25 August 2015 - Hunterville School
25 August 2015 - Hunterville School
HUNTERVILLE SCHOOL 33 Bruce Street, Hunterville Phone: 06-322 8210 Fax: 06-322 8294 E-mail: [email protected] Principal: Stephen Lewis 027 778 1995 25 August 2015 Hunterville Pride…“Together We Strive” * Quality Learning * Quality Behaviour * Quality Environment * Dear Parent / Caregiver Nga mihi o te wa kia koe me to whanau (Greetings to you and your family) Congratulations to our spelling bee champions who emerged on top from the group of the top six best spellers in their age group on Wednesday afternoon: Year 1/2: Year 3/4: Year 5/6: Year 7/8: Adults: ISAAC KINGSTON IRIS COLLIE ZOE NYDEGGER-‐MONKS BAILEY ANSLEY MRS ERINA TRUE CO2 CARS TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGE BEGINS TOMORROW Mr Jeffrey is once again providing the above programme for our senior students (Yr 4-‐8) who wish to be involved. (For the uninitiated students receive an axle and a set of wheels as well as a block of balsa wood approximately 20 X 8 x 8cm from which they design a model car. The balsa contains a precut recess where a small CO2 cannister is placed. On race day the cars are placed in the starter gates which releases a hammer which swings down and ‘ignites’ the CO2 cannister, which in turn propels the car at breakneck speed approximately 20 metres to the finish line! Cars race in pairs to the finish line which is electronically timed. The aim is to design the fastest car! Students are immersed in designing, constructing and then painting their cars over three 80 minute modules tomorrow, Friday and next Wednesday, before the big race off on Friday 4 September. A group of 21 Year 7/8 students fromour cluster will also be involved as a separate group. Mrs Tris Weston will be teaching in Room 4 over the above four days to provide programme continuation for Room 4 students RUGBY TICKETS TO GIVE AWAY TO TURBOS GAMES! CROWN FORKLIFTS have donated to the school 4 adult tickets (covers children) to each of the four Manawatu Turbos games as listed below. We will give these away via a FREE DRAW to a family with a registered rugby player in the Hunterville Saturday Morning Sports Club. Simply enter below and tick one or more to the games you’d like to be in the draw for: The draws will be made at assembly this Thursday 27 August. Manawatu Manawatu Manawatu Manawatu Vs Vs Vs Vs Canterbury Northland Nrth Harbour Taranaki Thurs 3 September Sun 13 September Sat 26 September Sat 3 October 7.35pm 4.35pm 7.35pm 5.35pm (All games are at the P North Showgrounds Oval – ‘Arena Manawatu’) Parent Signature ____________________________ (Yes my child/ren is a rugby player for the HSMSC and I’d like to have him/her/them! in the draw for the games ticked above). The School App How are you going with this? Hopefully you’re finding it useful. The feedback we’ve had has been positive. Some hints ...... • The absences section is only a nuisance the first time you use it. (Having to put in an email address, your name, student name, etc). The next time you use it that info will automatically appear and you’ll only need to put in the reason for absence. • If your alerts don’t come to you with an alert sound, or if the message doesn’t show on your screen automatically, you just need to adjust the settings on your phone (not the app). • If you want to you can synch the upcoming events on the app to your google calendar if you operate one. And don’t forget, if you cannot access the app because your phone doesn’t support it (older and non-‐smart phones), we are happy to include you in the parent text group that I operate off my private phone. That way you don’t miss out on any of the news the app users are getting J Current take up: App users 139, Text group 10. SHEMOZZLE 2015 Entries are now being accepted online @ www.shemozzle.co.nz for the children’s challenge Saturday 31 October 2015. Entry fee $20.00. So go online and complete this asap. There are limited entries and if you leave it too late you may miss out. If you are unable to complete this at home call into the school office with your $20.00 and Mrs Harding will do it for you. Hunterville Saturday Morning Sports Club Prize Giving Monday 21 September 3.15pm Photos and Sausage Sizzle, followed by prizegiving in the hall. For all netball, rugby, hockey & soccer players. Please wear your sports uniform if you have one. Coaches please collect all uniforms after prizegiving and hand them into your co-ordinator along with all your team equipment. All coaches are invited to the staffroom after prizegiving for refreshments. Under 6 Rippa Report The final week of Rippa Rugby saw the team head to Wanganui for two half hour games, back to back! Fortunately we had a full muster so we were able to sub players throughout the games to keep everyone’s energy levels up. First up we played Marton which is always a close match-up and saw us draw this time round despite some heroic diving to try and get rips off Marton! After a quick drink the team was back on the field and now playing Marist White who are a formidable opposition with some very tall and skilful players. There were a number of great run away tries as well as try saving rips which made it very entertaining for the sideline supporters. Another close game with Hunterville coming through in the end for a win. No player of the day was awarded this week with all members of the team showing some excellent Rippa skills through each of the games which will put them in good stead for next season. An excellent effort team – we hope you had heaps of fun. Thank-you to the parents and grandparents that have supported the team through the season especially with the number of away games we have had. A big thanks to Mrs Whinn and Ms Russell for their assistance at practices and games which made the season much easier. Team don’t forget prize-giving on the 21st September and make sure you wear your