming up To: north cabin photos Text: T1907120 85377 with to (mobiles) Lily Lake. 2456 deeded Stockwellaccess Two unit $36,900 investment opportunity. One 2 BD unit, photos one 3B Text unit. P664632 Corner lot,tosome For 85377 updates. $21,000 243 Sandy Shores Drive Set up for For photos Text P270258 to 85377 family fun Lake front on Loon 2155 Doe Court Large double lot Landing park model, family room w/exist gar & crawl for Manuf home. covered porch& beach $37,500 Well & Septic on location. Private at For Text P718053 end photos of deadend road $21,000 to 85377 227 Matilda 685sf cottage with 2 For Photos Text: P239231 To: 85377 5387 and Deerwood Adorable BD, tree shaded lot a1BD, short 1BA, steel roof, vinyl siding,Upright full bath, log walk to Budd Lake. open concept, tile,$38,000 laminate, interior warmsceramic the soul. appliances For photos $23,900 Text: T274701 To: 85377 For photos Text: P590145 To: 85377 4875 Knollwood 720 sf 3 BD 2261 Oakridge All set for your future Vacation away lake access home, thisget lot in nice with community has -24x32 affordable up north retreat garage, cement slab, well, $38,500 septic and NG. $24,900 For photos To:to 85377 For photosText: TextT1611737 P664624 85377 4802 Wildwood 2BD 1BA home or or 3246 Lansing Street nice home cottage with deeded lake access. cottage close to Budd Lake in This can be used year around or for Harrison 2 BD 1 BA with att. garage week end get a ways. $24,900 2For lots private back yard $39,900 photos Text: P279409 To: 85377 For Text P734731 to 85377 nhn photos Ball Avenue 10.1 wooded 4214 Meticulous 2 BD acres Southwood near town, lakes, and state cabin with location large kitchen and dining land, Great to build or camp. $25,000 area, 15x20 garage, open deck, fire For photos Text:access T537878 To: 85377 ring, and lake $39,900 TBDphotos ClareText: Avenue BuildTo:your For P745558 85377 dream house on a 1/250th nice level building 2871 Robin shared lot overlooking the 5th fairway of the ownership in beachfront Lily Lake Tamarack Golf Course. $25,900 lot. 2 BD Text: cabinP281113 on wooded corner For photos To: 85377 lot turn-key ready. $39,900 For Text: P775180 To: 85377 588 photos Judy Nice and neat 1 bedroom 621 Bass Lake Updated BD, 1 cottage just off a paved road. 2 Newer siding,terrific windows, BA curbshingles appeal,flooring 1 car and more. $25,900 shed/garage, updated kitchen. Near For photos Text P302784 to 85377 trails & town. $39,900 2921 Cherry Grove 2 bedroom For photos Text: P779327 To: 85377 mobile on a nice lot across the street 420 Main Street 4422 Sq Ft bldg in from Lily Lake wit a private the City located a corner subdivision beach on andM61 park.on $25,900 lot. built T1524602 building with fenced For Block photos Text: To: 85377 back lot. $39,900 1355 Christine 2 BD, 1 BA cute as a button...charming cabin with 5247 Parklaneup north Drive Bungalow deeded access Lily Lake. Beauty. Turn tokey with $36,900 lake and For photos Text P664632 to 85377 beach access. Walk to the park. 4875 Knollwood 720 sf 3 BD Check it out $40,000 Vacation get away with lake access For photos Text: P756222 To: 85377 affordable up north retreat $38,500 4341 Mostetler Road bdrm For photos Text P664624 to 285377 country homeLake 2.5 Road acres Own w/newer 8995 Arnold a garage, creek & woods, piece of workshop, history on 10 Acres. This building was originally a School near state land. $44,900 For photos Text: P625395 To: 85377 4031 Mostetler Road Beautiful private 6.8 acres for this 2 bd mobile home with 2 garages near lakes and state land. $45,995 For photos Text P711473 to 85377 223 Flora Ave Large family home with oversized 5 car garage close to all sports Houghton Lake $48,500 For photos Text P715124 to 85377 8995 Arnold Lake Road Own a piece of history on 10 Acres. Was originally a School House and then was a Township Hall. $48,900 For photos Text: P768861 To: 85377 2304 Lake Court Shared Lily Lake access, 2 BD 1973 mobile, 24x32 detached garage, 2.18 acres with 20x50 green house. $54,000 For photos Text P741069 to 85377 1055 Arthur Country living is sweet- 1100sf, 2Bd/2Ba quality built 2 sty on acre wooded lot between Clare & Harrison. $55,000 For Photos Text: P303193 To: 85377 House and then was a Township 3362 Meadow Brook Dr Secluded Hall. $48,900 3BR 2 Text: BA P768861 Modular To: unfinished For photos 85377 basement, caracres garage, NG, all just 5775 Bringold2 14 of paradise, outside of town. $57,500 500 ft along Half Moon Lake, and Forsfphotos To: 85377 384 cabin toText: hangP765370 out in. Beautiful site, wellMuskegon wooded. $59,900 NHN Banks Muskegon For photos Text: 4.78 T11839220 To: 85377 Riverfront... acres,4 inch well, 3362 Meadow Brook Dr Secluded septic, 14x14 shed, older barn, 3BR 2 BA Modular with unfinished surveyed, wooded. $59,500 basement, 2 car garage, natural gas, Text P741071 allFor justphotos outside of town. $60,000 to 85377 207 Barbara Road Very charming photos Text: P765370 To: 85377 For maintained 2BD,WOW! 1BA Beautiful, MFG home NHN Clarwin Ave serene + acres Cedar has a 14 2 car pole on barn withRiver. concrete Grab and start enjoying flooryour and canoe shed $59,900 life on photos the river.Text $65,000 For P765371 to 85377 For photos Text: P190576 To: 85377 5775 Bringold 14 acres of 207 Barbara Road Very charming paradise, 500 ft2BD, on Half well maintained 1BAMoon MFGLake, 384 has sf cabin. home a 2 carBeautiful pole barnsite, with well wooded. $59,900 concrete floor and shed $69,900 Forphotos photosText Text:P765371 T11839220 To:85377 For to 85377 5013.7 acres Stockwell Building site 13.7 Acres 20th Ave Wooded with maximum seclusion. Nicely Acres on Muskegon River in with wooded parcel not far from town. vast growth and wildlife. $62,000 $69,900 For photos Text P765374 to 85377 For photos Text: T647076 To: 85377 719 Pine 10 acres nestled away, 22.1 Acres Temple Dr This rolling but a short walkis tolocated shops and wooded parcel on lakes. a 2BD, 816sf & winding country home paved with road 24x32 in a 23x25 garages desirable area near$64,900 town. $70,000 For Text P664628 to 85377 Forphotos photos Text P718055 to 85377 9267 Lake Road You pontoon are 4370Townline Birch Launch your sure to have luck at "Campwanna from 50ft of canal front with 2 BD Buck". 30 acres, 10 blinds, 6 bunks, cottage, with knotty pine interior & and 225ft along 2 rivers. $79,899 covered $65,000To: 85377 For photos porch. Text: P649851 For Tice photos Text P118840 to 85377 3181 Trail 3BD 1.5BA home, NHN Clarwin Avenue WOW! 5+ acres, 2 car att garage, 47x19 Beautiful, serene 14 + acres barn & shed. Deck off back for coffee on &Cedar deer gazing. River.$79,900 Grab your canoe and t For photos Textthe P765360 to 85377 enjoy life on river. $65,000 10240 Cathleen Bed cabin For photos Text:3 P190576 To: or 85377 home the heart ofLake the north. 9267inTownline RoadState You are land and trails close by along with sure to have luck at "Campwanna the river. $79,900 Buck". 30Text acres, 10 blinds, 6 bunks, For photos P674049 to 85377 and Doe 225ftRoad on 2 Well rivers. $79,899 2 9725 maintained For photos Text: P649851 85377 bdrm Cottage/Home on To:the 10240 Cathleen Bed Muskegon River, open3floor plancabin with or great views of the river. home in the heart of$79,900 the north. State For photos to along 85377 with land and Text trailsP666226 close by 2129 Mel Lane Hunters paradise. the river. $79,900 This 2 bed 1 bath home bordering For photos Text P674049 to 85377 State Land and close to the 3181 Tice Trail Secluded Muskegon River and trails. $79,900 3BD 1.5BA, acres, 2 car garage, For photos5+ Text: P482876 To:att 85377 47x19 barn & shed. Deck for coffee & deer gazing. $79,900 For photos Text P765360 to 85377 9725 Doe Road Well maintained 2 bdrm Cottage/Home on the Muskegon River, open floor plan with great views . $79,900 For photos Text P666226 to 85377 2301 Buck Lane Country home, 3BD, 2BA, FP, finished w/o bsm't, LP & wood furnaces, 1.5 acres, fenced $82,500 For photos Text P657107 to 85377 245 Second 1741SF on main level, handsome interior ideal for office or retail + 1141sf upper level storage and curb appeal. $87,500 For photos Text P364050 to 85377 9704 Hughes Drive Custom home with 285' on the Muskegon River. Lot adjoins state land and is close to trail heads. $88,000 For photos Text: P521629 To: 85377 2129 Mel Lane Hunters paradise. 2 bed 1 bath home bordering State Land and close to the Muskegon River and trails. $79,900 For photos Text: P482876 To: 85377 Page 6A- The Clare County Review - September 11, 2015 Mike’s Musings Michael Wilcox, Publisher/Editor Viewpoints Pat’s Bits & Pieces Pat Maurer, Review Correspondent There’s bad hunters, then there’s me I’m kinda getting stoked about hunting this year. Maybe it’s got something to do with all the youth hunt pictures we compiled in the Clare County Review and Marion Press this year. Or maybe its because we have been busy putting together our Hunting Guides that appear in this week’s Clare County Review and Marion Press. More likely, it’s about the yet unnamed guy in Greenwood Township, between Harrison and Marion that was sitting in his deer blind, looking to hunt porcupine when he was attacked by a black bear. Although you gotta question the authenticity of his story, it apparently is true, at least the DNR thinks so. The DNR checked out his wounds, and said they were consistent with what a bear would cause. He said he fought off the bear by stabbing the bear with his hunting knife. His gun might have been a more appropriate weapon, but hey, it worked. He escaped with only minor injuries. Now the DNR is placing bait traps filled with bacon chunks in an effort to capture the unfriendly bear. I’m glad I’m not nearby. I am really craving some bacon at the moment. Imagine little old me, caught in the bear trap. Heck, with my luck, a bear would come along and start chewing on my arm. Amazingly enough Tucker Heintz, hunting somewhere near Harrison bagged his first black bear a few days ago. I’m wondering if it was our old feller that attacked the porcupine hunter? Or maybe we just have more than our share of bear in Clare County this year. I’ve never hunted for black bear, but I’d like to. Heck I only did once for whitetail deer. That was when I was 16. I remembered it being so cold, I thought I had frostbite. No way I could have pulled a trigger with my hands so numb. It didn’t matter anyways. I was out in the woods for three days and never spotted a deer. Yet on the way home, I remember distinctly, seeing several shootable deer on the side of the road. Just a few years ago I had finally gotten over the fear of frostbite when I was asked by some fine Harrison gentlemen to join them on a pheasant hunt. I hadn’t shot a rifle in years, but one of the guys offered me a rifle with the proper Letters Telemarketers and phone scams Well fall is officially here My guy said I had four and so are the telemarketfelony counts against me. ers and phone scam artists. Sometimes these calls Matter of fact I don’t think even appear to come from they ever went away. a local law enforcement Seems like just about agency. ammunition and away we every day, especially when The real police say, “If went. We followed our I am trying to work in my you receive a call from trained dog, with his guide home office, the phone calls someone demanding a pay( oops I think it’s the other keep coming in. Either it is ment, hang up the phone.” way around) looking to bag a charity request, a survey, Lately we have even us a few pheasants. political poll, someone been getting calls on our I soon learned shooting wanting me to join somecell phones. Jack called me in the air at a small bird thing, or the exuberant “You this evening from work just flying away from you is are a winner!” phone call. I fuming. “You have to write a whole lot more difficult can count on at least three about this,” he demanded. than shooting a bear 100 to five every single day. He said he had gotten feet away. I had ample And, of course, we alnine calls in the two hours chances to shoot down my ways get at least one just as before he called me – and first bird, but my aim just we sit down to eat our dinwhile he was at work! He wasn’t up to par. ner. Of course our dinner, only answered one of them, A better opportunity Monday through Thursday and said he couldn’t undercame when I was walking at least, happens just before stand a thing the caller was back to our truck. There noon, since Jack is off to saying. within three feet of me was work at 1:30 on those days. He also told me the caller a pheasant rustling in the Anyway it never fails ID on his phone just kept weeds. Man was I excited. and we can count on those showing seven zeros or said Finally I had my pheasinterruptions without fail. I ‘unknown.’ ant. I aimed, I shot, and usually just hang up if the He said he is going to whoosh the pheasant took caller ID says toll free, but call our provider tomorrow flight. Shoot I was closer to sometimes it will idenand see if there is anything shooting off my foot, than tify itself as a cell call, and he can do to block those hitting that pheasant. sometimes with the actual calls. His other option, he I’m all about the right number of a friend or persaid, was to “cuss them out to bear arms, but I’m one son that I know. – loudly.” Actually those dude that shouldn’t be alWhen I call back on weren’t his exact words, but lowed a gun. To this day I those, the real person, of then this is a family publicakeep thinking about the one course has not called. It is tion… that got away. On second just some con guy using Attorney General Bill thought maybe I will post- their number. Schutte warns about the pone that hunting trip. I haven’t had any more recurring “Grandparent Fishing sounds a whole calls from the “fake IRS” Scam,” that is apparlot safer to this guy. recently. Guess my little ently going around again. It experience may have conworks like this: A grandparvinced those foreign sound- ent receives a frantic call ing callers that I am not apt from someone they believe to send in any money, and to be their grandchild. The they don’t appreciate my supposed grandchild sounds feeble attempts at humor distressed and may be either. For those of you calling from a noisy locacate, or invent a solution to that missed that one, it’s all tion. The supposed grandchild claims to be involved their problems. There was about people getting calls from someone claiming in some type of trouble no running to the store to they are from the Internal while traveling in Canada buy a solution, expecting others to solve the problem Revenue Service or the FBI or overseas, such as being and telling you that there is arrested or in a car accident for them. There are many a warrant out for your arrest or needing emergency car “antique” techniques that for tax evasion. repairs, and asks the grandare highly effective with little to no cost environmentally or financially. We need to reemploy these technique. The good old By Goldie Wood, Prevention & Outreach days may have been a Manager, Ten 16 Recovery Network little harder, but they were sustainable. This fall I returned to my classroom to educate my students on the Law of Conservation of Energy and our dependence on Every day, resilient nity to follow a clear, perthe ever-depleting fossil Americans with substance sonal path of hope, change fuels. It is the combustion use disorders summon and recovery. Ten16 strives of these fuels that is the extraordinary courage to be recognized as a leader source of the greenhouse and strength and comfor attracting, engaging gases causing of global cli- mit to living healthy and and energizing people and mate change. They look at productive lives through communities to embrace me and ask, “Why are we recovery. From big cities wellness, recovery and not doing more about this? to small towns, substance meaningful living. I respond with, “I am use disorders affect the Behavioral health is not sure, but you need to lives of millions of people. essential to overall health, be a part of the solution.” This month, we reaffirm and recovery is a process They agree. our unwavering committhrough which individuals There are many things ment to all those who are are able to improve their that we can do, but three seeking or in need of treat- wellness, live increasingly things we must do at a ment, and we recognize the self-directed lives, and minimum are recycle, buy key role families, friends, strive to fulfill their greatlocal goods, and educate health care providers and est potential. Recovery ourselves on new, more community members play and limitless opportunity efficient appliances and in supporting those on the are within reach of every use them. The next three path to a better tomorrow. single person battling subarticle that I will be writing Seeking to widen stance use disorders, and will demonstrate how these pathways to recovery, we continue our work to three simple techniques can Ten16 Recovery Network achieve this reality. have a big impact. supports the integration of For alcoholics/addicts Both the science comsubstance use treatment in recovery, every day munity and religious into primary health care is a challenge to avoid leaders agree on this issue. settings and the expanrelapsing. When they meet Pope Francis is convinced sion of support services their goals and succeed at our climate is changing in places such as schools, staying sober, they should and we are the cause. You institutions of higher educelebrate. Celebration is an may question some of his cation, and throughout the important way to strengthbeliefs, but he is spot on criminal justice system. We en their sobriety. It can with this one. help guide those impacted give them the motivation Andrew J. Frisch by drugs and alcohol to to keep going and to reach Farwell High School change the story of their their next goal. A celScience Teacher life. We offer an opportuebration makes them feel better about themselves and improves their selfThe esteem. It also gives them the important opportunity to be celebrated by others. Member Michigan Press Association Seeing others respect their 105 W. Fourth St. • Clare, MI 48617-1402 achievements will give them even more encourPhone: 989/386-4414 • Fax: 989/386-2412 agement to keep moving forward. Recovery month encourEditor/Publisher: Mike Wilcox ages us all to do our part to Review Correspondents: Graphic Consultants: eliminate negative public Pat Maurer, Ben Murphy, Rosemary Sherry Landon, Amber Howe attitudes associated with substance use disorders Horvath, Jennifer Bomorra & & Michelle Turner and treatment. People in Steve Landon Advertising Reps: recovery are part of our communities -- they are Teresa Wilcox, Trish Beemer, Deb Golden our family and friends, colleagues and neighbors Email Us At: -- and by supporting them [email protected] and raising awareness of This newspaper is not responsible for mistakes in the challenges they face, advertising beyond the cost of the space involved. we can help eradicate prej- Solutions. What can you do? Dear Editor; Ninety seven percent (97%) of climate scientists are convinced, based upon the evidence, that humans are causing Global Climate change (Yale Project on Climate Change Communication). Scientific evidence has over whelmingly proven that global warming is real and is happening at an increasing rate. Now scientists are finding that it is our human activities that are causing the global climate to change. With each and every one of us contributing to the problem, each and every one of us must be a part of the solution. We humans are innately good, we do not want to do harm to others or the planet. The problem is that most of us are unaware of how our daily activities are contributing to the problem. It is this innocent guilt that we need to resolve. In my previous articles, connections were made between seemingly harmless activities and how they are actually harmful. Hopefully, once the connection between our behaviors and how these behaviors are increasing the greenhouse effect, global warming, and climate change people will want to be a part of the solution. But how? What can each and every one of us do to reduce if not reverse global climate change? The first thing we have to do is to lose our sense of self-entitlement. We must toughen-up. We must return to relying on our Godgiven abilities to endure a little discomfort. It seems like as soon as something is not going exactly right, we reach for a machine or a product to fix whatever is wrong rather than dealing with it or working through it with some good-oldfashion hard work. I am grateful that our forefathers and mothers did not need an air-conditioner when the daytime highs were in the 80’s or a furnace when the overnight lows were in the 50’s. This attitude is epitomized with a quote heard from such a selfentitle person. She said, “In the winter, we like in warm enough in the house to wear shorts, and cool enough in the summer so that we can sleep under the comforter.” When I questioned her on it, she replied, “We don’t care; we have the money, we just pay the higher fuel bills.” This waste does not need to happen; this arrogant attitude is why global climate change is accelerating and not decreasing. We need to ask and remember what our grandparents would have done. When they had a problem, they found a solution. They would create, fabri- McDonald’s Egg Pledge is a small step Dear Editor, McDonald’s pledge last week to start using cagefree eggs is only a small step in preventing staggering suffering endured by millions of birds. Hatcheries that annually supply 200 million female hens for U.S. egg production, including cage-free, also kill the same number of male chicks at birth by grinding them up alive in industrial macerators or suffocating them slowly in plastic garbage bags. The female laying hens endure a lifetime of misery, crammed with 5-6 others, in small wire-mesh cages that cut into their feet and tear out their feathers. Eggs are common carriers of food-borne bacteria, including Salmonella, Campylobacter. Listeria, and Staphylococcus. USDA estimates that Salmonella alone accounts for 1.3 million U.S. illnesses and 500 deaths annually. Eggs contain saturated fat and cholesterol, key factors in incidence of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. They are a common cause of allergies in children. Waste from millions of egg-laying hens ends up in waterways, rendering vast areas unsuited for recreation or water supply. The good news for compassionate, health-conscious, eco-friendly consumers is that our local supermarket offers a number of delicious egg substitutes and egg-free food products. Entering “egg-free” in a search engine returns tons of recipes. Sincerely, Payton Nicholson Mount Pleasant parent to immediately wire money to post bail or pay for medical treatment or car repairs. The scammer typically asks for several thousand dollars, and may even call back again several hours or days later asking for more money. He or she may claim embarrassment about the alleged trouble and ask the grandparent to keep it a secret. A variation of the scam may involve two scammers -- the first scammer calls and poses as a grandchild under arrest. The second scammer, posing as some type of law enforcement officer, then gets on the phone with the grandparent and explains what fines need to be paid. Alternatively, the scammer may pretend to be a family friend or neighbor. A common theme of this scam across the nation is the caller’s request for the grandparent to wire money through Western Union or MoneyGram or to provide their bank account routing numbers. Wiring money is like sending cash; there are no protections for the sender. Typically there is no way you can reverse the transaction, trace the money, or recover payment from the telephone con artists. If you get a call like that don’t believe it and don’t send any money! To sum it all up, there are always con artist out there trying to get their hands on your money or account numbers. Never give out financial information over the phone or send money! Parents who host, lose the most September is National Recovery Month! Clare County Review udice and discrimination associated with substance use disorders, as well as with co-occurring mental disorders. Prevention and treatment work, and people recover -- and we must ensure all those seeking help feel empowered, encouraged, and confident in their ability to take control of their future. People looking for help for themselves or their loved ones can call 989-802-0743. Goldie J. Wood, MSA, CAC, CPC, has been active in the substance abuse field for over thirty years, focusing on adolescent counseling, substance abuse prevention, and coalition building in Bay County and the state of Michigan. She currently serves as Prevention and Outreach Manager, for 1016 Recovery Network, for all six of their regional counties. Her home office is at their Clare site, where she will be a working Supervisor. Goldie lives in Rhodes, MI with her husband, three dogs, and two cats. She has two wonderful adult children, 12 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. She enjoys camping, fishing, hunting and reading. Obituaries Meta “Mae” W. Baumgarth Meta “Mae” W. Baumgarth, age 100 of Clare, passed away on Saturday, September 19, 2015 at Green Acres Assisted Living in