Two simplified manikins for indoor environment assessment
Two simplified manikins for indoor environment assessment
Zhang, T., You, P., Sun, F., Wang, Z. 2009. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009), pp. 1285-1292, Busan, Korea. Two simplified manikins for indoor environment assessment Tengfei (Tim) Zhang, Ping You, Fei Sun, Zongshan Wang School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China Corresponding email: [email protected] ABSTRACT As a quick, objective and accurate research method, thermal manikins have been widely used to assess indoor environment. Advanced thermal manikins that even can simulate human breathing and sweating have been applied to assess indoor environment. Although such advanced manikins are very precise and accurate, they are very expensive so they cannot be widely used, especially in large spaces where many manikins may require. This makes necessary to develop a simplified manikin both in physical and numerical form but still holds significant accuracy. This investigation has designed two simplified manikins at relatively low cost and tested their performance. One was fabricated by four painted metal boxes with lighting bulbs and fans inside to generate heat. The other was modified from a fashion manikin available from market by winding electrically heated wires on the body and then dressed with clothing. These two manikins together with a typical adult were put to an indoor environmental chamber served by underfloor displacement ventilation to do test. Performances of the manikins were evaluated in terms of geometric profile, surface temperature, ambient air velocity and temperature by comparing with the test adult. Finally, two corresponding numerical manikin models were created with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling to extensively explore their performance. This study finds although the manikin made by metal boxes has more uniform surface temperature, the geometric profile is apart from a realistic human shape and the agreement for measured ambient air velocity and temperature is poorer than the thermal fashion manikin. The simulation for numerical manikins has also confirmed better performance of the clothed fashion manikin. Hence, with a closer geometric profile and comprehensively better ambient air velocity and temperature distribution, the clothed, thermal fashion manikin both in physical and numerical form is recommended for indoor environment assessment. INTRODUCTION A thermal manikin is a heated blockage with geometric profiles close to a human body to represent a person in occasions where human beings are difficult to employ. Three main disciplines have been identified for the application of manikins, including clothing, HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning), and thermal physiology [1], although in recent years tendency is towards to carrying on a multidisciplinary study. Thermal manikins were originated in clothing industry in 1940s upon the demand in determining thermal insulation of whole clothing ensembles [2]. Later in 1980s, thermal manikins were firstly used as a tool to evaluate the microclimate conditions in the HVAC discipline [3]. Since then, as a quick, Zhang, T., You, P., Sun, F., Wang, Z. 2009. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009), pp. 1285-1292, Busan, Korea. objective, accurate and highly reproducible research method, thermal manikins have been widely used to assess indoor environment. Thermal manikins used in indoor environment range from different complexity and sophistication. Simplified manikins may be like just one or several simple, rectangular heated boxes [4], or heated boxes covered by cloth bags [5], or composed by several painted metal boxes with lighting bulbs inside to mimic metabolic heat generation [6]. Such manikins are cheap and easy for duplication but have limited accuracy, though Topp et al. [4] claimed it is sufficient for indoor global airflow study. With the recent increasing attention on very detailed microenvironment around a human body, more précised thermal manikins are necessary. The development of modern technology makes it possible to manufacture complex and sophisticated thermal manikins for research and high-end testing. One example is the selfcontained sweating thermal manikin – ADAM (ADvanced Automotive Manikin) that even can breathe [7] by the US NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory). However, such sophisticated manikins are very expensive, which prohibits them to be applied extensively, especially in large space where many manikins may have to be employed. This investigation aims to develop two simplified manikins and their corresponding numerical counterparts that are easy to duplicate but hold significant accuracy. Performance of these manikins in representing a human body to respond indoor environmental conditions will be evaluated. The following briefs our efforts towards to the above objectives. METHODS Many international attempts have been carried out to construct hundreds of thermal manikins in different precision around the