2007 - SANU-a
2007 - SANU-a
SERBIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS ISSN 1820–340X SERBIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS BULLETIN OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Annual Report for 2007 BELGRADE, 2008 Editorial Board Corresponding Member Vidojko Jović Academician Ivan Gutman Corresponding Member Nikola Tucić Academician Dragutin Dražić Academician Veselinka Šušić Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma Corresponding Member Časlav Ocić Corresponding Member Momčilo Spremić Corresponding Member Todor Stevanović Editor Corresponding Member Vidojko Jović Editor–in–Chief Academician Dimitrije Stefanović Translation and editing Lynne Katsikas Vera Gligorijević Layout and Cover Design HELICON, Belgrade Print CONTENT Editor’s Note DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND EARTH SCIENCES EARTH SCIENCES MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS PHYSICS AND METEOROLOGY Interdepartmental Committees Interacademic Cooperation DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY BIOLOGY Interdepartmental Committees Interacademic Cooperation DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE LINGUISTICS Interdepartmental Committee Interacademic Committee DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS AND MUSIC CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THE SASA AND NIŠ UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THE SASA AND KRAGUJEVAC UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY IN 2007 MEETINGS AND LECTURES IN 2007 PUBLISHING ACTIVITY IN 2007 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE SASA INSTITUTES IN 2007 EDITOR’S NOTE In 2007, the Scientific Research Fund of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) provided and allocated the funds for scientific research, publishing activity, interacademic and international cooperation, for the participation of SASA members and their associates in scientific meetings in the country and abroad, for the acquisition of scientific literature and for other SASA scientific research needs. In 2007, the scientific research programme of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, including its Branch in Novi Sad and the Centres in Niš and Kragujevac, was carried out through 64 projects in the field of natural sciences and mathematics, 16 projects in the field of technical sciences, 26 projects in the field of medical sciences, 23 projects in the field of language and literature, 7 projects in the field of social sciences, 41 projects in the field of historical sciences and 5 projects in the field of fine arts and music. The work results were published in scientific and professional journals and monographs, or were presented at scientific meetings. In 2007, 25 publications were published in the SASA editions. The total number of copies was 12,304. In these SASA editions, 225 authors published 205 works. In the course of 2007, 92 members and associates of the SASA made study trips or participated in scientific meetings in the country and abroad. In addition, 194 scientists visited the SASA either under bilateral agreements on free exchange of researchers, or as participants in scientific meetings, lecturers and members of official delegations. In 2007, the Academy organized 16 scientific meetings, 12 lectures, 11 inaugural lectures and 10 commemorative gatherings. The resources allocated by the Fund for the acquisition of professional literature in 2007, were mainly used for a subscription to foreign journals and the acquisition of other foreign scientific publications according to the needs of the specified committees, research teams and individuals, whose projects are carried out under the Academy’s scientific research programmes. A portion of these resources was also used for the acquisition of domestic scientific publications. Since 2006, the Annual Report inludes relevant reports submitted by eight SASA`s institutes (Geographical Institute, Mathematical Institute, Institute of Musicology, Institute for Byzantine Studies, Ethnographical Institute, Institute for Balkan Studies, Institute for the Serbian Language, and Institute of Technical Sciences). DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND EARTH SCIENCES EARTH SCIENCES Project: INVESTIGATION OF PALEOFLORA AND PALEOFAUNA OF SERBIA (Academician Marko Ercegovac) 1. The historical and geological evolution of Serbia in the Phanerozoic The complex study of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments of Serbia from paleontologic, biostratigraphic and paleoecological aspects was continued in 2007. It included solutions of some stratigraphic and tectonic relationships between marine and continental sediments of Serbia. The study of the age and the metamorphic changes of the organic matter from the ophiolite complexes of Serbia, Republika Srpska and Hungary, and their geodynamic implications were analyzed in particular. Fossil fuel resources in different geotectonic units of Serbia were also investigated. 2. Investigation of fossil flora and fauna of Serbia The study of the paleontologic and biostratigraphic characteristics of green algae (Dasycladacean from the Cretaceous and Paleogene), conodonts (from the Triassic of Serbia and Hungary), radiolarians (from the Jurassic), ostracodes (from the Miocene and Pliocene) and palynomorphs (from the Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous of the CarpathoBalkanides and the Neogene of the Pannonian Basin) were continued. Palynomorphs from the western ophiolitic belt of the Vardar Zone (the ophiolites of Podkozarje) were also studied. The investigations of the Late Permian conodonts from the Jadar Block (Vardar Zone; northwestern Serbia) were finished. Charophyta of Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments of Montenegro and Dalmatia in the External Dinarides and western Serbia were also investigated. The lacustrine ostracodes in the Pannonian basin during the Pliocene were also investigated. Project: PALYNOMORPHS FROM PALEOZOIC AND MESOZOIC SEDIMENTS IN SERBIA (Academician Marko Ercegovac) Paleontological and geological investigations of the volcano-sedimentary Carboniferous deposits in the area of the Carpatho-Balkanides in eastern Serbia were continued. The investigations of palynomorphs from Upper Permian and Lower Triassic sediments in the Stara Planina (Carpatho-Balkanides) and the Pošćensko Jezero - Durmitor (Dinarides) were completed. The study of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic deposits of the Stara Planina were investigated from paleontological, biostratigraphical and organic petrography standpoints. The determination of the boundaries between Rhät-Lias in eastern Serbia was continued. Ercegovac M., Životić D., Kostić A., 2007: Fossil fuels resources of Serbia. Book of Proceedings 2nd Balkan Mining Congress (Ed. S. Vujić), 1–7, Belgrade. Krstić N., 2007: Two new taxa of large Neogene ostracodes. VI Europaean ostracodologists meeting, Abstracts, 31, Frankfurt a/M. Krstić N., 2007: Lacustrine ostracodes in the Southeastern Europe during Pliocene (in Russian with English abstract). Палеонтологичное товариство, Институт геологичних наук НАНУ, 328–335, Киев. Prysjazhnjuk V. A., Jovanović G., Krstić N., Marković Z., Mitrović B., 2007: Land Mollusks in locality Mazgosh (Eastern Serbia). (in Ukrainian with English summary). Paleontologicni doslidzhennja v Ukraini, Paleontologichne tovarystvo, 349–354, Kiev. Radoičić R., Schlaginweit F., 2007: Neomeris mokragorensis sp. nov. (Calcareous alga, Dasycladales) from the Cretaceous of Serbia, Montenegro and Northern Calcareous Alps (Gosau Group, Austria). Annales géologiques de la péninsule balkanique, 68, 39–51. Radoičić R., Đorđević-Milutinović D., 2007: Charophyta of the Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments of Montenegro and Dalmatia - External Dinarides and western Serbia. 15th Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists (GEC), 24–28 September 2007, Belgrade (poster). Sudar M., Jovanović D., Kolar-Jurkovšek T., 2007: Late Permian conodonts from Jadar Block (Vardar Zone, northwestern Serbia). Geologica Carpathica, 58, 2, 145–152, Bratislava. Sudar M., Jovanović D., Stojanović-Kuzenko S., Filipović I., Gajić R., 2007: Late Pennsylvanian conodonts biostratigraphy and sedimentology of the Kriva Reka Formation from the Jadar Block, Vardar Zone (NW Serbia). Journal of Alpine Geology, 48, 101–115, Wien. Sudar M., Jovanović D., Kolar-Jurkovšek T., 2007: First record of conodont fauna in the Permian-Triassic boundary interval of NW Serbia. Geoitalia 2007 (Rimini, 12–14 settembre 2007), Epitome, 2, p. 155 (poster). Project: GЕОDYNAMICS (Academician Stevan Karamata) The work was concentrated, considering the possibilities, on the following problems: 1. Formation of the geological structure of Serbia and neighboring areas up to the Neogene (Prof. ������������������������������������������������ Dr. �������������������������������������������� Milan Sudar and Academician Stevan Karamata) The explanatory text for the maps of the paleoenvironments of the Circum-Pannonian Region published in 2004 were prepared and will be submitted for printing in the first half of 2008. This was realized by Dr. B. Krstić for the maps of the Variscan Preflysch (Devonian10 Early Carboniferous) and the Late Variscan (Latest Carboniferous to Early Permian), by Prof. M. Sudar and Academician S. Karamata for the Initial Neotethyan Rifting (MiddleLate Triassic) period and by Academician S. Karamata and Prof. M. Sudar for the Maximal Neotethian Spreading (Middle Jurassic) period. This work was coordinated with the team of Dr. S. Kovács from the Geology group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The study of the olistostrome mélange squeezed between the East BosnianDurmitor Unit and the Dinaridic carbonate platform continues. In this mélange, fragments to blocks of diabases, ultramafics, cherts, siliceous limestones, sandstones etc. occur. Also a strange association occurs, similar the one in the ophiolite mélange of the Dinaridic ophiolite belt, and for this reason the study of this unit is of special interest for regional conclusions. Work on the other before initiated problems continues. 2. The study of Carpatho-Balkanides of eastern Serbia (Dr. Branislav Krstiċ) According to the contract between the SASA and the BAN (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), scientists of both institutions (Corresponding member of the BAN Ivan Zagorchev, Ch. Kiselinov, MA, and others from the Bulgarian side and Dr. M. Kaleniċ, Prof. D. Milovanoviċ and others from the side of SASA) jointly studied the Inovska Series and the red beds of Stara Planina. The collected samples have been investigated. 3. The investigations of the ophiolite belts of the Vardar Zone, the Dinarides and the Carpatho-Balkanides (Academician Stevan Karamata) The study of ophiolitic rocks south of Zlatar of olistoplakes from eastern Bosnia (S. Karamata and Dr. L. Vujnoviċ), cherts from the surroundings of the Jadar Block (Prof. V. Višnjevskaja and N. Đeriċ, MA), of postcollisional granites in the Main Vardar Zone belt (K. Šarić, MA) and of glauchophane schists of Fruška Gora (Corresponding Member of RAS S. Korikovski and Dr. G. Zakariadze). The study of ophiolitic rocks between Bistrica and Priboj (S. Korikovski and Dr. G. Zakariadze) is in its final phase. A paper on granitic rocks from ophiolite belts (K. Šarić and co-workers) was submitted for print to LITHOS in January 2008. The papers for the monograph on the ophiolite belts of the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula (Editors Prof. A. Robertson, Edinburgh, S. Karamata and K. Šarić) have been collected and were sent for print to LITHOS in January 2008. 4. Study of Neogene deposits of the Balkan Penninsula (Dr. Nadežda Krstić and co-workers) In 2007, the Neogene in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska was studied in several areas. Work on the palegeography of Serbia proceeded at two stratigraphic levels: on the early Middle Miocene and on the Upper Pliocene, since they are the most widespread 11 in Serbia. For the early Middle Miocene (collaborator Sanja Pavić, custodian for large mammals in the Natural History Museum, Belgrade), the Serbian Lake, a step towards palinspastic was made by indicating the main dislocations produced by the CarpathianBalkan bending and the resulting consumption of Miocene lacustrine sediments. Krstić N., Knežević S., Pavić S., 2007: Fauna of a large early Middle Miocene lake of Serbia. Joannea - Geologie und Paläontologie, 9, 51–54, Graz. The study of the paleogeography of the Balkan Peninsula at the boundary Miocene/Pliocene was commenced several years ago in Romania by a French team (J.P. Suc, Lyon and others). This year they visited Serbia again and, in addition to collecting new material, they presented their results from sampling the previous year - the Pliocene Dinoflagellata from the surroundings of Niš (our accompanying persons: Vesna Lesić, for magnetostratigraphy and Petar Stejić for Plio-Quaternary regional geology), confirming our previous assumption on the great spreading of the late Pliocene lake and its great extension, especially eastwards toward the Caspian Sea-Lake. Крстић Н. (Krstić N.), 2007: Озерные остракоды плиоцена юговосточной Европы (Lacustrine ostracodes in the Southeastern Europe during the Pliocene) (in Russian with English abstract). Палеонтологiчнi дослiдження в Украiнi: Iсторiя, сучасний стан та перспективи - Палеонтологiчне товариство, Институт геологiчних наук НАНУ, 328–335, Киiв. In the Republic of Srpska, the work was focused mainly around the coal mine Gacko/Aljinovići and the already collected samples from the mine Ugljevik-Bogutovo Selo were further studied. The deep drilling hole in Gacko passed the middle part of the Neogene, mostly beds with Fossarulus. It was proved that the basis of the main coal bed was deposited in the Oligocene and that the hanging wall is of Miocene age. Krstić N., Olujić J., Milutinović-Đorđević D., 2007: Lower Miocene Charophyta of Gacko (Dinaric Alps). 15th Meeting of the Group of European Chariphytologists (GEC), Abstracts and Excursionsguide, Belgrade. Project: GЕОМОRPHOLOGICAL MAP OF SERBIA AT SCALE 1:50.000 (Academician Stevan Karamata and Dr. Miloš Zeremski) Since the beginning of the work on this project in the 1980s, 50 sheets of the Geomorphological Map at the scale of 1:50,000 have been prepared, covering one half of the territory of Serbia, without the provinces. It is time to start printing them for the following reasons: As is known, the Geomorphological Map is an integral part of the geological, hydrological and vegetation maps, which are based on on the study of Serbia’s geomorphological features. Without these maps it is impossible to achieve favourable 12 results in the fundamental and applied studies of Serbia’s terrain. Therefore, it was not an accident that the preparation of the Geomorphological Map of Serbia was included in the priority federal projects 30 years ago. This was our international obligation assumed towards the International Geographic Union. Considering all this, the Geomorphological Map can serve its purpose only after being printed and placed at the disposal of the professional public. Project: GЕОCHEMISTRY (Academician Zoran Maksimović) 1. The geochemistry of the upper mantle and the igneous rocks of the Earth’s crust The study of basaltic rocks from the Dinarides and the Vardar ophiolite mélange was continued within the doctoral thesis of Milica Božović. The first absolute age determinations by Ar-Ar method were made and the results are extremely interesting. The age obtained indicates the presence of Cretaceous MORB volcanism in the Dinarides, which gives a quite new picture of the geodynamic development in our areas. At one locality, the Cretaceous age obtained by this method was confirmed by U-Pb isotopes on zircons, determined by the LA-ICP-MS-MC method. Prelević D., Foley S.F., Cvetković V., 2007: A review of petrogenesis of Mediterranean Tertiary lamproites: a perspective from the Serbian ultrapotassic province. In: L. Beccaluva, G. Bianchini and M. Wilson (eds.), Cenozoic Volcanism in the Mediterranean Area, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 418, 113–129. Prelević D., Foley S.F., 2007: Accretion of arc-oceanic lithospheric mantle in the Mediterranean: evidence from extremely high-Mg-NiO olivines and Cr-rich spinel inclusions from lamproites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 256, 120–135. Prelević D., 2007: Mediterranean Тertiary lamproites: multicomponent melts in postcollisional geodynamics. GSA Denver Annual Meeting (invited), 28–31 October 2007. Prelević D., Foley S.F., Stracke A., Romer R., Conticelli S., 2007: No need for involvement of a hidden mantle reservoir in the origin of lamproites from Mediterranean. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2007, A809. Prelević D., Foley S.F., Stracke A., Romer R. Conticelli S., Guarneri L., 2007: Tertiary Mediterranean lamproites: towards a comprehensive model. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007, Wien, Austria, Abstracts CD. 2. Geochemistry of the rock alteration The karstic bauxites of Slovenia, according to their geochemical characteristics, are similar to other karstic bauxites of corresponding age in the Mediterranean region. The Upper Triassic bauxites have the lowest contents of many trace elements, which is characteristic of other bauxites in this region. This indicates to mother rocks of similar 13 composition. The vertical distribution of “mobile” trace elements in the locality Kopitov grič indicates that the bauxitization process did not occur in situ and that the bauxites were redeposited in their present positions. The Upper Jurassic bauxites of Slovenia are richer in trace elements compared with Triassic bauxites, which is also characteristic of the Upper Jurassic bauxites in this region. In the locality Logatec, the vertical distribution of “mobile” trace elements indicates that the process of bauxitization of clayey material occurred in situ at the present position. The Oligocene bauxites from the locality Rudnica in Bohinj have an unusually high concentration of some trace elements (Zn, Cd, Mn and Y), not observed in the Mediterranean bauxites. All the investigated samples were collected near the footwall of an excavated deposit. The concentration of “mobile” trace elements indicates in situ bauxitization. A preliminary investigation revealed an unusual association of sulfide trace minerals, among them the mineral greenockite (CdS), for the first time found in karstic bauxites. The great economic significance of metallic, non-metallic and energy mineral resources for Serbia’s economic and social progress prompts their rational and controlled use and prevention of harmful environmental effects. Of particular importance are the conservation of mineral resources, greater efficiency in their exploitation and processing, substitution with renewable resources and reduction of harmful environmental effects. For many regions of Serbia, the use of natural resources is the only possibility for long-term, sustainable development, but the exploitation and use of mineral resources needs to rely on state-of-the-art technologies and to conform to the highest economic and ecological standards. Exploitation, processing and use of mineral resources needs to be accommodated in the concept of sustainable development, taking into account: market requirements and the value of the raw materials; the selection of raw materials to be exploited; the exploration, exploitation and rational use of mineral resources; environmental conservation and protection in the course of and subsequent to the exploitation of deposits; the availability of data. A feasibility study on the sustainable use of mineral resources should be based on the appraisal of the value of minerals sources, the possibilities of their use, recycling and environmental conservation. In order to obtain an as complete as possible picture of the status of soil pollution in Belgrade, samples were taken from very different locations, from residential areas, the central city area, industrial zones, suburban quarters and the outskirts of the city. This research also included analysis of some results which were provided for private purposes (e.g. building sites, factories etc.). In total, 153 soil samples from 24 different locations were taken and analyzed from 2004 to 2006 in the laboratory “MOL” (Belgrade). At most of the localities (21 out of 24), a certain excess concentration of at least one element which is important for soil pollution assessment was determined. Only in a single case of the analysis of a deep drilling sample was the excess concentration of chromium related to geological factors; in the other 152 out of 153 cases, human activities were the only source of pollution with heavy metals and toxic elements. The nickel concentration in 14 the soil samples from the Belgrade area exceeded the MAC of 50 ppm in almost all the analyzed samples (20 of 24). The concentration attained a value of 228 ppm in soils from New Belgrade Block 19a. In the samples from the localities Ada Ciganlija and New Belgrade Block 67 excesses in the concentrations of six and four elements, respectively, were determined. These results demand urgent recultivation of these soils. Samples of river mud from the lakeshore of Ada Ciganlija showed very high levels of contamination with lead, nickel, copper and, especially, zinc, which implies the necessity for future research and immediate sanitation of the soil on the shore. Milovanović D., Jelenković R., Seke L., Jović V., 2007: Mineralni resursi u Srbiji i održivi razvoj. Ecologica, Posebno tematsko izdanje, br. 13, Međunarodna naučna konferencija Životna sredina i održivi razvoj = International Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development, Beograd, 23–25. 04. 2007, 23–32. Perovic S., Jovic V., Brceski I., 2007: Heavy metals content in Belgrade soils. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 71, No 15S, Special Supplement, Abstracts of the 17th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Cologne, Germany, August 2007, A779. 3. Mineralogy The massive, pale-green serpentine veins cutting the Yugoslavian serpentinites consist of 15- and 30-sector polygonal serpentines in a random orientation but becoming stressoriented close to the vein walls. [100] cross-sections show ordered one-layer and twolayer projected polytype sequences, as well as disordered multilayer sequences. From sector to sector, these sections have systematically alternating polytypes that obey the O-L-R and O-R-L alternation rules in the 15- and 30-sector polygonal serpentines, respectively. Furthermore, [010] longitudinal sections systematically show a unique twolayer sequence. By combining the two projections, the basic 3D polytype assemblage, which from sector to sector consists of alternating M5-M15-M15 or M5-M16-M16 polytypes, was reconstructed. The individual fibers may be described as cyclical pseudo-twins, based on continuous 1:1 layers, with possible octahedral rotation from one sector to another. Continuous curved sector boundaries join adjacent sectors, with no tetrahedral sheet inversion; the curved boundaries behave as similar folds and have variable interplanar spacings. Simulated electron diffraction patterns reproduce all the observed diffraction geometries, even for faulted stacking sequences, and explain the numbers of diffraction cusps and chords. Additional XRPD reflections were indexed based on the polytypes present in the 15- and 30-sector polygonal serpentines. Fibrous magnesium silicate (Mg6Si4O10(OH)8 - mountain leather asbestos) of Serbian origin was used as the Si precursor for the synthesis of SiC by the carbothermalreduction process. As a reducing agent, carbon (from various precursors) was used. The formation of SiC was confirmed by XRD and SEM/EDS analyses. The porous SiC particles obtained at 1873 K possess longish, plate-like morphology. The results showed that the reduction reaction was assisted by liquid phase formation, as well as vapor phase transport, and that mountain leather asbestos could be a very effective mineral precursor for the preparation of silicon carbide. 15 The Čoka Marin polymetallic deposit is situated in eastern Serbia, about 25 km north of the town of Bor. The deposit, consisting of three bodies of massive sulfide, is situated in a large volcanic system, mainly built up of different types of andesitic rocks, formed in several phases. The ore bodies are composed of colloform to finegrained pyrite, in which veinlets and nests of luzonite, enargite, chalcopyrite, bornite, galena, sphalerite and barite, accompanied by less common minerals, such as digenite, arsenopyrite, seligmanite, stannite, freibergite and colusite, and some undetermined minerals. The pyrite shows a great variety in its chemical and textural features, especially zoning, which is also expressed in the chemical composition, because of the presence of Cu- and As-bearing varieties, with 8 % Cu and 4.5 % As. Three phases of formation exist: a fine-grained disseminations of pyrite with very fine elemental gold; an intermedial phase Fe-Cu-As-S, with 50 micrometer grains of electrum with 10 % Ag and a late PbZn-Cu-(Au)-(Ag) phase, with Au grains of approximately 100 micrometers). The ore-occurrences at the Osanica locality represent an unusual Sb-W type, in which the main ore minerals, stibnite and wolframite, display complex mutual relations. By common mineralogical methods, the mineral composition and the significant differences among four Sb-W ore veins and one Pb-Zn ore vein, as well as the several phases of mineralization, were determined. Three generations of wolframite exist and local variations in their chemical composition were established by EPMA. Mugnaioli E., Logar M., Mellini M., Viti C., 2007: Complexity in 15- and 30sectors polygonal serpentine: Longitudinal sections, intrasector stacking faults and XRPD satellites. American Mineralogist, 92, 603–616. Logar M., Mellini M.,, Mugnaioli E., Viti C., Vasiljevic D., 2007: Complexity in the polygonal serpentine structure. Proceedings of the 3rd Serbian Congress for Microscopy, Belgrade, September 25–28, 97–98. Devečerski A., Pošarac M., Egelja A., Radosavljević-Mihajlović A., Bošković S., Logar M., Matović B., 2007: Fabrication of SiC by carbothermal-reduction reactions of mountain leather asbestos. Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2007), doi:10.1016/ j.jallcom.2007.09.09 Pačevski A., Cvetković Lj., Živković P., 2007: Mineralogy of the Čoka Marin polymetallic deposit, Bor ore district, Serbia. Report and abstract on the Advances in Regional and Metallogenic Studies in the Carpatians, Rhodope Massif and Caucasus (Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria and Georgia), ed. R. Moritz & A. von Quadt, 5, Rtanj Balašević Motel, Bor area, Sept. 4–7, 2007. Pačevski A., Goetzinger M., Dimitrijević R., Cvetković Lj., 2007: Oscillatory zoning in wolframite from Osanica, near Bor, Serbia. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen, 184/2, 151–160, Stuttgart. Cvetković Lj., Pačevski A., 2007: Occurrence of the colusite group minerals at the Bor ore district, Serbia. Report and abstract on the Advances in Regional and Metallogenic Studies in the Carpathians, Rhodope Massif and Caucasus (Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria and Georgia), ed. R. Moritz & A. von Quadt, 4, Rtanj Balašević Motel, Bor area, Sept. 4–7, 2007. 16 MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS Project: ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOUR OF GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS, THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (Academician Bogoljub Stanković) Over the past years it has been shown that the use of non-integer derivatives can improve the mathematical model of processes in physics. The solving of such models is considerably aggravated if both left and right derivatives of non-integer order occur simultaneously in the same equation. In 2007, we especially studied the equations of this type and developed mathematical methods for their study. This year’s results were published in the paper: Stanković B., 2007: A method to solve an equation with left and right fractional derivatives. Bulletin CXXXIV de l’Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Classe des Sciences mathématiques et naturelles, Sciences mathématiques, 32, 59–67. Project: SEMI-RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY (Academician Mileva Prvanović) Minimal holomorphic hypersurfaces of anti-Kähler manifolds of constant total real sectional curvatures were investigated. It was proved that for some of them, the second fundamental forms can be expressed in terms of the curvature and Ricci tensors of the hypersurface. Prvanović M., 2007: Minimal Anti-Kähler holomorphic hypersurfaces. Bulletin CXXXIV de l’Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Classe des Sciences mathématiques et naturelles, Sciences mathématiques, 32, 85–104. Project: NONLINEAR ANALYSIS IN FUZZY STRUCTURES (Academician Olga Hadžić) The article „On the uniqueness of the fixed point of contraction mappings in fuzzy metric spaces“ was finished and is to be published in the journal „Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics“. In the paper, the problem of the uniqueness of the fixed point of contraction mappings in fuzzy metric spaces is analyzed. Since in a fuzzy metric space the distribution function in general does not tend general to 1 when an independent variable tends to infinity (as is the case for a Menger space), the uniqueness of a fixed point of a contraction mapping in a fuzzy metric space can not be proved in a manner similar to that employed in the case of Menger spaces, which belong to a special class of fuzzy metric spaces, - probabilistic metric spaces. Hence, in this paper, the uniqueness 17 of a fixed point on some subsets of the fuzzy metric space on which the contraction mapping is defined was investigated. Project: COMPUTER AIDED INVESTIGATIONS IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS (Academician Dragoš Cvetković) The sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of a graph is called the energy of the graph. In paper [1], the problem of finding graphs with extremal energy within specified classes of graphs is studied. Using calculus, it was shown that an extremal graph “should” have a small number of distinct eigenvalues. However, data is also presented which show that in many cases extremal graphs can have a large number of distinct eigenvalues. Such phenomena are explained by the discrete structure of graphs. In paper [2], the problem of determining distance-perfect graphs in the sense of the metric dimension is considered. It is shown that distance-perfect graphs are either paths or have a diameter of at most 3. It is well known that undirected graphs can be used for modeling multiprocessor systems. In recent literature, it was proposed how to use spectral graph invariants to describe well-suited interconnection networks. In paper [3], this idea is extended to show that all widely employed interconnection networks are covered by this approach. In addition, the employment of some new graphs is proposed in the design of multiprocessor topologies. 1. Cvetković D., Grout J., 2007: Maximal energy graphs should have a small number of distinct eigenvalues. Bulletin CXXXIV de l’Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Classe des Sciences mathématiques et naturelles, Sciences mathématiques, 32, 43–57. 2. Cvetković D., Čangalović M., Kovačević-Vujčić V., Kratica J., 2007: Distanceperfect Graphs. SYM-OP-IS 2007, 289–291. 3. Cvetković D., Davidović T., 2007: Description of multiprocessor interconnection networksby graph invariants. Proceedings Symposium on Information Technology, YUINFO 2007 (on CD, 108.pdf), Kopaonik, March 11–14, 2007. Project: ASYMPTOTIC FORMULAS IN ANALYTIC NUMBER THEORY (Academician Aleksandar Ivić) �������������������������������������������������������� In the year 2007, A. Ivić published the following works: 1. On the mean square of the zeta-function and the divisor problem. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica, 23, 1–9, 2007. http://www.emis.de/journals/AASF 2. On some mean square estimates in the Rankin-Selberg problem. Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 1, 111–121, 2007.http://pefmath.etf.bg.ac.yu 18 3. On sums of integrals of powers of the zeta-function in short intervals. Dirichlet Series, Automorphic Forms, and Analytic Number Theory (eds. S. Friedberg et al.), Proceedings Symposia Pure Mathematics, Vol. 75, AMS, Providence, Rhode Island, 231–242, 2006. http://www.ams.org 4. On the Riemann zeta-function and the divisor problem IV. Uniform Distribution Theory, 1, 125–135, 2006. http://udt.mat.savba.sk 5. On moments of |ζ(½ + it)| in short intervals. Ramanujan Math. Soc. LNS2, The Riemann zeta function and related themes: Papers in honour of Professor K. Ramachandra (Proc. Conference held at Bangalore 13–15 Dec. 2003, eds. R. Balasubramanian and K. Srinivas), 2006, 81–97. http://www.ramanujanmathsociety. org/docs/lns/ln-issue2-contents.pdf 6. (with P. Sargos, Nancy): On the higher moments of the error term in the divisor problem. Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 81, 353–377, 2007. http://www.math.uiuc.edu/˜ijm/ 7. On exponential sums with Hecke series at central points. Functiones et Approximatio, 37, 7–35, 2007. http://www.functiones.amu.edu.pl 8. (with M.N. Huxley, Cardiff): Subconvexity for the Riemann zeta-function and the divisor problem. Bulletin CXXXIV de l’Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Classe des Sciences mathématiques et naturelles, Sciences mathématiques, 32, 13– 32, 2007. http://www.emis.de/journals/BSANU In [2], new mean square results in the classical Rankin-Selberg problem involving holomorphic cusp forms are obtained, using different analytic methods, In [6], power moments in the divisor problem are investigated and new results obtained for the third and fourth moments. Paper [7] deals with the estimation of exponential sums with Hecke series, with applications to the Riemann zeta-function. The other papers deal directly with the Riemann zeta function. The accent is on the connection between the zeta-function and the divisor problem (as in [1] and [4]), or on power moments on the ½ -line, as in [3] and [5]. A. Ivić spent two weeks in June 2007 at the Dipartimento Ingegneria Matematica Applicata, University of Salerno at Fisciano (Italy), participating in their seminar. He also had a communication at the international meeting “25th Journées Arithmetiqués” at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, in July 2007. Project: QUALITATIVE AND NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF SOME CLASSES OF DIFFERENTIAL AND DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS (Academician Vojislav Marić) Two kinds of problems were studied: 1. problems related to the approximation of solutions in the boundary layer of some non-linear differential equations; 2. regularity and asymptotic of solutions of some classes of functional differential equations. 19 Kusano T., Marić V., Tanigawa T., 2007: The asymptotic behaviour of a class nonlinear second-order differential equations. Bulletin ��������������������������� of the London Mathematical Society, 39, 413–418. Kusano T., Marić V., 2007: Slowly varyng solutions of functional differential equations with retarded and advanced arguments. Georgian Mathematical Journal, 14, 301–314. Kusano T., Marić V., 2007: Regularl����������������������������������������������� y varying solutions to functional differential equations with deviating argument. Bulletin CXXXIV de l’Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Classe des Sciences mathématiques et naturelles, Sciences mathématiques, 32, 105–128. Adžić D., Ovcin Z., 2006: Iterative pseudo-spectral approximation for nonlinear singularly perturbed problems. XVII Conference on Applied Mathematics, Đ. Herceg, H. Zarin, eds. Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Novi Sad. Project: APPLICATIONS OF THE VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLES OF MECHANICS TO NONLINEAR AND NONCONSERVATIVE DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS (Academician Božidar D. Vujanović) During the year 2007, research on the Project was accomplished in accordance to the general Plan, the outlines of which were described in the Proposal of the Project. The main effort during the last year was devoted to the study and application of the action conservation laws of scleronomic, rheonomic, linear and non-linear dynamic systems with a single degree of freedom, which are formulated as two-point boundary value problems. In addition to combining direct methods for obtaining approximate solutions, the possibility of finding complete solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equations were also studied. A report devoted to the main characteristics of action conservation laws is in preparation. Project: EQUATIONS WITH SINGULARITIES THROUGH METHODS OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS (Corresponding Member Stevan Pilipović) Three papers were presented as a part of the scientific work within this project for 2007. 1. Kostić M., Pilipović S., 2007: Convoluted C-operator families and abstract Cauchy problems. Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, 30, 201–210. 2. Carmichael R.D., Eida A., Pilipović S., 2007: Microlocalization within some classes of Fourier hyperfunctions. Modern trends in pseudo-differential operators, 329– 342, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 172, Birkhäuser, Basel. 3. Pilipović S., Stoeva D., Teofanov N., 2007: Frames for Frechet Spaces. Bulletin CXXXIV de l’Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Classe des Sciences mathématiques et naturelles, Sciences mathématiques, 32, 69–94. 20 The first paper is related to the solvability of abstract Cauchy problems through C-Semigroups and C-Cosine functions. The second paper deals with some classes of microfunctions aimed at the analysis of a support and a wave front at infinity for some classes of tempered ultradistributions. In the third paper, a new concept of frame theory is introduced; frames in Frecher spaces. With this, the analyses of the regularity properties of frame expansions were enabled. Project: INTERPOLATION AND QUADRATURE PROCESSES BASED ON THE THEORY OF ORTHOGONALITY (Corresponding Member Gradimir V. Milovanović) Quadrature processes were investigated and quadratures of the highest degree of precision constructed. In paper [1], Gaussian quadratures for highly oscillatory functions, which are exact on the subspace spanned by the functions are considered. The existence of such quadratures was solved partially. In paper [3], some conjectures connected with these quadratures are considered. The existence and uniqueness of the Gaussian interval quadrature formula with respect to the Hermite weight function on a real line is proved in [2]. Recently, similar results for the Jacobi weight, Numerische Mathematik (2004, 2006), and for the generalized Laguerre weight, Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics (2005), were obtained. Numerical construction of the Gauss-Hermite interval quadrature rule was also investigated and a suitable algorithm is proposed. Among the results is also the monograph: Interpolation Processes - Basic Theory and Applications, G. Mastroianni, and G. V. Milovanović, which has just been finished and given to Springer-Verlag for the Springer Monographs in Mathematics. 1. Milovanović G.V., Cvetković A.S., Stanić M.P., 2007: Gaussian quadratures for oscillatory integrands. Applied Mathematics Letters, 20, 853–860. 2. Milovanović G.V., Cvetković A.S., 2007: Gauss-Hermite interval quadrature rule. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 54, 544–555. 3. Milovanović G.V., Cvetković A.S., Stanić M.P., 2007: Two conjectures for integrals with oscillatory integrands. Facta Universitatis Series Mathematics & Informatics, 22, 77–90. 21 PHYSICS AND METEOROLOGY Project: STATISTICALITY AND CAUSALITY IN QUANTUM MECHANICS (Academician Fedor Herbut) One of the basic laws of quantum mechanics, the law of probability, was derived in two ways in two articles. In the first one, the mathematical structure of two unitaries for bipartite pure states was studied in detail. Utilizing this theory, the mentioned law was derived from the concept of minimal measurement. Herbut F., 2007: Quantum probability law from ′environment-assisted invariance′ in terms of pure-state twin unitaries. Journal of Physics A, 40, 5949–5971. Herbut F., 2007: Derivation of the quantum probability law from minimal non/ demolition measurement. Journal of Physics A, 40, 10549–10555. Project: NUMERICAL ������������������������������������������� SIMULATION OF WEATHER AND CLIMATE (���������������������������� Academician Fedor Mesinger) Activities within this project were aimed at further refinement of the Eta model, and also at the applications of the model for regional weather and climate purposes. The refined Eta discretization, via the earlier developed introduction of “sloping steps” (Mesinger, Jović) , was further improved. A problem was identified with the “slantwise advection” in this code performed using the centered Arakawa-Lorenz vertical advection scheme, also frequently used in other models, and the scheme was replaced by a scheme with ideal conservation properties, thereby correcting the problem. Numerous additional real data cases were run (Jović, Lazić, Živković) and the robustness of the sloping steps addon code was confirmed in real-time running by Živković. The Arakawa-Lorenz vertical advection was noticed to have led to problems also in the advection of dynamic variables by way of a false advection from below the ground. Its replacement by а piecewiselinear scheme led to a remarkable improvement in case of a severe downslope “zonda” wind in the lee of the Andes. One task worked on in 2007 was the initialization of the model for weather prediction purposes using a modified form of the so-called super-Matsuno scheme (Lazić). Another subproject addressed the effects of the release of contaminants into the atmosphere above Serbia (Lazić, Mijić). Verification of the Eta model forecasts for purposes of estimating power plant winds was another application of the model (Lazić, Živković). The impact of different definitions of lateral boundary conditions in limited area models was studied by a comparison of the Eta scheme with the Davies relaxation scheme, used in almost all other models, with encouraging preliminary results in favor of the Eta scheme (Veljović, Mesinger, Lazić, Rajković). 22 Marković D.M., Marković D.A., Jovanović A., Lazić L., Mijić Z., 2007: Determination of O3, NO2, SO2, CO and PM10 measured in Belgrade urban area. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Publisher Springer Netherlands (Print) 1573-2959 (Online). Online first-DOI: 10.1007/s10661-007-0044-1 Web: http://www.springerlink.com/content/102878/?Content+Status=Accepted Mesinger F., 2007: Bias adjusted precipitation threat scores. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, EGU General Assembly 2007. Mesinger F., Chou S.C., Gomes J., Jovic D., 2007: The eternal vertical coordinate issue: sigma, eta, sloping steps eta update, and a severe downslope wind case study. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, EGU General Assembly 2007. Xue Y., Vasic R., Janjic Z., Mesinger F., Mitchell K.E., 2007: Assessment of dynamic downscaling of the continental U.S. regional climate using the Eta/SSiB Regional Climate Model. Journal of Climate, 20, 4172–4193. Mesinger F., 2007: Bias adjusted precipitation threat scores. Submitted to Weather Forecasting. Available online at http://www.rap.ucar.edu/projects/icp/references.html Project: PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR MESOSCALE ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSES (Corresponding Member Zaviša Janjić) The general objective of the project was to develop a physical and numerical model of the atmosphere which could be used for the simulation and forecasting of atmospheric processes, as well as for studies of environmental problems, including meso scales. The project leader is Prof. Zaviša Janjić, corresponding member of SASA, and the collaborators were Prof. Borivoj Rajković and Ana Vuković, meteorologist, University of Belgrade, Serbia, Prof. Milivoj Gavrilov, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia, and Gordana Jovanović, meteorologist, the Hydrometeorological Institute of Serbia. Work on validation and further improvements of the model components, preprocessing, postprocessing and computer graphics systems continued in 2007. The emphasis was again placed on parameterizations of physical processes, and in particular on the land surface processes and simulation of moisture movement in soil. A predictability study was performed using a global model indicating that predictability is not limited only by uncertainties in initial conditions, but also by variability of the basic physical parameters, such as the radius of the Earth. Gavrilov M.B., Jovanović G.R., Janjić Z.I., 2007: The Sensitivity of a LongRange Numerical Weather Forecasting Model to Small Changes of the Earth Radius. 8th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), 1–5 October 2007, San Lorenco de El Escorial, Spain. Steppeler J., Bitzer H.W., Janjic Z., Schättler U., Prohl P., Gjertsen U., Torrisi L., Parfinievicz J., Avgoustoglou E., Damrath U., 2006: Prediction of Clouds and Rain Using a z-Coordinate Nonhydrostatic Model. Monthly Weather Review, 134 (12) (December 2006), 3625–3643. 23 Yongkang X., Vasic R., Janjic Z., Mesinger F., Mitchell K.E., 2007: Assessment of Dynamic Downscaling of the Continental U.S. Regional Climate Using the Eta/SSiB Regional Climate Model. Journal of Climate, 20 (16), 4172–4193. Janjic Z., Black T., 2007: An ESMF unified model for a broad range of spatial and temporal scales. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 05025, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-05025, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 15–20 April 2007, Vienna, Austria. Coniglio M.C., Kain J.S., Weiss S.J., Bright D.R., Levit J.J., Xue M., Weisman M. L., Janjic Z.I., Pyle M., Du J., Stensrud D., 2007: Evaluating WRF model output for severe-weather forecasting: The 2007 NOAA HWT Spring Experiment. 22nd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting / 18th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, 25–29 June 2007, Park City, Utah. Janjic Z., Black T., Pyle M., Manikin G., Rogers E., Chuang H.Y., DiMego G., 2007: The NCEP’s WRF NMM and hazardous weather prediction. 22nd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting / 18th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, 25–29 June 2007, Park City, Utah. Weiss S.J., Kain J.S., Bright D.R., Levit J.J., Pyle M., Janjic Z.I., Ferrier B., Du J., Weisman M.L., Xue M., 2007: The NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed: Collaborative testing of ensemble and convection-allowing WRF models and subsequent transfer to operations at the Storm Prediction Center. 22nd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/18th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, 25–29 June 2007, Park City, Utah. http://ams.confex.com/ams/pdfpapers/124772.pdf Janjic Z., Black T., Pyle M., Manikin G., Rogers E., Chuang H.Y., DiMego G., 2007: The NCEP’s WRF NMM and hazardous weather prediction. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, 2–13 July 2007, Perugia, Italy. Janjic Z., 2007: A unified atmospheric model suitable for studying transport of mineral aerosols from meso to global scales. WMO/GEO Expert Meeting on an International Sand and Dust Storm Warning System Meeting, 7–9 November, Barcelona, Spain. Project: DYNAMICS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM BODIES (Academicians Božidar D. Vujanović and Fedor Mesinger) Topic: Chaos and stability in the motion of small solar system bodies (Dr. Zoran Knežević) Mapping of the phase space of orbital elements was completed in the regions of the asteroid families Koronis and Veritas. It was found that most of the asteroids, members of these families, fulfill the 3-jet condition for the application of the Nekhoroshev theorem. A significantly smaller number of objects fulfill conditions of either convexity or quasiconvexity, while only a few percents of the examined population fulfill neither of the 24 conditions. Thus, the possibility of the direct application of the Nekhoroshev theorem to a real system was verified Work was continued on the development of methods for the preliminary determination of the orbit of an asteroid and for the linkage of observations for the next generation of observational surveys. We solved The general problem of multiple solutions, and in particular for the observations in the so-called sweet spots (near quadratures) were solved. Generalization of the existing solution for the geocentric observations to the case of topocentric observations for the classical methods of Gauss and Laplace, as well as comparison of these methods from the viewpoint of preliminary mass orbit computation, led to the development of optimized methods and procedures, which were successfully tested on simulated samples of the expected observational output of the next generation surveys. Also, a proposal for an improved algorithm to define what can be considered a discovery of a small solar system body was completed and published. Also research on the chaotic nature of motion of asteroids in resonant regions was continued. The problem of the determination of the speed of chaotic diffusion as a function of the initial position in the chaotic zone was considered with the mechanisms of chaotic transport and with an attempt towards a comprehensive explanation of the observed macroscopic distribution of asteroids in the (5, -2, -2) resonance. Preliminary results showed good qualitative agreement with the observations, although quantitatively there were still differences in the diffusion rates found in Monte Carlo simulations and those that would fully account for the observed distribution. Results of this research were presented at two international scientific meetings: Theory and Applications of Dynamical Systems, Spoleto, Italy; Latest Progress in Astrophysics, Athens, Greece. Topic: Motion of major planets and satellites of major planets (Vojislava Protić-Benišek, MA) In 2007 and within the framework of the international campaign “Mutual Events of the Uranian Satellites 2007–2008”, five events (occultations and eclipses of satellites) were successfully observed. Due to particularly bad weather and unfavorable conditions for operation of the Meade 16” telescope, slightly fewer events were registered than expected. Regular astrometrical and photometrical observations of asteroids and comets were made and the results were submitted to the Minor Planet Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Some data were also sent to the IMCCE center in Paris. In 2007, Goran Damljanović, collaborator on this topic, successfully defended his PhD thesis “Improvement of the accuracy of proper motions of stars of the Hipparcos catalog on the basis of optical latitude observations” (Mathematical Faculty, University of Belgrade). He also worked on the derivation of precise corrections of proper motions in declination of Hipparcos stars observed with 26 instruments throughout the world. He used his own method which was additionally improved in 2007. Input latitude data are astronomical ERP (Earth Rotation Programs) observations. EOC-2 catalog served for checking our hitherto obtained results; the agreement was found to be satisfactory. This research has as its goal the improvement of the referent Hipparcos catalog, since the 25 accuracy of proper motions decreases with time. After removal of the detected systematic errors, both satellite (Hipparcos) and corresponding ground based observations, with weights inversely proportional to the errors of coordinates of considered stars, were included in the computation of the corrections The results of this research were presented at two international scientific meetings: European Symposium on Occultation Projects, Stara Lesna, Slovakia; Journées 2007 Systémes de Référence Spatio Temporels: The Celestial Reference Frame for the Future, Paris, France. Milani A., Gronchi G.F., Knežević Z., 2007: New definition of discovery for solar system objects. Earth, Moon, Planets, 100, 83–116. Knežević Z., 2007: Preliminary orbit determination with topocentric correction. Latest Progress in Astrophysics, Athens, Book of Abstracts, 3. Todorović N., Pavlović R., Knežević Z., 2007: Diffusion in Hamiltonian Systems: from Maps to the Real World. Theory and Applications of Dynamical Systems, Spoleto, Abstracts, 7. Pavlović R., 2007: Third derivatives of the integrable part of an asteroid Hamiltonian.� Serbian Astronomical Journal, 174, 53–60. Protitch-Benishek V., Grnja J., Benishek Vl., 2007: Notes on the Most Important Phenomena Detected During 120 Years of the Belgrade Astronomical Observatory. XXVI ESOP 2007, Slovakia, Book of Abstracts, 6. Protitch-Benishek V., Benishek Vl., 2007: Seventy-five Years of Occultation Observations from BAO. XXVI ESOP 2007, Slovakia, Book of Abstracts, 8. Benishek Vl., Protitch-Benishek V., 2008, CCD Photometry of Seven Asteroids at the Belgrade Astronomical Observatory. Minor Planet Bulletin, 35, No. 1, 28–30. Damljanović G., 2007: Better proper motions accuracy for stars with Hipparcos satellite and ground-based observations. Book of Abstracts of the Journées 2007 Systémes de Référence Spatio - Temporels: The Celestial Reference Frame for the Future. Observatoire de Paris, Book of Abstracts, 24. Project: SHAPES AND SHIFTS OF SPECTRAL LINES IN GAS PLASMAS AND ELECTRIC GAS DISCHARGES (Academician Nikola Konjević) A comparative study of the radial intensity distribution of the excessively Doppler broadened hydrogen Hα line in a hollow cathode (HC) glow discharge operated in hydrogen and argon-hydrogen gas mixtures with a stainless steel (SS) or titanium (Ti) cathode was reported. The main interest of this work was focused on the dependence of the radial distribution on the cathode material and the cathode surface composition. Analysis of experimental radial distributions and the results obtained from the simulation of the H+ → metal surface interaction combined with available data for H → metal target interaction explains the difference between the SS and Ti cathodes. These results also explain the important role of metal hydrides at the cathode surface for discharge → HC interaction and its temperature dependence. 26 The analysis of the Hα and Dα profiles indicates that the line profile represents a convolution of three Gaussian profiles resulting from different collision excitation processes. The average energy of excited deuterium atoms determined from the width of the broadest Gaussian is about 86 eV in both HCs. In Ar/D2/H2 gas mixtures, the energies are in the range from 33 eV to 47 eV but with a much larger contribution of this Gaussian to the Balmer alpha profile. In discharges with hydrogen isotopes, the energy derived from the medium-width Gaussian is in the range from 4 eV to 6 eV, while in gas mixtures it is between 1 eV and 2 eV. The width of the narrowest Gaussian slightly exceeds the instrumental broadening and it was always below 0.5 eV. Optical emission spectroscopy was used for the determination of excited hydrogen molecule rotational, Trot, and vibrational, Tvib, temperature. For all temperatures, the radial temperature distribution was reported. The experiment was performed using copper or titanium hollow cathode discharges operating in pure hydrogen. The rotational temperature of excited hydrogen molecules was used to derive the translational temperature of hydrogen molecules. Šišović N.M., Majstorović G.Lj., Konjević N., 2007: Excessive Doppler broadening of the Hα line in a hollow cathode glow discharge: Radial distribution, influence of surface coverage and temperature effect. European Physical Journal D, 41, 143–150. Majstorović G.Lj., Šišović N.M., Konjević N., 2007: Spectroscopic study of high energy excited deuterium atoms in a hollow cathode glow discharge. Physics of Plasmas, 14, 043504-9. Majstorović G.Lj., Šišović N.M., Konjević N., 2007: Rotational and vibrational temperatures of molecular hydrogen in a hollow cathode glow discharge. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 16, 750–756. Ivković M., Jovićević S., Žikić R., Konjević N., 2007: Application of spectral lines for low electron density plasma diagnostics. VI Serbian-Belarussian symposium on physics and diagnostics of laboratory and astrophysical plasma, Belgrade, Serbia, 22–25 August 2006, Eds.: Ćuk M., Dimitrijević M.S., Purić J., Milovanović N., Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, No. 82, 117–128. Šišović N.M., Majstorović G.Lj., Konjević N., 2007: Excessive Doppler broadening of Hα and Dα line in a hollow cathode glow discharge. Ibid., 183–200. Konjević N., Ivković M. Jovićević S., 2007: Low-electron density plasma diagnostics by optical emission spectroscopy. XVIIth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc Phenomena, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic, September 10–13, 2007, Vol. II, Invited papers, Eds.: Aubrecht V., Bartlova M., BrnoLetohrad, 27–36. Konjević N., Šišović N.M., Majstorović G.M., 2007: Spectroscopic study of a glow discharge-surface interaction using the Balmer alpha line shape of hydrogen isotopes. European Working Group for Glow Discharge (EW-GDS), Brussels, September 14, abstract only. Konjević N., Šišović N.M., Majstorović G.M., 2007: Balmer alpha line shape of hydrogen isotopes for monitoring discharge-metal surface interaction. XVII Symposium 27 on Condensed Matter Surface SFKM, 16–20 September 2007, Vršac, Program and Contributed Papers, Eds.: Žikić R., Popović Z.M., Damnjanović M., Radović Z., Institute of Physics, Belgrade, 220, one page abstract. Šišović N.M., Majstorović G.Lj., Konjević N., 2007: Radial distribution of the excessively Doppler broadened hydrogen Balmer alpha line in a titanium hollow cathode glow discharge. XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, July 16–20, Contributed papers, Eds.: Schmidt J., Šimek M., Pekarek S., Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, I, Prague. Czech Republic, 1926–1929. Majstorović G.Lj., Šišović N.M., Konjević N., 2007: Radial distribution of the excessively Doppler broadened deuterium Balmer alpha line in a titanium hollow cathode glow discharge. Ibid., 1930–1933. Project: AFFINE SYMMETRY OF PHYSICAL LAWS (Corresponding Member Đorđe Šijački) Spinorial representations of the space-time symmetries of quantum extended objects of p space-like dimensions, “p-branes”, were investigated. The spinning p-brane description and its proper physical interpretation depends on the topological, group-theoretical and unitarity features of the General Coordinate Transformations group Diff(d,R) in d = p + 1 dimensions. The topology of the Diff(d,R) group is given by the topology of its maximal compact subgroup SO(d). An explicit construction of the physically relevant (unitary irreducible) spinorial representations of the Diff(d,R) and/or SL(d,R), d>2, covering groups was presented. These representations are necessarily infinite dimensional. The correct physical interpretation of the p-brane theory in the Special Relativity limit was achieved by employing the SL(d,R) algebra “deunitarizing” automorphism. The non-linear realization techniques were utilized to relate the Diff(d,R) spinors to the corresponding SL(d,R) ones (arXiv:0709.3111). The SU(5/1) superalgebra provides a way to unify the symmetries of strong and electroweak interactions, as well as quarks and leptons of both chiralities. The 16dimensional representation of the SU(5/1) algebra, which accommodates all particles of one generation of fundamental fermions, was explicitly constructed. Šijački Đ., 2007: SU(5/1) supergroup and its representation 16 of one generation of fundamental fermions. Journal of Research in Physics, 31, 90–93. Project: N-REPRESENTABILITY PROBLEM (Corresponding Member Milan Damnjanović) The set of the single particle states obtainable as the reduced N-fermion pure states was analyzed by the topological and symmetry techniques. The space of the pure N-particle states was stratified into the orbits of the action of the groups U(dN) and Nth direct power UN(d) (where d is the dimension of the single particle state). This resulted in the classification of the N-particle states which were reduced into the same single particle state, while it turned out that the total set of the single particle states obtained as the 28 reduced single particle states was a rotational polytope. The work on this problem will be continued with the analysis of the possibility to apply the results to the variational problems within the density functional theory and physical interpretation of the expected results in the physics of nanotubes, when the ground state is not a Slater determinant. Damnjanović M., Nikolić B., Milošević I., 2007: Symmetry of arbitrary layer rolled-up nanotube. Physical Review B, 75, 033404. Viršek M., Jesih A., Milošević I., Damnjanović M., Remškar M., 2007: Raman scattering of the MoS2 and WS2 single nanotubes. Surface Science, 601, 2868–2872. Mohr M., Machon M., Thomsen C., Milošević I., Damnjanović M., Mixing of the fully symmetric vibrational modes in carbon nanotubes. Physical Review B, 75, 195401. Mohr M., Maultzsch J., Dobardžić E., Reich S., Milošević I., Damnjanović M., Bosak A., Krisch M., Thomsen C., 2007: Phonon dispersion of graphite by inelastic xray scattering. Physical Review B, 76, 0354391. Vuković T., Damnjanović M., 2007: Diffraction intensity and symmetry of singlewall carbon nanotubes. Nanotechnology, 18, 375708. Milošević I., Popović Z., Volonakis G., Logothetidis S., Damnjanović M., 2007: Electromechanical switch based on pentaheptite nanotubes. Physical Review B, 76,115406. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE DЕFICIENCY OF SELENIUM AND MAGNESIUM IN SERBIA (Academician Zoran Maksimović) Investigations of the health effects of deficiencies of selenium, magnesium and other essential nutrients, as well as the effects of food of plant and animal origin enriched with selenium or another deficient nutrient were continued on animals and human populations. Investigations of the effects of the use of drink made of quail eggs enriched with selenium and other deficient nutrients and crops foliarly treated with selenium on health were also continued. In addition to classical biochemical parameters, non-invasive methods for the early detection of disorders of the contents of the essential and toxic elements in hair, pH value of saliva and bioresonant diagnostics were also included. Apart from the conditionally healthy population, the investigation also covered persons suffering from chronic diseases, such as asthma, type 2 diabetes, hyper- and hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis, cancer, as well as patients on a parenteral diet. They consumed a specially designed liquid drink made of whole quail eggs for 8 - 14 weeks. In all of them, an improvement in their general state of health was observed and optimal results were obtained with persons with chronic diseases (1-3 years). The activity of glutathione dependent enzymes: glutathione peroxidase-GSH-Px, glutathione reductase-GR and enzyme phase II biotransformation GST in the foot of three freshwater mussel species from the Sava River (Serbia) were investigated. The obtained results show tissue and species-specifity of the investigated enzymes. The study 29 represents the first comprehensive report of the investigated enzymes in the foot of three freshwater mussel species from the Sava River. The changes of antioxidant enzyme activities (catalase - CAT, glutathione peroxidase - GSH-Px, glutathione reductase - GR and glutathione-S-transferase - GST, as well as dehydroascorbate reductase-DHAR) in the mitochondria of European Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) were investigated. The obtained results showed that the investigated enzymes play a similar role in the regulation of the mitochondrial energetics and in diapauses and metamorphosis. The changes in the anti-oxidant enzyme activities (copper zinc containing superoxide dismutase - CuZn SOD, catalase - CAT, glutathione peroxidase - GSH-Px, glutathione reductase - GR and glutathione-S-transferase - GST) in the blood of patients with liver echinococcosis were investigated. The aim of this study was to establish the influence of larval form of parasite (Echinococcus granulosus) in the liver on the activity of the investigated enzymes in the blood of patients before and after surgical treatment. According to the available data, this paper represents the first study of anti-oxidant defense enzymes in patients with chronic liver echinococcosis before and after operation with respect to clinically healthy persons. The anti-oxidant effect of coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin E on the changes of the antioxidant enzyme activities in the heart of Wister albino rats treated with cadmium was studied. The obtained results support the assumption that coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin E functions cooperatively with endogenous antioxidants and diminished some toxic effects of cadmium in rat hearts. The changes in the antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase - SOD, catalase - CAT, glutathione peroxidase - GSH-Px, glutathione reductase - GR and glutathione-S-transferase - GST) in red blood cells of rats treated with phenylhydrazine were studied. The obtained results show that oxidative stress was followed by elevated activities of anti-oxidant enzymes in the red blood cells of rats treated with phenylhydrazine compared with controls. The correlation between the increased leucocytes count and the level of hydrogen peroxide in the erythrocytes in women with pre-eclampsia was studied. The investigated disease is characterized with elevated blood pressure and proteinuria. The obtained results show a statistically significant correlation between leukocyte count and hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxide in the erythrocytes of women with pre-eclampsia. These results show that the erythrocytes of women with pre-eclampsia have the capability for hydrogen peroxide removal. Perendija B.R., Borković S.S., Kovačević T.B., Pavlović S.Z., Stojanović B.D., Paunović M.M., Cakić P.D., Radojičić R.M., Pajović S.B., Saičić Z.S., 2007: Glutathione dependent enzyme activites in the foot of three freshwater mussel species. Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade, 59, 169–175. Jovanović-Galović A., Blagojević D.P., Grubor-Lajšić G., Worland M.R., Spasić M.B., 2007: Antioxidant defense in mitochondria during diapause and postdiapause development of European corn borer (Ostrinia Nubilalis, Hubn.). Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 64, 111–119. 30 Lilić A., Denčić S., Pavlović S.Z., Blagojević D.P., Spasić M.B., Stanković N.S., Saičić Z.S., 2007: Activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in the blood of patients with liver echinococcosis. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 64, 235–240. Ognjanovi������������������������������������������������� ć B.I.������������������������������������������� , Marković S.D., Pavlović S.Z., Žikić R.V., Štajn A.Š., Saičić ZS., 2007: Antioxidant effect of coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E in cadmium induced alterations of antioxidant defense system in the rat heart. A Scientific Conference with International participation and with CME certificates for atherosclerosis prevention: Nutrition, Treatment and Cardiovascular Risk Management, Novi Sad, Serbia, May 24–27, Book of Abstracts, p. 112. Aleksić S., Obradović A., Vukajlović M.Đ., Ognjanović B.I., Štajn A.Š., Žikić R.V., Saičić Z.S., Spasić M.B., Marković S.D., 2007: Antioxidative enzyme activities in red blood cells of phenylhydrazine and bleeding treated rats. XI Congress of Hematology with International Participation, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 27–30. Bulletin of Hematology, 35, 146. Đorđević N.Z., Babić G.M., Marković S.D., Ognjanović B.I., Štajn A.Š., Žikić R.V., Saičić Z.S., 2007: Correlation between increased leucocytes count and levels of hydrogen peroxide in erythrocytes of women with preclampsia. XI Congress of Hematology with International Participation, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 27–30. Bulletin of Hematology, 35, 149. Lalić T.D., Đujić I.S., 2007: Health �������������������������������������������������������� information’s that offer non-invasive diagnostic to specific persons. A conference with international particiapation, Nutrition, treatment and cardiovascular risk management, 24–27 May 2007, Novi Sad,� Abs Book, 43, www.physiology.org.yu /eng/htm/konf2007 Đujić I.S., Lalić T.D., 2007: Oxidative Stress Reduction by Bio-resonance Therapy and Functional Food Products in Patients with Cancer.