Mt. Pleasant where she was a resident. Mae was born the daughter of the late Julius and Ernestine (Bittner) Hohnke on February 12, 1915 in Sebewaing. She was united in marriage to Earl Baumgarth on May 20, 1939 in Detroit, with Earl predeceasing her on January 9, 2003. Together they moved to Clare in 1949 where Mae resided until 2014. Mae retired from Excello Corp. in 1979. She loved golf, traveling, reading, cross stitch and puzzles. She was a member of the St. John Lutheran Church in Clare. Mae is survived by her daughter, Carol (Darrel) Bihr, son, Tom (Susan) Baumgarth, daughter-inlaw Sonja Baumgarth, 5 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her son Ralph, 4 sisters and 2 brothers. Services will be held at the St. John Lutheran Church on Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 11 A.M. with Pastor Andrew Ewald officiating. Burial to follow in the Cherry Grove Cemetery. Visitation will be at the Clare Chapel of Stephenson-Wyman Funeral Home on Wednesday from 3 to 7 P.M. Memorial contributions can be made to the St. John Lutheran Church. On-line guestbook Rhea Rosamond Shoemaker, Rhea Rosamond Shoemaker, age 100 of Farwell, Michigan and formerly of Mount Clemens, MI passed peacefully at home on Wednesday, September 9, 2015. She was born on September 29, 1914 in Carson City, MI to the late A. Earl and Carrie (Cadham) Cook. On December 26, 1950 in Greenville, MI, she was united in marriage to Clay M. Shoemaker. Together they shared 35 years of marriage before he passed on May 1, 1986. After graduating from Greenville High School in 1932, Rhea earned her Bachelor’s Degree in English from Albion College in 1936 and Master’s Degree in Classical Studies from the University of Michigan in 1938. She began teaching at Carson City and South Haven High Schools before working briefly at the Gibson Factory during World War II. Her career continued at her alma mater – Greenville High School and later in the Lapeer and Hartford School Districts. Rhea retired from L’Anse Creuse Public Schools in the mid 1970’s, after a 25 year career of teaching. Throughout her career, she often tutored many students, becoming a mentor to many of them. While residing in the Mt. Clemens area, she was a member of First United Methodist Church where she was active with the Women’s Circle. Rhea was currently attending Clare United Methodist Church with her daughter. She was also a member of the Arc Of Central Michigan – advocating for resources in the community for individuals with disabilities. Rhea enjoyed playing cards - namely Bridge and Rummy and welcomed the challenge of a good game in Scrabble. She spent countless hours crocheting and creating hook rugs, taking continuing education classes, and as a younger lady, Rhea played the piano and mandolin. Rhea could often be found watching collegiate and Major League sports or napping with her feline friend Yoda and canine friend Bella in her bed. Rhea will be missed by her children Kent (Carol) Shoemaker, Ellen (Greg) Fuller, Carol Ann Shoemaker, and Alan “Pete” (Kirsten) Shoemaker, grandchildren Rebecca Vaughan, Timothy Allen, Rachel Weaver, Kira Harris, Keith Shoemaker, and Dave and Scott Fuller, eight great-grandchildren including the youngest Braylon Harris, and three very dear caregivers Bonnie Fritz, Mazie Vass, and Julie Hill. In addition to her husband and parents, she was also preceded in death by siblings Walter Cook, Eugene Straight, and Elaine McQuerry. Memorial donations may be sent to First United Methodist Church, 57 Southbound Gratiot, Mt. Clemens, MI 48043, Clare United Methodist Church, 105 E. 7th St., Clare, MI 48617, or to Mid-Michigan Home Health Care & Hospice, 1055 Professional Drive, Flint, MI 48532. Share memories at www. 989-423-0524 • (855)Ride-JAG September 2015 September 29 - Tuesday - $58 each - MYSTERY TRIP The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 - Page 7A Thomas R. Prawdzik Thomas R. Prawdzik, age 83 of Clare, passed away Friday, September 18, 2015 in Mt. Pleasant. Tom was born the son of the late Leo and Ann (Grygier) Prawdzik on December 29, 1931 in Boyne Falls. He graduated from Boyne Falls High School in 1950, and spent one year at Michigan State College. Tom was drafted into military service in July of 1952 where he served in the Army. He spent his military career at Fort Knox and was discharged in July of 1954. He then returned to Michigan State College and graduated in 1957 with a degree in Wildlife Management. He met Dorothy Beer in Gaylord at a polka dance, and they were married in Petoskey on May 17, 1958. They raised three children together and later enjoyed spending time with their six grandchildren. Tom was known as the most successful ruffed grouse hunter of the modern era. Articles of his expeditions of ruffed grouse hunting have been published in Field and Stream and in The Pointing Dog Journal. He was also featured in the book entitled A Passion for Grouse. He was involved in the Ruffed Grouse Society, The Lions Club and was a parishioner and usher at our Lady of Hope Catholic Church. He had worked as a District Wildlife Biologist of the Michigan DNR. After his retirement in 1992, Tom and Dorothy spent more time traveling all over the Midwest to indulge their passion for dancing to polka music. They spent time traveling to their grandchildren’s various sporting events and he continued to be an avid sportsman by acting as a ruffed grouse guide to various hunters from around the U.S. He enjoyed spending time outdoors deer hunting, fly fishing or hiking through the woods. Tom was a devoted husband, father, grandfather and loyal friend. He will be deeply missed and lovingly remembered by his many friends and family members. Tom is survived by his wife Dorothy; children, David (Ann) of Clare, Debbie (Kevin) Singles and Dennis (Beth) both of Lake Orion; his siblings, Jerry of Wyoming, MI and Diane (Steve) Kidder of Charlevoix; his grandchildren, Jodie, Kyle, Justin, Ryan, Megan and Tyler. Tom was predeceased by his sister Dorothy and brother Don. Services will be held at Our Lady of Hope Parish - St. Cecilia Site on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 11 A.M. with Fr. Prentice Tipton officiating. Burial will be in the St. Cecilia Catholic Cemetery. Visitation will be held on Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 at the Clare Chapel of StephensonWyman Funeral Home, and prior to the services at Church beginning at 10 A.M. A Vigil Service will take place at the Funeral Home on Tuesday at 7 P.M. Memorial contributions may be made to the Prostate Cancer Foundation or to Our Lady of Hope Parish. On-line condolences may be made at www. Earl Wayne Hendershot Earl Wayne Hendershot, age 89, beloved husband and father passed away Tuesday September 15th, 2015. Earl was born in Webb City, Oklahoma on September 5, 1926 to late John and Esta (Firestone) Hendershot. Earl worked as an iron worker, welder, and on the oil rigs and flew small airplanes. He had a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone if he could. Mr. Hendershot is survived by his wife Sherrie Hendershot, his children Gary Hendershot (Sandy Brumwell), Carol Watson, Becky (Tony )Sutton and Amy Paradine (James Parker). He also leaves 10 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren and a brother James Hendershot. He was predeceased by 2 children: Vern Hender- shot and Vicki Zuniga, and 1 grandchild Dawn Marie, 3 siblings Virginia Hendershot, John Hendershot and Bud Hendershot. A Memorial Service will be held at 12:00 Noon on Saturday September 26, 2015 at the Fraternal order of Eagles in Lake, Michigan. Arrangements by Cremation Society of Mid-Michigan, 1-888273-3553. To sign online guestbook visitwww. cremationsocietymidmi. com. G LORIA ’ S H AIR C ARE PERM SPECIAL $23.00 OPEN: TUES.-THURS. BY APPT. 588.9117 1 MILE EAST OF FARWELL ON US-10 The Red Door Thrift Store proceeds help support Joshua’s House Maternity Home, a nonprofit organization designed to meet the needs of pregnant women choosing to preserve life. 50% The Red Door OFF EVERYTHING 09/28/15 - 10/02/15 Renee´ Jeffords EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Thrift Store 1006 N. McEwan • Clare, MI 48617 [email protected] 989-424-6052 Donation Drop-Off Hours: Tues & Weds. 11 - 4:30 Summer Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Clare Family Moose Center Saturday, September 26, 2015 BBQ Dinner 1pm - 7pm Dinner Tickets $8.00 per person Discover huge advancements in a tiny hearing aid -Beltone’s New TrueTM technology FREE HEARING TEST 989-607-4576 or 800-352-4816 Silent Auction e t Raffl ticke $10 a 1pm - 6:30pm LIVE Auction 6:00pm - 8:00pm Corn Hole Toss 50/5 Draw 0 Dinn ing er Draw Prize ing! ALL D A Bake Y Sale! 4 Ways to Get Your News Print • Online Facebook • Schumacher Agency 404 North McEwan, Clare 989-386-3387 nD Haley An 0pm :0 3 2 1 ival und Rev Southbo m p 8:15 Starts at o amar m C 6 199 at 8:00p 10:00am 4 person w/board $10 w/o board $15 2141 E. Ludington Dr., Clare, MI 48617 sic LIVE Mu orian Steve Carland October 2015 October 9 - Friday - $26 each, $20 back - ODAWA CASINO & CHARLEVOIX APPLE FESTIVAL October 13 - Tuesday - $72 each - FALL COLOR TOUR MYSTERY TRIP October 16 - Friday - $35 back - LITTLE RIVER CASINO October 18-22 - Mon-Thurs - S $864, D $676, T $646, Q $625 - BRANSON, MO Now Available! Factory Direct Savings Up to 50% OFF on Cremation Vaults & Urns Visit Our Large Indoor Showroom BUY DIRECT AND SAVE UP TO 50% e Frleivery De Dr. Gierucki and staff welcome new and returning patients! We offer all facets of general dentistry from simple procedures like cleanings, crowns and dentures to specialized services like Invisalign and Lumineers! Most insurance accepted and filed for you. Payment options also available with approval. Welcoming back GM employees! We can’t wait to meet you! We have no salesmen & are not affiliated with funeral homes Brewer Bouchey Monument Co. Family owned since 1895 211 N. Mill St. - Downtown St. Louis - (989)681-3300 • www -bouchey .com www.brewer .brewer-bouchey Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-5 --.brewer Dr. Gierucki • 989-539-2146 152 S. 1st St., PO Box 636, Harrison Stephenson-Wyman Funeral Home 2 Locations to serve you Lawrence D. Wyman, Jr. Michael Fetzer Clare • 386-7451 Farwell • 588-9630 HARVEST PARTY AT THE FARWELL FARMERS MARKET Sept. 26th at 10am to 1pm. Trick or Treating, Pumpkin Painting, Costume Contest. Join us for some SPOOKTACULAR fun!! Free for All. Any Questions please call (989)588-9926 CROP HUNGER WALK The 2015 Clare County CROP Hunger Walk will be held on Sunday, September 27, at St. Cecelia Church. Registration starts at 1:30 pm and the walk starts at 2:00 pm. This year the Clare County CROP Walk will share 25% of the proceeds raised with Clare County Baby Pantry, Love, INC., MMCAA Food Pantry, and Community Nutrition Network. For more information about the Clare County CROP Hunger Walk, join the Recruitment Rally on Sunday August 23 at the Clare Congregational Church or contact Carol Stuhr at [email protected] Page 8A -The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 Don’t go far, shop where you are! Find what you’re looking for in Clare County Review Business Directory Rite-Way Asphalt Paving, Inc. Walk-Ins Welcome GAMBLE’S REDI-MIX Established In 1947 Screened Top Soil Brick Textured Poured Walls LLS TURED WA X BRICK TE Concrete Floors Concrete Pump Crushed Concrete Septic Tanks Installed Sand and Gravel Road Gravel Land Clearing 1415 N. CLARE HARRISON Fax 539-3456 HARRISON: 539-6460 800-539-6460 All Excavation Needs Radio Dispatched arrison Barbers H 3573 N. Clare Ave, Harrison, MI 48625 Under New Ownership ALL Cuts $9.00 Grab your Clare County Review Here! Kid’s Cuts (989) 424-7425 EXCAVATING 989-539-3211 Want to Advertise your business here? Call Trish today at Family Owned & Operated Since 1964 989-386-4414 20 weeks $200 SNOWSNAKE.NET 989.539.6583 ZIP LINE MAKE YO TOURS UR RESE RVATION TODAY!! PRO SHOP Generac Certified Sales & Service Auto Stand By Generators Commercial and Residential Customers are our #1 Priority LOUNGE CLARE AUTO SALES, INC. 2001 Chevrolet Silverado Z71 CLARE AUTO SALES, INC. Ext. Cab, Spotless, Rust Free, Only 119k Miles 8,975.00 GRAND 989-424-6600 OPENING 309 S. McEwan St., South End of Clare • Clare, MI 48617 & 989-828-6368 Serving Mid-Michigan Area Since 1952! 2”. 4” Steel and 5” PVC Water Well Drilling and Repair 2” Screen Changes, and Pump Installation Service and Repair Family owned and Operated, Fully Licensed and Insured •••+••• Free Estimates •••+••• The We are unty Clare Co Review reet urth St 105 W. Fo 48617 Clare, MI 1.877.272.6628 Krapohl Ford Lincoln 1415 E. Pickard St. Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Cell (989) 621-5990 Office (989) 772-2991 Fax (989) 772-6142 Cheryl Weekley Sales Consultant BlueOvalCertified Starters, Alternators, Generators Rebuilt At (989) 539-2261 6562 East Pleasant Valley Rd. • Shepherd, MI 48883 [email protected] FREE 6 MONTH NATIONWIDE WARRANTY P.O. Box 499,795 N FIRST ST. HARRISON, MI 48625 Serving your Area for over 30 years Mon., Wed., Fri. • 8:30 - 5:00 Sat. • 8:30 - 2:00 Closed Tues., Thurs. & Sun. All major credit cards accepted SAND & GRAVEL $ Fr e e Es tim ate s Jeremy Donley Owner/Barber BEEMER’S GOLF DRIVEWAYS - PARKING LOTS 229 W LAKE GEORGE AVE LAKE GEORGE, MI 48633 (989) 588-6171 CLARE STARTER 11211 S. Brand, Clare Between Colonville & Clarabella Roads 989-386-4414 Come Visit us on the web at 386-4439 Triple C Builders yz Lawn Service, LLC The Bo Selling Northern Michigan since 1953 Want to Advertise your business here? Call us today at Mid Michigan’s most widely circulated news paper Serving Mid Michigan for over 30 years OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK (989) 689-1084 Over 23 Years Experience Concrete Construction Pole Buildings Block foundations For all your Concrete Needs!. Serving all of Central Michigan [email protected] Call Chuck (989) 251-9850 Robert C. Croutch Dan Croutch JB Lawn Maintenance • Snow Plowing Landscape Design • Fencing • Irrigation Systems Residential and Commercial Mowing Insured Mike Saupe • 6625 Dover Rd, Lake, MI 48632 989-339-4071 Country Side Cabinets TWO-WAY COMMUNICATIONS FOR TODAY AND BEYOND Electronics LLC PH: (989) 539-6559 AND FURNITURE - Two Way Radios - Cellular Telephones - Police Scanners - Weather Radios - Overhead Lights & Sirens Jerry & Shirley Becker Dawn McDonald 3725 North Clare Ave. Harrison, MI 48625 COYNE OIL & PROPANE Guaranteed On Time & Certified “Our customers are our warmest friends” CLARE • HARRISON • GLADWIN • EVART 989-386-7731 • 800-386-7731 513 W. 5th., Clare, MI 48617 PROPANE, FUEL OIL, GASOLINE & DIESEL PIONEER Metal Roofs 7325 S. Clare Ave. Clare, Michigan 48617 800-292-0679 office 989-386-4880 Sales Rep. Mark Mills Owner Bob Griffor Residential Steel Roofing nationwide prepaid cellular Want to get our News sent to your e-mail box for free? C Bring us your ideas and pictures. We will custom build your ideas into a reality TOTALLY FREE Online • Facebook E-mail • Traditional Print Kiefer’s 989-387-7238 105 W. Fourth Street Clare, Michigan 48617 Serving all of Clare County Phone; 989-386-4414 Clare County Review Buying and Harvesting Standing Timber 10 acres or more 8’ Firewood by the full cord “Listening to Landowners” Selective Cutting • Over 25 years experience Karl R. Walter 4340 E. Surrey Rd. Clare, MI 48617 PH: 989-386-7317 Fax: 989-386-8171 989-386-6952 Get the news the way you want it, Just send an e-mail to us at: [email protected] WALTER’S FOREST PRODUCTS 7563 S. Rodgers Clare, MI 48617 Leroy Miller Cleaning Service LLC • Personal • Professional • Guaranteed • Commercial • Residential • One time cleanings • 40-year Warranty • • 20 Different Colors • • 29 or 26 Guage • 5145 N.Mission Rd. Rosebush 989-433-5705 • Competitive Pricing • Manufacturing High Quality Metal Roofing Pole Barn Siding, Trim & Accessories • Custom Cut to length • • Fast Service • Section B September 25, 2015 Hunting Season is Here! Kids score big during youth hunt Eric Varney age 11, shot this awesome 8 point in Clare. Kayden Snear, age 10 shot this 4 pt during the youth hunt. He was hunting with his grandpa in Clare County. David Dean age 7. He shot his first deer, a 4 point, in Clare County. Caleb Dennis age 10 of Harrison bagged his first doe and first deer ever. Lambert’s Meat Market 624 E. Cedar Ave. • Gladwin, MI 48624 989-246-1850 Hours: Mon-Sat 9-6 Sun: 10-4 $65 Bonless Deer Processing Cayla Ann Varney age 16, shot this 8 point to match her brother in Clare county. • Vacuum Pack • 24 hour drop off available Nicholas Haring, 10 years old, Clare County, Clare Michigan. • We make a large variety of venison snack sticks and jerkies Tomorrow’s Retirement Adventure Landon Haag age 11 shot his first doe in Sheridan, MI. Fairchild & Green Realty EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Ph. (888) 544-2131 274 Lake George Ave. P.O. Box 178 Lake George, MI 48633 Ph. (877) 588-5026 Deer Hunters Dream, this 60 acre parcels has it all. 2 bedroom home with fireplace, 40 x 60 pole barn has lean to along the south side, walk in cooler. 3 bow stands, 3 large heated rifle blinds with trails to all, 4 food plots, land is a mix of woods, hay field to cedar swamp with a creek running thru. Reduced To $180,000 #H6720R This could be your piece of heaven on earth. This getaway on 38+ acres, & Muskegon River frontage. Accessed by plowed sand trails, & a cabin for year around use, make this a great getaway. Ready for hunting, rafting, swimming, relaxing, or watching the campfire in the evening shadows. Reduced To $119,000 #HE5411LS Fabulous 30 Acre Parcel situated on corner of Strawberry & Ashard roads. Tons of wildlife; deer, turkeys, rabbits,& partridge. Most of property is high & dry with nice hardwoods & some low for excellent hunting. The cabin is turn-key, with furnishings & dishes included. There is electricity, stove & refrigerator in the cabin with a hand well and outhouse. Reduced To $95,900 #G2945S Your life is full of adventure. Whether you imagine traveling around the world or relaxing with family and friends, we are here. While you focus on the adventure, let us focus on the right plan to get you there. 401k Rollovers Retirement Planning / IRAs Trust Services Estate Planning Call to Schedule Your Complimentary Financial Review 800.378.2555 Excellent Acreage for hunting or nice building site for home or cottage. This is nicely wooded on back of property if you are a hunter. Has trails to walk, or ride your 4-wheeler & enjoy the out of doors! Just a couple miles from Lake George with access for swimming or fishing, has a boat launch if you like to fish, ski or just enjoy the water. New Price $67,900 #W1356B Two Parcels, a 10 acre parcel & a 20 acre parcel with trails to enjoy hiking, 4-wheeling or snowmobile. On parcel B is 10 acres with a mobile home and garage for sale also. Great location to build your hide-away home you’ve always dreamed of! $63,000 #W30C Nice Home on 11 acres with 2 hunting blinds good hunting and wildlife right outside your door. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, open kitchen dinning lots of space and storage on black top road with nice garage, two sheds plus carport on the back of garage. Township park for swimming on Bertha Lake. New Price $77,000 #M3401FL 139 E. Broadway | Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, an independent broker/dealer. Securities are: ● Not Deposits ● Not Guaranteed by Isabella Bank ● Subject to Risk ● May Lose Value ● Not Insured by FDIC or any other Government Agency. Isabella Bank Investment & Trust Services and Isabella Bank are not affiliated with Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Page 2B - The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 Hunting Season is Here! Allard harvests 500 pound bear Heintz bags black bear Share your hunting photos on The Clare County Review’s Facebook page! Whitetail Deer & Fish Specialist 989-560-9600 Patrick Allard of Clare harvested this black bear on September 8, 2015. The bears live weight was 510 lbs. He was hunting out of Pasha Lake Lodge Jellico, Ontario, Canada. Tucker Heintz of Harrison shot this black bear in Clare County. Bowhunting guidelines have changed in the U.P. If you hunt during archery season in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, you better take notice. The Michigan Natural Resources Commission announced on June 11 that some big changes are going to take place in the U.P. that will be enforced for the current 2015 season. Following the harsh winters over the past three seasons, which diminished deer herds, the harvesting of antlerless deer shall be eliminated during archery season only. The hunters who have already purchased combo licenses for this coming deer season have until September 20 to return those licenses for a refund. They may still use their current deer license to take a buck, and may still take antlerless deer during gun season. “The NRC asked the DNR Wildlife Division to present options to address the decline in deer in the U.P. and associated concerns by hunters,” said Chad Stewart, the DNR deer management specialist for the state of Michigan. “In May we brought forward six possible options, and the NRC chose to concentrate on two of those options.” According to the Michigan DNR, those options were to do nothing at all, or create the buck-only rule during archery in the U.P. “Deer hunting is an important tradition in Michigan’s U.P. and a big economic driver for the entire state,” said John Matonich, the state’s Natural Resources Commission Chair. “This decision by the NRC will ensure that tradition continues while also providing prudent protections for the U.P. deer population.” For more information about this rule change, or any other changes regarding the Michigan 2015 deer hunting restrictions, go to hunting. In the meantime, make sure you tell everyone you know about this rule change to make sure everyone is on the same page. The Michigan DNR will also be spreading the word as the best they can. Michigan started tracking how many hunters die each year 1970. Since then, there has never been a year when no one died while hunting. But 2014 was a first. No fatalities and only ten injuries were reported. There was a case where a 12-year old girl died on a hunting trip on Drummond Island. But state officials say it wasn’t technically a hunting accident because the gun went off accidentally in the car, not while the family was hunting. Hunting deaths in Michigan peaked in 1987 and have been, for the most part, declining. The records include all hunting seasons, including firearm deer, turkey, waterfowl and more. Volunteer teachers with the state’s hunter education program are a big reason why, according to Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources. TAXIDERMY STUDIO Randy Onica - Taxidermist 4501 N. Summerton Rd. Rosebush, MI 48878 [email protected] Amazingly no hunting fatalities in 2014 GET MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK$ Quality New & Pre-Owned • Rifles • Shotguns • Scopes • Ammo • Cross Bows • Comp Bows FREE At the Ideal Theater 150 LB Crossbow $75.95 SAVE EXTRA CASH Boresite With Purchase of Rifle or Scope Economical Pre-Owned Items GLADWIN TRADE & SALES 989-426-6811 1739 N. State St. (N-M18) • Gladwin Dover Road Woodworking Solid Oak & Cherry Furniture William M. Byler 2643 E. Dover Rd, Farwell (3 Miles North of Clare on Old 27, 1 and 1/2 Miles West on Dover Road) Hours: Monday thru Saturday, Dawn to Dusk Rated PG-13 One hour, 56 minutes long Starts Fri., Sept. 25th Showtimes: Fri., Sat. & Sun. at 7 & 9:00 One Show the following Tues.,Weds., & Thurs., at 7:00 5 for $ 35 Special Includes: 5 Admissions 5 Sm. Popcorn 5 Med. Softdrinks Admission is $5.00 per seat, $4.00 persons 12 and under. We have all your needs to lure the Big Buck in. Including: • BB 2 Granular • Sweet Feeds • Magnum Buck • Buck Jam!! • Lucky Buck • Record Rack Nugget Pheasant & Deer Hunting and Trout Fishing We have cabins and lodging! • Deer Sweet Mix Johnston Elevator Co. Oak Tables, Chairs, Hutches, Bedroom Sets and More! (989) 386-4164 Let Ring 307 McEwan • Clare • (989) 386-7271 Open Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p..m. Saturday 8 a.m. - Noon. visit our website 524 W. Miller Rd. Mio, MI 48647 989-848-5411 The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 - Page 3B Hunting Season is Here! Check out biggest deer killed in 2014 Oh, what a year it was! With 2014 coming to an end, we wanted to take a look back at the top bucks taken byLegendary Whitetail hunters all across America. During the 2014 hunting season, records were broken and legends were born. Trust me, you’re going to want to take a few moments to scroll through the Top Bucks of 2014. North Carolina Can Grow ‘Em Like Iowa Hunter: Steven Davis Location: Davidson County, North Carolina Score: Unofficial green score – 190 7/8 inches Hunter: Stan Kreidermacher Location: Whitewater WMA – SE Minnesota Score: Estimated Score – 240″+ 8810 S. Clare Ave • Clare, MI 48617 • Hunting Apparel • Cold Weather • Pants & Jackets • Boots • Gloves • Tent & Vehicles The Franz Buck – Largest Free Ranging Buck Ever Killed on Camera Photo Credit: Trophy Pursuit Hunter: Joe Franz, Location: Marion County, Iowa Score: Unofficially scored 258 7/8 (before the