Adaptive Defense Guide
Adaptive Defense Guide
Adaptive Defense Guide 1 Adaptive Defense Guide Table of Contents Table of Contents................................................................................................. 2 1. Prologue ............................................................................................................ 6 1.1. Who is this guide for? ......................................................................................... 6 1.2. Icons ..................................................................................................................... 6 2. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 8 2.1. Main features of Adaptive Defense. ............................................................... 8 2.2. Adaptive Defense User Profile .......................................................................... 9 2.3. General architecture of the Adaptive Defense service ............................... 9 2.3.1. Adaptive Defense server ......................................................................................... 10 2.3.2. Administration console Web server ....................................................................... 11 2.3.3. Computers protected with Adaptive Defense ................................................... 11 2.3.4. Logtrust accumulated knowledge server ............................................................ 11 2.3.5. Customer SIEM servers compatible with Adaptive Defense ............................ 12 3. Basic concepts of Adaptive Defense. ....................................................... 14 3.1. Features of the endpoint protection service ............................................... 14 3.1.1. The detection ratio ................................................................................................... 14 3.1.2. The classification ratio .............................................................................................. 14 3.1.3. Classification reliability ............................................................................................. 14 3.2. Adaptive Defense model................................................................................ 14 3.3. Process clasification in Adaptive Defense.................................................... 15 3.3.1. Known processes ....................................................................................................... 15 3.3.2. Unknown processes .................................................................................................. 15 3.3.3. Types of known processes ....................................................................................... 15 3.4. Event analysis .................................................................................................... 16 3.5. Customer data confidentiality ....................................................................... 17 3.5.1. Guidelines on data collected by the service...................................................... 17 3.5.2. Information collected from machines. ................................................................. 17 3.5.3. Privacy of information collected ........................................................................... 18 4. Installation and start-up of Adaptive Defense service ............................ 21 4.1. Checklist of steps and necessary requirements........................................... 21 4.2. Learning phase ................................................................................................. 28 4.3. Malware blocking phase (hardening) .......................................................... 29 5. Security status and computer visibility ........................................................ 31 5.1. Adaptive Defense service status ................................................................... 31 5.2. Security status of the IT infrastructure ............................................................ 31 5.2.1. Malicious programs .................................................................................................. 32 5.2.2. Under investigation at our lab ................................................................................ 32 5.2.3. Vulnerable programs ............................................................................................... 33 5.2.4. Potentially Unwanted Programs ............................................................................. 34 5.2.5. Top Risk Users .............................................................................................................. 34 5.2.6. Top Risk Computers................................................................................................... 35 5.3. Detailed activity reports of threats ................................................................ 36 5.3.1. Malicious programs .................................................................................................. 36 2 Adaptive Defense Guide 5.3.2. Under investigation at our lab ................................................................................ 37 5.3.3. Vulnerable programs ............................................................................................... 39 5.3.4. Potentially Unwanted Programs ............................................................................. 39 5.3.5. Top Risk Users .............................................................................................................. 40 5.3.6. Top Risk Computers................................................................................................... 40 5.4. Executive report ............................................................................................... 41 6. Configuration of Adaptive Defense behavior .......................................... 43 6.1. Classified programs .......................................................................................... 43 6.1.1. Running specific programs classified as malware .............................................. 43 6.2. Unclassified programs ...................................................................................... 43 6.2.1. Audit mode ................................................................................................................ 44 6.2.2. Blocking mode for programs being classified (Extended Mode) ................... 44 6.2.3. Limited execution mode for programs being classified (Deep Hardening mode) .................................................................................................................................... 44 6.2.4. Complete execution mode for programs being classified (Hardening mode) ................................................................................................................................................. 45 7. Forensic analysis and attack prevention ................................................... 47 7.1. Deep Hardening mode and infection by unknown malware ................... 47 7.2. Forensic analysis and prevention of attacks from infected computers ... 47 7.2.1. Forensic analysis through action tables................................................................ 47 7.2.2. Forensic analysis through execution graphs ........................................................ 51 7.2.3. Diagrams ..................................................................................................................... 52 7.2.4. Nodes .......................................................................................................................... 52 7.2.5. Lines and arrows ........................................................................................................ 54 7.2.6. The timeline ................................................................................................................ 54 7.2.7. Zoom in and Zoom out ............................................................................................. 55 7.2.8. Timeline ....................................................................................................................... 55 7.2.9. Filters ............................................................................................................................ 55 7.2.10. Movement of nodes and general zoom ............................................................ 56 7.3. Interpretation of the action tables and activity graphs ............................. 57 7.3.1. Example 1: Display of actions executed by the malware Trj/OCJ.A .............. 57 7.3.2. Example 2: Communication with external computers in BetterSurf ............... 58 7.3.3. Example 3: Access to the registry with PasswordStealer.BT .............................. 60 7.3.4. Example 4: Access to confidential data by Trj/Chgt.F ...................................... 61 8. Analysis of knowledge and advanced searches ..................................... 64 8.1. Access to the Logtrust environment .............................................................. 64 8.2. Description of the Adaptive Defense tables ................................................ 64 8.2.1. Alert Table ................................................................................................................... 65 8.2.2. Drivers Table ............................................................................................................... 70 8.2.3. Filesdwn Table ............................................................................................................ 71 8.2.4. Hook table .................................................................................................................. 75 8.2.5. Install Table ................................................................................................................. 77 8.2.6. Monitoredopen Table .............................................................................................. 78 8.2.7. Notblocked Table ..................................................................................................... 79 8.2.8. Ops Table .................................................................................................................... 82 8.2.9. Registry Table ............................................................................................................. 84 8.2.10. Socket Table ............................................................................................................ 86 3 Adaptive Defense Guide 8.2.11. Toast Table ............................................................................................................... 91 9. Appendix I: Integration with SIEM products ............................................... 95 10. Appendix II: Service Level Agreements ................................................... 97 10.1. Pre-sales and Migration Service ................................................................... 97 10.2. Technical Support Service............................................................................. 97 10.3. Our infrastructure in the Cloud ..................................................................... 98 10.4. Unreliable software classification service ................................................. 100 4 Adaptive Defense Guide 1. Prologue Who is this guide for? Icons 5 Adaptive Defense Guide 1. Prologue This guide contains information and procedures for use to get the most out of the Adaptive Defense product. 1.1. Who is this guide for? This document is designed for network administrators who need to protect Windows computers in the company's IT infrastructure against Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). Although Adaptive Defense is a managed service which offers guaranteed safety without the involvement of the network administrator, it also provides very detailed and easy to understand information on processes and programs run by users on company computers, whether these are known or unknown threats or legitimate programs. So that the network administrator can correctly interpret the information offered, and draw conclusions that provide new initiatives to strengthen the company's security, it is necessary to have a technical knowledge of Windows environments at a process, file system and registry level, as well as to understand the most frequently used network protocols. 1.2. Icons The following icons appear in this guide: Additional information, such as an alternative method for performing a certain task. Suggestions and recommendations. Important tips on correctly using Adaptive Defense options. 6 Adaptive Defense Guide 2. Introduction Main features User profile General architecture 7 Adaptive Defense Guide 2. Introduction Adaptive Defense is a security service based on the monitoring, control and classification of processes run in the infrastructure according to their behavior and nature. Unlike traditional antiviruses, Adaptive Defense uses a new security concept which allows it to adapt precisely to the particular environment of each company, monitoring the execution of all applications and learning constantly from actions triggered by each of the processes. After a brief learning period, Adaptive Defense is able to offer a far superior protection level to that of a traditional antivirus, and provide valuable information on the context in which the security problems arose in order to determine their scope and implement the necessary measures to prevent their recurrence. Adaptive Defense is a Cloud service so it does not require new control infrastructure in the company, helping to maintain a low TCO. 2.1. Main features of Adaptive Defense. Adaptive Defense is a managed service that offers guaranteed security against targeted attacks and APTs, based on four cornerstones: Display in real time of each action performed by the running applications. Detection of threats by automatically classifying all network files and processes using Machine Learning techniques in Big Data information operating environments. Response through forensic analysis to fully investigate the scope of each intrusion attempt. Prevention through information that will help the network administrator to prevent similar targeted attacks in the future. 8 Adaptive Defense Guide 2.2. Adaptive Defense User Profile Although Adaptive Defense is a managed service that offers security without the involvement of the network administrator, it also provides very detailed understandable information about the activity of processes run by users in the whole of the company's IT infrastructure. This information can be used by the administrator to clearly identify the impact of possible problems and to adapt their security protocols, and so prevent equivalent situations in the future. All users with an Adaptive Defense Agent installed on their computer will enjoy a guaranteed security service, preventing the execution of programs that pose a threat to the company's activity. 2.3. General architecture of the Adaptive Defense service Adaptive Defense is an advanced security service based on analyzing the behavior of processes run on each customer's infrastructure. Processes are analyzed by applying Machine Learning techniques in Big Data infrastructures housed in the cloud, so that the customer does not have to install hardware or additional resources in their offices. The general schema of Adaptive Defense is shown below: 9 Adaptive Defense Guide According to the figure, Adaptive Defense is made up of various elements: Adaptive Defense Server Administration console Web server Computers protected with Adaptive Defense Network administrator's computer which accesses the Web console Logtrust server providing real-time service on accumulated knowledge Customer's SIEM servers compatible with Adaptive Defense The different roles of the architecture shown are detailed below. 