Watts and Associates Newsletter November 2015


Watts and Associates Newsletter November 2015
Engage Newsletter
Public Speaking
Seminar Series
A leader in supporting
organizations with shaping performance
by implementing and managing customized
training, coaching, consulting and presentations
SEMINAR SERIES—Leadership Advantage Seminars
L.A.S. was created to meet the continuous learning needs of
leaders at all organizational levels. The seminars are designed
to engage leaders to strengthen their leadership knowledge
and skills in an energetic, experiential, and learner-centered
environment while encouraging participation in group discussion, application of case studies, and personal reflection in the
traditional time management driven workplace.
L.A.S. encourages leaders to share the L.A.S. experience with
their direct reports by having them attend as learning partners.
A higher ROI on the cost of structured learning is realized when
leaders and followers share the same learning environment and
Thought-Leaders and subject experts from various fields and
industries facilitate L.A.S. in order to accommodate the need for
providers and customers to engage in a common supply chain
and foster an eclectic learning community. Thought-Leaders
and subject experts have empowered L.A.S. learners in various
fields ranging from business, education, psychology, media and
much more.
OUR NEXT SPEAKER—Colette WilsonNwonye will be presenting an exciting and
informative seminar on “Generational Diversity in the
Workplace,” on January 13th, 2016 at Fresno Pacific
University. It is ensured to empower your leadership
Colette Wilson-Nwonye, MA is a motivational speaker,
workshop facilitator, coach, mentor and an awardwinning trainer specializing in career and leadership
development with a focus on behavioral interviewing,
onboarding, promotional readiness, self-mastery, team
development and generational diversity.
Throughout her 26-year career, she has worked in
both the private and public sector and currently serves
as District I Director for the International Association
of Workforce Professional (IAWP), California Chapter,
as well as Education Chair, Fresno Chapter. IAWP is a
professional organization that offers developmental
and educational opportunities to its members.
Swim SidewayZ tells the story of small
business owner Ed Preston who, while
swimming at the beach, was rescued
from a life-ending force of a rip current
by a pod of dolphins. Through his adventure, Ed learns lessons about the value
of inclusion and living a values-centered
life. This improves his happiness and
empowers him to navigate his company
through one of the worst economic
downturns in recent world history. The
idea of Swim SidewayZ was developed
from a quote by the theoretical physicist
Albert Einstein who said the definition of
insanity is "Doing the same thing over
and over while expecting a different result." From reading Swim SidewayZ, we
learn that repeating ineffective behavior
is also something people do when they
isolate themselves from others who possess the knowledge, skills, and values to
help them achieve the results from life
and business they need and desire. Ed
was forced to learn this valuable lesson
by almost losing his life and business.
You can gain Ed's knowledge vicariously
by reading his story and, as a result,
strengthen your:
* Leadership skills
* Management team
* Organizational culture
* Personal and professional relationships
* Mental and physical well-being
To buy it now:
855 DR WATTS (855-379-2887)
[email protected]
Testimonial for Swim Sidewayzfrom Amazon.com
“Swim Sidewayz is a must read for
inspiration and perspective...It’s a
"Game Changer.” Swim Sidewayz
reminded me to re-think the way I
handled some of life’s challenges and
changing conditions ... After reading
this book, my desire was to be different and to do things based upon my
values, and always treat people with
high value ...Reading Swim Sidewayz
put me in the shoes Ed Preston, what
if the Dolphins weren't there?”
In case you missed it…
One year ago Dr. Robert Watts, Jr.
was awarded The Florence Sabin
Distinguished Alumni Award at
Vermont Academy. The school honors its most distinguished alumni with
the Florence Sabin Distinguished
Alumni Award, named in honor of
Florence Sabin, health pioneer and
member of the VA Class of 1889. We
are incredibly proud of Dr. Watts and
this prestigious award!
Speaking testimonial–Teresa Maxwell, Communities In Schools of
Tacoma, Executive Director
“By all accounts Dr. Watts delivered
an empowering talk at the Communities In School’s 2015 luncheon; his
message was very insightful in that
we are all subject to the human condition and how we can use S.O.A.R. as
agents in partnership to achieve
healthy and productive communities. I
keep the SOAR message in front of
me daily. Dr. Watts’ talk built up the
confidence of students and staff and
gave them tools for enhancing their
future. He coalesced our supporters
around our mission and goals and
helped us generate contributions beyond our expectations. In addition, it
was most apropos that he received a
one-minute standing ovation – we will
definitely bring back Dr. Robert
October Leadership Advantage
Seminar Series Re-cap:
Reading Minds: Understanding The Affective
States Of Others, Dr. Shelley Stokes
We had a powerful learning experience at the
Leadership Advantage Seminar in October! Our
thought-leader presenter, Dr. Shelley Stokes,
provided a fantastic and thought-provoking LAS
Here are some skills we enhanced:
1) Developed a firm foundational understanding
of the process and evolution of the ability to
more or less accurately read the emotional, intentional, and behavioral state of others.
2) Learned to recognize the many different manifestations of failures in the ability to accurately
read the motivations and intensions of others.
3) Learned the fundamental dynamics of
"reflective function" and its operation in our daily
lives in relation to ourselves and in relation to
4) Learned strategies with empathic tracking,
alignment, and resonance and ways to encourage the greater use of these qualities in others
around us.
Here are testimonials from some of our
“Very helpful for the workplace and home-life.”
“He (Dr. Stokes) was wonderful!”
“Absolutely great info that can be applied in
personal and professional settings.”
“This will help me with my job.”
“I wish we had more time.”
Check out our Facebook page to see
testimonial videos from two of our