mandatory 60 day drying period) • Tools • Generators • Rope • Flags • Closeouts • Camping Gear Bagged Beets, Carrots & Apples 10 for Salt Blocks & Mineral Blocks Phone: 989-386-5425 Fax: 989-386-6042 Open 7 Days A Week $35.00 Wisconsin Archery State Record Typical Whitetail Photo Credit: Wisconsin Buck and Bear Club Hunter: Adam Hupf, Location: Dodge County, Wisconsin Score: Gross – 200 4/8, Net – 191 6/8 Bulk Beets & Carrots 50 lbs. Shelled Corn cleaned HARDWOOD PELLETS $215/Ton 6120 E. M-115 • Cadillac • 231-775-7599 597 N. First Street • Harrison • 989-539-3565 Page 4B - The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 Meridian snaps Clare’s Jack Pine winning streak By Ben Murphy quarter the Pioneers took the first lead of the night, getting The effort was there. a school record 47-yard field However, for the first time goal from Camden Dice to in what seems like forever a make it 3-0 with 7:36 to go victory was missing. Clare until the half. saw its 34-game Jack Pine “One good thing is that Conference football game Dice hit that 47 yard field winning streak come to an goal,” Luplow said. “It end at home Friday night, probably would have been falling to Meridian 32-10. good from about 55 yards “Our team came in ready out. We were happy for that to play and we played hard,” anyway, if there’s a bright Clare head coach Kelly spot from the game I guess Luplow, who has 199 career that would be it.” wins said. “I thought every Clare got the ball back kid played hard, it just got late in the second and to be too much in the second seemed to be at worst taking half. Plus the fact is that a slim lead into the half, yet were still batting injuries a Meridian interception gave so that always plays into it it the ball on the Clare 24 too.” yard line with 24 seconds Despite the wide gap in left, which the Mustangs the final, it had been a close eventually punched in to game for most of the night. make it 8-3 at the break. In fact, after a scoreless first “It was a well played first half, it probably should have been 3-0 at the half but that interception led to it being 8-3,” Luplow said. “Still, we felt good about the performance in the first half, the defense played well.” The Pioneers opened the second half with a strong drive that reached the Mustangs’ 22 yard line, though after being forced for a fieldgoal attempt, saw Dice’s kick miss just wide right. Meridian, ranked ninth in division six racked off three straight touchdowns and two-point conversions from there, putting the game out of reach with a 32-3 lead. “When they got a couple scores on us it was hard for us to keep our kids going because our numbers are so down, we just got tired,” Luplow said. Clare did end the night on a bright note, getting a three yard touchdown run by Ben Bates and Dice extra point to bring it to the 32-10 final. This was the first time Meridian was able to top Clare since 2005. Vida finished seven-of-15 passing for 77 yards, with Hunter Schaaf catching five balls for 40 yards and Gabe Denton making two catches for 35 yards. Bates led the ground attack with 35 yards on 11 carries. “We got a couple big play and then we’d get a penalty or something like that,” Luplow said of the offense. “We’re trying to utilize Vida at quarterback, but he was playing with a sprained ankle. They had a good defensive game plan against us. They had a lot of athletes on the edge.” As for the 34-game conference winning streak coming to an end, Luplow wasn’t all that broken up about it. “We’ve had a few runs over the years, this one was 34 but we’ve had other over 20,” he said. “Eventually it’s going to get broken, you just try to keep it going as long as you can but we’ve been playing with that target on our back and that’s just the way it is. Everyone is going to try and play their best game against us and Meridian’s coach even said they had to play a near perfect game to beat us and they thought they pretty much played an error free game. If that’s what it takes to beat us then hats off to them.” Clare (1-3 overall, 1-1 JPC) plays at Beaverton (1-3, 0-2 tonight (Friday). Beaverton lost 36-22 last week to Roscommon. The Beavers last topped Clare in 1990. “We’re 1-3 too so we can’t take anyone lightly,” Luplow said. “Really, I don’t think Beaverton is down this year, they were tied with Meridian going into the fourth quarter. I certainly am concerned about them, they’re better than their record shows. They know that Meridian beat us so it’s going to be whoever is ready and has less mistakes is probably going to come out on top. We’re struggling a bit but the kids are playing hard and giving effort and there’s nothing more we can ask.” 2015 AREA FALL SPORTS SCHEDULES CLARE 2015 FALL SCHEDULE VARSITY FOOTBALL 7:00 P.M. Sept. 4 BEAL CITY 11 ROSCOMMON 18 MERIDIAN 25 at Beaverton Oct. 2 Homecoming HOUGHTON LAKE 9 GLADWIN 16 at Farwell 23 at Harrison JV FOOTBALL Sept. 3 10 17 24 Oct. 1 8 15 22 6:30 P.M. at Beal City at Roscommon at Meridian BEAVERTON at Houghton Lake at Gladwin FARWELL HARRISON 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm FRESHMEN FOOTBALL Sept. 2 MERIDIAN 10 at Shepherd 17 at Meridian Oct. 8 at Gladwin 15 at Chip Hills 22 SHEPHERD TIME 7:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm VARSITY VOLLEYBALL Sept. 8 at Sacred Heart 9 ROSCOMMON 12 at Breckenridge Tourn. 16 at Harrison 19 at Crossroads Tourn. 21 at Farwell 23 GLADWIN 30 CLARE JPC QUAD Oct. 7 at Roscommon 12 SHEPHERD 14 HARRISON 19 FARWELL 21 at Gladwin 24 at North Branch 28 at Meridian JPC Quad TIME 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 7:00 pm 9:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:30 am 5:00 pm JV VOLLEYBALL Sept. 8 at Sacred Heart 9 ROSCOMMON 16 at Harrison 19 at Alma Tourn. 21 at Farwell 23 GLADWIN 28 at Beaverton Quad Oct. 7 at Roscommon 12 SHEPHERD 14 HARRISON 19 FARWELL 21 at Gladwin 26 at Houghton Lake 5:00 pm TIME 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 am 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 9th VOLLEYBALL Sept. 2 at Shepherd 8 at Sacred Heart 12 at Alma Tourn. 19 at Shepherd Tourn. 23 GLADWIN 28 at Meridian Quad Oct. 1 at Beal City Tourn. 12 SHEPHERD 13 at Beal City 21 at Gladwin 26 FRESHMEN QUAD TIME 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 5:00 pm BOYS VARSITY SOCCER Sept. 3 PINE RIVER 8 at Houghton Lake 10 at McBain NMC 14 at Pinnconning TIME 7:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 15 17 22 23 26 29 Oct. 1 5 6 12 14 19 - 23 26 - 31 CROSSROADS 7:00 pm GLADWIN 7:00 pm at Pine River 4:30 pm HOUGHTON LAKE 7:00 pm at Alpena Tournament 10:00 am at Crossroads 5:00 pm McBAIN NMC 7:00 pm ALMA 7:00 pm at Gladwin 5:00 pm CROSSOVER TBA LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP TBA Districts TBA Regionals TBA BOYS JV SOCCER Sept. 8 at Houghton Lake 10 at McBain NMC 14 at Valley Lutheran 17 GLADWIN 21 VALLEY LUTHERAN 23 HOUGHTON LAKE 26 at Alpena 30 at Big Rapids Oct. 1 MCBAIN NMC 5 ALMA 6 at Gladwin 10 JV TOURNAMENT TIME 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 5:30 pm TBA 4:30 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 am BOYS/GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY TIME Sept. 2 PIONEER INVITE 3:30 pm 12 at Bullock Creek 9:30 am 15 at Beal City (MS & JV) 4:00 pm 19 at Holly Invite 9:00 am 23 at Farwell JPC Jamboree 4:30 pm 26 at Delta Invite 9:00 am Oct. 3 at Carson City Invite 9:00 am 7 at Gladwin JPC Jam. 4:00 pm 10 at Portage Invite 9:00 am 16 at Montabella Invite 4:00 pm 21 at Harrison JPC Jam. 4:30 pm 24 at Chip Hills 11:00 am 31 at Bear Lake/Manistee Reg. TBA Nov. 7 at MIS State Finals TBA HARRISON 2015 FALL SCHEDULE VARISTY FOOTBALL Sept. 3 Evart 11 Houghton Lake 18 Gladwin 25 FARWELL Oct. 2 Roscommon 9 Meridian (HOMECOMING) 16 BEAVERTON 23 CLARE TIME 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm JV FOOTBALL Sept. 2 10 17 24 Oct. 1 8 15 22 TIME 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm EVART HOUGHTON LAKE GLADWIN Farwell ROSCOMMON Meridian 6:30 pm Beaverton Clare JV/VARSITY VOLLEYBALL Sept. 1 EVART 8 LAKE CITY 9 Beaverton 16 CLARE 19 Manton Inv. (JV only) 21 Meridian 23 Houghton Lake 26 Manton Inv.(Varsity) 28 JV Quad Meet 30 Varsity Quad Meet 6:30 pm 6:30 pm TIME 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. ALL CAPS denotes a home game Oct. 3 7 10 10 14 19 21 26 28 Nov. 2 Farwell Inv. (Varsity) BEAVERTON Tri Meet JV Invitational Clare MERIDIAN HOUGHTON LAKE JV QUAD MEET Varsity Quad Meet 11/2 thru 11/6– Districts 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. TBA TBA 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. TBA CROSS COUNTRY TIME Sept. 2 Clare Invitational 4:30 p.m. 8 Evart/Farwell 4:30 p.m. 12 Bullock Creek Invitational 9:00 a.m. 19 HARRISON INVITATIONAL 10:00 a.m. 23 Farwell Jamboree 4:30 p.m. 26 Al Kayner Invitational 10:00 a.m. Oct. 3 Pine River Invitational 9:00 a.m. 7 Gladwin Jamboree 4:30 p.m. 21 Harrison Jamboree 4:30 p.m. 24 Chippewa Hills 11:00 a.m. FARWELL 2015 FALL SCHEDULE VARSITY FOOTBALL Sep. 18 HOUGHTON LAKE HIGH SCHOOL 25 @ Harrison High School Oct. 02 MERIDIAN HIGH SCHOOL 09 ROSCOMMON HS (Homecoming) 16 CLARE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 23 @ Beaverton High School TIME 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM JV FOOTBALL Sep. 24 HARRISON HIGH SCHOOL Oct. 01 @ Meridian High School 08 @ Roscommon High School 15 @ Clare Public Schools 22 BEAVERTON HIGH SCHOOL TIME 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM VARSITY VOLLEYBALL TIME Sep. 21 * CLARE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 7:30PM 23 * @ Beaverton High School 7:30PM 30 * QUAD @HOME VS ROSCO, 5:00PM GLADWIN,HARRISON Oct. 03 PAULA SULLIVAN INV 9:00AM 07 * HOUGHTON LAKE HIGH SCHOOL 7:30PM 14 * @ Meridian High School 7:30PM 19 * @ Clare Public Schools 7:30PM 21 * BEAVERTON HIGH SCHOOL 7:30PM 28 * @ Varsity Quad @ Gladwin vs 5:00PM Rosco,Harrison JV VOLLEYBALL Sep. 21 * CLARE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 23 * @ Beaverton High School 28 * @ JV Quad @ Roscommon vs Gladwin, Harrison Oct. 07* HOUGHTON LAKE HIGH SCHOOL 14 * @ Meridian High School 19 * @ Clare Public Schools 21 * BEAVERTON HIGH SCHOOL 26 @ JV Quad @ Harrison vs Rosco, Gladwin TIME 6:00PM 6:00PM 5:00PM VARISTY CROSS COUNTRY Sep. 23 FARWELL JAMBOREE JPC TEAMS Oct. 03 @ Pine River HS Cecil Burch Mem. 07 @ Gladwin Jamboree 16 @ Montabella Mustang Invite 21 @ Harrison Jamboree 30 @ MHSAA Regionals @ Bay City Western/Delta College Nov. 07 @ MHSAA State Finals @ MIS TIME 4:30PM 9:00AM 4:30PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 10:00AM VARSITY GOLF Sep. 21 @ Central Montcalm High School (Central Montcalm Tri-Golf Meet) 24 SACRED HEART ACADEMY 30 @ Chippewa Hills (The Pines Inv) TIME 3:30PM 6:00PM 6:00PM 6:00PM 6:00PM 5:00PM 9:00AM 5:00PM 10:00AM This Sports Schedule is made possible by these Community Businesses Good Luck Teams!! There’s more to love at anServ 8-c ing areounty a Clare Big Boy Our Customers are our warmest friends On Business 127, North of Clare ® Big Boy Restaurant is the registered trademark of LLC International McDonald Farwell Area Schools CHRYSLER 624 W. FIFTH STREET (OLD U.S. 10) • CLARE (989) 386-7770 • 1-800-386-7261 Filed for registration with the US Patent and Trademark Office, July 2009. First use in commerce, November 2010. Rendered February 2011 by John Conti <[email protected]> FAMILY FOODS of Clare 386- 7591 821 E. 5th St, Clare, MI 386-4525 989-386-9900 1-800-249-7058 COYNE OIL & PROPANE 513 W. 5th., Clare, MI 48617 989-386-7731 • 800-386-7731 The New Chrysler Wing is a trademark of Chrysler Group LLC. 1000 Chrysler Drive Auburn Hills, Mchigan 48326 BENCHLEY BROTHERS JD Metalworks, Inc. 635 Industrial Dr. • Clare 989-386-3231 1 Mile North of Clare on Old 27 386-3475 Fairchild & Green Realty 2 Offices to Serve You Lake George (989) 588-5026 Lake (989) 544-2131 Visit Us @ 399 E. Michigan Farwell 989/588-9917 Patrick Austin, D.D.S. Alfred Austin, Jr., D.D.S. 104 West Wheaton, Clare 989-386-7021 Harrison Lumber 201 East Beech • Harrison 989/539-7136 Johnston Elevator 307 MCEWAN ST.,CLARE 989-386-7271 24 Hour Access Accepting “Silver Sneakers” 989-386-9730 1509 N. McEwan Street • Clare, MI 48617 clarefamilyfi[email protected] The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 - Page 5B Sports Quick start propels Harrison to 19-6 win Three second quarter touchdowns turned out to be all it needed. The Harrison football team topped host Gladwin Friday, notching a 19-6 Jack Pine Conference victory. “We always figure Gladwin to be one of the top teams so we are very happy with the outcome of the game,” Harrison head coach Mike Petrongelli said. “The kids played well and the defense