2.3.1. Adaptive Defense server The Adaptive Defense server compiles all actions performed by the user's processes and sent from the Agents installed on the customer's computers. It assesses their behavior using learning techniques and issues a classification for each process being run, which is returned to the Agent to execute a decision. The Adaptive Defense server is made up of a cloud-based server farm which configures a Big Data operating environment where Machine Learning rules are applied continuously to classify each process run. Compared to the model adopted by traditional antiviruses, based on the sending of samples to the provider and manual analysis, there are several advantages of this new cloud-based process analysis model: The error percentage when classifying a process run in multiple endpoints over time is 99.9991% (less than 1 error for every 100,000 files analyzed) so the number of false positives and false negatives is virtually zero. The delay in classifying processes seen for the first time is minimal, as the Adaptive Defense Agent sends the actions triggered by each process, and the server analyzes them looking for suspicious patterns. In addition, for executable files found in the user's computer that are unknown to the Adaptive Defense platform, the Agent will send the file to the server for its analysis. The impact on the performance of the customer's network due to the sending of unknown executables is configured to go completely unnoticed. An unknown file is sent only once to all customers that use Adaptive Defense. Mechanisms have also been implemented to manage broadband usage and Agent and time limits to minimize the impact on the customer's network. There is minimal consumption of CPU resources in the user's computer, being estimated at 2% compared to the 5%-15% of traditional security solutions, as the entire analysis and classification process is carried out in the cloud. The Agent installed simply collects the classification sent by the Adaptive Defense server and runs a corrective action. Cloud analysis frees the customer from installing and maintaining hardware and software infrastructures, paying licenses and managing warranties, so the TCO drops significantly. See Annex 2 for information on the availability of the Adaptive Defense platform and classification times. 10 Adaptive Defense Guide 2.3.2. Administration console Web server Adaptive Defense is fully managed through the Web console accessible to the administrator from the following URL: The Web console is compatible with the most common browsers and accessible from any location at any time, using any device with a compatible browser installed. See Chapter 4: Installation and start-up of the Adaptive Defense service to check whether your browser is compatible with the service. The Web console is responsive, so it is accessible from smartphones and tablets at anytime and anywhere. 2.3.3. Computers protected with Adaptive Defense The Adaptive Defense Agent is a small software component which occupies less than 20MB and which must be installed on all machines in the infrastructure likely to suffer security problems. The Agent's operating mode consists in collecting information on all events that occur in the machines, sending them to the Adaptive Defense Server. All the information collected concerns software events and the components that produce them. No information or documents are collected from the user. The Agent will send all information to the Adaptive Defense Server in real time for its use and classification. The Adaptive Defense Agent is installed problem-free on machines with other security solutions 2.3.4. Logtrust accumulated knowledge server Adaptive Defense is provided optionally with a storage service for all knowledge generated by the customer's computers, recording each action performed by the processes run in the IT infrastructure, whether goodware or malware. It is therefore possible to list and display flexibly all data collected to obtain additional information on threats and how users are using the company's computers. The Logtrust service is accessible from the Web console dashboard. See Chapter 8 to configure and take advantage of the knowledge analysis service and advanced searches. 11 Adaptive Defense Guide 2.3.5. Customer SIEM servers compatible with Adaptive Defense Adaptive Defense integrates with external providers’ SIEM solutions, sending data collected about the activity of applications run in workstations. This information is sent to the SIEM server along with all the knowledge of the Adaptive Defense platform and can be used by the customer's systems. Listed below are SIEM systems compatible with Adaptive Defense: QRadar AlienVault ArcSight LookWise Bitacora See Annex 1 Integration with SIEM products to obtain more information on the integration of Adaptive Defense with third-party SIEM systems. 12 Adaptive Defense Guide 3. Basic concepts of Adaptive Defense Features of the endpoint protection service Adaptive Defense model Process classification Event analysis Data confidentiality 13 Adaptive Defense Guide 3. Basic concepts of Adaptive Defense. Adaptive Defense is a guaranteed security service based on a completely different protection model to that used in traditional antiviruses, whether On Premise, Cloud or standalone. 3.1. Features of the endpoint protection service In terms of protecting computers in the network, there are three main parameters when it comes to offering a reliable security product: the detection ratio, the classification ratio and the classification accuracy of the files analyzed. To these three parameters should be added a fourth which covers them: the time factor. 3.1.1. The detection ratio The detection ratio answers the question: “How many viruses does the security solution know?” This is the percentage of different samples recognized by the security provider, compared to the total number of samples in circulation. 3.1.2. The classification ratio The classification ratio answers the question: “How many files do you know?” It indicates the percentage of files already recognized by the provider to be able to issue a classification, compared to the total number circulating in the customer's network. 3.1.3. Classification reliability The classification reliability measures the level of certainty in the verdict given when classifying an element as goodware or malware. Or rather it is the likelihood that a known element changes its classification, either because it was initially classified as goodware and subsequently reclassified as malware or vice versa. 3.2. Adaptive Defense model In the proposed model, the malware is classified and detected locally with the known heuristic methods of the traditional system, but the main novelty is the automatic collection of actions triggered by each process run on the customer's computers, and their subsequent study using Machine Learning techniques in the Big Data environments deployed in the security provider's infrastructure. In this way, each Agent installed on the customer's computer records all actions and changes in the system produced by each of the processes run by the user. These perfectly detailed actions are sent to the provider, producing continuous data mining of process behavior in real time. This is how Adaptive Defense knows the characteristics and behavior of each and every file circulating on its customers' networks. 14 Adaptive Defense Guide Given that the same software solution run in many customers can generate different groups of actions depending on how it is used, the provider will have access to a multitude of executions of the same program. This provides Adaptive Defense with a volume of highly valuable additional evidence that is impossible to replicate in the traditional model, and which, once crossed and exploited with statistical analysis technologies on Big Data platforms, will enable almost instantaneous automatic classification in most cases of each and every process run by each customer, with almost 100% reliability. 3.3. Process clasification in Adaptive Defense The classification process consists in determining the threat of each program run in the customer's company. At a first level, the system distinguishes between two statuses. Known processes Unknown processes 3.3.1. Known processes These are processes already recorded and analyzed by Adaptive Defense, or with certain characteristics that turn them into known processes without having to analyze them. This group would include programs that form part of the operating system or programs digitally signed by a known certification body. All processes known by Adaptive Defense have an associated hash so that the Agent can ask the Adaptive Defense Server whether it is known or not and, if it is, to be able to reuse its classification. 3.3.2. Unknown processes These are new processes for the system so they do not have a hash identifier or associated classification. Allowing the service to run or not on the customer's computer will depend on its configuration. If it can be run, the Agent will send to the server the events generated by each running of the process on each of the user's computers. When there a sufficiently relevant number of events in the Adaptive Defense Server, a classification will be issued and the process will change to Known status. 3.3.3. Types of known processes There are two types of known processes: goodware and malware/PUPS. Goodware: Goodware is a known process that has displayed safe behavior since the first time it was seen on a computer. A process can be goodware for various reasons: 15 Adaptive Defense Guide For belonging to the base distribution of the operating system and being digitally signed by a trustworthy certification body. For having been monitored once or more than once, so the events generated have already been studied by Adaptive Defense. Malware/PUP: Adaptive Defense analyzes the behavior of running processes and assesses the threat level of their actions. If a program has performed actions in the past that are a threat to the computer or network where Adaptive Defense was running, it will classify it as Malware or a potentially unwanted program for all customers of the service. 3.4. Event analysis The working of Adaptive Defense is based on three cornerstones: an Agent installed on the customer's endpoint, a cloud-based automated analysis system, and a team of experts at PandaLabs which studies the most complicated threats that the automatic systems cannot resolve alone. The Agent installed on each customer computer monitors each of the processes being run and sends all the events to the cloud, where this knowledge is used to automatically determine for most cases the threat of the running processes. The number of types of actions recorded and sent to the provider is very exhaustive, with a list of the most important detailed below: Download of files Installation of software Download URLs Modification of Hosts file File age Creation/installation of drivers Capture of screenshots Communications of processes (IP address, ports, protocols) Creation and modification of executable files Loading DLLs Creation of services Mapping executable files Deleting and renaming files Creation of folders 16 Adaptive Defense Guide Creation and opening of files Creation and modification of registry branches Creation of threads in remote processes Destruction of processes Access to SAM Access to data (around 200 file formats) 3.5. Customer data confidentiality The new Adaptive Defense protection model requires obtaining information on the actions performed by the applications installed on the customer's computers. 3.5.1. Guidelines on data collected by the service Data collected in Adaptive Defense strictly follows the general guidelines listed below: Only information on Windows executable files (.exe, .dll files etc.) run/loaded on the user's computer is collected. No information on data files is collected. The attributes of the files are sent normalized, removing information referring to the logged-on user. For example, the file paths are normalized as LOCALAPPDATA\name.exe instead of c:\Users\USER_NAME \AppData \Local\name.exe) The URLs collected are only those of the download of executable files. User browsing URLs are not collected. There is no data-user relationship in the data collected. In no case will Adaptive Defense send personal information to the cloud. 3.5.2. Information collected from machines. The service collects the following information on the execution environment (computer hardware and software): Computer name. Operating system. Service Pack. Group in which the protected PC is included. Machine's default IP address. MAC address. 17 Adaptive Defense Guide IP addresses assigned to the PC in different network adapters. MAC address for the different network adapters. RAM memory in MBytes. As essential information for supporting the new protection model, Adaptive Defense sends information on the actions performed by the applications run on each user's computer. Attribute Data Description Example File Hash File hash to which the event refers N/A URL Url Address from where an executable file has been downloaded table.exe Path Path Normalized path in which the file to which the event refers is found APPDATA\ Registry Key/Value Windows registry key and its related content HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWA RE\Panda Security\Panda Research\Minerva\Version = 3.2.21 Operation Operation ID ID of event operation (creation/modification/loading/.. of executable file, executable file download, communication...) A type 0 event indicates the execution of an executable file Communication Protocol/Port /Address Collects the communication event of a process (not its content) together with the protocol and address Malware.exe sends data by UDP on port 4865 Software Installed software Collects the list of software installed ot the endpoint according to the Windows API Office 2007, Firefox 25, IBM Client Access 1.0 It may also be necessary to send executable files to our Collective Intelligence platform. To reduce bandwidth consumption, executable files are only sent to the Collective Intelligence platform in case they are not yet present. Sending only executable files ensures that in no case will they contain confidential user/customer information. 3.5.3. Privacy of information collected All information collected is only stored in our Windows Azure cloud platform. The information is not shared with third parties unless customers: Want to receive in their SIEM system information on security alerts and data collected by Adaptive Defense. The information collected will be sent to the customers' SIEM system through a secure protocol established by the customer. 18 Adaptive Defense Guide They use the Logtrust platform, the accumulated knowledge real-time operating platform with which Adaptive Defense is integrated by default. The information is sent to Logtrust by HTTPS and stored in Logtrust data centers. All the information sent to the cloud is encrypted with strong encryption algorithms such as BlowFish. Finally, the information collected on the user's computer by the Agent is temporarily stored in an encrypted storage folder. 19 Adaptive Defense Guide 4. Installation and start-up Checklist of steps and necessary requirements Learning phase Malware blocking phase 20 Adaptive Defense Guide 4. Installation and start-up of Adaptive Defense service The necessary steps for correctly completing the installation of the service and its subsequent start-up are outlined in this chapter. 4.1. Checklist of steps and necessary requirements. 1. Check compatibility of the Adaptive Defense Agent with the computers to be protected. The following Windows systems are compatible with the Agent: Operating systems (stations): Windows XP SP2 or higher (Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 8.1) in 32 and 64 bit platforms. Operating systems (servers): Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012 in any of their configurations and architectures. 2. Check that the prerequisites are met on each computer to be protected The Agent is an application that requires the following standard components, generally already installed on the user's computer: .NET Framework version 2.0 SP2 or any of the higher versions that include it. It will need to be installed manually if it is not found Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package. If it is not found, the installer will download and install it itself. 