��������������������������������� A conference with international particiapation, Nutrition, treatment and cardiovascular risk management, 24–27 May 2007, Novi Sad, Abs Book, p. 22, www.physiology.org.yu /eng/htm/konf2007 � Đujić I.S., Lalić T.M., 2007: Variations in magnesium distribution and cardiovascular disorders. The VIth Romanian Symposium on Magnesium with International participation, 27–28 September 2007, Iasi, Plenary lecture, Abs book, p. 24, www. editurastef.ro Đujić I., Jeremić S., 2007: Exposure of Serbian Residents to toxic elements. Proceedings from XI International Eco-conference, 26–29 September 2007, Novi Sad, Environmental Protection of Urban and Suburban Settlements Proc. Book II, 47– 53. www.ekopokret.org.yu Đujić I., 2007: Benefits of foliar treating crops with selenium in low selenium areas. International Inovation Conference, Inovation & Health and Safe Human Environment, 29–30 November 2007, Belgrade, Abs Book, p. 22, Proc BAI2007003, p. 1–8. Đujić I., 2007: Nutritionally valuable poultry egg beverages production - Health benefits, International Inovation Conference, Inovation & Health and Safe Human Environment, 29–30 November 2007, Belgrade, Abs Book, p. 23, Proc BAI2007004, p. 1–8. 31 Recognized Patents in 2007 Đujić, I., Milovac M., The Foliar Fertilization Method for Producing Plants with the Desired Selenium Content and Distribution (Postupak dobijanja folijarnog prihranjivanja radi dobijanja biljaka sa željenim sadržajem i distribucijom selena), Register of Patents of the Intellectual Property Office, No. 49786 Đujić, I., Milovac M., Combination for Foliar Plant Fertilization with Selenium Salts and Urea (Kombinacija za folijarnu prihranu biljaka solima selena i ureom), Register of Patents of the Intellectual Property Office, No. 49797. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE KARST OF SERBIA AND SPELEOLOGY (Academician Stevan Karamata) Interdepartmental project: KARST OF SERBIA Speleological, hydrological and archaeological explorations were carried out. The speleological exploration of the 8 metre deep pit at the top of Mt Rtanj was carried out. This pit is an extension to the cave system that is longer than 1,200 metres. Six caves were also explored: two at the source of the Crni Timok and four in the Radovanska river basin. All caves were marked with a code at the entrance, while surveying was done using remote control laser, which accelerates the work two or three times relative to the conventional surveying method, i.e. using a tape. On the basis of a comparison of satellite and aerial photographs and collected field data, a detailed analysis of the Krupac catchment area (whose water is used by Niš) was made with a view to developing the conceptual balance model. It was also complemented with an analysis of rainfall, melting of snow cover, soil humidity and the actual evapotranspiration and infiltration, which enabled the development of the balance model. The reconnaissance of the caves and rock shelters in the Gradac river canyon near Valjevo was carried out in part; in the Ribnica river valley, Šalitrena cave was explored whereby, in the lower strata, Mesolithic artifacts were ascertained. The explorations of the Balanica cave complex in Sićevo were also continued. In Mala Balanica, Pleistocene sediments, more than 4 metres thick, were ascertained. On their surface there are findings from the early Mesolithic period (which are older than 65,000 years). Thus, it follows that the lower strata with findings are much older. 32 INTERACADEMIC COOPERATION OF SASA AND MONTENGRIN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS Project: A STUDY OF FOSSIL FLORA AND FAUNA OF MONTENEGRO (Academician Marko Ercegovac) Biostratigraphic and paleoecological investigations of palynomorphs from Paleogene carbonate rocks, connected with a Permian epiplatform, in the Pošćensko Jezero (Dinarides), were performed. Dasycladales and microbiota from the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits of the Peri-Adriatic area (Podgorica) were also investigated. Fossil Charophyta of the Jurasic and Cretaceouus sediments of Montenegro and Dalmatia - External Dinarides and western Serbia were presented at the 15th Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists (GEC). Project: RARE EARTH ELEMENTS IN THE BAUXITES OF NIKŠIĆKA ŽUPA (Corresponding Member Vidojko Jović) In 2007, the rare earth elements and some other trace elements in bauxites (Ba, Be, Co, Cs, Ga, Hf, Nb, Rb, Sn, Sr, Ta, Th, U, V, W, Zr, Y) were analyzed - 31 elements in 94 samples of bauxites. The analytical method was ICP-MS (Canada). Four samples of bauxites from the lower part of the deposit were treated with 10 % HCl (15 times) and mass losses in the range 37.20 to 44.00 % were established. After extraction, the content of U and Y remained unchanged, but significant proportions of Th, Sn, Co, V, Sr were transferred to solution. The light lanthanides (La, Ce, Pr, Nd) to a great extent (about 80 %) were solubilized, confirming the suitability of employed method for the extraction of lanthanides from bauxites. Some heavy lanthanides (Sm. Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy) were also extracted, but to a lesser extent, while other lanthanides (Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) showed similar contents as in original samples. This means that they were not, or only in very small quantities, transferred to solution. Samples from drilling cores from the northern part of the deposit showed higher contents of lanthanides (especially the light ones) in relation to the southern part of the deposit. It was established that lanthanides gradually enriched toward the lower part of the deposit. 33 INTERACADEMIC COOPERATION OF SASA AND MACEDONIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS Project: INVESTIGATION OF TERTIARY LAMPROITES (Corresponding Member Vidojko Jović) The study of ultrapotassic rocks of the Balkan Peninsula was continued. Bulk analyses of the age of ultrapotassic volcanic rocks from Macedonia were made using the ArAr method. It was established that the volcanic rocks were formed in the range 6 - 3 millions of years. Bozovic M., Prelevic D., Cvetkovic V., Romer R., 2007: Neogene volcanism of Jezevo Brdo (Macedonia): an unusual type of Mediterranean lamproites. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007, Wien, Austria, Abstracts CD. 34 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Project: NEW CATALYTIC SYSTEMS (Academician Paula Putanov) The self-regulated behavior of some polymeric materials when adapting to their environment conditions, especially when applied as biomaterials, is very attractive for biomedical application. The properties of these materials provide a wide variety of applications, both for the replacement of body tissues or the temporary overtaking of some tissue functions. From a molecular point of view, the mechanisms dominating the present application of smart materials are related to the dynamics of the polymer molecules and intermolecular structures as well as to chain degradation processes. Such degradation opens a new area for growing tissues during the healing of damaged organs. In many cases, the process is much more complex. In addition to different degradation processes, enzymes influence changes the chain structure, at first by configuration and conformational changes. In this work the conformational properties of alginates in relation to energy changes produced by the enzymatic conversion of epimer D-manuronic acid residues to L-guluronic residues were considered. In particular, different radii of gyration obtained experimentally and the persistent length are related to both conformational models of alginate chains with different M/G blocks and models of gel structure. Polymers in the gel state exhibit numerous attractive and unique properties. Hydrogels, which resemble natural tissues more than any other class of synthetic bio-materials, are of special interest for bio-medical application. Hydrogels as threedimensional hydrophilic polymeric networks exhibit a thermodynamic compatibility with water which allows them to swell in aqueous media, while the polymer structure provides compatibility or at least bioinertness. There are numerous possibilities for the design such gel structures from both a chemical and physical point of view. However, new and pragmatic approaches to this multidisciplinary field sometimes overshadow some serious problems, important for the long term application of such materials. One of the issues is the anomalous time-temperature relation of some gels during long term application. In this work, just the part of the problem related to energetic aspects was analyzed using the internal variable method. The viscoelastic properties of the material were considered not in terms of classical rheological models, but using the approach of fractional derivatives. First the reproducibility level of the experimental results obtained for living systems by such a method was examined and later the 35 generality of its application for systems of constitutionally different gels. The obtained results were in good agreement with the experimental ones. Plavšić M.B, Plavšić M.M., Putanov �������������������������������������� P������������������������������������� ., 2007: ���������������������������� Additional������������������ ����������������� enzyme����������� ���������� catalytic� effects����������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� to�������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� degradation�������������������������������� ������������������������������� of����������������������������� ���������������������������� smart����������������������� ���������������������� polymer��������������� �������������� biomaterials��. YUGOMAT 07 International Conference, Herceg Novi, September ���������������� 2007, Book of Abstracts P.S.E., 17. Plavši������������������������������������������������������������������������ ć����������������������������������������������������������������������� M.B., ���������������������������������������������������������������������� Pajić-Lijaković I., 2007: Rheological �������������������������������������� aspects of structured-gel implant applications. YUGOMAT 07 International Conference, Herceg Novi, September 2007, Book of Abstracts P.S.E. 18. Project: THEORETICAL INVESTIGATIONS ORIENTED TOWARDS THE DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRIAL CATALYSIS (Academician Paula Putanov) The activation procedures of Mo-based catalysts were investigated in terms of their activity in the reaction of n-hexane isomerization. Temperature programmed activation and oxidation (TPA/TPO) in different gaseous environments were used to correlate activity/selectivity properties of the catalyst with the nature of the active phases and with the activation procedures required for their formation. A beneficial activation procedure giving Mooxycarbide comprised a very low heating rate of l °C/min, 550 °C as the final temperature and a flow of methane and hydrogen with a preferable 1:4 ratio. In addition, some minimal time for maintaining both the initial and final temperature constant was required, indicating the benefit of both the initialization period and the slow aging of the active phase. Neither a different diluent (He) nor another gas as the C-source (CO, n-hexane) gave an active catalyst. The catalyst activity can be enhanced by exposing it to air at room temperature and decaying in the same environment at 300 °C. Sulfated zirconia (SZ) is a promising catalyst for the isomerization of nalkanes, providing high octane number components for gasoline blending. The reaction requires a bifunctional catalyst containing metallic and acidic sites. Incorporation of Pt brings stability to the basic structure of a SZ catalyst and increases the fraction of the tetragonal crystal phase known to be catalytically active, as well as increasing the takeoff temperature of sulfate groups. In addition, both the activity and selectivity are improved due to the favorable textural and structural properties. Introduction of the second metal, such as Re, however, decreases the original activity of the Pt-promoted SZ catalyst. Incorporated Re acts as an inhibitor to the primary metallic function of Pt-SZ, constraining its reducibility. Two types of zirconium(IV) hydroxides were synthesized, differing in the precursor type and the preparation procedure. The impacts of the origin of the material, the synthesis parameters, sulfate incorporation and thermal treatment on the morphological, textural and structural properties of the final material were investigated. Nano-sized particles of 10 - 20 nm diameter were obtained by the sol-gel method when very basic conditions were applied, while lowering the pH results in bigger sized particles. Zirconium(IV) hydroxide of nitrate origin obtained by the standard precipitation procedure is attributed with very small particles of nano-dimensions, as well as the highest surface area and the smallest 36 mean pore diameter in the series. The main difference between zirconium(IV) hydroxides obtained from different precursors lies in the pore-size distribution, which is bimodal in the case of zirconium(IV) hydroxide of alkoxide origin and monomodal when nitrate was used as the basic material. Two series of sulfated zirconia catalysts were synthesized from various precursors by the corresponding mono- or multi-steps sequence preparations under laboratory conditions. Their activities/selectivities in the n-hexane isomerization reaction were correlated to textural, structural and morphological properties. The slightly higher activity of the commercially sulfated Zr(OH)4 based catalyst is in line with the differences in the SO4²ֿ content and their thermal stability, textural and structural properties, i.e. the crystallite size and possible imperfection the incorporation of the sulfate groups in the multi-step synthesis of the catalyst of nitrate origin. The employment of H2 as the carrier gas resulted in no catalytic activity regardless of the catalyst precursor, preparation method and calcination temperature. When the isomerization reaction was performed under He, the relatively short life-time of all the catalysts samples was caused by rapid deactivation, due to coking in the absence of H2. Boskovic G., Putanov P., Foettinger K., Vinek H., 2007: Activation of Mo-based catalyst for paraffins isomerization. Applied Catalysis: A-General, 317 (2), 175–182. Zarubica A., Boskovic G., Putanov P., 2007: Platinum Promoted Sulfated Zirconia Catalyst Restrained by Rhenium. EuropaCat VII, Turku/Abo 2007, Finland, Abstracts P9-66. Boskovic G., Zarubica A., Putanov P., 2007: Precursor affected properties of nanostructured sulfated zirconia: morphological, textural and structural correlations. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9 (7), 2251–2257. Zarubica A., Putanov P., Boskovic G., 2007: Content of sulfates and their stability - key factors determining the catalytic activity of sulfated zirconia catalysts. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72 (7), 679–686. Project: THEORETICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE VIBRONIC, SPINORBIT AND MAGNETIC HYPERFINE STRUCTURE IN POLYATOMIC MOLECULES (Corresponding Member Miljenko Perić) The investigation of vibronic coupling in tetra-atomic molecules was extended to five-atomic, six-atomic and finally any-atomic linear molecules. Perturbative approaches for the calculation of vibronic energy levels and wave functions were elaborated. They were applied in the computations of the structure of the spectra of C5-, C6- and C6+. Perić M., 2007: A model for the Renner-Teller effect in any linear molecule. Molecular Physics, 105, 59–69. Mraković A., Drvendžija M., Samolov A., Petković M., Perić M., 2007: Are the program packages for molecular structure calculations really black boxes? Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72, 1329–1341.� 37 CHEMISTRY Project: CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY OF STEROIDS AND TERPENOIDS AND CHEMICAL INVESTIGATION OF DOMESTIC FLORA (Academician Milutin Stefanović) The genus Achillea L. (family Asteraceae, tribe Anthemidae) comprises about 100 species, which occur in temperate regions throughout the Old World, especially on the higher mountains of the Mediterranean. Due to numerous medicinal properties, the aerial parts of some members of the genus are widely used in traditional medicine. Published results on the investigation of wild growing Achillea species collected in Serbia and Montenegro (A. abrotanoides, A. millefolium, A. crithmifolia, A. clypeolata, A. atrata, A. lingulata, A. clavena and A. depressa) prompted us to make a survey on the flavonoid, sesquiterpene lactone and essential oil content of 29 Achillea species inhabiting the Central Balkans. The alkamide, sesquiterpene-coumarin ether and lignane content of the respective species were also presented. In light of the chemical constituents of the species, the biological activity (antimicrobial, anti-oxidative, antitumor, antimalarial, anti-inflammatory etc.) was presented. Chemotaxonomy within the taxon of the analyzed species was briefly discussed. Trifunović S., Aljančić I., 2007: Secondary metabolites of wild growing species of genus Achillea L. from Central Balkan. In: J. N. Govil, V.K. Singh and R. Bhardwaj, Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants - Phytomedicines, 16, 139–178, Studium Press, LLC, USA. Project: ORIGIN, STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF SEDIMENTARY ORGANIC MATTER APPLIED TO PROBLEMS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND NEW ENERGY SOURCES EXPLORATION (Academician Dragomir Vitorović) Environmental and organic geochemical investigations were carried out aimed at the characterization and classification of type III kerogens and crude oils, the design of new oil-oil maturity correlation parameters, the characterization of source rocks based on the distributions of biological marker, the definition of diagenetic processes leading to the formation of pyrite in coals and sediments and the differentiation of petroleum-type pollutants and the study of their fate in alluvial sediments and the corresponding water. Cvetković О., Vrvić M.M., Dragutinović V., Vitorović D., 2006: Preparation of sedimentary organic matter concentrates by microbiological methods. Acta Biologica Iugoslavica, serija B Mikrobiologija, 43 (1), 41–54. Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D., Pevneva G., Golovko J., Golovko A., 2007: Hierarchy of maturation parameters in oil-source rock correlations. Case study: 38 Drmno depression, Southeastern Pannonian Basin, Serbia and Montenegro. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 55, 237–251. Jovančićević B., Vrvić M., Schwarzbauer J., Wehner H., Scheeder G., Vitorović D., 2007: Organic-geochemical differentiation of petroleum-type pollutants and study of their fate in Danube alluvial sediments and corresponding water (Pančevo Oil Refinery, Serbia). Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 183, 225–238. Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D., Pevneva G., Golovko J., Golovko A., 2007: New maturation parameters based on naphthalene and phenanthrene isomerization and dealkylation processes aimed at improved classification of crude oils (Southeastern Pannonian Basin, Serbia). Geochemistry International, 45, 781–797. Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D., Golovko J., Pevneva G., Golovko A., 2007: Evaluation of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons oil-oil maturity correlation parameters (SE Pannonian Basin, Serbia). Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72, 1237–1254. Šolević T., Stojanović K., Bojesen–Koefoed J., Nytoft H.P., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D., 2007: Origin ����������������������������������������������������������������� of oils in the Velebit oil-gas field, SE Pannonian Basin, Serbia - source rocks characterization based on biological marker distributions. Organic Geochemistry, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2007.09.003. Dević G., Pfendt P., 2007: Diagenetic relationship between sulphur species and formation of pyrite in coals and sediments. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 29, 1487–1498. Đorđević Lj., Gržetić I., Cvetković O., 2007: Eco-chemical status of the Korbevačka River (South-Eastern Serbia). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16, 1412–1421. Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D., Golovko J., Pevneva G., Golovko A., 2007: Evaluation of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons oil-oil maturity correlation parameters by factor and cluster analyses (SE Pannonian Basin, Serbia). 23rd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Torquay (England), 9–14 September 2007, Book of Abstracts, 863–864. Šolević T., Stojanović K., Bojesen-Koefoed J., Nytoft H.P., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D., 2007: Search and characterization for the source rocks of oil-gas field Velebit (SE Pannonian Basin, Serbia) based on biomarker distribution in crude oils. 23rd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Torquay (England), 9–14 September 2007, Book of Abstracts, 919–920. Jovančićević B., Antić M., Pavlović I., Novaković M., Vrvić M., Schwarzbauer J., 2007: The fate of petroleum type pollutants in soil and ground waters - monitoring of changes in native environment and trials of bioremediation (Petroleum Refinery Pančevo, Serbia). International Conference on Quality of Life and Environment in the Frame of E.U. Sustainability, BENA, Belgrade (Serbia), 15–17 November 2007, Book of Abstracts, 148–149. Jovančićević B., Antić M., Pavlović I., Novaković M., Schwarzbauer J., Beškoski V., Vrvić M., 2007: The fate of petroleum type pollutants in soil during bioremediation (Pančevo Petroleum Refinery, Serbia). 1st Symposium of Chemistry and Environment, Miločer-Budva, (Montenegro), 12–15 June 2007, Book of Abstracts, 66. 39 Ilić M., Jovančićević B., Antić M., Ljajević-Grbić M., Cvijan M., Vrvić M., 2007: Surface water microorganisms degrade dominantly petroleum hydrocarbons, 13th European Congress on Biotechnology, Barcelona (Spain), 16–19 September 2007, Journal of Biotechnology, S150. Jovančićević B., Antić M., Pavlović I., Vrvić M., Schwarzbauer J., 2007: Bioremediation of petroleum polluted soil (Oil Refinery in Pančevo, Serbia). 8th European Meeting of Environmental Chemistry, Inverness (Scotland), 5–8 December, 2007, The Book Abstracts, 16. Šolević T., Milić J., Ilić., Beškoski V., Gojgić-Cvijović G., Jovančićević B., Vrvić M., 2007: Laboratory study on the ability and efficiency of microbial consortium in degradation of oil pollutants. 8th European Meeting of Environmental Chemistry, Inverness (Scotland), 5–8 December, 2007, The Book Abstracts, 36. Project: SYNTHESIS OF STEROIDAL ANALOGUES OF ARTEMISININ AND 1,2,4,5-TETRAOXANES (Corresponding Member Bogdan Šolaja) Several dicyclohexylidene tetraoxanes were prepared in order to gain a further insight into structure-activity relationship of this kind of antimalarials. The tetraoxanes obtained as cis, trans mixtures showed pronounced antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine susceptible D6 (IC50 = 13 - 38 nM), chloroquine resistant W2 (IC50 = 6 - 30 nM) and the multidrug-resistant TM91C235 (Thailand) (IC50 = 16 - 47 nM) strains. They have better than or similar activity to the corresponding desmethyl dicyclohexylidene derivatives. In addition, the in vivo activity of epimeric 7α,12α-diacetoxy-5β-cholan-24-amide-3-spiro-6’-(1’,2’,4’,5’-tetraoxacyclohexane)3’-spiro-1“-((4”R and S)-methyl)cyclohexane was evaluated upon s.c. administration. Both the epimers exhibited cured-all-mice at a dose of 160 mg/kg/day, and the (4”R)epimer cured 1/5 at a dose of 40 mg/kg/day. No toxicity was observed. Two chimeric endoperoxides with superior antimalarial activity to the natural product ascaridole were also synthesized. Hatzakis Е., Opsenica I., Šolaja B.A., Stratakis M., 2007: Synthesis of novel polar derivatives of the antimalarial endoperoxides ascaridole and dihydroascaridole. ARKIVOC, (viii) 124–135. Opsenica I., Opsenica D., Jadranin M., Smith K.K., Milhous W.K., Stratakis S., Šolaja B.A., 2007: On peroxide antimalarials. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72, 1181–1190. Terzić N., Opsenica D., Milić D., Tinant B., Smith K.S., Milhous W.K., Šolaja B.A., 2007: Deoxycholic Acid-Derived Tetraoxane Antimalarials and Antiproliferatives. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 50, 5118–5127. Opsenica I. M., Milhous W.K., Smith K.S., Šolaja B.A., 2007: Polyfunctional mixed 1,2,4,5-tetraoxanes: synthesis and antimalarial activity. ������ The 41st IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Torino, 5–11 avgust 2007. Poster S08P28. 40 Project: CHEMICAL REACTIVITY AND BIOACTIVITY OF NATURALLY OCCURRING HYDROQUINONES AND THEIR DERIVATIVES (Academician Miroslav J. Gašić) A steroidal di-epoxide was synthesized and shown to possess a high anti-proliferative activity against cancer cell lines in vitro; while in vivo it was either inactive or toxic. A steroidal compound with the spiro A/B system was also synthesized and shown to be strongly to moderately active, depending on the cell phenotype. Regarding the mechanism of action of the synthesized compounds, modification of the model protein β-lactoglobulin with the steroidal di-epoxide was performed. Mass spectrometry showed that one molecule of the steroid was bound to a subunit of the protein, and isoelectrofocusing provided evidence that a lysine residue was the site of modification. Vujčić M., Tufegdžić S., Vujčić Z., Gašić M.J., Sladić D., 2007: Interactions of the anti-tumor sesquiterpene hydroquinone avarol with DNA in vitro. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72, 1265–1269. Gašić M.J., Kop T., Milić D., Juranić Z., Željko Ž., Šolaja B., 2007: Steroidal quinols, epoxyquinols and epoxides with antineoplastic activity. ASMC07, International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry, Sankt-Peter������� sburg, Book of Abstracts, Р 47. Sladić D., Vujčić M., Tufegdžić S., Gašić M.J., 2007: Interactions of antitumor quinone-hydroquinone couple avarone-avarol with DNA. ASMC07, International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry, Sankt-Petersburg, Book of Abstracts, Р 177. Project: INVESTIGATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY (Academician Ivan Gutman) In the plan for year 2007, four main directions of intended research were indicated. Here, only those results that were published in 2007 or in late 2006 are mentioned: (a) The papers 2, 7, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 29, 31 are concerned with various aspects of the theory of polycyclic conjugated, in most cases benzenoid, molecules: with their electron distribution, enumeration, energetics, Kekulè, and Clar structures. (b) The papers 9, 10, 12, 20, 21, 26, 28, 33 report results on the total π-electron energy, the graph energy, the Laplacian graph energy, and related quantities. (c) Of graph invariants of chemical interest, mainly the Estrada index was studied (3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 19, 22, 27, 30, 32), but also some other (6, 8, 11, 13). (d) A review article was published (1). (e) The papers 3, 8, 9, 10, 21, 22 communicate results relevant for graph spectral theory. 1. Gutman I., 2006: Chemical graph theory - The mathematical connection. In: J. R. Sabin, E. J. Brändas (eds.), Advances in Quantum Chemistry, 51, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 125–138. 41 2. Gutman I., Stanković S., Đurđević J., Furtula B., 2007: On the cycle-dependence of topological resonance energy. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 47, 776–781. 3. De la Peña J.A., Gutman I., Rada J., 2007: Estimating the Estrada index. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 427, 70–76. 4. Gutman I., Graovac A., 2007: Estrada index of cycles and paths. Chemical Physics Letters, 436, 294–296. 5. Gutman I., Radenković S., Graovac A., Plavšić D., 2007: Monte Carlo approach to Estrada index. Chemical Physics Letters, 446, 233–236. 6. Gutman I., Yan W., Yeh Y.N., Yang B.Y., 2007: Generalized Wiener indices of zigzagging pentachains. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 42, 103–117. 7. Brinkmann G., Grothaus C., Gutman I., 2007: Fusenes and benzenoids with perfect matchings. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 42, 909–924. 8. Zhou B., Gutman I., De la Peña J.A., Rada J., Mendoza L., 2007: On spectral moments and energy of graphs. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 57, 183–191. 9. Zhou B., Gutman I., 2007: On Laplacian energy of graphs. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 57, 211–220. 10. Gutman I., Zare Firoozabadi S., De la Peña J.A., Rada J., 2007: On the energy of regular graphs. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 57, 435–442. 11. Liu B., Gutman I., 2007: Estimating the Zagreb and the general Randić indices. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 57, 617–632. 12. Gutman I., Furtula B., Hua H., 2007: Bipartite unicyclic graphs with maxi mal, second-maximal, and third-maximal energy. MATCH Communications in Mathe matical and in Computer Chemistry, 58, 57–83. 13. Liu B., Gutman I., 2007: On general Randić indices. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 58, 157–176. 14. Gutman I., Radenković S., 2007: Estrada index of benzenoid hydrocarbons. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 62a, 254–258. 15. Gu������������������������������������������������������������������������� tman I., Furtula B., Marković V., Glišić B., ���������������������������� 2007: Alkanes ���������������������� with greatest Estrada index. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 62a, 495–498. 16. Gutman I., Ruiz-Morales Y., 2007: Note on the Y-rule in Clar theory. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 27, 41–49. 17. Balaban A. T., Furtula B., Gutman I., Kovačević R., 2007: Partitioning of πelectrons in rings of aza-derivatives of polycyclic benzenoid hydrocarbons. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 27, 51–63. 18. Gutman I., Stanković S., 2007: Testing the Y-rule in Clar theory. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 27, 425–436. 19. Gutman I., Furtula B., Glišić B., Marković V., Vesel A., 2007: Estrada index of acyclic molecules. Indian Journal of Chemistry, 46, 723–728. 20. Gutman I., Radenković S., 2007: Hypoenergetic molecular graphs. Indian Journal of Chemistry, 46A, 1733–1736. 42 21. Zhou B., Gutman I., 2007: Nordhaus-Gaddum-type relations for the energy and Laplacian energy of graphs. Bulletin de l’Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts (Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles), 134, 1–11. 22. Aleksić T., Gutman I., Petrović M., 2007: Estrada index of iterated line graphs. Bulletin de l’Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts (Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles), 134, 33–41. 23. Gutman I., Radenković S., 2006: Dependence of Dewar resonance energy of benzenoid molecules on Kekulé structure count. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 71, 1039–1047. 24. Gutman I., Furtula B., Kovačević R., 2007: Partitioning of π-electrons in rings of aza-derivatives of naphthalene. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72, 663– 671. 25. Gojak S., Gutman I., Radenković S., Vodopivec A., 2007: Relating resonance energy with Zhang-Zhang polynomial. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72, 673–679. 26. Gutman I., 2007: The McClelland approximation and the distribution of πelectron molecular orbital energy levels. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72, 967–973. 27. Gutman I., Radenković S., Furtula B., Mansour T., Schork M., 2007: Relating Estrada index with spectral radius. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72, 1321–1327. 28. Radenković S., Gutman I., 2007: Total π-electron energy and Laplacian energy: How far the analogy goes? Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72, 1343–1350. 29. Vukičević D., Gutman I., Randić M., 2006: On instability of fullerene C72. Croatica Chemica Acta, 79, 429–436. 30. Gutman I., Estrada E., Rodríguez-Velázquez J.A., 2007: On a graph-spectrumbased structure descriptor. Croatica Chemica Acta, 80, 151–154. 31. Gutman I., 2007: Partitioning of π-electrons in rings of aza-derivatives of triphenylene. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 26, 25–29. 32. Gutman I., Radenković S., 2007: A lower bound for the Estrada index of bipartite molecular graphs. Kragujevac Journal of Science, 29, 67–72. 33. Walikar H.B., Ramane H.S., Gutman I., Halkarni S.B., 2007: On equienergetic graphs and molecular graphs. Kragujevac Journal of Science, 29, 73–84. Project: SYNTHETIC TRANSFORMATIONS OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS BY FREE RADICAL AND IONIC REACTIONS (Academician Živorad Čeković) Scientific investigations of this project were realized in laboratories of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade and the Center for Chemistry, ICTM. The stereoselectivity of organometallic catalyzed reactions and their applications in organic synthesis were investigated. It was found that unsaturated aldehydes possessing an 43 olefinic bond at position 5 (or 6) and a leaving group at the allylic position, in the presence of π-allyl-palladium catalysts and amines, undergo cyclization reactions, affording preferentially trans-2-vinylcycloalkane aldehyde in good yields. This method is convenient for the preparations of five- and six-membered 2-vinylcyclic aldehydes. In addition to these reactions, oxidative transformations of some taxoid derivatives were investigated and the structures of the reaction products established. Matović R., Ivković A., Manojlović M., Tokić-Vujošević Z., Saičić R.N., 2006: Ring Closing Methathesis/Fragmentation Rout to (Z)-Configuration Medium Ring Cycloalkanes. Total Synthesis of (±)Periplanon C. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 71 (25), 9411. Bihelović F., Matović R., Vulović B., Saičić R.N., 2007: Organocatalyzed Cyclizations of π-Allylpalladium Complexes: A New Method for the Construction of Five- and Six-Membered Rings. Organic Letters, 9 (24), 5063. Project: NATURAL PRODUCTS: ������������������������������ PHARMACOPHORE CARRIERS OF THE NEW BIOACTIVE MOLECULES (Corresponding Member Bogdan Šolaja) Structurally diverse small molecule (non-peptidic) inhibitors (SMNPIs) of the botulinum neurotoxin serotype A (BoNT/A) light chain (LC) were identified. Of these, several (including antimalarial drugs) contained a 4-amino-7-chloroquinoline (ACQ) substructure and a separate positive ionizable amine component. The same antimalarials have also been found to interfere with BoNT/A translocation in neurons, via pH elevation of the toxin-mediated endosome. Thus, this structural class of small molecules may serve as dual functional BoNT/A inhibitors. In this study, a refined pharmacophore for BoNT/ A LC inhibition was used to identify four new, potent inhibitors of this structural class (IC50 values ranged from 3.2 to 17 μM). Molecular docking indicated that the binding modes for the new SMNPIs are consistent with those of other inhibitors that have been identified, further supporting our structure-based pharmacophore. Burnett Ј.C., Opsenica D., Sriraghavan K., Panchal R.K., Ruthel G., Hermone A.R, Nguyen T.R, Kenny T.A., Lane D.J., McGrath C.F, Schmidt J.J., Vennerstrom J.L., Gussio R., Šolaja B.A, Bavari S., 2007: A Refined Pharmacophore Identifies Potent 4Amino-7-chloroquinoline-Based Inhibitors of the Botulinum Neurotoxin Serotype A Metalloprotease. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 50, 2127–2136. Opsenica D.M, Šolaja B.A., Opsenica I.M., Milhous W.K., Smith K., Gerena L., Burnett J.C., Bavari S., 2007: N-steroidal-4-amino-7-chloro-quinolines as potent antimalarial agents that also inhibit botulinum serotype A. Eight Tetrahedron Symposium - Challenges in Organic Chemistry - 50th Anniversary Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 26–29 June, 2007. Delegate manual P2.97. Šolaja B.A., Opsenica D.M, Opsenica I.M., Milhous W.K., Smith K., Burnett J.C., Bavari S., 2007: New ����������������������������������������������������������������� peroxide-aminoquinoline chimeras as ���������������������������� antimalarials and BONT/A LC inhibitors. International Symposium on Advanced in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry, St. Petersburg, Russia, 27–31 August, 2007. Book of abstracts, P178, p. 279. 44 BIOLOGY Project: CATECHOLAMINE METABOLISM AND CELL PROTECTION FROM OXIDATIVE DAMAGES - EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS (Academician Vojislav M. Petrović) The present results show that spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) in basal conditions have higher blood ACTH and corticosterone levels as compared to normotensive rats (NTR). In addition, acute exposure to both cold and immobilization stress induced a higher increment of ACTH in the plasma of SHR in respect to that of NTR. A similar pattern of ACTH response occurred when SHR had been chronically isolated and then acutely exposed to both applied stressors. However, the results concerning corticosterone concentration were different; acute cold and immobilization stress with or without a previous 21-day isolation had no affect on the serum corticosterone level in both examined strains. The kinetics of ACTH and vasopressin (VP) secretions in response to acute (20, 30 and 60 min) cold (6°C) and heat (38°C) exposure were also examined. The results suggest a different response of ACTH, but not vasopressin, to various stressors depending on the nature of the stressor and the time of exposure. The obtained results showed that acute exposures of animals to cold (6 °C) for 60 min did not change the concentration of ascorbic acid (AA) in the serum, adrenals and liver, while the same duration of exposure to heat (38 °C) induced a significant decrease in the AA concentration in the adrenals, an increase in serum but did not change its concentration in the liver. These results show that heat is a stronger stressor than cold, causing ascorbic acid turnover, i.e. an increase in its amount in blood due to a depletion of the adrenal content, without a de novo hepatic synthesis. Djordjevic���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� J�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ., ����������������������������������������������������������������������� Djurasevic������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ S����������������������������������������������������������� ., �������������������������������������������������������� Vuckovic T., Jasnic N., Cvijic G., 2006: Effect of cold and heat stress on rat adrenal, serum and liver ascorbic acid concentration. Archives of Biological Sciences, 58 (3), 161–164. Djordjevic J., Vuckovic T., Jasnic N., Cvijic G., 2007: Effect of various stressors on the blood ACTH and corticosterone concentration in normotensive Wistar and spontaneously hypertnesive Wistar-Kyoto rats. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 153, 217–220. Jasnic N., Korac A., Djordjevic J., Cvijic G., 2007: Kinetic of pituitary ACTH and vasopressin response to environmental stressors - effect of cold and heat. Ninth Symposium on Catecholamines and Other Neurotransmitters in Stress, June 16–21, 2007, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, Abstract book, 94. 45 Project: ADAPTIVE LIMITS OF POPULATION-GENETIC POLYMORPHISM (Academician Dragoslav Marinković) In contemporary science of population genetics, it is equally important to visualize how adaptive limits of individual variation are determined, as well as to describe the amount and sort of this variation. Among numerous model-organisms that have been used to prove these concepts, Drosophila melanogaster has been indispensable in numerous experiments for the passed 100 years (Carpenter, 1905) and has also been exploited by the Belgrade group of population geneticists for more than 40 years. Within the present project, a continuous analysis of a gene-enzyme system based on 9 loci is showing that the realized, i.e. the adaptive, variation within ca. 80.000 possible combinations of present allelogenes is much smaller than expected for such a polygenic complex, being estimated to be smaller than 0.2 %. Analytically speaking, it is decreased to ca. 3 % during meiotic divisions and reduced a further 15 times in gamete selection. The finalized metabolic or developmental programs are emphasized to be the basic targets of Darwinian natural selection, rather than all the chromosomal carriers and individual genes that are involved in these programs. Studies of the genetic polymorphisms of specific samples of human inhabitants exposed in our region to different environmental effects were continued, using MN and HRC tests, including medical treatments and studies of the patients in hospitals. Marinković D., Kekić V., 2007: Capacities for population-genetic variation and ecological adaptations. Genetika, 39, 93–102. Radulović Ž., Milutinović M., Anđelković M., Vujičić Z., Tomanović S., Božić N., Marinković D., 2006: Allozyme pollimorphism of Mdh and alpha-Gpdh in Ixodes ricinus populations: comparison of borreliae-infected and uninfected ticks. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 40, 113–121. Marinković D., Cvjetičanin S., 2007: Population-genetic study of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy in Serbia. Russian Jоurnal of Genetics, 43, 942–946. Grujicic D., Milosevic-Djordjevic O., Arsenijevic D., Marinkovic D., 2007: The effect of combined therapy with ritodrine, erythromycin and verapamil on the frequency of micronuclei in peripheral blood lymphocytes of pregnant women. Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 7, 11–15. Milošević-Đorđević O., Grujičić D., Arsenijević S., Brkić M., Ugrinović S., Marinković D., 2007: Micronuclei in cord-blood lymphocytes as a biomarker of transplacental exposure to environmental pollutants. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 213, 231–239. 46 Project: INHERITANCE OF OIL QUALITY IN F1 AND F2 GENERATIONS IN SUNFLOWER (Corresponding Member Dragan Škorić) During 2007, the analyses of higher fatty acid and tocopherol contents were completely finished and the results organized and statistically processed. A preliminary examination of the data showed that the traits that determine oil quality are inherited differently in the F1 and F2 generations. These results will be the basis of two scientific papers to be published in international journals in 2008. In 2007, genotypes with a high oleic acid content were crossed with lines possessing genes for resistance to downy mildew, broomrape, imidazolinones and sulfonylurea. The F1 combinations have been sown in Argentina (winter of 2007/2008) to produce the F2 generation. Genetic studies of the lines and F1 and F2 combinations will be carried out in a comparative trial in 2008. Škorić D., Jocić S., Hladni N., Vannozzi G.P., 2007: An Analysis of Heterotic Potential for Agronomically Important Traits in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Helia, 30, Nr. 46, 55–75. Škorić D., 2007: Sunflower breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses (Keynote Lecture). EUCARPIA - Oil and Protein Crops Section Meeting, 7–10 October, Budapest, Hungary, 26–28. Škorić D., 2007: Achievements and Future Direction of Sunflower Breeding Worldwide. (keynote paper). 3rd International Sunflower Symposium for Developing Countries, 9–13 December 2007, Entebbe, Uganda, 7–8 (Abstracts). Recognized hybrids in 2007 Serbia: NS-H-2016, NS-H-2017, NS-H-2018, NS-H-2019, NS-H-2020, NS-H-2022 (commercial names of hybrids will be given later) Russia: Saša, Rimisol Macedonia: Pelagonija, Kazanova Project: ECOLOGICAL AND GENETICAL STUDIES OF DROSOPHILA SUBOBSCURA POPULATIONS FROM THE CENTRAL BALKANS (Corresponding Member Marko Anđelković) The results obtained on the project during 2007 were primarily obtained from research of inversion polymorphism of D. subobscura in natural populations and under laboratory conditions. Studying the changes in the parameters of inversion polymorphism over years in D. subobscura from two ecologically distinct habitats, beech and oak woods, on the Goč Mountain, the existence of significant differences in gene arrangements between those populations was found, as well as a change in the gene pool over the years. These temporal intra population differences are, to a certain degree, population specific. 47 The obtained results indicate that structures of a population gene pool can significantly depend on short term and long term microclimatic changes within a habitat. Additional studies within these populations showed that changes in the effective population size also reflect on inversion polymorphism in the gene pool of the population. Laboratory investigations of the influence of inbreeding on change in the frequency of inversion polymorphism and its quantitative parameters show interpopulation differences. This confirms the assumption that gene complexes within certain inversions represent coadaptive systems, which can explain the existence of interpopulation differences in the dynamic and range of changes within a gene pool due to the variability of abiotic and biotic environmental factors. Anđelković M, Stamenković-Radak M., Kurbalija Z., Kenig B., Rašić G., Savković V., Kalajdžić P., Savić T., Savić M., 2007: The study of chromosomal inversion polymorphism of Drosophila subobscura over years in two different habitats from mountain Goč. Genetika, 39, 2, 155–167. Stamenković-Radak M., Rašić G., Savić T., Kalajdžić P., Kurbalija Z., Kenig B., Anđelković M., 2007: Monitoring of the genetic structure of natural populations; change of the effective population size and inversion polymorphism in Drosophila subobscura. Genetica. DOI: 10.1007/s10709-007-9183-0. Rašić G., Stamenković-Radak M., Savić T., Anđelković M., 2007: Inbreeding reveals interpopulation differences in inversion polymorphism of Drosophila subobscura. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. DOI:10.1111/j.14390469.2007.00428.x. Patenković A., Savić T., Stamenković-Radak M., Anđelković M., 2007: Environmental change, body size variability and developmental stability in Drosophila subobscura. 11th Congress of the European Society of Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala (Sweden), Abstract book, 02-30 P. Savić M., Savić T., Pavković-Lučić S., Stamenković-Radak M., Anđelković M., 2007: Mating success and developmental stability of two male sexual traits in Drosophila subobscura. 11th Congress of the European Society of Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala (Sweden), Abstract book, 24-57 P. Kenig B., Kurbalija Z., Savić T., Stamenković-Radak M., Anđelković M., 2007: Effect of environmental pollution on interpopulation differences of inversion polymorphism in Drosophila subobscura. 11th Congress of the European Society of Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala (Sweden), Abstract book, 02-15 P. Kurbalija Z., Stamenković-Radak M.��������������������������������������� , ������������������������������������� Anđelković��������������������������� �������������������������� M.������������������������ , 2007: ���������������� Interpopulation hybridization and developmental stability in Drosophila subobscura. 11th Congress of the European Society of Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala (Sweden), Abstract book, 05-39 P. 48 Project: THE ROLE OF HEAT SHOCK PROTEINS IN THE SENESCENCE (Corresponding Member Nikola Tucić) Using four seed beetle lines selected for different life history traits but which also inadvertently created monoandrous and polyandrous conditions, it was shown that males evolved to affect the mortality patterns of females in a way consistent to the postmating sexual selection generated by the sexually antagonistic co-evolution theory. Monoandrous males, irrespective of other life history traits specific to their lines, evolved to increase the longevity of control females kept under starvation and suppressed fecundity, relative to males that originated in lines with effectively polyandrous conditions. When females were allowed to lay eggs, the effects of males from different lines and mating type history on the senescence of females were substantially weaker. It was found that males in the line that was evolved to decelerate senescence and polyandrous conditions stimulate an earlier onset of oviposition, of females relative to males stemming from the line with accelerated senescence and monoandrous conditions. This fact may explain the absence of differences in the mean longevities between the control females mated to these males and highlight the importance of sexual selection in the evolution of ageing. Tucić N., Šešlija D., 2007: Genetic architecture of difference in oviposition preference between ancestral and derived populations of the seed betle (A.obtectus). Heredity, 98, 268–273. Lazarević J., Perić-Mataruga V., Tucić N., 2007: Relationship between preadult development and longevity in the natural populations of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). Jоurnal of European Entomology, 104, 211–216. Project: CHOROLOGICAL AND ECOLOGICAL FACTORS OF TAXA DIFFERENTIATION IN OROPHYTIC FLORA OF SERBIA AND NEIGHBORING TERRITORIES OF THE CENTRAL BALKANS (Corresponding Member Vladimir Stevanović) The results of the project investigations in 2007 regarding the complex and diverse problematic of chorological, ecological and genetic differentiations of certain selected and interesting genera and aggregates of vascular flora of the central part of the Balkans could be concisely presented as follows: 1. Mapping of genera Alchemilla and Aphanes distributed in Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina for the International Project “Atlas Florae Europaea 14” (paper No 1) 2.New chorological data for the flora of Serbia and surrounding countries of the Balkans (papers No. 8, 12, 13, 14, 18, 24); 3.Helisperma oliverae M. Niketić & V. Stevanović spec. nov. is described from Montenegrin and the Metochian part of Mt Prokletije (3) 4.Investigation of molecular taxonomy and phylogeny of the genus Edraianthus (20, 21); 49 5. Investigation of genome size of endemic and relict species Ramonda serbica, R. nathaliae and R. myconii (4, 23); 6. Mapping of endemic flora of the Balkans (10, 11) 7. Caryological investigation of selected species from the genera Allium and Hieracium (7, 16); 8. Molecular genetics of wild relatives of cultivated cherries (2) 9. Distribution, ecology and some taxonomical notes of the genus Fritillaria in Serbia (15); 10. Taxonomical and nomenclature problems in the genus Cerastium (5, 17). In addition, the results of the investigations related to the Red Data List of Charophytes in Serbia, as well as some aspects of the conservation of vascular flora in the Montenegrin part of Mt Prokletije were also reported. Field investigations were realized in collaboration with the prominent European expert for the genus Hieracium, Dr. Zbignew Szelag from the Botanical Institute of the Polish Academy of Science in Krakow. Together with Dr. Marjan Niketić, he visited several mountains in Montenegro and Mt Jastrebac in C. Serbia from 30 July to 5 August 2007 and collected numerous interesting plant material for further taxonomical and caryological analysis. Together, they also collected valuable data about the distribution of numerous vascular plant taxa in the C. Balkans. Prof. V. Stevanovic made a research visit to the Goulandris Museum of Natural History in Athens, from 19 – 25th November 2007. In this institution, a comparative analysis of herbarium material from Greece and those from Serbia and Macedonia was performed, especially in regards to the critical genera Edraianthus and Helianthemum, in which crypto-speciation frequently occurs. 1. Stevanovic V., Niketic M., Lakušic D., Tomovic G., Vukojicic S., 2007: Distribution of the vascular plants in Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and F. Y.R.O.M. In: Kurtto A., Lampinen R., Junikka L. (eds.), ATLAS FLORAE EUROPAEAE. Distribution of vascular plants in Europe 14. Rosaceae (Alchemilla and Aphanes). The Committee for Mapping the Flora of Europe & Societas Biologica Fennica Vanamo. Helsinki, 200 pp. 2. Šurbanovski N., Tobutt K.R., Konstantinović M., Maksimović V., Sargent D.J., Stevanović V., Ortega E., Bošković R.I., 2007: Self-incompatibility of Prunus tenella and evidence that reproductively isolated species of Prunus have different SFB alleles coupled with an identical S-RNase allele. The Plant Journal, 50 (4), 723–734. 3. Niketić M., Stevanović V., 2007: A new species of Heliosperma (Caryophyllaceae) from Serbia and Montenegro. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 154, 55–63. 4. Šiljak-Yakovlev S., Stevanović V., Tomašević M., Brown S.C., Stevanović B., 2007: Genome size variation and polyploidy in the resurrection plant genus Ramonda: Cytogeography of living fossils. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 62, 101– 112. 50 5. Niketić M., Stevanović V., Tomović G., 2007: Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes on the Flora of Serbia and Balkan peninsula. I (Caryophyllaceae). Archives of Biological Sciences, Beograd, 59 (4), 387–396. 6. Lakušić B., Lakušić D., Slavkovska V., Stevanović V., Stevanović B., 2007: Morpho-anatomical differentiation of the Balkan endemic species Teucrium arduini L. (Lamiaceae). Archives of Biological Sciences, Beograd, 59 (4), 369–381. 7. Blagojević J., Stevanović V., Vujošević M., 2007: B Chromosomes in keeled garlic, Allium carinatum L. (Liliaceae), from Tara mountain (Serbia). Archives of Biological Sciences, Beograd, 59 (4), 73P–74P. 8. Tomović G., Vukojičić S., Niketić M., Lakušić D., 2007: New chorological data on some threatened and rare plants in Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences, Beograd, 59 (1), 63–73. 9. Stevanović V., 2007: The Biodiversity of the Belgrade Region - Changes during the Last century and Further Perspectives. In: Hartman R. M. (ed.), 3rd SwedishSerbian Symposium, Proceedings, The Royal Swedish Academy Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm, Sweden, 178–185. 10. Stevanović V., Tan K., Petrova A., 2007: Mapping the endemic flora of the Balkans - a progress report. Bocconea, 21, 131–137. 11. Tan K., Stevanović V., Strid A., 2007: Distribution and centres of diversity for endemic geophytic Monocots in the Balkans. Bocconea, 21, 139–146. 12. Vladimirov V., Dane F., Stevanović V., Tan K. (eds.), 2007: New floristic records in the Balkans 6. Phytologia Balcanica, 13 (3), 305–317. 13. Stevanović V., Lakušić D., 2007: Rhus coriaria L., Salvia aethiopis L. In: Vladimirov V., Dane F., Stevanović V., Tan K. (eds.): New floristic records in the Balkans 6. Phytologia Balcanica, 13 (3), 317–318. 14. Zlatković B., Stevanović V., 2007: Onobrychis caput-galli (L.) Lam., Rostraria cristata (L.) Tzvelev. In: Vladimirov V., Dane F., Stevanović V., Tan K. (eds.): New floristic records in the Balkans 6. Phytologia Balcanica, 13 (3), 325. 15. Tomović G., Vukojičić S., Niketić M., Zlatković B., Stevanović V., 2007: Fritillaria (Liliaceae) in Serbia: distribution, habitats and some taxonomic notes. Phytologia Balcanica, 13 (3), 359–370�. 16. Szelag Z., Ilnicki T., Niketić M., Tomović G., 2007: Diploid chromosome numbers in five Hieracium species from Serbia and Montenegro. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia, Series Botanica, 49 (1), 119–121. 17. Niketić M., 2007: Cerastium banaticum (Caryophyllaceae) in Macedonia. Distribution and infraspecific differentiation. Collection of Papers Devoted to Academi cian Kiril Micevski, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Art, Skopje, 171–190. 18. Niketić M., Melovski Lj., Tomović G., 2007: Polystichum illyricum (Borbás) Hahne (pro hybr.), Pancicia serbica Vis., Sempervivum kosaninii Praeger, Oxytropis purpurea (Bald.) Markgraf, Geranium caeruleatum Schur, Pulsatilla vernalis (L.) Miller, Ranunculus brevifolius Ten., Aconitum lycoctonum L. subsp. neapolitanum (Ten.) Nyman, Potentilla apennina Ten. subsp. apennina, Potentilla speciosa Willd. subsp. illyrica Soják. In: Vladimirov V., Dane F., Matevski V., Tan K. (eds.), New floristic records in the Balkans 4. Phytologia Balcanica, 13 (1), 114–116. 51 19. Niketić M., 2007: Silybum���������� marianum (L.) Gaertn. In: ����������������������������� Greuter W., Raab-Straube E. (eds.): Euro+Med Notulae, 3, 230, 234. Willdenowia, 37 (1), 182. 20. Stefanović S., Lakušić D., Kuzmina M., Međedović S., Tan K., Stevanović V., 2007: Molecular phylogeny of Edraianthus (Grassy Bells; Campanulaceae) based on non-coding plastid DNA sequences. Međunarodni ������������������������ naučni skup Prirodne i društvene vrijednosti ekosistema Dinarida - posvećen životu i djelu profesora Dr Radomira Lakušića, Abstracts, Berane, Plav, Andrijevica, 45. 21. ������������������������������������������������������������������������ Lakušić D., Rakić T., Stefanović S., Međedović S., Stevanović V., 2007: Edraianthus x lakusicii a new natural hybrid of Edraianthus DC. (Campanulaceae) from Montenegro. Međunarodni ������������������������ naučni skup Prirodne i društvene vrijednosti ekosistema Dinarida - posvećen životu i djelu profesora Dr Radomira Lakušića, ����������� Abstracts, Berane, Plav, Andrijevica, 46. 22. Buli����������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ć Z�������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������� ., Had�������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������� ž������������������������������������������������������������� iablahovi���������������������������������������������������� ć S������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ., Stevanovi������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ć V���������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ., Laku��������������������������� ������������������������������� š�������������������������� i������������������������� ć D���������������������� ����������������������� ., Niketi������������� ������������������� ć M���������� ����������� ., Kashta� ������� L����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ., �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Rakaj��������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������� M������������������������������������������������������������������������� ., 2007: ���������������������������������������������������������������� Za�������������������������������������������������������������� š������������������������������������������������������������� ti����������������������������������������������������������� ć���������������������������������������������������������� ene������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ vrste������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ flore������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ Prokletija�������������������������������� (������������������������������ Crna�������������������������� ������������������������� Gora��������������������� , ������������������� Srbija������������� , ����������� Albanija��� ). Međunarodni naučni skup Prirodne i društvene vrijednosti ekosistema Dinarida posvećen životu i djelu profesora Dr Radomira Lakušića, Abstracts���������������� ������������������������� , Berane�������� �������������� , Plav�� ������, Andrijevica����� , 46. 23. Lazarević M., Šiljak-Yakovlev S., Stevanović V., Catrice O., Brow, S. C., Stevanović B., 2007: Genome size and ploidy level of Ramonda serbica and Ramonda nathaliae in two sympatric populations from southern Serbia. III Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with international participation. Abstract Book, Struga, Republic of Macedonia, 39. 24. Niketić M., Melovski Lj., Matevski V., Tomović G., Stevanović V., 2007: New chorological and taxonomic data for the flora of the Republic of Macedonia. III Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with international participation. Abstract Book, Struga, Republic of Macedonia, 81. 25. Blaženčić J., Stevanović B., Šinžar-Sekulić J., Stevanović V., 2007: Red Data list of Charophytes in Serbia. 15th Meeting of the group of European Charophytologists (GEC), ��������������������������� Program & Book of Abstracts, Serbia, Belgrade, 5. 26. Špirić J., Radojević Lj., Subotić A., Stevanović B., Stevanović V., 2007: In vitro umnožavanje vrsta Dianthus gigantheus subsp. croaticus i D. ciliatus subsp. dalmaticus. XVII Simpozijum Društva biljnih fiziologa Srbije i Crne Gore, Knjiga аpstrakata, �������������������� Banja��������������� �������������� Junakovi������ ć, 70. 52 COMMITTEE FOR FLORA AND VEGETATION Project: STUDY OF FLORA AND VEGETATION IN SERBIA (Corresponding Member Dragan Škorić) In 2007, the third volume of the edition Vegetation of Serbia II 2 (Vegetacija Srbije 2) was published. This volume deals with coniferous and some broad-leaved forests, thus rounding off the presentation of forest vegetation in Serbia. The formal presentation of the book was organized at the Academy. The editor, Corresponding Member Dragan Škorić, Corresponding Member Vladimir Stevanović and Professor Dr. Radiša Jančić talked about the book. The opinion prevails that it is an important work in the field of Serbian botanics. The preparation of the volume devoted to herbaceous vegetation of Serbia, within the scope of publishing the monograph “Vegetation of Serbia 3“ (“Vegetacija Srbije 3“), was continued. The manuscript of the new edition of “Flora of Serbia 2“ (“Flora Srbije 2“) was finished. According to the Instructions provided by Professor Dr. Vladimir Stevanović, it is necessary to adjust the contributions in the manuscript. He also finally reviewed the contributions and informed the Committee about the further work on the adjustment of the text and preparation of areal maps. The manuscript of “Flora of Serbia 2“ was approved for printing. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR STUDY OF THE FAUNA OF SERBIA (Corresponding Member Marko Anđelković) The research of the entomo-, nemato- and acarofauna in the Tara National Park, which started several years ago, resulted in the first published papers and identification and listing of species which are new for the fauna of Serbia or the Tara NP. A description of one, scientifically new Nematode species, Trichodorus pseudobursatus, was suggested. Among 22 species of leaf bugs (Homeoptera: Psylloidae), registered for the first time in the Tara NP, six were new for the fauna of Serbia. Among 12 species of eryophide (Eriophyoidea), registered for the first time in the Tara NP, two were new for the fauna of Serbia and two will be described as new in science. The results of the research of the acrofauna of Serbia are also noteworthy, as eight new species of mites were registered for the fauna of Serbia. A particular activity was carperformed within the project, namely “A study of fish parasitic fauna of the Danube River”. The project was realized within a collaboration of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts and the Bulgarian Academy of Science. The project leader from the SANU is academician Zlatibor Petrović. Among the inspected fish species, parasites of the Monogenea, Digenea and Acanthocephala groups were found, and nine parasite species were defined for the first time for the ichtyoparasitofauna of Serbia. Nematodes were represented with the species Cystercus sp., which was for the first time found for the ichtyoparasitofauna of Serbia. 53 Magud B.D., Stanisavljević Lj.Ž., Petanović R.U., 2007: Morphological variation in different populations of Aceria anthocoptes (Acari:Eriophyoidea) associated with the Canada thistle, Cirsium arvense, in Serbia. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 42, 173–183. Project: INVESTIGATION OF PARASITOFAUNA OF FISH IN THE DANUBE, ITS TRIBUTARIES, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PARASITE OCCURRENCE DUE TO ANTHROPOGENIC FACTOR POLLUTION (Academician Zlatibor Petrović, Prof. Dr. Iglika Nedeva) This Project arose from the cooperation of the Bulgarian and Serbian Academy of Sciences. The superintendent of the zoocoenoses topic on the mentioned project is academician Zlatibor Petrović, and Dr. Marko Anđelković from the board of the Serbian fauna associate of the Academy of Science. The researchers of the task on this project are co-author Dr. Predrag Cakić and M.Sc. Vesna Đikanović from the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, Belgrade. Prof. Dr. Iglika Nedeva with associates - Dr. Margarita Gabrashanska, Dr. Valentin Radev, M.Sc. Elena Karaivanova and M.Sc. Georgi Atanasov from the Institute for Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, Sofia participated from the Bulgarian side. In the period from 16 to 22 April, 2007, fish material for the parasitological investigations were collected in the Danube River near Smederevo. The same investigations were performed by Dr. Predrag Cakić with colleagues Dr. Iglika Nedeva, M.Sc. Elena Karaivanova and M.Sc. Georgi Atanasov from Bulgaria to accomplish the task on the Project. The experimental part (laboratory work) of these investigations was done in the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, Belgrade. In period from 30 September to 4 October 2007, Dr. Predrag Cakić collected fish material from sampling sites near Smederevo, especially the fish species - Barbus barbus (barbel). Special attention was directed to the presentation of acanthocephala Pomphorhynchus laevis. The material analyses and determination of the found parasites in the other caught fishes is in progress. In the period from 22 to 29 October, 2007, Dr. Predrag Cakić and M.Sc. Vesna Đikanović were invited to visit the Institute for Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, Sofia. In the course of parasitological studies on the Danube River near Smederevo, in period from 16 to 22 April 2007: the following fish species were examined: Leuciscus cephalus, Barbus barbus, Zingel zingel, Abramis sapa, Abramis brama, Gymnocephalus schraetzer, Carassius auratus, Vimba vimba and Chondrostoma nasus. The scales, gills, digestive tract and eyes of these fish were examined. The following parasitic species were found: Dactylogirus carpethicus, D. dyki, D. haplogonoides, D. dirigerus, D. malleus, D. cornu, D. sphyrna, D. alatus and D. Phalax (Monogenea and Digenea). These parasites are for the first time found in the icthyoparasitofauna of Serbia. In the period from 22 to 29 October 2007, at a stay in the Institute for Experimental Pathology and Parasitology in Sofia, new methods of bleach, stain, preparation and fixation of Monogenea and Digenea were realized. With colleagues from Bulgaria, we 54 participated in the process of determining the heavy metal content in parasites, as well as DNA analyses in the parasitic species Diplostomum sp. and P. leavis. Atanassov G., Karaivanova E., Cakic P., Nedeva I., 2006: First record of metacercariae of Diplostomum pseudospathaceum (Niewiadomska, 1984) in freshwater fishes in Bulgaria. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, Vol. 9, No. 3. Cakić P., Paunović M., Stojanović B., Đikanović V., Kulišić Z., 2007: Metagonimus yokogawai a new parasitic Trematoda species in ichtyoparasitofauna of the Serbia. Acta Veterinaria, Vol. 57, No. 5–6, 537–543. Despotović S.G., Perendija B.R., Kovačević T.B., Borković S.S., Pavlović S.Z., Milošević S.M., Đikanović V.D., Cakić P.D., Pajović S.B., Saičić Z.S., 2007: Glutathione redox status in some tissues and the intestinal parasite Pomphorhynchus leavis (Acanthocephala) from barbel (Barbus barbus) (Pisces) from the Danube River. Archives of Biological Sciences, 59 (4), 57P–58P. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS Project: INVESTIGATION OF PROCESSES OF THE CONSOLIDATION OF MATERIALS (Academician Momčilo M. Ristić) The influence of Bi2O3 on the sintering of the 2ZnO-SnO2 system, i.e. the microstructure and electrical properties of the obtained materials, was investigated. The electrical properties were measured on a High Resistance Meter device. The influence of mechanical activation on the synthesis and properties of the MgCO3: TiO2 = 1:1 system was investigated. The influence of mechanical activation on changes in the dielectric properties was investigated in detail by analyzing the kinetics and mechanism of sintering at 1100 °C in the time interval 30 - 180 minutes. Sintering of zinc titanate ceramics doped with magnesium oxide was investigated. X- Ray and DTA analyses established that magnesium oxide influences the density of sintered zinc titanate. Mechanical activation of the ZnO-SnO2 system was investigated by photoacoustic spectroscopy using the photoacoustic phase and amplitude spectra of the sintered sample as a function of the chopping frequency. X-ray analysis confirmed the presence of Zn2SnO4 crystalline spinel. The thermal-electric properties of the obtained Zn2SnO4 were measured. Thermodynamic, electrolytic and magnetic properties of sintered materials from the viewpoint of the configurational model of matter were investigated. Correlation of the isothermal expansion and changes of the functional properties of Fe81B13Si4C2 amorphous alloys was investigated. Reactive sintering of the mechanically activated 2ZnO-TiO2 system was investigated. The Dorn method was used to determine the kinetic parameters of the process. 