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EDITION: INTERNATIONALISATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO - PART II STUDY PROGRAMMES GUIDE 2012/2013 UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO SARAJEVO, 2012 STUDY PROGRAMMES GUIDE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO ............................................................................................. EDITION: INTERNATIONALISATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO PART I - EXCHANGE STUDENT GUIDE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO PART II - STUDY PROGRAMMES GUIDE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO PART III - ZBIRKA UPUTA ZA MOBILNOST PART IV - E-NEWSLETTER OF THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO Publisher: University of Sarajevo International Relations Office, © 2012 Obala Kulina bana 7/II Str., 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina With the support of King Baudouin Foundation Rue Brederodestraat 21 B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Editor-in-chief: Prof. dr. Faruk Čaklovica Editorial board: Jasna Bošnjović, Adnan Rahimić DTP: Adnan Rahimić Photographies: Edim Kuna, Adnan Rahimić, Internet Proofreading: Mirza Čerkez Second edition Printing run: 300 Print: “Štamparija Fojnica” d.o.o. Fojnica This material is prepared by International Relations Office at the University of Sarajevo and by the support of European Commission, ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2 and King Baudouin Foundation. The information in this guide is presented for the personal and non-commercial use for students and staff members who participate in Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme. No reproduction or republishing without the written consent of the editor is allowed. The editor would appreciate the notice "Information courtesy of the International Relations Office at the University of Sarajevo" being included with any reproduced or plagiarized work. ------------------------------------------------CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Nacionalna i univerzitetska biblioteka Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo 378.4:371.214.114](497.6 Sarajevo) STUDY programmes guide 2012/2013 : University of Sarajevo / [editor-in-chief Faruk Čaklovica] ; [photography Edim Kuna, Adnan Rahimić]. - Sarajevo: University, 2012. - 91 str. : ilustr. ; 21 cm ISBN 978-9958-600-31-9 COBISS.BH-ID 19498246 ------------------------------------------------- ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES GUIDE 2012/2013 UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO SARAJEVO, 2012 ............................................................................................. WELCOME TO UNSA ............................................................................................. WELCOME TO UNSA ............................................................................................. The University of Sarajevo is not a traditional campus university, and if you are used to a campus environment, you may find it very different to study here. Different, but exciting. ............................................................................................. CONTENTS: WELCOME Rector’s Message Why choose University of Sarajevo? University profile 5 6 7 ENTRY INFORMATION Exchange students Degree students Staff members 8 10 12 ACADEMIC INFORMATION Academic calendar 2012/2013 Registration Welcome days Language support Index/grade book Exams & Academic perfomance ECTS Degree & Qualifications 14 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 STUDENT SERVICES International Relations Office Accommodation Medical and Insurance services Library and Internet Student Parliament Estimated living costs 18 21 22 22 22 22 STUDY PROGRAMMES List of faculties and academies of the UNSA ARTS HUMANITIES MEDICAL SCIENCES NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES SOCIAL SCIENCES TECHNICAL SCIENCES INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES 23 24 30 40 MAP OF UNSA SARAJEVOinfo EXPERIENCE OF FORMER EXCHANGE STUDENTS AND STAFF MEMBERS 82 84 50 56 66 76 78 86 ............................................................................................. WELCOME: RECTOR’S MESSAGE RECTOR’S MESSAGE ............................................................................................. Dear students, teachers and associates, This Guide for Study Programme of the University of Sarajevo tries to present the rich offer of study programs of our academies and faculties. Mobility, as an important factor of the Bologna Process, implies a residence at the host university, where students have more possibilities to expand their linguistic, cultural knowledge, as well as the knowledge gained through the education. At the same time, it is believed that mobility contributes to the better transparency and acknowledgement of studies and qualifications, in accordance with EU rules and Bologna process in this area. With a goal to make international relations even stronger, we have prepared a certain number of guides that will take you through the rich tradition of the University of Sarajevo, the City of Sarajevo and of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We want to ease the process of mobility to all students and staff members who decide to spend certain period at the most respected higher education institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This guide will provide you information about University of Sarajevo, academic calendar with a timetable of classes and events, and http links of all faculties and academies. We believe that this information will be of use to you during your selection of a desired study program and residence at our University. Good luck, Rector Prof. Dr Faruk Čaklovica ............................................................................................. 5 WELCOME: WHY CHOOSE UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO? ............................................................................................. WHY CHOOSE UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO? University of Sarajevo is the lead university in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one of the leading universities in the region. This is the first university in Bosnia and Herzegovina, originally established in 1543 by Ottoman Turks, with the modern university being re-established in 1943. This public institution offers study and research opportunities in 23 faculties and academies and 3 associate members, as well as associate institutions. Today, having 40,000 enrolled students, it ranks among the largest universities in the world in terms of enrollment. Since the university opened its doors, 160,000 students received bachelor's degrees, 4,100 received master's degrees and 2,473 doctorate degrees in 44 different fields. The University of Sarajevo enjoys partnerships with over 100 universities in Europe, the USA, Canada, and the Middle East. The main objective of all the university's current activities is to raise the quality of studies, to create a contemporary university of European origins, which will be a respectable representative of BosniaHerzegovina on international level and a promoter of the traditional, historical, cultural, scientific and artistic values of the South-eastern Europe. ............................................................................................. 6 WELCOME: UNIVERSITY PROFILE WELCOME: UNIVERSITY PROFILE ............................................................................................. NAME IN ENGLISH: UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO NAME IN BOSNIAN/CROATIAN/SERBIAN: UNIVERZITET U SARAJEVU ADDRESS: Obala Kulina bana 7/II, 71000 Sarajevo TELEPHONE: + 387 33 56 51 18 E-MAIL: [email protected] ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS' GOVERNING BOARD: Prof. Dr Faruk Čaklovica – Rector Prof. Dr Slavenka Vobornik – Vice-Rector Prof. Dr Hazim Bašić – Vice-Rector Prof. Dr Samir Arnautović – Vice-Rector The University of Sarajevo offers wide range of study fields: ARTS (Academy of Fine Arts, Academy of Performing Arts, Music Academy) HUMANITIES (Faculty of Sports and physical Education, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Faculty of Catholic Theology) MEDICAL SCIENCES (Faculty of Health Studies, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine with Clinics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES (Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Forestry) SOCIAL SCIENCES (School of Economics and Business, Faculty of Political Sciences, Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Public Administration) TECHNICAL SCIENCES (Faculty of Arhitecture, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Transport and Communication, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) ............................................................................................. 7 ENTRY INFORMATION: EXCHANGE STUDENTS ............................................................................................. EXCHANGE STUDENTS Exchange student is a student (officially registered in a university or other institution for higher education) who temporarily lives in a foreign country and attends courses or is involved in other academic activities. The exchange period lasts minimum 6 months and maximum 10 months. The exchange student does NOT get a diploma from the host university. However, all academic results will be sent to his/her home university (transcript of records). Tuition fee is paid to the home university. All applicants are kindly requested to respect the APPLICATION DEADLINES which are as follows: Not later than March for the winter semester/academic year Not later than September for the summer semester. If the exchange is a part of any mobility program/project (i.e. Erasmus Mundus): rules for the whole process of application are applied according to that mobility program/project. Marzia Bona University of Bologna, Italy As an exchange student at the University of Sarajevo I had the opportunity to attend stimulating lectures given by brilliant professors. Conferences and parallel events have further enriched the educational opportunity of studying at this University. ............................................................................................. 8 APPLICATION DOCUMENTS: If you express and interest to be an exchange student at the University of Sarajevo, you need to prepare certain documents, fill them and have them signed by your home university representative(s). Next step is to send it to either to central International Relations Office of the University of Sarajevo or to the International relations departments at the host faculty or academy at the University of Sarajevo. ENTRY INFORMATION: EXCHANGE STUDENTS ENTRY INFORMATION: EXCHANGE STUDENTS ............................................................................................. Application documents are: APPLICATION PROCESS: STEP 1: You have shown the interest for exchange mobility! Good start! STEP 2: Check with your International Relations Office the procedure for exchange mobility. Your home university can nominate you for your student exchange period at the University of Sarajevo by contacting our IRO offices. STEP 3: Fill in application form and collect needed documents. STEP 4: Application needs to be sent to the faculty/academy at the University of Sarajevo or its central office (we suggest previous contacts with the higher education institution to be made). STEP 5: Complete applications will be considered by the University of Sarajevo (and its host faculties/ academies). STEP 6 After the consideration, University of Sarajevo will inform you about exchange. 1. MOTIVATION LETTER (its aim is to represent you in the best possible way in order to convince the electoral commission to choose you for the scholarship/program). 2. LEARNING AGREEMENT (includes the courses you wish to take during your exchange period). 3. APPLICATION FORM (can be downloaded at www.unsa.ba > International relations > Mobility > Application documents). 4. TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS (list of courses you have completed at the home university). 5. RECOMENDATION LETTER (preferably from your professor who is familiar with your academic achievemnts and/or person who is familiar with your work experience supervisor, etc). 6. BIRTH CERTIFICATE (valid document that gives information about your birth data). Documents can be scanned and sent by email or by post mail. Before sending, please check with University of Sarajevo’s faculty’s or academy’s representatives whether there is a need for any additional documents and to determine the way of sending the documents. ............................................................................................. 