3. Check that the connectivity prerequisites are met The Agent communicates by default with the server through the HTTPS protocol so it requires access through port 443 to the Internet with the following destinations: In case a proxy server is used to access the Internet, the corresponding credentials must be configured on the Web portal before downloading the installer (see step 4). The Agent also has the capacity to switch from a proxy connection to a direct connection and vice versa, automatically enabling the sending of events for mobile computers connected to non-corporate networks (no proxy). 4. Creation of the installation package The creation of the installation package introduces certain information in the installer that will help the administrator with the subsequent deployment and configuration of the Agent. 21 Adaptive Defense Guide Configuration of outbound Internet proxy: If Internet access from the network is via a proxy server, you must firstly configure the information for its use on the Web console. This will generate an MSI installer to be used in the network. If several different proxies are going to be used, you must create a custom installer for each of them and manage the deployment in each corresponding network. To create an installation package click Add computers on the dashboard and complete the proxy fields if the agents are going to access the Internet in this way. After entering and saving the data, you can download the MSI installer on the local computer to start its deployment. The installer is unique and contains both the Agent versions compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit systems. Installation of the Agent on computers with other antiviruses installed: Adaptive Defense is compatible with traditional endpoint antiviruses and can be installed as an accessory to protect the customer's computers against targeted and sophisticated attacks. 5. Download and distribution of the installer The MSI installer file can be distributed in various ways in the customer's network, depending on the number of computers, their location and other factors. Manual installation: The MSI installer can be shared in a network folder from where users will collect it and install it manually, or it can also be sent by email. 22 Adaptive Defense Guide Installation of the Agent requires local administrator permissions on the computer. Depending on the configuration of the computer, the USC will require confirmation of the installation or entering the administrator's password. The installation program does not need any additional information. If the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package is not installed on the computer, the installer will download and install it automatically. After completing the installation process, the Adaptive Defense Agent will be updated with the new knowledge. The Adaptive Defense Agent is designed to go unnoticed by the user and not support any configuration from the same computer. Centralized installation through Group Policy Object (GPO): If there is a very large IT infrastructure, the current Active Directory infrastructure can be used to deploy the installer or any other remote installation software. In this way the network administrator won't have to actually go to each of the computers, but will be able to perform a silent installation on those computers in the network that they consider necessary. The steps for performing an installation through a GPO are set out below. Download the Adaptive Defense installer and share it: Place the Adaptive Defense installer in a shared folder that is accessible to all those computers that the Agent will receive. Open the “Active Directory Users and Computers” applet and create a new OU (Organizational Unit) called “Adaptive Defense”. 23 Adaptive Defense Guide Open the Group Policy Management snap-in. In Domains, select the newly created OU to block inheritance. Create a new GPO in the “Adaptive Defense” OU 24 Adaptive Defense Guide Edit the GPO 25 Adaptive Defense Guide Add a new installation package that will contain the Adaptive Defense Agent. For this you will be asked to add the installer to the GPO. Once added, show the properties. In the Deployment tab, click Advanced and select the checkbox that prevents the checking between the destination operating system and that defined in the installer. 26 Adaptive Defense Guide Finally, add in the Adaptive Defense OU previously created in “Active Directory Users and Computers” all network computers that you want to send the Agent to. 6. Checking installation of the Agent Installing the Agent creates the following items in the computers: INSTALLATION PATH : Files for the services installed. - %programfiles%\Panda Security\Minerva Suite\ W ORK PATH : It contains the cache and various temporary files of machine events collected - %ProgramData%\Minerva SERVICES : The installation registers 2 new services whose executable files are digitally signed by Panda Security, S.L. as with all the solution files: - Minerva Agent (RMMsvc.exe): Collects and sends the events observed in the computer. - Minerva Updater (MinervaUpdater.exe): Creates agent updates. R EGISTRY: The following registry branch is created with various configurations, including the customer ID, service front end URL, proxy data, etc. - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Panda Security\Panda Research\Minerva Change of proxy connection data: Once the Agent is installed and working, it is no longer possible to change the proxy connection data from the service console. The program downloadable from is used instead. Once downloaded, unzip the file (password: panda) in the Adaptive Defense installation folder and launch a command prompt window with Administrator permissions. Enter the following command, indicating the information for the new proxy configuration data: SetMinervaProxy.exe [Domain] [User] [password] [proxy server] [proxy port] [PROXYAUTH (1/0)] If you want to disable the proxy and use a direct connection, you can run the following command: SetMinervaProxy.exe Activate=0 27 Adaptive Defense Guide 7. Agent update The Agent has a service called Minerva Updater. Among other tasks, this service is responsible for updating the Agent, downloading the update data published from the Adaptive Defense Server. The update is completely transparent to the end user and can be monitored through the Dashboard and daily reports accessible on the Web console. See Chapter 5: Security status and computer visibility, for more information about the reports and dashboards. Having completed the installation of the Agents on all the computers, the service will start to audit the processes run on the machines in order to classify them. 4.2. Learning phase The learning phase is a period of time that starts when the installation of the Agent has been completed and lasts anywhere from 2 days to 1 week depending on the number of applications run on that computer. During this time, the Agent starts to monitor all the events that occur on the machine, sending those considered relevant to the Adaptive Defense server. The Agents will send to the front ends only those samples not yet registered in the Panda Security knowledge base. A file will only be sent once from a machine. The Agent will limit and monitor bandwidth usage. Once received in the Server, the information collected by the Agents is passed to the service backend where different technologies are applied to resolve unknown and/or potentially malicious elements and identify potentially vulnerable software. During the learning phase, Adaptive Defense will behave as follows with respect to goodware, malware and unknown files: Goodware: It can be run as normal Malware: Its running is blocked Unknown files: They can be run initially until Adaptive Defense concludes that they are either goodware or malware. Once the item is classified, the knowledge is disseminated to all computers that use the protection service. If a computer runs a program without classifying it at the time and it later turns out to be malware, the system will block any subsequent execution attempt and mark the computer as infected in the Alerts section. See Chapter 5: Security status and computer visibility for more information about Alerts. See Chapter 3: Basic concepts of Adaptive Defense for more information about goodware, malware and unknown files. At the end of the learning phase, 100% of the applications run by users are classified as goodware or malware. 28 Adaptive Defense Guide 4.3. Malware blocking phase (hardening) At the end of the learning phase, Adaptive Defense will start to protect the computer according to the configuration chosen by the network administrator. See Chapter 6: Configuration of Adaptive Defense behavior for more information. 29 Adaptive Defense Guide 5. Security status and computer visibility Service status Security status Detailed activity reports of threats Executive report 30 Adaptive Defense Guide 5. Security status and computer visibility The different ways of displaying the security status of the IT infrastructure in Adaptive Defense and the service status are explained in this chapter. 5.1. Adaptive Defense service status The Dashboard is the Adaptive Defense home screen and its purpose is to graphically represent both the security status of the customer's network and the contracted service. This facilitates the location at a glance of the main problems found in the network. To show the service status, Adaptive Defense uses 3 widgets that report the information indicated below to the administrator: - The widget situated on the left-hand side shows the “Active” or “Inactive” service status - The central widget shows the number of devices protected by Adaptive Defense. To add new devices, click the “Add computers” button, as explained in Chapter 4: Installation and start-up - The right-hand widget indicates the customer's computers which, having an Adaptive Defense Agent correctly installed, have not communicated with the server in the past 3, 7 and 30 days. 5.2. Security status of the IT infrastructure The central part of the Dashboard graphically represents the security status through 6 widgets that are updated in real time and show a particular aspect of the customer's network at a specific moment. You can click on each widget to obtain a detailed breakdown of data. All counters included in the Dashboard show the number of various unique threats or programs found in the customer's IT infrastructure in the period of time determined by the administrator. This means that if the same threat or vulnerable program is detected several times in different computers in the set period of time it will only be counted once. 31 Adaptive Defense Guide Use the filtering tool located at the top to change the time interval established for showing data: last day, last week, last month and last year. Disinfected threats or updated vulnerable programs do not disappear from the counters or dashboards in the chosen time interval; however, when choosing a time interval after the disinfection they will no longer be shown. 5.2.1. Malicious programs This widget shows the number of Malware threats found. It offers the following data: - Number of unique threats found in the customer's IT infrastructure - Run: Threats that were actually run on the user's computer - Access data: Threats found that access the user's files - Devices affected: Number of computers that contain malware - Outbound connection: Number of threats that access other computers to send or receive data 5.2.2. Under investigation at our lab 32 Adaptive Defense Guide This widget shows the unknown programs found in the customer's network whose preliminary analysis has revealed suspicious behavior, although they have yet to be definitively classified by Panda Security technicians. These programs are classified as goodware or malware within 24 hours. It offers the following data: - Number of suspicious programs that are being analyzed in Panda Security’s laboratory, and which were found after the installation and start-up of the Adaptive Defense service - Run: Potentially dangerous programs that were actually run on the user's computer - Access data: Potentially dangerous programs found that access the user's files - Devices affected: Number of computers that contain potentially dangerous programs - Outbound connection: Number of potentially dangerous programs that access other computers to send or receive data 5.2.3. Vulnerable programs This widget shows the number of programs that contain any vulnerability that can be exploited by malware and PUPs to infect computers in the customer's network. - Number of programs that contain some type of vulnerability that can be exploited by malware and PUPs, and which were found after the installation and start-up of the Adaptive Defense service - Run: Vulnerable programs that were actually used on the user's computer 33 Adaptive Defense Guide - Access data: Vulnerable programs found that access the user's files - Devices affected: Number of computers that have vulnerable programs installed - Outbound connection: Number of vulnerable programs that access other remote computers to send or receive data 5.2.4. Potentially Unwanted Programs This widget shows PUPS (Potentially Unwanted Programs) found in the customer's network. It offers the following data: - Number of potentially dangerous programs found after the installation and start-up of the Adaptive Defense service - Run: Potentially dangerous programs that were actually run on the user's computer - Access data: Potentially dangerous programs found that access the user's files - Devices affected: Number of computers that contain potentially dangerous programs - Outbound connection: Number of potentially dangerous programs that access remote computers to send or receive data 5.2.5. Top Risk Users 34 Adaptive Defense Guide This widget shows the four network users whose devices have a higher risk of infection. For this, the four concepts previously seen and grouped by user are displayed: - Number of Malicious programs - Number of Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP) - Number of Under investigation at our lab programs - Number of Vulnerable programs 5.2.6. Top Risk Computers 35 Adaptive Defense Guide This widget shows the four computers in the network with highest risk of infection. For this, the four concepts previously seen and grouped by computers are displayed: - Number of Malicious programs - Number of Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP) - Number of Potentially malicious programs - Number of Vulnerable programs 5.3. Detailed activity reports of threats Reports and detailed lists of the malware or vulnerable software found in the customer's network are displayed by clicking on the various Dashboard panels. You can order the content of all the tables displayed by clicking on the header fields, and at the bottom there is a pagination system for easier browsing. 