55 A detailed comparative analysis of the model of changes of physical properties during material sintering was performed. Original mathematical models enabling the investigation of the sintering kinetics of crystal materials were developed. Ivetić T., Nikolić M.V., Slankamenac M., Živanov M., Minić D., Nikolić P.M., Ristić M.M., 2007: Influence of Bi2O3 on Microstructure and Electrical Properties of ZnO-SnO2 Ceramics. Science of Sintering, 39, No. 3, 229–240. Petrović V.V., Maričić A., Labus N., Ristić M.M., 2007: Influence of Mechanical Activation on Synthesis and Properties of the MgO-TiO2 System. Science of Sintering, 39, No. 1, 59–65. Obradović N., Stevanović S., Mitrić M., Nikolić M.V., Ristić M.M., 2007: Analysis of Isothermal Sintering of Zinc Titanate Doped With MgO. Science of Sintering, 39, No. 3, 241–248. Ivetić T., Nikolić M.V., Nikolić P.M., Blagojević V., Đurić S., Srećković T., Ristić M.M., 2007: Investigation of Zinc Stannate Synthesis Using Photoacoustic Spectroscopy. Science of Sintering, 39, No. 2, 153–160. Pryadko L.F., Verhoturov A.D., Ristich M.M., Radich S.M., 2007: ChargeOrdering States in Materials and Their Description Using the configurational Model. Physics and Technology of Materials (FITEM’07), Čačak, 12. Maričić A.M., Kalezić-Glišović A., Simeunović R., Vulićević Lj., Ristić M.M., 2007: Correlation Between Isothermal Expansion and Functional Properties Change of the Fe81B13Si4C2 Amorphous Alloy. Physics and Technology of Materials (FITEM ‘07), Čačak, 10. Project: RESISTIVITY OF MATERIALS TO CORROSION (Academician Dragutin Dražić) The electrochemical and chemical investigations of chromium and 304 stainless steel were extended to solutions of sulfuric acid of pH 0.5 - 7. Special attention was paid to the interpretation of the mechanism of the establishment of the open circuit potentials, either in the passive or active state. The metallic chromium had two open circuit potentials, while the examined 304 stainless steel could not be activated and had only a passive open circuit potential. However, addition of NaCl to the sulfuric acid solution and removal of the passive layers activated the surfaces of both chromium and 304 stainless steel. Jegdić B., Dražić D.M., Popić J.P., Radmilović V., 2007: Structural Effects of Metallic Chromium on its Electrochemical Behavior. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72, 563–578. 56 Project: SYNTHESIS AND PROPERTIES OF NEW CRYSTAL AND AMORPHOUS MATERIALS (Academician Pantelija M. Nikolić) The application of the photoacoustic method for the characterization of isotropic and anisotropic materials was continued. The investigation of the effect of doping PbTe with B and Ni was continued. The synthesis and characterization of the thermal diffusivity of NTC samples was performed. The far infrared optical reflectivity of PbTe and PbSnTe doped with Fe, Pd and the rare earths Yb, Ce and Gd was studied. These investigations were realized in cooperation with Professor K. M. Paraskevopoulos from Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, and W. König from the Max Plank Institute, Stuttgart, Germany. Nikolić M.V., Blagojević V., Paraskevopoulos K.M., Zorba T.T., VasiljevićRadović D., Nikolić P.M., Ristić M.M., 2007: Far infrared properties of sintered NiO. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27, 469–474. Nikolić P.M., König W., Vujatović S.S., Blagojević V., Luković D., Savić S., Radulović K., Urošević D., Nikolić M.V., 2007: Far infrared properties of PbTe doped with Cerium. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 433, 292–295. Nikolić M.V., Paraskevopoulos K.M., Aleksić O., Zorba T.T., Savić S., Blagojević V.D., Luković D.T., Nikolić P.M., 2007: Far infrared reflectance of sintered nickelmanganite samples used as negative temperature coefficient thermistors. Material Research Bulletin, 42, 1492–1498. Ivetić T., Nikolić M.V., Nikolić P.M., Blagojević V., Đurić S., Srećković T., Ristić M.M., 2007: Investigation of zinc–stannate synthesis using photoacoustic spectroscopy. Science of Sintering, 39, 153–160. Nikolić P.M., Đurić S., Paraskevopoulos K.M., Zorba T.T., Luković D., Savić S., Nikolić M.V., 2007: Infrared reflectance of single crystal jarandolite, CaB3O4(OH)3. Mineralogical Magazine, 70, 273–283. Luković D., Nikolić P.M., Vujatović S., Savić S., Urošević D., 2007: Photoacoustic Properties of Single Crystal PbTe (Ni). Science of Sintering, 39, 161–167. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON BIOMEDICAL INVESTIGATIONS (Academician Ljubiša Rakić) Project: MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF STRESS RESPONSE (Academician Dušan T. Kanazir) 1. The presented review addresses a number of basic molecular pathways that play a crucial role in the perception, transmission and modulation of stress signals and conduct adaptation of the vital processes in the cardiovascular system (CVS). These highly complex systems for intracellular information transfer include stress hormones 57 and their receptors, stress-activated phosphoprotein kinases, stress-activated heat shock proteins and anti-oxidant enzymes, which maintain the oxidoreductive homeostasis of the CVS. Failure to compensate for the deleterious effects of stress may result in the development of different pathophysiologies in the CVS, such as, ischemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis and infarction. Stress-induced disbalance in each of the CVS molecular signaling systems and their contribution to the CVS malfunctioning is reviewed. The general picture of the molecular mechanisms of stress-induced pathophysiology in the CVS indicated to the importance of stress duration and intensity as etiological factors and suggested that future studies should be complemented by careful insights into the individual factors of susceptibility to stress, prophylactic effects of ‘healthy’ life styles and the beneficial action of anti-oxidant-rich nutrition. 2. Nutrigenomics is a promising multidisciplinary field that focuses on the study of the interactions between nutritional factors, genetic factors and health outcomes. Its goal is to achieve more efficient, individual dietary intervention strategies aimed at preventing disease, improving the quality of life and achieving healthy aging. Scientific progress in nutrition, medical and food sciences is having an increasingly profound impact on the approach of consumer to nutrition. There is a growing awareness that many chronic diseases are caused by an unbalanced diet. In addition to disease prevention, the role of food as an agent for improving health has been proposed and a new class of food, so called functional food, has come into being. This term is used to indicate a food that contains some health-promoting components and not only traditional nutrients. From this point of view, it could be argued that milk and many dairy products belong to the family of functional food, replete with bioactive peptides, anti-oxidants, probiotic bacteria, highly absorbable calcium, conjugated linoleic acid and other biologically active components. Milk is a polyphasic secretion of the mammary gland, containing on average 3.3 % protein, 3.9 % fat, 5.0 % lactose and 0.7 % minerals. The most abundant milk proteins are caseins, which are organized into micelles mutually held together by calcium phosphate bridges. β-Lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, serum albumin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins and β-microglobulin are the other proteins present in milk. Cow milk also contains the anti-oxidant enzymes, Cu/Zn- and Mn-superoxide dismutases (SODs). The study deals with the structure of milk proteins and its relation to the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The effects of several laboratory treatments on the profile of sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel elecrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of the proteins and on the respective SOD activity were studied in raw milk samples. It is concluded that the high anti-oxidant content of the initial raw milk, as well as the technology of its processing are of great importance for the preservation of SOD activity in the final foodstuff product. Thus, the obtained data of specific SOD activity in full milk and milk fractions may be of practical significance when choosing the starting milk samples for further processing. The finding is of potential interest for industrial processing of IMPAMIL baby food. 58 Pajović S.B., Radojčić M.B., Kanazir D.T., 2007: Neuroendocrine and oxidoreductive mechanisms of stress induced cardiovascular diseases. Physiological Research, No. 3, PMID: 17465697(on line). Pajović S.B., Todorović A., Stojiljković V., Kasapović J., Pejić S., Kanazir D.T., 2007: Milk, milk products, nutrition and health. Innovation & health and safe human environment, International innovation conference 2007, 29–30 November 2007, SANU, Belgrade, Serbia. Project: REGULATION OF CELL PROTECTION AGAINST OXIDATIVE DAMAGES UNDER CONDITIONS OF MAINTAINED HOMEOSTASIS AND ITS DISRUPTIONS (Academician Vojislav M. Petrović) A comparative study of the effects of molsidomine (MO) and 3-morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1) on the redox status of rat erythrocytes and reticulocytes was made. There are two metabolic pathways for MO biotransformation: one - causing NO and NO- generation in erythrocytes and other - via SIN-1 in reticulocytes. The main difference between the action of MO and SIN-1 is that the latter caused oxidative damage in erythrocytes (1). The activities of superoxide dismutase, SOD, and catalase, CAT, in the foot of three freshwater mussel species from the Sava River were investigated. It was shown that parameters employed in the study could be useful tools in the biomonitoring of freshwater bivalves (2). The aim of this study was the investigation the glutathione redox status in some tissues from barbel (Barbus barbus) and the intestinal parasite (Pomphorhynchus laevis) from the Danube River. This study represents the first investigation of its kind and the obtained results gave significant data for biomonitoring studies of the investigated species (3). The present study demonstrates that manganese containing superoxide dismutase - Mn SOD binds nitric oxide, NO, and stimulates its decay under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. This results indicate that Mn SOD catalyzed NO dismutation into nitrosonium and nitroxyl under anaerobic condition is also operative in the presence of molecular oxygen. The interaction of NO with Mn SOD may represent a novel mechanism by which Mn SOD protects the cell from overproduction of NO (4). The aim of these investigation was to establish whether cholesterol bound to hemoglobin affects the antioxidant enzyme system in human erythrocytes. It was shown that the lipid fraction in erythrocytes represents cholesterol associated with phospholipids and hemoglobin. The amount hemoglobin-cholesterol neither influenced the activities of erythrocyte anti-oxidative enzymes nor altered the level of methemoglobin (5). In this study, the different responses of mesenteric artery from normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats to nitric oxide, NO, were investigated . The results indicate that relaxation induced by nitroxyl and NO- was more effective in the mesenteric artery smooth muscle of spontaneous hypertensive rats than that of normotensive rats (6). 59 The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of carvedilol on the activity of copper zinc containing superoxide dismutase, CuZn SOD, in patients with acute myocardial infarction. The obtained results showed that carvedilol induces an increased activity of CuZn SOD in erythrocytes from patients treated with streptokinase - carvedilol and in erythrocytes isolated from patients treated with strepokinase - metoprolol (7). In this study, the hematological parameters (hematocrite, hemoglobin, erythrocyte, leukocyte, platelets and reticulocytes) were investigated in anemia induced by phenylhydrazine and bleeding. Bleeding induced anemia was followed by a low amount of retikulocytes and a low level of hematological parameters in the blood. Anemia caused by phenylhydrazine yielded to greater degree reticulocytes with lower hematological parameters (8). The aim of the study was to investigate the redox status in erythrocytes of phenylhydrazine- and bleeding-treated rats. The following parameters: superoxide anion radicals, hydrogen peroxide, reactive nitrogen species, as well as oxidized and reduced glutathione were studied. It was concluded that there is elevated oxidative stress in both groups of anemic rats with respect to the controls (9). The changes of hematological parameters (hematocrite, hemoglobin, erythrocyte, leukocyte, platelets and reticulocytes) in the anemic rats after bleeding were investigated. This kind of anemia was followed by decreased hematologal parameters, reticulocytosis, increased leukocyte number and oxidative damage of hemoglobin (10). The aim of this study was to investigate the concentration of anti-oxidant compounds (Vitamin E and Vitamin C) and lipid peroxide in some tissues of hake (Merluccius merluccius) from the Adriatic Sea. The intensity of oxidative stress was increased in the liver of hake in comparison to the muscle in the winter period with respect to spring, and as well as in the waters of Valdanos with respect to Platamuni (11). In this study, the oxidative stress parameters: superoxide dismutase, SOD, and catalase, CAT, the concentration of lipid peroxide, and the concentration of reduced glutathione in the liver of hake (Merluccius merluccius) and red mullet (Mullus barbatus) were investigated. According to the analyses of the results, it can be concluded that the investigated parameters represents significant and reliable biomarkers for the monitoring of environmental pollution (12). 1. Marković S.D., Vukajlović M.D., Ognjanović B.I., Štajn A.Š., Žikić R.V., Saičić Z.S., Radojičić R.M., Jones D.R., Spasić M.B., 2007: A Comparative study of the effects of molsidomine and 3-morpholinosydnonimine on the redox status of rat erythrocytes and reticulocytes. Cell Biochemistry and Function, 25, 251–258. 2. Perendija B.R., Borković S.S., Kovačević T.B., Pavlović S.Z., Stojanović B.D., Paunović M.M., Cakić P.D., Pajović S.B., Saičić Z.S., 2007: The activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase in the foot of three freshwater mussel species. Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade, 59, 17P–18P. 3. Despotović S.G., Perendija B.R., Kovačević T.B., Borković S.S., Pavlović S.Z., Milošević S.M., Đikanović V.Đ., Cakić P.D., Pajović S.B., Saičić Z.S., 2007: Glutathione redox status in some tissues and in the intestinal parasite Pomphorhynch 60 laevis (Acanthocephala) from barbel (Barbus Barbus) in the Danube River. Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade, 59, 57P–58P. 4. Filipović M., Stanić D., Raičević S., Spasić M., Niketić V., 2007: Consequences of Mn SOD interactions with nitric oxide: Nitric oxide dismutation and the generation of peroxynitrite and Hydrogen peroxide. Free Radical Research, 41, 62–72. 5. Nikolić M., Vranić D., Nikolić–Kokić A., Stanić D., Blagojević D.P., Jones D., Niketić V., Spasić M.B., 2007: Does cholesterol bound to haemoglobin affects the antioxidative enzyme defence system in human erythrocytes. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72, 339–345. 6. Oreščanin Z., Milovanović S., Spasić S., Jones D., Spasić M., 2007: Different responses of mesenteric artery from normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats to nitric oxide and its redox congeners. Pharmacological Report, 59, 325–332. 7. Kastratović D.A., Vasiljević Z.M., Spasić M.B., Peruničić J.P., Matić M., Blagojević D.P., Mijalković D.N., Antonijević N.M., Marković S.Z., Gojković-Bukarica L., Stojiljković M.P., Lasica R.M., Jones D.R., Nikolić-Kokić A.L., 2007: Carvedilol increases copper-zinc superoxide dismutase activity in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 101, 138–142. 8. Žižić J., Milošević M., Vukajlović M.Đ., Ognjanović B.I., Štajn A.Š., Žikić R.V., Saičić Z.S., Spasić M.B., Marković S.D., 2007: Hematological parameters of phenylhydrazine and bleeding induced anemia in rats. XI Congress of Hematology with International Participation, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 27–30. Bulletin of Hematology, 35, 145. 9. Obradović A., Aleksić S., Vukajlović M.Đ., Ognjanović B.I., Štajn A.Š., Žikić R.V., Saičić Z.S., Spasić M.B., Marković S.D., 2007: Redox status in red blood cells of phenylhydrazine and bleeding treated rats. XI Congress of Hematology with International Participation, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 27–30. Bulletin of Hematology, 35, 147. 10. Milošević M., Žižić J., Vukajlović M.Đ., Ognjanović B.I., Štajn A.Š., Žikić R.V., Saičić Z.S., Spasić M.B., Marković S.D., 2007: Time course of experimental bleeding-induced anemia in rats. XI Congress of Hematology with International Participation, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 27–30. Bulletin of Hematology, 35, 148. 11. Đorđević N., Ognjanović B., Marković S., Pavlović S., Žikić R., Štajn A., Saičić Z., 2007: ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Concentration of antioxidant compounds and lipid peroxidation in some tissues of hake (Merluccius merlucius L.) from the Adriatic Sea. 1ST International Congress on Biology in Serbia, Palić, October 25–28, Collection of Abstracts, 54–55. 12. Ognjanovi���������������������������������������������������������������� ć B.������������������������������������������������������������ , Marković S., Đorđević N., Pavlović S., Štajn А., Žikić R., Saičić Z., 2007: Oxidative stress parameters in the liver of hake (Merluccius merlucius L.) and red mullet (Mullus barbatus L.) from the Adriatic Sea. 1ST International Congress on Biology in Serbia, Palić, October 25–28, Collection of Abstracts, 68–69. 61 Project: HOMEOSTATIC MECHANISMS AND REGULATION SYSTEM OF BEHAVIOR (Academician Ljubiša Rakić) 1. The therapeutic effect of combined treatment with nucleoside analogues on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in Dark Agouti rats The effect of combined treatment with two nucleoside analogues (ribavirin and tiazofurin - RT) on the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a commonly used animal model of the human disease multiple sclerosis, actively induced in highly susceptible Dark Agouti rats was investigated. Amelioration of clinical signs and faster recovery was detected in the RT group compared to the control group. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed that RT treatment decreases the number of T cells, macrophages and microglia. In addition, demyelination areas and axonal damage were not recorded in the RT group, in contrast to the control group in which multiple areas of demyelination zones and axonal loss were found. RT combination treatment suppresses ongoing EAE, prevents demyelination and axonal loss and, therefore, may well be a potential therapy for the treatment of MS. 2. Distribution of ecto-nucleotidase activity in the rat hippocampus and early temporal changes in activity after cortical stab injury The distributions of ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase and ecto5’-nucleotidase in the rat hippocampus were assessed by immunohistochemistry. The obtained results showed co-expression of the enzymes in the hippocampus region, as well as a wide and strikingly similar cellular distribution, suggesting that the broad overlapping distribution of these enzymes in neurons and glial cells reflects the functional importance of ectonucleotidase actions in the nervous system. During a variety of insults to the brain, adenine nucleotides are released in large quantities from damaged cells. Early temporal changes (0 - 24h) in the extracellular hydrolysis of ATP, ADP and AMP after cortical stab injury (CSI) in adult rats were evaluated. It is observed that 24 hours following CSI, ATP and ADP hydrolyzing activities were not significantly altered in injured cortex, while AMP hydrolysis was significantly reduced at least 4 hours following CSI revealing that injured tissue has reduced potential for extracellular metabolism of adenine nucleotides in early stages after CSI. 3. Molecular and behavioral mechanism of brain plasticity Dietary restriction (DR) is one of the promising environmental interventions known to attenuate aging and decrease the risk of age-related neurodegenerative disorders. First six different food restriction (FR) regimens on amphetamine (AMPH)-induced locomotive and non-locomotive activities in male rats were examined. Changes in serum corticosterone (CORT), insulin and glucose levels were also examined. AMPH injection led to a significant increase of locomotive activity in all rats subjected to FR compared to ad libitum fed rats. A significant increase of non-locomotor activity was observed only in the 75 % FR and 87.5 % FR groups. The serum CORT levels were significantly elevated and the serum insulin and glucose levels were significantly decreased in all the FR groups in comparison to the AL rats. The results presented in this paper suggest that 62 the every day regimens produced changes in motor activity and biochemical parameters, which were more-or-less dependent on the degree of FR. We have also investigated Also the effects of FR on the expression of α-synuclein, a presynaptic protein involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s and some other neurodegenerative diseases, in the cortex and hippocampus of adult, middle-aged, late middle-aged, and aged rats. Using Real Time RT-PCR, it was found that aging regulates the expression of α-synuclein in a tissue-specific manner and that long-term DR reverses the late age-related changes of α-synuclein expression. 4. New perspective on the roles for neurotransmitters in early embryogenesis Sea urchins use neurotransmitters as embryonic growth regulatory signals, so that adverse effects on neural substrates for mammalian brain development can be studied in this simple organism. The effects of the organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos in sea urchin embryos were compared with those of the monoamine depleter reserpine, in order to investigate multiple neurotransmitter mechanisms involved in developmental toxicity and to evaluate different therapeutic interventions corresponding to each neurotransmitter system. Whereas reserpine interfered with all stages of embryonic development, the effects of chlorpyrifos did not emerge until the mid-blastula stage. After that point, the effects of the two agents were similar. Treatment with membrane permeable analogs of the monoamine neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine, prevented the adverse effects of both chlorpyrifos and reserpine, despite the fact that chlorpyrifos works simultaneously through actions on acetylcholine, monoamines and other neurotransmitter pathways. This suggests that different neurotransmitters, converging on the same downstream signaling events, could work together or in parallel to offset developmental disruption caused by exposure to disparate agents. 5. “Neurobiological Studies - from Genes to Behaviour”. Eds: Ruzdijic S. and Rakic Lj., Research Signpost, Kerala, India, 1–284, 2006. Ruzdijic S., Pesic M., Kanazir S., Rakic Lj., Tanic N.: The role of genetic instability in the developement of the multidrug resistance phenotype in brain tumors, 1–19. Kanazir S., Mladenovic A., Rakic Lj., Ruzdijic S.: Age-related neuronal degeneration - Effects of diet and glucocorticoids, 85–107. Pekovic S., Subasic S., Nedeljkovic N., Bjelobaba I., Filipovic R., Milenkovic I., Lavrnja I., Stojkov D., Jovanovic S., Rakic Lj., Stojiljkovic M.: Molecular basis of brain injury and repair, 143–165. Buznikov G., Nikitina L., Milosevic I., Bezuglov V., Francisco E.Y.M., ObispoPeak N.I., Peterson E.R., Slotkin A.T., Lauder M.J., Rakic Lj.: New perspectives on roles for neurotransmitters in early (“Pre-nervous”) embryogenesis, 183–196. Lazarević L., Rogač Lj., Milošević D., Rakić Lj.: The blood-brain barrier in elasmobranchia - A challenge for studies of pathologies of the blood-brain barrier in higher organisms, 227–241. Čolić M., Rakić Lj.: Toll-like receptors and nucleoside analogs: from innate immunity to the brain, 243–257. 63 Grossarth-Maticek R., Rakic Lj.: Interaction between self regulation and antidepressive administration as a method of intervention in primary and secondary cancer prevention, 273–284. This book marks the 50th anniversary of the Belgrade School of Neurobiology and 50 years of scientific activity of its founder, Professor Ljubiša Rakić. In the book are collected review papers written by his former PhD students and friends from around the world. They describe the most up-to-date results in neuroscience. They were initially presented at the symposium “Neurobiology Today”, held in May 29-30, 2006 in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade. This book summarizes recent research of diverse aspects of experimental and clinical studies dealing with the physiology and pathophysiology of the functioning of the CNS. 6. Transport and metabolism of purine nucleosides and bases During the year 2007, further research on the experimental model of rat astrocyte primary culture (that was established in the previous year) was conducted. Measurement of the uptake of purine nucleosides and bases enabled the transport systems for purine nucleosides and bases on rat primary astrocytes to be defined. The investigation showed that adenosine uptake into rat astrocytes is mediated via a saturable transport system, which is also used by purine bases. The same transport system, although of higher affinity, was defined on the rat glioma C6 cell line. Since the existence of adenosine uptake into rat astrocytes was evidenced, further research will be aimed at the investigation of the adenosine effects on rat primary astrocytes under physiological conditions and under conditions of metabolic stress (oxidative stress, ATP depletion). 7. Investigation of the function of the innate immune system in Alzheimer’s disease During previous year, work related to the investigation of the function of the innate immune system in Alzheimer disease was continued. The peripheral blood monocytes of patients with sporadic Alzheimer disease (AD) were tested by the “amyloid-P stress test” and a higher propensity to apoptosis from fibrilar A (3, compared to the monocytes from the control subjects) was evidenced. In addition to the defects in FITC-APphagocytosis, the Ap stress test indicated that AD monocytes showed lower expression of surface proteins important for immune function, in particular CD44, a receptor for hyaluronic acid. Further research will be aimed at investigation of the CD44 expression in different age groups, as well as in Alzheimer disease patients, as well as in patients suffering from other forms of dementia, in order to establish if the decrease in the expression of this surface molecule is specific for Alzheimer disease or is simply related to neurodegeneration as such. In the year 2007, investigations of transport systems for the purine and pyrimidine nucleosides and bases located on the choroid plexus epithelial cells and astrocytes was continued. For these purposes, an experimental model of the sheep choroid plexus epithelial cells in primary culture was developed and the development of an experimental model of rat astrocytes in vitro was commenced. 64 Bjelobaba I., Stojiljkovic M., Pekovic S., Dacic S., Lavrnja I., Stojkov D., Rakic L., Nedeljkovic N., 2007: Immunohistological Determination of Ecto-nucleoside Triphosphate Diphosphohydrolase1 (NTPDase1) and 5’-nucleotidase in Rat Hippocampus Reveals Overlapping Distribution. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 27 (6), 731– 743. Stojkov D., Lavrnja I., Pekovic S., Dacic S. Bjelobaba I., Mostarica-Stojkovic M,, Stosic-Grujicic S., Jovanovic S., Nedeljkovic N., Rakic Lj., Stojiljkovic M., 2007: Therapeutic effects of combined treatment with ribavirin and tiazofurin on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis development: Clinical and histopathological evaluation. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, doi:10.1016/j.jns.2007.10.010. Nedeljkovic N., Bjelobaba I., Lavrnja I., Stojkov D., Pekovic S., Rakic L., Stojiljkovic M., 2007: Early Temporal Changes in Ecto-Nucleotidase Activity after Cortical Stab Injury in Rat. Neurochemical Research, doi:10.10��������������������� 07/s11064-007-9529-0. Buznikov G.A., Nikitina L.A., Rakic L., Milosevic I., Bezuglov V.V., Lauder J.M., Slotkin T.A., 2007: The sea urchin embryo, an invertebrate model for mammalian developmental neurotoxicity, reveals multiple neurotransmitter mechanisms for effects of chlorpyrifos: Therapeutic interventions and a comparison with the monoamine depleter, reserpine. Brain Research Bulletin, 74, 221-231. Mladenovic A., Perovic M., Tanic N., Rakic L., Petanceska S., Ruzdijic S., Kanazir S., 2007: Dietary restriction modulates ����������������������������������������������� α-synuclein expression in the aging rat cortex and hippocampus. Synapse, 61 (9), 790–794. Marinkovic P., Pesic V., Loncarevic N., Smiljanic K., Kanazir S., Ruzdijic S., 2007: Behavioral and biochemical effects of various food-restriction regimens in the rats. Physiology & Bеhavior, 92, 492–499. Kosanovic M., Jokanovic M., 2007: The association of exposure to cadmium through cigarette smoke with pregnancy induced hypertension in a selenium deficient population. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 24, 72–78. Bjelogrlic S.K., Radic J., Radulovic S., Jokanovic M., Jovic V., 2007: Effects of exrazoxane and amifostine on evolution of doxorubicin cardiomyopathy in vivo. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2312, 11, 1414–1424. Stojkov D., Lavrnja I., Peković S., Šubašić S., Jovanović S., Mostarica-Stojković M., Stošić-Grujičić S., Nedeljković N., Rakić Lj., Stojiljković M., 2007: Nucleoside analogues effect on glial response in Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. 7th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society; 31th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference, Germany, March 29 – April 1, Poster presentation T36-1A, 191. Andjelkovic T., Pesic M, Bankovic J., Rakic L., Tanic N., Ruzdijic S., 2007: The molecular mechanism of the acquired multidrug resistant (MDR) phenotype in the nonsmall cell lung carcinoma cell line: the effect of anti-cancer drugs in overcoming MDR. The 1st Congress on Respiratory Medicine of Serbia/Southeast Europe, Novi Sad, November 02 -04, Oral presentation in section Oncology - original papers. Pesic M., Andjelkovic T., Bankovic J., Markovic I., Podolski A., Rakic L., Tanic N., Ruzdijic S., 2007: Modulation of multidrug resistance by sulfinosine - 6thioguanosine analog in human non-small cell lung carcinoma cell lines. The 1st Congress on Respiratory Medicine of Serbia/Southeast Europe, Novi Sad, November 02–04, Oral presentation in section Oncology - original papers. 65 Project: Etiology, Diagnostics and Therapy of High Risk PregnancY - EXPERIMENTAL, EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND CLINICAL RESEARCH (Academician Vojin Šulović) In 2007, research was conducted in three directions: 1. Reproductive health of drug addicts, especially HIV/AIDS patients, based on the questionnaire which has been used by the SASA Department of Medical Sciences for about 20 years; 2. Precancerous and cancerous diseases of the uterine cervix in female drug addicts; 3. Sexually transmitted diseases of matter or virus origin in female drug addicts. If the financial and other organizational possibilities permit, a statistical analysis of the reproductive health of female alcoholics will also be made. The period of time required for these researches cannot be precisely determined. In any case, they will last a few years. As for the experimental part, both laboratory and epidemiological investigations, which started in 2002, will be continued. Project: Kidney as an endocrine organ (Academician Sveto Suša) The results of the investigations in 2007 are the continuation of the investigations being mostly behind the project’s schedule. Special attention was devoted to an analysis of the urinary syndrome, bearing in mind the influence of insulin and glucagon on renal and extrarenal metabolic changes. Insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity were investigated, especially in patients with endemic glomerulonephritis. In addition, IGF-1 values were determined in all patients. They point to a degree to the early detection of factors for the development of kidney disorder. In the second part of the studies, the influence of a therapeutical agent on the lessening of insulin resistance and of consecutive proteinuria reduction, as a therapy model, was investigated by applying an ACE inhibitor, whose investigation still continues. The investigations also covered secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic renal insufficiency, as well as the role of vasoactive hormones in the hypertension of renal patients, where a clear disproportion was ascertained. In addition, the results of studying cytokine in the pathogenesis of endemic glomerulonephritis show that they can serve as a useful indicator in monitoring the evolution of glomerulopathies, regardless of their etiology. These investigations of cytokine and growth hormone in urine point to the clinical significance that different therapy modalities are gradually applied in the treatment of these patients. 66 INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE “MAN AND ENVIRONMENT” (Corresponding Member Marko Anđelković) In the year 2007, two meetings of the Committee were held, at which current issues of the protection of natural and living environments were discussed. Within the Committee activities, three invited lectures were organized which reflect the multidisciplinary approach to environmental protection. The first lecture was presented by Milorad Mihailović (MSc), entitled: “Significance of standardization in the management of environmental protection in Serbia”. Prof. Dr. Ratko Kadović gave a lecture “Pollution as a factor of soil degradation”, and Committee member Prof. Dr. Vladimir Stevanović, corresponding Member of SANU, gave a lecture entitled, “Biodiversity and climatic changes”. The president and several members of the Committee actively participated at meetings organized by other institutions, dedicated to current issues that fall within the scope of the Committee’s program. The Committee has, on behalf of the Academy, participated in organizing, with the French Academy of Sciences and the Vinca Institute, a Serbian-French summer school titled “Water quality control and health. From concepts to action”. The members of the Committee realized their professional activities relating to the Committee’s field of work, primarily in reputed scientific institutions. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON ENERGETICS Project: SOLAR ENERGY AND CHARACTERIZATION OF APPLIED MATERIALS (Academician Pantelija M. Nikolić) The results of previous research were published concerning possible energy gain in solar collectors and converters. An economical analysis of the efficiency of solar collectors and PV panels was performed. The result of theoretical analysis and measurements of possible energetic gains were also analyzed. The result of the investigations and characterization of 18-year-old YBa2Cu3O7-x samples were also published. Thick film doped Fe2O3 and NiO were synthesized and partly characterized. Nikolić P.M., Vujatović S.S., Paraskevopoulos K.M., Zorba T.T., Savić S.M., Nikolić M.V., Aleksić O.S., Ristić M.M., 2007: Effect of ageing on optical and thermal properties of YBa2CuO7-8. International Journal of Material Research (formerly Z. Metallkd), 98, 569–573. Pucar M., Nenković M., 2007: Sustainable development energy efficient buildings and renewable energy sources - legislative applic, institutions and ation in Serbia. Proceedings Conference Sustainable building 2007 South Europe, Torino, Italy, June 2007, 241–246. 67 INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR THE RESEARCH ON LIVES AND WORK OF SERBIAN SCIENTISTS IN SERBIA AND OF SERBIAN ORIGIN SCIENTISTS OUTSIDE SERBIA (Academician Vladan Đorđević) In 2007, a special book of abstracts containing short biographies of 125 scientists, which were published in the first 10 volumes of the Edition, came out in English. The manuscripts for Volume XI of the Edition “Lives and Work of Serbian Scientists“ (“Život i delo srpskih naučnika“) were prepared (editing, translation of the abstracts into English, adjustment of bibliographic units, reviewing...). The content and reviews were adopted at the sessions of the Committee and the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences. Since the funds for printing this book were provided, the manuscripts were submtited to the SASA Publishing Service for further action. The formal presentation of the Volumes within the Edition (VI–X) as well as this book of abstracts in English took place in the Salon of the SASA Club. They were presented by Academicians Vladan Đorđević and Dragoslav Marinković and Corresponding Members Vidojko Jović and Vladimir Bumbaširević. Project: ADDITION TO THE HISTORICAL MATERIALS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHEMISTRY IN SERBIA (Academician Paula Putanov) A text concerning the contribution of the SASA to the development of chemistry, chemical technology and chemical engineering in Serbia in the period 1897–1997, supplemented with new data up to 2006, which was prepared for printing, contains a review of scientific researches and the modalities of their organization within the framework of departmental, interdepartmental and international projects, with particular emphasis on the development of new specialties and the establishment of multidisciplinary collaboration. The printing will be realized at the beginning of 2008, after completion of thematic and other necessary amendments. INTERACADEMIC COMMITTEE ON CATALYSIS (Academician Paula Putanov) In addition to its regular activities aimed at the development of catalysis in Serbia, the Board was engaged in organizing the scientific meeting “Catalysis as a scientific/technical discipline in science, education and social progress”. The meeting was held at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, on October 24, 2007, under the auspice of the Committee for Catalysis. The aim of the meeting was to present the role of catalysis in civilization and define measures that should be undertaken in science and education, in order to ensure our involvement in contemporary research. There were five lectures: 68 Paula Putanov: Recent breakthroughs in catalysis and the quiet revolution in science and technology Bernard Delmon, member of the Royal Belgium Academy of Science: Environmental and social responsibility of catalytic S & T, Laszlo Guczi, professor of the Technical University of Budapest: The role of various oxides in modifying the morphology of Au/SO2, Goran Jovanović, professor of Oregon University, USA: Microreactors - one likely future of catalytic chemical processes, Slavko Mentus, professor of the Faculty of Physical Chemistry of the University of Belgrade: Education in the field of catalysis in Serbia. These lectures presented the achievements and new directions of contemporary research in catalysis, changes of criteria, goals, approaches and demands, as well as scientific, technological, social, economic and political aspects of the effects induced by the above-mentioned changes. The example of the usage of renewable energy sources illustrated our responsibility for the consequences of the application of new catalytic processes in environment protection. An explanation was given for the fundamental advantages of microreactors in comparison to conventional ones. On the basis of an overview about the presence of catalysis in middle and higher education, the necessity to improve teaching of catalysis in our country was pointed out. In conclusion of the meeting, the need was emphasized for joining together the scientific public, industrial potentials and governing administration for the adoption of contemporary research criteria and implementation of a well-defined and structured strategy, in order to accommodate to the world that we are supposed to join. 69 INTERACADEMIC COOPERATION OF SASA, MONTENEGRIN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS Project: ISOLATION, CHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISATION OF MARINE NATURAL PRODUCTS (Academician Miroslav J. Gašić) Modification of the amino acid residues in the lectin of the coral Gerardia savaglia by marine quinone avarone was performed and the nature of the modification and the hemagglutination activity of the modificate were studied. Dimerization of the protein and a decrease of the pI value occurred, with the concomitant inhibition of hemagglutination activity. A method for the detection of aminopeptidases after native electrophoresis in situ was developed. The method is based on diazotation of p-nitroaniline formed by the action of the enzyme on leucine p-nitroanilide. Pajić I., Vujčić Z., Vujčić M., Novaković I., Sladić D., Gašić M.J., 2007: Chemical modification of the lectin of the marine quinone Gerardia savaglia by marine quinone avarone. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72, 1271–1274. Gašić M.J., Novaković I., Božić T., Juranić Z., Sladić D., 2007: Preparation and eveluation of antitumor activity of derivatives of avarone. ASMC07, International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry, St. Petersburg, Russia, 27–31 August 2007, Book of abstracts, Р 65. Project: AQUACULTURE OF THREATENED SPECIES OF FISHES AND APPLICATION IN PROTECTION AND RESTITUTION OF NATURAL POPULATIONS (Academicians Dragoslav Marinković and Gordan Karaman) Studies on the status of endangered fish species in Serbia were conducted. Furthermore, studies regarding the development of the culture of these species were performed aimed at the promotion of free production for restocking purposes. Considering comparative ecological research of the Danube and Volga Rivers, analysis of the data obtained during investigations on the Volga River is in its final phase and it is expected that the results will be publishing during this year. The data analysis was performed through joint work with colleagues from Russia. In October, for a 10 days period, an associate of the Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences visited the Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Belgrade. During 2007, it was planned to conduct a comparative survey of the Danube River, but due to the non-availability of the research vessel which is under the competence of the Ministry for Environmental Protection, this activity was postponed for this year. 70 Studies on the ecophysiological characteristics of fish species recognized as potential aquaculture candidates were continued. The studies were focused on predatory species. Gačić Z., Damjanović I., Bajić A., Milošević M., Mićković B., Nikčević M., Anđus P., 2007: The d-wave in fish and the state of light adaptation. General Physiology and Biophysics, 26 (4), 260–267. Gačić Z., Bajić A., Milošević M., Nikčević M., Mićković B., Damjanović I., 2007: Spectral sensitivity of the perch (Prca fluviatilis). Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade, 59 (4), 335–340. 71 INTERACADEMIC COOPERATION OF SASA AND BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Project: NATURAL PRODUCTS FROM PLANT SPECIES AND MARINE ORGANISMS: MEDICINAL AND ECOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE (Prof. Dr. Slobodan Milosavljević, Academician Miroslav J. Gašić) The investigations of secondary metabolites of various species of wild-growing plants of Serbia and Montenegro were continued. The essential oils from the leaves of young branches of Cotinus coggygria Scop. from two localities in Serbia (Deliblatska peščara and Zemun), obtained by hydrodistillation, were analyzed by GC-MS. Thirty-one components were identified from both oils and among them monoterpenic hydrocarbons were the dominant class (87.4 and 93.1 %, respectively). The dominant constituent in both essential oils was limonene (47.0 and 39.2 %, respectively). Both oils were also tested for antibacterial and antifungal activities. In comparison to streptomycin, both oils showed slightly higher activity against most Gram-positive bacteria in the disc diffusion method and slightly lower activity when the microdilution method was employed. They also exhibited antifungal potentials higher than that of the commercial fungicide bifonazole. In addition, the radioprotective properties of extracts of Crataegus monogyna Jacq. (Rosaceae) fruit, Cornus mas L. (Cornaceae) leaves and Gentianella austriaca (A. Kern. & Jos. Kern.) Holub (Gentianaceae) aerial parts on cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes were studied in vitro. The effects of numerous derivatives of avarol and avarone on the fouling of submerged surfaces by mollusks Balanus amphitrite, on marine bacteria and fungi were studied. Novaković M., Vučković I., Janaćković P., Soković M., Filipović A., Tešević V., Milosavljević S., 2007: Chemical composition, antibacterial and antifungal activity of the essential oils of Cotinus coggygria from Serbia. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72 (11), 1045–1051. Leskovac A., Joksić G., Janković T., Savikin K., Menković N., 2007: Radioprotective properties of the phytochemically characterized extracts of Crataegus monogyna, Cornus mas and Gentianella austriaca on human lymphocytes in vitro. Planta Medica, 73 (11), 1169–1175. Tsoukatou M., Marechal J.P., Hellio C., Novaković I., Tufegdžić S., Sladić D., Gašić M.J., Clare A.S., Vagias C., Roussis V., 2007: Evaluation of the activity of the sponge metabolites avarol and avarone and their synthetic derivatives against fouling micro- and macroorganisms. Molecules, 12 (5), 1022–1034. 72 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES Project: Theoretical And experimental research of metal structures and their influence on contemporary design and construction (Academician Nikola Hajdin) The subproject “Elasto-plastic behavior of metal plates, plate and box girders” deals with box-girders with wide flanges subjected to bending and torsion and plate girders subjected to centric and eccentric patch loading. Experimental and theoretical investigations of the stability and ultimate load were carried out. The subproject “Dynamics of structures” was directed primarily to bridges. The research included problems of impact and noise - structure borne sound and bridges as its source. The subproject “Composite structures of steel and concrete” dealt with the analysis of composite structures according to the theory of elasticity and the theory of plasticity, with a theoretical analysis of the influence of the deformability of connectors on the behavior of composite beams. Research was continued on all subprojects and the results were presented at international conferences. Hajdin N., 2007: Structural mechanics and structures. Proceedings of the National Congress on Mechanics, Hellenic Society for Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, 11–15 July 2007, Patras, Greece. Hajdin N., Coric B., Matovic V., Sreckovic G., Mandic R., 2007: Bridge test of the reconstructed Sloboda bridge over Danube in Novi Sad. Proceedings 6th International Conference on Bridges across the Danube 2007 “Bridges in Danube Basin”, Budapest, Hungary, September 12–14, 2007, Edited by Ivanyi M. & Bancila R., 515–526. Hajdin N., Stipanić B., 2007: Project of New Roadway Bridge across Sava River in Belgrade. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Bridges across the Danube 2007 “Bridges in Danube Basin”, Budapest, Hungary, September 12–14, 2007, Edited by Ivanyi M. & Bancila R., 107–115. Stipanić B., 2007: Design Proposal of Pedestrian-Cycle Bridge across Ibar River in Kraljevo. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Bridges across the Danube 2007 “Bridges in Danube Basin”, Budapest, Hungary, September 12–14, 2007, Edited by Ivanyi M. & Bancila R., 167–176. Stipanić B., 2007: Design of Roadway Bridge across Tissa River at Ada. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Bridges across the Danube 2007 “Bridges in Danube Basin”, Budapest, Hungary, September 12–14, 2007, Edited by Ivanyi M. & Bancila R., 189–199. Marković N., Hajdin N., 2007: Elasto–plastic behaviour of plate girders subjected to patch loading. Proceedings 6th International Conference on Bridges across the Danube 2007 “Bridges in Danube Basin”, Budapest, Hungary, September 12–14, 2007, Edited by Ivanyi M. & Bancila R., 203–210. 73 Marković N., 2007: Determination of the ultimate load for longitudinaly stiffened plate girders subjected to patch load. Proceedings 1st International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Eds: Sumarac, D., Kuzmanovic, D., 10–13th April 2007, Kopaonik, 407–413. Šćepanović B., Gil-Martín L.M., Hernández-Montes E., Aschheim M., Lučić D., 2007: Reduction in Failure Load of I-Girders under Eccentric Patch Load. The 6th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures - ICSAS 07, Oxford, 324–331. Lučić D., Aleksić S., Šćepanović B., 2007: Mathematical Model for Calculating Ultimate Capacity of Locally Pressed I-Girders. The 3rd International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation - SEMC 2007, Cape Town. Project: Advanced Engineering Ceramics (Academician Momčilo M. Ristić) In this project, synthesis processes of advanced technical ceramics, especially fundamental problems of the synthesis of these ceramics, were investigated. The influence of mechanical activation on the solid-state reactions of ZnO-TiO2 powder mixtures was investigated. Dilatometer and X-ray diffraction investigations of the activated mixture were performed, whereby the influence of the grinding time on the activation of the system was established. The influence of mechanical activation of BaTiO3 on microstructure evolution during non-isothermal sintering was investigated. Para-electric−ferroelectric phase transitions of BaTiO3 were also investigated. Sintering of the MgO-TiO2 system was investigated on powders obtained by grinding in a high-energy planetary ball mill. The influence of the sintering time on the electrical properties of the obtained material was investigated. A detailed investigation of the mechanical properties of silicon, germanium, silicon carbide and titanium boride was performed. The mechanical properties of these materials in the temperature interval 20 - 900 °C were determined using load - strain curves for brittle and weakly plastic materials. The principles of self-organization were analyzed and based on these principles the significance of self-organization for obtaining sintered materials was shown. Obradović N., Labus N., Srećković T., Ristić M.M., 2005: Dilatometer Investigations of Reactive Sintering of Zinc Titanate Ceramics. Materials Science Forum, 494, 411–416. Pavlović V.P., Nikolić M.V., Nikolić Z., Branković G., Živković Lj., Pavlović V.В., Ristić M.M., 2007: Microstructural Еvolution and Eleсtric Properties of Mechanically Activated BaTiO3 Ceramic. Science Direct, 27, 575–579. Petrović V.V., Maričić A., Labus N., Ristić M.M., 2007: Influence of Mechanical Activation on Synthesis and Properties of MgO-TiO2 System. Science of Sintering, 39, 59–65. 74 Milman Yu.V., Gridneva I.V., Golubenko A.A., 2007: Construction of StressStrain Curves of Brittle Materials by Indentation in a Wide Temperature Range. Science of Sintering, 39, 67–75. Pryadko L.F., Verhoturov A.D., Ristich M.M., Radich S.M., 2007: Charge ordering States in Materials and their description using the configurationally mode. Physics and Technology of Materials, 12. Pryadko L.F., Ristich M.M., Radich S.M., Verhoturov A.D., 2007: Valence Instabilites and Phase Formation in Transition Metall Alloys. High Mat Tech 2007, Kiev, 238. Project: Synthesis and properties of thin and thick films (Academician Pantelija M. Nikolić) The properties of sintered and thin films of Zn2SnO4 and also PbTe doped with B were investigated in cooperation with Professor Paraskevopoulos from the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki. Research of the application of infrared spectroscopy and the characterization of nickel manganite, in cooperation with Professor Paraskevopoulos from the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, was continued. Research on the possibility of characterization of thermal and electronic properties of superlattice structures by application of the photoacoustic method was continued. Nikolić M.V., Ivetić T., Young D.L., Paraskevopoulos K.M., Zorba T.T., Blagojević V., Nikolić P.M., Vasiljević-Radović D., Ristić M.M., 2007: Far infrared properties of bulk sintered and thin film Zn2SnO4. Materials Science and Engeneering B, 138, 7–11. Nikolić P.M., Paraskevopoulos K.M., Zorba T.T., Pavlidou E., Kantiranis N., Vujatović S.S., Aleksić O.A., Nikolić M.V., Ivetić T., Savić S., Labus N., Blagojević V., 2007: Far Infrared Properties of Sintered PbTe Doped with Boron. Science of Sintering, V39 3s, 223–228. Nikolić M.V., Paraskevopoulos K.M., Aleksić O.S., Zorba T.T., Savić S.M., Blagojević V.D., Luković D.T., Nikolić P.M., 2007: Far infrared reflectance of sintered nickel-manganite samples for negative temperature coefficient thermistors. Materials Research Bulletin, 42, 1492–1498. Project: HIGH PRECISION MEASUREMENT OF AC CURRENT (Academician Petar Miljanić) Activities concerning the high precision measurements were performed with the help of researchers at the Technical Faculty (Novi Sad) as well as the Institute “Mihajlo Pupin” and the Institute “Nikola Tesla” in Belgrade. Many precise measurements of alternating voltage, current and power, including statistical methods, were performed in the Laboratory for electrical measurement in 75 Novi Sad, and some precision components were bought, including four precision four terminal resistors from the company Vishey. Due to the very good precision instrumentation that the Ministry of Science bought and installed in the Institute “Mihajlo Pupin”, most accurate measurements of ac resistance were made, including the evaluation of the characteristics of the standard ac resistor of 0.1 Ohm, which Miljanić obtained during his visit to the Company Guildline (Canada), the leading manufacturer of precision instrumentation. All designs are done and material obtained in the Institute “Nikola Tesla” for making a heavy cooper enclosure in which a two-stage transformer will be placed in order to greatly reduced, in this way, the influence of external magnetic and electrical fields on the measurements. Project: NEW MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THEORY OF STRUCTURES, THEORY OF ELASTICITY AND THEORY OF PLASTICITY (Academician Đorđe Zloković) The Zloković group supermatrix procedure from his books Group theory and G-vector spaces in structural analysis: vibration, stability and statics (Horwood/John Wiley) and Group supermatrices in finite element analysis (Horwood/Prentice Hall), was applied to the analysis of large complex structures of architectural, civil and mechanical engineering. The further development is presented in Zloković’s paper The modular group supermatrix procedure in structural analysis (The Eleventh International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, St. Julians, Malta, 2007). An important enhancement was realized by developing the group supermatrix chain of symmetry groups C2, D2, D2h, which was utilized for the modular structuring of the procedure. This chain displays the common pattern of cumulative relationships of group character tables, elements, shape functions and boundary conditions, as well as of group super-matrices in normal and diagonal forms. The solution by the group supermatrix procedure is accomplished by superposing solutions for loads of symmetry adapted generalized forces in particular G-invariant subspaces, where their sets of equations are obtained by assembling the respective stiffness matrices. An alternate method of this procedure provides the solution by basis transformation TDT-1 of the diagonal matrix D of values of load members from the subspaces, where T is the group transformation matrix. The entire external influence on the structure is composed of sets of generalized forces, each set possessing the symmetry type of its subspace. The data for bars with fixed and not-fixed ends are taken from the data base, the kind of bar end supports depending on the symmetry type of the respective subspace. In the group supermatrix procedure, positive directions of local coordinate axes parallel to global coordinate axes correspond to the symmetry type of the particular subspace, contrary to the conventional analysis, where positive directions of axes in local coordinate systems, parallel to global coordinate axes, have the same directions as the respective global coordinate axes. Decomposing the system into subspaces by the 76 modular group supermatrix procedure provides large reductions in formulation, input of data and amount of computation time in comparison with conventional solutions. In the paper by Zloković entitled The shape functions of finite elements in the modular group supermatrix procedure, the formulation of shape functions employs nodal numbering derived from the sequence of group elements (symmetry operations) in the character table of the group that describes the symmetry properties of the element. When in addition to corner nodes, the finite element contains other nodes, then the nodes are grouped into nodal sets, where the first node of each set is located in the first quadrant or octant of the coordinate system in two or three dimensions. e.g., a 16-node rectangular element contains four nodal sets which pertain to four rectangles, while a 64-node rectangular hexahedral element has eight nodal sets represented by eight rectangular hexahedrons. Instead of the conventional derivation for a 32-node rectangular hexahedral element by 32 × 32 matrices, in the modular group supermatrix procedure, the shape functions are produced by deriving a 4 × 4 matrix for the first subspace, while seven 4 × 4 matrices of the other subspaces are obtained by simple diagonal 4 × 4 matrix multiplication of the matrix of the first subspace. Also, instead of the conventional derivation for a 64-node rectangular hexahedral element by 64 × 64 matrices, in the modular group supermatrix procedure the shape functions are produced by deriving an 8 × 8 matrix for the first subspace, while seven 8 × 8 matrices of the other subspaces are produced by simple diagonal 8 × 8 matrix multiplication of the matrix of the first subspace. This relation of the matrices of the subspaces is a newly derived feature which brings a strong impulse to follow formulations in the group supermatrix procedure. Project: STABILITY TESTS OF CONTROL OF HUMANOID ROBOTS IN CONTACT WITH DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT (Academician Miomir Vukobratović) Within the framework of the project, during 2007, our generalized approach of modeling human and humanoid motion was improved. Numerous modus of the real movement of humans, (such as gait, tennis playing, hand ball playing, basket ball playing, etc) as well as different types of poses of humanoid systems are simulated. This approach is realized using a general methodology together with the model already implemented in the previous mentioned illustrative examples, such as: a gait formulated model for single and double support phases, a handball player, a goalkeeper, jump landing, etc. The number of DOF-s for the humanoid robot model was also enlarged. Spine segmentation was modeled and the influences of spine segmentation for the stability of the system were analyzed. Using this approach, very necessary information was obtained on how many DOF’s are required for a satisfactory degree of anthropomorphism. Vukobratovic M., Rodic A., 2007: Contribution to the Integrated Control of Biped Locomotion. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 4, No 1, 49–97. Vukobratovic M., 2007: When Where Active Exoskeletons Actually Born? International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 4. No 3, 459–487. 77 Vukobratovic M., 2007: Milestones of Scientific Results - an Homage. International Journal Engineering & Automation Problems, No 1, 8–21. Vukobratovic M., 2007: Memories Apropos 75 years of Academician Konstantin Vasil’evich Frolov. International Journal, Engineering & Automation Problems, No 2, 129–132. Project: CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING (Academician Vladan Đorđević) In 2007, the work on the project was mostly focused on the study of the flow of diluted gases in microcanals of different cross-sectional dimensions, by applying the perturbation methods, non-homogenous turbulence structure by making use of invariant theory, while at the same time focusing on the methods of validating experimental results by using the instruments of this theory, as well as the general problems of using fractional calculus in mechanics and, in particular, in biomechanics. Djordjevic V.D., Atanackovic T.M., 2007: On the application of fractional calculus in mechanics. 1st International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Plenary lecture, Proceedings, 29–44. Stevanovic N.D., 2007: New analytical solution of microchannel gas flow. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 17, 1–8. Project: PROBLEMS OF INTERACTION FOUNDATION - SOIL (Academician Dušan Milović) In this study, the available theoretical methods for calculating the ultimate and allowable bearing capacity of piles, based on the static and dynamic parameters, were analyzed in order to establish their validity and accuracy . On the basis of a relatively large number of field load tests of concrete, steel and wooden piles, carried out on the scale 1:1, a new method for determining the ultimate and allowable bearing capacity of piles, based on the results obtained by static and dynamic penetration tests, was developed. Using the boundary element method and finite element method, in the further analysis, the effect of negative skin friction on the behavior of piles loaded by vertical and horizontal force was extensively studied. Particular attention was paid to piles in unstable slopes, piles performed near or through an embankment and piles performed near existing piles. An analysis of pile behavior was also made when piles were subjected to cyclic loading, which could cause a degradation of the bearing capacity of piles. A number of studies incorporated the effect of soil non-linearity on the behavior of piles. This property of soil is generally represented by p - y curves, which relate soil reaction and pile deflection. However, the obtained results were not always satisfactory. The limitation of this approach is that the procedure requires the input of a series of non linear p - y curves, which are difficult to select for a given pile size and soil type. The 78 validity of the results, obtained by this procedure was examined by comparing several proposed methods for selecting p - y curves with data from field load tests. A particular problem in the design of the foundations on piles is the evaluation of the settlement for a single pile and groups of piles. In order to take into account the effect of non linearity, the elasto-plastic continuum and the hyperbolic continuum were considered. In several cases, the measured and theoretical total and differential settlements were compared. Project: INFRARED AND LASER TECHNIQUE (Academician Aleksandar Marinčić) In connection with the planned work for 2007, two themes were covered: - Transient responses in coupled resonant circuits used for obtaining large, highfrequency voltages; - A review of analytical methods in the calculation of laser beam parameters transformations in transmission through free space and through concave lenses, for beam of circular and elliptical beam cross sections, and experimental verification of the calculated transformed parameters. Marinčić A., Gmitrović M., 2007: Coupled circuits time and frequency analysis. International Conference TELSIKS 2007, Niš, Vol.2, 339������ –342. Marinčić A., 2007: Review of laser beam transformation through space and lenses. TELFOR 2007, Belgrade, November 20–22, 2007. Project: Numerical techniques and data bases for development of plasma technologies for applications in micro electronics and nano-technologies (Corresponding Member Zoran Petrović) The primary goal in last year was to establish models for the transport of positrons in a gaseous environment. We have compiled Sets of cross sections for H2, N2 and Ar were compiled which enabled transport coefficients to be calculated. A lot of new kinetic phenomena were discovered, which was basically the result of an exceedingly large non-conservative process - positrinium formation. A mini-symposium was organized in December with four guests from Australia, USA and Portugal. Also, one of the visitors gave a lecture at the meeting of the Department of Technical Sciences of the Academy. In addition, numerical models of neutralization were extended to fast ions on surfaces and models of sources of fast neutrals for plasma etching free of charging problems. Also, afterglows in real plasmas were examined by calculating the thermalization of the electron energy when the plasma field is turned off. Work on data bases was extended to Cl- ions in rare gases and electron scattering cross sections for N2O were considered. 79 Finally, in collaboration with one Australian group, spatial relaxation of nonhydrodynamic (non-local) transport close to boundaries was studied. This problem suffers from exceeding numerical requirements and it remains to be satisfactorily solved. Rađenović B., Radmilović-Rađenović M., Petrović Z.Lj., 2007: Influence of Charging on SiO2 Etching Profile Evolution Etched by Fluorocarbon Plasmas. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 555, 53–58. Radmilović-Rađenović M., Petrović Z.Lj., Rađenović B., 2007: Modelling of breakdown behavior by PIC/MCC code with improved secondary emission models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 71, 012007. Gencheva V., Djulgerova R., Mihailov V., Dohnalik T., Petrović Z.Lj, 2007: On hydrogen negative ion formation and concentration measurements in hollow cathode and positive column glow discharge. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 71, 012009. Radetić M., Jovančić P., Puač N., Petrović Z.Lj., 2007: Environmental impact of plasma application to textiles. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 71, 012017. Petrović Z.Lj., Stojanović V.D., Nikitović Ž.D., 2007: Electron, Ion and Atom Collisions Leading to Anomalous Doppler Broadening in Hydrogen. AIP Conference Procееdings, 938, 237. Marić D., Malović G., Petrović Z.Lj., 2007: Spatiotemporal Development of Low-Pressure Gas Discharges. 5th Eu-Japan Symposium on Plasma Processing, Belgrade March (2007) I-25. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 86, 012009 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/86/1/012009. Donko Z., Petrović Z.Lj., 2007: Ion behavior in capacitively-coupled dual-frequency Discharges. 5th Eu-Japan Symposium on Plasma Processing, Belgrade March (2007) Pr-2., Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 86, 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/86/1/012011. Radmilović-Rađenović M., Petrović Z.Lj., Rađenović B., 2007: Modelling of breakdown behavior by PIC/MCC code with improved secondary emission models. Workshop on Nonequilibrium Processes in Plasma Physics and Studies of the Environment IOP Publishing. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 71, 012007 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/71/1/012007. Project: DYNAMICS AND STABILITY OF VISCO-ELASTIC BODIES OF FRACTIONAL TYPE (Corresponding Member Teodor Atanacković) During the year 2007, problems of the formulation and finding a solution to the differential and integral equations arising in mathematical models of elastic and visco-elastic rods was worked on. Atanackovic T.M., 2007: Optimal Shape of a strongest inverted column. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 203, 209–218. 