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Władysław Sikorski Upper Secondary School in Sulechów Methodical Guidebook Introducing changes in the organisation of vocational training basing on the experience of the Spanish partner Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. Material and editorial coverage: Wojciech Wyszomirski Material editing Elżbieta Towarek Language editing: Beata Marciniak Technical editing: Renata Domagalska Translation: Martyna Mospan Sulechów 2014 2 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. Table of contents I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 4 II. LAW REGULATIONS INCLUDED IN A PRACTICAL TRAINING............................... 5 III. THE SPANISH SYSTEM OF EDUCATION ............................................................. 5 IV. GENERAL AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN SPAIN ............................................. 7 V. THE POLISH SYSTEM OF EDUCATION .............................................................. 13 VI. ORGANISATION OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING .................................................. 15 VII. CREDIT AND EVALUATION OF VOCATIONAL PRACTICES ................................. 16 VIII. EXAMPLES OF DOCUMENTS ........................................................................... 17 IX. POSSIBLE ADAPTATIONS OF THE SPANISH PARTNER SOLUTIONS .................. 36 X. LITERATURE .................................................................................................... 38 TABLE OF FIGURES Picture 1. THE SPANISH SYSTEM OF EDUCATION ................................................... 10 Picture 2. VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP IN SPAIN ....................... 11 Picture 3. VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP IN SPAIN CONT. ........... 12 Picture 4. FROM A COOK TO A CHEF ...................................................................... 14 3 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. I. INTRODUCTION Our school has been actively taking part in a European Project called “The model of voca- tional training in Władysław Sikorski Upper Secondary School in Sulechów basing on the experience of the Spanish Partner”. The Project has been funding by the European Union and national budget. The main aim is to develop the quality of vocational training in Lubuskie province by elaborating the model of vocational training, basing on the solutions of the Spanish school and apprenticeships held in different foreign countries. These apprenticeships consociate five vocational fields of: hotel and tourism industry, organization of gastronomy service, nutrition and gastronomy service. The project has been pursued from 01.03.2013 till 15.06.2015 and consociates 26 students (16 women and 10 men) for whom some special activities are projected. The aim of those activities is to helps students in adjusting to their new work environment in Spain and in the future labour market. Polish students have already taken part in English lessons and cultural workshops. One of the group has visited Baza in Spain. Next journeys will be held in May and in the next school year. The duration of students practises is four weeks. As it was mentioned, one of the Polish group of students successfully ended practices in Spain. Their stay was proceeded by the visit of board of directors and two teachers (03.10.2013 – 07.10.2013). Polish team was working on gathering essential information to prepare a guidebook from the scope of practices organisation. More over, during the school meetings, Spanish and Polish teachers had a chance to share opinions about their system of vocational training. On the other hand, all Polish students who come to Spain, are able to gain some new knowledge while working in the local restaurants, spa, hotels and receptions, as well as in tourist offices. The also participate in the Spanish language lessons and experience local culture and traditions of Andalusia Region, by visiting Grenada and the most beautiful fortress of Alhambra. There were eight students who took part in October’s apprenticeship. They are very pleased with their stay, because they gained some knowledge, experience and went through incredible adventure. Polish students were also fascinated by the local people who were very kind, open and cheerful. During the well-organised meetings, young people share their views and feelings about Poland and Spain. As we can see, the apprenticeships aim at preparing particular student to satisfy requirements of his or her future employers. Our school wants to take advantage of the most interesting solutions, used by the Spanish vocational school and accustomed it into Polish reality. 4 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. II. LAW REGULATIONS INCLUDED IN A PRACTICAL TRAINING Vocational training is organised in order to use and develop students’ knowledge and skills in prevailing work environment. It is based on Art. 39 and Art.70 Act 2 of 7.09.1991 (Polish Journal of Laws from 2004, number 256 position 2572, with later amendments). The Ordinance of the Minister of Education of 15.12.2010, concerning the vocational training (Polish Journal of Laws of 2010 number 244 position 1626), gives in details all information connected with: vocational training outside the place of living, shift and night shift work, and time dimension of practical classes, depending on the age of students. It also indicates required qualifications of teachers who conduct practical classes and the way of funding it, especially when it is held at employer’s place. When particular student undergoes his apprenticeship outside the school, it specifies duties and permissions of two parties and additionally indicates required documents. The duration of vocational apprenticeship (undergone outside school) depends on specificity of particular profession and