played really well and we’re just happy with how things worked out.” Jeremy Fillhard broke a scoreless game with a seven yard touchdown run in the second quarter and the Hornets added a 43 yard touchdown pass from Kenny Haskell to Jared Bennett and a two yard plunge by Brent Veite all to make it 19-0 at the half. “In the first half we moved the ball real well on the ground and we threw for a touchdown too,” Petrongelli said. “The second half we were having some difficulties with the snap after Haskell injured his fingers late in the first half. That seemed to bother him from the center-exchange to him. We had some fumbles and even though we didn’t lose them that was enough to derail some drives.” While the offense wasn’t able to score the rest of the night, the defense held serve the rest of the way, only giving up a one yard touchdown run in the third quarter. “The defense seems to be getting better and better,” Petrongelli said. “We moved the ball well at times but we were always able to come up with stops when we had too and forced some fumbles and an interception too. Gladwin is tough, they play hard and keep coming after you.” Haskell finished with 57 yards on 13 carries, Fillhard ran 11 times for 53 yards, Blayne Fowler carried 11 times for 43 yards and Veite finished with 39. Jared Given led the defense with 14 tackles, Will Dennis took down 10 and Bennett tallied nine. Fillhard added an intercep- By Ben Murphy Sports Writer There’s nothing like playing a county rival to bring out the best in you. Clare, who had yet to win a Jack Pine Conference volleyball game in the young season, made the short trip to Farwell on Monday, claiming a four set win. The Pioneers topped the Eagles with scores of 25-18, 25-14, 21-25 and 25-16. “We went into Farwell with our minds in the game and the team was ready to play,” Clare head coach Emily Blackburn said. “We have had to adjust as we have had a few girls out due to sickness and injury last week and this week, this didn’t slow them down though as everyone has picked up and done their share of playing as a team.” While the Pioneers had a somewhat easy time through the first two sets, a by 989•329•1366 989•539•356 Fax 989•539•3304 Cell River Haven Chris Lowes Each Offi ce Independently Owned and Operated Clare’s Annie Cole hits the ball over the net during Monday’s win at Farwell. hiccup in the third prevented a sweep of the Eagles. Clare regrouped to finish the night off nicely. “The girls pulled together and had a great night of playing volleyball,” Blackburn said. “Our passing was on target, which led to Saleen Picard and Annie Cole able to finish each play with the attack-kill. This was a win that was well deserved for the girls.” Picard finished with seven kills on 16 attacks with five aces and one block. Cole had five kills, three blocks and one ace and Peyton Huebel had 13 assists, four digs and served three aces. Cami Miller had three kills, three aces and was 15-of-15 serving and Hannah Hofweber was eight-of-eight at the service line. The Eagles were led by Grace Saupe with six kills, one ace, one dig and was seven-of-seven serving, Dani Hanna had three kills, 34 digs, five aces and was 16-of-17 serving good for 12 points, Lillian Albaugh had three aces, three digs, two kills and had 10 points off of 12-of-12 serving, Emily Vaughan had 12 assists, two digs and one kill, Jaedalin Wilson had 21 digs and two assists and Kali Wilkerson had one ace. Clare (1-2 JPC), hosted Gladwin on Wednesday and hosts a Jack Pine Conference quad match on Wednesday Oct. 30. Farwell (1-8-1 overall, 0-3 JPC) was at Beaverton on Wednesday and also hosts a JPC quad match on Oct. 30. Voted Houghton Lake’s #1 Course Dog Gone Good Deal 25 10A Near Toohy Trail - Private 10 acre parcel. Good mix of mature trees with rolling hills and open area. Hunting property. Gated entry. Property boundaries are marked. $22,000 100-11 Peasley Trail - Nice Wooded 10 acres with drive. Near Lily Lake. Hunting parcel. $17,500 5395 W Lang - Wooded 10 acre parcel located between Gladwin & Beaverton. Single wide mobile on blocks on property. Seller says older well & septic on property condition unknown. As-Is. $19,900 I MILLI LT CLUB DO 2014 Chevrolet Impala 1LT 2011 Buick Lucerne CXL 4dr, Sdn, FWD, Automatic, 16,573 Miles, #4441 Flexible Fuel, FWD, Automatic 70,240 miles, #4054 2013 Mazda CX-5 2015 GMC Acadia AWD FWD 4dr, Grand Touring, Automatic 43,433 miles, #4458 SLT 1, Automatic, 15,381 miles, #4440 2015 Buick Enclave 2015 Chevy Silverado 2500HD Leather, AWD, Automatic 20,731 miles, #4444 Crew Cab, Standard Box, 4WD, Automatic, 18,567 miles, #4463 Please call for Tee Times 989-366-7726 or 989-366-0044 Yard & Farm Equipment Service, Sales & Parts 30 Years Experience • Ariens Snow Blowers • Echo Chain Saws, String Trimmers & Leaf Blowers • Columbia Lawn Mowers 7972 N. Winn Rd. • Farwell 989-588-7052 $19,900 $36,900 $46,900 BENCHLEY BROTHERS (Excluding Holidays) 1 Mile East of Doherty US 10, Clare 1-800-249-7058 Serving Clare for over 40 years Your Buick and GM Dealer 4761 W. Houghton Lake Dr. Houghton Lake, MI 48629 On-Site Repairs Pickup & Delivery Available LLAR $38,900 18 holes w/cart, hot dogs & chips Cell: 989-741-3989 Call or Text 10A Jackson - Great wooded parcel for camping or building. On paved road. Near all-sports Lake George and Lily Lake. Slightly rolling with mature trees. $33,000 $21,900 00 Associate Broker® 9605 Hughes - Cabin with Large Polebuilding & drive-thru single car garage. Hunt state land, ORV, snowmobile, near Muskegon River. $28,000 $18,900 Harrison, Mi. $ 777 W. Cedar Ave • Gladwin, MI 48624 [email protected] N 1•800•541•3974 Farwell’s Brittany Cogswell gets low for a dig. O IOM’S POLE BUILDING Authorized NAPA Auto Care Center just going at it one game at a time and this week it is Farwell. We’re preparing to take them on, we’re not looking past anybody. Between our teams it’s always a very physical and hard fought game and I’m sure it won’t be any different this year.” Lady Pioneers fend off Eagles in four sets METAL ROOFS POLE BUILDINGS & FENCING ... Mon thru Thurs Seniors Only Starting at 11am tion and Fillhard had five tackles and recovered a fumble. Harrison (3-1 overall, 2-0 JPC) hosts Farwell (13, 0-2) tonight (Friday) in its first home game. “The kid are pretty excited to play at home,” Petrongellis said. “We’re MU By Ben Murphy Sports Writer Clare’s Tori Hitchcock serves the ball. Visit us on Facebook for more news you can use. Check out our website for even more news. F g o u r L nitur c i t s e and Ru Mattress Sales Builders of Rustic Furniture “Goods from the Woods” Quality at a Fair Price Come check out our two-sided mattresses & much more! Real Barnwood! 989-386-3778 CWome eDSeelieveUrs Today! Full Line of Rustic Furniture Quality Mattresses MADE IN MICHIGAN Sleepy Rest (1 Sided) Twin Set Full Set Queen Set King Set $195 $275 $295 $595 Radiance (2 Sided) Twin Set Full Set Queen Set King Set $285 $375 $450 $725 Lyric (2 Sided) Twin Set Full Set Queen Set King Set $325 $425 $495 $775 3 Miles North of Clare 7265 Grant Avenue • Clare, MI 48617 Take old US-27, to Dover Rd., go West on Dover Rd., turn on Grant and go 1/4 mile. Hours 8:00 - 6:00 Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Closed Wed. & Sun. Page 6B - The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 Clare kickers shut out HL, 3-0 Whiteman sent a free-kick towards the goal from 35 yards, which Dice leapt to One goal in the first head into the goal to make half. Two in the second. it 2-0. Wednesday night served Dice added his second up a 3-0 home win for the goal of the night, off afn Clare soccer team, giving assist by Braeden Werth the Pioneers their fifth win midway through the second in the Northern Michigan to make it 3-0, which Soccer League South Divi- would eventually be the sion. final after Woodman made Clare kept the ball down several strong saves down in the Houghton Lake end the stretch. in the opening minutes, and On Tuesday Clare had finally punched in the first an easy time with leaguegoal in the 10th minute. foe Pine River, notching an On the goal, Camden 8-0 road win. Dice socked a diagonal Whiteman and Dice had pass to a streaking Alec one goal each in the first Foley, which Foley hauled half, as the Pioneers carried in nicely and rocketed just a 2-0 lead at the break passed a diving Bobcat despite blasting 23 shots goalkeeper to make it 1-0. on goal. H-L managed just one The Pioneer offense was first half shot on goal but much more efficient in the goalkeeper Bobby Woodsecond half, shooting 13 man did have to make a times and scoring six goals strong save on the play, to end the game early via keeping Clare ahead 1-0 at the mercy rule. the half. Nik Schlicht assisted In the second half Ryan on a Collin Beavan goal to by Ben Murphy Sports Writer make it 3-0, Thadeus Warner kicked one in to make it 4-0, Dice scored twice more to make it 5-0 and 6-0 and it turned into 7-0 thanks to a goal by Foley. Woodman ended the game by scoring on a penalty kick, after Trevor Crowley was taken down inside the penalty box. John Helmling got the shutout win in goal, making two saves. Clare (9-4 overall, 5-2 NMSL) is at Alpena’s Huron Shores Soccer Tournament on Saturday and travels to Big Rapids Crossroads on Tuesday. Clare’s Alex Foley (above) kicks in the first goal of the Pioneer’s 3-0 home win over Houghton Lake Wednesday night. Mid Michigan Community College barbeque a success Over 2,200 people attended Mid Michigan Community College’s Annual Barbeque and Fall Festival on September 20, 2015. The event was successful again this year in raising scholarship money for MMCC students. In its twenty-three years, the event has raised over $500,000 to assist students. “Each dollar raised directly supports students through these scholarships,” said MMCC Event Chair Carol Darlington. “There are more students than ever who need that extra support.” The festival is made possible with the support of countless volunteers and the contributions of Family Fare Supermarkets, the major food sponsor. They donate hundreds of pounds of food and many volunteers to help prepare it and assist with the serving lines. This year’s event featured children’s games, live entertainment, eighty- four cars/trucks/motorcycles participating in an MMCC-sponsored show, an Imperial Wrestling Entertainment exhibition, a pet adoption event sponsored by the Clare County Animal Shelter, and a Clare County Arts Council show. Inside the college, a health fair with free screenings and information from various health care providers was well received by festival goers. This was the ninth year for the College’s Timber Trail 5K Walk/Run and the third year for a 10K and a half marathon run. Between all of the races, 106 participants helped raise money for scholarships through their involvement. Each ticket also entered attendees into a raffle for giveaways, including gift cards, a flat-screen highdefinition television donated by Wood’s Household Furniture and Appliances in Clare, four donated Sugar Springs County Club golf Bridal Specialist Repairs “We Buy Gold” VOTED PEOPLE’S CHOICE # 1 JEWELER 13 YEARS IN A ROW CHECK US OUT ON THE WEB & FACEBOOK 1805 S. Mission • Mount Pleasant, MI 48858 Telephone: 989-773-9000 Email: [email protected] City of Clare Commission Meeting Unofficial Condensed Minutes September 21, 2015 The special meeting of the Clare City Commission was called to order by Mayor Pat Humphrey in the Commission Chambers, at 5:15 p.m., who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were: Commissioners Bob Bonham, Pat Humphrey, Jean McConnell, Carolyn (Gus) Murphy and Karla Swanson. Motion to approve the agenda was supported and approved. Public Comment: None. Motion to go into closed session was supported and approved. Motion to go into open session was supported and approved. Motion to approve the recommendations of legal council’s specific settlement parameters and pursue legal recourse as outlined in closed session was supported and approved. Motion to adjourn was supported and approved. A complete copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office upon request. After approval, minutes are posted on the City website: & Commissions-Mayor and City Commission. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Diane Lyon Clare City Clerk Read news on our website or on our Facebook page! by Ben Murphy Sports Writer up and threw the ball well though.” Brenden Smith led the Home cooking didn’t defense with seven tackles. do Farwell any good in Farwell (1-3 overall, 0-2 its Jack Pine Conference JPC) travels to Harrison football game Friday night, (3-1, 2-0) tonight (Friday). as the Eagles fell to visiting The Hornets are coming off Houhgton Lake 56-6. a 19-6 win over Gladwin The Bobcats kick and last week and have topped recovered an onside kick the Eagles each of the last to start the game, and the three seasons, including Eagles never really got go- last year’s 45-6 decision. ing from there. “We know that they’re “We had a very poor going to try to run the start, just a very poor ball a lot,” Bryant said. night,” Farwell head coach “They’ll run straight ‘T’ at Ben Bryant said. “We just us and they will try to put didn’t play well as a team up some points quickly and at all.” keep running the ball. If Houghton Lake, which you don’t get quick stops pushes its record to 2-2 it’s hard to win the possesoverall and 1-1 in the sion game. We’ll have to league took a commanding have a quick start so we 37-0 lead by the half, with can get out ahead. They’re Farwell getting its score in a solid program though, the third quarter on a Jake they have some tough guys Riffe touchdown pass to up front and they have Anthony Yonts from 41 some guys who can run the yards out. ball hard.” Riffe, playing in place of injured starting quarterback Read more Alex Dailey was six-of-11 on the night, good for 147 news on yards and that touchdown our pass. “I thought Jake did a website or good job stepping in at the quarterback position,” on our Bryant said. “He hasn’t Facebook had much time to play there in practice even, page! since he is essentially our third stringer. He stepped Coin Auction Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 10:00 AM packages, three $100.00 Family Fare Supermarkets gift cards donated by the MMCC Faculty Senate, and two $75.00 Family Fare Supermarkets gift cards donated by MMCC’s Board of Trustee members. This year’s Grand Prize, in recognition of MMCC’s 50th anniversary, was 50 credits of free tuition. “The atmosphere and smiles on the crowd make the hard work worthwhile,” said Darlington. “We are so grateful to the terrific volunteers and the folks from Family Fare Supermarkets who volunteered their time to give so much to our community and students. This event brings together so many from the community for a lot of fun while supporting a good cause.” B & G’s Lawn and Boat Service SHRINK WRAP & WINTERIZATION ON SITE Quality Jewelry Eagle Defense can’t stop Bobcats Schedule now & SAVE before Labor Day Senior Discount Available! • Boat, Dock & Lift Removal • Indoor and secure outdoor boat storage B & G’s Lawn & Boat Service provides complete maintenance & service for all surrounding areas. Call 989-529-0826 City of Clare Commission Meeting Unofficial Condensed Minutes September 21, 2015 The regular meeting of the Clare City Commission was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Pat Humphrey in the Commission Chambers who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were: Commissioners Bob Bonham, Pat Humphrey, Jean McConnell, Carolyn (Gus) Murphy and Karla Swanson. Motion to approve the consent agenda as amended was supported and approved. Public Comment: None. Motion to recognize John Kline for his service to the community was supported and approved. Motion to recognize Carl Bryans for his service to the community was supported and approved. Motion to recognize Matt Plumley for his service to the community was supported and approved. Motion to approve construction bids for Phase I of the Recreation Complex awarding the bid to McGuirk Sand & Gravel and bond this portion of the project was supported and approved. Motion to approve a contract with VolunteerEnergy was supported and approved. Motion to set Trick-or-Treat hours from 5:30-7:30 on October 31 was supported and approved. The Treasurer’s report was received. The City Manager’s report was received. Extended Public Comment: None. Commission Topics: Josh Clark. Motion to adjourn was supported and approved. A complete copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office upon request. After approval, minutes are posted on the City website: & Commissions-Mayor and City Commission. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Diane Lyon Clare City Clerk PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing will be held during the regular Board meeting of Community Mental Health for Central Michigan on September 29, 2015, regarding the FY16 budget, needs assessment and annual plan. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and will be held at the Administrative Offices, 301 South Crapo Street, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Doherty Hotel Convention Hall, 604 N. McEwan, Clare, MI 48617 Located: At the stop light at McEwan and 5th St. (Doherty Hotel). Watch for A Yoder Auction Signs. Doors Open at 8 AM to view coins Pocket watches: 1888 Elgin 7 Jewel Pocket Watch, Working Order • 1906 Waltham Pocket Watch Individual & Small lots of coins and Currency: 1925 Stone Mountain Commemorative Silver MS 63 • 1928B Funny Back Silver Certificate $1 • 1904 Barber Dime Gem Mint MS-65, Great Luster • 1907 Barber Dime Gem Mint MS-64+, Nice Luster • Crispus Caesar Ancient Coin 317-226 & Kabal Shahan 800AD Last Buddhist King of Afghanistan • Roman Denarius Antonius Pius 138-161 AD & Roman Republic Victoniatus Quinarius 200BC • Uncut Sheet of 1976 Star Note $2 Bills, Mint Condition, IN Original Department of the Treasury Holder • Roll 1943 Silver War Nickels • Roll of 1944 Silver War Nickels • (7) Proof Coins - 1963 1968-S, 1970-s cent, 1975-S, 1976-S NS, 1979-s Nickels & BU 1949-D Cent • (4) Washington Silver Quarters 1936-S, 1937S, 1939-D VF & 1964-D • Complete Set of (35) Canada Silver Dime Set 1937-68 In Album • Canada Nickel Set In Album 1922-60 • Complete Canada Penny Set 1920-72 Over 350 lots for sale! Hundreds of SILVER DOLLARS starting At 1800’s AND Key Dates up for Auction! Terms of Sale: Cash or MI Check with proper ID. 3% buyers premium charged on all credit card purchases. All items to be settled for in full before removal from premises. Not responsible for accidents before, during or after auction. Everything sells as is, where is. Auctioneers act as selling agents only and assume no guarantees or liabilities. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed matter. A Yoder Auction LLC Aden Yoder, Auctioneer • (989) 429 - 7049 • [email protected] STATE OF MICHIGAN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF OTSEGO BLAINE M. ROBICHAUD, and SHERRI L. ROBICHAUD Plaintiffs, v Case No. 15-16030-CH(A) ALBERT H. STEPHENS, THE ESTATE OF MARGARET STEPHENS, JOAN C. STEPHENS, THE ESTATE OF HARRY L. STEPHENS, DOROTHY R. CAMPBELL, THE ESTATE OF HAROLD ANGUS, and THE ESTATE OF THELMA ANGUS Defendants. TOPP LAW PLC Susan Hlywa Topp (P46230) David P. Glenn (P75507) Attorneys for Plaintiff 213 E. Main St., P.O. Box 1977 Gaylord, MI 49734 989-731-4014 ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION AND NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Any and all heirs of Harold Angus (deceased April 7, 2001) and Thelma Angus (deceased June 14, 1998). IT HAS BEEN ORDERED BY HON. JANET M. ALLEN, 46th Circuit Court: 1. You are being sued by Plaintiff in this court to quiet title to the real property described as: The North ½ of the South ½ of the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 25, Town 30 North, Range 3 West, Township of Bagley, Otsego County, Michigan. You must file your answer or take other action permitted by law in this court, at the court address located at: 225 W. Main Street, #204, Gaylord, Michigan, 49735, before October 12, 2015. If you fail to do so, a default judgment may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint filed in this case. 2. A copy of this notice shall be published once each week in: Clare County Review for 3 consecutive weeks, and proof of publication shall be filed in this court. 3. A copy of this notice shall be sent to Harold & Thelma Angus, 3908 Neimi Rd., Harrison, MI 48625 (last known address) by registered mail, return receipt requested, before date of last publication and the affidavit of mailing shall be filed with this court. 4. If you have any questions please contact: Topp Law PLC. P.O. Box 1977, Gaylord, Michigan, 49734, 989-731-4014. Clare Couple Celebrates 60th Anniversary Ron and Darlene (Lear) Schunk of Clare will be celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary (60 years). They were married on October 15.1955 at the Clare Methodist Church in Clare. The lifetime residents of Clare area have 5 children: Byron(Jenny), 60 Wedding Anniversary The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 - Page 7B Lee (Bobbie), Diane Kolka (Kurt), Jeff (Deb) and Max (Jo). They also have 15 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The families invite family and friends to attend an open house in their honor on Saturday, October 10, 2015 from 3:00 -6:00 p.m. at the Grant Township Hall in Clare. Cards and best wishes may be sent to: Ron and Darlene Schunk 9894 B Eberhart Rd. Clare, MI 48617. Myron and Naomi Davis will be celebrating their 60th anniversary on October 1st with a card shower. Cards may be sent to: 10812 Beaverton Road, Clare, MI 48617. Classifieds Classifieds: $1.00 a word ($10 minimum charge) • Deadline for classified ads is WEDNESDAY AT NOON Call 989/386-4414 or email classifieds to [email protected] *(The Review is not liable for classifieds taken over the phone) 15 words max *No commercial ads Lucky 7 CLASSIFIED SPECIAL • 30 for 4 weeks* $ 15 words max Your Classified appears in: 1 Print edition of The Clare County Review 2 Print edtion of The Marion Press 3 On Clare County Review website 4 On Marion Press website 5 On digital download version of The Clare County Review 6 On digital download version of The Marion Press 7 On Facebook FURNITURE & APPLIANCES FOR RENT AMISH LOG \ HEADBOARD With queen pillow top mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $975. Sell $275. 989/773-5582. TFN MEMORY FOAM Mattress set. Queen size. New. Never used. Cost $1,399. Must sell $475. 989/953-4400. TFN FOR RENT 2 & 3 Bedroom Homes. Call between 8-6 weekdays. 989-588-9792. TFN FOR RENT Apartment for rent, appliances included, no pets. $475/ month. 989-386-7117. TFN QUEEN PILLOW TOP Mattress set. $175 each. King $275. Full set $150. All new in plastic. 989/7721517. TFN FLEA MARKETS FARWELL FLEA MARKET AND THRIFT STORE 770 E. Main, Farwell Open Daily 10 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 989-588-3090 SERVICES HOUSE CLEANING Honest, dependable, references. Weekly, monthly or one-time. Keenon’s Kleanin’ 989/429-8496 - TFN RUST REPAIR “Firewood” Cab corners, rockers, boxsides, fenders, etc. 35 years experience. Free estimates,. 231-743-2978. L7 9/18 STUMP GRINDING Harry’s Stump Grinding – 989-386-2960. 10/2/15 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Hunting Property, 40-80 acres, big bucks, black top road, secluded woods/river building sites. Call/text 989-588-2126. 10/9/15 FOR SALE Leota, single wide older mobile home. 3 bedroom, deck, shed, small pond, creek, septic, propane. Close to Muskegon River, State hunting and year around trails. Furnishings could stay. $15,500 or make an offer – Cash Sale. (517-627-2659) 9/18/15 FOR SALE BY OWNER 521 Point Dr., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, granite, stainless, hardwood. Shamrock Lake, deck, dock, 2 boats, appointment only. $172,900. 989-205-7720 10/16/15L7 FOR RENT Two bedroom apartment in Clare, includes regrigerator, oven, washer, dryer, large enclosed garage, snow removal, and lawn care. Located on a secluded site with a creek running along side. $505.00 per/month. 989429-5230. 9-11-15+ FOR RENT 3 & 4 Bedroom houses in Farwell. Call 588-2906. 9/25/15 GREAT Apartment SWEET Community AMAZING Price FREE Heat! Harrison Woods Apts. 800 Richard Dr., 2 Bedroom AVAILABLE! Tons of Storage Space On Site Play Ground and Laundry School Bus Pick Up on site Free Heat, Water, Trash Removal Deck/Patio Beautiful, Pleasant Community Easy Access to US 27/US 10 Rent Based on Income Equal Housing Opportunity Barrier Free Units TDD/TTY: 711 This institution is an equal opportunity provider/employer No Application Fee APPLY TODAY! 989-539-3380 REAL ESTATE 80 ACRES Isabella County/Denver Township. 64 tillable and tiled, 16 wooded offers accepted by October 1, 2015. Call 989-400-6482 ONLINE REAL ESTATE AUCTION LARGE ACREAGE & HUNTING LAND Tues, Sept 29 | 8 am Selling 12 vacant land properties. Featuring: (7) parcels on Twin Lake & N. 20th Ave in Marion, MI totaling approx.. 100 acres. These will be sold indiv., in any combo, or together. More info at or 1-800-527-8243 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 2004 KIA SEDONA Stock #15042 Only 80K on this nice minivan. Clean and rust-free! (989) 544-4044 2006 GMC YUKON DENALI Stock #15049 Gorgeous truck. 