The SPIRIT - Kleinburg and Area Ratepayers Association
The SPIRIT - Kleinburg and Area Ratepayers Association
The SPIRIT K L E I N B U R G A N D A R E A R A T E P AY E R S ’ A S S O C I A T I O N KARA® — community volunteers working on behalf of Kleinburg, Nashville, Purpleville and area residents Historical Village? Urban Core? What’s your vision for Kleinburg village? It seems that there are as many ideas as people in our community. The question remains - can we create a unified image of our village in the future? core survive without visitors? What is a tourist’s impression when they come to Kleinburg today? Do they feel a special magic when they arrive and spend some time here? Some have advocated that in order for Kleinburg to survive and in fact, thrive, our historic core needs to become urbanized with new multi-storey buildings and condos with commercial businesses to serve the needs of local residents. Without question, our village is best known for the McMichael Canadian Art Collection whose guiding vision is “100% Canadian Content”. Many of the successful businesses in town build on or are consistent with the historical rural ‘Canadiana’ theme – Hawthorne House, Jeremy’s, The Doctor’s House, Chartreuse. What is it that they offer? They serve both tourists and residents by providing great service, consistent hours, beautiful product and a lovely welcoming atmosphere. We’ve heard from the City’s Streetscape consultants that one of their central ideas is to build our plan around the theme of our Canadian rural agricultural heritage. There are many however who maintain that what attracted them to Kleinburg, and what in fact brings visitors back time and again, is that our village is one of the last continuous stretches of Canadiana heritage left in Ontario (one of 91 heritage conservation districts in all of Ontario) and that our village’s success depends upon preserving and encouraging this history. Many of us have had friends or relatives who’ve come to Kleinburg recently saying that there isn’t much to do here anymore. It is true that we have a lot more services in town now - daycares, schools, and other services. Would ‘urbanization’ and more new complexes make our village more or less attractive as a destination? Does this matter? While Kleinburg has a centre-village model, there is not the space (nor parking) for large retail for grocery shopping or day-to-day household shopping to serve local residents. Can the IT’S YOUR VILLAGE! 10360/10384 ISLINGTON CONDO APPEAL AT ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BEGINS MONDAY AUGUST 31 10:30 a.m. City of Vaughan COUNCIL CHAMBERS YOUR PRESENCE MATTERS! In this issue: Our village could be a pedestrian-friendly, vibrant TENNIS COURT village, and a unique living reflection of Canada’s past embraced by residents and visitors alike - a speREVITALIZATION cial place where residents and visitors feel connected KARA MEETING with Canadian history, experience the beauty of naBRIEFS ture, and enliven their spirits through Canadian arts, KNSC UNDER 8’S literature and cuisine. ARE COVI CHAMPS The possibilities for our village are endless– …...P3 BINDER TWINE-Sept.12th– Volunteer and Join the Fun! Our volunteer-run village festival to take place on Saturday, September 12 needs you! This festival celebrating our rural Canadian heritage is one of the largest single day festivals in Canada drawing over 20,000 visitors to Kleinburg. Your help will make all the difference to the success of this year’s festival. Come meet your neighbours, make new friends, bring the whole family, and help support our community! August 2009 KARA ACTION 2 3 CORNER Volunteers are still needed for Bacon on the Bun, COMMUNITY PRIDE AT NEW FOREST Admission Gates, Sarsaparilla, Set-Up and Clean CLEAN-UP Up Crews. School Volunteer Hours are available! Please call Heather Arnott if you can spare just 2 VISION...FROM P. 1 hours- 905-893-0794 or More 4 Binder Twine events and notices on PAGE 4 of ‘The COMMUNITY EVENTS AND Spirit’. CLUBS The SPIRIT www.KARA- Tennis Club all ‘Aces’ with Revitalization Plan Young Kleinburg Nashville Tennis Club Members get a lesson from Coach Sasha. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of their members, the Kleinburg and Nashville Tennis club is serving up a revitalized organization and an improvement plan for the tennis courts at Binder Twine Park for all to enjoy! Earlier this year, members of the re-energized local tennis club organized a site meeting with the City of Vaughan, a Director of KARA, and a few key tennis club members to review the poor state of the tennis courts at Binder Twine Park. This productive meeting led to the City investigating the possibility of installing 4 new courts at Binder Twine Park by rotating the current courts by 90 degrees so that other park facilities wouldn’t be impacted. Since that time, club members have been active in soliciting considerable community support and now have 200 names on a “friendly letter of support” for this project. The club also made a comprehensive presentation to KARA about the sub-standard condition of the courts, their club goals to serve the community and their wish to have 4 courts so that the club can apply for inter-county status. KARA is supporting their initiative and has sent a letter to the City of Vaughan encouraging that funding be allocated in the 2010 budget. Thanks KNTC! KARA Meeting briefs: On the agenda in our regular KARA Board Meetings in June and July: June-KARA received a presentation from Kleinburg Nashville Tennis Club. KARA supported their request for 4 new tennis courts at Binder Twine Park as long