its finishing, enables to obtain or complete vocational and practical skills by using the knowledge and experience of the participants. III. THE SPANISH SYSTEM OF EDUCATION The Spanish Kingdom is the biggest country located in the Iberian Peninsula. It is also di- vided into seventeen autonomous regions, which enjoy much autonomy, especially in the field of taxes and education. The autonomous regions possess a significant legislature and executive power. When it comes to education, the central authorities are responsible for general educatory regulations. Most of the tasks had been conveyed to the local authorities in 1978. That is why, besides the Federal Ministry of Education, there are seventeen facilities that lead the role of regional ministries. As a member of European Union, each country must obey specific rules and norms in order to embrace the privileges given by the Union. However, the community task is to organise the basis of cooperation and exchanging of educational experience. The countries, which belong to the European Union, do not interfere with educational systems, because the Maastricht Treaty regulates the education policy. This Treaty gives only general aims of the education policy like: popularisation of European integration among youth, foreign language education, favouring exchange of students and teachers and solving problems connected with accepting the graduate degrees. The decision of how and what to teach, belongs to the membership countries. That is why, par5 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. ticular countries have worked-out different education systems, and enriched them by the aims, enclosed in the mentioned Treaty. One of the most important features of the Spanish system of education is the social care in every school and level: establishment, region or national grade. There are, so called School Boards, which exist on inland, regional and local level. Their aim is to encourage people to take part in social educational consultations. The most important is National School Board, which enables the social representatives to take an active part in planning and advising in the law establishment. All Boards are public-funded and function in every school. Every School Board is also a representative organ of different social groups, creating educational environment, which takes care of managing and supervising particular establishing. Every School Board consists of different representatives like: the management, teachers, students, parents, technical and administrative stuff and even the owner, in the case of private institutions-funded by public money. The assignment of every School Board is to make important decisions regarding: - Enrolment of students - Confirmation of the school budget - School analysis - Informing about the nomination and cancellation of the management members In the case of curriculum, there is an autonomy, created into three levels. First, the central powers indicate the curriculum guidelines, which obtain in the whole country. On its basis, each autonomous commonweal compiles an official and effective curriculum (First level). Next, the educational establishment adapts and tweaks the curriculum (Second level). The third level of creating the program, called “classroom programming”, consists of series of didactic units, which are wrought by every teacher, for a specific group of students. Above-cited system makes educational and regional units more responsible and active than in Polish School Boards. Teachers, hired by the regional Department of Education, and the quality of their work are assessed by special inspectors. Each regional Department of Education faces its own rules and ways of evaluation of the establishment (BAS analysis number 7(96) from 26.05.2013). 6 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. IV. GENERAL AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN SPAIN Over the years, the attempts of reforming the educational system in many European coun- tries, including Spain, have been made. The policymakers could not reach an understanding in the case of educational legal functioning. However, the general view of school system is similar to the Polish one. Still, the lack of ultimate and developed law arrangement can be noticed very clearly. According to the statue, the Spanish are obliged to continue their study until they are sixteen. There is no reception class and the compulsory study begins at the age of six. Particular grade can be retaken only once. The education system divides the study into several steps (very similar to our Polish system): educación infantil- pre-school education, divided into two stages: children up to 3 years (analogy to Polish day nursery), including children of the age 3-6 (analogy to Polish kindergarten), - educación prymaria- primary school, compulsory among children of the age 6-12, - educación secundaria- secondary school, divided into: educación secundaria obligatoria (E.S.O.)- compulsory secondary school (Polish junior secondary school), youth of the age 12-16 bachillerato L.O.G.S.E.- secondary education (Polish secondary school), youth of the age 16-18, or formación profesional de grado medio- our Polish vocational school, formación profesional de grado superior- vocational tuition, educación universitaria- university/college. Moreover, the Spanish system of education offers tuition in special establishments like: - enseñanza de régimen especial- specialized tutition, - las enseñanzas artísticas- art schools, - las enseñanzas de idiomas- language schools. The only exception can be found in the Basque Country. It possesses bigger autonomy than other regions. The specific tuition is based on the ability to use two languages: Spanish and Basque. 