5.3.1. Malicious programs A list of the threats found in computers protected with Adaptive Defense is shown in this report. The search tool is located at the top: The filter (1) restricts the search indicated in the textbox (2) situated to the right of the selected field: 36 Adaptive Defense Guide All: The search string will be applied to the Computer, Name and Date fields Computer: The search string will be applied to the computer name Name: The search string will be applied to the Malware name Date: The search string will be applied to the date of detection The filter (3) shows the threats that meet the selected criteria Executed: The Malware was executed and the computer is infected Not Executed: Malware detected by the vulnerability protection Blocked: Malware known by Adaptive Defense and blocked Allowed: Malware known by Adaptive Defense but its execution is allowed as it is included in the Exceptions tab of the Settings menu. Access to data files: The malware accessed the disk to collect information from the computer, or to create files and resources necessary for its execution Communications: The malware opened communication sockets with any machine, including localhost The table fields are as follows: - Computer: Computer where the detection took place - Name: Name of the malware - Path: Full path where the infected file resides - Run: The malware was run and the computer might be infected - Accesses data: Indicates whether the threat sends or receives data from other computers. - Establishes an outbound connection: The threat has communicated with remote computers to send or receive data. - Date: Date when the malware was detected in the computer 5.3.2. Under investigation at our lab This report shows a list of those files in which, without their classification having been completed, Adaptive Defense has preliminarily detected some risk. The search tool is located at the top: The filter (2) allows you to restrict the search indicated in the textbox (1) indicating the likelihood of the potentially malicious program actually being a threat: Medium 37 Adaptive Defense Guide High Very high The table fields are as follows: - Name: Name of the malware - Run on (computers): Number of computers that ran the potentially dangerous program. Click on the number to obtain a list of computers with their name and the potentially dangerous file path. Click on each computer name to display the machine information. - Not run (computers): Number of computers in which Adaptive Defense found the potentially dangerous program but it was not actually run. Click on the number to obtain a list of computers with their name and the potentially dangerous file path. Click on each computer name to display the machine information. - Accesses data: Indicates whether the threat sends or receives data from other computers. - Establishes an outbound connection: The threat has communicated with remote computers to send or receive data. - Likelihood of being malicious: Very high, High, Medium 38 Adaptive Defense Guide 5.3.3. Vulnerable programs This report shows a list of those programs that contain known vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malware and advanced threats for infecting the computer. The search tool is located at the top: The table fields are as follows: - Name: Name of the program considered vulnerable - Version: Full path where the infected file resides - Vendor: The company that created the infected software - Run on (computers): Number of computers that ran the program considered vulnerable. Click on the number to obtain a list of computers with their name. Click on each computer name to display the machine information. - Not run (computers): Number of computers in which Adaptive Defense found the program considered vulnerable but it was not actually run. Click on the number to obtain a list of computers with their name. Click on each computer name to display the machine information. 5.3.4. Potentially Unwanted Programs A list of the PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) found in the computers protected with Adaptive Defense is shown in this report. A search tool is found at the top: The filter (1) restricts the search indicated in the textbox (2) situated to the right of the selected field: All: The search string will be applied to the Computer, Name and Date fields Computer: The search string will be applied to the computer name Name: The search string will be applied to the PUP name Date: The search string will be applied to the date of detection The filter (3) shows the threats that meet the selected criteria Executed: The PUP was executed and the computer is infected 39 Adaptive Defense Guide Not Executed: PUP detected by the vulnerability protection Blocked: PUP known by Adaptive Defense and blocked Allowed: PUP known by Adaptive Defense but its execution is allowed by the system administrator. Access to data files: The PUP accessed the disk to collect information from the computer or to create files and resources necessary for its execution Communications: The PUP opened communication sockets with other machines, including localhost The table fields are as follows: - Computer: Computer where the detection took place - Name: Name of the PUP - Path: Full path where the PUP file resides - Run: The PUP was run and the computer might be infected - Accesses data: Indicates whether the PUP sends or receives data from other computers. - Establishes an outbound connection: The PUP has communicated with remote computers to send or receive data. - Date: Date when the PUP was detected in the computer 5.3.5. Top Risk Users This report shows a list ordered by importance of network users with the most threats found in their computer. The report table fields are as follows: - User: User associated with the process run - Malicious programs: Number of malicious programs run by the user - Potentially malicious programs: Number of potentially malicious programs run by the user - Vulnerable programs: Number of programs considered vulnerable and used by the user - Potentially unwanted programs: Number of PUPs run by the user 5.3.6. Top Risk Computers This report shows a list of all computers audited in the network. The report table fields are as follows: 40 Adaptive Defense Guide - Computer: Audited computer. Click on the name to display information about the computer. - Malicious programs: Number of malicious programs run on the computer - Potentially malicious programs: Number of potentially malicious programs run on the computer - Vulnerable programs: Number of programs considered vulnerable and used on the computer - Potentially unwanted programs: Number of PUPs run on the computer - Last connection: Timestamp of the last connection of the computer to the Adaptive Defense server 5.4. Executive report There is a button at the top of the Dashboard to create an executive report. This report summarizes all information shown on the Dashboard and in the reports, ready for download in PDF format or printing. 41 Adaptive Defense Guide 6. Configuration of behavior Classified programs Unclassified programs 42 Adaptive Defense Guide 6. Configuration of Adaptive Defense behavior Adaptive Defense is a managed service which frees the network administrator from most of the workload associated with products based on white/black lists and exceptions. In this way, Panda Security automatically classifies the security of all processes run on each of the customer's computers, without requiring any manual intervention. Adaptive Defense's behavior is configurable for two groups of programs: For classified programs For unclassified programs The network administrator must request from Panda Security any change in configuration of Adaptive Defense's behavior that it considers appropriate, depending on the use of their company's IT devices. 6.1. Classified programs Programs known by Adaptive Defense are classified as goodware or malware. Depending on the classification of the program attempting to be run, the default action will be: Goodware: The service allows the program or process to run Malware: By default, the service prevents the program or process from running. 6.1.1. Running specific programs classified as malware Whenever the user needs to use any program classified as malware or an unwanted program (hacking tools, browser bars, etc.), it may be advisable to allow its controlled running even if Adaptive Defense has classified it as a potential threat. 6.2. Unclassified programs More than 99% of the programs found in user computers are classified in Adaptive Defense; however, those not yet classified can be run or temporarily blocked until their classification. If blocked, Adaptive Defense informs the user of the reason for the block, enables conditional execution depending on the decision made by the user, or for the program to be blocked silently. The classification process is a continuous task on the Adaptive Defense servers. Afterr a brief period of time, the programs blocked initially for not having a classification can be run if Adaptive Defense has determined that they are legitimate. 43 Adaptive Defense Guide 6.2.1. Audit mode In audit mode, Adaptive Defense only reports threats detected but does not block the malware found. This mode is useful for testing the security solution and to ensure that product installation does not compromise the proper functioning of the computer. 6.2.2. Blocking mode for programs being classified (Extended Mode) In environments where security is a priority and in order to offer fully guaranteed protection, Adaptive Defense must be configured in Extended Mode to block the running of software that is being classified. This will ensure that only legitimate software is run. When configuring this operating mode on computers or servers where the software changes regularly, these programs will not be allowed to run until they are classified. The classification process is instantaneous on some occasions although on others it will be automatically performed on our BigData platform in a matter of minutes. If the program is particularly complex, the classification task is carried out by experts, normally in less than 24 hours. For this reason, this mode is recommended for computers and servers where new software is not usually installed. Adaptive Defense can be configured so that the Extended Mode asks the computer user if they want to allow or not the running of programs being classified. This mode involves the risk of the end user allowing the running of malware, believing it to be legitimate software; that is why its configuration is only recommended in computers managed by advanced users. 6.2.3. Limited execution mode for programs being classified (Deep Hardening mode) In Deep Hardening Mode, unknown programs already installed on the user's computer can be run although their actions will be sent to the Adaptive Defense Server for analysis. To prevent zeroday and similar type attacks, unknown programs from outside the network (Internet, email, etc.) will be blocked until they have been classified. Once a sufficient amount of evidence has been collected and used, Adaptive Defense will classify these programs as goodware or malware, creating an alert in the latter case for the administrator for subsequent forensic analysis. Once programs from outside the network have been classified, their entry and running will be allowed or blocked depending on the classification (goodware or malware) received. Deep Hardening Mode is recommended in environments where there are constant changes in the software installed on users' computers, or where many unknown programs are run, such as proprietary programs. In these scenarios, it may not be viable to wait for Adaptive Defense to learn from them to classify them. 44 Adaptive Defense Guide 6.2.4. Complete execution mode for programs being classified (Hardening mode) Unknown programs can be run in Hardening mode, although Adaptive Defense will always collect evidence until completing their classification. After the program has been classified, the Agent will block it if it turns out to be malware, generating an alert for the administrator for subsequent forensic analysis in order to assess the impact on the company. 45 Adaptive Defense Guide 7. Forensic analysis and attack prevention Deep Hardening mode and infection by unknown malware Forensic analysis and attack prevention Interpretation of action tables and activity graphs 46 Adaptive Defense Guide 7. Forensic analysis and attack prevention Adaptive Defense is a managed service that adapts to the particular application ecosystem of each company. The protection it provides makes it possible to classify 100% of the software used by each customer; however, it is possible that security incidents related to the configuration mode chosen by the network administrator or due to infections prior to the start-up of the service may arise. 7.1. Deep Hardening mode and infection by unknown malware In Deep Hardening mode, it is possible that some of the programs unknown to Adaptive Defense and which reside on the user's computer might be run, so if the program contained malware the computer could be compromised. Adaptive Defense will classify unknown programs when it has sufficient evidence, generally within the first 24 hours after the program is first run, generating an alert for the administrator, and blocking from that moment the program classified as a threat. 7.2. Forensic analysis and prevention of attacks from infected computers When the customer's network has been infected, it needs to be determined to what extent it has been compromised and how to protect it from future attacks. New-generation malware is characterized by going undetected for long periods of time, taking advantage of this to access sensitive data or company intellectual property. Its objective is economic gain, either through blackmail by encrypting company documents or selling the information obtained to the competition, among other strategies common to these types of attacks. Whatever the case, it is vital to determine the actions that triggered the malware on the network in order to take appropriate measures. Adaptive Defense is able to continuously monitor all actions triggered by threats and store them to show their path, from their initial appearance in the network until their neutralization. Adaptive Defense displays this type of information in two ways: through tables of actions and graphs. 7.2.1. Forensic analysis through action tables The action tables are visible from the Malicious programs and Under Investigation at our lab reports by clicking any column in the table, apart from the Computer column, which will open a dialogue with information on the selected computer. Click on any other column to display a drop-down panel with the content of the action table. 47 Adaptive Defense Guide The fields included to generally describe the threat are: Path: Path of the executable file that contains the malware. Dwell time: Time that the threat has remained in the system. User: Name of the user who launched the process classified as Malware or PUP. MD5: Adaptive Defense shows the malware hash that it will use for later reference in VirusTotal or Google through the Search in Google and Search in VirusTotal buttons Life cycle of the malware in the computer: This is a table that details each of the actions triggered by the threat. In the table of actions for the threat, only relevant events are included because the amount of actions triggered by a process is so high that it would prevent the extraction of useful information for a forensic analysis. The table content is initially presented in date order, making it easier to follow the development of the threat. The fields included in the action table are detailed below: Date: Date of the action Times: Number of times the action was run. A single action run several times consecutively only appears once in the list of actions with the times field updated. Action: Action implemented. Below is a list of actions that can appear in this field: - File Download - Socket Used - Accesses Data - Executed By - Execute - Created By - Create - Modified By - Modify - Loaded By - Load - Installed By - Install - Mapped By - Map - Deleted By - Delete - Renamed By - Rename 48 Adaptive Defense Guide - Stopped By - Stops Process - Remote Thread Created By - Creates Remote Thread - Stops Process: - Remote Thread Created By - Creates Remote Thread - Opened Comp By - Open Comp - Created Comp By - Create Comp - Creates Reg Key To Exe - Modifies Reg key To Exe Path/URL/Registry key/IP:port: This is the action entity. Depending on the type of action it can contain: - Registry key: For all actions that involve modifying the Windows registry - IP:port: For all actions that involve communicating with a local or remote computer - Path: For all actions that involve access to the computer hard disk - URL: For all actions that involve access to a URL File Hash/Registry Value/Protocol-Direction/Description: It is a field that complements the entity. Depending on the type of action it can contain: - File Hash: For all actions that involve access to a file - Registry Value: For all actions that involve access to the registry - Protocol-Direction: For all actions that involve communicating with a local or remote computer. The possible values are - TCP - UDP - Bidirectional - Unknown - Description Trusted: The file is digitally signed Subject and predicate in the actions To correctly understand the format used to present the information in the list of actions, a parallel needs to be drawn with the natural language: All actions have the file classified as malware as the subject. This subject is not indicated in each line of the action table because it is common throughout the table. 