80 Atanackovic T.M., Oparnica Lj., Pilipovic S., 2007: On a nonlinear distributed order fractional differential equation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 328, 590–608. Jelicic Z.D., Atanackovic T.M., 2007: Optimal shape of a vertical rotating column. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 42, 172–179. Atanackovic T.M., Pilipovic S., Zorica D., 2007: A diffusion wave equation with two fractional derivatives of different order. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 40, 5319–5333. Atanackovic T.M., Baclic B.S., 2007: More on the Problem and the Solution of the Optimal Shape of a Javelin. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 119, 173–189. Atanackovic T.M., Stankovic B., 2007: On a differential equation with left and and right fractional derivatives. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 10, 138–150. Atanackovic T.M., 2007: Optimal shape of an elastic rod in flexural-torsional buckling. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 87, 399– 405. Atanackovic T.M., Stankovic B., 2007: On a class of differential equations with left and right fractional derivatives. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 87, 537–546. Atanackovic T.M., 2007: Optimal Shape of a Rotating Rod with Unsymmetrical Boundary Conditions. Journal of Applied Mechanics (transactions of ASME), 74, 1234–1238. Djordjevic V.D., Atanackovic T.M., 2007: On the Application of Fractional Calculus in Mechanics. Plenary Lecture. Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, 29–44. Atanackovic T.M., Seyranian A.P., 2007: Application of Pontryagin’s principle to bimodal optimization problems. 7th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization WCSMO, Seoul, Korea, Мay 21–25, 2007. Atanackovic T.M., 2007: Shape optimization of Rods with respect to Buckling Force. 8th Helenic International Congress on Mechanics, Patras, 12–14 July 2007. Plenary Lecture. Project: SYNTHESIS OF NANO-POWDERS AND NANO-COMPOSITES BY SOL-GEL METHOD (Corresponding Member Zoran V. Popović) During the first year of the project, a method for the synthesis of TiO2 nano-powders (anatase crystallographic phase) using the sol-gel method was developed. The procedure is based on the hydrolysis of a precursor solution (an aqueous solution of NH4ОH is added to an aqueous solution of ТiCl4 at 0 °C), firstly to obtain a suspension of colloidal particles (“sol”), and subsequently the as-formed hydroxide Тi(ОH)4 is converted into a gel composed of solid aggregates. The last step during the synthesis process is the thermal treatment of the gel (at temperatures lower than 600 °C, because the anatase phase is only stable up to this temperature), during which the final product, i.e. nanopowdered TiO2, is produced. 81 X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that the obtained ТiО2 nano-powders consisted of the anatase phase without the presence of other phases (rutile or brookite) or any impurity phase. By the Rietveld refinement method, the average crystallite size of the analyzed samples was estimated to be between 12 and 13.5 nm. In order to investigate the microstucture and vibrational properties, as well as the particle dimension and particle size distribution, the anatase TiO2 nano-powders were studied by Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectra of chosen samples were analyzed using the phonon confinement model. This study confirmed the X-ray diffraction results that the produced TiO2 nano-powders are in the anatase phase with an average particle size of 12 to 13 nm. INTERACADEMIC COOPERATION SASA AND BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Project: HIGH-k STACK CAPACITORS FOR NANOSCALE DYNAMIC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORIES (DRAMs) (Corresponding Member Ninoslav Stojadinović) The research of the effect of various metal electrodes (Al, W, TiN) deposited by evaporation (Al) and sputtering (W, TiN) on the electrical characteristics of thermal Ta2O5 capacitors was continued. The leakage currents, breakdown fields, mechanisms of conductivity and dielectric constant were investigated in terms of possible reactions between Ta2O5 and the electrode material, as well as electrode deposition process-induced defects, which act as electrically active centers. During the deposition of TiN and Al, reactions which worsen the properties of Ta2O5 occurred, while there was no indication of detectable reduction of Ta2O5 when the top electrode was W. The sputtered W top electrode is a good candidate as a top electrode of storage capacitors in DRAMs, but the sputtering technique is less suitable for the deposition of TiN, due to the introduction of radiation defects causing a deterioration of leakage currents. 82 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Project: INVESTIGATION OF PATHOLOGICAL-MORPHOLOGICAL LESIONS OF: CONGENITAL AND ACQUIRED HEART DEFECTS (AND THEIR PULMONARY CIRCULATION), MYOCARDIUM AND CORONARY BLOOD VESSELS (Academician Vladimir Kanjuh) With 33 multidisciplinary associates (from Serbia and abroad), in 2007, 25 scientific works (including 12 abroad), i.e., 8 in extenso (4 abroad), 10 abstracts (4 abroad), and 7 only presented (2 abroad) were published. The following topics were investigated: Coronary atherothrombosis. Pathological anatomy, classification, and morphologic - clinical diagnostic correlation in coronary atherothrombosis (monograph), holistic approach to atherothrombosis, explanation of the “French Paradox”, i.e., the diet of French people is inadequate but they have compensation by the anti-oxidant Resveratrol in red wine. In a joint regional project of Serbia, Hungary and Romania, the quality of water of common rivers were investigated as a risk factor for atherothrombosis. Morphologic-clinical problems of the “Torrent-Guasp Heart”, and, in particular, the three layers of ventricular septum in the light of this concept of a macroscopic heart structure. Within the investigation of the structure and function of fetal hearts with congenital heart disease diagnosed by echocardiography, it was shown that a diagnostic biopsy of the placental chorionic villi has a significant influence on the heart performance. Also, the embryonic heart frequency correlates with the result of pregnancy during the first three months. The level of brain natriouretic peptide can be a predictor of heart failure in patients with a pace-maker. New data were given about myocarditis, which, after some period of time, can be the cause of fatal dilated cardiomyopathy. Nedeljković M.A., Ostojić M.Č., Beleslin B.D., Nedeljković I., Milić N., Vukčević V., Stojković S., Šaponjski J., Orlić D., Đorđević-Dikić A., Stepanović J., Giga V., Petrašinović Z., Aranđelović A., Beleslin B., Kanjuh V., 2007: ErgonovineInduced Changes of Coronary Artery Diameter in Patients with Nonsignificant Coronary Artery Stenosis. Relation with Lipid Profile. Herz. Cardiovascular Diseases, 32 (4), 329–335. Kanjuh V., Gojković-Bukarica Lj., Vasiljević Z., Stošić-Divjak S., Jelić V., 2007: Histopathology and classification of coronary atherothrombotic lesions - correlation with clinical syndromes of ischemic heart disease. Abstracts XII Serbian Congress of Pharmacology and II Serbian Congress of Clinical Pharmacology, p. 4, Palić, May 9–12. 83 Gojković-Bukarica Lj., Cvejić J., Protić D., Petrović A., Jović S., Kanjuh V., 2007: Scientific basis of the French paradox. Abstracts XII Serbian Congress of Pharmacology and II Serbian Congress of Clinical Pharmacology, p. 5, Palić, May 9–12. Stojšić Đ.S., Jelkić N., Stojšić-Milosavljević A., Čemerlić-Ađić N., Csanady M., Keltai M., Martinov-Cvejin M., Erzsebet A., Kanjuh V., Ostojić M., 2007: Drinking water as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Abstract book 9th International Symposium “Interdisciplinary regional research (ISIRR 2007), Hungary - Szeged, Romania Timisoara, Serbia - Novi Sad”, Novi Sad, June 21–23, p. 17. Kočica M.J., Corno A.F., Lačković V., Kanjuh V.I., 2007: The helical ventricular myocardial band of Torrent-Guasp. Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual (Semin. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg.), 52–60. Kanjuh V., Kočica M., Lačković V., 2007: Unraveled ventricular myocardium into the open helical ventricular myocardial band: “Torrent-Guasp’s heart”. Book of Abstracts 4th International Congress of Cardiologists and Angiologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Mostar, 17–19 May, 90–91. Kočica M., Kanjuh V., Lačković V., 2007: Three layers of ventricular septum according to the conception of F. Torrent-Guasp heart. Abstracts Book 56th International Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular surgery. May 17–20, Venice, Italy. Radunović N., Kuczynski E., Kontić O., Kanjuh V., Lockwood C.J., 2007: Chorionic villus sampling significantly affects fetal cardiovascular function. The Journal of Maternal- -Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 20 (4), 285–288. Stojšić Đ.S., Stojšić-Milosavljević A., Jung R., Vučković D., Čemerlić-Ađić N., Pavlović K., Hogye M., Csanady M., Forster T., Kanjuh V., Ostojić M., 2007: Myocarditis: Cause of inflammatory cardiomyopathy. Abstract book 9th International symposium “Interdisciplinary regional research (ISIRR 2007), Hungary - Szeged, Romania - Timisoara, Serbia - Novi Sad”. Novi Sad, June 21–23, p. 17. Project: PHYSICIANS - MEMBERS OF THE SASA (Academician Vladimir Kanjuh) The objective of the project is to write individual bio-bibliographies of 131 physicians - members of the SASA (including foreign and non-resident members) in the context of time, environment, condition of their work, institutions, and circle of associates. The bio-bibliographies of the following Serbian and foreign scientists were studied: Laza K. Lazarević, Đorđe Joannović, Milan - Bane Đorđević, and Jean Bernard. On the occasion of “80 years of the faith against cancer in Serbia”, Belgrade, December 10, 2007, V. Kanjuh gave a lecture entitled “Professor Dr. Đorđe Joannović, corresponding member of SASA - the first Serbian oncologist-scientist and world pioneer in the discovery of autoaggression in medicine” and received for Đ. Joannović his posthumous 84 Golden Medal. Also, V. Kanjuh wrote the necrology for a foreign member of SASA, the French academician Jean Bernard, world known oncohaematologist. On the occasion of the celebration of 40 years of the Pace-maker Center of Serbia, Belgrade, September 13, 2007, V. Kanjuh gave a lecture entitled “Tribute to Prof. Bane Đorđević, founder of the Pace-maker Center of Serbia”. For the General National Serbian Encyclopedia of the SASA and the Matica Srpska, relevant personalities, institutions and other subjects of the letters A and B concerning medicine, stomatology, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine was made (including items from the SASA). Kanjuh V., Pavlović B., 2006: Laza K. Lazarević (1851 – 1891). Lives and work of the Serbian scientists. SASA, Editors of the special edition, Academicians V.D. Đorđević, D. Vitorović, D. Marinković, Belgrade, 149–150. Project: POPULATION GROWTH RATE OF SERBIA FROM MEDICAL AND SOCIAL ASPECT AND HIV INFECTED WOMEN (Academician Vojin Šulović) In 2007, a survey of the reproductive health of women in the Serbian enclaves in Kosovo was conducted. The survey covered induced abortions, contraception, spontaneous abortions, premature births, regular births, birth of children with congenital anomalies, sterility, use of drugs and sedatives, sexuality, birth of stillborn infants and social factors (employment, housing conditions and health-related factors). Research will be continued in 2008, until the living and working conditions in Kosovo so warrant. After the completion of this survey, the statistical data will be processed and compared with the data obtained in the territory of the Republic of Serbia during the period prior to the political changes in Kosovo. This will enable the objectivization of the reproductive health of the population, since the data provided by various institutions and individuals thus far are not sufficiently reliable. Project: RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGICAL PROCEDURES FOR TREATMENT OF INJURED EXTREMITIES (Academician Živojin Bumbaširević) In 2007, the investigation was focused on the application of contemporary surgical and microsurgical techniques for reconstructive management of injured extremities. An analysis of the surgical techniques for the replacement of large bone and soft tissue defects was performed. It was shown that free microvascular grafts are superior to other conventional techniques. Microsurgical techniques were also applied in other complex surgical procedures, such as in phalloplasty. 85 In addition to microvascular grafting, an analysis of the most beneficial methods for the management of complex injuries of extremities, as well as their epidemiological characteristics was performed. The incidence of these injuries is high and, if not adequately treated, results in early or delayed disability. Lešić A., Jarebinski M., Pekmezović T., Bumbaširević M., Spasovski D., Atkinson H.D., 2007: ������������������������������������������������������������������������� Epidemiology of hip fractures in Belgrade, Serbia Montenegro, 1990–2000. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 127 (3), 179–183. Cobeljić G., Bajin Z., Lešić A., Tomić S., Bumbaširević M., Atkinson H.D., 2007: A radiographic and clinical comparison of two soft-tissue procedures for paralytic subluxation of the hip in cerebral palsy. International Orthopaedics 2007 Sep 26; [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 17896106 Tomić S., Bumbaširević M., Lešić A., Mitković M., Atkinson H.D., 2007: Ilizarov frame fixation without bone graft for atrophic humeral shaft nonunion: 28 patients with a minimum 2-year follow-up. Journal of the Orthopaedic Trauma, 21 (8), 549–556. Golubović Z.S., Stojiljković P.M., Mitković M.B., Macukanović-Golubović L.D., Bumbaširević M.Ž, Lešić A.R., Milenković S.S., Najman S.R., Visnić A.M., Karaleić S.S., Matović Z.M., Jovanović V.R., 2007: Treatment of unstable closed tibial shaft fractures by external fixation. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica, 54 (2), 83–89. Perovic S.V., Djinovic R., Bumbasirevic M., Djordjevic M., Vukovic P., 2007: Total phalloplasty using a musculocutaneous latissimus dorsi flap. British Journal of Urology International, 100 (4), 899–905. Project: Etiopathogenesis, incidence and treatment of various forms of glomerulopathies (Academician Sveto Suša) In 56 patients with various forms of, or variations in glomerulopathy cytokines in the serum and urine were determined. The results point to their frequent correlation with patohystological changes in the bioptic kidney tissue. The electrophoretic curve of the serum and urine in these patients points to a frequent correlation (in 92%) between these two parameters. The investigation of a correlation between progressive renal insufficiency and anemia was carried out with a view to determining the impact of the applied recombined human erythropoetin on anemia, quality of life and complications (hypertension, etc.) in the same group of patients. The results of these investigations refuted the earlier fears that a correlation between anemia and increased hematocrit would accelerate the progression of renal insufficiency, but it did improve the quality of life to a significant extent. 86 Project: HEALTH CONDITION FOLLOW-UP OF THE SASA MEMBERS (Academician Sveto Suša) In 2007, the number of the examined SASA members considerably exceeded the number of last year’s examinations, both in terms of the number of patients and in qualitative terms. Apart from numerous laboratory analyses, made in the laboratories of Belgrade’s clinical centres, a great number of electrocardiographic recordings was made at the SASA Polyclinic. Last year, much work was done on the introduction of a new card register, with new features adjusted to our possibilities. The problem of prescription writing was also resolved for the entire Academy. Since the reception of civilians at the Military Medical Academy only with their health cards is now prescribed by law, we are now offered high-quality treatment at one place, which is still impossible in other medical institutions in Belgrade. In 2007, many academicians were vaccinated against flu, so that during the winter most of them did not catch it. Project: EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL INVESTIGATION OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES (CONVULSANTS, ANTICONVULSANTS, SLEEP PEPTIDE AND ITS ANALOGS ON EXCITABILITY OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (Academician Veselinka Šušić) In 2007, the effects of several different substances were investigated. The central effects were monitored by registering electroencephalographic activity, while the motor ones were behaviourally observed (clonic and tonic convulsions). Mladenović D., Hrnčić D., Vučević D., Radosavljević Т., Lončar-Stevanović H., Petrović J., Šušić V., Đurić D., Stanojlović O., 2007: Ethanol suppresed seizures in lindane- treated rats. Electroencephalographic and behavioral studies. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, V58 (4), 641–656. Vučević D., Hrnčić D., Radosavljević Т., Mladenović D., Đurić D., Rašić-Marković A, Lončar-Stevanović H., Macut Đ., Šušić V., Stanojlović O. Correlation between electroencephalographic and motor phenomena in lindane - induced experimental epilepsy in rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (Acceptance Notice). Hrnčić D., Vučević D., Rašić A., Radosavljević Т., Mladenović D., Šušić V., Đurić D., Stanojlović O., 2007: Moderate body hypothermia alleviates behavioral and EEG manifestations of audiogenic seizures in metaphit - treated rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 85 (10), 1032–1037. Stanojlović O., Hrnčić D., Rašić A., Lončar-Stevanović H., Đurić D., Šušić V., 2007: Interaction of delta - sleep inducing peptide and valproate on metaphit audiogenic seizure model in rats. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, DOI:10.1007/s10571007-9222-5, 27 (7), 923–932. 87 Rašić-Marković A., Krstić D., Vujović Z., Jakovljević V., Stanojlović O., Hrnčić D., Đurić D., Lončar-Stevanović H., 2007: Modulations of rabbit erythrocyte ATPase activities induced by in vitro and in vivo exposure to ethanol. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. DOI: 10.1007/s11010-007-9618-z OnLine First Stanojlović O., Hrnčić D., Rašić A., Šušić V., Živanović D., 2007: Beneficial effects of delta sleep inducing peptide on metaphit seizures. Acta Veterinaria (Beograd), 57 (2–3), 89–101 (DOI: 10.2298/AVB0703089S). Stanojlović O., Hrnčić D., Živanović D., Šušić V., 2007: Anticonvulsant, but not antiepileptic action of valproate on audiogenic seizure in metaphit - treated rats. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 34 (10), 1010–1015 (DOI:10.1111/ j.1440-1681.2007.04681.x). Hrnčić D., Rašić A., Šušić V., Radosavljević Т., Lončar-Stevanović H., Đurić D., Stanojlović O., 2007: EKG and EEG changes during tonic seizures in metaphit - injected rats challenged by sound stimulation. Joint Meeting of The Slovak Physiological Society, The Physiological Society and The Federation of European Physiological Societies, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 11–14, 2007, Abstracts. Acta Physiologica, 191 (S658), 93. Mladenović D., Hrnčić D., Radosavljević Т., Vučević D., Đurić D., Rašić A., Lončar-Stevanović H., Stanojlović O., 2007: Dose - dependent effects of ethanol on experimental lindane - induced epilepsy in rats. Joint Meeting of The Slovak Physiological Society, The Physiological Society and The Federation of European Physiological Societies, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 11–14, 2007, Abstracts. Acta Physiologica, 191 (S658), 93. Hrnčić D., Stanojlović O., Rašić A., Mladenović D., Vučević D., Radosavljević Т., Šušić V., 2007: Inhibition of convulsions in lindane - treated rats by ifenprodil. Scientific Conference with international participation Nutrition, treatment and cardiovascular risk management, Novi Sad, 24–27 May 2007, Abstract book, 101. Petrović B., Hrnčić D., Mladenović D., Vučević D., Rašić A., Radosavljević Т., Šušić V., Stanojlović O., 2007: Effects of ethanol on electroencephalographic and behavioral signs of metaphit induced audiogenic seizure. Scientific Conference with international participation Nutrition, treatment and cardiovascular risk management, Novi Sad, 24–27 May 2007, Abstract book, 114. Vučević D., Mladenović D., Radosavljević Т., Hrnčić D., Lončar-Stevanović H., Šušić V., Stanojlović O., 2007: Behavioral and EEG changes in lindane - induced experimental epilepsy. Scientific Conference with international participation Nutrition, treatment and cardiovascular risk management, Novi Sad, 24–27 May 2007, Abstract book, 113. Radosavljević Т., Mladenović D., Vučević D., Petrović J., Hrnčić D., LončarStevanović H., Stanojlović O., 2007: Effect of acute lindane and alcohol intoxication on serum enzyme activity in rats. Scientific Conference with international participation Nutrition, treatment and cardiovascular risk management, Novi Sad, 24–27 May 2007, Abstract book, 115. Rašić-Marković A., Petrović J., Lončar-Stevanović H., Hrnčić D., Prostran M., 2007: The effects of chronic ethanol consumption on the lipid profile of rabbits. Scientific 88 Conference with international participation Nutrition, treatment and cardiovascular risk management, Novi Sad, 24–27 May 2007, Abstract book, 121. Mladenović D., Hrnčić D., Vučević D., Rašić A., Radosavljević Т., Petrović J., Lončar-Stevanović H., Šušić V., Stanojlović O., 2007: Electroencephalographic and behavioral effects of ethanol on seizures in rats treated with lindane. XII Serbian Congess of Pharmacology and II Serbian Congress of Clinical Pharmacology, Palić, May 9–12, 2007, Abstract book, 33. Radosavljević Т., Mladenović D., Vučević D., Petrović J., Hrnčić D., Rašić A., Lončar-Stevanović H., Stanojlović O., 2007: Serum concentration of enzymes and fatty acids in rats after acute lindane and alcohol intoxication. XII Serbian Congess of Pharmacology and II Serbian Congress of Clinical Pharmacology, Palić, May 9–12, 2007, Abstract book, 34. Project: HIGH TECHNOLOGY IN MEDICINE AND NUCLEAR MEDICINE: INSTRUMENTATION DEVELOPMENT, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, CLINICAL METHODOLOGY AND BASIC EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH (Academician Vladimir Bošnjaković) The work on the development of new original designs of imaging instrumentation for nuclear medicine was continued in 2007. The novelty was the improvement of the basic design of scintillation camera (SC) type of the detector by optimizing its design to serve for detecting the single photon emitters only, in particular for the SPECT studies. Thus, the design based on the known sodium iodide - NaI(Tl) crystal only was considered, as the new lantan bromide - LaBr3(Cr3+) scintillation crystal was shown inconvenient for building the large crystals as needed for the Anger type of position sensitive SC detector. Two reasons made such a design decision. First, the single photon emitters (99m-Tc, 123-I, 111-In, 131-I) are still used in 85 - 90 % of all studies in nuclear medicine. Second, the very popular PET studies which are nowdays used routinely in conjunction with CT studies (one can now buy just the PET-CT machines), are very recently overmatched with the SPECT-CT machines (CT was added to a dual SC SPECT system, too!). Thus, SPECT-CT system with the improvement of performing characteristics of the exsisting SPECT machines to work fluently with the hightech CT machines was considered as a chalinging goal for the future research. The work on other subtopics in the realization of the project in 2007 referred mostly to clinical and methodological investigations by evaluating diagnostic significance of nuclear medicine techniques. These investigations included problems of nuclear cardiology, nuclear hematology and nuclear gastro-entero-hepatology combined with nuclear pulmology and oncology studies. 89 .Project: ENERGY METABOLISM UNDER NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS (Academician Zoran Kovačević) In 2007, the work on the project “Expression of the Neoplastic Cell Programme“ was carried out. Project: IDENTIFICATION OF MYOCARD VIABILITY WITH DYPIRIDAMOLE AND DOBUTAMINE (Academician Miodrag Ostojić) The study population consisted of 31 pts (mean age 53 ± 7 years; 26 male, 5 female) with previous myocardial infarction and single vessel CAD undergoing coronary angioplasty of the infarct-related coronary artery. All patients were evaluated by single pressure/thermo wire (RADI) FFR and CFR by thermodilution during maximal hyperemia (induced by papaverine) before and immediately after coronary angioplasty. In addition, functional testing was performed in all patients by dobutamine stress echocardiography as well as perfusion scintiography, both before and at least six months post percutaneous coronary intervention. Patients were also observed for the development of adverse cardiovascular events, including restenosis. Percutaneous coronary intervention resulted in a significant increase of the FFR and CFR, 0.60 ± 0.15 to 0.91 ± 0.6 and 1.5 ± 0.4 to 2.6 ± 0.8, correspondingly (p for both <0.001). Patients who developed ECG changes during the inflation of the balloon had a lower FFR of the collateral circulation compared to patients who did not have ECG changes (0.16 ± 0.8 vs. 0.27 ± 0.9, p<0.01, correspondingly) The best cut off value of the FFR to predict ECG changes produced by inflation of balloon was 0.23, giving value of 87 % and 90 % for sensitivity and specificity, respectively. The FFR of the collateral circulation correlated positively with the angio Rentrop classification (p = 0.035). Myocardial viability was best independently predicted by the FFR of the pretreated vessel (p = 0.01) than by the FFR of the collateral circulation (p = 0.04). The feasibility of the FFR and CFR by thermodilution, measurements was 98 % and 90 %, respectively. For the first time, a number of relations between the FFR and the size of myocardial infarction (i.e., the ejection fraction and peak creatin-kinase) was presented, confirming the value and pathophysiological concept of the evaluation of the FFR in the target vessel, as well as of the collateral circulation in patients with previous myocardial infarction in regard to the probability of myocardial recovery. Nedeljkovic M., Ostojic M., Beleslin B., Nedeljkovic I., Milic N., Vukcevic V., Stojkovic S., Saponjski J., Orlic D., Djordjevic-Dikic A., Stepanovic J., Giga V., Petrasinovic Z., Arandjelovic A., Beleslin B., Kanjuh V. et al., 2007: Ergonovineinduced changes of coronary artery diameter in patients with nonsignificant coronary artery stenosis: relation with lipid profile. Herz, 32 (4), 329–335. 90 Lewington S., Whitlock G., Clarke R., Sherliker P., Emberson J., Halsey J., Qizilbash N., Peto R., Collins R. (Serbia: Nedeljkovic S., Ostojic M.), 2007: Prospective Studies Collaboration - Blood cholesterol and vascular mortality by age, sex, and blood pressure: a meta-analysis of individual data from 61 prospective studies with 55,000 vascular deaths. Lancet, Dec 1, 370 (9602), 1829–1839. Mrdovic I., Savic L., Perunicic J., Asanin M., Lasica R., Jelena M., Matic M., Vasiljevic Z., Ostojic M., 2007: Randomized active-controlled study comparing effects of treatment with carvedilol versus metoprolol in patients with left ventricular dysfunction after acute myocardial infarction. American Heart Journal, 154 (1), 116–122. Asanin M., Vasiljevic Z., Matic M., Vujisic-Tesic B., Arandjelovic A., Marinkovic J., Ostojic M., 2007: Outcome of patients in relation to duration of new-onset atrial fibrillation following acute myocardial infarction. Cardiology, 107 (3), 197–202. Stankovic G., Ostojic M., Louvard Y., Colombo A., 2007: Coronary bifurcation lesions: definition, classification and approaches to treatment. Cardiology International, Vol. 8, No.3, 107–113. Ostojic M., Sagic D., Jung R., Perisic Z., Jagic N., Nedeljkovic M., Topic D., Stojkovic S., Mangovski Lj., Paunovic D., 2007: NOBORI CORE - final angiographic and clinical results. European Heart Journal (Abstr. Supl), 1639. Stepanovic J., Ostojic M., Lecic-Tosevski D., Vukovic O., Djordjevic-Dikic A., Beleslin B., Giga V., Nedeljkovic I., Petrasinovic Z., Vujisic-Tesic B., 2007: Mental stress facilitates development of myocardial ischemia during exercise stress test. European Heart Journal (Abstr. Supl), P2648. Trifunovic D., Athanassopoulos G., Athanassios M., Panagiotis I., Karatasakis G., Ostojic M., Cokkinos D.V., 2007: Doppler tissue imaging derived regional deformation indices of right ventricular function in primary pulmonary hypertension: a case-control matched study. European Heart Journal (Abstr. Supl), P3541. Beleslin B., Ostojic M., Djordjevic-Dikic A., Vukcevic V., Stojkovic S., Nedeljkovic M., Stankovic G., Orlic D., Stepanovic J., Giga V., Arandjelovic A., 2007: Fractional and Coronary Flow Reserve in Prediction of Functional Recovery of Myocardium in Patients with Previous Myocardial Infarction. Circulation, 116, II 751-II, 752. Djordjevic Dikic A., Beleslin B., Ostojic M., Stepanovic J., Giga V., Vujisic Tesic B., Nedeljkovic I., Nedeljkovic M., Vukcevic V., Dikic M., 2007: Functional recovery of the left ventricle coronary intervention in the chronic phase after myocardial infarction evaluated by coronary flow reserve with echocardiography. European Journal of Echocardiography, 8 (Suppl 1), S104. Petrovic M., Trifunovic D., Vujisic Tesic B., Suvajdzic N., Petrovic O., Nedeljkovic I., Banovic M., Ostojic M., 2007: Conventional echocardiographic and pulsed tissue Doppler study of heart involvement in Gausher diseas: a case control matched study. European Journal of Echocardiography, 8 (Suppl 1), S62. Stepanovic J., Ostojic M., Lecic Tosevski D., Vukovic O., Djordjevic Dikic A., Beleslin B., Nedeljkovic I., Giga V., Nedeljkovic M., Stojkovic S., 2007: Multivariante analysis of parameters associated development of myocardial ischemia during mental stress test. European Journal of Echocardiography, 8 (Suppl 1), S92. 91 Ostojic M., Sagic D., Beleslin B., Jung R., Topic D., Jagic N., Perisic Z., Stojkovic S., Miloradovic V., Apostolovic S., Milosavljevic B., Mangovski Lj., Nedeljkovic M., Debeljacki D., 2007: First Clinical Comparison of Nobori Drug Eluting Stent with Cypher Stent: NOBORI CORE Clinical Trial. The American Journal of Cardiology, 100 (Issue 8, Suppl 1), 160L. Popović D., Mazić S., Nešić D., Velkovski S., Stojiljković S., Šćepanović L., Mitrović D., Ostojić M., et al., 2007: Athlete’s heart syndrome. Srpski Arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 135 (3–4), 222–229. Popovic D., Ostojic M., Popovic N., Stojiljkovic S., Scepanovic L., 2007: Causes of sudden cardiac death in athletes. Medicinski pregled, 60 (1–2), 61–65. Popovic D., Brkic P., Nesic D., Stojiljkovic S., Scepanovic L., Ostojic M., 2007: Electrophysiological characteristics of the athlete’s heart. Medicinski pregled, 60 (3–4), 156–159. Asanin M., Vasiljevic Z., Matic M., Vujisic-Tesic B., Mrdovic I., Kostic J., Ostojic M., 2007: Chronic heart failure and recurrences of atrial fibrillation after acute myocardial infraction: 7-year follow up��. XVI Kongres kardiologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Beograd 14–17. oktobar 2007, Kardiologija, 28, Sažeci radova - Suplement 1, 57 Project: Biochemical and Morphological Cell Features at the Onset of Programmed Cell Death (Apoptosis) (Academician Bogdan Đuričić) Studies were carried out at the Institute of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade. Quantitative investigations on metabolic changes were commenced using a newly-acquired high-pressure liquid chromatograph. The effects of oxidative stress (induced by hydrogen peroxide or sodium nitroprusside) were investigated using an astrocyte cell culture and, in particular, the nature of cell death was investigated. The number of dying/dead cells was established using MTT staining or crystal violet staining and the changes were dynamically followed using flow cytometry, the cells being stained with dihydroxyrodiamine and annexine/ propidium iodide. In addition, tentative protective effects by adenosine were sought after. Moreover, the protective effects of adenosine in astrocytes were shown by following the reduction of the glycolytic rate (hypoglycemia or poisoning by iodoacetate). The investigations aimed on defining the adenosine transport system in astrocytes were continued. It was shown that there is a fast uptake of adenosine in astrocytes, apparently by a saturable transport system. Jotić A, Lalić N., Miličić T., Lukić M., Marković I., Đuričić B. [et al.], 2006: Diffrerent islet cell antibody titer at onset of type I diabetes: an association with changes in CD4+T cells subsets and clinical course of disease. Diabetologia: Abstract, 42nd EASD Annual Meeting, Copenhagen-Malmoe. 49���������������� [Suppl 1], 281. 92 Milovanović J., Milovanović A., Đuričić B. ... [et al.], 2007: Changes in enzymatic activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase, and in reduced glutathione and malonyl aldehyde after acute alumina poisoning. Acta veterinaria (Beograd), 57. Markovic I., Segal M.B., Đuricic B., [et al.], 2007: Kinetics of nucleoside uptake by the basolateral side of the sheep choroid plexus epithelium perfused in situ. Experimental Physiology, 2007 Nov 26; [Epub ahead of print] Project: INVESTIGATION OF GENETIC BASIS OF DEGENERATIVE DISEASES OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (Academician Vladimir S. Kostić) During 2007, the activities were focused on an investigation of the genetic basis of Parkinson’s disease, dystonia and other neurodegenerative disorders. In relation to this topic, 8 papers were published in international journals. Papers relating to this topic were presented at 6 international and several domestic meetings (published as abstracts and not cited in this report). One master’s thesis was defended in the area of the topic. The project head delivered 4 invited plenary lectures at international meetings. During 2007, V.S. Kostić developed collaboration with groups from Italy, Germany, Russia and the USA. He is a member of the editorial boards of Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Jugoslavica, Psychiatry Today, Acta Infectologica, Focus on Parkinson Disease, Vojnosanitetski Glasnik, Polish Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery, JAMA (Serbian edition). He is a member of the Scientific Board of the Movement Disorders Society. Kostić V.S., 2007: Defining mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease Comment. Focus on Parkinson’s Disease, 19, 18. [Comment] Winkler S., Konig I.R., Lohman-Heidreich K., Vieregge P., Kostić V.S., Klein C., 2007: Role of ethnicity on the association of MAPT H1 haplotypes and subhaplotypes in Parkinson’s disease. European Journal of Human Genetics, 15, 1163–1168. Svetel M., Pekmezović T., Jović J., Ivanović N., Dragašević N., Marić J., Kostić V.S., 2007: Spread of primary dystonia in relation to initially affected region. Journal of Neurology, 254, 879–883. Pekmezović T., Svetel M., Marić J., Dujmović-Bašuroski I., Dragašević N., Keckarević M., Romac S., Kostić V.S., 2007: Survival of Huntington’s disease patients in Serbia: longer survival in female patients. European Journal of Neurology, 22, 523– 526. Winkler S., Hagenah J., Lincoln S., Heckman M., Lohmann-Heidreich K., Kostić V.S., Farrer M., Klein C., 2007: α-Synuclein and Parkinson disease susceptibility. Neurology, 69, 1745–1750. Cerovac N., Petrović I., Klein C., Kostić V.S., 2007: Delayed-onset dystonia due to perinatal asphyxia: a prospective study. Movement Disorders, 22, 2426–2429. Lepori M.B., Lovicu M., Dessi V., Zappu A., Incollu S., Zancan L., Giacchino R., Iorio R., Vajro P., Maggiore G., Marcellini M., Barbera C., Pellecchia M.T., Simonetii 93 R., Kostić V.S., Farci A.M., Solinas A., De Virgillis S., Cao A., Loudianos G., 2007: Twenty-four novel mutations in Wilson disease patients of predominantly Italian origin. Genetic Testing, 11, 328–332. Kostić V.S., 2007: Dystonia: diagnosis and treatment. Teaching Course 1: Update on movement disorders - basic. 11th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Brisel, 1–14. Svetel M., Vasić M., Tomić G., Stanković P., Stojanović M., Dragašević N., Dergenc R., Vukašinović M., Pekmezović T., Petrović I., Kostić V.S., 2007: Botulinum toxin efficacy in the treatment of patients with spasmodic dysphonia. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 64, 671–675. Project: THE INVESTIGATION OF THE ROLE OF CYTOSKELETAL PROTEINS IN THE PROCESS OF APOPTOSIS (PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH) (Corresponding Member Vladimir Bumbaširević) In 2007, the investigations of the molecular mechanisms leading to apoptosis induced by microtubule disassembly in several tumor cell lines (C6 glioma, HL-60 and human glioblastoma) in vitro were continued. In addition to the morphological and immunocytochemical studies by light and electron microscopy, Western blot analysis of the proteins engaged in the execution of apoptosis was performed in order to detect both caspase-dependent and independent apoptotic pathways. Additionally, the mechanisms and the extent of apoptosis in lymph nodes of patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma were studied and an evaluation of apoptosis related proteins as prognostic factors was performed. Jakovic L.R., Mihaljevic B.S., Jovanovic M.D., Bogdanovic A.D., Martinovic V.M., Kravic T.K., Bumbasirevic V.Z., 2007: Serbian Lymphoma Study Group. The expression of Ki-67 and Bcl-2 in Hodgkin’s lymphoma: correlation with the International Prognostic Score and bulky disease: a study by the Serbian Lymphoma Study Group (SLG). Medical Oncology, 24, 45–53. Kravić T., Brajušković G., Bumbaširević V., 2007: Involvement of microtubules in the regulation of apoptosis induced by lovastatin and paclitaxel in HL-60 cells. Proceedings 3rd Serbian Congress for Microscopy, Sept 25–28, 2007, Belgrade, 205–206. Mirčić A., Maksimović-Ivanić D., Mijatović S., Đuričić B., Bumbaširević V., 2007: Cell death of C6 glioma cells treated by microtubule interfering agents. Proceedings 3rd Serbian Congress for Microscopy, Sept 25–28, 2007, Belgrade, 223–224. 94 Project: IMMUNOBIOLOGY OF DENDRITIC CELLS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE (Corresponding Member Miodrag Čolić) In 2007, phenotypic and functional characteristics of dendritic cells from patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma were investigated. A protocol based on dendritic cell vaccines was designed. In addition, the immunomodulatory effects of Royal jelly components and herbal extracts on the immune responses in vitro and in vivo, mediated by dendritic cells, were studied. In collaboration with the Faculty of Dentistry, Belgrade, the immunoregulatory mechanisms involved in the development and persistence of chronic periapical dental lesions were investigated. Čolić M., Вasilijić S., Gazivoda D., Вučević D., Marjanović M., Lukić A., 2007: Interleukin-17 plays a role in exacerbation of inflammation within chronic periapical lesions. European Journal of Oral Sciences, 115, 315–320. Vučević D., Melliou E., Вasilijić S., Gašić S., Ivanovski P., Chinou I., Čolić M., 2007: Fatty acids isolated from royal jelly modulate dendritic cell-mediated immune response in vitro. International Immunopharmacology, 7, 1211–1220. Gasic S., Вucevic D., Вasilijic S., Antunovic M., Chinoui I., Colic M., 2007: Evaluation of the immunomodulatory activities of royal jelly components in vitro. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 29, 521–536. Colic M., Doslov-Kokorus Z., Backovic A., Stojanovic D., Antic-Stankovic J., Kovacevic N., 2007: Evaluation of the stimulatory effect of Epimedium alpinum L. methanolic extract on the immune response in vivo. Pharmazie, 62 (9), 705–708. Project: INVESTIGATION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF GENETIC POLYMORPHISM OF PC-1 GLYCOPROTEIN (K121Q) AND INSULIN RESISTANCE WITH DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY, CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE AND CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE (Corresponding Member Vladisav Stefanović) In 2007, the research was focused on the study of molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance and its role in the development of diabetic nephropathy, coronary artery disease and cerebrovascular disease. Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a clinical feature, closely associated with insulin resistance, one of the prime underlying causes of overall cardiovascular morbidity, including coronary heart disease (CHD). Considering the association between PC-1 121Q genotype and insulin resistance phenotype, the contribution of PC-1 K121Q polymorphism to the development of MS and its concomitant disorders in CHD patients was investigated. PC-1 121Q allele was found associated with genetically determined susceptibility for MS in patients with CHD, therefore suggesting a potential role for PC-1 K121Q genotyping in identifying individuals at high risk for MS, its concomitant disorders and subsequent complications. 95 Tasic I., Milojkovic M., Sunder-Plassmann R., Lazarevic G., Tasic N.M., Stefanovic V., 2007: The association of PC-1 (ENPP1) K121Q polymorphism with metabolic syndrome in patients with coronary heart disease. Clinica Chimica Acta, 377, 237–242. Rajic M., Ilic S., Vlajkovic M., Antic S., Velickovic L., Stefanovic V., 2007: Radionuclide staging of renal function in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Renal Failure, 29, 685–691. Lazarevic G., Antic S., Vlahovic P., Djordjevic V., Zvezdanovic L., Stefanovic V., 2007: Effects of aerobic exercise on microalbuminuria and enzymuria in type 2 diabetic patients. Renal Failure, 29, 199–205. Project: CONTROL ENDOCRINE MECHANISMS IN BODY WEIGHT REGULATION AMONG OBESE SUBJECTS (Corresponding Member Dragan Micić) During 2007, the investigation of the interaction between ghrelin and insulin was continued in a model of obesity represented by the polycystic ovary syndrome under the euglycaemic clamp condition. In healthy persons investigations of mutual interaction between ghrelin and hormones that participate in the enteroinsular axis were performed in the course of the investigation of endocrine control of appetite. The possible role of leptin, a hormone derived from adipose tissue, as a tumor marker in a patient with androgen secreting tumor was analyzed. An investigation of the mechanism of action of metformine, as a drug which is used for the correction of insulin resistance in obese subjects, was commenced and, in particular, its possible antitumor action in a model of glioma was analyzed. The interrelation between the C reactive protein and metabolic syndrome was investigated in patients with overweight or obesity. Visfatin plasma values, a hormone derived from adipocytes, were investigated in the course of a glucose tolerance test in obese women. All the mentioned investigations are published in eight papers in international journals, four national journals and eleven abstracts on international meetings. The project leader delivered seven invited lectures on international meetings in 2007. Micić D., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Kendereški A., Cvijović G., Zorić S., Pejković D., Micić J., Milić N., Dieguez C., Casanueva F., 2007: Total ghrelin levels during acute insulin infusion in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 30, 820–827. Micić D., Duntas L., Cvijović G., Kendereški A., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Jehle P., Zorić S., Pejković D., Lague M., Dieguez C., Casanueva F., 2007: Ghrelin and the enteroinsular axis in healthy men. Hormones, 6, 321–326. Micić D., Milosavljević T., 2007: Counteracing obesity in Europe: who ministerial conference on counteracting obesity. Diet and physical activity for health. 15–17 November 2006, Istanbul, Turkey. Obesity and Metabolism, 3, 48–49. 96 Cvijović G., Micić D., Kendereški A., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Zorić S., Popović V., 2007: Low leptin level in an obese hyperandrogenemic woman-potential marker for androgen-secreting tumor. Gynecologic Endocrinology, 23, 112–116. Isaković A., Harhaji L., Stevanović D., Marković Z., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Starčević V., Micić D., Trajković V., 2007: Dual antiglioma action of metformin: cell cycle arrest and mitochondria-dependent apoptosis. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 64, 290–302. Lalić N.M., Micić D., Antić S., Bajović L., Pantelinac P., Jotić A., Kendereški A., Dimić D., Đukić A., Mitrović M., Vujasin M., 2007: Effect of biphasic insulin aspart on glucose and lipid control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 8, 2895–2901. Jorga J., Šević Lj., Maksimović M., Đurišić N., Davidović D. , Micić D., 2007: Relationship between c-reactive protein and the metabolic syndrome in overweight and obese patients. Obesity and Metabolism, 3, 161–167. Šumarac-Dumanović M., Micić D., Krstić M., Georgiev M., Diklić A., Tatić S., Stamenković-Pejković D., Kendereški A., Cvijović G., Pavlović A., 2007: Pitfalls in diagnosing a small cystic insulinoma: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 1, 181 doi: 10.1186/1752-1947-1-181 Micic D., 2007: Pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome. 3rd Postgraduate Course in Clinical Endocrinology. Ohrid, Macedonia, 22–24 March 2007, 10–11. Micić D., 2007: Dyslipidaemia in the metabolic syndrome. ECO 2007 PreCongress Satellite Symposium “Metabolic Syndrome in Daily Practice”, April 20– 21 2007, Cluj Napoca, Romania, Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, 1, XII. Micić D., Šumarac Dumanović M., Kendereški A., Cvijović G., StamenkovićPejković D., Georgiev M., Zorić S., Jorga J., Casanueva F., Dieguez C., 2007: Plasma levels of adipocytokines and insulin sensitivity during 10% weight reduction in obese women. International Journal of Obesity, 31, Suppl 1, T3, PO.159. Micić D., 2007: Drug induced weight gain. International Journal of Obesity, 31, Suppl 1, T3, RS3.3. Šumarac Dumanović M., Micić D., Georgiev M., Stamenković-Pejković D., Jorga J., Kendereški A., Cvijović G., Zorić S., Dieguez C., Casanueva F., 2007: Visfatin, leptin, diponectin and insulin sensitivity in obese women. International Journal of Obesity, 31, Suppl 1, T3, OS4.5. Cvijović G., Micić D., Kendereški A., Zorić S., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Pejković D., Georgiev M., 2007: Insulin sensitivity and lipid levels in patients with primary hyperparathyreoidism. 9th European Congress of Endocrinology, Budapest, Hungary, Endocrine Abstracts, Vol 14, P 85. Kendereški A., Micić D., Cvijović G., Zorić S., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Pejković D., Georgiev M., 2007: The effect of surgical treatment on insulin sensitivity in patients with primary hyperparathyreoidism. 9th European Congress of Endocrinology, Budapest, Hungary, Endocrine Abstracts, Vol 14, P 86. Micić D., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Kendereški A., Cvijović G., StamenkovićPejković D., Zorić S., Jorga J., Dieguez C., Casanueva F., 2007: Plasma visfatin during 97 oral glucose tolerance test in obese women. 9th European Congress of Endocrinology, Budapest, Hungary, Endocrine Abstracts, Vol 14, P 237. Šumarac Dumanović M., Micić D., Georgiev M., Stamenković-Pejković D., Jorga J., Kendereški A., Cvijović G., Zorić S., Dieguez C., Casanueva F., 2007: Visfatin, adiponectin, leptin and insulin sensitivity in severe obese women with normal and impaired glucose tolerance. 9th European Congress of Endocrinology, Budapest, Hungary, Endocrine Abstracts, Vol 14, P 268. Stamenković-Pejković D., Micić D., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Kendereški A., Cvijović G., Zorić S., Georgiev M., 2007: Ghrelin levels in obese patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. 9th European Congress of Endocrinology, Budapest, Hungary, Endocrine Abstracts, Vol 14, P 652. Georgiev M., Micić D., Šumarac-Dumanović M., Kendereški A., StamenkovićPejković D., Cvijović G., Zorić S., Zečević N., 2007: Ghrelin levels in lean patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. 9th European Congress of Endocrinology, Budapest, Hungary, Endocrine Abstracts, Vol 14, P 653. Project: PROSTATE CANCER SCREENING (Corresponding Member Jovan Hadži-Đokić) There is an evident upward trend in the incidence of prostate cancer in our country. The rate of localized cancer detection is increasing. This sharp increase was recorded several years later than in other European countries. The delay period corresponds to the time required for the professional public to pay attention to the possibilities of a prostatespecific antigen (PSA). The result was the introduction of early detection of prostate cancer into practice, since there were no financial possibilities for epidemiological studies or mass screening. Today, in the urological clinics and wards in Serbia radical prostatectomy is practiced to a greater extent than paliative treatment methods, as contrasted to the period ten years ago when PSA testing was not prevalent. In the world today, early detection of prostate cancer is mostly practiced in patients with health insurance. The regions where the evaluation of the entire asymptomatic population is made are rare. In our investigation, which started in two municipalities in Serbia, prostate cancer screening included a rectal check-up, transrectal ultrasound screening (TRUS) and PSA testing. In patients with suspected prostate cancer, we carried out transrectal biopsy in analgosedation. We tested the male population aged 45-70. In addition, we tested the holesterol, trigliceride and testosteron levels in the blood of these patients in order to ascertain whether there is a casual link between their levels in the blood and the incidence of prostate cancer. One doctoral dissertation on this topic was defended at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade. Milković B., Hadži-Đokić J., Džamić Z., Pejčić T., 2007: The significance of TPSA, free to total PSA ratio and PSA density in prostate carcinoma diagnostics. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica, 4, 105–107. 98 Pejčić T., Hadži-Đokić J., Marković B., Maksimović H., Aćimović M., Miljković S., 2007: Stage T2 Prostate Cancer Presented with High Serum Prostate Specific Antigen adn Nonspecific Bone Lesions. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica, 4, 108–112. Hadži-Đokić J., Pejčić T., Vuksanović A., Aćimović M., Džamić Z., 2007: Orthotopic Neobladder: A 22 - Year Experience. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica, 4, 33– 35. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN REPRODUCTION BIOLOGY (Academician Vojin Šulović) In 2007, the activity included the organization of the scientific meeting with international participation in cooperation with the SASA Interdepartmental Committee for Human Reproduction Biology and the Gynecological-Obstetrics Section of the Serbian Medical Society. Its topic was: Chronic Non-contageous Diseases and Pregnancy - Part I (Hronične nezarazne bolesti i trudnoća - I deo). All papers listed below were published in the Proceedings, edited by Vojin Šulović and Tihomir Vejnović. The content of the Proceedings: - Introduction - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Pregnancy - Rheumatic Heart Disease and Pregnancy: Maternal and Phoetal Risks - Congenital Heart Disease and Pregnancy: Perinatal Outcome - Diabetes and Pregnancy - Hyperthension and Pregnancy - Therapy of Hyperthyreosis in Pregnancy - Nicotine and Women’s Reproductive Health - Therapeutical Dilemma: Congenital or Acquired Trombophilia - Pregnancy and Malignant Diseases - Epilepsy and Pregnancy - Adult Diseases Attributable to a Slowdown in Phoetal Growth In 2008, the scientific meeting bearing the same name (Chronic Non-contageous Diseases and Pregnancy - Part II), with international participation, will also be held. It will also be organized in cooperation with the Gynecological-Obstetrics Section of the Serbian Medical Society. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON AIDS (Academician Vojin Šulović) Last year, the Committee organized the scientific meeting entitled “Twenty Years of HIV/AIDS in Serbia“, together with the Youth Association Against AIDS (JAZAS). The papers presented at this scientific meeting were published in 2007, in the Proceedings with the following contents: - Introduction 99 - Keynote Address by Academician Šulović - Аleksandar Dujić: From the First Case of HIV/AIDS in Serbia to the Formation of the National Commission - Danijela Simić: Development and Characteristics of the Epidemic Caused by Human Imunodeficiency Virus in the Republic of Serbia in Comparison with Europe; - Аleksandar Bojović, Slađana Baroš, Farida Basioni Stamenić: The Response of the Government Sector to HIV/AIDS, from the Formation of the HIV/AIDS National Commission to the Present Day; - Viktorija Cucić, Dragan Ilić: The Role and Contribution of the Non-Governmental Sector in Combatting HIV/AIDS; - Мila Paunić, Marijana Pešić, Vesnica Kljajević, Dragan Ilić, Milena Tomašević, Zorica Žikić, Miodrag Stojanović: Development of Voluntary Confidential Counselling and Testing for HIV; - Spaso Anđelić, Bojan Vasić, Relja Lukić: Prevention of Mother-to-Child Vertical Transmission of HIV, 2003–2004; - Каtarina Mitić: Vulnerable Groups and HIV; - Vesna Šuljagić: Miodrag Jevtić: HIV/AIDS, National and Global Security; - Јеlena Drezga: Problems of Including People Living with HIV/AIDS in Prevention and Care Programmes; - Ivana Mišić: National Strategy Against HIV/AIDS; - Daniel Mešković: The Global Fund Initiative in Serbia Relating to HIV/AIDS, Further Steps. Underway are the HIV/AIDS investigations as a health, social, ethic and emotional problem in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. COMMITTEE ON KIDNEY DISEASES (Academician Sveto Suša) In 2007, the members of the Committee met six times. This year, the Committee was expanded by 6 new members. The members of the Committee took an active part in all four projects, i.e.: * Kidney as an Endocrine Organ - Committee on Biomedical Research * H ealth Condition Follow-up of the SASA Members - Committee on Kidney Diseases * Research on Endemic Nephropathy in South-Eastern Europe - Centre for Scientific Research in Niš * Еtiopathogenesis Incidence and Treatment of Various Forms of Glomerulopathy - SASA Department of Medical Sciences. Last year, the Committee on Kidney Diseases was concerned with the best possible examination and treatment of the SASA members. Special attention was devoted to the best possible organization of the specialist service at the SASA Polyclinic not only with respect to treatment, but also with respect to the early detection of various diseases, laying special emphasis on the early detection of malignant diseases, especially malignant prostate tumour. 100 In order to prevent its incidence, most SASA members were vaccinated against flu. Apart from the standard laboratory analyses, the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test was also performed on a number of SASA members for the purpose of early detection of malignant prostate tumour. In the current year, this test will also be performed on other SASA members. An attempt was also made to raise the level of the SASA members’ examination and treatment. Among other things, the card register was established and the cards will be provided to all SASA members who still do not have them. Last year, the Committee members presented their papers at numerous meetings in the country and abroad. COMMITTEE ON SURVEY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL SCIENCES IN SERBIA (Academician Vladimir Kanjuh) The survey in 2007 showed the continuation of the trend that financial funds for medical scientific projects in SASA are small and not adequate, especially for retired academicians. The collaboration of SASA with the universities of Niš and Kragujevac, Serbian Medical Society and its Academy of Medical Sciences, international cooperation (including Montenegro and R. Srpska) were advanced. The following scientific meetings were held: Medical education (B. Đuričić, V. Bumbaširević, N. Lalić), Chronic non-contagious diseases and pregnancy (V. Šulović), Obesity: pathogenetic aspects and therapeutic possibilities (D. Micić), and Promotion of research ethics in Serbia (V. Stefanović). In a collaboration of the SASA and the ASARS, the book “A new perspective on prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis“ (with chapters written by V. Kanjuh and M. Ostojić) was published as well as three numbers of Annals of the SASA branch in Novi Sad (Z. Kovačević), the book “Professors of internal medicine, infectious disease, pediatrics, neurology, psychiatry, and dermatovenerology of the Belgrade School of Medicine“ (R. Čolović), and Items on letters A and B for the General Serbian Encyclopedia of SASA and Matica Srpska. A tribute was paid to 15 members of the SASA and 3 other scientists in the SASA’s book “Lives and Work of the Serbian Scientists“ and in other monographs to: Đ. Joannović, K. Šahović, Lj. Mihajlović, V. Đorđević, E. Mihel, J. Bernard, M. Đorđević, and J. Apostolović (the first Serb with a PhD in medicine 250 years ago). COMMITTEE ON CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY (Academician Vladimir Kanjuh) Under the auspices of the Committee of 39 members (including 11 foreign members), the following projects were worked on (besides the four projects in the SASA): 1. A preventive prospective study of cardiovascular diseases in seven countries of the world (S. Nedeljković, M. Ostojić and associates). 101 2. Yugoslav study of the precursors of atherosclerosis in children (S. Nedeljković, S. Simeunović, M. Vukotić, V. Kanjuh, M. Ostojić and associates). 3. The water of the common rivers of Vojvodina, Hungary and Romania and cardiovascular diseases (Đ. Stojšić, V. Kanjuh, M. Ostojić). 4. Myocarditis - Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: Problems in Diagnostics and Therapy (Đ. Stojšić, V. Kanjuh, M. Ostojić). The following scientific conferences were held with the Committee as a coorganizer: 1. International Cardiology Workshop III. Complex Coronary Angioplasty up to Chronic Total Occlusions 2007: The clinically integrated approach with a training course on the radial approach and the symposium: Therapy of Ischemic Heart Disease 2007: From Asymptomatic Atherosclerotic Plaque to Myocardial Infarction. Belgrade, April 11–14, 2007. (M. Ostojić, M. Nedeljković). The book ‘’Syllabus and Abstracts’’ with 478 pages was published. (2) Heart failure 2007. Belgrade, April 23, 2007. (Z. Vasiljević, B. Stojnić). (3) Symposium “Modern Approach in the Prevention and Therapy of Atherosclerosis” within the XII Serbian Congress of Pharmacology and the II Serbian Congress of Clinical Pharmacology. Palić, May 9–12, 2007. (Lj. GojkovićBukarica, V. Kanjuh). (4) Actualities in Cardiology with international participation. Niš, May 17–19, 2007 (S. Ilić, M. Deljanin-Ilić). (5) 9th International Symposium “Interdisciplinary Regional Research, Hungary, Romania, Serbia”, Novi Sad, June 21–23, 2007. (Đ. Stojšić). (6) Meeting on the occasion of the opening of Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory in the Clinical Hospital Center, Banja Luka, June 28, 2007 (A. Lazarević, M. Ostojić). (7) 40 years of the Clinical Center of Serbia Pace-Maker Center. Belgrade, September 13, 2007 (G. Milašinović, V. Kanjuh). (8) Joint Symposium of the SCS and SASA “Atherosclerosis 2007: Past, Present and Future“ within the XVI SCS Congress with international participation. Belgrade, October 14, 2007 (M. Ostojić, V. Kanjuh, S. Nedeljković). Collaboration with cardiologists and angiologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina by participations to their 4th International Congress in Mostar, May 17–19, 2007 (V. Kanjuh, N. Radovanović, Z. Vasiljević, and P. Seferović). During the last 16 years, 119 promotions of postgraduate text-books (Cardiology 1994, 2000, YUSAD study) with relevant lectures for 13327 physicians in different cities of Serbia, Republic of Srpska and Montenegro were held. The members of the Committee paid great attention to the investigation of coronary atherothrombosis, heart failure, and the Torrent - Guasp Heart. 102 COMMITTEE ON IMMUNOLOGY AND ALLERGOLOGY (Corresponding Member Miodrag Čolić) The most significant activity of the Committee in 2007 was the organization of the V Scientific Meeting of the Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology of Serbia and the Serbian Immunological Society, held in Belgrade (Military Medical Academy) 22.03–24.03.2007. The Serbian Immunological Society organized a mini symposium on the occasion of the International Day of Immunology (29.04.2007). It was agreed that in future (commencing from 2008), this Meeting will be organized in the SASA by the Committee on Immunology and Allergology, Medical Department of the SASA and the Serbian Immunological Society. The members of the Committee were engaged in different activities, such as preparations of the V Balkan Congress of Immunology, to be held in 2008 in Ohrid, publications of papers in Clinical Application of Immunology (official journal of the Balkan Association of Immunological Societies) and other international journals, as well as participation on domestic and international immunological meetings. COMMITTEE FOR SOMNOLOGY (Academician Veselinka Šušić) In 2007, the activity involved the organization of the scientific meeting: „Sleep and disorders of sleep“ with international participation, which was held in SASA on 10 May 2007. The presented papers were published in the journal SANU, Glas 8 CDVI, Book 49, in Serbian with an English summary. The content of Symposium was: 1. Veselinka Šušić: Normal sleep 2. Nikola Trajanović: A contemporary view at the classification of sleep disorders 3. Tatjana Pekmezović: Epidemiology of sleep disturbances 4. Ružica Kovačević-Ristanović: Narcolepsy and other hypersomnias 5. Slavko Janković, Vladimir Kostić, Veselinka Šušić: REM sleep parasomnias and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system 6. Miodrag Radulovački, David W. Carley: Is pharmacologic treatment of sleep apnea efficient? 7. Miodrag Vukčević: How to solve the problem of sleep apnea? 8. Dragan Micić, Veselinka Šušić, Vladimir Kostić: Ghrelin and sleep 9. Dragoslav Sokić: Sleep and the epilepsies 10. Dušica Lečić-Toševski, Milica Pejović-Milovančević, Smiljka Popović-Deušić, Veselinka Šušić: Psychiatric aspects of sleep 11. Marina Svetel, Vladimir Kostić: Disturbed motor behavior in sleep 103 DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Mathematics, Physics and Geo Scie ONOMASTIC COMMITTEE (Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma) Fieldwork was carried out in the regions of southern Banat (Mirjana Petrović, 14 days), of Rađevina (Mirjana Petrović, 30 days), of Nevesinje (Branko Remeta, 50 days), of Knjaževac (Nedeljko Bogdanović and Radomir Videnović, 40 days), a total of 134 days, almost twice as many as last year. The influx into the database also increased, although less than planned, a total of around 8000 cards, from the regions of Jablanica (Radmila Žugić), Rađevina (Mirjana Petrović) and Preševo (Tatjana Trajković). The XIX volume of “Onomatological Contributions” (Onomatološki prilozi) will be published early in 2008. Dr. Jovanka Radić, PhD, was appointed by the Department of Language and Literature as the secretary of the Committee, replacing the deceased Željko Ćupić. By purchasing equipment and furniture for the room of the Committee, conditions were provided for two collaborators to work therein jointly on the filing and classification of the data. The initial steps were taken towards electronically mapping onomastic fieldwork in the Serbian language area. COMMITTEE FOR CRITICAL EDITIONS OF SERBIAN WRITERS (Academician Nikša Stipčević) The manuscript of the first volume “The Đurđe Branković Chronicles“ (“Hronike Đurđa Brankovića“) was completely prepared for printing. Its critical edition was prepared by Dr. Anna Kretschmer, professor at the University of Vienna. The manuscipt was collated and reviewed a few times (Academician Aleksandar Mladenović and Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma). Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma checked the citations in Greek. The manuscript is now in the SASA Publishing Service and should be published this year. Dr. Anna Kretschmer started to prepare the second volume of “The Đurđe Branković Chronicles“. She expects that it will be finished this year. THE COMMITTEE FOR THE DICTIONARY OF THE SERBO-CROATIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE AND VERNACULARS (Academician Milosav Tešić) In 2007, the Committee held one session (on 13 November). On that occasion, the President of the Committee presented the data on the progress made in the preparation of the 18th volume of the SASA Dictionary (based on the report submitted by the project leader). Thereafter, the Committee discussed the personnel, spatial and financial issues related to the further work on the SASA Dictionary. 