7 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. The pre-school education is not compulsory. However, children who attend to those classes are familiarized with numbers, letters and foreign language. In the pre-school education, there is no reception class but the children’s duty is to take up their education at the age of six. The primary school lasts six years and the tuition has been divided into three cycles, which last two years. The tuition covers five blocks: Spanish and local language, natural environment, social and culture education, maths, art, physical education and foreign language. The religious education is also present in every grade, as well as some extra classes. The school promotion goes ahead every two years and the grade is descriptive. Students can also retake one year (once in a cycle). Secondary school education (E.S.O)- lasts four years, very similar to our Polish junior high school and it was introduced in order to extend obligatory period of education- till 16 years. Of course, students can continue their study by passing the high school exam and going to university or undergoing through vocational training. This type of school has been divided into two stages: first two classes can be called “general”, however in the third class, the student is supposed to choose between scientifically-humane (itinerario científico-humanístico) and technological path (itinerario tecnológico). In the fourth grade, each path is chosen separately. After finishing E.S.O, students have three possibilities to choose: go to work, start vocational training, go to community college (which ends with the high school exam). Secondary school or vocational tuition belong to the third optional stage of studying. It covers secondary and vocational schools-biennial and triennial. National curriculum and the minimum hours of teaching are defined by the Ministry of Education. The local government enriched them as much as possible. Secondary school or grammar school- Bachillerato L.O.G.S.E. (short name taken from the education law)- is not compulsory. All classes are created according to the interests of students or their future educational path. There are several different options like: art, science and medical curriculum, humane, social and technological. Similar to junior secondary school, besides common classess, there are many various subjects to choose. The credit can be described as a “collection of points”. One subject-three hours per week, through the whole yeargives three points/credits. Each student is obliged to get fifty-three credits. The alums who passed all subjects, receive their school diploma, which enables to continue their study in secondary school or to pass the entrance examination and get into university. General Certificate of Secondary Education- Prueba General de Bachillerato, P.G.B.- covers two parts: the common for everyone and the one which suits particular specialization, as well as 8 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. foreign language (oral and written form). You can sit it four times. Alums receive their certificate and also a report card with the final grade (arithmetic mean from all of the school subjects plus one grade from P.G.B exam). The final scores are acceptable in every European country. General Certificate of Secondary Education is necessary while applying for university or vocational training (second level). The vocational training is always run on two different levels: 1) The basic level- formación profesional de grado medio- which can replace grammar school and ends with technical title (técnico). 2) The second level- formación profesional de grado superior- post secondary school ends with the second degree of technical title (técnico superior). University/College-in order to get into university, each student has to pass the entrance exam -Prueba de Acceso- it lasts three days. The duration of the exam cannot exceed 4,5 h (per one day). The exam is divided into two parts: 1) general (+ foreign language), 2) depends on the secondary school profile. One of five options can be chosen: - Vía Científico-Tecnológica – technical-scientific exam from Maths and Physics, - Vía de Ciencias de la Salud- medical exam from Biology and Chemists, - Vía de Humanidades- humane exam from Latin and Art History, - Vía de Ciencias Sociales- social science exam from Maths and Geography, - Vía de Artes- art exam from Artistic Drawing and Art History. Academic education is a fee-paying type of school (payable for each exam and classes). There is a limited number of free spots for foreign students. The intake consists of final exams. 9 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. THE SPANISH SYSTEM OF EDUCATION KINDERGARTEN (0 – 3 LATA) POST SECONDARY EDUCATION (16 – 18 LAT) COMPULSORY SECONDARY EDUCATION (12 – 16 LAT) ENTRY EXAM (+19 LAT) PRE-SCHOOL (3 – 6 LAT) PRIMARY SCHOOL (6 – 11 LAT) ENTRY EXAM (+17 LAT) Picture 1. 1 UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE (+18 LAT) VOCATIONAL TRAINING (HIGHER LEVEL CYCLES) (+18 LAT) VOCATIONAL TRAINING (MIDDLE LEVEL CYCLES) +16 LAT) THE SPANISH SYSTEM OF EDUCATION1 On the basis of IES Pedro Jimenez Montoya, Baza (Spain) 10 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING VOCATIONAL TRAINING (MIDDLE LEVEL CYCLES) (+16 LAT) COMPLETION OF COMPULSARY SECONDARY EDUCATION 1. TO PROVIDE TRAINING ACTIVITIES THAT ENABLE QUALIFIED STUDENTS FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF VARIOUS PROFESSIONS ACCESS TO EMPLOYMENT AND ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN SOCIAL, CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC LIFE 2. TO PREPARE STUDENTS TO WORK AND MAKE THEM TO ADAPT TO WORKING LIFE OBJECTIVES: 3. TO INCLUDE A MODULAR ORGANIZATION OF VARIABLE DURATION AND THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL CONTENT APPROPRIATE TO VARIOUS PROFESSIONAL FIELDS COMPLETION OF POST SECONDARY EDUCATION VOCATIONAL TRAINING (HIGHER LEVEL CYCLES) (+18 LAT) Picture 2. VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP IN SPAIN 2 2 On the basis of IES