9 ENTRY INFORMATION: DEGREE STUDENTS ............................................................................................. Degree student registers at the university abroad and is no longer a student from the university at home. He or she will obtain a diploma from the university abroad. Students applying to a foreign university will need to comply with the local admission requirements. TUITION FEES The tuition fee for a study programme is reached by the Senate of the University of Sarajevo and it depends on the type of the programme. Information about tuition for individual programmes can be obtained from the faculty/academy of the University of Sarajevo. If the degree mobility is a part of any mobility program/project (i.e. Erasmus Mundus) rules for the whole process of application are applied according to that program/project. DEGREE STUDENTS ............................................................................................. 10 APPLICATION PROCESS: All students, including foreign citizens who wish to study at the University of Sarajevo need to complete a corresponding secondary school and have their diploma on graduation exam recognized. Admission to all university study programmes is restricted; i. e. the number of places is subject to an annual decision by the University Senate. The call for application is given in June every year. If there's available places, they will repeat it in September. For a more detailed information search for information at the faculty/academy of the University of Sarajevo you wish to enrol. M ADMI MINIMU TS: REQUIREMEN SSION ramme: Bachelor prog -year of a four n o i t comple hool. secondary sc mme: ra og pr r te Mas degree e Bachelor th holder of diploma. me: PhD program ploma. ter degree di as M of er ld ho ENTRY INFORMATION: DEGREE STUDENTS ENTRY INFORMATION: DEGREE STUDENTS ............................................................................................. Ilona Jerič University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Living in a city and country that has such a strog presence of historical political components in everyday life requires recontextualization of previously obtained knowledge about environment. Out of the study coordinates - Sarajevo was really nice and inspirational experience; good music, good food, beautiful surroundings and charismatic people. Before sending any documents, check wit the faculty or academy representatives about the needed documents you need to send. All foreign documents must be translated into Bosnian/ Croatian/Serbian and copies of the original of the foreign public documents must be certified by a public notary. ............................................................................................. 11 ENTRY INFORMATION: STAFF ............................................................................................. STAFF Staff mobility refers exclusively to training, teaching and/or research activities. ............................................................................................. 12 ENTRY INFORMATION: STAFF ENTRY INFORMATION: STAFF ............................................................................................. APPLICATION PROCESS: The University of Sarajevo welcomes academic and non-academic staff from all over the world into our academic community. Our university strongly promotes international mobility, focussing on the importance of a tolerant and democratic international environment for students' successful learning, scientific and artistic research as well as their personal development. Before applying, staff applicants need to have already established contact with the host university (University of Sarajevo) in order to guarantee that the profile of the staff matches the thematic expertise of the host university. Iztok Prezelj University of Ljubljana, Slovenia More information regarding the staff mobility, especially about faculties and academies and its departments can be found in this guide, but we encourage you to contact our International Relations Office for additional information. If the staff mobility is a part of any mobility program/project (i.e. Erasmus Mundus) rules for the whole process of application are applied according to that program/project. I was able to work on scientific issues and also forge tight contacts with the staff in order to improve future cooperation. I also got to know Sarajevo and B&H which will influence my future writing about the region and relationship to EU and NATO. ............................................................................................. 13 ACADEMIC INFORMATION: UNSA’s ACADEMIC and NON ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2012/2013 ............................................................................................. UNSA’s ACADEMIC and NON ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2012/2013 SEPTEMBAR 2012 17/09 24-29/09 29/09 OCTOBER 2012 04/10 20/10 NOVEMBAR 2012 25/11 DECEMBAR 2012 03/12 JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2013 15/01-15/02 25/02 MARCH 2013 01/03 15/03 APRIL 2013 21-27/04 MAY 2013 01/05 JUNE & JULY 2013 08/06 15/06-15/07 AUGUST 2013 SEPTEMBER 2013 27/09 BEGINING OF THE ACADEMIC 2012/2013 YEAR ORIENTATION WEEK FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS AND STAFF MEMBERS ANNUAL UNSA’s BIKE TOURNAMENT III SCHOLARSHIP FAIR PROMOTION CEREMONY FOR GRADUATED BACHELORS AND MASTERS FOR 2011/2012 STATEHOOD DAY OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA EXIBITION OF THE STUDENT’S WORK FROM THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS E X A M S (Dates for exams can be different than stated here. Please check with the student’s services at your host faculty/academy). UNSA’s MARKET (colaboration between UNSA and BH economy institutions and organisations). INDEPENDENCE DAY OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA UNSA’s WINTER DAY UNSA’s AND BOOK FAIR LABOUR DAY (NATIONAL HOLIDAY) UNIVERSITY’S MARCH OF LIFE (UNSA ORGANIZES VISIT TO THE SREBRENICA MEMORIAL) E X A M S (Dates for exams can be different than stated here. Please check with the student’s services at your host faculty/academy). SARAJEVO’S SUMMER SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES THE END OF THE ACADEMIC 2012/2013 YEAR ............................................................................................. 14 ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. 15 ACADEMIC INFORMATION ............................................................................................. International students will be arriving in different periods, so for the time being there is no specific date for a welcome day for this program. However, the University of Sarajevo's International Office is there to support logistically all incoming students upon arrival and during their stay. REGISTRATION At the University of Sarajevo registration process differs depending on the faculty/ academy. What candidates will surely need to take from home before arrival is: TRANSRCIPT OF RECORDS and BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Check for any additional documents with faculties or academies of the University of Sarajevo. These documents must be issued by official services (before arrival) and translated in English by the official court interpreter. The coordinator at the International Office guides the exchange students through the process of enrolment/ registration at the faculty’s student service. WELCOME DAYS The International Relations Office of the University of Sarajevo organizes welcome days for foreign students in specific mobility programs at the beginning of each school year. LANGUAGE SUPPORT Before or during their application for the exchange period, candidates are advised to contact the administration of a specific faculty or department and ask for course descriptions they are interested in as well as to enquire about the language of instruction and other conditions for academic mobility. If the course you want to do is only held in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language, the International Relations Office will try to help you with arranging consultations, literature and exams in English, by contacting professors who are willing to help you. Also, University in Sarajevo offers language school for foreigners called “Let's Learn Bosnian”. Classes are organized for the small groups who are being taught Bosnian for the improved daily communications. INDEX/GRADE BOOK With your Letter of Admission you also receive an application form for a student Index-Grade Book. An Index-Grade Book is a small, dark blue handbook in which all your grades will be written by professors. Every student has one. When you arrive in Sarajevo, you will need to buy Index-Grade Book at the Faculty/Academy. The Index-Grade Book identifies you as a student at the University and you must remember to bring it when you sign up for and sit your exams. ............................................................................................. 16 record (please also refer to the chapter on Transcript of Academic Record). A 5 -10 grading scale is used at the University of Sarajevo (with 6 as a pass level). EXAMS Most faculties at the University of Sarajevo require that you register for exams. When you begin your studies, we recommend that you inquire about how and when to register for exams in the faculties/ department(s) where you are studying. Note that the procedure and deadline may vary depending on the department. It is extremely important that you register correctly and in due time for exams as you will otherwise not be allowed to take the exam(s). At the University of Sarajevo students are assessed after taking one of the following types of examinations or active participation. In addition, some courses may require the successful completion of written as well as oral assignments during the semester. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE & GRADING SYSTEM Academic performance is either graded according to the 6 scale or evaluated by a pass/fail. If your home institution requires that all your work be evaluated according to the 6 - scale this may be arranged with the lecturer. After completing your period of study at the University of Sarajevo, you will receive a is a full time job, and in addition to attending classes, you will be expected to spend much time doing research in the library. 10(A) = Excellent (outstanding performance with only minor errors) ACADEMIC INFORMATION ACADEMIC INFORMATION ............................................................................................. course requirements. Studying transcript of your academic 9 (B) = Very Good (above the average standard but with some errors) 8 (C) = Good (generally sound work with a number of notable errors) 7 (D) = Satisfactory (fair but with significant shortcomings) 6 (E) = Sufficient (performance meets the minimum criteria) 5 (FX) = Fail (is not written in index) ECTS - EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM 1 ECTS credit is equivalent of approx. 30 working hours. The annual workload is 60 ECTS credits. The University of Sarajevo is committed to the implementation of the ECTS, which eases the process of credit transfer between EU universities. The ECTS defines a full study load for one year as 60 ECTS credits. The number of credits awarded for each bachelor and graduate course varies depending on the workload. To make sure that you are able to transfer the credits earned at the University of Sarajevo, it is important that your home institution approves your intended study programme. Be aware that credits for courses are only awarded if you meet the DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The higher education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina is organized in three cycles as follows: The first cycle of 180 - 240 ECTS (three or four years of full time study) to obtain the degree of Bachelor (bakalaureat). The second cycle of 60 - 120 ECTS (one or two years of full time study) leads to a Master degree (total of 300 ECTS - with the first cycle). The third cycle of 180 ECTS (three years of full time study and/or research) to obtain a PhD degree. ............................................................................................. 17 STUDENT SERVICES: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE ............................................................................................. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE ............................................................................................. 18 STUDENT SERVICES STUDENT SERVICES: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE ............................................................................................. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE The University of Sarajevo is not a traditional campus university, and if you are used to a campus environment, you may find it very different to study here. The faculties and academies are spread at different locations across the capital city. The International Relations Office of the University of Sarajevo is located in the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo (the central University administration offices, in the same building as the Faculty of Law). We will assist you with the issues of admission, housing, student counselling, and orientation programs, including various social events, with the aim to help you meet other international students. Living and studying away from home can be a challenging experience particularly in the beginning of your stay. At the International Relations Office you have the opportunity to ask questions in informal surroundings. We will be happy to help you, or to point you in the right direction to where you can get help regardless of whether your questions relate to your study programme, personal problems, or basic practical issues. The University of Sarajevo is a partner in many academic programs which allows its students and members of staff to be a part of mobility processes and spend certain period on the international partner universities, and also to be a host university to the students and members of staff from international universities. The most popular mobility programs are ERASMUS MUNDUS, TEMPUS, CEEPUS, Best of SouthEast-Europe, Višegrad Fund, etc. University of Sarajevo was a host university to over 150 students and members of staff from EU. International Relations Office is very active in promoting our University through info days, fairs, promotional materials, enewsletters and news. The contents can be found on our web site www.unsa.ba (click International Relations). Mobility programs our university participates in: ERASMUS MUNDUS is the frequent program and thanks to it, ............................................................................................. 19 STUDENT SERVICES: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE ............................................................................................. ORIENTATION WEEK ACTIVITIES VICE-DEANS/ COORDINATORS FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AT THE FACULTY/ ACADEMY The International Relations Office organizes an orientation program that aims to acquaint the students, teachers and associates with the University of Sarajevo, its history, tradition and culture of Sarajevo and country as well. University of Sarajevo has its central International Relations Office, but also every faculty and academy at our university have its own International Relations department. They will provide even more exact information about academic activities, exams and other information for your better mobility. They are here for you if you have any questions regarding your study plan, which courses to take, how many ECTS points are required, prerequisites to courses etc. However, you can always contact us first and we shall appoint you to the right direction. As a part of Orientation week program for 2011/2012 generation IRO organized field trip to Herzegovina: City of Mostar, Počitelj and waterfall Kravice. For us student exchange is not only academic activity, but also a chance to meet new people and customs of the host country. This was a great opportunity for students to enjoy in historical monuments and BH cosine. HOW TO FIND US? International Relations Office University of Sarajevo Address: Obala Kulina Bana 7/III 71 000 Sarajevo, B&H Phone: + 387 33 565 116 (Mobility), + 387 33 565 118, + 387 33 668 454 Fax: + 387 33 565 116 Working hours: Monday - Friday:8:00 - 16:00 hrs Web: www.unsa.ba (IRO) Facebook: www.facebook.com/iro.unsa WHO IS IRO TEAM? Ljiljana Šulentić International Relations Officer e-mail: [email protected] Neal Pušina International Relations Officer e-mail: [email protected] Jasna Bošnjović International Relations Officer (Mobility coordinator) e-mail: [email protected] Adnan Rahimić International Relations Officer (Mobility coordinator) e-mail: [email protected] ............................................................................................. 20 STUDENT SERVICES: ACCOMMODATION STUDENT SERVICES: ACCOMMODATION ............................................................................................. ACCOMMODATION The Sarajevo Student Centre is a public institution providing accommodation to full-time students of the University of Sarajevo. There are two student dorms in Sarajevo: The BJELAVE STUDENT DORM offers foreign students rooms, with its capacity of 1000 beds. It's located in the central part of Sarajevo. The NEDžARIćI STUDENT DORM has a capacity of 1500 beds and is located few kilometres away from the centre of Sarajevo. The dorms have the following facilities: cafeteria, TV room, multimedia and IT centre, study rooms, sports facilities. Students apply for accommodation at the student dorms through an advertisement published for each year in mid-June before the start of the academic year. However, for international students there are rooms available without advertisement. The room and board (two meals: lunch and dinner) are made available from 15th of September to 15th of July, i.e. for the 10 months that make up the academic year. Students must pay the full price of the room and board at the Student Dorms, which (currently) amounts to 150 € per month. In the summer vacation period, 15th July - 25th October Student Centre provides services to private guests, members of various cultural, sports, educational and other events taking place in Sarajevo, and students excursions. We can accommodate up to approximately 1500 guests at the student dorms Nedžarići and Bjelave. All additional information about applying for room and board at the Student Dorms is available at: STUDENT CENTRE Address: Podgaj St. 6 Phone: + 387 33 206-932, + 387 33 714-211 Web: www.student-centar.ba Email: [email protected] Also, there are private accommodations available. ............................................................................................. 21 STUDENT SERVICES ............................................................................................. MEDICAL SERVICES The Sarajevo Canton Public Institution - Student Healthcare Institute of the University of Sarajevo (the Institute) provides primary specialist and counselling healthcare to students at the University in Sarajevo. Please note that medicines are not free in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For more info: E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.zdravljestudenata.ba Working hours of the Institute are: 7.30 am to 7 pm Monday - Friday 7.30 am to 1 pm on Saturday The Institute is closed on Sunday. We recommend informing yourself upon your arrival, before case of emergency happens. INSURANCE We strongly encourage you to purchase general insurance (accident and liability) prior to your departure for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Contact your own international office for further advice on where to take our insurance policy. Alternatively you may take out an insurance policy with international Health Insurance (IHI). If you have chronic medical problems requiring prescription medication, it is a good idea to bring copies of your medical history issued by your local doctor. LIBRARY FACILITIES University of Sarajevo has a main national library which can be used for studying and research. Also, every faculty and academy of our university have its own library area with study books and materials. Some of the libraries require previous registration with a fee. Do check with the student services at the faculty/academy upon your arrival. INTERNET AVAILABILITY Broadband internet access is widely available throughout the City of Sarajevo (cable, ADSL, wireless) but it depends also on your accommodation (ask for details). Prices and speeds are changing (currently for 15 Euros per month you can get 1-2Mbit flat rate). Many faculties and academies have their own computer rooms and internet availability. Also, beside internet cafes, many cafes and bars have free Wi-Fi. STUDENT PARLIAMENT Student Parliament is formed through student associations at the faculties, academies and associated members. It works on development and improvement of the quality of the studies and student's standard. Student Parliament will be always focused on international relations, welcoming foreign students and making them available for their requires. More info on: www.spus.ba. LIVING COSTS Rough estimates of living costs for a single person per month: Housing 200 € Meals 300 € Books 50 € Local transportation 25€ Pocket money 150 € To save money, we recommend buying a monthly ticket for city buses and trams. There is a student discount, so make sure you give right information when buying tickets or any necessities. ............................................................................................. 22 ARTS Academy of Fine Arts Academy of Performing Arts Music Academy 24 26 28 HUMANITIES Faculty of Sport and Physical Education Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Educational Sciences Faculty of Islamic Studies Faculty of Catholic Theology 30 32 34 36 38 MEDICAL SCIENCES Faculty of Health Studies Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Dental Medicine with Clinics Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Sarajevo consists of the following six groups of faculties and academies: 40 42 44 46 48 STUDY PROGRAMMES: THE LIST OF FACULTIES AND ACADEMIES STUDY PROGRAMMES: THE LIST OF FACULTIES AND ACADEMIES ............................................................................................. NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES 50 Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 52 54 Faculty of Forestry SOCIAL SCIENCES School of Economics and Business Faculty of Political Sciences Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies Faculty of Law Faculty of Public Administration 56 58 60 62 64 TECHNICAL SCIENCES Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Transport and Communication Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 66 68 70 72 74 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies 76 ............................................................................................. 23 STUDY PROGRAMMES: ARTS ............................................................................................. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS AKADEMIJA LIKOVNIH UMJETNOSTI 1 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Academy of Fine Arts was founded in 1972 by the well known professors, people of culture and arts, already famous and acknowledged in Zagreb, Belgrade and Ljubljana. They created new, education system, qualitative lessons, which gave this Academy a reputation of a respected and acknowledged institution. Students are trained for certain art activity in the way that satisfies European criteria of art education. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, exhibitions, practical sessions, group design, master workshops, guest speakers, participation in winter and summer schools and festivals in Europe and around the world. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the Academy of Fine Arts whether they give the opportunity to listen or take exams in English. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. ............................................................................................. 24 STUDY PROGRAMMES: ARTS STUDY PROGRAMMES: ARTS ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES Pedagogical department Painting Sculpture Graphics Graphic Design Product Design DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 4 years of study (total of 240 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 1 year of study(total of 60)and leads to a Master degree (total of 300 ECTS - with the first cycle). The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS After graduating at the Academy of Fine Arts, graduates predominately stay in art industry. They are involved in product and graphic design, usually combining advertising and marketing, fine artist, or they continue their education for teaching career. There are many different career paths available for people with the passion and artistic skills such as architect, interior designer, fashion designer. The risks, rewards and benefits of these options will vary depending on the job and the individual. CONTACT Address: Maka Dizdara 3, 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 210 369 Fax: +387 (0) 33 210 530 Email: [email protected] Web: www.alu.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 25 STUDY PROGRAMMES: ARTS ............................................................................................. ACADEMY OF PERFORMING ARTS AKADEMIJA SCENSKIH UMJETNOSTI 2 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Academy of Performing Arts was founded in 1981, when the first generation of students started with the Department of Acting. Since then, the Academy expand in more three departments, produced and accomplished numberless successes and contributed to the BH film and theater. To name a few: Academy Award in 2001 for the Best Foreign film, The Golden Bear in 2007 for the best film at the Berlin Film Festival. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. Practical sessions are arranged at the open scene „Obala” where all the public presentations and student projects are presented. Also, as a part of practical session, students cooperate with Sarajevo’s theater, TV and movie industry. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/ professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the Academy of Performing Arts whether they give the opportunity to listen or take exams in English. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 26 STUDY PROGRAMMES: ARTS STUDY PROGRAMMES: ARTS ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES Acting Direction Dramaturgy Production DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 4 years of study (total of 240 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 1 year of study(total of 60)and leads to a Master degree (total of 300 ECTS with the first cycle). The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS After graduating at the Academy of Performing Arts, graduates predominately stay in art industry, choosing the career of an actor/actress, producer, screen player. They can be involved in many projects, regarding the art (TV, theatre), working in media or choose further education for teaching career. Studying drama allows students to keep their options open - after all, many a university graduate has gone on to act professionally. CONTACT Address: Obala Kulina bana 11, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 215 277 Fax: +387 (0) 33 272 361 Email: [email protected] Web: www.asu.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 27 STUDY PROGRAMMES: ARTS ............................................................................................. MUSIC ACADEMY MUZIČKA AKADEMIJA 3 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Music Academy was founded in 1955, and ever since it is active partner in many musical and social events in the city and across the country. It is a proud member of The European Association of Conservatoires (AEC) where our Academy contributes to the European cultural and educational network with 280 member institutions for professional music training in 55 countries. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. Practical sessions are organized through solo acts, concerts, etc. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. Previous background in music is an asset for education at the Music Academy. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the Music Academy whether they give the opportunity to listen or take exams in English. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 4 years of study (total of 240 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 1 year of study(total of 60)and leads to a Master degree (total of 300 ECTS with the first cycle). The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. ............................................................................................. 28 STUDY PROGRAMMES: ARTS STUDY PROGRAMMES: ARTS ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES Composition Conducting Solo singing Piano, Percussion, Harp and similar instruments String instruments and Guitar Woodwind instruments and Harmonica Musicology and Ethnomusicology Music theory and Pedagogy CAREER OPTIONS After graduating at the Music Academy, graduates predominately stay in art industry, focusing on his/her musical career, or they can be involved in many projects, regarding the art (TV, theater, orchestra), working in media or choose further education for teaching career. CONTACT Address: Obala Kulina bana 11, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 215 277 Fax: +387 (0) 33 272 361 Email: [email protected] Web: www.mas.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 29 STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION FAKULTET SPORTA I TJELESNOG ODGOJA 4 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Sport and Physical education was founded in 1963. This faculty follows the path of many European universities for sport and provides students to receive and shape their knowledge through the lectures cordinated with Bologna Education process. Also, it offers classrooms, departments, halls, laboratories, library sport and restaurant facilities which meet requirements for sport activities for students and members of staff. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. Practical sessions are also organized through sport competitions, participation in many sport events, etc. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/ professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty of Sport and Physical Education whether they give the opportunity to listen or take exams in English. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 30 STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES Basic sports Martial arts Winter sports Methods and methodology in sport Transformation processes in sport Team sports Sports (general) Organization and management in sport CAREER OPTIONS After graduating at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education graduates can continue in their sport activities, as an active sports person, or to choose further further education for teaching career. CONTACT Address: Patriotske lige 41, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 668 768 Fax: +387 (0) 33 211 537 Email: [email protected] Web: www.fasto.unsa.ba DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts either 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) or 4 years of study (total of 240 ECTS) depending on the program to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 2 years of study (total of 120 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. ............................................................................................. 31 STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET 5 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Philosophy was founded in 1950 and it is one of the oldest members of the University of Sarajevo. The path of development of this institutions was very fruitful following the trends of social needs, but also with research and development processes regarding many social questions and problems. The knowledge provided in this institution is coordinated with Bologna Education process. Members of staff are often guest speakers at the universities in Europe, USA, arabic countries, but also it is a host university for many professors and proofreaders from the international partner universities. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. For the language departments the lectures are given in language that was an object of study. For other subjects, you have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. Based on the experiences of exchange students, there was no problem with arranging exams in different languages. ............................................................................................. 32 STUDY PROGRAMMES: American and English Studies (language and literature) Archaeology Art History Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Studies (language and literature) Comparative Literature and Librarianship German Studies (language and literature) History Literature of the Peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina Oriental studies (Arabic, Turkish and Persian - language and literature) Pedagogy Psychology Philosophy Roman Studies (French, Italian and Latin - language and literature) Slavic Studies (Russian Language and Literature) Sociology DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 2 years of study (total of 120 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CONTACT Address: Franje Račkog 1, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 253 200 Fax: +387 (0) 33 667 873 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.ff.unsa.ba STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES ............................................................................................. CAREER OPTIONS Graduates can choose further education for teaching career, create their environment as intepretures, proofreaders, working in institutions and organizations that requires knowledge of one or more languages. ............................................................................................. 33 STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF PEDAGOGY PEDAGOŠKI FAKULTET 6 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Pedagogy was founded in 1945 and represents institution that is comprised of three departments, along with administrative services and other subsections. Today, this faculty follows world’s standars in education of future teachers, open for coperation with other international universities and included in reforms of education, focusing on higher education reforms. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 34 STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES Pre-School education Classroom teaching Culture of living and technical training DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 4 years of study (total of 240 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 1 years of study (total of 60 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS Teaching is a highly noble profession. As this field is so vast having areas of specialisations, different skills and type of training are required for different levels. Areas of specialisation include teaching at nursery schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges, universities, institutes, special schools etc. CONTACT Address: Franje Račkog 1, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 253 200 Fax: +387 (0) 33 667 873 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.pf.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 35 STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF ISLAMIC STUDIES FAKULTET ISLAMSKIH STUDIJA 7 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Islamic studies is one of the oldest and prestigioust institution of higher education in South East Europe. Its roots are found in a centuries old tradition of Islamic education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, when the first mosques were erected, together with dervish houses and mualimhans (first Islamic schools). As a Faculty of Islamic studies, it was founded in 1977, and in 2004 it became associate member of the University of Sarajevo. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. Some of the courses are given in English and Arabic. Please, do check with the faculty about the English courses and exams. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. Based on the experiences of exchange students, there was no problem with arranging exams in different languages. ............................................................................................. 36 STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES Theology Religious Pedagogy Imams, Hatibs and Mualims DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 4 years of study (total of 240 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 2 years of study (total of 120 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS As a religious higher education institution, it is presumed that students do stay in religious activities, either in religious institutions, or they can choose further education for teaching career. CONTACT Address: Ćemerlina 54, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 251 031 Fax: +387 (0) 33 251 044 Email enquiries: [email protected] [email protected] Web: www.fin.ba ............................................................................................. 37 STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF CATHOLIC THEOLOGY KATOLIČKI BOGOSLOVNI FAKULTET 8 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Catholic Theology offers theological education to its students on academic level. With its curriculum, Faculty trains men and women to be in faithful and creative leaders in the mission of Church. The Pope Leon established an seminary for education of priests in Travnik in 1881. In 1893 they transferred from Travnik to a new building in Sarajevo. Although it existed as a school/seminary for the priests since 1893, it was in 2009 that was officially pronounced as a Faculty of Catholic Theology. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 38 STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES STUDY PROGRAMMES: HUMANITIES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES Philosophical and Theological Study DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts53 years of study (total of 300 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 2 years of study (total of 120 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 1 year of study (total of 60 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS As a religious higher education institution, it is presumed that students do stay in religious activities, either in churches and seminaries, or they can choose further education for teaching career. CONTACT Address: Josipa Štadlera 5, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 533 516 Fax: +387 (0) 33 441 252 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.kbf.ba At the moment, enrolment in the the first cycle is available. ............................................................................................. 39 STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF HEALTH STUDIES FAKULTET ZDRAVSTVENIH STUDIJA 9 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Although it was founded back in 1973 as a Higher medical school, it was in 2002 that this institution became official Faculty of Health studies and enrolled first generation to the 4-year-bachelor studies. After graduating, students can apply to the postgraduate studies and doctoral studies in the area of health studies. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/ professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen or take exams in English. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 40 STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Health Care and Therapy Physiotherapy Environmental Health and Human Ecology Health Management Technologies in Radiology Laboratory Technologies DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 4 years of study (total of 240 ECTS) depending on the program to obtain the degree of Bachelor. CAREER OPTIONS After graduating at the Faculty of Health studies, graduates stay in the health services industry, promoting awareness of health issues to individuals and the community, encouring healthy lifestyles. Jobs directly related to the degree are nursing, therapists, social worker, medical sales representative or further education lecturer. CONTACT Address: Patriotske lige 41, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 668 768 Fax: +387 (0) 33 211 537 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.fzs.unsa.ba The second cycle lasts 1 year of study (total of 60 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. ............................................................................................. 41 STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF PHARMACY FARMACEUTSKI FAKULTET 10 Marked on the map at pages 80-81 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Pharmacy was founded in 1973. Innovative teaching, clinical and experiential placements and business skills programs provide our students with a well rounded and professionally relevant pharmacy degree, putting them in high demand with employers. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical session, guest speakers. Practical sessions are organized in laboratories. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/ professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department whether they give the opportunity to listen or take exams in English. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 42 STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Pharmacy DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first and second cycles are integrated with study programme and lasts 5 years (total of 300 ECTS) and leads to a Master of pharmacy degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS The majority of pharmacists work in community practice (commonly known as a chemist's shop or community pharmacy). Many pharmacists also work full time or part time as managers or pharmacists-incharge. CONTACT Address: Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 665 928 Fax: +387 (0) 33 666 139 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.ffsa.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 43 STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF MEDICINE MEDICINSKI FAKULTET 11 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Medicine was founded in 1944 and has been working continuously since 1946. The graduates of this faculty possess an exceptionally high quality of knowledge, skills and competences, which have always been the foundation for the functioning and organization of the healthcare system in this region. With their remarkable achievements, the graduates of this Faculty have also mapped out and maintained the currents of medical science and profession in B&H. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical session, guest speakers. Practical sessions are organized in laboratories and clinics. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/ professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department whether they give the opportunity to listen or take exams in English. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 44 STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: General medicine (later with specializations) CAREER OPTIONS Medicine is one of the most sort out and rewarding career for those interested in science and Faculty of Medicine offers dealing with sick people. Over the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate years, the field of medical studies study (in cooperation with the have undergone various stages of faculty of Political Sciences) development, it has become so vast that specialisations within are DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS increasing day by day. There is The first and second cycles are great scope for medicine as a integrated with study programme professional career. The major and lasts 5 years (total of 300 Specialisations include General ECTS) with 2 years of Medicine, General Surgery, specialisation and leads to a Paediatrics, Obstetrics & degree Doctor of medicine. Gynaecology, Dermatology, After candidates can go for post Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, ENT graduate level studies. (Ear, Nose and Throat), Psychiatry, The third cycle lasts 3 years of Anesthesiology etc. study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CONTACT Address: Čekaluša 90, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 227 018 Fax: +387 (0) 33 203 670 Email enquiries: medjunarodna.saradnja@ mf.unsa.ba Web: www.mf.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 45 STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF DENTAL MEDICINE WITH CLINICS STOMATOLOŠKI FAKULTET SA KLINIKAMA 12 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Dental medicine was founded in 1960 as a department at the Faculty of Medicine, but recognized as a heigher education institution in 1974. Since its founding, the dental education program has maintained its leadership role in dental education and research in Bosnia and Herzegovina by preparing distinguished graduates capable of functioning in the many roles the profession demands. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical session, guest speakers. Practical sessions are organized in laboratories and clinics. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/ professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department whether they give the opportunity to listen or take exams in English. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 46 STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Pre-Clinical Dentistry Dental Pathology and Endodontics Periodontology and Oral Medicine Oral Surgery Orthodontics Pedodontics Dental Prosthetics Institute for Development and Materials in Dentistry General Subjects DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first and second cycles are integrated with study programme and lasts 6 years (total of 360 ECTS).After, candidates can go for post graduate level studies. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS The field of dentistry offers many different types of jobs and career options at a variety of educational and professional levels. Dentists and other dental professionals enjoy career stability and a choice of many career opportunities. Dentistry involves a broad range of professionals, from doctorate level to administrative level people. All of these dental professionals work together to provide oral care and dental health maintenance services from cleanings to more specialized procedures and surgeries. CONTACT Address: Bolnička 4a, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 443 269 Fax: +387 (0) 33 443 395 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.sf.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 47 STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE VETERINARSKI FAKULTET 13 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Veterinary medicine was founded in 1949 and ever since it is dedicated to meeting the animal and public health needs through its education, research and outreach programs. This faculty is committed to strengthening the connections between human and animal medicine. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical session, guest speakers. Practical sessions are also organized in laboratories and veterinary clinics. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department whether they give the opportunity to listen or take exams in English. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 48 STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: MEDICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Morphology Epizootiology Zootechnology and Poultry Breeding Food Hygiene Monitoring and Environmental Protection Reproduction, Breeding and Selection DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first and second cycles are integrated with study programme and lasts 5,5 years (total of 330 ECTS). After, candidates can go for post graduate level studies. CAREER OPTIONS There are many Veterinarian career options, and they range from conducting research to working with small, large or exotic animals. Veterinarian career options include going into clinical practice, private practice, agriculture or one of several other fields. CONTACT Address: Zmaja od Bosne 90, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 610 908 Fax: +387 (0) 33 610 908 Email enquiries: [email protected] [email protected] Web: www.vfs.unsa.ba The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. ............................................................................................. 49 STUDY PROGRAMMES: NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE & FOOD SCIENCES POLJOPRIVREDNO - PREHRAMBENI FAKULTET 14 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences was founded in 1940. The aims of the faculty is constant education, research, inNovations and cooperation to implement their vision - to become one of the well developed European institutions. It is important to strengthen the influence on the food policies and production to contribute the quality of living in Bosnia and Herzegovina and region. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/ professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 50 STUDY PROGRAMMES: Agriculture and Vegetable Farming, Fruit Growing and Viticulture, Zoo-Technology, Economics of Agriculture and Food Technology, Aquaculture DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 2 years of study (total of 120 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS Work in agricultural sectors ranges from the totally academic pursuits of research and teaching to inspection and other supervisory work to commercial activities of establishing farms, plantations, orchards and carrying on exports of produce from them. CONTACT Address: Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 225 727 Fax: +387 (0) 33 667 429 Email inquiries: [email protected] Web: www.ppf.unsa.ba STUDY PROGRAMMES: NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. 51 STUDY PROGRAMMES: NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES & MATHEMATICS PRIRODNO - MATEMATIČKI FAKULTET 15 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics was founded in 1960, and before that it was a department of the Faculty of Philosophy. This faculty is dedicated to delivering the highest possible quality teaching and research. The Faculty is committed to continuing to attract and develop the highest quality students and staff for its successful undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD courses. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and TEACHING communication skills are assessed Teaching methods include through group studies and reports lectures, seminars and personal as well as presentations. Practical tutorials, practical sessions, guest work is also a part of the speakers. This is all arranged in examinations. correlation with lectures/ professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. ............................................................................................. 52 STUDY PROGRAMMES: Biology Physics Chemistry Geography Mathematics CAREER OPTIONS Graduates progress into a diverse range of careers and employment sectors. The private, public and charitable sectors are all represented. Studying natural science with course training in DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS technology will increase the The first cycle lasts 3 years of plausibility of having a solid career study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain that is highly in-demand. Posible the degree of Bachelor. career options: laboratory The second cycle lasts either 1 technician, clinical research year of study (total of 60 ECTS) or specialist, food and drug analyst 2 years of study (total of 120 etc. ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CONTACT Address: Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 723 778 Fax: +387 (0) 33 649 359 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.pmf.unsa.ba STUDY PROGRAMMES: NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. 53 STUDY PROGRAMMES: NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF FORESTRY ŠUMARSKI FAKULTET 16 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Forestry was founded in 1948. The aim of the faculty is education of young people to understand nature and its laws. But this mission is implemented through the knowledge of elderly generations, who use the newest knowledge and scientific accomplishments to influence and control forest and urban ecosystems. This faculty explores and study general, ecological, technical and socio-economical scientific factors which influence the mechanism of nature. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/ professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 54 STUDY PROGRAMMES: Forestry Horticulture DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 2 years of study (total of 120 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS Graduates progress into a diverse range of careers and employment sectors. Your work can help reduce climate change, protect ecosystems, develop renewable energy options, and more. Forests contribute a lot to the ecology and economy of the nations and play a major role in improvement of quality of life of the people. Issues like global warming, deforestation, global climatic change, water scarcity, natural disasters, etc, are all related to the effective and controlled use of forest wealth. CONTACT Address: Zagrebačka 20, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 812 490 Fax: +387 (0) 33 812 488 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.sfsa.unsa.ba STUDY PROGRAMMES: NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. 55 STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS EKONOMSKI FAKULTET 17 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT The School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo (SEBS) was established in 1952 as the Faculty of Economics. SEBS is the only educational institution in B&H that has been a member of European Foundation for Management Development EFMD and member of The Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business – AACSB. At present, SEBS is the only faculty in Bosnia and Herzegovina that holds a European accreditation, which means that this institution and its diplomas will be recognized in the European Education Area. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/ professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 56 STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Management and Organization Business Law Microeconomics Accounting and Auditing Finance Economic Theory and Policy Management and Information Technology Quantitative Economics Marketing DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 2 years of study (total of 120 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS Given the analytical nature and diversity of the discipline, economics provides a solid background for many jobs and professions. The study of economics also offers excellent preparation for advanced education in business, law, economics, finance, public policy, international relations, and medicine. Your degree will also have helped you to develop skills such as numeracy; analysis; verbal and written communication; problem solving; and presentation. You can probably also offer practical skills such as knowledge of computing packages or foreign languages. CONTACT Address: Trg oslobođenja Alija Izetbegović 1, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 275 900 Fax: +387 (0) 33 275 994 Email enquiries : [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.efsa.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 57 STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF POLITICAL SCIENCES FAKULTET POLITIČKIH NAUKA 18 Marked on the map at pages 80-81 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Political Sciences was founded in 1961. This faculty offers basis for professional work in government institutions, companies, institutions of culture, education and civil society and/or to continue further research and development on this or other similar faculties. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/ professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work can be a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 58 STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Political Science Sociology Journalism Security and Peace Studies Social Work DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 2 years of study (total of 120 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS A degree in political science can lead to exciting careers in federal, state and local governments; law; business; international organizations; nonprofit associations and organizations; campaign management and polling; journalism; precollegiate education; electoral politics; research and university and college teaching. Political science majors gain analytical skills, administrative competence and communication abilities that are valued in a wide spectrum of potential career areas. CONTACT Address: Skenderija 72, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 203 562 Fax: +387 (0) 33 666 884 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.fpn.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 59 STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF CRIMINALISTICS, CRIMINOLOGY and SECURITY STUDIES FAKULTET ZA KRIMINALISTIKU, KRIMINOLOGIJU I SIGURNOSNE STUDIJE 19 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Criminalistcs, Criminology and Security studies was founded in 1993, as a civil institution which showed an interests to oppose all kinds of unlegal and socialy dangerouse behaviour. Main aim of this institution is to perform academic processes and to develop and realise researches which can be developed on further postgraduate and PhD studies. Faculty studies three separated disciplines criminalistics, criminology and secury studies, which could be combined in further education proceses. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. ............................................................................................. 60 STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Criminalistics Criminology Security studies DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 4 years of study (total of 240 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 1 year of study (total of 60 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS Employers value experience, and a range of paid and voluntary work opportunities exist, including work with offenders, criminal justice agencies and victims of crime. Social work and community education departments also offer relevant opportunities. Jobs directly related to your degree: community development worker, police officer, probation officer, social worker, prison officer, solicitor. You can probably also offer practical skills such as knowledge of computing packages or foreign languages. CONTACT Address: Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 561 201 Fax: +387 (0) 33 561 216 Email enquiries : [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.fknbih.edu ............................................................................................. 61 STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF LAW PRAVNI FAKULTET 20 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Law was founded in 1946 and it aims to be the leader among other law faculties, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but in the region as well, by offering qualitative programmes for 1st and 2nd cycles of studies. The Faculty’s rich academic programs are supplemented by its many legal clinics and public interest programs. Housed in beautiful, historic building, the Faculty also features modern facilities. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 62 STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Public and International Law Economic Sciences Civil Law Comparative Legal History and Comparative Law Criminal Law DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 4 years of study (total of 240 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 1 year of study (total of 60 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS Students majoring in legal studies focus their learning on law and legal institutions. The major can lay the foundation for a career in business, government and law enforcement, as well as master's or doctorate degree programs in law or related areas. Studying law develops many skills which will be equally valuable outside the legal profession, in particular the following: communication, both written and verbal, analysing and problem solving, using information from different sources, time management, researching, presentation, negotiation, attention to details, logical reasoning. Jobs oportunities: paralegal, probation officer, social worker, lawyers. CONTACT Address: Obala Kulina bana 7/II,71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 206 360 Fax: +387 (0) 33 206 355 Email enquiries : [email protected] Web: www.pfsa.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 63 STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION FAKULTET ZA JAVNU UPRAVU 21 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT This faculty was founded in 2005. In the process of ongoing political and social transition in our country and in view of coming constitutional changes, the establishment of a separate faculty of public administration to address this complex and intricate matter, fills in a great gap in our education system. Interest in practical functioning and scientific research of the public administration has strongly grown in the Western European countries as well as in other developed countries of the world. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 64 STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Public Administration DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 4 years of study (total of 240 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 1 year of study (total of 60 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle is still unavailable. CAREER OPTIONS The job opportunities are very high and covers a large number of areas in Public Administration. Graduates can choose to work in government. However, you can find jobs in areas like: Human Resource Management, Organization and Public Administration, Ethics in Public Administration, Public Policy and Public Administration, Finance and Public Administration, Administrative Officer, Consultant, Teacher. CONTACT Address: Patriotske lige 41, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 553 837 Fax: +387 (0) 33 554 146 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.fju.edu.ba ............................................................................................. 65 STUDY PROGRAMMES: SOCIAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF ARHITECTURE ARHITEKTONSKI FAKULTET 22 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT At the Faculty of Architecture, we aspire to lead Bosnia and Herzegovina in the creation of sustainable designed environments, both digital and physical, to enhance the collective human experience. Our teaching and research programs foster critical and creative thinking across the disciplines of Architectural Science, Design and Urban Planning and Policy. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 66 STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Arhitecture (Engineering, Design and Urban Planning) DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 2 years of study (total of 120 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of PhD. CAREER OPTIONS The architectural process is complex and exhaustive, creating many career opportunities for architecture students. Many students choose to become building architects, landscape architects or architectural drafters, among other occupations. Since they contribute to the design of structures and space people occupy every day, all architectural professionals require some form of professional training. CONTACT Address: Patriotske lige 30, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 226 534 Fax: +387 (0) 33 213 494 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.af.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 67 STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ELEKTROTEHNIČKI FAKULTET 23 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT The Faculty of Electrical Engineering was established in 1961. Faculty’s mission is to provide world class program in teaching and learning within the field of Electrical Engineering, to develop technology and technologists in the field of electrical engineering possessing high values and morals and to spearhead technology knowledge in the field of electrical engineering. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 68 STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Automatic Control and Electronics Electric Power Engineering Computer Science and Informatics Telecommunication DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 2 years of study (total of 120 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of PhD. CAREER OPTIONS Electronics Engineering is one of the largest and fastest growing field of engineering. It covers a wide range of applications which make our life easier and enjoyable such as Television, Radio, computers, telecommunication etc. Need for Electrical Engineers exists not only in the fast growing Energy sector-nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants as well as thermal power plants, but also in other industries like cement, steel and petrochemicals. CONTACT Address: Zmaja od Bosne bb, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 250 700 Fax: +387 (0) 33 250 725 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.etf.