104 In this connection, the Committee concluded that it would be realistic to expect that the manuscript of the 18th volume would be completed by the end of 2008 or, in other words, that there would be enough time to finish all editing, reviewing, acting upon the reviewer’s comments and technical jobs. As for the personnel, spatial and financial issues related to the further work on the SASA Dictionary, the Committee will suggest that, apart from the SASA, the relevant executive and professional bodies of the Institute for the Serbian Language also become more involved in them in the coming period. COMMITTEE FOR RESEARH IN LITERARY HISTORY (Academician Predrag Palavestra) Academician Predrag Palavestra continued to work on individual project “Serbian Literature of the 20th Century“ (“Srpska književnost XX veka). He finished the first version of the manuscript History of Serbian Literary Criticism (Istorija srpske književne kritike) and started to work on the bibliography. From this manuscrupt he published the essays on the critical reviews by Zoran Mišić, Sveta Lukić, Zoran Gavrilović, Zoran Gluščević, Nikola Milošević and Slavko Leovac. He published the essays “The Mission of Ultimate Man and New Humanism in Serbian Literary Criticism“ (“Misija Svečoveka i Novi humanizam u srpskoj književnoj kritici“) and “Understanding Criticism in Serbian Literature of the Second Half of the 20th Century“ (“Shvatanje kritike u srpskoj književnosti druge polovine XX veka“). He also edited Glas No. 22 of the SASA Department of Language and Literature, Belgrade, 2006, Sveske of the Ivo Andrić Foundation No. 24/2007, and Volume VII of Branko Lazarević’s Collected Works, Political Treatises. Legacy (Sabrana dela Branka Lazarevića, Političke rasprave. Ostavština), Belgrade, 2007. He also published seven papers. Academician Radovan Vučković published the book The Life and Poetry of Mubera Pašić (Život i poezija Mubere Pašić), 2007, 300 pages, and the treatises “Stratification of the Novel Bosnian Chronicle“ (“Slojevitost romana Travnička hronika“), Novi Sad, 2007; “S. Leovac’s Monograph on the Serbian Authors of the 20th Century“ (“Monografija S. Leovca o srpskim piscima XX veka“), Zbornik Matice srpske za književnost, 2007, 55/2, 303–326, and ”Two Essays of Sreten Marić” (“Dva eseja Sretena Marića”), Raskršća, Novi Sad, 21–28. He participated in several scientific meetings; in Banja Luka, he led the scientific meeting ”Kočić Today” (“Kočić danas“) at the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska (ANURS), where he is working on the publishing of the Collected Works by Pero Slijepčević. Scientific Advisor Mirjana Deletić published two monographs - Epic Cities. Lexicon (Epski gradovi. Leksikon), SASA Balkanological Institute, Special Editions 84, Belgrade 2007, and The White Palace and the White Town in Epic Poetics (Beli dvor i beli grad u epskoj poetici), Glas Odeljenja jezika i književnosti SASA 23, Belgrade 2007, 109–119. She submitted the following works for printing: “On Proverbs and Books“ - The Introduction to the book by Milan Z. Vlajinac, The Agricultural Economy in Folk Proverbs (“O poslovicama i knjigama“ - Predgovor u knjizi: Milan Z. Vlajinac, Poljska privreda u narodnim poslovicama), new edition of RTS; S�������������� lavery in the West ����� 105 Balkans: History and Oral Tradition, Festschrift Gabriella Schubert; “Formulativeness and the Oral Epic Formula: The Attributes White and Heroic in Serbian Decasyllable Epic Poetry“ (“Formulativnost i usmena epska formula: atributi belo i junačko u srpskoj deseteračkoj epici”), Proceedings Serbian Oral Tradition (Srpsko usmeno stvaralastvo), edited by Snežana Samardžija, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade. Professor Dr. Staniša Tutnjević published his study Poetical and Poetological Research (Poetička i poetološka istraživanja), Institute for Literature and Art, Belgrade, 2007, 366 pages, as well as the following papers: ������������������������������������� ”The Constitution and Stratification of Literary Identities Within the South Slavic Literary Community” (”Konstituisanje i raslojavanje književnih identiteta u okviru južnoslovenske književne zajednice”), Književnost, 2007, 1, 103–109; “Serbian Literary Science on the Literature of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Srpska nauka o književnosti o literarnom stvaralaštvu Bosne i Hercegovine“), The Contribution of the Serbs from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Science and Culture (Doprinos Srba iz Bosne i Hercegovine nauci i kulturi), Proceedings, University of Sarajevo, Pale Faculty of Philosophy, Special Editions, Scientific Meetings, Vol. I, Pale 2007, 103–134; “The Creation and Structure of the Collection I Seek Clemency (“Nastanak i struktura zbirke Tražim pomilovanje”), Desanka Maksimović’s Collection I Seek Clemency (Zbirka Tražim pomilovanje Desanke Maksimović), Proceedings, Desanka Maksimović Foundation, 2007, 93–114, ”Andrić’s Story ‘A Summer in the South’ and Thomas Mann’s Story ’The Wardrobe’“ (“Andrićeva priča ’Letovanje na jugu’ i priča ’Ormar’ Tomasa Mana“), Sveske Zadužbine Ive Andrića, 24/2007, 261– 272; “Understanding Reality as the Guiding Principle of the Mimetic Character of Art“ (“Shvatanje stvarnosti kao ključno načelo mimetičkog karaktera umjetnosti”), Scientific Meeting of Slavists During the Vuk Days (Naučni sastanak slavista u Vukove dane), 36/2, 2007, 5–12; “The Lyrical Tide of Ćopić’s Work“ (“Lirska plima Ćopićevog dela“), Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting Devoted to B. Ćopić (Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa posvećenog B. Ćopiću), Book 7, Vol. 1, Faculty of Philosophy, Banja Luka, 2007, 47–57; “At the Boundary Between Folklore and Urban Forms of Cultural Life“ (“Na razmeđu folklornih i urbanih formi kulturnog života“), Accolade for Professor Slobodan Ž. Marković (Priznanje profesoru Slobodanu Ž. Markoviću), Proceedings, Belgrade, 2007, 155–182; “Between History and Legend“ (“Između istorije i legende“), The Priest Jovica Rebellion (Pop Jovičina buna), Belgrade, 2007, 162–176. OLD SLAVONIC COMMITTEE (Academician Aleksandar Mladenović) The four-member team, headed by the member of the SASA Old Slavonic Committee Radomir Petrović, graphic artist and art historian, worked in the monastery of Gračanica in Kosovo and Metohija for 30 days. In fact, they continued to work on the project Old Records and Inscriptions in the Monastery of Gračanica (14th–19th Centuries) (Stari zapisi i natpisi u manastiru Gračanici /XIV–XIX veka/), “scratched“ or, better said, inscribed on the flat surfaces in the monastery church, mostly on its walls. However, the team had a technical problem: the sisterhood cut the earlier scaffold for its needs and another one could not be obtained. Therefore, the team was forced to make the 106 calques only of the inscriptions in the lower zones of the walls (at a man’s height) and left other inscriptions, in the higher zones, for next year. T. Petrović published the results of his hitherto work in the monastery of Gračanica in Arheografski prilozi, the scientific journal which is published by the National Library of Serbia and edited by the President of this Committee. This work in Gračanica monastery will be continued next summer. COMMITTEE FOR THE ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE SERBIAN LANGUAGE (Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma) At the Etymological Department of the Serbian Language Institute of the SASA, work on the third issue of the Etymological dictionary entered the final stage. Proceedings have been issued of the international symposium Slavic Etymology Today, which was organized by the Department of Language and Literature of the SASA and the Serbian Language Institute of the SASA and held in Belgrade in September 2006. The collaborators of the Department actively contributed to the conference celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Institute; five of them participated on the conference and in its publications (M. Bjeletić, S. Petrović, J. Vlajić-Popović, M. Vučković and A. Loma). A. Loma also participated in scholarly meetings and conferences in Struga, Macedonia (Editorial Board of ALE), Vienna, Austria (6th European Conference of Iranian Studies) and Bautzen, Germany (Editional Board of OLA). J. Vlajić-Popović, M. Bjeletić and S. Petrović presented their papers on the 37th Scholarly Meeting of Slavicists in Belgrade. Seventeen papers were published, most of them dealing with etymology - Serbian, Slavic and Indo-European. Bjeletić M., 2006: A contribution to the study of Proto-Slavic *verti, *v��� ьr�o̢. Studia etymologica Brunensia, 3, Praha, 35–45 (in Serbian, with an English summary). Bjeletić M., 2007: Blaza and blazna. A study in folklore-mythological vocabulary. Ėtimologija���������� 2003–2005, Moscow, 12–22 (in Russian). Bjeletić M., 2007: Serbo-Croatian ni piri, ni viri ‘���������������������������� neither��������������������� grows��������������� �������������������� nor����������� �������������� prospers�� ����������’ (��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� the������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ formal����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� -���������������������������������������������������������������������������� semantic�������������������������������������������������������������������� parallelism�������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� of����������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� verb������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������� families��������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� opening������������������������������� �������������������������������������� the��������������������������� ������������������������������ way����������������������� �������������������������� to�������������������� ���������������������� their�������������� ������������������� etymological� ������������� interpretation��� )��. Slovenska etimologija danas, Belgrade���������������������������� , 27–40��������������������� (in Serbian, with a German summary)�. Bjeletić M., 2007: The project for “���������������������������������������������� Etymological���������������������������������� research������������������������� ��������������������������������� in���������������������� ������������������������ Serbian�������������� ��������������������� language����� ������������� and� ���� writing����� ���� the� Etymological������������������������������� ������������������������������ Dictionary�������������������� ������������������� of����������������� ���������������� Serbian��������� �������� language”. Šezdeset godina Instituta za srpski jezik SANU, Zbornik radova I, Belgrade, 151–170. Vlajić-Popović J., 2006: Is there a PSlav *butarъ/ *buturъ/ *butyrъ behind a pseudohungarism?. Studia etymologica Brunensia, 3, Praha, 413–426 (in Serbian with English summary). 107 Vlajić-Popović J., 2007: Serbo-Croatian bor, borina ‘valley’: relic or innovation?. Ėtimologija���������� 2003–2005, Moscow, 26–37�������������� (in Russian). Vlajić-Popović Ј., 2007: Proto-Slavic *kotiti /*katati - the traces of -а- vocalism in the Slavic South. Slovenska etimologija danas, Belgrade, 67–81 (in Serbian with English summary). Vučković М., 2007: On the origin of the argot word lizgam ‘to drink’. Slovenska etimologija danas, Belgrade, 83–91 (in Serbian with English summary). Đokić М., 2006: Rmanj - A study in Serbo-Croatian phytonymy. Studia etymologica Brunensia, 3, Prague, 73–85. Loma A., 2006: Common Slavic *mo̢žь ‘man’. Studia etymologica Brunensia, 3, Prague, 195–199 (in Russian with English summary). Loma A., 2006: ��������� Σιμόεις, Sobria ebrietas. U spomen na Mirona Flašara, Zbornik Filozofskog fakulteta, Serija A: Istorijske nauke, knj. XX, Belgrade, 103–114 (in Serbian with English summary). Loma A., 2006: Albano-Caucasica pastoralia. Južnoslovenski filolog, LXII, Belgrade, 31–38 (in English with Serbian summary). Loma A.: The Serbian anthroponymic System, in: Die europäische Personennamensysteme. Ein ���������������������������������������������� Handbuch von Abasisch bis Zentralladinisch. Anlässlich der 65. Geburtstage von Rosa Kohlheim und Volker Kohlheim herausgegeben von Andrea Brendler und Silvio Brendler, Baar-Verlag, Hamburg 2007, 669–687 (in German). Loma A., 2007: Ethnolinguistic Picture of the Kosovo-Metohija Region in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Zbornik radova Arheologija Kosova i Metohije, Muzej u Prištini, Belgrade, 17–31 (in Serbian, English version in print). Loma A., 2007: A Slavic-Iranian Isogloss in the field of composition: OCS vrъtъpъ: Persian girdāb. Ėtimologija���������� 2003–2005, Moscow, 117–123 (in Russian). Loma A., 2007: Homer via van Gennep: Some initiatory themes ih the Odyssey. Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije, 9, Novi Sad, 21–39 (in English). Loma A., 2007: Serbo-Croatian neman ‘monster’. Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku, L, Novi Sad, 453–455 (in German). Loma A., 2007: Two Serbian dialectal archaisms from a Balto-Slavic perspective. Slovenska etimologija danas, Belgrade, 308–323 (in Serbian with English summary). Petrović S., 2007: Separating homonyms. Intermingling between Slavic and NonSlavic in the Balkans. Slovenska etimologija danas, Belgrade, 349–359 (in Serbian with German summary). Stanišić V., 2007: On some analogous developments of PIE syllabic sonants in Albanian and Balto-Slavic. Slovenska etimologija danas, Belgrade, 393–402 (in Serbian with Russian summary). 108 COMMITTEE ON FOLK LITERATURE (Corresponding Member Nada Milošević-Đorđević) Of the six topics dealt with by the Committee members, Dr. Mirjana Detelić’s monograph Epic Cities. Lexicon (Epski gradovi. Leksikon), 693 pages (+ CD-ROM), was published by the Balkanological Institute. Professor Dr. Nenad Ljubinković finished the working version of the study Guslar Singing in the Context of Balkan Folklore (Guslarsko pevanje u balkanskom folklornom kontekstu). Dr. Miodrag Maticki co-authored with Milorad Radević the book Folk Poems in Serbian Periodicals Until 1864 (Narodne pesme u srpskoj periodici do 1864), which was published by Matica Srpska and the Institute for Literature. Professor Dr. Nada Milošević-Đorđević was concerned with Historical and Cultural-Historical Traditions (Istorijska i kulturnoistorijska predanja) in the SASA Ethnographic Collection. Academician Miroslav Pantić finished the critical edition of Bogišić’s Collection of Old Serbian and Croatian Folk Poems (Bogišićev zbornik starih narodnih pesama Srba i Hrvata) and the study Vojislav Jovanović and Fake Folk Poems, and the Outline of His Collection (Vojislav Jovanović i lažne narodne pesme i nacrt njegovog zbornika). Professor Dr. Snežana Samardžija submited for printing her article The Cultural and Aeshtetic Significance of Čajkanović’s Collection (Kulturni i estetski značaj Čajkanovićeve zbirke). Series: The Legends of Belgrade University (Legende Beogradskog univerziteta). Its publisher is “Svetozar Marković“ University Library. Underway is the digitalization of the Ethnographic Collection of the SASA Archives. The database was established. To be used, it is necessary to decode, type and edit the text that will have over 10,000 pages, so that the Committee needs considerable funds. The database for the printed collections of epic folk poems (Vuk’s Collections, Erlangen Manuscript, Collection of Matica hrvatska) was also made. COMMITTEE FOR RESEARCH OF SERBIAN LANGUAGE REGARDING CONTEMPORARY LINGUISTIC THEORIES (Corresponding Member Predrag Piper) In 2007, the Committee prepared the proceedings The Serbian Language in the Light of Contemporary Semantic Theory (Srpski jezik u svetlu savremene semantičke teorije) for publishing (the editors are Corresponding Members Milorad Radovanović and Predrag Piper). The received papers were edited and then submitted for technical editing, assigning of a UDC code and make-up. One part of these papers should be sent to the editorial staff at the beginning of 2008, when the proceedings will be completed and submitted for printing. 109 INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS Project: HISTORY OF LITERATURE OF DUBROVNIK (Academician Miroslav Pantić) During the year, I worked intensively, with the assistance of two younger acrhivists, on the classification of my scholarly legacy, including a great number of transcripts on the literature of old Dubrovnik from the Dubrovnik Archives, archives and libraries of Dubrovnik’s Franciscan and Dominican Monasteries, Historical Institute, etc., numerous archives and libraries in Dalmatia and the Bay of Kotor, in Italian towns and the Vatican and elsewhere, in addition to the scans of old manuscripts of Dubrovnik’s authors and books by our authors which we do not have, as well as other book manuscripts and material preserved elsewhere in the world. This is now a huge collection of original material for the study of our old literature and culture, primarily from Dubrovnik. It will constitute the Cabinet for Dubrovnik Studies within the SASA, for which the basis was created during six decades of comprehensive research and which will be available to numerous younger researchers. Project: SERBO-ITALIAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL TIES (Academician Nikša Stipčević) In 2007, I worked on the manuscript “Italian Poems by Ignjat Đurđević“ (“Italijanske pesme Ignjata Đurđevića“). I reconstructed his stay in Italy at the time of his belonging to the Jesuit Order and interpreted his poems I had found in the Historical Archives in affiliation to the Jesuit monastic order and interpreted his poems I had found in the Historical Archives in Dubrovnik. I encoded the manuscript and prepared the book on that topic. The manuscript has about 325,000 characters with spaces and will be submitted for printing in 2008. I wrote the introduction to the famous book by our late foreign member Angelo Tambora Cavour and the Balkans, entitled “Angelo Tambora and His Book on Cavour and the Balkans“ (“Anđelo Tambora i njegova knjiga o Kavuru i Balkanu“) (Zavod za udžbenike, 2007, pp. VII–XII) and thoroughly edited Snežana Milinković’s translation from Italian. Project: SERBIAN LITERATURE IN XX CENTURY (Academician Predrag Palavestra) Working on his personal project “Serbian Literature in the XX century”, the first version of the History of the Serbian Literary Criticism was completed. Also, portraits of the postwar Serbian writers and literary critics: Zoran Mišić, Zoran Gavrilović, Zoran Gluščević, Nikola Milošević and Slavko Leovac, as well as the essay Mission of Universal Man and New Humanism in Serbian Literary Criticism, in »Glas« SASA, (»The Voice«, 23/2006), 149–170, were published. In Serbian and foreign periodicals, 8 articles and essays were published. 110 Project: HISTORY OF SERBIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE AND VERNACULARS (FROM THE BEGINNING OF SERBIAN LITERACY TO THE FIRST HALF OF XIX CENTURY) (Academician Aleksandar Mladenović) During 2007, within individual project History of Serbian Literary Language and Vernaculars (from the Beginnings of Serbian Literacy Until the Mid-19th Century Inclusive) (Istorija srpskog književnog jezika / od početka srpske pismenosti pa zaključno s prvom polovinom XIX veka/), I published the following papers, some of which also bear the previous years: Book 1. D espot Stefan’s Charters and Letters. Text. Annotations. Scans (Povelje i pisma despota Stefana. Tekst. Komentari. Snimci), Belgrade, Čigoja štampa, 2007, 511 pages. Papers, Treatises, Articles 2. (Introduction: A. Mladenović) in the book: Ljupka Vasiljev and Miroslava Grozdanović-Pajić, Filigranological Description and Album of 14th Century Greek Manuscripts of the “Professor Ivan Duichev“ Centre for SlavicByzantine Studies (Filigranološki opis i album grčkih rukopisa XIV veka Centra za slovensko-vizantijska proučavanja “Prof. Ivan Dujčev“), I, Sofia (St Clement of Ohrid University Edition and National Library of Serbia), the Serbian and French translations of the Introduction are on pages VII and VIII respectively. 3. Неколико бележки за развоя на фонологичната система на сръбсколавянския език (сръбската редакция на старославянския език). Български език, София, LII/2005, Vol. 3, 29–32. 4. Philological Annotations on One of the Oldest Cyrillic Documents in the Kotor Historical Archives (Filološke napomene o jednom od najstarijih ćiriličnih dokumenata u kotorskom Istorijskom arhivu), Arheografski prilozi, Belgrade (National Library of Serbia, Archeographic Department), 2006, Vol. 28, 279–292 with two fascimiles (published in Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju, Novi Sad, 2007, Vol. L). 5. On the Edition of St Sava’s Kormchaya Kniga (O izdanju “Zakonopravila Svetog Save”), Arheografski prilozi, Belgrade (National Library of Serbia, Archeographic Department), 2006, Vol. 28, 333–335. 6. On the Edition of the “Belgrade Parimeinik” (O izdanju “Beogradskog parimejnika”), Arheografski prilozi, Belgrade (National Library of Serbia), 2006, Vol. 28, 337– 340. 7. О профессоре Петре Андреевиче Дмитриеве. Санкт-Петербургски Университет, Санкт-Петербург, 2007, Н° 8 (3756)����������������� , 30 ������������ May, 62–63. 8. “Slavonic School” of Maksim Suvorov in Sremski Karlovci (1726–1730), the Beginning of the Official Use of the Russo-Slavonic Language and the Creation of a New Serbian Literary Language (“Slavenska škola“ Maksima Suvorova u Sremskim 111 Karlovcima /1726–1730/, početak zvanične upotrebe ruskoslovenskog jezika i stvaranje novog književnog jezika kod Srba), Srem Through the Centuries. The Cultural Strata of Fruška Gora and Srem (Srem kroz vekove. Slojevi kultura Fruške gore i Srema), Proceedings, Belgrade (Vuk Foundation, Branch of the Vuk Foundation in Beočin, Institute for Literature and Art), 2007, 187–191. 9. Prince Lazar’s “My Dominion” (“Moje gospodstvije” cara Lazara). Kosovo and Metohija. Past, Present, Future (Kosovo i Metohija. Prošlost, sadašnjost, budućnost), Belgrade (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Scientific Meetings, Vol. CXV, Department of Social Sciences, Vol. 28), 19–25 with two fascimiles. 10. History from Charters (Istorija iz povelja), Politika, Belgrade, CIV/2007, No. 33789 (1 December), p. 3 (in its supplement: Culture, Art, Science - an interview given to journalist Anđelka Cvijić). Project: SYNTAX AND SEMANTIC INVESTIGATIONS OF CONTEMPORARY SERBIAN LANGUAGE (Corresponding Member Predrag Piper) In 2007, within my research project Syntactic and Semantic Investigations of the Contemporary Serbian Language (Sintaksičko-semantička ispitivanja savremenog srpskog jezika), I published the following papers: Anaphora in the Serbian Simple Sentence (Anafora u srpskoj prostoj rečenici), Zbornik Matice srpske za slavistiku, Vol. 71–72, 2007, 261–273. On Optativity in the Serbian Language (O optativnosti u srpskom jeziku), Glas CDVIII, Department of Language and Literature, Vol. 23, 2007, 73–107. I presented a paper at the session of the Grammatical Commission of the International Committee of Slavists (St Petersburg, 12/14 September 2007). The writing of the book Grammatical Systems of the South Slavic Languages (Gramatički sistemi južnoslovenskih jezika) (in co-authorship with Academician Zuzana Topolinska, Vjara Maldzieva and Maja Đukanović). In this book I am the author of the section “Serbian Language“ and the chapter on Slovene syntax, as well as the coordinator of cooperation among four co-authors. It is now necessary to edit, review and publish this book. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR FACSIMILE EDITIONS (Academician Miroslav Pantić) Since L������������������������������������������������ JUBICA PASTIRSKO RAZGOVARANJE SLOŽENO PO MARINU GAZAROVIĆA, VENEZIA, MDCХХIII, was much better scanned in the SASA Library than the previous edition of this book, whose only preserved copy is kept here, its fascimile and critical edition will require a much better scanning. Thus, this job will be postponed for 2008. Otherwise, everything else has been finished (the critical text in 112 the current ortography, including all necessary annotations, explanations, glossaries and the final study). INTERACADEMIC COMMITTEE FOR DIALECTOLOGICAL ATLASES (Academician Aleksandar Mladenović) The exclusive activity of the Committee is the preparation of dialectological atlases or, better said, the work on the Serbian Dialectological Atlas (SDA) and our section of the Atlas of the European Languages (ALE) and Slavic Linguistic Atlas (OLA). At one time, the Committee founded the ALE, OLA and SDA Boards in order to ensure more efficient work on these projects. Atlas of the European Languages The President of the Serbian ALE Commission, Professor Dr. Aleksandar Loma, attended the 40th meeting of the Publishing Board of the Atlas of the European Languages, which was held in Struga (Macedonia) from 19 to 21 April 2007. As for the division of the Atlas points, wnich are designated in the material as Serbo-Croatian, into Serbian and Croatian, the opinion prevailed that, for the time being, the composite name should be preserved in a modified form: Serb/Cro (which is in conformity with the way we write Serbo-Croatian) and that the final solution should be in conformity with the decision of the Publishing Board of the Slavic Linguistic Atlas. Slavic Linguistic Atlas From 1 to 5 October 2007, Bautzen (Budysin) in Germany hosted the regular annual meeting of the International Commission and International Working Group of OLA within the International Committee of Slavists. The work was carried out at the plenary sessions of the International Commission and in the sections. Our representatives at this meeting were Professor Dr. Aleksandar Loma, Corresponding Member of SASA, and Professor Dr. Sofija Miloradović. At the first plenary session of the International Commission, national commissions presented their reports (S. Miloradović presented the report on behalf of our commission). At one of the plenary sessions, the group for elaborating the principles of preparing OLA morphological maps was set up and S. Miloradović was included in it. It was decided that the representatives of all national commissions should submit the reports on their work over the past five years at the Congress of Slavists in Macedonia (2008), within the OLA section. It was decided to post the complete material from all volumes, which is available in electronic form, on the OLA web-site, in pdf format, as a prerequisite for the formation of the digital OLA archives. One of the decisions of the final plenary session was that the term Central South Slavic Dialects, included in the volume Reflexes *ъ, *ь, should be regarded as the authors’s view of the Croatian OLA national commission, which is not shared by other participants in this project. Thus, all national commissions are asked to adhere to the classification of Slavic dialects adopted in the Atlas (cf. 2006 Report). The work in the sections was focused on the specific issues concerning the preparation of the subsequent volumes. The Serbian National Commission fulfilled all obligations for 2007. It prepared 66 indices for the Bulgarian lexical volume Family Relations (Rodbinski odnosi), as well as the literary titles for that volume, 50 indices for 113 the Slovakian morphological volume (devoted to noun declension) and 33 indices for the Belarusian *а Volume. Serbian Dialectological Atlas External associates mostly collected the relevant material in the field, while permanent associates in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš (involved in the project Dialectological Studies of the Serbian Language Area /Dijalektološka istraživanja srpskog jezičkog prostora/ within the SASA Institute for the Serbian Language), apart from occasional field work, prepared the indices for 166 questions for the first volume from 800 anticipated points, since their number was increased in the meantime (there were 764 in the previous version). It must be noted that there is an ongoing project within the Language Committee of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska in Banjaluka, within which dialectal material for the Serbian vernaculars in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina is collected. During 2007, 87 per cent of the material for the first volume of the Atlas was entered into the computer. All material for the first volume was collected, while the material for the first four volumes covering all Serbian dialects was collected to a considerable degree. After having determined the format, contents (the number of points, boundaries, larger towns, major rivers) and the design of the blank map, Military Geographic Institute associate Radoje Banković, MA, prepared the blank map of the network of points for the Serbian Dialectological Atlas. 114 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES In 2007, the members of the Department of Social Sciences continued their work on seven long-term projects, which is financed by the SASA Fund Scientific Research, although a great obstacle to their research was posed by a small number of the members of the Department and their health condition. COMMITTEE ON THE SOURCES OF SERBIAN LAW (Academician Aleksandar Fira) During 2007, the Committee on the Sources of Serbian Law worked very successfully on the projects Dušan’s Code (Dušanov zakonik) and Two Centuries of Serbian Constitutionality (Dva veka ustavnosti u Srba), which are led by the President of the Committee, Academician Aleksandar Fira. His deputy is Corresponding Member Kosta Čavoški, who was commended for his work by the Committee on a number of occasions. The members of the Committee are: Academicians Miloš Blagojević, Irena Grickat Radulović and Aleksandar Mladenović, Corresponding Members Danilo Basta, Jovanka Kalić and Vojislav Stanovčić, Professor Dr. Sima Avramović, Professor Dr. Gordana Jovanović, Professor Dr. Ljubomirka Krkljuš, Professor Dr. Ljubiša Lazarević, Professor Dr. Dragoljub Popović, Professor Dr. Mirjana Stefanovski, Professor Dr. Srđan Šarkić, Dr. Đurđica Krstić and Dr. Biljana Marković, Secretary of the Committee. After publishing two books in 2005 and two in 2006, two books also came out in 2007: the critical edition of the Serbian version of the Agricultural Legal Code (Zemljopradnički zakonik) by Academician Miloš Blagojević (Belgrade, SASA, 2007, 350 pages) and The So-Called Code of Emperor Justinian (Tzv. Zakon cara Justinijana), (abridged Syntagm), Vol. I, critical edition. Professor Dr. Tatjana Subotin is about to finish her translation of the complete Syntagm of Matija Vlastar (Sintagma Matije Vlastara), which also includes the relevant annotations and introduction, while Dušan Sindik continued his work on the Short Church Law Documents (Kratki crkvenopravni spisi). In 2007, the work on the preparation of the fourth volume of the remaining 12 manuscripts of the more recent redaction of Dušan’s Code was continued, while Dr. Biljana Marković undertook to prepare the study From the Tripartite to Bipartite Corpus (Od tripartitnog ka bipartitnom korpusu), including changes in Dušan’s Code in the transcripts from the 13th to the 19th century. Viktor Savić decoded the Borđoš and Kovilj manuscripts, while the Stratimirović manuscript was typset with a computer. In addition, the Patriarchate manuscript was scanned and archeographically described. The work on the remaining manuscripts of the more recent redaction of Dušan’s Code was continued. Within this project, the scientific meeting entitled Serbian Medieval Law in the Mirror of Historical Sources (Srednjovekovno pravo u Srba u ogledalu istorijskih izvora) is also being prepared. Academician Sima Ćirković was appointed President of the Organizing Board. 115 A great novelty in the work of the Committee will be the project entitled “Two Centuries of Serbian Constitutionality“ (“Dva veka ustavnosti u Srba“). It will provide an opportunity to study all constitutional acts, from the legal acts of Karađorđe’s rebellious Serbia to the constitutional acts of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, from the aspect of constitutionality, that is, restrictions on state power and the rule of law. The Committee adopted the draft of the project, so that it is now necessary to gather associates and provide the necessary funds. In 2007, the President of the Committee, Academician Fira, published the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Serbia (Ustavno pravo Republike Srbije) in two volumes, Faculty of Legal and Business Studies, Novi Sad, 2007; Vol. I: General Theoretical Issues of Constitutional Law and the History of Serbia’s Constitutional Law (Opšta teorijska pitanja ustavnog prava i istorija ustavnog prava Srbije), 275 pages; and Vol. II: The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia of 2006 (Ustav Republike Srbije od 2006); its introductory part deals with the creation of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, characteristics of its basic constitutional documents and the process of its dissolution, but the main part of the book is devoted to a constitutional-law analysis of the text of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia of 2006. Corresponding Member Kosta Čavoški, Deputy President of the Committee, published the following books: Motives and Echoes. Essays in Srpska reč - July 1991 – December 1993 (Povodi i ogledi. Ogledi u Srpskoj reči - juli 1991. – decembar 1993.), Belgrade, Serbian Liberal Party (SLS), 2007, 355 pages; What Is the Democratic Party for (Čemu Demokratska stranka), Belgrade, SLS, 2007, 135 pages; “Selected Writings by Kosta Čavoški, Introduction into Law“ (“Текстот е избор од Коста Чавошки, Вовед во право“), Philosophy of Law. Selected Writings (Филозофија на правото. Избор на текстови), Skopje, “Saints Cyril and Methodius“ University, “Justinian the First“ Faculty of Law, 2007, 197–254; Introduction into Law (Uvod u pravo) (the second edition, co-author Radmila Vasić, 269–432), Belgrade, Faculty of Law in Belgrade and Službeni glasnik, 2007, pages 535; The Hague Mynotaurus (Haški Minotaur), Vol. I The Hague Against Justice (Hag protiv pravde); Vol. II The Hague Against the Truth (Hag protiv istine), Belgrade, Euroquatro, Beoknjiga, SLS, 2007, I, 244 pages; II 253 pages. He also published a number of articles: “Constitutional Genocide Against the Serbs“ (“Ustavni genocid nad Srbima“), Constitutional Genocide Against the Serbs. The Serbian People in the New Montenegrin Constitution (Ustavni genocid nad Srbima. Srpski narod u novom Ustavu Crne Gore), proceedings of the scientific meeting in Podgorica, 16 and 17 November 2006, Podgorica, Serbian National Council of Montenegro, 2007, 24–32; “The Ignorant and Irresponsible Authors of the New Serbian Constitution“ (“Neuki i neodgovorni tvorci novog Ustava Srbije“), The Serbian Constitution. Critical Analysis (Ustav Srbije. Kritička analiza), Belgrade, Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals, 2007, 57–69; “Constitutional Genocide Against the Serbs” (“Ustavni genocid nad Srbima”), The Serbian Constitution. Critical Analysis (Ustav Srbije. Kritička analiza), Belgrade, 2007, 189–199; “’The Final Settlement’ of the Status of Kosovo and Metohija“ (“’Konačno rešenje’ statusa Kosova i Metohije“), Kosovo and Metohija. Past, Present, Future (Kosovo i Metohija. Prošlost, sadašnjost, budućnost), Belgrade, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2007, 431–438. 116 COMMITTEE ON PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL THEORY (Academician Mihailo Marković) This Committee is involved in the project Social Thought in Serbia in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Društvena misao u Srbiji u XIX i XX veku), which is led by Academician Mihailo Marković. Within this project, the Proceedings Social and Political Thought of Vuk Karadžić (Društvena i politička misao Vuka Karadžića) were prepared and submitted for printing. The Proceedings will be published by Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva. The round table on the topic The Methodological Problem in the Study of the Origin of the Albanians (Metodološki problem istraživanja porekla Albanaca) was held on 21 June 2007. Apart from two Academicians (Mihailo Marković, President of the Organizing Board, and Miloš Blagojević) and one foreign SASA member (Elena Guskova), another ten university professors participated with their papers. The proceedings were published in the book The Albanians - False Illyrians (Albanci - lažni Iliri), Belgrade, Pešić i sinovi, 2007. The announced meeting under the project “Social Thought in Serbia in the 19th and 20th Centuries“, devoted to Social and Political Thought of Vladimir Jovanović (Društvena i politička misao Vladimira Jovanovića), was postponed for April 2008. In 2007, Marković prepared the first part of his study The Time of Change (Vreme preokreta), 450 pages, for printing. It will be published by Belgrade’s publishing house “Prosveta“ in January 2008, under the title Rush into the Sky (Juriš na nebo). He also published the following treatises and articles: “The Possibility of Solving the Problem of the Status of Kosovo and Metohija“ (“Mogućnost rešenja problema statusa Kosova i Metohije“), Kosovo and Metohija (Kosovo i Metohija), Belgrade, SASA 2007, 451–459; “Jovan Cvijić on the Causes of the Balkan War“ (“Jovan Cvijić o uzrocima Balkanskog rata“), The First Balkan War (Prvi balkanski rat), SASA, 2007, 237–241; “The Problem of Kosovo“ (to be printed in the historical journal edited by SASA member Jelena Milojković-Đurić in the United States, 42 pages); “Philosophy and Contemporary Times“ (“Filozofija i savremenost“ (which is currently being printed; Filozofeme, Novi Sad, 15 pages); “Where Is Serbia Going“ (“Kuda ide Srbija“ (Novi Sad, Filozofeme, No. 5, 16 pages): “The Left in Today’s World and Here“ (“Levica u današnjem svetu i kod nas“), The Left in Serbia and the World Today (Levica danas u Srbiji i u svetu), Belgrade, Belgrade Forum 2007, 9–25; “A Word About the New Constitution“ (“Reč o novom Ustavu“), The Serbian Constitution. Critical Analysis (Ustav Srbije, kritička analiza) (Belgrade Forum 2007, 71–75); “The Crisis of Contemporary Democracy“ (“Kriza savremene demokratije“) (the lecture delivered in the School of Philosophy in Smederevska Palanka, 18 pages). In 2007, the members of the Committee also published their works: Professor Dr. Mirko Zurovac published the book The Signatures of Contemporary Times (Signature savremenosti) (Belgrade, Rivel Co., 2007, 455 pages) and Methodical Foundations of Aesthetics (Metodičko zasnivanje estetike) (about 200 pages), as well as the treatise “The Notion of Creativity“ (“Pojam stvaralaštva“) in the Proceedings of the Aesthetical Society of Serbia Theories of Artistic Creativity (Teorije umetničkog stvaralaštva); 117 Professor Dr. Dragan Simeunović published the book Collective Serbian Guilt (Srpska kolektivna krivica) (Belgrade, Nolit, 2007, 62 pages). INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF POPULATION (Corresponding Member Časlav Ocić) In 2007, the Committee for the Study of Population, whose President is Corresponding Member Časlav Ocić, the leader of the projects Evolution of the Population Policy in Serbia 1945–2004, Serbian Demographic Bibliography and Population Development in Serbia 1992–2002 (“Evolucija populacione politike u Srbiji 1945–2004“, “Srpska demografska bibliografija“ i “Razvitak stanovništva Srbije 1992–2002“), while the project coordinator is Dr. Ana Gavrilović, also devoted a lot of time to personnel renewal. To that end, it set up the Group for Historical Demography, which prepared a special programme of activities. In 2007, it worked intensively on the preparation of Serbian Demographic Bibliography. The results of this work were presented to the Committee members, while the material covering the period 1945–2006 is currently being preliminarily reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board of Serbian Demographic Bibliography. COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC SCIENCE (Corresponding Member Časlav Ocić) The Committee on Economic Science is engaged in the project consisting of the following subprojects: The Strategy of Serbia’s Economic Development (Strategija privrednog razvoja Srbije), The History of Serbian Economic Thought (Strategija privrednog razvoja Srbije), The Role of the Academy in the Creation of Young Scientists (Uloga Akademije u kreiranju naučnog podmlatka), The Role of Science and Technology in Enhancing the Competitiveness of South-East European Countries’ Exports (Uloga nauke i tehnologije u povećanju konkurentnosti izvoza privreda jugoistočne Evrope) and Economic Terminology (Ekonomska terminologija). The President of this Committee, Corresponding Member Časlav Ocić, is the project leader. In 2007, the Committee on Economic Science devoted the greatest attention to the preparation of Serbian Economic Bibliography, as a vital prerequisite for the work on other projects: The History of Serbian Economic Thought, The Economic History of Serbia, Economic Terminology and Serbian Encyclopedia (Area 05: Economics and Finance). So far, it has collected comprehensive bibliographic material from the interwar period (periodicals) and the period 1945–2005 (monographs). At the session of the Committee on Economic Science, which was held on 11 December 2007, Professor Dr. Miroslav N. Jovanović (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva) delivered the lecture on “ 1918 Obstacles to Serbia’s Path to the EU“ (“1918 prepreka na putu Srbije u EU“), which provoked lively and interesting debate. Despite his age and health problems, the late Committee member, Academician Kosta Mihailović, as the President of the Organizing Board of the Scientific Meeting 118 Kosovo and Metohija - Past, Present Future (Kosovo i Metohija - prošlost, sadašnjost, budućnost), spared no effort to have the Proceedings Kosovo and Metohija: Past, Present, Future published in Serbian as soon as possible in 2007, after their English version. Thus, the Proceedings (edited by Academician Kosta Mihailović), Belgrade, SASA, came out in early 2007. They also contain his contribution “The Neglected Aspects of the Kosovo Crisis“ (“Zanemareni aspekti kosovske krize“), 189–234. In 2007, Corresponding Member Časlav Ocić published “The Failure of the Model of ’Affirmative Action’: Economic Development of Kosovo and Metohija After World War II“ (“Propast modela ’pozitivne diskriminacije’: privredni razvoj Kosova i Metohije posle Drugog svetskog rata“), Kosovo and Metohija: Past, Present Future (Kosovo i Metohija: Prošlost, sadašnjost, budućnost), Belgrade, SASA, 2007, 341–352; and “Kosta Mihailović (1917–2007), In Memoriam“, Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke, 2007, No. 123, 277–285. COMMISSION FOR THE STUDY OF LIFE AND CUSTOMS OF THE ROMA (Academician Ljubomir Tadić) The President of the Commission is Academician Ljubomir Tadić, who is also the leader of the project “The Study of Life and Customs of the Roma“ (“Proučavanje života i običaja Roma“). In 2007, the Commission was focused on the preparation of the proceedings of the forums held in 2003 and 2004, entitled Social Sciences on the Roma in Serbia (“Društvene nauke Romima u Srbiji“). The Proceedings were published in 2007 (SASA, VIII + 258 pages) and their editors were Academician Ljubomir Tadić and Dr. Goran Bašić. The monitoring of the policy and strategy of Roma integration in the region was continued, in addition to the collection of the data on the aspects of their status and life, as well as the preparation of the scientific meeting devoted to the problems of Roma cultural identity. The Chairman of the Commission, Academician Ljubomir Tadić, is also a member of the SASA Committee on Philosophy and Social Theory and the Interdepartmental Committee for Studying the National Minorities and Human Rights. In 2007, five volumes (the first volume - Philosophy of Law /Filozofija prava/ was published in 2006, 520 pages) of the Collected Works (Izabrana dela) of Academician Ljubomir Tadić were published by Zavod za udžbenike and Službeni glasnik. Those are Volume II: Order, Authority and Freedom (Poredak, autoritet i sloboda), 506 pages; Volume III: Tradition, Legitimacy and Revolution (Tradicija, legitimnost i revolucija), 318 pages; Volume IV: Science of Politics (Nauka o politici), 532 pages; Volume V: The Public and Rhetoric (Javnost i retorika), 352 pages; and Volume VI: Philosophy in Time and the Puzzle of Death (Filozofija u vremenu i Zagonetka smrti), 358 pages. He also published “Jasenovac - Jewish Holocaust in Nazi-Ustasha Croatia“ (“Jasenovac jevrejski holokaust u naci-ustaškoj Hrvatskoj“) (4 pages), the introduction to M. Bulajić’s book Jasenovac: The Role of the Vatican in Nazi Croatia (Jasenovac: uloga Vatikana u nacističkoj Hrvatskoj), Belgrade, Pešić i sinovi, 2007. As the author of Collected Works 119 (Izabrana dela), he participated in their presentation at the Belgrade Book Fair on 25 October 2007. Apart from the author, Professor Dr. Dragoljub Mićunović and editor Trivo Inđić also talked about the books. During the year, he continued to work on the study Rhetoric of Fascism (Retorika fašizma). The members of the Commission, Professor Dr. Svenka Savić, Dr. Dragoljub Đorđević and Dr. Rajko Đurić published a number of papers devoted to Roma, while Dr. Goran Bašić prepared the chapter devoted to cooperation in the improvement of the Roma status in the Balkan region for the UNDP Report. In 2007, the associates of the Commission prepared, and the Commission agreed, at its session on 17 November 2007, to organize the international scientific meeting The Impact of the Policies and Strategies of Roma Integration on Changes in Their Identity (Uticaj politika i strategija integracije Roma na promene njihovog identiteta) and to support the initiative for the formation of the permanent museum (or similar) exhibition devoted to the Roma in Serbia, but following a professional debate on this issue (in June 2008). The Commission is preparing the monograph about the Roma in Serbia and the work was entrusted to Professor Dr. Dragoljub Đorđević and Dragoljub Acković, who should prepare the appropriate proposal and project analysis until its next session. COMMITTEE FOR THE PREPARATION OF SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “PHILOSOPHY BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE WEST” (Academician Mihailo Đurić) The Committee’s work on the research project “Philosophy Between East and West“ (“Filozofija između Istoka i Zapada“) is led by its President, Academician Mihailo Đurić. Apart from many manuscripts he worked on during 2007, particular mention should be made of his paper “The Original Image of Europe and Its Modern Identity“ (“Izvorni lik Evrope i njen moderni identitet“), which provided a basis for his lecture at the Felix Romuliana School of Philosophy in Zaječar, in the autumn of 2007 (published in the journal Zenit, No. 6, October 2007). In 2007, the Committee’s work was considerably aggravated due to the disease of its President. Thanks to the fact that the Committee members began seriously to work on the project in the previous year already, it was not difficult for them to continue it autonomously. The successful continuation of the work on this project was especially contributed by the Committee members. Thus, Assistant Professor Koprivica developed the programme of the initiated studies and published several noted papers (such as the one on the possibility and value of the reception of philosophical tradition in the work of Martin Heidegger), while Professor Vladimir Milisavljević successfully participated in considering the most complex issues within the philosophy between East and West, which is clearly observed in his published works on the responsibility of philosophy and, especially, those on the struggle for recognition in Hegel’s Jena writings. It is also necessary to point to the contribution of Danilo N. Basta toward improving the image of philosophy in our environment. After being elected SASA Corresponding Member, he 120 provided several valuable contributions through his work in this Committee, including those being primarily legal-philosophical in character and those having mostly the practical-philosophical contents (which is evidenced by his collection of testimonies published in the book Self-Respect and Servility. Texts with a Reason (2002–2007) /Samopoštovanje i puzavost. Tekstovi povodom (2002–2007)/), Belgrade, Faculty of Law and Dosije, 2007, 306 pages. INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR STUDYING MINORITIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS (Corresponding Member Vojislav Stanovčić) The Interdepartmental Committee is carrying out the project The Status of the Serb Minority in the Neighbouring and Other Countries in the Region (Položaj srpske manjine u susednim i drugim zemljama u regionu). The project leader is Corresponding Member Vojislav Stanovčić. In 2007, the associates of thie Committee continued to monitor and study the status of the Serb minorities in the neighbouring and other countries in the region, as well as the status of the national minorities in Serbia. The work on the formation of an electronic database on the Serbs in the neighbouring countries and the minorities in Serbia was continued. The Proceedings of the international scientific meeting, held at the SASA on 24–26 November 2005, The Status of the National Minorities in Serbia (Položaj nacionalnih manjina u Srbiji) (edited by SASA, Belgrade, 2007, 753 pages), whose editor is Corresponding Member Vojislav Stanovčić, are being printed. They also contain his two contributions that are relevant for the national minority issue: “A Survey of the Study of the Status of Minorities“, The Status of the National Minorities in Serbia (“Pregled istraživanja položaja manjina“, Položaj nacionalnih manjina u Srbiji), 2–36; and “The Majority and Minority in the Theories of Democracy and Political Institutions“ (“Većina i manjina u teorijama o demokratiji i političkim institucijama“), ibid., 61–86. In September, the members of the Committee, Academician Tibor Varadi, Corresponding Member Vojislav Stanovčić and Dr. Goran Bašić were appointed to the working group of the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government, which was entrusted with the preparation of the new Law on the National Minority Rights. Аcademician Varadi delivered the lecture “Minority Self-Government Units Rhetoric and Principles“ (“Manjinske samouprave - retorika i principi“), at the meeting devoted to the minority self-government units in Croatia, Hungary and Serbia, on 26 October 2007. Professor Dr. Vučina Vasović, a member of the Interdepartmental Committee for Studying the National Minorities and Human Rights, published Contemporary Democracies (Savremene demokratije) (Belgrade, Službeni glasnik, 2007, Volume II, 333 pages; Volume I, 710 pages, was published in 2006). In Volume II, attention was devoted to the political systems of the contemporary multiethnic states - Spain, Switzerland and Belgium. Vojislav Stanovčić reviewed and recommended this book for 121 publishing. He also participated in its presentation at the Faculty of Political Sciences on 10 January 2007. In 2007, the Secretary of the Interdepartmental Committee for Studying the National Minorities and Human Rights, Goran Bašić defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic The Policy of Multiculturalism in South Eastern Europe Based on the Example of the Serb National Minority (Politika multikulturalizma u jugoistočnoj Evropi na primeru srpske nacionalne manjine) at the Faculty of Political Sciences (Belgrade). The Intergovernmental Committee continued its cooperation with the Research Institute for Ethnic and National Minorities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Arts. During the year, its guests were Professor Dr. Laszlo Szarka and Balas Vizi. In 2007, the Interdepartmental Committee held the regular session and several working meetings devoted to the status of Bunjevci in Serbia (together with the associates of the SASA Ethnographic Institute and the Bunjevci National Council in Serbia) and the status of Vlachs in Serbia (together with the representatives of the SASA Balkanological Institute and the Vlach National Council in Serbia). The reform of the legal szstem of protecting national minority rights was also considered on a number of occasions. The Committee members participated in the international scientific meeting The Status of the Minority Self-Government Units in Croatia, Hungary and Serbia (Položaj manjinskih samouprava u Hrvatskoj, Mađarskoj i Srbiji), which was organized by the Ethnicity Research Centre in Belgrade, in October 2007. The papers were also presented by the Committee members, Academician Tibor Varadi, Corresponding Member Vojislav Stanovčić, Dr. Goran Bašić, Petar Lastić, Dr. Vučina Vasović and associate Nevenka Gojković. The Committee assigned Dr. Bašić to prepare a new five-year project during 2008. It should include - within the Academy’s regular international cooperation and financing programme - various aspects and indicators of citizens’ security in multiethnic societies in the Balkans, based on the UN criteria on the quality of life of people in their local communities. The Status of the National Minorities in Serbia (Položaj nacionalnih manjina u Srbiji), SASA, Belgrade, 2007, 753 pages (in Serbian with English summaries) Foreword Corresponding member Vojislav Stanovčić, President of Researching Committee for National Minorities and Human Rights: Summary of a Research on National Minority Status An Introductory Speech Academician Nikola Hajdin, President of SASA Academician Nikola Tasić, Secretary General of SASA I DEMOCRACY AND MULTICULTURALISM Vojislav Stanovčić: Majority and Minority in the Theories of Democracy and Political Institutions Vučina Vasović: Nation - National Minorities, Liberal State and Democracy in the Conditions of Globalization 122 Milan Podunavac: Basic Consensus in Multiethnic Society Goran Bašić: Social Identity and Ethno-Cultural Policy Ilija Vujačić: Forms of Citizenship and Multiculturalism Vukašin Pavlović: Democracy and Multiculturalism Zagorka Golubović: Socio-Cultural Milieu and Conditions for National Interculturality in Serbia Today Slaviša Orlović: Activities of National Minorities’ Political Parties Alpar Lošonc: Aspects of Theoretical and Cultural Autonomies: Pro Et Contra Ružica Žarevac: International Standards of the Protection of National Minorities and Their Implementation in Serbia Siniša Tatalović: Protection of Minorities and Regional Cooperation Svetozar Stojanović: Rights and Duties of National Majorities and Minorities - Example of Serbs and Albanians Dusan T. Bataković: Serbian Community at Kosovo and Metohija 1995-1995 From Constitutive Nation to the Imposed Minorization II CONSTITUTIONALISM AND MINORITIES’ STATUS Aleksandar Molnar: Constitutional Power and Ethnical Heterogeneity Aleksandar Fira: Status of National Minorities According to the Constitutional Acts of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro Marijana Pajvančić: Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minority in Proposal for New Constitution of Serbia Miodrag A. Jovanović: Minorities and the Constitutional Definition of Serbia Aleksandar Panovski: Council for Interethnic Relations and Government Organization in Units of Local Self-Government III MINORITIES IN SERBIA Mirjana Pavlović: Report on Work of Session Minorities Status in Serbia Dragoljub B. Đorđević: Religions and Confessions of National Minorities in Serbia Branimir Stojković: Minorities and Cultural Diversity of Serbia Nada Raduški: Demographic Aspect of Minority Issue in Central Serbia Zlatko Isaković: Human Security of National Minorities in Serbia Ljiljana Gavrilović: Homeland: In Between Myth and Reality Tamaš Korhec: Borders of Minority Rights Universality - About Significance of Territory and Number - With Special Emphasize on Official Use of National Minority’s Language in Vojvodina Dubravka Valić Nedeljković: Privatization and Transformation of Media in Minority Languages - Vojvodina Case Study Dragana Radojičić: Minorities in Serbia: Ethnological Research and the Projects Operated by Institute of Ethnography, SASA Biljana Sikimić: Anthropological-Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Concepts Concerning Balkan Minorities Radivoje Mladenović: Minority Ethno-Linguistic Communities in Kosovo and Metohija with Special Review on South-West Part of Kosovo and Metohija 123 Aleksandar Krel: Situation of the Germans in Vojvodina - Case Example of Germans in Subotica Anemari Soresku Marinković: Possibilities of Constructing a Minority Identity: One Personal Narrative of a Romanian from Vojvodina Svetlana Ćirković: The Traditional Culture of Vlahs in Southeast Serbia: the Possibilities of the Secondary Analysis of Fieldwork Data Esad Džudžević: Status and Implementation of the Rights of Sanjak Bosniaks in Serbia and Montenegro Hivzo Gološ: Administrative and Territorial Division of Sanjak (1912–1941) Irena Gabrić Molnar: Perspectives - Demotion or Integration Vital Characteristics and Conditions for Education of Vojvodina Hungarians Janoš Oros: Official Use of Language and Script of National Minority in AP Vojvodina Antal Bozoki: Several Existing Questions and Issues on the Status of Hungarians in Vojvodina Boris Nebesnij: Ukraine’s in Serbia Branko Pavlica: Macedonian-Serbian Relations and Status of Macedonian Minority in the Republic of Serbia Cenka Ivanova: The Status of the Bulgarian Language in Serbia in a Socio-Linguistic and Linguo-Cultural Aspect Jovan Živković: The Attitudes of Albanian in Bujanovac and Preševo Towards the form of Society and Other Ethnic Communities Mladena Prelić: Bunevac of Backa: Problem of Identity in Historical and Contemporary Perspective Suzana Kujundžić Ostojić: The Bačka Bunjevci on their Way from a Nation to National Minority Katarina Crnjanski: Slovaks in Vojvodina Sanja Zlatanović: Identity Negotiation: The Roma who are and are not Tomislav Žigmanov: Croats in Vojvodina - Example of Becoming a Minority IV OTHER COUNTRIES’ EXPERIENCES Eben Friedman: Ethnopolitical Competition as a Factor in the Integration of Stateless Minorities Marina Martinova: Minorities in Contemporary Russia Aleksandar Tolnauer: The Role of the Council for National Minorities of the Republic of Croatia, Minority Councils and Representatives in the Implementation of Minority Rights in the Republic of Croatia Miran Komac, Mojca Medvešek: Integration: Assimilation or Cultural Pluralism?(With a Special Review on the Perception of Serbian Community in Slovenia) Neđo Milićević: Right on Education of National Minorities’ Members in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Legal Condition) Srđan Vukadinović: The Obstacle Social Structure Complete Norm Regulative of the Status Member of on Nationality Minority in the Montenegro 124 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL SCIENCES COMMITTEE ON ARCHAEOLOGY (Academician Nikola Tasić) The Committee coordinates the work on the archaeological projects presented in this Bulletin (Roman Limes in Upper Moesia, Gamzigrad and Šarkamen, Antique Inscriptions in Macedonia, Metallurgy in Prehistory and Antiquity, Culture and Art of the Bronze and Iron Ages in the Danube Basin, Antique Society and State, Scordisci and the Autochthons. In 2007, the Committee held three sessions, which were mostly devoted to the allocation of funds for the projects and their readjustment. The projects of the Committee, which were led by the late Academician Bogdan Brukner, are being currently frozen until the problem of their continuation is settled in cooperation with the ssue of their continuation is settled in cooperation with the SASA Branch in Novi Sad. Comprehensive reports on the progress of their projects were separately presented by the project leaders. Project: FONTES - FONTES ARCHEOLOGIAE SERBIAE - ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUBJECT MATERIAL OF SERBIA (Academician Nikola Tasić) In 2007, due to limited funds, it was only possible to continue processing the material relating to the registered hummocks in Vojvodina (initiated by B. Brukner and the SASA Branch in Novi Sad), in which the associates P. Medović and M. Girić were also involved. In the Annals of the SASA Branch in Novi Sad for 2006 (which came out in 2007), one part of the processed data on the prehistoric hummocks in Banat was published. The continuation is expected next year. Project: NEOLITHIC AND ENEOLITHIC CULTURES AND COPPER FINDINGS IN EAST SERBIA (Corresponding Member Borislav Jovanović) The processing of the study material and preparation of the summary plans of the final documentation for the Mesolithic, Upper Neolithic, Eneolithic and Early Iron Age at the stratified site of Padina (Upper Đerdap Gorge) was continued as part of the preparations for publishing the ifrst volume about this site. The catalogue of the publication “Axes from the Eneolithic Period in Serbia“ (Sekire eneolitskog perioda u Srbiji), within the international series Prähistorische Bronzefunde - PBF (Prehistoric Bronze Findings), with the chronological table of the characteristic types was finished (Dr. Dragana Antonović). 125 Project: ROMAN LIMES OF MOESIA SUPERIOR AND PANNONIA INFERIOR (Academician Slobodan Dušanić) During 2007, S. Dušanić and his collaborators continued their work on the “Inscriptions de la Mésie Supérieure” vol. III/1 (Inscriptions of the Iron Gates, in preparation, to be published by the “Centre d’études épigraphiques et numismatiques Fanoula Papazoglou”). An important part of the historical and purely epigraphical problems have been solved. The emphasis of the research in 2007 was centered on Trajan’s religious propaganda connected with the wars of AD 101 and 105; its naval aspects and the roles of the Đerdap Fort and the port of Diana proved especially instructive. Other aspects of the military history of Illyricum were also studied (see e.g. Dušanić, “Three Sidelights on the Early Diplomata Militaria”, Mavors 15 (Stuttgart 2007) 55–85). D. Grbić completed the manuscript of her corpus of inscriptions from Drobeta and its territory. Project: FELIX ROMULIANA - GAMZIGRAD (Academician Slobodan Dušanić) Emphasis was placed on probing on the external side of the northern rampart of Galerius’s fortified palace, as well as on certain results of the investigations within the ramparts, in the south-eastern tract of the palace. This year’s investigations ascertained that the Roman structures were buried in the prehistoric stratum belonging to the Bronze Age and Early Neolithic Starčevo culture, which was first ascertained in the Timok valley. � Probing outside the ramparts of Galerius’s fortified palace Romuliana, near the village of Gamzigrad, was carried out from 10 August to 10 September 2007, in the area to the north of the northern part of the ramparts of the younger fortification of Romuliana, in cooperation with the colleagues from the German Archaeological Institute in Frankfurt/Main. The explorations were carried out in order to verify the geophysical measurements in this area which were made, in 2006, by the Lorenz Institute of Geophysics from Berlin, in accordance with the Agreement on Cooperation with DAI RGK������������������������������������������������������������������������������� of the German Archaeological Institute in Frankfurt/Main. The geomagnetic and geoelectrical measurements revealed the anomalies pointing to the existence of a number of structures made of solid material. As agreed by the Serbian and German sides, the two most striking structures were selected for probing. Since we were obliged to publish the first part of the joint report, which would consist of several articles about the results of the Serbian-German explorations during the period 2004–2007 (1. Results of Geophysical Prospecting; 2. Results of Archaeological Excavations, 3. R������������������������������������������������������������������� е������������������������������������������������������������������ sults of an Anthropological Analysis of the Osteological Findings from the Investigated Graves, 4. The Catalogue of Mobile Findings and Related Commentary; 5. Results of an Analysis of the Paleozoological and Paleobotanical Samples) in Starinar, the journal of the Archaeological Institute in Belgrade (all articles by German and Serbian authors must be submitted by next February), it was necessary to prepare the documentation about this year’s investigations for printing. Thus, colleague Aleksandar Kapuran from the Archaeological Institute in Belgrade was entrusted with the preparation of the technical documentation. 126 The investigations in the south-eastern tract of Romuliana, in the area to the south and to the east of Galerius’s hot baths, are carried out in accordance with the Archaeological Excavation Plan up to 2009. In this area there are the traces of life from the Early Neolithic, through the Bronze Age, to the Antique horizon, which preceded the building of the palace - in the second half of the 2nd / beginning of the 3rd century AD - the remnants of vicus. Project: ANCIENT INSCRIPTIONS OF MACEDONIA (Academician Slobodan Dušanić) During 2007, S. Dušanić continued his research on (a) the history of Macedon in the light of epigraphical documents (centered on the fourth century BC), and (b) the mines, coins and economy of the Roman province of Macedonia. As to (a), the work was focused on the relations of Macedon with the Peloponnese, Boeotia, Athens and Persia (cf. his article “The Noble Quality of Sophrosyne: Historical Notes on the Minos and Plato’s Laws“, Živa Antika [Skopje] 56, 2006 [2007] 25–39). As to (b), a paper was prepared on the role of senators in the mining industries of the Illyrican provinces (cf. his “Prosopographical Notes on the History of Roman Mining in Moesia Superior”, Starinar [Belgrade, to appear]). Mr. Mirko Obradović, assistant of the Philosophical Faculty (Belgrade), participated in the project. He continued his studies of the political aspects of the anthroponomy of ancient Macedonia, as reflected in inscriptions and narrative sources (mostly the names of the rulers of the Temenid and Antigonid dynasties). See his article “The Heroic Name Telephos as a Personal Name amongst the Greeks”, Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije 9 (2007) 73–89. As soon as material and administrative conditions permit, S. Dušanić, M. Obradović and their Macedonian colleagues will begin their work on the collation of North Macedonian epigraphic documents that are preserved locally and/or in the museums of Macedonia. Project: METTALURGY IN THE PREHISTORIC AND ANTIQUE PERIOD (Corresponding Member Borislav Jovanović) During the systematic, protective excavations in the area of the Kolubara Mining Basin, the Belgrade-based Republican Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, which carried out the work, achieved valuable and rare results in the archaeometallurgy of the Eneolithic period at the site of Masinske njive (Mali Borak near Ub). It discovered the centre (or plant) for charcoal production, required for copper ore melting, on an area of several hectares, including over 65 cylindrical ovens-pits, buried to the depth of up to 1 metre, surrounded by dugouts and deposits of combustion residues and coal powder. So far, the production of fuel for the needs of prehistoric metallurgy has not been sufficiently studied due to the lack of explored production centres, such as this one at Masinske njive. The closed pottery fragments from this site point to the contacts among the Late Neolithic cultures of the Drina, Sava and Danube basins. 127 COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF ART (Academician Vojislav Korać) The members of the Committee worked on individual projects. Academician Dejan Medaković prepared the book The Holy Mountain Fruška Gora (Fruškogorska Sveta Gora). In 2008, he plans to work on the book Serbian Antiquities Researchers II (Istraživači srpskih starina II). Аcademician Vojislav Korać continued his work on the project “Monuments and Topics of 14th Century Serbian Architecture“ (“Spomenici i teme srpske arhitekture XIV veka“), in cooperation with the Institute of Art History of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. The works by V. Korać: - Monumental Architecture in Byzantium and Serbia in the Last Century of Byzantium, Specific Processing of Facades (Monumentalna arhitektura u Vizantiji i Srbiji u poslednjem veku Vizantije. Osobena obrada fasadnih površina), Proceedings of the Byzantological Institute 43 (2006), 209–231; - A Contribution to the Study of Domed Single Nave Churches in the Dubrovnik Region (Prilog poznavanju jednobrodnih crkava sa kupolom na dubrovačkom području), Proceedings of the Byzantological Institute 44 (2007); - Church of St George in Gornji Kozjak. A View on Architecture (Sv. Đorđe u Gornjem Kozjaku. Opažanje o arhitekturi), Zograf 31, 29–34. Academician Gojko Subotić: Within the Committee on History of Art it was undertaken to collect the material on historical, spiritual and cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija. The need for its collection, classification and processing by using the contemporary digital technique already existed, but a direct incentive for the systematic scanning of the documentation was provided by the tragic destruction of the monuments over the past years, especially during the organized assault in March 2004, when 135 sacral buildings were destroyed. It is the question of precious material which is kept in scientific institutions, museums and institutes for the protection of cultural monuments, and is also possessed by individuals in various professions who collected it for decades. The project was supported by the Ministry of Culture, which provided funds for the acquisition of all necessary equipment. By the decision of the Department of Historical Sciences, Academician Gojko Subotić was assigned to lead the project. In cooperation with Dr. Dragan Vojvodić, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, and the Republican Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, it was immediately undertaken to type and copy the documentation which is, after being processed, returned to the owner together with a copy in digital form. As for the project Jašunja Monasteries (Jašunjski manastiri), the available funds were spent on the visits to the Church of St John the Forerunner so as to monitor the cleaning of its frescoes and on the supplementation of the relevant documentation. 128 CHILANDAR COMMITTEE (Academician Vojislav Korać) During 2007, the preparation of the new volume of Chilandar Proceedings (Hilandarski zbornik) and the ongoing activities were on the agenda. The Chilandar Proceedings were completely prepared and the relevant papers were collected by using the standard procedure. The printing of the Proceedings has been delayed for months, because the Academy has no funds for their printing. The ongoing activities include the care about the existing documentation, its supplementation and the provision of the appropriate documents for the associates. For the documentation fund 311 colour photographs of the Chilandar icons were purchased. During the year, the fifth volume of The Holy Mountain - Thoughts and Studies (Kazivanja o Svetoj Gori) of the Society of Serbian-Greek Friendship came out. The members of the Committee were working on the topics relating to Chilandar: - М. Blagojević, The Medieval Villages of the Monastery of Chilandar in Kosovo and Metohija (Srednjovekovna sela manastira Hilandara na Kosovu i Metohiji), The Holy Mountain - Thoughts and Studies 5 (Peta kazivanja o Svetoj gori), Belgrade, 2007, 102–140. - М. Blagojević, Agricultural Legal Code, Serbian Medieval Manuscript (Zemljoradnički zakon, Srpski srednjovekovni rukopis), SASA Department of Social Sciences, Belgrade 2007, 350 pages (it is being printed). - А. Мladenović, Despot Stefan’s Charters and Letters. Text, Annotations and Scans (Povelje i pisma despota Stefana. Tekst, komentari i snimci), Belgrade 2007 (Čigoja štampa). The book contains Despot Stefan’s charters given to the monastery of Chilandar, Great Laura, St Panteleimon and Vatoped. – A. Fotić, The Metochion of Chilandar Monastery in Salonica (16th–17th centuries). SZENTENDRE COMMITTEE (Academician Dinko Davidov) The work of the Committee stagnated to a degree, because some of its members were too busy. Here mention should be made of the study of archival material in the archives of Sremski Karlovci, Belgrade and Novi Sad, as well as abroad. Аcademician Slavko Gavrilović continued to study the historical material about the Serbs in Hungary. Committee member Kosta Vuković worked in the Hungarian State Archives in Budapest. As for Grabovac monastery, the archival material in the Manuscript Department of Matica srpska was studied. Dr. Dimitrije Stefanović continued to study the records and inscriptions on the epitaphs in St George’s Church in Budapest. Academician Dinko Davidov submitted his book “UPPER COUNTRY - From the Cultural History of Serbs in Hungary“ (“GORNJA ZEMLJA - Iz kulturne istorije Srba u Ugarskoj“) for printing. 