as other facilities remain unaffected. KARA will send letter to City. Directors agreed to approach the BIA with concerns of signage and the gas station. . lington properties, presented a Settlement Offer to the KARA Board of Directors on July 16, 2009. However, KARA's position in the upcoming August 31st OMB appeals, in opposition to the planned development, remains unchanged. Regional Councillor Joyce Frustaglio attended the majority of the meeting and ofJuly: A representative of those fered to assist in setting up seeking to build a multi-unit, meetings with York Region high density residential struc- Transportation Staff and other ture on the 10360/10384 IsCity staff. Although unrelated to the park design, TRCA is to begin swale construction at Kleinburg New Forest North to help residents with preexisting water drainage/ grading issues on Weaver. Kleinburg United Church is possible new site for Pierre Berton Discovery Centre as Firehall to remain open to 2016. KNSC Under 8’s Win COVI Tournament KNSC U-8 Boys Celebrate their COVI Win On the weekend of May 30/31, our very own Kleinburg Nobleton Soccer Club (KNSC) Under-8 boys went undefeated to take the championships at the City of Vaughan Invitational (COVI) soccer tournament. Competing against a strong field of eight other rep teams they showed their skill and grit to finally triumph over Glen Shields “A” team in an overtime 4-3 final championship game. Says head coach Rick Di Gironimo of his team “I am very proud of the kids because they proved not only to me but to themselves that by never quitting they can achieve championships like this one through discipline and determination.” The U-8 team has been training together for 8 months twice per week at the AC Milan Sports Centre and they play one game per week in the Vaughan area. Their dedicated coaching staff also includes assistant coaches Wilson Hugo and Joe Mammoliti, and team manager Rosie D’Onofrio. We salute the U-8 boys on their achievement and the KNSC for such a great program that serves our community. Says #13 Ricky “We’re one of the best teams and I’m very happy to be on it. It feels awesome to win the COVI and it feels great to be a champion.” Email your Association — kara@kara-inc .ca Volume 12, No. 7 KARA Action Corner Summary of some of the activities carried out by your volunteer KARA Directors during June and July: June 4: Spring Clean-Up at Kleinburg New Forest June 18: KARA Board Meeting June 18: Directors attend public workshop for Kleinburg-Nashville Focused Area Review June 24: Director attends Western Vaughan Transportation Improvements IEA at Vellore Village June 24: Directors attends Village of Kleinburg Streetscape Master Plan Study public open house June 24: Directors attend public workshop for Kleinburg-Nashville Focused Area Review July: Mizuno Court named in Nashville upon recommendation from KARA July 2: Membership Committee Meeting July 6-10: Historical research into genealogical inquiry to KARA July 7 : Directors met with BIA President to discuss signage, gas station and other community opportunities July 16: Letter to City from KARA supporting Kleinburg and Nashville Tennis Club for court upgrades at Binder Twine Park July 16:KARA Board Meeting July 25: KARA Communications Committee Meeting July 31: KARA Directors write, edit and publish “The Spirit” Community Pride at New Forest Clean Up! Thanks to a dedicated crew of 15 hardy volunteers, Kleinburg New Forest received a clean sweep on the evening of Thursday June 4th at the rescheduled Spring Clean-up Day sponsored by KARA. KNF Clean-up Volunteers (L-R) Norma Curtis, John McMahon, and Event coordinator Betty Silver The original date had been set for Saturday May 9th, but was cancelled due to considerably wet and thundering weather! The weather on June 4th cooperated and our group of volunteers hosted by KARA Director Betty Silver and ably directed by Norma Watson, picked up garbage and also removed rodent guards off the larger trees in the meadow. Norma explains “the guards have done their job protecting the tender bark of young trees from rabbits, mice, and voles who like to eat it in winter. The bark is no longer tender and the guards need to come off now, so that in time, they don’t girdle (prevent sap flow) the trees.” year’s winner is Mrs. Elinor Mitchell. The white pine donated by TRCA in honour of the recent Ontario Association of Landscape Architects (OALA) Award to our community for Kleinburg New Forest, was also fully planted and mulched. All enjoyed a beautiful and delicious cake donated by Lena at Dolcini. Many thanks to our volunteers, our organizers Betty Silver, Anna Bortolus, and Norma Curtis, and donors; Dolcini, The City of Vaughan for garbage bags and gloves, McDonald’s for orange drink, Kortright Centre, and York Region Forestry Department for kids prizes (which we’ll keep for our planting days coming up at Kleinburg New Forest North). Volunteers were thanked by event organizer Betty Silver and an award was given out to one lucky clean-up volunteer for a Year’s Family Pass at Kortright Centre for Conservation ($85 value) - this The awards ceremony for the OALA award will be rescheduled with the City, TRCA, Binder Twine, and KARA. Stay tuned for Kleinburg New Forest North planting days perhaps as soon as this fall! Kleinburg Vision (from P.1) horse drawn tours, organized historical walking tours using the ‘Old Boys’ new booklet, a small theatre, the Pierre Berton Discovery Centre, an old fashioned bakery serving afternoon teas as a specialty, a gourmet food store with preserves/jams/etc., lovely restaurants with patios, walking, bike or