world. This makes necessary to establish internationally recognized standards to guide the manikin production to aid comparison and reproduction of results, as recommended by some scholars [8, 9]. For example, Melikov [9] suggested a series of requirements on design and characteristics of a manikin, in which the most important include body size and shape, posture, surface temperature, control mode, etc. This study is therefore intended to evaluate manikin performance in terms of geometry profile, surface temperature, and the ambient air velocity and temperature around the manikin bodies when they are positioned in the nearly stagnant indoor environment. Two types of sedentarily seated manikins were built. One was fabricated by four painted metal boxes with lighting bulbs and fans inside to generate heat as shown in Figure 1 a). This manikin was designed to simulate a typical adult whose total surface area is around 1.8 m2 and sitting height of 1.25 m. There are no arms, nor are the two legs separated. The total power input was tuned by a voltage regulator into 75 W, which coincides with the sensible heat generation from a sedentary adult. The heat release from the top box was around 12 W, and 21 W for each of the other three boxes. The other was modified from a naked female fashion manikin available from market as shown in Figure 1 b), whose sitting height is also around 1.25 m. The manikin was manufactured by the glass reinforced plastic (GRP) and thus can sustain high temperature on surface. To mimic metabolic heat generation, the fashion manikin was evenly wound with electrically heated wires and then dressed with medium clothing as shown in Figure 1 (c). Again, the total power input was tuned into 75 W by the voltage regulator. Zhang, T., You, P., Sun, F., Wang, Z. 2009. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009), pp. 1285-1292, Busan, Korea. a) b) c) Figure 1. Two simplified thermal manikins. a) the metal box manikin, b) the naked female fashion manikin, c) the clothed, thermal fashion manikin. Corresponding to the physical manikins, two numerical manikin models applying computational fluid dynamics (CFD) were also created to extensively explore the performance of the two simplified manikins. Figure 2 a) shows the numerical box-shaped manikin model created by a commercial CFD software, which held the same shape and dimensions with the physical counterpart. The shape and dimensions for the clothed fashion manikin when creating the numerical model (Figure 2 b)) were tailored slightly due to very complicated details in the physical manikin. It is very challenging to draw the realistic geometric profile of a human body in CFD simulation. Nevertheless, the numerical fashion manikin model created in this investigation is more or less close to the physical one in geometric appearance. Line 2 Line 3 Line 3 Line 4 Line 1 Line 1 Line 2 Line 4 Line 5 Line 5 Line 2 Line 4 a) b) Figure 2. Numerical manikin models. a) the metal box manikin, b) the clothed, fashion manikin. In order to evaluate the performance of both manikins in representing human bodies, these two manikins were put to an indoor environmental chamber served by underfloor displacement ventilation as illustrated in Figure 3, where very weak indoor flow was created. This is to observe the natural convection flow around manikins generated by thermal plume and also to minimize the influence from the outside momentum sources such as air supply diffusers since they are very hard to maintain stable. There are four square underfloor air supply openings (0.6m by 0.6m) and two rectangular ceiling exhausts to extract the inside air. Zhang, T., You, P., Sun, F., Wang, Z. 2009. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009), pp. 1285-1292, Busan, Korea. Four fluorescent lightings were mounted against the ceiling to provide illumination. There was no other furnishing or appliance but a sedentary manikin seated quietly on a chair. This was to create a simple indoor environment that was easy to repeat at different runs to aid comparison between manikins. The air supply rate was 0.025 m3/s and temperature of 23 oC. Underfloor air supply opening Exhaust Lighting Manikin Manikin Chair Chair Underfloor air supply opening a) b) Figure 3. Evaluation of manikin performance in an underfloor displacement ventilation. a) test site, b) schematics of the testing case. In addition, we selected a female adult with similar geometric shape with the fashion manikin as an evaluation gauge for comparison between manikins. Surface temperature for both manikins and the test adult was taken using an infrared thermo-image camera (type B2; FLIR Systems, US), whose accuracy is within ±2 oC. Ambient air velocity and temperature were measured with a thermo-anemometer (type 20T35; Dantec Dynamics, Denmark), whose accuracy for velocity is under ±0.02 m/s and for temperature ±0.2 oC. Sampling spots for air velocity and temperature were along line 1 to line 5 as highlighted in Figure 2, where these lines are apart from the manikin or body surface with 5 cm. RESULTS This section outlines the comparison of