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 69 STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION FAKULTET ZA SAOBRAĆAJ I KOMUNIKACIJE 24 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT The Faculty of Transport and Communication is founded in 1977. This faculty has designed its programs to meet the continued demands caused by increasing numbers of motor vehicles, the need to modernise railways, and the mechanisation and automation of building processes and industrial materials handing systems, as well new technologies in communication. Degree programs at this Faculty provide a thorough study of basic subjects followed by concentration in transportation and communication engineering. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. ............................................................................................. 70 STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Transportation (road, rail, air) Communication (communication technology, postal technology) DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 4 years of study (total of 240 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 1 years of study (total of 60 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of PhD. CAREER OPTIONS Career options in communications are varied. Students may choose through academic courses and internships, areas of specialization. The majors rang from planning, supply chain management, and logistics to marketing and engineering. CONTACT Address: Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 565 200 Fax: +387 (0) 33 225 985 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.fsk.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 71 STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING GRAĐEVINSKI FAKULTET 25 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Civil Engineering at Univeristy of Sarajevo was established in 1949. Faculty is committed to providing outstanding learning opportunities, advancements in civil infrastructure development and preservation, and valuable outreach to the engineering community and society. Our purpose is to perform education, research and consulting services in the areas of civil engineering and geodesy. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 72 STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES: Civil Engineering Geodesy DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 2 years of study (total of 120 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of PhD. CAREER OPTIONS Civil Engineering involves planning, designing and executing structural works. The profession deals with a wide variety of engineering tasks including designing, supervision and construction activities of public works like roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, airports, dams, water works, sewage systems, ports etc. On most projects, civil engineers work in teams or in coordination with many other engineers. They can find work as a supervisor of a construction site or a managerial position or in design, research as well as teaching in government services or private concerns. They can also work as independent consultants. CONTACT Address: Patriotske lige 30, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 278 400 Fax: +387 (0) 33 200 158 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.gfsa.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 73 STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MAŠINSKI FAKULTET 26 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT Faculty of Mechanical engineering was founded in 1958 and it represents the leading institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the area of mechanical engineering. Since its start, this faculty educated today’s experts which contribute to the country’s industry. Our goal is to become recognizable partner in economy as a institution that follows and participates in research and development processes on international level. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/ professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. You have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. ............................................................................................. 74 STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES Mechanical and Production Engineering Energy Process Technology and Environmental Engineering Department of Defence Technologies Industrial Engineering and Management Mechanical Structures Wood Processing Technology Engines and Vehicles DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS The first cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain the degree of Bachelor. The second cycle lasts 2 years of study (total of 120 ECTS) and leads to a Master degree. The third cycle lasts 3 years of study (total of 180 ECTS) to obtain a PhD degree. CAREER OPTIONS Mechanical engineering is concerned with all types of machinery in industries and all aspects of their mechanism and functioning; the design, development, construction, production, installation, operation and maintenance. The specialisations include in areas like thermal engineering, design, and production engineering etc. Mechanical engineers work mainly in manufacturing firms. They can find work in administrative and managerial positions in government departments or public and private sector industries or do research as well as teaching in Research and teaching institutes. They could also opt for technical sales / marketing or work as independent consultants. CONTACT Address: Vilsonovo šetalište 9, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 729 800 Fax: +387 (0) 33 653 055 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.mef.unsa.ba ............................................................................................. 75 STUDY PROGRAMMES: INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES ............................................................................................. CENTER FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY POSTGRADUATE STUDIES CENTAR ZA INTERDISCIPLINARNE POSTDIPLOMSKE STUDIJE 27 Marked on the map at pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. ABOUT The Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies focuses on the interdisciplinary education of a new generation of local experts as one of the preconditions for consolidating democracy, rule of law, and a sustainable economic system. As such, CIPS today represents a focal meeting point of more than a hundred prominent experts (both local and international) from various academic and professional fields, who are devoted to the establishment of a strong democracy and protection of human rights, as fundamental priorities of countries in transition. TEACHING Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and personal tutorials, practical sessions, group design, guest speakers. This is all arranged in correlation with lectures/professors. You will also spend a significant amount of time in personal study. LANGUAGE Lectures are given in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. Some departments offer lectures in English. You will have to check with the International relations department at the faculty whether they give the opportunity to listen lectures in English or any other language. ASSESSMENT Assessment is by courseware, classroom tests and examinations. Group learning, teamwork, individual work and communication skills are assessed through design group studies and reports as well as presentations. Practical work is also a part of the examinations. Based on the experiences of exchange students, there was no problem with arranging exams in different languages. ............................................................................................. 76 STUDY PROGRAMMES: INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES STUDY PROGRAMMES: INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES ............................................................................................. STUDY PROGRAMMES Democracy and Human Rights in South-East Europe (ERMA) European Studies (ES) Gender Studies (GS) Management of State and Non Governmental Organisations Religious Studies DEGREE AND QUALIFICATIONS Only Master studies CAREER OPTIONS Graduates have open posibilities for different career options. A degree in European Studies equips students with an in-depth understanding of economic and political dynamics in Europe. The jobs most closely related to a degree in Gender Studies, either directly after graduating or after further training and work experience, include the following: Programme leader, Community educator, Trainer, Project Coordinator, Policy analyst, Media/Communication officer, Human Resource Adviser, etc. CONTACT Address: Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 (0) 33 668 683 Fax: +387 (0) 33 668 685 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.cps.edu.ba ............................................................................................. 77 STUDY PROGRAMMES: RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES ............................................................................................. RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES ISTRAŽIVANJA (INSTITUTI I CENTRI) ............................................................................................. ABOUT Various kinds of institutions provide opportunities for doing research. University of Sarajevo will always try to contribute to the research mission, especially focusing on intellectual, technological, economic ans social developments. Our university cover a broad range of research activities, including basic research, applied research and development research. The top-class science and research performed at faculties, academies, centres and institutes of learning thrives on intensive cooperation between scientists, academics, research organisations and institutes, both at home and abroad. Mobility participants that chose University of Sarajevo as a place for their recearch opportunities can gather neccessery informations by contacting faculties and academies. Besided heigher education institutions, academic reseachers do have a posibillity to do their research in the colaboration with centres and institutes. 1 INSTITUTE OF HISTORY Founded in 1959, this institute provides research regarding social and humanity's studies, especially focusing on history. Address: Alipašina 9, 71000 Sarajevo Phone: +387 33 209 364 Fax: +387 33 217 263 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.iis.unsa.ba 2 ORIENTAL INSTITUTE Founded in 1950, this institute collects, analyse and publish researches in Arabic, Turkish and Persian language, studies these languages and literature, focusing on works of B&H’s contributors. It also studies oriental history, culture and art in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Address: Zmaja od Bosne bb, 71000 Sarajevo Phone: +387 33 220 957 Fax: +387 33 225 353 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.ois.unsa.ba - marked on the pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. 78 STUDY PROGRAMMES: INSTITUTES & CENTRES STUDY PROGRAMMES: RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES ............................................................................................. INSTITUTE FOR GENETIC 3 ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY Founded in 1988 as Center for Genetical Engineering and Biotechnology. Integrally, activities of the Institute for genetic engineering and biotechnology encompass scientific and professional work relevant for the development of genetic engineering and technology based on it. INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH OF 4 CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY NAD INTERNATIONAL LAW Founded in 1992, this Institute is a public scientific institution engaged in analysis of crimes against peace, crime of genocide, and other grave breaches of international law from the historical, legal, sociological, criminology, economic, demographic, psychological, political, cultural, medical, environmental, and other aspects of relevance for the complete research of crimes. Address: Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo Phone: +387 33 220 926 Fax: +387 33 442 891 Address: Halida Nazečića 4, Email enquiries: [email protected] 71000 Sarajevo Web: www.ingeb.ba Phone: +387 33 561 350 Fax: +387 33 561 351 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.institut-genocid.ba THE HYDRO-ENGINEERING 5 INSTITUTE OF THE FACULTY CIVIL ENGINEERING Hydro-Engineering Institute was founded in 1954 by the Decision of the Sarajevo University. Our scientific and research activities include planning, preparation, execution and evaluation of science and research based projects including real implementation of their results. The focus is on applicative and development research that support sustainable development of B&H, but also of western Balkan and wider. Our research activities support EU policies in filed of water and environment and increase our international competitiveness making us part of European Research Area (ERA). Address: Stjepana Tomića 1, 71000 Sarajevo Phone: +387 33 212 466 Fax: +387 33 207 949 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.heis.com.ba - marked on the pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. 