cross country ski eco/historical tours out of Binder Twine Park… We just need imagination and lots of positive action. If you’d like to lend your voice (and time) to help create a vision for our village, why not join KARA’s Vision Committee led by Director Diana Chari. Send your name and contact details to [email protected]. Page 3 The SPIRIT M KLEINBURG AND AREA RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION INC. Kleinburg and Area Ratepayers’ Association Inc. PO Box 202 Kleinburg, ON, L0J 1C0 KARA® is a Registered Trademark Email KARA at: [email protected] Get this newsletter via email on request: [email protected] The KARA Board generally meets on the third Thursday of each month in Kline House, 8 Nashville Road, at 7:00 p.m. If you would like to attend, or make a presentation, this can be arranged with the courtesy of a request in advance. Local organizations are invited to submit material for publication in the Community Events and Community Clubs sections. Please include the name and phone number of a contact for follow up. Material will be edited to suit the newsletter and cannot be returned. BINDER TWINE FESTIVAL-SAT. SEPTEMBER 12 Pies, Pies, Pies!! Apple Pie Bee – Sept 11th Everyone is welcome to come join the Kleinburg Church Women for the annual Apple Pie Bee, in the Kleinburg United Church basement. If you can spare an hour or two, please drop by to help peel and cut apples, roll pastry and help make a delicious apple pie. Don’t bake? Don’t worry! Bring your rolling pin or peeler and instructions will be provided. Over 100 pies are required to be made for selling at the Pie Booth on Binder Twine Day. Please join us on Friday September 11, beginning at 7:00 a.m. For further information, please contact Hazel at 905-893-1873. Binder Twine Apple Pie Booth – Sept 12th If you would like to donate a pie or two (or more!) to the apple pie booth, please deliver them to the church either on Friday evening from 5:00 to 7:00pm or to the pie booth on Binder Twine Day after 7:30 a.m. To volunteer for a two-hour shift in the Apple Pie Booth on Binder Twine Day, please call Karen at 905-893-0415. Who will wear the Crown this Year? Why not enter the Binder Twine Queen Contest that takes place at the festival on September 12th, 2009 ?? So what would I have to do to be queen? Basically, you have to compete in pioneer, womanly skills such as log sawing, nail driving, hog calling and cow milking! And it is lots of fun!! All the contestants must be female between the ages of 16 and eternity. Also you must live within the area bounded by Highway 50 (west), King-Vaughan Sideroad (north), Weston Road (east) and Major Mackenzie Drive (south). First Prize $1500 (WOW!!!!), Second Prize $750, Third Prize $400, Fourth $200. All other entrants receive $50. All you have to do now is to think of the personality or character that you will be and what costume you will wear that fits the pioneer theme. Then practise your character's story and the womanly skills mentioned above and show up at the Binder Twine main stage at 4:30 pm on Saturday September 12th. For more information please call Ron Pearson at 905-893-1932 or Nina Szymanska at 905-8932734. Annual Binder Twine Festival Raffle Quilt Now at Jeremy's is this year's Binder Twine Festival Raffle Quilt or you can visit the Festival's website This year's queen size Raffle Quilt is a 'Great Grandmas' themed sampler. The quilt's colours are pink, burgundy and green. Tickets for the raffle quilt are available at participating Kleinburg Merchants for $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00 or at the Quilt Booth on Festival Day (Saturday September 12th). Binder Twine Festival - Quilt Square Contest Fabric bundles for this year's Contest are available for pick-up from the Kleinburg Library. This year's fabric selection is Christmas themed in green, white and red. Categories are; Pieced, Appliqué and Pieced & Appliqué. This year's additional category is Christmas. The due date for completed quilt squares is Saturday August 15th. Quilt square entries will be judged and prizes will be awarded for the top four squares in each category. On Festival Day, please drop by the Quilt Booth and check out the entries for this years contest and vote for your favourite quilt square by participating in the Viewer's Choice Awards. For more information contact Norma Curtis (905.893.1382). Do you have community news? Let us know and, if space permits, we will include it. TOWERS GANG COMMUNITY PARTNERS 21st Annual Summer BBQ in support of SICK KIDS FOUNDATION Next Issue: September 2009 Submission deadline: August 15, 2008 Email to: [email protected] Saturday August 29th, 1 p.m. -10 p.m. VENETO CENTRE, 7465 Kipling Ave, Woodbridge Ontario Published by: KARA® - Kleinburg and Area Ratepayers’ Association Inc. Help us match our $50,000 fundraising achievement last year! 100% of ticket sales and funds are donated to SickKids Foundation! There will be a catered BBQ, silent auction, raffle draws, family games, a DJ, sports activities, loot bags and more! Tickets are only $25 per person (kids 5 and under are free!) For information and tickets please call Ross Beverley at 416-602-0826 or [email protected] Thank you to the 2008/09 Sponsors of The Spirit: KARA®, Kleinburg and Area Binder Twine Festival Committee, Avenue Market Café*, Barrett's Garden Centre*, Chartreuse Restaurant, Hawthorne House, Kalthoff Decorators*, Kleinburg Pharmacy*, McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Royal Bank Financial Group, The Doctor’s House (* denotes new sponsors for 2008/09)
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