129 COMMITTEE FOR HISTORY OF THE SERBIAN REVOLUTION 1804–1830 (Academician Slavko Gavrilović) During 2007, five papers related to the mentioned project were published in the SASA editions, Almanac of the Museum of the Town of Novi Sad and Karlovci Metropolitanate Archives. The documents of the Swedish State Archives about the First Serbian Uprising and the Adriatic Question of 1804–1813 were also published. The paper for the scientific meeting in Moscow in 2008 was prepared. COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF THE SERBIAN PEOPLE FROM XVI TO XVIII CENTURY (Academician Slavko Gavrilović) In 2007, the work was carried out in the SASA archives in Sremski Karlovci, Vojvodina Archives, Manuscript Department of Matica srpska, Vojvodina Museum and the Archives of the Town of Novi Sad. Over 20 studies, documents, surveys and critical reviews relating to the Serbs in the Habsburg Monarchy and Turkish Empire, their economy, hierarchical structure, religion and war history were published. COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF THE SERBS IN CROATIA (Academician Vasilije Krestić) The Proceedings on the Serbs in Croatia 6 (Zbornik o Srbima u Hrvatskoj 6) were published and distributed to the authors together with offprints. The next issue, No. 7, was prepared for printing and submitted to the Department of Historical Sciences which assigned the reviewers. COMMITTEE FOR THE COMPILATION AND PUBLICATION OF MATERIAL ON THE FOREIGN POLICY OF THE KINGDOM OF SERBIA 1903–1914 (Academician Vasilije Krestić) Supplement 2 (Serbian National Defence / Srpska narodna odbrana/) for 1906 came out, while Volumes 3 and 4 of Book II, for 1907, and Supplement 2 for 1907, which were prepared by Dr. Ljiljana Aleksić-Pejković, are about to be printed. Volume 3 of Book IV, for 1911, was prepared for printing by Dr. Ljiljana Aleksić-Pejković and Dr. Kliment Džambazovski, after being favourably evaluated. The final processing of Volume 1, Book II, for 1908, prepared by Professor Dr. Mihailo Vojvodić and Dr. Ljiljana AleksićPejković, began. Dr. Andrija Radenić continued to work on Volume 3, Book I, for 1905. 130 COMMITTEEE ON THE HISTORY OF THE SERBS IN XIX CENTURY (Academician Čedomir Popov) The Committee devoted its complete work to preparations for the publishing of the multi-volume Diary (Dnevnik) by Milan Đ. Milićević, one of the most prominent cultural and political figures in Serbia in the second half of the 19th century and one of the presidents of the Serbian Royal Academy. The manuscript of Diary is kept in the SASA Archives, while its computer-aided preparation for further processing and publishing was done by Zoran Gajić. Dr. Ana Stolić and Dr. Petar Krestić are working on the interpretations and scientific apparatus of Diary. The project has to be completed in 2008, on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the birth and 100th anniversary of the death of M.Đ. Milićević. Project: BALCANOLOGICAL TOPICS (Academician Nikola Tasić) During 2007, cooperation with the Balkanological Institute was continued. Within interacademy cooperation, V. Petrović and S. Pilipović were enabled to conduct their research under the project “Society, Material and Spiritual Culture and Communications in the Balkans in Protohistory and Early History“ (“Društvo, materijalna i duhovna kultura i komunikacije na Balkanu u protoistoriji i ranoj istoriji“). The result of this research is the completion of V. Petrović’s monograph Dardania in Roman Itineraries - Towns and Settlements (Dardanija u rimskim itinerarima - gradovi i naselja), Belgrade 2007 (responsible editor N. Tasić). A detailed report by the associates in the Balkanological topics and more complete bibliography will be submitted to the Ministry of Science and the Technological Department for 2007. Within the scope of the project and international cooperation in 2007, the talks with the Romanian colleagues concerning mutual cooperation in dealing with the prehistory and protohistory of the Serbo-Romanian Danube river basin were resumed. The next meeting was scheduled by the Romanian side. It should take place in Drobeta from 6 to 8 June 2008. Its topic will be “The Iron Gate Region in the Second Iron Age: Settlements, Necropolis, Treasures“. The participation of 8 Serbian experts with the relevant papers is planned. Group of projects: BYZANTINE THEMES (Corresponding member Ljubomir Maksimović) Project: THE LAST CENTURY OF BYZANTIUM AND SERBIA (Prof. Dr. Radivoj Radić) The project is dedicated to research for the publication of Vol. 7 of the Byzantine Sources for the History of the Peoples of Yugoslavia and for the publication of Vol. 3 of the Actes de Chilandar. One PhD dissertation (S. Pirivatrić) and an MA thesis (Maja Nikolić) are also included, while another PhD dissertation is in its initial stage. 131 Pirivatrić S., 2007: Entering of Stefan Dušan into the Empire. Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta, 44/2, 381–409. Radić R., 2007: Constantinople: Stories from Bosporus. Beograd, pp. 296. Ćirković S, 2007: On Historiography and Methodology (Studia Historica Collecta 3)������������������� . Beograd, pp. 373. Project: BYZANTINE WORLD IN CHANGING (10th – 12th CENTURIES) (Corresponding Member Ljubomir Maksimović) The project contains studies concerning various aspects of changes of the Empire during the mentioned period. Stanković V., 2007: A Generation Gap or Political Enmity? Emperor Manuel Komnenos, Byzantine Intellectuals and the Struggle for Domination in Twelfth Century Byzantium. In: Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta, 44/1, 209–227. Krsmanović B., 2007: On the Accumulative Military Power of strategos, monostrategos and strategos autokrator. In: Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta, 44/1, 80–117. Project: WALL PAINTING AND INSCRIPTIONS IN THE 14th AND 15th CENTURIES (Academician Gojko Subotić) Comprehensive studies on the interaction of both main phenomena of the sacral monumental art in some Byzantine areas were undertaken. Miljković B., 2007: The Nemanjićs and the St Nicholas in Bari. Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta, 44/1, 275–294. Subotić G., 2007: L’art médiévale du Kossovo. Paris. INTERDEPARTMENTAL VARDAR COMMITTEE (Academician Vladimir Stojančević) In 2007, the research on the history and culture of the Serbs in the territory of presentday Macedonia was continued. Vardar Proceedings (Vardarski zbornik) No. 6 are about to come out. Underway are the preparations for printing Vardar Proceedings No. 7. COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (Academician Milorad Ekmečić) The members of the Committee continued to work on individual topics. The fifth issue of the Proceedings for the History of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Zbornik za istoriju Bosne i Hercegovine) was submitted for printing in 2006, but the printing process began only 132 in early December 2007. During the year, more than half of the texts for the sixth issue of the Proceedings was collected. Individual Project: MATERIAL FOR THE HISTORY OF MILITARY BORDER IN XVIII CENTURY (Academician Slavko Gavrilović) Research was continued in the archives in Sremski Karlovci and Novi Sad. Six studies and more than 70 biographies of the frontiermen from the 16th to 19th centuries, who were in the Austrian and Venetian service, as well as those in the service of the Serbian state and the Serbian National Movement of 1848–1849, were published. Individual project: MATERIAL FOR THE HISTORY OF THE SERBS IN CROATIA AND SLAVONIA (Academician Vasilije Krestić) During 2007, I worked on the preparation of the manuscripts of two memoirs for printing. The first of these manuscripts deals with Baranja and the issue of its belonging in the period after the First World War, when the debate on this issue was conducted at the Peace Conference in Paris. It is the question of Milan Glibonjski’s memoir and the accompanying documents. The author of the second manuscript is Teodor Stefanović Vilovski, a well-known historian, publicist and politician. In his memoir, he covered the period from 1880 to the end of the First World War. During 2007, apart from several shorter papers, I published the book Through Genocide to a Greater Croatia (Genocidom do velike Hrvatske), Jagodina 2007, which is the supplemented edition in the Serbian language. In Spomenik CXL, Department of Historical Sciences 14, Belgrade 2007, 141– 150, the article New Data on the History of the Revolution of 1848–1849 (Novi podaci o istoriji revolucije 1848–1849. godine) was published. The study Jaša Tomić, the Representative of Patriotic Historiography (Jaša Tomić, zastupnik patriotske istoriografije) was published in Letopis Matice srpske for November 2007, 776–795. The article entitled Strossmayer on the Eastern Question and the Federalization of the Monarchy (Štrosmajer o istočnom pitanju i federalizaciji Monarhije) was published in Serbian and Polish in Krakow in 2007, 291–309, in the proceedings Josip Juraj Strossmayer. Croatia. Ecumenism. Europe (Josip Juraj Strossmayer. Hrvatska. Ekumenizam. Europa). The article The Aims of Yugoslav Politics (Ciljevi jugoslovenske politike) was published in Književni list of 1 March 2007, and the article The Basic Causes of Misunderstanding Between Croats and Serbs (Osnovni uzroci nesporazuma Hrvata i Srba) in Književni list of 1 June 2007. 133 Individual project: BURGEOIS EUROPE 1871–1914 (Academician Čedomir Popov) During 2007, rersearch on the evolution and development of the Eastern Question in the epoch of imperialism was conducted. This research was finished and its results presented in the monograph The Eastern Question and the Serbian Revolution 1804–1918 (Istočno pitanje i srpska revolucija 1804–1918), which was submitted to the publisher. The monograph Greater Serbia, Reality and Myth (Velika Srbija, stvarnost i mit) was published by Knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, Novi Sad 2007 (4 editions) and so was the study Vasilj Popović, The Historian of the Eastern Question (Vasilj Popović, istoričar Istočnog pitanja), The Ćorović Encounters, SPKD “Prosvjeta“, Bileća-Gacko 2007, 140–162. Individual Project: CULTURE AND ART OF BRONZE AND IRON AGE OF SERBIAN DANUBE BASIN (Academician Nikola Tasić) In 2007, the project was considerably expanded with the inclusion of two associates, especially P. Medović as well as one junior associate, Miloš Spasić, MA. During the year, Medović expanded his work on the publication and processing of the Bronze Age sites in Srem, primarily Gradina on the Bosut, the Early Iron Age horizons, while the Bronze Age findings were used by Miloš Spasić for the preparation of his master’s thesis under the mentorship of the project leader. The thesis was defended at the end of 2007. As for the topic of the project, the work on the drawing and recording of prehistoric material from the excavations at Gamzigrad was coordinated. It turned out that underneath one part of this Roman site, that is, the imperial palace from the time of Galerius, there was a much older settlement which, according to rather modest pottery fragments, belongs to the Early Iron Age (Dr. Miroslav Lazić, Faculty of Philosophy). While processing the prehistoric findings in the broader area of Feudvar, project associate P. Medović publicized two necropolises near Feudvar (Mošorin), one from the Bronze Age and the other from the Early Iron Age. P. Medović, Stubarija, the Necropolis of the Settlement of Feudvar (Stubarija, nekropola naselja Feudvar), Novi Sad 2007. Individual Project: ANCIENT SOCIETY AND STATE (Academician Slobodan Dušanić) S. Dušanić continued his research on (a) political thought of the Greeks in the classical period, and (b) the history of Roman institutions and society under the Empire. His bibliography for 2007 includes: (a) “The Noble Quality of Sophrosyne: Historical Notes on the Minos and Plato’s Laws”, Živa Antika 56 (Skopje 2006 – 2007) 25–39; (b) “Three Sidelights on the Early Diplomata Militaria”, Mavors 15 (Stuttgart 2007) 55–85; “The Arval Vows of AD 101 and 105 and Trajan’s Dacian Wars”, Simp. 134 Int. Daci si Rom., Timisoara 2006–2007, 36–42; “Vota u Aktima Arvalske Braće za 25. mart 101. godine”, Mélanges offerts à Miron Flašar, Belgrade 2006–2007, 59–76; cf. Ad Vjestnik arheol. Muzeja u Zagrebu 36, 2003, 146–147, in: M. Corbier Ed., L’Année épigraphique 2007 (Paris) 391 No. 1111. Several other papers of his are forthcoming. During 2007 as in previous years, S. Dušanić was the director of the Centre for ancient epigraphy and numismatics “Fanoula Papazoglou” (Faculty of Philosophy, Beograd) and the head of several projects concerning ancient history, epigraphy, and related disciplines (the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; the Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade). His study of Roman history and epigraphy (including the collaboration with the editors of the Ann. ép.) focused on the preparation of vol. III/1 (inscriptions of the Iron Gates, especially those of Pincum) of the Inscriptions de la Mésie Supérieure (series edited by the Centre “Fanoula Papazoglou”). Early in 2007, S. Dušanić participated in the Freiburg meeting of the Collegium Politicum, devoted to the Pseudo-Platonic dialogue Minos. Individual Project: MONASTERY OF ST JOHN THE FORERUNNER IN JAŠUNJA (Academician Gojko Subotić) Cooperation with Okayama University on the preparation of the monograph on this monastery was continued. This year, a larger group of painters/conservationists was engaged for cleaning the fresco paintings in the interior thanks to the funds provided by the Japanese Foundation. At the same time, the archaeological excavations led by Dr. Vujadin Ivanišević began in the monastery compound thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture. In mid-October, the monastery was visited by Dr. Michitaka Suzuki, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Okayama, with his associate, Dr. Chie Manabe. Like in the previous years, Professor Dr. Nikola Dudić included the new data and copies of a greater number of the legible sacral texts in the documentation. �� Selected publications (G. Subotić): 1. L’ art médiévale du Kosovo (on the cover of a certain number of copies of Terre Sacrée du Kosovo his name is wrongly written “Sotić“ instead of “Subotić“), Paris 2006; 2. The Third Žiča Charter (Treća žička povelja), Zograf 31 (2006–2007), 51–58; 3. Joint Presentations of Saint Sava of Serbia and Saint Clement of Ohrid (Zajednički likovi Svetog Save Srpskog i Svetog Klimenta Ohridskog), Jubilee Proceedings on the 25th Anniversary of Metropolitan Timotej, Ohrid 2007. Individual Project: EUROPE AND SERBIA IN THE MIDDLE AGES (Corresponding Member Jovanka Kalić) During 2007, the work on the project was continued within the scope of several thematic entities: Byzantological studies and research on the historical and cultural relations of the Serbs with the countries of Western Europe. The author redefined the chronological framework of the Late Middle Ages from the aspect of the history of 135 Serbian and European societies. The research covered the history of the state and church relationship in the 12th century. The project also included the study of old Raška. Field research was resumed (towns and settlements from the pre-Turkish period) on the basis of interdisciplinary studies (history, archaeology, language, religion). 1) Europe and Serbs. The New Views (Evropa i Srbi. Novi pogledi). Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke, 122, Novi Sad 2007, 7–9. 2) The Serbian State and the Ohrid Archbishopric in the 12th Century (Srpska država i Ohridska arhiepiskopija u XII veku). Proceedings of the SASA Byzantological Institute 44 (2007), 196–207. 3) Ioannes Kinamos and Nikita Honiates. Historical Documents (Jovan Kinam i Nikita Honijat, Istorijski spisi), in the book: Byzantine Sources for the History of the Yugoslav People (Vizantijski izvori za istoriju naroda Jugoslavije), Vol. IV. Belgrade 2007, 1–173. 4) The Foundations of the Cultural History of Srem. The Middle Ages (Temelji kulturne istorije Srema, srednji vek). Proceedings Srem Through the Centuries (“Srem kroz vekove“, published by the Vuk Foundation and Institute for Literature, Belgrade 2007, 31–44. Individual Project: SERBS IN HUNGARY - CULTURAL PAST (Academician Dinko Davidov) Academician Slavko Gavrilović continued to study the archival material relating to the Serbs in Hungary in the 18th and 190th centuries. Academician Dinko Davidov finished the manuscript of the book “UPPER COUNTRY“ - From the Cultural History of the Serbs in Hungary (“GORNJA ZEMLJA“ - Iz kulturne istorije Srba u Ugarskoj). The 300-page manuscrupt with 90 illustrations will be published by Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika. Associate Kosta Vuković, the curator of the Buda Eparchy Museum, conducted his research in Belgrade, Sremski Karlovci and Novi Sad. Associate Dr. Danilo Urošević collected and handed over to the Szentendre Committee the historical photographs of old Taban, one-time Srpska Varoš (Raczvaros), in the Buda suburbs. Associate Slavomir Matejić photographed the wall paintings in the Serbian Church in Srpski Kovin (Raczkeve). Individual Project: TERRITORY AND SOCIETY OF MEDIEVAL SERBIA (Academician Miloš Blagojević) During 2007, I finished the study entitled Agricultural Legal Code, a Serbian Medieval Manuscript (“Zemljoradnički zakon, Srpski srednjovekovni rukopis“). The 350-page study was submitted for printing. This is the well-known Byzantine Nomos georgikos translated into Old Serbian in the Middle Ages. Thus, it was necessary to translate it into the contemporary literary language and comment on each article of the Legal Code, coupled with a special treatise on the agrarian relations in medieval Serbia. 136 Blagojević, M., Prince Lazar’s Lands in Kosovo and Metohija (Teritorije kneza Lazara na Kosovu i Metohiji). Kosovo and Metohija, Past Present, Future (Kosovo i Metohija, prošlost, sadašnjost, budućnost), SASA Scientific Meetings, Vol. XCV, Department of Social Sciences, Vol. 28, Belgrade, 2007, pp. 518. Blagojević, M., Medieval Villages of Chilandar Monastery in Kosovo and Metohija (Srednjovekovna sela manastira Hilandara na Kosovu i Metohiji). The Holy Mountain - Thoughts and Studies 5 (Peta kazivanja o Svetoj Gori), Belgrade, 2007, 102–140. Individual Project: HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION IN SERBIA IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 19th CENTURY (Academician Vladimir Stojančević) Due to the prolonged illness the work on the project could not be continued. Individual Project: SREBRENICA IN THE MIDDLE AGES (Academician Desanka Kovačević-Kojić) During 2007, the focus of the research was based on the domestic population in Srebrenica, their activities and legal status in the XIVth and XVth centuries. The research is summarized in the monograph: Gradski život u Srbiji i Bosni (XIV–XV vijek), Beograd 2007, 491 p. Individual Project: SERBIA AND ITALIAN STATES IN THE LATE MIDDLE AGES (Corresponding Member������������������ Mom�������������� čilo Spremić) Working on the relations between Serbia and the Italian states in the late Middle Ages, two aspects were focused of in 2007. The first aspect concerned economic relations. Namely, as a result of the Turkish invasions in the late Middle Ages, Serbian trade with the East decreased. Simultaneously, trade was directed to the Apennines, where Serbia commenced to export cattle produce and metals, mostly silver. The second aspect concerned Serbian migrations to Italy, via Bosnia and Dalmatia. The Serbs arrived and settled in Venice, Marke and Apulia. Spremić M., 2007: Srpska despotovina - susedi i strani uticaji. Glas akademije nauka i umetnosti, CDIV, Odeljenje istorijskih nauka, knj. 13 Beograd, 51–70. Spremić M., 2007: Il Despota Giorgio Branković e Venezia. Glas akademije nauka i umetnosti, CDIV, Odeljenje istorijskih nauka, knj. 13 Beograd, 119–135. Spremić M., 2006: Beograd u Furlaniji. Beograd, 1–12. Srpske (2006), Srpske (2006), 137 Individual Project: SCORDISCI AND AUTOCHTHONS IN THE PROTOHISTORY OF THE CENTRAL BALKANS (Corresponding Member Borislav Jovanović) The final text of the catalogue of the Early Celtic cemetery Pećine near Kostolac (Eastern Serbia) is finished, including a site plan with separate groups and autochthonous graves. The analogies of the inventories of the rich graves indicate the Middle Danube Basin and North - East of the Carpathian Basin as the starting point for the migrations of Eastern Celts. The contribution „Galatae and Scordisci“was presented at the international symposium “The Eastern Celts between Hellenistic and Roman World” (Vršac, 1–4. 11. 2007). Individual Project: STATE AND SOCIETY IN BYZANTIUM (Corresponding Member Ljubomir Maksimović) In 2007, I continued to synthetically process the original material relating to various aspects of Byzantine civilization, under the provisory title State and Society in Byzantium (Država i društvo u Vizantiji). The data were processed to a varying degree, so that it was not necessary to treat them by specified phases. The mentioned provisory title covers only the first phase - the structures of the state and society and their interaction - which actually comprises the project. The issue in question deals with the physiognomy and evolution of the Empire’s constitutional factors - the emperor, the senate, the army and the people (populus), as well as the structure and evolution of state administration. In many respects, this context is linked to the processes of shaping Byzantine society, especially its elite. The treatment of these intertwining factors produced several parts of the project which should represent the chapters of the future book. Four of them assumed almost the final form, two are well underway, while as manyu are in a rough state to a lesser or greater degree. However, it can be said that the physiognomy of this book, which will be the end result of the project and will probably bear the same title, was shaped in 2007. Individual Project: FONTES - THE GREEK ACTS OF THE HILANDAR MONASTERY, Vol. III (14th–15th CENTURY) (Corresponding Member Mirjana Živojinović) The work on the Greek acts of the Hilandar Monastery was continued during the past year. Transcription, analysis and comments for acts through 1366 were completed. In addition, these acts were translated into French. Živojinović M., 2007: The Monks of Hilandar - Custodians of Monastery’s Documents [In Serbian: Monasi Hilandara čuvari manastiskih dokumenata]. Peta kazivanja o Svetoj Gori, Beograd, 141–168. Živojinović M., 2007: The Monastery of Plaka in Karyes [In Serbian: Manastir Plaka u Kareji]. Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta, 44, 173–189. 138 Individual Project: THE GREAT POWERS AND THE SERBIAN QUESTION IN THE XXth CENTURY (Corresponding Member Dragoljub Živojinović) The goal of this project is to examine the policies, intentions, aims and methods used by the Great Powers toward Serbia and the Serbian people in the XXth century. Most of my attention was directed to exploring the background, both political and diplomatic, of the Salonica front and the military operations carried out in the Balkans. Živojinović D., 2007: The Balkans. Prestup, # 35, Belgrade, 34–41. Živojinović D., 2007: Woodrow Wilson and the Treaty of Rapallo 1920. Mitološki zbornik, vol. 16, Rača-Belgrade, 249–261. Živojinović D., 2007: Diary of Major Dragomir Nikolajević, 1911–1914. Srpske dinastije u memoaristici, Zbornik radova, Belgrade, 141–156. COMMITTEE FOR KOSOVO AND METOHIJA (Academician Stevan Karamata) In 2007, the Committee held one session at which the report on the papers for the fourth volume of the Kosovo and Metohija Proceedings - which are periodically published by the Committee - was discussed and the engagement of reviewers was approved. The Committee also gave its approval for the presentation of proceedings The Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (Srbi na Kosovu i Metohiji) of the last year’s scientific meeting, organized by the Committee and the University of Priština seated in Kosovska Mitrovica and Zubin Potok, together with the presentation of the proceedings Kosovo and Metohija - Past, Present, Future, published that same year by the Committee of the Department of Social Sciences, headed by Academician Kosta Mihailović, on the SASA premises. The President of the Committee, Academician Stevan Karamata, took the Proceedings to Kosovska Mitrovica and Zubin Potok, together with Professor Milica Grković, and distributed them to the authors, the University, the town mayors and the monastery of Duboki Potok near Zubin Potok, at their presentation in the University Rectorate. The Committee made fifty or so photographs from its collection or obtained from other institutions for its documentation. It also purchased the catalogue of photographs of the wood-carved iconostasis of the church in Priština, which was burnt down by the Albanians, together with the Church of St Nicholas in Priština, from the painters/ conservationists of the Republican Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments. From the Library of Matica srpska in Novi Sad the Committee obtained free of charge one copy of S. Smirnov’s Collection of Copies of Old Inscriptions in Serbian Churches in Kosovo and Metohija (КОЛЕКЦИИ КОПИИ СТАРИХ НАТПИСЕИ В СЕРБСКИХ ЦЕРКВАХ), which represents a real rarity in the libraries in Serbia. In the SASA copying service, the Committee made more than 100 copies of rare manuscripts, photographs and other documents in order to keep them on file. 139 The Committee also obtained a number of last year’s publications, published by the Balkanological Institute and the Museum of Kosovo and Metohija. It receives free copies of the weekly journal Jedinstvo, published in Kosovska Mitrovica. It also regularly receives a copy of the journal Hvosno, launched in the municiplity of Istok in Metohija 15 years ago, which is now printed in exile, in Leposavić. COMMITTEE FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN VINČA (Academician Nikola Tasić, Corresponding Member Borislav Jovanović) During 2007, the work was carried out both in the field (excavations) and at the SASA itself, including the processing of the material and preparation of the project for marking the 100th anniversary of the excavations in Vinča. This year, the organization of work underwent a significant change. Namely, under the agreement between the Serbian Ministry of Culture and the City Municipality of Belgrade a new Committee was set up within the Ministry with a view to leading the explorations in Vinča. In addition to the representatives of the Ministry of Culture and the City Municipality of Belgrade, it includes the representatives of the SASA, Archaeological Department of the Faculty of Philosophy, National Museum in Belgrade, Republican and Municipal Institutes for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Museum of the City of Belgrade, as well as the Municipality of Grocka. In 2007, excavations were continued, revealing the remains of the houses belonging to the Vinča culture and a number of profane and cult objects. A documentary film was also made on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the excavations at this significant site. It will have its premiere on the Day of the Academy in November. Together with the Committee within the Serbian Ministry of Culture, this Committee is preparing the exhibition devoted to the 100th anniversary of the excavations in Vinča (1908–2008), which will be staged in the SASA Gallery. 140 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS AND MUSIC Project: RECORDING OF SERBIAN FOLK MUSIC (Academician Dejan Despić) Field work was undertaken in the Šumadija region (Central Serbia, village Natalinci). An interview with a village singer, a man, and traditional songs of different functions were recorded. Also the program of The Second Festival of Gajde Players’, which took place in Svrljig (East Serbia), was recorded. The recordings were made by Jelena Jovanović and Danka Lajić-Mihajlović. Project: COMPACT-DISKS AND CASSETTES PRODUCTION (Academician Dejan Despić) An audio edition, a CD Traditional singing and playing in Upper Jasenica region was published. Project: CONTEMPORARY SERBIAN MUSIC SCENE (Academician Dejan Despi�� ć) The Musicology Department of the Faculty of Music Art in Belgrade organized the presentation of the monograph published on the occasion of the birthday of Roksanda Pejović (11 December 2007), The History and Mystery of Music (Istorija i misterija muzike) (Faculty of Music Art, Belgrade, 2006). On that occasion, Biography and Bibliography of Roksanda Pejović (Biografija i bibliografija Roksande Pejović) was published as a special book (Faculty of Music Art, Belgrade, 2007). Roksanda Pejović presented her paper The Belgrade Ballet in the Inter-War Period (Beogradski balet između dva svetska rata) at the meeting of the Musicology Department of the Faculty of Music Art entitled “Thematic Potentials of Lexicographic Units on Music Institutions“ (“Tematski potencijali leksikografskih jedinica o muzickim institucijama“) (Belgrade, 12–14 April 2007). She also edited the operatic and ballet essays and critical reviews by Mihailo Vukdragović, Branko Dragutinović and Stana Đurić-Klajn. On the occasion of the jubilee of Milica Zajcev (50 years of her work as a ballet critic), the book Bibliography of the Art Dance Critic, Theatrologist and Publicist Milica Zajcev, 1960–2006 (Bibliografija kritičara umetničke igre, teatrologa i publiciste Milice Zajcev za period 1960–2006) was published (the first edition; edited by Suzana Polić-Radovanović, MA; published by YUBIN, Belgrade, 2007). Мirka Pavlović dealt with the career of Divna Radić-Đoković in the Belgrade Opera. Каtarina Tomašević and Biljana Milanović finished their studies about the Serbian scene for the Greek-Serbian musicological project 2005–2007 (the leader of the Serbian team was Melita Milin), which are published in the bilingual Athens publication Aspects 141 of Greek and Serbian Music (edited by Dr. Katy Romanou, the leader of the Greek team). Nadežda Mosusova participated in the preparation of the Serbian Biographical Dictionary of Matica srpska (Srpski biografski rečnik Matice srpske) with the entries on Sofija Drausalj and Dušan Đorđević. In June 2007 she stayed in Paris, where she studied the Slavic repertoire in the Grand Opera library. She participated in the symposum “The Russian Diaspora and Serbian-Russian Ties“ (“Ruska dijaspora i srpsko-ruske veze“) at the Faculty of Philology (Belgrade, 22–24 May 2007) with the paper “’World of Art’ on the Music Stage of the National Theatre in Belgrade - Ornament as Crime or Offence“ (“Мир искусства” на музыкальной сцене Национального театра в Белграде Украшение и преступление или оскорбление). At the conference devoted to dance within the 21st World Congress on Dance Research CID-UNESCO “Dancers Without Frontiers” (Athens, 5–9 Sеptember 2007), she presented her paper Iovanka Biegoievic, Serbian Ballerina - Star of the International Stages. She participated in the Tenth Pedagogical Forum of the Solfeggio Department of the Faculty of Music Art “Motion in Music and Scenic Arts“ (“Pokret u muzičkim i scenskim umetnostima“) (Belgrade, 7–9 December 2007), with the paper Composer as Choreographer (Kompozitor kao koreograf). COMMITTEE FOR THE DICTIONARY ON THE FINE ARTS TERMS (Corresponding Member Milan Lojanica) Project: DICTIONARY ON FINE ARTS TERMS In January 2007, the Report on the Activities of the Committee in 2006 was adopted. It was also proposed to change the Committee composition and form the editorial staff of the Dictionary, including Dušan Otašević (painting), Kosta Bogdanović (sculpture), Dijana Marić (applied arts) and Slobodan Maldini (architecture). This proposal was accepted at the session of the Department of Fine and Musical Arts on 7 February 2007. The report on the Committee’s activities and the estimate of the funds required for the planned activities - financing the work of the editorial staff and further preparation and printing of Volume I the Dictionary (A-Đ) - was submitted to the Secretary General, that is, the SASA Executive Board on 20 February 2007. The report also contained the request for the provision of one more room so as to ensure better comfort and work organization for the editorial staff of the Dictionary, as well as two editorial staffs of the Serbian Encyclopedia (Area 019 - Culture, Art), both entrusted for care and organizational coordination to the SASA Department of Fine and Musical Arts. At its Sixth Session of 8 March 2007, the Executive Board of the Presidency accepted both proposals. Since the financial resources for the preparation of the Dictionary, which had been allocated to the Fund, were not obtained until September (due to the constitution of the republican bodies) and those expected from the City Secretariat of Culture have not been allocated to the present day, the editorial staff’s activities were confined to an analysis and evaluation of the registered texts (A-Đ), defining the view on the necessary 142 alterations and supplements, as well as the work related to illustrative material. Thus, the plenary sessions of the editorial staff and several individual meetings were used to decide on the conceptual improvements, supplements to the entries, text improvements, categorization, proportion balance, text volume and quality, text authors, bibliography and the like, laying special emphasis on illustrative material by area. COMMITTEE FOR THE HISTORY OF SERBIAN MUSIC (Academician Dimitrije Stefanović) Since the new room for the permanent exhibition Old Serbian Music in the monastery of Velika Remeta is still not ready for use, Committee associate Ivan Joksimović re-recorded a number of church, spiritual and folk songs from the worn-out audio cassettes on to four DVD CDs, including the recordings from Knin, Dalmatinsko Kosovo, Slavonski Brod, Timisoara and Resica (Romania), as well as our monasteries such as, for example, Krka, Velika Remeta, Krušedol, Jazak, Beočin, Presentation of the Virgin near Čačak, Annunciation in Rudnik and Manasija. A detailed list of all recorded songs, including the recording date, was made. These recordings have both musical and historical significance. The scarce connoisseurs of folk church singing were recorded, while some of them passed away (Bishop Sava Vuković, SASA Corresponding Member, and Archimandrite Damaskin from the monastery of Krušedol). 143 CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF SASA AND UNIVERSITY OF NIŠ Director of the Centre: Academician Miroslav Pantić Deputy Director: Professor Dr. Dragan Žunić SECTION FOR ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORY OF ART (Miloje Vasić, Ph.D.) Project: NIŠAVA RIVER BASIN IN PREHISTORY, ANTIQUITY AND MIDDLE AGES (Miloje Vasić, Ph.D.) According to the plan and programme of the Archaeological Institute in Belgrade, archaeological excavations at the site of Mediana near Niš were carried out from 15 March to 16 June 2007. They were financed through the public works of the Serbian Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy and co-financed by the Medijana City Municipality. The public works included the clearing of the central part of the site, in the immediate vicinity of the villa with peristyle, in the area of the discovered military barracks and choreum. The aim of the public works was to remove caved material from the old excavations and debris, and to stack original building material. At the same time, archeological excavations were carried out in the area to the north of the early Christian church with the mosaic with Christ’s monogram, covering an area of 14.00 (north-south) x 17.20 metres (east-west), between the eastern wall of room 17 of the eastern tract of the barracks and the contemporary dirth road. The investigation of this area is defined by the Preliminary Project Relating to the Presentation of the Church with Christ’s Monogram (Idejni projekat za prezentaciju crkve sa Hristovim monogramom), which was adopted by the Mediana Site Management Board of the Medijana City Municipality, in September 2006. The public works confirmed the chronological order of the strata and construction work at the site of the settlement of Mediana, while the coins, minted in Apolonia or Dirachion between the 1st century BC and the 1st century AD, confirmed the late La Tène period, which had been ascertained during the earlier excavations in the south-western part of this site. The most important discovery is certainly another, smaller single nave church from the early Christian period (church 2), which belongs to the youngest horizon from Late Antiquity in this region. The discovery of another early Christian church at Mediana points to the continuation of intensive life in this part of the antique town of Naissus after the battle of Hadrianopolis. Despite the disurbanization and ruralization of this area, it is certain that its life continues in the new organization, in which a significant role is played by the alliance with the Goths to whom Mediana was most likely given as a pledge for this 144 alliance, as shown by the archaeological findings. The presence of two churches from the same period, at such a small distance, raises the question of the organization of the church at the site of this antique town in the period from the late 4th to the early 5th century AD. During the last year, as part of document processing, it was continued with the digitalization of the plans from the previous investigations, as well as with the photographing of archaeological material and frescoes. The documentation relating to the investigations in 2007 was completely processed in the Auto Cad program. The work on the preparation of the publication Naissus I (a group of authors) was continued. SECTION FOR SERBIAN LANGUAGE (Prof. Dr. Nedeljko Bogdanović) Project: TYPOLOGICAL STUDIES OF SERBIAN SPEECH IN SOUTHEASTERN SERBIA (Prof. Dr. Slobodan Remetić) The collection of papers under the project Typological Studies of Serbian Speech in South-Eastern Serbia (Tipološko proučavanje srpskih govora na jugoistoku Srbije) (including the papers by S. Remetić, D. Jović, N. Bogdanović, J. Marković, M. Đorđević, J. Gmitrović, A. Savić-Grujić, M. Ranđelović and M. Cakić, as well as by S. Meneslend and E. Egeberg from Norway) was prepared for printing and the funds for its publishing were provided. Two articles on the relevant topics were submitted for printing (for the monographs dedicated to M. Dešić, Belgrade, and M. Pižurica, Novi Sad), in addition to one paper for the proceedings of the University of Timisoara. The paper on the Dialectal and/or Thematic Sentences in the Serbian Language (Dijalektske i/ili tematske rečenice srpskog jezika) was presented at the Vuk Foundation. The lecture on The Hitherto Studies of Speech in the Prizren-Timok Area (O dosadašnjim proučavanjima govora prizrensko-timočke zone) was delivered in Knjaževac. Project: DIALECTOLOGICAL STUDIES OF THE SERBIAN LINGUISTIC AREA (Prof. Dr. Slobodan Remetić) The material collected from the field points in the territories of south-eastern Serbia and Macedonia was supplemented (a total of 12 points). The first version of the registers for the first volume of the Serbian Dialectological Atlas (Srpski dijalektološki atlas) was prepared. 145 Оther Activities 1. Professor N. Bogdanović and the associates of the Section (M. Đorđević, A. Bogdanović, B. Mitić), by the order of the Rector of Niš University, Professor Dr. Radosav Bubanj, and with the blessing of His Excellency Bishop Irinej of Niš, spent two days in the village of Izvor near Svrljig where they made an inventory of its library’s collection, which is significant because it was founded in the second half of the 19th century by priest Filip Nedeljković, who is also responsible for the preservation of the Svrljig Gospel Passages (Svrljiški odlomci jevanđelja) from 1279 and their handover to the Academy, through Milan Đ. Milićević, in 1866. 2. The associates of the Section presented two papers at the scientific symposium Traditional Aesthetic Culture: Body and Clothing (Tradicionalna estetska kultura: telo i odevanje), which was organized by the Centre’s Section for Studying People. 3. The manuscript of Dr. Borislav Prvulović Lexicon of Old Handicrafts (Leksika starih zanata) was edited and reviewed. The Regional Chamber of Handicrafts in Niš undertook its publishing. Bogdanović N. (editor), 2007: Linguistic Culture of Public Life (Jezička kultura javnog života). Proceedings, Niš, Centre for Scientific Research of SASA and Niš University, 128 pages. Bogdanović N., 2006–2007: Mythology and Geographic Lexicon (Mitologija i geografska leksika). Ethno-Culturological Proceedings (Etno-kulturološki zbornik), No. 11, Svrljig, 132–134. Bogdanović N., 2007: Serbian Dialects and the Literary-Language Norm (Srpski dijalekti i književno-jezička norma). In: The Serbian Language and Social Trends (Srpski jezik i društvena kretanja), Proceedings, Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts, 47–50. LITERATURE SECTION (Prof. Dr. Miroljub Stojanović) Project: LITERATURE AND HISTORY (Prof. Dr. Miroljub Stojanović) The scientific meeting entitled Literature and History IX: Idealization and Mythologization of History in Literature (Idealizacija i mitologizacija istorije u književnosti) was organized, with international participation. It lasted two days (on 19 and 20 October) and had 27 registered participants, of whom 2 from abroad (Ukraine and Bulgaria). Otherwise, there were 22 direct participants. Underway is the preparation of the proccedings, which will also include the papers of those authors who could not participate directly for objective reasons. This scientific meeting was organized with the financial support of the Serbian Ministry of Science. 146 During the meeting Literature and History IX (Književnost i istorija IX), on 19 October, which was organized by the Student Cultural Centre, the monograph The Human Face of History in Literature (Ljudsko lice istorije u književnosti) was also presented. Within her work on the project, researcher Marija Slavković-Ilić defended her master’s thesis entitled Lukrecija Bogašinović, a Dubrovnik Poetess of the 18th Century (Lukrecija Bogašinović, dubrovačka pesnikinja XVIII veka) at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, before the commission comprising Professor Dr. Zlata Bojović, Professor Dr. Tomislav Jovanović and Dr. Bojan Đorđević, Assistant Professor. Project: LITERARY AND CULTURAL LIFE IN SOUTH-EASTERN SERBIA IN THE 19TH AND 20TH CENTURIES (Academician Miroslav Pantić) Within the programme of activities of the Centre’s Literature Section underway is the editing and computer-aided processing of the proceedings Writers in Niš and About Niš (Pisci u Nišu i o Nišu). Underway is also intensive work on the collection of contributions for the monograph devoted to Ljuba Stanojević - Life and Work (Ljuba Stanojević - život i delo), which was the topic of the round table held on 15 December 2006. Project: CULTURAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NIŠ (Prof. Dr. Miroljub Stojanović) Twenty or so new entries in the field of literature were prepared. Оther Activities The International Scientific Conference Serbian-Macedonian Cultural and Literary Ties (Srpsko-makedonske kulturne i književne veze) was held on 15 and 16 November, in cooperation with the Faculty of Teaching in Vranje and the Institute of Literature from Skopje, with the support of the Medijana City Municipality. Its participants included 13 scientists from Macedonia and 14 from Serbia. It was observed that this was the first such meeting in Serbia after the disintegration of the FRY and that the study of these ties should become a permanent activity. The scientific meeting was organized with the financial support of the Serbian Ministry of Science. Stojanović, M., 2007: The Human Face of History in Literature (Ljudsko lice istorije u književnosti), Slavist Library (Slavistička biblioteka), Vol. VI, Belgrade, Slavist Society of Serbia, Belgrade, 235 pages. Stojanović, M. (editor), 2007: Literature and History VIII: The Transposition of Historical Events and Personages in Epic Poem, Poem and Epic (Književnost i istorija VIII: transpozicija istorijskih događaja i ličnosti u epskoj pesmi, spevu i epu), Niš, Centre for Scientific Research of SASA and Niš University, 322 pages. 147 Popović-Srdanović, D., 2007: The Storm of Incidental Issues (Essays on 20th Century American Poetry) (Bura sporednih stvari / ogledi o američkoj poeziji XX veka), Belgrade, Institute for Literature and Art, Vol. XLVII, Belgrade, 317 pages. Đorđević, M., 2007: Oratory Among the Serbs (Historical Monograph) (Oratorstvo kod Srba /istorijska monografija/), Niš, Centre for Ecclesiastical Studies, 301 pages. Obradović, S., 2007: Both Sides of History in Children’s Prose (Lice i naličje istorije u prozi za decu), Niš, Veljko Vidaković Literary Community, 33 pages. SECTION FOR STUDYING PEOPLE (Prof. Dr. Dragan Žunić) Project: TRADITIONAL AESTHETIC CULTURE OF SERBS (Prof. Dr. Dragan Žunić) On 23 October 2007, the Section organized the Third Scientific Symposium Traditional Aesthetic Culture: Body and Clothing (Tradicionalna estetska kultura: telo i odevanje) with international participation. The participants from Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Slovenia presented 19 papers, which were also recorded by the technical team of Radio Belgrade Channel III and will be broadcast in the relevant radio programme. The papers presented at this symposium will be published in the special proceedings in 2008. During the discussion it was stated that this year’s symposium was a successful continuation of the work on the project. Thus, it was concluded that the fourth symposium within the project on traditional aesthetic culture should be organized next year, but this time its topic should be Traditional Aesthetic Culture: Bread (Tradicionalna estetska kultura: hleb). The Symposium was organized thanks to the financial support of the Serbian Ministry of Science. Project: POPULATION IN SOUTH-EASTERN SERBIA The realization of the project began with the edition Villages in South-Eastern Serbia (Sela jugoistočne Srbije) (a series of monographs). It was inquired into the possibility of publishing other monographs (in print and electronic form), the authors were contacted, consultations on the potential reviewers were also held, etc. The Section received the manuscript of the Bogdan Vasov’s monograph Izatovci. On 26 October 2007, within the work on this project, the Ecological and Anthropogeographic Film Evening (the author was Professor Dr. Dragan Mitić from the Faculty of Occupational Safety in Niš). At the Great Hall of Niš University the following reportage films about ourselves, our past, visions and future were shown: There, Across Ploča (Tu, preko Ploče), Underneath Mt Belava (A Journey Through Space and Time) (Pod Belavom /Put kroz prostor i vreme) and Forests in the Middle Nišava Basin (Šume srednjeg Ponišavlja). 148 Žunić D. (editor), 2007: Traditional Aesthetic Culture: Everyday Routine and Holiday (Tradicionalna estetska kultura: svakodnevlje i praznik). The Proceedings of the Second Scientific Symposium. Niš. Centre for Scientific Research of SASA and Niš University, 118 pages. Žunić D., 2007: Aesthetics - The Theory of Aesthetic Culture (Estetika - teorija estetske kulture), Teme, No. 3, 549–574. SECTION FOR BIOMEDICAL INVESTIGATIONS (Prof. Dr. Vojin Savić) Project: RESEARCH ON ENDEMIC NEPHROPATHY IN SOUTHEAST SERBIA (Academician Sveto Suša) In 2007, research on endemic nephropathy was partly conducted according to the programme. However, part of the time was still devoted to an analysis of the results of the research conducted during the past years. The urinary syndrome was especially analyzed, although there is no possibility of determining the protein concentration in the urine by electrophoresis at the Niš Clinical Centre. For decades now, protein eletrophoresis has been done at the Military Medical Academy but, for the time being, there are no financial resources for it. The electrophoresis of protein in the urine is very important for tracking the type of proteinuria, not only for diagnosing but also for treating endemic nephropathy, in this case. In 2007, the investigation of endemic nephropathy in the village of Moravac, located on the eastern bank of the Južna Morava, covered 50 members of the families with patients with endemic nephropathy. The investigations, included a detailed anamnesis, physical examination and an analysis of the first urine in the morning. The additional clinical investigations included 12 persons with a pathological urinary diagnosis. Thus, in 2007, the diagnostics of those patients was completed. The results of these investigations show that, in this phase, it cannot be ascertained that endemic nephropathy is in regression, especially because the contemporary diagnostic methods were not applied during the routine investigation. The initial phase of endemic nephropathy requires kidney biopsy and other laboratory methods. Accordingly, the study of the incidence of endemic nephropathy and the tumour of the urothelium will be enabled by continuing monitoring and contemporary diagnostic methods. The criteria proposed by some authors are not adequate for the study of endemic nephropathy and it will be a great mistake to use them in the future. During 2007, two papers were published and one paper was prepared for printing, i.e.: Raičević R., Čukuranović R., Suša S.: Investigation of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy in Members of Endemic Families in the Endemic Village of Moravac. 149 Project: THE RISKY SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR OF THE STUDENTS OF NIŠ UNIVERSITY AND THEIR EXPERIENCES WITH DRUGS Within this project, the Section organized, in cooperation with the Section for SocioEconomic Research, the scientific symposium The Risky Sexual Behaviour of the Students of Niš University Students and Their Experience with Drugs (Rizično seksualno ponašanje studenata Univerziteta u Nišu i njihova iskustva s narkoticima) (Niš University, 21 December 2007). SECTION FOR ENERGETICS Project: DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTIGATION OF FLAT SOLAR ENERGY RECEPTOR FOR THERMAL AND ELECTRIC CONVERSION (Prof. Dr. Tomislav M. Pavlović) In 2006/07, the Laboratory for Solar Energy at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Niš realized two international and three projects, which were financed by the Serbian Ministry of Science in the field of energy efficiency, in addition to publishing one book, three papers in the proceedings of the international conferences, three papers in domestic journals, three papers in monographs and three abstracts of the papers presented at an international conference. In 2006/07, the laboratories of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš (Laboratory for Electronic Design Automation, Laboratory for Electronic Systems Design and Laboratory for Electrical Installations and Lighting) worked on the realization of four energy efficiency projects, which are financed by the Ministry of Science. Within the work on these projects, apart from the provision of numerous concrete technical solutions, one doctoral dissertation was defended and a greater number of papers was published in international and domestic journals. The Faculty of Occupational Safety in Niš was involved in the realization of two international and two national energy efficiency projects. In addition, Professor Dr. Dragan Mitić prepared the scientific monograph The Middle Nišava Basin - The Fundamentals of the Strategy of Protecting Natural and Man-Made Values (Srednje Ponišavlje - osnove strategije zaštite prirodnih i stvorenih vrednosti) for publishing. In 2006/07, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš worked on the realization of one international project and several projects which are financed by the Serbian Ministry of Science in the field of energy efficiency. It was also involved in the realization of commercial energy efficiency projects a greater number of the relevant papers was also published. The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Niš was involved in the realization of one energy efficiency project and a number of the relevant papers was also published. 150 SECTION FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC RESEARCH (Prof. Dr. Marko Sekulović) On 21 December 2007, in accordance with the Centre’s Programme and Plan of Activities, the Section for Socio-Economic Research organized, the scientific symposium The Risky Sexual Behaviour of the Students of Niš University and Their Experience with Drugs, in cooperation with the Section for Biomedical Research. The participants (psychologists, psychiatrists, epidemiologists, sociologists and educators) from Niš University and the relevant medical institutions presented 13 papers. The proceedings are currently being prepared. Among other things, the participants accepted the proposal that the symposium should be only the first step in the preparation and conduct of comprehensive interdisciplinary research on this issue. 151 CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF SASA AND UNIVERSITY OF KRAGUJEVAC Director of the Centre: Academician Nikola Tasić Deputy Director: Professor Dr. Miloš Kojić SECTION FOR LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (Prof. Dr. Mirjana Detelić) Project: CULTURAL AND LITERARY LIFE OF KRAGUJEVAC In 2007, the publication (Ab)uses of History in Serbian Literature (1945–2000) (/ Zlo/upotrebe istorije u srpskoj književnosti /1945–2000/) came out. Its editors were Dr. Mirjana Detelić, SASA Balkanological Institute, and Dr. Dragan Bošković, FILUM, Kragujevac. The Proceedings were published within the edition Liceum (No. 11) and contain the texts from the cycle of lectures bearing the same name, which were held in 2005 and 2006, in cooperation with the National Library in Kragujevac. The book deals with the “reactions of literature to the political and historical events over the past sixty years“. Liceum No. 11 was promoted at the National Library in Kragujevac, on 11May, with the participation of the editors of the Proceedings. Under its programme, the National Library in Kragujevac continued its cooperation with the Centre for Scientific Research of SASA and Kragujevac University. In 2007, the new topic, “Musical Life in Kragujevac in the 19th Century and in the First Half of the 20th Century“ (“Muzički život Kragujevca u 19. i prvoj polovini 20. veka“), was introduced within the project “Cultural and Literary Life of Kragujevac“. One segment from music history was presented at the exhibition of music posters entitled “The Concert Codes of Kragujevac“ (“Koncertni kodovi Kragujevca“), which was held on the Day of the Library in June 2007. During the year, the preparation of the bibliography of the most significant literary journal Koraci was continued. However, it was not printed due to the prolonged preparations for its publishing and financial problems. The associates of the Centre for Scientific Research of SASA and Kragujevac University presented their papers at several scientific meetings and continuously contributed to the periodicals devoted to the cultural history of Kragujevac. SECTION FOR HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY (Dr. Milenko Bogdanović) Liceum No. 11, The Hidden Horizon - The Landmark of the History of Serbian Science (Skriveni horizont - razmeđa istorije srpske nauke) was published. Edited 152 by Dr. Aleksandar Petrović, it contains the texts from the cycle of lectures organized in cooperation with the Student Cultural Centre in Kragujevac during 2006/07. The presentation of the Proceedings took place on 27 March, in the presence of a great number of visitors who regularly attended all lectures within this cycle. The speakers were Professor Dr. Aleksandar Petrović, historian Dejan Obradović and the Secretary of the Centre Lela Vujošević. On the basis of the competition for the purchase of publications, the Serbian Ministry of Culture purchased this book and distributed it to public libraries in Serbia. In 2007, the activities of the Archaeological Department included as follows: - The work on the make-up of the monograph GRIVAC - The Settlements of the Protostarčevo and Vinča Culture by Dr. Milenko Bogdanović was completed and the City of Kragujevac provided the funds for its printing. - The material for the new relative chronological classification of the Vatin culture was collected, systemazied and partly processed. - Research on the topics related to prejudices and mistakes in Serbian archaeology started. SECTION FOR STUDYING PEOPLE (Prof. Dr. Ljubinko Radenković) The book Korićani - A Village in Šumadija (Korićani - selo u Šumadiji) by Milivoje D. Milosavljević, the late curator of the National Museum in Kikinda, was published. This book deals with the history, settlement, material and social culture of the village and represents a specific cultural monument of the village of Korićani. The book was presented in the house of priest Miloje Bajraktarović, in cooperation with the National Museum in Kragujevac, on 16 October. The speakers at the presentation were Professor Dr. Ljubinko Radenković, SASA Balkanological Institute, and Dr. Vesna Marjanović, Director of the Department for the Study of National Culture of the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade. In the second half of 2007, there began the cycle of lectures “The European Image of the Balkan Woman“ (“Evropska slika balkanske žene“), which was initiated and coordinated by Professor Dr. Đorđe S. Kostić, scientific advisor at the SASA Balkanological Institute. 1. The Image of the Balkan Woman in British Travels from 1919 to 1939 (Slika žene Balkana u britanskim putopisima od 1919. do 1939.) - Sanja Lazarević-Radak, MA, SASA Balkanological Institute (18 October). 2. The Serbian Woman in British Travels of the 19th Century (Žena Srbije u britanskim putopisima 19. veka) - Dr. Ljubodrag P. Ristić, SASA Balkanological Institute (20 November). 3. Woman and Her World (Žena i njen svet) - Professor Dr. Đorđe S. Kostić, SASA Balkanological Institute (13 December). 153 SECTION FOR SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS (Prof. Dr. Branislav Čabrić) In the second half of 2006, three lectures within the cycle “A Fairy Tale About Electricity” were held. Their coordinator was Professor Dr. Vukota Babović, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Kragujevac. In the first half of 2007, the cycle was continued with the following lectures: 4. The Dream of Tesla’s Cat (San Tesline mačke) - Professor Dr. Aleksandar Petrović, FILUM (22 February) 5. Tesla’s Creative Method (Teslin stvaralački postupak) - Professor Dr. Radomir Đorđević, Faculty of Physics, Belgrade (22 March) 6. Nikola Tesla’s Journey into Astronomy (Astronomski izlet Nikole Tesle) Professor Dr. Jelena Milogradov Turin, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade (19 April). Within the Section, Dr. Miljana Stojanović continued to work on the topic: THE STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE KOSOVSKA MITROVICA ENCLAVE AND THE PROPOSED MEASURES FOR ITS PROTECTION, IMPROVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Field and laboratory research on the quality of air, aero-sediments, surface and ground waters, industrial waste disposal sites and dust, which was conducted in 2007, did not reveal any more significant change. It was largely focused on the sites that were identified as being significant in the previous peruod. In the entire region, industrial waste disposal sites, including both dispersed and concentrated waste, were systematically investigated. It is estimated that at four sites, Leposavić, Žarkov potok, Gornje polje and Žitković, about 100 million tons of industrial waste are deposited. As for dispersed industrial waste, it is impossible to estimate its exact quantity due to incomplete data. The samples from these waste disposal sites were taken from various spots, to the depth of up to one metre below the surface, by available sampling equipment. A total of 204 samples was taken: 8 from Žarkov potok (which is hardly accessible due to the Albanian surroundings), 68 each from other three waste disposal sites and 12 from the Gater Plateau in Žitkovac. In these samples the presence of 15 heavy metals was detected by the method of X-ray fluorescence, on the apparatus NITON XLp 300А/700А, with Cd109 as the source of radiation. The presence of the following heavy metals was detected: Zr, Sr, Rb, Pb, As, Zn,Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn, Cr, Mo, Se, Hg and Co, which totals 3,240 registered heavy metals, while the values so obtained are in ppm. As for toxic metals, the highest concentration was found for Pb - 200.6 ppm in the sample from the Gater Plateau in Žitkovac, then for As - 21.5 ppm, Mn - 63.4 ppm, Hg - 1.9 ppm, Zn - 119.6 ppm and Se - 36.9 ppm, all of them being from the same site. The lowest measured concentration was for Mo - <5.7 ppm. At this site a high concentration of selenium was detected. It is a highly desirable element for human health, but its utilization is not possible due to high concentrations of toxic metals. The density of these waste disposal sites was not measured due to the lack of drilling equipment; the reactions are acid and the anions will be determined in the subsequent period. The 154 waste disposal sites are burdened with extremely high concentrations of heavy metals, they have not been developed and there is sldo a very pronounced erosion caused by the action of wind and water. Thus, they represent an active source of environmental pollution. Field research conducted in Mokra Gora, from Previja to the Savina rijeka, through Jarebinje, up to Mojstir, during the vegetation period, revealed the habitat of the endemic plant - eastern white pine Pinus strobus, Weymouth pine, Pinaceae, whereby the size of the population was estimated. Along the Savina rijeka, from the Jezero sinkhole to the local forest road running toward Uvor, the habitat of the endemic plant Ranunculus scutatus, Ranunculceae, was identified and registered, and the size of the population was estimated. SECTION FOR TECHNICAL SCIENCES (Prof. Dr. Miroslav Demić) 1.0. Study of new vehicle systems It covers the dynamics of vehicles equipped with the new automated control systems, which have not yet been used on vehicles built by Zastava corporation. 1.1. Braking force distribution in vehicles with and without ABS while braking in a straight line The results of research show that the use of ABS on vehicles improves their braking properties on a hard surface. Moreover, in ABS-equipped vehicles, the adhesion coefficient is better utilized on the rear wheels (the adhesion curve approaches the ideal distribution line), thus preventing the locking of the rear wheels. 1.2. The impact of the type of front axle brake on the braking parameters of ABSequipped vehicle The aim was to determine the impact of the rear drum and disc brakes on the braking performance of an ABS-equipped vehicle. Experimental research was conducted on a Zastava Florida 1.3 vehicle equipped with Bosch ABS 2X. 1.3. The impact of the type of front axle brake on the braking parameters of an ABS-equipped vehicle Experimental research was conducted on the vehicle equipped with ordinary and ventilated front axle discs. The analysis of these data revealed that the application of ventilated discks to the front axle improves the vehicle’s braking parameters. 1.4. The impact of the ABS algoritm on the vehicle’s braking parameters Bearing in mind Zastava’s needs, the vehicle model was developed for an analysis of the impact of the ABS algoritm on the braking parameters. In order to verify the vehicle model, experimental research was conducted on a Florida model equipped with ABS Bosch 2X. The verified vehicle model was used for an analysis of the impact of the ABS algoritm while braking the vehicle on different surfaces. 1.5. An active vehicle suspension system In order to overcome technological lagging, the attempts were made to make an analysis of the advantages of active suspenion systems over conventional ones, by 155 employing the dynamic simulation methods. A passenger car equipped with an active, hydraulic suspension system and PID controller was observed. 2.0. Some specific phenomena of vehicle dynamics Here the results of an analysis of the possibilities for developing the driver model, impact of the design parameters on the vehicle’s oscillatory comfort and experimental determination of the vehicle and road parameters will be presented. 2.1 Driver model while driving in a straight line The modelling of a dynamic driver-vehicle-environment system while driving in a straight line is not an easy task in the most general case, it is necessary to introduce simplifications. Since the development of a driver model is linked to a greater number of unknowns, the concept of optimal steering was adopted. 2.2. A contribution to defining the new driver model for lateral vehicle steering The results achieved by using the models of driver-vehicle-environment system and dynamic simulation confirmed the adequacy of the adopted driver concept. 2.3. The impact of the flow formula on the vehicle’s longitudinal vibrations On the basis of the adopted vehicle and dynamic simulation models, an analysis of the impact of the drive patterns on the vehicle’s longitudinal vibrations was made. 2.4. А������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������� nalysis of the possibilities for measuring the parameters of the macroand micro road sections and vehicle dynamics without using gyroscopically stabilized platforms The procedure for measuring the parameters of macro- and micro road sections as well as the parameters of vehicle motion, without using gyroscopic devices was developed. For determining the unknowns the optimization methods were employed. The analyses show that the method can be applied in practice and that it enables the indirect calculation of six parameters of vehicle motion, or devices for measuring the parameters of the macro- and micro road sections (three translations and three rotations). Demić M., Raičević M., Neagu E., 2007: Comparison of braking parameters and drivers reactions in case of vehicles with and without ABS. Scientific Bulletin, Automotive Series, University of Pitesti - Faculty of Mechanics and Technology, XII, No 16, 50–60. Demić M., Raičević M., Stanojević M., 2007: Influence of the front axle brake type on the vehicles braking parameters in an ABS equiped vehicle. 17th International Scientific Conference “Transport” 2007, Mechanical Transport Communications, 3, Sophia, VI-49–VI-54. Demić M., Raičević M., 2007: Research of ABS algorithms influence on vehicles braking parameters. Transport, Warshava, 33–42. Demić M., Diligenski Đ., Demić I., Demić M., 2007: A contribution to optimal design of vehicle active suspension system. Omul si Mediul, CD 24. 07. 2007, Timisoara, Romania, 25–43. Demić M., Diligenski Đ., Demić I., Demić M., 2007: A contribution to analysis of behaviour of the dynamic system: Driver-Vehicle-Road. Scientific Bulletin, Automotive Series, University of Pitesti - Faculty of Mechanics and Technology, XII, No 16, 30– 49. 156 Šakota Ž., Diligenski Đ., Demić M., 2007: The effect of wheel formula on heavy truck longitudinal vibrations. 11th European Automotive Congress, Budapest, 246– 249. Demić M., Diligenski Đ., Demić I., Demić M, 2007.: A Contribution to Design of Macro and Micro Road Profilometer. The Archives of Transport, Vol. XIX, No 1–2, 27–40. SECTION FOR MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS (Prof. Dr. Aleksa Maričić) Project: PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOME NEW METAL AND NON-METAL MATERIALS IN CRYSTAL AND AMORPHOUS STATE (Prof. Dr. Aleksa Maričić) In 2007, experimental and theoretical research was focused on the impact of structural changes in metastable systems on their functional properties. Nanocrystal powders of Ni-Co and Ni-Mo alloys were studied. By employing the method of measuring the thermoelectric motive force and changing electric and magnetic properties, a distinct correlation of a change in the density of the state of electrons at the Fermi level and a change in the electrical resistance of all powders was determined. It was revealed that - in the temperature range of the process of structural relaxation - it comes to a mild increase in the density of the state of free electrons, easing of microtension and lessening of the density of defects. This results in an increase in the magnetic permeability of these powders even up to 50 %. For Ni95,4Mo4,6 alloy powder it was determined that after the process of structural relaxation, the relative change in the density of the state of electrons amounts to ΔNrel/N = 5 %, аnd after the process of crystalization ΔNcr/N= 15 %. For two amorphous iron-based alloys Fe89,8Ni1,5Si5,2B3C0,5(A) and Fe81B13Si4C2(B) in strip form the processes of structural relaxation were studied in detail. By using a very sensitive dilatometrical method it was showed that the process of structural relaxation takes place in two phases. In the first phase there exists the linear dependence of the logarithm of isothermal strip expansion on time, while during the second phase there exists the linear dependence of isothermal strip expansion on the square root of time. The experimental dependences so obtained point to the conclusion that the first phase of structural relaxation is a kinetic process and the second a diffuse one. Theoretical and experimental research on the process of hydrogen absorption on crystal cobalt power was conducted. of hydrogen on the crystal cobalt powder was conducted. The defined theoretical model of absorption process is in a correlation with the experimental results. 