rugby jersey for the team photo and for handing in at the end. Regards Bryan Rendle All are welcome to hear Celebrity Speaker Dr Tom Mulholland on Monday 31 August at 7.00pm at the Tutaenui Hall, Jeffersons Line, Marton $5.00 entrance Dr Tom is on a mission to change the health, attitude, motivation and performance of the planet! Bar facilities from 6.30pm Supper will be provided Hosted by the Rotary Club of Marton UPCOMING EVENTS: Aug Sept 26: 26: 1: 2: 4: 10: 11: 13: 14: 15: 15: 15: 17: 21: 23: 23: 25: 25: Reading Together Workshop 3 3.15 Library Y5/6 Rippa vs Central Normal School P North Parent information evening on dyslexia, 6.30-‐7.30 at school (See details in this pinkie) Wanganui Mathex competition, selected Yr 4-‐8, 5-‐9pm CO2 cars race off. St George Interschool Cross Country Y7/8 Year 8 annual ski trip Yr 5/6 Rippa team depart for Wellington Yr 5/6 Rippa Rugby team day one of national tournament, Wellington Yr 5/6 Rippa Rugby team day two of national tournament, Wellington Year 7/8 winter sports tournament, Marton Aranui Interschool Cross Country Y5/6 Year 5/6 winter sports tournament, Marton Saturday Morning Sports Club team photos 3.15, followed by prizegiving Mental Maths finals 1.15pm Reading Together Final Workshop, 3.15, Library Rangitikei Tough Kids competition, Ohingaiti End of term three, 3pm ROBOTICS Team Interschool Event Our Vex Robotics team has another scrimmage this Saturday at Rangitikei College. 10.30am – 3pm. Come along and support them. A separate notice to those involved is going out tomorrow. RANGITIKEI TOUGH KIDS FRIDAY 25 SEPTEMBER McIntyre Reserve Ohingaiti 10am Open to Y3-Y8 students. Please complete and return to the office with your $2.00 entry fee. Student Name __________________________ Permission by parent/caregiver to participate ______________________________ MATHEX NEXT WEDNESDAY NEXT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING Wednesday 9 September 5.30pm All welcome! Further to last week’s pinkie, plus another notice that went out separately to those involved, Mathex is on at Wanganui Intermediate next Wednesday 2 September: WELCOMES/FAREWELLS ...... no comings or goings in the past week. Y4/5 5 - 5.45pm Y6 6 - 6.45pm Y7 7 - 7.45pm Y8 8 - 8.45pm READING TOGETHER PROGRAMME Session three is tomorrow Wednesday 26 August 3.15 to 4.30 in the library. PARENT INFO EVENING: DYSLEXIA Next Tuesday 1 September at Hunterville School 6.00 – 6.30 for nibbles and a cuppa 6.30 – 7.30 for the presentation Our outstanding RTLB (Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour) Mrs Margaret Sager is known nationally for her knowledge of dyslexia and her effective work with children with dyslexia. Dyslexia is a condition responsible in many instances for making it difficult for children to learn to read. Come for a cuppa between 6 and 6.30pm or just turn up for the 6.30 presentation: • Dyslexia: What is it? • How do we identify it? • What can we do about it as parents or teachers? st An RSVP to the school office by/on Monday 31 would be appreciated if you will be attending, so we know whether to cater for two hundred or just two! HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The Home and School have a few opportunities for fundraisers to help the children of Hunterville School. You DO NOT need to be on the committee to help, just a parent or caregiver of a child attending our school. If you can help in any way with the following 3 projects please fill out the return slip to the office and someone will be in touch. 19th September Mud Muster This is held at Rangitikei Farmstay Makohau Rd Marton. Andrew and Kylie Stewart require marshalls from 8am till lunch time. Lunch will be provided for you afterwards. They are hoping to get 10 adults to help out on the day (if more that would be great). 20th September Hunterville Shemozzle Sponsors and Committee Day. We require 3-4 people to help out in the kitchen, help preparing salads and cooking meat on the BBQ, serving slices as well between 12pm and 7pm ish. Also if someone can take on communication with Claire Clare (Shemozzle Secretary) in what the final details are. Marton Quilting This is to be held at Nga Tawa School on the 3rd and 4th October (School Holiday’s) We have been asked to provide sandwiches, savouries, slices, tea, coffee and juice We will require 4-5 people to be there each day and also we will need a huge supply of slices. They are excepting 400 - 500 people to go through the exhibition. *************************************************************************************** Mud Muster I can help out on the day …………………………………………………………………… Phone……………………………………………. Hunterville Shemozzle I can help out for the day ……………………………………………………………………. Phone …………………………………………… I can communicate with Claire Clare ………………………………………………….. Phone…………………………………………….. Marton Quilting I can help out on Saturday 3rd October ……………………………………………………… Phone………………………………………………. I can help out on Sunday 4th October ………………………………………………………….Phone……………………………………………… I can make Slices ………………………………………………. Phone…………………………………… Number slices ………………….. Unfortunately I will not be available for any of these fundraisers as I have other commitments on these days. Thank you in advance for your help Rachel Williams Home and school President. DAFFODIL DAY THIS FRIDAY As we have done for many years now the school supports Daffodil Day (in support of cancer awareness) by asking our students to bring daffodils to school on Friday so our local Cancer Society can sell them to raise funds for their cause. There will also be a Mufti Day on Friday where proceeds will also be given to the local Cancer Society. THIS FRIDAY 28 AUGUST THEME: YELLOW/SPRING Gold coin donation please Regards Stephen Lewis PRINCIPAL
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Mrs Griffen brought some and just loved it. You can make fudge
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