Pedro Jimenez Montoya, Baza (Spain) 11 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP IN SPAIN CONT. 3 1400 h: 1 YEAR (THEORY LESSONS) + 3 MONTHS (FORMATION IN WORK CENTRES) LOGSE VOCATIONAL TRAINING 17000 h: 1 YEAR + 3 MONTHS (THEORY LESSONS)+ 3 MONTHS (FORMATION IN WORK CENTRES) (MIDDLE LEVEL CYCLES)(+16 YEARS) 25-30 STUDENTS PER LESSON LOE 2000 h: 1 YEAR+ 6 MONTHS (THEORY LESSONS)+ 3 MONTHS (FORMATION IN WORK CENTRES) LOGSE VOCATIONAL TRAINING (HIGHER LEVEL CYCLES)(+18 YEARS) 20-25 STUDENTS PER LESSON 2000 h: 1 YEAR +6 MONTHS 3 MONTHS (FORMATION IN WORK CENTRES, FCT) LOE Picture 3. VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND APPRENTICESHIP IN SPAIN CONT. 3 3 On the basis of IES Pedro Jimenez Montoya, Baza (Spain) 12 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. V. THE POLISH SYSTEM OF EDUCATION The basic law act, which regulates the issue of Polish education, is the statue of 7.09.1991 about the education system (Polish Journal of Laws from 2004, number 256, position 2572 with later amendments). Vocational schools can be formed and run by: 1) local self-government unit (LSGU), 2) other legitimate person, 3) natural legal person. Local self-government units can form and run only public schools and establishments. The law additionally foresees the possibility of forming and running vocational school by appropriate minister. Forming and running vocational schools, with the exception of regional and supra-regional meaning, belongs to the county. However, the law (Art. 5. Act 5b of 7.09.1991 about the education system) allows other self-government units (communal and provincial) to form and run school after the earlier agreement “with the local self-government unit for which, running the particular type of establishment is its own task, and in the case of art schools, with the minister of culture and national heritage”. .. 13 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. FROM A COOK TO A MANAGER JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL VOCATIONAL SCHOOL COOK COOK COMPREHENSIVE SECONDARY SCHOOL FOR ADULTS UNIVERSITY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL COOK TECHNICIAN OF NUTRITION AND GASTRONOMY SERVICE TECHNICAL COLLEGE COMPREHENSIVE SECONDARY SCHOOL FOR ADULTS AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING TECHNICIAN OF NUTRITION AND GASTRONOMY SERVICE UNIVERSITY M.ENG. OF NUTRITION TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN NUTRITION M. ENG. OF NUTRITION TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN NUTRITION UNIVERSITY M.ENG. OF NUTRITION TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN NUTRITION COMPREHENSIVE SECONDARY SCHOOL UNIVERSITY M.ENG. OF NUTRITION TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN NUTRITION Picture 4. FROM A COOK TO A CHEF 14 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. VI. ORGANISATION OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING The vocational apprenticeships are organized by our school (mainly by the headmaster on whose behalf, the tutor of practices acts). They usually take place in different months, depending on the profession and grade. The future place of apprenticeship will be chosen on the grounds of earlier monitoring. There is also a possibility to accept additional place of vocational practicesuggested by a student. The company/shop floor must satisfy various rules determined by the law. Firstly, it must enable the realisation of apprenticeship’s schedule (determined in curriculum). Secondly, the company’s tutor should possess appropriate permissions regarding his or her education- both pedagogical and substantive. If all conditions are redeemed, the superior of apprenticeship signs the vocational practice agreement with the representative of particular company/shop floor. One copy of the agreement stays at school, the other one, along with the training program, lies in company’s abode. Each apprentice must possess accident insurance. All duties of contracting parties are specified in the agreement. During the vocational practice, students have to keep their apprenticeship journal in which they record all information connected with their work. The apprenticeship is also used as a tool for checking the realisation of its program. During the training, all apprentices are being monitored by the school representative via phone calls with companies representatives and via visits of the superior. What is more, all contributors collect necessary information about ongoing practices. In the Spanish school, vocational practices are organized by the Department. Students are allowed to mark their future place of practices. In this situation, the Department analyses whether the chosen place is appropriate. The specific of each profession demands organising vocational practices regarding the number of students and companies, which can provide the place of training. The Department is also responsible for this action via specific tasks connected with the organisation of apprenticeships, in different periods of study. The practices’ tutor has specified span to visit and analyse companies in which his or her students undergo their training (the last term of SECOND CYCLE OF EDUCATION April/June). The apprentices can start the vocational training on the condition of passing their school subjects. That is why, some teachers are able to change the duration of particular subject (because students are outside the school). The standard agreement must be signed by the headmaster and manager of the company in which the vocational practises will be held. Parents are not present while signing the agreement, even when students are not eighteen. When the apprenticeships 15 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. take place in Poland, the Government gives back money for transport- when it exceeds the distance of 10km. While talking about international apprenticeships, students can