6.0L w/ 137K. (989) 544-4044 2011 FORD FUSION Stock #15039 40+ MPG Hybrid. Pearl white paint; beautiful car. (989) 544-4044 2008 CHEVROLET IMPALA Stock #15053 New tires & brakes. Make this one yours! (989) 544-4044 FOR RENT HALL RENTAL Newly renovated Lake George Boosters’ Club is the perfect place for your next party! Call Sue for info 989-387-0124. 9/25/15 Deadline for Classifieds is Wednesday at Noon GARAGE SALES MOVING SALE September 26-29. Household, Furniture, and goods, misc. items. 4017 21 Mile Rd., Marion, MI 49665. 231-743-6162. 9/25/15 GARAGE SALE Large variety of items. 2301 Maryland St., Harrison (off Lilly Lake Rd.) Fri-SatSun, Sept 25-26-27. 9/25/15 BINGO FARWELL BINGO Tues. 6PM, Open 4PM CC Senior Comm. Ctr. (Behind Hardware) Over 18 Welcome Proceeds: BLDG/Upkeep License A22094 2009 DODGE AVENGER Stock #15032 Sporty FWD car w/moonroof. New tires. (989) 544-4044 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1996 34’ Holiday Rambler Alumalite 5th Wheel. Towed 12,000 miles, new tires. Retail $7,500. Priced to sell $4,950. (269) 3853699. 10/9/15 FOR SALE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 10M Con Tennor Naked Lady Saxaphone. $1200.00, excellent condition. Flute, silver plated. $100.00, made in USA. 989-588-2628 L79/25/15 RECUMBENT BIKES EZ-1 Super Cruzier. 1-Red, 1-Blue, $250 each. 989-386-3861 We are The Clare County HASSLE REVIEW OUTDOOR FREE ONLINE NEWS YOU CAN USE HELP WANTED Central Boiler E-Classic OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACES. Heat your entire home and hot water. EPA Qualified. Call today about limited time, money-saving offers! Beaverton Outdoor Wood Furnace 989-4359240 10/2/15 THAT’S FREE HELP WANTED DIRECTOR OF ACADEMIC ADVISING & TRIO/SSS GRANT (FULL-TIME) TRIO/SSS GRANT COORDINATOR (FULL-TIME) MID MICHIGAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE is seeking qualified candidates to apply for the above listed positions in the Student Services Department. For a detailed list of position qualifications and application requirements visit Jobs at MMCC at EEO/AA SUCCESS COACH (PART-TIME) MID MICHIGAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE is seeking qualified candidates to apply for a Part-Time Success Coach position in the Student Services Department. For a detailed list of position qualifications and application requirements visit Jobs at MMCC at EEO/AA Administrative Assistant - Part Time The Clare-Gladwin RESD has an opening for an Administrative Assistant in our SPARKS After School Program. Please visit our website for the full Job Posting and Application process for this position: Click on Community/Employment. Paraeducator The Clare-Gladwin RESD has an opening for an Paraeducator in our SPARKS After School Program. Please visit our website for the full Job Posting and Application process for this position: Click on Community/Employment. Great Start Collaborative Coordinator The Clare-Gladwin RESD has an opening for a Great Start Collaborative Director in our Early Childhood School Program. Please visit our website for the full Job Posting and Application process for this position: Click on Community/Employment. NOTICE Grant Township is seeking bids for snowplowing of the Township parking lot, winter of 2015/2016. This is a keep maintained contract. Bidders should be prepared to provide certificate of insurance upon award. Bidders may provide a quotation with options to extend for additional year(s) if desired. References are desirable but not required. Bids are due Tuesday October 6th, they can be mailed or placed in the drop box at the Township Hall. DELIVERY DRIVERS Full and part-time. Must have valid drivers license and clean record. Apply in person at Wood’s Household. TFN Mail to: Dan Dysinger, Supervisor, 540 E. Surrey Rd., Farwell, MI. 48622. Grant Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The Clare County Review - September 25, 2015 - Page 8B Krapohl earns $4800 for Farwell band By Steve Landon “The Northeast end parking lot adjacent to the Farwell High School Athletic Complex came alive Friday September 18th for the Drive 4 UR School fundraiser with Krapohl’s Ford & Lincoln of Mt. Pleasant. Visitors had a chance to test drive a new Ford and enjoy a tailgate party prior to the Eagles first home football game of the season. Working with students and volunteers from the Farwell Band Boosters the drive ran from 1:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m. Representatives from Krapohl’s Ford Quick Lane Tire and Auto Center were also on hand to do vehicle inspections. “This was our second Drive4urSchool fundraiser at Farwell High School. This year, we worked with the Farwell High School Band. The weather couldn’t have been better. Looked liked we were in for some thunderstorms but we didn’t get a drop of rain during the whole event. The fundraiser was a huge success, we couldn’t have done it without the help from 18 IN STOCK The Farwell Band was on hand to help with the tailgate event. Pictured: Left side back row, Nick Wyatt, Aubree Hooper, Trevor Frost. Front row Austin Mangus and Josh Mangus Right side back row, Kris Crapo, Taylor Hanna, Kyle Frost and Adam Torr. Front row, Gillian Reinke, Shelby Nickerson, Jamine Lopez, Allison Marshall, Emily Nickerson and Andrea Torr 22 Ford Focus IN STOCK Ford F-150 Ford Fusion the Farwell Band Boosters. They promoted the event by passing out fliers, talking about it at the annual band open house, they even promoted it during the Farwell Labor Day Parade. During the event, we had band students come help with registering test drives and greeting people as they came in. Unofficially, we ended up raising $4860.00 for the Farwell High School Band. That money will go towards new instruments, uniforms, camps, etc. Krapohl’s Ford & Lincoln takes pride in working with schools in our community. Drive4URSchool is a fundraiser backed by Ford Motor Company. Every test drive earns the school $20.00”, said James Yun Drive4urSchool Coordinator. Kraphol’s Ford & Lincoln is one of the oldest Ford & Lincoln dealers in Central Michigan. They are very supportive of the communities they serve. If you’re in need of a new car or repairs on an existing one stop by their dealership on Pickard Street in Mt. Pleasant. 16 IN STOCK 0% APR - 72 MONTHS AND 1,000*1 REBATE. Check out some of our pre-owned inventory... Additional Vehicles in Stock 2011 FORD RANGER Auto, Vista Blue Metallic, 35485 Miles, FU149 66 months/$229/$13,378* 2014 FORD FOCUS TITANIAUM 2012 MAZDA 6 I SPORT 2012 CHRYSLER 200 LIMITED 2012 FORD ESCAPE XLT FWD 2013 CHRYSLER 200 LIMITED 4 DR. 4 Cyl, Auto, Ful Power, P. Driver’s Seat, Moonroof, White/Black Leather, 13k, Spoiler $17,995 72 months/$233/$14,700* 72 months/$267/$16,800* 72 months/$276/$17,350 72 months/$279/$17,450* 2014 FORD FUSION 4 DR. SE 4 FWD, Power Steering, FU140 FWD, Alloy Wheels, FU059 SUV, Auto, Gas I4 2.5L, 53711 Miles, FC001A FWD, 3.6L V6, FU130 Cyl, Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, PL/PW, P. Driver’s Seat, Sync, Keyless, Dark Gray Metallic, 33k $18,200 2014 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING 4 DR. 6 cyl, Auto, Air, Full Power, P. Driving Seat, 3rd Row Seat, Whtie/Black Cloth, 38k Miles, Luggage Rack 2009 FORD RANGER SUPERCAB 4X4 6 Cyl., Stereo, Trailer Tow, Alloy, 43K, FU165 60 months/$342/$18,350* 2013 DODGE CHARGER SXT 2011 FORD RANGER SUPERCAB XLT 4X4 2010 TOYOTA VENZA WAGON AWD 72 months/$297/$18,650* 66 months/$325/$18,950* 60 months/$380/$20,395* RWD, 4DR, Sedan, FT254B 6 Cyl., Trailer Tow, Running Boards, 64K, 4 Cyl., Auto, Air, Alloy Wheels, Stereo, CD, 22K, FU166 2013 FORD TAURUS SEL AWD 6 Cyl., Auto, Full Power, Remote Start, 1-Owner, 20K, FP019 60 months/$365/$22,900* $20,995 2014 FORD EDGE 4 DR. SEL FWD 6 cyl, Auto, PW/PL, P. Driver’s Seat, Nav. Sync, Keyless, Black w/ Black Leather, 6,600 Actual Miles $27,300 2012 FORD F350 4X4 XLT CREW CAB 6.2, V8, Auto, Air, Cruse, Tilt, PW/ PL, Trailer Tow Pkg., White in Color, 75k $28,800 2013 FORD 150 CREW XLT 4X4 5.0, Auto, Full Power, Bedliner, Trailer Tow Pkg., Dark Blue Metallic, Gray 2010 NISSAN FRONTIER PRO4X 4X4 2012 FORD EXPLORER XLT 60 months/$458/$24,495* 72 months/$429/$26,995* Crew, Off Road, 6 Cyl., Running Boards, FU160 FWD, Trailer Tow, FP013A CERTIFIED 2013 LINCOLN MKZ FWD Sedan, Auto, Turbocharged Gas I4 2.0L, 12742 miles, FP046 72 months/$469/$29,450* 2014 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 LT 4WD, Ext. Cab, FU136 72 months/$472/$29,600* 2012 FORD F-150 SUPERCAB XLT FWD 4X4, 6 Cyl., Ecoboost, Air, Cruise, Tilt, Stereo, EP035 72 months/$474/$29,600* Cloth, 26k Miles $30,500 2013 GMC SIERRA 4 DR 4X4 SLE KODIAK 5.3 V9, Auto, Full Power, P. Driver’s Seat, Running Banners, Bedliner, Trailer Tow, 22k Miles, Maroon Metallic Gray Cloth $31,650 2013 FORD F150 CREW XLT 4X4 Ecoboost, Auto, Full Pwr., Chrome Wheels, P. Driver’s Seat, Trailer Tow, Hard Folding Tonneau Cover, White 2/ Gray Cloth, 21k $31,900 2013 LINCOLN MKZ FWD Sedan, Turbocharged FP045 72 months/$492/$30,350* 2012 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4WD Truck, Gas/Ethanol V8 5.0L, Auto, 36614 miles, EP035 72 months/$508/$30,800* 2012 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED SAHARA 4WD Convertible, Gas V6 3.6L, Auto, 35253 miles, FU148 72 months/$495/$30,695* 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO 2500HD LT 4X4 8ft’. Box, Reg. Cab, V8, Auto, Air, Cruise, FU155 72 months/$457/$30,995* 2011 FORD FIESTA SE 4DR HATCHBACK.........66 months/$174/$10,298 2014 FORD ESCAPE 4DR SE 4WD....................72 months/$388/$24,350 Auto, Air, Cruise, Stereo, CD, P. Locks & Windows, 1-Owner, Gray Metallic, Auto, Air, Leather, Full Power, 14,000 Miles, Sterling Gray Metallic, FP074 FC082A 2013 F150 CREW CAB XLT 4X4.......................72 months/$496/$30,495 2012 FORD FOCUS SEL HATCHBACK...............72 months/$194/$12,295 5.0, V8, Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, P. Locks & Windows, Stereo, CD, Trailer Tow Pkg., Keyless Entry, Chrome Wheels, Rear Defrost, Remote and 4 Cyl., Auto, Full Power, Local Trade, Bright Blue Metallic, FP039A Keyless entry, 17K 2010 FORD FUSION 4DR SE.............................60 months/$234/$12,650 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO REG CAB 4 Cyl., Auto, Full Power, Med Red Metallic, FU185 3/4 TON 8FT BOX 4X4 LT.................................72 months/$457/$30,995 2011 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY V8, Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, P. Locks & Windows, Stereo, CD, Silver Metallic, 4DR TOURING....................................................66 months/$254/$14,996 73,000 Miles. 6 Cyl., Auto, Full Power, Quad Seats, Blue Metallic, 1-Owner, FU163A 2013 F150 CREW CAB XLT 4X4.......................72 months/$526/$32,900 2013 FORD ESCAPE 4DR SE FWD....................72 months/$316/$19,950 5.0 Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, P. Locks & Windows, Stereo, CD, Chrome Pkg., Leather 4 Cyl., Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, P. Locks & Windows, Stereo, CD, 1-Owner, Interior, Heated Seats, Bed Liner, Running Boards, Black Flake Metallic, 30K Ruby Red KRAPOHL’S MT. PLEASANT 1 Block East of Meijer Toll Free 1-800-772-5974 • Local 772-2991 A-X & Z Plan Headquarters visit our website: 2013 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4WD Truck, Gas/Ethanol V8 5.0L, Auto, 33073 miles, FP053 72 months/$526/$32,950* 2013 FORD F150 CREW 4X4 SLT 6 cyl, Ecoboost, Auto, Full Power, P. Driver’s Seat, Running Boards, Keyless & Remote Entry, Spray In Liner, Tail Gate Step, White $31,900 2013 F 150 SUPERCAB XLT 4X4.....................72 months/$528/$32,995 Ecoboost, Auto, Fully Loaded, V6 Cyl., Chrome Pkg., 23K, 1-Owner, Power Slider, Adj. Pedals, Kodiak Brown Metallic 2014 FORD FLEX SEL 4DR AWD......................72 months/$542/$33,900 Fully Loaded, Trailer Tow Pkg., Mineral Gray Metallic, Leather, 20,000 actual miles, 1-Owner 2013 FORD FLEX LIMITED AWD......................72 months/$552/$34,500 Fully Loaded. Sync, Moon Roof, Leather, Power Lift Gate, 1-Owner, 31K, White Platinum Metallic 2013 F 150 CREW CAB 4X4 FX4......................72 months/$616/$38,500 Ecoboost, Auto, Fully Loaded, Leather, Dual Power, Navigation, Rear Cameras, Moon Roof, Trailer Tow, Hard Folding Tonneau Cover, Black Metallic, 18K Visit our website for our entire inventory! 65 YEARS STRONG * Price & Payment 0 Down Plus Tax, Plate, Doc. Payment 4.9% Fixed rate and approved credit. Down payment on trade equity will lower payment. All vehicles subject to prior sale, see dealer for details.