Page 1– Contents Page 2 - St Thomas Aquinas Primary School


Page 1– Contents Page 2 - St Thomas Aquinas Primary School
Newsletter 7
Page 1– Contents
Page 2– Principal’s Report
Page 9
School Prayer
SFX Open Days
Soccer Carnival
Daramalan Open Days
Page 3 Principal’s Report
Catholic Schools’ Week
3-Way Conversations
Charny Carny
STA Cross Country
Sacramental Formation Day
Page 4-5
Re News
Shane Dwyer 19th March
Page 6
Page 10
St Jude’s 40 Years
Canberra Reading Clinic
School Banking
Page 11
Stamps Wanted
Value– Week 5 & 6
Canteen News
Have you returned all your notes?!?!
Welcome to KS
Page 7
KS-’The things kids say’
Page 8
Charny Carny
‘I am the change when I
include others.’
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A Message from the Principal
Dear Parents
Dates to
18.3 Cross
21.3 Charny
26.3 Daramalan Open
Evening 56:30pm
26.3 Daramalan Year 7
2016 Information Session 7-8 pm
1.4 Athletics
2.4 Holy
3.4 Good
5.4 Easter
6.4 Easter
8-10.4 Year
5/6 School
I would like to start the newsletter this week by thanking the parents and children
who attended the Sacramental Presentation Masses last weekend. I attended
the Saturday 6pm Mass, and the presence of the children, with their families,
added a dimension to the Mass that was notable. The presentation Masses
always remind me that we (the school) are part of something bigger than ourselves – namely, our Catholic parish, which is made up of parents at the school,
past parents, and parishioners who have never been part of the school in a
formal sense. It is a wider representation of the community that we belong to.
And the parish is of course itself part of something bigger: namely, the whole
Church. Our school community is enriched by being part of this wider Church
School Prayer
This year, the school would like to rewrite its school prayer. I have spoken about
this on other occasions, such as the information night. Schools need to revisit
their school prayers from time-to-time, as they do their Vision and Mission statements. We turn 40 this year, and this seems to me as good a time as any to revisit our own school prayer. An added reason is that it is an opportunity for our
prayer to be a little more inclusive of our quite diverse community. For example,
we hope to include a significant word or phrase from all of our language groups
in the school. This is quite a challenge, but one I believe we can achieve. We are
also seeking to consult all the bodies that make up our school community, namely the staff, the students, the parents and the parish. To that end, Lisa Mammoliti, our REC, has emailed the parent community a prayer survey. If you could
please respond to the survey by this Friday, it would be greatly appreciated.
Soccer Carnival
Last Sunday St Thomas Aquinas fielded two teams in the Catholic Schools’
Soccer carnival. My thanks to Brett Seaman who coordinated our involvement
and who made it possible, and my thanks too to Peter O’Brien and Ivan Skukan,
who coached the two teams, and to Wendy Mattress, who was the manager of
the 5/6 team and Louise Patton who was the manager of the 3/ 4 team. The two
teams played magnificently, but even more impressive was their sportspersonship and their support of each other. I was very proud of all our children. Well
done, boys and girls, you represented our school beautifully.
Telephone: 6258 4077
...Continued over page
Email: [email protected]
17th March, 2015
ELC Tel / Fax: 6258 5834
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Catholic Schools’ Week
Last week we celebrated Catholic Schools’ Week, with an Open Day and a special whole school
Mass. My thanks to those parents who were in a position to join their children for lunch. It is
always lovely to have all of our parents in the school. You are all always most welcome.
3-Way Conversations
Another way of being involved more directly in the school last week was through our 3-Way
Conversations. I know that almost all teachers had a very high participation rate from their
parents, and I thank you all for taking part in the 3-Way Conversations: they are important
conversations to have and they help you and your child’s teacher form a stronger partnership,
which only serves your son’s or daughter’s education.
Charny Carny
Our Charny Carny is this Saturday! I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the
Carny. To date, we are still very low on volunteers. I strongly encourage you to consider giving
up an hour or two to the Carny. If every parent contributed even 30 minutes, we would have
more than enough in the way of volunteers. Last year, the Carny contributed $10 000 to our new
playground equipment. This was about a third of the cost of the equipment. This year, after the
SCC meets (which we hopefully take place in the next two weeks), we will set a target for this
year’s fundraising purpose – after due consultation with the parent community – and events like
the Charny Carny can contribute a great deal to achieving the target. It is in all our interests to be
involved, and to leave a legacy for the children who will attend the school in the years to come.