measurement data for both manikins with the test adult and then the simulation results for both numerical manikins. Measurement results for both manikins Figure 4 shows comparison of surface temperatures on both manikins with the test adult. Generally, temperature distribution is highly non-uniform. The head part of the box manikin holds high temperature evenly (Figure 4 a), d)), whereas the head part of the fashion manikin holds low temperature (Figure 4 b), e)), which are somehow different from the test adult that presents higher temperature on the forehead (Figure 4 c)) and face (Figure 4 f)) but low temperature on the rest part. Temperature of the upper trunk for the box manikin is lower than the fashion manikin and the test adult. Otherwise, the box manikin exhibits relatively uniform surface temperature. Both the box and fashion manikins have higher temperature on legs near the ankles and feet. The reason why the test adult holds lower temperature is that relatively loose trousers on lower legs wearing and good insulation of shoes. Although the fashion manikin cannot match exactly with the test adult and also has temperature wiggles on surface, the fashion manikin shows somewhat closer temperature distribution and better geometric characteristics with the test adult. Zhang, T., You, P., Sun, F., Wang, Z. 2009. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009), pp. 1285-1292, Busan, Korea. a) b) c) d) e) f) Figure 4. Surface temperatures on manikins and the test adult. a) box manikin from the front view, b) fashion manikin from the front view, c) test adult from the front view, d) box manikin from the side view, e) fashion manikin from the side view, f) test adult from the side view. Figure 5 shows the ambient velocity and temperature profiles around manikins, where the horizontal coordinate represents velocity magnitude or temperature, while the vertical coordinate represents measurement spot locations. These profiles were measured on line 1 to line 5 as highlighted in Figure 2. Since the manikins or the test adult are seated on chairs, it is not very convenient to apply the actual vertical height at sitting posture to express the measurement spot. We therefore still use the standing height, H, as the vertical coordinate in Figure 5. Due to limited space available in this paper, only profiles on line 1 to line 3 have been listed out although we have measured and compared on lines 4 and 5. Figure 5 a), b) and c) show the natural convection flow velocity is generally maintained in very low level within 0.2 m/s and increases slightly with the standing height. Velocity reaches peak at around the standing height of 1.3 m, which is at the upper trunk. On line 1 both manikins match well with the test adult, while on line 2 and line 3 the fashion manikin agrees better with the test adult. Temperature stratifies along the three lines as shown in Figure 5 d), e) and f), which conforms to the temperature characteristics in underfloor displacement ventilation. On line 1, measured temperature from the fashion manikin is more or less close to the test adult, whereas the box manikin holds a little lower temperature although the deviation is within 1 oC, which should not be very meaningful. On line 2 within the leg section, the three temperatures are almost the same, while within the trunk section, difference exists among them. Temperatures from both the fashion manikin and the test adult reduce with the height but contrarily the box manikin increases. It is in reason of different body profile geometry that leads to difference. Such is Zhang, T., You, P., Sun, F., Wang, Z. 2009. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009), pp. 1285-1292, Busan, Korea. also reflected on line 3 that makes it very hard to conclude temperature profile characteristics. However, temperature profile for the box manikin seems to exhibit the increasing tendency with the height, though it may not conform to the realistic human being. 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.4 Line 1 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Line 2 0.2 0 0.2 0 0.1 0.15 0 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 V/(m/s) V/(m/s) V/(m/s) a) b) c) 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.4 0.15 0.2 1.5 1.2 1 1 H/m H/m 0.8 0.6 0.8 1 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.4 Line 1 0.2 0 22 0.05 Line 3 H/m 0 1 H/m H/m H/m 0.8 23 24 o T/ C 25 Line 2 0.2 26 0 22 24 o T/ C 26 Line 3 0 22 23 24 T/oC 25 26 d) e) f) Figure 5. Measure ambient velocity and temperature around both manikins and the test adult (black squares for the box manikin, blue triangles for the fashion manikin, red circles for the test adult). a) velocity on line 1, b) velocity on line 2, c) velocity on line 3, d) temperature on line 1, e) temperature on line 2, f) temperature on line 3. Simulation results for both numerical manikins The purpose of this study is not just constructing physical manikins for testing use but also investigating corresponding numerical manikin models that can be applied for CFD simulation. The RANS (by solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations) CFD modeling was applied in this study. CFD solves the transport equations for mass continuity, momentum, energy, turbulent kinetic energy, and its dissipation rate equations, because indoor air flows are turbulent. The turbulence model employed was the Re-Normalization Group (RNG) k-ε model. CFD simulation requires a set of boundary conditions provided. All boundary conditions taken during measurement were employed. Temperature boundary conditions for all solid surfaces exposed to indoor air including manikin surfaces, were specified with the sampled measurement temperatures. Since manikin surface temperatures are highly non-uniform, only averaged temperatures after dividing the body surface into segment by segment from Figure 4, were inputted into CFD simulation. Zhang, T., You, P., Sun, F., Wang, Z. 2009. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009), pp. 1285-1292, Busan, Korea. Similar to Figure 5, Figure 6 shows simulated ambient velocities and temperatures from both numerical manikins on 1ine 1 to line 3. To aid comparison, the measured values from the test adult were also given in the same figures. Again, simulated velocities as shown in Figure 6 a), b) and c) were in very low level. On line 1, the numerical fashion manikin matches slightly better with the test adult although the box manikin is not too bad. On line 2, both velocities within the trunk section are significantly different from the test adult. The simulated peak velocity for the numerical fashion manikin was shifted to around H=1.5 m, which does not conform to the measurement results for the fashion manikin as shown in Figure 5 b). On line 3, simulation obtains a peak velocity for the fashion manikin at around H=1.5 m. The position is also slightly higher than its measurement counterpart. Nevertheless, simulated velocities are still within acceptably close range with the measurement under reasonable discrepancy. 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 Line 1 0.05 0.1 0.15 Line 2 0 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 V/(m/s) V/(m/s) V/(m/s) a) b) c) 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.4 0.15 0.2 1.5 1.2 1 1 H/m H/m 0.8 0.8 0.6 1 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.4 Line 1 0.2 0 22 Line 3 H/m 0 0.5 0.2 0.2 1 H/m H/m H/m 0.8 23 24 o T/ C 25 Line 2 0.2 26 0 22 24 o T/ C 26 Line 3 0 22 23 24 T/oC 25 26 d) e) f) Figure 6. Comparison of the simulated ambient velocity and temperature around both manikins with the measurement data for the test adult (black squares for the box manikin, blue triangles for the fashion manikin, red circles for the tested adult). a) velocity on line 1, b) velocity on line 2, c) velocity on line 3, d) temperature on line 1, e) temperature on line 2, f) temperature on line 3. Figure 6 d), e) and f) presents simulated temperature profiles. On line 1 both manikins show temperature wiggles with the height, which is not in consistency with the test adult, although temperature deviation is maintained within 1 oC. On line 2 and line 3, the numerical fashion manikin agrees better than the box manikin. The reason underlying is that the numerical Zhang, T., You, P., Sun, F., Wang, Z. 2009. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009), pp. 1285-1292, Busan, Korea. fashion manikin is in benefit of its closer geometric profile with the test adult that leads to better performance. CONCLUSIONS This paper has designed and investigated two simplified manikins both in physical and numerical forms. The fabricated clothed, thermal fashion manikin has closer geometric profile with a realistic human being and shows better agreement in surface temperature distribution, measured ambient air velocity and temperature with the test adult. The simulation for their numerical counterparts using CFD modeling has also confirmed better performance of the clothed, fashion manikin. The reason underlying is that the fashion manikin is in benefit of its closer geometric profile with a realistic adult. Hence, the clothed, thermal fashion manikin winding with electrically heated wires and the corresponding numerical model created with CFD is recommended for possible use in indoor environment assessment. DISCUSSION The authors would like to remind that the test adult applied in this investigation does not necessarily mean all manikin models should conform to her but instead in intent of convincing the direction and potentials that simplified manikin models can be improved towards to representing the realistic human beings. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research is co-supported by the Dalian University of Technology (DUT) of research funding for young investigators and the DUT undergraduate innovation research project. The authors are grateful for their financial support. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Wyon, D P. 1989. Use of thermal manikins in environmental ergonomics. Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health. Vol. 15, pp 84-94. Holmer, I. 2004. 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