receive 2000 Euro (3 months of staying abroad) or 1500 Euro (2 months of staying abroad). VII. CREDIT AND EVALUATION OF VOCATIONAL PRACTICES After finishing apprenticeships, the tutor evaluates performed work according to elaborated patterns. His note has an influence on the final grade. After coming back to school, students are obliged to deliver a document set to his practices tutor, in two weeks time. These documents are essential to write out the final grade. The apprenticeship journal is also checked regarding the range of completed program of training. Moreover, the conversation with students is also held, thanks to which the tutors are aware of their actual knowledge of the required material and other working conditions (beyond the program). After the execution of procedure, the final grade is written in the school register and report card. In the partnership school, students report document set, that is: information sheet (name, surname, date of birth, parents names, ID number etc.), information about working centre, duties of the tutor, information about the institution which embraces apprentice, vocational training program, vocational training certificate. The final grade from vocational practice is always taken from the apprenticeship certificate. 16 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. VIII. EXAMPLES OF DOCUMENTS In our school, the vocational training of students from technical classes takes place on the ground of agreement, signed by the company manager and the school representative (in our case with the apprenticeship superior- who signs the document on behalf of the headmaster). Students are duty-bounded to keep their apprenticeship journal, which they give away to the supervisor, along with the school report card. Examples of documents are shown below: 17 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. VOCATIONAL TRAINING AGREEMENT On the basis of Art. 39 and Art. 70 Act 2 on the education system of 7.09 1991 (Polish Journal of Laws from 2004, number 256, position 2572, with later amendments) and the Ordinance of the Minister of Education of 15.12.2010, clause 7, subsection 1 (Polish Journal of Laws, number 244, position 1626 with ater amendments) on ...............................between the headmaster of Władysław Sikorski Upper Secondary School in Sulechów, represented by the supervisor of vocational training Wojciecha Wyszomirskiego, and: ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... (name and address of the working place) Represented by...................................................................................................................... (name, surname and position) The contract of the following was concluded: 1. In the school year ...................../.......................... school relegates to: ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... (the place of apprenticeship) According to the name list of students in order to undergo apprenticeship ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ (profession – specialization, plan and curriculum number ) 18 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. No. 2. Name and surname Class Due date Apprentice ship tutor: ........................................................................................................... (name, surname and position) 3. Split of duties between the parties: 3.1 School which relegates students: - supervises the realisation of vocational training, - cooperates with the company in which students undergo their apprenticeship, - provides students with the accident insurance, - accepts apprenticeship tutors 3.2 Entities which admit students: - Provide financial conditions for the realisation of vocational training: a) work station equipped with indispensable appliances, equipment, tools, materials and technician documentation regarding occupational safety and health, b) labour wear and shoes along with sanitary protection inherent to workers at the work station, c) room for labour wear and shoes safekeeping along with personal protective equipment, d) free supportive meals and drinks inherent to workers at the work station according to the law of supportive meals and drinks, e) Access to the sanitary systems and staff rooms, - appoint apprenticeship tutors, - introduce students with work organisation and rules in respect of observing work regulations and occupational safety and health, - supervise the apprenticeship, - inform school about law derogations by students. 4. The entities refrain from charging and financial obligation contractual from above mentioned ordinance. 5. The program of apprenticeship- please find enclosed. ............................................................... ............................................................ (school representative signature) (company representative signature) 19 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. INORMATION FOR THE WORK PLACE Students of Władysław Sikorski Upper Secondary School in Sulechów possess accident insurance throughout the 24-hour interval. Duty of the student: - undergo his apprenticeship in the set time, undergo his apprenticeship under surveillance of the tutor, follow the workplace regulations. 20 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. ...................................................................................................... School name ...................................................................................................... Class JOURNAL OF APPRENTICESHIP . ...................................................................................................... Company name ...................................................................................................... Apprenticeship completion date ................................................................................. Name and surname ................................ Register number ................................................................................. Final grade-given by the supervisor of the apprenticeship or other authorised person(supervisor signature and stamp) ............................................................................ Supervisor signature and stamp WORKING PLACE DESCRIPTION Name and address of the working place Conducted business enterprise Production materials or provide services Signature and stamp of the supervisor 21 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. Name and surname .............................................................................................................. Day Working hours (…. to ….) Specification of activities/description of activities Comments, observations and consultations of student ................................................ Signature and stamp of the supervisor or authorised person 22 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. APPRENTICESHIP EVALUATION (341[07] technician of gastronomy service) Front office of the company ..................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... certifies that student ................................................................................................................................. underwent his apprenticeship in the period of: ................................................ to ................................................ the tutor of the company was .................................................................................................................. the apprentice vacates………………………..days of work Final evaluation includes: adherence of ethics, propriety and occupational safety and health, ability to communicate with trading partners, co-operators and consumers, ability to adjust offers to the principal needs, ability to create/prepare agreements and record needed documentation, picking up appropriate napery, dinnerware and equipment for waiters for the organisational purpose, accuracy and engagement in performing tasks, discipline and promptness Module Unit Grades given by the company tutor Number In words 341[07].Z5.01 organising gastronomy service 341[07].Z5.02 organising catering service Scale of grades: 6 – superior, 5 – very good, 4 – good, 3 – sufficient, 2 – permissive, 1 – insufficient Working place stamp .................................................. .......................................................................... City and date Legible signature and stamp of the tutor 23 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. APPRENTICESHIP EVALUATION (341[04] technician of hotel industry) Front office of the company .................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................... certifies that student .............................................................................. underwent his apprenticeship in the period: .................................................. to ....................................................... the tutor of the company was .................................................................................................................. the apprentice vacates………………………..days of work Final evaluation includes: appearance, personal and work propriety, discipline and promptness, accuracy and engagement in performing tasks, work independence, work interest, responsibility for work property. Module Unit Grades given by the company tutor Number In words 341[04].Z6.01 work in the hotel reception 341[04].Z6.02 work in the clean department 341[04].Z6.03 work in the hotel gastronomy 341[04].Z6.04 additional hotel service organisation Scale of grades: 6 – superior, 5 – very good, 4 – good, 3 – sufficient, 2 – permissive, 1 – insufficient Working place stamp ................................................. .................................................................. City and date Legible signature and stamp of the tutor 24 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. In the Spanish school, vocational practices are signed to the school tutor, who is responsible for cooperation with the companies which admit students. The place of future practises is chosen by the “vocational specializations”, which function in every school. The agreement is usually signed by the headmaster and the company manager. Students are also obliged to keep their apprenticeship journals. The examples of documents are presented below. 25 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. IES PEDRO JIMÉNEZ MONTOYA BAZA CUADERNO DE FORMACIÓN EN CENTROS DE TRABAJO JOURNAL OF FORMATION IN WORK CENTRES DZIENNIK PRAKTYK W CENTRUM PRACY 26 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. 27 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. CUADERNO DE FORMACIÓN EN CENTROS DE TRABAJO JOURNAL OF FORMATION IN WORK CENTRES 28 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. Datos Personales del Alumno/a Personal Details of Student: (Primer Apellido/ First Surname/ Pierwsze nazwisko) (Segundo Apellido/ Second Surnaz/ Drugie nazwisko) (Nombre/ Name/ Imię) Fecha de nacimiento/ Date of Birth/ Data ur.: ________________________________________________ Localidad/ Town/Miasto: ________________________________________________ Provincia/ Province/ Prowincja: ________________________________________________ Nacionalidad/ Nationality/ Narodowość: ________________________________________________ Padres o Tutores/ Parents’ names/ Imiona rodziców: ________________________________________________ Dirección Address/ Adres: ________________________________________________ Teléfono/ Phone/ Nr telefonu: ________________________________________________ D.N.I./ ID Number Nr dowodu: ________________________________________________ 29 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. Datos Académicos/ Academic Details/ Dane ucznia Centro/ Centre/ Centrum pracy: __________________________________________________________________________ Domicilio/ Address/ Adres: __________________________________________________________________________ Localidad/ Town or City/ Miejscowość: Province/ Prowincja: _____________________________ _________________________ Familia Profesional/Rama Professional Field/Branch/ Branża: __________________________________________________________________________ Ciclo/Modulo/Especialidad Module/ Blok przedmiotowy: Gestión Administrativa/ Administration Management/ Zarządzanie administracją Curso/ Course/ Kurs: Grupo/ Group/ Grupa: ____________________ _________________________ El/La Director/a/ Headmaster/ Dyrektor El Tutor/a Docente/ Tutor / Opiekun Signed by Fco. Peláez Navarro Signed by/ Podpis Institution Stamp/ Pieczęć firmowa 30 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. Datos de la empresa o institución colaboradora Details of collaborating business or institution/ Dane dotyczące instytucji, firmy Nombre o Razón Social/ Name/ Nazwa: ____________________________________________________________________ Dirección/ Address/ Adres: Phone Numer tel: ______________ ____________________________________________________________________ Localidad/ Town or City/ Miejscowość: Postcode/Kod pocztowy: ____________________________________ _______________________ País/ Country/ Kraj: Province/ Prowincja: ____________________________________ _______________________ Identification Number/ Numer identyfikacyjny: ____________________________________________________________________ Business / Work Field/ Rodzaj działalności: ____________________________________________________________________ Departmentos o Secciones/ Departments/ Działy: ____________________________________________________________________ The Business Director/ The Principal/ Kierownik Tutor/Opiekun 31 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. Programa de Formación en Centros de Trabajo Programme of Formation in Work Centre/ Program praktyk Year/ Rok: Actividades Programadas/ Completed/ Programmed Activities/ Zadania: * Ukończone 1. Getting to know the office-archive system: registering and delivering documents, registering correspondence, receiving mails./ Zapoznanie z zadaniami biura i archiwum, odbiór i dostarczanie dokumentów, rejestracja dokumentacji i korespondencji, odbieranie poczty. 2. Working for the Kancelaria and all subjected units./ Praca dla kancelarii i podległych oddziałów. 3. Recording mails and distributing them to all the units and the chancellor./ Rejestrowanie poczty i dostarczanie jej do wszystkich działów i kanclerza. 4. Preparing documents assigned to the archive – according to the instruction of the archives./ Przygotowanie dokumentów do archiwum. 5. Recording operations within the framework of the Public Commissions Act./ Zapisywanie operacji zgodnie z Ustawą o zamówieniach publicznych. 6. Operating the fax machine, typing documents ordered by the Chancellor and the Public Commissions Unit worker./ Obsługa faksu, przepisywanie dokumentów zleconych przez kanclerza i pracownika działu zamówień publicznych. 7. Registering mails./ Rejestrowanie poczty. 0 8. Accounting for postal mailing - according to the agreements./ Ewidencja poczty – według umowy. Periodo Realización Previsto/ Planned Period/Zaplanowane godziny pracy: Del/ From: _________________________ Al/ To Periodo Realización Real/ Actual Period/Rzeczywisty czas pracy Del/ From/Od: _____________________________ Al/ To/Do: _________________ Observations/ Obserwacja: (Indicate the circumstances that justify that certain activities were not completed/ Wskazać okoliczności, dlaczego niektóre zadania nie zostały wykonane.) Tutor Teacher/ Nauczyciel opiekun: (Full Name and signature/ nazwisko i podpis) Work Tutor/ Opiekun praktyk: (Full name and signature/ nazwisko i podpis) * Translation into Spanish, Appendix 1 32 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. Informe del Tutor/a Laboral Record of Work Tutor/ Zadania opiekuna praktyk Aspectos a considerar en la formación en centros de trabajo/ Aspects to consider in the formation in a work centre/ Aspekty do rozważenia * qCapacidades técnicas/ Technical Capacities/ Kompetencje techniczne: To be capable of carrying out the work that is requested/ Wykonywanie przydzielonej pracy. To apply the appropriate skills/ Wykorzystanie odpowiednich umiejętności. To be able to adapt without difficulty to the job/ Przystosowanie się do warunków pracy. To suggest ideas in the best interest of the process/ Znajdowanie odpowiednich rozwiązań w trakcie wykonywanej pracy. To finish the job correctly/ Umiejętne doprowadzanie powierzonych zadań do końca. qCapacidades de organización/ Organization Capacities/ Kompetencje organizacyjne: To arrive punctually at the work centre/ Bycie punktualnym. To show tidiness and order in the productive process/ Utrzymywanie czystości i porządku w miejscu pracy. To take into account the security norms/ Dbanie o zasady bezpieczeństwa. To complete tasks and work in the set period/ Kończenie zadań i pracy w określonym czasie. To be able to work in a group/team/ Umiejętność pracy w grupach To have a sense of work/ Odpowiedzialność za wykonywaną pracę. qCapacidades de relación/ Relational Capacities/ Relacje interpersonalne: He/ she asks for information or help when necessary/ Pyta i prosi o informacje. He/she cooperates with others when necessary/ Współpracuje z innymi. He/she integrates with the work group/ Integruje się z grupą. He/she relates with other departments/ Współpracuje z innymi działami. He/she shares opinions as a mature and responsible person/ Dzieli się opiniami w sposób dojrzały i odpowiedzialny. * Value each item fron 1 to 5, being 4 the highest mark (1: Poor, 2: Below average, 3: Average 4: Good, 5: Excellent/ Oceń w skali 1 do 5 , gdzie 4 jest najwyższą oceną, 1-słaby, 2-poniżej przeciętnej, 3-przeciętny, 4-dobry, 5-doskonały) 33 