49 Adaptive Defense Guide All actions have a verb which relates the subject (the classified threat) with an object, called the entity. The entity is the Path/URL/Registry key/IP:port field of the table. The entity is complemented with a second field which adds information to the action, which is the Hash/Registry Value/Protocol-Direction/Description field. Here are two example actions of the same hypothetical malware: Date Times 3/30/2015 4:38:40 PM 1 Action Connects to Path/URL/Registry Hash/Registry Value/Protocol- key/IP:port … Direction/Description TCP-Bidirectional Trusted NO PROGRAM_FILES|\M 3/30/2015 4:38:40 PM 1 Loads OVIES 9994BF035813FE8EB6BC98EC TOOLBAR\SAFETYNUT CBD5B0E1 NO \SAFETYCRT.DLL The first action indicates that the malware (subject) connects (Action) to the IP address (entity) through the TCP-bidirectional protocol. The second action indicates that the malware (subject) loads (Action) the library PROGRAM_FILES|\MOVIES TOOLBAR\SAFETYNUT\SAFETYCRT.DLL with hash 9994BF035813FE8EB6BC98ECCBD5B0E1 As with the natural language, two types of sentences are implemented: Active: These are predicative actions (with a subject and predicate) related by an active verb. In these actions, the verb of the action relates the subject, which is always the process classified as a threat, and a direct object, the entity, which can be different actions. Passive: These are actions where the subject (the process classified as malware) becomes the passive subject (which receives rather than executes the action) and the verb is passive (to be + participle). In this case, the passive verb relates the passive subject which receives the action with the entity, which performs the action. Examples of active actions are: Connects to Loads Creates Examples of passive actions are: Is created by Downloaded from 50 Adaptive Defense Guide An example of a passive action is: Date Times Action Path/URL/Registry Hash/Registry Value/Protocol- key/IP:port … Direction/Description Trusted 3/30/ 2015 4:51:4 Is executed 1 by 7522F548A84ABAD8FA516DE5 WINDOWS|\explorer.exe AB3931EF NO 6 PM In this action, the malware (passive subject) is executed (passive action) by the WINDOWS|\explorer.exe program (entity) with hash 7522F548A84ABAD8FA516DE5AB3931EF Active type actions let you inspect in detail the steps taken by the malware. By contrast, passive type actions usually reflect the infection vector used by the malware (which process executed it, what process copied it to the user's computer, etc.) 7.2.2. Forensic analysis through execution graphs Execution graphs visually display the information shown in the action tables, emphasizing the temporal approach. The graphs are initially used to provide, at a glance, a general idea of the actions triggered by the threat. 51 Adaptive Defense Guide 7.2.3. Diagrams The string of actions in the execution graphs view is represented by two elements: Nodes: They mostly represent actions or information elements Lines and arrows: They unite the action and information nodes to establish a temporal order and assign each node the role of “subject” or “predicate”. 7.2.4. Nodes The nodes show the information through their associated icon, color and descriptive panel on the right of the screen when selected with the mouse. The color code used is as follows: - Red: Unreliable element, malware, threat. Orange: Unknown element, unclassified. Green: Reliable element, goodware. Listed below are the action type nodes with a brief description: Symbol Node Type Description Action - Downloaded file Compressed file created Action - Socket / communication used Action - Monitoring initiated Action - Process created Action - Executable file created Library created Key created in the registry Action - Modified executable file Modified registry key Action - Mapped executable file for write 52 Adaptive Defense Guide Action - Deleted executable file Action - Loaded library Action - Installed service - Renamed executable file - Stopped or closed process - Remotely created thread - Compressed file opened Action Action Action Action Listed below are the descriptive type nodes with a brief description: Symbol Node Type Description Final Node o o o File name and extension Green: Goodware Orange: Unclassified Red: Malware/PUP o o o Internal computer (it is in the corporate network) Green: Reliable Orange: Unknown Red: Unreliable o o o External computers Green: Reliable Orange: Unknown Red: Unreliable - Country associated with the IP address of an external computer Final Node Final Node Final Node 53 Adaptive Defense Guide Final Node - File and extension Final Node - Registry key 7.2.5. Lines and arrows The lines of the graphs relate the different nodes, and help to establish the order of the actions executed by the threat. The two attributes of a line are: Line thickness: The thickness of a line which joins two nodes indicates the number of occurrences that this relationship has had in the graph. The greater number of occurrences, the greater the size of the line. Arrow: Marks the direction of the relationship between the two nodes. 7.2.6. The timeline The timeline helps control the display of the string of actions carried out by the threat over time. Using the buttons at the bottom of the screen you can position yourself at the precise moment where the threat carried out a certain action and retrieve extended information that can help you in the forensic analysis processes. The timeline of the execution graphs looks like this: Initially, you can select a specific interval on the timeline dragging the interval selectors to the left or right to cover the timeframe of most interest to you. After selecting the timeframe, the graph will only show the actions and nodes that fall within that interval. The rest of the actions and nodes will be blurred on the graph. The actions of the threat are represented on the timeline as vertical bars accompanied by the timestamp, which marks the hour and minute where they occurred. 54 Adaptive Defense Guide 7.2.7. Zoom in and Zoom out The + and – buttons of the time bar let you zoom in or zoom out for higher resolution if there are many actions in a short time interval. 7.2.8. Timeline To view the full string of actions executed by a threat, the following controls are used: Start: Starts the execution of the timeline at a constant speed of x1. The graphs and lines of actions will appear while passing along the timeline. 1x: Establishes the speed of travelling along the timeline Stop: Stops the execution of the timeline + and -: Zoom in and zoom out of the timeline < and >: Moves the selection of the node to the immediately previous or subsequent node Initial zoom: Restores the initial zoom level if modified with the + and – buttons Select all nodes: Moves the time selectors to cover the whole timeline First node: Establishes the time interval at the start, a necessary step for initiating the display of the complete timeline. To display the full path of the timeline, first select “First node” and then “Start”. To set the travel speed, select the button 1x. 7.2.9. Filters The controls for filtering the information shown are at the top of the graph. The filter criteria available are: Action: Drop-down menu which lets you select a type of action from all those executed by the threat. This way, the graph only shows the nodes that match the type of action selected and those adjacent nodes associated with this action. 55 Adaptive Defense Guide Entity: Drop-down menu which lets you choose an entity (Path/URL/Registry key/IP:port field content) 7.2.10. Movement of nodes and general zoom To move the graph in four directions and zoom in or zoom out, you can use the controls in the top right of the graph. To zoom in and zoom out more easily, you can use the mouse scroll wheel. The X symbol allows you to exit the graph view. If you would rather hide the timeline buttons zone to leave more space on the screen for the graph, you can select the symbol situated in the bottom right of the graph. Finally, the behavior of the graph when presented on screen or dragged by one of its nodes can be configured using the panel shown below, accessible by selecting the button in the top left of the graph. 56 Adaptive Defense Guide 7.3. Interpretation of the action tables and activity graphs Certain technical knowledge is required to correctly interpret the action tables and activity graphs, as both resources are representations of the dumping of evidence collected, which must be interpreted by the company's network administrator. In this chapter, some basic interpretation guidelines are offered through various real malware examples. The name of the threats indicated here can vary among different security providers. You should use the hash ID to identify specific malware. 7.3.1. Example 1: Display of actions executed by the malware Trj/OCJ.A Essential information about the malware found is included in the table shown in Malicious programs. In this case the important data is as follows: Date: 06/04/2015 3:21:36 Computer: XP-BARCELONA1 Name: Trj/OCJ.A Status: Executed MD5: EEEEEEEEDDDD Path: TEMP|\Rar$EXa0.946\ Computer status The malware status is Executed due to the fact that the Adaptive Defense mode configured was Deep hardening: the malware already resided in the computer when Adaptive Defense was installed and was unknown at the time of its execution. Hash The hash string can be used to obtain more information on sites such as VirusTotal to gain a general idea of the threat and how it works. Malware path: The path where the malware was detected for the first time on the computer belongs to a temporary directory and contains the RAR string, so it comes from a RAR file temporarily uncompressed in the directory, and which gave the executable file as the result. Action table 57 Adaptive Defense Guide Step Date Action Path 1 3:17:00 Created by PROGRAM_FILES|\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe 2 03:17:01 Executed by PROGRAM_FILES|\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe 3 03:17:13 Create TEMP|\bassmod.dll 4 03:17:34 Create PROGRAM_FILES|\Adobe\ACROBAT 11.0\Acrobat\AMTLIB.DLL.BAK 5 03:17:40 Modify PROGRAM_FILES|\Adobe\ACROBAT 11.0\Acrobat\amtlib.dll 6 03:17:40 Delete PROGRAM_FILES|\ADOBE\ACROBAT 11.0\ACROBAT\AMTLIB.DLL.BAK 7 03:17:41 Create PROGRAM_FILES|\Adobe\ACROBAT 11.0\Acrobat\ACROBAT.DLL.BAK 8 03:17:42 Modify PROGRAM_FILES|\Adobe\ACROBAT 11.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.dll 9 03:17:59 Execute PROGRAM_FILES|\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Steps 1 and 2 indicate that the malware was uncompressed by WinRar.Exe and executed from the same program: the user opened the compressed file and clicked on its binary. Once it is executed in step 3, the malware creates a DLL file (bassmod.dll) in a temporary folder and another (step 4) in the installation directory of the Adobe Acrobat 11 program. In step 5 it also modifies an Adobe DLL file, to take advantage perhaps of some type of program exploit. After modifying other DLL files, it launches an instance of Chrome which is when the timeline finishes; Adaptive Defense classifies the program as a threat after that string of suspicious actions, and has stopped its execution. In the timeline no actions appear on the registry, so it is very likely that the malware is not persistent or has not been executed up to that point to survive a restart of the computer. The Adobe Acrobat 11 program has been compromised so a reinstallation is recommended; However, thanks to the fact that Adaptive Defense monitors both goodware and malware executable files, the execution of a compromised program will be detected when it triggers dangerous actions, and ultimately be blocked. 7.3.2. Example 2: Communication with external computers in BetterSurf BetterSurf is a potentially unwanted program that modifies the browser installed in the user's computer and injects ads in the Web pages that it visits. Essential information about the malware found is included in the table shown in Potentially Unwanted Programs. In this case the important data is as follows: Date: 30/03/2015 Computer: MARTA-CAL Name: PUP/BetterSurf Path: PROGRAM_FILES|\VER0BLOCKANDSURF\N4CD190.EXE Dwell time: 11 days 22 hours 9 minutes 46 seconds 58 Adaptive Defense Guide Dwell time In this case, the exposure time was very long: for almost 12 days the malware was dormant on the customer's network. This is increasingly normal behavior and may be for various reasons: perhaps because the malware has not carried out any suspicious action until very late or simply because the user downloaded the file but did not execute it at the time. Action table Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Date 08/03/2015 11:16 18/03/2015 11:16 18/03/2015 11:16 18/03/2015 11:16 18/03/2015 11:16 18/03/2015 11:16 18/03/2015 11:17 18/03/2015 11:17 18/03/2015 11:17 Action Path / IP Hash / Protocol Created by TEMP|\08c3b650-e9e14f.exe EB0C9D2E28E1EE Executed by SYSTEM|\services.exe 953DF73048B8E8 Load PROGRAM_FILES|\VER0BLOF\N4Cd190.d ll CE44F5559FE618 Load SYSTEM|\BDL.dll D7D59CABE1270 Socket used 0-UnKnown Socket used 0-Bidrectional Socket used 0-Bidrectional Socket used 0-Bidrectional Socket used 0-Bidrectional Here it can be seen how the malware establishes communication with several different IP addresses. The first of them (step 5) is the computer itself and the rest are external IP addresses to which it connects via port 80 and from which the advertising content is probably downloaded. The main prevention measure in this case will be to block the IP addresses in the corporate firewall. Before adding rules to block IP addresses in the corporate firewall, you should consult the IP addresses to be blocked in the associated RIR (RIPE, ARIN, APNIC, etc.) to see the network of the provider to which they belong. In many cases the remote infrastructure used by the malware is shared with legitimate services housed in providers such as Amazon and similar, so blocking their IP addresses would be the same as blocking access to normal Web pages. 59 Adaptive Defense Guide 7.3.3. Example 3: Access to the registry with PasswordStealer.BT PasswordStealer.BT is a Trojan that records the user's activity in the computer and sends the information obtained to the exterior. Among other things, it is able to capture the user's screen, record the keystrokes and send files to a C&C (Command & Control) server. Essential information about the malware found is included in the table shown in Malicious programs. In this case, the important data is as follows: Path: APPDATA|\microsoftupdates\micupdate.exe Due to the name and location of the executable file, the malware poses as a Microsoft update. This particular malware is not able to infect computers by itself; it requires the user to execute the virus manually. Computer status The malware status is Executed due to the fact that the Adaptive Defense mode configured was Deep hardening: the malware already resided in the computer when Adaptive Defense was installed and was unknown at the time of its execution. Action table Step Date Action Path Path / Hash 1 31/03/201 5 23:29 Executed by PROGRAM_FILESX86|\internet explorer\iexplore.exe 7477021D17D781B24 2 31/03/201 5 23:29 Created by INTERNET_CACHE|\Content.IE5\QGV8PV8 0\ index[1].php C9D4C32DF27B3CDEF 3 31/03/201 5 23:30 Creates Reg Key To Exe \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5[...]95659\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion \Run?MicUpdate C:\Users\vig03\AppData \ Roaming\ MicrosoftUpdates\ MicUpdate.exe 4 31/03/201 5 23:30 Execute SYSTEMX86|\notepad.exe D378BFFB70864AA61C 5 31/03/201 5 23:30 Remote Thread Created by SYSTEMX86|\notepad.exe D378BFFB70864AA61C In this case, the malware is created in step 2 by a Web page and executed by the browser Internet Explorer. The order of actions has a granularity of 1 microsecond. For this reason several actions executed within the same microsecond may not appear in order in the timeline, as in step 1 and step 2. Once the malware has been executed, it becomes persistent in step 3 adding a branch in the registry branch that belongs to the user and which will launch the program in the system start-up. 60 Adaptive Defense Guide It then starts to execute malware actions such as starting a notepad and injecting code in one of its threads. As a remedial action in this case, and in the absence of a known disinfection method, you can minimize the impact of this malware by deleting the registry entry. It is quite possible that in an infected machine the malware prevents you from editing that entry; depending on the case, you would have to either start the computer in safe mode or with a bootable CD to delete that entry. 