157 Minić D.M., Maričić A.M., Dimitrijević R.Z., Ristić M.M., 2007: Structural changes of Co70Fe5Si10B15 аmorphous аlloy induced during heating. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 430, 241–245. Kalezić-Glišović A., Mitrović N., Maričić A., Simeunović R., 2007: Magnetoimpedance effect in Fe89.8Ni1.5Si5.2B3C0.5 metallic glass ribbons. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 555, 533–538. Vulićević Lj., Ivanović N., Maričić A., Srećković М., Vardić С., Plazinić М., Tomić Ž., 2007: Hidrothermal treatment of electrochemically synthesized nanocrystalline magneticiron oxide powder. Science of Sintering, Vol. 39, 85–91. Petrović V.V., Maričić A., Labus N., Ristić M.M., 2007: Influence of mechanical activation on synthesis and properties of the MgO-TiO2. Science of Sintering, Vol. 39, 59–65. Mitrović N., Čukić B., Jordović B., Roth S., Stoica M., 2007: Microstructure and microhardness in current annealed Fe65.5Cr4Mo4Ga4P12C5B5.5 bulk metallic glass. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 555, 521–526. Kalezić-Glišović A., Mitrović A., Maričić A., Simeunović R., 2007: Study of stress-annealing enhancement of magnetoimpedance effect in Fe89.8Ni1.5Si5.2B3C0.5 metallic glass ribbons. 13th CSMAG, Košice, Slovačka, July 2007, Book of Abstracts. Maričić A., Kalezić-Glišović A., Mitrović N., Simeunović R., Đukić S., 2007: Correlation between isothermal annealing and magnetic susceptibility relative change of the Fe89.8Ni1.5Si5.2B3C0.5 amorphous alloy. YUCOMAT 2007 Conference, Herceg Novi, September 2007, Book of Abstracts. Maričić A., Aleksić O., Mitrović N., Minić D.M., 2007: Corelation between the change of electron density states on the Fermi level and the relative change of the magnetic permeability of the Fe.81B13Si4C2 amorphous alloy. YUCOMAT 2007 Conference, Herceg Novi, September 2007, Book of Abstracts. � Maričić A., Kalezić-Glišović A., Simeunović R., Vulićević Lj., Ristić M.M., 2007: ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Correlation between isothermal expansion and functional properties change of the Fe.81B13Si4C2 amorphous alloy. FITEM 2007, Čačak, avgust 2007, Book of Abstracts. Maričić A., Kalezić-Glišović A., Mitrović N., Rafailović L., Ristić M.M., 2007: The effect of structural changes on functional properties of the Fe73,5Cu1Nb3Si15,5 B7 metastable alloy. FITEM 2007, Čačak, avgust 2007, Book of Abstracts. Grujić A., Ćosović V., Talijan N., Staić-Trošić J., Maričić A., 2007: A comparative study of rapid quendhed Nd-Fe-B alloys with different Nd content in optimized magnetic state. FITEM 2007, Čačak, avgust 2007, Book of Abstracts. Spasojević M., Krstajić N., Maričić A., Ribić-Zelenović L., 2007: Hidrogen absorption in pressed cobalt powder. FITEM 2007, Čačak, avgust 2007, Book of Abstracts. SECTION FOR BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH (Academician Miodrag Ostojić) Preserving the successful tradition of continuing medical education, the Ninth Seminar on Vascular Doppler Ultrasonography was organized from 9 to 11 November. It had 25 158 participants from Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. Lectures and practice sessions were conducted by 12 lecturers, while Professor Ian P. Dunn, VNUS Medical Technologies, London, ran the workshop demonstrating varicose vein surgery by the method of radiofrequency obligeration. Due to a great interest, it was shown by the video beam. SECTION FOR BIOTECHNICAL STUDIES (Corresponding Member Dragan Škorić) Project: THE VARIABILITY OF GLIADIN ALLELES IN THE DOMESTIC VARIETIES OF WHEAT (Prof. Dr. Desimir Knežević) In the new 30 analyzed varieties of wheat the hitherto known alleles were identified, so that the existing variability of Gli alleles was registered in the domestic varieties of wheat. The hitherto investigations of wheat revealed that a total of 59 alleles was identified: 47 Gli а�������������� lleles with 6 Gli-���������������������������� locus and 13 аlleles with 3 Glu-1 ������� locus. In this year’s investigations revealed 4 new Gli alleles, which were not identified in the previous investigations of durum wheat: Gli-B1b, Gli-B1d, Gli-A2f and Gli-B2b. The identified alleles, encoded with the same designation differ in durum wheat and in ordinary wheat in terms of the number and distribution of the components whose synthesis they control. This year’s investigations revealed 6 new alleles in durum wheat. Knezevic D., Paunovic A., Madic М., Djukic N., 2007: Genetic analysis of nitrogen accumulation in four wheat cultivars and their hybrids. Cereal Research Communications, 35, 2, 633–636. Torbica A., Antov M., Mastilovic J., Knezevic D., 2007: The influence of changes in gluten complex structure on technological quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Food Research International, 40, 1038–1045. Torbica A., Živančev D., Knežević D., 2006: Electrophoretic analysis of wheat gliadins in media of different acidity. Proceedings of Symp. with int. partic. Improvement of agricultural production in Kosovo and Metohia, 26–29 June, Vrnjačka Banja, 99– 102. Knezevic D., Zecevic V., Micanovic D., Djukic N., Paunovic A., Madic M., Djalovic I., 2007: Yield and quality of winter wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.). Proceedings of International Conference on Long-term Experiments, Agricultural Research and Natural Resources, 31May – 1 June, 2007, Debrecen-Nyírlugos, Hungary, 90–94. Knezevic D., Kovacevic V., Paunovic A., Madic M., Djukic N., 2007: Genetic analysis of physiological eficiency of nitrogen in four wheat cultivars and their hybrids. Proceedings of 1st International Conference Research People and Actual Tasks on Multidisciplinary Sciences, ������������������������������������������ 6����������������������������������������� –���������������������������������������� 8��������������������������������������� June 2007, Lozenec, Bulgaria, 16–20. Knežević D., Yurievna-Dragovich A., 2007: Polymorphysm of Gli-D1 alleles of Kragujevac’s winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.). Genetika, 39, 2, 273–282. 159 Knežević D., Yurievna-Dragovich A., Zečević V., Đukić N., 2007: Polymorphism of Gli-A1 alleles in winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L). Kragujevac Journal of Science, 29, 1, 139–147. Zečević V., Knežević D., Mićanović D., 2007: Seed dry matter accumulation of wheat in different maturity stages. Kragujevac Journal of Science, 29, 1, 129–138. Micanovic D., Zecevic V., Knezevic D., ���������������� Delic D., 2007: Method for selection of wheat on possibility of nitrogen fixation. Book of Abstracts RHIZOSPHERE 2 International Conference, Montpellier, France, 26 – 31 August 2007, 174. Project: GENETIC BASES OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL QUALITY OF WHEAT (Prof. Dr. Desimir Knežević) During the second year of investigations, 20 varieties of wheat were covered in which, in the previous investigations, gliadin and glutenin alleles, responsible for the quality of gluten in wheat flour, were identified. The quantitative relationship between gliadin and glutenin in the gluten protein complex is 1:1. These two gliadin components determine the technological quality of gluten, dough properties (extension and reistance to extension) as well as bread properties. The investigated varieties were cultivated under different nitrogen nutrition conditions, in which the technological quality properties and their variations and stability were stabylized. For all 20 varieties, protein sedimentation, as the basic quality indicator, was analyzed. Paunovic A., Madic М., Knezevic D., Bokan N., 2007: Sowing density and nitrogen fertilization influences on yield components of barley. Cereal Research Communications, 35, 2, 901–904. Paunovic S.A., Madic М., Knezevic D., Djurovic D., 2007: Planting density and fertilization effects on general spring barley tillering. Proc. of Int. Sym. Trends in the development of european agriculture (ed. Alexandru Moisuc), May 24–25, 2007, Timişoara, 65–70. Zečević V., Knežević D., Mićanović D., 2007: Variability of technological quality components in winter wheat. Genetika, 39, 3, 365–374. Dodig D., Zorić M., Knežević D., Dimitrijević B., Šurlan-Momirović G., 2007: Assessing wheat performance using environmental information. Genetika, 39, 3, 413– 425. Project: VARIABILITY OF AMINO ACIDS IN DOMESTIC VARIETIES OF WHEAT (Dr. Nevena Đukić) The amino acid content in the wheat kernel is of great significance for its nutritional value and that of wheat products. As protein monomers, amino acids also determine the protein properties by their biochemical properties. Essential amino acids in the amino acid content are of great significance. 160 Our investigations covered 71 lines of Triticum aestivum. In addition, an analysis of 20 varieties of Triticum durum and two varieties of barley was made with which the comparisons of the total amino acid concentration were made in one paper. This year’s investigations also covered the amino acid content of 40 new genotypes of Triticum aestivum. Our investigations revealed the differences in the amino acid composition and concentration. The qualitative analysis of the amino acid composition and seeds of the investigated lines of T. aestivum and varieties of T. durum points to the prevalence of proline, glutamic acid, threonine, valine and tryptophan. The total concentration of free amino acids shows that their content is higher in durum than in T. aestivum. An analysis of the content of individual amino acids in the wheat kernel revealed that, compared to other amino acids, glutamic acid and proline concentrations were higher. Glycine, norvaline and threonine concentrations were somewhat lower. Sarcosine, norvaline and tryptophan were present in the lowest concentrations and in some varieties they were found only in traces. Djukic N., Knezevic D., Novoselskaya-Dragovich Yu.A., 2007: Polymorphism of Gli-A1 alleles and quality properties in 21 durum wheat genotypes. Cereal Research Communications, 35, 2, 345–348. Knežević D., Đukić N., Madić М., Paunović A., Zečević V., 2007: Comparison of amino acids contents in barley and wheat. Proc. �������������������� of Int. Symp. Trends in the development of European agriculture (ed. Alexandru Moisuc), May 24–25, 2007, Timişoara, 71–76. Research Programme: BIOENGINEERING 1. Developing Lung: Bioengineering Approach (MAE- Blood Flow in MicroAngiEctasias, Blood Flow CFD, Modelling of Airflow and Particle Deposition in Alveolar System), under the Agreement with Harvard University, USA. The project objectives (for the part that is carried out in Kragujevac): Developing the methods of modelling and simulation for the areas of blood flow through micro blood vessels, through large blood vessels, modelling of thrombosis by discrete particle methods, modelling of air flow through the alveolar system and particle deposition deep in the lungs, modelling of tying particles to membranes and their penetration into the tissue. Modelling of ligand diffusion in the intercellular space. 2 Project with “Jaroslav Černi” Institute for Water Management, Belgrade: Developing the Method and Software for Determining Fluid Flow Through Porous Media, with Their Specific Application in the Modelling of Absorbing Wells. The project objective is to develop the method of modelling and simulation for the areas of groundwater flow with the transmission of contaminants and applications in the modelling of absorbing wells. Project results: Software for practical applications in the design of the water supply system with Renney wells was developed. 161 3. Project: Developing the Method and Software for Modelling the Electromagnetic Field in Functional Electrostimulation in the Arm, under the Agreement with Integrated Microsystems Austria. The project aims (for the part that is carried out in Kragujevac): Developing the method of modelling and simulation in the field of electrostimulation. Project results: Software which is used for modelling electrostimulation of the arm. 4. Project: Developing the Computer Methods and Software for Modelling and Simulation in the Field of General and Biomedical Engineering. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Kragujevac are also involved in the project. The project objectives are to develop the methods in computational mechanics and software to be used in the field of general and biomedical engineering. 5. Project: Methods of Modelling Biomechanical Systems with Applications in Medicine. The collaborators in the project are also the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine in Kragujevac, and the Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics in Kragujevac. The objectives of this multidisciplinary project, falling into the category of Basic Researches, are the development of the methods in computational mechanics and software in the field of biomedical engineering and integration with laboratory investigations of the fundamental and applicative character in medicine. 6. Project: Bilateral Programme of Scientific and Teechnological Cooperation Between Serbia and Greece, Development of an Anatomic Model for Simulation of the Spreading of Excitations in the Complex System of Electro-Cardio-Biomechanics. The collaborators in the project are the University of Kragujevac and Ioannina University in Greece. The project result is the software program for the better understanding of electro-cardio-biomechanics. 7. Project: Modelling of Blood Flow Through the Blood Vessel from Real Patient Data Using Medical Image Processing and Computer Modelling, under the Agreement on Principled Cooperation with the DKFZ Institute, University of Heidelberg, Germany. The calculations with real patients were initiated by using DICOM scans with multislice CT Scanner and Magnetic Resonance. Specialized algoritms and software for the 3D reconstruction of blood vessel walls are developed. For large calculations, which require solving several hundred thousand equations, GRID infrastructure is also used. 8. Project SEE-GRID2: South-Eastern European Grid-Enabled E-Infrastructure Development 2, Contract No. 031775. Development of GRID infrastructure and distribution of the resources with GRID infrastructures in the territory of South-Eastern Europe. The existing 15-node cluster machine is used in the project, and the equipment of 4 additional computers, as part of the material costs of this project, was also acquired. Application which is used on GRID infrastructure is the simulation of blood flow through arteries. 9. Experimental work: In 2007, in the Laboratory for Biomedical Research of the Faculty of Medicine in Kragujevac, the biomechanical properties of isolated blood vessels 162 were investigated by varying perfusion pressure (in the presence and absence of Larginine). Stojanovic B., Kojic M., Rosic M., Tsui C.P., Tang C.Y., 2007: An extension of Hill’s three-component model to include different fiber types in finite element modelling of muscle. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 71, 801– 817. Tang C.Y., Tsui C.P., Stojanovic B., Kojic M., 2007: Finite element modelling of skeletal muscles coupled with fatigue. International Journal for Mechanical Sciences, 49, 1179–1191. Kojic M., 2007: Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics - a brief overview. IACM Expressions, 21, 18–21. Stojanovic B., Kojic M., 2007: Modeling of Musculoskeletal Systems Using Finite Element Method. Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol. 1, No 1, 110–119. Rankovic V., Ristic B., Kojic M., 2007: Interal fixation of femoral bone comminuted fracture - FE analysis. Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol. 1, No 1, 120–128. Vlastelica I., Veljkovic D., Rankovic V., Stojanovic B., Rosic M., Kojic M., 2007: Modeling of urinary bladder deformation within passive and active regimes. Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol. 1, No 1, 129–134. Kojic M., Isailovic V., Stojanovic B., Filipovic N., 2007: Modeling of cell mechanical response by biphasic models with activation. Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol. 1, No 1, 135–143. Dimkic M., Krstic M., Filipovic N., Stojanovic B., Rankovic V., Otasevic L., Ivanovic M., Nedeljkovic M., Trickovic M., Pusic M., Boreli-Zdravkovic Dj., Djuric D., Kojic M., 2007: Comparison of different configuration of Ranney wells using finite element modeling. Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol. 1, No 1, 144–153. Filipovic N., Nedeljkovic M., Peulic A., 2007: Finite element modeling of a transient functional electrical stimulation. Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol. 1, No 1, 154–163. Kojić M., Filipović N., Stojanović B., Ranković V., Krstić M., Otašević L., Ivanović M., Nedeljković M., Dimkić M., Tričković M., Pušić M., Boreli-Zdravković Đ., Đurić D., 2007: Finite element modeling of underground water flow with Ranney wells. Regional IWA Confrence on Groundwater Management in the Danube River Basine and Other Large River Basins, Belgrade, Serbia, 7–9 June. Filipovic N., Kojic M., Tsuda A., 2007: Multiscale modeling of thrombosis using coupling of dissipative particle dynamics with continuum finite element method. XXXIV European Society for Artificial Organs Congress, Krems, Austria, Intl. J. Artif. Organs, 30 (8), 709. Filipovic N., Kojic M., Tsuda A., 2007: Nanoparticle applications in medicine and biomedical engineering. 2nd ��������������������������������������������� Knowledge-based Multicomponent Materials for Durable and Safe Performance, 24–25 October, Vienna, Austria. 163 Filipovic N., Kojic M., Tsuda A., 2007: New approach in thrombosis modeling by Dissipative Particle Dynamics. The 8th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Engineering, 27–29 September, Lefkada, Greece. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Filipovic N., Kojic M., Ivanovic M., Tsuda A., 2007: Blood flow and thrombosis modeling in large arteries. Parallel Blood Flow Simulation, PBFS, 10–13 December, Milano, Italy, BioinfoGRID. 164 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN 2007 In 2007, international cooperation was one of the core activities and the programme priority of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Its attention was devoted to the promotion and expansion of cooperation with foreign academies and international scientific institutions and organizations, either through membership in these organizations, or through the implementation of scientific cooperation agreement. The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts continued to establish and promote cooperation with the national academies of the EU member countries, as well as with other academies, especially those in the region. The SASA maintains its international cooperation through: - The exchange of researchers under bilateral agreements on scientific cooperation (inter-academy, inter-institutional and inter-state agreements). Non-currency exchange was agreed with 17 national academies within the realization of 146 joint research projects. - Multilateral cooperation, which implies the activities linked to the programmes financed from the European Commission’s and other funds (FP 6, FP 7, SEE-ERA.NET, COST, IAP, ICSU, UNESCO); - Membership in non-governmental international scientific associations and panels at all levels, that is, at the global (IAP, ICSU), European (ALLEA, IUA, EASA, EAASH), regional (CЕEN, ICBSS) and Balkan (IAC SEE) levels; - Participation in international scientific meetings abroad, as well as the organization of such meetings at home; - Lecturing by renowned foreign and domestic scientists. The year 2007 was marked by very intensive activities of the SASA members in competing for the European Commission’s funds for the development of scientific activity, so that science can assume that place in society which will contribute to Serbia’s accelerated development and, on an international scale, the place which belongs to it due to its capacities and results. Our Academy also participated within the Central and East European Network of Academies of Sciences (CEEN) in one of the calls of the Seventh EU Framework Programme, that is, the RESEARCH POTENTIALS Programme, which is especially designed for the Western Balkans. This project was highly evaluated by the European Commission. Our researchers participated in the regional FP 6 ERA NET activity under the title South-East European Research Network (SEE-ERA.NET). Within the FP 6 cycle funds, one part was earmarked for financing the centres of excellence in the West Balkan countries. Of the ten centres, Serbia obtained eight, of which six in the field of physics. The directors of these centres of excellency are SASA members: Academician Nikola Konjević, Corresponding Members Zoran Popović and Zoran Petrović. 165 The Work of the Committee for International Cooperation and the Commission for Inclusion of the Academy in International Projects At the proposal of the Executive Board, the SASA Presidency brought the decision to appoint the Committee for International Cooperation. The members of the Committee are the representatives of the SASA Departments, while Academician Ljubiša Rakić was appointed President. The Committee adopted its principles of work and assignments. The Committee will monitor the Academy’s cooperation with international associations, as well as bilateral cooperation, which implies the monitoring and realization of the concluded agreements and protocols and thematic plans. At the same session of the SASA Presidency, the Commission for the inclusion of the Academy in international projects was also appointed. International Activities of SASA In 2007, the Academy took an active part in numerous international conferences, hosted a great number of delegations, and its representatives also paid visits to other national academies. On 1 March 2007, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts was visited by Thierry de Montbrial, a member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of the French Institute in Paris. One of the most influential French theoreticians in the field of international relations, Thierry de Montbrial published the book L’action et le systéme, which was presented at the Academy. The representatives of the University of Bologna, Professor Gianfranco Cicognani and Professor Francesco Pizzio, visited the SASA on 23 March 2007. The guests from Italy came to Belgrade on the occasion of the International Exhibition “Kosmika“, which was staged in the SASA Gallery from 16 to 25 March 2007, within the exhibition devoted to Nikola Tesla. At the invitation of the SASA President, Academician Nikola Hajdin, the Academy was visited by the delegation of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, including Academician Kostantin Kosev, Vice-President, Professor Dr. Aleksandar Popov, Scientific Secretary, and Gergana Doncheva, an expert at the International Cooperation Service. Their visit lasted from 10 to 13 May 2007. The two parties adjusted the Thematic Cooperation Plan for the period 2007–2009, with a total of 26 projects. The Agreement and Protocol on Scientific Cooperation for the period 2007–2010 were concluded at the beginning of the year by mail. The annual exchange quota was increased by 50 man/ weeks each. Under the programme of their visit, the delegation visited the SASA Branch in Novi Sad and the Institute of Physics in Belgrade. In the organization of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, UNESCO and International Council for Science, Kishinev, Moldova, hosted the Conference of the Academies of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe entitled “Global Science and National Policies: The Role of Academies“, on 4 and 5 May 2007. The SASA delegation included Academician Nikola Hajdin and Corresponding Members Marko Anđelković and Vladimir Stevanović, who took an active part in the Conference. 166 The SASA President, Academician Nikola Hajdin, participated in the spring session of the Assembly of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, at the invitation of its President, Professor Peter Schuster. The Assembly was held in Vienna, on 23 May 2007. The SASA returned the call of Bishop Lukijan of Osijek Polje and Baranja and its representatives, Academician Dimitrije Stefanović, the Secretary General of SASA, and Časlav Ocić took part in the presentation of the book The Serbian Orthodox Parish in Dalj (Srpska pravoslavna parohija u Dalju) by Archpriest Aleksandar Đuranović from the First Dalj Parish. The presentation took place in Dalj, on 26 May 2007. As the SASA representative, Academician Ljubiša Rakić participated in the work of the meeting The European Union and the Countries of South Eastern Europe, held in Budva, from 28 to 30 May 2007. At this meeting, he presented his paper entitled “A View on the Development of Intellectual Capacities and Research Potentials“. The President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and a foreign member of SASA, Professor Felix Unger, visited the Academy on 29 and 30 May 2007. He delivered the lecture on European Perspectives of Serbia at the Academy. Professor Felix Unger also visited the Ministry of Science and was promoted to the title of honorary doctor of Belgrade University, at the proposal of the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade. The delegation of the Romanian Academy, including Academician Ionel Haiduc, President, Academician Marius Sala, Vice-President, and Academician Paun Ion Otiman, Secretary General, visited the Academy from 28 to 31 May 2007. During this visit, the Agreement and Protocol on Scientific Cooperation between the two Academies was concluded for the next five-year period. The thematic plan of cooperation for the period 2007–2009 was also adopted, including 23 projects. The delegation also visited the SASA Branch in Novi Sad and Matica srpska. The Eighth Meeting of the Central and Eastern European Network (CEEN) was held in Budva, on 1 and 2 June 2007. The SASA delegation included Academician Stevan Koički, Vice-President, Academician Ljubiša Rakić, a member of the SASA Presidency, and Corresponding Member Časlav Ocić. The participants in the meeting adopted the Budva Declaration. From 1 to 6 June 2007, Oslo hosted the 81st General Assembly of the International Union of Academies (IUA), which was attended by Academician Dragoslav Marinković and Corresponding Member Ljubomir Maksimović as the SASA representatives. The Ninth Meeting of the Central and Eastern European Network (CEEN) was held in Kluj-Napoca, Romania, on 5 and 6 October 2007. The SASA was represented by its President, Academician Nikola Hajdin, and Corresponding Member Časlav Ocić. The participants adopted the Kluj Declaration confirming the deliberations of the Budva Declaration. The Declaration calls on national governments and financial institutions to provide funds for financing scientific research, thus facilitating participation in the projects of the European Commission. The Turkish Academy of Sciences and the International Organization of Black Sea Countries organized the meeting of the Council of Presidents of National Academies of Sciences (CoPNAS) in Ankara, on 5 October 2007. On behalf of SASA the meeting was attended by Academician Ljubiša Rakić, who presented the SASA proposals for the future CoPNAS activities. 167 The Second French-Serbian Summer School devoted to water quality control was held in Vrnjačka Banja, from 6 to 12 October 2007. The SASA representative was Corresponding Member Vladimir Stevanović. The meeting of the European members of the International Council for Science (ICSU) was held in Bern, on 26 October 2007. The host was the Swiss Academy of Sciences and the meeting was attended by 34 representatives of the European academies of sciences and large national foundations for science. On behalf of SASA, the meeting was attended by Corresponding Member Đorđe Šijački. On 18 and 19 October 2007, Amesterdam hosted the conference entitled “The Beginning of Regional Cooperation among the Academies of Sciences of South Eastern Europe in the European Research Area“. The conference was jointly organized by the ALLEA and the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences and Arts. The conference was attended by 30 representatives of 21 academies. The SASA was represented by its President, Academician Nikola Hajdin, and Academician Zoran Kovačević, President of the SASA Branch in Novi Sad. The first meeting of the European academies, entitled “Academies in Europe of the 21st Century“, was held in Paris, from 21 to 23 October 2007, in the organization of the French Institute. On behalf of SASA, the meeting was attended by Academician Tibor Varadi, who presented his paper on the topic The Academic and Dissident Opinions. The Inter-Academy Council of South Eastern Europe and the Programme Committee held the meeting in Sarajevo, on 26 October 2007. This meeting was attended by Academician Nikola Hajdin, SASA President, and Academician Ljubiša Rakić, President of the Committee for International Cooperation and the Chairman of the Programme Committee. The participants also adopted a declaration. The International Council for Science (ICSU) organized the Forum of the Working Group on the Prevention of Natural and Human-Induced Environmental Hazards and Disasters in Paris, on 29 October 2007. Our representative was Corresponding Member Vladimir Stevanović. The Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts marked the 40th anniversary of its work on 8 November 2007. On behalf of SASA, this event was attended by its VicePresident, Academician Nikola Tasić, and Academician Gojko Subotić. The Third World Scientific Forum was held in Budapest from 7 to 10 November 2007. It was attended by over 350 delegates from all parts of the world. Our Academy was represented by Academician Zoran Kovačević, President of the SASA Branch, and Academician Dragoslav Marinković. At the invitation of the SASA President, Academician Nikola Hajdin, the delegation of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences visited Belgrade from 4 to 7 November 2007. The delegation was led by its Secretary General, Professor Huang Haotao. The two Academies signed a scientific cooperation agreement for a period of 5 years. The delegation visited the SASA Branch in Novi Sad and Novi Sad University. In addition, it visited the Institute of International Politics and Economics, the House of Flowers and the Numismatic Collection of the National Bank of Serbia. The President of the Academy of Athens and foreign member of SASA, Academician Panayotis Vokotopulos, stayed in Belgrade from 11 to 15 November 2007. He delivered 168 the introductory lecture on The Influence of Renaissance Painting on the Orthodox East: The Example of the Cretan School at the SASA. With Academician Vokotopulos it was talked about the promotion of cooperation between the two academies. The Giorgio Cini Foundation organized the international meeting entitled New Forms of Cultural Cooperation in the Globalized World in Venice, on 15 and 16 November 2007. The SASA representative was Academician Dimitrije Stefanović, SASA Secretary General. On 3 December 2007, the SASA President, Academician Nikola Hajdin, received Professor Dr. Ivan Charota, a Slavist from the Faculty of Philology in Minsk. Professor Charota published a number of articles and books on Serbian literature, history of literature, bibliography and anthropology. Apart from the SASA President, Academician Predrag Palavestra, Secretary of the Department of Language and Literature, Academician Dobrica Ćosić and Corresponding Member Predrag Piper were also present. The formal session of the Assembly of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, held in Berlin, on 14 December 2007, was attended, on behalf of the SASA, by its Secretary General, Academician Dimitrije Stefanović. *** During 2007, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts was visited by heads of diplomatic-consular missions in Belgrade, who talked with the members of the Executive Board of the SASA Presidency, or participated in significant meetings organized at the Academy. The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts hosted a number of the representatives of the renowned foreign and domestic institutions: - H.E. Sándor Pap, Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary - Thierry de Montbrial, a member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of the French Institute in Paris - Professor Gianfranco Cicognani and Professor Francesco Pizzio, representatives of Bologna University - H.E. Ajay Swarup, Ambassador of India to Belgrade - Delegation of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Professor Felix Unger, President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts - Delegation of the Romanian Academy - Dr. Ana Pešikan, Serbian Minister of Science - H.E. Hristos Panagopulos, Ambassador of the Republic of Greece - H.E. Clair Birgin, Australian Ambassador - Delegation of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences - Academician Panayotis Vokotopulos, President of the Academy of Athens - Vojislav Brajović, Serbian Minister of Culture - Zoran Lončar, Serbian Minister of Education - Radomir Naumov, Serbian Minister of Religion - Predrag Bubalo, Serbian Minister of Trade and Services 169 Participation of the SASA representatives in more important international meetings: - “Global Science and National Policies: The Role of Academies”, Moldova, Kishinev - Spring Session of the Assembly of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria - The European Union and Countries of South Eastern Europe, Budva, Montenegro - Eighth Meeting of CEEN, Budva, Montenegro - 81st General Assemnly of the International Union of Academies, Oslo, Norway - Ninth Meeting of the Central and Eastern European Network of Academies (CEEN), Kluj-Napoca, Romania - Meeting of CoPNAS, Ankara, Turkey - Second French-Serbian Summer School, Vrnjačka Banja - European Meeting of ICSU, Bern, Switzerland - Аcademies in Europe of the 21st Century, Paris, France - Meeting of the Inter-Academy Panel for South Eastern Europe, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Meeting of the ICSU Working Group, Paris, France - Cooperation of the Academies of Sciences of the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Amsterdam, Netherlands - “New Forms of Cultural Cooperation in the Global World”, Venice, Italy - 40th Anniversary of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje, Macedonia - Third World Scientific Forum in Budapest, Hungary - Formal Session of the Assembly of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Berlin, Germany Bilateral Scientific Cooperation Under the Concluded Agreements The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts concluded bilateral agreements on scientific cooperation with 17 national academies. Under these agreements, a total of 179 man/ weeks each year is anticipated for the non-currency exchange of our researchers. In 2007, under bilateral agreements, a total of 145 man/weeks was utilized, of which 103 weeks were utilized by foreign researchers and 42 weeks by domestic researchers. In 2007, the scientific cooperation agreements and protocols were signed and the thematic plans were adjusted with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Romanian Academy, while the Thematic Coopration Plan was adjusted with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The Scientific Cooperation Agreement was concluded with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, while the Cooperation Agreement for Granting Scholarships to Serbian Researchers for the Swedish Universities was concluded with the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. The text of the Agreement on Cooperation with the Athens Academy was adjusted and its signing is expected next year. 170 Cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences The Cooperation Agreement with the Austrian Academy of Sciences was signed in October 2005 for a period of five years. It anticipates the annual exchange quota of four weeks each. The Austrian Academy participates in the subproject Corpus of Monumental Byzantine Painting within the international project Scientific Approach to the Protection of Cultural Heritage in South Eastern Europe, initiated by the Turkish Academy of Sciences. The anticipated quota for the exchange of researchers is four weeks each, but was no used by either side. Cooperation with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences The Agreement and Protocol on Scientific Cooperation with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences were signed and exchanged by mail in February, while the Thematic Plan was adjusted during the visit of the BAS delegation in May 2007. The Protocol was signed for a period of three years, with the possibility of being automatically extended for another three years. The Thematic Plan includes 26 joint projects and the annual quota for the exchange of researchers is 50 weeks in the first year of the validity of the Protocol. After that period, the quota will be adjusted to the needs and financial possibilities of the two sides. Underway is the adjustment of the new project: Synthesis of Engine Oil from Vegetable Oils by Using a Solid Acid Catylist, which is led by the University of Niš, Faculty ot Chemical Engineering in Leskovac (project leader: Professor Dr. Miodrag Lazić) and the BAS Institute of Catalysis (project leader: Professor Alla Spojakina). Cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus The Scientific Cooperation Agreement was signed in November 1998 and the Protocol in 2001. The annual exchange quota is four weeks for each side, while the Thematic Plan contains only one joint project. Cooperation with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences The Agreement on Scientific Cooperation with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences was signed in December 1997 in Belgrade and in January 1998 in Budapest, while the Protocol on Cooperation for the period 2007–2009 was signed in December 2006. The Thematic Cooperation Plan was adjusted at the beginning of 2007 and contains 15 joint projects. Cooperation with the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts The Agreement on Scientific Cooperation with the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts was signed in 1996 and the Protocol on Scientific Cooperation for the period 2006–2008 in October 2006 in Skopje. The Thematic Cooperation Plan of the two Academies contains six joint projects. 171 Cooperation with the Polish Academy of Sciences The Agreement on Cooperation with the Polish Academy of Sciences was signed in 1998 and the Protocol on Scientific Cooperation with the Thematic Plan of Projects for the period 2004–2006 in November 2004. Тhe Thematic Plan contains five projects and the annual quota for the exchange of researchers is seven weeks each. Cooperation with the Romanian Academy of Sciences The Agreement on Scientific Cooperation with the Romanian Academy was signed, together with the Protocol, in May 2007 in Belgrade, and was signed by the SASA President, Academician Nikola Hajdin, and the President of the Romanian Academy, Academician Ionel Haiduc. The Agreement was signed for a period of five years, with an automatic extension for another five years. The new Thematic Plan includes 23 joint projects and the annual exchange quota is 15 weeks each. Cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences The Agreement on Cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences was signed for a period of five years in 1994, with an automatic extention for another five years, unless either party decides otherwise. In October 2006, the Protocol on Scientific Cooperation for the period 2006–2008 was signed in Moscow. The annual quota for the exchange of researchers is 25 weeks each and 31 joint projects were adjusted under the Thematic Plan. Cooperation with the Slovak Academy of Sciences The Agreement on Scientific Cooperation with the Slovak Academy of Sciences was signed in 2001 and the Protocol for the next three-year period in June 2002. The Thematic Plan includes four joint projects, with the possibility of its extension. The annual quota for the exchange of researchers is four weeks each. Cooperation with the Turkish Academy of Sciences The Agreement and Executive Protocol on Cooperation with the Turkish Academy of Sciences were signed in April 2005 and will be in force until either signatory party requests otherwise. The annual quota for the exchange of researchers is six weeks each. As a partner, the SASA participates in the multilateral projects initiated by the Turkish Academy of Sciences: Scientific Approach to the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of South-Eastern Europe, with the subproject Corpus of Monumental Byzantine Painting. Apart from the Turkish Academy and SASA, the Athens Academy, Austrian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Academies of Sciences of South Eastern Europe, i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo and Montenegro, are also involved in the project. 172 Cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine The Agreement on Scientific Cooperation with the Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was signed in 1997. The Protocol on the Continuation of Cooperation between the SASA and the Institute for the period 2005–2007 was signed in May 2004, defining 7 man/weeks for exchange and adjusting four joint projects. The Agreement on Cooperation between the SASA and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for a period of three years was signed in Belgrade, in February 2006, with the provision of its automatic extension for another three-year period. The annual exchange quota is seven weeks each and the Thematic Plan includes 11 projects. Underway is the adjustment of the new project Analysis of Partial Differential Equations with Singularities (Analiza parcijalnih diferencijalnih jednačina sa singularitetima). The project leaders are the SASA and Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics in Novi Sad (project leader: Corresponding Member Stevan Pilipović) and the NASU Institute of Mathematics (project leader: Professor Anatoliy Samoylenko). The initiative of the Ukrainian side for the compilation of the Ukrainian-Serbian Dictionary (Ukrajinsko-srpski rečnik) was accepted. Cooperation with the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic The Agreement on Cooperation with the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic was signed in 1998 for a period of five years, with the possibility of automatic extension. In April 2006, the Protocol on Scientific Cooperation for the period 2006– 2008 was signed. The annual exchange quota is ten weeks each and the Thematic Plan includes eight joint projects. Cooperation with the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities The Cooperation Agreement between the SASA and Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities was signed in 1988 and is still in force. At the initiative of the Swdish side, the Agreement on the Non-currency Exchange of Researchers was signed in November 2004, stipulating the exchange quota of 10 man/weeks. In May 2007, the Academy was visited by Professor Sven Gustavson, a member of the Royal Academy and foreign member of SASA. On that occasion, the presentation of the Stockholm-Belgrade Proceedings of the Third Swedish-Serbian Symposium, held in Stockholm from 21 to 25 April 2004, was organized. It was also agreed to hold the Fourth Symposium in Belgrade, in the first week of October 2008, in the organization of the SASA and with the support of the City Assembly of Belgrade. In June 2007, the Agreement on Cooperation between the two Academies was signed and exchanged by mail. It refers to the granting of scholarships to Serbian researchers for Swedish universities in the fields of the humanities, religion, legal sciences and study of national heritage. 173 Cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Bejing The Agreement on Scientific Cooperation between the SASA and CASS for the period 2007–2012 was signed in Belgrade at the beginning of November 2007, during the bisit of the CASS delegation from Beijing. The Agreement was signed by the SASA President, Academician Nikola Hajdin, and the Secretary General of CASS, Professor Huang Haotao. The Agreement stipulates cooperation through joint research projects, reciprocal visits with the aim to elaborate and develop projects, exchange experiences and participate in international scientific meeting and exchange of postdoctoral students in order to prepare for the future scientific work, as well as to exchange scientific information and literature. The Agreement anticipates the annual quota for the exchange of researchers of seven weeks each. Cooperation with the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei The SASA and Accademia Nazaionale dei Lincei signed the Memorandum of Understanding and exchanged by mail in the autumn of 2006. This document established the framework for cooperation between the SASA and the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. All details concerning the enforcement of the Memorandum will be defined upon the conclusion of the Executive Protocol. Сooperation with the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts In October 2006, the two Academies signed the Pro Memoria about their cooperation and adopted the Thematic Cooperation Plan for the period 2006–2008, including 18 joint research projects. *** During the year, 92 members and associates of SASA went on study trips, attended scientific meetings in the country and abroad, and participated in the working bodies of international associations or, as the SASA representatives, in significant international meetings. The SASA was visited by 194 scientists under bilateral agreements on the non-currency exchange of researchers, as participants in scientific meetings, and as lecturers or members of official delegations. About as many researchers visited scientific institutions outside the SASA, which collaborate on the projects under the SASA bilateral agreements. 174 SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS AND LECTURES IN 2007 In 2007, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts organized 16 scientific meetings, 13 lecturers, Introductory Lectures, Formal Session on the Day of the Academy and 10 commemorative gatherings. Scientific Meetings 1. The International scientific meeting entitled the 5th EU-JAPAN JOINT SYMPOSIUM ON PLASMA PROCESSING Radicals and Non-equilibrium Processes in Low-Temperature Plasmas was held at the SASA, in cooperation with the Institute of Physics in Belgrade (ESF Programme). The scientific meeting lasted three days, from 6 to 9 March 2007. Apart from domestic researchers, it was attended by scientists from the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, USA, Mexico, Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Hungary, Austria and Denmark. 2. The Committee on Somnology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Serbian Association of Neurologists organized the national symposium, with international participation, devoted to Sleep and Sleep Disorders, on 10 May 2007. The participants also included the researchers from the USA. The Symposium attracted a great number of participants from health institutions from all parts of Serbia. 3. On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Study of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy, the meeting bearing the same name was held at the University of Niš, on 18 and 19 May 2007. It was organized by the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Serbian Medical Society and its branch in Niš, under the auspices of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. 4. The round table on The Methodological Problem in the Study of the Origin of the Albanians was organized on 21 June 12007, at the proposal of the Committee on Philosophy and Social Theory of the SASA Department of Social Sciences. The interdisciplinary round table dealt with the historiographic, linguistic, archaeological, cultural and other aspects of the problem of studying the origin of the Albanians. 5. In cooperation of the SASA and Bioethical Committee of the National Commission for Cooperation with the UNESCO, the scientific meeting entitled The Council of Europe’s Bioethical Instruments and Promotion of Research Ethics in Serbia (Bilateral Meeting Within the Framework of the Cooperation Programme to Strengthen the Rule of Law), with the renowned participants from the Council of Europe’s Bioethical Department, on 28 and 29 June 2007. 6. The scientific meeting Physics and Technology of Materials - FITEM ’07, within the 7th Symposium on the Theory and Technology of Sintering, was organized in Čačak, from 6 to 8 August 2007, at the proposal of the Inter-Departmental Committee for Physical Chemistry of Materials of the Department of Technical Sciences. The coorganizers were the Technical Faculty in Čačak, Institute of Physics (Centre for Solid State Physics and New Materials - Belgrade) and the SASA Institute of Technical Sciences. 175 7. From 24 to 27 September 2007, Novi Sad was the venue of the International Scientific Conference ММ-VII Symmetries and Mechanics. Its participants were also the scientists from Greece, Italy, Austria and Ukraine. 8. The SASA Department of Fine and Musical Arts and SASA Musicological Institute organized the International Scientific Meeting Musical Modernism - New Interpretations from 11 to 13 October 2007. Apart from domestic lecturers, the papers were presented by experts from the United Kingdom, Greece, Slovenia, Austria and Denmark. The participants also visited the archaeological site of Viminacium. 9. At the proposal of the SASA Department of Language and Literature and in coorganization of the Old Slavonic Section of the SASA Institute of the Serbian Language, the scientific meeting Standardization of the Old Slavonic Cyrillic Alphabet and Its Registration in Unicode took place from 15 to 17 October 2007. In the SASA Gallery, the concert of the choral music performed by the Mixed Choir of the Valjevo Church “Hadži Ruvim” and conducted by Dragan Vasiljević was organized. The visit to the monastery of Manasija was also organized. 10. At the proposal of the Inter-Academy Committee on Catalysis of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the scientific meeting Catalysis as a Scientific and Technical Discipline in Social Progress, Science and Education was organized on 24 October 2007, with international participation. Apart from domestic participants, the papers were presented by researchers from Belgium, Hungary and the United States. On 25 October 2007, the guests visited the Pavle Beljanski Gallery in Novi Sad, the old centre of the town and the Museum in Sremski Karlovci, as well as the monastery of Krušedol. The foreign guests also visited the White Palace. 11. On 29 October 2007, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Urological Section of Serbia organized the national scientific meeting Urinary Bladder Cancer and Urinary Derivations, with international participation. Apart from domestic researchers, it was attended by French, Bulgarian and Macedonian scientists. 12. In cooperation with Inter-Academy Council for South-East Europe and under the sponsorship of Serbian President Boris Tadić, the Academy of Sciences and Arts organized the international-regional scientific meeting Endemic Nephropathy and Tumours of the Urothelium on 9 and 10 November 2007. Parallel to this meeting, on 9 November 2007, a press conference was organized. Its participants were the veteran researchers, pioneers of endemic nepropathy in the Balkans. On 10 November, the foreign participants visited endemic villages in the Kolubara region and visited the Institute of Endemic Nephropathy in Lazarevac. The lecturers and listeners were able to see the exhibition of scientific works by the pioneers of endemic nephropathy, Professor Dr. Milenko Ivić, published between 1954–1961, and Professor Dr. Vojislav Danilović, published in the period 1957–1966. 13. On 15 November 2007, at the proposal of the Department of Medical Sciences, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts organized the International Conference Obesity: Patogenetic Aspects and Therapeutical Possibilities. The coorganizers were the National Working Group for Obesity of the Serbian Ministry of Health, Serbian Association for the Study of Obesity and the Committee for Obesity of the Endocrinological Section of the Serbian Medical Society. 176 14. The Inter-Departmental Committee on the Biology of Human Reproduction of the SASA Department of Medical Sciences organized, in cooperation with the Gynecological-Obstetrician Section of the Serbian Medical Society, the one-day national scientific meeting with international participation, entitled Chronic Non-contageous Diseases and Pregnancy, Part I, on 20 November 2007. It was also attended by Hungarian and Slovenian researchers. 15. On 17 and 18 December 2007, the scientific meeting, entitled The State and Perspectives of the Science of the Serbian Language, was organized on the 60th anniversary of the Institute of the Serbian Language, in cooperation with the SASA Department of Language and Literature. 16. On 18 December 2007, the scientific meeting marking the 80th anniversary of the birth of Academician Nikola Pantić (1927–2007), entitled Nikola Pantić and the Relevance of His Work, was held at the proposal of the SASA Department of Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences, in cooperation with the Museum of Natural History in Belgrade. Introductory Lectures The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts organized the Formal Session at which the newly elected, full members of SASA presented themselves with their introductory lectures. The newly elected academicians were introduced by the department secretaries according to the list to the list of speeches made according to the year of their election in SASA membership. The gathering lasted two days. On the first day, on 16 October 2007, the speeches were delivered by Academicians Nikola Konjević, Marko Ercegovac, Živorad Čeković, Boško Petrović and Antonije Đorđević, and on the second day, on 17 october 2007, by Academicians Bogdan Đuričić, Vladimir Kostić, Milosav Tešić, Dinko Davidov and Miloš Blagojević, while Academician Nikola Janković presented himself with the exhibition of his works in front of the great hall. Formal Gatherings On 19 November 2007, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts marked the Day of the Academy in its great hall. This event was attended by Serbian President Boris Tadić, Science Minister, Dr. Ana Pešikan, Education Minister Zoran Lončar, Trade and Services Minister Predrag Bubalo and Religion Minister Radomir Naumov. The gathering was also attended by the academicians, heads or representatives of the diplomatic-consular missions in Belgrade from the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Slovakia, China, Japan, Slovenia, Macedonia, Australia, Romania, Russia, Greece, India and Indonesia, church dignitaries, representatives of the Serbian universities, faculty deans, directors of reseach institutes and other public and cultural figures. The gathering was greeted by Serbian President Boris Tadić. The speeches were delivered by the President of SASA, Academician Nikola Hajdin, and Serbian Science Minister, Dr. Ana Pešikan. The actors read the Testaments by Jovan Sterija Popović, Jovan Cvijić 177 and Svetozar Radojčić (Zaveštanja: Jovana Sterije Popovića, Jovana Cvijića i Svetozara Radojčića), which were prepared by Academician Ljubomir Simović. During this event, a short documentary film was showed on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Excavations at the Archaeological Site of Vinča. The newly elected full members of SASA were presented to the public and the SASA President conferred on them the charters about their election. In the artistic part of the programme there appeared the vocal group “Oktoih“. In front of the great hall, the exhibitions of Petar Lubarda’s works, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth, and Paja Jovanović’s works, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death, were staged. Commemorations The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts organized ten commemorative gatherings devoted to the memory of its deceased full members: Academician Ivan Maksimović, Academician Vojislav Đurić, Academician Nikola Milošević, Academician Zvonko Marić, Academician Stevan Raičković, Academician Zoran Konstantinović, Academician Pavle Ugrinov (Vasilije Popović), SASA Vice-President, Academician Stevan Koički, Academician Kosta Mihailović and Academician Vojislav Petrović. Lectures 1. On 23 April 2007, at the invitation of the Serbian Society of Physicists, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbian Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection and the Italian Cultural Institute in Belgrade organized the lecture by Dr. Giacomo Cutone, head of research at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), Director of the Proton Therapy Facility (CATANA) - project at INF-LNS, Director of the Radioactive Beam Facility (EXCYT) - project at INF-LNS and amember of the OECD Working Group on Nuclear Physics. The lecture covered three topics: I The Role of Organization for Economical Co-operation and Development (OECD) for the Future Long-Term Plans of Nuclear Physics; II INFN Activities on Particle Therapy: A Status Report and III EXCYT: The RIB Facility at INFN-LNS. 2. Professor Dr. Axinia Dzurova, Director of the “Ivan Duichev“ Centre for Slavic-Byzantinr Studies, Saint Clement of Ohrid University in Sofia, and a foreign member of SASA, held the lecture on THE CULT OF RULERS - THE EMBLEM OF SERBIAN STATEHOOD (according to the known and unknown materials from the Samokovo Eparchy) on 16 May 2007, at the proposal of the Department of Language and Literature. The lecture was accompanied by the appropriate exhibition of photograph entitled “The Golden Sides of the Bulgarian Middle Ages“. 3. Professor Dr. Felix Unger, foreign member of SASA and the President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg, delivered the lecture on The European Perspectives of Serbia on 30 May 2007. 4. Dr. Elena Yurievna Guskova, scientific advisor to the RAS Institute of Slavistics and a foreign member of SASA, delivered the lecture on Russia’s Foreign Policy in the 178 Balkans: Historical Phases, on 22 June 2007, at the proposal od the Department of Historical Sciences. 5. Professor Dr. Miroslav Radman, Professor of Molecular Biology, a member of the Academy of Sciences of the French Institute, delivered the lecture on Adaptive Evolution in Bacteria and Evolutive Biotechnology on 6 July 2007, as the guest of the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences and Siniša Stanković Biological Research Institute. 6. Professor Dr. Miloš Ercegovac, professor at the University of California in Los Angeles and foreign member of SASA, delivered the lecture on How to Get More for Less: The Trends in Computer Architecture on 20 September 2007, at the proposal of the Department of Technical Sciences. 7. Professor Dr. Berislav Zloković, Professor of Neurosurgery and Neurology at the University of Rochester and foreign member of SASA, delivered the lecture on The Vascular Nature of Alzheimer’s Disease on 27 September 2007, at the invitation of the Department of Medical Sciences. 8. Professor Dr. Marek Stachowski, professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, delivered the lecture The Gipsy, the Laponian, the Brothel - Three Etimologies, on 8 October 2007, at the invitation of the Department of Language and Literature. 9. Professor Dr. Marek Stachowski delivered one more lecture during his stay in Belgrade, at the proposal of the Department of Language and Literature: The Turkish Language and Turkish Languages, Ural Linguistic Family and Several Casual/Incidental Observations on the History of Comparative Linguistics, on 9 October 2007. 10. Dr. Ingo Muller, Professor of Thermodynamics at the Technical University in Berlin and the President of the International Society for Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics (ISIMM) delivered the lecture on Integration and Segregation in the Society of Falcons and Pidgeons - From the Aspect of a Thermodynamician on 10 October 2007, at the invitation of the Department of Technical Sciences. 11. Professor Dr. Zoran Popović, a professor at the University of MacMaster in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Canadian Research Centre of Xerox Company (1974–2005), and foreign member of SASA, delivered the lecture on Organic Semiconductor Devices on 22 October 2007, at the proposal of the Department of Technical Sciences. 12. Аcademician Panayotis Vokotopulos, President of the Athens Academy and foreign member of SASA, delivered the lecture on The Influence of Renaissance Painting on the Orthodox East: The Example of the Cretan School on 13 November 2007, at the proposal of the SASA Department of Historical Sciences. 13. Dr. Luigi Rodino, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Turin and Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences in Turin, delivered the lecture on Shubin Operators and Hypoelasticitiy on 20 December 2007, at the proposal of the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences. 179 PUBLISHING ACTIVITY IN 2007 During the year, the manuscripts were submitted for printing according to the priorities set by the Publishing Board and according to the financial possibilities. The funds were spent on a monthly basis, which corresponded to the monthly inflow of funds earmarked for publishing activity to the SASA Fund for Scientific Research (about 200,000 dinars), but posed an obstacle to a regular submission of new manuscripts for printing. Under such unfavourable circumstances, 25 publications - totalling 650 author’s sheets or 560 press sheets - were printed. In these editions 225 authors published a total of 205 papers. For the Academy, these books were printed in 12,304 copies altogether. The total publishing costs amounted to about 5,200,000 dinars. At the end of December, the additional funds were approved so that 12 new manuscripts were submitted for printing. It is expected that they will come out next year. The editions of the SASA Gallery were financed from special sources. PRESIDENCY Almanac CXIII for 2006 Bulletin of the Scientific Research Fund for 2006, No. 32 Bulletin of Scientific Research. Annual Report for 2006 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND EARTH SCIENCES Bulletin, CXXXIV, Sciences mathematique, No. 32 Glas CDVII, Vol. 60 Bibligraphies IX, Ljiljana Kandić, Bibliography of the Works of Academician Zoran Maksimović Special Editions DCLXII, Vol. 3, Jelena Obradović, Nebojša Vasić, Lake Basins in the Neogen of Serbia DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Bulletin, CXXXVI, Sciences naturelles, No. 45 Bibliographies, Vol. VIII, Biljana Jovanović, Bibliography of Academician Dušan Kanazir Biographies and Bibliographies, I–X, Abstracts, Lives and Work of Serbian Scientists DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES Galerija 110 Editions, Aleksandar Marinčić. Nikola Tesla, The Creativity of a Genius 180 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Glas CDVI, Vol. 49 DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Glas CDVIII, Vol. 23 Serbian Dialectological Proceedings ���� LIII Scientific Meetings CXVII, Vol. 17, Jovan Sterija Popović 1806–1856–2006 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Scientific Meetings CXV, Vol. 28, Kosovo and Metohija. Past, Present, Future Scientific Meetings CXIX, Vol. 29, Social Sciences on the Roma in Serbia Sources of Serbian Law XIV, Miloš Blagojević, Agricultural Legal Code. Medieval Manuscript DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL SCIENCES Spomenik CXL, Vol. 14. Scientific Meetings CXVI, Vol. 30, The First Balkan War in 1912 and the End of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans Proceedings on the Serbs in Croatia, 6 Bibliograhies VII, Vera Pavlović, Bibliography of Academician Vojislav Korać Documents on the Foreign Policy of the Kingdom of Serbia 1903–1914, Vol. II / Supplement 2 - Prepared by Ljiljana Pejković-Aleksić and Života Anić DEPARTMENT OF FINE AND MUSICAL ARTS Music Editions 66, Dušan Radić, Voices from Šumarice. Cantata in Memory of the Killed in Kragujevac in 1941, Op. 16 (1981) Galerija 112 Editions, Insignia of the Metopolitanate of Karlovci 181 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE SASA INSTITUTES IN 2007 GEOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTE „JOVAN CVIJIĆ“ Project:� MODALITIES OF GEOPOTENTIAL VALORIZATION IN UNDEVELOPED REGIONS OF SERBIA (Dr. Marina Todorović�) One of the main aims of the project is to analyze the regional disproportions between economically developed and undeveloped regions in Serbia. The research comprised the identification of the potentials of undeveloped regions, as well as modalities for their proper and unbiased valorization. A systematic overview of definition criteria included natural, economical, statistical, political, and synthetic aspects of the problem. In addition to statistical analyses of the development indicators, several fieldwork observations were realized, which gave valuable new results for further analyses. The planned result is the identification of all undeveloped areas in Serbia and a definition of a concept for their sustainable development. Furthermore, it is of crucial interest to single out the expected positive effects of development and changes in the spatial-functional profile of the studied regions. Zbornik radova broj 56 (Collection of papers N0 56) (160 p.), and Zbornik radova broj 57 (Collection of papers N0 57) devoted to 60 years of Geographical Institute (501 p.), Geografski institut “Jovan Cvijić” SANU, Beograd, 2007. Todorović M., 2007�: Rural Societies and Attractiveness of Rural Regions. ���� I��� n: The rural society of European peripheries, ��������������������������������������������� editor Elke Knappe and Evelin Muller, 39–62, Leibniz-Institut für Landerkunde, Leipzig. Tosic B., Djordjevic J., 2007: Characteristics and Processes in the Rural Settlements and Centres and their Role in the Integration Processes: The Case Study of Carpathian Serbia. Rural Space and Loca Development, Babes-Bolyai University, Turda, ClujNapoca, Romania, 580–586. Djordjevic J., 2007������������������������������������������������������������ : ���������������������������������������������������������� Possibilities for Activation of Potentials of Undeveloped Regions - Case Study of Regional Spatial Plan of Juzhno Pomoravlje Region���. 