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. q Capacidad de respuesta ante contingencias/ Pro-active capacity/ Kompetencje zapobiegawcze: Having initiative/ Wykazuje inicjatywę. Provides ideas and solutions to problems/ Podaje pomysły i rozwiązania problemów. Act with speed to unplanned events/ Odpowiednio reaguje na nieplanowane zadania. Reorganize the work with diligence/ Starannie reorganizuje pracę. Use the necessary instruments/ Stosuje niezbędne narzędzia. q Vision de la empresa o entidad colaboradora/ Vision of the collaborating business or institution/ Wizja firmy, zakładu pracy: Show interest in the functioning of the business/ Wykazuje zainteresowanie funkcjonowaniem firmy. Know their objectives/ Zna cele firmy. Locate and is familiarized with other departments/ Zna inne działy. Clearly distinguish the work or the tasks needed/ Rozróżnia pracę i zadania. Have a global vision of the business/ Ma ogólną wizję firmy. Other aspects/ Inne: Formation Hours/Godziny: The manager/ The principal/ Kierownik Tutor/ Opiekun Note: The tutor can make reports of the formation in the centre work at any convenient time/ Opiekun ma prawo składac raporty dotyczące pracy ucznia w każdym dogodnym mu czasie * Translation into Spanish, Appendix 2/ Tłumaczenie na język hiszpański/ załącznik 2 34 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. Certificado de Formación en Centros de Trabajo/ Certification of Formation in Work Centres/ Zaświadczenie odbycia praktyk Mr/Mrs/Ms. asthelegalrepre- sentative of the centre of work _______________________________________________________________ in ___________________________ and Mr. _________________________________________________ as Principal of IES. Pedro Jiménez Montoya (Pan/Pani…….….reprezentujący/-a Centrum pracy ……. w …… i Pan Dyrektor…………….) Certify that/ Zaświadczają, że: According to the documentation collected Mr./Mrs/Ms. _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ has com pleted a total of _________________ hours in the formation in the indicated Work Centre during the period _________________________________________________ , with satisfactory achievement and correct conduct. (Zgodnie z zebraną dokumentacją, uczeń/uczennica …… odbył/a …… godzin praktyki w Centrum pracy od …. do …. z wynikiem bardzo dobrym.) In ____________________ , ________________________ of ____________________ , 20 ________ Miejscowość, data Principal/Manager of Work Centre/ Pieczęć i podpis dyr. Centrum pracy (Signature and stamp) Principal of Education Centre/ Pieczęć i podpis dyr. Centrum pracy (Signature and stamp) 35 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. IX. POSSIBLE ADAPTATIONS OF THE SPANISH PARTNER SOLUTIONS Polish Solutions Spanish Solutions Apprenticeships date Leaving classes in September, class II and III: May – June In the last term of the second cycle of studying (start-April, finish-June) Essential conditions of apprenticeships Getting a promotion to the next class Passing all the school subjects Financial conditions The entities refrain from charging and financial commitment The Government gives back money for transport- when it exceeds the distance of 10km. Students can receive 2000 Euro (3 months of staying abroad) or 1500 Euro (2 months of staying abroad). Apprenticeships organisation It is organised by the apprenticeship supervisorthe proposition can appear from students or parents It is organized by the student or school unit called „vocational specialization” The place of apprenticeships Company/floor shop, school, university Special work establishments: offices, factories, laboratories, nurseries, hospitals, care homes etc. Apprenticeship agreement Signed by the apprenticeship supervisor on behalf of the headmaster and the company representative Signed by the headmaster and the manager of the company Signing the agreement Parents are not present at the meeting (signing the agreement) Parents-in the case of underage students 36 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. Apprenticeship journal Yes yes Changing the place of apprenticeship Possible during the special pleading Possible, especially in a situation when the second company offers him/her a job What elements are controlled by the school? Realisation of apprenticeship program, work conditions, work organization, apprenticeship journal Realisation of apprenticeship program, work conditions, work organization, level of cooperation and efficiency Final grade On the grounds of apprenticeship tutor and journal- grade given by the apprenticeship supervisor Given by the Work Centre with the note of finishing vocational training Document set - Apprenticeship agreement - Apprenticeship program - Apprenticeship journal - Evaluation card - the copy of NNW insurance - Apprenticeship agreement - Sheet of information about the student - Information about Work Centre - Information about the future place of vocational training - Tasks of the apprenticeship tutor - Company vision - Apprenticeship certificate 37 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa. X. LITERATURE 1. Dziewulak Dobromir, Nadzór pedagogiczny w systemach edukacyjnych w Polsce i w wybranych państwach Unii Europejskiej, Analizy BAS nr 7 (96) z 26 kwietnia 2013r., ISSN: 1899-1114, s. 1 – 11. 2. Education in Spain today (Edukacja w Hiszpanii – dziś), [dostęp 10 grudnia 2013], dostępny w Internecie: 3. Hiszpański system edukacji, [dostęp 5 grudnia 2013], dostępny w Internecie: 4. Jakubowska Zuzanna, System edukacji w Hiszpanii. Wiadomości ogólne., [dostęp 5 grudnia 2013], dostępny w Internecie: http://hiszpania- 38 Projekt „Model praktyk zawodowych w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sulechowie opracowany w oparciu o doświadczenia partnera z Hiszpanii” realizowany przez Powiat Zielonogórski jest współfinansowany przez Europejski Fundusz Społeczny w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki na lata 2007-2013 i budżetu państwa.