79 STUDY PROGRAMMES: RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES ............................................................................................. 6 HUMAN RIGHTS CENTRE It was founded with aim to provide University with a possibility to organise and enable itself for the confident and expert realisation of international human rights. Its mission is to contribute to the implementation of international human rights through information dissemination processes and providing necessary documentation, lectures, expert advice, research and reporting and publishing relevant materials. The Centre is an interdisciplinary body and is co-operating with other similar institutions, nongovernmental organisations and national and international bodies dealing with human rights issues. Its activities include national as well as international domain. 7 UNIVERSITY TELE-INFORMATICS CENTRE UTIC is founded in 1996, and since then it activly contribute to the quality of education, both on the University of Sarajevo and in the Bosnia and Herzegovina, through the implementation of the information and communication technologies in education system. This establishes better exchange of the infromation and knowledge between research and development institutions and heigher education institutions and the region and the world. Address: Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo Phone: +387 33 560 240 Fax: +387 33 213 773 Email enquiries: [email protected] Web: www.utic.ba Address: Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo Phone: +387 33 668 251 Fax: +387 33 668 251 Email enquiries: [email protected] [email protected] Web: www.hrc.unsa.ba - marked on the pages 82-83 of the Guide ............................................................................................. 82 Main UNSA’s faculties and academies 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 Academy of Fine Arts Academy of Performing Arts Music Academy Faculty of Sport and Physical Education 15 1 16 1 17 1 20 1 Faculty of Political Sciences Faculty of Crminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies Faculty of Law 21 1 Faculty of Public Administration 22 1 Faculty of Architecture 18 1 1 7 Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Pedagogy Faculty of Islamic studies 1 8 Faculty of Catholic Theology 1 9 Faculty of Health studies 23 1 1 5 1 6 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 19 1 Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Dental medicine Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Faculty of Forestry School of Economics and Business 24 1 25 1 26 1 27 1 Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Transport and Communication Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Research Centres and Institutes 1 1 2 1 3 Institute of History Oriental Institute Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 41 61 17 Institute for Research of Crimes Against Humanity The Human Rights Centre University Tele-Informatic Centre Sarajevo landmarks A B C Old Town BAŠČARŠIJA SKENDERIJA square Hospital KOŠEVO D E F Olympic hall ZETRA Train station Bus station G H I Museum of B&H Student dorm BJELAVE Student dorm NEDŽARIĆI J K L Airport War Tunnel Museum Town Hall E 4 F 10 3 14 6 2 27 7 23 19 24 5 15 G 26 13 I 3 km J 10 km K 10 km 80 16 4 9 5 D C 25 22 H 11 12 7 8 3 1 17 20 2 1 6 A L STUDY PROGRAMMES: MAP OF FACULTIES AND ACADEMIES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO 21 18 B ............................................................................................. 81 STUDY PROGRAMMES: ABOUT SARAJEVO ............................................................................................. SARAJEVOinfo ............................................................................................. CULTURE Sarajevo - a city or a living legend? There is not one person that has not heard about Sarajevo at least once in their life, a place of stunning beauty, and a recent testimony to human courage in the face of adversity. Sarajevo has been the meeting point between east and west for hundreds of years, the place where time seems to freeze. Many civilizations and Empires have passed through this city, each of them leaving traces behind that can be found all over. In just a few hundred meters in Sarajevo, Catholic and Orthodox churches, mosques and Jewish synagogues proudly stand side by side. Centuries have passed by and they still stand out, welcoming travelers. Experience for yourself the warm welcome and the historical riches that make Sarajevo unique. But remember, once you come here you will always want to return. Walk down Baščaršija and you will still see a mixture of traditional craft stalls next to contemporary fashion retailers. Every few steps there are an ancient chapel, mosque or relic of the Ottoman Empire. Famous for its traditional religious diversity, Sarajevo has often been called "Jerusalem of Europe", with adherents of Islam, Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Judaism coexisting there for centuries. Just in one place you can find unbelievable natural beauty and richness this country possesses, all historical monuments you need to visit, as well as all tourist attractions that wait for you to come. Find some time to enjoy the beauties the city of Sarajevo and the whole of BosniaHerzegovina have to offer. Do not miss exploring some of the witnesses of history and times long past, monuments that still preserve the spirit of the old times and remain seals of historical events. HISTORY Sarajevo has always attracted the attention of kings, clerics and conquerors because of its enviable location on the Balkan diagonal. Situated 500m above the sea, it is surrounded by mountains and forests in a river valley. And since ancient times it has acted as gateway for the peoples of Greece and Asia Minor migrating towards the Midwest of Europe or vice versa. Although settlement in the area stretches back to prehistoric times, the modern city arose as an Ottoman stronghold in the 15th century. In 1914 it was the site of the assassination that sparked World War I. The tensions that caused that original protest continued into the 20th century, ripping apart the alliance of Yugoslavia, and manifesting in the more recent Bosnia war. The 21th century begins the dawn of a new era of peace and stability for Sarajevo. ............................................................................................. 84 DID YOU KNOW THAT SARAJEVO: - was the first city in Europe and the second city in the world to have a full-time operational electric tram network running through the city, the first being San Francisco? - in 1914 was the site where Austrian heir to the throne Franc Ferdinand was assassinated that sparked World War I? STUDY PROGRAMMES: ABOUT SARAJEVO STUDY PROGRAMMES: ABOUT SARAJEVO ............................................................................................. - hosted 14th Winter Olympic Games in 1984? - has been under the longest siege of over 1000 days in modern military history during the BosniaHerzegovina’s War? - is the best city to visit in 2012 according to the Travel Tournament, organized by Foxnomad.com? - is one of the best biker adventure destinations for 2012 according to National Geographic? ............................................................................................. 85 STUDY PROGRAMMES: EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................. STUDENTS’ AND STAFF’S MOBILITY EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................. If you are considering being in the mobility process at the University of Sarajevo (an exchange student or member of academic and non-academic staff), you may read the former scholars’ experience which can be helpful in your decision. >>> ............................................................................................. 86 STUDY PROGRAMMES: ABOUT SARAJEVO STUDY PROGRAMMES: ABOUT SARAJEVO ............................................................................................. Ilona Jerič University of Ljubljana SLOVENIA My Basileus exchange in Sarajevo was very fruitful for understanding different social enviorments, meeting new people and last but not least my diploma thesis research. Living in a city and country that has such a strog presence of historical political components in everyday life requires recontextualization of previously obtained knowledge about environment. But at the same point this circumstance elicit different opinions in communication, which motivated intensiveness of my observations, participations and knowledge-absorption process. Also my staying at the department for Comparative Literature and at Bosnian-Hercegovian Literature Department was valuable for insight in Bosnian-Hercegovian literature thesaurus and the research questions that arise out of it. Out of the study coordinates - Sarajevo was really nice and inspirational experience; good music, good food, beautiful surroundings and charismatic people. ............................................................................................. 87 STUDY PROGRAMMES: EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................. Franka Gulin University of Zagreb CROATIA This scholarship was the one of the best things that happened in my life. I met fabulous people, made friendships, ate fantastic food and collaborate with some excellent professors and colleagues. Now I am at the end of this life adventure and I am still trying to find a way to stay a little bit more. This was a very very good year for me. Sarajevo, I got you under my skin! ............................................................................................. 88 Alma Budimlić University of Ljubljana SLOVENIA I was very warmly welcomed at the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo: from staff, who showed me the Faculty and was always there for anything I needed, as well as students, who showed me around and introduced me with the city, they helped me with my studying too, explained the words I sometimes did not understand, during the classes. I can only say I wish it lasted longer and if someone is concidering applying, don't think twice! STUDY PROGRAMMES: ABOUT SARAJEVO STUDY PROGRAMMES: EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. 89 STUDY PROGRAMMES: EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................. Pavel Pospech Masaryk University, Brno CZECH REPUBLIC My encounter with Sarajevo was rather random one, as it happens to be with many important encounters in general. I was looking for a place where I could work independently on my PhD thesis and related research. Within the Erasmus Mundus programme, Sarajevo appeared to be the most interesting city, so I picked Sarajevo. Now, 6 months later and about to leave back home, I can see it was a good choice. My experience with academic life at the university is somewhat limited, since I didn't participate in lectures and seminars. My stay here was research-oriented, which meant less contact with the academia and more independent work. Such an assignement implies a certain level of loneliness, which I also expected when coming to Sarajevo. Well, I was wrong. The other international students turned out to be a very friendly and enthusiastic people, always willing to go out and discover the oddities and peculiarities of this great city, not returning home before 4 AM. Being with them made my research stay a great experience and a fond memory. Then, of course, is the city itself, one of the most charming places I have ever been to. The metropolitan and cosmopolitan feeling of a capital city goes hand in hand with the odd layout, whereby the city centre with all its institutions and services is really small. Finally, my stay here was made much easier by the support of the administrative crowd and the University employees – both at the department of sociology, where I was enlisted and in the international office. All this together made my stay in Sarajevo a great experience. ............................................................................................. 90 Marzia Bona University of Bologna ITALY As an Exchange student at the University of Sarajevo I had the opportunity to attend stimulating lectures given by brilliant professors. Conferences and parallel events have further enriched the educational opportunity of studying at this University. Infrastructures of the University of Sarajevo, such as the Human Rights Library and the National Library of Bosnia Herzegovina have proven a very useful tool for my studying and researching activities. The city is a priceless environment, offering lots of possibilities for the free time. At same time, its dimension makes it very accessible and enjoyable. Cultural initiatives and the great nature surrounding the city have made my staying in Sarajevo an enriching experience even outside the academy. STUDY PROGRAMMES: ABOUT SARAJEVO STUDY PROGRAMMES: EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. 91 ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO International Relations Office Phone: +387 (0) 33 565 116 Fax: +387 (0) 33 565 116 Obala Kulina bana 7/III 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Web: www.unsa.ba (International Relations) Facebook: www.facebook.com/iro.unsa www.facebook.com/univsaraj
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