7.3.4. Example 4: Access to confidential data by Trj/Chgt.F Trj/Chgt.F was published by wikileaks at the end of 2014 as a tool used by government agencies in some countries for selective espionage. In this example, go directly to the action table to observe the behavior of this advanced threat. Action table Step Date Action Path Info 1 4/21/2015 2:17:47 PM Is executed by SYSTEMDRIVE|\Python2 7\pythonw.exe 9F20D976AFFFB2D0B9BE38 B476CB2053 2 4/21/2015 2:18:01 PM Accesses Data #.XLS Office Excel document access 3 4/21/2015 2:18:01 PM Accesses Data #.DOC Office Word document access 4 4/21/2015 2:18:01 PM Creates TEMP|\doc.scr 4DBD8393522CD5DA7364 ACEA35E80719 5 4/21/2015 2:18:01 PM Executes TEMP|\doc.scr 4DBD8393522CD5DA7364 ACEA35E80719 6 4/21/2015 2:18:37 PM Executes PROGRAM_FILES|\Micro soft Office\Office12\WINW ORD.EXE CEAA5817A65E914AA178B 28F12359A46 7 4/21/2015 8:58:02 PM Connects to TCP-Bidirectional The malware is initially executed by the Python interpreter (step 1) to later access an Excel and Word document (steps 2 and 3). In step 4, a file with an SCR extension is executed, probably a screensaver with some type of fault or error that causes an anomalous situation on the computer and which might be exploited by the malware. A TCP type connection occurs in step 7. The IP address is private so it would be connecting to the customer's network. 61 Adaptive Defense Guide In this case, the content of the files accessed must be checked to assess the loss of information, although looking at the timeline the information accessed in principle has not been extracted from the customer's network. Adaptive Defense will automatically block subsequent executions of the malware in that customer and in other customers. 62 Adaptive Defense Guide 8. Analysis of knowledge and advanced searches Access to the LogTrust environment Description of the Adaptive Defense tables 63 Adaptive Defense Guide 8. Analysis of knowledge and advanced searches The LogTrust environment is an optional module of Adaptive Defense. If you do not have access to this environment contact your sales rep. Logtrust is a real-time service on complementary accumulated knowledge which imports and automatically analyzes in real time all information generated by Adaptive Defense. Logtrust facilitates information searches on the safety of the customer's IT resources and helps generate colorful graphics to interpret the data registered by the Adaptive Defense Agents. This chapter will show in detail the organizational scheme designed to store the information generated by Adaptive Defense and the procedures necessary to use this information. The objective of the Logtrust platform is to complement the information offered by Adaptive Defense when it comes to establishing new remediation protocols and look closely at the forensic analysis techniques shown in chapter 7. The Logtrust environment has an online help accessible from the top panel Help. 8.1. Access to the Logtrust environment To access the Logtrust environment you need to select the Advanced Search link on the Adaptive Defense Dashboard. After accessing it, the preconfigured environment will be displayed with the Dashboard shown in the Adaptive Defense console. 8.2. Description of the Adaptive Defense tables Adaptive Defense sends all the information collected from the Agents installed in the customer's computers to the Logtrust service, which will organize it into easy-to-read tables. Each line of a table is an event supervised by Adaptive Defense. The tables contain a series of specific fields as well as common fields that appear in all of them, and which offer information such as when the event occurred, the machine where it was registered, its IP address, etc. Many fields use prefixes that help refer to the information shown. The two most used prefixes are: 64 Adaptive Defense Guide Parent: The fields that begin with the Parent tag (parentPath, parentHash, parentCompany…) reflect the content of a characteristic or attribute of the parent process. Child: The fields that begin with the Child tag (childPath, childHash, childCompany…) reflect the content of a characteristic or attribute of a child process created by the parent process. Besides these prefixes in many fields and values, abbreviations are also used; knowing their meaning helps interpret the field in question: Sig: Signature (digital signature) Exe: Executable Prev: Prevalence Mw: Malware Sec: seconds Op: Operation Cat: Category PUP: Potential Unwanted Program Ver: Version SP: Service Pack Cfg: Configuration Svc: Service Op: Operation PE: Executable Program Cmp and comp: Compressed Dst: Destination Listed below are the available tables indicating the type of information they contain and their specific fields. 8.2.1. Alert Table This table contains a line for each threat detected in the customer's network with information on the computer involved, the type of alert, the timestamp and the result of the alert. Name Explanation Values eventdate Date of the event in the customer's machine Date 65 Adaptive Defense Guide machineIP IP address of the customer's machine that triggered the alert IP address date Date when the event is received in the Adaptive Defense server Date alertType Category of the threat that triggered the alert Malware, PUP machineName Name of the customer's machine String version Version of the Adaptive Defense Agent installed on the machine x.x.x executionStatus The threat was executed or not executed Executed or Not Executed dwellTimeSecs Time in seconds from the first time the threat was seen in the customer's network Seconds itemHash Hash of the known threat String itemName Name of the known threat String itemPath Complete path of the file that contains the threat String Thanks to the information contained in this table, it is very simple to obtain statistics from the most infected computers: 10 most attacked and infected computers A simple list can be obtained of the 10 most attacked computers by clicking on the header of the machineName or machineIP column. 66 Adaptive Defense Guide This list spans from the first moment when Adaptive Defense starts to work in the customer; if you want to reduce the range you can simply narrow the interval with the Search limits controls. These limits include both malware blocking and executions; if you want to only show infected computers, you will need to add a filter by clicking on the icon in the toolbar. You will also need to configure a data filter using the executionStatus field and equaling to Executed, as shown in the image. 67 Adaptive Defense Guide 10 most viewed threats Similarly, by clicking on the itemHash or itemName columns you can display quick statistics on the 10 most viewed threats on the customer's network. Another way of obtaining far more visual information is to generate a graph of the most viewed malware. The name of the malware is shown on the coordinate axis and the number of occurrences on the abscissa axis. For this, you need to follow the steps below: Add an aggrupation to the itemName field without any time limit (No temporal aggrupation) Add a counter function to determine how many occurrences there are in each itemName group. 68 Adaptive Defense Guide Add a filter to determine the aggrupation of 2 or fewer occurrences. This will clean the graphic of those threats that have only been viewed twice Add a Chart Aggregation type graphic and use the Count column as a parameter. In this point there is already a list of alerts grouped by threat and with the number of occurrences for each threat. You can build a simple graph with this data: 69 Adaptive Defense Guide Other useful information There are several interesting fields in the Alerts table that can be used to extract valuable information on the attacks received on the customer's network: Eventdate: Grouping by this field you can see the number of daily attacks and determine if there is an ongoing epidemic. dwellTimeSecs: This field provides the detection window of the threats received, i.e. the time from when the threat was first seen in the customer's network to its classification. itemHash: Given that the name of the threat varies among security providers, the hash field can be used to group threats instead of the itemName. This also helps to distinguish malware that is labelled with the same name. 8.2.2. Drivers Table This table includes all operations performed on drivers that are detected in processes executed in the user's computers. Name Explanation Values eventdate Date of the event in the customer's machine Date serverdate Date when the event is received in the Adaptive Defense server Date machine Name of the customer's machine String machineIp IP address of the customer's machine IP address ver Version of the Adaptive Defense Agent String user Username of the process that performs the registered operation on the driver String Internal identifier of the customer's computer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Operation performed by the process on the Open driver Creation hash Hash / digest of the file String driveType Type of drive where the process that triggered the registered operation on the driver resides Fixed, Remote, Removable path Path of the process that triggered the registered operation on the driver String validSig Digitally signed process Boolean company Content of the Company attribute of the process metadata String imageType Internal architecture of the executable file EXEx32, EXEx64, DLLx32, DLLx64 muid op 70 Adaptive Defense Guide exeType Type of executable file Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown prevalence Historical prevalence in Panda Security systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM prevLastDay Previous day prevalence in Panda Security systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM cat Category of the file that performed the operation on the driver Goodware, Malware, PUP, mwName Name of the malware if the file is classified as String, (Null if the element is not a threat Malware) Type of drive where the driver that receives the registered operation resides Fixed, Remote, Removable serviceDriveType servicePath Path of the driver that received the registered operation Unknown, Monitoring String This table indicates the operations carried out by all the processes on the drivers installed. Since the malware which creates or modifies drivers is considered particularly dangerous because it attacks basic elements of the system, the ideal solution in this case is to filter the Cat field and discard anything that is classified as “Goodware” or “Monitoring”. 8.2.3. Filesdwn Table This table contains information on the downloading of data via HTTP by processes seen in the customer's network (URL, downloaded file data, computers that performed the downloading, etc.). Name Explanation Values eventdate Date of the event on the customer's machine Date 71 Adaptive Defense Guide serverdate Date when the event is received in the Adaptive Defense server Date machine Name of the customer's machine String machineIP IP address of the customer's machine IP address ver Version of the Adaptive Defense Agent String muid Internal identifier of the customer's computer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx type Type of file downloaded Zip, Exe, Cab, Rar url Download URL URI resource hash Digest / hash of the downloaded file String validSig Digitally signed downloaded file Boolean company Content of the Company attribute of the downloaded file metadata String imageType Internal architecture of the downloaded file EXEx32, EXEx64, DLLx32, DLLx64 exeType Type of executable of the downloaded file Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown prevalence Historical prevalence in Panda Security systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM prevLastDay Previous day prevalence in Panda Security systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM cat Category of the downloaded file mwName Name of the malware if the downloaded file is String, (Null if the element is not classified as a threat Malware) Goodware, Malware, PUP, Unknown, Monitoring Since this table shows all downloads of network users irrespective of whether they are malware or goodware, apart from locating with a simple filter the download information in the case of malware, it will also be possible to graphically display the domains that receive most downloads. 72 Adaptive Defense Guide Domains that receive most downloads To show this type of information, you need to use the content of the url field to clean the part of the string not of interest to you and end up with the domain. Create a new column with the Split field set to url. Group by different url and select No temporal aggrupation Add a count type aggregation column. 73 Adaptive Defense Guide This results in a list for each grouped domain and the number of occurrences of each domain within each group. With this information you can easily obtain a graph with the most visited domains for download. In this case a pie chart, simpler to interpret for the type of information shown here. For this, prefilter the aggrupations of 10 or fewer occurrences to be able to look in more detail at the rest of the domains. In pie charts, the different sections are active, so when you pass the mouse over them they show the percentages and name of the series represented. Other useful information Similarly, other fields can be combined to enrich or filter the lists and obtain more refined tables. You can use: Machine or machineIP: Grouping these fields you can see the computers in the customer's network that start the most downloads. 74 Adaptive Defense Guide Cat: Filtering by this field you can clear the table and only show what is classified as malware. You can therefore obtain domains considered as malware emitters to block them in a firewall enabling layer 7 analysis. 8.2.4. Hook table This table contains all tasks in which hooks were created or used in the user's system Name Explanation Values eventdate Date of the event in the customer's machine Date serverdate Date when the event is received in the Adaptive Defense server Date machine Name of the customer's machine String machineIP IP address of the customer's machine IP address ver Version of the Adaptive Defense Agent String user Process username String Internal identifier of the customer's xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx muid hooktype hash computer Type of hook made by the process Digest of the process that made the hook in the system Keyboard_ll, mouse_ll, keyboard, mouse String driveType Type of drive where the process that makes the hook resides Fixed, Remote, Removable path Path of the process that makes the hook String validSig Process that makes the digitally signed hook Boolean company Content of the Company attribute in the metadata of the process that makes the hook String imageType Architecture of the file that makes the hook EXEx32, EXEx64, DLLx32, DLLx64 exeType Type of executable file of the process that makes the hook Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown 75 Adaptive Defense Guide prevalence Historical prevalence in the Panda Security systems of the process that makes the hook HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM prevLastDay Previous day prevalence in Panda Security systems of the process that makes the hook HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM cat Category of the process that makes the hook in the system Goodware, Malware, PUP, mwName Name of the malware if the process that makes the hook in the system is classified as a threat Unknown, Monitoring String, (Null if the element is not malware) hookPEhash Digest / hash of the hooked process String Fixed, Remote, Removable Hook Type of drive where the hooked process resides hookPEpath Path of the hooked process String hookPEvalidSig Digitally signed hooked process Boolean hookPEcompany hookPEimageType Content of the Company attribute in the metadata of the hooked process Internal architecture of the hooked process file String EXEx32, EXEx64, DLLx32, DLLx64 Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, hookPEexeType Type of executable file of the hooked CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, process Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown hookPEprevalence Historical prevalence in Panda Security’s systems of the hooked process HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM hookPEprevLastDay Previous day prevalence in Panda Security’s systems of the hooked process HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM hookPEcat Category of the hooked process hookPEmwName Name of the malware if the hooked process is classified as a threat Goodware, Malware, PUP, Unknown, Monitoring String 76 Adaptive Defense Guide This table shows the operations carried out by all the processes that make hooks. Since the malware that performs this type of operation is considered particularly dangerous because it intercepts communications, the ideal solution in this case is to filter the Cat field and discard anything that is classified as “Goodware” or “Monitoring”. 