56th Annual Meeting “Geography in the Regional Studies”, Kielce, Poljska. Djordjevic J., Todorovic �������������������������������������������������������������� M., 2007: Towards new concepts of rural development of Serbia. Fourth International Conference “Global Changes and Problems”, Faculty of Geology and Geography, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria. Bjeljac Ž., Ćurčić N., 2007�������������������������������������������������� : Tourism ������������������������������������������������ in the Serbian and Romanian border area as a part of transborder cooperation. Journal Geopolitica Romania, electronic journal, www.geopolitica.ro/actuality 182 Vemić M., Strugar M., 2007��: Atlas Stare Srbije. Evropske karte Kosova i Metohije. Atlas (1–326). Izdavačko-informativna ustanova ����������������������� Mitropolije Crnogorskoprimorske “Svetigora”, Cetinje - Beograd. MATHEMATICAL INSTITUTE Project: GRAPH THEORY AND MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING WITH APPLICATIONS IN CHEMISTRY AND ENGINEERING (Academician Dragoš Cvetković) Several results in the fields of the theory of graph spectra, mathematical models in chemistry and mathematical programming were obtained. In the bibliography given below, only a part of papers published by the project collaborators in 2007 is included. A complete list of publications can be found at the web site of the Mathematical Institute of the SASA at the address http://www.mi.sanu.ac.yu/projects/projects.htm. See also in this Bulletin, the reports on related projects Computer aided investigations in discrete mathematics (academician Dragoš Cvetković) and Investigations in mathematical chemistry (academician Ivan Gutman). Extensive international cooperation was realized. F.K Bell., D. Cvetković, P. Rowlinson , S.K. Simić , Some additions to the theory of star complements, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 423 (2007), 146–154. D. Cvetković, P. Rowlinson, S.K. Simić, Signless Laplacians of finite graphs, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 423 (2007), 155–171. M. Aouchiche, F.K. Bell, D. Cvetković, P. Hansen, P. Rowlinson, S.K. Simić, D. Stevanović, Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs, 16. Some conjectures related to the largest eigenvalue of a graph, European Journal of Operational Research, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2006.12.059. J. A. de la Pena, I. Gutman, J. Rada, Estimating the Estrada index, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 427 (2007) 70–76. B. Zhou, I. Gutman, On Laplacian energy of graphs, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 57 (2007) 211–220. F. Belardo, E.M. Li Marzi, S.K. Simić, Some notes on graphs whose index is close to 2, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 423 (2007), 81–89. S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, The polynomial reconstruction of unicyclic graphs is unique, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 55(1) (2007), 35–43. S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, Q-integral graphs with edge-degrees at most five, Discrete Mathematics, doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2007.08.055. S.K. Simić, E.M. Li Marzi, F. Belardo, On the index of caterpillars, Discrete Mathematics, doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2006.11.046 . D. Stevanović, N.M.M. de Abreu, M.A.A. de Freitas, R. Del-Vecchio, Walks and Regular Integral Graphs, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 423 (2007), 119–135. 183 D. Stevanović, Research Problems from the Aveiro Workshop on Graph Spectra, Linear Algebra and Its Applications ,423 (2007), 172–181. P. Hansen, D. Stevanović, On Bags and Bugs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2007.05.044 . M. Lepović, On conjugate adjacency matrices of a graph, Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007), 730–738. Z. Radosavljević: On unicyclic reflexive graphs, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 1, No 1, 2007, 228–240. Z. Radosavljević, B. Mihailović, M. Rašajski, Decomposition of Smith graphs in maximal reflexive cacti, Discrete Mathematics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.disc. 2006.11.049 M. Rašajski, On a class of maximal reflexive ?-graphs generated by Smith graphs, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, Vol 1, No 1, (2007), 241– 250. G. Brinkmann, C. Grothaus, I. Gutman, Fusenes and benzenoids with perfect matchings, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 42 (2007), 909–924. B. Liu, I. Gutman, On general Randić indices, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 58 (2007), 157–176. I. Gutman, S. Radenković, A. Graovac, D. Plavšić, Monte Carlo approach to Estrada index, Chemical Physics Letters, 446 (2007), 233–236. Kratica J, Kovačević-Vujčić V, Čangalović M. Computing the metric dimension of graphs by genetic algorithms. Computational Optimization and Applications, doi:10.1007/s10589-007-9154-5 Lj. Pavlović, T. Divnić, A quadratic programming approach to the Randić index, European Journal of Operational Research, 2007, Vol. 176, Issue 1, 435–444. Lj. Pavlovic, The linear Programming approach to the Randić index, ITOR International Transactions in Operational Research, November 2007, Vol. 14, Issue 6, 535–545. M.V.G. da Silva, K. Vušković, Triangulated neighborhoods in even-hole-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007), 1065–1073. Project: GEOMETRY, EDUCATION AND VISUALIZATION WITH APPLICATIONS (Zoran Rakić) In 2007 the participants of the project have continued successful research in the fields of differential geometry and its applications in visualizations and education, theory of knots and links, graph theory, as well in the fields of quantum groups, mathematical physics, theory of probability and statistics, and genomics. Obtained results were presented at the seminars in Belgrade, Kragujevac and Niš, which have been organized by the participants of this project, as well at important international scientific meetings in other countries. Also, the high quality results were published in world wide known mathematical journals and prestigious publications such as monograph S. Jablan, R. Sazdanović, LinKnot: Knot Theory by Computer, World 184 Scientific 2007, which is devoted to the one of the best computer programs for the investigations in the theory of the knots and links. In this year the wide scientific activity of this project have been continued with the organizations of international scientific meetings, publishing of its proceedings, continuation of international cooperation and implementation of obtained results. Some members of our project were participated in the organization of international scientific meetings in other countries. Here we emphasize the project Multimedia Technology for Mathematics and Computer Science Education (http://www.matf.bg.ac.yu /~daad/) which is financed by German foundation DAAD and which is again announced (by this foundation) as one of the best DAAD projects in 2007 (in this field). V. Andrejić, Z. Rakić, On the duality principle in pseudo-Riemannian Osserman manifolds, J. Geom. Physics, 57 (2007), 2158–2166. L. Haapasalo, Dj. Kadijevich, Factors that influence student teacher’s interest to achieve educational technology standards, Computers & Education, 50 (1), 262–270. F. Gavarini, Z. Rakić, Fq[Mat_n], Fq [GLn] and Fq [SLn] as quantized hyperalgebras, Journal of Algebra, 32 (2007), 761–800. S. K. Simić, Z. Stanić, The polynomial reconstruction of unicyclic graphs is unique, Lin. Mult. Alg. 55 (1), 35–43, (2007). M. Antić, M. Đorić, L. Vrancken, Four dimensional minimal CR submanifolds in S6 satisfying Chen’s equality, Diff. Geom. Appl., Vol. 25, No. 3 (2007), 290–298. S. Jablan, R. Sazdanović, Unlinking number and unlinking gap, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 16(10), 1331–1355, (2007). Z. Stanić, On graphs whose second largest eigenvalue equals 1 - the star complement technique, Lin. Alg. App. 420, (2007), 700–710. P. B. Gilkey., S. Ž. Nikčević, Pseudo-Riemannian Jacobi-Videv Manifolds, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, Vol. 4, No. 5, (2007), 727–738. Kadijevich, Dj., Towards a wider implementation of mathematical modelling at upper secondary and tertiary levels. In The 14th ICMI Study Series: New ICMI Study Series , Vol. 10W. Blum, P. Galbraith, H.-W. Henn & M. Niss (Eds.), Modelling and Applications in Mathematics Education ( 349–356), New York: Springer 2007. Project: STOCHASTICS WITH APPLICATIONS (Dr. Slobodanka Janković) This project contains research in probability, random processes and statistics, together with various areas of mathematical analysis, which is the necessary and the basic tool for solving probabilistic problems. In particular, there are results concerning asymptotic properties of random processes with heavy tails, results concerning regular variation, series of functions connected with the product of a trigonometric integral and a trigonometric function, properties of psi and gamma functions, asymptotic behavior of moments of power series distributions, and entire functions with non-negative Taylor coefficients. 185 Milan Merkle, Convexity in the theory of the Gamma function, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 11, No 7 (2007), 103–117. Stojan Radenović: Some properties of C-reflexive localy convex spaces, Univ. Beograd. Publ. ��������������������������������������������������� Elektrotehn. Fak. �������������������������������� Ser. Mat. 18 (2007), 52–58. Trickovic SB, Vidanovic MV, Stankovic MS: Series involving the product of a trigonometric integral and a trigonometric function, Integral transforms and special functions 18 (10): 751–763 2007. Slavko Simić: On a property of entire functions with almost negative zeros, Appl. Anal. Discr. Math. Vol. 1, No. 2 (2007), 353–359. Slavko Simić: Inequalities for psi function, Math. Inequal. Appl. Vol. 10, No. 1. (2007), 45–48. Slavko Simić: Some properties of entire functions with non-negative Taylor coefficients, Math. Notes, Vol. 81, No. 5. (2007), 681–685. Project: ADVANCED METHODS FOR CRYPTOLOGY AND INFORMATION PROCESSING (Miodrag Mihaljević) The project is dedicated to a number of mathematical directions relevant for information processing and particularly to certain information security and coding issues. The main project achievements are within the cryptology and information representation topics. The project activities include international collaboration which is very extensive with Japan and UK, and participation in referee’s and editor’s duties. Also, a goal of the project is to provide a background for the related applications. M. Mihaljevic, M. Fossorier and H. Imai, “Security Evaluation of Certain Broadcast Encryption Schemes Employing a Generalized Time-Memory-Data TradeOff”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 11, no. 12, 988–990. M. Fossorier, M. Mihaljevic and H. Imai, “Modeling Block Encoding Approaches for Fast Correlation Attack”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 53, no. 12, 4728–4737. M. Mihaljevic, “Generic framework for the secure Yuen 2000 quantum-encryption protocol employing the wire-tap channel approach”, Physical Review A, vol. 75, 052334_1–5, May 2007. M. Mihaljevic, M. Fossorier and H. Imai, “Birthday Paradox Based Security Analysis of Certain Broadcast Encryption Schemes”, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences, vol. E90-A, no. 6, 1248–1251, June 2007. M. N. Huxley, J. Zunic: “The Number of n-Point Digital Discs,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 29 (no. 1), 159–161, 2007. J. Zunic, P.L. Rosin, “Convexity Measure for Shapes with Partially Extracted Boundaries”, IET Electronics Letters, vol. 43, no. 7, 380–382, March 2007. 186 J. Zunic and P.L. Rosin, “A Definition for Orientation for Multiple Component Shapes”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4673, 677–685, August 2007. S. Ghilezan, J. Pantovic, J. Zunic: “Separating Points by Parallel Hyperplanes - Characterization Problem” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 18, no. 5, 1356–1363, Sept. 2007. N. Sladoje and J. Lindblad, “Representation and reconstruction of fuzzy disks by moments”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 158 no. 5, 517–534, May 2007 P. Blagojevic and A. Dimitrijevic-Blagojevic, “Using equivariant obstruction theory in combinatorial geometry”, Topology and its Applications, vol. 154, 2635– 2655, 2007. Project: REPRESENTATIONS OF LOGICAL STRUCTURES AND THEIR APPLICATION IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (Zoran Ognjanović) In this project the following issues, which are interesting both from the theoretical point of internal development of mathematical logic and as possible tools for representing and reasoning about some important concepts in computation, are investigated: Representation of proofs, in particular those of substructural logics, in structures of category theory, especially structures close to geometry, application of the results obtained in normalization and in deciding equality of proofs, which is important for the semantics of programming languages. Tanović P, “Non-isolated types in stable theories”, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 145 (1), 1–15. Došen K, Petrić Z, “Medial commutativity”, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 146 (2–3), 237–255. Banković D, “All general solutions of Post equations”, Acta mathematica Sinica - English Series, 23 (5), 945–950. Kapetanovi���������������������������������������������������������� ć M, “On theories with the general disjunction property”, Algebra Universalis, 57 (1), 127–129, 2007. Đorđevic R, Ikodinović N, Mijajlović Ž, “Completeness theorem for topological class models”, Archive for Mathematical Logic, 46 (1), 1–8, 2007. Ognjanović Z., Ikodinović N., A logic with higher order conditional probabilities, Publications de L’Institute Matematique (Beograd), ns. 82 (96), 141–154, 2007. Rašković M., Marković Z., Ognjanović Z., A Logic with Approximate Conditional Probabilities that can Model Default Reasoning, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2007.08.006 Ikodinović N., Rašković M., Marković Z., Ognjanović Z., Measure Logic, LNCS/ LNAI, Vol. 4724, 128–138, 2007. Krapež A., A note on Belousov quasigroups, Quasigroups and Related Systems, 15 (2007), 291–294. 187 Project: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS OF THE RIGID AND SOLID BODIES. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS (Katica R. (Stevanović) Hedrih) Today, it seems generally accepted that nonlinear dynamical problems should be cooperatively addressed through the combined use of analytical, computational, geometrical and experimental approach. Further, interaction between nonlinear dynamics and control, as well as energy transfer between subsystems, plays an important role in advanced engineering systems in order to obtain desired dynamics behavior and improved reliability during operation. The nonlinear deterministic and stochastic dynamics and control of processes in complex mechanical systems are subject of our project research results. New mathematical and phenomenological knowledge is a advances to theoretical and applied mechanics of the rigid and solid bodies and complex hybrid structures and dynamical systems with applications in mechanical engineering. Mechanics of materials with coupled fields is also subject of project research. Partial and partial fractional differential equations of creeping and vibrations of double plate system and axially moving double belt system are derived and solved. A fractional-differential operator with the creep material parameters are introduced. Plate material is elastic or creeping and constitutive relation of stress-strain state is expressed through fractional derivatives. A influence of temperature field was investigated. The finite number of coupled partial fractional order differential equations of transversal vibrations of a creeping connected multi plate homogeneous system and multi belt system have been derived and analytically solved and numerically analyzed. The analytical solution of the system of coupled partial fractional order differential equations of corresponding dynamical free and forced processes are identified. It is also obtained time series functions as a particular components of the solution. Contributions in the form of mathematical description of deterministic and stochastic dynamics of the sandwich multibelt, multibeam or multiplate and multipendulum systems with rheological or hereditary properties and stability of its deformable shape are present. The mass moment vectors coupled for pole and axis are used to present a vector method for the analysis of kinetic parameter dynamics of rigid rotors with deviational properties of mass distribution. Mass moment vectors and their deviational components are used to determine kinetic pressures on axis shaft bearings and compose nonlinear differential equations of rotor dynamics in the Earth’s gravity field. Taking into account impact forces properties for obtain impact (impulsive) kinetic impacts on the shaft bearings and to find center of impact on this rotate body we use the following he expressions for the kinetic impacts (impulses) on the rotor shaft bearings are in the new vector form. Hedrih (Stevanović) K. (2007), Double plate system with discontinuity in the elastic layer, Acta Mechanica Sinica, Springer Acta Mechanica Sinica, Springer, vol. 23, no. 2, 221–229, DOI 10.1007/s10409-007-0061-x 188 Hedrih (Stevanović) K. (2007), Energy analysis in the nonlinear hybrid system containing linear and nonlinear subsystem coupled by hereditary element, Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer, vol. 51, no. 1, 127–140. DOI 10.1007/s11071-007-9197-2 Hedrih (Stevanović), K.,2007), Transversal vibrations of the axially moving sandwich belts, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Springer, vol. 77, no. 7, 523–539. http://springerlink.com/content/?k=Hedrih Hedrih (Stevanović) K., Gadžić S., (2007), On a model of the material particle dynamics and of inert mass depending of velocity, Tensor, N.S., Vol. 68, No. 1 (2007) 51645. #8 Hedrih (Stevanović) K., Simonović J. (2008), Transversal Vibrations of a Double Circular Plate System with Visco-elastic Layer Excited by a Random Temperature Field, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 9, No.1, 47–50. Hedrih (Stevanović) K., (2007), Multifrequency and infinite frequency regimes and Lyapunov exponents as the measures of the hybrid system dynamic integrity, Closing Minisymposa Lecture, Proceedings of the International Summer School APM -Advanced Problem in Mechanics, Saint Petersburg 2007, 157–169. Goroshko O.A., Hedrih (Stevanović) K., (2007), Construction of the Lagrange mechanics of the hereditary systems, Minisymposium Oppening Lecture, Proceedings of the International Summer School APM -Advanced Problem in Mechanics, Saint Petersburg 2007, 133–156. Hedrih (Stevanović) K.R. (2007), For optimal time of study: Vector and tensor methods in classical mechanics. Nonlinear Dynamics, Kharkov, 98–107. Goroshko O., Hedrih K. (2007), Dynamics of the hereditary dyscrete systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, Kharkov, 77–92. Hedrih (Stevanović) K., (2007), Stochastic dynamics of hybrid systems with thermo-rheological hereditary elements, IX International Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications, December 17–20, 2007, Łódź, Poland, Technical University of Łódź. Department of Automatics and Biomechanics. Abstracts p. 62, Full Paper, 193–202. Hedrih (Stevanović) K. (2007), Hybrid system dynamics, Invited lecture, Proceedings First International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, 10–13 April 2007, 79–84. Hedrih (Stevanović) K., Simonović J. (2007), Forsed vibrations of the double circular plate system with viscoelastic layer, Proceedings First International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, 10–13 April 2007, 299–306. 189 INSTITUTE OF MUSICOLOGY .Research in the Institute (seven co-workers and the leader of the project Dr. Danica Petrović) conducted within the five-year project Music at the crossroads - Serbian, Balkan and European perspective. The project was financially supported by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia. During the past year, an international musicological conference “Music modernism - new interpretation” was organized in cooperation with the Department of Fine Arts and Music of the SASA. Volume No. 7 of the journal “Musicology” (Ed. Dr. Katarina Tomašević, 463 pp.) was published. The publication of the Complete Works of Kornelije Stanković was co-financed by the City of Belgrade and the Department of Education and Culture of Vojvodina. The City of Belgrade is also financing the work on the protection and digitalization of the Institute’s phono-archive. An agreement has been signed with Radio Belgrade to commence publication of a series of music CDs with the music of Serbian composers from the recording collection of Radio Belgrade. It will be a research based series, the aim of which is to promote Serbian, mostly 20th century, music. Eleven papers were published in international and twenty five in national journals. The members of the Institute participated at seven international conferences. They gave five lectures abroad and more than twenty in Serbia. The 15th summer school of church music “In Memory of Kornelije Stanković” was organized in cooperation with the Society for the Preservation of Traditions and Development of Sremski Karlovci, while one member of the Institute participated at a summer school of traditional music in Poland. The members of the Institute also worked on maintaining the library, archive and a collection of recordings. The users of our collections come both from Serbia and from abroad (mostly choir conductors and post graduate students from foreign universities who are working on Serbian music). All of them, together with the material, required consultations with the Institute members who are working on a particular topic. INSTITUTE FOR BYZANTINE STUDIES The Institute has been running during the last year and will run in the following years three projects: The Last Century of Byzantium and Serbia (Prof. Radivoj Radić, PhD), Byzantine World in Changing (10th - 12th Centuries) (Prof. Ljubomir Maksimović, PhD, Dr. h. c.; the project is proposed to be extended in order to cover the 13th century as well), Wall Painting and Inscriptions in the 14th and 15th Centuries (Academician Gojko Subotić). All three projects were sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection. The projects were simultaneously included into the scientific program of the SASA, Department of Historical Sciences (for details see the Bulletin of the SASA, Department of Historical Sciences, Groups of projects Byzantine Themes). 190 For the whole of activities of the Institute, see its web-site (available at the moment in English and Serbian): www.vi.sanu.ac.yu. ETHNOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTE Project: IN BETWEEN TRADITIONALISM AND MODERNIZATION: ETHNOLOGICAL/ANTHROPOLOGICAL STUDIES OF CULTURAL PROCESSES IN SERBIA (Dr. Dragana Radojičić) The research will encompass new ways/conditions of life and new forms, generated through the traditional culture in rural and urban environments, enclosed in the transformed forms of creation, or newly made on the old foundations. Under the influence of contemporary European cultural models, certain forms of the culture, founded on traditionalism, found new ways of presentation. The cultural processes which are the subject of this project are in fact on-going, dynamic processes, occurring right before the eyes of the researchers who are contemporaneous to the processes. The aim of the project is to establish and fix different phases of development, laws of transformation and directions of the changes in cultural processes. The subjects of this research are especially important. It is a well established fact that the Serbian society is undergoing a deep, long term transformation, oscillating between a still vivid traditional cultural heritage and the requirements posed by contemporary time. Therefore, there is a necessity to establish a continuity of the traditional values in the newly-created socio-political conditions. The changes are evident on all levels of the society, affecting individuals as well as different social groups and institutions. The importance of the proposed research lies in its applied results in practice, by enhancing the anthropological and multidisciplinary approach, and in the possibility of influencing socio-economic politics. The employment of the ethnological/ anthropological perspective will allow perceiving the status and requirements of an individual in a modern society to be perceived, which could, in turn, help and suggest a choice of measures of cultural politics required for the democratization of the society. The importance of the project can also be seen in the establishment of the most important changes and alterations on a global, social plan, through the transformation of social and cultural relations in the domain of urban-rural. Lada Stevanović, Tradition and Resistance: Elements of Funeral Rite in the Pacifist Movement of Women in Black during the Yugoslav wars. 12. International Festival of Contemporary Arts, Memory and History, Ljubljana 2–10. X 2006), http://www. cityofwomen.org/2006/en/coweb/memory/lada_stevanovic Ivica Todorović, Пространство и время мужчины - в этнологическоантропологическом контексте. VII конгресс этнографов и антропологов Росии - Саранск 2007, секция 11: „Культура повседневности в постсоциалистический период“. 191 Aleksandra Pavićević, Na udaru ideologija. Posebn����������������������� a izdanja Etnografskog instituta SANU 57, Beograd, 2006, 1–400. Miroslava Malešević, Žensko. Etnografski aspekti društvenog položaja žene u Srbiji. Etnološka biblioteka 25, SGC (ur. M. Niškanović), Beograd 2007, 1–264. Milina Ivanović-Barišić, Kalendarski praznici i običaji u podavalskim selima, Posebna izdanja Etnografskog instituta SANU 59, Etnografski institut SANU, Beograd 2007, 1–411, www.etno-institut.co.yu Lasta Đapović, Folk Murning Poems - Life in Sadness and the Afterworld. November 2007, Institute of Slavic, East European and Euroasian Studies at Universitiy of California, Berkeley, USA. Ljiljana Gavrilović, Cyber Museum: Tools for Heritage Protection. Condition of the Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection 1, Proceedings of the Regional Conference held in Kladovo, Serbia (ed. M. Popović-Živančević), ICOM SEE and National Museum in Belgrade, 2007, 167–177. Project: ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF COMMUNICATION IN CONTEMPORARY SERBIA (Dr. Jelena Čvorović) The project deals with diachronic and anthropological analyses of the different modes of production and social integration which characterize cultural communication in different ethnic groups and cultures in Serbia, both on a macro, local and individual level; the subject will be the analyses of the interrelation between the cultural communication systems/forms and the societies which spawn them and within which they develop. This project takes a distinctively anthropological approach to communication. It attempts to analyze and interpret the principal means of communication and communication processes and their numerous, complex interactions within and with the societies in which they have been generated and developed. The project will contrast and compare oral Roma and Vlax cultures and popular Serbian cultures, with the assumption that information is the social, economic and political glue that holds these societies together. Cultures are viewed as systems of communication regulated through a social system. To put it in another way, understand the flow of information and one has a key to understanding a culture. In the past decades, Serbian culture has been striving to invent more efficient ways to increase its capacity to “broadcast” as much information as possible to as many people as possible, while oral traditional societies needed to narrowcast information in a very controlled manner in order to survive. In both societies, access to knowledge is of particular social and economic consequence, and typically highly regulated. The foundation of this approach to communication is the assumption that the unit of analysis should be the community and the social interaction of community members with these events and not to focus exclusively upon the product or artifact, be it a narrative or the usage of internet. The goal is to discover how people become competent in and use various communication forms in their everyday lives as a means of maintaining their social identity. Social behaviors that surround the making and employment of these communication “artifacts” are the key to understanding cultures as systems of 192 communication regulated through a social system. The goal is to understand the various forms of cultural communication in contemporary Serbia and to observe them in a social and political context and to consider their place in the lives of people. We will establish: the utility of perceiving culture as communication and social systems as regulators of information, thereby dismissing the notion that information ever flows freely in any society; the basic differences between oral and literacy oriented societies and the implications of the differences for given societies, especially considering the introduction of a new communication technologies; the attitude of ethnocentrisms of Serbian notions of freedom of speech, role of the press, artistic license, the need to know, what constitutes privacy, and our simplistic dichotomy between fiction and non-fiction narratives. The applied goal is to indicate possible perspectives and particular strategies which could advance the aimed integration of the societies into the multicultural European society. Čvorović J.2007: The enigma of tolerated male homosexuality. Revue de la societe anthropologique de Yugoslavie, vol 42, Belgrade, 437–454. Štrkalj G., 2007: The status of the race concept in contemporary biological anthropology: a review. Anthropologist, 9, 73–78.��������������������� Editor: M.K. Bhasin et al., Publisher: Kamla-Raj Enterprises. Project: ETHNICITY, CONTEMPORARY PROCESSES IN SERBIA, NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES AND THE DIASPORA (Correponding Member Vojislav Stanovčić) The notion of ethnicity became a subject of considerable research in social sciences during the 1970’s, although it seems still today that the notion is not defined or explained in the best terms. Not well understood in theory, ethnicity is in practice often a subject of misuse and political manipulation. The understanding of ethnicity oscillates between essentialism and total relativism, while in reality it bounces from interethnic communication and solidarity to dramatic conflicts, sometimes ending in genocide. Ethnic boundaries in the contemporary world are at the same time enhanced and made not absolute, and ethnicity itself is essentially contained in cultural and political processes. Power issues, political concepts of state sovereignty and modern political communities are intertwined with the concept of ethnic belonging and boundaries, while the concepts themselves are basically different. This brings about a possibility of conflict and, simultaneously, a necessity for a reassessment on the affirmation of (cultural, political, legal) matters concerning interethnic communication and cooperation. Multi-ethnic society is omnipresent today. The knit of ethnic, religious and language boundaries is considered as a significant characteristic of contemporary Serbia and the surrounding regions. Especially in our part of the world, the questions and understandings of ethnic identification processes and power relations have not only a scientific and theoretical significance, but also have considerable social and political consequences. All these represent a solid foundation for scientists who attempt to contribute to a better understanding of the meanings and ways of ethnic division and identifications. As cultural anthropologists/ethnologists, we will deal with ethnicity through cultural phenomena —the construction and symbolic representation 193 of identity, interethnic communication, circumstantial approach, subjective dimensions (the understanding of processes and their meanings from the viewpoint of participants) and political/anthropological dimensions − exploring power relationships, ethnic conflict and particular types of political and legal systems that generate, encourage or restrain ethnic identification processes. The main question of the project is: what is the meaning of ethnic differentiations and belongings in real life and on a symbolic plan, that is, how do multi-ethnic societies function in the domain of culture and politics? The project will be realized through three main thematic frames: Serbia; neighboring countries/region (the Balkans, southeastern Europe); Diaspora. The researchers will investigate a number of different subjects: rule of law and ethnic groups; ethnic and national identification processes in Serbia, judgment against other countries; status, rights and ethnic identity of the minorities; Serbs as a minority in neighboring countries, wider region and Diaspora (historical and new minorities, old Diaspora and new migration waves, relationship of Diaspora and the mother country.) ethnic and other group identities (local, regional, religious); identity strategies of the affirmed, as well as refuted and “hidden” minorities in their fight for recognition; internal variations of ethnic and national identifications (double and multi-identities, regional local patriotism, integration of refugees, absence of ethnic and national identification); the employment of popular culture and cultural heritage in the development of ethnic identities; stereotypes, social closeness/distance. These different scopes of research are connected by the common goal-, which is, to understand ethnicity as a cultural process in contemporary political and social contexts. The contexts comprise wide, general processes, such as globalization, transition, European integration, local characteristics, local, micro-events, historical and contemporary contexts. The contemporaneous of the observed problems does not exclude a historical perspective in cases where such a perspective could contribute to a better understanding of the reality. The principal goal of the project is the understanding of processes of ethnic identifications and their meanings today, the understanding of the dynamics in the relationship between minorities/ majorities, communications and conflict, pointing out to plurality and flexibility and the historical dimension of ethnic identifications. Mladena Prelić, Ethnic Exogamy and Identity: Attitudes and Reality among Serbs in Hungary, Negotiating Culture: Moving, Mixing, and Memory in Contemporary Europe, Reginald Byron and Ullrich Kockel (Editors), Muenster, Berlin, and London 2006: LIT Verlag, 157–181. Sanja Zlatanović, The Roma of Vranje: kurban with five faces, In: Kurban in the Balkans, Balkanološki institut SANU, Posebna izdanja, knj. 98, Beograd 2007, 51–87. Gordana Blagojević, Multi-ethnicity, war and dancers - a case of Serbian cultural and artistic societies in Bosnia and Herzegovina:��������������������������� Dancers �������������������������� without frontiers�, DVD ��� Zbornik radova sa svetskog kongresa u organizaciji UNESKO 2�1th World Congress on Dance Research, Athens 200���� 7���. Mirjana Pavlović, Uskršnji običaji Srba u Batanji, Etnografija Srba u Mađarskoj, 5, Mađarsko etnografsko društvo u Budimpešti, 2006, 51–62. 194 Marta Stojić, Izbrisani: od liminalnosti do metafore. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, 228, godina XXXV, Študentska založba, Ljubljana, 2007, 148–155. INSTITUTE FOR BALKAN STUDIES In 2007, the Institute continued a new set of research topics, embarked upon in 2006, through 6 projects funded by the Ministry of Science, bringing together 26 Institute and 31 non-Institute project members. In addition to a selection of the published results of each project separately presented below, the Institute brought out its annual Balcanica XXXVII/2006 (2007), entirely in English and French. • Further information is available at http://www.balkaninstitut.com Project: MEDIEVAL HERITAGE OF THE BALKANS: INSTITUTIONS AND CULTURE (Dr. Danica Popović) The research addresses several topics relating to the institutions, culture and art of medieval Serbia. A. Institutions of the state and church: 1. Power and identity. Political iconography in medieval Serbia; 2. Christians in the Ottoman empire in the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries. The status, functioning and role of the Orthodox church within the Ottoman empire; 3. Anchoretic monasticism in medieval Serbia. The solitary way of life as parallel with and alternative to coenobitic monasticism. B. Literature: 1. Works of medieval Serbian writers and Old Serbian translations; 2. Areopagitic writings in medieval Serbian theology. C. Culture and art: 1. Fresco programs and iconography in the narthexes of thirteenth-century Serbian churches; 2. Art and society in late medieval and Renaissance Kotor (art, spirituality, culture and social structures in Kotor in the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries). Since mid-2007, the project accommodates a subproject supported by the Ministry of Science, Program of Promotion and Popularization of Science: Electronic Archive of Serbian Medieval Heritage (eASSB in Serbian), conceived of as a database containing texts of sources of medieval Serbian history in electronic form. The initial phase includes the processing of the documentary material (charters and epistles; seal, fresco, coin and other inscriptions), followed by narrative sources (hagiographies, chronicles, genealogies, etc). It includes texts in Medieval Serbian, Greek and Latin from the whole of the Balkans, with an emphasis on the sources relevant to the activity of the Serbian rulers, nobility, church dignitaries and institutions. Popović, D.: Paying devotions to the holy hermit: the shrine of St Prochorus of Pčinja, in Routes of Faith in the Medieval Mediterranean. International symposium. Abstracts (Thessaloniki 2007), 26–27. 195 Popović, D.: Deserts and holy mountains of medieval Serbia: written sources, spatial patterns, architectural designs, Recueil des travaux de l’Institut des Etudes Byzantines XLIV/1 (2007), 253–274. Marjanović-Dušanić, S.: The Holy King. The Cult of St Stefan of Dečani (Свети краљ. Култ Стефана Дечанског). Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies, Spec. eds. 97–CLIO, 2007, 655 p. Marjanović-Dušanić, S.: Patterns of martyrial sanctity in the royal ideology of medieval Serbia, Balcanica XXXVII/2006 (2007), 69–79. Jovanović, T.: Pilgrimages to the Holy Land in Serbian literature in the Thirteenth to Eighteenth Century (Путовања у Свету земљу у српској књижевности од XIII до XVIII века). Belgrade 2007. Fotić, A.: Creating tradition: Milutin’s or Kabalar’s pyrgos? (Стварање традиције: Милутинов или Каваларов пирг?). Peta kazivanja o Svetoj Gori (2007), 169–178. Project: THE DANUBE AND THE BALKANS: HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE (Dr. Đorđe S. Kostić) Focused on research into interactions between the cultures developing on the banks of the Danube, the project is aimed at studying the historical and cultural heritage, the role the river has played as a link between the European southeast and the rest of the continent, and the reconstruction of the growth of urban communities. Its imagological aspect draws on the accounts of foreign travelers as a source for analyzing the image of the Danube area and the Balkans shaped among foreign readerships. The project addresses several interrelated topics, such as: journeys along the Danube in the accounts of German, British, French, Italian, Hungarian and other European travelers; nineteenth- and twentieth-century traveler guides to the Danube area in Serbian and other languages; the industrial heritage in the Danube area; mapping of the Danube area; submerged and surviving archaeological sites; the Danube as reflected in music, literature and the visual arts. Kostić, Đ. S.: Falling in Love with a City. European Travellers in Belgrade 1814–1915. Belgrade: Belgrade City Museum, National Library of Serbia, National Museum, 2007, 200 p. Antić, Č.: Neutrality as Independence. Great Britain, Serbia and the Crimean War. Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies, Spec. eds. 95, 2007, 236 p. Antić, Č.: The Formative years of the Principality of Serbia (1804–56): Ottoman Influences. In: Ottoman Rule and the Balkans 1760–1850: Conflict, Transformation, Adoption, eds. A. Anastasopoulos and E. Kolovos. Rethymno: University of Crete, 2007, 243–248. Ristić, Lj.: King Alexander Obrenović in the “memoirs of a diplomat” (Краљ Александар Обреновић у „мемоарима једног дипломате“). Novovekovne srpske dinastije u memoaristici. Belgrade: Historical Institute, 2007, 121–139. 196 Cvjetićanin, T.: Antiche civiltà tra il Danubio e l’Adriatico, in Balkani. Antiche �������� civiltà tra il Danubio e l’Adriatico. Milan 2007, 15–23. Cvjetićanin, T.: Goldfunde aus einer reichen Frauenbestattung in Sarkamen, I.5.14 a-d. ���� In: Imperator Caesar Flavius Constantinus. Konstantin der Grosse. Mainz 2007. Todorović, J.: Spectacles in the shadow: semi-official festivals of the Orthodox in the Habsburg Empire. In: Festivals of the Defeated, eds. J. Bepler and P. Davidson. Harrassowitz Verlag, 2007, 55–76. Todorović, J.: Of the Power of memory: the ceremonial space and political spectacle in Belgrade 2000–2007. In: Teatar-politika-grad: Studija slučaja. Belgrade: YUSTAT, 2007, 379–400. Kulenović, R.: Industrial Heritage of Belgrade. Belgrade: LUK-ARCH, 2007. Project: HISTORY OF POLITICAL IDEAS IN THE BALKANS IN THE NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH CENTURIES (Dr. Dušan T. Bataković) Based on comparative historical studies of the political principles, systems and institutions of Balkan societies during the last two centuries of the history of Southeast Europe, the project examines the influence of West-European political concepts and institutions, and their gradual adoption in the process of global emancipation of the Balkan peoples on their way towards a European model. The main goal is to explore and explain the perception and implementation of these concepts in Balkan societies. In addition to Serbia, the project encompasses Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Macedonia and Turkey. In October 2007, the colloquium “Comparative history of minorities in the Balkans” was held as part of the joint Institute, CNRS-IRICE, project “Tolerance and Co-existence: the Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Serbia 1804–2004”, supported by the Ministry of Science. In December 2007, the Institute played host to the international conference “An atypical alliance. Franco-Serbian relations 1870–1940”, with participation of project members, Serbian scholars from related institutions and French scholars from the University of Sorbonne-Paris IV. Kosovo and Metohija. Living in the Enclave, ed. D. T. Bataković. Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies, Spec. ed. 96, 2007, 309 p. Bataković, D. T.: The Dečani Question, 2nd rev. ed. (Дечанско питање). Belgrade: Čigoja štampa, 2007, 355 p. Bataković, D. T.: Kosovo and Metohija. History and Ideology, 2nd. rev. ed. (Kосово и Метохија. Историја и идеологија). Belgrade: Čigoja štampa, 2007, 470 p. Trbovich, A. S.: A Legal Geography of Yugoslavia’s Disintegration. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Pavlović, V.: Les États-Unis et les sphères d’influence en Europe de l’Est lors de la II guerre mondiale. Le cas Yougoslave. In : Les traites de paix 1919–1920 et l’Europe 197 au XX siècle, ed. François Boulet. Saint Germaine en Laye: Les Presses Franciliennes, 2007. Protić, М. St.: Sources of the Ideology of the Serbian Radical Movement 1881– 1903. Balcanica XXXVII (2007), 125–143. Svirčević, M.: Constitutional Systems of Serbia and Greece on the Eve of World War One. Balkan Studies 45/1–2 (2007), 45–58. Project: SOCIETY, CULTURE AND COMMUNICATIONS IN THE BALKANS IN PROTO- AND EARLY HISTORY (Academician Nikola Tasić) The chronological and geographical focus of the project is the Balkan Peninsula in the proto-historical and early historical period. The subject of research includes socio-political structures, remains of cultural material, anthropological aspects, communications, spiritual life and cultural interactions. Based on archaeological evidence and written sources, the project attempts to understand the ethnic, cultural and social developments within the given framework and is aimed at drawing nearer to producing a comprehensive picture of ethnic, cultural and social developments in the Balkans of the period. The heterogeneous thematic structure of the project reflects the cultural and ethnic diversity, social and political interactions, geographical extent, chronological frame, richness of archaeological and documentary material. Tasić, N.: In Atlas zur Prähistorischen Archeologie Europas. ���������������� Praha 2007, 467– 487; 655–666. Tasić, N.: Some observations on prehistoric and classical archaeological excavations in Kosovo and Metohija (Neka razmišljanja o praistorijskim i antičkim iskopavanjima na Kosovu i Metohiji). Arheologija Kosova i Metohije. Belgrade 2007, 9–17. Jordović, I.: The tyrant demagogue and social conflict in Syracuse. Istraživanja 18 (2007), 19–30. Jordović, I.: Breach of the rules of warfare during the Peloponnesian War and the contemporary view of the influence of war conflicts on society. Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije 9 (2007), 91–109. Petrović, V. P.: Dardanie dans les itinéraires romaines. Les villes et les agglomérations. ������������������������������������������������������������������� Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies, Spec. eds. 99, 2007, 158 p. Pilipović, S.: Myth and Love. Representations on funerary monuments from the Roman province of Upper Moesia. Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies, Spec. eds. 100, 2007, 176 p. 198 Project: RELIGIOUS AND NATIONAL IDENTITY IN THE VISUAL CULTURE OF THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD (Prof. Dr. Miroslav Timotijević) The project of the Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, is focused on the development of visual culture in the Balkans from the beginning of the seventeenth to the beginning of the twentieth century. Its main goal is to explore the influence of visual culture on the formation of religious and national identity of all nations in the region. In its first phase, this research concentrates on the Orthodox Christian confession and the Serbian entity in the Ottoman and Habsburg empires and in the Republic of Venice in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Member of the project from the Institute of Balkan Studies, Ljiljana Stošić published the following books and papers: Stošić, Lj.: Biblical proverbs and sayings (Библијске пословице и изреке). Belgrade: Srpska književna zadruga, 2007. Stošić, Lj.: Biblical origin of Serbian proverbs and saying (Библијско порекло српских изрека и пословица). Mitološki zbornik 16 (2007), 83–102. Stošić, Lj.: Miloš Obilić as a “New Constantine” in Serbian fourteenth-century art (Милош Обилић као „Нови Константин“ у српској уметности XIV века). Niš i Vizantija V (Niš 2007), 429−441. Stošić, Lj.: “Black Arab” in Serbian art and literature (Црни Арапин у српској књижевности и уметности). Danica 15 (2007), 294−314. Stošić, Lj.: Bible Ectypa and Žefarović’s Opisanije Jerusalima (Библија и Жефаровићево „Описаније Јеруслаима“). Zbornik Narodnog muzeja XVIII/2 (2007), 203−218. Project: FOLK CULTURE OF THE SERBS IN SLAVIC AND BALKAN CONTEXTS (Dr. Ljubinko Radenković) The subject of research is Serbian folk culture viewed in relation to the cultures of other Slavic and Balkan peoples. The research is based on published and unpublished ethnographic, folkloristic and lexical material, for the most part recorded in Serb-inhabited areas during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The material is being enriched with fresh fieldwork data obtained by members of the research team. Comparative studies rely on the corresponding material for other Slavic and Balkan peoples. In a narrower sense, the research focuses on the Slavic and Balkan bases of an archaic concept of the world in Serbian culture, mostly the notions of and attitude towards the transcendental, reconstructable by ethnolinguistic methods. Radenkovi��������������������������������������������������������������� ć, ������������������������������������������������������������ Lj���������������������������������������������������������� .: Беркман и другие духи-властители земных недр у славян. Восток и запад в балканской картине мира. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Slavic Studies, 2007, 258–265. 199 Radenković, Lj.: Белое и черное как признаки мифологических существ (на славянском материале). Балканские чтения 9 (2007), 80–92. Radenković, Lj.: The evil spirit nežit in Slavic written sources and traditional culture (Зао дух нежит у словенским писаним споменицима и народној култури). Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku L (2007), 695–712. Jovanović, B.: Fate and Magic (Sudbina i magija). Belgrade: Prosveta, 2007, 372 p. Jovanović, B.: From believing to knowing (Oд веровања ка знању). Religija i epistemologija. Belgrade: Dereta, 2007. Jovanović, B.: Ethnoculture and ethnomythology (Етнокултура и етномитологија), preface to S. Zečević. Srpska etnomitologija. Belgrade: Službeni glasnik, 2007, 7–25. Luković, M.: Kosovska Mitrovica: Past and Present. In: Kosovo and Metohija. Living in the Enclave, ed. D.T. Bataković, 2007, 83–106. Luković, M.: Tzintzars in Uroševac, Lipljan, Obilić, Priština and Kosovska Mitrovica. In: Kosovo and Metohija. Living in the Enclave, ed. D.T. Bataković, 2007, 225–238. Luković, M.: Evolution of Serbian legal language in the modern age (Развој српског правног језика у модерно доба). Srpsko pravo nekad i sad. Kragujevac 2007, 277–292. Popović, Lj.: Mirrors and Reflections. Focal Perspective of Ukranian Literature (Огледала и одрази. Фокусна перспектива украјинске књижевности). Belgrade: Faculty of Philology, 2007, 265 p. Project: ETHNIC AND SOCIAL STRATIFICATION OF THE BALKANS (Dr. Biljana Sikimić) This interdisciplinary oriented project, based on analytical, qualitative and fieldwork methods, is a continuation of the previous one, “Ethnolinguistic and sociolinguistic study of refugees and multi-ethnic communities in the Balkans”. The fieldwork encompasses the Serbs in Hungary, Slovenia and Romania, the KosovoMetochian enclaves and displaced persons. The multi-ethnic and multiconfessional communities in Serbia represent another focus of research. The project also includes a sociohistorical perspective on the social margin aimed at reconstructing everyday life and, on a synchronic level, enquiries into the social margin in various contexts. The most important published results are: Detelić, M.: Epic Cities. A Lexicon (Epski gradovi. Leksikon). Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies, SASA, Spec. eds. 84, 2007, 687 p. Kurban in the Balkans, eds. B. Sikimić and P. Hristov. Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies, SASA, Spec. eds. 98, 2007, 302 p. (Mis)use of history in Serbian literature 1945–2000 (Зло)употребе историје у српској књижевности од 1945. до 2000), eds. D. Bošković and M. Detelić, Liceum 11 (2007), 138 p. 200 Ašić, T.: Espace, temps, préposition. Geneve-Paris: Libraries Droz, Langues et Cultures 41, 2007, 320 p. Ašić, T.: The power of prepositions: Is he sleeping now or usually? Recent Advances in the Syntax and Semantics of Mood, Tense and Aspect. Trends in Linguistics. Mouton De Gruyter, 2007, 95–110. Ilić, M.: А Shift in Ethics: Serb-Albanian conflict in the vernacular discourse of a conjurer from Kosovo. Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 43/2 (2007), 145–167. Sorescu Marinković, A.: To be or not to be Romanian: Field emotions in Romanian speaking communities from Serbia. In: Dynamics of National Identity and Transnational Identities in the Process of European Integration, ed. E. Marushiakova. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007, 55–66. Sorescu Marinković, A.: Din lexicul dialectal al satului Toracu-Mic, Banatul sârbesc. Analele Universităţii din Timişoara, Seria Ştiinţe Filologice XLIV/2006 (2007), 231–251. Petrović, Т.: The Serbs of Bela Krajina and imagined communities in Southeastern Europe. Jahrbücher für Geschichte und Kultur Südosteuropas 7/2005 (2007), 53– 73. Petrović, S.: Oral and Written Art Forms in Serbian Medieval Literature. In: ���� Oral Art Forms and their Passage into Writing, eds. E. Mundal & J. Wellendorf. Museum Tusculanums Forlag, Københavns Universitet, 2008 (2007), 79–102. Vučković, M.: Others in the discourse of Marko Guran (Други у дискурсу Марка Гурана). Balgarskite ostrovi na Balkanite. Sofia 2007, 205–218. Đorđević J.: Greece in Serbian periodicals (first half of the 20th century). Balkan Studies 45/1 (2007), 157–167. Ćirković, S.: Ethnic stereotypes about Roma in Serbia: pragmalinguistic analysis (Етнички стереотипи о Ромима у Србији: прагмалингвистичка анализа). Social Sciences about Roma in Serbia / Društvene nauke o Romima. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of Social Sciences, Book 29, 2007, 169– 186. INSTITUTE FOR THE SERBIAN LANGUAGE In 2007, area of work of the Institute for the Serbian language of the SASA proceeded through: science projects, scientific conferences and the publication of science editions. 1. SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS In the Serbian Language Institute of the SASA, five long-term projects are realized, ranging from a historical to a contemporary plan of the Serbian language. All these projects have been accepted by the Section of Language and Literature of the SASA and financed by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia. 201 The Project Dialectological studies of the Serbian linguistic territory is headed by Prof. Dr. Slobodan Remetic, a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska. Within the Project Dialectological studies of the Serbian linguistic territory in 2007 most of the work focused on completing of the first volume of The Serbian Dialectological Atlas. Collaborators on the Project collected materials on 40 dialectological points from Serbia and outside of Serbia. They prepared a map which includes all relevant facts. The first edition of the Atlas should be finished in 2008. The collaborators on the Project were involved on the Project The European Linguistic Atlas and General-Slavic Linguistic Atlas. The collaborators on the Project published a large number of individual scholarly works at home and abroad. The Project Description and standardization of the contemporary Serbian language is headed by Prof. Dr. Predrag Piper, a corresponding member of the SASA. In 2008, collaborators continue on the realization of projects with the primary aim that the contemporary Serbian language, like other modern European languages, is described and standardized according to the principles of the modern theory and language practice. Many collaborators worked on the writing of the following monographs: on Serbian phonetic and phonology, morphology and syntax (compound sentence). More over, the collaborator Rajna Dragicević wrote and published the monograph Lexicology of the Serbian Language and the author received the “Pavle Ivić” award. The collaborator Đorđe Otašević wrote and published The Short Phraseologisams Dictionary of the Serbian Language (778 p.). In 2007, the collaborators on the Project wrote 62 original scholarly works. The project The study of Old Serbian written documents and the compiling of a Dictionary of the Serbian recession of Church Slavonic and a Serbian Slavonic Dictionary of the Gospels is headed by Prof. Dr. Gordana Jovanović. In 2007, the pilot issue of the Serbian Slavonic Dictionary of the Gospels was completed and published and work on the preparation of the first volume continues. In addition, a large number of individual scholarly works were published, at home and abroad. The project The Etymological study of the Serbian language and the compiling of a Serbian Etymological Dictionary is headed by Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Loma, a corresponding member of the SASA. The third volume of Serbian Etymological Dictionary was completed in 2007. The collaborators on the Project wrote and published 33 scholarly works, at home and abroad. The project Linguistic research of the modern Serbian literary language and the compiling the Dictionary of the Serbo-Croatian literary language and vernaculars is headed by Dr. Stana Risrić. In 2007, the collaborators worked on completing the 18th volume of Dictionary. A considerable number of original scholarly works were published, at home and abroad. 2. SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES In 2007, the Institute organized two international symposia, within the celebration of 60 years of its foundation. One of the symposia was The Old Slavonic Alphabets and their 202 Registration in Unicode (October 15 – 17). Many specialists participated on it, not only from Serbia, but also from other European Slavonic and non-Slavonic countries. The participants choose the fonts for old Slavonic alphabets and decided to send a request to Unicode (on the International Symposium of Slavics in Ohrid, 2008) to accept them. The other symposium, Situation and Perspectives in Serbian Language Science was held on December, 17–18. Together with many domestic specialists for the Serbian language, other specialists from European Slavic centers also participated on the symposium. Two proceedings were published for this symposium. Not only Institute Projects, but also periodicals and other publications were presented during the symposium. On the second day, there was a round-table discussion on the theme: Perspectives in Serbian Language Science and 7 introductory reports were presented. Both symposiums were realized with the cooperation of the Department of Language and Literature of the SASA. The researchers of all the Projects participated with reports in many scientific conferences at home and abroad. 3. PUBLISHING In 2007 2, issues (LXII - for 2006 and LXIII - for 2007) of well known periodical Južnoslovenski filolog and an issue of periodical Naš jezik (XXXVIII — for 2007) were published. In the Library of Južnoslovenski filolog, a book Srpskoslovenski rečnik jevanđelja. Ogledna sveska was published. This book was compiled by Viktor Savić and the Gordana Jovanović was the editor. On the occasion of 60 years of the foundation of the Institute, two proceedings were published: Šezdeset godina Instituta za srpski jezik SANU. Zbornik radova I and II. Papers of young Institute researchers are presented in the latter. In edition Monograph, two publications were prepared: an issue of Srpski dijalektološki zbornik and Rečnik timočkog govora Jakše Dinića. The 9th issue of Spisi Odbora za standardizaciju srpskog jezika was also published in 2007. Also, in cooperation with other publishers, the Institute published monographs of its researchers: Bogoslužbeni jezik u Srpskoj pravoslavnoj crkvi (prošlost, savremeno stanje, perspective) - Ružica Bajić and Rimarijum srpske poezije - Milosav Čarkić. INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES In 2007, the Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts celebrated 60 years of work. The Institute is governed by the Managing Board, nominated by the Presidency of the SASA, with 7 members (4 academicians and 7 scientists working at the Institute) and the Director of the Institute. The Institute has 35 employees, 29 of whom are included in the research financed by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia. Twelve researchers have a Ph.D. Five academicians have been heads of research programs within the Institute for a very long time. Also, two 203 colleagues defended their PhD theses; one received her MSc, while four MSc and five PhD theses are in progress. The Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia is financing 6 Fundamental Research projects during the period 2006–2010, two of which are coordinated by the Institute, engaging a large number of Science & Research institutions from Serbia: 1. Project: «Synthesis of functional materials with controlled structure on molecular and nano level», head of project Prof. Dr. Dragan Uskokovic, 2. Project: «Research of interdependence in the triad “synthesis-structureproperties” for functional materials», head of project Academician Momčilo M. Ristić. Furthermore, two projects headed by Academicians were financed by the SASA Fond: 1. Project: «Theoretical and experimental research of metal construction and their impact on contemporary designing and building», head of project Academician Nikola Hajdin, 2. Project: «Management by position and force of robots and constructions in contact with the dynamic environment», head of project Academician Miomir Vukobratović. All these projects yielded various scientific and technological results: 56 SCI articles were published or accepted in 2007, 2 patents, 2 first devices in the series, contracted expert work, and 2 awards for innovation and 1 for the best poster by a young researcher at the Conference. Selected publications are: N. Ignjatovic, P. Ninkov, Z. Ajdukovic, D. Uskokovic, “Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Coated with Poly-DL-Lactide-co-Glycolide Biomaterial as Bone Substitute”. J. Europ. Ceram. Soc., 27 (2007) 1589–1594. D. Jugović, N. Cvjetićanin, V. Kusigerski, M. Mitrić, M. Miljković, D. Makovec and D. Uskokovic, “Structural and Magnetic Characterisation of LiMn1.825Cr0.175O4 Spinel Obtained by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis”. Mat. Res. Bull., 42, 3 (2007) 515–522. M. Stevanović, J. Savić, B. Jordović, D. Uskoković, “Fabrication, in vitro degradation and the release behaviours of poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) nanospheres containing ascorbic acid”. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 59 (2007) 215– 223. N. Ignjatovic, C. Liu, J. Czernutszka, D. Uskokovic, “Micro and nano/injectable composite biomaterials containing calcium phosphate coated with poly(dl-lactide-coglycolide)”. Acta Biomaterialia, 3, 6 (2007) 927–935. M.E. Rabanal, L.S. Gomez, A. Khalifa, J.M. Torralba, L. Mancic, O. Milosevic, “Structural properties of europia-doped-gadolinia synthesized through aerosol”. Journal of European Ceramic Society, 27 (2007) 4325–4328. S. Petrović, A. Terlecki-Baričevic, Lj. Karanović, P. Kirilov-Stefanovć, M. Zdujić, V. Dondur, D. Paneva, I. Mitov, V. Rakić, «LaMO3 (M = Mg, Ti, Fe) perovskite type oxides: Preparation, characterization and catalytic properties in methane deep oxidation». Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 79 (2007) 186–198. 204 N. Elezović, B.M. Babić, N.V. Krstajić, Lj.M. Gajić-Krstajić, Lj.M. Vračar, “Specificity of the UPD of H to the structure of highly dispersed Pt on carbon support”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 1991–1998. M.V.Nikolić, K.M.Paraskevopoulos, O.S. Aleksić, T.T. Zorba, S.M. Savić, V.D. Blagojević, D.T. Luković, P.M. Nikolić, «Far infrared reflectance of sintered nickelmanganite samples for negative temperature coefficient thermistors». Mat. Research Bull. 42 (2007) 1492–1498. P.M. Nikolic, W. König, S.S. Vujatović, V. Blagojević. D. Luković, S. Savić, K. Radulović, D. Urošević, M.V. Nikolić, “Far Infrared Properties of PbTe Doped with Cerium”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 433 (2007) 292–295. M.V. Nikolić, T. Ivetić, D.L. Young, K.M. Paraskevopoulos, T.T. Zorba, V. Blagojević, P.M. Nikolić, D. Vasiljević–Radović, M.M. Ristić, »Far infrared properties of bulk sintered and thin film Zn2SnO4«. Materials Science and Engeneering B, 138 (2007) 7-1.1 From all the results, the most outstanding achievements are perfecting the synthesis procedure of polymer nanospheres (poly-D,L-lactide-co-glycolide and polylactide) with various encapsulated medicaments within them (ascorbic and folic acid, proteins and inorganic phases, such as hydroxyapatite), conquering the method of hydrothermal synthesis, achieving significant results in the area of optical and thermal research in thin films, powders and compacts and making the first devices in the series of universal devices for electrochemical synthesis with circular modular reactors and the perfected multifunctional electrochemical cell. Also, the largest ever number of SCI publications within one was achieved. Intensive international and national cooperation are the basic characteristics of the activity in the Institute. Especially good formal and informal cooperation exists with a number of the institutions from the USA, Japan, the European Union, Russia, Ukraine, Slovenia, etc. Most of the research projects in the Institute are included in the FP6 and FP7 programs of the EU. Some of the programs were planned to be included in various levels of cooperation. Dr. Olivera Milošević, Dr. Lidija Mančić and Katarina Marinković worked on the COST 539 project (2005–2008): Electroceramics from nanopowders produced by innovative methods (ELENA, coordinator Prof. Biljana Stojanović). Dr. Olivera Milošević also worked on the project of the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), German Research Foundation (DFG) (2006–2008): “Designing of nanoparticle morphology in aerosol synthesis”, as an International Expert. From April 15 until May 10, she was at Aachen University, IME Process Metallurgy and Metal Recycling, in order to cooperate and prepare the FP7 project “Nanostructured Pt/Al2O3, Rh/Al2O3, PtRh/Al2O3 based catalysts with tailor-made functional surfaces for the Partial Oxidation of natural gas and liquid fuels”, within “NMP-2007-2.4-2, Nanostructured catalysts with tailor-made functional surfaces”. Prof. Dragan Uskoković visited several times Jozef Stefan Institute and other Slovenian Science & Research institutions from Ljubljana for the meetings with Slovenian 205 colleagues concerning further bilateral cooperation and inclusion of our programs in FP6 and FP7. Project “Designing of functional materials on molecular and nano level” was just accepted for the program of bilateral cooperation for 2008–2009 and its further realization is expected. INCOMAT project - «Creating international cooperation teams of excellence in the field of emerging biomaterial surface research», in cooperation with 14 other European institutes and universities, started in 2007. Initiator and coordinator of this project is THÜRINGEN innovative GmbH, Innovation Relay Centre Stuttgart-ErfurtZürich, Erfurt, Germany, and Prof. Dr. Dragan Uskoković and Dr. Nenad Ignjatović are coordinators for ITS SASA. Also, CIR-CE Innovation Project ‘MagnetoPIM - Herstellung von komplexen, weich- und hartmagnetischen Bauteilen mittels PIM’ started in October, with the participation of Dr. Vladimir Zeljković. Dr. Lidija Mančić was at Pontificia Universisade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from the beginning of October 2006 until the beginning of April 2007, for six-monthlong postdoctoral studies on the project “Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of inorganic nanotubes based on lamellar titanate structure”, in the team of Prof. Fernando Rizzo, working on the hydrothermal processing of some natural raw materials to obtain quality materials with good exploitation properties. During this time, she had 1 publication and 2 patent proposals with her Brazilian colleagues. Dr. Lidija Mančić was in charge of forming a laboratory for the synthesis of one-dimensional nanomaterials by methods of hydrothermal synthesis, ion-exchange reactions, intercalations and exfoliations. Katarina Marinković spent one month at the University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, within the COST 539 project, on the Short Term Scientific Mission - STSM02469. Marija Jevtić and Zoran Stojanović were at the Jozef Stefan Institute and the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology in Ljubljana, receiving a three-month grant of the University of Ljubljana and of the Jozef Stefan Institute, to do experimental work during the Winter Term. In 2007, the Institute published the Proceedings of the Eighth Yugoslav Materials Research Society Conference YUCOMAT, Research Trends in Contemporary Material Science, published by Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Zurich, Switzerland, in their Mat. Sci. Forum edition, Vol. 555, 600 pages, with 92 selected papers by international and national authors. Also published and promoted was the book Calcium Phosphate Ceramics - Bioresorbable Polymer Composite Biomaterials, From Synthesis to Applications (1999–2007) by Prof. Dr. Dragan Uskoković and Dr. Nenad Ignjatović, 412 pages, with 44 papers from the field of biomaterials published in significant international journals by authors from the Institute in collaboration with colleagues from national and international laboratories. Near the end of the year, Self-organization and Sintering, by Academician Momcilo M. Ristić and Prof. Dr. Aleksa Maričić, and the book Mathematical Analysis of the Rules of Sintering Real Materials by Dr. Vladimir Zeljković, were also published. Currently, a book on biomaterials, written by a group of national authors for all Faculties of technical and natural sciences, is being technically edited. 206 In September 2007, the Institute organized the Ninth Yugoslav Materials Research Society Conference YUCOMAT, with the participation of 24 Plenary Speakers, 210 presented papers and around 190 registered participants. It consisted of 4 Plenary Sessions, 5 Symposia and 3 Poster Sessions. In December, the traditional Sixth Conference of Young Researchers in the Materials Science, with 54 presented papers was held in the Academy. Selected papers will be published in the journals Technique-New Materials and Chemical Industry. 207 208