Please consider volunteering some time, and contact either Rebecca Cowan or Sian
Manwaring via the front office.
STA Cross Country
Tomorrow we are having our Cross Country carnival, beginning at 11.10am with 12 year olds;
then a new age group will commence in the following order: Kinder at 11.30am, ELC at 11.45am,
7 years at 12pm, 8 years at 12.15pm, 9 years at 12.25pm, 10 years at 12.35pm and finish with
11 years at 12.45pm. It promises to be an exciting carnival for the children and they are all keen
to participate. My thanks to Brett Seaman and Alisha Summerton for all their work and
Sacramental Formation Day
Finally, a reminder that this Thursday night, at 7.30pm in the library, Shane Dwyer is speaking
about the sacraments and the part they play in our lives. This is part of our Sacramental
Formation Evening, for all parents of children who are receiving for the first time either the
sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation. I look forward to seeing you there on the
Have a wonderful week with your families.
Best wishes
Cameron Johns
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It is a requirement that all Charny Carny raffle books are accounted
for prior to the draw. Please return all Charny Carny raffle tickets
sold and unsold and money to the STA Front Office by Thursday
19th March.
Thank you for supporting the Charny Carny raffle and GOOD LUCK!!
The Charny Carny Committee
The Charny Carny is 3 days away and we still need
volunteers – specifically for Kids Games and BBQ Chefs.
Did you know that they Charny Carny is essentially our fete
and we get around $8000 to $10,000 for our efforts. If you
haven’t already done so, PLEASE volunteer and help us fill
all of our volunteer positions. Please contact Bec Cowan
([email protected]) or Sian Manwaring
([email protected]) URGENTLY if you can help.
Hello Families,
Last week at OSHClub was very exciting as we received some new resources and toys, much to the children's delight! These
have included the new mobilo construction and kitchen/cash register. It has been wonderful to see the children working
together in dramatic and creative play with these new toys!
Next week at OSHClub we will be celebrating St Patrick's Day as well as World Harmony Day.
There are now only three weeks to go till the school holiday's- OSHClub runs a school holiday programs at Nicholls
Public and St Peter and Paul Primary in Garran. Please visit the OSHClub website for details and remember to book early to
avoid disappointment!
Have a great week, OSHClub.
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The Year 7 2016 Enrolment Information Evening is being held on Monday 11
The evening will commence at 5.00pm with tours of the College. This will be
followed at 6.30pm with an information session in the Gymnasium.
The Year 11 2016 Enrolment Information Evening is being held on Wednesday
13 May.
The evening will commence at 5.30pm with tours of the College and Course
Advice. This will be followed at 6.30pm with an information session in the
SFX Open Day is on Friday on 15 May between 9.00am - 2.30pm.
This gives prospective students an opportunity to tour the school with a
staff member or student while classes are running.
For more information regarding enrolments please contact Jennifer
Madgwick [email protected] or telephone the College on 6258
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School Banking
The last school banking for Term 1
is 26th March 2015.
Banking will start again on Thursday 30th April.
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Charlotte Butterfield, Eliana Marrocco, Ella
Greenwood, Maeve Smith, Shivesh Sonah &
Dimitri Trapani
Assembly in the Hall
Each fortnight a class hosts assembly in the Hall
Wed 18th March-Darika Noonan
at 12:30pm. Next week 4/5W will be presenting
at assembly.
Thurs 19th March-Katrina McIntosh
Week 9 - 1J
Fri 20th March-Lisa Dawson
Week 10 - 3T
Roster will be out this week.
If you can spare some time on Canteen days
please let me know. I still have vacancies on
the rosters.
Used Stamps: The Srs of St Joseph collect and sell
used stamps and the money is sent Peru. Each year
several thousands of dollars are raised through this
simple means. A box is at the office for you to help
with this mission work. Thank you
Canteen Manager
Altar Servers for Weekend Masses
Jennifer Moriarty
The value for Week 7 & 8 is……
21st and 22nd March 2015
‘I am the change
Saturday 6pm: Amelia & Xavier Gadzinski, Sagar
& Arpita Reddy
when I include
Sunday 9 am: Holly, Meg & Jessica Freeman &
Luke Wyche
Children’s Liturgy (4-13years)
Helen Crane & Marea Trevaskis
Have you returned your notes!!!
Mass Times at St Thomas Aquinas
Monday to Friday 9.30 am
Saturday 6.00 pm
Charny Carny Notes
Charny Carny Raffle Tickets
Sunday 9.00 am
Confession Saturday 4.30 pm
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