8.2.5. Install Table This table contains all the information generated in the installation of the Adaptive Defense Agents in the customer's machines. Name Explanation Values eventdate Date of the event in the customer's machine Date serverdate Date when the event is received in the Adaptive Defense server Date machine Name of the customer's machine String machineIP IP address of the customer's machine IP address machineIP1 IP address of an additional network card if it is installed IP address machineIP2 IP address of an additional network card if it is installed IP address machineIP3 IP address of an additional network card if it is installed IP address machineIP4 IP address of an additional network card if it is installed IP address machineIP5 IP address of an additional network card if it is installed IP address ver Version of the Adaptive Defense Agent String op Operation performed Install, Uninstall, Upgrade osVer Operating System version String osSP Service Pack version String osPlatform Operating System platform WIN32, WIN64 Agent uninstall Apart from the graphs shown in the Adaptive Defense Dashboard on the versions of the agents installed or uninstalled, it can be very useful to quickly locate computers that have uninstalled their agent in a given time period. 77 Adaptive Defense Guide For this, you need to select the date and simply add a filter to the op field to select all the rows that have the “Uninstall” string. With this operation you can obtain a list of all the machines whose protection has been uninstalled and are vulnerable to threats. 8.2.6. Monitoredopen Table This table contains the data files accessed by the applications executed in the user's computer and the processes that accessed the data. Name Explanation Values eventdate Date of the event on the customer's machine Date serverdate Date when the event is received in the Adaptive Defense server Date machine Name of the customer's machine String machineIP IP address of the customer's machine IP address ver Version of the Adaptive Defense Agent String user Process username String muid Internal identifier of the customer's computer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx parentHash Digest / hash of the file that accesses data String parentPath Path of the process that accesses data String parentValidSig Process that accesses digitally signed data Boolean parentCompany Content of the Company attribute in the metadata of the file that accesses data String parentBroken The file that accesses data is corrupted/defective Boolean parentImageType Type of internal architecture of the file that accesses data EXEx32, EXEx64, DLLx32, DLLx64 parentExeType Type of executable file that accesses data Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown parentPrevalence Historical prevalence of the file that accesses data in Panda Security’s systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM parentPrevLastDay Previous day prevalence of the file that accesses data in Panda Security’s systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM parentCat Category of the file that accesses data Goodware, Malware, PUP, 78 Adaptive Defense Guide Unknown, Monitoring parentMWName parentPid Name of the malware if the file that accesses String, (Null if the element is not data is classified as a threat malware) ID number of the process that accesses data in the customer's computer childPath String Name of the data file accessed by the process. By default only the file extension is indicated to String preserve the privacy of the customer's data loggedUser User logged on the computer at the time of file access String Access to user's documents This table shows the access to files of all processes executed in the user's computer, it is quite simple to locate an information leak in case of infection. Filtering by the parentCat field to distinguish goodware from the rest of the possibilities, you can obtain a list of accesses to data files by processes that are unclassified or classified as malware. This way, you can see at a glance the impact of data leakage and take the necessary measures. 8.2.7. Notblocked Table This table includes a record for each element that Adaptive Defense has not analyzed due to exceptional situations such as a timeout of the service on the endpoint, configuration changes, etc. Name Explanation Values eventdate Date of the event in the customer's machine Date serverdate Date when the event is received in the Adaptive Defense server Date machine Name of the customer's machine String machineIP IP address of the customer's machine IP address ver Version of the Adaptive Defense Agent String user Process username String 79 Adaptive Defense Guide muid Internal identifier of the customer's computer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx parentHash Digest / hash of the parent file String parentValidSig Digitally signed parent process Boolean parentCompany Content of the Company attribute in the parent process metadata String parentBroken The parent file is corrupted Boolean parentImageType Internal architecture of the parent process EXEx32, EXEx64, DLLx32, DLLx64 parentExeType Type of executable file of the parent process Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown parentPrevalence Historical prevalence in Panda Security’s systems of the parent process HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM parentPrevLastDay Previous day prevalence in Panda Security’s systems of the parent process HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM parentCat Category of the parent file ParentmwName Name of the malware if the parent string, (Null if the element is not file is classified as a threat malware) childHash Digest / hash of the child file String childValidSig Digitally signed child process Boolean childCompany Content of the Company attribute of the child process metadata String childBroken The child file is corrupted Boolean childImageType Internal architecture of the child process EXEx32, EXEx64, DLLx32, DLLx64 childExeType Type of executable file of the child process Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown Goodware, Malware, PUP, Unknown, Monitoring 80 Adaptive Defense Guide childPrevalence Historical prevalence in Panda Security’s systems of the child file HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM childPrevLastDay Previous day prevalence in Panda Security’s systems of the child file HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM childCat Category of the child process childmwName cfgSvcLevel Goodware, Malware, PUP, Unknown, Monitoring Name of the malware if the child file String, (Null if the element is not is classified as a threat malware) Learning: The agent enables the execution of unknown processes Hardening: The agent prevents the execution of processes classified as threats Block: The agent prevents the execution of processes classified as threats and unknown processes Learning: The agent enables the execution of unknown processes Hardening: The agent prevents the execution of processes classified as threats Block: The agent prevents the execution of processes classified as threats and unknown processes Configuration of the agent service Agent operating mode. The agent may temporarily have a configuration established that is realSvcLevel different to the configuration being used for various reasons in the execution environment. Eventually cfgSvcLevel and realSvcLevel must coincide. Unknown = 0 Goodware = 1 Malware = 2 responseCat File category returned by the cloud Suspect = 3 Compromised =4 GoodwareNotConfirmed = 5 PUP = 6 GoodwareUnwanted = 7 numCacheClassifiedElements No. of elements classified in cache Numeric value 81 Adaptive Defense Guide 8.2.8. Ops Table This table contains a record of all operations performed by the processes seen in the customer's network. Name Explanation Values eventdate Date of the event in the customer's machine Date serverdate Date when the event is received in the Adaptive Defense server Date machine Name of the customer's machine String machineIP IP of the customer's machine IP address ver Version of the Adaptive Defense Agent String user Process username String CreateDir, Exec, KillProcess, CreatePE, DeletePE, op muid Operation performed Internal identifier of the customer's computer LoadLib, OpenCmp, RenamePE, CreateCmp xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx parentHash Digest / hash of the parent file String parentPath Path of the parent process String parentValidSig Digitally signed parent process Boolean parentCompany Content of the Company attribute in the parent file metadata String parentImageType Type of internal architecture of the parent file EXEx32, EXEx64, DLLx32, DLLx64 parentExeType Type of executable parent Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown parentPrevalence Historical prevalence of the parent file in Panda Security’s systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM parentPrevLastDay Previous day prevalence of the parent file in Panda Security’s HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM 82 Adaptive Defense Guide systems parentCat Category of the parent file Goodware, Malware, PUP, Unknown, Monitoring parentMWName Name of the malware found in the parent file String, (Null if the element is not malware) childHash Digest / hash of the child file String childPath Path of the child process String childValidSig Digitally signed child process Boolean childCompany Content of the Company attribute inthe child file metadata String childImageType Type of internal architecture of the child file EXEx32, EXEx64, DLLx32, DLLx64 childExeType Type of child executable file Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown childPrevalence Historical prevalence of the child file in Panda Security’s systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM childPrevLastDay Previous day prevalence of the child file in Panda Security’s systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM childCat Category of the child file Goodware, Malware, PUP, Unknown, Monitoring childMWName Name of the malware found in the child file String, (Null if the element is not malware) ocsExec Software considered as vulnerable was executed or not Boolean ocsName Name of software considered vulnerable String ocsVer Version of software considered vulnerable String Executable process creation peCreationSource source. Equivalent to the String DriveType field params toastResult Execution parameters of the executable process Result of the popup message String OK 83 Adaptive Defense Guide shown clientCat action Category in cache of the element agent Action carried out Agent mode serviceLevel winningTech Technology that caused the action Timeout Angry Block Allow Goodware, Malware, PUP, Unknown, Monitoring Allow, Block, BlockTimeout Learning: The agent enables the execution of unknown processes Hardening: The agent prevents the execution of processes classified as threats Block: The agent prevents the execution of processes classified as threats and unknown processes Unknown Cache Cloud Contect Serializer User Legacyuser Netnative certifUA 8.2.9. Registry Table This table contains a record of all operations performed by the processes seen in the customer's network on each system registry. Name Explanation Values eventdate Date of the event in the customer's machine Date serverdate Date when the event is received in the Adaptive Defense server Date machine Name of the customer's machine String machineIP IP address of the customer's machine IP address ver Version of the Adaptive Defense String 84 Adaptive Defense Guide Agent user Username of the process that String modified the registry op Operation performed on the ModifyExeKey, CreateExeKey computer registry hash Digest / hash of the process that String makes the change in the registry muid Internal identifier of the customer's xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx computer targetPath Path of the executable file noted in the registry. Type of drive where the process that makes the hook resides regKey Registry key String driveType Type of drive where the process that accesses the registry resides String path Path of the process that modifies the String registry validSig Registry key Boolean company Registry key String imageType Architecture of the file that accesses String the registry exeType Type of executable file Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown Prevalence Historical prevalence in Panda HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM Security’s systems of the process prevLastDay Previous day prevalence in Panda HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM Security’s systems of the process Cat Category of the process Goodware, Malware, PUP, Unknown, Monitoring mwName Name of the malware if the process String, (Null if the element is not malware) is classified as a threat 85 Adaptive Defense Guide Persistence of installed threats As this table shows the access to the registry of all processes executed in the user's computer, it is quite simple to see the malware that managed to run and achieve persistence in the system. There are many different registry branches that invoke a program in the start-up but the most used by Trojans and other types of threats are: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx Looking at the keys, almost all share the “Run” branch, so by filtering by the regKey field and searching for the “Run” substring you can view all the information on the process which added the branch to or removed it from the registry. After filtering the processes that manipulate the start-up system, you can then apply subsequent filters that refine the initial search, using the Cat field to remove all programs classified as goodware from the list, as shown in the above examples. 8.2.10. Socket Table This table contains a record of all network operations performed by the processes seen in the customer's network. 86 Adaptive Defense Guide Name Explanation Values eventdate Date of the event in the customer's machine Date serverdate Date when the event is received in the Adaptive Defense server Date machine Name of the customer's machine String machineIP IP address of the customer's machine IP address ver Version of the Adaptive Defense Agent String user Process username String hash muid Digest / hash of the process that makes the connection Internal identifier of the customer's computer driveType Type of drive where the process that makes the connection resides path Path of the process that makes the connection protocol Communications protocol used by the process String xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Fixed, Remote, Removable String TCP, UDP, ICMP, ICMPv6,IGMP, RF port Communications port used by the process 0-65535 direction Communication direction Upload, Download, Bidirectional, Unknown dstIp Destination IP address IP address dstPort Destination port 0-65535 dstIp6 Destination IP v6 IP address validSig File that makes the digitally signed connection Boolean company Content of the Company attribute in the metadata of the file that makes the connection String imageType Internal architecture of the process that makes the connection EXEx32, EXEx64, DLLx32, DLLx64 87 Adaptive Defense Guide exeType Type of executable file of the process that makes the connection Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown prevalence Historical prevalence in Panda Security’s systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM prevLastDay Previous day prevalence in Panda Security’s systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM cat Category of the process that makes the connection Goodware, Malware, PUP, Unknown, mwName Monitoring Name of the malware if the process that makes the connection is classified as a String, (Null if the element is not malware) threat Programs that most connect to the exterior In a similar way to the console graph that geolocates the destinations of the connections made by the malware installed on the customer's network, you can obtain the destinations most connected by the legitimate software that is run on the computers. For this, you need to follow the steps below: Add a filter that removes all programs that are not considered legitimate. For this, you need to equal the Cat field to the “Goodware” string. Add a filter that removes all the connections to private IP addresses. For this, you need to create a column with the Is Public IPv4 function in the dstIp field, as shown in the figure. Add both latitude and longitude columns that extract the longitude and latitude from the dstIP field with the functions Geolocated Latitude / Longitude. 88 Adaptive Defense Guide In this point of the procedure there is a list of connections from legitimate software to public IP addresses and the latitude and longitude of each IP address. The coordinates obtained will be shown on the map-type graph as dots. As the intention is to show the number of connections to the same IP address, you will need to form an aggrupation and add a counter to obtain the number of IP addresses repeated in an aggrupation. Add an aggrupation in the dstIP table and the newly created latitude and longitude fields, without time limit. Add a counter type function. Add a Flat world map by coordinates or Google heat map type graph using the count, latitude and longitude columns as data. 89 Adaptive Defense Guide When dragging the columns to the boxes indicated, the map chosen will be shown with the data represented by dots in different colors and sizes. 90 Adaptive Defense Guide 8.2.11. Toast Table The Toast table records an entry every time a message appears from the customer’s agent. Name Explanation Values eventdate Date of the event in the customer's machine Date serverdate Date when the event is received in the Adaptive Defense server Date machine Name of the customer's machine String machineIP IP address of the customer's machine IP address ver Version of the Adaptive Defense Agent String user Process username String muid Internal identifier of the customer's computer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx parentHash Digest / hash of the parent file String parentPath Path of the parent process String parentValidSig Digitally signed parent process Boolean parentCompany Content of the Company attribute in the parent file metadata String parentImageType Type of internal architecture EXEx32, EXEx64, DLLx32, DLLx64 91 Adaptive Defense Guide of the parent file parentExeType Type of executable parent file Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown parentPrevalence Historical prevalence of the parent file in Panda Security’s systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM parentPrevLastDay Previous day prevalence of the parent file in Panda Security’s systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM parentCat Category of the parent file Goodware, Malware, PUP, Unknown, Monitoring parentMWName Name of the malware found in the parent file String, (Null if the element is not malware) childHash Digest / hash of the child file String childPath Path of the child process String childValidSig Digitally signed child process Boolean childCompany Content of the Company attribute in the child file metadata String childImageType Type of internal architecture of the child file EXEx32, EXEx64, DLLx32, DLLx64 childExeType Type of child executable file Delphi, DOTNET, VisualC, VB, CBuilder, Mingw, Mssetup, Setupfactory, Lcc32, Setupfactory, Unknown childPrevalence Historical prevalence of the child file in Panda Security’s systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM childPrevLastDay Previous day prevalence of the child file in Panda Security’s systems HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM childCat Category of the child file Goodware, Malware, PUP, Unknown, Monitoring clientCat Category in the cache of the element agent Goodware, Malware, PUP, Unknown, Monitoring childMWName Name of the malware found in the child file String, (Null if the element is not malware) Learning: The agent enables the execution of unknown processes serviceLevel Agent mode Hardening: The agent prevents the execution of processes classified as threats Block: The agent prevents the execution of processes classified as threats and 92 Adaptive Defense Guide unknown processes winningTech Technology that caused the action Unknown Cache Cloud Contect Serializer User Legacyuser Netnative certifUA cloudAccessOk Access to the cloud Boolean SonFirstSeen First time that the system saw the process that caused the popup message to appear Date SonLastQuery Last time that the process that caused the popup message launched a query to the cloud Date PreviousClientCat Previous category of the element that caused the popup message Numeric value OK: The customer accepts the message Timeout: The popup message disappears due to non-action by the user ToastResult Result of the popup message Angry: The user rejects the block Block Allow 93 Adaptive Defense Guide 9. Appendix I: Integration with SIEM products 94 Adaptive Defense Guide 9. Appendix I: Integration with SIEM products Adaptive Defense is integrated with SIEM solutions, adding detailed information about the activity of the applications running in protected workstations. The information sent to the customer's SIEM system comes from the Adaptive Defense server, which is why it is pre-prepared information (category, prevalence, etc.) and not simply raw data collected from the agents installed on the users' machines. Listed below are the SIEM systems compatible with Adaptive Defense: QRadar AlienVault ArcSight LookWise Bitacora QRadar Adaptive Defense supports QRadar (Live format). AlienVault and ArcSight Integration with AlienVault and ArcSight adds information to SIEM systems under CEF (Common Event Format). LookWise and the former Bitacora LookWise and the former Bitacora can receive alert events and prevalence information from Adaptive Defense, that is, information on when and on which computers of the IT infrastructure the detected malware has been seen. Integration open to other manufacturers (Splunk, etc.) Integration with new SIEM platforms is a process that is undertaken on demand, so there is a possibility of integration with manufacturers such as Splunk and others. 95 Adaptive Defense Guide 10. Appendix II: Service Level Agreements Pre-sales and Migration Service Technical Support Service Our infrastructure in the Cloud Unreliable software classification service 96 Adaptive Defense Guide 10. Appendix II: Service Level Agreements At Panda Security we consider it essential to clearly indicate the services included with your purchase. Below is a description of the service levels offered with the purchase of our solutions. 10.1. Pre-sales and Migration Service The pre-sales migration service includes a service demonstration, information and answers to all customer doubts and queries, coordination with Panda Security internal departments, active support in migration, and uninstallers for the solution replaced with Panda Adaptive Defense. Customer information service providing email or telephone responses to all customer doubts and questions. Internal coordination and open communication with all Panda Security internal departments to provide a response to all customer doubts and queries, and communication of customer needs so that they can be incorporated in the service in future reviews. Active support in migration. Active support in migration, collecting data, preparing proposals and collaborating in deployments. Uninstallers for replaced solution. If the company that purchases Panda Adaptive Defense wants to replace its traditional antivirus solution, Panda offers uninstallers for different antivirus products/solutions. These uninstallers will be launched automatically on the workstations and servers where the Panda Adaptive Defense protection is installed, provided this is established in the configuration of the service. If no uninstaller is available, Panda agrees to create the uninstaller in a maximum period of 2 weeks after receiving the necessary information. It will be possible to create the uninstaller in all cases unless the product to be uninstalled includes self-protection methods that prevent it from being uninstalled. 10.2. Technical Support Service The Panda products support service establishes the maintenance and technical assistance necessary to ensure the correct working of all Panda programs in all of the customer's workstations and servers. Service Packs and hotfixes: Access to the best product techniques during the service period. Support website: Access to forums, blogs, support website, information on latest threats, virus map, Panda ThreatWatch, virus encyclopedia, etc. Technical support: Telephone and email support from technicians certified in PANDA SECURITY solutions. Access to beta programs to access the latest versions of PANDA security products and share experiences and feedback with us. Unlimited access to the HelpDesk: No limit on reported incidents. The following conditions define the service: 97 Adaptive Defense Guide Personal technical support service. Customer telephone service managed by product experts. Personal resolution of any query or incident related to virus detection or product configuration. 10.3. Our infrastructure in the Cloud Service Availability Panda Security ensures that the service will be available 99.5% of the time, and covers the infrastructure used by the Panda Adaptive Defense solution, specifically applied to the following systems: Management console. The downloading of packages for installing both the agent and the protection on Windows laptops, workstations and servers. Availability will be calculated annually according to the following equation: 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 − 𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑑 − 𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑑 {( ) | ∗ 100} ≥ 99,5% 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 − 𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑑 Where: - Total is the total number of minutes per year. - Nonexcluded is the downtime which is not excluded, i.e. the time during which there has been a service downtime in which the management console and/or downloads of the packages for installing the agent and the protection have not been available. - Excluded time is that which is included in the following cases: - Planned stops for maintenance, installation of new versions (major and minor), and for the installation of hotfixes. This time will never exceed 48 hours per quarter. - Any stop for maintenance where Panda Security provides 48h to 96h notice by email to the partner. That notification will indicate the approximate start and finish time of the maintenance tasks. - Any planned stop for installing Major Releases, limited to a maximum of 3 a year. - Any planned stop for installing Minor Releases, limited to a maximum of 3 a year. - Any planned stop for installing hotfixes. - Any service downtime caused by Force Majeure, and generally any circumstances beyond the control of Panda Security, including but not limited to, any external event that could not be foreseen or even if it could be foreseen was inevitable, preventing the performance of the obligations of one of the parties, such as storms, floods, fires, war or sabotage. 98 Adaptive Defense Guide Availability calculations will be produced for the whole year, even in cases in which the customer has contracted the service for less time or during the same year. During 2013, our cloud platform had 99.9% availability. What security does the platform hosting the data have? Windows Azure, the platform where Panda Adaptive Defense is hosted, provides maximum confidentiality and security for the stored data. The security and control policies established in Azure are described in the “Windows Azure Security Overview” White Paper. See What security certifications does the platform hosting the data have? As indicated in the .PDF in the above section, Windows Azure runs on Microsoft Global Foundation Services (GFS): “Windows Azure operates in the Microsoft Global Foundation Services (GFS) infrastructure”. The following document shows information on how security is managed in Global Foundation Services (GFS), the Microsoft Cloud infrastructure in which Windows Azure operates: astructure.pdf Windows Azure certifications are indicated in the .PDF document: ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70 (SAS 70) Type I and II Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) We also have more detailed information on the 27001 certification at: Finally, there is a White Paper at which describes how Windows Azure fulfils the security requirements defined by Cloud Security Alliance, Cloud Control Matrix. A paragraph from the White Paper is included below: “Our security framework based on ISO 27001 enables customers to evaluate how Microsoft meets or exceeds the security standards and implementation guidelines. ISO 27001 defines how to implement, monitor, maintain, and continually improve the Information Security Management System (ISMS). In addition, the GFS infrastructure undergoes an annual American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Statement of Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 70 audit, which will be replaced with an AICPA Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) No. 99 Adaptive Defense Guide 16 audit and an International Standards for Assurance Engagements (ISAE) No. 3402 audit. Planning for an SSAE 16 audit of Windows Azure is underway.” 10.4. Unreliable software classification service Panda Adaptive Defense is based on innovative technologies that feed off information collected from the continuous monitoring of applications running on workstations and servers, reputation information, information from the Panda community itself and information obtained in the controlled execution of these applications in physical machines located in Panda's infrastructure. All these inputs power a Big Data analysis engine in our cloud infrastructure, where the inputs are added, correlated and processed. The end result is a diagnosis which determines whether the application is reliable or not for Panda. This diagnosis is determined with almost 100% accuracy, calculated based on all the goodware and malware classifications made by Panda to date. In any case, the level of reliability of the applications is recalculated continuously as new events arrive in the system. Our experts from PandaLabs, with all the information collected from the continuous monitoring of applications running on endpoints, and with the results of the BigData analysis carried out in our infrastructure in the cloud, will manually classify those applications that are not automatically classified by the system. 100 Adaptive Defense Guide 101